#I wrote this as a shitpost but now I actually wanna know what people think
theastralbard · 1 year
Would Kaiba still love Blue Eyes White Dragon if she was a wyrm????
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catboybiologist · 1 year
Hi! I’m CatboyBiologist.
Formerly a femboy, now a trans woman just starting HRT, and a PhD student in molecular biology. I started using this online persona as a fun, shitposty way to explore gender a few years ago. I post selfies (generally sfw, but somewhat sexy, so minors and ppl who don’t like that have been warned), rambles about science, tutorials and advice from the stuff I’ve learned by being a femboy in the past, nature pictures, stuff about the ocean, my adorable grumpy little tortoise, and unsolicited opinions on random nerdy topics. Any pronouns are fine. I don’t plan to socially transition for a while, and still present as a man most of the time, so I’m used to whatever you wanna use for me (for now, I’ll update this if that changes). Please send me pictures of your pets or other cute animals in your life!
As a scientist, I’m also documenting my transition! This google sheet will be updated at least monthly. I also have additional metrics I’m keeping to myself, and pictures that go with this, but I’m not sharing them publicly yet. Keep in mind that this is just one person’s experience with HRT, and may not represent universal trends!
Adding a little something here, bc I think it was an interesting bit a writing: if you want to see me respond to a transphobe about what "biologically female" means, here's a thing I wrote about it. CW for transphobia and discussion, obviously.
Also, if any of my measurements look weird, its entirely possible I fucked up. Let me know if anything looks off!
Here’s some of my favorite pre-HRT pictures:
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If you want to see more of my pre-HRT selfies, browse the “femboy” tag on my blog!
And as of this writing, I’m only 2 days after the start of HRT, so here’s a picture with my tortoise that’s technically post-HRT (but with 0 time for actual changes):
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If you want to see my future post-HRT selfies, browse the “trans selfie” tag on my blog!
Also here's another really cute picture and fanart of my tortoise by @whalesharkcat:
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I have affectionately given my tortoise the title of The Grumpus.
I also wrote a couple of tutorials and general vibes about being a femboy before I started HRT:
Sometimes I make shitposts of myself, I don’t take myself too seriously:
This includes the way I came out on tumblr:
And here’s an overly serious, long ramble about trans thoughts and things that I wrote shortly afterwards:
Later addition: Someone asked how I take selfies, so I wrote a quick and dirty guide with some tips on how I do so in response to their ask:
Oh yeah and apparently I was a 196 microcelebrity? I never to thought I was popular enough for that but apparently some people do 🤷‍♀️. So uh, hi 196 tags, I'm abusing you for my pinned post LOL
As for terminology, I personally do think of myself as a “man who is becoming a woman” as opposed to having always been a woman. If that doesn’t resonate with your experience, I totally get that! But that’s why I freely call pre-HRT me a femboy, while still calling post-HRT me a trans woman. I’m also keeping the blog name as CatboyBiologist for the forseeable future, because at this point, Catboy just seems like a gender neutral term to me.
I’m also trying to put together a script for a podcast regarding how studying biology influenced my perspective on sex and gender- lmk if there’s any interest in that! It’s probably gonna be way too long and indulgent but oh well.
So uh. Yeah. I don’t end these types of things well. Byeeeeee
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misty-wisp · 1 year
(Looks at you with my big eyes) now tell us about Vin
hehe, alrighty!
vin's a chainsaw man oc, but he's got nothing to do with whatever the hell's going on in the actual show or manga. originally, i wrote him for a certain other anime...but i've long since cast away my appreciation for it (it's mid as fuck) (also i have bad memories w/ it). unfortunately though most of my art of him is for that original concept and old as shit so you have masterpieces such as this:
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...god, my older art was so bad--
also, for clarity, he does not actually glow in the dark. this is a shitpost.
let me speedrun a quick sketch of what his design is now in good old ms paint:
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he's a fiend! (since i know you don't watch/read csm, they're corpses possessed by devils)
he was originally the psychic devil. you know how people get really irrationally scared that someone could be reading their thoughts? yeah, this guy embodies that. he likes to stick around people, posing as human (since the holes on his face are easily hidden behind a mask) and using their thoughts to his advantage to manipulate them to later kill and eat them to survive. "but misty! he's got the classic anime color hair--" shhhh he has albinism
the name "vin" comes from the name of the dead guy he's using the corpse of. he was named vincent, but the devil could only find traces of that name upon taking over his cadaver, so it sticks with the name "vin." since fiends don't physically age afaik, he's eternally in his mid-20s. not much of an issue for him, though.
he's a huge asshole, too. taunting and manipulative, and the type to get on others' nerves for fun. think joshua from twewy. he probably purposefully pisses people off to get them to slip up while completely blinded by frustration, juuust so he could smack em hard enough for an instakill with telekinesis, since he's also capable of that. i can see him getting someone to snap only to dodge a lunge, hop away, and have a piano comedically fall on them before they could turn back to try hitting him again. very unrealistic, probably wouldn't happen, but it would be funny.
he actually does have a silly sad backstory too, regarding how he ended up possessing this dead guy, but i wanna draw him more before going into that...he doesn't even have a proper ref...sobs
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psylunari · 2 years
About time I introduce myself
TL;DR Luna's nonsense about herself. Feel free to reblog!
If you're looking for my original posts or my fics:
The tags are #psyluna.txt (for fandom info posts, writing tips, and posts like this one it's the first but you get the idea) and #psyluna.fic (for fanfiction). #psyluna.ask is for ask games and answers. #psyluna.png is for image edits, art, and memes.
The tag for when I get fanart is #I GOT ART. Bless all the people who have ever made something for me, I would like to give you the entire planet, but I'm poor, and taking care of a planet is too much work. So all I can give you is more fanfiction.
If I translate something that's not my work, the tag is #translation I just did.
From lurker to occasional reblogger to regular shitposter to… I don't know. The sky is the limit. Nice to meet you! I created this account in 2019, together with my return to posting fanfiction. I wrote fanfiction on again, then off again, for years, since I first picked it up at the fresh age of ten.
I was never a people person, nor did life make me a public figure, thank goodness. I'm not made for the spotlight, so I didn't see a point in blogging here myself. Anyway. I wanna do it now. Buckle up.
My name: the IRL one is so lame that I won't tell you. Call me psy, luna, or psyluna, as you wish. It fits me better.
My age: I was born in 1995, just so that I don't have to update this yearly.
Pronouns: I go by she/her. Gender is a myth. So is being internet famous.
My home country: I hail from not-so-distant, not-so-unknown Brazil.
Languages I speak: English is my second language (Portuguese is my first), and as per local standards, I can speak and write in English quite well. Before you ask, I write fanfiction in Portuguese and translate later, for reasons I'll disclose if anyone asks. I had basic Spanish in school and can still read/listen to it okay, can't write/speak it anymore. Japanese is my hobby language of choice. I plan on becoming more proficient if everything goes right.
My writing: it was always my favorite way to express myself. It's how I organize my thoughts and communicate with the world. Consequently, I wrote lots and lots all my life, even if not fanfiction, just personal vents. I got better in speaking out loud as I became more confident, less self-loathing, and ran out of fucks to give.
Should you talk to me: I enjoy chatting more than I enjoy people. It's not that I don't like people… Okay, let's not lie here. People are troublesome, even myself. I'll willingly talk to people who talk to me, and even start conversations at times, but getting attached and forming bonds isn't a default expectation. That said, if you wanna talk to me, please do.
Miscellaneous: I was somewhat raised by the 2000s internet. Meaning, I was there for a lot of memes and chaos, too. I miss some things and not others.
You won't see me engage with drama and discourse a lot. I keep many personal opinions private or restricted to close friends, as one should separate personal life from public life. To be honest, no one cares much what I think (again, thank goodness). Won't ever bother putting up a DNI list.
I usually follow back. If your blog is blank (as in you don't reblog anything), I might follow back if I know who you are.
Among other artsy things I like doing: drawing (not too well), singing (okay to well), playing a few instruments (okayish), typesetting (pretty well, actually). If cooking counts, then cooking.
