#I worry but this is genuinely her least stressful option
candycryptids · 4 months
Oh…. The joy of just… listening to music w/o being in airplane mode. Reading webcomics and lookin at peoples funny lil guys…. Decadence.
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maxislvt · 2 years
Silent Night
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Summary: Even rock stars get caught up in the holiday rush.
Warnings: R being gay, Wanda being a mommy, me projecting a tiny bit but that's what y'all are here for!
A/N: No, I am not addicted to popstar Wanda at all!! (I'm lying)
Event Masterlist
The Christmas rush was not something to be ignored, especially if you were a musician. Where most people only had to start worrying around mid-November, you were forced to start all the way in October. Halloween had come and gone, but you were on crunch time in your studio.
Despite the weeks-long headstart, you had nothing ready to spark holiday cheer. You did technically have some songs. Several fully completed songs. It was just that none of them satisfied you. The Thunderbolts was a band filled with magnificently talented people. Your music had to be perfect. You didn't care if that meant you spent long hours in your studio. Your girlfriend, on the other hand, did care. Wanda was a festive woman and refused to celebrate the holiday without you.
Originally, you two had compromised. You'd do all your lyric writing at home and then spend a few hours at your studio mixing and sampling as needed. Regardless of what you did, you had to be done by 6 pm and spend the rest of the night at home with Wanda. The lack of your familiar hums and empty driveway upon her return home told Wanda you hadn't kept your end of the deal. One slightly annoying drive later, her suspicion had been confirmed.
"I know the fingerprint lock on the outside is to keep people from getting in, but I didn't know it stopped you from getting out."
Wanda's voice made you stop in your tracks. For a moment, you just sat there. There was no way it had been past 6 o’clock. You left the house at 12 that evening and only wrote about 12 lines you were proud of. Checking your phone to see it was 9:46 pm was a major blow to your confidence. "I, uh, I thought I had another hour?" The statement sounded more like a question. Mostly because you were genuinely confused. You slowly turned around in your chair. "I'm sorry, I think I just lost track of time. I —"
Wanda cupped your checks and slowly examined your face. "Baby, how long have you been here? You look like you haven't slept in days." The bags under your eyes were genetic, but they somehow looked heavier. The once perfectly soft skin on your lips had been chewed and rubbed raw. She pulled you close and forced you to rest your head on her stomach. This wasn't the first time Wanda watched you overwork yourself, but she was happy to be the one to pull you out of your habits. "Why don't we go home and rest up for a bit? I brought back some of that hot chocolate you like."
Normally, the promise of good hot chocolate and cuddles would be enough to get you to do anything, but you were far too stressed. You shook your head and pulled away. "I can't, I gotta finish at least one of these songs before we go home." Pulling away from Wanda's touch was near impossible, but you forced yourself to do it anyway. "Just give me another hour, I promise I'll be done."
Wanda sighed. This was clearly important to you and dragging you away from your studio wouldn't do any good. She’d lost count of how many times you’d snuck out to work on music. "Fine, but I have to help and you have to sit in my lap." She giggled at the embarrassed face you made. "It's either that or I take you home and wrap you up in blankets like a newborn cat."
You huffed in disapproval but stood up and allowed Wanda to sit in your chair. It was hard to tell what you were feeling exactly. Either stress had entirely consumed you or you were falling into Wanda's trap. Part of you hoped it was the second option. "I wrote a bunch of stuff earlier, but these are the only complete songs I have." You opened some files on your laptop. "Only two have music behind them right now."
Wanda nodded along as you spoke. Her hand slipped underneath your shirt and rubbed small circles on the skin of your stomach. Sure, Wanda had promised you an hour but she was going to get you home as fast as she could. "Lemme hear the two with music, we can work on the 3rd one last." She put on the headphones attached to your laptop. She tentatively listened to the song as she rocked you side to side in her lap. "This is beautiful, baby! Why don't you like it?"
A heavy yawn fell from your lips. "It just doesn't sound festive enough! I feel like I'm not hitting these notes right." Staying awake in Wanda's grasp was an endless uphill climb. Keeping your will to fight was even harder. "I was thinking of giving it to someone else, but I don't wanna let it go."
"We can make a duet." Wanda smiled when you excitedly turned around towards her. "Tamper with the notes a bit and split up the lyrics and we'll have our first song together." She peppered your excited face with kisses. "We can record it next weekend and then the company can release it on Christmas day if you want. "
The longer Wanda kissed you, the harder it was to ignore that familiar warm buzz underneath your skin. Sleep was calling your name, but you wouldn't give in unless Wanda prompted you to do so. "That's fine with me…just highlight the parts you wanna sing." Your eyelids felt heavier than the metal you made a living singing. Your highlighting and annotating were so hard to read, Wanda had to guide your head through the rest of it. You didn't even register the fact Wanda moved on to the other song until you saw a new file opened. "Wait, I don't remember…"
Wanda hummed softly. "Hey, I think you've done enough for today. Why don't we head home?" Her arms wrapped around your stomach, pulling you impossibly closer. She had you wrapped around her fingers. There was no way you'd say no to her now. "We can watch that reindeer musical you like so much. Then I can wrap you up in your favorite blankets. Doesn't that sound nice?"
That was it. You had fallen under another one of Wanda's magical spells. "You mean the one about Rudolph and the dentist elf?" The confirmation was all you needed. "Okay, I'm ready to go home now."
Wanda gave you another kiss before letting you stand up. "Don't worry about your car, I'll have someone come pick it up in the morning."
The promise of a movie night and hot chocolate had seemingly reinvigorated you. Though you were hesitant and sluggish when leaving your studio, you couldn't sit still during the car ride. Wanda thought it was adorable.
"How did you get the shavings so small? Mine are all big and chunky." The lack of a break was still clearly affecting your performance a bit. Cooking had always been Wanda's thing. You were always her little lab rat or dish cleaner, never an assistant. Even if you were a mess in the kitchen, you were proud of yourself for making your fancy hot chocolate without much help.
Wanda giggled as she took a sip from her mug. "I told you to use the other side of the grater." Being famous came with its perks, but nothing would ever top having you all to herself. To Wanda, you were perfect. All your odd preferences and little quirks only added to said perfection. "Y'know, I think I might have my own little Rudolph just like Santa does."
You turned your head around so fast, you got whipped cream on your nose. "Really? Wait, did you buy the reindeer antler for Sparky!?"
Wanda laughed and shook her head. "No, I just meant you." She playfully licked the cream off your nose. "Every time I give you a compliment, you hop around repeating it for days." She placed her mug on the nightstand. "I'm cute! I'm cute! She thinks I'm cute," Wanda said, recreating the scene that had played just a few minutes ago.
You huffed your chest out in defense. "I don't sound like that! If anyone does, it's you…or maybe Bucky, he's been a real simp these past few weeks."
"Oh no, don't bring your little friends into this! You wrote an entire EP after I started publicly calling you my partner, lord knows what you'll do when we get married." Wanda turned away to take another sip of her hot chocolate. When she turned back, she was met with the cutest puppy dog eyes she'd ever seen.
"You wanna marry me?"
Wanda could only laugh. "Of course, I wanna marry you! You're too perfect to slip through my fingers." She cupped your face and kissed you on the lips. "Also, this totally proves my point."
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littledollll · 2 years
Quiet time
Larissa weems x none to semi-verbal reader
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Warnings: none rly?
Coming back from what you would call a heavy day, most people don’t get it, “Wasnt it fun?”, “I thought you had a good time” some even straight up saying “I don’t get how your brain works” that’s fine. You did have fun, it was a good time, great actually but it’s overwhelming and tiering, surrounded by people and sound everywhere. You just needed to decompress.
You threw your stuff on the nearest surface, that’s for future you to worry about finding, making your way into bed and crashing face-first with a heavy sigh. You didn’t bother picking up your phone you’d just stare at it without actually using it, headphones on but no music playing, they just tuned out background noise that’s all you needed.
You just laid there hugging your pillow, dissociated and humming, to no song nor particular rhythm, you were too busy self soothing when Larissa came in. She actually got it, she’d occasionally enjoy quiet time for at least a few minutes after coming home from a long day. It didn’t always mean that you wanted complete silence, most of the time it was just a few minutes before you were ready to listen just not necessarily talk, and that was alright with her.
Larissa knew you well enough to know that it was quiet time the moment she saw you, and actually it was for her too. She wordlessly moved across the room just getting ready for bed, your unfocused eyes eventually drifted to her and you just watched, there was something oddly soothing about her nighttime routine.
The way she’d sit, how she carefully undid her hair, wipe away her makeup, undress and wrap a robe around herself readying for a bath or shower. Still there were no words said between the two of you, just comfortable silence, and she disappeared off to the showers.
Sometimes words just felt like a chore to get out, sometimes you needed a second to breathe, sleep it off, maybe a whole day, and that was fine with her, after you explained you never got hit with a “are you mad?” or a an angry “so did you have fun at all?”, which made you beyond happy.
Once she was out of the shower you knew her quiet time was officially over٫ she enjoys doing her selfcare in peace٫ who could blame her, which means you now get to happily and silently hear about her day.
“You know about two seconds after you left this morning I got a call that the one and only miss Wednesday Addams was already starting her mission on making my day impossible” You took your headphones off and turned to look at her as she began٫ showing she had your full attention.
She continued on, telling you everything from how she handled Wednesday to what she had for lunch, the coffee she bought that didn’t really taste like coffee which she was very offended at, that made you giggle, she sounded so genuinely insulted about this. “Oh by the way darling I put your keys in the key holder because i knew you were gonna go insane looking for them in the morning, stop just blindly throwing them!”
“mm my bad..” you mumbled out, by now you were both laying in bed, you kinda on top of Larissa, snuggled into her stomach with your arms around her waist. “It’s quite alright, I just don’t want you to stress about finding them later on.” You responded with a hum, playing with the hem of her sleep shirt.
“So when do I get to hear about your day out?” She asked, not really needing an answer just giving you the option of when to talk. You pretended to think about it for a long time with a drawn-out hum. “t’morrow- morning maybe?” She nodded, playing with your hair before she spoke again.
“Darling if you at any point want the blanket to be on top of us you need to move up.” You frown, picking up the blanket and throwing it fully on top of you both successfully reaching her top and hiding you completely. “Are you seriously planning to stay there the whole night?” You nodded. “And if I move?” She turned to her side and you moved along with her, dedicated to your position. “‘m fine here, comfy.”
Larissa sighed, you already decided you’re staying there, there’s nothing that’s going to change your mind, honestly she didn’t mind it, you’re just too far for her to cuddle, correctly anyways. “Goodnight, my darling” you delivered a soft kiss to her stomach. “Night, love.”
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mdhwrites · 10 months
Your Grom Factory post is so right!! I felt like the last parts of it felt off but I didn't know why until I read your analysis. I wanted to like the ending and Ayzee's character so bad because Milan and Ayzee looked so cute together (even if they weren't all that interesting) but Ayzee's final depressing thoughts just ruined it for me :(
I also agree with A Little Hint of Blue being boring. I'm a Vinira shipper so I may be biased but they feel so bland in the comic. I know it's supposed to expand Skara's character but she also just comes off as annoying to me, and it's weird because she kinda reminds me of Anne (her dynamic with Boscha reminds me of Sashanne) but I like Anne and I don't care for Skara. Also the musical scene was cringe, I'm sorry, might be because it's in a comic but still. I did like how the comic kinda expanded on healing and bard magic, the fight was cool even though I think it was ooc for Viney to fall for Skara's trick by the end of it.
So like I said before, I don't want to harp too much on Mark's work without a point. Honestly, if you want to talk about Mark's work with me, my DMs are open, I've talked about him a fair bit on my Discord (in fact, it was voicing that I wasn't certain about posting the blog on Discord that got one of my followers to reassure me I wasn't just being an ass and shouldn't worry so much that led to it being posted) or you can even just ask me non-anonymously and I'll answer in private. I'm not trying to start anything.
With that said, you actually bring up a really good and interesting point in regards to Skara's character that has been digging at me for a WHILE and is useful as a more condensed version of the issues with both Hunter and Amity's arcs who share a lot of issues and I will bring up throughout this as well. A Hint of Blue is indeed meant to expand her character by saying she's a generally and genuinely good person but she has to put on a performance for others. That she is stuck between the person who she is deep down and who society wants her to be. This is effectively the same trick the show does for both Hunter and Amity so A: it is literally nothing new and B: it suffers from similar issues while its specific methodology is a NIGHTMARE to portray well. Worse yet, both of these issues render Skara's character somehow less than the blank canvas it already was.
See, and this is the big part of why I decided to respond, Skara's trick is to show someone with a pure survival response in this regard. She hasn't internalized ANYTHING that people push upon her by what her actions have shown. This means it is all an act rather than these outside forces having had a deeper personal impact. Hunter and Amity, again, suffer similar issues but they at least pay some lip service to the idea that they're not just twin personalities. There is some overlap. For Amity, it's when she is still somewhat cold after breaking the everlasting oath in Covention as even when shown kindness, she still keeps some of that distance. Or heck, just her entire first appearance honestly. For Hunter, it's the constant reinforcement of needing to please Belos. Moments that show that even when the external pressure isn't actively there, it is weighing on their mind, much like how Zuko clearly always had something stressing him out, even when all was quiet. It's part of why how easily Amity throws off her shackles, and how Hunter doesn't actually refute the morality he's clearly been taught, make their arcs and characters weaker because it implies that these pressures never actually got in.
And unfortunately for Mark, he can't seem to decide which version he has and canon supports neither option. In the very first page of the comic, Mark emphasizes A: how long Skara has been being a bully. Not just a bully but enjoying it as even her first act of monstrosity, kicking a sand castle down, is greeted with a smile while she is still very small. This implies some part of her is just cruel. But that's being actively contrasted by B: having her immediately willing to break the bitch code Boscha has in place by apologizing to Viney without any real hesitancy until Boscha speaks up, implying her instincts are to be nice. Mind you, in that first comic she does need to be pushed to destroy the sandcastle... But not to claim be wronged. She first, before the prompting, claims the playground as hers. She's not pushed to be pushy but to stand up for herself and claim what is hers. Not actually inherently unhealthy so long as you aren't a bitch about it honestly which, yes she was being.
And this sort of incongrueny gets better and worse as the story goes on, let alone with the framing of it. After all, the story is trying to frame it as her being a naturally good person who only acts up due to Boscha. This is why Viney, for no reason, is so anti-Boscha. She is meant to be the second world that Skara is being pulled between. When written REALLY POORLY, this is how you get Skara stating Boscha isn't that bad and actually cares in her own way one comic and then literally two comics later, Boscha destroys Skara's chance at romance while mimicking Dio (I know it's Jojos in general but like... Why Jojos there at all?). It's superficial to put it extremely mildly.
As a note, this would actually be the heart of the sort of stuff I would talk about, characters making choices because they fit the tropes of the story, if I decided to talk about the Hallmarks (pun intended) of boring romances. Forced character writing with zero motivation or real flavor is the normal core to that problem.
And well... When your motivations as a character are "I inherently have a heart of gold!" versus "I am the puppet of the most evil fourteen year old on my continent"... You get a really boring lamp that keeps getting passed around. It's meant to expand on Skara's personality but instead it reduces it to NOTHING. Or, it's that her personality is ENTIRELY dependent on whoever she is around and the nice version is the version that Viney gets because she believes Viney will kick her ass otherwise as that is actually the reason the first apology comes out. Or appears to with how worried Skara immediately becomes while Viney rolls up her sleeves.
And since you brought it up and they're PERFECT FOR THIS, let's contrast this with Sasha and Anne. They actually are this sort of dynamic after all. Sasha forces Anne to do things outside of her comfort zone through using their friendship and this is bad for Anne but Anne does it because what Sasha gives her is fun, it's exciting and it's from someone who at least claims to genuinely care about her. Even at her meanest, Sasha is wanting to spend time and make Anne's life better. It's part of why her character is so great. Skara gets lip service in the first comic about liking being on the top of the food chain but all her actions are independent and even the final panel goes out of its way to show Boscha leaving Skara behind, showing the actual gulf in their relationship. It's lip service that Skara will spend literally the ENTIRE rest of the comic saying she hates. She doesn't actually ever act like she ever gets anything out of this.
Then we have the second world pulling Anne: The Plantars. Suddenly, she is shown that you can be loved and cared for by other people without having to do morally dubious things... And she chaffs at it because it does mean more complicated relationships. Hop Pop and her don't understand each other. Polly isn't the gal pal she wants even though she is a gal and a pal. Even Sprig still chafes at her her habits and the like while Sasha may have more cleverly gotten to stop anything she didn't like. This is part of why Anne isn't all that great to the Plantars early on. She doesn't want the work that goes into a real relationship. She'd rather be subservient and have it be simple. It's only through seeing just how much better these people are, and how it feels to have her own autonomy, that she breaks her chains and discards Sasha, at least for a while until they're both in healthier places. As a note, THIS is why S1 of Amphibia is the way it is because this shit takes TIME, let alone while also using an entire town to reinforce these lessons.
Skara meanwhile just... likes the other world. That's really it. She just gravitates towards being nice and real connections, just like Hunter and just like Amity. As always is stated: We're TOLD that she likes being on top but why? It's never even elaborated on with words, let alone shown to us but also yes, this would have extended the arcs overall to show this. Like I said, Amphibia spends a lot of time on groundwork for a reason. Arguably more than it needed to but it still needed a large amount of time to make the payoff and journey as satisfying as it is.. Even TOH understood this with Amity as they pretend for a little longer than a single line that she has reasons to want to be on top until she just drops it all once no one is looking. -_- This attempt to make it less blatant though is part of why Amity dominates a THIRD of the entire series.
And honestly, between this and the enemies to lovers trope from the base show (and actually this too I guess if Viney didn't seem to have some deep seated hate for Boscha that we just haven't been told about yet) I really am getting tired of people seeming to think romance really is a simplistic genre. In fanworks, you get a lot of quick romances, yes, but that's fine. They're normally not trying to claim to be doing an arc or the like with it. They're just bringing two characters they like together. However, romance is an entire GENRE for a reason. You can tell whole stories just around a romance with no other elements because just two people interacting and figuring out deepening feelings is one of the most complex elements for a writer to figure out, regardless of which complex emotion you're choosing. If you don't actually figure that out though, romance tends to be the genre where characters show their narrative purpose fastest. Where you feel the hand of the author forcing the characters together the most. It's why the romantic subplot is such a despised narrative trope. It's why Amity descending into being a love interest is so sharp because capital L LU- LOVE is all she's about now.
And that is the case here too. Skara is all about Viney... Because this is a romance. That is a not deep character, that is a sexy lamp that happens to sing.
I didn't even hint to giving the two moments to bond and have real chemistry instead of just lecturing at each other. *screams* GEE, the romance writer has opinions on romance!? Never would have guessed. I won't even say I'm perfect at it, I'm definitely still improving myself, but it is technically my genre, even back when I was writing harem erotica.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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There weren’t many things that Alhaitham would genuinely worry about.
On the fingers of one hand Cyno could list them; his position as the Grand Scribe, his precious books, his morning coffee (he was particularly fussy about it) and with some shy disbelief, Cyno had to admit that he, himself made the list.
So to see Haitham fuss about his appearance for once in his life was very interesting to say the least.
“Don’t you think you’re overdoing it a bit?” Cyno commented from where he was leaning against a wall of Haitham’s bedroom, arms crossed and head tilted curiously watching the other man fret uncharacteristically with the choice of his outer tunic.
He had two options: light gray and dark green and he couldn’t decide which one to match with his black short he had on for today.
Cyno thought it didn’t really matter; to him nor to the person they were going to visit anyway.
“Not at all.” Alhaitham said, putting on the tunic – the deep green one, and then picking up a comb from the dresser.
