#<- this guy is appreciating having Electricity
lunarmoves · 3 hours
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who i see, looking back at me (ch1)
pairing: sebastian solace x reader
mentions: post-urbanshade fic, no use of y/n or pronouns, u are his partner <3, hallucinations, grief/mourning, non-sexual intimacy, touch aversion, hurt/comfort, ooc sebastian probably, i took creative liberties with his mom and siblings, tentative reconnecting :), check masterlist for fic summary
a/n: this is something i decided to write after scouring ao3 and tumblr for anything like it and finding nothing. i was just- (thanos voice) "fine i'll do it myself." hope you guys enjoy! i cant believe im simping for a roblox fish man in the year 2024, literally who am i.
word count: 9.5k+
ao3 link
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When your husband was executed for a crime he did not commit, you decided to move out to the seaside. 
It was a way to just… get away from everything. Start fresh. His face was plastered all over the news after his death sentence. Everywhere you went, it felt as though people were staring at you. Judging you. Hushed whispers followed you just as much as the haunted look on Sebastian’s face when he’d taken his mugshot. It was—unbearable. You needed to get out and away from all the people who only saw you as the partner to a murderer.
His presence lingered everywhere, back at your tiny apartment in the city. From the framed pictures on the wall, to the green toothbrush next to yours, and the faint smell of cinnamon attached to your bedsheets. It was—overwhelming, in more ways than one. You itched and itched with the urge to get out. You stayed only as long as you needed to after his death to go through the process of moving out. It took a couple of weeks. The you from the future would applaud you for lasting longer than a few days, you were certain. 
You didn’t know what to do with all of his things. You sold his expensive belongings unclaimed by his family, like his laptop, electric guitar, and gaming system. The more materialistic items were packed into bins to donate to charity—his old textbooks, binders of sheet music, clothes he seldom wore. The rest you separated into two boxes. One had some things you figured would be appreciated by his mother. The album of his family he kept tucked away in his desk. A small teddy bear he’d had since he was a toddler. Some of his favorite shirts and jewelry he’d been gifted from his siblings. 
The other had things you could not bring yourself to part with. 
You spent a while hovered over that box, tracing the worn edges of a red and black flannel that he always wore around your apartment. There was a small panda plushie that you won at an amusement park on one of your dates and decided to give to him when he said it was ugly-looking. A sketchbook he doodled in from time to time that you didn’t have the heart to open, but knew you would regret giving away. A crumpled piece of paper with hastily scribbled vows on them. Each and every item in the box held some amount of sentimental value—you wondered if it would ever haunt you, keeping them. Part of you already knew the answer.
When you dropped off Sebastian’s things at his mother’s house, you couldn’t help the way your heart sank deep into your chest when she opened the door. Maria was a beautiful woman, and you saw traces of Sebastian in her every time you saw her. The warm honey of her skin, the crinkle of her blue eyes, even the way she smiled. It made your eyes sting and ache with something fierce. Agonizing, even now. Especially now.
She looked at you with a sad smile, gratefully accepting the small box you offered her. “Gracias, sweetie,” she said, hands tightening on the edges of the cardboard. “I appreciate you coming out all this way.” 
“It was no problem,” you told her, shifting slightly on your feet. You hadn’t seen her since—well… You cleared your throat, doing your best to ignore a pang of guilt and this ever so tightening feeling in your chest. “How are you doing?” 
She hummed, a weary thing that matched the dark circles under her eyes and the new streaks of gray in her hair. She looked down at the box. “No buena,” she murmured, “but who would after losing a child so wrongfully? I can only hope it gets better to handle with time.” Her gaze lifted up to meet your own. “What about you, hm? Almost done packing?” 
Blue eyes the same shade as his. You looked away, staring down at your shoes and her slippered feet. “Yeah,” you said quietly. “Just gotta put a few more boxes into the car.”
“I do not blame you for wanting to get away,” she chuckled. “I would too, if I could.”
As though on cue, there was the sound of a crash somewhere behind her, immediately followed by raised voices. Sebastian’s siblings causing havoc, no doubt. Maria whipped around to shout into her house. “Isidora! Lucas! ¡Comportarse!” After she got two distant apologies, she turned back to give you a look. “See what I mean?”
You could only manage a stiff nod, not quite trusting your voice. That feeling in your chest was growing by the second, and you were not sure how long you would last. Maria didn’t deserve this, but you couldn’t help it. You felt like you were being stifled under a large, unforgiving pillow.
You could feel the way she watched you—that same probing stare that Sebastian often wore when he could sense you weren’t feeling well. You continued to stare resolutely at the ground, not wanting her to crack you open like a book to see the way you just couldn’t stand being here right now. She sighed, and you had to suppress a wince.
“Well, don’t let me keep you,” she finally said, turning slightly to head back inside. “No seas un extraño, you hear? You are always welcome here.” 
“Right,” you whispered, and when you finally managed to pull your gaze back up to her face, she only gave you a small, melancholy smile before gently closing the door. You stood there for a moment more, heart beating in your throat as you cursed yourself for being a coward.
The drive down to the seaside was only a few hours. It was relaxing, in its own way, as you passed by concrete buildings that slowly melted away into wide, open fields. Rolling hills and staggering cliffs. You could almost taste the change in the air the closer you got. The stale, musty scent of the city was replaced by a fresh, salty breeze. If you listened close enough, you could hear the distant roar of the ocean as its waves crashed against rock. And once you arrived at what would be your new home for a long, long time, you took a moment to just stand outside and breathe. 
One breath in, one breath out. The seaside air felt cool on your heated face. Out here, you felt like everything could be put behind you. A breath of fresh air to chase away the way you hurt inside. You could finally shed the layer of muddled emotions and thoughts that had surrounded you for weeks. 
If only it was that easy. Still… Baby steps, you reminded yourself.
The cottage you were moving into was a quaint thing, with just enough space for you to live comfortably on your own. It was more than a steal, and you were thankful that you’d managed to snatch it up before anyone else could—and at a reasonable price, too. It sat near the top of a small cove, overlooking miles and miles of open water. If you walked down to the shore—away from the cove—there was a small dock that jutted out into the sea like a pirate’s plank. It was old, though, covered in mold and made of rotting wood that creaked ominously in the breeze. You didn’t dare risk venturing out on it. 
It took you most of the rest of the day to bring all your belongings inside and unpack everything. You stood in what would be your living room, a mess of boxes scattered all around you, and felt a mixture of emotions that you couldn’t make heads nor tails of. Your eyes landed on that small box of Sebastian’s things, and you turned away with this twisting sensation worsening in your gut. 
Getting properly settled in and starting your new job in the nearby town’s clinic took up most of your time. Your energy and thoughts. But at night, when it was just you laying in a too small bed in a too small room, your mind wandered. The moon peering through the small, curtained window into your bedroom bore witness to the way you stared and stared and stared—unblinking at the popcorn texture of the ceiling. Always twisting the gold band that remained on your finger in absentmindedness. 
There was a gnawing ache in your chest that waxed and waned, but it never truly disappeared.
You thought about those final days a lot. They didn’t let you see him. All you got was a single phone call, sometime before his scheduled execution. The contents of that call would follow you no matter how far you tried to run from them. How hard you tried to forget. 
(The phone felt locked in your grip—your fingers tight and stiff. There was a silence that was broken by your name spoken on the tailend of a choked breath. Your teeth clenched so hard you felt a muscle spasm in your jaw.
“I-I didn’t—” Sebastian’s voice stuttered thickly, hushed into the microphone. Something sank down to the soles of your feet, then continued on in an endless spiral. “I didn’t do it. I didn’t.” 
There was something so devastatingly helpless about talking to him like this. Divided across miles and miles, nothing but a thin connection between you and him. Your words his only comfort.
“I know, baby,” you told him miserably, raising a hand to palm at your wet eyes. “I know.”) 
You couldn’t even host a proper funeral for him. His body was never released to his family—for what reason, you were unsure. It felt as though you never had any proper closure. You could scream and cry about the injustice of it all, but… no one would listen. It was done. It was over. There was no getting him back. It was a grim thought that you grappled with on the daily, always present at the back of your mind. At the front of your mind. Suffocated you in gallons and gallons of grief. You did your best to work through it all over time, but sometimes it felt like your best just wasn’t enough.
And then… a couple of years after his death… you got a call. 
You were lounging around in your little living room after a long shift at work, a book splayed out on your lap as you relaxed. Your phone was sitting right by your legs, just out of sight. So when it buzzed with an incoming call, you did not bother to glance at the screen before you answered it.
It was Maria.
The tremble of her voice made you instantly freeze. 
You couldn’t understand what she was saying—so rushed and stifled through choked sobs. You sat up, both your hands gripping at your phone. 
“Maria— wh-what—” you stuttered out, a sinking feeling slowly making itself present in your gut. You stood up, barely registering your book falling off your lap and onto the floor. “What’s—” 
“They— they were wrong,” she hiccuped out, breathless and hysterical. “We knew they were and they— they—” 
“What are you—” You tried to make sense of her words, but she quickly dissolved into more incoherent crying. You swallowed thickly, a cold sweat erupting along your back.
It took you a few minutes to calm her down enough so that she could strangle out a “Check the news.” Your eyes snapped to the darkened television sitting against the wall across from you.
Your throat felt drier than a desert. The remote was wedged between the cushions on your couch, and you fumbled around for it before finally managing to press the power button. Channel twenty-one, the news. You punched it into the remote. 
There was a picture of Sebastian on the screen. His mugshot, actually—black hair messily scattered across honeyed skin, dark eyes that glistened in the dim lighting, thin lips downturned into an unsteady frown. A ringing sound erupted deep within your ears, drowning out all else as your gaze narrowed in on the bold headline. 
Innocent man wrongfully convicted for murder of nine. 
A short, disbelieving laugh escaped from your lips. This was how you found out? They didn’t bother to contact you first? You almost couldn’t believe it. Two years after he’d already been imprisoned. Two years after they’d decided he should die via electric chair. You laughed again, and your phone slipped right from your fingers as you dropped onto your knees. You barely felt the impact—barely heard Maria’s questioning sniffle above the racing of your heart.
You laughed and you laughed and you laughed and you laughed because wasn’t that just the funniest fucking thing? They found out the truth after what had been done to him could never be taken back. After you and his family had fought so desperately to prove his innocence. 
Funny! It was funny!
You bit at your bottom lip to suppress the way it violently quivered. 
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Years passed and you continued to live on without Sebastian.
You thought time would help you heal—would dull the ache you experienced at every waking moment of the day and night. But there were times where you just felt infinitely worse. It was awful. It was so utterly miserable, and you were tired. You were just… tired. You couldn’t think about him for too long before you’d feel that familiar sting to your eyes. So you tried not to think about him at all. 
It didn’t work. 
You were plagued by him. Awake or asleep—it did not matter. 
“You’re still up,” he murmured into your ear at night as you laid curled up on your side. Like this, you could face the window of your room—where the moonlight filtered gently through your thin curtains to brush against the walls like the hand of a ghost.
You hummed in response, face partially buried in your pillow. You tried in vain to ignore the presence you felt at your back. Making the hairs prickle on your nape. If you closed your eyes, you could almost feel light breaths against the side of your face. 
“You’ve got work in a few hours, you know,” he said, matter-of-fact. His voice lowered, gentle and calm. “What’s bothering you?” 
There was a pause. Distantly, you could hear the waves of the ocean as the tide rose and fell along the shore. A constant source of white noise. 
“Nothing,” you eventually whispered back, closing your eyes momentarily to breathe in the faint smell of cinnamon. “Nothing at all.”
It wasn’t real, you told yourself. Over and over and over again. He wasn’t real. He wasn’t.
He didn’t stop there. 
He sat across from you at your little dining table in the kitchen, grinning at you as you forked spoonfuls of pitiful dinner after dinner into your mouth. He was in the bathroom, sitting on the lid of the toilet as you showered or brushed your teeth. He was in the living room, sprawled across the floor in front of you as he gazed at you with his face propped atop his palm. 
He accompanied you to work, a pair of blue eyes staring at you in the rearview mirror of your car as you drove. He lingered over your shoulder as you pushed paperwork or chatted to other nurses. Close enough to touch, yet never crossing that line. Always present. Sometimes silent, sometimes not. You weren’t sure which was better.
He was haunting you, and you could do nothing about it. 
The only place where you seemed to have any kind of reprieve was down by the little cove or the shore. You liked taking walks along it—when the walls of your cottage seemed to loom too close for comfort. It was refreshing, being able to just… breathe in the sea air and take in the rolling waves from the sand. A healing balm for your enervated soul. It became a habit no matter the weather, every evening after work. Soaking in the sun, basking in the mist, watching dark clouds grow closer on the horizon. You were oftentimes alone, but occasionally you’d pass a few people also enjoying the fresh air. They never bothered you, so you never bothered them. 
Once you returned home, however, he would be waiting for you at the door—all warm smiles and crinkled eyes that made your insides ache like they never have before.
You contemplated going to grief counseling many times. But something held you back. You just… didn’t have the energy to pick yourself up and go. Didn’t want to come to proper terms with it all, you supposed. Or maybe you were desperately holding on—afraid of letting go completely when you could look in a mirror and see him standing somewhere behind you. It hurt. It soothed. It was a push and pull that you learned to deal with as time went on. 
You often caught yourself staring at the tiny closet in your room—where you’d buried that small box of Sebastian’s things so deeply, it would never see the light of day again. Most of the time, you could drag yourself away from it, pushing it to the back of your mind once more. But one night… you couldn’t help yourself. You caved. You just… needed to.
You pulled the box out from the depths of your closet and sat on the floor, eyeing it warily as you clutched a pair of scissors in your hand. It was just as you’d left it—flaps tightly sealed with packing tape. You hadn’t bothered to label it. You knew what was in there and that was enough. 
You took in a deep breath and stabbed the point of the scissors into the box’s top to pry it open. Then, you stared down at its insides. 
It simultaneously felt like you’d packed his things away in this box just yesterday and a hundred years ago. In any case, the tender ache at seeing it all still persisted.
The panda plushie, which you picked up gingerly and ran your fingers over its short fuzz before setting it off to your side. It used to sit on a shelf, back at your shared apartment, picked up only occasionally when he wanted to throw it at you to bother you. 
(“Sebastian!” you shouted, startled out of your focus on your book when that goddamn panda nailed you directly on your face. You glared at him, setting your book to the side to snatch up the plushie when he laughed hard enough that he doubled over. 
“Oh my god, your face!” he wheezed, swiping a finger under his eyes to wipe away an imaginary tear. “Come on, you didn’t see that coming? You’re losing your game here, babe.”
“Shut up, you ass! I was reading!” you fumed and stood up to pelt the plushie at him. It smacked him right on the arm, and he only laughed even harder.)
The sketchbook, rarely ever seen by your eyes because he was so protective over it. Abashed, more like, you came to realize a while ago. And for a good reason, you supposed, your lips twitching as you flipped open the thick cover. 
There were some landscape drawings at the start—places you recognized at your old university. The café near the library, the statue at the center of the main quad. A few students walking around or sitting outside on benches. Some components from his engineering projects—designs with their associated dimensions, fluid mechanics calculations, free-body diagrams. You saw a handful of drawings of Lucas and Isidora, either fighting or sleeping against each other—gaping mouths and all. 
And then… once you hit a certain point in the book, there were drawings of you. 
He’d been so embarrassed when you caught him sketching you one day, though he’d tried to play it off. It was before he’d asked you out, you remembered. You’d thought it was flattering—at least what you could glimpse on the open pages. He’d slammed the book shut pretty quickly once he’d realized you were peeking over his shoulder.
It wasn’t until years later that he’d finally let you flip through the sketchbook properly. 
Doodles of you sitting around campus, doing homework or looking at your phone. A sketch of you walking down the street or staring out a window. Upper body shots of you smiling, or laughing, or talking to one of your friends. The level of detail always blew you away—he managed to capture details about you that you never quite paid attention to yourself. The crinkle of your eyes or the pull of your lips. 
You gently brushed a finger over a rough doodle of you and him—sitting back-to-back as you did your respective work—then closed the sketchbook to set down next to your legs. 
Next was the crumpled, smudged paper of his vows—that you lingered over for a moment, reading it briefly with a small smile. 
There were the silly ones, where he promised to be the best pain in the ass you could ever ask for. To make fun of you for being shorter than him or annoy you to smithereens everyday because he loved the face you made when you were mad.
Then there were the sincere ones, promising to always love you unconditionally. To take care of you whenever you were sick, or encourage you to be the best version of yourself you could possibly be. To hold your hand whenever you were scared. To always be by your side, no matter what. 
You wiped at your eyes with your sleeve, sniffling slightly, and let the piece of paper flutter down to the ground.
And finally… you picked up the flannel. 
Even after all this time, the material was still soft in your hold. You squeezed it between your fingers, tracing over the lines where patches of black met patches of red. If you closed your eyes and imagined hard enough, you could almost feel a warmth coming from it—like it had just been shucked off a warm body. Raising it up to your face to take a deep breath, you could faintly smell that familiar cinnamon. A comfort. A heartache. 
“You know,” Sebastian started, and you lifted your gaze briefly to glance up at him standing a ways in front of you. “I’ve always liked how you looked in my clothes.” He wore a sharp grin that made his cheek dimple on his right. He winked down at you. “Always liked how you looked outta them too, but that’s neither here nor there. Go on, put it on.” 
You rolled your eyes, but found yourself complying anyway. You stood up and slipped the flannel over your arms, fixing it properly over your shirt. Closing your eyes, you wrapped your arms around yourself. 
You could almost imagine him embracing you. Something in your stomach twinged.
“There you go,” he whispered, a breath of air just barely out of reach in the fragile twilight of your room. “Just look at you.” 
You only smiled sadly at the ground and hugged yourself tighter.
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In recent years, the small dock by the shore was stripped down and built anew. 
You saw them doing construction from your cottage’s window when the project was first launched and spent many nights fantasizing about dipping your feet into the water from the dock’s edge. And once it was finally complete—after months and months of waiting and watching—you did just that. 
Your evenings were kept mostly the same with your walks along the shore or within the cove. But now you could trudge out onto the now sturdy dock and embrace the ocean in its entirety. You could let the tips of your shoes protrude off the far end of the dock as you breathed in and out. Salty air. The hint of rain in the distance. The spray of water against your face as the waves ebbed to and fro. It was refreshing. The perfect way to let the incessant buzz of your mind die down in preparation for a quiet night.  
The dock, from what you could see whenever you were at home, was mostly used during the bright hours of day. A couple of fishermen during the afternoon. Teens from the town who wanted to jump off and swim to the shore. Either way, by the time the hush of evening fell as people prepared for bed, the dock was empty and perfect for some alone time. 
It was nice, being able to sit down and soak your feet in the cool water when the weather was warmer. You liked watching the sun as it sank beneath the horizon, painting the sky in shades of burnt mandarin and dusty magenta. The last vestiges of gold light would make way for inky darkness that sparkled with hundreds and hundreds of stars. You were never able to appreciate the night sky in the city—so you took every chance you could to sit and stare up at it. Trying your best to identify constellations or just admiring it all until you got too cold to stay out for much longer. 
Sometimes you ate your dinner out on the dock while you chatted with Isidora or Maria on the phone. Sometimes you brought along a book or sketchpad. You missed listening to Sebastian strum away at his electric guitar at times—always filling your apartment with music—so you impulse bought a ukulele and sat by the sea plucking awkwardly at its strings. The dock became a place to pass time. It became a habit that you stuck to for many years. 
You were familiar with it all after spending evening after evening after evening out on its wooden platform. You could count the number of planks it was made of, the number of nails you could feel under your hands. You learned how to read the sea—when it hinted at an oncoming storm or calm night. In a way, it became a safe space for you, away from the stifling walls of your cottage. 
So naturally, when something disrupted it, you noticed almost immediately. 
You were sitting on the dock, half a sandwich on your lap that you’d scrounged up for a late dinner. Your feet idly swished through the water, cool against your heated skin. The dock was high enough that it only submerged your feet up to your ankles, but you did not mind.
You took another bite of your sandwich, then felt an odd prickling sensation on the back of your neck. Pausing, you noticed the hairs on your arms were standing straight up. It… felt like you were being watched. You glanced around—at the wide ocean before you, then the sandy shore behind you. There were a few stragglers in the distance, but they were far enough that you were sure they were not the cause for your sudden unease. 
You swallowed your bite and decided it was probably nothing. 
The following evening, however, it happened again. Then the next evening. And the next. 
Like clockwork, almost, every time you sat down on the dock to relax after your shifts at work. It did not matter what you were doing, or how late you were there. Even for how long. You would always feel that prickle along your nape, and it would not leave until you walked back down the dock to make your way home. Sometimes it followed you up until you shut the door to your cottage. 
You tried testing to see if you would still feel this way walking along the shore, or lounging on the sand of the cove. But even if you completely avoided the dock, you would still feel that familiar prickle of your hairs standing on end. It was… stupefying. You wondered if you were being paranoid. Or maybe you were losing it, just a little. 
“If it’s any consolation,” Sebastian said one night, watching you with half-lidded eyes as you both sat at your tiny kitchen table. “You might have already lost it, sweetheart.” He only grinned at you when you told him to shut up. 
After weeks of enduring this strange sensation, you decided it was best to just pretend it wasn’t there. You could ignore a little unease if it meant your routine would remain undisrupted. So you sat at the dock and minded your own business. Stared out at the rolling waves, read a book, laid back to stargaze. You were able to find peace again. 
Then, one night, you noticed something. 
It was by chance, really. You were staring out at the sea, watching as the waves crashed against an outcropping of rocks in the far distance. It was dark, the only lighting coming from the moon and the stars. It caused the waters to turn black—void-like, almost, if not for the gentle moonlight. Maybe that was what had ultimately allowed you to see it. 
There, just behind the rocks jutting up from the sea like a jagged line of teeth, was this teal glow above the water. 
It hugged along the wall of rock, barely visible from your vantage point. You paused and found yourself squinting at it, trying to make out what the hell it could possibly be. The moment you stared at it for a second too long, however, it ducked under the water before disappearing out of sight. 
You were confused, yes, but you brushed it off as some sort of reflection. Maybe even a marine animal or bioluminescent plant of sorts, though you weren’t sure what. 
You saw it again some nights later, this time just under the surface of the calm waters by the outcropping. It was oddly hypnotizing, in a way, even muted under the deep, navy waves. A constant presence, throughout the entirety of your time on the dock. You could even see it from your cottage window if you squinted. 
The underwater glow became another upset in your routine that puzzled you to no end. You tried to ignore it like you ignored the prickle along your nape, but it was almost impossible to do so when it was so blatantly present in the water. No matter where you looked, the glow always lingered in your periphery. And it wasn’t like it stayed in the same place either. Some nights, it stayed near the rocks. During others, it seemed to draw closer. Farther. Closer. Closer. Farther. 
Definitely not a plant, you concluded one night as you warily eyed the teal glow as it lingered several meters away. A trick of light? You cast a glance up at the vantablack sky dusted with twinkling white. But no, that would be impossible. It showed up no matter if the night sky was clear or cloudy. 
Maybe you were imagining it after being on your own for so long. You grimaced as you thought about your cottage and the inhabitant waiting for you to return to it. Him. As real as your mind could make him. 
In any case, the glow was not a priority. Not with the way the days cycled on—a twisting, gnawing feeling soon growing in your chest that you were well acquainted with by now. Though you wished desperately that you weren’t. 
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You woke up tired. 
Not atypical for you, by any means. But this was a different kind of tired—that lingered deep within your muscles and tissue, even your very soul. It made every single motion feel as though you were lugging along hundred pound weights. You were slow in getting out of bed for this reason, taking a few moments to blink wearily up at your ceiling and rub at your temples in a vain attempt to ease the headache you could feel trying to manifest. Already you were not off to a good start.
Steadily, you sat up and immediately spotted Sebastian looming in the far corner of your room. Smiling at you with his hands shoved into his pockets. He opened his mouth to say something, but you lifted up a hand to stop him. Your throat felt like it was lined with cotton.
“Not today,” you told him, voice barely over a whisper. You closed your eyes, then reopened them to give him a weary look. “Just… Not today.” 
He only closed his mouth and continued to smile at you.   
Once you picked yourself up and trudged over to your bathroom, you took a second to regard your reflection in the small mirror. Dark circles that lined the area under your eyes. A small wrinkle between your creased eyebrows. A dullness to your complexion and a hollowness to your cheeks. You rubbed an eye and sighed, a deep thing that didn’t make you feel any better. The day must go on, as much as you didn’t want it to. 
Your coworkers knew not to pester you too much once they saw you arrive at the clinic, so you were granted the relief of a somewhat quiet day. But that did not make things any easier for you—forcing you to be with the overwhelming spiral of your thoughts. You kept yourself busy with work around the clinic, but by the end of your shift, you somehow felt even worse than you had before. 
On the drive home, you stopped by a store to pick up a couple of groceries you needed. And once you returned home and unpacked everything into their proper places, you whipped up a quick dinner and spent some time sitting at your little table poking at it sluggishly. You weren’t all that hungry, despite only having some crackers and water earlier. Your stomach churned, your chest ached. You feared if you ate too much, you would just end up throwing it all up. 
It was quiet. You took your time to clean up and shower. Procrastinating, you registered faintly at the back of your mind. You slipped on some comfy clothes, then snagged Sebastian’s flannel that you’d never had the heart to pack away back into the box with the rest of his things. It hung on a hook on the back of your bedroom door, next to your towel. Forever a haunting presence in the corner of your world that you grew accustomed to with time. You slipped it on, the sleeves lolling past your hands.
Making your way back to the kitchen, you glanced out the window over your sink at the steadily approaching sunset. You’d gotten home slightly later than usual, but it was fine. You shuffled over to your fridge to grab a small, two-pack container of cupcakes and pried it open to take one out. You rummaged around in a nearby drawer for a few things, then slipped out your front door to make your way down to the dock.
It was a bit colder today, especially with the sun dipping closer down to the horizon to make way for night. You took a moment to stand at the edge of the dock and breathe. The fresh air helped, if only a little. The swell of the waves eased some of the tension lining your shoulders. You sat down, crossing your legs, and set the cupcake atop the small space in front of you. 
Leaning back onto your palms, you watched as dusk bled across the sky until it was overtaken completely by night. The moon painted the waves in a milky glow that highlighted their crests and shadowed their troughs. You could faintly register an ache behind your eyes that worsened bit by bit every time you blinked. You leaned forward and rubbed your cold hands along your upper arms before deciding it was time.
From your pockets, you pulled out a single candle and a lighter. You stuck the candle into the top of the cupcake, then—with a flick of your finger—used the lighter to set it aflame. The tiny, orange bud of fire flickered in the gentle wind and washed its soft glow along your hands and legs. Your wedding ring glinted in its light. You stuffed the lighter back into your pocket and sank into a slouch as you stared at the cupcake. 
Faintly, you could smell cinnamon. 
Deep breath in, deep breath out. Your eyes stung, unblinking as they were. You swallowed and it was like choking down a bucket full of thorns.
He would have been thirty-two today, you thought miserably to yourself as you stared and stared and stared. The fact settled over you like a particularly suffocating blanket. That fatigue you'd felt earlier came back full force, accompanied by a wrenching feeling in the pit of your gut.
Thirty-two. Your face felt hot and cold all at once. You rubbed at your cheek and your fingers came away wet. You exhaled a shuddering breath.
