#I yap too much
kobebibebi · 2 months
@thegiftedau toolshed sketch(-ish)
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this tfbw au has been stuck in my brain since last year, genuinely i have been thinking about it almost everyday,i cannot stress how much i think about this specific au,,, i check their profile so frequently just to see updates 😔
the designs, the backstories, the concepts, the characters, the writing AAA EVERYTHING about this au is perfect, well-executed and amazing omfg i love the gifted au so much you do not understand 💔💔
there hasn't been much out from this au but it's already so great im so excited to see more fr
i drew this in class so yea i call it a sketch lmao
but yeah i have like so many wips, due gifts, and things to prioritize but my brain said gifted au fanart NOW,, so i did
also i really need to draw more of my own au :')),
ik i have to do paladin butters next (yes i can see ur asks) but school is taking all of my time it's insane how i even drew this, but ngl it's a really great au 😭
but srsly school is taking such a toll on my mental health,, it's only the second week and im already drowning in schoolwork,,,,,,,,, so i might draw more fanart of south park aus that i really really love 👀
these south park aus are honestly whats keeping me together rn
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moonyfr · 3 months
I have yapped too much about the marauders to my non-marauders stans friends, and they have started using it against me in arguments. We were fake arguing about gingers, and he said, "Go drown in the river, ginger. Like Regulus, " I genuinely don't know if I should be proud of him or feel offended. He has started saying "Regulus core" anytime I mention drowning. (I am proud of that).
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cin3maa · 13 days
Barges into your room, farts, flicks the lights on and off for a bit, throws this at you, and then leaves without closing the door
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kcdrawns · 14 days
Windbreaker random theories and thoughts I have talked with friend will contain spoilers from the manga so don't read if you don't want or aren't caught up yet (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) I will talk about Suo, Umemiya
¡TW! ED and Violence for Suo and for Umemiya violence)
So let me start with Suo I don't know if anyone brought this up but after the release of the songs Nii Satorou was listening to Chanti I got goosebumps.
I have said in the past with my friend that Suo did probably come from a rougher environment and was probably childish and did stupid things and bad things which is why he doesn't have one eye and probably went into the minor correction facilities ? (No idea how they are called in English tho but it's where minors are sent for rehab after they do awful things).
Also when the holy trio (Sakura, NIRE and Suo) went to that district to meet with Tsubaki Chan, Suo was the only one knowing what it was and "ok" while Nire was shocked and Sakura oblivious ( luckily or the boy would be a blushing mess).
Which makes me wonder if he worked there in the past or had family members there.
A matter of fact is a teen should act like a teen and Suo has this whole complex about reaching adulthood maybe because in the past the adults failed him and he wants to be better after he himself screwed things up and was childish to the point of going to that facility.
Also Suo diet reminds me a lot of ED.. Mostly anorexia (he does have an ok weight but) people when battling anorexia drink a lot of hot plain water or even tea so the stomach fills up but has almost no calories..
I did try to investigate if there was any part in China and Japan where it could be a religious thing of not eating in front of others but I found nothing.
Now to UMEMIYA (mentions Sakura, Takishi, Hiragii and Kotoha)
In the last chapter we saw how Sakura (and many of us) realized we don't really know umemiya, sure we know the Umemiya he presents himself as, kind, caring, loyal and passionate.
One thing I know is to change something like a school of delinquents that are absolute viles on their way of thinking and acting means that fighting his way to the top to change things was the only way, making Umemiya a monster too. (umemiya girls don't come for me ok I adore him but I am skeptical, he is a green flag ok I am 99 % sure he is a green flag but realistically its the truth he wouldn't be changing things talking, he does say fists are one way of talking so).
Now why did I mention all this?