Cyno rolled his eyes and pulled from the wall, walking up to him. He himself was dressed down to simple loose pants and a shirt that barely reached his waist. Perfectly normal and casual outfit for a casual dinner visit.
Yet, Alhaitham insisted on dressing up for the occasion.
“You know he won’t notice right?”
Haitham ignored him in favor of styling his hair.
Cyno sighed.
“You’ve met him already.” He leaned over the dresser, his back to the mirror so he could look up at Haitham. “I don’t see why you think it’s such a big deal.”
Haitham lowered the hand which held the comb and looked at Cyno. His hair was now neatly pushed back, revealing more of his forehead and both of his eyes.
Cyno swallowed. He looked good. But he didn’t need to know that. Hell, he probably knew that already anyway.
Haitham frowned suddenly.
“Why do you assume I won’t take a visit to your only living parent seriously?”
“I didn’t say not take seriously. I just don’t know why you should stress over it so much.”
“I’m not stressed over it.” Haitham answered a bit too quickly and Cyno hummed knowingly. They were silent for a moment, Cyno observing Haitham further primping in front of the mirror and part of him wanted to feel a little jealous he rarely did that for their outings but then most of their ‘dates’ were very casual and mostly at home anyway, just how both of them liked.
“What about your grandmother?”
Haitham paused and looked at Cyno, curious about the random question.
“What about her?”
“You said that if she were here, she would love me no matter what, because you do.” He paused for a moment fighting against the embarrassment and the warmth in his face. “So why do you think Professor will be different?”
Haitham put the bottle of cologne back on the dresser and stepped closer to Cyno, crowding him a bit in his space.
He put one warm palm on Cyno’s cheek and tipped his face up so he had to look him in the eyes.
“Ah that’s because I am not as easy to love as you are.”
Cyno’s breath caught in his throat and his blush finally exploded on his face. Haitham held his gaze for an unnecessary moment longer, before he smiled in satisfaction and pulled away.
“Besides I know he doesn’t like me.”
“Ha? How come?”
Haitham shrugged.
“We had an unfortunate exchange of views some years ago.”
Cyno raised an eyebrow, ignoring his still hammering heart from the stunt before. Haitham was right though. He wasn’t the easiest person to love but that didn’t mean it was less rewarding to when he did. Quite the opposite.
He dismissed the thoughts. For now.
“And you think he’s going to held it against you?”
“Of course.” Haitham said, fixing his hair a bit.
Cyno hummed again.
“Especially if you’re his son. He’s not going to approve you being with just anyone.”
Cyno frowned.
“Haitham, I am an adult. If Professor has a problem with the choice of my partner, then that’s…his problem not mine.”
Haitham didn’t respond.
“But I don’t think he will.”
“That would be preferrable.”
Cyno signed. He grabbed the tails of Haitham’s tunic and dragged him to his level. Then he dipped his fingers of both his hands into Haitham’s perfectly styled hair and purposely messed it up.
He silenced his murmur of protest with a silent ‘hush’. Haitham sighed and let Cyno do what he wanted until his hair was back to his usual look.
“There.” He said and then pressed his forehead to Haitham’s, eyes closed. “Just be your typical self. That’s all I want.”
“Usually, people do not enjoy my ‘typical’ self you know.” He murmured.
Cyno snorted.
“I am not just anyone.”
Haitham’s lips twitched.
“That you aren’t.”
Cyno pushed him away.
“We’ll be late.”
Haitham looked at the clock.
“Mn. Indeed.”
“Professor won’t like it.”
Haitham looked at him for a moment before he smirked.
He grabbed Cyno around the waist and brought him close for a deep kiss.
“Too bad.” He said when they parted and Cyno had to put his hand on the dresser behind him when Haitham let him go so suddenly.
He disappeared into the kitchen, before he reappeared with a bottle of chilled Mondstad wine.
“A peace offering.”
Cyno smiled briefly.
When they closed the door, Cyno took his hand and huffed in amusement.
“So you are nervous.”
“A bit.” He finally admitted and looked at Cyno. “I believe we are now very fashionably late. Shall we?”
“Mhm.” Cyno hummed, squeezing Alhaitham’s trembling hand in his and they set off to meet the man that raised Cyno and gave him a home.
AO3 link
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azol-otl · 2 years
Random Jason Hijinks I either wish would happen someday or find amusing to think about.
Rose and Jason break Eddie out of hell and steal his soul back from Neron. Jaime is dragged along by Rose because he and Eddie were “friends a few reboots ago”. Jason asked Roy who sent him Connor who is suffering™.
Pre-Red Hood Jason and Pre-Green Arrow Connor first meet up back when Jason was part of the All-Caste hunting a demon. It’s a one-shot adventure and the things you have to know are:  
a) this is before Jason’s growth spurt so he’s over a head shorter than Connor.
b) Connor isn’t a cape so excuse him for not understanding demons and fucking up hilariously a few times.
c) When Jason tries to kill the demon who is possessing the human, he and Connor fight about it. The fight ends when the demon explodes out of the person like the Pus of Man from Dark Souls 3.
d) Talia is the one who finds and picks up Jason from the adventure (Connor thinks she’s his mom and Jason just didn’t inherit the melanin) and is also the one who gives Connor contact information for Jason because she wants him to have some sort of friend.
e) They never actually learned the other’s name so anytime they’d hear about Red Hood or Green Arrow they literally don’t know it’s that guy they met as teenagers.
Jason decides to actually dust off his mystic training when Dick walks in and Jason gets hit with so many bad vibes he’s genuinely worried something is wrong with Dick.  
Jason: “Did they not fix the Brother Blood mind control thing fully? Did Raven miss something? Isn’t Dick friends with a million people? How have they all missed this????”
It ends with bringing Danny Chase back to life and the only person remotely happy about it is Jason and even that’s a stretch.
Rose, why are you part of the Wild Hunt?!!!
What do you mean Biz got taken by the fae?!
Roy, why is this werewolf saying he’s your husband?!
Eddie, why didn’t you tell me you were a prince of hell? What do you mean that one of Trigon’s sons is buried in Gotham?!!! No wait, you still haven’t told me how you’re a prince of hell!
Jason and Talia's road trip where Jason comes to the uncomfortable realization that he views Talia as a mother/aunt figure.
Bonus Artemis suffering Jason’s Mom Has it Going On.
Jason gets a new dog named Ellie and he loves her and Dog very much. What do you mean she’s a Blue Lantern!?
Ellie is short for Elpis and she’s absolutely Hope Corgi.
Roy finds out that he has a whole-ass checking account under one of his aliases that he never knew about. Turns out Jason created it for him years ago and Roy’s actually under W.E.  employed as an independent contractor and he’s been making 6 figures for years because Jason never bothered telling anyone that he still owns Wayne R&D.
Jason slowly but surely claims Park Row and the surrounding areas as his territory. It has the unforeseen consequence of magical folk moving into the neighborhood because Gotham is a nightmare to live in normally, Magic Gotham is even worse and the only people who can survive are big hitters like Blood, Zatanna, and Ivy or small fries like the kitchen witch near Leslie’s. Welcome to the big leagues, Jason.
Jason keeps getting mistaken for Jason Blood and it is annoying. One day some demon hunters threw something at Jason and did anyone know Jason used to be in heaven because he sure didn’t and these angel wings are a fucking nightmare.
Rose busts a gut laughing because she somehow became friends with the least demon-y demon Eddie and Jason as an angel.
Jason, Ivy, Sideways, and Impulse (Impulse voice: “Why am I even here?”) vs the Madness Wavelength in Arkham.
Jason kills Joker and finds out that he cannot. Not as in “He doesn’t die” or “There will be a new one” but a secret third option, “The universe literally resets the day every time he’s killed.” Instead of being a tragedy, it becomes a comedy as killing Joker slowly becomes Jason’s go-to when shit goes wrong/killing him is good stress relief. Stephanie discovers what happens because she’s had to write the same essay nine times once. Instead of being horrified they (and then Helena, Tim, Duke, etc.) make killing Joker a gag. The only ones not allowed to kill the Joker are Dick and Bruce because then the universe decides it’s the bad timeline instead of just resetting again.
Tim: *drops his latte on a hot guy and then embarrasses himself in public trying to apologize and becomes a meme.*
Tim: I guess I have to kill Joker now.
Jason and Kory remeeting and wow it’s really awkward that we only got close because of a universe meddler and then you dipped and never contacted me again even though I was a hundred percent serious that you were one of my first friends and are very important to me.
Oh no. Not the talking. Not communication! Kory take mercy on me and just drop me like a bad memory don’t have us open a dialogue where we reconcile all of the bullshit that happened to us and the fact that we did genuinely get close at very low points in our lives and be willing to try and be friends again!
Give! Kory! All! The! Friends! She doesn’t care if you think it’s a bad idea, it's her life!
Gotham Vigilante Tabletop Club (GVTC) featuring Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Duke, Helena, and Harper. They each get a turn as dm and every one of them brings in a different game.
Why is Damian’s friend (Colin) asking me for love advice? I’m a gay disaster ask anyone else please. ??? I guess I can try to help??? Who’s your crush?
It’s Lian and Jason regrets agreeing to help because Roy is going to murder him.
Countdown 2 Electric Boogaloo. Except for this time they were all shoved into the dimension separately and by separate events and there is no danger. It is just a multiversal road trip with the people who vexed you greatly but are slightly grown up now.
Bonus scene includes Jason’s gleeful face when he realizes he understands what all of those words Donna keeps muttering under her breath mean because Artemis was a bro and taught him Themysciran Greek.
#I didn't mean for all of them to sound like comedies but sometimes that just happens#People may hate on the all-caste for not being Jason enough or whatever#But have we ever stopped to think that Damian is related to an immortal cult and Duke is the son of an eldritch being#And Dick is related to an unrelated cult and just all the weird shit that happens in Gotham anyways?#Why can all these exist and Jason not also have mystic monk training he never uses#Listen I don't know much about Gotham's magic population but I'm pretty sure the place is awful to live in with the nine different curses#So having a dude that's basically a mage-killer claim a territory can only be a good thing for their safety#Plus I'm positive that magic folk would keep property values low because who would go looking for magic users in Park Row#Everyone was written terribly for rhato but Jason and Kory had the potential to be a really interesting relationship#Just this lack of judgement and ability to not have to shave down all of your sharp edges for one another#also I do really like the idea of them trying romance or sex and then deciding that they need friends more and then staying friends#Gotham Vigilante Tabletop Club my beloved#Look Duke and Tim canonically play tabletop games and if dc would finally acknowledge that Stephanie and Jason are nerds they would too#I miss Colin and the idea of him and Jason being disaster siblings or disaster guardian-child is important to me#I don't know if it's canon but considering linguistic drift Themyscira should either have its own language or dialect#and Donna should use it to say mean things under her breath#Jason Todd#I am not tagging anyone else their tags deserve to be Bat-Free#oh boy do I love how I can't make indents in even in html. Sorry for the eyesore whoever reads this mess#Azol's words
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a-drama-addict · 3 months
im pretty sure tumblr straight up gobbled up my ask from yesterday (if not um, whoops sorry!) so belated sigrid swednesday ask game submission: 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 30
happy sigrid swednesday thursday everyone. [ask game]
6. How would the player go about meeting them in Act 1? What is their introduction?
Ohh probably the ruins where you can find Withers, arguing with the people there. "Let me in or I'll cut you." Being the first thing you hear probably. When you walk in on it she'll probably point her weapon at you, biggest scowl on her face. Though you can quickly tell by her demeanor she's more scared than actually a threat (at the moment.) You can choose to either talk her down, encourage the attack, or attack her. The first two options can actually lead into her recruitment.
7. Describe their arc. How would a player help resolve it? What choices can be made? Can your Tav be turned down a dark path, or pulled to a lighter one?
Sigrid's main arc would definitely be whether she becomes an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal or not. She is generally more inclined towards doing it if you don't intervene, because if left to just her own instincts it's.. "Kill, kill, kill again" quite literally.
But she can be pretty easily persuaded into a path of light, especially if you have high approval.
I think helping would mostly involve intervening (quite literally) when she wants to submit to the urge. Like you could stop her from killing Alfira, stop her from sharing the Grove's location with Minthara (she'll try to regardless if the player does or not.)
8. After Act 3, what does their life look like? What are they talking about at the reunion party?
Post-game she would probably just live in Baldur's Gate, helping rebuild. She'll talk of the possibility of moving elsewhere, because the city has so many negative memories for her.
She does have a job as a writer now! She tries to write true crime books which get.. reviews on being eerily realistic with some gory details.
11. What is your Tav’s go-to comfort food?
Oh beef steak definitely! She likes the texture and taste combo, feel like she'd love to eat that.
12. Does your Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
Yep! She has one right across her face, and her neck. Both self-inflicted, in a show of worship to Bhaal when she was just getting initiated you know. She has a tattoo that's just a stripe from the edge of her lower lip to her chin.. because she thought it looked cool when she was like twenty.
13. What is your Tav’s main color palette? Why do they choose those colors?
16. What do they do for fun, when not adventuring? What are their hobbies?
Sigrid is pretty fond of learning how to read! Because of her lobotomy (thanks orin) she has to relearn how to do this and she actually practices a lot with Karlach and Gale. I kind of rambled about this in my other post in my tags- but this is based on dialogue you can have with Karlach about reading together. Since she has to relearn I imagine reading with Karlach and sometimes Gale helps her and genuinely entertains her.
18. Where/with whom do they feel safest?
Karlach!! Unsurprisingly. But Karlach is truly the only person who she can.. confide in, be quiet and stay in spot, never worry about saying the wrong thing. (Not that she can't say anything wrong, but she's less stressed about it with Karlach.)
20. What is their relationship to touch? Do they shy away from it? Do they need it to feel present?
complicated. From some people she craves it, she kind of wants it every day at the very least, to feel something, to feel real. (i.e. Karlach, Wyll, Shadowheart.) But with most others she'll snap if she's touched without a go-ahead or warning. (Snap as in get annoyed.)
21. Describe a defining moment from their past, which makes them who they are today!
Hmmm this sweet moment she had with Orin when they were both kids in the Bhaal temple where she braided her hair. They talked normally about things for a moment, about things they like. (In their weird, bhaalspawn ways maybe.) Both had an affinity to art, Orin was the painter whereas Sigrid was the storyteller. It was a connection of creativity and care, and through it she puts a lot of value in art and hair
24. What does your Tav consider to be their own biggest character flaw?
Incompetency. She feels she's incompetent at.. a lot. (Emotional intimacy, sexual intimacy, battle, writing, reading, music- practically everything. Except for killing. She's good at that in her eyes.) Though she rarely shows this insecurity.
25. What is something they would die on a hill over?
HMMMMMM. Even through the negative associations she has with BG, she'd defend that damn city from any negative reputation with her life.
27. What is the worst thing they’ve ever done/said to someone they love?
Ohhh. Hm. Well there's this line from a wip i'm not even remotely done to finishing where she tells Karlach, during one of her.. lets say Dark Urge moments where she practically tells Karlach "I'd kill you just to send you back to the Hells, Hell-dog." Karlach would argue that's not really 'Sigrid' though, it is, but it also isn't. Sig apologizes profusely the next morning, its definitely the one of the things she regrets saying most or even thinking. The Urge is nasty, and its the blight of her existence until its gone.
30. What does your Tav want more than anything?
Freedom, peace. The sense that when she wakes up and makes a decision it's hers and no one else's.
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disdaidal · 1 year
I can't remember the last time I've cried this hard, but I guess it was time.
So my new school is pretty much now pressuring me to find a place to train at, which is not stressful at all, because the workplace I went for an interview last week hasn't returned my calls or my email, despite the principal initially seemed genuinely interested in my application.
Thing is, I wouldn't be this stressed out at all but my new teacher made it pretty clear today that next week is gotta be the deadline for that contract - otherwise my studies really aren't going anywhere.
I also missed my doctor's appointment yesterday because I missed the train. I had to wait for that appointment for 3 fucking months, and because it's related to my financial situation (I'm really trying not to get more student debt, especially with the way how I've been and how I barely managed to keep my shit together during pandemic). Luckily I was able to talk on the phone with her and the social worker, but my new appointment was rescheduled at the end of the month. I also talked to my nurse on the phone a little after that; a nurse who I haven't seen in the last six months because all our appointments have been cancelled at the last minute. So I got a new one in September.
My sleeping schedule has been pretty much fucked up all July-August, and for the last two days that I've been going to the city and attending these classes, I've slept like 6 hours in total these two days. Both days I've come home feeling extremely drained (besides those 6 hrs in total, I napped all evening yesterday). And last night I slept something like 2 hours before school and when I finally got back by train a couple of hours ago, I tried to sleep on the train but I felt so nauseated that I thought I was gonna hurl. Needless to say, my car ride back home was all but fun.
When I finally got home and laid down in my bed for a while, I started crying. Like I know it's probably because I've literally slept like 2hrs last night and it wasn't even a deep sleep, so, think I've just had it. My body and brain couldn't take it anymore.
But when I was on the train, I was going to call the school's office (the one I went to that interview for), but naturally their calling hours had already ended at 2pm. I also thought about sending another email but like I said, I felt extremely tired and anxious; making more phone calls and sending more emails when I'm feeling this way really isn't the way I want to go again. Especially since I already tried both on Monday when they were supposed to inform me last Friday, and I haven't got any response since. Which is not very nice to be honest (my new teacher did comment it's kind of unprofessional of them, and I gotta agree a little bit there).
But seriously, the only thing that's even made my last two school days tolerable, were the other students in my class. I kind of took up smoking again (bad habit I know) because of all this stress and shit that's been going on with me lately, so at least it was an easy way to get to know some of our other students, and got to spend some time with them, so at least I didn't have deal with my worries all alone. Our Moroccoan student (whom I've talked a lot with; I got along with him already on our entrance examination on May) tried to encourage me today when we were smoking, and even said I could try and apply to the same place he works at - which is working with immigrants mostly. Since I did choose international studies as one of my optional subjects, that could also work, because sooner or late I'm gonna have to work/train at a place like that anyway.
But obviously my first and foremost goal right now is try to find a place near where I live because obviously traveling isn't cheap, and I might indeed have a couple of places around here in mind that I could ask for training opportunities.
In any case, if I don't get an answer by tomorrow (we'll have another long school day so I probably won't have any time to be making extra phone calls anywhere), I think I'm just gonna ditch this thing and start calling other places on Monday.
If this is how it's gonna be and I'm on a strict deadline here, I don't suppose there's any other choice. I'm not willing to give up just yet - though I admittedly thought of that for a moment, too. Since I've become somewhat depressed lately again, clearly, and that must have something to do with my bpd. Which is fucking *nice* because right now I'm supposed to be active and efficient so I can actually get shit done and get my studies properly started - and yet right now, I'm feeling all but that.
So I guess I'll go to another class tomorrow - we have a special day anyway as we're visiting a local museum at the end of the day, so. Maybe I can try to forgive myself for being the way I am and give this whole thing a rest until weekend. And if the teacher asks about it tomorrow as she might, I'm just gonna say I'm going try again on Monday.
Cause I really don't see any other choice right now. But again, I'm really not lying about this. I'm not feeling my best right now, and this kind of pressure and stress is not doing me any favors.
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undead-potatoes · 8 months
SUNNY, did someone ask about Aurora and Jay and whether they like kids?? Do they get along with them, are annoyed by them? Would they want kids for themselves? How have they interacted with the kids in the bg3 world so far?
No-one did, so thanks for asking B)
This is gonna be long as usual so 🐻 with me
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Much like she's with people in general, Aurora is kinda bad with kids. She likes them, quite a lot in fact, but she's awkward and doesn't know how to interact with them in a natural way. She does find them so so charming though, and enjoys being around them and observing their antics. I think she admires them too for how resilient they can be, how even in the face of so many horrors they're still filled with so much of that childlike joy.
