A Very Important Joker Mod for ME3 : Main blog spaced0lphin
Last active 60 minutes ago
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Hey I'm one of the people who asked about an update - sounds like one of many, I hope you didn't get anybody being rude and you understand that you're not obliged to give us updates but we're asking cause we love what you've already done.
I wanted to say I've had a similar year to you from the sounds of things. Fuck 2024. I'm sorry you're going through this kind of shit too.
I also wanted to ask if it would be helpful for you to get multiple flowcharts from multiple different playthroughs? I want to help but I don't want to drown you in data if you don't need it.
Take care of yourself, you do deserve it.
Please, drown me in data.
Data from different playthroughs helps because it can give me an aggregate view of what's likely to happen when.
I'm aware that what I'm asking for is going to require a bit of conscious effort and will impact the playthrough because you'll be needing to think about it a little more in terms of nuts and bolts mechanics rather than a strict narrative experience so I'm glad if you're willing.
What's most useful to me is data from a playthrough where the most things can happen. So, everything was completed in ME1, everyone survived ME2, and every mission was completed.
This way, when you start the game, all the missions and conversations that can trigger, will.
It's mostly conversations involving Joker that I need to pace for, of course.
I'm looking to make sure that I don't make the mistakes I made last time, such as writing lines for the post-Thessia conversation that could never actually play because the conversation I wrote them to reference couldn't have happened yet in the playthrough. I want to avoid bonehead moves like that.
I'm cool with bulletpoints, I'm cool with spreadsheets or literal flowcharts. Just whatever tells me what will always happen before what, and what's variable.
Thank you ever so, for the reassurance as well. Finishing this will mean a lot to me, and to a few other people as well, which is reason enough.
What an awful year. At least there's Jeff, eh?
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hey! sorry to hear you've had such a downer of a year. i really hope things look up for you soon.
i actually just started a new LE run so i'll be playing 3 again pretty soon (ie in the next couple weeks, i work school year schedule so winter break is soon) and i'd be happy to keep notes on it for you. is there a particular format/structure that would be most helpful?
Heya. Thank you. ❤️
What I need is a flowchart, sort of. I need to know what missions lead into what missions.
When there is a choice of what missions to do, I need to know what the choices are.
I need to know roughly when things happen for the player, so that I can understand things such as, for example, "it is impossible for the player to have had the Flux Bar conversation (let's date) before the post-Thessia conversation (my sister is missing on Tiptree and I'm worried about you)"
I need to know what conversations will always happen before others, versus what conversations can happen before others. This is so that I don't waste time writing scenes and conversations and dialogue options that can never trigger.
I hope this makes sense? Thanks for offering to help!
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hi! i haven't seen you posting anywhere in awhile, so just wanted to check in and see if you're doing okay?
Heya, thanks for asking.
I've actually been having a really super bad time. Death and terminal illness in the only parts of my family worth a damn, my job fell apart, and the man I believe to be the love of my life has decided, "You know what, nah, I just don't wanna. Your love is actually quite inconvenient for me. It'd be great if you could go find someone else. Thanks."
It has been a long, lonely, dark and dreary year. I feel like a Husk and I didn't even need a Dragon's Tooth to do the dirty work.
I opened the Flux Bar scene in Dialogue Editor last week. There have been a lot of changes to the mod kit since I last committed any work, and I need to relearn some of it. Something that's on my mind is perhaps something fans of the project might be able to help me with, as I'm really not sure I can do absolutely everything on my own anymore.
Last time I was working on it I was playing ME3 alongside my work so that I could get a good understanding of how a typical playthrough goes and what a good pacing would be for a romance. Trying to pick moments to write things for and attach triggers to. The problem is that I don't want to play ME3, I want to work on it, and this instinct creates several pitfalls that I crashed headlong into with the beta release. Several conversations I wrote for actually could never trigger appropriately because it wasn't possible to have done the things they needed to trigger by the time the conversation occurred.
I need a detailed layout of how a typical playthrough goes and what key missions and conversations happen when, in what order, and if the order is variable I need to know how variable it is. Basically I really need someone to help me with the business of structuring the thing so I can get down to what I'm good at.
If anyone can help with this please do get in touch. I'm very tired, and maybe HBLE can restore some of my Joie de Vivre because gods know I haven't got any right now.
Thanks for asking, stranger - I wish it was better news, but I am in such a dark place right now that I literally don't see any point in obfuscating it just to be polite or to retain a sense of dignity. What dignity. Lol.
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why on earth does joker have double ears on his mesh in mele3, is something wrong with my game wth
Um, can you provide a picture? What mods are you using?