My fandoms: I've been obsessed with lots of things along the years. For every phase, I bookmarked lots of fanart and wrote a bit of fic. My interests come and go. They're mostly anime/animated series and video games. I'm also a “mild kpopper” and a dormant rock/metal enthusiast.
My favorite characters: too many to count. They mostly fit the “well-meaning but kind of a jerk” archetype. They don't have to be morally gray, but can be. I don't vibe with stupid characters a lot. My favorite works of fiction are a bit or very tragic. I love bishounen/bishoujo in character design. My ships are based on if I like the chemistry, not much on the characters' genders.
As for my writing strengths: I'm good at putting one word in front of another and finding mistakes. That's the gist of it. Many writers struggle with low productivity and procrastination, and that isn't my curse, fortunately. I can work with a preexisting idea and propose solutions, maybe even add a thing or two. I'm also very critical of things and quick at noticing patterns.
As for my writing weaknesses: I don't think my ideas are too innovative, and while that doesn't matter a lot in the bigger picture, it makes me a little sad. I recycle ideas and themes a lot and hope no one notices. Whenever I'm forced to create, instead of working with preexisting things, I go ughhhh. I used to joke about how I had one idea worth writing every six months. It's been different these days, and I took notes of all nice ideas I've been having, but it's pretty recent. I'm also bad with prompts I don't click with.
The rest like prose, characterization, style, etc. is up for debate, and to some degree, a matter of personal taste. I like to think I can adapt to the needs of whatever I'm writing.
Do you write original fiction? Yes! I'm just not very far into them. I won't disclose much about it, though. Not now, at least. Some are more slice-of-lifey, others are more fantasy-like.
You can find my compiled social media and writing profiles in this carrd. If you don't feel like clicking on the carrd, here are the fic sites:
Archive Of Our Own (most up-to-date, missing older works and personal vents)
Fanfiction dot net (not very up-to-date because I hate this website)
+Fiction, formerly Nyah! Fanfiction (in Portuguese only, has lots of old stuff and vents)
I have a Wattpad account with nothing posted.
I'm used to talking about myself, since nine times out of 10 I'll be brooding in the corner and people get curious. I don't know why exactly that is. Hope you could get to know me better!
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kyaruun · 1 year
Since when did the graphics suck they're literally so cute
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This one is literally embedded in my mind like I ASSOCIATE this with you
It isssss literally so cute but your other graphics are also so cute wthhhhhhh
Buuut I can do some tutorials on things you wanna know that I can do? I've been wanting to make a tutorial for a while now actually
. Me too like I don't have a schedule and while I write on a "rotation", I spend so muxh time and energy on irl things that I don't get much time to write. I literally haven't gotten through my reqs from last August. Rip my 800 event from. Before then??? Cannot even keep track it's been like a year
My follow count is only that high bcs I wrote for haikyuu (in 2020 its peak) then I joined the genshin bus kinda early (?) Which is still huge and I wrote misc fics for whatever else, and it was also my edit blog??? And now I'm here shitposting so I got followers from like lots of places
The way yours is in the 700s and a loooot older than mine pls I'm also in the 700s in nazukisser.... insanity
Well personally i love your leo so I think that it should happen because you deserve it. And writing a series.... yes.... smaus are so fun I have domicile on nazukisser for reference if you want it and my fav smau ever is club stupid by tumblr user kodzuvii highly recommend I just become a redhead kita's cousin and tendou's best friend number 1 miracle girl and down bad for suna rintarou whenever I read it.
WAAAA I can't wait to see your revamp !!! Thank you.. I always try to have some sort of match (character/color/style) all throughout!! If you need help/opinions/etc lmk!!!
Right like what happened . We were thriving. Then we boomed for a second and died. Like I see the nazuna x reader tag and ME AND KAZE ARE THE ONLY ONES like bruh? And my fics have been flopping tho it seems everyone's have been flopping too
Yeah the only thing keeping me tied down here is the server..... it's like my lifetime... come back we miss you
I MISS NURI TOO... bee has arknights now....I miss.... and runanananna....... ate swanee's writing.... SHE DOES THAT TO US TOO not that I hate it but she drops like a couple of lines in snippets and dips and I'm like *SCREEEECHES*
If you come back to my server we welcome you back we miss you :(((
I can only be grateful that some of us are left tho.... i7 is so dead and e7 LMFAO??? I was legit the only one it was so darned sad
THAT'S THE ONLY ONE I LIKE!! i love watching vids about journaling and that kind of thing and they make the cutest decorated polaroids so i wanted to do something like that but very cutesy themed,, spring made me think of picnics so gingham <3 i actually played around with a few similar concepts like polaroid + random stickers and i planned to make banners with that but uuuu there are so many characters,, can't keep my focus for too long. i think they came out cute but it's probably too late to use them </3
i always wonder about what do people use to edit their pics because i was born a ps girlie and i still don't know how to use ps properly oops making your themes look nice and cohesive,, those cute pinned etc etc people who edit icons and make them look super aesthetic
i think i never tried to promote my blog because followers don't feel like an integral part of the process for me. i just write what comes to mind and share it with the world: if people like it i'm absolutely delighted and if they don't well,, at the end of the day most of my writing has been fun for me ^^ like come on i've written things that are silly and self indulgent and they worked fine and i'm here like. wow
i have considered writing for more series but the thing is the media i like has a fandom of like. 2.5 people on the good days. so it really doesn't make too much sense to even try that <.< genshin fandom scares tf out of me so i'll keep my extra fluffy albedo thoughts to myself. the bazillion "childe being a dumbass in love" posts. kazuha writing poetry. oops. getting flashbacks to the time i almost made a hypmic blog but i stopped myself at the last second out of embarrassment
i'm torn on whether a) people just aren't interested in that kind of content anymore (no way) or b) people DO read our stuff, they simply don't interact. not even a like. the migration of people from other social media into tumblr,, like sorry but i've been here since 2016? and it gets worst for writers every day </3
i have an immense amount of cute enstars thoughts a day and i feel like if i can't share them i will combust (my best friend has to deal with me every day),, it's mostly cute romantic stuff with my favs and my ocs, for obv reasons so i'm like uuuu should i even tell this to someone it's just embarrassing. like only other enstarries could understand why i keep rotating this bunch of dorks around my brain and getting the biggest serotonin boost out of it ueeee
i kind of miss being in a server with other people. i've been feeling very lonely lately due to uni so i think that'd be good for my mental health but at the same time,, i don't want to go back to talking once in a blue moon you know? ooo to be an anxious mess every day of your life.... like i get nervous so easily and i know i'll make someone uncomfortable so i simply keep quiet or i don't know how to join conversations because my social skills are -1. i'm a bit of a mess TT
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as a bonus for reading all of this, wips of some of the banners/wallpapers? i was working on the last time. rei was meant to be a light pink/purple ish kind of shade but i don't mind how these came out either ^^ i need to print the cgs as polaroids again
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Some thoughts on Dystopia Daily aka Dan's Last Attempt At YouTube.
"[Dystopia Daily] may not be daily" - Weird but ok.
"I am finally just gonna give the people and the algorithm what they ask for"; "I am here to create some fucking content (...) my way" - So which one is it, their way or your way?
"I would like to open each episode of "Dystopia Daily" with a monologue about the times that we live in. Something topical, personal, controversial, sexual maybe, I dunno, whatever." - So which one is it, rambling about the world or rambling about yourself?
"I dunno what I wanna do with my life because I don't know what I want." - You're a rich 31-year-old man, not a helpless teenager. Get off the internet, get intensive therapy, and get yourself together. Find hobbies and a job that actually fulfil you.
"More attention? God, please no." - Why are you still a public internet personality then?
"Money? Yeah, I've been ruined by stupid leftist YouTubers and Twitter accounts. And now I'm some bloody, low-key socialist that can't live without the guilt." - Get off the internet, leave your bubble, and use that money you feel guilty about to do good in the world.
"Is it just sex?" - Your sex jokes stopped being funny 5 years ago. Stop.