But the Urge makes interactions difficult, since they're often extra gruesome around kids (as you pointed out). She tries her best to interact casually with any kids coming her way, but I think she also keeps her distance for the most part while the Urge rages on. Yenna might be the hardest one for her, since she's someone Rory has to interact with on a regular basis. It goes well for the most part, but I think Yenna probably picks up on Rory's weird vibes and just decides to keep interactions to a minimum (maybe she thinks Rory doesn't like her? Like what did she do wrong?)
She does want kids of her own she discovers, once she's free to live life on her own terms, but she's terrified of passing on any bhaalspawn bullshit to a biological child, so that's a route she doesn't even dare explore. There are other ways of becoming a parent though, and I can see her and Shadowheart bringing up a child together at some point (and I imagine Astarion is just mommy's weird boyfriend who teaches them all the wrong things and is over there like "I hate this kid. If anything ever happens to them I'm gonna turn into John Wick tho.")
- - -
First of all, I just posted a Jay backstory bit that's been sitting in my drafts since October, which adds some context to Jay's relationship with kids already in his life.
So very firmly on the other side of the scale we have Jay, who is really great with kids, possibly even better than with most adults. He knows how to talk to them in a way that makes them feel seen and respected, while still keeping in mind that they're children. Chatting with them, joking around, providing them comfort, it all comes pretty natural to him.
He obviously has a soft spot for the tiefling orphans. Looking at them he sees a reflection of himself from 40 years ago, and many of their schemes genuinely amuse him, though some of them are uuuh a little worrying. I think he tries to sway Mol a little bit since she's their leader, to steer her away from the worst of it, but she's just too stubborn for that. Her whole ordeal with Raphael really stressed him out tbh.
Yenna is an interesting one bc usually I would just write her off and say she never joined the party (it's a bit silly tbh), but Jay absolutely would pick her up and have her tag along if he thought she would be safer with them than being on her own. I assume they get along just fine (she mostly just has the personality of "pleasant child" in-game), and I think he enjoys teaching her stuff, for better and for worse. He's totally the kind of guy who will teach kids some questionable things (often by accident), and then go "no wait, do as I say, not as I do".
I initially (like months ago) thought of him as someone who might want kids, but I'm not so sure anymore. At least not in a way where he'll actively go out of his way to have children; any child that just happens to fall into his lap is a different story. This is partly why I'm a little conflicted about Yenna post-game, like what WOULD he do? He'd be very hesitant to send any child to an orphanage unless there were no other options, so idk where she ends up.
Overall I think he's just fine being everyone's favorite uncle. The kids love him, he brings the coolest gifts, and he gets to interact with them on a frequent basis in smaller bursts. He's the first anyone asks to babysit, and he almost always says yes, much to Gale's annoyance I'm sure ("but what about our plans, love" "we can do that tomorrow, they never get time off from the kids").
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Family Ties 🪢 - November 2022 - Aries
Overall Energy: 2 Cups
You seem to be waiting on something in regards to your romantic relationship. Possibly getting married, moving in together, taking the next step - whatever that is. This could be something that’s coming up soon for you, it could also be something that’s happened very quickly as far as your family are concerned. You’ve got support from some and a lack of it from others, which you probably already know. 2 Cups shows you being in love 🥰 and Knight of Cups shows up as your person. You both could be very young.
Mother: 8 Swords & The Hanged Man
Mom is none too pleased with this and she’s probably made that more than clear with 5 Wands following. There may have been arguments about whatever you’re planning, she’s not on board, the two of you have probably had it out. She feels helpless to get through to you, like she has no control whatsoever, which is true for all of us at some point. She feels like you’re making a big mistake, and she’s somehow failed you. She could have Leo in her chart, and a lot of this comes from her own ego being kinda crushed by whatever you’re deciding. That’s not your problem, but she does seem to have worries about this person for whatever reason. It’s also possible that she’s frustrated whatever this is isn’t moving quickly enough, she’s ready to get this show on the road. If your parents are paying for a wedding, likely here, they’re annoyed with delays and it’s all turning out to be too much on them financially, you could be stressing them out with it.
Father: 6 Pentacles & Knight of Cups
Dad is much more willing to give love a chance, at least whoever yours is. They’re very nice to your person and show genuine affection, they’re happy to give whatever you may need or ask for. They too are discontent with a lack of decision making and a long wait, it’s like this is within their control and also not, and they’re not a fan of that - though Dad at least likes whoever you picked 😉
Siblings: Ace of Cups & Page of Wands
Your sibling/s are very supportive of you taking action in love, they’re excited for everything that is new. They could be younger than you, or at least very excitable and happy for you, though that may also be due to naivety. They’d clap for anything you’re doing, no matter how foolish, they kinda think the sun shines out of your bum ☀️ Which is a good feeling. Even here, something in regards to money is too much, not that they care solely about that, but Spirit keeps repeating that all of this is too much, reckless, and overdone in some way vs. what your family can realistically handle.
Grandparents: Queen of Pentacles rev & Justice
Your grandparent is a straight shooter. I don’t know how much you talk to them, but I’m getting that Mom probably does & often. Whatever conflict lies with Mom probably came from Grandma initially. She thinks you all are out for money with little thought for how these decisions will affect your family…and Justice shows she may be right. At least in some sense. Or she’s telling Mom to cut it off. She could be someone that’s on a pension or has limited income, and where finances lie she has no problem calling a spade a spade. I don’t see most having issues with your person, or you, it’s the money involved in all of this. For some, you may not actually have any money, so they’re wondering just what you’re planning.
Spiritual Ancestors: 7 Cups, The Fool & The Devil rev
You have a lot of options available to you and need to start focusing on the less expensive & materialistic. You could be confused how everyone is feeling a way about your special day..or occasion..but it’s because you’re being blinded by shiny stuff ✨That itself shows a lack of maturity when it comes to finances, which is probably what has the family up in arms. You’re coming across to them as Knight of Wands, impulsive, excited, but irresponsible and kinda selfish. You may be tossing money to the wind over silly things when you’re needing to save it for what matters the most to you. Pick & choose your priorities. The Emperor here is like Spirit saying “you’re celebrating growing up, it’s time to grow up”, boundaries and rules within reason are part of that. Appreciate your Dad too, he’s an agreeable & peaceful sort, that’s here too 💜
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awakeshedreams · 3 years
sugar and spice ( 1 )
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pairing : resident bad boy!jjk x model student!reader
setting : highschool!au x stepbrother!au
summary :
a messy highschool!au x stepbrother!au where model student reader who has quite a few dirty little secrets sees her world take an unexpected turn when her mother comes home one day with an engagement announcement, to the father of none other than the school's resident bad boy.... Jeon Jungkook.
genre : smut, for laughs, kinda pornish, slow burn with collosaly overwhelming sexual tension
rating: soft m ( for now ) due to adult content
warnings : unconventional relationship of sexual nature, tropes and clichès, teenagers partaking in porn-esque activities, made up things with made up people happening in a made up world, don't like don't read XD
wordcount : 2.3K
a/n : i've been fighting in a long standing war and I have lost. the man known as jeon jungkook had his foot on my neck for years and today, I have finally submitted to my fate and surrendered to his reign.
yes. after a hundred years, i'm writing again. specifically, writing for bts. particularly, writing for jungkook. its been a long time coming.
life just took over and I transitioned into an adult and kind of grew out of the state of mind I was in before. but. sigh. jeon jungkook has been tormenting me the whole time. it was only a matter of time before i relapsed honestly.
so here I am again. in mind, body and spirit, a different person from who I was before but still the same in the sense that with the way bts have my whole heart, jk will always be the demon in the corner of my room that I invite to bed for a cuddle even though it's (probably really) not good for me.
do not misconstrue. I love him more than I can say. but. sigh. he has me in a chokehold, loves. please try to understand where I'm coming from.
anyways, enough with this ranting. you all came here for the nitty gritty so let me not hold you hostage with my dilemma rambling any longer. here's to the first bts fic i've posted in literal years. introducing- sugar and spice.
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Unless they told someone, no one would have been able to guess it.
At school they were complete strangers.
She was the nice head girl with a clean record, all smiles and straight A’s. He was the mysterious bad boy with a track record, all tatted up with bruised knuckles.
She wore plaid skirts with neat pleads in them and pastel sweaters with bows at the collar. He wore jeans with rips in them and leather jackets with studs.
They couldn't have been any more different.
As far as anyone was concerned, they existed on two extreme ends of a vast spectrum.
What they didn't know was that they shared a dirty little secret.
You were a girl with many dirty secrets.
For instance, you used to sell nudes online. It was a side hustle you did.
Not because you needed money.
Your mom was a renowned doctor so there was more than enough of that in your life.
Not because you needed validation from people online either.
Even without the constant compliments and the praises you knew you were visually blessed with a pretty face and a nice body too.
All things considered, you simply thought you had a nice pair of tits and you took pictures of them sometimes.
Posting the shots you snapped online came much later when you heard about this website where people were getting paid crazy money for posting racy things.
‘It’s just so degrading…’ It was one of your friends, June, who sneered, pretty nose scrunched up. She fixed her long ponytail and rolled her brown eyes while looking in the mirror at her locker. ‘Who would do such a thing, am I right?’
She said this, but June was the girl who has slept with more boys than she could count on her two hands. And those were the ones she told you about.
Like every other time, you said nothing. Even when it carried on to lunch with the rest.
‘Pretty desperate if you ask me.’ Mei the stellar track runner shrugged casually as she stretched her limbs like routine.
‘Where are their parents?’ Nina the library nerd shook her head in disapproval as she fixed her glasses so it sat right on the bridge of her nose.
‘Um… I don’t think it’s … appropriate… to talk about ….’ Kiko the one who always carried a cross and bible around mumbled into her sleeve.
All your friends spoke of it in derision and repulsion of course. This was a school for proper children so they were proper girls. At least they were supposed to be.
Regardless the conversation sparked a curiosity in you.
So you made an account and uploaded your first picture. Nothing bizarre. Just your tits in a pretty lace bra.
You made sure to keep your face out of the frame because that was the smart thing to do and you were nothing if not the smartest student in school.
In all honesty, you weren’t expecting anything out of it. In fact, in between work with student council and tutoring your juniors with finals right around the corner, you even forgot about it for an entire month.
It was by a complete whim that you decided to open the app while you’d been unwinding at your desk following a tedious day at school.
To say you were amused by the response you found waiting for you would have be a grave understatement.
You were staring at the four figure digit that now sat in your bank account.
Reading through the comment section was even more interesting.
There were all sorts of people there who had all sorts of things to say. Ranging from honestly sweet to downright dirty.
You had never been brought to tears laughing in her life before until then.
It was just so funny to see people misbehave and lose their minds over a pair of tits.
From then on it just sort of became a thing.
But that wasn't the worse of your secrets.
You were making a name for yourself on the crude web months later.
The next step was naturally to move from making taking pictures to making videos. Since you was already in too deep you didn’t see why not.
So you upgraded and opened another account. An amateur one where your touched yourself for an audience.
You were no prude.
You might have never been touched by a boy before but you had touched yourself plenty times. Stress and frustration came hand in hand with being head girl. Since you couldn’t quite vent it out at the annoying troublemakers at school, this was your second best option.
Third was watching porn, but that was mostly when you were extremely bored.
But that wasn’t where that little endeavor ended.
Later on it became a lot more risqué.
It all started when your mom hit you with a marriage announcement.
She met a guy on her business trip who she really liked and she was convinced he was the one.
Your mom had a tragic history of being a bad judge of character.
You’ve had this conversation at least five times since you became old enough to understand that boys and girls who were just friends didn’t kiss and sleep with each other.
Most times, it felt like she was doing it because she thought you needed a dad around.
You might have once, when you were younger and your mom was too busy with work to be there. But she worked from home these days and you were soo busy with school to worry about things like that.
This time it was like she was doing it for her. You were glad.
Your mom looked genuinely happy when she spoke about this guy.
Who were you to get in the way?
She spent almost the whole weekend in the kitchen. It was the longest you’ve seen her in there in your entire life.
She was excited for the dinner on Sunday.
Mr Jeon was the name of the chosen man.
He was coming over with his kid. A son, his only family. His wife passed away years ago.
You wore the dress your mom picked out for you, something cream in color and off the shoulders that brushed your knees. She looked pretty in her champagne dress. It was different from the office slacks and loose blouses you were used to seeing her in.
You stood by her at the door while the guests came through.
Lifting your head from a polite bow, you found herself staring straight into an achingly familiar pair of glinting dark eyes and went completely still.
‘Sweetie,' Your mother said sounding delighted, a soft hand on your stiff shoulder. 'This is Mr Jeon and his son Jungkook.’
Ah. Fuck.
‘Jeon dear, this is my daughter. Isn’t she lovely?’
Dinner was a mild affair, with small talk and the occasional clinking of cutlery on fine china.
From the outside looking in, you probably looked the picture perfect family already.
Only if no-one looked close enough.
Arms crossed, tongue in cheek. Your discomfort could be detected from miles away.
The two adults were oblivious.
The dark eyed boy with the slightest wave to his nape touching, brow grazing, ear covering onyx hair sat across you though; he took note of this with a passing glance and wordlessly returned to his food.
Jeon Jungkook had a countenance that betrayed his reputation.
Even though you’ve never talked, you knew plenty about him and you were sure he knew a lot about you too.
You went to the same school.
Dressed as he was in a crisp white dress shirt buttoned at the wrist and dark tailored pants with a fine belt on, it might have been hard to tell what kind of person he really was.
You lifted her gaze from your plate to look study him wordlessly, idly twisting the noodles with your fork.
People either called him the black sheep or the dark cloud but for you, Jeon Jungkook was the school’s resident lone wolf.
He smoked in the secluded areas on campus, sometimes playing his guitar. Beat up people who got on his nerves, sometimes using his guitar. Slept in class the rare times he was there, many times on his guitar.
Being his senior, you had never seen any of any of that for yourself. But you received plenty reports weekly to come to a sound conclusion.
There was no way people hated him enough to join hands in solidarity and make this all up.
It was quite the contrary actually. He had an alarming number of fans.
On the surface level you couldn’t see why. Most times you saw him, he looked bored out his mind and honestly, intimidating.
Maybe it was the tattoos. Or the ripped skinny jeans. Or the leather jackets with studs.
Maybe it was the domineering height and fit frame and structured face.
Maybe it was the intense dark eyes or the silky ruffled hair.
Even then, you failed to see the irresistible appeal in him. All those things that made him up only added to his unapproachable aura.
Bottom line was, he was bad news.
You didn’t want to be a spoil sport.
But how much of a thug your mom’s boyfriend’s son was shouldn’t be something that would make her like him less.
They were both their own people. Right ?
It was just that you just didn’t want her to be shocked and devastated if something happened later. When it happened.
Yet it seemed the serious conversation would have to wait.
After dinner your mom suggested you head to the living room to chat over wine and cheese.
You stayed back to do take out the dishes.
Earlier, your mom had stood to do it instead at first.
‘Don’t bother with that, dear.’ She reached for the plates in your hands. ‘Let me do it.’
‘It’s okay, mom.’ You smiled a little. ‘This is your night. I’ll meet you in the living room.’
'Sweetie...' Your mom looked close to tears. ‘But there’s so much of it…’
‘Jungkook,’ his father's voice had cut through the moment. He was a serious man in a crisp suit with a stoic countenance. His voice was just naturally authoritarian without him trying ‘Give her a hand.’
Jungkook stood, almost robotically.
‘It’s fine.’ You said. Politely. Nicely. Tightly. ‘I can handle this much.’
You left without another word.
That had been moments ago and now you were done with cleaning.
You stood at living room entrance for a while, taking in the scene.
The two adults were exchanging moon eyes and whispering in each other’s ears at the love seat.
Jungkook was sitting on a solo seat, but he was on his phone, completely unbothered by what was happening.
Your mom seemed to think it was the perfect time to pull out the photo album right then and there upon seeing you.
It was embarrassing but at least you knew you didn’t have to worry about the pictures spreading at school.
Jungkook was looking, picking up a picture occasionally to rove over, but he wasn’t the type to do that.
He also wasn’t the type to stare but you felt his glance shifting to you and lingering multiple times.
Once, you caught his eyes and he just stared at you across the coffee table wordlessly with a curious tilt to his head, idly flipping a picture of you dressed as a knight in glitter shining armor for Halloween at eight in his hands.
Honestly, it was starting to get annoying.
But you endured. For your mom’s sake.
Your alarm went off at exactly ten.
As subtly as you could, you excused yourself with an apology to the guests, saying you weren't really feeling well.
In hindsight you probably should have used a better excuse.
Your mom was notorious when it came to worrying, especially when it comes to your health.
Also, you probably should’ve locked the door before undressing just for good measure since people were over.
But in the moment, you were too busy setting your camera up where you were kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed to be concerned about that.
That day you were testing out a new toy.
Distractedly, you took note of a couple of people asking you if that was your boyfriend’s shirt you had lifted over your tits.
You ignored them.
Couldn’t a girl own an oversized tee without getting any flack?
Trivial comments like that aside, a good majority of the audience are fawning over how wet you were and how perfect you bouncing tits look being played with.
Your head fell back and your eyes fluttered shut.
You were sitting there, knees raised to your chest and legs splayed, your gushing pussy in full display where the toy was stuffed deep into her tightness, vibrating pleasantly.
‘I’m close…’ you mumbled throatily, squeezing your tits and pinching your stiff nipples in between your moving fingers. You moved your hips move faster, feeling the toy buzz against fluttering walls. You took a hand off one of your tits to rub at your engorged clit. ‘Fuckfuckfuck…’
Deep in your high, you didn’t hear the door open and close with a foreboding click.
You only heard your name being called by a deep, smooth voice through the heady haze.
Instantly you stilled.
When you snapped your head to look over her shoulder Jungkook was there, hands in his pockets, leaning against your doorframe with his sleeves drawn up to his elbows, muscle roped, inked skin on full display.
When he tilted his head to the side a little, appraisively, you dared to say as a quaking chill ran down your spine and your entire body felt like it was about to burst into flames, a bit of his hair fell over his face.
His eyes were like two black in the dark as he took you in, dragging his gaze up and down your exposed body languidly.
In the back of your mind, you wished the ground would part and swallow you whole.
‘Your mom,' he starts, capturing your attention wholly, dark gaze finally flickering to your face, his voice suddenly lower, hoarser. ‘She sent me over to check on you.’
It took you a moment to realize where you were, who you were, who he was.
It was like a bucket of cold water had been dropped over your head.
Jeon Jungkook, the school's resident trouble maker, soon to be your step brother, just walked in on you fingering yourself in in front of a recording camera.
Well. Yeah.
You gulped.
You were royally fucked.
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depending on the response I get I might ( most probably will ) delete this. not because I'm ashamed of my work. because I'm embarrassed of myself. I really swore to never write again and here I am. sigh. yes, I have seen my previous works and noticed just how terrible they were and this is a big reason why. so sorry for putting you through that. a million apologies.
also, that's right. I have adopted a new style which might not be to everyone's liking. another reason why.
anyways, if you liked this filth ( i know it seems mild but I can tell you it's very likely gonna get worse ) please idk uh... fuck this isn't ao3. hm.
like and drop by in the ask box if you liked it and want to see more. it makes me happy. its like serotonin fuel to me.
have a nice day. see you next time ( maybe ). stay fresh. yeah. 💜💜.
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themanip · 4 years
late nights
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SUMMARY — you and bang chan are both equally as stressed out. your solution?  sleep with each other. boom, problem solved.
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PAIRING — bang chan  x  reader  WARNINGS — mentions of stress and mental health problems, unprotected sex, soft!dom chan, mentions of kinks, really soft, really cute smut basically, crying (not sexually), sad thoughts, angry and frustrated emotions, angsty GENRE — heavy angst, fwb, coming-of-age kind of, smut, romance, porn with a hint of plot WORD COUNT — 4.9k, i got carried away my bad
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“How do you deal with stress?”
