#It was one of my favorite scenes to write and illustrate ngl
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taddymason · 7 months ago
ao3 is down rn so i cant comment on the new chapter but jay lost an eye and his soul he truly is having a time. amazing chapter i looooved it!!!! cant wait for jay to kill cinder next chapter hehehe
thanks! I love how things have escalated in this fic
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I read somewhere that losing your left eye means losing your soul, so... Yeah, he's definitely having a bad time.
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complete-clownery · 1 year ago
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Hahaha okay rant about this amazing fanfic (you probably heard of this one already but still)
So whenever it comes to explaining and writing under my posts I just get lazy but I need to push through this cuz I need to talk
So the fanarts were made for the lmk fanfiction sunbreak, that a lot of you (probably mostly shadowpeach shippers) had read, and it is amazing, I read trough it as fast as my brain let me and as you can see it has pleasantly scratched my brain so much so that I even (attempted) to make fanart for it
Ngl if I wasn't a major pussy I would try to illustrate the whole thing or make covers for each chapter but Im unable to work on something more than 2 hours and I would want those to look good, but good looking art (if I don't mess up) takes 6 hours ughh--- annoying much---
Anyways I'm not good with literature but man is this fix a masterpiece *chefs kiss* its everything its amazing, I was unable to put it down once I started it
Okay i dont think I have the brain capacity to explain how much I worship the writer of this masterpiece @ladygreenfrisbee , so i'm just going to talk about the drawings a tad
So first picture with Red Son and MK its sort of like an au in the fic where the whole lbd plot is somehow nonexistent and after Macaque gets to his sisters domain they settle down and raise the kids together without much of an issue aside from assassinations keep happening and trying not to get in trouble with the heavens
Id like to think that Gongzhu still wouldn't let the court tailors to put any form of red or gold on MKs outfits and only allowed the yellow after when MK was old enough to declare that yellow was his favorite color, but even now she would insist on some form of purple and shadow motives to let others know who the mother is
We also got baby MK and toddler Red Son and sassy LIF and Mac
Third pic with the lion: I don't know what it was or why but I just love general Song so much--- he's a major dickhead but sgvshshsevkdididhr (actually I kinda love all the original characters in this one, from the generals to the old lady in the beginning of the book, (gosh I also wanna draw some scenes from those chapters I loved how Mac and she interacted hshsjsj))
so chapter 34 was probably my favorite so far I re read it about two more times cuz it was amazing to see Macaque being the schemer he is and try to piss of Song lol
Last picture: its a sketch/a wip or whatever (probably not going to finish it but im still putting it there cuz its somewhat decent looking)
Its the part where Wukong remembered of Macaque finally finding him and asking for him to come back to flower fruit mountain.
I tried to make Macaque look more unhinged on this one but since I didn't finish it I dont think its that noticable so fuck that but I also gave him a halo like the saints to symbolise his suffering and what not (thought it looked cool and fitting think whatever you want about it lol)
And that all ((((hollly mother))))
If you read this trough, thank you and congrats👏👏
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sidetrek · 10 months ago
Just got Tumblr and I can finally say how cool your art is!
You are one of my absolute favorite ST artists, and I recently bought myself Zelon V as a little treat for finishing up finals and OH. MY. GOD. It was absolutely lovely, and it had me by the throat and didn't let go the whole time I was reading. Xatat is freaking gorgeous, the illustrations are beautiful (especially the scenes in the garden), and the story itself just had me absolutely on the floor and through the boards. Your characterization of Kirk and Spock was so sweet, and Spock's monologue towards the end when the mission was drawing to a close was so well-written and tender. 10/10, 5 Stars, slam dunked it directly into my permanent digital library.