In the manga when Umemiya recruits Hiragi he says that he needs someone to punch him if he ever gets out of line because Hiragii is very strict but kind. Which makes me wonder what if in the firsts episodes when Hiragii and the others come to Sakuras and Kotohas aid, when he demanded Sakura to not tell Umemiya to know about this.. is it because he is scared of what could happen if Umemiya knew he would lose control? What if it is an underlying hint that Umemiya does have his demons too and that's why he can be in Takishi world. Being that angry fire to protect those he loves but maybe it could be too much at times 🤔
By all means Umemiya fought relentlessly for the town and he is a good person but, a good person can also have their demons because we are human and no one is 100% perfect.. let me hear your thoughts and can DM if too shy to interact in comments or reposts ✨💙
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sunnicee · 9 days
════════════════════ ⋆★⋆ ════════════════════ bills parents were blue and red. but... bill is yellow. blue and red don't make that color! it makes purple. yellow is the parallel of purple. which directly translates to bill being doomed from the beginning. there is no reality that turned out to be fortunate enough for him. in every timeline, his story is the same... but the outcomes were different. when you go to the theater to watch a movie in 3D, they give you glasses. the lenses of those glasses just so happen to be blue and red. [ a/n: if we were to put on the cinematic 3D glasses… would bill still only have one eye? I feel like this would give us the opportunity to finally see the alleged eye behind his eye! ] which means, in the birth of Bill.. the parents' eyes somehow malfunctioned and overlapped. that's why bill was always looking ahead in the cosmos. to his parents, they cannot see three dimensional objects. they probably thought their son was mute and blind until he became reactive and responsive to the world around him. he was always looking out, but they couldn't see what lie beyond flatland. ultimately that was what sealed the deal for him and his parents. they were cursed from the jump.
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in flatland, it's pretty self-explanatory. you're flat, and all of your attributes are all seen at once. eyes are on one side of the face, and you aren't as dynamic. you're flat. that's all you know. bill, even with his mutated coloring, was never considered normal. his eye wasn't to the side, no, it was straight. looking up, always. looking forward. despite his oddities, his parents continued to love him dearly; flaws and all. in the actual thisnotawebsitedotcom.com, baby bill screams for his mother. after all, he was just a baby when he was treated like a superior interdimensional being. to experience that sheer amount of loss is devastating. sure, you might've felt like an outcast from the jump, but that was home. you were never terribly picked on, and you had unconditionally loving parents. none of this was ever meant to happen. why was he born this way? why did he, out of all people have to carry such an impacting mutation? he was the *only* one who experienced this. why did something he didn't even ask for cost him everything? it was never his fault; he couldn't control that he was born that way. but then, it was when that grief manifested into something else. he was from an entirely different plane of existence, and the world was at his fingertips. he had already lost everything valuable to him, so what did it matter? was it really wrong for him to harness his power? I mean, they were given to him! he was just making do w/ what he had. he had power. he was robbed because of it. so.. he took advantage of it as a twisted revenge.. i guess.
he just liked looking above. out of everything he observed in the forever changing sky, the little dipper and the shooting stars were his favorite things to stargaze at. being born was the start of this. looking was the start of this. he was the start of this. now, this might be a stretch.. but let's refer to the pines:
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now imagine.. before you lost everything, you saw two things. wouldn't you associate those things with negative feelings? I would. ex. if I was in a car crash with a red car, I would be weary and incredibly anxious when driving past them. if before the car crash there were two yellow trucks on either side of the red car preaccident, I will automatically assume off that this identifies if there will be a crash. obviously, this won't be the case again, but that trauma stays. it affects your perception and rationality. so imagine him when he stumbled upon two individuals whom directly symbolize what he had before he lost it all. even though Bill can look up/stargaze at any point in time, he doesn't because it's associated with trauma. or perhaps a better word for it would be a trigger. that's not the reason he wants total control though, not because they triggered him. it's because they meddled in matters that didn't need to be bothered and inserted themselves into a situation long coming. he reacted, is all. he found an opening, and decided to take it.
timelines. in every episode that aired under GRAVITY FALLS, we are in the timeline that gives the best outcome, so we're not shown that. however, one way or another, one of the twins (or both) die. that's why in the book of bill.. it shows us an entire assortment of alternative universes when escape wasn't applicable. when they couldn't change their fate. when something just wasn't quite right. every detail matters, even to the socks that they put on. anything can change the outcome of that episode.
