#I will make the best enamel pins that everyone loves
pangur-and-grim · 1 month
I need to ensure these august pins are as perfect and desirable as I can make them, because it turns out my furnace is cracked and blowing fire into places fire should not go 💀 the whole thing needs replacing
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starhaloeklypse · 3 months
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Alright, it’s finally here, I worked on this like all month and it’s STILL somehow late, but I finished my pride month piece !! I’m so happy with it ! I had a blast with this even if I desperately wish I released it on-time, but oh well. I did enjoy making this, I tried to have each of them show off their respective flags by wearing accessories that to me felt in character for them. Alphys wearing enamel pins, Papyrus wearing stickers, Asgore’s flower crown, Mettaton’s feather boa and earrings, Sans literally just scribbling his flag colors on a shitty piece of paper and taping it to his forehead, etc. I also gave Papyrus and Alphys paraphernalia related to their special interests. It was definitely Frisk’s idea to wrap that gay ass ribbon around Flowey’s pot, though. Don’t worry he’s not homophobic lol, he just doesn’t care and doesn’t wanna be part of this picture. I did make Alphys and Mettaton’s proportions slightly off and it kills me a little but oh well. I also deliberately made this in a CMYK color profile, because I wanna make this into prints, someday. If that’s something you’d be interested in, please sound off in the replies ! I’d love to hear ! These are all my personal headcanons for the characters’ identities. I’ll list them in order from left to right (ironically saving probably the gayest character for last) in case some of the lesser known identities or flags get lost in translation.
Mad Mew Mew - Polyamorous, Transgender, Pansexual, Autistic
{Not LGBT but still noteworthy and celebrated }
Papyrus - Demisexual, Mlm ( Men loving Men /Gay ), Hyperromantic, Autistic
{Not LGBT but still noteworthy and celebrated }
Napstablook - Aromantic Asexual, Non-binary
Sans - Panromantic, Asexual, Non-binary
Frisk - Non-Binary, Autistic
{Not LGBT but still Noteworthy and celebrated }
Flowey - Representing the all-encompassing Rainbow pride flag, Not as a display of his own identity but because Frisk forced him to participate, he doesn’t really have any identity at all, I guess he’d best be described as Agender and Aroace , but I don’t think he’d call himself that or know what those words really mean.
Undyne - Lesbian
Alphys - Non-Binary , Pansexual, Autistic
{Not LGBT but still noteworthy and celebrated }
Toriel - Bisexual
Asgore - Bisexual
Mettaton - Transgender, Mlm ( Men loving Men / Gay ), Intersex, Hypersexual
That’s everyone ! I hope you all enjoy, if you like this and want to support me, want to request art, or support my future Undertale webcomic “JigSawTale”, feel free to check out my Kofi, but don’t feel pressured to donate. I hope you enjoy regardless, and have a wonderful day ! 💕🧡
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ultrainfinitepit · 5 months
When you first started making pins, how did you advertise them? And vs now? I really want to get into making some of my own :]
That's a great question! There's lots of ways to advertise and I'll share what worked for me. But your mileage may vary or you might find ways that work better for you than they did for me.
Here are my first angel pins, by the way, it's been four years since I first started if you can believe it.
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Here's what I did at the beginning that I still do now:
Build your following on social media and post about your pins. This is probably the most important thing to do, but also the hardest. Focus on a small number of social media profiles that you can manage comfortably, don't stretch yourself too thin as it is important to engage with your audience to build it. Each site has their own quirks as well. I can go into detail on my favorites and what I've observed for each if anyone is curious, just send a follow-up ask.
Run crowdfunding campaigns to fund your pins and then advertise to backers. Specifically start on Kickstarter if you are a beginner. While I am loving Backerkit it is a lesser-known site and it's harder to get discovered on it. I have gotten comments from artists who worry that they need to be popular before doing crowdfunding. However in my case it was my first campaign that built my audience the most. And in my opinion, it is never a waste of time to try out a campaign. If it fails you still have the artwork ready, you can gauge interest and see which designs are popular, and you will have a starter pool of people interested in your art that you can build off of.
Create a merch newsletter and share monthly updates. Since it is independent of social media it is a lower barrier to entry for customers interested in your art; and doesn't require them to check social media and happen to catch your posts. It takes some time to build a list but you can be assured everyone who signs up is invested in your merch.
There's quite a few things I did at the beginning to get started pin making and then advertise, that I don't do now. Mainly it is an issue of time. I used to spend hours and hours running around on all these sites, as well as reading over posts for research. Nowadays, social media and shop following are enough for me. But I would recommend the following for anyone looking to start out in pin making.
Things I used to do that I would recommend, but don't do much of now:
Join PMR on Facebook and post in their weekly share thread. "Pin Maker Resource" is the best place for beginner pin makers. It is a huge group of dedicated pin makers, all eager to answer questions and provide valuable insights into pin making. Most of all, it has those manufacturer reviews and names that everyone is always asking for! I have personally posted many reviews to this group. It is open for applications once a month. You have to apply because they specifically prohibit pin manufacturers from joining so people can post their reviews freely.
Post in Facebook groups. These communities can be large so your post may get lost in the crowd, but it will be seen by people specifically looking for pins. I like "Pin & Art Collector Marketplace" and "Pin Nation." "Enamel Pin Collectors, Artists, Trades and Kickstarters!" is decent but smaller.
Join a pin Discord server and share your designs in promotion channels. Many pin collectors such as myself join these servers to look for pins to buy. We are also in multiple servers and will crosspost if we like something. I have found these servers mainly by joining pin creators' Patreon clubs.
Post on Reddit. The communities are small but a guaranteed place to find people interested in pins. I like r/EnamelPins and r/pinprojects. If your pins are for a specific audience, you can post to relevant subreddits. For example, I have shared my work on angel art subreddits.
That's just about everything I can recall. I hope this is helpful, good luck on your pin journey!
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saynomorefic · 2 months
For Simon Month 2024 Day 22: Labor Day
Sara goes into labor, naturally, on Labor Day. Simon is about to be an uncle, and Wilhelm is Sara's distracting pediatric nurse.
Thanks to @youngroyals-events as always for hosting <3
Read on ao3 or below the cut
Sara looked pale when Simon rushed into the hospital room. He hastily threw his backpack on the nearest chair and went right to her side.
“I’m sorry it took me so long, the bus was delayed because of the parade,” he panted. “How are you?” 
“I need to get this fucking baby out of me, is how I am,” she exhaled sharply, wincing as another contraction hit. Simon squeezed her hand and circled the bed to hug Linda. 
“She’s certainly been a trooper. She even took the train from work to the hospital! Can you imagine?” Linda looked at her daughter with awe in her eyes. 
“I’m guessing Lukas is on his way?” Simon asked. 
“No, Simon, Lukas is not coming to witness the birth of his first child.” Simon rolled his eyes internally, but he was happy to bear the brunt of Sara’s pain if it meant getting them all through this. 
He had just been at the Labor Day parade with Ayub when he got the call. They had been getting signatures for a petition to increase the budget for Swedish language tutors in public schools, and things had been going really well. The moment he got the news, he rushed to the nearest bus stop and high-tailed it to the hospital. It wasn’t Sara’s first choice, or even second choice; she had a doula and a whole plan, but apparently when your water breaks over a week early, the best laid plans go flying out the window. 
There were three sharp knocks on the door, and two people dressed in blue scrubs walked in. “Sara Eriksson?” A middle aged woman greeted, walking over to the hospital bed. “My name is Katya, and this is Wilhelm. I’m your nurse midwife, and I'll be delivering your baby. Wilhelm here is your assigned pediatric nurse. His job is to monitor your and the baby’s vitals, and make sure everyone is healthy. Things are looking great so far,” she smiled. Sara looked skeptical, but nevertheless she nodded at them in greeting. 
The male nurse paced right towards Simon. “Sorry, if you don’t mind, I have to be here next to the screen.” He half-smiled at Simon, and he thought Wilhelm had quite a nice face. He wondered how common it was for male nurses to work in labor and delivery, and immediately chastised himself. Of course there were male nurses in every specialty. 
Brushing past Simon, Wilhelm looked down at his jean jacket. “I like your pins.” He smiled again, and for the briefest moment Simon swore he saw something flash in his eyes. Wilhelm was looking right at his enamel pride flag. One of Simon’s students had given it to him his first year teaching, and to this day it was one of his most prized possessions. 
“Thanks. Labor Day, you know.” Simon turned to show Wille his panel of other buttons. 
“Nice,” Wille nodded. “I’ve always wanted to go.” 
“You’ve never been? Is the medical profession void of any social causes to fight for?” He questioned teasingly.
“The medical profession doesn’t get national holidays. Babies get born every day of the year, you know.” He looked at Simon with matched sarcasm, and Simon’s stomach flipped instantly. Wilhelm turned towards the screen and started typing. Simon thought to himself on a scale of one to an extremely bad person, how awful it was to flirt with his sister’s nurse while she was actively having her baby. He landed somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Someone had to keep the group spirits up. 
Sara’s contractions were getting more and more intense, and the midwife informed Simon and Linda she should only have one person with her. Simon was more than relieved to be dismissed. He grabbed onto Sara’s hand and squeezed it. “You’re going to do great,” he reassured her. It wasn’t often she welcomed his physical comfort, but she had a vice grip on his hand and stared at him wide-eyed. 
“You’re not really leaving, are you?” She asked. 
“I’ll be right outside.” He squeezed her hand again. Wille turned and smiled as Simon left. 
It was one of the hardest things Simon had ever not-witnessed. Sara was grunting and crying, obviously distressed, and he knew there wasn’t anything he could do to help. It didn’t get much better when Lukas got there, panting and sweaty and on the verge of the rest of his life. Simon had heard horror stories of parents being in labor for an entire day. His Mamá never let him forget that for his own birth, she didn’t have enough time to get an epidural and just had to grit her teeth and bear it. 
He felt selfish, but Simon’s mind kept wandering to Wille. As his palms sweat against his jeans, Simon kept thinking about how this man did this every day. He witnessed people endure the worst pain in their lives, had probably dealt with all kinds of situations and worst case scenarios, and did it all with a smile on his face and a sense of humor. And people said that teaching was a difficult job. 