Chan’s question wasn’t ill intentioned by any means, and as you both sat in his studio, you pondered on whether or not to actually answer truthfully. “I mean, you’re the leader of two more trainees than I was, and navigating as a girlgroup is much more difficult than boygroups,”
“Do you want the honest answer, or the more appropriate answer?” you crossed your legs, Chan’s couch feeling quite comfortable. He stared down at you for a moment, the height of his chair offering him that leverage.
The room was quiet, the lights were dim, and the entire environment was soothing. “Well, honest, of course. No point in me asking if it’s a fib, no?”
You nodded, blowing a puff of air out of your nose thoughtfully. “Truthfully, I use sex. It allows me to physically and mentally drain myself, and I sleep really well after getting fucked. It allows me to refresh the next morning, and my stress, at least physically, is diminished.”
You didn’t look at him until you finished talking, and his face was blank. Once you two locked eyes, he sputtered out, “Oh, I—”
“This is why I offered two options, Chan,” you laughed, and at the lighten of atmosphere he giggled a bit too. “I didn’t mean to, y’know,” he stopped, and you nodded lightly. “I get it, but as of now I don’t do it much anymore. I usually just let out my anger or stress during dance routines or working out but it doesn’t work the same, and sometimes I deliver moves too harshly while dancing.”
“Why not?”
You were unsure what he was referring to, and you crinkled your eyebrows. “How come you don’t do it anymore if nothing else helps the same way?” he asked softly, his eyes swimming with genuine concern. 
“I’m a lot more conservative with my body, I just have to trust someone. It’s hard to get to know a guy without them immediately wanting to jump into a relationship. You can’t really do that in what we do, and the second I start to trust a guy things go haywire. I just really have to have a good friendship to have sex, I guess.”
The entirety of the conversation, Chan’s cheeks were turning peach. Even in the dark, dim light, you could see it. “I understand, it’s a very tangible thing. Just giving yourself to someone like that without a basic relationship, platonic or not, is important depending on how you view relationships,”
You nodded in response, and a silence fell over you two. There wasn’t much to be said, but for some reason you decided to blurt out. “If you don’t know how to deplete stress, I suggest it. Just the no strings attached part, because otherwise things get messy and stress becomes inevitable. Just try it sometime, Chan. If you don’t like it, then consider it a learning experience,” you shrugged, and Chan pursed his lips.
“I mean it doesn’t sound like a bad idea, per se. I just don’t know how I’ll casually ask someone to have sex. Most women just run off the moment I mention it, and who knows if they’re even into the same things I am? There’s just so many things to be unsure of.” His chin was now laying on his thumb, and his pointer finger was laying above his top lip. He was deep in thought. 
You stood up, which cause Chan to unexpectedly flinch, and he watched you with careful eyes. “Chris, if you ever feel like you need a de-stresser, you know where to find me. Nothing will be weird unless you make it weird. Or we can always just talk, either way, I’m here. I have to go before Sumna comes and drags me out of here, but seriously. Whatever you need, no strings attached. Nothing leaves this room,” you mentioned softly, and his eyes widened at his English name. It’s rather rare you used it, so he pondered the specific use of it in this scenario.
“Thank you,” he muttered simply, and he watched you as you walked out. Was she being serious?
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Chan and you had not talked in a few days. Whether it was a crazy schedule, you embarassing yourself, or him not knowing how to approach the situation, you didn’t know. All you did know was that you missed your friend. 
You and your bandmates had a hectic schedule today, and as the leader, you’d had to sit in on a meeting with your manager and JYP’s public relations manager. Apparently, Dispatch had caught one of your members, Lanzi, out doing something with another k-pop idol. Dispatch had only obtained two pictures of it, but it was clearly legible on who they were, and what they were doing.
The cost to get those pictures thrown out was much more than JYP would have liked, so she had to sit and get chewed out. Instead of being angry at Lanzi, she became more angry at herself. She had talked to them about things of this sort, but clearly not well enough. It was her job as leader, and she failed doing so. 
After a three hour long meeting, you were absolutely exhausted, mentally at least. And now, just after that, was choreography practice. You’d just learned the choreo a few days before, so for the most part you had it down. As lead dancer, you also had to make sure everyone else in your group understood that too. 
So, thirty minutes into practice, when none of your members seemed to be latching on, you sighed. Your entire job was to simply lead, and do well. Somehow, you couldn’t manage to do that. Once more, you started the choreography, and told your girls to simply stand back and watch.
You had a slight tone, but you needed them to understand that rhythm is just as important as the real dance moves. Your entire body was covered in sweat, and you were growing more frustrated by the minute. 
The way your body moved was no longer elegant, just harsh, angry strokes of somewhat rhythmic actions. You did your best to do it just as you were shown, but the overwhelming anger and emotion in your body was just more than you could handle. 
Little did you know, next to your bandmates, stood Hyunjin and Chan. They had come to ask something, but instead found you dancing your angered heart out. All stopped and stared, and Chan could only focus on the way your hips contorted, the patterns your hips followed.
As the music stopped, you turned around, and your eyes widened at the visitors. 
“We can leave if you’re busy, Hyunjin-ah just wanted to ask if he could borrow the studio tomorrow, and I wanted a word with you, if that’s okay,” Chan asked, and all of your bandmates went silent, expecting you to take the lead of the conversation.
“Hyunjin-sunbaenim, the studio is yours whenever you need it. Let me know what time, and Chan-oppa, would you like to talk now?”
Hyunjin bowed, and gave a quick thank you before heading out of the room. “Yes, please. If you’re too busy, no worries,” and you looked at your girls and told them to head back to the dorm. You were done for today, no reason to beat a dead horse when clearly today was not a good one to get skills in. 
“Can we talk in my studio?” Chan came closer to you, almost a whisper, and you knew this was going to go one of two ways: he was going to fuck your brains out, or he was going to let you know that he did not think of you in that way, and to please never discuss things like that with him again. You don’t think you could handle either, at least not today. 
“Yeah, let me grab some other clothes,” you said softly, rubbing your forehead in anxiety. Chan quickly started to mention something, and you shut him up quick. “I don’t—”
“Chan, I’m getting new clothes because I am sweaty and tired, nothing else. I will meet you in your studio after I am changed,” you sighed, your hot knees feeling good against the cool floor of the choreography studio. Your duffle bag now wide open, you grabbed an oversized long sleeve shirt and a pair of loose jeans. 
You also reapplied deodorant and some perfume so you didn’t smell like you lived in a sewer, the amount
As your girls were long gone, you felt free to change in the studio. Your clothes quickly fell to the floor, and you were now in more comfortable apparel that is not drenched in sweat. Dreading this conversation with Chan, you swiftly collected your things and moved them to the corner to come collect after you spoke to Chan and was ready to go home. 
Guiding your way to Chan’s studio was a walk in the park. The amount of times you’d go in there to talk to him, or for him to let you hear what he’d been working on, was countless. You two had budded a beautiful friendship, and he had been somewhat of a rock. He had always been so sweet, so loving. And you’ve possibly ruined it because you couldn’t think of anything other than sex when trying to guide him through dealing with stress.
Your eyes almost welled at the thought. You couldn’t cry though, not now. So, as you stood outside of Chan’s recording studio, you held your breath for a moment and looked up, letting the tears vanish.
A soft knock sounded, your knuckles rasping at the door. The hallways were silent, and you couldn’t hear a single thing from inside Chan’s studio. Your own heartbeat pounded in your ears, and you tensed as you heard footsteps leading up to his door.
He opened the door, his face showing no clear emotions. He didn’t seem angry, but he wasn’t too happy to see you, either. His hair was clearly ran through by his hand, blonde tufts falling back towards his ears. His makeup was done to perfection, light brown tones covering his lids. 
He wore a simple outfit, a loose black hoodie and dark blue sweatpants. He’d changed from earlier, his black ripped jeans now nowhere to be seen. “Come in, you can sit anywhere,” his voice was always soft, even though he could be fuming, his tone would never soar. 
“Chan, I just want to say I’m sorry,” you muffled out, plopping down unconventionally on his couch. “I just, I don’t know why I said those things or did that,” at this point, you just didn’t want him to think differently of you. He was the closest thing you had to a mentor, and he was an amazing friend. 
If you lost him, or ruined your relationship, you don’t think you could ever forgive yourself. 
You pulled your knees up to your chest as he took a seat in his chair, staring expectedly at you. Silence followed, so you continued, unsure of what he was expecting to hear. “I just don’t like you being stressed, and the only way I know how to cope with things is kind of like that, so I figured maybe you could too, and then I offered, and I feel like I just fucked things up between us. I.. just I’m so sorry.”
At this point your eyes had clouded up, and your voice had cracked multiple times. The day you’d had just piled up, and your exhaustion was visible. Chan’s eyes immediately softened, and he felt bad. He wasn’t mad, he just didn’t know how to approach the situation. 
“Hey, hey,” he soothed, and he stood up from his chair and joined you on the couch. At this point, you’d started full on crying. “I ruined our friendship, and now I’m sitting here crying so you’re gonna feel too bad to be honest with me about what I did wrong,” you were now sniffling hard, and your chest was dense you were surprised you could breathe. 
“No, love, that’s not it, I promise,” your heart pumped blood a bit harder at his nickname for you, and he placed a warm hand on your back. “I came here to ask if you were okay,” his tone was now nothing but soft and supportive, and he continuously rubbed your back. Warmth spread throughout your entire body. 
“I heard about the meeting, and everyone kept discussing how stressed out you were today,” in the dim light once more, his eyes glowed. They were so soft, so sweet. His entire aura was just warm, loving, and nothing was more assuring. 
“No matter what happens between us, you’re my friend, and I care about you,” he smiled softly, “Nothing would change that, unless you like, stabbed me or something,” he laughed soulfully, and you laughed with him. He pulled you closer to him, your head now leaning on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Chan. I just didn’t know what to do, and today has been really shitty,” you smiled, and let your head fall even closer to his chest. His thumbs ran circles around your back, and he held you close. “It’s okay, I understand. Trust me,” a warm silence encased the entire room, and as Chan now cuddled you warmly, your face was now red at the reality of the situation.
“Do you feel a bit better?”
“Yeah, I just needed someone to remind me of how things are and to keep me grounded,” you sighed, and Chan’s thumb was now no longer rubbing your back. His hand had stilled, and all you could hear was the heartbeat from inside Chan’s chest. He was so broad, and the expanse of his torso provided a very comfortable pillow.
“I wasn’t offended, or taken back or anything when you offered, you know that, right?” Chan spoke out of nowhere, the rumbling of his chest vibrating intensely. “I wouldn’t have known, I tried my best to ignore you in case you never wanted to speak to me again,”
A small laugh came out of Chan, and his chest pushed your head a bit. “No, in fact, I think I’ve thought about it a little too much.”
You pushed your head off of him at this point, and resuming your position before he sat on the couch. You pulled your knees back up to your chest, and looked at him. “Really?”
“You said you wanted to have sex with someone you trust, and I feel the same way. It’s really hard to come by good people with good intentions, and you also happen to be beyond gorgeous. Why would I not want to?”
With cheeks now flushed red, you giggled. School-girl giggled, specifically. You had no idea how to take this compliment, but then the realization hit you. Christopher Bang just said he wants to fuck you.
His face also turned a deep scarlet, and he looked down, waiting for a reaction. “Mr. Bang, the things you say. So scandalous,” you both laughed lightly, and you hummed in response to the silence. “If we decide to ever do something, it’s important we talk about it first,” you mentioned, and now the conversation went from light-hearted to a bit more serious.
 “Of course, but in what way?”
“I don’t know, what kinds of things do you like? I can’t promise I can pertain to everything, but there’s no harm in trying. Especially if it happens more than once,” you clutched your legs, and Chan leaned forward a bit, his elbows on his knees as he stared ahead.
“Uh, well,” he laughed, and covered his hands with his face. This was the Chan you liked, who could make any situation, no matter how dark, seem light and easy-going. “It’s not really,” he started, beginning to look at you, then stopping himself, “I don’t know. I never usually talk about it like this,”
“Well, how about this: I tell you what I like, and you tell me what you’re willing to do. Just because I like it does not mean you have to do it, but if you enjoy it too, its mutual pleasure, yeah?”
Chan simply nodded, now mesmerized by you. His face completely tracked yours, and you sighed. “I have always loved your hands. I really, really like if you’d put them around my neck, if you would ever feel so kind. I really love being praised, I love being called a good girl, things like that. My favorite foreplay is just making out, I’m just a big softie, but I can take rough if that’s what you like. I’m a big pleaser, and I want to make sure you’re taken care of and get some pleasure out of this,”
Chan nodded once more, and his fingers instinctively wrapped themselves around his rings, twisting and turning. “Your turn, Channie,” you smirked, and he leaned back, a smile crowning his face. 
“Well, I really like being soft and intimate, I like any position, bonus points if I see your face,” he smiled, his cheeks burning scarlet. He clearly did not talk about these things often, moreso just played them out in the midst of a high and never spoke of it again. But he and you both knew how important communication was, so he continued.
“I have played around with being called Daddy, but I’m not sure, and if you’re not comfortable with it—”
“If I am that uncomfortable with something, I promise I’ll tell you. Besides, that’s really cute. Rolls right off the tongue, right Daddy?”
He visibily shivered, and you smiled. “I—uh, I like if you’d run your fingers through my hair, not too hard, but like soothingly, kind of? If that makes sense. I also like it if you’d verbalise when you’re, uh—”
You knew where he was going, so you leaned close to his ear and finished his sentence for him. “Gonna cum? Oh, it would be rude not to,” you laughed gently, and you saw the last of Chan’s patience snap like a rubber band. 
His hands grabbed your face sternly, yet somehow gently. “Do you want this?” he asked, the lust obvious on his face. Despite any previous conversation, he needed verbal consent to continue, and it would make him feel most okay with doing this. 
The room was now silent, anticipation filling your entire body. You’d come in here crying, and you couldn’t help but hope you’d leave the same way; just a different type of crying. 
He pushed you so your back was now flush against the couch, the headrest leaning your upper torso closer to him. “Tell me to stop, and I promise I will, alright? The second you tell me to,” he was now looking you dead in the eyes, above you. Your legs were spread open, and his entire body was in the valley of your abdomen. Both of his arms were on either side of you, perching himself up. 
“Chris, just kiss me already,” you whined, and he laughed wholeheartedly, before dipping in. The first kiss was hesitant, exploring new territory. His lips tasted like vanilla chapstick, and the first few were light pecks. It took only a second before he took the initiative and added his tongue to the mixture. 
You rarely ever used tongue, most of your hookups barely even kissed, which is why none of them compared. Kissing was your weak point, it was a vulnerability. And Chan did not abuse that power once.
“Is this okay?” he mumbled against your mouth, your exchanging saliva now making more than your mouth lubricated. “Fuck, yes,” you moaned out, the amount of times he would kiss you now making you weak.
His hands dragged softly, and held themselves at your jaw, a classic sweetheart. His thumb was against your cheek so softly, the pads gracefully rubbing across the expanse of your cheekbone.
Everything about this was so domestic, so warm. His kisses were so soft, and full of love. There was no rush, no push to go any farther had you or him decided not to. His warm hands on your face made you purr on the inside, and when he pulled away, he had looked more beautiful than ever. 
You had no intention of mentioning the wetness that had gathered between your legs, until Chan was staring at you, and momentarily his eyes widened. “Shit,” he cursed, looking around rapidly. “We don’t have a condom. I’m clean and everything, but we don’t have to continue if you don’t feel comfortable,”
“I have an implant, and I’m clean too. I just want you, if you want me too.”
Chan had no other qualms about it, and he attacked your face in sloppy kisses. “Here, can we switch positions, my arm is hurting?” he asked awkwardly, and you laughed with your entire chest. It was a normal question, but the way he asked so ashamedly, as if it was something terrible. 
“Sit up straight, let me get on your lap,” you said softly, and he did as he was told. It was only then that you saw the bulge in his sweatpants, and you forgot that he actually had a male appendage, and from the looks of it, he was either girthy or long. Or both. 
As long as he knew how to use it, you’d be fine. 
He grabbed you by your hand to help maneuver you, and now your entire weight was on top of Chan. As you finally sat your hips down, he groaned. “Oh god,”
You took his face in your hands, and started kissing him again. At this point, you didn’t want him to be respectful anymore. His hands did not waver from your face, and so you took it into your own hands. Grabbing them both, so soft and calloused, and placed them as discreetly as you could, onto your hips. Moreso your ass, but Chan didn’t know your intentions. 
His hands pushed your hips forward, now rutting against his hard on. His lips and yours were now in a frenzy, drenching each other. It was still pretty slow, nothing fast paced, just more intense.
He broke the kiss, and his hands now edged at the bottom of your shirt. “Can I take this off?” he asked, breathless. His lips were now swollen and puffy, and his pupils were blown wide. 
You nodded softly, no words needed to be said. He quickly hauled the oversize shirt above your head, and groaned harshly when he realized you had no bra on. His first instinct was to latch his mouth onto your nipples, sucking softly. A moan left your mouth, and with nothing to hold onto anymore, your hands found his hair. 
Still rocking back and forth, your panties were probably soaked at that point. So much foreplay had you almost throbbing, and you couldn’t wait much longer to have him inside you. 
“Chan, please,” you moaned out, and he bit down on your nipple gently. “Only since you asked so nicely,” he added, and he told you to stand up. You did so, easily willingly, yet you loved the way he spoke to you.
It was almost a request, a plea. There was no power imbalance here, simply one trying to find another. He was so gentle, in everything he did. You wanted to drown in that feeling. 
He pulled your jeans off without a hitch, and eyed your lace panties hungrily, slightly thankful you’d changed earlier this evening. His fingers grasped the sides, pulling them down your legs. You were now completely bare, and he was fully dressed. This was a problem. 
“Not fair, your turn,” you pouted, and his eyes were fixated on your naked body. It felt odd, having him see you like this, but you couldn’t complain. Your arousal was now tainting your inner thighs, and Chan could probably see it too. 
He rid himself of his hoodie and his shirt at the same time, and you finally got a full view of him shirtless. This man was absolutely ripped, and you had to hold in a gasp. His arms were lined in protruding veins, and his abs were impeccable. You worked out, but not in your wildest dreams would you ever be able to maintain that nice of a physique. 
It wasn’t until he pulled off his pants, and painstakingly after, he patiently pulled his boxers off. God, did he have a pretty cock. A bit longer than average, slightly girthy, and it made your mouth water just thinking about it. 
Your first instinct was to pop down onto your knees, but as you were on your way down, Chan grabbed you by the arm. “Not this time, please, I need you,” he whined out, almost painfully. 
As you were on top of his lap, you were careful not to let him inside you yet. You figured he could decide when to do it, and you squealed when he let one hand slide from your face, down to your throat. His fingers, covered in rings, squeezed gently. He coaxed another moan from you as he let his fingers glide down the valley of your body, and found itself on your clit.
His movements were slow, but intense. His fingers glided over your folds, picking up some of your arousal, and placed all of his attention onto your little nub. Small pinprick moans escaped your mouth, and you began to tilt your hips in an attempt to get more friction. “Fuck, you’re so wet,”
Some noise semblant to a mew tried to leave your mouth, but his fingers tangled themselves around your neck further, leaving the sound trapped in your throat. “Are you ready? Or do we need to get you a bit more warmed up?” he asked softly, his mouth now next to you ear. His voice was dark, and husky.
“God, I just need you inside me,” you whined, and his hand let up on your neck, and he grabbed his cock harshly. He pumped it a few times, and spread your lips, and lined you up.
“Beg,” he said simply, and even if you tried to sink down, he now placed a hand on top of your hips harshly. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to. “W—what?” you asked, breathless. 
