#I would write this au ngl
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thetorturedlovergirl · 4 months ago
Au where in “The Woman Who Fell To Earth” instead of falling in Sheffield, 13 accidentally lands in front of an Echo of Clara.
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deadbaguette · 5 months ago
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Day 6: Steampunk ft. Patrochilles!
(Everything for this month will be very quick and not rendered most likely! So please take my doodles <3 )
Steampunk AU:
Not many thoughts for this one.. I love steampunk-esque stuff but I have no idea what the lore would be in this kinda Au😭 I might draw some other characters eventually like for my high fantasy AU because it’s an excuse to mess around with some designs.
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marggri · 8 months ago
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confessedlyfannish · 5 months ago
Two Years Later
Part One | Part Five (Previous)
The beginning of the end is the cough.
"Hey B, a minute?" Superman calls as the League exits the conference room.
"Oooh, someone's in trouble!" Flash smirks, ducking past Batman.
"Am I? In trouble?" Batman asks dryly as the door closes.
Instead of the classic display of his midwestern "aw shucks" disposition that would have Superman ducking his head and giving an awkward chuckle, the hero simply smiles slightly. Batman cocks his head, instantly on alert.
"Superboy is coming down with something," Superman explains. "Hopefully it won't mess with the surprise, but—"
"Superboy is sick?"
"It's a sore throat, nothing major. But for Friday, we should play it by ear."
"That's fine. Have you taken him to The Fortress?" Batman asks shortly. Superman's shoulders rise and fall.
"It's a cold, B," Superman says patiently. His smile is strained. "He's had them before."
Batman stares him down. "After he started developing powers?"
Superman meets his gaze, uncowed, "I'm not sure," he says pointedly.
"I mean before."
Clark's eyes dart away. "He hadn't had his powers that long before he..." they never really have figured out what to call it. How do you call a kid disappearing for six years when it had only been a couple of weeks to everyone else? Did it count as a disappearance when no one had noticed he was gone, not even the boy in question?
Robin, purposefully insensitive in order to push everyone past it, had taken it to calling it Superboy's vacation. And if he caused a bit of hurt simultaneously by its mere mention, then perhaps that was the boy's way of working out some resentment regarding their sudden age gap. Something the two worked to bridge, but still struggled with.
After Superman had formally asked Batman to stop looking into it (knowing full well he'd continue informally), they'd stopped needing to find a name for it.
"I'd have to double check," Clark admits, powering through. "But we gave him some cough syrup and it's been helping."
"And?" Batman asks, crossing his arms.
"And what?"
"You noticed something. What is it?"
"I hate when you do that," Superman says, not an ounce of ire in his voice. He leans against the conference table, staring out at the vast galaxy before them. "When he was ten, he couldn't take pills. But he took two Tylenol before Lois got him the Robitussin. Dry."
Batman comes to stand next to him. "You have six years of medical history unaccounted for," he points out, as gently as he can while filing that bit of information away. He still remembers the sick look on Kal's face when he'd seen the marks on Jon's skin. "That's why you need to take him to the Fortress."
"He's been back home for two years," Superman says. His reflection's brow furrows. "You don't seriously think he's been incubating some kind of alien virus for two years."
"I think the Fortress will rule it out," Batman says, clamping a firm hand on his shoulder. "Or you could bring him here."
"No," Superman says. "I don't want to freak him out. I'll take him tomorrow. Just..." Batman squeezes once, firmly, before letting him go.
"The robitussin's been helping," he explains for him.
Superman nods. "Yeah. It has."
And he had come to Batman anyway, because even if the cough syrup was working, even if he and Lois wanted to pretend everything was fine, he knew he had to take Jon to the Fortress. But he needed Batman to give him that final push, and Bruce was willing to do so.
"DM?" Batman asks suddenly.
"Make sure it's robitussin DM. That's the one that actually works for a cough."
"...Will do, B."
Initially the Fortress confirms it's a cold, but as the week progresses, Jon's cough only gets worse.
And then a few days later Superman lands in the Batcave. He's supporting a pale Superboy with one arm and has the other wrapped around Lois Lane.
"Batman." His face and tone are forcibly calm but his eyes are wild.
"What happened?" Batman asks, rising from the Batcomputer as Lois comes around Superman's side to help prop Jon up.
"He couldn't breathe," Lois says as they get closer. She hands him a small glass tube. "He hocked that up but the Fortress didn't recognize it besides," she swallows, "besides his blood."
Batman stares at the murky brown substance in the tube. It has a high viscosity, crawling along when he tips the beaker back and forth.
"It's coating his larynx."