Before long, Simon heard some of the worst crying subside, only to be replaced by a new kind of crying. It was high pitched, and much louder, and holy shit holy shit holy shit, he realized that was the moment. He was an uncle. Tears sprang to his eyes. It still felt surreal that Sara was starting a family of her own, and for the rest of his life he’d have her kids to take to Rosh’s games, or on playdates with Ayub’s two menaces, or even to take to Labor Day parades. 
All of a sudden the door slammed open and Wilhelm was standing in front of him purposefully. “You want to meet them?” He asked, beckoning his head back into the room. 
“Holy shit, yes,” Simon said, nearly tripping over his own feet. 
Sara held the baby on her chest, a sated and peaceful expression on her face. Lukas stood next to her, caressing the top of her head and cooing at the bundle in his wife's arms. Sara looked up at Simon and smiled, ever so slightly tilting the newborn in his direction. 
“Alma, meet Uncle Simon,” she breathed. 
“Hi, little Alma,” Simon said. She was covered in all kinds of fluids, her eyes screwed shut, but she was undeniably precious. He could see the beginnings of both of her parents features on her face. Sara’s mouth, Lukas’s nose, Linda’s hair. She was spectacular. 
He stepped back to let his Mamá come closer, coincidentally moving towards the nurse’s station. “She’s so calm,” Simon murmured to no one in particular. 
“It's the oxytocin. Some powerful stuff,” Wilhelm commented. He looked at Simon, eyes smiling. “This is always the best part. Right after, I mean.” 
“It’s pretty amazing,” Simon laughed wetly. He couldn’t be bothered to hide his tears. 
“Are you excited to be an uncle?” Wilhelm asked.
“It's crazy. My friends keep saying I'll be the cool Guncle.” Simon joked offhandedly. 
Wilhelm beamed back at him. “It is pretty cool, not going to lie.” Simon looked at him with a start. “My older brother has two kids. Also takes the responsibility off of us. Unless, of course, that’s something you want,” he finished. This was turning more personal than Simon suspected most of Wilhelm’s interactions with patients’ families went, but he couldn’t be bothered. 
Simon didn’t know what to say. He’d thought about kids, but it seemed so complicated. Surrogacy was banned in Sweden, and sure you could go abroad, but that was complicated, expensive, and potentially ethically unsound. Simon had thought about adoption, but it was just that. He figured once he met the right person, they would have that conversation, but until then it had only been a passing thought. It all seemed so real, with Sara cradling Alma in her arms, and Linda standing over them proudly. 
“At least ask me on a date before we start having the kids conversation,” Simon finally joked. Wilhelm startled, looking at him with wide eyes before bursting into laughter. 
“Is that a request?” He said quietly, glancing around the room. “I’m a professional.” 
They left the hospital early the next morning. Sara insisted on bringing the blanket they wrapped around Alma postpartum, the sheet of paper that had her heart signals and time of birth printed on it, and the basin they had washed her in. Simon, too, left with his own souvenir: a new contact and number in his phone, and a promise of a date.
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sonialiao · 11 months
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Interested in backing? Be notified when the project launches
Want to see previous pins I've made? Previous Successful Kickstarter Pins | Etsy Shop
Hope everyone's been having a happy halloween! After several years (?!) I've returned with a brand new Kickstarter campaign modeled after the original Robins After Dark-- this time focused on Gotham Femme Fatales!
(Lol I know Kori and Rachel don't count but shhh they're Robbie's friends they're honorary Gothamites ahaha)
The campaign will run from 11/6 at 9pm eastern to 11/26 at 9pm eastern. The normal KS pricing for the girl pins are $15 each ($18 in-hand) while the normal KS pricing for mini pins are $10 each ($12 in-hand.) There are further discounts for people who pledge for the full set of pins! There will also be a few early bird tiers available, so if you're interested in catching those discounts at launch, mark your calendars 😊.
A list of this campaign's offerings:
2.25" tall gold-plated enamel pins featuring the Sirens, Birds of Prey, and a few Titans/Young-Justice girls! These will be double-posted to prevent spinning during wear and feature glitter and sandblast effects to give the pins a bit of pizz-azz!
1" - 1.25" tall gold-plated mini pins for those who want a more subtle nod to their fan-favorite groups. These are shaped like badges and go well on shirt collars, bags, etc. Sandblast details will give the pins a bit of a 3D look despite their simple shape.
A new 5 x 7 Matte Postcard design for those who prefer to collect prints! One of the stretch goals includes a free postcard for all backers who pledge for 3+ GG pins.
Robins-themed Washi Stamp Tape! Includes the two girl robins and a bonus mini-Dick Grayson to round out the sidekick lineup.
Early Access to my Bat Theme enamel pin set. These are limited edition pins currently in production and will be sold as a set of 2 once in-hand. I'm giving Kickstarter backers early access to these designs before their public sale. These are large pins (3.25" - 3.75") and are perfect for displaying in a shadow box or as the main piece on an ita bag.
Remember that this is a fan project for nerdy enamel pin collectors! All the illustrations in this campaign are unofficial, Sonia-interpreted renditions of girls that don't get enough official love.
If you're not familiar with kickstarter, it's a crowd-funding campaign that lets customers fund a project before it's made. So keep in mind all these pin designs are not actual items (yet)-- you're helping to fund their production! Estimated reward fulfillment date right now is March/April 2024. In return for your patience, kickstarter backers will receive the best quality pins at the earliest time. If certain stretch goals are met, backers may also receive freebies like postcards and mini pins!
Thank you everyone for reading this far. I know my activity across social media has been spotty due to how busy I've been (and that I still have a fancomic to finish ROFL) but I hope there's still interest in a project like this 🤞. I'll make another post once the project goes live! But this way you all can look at what's available ahead of time and decide if you'd like to grab those early bird spots or not 😊.
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000marie198 · 8 months
For the question thing - tails and all of them!(or the ones you like)💛
Ooh, that's a long one. Okay! Let's see
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1. I love him.
2. His unwavering determination and loyalty and trust in his big brother
3. Whatever the fuck was happening in Forces
4. Same as I answered for Sonic
Edit: I wrote responses to all the rest of the questions (detailed for a few questions too) but they got deleted so I'll shorten them.
5. Blood Bonds by Nathan Wagner, Believe in Myself, Gold by Owl City, Fly With Me from Sonic and Tails R.
6. My tendency to make things for my friends as gifts instead of just buying a gift
7. When fandom makes him everyone's little brother. Everybody adores Tails.
8. Shipping. With anyone. That is a child! He's 8!
9. Both yes and no. I adore him but kid would activate my maternal instincts and get lectured for soooo many things
10. Who could not be best friends with Tails?
11, 15, 16, 17. Please no! That is a CHILD! JUST NO.
12. When he's too tired and eepy to be coherent, he stumbles to wherever his brother is sitting or sleeping and burrows in next to Sonic without even realizing it.
13. 🥺🍪🚀🪛🔧🍬🛩️🛩️🦊🌌☺️😕 (Thank goodness for recent emojis)
14. Form fitting full sleeved jacket or hoodie with texted t-shirt, a satchel that has a lot of enamel pins and shoes with laces that match the jacket. Or just pilot jacket and goggles.
18. Mom, Dad and Picket Fence my beloved, you know the one.
19. His relationship with Shadow. I hate how it's often portrayed in canon. They have so much in common, let them be friends!
20. I believe we already know the answer to that question
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21. I love writing him as both sassy and babey, giving him the little brother vibes. And also using his body language and movements of his ears and tails to be expressive of his thoughts and emotions and reactions. What I don't like is torturing him. Like, it's cool when it's mild whump followed by comfort but I draw a line at torturing him, that's a plain big No for me, my inner Sonic gets very angry and upset when Tails is continuously physically and mentally tortured.
22. When he's allowed to act his age! I love it. I also love it when he's written to show fox traits and when it's clear who raised him, Tails getting reckless and impatient and quipping at his enemies etc.. And I don't like when he tortured too much, like I said, it doesn't sit right with me. And also when he is written as too mature, not letting him banter or be reckless and excited about little things. (Basically in combination of both these questions, Tails for me is not the torture-him-blorbo, he's the so-precious-protect-him-at-all-costs blorbo)
23. Pick one
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24. TMNT '12 Donnie. And Hiccup.
25. Then: Adorable fluffy genius child!
Now: Adorable fluffy sassy genius child
This marks all the questions about Tails. I won't answer any more character asks about him except the last one which is "Freebie question"
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voidpacifist · 2 years
steddie headcanons that are keeping me awake at midnight
steve and eddie never formally met until after chrissy died. they really only knew each other through a culmination of rumors and gossip, so both of them felt like colossal idiots when they got to know one another and just realized, oh, this is actually a really cool guy who i wanna get to know better once all of this is over
which means, of course, that eddie lives after the bat attack. he has to deal with new and unknown prospects like chronic pain and literal battle flashbacks but hey! he has his friend steve harrington who can relate on both fronts
it's how the two of them start hanging out more – both of them wanna make sure the other is being safe and doing self care and shit
eddie's love language isn't just gift giving – its handmade gifts. lots of sewing or homemade enamel pins. he of course makes a bunch for the whole party after vecnas defeat to commemorate in their own special, sacred way that they did it. they won. but he also makes a bunch more for just steve, and steve doest realize how special it is until robin is over one day and is just like
"you have a whole crate of eddies weird patches and pins and shit."
"yeah, so what?"