All those years of missed opportunities and moments. No waking up to his slumbering face or to his gentle kisses on your eyelids. No playful teasing or hugs that stole the breath right out of your lungs with how tightly he squeezed. No midnight dances in your little kitchen, swaying back and forth to an imaginary tune. No being loved by him. 
Your heart ached.
“Happy birthday, my love,” you whispered out into the still air, closing your eyes momentarily as your jaw trembled. “I miss you. So, so much.” 
You leaned forward and blew out the candle. 
Then, you buried your face in your palms. And you cried.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed there, hiccuping into your hands. It hurt, god, it hurt so much. It always did. You were sure even years down the line, you’d find yourself trapped in the same wallowing pit of despair. The pain dulled, yes, but ever so sharp and present when the time lined up perfectly—as much as you dreaded it. Your chest hurt with the way you suppressed your pain.
When you finally managed to pull the shaking pieces of yourself together, everything felt numb with cold. Your head was stuffy, your eyes were bleary. You sniffed and had to choke back another sob. It truly never got easier, even after all this time. You needed some painkillers and a long, long rest.
Sighing, you plucked the cold candle from the cupcake along with its paper wrapping to toss into your trash later. You stood up and hugged yourself, giving the lone dessert another long glance before turning on your heel to head back into the warmth of your cottage. Come morning, the birds will have eradicated all traces of the cupcake from the dock, as they tended to do.
As you walked, the back of your neck prickled all the way up to your door.
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In the following days, you noticed the teal glow you’d been seeing underwater was growing closer and closer—even moreso than it had been before. 
This would not have alarmed you too heavily—after all, it wasn’t like it hadn’t been going back and forth in terms of distance for a while—but it was getting to the point where it was only a few meters away. You could slip into the water and swim over easily, you mused, as you warily eyed the glow. Just in case, you decided to avoid sticking your feet into the water for now. 
You couldn’t kid yourself anymore. It was weird—really weird. Pair up the glow with the ever present prickle along your nape and Sebastian’s haunting presence at home, and you had a recipe spelling out… well… mental disaster. It was all you could do to hang on. There really wasn’t much you could do about it anyways, you figured. These days you were just too tired to care.
Currently, you were sitting cross-legged in your usual spot on the dock, aimlessly scrolling through your phone’s notifications as you enjoyed the night air. You had a couple of messages from Maria to respond to—you’d been trying to get better at maintaining contact with her every so often. It was a work in progress, but at least texts were easier for you to deal with than phone calls.  
You thumbed through the rest of your notifications. Lucas had sent you a meme around one in the morning last night that you’d missed. He was in his last year in university, you mulled. How time has flown. You remembered when he was still an annoying preteen, bugging Sebastian to use his no doubtfully expensive guitar. It was difficult to get Sebastian to ever part with it. The thought made you smile slightly to yourself, then you sobered upon remembering you’d had to sell it. In hindsight, Lucas’ guitar phase hadn’t lasted all too long—or maybe he hadn’t wanted something that reminded him of his older brother so much. Sweet memories turned sour after the execution. You sighed and sent him a meme back after liking the one he’d sent. Something about weird-looking cats. 
Oh, one of your coworkers wanted to grab dinner in a couple of days. Hmm. You checked your calendar, then sent off a response text in agreement. The distance you were from the nearby town was not large by any means, but it was enough that you rarely sought exchanges outside of work. You really needed to get out more. Most of your other interactions were online, especially after moving from the city and away from everyone and everything. It certainly was not doing you any favors. 
As you typed up a comment on one of your older friend’s social media posts, you noticed something. 
Just over the top of your phone screen—reflected in the dark water of the ocean. You paused and lowered your phone to stare at it. 
It was the teal glow, brighter and closer than it had ever been before. You eyed it for a moment, apprehension taking root in the pit of your stomach. But there was also this sense of tentative curiosity. You leaned forward just enough to peer down at it beyond the dock’s edge, submerged as it was beneath the gentle waves. It was almost underneath you, oddly hypnotizing as you tilted your head at it. You felt as though you could be sucked right into it, lulled into a trance as the glow encompassed all that you were. 
Brighter and brighter the glow grew. There was the distant thought in the back of your mind that maybe you should be more wary—maybe you should lean back or stand up to gain some distance. But all you could hear were your steady breaths, feel the way your grip tightened on your phone. Maybe you could see if what you were seeing was really an animal of sorts or just some figment of—
There was a head. Sticking out of the water.
You froze immediately, breath caught in your lungs. 
For a moment, you couldn’t process what exactly you were looking at. But then you realized you were staring at a gray-blue face framed by raven hair stuck to its sides. A rather large face, in fact, nowhere near the size of a regular human’s. A… mermaid? You weren’t entirely certain, and even then, there was a lot to unpack with this realization that you were in no way prepared to do. 
There was some sort of lure attached to the top of the creature’s head that drooped down into the water in front of it. Two—no, three, you noticed—eyes were trained intently in your direction, pupils indiscernible in a way that made it difficult to tell where precisely it was looking at. The back of your neck prickled.
Ah, you thought faintly as teal light gently washed across the nearly black surface of the water from the creature’s eyes. That’s what that was. 
You weren’t sure how long you and the… mermaid… stayed there, staring at each other, but eventually something had to give. You were just surprised it wasn’t you first.
The mermaid’s jaw seemed to tense. It regarded you with an unreadable gaze that you could feel flicking over your face. Then, it parted thin lips to say a quiet “Hey.” 
It was like getting punched in the gut—harsh and utterly unforgiving. 
It sounded— It sounded just like Sebastian. Raspier, maybe. A little lower in timbre. But unequivocally him. It was unmistakable—his voice so deeply cemented into your mind when you lived day by day listening to him speak over your shoulder. You felt like you couldn’t move a muscle, couldn’t force the air you so desperately needed into your lungs. 
He seemed to take in your silence, appraising you for a moment before speaking again. 
“I know this has gotta be… weird as shit…” he said slowly, voice stiff and slightly stilted. “But I”—he swallowed thickly—“I can explain.” 
You weren’t sure what expression you were making, but you saw the way the skin above his eyes seemed to crease together. You wanted to force yourself to spit out something, anything, but you could not hear yourself think over the rapid ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump of your heart in your ears. The vice-like grip on your insides with how much this mermaid sounded like Sebastian. How it made you hurt. How it made you ache. 
What the hell was going on right now?
“You—” you eventually choked out, your eyes taking in what was before you. A membranous fin at the side of his head flicked slightly at the sound of your voice. “You— I—”
He said your name quietly, and it was like another vicious twist of your gut. The sounds of the sea became white noise, distant and weak. “It’s me. Sebastian. You know? Love of your life?” His face scrunched up, sharp mouth turning into a strained grin as he stared at you with wide, imploring eyes. “Come on babe, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already?” 
Just like him. He talked just like him.
But that couldn’t be right. That couldn’t be right. He was dead. He was—
Something suddenly clicked in the far recesses of your mind. 
“Ah.” The syllable dropped from your lips like a rock from a high place. You slumped like you’d been cut from a few taut strings struggling to hold you up. “I get it now.” You exhaled deeply, willing yourself to gain control of your mind and your heart. You knew exactly what was going on here. 
No need to panic. You were in control.
“...Do you really?” he asked warily after a minute or two. You ignored him to focus on yourself.
Deep breath in, deep breath out. You released the tight hold you had on your phone—line etched into your palm from the pressure—and shoved it into your pocket so you could lift your hands up to rub at your temples. 
You were tired. Of this, of everything. 
“I thought this was supposed to be a safe space,” you grumbled under your breath, your eyes closing in a vain attempt to stave off the building headache you were experiencing. “You had to follow me out here too?” 
Sebastian made a sound—a questioning, confused little thing that made you open your eyes to gaze down at him. He looked hurt, almost. “I— What?” 
Your hands dropped from your temples, and you leaned back onto your palms so you could look out at the calm sea. A few clouds passed over the moon from above, temporarily casting a shadow over you and him. You eyed him after a moment of letting yourself relax from the previous adrenaline spike.  
“You’ve never looked like this before,” you eventually mused as your eyes traced over the shadowed line of his nonexistent nose. The way his skin glistened in the dim lighting. “Did something change from yesterday?” You didn’t think you were capable of imagining him like this. Inhuman. No honeyed skin or rough scar bridging his nose. You wondered why it was happening now, of all times. If maybe it was the result of staying by the sea for so long, alone to deal with everything that had happened.
He opened his mouth as though to respond. But then he closed it and just… stared at you. Observing you. Analyzing you for something you were not privy to. A probing gaze that made something under your skin itch. You watched him back, then found you could not hold his gaze for much longer. You looked away and cleared your throat. 
“I’m thinking pasta for dinner,” you remarked casually to fill the silence, eyes shifting skywards in thought. “The alfredo we made last week was pretty good. I got the sauce on sale at the grocery store.” 
Another pause. Another moment where your skin prickled with the sensation of being picked apart, piece by piece.
And when he spoke, his voice was barely over a murmur—a grim realization to his tone. “You… You’ve really lost it after all this time, huh?” 
You made a sound somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. “Don’t be mean. I’m— well…” You gave him a smile, something melancholy lining your lips. “Doing just fine.” The words were bitter across your tongue. He only gave you a look like he didn’t quite believe you, something indecipherable in his gaze. 
“Right,” he snorted. “Like I’m gonna believe that after whatever the hell you just said.” A hand lifted from the water to gesture at you, gray-blue just like his face. 
Rolling your eyes, you shifted on your feet and stood up, brushing off your pants as you shoved your hands into your pockets. You hadn’t realized, but there was this twinge building in your stomach with every minute that ticked by. You needed to sleep this off… whatever this was. You sighed, long and weary. “I should not be entertaining you.” But it was so hard to resist—has been, for years now. 
“I can’t believe this is happening,” Sebastian muttered to himself, pinching at the bridge of his nonexistent nose with two large fingers. When you only raised an eyebrow at him and took a step in the direction of your cottage, intending to head back to get started on dinner, he lurched forwards in the water. “Wait. Where are you going? Y-You’re leaving?” 
You didn’t intend on answering him, so accustomed to ignoring him in your cottage whenever he spoke into the air. But when this Sebastian snapped out your name in a warning tone, you gave him a look. “I’m not leaving, silly. I’ll see you inside, won’t I?” 
“God, do you even hear yourself right now?” he rasped out, voice betraying a certain incredulity as he lifted himself up in the water just enough that you could see what looked like a waterlogged scarf wrapped loosely around his neck. That couldn’t be comfortable. “Listen to me. I’m here. I’m real.”
Real, huh? 
You closed your eyes and thought about a figure standing in the corner of your living room, watching you with a small grin. You thought about the endless nights of him standing near your bed or hovering just beyond your shoulder, whispering at you to close your eyes and sleep. You thought about a lot. You thought about nothing.  
And so you hummed, a distant thing that you did not quite register as you started to turn away, unwilling as you were to continue this. But before you could make it even a couple of steps back down the dock, Sebastian made a noise—ragged and disbelieving. There was the sound of rushing water directly behind you. The roar of a small waterfall, almost. It made you turn back and blink in surprise as your head craned back.
The wood beneath you creaked and groaned in an ominous manner. 
“We are not done talking,” Sebastian growled as he loomed over you. Like this, you could take him in his entirety—from the brown jacket covering his torso that was dark with seawater, to the three arms he had that held himself up atop the dock’s surface. The shirt he had on was translucent enough to appear gray in color. If you looked close enough at the sliver of his unclothed body before it disappeared beneath the dock’s edge, you could just barely make out the shine of scales. 
This was—like nothing you have ever seen before.
Your lips parted when a drop of water landed on your cheek, startling you for a moment. A glance up at the sky showed clear skies above you. Maybe you’d imagined it. You shook your head slightly and focused back on Sebastian.
Water continued to run down his body, each drop soaking into the wooden planks of the dock, before it eventually eased into a trickle.  
“What is there to talk about?” you asked lightly after contemplating his words. 
His grip tightened on the dock, enough that you could almost hear something splinter. “Much, in case you were not aware.” He surveyed your open face with narrowed eyes, a soft teal glow dusting across your features. It was like you were being held open like a book, all of your innards exposed for him to analyze. You weren’t sure what he found there, but it made him suddenly soften like butter atop a warm stove. 
“I just…” He sighed, something long-suffering that came from deep within his chest. “This wasn’t how I’d imagined things would go, believe it or not.” 
You cocked your head at him and watched him slouch from his rigid position. Still dripping water. Still with that raven hair plastered to his face. There was a sort of exhaustion to him that you’d never noticed before. It made something pang in your chest—caused you to clench your hands into fists in a vain attempt to focus on anything else. 
There was the pungent smell of fish, raw and metallic.
Not real. This was not real.
Sebastian shifted, and the hand attached to his torso—smaller in size and covered sloppily in stained bandages—raised as though it was going to reach towards you. Your heart nearly skipped a beat at the motion. But then he stopped, staring down at his palm. Big and gray and consisting of four thick fingers with sharp ends. There was the glint of something gold around his fourth finger. Your own hand twitched inside your pocket. 
Always just out of reach. Never crossing a line. 
His hand clenched into a fist, and he lowered it back to the dock with a quiet thud.
He said your name. “I know this is difficult to hear, but… It’s me,” he whispered, voice strained like it was on the precipice of breaking. “It’s really, really me.” 
You swallowed heavily, feeling as though the world was unraveling by the seams beneath your feet. 
This was not him. It couldn’t be. 
Why would you ever imagine him like this? 
“No, it’s not,” you eventually said bitterly, breaking eye contact so you could glance back at your cottage. You closed your eyes, then reopened them as you turned your back to him. And when you spoke again, your voice teetered like you were one step away from falling into a never ending pit. “You’re dead.” 
And then you walked away.
Each step you took felt like eternity, something heavy weighing you down. He called out your name. First so quietly you almost didn’t hear it, a tinge of something fragile to it. Then again with frustration lining his voice—louder and aggrieved. There was a sharp crack of something behind you, but you were determined in your march back home. 
Deep breath in, deep breath out. Your jaw clenched to suppress the tremble you could feel working its way throughout your body. You refused to look behind you, and you succeeded right up until you stood before the door to your cottage. With one hand on the metal knob, you twisted around to look back at the shore—the dock you could see a ways behind you. 
It was vacant, not a soul in sight. 
Your lips pursed together, and you opened the door to slip inside with a heavy, grim feeling taking root in your stomach. 
Sebastian was waiting for you already, sprawled atop your couch as he grinned at you wide enough that you saw each and every one of his white teeth. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he said amusedly, one of his hands raking through the wavy mess of hair on his head. His voice lowered, gentle and sincere. “Maybe take a break from the dock, yeah?”
You only slowly shook your head and moved past him, suddenly feeling queasy and lightheaded and so frazzled that you couldn’t bear being awake for much longer.
Your thoughts lingered on the shore. Teal eyes and the sound of breaking wood that felt so real in that instance. You forced yourself to breathe.
It was fine. It was fine. 
You would deal with it as you always have.
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part two
32 notes · View notes
candycryptids · 4 months
Oh…. The joy of just… listening to music w/o being in airplane mode. Reading webcomics and lookin at peoples funny lil guys…. Decadence.
9 notes · View notes
omgeto · 1 year
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summary: when watching a scary movie with your two best friends, you cant help but hold onto them tight every time you get jumpscared. but as the night goes on and your fingers roam... wait, what movie were you watching again?
wc: 3.3k (its alll smut guys so give me a medal)
cw: double penetration, praising, slight degradation, gojo and geto bickering, fingering, dirty talk (?) and some fun loving you're their pretty little princess. afab!reader, MDNI
an: guys look I finally posted a fic for kinktober, yay me, I hope you like it since Id say the smut on this one hits different sooo give it a chance. also only big brains will understand the fic title.
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your best friends, gojo and geto always have a way of making you feel right at home, especially when you find yourself in your favourite spot on the couch – sandwiched between them. geto's embrace is a gentle yet possessive one, his arms wrapped around you in a tender hold that radiates warmth, his fingers lazily tracing patterns on your lower back.
to your side, gojo's long limbs seamlessly entwine with yours. your legs stretch over to meet him, creating an intimate tangle of limbs. his fingers trail leisurely up and down your thighs, their teasing caresses sending delightful shivers through your body. it's a familiar and electric sensation that's become an unspoken language among the three of you—one that hasn’t fully been enacted upon… yet.
"i don't know why you insist we watch this movie every year," geto complains, his gaze locked onto his b est friend, a playful frustration in his tone. "you're so predictable."
"oh, don't be a bore," gojo retorts, matching geto's glare before shifting his attention down to you. his voice is laced with mischief as he speaks to you. "you find it fun, don't you?" 
“what? do i like crappy slashers from the 80s with big titted damsels running from a shitly costumed killer?” you deadpan, your sarcasm evident. you could feel the vibration from geto as he lowly chuckles. gojo’s face forms a pout that prompts you to quickly add, “but i love them.”
gojo’s pout transforms into a triumphant grin as your admission earns you a playful nudge from him. “that’s my girl,” he exclaims, giving your thigh an excited rub as he turns on the movie.
geto, still chuckling softly, leans in closer. “well, i suppose if toru enjoys it, we can endure it one more time.” his words carry a hint of tenderness, his arm around you tightening ever so slightly, puling you closer into his embrace.                                                                            
you watch the movie in a comfortable silence, the only noise coming from the tv and gojo's oddly placed screams that you've come to expect every year. his over-the-top reactions to jump scares and gruesome scenes never fail to amuse you, and it's a source of endless entertainment for both you and geto.
geto, on the other hand, watches the movie with a more stoic expression, occasionally shaking his head at the implausible plot twists and unrealistic gore. His hand continues to rest on your thigh, his fingers now tracing soothing patterns as if to counterbalance the tension on the screen.
as the movie progresses, you notice how both gojo and geto steal glances at you when they think you're not looking, as their innocent touches progress into heavy petting. but there's a moment where you all pause, their movements stop, and you all look at each other as the loud sounds of exaggerated moans blare from the screen.
“i always forget this scene is in there,” gojo lies, with a snicker, an appreciative smile forming on his face as he watches the scene.gojo's arm remains draped around your shoulders, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on your arm, while geto's touch has grown increasingly intimate, his hand resting on your hip, his thumb making slow, deliberate circles.
“oh don’t bullshit satoru,” geto accuses, taking his hand off of you for a second to send a jab into gojo’s side, “i know you’re getting off on watching this ditzy blonde getting laid.”
“not true,” gojo retorts childishly, “i think there’s better sights to get off on, isn’t that right?” he finishes casting his eyes, not so subtly, over to you.
“well i can’t lie and say the sights aren’t… appealing,” geto grins his hands coming back on you, toying with the hem of your shirt.
“you two are such guys,” you laugh, trying to remain nonchalant even though on the inside the pace of your heart was quickening, and every touch of their fingers sends jolts straight to your core. “you’re focusing on the wrong things here.”
“and what should we be focusing on here?” geto murmurs at you, you couldn’t see his face but you knew a smirk was plastered across it. his challenge hangs in the air as you pause, hesitating as you scan the room, your eyes meeting gojo’s trying to gauge if they are thinking what you are. geto can sense your hesitation as he feels your breathing still as you lean against him, so he pulls his finger under your chin turning your head to face him. “let us focus on you, come here.”
you lean in, his lips enclosing on yours in a deep kiss, you turn your body almost straddling him so you could get better access. his tongue enters your mouth, as his hands work down your body, and as the kiss intensifies, you’re aware of gojo’s gaze on you. you extend an inviting hand toward him, flashing him a smile as you pull away from geto and set your lips on your other friend.
gojo groans as your lips work with his, and his hands go straight into his pants, fisting his dick that has been hard all night just at the sight of you. geto cascades kisses down your neck as he starts to pull your shirt up off of you, you gasp at the feeling of both of their hands and lips all over you.
“h-how long have you two been planning this one then, huh?” you grin, a laugh escaping through your moans, as you let geto get rid of your shirt, assisting gojo with taking off your pants. 
“how long have we known you?” geto responds rhetorically, and gojo nod in agreement, as they both take off their jogging bottoms, leaving you all sitting on the couch in your underwear. there is no more hesitation, or uncertainty between you three—you all know exactly what you want.
“so who gets to have me first?” you joke, your eyes darting between the two of them, their lustful eyes are unmistakable as they stare at your body, their dicks straining against their boxers ready to be suffocated by your tight pussy.
“i get to!” gojo sputters out quickly, but he’s not as swift as geto who’s already pulled you back onto him, his fingers pushing into you without any warning. your mouth parts, as you let out a whine, as his long digits give your pussy fast, relentless strokes, he adds another finger, smirking as your body buckles against his. “hey no fair!” gojo pouts, side eyeing geto, but he can’t help biting his lip as he hears your cunt squelch everytime his best friend shoves his fingers into it.
“don’t worry, ‘toru,” geto reassures, his fingers curling up into you before he pulls it out swiftly, spreading your pussy apart and giving gojo a knowing look, “there’s room for the both of us.”
gojo eagerly drives his fingers into you from behind, his body pressing against yours as he charges your fingers into you. your moans increase as you feel a flurry of digits explore your pussy, gojo’s hand grips on his shoulder and geto hand holds your waist as they both tug your body back and forth in an attempt to get you closer to them.
“s-shit” you cry out, as you clench around their fingers, trying to keep them inside of you. you grind down against both of their fingers, your whimpers encouraging them to twist and push their fingers deeper into you.
“you see how much of a mess she gets for us?” geto asks gojo with a low chuckle, and gojo nods, smiling as the wetness of your pussy allows for his fingers to slide into you with ease, “press down on her clit. hard.”
“don’t tell me what to do,” gojo mutters, but he does it anyway. his thumb going straight to your clit, pushing down on it, smirking as you groan your back arching right into him. 
“see i told you,” geto chimes, laughing as gojo glares at him. geto’s focus shifts to you, as he pulls his fingers out of you, bringing them to your mouth, he holds your chin, placing his thumb on your bottom lip as he raises his eyebrows at you for permission. you nod lazily, opening your mouth, accepting two of his fingers —which are drenched in your juices. “‘toru, you gonna finish her off for me.”
gojo smirks, his fingers working in overdrive, as he adds another digit inside of you and you could feel yourself about to release. geto can tell you're close from the way you bite down on his fingers. “you close? you gonna cum on satoru’s fingers as you taste yourself?”
you couldn’t even respond, as your cum sprays all over gojo’s fingers and geto’s stomach. the boys both smirk at each other, as they hear your high pitched moans and see heaps of your cum spilling out of your pussy running down your thighs. gojo is in awe, his fingers still remain in you and he pushes them up lazily, trying to keep you plugged with your cum. you relax onto his fingers, letting him do as he pleases, as you try and catch your breath your body slumping onto geto’s.
“you did so well,” geto praises in his air, lifting up your head off your chest, pecking your lips softly. “you took both of our fingers letting us stretch your tight pussy, it felt good didn’t it?” 
“y-yeah it felt so good sugu,” you sigh, turning your head to face gojo, as you pull him closer into you, “you both felt so good.”
“you wanna let us stuff you further?” gojo questions eagerly, his hard dick resting on your ass, as rocks against you.
“satoru,” geto reprimands, shaking his head at his friends over excitement. but gojo shoots him a look shrugging as he presses his face into the crook of your neck, practically inhaling you.
“but suguru, she wants us both to stuff her,” he argues, as fingers already go back to your sobbing cunt. “you want that dont you?” he whispers, directly in your ear, slowly coaxing your pussy with soft strokes as he murmurs in your ear. “you want me and sugu to shove our dicks right up your pussy, together.”
“i don’t know if i can…” you hesitate, your voice faltering, but you pull your lip between your teeth, closing your eyes as you think about taking both of them.
“c’mon pretty girl,” geto persuades you, forcing you to open your eyes and look at the teasing smirk on your face, “don’t think we don’t know how slutty you can be. you know your greedy little cunt take both of us with ease, and you want it to, don't you?” you nod your head slowly in agreement, but geto shakes his, “no, we need to hear you say it. use your words. tell us what you want.”
“i want your dicks to stuff my pussy,” you admit, feeling your confidence grow as the smirk on geto’s face widens and you can hear gojo lowly growl in your ear. “i need it.”
“well we have to give our girl what she wants, right sugu?” gojo taunts, pulling you off of gojo and onto his lap, his dick slaps against your pussy. “suguru got to see your pretty face, before, so this time you’re all mine, okay?” gojo says to you, and you could hear geto kiss his teeth, but he obliges letting gojo have his way this time. 
“you ready for me?” gojo asks, waiting for your approval as he lifts you up slightly over his dick, he even looks over to geto he leans back against the couch, with his dick in his hand. you don’t even answer gojo, sliding down onto gojo as you moan together.
geto fists his dick at the sight, “go on satoru, fuck her,” he orders, his strokes increasing as he watches as gojo begin to thrust into you. your hands press down on gojo’s shoulder’s as you start to bounce on him, you lean forward whining straight in his ear, causing him fuck you harder.
gojo plays with your bra strap, pulling it and letting it release against your shoulder, “i don’t know why you’ve still got this on,” he complains, as brings his hands to the clasp of your bra, undoing it. your tits bounce as he pulls off your bra, and both boys smile at the sight. gojo’s fingers pull against both of your nipples, twisting and pulling at them causing you to cry at every tug. “so sensitive,” he mutters to himself, touching your tits inquisitively as he continues to toy with them, loving how with every touch your cries grow louder.
“it’s crazy how we stretched you so well earlier, but your pussy is still tight as fuck,” gojo comments, his words punctuated with every thrust. “i had all my fingers inside of you already, but your cock hungry cunt just can’t seem to get enough.”
“is he fucking you good?” geto calls, feeling himself about to cum, as he rubs against his dick hard. you look over to him and smile, nodding quickly as you wrap your hands around gojos neck, clinging to him as his dick drives into you. geto stands up, coming up behind you pressing a kiss on your neck, “you need me to help get you off?”
“she doesn’t need anything from you, i’m doing just fine,” gojo mumbles, but he lets you slightly raise up off of his dick and he smirks as he feels geto join him, geto’s dick presses against gojo in excitement as they wait in anticipation for you to enclose them with your pussy. 
“don’t be nervous,” geto coos from behind you, nipping at your ear. you look at gojo and he gives you an encouraging nod, and you slide back down onto them hissing in slight pain as you feel them both enter you. “it’s okay pretty, you’re doing so so well,” geto continues to reassure you, pressing soothing kisses down your neck, his lips sucking at your flesh. you all pause as you fully take them both in, and you feel the pain subside smiling at gojo giving him permission to move. 
geto follows suit, and you all move in tandem, fucking against each other. gojo places his hands on your ass, pushing your cheeks in pace with his movements whereas geto’s hands cup your tits, holding them firmly as he spreads his fingers over your nipples, rolling them.
“fu-fuck you two are too big, you can’t” you whine, clawing against gojo’s chest. they were both drilling into you relentlessly, you couldn’t catch your breath as every second you were being double stuffed with dick. tears spring to your eyes, as you cry out in pleasure, grinding down against them trying to get as much as them as possible. 
“if only you could see how slutty our girl looks,” gojo says to geto, as he watches your head fall back, another moan escaping your lips. “her eyes are all glossed over, she’s fucking crying, all slutted out on our dicks right now.”