Batman pockets the tube and opens the line to the Watchtower. Wonder Woman's face appears on the monitor, on duty today.
"I need you to alert the medbay. I'm bringing Superboy up. Evacuate all nonessential personnel and have anyone left in quarantine gear. Five minutes."
Diana nods, hanging up without a word.
Batman sends a quick comm to the rest of the team and Alfred (most currently at school, thankfully, as it buys him some time), alerting them that the cave is in quarantine. He clicks a fingerprint activated trigger that places a steel wall on either entrance to the cave because his kids are unlikely to listen, and keeps an ear out for the two requisite thuds as the panels descend and a hiss as the artificial oxygen begins to circulate. As they do, he opens an equipment drawer and pulls out two heavy-duty gas masks designed with a Scarecrow attack in mind.
"You're kidding," Lois says when he hands her one.
"Had any symptoms yourself?"
"Good. Let's keep it that way."
Jon smiles weakly as Lois grumbles, Batman sliding in easily to replace her as Jon's support when putting the thing on proves to be a two-hand job.
"How are you feeling?" he asks, voice clear despite the respirator attachment custom-made to fit his mask.
"Alright. A little scared," Jon says, voice raspy. Beside him, Superman gets his own mask settled on his face.
"I mean physically," Batman clarifies.
Jon flushes. "Oh. It hurts a bit. Feels heavy. Like I'm swallowing around something." He's breathing very shallowly.
They get him over to the zeta tube and Batman sets the destination. Then he turns to Lois with purpose.
"You should stay here—"
"Absolutely not," she says loudly. "Even if it is contagious I'm already exposed. He's still a minor and I'm his mother and I'm coming."
Jon makes a noise of protest. "Eighteen!" he says, before breaking into a coughing fit, doubling over. Batman holds a handkerchief to his face.
"Fine. Let's go," he says shortly.
"You're okay," Superman murmurs, rubbing Jon's back. His mask hides the bleak expression belying his words, already well aware of what Batman is not saying: if advanced Kryptonian technology doesn't recognize the substance blocking Jon's airways, the Watchtower will likely not either.
"Recognized, Superman, 01."
"You're okay." Clark repeats.
"Recognized, Lane comma Lois, A-58."
"It's going to be fine," Lois joins in.
"Recognized, Batman, 02."
Bruce says nothing, carefully folding a brown-tinged handkerchief.
"Recognized, Superboy, B-38."
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youling-the-ghost · 1 month ago
violently convulsing in my chair to stop myself from creating a sfth band AU
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twistedappletree · 1 year ago
Arranged marriage zhuiling AU where instead of being arranged to marry each other, Jiang Cheng keeps trying to set Jin Ling up with random girls from other clans after Jin Ling mentions he’s interested in marrying ‘someone’ because he doesn’t know Jin Ling meant Lan Sizhui, so Jin Ling keeps doing the most ridiculously annoying and unappealing things to scare off every girl who comes to Koi Tower and Jiang Cheng is ripping his hair out because you little brat, you said you wanted to get married???
Eventually, both of them are so exhausted from the miscommunication that Jiang Cheng investigates and finally finds out what’s wrong, then tells Jin Ling he has one more potential spouse for him to meet. Jin Ling is a pouting lackluster mess over it until his entire world stops when the doors to Koi Tower open and Lan Sizhui walks through.
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jaxieus · 8 months ago
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Johan things from twitter
Punk/emo Johan and eating a burger
Johan playing the ps2
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pastelaspirations · 9 days ago
I had a dream last night, or early this morning, that I was reading this scholarly book about how to write a dissertation. I have no idea why. But the book kept having... utmv references? Like, it would tell you how to do something and then use utmv characters to demonstrate
I got to one point where it referenced this supposed "famed" fight of Error and Ink. They went to a wild west au and Error supposedly "braved the chacoa in the canyons."
What is chacoa?? And why did Error have to "brave" it??? I don't know, man, but that is an exact quote that I remember
Anyway. I was reading, trying to discover more about this famed fight because it sounded low key interesting. Then, the book mentioned that Ink ran into… Coshuss. It was the au's variant of Cross. Imagine a very disgruntled bounty hunter cowboy and that was him. Getting angrier and angrier because it was apparently a source of comedy that Ink was having difficulty saying his name right
All I could think was, "Yeah, same, Ink." I had no idea how to pronounce that name
Well, the librarian who was in the room with her daughter with me, the daughter eventually had to run out of the room to get something. The librarian somehow knew what part I was at and said, "You know, you can admit what you thought his name was."
I didn't know what she meant. I guess she thought it was supposed to look like a bad word?? Dream version of me thought that too since I went, "Nah, I think it looks like... Koksue. Kosueh. Koshu."