"steve...literally nobody else has as much as you do."
which then leads to steve exercising his own personal love language on eddie, which to me is quality time. steves an event kind of guy, and even when he pretends it annoys him, he drives eddie everywhere. new appointment for some medication for the nerves in his legs and left arm? no biggie. a cool movie just came out? name the date and time. this band you really love is coming to a town nearby? cool, let's hop to it
it's almost scary how at the drop of a hat, he's at eddies beck and call. it gets to a point where eddie has to remind steve that he has a life outside of driving eddie and the kids to places. he also really just doesn't want his boyfr best friend burnt out
eddies not a terrible cook by a long shot, he's just never had a big kitchen to work with before, so when he sees steves kitchen? he's all hands on deck trying to make the best fucking food he can think of
i adore the headcanon that steve is italian and an incredible chef as much as the next steve truther. but i also love the headcanon that eddie has mexican roots. put that together with him being good at cooking? oooh baby, is steve in for a treat
neither he nor steve are bilingual, but they'd both like to learn the languages of their respective heritages. if/when steves hearing starts going caput, they also start taking asl classes together (I imagine robin and nancy tag along with them to said classes. it's like they're all in school together again minus the drama and ridiculous social expectations)
eddie taking the time to learn more about basketball and hair and "jock" things because he sees how invested steve is in them >>
also steve venturing into new music and style horizons because he loves how confident he feels when he doesn't give a fuck about looking "normal," and eddie melting into a puddle because punk steve is so. fucking. hot. >>
steve putting stickers on eddies mobility aids if he uses any post vecna. also eddie doing the same to steve's hearing aids/glasses case, etc.
decorations during holidays being just simple ribbons and tinsel since the christmas lights are just...nope. eddie and steve buy a huge wreath for steves front door
steve and nancy teaching eddie some self defense with a baseball bat
eddie and nancy teaching steve how to do eyeliner
movie nights galore, and once a month going to see a new musical in indianapolis or chicago or whichever other big city is close enough to them to access without incurring time off of work or a massive dent in their budgets
going to see hawkins high performances too, because mike wheeler became a fucking theater kid
everyone knows theyre dating before they do, or nobody knows and neither do they. there is nothing smooth about how they finally formally label it, they both just kinda realize it one day
it's during truth or dare and everyone's zooted out of their minds and eddie and steve are dared to play seven minutes in heaven. nancy dares them. because if anyone's gonna pick up on it first, it's nancy
steve is actually the one to convince eddie that they need a cat, especially since steve found the little fucker in a ditch off the road sick and malnourished. guess what eddie names it
(it's not a hard guess. the cats name is ozzy)
cat dads. and then fish dads, because eddie is too high maintenance himself to take care of an animal that needs much more than feeding and occasional supervision, so he finds a fish at the pet store and scares the shit out of steve with it when he gets home from a family video shift
one movie steve and eddie both equally adore besides rocky horror is the addams family. eddies gomez to steves morticia
(this is all I can think of for now)
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yuukimiyas · 1 year
who’s the girl that’s making heads turn!
hi! i’m chloe! ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ꒱ა i’m 26, american, art enjoyer, wannabe writer/poet, hopeless romantic, lover of the rain among other things & i’m absolutely elated to have you in my own personal lil city! there’s a lot of hustle & bustle, but i hope you find something you love while scrolling! here you can find some more information about myself & my blog!
ADORES: coffee, late nights, large cities, enamel pins, classic literature, music, anime figures, anime/manga, movies, attending concerts, french culture, art, poetry, writing, long drives, vinyl records, reading, video games, traveling, flowers & things of the like! ପ૮๑ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ๑ აଓ
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before you sightsee, please consider the following: 
ꕤ i love receiving asks & chatting whether we’re mutuals or not! just keep in mind that i’m a human person & if i find an ask inappropriate/spam or breaks my rules in anyway, i will not answer it. 
ꕤ i’m very personable/bubbly by nature! if anything i say/do makes you uncomfy please don’t hesitate to let me know! it is never my intention to hinder your positive experience here in any way!
ꕤ this is my personal (& only) blog! i do make text posts/ramble in the tags, if that isn’t your thing this might not be the place for you!
ꕤ i do my best to keep everyone safe & try to add a trigger warning tag to posts with mentions of drugs, alcohol, etc. keep in mind that the night life in the city can be intimidating! you might see or read some nsfw/dark content! please, proceed with caution!
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let’s keep this city clean! the following are prohibited:
littering! - hateful speech/comments, racism, misogyny, disrespect, homophobia, politics
robbery! - stolen art or written works from myself/others, plagiarism of any kind
menacing! - trauma dumping, drama/discourse, etc.
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whether you’re just passing through or staying a while, remember that the city of lovers is a safe space! that being said, let’s try to be be kind to ourselves & each other! *ପ꒰⑅•ᴗ•。꒱໊੭*
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strawberryteabunny · 8 months
orchid, mahonia, sage & chamomile 🐻🩷
These got long so putting in a cut ૮ ෆ ´ ˕ ` ෆ ა
Orchid- already answered!
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
I think I’m inspired most by fashion and fiber arts I see online. (Is ‘online’ a place?)
Besides lolita, my biggest hobbies are knitting, sewing, and embroidery. I have a ton of Pinterest boards with things I find inspiring- paintings and clothing from museums, knitting patterns, and things made by fiber artists and historical reenactors. When I’m starting a project I usually go through those, and my Ravelry (for knitting) or lolibrary (if I’m going to sew a lolita piece) as inspiration for what I want to make.
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
Music, paintings, and fashion. The first and last should be kinda self-explanatory since I think everyone finds music touching and my biggest hobby is fashion, but paintings are what I look at the most in an art museum- I really love Impressionism, the pre-Raphaelites, and 18th century rococo art, and a lot of other classical art in general. I also really love ukiyo-e prints from Japan.
I like paintings that feel like they express an emotion so strongly I can feel it myself; this is one of my favorite paintings from the Chicago Art Institute. I can feel the cool crisp morning air before sunrise, the bare earth under her feet, and the silence with just the sound of a bird singing. I’m a member at the art institute so I come in a lot to draw various paintings or just look around at stuff :)
I also love still-life paintings of fruits/flowers/food etc for a similar reason- it looks like I could really grab them off the canvas and eat them! I can taste those grapes just looking at them. And it feels like a connection to people from hundreds of years ago, to eat the same food.
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
I mean, ideally someone would gift me like, AP’s old Bunny-Chan set haha. But generally cute bunny-themed stuff does always make me happy :) I get a lot of books as gifts and I love that too! Christmas before last one of my friends got me a biography of Beatrix Potter which was awesome (I collect Beatrix Potter/Peter Rabbit things so those always make good gifts). I like tea (loose leaf), brooches (not enamel pins), perfume (my favorite company is Alkemia), and strawberry or rose-themed stuff a lot as well.
The best lolita fashion related gift I’ve ever gotten was my parasol! My mom was in San Francisco and I begged her to go to the AP store and get me the catalogue (was planning to pay her back), and instead she also got me the parasol and a pair of socks and made a gift of it :) She had to carry it on the plane since it didn’t even fit in her luggage! It meant so much to me to have that level of love and support, and I think the parasol is gorgeous too :D
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theprodigypenguin · 1 year
It's the last week of September which means the last week of Su!c!de Awareness and Prevention Month (you should always be mindful even if it's not September but it's still rad there's a month dedicated to it).
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I don't talk about it much myself cuz it's pretty personal, but as someone who's attempted a few times I like to imagine I have a decent enough reason to be loud and obnoxious about it :) especially when talking about reasons that I'm happy I didn't end up completing.
For example I never would've seen Luffy unlock Gear 5 😩❤️ I never would've seen Sabo again, or watched the Jurassic World Trilogy. I love those movies so much.
I never would've met my friend M, who is now my irl best friend and possibly the closest friend I've ever had before. She had such a monumental impact on me, I even discovered my career thanks to her encouragement.
I also never would've met some of my closest fandom friends like Kel ❤️ my writing never would have gotten to the level it's at now ❤️ I never would have met my roommate who's definitely part of my found family ❤️ I never would have been able to adopt my little Kotatsu, and who knows where she'd be if I hadn't taken her home?
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I never would have gotten the chance to get so many tattoos, and I intend to get many more, so I can't be dying yet either 💪
I'm exhausted and the world is kind of a mess, but I'm not entirely upset I continuously failed to delete myself from the game before it had even gotten good; and I foolishly still have hope that it'll get better. I think I'm too jaded and stubborn to think otherwise anymore. Shit sucks, but one time when I was at the store this random older guy gave me a rose just because (he gave them to everyone in line). And my cat makes squeaky sounds when she yawns. And there's this stray cat I call Bikepath who always comes up to say hi to me when I go on walks. And it rained last Monday. And it's almost Halloween. And I bought myself donuts the other day. And my boss says I was born to be a baker. And my other boss says I make really pretty cupcakes. And I got my roommate the coolest gifts for Christmas and can't wait to see his face when he opens them. And the One Piece Live Action is INCREDIBLE. And Sabo will be showing back up in the anime soon. And I just got a new laptop which has been helping me write more. And Kel bought me my first ever Pokémon game. And coffee is pretty damn delicious. And I saw the chunkier honey bee in the actual world sitting on a sunflower the other day. And I get to see my cat when I get home from work. And I bake cookies and cakes for a living. And I've been self funding tons of Sabo themed enamel pins lately and I need all of them finished and in my hands. And did I mention Sabo? Oh yeah and Dragon too. And One Republic put out a 2023 version of Counting Stars that fucking kills. And the band Citizen Soldier exists.
Things are okay I guess.
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bonesmakenoise · 2 years
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I posted 21,462 times in 2022
That's 12,125 more posts than 2021!
26 posts created (0%)
21,436 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,436 of my posts in 2022
#q - 160 posts
#toh spoilers - 64 posts
#the owl house - 57 posts
#sophie - 54 posts
#art - 47 posts
#plants - 38 posts
#flowers - 26 posts
#mdzs - 22 posts
#gif - 20 posts
#spy x family - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#absolutely! active listening also helps so you can say oh!! tell me more about x aspect of your interest! and it’s off to the races lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
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To celebrate the launch of Act 1 of Turnabout: An Ace Attorney Musical today, I decided to redraw a doodle I did in my high school AP Language class 15 years ago:
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This is one of the first Phoenix Wright fanart pieces I ever did. 15 years of progress and 15 years of loving this musical and franchise. Hilariously, I tried to put in the same amount of effort on both of these, and just like the original doodle, slapping some shading on got away from me.