“is that so?” geto mutters, he forces himself into you deeper, his back hitching up against yours, his clench on your tits tightening as he inches himself in your pussy, his hips slapping against you. “she’s such a good slut, i knew she’d be able to take us well, and look she’s loving it, already creaming all over us, isn’t that baby?”
you nod, your hand coming up to hold geto’s head as he nestles into your neck. you were losing your train of thought, you wanted to tell them how good they felt, how their dicks rubbing against each other in you was all you needed for the rest of you life, but when you open your mouth all that can leave your lips is incoherent words and moans. 
both of them smile, watching as you come undone on their dicks. gojo gives geto a nod, and their hands trade places. gojos fingers coming back to your tits, rubbing and pushing them apart before lowering his head to your chest, nuzzling your boobs. gojo and geto were so close that some things between them didn’t need to be spoken, and they were so close to you that they knew your body in and out. they knew when to push and pull, and where to suck just to get you cumming their lap.
“i’m s-so close, i’m gonna cu—” you try and speak out, but your mind is too far gone for you to finish. their dicks slip out of you as your bounces become sloppy, the pleasure too much for you but geto forces you back muttering reassurance in your neck. and the sudden contact causes you to cum, you release all over both them, but they don’t stop their movements, their dicks driving into you still, pushing back in all the cum you were letting out.
“satoru, we gonna give our girl one final stuffing?” geto prompts, and gojo nods, they both give you one final push and you could feel your pussy stretch as their cum sprays your walls. you wail out, the tears streaming your face as your body jerks forward, feeling their dicks go limp inside of you as you all pant in pleasure.
“that was fucking amazing,” gojo praises, a blissful smile on his face as he leans back his head resting on his arms. you return his smile, your lips meeting his in a quick kiss, that he groans at as you pull away. you come off his dick slowly, all of your eyes staring at the ropes of cum that immediately spill out of your pussy as he unplugs you. 
geto turns your head to face him, his dick still lodged deeply inside of you, he pulls you into a long kiss, his mouth smothering yours. he pulls your bottom lip between his teeth, roughly biting down on it before releasing you, his hand cupping your chin, forcing you to stare up at him “you’re mine, my pretty slutty mess.”
“um she’s ours,” gojo chimes in, but geto shrugs, not caring to listen to your other friend. geto, finally pulls you off his dick, and your pussy clenches around nothing, already missing the feeling of their dicks.
“you too always know to take good care of me,” you exhale, exhausted your pussy sore about being stretched open by the two of them. geto pulls you back into his original hold, leaning back against his chest, and your legs stretch over gojo’s lap. but this time instead of innocent gentle touches, geto’s hands lazily tug at your nipples, and gojo caresses your naked thighs, his fingers flicking at your clit every now and again.
“that’s what friends are for,” geto muses, pressing his lips against your cheek before saying, “now satoru, are you gonna press play on this shitty movie or what?”
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AN: ight so there you have it my FIRST FIC of kinktober, what do you guys think I need to hear all your thoughts since Ooooof this took me so long to write. so I hope it is worth it. also if you see my bias towards geto during this then LOOK AWAY, im sorry gojo stans but im a geto lover foreverrr. but yeahhh lmk ur thoughts stay tuned for my other kink tober fics which WILL be on time I promise smooches.
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deebris · 3 months
From annoying to beloved
Homelander x fem!Reader
Synopsis: The new member of the Seven annoys Captain Patria with their habit of doodling in the corners all the time, but he didn't expect to end up liking it.
During the fourth season, it can be read as both romantic and platonic.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of murder, the reader has the power to control plasma, fluffy.
The reader is also kind of anxious.
Word count: 2.9k
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"You gotta be fucking kidding with me." Homelander interrupted abruptly upon hearing snores in the room. "Is Noir sleeping?"
"Mmhmm," Firecracker murmured in agreement, but the masked superhero jolted awake when The Deep kicked his chair.
"Oh, shit! Sorry, guys." Black Noir straightened up, while the Captain shook his head in disbelief, unable to fathom what he had just witnessed.
"Ah, what the fuck." The blonde furrowed his brows, eyes darting around the room quickly, then fixing on a specific point when something else caught his attention. He had noticed you earlier with a notebook and pencil, but now you're not writing but drawing. The irritating sound of the graphite scraping against the paper had been bothering him for some time, but he had tried to ignore it, assuming as a newcomer you were taking notes.
He wouldn't lie. Though he found taking notes utterly stupid, he liked to think someone was that focused on what he said. Not that he needed it, just opening his lips and everyone would be watching him. But as if that weren't enough, he finally realized you were dressed in regular civilian clothes.
"Radiance, where's your suit?" He asked slowly, but angrily. "Can't anyone do anything right around here?"
You finally tore your attention from the paper, meeting Homelander gaze directly. It's not that you weren't paying attention—in fact, you were, maybe more than anyone else there. It was easier to absorb things while doodling, a way to calm your nerves. Well, that or rubbing your sweaty fingers together until they hurt.
No one ever understood. Even back in school, your parents used to receive complaints about you drawing during class, no matter how high your grades were or the fact that you were the top student.
This was your first meeting with the Seven, and the last thing you wanted was to give the impression of being careless or not caring about being there. It could be said that one of the best days of your life was yesterday when Vought sent you a notice, letting you know that the greatest superhero of all had personally chosen you to join the team. After so many "retarded" - in his words - he had been forced to accept into the Seven, Homelander saw in you, above all, the opportunity to make up for Firecracker's ridiculous weakness.
When Ashley began talking about your powers, he had no doubt the last spot was yours. It was simply brilliant. Who the hell would have imagined someone would have powers to control a state of matter? You could maneuver fire, generate electrical discharges, disrupt magnetic fields, and damn it, you could split atoms as if slicing butter.
Vought's scientists said they didn't know if it was possible, but you could destroy the damn out of a star one day. Homelander wasn't a science guy, but in one of his moments of boredom, he got curious and did some research. He didn't even know that plasma crap was all that, he thought it was a cell thing or whatever.
He always thought someone with a power as peculiar as yours, and at your age, would be arrogant or just plain dumb. But you were actually the complete opposite. You didn't speak unnecessarily, and while you seemed very aware of your own actions, you had no clue how powerful you were, or perhaps ignored that fact. The blonde thought you were an idiot for it, but he appreciated the inferiority you submitted to, especially in relation to himself.
"I don't have one, sir," you replied to his question, feeling small with everyone looking.
"What the hell?" He continued, focusing on you with incredulous voice, he couldn't believe it. How did someone end up here without even having a superhero suit?
The truth was, you had never been part of any team before, nor had you received any sponsorship during your life, or even attended Godolkin University. The only thing you had were your powers, which were indeed impressive. You never chased after any position, nor were you ever obsessed with being a famous superheroine, but lately you thought it would be a good adventure to radicalize your life. That's when you applied to join the Seven.
"How do you have a name and not have a fucking suit?" He asked, boiling with anger, fists clenching tightly behind his back.
"They gave me a name when I filled out the application," you answered honestly. That day, after they chose to call you Radiance, a random and easily commercial name, you couldn't complain much and didn't want to bother, so you left it at that.
"You'll be introduced as an official member of the Seven tomorrow, how do you not have a suit?" He took his hands off his back, moving them as he spoke to express his confusion, and for a few moments you followed it movement like a child who can't keep their attention on anything for long. "Who's handling your marketing?"
You couldn't answer, so you stayed silent and no one else dared to say a word either. You had no idea who was handling your marketing, not knowing you should even have that. You glanced quickly around the table, perhaps seeking some kind of help for the situation, but everyone looked down when they realized you were staring at them. They were enjoying themselves, and that made you exhale through your nose in embarrassment.
"You know what? Fuck it, doesn't matter." Homelander brought his fingers to his furrowed forehead, letting out a loud sigh as he calmed down. "Just... don't show up like this in public until someone gives you a suit."
"Yes, sir," you replied tensely, relieved that he had resolved the matter.
Sister Sage widened her eyes in relief when she finally saw the superhero sitting beside her. She opened her mouth to begin speaking, as she had intended from the beginning, but when some sound was about to come out of her mouth, Homelander spoke to you again, this time pointing an accusatory finger at you:
"And stop drawing, damn it," he ordered, causing you to slowly drop the pencil on the table, as if caught doing something wrong with the weapon of the crime in hand. You stared at your lap throughout the entire meeting, embarrassed for messing everything up on your first day.
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When the meeting ended, you followed most people out of the room, but stopped nearby in one of the hallways. You slid down the wall, crouching in a hidden corner, and lightly tapped the sketchbook against your forehead in annoyance.
"Stupid," you murmured softly to yourself. It was so ridiculous, yet it embarrassed you so much. Maybe this first day wasn't so bad after all. You would have plenty of time to prove your worth to everyone, no need to dwell on this situation. Even though you had been corrected in front of some of the most iconic supers by Homelander himself, this situation could be overcome. It was thinking about it that kept you from letting the burning tears fall.
"I can hear you whining," Homelander voice made you jump to your feet, startled to be caught once again doing something you shouldn't. He didn't seem happy, and his expression was so intimidating that you felt like Mariah Carey performing for a crowd of Eminem fans.
He approached you in slow steps and you held the sketchtebook protectively to your chest, as if that could protect you from something. He glanced down to briefly see the object in your hands and looked at you with disgust.
"If you don't straighten up, I'll kick you out. Got it?" Everything about him exuded threat. Maybe if he weren't so imposing and powerful, that sentence would have sounded a bit like the janitor from your old school scolding you for spending too much time in the bathroom during class.
You were paralyzed standing there and all you could do was a nod. But your gesture made him more aggressive.
"Answer with your mouth. Are you mute or something?" And there he was, hands behind his back again. He seemed to enjoy that pose.
"I won't mess up, sir," you said, swallowing your saliva.
"And get rid of that. Or burn it, do whatever, just get rid of it. And I better not see you with that again," he said referring to your notebook, walking away faster than before. "These kids..." you heard him mutter distantly.
After that happened, you didn't destroy the sketchtebook, but you were afraid of being caught and kept it safely tucked away in the back of a drawer in your room. What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel, right? You mentally made a promise to yourself not to use it anywhere else but here, to avoid causing more trouble.
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It's been a week since you've been with the Seven, and several strange things have happened. You quickly realized that Homelander wasn't the pristine and merciful hero everyone believed him to be. But the truth was that deep down you already expected that. Everything about heroes always seemed too perfect and pure, there had to be a catch. Despite everything, you still remained yourself, never intentionally hurting anyone or getting involved in murders and conspiracies.
You were comfortable helping out with some minor crimes that Vought sent you to solve, but by now you suspected that sooner or later Homelander would ask you to do some of his atrocities. It was still hard to think about how to feel about it, but you weren't naive, you were already mentally preparing to submit to it or else be killed.
During that time, as you adjusted and interacted with the team, it didn't go unnoticed by Homelander that you were drawing on your own hand, or on napkins and on random sheets you found lying around, even though you hadn't shown up with your sketchtebook again. This was starting to wear on his last nerve, but he tried to ignore it. As long stayed as you were, without asking too many questions and obedient, he made an effort to continue overlooking your makeshift drawings.
"Meeting's over," the blond suddenly declared, interrupting another of the Seven's weekly gatherings while cutting off The Deep's rambling about his ideas.
"But I haven't even talked about the flying shark yet," he tried to defend himself.
"Shut up," Homelander's voice rang out sternly in the room, issuing a warning that the man promptly obeyed.
"Right. Meeting's over." Ashley nervously moved to gather the portfolios on the new soda advertisement she had come to present, but as soon as she touched the first folder, specifically the A-Train one, the superhero exploded in rage:
"Ashley! Get out!" She immediately dropped the folder in place and hurried out in her heels, unable to run in them. "All of you! Get out of here."
Everyone got up from their chairs, even you, and filed out through the front door, leaving the folders on the table. Sister Sage hesitated, thinking she might be an exception, but when his scowl deepened, she understood she should leave too.
With the room empty, Captain Patria took a few minutes to admire the view from the tower. He enjoyed staring at it sometimes, even when bored.
"Bunch of idiots," he muttered to himself, shaking his head in denial, indignant. If he had to spend one more minute with these morons, he would have a heart attack, even though that was technically impossible for him.
He threw his cape back as he turned to leave, looking down and not focusing on anything in particular. But his eyes caught something different from the other folders. It was obviously yours, with a huge drawing covering the text and images printed on it.
That was the first time he actually saw something you had scribbled. And damn, it was perfect. It was a drawing of everyone in the room, with him in the center looking angry. Just as he was. His ego flared up as he noticed that his figure was more detailed than the others'. You must have started drawing him first, hence had more time to detail him. The idea of you making him the main focus of this particular drawing made his pupils dilate. He used his super hearing to check if anyone else was around and secretly took that sheet for himself.
The next time he saw you drawing in the Seven's room, he couldn't help but wonder if you were drawing him again. As soon as he noticed you sneakily reaching for a pen that belonged to Ashley, he looked in your direction. The noise that used to annoy him now sparked curiosity. And after staring at you for so long, it didn't take long for you to look back at him too. The blond thought you would be embarrassed, like most people, but you just grinned as if you were used to being caught looking. And indeed, you were.
You began drawing Homelander more frequently when you realized he never caught you watching him. It was easier and avoided awkward situations with other people. After two whole weeks of drawing him continuously while taking advantage of this freedom, you felt capable of drawing his face without even needing to see a photo, having memorized most of his distinctive features.
Well, it seems he's finally noticed you.
Sometimes, when alone in your room, you took out your sketchbook and started practicing the memory of his facial features you had developed. Just like every other time, you became absorbed in the drawing, focusing only on the voices around you to understand what was being said. This was also a way to keep yourself engaged during conversations, so you wouldn't get restless from being still while being a mere spectator of everything. After all, you never participated much or gave opinions; Deep already did enough for two.
The meeting had already ended, but you stayed in your chair, even as everyone else left, to finish just a part of the hair. You thought no one would mind, and then you would leave as usual, but a voice caught you by surprise:
"Can I take a look?" Homelander asked, for the first time, using a gentle voice beside you. His expression was enigmatic, somewhat relaxed, and shy at the same time.
You turned the stack of post-it notes, also taken from Ashley, for him to see what you had drawn, fearing what he would say. You weren't ashamed of drawing people, much less of them catching you doing it. You feared because he found your habit annoying.
He observed the drawing, seeing his posture from the side, upright and imposing. He wondered if you drew him exactly as you saw him, or if it was just another caricature of reality, like those Photoshopped pictures spread around. He looked much better than he imagined, though he had that superiority complex that made him see himself as a god.
For a moment, he was offended to see his image stamped on such despicable things as scraps of paper and these damn post-it notes. Your fingerprints were also visible stains, and the paper was slightly wrinkled from his sweat. He had noticed that sometimes you drew calmly, as if you had all the time in the world, and other times it was like drawing on a boat in a storm. Today seemed to be the latter situation.
"Do you like drawing me?" He glanced at you.
"I do," you shrugged. That was the simplest and most truthful answer you could give. "Sorry, I won't do it anymore," you said, thinking he was bothered by it.
"Why?" He ignored your apology.
"You're drawable... I guess," you stared at the table, not understanding the flow of the conversation.
"And what the fuck does that mean?" He asked in a louder voice, turning to face you, obviously confused. "Is this some artistic shit?"
"It's just that you're easy to draw because you have unusual characteristics. It's a good thing," was your answer, and it inflated his chest with narcissistic pride. Unusual, that's what you said, but to him, it was like being called extraordinary.
"Next time you draw me, try using a sketchbook," he said sternly, pretending to reject your work, but deep down, he just didn't want to show that he really liked it. That statement was his way of encouraging you to continue, but at the same time, it was so ironic, considering he got mad at you just when you were drawing him in the sketchtebook that day.
"But you asked me to get rid of mine," you said simply, your voice dwindling with each word of the sentence, not wanting him to find out that you had never thrown it away.
"I'll get you a new one," he said dismissively, taking the entire stack of post-it notes with him, including the drawing, as if you wouldn't notice.
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estrogenism · 1 year
poc-friendly picrews
[plaintext: poc-friendly picrews / end plaintext.]
reblogs are appreciated, this will be updated whenever i find more! if you want to suggest picrews to be added, do so in my asks or dms!
note: i don't tend to read the notes or reblogs here for uhhh Obvious Reasons (6000 notifs) so if you have a suggestion to make, do it via my asks or dms
edit (03/02/2024): added 11 picrews to the list!
edit (03/07/2024): added 1 picrew to the list!
actionpilot's character creator
adriotes' character creator
adrisona maker
aiden's picrew
alli's oc creator
amiiraux's chaotic gay maker
among us sona creator
anew's girl maker
astrolavas' character creator
aworus' friend maker
baydews avatar maker
bean beaningtons tupper
bex's first picrew
bighead kid
black centered picrew
black centered picrew (fullbody version)
block game oc creator
bright's picrew hell,
bunnieclaire's character maker
caramael's character creator
cartoony maker
casual gay creator
cherevrie's avatar maker
childishspite's avi maker
cool kid maker
cosmitasia's character maker
cute girl creator
cutetimes (hair options are a bit limited)
djarn's character maker
djarn's character maker 2
doshi's oc avatar maker
elenaa's windswept oc maker
friend factory
friend maker
judelta's character maker
julliapple's character maker
gay time 2: electric boogaloo
girl maker
ghostofadragon's character maker
harvey's picrew 1 (only has straight hairstyles)
harvey's picrew 2 (only has curly hairstyles)
little guy maker
lulljevic's icon maker
makowka's character maker
makowka's character maker 2
marice creator
nah's picrew
nellseto's maker
nuclearvessel's character maker
nudekay's character maker
nuggts character maker
overwatch league icons
peculiar icon creator
perisceris' icon maker
piney's icon maker
pixel dating simulator maker
poicon maker
potatolord's persona creator
rainheal's character maker
rychu's picrew
sagravi creator
scuff's icon maker
semirealistic icon creator
smitty's ultimate maker-inator
something about them
sph.jpeg's icon maker
static maker
toon me! (a)
toon me! (b)
uris space maker
who me?
yee haw character creator
yet another character creator
9K notes · View notes
yanderenightmare · 7 days
Bakugou Katsuki
♡ TW: omegaverse, size difference, somewhat subjugating omega politics, old-fashioned high-class politics of sorts
♡ GN reader
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Bakugou doesn't tell people about his home life, so you can imagine the Bakusquad’s utter surprise when they invite themselves over only to find out he has a little omega housewife waiting for him.
“Oh, hello,” you say when the four additional Alphas pour in through the door after your Katsuki.
They all look at you unblinking. The biggest one, a redhead, doesn’t seem all that surprised—as though he’d had some suspicion that’s now been laid to rest. But the other three, an electric blond, a guy with raven hair, plus a woman with cotton candy curls, look at you as if they’d just stumbled upon a mouse in a lion's den—all slightly horrified at the sight of you.
Your alpha, the tightly wound grump seething with annoyance, stomps over to you and plants a quick kiss on your hairline. “They just barged in,” he grumbles under his breath. “Sorry if we scared you.”
You hum calmly in turn, “That’s okay. I heard you yelling in the driveway, so I wasn’t surprised.”
The four members of the Bakusquad are all gobsmacked at the domestic sight—the boss, their boss, their hard-headed macho boss, bending over and apologizing to this little omega half his size.
“Are you hungry?” you ask, peaking over the breadth of his hunched shoulders to the others with a warm smile on your pretty face. “I just finished dinner.”
“No,” Katsuki growls grumpily and winds his arms around you—like an old, tired dog, voice gruff, “Uninvited intruders don’t get my dinner.”
You only giggle it off, brushing his stubble with a soft hand, gently handling him further down to your level so you could place a kiss on his other cheek. “Oh, stop, Katsuki. Be nice to your friends.” 
Then you walk off to the kitchen.
Calling out sweetly over your shoulder, “I went a little overboard, so there’s more than enough for everyone.”
And by god, if they don't fall in love with you right then before they’ve even got a single word out.
But love at first sight isn't all so strange. None of them have ever seen an Omega outside of on film—much less been hit with the scent of one. They're all bewitched and confused at the feeling as they trail after you as if they've been compelled by some higher power.
"Please sit," you smile, gesturing to the long table where only two seats have been made. "Katsuki, hon, help me, please"
They all scoot into each their unplaced seat while your big lousy Alpha begrudgingly helps set the table for the unwanted dinner guests. They remain silent as you serve them like the perfect homemaker—all crimson-cheeked and ashamed at how they sniff after you as you pass them by.
You sit just as brightly despite the awkward tension. "Please, enjoy."
They all obey, eating in utter silence—every single one of them trying hard not to stare—and all failing miserably.
Kaminari's the first to speak, having been left shaken by curiosity he no longer could contain.
"So... did he kidnap you, or?"
It's a fair question to some extent. Omega's are a dime a dozen, all regulated strictly by protective institutions. You can't just find one to mate like in the old days. You need to apply for one and be vetted—not to mention they cost a fortune.
"Denki!" Kirishima whisper-shouts in admonishment, shaking his head from across the table.
"What? I'm I the only one who's thinking it?" he throws his hands up and defends.
Katsuki's fist strains around his fork, but you lay your mit atop his, and he calms down shortly.
“Don't worry, Mitsuki and Masaru made the arrangements and paid the dowry," you giggle, running your hand through your Alpha's ashen hair with fondness in your eyes. "I was a graduation present of sorts. They worried Katsuki wouldn't take care of himself once he started working and thought having a mate might help him with his busy day.”
If Katsuki appreciates you spilling his business like that, he doesn't say anything about it—just continues eating.
Denki sighs and sags in his chair. “I always knew Bakugou’s folks were loaded. How nice...”
Sero grins, “Your jealousy is showing.”
Denki pouts, “I’m not exactly tryna hide it.”
"Yeah..." Mina pipes up. "Can't deny I'm jealous, too."
Sero's grin falls as well with his confession, "Yeah, me neither, actually."
You keep smiling sympathetically, "Well, you're all welcome here—I don't mind the extra company."
"Really?" Denki lights up.
Mina and Sero, too—in awe and in unison, saying, "She's an angel."
"Get yer own," Katsuki grumbles. "Now shut up and finish your food. Then you're leavin'—all of you."
"Oh, come on, man," Denki whines. "Have a little pitty for your fellow Alphas."
"Let's stay respectful, guys," Krishima buds in lightheartedly. "Think about what you're asking."
Then, rethinking the conversation, the other three all realized how it had sounded, even though they hadn't meant it that way. And they all blush even darker than before.
And still, you just smile—alphas are all so cute.
Especially your hyper-protective one.
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♡ prequel ♡ BAKUGOU KATSUKI masterlist ♡ BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA masterlist
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is-this-yuri · 3 months
please consider helping a homeless man upgrade his situation
hello, i'm the funny yuri guy on tumblr. i'm also disabled and homeless, and while i'm in the lengthy process of getting on disability, i need some help.
owning a van will be like owning a home for me, since i can outfit it with a bed, kitchen, electricity, even a shower. this will be a massive upgrade for me and will help me stay safe and comfortable even with no considerable income to my name.
i can achieve this with $10k. at only $6-7k, i can actually purchase the vehicle and start converting it. please consider donating to my fundraiser, or boost this post so i can move out of my tiny car and have more stability and safety. all donations of any size are greatly appreciated <3 and thank you to everyone who's been generous in donating either to this or to my daily life funds. i'm getting more hopeful by the day!
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shyjusticewarrior · 10 months
Damian Living On Tim's Murder Boat AU: Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
Jason: *enters, wearing shades and coffees in hand* Hey Timmy, I'm having a mental break-
[Kitchen is on fire, Damian and Tim are screaming]
Jason: ... You seem busy, I'll come back later. *leaves*
Bernard: So why'd your mom pick "Head" as her fake surname?
Damian: Presumably because my grandfather, her father, was called the demon's head.
Bernard: Her name when estranged from her dad had a reference to him? Metal as hell, maybe I should do that.
Damian: You're estranged from your father?
Bernard: Both my parents. They don't really... approve of me dating Tim.
Damian: While I agree you're above Drake, there are worse men you could date.
Bernard: That's the thing. They, uh, don't like that he's a guy.
Damian: ... I see. *unsheathes sword* And where do they live again?
Bernard: I appreciate the thought, really, but please don't.
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garoujo · 1 year
✩ ˛˚ . GOJO SATORU — you get the impression there might be alot of things your boyfriend is holding back on exploring.
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ஜ ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ warnings! f!reader, cnc, predator x prey, outside / wood scenes, some rough play, he’s such a tease, minimal prep ♡ ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ note! hiiii this idea literally hit me like a brick so i had to get it out my system before i died w it <3 honestly i cut this off a little earlier than originally planned because my brain couldn’t do a whole fic but i hope u guys enjoy regardless :3
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you’d enjoyed your day out with gojo as you notice the way the sky around you both has began to darken pretty quickly, but you appreciate the change of scenery— grateful that he’d offered to take you out on a little day trip. he’d insisted he knew a place with a pretty view that was close to one of the school campuses, apparently it was used to host the kyoto sister-school good-will event a few months ago.
that was your destination now as you both walk down the street in that direction, your hand is in his but you still shiver despite the way his palm is warm around yours. his thumb strokes it’s way along your skin as you turn to look at him, it’s an innocent touch as you listen to him talk about his day but the air feels stuffy between you both— your hairs standing on edge before his hand squeezes.
your eyes meet gojo’s as you turn and you notice the way his strays to trail down the pretty line of your throat, sweeping along your figure in you’re pretty dress. his gaze is dark and expectant, but the smirk on his lips looks as pleased as ever as a tinge of anticipation makes you feel suddenly too hot for your skin. still, you smile when you feel his fingers skim from your hand up your arm then across to your lower back, an encouraging sort of touch that urges you to lean in closer.
“you cold?” he asks despite the way he can probably feel the heat running beneath you skin, his hands stroking slowly along your spine as his breathing fans along the shell of your ear. but a shiver still manages to pass through you when he squeezes at your waist.
you let him hold you for a few moments on the side of the street, you’re close to where you’re headed— you can see the tree line break when you turn to your left. you huff and gojo presses his lips to your cheek before he sighs into your ear, his words a low, drawl of a sound as he speaks to you only.
“one, two..”
the electricity that seems to rush through you is enough to make you quiver before you break away from his suddenly loose grip, something in your lower abdomen squeezing as your breathing becomes erratic.
the stride you take is quick as you rush quickly down the side walk, nobody seems to notice your sudden escape from the man’s arms that you looked so comfortable in a moment ago and even if they do— they don’t bother asking. the wind feels warm as it blows through you but you don’t dare look back, you can basically feel the hungry, crystalline gaze on your figure as the rush of adrenaline in your system seems to push you faster.
you can see the entrance to the trees as you make your way towards it, it’s dark but you feel the thrill ignite something in your nerves as you brush by the people still left on the street. your chest feels tight, it’s barely started but your heart is already pounding, beating at your ribs like it’s trying to climb up your throat as you near the outskirts of the campus.
you approach the opening before you allow yourself a quick glance over your shoulder, it’s a momentary look but it’s enough to make something warm shoot down your spine when you notice the looming figure in the crowd. his eyes are still locked in your direction despite the distance, like he can still see you— feel you from so far away as you finally decide to put your adrenaline to good use with your first step into a jog.
but you don’t notice that the figure seems to already have vanished from the crowd by the time you turn back around.
it’s quiet as the forest seems to swallow you whole, leaving you with only your breathing and the sound of your footsteps as you drink up the response that your body seems to have to this, to him. your heart is racing as you run but the air does wonders for your overheating skin, fanning over your features as you push yourself even deeper into the shadows.
you push yourself through a sprouting bush as your head twitches instinctively at a noise to your left and you swear you see it, him— the crystalline blue from his gaze as he stands a few feet away and you gasp, before suddenly it’s gone and you feel the sudden urge to go faster.
