#I will nourish and love this body as much as I’m able
littlebirdy0301 · 1 year
I am not more worthy of love for losing weight! I am not more attractive for being a bit thinner!! I am not a better or more worthwhile person for a smaller number on the scale!!! I will celebrate my health and happiness and well-being, not a number!!!!!
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itstimetojellyfish · 4 months
Visiting you . ( Please just sleep , I’m worried ) ( Jing Yuan x reader)
This is technically my first post so….. yeah! I hope you enjoy this very rocky post! There will be some problems with transitions .
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It’s been a while . Hasn’t it?
You can barely remember the warmth he emitted when he was in bed with you , asleep with your arms around you .
He made you feel so safe and warm , loved too . His large arms circling your body as he cuddled you , nuzzling your neck while you drifted off to sleep .
Yet…. The feast can never last forever . More mara - struck have appeared . Jing Yuan can no longer be with you so often . He has to be at the office , day and night , to lead the cloud knights and arrange everything.
( It worries you .)
the man has a very self-destructive habit of overworking himself to the point he downs 3 espressos a day . It’s a pain trying to help him get away from the coffee without having him experience withdrawal symptoms. It’s also a pain trying to get him to stop overworking himself.
You do so anyway, you nourish him when he forgets to eat . You remind of his sleep schedule, you even do some of his work for him when he falls asleep at the divine foresight , draping a blanket you brought over him and letting him sleep in your lap .
Today is no different . As you walk down the streets to his office , you can’t help but just wonder , has he not fainted yet ?
(You wouldn’t be surprised if he did .)
Nevertheless, you open the door to see that he’s still miraculously alive and well , but unfortunately, not unscathed from his selfless nature . Deep black eye bags help you understand how sleep deprived he is . Your lover doesn’t even react to your presence , too focused on the slowly growing work load in front of him .
Papers are piled all around him , some even on top of him as his pen vigorously scribbles down information on top of the documents. (You wish you could take him away from this position and let him sleep for as long as he’d like.)
You initiate conversation with him , hoping he’ll get the clues that you will take over the position for him while he sleeps a dreamless slumber .
“ Jing Yuan … how are you ? You must be tired .“ You place down the bags you carry , and walk over to him .
He looks up .
Your heart breaks right then and there .
He looks so tired and worn out . Hair a mess , eyes threatening to close , his skin a pale shade of peach , almost white , barely any color in it .
“ oh ….. my love …. I’m doing fi-“ He attempts to reassure you , knowing your nature . However , his physical condition talks for himself.
“ What do you mean by fine?! Don’t lie to me! “ you rush over to him and cradle his face in your palms , turning his head side to side to inspect him .
( it’s a miracle he’s alive right now )
“ I’m okay , it’s honestly nothing. “It’s an attempt to reassure you , though it fails miserably.
You go to your bags and pull out a blanket and pillow , you always have these items with you whenever you visit him .
“ Aeons…… how many time do I have to tell you to take care of yourself?! You worry me so much! And the people won’t be able to do anything with a sleep deprived general! You’ll probably faint before you even go outside!” You scold him , however , it has an underlying tone of concern.
You walk over to him and attempt to coax his head into your lap so he can get the much deserved rest he needs . However , the attempt fails as he resists the temptation of your soft , plump thighs cushioning his head .
“ No , stopping worrying please , I’m fine …. And even if I do faint, Fu Xuan is there to take my place when I’m resting . “ He raises a hand and turns to look at you , amber eyes softening at your worried expression , eyes watering as you take in the state of him .
He tangles a hand in your hair and pulls you down to his lap , gently coddling you , trying to reassure you . It doesn’t work , you know better . All he’ll do is just work more .
So you struggle , attempting to just get him to relax , “ Jing Yuan! Diviner Fu won’t be there forever you know! “After a while you both give up and try to have a compromise.
Your lover sighs , “ Please dear , just rest your head , I’ll be fine .” He smooths a hand over your side , gently rubbing up and down in an attempt to soothe your frazzled nerves .
“ Jing Yuan ! “ You bat at his arm as you try to get him to rest , “ I should be the one telling you that! You look like you’re about to faint any moment!” The tears in your eyes start to pour .
His eyes soften . Your lover closes his eyes and then shakes his head , making out a compromise . “ How about this . You rest for now , on my chest , so you know I’m alive . “
You glare at him .
He gently kisses your forehead, “ Hold on now , I haven’t finished . “ You raise an eyebrow waiting for the other half .
“ If you let me soothe your nerves for today , then tomorrow, I’ll go home , and rest with you . “
You say yes immediately. It wasn’t a 2 week long break he needed , but it was something better than him staying up .
He smiles sweetly .
It warms your heart .
Soon enough , you’re sleeping in bed , with his warm hands over your stomach and long arms wrapped around you .
( its warm and it helps you finally sleep )
Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
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izvmimi · 5 months
cw: hurt/comfort with like too much comfort. part of isekai au. reincarnation mention. don't look at me lmfao.
The gathering around the irori in the home you are staying at between missions has long since dispersed - Inosuke and Zenitsu deciding to go to bed after an unnecessarily escalated spat, and your friends themselves having turned in for the night - and now all that remains is you and Tanjiro, sitting around the charcoal hearth. Now that Inosuke will no longer pop out of nowhere to interrupt any attempt at affection (as he has the habit of doing for a reason unknown to the two of you), Tanjiro moves closer to your seated position, his chin pressing gently on your shoulder. You’ve been staring fixedly at the burning charcoal for a moment now, your knees pulled to your chest as the fire continues to crackle just before your bare feet, your filled cup of tea untouched. He glances at it for a moment, then lets his hand gently cover yours pressed against the wooden floor as he rests behind you.
“Are you okay? You’ve barely touched your tea.”
You don’t automatically let yourself sink in his warmth, so he contents himself with letting his arms settle around your waist and pressing close. You remain still, pensive.
There is a fierce wind that blows just outside this dwelling, ice and snow bated by the wooden walls of this home; you can barely hear or feel it this close to the fireplace, warmed by both the dutiful flames and Tanjiro’s body heat. The muted sound of nature feels representative of the inner turmoil of your mind as you continue to look within the flames with intent, as though you can divine your own future through them. 
“I’m okay,” you whisper. 
He’ll accept that answer for now as he settles on just holding you close, not knowing that he’s holding you together at this moment, as in many other instances over the past year. Tanjiro keeps himself quiet, humming every so often as though to remind you he’s there, breathing and existing by your side always.
The coal burns odorless as you watch it, but you can imagine that if you ask Tanjiro, he’d be able to tell you the complex myriad of notes to be inhaled in the unadulterated smoke. In your own time, you recall a fireplace in your childhood home that you’d never used and purchased firewood your parents had set aside, truly just for show with no intention for use in favor of central heating. In this time period, the charcoal is indispensable or you’d freeze to death. 
Tanjiro was once a coal burner and it is apt for him, down to the very spelling of his name. Steadfast, warm, dependable, a versatile healing and nourishing resource borne out of destruction. He hums again, and you shift finally, letting out a drawn out exhale.
He can tell you’re ready to speak, having come up to a conclusion in your own mind. You’ve fought demons today successfully, you’ve grown stronger, and yet, you’ve still received no answers about how to return to your time. Your memories fade slowly day by day, but new ones are made every second. 
Like now.
“Yes, love.”
He calls you love now, any chance he can get, and it makes your heart rend at times. You want to go home so badly, to see your family and loved ones, but he is your loved one now and you need him. 
You swallow thickly, then let your hand rest on your belly on top of his, leaning into his touch. You can afford this for now, in fact you should before you can no longer.
“Where do you think the previous incarnation of me is right now?” you ask. 
He muses for a moment, then replies. “Hopefully somewhere safe and warm.”
You smile. As you’d expect, a sweet, straightfoward answer from him. 
“Yeah, probably living a simple but fulfilling life on another continent. Maybe not even human, a particularly well-behaved goat or something.”
He laughs and presses a kiss to your neck.
“I don’t think you’d be a goat, but if you were, I think you’d be the cutest goat.”
You’re warmed up again from the inside, but fight it off, turning to him so that you look him in the eyes. They shine, the flickered flames reflected in the irises. He doesn’t break his hold on you, only readjusting. Always readjusting to suit your flow, you practically hate how much he accommodates you. 
“There’s probably some karmic retribution for whatever’s going on here,” you murmur. You’re not sure you believe in reincarnation, but so many around you do, and if that were true, is there a you that exists in this world right now that will never know him? Is there a him in your own time that will never get to meet you if you stay?
If love is true, does it span time or does it rebel against it?
Despite this you let him tilt your head up and kiss you, while wrapping you in the warmth of a blanket you didn’t remember him bringing out. 
“What’s the punishment? For what crime?” he asks. The way he looks at you, he seems to pore into your soul, far too good to be human, far too good to be yours.
“I…” you trail off. Going from work assignments and weekend partying to slaying demons and losing everyone you know and the technology you’ve always taken for granted should be hell, but when you’re together like this, it feels more like a short-term purgatory with heaven in clear view, with the sweetest guardian spirit leading you there.
Your gaze lowers from his deep carnelian ones and you decide instead to let yourself rest against his chest.
“Never mind, I love you.”
You can feel his love for you swell. 
“I love you, too.”
You let yourself rest as the charcoal burns; he hums again, just slightly off-key but it’s music to your ears. 
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fatguarddog · 10 months
Disclaimer: This audio is intended for audiences of 18+ only 🔞 If you like my content, please consider giving me a tip
Another commission for @the-chubby-berry ! Your sassy feeder (me) teases you for how greedy you're getting after you finish off a whole pot of their homemade soup. Plenty of sloshing your belly around and praising you for how big you're getting
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Transcript under cut
Theeeeeeere we go, nice and full and warm. You’re doing so well eating up all that soup for me, baby, doesn’t it feel so good inside your belly? Oh wow, I didn’t expect you to actually finish it that fast… my my you’ve gotten quite greedy haven’t you my dear?
Let me feel you. God, look how round and bloated you are! I really didn’t think you’d polish off a whole pot of my soup so quickly, but you’re just so eager to grow yourself into a sexy sloshing orb, aren’t you? Oh hush your moans, I know you like this you fat little dollop, you look so big I may as well have melted a whole stick of butter into that batch. I bet you love that though, thinking about getting even fuller and warmer inside from more and more of my rich, fatty soup. The way it makes your belly ripple and dance when I jiggle it [sloshing sounds]. Haha, what a perfect sound! You’re becoming quite the water bed, aren’t you? I could just push you over while you’re helplessly stuffed and lay my head on all this wonderful padding, that comfy sloshing sending me to sleep. Or I could wobble you mercilessly while I play with you gently, edging you while I tease you about how much bigger I’m going to stuff you.