Cue me badly trying to pronounce this poor man's name. Finally, I settled on one name I pronounced consistently, "Koshussss." Basically, "Koshu" with an awkward, annoying "s" sound dragged out at the end
The librarian woman started busting a gut. I laughed along too, even though I didn't really know what was so funny. Sure, I meant my pronunciation to be kinda funny, but not that funny
I then looked at the book and that was when I saw the correct pronunciation written out in parentheses
It was supposed to be pronounced CrossCross
I literally thought that was so funny, that I snorted so hard from laughing in my dream, I woke myself up.
A part of me is sad. I kinda really do wish there was a "How to Write Your Dissertation 101" book out there with utmv references I should know, but apparently don't
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kiynania · 1 year ago
Shadow:Truth or dare?
Tails: Truth.
Shadow: How many hours have you slept this week?
Tails: Dare.
Shadow: Go to sleep.
Tails: I don't like this game.
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sleepy-spacetronaut · 3 months ago
New gravity falls Fic and Au idea - “Rewind the Timeline”
Start note: First of all, I must be stopped. I’ve made too many designs for Bill and story ideas. TOO MANY!!! If I am found to be unoriginal with this one, then I guess the world does work as Plato had thought it to be. This Alternate Universe plot will be a sort of Frankenstein’s monster of pre-existant ideas, put in a blender to produce a sort of terrible yet interesting mix.
With further ado, about the plot:
Au name: Rewind the timeline
Summary: After sojourning at the Theraprism, Bill is sentenced to reincarnation as a humanoid creature with an enormous lifespan. However, his “a different place, a different time” part of the deal was upheld seriously. Therefore, instead of being sent to Gravity falls in the future, Bill gets yeeted (isekai’d?) into the wilderness of post-colonial America that has barely gained independence 20-ish years prior. Naked, without powers, and under the form of a naive child with unnaturally bright yellow eyes with slanted pupils. He must now survive by his own means, living “on and off” with the human society through decades until he meets the Pines.
key elements:
+ Bill takes up various identities, becoming a professional liar
+ Bill doesn’t age as normal humans do, therefore he stays young-looking for long periods of time. And it obviously freaks people out.
+He’s a “cuckoo baby” -> infiltrates families for the sake of survival. +Since he had his memories intact, he effortlessly excels at studies and would be considered a genius for his time, but doesn’t want to attract attention, so instead he acts like an irritatingly uncooperative student who gets into arguments with his professors.
+Experiences human vices of all sorts (indulges into drugs and alcohol) and commits a shitload of murders throughout centuries.
+Meets Stanford and Fiddleford in college and becomes their 3rd roomie.
+Bill helps to bring Stanley back and make him and Ford reconnect, then becomes Ford’s “College sweetheart”.
+Fiddleford grows to instinctively dislike Bill after finding evidence that he may not be what he claims.
+Fiddleford found old newspapers articles, old photographs and books with Bill’s faces in them while doing a research project in college, he got unseasy and told Ford about his findings, but that caused them to have an argument and they “broke-up” a while after they started working on the portal for Bill.
+Later, Bill still convinces Ford to make the portal, but -> Ford gets sucked in during the testing part when Stan is present.
+Bill feels remorseful but powerless so he goes into hiding, up until Dipper and Mabel arrive in town.
+Weirdmaggedon has very slim chances of happening/will happen much differently than expected
Bill’s human design for the story (a prototype):
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End note: Let me know what you guys think! This would be a crazy short fic for me to write once I get the time, but what’s even crazier is that I made the whole plot (plus some designs) all within to two hours. 😳
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hyperfixationsgoweeeee · 5 months ago
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This is a fking stupid joke that I just thought of and ya know what...it's fine. Let's just say that Trav is the one who took the photo (with Rabbid stealing it, in which he wrote that) and he made Paperlor hold up the sign without any of the other's knowing...
This just could've been a sketch- Yet I had to do this much effort, especially on Paperlor cause like- If you look the paper guy looks a lot different than the others (Cause paper) uhhh- yea- This was at least fun to do Credits tho! Freelance, UT, Magomon, and Applecore ~ @cherry-blossom-qf
Magonyan ~ @puffballwarrior-blog
Paperlor ~ @otterronpas
Bloons ~ @cloud9v
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taddymason · 6 months ago
ao3 is down rn so i cant comment on the new chapter but jay lost an eye and his soul he truly is having a time. amazing chapter i looooved it!!!! cant wait for jay to kill cinder next chapter hehehe
thanks! I love how things have escalated in this fic
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I read somewhere that losing your left eye means losing your soul, so... Yeah, he's definitely having a bad time.
