#I’d brag about having a sword in my room
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lucid9158 · 5 months ago
Currently trying to convince my mom to buy me a sword for self defense
I will absolutely not be using it for self defense
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kaiijo · 2 years ago
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characters: shidou ryusei, oliver aiku, itoshi sae content: gn! reader (reader is called “sunshine” once in shidou’s) slightly suggestive humor, set at camp half-blood (or some random camp for demigods lol) but you don’t need to have read percy jackson to read this notes: references this post
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⋆。° child of ares! shidou x child of apollo! you
it’s unsurprising to all of your siblings that shidou ryusei is in and out of the infirmary a lot because he gets into A LOT of fights (“typical ares kid” your siblings say while rolling their eyes)
the first time he came to the infirmary, you were the only one brave enough to patch him up given that, not only is shidou known for picking random fights but also for being kind of batshit crazy. after that, you were the only one he even let touch him without lowkey growling at them…
“shidou’s here again,” otoya, one of your half-brothers, informed you one day. you sighed heavily and found shidou in the waiting room, beckoning him back to an exam room
“take your shirt off,” you told him and he grinned some wild smile at you and said, “ooh, already trying to get me naked? at least take me to dinner, sunshine”
you snorted and when he did, your eyes widened at the giant, purpling bruise forming on his side. “what happened this time? “underlashes junior got really into sparring”
ah, that made sense - this wasn’t the first time shidou got into a physical altercation with itoshi rin 
“leave the kid alone,” you said as you grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and threw it at him
he caught it and asked, “not gonna hold it against me yourself?” “why would i do that” “well you were so eager to get my shirt off” “you’re insufferable”
shidou licked his teeth, still looking at you with that shit-eating grin. “yeah but you like that”
what was the most annoying this about that statement: you couldn’t exactly say it’s a total lie
⋆。° child of poseidon! oliver aiku x child of athena! you
oliver aiku had a bit of a reputation as a womanizer and, to be fair, it’s not undeserved. he was charming and hot, it’s not like it’s just random, and he probably flirted with nearly every person within a ten mile radius of camp
he first noticed you at a game of capture the flag. not to brag or anything, but oliver was known as the best defender at camp but somehow, the opposing team managed to outmaneuver him and his team and steal the flag and carry it to their side
shocked and impressed, oliver inquired as to who was the mastermind behind this strategy and the answer was simple: you, a child of athena 
he found you in the armory, hanging your sword back up and, leaning against the doorway, he said, “hey”
you glanced over your shoulder. “hey?” 
“so you’re the master strategist?” “yeah” “i don’t think we’ve met, im oliver.” “yeah i know” and with that, you resumed taking off the rest of your armor
well, that was new
“you know,” oliver said, strolling over to stand beside you as he took off his own armor, “i’d love to get to know you better. not every day someone manages to pull one over on me. wanna grab some lunch”
you gave him a side eye and said, “sorry, i’ve got something else to do” and then you brushed past him and out of the armory
oliver watched your retreating form and it was from that day on that he decided his just had to make you his 
(spoiler: he eventually succeeds after many, many, many times asking you out (read: groveling, begging on his knees, etc.))
⋆。° child of zeus! itoshi sae x child of hermes! you
you get sent on a quest with itoshi sae and you were forewarned by multiple different people that you should brace yourself for a quick but absolutely miserable experience
“sae’s super powerful but gods, his attitude is absolute shit”
honestly, all the things people told you should have worried you more but you ignored them. it wasn’t fair to listen to hearsay about someone in your opinion and besides, it just made you want to step up to the challenge and befriend him even more
as the two of you set off, you asked him a bajillion questions about him, his life outside of camp, his life at camp, his brother rin (which earned you the most acidic glare and the meanest answer ever), and whatever else you could think of
“do you ever stop talking?”
“not really” sae gave you another withering look
you ran into tons of monsters and it was honestly incredible to witness the full power of a child of a big three god - sae’s battle prowess coupled with his control over lightning had you feeling just a little unnecessary but you also assisted well (sae wouldn’t admit it but he was pretty surprised by your quick thinking and reflexes and your skill with your weapon)
finding that you weren’t completely useless was when sae began not being so short with you and actually made some effort at conversation and you two lowkey started bonding over the next few days
one might even say sae began to develop some semblance of fondness 
you had a major breakthrough with him when you essentially sacrificed yourself and threw yourself in front of whatever mythical beast you were sent to defeat
sae never disposed of an enemy quicker than he had in that moment and he got you two back to camp even faster
you’re passed out for three days in the infirmary and when you woke up, sae’s asleep in the chair besides your bed
“oh good, you’re awake!” one of the apollo kids who works at the infirmary entered the room. “how are you feeling?”
“a little sore” you glanced over at sae and the apollo kid said, “not sure how you managed it but sae’s refused to leave the infirmary since he brought you back. must make you pretty special.”
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dailycharacteroption · 1 year ago
Class Feature Friday: Pistolero Way (Pathfinder Second Edition Gunslinger Way)
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(art by eroma on DeviantArt)
We’re back with another gunslinger way, and while the drifter had thematic elements of the old Mysterious Stranger archetype, today’s subject directly shares a name and basic theme with an archetype from 1st edition! I present the pistolero!
Aside from fighting with various one-handed firearms, however, this particular option really doesn’t share the unique abilities of it’s predecessor. While the old pistolero was all about additional damage and knockback with a pair of pistols, this gunslinger way draws instead of a lot of themes associated with the pistol-packing gunslinger in fiction.
The quick-draw, intimidating dexterity with pistol-spinning tricks, and the deadly confidence of these gunfighters are all evoked in the pistolero. There are no faster hands and no more lethal pistols in the entirety of the game that what these gunslingers possess.
Their incredible skill and speed might make some a bit showboat-y and eager to display their prowess, however, which might get them into trouble.
As show-offs, these gunslingers have a knack for setting people off their game with a sharp word or some fancy moves, giving them the opening they need to quickly reload.
Being the first to draw can mean the difference between life and death, and these gunslingers have honed their reactions to draw faster and move quicker at the first sign of trouble.
Even when they don’t get the first shot, however, they are still speedy shots, and they have a special knack for answering a missed shot against them with a (hopefully) more accurate shot back at their foe.
The lethality of their weaponry also gives them a cool confidence, and the most skilled can often clear a room of innocents and lesser foes simply by telling them of the danger they are in. Whether that danger is real depends of course on the gunslinger and their form of bravado.
This way currently has two feats directly tied to it. With Pistolero’s Challenge they can lock a single foe in combat where the wounds dealt on both sides are more deadly. Meanwhile, Come At Me improves this to allow them to challenge multiple foes at once.
There are plenty of other feats that could be useful to them as well, such as Dual-Weapon Reload, Hit the Dirt!, Sword and Pistol, Fake Out, Pistol Twirl, Quick Draw, Risky Reload, Warning Shot, Instant Backup, Paired Shots, Running Reload, Leap and Fire, Called Shot, Trick Shot, Twin Shot Knockdown, Ricochet Shot, Dance of Thunder, Showstopper, Two-Weapon Fusillade, Hair Trigger, Ricochet Master, Perfect Readiness, Ricochet Legend, and Slinger’s Reflexes. Of course, your build may vary, depending.
With their ability to reload for free when distracting or intimidating a foe, as well as often being the first and last to shoot, this way lends itself well to an intimidation and bluff debuff build backed up with hitting hard and fast, both in terms of shooting first as well as firing again and again. With that in mind, I’d recommend acquiring pistols with multiple barrels as well as multiple pistols overall so you can keep a steady stream of shots going even when you run out of ways to reload for free.
This way is equal part pistol duelist, steely gunfighter, and trick shootist; and you can play to any of those fictional archetypes, mix them, or perhaps even go in a completely different direction. Are they smug and bragging? Cold and steely? Something else?
Ever since they discovered the secret of gunpowder, the orcs of the Kokrus Badlands have been mastering it’s use. Many favor the biggest and loudest guns, but some specialize in drawing and firing as quickly as possible, calling themselves Windcrack Gunners.
Among their many other feats, the fey giants known as kverknurrs are infamous for their ability to snatch projectiles out of their air with their jaws. “Surely,” thought Benjamin Sparkwhitt, “they couldn’t possibly catch my bullets.” He set off into the forest to deal with one such giant… and nobody has seen him since.
The Circus of Fire and Powder is a travelling carnival that specializes in displaying the wonders of alchemy, particularly gunpowder and firearms. Their ringmaster is a master sharpshooter with a pistol, able to knock tiny targets off their perches. However, he, and many of his crew carry dark secrets with them.
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b0oksquirm · 10 months ago
Quotes that will get you hooked on my new WIP novel. Pt. 1
My new WIP is a Percy Jackson style, middle-grade, fantasy story but with Arthurian legend! Here's some of my favorite (funny and serious) quotes.
The only ways to not pass inspection were being found with contraband or being found with a room that looked like a tornado had blown through it. Archie was now facing the latter. Typically Archie didn’t care about failing the inspection but if he failed it this time it wouldn’t just mean scrubbing the dorm toilets for a week (which he considered himself pretty darn good at.)
“It doesn’t say drummer on here.” “An astute observation! That’s because I’ve already found one.” James smiled at him but Archie still wasn’t getting it. Archie rolled his eyes. “Well thanks, but I don’t play anything but the drums. And trust me I’ve tried. You do not wanna hear my guitar skills, and I swear my singing would cause an avalanche.”
“We’ve been friends for a while, and I’d totally understand if you want it to stay that way but…uhm…” Sammie pushed up their glasses, trying to get the words out, and for once in his life Archie wasn’t oblivious.
“Oh look Archie’s here!” One of the girls giggled. Marley rolled her eyes.
“You still cool to help me with my math homework tonight? I am totally stumped on it, man!”
Marley had never been more ready to leave. “Yeah definitely.”
“Oh come on, Archie can come too! You have all of tomorrow to finish your homework.” The same girl said.
Now Archie was eager to get away from them too. 
“Is that your imaginary girlfriend from America?” Marley leaned forward on the table, trying to sneak a peek at Archie’s phone.
“Partner,” Archie corrected. “And they are not imaginary.”
The moment dragons and magic came up Archie turned into a child, wide-eyed and filled with wonder. Archie was almost bouncing with energy as they reached the street performer, Marley lagged behind looking like a tired mom.
“Eat my…sword?!” Archie realized he had no clue what he was in for. He’d only ever fought monsters in video games, the best creature he killed were bugs. But obviously you couldn’t just stomp on an elephant sized dragon, or hit it with a book. Well he could hit it with a book but it probably wouldn’t do very good.
The dragon thrashed its wings back, attempting to throw Archie from itself. Archie stabbed his sword in its back and held on for dear life. He came back down on the back of the dragon with such force that he was sure he would have scale-shaped bruises for weeks, but he managed to hold on. He yanked the sword out, straddling the creature’s back. He began to crawl further.
“You called me something at the lake, Archie Pendragon. That’s- that’s not my name.” Excalibur glowed in Archie’s hand, emanating a weak golden light. It hummed with magical energy. “And is this really…”
“Yes, young hero. I have entrusted this sacred weapon in your hands. You are its rightful owner now. Merlin will teach you, do not worry.”
“Merlin? Wouldn’t he be dead?”
“Ah,” She smiled. “You have much to learn, young one. Something stirs in Camelot, a great evil is reawakening. I can feel my sister’s presence. She is closer than we think.”
But now Archie was walking through an actual Medieval kingdom, well that or he was dead. But he figured at least if he was dead he would have the sickest afterlife if it were anything like this.
“Excalibur?” Archie drew the sword with pride. “Yeah, I just happened to find it after I fought a dragon.” Archie smiled, leaning the blade back on his shoulder casually.
Okay, so he was bragging a little bit. But hey, he did just defeat a dragon. Not alone, and mostly because of luck. But still, after such a life-threatening experience he deserved to be a tad cocky.
“That leaves our last matter. Merlin’s apprentice.”
Archie fought the urge to raise his hand and volunteer. He wanted to jump up and down and say ‘Me! Me! I wanna learn magic!’ but, he knew better than that. He already had the legendary Excalibur, he was not going to get greedy now.
The first thing Marley did was slap Archie square in the face.
“Aw, you cared that I was gone!” Archie teased.
“¡Por supuesto! No, obviously you just died and I was okay with it! Of course I cared, you’re my best friend. And if you ever dare to suggest that I do not care-”
“Okay okay! Sorry-” Archie had only been trying to lighten her mood but Marley looked even more upset than before. So he decided to just shut up for the time being.
Archie was happy to be dreaming about Sammie. Especially now that his dreams were so vivid.
The next tapestry depicted a young boy pulling a sword from an anvil. The boy had golden blonde hair, and bore a remarkable resemblance to Archie. The boy was so scrawny, and it was crazy to think that he would become the great King Arthur.
“No,” Queen Guinevere studied the tapestry. “Her mother was hopelessly in love with Lancelot, he entertained the idea for a while. She was Lanetta’s mother, but Lancelot would not stay with her. A week after bearing her child, she died of heartbreak. After her mother died, Lancelot felt responsible for her care.”
“Great guy…” Archie muttered.
For a while Marley hated them, and she tried to run away three times in the first year. Eventually she came to terms with her new life, pouring everything into her football. Then of course the moment she had finally gotten used to everything, it changed again.
“How long have you been training?”
“Pretty much all my life. Once I was big enough to hold a sword, my father taught me how to swing it.”
It was approximately five minutes before Archie decided to go in after her. For the most part he wasn’t worried but he’d lost sight of Marley so quickly, god forbid if anything were to happen to her on his watch. Plus, after she’d left, weird things began happening. 
“Here, put these on.” She said, pushing the armor into his arms. “Then meet me in the courtyard. Your training starts now.”
“But it’s so early!”
Lanetta rolled her eyes, “You’re never going to become a proper successor to King Arthur if you keep complaining like that.”
“I need to see your skill now. Think of it like an evaluation.” She said, settling into her fighting stance.
“You defeated a dragon did you not?” Lanetta raised a brow.
“Well…” Archie sighed. “Yeah, I guess I did.” He wasn’t feeling so confident about that fact now.
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cinnamonest · 4 years ago
Yandere Kaeya Alberich
Words: 3,162
Tws: General yandere content, Kaeya being a dick
Summary: You’ve been trying to avoid the Favonius captain. He’s convinced you’re unsafe without him. If you don’t believe that, he’ll prove it to you.
Your muscles tensed. The hairs on your skin raised up. How?
You turned your head towards the voice, a strained smile across your face. "Captain Kaeya!" You pushed with all your effort to make your voice sound pleasantly surprised, excited, sing-songy in the way anyone who knew you would expect upon being greeted with a familiar face. "What are you doing so far out?" You said it so very playfully, casually, as if it was a casual conversation maker and not a genuine question that burned in your mind.
What the hell was he doing so far out of his jurisdiction? What need does he have to be out all the way in Liyue?
Why did he have to show up when you specifically went out of your way to avoid him?
"Oh, I was looking for you. Asked around. Heard you were hanging around the area," He said, pulling out a chair and sitting in front of you, effectively cornering you in your little spot in the corner of the small tavern. He smiled, folding his hands together and resting his chin on them. "I just sent a couple knights out to look for you."
He made no effort to even try to hide it. He was completely shameless. That explained the Favonius knight that had appeared in the tavern earlier - you'd felt uneasy as you saw the man gaze around, halting when he made eye contact with you, before abruptly stepping out as quickly as he'd come in. You should have trusted your gut and left as soon as you could - but here you were.
When you'd first met Kaeya, you'd admired the young captain. He was brave, skilled, charming, and undeniably a very attractive man. His charisma made him a well-respected, well-liked person throughout Mondstadt, even if his reputation did include an arrogance that was just as well-known as his skill.
That was the issue - you'd noticed that trait, that one characteristic about the man that made you uneasy, that upset you so greatly that you had resolved to avoid him entirely. Well, three traits.
One, he was obsessive, clingy, attached to a degree far too unnatural for someone who had known you for such a short time.
Two, Kaeya was a little overly touchy. It was just on the border of your discomfort, too noticeable for you to feel okay with it, but too mild to feel justified in confronting him about it. Everywhere you went with him, you could always feel his hands somewhere on your person.
And three, Kaeya was perhaps the most condescending, self-righteous person you'd ever met. He was always, always right. You never knew what you were talking about. He always knew better. He was always smarter, you were always dumber. Or so he seemed to believe. You'd grown to be increasingly irked, insulted whenever he would treat you like some naive idiot, reminding you how you, some foreigner, had no grasp on reality in this world. Really, you were hopeless, you really should let him stay by your side, help your poor naive little self navigate the world, since you were so incapable on your own.
"Oh," you finally responded, snapping out of your thoughts, smile straining, trying to come up with some response to the utterly creepy truth he'd been so shameless to reveal. "Yeah, I came out here for a few days. Really, uh, pretty area."
"Mm. That it is. This place attracts a good deal of tourists," he tilted his head. "The route here is... Particularly dangerous, though. You didn't travel here all by yourself, did you?" His eye contact was unwavering, and you found yourself breaking away, opting to gaze downward. "Or were you... Accompanied?"
"Ah, I came here by myself," you answered. "I didn't encounter any dangers... Outside a few hilichurls."
"Hilichurls are responsible for quite a few deaths in the area. You shouldn't underestimate them," he remarked. "Really, that's an unwise decision, coming here alone... You really should have sought some protection."
"Oh, I'm pretty good with a sword. I can take care of myself."
He laughed, shaking his head. "Is that so?" His voice was amused. Condescending. As if you were a child, some little kid insisting on your competence. "I'm sure you'd fare well, if you found yourself surrounded by them. Or worse," his voice darkened, "some... Other forces. Plenty of bandits and other criminals walk the roads in the Mondstat region."
Isn't it your and your knights' job to deal with that?
"O-oh, I see. Well, it's a good thing I didn't run across any of those..."
"Yes, it is." The blunt statement left you feeling your stomach churn with awkward silence that followed. The undertone - the clear hint of frustration - of his voice made you shiver. "They could easily catch you off guard..."
You'd left Mondstadt almost solely to get away from him for a few days. You needed some respite. The irritation in you boiled over ever so slightly. "It's ok, I'm pretty sharp. I'm always on guard."
Since meeting him, Kaeya had been attached to you virtually every waking moment of the day - no, he insisted on being near when you slept, too. On the very day of your arrival, he'd insisted you sleep in the knight headquarters, despite how many times you repeated that an inn was perfectly suitable. It was safer, he claimed. Safest in the little spare room just down the hall from his own, where he could come check on you before you settled down for the night. The first time, you'd been startled, flushing as he stood in your door frame, thinking that the moment he realized you were barely clothed in your sleeping gown, he'd surely get flustered and leave, but he didn't, opting to talk to you for several minutes before turning away. That experience had been... uncomfortable.
He'd been everywhere you were, both inside of Mondstadt and, albeit a bit less, in the wilderness. You weren't even sure how he kept appearing exactly wherever you were - you'd be minding your own business, and a knight of Favonius would appear in your line of sight - soon after, Kaeya would always appear. No matter what time of day, no matter how far out you were, no matter what you wore or who you were with. Even if you had other people in a party with you, he insisted on showing up, as he claimed, for your safety. Sure, you had other companions that could try to guard you, but really, were they any valid comparison for a swordsman of his caliber?
You didn't need them, he could easily be more than enough, surpass any other companions you could take with you.
"Excuse me miss," a waitress approached. Oh no. "Did you and your friend need anything else?"
You knew what was coming, but he moved to speak before you could, snapping his head towards the woman. "No. Could you kindly leave us alone?"
The poor girl's eyes widened. "O-of course. My apologies." She quickly scurried off.
You'd never seen him be anything short of rude, even downright nasty, towards anyone that entered his presence. Somehow, you felt that he likely wasn't like that when it was just him - he was too clearly well-liked to be so rude all the time.
"Anyhow," he turned back to you, "I came here primarily to fetch you... Extremely important matters happening back in Mondstadt. That bard is looking for you. Something about Stormterror?"
Oh. That changed things.
"Something's wrong with him?"
"Mhm. Apparently so, but I don't have any details. Your assistance is needed immediately, apparently. Come," he smiled again, rising and extending his hand, "I'll take you back."
It shouldn't bother you - you should be grateful. You should simply sigh, and acknowledge that even if he was clingy, even if he was unnecessarily protective, there was nothing wrong here, there was nothing about the situation that should give you the feeling that it did.
It was a weight in your stomach, a twisting in your gut. Something instinctive, something in your deepest, most primal senses, was set off, a chill seeping through your blood. An innate sense in your very core that directed your actions, told you to get away.
But your trained sense of social decency rejected such an idea. He was being gracious, kind, helpful, and although he might put you at unease sometimes, Kaeya was known for being an upstanding person. And besides, logically, someone who seemed to like you so much wouldn't do anything to harm you.
You realized that you had frozen in place, briefly lost in your thoughts. He cocked his head. "Something the matter...?"
"N-no! No, I'm fine, I'm coming," you stood hurriedly, pushing the chair back as you did. "Thank you, Captain Kaeya."
He hummed in approval. "Of course. What kind of knight would I be, letting a defenseless girl wander back alone?" He paused. "I'll always protect you, so long as you actually bother to tell me when you plan to disappear." Despite his smile, there was an obvious hint of passive aggressive irritation in his voice, and you tried not to cringe in discomfort.
"Oh, aha, I'll be sure to let you know next time."
"I'd appreciate that."
You wondered how you'd apologize next time when you conveniently forgot your promise.
As you exited the little tavern, dropping mora on the bar for the owner, you felt a firm hand on the small of your back, pushing you through the doorframe. The touch made you shiver, and it lingered, like a brand against your skin.
The walk back was lively, you weren't bored with Kaeya to talk to. Even if his conversation was primarily bragging about this or that, telling you all the oh-so-wonderful feats he'd accomplished in his time, it was better than silence, you supposed. You were back to Mondstadt fairly quickly - no hilichurl encounters, although you did briefly run across a few slimes that he insisted on taking down by himself.
"Hey, are you feeling alright?" He stopped in the middle of whatever he had been going on about - honestly, you weren't paying that great of attention. 
"What? I-I'm fine," you responded, eyes wide.
"Really?" he looked at you with something like concern in his uncovered eye, brows furrowing with worry. "You look... a little sick." Suddenly, he pushed the back of his hand against your forehead. "You feel hot, too."
Well, now you did feel warm, his touch leaving a searing feeling on your skin. "A-are you sure? I don't think I'm..."
"No, you're definitely coming down with something." He glanced over in the opposite direction, where the city walls were not too far off. "You probably haven't even realized it yet. I could carry you the rest of the way, if you'd like."
"O-oh, ah, no, that's fine! I can walk... just... fine..." You found yourself trailing off, embarrassment making your face burn. 