62 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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I just launched my second Kickstarter for a pin inspired by Anya from SpyxFamily!! I’ve also got cute mini pin stretch goals that I would love, love, love to get funded. Please consider funding the pin so we can get more cute merch of the best girl out into the world. Thanks for your time and attention!
62 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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For @dianapocalypse!
342 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
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See the full post
768 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I’ve really been enjoying SpyxFamily… the ending theme where everyone dances makes me warm and fuzzy….
3,407 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cancergift48 · 2 years
Our Top 5 Cancer Gift Ideas for Chemo Patients
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From the instant we learn that someone we know or care about has been diagnosed with cancer, the first thing that comes to mind is a desire to help them. We want to do something, anything for them, and most of all, to let them know that they aren’t going to fight this battle on their own. If you’re thinking about gift ideas for cancer patients, or you want to make the treatment process easier for someone, we’ve come up with some fabulous and practical gift ideas for chemo patients.
1. Friend and Family Gift Basket
The Friends and Family Cancer Support Gift Basket is ideal for someone who just learned that they have cancer. It is a gift designed to get family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors involved in the fight. Perfect for everyone between the ages of 8 and 80, this gift basket includes:
10 – No One Fights Alone® Wristbands
10 – Ribbon Awareness Car Magnets
10 – No One Fights Alone® Buttons
10 – Enamel Ribbon Pins. Each pin has a tiny gold heart-shaped cutout.
10 – Stretchy Silicone Hope Rings
10 – No One Fights Alone® Temporary Tattoos. The tattoo ink is designed for cosmetic use, and once applied, each tattoo will last for about two weeks.
2. Gift Sets
Soothing Chemotherapy Gift Set
A chemo patient will appreciate this gift more than words can describe. It is filled with some essential comfort aids such as Soothease Drops to combat the metallic taste chemo often brings. A tin of Queasy Drops is ideal for easing the discomfort of nausea. Other goodies include slipper socks – a must have for warm feet at the treatment facility or home, bottles of Dionis Goat’s Milk Body Wash and Body Lotion to clean and soothe irritated skin, and Dionis vanilla bean-flavored lip balm. The packaging is deliberately free of labels, ribbons, and sayings, making this ideal for those who prefer a more private or subtle gift. Find here the perfect Chemo Care Package.
Create Your Own Chemotherapy Gift Tote
You know  your friend or loved one best!  Why not create your own gift tote that will be perfect for taking to treatment as well as using at home?  Begin by choosing the ribbon tote of your choice and then add from the following items: plush blanket, water bottle, padfolio for appointments, beanies, warm socks, Queasy Drops, Soothease™ Chemo Drops, body lotion and lip balm. Tailor the tote to the needs or your loved one as well as your budget. One of the most thoughtful gifts you can give!
3. I Have Chemo Brain! What’s Your Excuse?
Chemo brain isn’t something that cancer patients are imagining. It’s a very real phenomenon, and the memory loss and brain fog can be frustrating and demoralizing. It’s not something that chemo patients want to brag about, but acknowledging it and being able to laugh at it can be helpful coping mechanisms. Mugs, buttons, or t-shirts with the words “I have Chemo Brain! What’s Your Excuse?” are fun gifts that may make it easier to deal with one of the very real side effects of chemo treatment.
4. Cancer Hats and Head Coverings
When someone loses their hair due to chemotherapy, they need to protect their heads from the harsh outdoor (and indoor) elements throughout the year. For chemo patients, a cold treatment facility may feel even more uncomfortable when the cool air blows on their bald heads. Cancer hats and head covers are also a good alternative to wigs, or can be worn in addition to them. We often forget how much our hair keeps the heat in, so even sleeping at night with a bald head can be uncomfortable.
5. Humor for Treatment
The I’d Rather Do Chemo Than Clean Out The Garage Book is designed to show cancer patients and their families that sometimes a bit of humor and joy can lighten the challenge of living with cancer. Give it to someone who is about to start treatment so they can read or peruse it while they’re undergoing treatment. Give it to someone who just learned that they have cancer. This book is the perfect “pick-me-up” gift to give for no particular reason. Gift for cancer patient like this are useful reminders for chemo patients that they have a team of supporters who are cheering them on through every step they take on the path to recovery.
Friends, relatives, colleagues and neighbors often wonder what they can give a cancer patient as a token of their love, support, and concern. When you give a chemo patient one of our unique Choose Hope cancer awareness gifts, your purchase helps us donate money to fund cancer research and support the cancer community.
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3s0t3ric · 2 years
Sky High Dichotomy of Perspective
I seem to get some of my best writings done from an airplane. There’s nothing like being thousands of feet in the air paying hundreds of dollars to catapult yourself across time zones. 
Flying red eye flights this trip was also a first for me. An early departure time makes for a bunch of grumpy passengers in sweat suits with the occasional infant strapped to a parent’s torso. 
When we got into the sky I dove into exactly what company I was amongst. Simply put, a bunch of strangers in a metal can traveling 500 mph at the whim of a person with a cute enamel pin on their collar. 
Some traveling for leisure: the little girls traveling to their grandmother in Florida who were nothing but thrilled to have a captive audience. 
Some traveling for work: the flight attendant traveling to her first training session.
Some traveling to meet the needs of those around them: the 20 something traveling to be the primary caregiver for their newly inn grandparent. 
Everyone has a story, and if nothing else, we have one thing in common. Being on this plane. 
Over the east wing the sun is just tip toeing over the horizon to greet us. Because we are now over the clouds, we see the sun before anyone on the ground had. Beautiful. It applies to so much more beyond this. 
Taking the advice of the little girls, I too took note of my captive audience. While in the air I had new friends on both sides of the plane take pictures over the wings for me. The east was beautiful, why not see both?
I haphazardly handed my phone to a complete stranger, (where was he going to go with it?) He reluctantly took my photo, and slid it back to me. 
I don’t know what I expected, the the picture he captured was beyond suboptimal. 
If pictures could talk, this would tell a tale of sorrow. The dreary back drop only made clear to be from the air because of the size of the faint houses was encapsulating exactly why I was not excited to fly so early. 
My side was different. The pinks and oranges blended without consideration for symmetry with the blue quietly humming throughout the top boarder of the window. 
It is serene. It reminded me of all the good I’ve seen in the world in the beauty in the details. 
From the moment we are born we have a different perspective from everyone in this life. From the way a newborn is treated, different chemicals in their brain release, causing irreversible growth. For better or for worse, your brain has been permanently changed. Some even before the umbilical board is cut.
These changes, like many others are permanent. Like in the saying nature vs nurture, your nurture gives context to who you develop into and how that person gets where they’re going.
Too often the very nurture engrained in us has hurt us. A person only has 2 ways to react. 
Let this dictate the rest of our path/ outlook on the ones we love most 
Let this be a lesson on depriving love and (and other feelings) from those around us. 
To earn the privilege to be understood we must first brave the weight of vulnerability. 
It is as if we spend all our lives climbing to the top of a mountain just to threaten not sharing the view. Instead of selfishness I see this as a fear being perceived. The fears should never outweigh the growth that comes fear. 
Go tell her you love how she enters the room
Go tell him you wouldn’t have gotten through the day without hearing his voice
Go tell them their words are in the back of your mind every time you drive past that one spot
The love you give is priceless: but also free.
To our friends not grown in love, may we nourish the soil at which they plant their feet.  It is such a beautiful place to give love and light to a healing journey.
Because of our perspectives we may not always challenge ourselves to see better. Sometimes the grass is most definitely greener on your side, but there’s no use if you don’t share the view. 
Share your green grass. 
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letssingintherain · 4 years
empty dreams ➵ d.m.
you accidentally slip in draco’s bed instead of your boyfriend’s for some cuddles. 
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pairing: draco malfoy x y/n (slytherin) x blaise zabini 
summary: draco has had a soft spot for you since year 3 but has to conceal it because his best mate starts dating you. it becomes harder to deal with after a heart-fluttering instance, making draco’s life quite a bit more miserable. 
contains: 3.5k words of angst and draco being a simp. NO cheating!! set in year 6 with no voldy. :)
song recs: dancing on my own - calum scott, hold me while you wait - lewis capaldi, somebody else - the 1975 (i listened to these songs and a few others for inspo)
Draco was terribly in love with his best mate’s girlfriend and it irritated him to no end. 
The infatuation started long before Blaise asked Y/N out, and to be honest, Draco had no clue exactly when it started. All he knew was that during his third year he began taking notice of the way your eyes sparkled with mirth, the way your hair caught the sunlight, the way your dimples lingered on your face after hearing a witty remark, and the way you showed selfless concern for everyone without being afraid to speak your mind. After that, he found it hard to focus on anything else but the beat of his pounding heart when you were talking to him. 
Draco never made a move because he was scared of losing your friendship. Y/N, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Daphne, Theodore, along with Crabbe and Goyle were the most tight-knit friend group in Slytherin. So it was easy for Draco to use the excuse of “keeping the friend group intact” and avoid ever confronting his feelings about you. Unfortunately for Draco, Blaise didn’t share the same sentiment and asked Y/N on a date to Hogsmeade a few weeks ago.  
You were chattering with Daphne and Pansy in the common room about the absurdity of the latest “Quibbler” when you heard someone approach you three. 
“Hey ladies, mind if I borrow Y/N for a moment?” Blaise flashed a charismatic smile at the trio and extended his arm to Y/N. You glance at the girls in surprise before taking Blaise’s hand. 
“No, not at all!” Daphne and Pansy share knowing looks while giggling. 
Feeling quite out of the loop, you follow Blaise outside of the common room, not sure what to expect. 
He gently let go of your hand once you two reached an empty hallway. Blaise turned around to face you and took a deep breath. 
“So I’ve been wanting to tell you for some time now..I find you very attractive,” He said these words slowly while observing your reaction. “I’d love to get to know you more and take you on a date to Hogsmeade, if you’re okay with that?” 