it's just so crazy to think about, because that also applies to reality. as in, our real life. whatever we do, will reflect and change our future. I've experienced that phenomenon before. HYPERVIGILANCE: occurs when you become uncomfortably aware of your own existence. the harsher side of sonder, I suppose. ex. deciding to wear your helmet when riding your bike, and you just so happen to collide with the front part of a van that sends you flying. it's startling and it unsettles you greatly to know that your brains would be seeping into the concrete if not for your helmet. ☄. *. ⋆ gravity falls is so cool. definitely going to rewatch the series (again) and poke/prod around on the website to see if I can find any useful information to gather lore and connect the loose pieces of the puzzle that are lazily floating about in the crevices of my noggin! ════════════════════ ⋆★⋆ ════════════════════
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tabiphee · 13 days
Made this months ago just after the full game's release, first fanart of uty since it's demo
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Supposed to be a vent art which is why it's kinda shitty but the uty brainrot won over the big sad (or anger I don't remember) so 👍🏻
(my art style also kind of changes a lot..? Srry for the future posts I don't have consistency and I just kind of draw once in a blue moon 💀)
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pillwebb · 5 months
Predictions/Things I’d like to happen in S4 of TUA
• In every season, there’s a main villain, such as the apocalypse in S1, the Commission in S2, and the Sparrows in S3. It’s kinda obvious that Reggie is the villain in this upcoming season, but I’m curious if Abigail(Reginald’s wife) will be a big deal. Like, will she be as bad as Reggie or a sweeter version?
• Like I said above, there are different villains, but there are also different locations. The Academy in S1, Elliott’s house in S2, and Hotel Obsidian in S3. My guess is that the main location will be an apartment. Like, I know that sounds basic and obvious, but in every season, the main location is always a homelike place. (Mansion, House, Hotel, Apartment?) It doesn’t seem super far off, and it could maybe be one of the Brellies apartment.
• Their powers!!!!! I’m so curious about their powers and stuff. So, at the end of S4, we see that the universe is reset(I think???) and so are their bodies. They have no tattoos, powers, and Luther’s body isn’t that of an ape anymore. I think that they’ll maybe find their powers somehow. Maybe there will be a fight, or Reginald has their powers with him? Idrk.
• Ever since I first watched the show, I’ve been super curious about the 43 children with powers. Like, we’ve seen 14 of them (The Umbrellas and Sparrows) but that still leaves 29 of them. It’d be so cool if they involved them. Like, maybe they get important in the timeline bc the Hargreeves seek them out for help? We don’t know if other super powered people are there, but it’d be really interesting if there was.
• I’ve seen a fee people on here say that there is a 6 year time jump in S4, and if it is true, how will they explain what happened to everyone? Will Luther be looking for Sloane all the time? How has he adapted to have a regular body? Diego and Lila’s kid will be born and 6 years old and they’ll be together(I hope, I love them so much). Allison has Ray and Claire, but how will she react to this? We know that she was an actor/celebrity, so maybe she’ll be in the spotlight. I have ZERO clue what Klaus will be doing. He’s so unpredictable, he started a CULT in S2, for gods sake. I’m genuine curious what Five will be doing bc he’s an actual genius. I feel like he’ll have gone to some bigwig college and will be actually successful in life. I’ve seen some sources say that the Ben we saw at the end of S3 was Sparrow Ben, and I love that idea. Sparrow Ben is such an asshole, but he’s so hilarious I can’t be mad at him. I feel like he’ll try and live a normal life, but it’d be hard since well…he’s Ben. I NEED Viktor to lead a nice life, poor boy. I think everyone collectively agrees that we need Viktor to play violin this season without blowing the moon up.
• That paragraph was… a lot, but here’s the final one. It is official that S4 will have only 6 episodes, which is so sad, but that just means that things will happen quicker. I really hope that we’ll have longer episodes. Regularly, the TUA episodes are 40-45 minutes long, but I’d love if we could get episodes that are an hour or more long.
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adamparrishsaccent · 5 months
Oh my god I got to The Scene ™️
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Buckle UP bc I am about to go on another pointless rant that’s probably just repetition and a jumble of incoherent fanboying
Basically, I love how this interaction feels like a reference to Adam’s desire to “feel awake when his eyes are open”, and how Ronan compliments it with the way he blurs the line between waking and dreaming not just for himself, but Adam, too.
Okay so, we all know how Adam constantly seems to struggle with feeling like he’s actually in the present, never feeling like he’s grounded in it even when he’s there. He feels like he’s always detached, fading into the background.