Would you like that? Being stuffed even bigger? All these soft parts I can poke and prod… we really should fill them out, shouldn’t we babe? I’ll have to make another pot of soup, one with even more filling veggies and meats, even more bloating broth than the one you so greedily guzzled down just now. We’ll watch your belly swell from a basketball to a beach ball as it becomes so round and taut you won’t be able to get up from under it for quite some time. You’d be so warm and cosy you could even have a little nap to make sure your body can comfortably digest all that deliciously filling soup. It’ll stretch your stomach so nicely too, really get you used to the feeling of being this stuffed all the time, because that’s how I want you. Stuffed. Beached. Filled to the brim and ever growing with such a pleasant warm feeling in your belly. You’ll always be tightly packed and sloshing from side to side as I play with your magnificent gut.
No worries, no cares. You just keep being perfectly greedy for me and I’ll reward you with more and more food and pleasure. It’ll be so blissful for you, always feeling so full with nourishing warmth inside of you. You’ll be my big cosy radiator, growing larger by the day as your appetite and greed increase, completely unable to resist any food or treats I bring you. I can’t wait. Your belly is already so much fun to play with… just imagine how much more fun it’ll be when you’re up 100 pounds and sloshing around so heavily… oh baby, I’m gonna go make that second pot of soup.
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Missing Ollie so these are for him ❤️
Eros 4, Philia 3, Agape 2, Philautia 2
Eros 4: Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
i think oleander is absolutely the kind of person who believes in love at first sight, that very romantic and twisted-idealistic worldview is kinda the perfect space for that i think lmao. it’s not necessarily that you have to know that it’s love immediately, aka how it was for him with camellia, but he felt that she was special and that she would play a special role in his life.
however based on appearance is a hard pass. his feelings for camellia were based on a sense of wanting to help her, fan the flames of her darkness and such.
Philia 3: What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
ooh difficult one for oleander. it’s sort of that ‘if everyone is your friend, do you really have no friends at all?”thing, as in he views everyone as a friend, or as he would describe it, has love for everyone. so what qualities matter to him most? being alive (being able to rot)? i guess lol. like it’s certainly not an act and his friendship (on his side) is certainly not less strong than your average one, but he just genuinely and sincerely enjoys the company of everyone, if they love him or especially if they hate him.
Agape 2: Does your OC feel a spiritual connection to the world around them? Do they have a particular love for nature or living things?
absolutely! to all three of those! i think he’s the sort of person to view it all as one connected thing, not only a shared space but sort of. truly that everyone and everything is connected through string-like fate and love and whatever esoteric bullshit you can think of. but that connection to him is certainly the rot of body, mind and soul.
this and the answer above are actually why he acts so familiar and vulnerable with people he just met. you could know him for five seconds and he would treat you like an old friend he just hasn’t seen in 47 years lol. because again, not an act—to him, that’s exactly what it is.
Philautia 2: Does your OC believe that it is important to love themselves in the first instance? Perhaps in order to be able to give and receive love authentically? Or because they believe first and foremost in "looking after number one"?
well. another difficult one. no. this is actually the biggest problem he and camellia ever have in their relationship and the reason she eventually leaves him. i know calling someone an empath has sort of become a meme but if there’s one it’s ollie. what i’m trying to say is that he not only understands but especially feels for and with them so much, and yet, he does not understand why camellia does not want to kill him. he offers himself up to her/ makes countless promises of saving his death for her which makes her more uncomfortable as time goes on each time he does it and he just becomes more insistent on it as a result. he ultimately views himself as not only as disposable, but as something for which death through the right person/the ultimate evil he nourishes (camellia) would be the best end to ever be. if he doesn’t die like this his entire existence would be a waste. this is the guy who when he was a small malnourished kid barely surviving in the wilderness let parasites and other various animals eat away at him because he couldn’t bear it otherwise. he’s someone that fans the flames of evil and rot, the breeding ground of sin and malice, and when all his hatchlings are conceived and fully grown it would be his greatest honour to have them devour him.
but back to him and camellia—in the end with how much love he carries for others he could never make room for hers for him. he doesn’t understand why she doesn’t want to and desperately tries to keep herself from loving him the way he loves her. it’s why her biggest complaint about him is and always has been that he cares too much.
(ask game)
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The Harvest Moon - September’s Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Super Moon •🌝•
─ ⊹ ⊱꒰☆꒱⊰ ⊹ ─
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Today the Harvest Moon, or Corn Moon (and I believe for some the Barley Moon) will take place! Its energies are going to be incredibly powerful and “chaotic” however, due to the partial lunar eclipse. Manifestations and rituals will be affected far more emotionally and intensely than a typical full moon, so be careful! Here is a link to help you find out when the eclipse will be visible in your location! Autumn is here, and it’s important to take this time to find gratitude for what we are able to love and access in our present lives (and for most of us I’m sure this time may be a very busy one indeed!). This allows us to celebrate our own version of a bountiful harvest, but this would also be a good time for
• Cleaning and tidying, find something to touch up just a bit that will bring you some clarity or joy or simply cleanse your spaces energetically
• Dancing by a fire would be incredible, but you could also listen to some of your current favorite tunes and allow yourself to get in touch with your physical being as one under the light of the full moon! (You can also do this in other ways and I always like to let myself feel the energy of the celestial body from wherever I am throughout the day)
• Celebrate with someone/others! Share a meal together and maybe catch a glimpse of the eclipse, express thanks to the Earth for nourishment :)
• Go for a walk or watch the sky for some time, let it be a reminder of the interconnectedness between humans and nature
• Let your creativity and imagination flow, if there is a space of creativity that you find much joy in then there is no better way to celebrate the event! Maybe even try some moon-inspired crafts
• Indulge a bit! Whether it be your favorite TV show, a good book, or a delicious treat, let yourself take pleasure in this existence and bask in the harvest!
• Journaling! It’s always a great way to find some time to understand yourself, your wants and needs, and just releasing yourself into a medium that is thankfully very accessible🙏✏️
• Meditation and release, perform a you-specific ritual to release energies in your life that may be hurting you or find some time to meditate
There is also so much more! And while there are many cultures and traditions whose mythos or rituals have revolved around the Harvest Moon for a long long time, it is all up to you to determine how you want to celebrate it :)
(Please leave some comments and criticisms! I hope you enjoyed!)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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quinns-shadowy-arts · 8 months
Let Me Take Care of You
Day 1 of @steddielovemonth's February prompts aka Steddie Love Month!   Rating: Mature  CW: None  Tags: Getting Together, Caring Steve Harrington, Post Season 4, AU- Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff, Making-out.  WC: 1,039 Prompt: “Love is letting someone take care of you” submitted by: @starryeyedjanai 
Note: This is my first time uploading my writing! This is also my first ever post to Tumblr, so sorry if there's any mistakes or weird formatting! This definitely isn’t the best thing I’ve written, but it has been a really long time since I’ve written something. So I’m still proud of it! 
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Steve and Eddie have been seeing each other a lot since March. After Vecna was killed, molotov cocktails blazing, and guns ringing out in triumph; Steve had pulled Eddie out of the Upside Down with his own two hands. He carried Eddie on his back to the Harrington house, where he nourished Eddie back to health. Steve spent everyday with Eddie, taking care of him. Restitching his wounds when Eddie ripped them back open, washing his hair with expensive shampoos and hair masks, and catering to Eddie’s every need while he slowly restored his body back to something more functional. Point is, Steve and Eddie spend a lot of time together. 
It didn’t stop once Eddie was out of recovery. Steve still kept him in his home. Even after the government scrambled to repent for their negligence by giving the Munson’s a brand new trailer, Steve still dropped by to see Eddie.
 That’s where they are now, in the new trailer watching a movie. Eddie picked out the movie, but he isn’t really paying attention. He is fiddling with the loose threads of his pants and tossing the occasional glance to Steve. Steve is paying attention to the movie, as far as Eddie can tell. Steve’s eyes are reflecting the light of the TV, the smile lines around his eyes deepen whenever he laughs at a dumb joke, his chest is rising with every breath; Steve looks good. He looks better than good, he looks dazzling. Eddie wants to jump him. He wants to crawl down the couch and onto Steve’s lap; to look into his eyes and make him smile for different reasons. 
“Hey, you good man?” Steve asks, and maybe Eddie’s glances weren’t that occasional. 
“Yeah sorry, just sorta- zoned out” Eddie smiles back. 
“Are you sure? You haven’t been watching the movie that much. Have you been getting sleep?” Steve persists and Jesus Christ- he is so caring. He cares for everyone around him, the kids, Robin, Eddie; anyone in Steve's life is sure to never feel disregarded. 
“Yeah, better than usual I think.” Eddie says. But then Steve slides over and wipes a tear off of Eddie’s face. He hadn’t even realized he was tearing up. 
“Eds, you’re crying. What’s wrong?” Steve’s eyebrows furrow in concern. Eddie wants to kiss it away, to ease Steve the way Steve eases him back to comfort. 
“It’s nothing man, don’t worry about it” Eddie mumbles. He would never be able to tell him. Steve has already seen him at his worst; bloody and oozy from still healing wounds, crying after a bad nightmare, naked and wet from the shower; but he couldn’t know that his best friend was crying from how lovey dovey he felt. Eddie couldn’t let Steve know about his mushy gushy feelings. 
“Eddie, please tell me what’s wrong. Is anything hurting?” Steve looks at Eddie with big eyes and his brows furrow impossibly further. Eddie doesn’t want S to be so concerned over nothing. Maybe he can tell him why he’s all teary eyed. 
“You just care so much, man. You give so much without anything in return. You always ask to make sure I’m ok, and you always haul the gremlins everywhere even though you know they won’t be paying you back for anything. I just want-” Eddie hesitates,
“I want to give you something in return. You make me feel so safe and cared for, I want to give that back to you.” Eddie finishes. Steve’s eyebrows raise in slight shock and blush begins to form on his cheeks. 
“You don’t have to do anything for me, Eds. I take care of you because I want to, not because I want something in return.” Steve whispers. . 
“But I want to give you something too, Stevie” Eddie looks into Steve’s eyes. They sit in silence, looking into each other's eyes. Eddie looks down first, he doesn’t mean to. He looks at Steve’s lips, they’re full and a beautiful apricot color. 
S looks down once he notices where Eddie’s eyes have gone. He licks his lips without thinking about it. He sways forward slightly, maintaining eye contact with Eddie’s lips. Eddie wobbles forward in response, now they’re only a few inches apart. Eddie can feel Steve’s breath on his face. He so desperately wants to move forward, to connect their lips and let Steve know how he feels. But he’s scared. His heart is quickening its pace.His breath shortens in anticipation. 
Steve moves in and their lips slot together. Eddie’s breath hitches; 
‘Holy shit this is happening, Steve likes me? He’s kissing me holy shit holy shit holyshit-” And then he wasn’t.
“Sorry, you were looking at me and I thought that maybe you like me and you probably didn’t want that and I-” Steve rushes out, Eddie cuts him off by kissing him. He was too anxious and caught up in the moment to move before, but he wasn’t messing this up again. 
Eddie moves his lips against Steve’s. He moves his hands up and onto Steve’s knee. He really wants Steve to know how much he likes him. Steve moves his hands up Eddie’s arms and onto his jaw. He kisses back with fervor. 