"Well, why don't we stop by the Knights' Headquarters before we go to meet that... Venti, was it? We have a nurse there that could see to you."
"I..." you paused. Once again, that dreadful, sickly feeling rose in your stomach. Something telling you that something was wrong.
And again, you pushed it back. "Ok, sure."
He hummed in acknowledgement, swiftly moving towards the gates. "Let's hurry, then. Let me know if you change your mind and want me to carry you." He added a slight smirk to his last sentence. You weren't sure if you found it endearing or irritating.
Once you got back, as expected, Kaeya began directing you to the Knights of Favonius headquarters. And you followed him, all the way in, all the way down the stairs, all the way into the hall -- wait.
You figured perhaps he was absent-mindedly headed that way out of force of habit. "Uh... Kaeya, are you sure we're going the right way? This is..."
The same little tucked-away hallway that your rooms were in. In fact, you were literally coming up on your room.
He stopped, turning his head your way with a soft smile. "No worries. You're really starting to look like the blood is draining from your face... I just figured I can bring the nurse down here." He paused next to your room, then took a step back, motioning his head, as if to tell you to go in. "Just sit down, I'll find her and bring her this way."
The churning was stronger than before. Every hair on your body stood up. Every instinct you had told you something was not right.
Nonetheless, yet again, you didn't listen.
Your feet clicked on the stone floor as you walked through the door. It all occurred so quickly, your mind spun. It felt like a punch to the gut, the air knocked out of you, the impact pain pulsing as your back was slammed into the wall. Strong hands kept a bruising grip on your shoulders. The room spun around you, head dizzy and struggling to process. What snapped you into awareness was a cold, sharp chill pressed right up against your neck, and a firm knee pressed between your legs.
He had you pinned to the wall, sword hovering ever so slightly above the skin on top of your veins. You gasped for air from the impact. "K-Kaeya!" You managed to choke out. You couldn't form anything beyond that. Panic was surging through your body, mind overwhelmed as survival instinct tried and failed to find a quick way to get away.
"What's that?" He pressed his face forward, almost nuzzling it into your neck. You could feel him smirking against your skin. "I believe I remember you saying something about how you couldn't be caught off guard...?" 
You were vaguely aware that you would normally be angry - furious - over whatever was happening here, but primal fear still controlled your brain at the moment, unable to feel anything but panic. You trembled.
"This is what I meant when I said you should be more careful," he muttered. "You think you're so capable and strong, but look at how easily I could trap you... I could kill you, right now, so easily."
Your body shook fiercely. You felt tears begin to gather around your eyes. "I-I just... Trust... You..." Your voice was weak, frail, trembling harder than your body. "You're, you're my, m-my friend..."
"Mm, plenty of people will come along pretending to be your friend, (y/n). You're very, very lucky that I actually do have your best interest in mind." Finally, he lowered the sword from your throat. You released a breath you hadn't realized you were holding in, and you felt your knees give way, stumbling forward, quite literally falling into his arms. He dropped the sword in order to catch you, and it clattered to the ground.
Your shaking hands grasped his arms, fingers digging firmly into his skin, desperate for some sturdy stillness to cling to. There was a moment of silence.
"You see, (y/n)? Think about all the people that wouldn't just be proving a point like I am... All the people that might want to really hurt you... Do awful things to you... Aren't you grateful I'm not like that?" His voice was deeper than its usual tone, and you felt his chest vibrate as he spoke from where your head was pressed against him. It was low yet soft, almost a growl, yet almost a whisper.
You were breathing rapidly, forehead pressed against his chest. You didn't respond.
"I said, aren't you grateful that I don't want to hurt you?"
"Y-yes," you found your voice. You didn't know what else to say.
"And you understand now... You need me. You need me there to protect you from bad people. You're so easy to trick and overpower... So naive... Imagine what could happen if you get into this situation again, but for real... And I'm not there?" He reached one hand up, stroking the back of your head. "Surely, you understand that now, don't you?"
You nodded.
"That's good. I hope you remember that, next time you try to run off." He tsk-ed, tilting his head to rest his chin on top of your head, grip on your shoulder increasing, almost crushing. "Honestly, you should really just be guarded full time. I could probably arrange that."
As you began to calm down, the reality of the situation began to dawn on you. Anger rose in place of the fear. He had the audacity to do something like this, and blame you for trusting him? You wanted to speak up, say something, but that same primal instinct told you it was a bad idea.
This time, you listened. 
He gently shifted, setting you down on the bed. "Now, you really do look sick, truly. Tell you what, I'll just go see that bard in your stead, tell him you couldn't make it. We'll have to just figure something out. I'll tell the nurse to come down here."
"Wh-what?" You started to stand on your shaking legs. "No, I-"
"You really can't be going out," he grabbed your shoulders and firmly pushed you back. "Really. You'll just get worse. Better to recover faster, than prolong your illness, no?"
"I don't feel si-"
"You are sick." Once again, his smile was betrayed by the irritation in his voice. "Don't tell me you don't know about the Mondstadt influenza? No wonder. You're foreign, so you're probably highly susceptible to illnesses you've never encountered."
You'd been given a rundown of local illnesses by Lisa, actually, but didn't recall such a thing. "I've... Never heard -"
"You won't feel symptoms for several days after first showing signs. You're very lucky I'm used to seeing it." He pulled out a watch, eyebrows rising. "Oh, look at that. It's already time to meet the bard. I'll be back in a little bit."
"It'll only be a few minutes. I'll be back soon."
"Captain Ka-"
"Get some rest now."
The door shut firmly. You heard his heavy footsteps quickly sprint down the hall.
A nurse never came. Ten minutes passed, half an hour. You thought about trying to go find her yourself. Maybe he was actually being honest. Maybe you were sick. You almost wanted him to be right. You would prefer being sick to the idea that he might be lying to you.
You preferred worrying about being sick to worrying about the implications and meanings of the situation if he was lying to you.
You finally stood, resolving to go find a knight yourself, ask for directions to the nurse. Something. Anything to get your mind away from this, distract yourself from your brain's racing to process what had happened just before.
The metal lock rattled against the wood as you tried and failed, with increasing desperation, increasing heartbeat, increasing rapid breaths, to open the door.
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aliteama · 4 years ago
S/O with a demon curse technique
Inumaki Toge
♡ Please he get’s so scared watching you regenerate, the first time you lost a limb or a vital organ he swears his heart stopped, If it’s a small cut he thinks it’s so cool watching it heal quickly and vanish as if nothing happened.
♡ When he finds out you’ll eventually live on forever or at least until you die he gets a little sad so please let him in on the demon reversal! Get’s so smiley at the thought of spending his life with you.
♡ Uses you to play pranks on the others, like he’ll have you 
♡ Finds the whole concept of demons fascinating and can hear you talk about breathing techniques for days on end, gives you his best puppy eyes so you can teach him proper breathing forms.
Peering down at the stinging in your chest laid a gushing hole located little too close to your heart, dull pain flowing rushing to your veins as your cells rushed to heal themselves.
“Blast Away”
In an instant Inumaki was by your side placing pressure on your wound despite you insisting you were fine, crimson covering both your dark uniforms and seeping into the fabric to create an uncomfortable feeling. It wasn’t exactly ideal to be covered in your lovers blood and no matter how many time he had seen you get punctured like a pincushion the prodding thought of you dying crawled into his head and remained there.
“Toge I’m fine! just need a little time to heal is all” grimacing towards the curses remains you watched it turn to dust, “how annoying” agitation swimming in your mind at the fact that you managed to get hurt by some silly curse.
“Leaf Mustard?” shaking hands cupped your cheeks, they were warm and painted in blood yet the gesture was appreciated. 
“Yes, I promise I’m ok”
Gojo Satoru
♡ If you can’t go into the sun he’s going to be gifting you different umbrellas to match with all your outfits, he got you guys those matching clear one’s as well because he likes to walk side by side and bump you with it.
♡ Gojo knows you can protect yourself but he can’t help but worry about what the elders would do to you considering their so old-fashioned and fear the unknown.
♡ Once he finds out about your demon abilities he will not leave you alone, going to be sparring with you constantly because he heard you mention a demon slayer mark ONCE and it’s all he’s thought about.
♡ Probably asks if he’ll turn into a demon too if you bite him.
♡ Slipping into the shade you watched the sun rise from the horizon, turning the cool toned sky turn warm, stretching an arm forward to meet the light and watch the skin boil you retracted whatever wasn’t burned away and let yourself regenerate.
“Weather says sunny skies all week long” a teasing grin appeared on Gojo’s face as he stepped into the shade with you, an arm hidden behind his back held a not so hidden umbrella.
“Were going somewhere”
“Just a little outing”
Holding up the umbrella he got down on one knee and presented it to you as if it were a sword, “A stunning red for my stunning date” swiping it from his hands you gave his head a soft whack at the cheesy line before undoing the velcro and watching a vibrant red pop up.
It really was a stunning shade of red, it contrasted the pale blue in his perfectly and made the white of his hair stand out “You use it” shoving the umbrella into his outstretched arms you saw the smile he bit back.
“I know I’m hot but I don’t get burned like you”
Rolling your eyes at his lame quip you made your way back inside to grab the faded blue umbrella you always found yourself reaching for, “I like this color of blue”
“Hmm, is it because it reminds you of me?”
Itadori Yuji
♡ Loves training with you because your strength is on par with his and he doesn’t have to worry about hurting you.
♡ Once said there’s a demon under his bed and he felt so bad and kept apologizing because he thought he offended you.
♡ Thinks your the coolest and keeps bragging to Sukuna about how he’s not the only one who can regenerate anymore.
♡ Ok all demons have sad backstories so if you ever tell Itadori yours he gets so sad like he’ll think about it for days and become super cuddly around you because he want’s you to know he’ll make this life better for you.
♡ Sweeping a leg under your opponents your watched him loose balance and fall back, swinging your sword over your shoulder you pushed the hilt into his stomach, “you loose.. again”
Letting out a loud whine Itadori pushed your sword away and rolled back onto his feet into a fighting stance, fists clenched and eyes honed as he charged at you once more. Inhaling a sharp breath you countered his strikes and aimed for any openings he left, when Itadori said no going easy he meant it. Dirt flew up as his body collapsed downward with a yelp “Your really strong!”
“So are you Yuji!”
“I think I’m done for today! I’m hungry..” placing a hand over his rumbling stomach Itadori looked up at you with excited eyes, “You don’t need to eat right? That must be really cool!” 
Pushing a hand out for him to grab you pulled him up like nothing with a grin on your face, “I could always eat humans!” tugging his arm to your lips you bit down on the soft flesh gently before releasing him with a loud laugh at his shocked expression.
“It’s not funny! I really thought you might want to eat me!” 
Throwing himself onto you Itadori clung to your body and let himself be dragged while you walked back to the main campus “Can you carry me?” with curious eyes you leaned down and let Itadori jump onto your back as he lout an overly excited ‘woah.’
“AH! Your way crazy strong! I wanna carry you next!”
Nobara Kugisaki
♡ Nobara loves watching you open your sword and see it regain it’s color, would never admit it but she secretly hopes you break it so she can see if a new sword means a new color.
♡ You once told her that her sword was forged from the strongest material and she tried to smash it with her hammer, she made a dent at most.
♡ She thinks your regeneration is super useful and doesn’t worry about you too much but get’s a little sad at the fact you can’t go shopping with her out in the day.
♡ Loves to hear you talk about everything you’ve seen come and ago for however long you’ve been around, likes to talk about development and never get’s tired of hearing your voice.
♡ If you’ve killed people Nobara isn’t going to hold it against you and she’ll try to put herself in your shoes so you don’t have to tackle everything on alone.
♡ Tall buildings illuminated by late hour offices and blinding street lights filled your vision, in awe at the lively night life, people passing by with their children and cars honking loudly in traffic. A firm hand held your and guided you around with ease as if she’s been here a hundred times, which she probably has.
If it weren’t for her you’d have been left in the crowd wandering aimlessly in and out of shops, insisting you go shopping with her Nobara paced around all day until the sun went down to drag you out into the bustling city. Stopping outside packed stored and peering into windows of little shops she was overjoyed at finally getting to spend time with you, nighttime was her favorite time as it meant you could travel to and from without worrying about the sun rays damaging your skin.
“Oh! That jacket would look really cute with the boots I got!” hauling you into another shop you sat outside the dressing room while Nobara laced her boots and slipped a neon jacket over her shoulds, “How do I look?”
“Amazing as always” with soft eyes you watched her give you a spin and show off the bright designs that littered the sleeves before switching out her shoes and shrugging the jacket off.
Radiating with joy she bought her items before letting you decide where to stop next, “Ah, I’m not too sure since a lot of places closed already”
Guilt knocked at your heart, if it weren’t for your technique the two of you could travel as far she wanted whenever she wanted without having to hide from the sun.
“I don’t mind though, as long as I get to spend time with you I’d be happy going anywhere”
Wrapping herself around your arm Nobara pressed a loving kiss to your cold cheek that seemed to gain some warmth at the affection given, “Are you sure?”
“Of course I am! Now let’s go”
As long as it was with her anywhere was fine.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years ago
A Real Hero
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Pairing: Daniela Dimitrescu x (Fem!Daughter of Ares)Reader
Summary: You were lost. You needed to fend for yourself. You were the runt of Ares’ kids. Yes, the god of war himself had told you that you were the runt of the pack, making you fall behind everyone else. However, meeting a certain red-head has you making other plans.
Warnings: Fighting, Small amount of Blood, Supposed Death
A/n: So, I’m Poseidon’s kid... But, I may or may not have a idea for a daughter of Poseidon to be paired with one of the other two daughters. 
“Supermassive Black Hole” - Muse [Play this when Joan splits off with Daniela to go hunting]
You had nowhere to go. You were shunned out by your brothers and sisters. Even your own father. You were the runt of the children of Ares. Meaning, you were the weakest link. Your own father had dropped you off at the same very forest. Haven’t heard from him, your mother or your siblings since.
Come on Joan... You got this...
You were exhausted. The glistening sweat rolled off your now toned arms as you were practicing your sword play skills. The tree however, wasn't so lucky. All of its peeled bark, all of its scars. Came from you. It looked like it was on the brink of death.
“Not so tough now are you?” You try to stupidly intimidate the nearly dead tree
God you sound stupid right now...
You take one heavy slash to the tree; it begins tumbling down. However, just as you about to chop it further, you hear a scream. Panic sets in as you immediately grab hold of the tree stump. You initially struggle to keep the other end of the tree’s weight. However, You shove it to the side, groaning in pain, clutching at your shoulder.
“Are you okay?” You ask, running over to the woman who screamed
Just barely grazing her shoulder with your finger, you wince in pain.
“Am I okay?!” She asks, turning to look at you, “Are you okay?! You’re the one who- oh my god...”
The other woman was in shock, but also intrigued. 
She looks down at your finger; blood... But, it wasn’t the crimson shade kind of blood. What was seeping out of your finger was a thick and Silver colored.
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“How is your blood like that?” She asks, observing your finger like a gentle specimen
“It’s always been like this,” You chuckle
“Does it actually taste like blood?!” She asks
You look at her; her eyes dilated with curiosity. You look down at your feet, trying to come up with the best answer for her.
“How am I supposed to know?” You ask her, “I’ve never been one to taste my own blood.”
“Then let me be the first one,” She says, her tone dropping to a low, seductive tone
“Hey! What are you-” You protest
But it was too late. The tip of her tongue had ran right over the small prick in your finger. Your eyes widen as she begins gagging.
“Oh that was vile!” She wretches
“I tried warning you to not do that,” You chuckle, “But, did you listen?”
She punches your shoulder as she continues to gag out the contents of your blood.
“But for real though, how did you do that?” She asks
“Do.. What?” You ask her
“The... The.. You picked up a whole damn tree!” She exclaims, “No mortal could do that!” 
“That’s because I’m.. Not fully mortal...” Your voice trails off
“You’re... Not?” She asks, her eyes widening once more
“Demigod.. To be precise..” You begin explaining, “It’s when an immortal falls in love with a mortal... And they have kids... Kids like me.”
The woman doesn’t answer you...
Great... She’s freaked out...
“So... Let me get this straight... You’re... Half immortal?” She asks
Girl’s clueless...
“Technically.. Yes,” You answer her
“Wait until mother and my sisters hear when I bring you home,” She wickedly smiles
Wait.. What?...
When you opened your eyes you no longer found yourself basking in the sunshine.
“Just check her blood! She really is half immortal!” The familiar voice 
“Daniela, quit your games,” Another feminine voice calls to the sole familiar voice
“What is the meaning of this?” An older, robust yet soothing feminine voice walks in
“Daniela claims that she’s found a half immortal,” Another feminine voice says, but more hungrier than the other three
“But mother it’s true!” Daniela claims, “Look at her blood!” 
“Enough... Daniela,” The older woman sighs
By the time the arguing had died down, your fingers held your temples as you groaned in pain.
“Half-immortal,” The older woman calls to you
“Ow... What?” You look up
You had to adjust your neck in a slightly uncomfortable position as you stare straight up into the most giantess woman you have ever encountered.
“Tell me child...” She starts, “What is your name?”
“Joan...” You answer, “Joan Arc...”
“Are you truly half immortal?” She asks
“I am...” You say without a second thought
“Then prove it,” The blonde demands
“Now now Bela,” The older woman calms her blonde daughter, “But that you shall do for us.”
“What happens if I refuse?” You ask, standing on your two feet
“We’ll feed your scraps to the pigs,” The brunette growls 
“Cassandra enough!” Daniela demands, grabbing her sisters’ wrist
Cassandra turns to the red head and begins growling at her like a primal animal. You were about to step in before you see the older woman beginning to raise her hand.
“Cassandra... Daniela,” She sighs, “On this evening’s hunt she will accompany the three of you. Cassandra...”
The brunette straightens herself out when the woman called her name. 
“Do show her the armory for this evening,” She gently commands
“Of course mother,” She answers, “Half and half.”
Cassandra turns to you.
Great... A nickname already...
“You coming or not?” She asks
You walk towards her as you felt claw-like fingernails dig into your skin as you are bragged out of what looked to be the bedchambers. You catch a glimpse of Daniela; the woman you had saved from earlier in the day. You give her a small smile before Cassandra rounds the corner, knocking you into the doorframe.
“Come on,” Cassandra growls
“So... Half and half,” Cassandra teases at your nickname, taking a gaze at the weapons in the armory room
“It’s Joan,” You correct her coldly
“What brought you to our castle grounds anyway?” She asks, completely ignoring your correction
“Actually your sister... Daniela brought me here against my will so...” You joke, but also tell the truth
“She doesn’t know when to stop bringing toys into the castle,” Cassandra sighs
Toys?... Is she for real?...
“I was cast off, unwanted by my own father,” You explain, “I was the weakest of his kids... All of my siblings had their backs turned to me when I was casted out of the cabin...”
“That’s rough...” Cassandra sighs
You weren’t sure if Cassandra was continuing to mock you or she actually felt bad about your situation.
“Anyway though, I’m kind of happy that I’m out of there,” You add, “My siblings were a bunch of assholes anyway.”
“I could say the same for my sisters... We’re always trying to out-best each other to please mother... It’s getting tiring honestly.” She sighs
“Then don’t do it to please your mother,” You say, grabbing a sword off of the weapons rack, “Do it so it makes you happy.”
With your back turned to Cassandra, you begin putting your hair up to a ponytail.
“What’s that?” She asks
“What’s what?” You ask
“The thing on the back of your neck,” Cassandra helps, “What is it?”
My birthmark... Well, just a mark...
“The Mark of Ares,” You answer, “All the children of Ares have this specific mark.”
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[A/n: Not much but I tried lol]
You nod, “Not the glamorous life as a god though.”
“So you really are half and half huh?” Cassandra continues asking
After grabbing a couple of armor plates, you arm yourself with a sword and a spear. You follow Cassandra back to the main hall where the other three women were waiting for the both of you. 
“All set?” The tall woman asks
“Yes mother,” Cassandra says
You simply nod as you follow them out to what looked like horse stables. However, you only see enough for the four of them.
Great... Will I have to be the one running on foot?
“Joan,” Daniela calls, horse already galloped in front of you
She simply holds out her hand for you to grab. You let out a smile as you take her hand. You were astonished by the amount of strength Daniela had when she pulled you up onto the back of her horse. 
“Strong,” You smile, resting your palms on her curved hipline
“You better hold on tight,” Daniela flirts
As soon as the stable doors opened fully, Daniela slams the reigns on her horse and the horse bolts past the other three. You let out a startled yelp as Daniela’s horse bursts out of the stables and out into the familiar warmth. You hold onto Daniela for dear life; your head against the back of her neck as you hear her giggling.
“The half immortal is scared of a horse ride?” Daniela teases you
“Caught me off guard is all,” You gently chuckle
Daniela continues to giggle as you ease your grip on her slightly. You look over your shoulder and see the other three horses following behind, slowly gaining to where you and Daniela were. You looked along the tree line to see the sunset beginning to dwindle down below the horizon.
“Why hunt at night?” You ask
“It’s too stuffy during the day,” Daniela explains to you, “It’s tolerable... For a certain amount of time.”
You stop at a river that was relatively near the castle for the horses to rest and hydrate as the four of you begin to tread through the woods to go hunting. 
“Why don’t the both of you go hunt on your own, go teach Daniela some hunting techniques would you?” Bela suggests
“Hey!” Daniela yelps, “I can hunt well on my own thank you very much.”
“I’d certainly could ask Artemis to give Daniela some hunting lessons but who the hell knows where she is,” You explain, “Come on Dani.”
Daniela takes you by the wrist and yanks you close to her as the both of you begin walking along the forest trees in hopes to get any kills before dawn arrives.
“Have you.. Actually hunted before?” Daniela asks
“After months of fending for my own,” You say, “Mostly spear-fishing... Spear is normally my main weapon but if I want to go more rough n tough, a sword.”
“Shouldn’t the half immortals be expertise in various weapons?” Daniela teases you
“A lot of Demigods would have their specified weapons,” You say, “Watch and learn baby.”
You roll up your pant legs and your sleeves. You strip off your shoes and slowly begin stepping into the ice-cold riverbank. further to your right was a giant waterfall. You could hear the loud running water go over the edge of the drop.
“If I only had Night vision,” You sigh 
“On your right,” Daniela calls out to you
You immediately spear to your right. Once you had lifted the spear, you had sworn the spear had gained more top end weight.
“How did you?...” You turn to Daniela
“I mostly go hunting at night,” Daniela smiles, “So my eyesight works best during the night.”
“That’s good to have,” You smile
You and Daniela continue spear-fishing as the night progresses through. 
“Have you caught a bear before?” Daniela asks
“No,” You say
“Why don’t we go and catch one?” Daniela suggests
“Well, how would you do it Daniela?” You ask her
“Why are you asking me?” Daniela asks
“Because one, you’re the one suggesting it and two, why don’t you lead a hunt for once,” You smile
Daniela looks at you as you emerge from the riverbank and begin making a makeshift basket to place all of the fish in. 
