sirompp · 1 year
every time i see people misusing/making fun of the word empath i lose a year off my life
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noxcheshire · 8 days
A one sided crack ship I suddenly got in my delirious hungry state, and need to throw it up so here you go
Joker x Danny
But its JOKER whose one sided feelings for Danny who is really trying his best to ignore this weird clown mf
I was thinking that it could either be actual ‘oh no I have a crush on this guy’ OR Joker being liminal enough and ghostly enough to sense the otherworldliness of Danny Fenton. An otherness that Joker just wants. Like a hungry, starved beast that had finally found a proper meal instead of the bone scraps he’s been trying to scrap off of Batman.
He doesn’t even realize what it is he wants either, only that he wants to pull Danny’s skin back and nestle inside.
Danny on the other hand knows, he’s gone through a few ghostly sessions to understand that Joker is starved, and empty, and already half mad from hunger that he is willing to try and grab a fully loaded half ghost that could still kick his ass.
I just like the idea of everyone’s horror pov of the Joker trying to attract this one civilian guy and Danny just being annoyed by this one scraggly alley cat trying to gnaw on his arm.
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“Mom” … even after everything. Even after all this time to reflect.
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heyclickadee · 2 months
Also, I’m reading Vision: Color and Composition for Film, because I really do struggle with composition and want to know how to improve for some personal projects, and
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What if I jumped into the sea? What if I did that?
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pissjesus · 4 months
Submitted my references and my follow up emails and chewing the furniture please for the love of god get me out of here
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hdusa · 2 months
Hello self care anon again. Do you have soup for the sickness? You poor soul. Get lots of rest dw bout streaming
hello self care anon do not fret!! I just had some soup as well as nutrivena or whatever and now I am going to sleep. Ideally when I wake up I will be all better and if not I’ll be sad because I had big plans for today but of course I won’t stream if I’m not feeling well! Do not worry!!! I just really want to ruin lives today!!!!
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talxns · 3 months
hskgkdjd ok so i was doing some research on the idea of bruce never becoming batman and what his life would be like if thomas and martha were never murdered. and of course since this franchise is saturated like an undersea sponge there is canonical rep of this occurring one way or another. this page is from batman (2016) #45.
(spoilers below for the 3 issue long story)
we are shown a timeline where bruce’s parents are not killed, and so he’s just a rich guy not doing much to stop the rampant crime in the city (while being very creepy with his mom apparently).
joker gangs plague the city, dick grayson is batman (who uses guns and mercilessly kills anyone he finds dangerous),
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jason todd is a tire salesman (because GET IT!? JASON TODD. TIRES. THATS HIS WHOLE THING, RIGHT!?)
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tim drake works a boring desk job at one of wayne’s tech companies,
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duke is an invalid, damian was never born, and selina is completely deranged serial killer in arkham asylum and only speaks through meows (why the absence of bruce wayne’s batman would cause this is left as an exercise to the reader).
this is all thanks to booster gold, who is trying to give bruce a wedding gift for his marriage to selina. he has gone back in time to purposefully save bruce’s parents from being murdered. he wants to show how much worse off gotham would be if he didn’t become orphaned/batman. booster gold explains this to this timeline’s bruce who says he always felt like something was “wrong” in his life.
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but everything backfires pretty spectacularly when bruce destroys the time travel device booster gold was planning on using to reverse the whole thing. because. y’know. he’s living pretty fancy free and wants his mom alive so he can still hit on her i guess.
booster gold figures that if he brings selina kyle to bruce, he’ll… idk, have a change of heart because of the power of love.
well he brings selina over who immediately rips thomas’s throat out, and dick shows up to shoot selina, and in the scuffle shoots both her and martha, and then bruce shoots dick.
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bruce’s mission then is to fix booster gold’s time machine so he can take him back to ten minutes before his parents were killed (he’s been training to kill both selina and dick!batman for this purpose). booster gold seizes the opportunity to take bruce back to 10 minutes before thomas and martha wayne were supposed to be killed (when bruce was 8), and forces bruce to watch thomas and martha be killed in crime alley. adult bruce promptly shoots himself in the head after witnessing it. what a romp for the whole family!
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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Jamil: uggghhh azuls gonna be so critical and picky when he judges my food 😒
Azul when he judges Jamil’s food:
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[praises u heavily praises u heavily praises u heavily praises u heavily praises u heavily praises u heavily prai
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normalgerardway · 2 years
do u think any part of them knew that the songs they wrote in their suburban new jersey homes within months of forming a band would be sung back at them by thousands upon thousands of bleeding heart fans 20 years later
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modifiedyincision · 3 months
me on CS: I’m not that picky on pet/pet or item/item trades. As long as it’s vaguely of the same rarity and time i don’t care. Just don’t send a trade for my 2017 event pet for two commons born a month ago, ok?
every single trade i get: 2017 event pet for their two commons born a month ago
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jerichoes · 3 months
proofread man: you’ve changed Nobel prize to Nobel Prize again
me: yes, the Nobel Prize Foundation uses Nobel Prize
proofread man: the dictionary says it’s Nobel prize
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ugh-yoongi · 7 months
just saw the most unholy demonic toe-curling life altering yoongi street racer edit i’m sick
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nellievances · 1 year
the last two times that i had tickets to see halsey the universe fucked me over so everyone shut the fuck up and manifest everything goes smoothly for tonight 🙏
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cctinsleybaxter · 10 months
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lunarcigar · 1 year
Finished the telltale Batman game and Batman’s whole “murder is never justified” thing is really annoying, like this story would be over so fast if he had a gun
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vampvelour · 6 months
can’t believe it’s christmas eve and i’m at WORK
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