Emboldened by Steve’s response, Eddie runs his hands up from Steve’s knee and into his hair. His rings catch onto some of Steve’s locks. Steve gasps at the tug of the metal,
“Eddie-” Steve moans
“Fuck, Stevie, I know” Eddie groans back. Eddie moves his hands back down to Steve’s shoulders. He pushes Steve backwards and into the back of the couch. Steve goes willingly, shifting his hips back to give Eddie space. Eddie throws his leg over Steve’s lap. He feels Steve’s dick rub against his ass as he fully sits his weight down. Steve exhales, a whine slipping past his lips.
Eddie pulls back and looks into Steve’s eyes. They’re lidded and looking back at Eddie. The apricot of Steve’s lips have bloomed into a rosy color. They’re slick with spit and slightly parted. Steve’s chest heaves and his lips slide into a small smile. Looks like Eddie accomplished one of his goals, now for the more pressing one; 
“Let me take care of you, Stevie.” 
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ambrosia-ghostie · 1 month
i am so upset.
here are my real-time thoughts from tua series finale, i guess:
- is gun control not a thing in this timeline? jeez
- i don’t even know where i’d get a gun lmao
- this is giving MAGA… yikes
- i love meghan so much. national treasure. AND she can sing. EGOT, please.
- lila isn’t the only one hiding stuff from her husband 👀
- diego talking about lila with a new lease on life 🥺
- awh this is very “it’s a wonderful life”
- lila’s family is fab. the spinoff we need.
- i love how many actors get to perform as other actors performing another role on this show
- the whistle !!! call him out dr. jean !!!
- dr. jean deserved better !!! 😭
- i love the fast food lady (featured extra). she understood the assignment.
- “it smells so nice in here!” why are me and klaus the same person but completely different?
- call back to viktor drawing the umbrella tattoo as a kid !!!
- holy shit, ben is the fly
- body horror is so cool
- oh hey! they’re seeing each other and it’s neither a wedding nor a funeral
- klaus still eating because he deserves it - just give him all the nourishment, please
- why do they always wait to tell each other the most important thing ??? one brain cell - i stg
- “not during christmas” - oh, diego. for those of us with chaotic families, it’s always on christmas
- klaus scooping up five’s empty seat is such big family/sibling energy
- “i didn’t see that one coming!” klaus, luther, and allison look just as confused as i still am
- time travel is wild. five was right in s1 - i am not smart enough for it.
- “do you love him?” 🥺
- cronenberg would love this. i wonder how much of the virus effect is practical vs. cgi
- klaus’s clothes make a lot more sense for the final showdown since he probably borrowed from one of lila’s relatives
- luther’s borrowed clothing is a bit too luther to be believably borrowed tho
- this is my favorite van 🚐 set piece since little miss sunshine
- allison pulling the emergency brake is the ultimate mom arm 💪
- i too, like five, always end up in the subway (as a new yorker)
- oh shit, i just realized that no one probably told klaus how ben really died - ugh
- but, you know what, allison probably didn’t want to overwhelm the poor guy with more trauma so i’ll let the lack of communication slide this time
- “i can fly now! oh it hurts”
- aim for the tanks… like jaws… the… 🦈 ?
- sigh, five and diego beef is just really not necessary - i’m annoyed
- “my hand is stuck in its ass” !!!
- WHO CARES ??? this romance is not that important, dude. you’ve been trying to save your family for decades, my guy 😭
- oh damn - is five going to find the right subway station now?
- if they all forget everything like fucking dorothy in kansas, i’m going to be so mad
- holy shit - PET CEMETARY, but like PET SEMETERY !!! you can’t bring someone back, not really… that’s the show 😭
- netflix loves their stephen king
- this is also the lesson in 11/22/63… JFK… yeah
- i could write a thesis on this rn
- we got our coffee shop AU ?!?!
- can i be “cheesecake five”?
- oh… oh no
- no no no
- don’t make my children not exist 😭
- i’m sobbing… out of hurt and anger, tbh
- the children/family are on the lifeboats 💔
i’m not going to be ok for a while
klaus didn’t find out how ben died ???
wouldn’t ghost ben have been able to tell him ???
they really did borrow from stephen king because the alien reginald plot was pointless (i’m looking at you, under the dome)
all in all, i’m glad i got to spend time with these characters… we could have gotten even fewer seasons based on how netflix operates. but this ending could have been written/executed so much better.
i would have even smiled if the last scene was with everyone in the void. but no. we get the original ending of the little mermaid with the marigolds instead of sea foam 😫
there were parts of it i did like - especially the cleanse - but i feel like we all deserved better…
i dedicate this post to the memory of dave, sissy, ray, and every other beautiful character who ultimately became disposable. 💔
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yuriko-mukami · 3 months
Her Calamity
Dark 08
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
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The scent of lavender wafted in the air of the bathroom, but it was mixed with a feral lust that lingered around Yuriko these days. This had been for a while now. At first, I had not paid it too much attention but after coming back from Eden I could not help but notice how she was all over me, asking in such a needy sweet tone for me to take her over and over again.
Not that I did not enjoy that, but it was not normal behavior for her. She was usually shy and timid, not being able to express her wishes profoundly, but now, she acted shameless. I was sure that if I allowed my hand to slide down her belly under the bathwater, she would spread her legs before I reached them.
Yuriko shifted against my chest while I caressed her arms, trying to keep myself calm and collected even though the urge in me was growing stronger. The urge to sink my fangs into her shoulder while making her clit cry from the pleasure my fingers would give it. I must not give in to this craving for carnal bliss because there were matters we needed to discuss.
Perhaps taking the bath together had not been my brightest idea but after being separated from my angel for most of the day, I could not stand the idea of her bathing alone.
Leaning in, I allowed myself the gratification of kissing Yuriko’s earlobe. “Can you tell me again what happened with Yuma?” She shivered in my embrace as my words slithered into her ear. 
Such a lovely reaction.
Yuriko squirmed. “Umh… nothing much. I was taking a nap under the bushes when I smelled something and then my body burst into action before I could think about it. It was like I wanted to… attack that bunny.” My ears could capture her whispers while I watched a tint of pink spread on her cheeks. “I don’t want to eat a bunny… when I’m a fox…”
“Well…” I was not sure how to react. This was a new side of her, but foxes did eat meat in nature. “It is difficult to fight your instinct when you smell delicious prey. But it is not impossible if you make sure you are not too hungry.”
At least I thought so. Foxes ate because they needed nourishment. Of course, the Vampires demanded that too, but there were other aspects to sucking blood than simply drinking. I wanted to believe it was not like that for Yuriko. “Do not worry. As your master, I will make sure you are well-fed at all times. You do not need to eat any rabbits that wander into Yuma’s garden.”
“Umh… I hope that’s enough…” Yuriko meandered in the tub, her ass rubbing against my shaft. Even though I was capable of controlling myself, she sometimes did not make it easy. I could already feel the blood rushing to the parts she was rubbing by accident. For a moment, I played with the thought of pushing her against the edge of the tub and sinking my cock deep into her moist cavern without a warning. She would squeeze me perfectly and cry out my name, her voice echoing from the bathroom walls. I knew she was ready to take me in. The air was full of the aroma of her lust.
“There is another thing…” Strained mumbles forced me to focus. Now, was not the time. There were too many things we had to discuss. “Something happened when Azusa-kun and I were walking back home the other day…”
I nodded. Azusa had already informed me about this insolent fox person who had approached him and Yuriko. I had been wondering when she might mention it and now, I was not disappointed in her. “Do you want to tell me more?”
The words dropped out one by one. First came a surprise. Yuriko and Yuma had spotted a fox in the woods. It was unclear if that had been a Kitsune or not, but Yuriko assumed so. And then there had been another. This time in a human form. Kozima Toru, as Azusa had said too. Greyish-white hair and amber-yellowed eyes like Yuriko had when her fox side surfaced. That description was different from those foxes we had seen in that village in the Demon World, but we knew that Yuriko’s mother had once fled from there… and I had seen the photo. She had had white hair too.
According to Yuriko, Kozima’s intentions might be innocent. I could sense her curiosity, and while I could understand it — this was about her kind, after all — I did not like it. She should have eyes only for me and our family, not for some stranger who was scheming whatever. Other than that, Yuriko seemed to attract all the strange people around her. I had just done a background check on her another acquaintance and now this…
“Do tell me why all these suspicious people swarm around you…” A sigh left my lips. I buried my face into Yuriko’s damp hair and inhaled deeply. She tensed in my arms.
“I… I… think that Kitsune was just curious about me because… we are alike…” Yuriko pulled her knees against her chest which made her lean forward, giving me a bit more space while I would have liked to press her on my chest.
“It is not only that but also the German witch.”
“Wagner Nalia.”
Yuriko turned her head, meeting my gaze. The teal of her pleading pools was vibrating as if it was about to change colors. Interesting. “So… she really is a German. Azusa-kun said so too, but I wasn’t sure if he was correct...”
It took me a while to gather my thoughts. Apparently, Yuriko had not bothered to ask the witch where she had come from but simply taken Azusa’s words and now mine about her origin. Sometimes, it seemed Yuriko was way too trusting when it came to strangers. I sighed. “That was not my point. She is a questionable person, and I am unsure if you should spend time with her.”
I was sure. The answer was no, but somehow, I could not bring myself to say the word. Once again, I wondered what this angel in my arms had done to me. She made me sway more and more even though I had given my word to Karlheinz-sama…
“Umh… but Nalia is my friend. It feels good to be with her…” Yuriko squirmed against me, making me crazy. 
“You already have me and Elizabeth.”
“People usually have more than one or two friends…”
Just how many would she need? Why was I not enough? While I wondered that the teal started to turn watery right in front of me. Was this friend matter so important to her?
“Besides, Nalia and Yuuto will meet up. I’m hoping they become friends too. Then she would be almost like family.”
The witch wanted to become such a close person to Yuriko? Now, I was even more suspicious. My familiars had made a background check on this Nalia and found out that her bloodline was somehow connected to ancient European witches. Of course, those were only talk of humans who could not be completely trusted but there must have been something that had made them think there was something wrong with Nalia’s family.
Yet, Yuriko did not see it. Haa… I wished her to have a happy life, and lately, she had not smiled enough. So, I decided to let the matter go. For now. “She can be your friend. But I will keep my eye on her. If she threatens you in any way, I will not hesitate to cut her out of your life.”
Yuriko flinched, and for a moment, I hated myself. “Not like that. Do not worry. I gave you my word that I will not take another life ever again.”
Unless that would be absolutely necessary to ensure Yuriko’s safety, but I left out that part. Sometimes it was better that she did not know what went through my mind. I brushed a wet curl behind her ear and smiled. “I simply want to keep you safe, my angel.”
With a nod, Yuriko accepted my words and eased one of my worries. Unfortunately, there were several others. “But about that fox…”
“Oh! He said something peculiar… Something like… we could meet again after the mating season is over.”