“You sure know how to craft,” Daniela just simply watches you make
“A lot of things were learned while living on my own out here,” You smile as you look up at her
You stop weaving the basket when Daniela is just kneeling in front of you. 
“You okay Daniela?” You ask her, clearing your throat
“I’m okay,” She answers, inching her way closer to you, “You?”
“I’m fine,” You answer, a bubble caught in your throat, “What-what are you doing right now?” 
“I... Like you..” Daniela says
“Daniela!” You yell
You coil an arm around her waist line as you try to get up but you tumble forward. You look up and see a bear letting out a roar. With your spear crushed under the bears’ foot, you draw your sword and begin swinging, in hopes of it being scared and runs off. However, you stop once it began growling. 
“Joan!” Daniela yells
You felt your body land onto the ground as the sword is knocked from your grip. You immediately prop yourself on your elbows and turn your head.
“Daniela!” You yell to her
Like Hell I’m about to lose her....
Your legs suddenly spring upward, pivoting as fast as they could. You break into a run as the bear begins to stand on its hind legs. You didn’t even think to take your weapon back into your hand as you use your body to slam yourself into the bear.
“Hey!” You call to Daniela
She looks at you.
“I... Like you too,” You smile
“Joan... Joan!!” Daniela screams
As quick as Daniela could, she scampers up to her feet and dives after you, only to come a hare too late. You and the bear had plummeted towards the sharp-rocked bottom of the waterfall.
“JOAN!!!!” Daniela banshee screams as she watches you both and the bear disappear into the misty waters below
“Daniela?!” Alcina calls out
Alcina, Cassandra and Bela emerge from the tree line, beelining it to her. Alcina pulls her youngest daughter into her arms as Daniela lets out wailing sobs.
“We were trying to hunt a bear and- and- I almost got killed but-” Daniela chokes on her sobs, “Joan went over the edge protecting me.. With- with the bear...” 
“I’m sorry my daughter,” Alcina sighs, “The hunt is over. Back to the castle. Now.”
“But-But Joan is still down there!” Daniela begs her mother
“No one survives that drop,” Alcina states, “Not even a half immortal like Joan. We have to go now.”
Daniela doesn’t argue with her mother. She follows her mother and sisters back to their horses to take back to the castle stables. 
I’m sorry Joan...
Night was slowly dissipating as Daniela lay across her bed, crying to herself. She didn’t care about how bad she smelled from the outside world. She was upset at herself for not catching you in time just before you plummeted to your death.
“Daniela?” Bela calls out
“What Bela?...” Daniela wipes away her tears 
“Someone’s in the main hall with Cassandra,” Bela says, less enthusiastic
Daniela dissipates into flies as well as Bela. Daniela follows her sister and as soon as Bela busts the doors open, Daniela felt her heart throb.
“Joan?...” Daniela calls out, materializing into her human form
“Finally,” Cassandra sighs as she pushes your batters and bloodied body towards Daniela
Daniela catches your almost limp body. But, you manage with all of your strength you had left, you wrap your arms around Daniela's neck as she struggles to keep you on your feet.
"I thought you were..." Daniela says
"Dead?" You finish her sentence
Daniela takes you to her bedchambers and begins stripping away whatever was left of the armor and your ripped clothing.
"Ow..." You groan
"Do you... Remember what happened after you plummeted down the waterfall?" Daniela asks
"Well, what I do remember is that the bear wasn't anywhere to be found by the time I had come to. I was bleeding a lot. But, obviously being a Demigod, my slow regeneration process began. But. Took me forever though. Everything still hurts like hell..." You sigh
You lowly gasp as you felt Daniela's long, cold fingers caress your body as she applies the bandages.
"I'm sorry," She whimpers
"It's okay. You're just really cold..." You sigh, smiling
You could feel Daniela's eyes on you as she moved directly behind you. You could feel the tension between the both of you.
"I meant what I said too," You say
You feel her fingers begin coiling around your ribcage and her head resting on your shoulder.
"I know," She whispers into your ear
You sweep your arm underneath Daniela and pull her into your lap.
"Joan!..." Daniela gasps
It doesn't take Daniela long to settle herself in your lap as her wicked smile sweeps across her face.
"Awwww you're blushing," Daniela coos
"Shut up..." You growl playfully
"Well then maybe you should make me," She smirks, her wicked giggle coming out
[A/n: Here is a character board for Joan Arc]
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write-ur-wrongs · 4 years ago
Thank you sweet anon for your request!! Again, I didn’t fully proof-read this bad boy so please forgive the errors! I hope you enjoy some angry Jealous!Geralt!
A/N Request: Geralt meeting your ex who thinks that you're still together/or tries to get you back in front of geralt?
The great hall was alive with royals and nobility alike. Laughter and chatter mingled easily with the sound of the band’s lively jig and the soft tinkering of fine cutlery.
The hosts had expected you and Geralt to make an appearance at dusk, but neither of you were particularly fond of all the fuss royalty liked to put up, so it wasn’t until long past sunset that you joined the party. Jaskier on the other hand, was overjoyed at the prospect of attending such an illustrious affair. He’d put up a fuss around noon and insisted he be allowed to take Roach so that he could arrive in time to make a strong impression with all in attendance. Of course, Geralt had refused, so he had gone off on foot, strutting and sighing dramatically.
Now, as you and Geralt did your best to navigate the already flushed crowd, you found yourself wishing you’d arrived sooner. It was easier to avoid people when they were being stifled by a sobering social awkwardness; after hours of ales and fine wine, however, people seemed to get a little too comfortable for your liking.
“I hate these ridiculous evenings,” Geralt grumbled, holding his arms close to his body uncomfortably.
“Maybe if we saved less lives,” you said, biting back a smile, “they’d be less inclined to insist we attend.”
Geralt only responded with a grunt and a roll of his eyes, which made you laugh lightly as you looped your arm through his and led him deeper into the crowd.
“C’mon love,” you said, a slight tease to your tone, “let’s find the free food and drink we were promised, yeah?”  
You laughed again as he fought back a smile. “Atta boy Geralt, don’t smile too much or you’ll ruin your reputation as the big bad wolf.”  
“Will you shut up,” he muttered, handing you a goblet of wine.
“I don’t think I will,” you said downing the wine in one go, “and could you hand me an ale?”
“I don’t think I will,” he teased, kissing your temple lightly before handing you his mug to share. You take a slow sip, your eyes twinkling as you held Geralt’s gaze, already feeling the liquor warming you from the inside. You hand him back his drink and kiss him lightly in thanks.
“Do you want to –”
You were both pulled away from your conversation by a loud clang from across the room. Geralt furrowed his brows and turned towards the sound quickly, untangling his arm from yours before reaching for his sword. He immediately relaxed as the familiar shouts and accusations resounded through the hall.
You collectively sighed your frustration as you saw Jaskier get chased into a corner by an angry nobleman; no doubt his latest conquest’s husband, who was not quite as pleased to hear the bard’s dulcet tones.
“It’s your turn,” Geralt said, downing his ale before reaching for a second helping.
“I don’t think so! I’m the one who saved him from that fisherman at the last village! It’s your turn,” you said, poking him in the chest before stealing his mug and holding it away from him.
“Actually,” he said, his low gravelly voice reverberating through you as he leaned across your body to grab his drink from your hand, “it was my turn at the last village, but you just couldn’t help yourself and jumped in to save the day. Rules are rules my dove; it’s your turn.”
You scoffed incredulously at his nerve, but shook your head in resignation; he was right after all, the rules you outlined were clear and the cycling of turns was strict.
“Well fuck. I’m taking this ale though,” you said, clapping him on the shoulder before stalking off towards the commotion.
Geralt chuckled lowly and leaned against a marble pillar, marveling at the way you made your way through the crowd. A wandering waiter came by and offered him another ale which he accepts with a polite smile, not taking his eyes off you.
He loved watching you de-escalate social situations. Sometimes it was comforting to know that he wasn’t the only one who just melted when you spoke to them directly – you were effortlessly charming and completely disarming. You once managed to convince a band of attacking thieves to stand down so efficiently that by the end of the night, they ended up joining you for dinner around the fire. Yes, Geralt was the professional when it came to handling monsters, but you were the people person of the group.
Watching you now was no exception. Your body language, the way your warm smiled reached your eyes with ease, how smoothly you managed put yourself between Jaskier and the furious man; it was impressive to say the least.
Unfortunately, his attention was pulled away from you suddenly.
“I can’t believe Y/N is here tonight, I thought I’d never see her again!”
At the sound of your name, Geralt whipped his head in the direction of the speaker, cat-like eyes scanning the crowd swiftly.
“Yeah, the very same Y/N I’ve told you about. An amazing lay, I swear it!”
The man in question was holding court half a dozen other knights; they kept snickering and looking off at you in turns. They were teasing him, egging him on for details.
“She’s not as sweet as she looks,” the man stated confidently, “don’t let that smile fool you gentlemen. The last time I took her was in an alley! The little whore was mad for it – couldn’t wait for it, needed it right there and then.”
Geralt was fuming.
He pushed his way through the crowd with great force and little care. He was worried about your honour. Your reputation in the courts – that was all. That was enough to explain the way rage seethed through him and the strange urge to be sick that was hitting him in waves. He was concerned for you as a partner and a friend.
He wasn’t jealous.
“Gods her skin… smelled so good, felt even better… I’m getting her back tonight gents,” he boasted, puffing out his chest.
“You don’t have a chance,” said the knight closest to the bastard bragging about shagging you, “it’s been ages since you’ve last seen each other, and if she’s as good as you say, she definitely found someone new.”
Damn right, Geralt thought furiously, swallowing the bile bubbling at the back of his throat.
“No, no, believe me the way she mewled and screamed for me? She’ll do more than remember,” he said, disgusting confidence dripping off every word, “she’ll beg to have me back.”
You’ll beg for mercy when I crush your fucking skull you pathetic –
His murderous march was abruptly interrupted by Jaskier. The bard cut in front of him and planted himself squarely before him, chattering on incomprehensibly.
Geralt’s eyes were bugging out in panic as he watched the bastard strut confidently towards you. He tried to push past Jaskier but the bard was quick to match him in posture.
“Look I know you’re upset with me for ruining your evening but she came after me,” he insisted, “I mean I can’t blame her the song his perhaps my most romantic sonnet. Speaking of my writing – Geralt can you look at me when I am sharing my musings with you, please? Thank you – as I was saying, Y/N inspired me tonight to write this song –”
“Jaskier,” Geralt growled, “move!”
“Wha – why?” Jaskier pivoted on the spot – keeping Geralt’s path blocked – as he sought the source of his friends’ fury. When he saw that you were speaking politely to some knight he scoffed loudly before turning back.
“Oh-ho, no,” he laughed, “you’re jealous of that oaf? Geralt, seriously?”
“I am not jealous,” he spat, only able to look at Jaskier for a moment before his glare shot back up towards you.
“She’s just being polite! Seriously you always assume the worst in people, Geralt, it’s sad.”
“I see people as they are,” he muttered, watching closely as the knight took a half-step towards you, he let out a menacing growl when you didn’t step backwards. “For what they are.”
“Okay then why can’t you see that’s just some poor sap who, I don’t know, maybe wants to thank Y/N for her help in saving this kingdom.”
“Shut up, will you? I’m trying to hear what they’re saying.”
“You don’t need a Witchers’ hearing to know what’s happening over there,” he brambled on putting on voices as he acted out the conversation, “’Hi I’m Y/N’, ‘Hi I’m an unimportant but very grateful knight, pleased to meet you blah blah blah…”
“Fuck, Jaskier, shut UP –” he stopped himself when he heard your laugh, the deep full laugh you normally reserved for him.
Jaskier heard your laugh too, and turned his head to double check he’d heard right. When he saw the familiar twinkle in your eye, he looked Geralt with wide eyes.
“They know each other?” he asked.
“They,” he started, struggling to get the words out, “t-they knew each other.”
“Wait you don’t mean,” Jaskier started, connecting the dots, “that they knew each other intimately?” He wagged his fingers suggestively as he said the last word.
When Geralt’s only reply was a low, seething hum, Jaskier whistled lowly before shaking his head.
“Well that explains,” he waved his hands vaguely at Geralt, “this reaction.”
Geralt was about to shove the bard aside when he saw you waving him over. You were smiling widely as you waved, but it didn’t reach your eyes. He cleared his throat and pushed Jaskier lightly before charging towards you with the bard in tow.
“Ah, finally!” you exclaimed, swiftly wrapping your arms around his bicep, pulling him close, “Geralt, I want you to meet an old friend of mine, Hoeck. Hoeck this is Geralt, my partner,” as you spoke, you moved to loop his arm around your waist, “and this is Jaskier, he’s responsible for the wonderful music tonight.”
“The White Wolf,” said Hoek, sizing Geralt up, “wow - what an honour.”
He hummed in acknowledgement and took the knight’s hand in a tight grip, feeling immense satisfaction watching the man wince.
“And -erm, thank you sir Jaskier, for the wonderful music,” he said, trying and failing to subtly rub at his hand.
“Thank you, good sir. I speaking of, I should get back out there.” He shot you and Geralt a look and swung his lute around his back before strumming a few notes. “If you’ll excuse me.”
You all nodded to him as he strode off, beckoning the band to join him.
An awkward silence settled over the three of you. Geralt was clearly seething as he held your waist in a tighter grasp than necessary. After a beat, you shot Hoek a tight-lipped smile and made up some excuse about needing to say hello to the king and queen before the night came to a close.
“Ah certainly,” he said, disappointment obvious, “well if you ever find yourself in need of company –”
“I won’t,” you said quickly.
“She won’t,” Geralt growled, his deep voice overlapping with yours.
At that, the knight swallowed thickly and walked back towards his group with tail between his legs and his hand held close to his chest.
Once alone, you turned in Geralt’s arms and looked up at his sour face accusingly.
“Why did it take you so long to come rescue me!” you said, tugging playfully at his hair.
“Didn’t look like you wanted to be saved,” he said lowly, eyes still alight with jealousy, “and Jaskier got in my way.”
“That’s a shit excuse and a weak lie. He was all over me! It took all I had not to rip the bastard’s arms off!” you said, a nervous laugh bubbling out of you. “Gods he has some nerve.”
“Hm,” he hissed, “you’re right about that.”
“Geralt,” you looked up at him carefully and gently caressed the crease between his brows, “this is more than jealousy. What’s going on?”
Geralt hesitated before relaxing his face into your hand and took a small sigh. “It’s nothing. And I’m not jealous.”
“Mmhm,” you hummed, “Can you look at me? Please?”
Reluctantly, he brought his eyes down to meet yours.
“Thank you,” you said, cupping his face before moving your hands to rest on his chest, “can you talk to me?”
“Don’t be patronizing,” he warned.
“Don’t be obstinate,” you countered.
Geralt rolled his eyes at you before pulling you closer to him. “Maybe I was a little jealous, and maybe,” he sighed deeply, “I was a little worried.”
“Geralt,” you started, your heart breaking at the sight of him, “you have nothing to worry about when it comes to us. I need you to know that.”
“I do,” he said quietly, “but the way he was talking about you – knowing he had been with you in that way...” Geralt stopped himself as he felt his anger come roaring back at the memory. “I wanted to kill him.”
“To be honest, I wouldn’t have been upset with you if you had,” you said, jokingly, trying to lighten the mood a little. Your time with Hoek was beyond brief; he was nice enough at first but quickly he became aggressive and possessive. You couldn’t help but cringe when you looked back on your time together and you hated that your beloved witcher was letting this get to him.
“Oh, Geralt,” you murmured when you realized he wasn’t letting up, “I’m yours. Completely and unwaveringly yours.” You kissed his forehead, then his nose, and finally his lips.
He kissed you back slowly at first, but his kiss deepened as you leaned into him. Geralt pulled away just a little and rested his forehead against yours.
“Y/N… I’m – I love you so much…” he whispered, “it’s just… the things he said about you –” he started, hating himself for needing to hear your side of the story.
“Either untrue or exaggerated, that I can promise.”
“Something about an alley…?” Geralt asked, holding his breath.
“Oh ew! That was a terrible night,” you shuddered, “he was so insistent! Wouldn’t take no for an answer – Wait, what was he saying about it? Gods, maybe I’ll kill him.” Anger and humiliation burned at the back of your throat.
Seeing your visceral reaction, Geralt was immediately overcome by feelings of guilt, for making you relive the memory, relief, that your reaction was so negative, and rage, knowing that not only did this pompous ass make forceful advances on you but he always lied about it to a crowd.
Feeling the intensity of your anger radiating off you, Geralt was about to suggest that the two of you left before you did anything you’d regret when Jaskier came running through the crowd shouting that it was time to leave.
You took off running behind the bard, holding Geralt’s hand tightly as you raced down the castle’s corridors.
“Why are we running?” you shouted, a little breathless.
“I might have added a little something to our charming friend’s drink, and he might be having a very intense negative reaction to it!” he said over his shoulder.
“Oh fuck,” you breathed through fits of laughter, “Jaskier!”
“He’ll be fine! Eventually!” he added, he turned and ran backwards so he could shoot you a wink before adding, “No one messes with our girl, right Geralt?”
Geralt rolled his eyes at his friend before he ran up behind you and scooped you up bridal-style – all without breaking his stride.
“Damn right,” he said, smiling widely at Jaskier before planting a quick kiss to your temple.
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hatboyproject · 4 years ago
This is very long, but it might be of interest to someone, somewhere. I was asked recently about the direction I'm taking this romance in and whether or not I'll be addressing certain disability specific subjects within it. The answer, of course, is yes - I have always planned to do this in one form or another. Whilst no single piece of media can address everything I'd like to say on the subject, and I am working within the bounds of a larger story with its own pacing and focus to consider, there's still room to touch on some of these things.
I'm aware that my interpretations won't always be the same as others'. They are my interpretations, coloured by my experiences and feelings, and ultimately, this is my mod - I'm writing it for everybody who 'wears the ballcap,' so to speak! But, it's my interpretation of this character that I'm trying to share with everyone. Different people "took the helm" (laugh, I'm hilarious!) on writing Jeff across the trilogy, and as time has gone on I've been trying to convince myself that it's okay to have my turn at doing that, too - albeit in a non-professional capacity. So... Let's get into my interpretation of Jeff, where his stuff comes from on my view, and how things went to get him to where we are at the beginning of ME3, where the romance can occur.
A lot of how I interpret him comes from experiences in my own life with my own issues, and with those of my loved ones, some of whom are physically disabled in similar (but not identical) ways to Jeff. Some of this carries an element of catharsis for me.
Mechanically and narratively speaking, what draws me to writing this romance is the contrast between how these two characters are strong. It's this core idea that strength doesn't have only one manifestation in a person. That loving somebody doesn't have to be done only one way, that it can be beautiful and passionate and fulfilling - even if, when it gets physical, the headboard can't exactly be made to shatter with the force of it all. For me, it's also an exercise in insecurity and dealing with feelings of frustrated inadequacy - something that has plagued me my whole life.
Yes, yes, he's fictional - but the only way for me to really get into a character is to think about them as if they're a real being. When I look at Jeff as a person, I see many things... Some very positive, some pretty negative... I try to see him as a complete person with strengths and flaws.
On the surface he is often defensive, dismissive, sarcastic, and emotionally avoidant. But why is that? He is highly skilled, dedicated and capable, and knows it, but at the same time is a person who is constantly overlooked, underestimated, and asked to work thrice as hard to get the same considerations. Even then, his validity is questioned often by almost everyone around him. Over time, combined with the realities of living with his physical condition, this has given him some deep-seated insecurities. He feels the need to brag about his skills because they are, ultimately, the one thing about himself that he is absolutely certain has real worth. He overcompensates for this by abusing rules and technicalities wherever he can, because I think he knows that if he played life by the rules, he'd never have gotten anywhere. It's a stacked deck, so why not hide some aces up his sleeve? When you don't fit in the box provided, you question the value of every box you see.
When a person lives with this long enough, it can get hard to swim against the tide of society's expectations and still remain chipper about it, let alone not internalise some of it. It can cause a person to create a shell constructed out of distrust and untruth.
Living with a disability can really suck sometimes, and the suck is compounded when having to deal with your own frustrations plus those of others. In my personal experience, that happens a lot.
There is a certain sense of alienation that it can create, and it can become a kind of Sword of Damocles. It can be easier to anticipate rejection and others' assumptions, inabilities to understand or relate than to keep reaching out, only to have the same tired conversations about being different. I see a lot of this in him. I understand the chip he has on his shoulder.
I also see an extremely sensitive, empathetic, devoted and boundlessly loving person under all that. In fact, it's because of these things that I think he actively tries to distance himself. At the core of his being, I see Jeff as somebody who loves quickly and completely. I think he sees that as a vulnerability, incompatible with what he's learned he has to do to survive... and also with the machismo thing that comes with being a pilot. I think on some level he's terrified of that about himself, but he also can't help it. Jeff is ride or die. So, he tells himself he doesn't care and never lets anyone in. Any time anyone showed interest, he'd shut them down, alienate them, distance himself, and get in the seat of something that flies.
I think up until now, (ME3) he's seen intimacy both as a thing he longs for, but is also afraid of because of his fundamental knowledge that he is different. He thinks he can't "measure up" to what he sees all around him. He sees romance as something that will lead to his inevitable rejection and being crushed, emotionally - and if he's not careful, physically, too. I think he's embarrassed about that as well. He's very interested where it comes to all that, but the things he likes to watch, he knows he can't do like that. His only experience is second-hand as a voyeur, so some of his perceptions about that are unhealthy for him. I think any kind of attempt by the medical professionals in his life to broach the topic and offer support on, he's angrily changed the subject, or stopped listening to, because of the entire mess above. I think Jeff is kind of a lonely person, and some of it is self-imposed, though the reasons for him thinking it's the right thing to do aren't all within his control.
All this is difficult for him to reconcile with, because he has been desperately in love with his commanding officer since almost the moment s/he met him, but entirely unprepared to face it.
I think at first it was easy for him to dismiss it as a stupid crush. Everyone gets them when cramped up in close quarters in stressful situations and the Commander's magnetism was hard to ignore. But then it became clear that Shepard really hadn't read his file and really hadn't made any assumptions at all about him. S/he just wanted to know him, and as time progressed and that actually bore out, it got hard not to really feel something powerful, even though s/he was the Commander and it wasn't strictly appropriate to think that way. But, then there was that thing about not fitting in the box provided...
I think he agonised over coming to Shepard with it, but ultimately decided it would be selfish with everything they were going through. I think there was a part of him that decided s/he'd never be interested anyway, not when there were other, healthier people to choose from... People who didn't have these hangups or need special accommodations made for them. I think he decided to keep it to himself, for what he felt was both their sakes.