Absolutely amazing work, I don't know what kind of crack you put in it but I've read it like 3 times now.
oh 🥺🥺 thank you so much!! I learned so much doing Zelon V and I'm still really proud I was able to finish it. And I'm so glad to hear you liked the writing--ngl I always get a little bit personal with Spock. I get real emotional about him in my head so it's nice to hear that it's translating to the pages 🥺 please join me under the floor in my feelings about star trek any time🤝‍ wow thanks so much for the message, I'm so glad Zelon V has made a home among your collection and that it's got that re-readability!! I really appreciate your thoughts on it 💕💕
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quesoquejoso · 2 years ago
4, 14, 22, 27, 35, 40, 46, 54, 63, 65, 71, 73 (I'm sorry there are so many I couldn't choose)
Hello Fen!!!! thank you for asking don't apologize I love answering these kind of questions
04. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Everywhere. Maybe while watching shows, playing games or reading books, especially when I read novels. Lately I’ve been finding so much inspiration in stories written by Latin American authors like Mariana Enríquez.
But sometimes it just… happens, like I get an idea while Im on my way to work, or while Im browsing in the supermarket or while im taking a shower. I tend to write them down but I don’t get to include everything in my stories.
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I don’t really draw from personal experiences, is more like… I check my playlists and liked songs for one to get me in the mood, or maybe I’m writing and a song starts blasting in my head and yea. I think it has worked.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Will never do abo kajskajs I just don’t find the appeal and I will never ever ever ever write about real people or tragedies, I think it is distasteful and red flaggish.
Also I struggle writing wholesome and fluffy stuff that don’t end in angst or tragedy kajskajs
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Editing, I think that’s where my writing can really shine. But also editing, because sometimes Im like “okk imma write a little” and I end up editing instead of progressing.
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
I think one of the most important aspects of writing villains is that they’re mostly manipulative little shits. Doesn’t matter the backstory or the goals, it’s about how manipulative and GOOD at it they are im sure.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
From pinch ngl I would love to see an illustrated version of Varré saving Eleonora from drowning in the Interlude chapter.
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
Character-driven and that also includes their emotions and world views. I love it. Also, I’m very descriptive and think my style can sometimes be redundant.
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Everything. I think fanfiction writing is as valuable as any other kind of writing because we’re creating, improving and we share! But knowing someone out there is reading and enjoying your work means a lot.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
Just… badly written smut with repetitive actions, weird slangs for genitalia and cheesy phrases. Idk there’s too much to choose something specifically.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future Project
I just want to finish Pinch. If I finish Pinch I’ll feel like I can do anything. I’ve never finished a fic before and want this to be the first. Just that.
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
I outline chapter by chapter, but I don’t really have a timeline or anything like that. I go with the flow just trying to writing it making sense kajskajs
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I… honestly don’t know.
But hey I’m the only person writing elden ring fanfiction in Spanish on ao3, so yea that. I love my native language because it’s so rich and I translate because if I don’t do it, no one is going to read me, but I always post the original version of almost all my fics!
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verycharismaticdragon · 3 years ago
tagged by @fismoll7secinv aka @danhoemei , ty!!!
With the year ending, let’s look back at what we did! What are your favorite creations you did or the ones you think deserve more love? Send this to 5 other creators to share the love.
Though I didn’t spend as much time on art this year as I normally do…
The piece I’m most proud of, which came out 100% as imagined (rare): “little ghosts”, teen Wen Kexing with baby Gu Xiang. I sure capitalized on my strong points for this one, but it came out bangin, so!
I also have a huge soft spot for “wife Wen – husband Zhou”, wenzhou wedding art. I think I got faces / expressions particularly right in this one!
Another one that fills me with fuzzy feelings: Tian Ya Ke anniversary art. It’s really a culmination of my ‘year of tyk’ because I drew it super-fast but nothing gave me trouble? Not even Zhou Zishu’s facial features, for once?
And then there are things I’ve drawn that may not have seemed huge, but are for me!
Made an illustration for someone else’s fic! I was… greatly intimidated but I’m glad I posted it after all. The fic is called “deathbed” and its first-lifetime!jby/zzs. My art for it is here, and it should have the forbidden l-ink to the fic in replies.
For once, put my (questionable) skills into art and drew some manboobs, with TFGL’s Zhao Yue as my muse.