Your were shocked by his proposal because you had never imagined Blaise Zabini to have feelings for you. You knew how many girls would wait nervously outside his classes hoping to catch a glimpse of him. You and your friends would even roll your eyes at the sight and tease Blaise about having a “fan club”. 
After getting over the shock, you looked at Blaise and thought about his words seriously. “Blaise is really attractive,” you noted the way his jumper with rolled up sleeves perfectly fit his body. “And I do always have a good time with him,” you added on after thinking of his sly humor and good-natured personality. 
“I’d be honored.”
Draco winced at the memory of the start of you and Blaise’s relationship. He worried that Blaise would follow his old pattern of dating girls just to dump them a few weeks later, but everyone else in the group assured him that he was overthinking. He had congratulated Blaise with a forced smile and a pat on the back while fuming inside. He couldn’t exactly blame Blaise though, it’s not like he confided to Blaise about his crush on you. 
Which is the reason why Draco is currently doing his best to remain focused on Professor Snape’s drawling voice and not look at you whispering to Blaise from the corner of his eyes. 
Blaise looked as charming as ever in his signature look—a dark green jumper with rolled up sleeves over a collared shirt, with his Slytherin tie poking out slightly. You looked like a princess with your flowing [y/h/c] hair and the green headband nestled snugly on the top of your head. You ditched the jumper and were just wearing a collared shirt with a Slytherin tie along with the normal green plaid skirt and knee-high socks. 
The sight of you two looking so attractive together made Draco feel cold and glum inside. And it didn’t help that the classroom was actually chilly and gloomy.
“You’d think they’d be able to at least afford some bloody heat lamps in this place, but I guess not.” Draco mumbled to himself in annoyance while blowing on his hands and rubbing them together. He was wearing the normal Slytherin uniform complete with a long cloak, but with a few special touches that displayed his status. He had a small snake enamel pinned on his tie that complimented the snake signet ring he always kept on his right ring finger. 
Most of the students at least made the effort to seem like they were focused on the greasy-haired professor, unlike you and Blaise. Snape finally noticed this and focused his eyes on you two. 
“Today we will be attempting to make the Elixir of Euphoria to practice for your NEWT level exams. It is a highly advanced potion so I suggest all of you give it your full attention.” Snape waved his cloak dramatically and glared at Y/N and Blaise. 
“I am talking about you two, Miss. Y/L/N and Mr. Zabini. Or is whatever you’re so feverishly discussing more urgent?” Snape’s comment earned a scoff from Draco while the whole class looked back at the couple. 
“No, professor. Sorry.” You and Blaise grinned sheepishly and moved slightly apart, eyes gleaming when you exchanged glances. 
It physically pained Draco to see you two act so close. He wished that he could be the one to bring a smile to your face, to shower you with affection, and to spoil you endlessly with his wealth. And he wished you could be his person to comfort him when he felt down, to run your hands through his silky platinum hair, and to assure him that he was enough and everything was okay. 
But these were all delusions, and all he could presently do was sulk and twirl his ring while he fixed his gaze to the front of the room. 
Snape huffed and turned around to stand behind his desk. He tapped his cauldron two times with his wand, filling it up with a glowing yellow substance that resembled sunlight. 
“Your instructions are on the board along with some tips, and your ingredient list is in your textbook.” Snape flicked his wand at the blackboard, revealing intricate steps in tiny font that filled up the entire board. The class groaned at the sight and reluctantly opened their dusty books. 
Daphne worked with Pansy, Crabbe paired up with Goyle, and of course you partnered up with Blaise, which left Theodore unlucky enough to face Draco’s wrath. 
Theodore slipped in the seat beside Draco and slapped him on his shoulder.
“I really hope you know what you’re doing, because I bloody well don’t.” Theodore chuckled, hands crossed behind his head while leaning back in the chair. 
“Of course you don’t. Just try not to get in the way, yeah?” Draco snapped impatiently and squinted to read the board. 
“Sounds perfect to me,” Theodore dismissed Draco’s attitude for his usual cynicism. He absentmindedly looked around in the classroom, eventually spotting you and Blaise. 
“Oi, Y/N and Blaise are snogging!” He pointed out, entertained by the sight of some of his closest friends kissing. 
Draco smashed the shrivelfig to a fine powder before realizing that he meant to only chop it. He cursed under his breath and reached for a new one. 
Theodore noticed Draco’s strange temper and remarked, “What’d the shrivelfig do to you, mate?” Draco glared at him, causing Theodore to raise his hands in defeat and back away from the cutting board. 
Draco couldn’t resist peeking at you two and immediately regretted it after he confirmed you two were indeed getting cozy. He sneered in distaste before feeling his heart ache painfully. Draco tried to ignore the ache as best as he could and resolved to focus on his potion. 
“Let’s see if any of you possess the talent of a potion-brewer.” 
Potions class was finally coming to an end, and Snape wandered around to check everyone’s results. Only a few cauldrons resembled the desired bright yellow color and Draco’s was sadly not one of them. Draco and Theodore stared at their dark orange concoction while exchanging grimaces. 
“You may try a sip of your elixir. It should induce silly giggles and an overall mood-boost.” Snape observed you and Blaise’s sunshine-yellow potion, showing silent signs of approval as he glided away. 
Draco scowled at the sight and downed a whole bottle of his own potion out of pure spite. After a few moments of regret and apprehension, his nose started to bleed profusely. 
“Ahh, what’d you do that for?” Theodore hastily handed a towel to Draco, who groaned and leaned his head back to slow down the flow. 
“Nothin’...thought it’d be safe.” Draco’s voice became nasally due to the blood spouting from his nose. 
“Mr. Malfoy, please see Madam Pomfrey before you bleed out in my class.” Snape glanced down at Theodore and Draco, tilting his head at the door. 
“Yes, sir.” Draco muttered while covering his nose with a towel, passing by you and Blaise on the way out. 
“Hey, Draco’s got a bloody nose!” Blaise pointed out in amusement while you giggle next to him. Normally Draco would respond with a witty jab, but he really wasn’t in the mood to do so. 
“Shove off, Blaise,” Draco spat in a hostile manner, feeling ashamed at his disposition. He proceeded to hurriedly exit the room, leaving you and Blaise confused.  
“Maybe his elixir had the opposite effect?” Blaise shrugged it off. 
It was night-time and Draco had visited Madam Pomfrey’s three times to no avail. 
“I’ve told you this already but I’ll repeat myself once more, Mr. Malfoy. You’re just going to have to let it bleed out by itself.” She passed him several blood-replenishing potions to drink over the course of the night. 
“What’s the use of a healer if they advise you to bleed out?” Draco thought in annoyance before accepting the potions. 
Blaise offered Draco to switch beds to be closer to the bathroom, in case he were to keep bleeding throughout the night. Draco accepted begrudgingly, annoyed at how his feelings for you made it difficult for him to fully appreciate Blaise’s kind actions. 
Though he knew it wasn’t Blaise’s fault, Draco couldn’t help but be bitter towards his best mate.
“It must be the jealousy,” Draco admitted sullenly while laying on Blaise’s bed, observing how he was facing the windows of the Black Lake instead of his usual position of lying next to them. 
The lake lapped at the windows soothingly, giving the dorm room a dappled green glow. The room had several mahogany four-poster beds and was decorated lavishly thanks to the generous donations by Slytherin alumni. Draco was the only one in the room so it was filled with a peaceful silence that implored sleep.  
Draco’s sleepy haze caused his mind to unconsciously drift to images of you and Blaise. How you two would hold hands while walking to class, jokingly feed each other food in the Great Hall, and even kiss during Potions. He irritatedly turned over, forcing himself to focus on anything else. 
After listening to to the waves of the lake for a few more minutes, he couldn’t help but give in to the pull of sleep. 
“Stop it!” Y/N flustered and pushed his chest. “It’s a common mistake.” 
Draco chuckled and held your wrist. He pulled you closer to him and took advantage of his towering height over you by tilting your chin up. 
“Don’t worry, darling. I found it quite endearing.” He smirked at the blush in your cheeks. He reached down to wrap his hands over your waist, feeling your hards cross over his neck. 
Draco indulged in the smell of your hair, taking in the clean notes of your perfume. He hugged you tighter, not wanting to pull apart. 
Draco was waken up from his dream by the sound of a yelp and opened his eyes groggily. To his surprise, he met the [y/e/c] eyes of Y/N, who seemed even more taken aback than him. 
Draco immediately backed away, bewildered at how this happened. 
“Draco! Why are you in Blaise’s bed?” Your eyes were wide open and Draco inappropriately noted how they were even more beautiful close up. You slid off the bed before turning around to face Draco with your arms crossed. You were still clad in your normal uniform while he was in a loose white tee and gray sweatpants. 
“He switched with me so I can get to the bathroom quicker because my nose keeps bleeding.” After saying this, he felt blood rush to his head that was undoubtedly about to come out of his nose. Draco sat up on the bed, feigning ease in the hope that it was an illusion. 
“Why’d you pull me closer then?” You asked curiously, embarrassed that you accidentally climbed in bed with the platinum blonde boy. 
“I don’t know, it was a dream, Y/N! Why would I push someone away in a dream?” Draco threw his hands up exasperatedly, also embarrassed that he unknowingly cuddled you. 
You felt your lips curve upward, finding the situation humorous. Draco saw this and started grinning too. To his horror, blood began spurting out of his nose, making him rush to the bathroom. Y/N followed him closely, both worried and curious at his infliction. 
After reaching the sink and letting the blood out, Draco exhaled in relief. He turned to his side and looked into your eyes, suddenly resisting the urge to laugh. You looked so cute looking up at him with wide-eyed concern. You meet his eyes with a grin and you two finally laughed freely at the ridiculousness of the whole situation. 
“I’m sorry that I made you uncomfortable, Y/N. I’ll be more careful next time I switch beds with Blaise.” Draco teased while playfully nudging your shoulder. 
You shifted your weight on your feet and shook your head, “No, it was my fault too. I should’ve checked the hair color before getting in bed.” You reached up to ruffle Draco’s fluffy white-blonde hair amusedly. 
