#aku yaps
kcdrawns · 14 days
Windbreaker random theories and thoughts I have talked with friend will contain spoilers from the manga so don't read if you don't want or aren't caught up yet (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) I will talk about Suo, Umemiya
¡TW! ED and Violence for Suo and for Umemiya violence)
So let me start with Suo I don't know if anyone brought this up but after the release of the songs Nii Satorou was listening to Chanti I got goosebumps.
I have said in the past with my friend that Suo did probably come from a rougher environment and was probably childish and did stupid things and bad things which is why he doesn't have one eye and probably went into the minor correction facilities ? (No idea how they are called in English tho but it's where minors are sent for rehab after they do awful things).
Also when the holy trio (Sakura, NIRE and Suo) went to that district to meet with Tsubaki Chan, Suo was the only one knowing what it was and "ok" while Nire was shocked and Sakura oblivious ( luckily or the boy would be a blushing mess).
Which makes me wonder if he worked there in the past or had family members there.
A matter of fact is a teen should act like a teen and Suo has this whole complex about reaching adulthood maybe because in the past the adults failed him and he wants to be better after he himself screwed things up and was childish to the point of going to that facility.
Also Suo diet reminds me a lot of ED.. Mostly anorexia (he does have an ok weight but) people when battling anorexia drink a lot of hot plain water or even tea so the stomach fills up but has almost no calories..
I did try to investigate if there was any part in China and Japan where it could be a religious thing of not eating in front of others but I found nothing.
Now to UMEMIYA (mentions Sakura, Takishi, Hiragii and Kotoha)
In the last chapter we saw how Sakura (and many of us) realized we don't really know umemiya, sure we know the Umemiya he presents himself as, kind, caring, loyal and passionate.
One thing I know is to change something like a school of delinquents that are absolute viles on their way of thinking and acting means that fighting his way to the top to change things was the only way, making Umemiya a monster too. (umemiya girls don't come for me ok I adore him but I am skeptical, he is a green flag ok I am 99 % sure he is a green flag but realistically its the truth he wouldn't be changing things talking, he does say fists are one way of talking so).
Now why did I mention all this?
In the manga when Umemiya recruits Hiragi he says that he needs someone to punch him if he ever gets out of line because Hiragii is very strict but kind. Which makes me wonder what if in the firsts episodes when Hiragii and the others come to Sakuras and Kotohas aid, when he demanded Sakura to not tell Umemiya to know about this.. is it because he is scared of what could happen if Umemiya knew he would lose control? What if it is an underlying hint that Umemiya does have his demons too and that's why he can be in Takishi world. Being that angry fire to protect those he loves but maybe it could be too much at times 🤔
By all means Umemiya fought relentlessly for the town and he is a good person but, a good person can also have their demons because we are human and no one is 100% perfect.. let me hear your thoughts and can DM if too shy to interact in comments or reposts ✨💙
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sexysilverstrider · 7 months
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fandoms-spamdom · 2 months
EDDY I’m busy moving into my new apartment today, how devastating is the new bsd chapter??!?
Shit is crazy and perplexing
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dpdzombie · 11 days
"can men be lesbian ?"
i dont care, i care more about the queer's who are dying and struggling to pay their bills more then someone else's identity. i am neutral on the topic.
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yunfox00 · 1 month
Today is the Indonesian independence day
And I'm too tired to draw anything
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aaabatteryy · 27 days
shoutout to all the people following me with wan aku pfps there are so many of you guys
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zenitsustherapist · 4 months
do i love beast ! soukoku ? yes. am i tired of seeing only them and not the main character of the spinoff ? also yes
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Got told I have the blue eye stare today, now I hate to cook up a silly doodle
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1-800reki · 2 months
❝random Ryūnosuke Akutagawa headcanons!❞
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summary: headcanons (that probably aren't cannon) with Aku <33
pairings: akutagawa x gn reader
a/n: my friend had to help me with these 😼 (come back the kids miss you)
a/n: these are lazy so they might not be (def not) cannon or good 😖
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• Akutagawa pretends to not like you in public but when you're alone he acts like the best boyfriend ever.
• He would keep the relationship a secret but only to protect you from any dangers since he's in the Port Mafia.