Shaken up my artstyle by imitating DWGL manhua’s style, again with zhaowen.
Lastly: finally found a chibi style I can consistently pull out! feat. “everywhere in jianghu…”’s main cp.
Now, for the reason I didn’t spend as much time on art: I finally started properly writing down my thoughts, instead of letting them bang around my head like a windows xp screensaver forever.
One of my earliest TYK metas, and the one on which I really felt that I hit the stride for them: “The only thing that couldn’t be forgotten was love”.
My favorite meta to write was this analysis of wenzhou’s wrist biting scene though, ngl.
The one that took a lot of time and effort, but I’m super glad I got all of that salt out… this one.
And the labor of love (and also salt, I guess): TYK/SHL comparisons, final cut
Last but not least: a published fic, for once!
“so nothing’s left untouched”, tyk!wenzhou, post-canon, soft clownery hours.
It feels a bit… hmm to tag someone in year-end meme when it’s February, but if you didn’t do this one and want to, you can say I tagged you ~💜
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flying-elliska · 4 years ago
So I watched Happiest Season (livewatch with @beeexx my fave penguin enthusiast 🐧🐧🐧)
Overall I enjoyed it ? But it's not the light-hearted romcom it's been promoted as.
Spoilers !
The positive:
- Kristen Stewart, het icon of my teen years, is just glowing in this, like she is so happy to be finally playing gay lmao. This is really her story. Her character, Abby, is by turn charming, adorable, funny, and relatably awkward. Also, her glam butch style is just A++. And she has good chemistry with her co-star - they feel and behave like a believable couple (which has been a problem with actresses playing wlw in the past where you could really see they weren’t fully into it.) They were super cute together. This still feels cathartic somehow, like Bella Swan decided to go see a therapist instead of going off the deep end and finally figured herself out.
- I loved that this isn't the "token gays in a sea of straightness" trope. Abby's BFF is gay and really funny - and this particular trope feels a lot less annoying when the gay BFF is there for another gay person so it's more like queer solidarity instead of him being a prop for a straight person's development. Him trying to play straight was just hilarious. Aubrey Plaza plays Harper's (the other part of the main couple) ex and she is just great, seems a bit shady at first but her helping Abby out was just...so compassionate. Also she is probably the hottest character in this movie let's be real. And I loved the bit where she takes her to a drag bar (the straight bar where Harper goes to seems so drab in comparison fjfj)
- There were some funny, classic rom-com shenanigans moments - the sneaking around, getting stuck in the closet, etc...the creepy twins were quite funny too, if infuriating. My favorite was definitely Jane, the overlooked kooky sister, who "has been writing a fantasy book for the past ten years" (I can relate) and whose overachiever family has pretty much given up on her (I can also relate). 
-Ngl the whole ‘rich people being fake and neurotic and making everything x100 times more difficult than it has to be’ bit felt very realistic. Like, I’ve met those people, and they are just as annoying in this movie as they are in real life. Also a very realistic rep of having to fake who you are in a town full of fake people pleasers and over achievers (even if it was stressful to watch lmao) and how Christmas can bring out the worst in people.
- Even though it has issues, the ending was very heartfelt and I definitely cried. This movie is just really raw and sad in some parts, but in a way that felt genuine and you can tell that a lot of queer people were involved in making it. It really touches on this deep seated anguish of possibly being rejected, of not knowing whether your family is going to accept you or not, on desperately trying to pass because you’re afraid of change...I think a lot of that comes to the actors being really good, like all of them, and really acting their heart out. And the moment where the dad decides to forego a big donor/supporter because he doesn’t want to force his daugther to hide really touched me. I also really liked the part where the BFF talks about how everybody’s coming out journey can be different and it’s important to remember that, especially if you have the chance to come from a very tolerant background.