If/When the Commander quietly hooked up with someone else, I think he had a lot of feelings all at once. On the one hand, the person he cared for most was finding some peace in all the craziness. On the other, he wished that particular brand of peace was shared with him. Most of the time there were more important things to worry about, but during downtime, I think it was on his mind a lot.
I think he feels very sheepish about it, but occasionally his jealousy got the better of him and he interrupted Shepard at moments that got too hard to watch on the security cams. He watched the cams around the ship lot, and listened in on all the others a fair bit. I think because he saw himself as being at a remove from most people in a lot of ways, it was easy to justify that to himself. I think he saw it kind of like listening to a podcast or a soap opera or... Nature documentary, almost, or something. He got to know all of them in this way... Parasocially at first, but gradually, socially too. He felt better about trying, because he had this secret edge. Not the greatest stuff he's ever done, but... Complete person. Strengths and flaws.
And then, the unthinkable happened. He couldn't accept that the ship was dying. He was sure he could save it... But when Shepard's hand touched his shoulder, when s/he'd come back for him, he knew it was over. And then, it really was over. Shepard paid the price for his arrogance. The person he wanted to protect the most spun off out into space. The communicator between his mask and that helmet was still in range for long enough that he could hear the choking. For a long time afterward, even hearing people cough made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.
The Alliance grounded him. I don't think he even had the capacity to be mad about it. I think that was a hard time for Jeff. I think between being burdened with the knowledge of the Reapers, the loss of Shepard, and the weight of his guilt, he was pretty close to the very, very edge when Cerberus knocked on his door and made him a bunch of promises. Pretty sure those promises had nothing to do with leather seats and everything to do with Project Lazarus. I'm very sure that the promise of Shepard coming back is the reason he even let Cerberus pay for the surgeries he agreed to undergo, because I don't think he valued himself much at all at that point. I'm pretty sure it was being ready to help Shepard that he was thinking about when he was learning to walk on his painful legs without crutches for the very first time. When Cerberus offered him a big shiny reset button I think he took it without hesitation because there wasn't anything else to hope for. I think seeing Shepard in the docking bay galvanised him and without ever telling them so, he pledged his life to them even harder than before. I think he told himself that he would support Shepard in every way he could. He would go wherever, do whatever, and when dealing with him, try to give them what he knew they needed; a goddamn break.
So, fast forward again, and now we are here. With all of this in mind... Shepard might have had a dalliance with someone else, or might've been too damaged by their previous love interest on Horizon, or whatever. Either way, I think Jeff saw it as not his business to even dream about that. I think the guilt tore him up every time he looked at Shepard. I think he felt like on some level, he deserved the pain of unrequited feelings which only ever got more intense. If he didn't think himself worthy of it back then, doubly so now. I think during the six months of house arrest, he tried to visit, but the Alliance denied his every attempt. Then the attack on Earth happened.
And so now we have Jeff, who, just like other humans is confused and groping about for a sense of what's up and what's down. Fortunately for him, Shepard is part of that sense of stability. He's just better at hiding it, because avoiding it and telling himself to focus elsewhere is second nature to him by this point. But things are a little different, now. Shepard seems looking around for a connection too. Future days seem short in number and the rulebook less and less important by the minute. Denying it to himself becomes impossible, and even EDI prods him about it. Shepard won't stop being so goddamn nice to him and even responds with things that if he didn't know better, he could interpret as... But then all the old insecurities come rushing back and he's walking on his own damn eggshells again. Fuck it. It's time to admit it. To come clean. S/he has to know.
So he asks. And s/he accepts. He's equal parts thrilled, stunned and terrified. He's even on some level, suspicious. Is s/he setting him up for a fall? Are they angry about his responsibility? What do they want out of this, actually? He hasn't explained what it'd be like. That what they're doubtlessly expecting of him is unrealistic. That he's completely inexperienced. I think at this point, he's a bit pissed off with himself and feeling a lot of dread because he's pretty sure how this is going to go. He realises he's got so caught up in it that he's done things in the wrong order. Damage control. He has to talk with Shepard and explain what s/he should expect from him, because it will be different. Manage expectations because he's had to manage his own. He goes in steeled.
But s/he knows it will be different, it turns out. As ever, Shepard has made no assumptions whatsoever. S/he only wants to get to know him. Wants him for everything he is, and accepts what he is not. It was never an issue for them beyond understanding how to work with it, because he is worthy just as he is, and has worked hard enough. He has to teach them about his limitations, about underestimating and overestimating... But where there's a will, there's a way. Time for a few shared moments of peace before the end of days, and through all the craziness, something feels right at last. He feels safe enough to let Shepard in properly. Thus begins his reassessment of himself and reckoning with letting go of the insecurities he has that aren't actually his own, but come from outside.
Also he totally gets to sext the Commander now when s/he's on missions. Nice.
So. There's a lot more I could say and expound upon but it's been hours and I have stuff to do. That's my direction. It's not going to suit everyone, and I doubt I can get everything across... But I'll try. I'm just one person, with just one perspective, with just one version of this story. But I hope people like what I come up with surrounding this framework, because I have lived a lot of it myself. Just a few less Reapers in my version. Not everyone's experiences and responses will be the same.
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vegalocity · 4 years ago
The pieces fall (Red Groom AU)
Basically i said to myself 'I need to finish this before i get too deep with the Animorphs stuff' and then realized this was the final chapter about halfway through lmao
TW: Death, blood, 'To The Pain' is retold in its entirety
Red Son was out of time.
He stalled as long as he could, bought as much time to drag the official ceremony on as possible But it was for naught. He heard the commotion outside, the demons shrieking in fear the booming voice that reminded him of the mercenary in Spider Queen's Employ, Spat the tea forced into his mouth in the Prince's face, and loudly cursed and raved, insisting not only that he did not consent to this, but also that this sham of a marriage would only last for the length of time it would take for his love to arrive.
His Noodle Boy would come for him, he'd crowed and bragged with all his might, and the Prince had insisted the futility of the hope, that his love was dead, and yet more lies, that he'd seen to it himself.
But he couldn't hide the fear behind his eyes and Red Son announced as much. He couldn't move with the cuffs restraining him, his hands throbbing in pain and a solid purple color from the restriction of blood flow, but he raged and rallied anyway, he was tempted to try and ruin the fine robes the servants had forced him into, to scorch them without a care to what injuries would be laid onto himself from it, but he didn't want to be in rags when his love crashed through the doors.
But then the ceremony was finished, despite his protests, and Red Son was out of time.
He struggled against the guards as they shuffled him through the halls, followed by the weak and fading demon king, but one final ditch plan formed in his head as the halls lit with flame and he was brought to the prince's rooms.
“I suppose I should apologize, demon king.” The frail creature turned to Red Son and he felt a strange sort of pity for the man. He seemed no longer aware of what year it was let alone the cruelty of his own offspring.
“What was that young fellow?”
“I'll have to be killing your son tonight, or I'll die instead. And you were probably a kind man before this curse destroyed your body and mind, so I felt I should tell you as much.” he placed a hand on the King's arm and he hummed absently as their paths diverged.
As then the door slammed shut behind him, and Red Son's last gambit had to be played. If he was fast and he burned hot enough he could do it. It would be a struggle to work around afterward, but if he could manage it and he had Xiaotian to help him work around it he could invent something to compensate by the end of the year.
Still, to cut ones own hands off to escape bindings and then murder their fiance was certainly going to be a challenge.
She saw him. For just a moment she saw the Macaque, the flash of dark fur, the curl of his tail, those six ears, those cruel amber eyes. She'd said what she'd been waiting to say for ten years, she held her head high and said the phrase that had kept her going for so long.
And he'd fled.
She'd parted form the group the second he'd left, racing through the corridors, breaking through doors, and following the faint sound of fading footsteps. Finally, Finally it was happening. Today was the day. The day she'd been waiting for for ten years. The day she finally walked up to the monster that ruined her life, the bastard that stole her father from her, the macaque that took everything from her before she was even a woman, and she finally made him pay.
She descended a staircase that lead deeper into the halls and a sharp pain pierced through her gut. Xiaojiao yelped and brought a hand to her side, she saw the dark fur for only a brief moment before she stumbled back, hand clasping over the- over the blade-
he'd thrown a knife at her and it had landed in side. She didn't think it pierced anything important, but she couldn't be sure. It felt like she'd been struck by lightning in one very small localized area. Warm blood quickly soaking through her shirt and staining her hand.
It wasn't that her legs weren't working anymore, but they refused to obey her as her back hit the wall and her knees turned to jelly. She slid until her bottom brushed the stairwell behind her.
Ten years.
And she was a sitting duck. The Macaque could kill her in one swipe of that wretched spiked staff of his and she'd die a failure.
“I'm sorry father-” she muttered softly to herself. “I tried.”
“Hang on, I recognize that sword.” The Macaque's smarmy voice broke through her thoughts. “You're that dragon girl aren't you?” He whistled lowly. “It's been what, ten years?” slowly she watched the monster approach. “Have you been tracing me your whole life?” He laughed, a cruel cold thing. “and right on the precipice of victory you die here, bleeding out from a stomach wound. Pathetic.” he leaned against a table, ready to host the banquet for the wedding that would never come now. “Honestly that's hilarious.”
her fist tightened over the handle in her stomach.
He needed to be quick, he only had a little time before the Prince came in to end him, and with his hands so useless already he would just need to stop the bleeding which would be a snap once he had his fire back.
But he needed something sharp first. His hands gave dull throbs of pain whenever he tried to force the sluggish digits to move but eventually through his rummaging through the nearby work desk he found a small silver dagger, likely the one the prince was planning on using to kill him later on. He'd have to brace the knife on something to get both of his hands and if he passed out in pain he was as good as dead.
Soon enough he pulled together a brace on the worktable, and went about steadying his left hand first, if he was quick he could pass it right through cleanly and-
“You know there's kind of a shortage on perfect hands, It'd be kind of a shame to waste such beauty as yours.” a voice cut through his thoughts.
A familiar voice. But a kindly one.
His heart leaped into his throat and he felt his face turn red as he turned to find Xiaotian, a little beaten up and still in his False Monkey King garb laying on the bedding as if this were any day back on his mountain. Red Son wondered just how long his love had been there, watching him plotting out and trying to carry out his own dismemberment, and Red Son hadn't noticed. It would have been embarrassing if he bothered to care.
But he didn't, he cared far more about seeing his beloved again and ignored the pain in his hands as he fell on top of Xiaotian in the bed, barely able to get his name out before Red Son was kissing him. The uncertainty that the prince had placed in his mind burning away in and instant as he felt Xiaotian move against him he was kissing him back, he wasn't angry or upset-
But he wasn't returning the embrace.
Red Son pulled himself away from that perfect mouth just long enough to smile and mumble a small teasing comment. “Is this your revenge for leaving you waiting? Must I beg just to get you to hold me?”
“Ah-” Xiaotian sounded pained, but when Red Son let up properly any trace of discomfort was gone. “No, it's just a bit complicated.” But there were other pressing matters.
“I just need a moment my love, no matter if I'd love nothing more than to run off with you, I wasn't able to stop the Prince from forcing things to fall in his way.” It was a rock in his gut to consider, especially how without the use of his hands he'd need to somehow pull a victory against a demon prince in his own mountain but-
“If we want to be together this farce of a marriage needs to be made defunct.”
“Well did you consent to it?” That gave him pause.
“The marriage, did you give consent to it?”
“Of course not!” his temper flared for a moment only to be immediately quelled by the small adoring grin Xiaotian hadn't stopped looking at him with. “I spent the whole time rejecting the whole thing, loudly. Violently. Buying time for you to break the ceremony up, wonderful timing by the way Noodle Boy, I was just about to chop my own hands off if you hadn't noticed.”
“I did actually. Horrifying. But crafty.”
“But what does my consent have to do with it, that's not how demons work things out-”
“Maybe, but it means more when its demons marrying each other.” His gaze flickered to a place just over Red Son's shoulder. “Wouldn't you agree, your highness?”
a thin blade rested on Red Son's shoulder. “A mistake that shall never be repeated, 'Monkey King'” the Prince hissed, breath hot and far too close to Red Son's ear.
“Are- Are you still trying to fight?” Her knees felt like they were about to give in, and her hands were shaking, but she was able to pull the blade from her side and raise her sword again. “Wow you're obsessed!” The macaque crowed, before finally taking out his staff. “That's gonna get you into trouble some day.” he sent the head of the staff for her face, child's play, the flat of her sword hit it right before impact and pushed it to the side, one half of her hair was taken down from its updo, the stone cracked beside her head.
But her skull wasn't smashed in.
The Macaque pulled away and made another lunge. He was rusty. How long had it been since he'd actually fought anyone? She made the next jab skew to the other side, her hair now fully released from its former ties, the wall behind her now a pile of rubble.
It seemed the Macaque realized she wasn't an easy kill because he started to properly wield his staff again.
His form was sloppy. Strikingly easy to counter, even with the fact that she was stumbling forward, free hand buried in her clothes to try and stop the bleeding in her side as she fought.
She opened her mouth, and she wanted to say something witty, but she couldn't think of any words to say at all, her entire mind was turning to white noise, save the one thing she'd been carrying with her for a decade.
“Hello, my name is Long Xiaojiao. You killed my father, prepare to die.”
Her side gave another throb and she caught herself on a nearby table. The Macaque spurred forward to try and capitalize on the opening.
The bench below splintered into pieces and she forced him back a few steps. “Hello, my name is Long Xiaojiao. You killed my father, prepare to die.”
“I heard you the first time!” The macaque grunted as he swung forward again.
Child's play.
Somewhere along the line, she'd surpassed him.
“Hello! My name is Long Xiaojiao! You killed my father! Prepare to die!”
“Stop saying that!” The Macaque growled, he was getting flustered. Good.
He made another jab at her, this time when she parried her blade met flesh and struck a line across his cheek.
“Hello! My name is Long Xiaojiao! You Killed my father! Prepare to die!” She crowed, now she had him on the ropes, when she moved forward and struck he'd have to move back to not risk being hit again. She could corral him. Her blade landed again, this time along the Macaque's knuckles, and his staff clattered to the ground. The tip of the jade blade tore into his shoulder, right in the place her scar was.
She only ever told people the first part of how she would picture this to go. And sure it wasn't perfect, she didn't expect to nearly die right out the gate, but it didn't need to be.
It just needed this.
“Offer me money.” She pointed the blade to his nose. He was without a weapon and if he tried any tricks she could run him through before they were completed.
“Three mountains full, all yours.”
“Power too, offer that.”
“All that I have and more.”
She leaned back just a hair, not enough to give him any room to work, but just enough to gesture. “Offer me anything I want in the world.”
The Macaque seemed to know where this was going, and whether he had a backup plan in mind she didn't care. “Anything.” He made one last lunge forward to try and grab her.
A grip on a sleeve, a jerk forward, the warm blood dripping down her sword.
“I want my father back you son of a bitch.”
When the Macaque's body fell she didn't... feel much relief. A little, the release of tension of a confrontation, the knowledge that she hadn't wasted her life.
But no revelations, no great euphoria or deep happiness at finally avenging her family. Her side was still bleeding, and the scar on her shoulder was never going to fade.
She began to stumble forward through the pain. She'd lost Sandy some hallways back, and they'd left Xiaotian high and dry, she needed to find them or they'd never get out of this damned mountain.
“Now beloved, you may want to remove yourself from this charlatan before I'm forced to do something you'll regret.” Red Son glared over his shoulder at the prince, but he gazed impassively back at him, and flicked the tip of his ear. There was a small zing of pain and suddenly the side of his face was very warm. Xiaotian hissed through his teeth at the Prince, but Red Son did as asked.
Once again parting him from his love because he had no choice but to trust a liar to be telling the truth.
“I should have had your body tossed in the forest when I had you killed. I never liked Six Ears' machine.” The Prince huffs. “But nonetheless it'll be more rewarding to kill my husband's lover first and THEN my husband. And hey! I won't even need your parent's army beloved! The Monkey King will be dead and Flower Fruit Mountain ripe for the picking!” The Prince crowed. “So, Qi Xiaotian, to the death?”
“To the pain.” Xiaotian didn't even flinch. Despite the fact that Red Son had never heard of such a duel condition.
Apparently nor had the prince, “I'm not sure if I'm familiar with that one.”
“I'll explain, and I'll use small words so you can understand you slug faced warmongering buffoon.” The tone in his Xiaotian's voice was unlike anything Red Son had ever heard, even when he was still masquerading as the Monkey King. It was severe, cold, yet ruthless. The unrelenting force of a blizzard.
“That may be the first time in my life someone below my status has insulted me.” The Prince turned a very strange shade of violet.
“Well it won't be the last. 'To the pain' means that once I defeat you, which I will, first you lose your feet, just below the ankles.” Xiaotian held direct eye contact with the Prince and Red Son found himself unable to look away. “Then your hands at the wrists, next your nose-”
“Then my tongue I assume? I killed you too quickly the last time, an error I will not be repeating.” The Prince reared back with his sword and Red Son made a grab for the knife he'd had before, but when Xiaotian spoke up again the prince stopped.
“I wasn't finished! The next thing you lose Is your right eye, followed quickly by your left!”
“And then my ears I get the picture! Let's get on with it!” The Prince was losing his temper fast, Red Son needed to act quickly. He couldn't torch the prince and hope it would be enough to break his cuffs, but he could barely hold the knife he'd dived for let alone be able to wield it with any force.
“Wrong!” Xiaotian interrupted, his face still the picture of determined calm. “Your ears you keep! And I'll tell you why!” The Prince was stopped again, and Red Son figured if he could put enough weight into his grip he could probably disarm him on his own at the moment. And another wave of frustration washed over him at the realization that he certainly couldn't put enough weight into his grip.
“-So that every shriek of every child dismayed by your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every maiden that cries out 'Heavens above what is that THING' Will be heard oh-so perfectly, in your untouched ears.” He huffed a small laugh. “That is what 'to the pain' means, it means I leave you in Anguish. Alone in your head with naught but the screams you've long since deserved forever.”
There was a pause as the Prince processed the threat. “You're bluffing.”
“It's possible, worm.” Xiaotian responded. “I could be bluffing. It's conceivable you miserable odious mass.” 'Odious' what kind of vocabulary did his love learn while becoming the false Monkey King? “I could be lying here because I lack the strength to stand. But then again, would you like to take that chance?” slowly, as though he were in great pain, Xiaotian began to sit up, and from there stand. He lifted his staff from its position leaning against the bed frame, and pointed the end to the Prince's nose.
“Drop your sword.”
it clattered to the ground.
“Undo the cuffs on Red Son's wrists.” a quick spell and a gesture and the golden bands clattered to the ground. A fierce pain jolted through either of Red Son's hands as the blood was finally allowed to start traveling back through them.
“Have a seat.” The Prince stumbled into a chair and Xiaotian glanced over at him.
“Can you tie anything?” his fingers curled painfully but he could probably manage, so he nodded and only then noticed the coiled up rope beside Xiaotian's former resting place.
“When did you get that?”
“You never know when you need rope.” All the same he tied the prince up firmly, excepting on the wrists that he tied to the armrests of the chair, those he tied as tightly as possible.
See if he liked watching his hands turn purple.
Just about as Red Son was done restraining the prince the sound of approaching footsteps came near, and with a flash of green (well, green stained red) he recognized the Swordsman mercenary.
She looked around at the lot of them and then her gaze settled on Xiaotian. “Where's Sandy?”
“He took of with you!” Xiaotian countered.
“Yeah but then he said he'd double back!”
“Well-!” Xiaotian cut himself off with a surprised yelp as his body pitched to the side, Red Son of course was there to catch him.
“Quick on the draw Red Boy.” The Swordsman hummed “Was that just reflex?”
He didn't pay her any mind. “Xiaotian what happened are you alright?”
“I'll be fine.”
“He was mostly dead all day, his body's completely zapped of strength.” The Swordsman countered.
“You've been dead?!”
“Mostly dead!” Xiaotian corrected as if that made any difference.
“Ha!” The Prince cackled. “I knew you were bluffing!” The Swordsman had zero patience for him though as that was enough for her to press her sword to his nose. “I knew he was bluffing.” The Prince repeated far more sedate.
“Xiaojiao! Xiaojiao can you hear me?” a voice calling from the window broke up all the near forming arguments, and though ti took Red Son a little finagling to ensure he had a proper grip on Xiaotian despite his hands not wanting to grip much of anything right now, the three made their way to the window peeking out the side of the mountain only for Red Son to see the large mercenary waiting below with a small gaggle of horses.
“Ah! Xiaojiao! There you are! I was trying to make my way back to Xiaotian and I ended up in the Prince's stables! The poor things deserve to have better keepers I think! I figured I'd take four of them, since there would be four of us when we found the Red Prince.” Sandy's eyes flickered to Red Son. “Oh, Hello Red Prince!”
“Nice job Sandy!” the Swordsman (Xiaojiao apparently) cheered. “Think you can catch some projectiles?”
“Of course!”
the large mercenary (Sandy) positioned himself below the mountainside, ready to catch any and all of them, and Red Son could remember, vividly, just how adept he was at such physical performances.
“well, royalty first.” Xiaojiao turned to him and gestured. Which, whatever. Though his hands gave another painful throb, he climbed onto the windowsill and jumped. The air was cool as it whipped against him.
“You know, it's funny.”
“What is?”
“I killed the Six Eared Macaque and now... I'm not sure what else to do. I've been in the revenge business so long, I don't know if I have anything else of value to try out.”
“Would you like to try leading? I could use a captain I can trust back on Flower Fruit Mountain.”
Xiaojiao shrugged.
“Oh, well you don't wanna hear this. The end I suppose.”
“What? Why are you stopping if it's not the end?”
“Well you were very specific about not wanting to hear about the kissing stuff, I don't want to gross you out or anything little one.”
“Well... Maybe I... won't super mind... if it's the ending. But only because it's the ending!”
It took a week's travel for the four to enter truly safe territory. To come into the lands of Flower Fruit Mountain and be greeted by the armies of demon monkeys that Xiaotian called his people.
They were finally safe, and Red Son recalled that he'd promised himself to wait until such a time came before he allowed himself to drown again in the ardor of having his love back, but now that it came, he found he simply wasn't as deliriously giddy as he once was. The stresses that had mounted between Xiaotian's return and now had dampened the mood, though his hands no longer ached and strength had returned to Xiaotian's body, they'd both been through so much stress there simply wasn't the space in either of their heads to be anything but focused on reaching their destination.
Of course Red Son had curled up next to his love every night around the campfire the Swordsman- That Xiaojiao would light and tend to, but there was nothing but relief in his body, bone deep, weary relief.
But now they were safe, and Red Son simply couldn't muster up the energy. He should have been jittery and excited to be alone with his love, but honestly he'd just wanted to bathe and eat something beyond travel rations.