“what’s this, hm? aren’t you a cute lil thing.” it’s like an echo the way his low drawl travels through the trees around you, like something haunting as you almost lose your footing. it feels like he’s everywhere at once, deliberately letting himself flash into your peripheral vision— you can hear him in the trees above you, the bushes to your side, in the direction you’re heading towards.
“well, gotta be faster than that. come on, you can do it. don’t wanna make it too easy for me.”
your head twitches slightly before you duck into the heavier oak tree to your right for a breath, you can barely hear anything with the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears — there’s a throb between your thighs, fuelled by the lick of fear that follows before you hear the crunch of the grass behind you.
“oh? thats clever. but you can’t hide forever, don’t go shy on me now.” gojo drawls in the distance, dangerously as you try to suck in quick breathes, feeling your lungs quake with each exhale before you try to catch a glance behind you, eager to know his location— but you need to keep yourself moving.
“lookin’ for me?” you shriek when you snap your head back around to see him already in front of you, hands shoved in his pockets as he tilts his head down at you smugly. it’s like fight or flight the way you go to push past him to set off again but he’s already gone by the time you even blink, leaving you with your heart in your throat and the echo of his chuckle, left to only listen for his next location.
you feel like you’re caught in his web and every movement only tangles you further, but you can’t deny the flicker of lust at the base of your spine that comes with it.
it’s quiet for a few moments except from the rush of your own feet, like you’re being taunted with the taste of an escape, until you hear it— for the first time hear him, his footsteps as you try to steal a look into the darkness behind you that feels like it’s threatening to swallow you entirely.
then that’s when you actually see it, the way gojo’s tall form seems to rip its way from the shadows like he’s finally stopped playing with you — something unhinged and a little wild in his eyes as he gains on you alarmingly quick. he could’ve caught you already, all this time but that’s not fun— your heart is throbbing as you gasp at the sight of him, hearing the heavy footsteps as he sprints after you, the distance he’s closing quickly filling your mind as you make a break into the trees.
“so fast, sweet girl! but did you really think you could get away from me?” he teases from behind you, goading as you realise how close his voice actually sounds. you’ve never run as fast as you’re running right now, every thud from behind you feels like it kicks your legs out from under you but you can’t stop.
but fuck— gojo loves you like this, in your desperate, needy state, you’re like a bunny running from the jaws of a wolf as he watches you twist for an escape, such perfect prey.
you swear you feel his longer fingers reach for you, like the hairs on the back of your neck are standing to attention, atoms drawn into him like you’re above to be snared in a trap— but still so lured in by his touch as he gains on your figure. you almost fumble at the realisation, your feet slipping and giving you a few more seconds— a last ditch effort to escape as you skid on your feet and turn, making a break for the slight opening in the trees, just down by the river.
“hm? oh, well. guess i’ll be a little rough.” you hear gojo chuckle behind you as you keep moving and the sound tempts you into casting a last glance over your shoulder before you realise he’s already there, it only takes him a few strides of his long legs— it’s like he seen that move coming.
you can’t help but scream at the sudden contact of his hand on your skin, instinct telling you to push him away as you try but his grip is tight— pulling you into him before he’s taking you down hard onto the cool grass beneath you. the impact leaves you a little dizzy and disorientated as you both breathe deep, the breath feeling like it’s been knocked out of you as you try to drag yourself away from where he has you pinned between him and the earth, claiming and caging you.
“there we go, that’s better. right where you need t’ be, hm?” gojo’s voice shakes as he speaks to you, so driven by his lust as he watches you struggle beneath him, clawing at the dirt as he presses you down. his breathing comes quick as you feel his hand clamp around your waist — reaching up between your breasts to squeeze his hand around your throat and drag you back the few measly inches you’d escaped until you’re against his chest.
“oh, but you ran so well f’ me, princess. feel what you do to me, hm?” your eyes flutter at the way he presses his clothed cock into you, letting you feel the impressive strain of it through his slacks as he all but ruts you into the dirt beneath you like an animal. you stop struggling at that, collapsing under his weight and suddenly pliant with the hard press of him between your legs, already dripping with the adrenaline that courses through you as your cheek rests against the cool grass.
“p-please, please..” your voice is tight with need as you try to rock your hips back into his, feeling gojo curl his way over you before he’s pulling away entirely to twist you onto your back. that’s when you finally see him, mused and needy— hes flushed, something dark pooling in his usual bright gaze and it makes you gasp as he shoves your dress up your quivering legs, wrapping them around his waist before his huge body is pushing between your thighs to kiss you breathless.
“told you i’d catch you, didn’t i? knew i would, think i was gonna let you go? a sweet lil thing like you?” he’s gone completely as he speaks into the kiss, burying praise and filth between your lips as you squeeze your legs around his waist, grabbing at his snowy roots until he’s groaning against you.
he can’t wait any longer, gojo’s moan is wrecked as he pulls away to mouth at your throat, biting and suckling at the skin as you arch up into him. you’re panting out sweet little pleas, begging for him as he breathes through clenched teeth, tearing so mercilessly at your panties before his pants and belt follow afterwards and you need him so bad you feel tears bead at your lashes.
“aww, you cryin’ f’ me?” he tries to tease but it comes out as more of a breathless croon of a laugh, his cock twitching while your eyes look down to sweep over the thick curve of him. he pushes his chest closer to you, letting your hair tangle in the earth beneath you both as he takes you beneath him.
gojo would normally take his time prepping you, but you’re already a puddle of mewls and whines beneath him, basically begging for him already as he lets his cock tease it’s way through your folds, swiping the head at the slick gathered there as you feel the friction burn and sizzle into something that warms your body from the inside out.
“satoru, please!” you gasp and you’re not sure if it’s the adrenaline, the chase or the anticipation that makes it so easy for him to press his way into you but you’re soaked, feeling the first real silky grind of his cock split through your folds before it’s catching on your clit, making you both gasp and moan at the wet tacky sound that follows.
“oh? so greedy f’ me.” the desperate hug of your pussy feels like it pulls him in as you rub your slick along his cock, forcing him closer before he’s finally sinking into your twitching cunt. gojo’s hand fists your hair before he’s shoving your head back so hard your back arches, lapping into your mouth as you tremble and squeeze around him— panting loud in your ears as he hunches over you. “mm, but you’ve got me so hungry f’ you, baby.”
you’re so tight and barely prepped as he drags you along the grass beneath you— feeling his teeth drag along your lower lip as he ruts himself into the warm hug of your walls. every wet withdrawal of his hips is loud but the slap back is even louder as it echoes around the shadows, he’s like a man possessed, completely unhinged as his hips smack so mercilessly into yours it burns, forcing your walls to stretch and mould to him.
you’re already so close gojo can feel it as he presses deep into your body, losing himself in the pleasure he’s earned, the pleasure he owns as he claims his little prize as you claw at his shoulders for any sort of release.
“my sweet girl, ran so hard and all f’ me. you said you could handle it, so ‘ts all mine to take now, right?”
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© 2023 GAROUJO. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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stark-ironman · 1 month
Something something something sugar daddy Hugh jackman because 😍😍
Sugar Baby
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A/N: Ughhhhhh the way I felt my insides get all tingly 😭if this is anywhere near good, let me know if I should do a part 2.
Warnings: Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby, small daddy kink, legal age gap, punching, mentions of blood, jealous Hugh, mirror sex.
Your doorbell rings as you're putting on your final shoe, hearing Hugh call out for you as he opens the door. You smile at him as he kisses your cheek and checks you out, grabbing your hand and spinning you.
"You look fantastic, princess." Hugh tells you while digging in his pocket and pulls something out. "Turn around." It's a soft command but you know better than to try and ignore it. He places the most beautiful necklace around your neck, watching as you admire it in the mirror.
"There's no way I can wear this. It's worth more than my apartment, hell more than my car. I'll feel really bad if something happens to it." Your anxiety starts getting the best of you and he kisses you softly, making you stop talking.
"I want you to keep it. We had a deal, remember?" His smooth, Australian accent whispers in your ear, making your knees weak. "I always said I hated expensive gifts." You try to reason but he tsks, looking in the mirror at you.
"You're mine, princess. You go with me places as my eye candy and we fuck when we get back, in return, I shower you with gifts and whatever else your heart desires." He states, running a hand up your thigh. Your heart skips a beat as you look at the mirror, watching Hugh admire your body while running his fingers anywhere he can, electricity following his touch.
"I'm real tempted to bend you over in front of his mirror and let you see how your body reacts to my touch," His fingers graze over your heat causing your breath to hitch before he pulls away, "Too bad we have to leave so we're not late." You take a deep breath, accepting his hand and he leads you out of your apartment.
Once in the car, he places a hand on your thigh and rubs his thumb over it softly. "When we get here, don't leave my sight." Hugh states softly, glancing over at you before turning back to the road. You nod and look out the window, watching buildings and cars pass by quickly before finally pulling up to the party.
"We're just here to make an appearance and see a couple friends, after that I'll take you home." He says getting out of the car before helping you out, handing his keys to the valet and leading you inside. You grip his hand tightly as he leads you through the crowd, feeling your anxiety creep up at the fact you don't belong around these rich, snobby people but you also won't turn Hugh down over something like this party.
About two hours after showing up, you tell Hugh you need to go to the bathroom and he tells you where to go, kissing you softly as you walk away. You follow his directions and use the bathroom, making sure to wash your hands and clean up before heading back out.
"You're Hugh's girl, right?" A random man asks as he walks up to you. You nod and he continues, "What are you doing with a man like him? He's too old for someone as young as you." You think back to what Hugh told you in the very beginning of your relationship about staying quiet when you're out with him and just let him take care of it but it's becoming very hard to do.
The guy steps towards you, touching your face but you flinch and step back from him, swatting his hand away. "I would appreciate you not touching me. Especially when you know Hugh doesn't like when people touch me." You try to say without stuttering. "Hugh doesn't know how to please a woman like you and you have no business being with him, especially when you're basically a nobody." He says stepping towards you again but he's thrown back as soon as he does and Hugh has him by the collar, staring down at his face.
"Is there a fucking problem here?" Hugh snarls, his Australian accent deepening and it sends a shock through you. "Ask your whore instead o-" Hugh punches him before he can finish his sentence, blood falling quickly down his face. "Call her that again and next time you won't be so lucky." His hand grabs yours and he leads you out, walking to the car.
He starts driving, white knuckling the steering wheel as he speeds through the city, all the way to his apartment in silence. You both head inside, taking off your shoes in the doorway before walking to his bedroom and you head to the bathroom.
You take off your jewelry and wipe off the makeup, walking back into bedroom to see Hugh standing over by the window.
"What all did he say?" He finally asks in a low but firm voice. "Just that I didn't need to be with you and needed to be with someone who could treat me right then said I'm a nobody." You say feeling tears fill your eyes as you relive the moment.
Hugh nods, turning towards you, "Do you think that's true? About needing someone better?" You shake your head, sitting on the bed. "I want to be with you." You say. "What about when he said you're actually nobody?" Another question and you shrug, "It's true. I am a nobody."
He slips his jacket off, loosening up his tie as he walks towards you, placing a hand on your face in the same spot the guy touched you. "He touched what's mine," His fingers run over your skin, "Tried tainting my beautiful girl with his sick touch."
His hands grab your face as he leans down and kisses you with hunger. "Stand up." He commands softly. You stand and he slides your dress off, grabbing your hand and leads you back to the bathroom.
You furrow your brows in confusion as he leads you to the counter. "Bend over, princess. I'm going to show you that you're not just a nobody to me, you're going to see that you are my entire world." He emphasizes on the word you, feeling your thongs get soaked.
He bends you over and holds your face in the mirror, looking at you with lust-blown eyes that have you damn near begging for him to go ahead and fuck you. Hugh slides his belt off, pushing his slacks and briefs down enough to pull his dick out.
His hand wraps around his base, pressing and rubbing the tip in your folds as if teasing you, then he finally slides in softly causing you to moan at the stretch.
His hips hit yours as he bottoms out and he grips your hips tightly, moving at a slow pace. "Don't ever worry about what anybody thinks about you," He grunts while unbuttoning his shirt, "You will always be somebody to me," His eyes stay locked on yours with what he says next, "You're mine, babygirl. Nobody will ever be able to do what I do to you, will they?"
You whimper, "No, daddy. I'm all yours." He smirks, speeding his movements up as he hits your sweet spot.
The sound of moans and skin slapping fills the bathroom. You look up at Hugh again to see his mouth slightly open, head close to falling back from pleasure with his shirt unbuttoned and his tie barely hanging on, causing you to groan at the sight. This man will literally be the death of you with how fucking good he looks to you.
"There you go, babygirl, clench around my cock. Do you like watching what I'm doing?" He asks with a smirk when he sees your fucked out face. You nod, reaching your hand behind you to grab him but he grabs both of your wrists and pulls them behind your back, gripping them with one hand and places the other on your hip.
He starts fucking into you at a brutal pace, causing you to cum unexpectedly but it doesn't stop him, you honestly think it's made him more feral and he moans at the way your insides are clinching around him.
"I think you can do another one for me." Hugh growls as he pulls you up, your back against his chest, and he wraps an arm around you until his fingers are on your clit, rubbing the sensitive nub before thrusting back into you.
His other hand comes up around your throat, squeezing just enough to apply pressure.
"Daddy..." You moan, causing him to move his hand faster. "Ruin these pants, babygirl. I want them soaked by the time I'm done with you."
His words send you over the edge, feeling a gush shoot out between your legs and he moans loudly, twitching inside of you and slowly thrusting inside of you.
He pulls out slowly, holding you close to him.
"Still have doubts, princess?" Hugh asks and you chuckle. "Maybe a little. I might need to be shown again." He laughs and kisses your shoulder, leading you to the shower.
"Let's clean somewhat up and I'll show you exactly who you are to me."
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭 || (kinda)dark!javier peña x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 || he's your dad's best friend, he's a narc, he's the guy you've been calling 'tio' most of your life... so he's not the guy you want to run into when you're out partying a little too hard.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 || 6.5k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 || dubcon smut (18+ only; oral f receiving, unprotected sex, reader is under the influence and under duress), age gap (not specified but it's big lol but they are of course both adults), dad's best friend trope, pseudo incest (reader calls javi tio/uncle but they are not related), drug use, jealousy, unprotected sex, orgasm control, rough/aggressive sex, we're talking complete total and permanent gut rearrangement, crying during sex (from overstimulation not like, being sad), hair pulling, 'sir' kink (briefly), creampie, basically just a kinky filthy mess idk what else to say
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The bass was so loud you could feel it in every part of you— like your own heartbeat, but everywhere. The throbbing music, the heat, the sweat; it was an overwhelming experience, even before you took the pill… but now, it was transcendent.
Everything was lit up in electric colors, neon pink and green blending together into some impossible color you couldn’t describe; the dancers around you had their arms raised in the air, jumping and swaying with the music, and it reminded you of the waves in the Caribbean Sea— you know, the ones you never had time to go see even though you lived just a few miles from the beach.
Frankly, you didn’t have time for this either: you should be studying for midterms, but the stress of college was becoming overwhelming and you were reaching a breaking point.
Or, maybe you already had, considering this was your coping method. It wasn’t your usual approach, but you hadn’t needed anything this drastic before. Maybe it was because you weren’t just escaping from the stress of school, but from the tension at home with your parents.
Perhaps what was most frustrating about that situation was that you were pretty sure they didn’t even realize how badly they were driving you insane… especially your dad. He didn’t see any problem with the fact that he tried to control every aspect of your life, regardless of your age. You could appreciate them not wanting you to do anything dangerous or harmful— you could even understand the whole ‘my house, my rules’ thing to an extent— but it went too goddamn far every day. You couldn’t go anywhere else without being questioned, yet you couldn’t exist at home without being criticized.
That was why you were here, and here, you weren’t being critiqued or belittled or micromanaged— actually, you were very… well-received, to put it lightly. You’d caught more than a few glances this evening, and now you were getting more than that: they were dancing with you, pressing against you… touching you.
It should’ve felt wrong, but you’d been craving approval of any kind, and the lascivious looks up and down from the guy in the indigo silk shirt felt like a compliment when you had a couple drinks in you.
A hand covered in gold rings groped your ass, and you hummed through a wide smile. He spoke into your ear, but even so close you couldn’t hear anything— it didn’t matter, anyways; you nodded, dazed. You figured the pill was enhancing, if not creating, whatever connection you felt with this stranger, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care how risky it was to go home with him, either, you just needed to feel tonight.
The voice in your ear mumbled something about how sexy you are, and you were about to melt into the arms of whoever it was— but then you heard another voice, just behind you. This voice was familiar; this voice spoke your name, and you turned around sharply.
"Tio!" you gasped as Javier glared down at you; you'd never felt so small in your life. He could do that so easily, but usually by giving you a big bear hug or calling you niña; this was a less pleasant method. “I— what are you—?”
“Work,” he answered shortly, yelling just to be heard. “You shouldn’t be here.”
No, you shouldn’t be anywhere that Javi was working, but you especially shouldn’t be here— a nightclub, known for wild hook-ups and party drugs. Dancing with guys. Wearing a dress you picked out specifically because you liked the way it showed off your… everything.
“What would your daddy think if he saw you like this?” he growled, grabbing you by the arm, and you whimpered but gave in to him— no point arguing, or denying anything, now.
He dragged you through the club, out the back where you could talk without the music drowning everything out. It was still loud until the metal door shut on its own behind you— and even still, you could hear the thumping of the bass, catch a few notes of the melody here and there, but you weren’t really focused on that with Javi giving you the glare of a lifetime.
“Never thought you were that kinda girl,” he frowned.
“I swear, I don’t usually do this, I just… I…”
“You what?” he snapped.
“Sorry, I…” you trailed off again. “Kinda out of it right now, and you’re so… that light’s really bright…” you complained as you squinted at the streetlight behind him.
He grabbed your face suddenly, forcing you to look up at him; you couldn’t believe how he could basically hold your entire face— and control your entire body— with one hand. He used his thumb and pointer finger to hold one of your eyes open wider; you winced and tried to move away, but he managed to get a decent enough look anyways.
“Are you fucking high?” he realized with a snarl.
“I— just one pill,” you whimpered.
“What was it?”
“I… I don’t know for sure…”
“Jesus,” he sneered, dropping your face and crossing his arms. He looked away from you, shaking his head, then put his hands on his hips in that disapproving way he did so well. “What were you thinking?”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, “I just never get to do anything fun— don’t you need to be wild sometimes, do something a little misguided?”
“A little misguided— taking drugs from strangers, from men, letting them… touch you like that…” he shuddered as he said the last part.
You gulped, looking down at the ground. You were kind of hoping he hadn’t seen that, somehow…
Grabbing you by the arm again, he all but threw you in his truck; shrinking in the seat, feeling quite shy despite how you’d been acting just a few minutes ago, you watched him walk around the back in the mirror so he could get in the driver’s side.
There was silence as he started the truck and put an arm around your seat to back out of the alley, silence as he started to drive, silence as you went back and forth between looking over at him sheepishly and staring down at your hands in your lap.
But when you looked out the window at the passing scenery, you narrowed your eyes. "You're…not taking me home?" you realized.
"And give your dad a fuckin' heart attack, you coming home at this hour— dressed like that?"
Your heart sank with guilt.
"No, I'll figure out what to do with you later,” he decided. “I'm guessing you snuck out?"
"I… told him I was staying with a friend…"
"Then he must not be expecting you until morning. You can stay at my place."
"Thank you, Tio, I swear I don't usually do this, thank you so much—"
"Hey. I didn't say I wasn't gonna tell him the truth when I bring you back tomorrow."
You swallowed, glancing out the window as your eyes stung.
He sighed as he shut the door, and you sheepishly crossed one arm over your stomach to hold your elbow.
Last time you were in his apartment, it was for some dinner… thing… anyways, your parents were there, as were a bunch of other people they worked with, and you were sure the whole thing would be incredibly fucking boring. It was, for a while, until Javi broke away from the others to talk to you— and he made you laugh, he spared you all the dumb questions about how college was going and talked to you about real stuff: music, dreams, life. You always felt like you could talk to him about the things you could never talk to your parents about…
But you didn’t want to talk to him about this. Especially not when he put his hands on his hips and gave you that stern glare.
“What the hell did you think you were doin’ in a place like that—?” he began but you interrupted with a sigh.
“I’m sorry— I just needed a- a release! You know?” you tried to justify.
He scoffed, rolling his eyes before he glanced away from you; you, meanwhile, looked down with shame. You never expected to feel so guilty for this— if anything, part of you had fantasized about your dad finding out just so you could tell him off in the argument, explain to him that it was his overbearing nature that drove you to something so risque. Of course, now that the likelihood of that argument actually occurring had skyrocketed, it didn’t sound so appealing. “Your dad’s gonna have a cow,” Javi warned you.
“I know! I know,” you groaned, hiding your face in your hands for a second. “But I’m an adult! I should be able to do what I want!”
He scoffed a bit, and you frowned defensively. He obviously resented those times you referred to yourself as an adult— even if he couldn’t deny it, he always acted like it didn’t really count. You weren’t a ‘real adult’ yet in his eyes, still being in college and a bit starry-eyed according to some, and that always bothered you. It’s not that you thought you really had it all figured it out at this age, it’s just that you wanted more respect and more acknowledgement of your efforts.
The look on Javi’s face made you pretty confident you wouldn’t be getting much of that tonight. "Just don't tell him, okay? Please, Tio…"
"I won't tell your old man what you're up to," he promised, and you sighed. "But you need to."
"I— I can't," you whimpered, "he'll lose his shit! You know how protective he is…"
"Clearly he's got a good reason!" Javi snapped, and you spun around— you couldn't look at him now, not after he saw you like that.
"He's gonna kill me," you whimpered, defeated.
He stepped up behind you, wrapping one arm over your chest and holding your shoulder. “S’gonna be okay, sweetie…” he mumbled to you. “He’s not gonna kill you— he loves you."
"But he thinks I'm still a little kid," you explained with a pout.
"He can't help that," Javi laughed softly, kissing the side of your head. "You're grown up now, but you're still his little girl…"
You smiled a bit. "You really think I'm grown up?" you asked weakly.
"Yeah," he assured, "not sure how it happened, but you are— still young, of course."
You laughed a bit, relaxing in his embrace, soothed by the familiar smell of his aftershave and his strong hand rubbing your shoulder. Without either of you saying anything, the air somehow shifted… perhaps because of the way he moved his head, and you could tell that he was looking down at you. Perhaps because he let out a long sigh through his nose that fanned over the top of your head.
His voice was as low as a whisper when he spoke again. "Can't believe how grown up you look dressed like that…"
The fingers of his free hand traced over your thigh, even starting to move inwards, and out of both nervousness and ticklishness you clamped your legs together.
"Aww, don't be shy now," he pouted. "You'll be a whore for all those guys but you're playing innocent with me? Don't even try it, baby, I know what you want…"
You sighed out a long, shaky breath as you relaxed your legs so he could reach between them. It didn't really feel real, especially when you shut your eyes— then it could be anyone touching you.
"I know what this sweet little body needs," he continued, almost whispering as he spoke in your ear, making it impossible to forget it was Javi behind you. "Those little boys can't take care of you… need a real man to treat you right."
"Tio," you gasped as one finger just barely brushed over your panties, "d-don't—"
"Don't what, sweetie?"
"Don't… touch me like that," you breathed. "It's wrong…"
"But you like it so much," he noticed with a smile right beside your ear. "You like the way Uncle Javi is touching you— you like all this attention from your Tio, huh?"
Too afraid to respond to that, you shut your eyes tight as you felt him rub you through your panties more firmly, pulling up the bottom of your dress enough to expose the white cotton covering you.
“Still a good girl underneath your slutty outfit,” he smirked.
“What— what are you do—?” you began to breathe out, until he ran the blunt edge of his fingernail over the seam of your lips through the fabric— when he traced over your clit, your whole body jolted.
“Oh, babygirl,” he cooed, “you know what I’m doing. Say it.”
“You’re… touching me…” you panted out, rocking your hips as he began to rub slow circles against your panties— each with more pressure than the last.
“Where?” he prompted, his voice rough and echoing against the curve of your neck, which he began to kiss passionately a moment later just to make it that much harder for you to speak.
“My… fuck, my pussy!” you managed to get out, and he groaned with pride as his teeth brushed against your pulse.
He suddenly let you go and spun you around, pressing you to the wall and then pressing himself to you in turn. The hard bulge against your hip made your walls throb, but his face made your heart drop— you couldn’t forget it was him, and it felt so fucked up knowing he had just done that to you. You opened your mouth to tell him this couldn’t happen, that it had already gone too far, that you needed to somehow forget this ever happened.
But no words came out; they couldn’t, when he delicately lifted your chin so you had to stare right at the darkness in his eyes.
He moved closer, closer, until instinct forced your hands to jump up to his chest— god his chest, it was so firm and tanned and you swore you could feel the heat of his skin through his shirt— and stopped him from kissing you. “What’s the matter?” he asked softly.
What kind of dumbass question was that?! What’s the matter? Your Tio Javi, your dad’s best friend since forever, the guy who bought you your first bike and taught you how to whistle— that guy, calling you a whore and kissing your neck and touching you down there?! God, you knew you were messed up over this because you were mentally referring to your equipment as down there, like you were a little kid again.
But by god, you were not a little kid. Clearly, he knew that better than you thought he did. But you couldn’t believe this was really happening— it felt like a dream, but too terribly real.
What’s the matter, he asks, like you couldn’t spend all night listing everything wrong about this. You only gave him one reason aloud, though: “My dad will kill me.”
He smirked, a short laugh coming more out of his nose than his mouth. “Only if he finds out,” he replied. “Are you gonna tell on me, niña?”
Though very little, you shook your head.
“Are you gonna tell him that I brought you here and touched you like that?” he continued, voice lower and rougher, fingers dancing over your hip again. “Are you gonna tell your daddy how you got on your knees for me, let me fuck you like a whore, creamed on my cock over… and over…”
You shuddered as he left the softest trail of kisses up your neck.
“...and screamed my name until you lost your voice?”
"Fuck," you sighed, melting into his arms as he held you at your waist— his hands were so big that you felt especially delicate when he held you. "Javi, we… we shouldn't…"
"But you want to so bad, sweetie," he noticed with a fake pout. "You're a half-second from begging me to teach you how grown-ups fuck, I can tell."
Your thighs clenched together and he smirked.
"Just kiss me," he encouraged softly, lifting your chin with his fingers. "Just kiss me, baby, and I'll show you. I'll give you whatever you want."
You hesitated, looking up at his warm brown eyes, admiring his face and lingering over his lips… they did look perfectly kissable…
Shutting your eyes, you leaned forward and kissed him; instantly, he turned it from an innocent peck to a hungry gnashing of lips and teeth, his tongue dominating your mouth and muffling your moans.
His hands ran all over you and he started to guide you to walk with him— he turned you both and walked backwards down the hallway, dragging you until you toppled into his bed together.
"Lay back, baby," he instructed as he climbed over you, "your Tio's gonna make you feel so fucking good, sweetie… gonna fuck you like you need, I promise."
He sat up, almost making you want to chase for more of that kiss, but he reached up under your dress and pulled your soaked panties down your legs.
"Oh my god, look at this cute little pussy," he purred, spreading your lips apart and tracing up the seam of your cunt to find your bud. He traced it gently with his thumb— even the softest, slowest circles over it made you shiver and whine. "Sensitive, too. Poor baby, need me that bad?"