The Less Positive
- The movie has been criticized for being weirdly apolitical (for instance the dad is a mayor but we never learn anything about his actual political opinions) but tbh this is supposed to be a Hallmark-like holidays movie I think that’s kind of part of the genre to be in this sort of happy slightly tone-deaf bubble and I don’t think straight movies of this type get this sort of criticism so yknow i’m fine with that bit i guess not all queer movies should have to be deeply political (even tho yeah it’s still very homonormative and ‘all about family values’ etc etc)
- Most of the issues I have with this movie center around Harper, Abby’s love interest and the one who lies to her family about their relationship. Now, I think Mackenzie Davis is a really good actress. And I do feel sympathetic for the character. The movie really makes you understand all the pressure she’s under, how her parent’s love is conditional, all the public scrutiny, and why she behaves the way she does. And her finally pulling through made me cheer for her. However, there were a lot of moments in the movie where I was genuinely unsure if I should be rooting for Abby and her to stay together. She does a lot of things that are definitely deeply unhealthy and questionable and had me going ‘Abby pls run away while you still can’. I feel a lot of compassion for her. But I simply don’t think the movie gives us enough happy time with Abby and Harper for me to really want them to be together as a couple -they spend a big part of the movie being mad at each other. They should have given us more scenes with them at the start to really get a feel of who they are as characters and as a couple, so when it gets rough, we actually root for them to pull through. This is an issue a lot of mediocre romances have - they assume we will root for the characters just because they’re said to be in love. For me, that doesn’t really work. And even though the ending made me quite emotional (again, great acting) - as a romance, it doesn’t really work for me.
- I really liked the bit where the family realized they had been putting this pressure on each other to be perfect and as they shared all these secrets they finally came together as a family. But...honestly, the family started out as just so profoundly neurotic it felt a bit unbelievable (and their social circles felt like a nightmare). A bit like Abby and Harper’s relationship being all ok after Harper’s big change of heart. The whole ‘mom’s secret desire to do karate but it’s unlady-like’ being put on the same level as her daughter’s coming out had me rolling my eyes. And there is a forced coming out scene which I really really hate.
- I think what I am really tired of, is queer movies who center coming out so much, the anxiety of being accepted or not, etc. And who present coming out as this revolutionary process that is going to change everything immediately. In my experience, at least, it’s often a process of small inches, towards self acceptance, towards your family coming to terms and learning to be less unconsciously bigoted, sometimes good intentions, sometimes microagressions or being erased, etc etc. I also just really want queer stories and queer romances who are not centered on coming out, on ‘what will others/my family think’, who have shenanigans and tension based on other things, with characters who might struggle with self acceptance sometimes (or not) but who have other things going on as well and who are fuller characters. It’s about damn time. Until then, the movies we have will end up feeling a lot like a PSA for straight people.
I still think this is a pretty quality movie. Good acting, believable and often funny dialogue, good chemistry, etc. (And let’s be honest, the bar for wlw movies is uhhhh not very high.) I really enjoyed watching Kristen Steward play gay and have chemistry with pretty ladies. There was room for holiday gay movies (even tho I want to see more, with more diverse characters).
It feels like wish-fullfillment for a certain type of queer person - (upper) middle class, with parents who are...ambiguously accepting. It does transcribe well this tension of not really being to predict their reaction - and illustrates the importance of being very obviously accepting with your children - like tell them it’s okay for them to be gay from the start, even if they turn out to be straight - otherwise they will be left wondering if they’re not. It’s this fantasy that everything will turn out all-right after you come out, you will fit in your family better than before, your mistakes will be forgiven if you are earnest enough, and life can go on as usual but better. And it is sweet, and cathartic, in a way, even if not revolutionary.
But yeah, as a romance, I wasn’t entirely sold on it. And I think it was promoted as a lot more uplifting than it really was.
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argentconflagration · 5 years ago
Lex / argentconflagration's fic year in review 2019!
Part 3: Overall thoughts
Questions are taken from @pearwaldorf​! (x) Part 1 and Part 2 have links to all the fics.
TOTAL WORD COUNT: ~45,000 words!!! That’s so many! I’m so happy!
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Looking back, I feel like I made a lot of progress as a writer this year!