• He would call you when he has a chance when he's alone at the Mafia just to check up on you.
• Gin would know of your relationship and she would be your biggest supporter.
• You would live with Akutagawa and Gin.
• Gin would ask you to do her hair since she loves you playing and brushing it.
• You would have movie nights with the two of them.
• When you first met Gin, she was nervous with you, but she got comfortable. After you started going over for a month she got used to your presence and you being there. (ROOTBEERRR)
• You moved in with them after almost 2 years of dating.
• Higuchi would still have a crush on Akutagawa but he would be more distant than he is in the anime.
• Akutagawa would def take you out on dinner dates or café dates.
• He gets your favorite flowers on your anniversary or on dates.
• In a modern au he would have a private account where he replies to your posts. (and before you started dating he yapped about you)
• He's not a big fan of cuddling but it happens sometimes during the middle of the night.
• You have date nights every two weeks, that consist of amusement parks, restaurants, and sometimes if you don't want to go out, he'll set up something nice!
• If he had to comfort you, he'd be a little shy at first, trying not to tightly hug you or sit still next to you. Seeing you cry makes him cry, so expect him to be a bit on edge- his heart will break a little.
• If you have scars, he takes time to admire them and make you feel confident about them.
"Look, it's almost the shape of a star. Because you're my star."
• Your social media profiles probably look a little something like this:
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• If you were in public, he'd hold your hand and rub his thumb along your knuckles.
• When you can't sleep, he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, kissing your forehead with a smile.
• His favorite type of weather is either wind or rain. If you ever come over while it's raining, you might (100% will) notice him sitting on the porch watching the rain. It makes him feel peaceful.
• He definitely smiles with his eyes before his lips. He's used to having a mask in the mafia and giving fake smiles, so it's no hard feelings when he does it.
• He absolutely ADORES you when you call him 'Aku'. He also folds at terms like "sweetheart", "baby", "my love". In turn, he likes to call you "darling" or "honey". He's not a person who's big on pet names anyways, so take it or leave it.
• When you leave for work before him, he gets bored and lays on your side of the bed. It's still warm, and your scent lies within the pillow. Obviously, he's not a weirdo, but could you really blame him? He's inlove with you! He might spam you a couple times with positive affirmations to have a good day and then go back to sleep (he imagines you next to him)
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a/n: this is so not cannon but whatever.
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kayyishwr · 5 months
Hari-hari ini terasa betul perkara sirkel pertemanan. "Agama seseorang itu tergantung teman dekatnya" terkait ini ada ulasan menarik dari postingan sosial media instagram di akun @rizaputranto — tentu kita perlu membaca jurnal yg beliau sampaikan secara mandiri, utk mengonfirmasi
Beliau, yg dikenal sebagai peneliti menjelaskan adanya keterkaitan antara prefrontal cortex dengan lingkungan sosial.
Prefrontal cortex, bagian otak ini berhubungan dengan pemikiran diri. Sering disebut "personality center" dan banyak menganalisis input dari sekeliling. Sehingga menurut J Perso Socio 2020, kata beliau di captionnya, dengan siapa kamu menghabiskan waktumu akan menentukan perasaanmu terhadap diri kamu sendiri—apakah itu dengan kamu?😁
Yaps, dengan siapa kita berteman akan mempengaruhi bagaimana kita hidup sebagai seorang manusia, terutama dalam mengemban amanah sebagai hambanya Allah
Mencari teman yang ideal tidak akan mungkin kita temukan, karena begitu hakikat manusia, tapi paling tidak kita bisa mencari yang satu frekuensi
Ah, sebenernya agak sedikit rindu masa-masa sebelum menjalani kehidupan sebagai mahasiswa profesi.
"Emergency meeting" kami menyebutnya. Sebelum terpisah jarak dan kesibukkan, kami melakukannya di berbagai tempat; warmindo dekat kampus, angkringan pinggir jalan raya, kos tempat numpang tidur dan mandi, hingga restoran mewah yg tentu saja dibayar dengan uang awal bulan atau dibayari senior hahah
Apa yg kami bicarakan? Tentu beragam, dari mulai TOD saat bermain UNO hingga strategi bagaimana caranya kebaikan yang sudah diwariskan para senior bisa bertahan, minimal saat kami masih ada di kampus.