He crouched down lower, and you whimpered with anticipation. "Javi…" you mumbled nervously.
Before he even put his mouth on you, he leaned in close and took a deep breath through his nose. "Smells fuckin' perfect," he grunted, and you moaned just because he said that. "Can't wait to taste you, niña, been waiting too long…"
You wanted to ask if he'd been waiting longer than just tonight, but you were distracted by the wet, sloppy kiss he gave you, right on your aching clit. Instantly your back arched and your mouth fell open into a silent scream.
He was painfully, infuriatingly good at this— like second nature, he just looked up at you and watched while his tongue traced your clit exactly how you needed. You could just tell he did this all the time, that he had made his fair share of women scream and sob and beg with that tongue; you writhed and whimpered, shutting your eyes tight so you wouldn't have to see him looking up at you anymore.
He devoured you with wide, hungry licks, his mouth overwhelming you and his nose poking at the apex of your mound. You could feel his long sigh fan over your sensitive skin when he kept his mouth wide open, lapping at you desperately; you’d never seen him this… lacking in composure. This animalistic. It made you feel hot all over.
Maybe the only thing more embarrassing than how quickly you barrelled towards your peak was how easily he recognized it.
"Wanna come, baby?"
He only broke away from you just long enough to groan it out, and then he was right back to making you squirm and sob. "Yes, fuck, please!"
"Beg," he ordered, muffled by your clit in his mouth, eating away at you mercilessly.
"Fuck, Javi— please make me come with your— with your tongue, I— I've never come from that before, fuck it feels really good… please…"
He hummed around you, suckling harder at your throbbing bud.
"Oh— f-fuck, I wanna— please," you choked, "I'm so close…"
You felt him smile, and then you felt him do this thing with his tongue that made your thighs quiver around his head.
"Please, can I?" you whimpered.
He pulled away, but you could still feel his breath fanning over you and it made your walls tense up. "I like you asking for permission," he praised, "do it again."
"Please let me come," you groaned, arching your back when he latched onto you again. "I'm so close, just don't stop, please don't fucking stop—"
He didn't, which you took as permission— not that it really mattered since it was inevitable now with or without his blessing— and you shut your eyes tight as the electric feeling danced all over your body. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you only caught one more glimpse of him staring up at you with a scalding heat in his eyes.
Instantly it became too much, the sensations his tongue delivered to your clit painfully forcing your whole body to spasm. Gasping, you grabbed at his hair and sputtered out: “Stop, stopstopstop—”
He broke away and dropped your hips back down onto the bed, his smile glistening with your come. An instant later he sat up to start opening his belt, that grin turning suddenly into a snarl. You looked up at him with wide eyes, still trying to catch your breath, dizzy even as you just laid there watching him lick your wetness off his lips. “Need to fuck you,” he said, simple as that.
You still couldn’t really believe this was happening; the effects of the pill were mostly faded, but this felt like some bizarre dream anyways. Seeing him like this was just beyond surreal.
“Flip over— hands and knees,” he instructed firmly while he unbuttoned his jeans. You wanted to remind him that this was insanely wrong, that you thought of him like family and thought he saw you the same way— but then you remembered that what you’d done tonight was wrong too, and that he was your only hope of getting away with it and avoiding being locked in your room for the rest of your life.
"Shouldn't you… shouldn't we use a condom?" you suggested softly, and he smirked a little.
"We don't need that," he assured.
Doing as you were told, though it took some effort on shaky legs, you stared down at Javi’s bed under you— you’d seen it before, even slept in it before (though when that happened, he always took the couch), but it felt incredibly different now.
Speaking of things that felt incredibly different: getting fucked by your tio. He held your hips and pushed his cock into you, and you whimpered loudly as the stretch challenged you right from the start. You heard a soft moan from behind you, a needier sound than you expected from him, but it was drowned out quickly by your own cry as he buried himself in you completely. “Mm,” he hummed, fingers digging deeper into the plush of your ass as he stayed still for just a moment. “That’s good…”
Shivering, even though you were hot enough to sweat, you hid your face with a quiet whine right as he started to thrust— with a lot less patience than you expected.
"You're not embarrassed, are you?" he wondered, petting the back of your head as if trying to coax you out of the pillows. "Actin' all shy… what have you got to be shy about? Getting fucked on all fours like a slut, the fuck you acting innocent for now?"
"Please just slow down—" you gasped, reaching back behind yourself to try to grab his thigh.
"Hell fucking no, this is what you wanted," he groaned.
Whining, tears stung your eyes and you just tried to hold onto the bunches of his sheets in your fists.
"Wanted me for a while, didn't you? Dressing up all sexy when I came over for dinner, showing off how much you've grown… didn't even wear a bra, I could see your tits getting hard, wondered if it was because you were turned on. Turned on by your Tio…"
You weren't blind, you knew Javier was attractive, and you knew he did well with women— but you honest to God never thought about him like that. He was just your Tio Javi.
And now he was pushing you down between your shoulder blades to shove your face into the bed. Whimpering, you gave in, but the angle forced his cock even deeper and made you arch your back up with a yelp. "Shh shh, no baby, need to take it all," he scolded you softly as he pushed your back down. "Need to keep that ass up for me— show Tio that ass, good girl…"
It was hard to stay like this when it meant letting his cock hit way too deep— it hurt, and you sobbed with every thrust. "Please, s'too much, I need a break—"
"A break? We just started," he laughed. "You can get a break after I come, but you're gonna be in this bed all night showin' me why I should keep your secret."
"God, you're just so deep," you whined, "it hurts…"
"Yeah, but it feels good too, doesn't it?"
Even though you somehow felt guilty, you nodded.
"Yeah," he encouraged again, "you like getting fucked like this, baby. Never had your whole pussy used? Never had a cock this deep?"
So deep that it shot up your spine and made the back of your eyes burn? No, you'd never felt this before; you sobbed with pleasure, already totally overwhelmed.
He grunted as he increased his pace, already picking up speed each time his hips collided with yours; the bed was creaking a bit, too.
"Fuck," you gasped, toes curling. His cock’s fat head was pressing into something so painfully deep inside you, and just as much as it made you want to beg him to give you a little mercy, it made you feel like screaming for more and praying this could never end.
You heard him grunt as he fucked you even faster; he must have heard you sniffling, in turn, tears falling from your eyes near-silently as the pleasure overwhelmed your body. "What are you crying for? Never had a big dick like this, huh?" he chuckled. "Then just say so."
"I never… I-I've never had a… a dick this big before…"
"Mm," he hummed with approval, grabbing a handful of your ass and tilting his head so he could get a better view of his cock plunging into your hole. "Never been stretched out like this? That's too bad, I can tell you fuckin' needed it. Went out tonight cause you needed some dick, huh? Well you got more than you bargained for, honey, it's too much for this little pussy isn't it?"
"Yes!" you sobbed.
"Can't take all this?"
"Yes, Tio, please—"
"Don't tell me to slow down again," he warned. “I know what you need, sweetie.”
He grabbed you by your hair and forced your head back. "Ow!" you yelped instinctively. "Fuck, Javi!"
"Act like a slut and you're gonna get fucked like one," he reminded you, a frustrated sigh falling from his mouth. His pace quickened once more, thrusts coming faster until the sound of his hips and thighs smacking against your ass filled the room.
"I'm sorry," you choked, "I'm sorry, okay?"
"For what?"
"D-doing drugs," you listed, "going to clubs— acting like a s-slut…"
"Fuck," he grunted, "it's okay, baby, I'm gonna— god— gonna make it all better… gonna teach you how to be my good girl, okay?”
You whimpered as you nodded. “Please…”
Another tug on your hair made you whine and arch your back, letting yourself go a bit more limp in his grip as each thrust rocked your body. “First,” he began, “you need some discipline.”
The hand on your hip let go to give you a sudden spank on your ass; you yelped and jolted, the pain somehow only adding to your pleasure a second after the initial sting had faded.
“Your daddy never gave you enough of that— discipline,” Javi chuckled, “I warned him he was gonna spoil you. Guess I was right, look at you now?”
He smacked your ass again, hard enough that you cried loudly— probably loud enough for the neighbors to hear. That thought made your face burn with embarrassment. Anyone who shared a wall with Javi had probably heard his bed partners before, heard women screaming his name— why did that thought make you feel sick and sad and empty?
Of course, you were anything but empty, you were full to the brim and it felt like he might split you in half each time he pressed his hips to yours. “Once you get some discipline,” he continued, “you need to start doin’ what you’re told.”
“Y-yes, sir,” you choked out. You almost screamed when the hand that had been holding your hip slipped down to search between your legs; he grunted a bit as he roughly found your clit and rubbed it in fast circles.
“Then you need to learn some manners,” he continued, “like sayin’ thank you when I touch this pretty pussy for you.”
“Thank you,” you blurted out, your voice hoarse and wobbly— even weaker than you felt. Your hips were instinctively trying to buck away, running from the amount of raw sensation forced upon you, but you were trapped by the strength of his arm.
All at once it all changed: he slowed his pace, though he went just as deep if not deeper with each movement; he leaned down and pressed his chest to your bare and sweaty back, putting his lips against your ear; he kept touching your clit, but the circles were slower, smoother… sweeter. “S’that better, sweetie?” he whispered roughly. “Is that how you need it?”
Biting your quivering lip, you nodded; you fought another wave of tears that burned at the back of your eyes, but you were less embarrassed to cry now than you thought you would be. You’d cried in front of Javi before, plenty of times— skinned knees, dumb boyfriends, failed tests, he’d been around for plenty of that. Obviously, this was much more vulnerable than anything that had come before, and yet it felt bizarrely natural… he pulled out this side of you so easily, a side you didn’t even know existed.
“Such a good girl,” he cooed at you gently, kissing the curve of your jaw, and you finally stopped trying to stop yourself from shaking (it wasn’t working anyways). “So good for me…”
Everything was so blurry now, you barely even noticed him guiding you to lay down and roll over: you just noticed him pulling out, and pouted a little as if you actually thought he might just stop completely for no reason.
Noticing your displeasure, he smirked proudly. "Just wanna see that pretty face, sweetie," he soothed. But when he pushed back in, the new position made everything feel new— and, somehow, even more perfect.
"Fuck, Javi, s'really deep…" you mumbled, though it was deep in a different way than before— not as painful, yet even more mind-numbing.
"Uh huh?" he taunted. "Never had somebody fuck you right, baby?”
You shook your head. You had no idea it could be like this— you thought it was normal not to come, for the guy to jackhammer for a few minutes and leave. You didn't even know you could make noises like this…
"Say it again," he encouraged with a moan, watching your face intently.
"It's really… really deep…" you breathed, legs shaking as he held your hips down and tried to get even deeper; he started to grind up against you to force every last millimeter inside, roughly rubbing his pubic bone on your sore clit.
You squealed, barely able to take all this sensation, and he flared his nostrils. "What's really deep?"
"Your cock," you clarified.
"Whose cock?" he taunted.
"Yours, Javi, fuck! Stop asking me questions when I can barely fucking think!" you whined, and he laughed as he returned to his original motions.
“Just one more,” he promised. “Gonna come for me, niña?”
“Yes, yes,” you admitted through a choked sob.
He leaned down, blanketing his body over yours. "Call me Tio when I make you come," he whispered his demand in your ear, and you shuddered.
Each thrust was faster than the last, harder too, and you sobbed as heavy pulses of pleasure took control of your body. "I'm so close, I'm so fucking close," you panted, unable to speak above a whisper.
"I know, I know," he soothed, kissing your face with more tenderness than you expected or felt you deserved.
"I— please—"
"Shh, you're doing so good…"
It all collapsed at once. "I'm— fuck, I'm coming! Tio, I'm coming!"
He growled and latched his lips onto your neck, fucking you through it; your pussy pulsed in an erratic pattern, a new slickness coating him and running down your thighs. You would've been self-conscious about staining his bed if you had any room in your brain for it— but you couldn't think about anything, you even forgot to breathe for a couple seconds. "Good girl," he groaned, "coming nice and hard for me. Good fucking girl."
Suddenly, your arms wrapped around his shoulders— his broad, heavy shoulders, barely damp with sweat— and your shaking fingers dug into his skin. You hugged him tightly, maybe to keep yourself grounded as convulsions rocked through you, maybe for a little comfort through such an excruciatingly ecstatic sort of feeling.
When it all seemed to gather right in your gut, it finally slowed down and you went all but limp under him— though your arms stayed draped over his neck.
"Fuck, Javi," you moaned lowly, his thrusts faster and less even as he looked down at you with an exhausted smile of his own.
"Fuck, I wanted to make you come again," he admitted, "but I can't last much longer— you're too fuckin' tight, baby, little pussy's too fuckin' good, gonna make me come…"
"Please," you whined, partially out of submission and acceptance of your desire to make him come, partially out of excitement for a chance to breathe after he finished.
"Gonna come inside you," he warned suddenly, and you gasped.
"Wait, pull out," you pleaded, a small bit of your sanity coming back as the height of your pleasure had passed, "come on my face o-or something…"
He grinned when you said that, and you sort of regretted it. "That's cute," he decided, "but I wanna fill this pussy— see you nice and stuffed with my come— and I know you want that too, baby…"
You whined, hating how right he was, but you panted as you tried not to let the pleasure completely override your logical reasoning. "But I'm not— I don't—"
"I'll get you a pill in the morning," he promised, his voice rough and needy as he fucked you even faster— he hissed in his breaths through his teeth, almost snarling at you. "Fuck, I'm so close— tell me who owns this pussy now, princess."
"Yours, Javi, it's yours," you sobbed, hating how true that really was. "Yours to fill— you can come inside me, Tio, nobody's ever…"
You didn't even finish the thought, and he moaned as his grip on your hip tightened. He seemed pleased by the fact that you'd never been creampied before, even more excited to empty himself into you. "Beg," he ordered.
"I— I want you to come," you blurted out, not really sure what you were doing and struggling to put a thought together anyways. "Please, I want… want it inside—"
"Fuck, fuckfuckfuck," he rushed, and a moment later he stopped as deep as he could go, letting you feel every pulse as he filled you.
You gasped, almost wanting to squirm away out of instinct and try to stop him from filling you, but he held you down and kept you helpless.
"God, yes," he moaned in a breath, grunting as he started to grind his hips on yours to get himself that slightest fraction of an inch deeper.
He let his weight relax onto you and though it made it tricky to breathe, you just accepted it, finally shutting your exhausted eyes.
You were probably more than half of the way to sleep when he brought you back to reality by carefully rolling off of you; you winced as he pulled out, first from the soreness and then from the gush of sticky heat you felt coming out a moment later…
Javi stayed on his side, propped up on one bent elbow, and looked down at what you could only assume was a completely gaping pussy— and all his come leaking out.
He swiped two fingers through the mess he'd made, letting them linger on your throbbing clit until your hips jolted away; smiling, he brought the fingers to his lips and tasted his own come from your hole. "Fuck, Javi," you sighed, taken aback by the erotic, sudden gesture.
"You wanna taste too, princess?" he smirked, moving his fingers back to your pussy— but this time he didn't just scoop up what was leaking out. No, he suddenly slid two fingers into your incredibly sore cunt, making you wince from the sting and watching your face carefully with a sigh.
When he pulled his fingers out, after twisting them around inside you for a moment, they were coated in both of you. His free hand held your chin and tilted your mouth how he wanted it, guiding you to take both his fingers onto your tongue.
"Lick it off— good girl, like that…"
His praise made your exhausted walls clench just one more time.
"Taste how good we are together, baby?" he cooed. "You did so good for me… I haven't come like that in a long time."
I haven't come like that ever, you wanted to reply, but your mouth was full. When his fingers were cleaned off, he laid down beside you and wrapped you up in his arms. The strangeness of it hit you again: you, him, naked in bed… you still couldn't quite believe it was real.
"How much sleep do you need before you can go again?"
You widened your eyes and looked at him, amazed to see that he clearly wasn't joking. "Again? Javi, I'm gonna be sore for weeks already—"
"You're young, you can bounce right back," he promised, "I bet in a couple hours your pussy's gonna be even tighter than it was when we started."
You bit your lip. "I guess I can— I mean, maybe one more time, if you let me sleep a little first…"
He smiled and kissed your head, making you sigh and hide your face in his neck. He smelled the same, that's what was so weird— he smelled like he always had, the same aftershave as you remembered from all those years ago, and now you were naked and sore and used. "Okay, sweetie, get some sleep," he offered. "I'll wake you up when I'm ready to give you another load— I bet you're gonna like the way I wake you up, too."
As he chuckled lowly, kissing your neck right by your ear, you shut your eyes and tried to ignore how bizarre this was so you could rest.
His fingers gently tickled your thigh, tracing random shapes that left goosebumps behind, and whispered praises in your ear to lull you to sleep. "That's my good girl," his low, gentle voice blended in with the growing darkness of slumber.
Even mostly asleep and exhausted like you'd never been before, you got the sense that being his good girl was on ordeal that lasted more than just one night. In fact, you hoped it did.
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omgeto · 1 year
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summary: you were used to your on again, off again routine with your ex. content in being just one of his girls. until things begin to shift and he starts to make you reconsider having a relationship... with all strings attached.
w/c: 3.9k
cw: afab!reader, angst to fluff, exes to fwb to lovers, tojis a bit of a meanie but you’re a meanie too and you both love each other for that. plot with a small dash of smut so mdni!
an: listen to the weeknds “one of the girls” to see the vision. hope you enjoy!
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the bass thumps through the air, reverberating in sync with the pulse of the dimly lit club. bodies move in a synchronised chaos on the dance floor, lost in the music and the allure of the night. neon lights paint the room in shades of electric blue and vibrant pink, casting an otherworldly glow on the scene.
amid the crowd, you move with an easy grace, your body swaying to the rhythm as you dance. the atmosphere is charged, and you relish the freedom it offers, the way the music seems to wash away all your worries. tonight, the world belongs to you, and you intend to make the most of it.
but not far away, toji's gaze is fixed on you. his normally composed demeanour replaced with a simmering intensity. he watches as you interact with another guy, laughter shared, bodies drawing closer as you shamelessly grind your ass against him. his fingers clench around his drink, the glass nearly cracking under the pressure of his grip.
toji has always been good at controlling his emotions, an expert at keeping his feelings hidden beneath a mask of indifference. but tonight, seeing you with someone else, it's a different kind of test. the anger that bubbles within him is a stark reminder of the feelings he's been trying to suppress.
as the song changes, the stranger's hand slides lower on your waist, and toji sees red. he downs his drink in one gulp and pushes his way through the crowd, his jaw clenched and his heart pounding in his chest. he reaches you just as the guy's fingers brush against your hip, his presence looming over the scene.
“fuck off” he demands at the guy you were dancing with, towering over the both of you. the guy looks to you for guidance, hoping that you’ll tell toji to fuck himself. but you give the stranger an appreciative smile, knowing that there was no way you could get toji to back down.
“what the fuck was that?” you interrogate toji, as the stranger stalks off.
“what the fuck was that?” toji mocks with a sneer, “what the fuck was this,”  he gestures to your outfit, and throws his arm in the direction of the stranger you were dancing with.
“it’s called having fun toji,” you argue, confused at his outburst, “what are you even doing here anyways?” you’ve barely seen toji since you broke up, and whenever you did see him it wasn’t in public.
“don’t play dumb princess,” he scoffs,, “don’t act like you didn’t know that this was my spot, that you didn’t come here just so i could see you act like a slut,”
“toji i-” technically he wasn’t wrong, you knew this was where he spent most of his time, but he hadn’t even crossed your mind since you didn’t spend time with him, outside of your bedroom.
“i don't wanna hear it.” suddenly he was tugging on your arm, dragging you somewhere. he was pissed. you could tell by the way his veins popped as he gripped onto you. 
“where the fuck are you taking me?” you ask, pulling back defiantly, “i’m not something you can just drag around.” 
“tonight you are.” he practically growls at you, “now move your ass.” 
your night was taking an unexpected turn, this wasn’t something you did with toji – not in public anyways. your relationship was complicated. you dated for a while but you both knew that it wasn’t working, but you just couldn’t let all of each other go. 
so you created a new routine, one where you could ditch your feelings and use one another for what you were good for. if one of you needed each other it was simple. you’d call, fuck, and go straight home. but tonight, he was off, the way he was bodying people through the crowd his hand still firmly placed on your wrist as he drags you along.
the air feels charged with an unspoken challenge, a silent dare to resist him. yet, despite your defiance, there's something thrilling about his possessive hold, about the way he refuses to let you slip away.
he brings you to the bathroom of the club, practically flinging you against the sink,  hiking up your dress and landing a fat smack on your ass. his hand was stretched across your neck, using it to force you to see your face in the mirror in front of you.
his fingers run over your folds, you were already soaked “no panties, you really were planning on being a whore tonight huh.”
“no i-” 
“i’ve let you get away with a lot of shit, y’know that right?” he mutters, spreading your legs wide so he could fit right behind you, he pulls out his dick and rubs it across your wet slit.
“t-toji, someones… gonna see,” you force out, trying to glance at the bathroom door but toji had your head stuck in place, keeping your eyes trained on the mirror.
“and? do you think i fucking care…” he taunts, continuing to tease you with his dick only entering with just the tip, his precum mixing into your pussy, “don’t know why you’re becoming shy now, you were happy to be a slut out there.”
he rams his dick into you, thrusting hard, making sure that you could really feel him. toji was thick, you both knew that, he’d usually stretch you out with his fingers or his tongue before you fuck, but tonight he was merciless. the pain you felt when he entered brought tears in your eyes, you felt dazed, drunk on the dick that was ploughing straight into your pussy. you couldn’t help but fuck him back, throwing your ass back on his dick as he pushes in and out of you. you were desperate. wanting to feel him even deeper than he already was.
“see look at you,” his mouth is at your ear, your eyes meet directly through the mirror, “all fucked out on my dick, and you say you aren’t a slut.”
“I’m not i-” you try and catch your breath but toji hips slam into yours in quick succession, making it hard to gather your thoughts. 
“fuck princess,” he curses, loving the way your cunt clenches around him, “you’re taking me in so well.” 
“Its t-too much toji…” 
“I don’t care. you can take it,” he was too much, stuffing you full. you couldn’t think straight. his relentless fucking had you clenching your eyes shut, holding down on on the sink for dear life. he was practically punishing you, drilling into you with no remorse as he presses his fingers on your clit. “don’t cum until i say so.”
“but toji, ‘m close, im gonna…” you moan, you could feel yourself about to cum, your body trembling as you grind against his dick. 
“this pussy’s mine y’know. i say when you come. i say who gets to fuck you. i-” toji twitches inside of you, cupping your tits as he brings you closer towards him. his cum sprays inside of your walls, with you creaming on his dick. his cum leaks down your thighs, and he thrusts back into you, as if to keep you filled. 
“fuck,” he murmurs, he swiftly pulls out of you, shoving his dick back into his pants, leaving you there a dripping mess. there was something unspoken between the two of you, you were used to fucking rough, but this time was different. the way toji stared at you, treated you, was different. 
“are you just gonna leave?” you interrogate, all worn out as you see him heading to the exit of the bathroom.
“well, you got what you wanted.” he shrugs, “do you need a ride home or somethin?”
“what is with you tonight?” you question, caught off guard by his nonchalance, “what was that?” you couldn’t deny that you were happily fucked but you and toji have been in the same space on many occasions without their being any form of jealous outburst from him.
“don’t try and act like you didn’t come here tonight wanting this outcome,” he chastises, “what did you really expect?”
“i didn’t expect you to do this whole ‘im gonna fuck you in the bahtroom and claim you as mine,’ jealousy act,” you argue, pulling your dress down as you step closer to him, your face inches from his as you whisper, “oh my god, you were jealous.”
“jealous? of what exactly?” he counters defensively, “if i recall correctly, you weren’t even focused on guy, your eyes were looking around the room for me. you wanted me.”
“believe whatever you want toji,” you chuckle, you could see it now, his reaction to the guy you were dancing with, the way he quickly snatched you up to claim you, how his eyes can't even meet yours. “i think you’re just mad that you’ve finally realised that you’re not the only one with options.”
“well go see how those options of yours like you with my cum stuffed inside of you,” he scoffs, smirking at you with his arms folded as he storms at the bathroom, leaving you speechless.
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weeks have passed since you’ve last seen toji, you had no desire to see him after his random act of craziness at the club. yes toji was attractive, and he was the best lay you’ve ever had but you did not have the time for a guy trying to control you.
you step into your apartment, the soft glow of streetlights filtering through the curtains. It's been a long day, and all you want is to sink into the comfort of your own space. but as you close the door behind you, a sense of unease prickles at the back of your mind. something's off.
there wasn’t much surprise when you see him, lounging casually on your couch as if he owns the place. a mixture of irritation and surprise courses through you as he flashes you a smirk.
"what the hell are you doing here?" you demand, your voice sharper than you intended.
toji looks up, his gaze meeting yours with that familiar intensity. "nice to see you too, princess."
you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. "cut the crap, toji. why are you in my apartment?"
he smirks, his lips curling into that infuriatingly arrogant smile. "missed me, did you?"
“missed you? are you kidding me?" you scoff, your irritation boiling over. "you can't just waltz into my place like it's no big deal."
"relax, I'm just here to unwind" toji stretches, his casual demeanour only adding to your irritation, “and you gave me a key remember?”
"for emergencies" you snap, your patience wearing thin, “cut to the chase toji, i've got  plans.”
his mood shifts suddenly, his posture straightening as he steps towards you. “that’s exactly what i wanted to come talk to you about,” his tone grows more serious, “y’know in the past few weeks i’ve heard a few things about you and your ‘plans.’”
“what about them toji?” you were beyond fed up at this point, he’s trying to intimidate you, and you meet his gaze head-on, refusing to back down.
“it seems that you forgot what i told you in the bathroom all those weeks ago,” his face came inches closer to yours, his lips just a fraction away from your ear. “your pussy is mine.”
“why do you think you own me all of a sudden?” you snap, slightly shoving him away from you, “what happened to us just being people who occasionally fuck.”
“because you were only fucking me.”
“so what..?” you respond harshly, “in case you forgot you’re fucking half of the city.”
toji's gaze narrows, a hint of annoyance flashing across his eyes. "don't play stupid. you know damn well what I'm talking about."
you cross your arms over your chest, refusing to back down. "and what if I am? what's your problem, toji? we were just having fun, no strings attached."
be takes a step closer, his presence almost overwhelming in the confined space of your apartment. "fun, huh?" he practically sneers, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "is that what you call it? you think I'm just some convenient option for you?"
"convenient?" your voice rises, matching his intensity. "you were the one who suggested this arrangement in the first place."
a bitter smile tugs at the corner of his lips. "yeah, because i knew you couldn't handle anything more than that."
"excuse me?” your eyes narrow, anger coursing through your veins. “just face it, the reason we broke up in the first place is because you have commitment issues. so dont act like some relationship guru.”
“commitment issues, thats rich coming from you,” his jaw clenches, his fingers curling into fists at his sides. "i never said I was a guru. but don't act like you're some innocent victim in all of this."
you scoff, disbelief colouring your tone. "victim? I never claimed to be one. i knew what i was getting into, and I was fine with it. until you decided to play the possessive asshole."
toji's gaze darkens, his voice riddled with venom. "oh, so it's my fault now? i'm the asshole?"