"after having my dreams disintegrated by an uncaring corporate cog in the machine, and thusly relearning how to be cripplingly depressed for a while after I literally wrote the book about looking after your mental health..." - You had to face rejection. Welcome to life. You're also a hypocrite, cool.
"The problem with everything I aspire to do with my life off social media is it has to be on someone else's terms, and their timeline" - Again, welcome to life you privileged dumbass. Do you think you're the first and only person ever who faces challenges and has to make compromises with other people and still gets disappointed every now and then? Who do you think you are?
"Every day, I am tempted to just go live in the woods, but you keep asking me to come back, trapping me in this liminal hell where I can neither fully follow my dreams or just frolic in the forest and finally be free." - Don't shift the responsibility. Go live in the woods if you want to, no one's trapping you. Stop acting like a martyr. Your fans will be fine.
"What I wanna know is what happens after [burning out]?" You either (1) quit for good, (2) reinvent yourself and your act, or (3) continue to spiral while the world is watching. I can think of several Youtuber examples for each option, and right now it looks like you're on the way to #3.
"I have developed a total phobia of social media, which as someone who is reliant on two apps to live is a bit of a fuckin' problem."; "I feel like I cannot tweet without…"; "On Instagram, my problem is…"; "I really dunno where to go from here" - Get help for your social media addiction and get off the internet.
"I am afraid to upload anything unless it's a fuckin' feature film"; "I have somehow pushed myself into a corner where I can't create a clip unless I got some kind of bomb to drop or trauma to mine for content."; "I care way too much about what people think and what it all means." - It means you need to grow thicker skin or get off the internet and get a job where you aren't exposing yourself to millions of people.
"have I just let various paranoias mutate unchecked and trap me in a prison of my own toxic thoughts?" - Probably.
"I am in terminally online rehabilitation, just trying to learn to shitpost again and find some serotonin somewhere. So this show here is a immersion therapy." - No, you should definitely try to find serotonin elsewhere. Offline. Actual therapy, and hobbies and work that have nothing to do with the internet.
"They say the best way to face your fears is head on. So I am here and I'm queer and I am just gonna force myself through the tears."; "I just wanna show the world and show you that even when every part of you is screaming not to do something, sometimes, you should just go for it" - Sometimes, the fear you feel is there for a reason and you should listen to it because it's trying to protect you. Again, stop being a martyr.
"[We're All Doomed]'s a show I made to just give me something to head towards to save my own life" - If this isn't a cry for help, I don't know what is.
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bogleech · 4 years
We’re in the final days of Halloween here’s all my spooky contents
Because I get new followers EVERY DAY from old shitposts or biology posts and they don’t all know that I just sit there making spooky content all year!!
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Mortasheen - now at last has a fully funded kickstarter for a tabletop RPG, so that’s coming 2021, it’s a “mons” world (like Pokemon or Digimon) with mad science and body horror motifs that I’ve been expanding for almost 20 years of my life. Link goes to the main monster list, now exceeding over 700 (I WILL catch up to Pokemon sooner or later!!!)
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Awful Hospital: Seriously the Worst Ever - a webcomic now in its sixth year, where actions and dialog are partially guided by user comments. You help a mom explore a broken, otherworldly hospital to save her son and, by now, save reality as we all know it.
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Monster Reviews & Guides - most are on the front page of my site but more are archived under the “articles” button. My hyperfixation on creature design is such that I’ve meticulously reviewed and analyzed entire video game bestiaries, monster toy lines, Halloween decorations and sci-fi cartoons to the tune of tens of thousands of monsters by now, because to this day, it seems like only a handful of other people care enough about the subject to do that??? Or are they holding off because they think it’ll step on my toes??! Maybe I wanna be able to read monster analyses that aren’t mine sometimes!!
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Don’t Get Spooked - one Halloween I learned how to use Twine, made this elaborate fully illustrated Creepyasta Haunted House game with an inventory system, hidden mini creepypastas and tons of easter eggs, then I forgot how to use twine ever again. SCAREY!!! May not work right in all browsers anymore.
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Homunculus Nightmare - another Halloween I made this kind of obtuse game where you just either print out or draw monsters (you don’t have to use their “official” cards! I just liked making them!) and then you photograph them under different circumstances to “defeat” them. Anybody who completes 31 of them (counting fan-made monsters) gets to design their own.
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Nightmare Menagerie - (Warning for some gore, disturbing imagery and disturbing writing) - every November and December I’ve been inviting people to share their weirdest and creepiest dreams in my site comments, and then I draw some of my favorite monsters/entities from people’s actual dreams, hallucinations and sleep paralyses! Other artists tend to join in too! Link goes to the most recent one from 2019′s season, links to all other entries are in thumbnails at the bottom!
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CREEPYPASTA/WEIRD FICTION ARCHIVE - this is the first year that I just have too much going on to host this again, but from 2012-2019 my site hosted a writing competition every November to January as a winter extension of Halloween. People have submitted over a thousand stories all archived alphabetically under the link, ranging from supernatural comedy to multi-part dark fantasy epics and even a full length novel!! Check out the links by year to see authors who won the contest aspect, but for real, almost any story you click is going to be interesting to just amazing. There’s no way for me to ever really express my appreciation for every author here, especially those who wrote or shared their writing for the first time in their lives. I still hope that a lot of them, whether they won or not, kept an interest in storytelling.
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Spiderween - an “Arachnophobe Safe” guide to spiders -  while this kind of falls under the “creature reviews” it’s still one of my favorite things I made, with a lot of help from @revretch​! I generally want everybody in the world to think spiders are cool and good even if they got stuck with an inability to look at them, which generally isn’t anybody’s fault, so I made this 31-page guide to the weirdest, most amazing spiders with illustrations that don’t actually look like spiders. Each includes a link to what they actually look like, but some of those might have gone down in the time since it went up. You can always google their names if you need! Includes heavily sourced mythbusting on the most feared spiders of all, too; there are some that are dangerous, but none of them are actually as dangerous as you think they are. Our recluse spider entry goes into the most detail.
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crazy-always-lazy · 3 years
over the last year of being single i’ve learned that i was just like my mother. they don’t lie when they say you love like you see your parents love. i went from the girl who never thought she could ever get a boyfriend (too #quirky and ugly for that) to somehow landing a 3.5 year relationship (go back in my archives if you wanna see all the gay shit i wrote about it) to then right after, a 1.5 year relationship to then, again right after, a 12 month long relationship that somehow became the most toxic rollercoaster ride of my life. shortly after that ended, i realized i was codependent and had never actually been alone in my adult (or teenage) life.
so i changed that. and now i like being alone. i like third wheeling. i like not answering people, i like going out with my friends, i like kissing random guys (and girls) at bars, i like having random guys at bars buy me drinks, i like sleeping alone, i like wearing and posting whatever i want, i like shamelessly flirting with people. i hate tinder. i hate bumble. i hate first dates. i hate the “talking” stage. i hate clingy (at first). i get the ick so fast it’s not even funny. i don’t share my favorite songs or my favorite restaurant. i like to shitpost on twitter and not care if people think i’m a little too weird because if you can’t handle me at my shitpost you don’t deserve me at my normie girl in american eagle jeans and a blouse from forever21. i learned that i am exactly like other girls.
i learned that i love to be a hot girl. i learned that, despite my opinions and past opinions of others, i am a hot girl. i’ve always been a normal girl, and for whatever reason i thought i wasn’t normal enough to be with other normal people (i have the worst habit of trying to fix someone) or with people in my league, or with people who respect me and love me unconditionally. i learned that while my humor may be a little off the charts, and my interests aren’t exactly typical, i am not the stereotypical “uwu gay tumblr grunge girl” and i haven’t been that girl since i was like 16 and an annoying SJW on twitter. i learned to have a personality outside of my sexuality, music, mental illness and media interests. i learned i can cater to many different types of people because i have been many different types of people. i learned that i am not into “ugly” guys, and that hot normal guys do have interest in me! i learned i like pretty femme girls, and while there’s not any around here, maybe i’ll find one when i move. i learned that i have more (and better) priorities than talking to guys who ask for my snapchat before my phone number.
i learned i love podcasts. specifically red scare. i learned i love dasha and anna’s humor. i learned that i am not like the call her daddy girls and i never will be! i learned that i love going out and dancing and drinking, but i also love to be in bed by 11:30 and wake up before 9:30. i love to exercise. i love to eat well and be healthy and that sadness isn’t beautiful but what you can do with it can make you beautiful. i learned that i don’t do hook ups because i stay attached (example: my ex) i learned to have balance. to have a personality outside of whatever my boyfriend is interested in. i learned that some guys will take advantage and hurt you but not all of them are like that. i learned that “i love you” is a big phrase, and that i am deathly afraid of it.
i learned to be myself, to be BY myself, and to love myself unconditionally. and most importantly, to be patient and to set boundaries. when the right person comes along, i’ll know and i won’t have to compromise or be miserable 40% of the time. i’ll know when someone will love me for me instead of the version they have of me in their head.