Draco felt his heart involuntarily skip a beat at the sudden contact and shifted away from Y/N. He cursed himself internally for showing signs of his infatuation and couldn’t bring himself to make a response. 
“Um...You wouldn’t happen to know where Blaise is right?” Y/N broke the silence, perplexed at the sudden awkwardness. 
Draco tensed at the mention of Blaise. 
“No.” He replied coldly before walking back into the room without making eye contact with you. He sat on the edge of the bed, deliberately gazing towards the windows of the lake and nowhere else. 
You were puzzled at the sudden coldness but didn’t dwell on it, assuming he was moody because of his pesky predicament. 
“Alright, I’m gonna go find him.” You tentatively walked to the door of the dorm. “Feel better, Draco!” You gave him a small smile before leaving the room and closing the door with a soft click.  
Draco waved slightly, not wanting to reveal any more emotions. After making sure you had left, he threw himself on the bed frustratedly. It didn’t help his obsession that he felt the emptiness of the bed more clearly now. It also didn’t help that he has a memory of your eyes close up. It definitely didn’t help that he remembered the scent of your perfume. 
He sighed before turning over, silently vowing to let go of his feelings for you, both for his sake and Blaise’s. His vows were greeted by the silence of the dorm, quiet except for the gentle lapping of the lake. 
He didn’t think it was possible, but the ache in his heart grew. 
“It’s got to get worse before it gets better, right?” Draco sighed once more, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
Months go by, and Draco was proud at how he successfully suppressed his feelings. You no longer took up the majority of his thoughts and he could finally return to being his snarky self with Blaise. 
Draco hung out with the group as if nothing was wrong, and no one seemed to notice anything different. The group maintained the old dynamic of sarcasm and witty humor, reflecting Draco’s wish of “keeping the friend group intact”. 
He was strolling around with his buddies in his usual air of haughtiness when he noticed Pansy and Daphne quietly whispering about you in the corner of a hallway. 
“...Can’t believe Blaise said that..Poor Y/N...” They sighed, clearly worried about what happened to you.  
Draco’s felt a familiar tightening in his heart he thought he got rid of. He ditched his other friends and walked towards the two, apprehensive to learn about what happened.  
“What’d he do?” Draco demanded, his imperative demeanor taking Pansy and Daphne by surprise. 
“I’m not sure if she’d want us to tell anyone yet.” Daphne hesitated, unsure of what to say. 
When Draco realized they weren’t going to give up any clues he scowled and strode off, deciding to ask you himself. 
He walked briskly in the stone hallways of the castle, thinking of places you could be. He knew you loved the stars, but it was still bright outside, so there was no reason for you to be in the Astronomy Tower. He knew you loved the serene setting of the Black Lake, but it was bound to be infested with underclassmen on a sunny day like this, which you wouldn’t like. He realized you must be in the garden, recalling the way you always looked at the flowers in adoration.
He picked up his pace and walked swiftly in the direction of the garden. His thoughts made him restless on the way there, “What could Blaise have done?” 
He added another thought hastily, “What can I do without crossing a line?” 
He spotted you in the garden before he figured out the answer to his question. 
Draco watched as you sat on a stone ledge directly facing the wisteria flowers. The flowers were not yet in full bloom, so the tree was scattered unevenly with buds and flowers. You distractedly dangled your legs in the air and flourished your wand to enchant flower buds to grow towards you. Your eyes were glossy and your face was tear-stained, but Draco thought he had never seen you look more ethereal. 
He reached you in time to see your charm work too ambitiously, making the flowers blossom and wilt in mere seconds. You started to break into tears, hugging your body close. Draco slowly approached you, but you were too busy crying to notice. 
“Hey.” Draco said hesitantly. 
“Oh! Hi, Draco.” You wiped your eyes furiously and looked up at him. You gave a tiny smile that looked more like a grimace. 
The sight of you being so sad made Draco miserable as well, feeling the tug at his heartstrings. 
“What happened?” Draco asked in an empathetic tone and took a seat next to you on the ledge, making sure to give you ample space. 
“Blaise..broke up with me. He said he just wants to be friends. How could he say that after months?” You said bitterly, tears sliding down your face.
Draco noticed the drops of water gliding down your face and had to use all his willpower to refrain from wiping away your tears. He hated that a guy made you feel like this, especially because it was his best friend. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Draco awkwardly reached out to rub your shoulder in soft circles. 
You leaned against his hand on your shoulder, sniffling quietly. 
You two stay like this for a while, before Y/N scooted closer to Draco, burying your head in his chest and clutching his white dress shirt while emitting muffled sobs. 
Draco’s heart broke at the sight, holding you closer to comfort you. He secretly cursed Blaise out before feeling guilty. He felt like an accomplice as he watched you let your pain out. 
How did he let you get hurt? 
You cried some more before looking up at Draco with teary eyes. 
“I’m sorry for ruining your shirt.” You smiled in an embarrassed manner and moved away from him. He noticed how your lashes were slick with tears and how your nose and cheeks were rosy from crying. He felt his heart rate quicken after glancing at your swollen lips, and quickly averted his eyes before blushing slightly. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Draco shrugged nonchalantly. You two look at the wisteria trees, feeling the breeze flow through both of your hair. Draco understood why you liked this spot, it was quiet and came with a stunning view of the trees and flowers. It was a beautiful day out, sunny with some clouds floating lazily. You both bask in comfortable silence. 
“I just feel...hollow? Like I'm missing a part of myself,” You confessed eventually, wearily twisting around to look at Draco.  
He nodded knowingly, very familiar with the empty feeling you were describing. He turned to make eye contact with your wounded eyes, feeling just as much heartbreak and pain as you did. 
Even though Draco hated seeing you with Blaise, he couldn’t help but feel like he hated seeing you heartbroken even more. 
a/n: this is the first fic i’ve ever written, so i feel quite nervous publishing it. if you read this far, i appreciate you so so much <33. i’m thinking of writing a sequel to this with more fluff and possibly more focus on y/n’s perspective, so let me know your thoughts! :) 
edit!: hi lovelies, i’ve decided to write more parts to this fic! thanks for all the love and lmk if you want to be tagged <3    [read pt.2 here]
(also, i know slughorn should be the potions professor during their sixth year but i just felt like snape fit the story a bit more!)
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binniesthighs · 4 years
don’t you forget about me | reader x jeongin
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it’s the last day that you might ever see him again, so, to hell with it, right? (image from straykidsfilm on twt!) 
please read the CWs bc this fic talks about body image!! this is something close to me as well, and I wanted to share some cute innie love!! <3 
hey you reading this! you’re gorgeous ;) 
don’t you forget about me | reader x jeongin 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x yang jeongin 
Genre:  fluff n’ smut 
Tags: high school crush au (everyone depicted in this fic is at least 18), virgin!reader, virgin!jeongin, plussize!reader (i think this is the right tag, if not plz correct me!) first time au, cuties in love, softdom!jeongin, (hehe ya know I love me a soft dom), sub!reader, unprotected sex (stay safe cuties!) semi-public sex, nipple play (f), fingering (f), cumshot, somewhat of a quickie, dirty talking, lil bit of a corruption kink, cute fluffy undertones!
CWs: brief mention of a fistfight and blood/wounds, insecurity over weight and descriptive narrative about body weight/appearance and negative self image 
Word count: 7.1k 
Word had spread that someone had gotten into a fight on the last day of school.  Supposedly, it had occurred during the second to last hour of the day, and it was a group of three to four boys. The rest of the details had been unclear, but you had heard mutterings about their names, or how each of them had walked into the principal’s office with bloodied knuckles, fat lips, and purple bruises to their cheekbones. You had heard that one of them had laughed in the face of the principal, claiming that they simply had it coming. 
“I heard that they were from class A-4. Or was it A-3?” 
Your friend leaned over with her skirt ruffling on her plastic chair. 
“Who could be so stupid?” She strung her bubble-gum around her finger with cracked nail-polish. “Are they looking to graduate, or what?” 
“I don’t know...” 
In your lap, you hands grew clammy with sweat. It was against your will, but you couldn’t but help thinking...
Yang Jeongin was in class A-4. 
Your chest tightened thinking about if it had been him that had gotten in the fight. 
It was no secret that you had harbored a crush on the boyishly handsome student from the other class of your same year. You had read or seen somewhere that the reason that they called crushes “crushes” was because they did just that--they crushed you to the full extent of the word. Whoever had said that, you had learned that they were 100% right. Having a crush on Yang Jeongin had been the most painful experience of your life. Since middle school, it had been something that you had scribbled in your diary, and the reason why you would hold your breath when he walked by with his friends, or when you’d see him on the same bus as you. 
You can’t exactly recall when it started, it just kind of did. 
There was nothing extremely notable about him: he wasn’t his class president, he wasn’t the ace of a sports team, nor did he even have friends who really were notable either. No matter how much you pondered it, you couldn’t figure out what it was about him. 
Yang Jeongin was known for having a kind smile and a jovial laugh, so you just decided that it must’ve been one of these things. This semester he had ashy-grey brown hair, and your best friend still hadn’t heard the end of it from you. Over time, you had learned that he liked banana milk with his lunch and kept a fox enamel pin on his backpack. He had worn the same beat up sneakers for all of high school and wore this same grey hoodie on most days when it would get cold. 
A couple times you had imagined what it would’ve been like if he had let you borrow it on the days when it would mist on spring mornings, or when snow would fall early in November. There had even been times when you imagined him holding your hand, walking down the hall, wrapping his arm around your shoulder to hold you close...among other things. Somehow, you liked to think that he would be the kind of person who would love you more than you could love yourself. Granted, you never could know for sure. Being optimistic made up half of your fantasies. 
“Just confess already.” 
Your best friend had said half a million times over the course of the years. 
The more you had contemplated it, the less sense that it made. A confession would’ve been a whole lot easier if he had known who you were. 
“There's no way.” You had said morosely. “As if he would say yes to me.” 
“Can’t know unless you try.” Your friend smiled, sucking at her lollipop on the walk home. “Don’t pretend like you’ve never written him a confession letter before...” Her backpack hopped up and down with her arms outstretched animatedly in that alley decorated with vines. “...Where do you keep them? In your desk? Under your bed? In your sock drawer?” 