"yes!" you practically shout, the frustration and pent-up anger finally boiling over. "you can't just waltz in and out of my life whenever it suits you, toji. i'm not here to satisfy your ego or your control freak tendencies."
he steps closer, his face dangerously close to yours. "you think you can just brush me off? go ahead, try. but you won't be able to. everybody knows you’re mine."
the audacity of his words sends a surge of rage through you. "i am not yours, toji. I am my own person, and I won't be dictated by your whims."
his eyes bore into yours, a storm of conflicting emotions raging within them. "you're playing a dangerous game princess."
"and you're deluding yourself if you think I'll just bend to your will," you retort, your voice unwavering.
toji's jaw clenches, his anger palpable. "fine. if that's how you want it, princess."
without another word, he turns on his heel and storms out of your apartment, leaving you standing there, your chest heaving with a mix of anger and defiance. as the door slams shut behind him, you realise that this confrontation might have just put an end to whatever twisted dynamic you and toji had going on. a conflicted sense of relief washes over you; you're relieved that toji is relinquishing his hold on you. however, a nagging feeling of hope stirs within you, making you question his sudden possessiveness. why does he want you all to himself? it's a thought you can't shake off, and as you ponder it, a whirlwind of uncertainty clouds your mind.
toji, on the other hand, was pissed. how could you not see that he wanted you – granted, he had an obscure way of showing it, but to him, it was clear as day. he had spent weeks grappling with the complexity of his feelings. the memories of your past together haunted him – the way you used to fit perfectly against his chest, the sound of your laughter echoing in his ears. he had buried those emotions deep, convincing himself that he was better off without the entanglements of a committed relationship.
you held a special place among the women he’d been with. it wasn't just about the physical connection, although he relished those moments when you shared that intimate space. what set you apart was your qualities – your strong mind, the way you weren't so easily fooled by him, how your eyes would glow when you’d get excited about the smallest things. with the others, there was no desire for him to stay with them after sex – they were disposable. but with you, he basked in the moments where he could lay with you after making love, cherishing the quiet intimacy.
however, after you broke up, you were cold and distant. you mirrored his own detachment, and he couldn’t help but feel used. the connection you once shared seemed to have transformed into something different, leaving him with a sense of emptiness. he found himself questioning whether he had been mistaken all along about what he thought was between you two.
deep inside, a storm raged within toji. he knew he was being unreasonable, that he had no right to demand more from you. after all, he had been the one who initiated this friends-with-benefits arrangement, drawing boundaries to keep emotions at bay. yet, watching you slip away from him, even as he tried to keep you at arm’s length, ignited a turmoil of conflicting emotions – anger, longing, and a fear of facing his own vulnerability.
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days turned into weeks, and the void left by toji's absence gnawed at your thoughts. you found yourself replaying your heated exchange, questioning if you had made the right decision. toji's intensity had left an indelible mark, and you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more beneath his anger.
you finally had chance to be free of him, to try new options – just like you wanted. but they just didn’t hit the same (literally). the guys you’ve been with after toji were alright, they got the job done, but they were all missing something. something you feel that only he could provide for you.
tonight was no different, you lay there in the aftermath of yet another liaison, the room filled with a haze of lingering desire. the guy beside you basked in his post-coital glow, his arm lazily draped across your stomach. you should've been satisfied, content even. but instead, your mind drifted, thoughts consumed by memories of toji – his touch, his gaze, the way he made you feel alive in a way no one else could.
as you slipped out from under the guy's arm and got dressed, his sleepy voice trailed after you. "leaving so soon?"
you offered a vague smile, avoiding eye contact. "yeah, i've got an early morning."
he shrugged, seemingly unbothered, and settled back onto the bed. "alright, see you around."
the cool night air greeted you as you stepped out onto the city streets, your thoughts still dominated by memories of toji. the glow of streetlights illuminated your path as you walked, lost in your own contemplations. the truth was, despite your attempts to find solace in the arms of others, your heart still yearned for toji. the memories of your time together, the electric chemistry you shared, they all refused to fade. you had tried to suppress those feelings, to silence the longing that echoed within you. but as you walked alone through the city, you admitted to yourself that no one else could replace what you had with him.
lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice the figure leaning against a nearby wall until you were practically upon him. your heart stuttered in your chest as you looked up to meet familiar dark eyes – toji. he looked just as surprised to see you as you were to see him, his usual composure momentarily faltering.
"toji?" you blurted out, unable to contain your shock.
"in the flesh," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and something else – something you couldn't quite place.
the awkward silence that followed was heavy with unspoken words, a whirlwind of emotions dancing between you. the memories of your last encounter, the heated confrontation that ended in a bitter clash, still lingered in the air. but beneath the surface, there was something more, a connection that time and distance hadn't completely eroded.
"toji, i..." you began, your voice trailing off as you struggled to find the right words.
he looked at you, his expression unreadable. "i fucked this up."
the honesty in his voice took you by surprise, and for a moment, you were transported back to a time when it was just the two of you, when everything was simpler, and your connection was undeniable.
"it wasn’t all your fault." you admitted, your voice soft.
the tension that had hung in the air seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of understanding. in that moment, it was as if the weeks of distance and confusion melted away, leaving only the truth of your feelings.
"toji..." you began again, your voice steadier this time, "can we talk?"
wrapped in the warmth of the soft blankets, you and toji lay intertwined on the bed. his strong arms held you close, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm beneath your cheek. the soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. the world outside seemed to fade away as you basked in the intimacy of the moment.
toji's fingers traced delicate patterns on your back, his touch sending shivers down your spine. your fingers traced lazy circles on his chest, the rise and fall of his breathing soothing in its familiarity. the silence between you was comfortable, a testament to the unspoken understanding that had grown between you.
"you know," toji's voice broke the quiet, "i never thought we'd end up like this."
you looked up at him, a soft smile tugging at your lips. "like what?"
he met your gaze, his eyes holding a warmth that made your heart flutter. "like this. together."
a soft chuckle escaped your lips as you nuzzled closer to him. "yeah, well, life has a funny way of surprising us."
toji's lips found yours in a gentle kiss, a tender brush of affection that spoke volumes. as the kiss deepened, the worries and uncertainties of the past seemed to melt away, leaving only the present – the two of you, wrapped in each other's arms.
you pulled away slightly, your foreheads resting together as you looked into his eyes. "you know, for a while there, i thought we were too stubborn to admit what we really wanted."
he grinned, that familiar cocky smile that made your heart skip a beat. "well, you know me – always have to do things my own way."
you rolled your eyes playfully, swatting his chest. "yeah, that's for sure."
toji's fingers brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, his touch tender and affectionate. "i'm glad we figured it out, though. i don't think i could've let you go again."
a soft sigh escaped your lips, your heart swelling with emotion. "me neither."
the two of you settled back into a comfortable silence, your bodies moulded together as if they were always meant to be this way. as you lay there, wrapped in each other's embrace, you realised that the journey to this moment – the ups and downs, the twists and turns – had been worth it. because in the end, you had found your way back to each other, stronger and more connected than ever before. you thought you'd be content just being one of his girls, but now that your his girl again you were completely and utterly satisfied.
and just as your contentment settled in, toji's mischievous smirk tugged at his lips. "now come sit on my face, so I can remind you of what you’ve been missing out on," he whispered playfully.your laughter filled the room as he pulled you on top of him, his hands firmly gripping your hips. "toji!" you exclaimed, both surprised and amused. as your hands pressed against his chest, you couldn't help but revel in the familiarity of his touch. ah how you missed this.
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3K notes · View notes
23victoria · 1 month
pairings: max verstappen x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
warnings: cussing, unwanted touching, bestfriends to lovers
authors note: i listened to vibes by chase atlantic when i wrote this last night really quickly cause i’m so behind on requests. so i’m so sorry if it’s shit! not prof read so sorry for any mistakes, also wrote this on my laptop and not my phone so i think grammarly made auto corrections, sorry about that, any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!!
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f1 masterlist 1k celebration
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The night's buzz is almost overwhelming as you step into the club, the electric energy in the air matching the high spirits of everyone around you. Max had just secured yet another victory and the entire crew decided a night out was the perfect way to celebrate. You’ve known Max for years since you started working as a commentator and interviewer for F1. The two of you clicked instantly, forming a close friendship that grew stronger with time.
But despite the late nights spent together, the countless inside jokes, and the deep conversations shared after long race weekends, there’s always been something unspoken between you. You’ve watched Max go through a relationship, and break up, and now, for some time, he’s been single. It’s been even harder lately to ignore the feelings you’ve harbored for him, but fear of ruining your friendship keeps you silent.
The music pulses through the room, and laughter fills the air as you weave through the crowd with Max by your side. He’s in high spirits tonight, smiling and laughing with everyone, and you can’t help but feel a warmth spread through you seeing him like this. His happiness is contagious, and for a moment, you let go of your reservations and join in the fun.
The music pounds through the speakers, the bass reverberating in your chest as you dance with your friends, lost in the carefree atmosphere of the night. You’re trying to immerse yourself in the moment, to let loose and enjoy the celebration, but something keeps pulling you out of it. You can feel eyes on you, and it’s making your skin crawl. Every time you glance around, you see him—the guy who’s been hovering near you for most of the night, his gaze too intense, too invasive.
You try to shake it off, telling yourself to focus on having fun. After all, you’re here to celebrate Max’s victory, and you don’t want anything to spoil the night. But then, out of nowhere, you feel it—his hand on your waist. It’s like a bucket of cold water has been poured over you, the chill of his touch instantly snapping you out of the moment. You tense up, your body going rigid as alarm bells start ringing in your mind.
You immediately step away, trying to put some distance between you and him, but he’s persistent. He follows, his hand still on you, tightening his grip as he leans in closer. The smell of alcohol on his breath hits you, making you recoil.
“Please, stop touching me,” you say, your voice firm but polite, hoping he’ll get the message and back off. For a moment, it seems like he does—his hand drops from your waist, and he takes a step back, raising his hands in mock surrender. You force a smile, relieved that it’s over, and try to get back into the groove of the music, but the unease lingers.
Five minutes pass, and you start to relax again, laughing with your friends as you dance, the earlier tension beginning to fade. But just as you’re starting to enjoy yourself again, you feel it—his hand, creeping back onto your waist. This time, it’s more insistent, more possessive, as he tries to slide it lower, fingers brushing dangerously close to the edge of your dress.
Your blood runs cold. Panic surges through you as you try to pull away, but his grip tightens, holding you in place. Your heart pounds in your chest, a mix of fear and anger bubbling up inside you.
Before you can react, a familiar presence looms over you, and suddenly, the guy is yanked away from you with a force that sends him stumbling back. Max is there, his usually calm and collected demeanor replaced with a fierce, protective anger. He grabs the guy by the collar of his shirt, pulling him close until their faces are just inches apart.
“What the fuck are you doing? Huh?! Who the fuck do you think you are?!” Max’s voice is sharp, a dangerous edge to it that you rarely hear. His blue eyes blaze with fury as he stares the guy down, every inch of him radiating anger. “Didn’t she tell you to stop? So why the fuck are you touching my girl?! 
The words hang in the air, and you feel your breath catch in your throat. His girl. Max just called you his girl. The realization hits you like a freight train, but there’s no time to dwell on it as the bouncer arrives, having noticed the commotion. 
The guy stammers out a half-hearted apology, but Max isn’t having any of it. He pushes him away, standing protectively in front of you. The other drivers, who had been enjoying themselves a moment ago, are now watching intently, ready to back Max up if needed. But the bouncer is already there, having noticed the commotion.
“Get this piece of shit out of here,” Max orders, his voice leaving no room for argument. The bouncer doesn’t hesitate, grabbing the guy and dragging him towards the exit. You can’t help but feel a mix of relief and embarrassment as everyone’s eyes turn back to you. The adrenaline from the confrontation has left you shaken, and all you want to do is get out of there.
“I think…I think I’m going to head home,” you say, your voice a little shaky. The rest of the group immediately offers to leave as well, but you shake your head. “No, you guys stay. Have fun. I just need to get some rest.”
“I’ll drive you home,” Max says, his tone leaving no room for argument. You open your mouth to protest, not wanting to ruin his night, but he cuts you off. “Y/N, I’m taking you home. End of discussion.”
You know better than to argue when he’s in this mood, so you simply nod, letting him lead you out of the club. The car ride is silent, the tension thick between you. You keep replaying the events of the night in your head, trying to make sense of Max’s reaction. The way he called you “his girl” to the guy has your mind spinning, but you don’t dare bring it up, unsure of what it means—or maybe too scared to hope.
When you finally reach your apartment, you hesitate before getting out of the car. “Do you…do you want to come up?” you ask, your voice almost timid. Max looks at you for a moment before nodding.
Once inside, you head to your room to change into something more comfortable, grateful for a moment to gather your thoughts. Meanwhile, Max busies himself in the kitchen. When you return, you find him making a sandwich, a small, amused smile on his face when he notices you watching.
“I figured you might be hungry,” he says, sliding the plate towards you as you sit at the counter. The two of you eat in silence, the weight of everything that’s gone unsaid hanging in the air.
It’s you who finally breaks the silence. “Max…about tonight…”
He looks up at you, his expression unreadable. “What about it?”
You take a deep breath, gathering the courage to say what’s been on your mind since the moment he stepped in to protect you. “You called me ‘your girl’ back there. Why?”
Max’s eyes search yours, and for a moment, you see something in them—something deep, something vulnerable. He sets down his sandwich and leans across the counter, his gaze never leaving yours.
“Because…because that’s what you are to me,” he admits, his voice soft but firm. “You’ve always been my girl, Y/N. I just…I never had the guts to say it. I was afraid of messing things up between us, but seeing that guy…seeing him touch you, I just…I couldn’t stand it.”
His words leave you speechless, a mix of disbelief and overwhelming joy washing over you. You’ve wanted to hear those words for so long, but you never thought you actually would.
“Max…are you saying…?” you trail off, too afraid to finish the sentence, too scared to hope that this could actually be happening.
He reaches out, taking your hand in his, his thumb brushing gently over your knuckles. “I love you, Y/N. I’ve loved you for a long time. I just…I didn’t want to lose you by telling you.”
For a moment, all you can do is stare at him, your heart racing in your chest. Then, slowly, a smile spreads across your face, and you squeeze his hand.**
“I love you too, Max,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve loved you for so long, but I was too scared to say anything. I didn’t want to ruin what we have.”
Max lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, his face breaking into a wide, relieved smile. “God, we’re such idiots,” he laughs, moving around the counter to pull you into his arms. “All this time, and we’ve both been too afraid to say anything.”
You laugh too, the sound filled with a mix of relief and happiness. “Yeah, we are,” you agree, resting your head against his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath your cheek. “But at least we finally figured it out.”
Max pulls back slightly, tilting your chin up so you’re looking into his eyes. “And now that we have,” he murmurs, his voice low and filled with emotion, “we have all the time in the world.”
You smile up at him, your heart swelling with love for this man who’s been your best friend for so long, and now, finally, something more. “Yeah, we do,” you agree softly before leaning up to press your lips to his.
The kiss is slow and tender at first, both of you savoring the moment that’s been a long time coming. But soon, it deepens, the pent-up emotions from years of unspoken feelings pouring out. Max’s hands cup your face as he kisses you like he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he lets go, and you melt into him, feeling like you’re finally where you’re meant to be.
When you finally pull back, both of you are breathless, and you can’t help but laugh again, the joy bubbling up inside you. “We really are idiots,” you say, shaking your head in disbelief. “How did it take us this long?”
Max chuckles, pressing his forehead against yours. “I don’t know,” he admits, “but I’m just glad we finally got here.”
You smile, leaning up to kiss him again, and this time, the kiss is filled with promise—a promise of a future together, of all the moments you’ll share now that the truth is out. And as you pull him closer, feeling his arms wrap around you, you know that this is just the beginning.
And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ taglist: @ham1lton @ietss @animeandf1lover @nelly187 @heartsfromtaeyong @bloodyymaryyy @nor-4 @zacian117 @mel164 @uhhvictoria @hadidsworld @zabwlky1999 @sya-skies @lillysbigwilly @avengers-assemble123456 @santanasaintmendes @km-23mr @hookhausenschips @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @Ronpho @minekarina @aeongism @formula1-motogpfa @slagclarens @aleexvqa @f1updates4you @booksandflowrs @chaostudee @winkev1 @strawblueberrys @yoncesgroove @tellybearryyyy @magixpracticality @eoduuung @ihtscuddlesbeeetchx3 @demyackerman @oledoledoffen @acesbakery @oliviah-25 @bbwzrld
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© 23victoria 2023-24 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate or claim my work as your own
414 notes · View notes
maya1525 · 2 months
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🌶️ Would You Rather??? (Sashisu Request)
Pairing ✩࿐ Fem!Reader X Shoko Ieiri X Suguru Geto X Satoru Gojo
WARNINGS ✩࿐ Group sex with every possible pairing between you 4. Eating train, tit fucking, giving oral, receiving oral, oral during penetration, two people giving oral to one person, face sitting, face fucking, cream pie, and vaginal sex.
Word count ✩࿐10.4K
Summary ✩࿐ Fem!Reader accidentally buys the spicy version of Would You Rather for her friend’s drinking party, and let’s just say… things end up getting a little spicy.
BONUS ✩࿐ Slow lead-up! I felt like it’d be fun to go through some questions before things intensified. Plus, I wanted the fic to feel gradual and not forced. So you can feel like you’re there at the party, just hanging out. Also the reader is also a lightweight when it comes to drinking. Her friends also view her as a little shy and innocent.
A/N ✩࿐ I originally was writing this fic as a one-shot with Suguru and Satoru, but then someone requested a Sashisu Fic! So I of course had Shoko join in on the fun! I had fun with this four-way and I prioritized that everyone was involved with each other at all times! Also, I have a crush on Shoko now. 🥰 Sorry for taking forever to post this, I know it’s a cliche thing to say: but life is very busy for me. Today I got ALL four of my wisdom teeth removed. 🥲 I was given this day off work, and I saw it as a prime opportunity to polish this fic up and post it! Thanks for reading and I appreciate all of you so much! 💗
“I’m glad you found a game for us to play.” Satoru hummed smoothly while he invited you into his semi-lit dorm room. “Cause what’s the point to drinking, when there isn’t anything fun to do.”
That earned a scoff from Geto who lounged on the couch. “Uh, we could just hang out.”
“Psh. Where’s your sense of entertainment? Are you saying you don’t want to play the game Y/n just got?” Gojo retorted in a fake shocked tone.
“I’m not saying that.” Suguru rolled his eyes toward his white-haired friend. “I’m just saying-“
“Enough of that, show us the game you got Y/n!” Shoko’s comforting voice rang from behind you, causing you to whirl around and give her a sweet hug. In return, she held you close with her arm draped around your waist. A lazy grin plastered on her face and a burning cigarette between her lips.
“Shoko! I’m so happy you made it, for a second I thought I’d be stuck with those two.” You teased, playfully glancing at Gojo and Geto. Suguru smirked at your words, while Gojo made a fist on his heart as if he was stabbed.
“Yeah, sorry for not letting you know I was coming. I got held up with something back at the lab.” She explained while moving her bangs from her face.
“Enough talk, let’s start this night off with a shot! That means you Suguru.” Satoru announced clapping his hands. He led you and Shoko to the island, where he got the glasses ready. All the lights were off except for the ones above the island. The rest of his living room and kitchen were lit up by blue LED strips. Giving his living space an electric feel.
“When was the last time you got drunk Y/n?” Suguru asked curiously while approaching the counter, his dark gaze resting on you.
You flushed, “The last time I got drunk was with you guys.”
“What?! That was like two months ago!” Gojo exasperated while pouring vodka into the small glasses. Judging from how fancy the vodka bottle looked, you had a feeling he bought the expensive stuff. Which didn’t surprise you.
“Yeah, it's been a while. So let the send begin.” You explained excitedly, taking one of the shot glasses for yourself.
“Fuck yeah! Let’s full fucking send baby!” Satoru cheered while raising his shot glass. “This is for a good night!”
“A good night!” Everyone said while they clinked their glasses. Then they tapped the bottom of their shot glasses to the counter and proceeded to take it to their lips.
You held your breath as you quickly forced yourself to swallow the harsh poison. Your mouth watered tremendously and it went down like liquid fire. Your eyes teared up a bit as you set your glass down.
“Shit, that woke me up.” Suguru chuckled while setting his glass next to yours.
“Same here *cough* let’s play that game you got, Y/n!” Shoko croaked out while squeezing your arm gently.
You quickly dug in your purse to grab the deck of cards while your friends went to the living room. They situated themselves on the floor, so you guys could sit in a circle. You sat between Suguru and Satoru with Shoko across from you. Geto was busy finding some good background music to play on the TV to set the mood.
“What did you end up getting?” Gojo asked while leaning back on his hands comfortably. You handed him the box.
“I got us Would You Rather! There were so many versions to choose from! I thought we’d have a fun time playing it, so I got the generic box of questions.” You sighed eagerly, leaning over to Satoru to look at the cards.
Gojo chuckled. “This isn’t the original one… You got us the spicy version.” He peeled off the price tag to reveal the small red word ‘spicy’ underneath it.
Mortification washed over you like a massive wave, “No, no! I swear I got the plain one! I’m so sorry you guys. If you want I can run to the store and get the other version.”
“Let’s give it a try. And if it’s no good, I’ll be the one who runs to the store.” Satoru hummed while giving you a gentle elbow jab.
“But don’t you think it would be too embarrassing to talk about spicy topics…” You mumbled shyly, trying to avert your gaze from his.
“Hell no! If you’re feeling shy, just drink some more liquid courage!” Satoru announced while handing you a red solo cup with fruity alcoholic juice. He clinked his plastic cup against yours and the both of you drank to that.
You couldn’t help but turn your lips upward, “Okay, let’s see how this goes.”
“Since Y/n bought the game she can go first, then we’ll just go around in a circle,” Shoko stated, handing you a card from the top of the deck. You were already feeling that shot in your system. Your face felt warm and you felt more outgoing. You leaned against the base of the couch comfortably.
You quickly read over your card. “Okay Shoko, this one’s for you! Would you rather receive a sexy message or a love note?”
Shoko took a swig of her drink and then answered, “Message. I’d receive it faster and then answer right away. What about you?” She nodded her head in your direction.
“Hmm… I’d say love note! Cause when you write something down you want to leave a lasting impression. Making notes more… special.” You exclaimed dreamily, then you felt hot with embarrassment because you realized everyone’s eyes were on you.
“Aww, that’s cute. I didn’t know you were such a romantic.” Shoko’s soft brown eyes sparkled at you.
“I’d say I’m the same way Y/n, letters seem more sentimental.” Geto agreed with you, his gaze held on you briefly.
“Nah, I’d want a hot text message. Right here. Right now.” Satoru slurred, “Then we could act on those feelings asap.” Gojo grabbed a card from the top of the deck and read it over briskly. “Y/n, would you rather show affection in public or in private?” Satoru asked with a cheeky grin while taking a drink from his cup.
You tilted your head toward Gojo. “What type of affection is it? Cause if it’s innocent then I don’t mind doing it in public.”
Satoru chuckled. “What do you mean innocent stuff?” He arched a brow at you over his glasses.
“Like hugs, kisses, and hand-holding. Not doing the nasty!” You explained while taking a drink, you felt another wave of the alcohol wash over you. Damn, you’re getting drunk faster than expected.
“Makes sense, to be honest, I don’t care if it’s done in public. Let’s make a scene, who cares if people watch.” Gojo murmured while subtly resting his hand on yours. This small action made your heart skip a beat.
“I’m the opposite, I’d want to be the only one to see my partner unraveled. No one else should deserve to see them in such an intimate way.” Suguru stated with his arms crossed.
“What about you Shoko?” You asked her curiously.
The corner of her mouth tilted upward, “I’m the same as you. I’m okay with public affection if it’s mild.” She then leaned forward to grab herself a card. Her eyes quickly darted from left to right as she read it. “Ooo, okay this one’s a little dirty… I want Suguru to answer this. When it comes to oral, would you rather give or receive?”
Geto stiffened with surprise. “Even though receiving is delightful, I’d say give.”
This earned a girlish squeal to come from you and Shoko, “Really?! How come?” She pried with a hazy smile.
“It brings me satisfaction to please someone who I care about,” Geto admitted while adjusting his position so his left arm was now resting on his bent knee.
“Same here, it’s like your way to show them how much you admire them.” You agreed wistfully, the alcohol in your system had taken a deeper root and you were feeling pretty good.
“I like being on the receiving end of the stick. Nothing’s hotter than the view of your sweetheart worshiping you with their mouth.” Satoru explained while his fingers trailed up your wrist playfully, and then he rested his hand back on yours.
Geto chuckled. “Of course you would.”
“Yeah, why doesn’t that surprise me,” Shoko added with a little laugh.
Suguru then leaned forward and grabbed a card. “Would you rather only have sex in bed for the rest of your life or never be able to have sex in a bed again? I want Y/n to answer this.”
“I’d say, never in the bed. Cause doing it in the bed all the time could get boring.” You expressed and everyone murmured in agreement. “Ok, my turn.” You swiftly grabbed yourself a card. “Suguru, would you rather have sex in the car or the shower?
Geto brought his veiny hand up to his mouth in deep thought. “Shower.”
You giggled at his blunt answer. “And why?”
His sharp eyes darted toward you humorously. “Because when you’re done you’re nice and clean. Also, the steam and being all wet is hot. Doing it in a car sounds a little restrictive.”
You nodded in agreement. “Those are some good points, I’d say the same.”
“You guys are weird, doing it in the car is way hotter!” Satoru interrupted.
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking!” Shoko chimed in to aid Gojo. “Doing it in the car is restrictive, but that shouldn’t be a problem if you’re flexible.”
“Plus the whole car steams up and it shakes while you do it. Making it a public scene which is even better.” Satoru explained while waving his drink around. Then he grabbed his card, “Shoko, would you rather only be able to be on the bottom during sex or only on the top?”
Shoko took a slurp of her beverage, “Hmm, it depends. If I’m with a guy, then bottom. But if I’m with a girl then top.” She explained with a cute smile, her gaze drifted towards you. “What about you?”
You flushed because of how intimate the question was. “Me? Oh… umm, I’d say bottom for men. But it depends on women. If she’s more assertive I’ll let her be top. But if she’s more on the submissive side then I’ll take the lead.”
“That’s hot.” Satoru blurted with a flirtatious expression. You felt his hand give yours a small squeeze, causing you to look down bashfully.
You reached for your cup only to realize that you finished it off a couple of minutes ago.
“Gimme your cup, I’ll get you some more babe.” Satoru purred over to you.
“Thank you.” You smiled up at him sweetly as he removed the red cup from your hand. His gaze had the perfect view down your shirt at this angle, which made him enjoy the noticeable height difference between you too.
“Anyone else need a refresher.” Gojo glanced at his other two friends, while he stood to his feet. Both Suguru and Shoko handed him their empty cups and with two cups in each hand, he departed to the kitchen.
“So on a level of one to ten, how drunk are you Y/n? One being barely and ten being black-out wasted.” Shoko asked the beauty mark beneath her eye raised upward when she smiled at you.
“Hmm, I’d say I’m like a four-point seven.” You sighed cutely. Your response caused both Geto and Shoko to laugh.
“That’s oddly specific, why a four-point seven of all numbers?” Geto eyed you with amusement.
“I couldn’t just say four, 'cause I’m feeling five coming on!”
“If someone said four-point seven, that must mean they’re actually like a six.” Shoko snickered. “I think our little friend’s a lightweight Suguru!”