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kachulein · 3 years
Check-In Tag
I was tagged by @calcifer-rose and @marculees to do this tag. Thank you🥺💞💞
1. why did you choose your url?
Kachu is my nickname and "-lein" is a German diminutive to make it sound cuter since kachu by itself was already taken.
2. any side blogs?
Yes! I have quite a few but the only one that I actively check up on/post on at the moment is my astrology blog @dreamyaqua ...and even there I have been quite inactive due to studying for exams.
3. how long have you been on tumblr? 
Since December 2012 :')))
4. do you have a q tag?
Yes! I mainly use my "q: daydreaming💫" tag but I also have one for sleeping (that I keep forgetting to use) and I kind of replaced my "busy busy" queue tag with the daydreaming one as well. Rarely, I might temporarily make a new one with "sick/ill" or something to kind of also explain why I might be inactive/not replying to messages.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I'm actually not sure... I made a tumblr but didn't use it for a few years because it was too confusing to me. Then in 2014/2015 I used it here and there to reblog emo posts and then in 2016 I started getting into the kpop side of tumblr and became gradually more active (only really started interacting with people after starting my writing side blog in 2018, though).
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because it fits my current blog aesthetic/colour theme and Yeonjun is one of my ult biases.
7. why did you choose your header?
Pretty much the same applies to my header as well. Yes, I'm a sucker for Yeonjun. c:
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Oof...on main, I really don't know. I've made my fair share of kpop meme posts that garnered >1k notes but I couldn't say which one of those is number one. But my most popular post overall is a Bang Chan blurb I wrote on my (now mostly inactive) sideblog @fluffyheadcanons that counts >2.1k notes as of now.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I used to keep track of them in a little booklet so that I didn't forget anyone (especially with tag games, checking up on them, and also to update their url changes) because I had >100 mutuals. I've lost touch with most of them and a lot of them aren't active on tumblr anymore, so now I keep a small circle of lovely moots with some that I've been friends with for years and others I've met in the past year!^-^ 💞💞
10. how many followers do you have? 
It keeps fluctuating but it's around 1.5k~
11. how many people do you follow?
About 271 as of now~
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Ever? You mean, all the time? Yes, that sounds more like it. :')
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Hmm...some days more, some days less. I probably pop in at least once a day (most of the time) but I'm not as crazily active as I was in the earlier days (I literally lived on here ok😭).
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Hm... not a fight per se... but there were a few instances.
1) Back in 2019 I believe, I got an anon ask saying that one of my mutuals was talking shit about me on their blog and they asked me whether we had a fight (we didn't). So I went and messaged said mutual and asked what this is about and whether I've done something to upset them. They never replied and also unfollowed me and all, so to this day, I still have no idea what the heck happened.
2) I had a similar situation with a second mutual as well, there wasn't an anon involved but I just suddenly realized that they unfollowed me on every social media we connected on and same as above, to this day, I still have no idea what I did wrong/whether I did something to upset them.
3) I won't go into much detail here because what happened is very personal but this mutual was one of my first friends here on tumblr and they were without a doubt the person I talked to the most. We had similar struggles and could relate to each other well. Then there was a personal issue and I confronted them about it... I wasn't mad but I just wanted to know the truth because I don't like being lied to... but they never replied to me and it marked the end of our friendship. This one is the hardest for me to get over because we weren't just mutuals, we were so much closer than that. More than anything, I just miss them and think it's sad how we went from talking all day every day to being strangers. But life goes on...
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? 
Depending on what it is about they make me a bit uncomfortable. I know that those posts who threaten you are all about superstitions but it still scares me/I don't wanna risk anything y'know😔
16. do you like tag games?
Yes!! I really love these type of games, so moots or anyone who's reading this, feel free to tag me in games, I'm always up for doing them! And I don't mind getting spammed either, it just means more fun games for me!^-^
17. do you like ask games?
Yes, I love them! But I don't want to annoy people so I haven't reblogged one in ages ^^"
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Hmm... I'd say Qiu (@stealerz) and Key (@key201303)!!🥺💞💞
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I'll join Niamh here and say squishes! I do have those on my moots because you're all so precious and ily!!!👉🏻👈🏻🥺
20. tags?
@jsczclpjs @jellihye @stealerz @key201303 @interstellix @oddlittlefandomist @marriael @jbemin and anyone else who'd like to do it!~💞💞
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
i crave..more blakeworther hcs..anything...please
So this isn’t really headcanons in the proper sense, but it kinda comes with some. I’m gonna do something a little different, because every time I get a hyperfixation, I end up assigning songs to it based on what I happen to listen to and connect to it, so here is going to be the songs I associate with Blakeworther (or with Albert and the other two come by association because him big favorite). And hopefully this will be some fun because a lot of these, you can’t actually see a direct connection - this was just my brain Doing Things and coming up with scenarios (also, some of the songs are steamier than others; proceed with caution)
Drunk - The Living Tombstone: I swear all three of them are heavy drinkers. It’s pretty much said that Vincent is an alcoholic and this is a Problem. They are all three in that boat. All three of them. Honestly, they all probably need serious help, but two of them are suffering from extreme trauma and the third represses his feelings to unhealthy levels, so they’re not likely to admit it soon.
United - Amberian Dawn: Okay, so you remember when in one of my past headcanon dumps, I put down “If they ever did drag lip-sync; don’t ask why I have this one?”. The shortest possible version of this is that when I get new lovelies who lean villainous, I like to imagine them putting on musical numbers, esp. to whatever song I’m listening to at the time. And this song was in my car one night when I just needed to imagine these three rocking out, so I’m like “And because AD is female-led, they’ve gotta be in drag, whether syncing or singing.” (The longer version of this story involves...go click the “What is the WHAM ARMY?” link on my main page. Yeah. I want them in on it. And karaoke AND drag are two core tenets of the WHAM ARMY.) Anyway, the mental image wrote its freaking self when I sat down to this. Albert in the pink ruffles, dancing like it’s his last chance to, taking Capri’s melody and eating up the limelight as multicolored strobes pulse around him. Victor and Vincent are doing the backup. Victor is really hamming it up while Vincent looks like he wants to die. Vincent eventually gets worn down and you have all three of them leaping dramatically about to this synth-metal song. And ever since then I can’t disassociate this song from them even though it has very little to do with them (other than that it’s about people who need each other to do their best).
Shoot Him Down! - Alice Francis: Unfortunately, I was STILL on the drag/karaoke kick when I went to listen to this one, and oh my goodness, just as a performance art piece, Albert would be like “I want to sing the murder song” and Victor would go “Cool, I love electroswing/jazz” and Vincent’s just “Are we doing this again? Was once not enough?” and it’s the same setup. Albert as lead hogging the spotlight and the other two are backup singers.
I’m Gonna Win - Rob Cantor: This is another case of the song showing up at the right time. I was thinking about Blakeworther while listening to this and it clicked. But it really kinda has that badass energy that they all three need. I can see Vincent singing this the DAY he got back from the near-death experience and started plotting his revenge, and the other two are like “HELL YEAH” and adopt this as their anthem. Their battle theme maybe.