The only thing I can think of is if a mod has been incorrectly installed, but that usually causes a crash.
As it's MELE3, my mod isn't out for LE yet, so the troubleshooting will be down to something ultimately not to do with me but I can still point you to where to find help!
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Live Animation Previews
Thanks to some amazing work by modders Mith and Nanuke, live in-engine previews of Mass Effect lip-sync animations are now possible, complete with on-the-fly editing of all possible emotion sets for a given race/gender. I can now get all the expressions I want in-engine, with a few clicks. No more doing it manually. I would like to thank both modders for their intrepid work, for advancing upon what I made, and allowing for even better and easier editing in future!
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Hi, I hope you're doing well! I've recently gotten into modding Mass Effect, partially from using mods for it myself, which in and of itself was partially from seeing your Hatboy mod for Joker. I'm thinking of looking into creating a romance mod along a similar vein for Wrex in LE1 (cause I love that sweet dino man), and I was wondering if you had any advice of where to start. I know it's a huge undertaking as far as learning appropriate skills with face FX and whatnot, but I have zero clue of where would be a good place to start looking at building the skills, or if it's a better idea to map out the mod, then figure out what will be needed where.
Any advice on a good starting point would be greatly appreciated! I'm also in the MEM discord as beckaboo|OG mako enthusiast if it's easier for you to talk there.
Thank you!
I love Wrex too! I had an idea for writing one, called Kromance. I welcome you to do your own!
So, ME1 is a terrifying ball of spaghetti under the hood that works very, very differently to both 2 & 3. I have no experience with modding it as it terrifies me and uses a completely different audio system. Fortunately, FaceFX skills are translatable across all titles as the principles are the same.
I would identify places in the vanilla story that serve as jumping off points to plug in your content and plan how many scenes you need and what the scripts are going to be. Once you know exactly what to build, you can start dividing that into smaller tasks!
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Will this ever come out? :( You’re not a puppet for our entertainment or you owe us anything, but man do I want this mod. I keep replaying the one you made for ME3 but I want the LE3 so badly.
I'm still working on it, don't worry!
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Friends, foes, and fae,
It's been quiet as of late. The reason for that is multifaceted but the most important one is that I got a full-time position as a concept artist and illustrator - along with a heavy helping of narrative design work, too. I can't actually discuss it very much as our studio's first project hasn't seen its marketing release yet and I'm under NDA. What I can say is that it's been in development for some time since before I arrived, and is expected to release in Q2 2024.
I'm also waiting to hear back from NAVA about a specific communication regarding my project. I'll be chasing that up shortly, but in the meantime I just wanted to let everyone know that it's not over. I'm not dead, I'm not gone, I'm just lurking and working. Always, always working...
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I honestly think they wouldn’t mind because your mod is free and very respectful. I do hope you continue it. I check back everyday for news of your work. I played through the Joker/Femshep mod you on the original Mass Effect 3 and it was just amazing. It felt like a whole new game. So refreshing. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for LE3. Please continue it!
That is the plan! Until I hear no, I'm working away quietly.
I'm hoping to get some special dispensation. I hope they can see the value in it, too. I've sent a message, should hear back in a week or two.
I'm glad you played through the old version! Was such an achievement to get that out there!
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i know she said she was ok with game fan content, but out of curiosity, did you end up getting jennifer hale's consent to use her voice? just bc i'm so excited for this mod and it would suck if you had to restart or cancel everything because she decided that she wasn't okay with it 😭 hope everything goes well!!
As of this moment, I do not have anybody's explicit consent. My project exists in a weird space with that, because it and its aims were discussed as part of my talks. I made it clear as part of my communications that I'd abide by a request to halt the project, but no such request ever came. So, I took that as no news being good news.
The situation with all this changes day by day. Sometimes, there are encouraging remarks, and sometimes there are discouraging ones. Today, there have been fresh remarks which seem to go against those made yesterday, and I am worried again.
I have been stressing and losing sleep over this, trying to do this in a way that's respectful and compassionate whilst still allowing my art to get made. Currently I'm in the middle of doing an art test for a games studio job and can't address this in full as I'd like to, but I can say that I'm starting to reach my wit's end with the emotional rollercoaster.
I've worked on this thing for years and poured my whole self into it. I believe it has value and is worth taking seriously as an artistic endeavour. I've tried hard to put across my case and speak up for others, including siding very strongly with VAs on many issues. I have done my best to offer what I can to the conversation.
But I can't keep worrying about it like this. I doubt I'll get it, but I'm going to explore avenues open to me for getting a specific word from her regarding my specific work.