Then the dirt and sweat had been washed away and their bellies were full of fruit and what few savory dishes Xiaotian had taught his monkeys to make, and Sandy and Xiaojiao shared a sly grin before going to explore 'the guest bedrooms' in Xiaotian's iron palace behind the watercurtian, and he was alone with his love.
And he felt like he should do something, yet nothing was coming to mind. They were safe, Xiaotian was alive and right here, and they could finally be together in the open, and Red Son felt such a fool for the fact that he didn't know how to proceed.
Xiaotian scooted closer to him and placed an arm around his shoulders, tugging Red Son to the side until he was leaned up against him.
“Red Son.” His voice was a low rumble that vibrated through Red Son's chest.
“Xiaotian.” he responded simply.
He might not have known what to do, but Xiaotian it seemed did. He reached over to gently cup Red Son's face with a hand, and brought him close.
There have been more love stories on this earth than we have time to ever recount in their entirety, but every story has in it a kiss. A soft, loving kiss, a kiss of relief and thankfulness and passion as the hard part was finally over.
It has been said that in the upper echelons of these kisses, that the one shared between Red Son and Qi Xiaotian in that moment, blew them all out of the water.
Tomorrow would come, and Red Son would sent missive to his parents explaining the situation, and Xiaotian would prepare a message to be sent to his own fathers, and they'd spend the next few days bracing for impact.
But tonight was theirs.
And though struggles were certainly on their way, all in all, their lives were finally on the path to be together.
And to live happily ever after.
“-The end. Now I think you should be getting to sleep.”
“Welp, get better soon little one. So long.”
“....Grandpa Sun?.... Maybe you could come over tomorrow too? I could teach you how to play my game?”
“Heh, As you wish.”
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@stinastar got Eskel on my brain so I had to throw some love (see also: whump) his way
Here darling, have some suffering... as a treat.
(As always, I didn’t bother editing so if you see anything ridiculous, please let me know)
Humming a melody, Jaskier was contemplating his next ballad. He had some good material from the last of Geralt’s hunts he had snuck along on a few weeks back, right before the two parted. Jaskier was feeling this one should be nothing short of epic, a wonderful, and maybe slightly annoying, surprise for his favorite witcher upon their next run-in.
Smiling while he tried to think of a good rhyme for “reckless”, Jaskier let his eyes roam over the village he was approaching. It seemed like a small settlement, but large enough to have an inn. He was in a fairly remote part of The Continent, but he was hopeful that his charm would serve him well, even if there weren’t an inn.
As Jaskier got closer to the village an odd sight made him lose his train of thought. In the middle of the main road going through the village it seemed that most of the residents had gathered round in a loose circle, and in the middle Jaskier could see two poles that looked to be made of metal sticking up. Perhaps it was some sort of festival or ritual in the area, thought Jaskier as he tried to get a better look.
When Jaskier finally got close enough to hear the villagers, he still couldn’t quite see what they were circling, but the snippets of conversation he heard weren’t particularly encouraging. Jaskier slowly waded through the crowd, concern growing as he heard the villager’s whispers, “monster” “it’ll be good to see it die” “it deserves to suffer”.
Finally, Jaskier was able to push through to the front of the crowd, getting to see what it was that had the villagers so excitable.
He let out a sharp gasp, his eyes widening in shock.
Before him was a man, his arms chained to the metal poles, stretched high above his head, his knees on the ground, his ankles chained to the bottom of the poles. His knees were bloodied, and the man was entirely bare, save for the chain he wore around his neck.
Well, more like a medallion, really.
A medallion in the shape of a wolf’s head.
Jaskier felt panic run through him as he realized he was staring at a witcher, just as broad and scar covered as his witcher, wearing the same medallion. The man’s head was bowed as he sagged in his chains but Jaskier knew that his eyes would be that same golden amber that frequented his dreams. The only difference between this unknown witcher and Geralt that Jaskier could see seemed to be their hair, this witcher’s hair a dark brown color so very different from Geralt’s white.
Before Jaskier realized what he was doing, he had taken a step forward, closer to the witcher. Jaskier felt a sharp pull to his arm and turned to see an elderly man with a severe face holding him back, “Best not get too close, son. We’ve weakened the monster but he’s not close to death just yet. Got another week or two in him at least.”
“Right. I’m sorry, I’m a bit confused. What, exactly, is going on?” Jaskier pulled his arm out of the old man’s grasp, quickly righting his doublet.
The old man smiled, revealing far fewer teeth than he should have had, “We tricked the blasted mutant, that’s what! Weakened him and tricked him and now he serves his penance for his sins.”
Jaskier’s mind raced, trying to process what was happening. The witcher had been captured by the town, it seemed, and now was strung up and being left to die.
Having travelled side by side with a witcher for nearly a decade, Jaskier had seen more than his fair share of intolerant people and towns, but never had he seen the malice in this man’s face. The old man was clearly proud of his accomplishment, happy to watch the witcher in front of them suffer for weeks on end before death.
Well, Jaskier certainly wouldn’t just sit around and let this happen, no sir. But what to do? He wouldn’t be able to fight the entire village, and any village willing and able to do what they had done wasn’t going to be swayed by pretty words and a catchy song. No, Jaskier would have to be clever, he had to find a way to sneak the witcher away with none the wiser.
“I must admit, good sir, I’m very impressed. How did you manage to catch a witcher unawares?” Hopefully, he would be able to get the old man to give him information.
The old man let out a laugh that made Jaskier’s stomach roll with disgust, “It came asking after a contract and I was able to slip it a special mix in some food and drink while we spoke. Family recipe - helped do in four other of these monsters, though this’ll be the first since I’ve taken over as alderman, only the second in my life time. A very exciting day, all around. Sent the mutant into the woods and ambushed it.”
“And you’re still poisoning him? To keep him weak?”
“No, no. No need, those shackles we had special made for an occasion like this. Dimeritium. The beasts are weak to it, it’ll stay weak just from that ‘til it finally dies.” The alderman was beaming at Jaskier, clearly delighted with his accomplishment.
Jaskier wanted to beat the man bloody. “That’s very impressive, and do you have the town guards keep watch over him? Or hunters?”
The alderman laughed, “Needn’t waste the resources. The dimeritium does the trick and it’s locked in. I keep the key with me so there’s no need to go guarding it.”
Jaskier smiled, “You’re clearly a brilliant man, tell me alderman, did the witcher have any belonging you’ll be selling? I was accosted by some bandits on the road and lost my weapons and my horse. I’d be happy to pay.”
“Ahh, we’ve it’s things in the stable still. A brilliant stallion. We’ve no real need of it in the village but some coin wouldn’t go amiss! All it’s other things are in the stables as well, if there’s anything you want I’m sure we can work out a fair price. Follow me, if you will.”
Jaskier let his gaze fall to the witcher again. The alderman claimed the witcher had at least another week but Jaskier wasn’t convinced, the man looked close to death. Hopefully, he would be able to acquire the horse and he would be able to use the stallion to get the witcher to safety.
Dusk was approaching when Jaskier finally left the stable, his purse lighter, but now in possession of a horse, two witcher’s swords, saddle bags full of various potions and clothes and other witchery things, and an invitation to join the alderman and his wife for supper.
Jaskier hurried to the small inn the alderman had mentioned and quickly purchased a room for the night, hurrying into it, thankful it was on the ground floor.
The only thing keeping the witcher imprisoned were shackles around his wrists and ankles, shackles that simply locked with a key. A key the alderman kept. Although Jaskier was hesitant to sup with the alderman and his wife, particularly considering they apparently have a poison that, not only isn’t detected by witcher’s, but also is enough to subdue them, he figured that it would be his best chance to get the key.
With any luck he would be able to unchain the witcher and get him to his horse and then get him to safety.
Jaskier knew very little of dimeritium but Geralt had mentioned it in the past, mentioned it weakened him, made it impossible to use signs. Jaskier wasn’t sure how long it would take for the witcher to recover from the dimeritium bonds and whatever poison was still in his body, but he hoped it wouldn’t take too long. Jaskier wasn’t sure where they would be able to go that was safe so they would have to stick to the woods for a while at least. Until the witcher was well enough to defend himself. And Jaskier, hopefully.
Letting out a long sigh, Jaskier sat heavily on the bed. He wished he had a quick way he could contact Geralt, some back up would be nice. Although bringing another witcher into such a dangerous place might not be a great idea when Jaskier wasn’t even sure what poison they were using on witchers or how exactly they administered it.
Poison. Right, Jaskier needed to go to the alderman’s house. Surely supper would be ready soon.
Gods willing, he wouldn’t be poisoned too.
Attending supper at the alderman’s house wasn’t Jaskier’s favorite experience, what with the concern of an undetectable poison and the looming threat over the witcher outside, but it was helpful to his plans. As the alderman bragged yet again about capturing and subduing the witcher, he gestured to the heavy key ring with one sing key on it, hanging just beside the door leading to their back garden.
The alderman had also made it fairly apparent that the village as a whole didn’t concern itself far too much with security. Being so remote, they got very few travelers, and the villagers themselves would never do anything to risk the ire of their poison-happy alderman. All of these things boded well for Jaskier’s rescue attempt. He should be able to sneak out of the inn, into the alderman’s house to get the key, and back to free the witcher if he was careful.
Returning to his room, Jaskier started packing his bags, mind racing with his plans.
He would need to get the horse ready to leave town before doing anything else, a quick get away would be very important to the pair’s survival. Jaskier wasn’t sure how long the inn keep would be awake cleaning so it would most likely be best to sneak his belongings, and himself, out through the window.
Ideally, any stable boy would be asleep and Jaskier would be able to tack up the horse and strap all their bags and his lute to it with no one the wiser.
And then things would get trickier. He would need to get to the alderman’s house without being noticed, get inside, get the key, and run.
If the alderman or his wife noticed the key was missing too soon, then they might not make it out of the village.
Sometime later, Jaskier was lurking in the back garden of the alderman’s house, trying to make sure he and his wife were soundly asleep before he snuck inside to get the key.
After a while of waiting, Jaskier still hadn’t heard any movement from inside or seen any lights so he crept to the garden door and made quick work of the lock, thankful that he hadn’t forgotten how to pick a simple lock. He pushed the door open slowly, looking around in the dark kitchen, satisfied to not see anyone awake, grabbed the key, and pulled the door shut again.
Sticking to the shadows, Jaskier hurried as quickly as he dared to the center of the village where the witcher was chained. Hurrying up to the weakened man, Jaskier grabbed at the shackles on his left wrist, trying to will his normally steady hands to stop shaking. Jaskier made efficient work of the shackles on the man’s wrists, the man collapsing on his hands with a grunt. Jaskier hurried around the witcher to undo the shackles around his ankles before he grabbed the witcher by his shoulder, pulling his off his hands, “C’mon witcher. We need to get out of here before anyone notices you’re free. C’mon, your horse is saddled and ready to go, we just have to make it to the stables.”
“Wh’re you?” The witcher groaned in pain, his head finally lifting, his golden eyes meeting Jaskier’s. Jaskier quickly took in the man’s face, he looked remarkably like Geralt, save for the deep scars marring the right side of the witcher’s face.
“Ahh yes, I’m Jaskier, and I’m trying very hard to keep the both of us from dying, so if you could cooperate, I would appreciate it.”
The witcher slowly raised to his feet, leaning dangerously to one side. Jaskier quickly ducked under the man’s arm to provide support, hurrying the man toward the stable.
Once inside, Jaskier threw a set of clothes to the witcher, letting him dress while Jaskier led the horse from his stall. Jaskier mounted the horse quickly and held his hand down to the witcher. The witcher gave him a skeptical look before mounting the horse behind Jaskier, leaning onto him.
Jaskier urged the horse forward, heading west, “I’ve no clue where to go around here that will be safe so I thought we should stick to the woods for a bit until you’ve recovered some.”
The witcher behind him hummed and Jaskier decided it must be in approval.
The two rode hard, putting the awful village behind them before Jaskier veered off the road, leading the horse into the wood and finally stopping in a small clearing.
“Tell me, witcher, do you hear anything nearby we might need to worry about attacking us?”
The witcher slowly dismounted the horse and closed his eyes, “Nothing close enough to worry about. Fire should keep anything away.”
Jaskier jumped off the horse and walked to the witcher, ushering him to sit, “I’ll get started on a fire now, you rest.”
The witcher watched curiously ask Jaskier puttered around the clearing, starting a fire and setting out bed rolls.
“I’m sorry?”
“My name. It’s Eskel.”
Jaskier’s smile was blinding, “It’s lovely to meet you, Eskel.”
Sequel is here
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aros001 · 3 years ago
First time reading through the light novels. Vol. 1 random thoughts.
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A while back I'd seen the first episode of the anime and...didn't take it well because of that one specific scene. I was interested in where Goblin Slayer and Priestess would go from there but I was worried about my ability to handle the rest of the series. So months later I asked this Reddit if you guys would recommend I continue and you were very supportive and encouraging. I watched the rest and really enjoyed it. I just recently wrapped up another light novel series (at least the books that were available in english) and figured why not give Goblin Slayer's LNs a try?
These are just some random thoughts I had while reading the first volume. I did the same with Rising of the Shield Hero and it was fun to do, with other fans pointing out things I might have missed and starting discussions about what happened each book.
Right off the bat, I think Goblin Slayer is one of the few series I've ever read that brings up weapons getting dulled and damaged by blood and fat (or even bringing up fat from a slain foe at all). Shield Hero had a little bit that early on but most stories just have weapons that are so high quality that the quality never dips.
Also, back in the anime I'd found it interesting that goblins could make poison when everything else about them seemed so crude. But in a general view "poison" is basically a harmful substance that you don't want in your body. That the goblins can make poison out of their own shit and some herbs actually makes sense and works with the idea that they have the mental capacity of cruel children.
The first kill we see Goblin Slayer make seems to say a lot about him. Pinning a goblin to the wall with his shield before stabbing a burning torch into its face. Efficient yet feeling almost vindictive.He kills it in the most painful way he possibly can at that moment.
The Priestess blocked the one goblin with her staff on instinct and kept it from getting away long enough for Goblin Slayer to throw his sword into the back of its head. I'm curious if that's why he let her accompany him through the rest of the cave or if he would have done the same regardless? If he didn't see her potential would he have ordered her to leave instead of asking what she was going to do?
Are the gods of Truth and Illusion meant to be literal gods or just figurative? Either way, I'm looking forward to hearing more about them and the Earth Mother, Dark Gods, and Supreme God. I like mythology and that includes the party's talk about where goblins come from. I like that they, and we the audience, don't yet have a for-fact answer. All the possible origins they share are from legends, folktales, and stories you tell children (with some racial bias thrown in between the elves and dwarves). It really helps the world feel more real and lived in.
Out of curiosity, do Slimes exist in the GS universe? They mention giant rats and goblins as the monsters a lot of beginners take on and slimes are a famous kind of newbie monster in other fantasy stories, so I'm curious if they have those as well (or if it's a Konosuba kind of case where slimes are NOT a monster beginners should be fighting).
Oh jeez, the anime really wasn't exaggerating with Cow Girl flopping over the windowsill. Why is that so funny to me?
“Yes. A group of rookies are in the southern woods. That one is a request from a village near the forest.”
“Beginners,” he murmured. “Who was in their party?”
“Let’s see...,” Guild Girl said. She licked her thumb and began paging through a sheaf of papers. “One warrior, one wizard, and one paladin. All Porcelain rank.”
The day after that, showing no hint of fatigue, he joined Priestess in venturing to the southern woods. Cow Girl heard later that the rookies never returned from the forest.
I might be misremembering or thinking of a different group but the rookies came back alive in the anime, didn't they?
A big thing that helped me get through the anime was the introduction of High Elf Archer, Dwarf Shaman, and Lizard Priest. They brought a lot of life both to the series and to Goblin Slayer himself. He's a man who really needs friends and something other than goblins in his life. What he does is important but spending too long in nothing but that darkness would eventually break anyone. In fact, nearly all the characters help bring some enjoyment to the story. I was afraid Spearman was just going to be another Motoyasu but he quickly proved himself to be, overall, a pretty good guy.
I also like that this novel gives more insight into the extra characters. Not just the humans like Guild Girl, Heavy Warrior, and the Hero (which was a very welcome surprise. I want to know more about her), but also some of the goblins as well, like that one guard of the old elf ruins. Even if they can't talk in a way humans can typically understand, it's cool (and a bit uncomfortable) having a direct show of how an individual goblin thinks.
While it's not as much as Priestess, I do really seem to have a soft spot for Guild Girl. Why she seems to like goblin Slayer is just really appealing for me. She likes him because he's different but not in the traditionally tropey way of "Oh, he's so different from the other guys". He takes the jobs that no one else wants to do, not to brag about it or hit on her, but simply because they need to be done, which means a lot less newbie adventurers have died or worse at the hands of goblins, something she's indirectly seen happen way too many times, even if it's a reality she has to live with. Completely unintentionally, he takes a lot of burden off her heart and mind. I can easily see how her respect and appreciation for him would eventually lead into feelings of affection.
Goblin Slayer = Beard-Cutter? I can understand to an extent Orcbolg and that both names come from a goblin killing sword, but do Dwarves refer to goblins as Beards? And if so, why? Or am I missing something here? This confused me in the anime too.
“I owe it all to you, sir!” Her gaze, her beautiful eyes, bored into him. He caught his breath. What should he say? There was a long pause.
“Not at all,” he finally squeaked out. “I didn’t do anything.”
“You did so much!” she responded with a grin. “You saved me when we first met.”
“But I couldn’t save your companions.”
“True, but...” Her face stiffened for a moment. She couldn’t quite finish her sentence—understandably.
Even he still remembered the awful scene all too clearly. Warrior, Wizard, Fighter, who had all lost everything. Her party had been trodden into the dust.
I really like this. It's be really easy to just make Goblin Slayer a complete hardass who's oblivious to everything and cold to the world (and to an extent he is). But he does still have emotions other than anger. He's at a loss by Priestess' gratitude and doesn't know what to say. He has regret that he couldn't save her old party. He's used to the sight of what happened but still finds it awful. He appreciates the elf, dwarf, and lizardman's help and isn't against partying with them again, even if he won't go out of his way to join them again. He feels truly helpless when he tells Cow Girl he can't defeat the Goblin Lord's army. As the story goes on I imagine it'll be explored how much he's doing what he does to keep the past from happening again vs. him just wanting revenge on all goblins. Which side rules him more?
But all things must end—often too soon.
The end to his idyll appeared in the form of repulsive black blotches on the dew-drenched morning pastures. Trailing mud and excrement across the fields, they were unmistakable: small footprints.
This is the one part I think the anime did a little better, if for no other reason than that we had a lot more times of Goblin Slayer checking for signs of goblins every morning. It was a great Chekhov's gun. It was something the audience knew had to come back into play later...but that you really, really did not want to because you knew what it'd mean. Every time he checked and didn't find anything was a relief but it left worry about the next time, building up that dread and anticipation, until finally we get that morning where he sees all the tracks.
At a table deep in the room, High Elf Archer made to stand, her face a furious red, but Dwarf Shaman and Lizard Priest stopped her. Witch sat on a bench, a slippery smile floating on her face. He glanced at the front desk to see Guild Girl vanishing into a back room in a panic. It occurred to him that he was looking for Priestess.
Awwwwwwwwwww! He does like having her around!
I think the main reason the story works, at least for me, is because it isn't just one of those "Life sucks. The world is dark. F**k you." types of "adult" literature. Yes, the world of GS does get very dark and messed up, but what gets you through it are these very likable and sunny characters who do care a lot about each other. At least with the content of this volume and what was covered by the anime, the draw isn't supposed to be how "edgy" the story can get but rather these characters trying to fight back against the darkness that exists in their world.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinSlayer/comments/fq3z9a/first_time_reading_through_the_light_novels_vol_1/
11 notes · View notes
thr-333 · 5 years ago
Mismatch- Part 3
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
Ah Irony, I trust this wont be the last I’m seeing of you
First < Previous > Next
‘Sorry, Nino told Adrien that you guys said to go ahead!?’ Chloe explained.
“Looks like Liela’s at it again,” Marion tells Marinette.
“Of course she is,” Marinette was already hailing a cab
‘Lila must have told Alya who told Nino or something’ Marion responds.
'I am so sorry we’ll come back to get you’  
‘Dont worry bout it we’re getting a cab’
‘Dont let kags kill anyone’ He adds
‘No promises’
Marinette grabs Marion by the arm, dragging him over to a cab. Just as she's about to climb in someone grabs her, arm pulling her away. Reflexes kick in and she makes a jab at their stomach. They block her punch, but let go of her arm. Marinette looks up to see a black haired blue eyed boy who couldn't be any older than them.
“This isn’t a real cab,” He explains quickly, taking his phone out to snap a picture of the stunned driver.
“Oh? Oh!” Marinette processes, realising she just tried to punch him for helping her, “I am so sorry!”
“It’s ok, good reflexes,” He compliments, they step away from the cab as it speeds away, “I’m Tim,”
“Marinette,” She shakes his offered hand, “This is Marion,”
“Hi, thanks for that,” Marion nods towards where the ‘taxi’ was, “How could you tell?”
“You live around here long enough you learn to spot them,” Tim answers, “are you two french?”
“Yep,” Marinette chirped, “We’re on a class trip,”
“Where’s your class?” Tim frowns looking around.
“Ummm… they kinda….” Marinette looked down at her shoes.
“Left us,” Marion finishes for her.
“They left you? In Gotham?” Tim asks, the twins nod avoiding eye contact.
“Where are you staying? I’ll drive you there,” Tim decides.
“You don’t have to do that!” Marinette gestures wildly, wide eyed.
“We’ll be fine on our own,” Marion adds, because yes they did almost get in a fake cab, but it wasn't as if they couldn't have dealt with it.
“It’s all right,” Tim tells them, scanning the cars around, “Look my rides here,”
The twins turn to see a limo pull up, a well dressed driver steps out of the vehicle.
“Good Evening Master Tim, how was your trip?” He asks, taking Tim’s bag.
“It was fine Alfred,” Tim says, “would you mind if we dropped these two off at their hotel?”
“Not at all, Master Tim, I am Alfred Pennyworth,” Alfred greets the twins, “May I ask your names,”
“Uh, Marion, and this is Marinette,” Marion replies, “You really don’t have to, we’ll be fine,”
“It’s no trouble at all,” He tells them, “Where are you staying?”
“Wayne hotel,” Marinette goes to grab her bags to find them gone, turning to see Alfred already placing it in the trunk.
“Witchcraft,” Marion whispers to her, Marinette nods. She always made sure to at least be touching her backpack, as it held the Miracle box.
“Come in,” Tim offers, already sitting in the Limo.
The twins concede climbing in after Tim a little awkwardly. He had somehow gotten ahold of a travel cup and was holding it like a lifeline.