Suddenly, I had no words. Azusa had not mentioned that. A mating season? Did the Kitsune have such a thing too? A smirk rose on my lips before I could prevent it. Now, I knew why Yuriko had been so restless recently. “I see… Well, we do not know his intentions, so it is better to keep your distance now.”
“But Ruki…”
“We do not negotiate this, Yuriko.” I let my hands slide along Yuriko’s sides and grabbed her waist, lifting her slightly. “And now, your master wants to enjoy that mating season of yours to the fullest.” Fufu, as long as the season would last, it would be easy to distract Yuriko from the matters I did not wish her to think about. Easy and enjoyable.
Sitting on my knees under her in the tub, I placed Yuriko on my lap, her thighs on both sides of me. I was sure she could feel what kind of reaction her closeness had caused when my length rubbed against her swollen folds. Fuck, I wanted to sink my shaft into her in this instant.
“Take support from the edges. I do not want you to slip.” My voice was already strained in my own ears as I whispered to hers. Holding Yuriko by her waist and not letting her sit down on me, I allowed my cock to peck her entrance and pulled right back. Moving again, I pushed in only slightly, grinning as I heard her whine while backing off once more. 
Repeating the gesture several times, I watched how Yuriko’s cheeks were first painted with the hazy color of cherry blossoms, but then, the shade deepened until it almost reminded me of spider lilies as she squirmed more and more in my grasp.
“What is it, my angel~? Fufu, you look adorable right now~” So sexy. I could feel how soaked she was inside, making my loins already flare from the yearning to reach deeper.
“I… I… umh…”
Just how red could Yuriko turn? It was amusing how she struggled to voice out her cravings. Her visible embarrassment only spurred me on. I dipped my shaft in once more, forcing another whine out of her.
“If you want something, you need to beg for it.” I jerked my hips up.
Yuriko gasped. “Ruki… please…”
Chuckling, I bucked again. “You can do better.” 
The scent in the bathroom thickened, making me inhale deeply. I had to admit that it started to affect me more. Perhaps… Kitsune pheromones? Would they work on a Vampire?
“Oh my gosh! I… can’t take it!” Now, this was more like it. Yuriko’s voice echoed from the walls. “Please, Ruki… do it already!” “Do what?”
Enchanting. But, at the same time, I was getting impatient with Yuriko’s tarrying. A moan escaped from her beautiful lips as I poked her again.
“Take me, please!”
My lips curled up. “As you wish~” I shoved Yuriko’s hips down and jerked mine up, finally sinking into her damp depths which silky heat captured me. Something sprained in my mind as she welcomed my cock with a harsh, milking squeeze and cried out my name while arching her back with the movement. I had to bite my lip, not to groan instantly. 
Yuriko’s fiery warmth imprisoned my shaft over and over again as I raised her hips and thrust down again, water splashing in the bathtub while her wailing filled my ears with its sweet melody. 
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Uncensored version of the pic on Yuriko’s X account. Please note that it's meant for the adult audience. You must be logged in to see the picture.
My cock throbbed with bliss that coursed through me. Pulling out almost all the way, I hoisted Yuriko and then shoved her down, plunging deep again. Her warm wetness was my turmoil and elysium as I allowed myself to be lost in it. This was something beyond physical pleasure. To know she belonged to me and that would be so for all eternity. No one else could ever have her like this, the very sight before my eyes would stay as my personal gratification.
Arching her upper body and throwing her head back, Yuriko wept. With luscious cries, she begged for more like the good girl she was. As an answer, I slammed her down to my shaft and made her whoop. Her gaping mouth released another series of enticing laments.
Helping Yuriko raise and lower her waist, I drowned in dreamy rapture. Hips bucking, shaft pulsing, I plundered into her. She squashed me with every thrust, charging groans out of me. Her tiny fingers clenched the edges of the bathtub so harshly that they looked completely white like a contradiction of her otherwise flushed skin as she was trapped in tormenting ecstasy only, I was allowed to give her.
I held Yuriko one hand from her waist and slipped the other between her plump thighs, searching for her clit. As my fingers reached the nub, circling it, Yuriko whined and quivered. Her passage squeezed me at a rapid pace, making me almost lose it. 
“Fuck! You’re so tight!” Grunting, I heaved into Yuriko’s ear. Nudging my nose through her damp hair, I pursued the column of her neck. The bouncing pulse was calling me through a throbbing vein. Without further thought, I kept my fingers dancing on her most sensitive spot while my cock was buried deep into her depths and sank my fangs into her neck.
“Oh my gosh! Ruki! Too much!”
Such a sweet wail. Yuriko met my driving rhythm beat for beat as she stretched and melted around me. Starting to ride my shaft, Yuriko took it all in. She took all of me so well while tortured moans squeezed past her lips.
Yuriko writhed on my lap, hot and wild as I sucked her blood. Fuck, I needed to cum so badly. Adding more pressure to my fingers, I made them tease Yuriko’s swollen bud and pressed harder into her, deeper, filling her up. The water sparkled around us, splashing on my face, the scent of lavender soup mixing with our aroma of mutual bliss.
Lost to the rhythm, I grunted and sucked, shoving in again and again. I heard Yuriko’s heart pounding, felt her body quivering at the same moment, her walls almost crushed my cock and her lips pressed out a whimpering moan as her release hit full force. 
“Gosh… Ahh… too… too much!” Yuriko squirmed, trying to push up. I lunged her back down.
“Gosh… Ruki!” Back arching, walls clenching me, Yuriko started to cry.  “Oh my…! Please… I can’t take…” She squeaked as another spasm vibrated through her passage, forcing me almost see stars as she shook in my arms. “...any more!”
I pulled my fangs out, panting. “You’ll…” 
Penetrating deeply, I borrowed toward Yuriko’s molten core. “...take it…” I clasped her hips, pulling her hard into my final thrust. 
“...ALL! Fuck! I love you!”
My balls tightened as I growled with pleasure, pouring my seed into Yuriko’s depths. Heaving and grunting, I embraced her from behind, holding her as close as possible. She gave a sobby little moan, still trembling.
Weeps vibrated out of Yuriko. “...gosh… Ruki…”
“Shhh…” I brushed through her hair. “You did so well, taking all of me like that.” Kissing her curls, I started to sway her against me. 
Another whimper.
Lifting Yuriko, I groaned and pulled out. It was difficult to turn her around in the tightness of the bathtub, but I managed and collected her against my chest. I smooched her lips, stroking her cheek.
“My good girl…” Looking directly into Yuriko’s eyes, I tried to reach into her mind. Had this been too much? “Are you alright?”
A nod.
Swallowing, I shook my head. “I need to hear you…”
“I…” Yuriko wiped her cheeks with a shaky hand. But then, a tiny smile broke out. “I am… Ruki, I… I… this was…”
A deep shade of scarlet rushed on Yuriko’s face. “I… I… loved it… and I love you, Ruki.” Pecking her lips again, I almost hummed. “That is what I wanted to hear. I love you too. From the bottom of my heart.” Placing yet another kiss on the tip of Yuriko’s nose, I ruffled her hair. “Now, let me wash you again. Then I will put you in the bed and cuddle you all night long.”
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Yuriko nuzzled Ruki’s chest under the blanket in his bed. Every muscle in her body was tired and sore, yet she couldn’t sleep. Not just yet. Ruki’s hand rested on her back while the other played with her curls.
“You should move into my room.” Ruki chuckled. “It is unnecessary to have two rooms when we are always sharing the bed. If I take my books to the library, we can fit your things here.”
Warmth spilled in Yuriko’s heart. Finally, Ruki said the same thing again. She had thought he had forgotten or perhaps changed his mind, but now she could be sure. Ruki wanted her into his room, permanently. “I wish nothing more than that.” She placed a kiss on his chin line. 
“Then we will start tomorrow. You can sort your things while my brothers and I move the books and shelves.”
“Maybe we can let one shelf stay and keep the most important pieces of literature there?” Yuriko peeked up, meeting Ruki’s gaze. The stormy blue-gray smiled at her.
“I cannot tell you how much I love that beautiful mind of yours. Yes, that is indeed what we will do.” Ruki lifted his head, pecking Yuriko’s cheek. “Now, you should rest. It has been a tiring…”
“Umh?” It was like Ruki had forgotten to say something. Yuriko was about to voice her question clearer when he moved her onto the mattress and leaned over her, brushing a wayward curl off her cheek. 
“There have been so many things going on that I have forgotten to tell you something, my angel.” Ruki sighed, averting his gaze for a moment. “It does not please me, but we must do something.”
“You know that I’ll do anything for you.”
Ruki frowned. Didn’t he want that after all? But Yuriko had made a promise to help him out no matter what it was about.
“Karlheinz-sama has invited us for dinner.” Ruki cleared his throat. “Not only us but Adam and Eve as well. Sakamaki Shu and Komori Yui. We are to meet them there.”
Okay, Yuriko hadn’t expected Ruki’s news to be something like that, for she had nothing to do with the Adam and Eve plan. The only reason she even knew about it was because Ruki and Yuma had been tangled in the matter. And now, Yuma was heartbroken since Komori Yui had chosen the eldest of the Sakamaki family.
Yuriko didn’t know what to think about all this. But then again, it was just a dinner, and if it made the Vampire king happy…
“That… doesn’t sound so bad.” Yuriko yawned, still pondering. The king of the Vampires was an intimidating man, but all Yuriko knew about Sakamaki Shu seldom showed up in school. Komori Yui seemed to be a kind soul, and Yuriko was happy to meet her properly because the last time she had only heard the girl wailing behind Yuma’s door. Now, everything would be different.
“Are you sure?” Ruki locked his gaze with Yuriko’s. She couldn’t do anything but nod. “You do not need to worry. I will make sure it is completely safe for you.”
“I know, Ruki.” Yuriko yawned again. Her eyelids started to turn heavy. “We… we made a promise to Karlheinz-sama. You do as he tells you and I help you out. So… I think we should do this. It is just dinner after all.”
Perhaps Yuriko should have wondered why the Vampire king wanted her to meet his son and his fiancée, but right now, it was too much work to think about such matters. All Yuriko wanted to do was sleep… 
Ruki disappeared from her view, as Yuriko’s lids dropped. She forced them open and tried to focus her gaze. Suddenly, the Vampire was very close. Cold lips captured hers. “Sleep now. We will talk more tomorrow.” Ruki lay down next to Yuriko and enveloped her body with his arm. If he said anything more, Yuriko didn’t hear it.
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izvmimi · 9 months
mimi how does tsukasa tell you he loves you the first time??? theoretically speaking ofc
yes ofc theoretically
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“If it would change your mind in any way, about the value of all of this…” he pauses for a moment, and you look in the same direction as he is, where near the top of the mountain you are at the perfect vantage point to see the whole of the settlement, to observe the community you’ve been a part of building over the past couple of years. He takes in a deep breath, first, then completes his thought.
“... I’m glad that despite everything, I was brought to you.”