“Beg, I want to hear you beg for me to fuck you,” he repeated himself, and looked down at you mischeviously. You two were face to face, and his cock was still in his hands, and your lips spread wide open for him to see. “Fuck, please,” you whined, and to no avail, he didn’t budge, “please, daddy, I just wanna feel good,”
As soon as the name sounded from your mouth, he pushed inside of you. The stretch was amazing, it was slightly painful, but it felt like nothing on this earth could amount. His entire cock filled you out nicely, and the lewd sound of him smacking against you was filling the room.
His hands laid at your hips now, piling into you like his life depended on it. His balls were smacking against your ass, and the harsh thrusts stimulated your clit. Everything was so intense, the way he filled you so deeply, you could feel him in places you didn’t know he could reach, and you felt like you’d burst apart the seams. 
Shameless moans spilled from your mouth, and Chan was in your ear, grunting like a man starved. “Such a good girl, fuck, for me,” his groans were so animalistic, and the way his hands would hold you steady.
His fingers traveled down to toy with your clit, and he never stopped fucking you. Your fingers started to tangle within his hair, and his lips attached themselves to your neck, sucking, finding anything to latch onto. 
The second his fingers started rubbing your clit numbly, you knew that you were going to cum soon. Everything he did just felt so good, you were just a hole the second he started fucking you.
“I—I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum,” you breathed out heavily, and your legs started shaking. “Please, can I—please cum?”
“Yes, cum for me,” he breathed out in a husky tone, and it wasn’t long until you felt your thighs start to involuntarily shake, and the feeling inside your abdomen welling up. “I’m so—” you were cut off by your orgasm rushing over you, Chan’s fingers never stopped stimulating your clit.
You moaned out harshly, slumping towards him, unable to control yourself as one of the most harsh orgasms you’ve ever had washed over you. Your entire body started to seize, and you clenched around him harshly. He continued to fuck into you, sucking into your neck, and he starting fucking into you faster. He was definitely close, “Where-”
You cut him off, still under the shock of your orgasm, “inside me, please,” you begged, and he fucked into you once more, even harder. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,”
He lived up to his promise, as less than a few seconds later, his warm cum spurted inside of you, and he still rutted his hips, begging for more friction. He stroked into you a few more times, now drained of energy. He placed a soft kiss onto your neck, and whispered, “Thank you.”
You got up, and put your shirt back on over yourself, and Chan pulled his boxers and sweatpants on once more. A thought rose over you on whether to leave or not, but you knew Chan would be a skinship type of guy. He would probably have a drop, and not be used to just casual hookups like this.
“Do you want me to stay?” you asked softly, and a large part of you hoped he would say yes.
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deanstead · 4 years
Pairing: Will Halstead x HalsteadSister!Reader x Jay Halstead
Requested by anon: hi! can i request a halsteads x sister reader fic, she’s dating someone toxic and jay and will can see that but she won’t let them help her out and keeps dismissing their concerns, until one day she turns up at jays door sobbing and he calls will and it’s all fluff after that? i hope that makes sense, i love your writing 💓
Warnings: mention of toxic relationship, angst, fluff
A/N: Thanks for the request, hope you like what I did with this!! Always glad to hear from all of you, so please hit up my ask/replies to tell me what you think! Requests and taglists remain open, you can send me an ask anytime! Hope you guys like this!
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“Y/N, listen…” Will spoke, causing you to turn to look at him.
You sighed. “Guys, you’re overreacting.”
Will threw a glance at Jay, which you caught. “Y/N, we’re concerned.” Jay stressed.
You shook your head, smiling. “I’m fine.”
“You’ve stopped seeing your friends, haven’t you?” Will asked, a little accusingly. You swallowed, “I’ve been busy.”
“You mean Mark’s been keeping you busy.” Will shot back.
You didn’t answer him. Maybe there was a part of you that knew that your brothers were right, but you loved Mark and you didn’t see why it was wrong that the two of you just wanted to spend time with just each other.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” You snapped.
Jay rolled his eyes. “Only because Mark probably knows we’d have more than a thing or two to say otherwise.” He muttered to Will.
“I heard that.” You glared at Jay.
Jay sighed, “Look, can you just hear me… hear us out?”
You hesitated, you knew what they were going to say and you weren’t exactly sure you wanted to hear it. You crossed your arms in front of you. “Hit me.”
“You’ve stopped meeting your friends, you go with his moods and decisions almost all the time, we’ve barely seen you and that’s saying something.” Jay said, glancing at you, trying to read your reaction. “You’re not supposed to be tiptoeing around him all the time.”
Will sighed, “You’ve always been strong and independent, how is it that you’re letting him make all these decisions for you now?”
You sighed. “I appreciate you guys looking out for me, but I’m an adult, I know what I’m doing.”
Will looked like he was about to argue but Jay tugged his arm and shook his head. “Just promise me one thing.”
You looked up.
“Don’t shut us out.” Jay said, a look of genuine concern passing his face.
You smiled. “I would never.”
So you had said. But it had been at least three weeks since your brothers had last seen you, which was unusual.
The three of you had been thick as thieves since you were young, almost joined at the hip. Everyone thought the three of you would grow out of it but you didn’t. The longest you’d been apart was when Jay had enlisted but he had come right back and it was as if he had never left.
Even when you all had crazy schedules, you saw each other almost every other day.
Until now.
Jay sighed, as he took out a can of beer from his fridge and glanced at his phone. He was worried about you but apart from repeating everything he had said before, he was out of options.
A couple of raps on the door made Jay look up, glancing at the clock automatically, wondering who it was.
He swung open the door and froze at the sight in front of him.
Your face was tear-streaked, your voice shook a little and he could tell you’d been crying. “Y/N? What’s going on?”
You looked down again but Jay ushered you in. “Hey, come here kid.”
Jay pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you in that protective way he used to back when you were young and you had had a nightmare. “It’s okay, it’s okay.”
“I’m sorry, Jay. I’m sorry.” You sobbed but Jay just held you tighter as the both of you stood in the doorway, until your sobs slowly died down and you were breathing evenly.
Jay quietly led you further into his apartment, navigating around the coffee table and to the couch. “I’ll be right back.”
Jay glanced at you sitting on the couch and felt a wave of rage. If he could, he’d drag Mark’s ass here and pound on him. Instead, he took a deep breath, grabbed his phone and dialed Will’s number.
“My place. Now. It’s Y/N.” Jay said, the moment Will answered the phone.
“On my way.” Will responded, without a beat of hesitation.
Will had practically flown here, flying past Jay the moment the door was open and heading straight for you on the couch.
“You okay?”
You didn’t respond but Will pulled you into a hug anyway, as Jay sat back down next to you.
“I’m sorry.” You said, the guilt once again rising up inside of you. You saw Will furrow his brow slightly. “What?”
“I said I wouldn’t shut you out. I promised... and I just… I…” You wrung your hands together.
Jay shook his head. “Y/N, we’re not mad.” You raised your head to look at him. “What happened?”
You paused, looking at your brothers. You didn’t know how you deserved them at all.
“You were right. I should have listened to you.” You whispered, tears pooling in your eyes again. You had been so convinced that Mark was the best thing that had happened to you. You had been so head over heels in love with him that you hadn’t been able to see him for who he really was – a manipulator.
Your brothers had been right. He’d cut you off from all your friends by saying that he just wanted to spend as much time alone with you as possible. He’d slowly even cut you off from your brothers, saying that they had it out for him and that maybe the both of you could benefit from some distance from them – and when you had disagreed, Mark had started to use other tactics. You couldn’t believe you had allowed yourself to be sucked in like this.
You made all your decisions around Mark, letting him tell you what jobs you should take, which restaurants you should go to, even which bars you should or shouldn’t go to. You had put him at the very center of your life and after all that, he had cheated. He had brought another woman to the fancy places he wouldn’t take you to, bought things for her that he would never have bought for you.
You could still see it, how he had his arm draped over her shoulder, walking out of that fancy restaurant – the one you wanted to try but he had said no and you had dropped it. But there he had had been with another woman.
“I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid.” You muttered, as you finished telling your brothers everything.
“Hey, look at me.” Jay said, his voice stern.
You pulled your hands away from your face and looked at Jay. “You are not stupid.” Jay said.
Will continued, “None of this is your fault, do you hear me?”
You looked from Jay to Will. “I’m sorry.” You said again. What made you feel worse was actually having allowed Mark to get between you and your brothers. Your brothers who loved you and cared about you more than anything in the world, your brothers who always put your needs above theirs. For the life of you, you had no idea why you had fallen in love with a man who was everything your brothers were not.
Instead of trying to convince you otherwise, your brothers moved at the same time, crushing you in between them.
The bear hug.
The hug that made you feel safe and protected.
“I should have listened to you. I always listen to you. Why didn’t I…” You sobbed against Will’s shoulder.
Will just patted your back gently. “Hey, we all go through this. Jay and I, too.”
You shook your head. “Not like this.” You said, “You’ve never done this.”
Jay squeezed your shoulder from where his hand was around you. “You believe in people, and that’s a good thing. That’s why people love you.”
“I hate it.” You muttered.
“We don’t.” Will said, pulling away slightly so that you could see his face. “It’s what makes you, you. And if someone can’t appreciate that, he doesn’t deserve you. Never have, never will.”
Jay put his hand on your head affectionately. “And if you need me to pound him into the ground…”
You finally cracked a smile.
“Can I stay here tonight?” You asked, looking up at Jay. “I just… don’t really want to be alone.”
He smiled at you. “As long as you want, kid.”
It had been a week since I had landed in front of Jay’s apartment. Will and Jay had made every effort to take you out, your favourite foods, drinks, to keep you as distracted as possible and to say you were thankful wasn’t even enough to cover it.
“What did I do to deserve being your sister?” You asked absentmindedly.
Will slid a drink to you. “You got that upside down.”
Jay grinned, “I’ll drink to that.”
You smiled, shaking your head but clinked your bottle with theirs.
“Jay.” Will said, motioning towards the door of Molly’s which swung open.
Jay turned from where he was seated next to you and the growl that escaped his lips made you turn as well.
You couldn’t believe Mark would just waltz in here, to Molly’s, after what he did, knowing that this was where you and your brothers always were. He knew.
You turned your eyes away and looked straight back at Will before you heard Jay’s chair drag back.
“Jay!” You hissed, but Jay was already halfway towards him.
Jay marched straight up to him, snarling, “How dare you show your face around here.”
You ran right up to Jay, grabbing his arm. “Jay, don’t. You’re police.” You whispered.
Mark let out a grin. “Yes, a police officer can’t go around hitting people, can they? Hey Y/N.” He even greeted you as if nothing had happened.
You tugged Jay backwards as Will swung, catching him off guard with a punch.
“Will!” You yelled, as Kevin and Kelly moved forward automatically to put themselves in between Will and Mark.
“Don’t you dare show your face around here.” Will snarled.
Mark shrugged, an annoying smile still lingering on his face. “Well, sadly you can’t ban me from a business that isn’t yours.”
You heard a loud bang as Herrmann stepped out from behind the bar. “Get out of my bar.”
You watched as Mark’s eyes widened a little in surprise but he turned to leave. You sent a grateful smile to Herrmann and all the rest around you, the friends you had thanks to your brothers. “You’re family.” Herrmann said.
You turned back to your brothers, throwing a glance at Will.
“Told you we have your back.” Will said. He looked as if he was about to apologize but you interrupted him.
Your brothers’ heads snapped up. “Thanks for having my back.”
“Always.” They responded unanimously, as the three of you headed back to your table. You smiled as you watched them lead the way back, knowing that you were going to be just fine.
@smokey102 | @jayxuptons | @securityfriendly-jay | @keenmarvellover | @bestillmystuckyheart | @winterreader-nowwriter | @svturtles​
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Family Vacation
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Bokuto x reader x Akaashi
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Author’s Note : no incest, I promise ; the request included some slight BokuAka interaction, however I made it more than slightly ; the hot springs resort is loosely based on three different locations under the Kinosaki Onsen in northern Hyogo [Mikuniya Ryokan, Yutouya Ryokan, Nishimuraya Ryokan]. Each one offers different things, but they all have some common aspects that I liked: seafood served during winter months [November - March], traditional ryokan, and options for the hot springs [indoor, outdoor, and family] ; holy fuck is this wrong.. but holy hell is it erotic
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Warnings: introduction of the Bokuto family, best friends to lovers au, playful teasing [about reader’s virginity], some mlm [Bokuto x Akaashi] interaction, fingering, face-sitting, handjob, blowjob, cum eating, spit exchanges and mentions, no penetrative sex, virgin!reader, virgin!Bokuto
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“Oh, [Y/N]! I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Thank you for having me, Bokuto-san,”
“Oh, dear, call me Fuyumi! You’re practically family, anyways,” she smiles, eyes crinkling as she does. Her smile makes you smile, bowing in respect as if you haven’t known her for years.
The Bokuto family always spent their winter vacation before New Years at an Onsen in Hyogo. Yasurai-fukurou was well known for their hot springs throughout the year, but their meals included seafood in the winter. Kōtarō and Shinjiro both love seafood, especially crab, so it made sense the Bokuto family would come to this place specifically. Winter meant snow, and snow meant the garden view from the spring was gorgeous, having the silver lining the green foliage as the pebbles along the ground glistened with melted snow, cold and slippery. It was Kōtarō’s and Machiko’s favorite season, so it was an added bonus. The family had the money to spend, treating the members to a relaxing trip. Even Keiji, Kōtarō’s friend, joined them his first year at Fukurodani.
You didn’t usually attend, yet you always wanted to. Your family celebrated holidays differently, so you often found yourself swamped with family activities around December, only getting free to hang out by the time school started back up. Always wishing to go, you finally got your wish this year. With the stress from school this past semester, your family decided to let you choose what to do, so you declined spending the holidays with your family. Instead, you were free to spend that quality time with the Bokuto family. Fuyumi practically begged Kōtarō to invite you, knowing you’d be alone, so you didn’t have to worry about inviting yourself. There was one problem, however.
“[Y/N] should room with us!” Machiko points out. “She can’t board with boys!”
“What do you take us for? We’re her best friends,” Kōtarō waves off his sister. “I worry Amaya might try to wrestle her,”
“She could use the practice!” She pipes up, only to be shut back down. “I wouldn’t hurt her,”
“Why not let the girl choose herself? It is where she will stay, in the end,” Shinjiro said. Although he was right, you suddenly felt your heart tugging in two different directions. Machiko and Kōtarō gave you the puppy dog eyes, begging to choose them. A heavy sigh came from you as you weigh the options presented in front of you.
“I trust Keiji and Kōtarō, I’ll room with them,”
“No!” The two girls dramatically shout, falling to their knees. Fuyumi laughs, patting your back.
“Good choice, dear,” she compliments. You know why. Her daughters may be considered mature and adults, but they are both hectic and chaotic in their own way. At least with Kōtarō, he has Keiji with him. There’s no reason to mull over the decision, you know full well that Keiji and Kōtarō wouldn’t hurt you.
Once settled into each room, your bedding laid between the two of them, the trip to relax in the ryokan was in order. The two genders were separated, of course, so you sat in the spring with Machiko, Amaya, and Fuyumi. It wasn’t a bad thing, being with the three, but you knew Machiko and Amaya like to tease you.
“Gosh, [Y/N], you’re so innocent! You’ve never done anything?” Amaya’s face made it seem like she was much more malicious than on the surface. “Even I had a couple boyfriends that I had special adventures with before your age,”
“Excuse me? Amaya!” Fuyumi scolds her daughter. “You never told us this,”
“Why would I? You and dad never allowed me to have a boyfriend until I graduated. Kōtarō even had a girlfriend in his second year,” she pouts, puffy cheeks making her less malicious and much more adorable. Though unintentional, her words make your mood sour, Kōtarō’s slipping from her lips. Machiko notices this, however.
“Well, Kōtarō is a boy and I told your father to make sure he doesn’t do any of that dating stuff, but it seems like he did,”
“You know, I’m kind of tired. I’m really relaxed,” you mention, moving to exit the water. “I should lay down and take a nap,”
“Oh, are you sure? Dinner will be served soon,” Machiko holds out her hand, as if to stop you. You’re quick about getting out, rinsing yourself off before wrapping a robe around your naked body.
“I’m sure. Wake me when dinner’s ready,” you cheerfully smile, waving to them as you leave the setting. Your smile falls, an artificial thing as you continue to pad towards the room. Passing the window leading to the garden, you notice the cascading of the white snowflakes, shimmering in the light from the outdoor lamps. It’s peaceful, the way it floats down to the ground until it rapidly melts, joining the slush forming on the pathway. A sigh leaves you, heart aching from the words Amaya let spill.
It wasn’t her fault, you tell yourself that as you continue to the room. Amaya doesn’t know, but Machiko does. Machiko has always had the older sister intuition, knowing when her younger siblings had something to hide or something embarrassing. Whether it was from her years of travel around the world, or just a trait of hers, she could pinpoint things that made you want to crawl in a hole. What does Machiko know, exactly? Your big, fat crush on her little brother.
Kōtarō has been your crush as long as you’ve known him, aka since you guys were waddling around with chubby legs. Your family and his family live near each other, so it made sense for you two to play a lot as children. As the years passed, your admiration for him evolved into a crushing thing, yet your young mind wouldn’t allow such a horrid thing to be spoken. No, it festered until you broke down one day in high school and confessed to the dark of the night, the only witness of your confession was the moon. You confessed that you loved him, you were in love with him, nobody else could compare. It hurt even more now, knowing you were falling in love with him while he was loving someone else. Even Keiji probably loved Kōtarō, knowing how close they were. You wouldn’t put it past them to be in a relationship, either. Each thought accompanied a step you took, each one bringing tears to prickle your eyes as you finally shut the door to the room, and your problems.
With the dark encompassing the room, you found yourself easily situating yourself on the ground to cry, curling up in a ball as you did so. A pathetic scene, you knew it was, yet you couldn’t help yourself.
After you left the ryokan, Shinjiro happened to be talking to the boys in front of him, both of them flushed red from the warmth of the bath and the topic at hand.
“I knew something was off in the way your mother encouraged you to invite her! I never thought it’d be that, however,” his guffaw had Kōtarō sinking into the water, bubbles coming from his nose as he huffs. Keiji looks at him pitifully, but doesn’t do much of anything else.
“She doesn’t even like me like that. This trip was a mistake,” Kōtarō mumbles, his mouth going back under the water. Keiji sighs, looking into the water where his distorted hands lie. Before he can speak, Kōtarō beats him to it. “I have to go to the bathroom. I think I’ll leave early,”
“You sure it’s just that?” Shinjiro teases. “Or are you going to wait for your lovely friend?”
“Okay, maybe it’s a bit of both,” he huffs, cheeks puffed out. Keiji lets the words die on his tongue, letting Kōtarō leave the spring without any reason to look back.
Shinjiro sighs, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks into the water. “Maybe I went too far. I shouldn’t tease him about his crush, it seems like it’s important to him. I don’t think she sees him in that light, anyways,”
“She does, actually. I think she’s been in love with him for a while,” he confesses. Shinjiro’s eyebrows rise as the words sink in. However, he is quick to understand. No longer laughing and joking, his smile is more bitter and sad. A pity smile.
“And you’ve been in love with her, haven’t you?”
Keiji turns his head to the side, yet he nods. The red dusting his cheeks is no longer just the warmth of the water. Shinjiro moves closer to Keiji, putting his hand on the younger man’s back.
“Then tell her. You both need to confess, not let this fester and turn into something ugly. Don’t let this ruin your friendship with Kōtarō, either. It’s not worth it,”
“I know. I know, Bokuto-san,”
“When you gonna call me Shinjiro? Or even dad? You need to let loose, Keiji!” He laughs again, getting Keiji to crack a smile.