Selingan candaan yg random juga tidak terlewat semisal menertawakan konten dari twitter, ig, atau bahkan kelucuan kita masing-masing
Jujur agak kangen, tapi gengsi, namanya juga laki-laki
Tapi, begitulah, sirkel kita pada akhirnya bukan menghilang—semoga saja. Hanya saja semakin melebar, meluas, sehingga banyak yg pada akhirnya masuk dan menemani perjalanan kita
Pertemanan. Tidak perlulah membicarakan soal dia anak siapa, atau darimana, cukup yang membawa kita pada kebaikan dan satu frekuensi
Tidak malu membicarakan palestina di tongkrongan. Tidak malu mensyiarkan sholat tepat waktu di warung makan. Tidak malu membicarakan dakwah yang akan di dengar orang lain. Tidak malu untuk mengucap salam saat bertemu dan berpisah.
"Sekarang, aku juga mikirnya gitu yis. Yang penting satu frekuensi" begitu kata salah satu senior dokter iship yang aku temui di RSPA Boyolali
Ah iya satu frekuensi. Kita usahakan tetap berada dalam sirkel itu. Setidaknya jika tidak bisa membawa kebaikan, kitalah yg terciprat kebaikan itu
Oh iya, tentang mencari teman satu frekuensi, lagi-lagi, apakah itu kamu?
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radaverse · 26 days
Wow those ocs looks amazing did you made them?
Ohh! You mean the ones from the Samurai Jack AU? (Paws of Magic ✨)
The SJ Kids
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I didn't do everything, I made Mai but the other two are made by my comic teammates, @tireddovahkiin and @darknadaworld respectively. Their lore is all made by the 3 three of us yapping and brainstorming hehe
These OCs are pretty much here to make this Samurai Jack Gen2
Mai is Jack's adoptive daughter, she's a 8 year old Chiyuchilla (extinct species that looked like colorful chinchillas with (minimal) healing powers), She's a samurai like her dad bestie
Cheerful, happy-go-lucky, very stubborn and resilient. But also a bit of a scaredycat.
Roni is Aku's first son (aside from Ashi cuz nobody knew she existed atm). He's a 11 year old tiny Oni (or whatever Aku is lmao). He was created by Aku and he's the world's best and fastest machine builder.
Stubborn, determined, tough and stoic, definitely not talkative, but secretly kind.
Muran is Aku's second son (and Costar's only son). He's a 4 year old (later 5) mix of an Oni and Star folk. He looks like a dragon wiwi.
Curious, silent, excited, affectionate (with his fam) and a bit mischievous 😈
If you came from the Smile animatic part I posted, what you saw there was their adult versions.
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(Muran wasn't in that exact part but you'll see him later ✨)
A little thing to add about Muran:
Like Aku, he can shapeshift easily so his height always varies. What you're seeing here are his small forms.
As a child his default height was 5'1/154cm. As an adult it's about 50 feet/15m. Scarily close to Aku. He might often make himself way smaller to interact better with his fam.
Another important OC of the au comics is Costar. She's not one of the kids and isn't present in the animation but it's still really worth mentioning.
She's a Star being that got thrown to earth, now living there with Aku and becoming his most beloved servant. Then some sort of empress of the earth. (cosku moment)
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(Art by Darknadaworld)
Costar's full ref and info here
So yeah, these four are super important for the au!
The AU comic (only 2 pages so far but we're cooking lol)
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kcdrawns · 13 days
Kaji Ren Theory
Hello so first of I am basing this in experiences in real life of someone close to me and it will contain manga spoilers.
(Tw: Mental Illnesses, abuse and bad parenting, feat aka Aku (me) being a Dad )
We all know kaji as a monster and goes in blind rage it was already told in the anime very lightly.
One thing that stood out to me is how Kaji never remembers when he goes into that blind rage, completely shocked afterwards.
It does seem a lot like dissociative Identity disorder (DiD), for those who don't know is when someone who is young suffer a lot of repetitive trauma none stop and the brain decides the only chance to survive is to split. I am not going into detail since everyone has Google now a days if they are in Tumblr. (Info here)
The amnesia of actions from an alter (one of the splits) are one of the symptoms and from my point of view, Kaji's alter is not violent as in I will hurt because why not but it can be a protective one that is a persecuter (alter that isn't bad but wants to protect but accidently causes harm) fits perfectly in kaji. It seems like a last resort, he looked at Kusumi and Enomoto, before going rampage in a desperste atrempt to protect himself and his friends and team.(The manga part of the fight in the bridge with Banjo.)