His little dry remark here I feel was more than just teasing, I feel like it was him being subtly fascinated by the fact that someone like Ronan, a dreamer, could actually tell the difference between the sleeping and waking world. It’s a fair assumption that he wouldn’t be able to, Ronan is pretty much known for the way that he blurs the line between the two. He dreams things into reality. He is responsible for bleeding the sleeping world into the waking one.
To Ronan, he makes this “ugly sound” because these two worlds are his playground. It doesn’t matter to him if he’s asleep or awake because he can merge both. Ronan’s fear, however, is telling the difference between the things already existing in reality and what he dreamt into it.
Hence his remark here,
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Waking and sleeping might not matter to Ronan, but his doubt as to whether the people around him are real or dreamt is a prominent concern of his. Why wouldn’t it be? His father dreamt his mother into existing because he wanted a companion, what’s to say Ronan didn’t do the same?
But, much like Ronan’s dismissal of Adam’s question, Adam brushes this off. I think this is because to Adam, being dreamt wouldn’t be such a bad thing. It would mean someone wanted him enough, longed for someone like him to such a degree, that they would dream him into the real world. Not only does this imply that Ronan views Adam as someone he wants bad enough that he could dream him, but Adam’s reply indicates that he knows this and he doesn’t mind it.
Ugh they just… they WRECK me. I could go into a full rant about how Adam longs so intensely to be wanted, and Ronan wants and longs so intensely for Adam, but we’d be here all day and I have already yapped enough…
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anakinlives · 5 months
sitting here thinking that so many factors could have prevented anis fall
- saving his mom
- never meeting padmae
- quigon not dying
- Jedi council be a lil more understanding and humble
- ik damn well anis emotions betrayed him 9/10 times there’s no way the Jedi didn’t know about him and padmae, maybe not that they were married but that something was up
- idk maybe finding out palps was evil A LOT SOONER
- not letting ani get close to palps, especially at a young age like tf . Actually like not allow palps to access ani like ???
- stop treating him like an outsider like yk half of this was a self fulfilling prophecy. They saw danger/darkness in his future and idk instead of accepting him and understanding he’s a special case. They just aided his fall. Especially since they say the future is always in motion
- ultimately ofc ani making better choices and not thinking it was too late when he made bad ones bc he still had multiple chances to do the right thing and did not :(
-also obi maybe could have tried talking with ani a bit more during mustafar. I saw this what if video & i think it could have worked.
I truly believe he was still able to comeback up until he was left to die. Yes he was never 100% dark bc he came back to the light at the end but Vader really did a lot of bad things and it still breaks my heart to see what Anakin became. Yes now he’s a force ghost helping others again but I wish we had gotten FULL POTENTIAL ANAKIN not Vader ( still would be cool to see but Vader and ani looking the same would probably make me no bueno) .
Ofc sw would be different and things happened to fit the story and it did an amazing job. I just want happy ending for my prequel babes 🙂‍↕️
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atomic-rattz · 3 months
“This is not my life, i’m no survivor, I only happened to survive.”
//the quote is not from the song whoops💀
Name: Marina (Mari)
Age: 16
Height: 5’8
Species: Northern Red Bellied Turtle
Gender: Unknown, prefers to be neutral. (Agender)
Pronouns: They/them
Birthday: August 5
Sexuality: Bisexual and Asexual
Basic stuff???
- Only has 4 years of actual fighting experience from Draxum but ran away due to being uninterested. //Draxum would not care to go after them.
- Mari was born as a turtle and mutated by Draxum at 2 yrs old.
- Was in a teen gang that went around stealing food, clothes, etc. (Sometimes fighting?) They didn’t do it in an act of wanting relationships and getting attached to the gang but rather for the purpose of surviving.
- Fish. That’s all they ever think about. (Any marine creatures are fine besides dolphins. Sorry dolphin lovers.)
- Thought they never needed love until they met DNA, Cyclone, and Gal. They are like family to them.
- When they do get attached to people, they have weak unrestrained emotions if lost. (Can result in suicide.)
- Has tried dating but failed miserably bcs they went on a rant about fish anatomy.
- Is selectively mute. (Probably autistic..)
- Acts edgy and mysterious to fend people off and go back to reading their marine books.
- People are not safe when you take them to an aquarium.