While Keiji ponders how he should go about this, Kōtarō trudges up to his room for the week, unaware you’ve also turned in early. His mood has taken a turn for the worse, hair deflating as he pouts. No matter what, he’s always found himself finding your validation to be the most important. Throughout the years, he’s reached out to both you and Keiji for validation, finding them both to be important to him. While he knows Keiji partially does it just to make him happy, which he is thankful for, he knows yours is genuine. Even when he forced himself to move on, knowing you didn’t see him in that light, he found it hard. You followed him into his dreams, gleeful chimes of your laughter as the future he aims for bloomed into an obtainable goal. Yet, he’d wake up to see the empty space beside him, a brutal reminder that his dreamt future would stay in his head, playing on loop until he could do something about it in the real world.
When his door comes into view, he sighs, relief flooding through him. As he gets closer, he hears a soft voice from inside. Leaning his ear against the shut door, he hears you — a squeak of his name, accompanying a soft mewl, most likely held back due to the thin walls. Even he understands what you’re doing, it’s not like he’s never thought of you that way, finding himself wishing you could relieve his stress in the best way possible. As to respect your privacy, and settle his nerves, he quietly creeps away, to his parent’s booked room. He decides to use the toilet in there, giving you a few moments to finish your own business.
Leaning against the door once more, he doesn’t hear your heavy breaths or your moans and mewls, so he slides open the door to see you under the covers, laptop shining in your face as a movie plays. “Hey, what’re you doing here?”
“Huh?” You jump, turning to see Kōtarō’s large frame at the entrance of the room. It’s scary, the way he seems to have popped up after you finished, or attempted, getting off on thinking of him. “Oh, Kō. It’s just you. No more hot springs for you?”
“Oh, no, I found it to be getting too hot,” he lies, rubbing his neck. The robe you’re wearing is the one you put on after exiting the spring, so his perverted little mind knows you’re completely naked underneath. Not only that, you’re probably nice and slick from thinking about him—
He stops himself, hearing your voice. “Did you hear me? I asked if you wanted to watch the movie with me,”
“Oh, sorry, off in my own world. Uh, sure, what is it?”
“Crown for Christmas. A sappy romance Christmas movie, from America. It’s very predictable, but it’s cute. My mom loves it, so I brought it to watch,”
“Oh, that’s interesting,” he hums, lying on his own bedding. He didn’t move closer to you, giving you some space, but he finds himself panicking when you move closer.
“Can’t see if you’re all the way over there, dummy,” you giggle, pressing play. He can’t find it in himself to focus, the movie being background noise to his thoughts. The hot springs help to add a special glow to your skin, making it seem smoother than before, and you smell so nice, not to mention he can feel his cock throbbing at your soft voice calling out his name. What would it be like if he used his own fingers, would you be able to hold back? Or would you come completely undone as you came on his fingers— even better, his cock? Just the thought has him groaning, head shoved into his pillow as you pause the movie, probably confused.
He looks up, seeing your dazed expression — yep, totally confused. He sighs and shrugs, apologizing. “Are you okay? You seem.. tense,”
“Tense?” That’s one way to describe it, he supposes. “I’m just.. dad was teasing me earlier. That’s why I left. I’m.. remembering what he said,”
“Oh, I get that. Amaya kept teasing me about girl stuff, so I left. Machiko tried to stop me, but I was already out of the water,” you admit. It’s not the full truth, but that’s okay.
“Girl stuff? Like what?” Kōtarō never shied from girly stuff, including the weird stuff that happened to girls like puberty and the menstrual cycle. You chalked it up to his older sisters being shameless, never making it seem gross. Even when you started your period in class, Kōtarō was there to help you, a knight in shining armor.
You wish they were less shameless.
“Oh, um, you know, the romantic stuff,”
“Like? Boyfriends?”
“Yeah, I’ve.. never had one. No experience on my end. Amaya was teasing me because she had a couple of boyfriends before my age, so it.. it didn’t hurt my feelings, but it made me feel some kind of way, you know?” Your attempted explanation was kind of butchered, trying to explain it without giving too much detail. Kōtarō wouldn’t judge you, of course not, it wasn’t something to judge you about.
He knows the feeling, being inexperienced.
“W-Well, if you want any experience before going into the dating scene, I could.. always help you,” he whispers. His words hang in the air, settling into both of your minds. He’s berating himself for using such a lame line to try and get in your pants, but you’re trying to find a way to say yes without seeming desperate. However, “I mean! I have experience, so I could help you! I’d say I’m pretty good at doing stuff. Oh! It could be like.. any advice or something.. hands on,” he whispers the last part again, his confidence melting like snow on a summer’s day when your face falls.
It isn’t you don’t want it, you just would prefer him to not word it like that. It reminds you of Amaya’s words and the pain in your chest, the churn in your stomach. “If you’re gonna be like that, maybe I should ask Keiji,” you huff, turning your body away from his. Focusing on forcing your stomach to stop twisting in knots, you don’t even notice when Kōtarō closes the laptop and presses himself against you. Well, not until you feel something pressing into your back. “Kō—”
“Don’t be like that. I’ve never actually gone all the way, I’ve been saving that for someone special. I can help, though, if you’d let me,” his breath fans over your ear, sending shivers down your spine. His arm snakes under you, pulling you into his stomach while he lays on his back.
“You’re stressed, gotta loosen up a bit. I’m helping,” he just says, making sure your legs are hooked over his. With the lack of clothing under the robe, your nether region is spread open towards the door, sending your adrenaline skyrocketing. Kōtarō is quick to ease that, his thick fingers spreading open your folds while his middle finger rubs against your sensitive clit. “You’re absolutely soaked, do I turn you on that much?” He’s grinning, you know he is. Gritting your teeth, you keep your mouth closed as you focus on the feeling of his fingers, now sliding up and down and collecting your slick.
Kōtarō doesn’t want to tease you for too long, slipping his middle finger into your cunt as you mewl, hand coming to cover your mouth. “What a reaction. I wonder..” he trails off, pulling his finger out, only to add in three fingers. You’re arching, legs tending against his as he fingers you, lips pressing themselves to your hair and ear. When his tongue flicks out against your ear, you squirm and he grunts, his left arm keeping you firm against him. “Sensitive, are you?”
He doesn’t get any vocal confirmation from you, but the way you’re clenching around his fingers tells him all he needs to know. He makes sure to keep his thumb bumping against your clit, adding pressure. You can feel the familiar feeling, the beginning of an orgasm as he pumps his fingers into you. With a squeal of his name, your nails dig into the meat of his arm, liquids spilling out of you and all over Kōtarō’s fingers. The squishing sound enters your ears, legs tensing as you mewl, his fingers rubbing themselves against you some more.
“You’re so wet.. I bet it’d be easy to slip my cock in there, wouldn’t it?” His voice is low, a rumble in his chest as your cunt clenches at the thought, your wildest fantasies so close to coming to fruition when someone clears their throat. You pop up, Kōtarō jolting and keeping you on his chest as he moves.
Keiji is looking at the both of you, a heavy blush adorning his cheeks. The room is dim, only the lights from outside the inn illuminating him. He’s right at the door, right in front of where Kōtarō was just fingering you. Kōtarō’s hand finally leaves from between your legs, glistening wetness shown in the lamplight. “If you want to give her experience, you need to go over everything involved in foreplay, Kōtarō. There’s more to prep,”
“M-More?” your voice is small, barely a whisper as you find more slick oozing from you, Keiji entering the room. He kneels down in front of you, still held against Kōtarō’s chest.
“Has he even kissed you, yet? Or did he go headfirst into fingering you?” When you shake your head, Kōtarō himself sucking in a breath, Keiji knows he was right. With the elegance he always exudes, Keiji tilts your chin up towards him. “Then, allow me,”
The kiss is gentle, yet not simple. His lips are firmly against yours, molding perfectly as he keeps your chin tilted. As he deepens the kiss, you find your hands grasping at his own robe, feeling yourself lighter than you were when you had entered the room. Keiji moves to pull away, a brisk kiss on your lips once more before swiping his tongue over your bottom lip, sending heat all over your body.
“Akaashi..” Kōtarō whines, his grip on you tightening. “This is supposed to be my time with her,”
“Well, you’re going too fast. Why not elongate the time spent together, hm?” His voice sends tingles down your spine, his hands removing you from Kōtarō’s grasp. “Lay back, Bokuto-san. You’ll get your turn,”
Your brain is going haywire as he speaks, undoing Kōtarō’s robe with unconscious grace. He’s not doing it on purpose, you know he isn’t, it’s just how he is. Once Kōtarō has been disrobed, you find more heat springing to your cheeks as his muscles ripple and flex. The lack of light prevents you from seeing everything, but you’ve always found yourself insatiable when thinking of his broad frame and what hides under his clothes.
“Give me your hand, [Y/N],” Keiji’s voice has you coming back down to earth, yet you find yourself once more shy with Kōtarō’s legs spread, his cock heavy and so large in Keiji’s hand. You comply, though, your much smaller hand joining Keiji’s around Kōtarō’s girth. It’s so much, the way it feels and the heat of the skin under your fingertips. A soft groan comes from Kōtarō as Keiji moves his hand, his other hand shuffling you between his legs.
“This is called a handjob, [Y/N],” Keiji says. You nod in understanding, realizing he’s teaching you. “Moving your hand up and down the shaft is the basic function of it, but you can also use your fingers to tease the slit, like so,” he demonstrates, swiping his thumb over the small slit, puffy and red where Kōtarō’s cum is dripping from. The simple act has Kōtarō throwing his head back, moaning as his hand covers his mouth. The walls are thin and if his family is back, they probably have a good idea of what’s going on.
“I see,” you hum, continuing to move your hand up and down the shaft. Keiji nods, seeing you’re understanding.
“Or tease his balls, like cupping them or massaging. Don’t squeeze them hard, though. It won’t feel very nice,” his hand moves to cup and tease Kōtarō’s balls, the man himself laying on his back as his face turns red, the ministrations getting to be too much. “There’s also a blowjob, but we can teach you that next time,”
“N-Next time??” You squeak, jumping a bit. Whether it was a one time thing or the beginning of a relationship didn’t cross your mind. His words, however, seem to please you more than imaginable.
“Of course, darling. We’re not done here, either. Why don’t you let Bokuto-san show you what other kinds of pleasure he can give you?” At Keiji’s words, Kōtarō pops up with a bright smile on his face.
“Sit on my face, baby,”
“Oh, woah, wow, uh..” you stop, unsure how to politely decline. His mouth and nose, down there? Not to mention your weight on his head? You were sure he’d regret his decision. “I don’t think”
“I’ll be fine. C’mon, I gotta show you what else my mouth can do besides dirty talk,” he winks, sending more heat to your cheeks, making you feel rather hot for a winter’s day, clad in only a robe. Keiji seems to read your mind, taking your robe from your shoulders, the belt falling undone easily from the previous activities. Once you’re down to your birthday suit, Keiji presses a kiss to your shoulder blade, a whisper to go that sends you crawling closer to Kōtarō’s face. He grins, eagerly taking your thigh and placing it on the other side, keeping your drenched cunt close to his face. He says something, but only a muffled noise comes out, his tongue swiping along your folds.
With your back to him, Keiji wishes he told you to face him and watch, yet he finds the scene of you erotic. He may have a bit more expertise than you and Kōtarō, it seems that’s all that’s needed. He smiles, gaze catching on the way Kōtarō’s fingers dig into the fat of your thigh, making indents. Completely forgotten, Keiji spits a glob onto Kōtarō’s cock, him jumping at the feeling. With a few more pumps of his hand, he flicks his tongue against the head.
Kōtarō’s moan has you mewling, the sound acting as a vibration as your fingers tug harshly on the silver and black strands. Though not as long as they were in high school, there’s enough to grasp and pull on. The wet sounds from behind you has your head turning, eyes falling on Keiji’s mouth wrapped around Kōtarō’s cock. It’s an erotic scene, his head moving up as more of the length is revealed, his blue eyes settling on your own as you feel a nip down below. So focused on Keiji, Kōtarō wants your attention all on him. Keiji chuckles, almost like a hum, that vibrates around the cock in his mouth that has Kōtarō moaning.
The tongue that flicks against your clit has you squirming, restrained mewls and moans leaving your lips as hands tug on his locks. Kōtarō licks and suckles on your clit occasionally, then moves down to prod and swipe over your entrance. The position makes it easy for him to breathe, but he moves down further. New position has you squealing, hands flying to your mouth as you squeeze your eyes shut to focus on the pleasure. Another moan from Kōtarō that sends shivers down your spine, heat to your core, accompanying the obscene noises of Keiji sucking Kōtarō off.
With Kōtarō’s nose bumping against your clit, his tongue’s only focus is on your pretty little cunt, sucking and swirling his tongue. The sensitivity from earlier makes quick work of you, hunching over as your thighs tighten around Kōtarō’s head, his strong hands keeping you from hurting him as you gush all over his face. A moan comes from him as he laps at your juices spilling over his face, his own orgasm coming as Keiji takes him down as far as he can. Globs of white cum spurt from the side of Keiji’s mouth, a gagging sound as he struggles to swallow it.
A hand on your shoulder has you leaning back, falling against Keiji’s chest with his cheeks puffy. Kōtarō manages to look up at the scene, gaze fuzzy as he watches Keiji kiss you once more, cum seeping from where his lips meet yours. When Keiji pulls away, his tongue is out, pushing the dripping cum into your mouth where the rest lies. It’s enough to have Kōtarō hard once more, a dark and heavy blush settling across his cheeks and nose.
The thick appendage pressing into your back once more has you gasping and jumping, some cum spilling out your mouth and down your chest. As it travels between the valley of your breasts and over the perk nipples, Keiji takes it upon himself to lap at the milky droplets. You gulp down the rest in your mouth, making a show of it by tilting your head up, throat contracting as you swallow it all. Kōtarō finds himself unable to look away from the scene.
“Ah, seems like someone’s still raring to go,” Keiji breaks the silence, eyes glancing back to look at Kōtarō’s cock, once more standing tall and proud. He then looks to you. “Shall I let you handle this one alone?”
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oceansrevenge · 2 years
Feelin’ Saucy || Cass, Levi & Marina
TIMING: About a week ago PARTIES: @stolensiren @exleviathan @oceansrevenge LOCATION: The Lighthouse SUMMARY: Cass comes over for some cooking lessons with Marina and Levi
Once, it had been so easy for Marina to remain within a small space and a short range of her waters. Newly found freedom made it harder to push down the antsy feeling the longer she stayed confined as her injuries healed. The pace at which Leviathan healed was painstakingly slow and increasingly frustrating. She imagined it was difficult for it to cope with as much as well as it used to be essentially untouchable. At least she would assume based on the mood it had been in as of late. So when Cass offered to come over for those cooking lessons, Marina eagerly accepted the offer. 
 The ribs left her a bit slow moving, but Marina threw on a flowy long-sleeved orange dress that covered anything that would worry Cass. She’d slowly gotten out what she could find in the way of cookware when heard a knock on the door. She called out up the stairs for Leviathan and went to let Cass into the lighthouse. As she opened the door, she gave the young woman a warm smile. “Cass,” she greeted eagerly, “It’s good to see you, dear. Come on in.” She gestured in the direction of the kitchen and instructed, “Right this way. I hope there’s nothing that needs to go in the freezer. It’s a bit overloaded with Levi’s mango bars.” 
 Cass wasn’t sure what ingredients might be in the lighthouse kitchen, so she’d been thorough in her trip to the grocery store. Her arms were loaded with paper bags, having purchased everything from the pasta to the vodka in preparation of the cooking expedition. She was bouncing on her heels as she waited at the door, excited to do something light and fun with her friends. After everything Marina and Levi had been through lately — after everything she’d been through lately — she had a feeling it was going to offer some much-needed stress relief. 
 She flashed Marina a smile in greeting as she opened the door to the lighthouse, moving towards the kitchen and setting the bags down on the counter. “No, I don’t think there’s anything we need to put in the freezer. I figured we could make vegetarian pasta.” Mostly because she wasn’t sure which meats Marina would be unable to eat, but also because meat could be pretty expensive unless you wanted to gamble with the cheap stuff. “But I’m still going to convince Levi to give me one of those mango bars.” She turned her grin on the demon as it entered the kitchen. “Are you gonna help us, too?”
 The temptation to spend more and more of its time staring into space while internally spiralling into an existential crisis was tempting, but Levi did its best to fight it. Nothing would be fixed by panicking, it knew that, and letting the fear consume it again like it had that day—alone in its room, crying over the surge of hopelessness that had gripped it—wasn’t an option. It hated feeling genuine weakness. It was one thing to play it out for the sake of some ulterior motive, but true despondency was not welcome. 
 Hearing Marina call for it, Levi pulled itself away from the window where it’d been staring wistfully out at the sea, trotting down the curved staircase while pretending it didn’t hurt like a bitch to do so. Appearing at the bottom of the stairwell that dumped directly into the kitchen, the demon offered them both a small smile that very thinly masked its discomfort. “If I can,” it answered Cass, though it was unclear if that was a direct result of its injuries or its lackluster performance in the kitchen. The Leviathan was a lot of things, but a chef was not one of them. “Are you two talking about making me share things again? You know that’s not my style,” it griped, amused, as it moved further into the kitchen. “What’re we making, anyway?”
 The mood already felt brighter with Cassidy’s presence. None of the lighthouse’s occupants had been quite themselves as of late unless one was to count little Niamh. Marina wasn’t used to healing quite so slowly and found she was often frustrated when she’d emerge from the water still struggling with the pain. It made her want to destroy things, but it only caused more pain. Cooking would have to be a good substitute. With Cassidy and Leviathan, she was sure it would be. As she led Cass up the staircase to the kitchen, she smiled in response. “Vegetarian pasta will be perfect. Less risk of accidentally eating something too rich in iron.” 
 When they entered the kitchen, Marina noted that the kid seemed to have a positive effect on Leviathan’s mood as well. It was good to see now that her anger had mostly dissipated. She laughed as it spoke, she couldn’t imagine it was any better than she was at cooking even if it had seemed to adjust to this world better than she had. She did roll her eyes as it commented on its inability to share. “I know you’ve never had reason to before, but it is customary to share with people whose company you enjoy,” she gestured to Cass, “And myself aside, how could you say no to that face?” 
 “I believe we were doing a vegetarian vodka pasta dish and brownies? Speaking of,” Marina pulled her phone out of the pocket in her dress and handed it off to Cass, “Do the thing where you send yourself money.”
 It was clear that both Marina and Levi were still in pain. Cass wished there was something she could do about it, but she’d never quite known how to ease things like this. In foster care, you learned to wall yourself off to this kind of thing, to politely look away while other people licked their wounds. Cass had never been very good at it. She was too empathetic, too easily attuned to the feelings of those around her. It was no different with Levi and Marina; if anything, the feeling was more intense as she cared about them both so much. All she could really do was pull out a chair for Levi as it came into the kitchen, gesturing for it to sit as she placed some ingredients in front of the spot to try to make it seem like she was giving the demon a job to do rather than trying to get it off its feet due to a concern that might be unwelcome. 
 “If you’re gonna eat, you gotta help cook. That’s gonna be a rule,” she decided with a nod. Levi would be better off with a distraction, she thought. It looked like it could probably use one. At Marina’s words, she flashed a grin and turned to Levi, batting her lashes theatrically. “It’d really mean a lot to me if you gave me a mango bar,” she said, throwing in her best rendition of puppy dog eyes to really sell the act. 
 Unpacking the grocery bags was more of an ordeal than she’d imagined it might be — there really were a lot of ingredients here. Wiping her hands on her pants, she took Marina’s phone when it was offered with a grateful smile. Normally, she might try to insist that she didn’t want to take her friend’s money, but her attempts to take a temporary step back from crime in order to test out the limitations of her new paycheck were leaving her accounts a little drier than she’d like. “I’m gonna pull up the recipe on your phone, too, so you can look at it better. We’re starting with the pasta, ‘cause the brownies will be easy.” 