Mamma Mia - HUGEL: Saw one of THOSE animation memes. Kruecent. This one if you must know. It encapsulates their dynamic PERFECTLY. And then you know what? There’s a Blakeworth one too. And it amuses me to all hell that anyone who’s ever animated VTSOM to this song is like “Vincent is that tired male vocalist” and we all agree his type is WHOEVER WOULD BE THE LEAD VOCALIST. This is Vincent’s hell and he loves it but good luck getting him to admit that. Anyway this was the first fandom I even saw THOSE memes for and I don’t even wanna look at others because this is already perfect
Mr. Sandman, Man Me a Sand - Okay I know it’s a shitpost of a parody but. It’s a combo of talking about a dream entity and riffing a CreepyPasta. And it’s off the shits. Is this Victor and Vincent singing about Albert, or is this Albert singing about the other two and having no idea how increasingly weird he’s getting? (As in...like...he legitimately forgot the words to Mr. Sandman and is just improvising.) It’s Albert-adjacent and I won’t hear arguing on this.
There will probably be more because I do the song thing with EVERY hyperfixation character/ship but for now I think that’s it
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spookyboogie3 · 4 years
The trope Last Minute Hookup shouldn’t be used for LGBTQ+ relationships.
I DO NOT hate any of these pairings. A good many of them could have been handled differently by the creators, writers, and networks. But this isnt me hating the relationships or characters or shows. Just going off about how they shouldnt have been tacked on at the end of their respective series. 
As of writing this all of these shows have ended their original runs. Except for Supernatural which is on its last few episodes. And Supergirl, which announced its coming to end with season 6.
LGBTQ characters and relationships aren’t as common in the media as straight-cis characters and relationships. Sure things are improving but a lot of networks and writers still don’t fully understand why representation is important why they can’t keep using the same throwaway tropes they’ve been using for the straight-cis relationships.
You could name any piece of media and find and name one character that isn’t LGBTQ+, but you can’t do this with LGBTQ+ characters. We haven’t gotten to the point where they are as common as non-LGBTQ characters.
I have a whole paper I wrote on why asexual representation is important to have in the media and the same logic applies to any part of the LGBTQ+ or anything that falls under minority.
Back to the topic on hand. The trope of “Last Minute Hookup.”
Its exactly what it sounds like. Characters get to together at the very end of the story. These characters could have a on and off again relationship, lots of ship teasing, the classic “Will They or Wont They?” trope. What makes it different for non-LGBT characters in relationships to do this, we know what these relationships look like. Not to say the that both Non and LGBT relationship cant have similar struggles, however members of the LGBTQ+ community know how hard it is to feel like your identity and self matters and is normal.
I know that the whole “will they, wont they” thing is done for drama and networks and showrunners think if they give the fans what they want that they’ll start losing viewers and they have nothing to look forward to. Which is true to some degree. But most of this comes from the writers not knowing how to fucking write relationships.
Let’s just focus on whats it like to be in a non-straight relationship.
Heres an example: you have an action series, with 2 male leads and halfway through the show, they get together. Cool. Now you have a Battle Couple.
By making LGBTQ relationships happen at the end of a series that’s already had plenty of other non-LGBTQ relationships happen before it, it makes it look like the people in charge don’t care for it or were afraid of backlash. But it’s the end of the series so its not like they can get the show cancelled or anything. (The only people who are going to lash out at LGBT couple or characters are homophobic people, we don’t want them around any way so just make stuff super gay, so they’ll leave)
This is especially a problem when the writer and network have spent the whole series queerbaiting the audience with these characters.
 Side note for anyone is doesn’t actually know what queerbaiting is:
It’s a marketing technique used in entertainment, which the writer or creators hint at but then don’t actually depict sex-same romance or LGBTQ representation. They do this to attract (bait) the LGBT/queer or straight ally audience into the show with the suggestion of representation but at the same time avoiding this as not alienate other audience members *cough* (homophobes) *cough*
Definition is from Wikipedia, not a reliable source says my highschool teachers and college professors but fuck em
The Legend of Korra is a great example of Last-Minute Hookup. Korra and Asami had VERY little ship teasing, and that was in the last 2 books/seasons. Any thing that was perceived as romantic came from the fans wearing shipping goggles. So to a lot of people just casually watching, yes this looked like it came out of nowhere. Nickelodeon had some serious balls to say how brave they were for putting 2 girls into a romantic relationship.
Theres a few problems with this.
A. It never actually aired on TV (to my knowledge). The last 2 seasons of Korra were put on Nicks website.
B. The confirmation that this Korrasami was canon had to come from the creators on twitter because of how unclear it was.
C. The show did the bare minimum when it came to hooking them up in the series. They walk off holding hands (very cute btw). They didn’t even get a kiss. Aang and Katara had a Last Minute Hookup at the end of ATLA after 3 seasons of ship tease and THEY GOT A KISS. Hell the original end of LoK*, has Korra and Mako kissing. *(the first season, they didn’t know they were getting more seasons at the time, no matter what you hear the writers say, they’re full of shit)
D. Anything continuation of Korra has come in the form of comics, which her and Asami are in a fairly well written relationship. Yes, they do kiss. Yes it would’ve been great to see this stuff happen in series.
A show that handles this a little bit better is Adventure Time. Not by much though. It implied several times that Princess Bubblegum and Marceline have history together and its shown more and more in its last few seasons that there is some ship tease happening. However its not until the finale where they kiss, and they are shown in the last minute of the show cuddling together in Marcy’s house. HBO has picked up Adventure Time and has a miniseries called Adventure Time: Distant Lands, where Bubblegum and Marceline’s past relationship is shown.  
I had brought up in my original post about being upset with networks making LGBTQ+ relationships canon in the last season/episode. I originally had Catradora tagged. While Catra and Adora have history together, they did not become official couple until the end of the series.
Yes, I was wrong about the network making things canon in the last episode as they’ve always had ship tease with each other, and it probably was the writers’ intent to put them together by the end. They do technically fall under the Last-Minute Hookup, however.
I wanna talk about Once Upon a Time really quick. Fans of the show were hoping and wishing for an LGBTQ couple for the show as a lot of characters, especially Regina and Emma, have alot Ho Yay moments. The showrunners weren’t going to put those two together, for whatever reasons they may have for that (im indifferent on all the shipping going on with this show). The showrunners thought to put two characters together, and hoo boy did it not make people happy. The characters they put together are Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Ruby the red riding hood, which would be fine if they had properly been developed.
The entire episode they did this in was a mess. They stopped the current arc during the season 5 episode ‘Ruby Slippers,’ to go over the characters that haven’t been seen in years, Dorothy was introduced and last seen in season 3, and Ruby was introduced in season 1 and was last seen in season 5 before ‘Ruby Slippers’. The characters get together in the same episode the meet in and are never seen again. The characters barely interacted, barely got along, and showed little to no ship tease or interest in each other and BOOM they are in love and together aaaaaannnnndd they’re gone. Other than having One Million Moms, a Christian fundamentalist organization, protest against the show and want it taken off the air (yes this really happened). The fans weren’t please with this development of the characters either.  
(also Mulan was right there and already knew Ruby from a previous episode, and Mulan already is established to like girls as shown by her being in love with Aurora. Don’t know why the writers didn’t just put these 2 together but whatever I guess)
So they tried again in season 7 with MadArcher. The characters of Alice, a version of Alice in Wonderland from another realm (its complicated) and Robin, the daughter of Robin Hood and the Wicked Witch (it’s also complicated). And the writers did a lot better here. Both characters were allowed to have time together and have a history together too and it was done over the whole season. Not just one episode.
Now even though the writers decided to do something different with the last season and it could be detached from the previous 6 seasons, MadArcher is not really a Last Minute Hookup per say but still falls under my thing about it being the last season so who gives a fuck if One Million Moms gets mad us and tries to get us cancelled again.
 I would like to say I have never watched a single episode of Supernatural in my life. I may one day. But as of right now my knowledge of it is coming primary from what ive seen on tumblr. You know a great source for doing research and looking for reliable information among the piles of shitposting.