Kaji in the manga also when younger with hiragi and other future Furin members cries a lot out of anger, don't know if I am going crazy but as someone who deals with did irl and kids with trauma that is a very common response, to lash out and yell out of anger while crying, it's not being heard at home/school or even being abused physically. Everyone in junior blamed Kaji and named him a monster, yet no one asked, why? Why is the kid acting like this? What is going on? Wich deeply saddens me.
Most Furin boys have so much rocky paths it truly is heart breaking, I wish grown ups where more aware and it's a bit of a critique to society in my end.. people always blame kids but never try to see the reasoning behind the kids acrions because in the end abused kids, either isolate due to negeletc and trauma or mimic the parents actions and can be seen as vile or hostile..
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Anyway! I wanna hear your thoughts on this!🤔 This was quite heavy emotionally and I apologize but gosh. I adore his character a lot.
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
seeing malay women go ham over al haitham is something so funny to me
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spacexseven · 2 years
Fun fact! Lemon sharks are prone to a lot of jealousy and are known to chase off tigers sharks that get close to the divers they’ve bonded with. Aku the lemon shark and Atsushi the tiger shark ☺️
cw: yandere themes
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akutagawa was under the impression that you liked spending time with him—at least, that's what you told him before when you boldly claimed that you weren't scared of him. so why were you spending so much time with someone else now?
atsushi, from his research, was a newer mer to the area. someone must have found him wandering around and allowed him to stay. was that why he didn't understand that you were his human companion? akutagawa didn't consider himself a possessive person, but something akin to dark, vile jealousy bubbled inside him when he saw atsushi bashfully giggling when you stroked his hair, happily obliging your requests to see him spin, admiring the way his scales shone under the moonlight. akutagawa stared down at his own dark, boring tail, a bitter taste in his mouth. humans always did have a liking for pretty things, didn't they?
if you wanted to explore underwater caves, he knew them better than atsushi did, and he was a much better guide, wasn't he? not constantly yapping your ears off as you dove. but maybe you liked the more social aspect of atsushi, something he didn't have. so once again, he felt sidelined by this stupid tiger. he felt like he had been replaced.
obviously, he couldn't express these feelings to you. humans were kinder than mers, weren't they? you wouldn't understand his feelings of selfishness and envy, his natural hatred for the other shark mer. but what he could do was scare off atsushi—as long as he didn't run off to complain to you about it. so he does exactly that, swimming too close to the other mer, glaring at him every time they cross paths, making an obvious show of his longer friendship with you—visiting you right before he knew atsushi would, bringing you rare and precious treasures that he knew you liked, all to prove that he was obviously the stronger and more suited mate for you.
it's not like atsushi would fight back, anyway.
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dpdzombie · 11 days
hi i'm the period alter
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yayanurcahyati98 · 1 month
Lelah bisikku..
Tapi kalo berhenti juga gak boleh,
Sadar gak sih,
Terkadang bukan perihal aktivitasnya yang padat, bukan tentang pikirannya yang ruwet, bukan tentang kesibukannya yang menggunung, bukan tentang dompetnya yang kosong..
Tapi tentang hubungan dengan TUHAN-nya yang berantakan !
Yaps, itulah sebab utamanya..
Selagi nafas masih berhembus, kamu masih punya waktu untuk persiapan menuju perjalanan panjang menuju TUHAN..
Selagi raga masih Allah jaga, kamu masih punya janji yang harus di tepati dalam meniti jalan menuju-Nya
Terus aja berusaha, sampai kamu benar-benar lupa bahwa tiada lagi kesakitan yang dirasa hanya karena hal-hal sederhana..
Pesan guru ana kala itu:
"Tak apa lelah, tempat istirahat ternyaman kan syurga. Sekarang mah belum waktunya berleha ..." (Deep rasanya)
Maaf yaa Allah,
Ternyata aku masih saja ngeluh !
Kuningan, 23 Agustus 2024
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