stolethesun · 6 years
Be soft. Be grateful. Anything that is healing doesn’t always glow.
Juansen Dizon (via juansendizon)
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stolethesun · 7 years
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Tens of thousands jubilant marchers and an even greater number of onlookers took to the streets of New York Sunday for the 48th NYC LGBTQ Pride March, celebrating their identities and protesting attacks on LGBTQ rights.
Here are eight of the biggest moments from Sunday’s festivities, the largest LBGTQ pride march in the world. Read more (6/26/17)
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stolethesun · 7 years
remember that you are temporary 
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stolethesun · 7 years
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So I thought y'all would like this too This great white comes to the jersey shore every year and this year they named her and have been tracking her hella so this is Mary Lee and she decided to show herself under this rainbow for pride month A true gay icon
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stolethesun · 7 years
I will never be able
to reconstruct battles
or situations I have lost
I will only be able to relive them thoughtfully
and unprovoked.
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stolethesun · 7 years
There are space travelers I know
 they don’t fly in ships
or on the backs of stars
they are transferrable 
and shaded by emotion
They are enhanced by pearly whites
or kind hands placed on shoulders
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stolethesun · 7 years
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stolethesun · 7 years
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David Horsey
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stolethesun · 7 years
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From infusions and tinctures to oils and salves: The basics of herbal healing and the beginnings of any potion. 
Decoction: A decoction is needed to extract the deeper essence from harder substances such as barks, roots and stems. Place the raw materials in a pot and fill it with fresh water. Simmer uncovered until the water lever is reduced by 1/3. Strain the resulting liquid to remove particulates then drink or use as needed. Infusion: Pour freshly boiled water over the desired herb or planar matter, roughly 8 ounces of water per teaspoon of dried plant parts. When using fresh herbs roughly 3 times as much is required. 
Oil: Place flowers, herbs or other plant parts in a sealed glass container. Fill the container with an organic oil (ex: Olive, sesame, etc…) until it is an inch above the material being used. Place the bottle somewhere warm for 2 weeks, next to a stove while cooking, on the mantle, a sunny window sill, etc. Upend the container daily to ensure the oil saturates the material. 
Ointment: Heat 2 cups of pure lard to frying temperature. Add 4 handfuls of crumbled dry herbs or 6 handfuls of chopped fresh herb to the lard. Stir to to blend and let simmer for 1 minute. Remove from heat, cover and let sit over night. Reheat until liquid then mix in 4 tablespoons of an organic oil, this will prevent it hardening to much. Squeeze through a cheese clothe to remove solids and store in a crockery or glass container. 
Salve: Mix 3 ounces of finely pulped plant parts, 7 ounces of lard and 1 ounce of beeswax. When thoroughly mixed simmer over low heat in active red pot for 1-2 hours. Remove from eat and allow to cool. 
 Tincture: A tincture uses alcohol to extract the properties of a herb or plant. Loosely fill a glass container with fresh or dried herbs and add some sort of food grade spirit (ex: vodka), vinegar can also be used for certain ingredients. Cork or otherwise seal the container and leave somewhere warm for 2 or more weeks. 
 *Information from “Healing Teas - How to prepare and use read to maximize your health” by Marie Nadine Antol. 
**images from google.
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stolethesun · 7 years
Can we get this guy out of the white house?
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Republican health care bill would cause 6.4 million young adults to lose coverage, study finds
The American Health Care Act bill that GOP leaders say makes good on their promise to “repeal and replace Obamacare,” will hit millennials hard, a new study released this week found.
About 6.4 million adults aged 19 to 29 would lose coverage, according to an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
“Lower- and middle-income young adults would see large coverage losses, unsurprising given the large coverage gains these groups made under the [Affordable Care Act]” according to the study. Read more (6/16/17)
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stolethesun · 7 years
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akaka falls - big island, hawai'i - 1990
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stolethesun · 7 years
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stolethesun · 7 years
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stolethesun · 7 years
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stolethesun · 7 years
One thing I started doing a long time ago that changed my relationships is I started making myself speak up when I had nice thoughts. If I’m in line at the grocery store & I notice that the woman in front of me has beautiful eyes, I say something. If my sister walks in the house & I like her eyebrows, I say something. People forget how much little tiny compliments like that can make someone’s whole day. It doesn’t even have to just be compliments. It could be saying “I love you” when you’re thinking it even if it’s at a random time. Sometimes I get up and go over to my mom just to give her a hug out of the blue cause I was thinking about her. I’ll randomly send my friends texts about how I appreciate them whenever I’m thinking it. Little gestures like that mean so much.
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stolethesun · 7 years
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They are playing football with Kung fu!
follow back
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stolethesun · 7 years
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High Star Wars Quotes
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