You paid no mind to their teasing, it only made you laugh in response. It’s been a while since the four of you kicked back like this.
Gojo returned with the refilled beverages, he of course handed you your drink first with a sly grin. He sat down next to you, closer than he was before and he draped his muscular arm around your narrow shoulders. “So whose turn is it now?”
“Mine!” Shoko announced as she reached for a card. “And this one’s for you Gojo, would you rather have morning sex or late-night sex?”
“Morning sex, what else would be a better way to start my day!” Satoru admitted seductively while pulling you a little bit closer to him. His warm body next to yours was comforting, since his living room window was open, letting in a fresh cold night breeze.
“True, I’ll have to agree with you on that one,” Shoko admitted while sipping on her drink.
“What about you Y/n?” Satoru asked nonchalantly while throwing his card in the discard pile.
“I’m more of a nighttime person. Cause then after we can just cuddle and fall asleep.” You confessed while taking a drink from your cup. Its fruity flavor was quite delectable, making it a dangerous drink.
“You’re such a sweetheart Y/n, truly girlfriend material.” Gojo laughed and complimented at the same time.
His honest reaction made you feel pretty good about yourself - or was it the alcohol? Maybe both.
“Don’t fall for his flattery Y/n,” Geto warned, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Gojo doesn’t deserve a girl like you. You’re too good for him.”
“Psh! As if you’re any better than me?” Satoru hissed over at his friend. “Answer me this Y/n, would you rather date me or Geto?”
You flushed at his bold question and nervously looked down. You couldn’t choose between both of them! You wouldn’t want to hurt either of their feelings. “I-I…” You stammered.
Shoko came to the rescue. “Cut that shit out Gojo! Besides, it’s not your turn to ask a question.”
“Yeah, it’s my turn.” Suguru leaned forward to grab his card with a devilish grin. “Y/n, would you rather I show you or tell you about my desires?”
You took another drink from the red cup, feeling the liquid courage run rampant through your veins. “Show me.”
Suguru set his drink aside and pried you from Satoru’s grasp. He guided you onto his lap so you were straddling him. His lips turned upward to form a sly grin.
“First… I’d gently caress your body, like this.” His smooth voice hummed softly, while his large veiny hands ghosted from your waist down to your juicy thighs. His hot hands trailed from your knees to the inner sensitive parts between them. “And while I do that, I’ll kiss you, like this.” His lips pressed against yours and his sneaky tongue tangled itself with yours. Meanwhile, you could hear Shoko and Gojo protesting in the background.
Your heart was pounding a million miles per minute. You’ve never kissed Suguru before, he was your friend! The most you two have ever done was cuddle when you were cold. Yes; he’d flirt with you, but so did Shoko and Gojo (he was relentless, to say the least). Of course, you fed in and would smooth talk your friends. You never would’ve thought those innocent remarks could progress into something so much more. Was he kissing you just for fun? Or was it simply to take part in the game? You wanted to test the waters and cautiously reached up to grab the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. His mouth moved against yours passionately, while his hands glided from your thighs to your lower back in the most tantalizing way.
He then removed his mouth from yours and whispered lowly in your ear. “Then once things get a little more desperate between us, I’d like to worship you with my mouth.” With that being said, he lowered his hot mouth down to the crook of your neck. He sucked on your flawless skin as if he was savoring a delectable dish. While he marked you, his sultry gaze met Gojo’s. Who had his arms crossed defiantly. Satoru wanted to be the one to unravel cute little Y/n.
An adorable sigh of pleasure escaped your lips when you felt Geto mark your skin with a bit more pressure. The room around you seemed to spin and your vision wasn’t clear anymore. The alcohol has clouded your senses and now you are in a drunk stupor. You couldn’t care less though, you were having fun, and you were feeling yourself too. You’ve never felt so wanted and so hot before.
“Let’s not get carried away, darling.” Suguru cooed while he pulled off your neck, leaving a notable red mark. By the way your breath hitched, Geto could sense how ready you were. He turned your body effortlessly and draped you across his lap. His strong arms held you securely, and you felt quite comfortable in his lap like this.
“I didn’t realize that you’d be such a needy little girl Y/n,” Gojo smirked down at you while he handed you your drink. You took it graciously and took a generous swig.
“Hmm? Is that a bad thing or a good thing?” You questioned with a hazed look on your pretty face. It was pretty evident how drunk you were.
“To put it bluntly, your eagerness is a fucking turn-on,” Satoru murmured while blatantly checking your tits out.
You simply smiled and took another drink from your cup. Your ego was higher than ever and it was mostly because of the liquor in your system. You were heavily intoxicated at this point and the room was swirling around you. You rested your head on Suguru’s shoulder for stability while you sipped on the last of your drink.
“Looks like you’re running out.” Geto purred above you, he poured his drink into your cup with a killer smirk as his bangs fell in front of his face. You greedily took another drink of the alcoholic beverage.
“Suguru, I’m drunk…” You whined quietly, looking into his hazy amber eyes, your vision was doubled and it looked as if Geto had a twin brother.
“Oh really?” He teased while finishing off his drink.
“Damn, Y/n is so fucking cute when she’s drunk,” Satoru murmured over to Geto. Gojo’s flirtatious gaze held on you briefly. His voice sounded as if it was underwater, you couldn’t help but smile at his compliment and burrow your face in the crook of Suguru’s neck. Damn, he smelt so attractive, like a dark and sweet candle.
“Y/n… I think it’s your turn to go.” Shoko called from across you. “Here’s your card.” You turned your attention over to her while she was on all fours on the floor to hand you your card. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes looked at you with a hint of desire.
You smiled at her sweetly and took it, you found it a little difficult to read what the card said. The words looked as if they were waving around. “I can’t read it…” You pouted adorably.
“Here, hand it to me sugar.” Geto’s voice rumbled in his chest. “Okay it says; would you rather have long, slow sex every time or always have a quickie?”
“I’d want to have quickies 'cause I like it rough.” You admitted with no shame. Your words caused Geto to grip onto you a bit tighter.
“You don’t say?” Gojo’s seductive voice rang out while he eyed you hungrily.
Shoko giggled, her laugh sounded like music to your ears. “No sweetie, who do you want to answer the question? That’s your card.”
Realization hit you and you laughed carelessly. “Oh, whoopsies… how bout you answer this Gojo?”
“I’m the same as you, 'cause fucking rough is so much fun. Would you care to try it sometime?”
You bit your lower lip and batted your eyelashes up at him. “Really?”
“Yeah babe, we’ve been friends for about a year now and I’m just trying to get to know you a bit better.” He whispered huskily, knowing damn well Suguru and Shoko could hear the both of you. He brought his face close to yours while you shifted in Geto’s lap to get closer to Gojo. He brushed his lips against yours in a teasing manner and then pulled away.
“Fucking hell, don’t get me riled up. I might just have to take you up to my bedroom after this.” He grazed his tongue over his top row of teeth. Satoru reached over to the pile of cards and grabbed one for himself. “Y/n, would you rather lick me here…or here?” He pointed to his abs and then to his neck.
“Why those places?” Shoko giggled over at her white-haired friend.
“The card specifically says not on the lips or privates.” Satoru flung his card in her direction. He then cast his flirtatious gaze toward you. “So which is it?”
“Both!” You sighed excitedly. “Shit, what were the options again?” You slurred with a hiccup.
“Abs or neck?” Gojo repeated himself while beckoning you to come to him.
“Okay.” You giggled while crawling from Geto’s lap over to Gojo. You lifted Satoru’s shirt to reveal his mouthwatering abs, he was so fit and muscular. You eagerly settled yourself between his legs comfortably and dragged your molten tongue up his stomach.
“Mmh, fuck.” Gojo groaned quietly, fully enjoying how hot this was. Your tongue tickled him, but he paid no mind to it and loved your cute little mouth making love to his strong abs.
Everything around you didn’t matter and you solely focused on licking Gojo like a treat. Your intrusive thoughts got the best of you and you latched down and began to suck on his skin instead. You then left a small trail of hickeys down his taught skin and continued to work your way southward. You rested your hand on his thigh, and in return, you felt his large hand rest on your shoulder.
Your thoughts quickly became dirty and you tentatively reached up to rest your hand on Satoru’s crotch. You were pleasantly surprised to find him fully erect. “You dirty girl. Ahh…” Gojo hissed out in pleasure when you stroked his length in an appetizing way.
Your sinful mouth sucked on his pale skin hungrily. You knew that some red marks would be left behind. Being the one responsible made you feel needy between your legs. Your mouth continued to make its way lower and lower. Soon enough your lips brushed against the hem of his black pants.
“Have you ever been to Paris?” Gojo murmured huskily above you.
“Huh?” You looked up with a dazed expression on your pretty face.
“Cause I can show you the eye-full tower.” He rumbled with a flirty expression.
Your busy mouth came to a halt and a smile crept on your face, followed by uncontrollable giggles. “That was the corniest shit I’ve ever heard! You’re drunk Satoru!”
“What? I thought that was the right thing to say at the moment.” Gojo smiled cheekily with a faint blush forming across his cheeks.
Even Shoko and Geto joined in on the laughter. You pulled off his hickey-ridden abs and took a greedy drink from your cup.
“Please don’t tell me you used that pickup line before.” Suguru chided through hearty chuckles.
“As a matter of fact, I’ve used it twice. And each time-“
“Ouch! I can’t believe you’d try to pull the same shallow trick on me! You gotta try harder than that.” You panted between fits of laughter.
“I bet he’s the type to be all talk and then finishes in three minutes,” Shoko added while rolling onto the floor snickering.
“Nah, he’s more like. That has never happened before, must be because you’re so hot.” Geto snarked while imitating Gojo’s seductive voice.
“Hey, guys enough with the mean jokes!” You defended. “He’s just a squirrel trying to find his nut.” The three of you were wheezing at this point, while Satoru just crossed his arms with an amused smile.
“You guys seem to be more drunk than me.” He mumbled with an arched brow, while he pulled his shirt back down and quenched his thirst for his alcohol.
Eventually, the three of you settled down and there was a moment of silence. Which was short-lived.
“My turn!” Shoko sighed excitedly, she grabbed a card, and her face lit up as she read it. “Ooh! Okay, Y/n, would you rather make out with me right now or in the bathroom where we can have some privacy?” Her smooth voice echoed in your mind while her amber eyes seemed to glow towards you in the dimly lit room.
You felt immense desire well up inside you, you’ve always found Shoko to be alluring. You never would’ve thought that she’d view you in a romantic way. You’ve never kissed a girl before and the liquor in your system sent your confidence soaring. You crawled over to her instead of answering the question. She leaned across the circle toward you and met you halfway. Her beautiful face inched closer to yours, and being so close to her made you realize how good she smelt. Her scent was sweet like vanilla mixed with a faint flowery smell. You smiled at her with anticipation and she smirked at you in return. You admired her cute little beauty mark below her right eye. While you were taking in her pretty looks she greedily pressed her lips against yours.
She tasted like cherries, her soft lips moved against yours hypnotically. You gasped in her mouth when she tangled her l fingers in your hair to pull you in deeper. It felt as if your body was lit on fire with passion, and you succumbed quickly to her viper-like tongue.
Suguru and Satoru watched with starved looks on their faces while you feverishly made out with each other. Shoko grabbed you by your shoulder and pulled you even closer. You tentatively reached up and rested your hand on her slim waist. Things were heating up faster than you intended and you felt her sneaky fingers grip your thigh hotly. Her nimble hand snaked its way between your legs, causing excitement to burn through your veins. The both of you were completely enthralled with each other and forgot that the guys were still watching you. She kissed her way off your mouth and across your jaw. Her heated kiss trailed down to your neck while her hand gravitated closer to your core between your legs.
“Mmh, Shoko…” A slutty little whimper rang from your lips, stirring an insatiable hunger within the men watching.
You felt her slick lips form into a sultry smile against your neck. “Have you ever been pleased by another girl before?”
Your cheeks flushed and you shook your head negatively. “N-no. But I want to be.” You admitted in a breathy whisper.
“Perfect. Let me do the honors then.” Shoko’s smooth voice mumbled against the crook of your neck. Her hand that was between your legs brushed against your clothed pussy in your pants. A combination of delight and excitement washed over you.
Suddenly, you felt another pair of hands resting on the back of your hips and the presence of someone sitting behind you.
“I hope you sexy ladies don’t mind if we join in on the fun.” Satoru’s low voice mumbled out from behind you. Your body immediately rested back against his chest in acceptance. He hoisted you up on his lap as if you were weightless. His body pressed against your back brought a comforting warmth.
Gojo feverishly snacked on the right side of your neck while Shoko left hickeys on your left side. Her dainty fingers ghosted over your clothed cunt. You felt her smile slyly against the crook of your neck. Shoko began to unbutton your pants.
The room around you was spinning and it felt as if someone had hexed the liquor you consumed. For some reason in your drunk state of consciousness, you craved this sexual pleasure with the utmost urgency. There was no rhyme or reason to your actions and your body succumbed to those wanton urges.
You lifted your hips to help Shoko remove your pants when you felt her tug them downward. Gojo took the opportunity to rest both of his large veiny hands on your soft and squishy thighs. You glanced over to see that Geto had positioned himself behind Shoko and began to caress her body while she shimmied your pants off of you. Once she flung your pants away she settled herself between your thighs and pushed your sexy underwear off to the side. Her hands pried your thighs open a bit wider and now your exposed core was on display for her and Suguru to see. Meanwhile, Satoru nibbled at the back of your neck hungrily. You felt his hands firmly pull your top off now revealing your juicy breasts to Suguru.
Her alluring face dipped between your legs and you felt her hot breath waft over your desperate little cunt. She placed a feather-light kiss against your pussy. Her silky soft lips glided over your dampening folds, she teasingly dipped her tongue into your entrance for a quick taste. Suguru made his way over to you to study your flushed face. He smiled at the needy look on your face and pressed his lips against yours. He gently groped your plump breasts with admiration. But his fondling was cut short when Satoru pushed his hands away so he could have a turn.
Shoko’s sneaky tongue slid up your pussy and against your clit deliciously. She lapped her tongue in your folds expertly, she’s done this before. Shoko then focused her mouth on your sensitive bundle of nerves. She even went as far as latching down and sucking on it viciously. Your body squirmed under her promiscuous mouth and small whimpers of pleasure escaped your lips and into Suguru’s mouth.
Suguru’s lips moved against yours feverishly, he nibbled your bottom lip in a teasing manner while his tongue begged to enter. You obliged and your tongues twisted and slithered against each other hotly.
Satoru had a perfect view of Shoko going down on you and that fucking riled him up. The way Satoru had you on his lap, caused you to feel something hard press against your ass cheeks. The thought of Gojo popping a boner from Shoko eating you out made you extra horny.
Gojo couldn’t take it anymore and unzipped his pants from underneath you and began to rub his aching rod along the inside parts of your thighs. His dick felt hot and firm against your soft skin. You glanced down to admire the way his cock looked. You never would have thought that you’d be fortunate enough to witness his large vein-covered rod. The tip of his dick was a soft rosy color and it leaned a little to the left. Despite how heavy it looked, it surprised you how it stood up erect on its own.
Shoko’s mouth on your desperate cunt made you incredibly wet. Your pussy was practically begging for penetration. Satoru was able to feel the mix of Shoko’s saliva and your arousal drip down onto his raging shaft.
Shoko couldn’t help but give Satoru’s dick a little love. Her pert mouth welcomed him into her wet cavern with great enthusiasm.
“Fucking shit.” Gojo hissed under his breath, Shoko’s mouth felt so inviting. She dragged her tongue all over his length to coat him up in her saliva. Shoko pulled away and guided the head of his cock to your slick entrance. She wore a captivated expression as she helped his thick tip squeeze into your pretty little pussy. Gojo stretched you out almost painfully. He was barely inside you and a small cry of discomfort and surprise fell from your lips.
“It’s okay baby, you’re doing so good. Just a little more and then he’s in.” Shoko cooed with an empathetic smile. She picked up on your slight discomfort and placed juicy kisses on your clit. Her tongue swirled around your clitoris. Her skilled mouth helped you relax onto Gojo’s shaft and soon enough, he slid all the way into you. Enthralling pleasure began to buzz through you and you were ready to move.
Satoru placed one hand on your hip and the other on your breast, teasing your nipple between his index and thumb. He set into a slow pace of pumping his rod into you. He was trying to savor the way your walls gripped him tightly. But the greedier side of his personality was taking over, and he simply wanted to rail you here and now. His thrusts became wild with an incredible amount of force. You’ve never been fucked this rough before, and you were certainly enjoying it.
Suguru’s hot lips kissed yours passionately while his friend claimed your pussy. However, Geto felt a small sting of jealousy toward his white-haired friend. To feel like he wasn’t missing out he positioned his face between Shoko’s legs. He lifted her skirt to reveal her toned thighs and plump ass, wrapped in a sexy red thong. He slid his sneaky fingers down to her snatch, to find her pleasantly wet and ready. Suguru didn’t waste any time and ravishingly kissed her cunt.
Shoko slurped your clit as if it was her favorite candy. Her tongue teased and tickled you, which made you even more saturated. Gojo has never experienced a pussy as wet as yours, which enticed the idea that this wasn’t going to be a one-time thing. That’s for damn sure.
The overstimulation of Shoko’s hot mouth and Satoru’s penetrating length turned you into a bubbling mess. Since you weren’t sober, this made the situation much more riveting. You flung your head back and onto Gojo’s broad shoulder. Which inspired him to plunge into you with more force than before, with each thrust you were able to feel his massive dick stretch you out almost sinfully.
“Damn it.” Gojo gritted through his teeth, he was about to bust due to your perfect pussy. He wanted to last longer and pushed the thought of release aside. You felt him abruptly pull out of you. “Shoko, Y/n. I want you to make out on my dick.” Satoru commanded breathlessly.
This grabbed Suguru’s attention and he removed his mouth from Shoko’s pussy with a wet kiss. “Can you ladies do the same to me?”
Shoko popped her head out from between your thighs and rolled her eyes. “Who made you the boss, Satoru?”
“It’s okay.” Shoko’s expression softened when your mousy voice spoke up. “I think it’d be hot, we should give it a try. Then after can I suggest something?” You smiled almost innocently. Your natural beauty mesmerized your friends.
“Y-yeah, anything for you babe.” Shoko flushed, her upper cheeks tinted with a faint shade of pink.
You flashed her a sugary grin and repositioned yourself on the floor near Gojo’s crotch. His pants were messily undone and his slippery raging dick stood up, ready for action. You laid on Satoru’s right leg and Shoko placed herself over his left. Gojo was able to feel your wet and desperate pussies through his pant legs. Geto went ahead and sat on Gojo’s right side, next to you. Geto had a large and noticeable tent in his pants, his cock was aching for attention. Without hesitation, you reached over and softly stroked his meaty package.
With no words being exchanged, you and Shoko began to kiss the tip of Satoru’s dick together. The sweet taste of your juices was the first thing you noticed. You lapped your tongue over the head of his rod and Shoko did the same. Your tongues tangled with each other passionately, while they slid over Gojo’s pink tip.
Geto looked down longingly at the way you and Shoko swapped saliva on Satoru’s length. Gojo caught him staring and guided Geto’s face to his. Satoru kissed Suguru with immense desire, he didn’t want his friend to feel left out of all the fun. You felt Gojo’s hand envelope yours on Geto’s dick. He promptly pumped your hand on Suguru’s shaft, which caused his dick to get even more excited. Geto’s pants looked uncomfortably tight and you felt Gojo’s hand move off of yours and yanked his waistband down, freeing Suguru’s sprung friend.
You and Shoko took turns sucking off Gojo’s rod. She would briefly deep-throat him, kiss you on the lips, and then it would be your turn. You beckoned him down your throat, pulled off, and kissed her with your slick lips. You then placed petal soft kisses on the right side of his cock, while Shoko copied your actions and kissed his left side. Your mouth lowered down to balls and you engulfed his right nut in your mouth, sucking it softly and lapping your tongue on his heavy sack. Shoko followed your actions and sucked on his other nut, you felt Gojo tangle his fingers in your hair, lost in delight. Your tongue grazed against Shoko’s while you two made love to Satoru’s nuts. Shoko then brought her heated mouth upward and to the tip of his dick and greedily forced him down her throat. You switched to his right ball and sucked him off softly, while Shoko let him throat fuck her.
Muted moans of pleasure came from Gojo’s mouth but were quickly swallowed up by Geto. Their mouths moved against each other with intense passion. You felt Satoru’s hand speed yours up while the both of you jacked off Geto. You heard a small groan rumble from Suguru in response. You moved your mouth back to the tip of Gojo’s veiny length, you were greeted by a sloppy kiss from Shoko. The both of you sucked and licked his sensitive tip.
“Mmh, I’m about to cum, get ready to be fed,” Satoru murmured into Suguru’s lips.
You and Shoko obediently opened your mouths and stuck out your tongues, anticipating his release. Soon enough, he sprayed his hot clear treat on both of your tongues. You eagerly drank it up, loving his delectable taste. You and Shoko took turns sucking his tip lovingly as he shot his liquid down your throats.
Once Satoru finished, he guided your face down to Geto’s exposed dick. You removed your hand from his girthy shaft and placed a sweet kiss on his tip. Shoko crawled over to Suguru’s other side and began to run her tongue all over his cock. You welcomed the head of his hot and ready dick into your mouth. You fluttered your tongue around him expertly, while Shoko began to make love to his heavy balls. You were able to hear Geto and Gojo swap saliva intensely. Satoru tangled his hand into Suguru’s tied-up black hair, he knew just how to tug it to make Geto unravel.
You worked your mouth further down Suguru’s shaft and he quickly hit the back of your throat, you calmed your breath and let him pump his dick in and out of you. Your wet and tight throat felt immaculate to him, he could just stay there forever. Shoko teased and suckled each of his nuts, she loved the way his velvety skin felt under her swift tongue. While Suguru throat fucked you, Shoko began to touch and tease your body. Her sneaky hands caressed your breasts and hardened nipples. Her other hand found its way down to your wet snatch and hastily rubbed on your sensitive slit.
You eventually had to come up for air from Suguru’s thick cock lodged in your throat. You popped off him with a loud wet sound, and once you did, Shoko’s hot lips were on yours. As if she was craving your attention. She guided your bare boobs down to Geto’s slick rod with a little sparkle in her eye. She placed his dick in between your plump breasts, causing him to groan in delight. Your soft and squishy tits wrapped around his dick in the most comfortable way.
Shoko placed another passionate kiss on your lips and dove between your breasts. She sucked off Suguru eagerly while she fondled both of your boobs. As a bisexual girl, Shoko was in heaven.
She’d briefly slurp Geto’s rod, then she’d leave feverish kisses all over your tits. She made sure not to miss a single spot on your breasts. Shoko especially loved how responsive you were when she’d give your boobs attention, your little moans and gasps of delight sounded like music to her ears.
Geto instinctively began to thrust his length between your soft breasts, Shoko helped by bouncing them on his crotch. The sight before you was incredibly hot, the way his large veiny dick was surrounded by your tits caused a primal desire in your empty pussy. You could practically feel your arousal dripping down your thighs. You couldn’t help but bring one of your hands down to your needy little snatch, as for your other hand, that one was for Shoko’s cunt. Your dainty fingers snuck underneath her skirt and traced her slippery outer lips, this caused a desperate whimper to come from her busy lip. Shoko sucked on Geto’s tip like a lollipop, while you rubbed both of your clits in little circles.
Gojo was already fired up again and his dick stood up proudly from his undone pants. The sight of Geto tit fucking you while Shoko sucked him off was more than enough for him to handle. Suguru noticed his friend’s predicament and whispered something in his ear that caused the white-haired man to hastily get out of his spot. Satoru swiftly stood above you and Shoko. Geto helped Gojo wrap his legs over his broad shoulders. Satoru made himself weightless, to save Suguru the trouble of holding him up in this position. Now with Gojo’s impressive length in front of Geto’s lips, he immediately got to work.
This was one of Satoru’s fantasies. Ever since he saw Suguru consume the large orb of cursed energy down his throat, he had a strong feeling that Geto would be amazing at the head. Suguru swirled his tongue around Gojo’s tip while he inched himself further into his mouth. Once Satoru was in his throat, he was able to feel intense cursed energy tingle the tip of his dick.
“Mmh, fuck…” He groaned out in surprise. Was Suguru using his technique on him? Regardless, the foreign feeling was quite erotic. Gojo wanted to hump his dick into Geto’s mouth, but the sensation of his cursed energy sent waves of pleasure all over him, Gojo did not need to move. It was as if he stuck his dick into a wet and warm vacuum, Satoru’s jaw went slack from this intensity. Out of curiosity, he tried to pull his dick out a little, but he was unable to, he was getting pulled down Suguru’s throat! That certainly didn’t bother him though, as a matter of fact, it made him hold Geto’s face even closer to his crotch. “Keep me in your throat,” Gojo muttered breathlessly. “Yeah, just like that. Ohh.”
Both Suguru and Satoru were lost in pleasure. For Satoru, it was having his hips flush against Suguru’s mouth. As for Suguru, it was the dirty acts his throat did to his friend, along with the way Shoko fucked your tits against his dick while she sucked his tip. This was all too much for Geto to handle and he released himself all over you and Shoko’s doll-like faces. His cum came out like strands of milk and it dripped from her face down onto your fleshy boobs. Shoko licked her lips clean and then began to clean his seed off your perfect boobs. Her hot tongue lapped up Geto’s juices in a fluttering manner. She then brought her face to yours and removed his cum off your face with her slutty mouth, as you did the same to hers.
Gojo wasn’t close to finishing yet, but at least he was slick and ready for fucking. He reluctantly removed himself from Suguru’s throat and sat down beside him.
“So, what was your suggestion?” Satoru’s blue eyes grazed over your wet breasts.
You stared him down as if he was a piece of meat. “I want to sit on your face.”
Gojo’s expression switched into a more flirtatious one. “Oh? I didn’t think a shy girl like you would be that bold.”
“I guess it’s cause I’m drunk.” You smiled lazily. “Also I want Shoko to sit on Geto’s face while we make out.”
That earned a small giggle from the girl beside you. “Man, drunk Y/n is secretly a freak. I like it!” She grinned over at you with approval and wrapped her arm around your waist snuggly.
Geto cleared his throat. “That sounds like a great idea, but halfway through I want us to switch partners, just to keep things interesting.”
“That’s fine, switching sounds good.” You agreed while resting your head on Shoko’s narrow shoulder. Sleep was calling your name, but your desire to find out how the rest of this night would play out kept you wide awake.
“Mmkay, let’s get on with this. I’m hungry for your pussy Y/n.” Satoru snarked while grabbing a pillow from the couch and lying down on the floor. Geto followed his lead and put his pillow next to Gojo’s, so their heads were across from each other.
You stood up and began to remove your soaked panties, they dropped to the living room floor soon forgotten. Shoko also undressed herself, her skirt pooled to the floor along with the rest of her undergarments.
You carefully mounted Gojo’s face so both of your knees rested on each side of his head onto the squishy pillow. He eyed your pretty pussy with a starved look on his face. He rapidly gripped your thighs and forced your cunt onto his mouth. You worried about the lack of air he had, but those thoughts soon vanished because of the way he ate you. His tongue swiped over your folds repeatedly, his nose was burrowed against your puffy clit.