Then, at least, one way or another... I can stop being so anxious over it.
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Advances in the Voice Synth Discussions
Due to recent developments in the modding scene, I would like to make something perfectly clear regarding my advocacy for AI synth use by fans in fanworks: I do not support the use of this technology in the creation of pornographic mods. I believe it is a grossly invasive violation of consent and misuse of this technology to distribute such material. I believe that to use this technology in such a way is harmful to the VAs personally and professionally.
I am a strong advocate for modders using cloned vocal synth technology in non-commercial fanworks. This is something I have gone to bat for in a big way - I presented my case to the National Association of Voice Actors (NAVA) and continue to be a part of the ongoing discussion surrounding this. I take these ethical issues very seriously.
Any advocacy I do for this technology is aimed towards transformative works that are respectful and source material appropriate. Arguments regarding fair use, transformative work, and artistic value have merit, but can only go so far. At a certain point, a line must be drawn. Because this technology can produce audio that is indistinguishable from the original speaker to the typical listener, I see this as fundamentally different than other forms of transformative works. I believe it is more than fair for VAs to ask for major players like Nexus to initiate a blanket ban on hosting porn mods that use this technology without personal written consent. (And as we know, due to IP, obtaining consent for such is basically impossible.)
As it stands, VAs in general are gaining a better understanding of what mods are. In addition to doing their own research, I like to think that, in some small way, I have contributed to this. Many are willing to entertain my arguments and do see the value in projects like my own, as well as others that are being made.
I'm very pleased that recently, Jennifer Hale herself took a moment to clarify to a fan on Instagram that she personally doesn't have a problem with tributes to games! I am not confusing this remark she made for explicit consent, because it is not; however, the sentiment is absolutely lovely and goes a long way towards making me feel secure that my work can safely continue:

This was in response to the Instagram version of a Tweet quoted in a PCGamer article. In this tweet, Hale was very direct in stating in reference to AI that if one does not have permission to use her voice, then one does not have permission. I actually think this user meia101sa may be referring to my work specifically here, which is fun - it's pretty neat to see my stuff get mentioned "out in the wild," as it were!
The outcry recently has been about a Skyrim mod which used the tech in this way and several of the original VAs objected. The mod was flooded with reports, yet at the time of this writing, it still remains up. I have been informed by NAVA that the VAs have filed takedown requests themselves, personally.
I'm not on Nexus staff myself, but as I had a hand in helping to inform Nexus' stance regarding AI use in mods - which stipulates that only takedown requests filed by VAs or their legal representation will be honoured - I consider it personal that I do all I can to ensure those requests are honoured.
Big name VAs have shown they are willing to hear us and look out for us, even on these controversial issues that personally affect them. I sincerely want to reciprocate in any way I can.
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Reverberation Station
I have managed to find the sweet spot for audio level balancing in terms of gain, so my dialogue fits in with the vanilla audio except for a reverb effect. I need to figure out what the reverb setting is because it is the last man standing in terms of making this project as seamless as possible.
For any other intrepid modders out there, by the way, if you're staging new audio in the bridge, your audio should peak at -9db.
For most outdoor scenes, it's -12db.
This environmental reverb is a post-processing effect applied at runtime, and is not present in the raw audio.
I could cheat, and bake reverb into my audio files. That might help it. On my big PC speakers I can hardly tell there's a loss of reverb but it's really evident on phone speakers. I try to listen to my videos on several different sound systems to compare.
Hmm. Further testing required.
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One of the ways the conversation after Mordin's recruitment mission in 3 can go. He's only quite so forward with Shepard if they've flirted with him at least once before this... otherwise it's a different line! The aim here is to give a sense of building tension between them and contribute to Joker having different levels of confidence about the entire situation depending on Shepard's interactions with him. I'm finishing up the animations on the other path, and will post that in the coming days, I am sure.
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Hi! I absolutely love your work! And really wanted to thank you for putting in so much of your time and effort into creating what really is the best addition to Mass Effect ever! Out of curiosity how much new content do you reckon there will be in the LE version? Compared to the OT version that is. Thanks again for your work, you are truly a godsend!
Hi, thank you for your kind words!