PERSONAL BEST/FAVORITE: Thanatos. It was so difficult to write but it turned out so good! That was the one I had people screaming at me over, and I’m so glad I got to have that experience.
MOST UNDERAPPRECIATED (IMO): In Wake Of Nishi Ward Incident, A Tender Moment for Suneater, Red Riot. But it’s such a tiny ship, I can’t be too mad that it didn’t get more attention.
MOST POPULAR: The Official Mr Fell Quarantine Thread. Gosh, whose soul do I need to sacrifice to get that kind of attention for every fic I write?
STORY WITH THE SEXIEST MOMENT: if spirits embrace. I’m not going to put a quote here, but metaphysical sex is hot, yo. And metaphysical sex happening simultaneously with physical sex is even hotter.
MOST FUN STORY TO WRITE: The Blessed Postal Service. This was hard to choose. I experience so many different emotions while writing, and it’s hard to single out one of them as ‘most fun’. But The Blessed Postal Service was really easy to write, it all came out in a rush in the early hours of the morning, and it was exciting. 
STORY THAT SHIFTED MY OWN PERCEPTION OF A CHARACTER: Thanatos. There are a lot of good answers for this one, too, but I’m particularly remembering a comment by @intimatopia​, who wasn’t familiar with the characters. They had a very different experience of getting to know Tamaki as a character, through my fic, which was kind of eye-opening for me, and definitely a cool experience.
HARDEST: Thanatos again. This fic was so angsty it was painful to write. I nearly gave up several times.
BIGGEST SURPRISE/S: The reception that The Official Mr Fell Quarantine Thread got really blew me away.
BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: The most frustrating thing I experienced this year was not being able to write out The Sun’s Rays to the length that it deserved. I would love to have a ~5k MiriTamaKiri fluff fic in the world (or 10k, or 20k ...), but I knew that would be biting off more than I could chew.
MOST UNINTENTIONALLY TELLING STORY: Most Grievous Fault, hands down.
FAVOURITE LINES/SCENES: There’s absolutely no way I can choose one favorite line out of 45,500 words, and if I list all my favorites I’ll be here all night. But my favorite underrated joke from The Official Mr Fell Quarantine Thread is the line: “he jacks up the price of anything that anyone seems a little too interested in (seemingly by sleight of hand, like, you'll be holding the book the whole time and go to check the price and it's gone up)”. It just cracks me up to think that the bookshop customers think Aziraphale is skilled at sleight of hand, given Aziraphale’s actual abilities in that regard. But there are two hundred and thirty comments on the fic and no one has mentioned that line.
LINES/SCENES YOU’D CHANGE: In Let the mountains skip with gladness, Aziraphale makes an offhand comment about restarting the universe once humans figure out everything about it. And I get what I was going for (obviously) but it seems callous/OOC for them to joke about ending the world given the context. It’s also a reminder that I’m not that great at writing their banter.
The demonic binding in No other news to report.
The cat touching Tamaki’s body in Thanatos. Or the kiss between Kirishima and Mirio. Or the cuddling at the end. Really, any scene from Thanatos.
Aziraphale and Crowley mid-swap and mid-intercourse in if spirits embrace. This sounds extremely difficult to draw, ngl, which is why it would be so interesting to see someone try.
A still from the ‘video’ in In Wake Of Nishi Ward Incident, A Tender Moment for Suneater, Red Riot. 
Aziraphale and Crowley’s true forms in Let the mountains skip with gladness.
2020 WRITING AMBITIONS: I want to write more! That’s what I focused on for much of this year, and it certainly seemed to help.
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stardustloki · 6 years ago
Fanfic ask game
I was tagged by the lovely @mercialachesis Thank you so much!! I really enjoyed doing this.
Side note that isn’t part of the ask game because I don’t think enough people have read their work:
My favourite stuff of theirs is a really well written civil war AU that doesn’t have nearly enough views or anything! Steve is so incredibly well written in this and everyone else is amazing as well.