Now that Shoko was sitting on Geto’s face across from you, she immediately brought your body close to hers. Her comforting scent of sweet vanilla filled your senses and you pressed your soft lips against hers. Her warm supple body against yours felt so right. The both of you kissed each other with intense yearning, her tongue intertwined itself with yours. Your left hand tangled itself in her straight brown hair, while your right hand messaged her plump breast.
Satoru and Suguru eyed the both of you friskily, certainly enjoying the view going on above them. Gojo’s wicked tongue flickered against your sensitive bundle of nerves, causing you to grind your cunt against his face desperately. His hands were still holding you down on his face, he knew if he let go you’d be a squirming mess.
Shoko was also becoming more unraveled due to Suguru’s teasing tongue in her pussy, her small gasps and moans of pleasure had become more frequent. Shoko pulled away from your face to admire the adorable flushed expression you wore. “You’re just so breathtaking.” She gasped out in felicity and pressed her lips against yours.
“Mmm, thank you. You’re so fucking fine... Ahh, Satoru!” You whimpered out shamelessly while you felt Gojo tongue fuck you. He shoved it in you aggressively and pumped it in and out repeatedly.
“What about me?” Satoru gurgled into your pussy, with a playful look in his blazing blue eyes.
“You’re hot too!” You moaned while trying to clench your thighs closer together, his hot mouth on your dampening pussy was sending you over the edge.
“What else do you like about me?” Gojo teased, then he swiveled his tongue around deep inside you.
You flashed him an annoyed look. “Quit being jealous-ahh!” His tongue flickered over that special spot inside of you.
“Just eat my pussy.” You hissed out in ecstasy while you gyrated your cunt on his face. Satoru’s hair fell messily in front of his eyes, but you were still able to make out the flirtatious expression he had.
“Yes, mama,” Gojo mumbled into your slippery cunt, while he ate you like a starved animal.
Shoko gave your boobs a little squeeze. “Let’s switch, I’m getting close.” She murmured against your lips, with a little smirk.
You nodded in agreement and pried yourself from Gojo’s grip. You and Shoko swiftly switched spots. Geto’s dark brown eyes greeted you ravenously, once you settled yourself on his face. He didn’t waste any time eating you as if you were his last meal. He slurped on your clit while simultaneously fluttering his tongue over it, making you a mewling mess.
“Oh, Suguru!” You cried out while smashing your lips on Shoko’s. The two of you exchanged breathless sighs while clinging to each other’s breasts.
Suddenly, you felt Geto stick his thumb up your ass. A surprised moan left your lips, while he pumped his thumb in and out of your tight puckered hole. Suguru’s hot lips kissed and enveloped your pussy while he sucked on your cunt. His tongue brushed your clit rapidly, you had no idea that he was capable of moving his tongue that fast.
The combination of his intruding thumb and slick mouth was riveting. White hot pleasure overcame your senses aggressively and your legs shook as you came into his eager mouth. Geto drank your juices as if it were the elixir of life. To him, you tasted, heavenly.
“Mmh, good boy, fucking drink my cum.” Shoko hissed while releasing herself on Gojo’s face with a sexy little moan, which you swallowed up while your lips moved against hers seductively. Satoru expertly lapped her cum up with his tongue.
Geto helped you off his face, and now you were sitting on his large lap, face-to-face with him. You noticed that the lower part of his face was slick with your release. He brought his lips down to yours for a tantalizing kiss, you could taste yourself in his mouth.
“Turn around, beautiful.” He whispered while guiding you to body the other way. You lowered your torso so that your ass stuck up in the air. Now you were face to face with Shoko, who was also on all fours.
You and Shoko brought your faces together and began to kiss each other zestfully. Her supple lips moved against yours with the utmost enthusiasm. The sensation of abruptly being filled with Geto’s hefty dick rocked your world. “Ahh!” You moaned out in delight. In this position, he could get extra deep in your wet cunt. You instinctively clamped your thighs together from the intense waves of pleasure going through you.
You felt Suguru’s large hands grip your waist securely as he set into a steady rhythm. Each thrust you and Shoko received, caused your bodies to jolt forward. This caused your kisses to become more sloppy and inexact. You’d try to kiss her on the lips, but a rough thrust from the man behind you, caused you to kiss her cheek instead. Shoko was also having trouble landing her smooches and decided to focus on worshiping your right shoulder instead. You followed her lead and began to leave heated love bites along Shoko’s narrow shoulder.
Gojo unexpectedly flipped Shoko over on her back, all while staying lodged inside her. He slid her body underneath yours, so her face was below your boobs.
“There, now you keep each other busy while Suguru and I do some rearranging,” Satoru grunted huskily, this was something he defiantly wanted to see.
He didn’t have to tell the both of you twice. You leaned down to engulf Shoko’s perky nipple in your mouth. You felt her do the same to you, she even reached up to softly grope your other breast. Her warm wet tongue felt amazing on your sensitive bud. She then began to switch between the two, licking and kissing your soft squishy skin. You copied her swift technique of swapping between her breasts. She smelt ravishing, you could just eat her up, literally!
Gojo and Geto watched in awe while the both of you sucked on each other’s tits as if your lives depended on it. They felt incredibly lucky to whiteness such sultry acts between you two. Satoru couldn’t help but break the distance between him and Suguru and kissed him roughly, while he fucked himself into Shoko.
Suguru gripped the crease where your hips met your thighs and began to ram himself deep inside you with powerful thrusts. His toned pelvis met your bubbly ass cheeks with loud claps.
You felt Geto’s large hand sneak off your waist and down between your legs. His fingers roughly rubbed fast circles across your swollen clit. Your breath hitched and small gasps of approval fell from your lips.
“You feel, mmh, so sacred Y/n,” Geto grunted from behind your bouncing body. Your slick cunt gladly welcomed Suguru with each powerful thrust. “But I think it’s time we switch, I know Satoru would like to have a go at you.”
“Mmh-Kay.” You hummed in understanding.
Geto was right, as soon as he pulled out of you, Gojo was already on his knees beside him. Ready to finish the deed, Shoko was back on all fours and Satoru hastily maneuvered your body so you were on your back now.
“There, good girl. Wrap your legs around my waist.” Gojo purred lowly, his handsome face looked down at your willing body with a sly smirk. You obediently trapped him in between your legs and pulled his toned waist close to your desperate cunt, slick with anticipation.
Satoru rubbed the head of his massive dick against your wet clit. “Ready?”
“Yea-yes!” You whimpered, mid-word because Gojo shoved himself into you balls deep. His lengthy rod filled you up completely. Shoko’s juices made Gojo’s dick nice and slippery, so he could fuck your pussy almost immediately. He set into a viscous rhythm of pounding his dick into you.
Gojo looked down at you with a wicked smile and a wild look in his eyes. “That’s what I thought.”
He then shoved your body underneath Shoko’s, you knew what to do and began to suckle on her bouncing boobs. Shoko also returned the favor and bent down to latch onto yours. Geto was fucking her rather roughly and her whole body shook vigorously. Satoru was picking up pace as well, with each thrust from his pounding length, your pussy welcomed him with a wet and tight squeeze.
You felt Satoru’s grip on your waist grow a bit more firm, but he removed both of his hands and hoisted your legs over his shoulders. He shoved your body further down below Shoko’s. From this angle, you could see Geto’s girthy dick penetrating her pretty pussy perfectly. Your intrusive thoughts got the best of you and you swiped your tongue over her sensitive clit.
A moan of approval fell from her lips as you zigzagged your tongue over her nub. You could taste her sweet arousal, she was incredibly wet. Shoko lowered her head down to your cunt and returned the oral favor. She sucked on your clit while fluttering her tongue on it at the same time.
Geto abruptly pulled out of her and pointed his rod towards your lips. You welcomed him down your tight throat. “Yeah babe, just like that.” Suguru hummed in delight. He then removed himself from your throat and continued to plow into Shoko.
Satoru also took advantage of having Shoko’s face near your crotches and fed his dick to her. “Good girl.” He groaned out while Shoko deep-throated him. Gojo humped her face a bit too roughly which caused her to cough in response.
“Fuck y-” Shoko hissed but was cut off when Satoru shoved himself back into her mouth. All she could do was shoot him a spiteful glare.
Gojo abruptly pulled out from her damp mouth and plunged back into you with a pleasured sigh. He slid into you effortlessly thanks to Shoko lubricating his rod with her saliva. As his dick stretched your little wet cunt, you could feel your orgasm bubbling to the surface. He filled you up in just the right way. His hips rammed into yours powerfully, while his speed increased. Breathy moans came out from you that sounded like music to everyone’s ears. Shoko’s teasing tongue on your clit made your release rise even faster to the surface.
You didn’t have to say that you were close, Gojo could feel how close you were. Your walls began to twitch around his plunging dick, beckoning him even deeper inside of you. You could tell that Shoko was on the edge as well, her moans became more frequent and her saturated pussy was dripping onto your lips like raindrops.
Shoko made an adorable little moan when Suguru began to hit that spot in her just right. Her warm honey brown eyes rolled into the back of her head as she released herself all over his dick. This caused Geto to lose himself rather quickly and shot his cum inside of her with a godly hiss of pleasure. You couldn’t hold back any longer either, your pussy clamped down on Satoru’s rod as he relentlessly plowed you. Your orgasm shook you to your core and you drenched his cock with your divine juices. Gojo was sent over the edge when he felt your hot waterfall of cum envelope him, he shot his copious amount of seed deep inside you. He made sure to empty himself in you completely, claiming your cunt as his.
Once everyone regained their senses after experiencing each of their climaxes, Satoru slowly removed himself from you. Suguru pulled out of Shoko’s cunt from above you, and droplets of a mixture of their cum fell onto your face. The hot liquid fell onto your cheek and rolled down to your lips. A dirty thought popped into your mind and you reached up to grab Shoko’s thighs.
“Turn around so I can’t clean you up.” You purred seductively while eyeing her glistening lips with an insatiable hunger.
Shoko did as she was told and swiftly repositioned herself onto your awaiting mouth. She looked down at you with her signature grin, her beauty mark raised closer to her chestnut brown eye. She lowered her slippery pussy down to your hungry mouth. You wrapped your lips around her slick folds, you could immediately taste her sweet arousal and Geto’s salty cum. The combination of their flavors was like a special and unique flavor that you had the pleasure of eating.
With Shoko on her knees, Satoru quickly adjusted her body so she could lean down clean off his dick. Gojo laid on the floor at an angle, so Geto could join in on the fun. Suguru saw his opening and lowered his face to your cream-filled cunt. He made sure to bring his long-spent cock over to Satoru’s lips in the process. Gojo welcomed his dick into his mouth and sucked him off graciously. He was able to taste your sweet and subtle flavor on his rod along with the mixture of Suguru’s cum.
The four of you licked, sucked, and cleaned each other privates with great enthusiasm. A beautiful symphony of moans and groans filled the room while each of you enjoyed your special snacks.
You scooped your tongue into Shoko’s pussy, earning a burst of Suguru’s cum to fall on your awaiting mouth. You slurped up his cream, enjoying the taste. Shoko loved how your fluttering tongue felt while you cleaned her cunt out. Shoko gave Satoru’s rod loving licks, she made sure to even clean off his balls with her mouth. She enjoyed the way Satoru’s cock stood up proudly while she licked off the sticky liquid that coated him. She loved that she could even taste you on him, which made her eager to clean him off.
Gojo had Geto’s dick lodged down his throat, his mouth salivating uncontrollably around his thick rod. Suguru groaned quietly at the welcoming wet squeeze of Gojo’s throat. Satoru felt that he should be the one to clean off Geto since he let Gojo throat fuck him earlier.
Suguru ate the juice from your pussy ravenously, he swiveled his tongue deep inside you in order to get to Gojo’s cum in your sweet center. Suguru enjoyed your cunt as if he was eating a cream pie. Some of Satoru’s cum had dribbled down your thighs, and Geto made sure to lick and kiss that trail away.
Soon enough, everyone’s genitals were free of slick cum. Your clean privates were shiny from wet saliva. Shoko gingerly removed herself from your face, while Geto got up as well. Suguru helped you up with a kind smile.
“I’m thinking we should head to the bedroom for some rest,” Geto murmured, pressing his lips onto your forehead fondly.
“Good idea, I call cuddling with Y/n!” Shoko raised her hand in the air adorably, her boobs jiggled in the air.
“Then I call cuddling Y/n from her other side!” Gojo announced playfully, raising his hand just like Shoko did.
“If that’s the case, then I call cuddling her too,” Suguru added with a dashing smirk.
Moments later you found yourself in Gojo’s king-sized bed. Satoru held you possessively on the right side of your body, while Suguru caressed you lovingly from your left. Shoko nestled herself on top of you, her face burrowed into your supple breasts.
Everyone was spent, and the effects of the alcohol were gradually wearing off. Suguru’s strong bicep made an excellent neck rest for you, while Satoru's arms wrapped around your waist were quite soothing. Shoko’s slender legs were tangled with yours and her breath became more relaxed. Sleep was going to overtake everyone shortly.
As you were about to drift off into sweet slumber, you overheard Satoru whisper. “We should play would you rather, more often.”
Which earned a sleepy chuckle from Suguru.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
Something something Dooku survives the Clone Wars, the Imperial Era, and even a few years past the OT...
And Luke finds him while looking for More Jedi to help him teach.
Chewie recognizes the decrepit old bastard, and there is yelling, but being A Hundred And Nine has mellowed Dooku out in his own dusty hermit hut, on the other side of the galaxy from Ben and Yoda's hermit huts.
All the Jedi ghosts are unhappy with this but Dooku is… not REFORMED, technically, but he's old and tired, even if the Force keeps him a bit more healthy and energized than the average Old Guy, and humans routinely live to pretty unreal old ages in the gffa anyway so really 109 for them is probably like 85 for us.
But yeah. Old mountain hermit (to contrast the desert and the swamp) who's been in hiding from That Dick Sidious since he lost both hands to babyface Vader in 19BBY.
@jebiknights (Sammie) said:
Dooku finds out Luke was also trained by Yoda and is like "oh Yoda finally gave me a younger brother like I always wanted"
Alternately he could probably get Luke to call him Great-Great-Grandfather.
Sammie: Funniest option is he's both which makes Luke even more confused lmao Ghost Obi wan in the background like "stop fucking using non Jedi terms to describe Jedi relationships it doesn't fucking work"
Luke calls him, irreverently, Gramps, but also. Leia definitely recognizes him as a Recent Historic Political Figure, but not until AFTER Luke has already integrated Dooku into his new Jedi school.
"Why did Chewie let him do that?" He thought it was funny. (And/or if you like Chewku, you can make this some sordid exes thing.)
"Why did R2 let him do that?" Best keep evil man in electrical prodding range.
Sammie: Leia comes to the school for her biweekly Jedi lessons and sees the newest teacher was a traitor to the Republic 😭
Best if they can find Quin or Ventress out in the black. Partly because like. Does this make Ventress their step-grandma (Quinlan's on-off something) or their great-great-aunt (Dooku's 4th apprentice)?
Sammie: Both and also Luke's niece. Luke has a migraine by the end of it and Leia is ready to disown herself. Ventress: I didn't realize the Jedi were so incestuous Luke: war flashbacks to before he realized Leia was his sister
Ahsoka in the corner with Spacebucks, five years late "Y'all suck. Hey, Quin."
Sammie: I know you likely didn't bring up Quinlan thinking of QuinObi but now I'm imagining Quinlan declaring himself their grandpa when he meets the twins bc 1) he loves to cause chaos 2) he does/did consider Anakin his kid even if not in neat non Jedi terms and 3) Obi-Wan thought being considered Anakin's father made him sound old, and Quinlan needs to harass him beyond the grave
Dooku must have a cane that the ghosts heckle him about because He Clearly Wants To Be Just Like Yoda.
@lyntergalactic (Lyn) said:
I feel like evil gramps could really bring out Ahsoka's snark once she shows up and that would be highly entertaining Ahsoka is simultaneously his most and least favorite grandchild
She's the most experienced as a Jedi (Ventress went full Sith, not just leaving the Order but following the tenets like Ahsoka, and Quinlan isn't in the lineage), has never Fallen unless you count that thing on Mortis.
Also she WILL bitch Dooku out at this age, and honestly he kind of appreciates the brutal honesty.
Ahsoka: I'm not a Jedi. All the old people: Lies
She brings up the Hondo incident since nobody else is putting in the effort. Anakin and Obi-Wan COULD as ghosts but nooooooo she has to do everything around here.
Sammie: Oh but it sets them off so hard they can barely get the story off from laughing NGL I think the twins did not understand how truly annoying Obi-Wan and Anakin could be together until the Hondo story gets told.
They are The Worst.
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clairdelunelove · 3 months
it's the way that having itadori yuuji as your best friend would be disastrous if you ever dated someone else. it's not glaringly obvious the first couple of times your significant other spots you with the blushy haired male; waiting for you outside the shop's fitting room, surprising you with a freshly baked dessert from the local bakery, or ruffling your hair when you announce some positive news. but it's the tiny details that are automatically picked at and asked about first.
'we're just super close, that's all,' you once confessed to them when they confronted you about it.
and sure, the word close was an understatement when (on more than one occasion) your partner caught yuuji's gleaming eyes fixated on your glossy lips. or how, when the three of you are eating out at a restaurant, yuuji intentionally reaches over the table to swipe at the corner of your mouth due to your messy eating. only to bring his thumb back to his lips to lick it off with a light-hearted hum. it certainly doesn't sit too well with the new boyfriend you managed to woo. thus, questions are raised, arguments get heated, and you've given the exact same reasoning every time they interrogate you.
'he's naturally friendly to everyone.'
'he's just a nice guy!'
because who was your new partner to say that you couldn't spend time with yuuji? what would that make them? the villain, obviously. because yuuji's extremely likable. he laughs at cliche jokes, only makes promises he can keep, and goes the extra mile to include everyone in conversation. his character is unmatched. there are many that aim to be a fraction of the man that yuuji is. he even goes out of his way to guide the elderly across the street or helps carry the grocery bags for single mothers. and the notion that all your exes can agree on is that, it's crazy, but yuuji's almost too perfect. equipped with a beaming grin and boyish charm that captivates the hearts of others. not to mention the ripples of raw muscle that he conceals beneath layers of clothes; don't even get your previous boyfriends started on that.
because, for some odd reason, there’s always a scenario that comes up where yuuji has to strip in front of you. he spills water on his hoodie or you’re cold so he gives you his jacket; whatever happens and suddenly your gaze shifts greedily to the expanse of skin that’s unveiled to you. the golden, veiny physique that he rarely flaunts despite how much you unknowingly hint towards appreciating. 
and they just can’t fathom how to compete. this guy is the epitome of the trope ‘the boy next door.’ yet, there are some that set out to outdo yuuji. the ones that refuse to give up due to pride and jealousy. they tell themselves that they won’t lose to some wide-eyed, blushy haired friend. and it’s that hot, boiling pride that later comes back to bite them. 
because like the descent of quicksand, once it starts– it doesn’t stop. as in, yuuji completely outshines them in every way. 
like the time where your boyfriend invited you out to the newest bar that just opened up in town. it’s preppy with their illuminated, colorful ceiling lights and booming music– the perfect place for sprightly young adults to relax and enjoy the evening. and perhaps it would’ve been enjoyable if you were in the right mood to revel in the electric energy. but you weren’t. 
“I’m just not feeling up for it,” you explain while sheepishly biting your lip, “kinda just wanted to stay in tonight. can we do that instead?” 
yet your boyfriend dismisses your suggestion with a wave of his hand and reassures you that you’ll love it. this place had an incredible rating, after all. you’ll enjoy it and it’ll be better if the two of you leave early to get decent parking. plus it was in the busiest part of town so it was bound to be popular. ‘they have a lot of new drinks you can try,’ he spurs, ‘just suck it up this time and we can do something at my place next weekend.’ 
so like the people pleaser you are, you agree. perhaps you’d find it in you to live it up. bask in the thrill of a long night. but you find out rather quickly that you’re on the verge of being blinded by the flashing lights and decor. you can’t move without bumping shoulders with a stranger. you can’t think without your thoughts being rudely interrupted by drunk individuals that hiccup through an apology. you can’t even spot where your boyfriend went in this mess. and you’re just so overstimulated; head ringing with the promise of an oncoming migraine. cupping your hands over your ears, you attempt to block out the deafening music in order to actually formulate some logic on what you should do in this situation. how could he just leave you alone in this crowd? you weren’t expecting to be separated from him, let alone be left in the corner of the room. you didn’t even want to come. all your effort was for nothing. your chest feels heavy and your heart drops at the realization that you wouldn’t even be in this turmoil if he’d just listened to your unease. to put aside his own personal pleasure and attend to yours instead. your fingers are shaking. and in situations like these, where you’re on the verge of breaking down, you pull out your phone and dial the first contact that pops up. 
“comin’ through!” 
you hear his voice before you spot him. a crisp, clear tone that causes you to lift your gaze in desperation. and he’s on the move. wide shoulders pushing through the crowd of scantily dressed bar-goers, he curses beneath his breath and bulldozes his way to you. his soft, pink hair bobs at the rate he’s moving and the revelation that he genuinely came hits you like a freight train. because he’s here— here to rescue you from this overpriced, overcrowded bar. still, he looks out of place. clad in a loose jacket and loungewear, he certainly doesn’t fit the criteria of coming to an expensive bar. in fact, his outfit gives the impression that he haphazardly threw on whatever he could get his hands on before sprinting out the door. and little do you know, that’s exactly what he did. though, his sharp features and built physique don’t go unnoticed. there are a couple teasing remarks that leave the painted lips of women occupying the dance floor. their gaze dips to survey the bar’s newcomer. your ears burn at their advances as you shift on your feet. their words are flirtatious, frisky, and bold– saying the right compliments that’d charm typical men so they could have their way with them. 
yet he treads through, undeterred, his tender gaze never leaving yours as he passes by them. 
“you okay?” 
it’s the first inquiry that leaves yuuji upon making his way to you. always the type to ask about someone else’s well-being before assessing his own. his brows are knitted in a frown as his soft whisper almost causes your composure to crack. and even through the bar’s blaring music you can pick up his voice from anywhere because you search for him in everything. he scours your face, shiny eyes pinballing across your soft features to check in on you. 
“you actually came here for me?” 
the observation leaves your lips in a breath of disbelief. on a weekend, a time where many were called into the promises of a long slumber, your best friend shows up in accordance with your plea for help. like how a superhero rescues the vulnerable civilian in those comic books that yuuji adored reading when he was younger. the tears that welled up in your reddened eyes have dried due to his arrival and your fingers itch to reach out in a need to hold him. 
he blinks owlishly and scratches the back of his head, “‘course I did! you called.” 
and he says it so simply; like his life’s purpose was to fulfill your happiness and beckon to your every word. crossing your arms over your chest, you’re abruptly reminded of the outfit you’re wearing. while he’s clad in clothes that are so inherently yuuji, you’re dressed in an overly extravagant getup that drapes along your curves. it’s different from the typical wardrobe that’s in your closet that he’d recognized. he steps closer to you, his comfort automatically enveloping you in warmth, and instantly starts to unzip his jacket. 
“yuu,” you begin to say while glancing around, “what are you–”
“you look good.” 
you freeze. it’s not the first time yuuji’s given you a compliment before, of course not. he’s an affectionate person by nature. but it’s always been said in passing— the occasional murmur before you walk out of the door or a hushed whisper as he’s leaving. the words are uttered in secrecy. he respects you and is aware that the flattering remarks are too intimate to verbalize when you’re with someone else. 
doesn’t mean what he says is any less true, though. 
“too much? sorry but,” he lightheartedly chuckles as he fiddles with the jacket around your shoulders, “jus’ don't like the idea of everyone seeing you like this.” 
and you’re stumped, burning to the tips of your ears due to his rather endearing words. feels like fuzz is sticking to your tongue because he’s so honest. and you know he is, that’s why you adore spending time with him– you admire him for it. yuuji wouldn’t mention something so significant if it wasn’t true. and the gaze that he’s fixed upon you is like there’s nothing in the world that he finds more beautiful than you. not the sun that hangs in the morning to brighten the day. not the moon that’s barely visible from outside the building’s windows. not even the entirety of the galaxy can compare to the light that you radiate tonight. so perhaps your effort to show up wasn’t entirely in vain.
“let’s go.” 
lifting his hand, he rests it against the back of your neck and starts to part the crowd for you. he’s made up his mind. enough of this stuffy, raucous club. once you called him, he already knew that this wasn’t the type of activity you wished to spend your money and time on. but don’t worry, he’ll make it all better. leave it to him. and there’s a glimmer of determination in his honeyed eyes. his fingers graze the strip of your soft skin, a sort of gentle protectiveness conveyed in his touch. 
and naturally you follow him. how could you not when his grip on you is comforting yet exhilarating? enraptured by his sweet words and warmth, you erupt in goosebumps whenever he’s around. yet he’s completely unaware. instead, he cutely mumbles to himself on where the exit is, glancing at the neon illuminated signs for a clue. he was comfort, security, and need– all in one. 
you let him guide you closer. 
on your way out, however, the two of you end up crossing paths with your boyfriend. busy chatting up a group of distinguished, young partygoers with an amber drink in his hand. his face is flushed bright red, most likely from the alcohol and perspiration from the humidity within the room. yet, there’s a carefree grin on his face as he gossips with a girl that’s hanging by his side. the whole night you were frantically waiting for him and he was here– cozying up with people you’ve never seen. and at first, it’s anger that courses through your veins. until it morphs into confused regret. a part of you thought it was strange to spot him just as you were leaving.
yuuji notices where your dazed stare drifted off to and he carefully treads over to your boyfriend with you following his trail. 
“I’m taking her home,” yuuji says. 
it’s a declaration. a statement. yuuji won’t listen to any half-baked excuse or alibi that your partner might come up with. 
your partner’s eyes widen at your unexpected arrival and he immediately stands up from his chair. his eyes bounce from yuuji to you, disbelief written on his face. can feel the beginnings of embarrassment lashing at him. he knows he’s messed up and gotten caught. so he does what he does best. glancing at the way yuuji’s hand is splayed on the back of your neck and the dark jacket draped on your shoulders, his brow knowingly raises towards you. 
“uh, I’m surprised you’re here,” your partner acknowledges yuuji’s presence with a quick once over, “did she call you?” 
and there’s no remorse in his voice. not an ounce of concern for your well-being despite the way you stand in front of him. he’s just worried about his own wounded pride due to the fact that yuuji’s upstaging him in every way. there isn’t any time to cry a river though because your brain suddenly short-circuits when yuuji’s thumb starts to absentmindedly stroke at the sensitive part of your neck. an act of comfort that causes warmth to spread throughout your body. using his grasp as leverage, he tugs you closer to him until you’re desperately gripping onto the front of his shirt and you let out a yelp of revelation. because from this angle, there’s a sharp glint in yuuji’s eyes that you've never seen before. a huff bordering a chuckle escapes from his lips. 
“are you surprised? really?” yuuji asks rather rhetorically before smoothly shrugging, “I’m not surprised.” 
and yuuji’s hand falls to wrap around the curve of your waist to prove his point. a knowing grin twists on his face when you instinctively curl yourself against him, a blush dusting your cheeks. your partner or rather, ex-partner, clicks his tongue while turning away. the exchange was over. and just like that, it’s obvious that yuuji’s dedication towards you has won again. he’s rescued, comforted, and bandaged up all your troubles tonight. shown you the image of reliability and trust. you’re familiar with the nature of his devotion for you is always growing and never-ending. and you might’ve made a new realization.
you’re in love with your best friend. 
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