From what I know from fans, the writers of Supernatural have been queer baiting for years. I mean it’s the CW, I’m not that surprised. What also wouldn’t surprise me, that by the end of the series Castiel is back and he and Dean actually start and relationship or strongly hint at starting one. I actually fear for the writer lives if they threw out a confession scene after years of queerbaiting and potential ship tease (debatable) and they don’t put them together. Fans are going to be angrier than they probably ever have been with this show and the showrunners and writers really would be known for queer baiting.
From what I know about how previous shows have done and if anyone that has ever worked on this show wants to continue living, Castiel will be back from Super Hell (is that what yall are calling it?) and he will get together with Dean. And they will fall under the Last-Minute Hookup trope and my networks make LGBTQ relationships canon last season.
 One last show I want to talk about is Supergirl, which in has been recently announced that the 6th season will be the last. The show started on CBS but moved to the CW after the end of season 1. So more CW bullshit. There is no confirmation about whether the CW or any of the Supergirl writers are planning to do this, its all speculation. Supergirl is more LGBTQ friendly than some other shows on the Network. One of the main characters came out a few years ago and had a girlfriend a season and has had plenty of hookups with other ladies around the Arrowverse. They even introduced a trans-woman superhero in the form of Dreamer.
Let’s talk SuperCorp. Lena Luthor was introduced in the 2nd season and has been a major character in Kara’s life ever since her introduction. Even if she isn’t involved in the plot, Kara always goes to her to talk and check in on her and worry about her. They are best friends. Since the 2 have met, there has been plenty of Les Yay going on. The writers seem to be aware of the fans wanting SuperCorp to be canon and they keep throwing in moments like Kara and Lena struggling together or Kara carrying Lena bridal style.
Why I bring this up after the announcement of Supergirl’s final season to start next year. We may get SuperCorp. Kara has a relationship with William in the show and not a single person likes this relationship. The writers may scrap it and get put Kara and Lena together for the final season. This is a big maybe though. The Supergirl writers and crew get called out a lot for queerbaiting.
   Let me know if you guys have any other examples of last season/last episode LGBTQ+ hookup.
And please let me know if you see any mistakes. This was all done in one sitting so I may have some things wrong.
Also check out the video by @aretheygayvideos on this topic too.
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leejungchans · 3 years
tag game, the interview
tagged by @ateez-elena 🥺💕 ty for tagging me daisy!! this looks really fun :3
more under the cut ahsjhws i think i wrote too much 🤡🤡
1. Why did you choose your url?
my main blog is starlightlillies so i wanted something that also started with ‘starlight’; joong for hongjoong bc i love him :3 (i’m aware lilies is spelt with one ‘L’ but it’s alr taken 🥲)
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them?
this blog itself is a side blog hghghhh but starlighthwa is my second one for fic recs, gifs, other rambles etc. partly for better organisation and partly bc i’d feel bad posting 10+ a day about my rambles on this blog even though i kinda already do 🥲 (update: ateezjuliet is my sideblog for my oc!! i just made it bc i wanted better organisation 🥲)
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
a few years but i didn’t start writing and posting my work here until nov of last year!!
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i don’t know what a queue tag is 😭 send help ahsjwjs but i don’t queue my fics bc 1) i tried it once before and my work did not show up in the tags 😭 2) my sleep schedule is fucked enough that i don’t really have to queue anything lmaooo
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i’ve wanted to be a writer here for a few years but never got the courage to actually do it, but then i thought if i didn’t do it now then i’d probably never get the chance to in a few years!!
6. Why did you choose your icon / pfp?
i like lee chan i guess 😭
7. Why did you choose your header?
bc i l*ve lee chan 💔 ahhsjwjs i change my layout a lot but this one might last quite a while bc i really really like it!! (no promises though if my layout changes next week no one say a word 💀)
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
my jeonghan fic redemption!!
9. How many mutuals do you have?
not a lot i feel like but i love every single one of you with my whole heart and i hope you know that 😤💕 (if you wanna be moots/friends please don’t hesitate to hmu hahwhsj i’m usually way too shy to reach out to people but i’d love to be friends 🥺)
10. How many followers do you have?
i hit a milestone a while ago!! (ahjshwjs sorry i’m not the most comfy with revealing the exact number 🤧)
11. How many people do you follow?
i follow from my main so 1186 blogs!! i’ve been on tumblr for years so i’ve had many phases and fandom changes ahsjjwjs sooo yeah that’s a lot whsjhw
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
i had to look this up and tbh i still don’t really know 😭 if it means posting something dumb then yeah bc that’s literally my whole personality 💀
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
i get so ashamed when people ask me about my phone usage/screen time bc I KNOW IT’S BAD!!!! 😭😭 uhhhh apple says i spent 22 hours on tumblr last week so 🤡 i read a lot here aside from posting and interacting with you guys so yeah!!
14. Did you have a fight / argument with another blog once? Who won?
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to compare this’ posts?
i also don’t really know what these are 😭 i haven’t gotten them before nor have i seen these on other blogs 😭😭
16. Do you like tag games?
yes!! :3
17. Do you like ask games?
also yes!! :3
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
hmmm i don’t really have anyone in mind?
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
no pressure tags 💕 @atinymonster @woopetals @moondaii @nctharu and anyone else who wants to join!!
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
man dont you ever have like, very true romantic feelings towards your anons??? bc that person that wrote The legendary ask of "i wanna explain to you that i love you" owns my whole heart. i literally daydreamed about them More than once, not a day goes by that i dont think about "you created this place zee, and it has a lot of you, and in every bit of that i find peace" i swear to you i will not rest, i will not settle until i find someone that can say with their whole chest that they find peace in me. i am 100% finding this person and making them fall in love with me. i don't know how you haven't wed them yet. i literally shipped you with this anon since the year 2019 like when i read it i was like "omg are they gonna take this to the dms :$" until i realized i was just projecting. anyways, my question: have you ever just, idk, have the urge to kiss an anon on here? maybe hug a bit? but like, in a shojo manga sense?
I MEAN i wouldn’t say “romantic” but i do feel very fond about many of my anons! also, now that you mention that one specific ask, i actually scrolled through my blog to find that specific one (which i had tagged with #best which honestly... good job me from the past lol) and it filled me with the same fond and warm feelings that i had when i first got it. it’s been almost two-ish years and i still can’t believe that anon sent me such a heartfelt message?? like... what did i do to deserve that... bruh moment (more sappy bullshit under the cut bc i talk for approximately ten years)
but no, unfortunately we did not take it to the dms LMAO i don’t even know if that same anon still sends me asks, let alone if they still follow me! very few of my anons ever “reveal” themselves to me, which i totally understand! it’s way easier to send asks like that when you’re veiled behind a layer of anonymity, so i would never ask anyone to come out of hiding if they don’t want to (but my dms are always open! however, during 2019, i think i had them closed because i was getting a lot of... strange dms at the time but ive reopened them since most of those weirdos have up and left). there have been moments when i reminisce on certain asks like that where i wonder “hmm... i wonder who this person is? how do they perceive me now? do i still take up some space in their mind, perhaps a fleeting thought when they’re driving home or taking a break?” 
this is very embarrassing to say, but i have gotten my fair share of asks in that same sort of style, where anons will tell me they love me and appreciate me, and every single time without fail, i will respond with 100% genuine incredulity because 1) i can’t believe anyone would take the time out of their day to send such a nice, well-meaning letter to me of all people and 2) i can’t believe people think kindly of me and enjoy my presence, as simple as that. it’s crazy to think that i have people like that who see my blog and think “i like this person enough to tell them i appreciate their existence” because... well. i don’t get a lot of that in my real life, so it’s always so jarring (but i always appreciate it, without fail.)
but i must say, that anon who sent me that message... they said that “i created this place” when really, that isn’t quite true. i’ve said in the past that i wanted to “create a space that people can enjoy” and honestly, i think my view on that might have changed a little since then. because in reality, spaces only derive their meanings by the people who fill it. so really, this blog is only worth anything due to the people who have supported me along the way. every kind anon who has taken the time out of their day to drop a small message are the exact people who make this space lively and fun. you, anon, are also one of them! without any of you, my blog would just be me shitposting to the void like a fucking crazy person. these interactions are what make cinnaminsvga a welcoming place, and i will never stop being appreciative of how i get to share these moments with all of you. whether you’ve stayed with me for years or if you’ve only started following me a day ago: you all are what makes this “place” feel like home.
so in short, to answer your question (after me rambling for 3403294 years): yes, i do wish i could kiss/hug every single anon who has been kind to me. i hope you find someone like that anon who can say with their whole heart that they find a home in you, because honestly... it’s a good feeling. 