“Oh shut up!!” You nudged her, sending her spiraling out with laughter. 
“If it’s the last day of school, you’ve got nothing to loose! You’ll never see him again! If he says no, no big deal!” 
The clock ticked on the wall to your classroom, the seconds hand moving silently faster and faster the more that you looked at it. Under your desk, your fingertips pricked the edges of the pink envelope. You had written your the name as nicely as you could with flowery cursive with tiny flowers. On the back, you had sealed it with a sticker: an orange fox. 
Your throat grew dry seeing only six minutes before the bell would ring, and then the metal legs of chairs would scrape on the floor, the hallway would flood with students, and you would make your way to his locker and pray that he would stop by there. In many ways, just thinking about it was enough to make your stomach do somersaults and for your hands to wet even more embarrassingly with sweat. Your knees felt limp, and you wondered if you even had it in you. 
Even worse, a deeper fear crept in the back of your mind--it was much more venomous and horrifying, but you couldn’t keep it down. You feared that he would laugh in your face, throw the letter down, and throw his head back at you and how ridiculous your moment of confidence had been. 
How could be like someone like me? 
Perhaps your biggest fear of all, even greater than the rejection, was him admitting that he could never like someone like you. 
Your skirt was tighter on you than most, at least, tighter than it was on the other girls. When you would shop at the school uniform store, you could never escape the glares from the ladies when you and your mother asked for the larger sizes that they had. Your soft cheeks were plush and squishy, and your belly striped with stretch marks that you had stopped looking at in the mirror. Because it was more comfortable, you wore leggings under you skirt, even in the warmer months, even if it made you sweat. Oversized sweaters would swim over your frame, for the very reason that you could swim in them. 
As optimistic as you could be, there had been some nights worse than the others where tears would wet your eyes before sleep, no matter how many affirmations and positive sticky notes you had pasted to the back of your bedroom door. 
How could I like someone like you? 
It would be so easy for him to say it. Words flicked off the tongue hastily are the ones that often hurt the most. You just hoped and hoped that he had been everything that you had made him to be...as unrealistic as it was. 
The bell chimed, and you felt your heart leap into your throat when the room erupted into cheers and papers and desks went flying and screeching around the floor. 
“Are you ready?” Your friend winked, and the corners of the letter pricked your fingers. 
With some stroke of luck, he was exactly where you had wanted him to be. Even then, some small part of you had secretly had hoped that he hadn’t just so you could walk away. You would’ve walked away from him, that school, everyone who had known you and just let it be. However, fate had been much kinder to you...damned fate. 
Your heart quickened upon seeing him. He was wearing that same grey hoodie with the drawstrings that he would tie into bows sometimes, and that same enamel pin shone silver on his backpack. You realized that it even looked almost exactly like the sticker you had used. His navy uniform slacks were dusted with dirt however, and one of the knees had a bit of a tear to it. In your horror, you then saw the scrapes on his face: one right under his eye, on his left cheek, and a thin red line on his bottom lip where it had cracked open. Before you could think of anything else, seeing how much it must’ve hurt him made your heart twist.
From your backpack, you drew out the rest of the stuff that you had prepared, and tried your best not to collapse from the way that your knees trembled. 
“H-hi...” You announced, head down, and mouth deathly dry. 
Yang Jeongin whipped his head over to see you, slightly startled. Up this close you could see his adorable brown eyes that even looked at if they glistened with stars in them. 
“...Hi?” He returned, closing his locker, and wetting his lips. 
Your heartbeat rang in your ears, and you quickly presented him with the letter, the carton of banana milk with the heart sticker on top, and the tiny case of animal shaped cookies. 
With eyes glued to the floor and his beat up gym shoes, you said the words as fast as humanly possible, “I-know-that-you-don’t-know-who-I-am-but-I’ve-really-liked-you-for-such-a-long-time-now-and-seeing-as-its-the-last-day-of-school-I-wanted-to-tell-you-so-please-accept-this!!” 
You waited for what felt like hours, then he took the items from your hands with a tentative touch. “Um...thank you...for this.” 
This was it. It was happening. You had already known that it wouldn’t get much better, and the way that he looked petrified only made you feel even more heat rush to your cheeks. Even then, now that the words had escaped your lips for the whole universe to hear, it felt good in some small, relieving way.  
“Y-you don’t have to say anything back. Please don’t...don’t feel obligated to, I just...” Your voice trailed, and your eyes wandered to the exit door behind him, and the green of the summery trees. 
I should just leave. It would be better if I left. If I walk away, this is all over...
The hem of your skirt tickled your nervous fingers, and you had nearly made up your mind. You wished at least that he would say something rather than just staring. 
“I-I can just...leave, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry...how could I think that...nevermind.” 
It took everything that you had, but you blinked the tears that stung the corners of your eyes and you hiked your backpack straps up a little higher. 
You motioned to the things in his hands, “I hope that you enjoy those things and...good luck at university.” 
You flashed a feeble smile for him, right back to his astonished face. Just outside of the exit, there was the rest of the world in front of you, and you also took peace in the fact that it really was a really nice day then. 
“W-wait!!” He suddenly said with a slight crack to his voice, turning after you to grab at your wrist too. As soon as he did, his eyes widened, the the gruff voices of a group of boys echoed down the hall. 
“Where is that shithead?? This isn’t over.” The tall boy from class A-4 balled up his hand into a fist, and smacked it into his palm. The tall boy and about three of his friends also had red knuckles and scratches on their faces, each to a varying level of degree. 
“Shit.” Jeongin bit his lip, and his grip on your wrist tightened. “Uh-can you come with me?? This way?? Fuck--” He nodded toward the opposite hallway, and your head spun thinking why he would want you to come with him. 
“What?? Why??” 
“Just--” He watched the boys coming frantically and hid behind his locker door. “They’ll beat the shit out of me again. Just....come on!” 
A nervous thrill sent a shiver down your spine feeling his hand and the warmth there while he guided you, pushing and parting the sea of bodies chatting and hugging each other goodbye. 
“Where are we going?” You called to him, and the little carton of banana milk swayed in his opposite hand. 
“I don’t know. Anywhere.” 
You followed him further and further, through the hallways that had emptied of students or any semblance of them. Shades had been pulled in most of the empty rooms, and the chairs had been placed on top of the tabletops of desks. Both of your shoes squeaked under the flooring when you turned corners, and the sound of his nervous panting became louder and louder. Where he held you, the sleeve of his sweater bushed up against you, and it was even softer than you had imagined. 
Jeongin pulled at several doorknobs, finding them to be locked, head turning to see if the group of boys had followed. At last, he found one that did unlock, and he threw it open on its hinges as quickly as he could. It was one of the storage closets for the theater department, and it was dustily coated on all surfaces and even moldy smelling, with not a window to be found. Jeongin flicked on the light, revealing the stacks of props and furniture that you vaguely remembered seeing in performances in the past. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pull you so hard.” Jeongin finally said. 
“It...it’s okay.” 
“If I got caught with them again I might as well kiss college goodbye...” He raked an anxious hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean to fight with them before...” 
“Are...you okay?” You softened your tone, seeing the way that the pink marks on his face must’ve been made against the hard cement of the floor outside. 
“I-I’m fine. Thank you.” 
His eyes really did look like they glistened. 
“It...it’s really funny actually...” He shoved his hand into his pocket, fumbling with the contents with a shaking hand, then took out a crumbled piece of notebook paper that had been torn. “Take it.” He prompted with wide eyes. 
“Who else?” He laughed lightly. 
The note had been written in black ink, and it smudged and bled to the other side of the paper, and the scribbled handwriting looked rushed as if it was an afterthought or some kind of crazed ramble. You unfolded it all the way, starting at the first sentence. 
dear y/n from A-2, 
you probably don’t know my name, but I’m yang jeonjin jeongin from class A-4, i wanted to write this to tell you that I think that youve you’re really  pretty, beautiful and that i’ve been kind of watching you for about a year now, i’m sorry if that’s creepy but, yeah, i just think that you’re really cool and i like it when you smile. i’m sorry that i didn’t say anythimg aything anything about this sooner, i was kind of shy about it to be honest, i didn’t want you to thank think that I was being disrespectful or anything like that, but seeing that its the last day of shcool school and I don’t have a ton to lose loose lose i thought that it was worth a shot. if this doesn’t go the way id i’d like it to, please don’t stop smilng smiling ♥
By now, the boy from A-4 was swaying his body back and forth almost violently as he waited for you to read the letter and fiddled with his arms crossed. His teeth tugged at his lip, and he anxiously awaited for you to say something. Little did he know that reading his words you were so shocked that you were certain that you had forgotten how to breathe for a couple moments. 
“M-me? You mean this...for me?” 
“Yeah?” He advanced to take the letter back, “I’m really sorry if it’s creepy, I know that you don’t know me at all and we’ve never spoken, this must be really startling but...I wasn’t expecting for you to write me one too.” 
The adorable boy blushed and rubbed the back of his neck with a tiny growing smile. 
“S-sorry that I was so quiet earlier, I was just really surprised.” Jeongin flipped your letter over too, then gasped a little seeing the fox on the back. “Oh.” 
On the other side of the door, the loud and clambering footsteps of that group of idiotic boys clomped and they grunted among themselves asking where Jeongin had went. The two of you held your breath, and soon the voices receded. Once they passed, you threw your backpack around to scramble around the front pocket, pulling out a Band-Aid that must’ve been there for at least a year, but it still worked the same. 
“Here...do you need it?” 
“Oh! Um-no, but, thank you.” 
A silence filled the dusty room, and Jeongin awkwardly moved to sit on one of the old prop couches. He patted the spot next to him, beckoning you to do the same. 
“The timing...kinda sucks.” 
You laughed slightly, “That’s sort of my fault.” 
“--My fault too.” He quickly added. “I’m sorry that I didn’t get the chance to know you sooner. Maybe we could’ve...” Jeongin dug his fingers into the velvety upholstery. 