“I’m surprised you're staying at the Wayne hotel for a class trip,” Tim takes a gulp of the probably scalding hot coffee.
“Marinette submitted an amazing essay to the Wayne Foundation and won the trip for the whole class,” Marion dodges her kick, Tim hides his smirk behind his cup.
"We submitted an essay,” Marinette corrects, glaring at Marion for shaking his head.
“Thank you for the ride,” Marion changes the topic.
“No problem, I really don’t mind, the longer I stay away from the manor the better,” Tim replies sleepily.
“Why's that?” Marinette questions, concern written all over her face.
“Loud, too many siblings” Tim quickly clarified, “I need more time with my coffee before I deal with them,”
“I think I can relate,” Marion mutters, ignoring Marinette's look, “How many siblings do you have?”
“Officially? Thr-Two brothers,”
“Unofficially?” Marinette prods.
“Feels like half of Gotham most the time,” Tim sighs, making them chuckle.
“You two must be twins?” Tim guesses.
“Unfortunately,” Marinette sighs.
“You love me,” Marion scoffs.
“Unfortunately,” Marinette repeats, Tim cracks a smile.
“If it's any consolation you seem to get on much better than I do with my siblings,” Tim takes another long sip from his coffee.
“If it’s any consolation we’re always fighting,” Marion parrots, sharing a knowing glance with Marinette. Fighting? Yes. Fighting each other? Only when Chat Noir gets brainwashed.
“So what are you looking forward to in Gotham?” Tim asks.
“Lots of things,” Marinette and Marion start to tell Tim all about their(civilian) plans. Tim suggests places every now and then, he points out the hotel as they start to get closer.
“Ah!” Marinette exclaims, turning to Marion, “We were meant to check in as a class, will they even let us in?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure they do,” Tim assures them. When they pull up at the hotel Alfred opens the door and Tim gets out with them.
“Thank you so much,” Marinette takes her bags from Alfred, giving him a smile.
“You’re welcome Miss,” Alfred smiles back.
Marion also gives his thanks and they follow Tim into the building. Marinette admires the architecture, brainstorming ideas for designs. Perhaps she can make improvements to the outfits they’ll be using at the concert. Tim goes straight to the front desk and explains the situation. The receptionists hands over the room keys, telling them their classmates had already grouped up, three to a room.
“That was surprisingly easy,” Marion muses, as they walk towards the elevator, “Thank you,”
“My pleasure,” Tim answers easily, as they step into the elevator, “I must be off,”
They give their goodbyes, letting the doors close as Tim walks away.
“He was nice,” Marinette hums in agreement.
“Hopefully there's more people in Gotham like him,” They step out of the elevator.
“There will be,” Marion assures, “Meet back here when they go to sleep?”
“No, I’ll text you when everyones asleep and you can teleport in,” Marion nods, both know Kaalki won’t be impressed.
They go their separate ways. Marinette knocked on the room door that was opened a few moments later by Kagami.
“I am sorry,” Kagami immediately apologizes, “I should have known better and asked you myself,”
“Don’t worry, we’re fine,” Marinette gives the girl a hug, rolling her suitcase into the room.
“Marinette, you need to see this place, although it’s as good as daddys hotel,” Chloe grabs her by the arm. Leading her through the well furnished and decorated living room with a kitchenette to the side.
“You do live in the penthouse suite,” Marinette looked out the floor to ceiling window, displaying the view of the city, itching to grab her sketchbook.
“True, but they didn’t put me in the penthouse, so it's their loss,” Chloe guides her to a room with a large bed, bedside tables with flowers on them and a mirrored closet door. “This is yours,”
Marinette went to grab her suitcase only to see Kagami behind them with it. She thanked her and got settled in. Once she was unpacked they sat together in the living room to talk about tomorrow.
“You’d better not go wandering off, Gotham is dangerous,” Chloe wagged her finger at Marinette.
“And you’re going to protect me?” Marinette threw a couch cushion at her.
“Well, duh, I was Queen Bee,” Chloe bragged, catching the cushion and throwing it right back.
“For, like, month, years ago,” Marinette caught the pillow, sending it to Kagami, “Weren’t you replaced with Bumble Bee?”
“It was a mutual decision,” Chloe caught the pillow that Kagami hesitantly threw to her.
“Right,” Marinette said in a disbelieving tone, knowing full well that Bumble Bee was just Chloe’s new alias. “I think I’d rather stick with Kagami,”
“Rude,” Chloe threw the pillow at her.
“Didn’t we all agree Kagami was as good as any bodyguard?” Marinette asks, throwing the pillow to said girl.
“Excuse you, we said she was better than any bodyguard,” Both gave her inquisitive looks, “What? I’m just stating facts!”
“Of course,” Marinette caught the pillow, still smiling.
“I am!”
“I believe you,” Marinette threw the pillow back at her.
“No you don’t!” Chloe throws the pillow forcefully at her.
“Whatever gave you that idea?” Marinette chucks the pillow to Kagami.
“You’re infuriating Dupain-cheng,” Chloe huffs, catching the pillow from Kagami.
“I can show you some… moves,” Kagami hesitantly speaks up, as Chloe throws the pillow at Marinette, “For self defence,”
“Sure,” Marinette puts the pillow down, standing up with Kagami.
They spent the next half hour with Kagami instructing Marinette on basic fencing moves. With the cardboard wrapping of the now empty Toblerone block.
“Where is she going to get a sword?” Chloe was scrolling through her phone, “Unless you want her to carry that around everywhere,”
“What do you suggest?” Kagami challenges defensively.
“Like this,” Chloe takes over, showing both Marinette and Kagami how to break out of certain holds to get their arm free or how to disarm an opponent.
“Where did you learn this?” Marinette watches as Kagami practices the motions of disarming Chloe's hairbrush gun.
“I told you, I was Queen Bee and I took that job seriously,” Chloe drops the hairbrush, Kagami kicking it away.
“Didn’t you tell all of Paris your identity and then send a train out of control,” Kagami asks, retrieving the hairbrush.
“I was young and naive,” Chloe sighs dramatically, had to her forehead.
“Three years ago?” Marinette stands up to try and disarm Chloe now.
“Four actually,”
“Oh, my mistake,” Marinette rolls her eyes trying not to disarm Chloe too quickly.
They carry on a little longer before Marinette sends them to bed.
“We have an early day tomorrow, we don’t want to be late,” She pushes Chloe towards her room.
“Coming from you? That’s rich,” Chloe laughs.
“Whatever, go to sleep,” Marinette closes the door on Chloe's protests.
“Goodnight Marinette,” Kagami nods, walking to her room without a fuss.
Marinette goes to her room, firing Marion a text.
“Alright dude,” Nino turns to Marion, “I’m with Alya, we all know who Adrien has a crush on-”
“Everyone!?” Adrien sits up from where he’s lying on the couch.
“Yes, everyone,” Nino deadpans.
“What about Marinette?” Adrien turns pleading eyes to Marion.
“Oh not Marinette, she's as clueless as you,”
“What’s that meant to mean?” Adrien frowns defensively.
“Anyway,” Nino interrupts, “Dude, who do you have a crush on?”
“Ummmm,” Marion shifts uncomfortably from where he’s perched on the couches arm rest, “... It’s sort of a celebrity crush,”
“Oh? who?” apparently that was not the answer that would make him lose interest.
“It’s not really important, not like anything could happen,” Marion looks at Adrien for help, but he seems just as curious as Nino.
“Just tell us,” Nino pushes.
“It’s a hero,” Marion immediately realises that just got them more interested. “... From Gotham,”
“Batman?” Adrien guesses.
“No!” Marion shouts, “No! He’s old enough to be my dad, geez,”
“Alright, alright, who is it?” Nino placates leaning forward on his arm chair.
“..... Red hood,”
“Isn’t he a rouge?” Adrien asks.
“No!.... Maybe, he’s still a hero ok?” Marion curls up defensively.
“Why do you like him?” Adrien is grinning, shifting closer to Marion.
“I don’t know,” Marion rolls off the armrest, onto the couch next to him.
“You have to like something,” Nino gets up to sit on his other side.
“I don’t know, maybe because he looks good in his suit?!” Marion shouts.
“You’re not that shallow,” Adrien pokes him in the stomach.
“Ugh, fine,” Marion relents, “He works with Batman right?”
They both nod.
“He’s just so unlike everyone else he works with, I just kinda…. admire how he can just be…. be himself.” Marion curls up under his friend's stares.
“You’ve put a lot of thought into this,” Adrien teases, Marion huffs.
“He does look good in his suit though,”
“Wait a minute, is this why you always wear that MDC outfit?” Nino is clearly holding back laughter.
“No!” Marion bushes at the memory.
They were doing a practice interview about his newest song. Marinette had designed his outfit based on Red Hood's. It was something he had endured endless teasing over as he insisted everything had to be perfect, not that the great MDC would make anything less.
“Were there any problems that arose from the design MDC?” The interview asked, moving onto the outfit choice.
“We had some minor disagreements about the hood,” Marinette gestured to the outfit Marion was wearing. A red hoodie underneath a faux leather jacket(not that you could tell) on the back there were flying red bats embroidered up the side. He was wearing a black domino mask with red detailing in place of the helmet. It was the outfit they chose to alter into their vigilante costumes.
“She was getting very frustrated over it,” Marion teased, “I told her it didn’t need one,”
“His name is Red Hood! Why doesn't he wear a Hood? Robin wears a hood,”
“He looks cool without it,” Marion defended.
“You’re just saying that, cause you have a crush on him,” Marinette teased in a sing-song voice.
“MD!” He shouted, pulling the hood up to hide his blush, MDC laughing at him, he groaned. “Please tell me the cameras aren't rolling,”
“Don’t worry, nothing we say is being recorded,” The interviewer was luckily professional enough to not laugh, but was certainly amused, “I take it we will be omitting that from the real interview?”
Unfortunately for him one of the staff members had been secretly recording. They leaked the footage online, getting fired, but not sparing MCD from the whole world finding out. The fanbase had been going crazy ever since they announced their concert in Gotham. Many imagining meet-cute moments or theorising that they were already dating. He shakes his head at the memory.
“I just think it looks cool,” He comes back to the present.
“Because it’s based on your crush?” Adrien teases.
“Nope, you don’t get to tease me about this, I haven't seen you not wearing something Marinette made you in years,” Marion cuts Adrien off with a raised eyebrow, looking down at his Ladybug onesie Marinette made him.
“Fine,” Adrien turns to Nino, “It’s up to you now,”
“Has Marinette made you anything Red Hood related?” Nino grins.
“Nooooo,” Marion moans, draping over the couch.
“Do you have a onesie based on him as well?” Marion finds his saving grace when his pocket buzzes.
“Never this is too good,” Nino teases, “Did you bring it with you?”
“That's enough for tonight!” Marion claps his hands, standing up.
“Awwwww,” They both moan in unison.
“Nope! I don’t have to put myself through this, goodnight to you,” Marion walks straight to his room before they can protest further.
He locks the door behind him. Plagg and Kaalki are in the room chatting, they fly over to Marion.
“You ready to go Kaalki?”
“I am not meant to be used for something as trivial as a taxi,” The Kwami complains.
“We just need to grab out suits, this will be the only night, I promise,” The Kwami gives him a nod, “Kaalki full gallop,”
He transforms and opens a portal into Marinette's room.
“Ready Bug?” He asks, stepping into the room. He opens another portal to their room in Paris.
“Of course,” They step through the portal, followed by their Kwami’s, into their room as quietly as possible.
Marion drops his Marinette pulls out their costumes from the closet. They were disguised to look like regular clothing, but could be altered to quickly change.
“I don’t know how you talked me into this,” Marinette takes the hoodie he usually wears, reaching under a secret fold and unzips the hood.
“Come on bug, our hero-selves cant be seen in Gotham, and you know full well we wouldn't stand aside if someone was getting hurt in front of us,” Marion takes the body of the hoodie from her, flipping it inside out to the black side.
“True, but why do we have to do nightly patrols?” Marinette finishes pulling on her leggings, flipping her usual white jumper with a cherry blossom pattern inside out to the same red shade as the hood.
“It would look pretty suspicious if we just showed up when our class was in danger, now wouldn’t it,” Marion fasten the yellow belt around his waist, slipping his baton into the holster and pulls on his on his boots, hopping slightly.
“I think you just want to be a vigilante,” Marinette takes his Red Hood jacket, flipping it inside out to black with yellow trim.
“Well, it’s exciting isn’t it?” Marion takes what would usually be Mainette's skirt, flipping the pink inside out to the green and unzipping it along a black line, “We get to test out our skills without miraculous, and we don't have the fate of the city resting on our shoulders,”
“You could a least try to take it seriously,” Marinette flips her beanie inside out to the black side. Pulling it on after the severed hood, lining the holes up with her eyes and pulling the hood up.
“I am taking this very seriously,” Marion says with the biggest grin. Taking Marinette's infinity scarf, running his hands across it to find the secret fold. Flipping it inside out to a green with yellow and black trim. He pulls it over his head, yellow stripe to his hairline.
“Whatever," Marinette fastens her holster with a baton around her left leg. They both pull on their black gloves. "Lets go,”
Marion transforms back and opens a portal to a rooftop far away from the hotel. They take off across the roofs, using their batons to pole vault across alleys, to land on roofs and fire escapes. As they race, taunting each other, they survey the streets below. Marinette stops, crouching down as Marion catches up. A young woman was being chased by two thugs.
“Let’s go,” She whispers, using the fire escape as a firemans pole. Marion follows suit.
They land in the alley as the girl gets backed up against a wall, clutching her purse. She looks straight at them, Marion gestures her to stay quiet as they sneak up behind the thugs. Marinette takes the one on the right, as he lines up behind the left one. Marinette attacks first hitting the right one over the head with her baton.
“What the-” Marion cuts the left one off by sweeping his legs with his baton, sending him crashing to the ground. He pins them down, tying his wrist together with one hand, “You little fuc-”
Marion stuffs the mans own hat in his mouth. He then ties the crooks legs together for good measure. He looks over to Marinette, her thug unconscious, she was comforting the victim, offering her a cookie from a hidden pocket.
“Thank you,” She takes the cookie hesitantly.
“Not a problem,” Marinette gives her a winning smile.
“Wow, this is really good,” She mumbles, with her mouth full, “Um, who are you,”
“Don't worry about that,” Marion slings his arm around Marinette, "We're just your friendly neighbourhood strays,"
“Ignore him,” Marinette pushes his arm off her, “Do you want us to walk you home?”
“Uh- yeah, thanks,”
“I love your outfit by the way,” Marinette tells her, as they leave the alley way. Marion walks behind calling the police to come pick up the thugs, explaining what happened.
“Hey, can I get your number so the police can get your statement later?” Marion interrupts, as they follow the girl to her apartment.
“Of course,” He hands over the phone, letting her hang up.
“I haven’t seen you around before,” She hands back the phone, Marion walking on her other side.
“We’re new to town,” Marion smiles at her.
“I can tell,” They both give her inquisitive looks, “You’ve smiled more in the last five minutes than most Gothamites do their whole lives,”
“You’re exaggerating,” Marinette chuckles.
“I’m serious, you’re going to blind someone,” She laughs with them.
They walk her to her apartment, holding polite conversation the whole way.
“This is it,” She announces, “Thanks again,”
“No problem,” They both say, turning to leave.
“Wait…. Um,” They both stop looking back at her holding her phone, “Can I get a picture?”
“Of course,” Marion bounces over to her, Marinette taking the other side.
They give the same big smiles they do as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Marion throwing up bunny ears behind Marinette's head. They say goodbye and run off to find someone else to help.
“Whatcha doing Tim?” Dick looks over his shoulder, still in his Nightwing costume fresh from patrol.
“I ran into some French students who were left behind by their class at the airport,” Tim scrolls through a word document, complete with pictures of smiling teens doing a mixture of charity work and sports among other activities. “They won the Martha Wayne educational trip, I was just looking through their entry,”
“They got left behind, in Gotham?”
“That’s what I said! I actually caught them just before they got in a faux taxi,” Tim reaches the end of the rather long essay.
“They could have been mugged, or kidnapped!” Dick slams his hands down on the desk.
“I know , Dick,” Tim rubs his face, “The worst part is they didn’t seem at all surprised about it either,”
Dick leaves Tim to his work to change, muttering to himself.
“Is everything alright, Master Dick?” Alfred appears with food for after patrol.
“What if it happens again?” Dick asks.
“I assume you’re referring to the lovely twins Master Tim met at the airport?” Alfred nods knowingly, Dick nods back. “Well hopefully something similar doesn't happen tomorrow for their tour of Wayne Tower,”
“.... Alfred can you place me in charge of the tour?”
“Consider it done, Master Dick,” Alfred leaves him to get changed.
He finishes changing into regular clothes as the Batmobile pulls in. Batman and Robin exiting.
“We need to discuss security measures for the upcoming concert,” Batman tells the room, they gather around,
“MCD is known for his advocacy of superheroes, so we can expect a few villains to make trouble,” Tim pulls up a picture of MCD with MDC as they walk down the red carpet for some event.
Dick is amused that the picture he pulled up had them in Batman and Robin themed outfits. MDC wearing a beautiful black dress with the bat symbol subtly incorporated into the bodice. Her dress trailed behind in sharp points like Batman’s cape. MCD was wearing a suit with a red shirt, his tie green and some yellow detailing.
“You are going to be professional aren't you?” Damian gives them both pointed looks.
“Whatever are you talking about?” Dick asks innocently.
“You two are always jabbering on about these two,” Robin glares.
“We do not-oh that reminds me, if we’re going to be guarding this event we have to invite Jason,” Dick addresses Bruce.
“He is worse than you two, going on about that interview,” Damian must be rolling his eyes under the domino mask.
“Come on little D. how often does your celebrity crush like you back?” Dick smiles, remembering the night Jason called him yelling in excitement telling him about the leaked footage. He had also asked him to get Tim to find out who leaked the footage and have them fired.
“I don’t know and I don’t care,”
“As for actual security measures,” Batman redirects the conversation.
“Master Jason has arrived,” Alfred reports, coming to stand with them.
“Speak of the devil,” Tim mutters.
“BRUCE YOU MOTHERFUCKER,”Jason bursts into the bat cave, “I need to know these things!”
“We were just talking about the concert,” Dick tells him.
“What? No! Why didn’t you tell me you adopted more!” He yells at Bruce. “I need to know when you’re planning to traumatise more kids!”
“Jason what are you talking about,” Bruce only lets a hint of irritation into his voice.
“THis,” Jason slams down his phone to a screenshot of a tweet. It showed a picture of a boy and girl, both with black hair and blue eyes, following Tim into a limo. Written underneath was;
Wayne Twins? How long has Bruce Wayne been keeping them from Gotham? Are they adopted? Or could the Family resemblance be more than coincidence?
#wayne twins #Bruce Wayne's secret children #aren’t they just adorable
“What is this?” Bruce asks Tim.
“They’re the one who won the Martha Wayne educational trip, their class left them at the airport, I gave them a ride,” Tim briefly explained, noticeably omitting the taxi part.
“Wait so you didn’t adopt them?” Jason picks his phone back up.
“No, Jason, I didn’t,” Jason’s eyes narrow.
“... Are you going to?”
“... No, I’m not,”
“Keep an eye out,” Jason not at all subtly whispers to Dick, “He hesitated,”
“What are we going to do?” Damian cuts their growing argument off.
“We could release a statement?” Tim suggests.
“Drawing attention to it will only fuel the flames, let’s just let it die out,” Bruce decides, getting nods of agreement.
“By the way Jason, we were talking about security measures for the MCD concert,” Dick changes the topic.
“Without me!?”
They go back to making security plans for the concert, including Jason.
“I think we should have someone inside,” Jason looks over the blueprint of the venue.
“Of course you do,” Damian remarks snidely
“You little-”
“Bruce!” Superman's face pops up on the main computer, “You can’t just take in new kids without warning!”
“They aren’t my children,” Bruce clenches his fists, “The pictures with Tim are taken out of context,”
“What? I’m talking about the new Robins-,”
“THE NEW WHAT!” Jason and Damian shout at the same time.
“What are you talking about?” Bruce probably asking that question more times today than he would like.
“Uh, this,” A picture is sent through a screenshot of another tweet that was steadily becoming viral.
The picture had two teens in masks on either side of a civilian, giving the biggest smiles that had probably ever grace Gotham. The boy giving the girl bunny ears. Underneath was written:
Almost got mugged tonight and was saved by these two. Didn't tell me their names. They kinda look like Robin right? Also they gave me a cookie? It was actually good too.
#new Robins #Robin #Batfam #OMG their smile are pure sunshine #send help I might be blind
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years ago
Almost A Thousand Years - Spellbound | Hisirdoux Casperan
Plot:  You’ve known Hisirdoux Casperan for almost a thousand years.  You’ve hated him for almost a thousand years.  And for almost a thousand years, you’ve been cursed to feel each others pain.  But somewhere in that time, things changed.  [Hisirdoux Casperan x Mostly Gender Neutral but Probably Female Presenting Based on How Historical Men Treat Them!Reader]
Word Count:  5,298
Warnings: guess who’s swearing again, reader is generally sad lol, mentions of torture
Tags: @furblrwurblr​ @rainningdoom​ @fluffydmonkey @blondie0458​ @sitherin-mxschief  @jinxedleo​ @lawlesshedgehog @einahpetsyarcip
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“Beware!  You, you!  Are in grave danger!”
You were very surprised to see the familiar and very glad that whatever made you want to hurt Douxie didn’t apply to him.  
“Heyyy, Arch,”
“(Y/N), where have you been?  Douxie’s been looking for you everywhere!”
“That’s what I’m worried about,”
“Wait, (Y/N), you know the talking cat?”  Toby exclaimed, frantically between you and the cat-dragon.
“He’s a familiar, actually,”
“Nuh-uh, not familiar, I would remember if I’d met a talking cat,”
“No, familiar, wizard-assistant,”
“Assistant!  That’s very offensive, I am a wizard associate, thank you very much,”
“Yeah, okay, semantics, what do you need Arch?”
“I need you to come with me, or the world as you know it will come to end,”
You sighed, rubbing your temples.  Had you and your gang of stray children, trolls, and Akiridions not saved the planet enough for one year?  What sin did you commit to cause these unending apocalypses to rain down on you?
“Are you threatening me pussy cat?”
You put a hand on Steve’s shoulder, a little worried that he would actually try to fight Archie.  It wouldn’t be too out of character for him.
“No, I’m warning you,” Archie responded, calm as ever, “Put simply, the world as you know it is about to end,”
“What else is new,”  you muttered, following the cat-dragon down the street, “C’mon guys, let’s see what wants to destroy the universe now,”
Toby, Steve and Arrrgh kept up the conversation while you followed Archie in silence, silently praying that wherever the familiar led you, his wizard would be far away.
Your prayers went unanswered.  