- Favorite artist? Mitski. They absolutely love acting edgy and thinks it’s funny even when it’s not how they actually act.
- Insecure about their own body, eats little, wishes they were a human or fish.
- Comfort food is marshmallows..
//Tell me anything I missed or would like to know abt them :3
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tb-tianabright · 4 months
Me, being a sonknux shipper and shadknux shipper but mostly draw silknux :
Welp, I think something is wrong with me lmao
But I realized why didn't I just make them date together :
Oh heck yeah 3 Hedgehog and 1 Echidna. This is happening!
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in some jurisdictions (including california in the usa and in the uk as well more recently) pantsing someone can result in sexual assault (or simple assault) charges, even if it's done between students. swm was def written to be standard issue bullying, but a decent amount of the modern western audience is gonna read it in a particular context that is familiar to them/filter it through anti-bullying lectures they've gotten in school/etc.
okok i def get this. i do have a few thoughts they probably arent very well explained but i will try to put them in words best i can.
tldr at the bottom. !!
i do wanna j put it out there, generally, that james & sirius were complete assholes for this and by extension, so were remus and peter. i dont like snape but this was shitty and inexcusable. if it sounds like i'm justifying them in this, i'm not (promise 💔)
i know today it's more often than not considered sexual assault/public indecency , which is totally justified ofc, but this scene didn't take place today - it took place around like . half a centaury ago. lots changed.
yes, ofc, it was wrong then too and even if it didn't mean j&s would go through legalities and stuff, they shouldn't've done it but back then it wasn't considered to be so bad and it was fairly normalized, they probably saw it and did it (albeit in a much crueler way).
hogwarts doesn't teach mannerisms , they never sat through anti-bullying segments or got taught the hard limits or how to fight back vs aggravate. it was written as bullying , because it was. it wasnt intended s/a but that doesn't mean it wasn't heinous .
s/a comes w intent, james and sirius had no intent further than to show their power over him + get rid of their boredom.
istg they were so horrible.
according to wikipedia, this is the definition of sexual assault
Sexual assault is an act in which one intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will.
according to this definition, it's not s/a. it's still blurry, if it happened today i would think it be, because james would choose a specifically sexually violent way of bullying snape, but at the time pantsing didn't have those connotations (esp between boys). obv you can still believe what you want , this is just my two cents.
(i'm also gonna reply to some comments from my original post here since it's easier than responding in the comment section).
@eddvirusz : there's nothing sexual about the scene, and i know s/a is a pretty umbrella term that more specific things fall into but i dont find this specific instance to fall under that. it probably was just a big bullying scene for him bc they didnt have the nuances we have today. ik jkr is sexist but also. 70s were sexist. male s/a wasnt considered shit . but that's not the point of it, because there was no sexual intent which, as i said needs to be present. pantsing itself is not considered s/a according to most sites.
@silentgirlspeaksout : okay i just read through the entirety of swm and this is the order of how they hurt each other physically/attempt to + talking abt what u adressed:
snape attempts to hurt james first. james calls out to him, and snape reaches for his wand. you could say that snape expected an attack and was prepping for self defense or something, but ehhh... i dont believe that. let snape be an imperfect victim, he tried to hurt first
james responded w expelliarmus
he then did impedimenta (slows down/stops target - can also blow them away (which it did) if used more strongly)
james and sirius just taunted him while he lay for a while, throwing insults etc etc . power play.
4. snape tries to throw hexes at them but he can't bc his wand is far away
5. james uses scourgify. i dont exactly know if this is like a bad hex, bc it just cleans, so it must just fill snape's mouth w soap ? ig it has chemicals and stuff, but i doubt pureblood james & sirius knew of that. it did make him gag & choke though, that's when lily enters
james saying 'he exists' seems like a joke ..... i 1000% believe j&s & snape were both horrible to each other and james wasnt gonna stop in the middle of his little show to explain that to lily in detail
this is also where he says 'go out w me and i'll leave him alone' - youre right ,,, this was gross. it was played as shits and giggles i think, 'oh haha he never does miss an opportunity to ask her out, does he!', but it's icky . same , it's no s/a but its harassment soo . big L james. this entire post is kind of a big L for james, and sirius too but he has a lot of Ls.