Tsukasa turns to you with this last sentence, the soft brown of his eyes appearing to gleam in the quickly setting sun. Your face warms as though you have drawn closer to the crackling fire built before the two of you, and you look away from him quickly to avoid being overwhelmed, but he speaks again and your gaze draws back to him like a magnet. The sound of his voice, no matter how much you’ve tried to deny it, has always been like honey to you - smooth, sweet, nourishing.
He’s smiling softly, you notice, and he pulls you in just a bit closer. Arm wrapped around your body at the shoulder, he lets his head rest against yours, nuzzling you slowly in a way so distinctly feline that you practically expect him to purr. It’s odd for him, this overtly affectionate maneuver, but things have always been odd between you; he pulls you out of your comfort zone, and yours his. 
“I am too,” you reply, your voice softer than you expect. As the words come out, you’re still contemplating their verity, although there is no truer thing - you’re happy to have met him, to be lucky enough that someone like him existed in this world at the same time as you, across the millennia that have passed. Before your petrification, you’d have thought it unlikely for someone so dear to you to have come from the other side of the world, but you also never imagined yourself with half the survival skills you possess now, nor being trusted with so many bodies, hearts and minds. 
Before your petrification, you wouldn’t have been able to open your own heart in a moment like this.
“I love you,” the two of you say in unison. Your eyes widen as you catch yourselves, and Tsukasa chuckles softly, in which you can hear his relief. Taking your face gently in his hands, he brings you close, then stops when your faces are inches apart. Your eyes watch each other carefully, deciding what your next move should be, the pull of desire and affection thick and tangible between you.
As usual, he always takes the first step. 
“Can I?” he murmurs, taking in the shape of your lips.
He doesn’t need permission to love you this way, you’ve accepted him now, but he asks anyway, always a gentleman. Your daintier hands cup his face too, thumb passing over the petrification scars running over his right cheek, and your lips spread into a smile as you thank the heavens for what is yours.
The fire continues to burn; he kisses you, and the far stronger flame in both of your chests ignites.
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moraygrotto · 1 year
new kink fic!
This is a commission for the lovely @askbloatedbellyblog; thank you so much for being a patron of the arts!
Featured is Xiè Lián doing some very important martial god training :)
Contains referenced vôre, stuffing, burping, belly expansion, feeding, and praise. Also HuāLián being mushy, haha
It was on a cool autumn day Xie Lian first heard the prayer that would change his life. Red maple leaves brushed against his shrine, a harbinger of colder days to come, so through his bafflement, he figured the little worshipper kneeling before him might simply be asking for warmth. Perhaps they wanted shelter; perhaps that was what they meant by their whispered prayer of “please take me into you, Your Highness…”
To Xie Lian’s shock, however, they continued. “Let me show you my devotion by becoming your nourishment,” they said. “I can think of no higher honor than to be consumed by my god.” It truly sounded as if the worshipper, incense in hand and wrapped in the garb of a well-off member of the farmer class, wanted the god Xie Lian to appear before them and gobble them up.
Perched on the crude altar table, doing his best to make out the murmurs over the brushing of wind through the fields beyond the shrine, he figured he could do one of those things.
Gods were not really supposed to appear in the flesh before the common people, it was true. Xie Lian, however, was far past the mores of the Upper Court, owing both to his power and to his shamelessness. So, he slipped into visibility, standing before his altar, extending one hand in benevolence to his worshipper.
Their eyes went wide. “Your Highness Prince Xianle!” they said. Their hands trembled around the incense, and they did not accept their god’s offered hand. “...Why are you making that face?”
“No reason,” Xie Lian blurted. “I was just rather curious what you meant by that prayer, is all.”
Looking up at him, their eyes sparkled. “Your Highness,” they said faintly, then seemed to collect themself. They bowed their head reverently, and spoke. “I have heard tell, around this humble corner of the mortal realm, that the most true and absolute way to worship a god… is to offer oneself up to them, as food on a platter.” They blushed, but did not look away. “I… consider myself one of your worshippers, of course, and I can think of no greater happiness than to be swallowed up by you.”
Xie Lian blinked, and fidgeted with the hem of his sleeve. “Like, actually?” he said.
“Yes!” his worshipper replied at once. “I ask not to feel the inside of your true being, of course, but if you could please send an image of yourself to accept me, I would be honored beyond words.”
“Please wait a moment,” Xie Lian said. “A clone like that would not be able to do anything I can’t do, and I’m not a cannibal. I’ve never eaten anyone before, much less swallowed a human whole.” He would not usually tell so much about his body and his power to a stranger, but this human’s request had caught him so offguard that he felt the need to justify himself. Then, he crouched down, leveling with his strange new friend like a parent speaking to his child. “Is this rumor,” he said gently, “that has been circulating around the human realm, related at all to the Night Touring Green Lantern?” 
Demons he knew to consume human flesh, and some ghosts even made it a habit. If a certain cannibal cousin of his planted the idea of Xie Lian gobbling innocent people up in order to besmirch his name, he would need to ignore this worshipper’s request and get to the bottom of the issue.
Instead, they blinked blankly up at him. “Who?”
Smiling, Xie Lian relaxed, and sat back on his heels. “Nobody at all,” he said.
“In truth,” the human pressed, “they rumor was told to me rather surreptitiously, by a friend who… similarly yearns to show their devotion. It would be an honor, I promise, not a shame.”
For the first time in his life, Xie Lian then sized a human up like a meal. Perhaps, he thought as he looked their body up and down, this was how his cousin Qi Rong felt all the time. Just as quickly, he banished Qi Rong from his mind, and tried to focus on this human and their request.
They were not tall, but they were muscular from working the fields. Their face looked consummately eager, but Xie Lian was not sure he could return their enthusiasm. There was no way this entire human could fit down his throat, then into his stomach, and stay there comfortably.
He sighed, and placed one hand on his worshipper’s shoulder, trying to appear as wise as he could. “Be content with your life as it is for now,” he said, “and know that by praying to me, your essence is become a part of me, and serves my power. I am grateful to you, human, as all gods are to their believers.”
“...Oh.” Eyes downcast, they nodded. “If there is anything more I could do to be worthy of such ultimate service, please do give me a sign,” they whimpered.
As Xie Lian faded away and left the shrine, he couldn’t help but feel pity for the little human.
Eating a person with said person’s consent couldn’t truly be difficult for a god of his power. Slowly, a familiar determination began to creep over Xie Lian. With confidence, and a little bit of training, he could do anything at all.
“Oh, Your Highness~” Hua Cheng drawled as Xie Lian entered his room. Hua Cheng was painting, but set his brush down upon seeing his partner.
“Hello, San Lang,” Xie Lian said. His interaction at the shrine was replaying over and over in his head, each time with more urgency– that human yearned so dearly to be eaten; out of the kindness of Xie Lian’s heart, he would have to do it one way or another.
“My esteemed prince,” said Hua Cheng, moving aside on his cushion to make room for Xie Lian next to him. “What’s that look in your eyes for? You merely went to check on a few of your new countryside shrines today, yes?” Though his words were relaxed, he had a stormy look in his eye, as if plotting in advance his revenge against whatever was causing Xie Lian worry.
“Nothing, San Lang,” Xie Lian said, sinking down beside him and cuddling into his arms. A bowl of sunflower seeds sat on the table next to Hua Cheng’s landscape painting, which Xie Lian happily reached for. Cracking one between his teeth, he thought how different it would be to squeeze a whole human down his throat. A half-crunched seed could go down without issue, but the width of a person’s shoulders would inch down uncomfortably, and make him gag. Alive, they would also probably squirm and wriggle.
A gentle “tsk, tsk, tsk” was coming from Hua Cheng. “I can’t just let my beloved stew in worry, now, can I?” He cracked a sunflower seed’s shell cleanly between his fingers, then handed the undamaged seed to Xie Lian. “Would you prefer I hunt down what troubles you myself, and bring them to a swift end?”
“Please don’t,” Xie Lian replied at once. Then, he ate the sunflower seed, nibbling pensively. “Dear,” he said slowly, “I say this out of curiosity, and not distrust, but…” He looked up at him, at his cool, patient eyes, and pale skin. The master of Ghost City looked outstanding for a dead man.
“Yes, my beloved?” Hua Cheng said.
Xie Lian swallowed. “Since you are a ghost, and it’s your right, I suppose, to do so…” He watched Hua Cheng crack a sunflower seed shell between his elegant white teeth. “Have you ever eaten anyone before?” he asked.
Hua Cheng’s laugh rang out sonorous and clear. “No,” he said. “I got close, a few times, in the desperation of my youth before becoming a Supreme, but I’ve never been driven all the way to such an extreme. Nor have I ever… chosen such a path toward obtaining spiritual power, like Black Water does.”
“That’s not exactly what I’m talking about,” Xie Lian said bashfully. “In Ghost City, for example, I wouldn’t think it out of the ordinary at all for one demon to… ask another to eat it. Has anyone ever made such a request of you, and, well, would you fill it?”
The taste of sunflower seeds lingered in Xie Lian’s mouth over a long, awkward pause.
A soft and deep rumbling slowly began to reverberate out of his Hua Cheng, which steadily grew into a diabolical laugh. “Gege,” he said after a minute, “that is fantastic! Someone really asked you to swallow them down?”
“I didn’t say that, but it’s true; someone–”
Hua Cheng faced Xie Lian, leant close, and opened his lower lip with one thumb. “Someone,” he said, “other than me?”
“Now, hold on, please!” Xie Lian said, pulling away and taking Hua Cheng’s cool hand in both his warm ones. “I will explain everything to you, San Lang… Though I admit I don’t understand all the details yet myself.”
At Xie Lian’s grasping his hand, Hua Cheng seemed to calm. “If Gege will tell,” he said brightly, “San Lang will listen.”
“Very good,” Xie Lian said teasingly, then set his hand down atop his white-clad lap.
“I was touring around my countryside shrines,” he began, “as you know. It was lovely and cool out today, so I saw several mortals who had come to pray.”
Hua Cheng nodded, and made a small noise of approval.
“I know,” Xie Lian continued in his babying tone. “San Lang is happy that I’m becoming more popular as a god, and I am too. Popularity, however, seems to come with several features I would not have expected. For, at a small shrine on the outskirts of a countryside town, I found a worshipper who was praying for me to, well… consume them.”
“What did Gege do?” Hua Cheng asked eagerly.
“I thought about it,” Xie Lian confessed, “and decided that I probably couldn’t fit a whole human down my throat, or in my stomach.”
“...And how do you feel about that?” Hua Cheng said after a pause.
Xie Lian shifted, stiffening, and grabbed a sunflower seed to crack idly in his fingers. “A bit dissatisfied, to be honest,” he blurted out at last. “I mean, there is no reason I shouldn’t be able to squeeze one down, right?” He extracted the seed, and swallowed it morosely. “I feel as if I’ve been negligent in my training.”
“Gege can do anything,” Hua Cheng said, and pressed a kiss into his hair.
“Thanks,” Xie Lian chuckled. “I… was going to ask how you felt about me swallowing down a –very much consenting!– human, but you’re supportive?”
Hua Cheng gave a single laugh from deep within his chest. Xie Lian didn’t need to ask if he was supportive. “Do you really want to know what I think?” he said.