I also really like the one in which kid Loki (who has his mouth sewn shut :(  ) ends up on earth and meets 1940s kid Steve because aaah that’s so well done toooo. I really feel like I’m there when I’m reading it.
At what age did you start writing fanfiction? I’ve been writing it since I was six years old, maybe earlier. The first I can remember (and have a typed record of) is my friends and I meeting the doctor, sarah jane etc. Please enjoy the absolutely gripping beginning lmao ‘There was a banging noise outside Holly’s, Chloe’s and Deborah’s door. It was a monster called the Dark Knight. It took them to a foreign planet. It took them took to a jail and locked the door. Sarah Jane, Rose and K.9. were also locked up.‘ 
6 year old me was not a literary genius by a long shot.
Who is your favorite author?
This is a hard hard hard question. I have sooooooo many. I have had a long think and I’m going to go with Snorri Sturluson. Snorri, you may be long dead and gone however I thank you greatly for writing the prose Edda so that now, hundreds upon hundreds of years down the line, we have Thor in the MCU and Mythological material to bastardise in our fanfictions. 
Edit: Does this mean fanfic author. It probably does. In which case it’s @gold-from-straw because her work = impeccable.
Favorite type of scene to write?
This probably won’t come as a surprise to anyone who has ever read my work but I thrive off angst and whump and angsty conversations/introspection.
What is your favorite fanfic?
Against the Moon by StoplightDelight. Absolutely the best Marauder’s Era fic there is out there. Every single character is handled so goddamn well. 
What tags do you avoid like the plague?
Th*rki (they are brothers!), St*rker (Peter is a child and they have a mentor mentee father son relationship goddamnit), L*ki/reader (I am one of the seemingly rare people who love Loki but are not lusting after him so just. No thank you. I’m a lesbian.) - stars added to names so people who do like reading these don’t have to see my answers when they search for content
What AU do you wish to write but feel like you won’t manage?
I am mind blanking here, sorry. Actually, I’ve just thought of one! One in which the X-men go back in time and save Erik (Magneto) and his mother etc. from before the concentration camp and maybe he grows up with kid Charles. I know I love angst but I want people to heal from it and Erik did not deserve the shit he went through.
What has been your favorite story to write so far? 
The Monster Under the Bed, easily. I just, love all the characters in it so much! (Apart from Odin, who is evil af in it - I did love writing him tho) And the story went to so many places I wasn’t expecting and it was just an utter joy to write.
Do you prefer to write one-shots or multi-chapters? Why?
Multi-chapters. I just like how you can explore multiple characters and take them on a journey get to know your reviewers/commenters a bit along the way.
What is your favorite kind of comment?
Do I have one? I love ones that are just like: well thanks I’ve stayed up basically all night reading this so I’m getting nowhere enough sleep because of you. I like people saying they liked general things (aka I like reassurance that the chapter wasn’t crap) or details. I like seeing what people felt, whether through keysmashes or more eloquent means. For the Monster Under the Bed one reviewer just said ‘LOVED IT!’ every chapter and you know what, that was magnificent because I knew they read the chapter and got to the end of it and liked it and it was very reassuring (because after someone’s left kudos for the first time, or followed, there’s actually no way to know if they like the next chapters if they don’t comment/review).
NGL sometimes I do love flames. This one time a commenter compared Thor to Hitler and I still Lose My Shit laughing every time I think about that. This other time I was presented with an 800 word essay of everything wrong with what I was writing. Once this person stopped reading because they didn’t like a chapter title.
Don’t leave flames. Flames aren’t nice. But sometimes they just illustrate how stupid people are and you have to laugh.
TLDR: I love comments. I sell my soul for comments. Give me comments please.
Why did you start writing fanfiction? Why are you still writing it?
I saw possibilities. I like writing. I want practice for becoming a professional author. The reasons haven’t changed in the last 14 or so years haha
I tag: @legolokili @gold-from-straw @readeption @lalaurelia @crissiti @enkelimagnus and legit anyone else who wants to do this as I am super aware that I have probably forgotten loads of people who write!