“Sorry, this is a lot to take in.  Pets can talk?  The world is ending?  Again?”
“Not the best timing, I know, but we need your help all the same,”
“Wait, (Y/N), you know this guy too!?”  
You froze in place at Steve’s question, looking briefly into Douxie’s eyes.  If it hadn’t been physically painful to avoid killing him whenever you were in the same place, it still would’ve been emotionally painful.  How could you look into the eyes of the one person you could always count on, the man you loved, when he had left you for dead?  How could you look into his eyes knowing you had been sent to kill him?  Centuries had passed, and yet you still felt like the traitor you’d always been.
“We’re acquaintances,” you said, stepping back in a desperate attempt to quell the bloodlust rising within you, trying to escape the rage that wasn’t yours.
You avoided looking into Douxie’s eyes again, but the hurt on his face was clear to you, even if you weren’t staring directly at it.
“Wait, wait, hold up, I thought you worked at the cafe or were a model or something-?”
Douxie laughed a little, trying to shake off your icy demeanour, “There’s a lot about me you don’t know,”  
The cuff on his wrist glowed blue, the light forming an orb in the palm of his hand.  The teenagers in front of you were wide-eyed, amazed by Douxie’s use of magic.  You just shook your head and kept trying not to kill your oldest friend.
He pressed the orb to the door of the bookshop, unlocking it, “Come on then, the answers to all your questions are within,”
“Sure they are,” you muttered, hanging back as the boys filed into the store.  You took a second to look at Arcadia’s Arcane bookstore, one of the few places in town you’d never actually been to.  When Douxie started working there, you decided that avoiding the shop was a key part of not committing murder.  The same went for the cafe, and anywhere else the wizard went.
“(Y/N)?” Speak of the devil, it was the wizard.  The one whose life you were trying to save, “C’mon, I need you for this, too,”
“I-” you looked down, desperately searching for an excuse.  End of the world or not, saving Douxie from yourself was more important.  Maybe you should’ve just left Arcadia.
“(Y/N),” his voice was soft, just as you remembered it.  The way he looked at you made you want to cry.  There was so much love in his eyes.  Left for dead or not, you couldn’t deny he did care about you, “Please,”
He reached out, his hand gently clasping around your wrist.  No matter how much you longed for his touch, you tore your hand from his grip as if you’d been burned.
“Fine, Douxie, I’ll join you on whatever hell-quest this is, but you have to promise that you’ll stay away from me,”
He was shocked, clearly taken aback by what you said, “That’s… that’s fine, but why?”
It killed you to hear how heartbroken he sounded, “I’ll explain later, let’s just go,”
The hurt in your voice hit him hard.  The way you’d jerked your hand back left him feeling as if he’d done something wrong.  Whatever it was, Douxie promised himself that he would figure it out and apologize to you and make it better.  He didn’t need you to forgive him, he just wanted you to smile again.  He wanted to see the light in your eyes, the one that he’d been falling in love with since at least the fifteen-hundreds, even if he wasn’t the cause of it.  Ever since you’d disappeared, you’d been distant.  The few chances he got to look at you, you’d seemed haunted.  He wanted to help you so bad, but he couldn’t do anything unless you let him.
Silently, the two of you walked through the door.
Inside the shop, various objects floated about, surrounded by a green hue.  You recognized that magic.  It had cursed you years ago and had cursed Jim more recently.  Merlin.
“Put that down! Thank the ether you’re here!  We haven’t a moment to waste,”
“Woah, crusty creepy dude,”  
You laughed at that, trying to keep yourself quiet and failing.  You wouldn’t say it to Merlin’s face, but those were your thoughts almost exactly.  The old wizard ignored both you and Steve.
“I had hoped for more Hisirdoux,”
“Jeez, thanks Merlin,”
“Silence, traitor,”
You rolled your eyes into the back of your head.  Would no one let you live that down?  
As if Douxie sensed your discomfort, the young wizard took the attention off of you, “Look, I tried, I couldn’t find the changelings or the aliens.  I’m pretty sure most left the planet,”
“Merlin!  It’s me!  Toby Domzalski!  Y’know, War Hammer, Guardian of Arcadia, Geology Club president,”
“No one could forget you chatty,”
“Oh my god, Merlin, what have I told you about talking to kids!”  
Since the old man had awoken from his nine-century long sleep, you’d tried to convince him to do two things.  Call Douxie, because the young wizard deserved to know what was going on and you couldn’t tell him yourself, and be nicer to the children for god’s sake.
“And Steve Palchuk!  Creepslayer!”
“I have no idea who you are, but we’re desperate.  Thankfully, we have the brute,”
“Because, y’know, the traitor is of no use to you,” you muttered, scooping up Archie, trying to interrupt a dispute between him and Arrrgh.  Fortunately, the familiar did not struggle to get away from you despite your cold attitude towards his wizard.  That, at the very least, brought you some relief.
“Wait, where’s Jimbo and Claire?  I thought they were with you?”
“Yeah, good question Merlin, where’ are the kids you’re in charge of?”
“Answers forthcoming.  Make preparations, we’ve a journey ahead.  And don’t-”
“But Master!”
“‘But Master,’ me,”
“Very typical,” you sighed, releasing Archie from your hold.  Your attention was brought back to Douxie.
“But… are you sure you want to count on these children?  They’re clearly not ready for this,”
He was partially right.  Your kids had seen battle before and could probably take whatever was thrown at them, but that didn’t mean they should have to.  They deserved a break.
Steve scoffed, “Excuse me, college dude, these children fought off a fifty-foot extraterrestrial,”  he made a good point despite it being an obvious brag, and it would have held some weight, had he not promptly gotten into a scuffle with an enchanted set of armour.  
You watched, cringing a bit, before turning your attention to Merlin and Douxie’s conversation.
“I’ve spent years preparing, centuries-!”  All true, once again.  You could say what you wanted about Hisirdoux Casperan, but you couldn’t deny he was more than capable when it came to magic.   You'd seen his magic improve over the centuries, and you knew for a fact that he could kick some ass.
“Silence!”  Merlin cut Douxie off, reminding you ever so slightly of your Camelot days.  You wanted, desperately, to comfort your friend, but being in the same room was hard enough.  If you touched him, he would die.
“I mean, silence, all of you,”  Merlin corrected himself, “Can you not hear that?”
You could hear nothing, but you stopped to listen anyway.  Beside you, Toby drew his hammer, readying for a battle.
You still couldn’t hear it.
“Something wicked this way comes,”
You squeezed your eyes shut, tired and stressed, but willing to fight.  You drew your sword, and in front of you, blue magic circled around Douxie’s wrist.  Your body was telling you to murder him right now, show him no mercy, go for the throat, but you held back.  Now was not the time to kill your friends.
Merlin and Douxie walked past you to look out the window.  You joined them, squinting to try and make out what lurked in the murky darkness, only to jump back when a shadow mephit flung itself at the glass in front of you.  It bounced off a shield of blue, tumbling off into the street to join its brothers and sisters, all of which now came into view.
“Shadow mephits?  Traitor, did you lead them here?”
“You do know I have a name, right?”
“No, no, it wasn’t (Y/N), it was me, or at least I think it was,”
“Yes, it was us,” Archie said, jumping onto a shelf next to Douxie.  You would’ve laughed at the familiar’s candor, had the shadow mephits been less interested in breaking in.
Merlin just shook his head, “He found us.  The barrier won’t hold for long.  We must make egress!  Tobias, take my things!”
With a wave of Merlin’s hand, a trunk, surrounded by the green glow of his magic, slammed into Toby and flew him up to the roof, screaming.
“For god’s sake, Merlin,”  he couldn’t hear you through the attack, but it was the sentiment that counted.
But then again nothing really mattered.  A mephit broke through the barrier, only to face a bolt of magic from Merlin, “All of you to the roof!”
You grabbed Steve and Arrrgh and started up the stairs.  Douxie, of course, didn’t listen to his master.  You couldn’t hear the argument that took place between them as you guided your companions up the stairs, but you could see what was going on below you.  You had to admit, Douxie blasting shadow mephits while standing his ground in an argument was pretty damn impressive (impressive here meaning hot.)
Merlin moved past you, blasting some mephits as he went.  You took initiative and sent some magic their way as well, knocking a few away from Archie.  Douxie grabbed his familiar with magic, saving the cat-dragon from a very mephit-y death.
“C’mon Douxie,” you said, waiting for him by the door, crying out slightly when the nerd rammed his hand into a candle, feeling the burn on your own hand.  Your wizard took a brief moment to look at you, then the candle before lighting the bookstore on fire.
To be fair, it was a magic fire, and it wasn’t damaging anything but the mephits.  You were actually quite impressed by that, too, and you were very charmed by his laughter once he saw that his plan worked.  Merlin, however, didn’t care.
“Yeah, magic fire!”
“In a bookstore!!?”
“Move it!”
You grabbed Archie, jumping out the door to see your friends fighting off even more shadow mephits.
“Got any more magic fire, Doux?”
“‘M afraid I’m fresh out,”
“Ah.  Fuck,”
You swung your sword into the nearest mephit, “I guess we’ll have to do this the old fashioned way then,”  You buried the blade in another one of the creatures before placing Archie on the ground and blocking a blow from yet another mephit.
“Stand back!”  Merlin exclaimed, throwing a crystal ball that released a small ship from inside of it.  The blast from the ship blew back a few of the mephits long enough for everyone to have a two-second gawk at the little boat.
“Woah, ship just got real!”
“Everyone on!”  Arrrgh growled, tossing all of you on board.  
You frantically scuttled away from Douxie, double-checking your blade to be sure it didn’t have his blood on it.  It didn’t.  He was safe.  From you, at least.
You stuck to one side of the ship, watching your friends fight off more shadow mephits on the other side.  You sincerely hoped they’d never have to fight you like that.
You heard someone say, “Boy,” from below, a voice that was eerily familiar to one you had heard before, not too long ago.  You were about to rise and check to see if your suspicions were correct, but before you had the chance, green shards flew through the air, just like-
Just like the one that had gone through you.
You didn’t have time to ponder things as Merlin’s ship flew off through the night sky.  You just sat back and shut your eyes, trying to keep the internal demons at bay.
You did your best to erase the memory from your mind.  To forget a green knight who, on the orders of his masters, sent a shard of black magic right through you.  You should have died, but instead, the projectile broke through your skin and disintegrated, taking over your body, turning you into an assassin against your will.  Your captors had called it a trial, an experiment.  Sneaking a look at one of the shards beside you, you realized that you had been a test run.  That shard hadn’t disintegrated.
You kept your eyes shut.
A few minutes later, the memories faded.  You could relax, finally.  The sound of the boys screaming with joy rang through the air.  Flying was fun, you had to admit that.  You opened your eyes, first looking at Steve, Arrrgh, and Toby, then at Douxie.  
He was beautiful, staring off into the distance as if there was nothing in the world to worry about.  As if the assassin sent to kill him wasn’t at his side right now.  You bit the inside of your cheek to keep any emotion from showing.  You couldn’t let them know anything was wrong, if you did they’d never trust you again.  But what you felt was overwhelming.
You were stressed, not knowing what was to come in the future, nor what your captors would do to you if they knew your target was still alive.  You were hurt, because over the ten years that you’d been tortured your best friend hadn’t searched for you, even though he had before. ��Was he tired of you?  Did he just not care anymore?  You were scared of the answer.  And worst of all, you were in love.  But you refused to admit it.
“What the heck is that?”
You turned your attention to the horizon before you, “That’s not-”
“Welcome, young squires, to Camelot,”
“Camelot!?  Like, as in ancient-old-people-times Camelot!?”
“Thanks, Toby,” you snarked under your breath.  You heard a snicker from beside you.  You made him laugh.  That made you feel a lot better.  You even smiled when you thought Douxie wasn’t looking.  Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad.
He was looking.  His fondness for seeing his old home dulled in comparison to his fondness for you.  The small smile on your lips was enough to power his world for decades, no, centuries.  You still seemed troubled, but if you smiled now, there was still hope that he could help you make things better.  
“Excuse me, I have a question.  How is this castle flying right now?”  
“The Heart of Avalon.  Its magic keeps Camelot aloft, powered by time itself,”
You took a moment to lean over the side of the ship, examining the large green stone.  It was nice.  Reminded you of Merlin’s magic.  The ship took a sudden turn upwards, and Merlin called out a greeting to someone.
“Holy crap, Gallahad’s still alive?”
“Seems that way,”
“I guess committing treason means you miss the weekly newsletter,”
You missed Douxie’s frown at your angsty humour.  He wanted you to know that no matter what Merlin called you, you were no longer a traitor.  You wished that could be true.
The ship took another sharp turn, heading for the entrance.
“I say, coming in a little hot, don’t you think?”
“I knew Merlin would be the death of me, but not like this,”
You held on tight as the ship landed, but it wasn’t enough.  The impact launched you into Douxie, who managed to catch you, only for you to jump out of his arms, even though you would’ve liked to stay there.
“Sorry,” you whispered, once again straining to avoid murder.
If Merlin didn’t try to execute you for past treasons, he would definitely kill you for murdering his favourite apprentice.  Of course, that was only one of several reasons to avoid committing homicide, but it was the most prevalent right now as Merlin caught your eye.
Toby, Steve and Douxie exchanged banter, while you spoke in lower tones with your once master.
“So, you still haven’t gotten over your petty rivalry, have you?
“It’s not that, Master, I-”
“So we’re back to Master, are we?”
“It’s only fitting seeing that we’re back in Camelot,”
“If that’s the case, I should have you killed for treason,”
You weren’t sure if that was a joke or not, but your response was one hundred percent serious, “Please do,”
Merlin turned to you, fairly concerned.  He was not expecting that retort, to say the least.  But you weren’t looking at him.  You were looking back at his apprentice, something he couldn’t name trapped in your gaze.
“Uh, cool floating castle ship,” Toby interrupted both your and Merlin’s train of thought, “But what’s the grave danger you keep talking about?”
Merlin didn’t answer, instead, he looked ahead of him, “Ah, there you are,”
You grinned as your friends hugged each other.  It was good for them to be back together again.  
“Whoa, hey, Steve’s here, too!  How ‘bout- how ‘bout some love for Steve?”
As much as you admired Steve’s growth as a person, you had to cringe, just a little.
“Oh, hi Steve,”  Claire said, unimpressed before her eyes turned to you, “(Y/N)!  Hi!”
“Hey, Claire, Blink,” you gave a small wave, too emotionally and physically exhausted for anything else at this point.
“What happened to you guys?”  Toby asked, frantically taking in Claire and Blinky’s worse for wear appearances, “Wait, where’s Jim?”
The look on Claire’s face told you everything you needed to know.
One room over, Jim was encased in a green crystal… thing.  
You knelt to the ground next to Jim’s crystal and immediately began your assessment.  The trollhunter’s face, arms and legs seemed to be fine, but a shard of something had embedded itself in his chest.  Unfortunately, you recognized it.  It was the same thing your captors used to force you into becoming an assassin.  It looked like the shard had gotten about halfway in before stopping, completely intact, above Jim’s heart.  You didn’t need to be a doctor to know that that wasn’t a good thing, but you were a doctor, and you needed to get a closer look before you could do anything.  Before you could get any closer, your attention went back to the conversation taking place between everyone else in the room.
“What happened to him?”
“We were ambushed.  Some ancient, dark warrior.  An unstoppable knight clad in green,”  
Your blood ran cold.  You were right.  Same knight, same shard, and eventually, same outcome.  You didn’t want to think about that.  You refused to consider the implications.
“Master, is that the same knight we saw at the bookstore?”
“One and the same,”
You swore under your breath.  This could not be happening.  You never wanted to deal with your captors ever again, but here they were, knocking at your door and trying to kill more of your friends.
“That onyx shard is working its way towards his heart.  I placed the boy in stasis, stalling its progress… for now,”
“But that’s not a permanent solution, is it?”  you muttered, deciding to distract yourself from thoughts of the green knight by trying to find a way to fix this problem.  
If you removed the shard, it might leave a gaping hole in Jim’s chest, one that would need more than a few stitches, that is if you could pull the shard out at all.  You weren’t super sure whether it would disintegrate or not, and if it did, that might kick start whatever possession your captors had planned for Jim.  
If you couldn’t remove the shard, stasis was the best idea until you figured out how to remove it.  Maybe it could be burnt away?  But that might kick start disintegration.  No, that would just burn the boy, and impalement was bad enough.  You racked your brain, struggling to find a solution.  Around you, your friends were talking, but you barely listened.  You needed to focus, otherwise, you’d explode from nerves alone.
“If I had my shadow staff, I could have saved him,”
“Who is this Green Knight?  How do I get my hands on him?”
“I do not know.  The Green Knight said but one name, which chilled me to the bone.  Morgana,”
The name of the Eldritch queen caught your attention.  You stood up, eyes now focused on Merlin.
“Oh, I hate that lady.  But wait, I thought we kicked her bewitched butt to the shadow realm?”
“Which he appeared not to know, but he bore the emblem of Camelot,”
Great.  Just great, the last thing you needed was Camelot zombies, and yet, here they were!  Merlin took a few steps away from Jim before turning and heading out the door, and into the night.  The gang followed though you stayed behind, taking one last look at Jim.  You’d failed him.  You were supposed to be a doctor, and a protector, but here he was, nearly dead because you left him alone with Merlin for more than two seconds.
“Come with me, quickly.  I fear the answer lies in the past,”  
You turned away from Jim, following behind the others, avoiding Douxie and staying silent.
“A dark menace is coming, one even I cannot face alone,”  The old wizard led you into another tower, stopping at a table in the center and opening up a time map, “You are all now soldiers in a war started centuries ago for the world of magic,”
You scoffed slightly, “Yeah, what else is new,”
Merlin ignored you, “Once, the realms of Magic and Man clashed in endless bloodshed.  King Arthur sought to wipe out magic that ravaged the lands in his war against Gunmar,”  blue light from the time map displayed images of Arthur and Gunmar as the old wizard spoke.  
You turned your eyes to the floor at the sight of your old master.  It hadn’t been long since you’d seen the old trolls face, but it still brought a sense of anxiety with it.  The Gumm-Gumm king had trained you to be afraid, to be a fighter.  He’d pretty much ruined your childhood, but there was no time for angst now.  Merlin was still expositing.
“I brought what few spellcasters I could under my protection, to spare them from the sword,”
“Including myself, (Y/N)-”
“That’s technically false,”
“Oh, and Morgana le Fay,”
“She was the finest student I ever taught… until she tried to kill me.  Thankfully, in my all-seeing wisdom,”  you rolled your eyes again.  Merlin kept talking, “I created a secret weapon- the Trollhunter amulet.  The war came to a standstill and I imprisoned Morgana at the Battle of Killahead Bridge,”
“Only for her to break out nine hundred years later,”
“Shush,” Merlin finally acknowledged you, “This Green Knight that assailed us was clearly born of dark magicks, but I have no memory of him nor what connection he could have to Morgana,”
You bit your lip, remembering the shard used to curse you.  You had a very vague idea of the connection between the Eldritch queen and the Green Knight.
“We know not what he is, nor why he pursues us, though his presence is a dire omen of things to come,”
You also had a decent idea of why the knight was pursuing you.  Or, at least pursuing Merlin.  If this green knight was, in fact, the same that served your captors, it was likely he was doing their bidding just as you were.  With the knight, they’d targeted Merlin directly, or, at the very least his trollhunter.  In your case, you’d been sent to kill one of the very few people Merlin actually cared about.  Either way, they were coming for Merlin, or for what he had.  
Back in your prison, you had two main captors.  You’d only briefly met the third, the one they’d lost.  From what you’d gathered, the other two assumed she ran to Merlin, and judging by size alone, it was very possible that she was hiding somewhere here, in Camelot.  
It was either that, or they were coming after you specifically for not murdering Douxie fast enough, but that didn’t seem likely.
The sound of a bell ringing shook you from your thoughts.
Something hit the side of the castle, knocking everyone to the floor.
“What’s happening?”
“Have you never been under attack before?  To the battlements!”
You followed Merlin and the squad outside to see your worst nightmare come to life.
Your once-prison, the ship of your captors, the Arcane Order, rose into view.
“Oh.  Fuck,”  your eyes widened as you took in the skull-shaped ship for the second time this century.
“Everyone, get to safety!  Now!”
Merlin didn’t have to ask you twice.  You grabbed whoever was nearest to you and scrambled to find the safest place possible.  It was kind of difficult while Camelot shook from each attack, but you managed.
You shoved Toby, Claire and Steve into a small sheltered balcony of sorts, raising your hands and casting a shield around the four of you.  Debris bounced off of the magic you’d projected.  Merlin was yelling something, but you kept your focus, straining to stay in place as ice hit the ship, forming bridges between the Arcane Order and Camelot.  It didn’t work very well.  The shield came down around you, but there was no time to set it up again.  
The kids ran towards the edge of the ship, their weapons drawn.  You followed behind.
“All of a sudden, flying castles aren’t so cool!”
“You said it, Steve,”
The ship shook some more as fire and ice attacked it.  You watched, wide-eyed, as the demi-gods who had tortured you for ten years sent blast after blast at what had once been your home.
“We‘ve got to protect Jim!  I’m not losing him again!”  Claire exclaimed as shadow mephits began to cross the icy bridges connecting them to Camelot.
You took two mephits out with your sword while Toby yelled something about hammers.  The four of you continued your fight, taking out as many goblins and shadow mephits as possible.  It didn’t take too long for you to clear a path, making your way to Jim and the trolls.
Another blast of ice carved its way into the tower in front of you, forcing you to remember that same ice carving its way into your skin.
“Surrender, Merlin,”  
That voice made you want to vomit.  You took a few steps back, not even bothering to prepare a spell or level your sword at an opponent.  You were somewhere else now.
Fortunately, you didn’t have to do much in terms of freeing the ship.  One of the towers crashed into the bridges of ice, releasing Camelot from the Arcane Order’s hold and snapping you out of your traumatized haze.
You followed Claire and Steve up to the main tower, where Douxie was trying his best to steer the ship.  
“Please don’t blow us up, please don’t blow us up,”
“We don’t have enough power for the jump!”  Archie sounded as panicked as you felt.
“Trust in Merlin!”  Scratch that, Douxie’s panicked shouting was much more like you.
“No thanks!”
Green fire surrounded whatever the hell device was controlling the ship, giving it enough power to tear a hole in time and space.
“We have to steer Camelot through the time rift!”
You would have helped if you hadn’t been slammed into one of the railings, left to cling on for your life.  That was probably fine, Douxie, Claire and Steve were managing.
“IT ENDS,”  it was the green knight’s voice again, “NOW,”
Panic surged through your veins as something hit the ship, tipping it, and sending you all flying.  You held onto whatever you could, trying not to freefall through the air.  Jim’s crystal nearly fell on you, instead, it fell down and into the time rift, which was probably worse than him just crushing you, but you couldn’t really think of that right now.