 Sitting in the chair that Cass pulled out for it, not mistaking the gesture for anything that she was trying to pass it off as, Levi felt grateful. “Oh, I see,” it teased, idly pulling a few of the ingredients from the bag in front of it while it listened to Cass give her best attempt at convincing it to share. Glancing over from her little pout and big doe-eyes to meet Marina’s gaze, it shook its head. “Can you believe this kid? Cass, you’d forget about it in a week. Meanwhile I’d be haunted for months by the ghost of the little fruit bar that I let slip away.” It was being facetious, of course—because when wasn’t it being facetious—and the grin it wore told them both as much.  “Where’s the vodka?” it asked, digging deeper into the brown paper bag Cass had placed down, peering over its top at the same time. “I should really taste test it, you know. It’s an important job.”
 If it were her, the puppy dog eyes would have worked, given Marina would have shared any snacks she had on hand with Cassidy without being asked. She was a good kid and a guest in their home. Not something the Leviathan was likely used to having after centuries upon centuries with a whole oceanic dimension to itself. As beautiful as it made its home sound, it also seemed terribly lonely. It missed home, but also seemed to enjoy company. She had to think it liked having people to spend time with well enough, or at least she’d presume as much based on the bouquet of flowers that reminded her of the sea that sat on her bedside table. 
 Marina smiled at Cassidy’s attempt to get Leviathan to share. It seemed to not be having any of it which made her laugh quietly and shake her head. Of course, it had to be dramatic though she was amused by its humor. She looked to it and rolled her eyes before responding in a serious tone. “You might just perish.” 
 “You could always just take one, though that wasn’t quite the challenge,” Marina explained with a laugh, “You’re not Correy, so i- he probably won’t smack it out of your hand, but I make no promises.” When Cass handed her phone back to her, she looked over the instructions and began taking some of the other ingredients out. She winced when she moved the wrong way, causing a sharp pain to shoot through her side. Her face immediately shifted back into a seemingly relaxed grin in hopes neither Cass or Leviathan noticed. As she looked over the recipe, she mused, “I wonder who thought of the idea to cook vodka rather than drink it.”
 As if on cue, Leviathan was asking about the vodka as Marina pulled it out of the bag. She pretended to muse over its question as she opened the bottle to have a sip for herself. “I’m not sure about that. You really make the whole no sharing philosophy sound intriguing. I might have to give it a try.”
 The attempt at begging her way into one of Levi’s mango bars — which she didn’t even really want, she just wanted to prove a point — was clearly a failure. Cass’s face fell, and she flashed the demon a hurt look that was, of course, all for show. “I’d remember it forever,” she protested, “as a token of our friendship.” It was fine if this method failed; she had a trick up her sleeve with her enthrallment abilities, and she wasn’t above using them to get her way here. It’d totally out her to Levi and Marina, but they’d have to find out she wasn’t human sooner or later, and it might as well be in a fun way. 
 “He said he’d break my fingers if I took one,” she said, turning to Marina with a pout. She was pretty sure Levi wouldn’t really break her fingers, but she also knew that Marina would scold it for saying it would, and that was almost as good as a mango bar. Watching Marina take the phone back, she noticed the wince with a frown, but didn’t call attention to it. She hated that her friends were both hurting, but she knew they were both the sort of people who didn’t want attention called to their pain. And she could give them that much. “Apparently, the alcohol cooks out. I guess it adds flavor?” She didn’t really understand the process, and it was clear by her voice. 
 It wasn’t entirely unpredictable when Levi asked to taste test the vodka, nor was it unexpected when Marina took a sip herself. It wouldn’t really matter in the long run; the recipe called for very little, and Cass had purchased a pretty big bottle in anticipation of something like this happening. “You can taste test the vodka if you share your mango bars,” she said cheerfully, holding out her hand and wriggling her fingers to take the bottle for herself. She didn’t even like the taste of vodka, but she’d take a sip just to further her case. 
 “I didn’t say that!” Levi protested loudly before taking a moment to think about it. “Actually, no, that does kinda sound like something I’d say.” It smirked, face brightening as Marina pulled out the bottle only to fall again when she decided to withhold it. “Whoa, hey, wait, that’s not fair,” it protested, pulling its arm back out of the paper bag it was elbow-deep in and holding its hand out expectantly. “The vodka was for everyone!” It scoffed when Cass threw her option into the ring, scowling playfully at her. “Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be, huh? Fine, that is a deal, not sharing. I can do deals all fuckin’ day.” It shook its hand at her again, silently demanding the bottle. “You gotta go get it yourself, though, you heathen,” it chastised the girl as it took the bottle from her and downed what was probably too much for one sip. 
 Setting the bottle on the table and getting back to unpacking the bag, Levi pushed it away once it was empty, ignoring the way it fell gently to the floor after sliding off the edge of the table. “Alright, well, I’m hungry, so… give me a job besides drinking all this alcohol so I can have some of the food once it’s done.”
 The remark about breaking fingers left Marina more than a little shocked, which showed in the way her eyes widened as she gave Leviathan a pointed look. “Levi, you didn’t,” she said as she shook her head, “There will be no breaking of Cassidy’s fingers over a mango bar of all things.” While ridiculous, she had to admit it was a little amusing. She found herself watching Cass and Leviathan with a fond smile on her face. There was a certain familiarity there that she hadn’t known in a long time that reminded her of home and it hit her that this was becoming home. 
 “Who says we purchased the vodka to share with you,” Marina mused as she laid some of the veggies out on the chopping board. This was the part of the instructions that appealed most to her, but she really enjoyed anything that involved sharp objects. She laughed lightly as Leviathan used its height to snag the bottle from Cassidy. It took a long swig and she rolled her eyes. She supposed there were worse things than drunken cooking. It did help to somewhat numb the pain of their wounds. She held out a hand for the vodka so she could have a bit more before she started chopping. “You can fill the pot with water and likely keep an eye on it, figure I can do without getting singed by freshwater. I want to cut the things.” 
 Cass grinned as Marina scolded Levi, looking pleased with herself. “You did so! I have proof. I could pull up the message if I wanted to.” She wouldn’t, but she held up her phone to really sell the threat. It was all in good fun, anyway; the mood in the kitchen was lighter now, despite the way both Levi and Marina were still holding themselves delicately to take pressure off their injuries. Cass took a sip from the vodka bottle, making a face as the taste assaulted her tongue. Gross. She didn’t protest as Levi stole the bottle away, flashing it a grin instead as she walked over to the freezer and claimed the prize of a mango bar she didn’t even really want, unwrapping it and popping it into her mouth to chase away the bitter taste of alcohol. 
 Looking at the recipe on her phone, Cass hummed. “We need to bring the noodles to a boil first,” she confirmed, nodding to Levi. “So when it starts bubbling, pour the noodles in and stir. Keep an eye on it, ‘cause we don’t want it to boil over and make a mess! And we’ll make the sauce.” She turned her phone around so Marina could see the instructions for said sauce, not wanting to attempt to pronounce half the words. The ‘authentic’ recipe she’d found online included a lot of Italian, and Cass knew… zero Italian. Hopefully, Marina could decipher it a little better. “How much garlic do you guys want to put in there? That’s what we really need to cut. The recipe says, like, three cloves, but we could do more if we wanted.” Everybody liked garlic, right? 
 The demon passed the bottle back to Marina before hoisting itself to its feet. “Water in the pot, waaaaater in the pot, watch it get hot, that water in the pot.” The tune was softly hummed as it stood from the table, meandering over to the counter where Marina had pulled out a big pot. Sounded like a sad excuse for a job, but Levi wasn’t going to complain over being given a simple task. Turning on the faucet, it thunked the pot down in the sink to let it fill, craning its neck to see what the other two were working on. “Oh, more garlic for sure. No vampires here, eh?” 
 Grunting as it moved the now-heavy pot from sink to stove, Levi grabbed the noodles and turned on the burner, hopping up onto the counter beside it and leaning back on its hands as it idly kicked its legs against the cabinets below. “Isn’t there a saying about this? A watched pot never boils? I fully blame both of you if this is a disaster,” it muttered with a smirk, tapping on the bag of dried pasta beside it. 
 The light bickering filling the air of the kitchen brought about a sense of warmth that Marina had to stop herself from recoiling from. There was no harm in simply enjoying how much it made the place feel like home or at least she tried to convince herself of as much. Though it was distant, she had hardened herself after those first few decades entirely alone. Losing that sense of family she’d known in her younger years had torn her apart at first; it was hard not to fear facing that feeling again, but she’d have to be diligent in protecting it. 
 Marina wore a smirk as Leviathan sang while filling up the pot with water. She never quite expected that one day she would be in a kitchen with the Leviathan and a kid they both befriended while it was singing a silly song of all things. She shook her head and broke cloves of garlic away from the bulb. “I’d say more, absolutely,” she answered, “Six, perhaps?”
 Her brows knit together while she tried to read the instructions that she presumed were in Italian based on the one or two words she recognized. Marina turned to Levi as it commented on some sort of saying about watched water. “I don’t know the saying you’re referring to,” she said with a frown, “But can you translate some of these instructions? I think they’re in Italian.” She began chopping some of the garlic and told Cass, “Levi is the one to go to if you ever need anything translated. I know Greek and a bit of Gaelic though.” 
 Cass let out a little laugh at Levi’s song, shaking her head fondly. This, she thought, was what she’d always wanted as a kid. The domesticity of it all, the way Levi and Marina both went out of their way to make her feel at home even when there was nothing for either of them to gain from it. If someone had told her ten years ago that she’d be here someday, cooking pasta with her friends and feeling at ease, she probably wouldn’t have believed it. She was glad it was true, anyway.
 “The more garlic the better,” she agreed, pulling out a few more cloves. She’d anticipated the enthusiasm when she’d been grocery shopping, intentionally buying far more garlic than the recipe called for. “Hey, is the garlic and vampires thing true?” She’d never asked Metzli before, but Levi’s statement had her curious. 
 Rolling her eyes at Levi’s comment, Cass wrinkled her nose. “That’s such an old person saying,” she sighed. “Like, that’s something moms say.” At least, she thought it probably was. It wasn’t as if she had a lot of experience with moms to confirm or deny it. Brow furrowing as Marina turned the phone towards Levi, she glanced to the demon with a curious expression. “Do you know, like, every language?”
 “Good question, I’ve never thought to ask. Figure it might offend them, and I’m not really in the business of offending paying customers,” Levi answered bluntly with a shrug of its shoulders. Smirking at Cass’ dig and holding out a hand to take the phone, Levi took a moment to let its gaze rake over the recipe before nodding and throwing on a wide smile. 
 “Ahh, buca di beppo!” It laughed to itself, scrolling through the webpage on the phone. “Anyway, yeah—I can understand ‘em, read ‘em, speak ‘em… comes in real handy for travel.” Sliding down from the counter to head back over to the laid out ingredients and sort through them with the other two to make sure everything was accounted for, but of course it monologued in Italian the entire time just to be annoying.
 Following a brief beat of silence, Levi looked to Cass and grinned. “Anyway, you’ve got it all here. This word means those,” it explained, pointing at one of the ingredients, “they used the English word for it farther up. Whoever wrote this recipe was being real fucking pretentious. You sure know how to pick them!” Quickly running through all the other untranslated items and instructions, Levi left them to it and went to check on the water, which had reached a rolling boil. Tearing open the bag of pasta with its teeth, it dumped the contents into the water and leaned a hip against the front of the stove, enjoying the steam that was rising from the pot and haloing around its head. Kinda like a deep sea vent, it thought idly, frowning. That pang of longing came back with a vengeance, but the demon did its best to mask the sudden melancholy. 
 The garlic and vampire thing was curious. Marina figured she would need to ask Metzli about it at some point as they were the only vampire she’d ever met, at least as far as she knew. She chopped the garlic into fine pieces and breathed in the scent. It was one of her favorite things that grew on the land. She set it aside to put in the pan when it was heated and added, “I’ll have to ask the vampire I know some time. I already tried to kill them, I’m not sure I could possibly offend them more.” 
 The combination of Cassidy’s wonder and Leviathan’s animated way of speaking Italian left her watching the pair with a sense of contentment. Marina did rather enjoy Leviathan’s ability to speak every language. Having someone to speak the language she grew up conversing in brought a certain level of comfort which was admittedly a bit alarming, especially with the realization just how fragile the body Levi had been stuck in was. She pushed that thought to the side and remarked somewhat wistfully, “I- He can. It is nice to have someone to speak what is considered Ancient Greek with. It reminds me of home.” 
 She reached for the bottle of vodka again and took another swig. It helped to dull the pain of her wounds and some of the more worrisome thoughts that had been occurring as of late. Marina shook her head at Cassidy’s comment. “We are both old, so that would make sense though I can’t say I’ve heard that saying. But it sounds like there is some wisdom behind it if it's a thing mothers say.” She brought the dish of garlic over to the stove and looked to Levi curiously as it watched the steam. “I believe it said to cook this a bit before adding the other ingredients. Is that correct,” she asked as she looked between Cass and Levi to confirm the next step. 
 Remembering the vampire who’d approached them at the bar when they’d been celebrating retrieving the last of Teagan’s cure, Cass sighed and shot a concerned look to the back of Levi’s head. How often was it… entertaining people like that? A familiar twinge of concern rose up in her chest, and she did her best not to let it show as she busied herself with sorting the ingredients. “Who, Metzli?” She glanced to Marina in question, brow furrowed. “They definitely won’t be offended. They’re pretty hard to offend.” She was pretty sure the vampire didn’t even hold the apparent murder attempt against Marina anymore. It would certainly be on brand for them.
 Levi’s animated Italian eased some of the tension that had snuck its way into Cass’s shoulders, unfurrowing her brow and making her roll her eyes. Of course, she couldn’t understand a word it was saying, so she let its voice fall into background noise as she helped Marina prepare the ingredients. “I bet it’s nice,” she commented. “Like… having a piece of home with you all the time.” She thought of Metzli again, of their offer to teach her Spanish. Language was a funny thing. She’d never really thought about it until now.
 Humming, Cass finished off the last of her dubiously acquired mango bar, tossing the garbage into the trash can. “I chose a pretentious recipe on purpose, you know. It felt fancier. We all deserve some fancy food.” Looking down at her phone on the counter, she read the instructions. “We’re supposed to cook the sauce separately,” she said, “then add it at the end. So we need another pot. Levi, wanna be tall and grab us one?” It’d pull it away from the pasta, which it was staring down at with an expression Cass didn’t know how to read. She thought it might need the new distraction. 
 Blinking as it heard its name being called, having tuned everything else out for the better part of a minute or so, Levi lifted its head. “What?” It followed Cass’ gaze to the higher cabinets where the other cooking utensils lived, connected the dots, and nodded distractedly. “Right, yeah.” Glancing at what they were doing for some more context, it figured they needed something to cook the sauce in. Hadn’t heard it in the slightest. 
 Fetching them a sauce pan and setting it on the stove next to the pasta pot, Levi seemed to now give the setup a bit of a wide berth. The less things that reminded it of home, of what it feared it may have permanently lost, the better. It felt like it was adrift in a vast ocean—a lone buoy with nothing to anchor it to the bottom. It was equal parts terrifying and infuriating.
 Levi made a mental note to take it out on Emilio later.
 Pressing a quick kiss to the back of Marina’s neck, Levi reached around her to grab the alcohol and imbibe a little more. Normally it was happy to eat, it loved eating, but now? Now it felt a little sick to its stomach. Not that vodka would help that, but here they were. 
 “I suppose it is a little like that,” Marina mused with a contemplative look. If she couldn’t bring herself to go back just yet, it was nice being able to speak in her native tongue, to ignite a spark of a younger nymph she didn’t quite recognize anymore. When she first turned to face Leviathan again, she was gazing at it warmly until she saw the way it had to blink back into focus and her brow furrowed in question. She wouldn’t press, especially not on such a nice day. Instead, she looked at it appreciatively as it reached into the higher cabinet for the pan she needed.
 “Separate pans, I can do that,” she said confidently. Marina knew the confidence wasn’t all that founded, but she could follow instructions well enough when she so pleased to. It just happened that she didn’t wish to most of the time. She flicked the other burner on and set the pan Levi had gotten for them down on it. 
 When its lips grazed the back of her neck, she let out a contented sigh. She would check on it later once Cassidy left. Things had hardly been what one would consider easy lately and she had no intention of souring the lovely evening they were having. “At least let me measure what we need for the sauce before we finish the vodka off, dear.” 
 It was clear that Levi was distracted by… something. Concern sat heavy in Cass’s chest, but she had to trust that the distraction of the cooking would do her friend some good. Whatever was bothering Levi, it would talk about it whenever it was ready. If not to her, then to Marina. For now, all they could do was fetch the extra pan from the top cabinet and prepare the sauce. And… maybe she’d find something for Levi to do that got it away from the water boiling on the stove. 
 “We need to put everything for the sauce together in the new pan and… heat it up,” she commented, squinting at the phone. There were some cooking terms she didn’t recognize, but she figured they could sort through them with enough context clues. How hard could making sauce be? 
 She watched the quiet, domestic exchange between Levi and Marina with a soft smile, glad that, if nothing else, they had each other to lean on. She knew that neither of them would come to her with their problems, not because they didn’t trust her but because they wanted to protect her. It was a sweet, infuriating, unnecessary gesture that she probably would have called out if she hadn’t known that they could help each other through whatever the world was throwing at them. “If you drink it all before we make our sauce, I’m taking a whole box of mango bars home with me,” she threatened, pointing at Levi accusingly. 
 Keeping a lid on its frustration was a new thing for Levi. Normally it would have been spouting off about how pissed it was by this whole situation, but then normally it was alone. Alone or talking to someone who was in too compromised a position to protest. Here, it had people it wanted to protect. People it didn’t want to upset. Why the fuck not? It had never considered anyone else’s feelings before, why start now? It was this damn human brain, all fucking bogged down with emotions and chemical imbalances—but as it watched Cass and Marina, it could feel that warmth blooming in its chest that softened its features without its permission. Fidgeting anxiously from the momentary lapse of control, Levi took a deep breath and inwardly screamed at itself to get a grip. 
 “What d’you need, like, two tablespoons? Pft,” it scoffed, letting its shoulders sag as it pushed the tension back down into its core. They probably needed more than that, but there was still plenty left! They were just being dramatic. Picking on Levi for the sake of it.
 That was a sentiment it could really and truly get behind. 
 Stealing another swig before relenting and handing the bottle off to them, it leaned against the counter and crossed its arms over its chest. “If you leave with a whole box of them, I’m revoking your access to the lighthouse. I’m sure Correy wouldn’t mind that.”
 Marina did as instructed and added in ingredients as the pan heat up. There was a breath of a laugh when Cass scolded that she would take a whole box of the mango bars home. Without even looking up, she could sense the demon’s exasperation. “Good job, mikros,” she praised Cass, “Identifying what one least wants to part with is the basis of any effective threat.” 
 When she looked at Levi, it did in fact have its arms crossed over its chest. She smirked and shot it a knowing look as she stirred the garlic around the pan to release some of the flavor, or at least one part of the recipe in a language she could understand. 
 “You know, Niamh gets a vote too,” she retorted, “And Niamh simply adores Cassidy.” Aforementioned cat was still sound asleep on the back of the couch, but the point stood aside from the fact Levi would not actually ban Cassidy from the lighthouse. Actually, when it came to its mango bars, she couldn’t be certain. Marina herself only barely got away with the offense though she usually only liked them when the demon was out and about anyhow, something she wasn’t inclined to think about too deeply. “That alone may be enough to sway Correy. If not, the surely delicious brownies Cassidy is showing me how to make will. You know he cannot resist sweets.” 