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transfagged · 7 years ago
all 92 😘
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?no way man she’d probably dom the fuck out of me
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?nope.
3. Have you taken someones virginity?n o p e
4. Is trust a big issue for you?YEAH
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?like in terms of romantic??? no. like in terms of “we have a really weird relationship and idfk how i feel @ you”? yeah.
6. What are you excited for?april 19th!!! my friend and i are going to go see phoebe bridgers in madison!!!!
7. What happened tonight?its 10am so ill roll with last night: i played nv and got killed in a beautiful cacophony of deathclaws and the legion :) and then my game crashed.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?no bc id be right there with them
9. Is confidence cute?very
10. What is the last beverage you had?i think some water? okay not the last but: hot water is so good with wildflower honey pls just drink some its good for your soul okay???
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?opposite is bullshit but i guess like,, 3? half my friends are nonbinary so counting EVERYONE regardless of gender and shit id say 6 people
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?im a proud supporter of boys in skinny jeans and i own 2 or 3 pairs
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?my main ho @thebonerfoy is coming up to visit me and were probably gonna pack all my shit in her car and play cards against humanity
14. What are you going to spend money on next? lmao probably my student loans. unless i can get the hours i asked for at work or a sugar daddy, then im gonna buy a proper lid for my fishtank bc my poor kid has a piece of cardboard rn.
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?no
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?yeah. even in a state of stagnation were changing somehow.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?probably amanda, but im working on trying to be better with everyone
18. The last time you felt broken?my dude, im broken right now. its okay though. like i said, im working on it. were all fckn broken somehow.
19. Have you had sex today?not unless a ghost and i got in on in my sleep. which would be pretty cool ngl
20. Are you starting to realize anything?on a deep level: i deserve respect and a lot of my issues relate directly to my upbringing, including my inability to receive praise or speak well of myselfon a not-deep level: kinda hungry.
21. Are you in a good mood?i think i just heard fedex or ups outside so my mood just skyrocketed
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?maybe like. nurse sharks. theyre really cute.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?yeah
24. What do you want right this second?to take a day to go into the city with all my friends that i cant see on a regular basis
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?probably be upset unless we discussed it beforehand. then id be fckn cheering for them like you go get some!!!! do it man!!!! in general tho: if i wasnt with them and they didnt show interest in me and showed interest in someone else id just move tf on.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?half of it is bc my roots are growing out
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?no. too boring.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?okay so i went to renew my library books and one of my favorite youtubers is on the library website dressed as one of his characters and i completely flipped because i watch his gaming channel and now hes interviewing authors for my library??? he doesnt even live in my town!! hes in madison!!
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?no? im enjoying my solitude atm
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?depends on the person
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?no! hes my friend and gives really good advice!
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?i think so. i mean, were kind of a thing.
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?yeah.
34. Listening to?killer - phoebe bridgers
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?only if im doing a rough journal spread, which i dont normally do
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?hes probably in class right now. 
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?love at first sight? no. some sort of mutual infatuation/attraction? yes.
38. Who did you last call?my mom
39. Who was the last person you danced with?dancing with as in both dancing at the same time? probably amanda or my mom.
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?we were dating and he was cute lmao
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? a couple months ago? 
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?no bc she leaves for work before i wake up
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?constantly.
44. Do you tan in the nude?lmao no.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?no. as previously stated, i liked the guy and he was cute. why would i take that back?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?yeah
47. Who was the last person to call you?my mom
48. Do you sing in the shower?sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car?yEAH
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?yes i love my bow :’) its so good and wow i love archery
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?picture day junior year of highschool, and if that doesnt count: my mother took me in at jcp to have pictures taken when i graduated 8th grade and theyre awful bc my hair is so long and its so not me
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?excuse me, how dare you,, in this house we ask for war and peace for christmas because npgc1812 is so good and then get addicted to ghost quartet (@ anyone reading this: pls listen to ghost quartet it is so so so good)
53. Is Christmas stressful?depends on the year, but i hope in the future i can spend it with my friends :)
54. Ever eat a pierogi?i just had some last night for dinner and im probably going to eat the leftovers in a couple minutes. also, my mother is polish and we see her family for holidays, so yeah. lots of pierogi in this house.