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My Opinion on the J.K Rowling Essay
Harry Potter is a good book and while it is a safe place for a lot of Queer folk, the writer has a lot to work on.
J.K Rowling created a fictional universe about a boy who lives in the closet under the stairs and escapes his veil aunt and uncle to go to a magical school known as Hogwarts where he learns spells and potions to become a wizard. So many people project onto Harry because like Harry, a lot of lgbtq+ people are in the closet for many years. Some don’t get that chance to come out. For LGBTQ+, their Hogwarts often gets new friends, get out of that house, and finding a career for themselves. Pride. To simply put it, Harry is a gay icon and we all know it.
Where Rowling went wrong was when she made Dumbledore gay
Rowling made a harmful representation by making Dumbledore gay after the fact. She could have left it alone and never stated sexuality but only after the franchise was over did she risk making him gay. I think it would be okay if she hadn’t made remarks and just left it alone or stated in a line or two he was gay in the books. By leaving it alone and NEVER saying anything, she kind of just slapped the word gay on his character after it was over to be more relatable and “woke”. She didn’t want him to be gay to mess with the story, so she probably wrote it without having in mind that he was gay. That was an afterthought.
On June Sixth of 2020, Rowling tweeted:
“‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure they’re used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?
Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate”
If you wanna know what she said, honestly I think you should just read her essay. It's hard to say exactly what she wrote.
People saw she liked a post from this transphobic bitch and went crazy on Twitter.
J.K Rowling's Essay
Here is copy and paste from her essay:
“Speaking as a biological woman, a lot of people in positions of power need to grow a pair (which is doubtless literally possible, according to the kind of people who argue that clownfish prove humans aren’t a dimorphic species”
“It’s been clear to me for a while that the new trans activism is having (or is likely to have if all its demands are met) a significant impact on many of the causes I support, because it’s pushing to erode the legal definition of sex and replace it with gender.”
She is worried trans activism and healthy representation is messing with causes she supports such as MS research. MS is a disease that affects AFAB and AMAB differently.
“The second reason is that I’m an ex-teacher and the founder of a children’s charity, which gives me an interest in both education and safeguarding. Like many others, I have deep concerns about the effect the trans rights movement is having on both.”
Scared people being trans will affect children, Rowling?
I won’t get into her third reason because honestly, I don’t give a fuck about it.
Her fourth reason is being scared of lesbians detransitioning and changing their minds.
While that is a valid fear, first of all, the percentage of same-sex people attracted who transition and then regret it is so incredibly low compared to those who did and were happier with other genitalia and chest surgery. And yes, I will link resources and where I got my statistics, unlike J.K... Second, that's none of her business and doesn’t concern her. Third, I’m sure those people would hope that actual trans people get the T and surgeries they deserve and need.
Worried because friend groups all become trans because of one trans person in that group.
If one person in that friend group comes out and like three others come out, it's not because that one person “turned them trans”, it's because seeing someone else out and being proud, may have given them the courage and support they needed to come out. It was quite similar in my case of coming out. I saw friends and other folks online coming out and that gave me the support and courage I needed to tell my dad.
“I know transition will be a solution for some gender dysphoric people, although I’m also aware through extensive research that studies have consistently shown that between 60-90% of gender dysphoric teens will grow out of their dysphoria.” Where are these statistics? I don’t recall her in this article stating where she found any of these percentages or anything. She only quotes two to three TERF’s from Twitter.
In an NBC news feature, Lui Asquith states, “The actual numbers around them are significantly low,” Asquith said.
“A man who intends to have no surgery and take no hormones may now secure himself a Gender Recognition Certificate and be a woman in the sight of the law. Many people aren’t aware of this.” That male you speak of J.K? That is no male. That is a woman who may not have dysphoria caused by genitalia or the lack of chest. The women you speak of may not mentally or physically be able to handle transitioning. Maybe they cant transition medically because of health issues. You wouldn’t know.
In the end, she states she doesn’t mean this in a hateful way and she only wants to call out trans folk and those who support trans activism who push women to the side because women go through a lot of threats and abuse and that is why she is writing this transphobic essay. If you want to promote women's rights and spread awareness, maybe don’t do that in a lengthy essay about why being trans is bad…
That’s all. This is kind of just a shitpost. I know that her essay was posted almost a full year ago, but it has been on my mind quite often recently and I wanted somewhere to post it. I don’t want to write this in a way to send hate to any of the people I mentioned, I honestly just wanted to write this to get out anger towards the anti-trans tweets and discussion J.K Rowling has started. She is not detransitioned and in my opinion, as a trans person, doesn’t have a say in what we do to our bodies and the pronouns we identify with. Her writing could perhaps be quite harmful to young trans youth. We, as a community, get a lot of hate and misconceptions.
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georgesdamnton · 5 years
Anon asked:
Forgive me for this since I'm not so well versed on the French Revolution and I don't know of any other places to ask. According to some Robespierrists on 4chan, Robespierre never had any love affairs, nor did he have any interest in sex, money, food, art, nature, or anything but politics, and he was only 5'0. What I've just stated is used by 4chan Robespierrists to claim that Robespierre was very cute and pure, [redacted offensive ignorance or joke maybe.. idk i’m just not posting this bit]. Is this true?
Bro don’t.. bro don’t go on 4chan… for anything.. what are you…. why would you.. I mean… ugh. 4chan? really? ugh... don’t do that.
If thou aren’t well-versed sir/madam/citoyen/comrade then thou might not know that I’m the last person to ask anything about anything because I take nothing seriously and I’m Stupid.
Ok anyway let’s get into like.. every aspect of Max (or Robespierre if you wanna go by formalities whiCH I DON’T):
First of all, I don’t know how to tell you this, actually I do and I’m just gonna tell you, Max and Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just fucked. Likely more than once. Here’s a hot-take: literally every queer dude in history gets assigned the “he died a virgin” narrative and now it’s the 21st century we have a duty to look at the massive amount of evidence and go “sorry dude Max said gay rights” and then reject the flimsy cover story that’s been passed around. At least Max got the side story of “a man friends with a woman? that’s impossible, clearly they were a thing” most historical queers aren’t as fortunate and only get the “bitch died alone. F” But he wasn’t outwardly sexual like that fine piece of ass Georges Jacques Danton if that’s what you mean
As for money, he was a bourgeois lawyer so like. Yknow. Plus a bitch dressed Fine and that shit ain’t free. Just ask Marat, in his tatty-ass overcoats and baggy-ass trousers. Can’t spell middle-class without mild.. ass… yeah I don’t know where I was going with that moving on
Food.. I mean… He’s gotta eat or he’ll die because that’s how humans work and all. I mean I don’t know if. I mean maybe he didn’t eat food. Maybe he was some New Human who didn’t need silly things like food. Who knows. Who can prove it. Maybe he was actually a tree that someone put a coat on as a joke and then one thing led to another and he’s in charge of the french government. Who knows.
Who the fuck has interest in art. Arts stupid. I don’t care about art and neither should you.
Nature: Camille Desmoulins took a leaf and held it above his head with as much revolutionary fervour as he could muster and, to the people who had gathered around him, he cried: “fuck it. this leaf is what I’m about now. fuckin leaf revolution. that’s what this is. fuck yeah.” and Max lived the rest of his life wishing he’d been so bold. And that’s my answer to that. Hope it helps.