 Everything had been so heavy lately. Ever since that awful day in the motel room that so few people knew about, the world had felt so much darker than it had before. Cass had never been a very ‘doom and gloom’ kind of person, but it had been hard not to fall into a rut after she’d scrubbed her hands raw trying to remove the blood from under her nails and spent too many days staring at the wall. She missed the person she used to be. And in moments like this one… In moments like this one, with Levi stealing swigs from the vodka bottle and Marina complimenting her ability to make compelling threats, Cass kind of felt like that person wasn’t gone entirely. 
 It was a good feeling.
 “Even if you did try to ban me from the lighthouse,” she hummed, “I’d get back in. You can’t keep me out.” She wouldn’t even have to break in, because Marina would just open the door. Or Levi would forget she was ‘banned’ and open it. Or Correy would open it, complaining all the while. The lighthouse was a place Cass knew she was always welcome. And it wasn’t the only place where she was always welcome. That was the weird part. “I’m Niamh’s favorite,” she cooed, waving to the sleeping cat. The cat, of course, didn’t acknowledge her. It was fine. She knew she was right. “And I’m your favorite, too, Levi. Say I’m your favorite!”
 “The cat does not get a vote. Only things that can speak get a vote, this is a democracy, not an Animal Farm situation.” Levi paused, squinting at the both of them for a moment before frowning a bit harder. Cass’ request only earned her an eyeroll, and the demon huffed out a breath. “I’m not saying shit,” it complained, though its voice still carried that lightness of good-humored teasing. It wasn’t really upset, it just enjoyed acting like it was. 
 Pointing a finger at Marina, it shook its head. “And that’s not fair. Using sweets is considered bribery, and that’s definitely against the rules.” 
 “I’m fairly certain if I were to ask Correy, he would count Niamh’s vote over yours,” Marina teased lightheartedly. Realistically, the lighthouse had been Correy’s first and it was likely he would have the final say on any rules. She respected him enough to follow the rules of his home that he had been kind enough to open up to her. She shook her head at Leviathan’s complaints. 
 Her eyes shifted from the pan she had been stirring over to Levi. “When have I ever played by rules that weren’t my own,” she asked with a satisfied grin, “And you can just admit Cassidy is your favorite, it won’t hurt my feelings.” 
 “You’re right. Niamh should get two votes.” Cass, of course, said it with the express intention of frustrating Levi, but she suspected Marina’s teasing had the same end goal in sight. It was nice for the two of them to be on the same page, she decided, even if Levi refused to open the book and read along.
 Stubbornness seemed to be the demon’s most prominent trait, come to think of it. Cass hadn’t really expected Levi to listen to her demand, but she rolled her eyes anyway. It was a testament to how comfortable she felt in the lighthouse that the next words slipped into a rhythmic, enthralling tone without her really intending for them to. “Say I’m your favorite.” 
 It was all fun and games until the big guns came out. To say Levi was surprised by the sudden swell in its chest would be an understatement, and as it wrestled with this unexpected onslaught of reverence, its gaze was fixed on Cass. Its lips parted but the words didn’t quite come at first, held back by a bewildered tongue that couldn’t believe what it was about to say—not because it wasn’t true, but because it was entirely involuntary. But the demon couldn’t stop it, not with the way it felt compelled to express to the girl just how much she meant, how important she really was, and how she had quickly become family that it would rather die than part with. 
 The last part was a surprise, even to Levi.
 “You’re my favorite,” it finally managed, looking equal parts confused and delighted. After taking a moment to gather itself, the demon looked between Marina and Cass. “Uh… what the hell was that? Did you do that?” Levi’s attention settled on Cass. “... wait. Wait. Do that again.”
 As soon as the words left Leviathan’s lips, the cooking spoon in her hand fell to the countertop. Marina whipped her head around and looked between the pair of them completely stunned. Levi was not one to relent, it was endlessly stubborn which was one of the things she enjoyed about it. Even if they were interacting playfully, it would never just give in to doing what it was told to. “What did you,” she couldn’t even finish the thought as she watched them both trying to figure out what just happened. 
 It dawned on her as she watched Leviathan compose itself, that it wasn’t completely willful. Marina echoed Levi’s questions. “Before you do it again, how did you do it in the first place?” 
 It hadn’t really been intentional, and Cass blinked a little when she realized what had happened. Levi seemed to struggle for a moment, the way strong-willed people always did under enthrallment, but it fell to the power all the same. And Marina and Levi were both looking at her, and Cass felt the weight of their gaze like a physical thing. She shifted underneath it, letting out a nervous squeak. 
 “I… might have done that,” she admitted, looking sheepish. She didn’t think either of them were mad. Levi was asking her to do it again, and Marina wasn’t arguing. But… she felt a little bad for it, anyway. “I, um… I might have… Stretched the truth a little bit. When I… implied that I’m, uh… Human?”
 Levi’s eyes widened and it looked to Marina for some kind of explanation, as if she’d have it. Obviously she did not, so it focused its attention back on Cass instead. “Okay, not-human and also liar,” it went on with a wide grin on its face, “before you tell Marina the boring explanation of how, I want you to do it again. Go on! Make me do something stupid.” It seemed far too amused by this development for its own good, like some small part of it was ecstatic to find that there were people out there who could just tell a person to do something and they’d have no choice. They’d want to do it. That was so much better than a forced fae deal, where the indebted could still fight against their bond and ultimately break it, if they didn’t care about the consequences. This, whatever Cass had done to it? That was pure control. It fucking loved that.
 “Hey,” Cass protested, but the grin on Levi’s face told her that it wasn’t really mad at the deception. She kind of figured it wouldn’t be; she hadn’t kept the secret to be malicious or anything, it just… never really came up. Neither of them had ever explicitly asked her if she was human or not. She could hardly be blamed for their assumptions, right? This was White Crest! You couldn’t assume someone was human in White Crest! “I don’t have to make you do anything stupid. You do stupid stuff anyway.” Her own face split into a grin with that, and she glanced around the kitchen thoughtfully. Her eyes drifted over to the living room, where the cat had just stood up to stretch on the back of the couch, and her grin widened. Returning her attention to Levi, she nodded. In the same tone as before, the words almost a song, she said, “Go tell Niamh you love her.” 
 As curious as she was to know what Cass meant by not human, Marina could help but smile at the child-like excitement that Levi was exhibiting. She knew they both had been carrying worries around, it was good to see it so enthused. It was even better to see Cass put her powers to work. She knew there had been something special about Cass and Marina was pleased to discover she hadn’t been wrong. With arms crossed, she shook her head and said, “Yes, go ahead. I think someone is very entertained by the new trick.”
 When Cass gave the command, Marina couldn’t help the mischievous giggle that escaped her lips as she eyed Leviathan who was so insistent on saying it didn’t like the cat. There was a smirk on her face as she watched and waited for Levi to follow the command.
 There was less resistance this time, mostly because Levi knew that a command was coming. It looked a little dumbfounded for a moment, then pushed off of the counter and walked over to the couch where the cat was grooming herself. “Niamh,” it stated, reaching out to pick her up. It held the cat over its head and stared up at her like she was the cutest thing to have ever walked the earth. “I love you so much.” The cat yawned and Levi made a strange sound, lowering her to instead hold her against its chest, wrapping its arms gently around her fuzzy little body. “You’re the best.” An earnest kiss was pressed to her cheek, to which the cat just mewled and started to fuss to be put down. Levi’s expression slowly shifted from happiness to confusion, then irritation as it realized what it’d just done. “Ew,” it complained, plopping the cat back down on the back of the couch and brushing the few hairs she had shed from its shirt. “How dare you make me lie like that.”
 Cass dissolved into a fit of delighted giggles as Levi approached Niamh, only growing louder and more uncontrollable as it spoke to the cat in gentle tones with adoration on its face. She’d used her abilities for a lot of things since discovering them, but this was definitely going to go down as one of her favorites. Niamh seemed disgruntled with the whole thing, as most cats would be when picked up and kissed. When Levi finally came back to himself, Cass’s giggles slowly ceased, though the amused expression on her face remained. “I really don’t think you were lying. I didn’t even tell you to kiss her! You did that on your own!” Under the influence of Cass’s thrall, sure, but it counted. 
 Turning to Marina, her smile turned a little closer to apologetic. “I’m a siren,” she admitted, and the words came easier this time than they usually did. It was much better when saying it to someone you trusted. Someone you loved. It was a lot less scary. “I can… influence people. And feel what they want, if it’s strong enough. I’m supposed to be able to shift into a bird, but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. But I can shift my appearance a little in other ways, too.” And her personality, though she suspected that was less to do with being a siren and more to do with being a foster kid. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys sooner. But, um… You never asked?”
 As soon as Cass gave the instruction to Levi, Marina turned the stove down to a simmer for the sauce and watched with an amused smile on her face. Telling the cat that it loved her was not something Levi would ever do under normal circumstances and she couldn’t quite feel bad since it asked for this. When Levi picked the cat up, she had to cover her mouth with her hand to contain her own laughter. She had to admit, it was an endearing sight. Not quite as endearing as when it had an octopus crawling over its hand, but sweet all the same. When it placed a kiss on the cat’s cheek, she had to lean over the counter to steady herself as she devolved into a fit of laughter. She couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed like this and she felt lighter than she had in a very long time. As Levi dusted cat hair off its shirt, she taunted, “Well, the truth comes out. I guess I was wrong in thinking I was your favorite roommate.”
 Once the laughter settled and Cass was looking at her, Marina felt her features soften. In truth, the revelation was a relief. She’d grown to care for Cass and genuinely caring for a human was an odd concept to her, especially with how much she adored Cassidy. This made much more sense and was easier to reconcile in her mind. She shook her head and reached out her arms toward the siren. “Come here,” she said softly before pulling Cass into a hug and gently patting her hair, “You have nothing to apologize for. I’m just glad you feel comfortable enough to share this with us.” When she pulled away, she donned a smirk and added, “Plus, I do think that’s the most I’ve laughed in a long while. That was both devious and clever. I don’t believe Levi will be asking you to try that trick on it again anytime soon.” 
 All Levi could do against their teasing was pull a face and give a sassy shake of its head, realizing that it had asked for it and probably should have known better. Anyway, it was nice to see the other two laughing like they were, so maybe it was worth it, anyway. 
 Not that it would readily admit that. 
 “Whatever, whatever,” it complained as Marina kept poking fun, rolling its eyes at them both. Its gaze fell back to Cass, an amused smirk taking up residence on its face. “I know you were too cool to be a human.” It definitely wasn’t upset that she hadn’t told them—after all, Levi hadn’t exactly fessed up about being a demon right off the bat. A sea monster, sure, but the word ‘demon’ always left a bad taste in its mouth… and it knew extremely well the kind of taste it could leave in everyone else’s. So, while it didn’t normally worry about being hypocritical, it knew it wouldn’t be fair to be upset. Besides, it had no reason to be… it was better that she wasn’t human. It was always better.
 Neither Levi nor Marina seemed angry with her, and the flutter of anxiety that had been causing her heart to pound settled just a little at the realization. Cass tended to expect rejection in moments like this, especially from people whose acceptance she wanted as desperately as she wanted Levi and Marina’s. It was nice, then, to have it reiterated to her that that acceptance was something she already had. And it did feel better, letting them both know the truth. She didn’t like lying to either of them, even by omission. 
 “Humans aren’t that bad,” she insisted. It still felt strange to refer to humans as a group separate from herself. She leaned against Marina fondly, shrugging a shoulder. “I thought I was one until a few months ago. Just… with a little extra kick. A kick that can make Levi kiss a cat.” She flashed the demon in question a wicked grin.
 “Oh, tyfónas, it’s all in good fun,” Marina assured Leviathan with a relaxed smile. Truly, it was being a good sport, given it had asked Cass to work her magic a second time. Part of her was curious about how the siren’s influence worked, but unlike Levi, she did not require first hand experience. She was rather impressed with Cassidy though. The way she had Leviathan completely bending to her will was stronger than any fae bond, at least in the sense there had to be no promise, deal, or admission of death on the receiving party’s side. Curious, indeed. 
 Marina simply nodded at the bit about humans. In time, she would come to her own conclusions as she grew into herself. Even her youngest sister had a phase where she was endeared to humans, it passed like phases always did. Plus, Cassidy only truly discovered her nature. She offered another gentle pat on the shoulder, “That’s quite the kick, mikros. Levi is not one to back down. You have a wonderful gift.” 
 It’d be lying if it said that the question of how to harness something like that hadn’t immediately crossed its mind, but Levi tried to put the thought to rest the moment it manifested. Cass wasn’t a tool to be used, it knew that… but it was nothing if not curious, and always looking for ways to get the upper hand with its enemies, since it lacked any power of its own. It was all theory. Just speculation. There was nothing wrong with speculation, was there? Ideas couldn’t hurt anyone. 
 “Yeah, wonderful… use it on me without permission again and you’ll be in trouble,” the demon chastised with a smirk, moving back toward the pair to leave the cat to her… cat things. 
 Cass grinned at the praise, pleased with the approval she got from both Marina and Levi. It wasn’t unexpected — she knew they both cared about her, and she’d been around them long enough to know that her not being human definitely wouldn’t change that — but it was nice anyway. “I wouldn’t use it on you for anything bad either way,” she assured Levi, making the motion of crossing her heart. The most she’d do would be to tease the demon, though even that wasn’t something she’d do unless it really deserved it. She wanted to be liked far more than she wanted anything else, especially by Levi and Marina.
 Turning her attention back to the pasta sauce bubbling on the stove, she nodded. “I think this is done,” she announced, dipping in the spoon and giving it a sniff before grabbing four bowls from the cabinet — one for each of them, and one for Correy, wherever he was hiding. “C’mon. Let’s find out if we can actually cook!” She felt warm as she began preparing the meals, and it was a good feeling. She thought it might be the one she’d been chasing all her life. She never thought she’d actually find it, but… It was here all the same. The love, the acceptance, the family. Cass didn’t think she’d ever felt anything like it.
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Yandere Aubrey + Hero HC’s - Omori
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(sorry these are so messy, i ended up writing them late at night)
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[yandere Aubrey x reader]
-Aubrey is the totally the cliché of being cold and mean to everyone else but soft for her darling
-everyone else is met with harsh words and cold glares, but with you it’s completely different
-she’ll talk a little more quietly so she doesn’t startle you and her eyes will soften ever so slightly whenever she happens to meet your eyes
-Aubrey just doesn’t want you thinking you did anything wrong, you’re never the bad guy
-she thinks of you as a genuine angel
-Aubrey felt like she was completely abandoned, but when you stick around it makes her feel appreciated and loved
-she was just so desperate for any bit of happiness and you’re like her own personal serotonin dispenser 
-my girl carries a bat around with her and you best believe that she’ll strike someone who even looks at you wrong
-unfortunately, she acts on blind rage so she’ll probably just beat someone to death right in front of you
-hopefully you can get used to it, there’s probably nothing that can calm Aubrey down in the moment
-but once again, she wouldn’t hurt you, so there’s really no reason to freak out!
-Aubrey would definitely kidnap you, but only if she knew you would get over it eventually
-she’s wants you and would do anything to have you, but she also wants your love and devotion
-she’s also very cool with not kidnapping because while she would like you to devote every minute to her, she also likes showing you off to everyone
-if she were to go through all of the trouble and hard work of stalking and kidnapping you only for you to completely ignore and reject her, she wouldn’t be able to keep her cool!
-(she might even cry if you refuse to look at her)
-however, Aubrey is still very clever, so she’ll probably be able to prevent that from happening
-she will get stressed if you don’t seem interested at all, though
-everything that she does is for you, and she tries so hard for you
-so if you if you barely give her the time of day she’ll snap
-it’s honestly very easy to make Aubrey snap though
-she has anger issues and is definitely the jealous type
-it makes her completely livid when you spare your attention to someone else
-if you wanted to, you could probably get away with making her jealous if you just want feral Aubrey, but afterwards you need to give her your complete and undivided attention otherwise she’s going to burn the entire neighborhood down
-(on the note of burning the town down, i could imagine her daydreaming about you and her just kissing and holding each other while something completely destructive is happening in the background. it just seems like something that would give her butterflies)
-Aubrey will hover over you 24/7
-in some cases her clinginess is nice, but in most it’s just her smothering you
-on the plus side, you’ll never need to worry about getting hurt or ganged up on
-i can promise you that if any of her gang accidentally messes with you, you’ll never have to even see them again
-she wouldn’t care about the consequences, she no longer cares for anyone in her gang
-but even if she’s with her gang or not, if you’re getting hurt Aubrey will be the one to take them out
-she just cares about you so much, even if you are just getting mildly upset with someone Aubrey will get super worked up
-she loves that your guys’ new reputation is completely destroyed
-no one will come near the two of you, everything can finally be perfect
-it’s like her morbid fairytale ending is finally coming true
-Aubrey wouldn’t know what to do if you suddenly vanished
-she thinks about it a lot, especially since all her other friends left her
-when she thinks about it, she’ll understand why you did it
-she’s honestly kind of insecure and worried that you’ll turn around and completely forget about her
-but she knows she’s not the best, she knows that there are so many better options out there and that you leaving her is kind of inevitable
-unfortunately, if it were to happen in real life it would not go down that smooth
-but it’s fine, right?
-i mean, you would never leave Aubrey, so it’s not like she needs to even think about that
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[yandere Hero x reader]
-honestly,,,, like he gives me worshipper vibes
-he’s always complimenting you
- whether it’s you looks, talents, or personality, most words that come out of his mouth is just praise
-he just thinks you’re so perfect, he literally can’t imagine anything he doesn’t like about you
-like, with the smallest push in the world, he might actually consider you a deity of some kind
-he’d also probably wait on you hand and foot
-he’s always ready to serve you anyway he can
-if he’s able to, he’ll probably insist on carrying you around everywhere
-he’ll remind you every single day how much he loves you and he has to say it at least 3 times
-every opinion, thought, and feeling that you have, he’ll back you up completely
-Hero also gives me loyal dog vibes
-he follows you around, will do whatever you say, and his life basically revolves around you
-(mini imagine but i think Hero isn’t as involved with his family as a yandere Kel would be. he still loves his family, it’s possible for him to forget about them completely with enough of you in his life)
-Hero will pick up on your cravings or what you frequently want just so he can carry around a little bag for you
-he can cook and i can just imagine him keeping some snacks he personally poured his heart and soul into just for you to munch on
-he’d probably feed you it, too
-he imagines you guys as a loving married couple, to the point where he might accidentally call you his spouse or something
-he’ll get whatever you need, but he’ll feel super insecure if you ask for a store bought snack
-Hero just is super sensitive to everything you do, even if you don’t mean to do anything
-but i can also imagine Hero being super bashful or something
-it’s super easy to make him blush
-like just looking you in the eye makes his cheeks burn
-you get his heart racing from sitting next to him and no matter what you say he’ll always be happy by your side
-and whenever you compliment him, no matter how often you do it, it always catches him off guard
-it’s so unreal too him, even the thought of someone like you praising his heart beat fast
-i think Hero actually would daydream often
-he likes imagining typical romance clichés, like knight x princess or soulmates
-Hero is also protective of you
-i don’t know if he has the heart to kill, but he can do anything else that you want!
-honestly, he’d feel bad if you did want him to kill
-but i just don’t think he’s even a good fighter
-he would give a few good punches, though
-but at the end of the day, the best thing he can do is ramble and rant to you about how much he wants to protect you while holding you close for the whole day
-Hero would be an obsessive texter
-whenever you aren’t around he’ll keep trying to call you and the moment he gets even a little worried about you he’ll spam you with texts
-whenever he texts you, he’ll just do nothing but wait until you respond
-so if you normally leave people on delivered, try to get out of the habit
-since Hero is basically an adult, he’d try his best to get a place to live with you
-it’d be very difficult, considering he’s a college student, but i wasn’t lying when i said this man would do anything for you
-he couldn’t imagine spending the rest of his life with anyone else
-and he won’t have to, right darling?
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