Smiling, Xie Lian brushed a lock of Hua Cheng’s inky dark hair behind his shoulder. “Sure,” he replied, “if you’d like to share.”
Hua Cheng did not say anything, only took back up his paintbrush, and wetted it at his inkstone. After blotting off one bulbous drop of ink, he brought it to the corner of the intricate landscape he had been painting, where a craggy rock overlooked the land. Using the very tip of his brush, he traced out three lines that Xie Lian could tell at once to be his own hat. Then, he drew a few flowing brushstrokes to represent his signature hairstyle. Down his back flowed his simple clothes, and lines formed the length of his sleeves, arms reaching before him to hold something, which he gracefully, intricately, finally drew.
Xie Lian no longer saw himself at all. Hua Cheng rounded out his middle to an extreme extent, masterfully drawing the gathered fabric of his belt as it strained beneath the mass of a freakishly engorged belly. He looked big enough, Xie Lian realized, to be holding another person inside.
“I think,” whispered Hua Cheng, finishing the figure with two pretty feet, “that if Gege looked like this, he would be more beautiful than I could imagine.”
Xie Lian gazed down at the painting, vast landscape punctuated shockingly by his overfull form. “You seem to be imagining it well enough!” he said.
“Oh, Gege,” Hua Cheng sighed, “I can’t help but dream.”
Blushing, he leaned back against Hua Cheng as the latter put his brush down. “To be honest,” he said, “I don’t know how I would feel if I looked like that. I hate being weighed down, and when I see that bloated belly, all I can think of is indigestion.”
“Oh, Your Highness,” said Hua Cheng, wrapping one arm around him. “Just think of it as a feat to achieve. I, for one, would love to see you reach such a peak.”
Xie Lian chuckled, and nuzzled his head into him.
“However,” Hua Cheng continued, “you know there is no need to go for the entire person right away. With some martial training, such a belly would not feel heavy at all to my Xie Lian. And with a little appetite training, it would be easy on your guts, too. Just like training toward godhood, you may work up to it.” He smiled, and gave his head another kiss. “I am here to assist you in any way you desire.”
“Good,” Xie Lian said. “As a ghost, you must know at least a few people who eat weird things. Not just raw, that is, but mindfully. I do hope to become an expert on stuffing myself, so that I may be a righteous god for my believers, so I’d be grateful for any knowledge you could offer.”
“My Gege, so studious,” cooed Hua Cheng. “Yes, I will help you learn to eat like a demon.” He gave a little laugh. “Perhaps we could enlist a bit of help, as well. Just for fun, of course. You don’t need anyone but me.”
“Of course, of course,” Xie Lian replied sarcastically, stroking his San Lang’s chest.
“I can’t wait.”
Xie Lian smiled. “You seem awfully eager to participate in this interaction between a god and his believer,” he teased.
“Well,” Hua Cheng countered, “said god is you.”
Xie Lian looked down at Hua Cheng’s painting of him, so simple, yet made with such care. “Coy San Lang,” he said, and, with affected casualness, placed a hand on his thigh. “Be honest with Gege now. Does the thought of me with such a round belly, filled to the brim with eager, yummy people… make San Lang happy?”
Beautiful, Hua Cheng had said at the idea. He only took his hand off his thigh, and gave it a kiss. Though his touch stayed cold, it prickled Xie Lian’s skin with some strange sensation like demonic energy.
Xie Lian continued to tease him. “Come now, San Lang. You can tell Gege.” He traced his hand down the side of Hua Cheng’s face. “We are a happy, loving couple, after all. San Lang shouldn’t feel any shame when telling his Gege his desires.”
Hua Cheng chased Xie Lian’s hand with his lips for a minute, trying to kiss his warm palm in a silent game of tag. “I think Gege knows me too well,” he purred when Xie Lian finally yanked his hand away, and gave his cheek a final pat. Then, he wrapped Xie Lian in his arms, deftly picking him up as he stood. “I shan’t deny,” he said slowly, lowering Xie Lian onto the bed in the corner, “that your mouth looks dazzlingly handsome whenever it opens. I love seeing your lips part wide to swallow things…” He sat next to Xie Lian, and gave his lips a gentle kiss.
“Your throat,” he continued, “is so elegantly constructed, and already capable of holding so much~” He sucked gently on the muscles beside his Adam’s apple, where Ruoye had spent most of the day. Then, he kept kissing down the hollow of his neck, his collarbones, until he reached his chest, covered by his clothes. Unable to hide a devilish smile, he squeezed with both hands, downward, downward, until–
“San Lang, darling, that tickles!”
“My apologies,” clucked Hua Cheng, then gave his belly another mischievous squeeze. “Although your abdomen is perfect as it is,” he said, “with a stunningly defined set of muscles that this San Lang is tortured to keep his hands off of–” He gave a dramatic sigh, furrowing his brows in a way Xie Lian had only ever seen him do in private. “Hahhh… I’m sure I would be just as ensnared by a belly filled to a truly godly capacity.”
Xie Lian chuckled. “Then, you and my human friend from earlier are of the same mind.”
“In more ways than one,” Hua Cheng said haughtily. “After all, Gege… I am your believer.” Fingertips danced over Xie Lian’s belly, but despite the tickling sensation, Xie Lian did not protest.
“I would be honored,” Hua Cheng continued, softly, solemnly, “to help you attain the ability to swallow your worshippers whole. And I promise to worship you with all my being along the way.”
Hua Cheng had insisted on providing everything Xie Lian might possibly need for his “training.” Eager to watch his beloved prince’s stomach capacity grow, he had an airy bamboo cottage built on a secluded beach, where warm ocean breezes blew.
For Xie Lian’s first session, a mere few days after the big proposition, he had servants of Ghost City wheel in seafood over ice, fresh vegetables, meat and tofu, and a myriad of mouth-watering spices.
Xie Lian, for his part, was asked not to participate in the cooking, only to sit back, relax, and sip tea to whet his appetite. When he grew restless, however, he stepped into the kitchen to check on the food, and stood there rapt, struggling to believe his own eyes.
He was used to simple foods, even discarded scraps, and it had been a long time since he had truly eaten like a prince every day. Yet here were Hua Cheng’s underlings, sizzling up meats in fragrant oil, brewing delicately-seasoned soups, and slicing vegetables thinner than blades of grass. All was for him, for no special occasion at all.
Part of him regretted their putting in such an effort, but an even greater part of him yearned for it– he had only eaten a bun for breakfast, and he was hungry.
After being wheedled back to his seat in the main dining room, the door crashed open to reveal a distinctive figure clad in red.
“San Lang!” Xie Lian burst out.
“Your Highness!” Hua Cheng sang, and fell into Xie Lian’s arms. 
After a long moment of squeezing his Hua Cheng close, Xie Lian opened his eyes. Two figures, one clad in gold armor, the other clad in black, stood stiffly before the door. “Oh,” Xie Lian blurted, then whispered into Hua Cheng’s ear, “I see you invited Feng Xin and Mu Qing.”
“Your most beloved highness,” Hua Cheng drawled, swaying with him in his arms, “I thought you might like an extra bit of help. After all, I love seeing you cared for.”
“You thought it would be funny to invite them,” Xie Lian whispered.
“Absolutely,” said Hua Cheng. “I hope this may be a delightful occasion for us all.”
“Well,” Xie Lian said, breaking away from Hua Cheng and squeezing his shoulders, “it certainly seems like an occasion, with all this fancy food. Are you sure it’s all for me?”
“Of course,” Hua Cheng said, placing a hand on Xie Lian’s waist and giving his forehead a kiss. “Granted, if Gege cannot finish it all, there are many mouths here who will do the job for him. But–” He leaned in close. “–between you and me, I dearly hope you can fit it all down.”
“Me too,” Xie Lian said, blushing, and returned to his seat. As Feng Xin and Mu Qing filed into the kitchen, he realized he had forgotten to ask Hua Cheng if they knew he was training to eat someone or not. The pair, however, were back in an instant, plates in their hands, and Hua Cheng rapidly set the table while humming a song, like a loyal butler in crimson.
To Xie Lian’s relief, the dishes were not large. As his friends brought them out to the table one by one, he was delighted to see some dim sum dishes, soup, a few fried entrees, and plenty of carbohydrates.
“This,” Hua Cheng said, leaning in close and gesturing to a plate of fluffy rice with veggies, “will expand very nicely inside you. You’ll feel more full than you ever have before.” He winked, and gave Xie Lian’s tummy a pat.
Mu Qing, who had been setting down a plate of pepper fried tofu, was staring at them, a definitively bothered expression on his face. Xie Lian was beginning to realize just why Hua Cheng had invited the two generals here, and just what type of fun he hoped to have. 
He should pity the two, but was far too charmed by Hua Cheng. Placing one hand on his belly, he sat back, and smiled. “I can’t wait,” he said brightly. “I promise to eat as much as I can, for San Lang and my dear former deputies.”
Rolling his eyes, Mu Qing returned to the kitchen.
In less than a minute, then, the food was ready, all set out on the table alongside some quality tea.
“Thank you all dearly,” Xie Lian said as he pulled his chair up. “I’m touched to see this feast for me. But please–” He gestured to the dishes. “–Help yourself. I want you all to eat and be happy, as w–”
He broke off, chuckling bashfully, as his stomach interrupted him with a long, discontented growl. He gave it a pat, and it murmured to him again, ab muscles rippling under his touch.
Neither Feng Xin nor Mu Qing were doing him the honor of looking at him.
“I think Supreme Lord Hua would tear us to literal pieces if we took so much as a nibble,” grumbled Mu Qing.
“Yeah,” said Feng Xin, “and with the way your stomach just shouted, I’m almost more afraid of you.”
“Don’t worry,” Xie Lian said, helping himself to some fried greens. “I’m the only one here to train, so you may just relax. I’d like this to be fun for us all.”
Mu Qing rolled his eyes, but scooped a few more greens onto Xie Lian’s plate before taking his seat. Had Hua Cheng asked him to do that ahead of time? Xie Lian was pleased either way.
As he dug into the succulent vegetables, savoring their aromatic oil and spices, he was watched attentively. Feng Xin and Mu Qing sat on his adjacent sides, opposite each other. Across the table from Xie Lian sat Hua Cheng, head propped on one hand, gazing at him with unabashed adoration as food vanished into his mouth.
“Say,” Hua Cheng spoke after Xie Lian had cleared his plate and begun serving himself more, “Gege does not have to keep scooping food onto his plate. Since all is for him, he is welcome to eat directly from the dishes.”
“Yeah, c’mon,” Feng Xin muttered. “No need to be polite. Everyone here has seen worse.”
Xie Lian swallowed a delicious mouthful, reluctant to admit how much the idea of shoveling food straight into his mouth appealed to him in his ravenous condition. “Ah,” he said, “I was wondering why there are no serving chopsticks.”
“Because only one beautiful man is being served~” cooed Hua Cheng.
Smiling, Xie Lian pulled a few different dishes toward him, and munched away happily.