“What do we do man?”
“Trust me!”  Douxie exclaimed, grabbing Claire and pulling her with him into the rift.  You watched them fall, still panicking.
“Whatever, I have nothing better to do,” you joked, trying to calm your nerves.  It wasn’t working.  You let go and fell through the night and into a different time.
The sky changed.
It was daytime now.
You were still falling though.
“This is gonna hurt!”
“It- Does- Hurt!”  Steve voiced your thoughts perfectly.
The wind was knocked from your lungs as you hit blue forcefield after blue forcefield and then the ground.  The landing was pretty rough, but the good news was you were all alive.
The four of you remained lying on the ground for a moment before Steve began to freak out, something about being blind, before he was hit in the head with Jim’s crystal tomb.
The boy groaned, “What just happened?”
“Well, I just conjured an anti-gravity spell to slow our fall and keep us from dying.  You’re welcome,”
“Thanks for not letting us die a horrible, horrible death, Casperan,” you said, sitting up.  You did a quick check to make sure nothing was broken before you realized.  You didn’t have an innate drive to murder the wizard anymore.  You laughed a little, realizing the curse was broken, for now at least.
“(Y/N)? You okay, love?”
“I am much better than okay,”  You turned to see Douxie’s very concerned face, elated to find that you didn’t want to kill him anymore, “I’ll explain later,”
“Douxie,” Claire asked, calling your attention to her, “Where is the flying castle?”
“Oh, fuzzbuckets!  Well, it would appear we’ve had ourselves a temporal accident,”
“Which means?”
Douxie didn’t have time to answer before a sword was pointed at his throat.  It wasn’t yours though, so that was nice.
You looked around to see your little group surrounded by guards, all of them with weapons pointing at you.
“It means, that we are lost in time,”
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words--into--the--void · 4 years ago
I’d Die for You
When I tell you that I’d die for you, here’s what I mean. I mean that I’ve got that fierce fondness, hot in my chest, every time I see you. I mean that sometimes I think about your eyelashes against my skin.
Friendship is a lot like sugar-free chocolate. Still deep and rich and familiar but sugar-free doesn’t melt over my tongue, doesn’t spike my blood like the thought of your arm warm around my shoulders or your lips against my cheek. Unrequited is the sledgehammer that breaks my hands and almost is the one that breaks my ribs. Sugar-free always has a bitter aftertaste.
When I tell you that I’d die for you, I mean that I’d walk to the guillotine in your place with cold hands but firm footsteps. But don’t take this to mean that I love you because I’m not sure that I know what love is.
Maybe it’s the dramatic sacrifice when I cast myself as the reincarnation of Eponine. Let me die in your arms because I don’t care about the cause; I care that you’re safe. And you dry your tears on your sleeve and come home to her.
Or maybe it’s just the silent agony when I see the way she molds her body to yours, so close that I can’t get a word in edgewise, and I drive home alone, turning up the radio so I don’t have the record playing in my head over and over. Of course he chose someone else. Maybe that’s love.
When I tell you that I’d die for you, I mean that I hope I never have to. Because dying is easy; living is harder. The dead can’t hear your caramel flavored laugh, can’t be there to make sure that you don’t eat vegetables you’re allergic to, can’t practice drawing you over and over again. Yeah, sometimes a white shroud seems like a good substitute for a wedding dress but if I’m being honest, I’d rather wear my everyday jeans and listen to you brag to our friends about my Spanish grade.
When I tell you that I’d die for you, I mean that the way I love you is very simple. You’re the first person I look for when I walk into a room and the last person I hug before I leave. I love you like I love a new book, like I love clean sheets, like I love mint brownies. But weigh happiness, yours and mine, and yours breaks the scale every time. I know that you love her like you love lemon bars, like you love the color green, like you love long-running melodramatic anime tv shows.
So when I tell you that I’d die for you, I mean that I’ll show up every day in my jeans with sugar-free chocolate and we’ll talk about swords and zebra cakes and how to conjugate estar in the past tense. Because this is what I do. I die for you and I’m happy to do it.
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into-the-daniverse · 4 years ago
Bamboleo | Miriam, Lucio, Jamil, & Nadia
Only one day late for Miriam’s birthday! I’ve been wanting to do a fic for her with Jamil, so that’s mostly what this is, but Lucio and Nadia are here as well, and this takes place about 7 years pre-game timeline. Miriam is turning 29, and Jamil is 34.
As a note, Jamil refers to both Nadia and Miriam as his cousins, but the two women are not related. Jamil’s father, Rafiq Parsa II, is Namar Satrinava’s uncle, so Namar is Jamil’s actual cousin by definition. Jamil’s mother, Chiara Giuliana D’Oria, is Miriam’s great-aunt (her grandmother’s sister)
Anyway, this turned out much longer than anticipated, but I had fun with it, so here you go!!!
Title: Bamboleo by Gipsy Kings 3.7k words
Miriam woke up feeling like she was forgetting something important.
But it seemed like a perfectly normal day, all things considered. She was woken up by the sound of Lucio’s obnoxious peacocks running through the gardens outside her window, followed by Camio’s ungodly screeching, and Mercedes and Melchior’s barking from the hallways, ready to be let outside.
Even the very enthusiastic knock at her door was normal, and she peeled herself out of her bed to open the door, facing a disturbingly awake Lucio, makeup already pristine, blond hair pushed back out of his face.
He looked her up and down. “Did you just wake up?”
She stared at him. When she didn’t respond he rolled his eyes, hand on his hip.
“I told you we’re going riding today, remember?”
“That’s not…” She glanced out the window. “For another few hours at least.”
“So? You’re the one who complains if I’m not ready in time, I thought I’d beat you to it. And look—” he twirled in front of her, already dressed to ride, even if his outfit was a bit garish. “I’m even ready before you.”
“That’s…” Miriam yawned, “nice, Lu. Can I go back to sleep for a little, or—”
“Well, you’re up now, we might as well just go out early, I want to get back before Jamil comes this afternoon.”
That made Miriam perk up, rubbing sleep from her eyes. “Wait, Jamil’s coming by today?”
“Yeah, Noddy said he wanted to see you, for some reason—”
“Probably because he’s my cousin?”
Lucio glared at her. “Whatever, I’m the Count!”
“Alright, yeah, whatever, just—” She groaned, pulling her hair out of her face. “Give me a half hour to get ready and I’ll meet you by the stables, okay?”
That seemed to placate him, though Lucio still huffed. “If you’re not there in a half hour I’ll send someone to come get you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Miriam rolled her eyes and closed the door, listening to the clicking of his heels as he walked away. When he was gone, she sighed and stretched her arms over her head, glancing around her room. It still felt like she was forgetting something, but if it was important enough, she figured it would come back to her somehow.
More or less a half hour later, she was in front of the stables, long pink hair tied back into a ponytail, in a loose shirt and tight pants, dark riding boots coming up over her calves. One of the stable hands handed her the reins to her horse, a palomino stallion, ready to ride, and she mounted him, looking around for Lucio.
Unsurprisingly, he was late, for all he had bragged about being ready early, but once he came outside, Mercedes and Melchior yapping at his heels, they set off to ride in the early morning sun.
The four of them rode through the plains just outside of Vesuvia, stopping only to have an impromptu sword fight—as most things were with Lucio, Miriam had been learning to just roll with his demands, and hopped from her horse to clash swords with him.
Lucio fought messily, like he did most things, and while he missed a lot of technique, he was still dangerous, especially when riled up. He hacked and swung with his sword, and Miriam had to duck and dodge, trying to keep her hair from getting nicked by him.
After a while, he won, but just barely. And while Miriam wouldn’t say it to his face, or anywhere within earshot, she definitely let him win. Her grandfather, Marco Antonio Cavallini, world-renowned fencer, would have a fit if he heard she let a former mercenary best her, but he didn’t know Lucio and his temper. It was much better to save her pride for sword fighting against literally anyone else.
By the time Lucio was starting to get hungry, the sun was high in the sky, and the two rode back to the palace, looking considerably more disheveled than they had when they first left.
Lucio went straight to the baths, yelling at some passing servant to bring his food as he bathed, and Miriam just shook her head. Now that she was back in the palace, that earlier feeling of forgetting something had returned, and it was driving her crazy. She wandered the halls, muttering to herself, when she ran into Nadia.
“Ah, there you are!” Nadia smiled, and Miriam felt her cheeks warm.
“You were looking for me?”
“We were,” she said, and Miriam glanced past her to see Jamil, a warm grin on his face.
Miriam ran to hug him, then remembered she was quite dirty from being outside all day and went to hold her hand out to him instead. Jamil just laughed and pulled her into a hug anyway.
“It’s good to see you, Giano!”
Miriam smiled, a familiar warmth spreading through her body at the sound of her family nickname. She only ever got to witness it through the letters her brother, Marco, sent her, and she hadn’t heard it said in a while. “It’s good to see you too, Alfonsino.” He grimaced, but just shook his head. “To what do I owe this pleasure? You’re hard to come by these days.”
Jamil stared at her, eyebrows furrowed. “Don’t you remember?”
Miriam stared at her cousin, pursing her lips. “Remember… what exactly?”
“It’s your birthday! And since it’s the first time we’ve both been in Vesuvia at the same time for it, I figured I would stop by and help celebrate.” Jamil looked Miriam up and down, taking her in. “Though, it doesn’t look like you planned on doing any celebrating.”
“Hey!” Miriam blushed, straightening out her jacket. “I just got back from riding with Lu and the dogs, if you must know—and like you can talk, you look like you just got done performing.”
He laughed. “I did! In the town square. But what I’m wearing would be fine hanging out around the palace, no?”
“I suppose so.”
“What did you have planned next?”
She shrugged. “Nothing really. Lucio wanted to get back in time to see you, but now that I know why you’re here, I don’t want to let him to monopolize you.”
Jamil groaned, and Nadia stifled a laugh next to him. “He does tend to do that, doesn’t he? I don’t want that either.”
Nadia put a hand on each of their shoulders. “Why don’t you two head over to the opposite wing—I’ll make sure to keep Lucio busy.”
“Are you sure?” Jamil asked.
“Of course. Miriam deserves to spend the rest of her day in peace.”
“I wouldn’t call him peaceful,” Miriam grinned, elbowing Jamil.
“Hey! I’m much more peaceful than Lucio is. And wouldn’t you rather spend the rest of your day hanging out with me than Lucio?”
Miriam rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her smile. “Yeah. He won’t be happy about it, but who cares?”
As if on cue, Mercedes and Melchior came bounding around the corner, bowling Jamil over to leap onto Miriam, who caught them—more or less—against the wall. Miriam yelped as the dogs barked, nudging her arms and trying to pull her away.
“I’m sorry babies, I can’t play right now, we’re going to hide from your dad,” she cooed, petting them both on their white heads. Melchior whined, his tail drooping, and Mercedes growled at Miriam, tugging on her sleeve. “Mercedes! Sedere.”
Though she very much looked like she didn’t want to, Mercedes sat with a huff, pointedly looking away from Miriam.
“I just spent all morning with you two, now behave.” She glanced up at Jamil, who had finished gathering himself from the floor, a wary look on his face as he stared at the dogs. “Come on, Lucio should be out of the baths soon, we should hide before he finds us.”
“Say no more.”
“You two have fun,” Nadia said, the dogs coming to her side instead. “I’ll have the chamberlain bring your food to you, wherever you end up.”
“Our food?”
“Got them working on your favorite,” Jamil said as he pulled Miriam away, and she gasped, her mouth watering almost immediately.
“Lamb chops?”
“In our family’s red wine sauce?”
“That’ll be it.”
“Oh, that sounds…” Her stomach rumbled. “…So good.”
Jamil laughed. “I thought so.”
The two of them fell into comfortable conversation as they walked through the palace, trying to put as much distance between the baths Lucio was in and themselves before he got out. As they walked, Miriam found herself studying Jamil.
If she was being honest, she had never gotten to hang out with her cousin—well, technically he was her mother’s cousin, but no one in the D’Oria bothered keeping track of the specifics. But either way, as he was five years older than her, their paths had almost never crossed when she was younger. Every once in a while, when he was practicing with her grandfather, she would get a glimpse of a boy with eyes green like her family’s vines, and long dark hair pulled back into a low ponytail as he studied. Thinking back on it, she glanced at her own ponytail and laughed to herself, sure that he had been at least part of the reason she kept her hair long when she was growing up.
Thought they had never really interacted, she had heard all about him. Their aunt Annalisa Dafne was always going on about how unfair his mother, Chiara Giuliana was, how much she wanted to have him live in Venterre with them, how happy she was, even if just in private, when he finally ran away from Prakra.
Miriam didn’t know all the details, but she did remember when her Zia Chiana came to her family’s villa, screaming bloody murder about finding her son.
Kyra Marietta, Miriam’s mother, had been quick to turn Chiara away, and the words she had said to her aunt had Miriam and Marco—both 14 at the time, who had been listening with their ears pressed to the salon’s door—repeating them in fits of laughter for weeks.
But after that point, Jamil appeared much more often, and Miriam learned that he could actually be fun.
She was fairly busy with her own studies and working in the fields, but whenever the family had an event, and he, along with his friends, would play, she couldn’t help but watch. Miriam wasn’t very musically inclined—she wasn’t bad by any means, but her hands much preferred a paintbrush or a pen to the strings of a guitar or bow of a violin—so she always found their performances captivating. She wasn’t surprised when she found out that Lucio had thought so as well, making Jamil and his band a permanent feature at his grand parties since becoming Count.
Just as her mind drifted to Lucio, the sound of heels click-clacking down the hall behind them shocked Miriam out of her thoughts, and she grabbed Jamil’s arm.
“Hey—” he started, but Lucio’s voice rang out through the halls, and Jamil’s mouth clamped shut.
“Miriam! I know you’re over here somewhere! Jamil, someone, you better answer me!”
“Shit…” Miriam hissed, looked around her.
“Where the hell are you two?”
Miriam pulled Jamil into the closest room, closing, and locking the door behind them. It didn’t take long for the clicking of Lucio’s boots to reach their room, but luckily, he kept going, muttering angrily to himself all the while as he faded away.
“Gods, that was close,” Miriam said with a sigh, leaning against the door. “I thought Nadi would buy us more time.”
“You know how Lucio is, I’m sure Dia tried.” Jamil’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked around the room they were in. “Where are we?”
It was one of Lucio’s training rooms, fighting dummies sent up in the corners, a collection of sabers and swords hung on the wall. Miriam spent good amount of time practicing with Nadia in it and made sure to steer clear whenever Lucio was using the room. She explained as such to Jamil, who looked impressed.
“Oh? Didn’t know you and Dia were that close.”
Miriam felt her cheeks warm. “Close? W-well, we—uh, I mean I—"
He laughed, the sound echoing off of the high walls around them. “I get it, Giano, don’t worry.” He walked over the wall of weapons, humming to himself. “Well, while we’re here…” Jamil raised an eyebrow, taking the grip of a sabre in his hand. He grinned at Miriam, waving the blade in front of her face. “Want to spar?”
Miriam laughed, grabbing her own sabre to wave with a flourish. “Of course.”
Sparring with Jamil, or any of her family members, was always like a dance. It was how Marco Antonio had taught them, to move with the blade and feel the rhythm of your opponent’s heart with every step. As he had also taught all of his nieces, nephews, and grandchildren how to dance—samba, bachata, and flamenco to name a few styles he studied—it only made sense that it translated into fencing as well. Watching him spar, as Miriam often did when she was younger, was like watching a painting come to life, his feet light on the floor, almost floating as he danced around his opponents. It was a certain kind of magic that he, though by all accounts magic-less, possessed, and it was a magic that Miriam was proud to have inherited.
It was the only magic her and Jamil shared, that was the only magic her siblings didn’t have. They—even her grandfather’s namesake, her twin brother, Marco Yanni Zara—had never quite understood the dance the same way, and her grandfather himself had praised her for it.
She side-stepped a swipe of Jamil’s sabre, giving him a smirk. “You fight like my mother.”
“I’ve—” Jamil retreated a step, sweat trickling down his cheek. “—fought your mother, that’s a compliment.”
Miriam laughed, launching her own attack, which he parried with ease. “Fine, then, you fight like your mother.”
Jamil gasped. “Oh, that’s low.”
They fell into a comfortable banter, neither too focused on winning over the other, their steps and attacks carried as if rehearsed. But as time went on, Miriam watched the look in Jamil’s eyes change, and they both started putting more intent into their attacks, their blades clanging against each other as they danced around the room.
Miriam took advantage of her lack of height, and ducked behind Jamil faster than he could counter, and swiped his legs from under him in a breath.
The tip of her blade pointed at his throat, but Jamil just laughed, looking up at her.
“Call it a draw?”
Miriam rolled her eyes. “It’s my birthday, you should just concede.”
“Hm, not likely.”
At the moment, a knock came from the door. They exchanged a glance, but when Miriam heard the chamberlain’s voice, she went over to unlock the door for them.
“I apologize for interrupting, but the Countess wanted me to find you to get your food ready.”
Miriam’s mouth started to water again. She had gotten so caught up in fighting with Jamil that she forgot she had barely eaten all day. “Food sounds good to me.”
“We should probably get washed up first,” Jamil said, wiping sweat from his forehead, and Miriam glanced down at herself, her riding outfit thoroughly soaked with sweat and still dirty from the ride. “Why don’t you head to the baths, we can meet on the main veranda.” He turned to the chamberlain. “Could you have our food set up out there?”
“Of course,” they said, and scurried away, almost leaving an outline of themself in the doorway.
Jamil laughed, hanging the sabre back up where he had found it. “See you in a bit then?”
Miriam nodded again, putting her own sabre back. “See you out there.”
A bit turned into a while, as the bath was particularly heavenly. Miriam suspected Nadia had a hand in the reason her bath smelled so much like lavender, but she was not complaining. When she finally felt like she had scrubbed all of the sweat and dirt from the day off, she left the bath in the outfit that had been left for her. It didn’t appear to be one of her own, but when she put it on, it fit her perfectly.
It was a lovely, olive green, yukata with gold detailing like vines threaded throughout, something she hadn’t wore since her life in Venterre, and it immediately reminded her of celebrations with her family. She crossed the left side of the fabric over the right, and tied the string around it, muscle memory getting the best of her, and she smiled as she saw herself in the mirror, feeling much more comfortable.
On her way to the veranda, she stopped at her cellar, grabbing a well-hidden bottle of liqueur to share with Jamil. He was already waiting by the time she got there, but he didn’t look bothered, if anything, his smile widened when she stepped out.
“It fits you! Good, I was a little worried.”
“This was from you?”
Jamil nodded, walking over to her to examine the garment. “Made it, just finished it last night. I had Nadia give me your measurements, and I’m honestly surprised at how perfect they were.”
“You made it?”
“I made one for Marco too, but had to finish his first to get to Venterre in time.” He pulled back from inspecting it, smiling at her. “Do you like it?”
“I love it!” Miriam grinned, hugging him tightly. “Thank you.”
They sat down at a table the servants had set up for them, and luckily their food was still passably warm for them to dig right in. Before they started eating, Miriam remembered the alcohol she had brought, and showed it to Jamil.
He read the label on the bottle, smiling when he saw the D’Oria name pressed to it. “Of course, our amaretto.”
“Not just our amaretto,” Miriam moved her hand, exposing the date to Jamil, and grinned as his eyes widened. “Jiji’s favorite.” Their Jiji—the family’s name for the head of the D’Orias, Eugenio Matteo II—had made a batch of amaretto years back that was coveted by every member of the family as being the best made batch ever. And she had some, tucked away in her own cellar of the palace.
Jamil laughed, taking the bottle from her hands gently. He held it up to the light, whistling at the color inside. “I can’t believe you have this! I thought he owned every last bottle from this batch.”
“Mama took a crate a few years back, and that was part of what I brought for the wedding! I managed to hide a few bottles though, and I’ve been using them very sparingly.”
“Oh, well, we shouldn’t let this one go to waste, then, should we?”
Taking the bottle back from him, Miriam shook her head, letting the cork fly to the side. “We most definitely should not.”
By the time the afternoon sun had started to touch the horizon, all of their food had been eaten, and the bottle was almost empty.
They were both speaking in rough, casual Venterrean now, their hands gesticulating wildly as they spoke, almost knocking the remainder of the alcohol to the floor multiple times. Both of their cheeks were flushed, and as Jamil finished a story about their cousin Davide Raul and his notorious clumsiness, Miriam almost doubled over in laughter, wiping tears from her eyes.
“It sounds like you’re having fun out here,” Nadia said, joining them on the veranda, also speaking Venterrean.
Miriam giggled, finishing her glass. “Lots of fun. But, if you’re out here, where’s Lu?”
Nadia smiled. “Lucio has been taken care of, don’t worry.” She reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind Miriam’s ear. “Did you two have a good afternoon?”
“Yes, thank you, Nadi.” Miriam told herself that the burning in her cheeks was just from the alcohol, but judging from the look Jamil was giving her, she was just lying to herself.
“This is the present Jamil made?”
Jamil nodded, running his hand over the fabric on Miriam’s arm. “Thank you for the measurements, Dia, you got it perfectly.”
“I’m glad I could help.”
Stretching his arms over his head, Jamil glanced at the sun as it started to slip below the horizon. “I should probably head back to the shop, but it was nice to spend some time with you, Giano. I hope you had a good day, at least.”
Smiling, Miriam reached out to hug him again, breathing in the smell of sandalwood and vetiver that clung to his hair. “I had an amazing day. Thank you so much.”
“Of course, anything for my favorite cousin,” Jamil said with a wink, and both Miriam and Nadia laughed. He excused himself from the table and gave Nadia a quick hug. “I’d better sneak out the kitchens, but I’ll see you both soon.”
The two women waved him off, and then it was just them as the sun painted the sky in ribbons of color. Nadia reached out to take Miriam’s hand, and she let her, focusing intently on the whirling patterns of the gold thread in her kimono.
“What was it like, celebrating your birthday back in Venterre?”
Miriam glanced up, and seeing nothing but genuine curiosity in Nadia’s warm eyes, smiled. “Well, in my house…”
They both sat outside talking for a long time, only pausing when Miriam caught herself yawn. She laughed, glancing at the dark around them, only lit by the lights of the palace windows.
“Suppose I should probably go to bed. I’m sure Lucio will want to drag me around to do something tomorrow.”
Nadia chuckled, her hand still holding Miriam’s, and she brought it up to her lips to plant a soft kiss to her skin. “I’m sure. Goodnight, Miriam.”
“G-goodnight, Nadi.”
Miriam left the veranda before she could make a fool of herself, her mind buzzing from the day’s events, but almost as soon as she laid her head on her pillow, she drifted off into a deep sleep, a soft smile on her face. For a day that had started almost like any other, it had proven to be special, and she was going to carry it in her heart for as long as she could.
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