also, "choke him out with soap before he does anything," - he attempted to do shit
"so I don’t blame him for fighting back with a cutting hex after he’s been hit with several spells" - i get it, vaguely, but not in the same sense (?). if james only hit him with these three hexes and snape went to draw blood, i'd say snape was in the wrong (sorry?), but they had a history - snape drew blood because james and snape had done this before, they've gone violent
6. snape cuts james' face (deep enough that it instantly splatters to his robes)
7. hanging snape upside down the first time
lily tells them to back off,
8. james let him off (*threw him down)
9. sirius hits him with a body-bind spell that temporarily paralyzes him
lily tells them to stop,
10. james mutters counter curse
snape calls lily a mudblood + her exit,
11. snape is hung again and we're left unsure whether or not he was exposed or not
there can be arguments made that, like you said, this is only unconfirmed bc it wouldnt be allowed to be in a children's book otherwise (but the book deals w nazis n like a hundred other things so idk it may be left on purpose)
you say jkr is weird about s/a esp w men and while obv #fuckjkr men and s/a discussions generally were pretty weird in the 70s which is why james mightve never considered that a possibility as to what he did + snape never considered it as s/a. fuck jkr tho
for the mary and mulciber thing , i was just yapping tbh but tysm ! fuck mulciber hail mary
ok i think ive yapped enough gn
tldr : s/a requires there to be something sexual taking place. you can argue assault, you can't argue sexual given time frame and context and just .... anything. but that doesn't mean it wasn't terrible and disgusting. j&s sucked ass for this, i may not like him but ill go pro snape where he's a victim.
not s/a, still unforgivable. snape is an imperfect victim because he's violent too. james and sirius are sadists and they should talk that out with someone that isnt each other.
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abundantsnow · 16 days
manga spoilers!!
js thinking about hisato and douma as well as the aftermath of sunrise arc
i think itd be pretty funny if i had douma and hisato square off in infinity castle considering they both have opposite ice blood demon arts, one heals one kills 🔥🔥🔥🔥 idk fun thought. theyd be pretty evenly matched but ofc hisato wouldnt do it alone and 100% would not be able to defeat douma w/o shinobus poison taking effect
but inhaling doumas ice wouldnt really effect hisato, hed probably get sick but it wouldnt kill him. hed see doumas apathy too, and would probably get real pissed after shinobus death, especially after promising her long ago to help her kill douma. (and he does!! i wanna write that. shinobu & hisato besties)
as for if hisato is alive after everything, i havent decided yet. i think itd be really funny if he went into despair for not only NOT getting a slayer mark due to his demon blood but also not dying and not becoming human. because his blood is unique to himself, he wouldnt be eradicated along with muzan and he also wouldnt have his demonic blood removed. he stays the exact same after muzans defeat and his despair is immesurable after learning this. i wanna say he asks either sanemi and/or giyuu to kill him so he doesnt have to live with watching his loved ones die around him, ofc, he asks them because hes in love with them in some capacity and wants that honor at the very least to be killed by someone he loves but ofc.... neither sanemi or giyuu could do it.
he tries his best to preserve sanemi and giyuus life with his BDA and i wanna say it works but it only gives them both like a few more years at most, maybe to 30. hed probably go through with ending his life in an agonizing way after their deaths
i love angst guys!!1!1!1!1!1! and then reincarnation au you can see him playing with giyuu, sabito, and makomos reincarnations with a matching fox keychain lmao (im gonna fucking sob)
ill probably write a unique ongoing modern au with some sort of twist that isnt connected to the reincarnations. like a mafia or a biker au cause hoh boy theres so much angst and action you can pack in there LMAOO
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rosemariiaa · 17 days
idk what to change my layout too it’s so damn boring
changing my master list titles for the fifth time this month
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giveyoupeacee · 25 days
i need to get back into the shifting groove and start out by scripting a waiting room i can shift to and chill at for as long as i please. i need a break from work and life and my mind for a bit. it will be a well needed vacation.
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primaviva · 9 months
idk if this is me speaking out of myself but i genuinely get so many asks every day and like anons wanting to talk and don’t get me wrong I LOVE IT like i kick my feet with joy because people just wanna chat with me or share funny things but i always forget to answer or are too tired too and have to mentally prepare myself to start yapping cus every time i reply to sum…..its LONG😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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