Mu Qing was grumbling something under his breath, but at a brief “Hm?” from Hua Cheng, he fell silent.
Xie Lian loved the feeling of the hunger in his tummy abating. Having fed on meager scraps for much of his life, he would be satisfied by anything, but there was something special about a feast this sumptuous.
He ate without restraint, Feng Xin and Mu Qing obediently pushing new, full dishes toward him every time he got close to scraping one clean. He felt beloved in a way one thousand prayers from worshippers could not make him feel. Each bite of food and guzzle of tea seemed to fill not just his stomach, but his heart.
“Fuck,” Feng Xin muttered, “you were starving, huh?”
“So much for precious prince Xie Lian, darling of all the realms,” quipped Mu Qing. “You’re eating like a monster.”
Stifling a burp by pressing a curled finger to his mouth, Xie Lian looked at Mu Qing. “Sorry,” he said. “I can eat more slowly if you’d prefer. Feng Xin is right, though, I was reall-rrp-really hungry.”
“Don’t bother,” said Mu Qing, crossing his arms.
“That’s right,” said Hua Cheng, refilling Xie Lian’s cup of tea. “My Gege will eat however he likes. Gege will become wonderfully stuffed with food for us, yes?”
“Yes!” Xie Lian chirped, ignoring the further awkward glances from his two former deputies.
Before long, the dim sum dishes had vanished down Xie Lian’s greedy gullet. As Hua Cheng had predicted, the more carb-rich dishes, such as sticky rice balls and fluffy buns, filled up his stomach like an embrace from within. Some pressure had begun to accumulate at his middle, where his gut pressed against his clothes.
He took a contemplative sip of tea. “Would you all mind terribly,” he said, “if I loosened my belt just a smidge? It’s true you’ve all seen me shirtless before, but I hope a bit more chest showing at the table wouldn’t offend you terribly… Would it?”
“It doesn’t count as ‘at the table’ when you’re the only one eating,” remarked Mu Qing, who immediately thereafter let out a high yelp. He glared over at Hua Cheng, who was smiling devilishly. With the size of the table, Hua Cheng could not physically have stomped on Mu Qing’s foot, but it appeared that by his Supreme powers, he had done it anyway.
Xie Lian, watching the exchange go down, reached to his belt to slowly loosen it.
“Ahhh~” He could not hold in a sigh of bliss. His stomach sank down into its newfound open space, food settling anew. As his belly let out a grumble of contentment, he looked at the remaining food with renewed enthusiasm.
“That’s your cue,” Hua Cheng said in a snakelike hiss.
A moment later, Xie Lian realized he was talking not to him, but to Feng Xin and Mu Qing, who rushed to push two rich, heavy dishes toward him.
The first, a plate of stewed beef in chili sesame oil, Xie Lian gobbled with delight. The hot chunks of meat spread their savory flavor through his mouth, and warmed his throat on their way down. It was not long, therefore, before only a few limp vegetables remained. He leaned back, gave his belly a pat, and pressed a long, low burp into one fist. His belly was filling up his loosened clothes already, and as he let the burp out, he felt the firm skin soften beneath his touch.
“Oof, ‘scuse me,” he said, smiling apologetically at his tablemates.
“No ‘excuse me’s needed,” purred Hua Cheng. “All of us are happy to watch our prince feed.”
Feng Xin was industriously organizing the dishes before Xie Lian, and Mu Qing was blushing as he peered through one eye at his brazenly loosened clothes and the slight bulge of his belly.
“Well, don’t stop on my account,” Mu Qing snapped when Xie Lian caught him staring. “We’re here to feed you, and you’ve got all this food, so you might as well eat.”
“Thank you, Mu Qing,” Xie Lian said, ignoring how flustered Mu Qing sounded. “Feng Xin, thank you too.” He began to spoon together a mouthful of spicy pork and tofu. “This is just what I want right now, and you put it right in front of me!”
“You’re welcome,” Feng Xin said begrudgingly.
“San Lang,” Xie Lian sang after swallowing down a hefty spoonful, “aren’t these two generals so well-behaved? I’m oh-so-happy I chose them as my deputies all those years ago.”
“Don’t make fun of us,” Feng Xin barked. “Just eat, okay?”
“Gege,” Hua Cheng said, “it seems all three of us are in agreement as to what you ought to sit back, clear your mind, and do.” Then, through the spiritual communication array in Xie Lian’s mind, “I can’t wait to see you full to bursting.”
With such words from his own Hua Cheng, Xie Lian could only obey. He practically drank the food down into himself, feeling the sweet press on his bloated stomach, consuming with bliss, until–
“Oh!” burst Feng Xin and Mu Qing in unison.
Dizzy from feasting, Xie Lian took a long moment to realize that from behind his already loosened belt, his tummy had popped out, flushed and swollen, pushing his belt down. “Oh –urp– I’m practically naked!” he said.
“It’s fine,” pressed Feng Xin. “Just keep eating. You’re doing great so far, just a few more little dishes to go.”
Xie Lian could hardly breathe without a soft, bubbly burp crawling its way up from his distended belly. “Hfff… Actually,” he said, “I think I might need a break.” 
“You’ve got this,” Feng Xin continued, far more sincere than Xie Lian had heard him in a very long time. “You’re almost there. Remember, this is training.”
Yes. This was stomach training for the sake of his believers. Xie Lian struggled to straighten up, adjusted his belt even lower beneath his bulging gut, and swallowed down a few more bites of his food. With such wholesome and nutritious fare filling him, even through the pressure of his overfullness, he felt good. 
Still, he could not go on. Setting his chopsticks down, he flopped back in his chair.
“Sweet, beautiful Gege,” said Hua Cheng in a soft voice. “Generals? Just as we discussed.”
Through half-lidded eyes, Xie Lian watched the two figures of his generals come toward him. Moments later, a bite of food entered his mouth. Feeling still far from sick, he accepted, slowly chewing and swallowing. This went on for a long while, Xie Lian’s tummy growing fuller and fuller, until Hua Cheng’s loving whisper sounded out again.
“Very good, both of you. And excellent, Gege.”
Packed with food, his belly now filled out the chair he was sitting in; if he were as close to the table as he had started, it would be digging painfully in at his stomach. One hand on the bulging, bulbous mass, Xie Lian let out a rumbling burp. He was too stuffed to excuse himself, manners or no.
“Beautiful,” Hua Cheng repeated, then raised his voice. “Generals, you are dismissed.”
Afraid he might burst with food, Xie Lian reached for a sip of tea. The cooling liquid trickled soothingly down into his belly as he watched Feng Xin and Mu Qing leave the cabin.
“I’m ashamed,” he whined to Hua Cheng once it was only the two of them in the room. “I’m a god, and I could barely clear a whole tableful without falling apart. There’re legends of –bblurp– joyful, free-spirited deities whose love of food bordered on gluttony. Perhaps it’s prideful to think I could rival them, but–”
He stopped. Hua Cheng had risen, and brought one smooth hand to his belly. “You are always,” he said, “a paragon among gods. You did splendidly today; every bite swallowed down was a sight to behold.” He rubbed in tender circles, knowing just where to apply gentle pressure to stimulate the valves of his digestive tract. “Your every motion is divine,” he whispered.
Xie Lian swore to himself, listening to Hua Cheng speak, that he would respond with something just as profound. But he was dizzyingly full. But Hua Cheng was pressing in all the right spots. But at that point, he was not sure anything could come out of his mouth besides–”
Hua Cheng grinned, pale cheeks blushing. “Oh, Your Highness,” he simpered, “what a mighty god you are.”
Gently, Xie Lian ran a hand through Hua Cheng’s hair.
“You ate so well,” Hua Cheng said.
“Eat me next?”
Xie Lian blinked. “Huh?”
A coy smile was plastered all over Hua Cheng’s face. He didn’t reply, only cuddled up closer to him, evidently relishing in the touch of his full belly under his hands.
“Oh, San Lang,” Xie Lian said after a moment, “a god must attend to his duties. I have a human to eat first… and a whole lot of –hic– eating practice to complete before then.”
“Just kidding,” Hua Cheng said breezily.
Bound to his chair by the weight of his gut, Xie Lian did not feel uncomfortable. Hua Cheng’s every caress was a mercy. He held him close, and spoke into his ear: “Either way– thank you so much for this wonderful meal.”
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outofangband · 2 years
Updated and Elaborated Eating Habits of the Valar
So the Ainur don’t have to eat or drink like incarnates do (and how exactly this works for the elves is perhaps up for debate) so here are my thoughts on how eating and drinking work for each of the Valar
I also headcanon that the Ainur can receive nourishment from non food and drink, usually through contact with elements of their domains. It is lack of this that can cause weakness and tiredness. 
It's also important to note that not all of the Valar consume food in traditional ways, depending on their physical form at the time.
When I make my second post about the nature of the Maiar (first one here) I’ll go into their eating habits too!
Manwë when taking a physical form will sometimes eat certain fruits or special pastries out of curiosity. He will also always eat what is served to him when elves hold festivals or ceremonies that he attends. He is energized by open air and winds. 
 Varda doesn’t eat or drink. She rarely holds a purely physical form. Even when she appears vaguely humanoid shaped, her body is made up of mists and vapors rather than flesh and blood. She is energized by stars and by natural sources of light. 
Aulë is intrigued by food on a technical level. He has stolen Fëanor’s lunch more than once out of curiosity. He doesn’t enjoy the sensations of it as much as some of the others but he is fascinated by the concept of it and by culinary arts. He is energized by the earth and its materials as well as fire.
Yavanna generally doesn’t although sometimes she will get offerings of fruit based things that she will eat! She receives energy through the natural world and growing things. She has more knowledge of energy and food than most of her kin even if she doesn’t often partake in it
Vána doesn’t usually eat either though she does it somewhat more than Yavanna. She especially likes the sweet nectar drinks of the elves. Like Yavanna, growing things can nourish her as can cycles of life and spring. 
 Oromë eats with the Maiar and elves he hunts with and at ceremonies.
Nessa and Tulkas both enjoy eating at events and ceremonies but it doesn’t really occur to either of them to eat otherwise.
Nessa, Tulkas and Oromë receive nourishment from open spaces and freedom, physical activity and movement, and even strong emotions. 
 I mentioned this in my domains of the Valar entry for him but Námo almost never eats or drinks. Occasionally he will have a sip of a ceremonial wine on very special occasions. But in general his head is veiled, surrounded by mists and what parts of it are actually there isn’t always clear
Vairë consumes even less than her husband. She’s never been known to eat or drink anything elves would recognize as food. 
Nienna is the same. She does not eat or drink even when her Maiar occasionally will on ceremonial occasions.
The Fëanturi and their spouses receive nourishment and energy from their domains and realms. Their forms tend to be utilitarian for their duties.
 Estë drinks nectar and fruit based tonics on occasion but doesn’t eat. 
Irmo is similar in this however he will sometimes sample foods at festivals! Of all the Fëanturi he is most able to leave his realm (through physical body or through visions or dreams). 