There is a lot of new content for the Legendary Edition:
It features completely new and much higher quality audio across the board
It has several entirely new conversations
A mechanic which tracks what kind of approaches you take with Jeff, and he responds a little differently accordingly
It has reworked scripts with improved attention to narrative flow and adjusted pacing
Some reworked and improved animations
Fully supports both female and male Shepard
Fixed a narrative sequence issue that meant two of the four different Citadel endings I made for him could never trigger
Fixed a narrative sequence issue that meant several ambient NPC conversations I made for him in Citadel could never trigger
Fixed a narrative sequence issue that could cause EDI's second vanilla conversation about free will that takes place in Flux Bar to never trigger
Planned Content:
Joker as the Citadel date
The ability to tell Joker what happened to his little sister, unlocked by certain conditions
Over-the-radio comments during the DLC mission where Shepard returns to the SR1 on Alchera
Improved romance scene model
Various additional romance-specific dialogues
Occasional over-the-radio comments during certain missions
Additional ambient dialogue between Joker & some other NPCs
Dialogue for some NPCs acknowledging the relationship specifically, in keeping with vanilla LIs
Custom romance scene animations (Joker walking into the room with a limp, new action in the cutscene before the fade-to-black)
Honestly out of those the one I want most out of those is the most complex. I'm not sure how I'd manage to bake new animations for them that have the right coordinates. We do have the models with bones intact, but not their controls (IK handles, etc) so I'd probably need to rig them up. Rip the cabin environment & set it up in Maya for reference. Animate the scene, then bake & export. Possible, but time consuming. Would rather farm that out if possible, but... I'm not going to hold my breath, haha!
#hatboyproject#hatboyproject legendary edition#shoker mod#shoker#jeff joker moreau#mass effect modding#mass effect mods#private terminal mail
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Alright, so... I have been working on a ton of stuff recently. Like.. a ton. I've structured and planned out four new conversations that unfold before Flux Bar. The way I've planned it out is that selecting a Flirt response where available on the dialogue wheel adds to Float Integer, just like the other LIs use to track friendship level/romance progress, etcetera. So, the more or less times you've flirted with him, the higher the value. The higher the value, the more confident he is. There's also options to just kinda... blow off his remarks, keeping that number lower or even subtracting from it, which affects which approach he eventually takes to Shepard in Flux. Basically, choosing the Flirt option gives +2 Choosing the neutral/friendly/tacit approval option gives +1 Choosing the negative/shutdown response gives -2
TL;DR our boy is smart and remembers how receptive you are to his antics
Now, to get this particular dialogue, the player has to have chosen the Renegade dialogue options post Sur'Kesh and must have flirted with him on two previous occasions to get this. My question is: Is this too fuckin' horny? Like, I don't know. This makes me laugh, but I'm biased. The thing is Shepard flirts with all the subtlety of a dumptruck so I feel like this is in-character but I'm suffering a crisis of confidence. I feel like the Paragon option is chiller. I should post that too for comparison.
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I know this is old hat (ha) for some longtime followers but I have gone through a lot to try and get accurate information to put across the needs and issues of communities like mine out there to reduce animosity and confusion. Some of the tags say stuff like "We need to take a closer look at modders!" and the like.
We fanworkers are simply not the same as the megacorps introducing clauses into their talent's contracts looking to screw them over. Or, the radio stations illegally making models out of audition reels sent to them in order to use the VA's voice on their spots for free. Real examples, by the way.
It's not the tool, it's the tool using it.
Fandom hates ai until someone makes an audio post of their fav talking dirty. "Protect artists" "protect writers" But fuck voice actors I guess?
Like I'm just saying, some of y'all passing around posts made using AI voice acting are the same people railing against ai in writing and visual art. Where is the line? Only when your job/hobby is threatened? Come on now.
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Name similarities aside this is not actually run by me, but, I figure this fandom exchange will be relevant to a lot of you as it is explicitly Joker focused! Please do have a look if so inclined!
The Hatboy Exchange Important Dates

Welcome to the Mass Effect Hatboy Exchange, where we celebrate the Normandy's pilot, Joker "Jeff" Moreau, and the relationships he has. This is an 18+ only gift exchange and can be for platonic or romantic relationships involving Joker.
Any questions should be sent to this blog or the mods, @commander-krios and @comeoniwantacoolname
Exchange Info- AO3 Collection | Tagset | Sign-up Form | FAQ
2023 Schedule
- Nominations open: May 14, 2023 - Nominations close: May 28, 2023 - Sign-ups open: June 1, 2023 - Sign-ups close: June 18, 2023 - Assignments go out: June 20 2023 - Works due: August 13, 2023 - Works revealed: August 20, 2023 - Creators revealed: August 27, 2023
Minimum Requirements:
- 1000 word piece of fanfiction of a quality you would be happy to receive - a clean lineart drawing, of good resolution, on unlined paper and of a quality you would be happy to receive.
More updates will be coming soon, so be on the lookout! Follow this page for easy access to the updates.
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