update: i got the leftovers
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?idk??? apple? im basic okay i dont eat pie
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?1. teacher2. ballerina3. both 1 & 2, simultaneously4. paleontologist5. archaeologist6. both 4 & 5, simultaneously7. librarian8. game designer9. author/illustrator
57. Do you believe in ghosts?yeah
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?almost daily
59. Take a vitamin daily?im supposed to ;) vitamin d deficiency like a real champ
60. Wear slippers?real talk i never liked slippers but then i bought these cute pig slippers @ walmart for $10 and i love them so much i tried wearing them to sleep last night. also im wearing them rn theyre so cute
61. Wear a bath robe?i live in a dorm, so yeah. to the bathroom and back when i take a shower. sometimes im lazy and i just run around in a towel but so do half the people on my side of the hall lmao were all lazy and dead inside
62. What do you wear to bed?fluffy pajama pants or sweats, tshirt or hoodie, socks, sometimes slippers.. once i fell asleep with a beanie on. when im being an Adult i wear my actual pajamas!!! like a legit shirt and pants that match
63. First concert?none that i was old enough to remember :’) apparently my mom took me to the rodeo when we lived in texas and saw some country group but i was like 2 so idfk
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?TARGET I AM A CERTIFIED TARGET GAY
65. Nike or Adidas?adidas bc my feet are too wide to fit in nikes
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?yall real talk i used to love cheetos but i think im allergic to them now? last time i had them my throat got all swollen and hurt for like 3 days so im gonna have to say fritos. plus theyre really good if you put them in chili
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?sunflower seeds bc im a slut for anything i can have a spitting contest with
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?lmao i used to like her when i was like. 11. not my scene anymore
69. Ever take dance lessons?i dont think so?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?anything that makes them happy, but also something fun!!!! like wedding photographer or a baker or maybe zookeeper?
71. Can you curl your tongue?idk??? kinda????? i can tie a cherry stem so i want to say yes.
72. Ever won a spelling bee?no i always got out bc my anxiety made me stutter/rush and miss letters, so i never even got past the classroom levels to the real thing
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?a lot!!! i laugh so hard i cry and get a stomach ache more than id like to admit
74. What is your favorite book?eleanor & park by rainbow rowell :) OR alice’s adventures in wonderland by lewis caroll
75. Do you study better with or without music?depends on if i can get into hyperfocus mode or not. if not, then i pick one song and put it on loop and blast it until it fades and is just loud background noise, but if i can focus then silence is best
76. Regularly burn incense?i used to but no burning anything in the dorms :( then i came home for break and it started giving me a headache
77. Ever been in love?i think so
78. Who would you like to see in concert?kesha, against me!, my chemical romance (rip), bigbang (also rip)
79. What was the last concert you saw?the one i mentioned earlier @ a rodeo
80. Hot tea or cold tea?hot tea
81. Tea or coffee?i live on coffee but i love tea too so both
82. Favorite type of cookie?mmm snickerdoodle. or just sugar cookies. chocolate chip is good when theyre hot and melty but not as good when theyre cold
83. Can you swim well?yeah! i love swimming!
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?yeah?
85. Are you patient?hahahahahahhahahahhahahhaa
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?oo. oooooo. okay so dj would have more variety of music but im a sucker for live music??? idk i feel like a band would be more memorable, but what if they fuck up your favorite song??? but what if they make it more special???????
87. Ever won a contest?yeah! i won an art contest once and got my drawing printed on christmas cards for a nonprofit that did things for cancer patients!
88. Ever have plastic surgery?im 17 i dont have that kind of money
89. Which are better black or green olives?depends on what theyre in?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?good. live your life fuck the rules
91. Best room for a fireplace?bedroom!!! i love fireplaces in bedrooms its such a Look
92. Do you want to get married?idk. if it happens then it happens. im not planning on it though.
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