Ulmo loves attending human and elven feasts including occasionally incognito. He’s fascinated too by the food they serve. He is energized by the ocean, water and rain. 
Melkor considers eating beneath him and even after becoming locked in a physical form only does so rarely and usually for show, at ‘feasts’ in Angband and such. I headcanon that while he requires more rest and perhaps even sleep during his time trapped in a physical form, he still does not actually require nourishment in the typical sense. I’ve made lots of posts about food in Angband (and I’m planning on more!) but Melkor, while not requiring food himself, is absolutely part, at least occasionally, of the various food related cruelties and taunts. He knows perfectly well the need for nourishment among the incarnates and enjoys using anything that distinguishes them from the Ainur, especially after being trapped in one form
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angeltreasure · 1 year
my friend (will call J ) has been struggling recently and im worried for her and her family. they’ve been struggling financially out of no fault of their own, and are struggling on the brink of homelessness. it’s not safe for her out on the streets.
J is trans, so many community resources are turning her down… J herself has been yelled at, cut off, and harassed by catholic members of her family once she came out as trans, so ive been praying for both her situation and gender identity privately but the situation doesn’t seem to be getting too much better
when talking to J about my being catholic, she has been extremely respectful and kind despite what she’s gone through. I’m upset that members of our own church weren’t able to help her feel safe and comfortable in her own body, and instead exacerbated the problem by casting her out
for this i ask that we pray more fervently for members of our church and transgender youth, especially those struggling with things like day to day safety or nourishment. J is definitely not the only one who’s experienced things like this but I hate seeing it happen
(While we view J as a child of God who should be loved as any other child of God, we can’t say we support of affirming the transition of gender because God wanted J to be created as the gender J was born at birth. That’s why you might see the hesitation toward the situation concerning your friend.)
J and her family are children of God and we must as brothers and sisters not turn them away when they are struggling. If I knew J and her family, I would not hesitate to offer them food, clothing, medicine, a little bit of money, comfort, and even pray with them. It’s what Jesus teaches us to do love our neighbor as ourself. We must see the face of Jesus Christ in every single person.
This is surely a test from God to see who will help J and her family. I will pray for your intentions.
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lexcat-11 · 9 months
it’s a late night rambling about life stuff night. tumblrs basically an echo chamber for me so I don’t mind lol.
content warning for discussion of fatphobia & what could be considered disordered eating. stay safe if this does reach anyone at all <3
it’s crazy to me how I, fortunately, was able to grow up with very little internalized homophobia and to have had such positive representation and acceptance primarily on the internet but also irl. I consider myself a very rebellious person who won’t let anyone invalidate me when it comes to stuff like that. I love being a lesbian, I’m not ashamed to be asexual. That’s me and I know I’m valid. I love who I am in that regard.
But god damn on the opposite side of things internalized fatphobia has not nearly been as easy for me. I guess I gained exposure to it so young and so directly it makes sense but it’s everywhereee. Weight loss ads on the tv, not finding clothing sizes in stores or their patterns being carelessly made so they don’t fit, seats in theaters not fitting my legs, the lack of representation, the hatred and immediate association with “ugliness” or “failure” from so many close minded and unkind people, direct bullying even like a month ago.
like when I was in *preschool* I remember daydreaming about the stuff a stereotypical little girl does— princesses, magic, all that, and at five years old, in my own imagination, I’d stop and tell myself “I don’t look like me. I look like another girl who’s prettier because she’s not fat.” FIVE YEARS OLD
I just have so much grief for that little girl and just everyone who might have ever had to go through it. Bodies are treated like trends and so oversexualized and some people would rather wish for someone to harm themself than be unable to sexualize a thin body. And at five years old I didn’t believe I could be pretty unless I lost weight.
Caring so much about it is against my values. I don’t care what society says about my sexuality or interests! But I do care about this. And it sucksssss because why should it matter? What if my healthiest self is the heaviest? What if I don’t work out anymore because it became a form of self-punishment? Why should anyone get to comment on my health??? Why is my body any of your business??? It’s so disgusting not to even mention all of the overlaps with ableism, the impacts it has on the trans community, and fatphobia’s roots stemming from racism. Why is it regarded as so normal? Why are we making five year olds in preschool sitting in a circle on the mat on the floor daydream about being thinner so they could be pretty enough to be part of a story? I’m an adult and I still envy thin people so much. I want to have this confidence boost and wear things they are but I’ve been taught that my body looks wrong in them.
I’m genuinely trying to unlearn all of this. Again idk if anyone’s gonna read this but I feel like being open because I know it would help me to know I’m not alone. There are plus sized and fat-bodied individuals who look like me and I think they are so so beautiful and I don’t ever criticize them the way I do myself and I don’t understand why I’m so unkind to myself.
I’m gonna try to stop having such a negative relationship with food and scrutinizing myself. I’m not going to focus on exercising and burning calories but instead moving my body so that I feel good. I share the image of sculptures of Greek goddesses and the fact I am nourished and have energy is something to celebrate. I have a body that naturally gains and retains weight. I don’t want to spend my life fighting it and hating myself trying to chase love that I deserve to be shown without conditions. I am a human being. I am alive and my body is the least interesting thing about me.
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
More experiences on testosterone! I'm in my 30s, and I've been on T for 6.5 years.
Testosterone has been nothing but positive for me. I was worried at first that it wouldn't do much---that my fat wouldn't redistribute, that I would always look feminine because I used to be quite curvy.
The biggest change for me has been the impact on my mental health. On estrogen, I would get horrible anxiety that fluctuated with changing hormones. Every couple weeks my heart would race, and I would feel like I was constantly having a panic attack. I had awful menstruation dysphoria, and I had occasional bouts of suspected endometriosis pain. I engaged in self-destructive behaviors because of the cycle and was basically completely numb to physical sensations and completely disconnected from my feelings by the time I was in my late teens. Just to survive.
Then I go on testosterone. It was like I instantly calmed down. The panic was gone, the pain was gone. I could think straight for what felt like the first time in my life. I had enough emotional and mental energy to start getting back in touch with my feelings and taking care of myself. I could laugh and cry again; I could talk about what I was feeling where before I just sat in silence when someone asked me how I was because I'd numbed out everything so hard. It was just RIGHT. Like my body was MEANT to run on testosterone. So right that I'm almost certain there is something biological behind it. I'm happier and healthier in every way.
It's been almost 7 years, and I have not once felt differently. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
And all that shit about testosterone making people ugly---what nonsense. Because I was more in touch with my body and my feelings, I have been much more able to look after my health and appearance . I've had the energy to go and do the things I love to do. Do things to better myself and go to the gym and run, cook and eat food that nourishes my body. I'm in the best shape of my life. I'm easily the most "conventionally attractive" I've ever been. Not just because I'm "fit," but because I'm happy and confident, and people can see it. And I definitely enjoy how much strength I was able to gain in the gym so quickly, lol.
I love the body hair, I love my bass-baritone voice, I love all of it. My hair texture changed a little, and my hairline changed to become more masculine, but all of it makes me happy and looks great to me.
People who say that something that takes someone from looking and feeling like hot garbage to glowing and taking care of himself can fuck off lol.
that’s amazing! i’m so glad you’ve had such a positive experience.
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aurorawritestoescape · 2 months
Here we are, spilling my thoughts as always🫂🥰
The Moodboard looks beautiful 🤩
“The servants leave immediately, knowing well that General Marcus Acacius does not allow anyone to see what he does to his women.” Would he perhaps allow lil ol’ me to watch, I can be quite and won’t interrupt, I’d be having the best time of my life watching the throuple get it on 🥵🤭
“Your heart is fluttering and you squirm against Lucilla’s shoulder, and always attentive to your mood, the woman envelops you in her arms tighter, sharing more of her warmth with you, while nothing but thin nightgowns separate your bodies.” I need to be enveloped by a woman as well, please 🙏🏻 There’s no greater comfort than this ahhhhh 🥰🫂
“The sight of him takes your breath away.” Same if I would see that man naked I’d be so stunned breathing would not be an option anymore 🤯😍
“I played with her during the washing. She must come as much as possible for the seed to stick.” I had to read this line twice before I could move on without screaming. Who will play with me to make the freaking seed stick ????? Helloooooo 🤯😍😍😍
“Give her one more before we start, my love. I shall assist you.” I need the General, yes that’s right, but I need that woman way more!!!! Love the Pedro characters but I’m perhaps even a bigger fan of the woman in such constellations 😵‍💫😵‍💫🥵🥵🥵🥵
“You turn your head to look at Lucilla’s gorgeous face, your eyes full of lust and gratitude and you reach for her to kiss you. She smiles and soon her soft lips are caressing yours, her tongue is licking into your whimpering mouth and you gasp against her lips when her husband latches onto your bare cunt.” Please I need that to happen to me so badly 🤭🤭🤭I read the section 3 times before being able to continue and yes, I know it will only get worse (worse as in your writing will continue to ruin me in the best way possible) 😍😍😍😍
“She gently cups your breast and her fingers twitch your pebbled nipple. You moan as her touch sends a new surge of wetness to your entrance for her husband to lap up.” You know Kate I used to be a girl with normal dreams and normal thoughts but now I’m a whore that wants to get fucked by an ancient Rome couple. 🤩🤤🤤🤤😂
“Will you give me an honor to taste your milk when it’s time, my little rose? I would love your sweet breasts to nourish me, just like your little cunt is nourishing me right now.” This is already the final nail in my coffin and I know there will be more nails to come because I know your writing is so perfect. Fuckkkkkkk me, the Lactation!Kink is not a new discovery for me but certainly heavily appreciated 🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍
“Relax, my precious, open up for him. Let Marcus fill you up with his seed. Sometimes I wish I had a cock too so we both could make you full with cum.” Kate you have officially just attacked me again who will rebuild me, whooooo will take care of the mess you made of me ????? I don’t know why it turns me on so much that she wishes to have a cock too but it does 🥵🥵🥵🥵
“You take a sharp breath at the sight of her beautiful tit and latch onto her puffy nipple.” I’m absolutely feral at this point, Lucilla please find me and put your beautiful tits in my mouth, I swear I need it sooooooooo much 🤤❤️
I basically blacked out after this point, them kissing each other while she’s sitting on her face and he’s fuckin her, coming inside, plugging her with his cock. I’m dead 😵 Everything is just too good.
I might also have enjoyed this a lot more because there’s a lot happening in my head and things are being planned for the future, which might include two women and one Pedro character 🤭👀👀👀
I love you so much Kate gosh what a boring unfulfilled life I’d be living without your amazing stories, let’s not think about it.🥲🩷🩷
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YAYYYY IM SO HAPPY TO READ YOUR COMMENTS!! Thank you, my little fairy! ❤️🧚‍♀️
Listen, it was such a struggle to write about those three, bc it would make me so horny ahahah I NEED THEM😩🥵 it was a self-indulgent story and I’m so glad that you enjoyed what I enjoy😁
Thank you for the laughs and for being amazing, kind and wonderful YOU! love you lots!!😘💕💕
Destinies Intertwined
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