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teecupangel · 1 year ago
So, we have done the whole "Desmonds ancestors can hear Desmond" deal, but have we thought on how inheritantly horrifying the concept is? Suddenly one day, your body is no longer yours to control and the being who took it seemingly feels no remorse as "This is just a game", "It's not real" and "man, the controls sucks ass, i wanna just throw myself off the roof in anger!". The ancestor can do nothing but curse or pray at the being. Altaïr curses it and Ezio begs and prays that it won't hurt anyone he cares about. The being forces his hands to be stained with the blood of city guards who were just doing their job, but got in the way of the spirit. "Man, fighting and killing guards is pretty fun".
There is rarely any escape or reprieve. All they can do is hope it will end. For Altaïr it came quickly, but Ezio was cursed for a lifetime and went in search of the Library of Altaïr in hopes of finding a solution. He refuses to die a puppet.
Desmond just thinks it's all part of the Animus and his feelings being reflected back. If we want just a smidge of comfort. Maybe the ancestor can feel the beings feelings of fear and loss of control and wonder if the being uses them to escape something?
Idk, just kinda realised how horror themed the "Ancestors hear Desmond" asks could be. XD
The Ratatouille AU where the ancestors can hear Desmond while ‘playing’, its more unhinged cousin, the Ratatouille AU where Desmond can hear us and the outside POV of Al Mualim thinking the Apple broke Altaïr and the sidestory of Altaïr accidentally connecting with Ezio while looking for Desmond (I hope I didn’t forget anything else)
This isn’t real.
Ezio has come to loathe that thought.
He was real.
The world around him was real.
Everyone he sees was real.
The blood in his hand was real.
Who was this puppeteer that dared say he was just a memory.
That everything Ezio held dear and tried to protect was a memory.
He controlled Ezio’s limbs, forced Ezio to watch as he moved against his will.
Killed against his will.
There could have been a better way.
They weren’t Ezio’s target.
They were just doing their job.
They were doing this to survive.
Yet they were cut mercilessly, by Ezio’s limbs.
The Assassino.
The nightmare of Italia.
This wasn’t the life Ezio wanted.
This wasn’t the reason why he continued to wield the blade of an Assassin.
He wanted to avenge the cruel unjust deaths of his father and brothers.
He wanted to protect his mother and sister.
He wanted…
Ezio wanted…
I want to be loved.
I want to be acknowledged.
I want someone to see me for who I am.
He wasn’t…
I’m not…
“I’m me.”
I’m me.
“The rest is up to you, Desmond.”
Ezio could feel it.
The surprise…
His puppeteer knew this Desmond that Minerva spoke of.
How can she see me?
A prophet.
What a cruel lie.
He wasn’t Desmond’s prophet.
He was Desmond’s puppet.
As long as he remained useful…
He will continue to be a puppet.
When will it end?
How sure was he that the puppeteer wouldn’t force Ezio’s blade against those he loved?
He could feel it.
The emptiness.
The puppeteer watches because he has nothing else.
He is a captive.
And now he holds Ezio captive.
Until he no longer has use for him.
When that happens…
Will he be abandoned as well?
Will the stories of the madness that plagued Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad after becoming a mentor be his fate?
The controls are different. He doesn’t move like Altaïr.
Will the puppeteer take his sanity when he leaves him as well?
(I intentionally made this more confusing than it had to be because I wanted it to have the vibe of a person slipping into insanity after being in the presence of an old one. Yeah, I was going for a Lovecraftian vibe XD I focused on Ezio and Desmond’s controlling him but I guess let me know if you want a Desmond and the voices he hears horror-esque version???)
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mag-loopy · 2 years ago
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Nameless Bard design for the xv moon/night AU!
I’m still trying to come up with a name for him- might settle for Carmen in the end.
In this AU, Nameless bard is Venti’s twin brother.
Parts of his veil is inspired by a moth :)
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fruitzbat · 22 days ago
so to the uninitiated who want to understand my DA worldstate: we meet Giada in Crowned Teeth when she’s one hundred and fifty and has had over a century since the genocide to figure out how to pretend to be okay. Daphne Hawke’s template was Giada like a year after the pirate raids — still young, still very raw, perhaps a mean drunk.
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midnightmasterpiece · 5 months ago
okay like I’ve been so behind on updating my f1 au fanfic, my sapphic genderbent elucien f1 au fanfic, my baby, my great project, but I’ve been sick and also playing a ton of bg3 recently, but I’ve vowed to myself to have it out by the next f1 race, which should be the cota gp
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