Having no interest in anything but politics isn’t remotely true. I have no interest in anything but politics, but Max was a pretty well-rounded dude. I mean the guy had a life and a personality and a family and friends and hobbies and things he liked. His notorious quirks are that he loved pigeons and oranges (wait guys... consider........ orange pigeons....) Lotta memes about those. And he wrote a poem about loving fruit tarts so much that the poem could go in the point about interest in sex because it is Something Else. And his poem about loving fruit tarts is key in getting to know him because what better signifies what a fucking loser this dude was than a poem about loving fruit tarts. I mean look anywhere except 4chan and you’ll find all sorts of fun stuff about him. Maybe start with interactions with the other revolutionaries? His friends at the Cordeliers Club always have fun stories.. And his siblings are sweet. I can link you up with some fun anecdotes if you want, so hmu
He was 5'1" so not far off. Do note that the the average height for a man in France at the time was 5'3" and therefore he was considered Not An Especially Short Fellow. Which is why Danton, who was only 6'0", was considered “the largest giantest biggest man in the whole universe what the fuck how is he so tall aaaaah” by most contemporary sources.
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That’s the face of a man trying his best. In a flower crown. Which I edited onto him for a shitpost. And have saved in a more easily accessible folder than the original. But I think it drives the point home. So yeah.
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Hello! Im a big fan of your MK posts. So, I have an idea (albiet cliché, lmao.) Anyway, I had to help my snake shed the other day. It gave me an idea, could you include some of the pets the MKCrew may have? Of course they wouldn't be cannon, but some creatures you could see them having. If you do decide to do it, please include Johnny Cage and Erron. Thank you!
Hi! I’m glad you enjoy my posts! :) And of course! I wrote this on the bus whilst a storm was happening! Rain, Raiden and Fujin must have been arguing! I loved this idea, it was so cute!!! Thank you for the request!I put a cut in because it was a bit long and didn’t want to clog the tags!Warnings; Mentions of Kano but it is a shitpost, when isn’t it? When I die, I want that on my grave ‘Shitposted about Kano a lot’
·        Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang); 110% a penguin. He fucking yeets an ice one at people in Injustice. He thinks their adorable. Plus, they mate for life, loyalty and sweet as fuck. They can live in cold temperatures (well most of them) So that’s perfect for him! And did he mention they are cute as fuck? I have some art of Sub feeding some penguins. Best thing I’ve ever bought.
·        Bi-Han; As Bi-Han he'd want a polar bear. Their soft and fluffy. But also, terrifying. Like, can you picture one of them, with Bi-Han on the back. Magical. Very scenic, enough to be on a card you send your aunt at Christmas. That and it’s better than Kuai’s fucking penguin. Fuck the penguins.
·        Noob; Is Saibot a pet? Potentially. He does lift him up and they do look ready to drop the hottest mix tape of 2019. But on a serious note. A bat. Cliché as fuck. But they like the dark, they hang upside down. Feared but oddly loveable. And they fit his new edgy "It’s not a phase Kuai!!!” aesthetic.
·        Smoke; A snake. Why? Low-key chilled. I imagine something like a ball python. Something that’s going to be chilled. That, and their perceived as scary as fuck, but are actually adorable. Just like he is! Will boop the snoot. It’s called Noodle and you cannot tell me otherwise. Sir Noodle of Noodleton. Would be his full title, has made him a little crown.  Will often bitch about people to it. Mainly about Bi-Han.
·        Kabal; A dog. He 110% has a dog. I agree with the general consensus he adopted a dog. He probably has a staffie. A fat, happy, rescue Staffie. It’s chilled, laidback but can be energetic. Just like him. This’ll only apply to Post-Burn Kabal. Pre-burn wants a dog. But knows he has no time... unless he’s got a cute neighbour who doesn’t mind dog sitting when he’s away. Now I want to write fluff about this HC.
·        Erron Black; either a horse or a deer.  A horse is an obvious shout. But like I don’t know why I’m saying deer. I can just imagine him explaining it to Kabal like “their majestic as fuck” and that’s probably the reason why I say deer. I imagine he’s the type of person to take people camping. Just to look at the fucking deer. He’d be like that vine, were someone sneezes and scars the deer off. “Oh, nice one Kano"
·        Cassie Cage; Going out on a limb here to say, she has a dog. And not a small dog either. I imagine she’s got a German Shepherd, but she gave it a really soft name. Just to psych people out. Like “Oh you wanna meet Snuzzles?” and it’s just this hulking ex-military dog she rescued. Scary on the outside. Soft on the inside.
·        Johnny Cat; Yeah, he’s got a Sphynx Cat. Where did it come from? It was A cat that was used on set for one of his movies. It was meant to be one of the baddies cats, but he could not stop fawning over it. And that’s how Beerus Snagglepuss came to be. He loves that fucking cat. It’s his mascot now. Matching sunglasses as well. Tweets about it loads.
·        Kano; Is an animal himself so doesn’t really have a pet.  I would not trust him with anything. Because I’m pretty sure in one of his taunts, he stabs and eats a lizard. Him and Baraka are similar on that field, but you know, Baraka is more of a gentleman and probably smells better.
·        Takeda; He wanted a rabbit. But Hanzo wasn’t having it. So, Jacqui being the absolute good-hearted princess she is, got him one to keep on the farm. Hoppy the bunny is its name. And it is so fucking soft. He loves it. Best gift ever. Just don’t tell Hanzo… Jax cannot believe he’s been saddled with a fucking rabbit. But he loves it too.
·        Havik; No pets but moths flock to him. Why? Because they are chaotic as fuck too. He is their lamp. Before opening Hotaru’s wardrobe and letting them in, so they can chew holes in his clothes. Chaossss.
·        Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi); Does not own pets. But he has a soft spot for dogs and cats. He doesn’t have time for himself, let alone a pet. But like, when he spies a cat or dog. He kinda sneak pets it. He’ll make sure nobody is looking and BAM pets. Even if anyone saw him petting the cat, are they going to tell someone? No. Because nobody would fucking believe them.
·        Geras; Kronika is the type of person to say ‘I’m allergic to animal hair’ when she’s not. Just so nobody can have their pets around her. Sorry, not fucking sorry. So poor Geras has been lacking in the pet department. His eternal loneliness would be made a lot easier if she allowed him to have a pet. I honestly think he’d like cats, more specifically a quirky looking rescue cat. He’s alone and thinks he needs an equally as quirky companion.
·        Skarlet; I think she’d have a snake. Not a small one either. Like a massive python or a constrictor. She’d be the type to lounge around with her snake. She gives me major villainess vibes, but on a Dark Queen level. And I fucking love it. So yeah, I think a snake fits her aesthetically and personality wise. Scary on the outside but loveable. That is a running theme for most of the Kombat Krew, to be honest.
·        Raiden; He. Is. A. Cat. Person. He loves them. Oh my god look at their lil ears twitching. Legend says Sky Temple is a safe haven for strays. He just loves them. They are calming, cute and little sweethearts. He will never be caught fawning over them in front of others. But, showing him a cute cat is one sure way to get out of trouble. It’s why Kung Lao will bring the cutest one with him, when Raiden has requested a meeting. He can’t shout at him if he’s holding a purring bundle of joy.
·        Fujin; Whilst Fujin likes cats. I imagine he has a pet bird. Something like a Falcon, it’s not really a pet, but more of a wild friend. He respects nature too much. This bird will come constantly to see him, bring him messages and it’s a friendship that was built up over time. He likes birds because they need the wind to fly. They are also free to go anywhere they want and see everything and anything they want. Something he sort of envies. Plus, he loves the sound of them. The Dawn Chorus is the perfect meditation music.
·        Rain; Totally has a tiger or some exotic big cat. He is literally a Disney Princess to me at this point. Something that is intimidating to others but soft and sweet to him. I always imagine rich people have exotic pets and well this is it. I do not promote keeping them as pets. But if we are talking what they would canonically keep, it would be something like a big cat. Or maybe a peacock. Something flamboyant.
·        Jade; Even before the Kotal ship set sail. I always imagined Jade having an affinity with big cats. But unlike Rain, I kind of pictured Jade having more of an alliance and understanding with them. Rather than having one as a pet. Maybe one she rescued as a cub, raised up, set free and it comes and aids her from time to time. She is so perfect and has a heart of gold. It would be hard not to see this. I am getting all soft and fluffy imagining this now.
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