Slowly, your sinking insecurities started to creep like vines with thorns, and the words spilled out of your mouth before you had something to do with it. 
Maybe he’s just being nice? Are you really certain that letter was meant for you? 
“I guess that I’m just really surprised that you of all people could end up liking someone like me. Someone...that looks like me.”
The young boy cocked his head with his eyebrows confusedly crossed. “I don’t see what you mean?” 
“‘Cause I’m like...” You motioned to your thighs, a bit chubbier, your larger breasts, and your skirt riding up your legs too. “...like this?” 
“But there’s nothing wrong with you?” 
“Psh...”nothing wrong with me”...” You laughed with sarcasm at the comment. “Have you seen the other girls in the school? Some of them are frickin’ idols for crying out loud...” 
Jeongin’s eyes widened, and he scooched in a bit closer, but slowly; carefully. “What I’m trying to say is...that there’s no one else like you! And--” 
“--That’s exactly it. I’m not like everyone else...” 
Jeongin blabbered, and his hand found yours resting on your lap. “I-I’m not s-saying that’s a bad thing! I’m saying that the reason why you stood out to me was because I think...” He shied, cheeks becoming even rosier. “...Because you just seemed so happy all the time, like, you didn’t care what others did or thought of you, I could tell, even from kind of far away, that you were someone who’s real not some kind of made-up thing that you put on every morning for the rest of the world to see you as. Also...” He giggled, “I just thought that you were really cute too.”
His thumb brushed up against the back of your hand, and you couldn’t help but smile at the small feeling. 
“I mean...I do think about what people think of me, I think about it all the time...” 
“I do too.” He said quietly. “Why else did I let it get so far that I let four guys gang up on me outside school?” 
You didn’t press him for more, but merely let your opposite hand rest of top of his as you watched his expression fall. When he was in school, you had only ever seen him smile, but now seeing him like this, it was a whole other side. He looked up at you with his pleading eyes, and they were utterly gorgeous. 
“My mom...my mom doesn’t make a ton of money. She barely makes enough to send to me school here, or buy me stuff like new clothes or uniforms each year. I almost never see her because she has to work so hard for me and my brothers...those...assholes had something to say about it and I kind of...snapped. No one can say shit about my mom when they don’t know how hard that she works for us.” 
Your eyes fell to his scuffed and worn sneakers, and it all made sense. 
“Then they found the letter...I didn’t want them to ruin the last good thing that I had going for me.” 
In that moment, the whole world became silenced. You were the last good thing going for him and you had never even known. 
Then, he smiled, broken as it was, bit it was still embodied his gentle warmth that you had fallen in love with all those years ago. 
“But! It turned out okay I think.” Jeongin said with a sigh. He glanced down at your interlocking hands on your lap and chuckled a little bit. “Kinda cool that this worked out though. Maybe we could spend the summer getting to know each other?” 
This time, you let one of your happy tears drip down your cheek, and nodded gleefully. “Okay. I’d like that.” 
Jeongin smiled, just as you had seen him do it a hundred times, but this time you knew that it was all for you. 
“Can I...can I kiss you? If that’s okay? I-I’m sorry if this is really forward...I just...really want to.” He asked gently, then wiped away your tears with the pad of his thumb. 
You nodded, feeling  your whole body shake just a little with your nervousness and anticipation. The world appeared to melt away once he had leaned in to press his lips on yours as softly and as carefully as he could. In that moment, you had forgotten where you were, what time it was or the rest of the beautiful summer day outside the doors of that school. Here, it was just you and him. Embarrassing as it was, this had been your first kiss too. Your mind raced with a million thoughts, asking yourself if you had been doing it right, but once you felt him smile lightly into you, your chest shivered with a sense of relief. 
You had never expected kissing to feel like this, and it was a bit strange feeling something so close and intimate right on your own skin. At the same time, it felt like nothing else in the entire world had, and you only wanted more and more of it. He was cautious and respectful in the way that he had tilted his head, and loving how he had cupped your face with his hands cracked and bruised. You didn’t know where to put your hands at first, but settled one hand on his thigh, and the other on his shoulder where you tugged at his white button up stained with dirt. 
He too shook with a sigh, readjusting himself, then ran one of his hands down your arm to hold your hand were it rested on him. He tangled your fingers together, and made a tiny little gasp feeling you connect with him. In seconds, he allowed himself to grow rougher, running his lips over yours with a type of fervency that teased at your bottom lip where you felt the warmth of his tongue. It took no more consideration, and you gave him the permission to meet the heat of his tongue with yours between parted lips now becoming a bit swollen. 
Jeongin broke your connection for moments, and a different kind of haze took over his eyes. The way that he looked over your quivering lips sent shivers through your whole body, and he dragged his thumb over the tiny streak of saliva that shone on your lip. 
“Is it okay if I touch you? In other places?” His eyes fell, and you giggled at the way that a kind of lust-filled hunger seemed to overtake him. For years you had fantasized about him ravishing you like this, and giving love to every inch of your body no matter how hard it had been for you to do that same to yourself. Still, as hesitant as you were, you feared that he would get a taste of all of you, and still change his mind. 
“Really?” You stammered, instinctually crossing your arms around your chest. “You don’t think that I’m gro--”
“If you’re about to say “gross” don’t.” His expression became much more serious. “I-I’ll say it again a million more times if I need to: you, all that you are, is what I’ve been thinking of for so long, I’d love to touch you wherever you’ll let me.” 
This time, you didn’t know if the tears were happy or sad, but regardless, the fat drops still fell down your cheeks. 
“--And you can say no too. If you’re not comfortable, we can just keep doing what we were doing...there’s nothing wrong with that at all.” 
The dim yellow light in the room buzzed, and you had recalled all the many number of times that you had pictured the very scene about to occur. On lonely nights, you wished to have felt his hands all over you, and now, they really could be. 
“What do you say?” He asked, and squeezed your hand along with his. 
“Can we...go slow with it? I’ve never...no one has ever offered to--” 
“Of course we can.” He smiled adorably, which was a bit odd considering what he had just proposed. “But...I didn’t hear you say yes?” 
“Yes.” You quickly added with a nervous inhale, but held his gaze with your assurance. “I-I want you to.” 
The boy from the other class grinned, then took to carefully running his hands down your arms once more, and craning his neck to plant sweet little kisses into your neck: the stimulation from which made you whimper out of your own accord, and he giggled upon hearing it. 
“You like that?” He whispered greedily, then continued sucking a little harder. Jeongin shrugged down your sweater from the collar, and his wandering hands circled little rubs into your bare arms. 
Next, his fingers crept up slowly and cautiously at the bottom of your shirt, testing at first, but not pulling up the fabric all together. His cold fingertips buzzed on your skin in that drafty room, and he brought his lips back up to yours, also making tiny trailed gasps as he crept up all the way to your breasts. The moment that he touched them, both of you appeared to shiver on each other’s bodies, and your kisses grew even needier. At first he cupped over the padding of your bra, kneading and squeezing to play with the way that they jiggled slightly then pulling a bit harder, and relishing the way that they filled up his palms. 
“Does this feel good?” Jeongin asked on your lips and you nodded back immediately. 
The two of you leaned back on the aged couch, and the young man cradled your head to guide you into the cushion of the upholstery. He admired you for a few moments under him with one leg between your thighs and the other supporting himself and slipping a little on the cement floors. His thigh was just close enough to the heat of your arousal between your legs, and it ached and throbbed so badly, you were convinced you had never felt a feeling as intense as this. He leaned in closer, and pressed the muscle into your clit, and a muffled moan caught on your lip that surprised even him. 
“Can I touch you even closer?” He asked, and those ashy grey-brown strands of his dipped over his eyes. 
“Y-yes...please.” You found yourself begging, and he mischievously grinned at your desperation. 
Under the cotton of your shirt, his fingers slipped under the padding of your bra to toy with your breasts directly. He kissed even more tiny quaking breaths into your mouth, finally finding your hardened nipples and tweaking them with his thumb and index. He pulled lightly at them, making your buds even more sensitive. You cried out with a helpless “ah!” and he stopped, worry across his face as if he had hurt you. 
“F-feels really good. Don’t...don’t stop please...Jeongin...” 
Absentmindedly, your hips had started to grind against his leg, and he had taken notice of it too. Had you been a bit more attentive, you could’ve seen the way that his member had swelled in his navy slacks, and throbbed, begging for attention too. 
You could barely watch, but he hiked your shirt up, baring your cushy tummy for him to see only and you threw your embarrassed arms over your face. As long as you had kept the evil words at bay, they were much more seductive than any affirmation you could’ve repeated to yourself. 
“Oh-are you okay?” Do you want me to stop?” The young boy immediately stopped and removed his hands. “Did I do something wrong?” 
“N-no...it’s just...I’m really nervous be-because I’m--” 
He sighed, then pulled your shirt down once more. “I can stop doing that for now. But...I just want you to know...I think that everything about you is even more beautiful than you know and these...imperfections--which they’re not--is everything that drives me crazy. Please don’t think that I see you negatively at all. I promise that I want to make you feel good everywhere.” 
“Mm-okay.” You shook with a heavy sigh. “You aren’t...disappointed or anything?” 
Jeongin pressed a simple kiss onto your upper lip with a smile “Disappointed? Why?” 
“Because I don’t want--” 
“--No?? I’m not disappointed at all! You don’t owe me anything at all! Especially when you’re not comfortable with it.” 
“Hm, thank you.” 
He continued with a tiny grunt, lowering himself even closer to you, “Can I please kiss you some more?” 
You allowed him, with the warmth of your kisses' meeting in the middle. The heat in your pussy pooled even greater, and you grinded further, thirsting for him in ways that felt forbidden. For a brief moment, you felt the fear seeping back in, head racing with the dozens of thoughts that he might have if he were to see your stretch marks on your belly and on the top-parts of your thighs. The more that you found desire for him, the less that you were convinced that he wouldn’t desire you as much as you did him. 
“Do you want...I can touch down here too?” Jeongin hushed, breaking for a minute to hold your eyes earnestly. “Would that be okay?” 
He had noticed the way that you had pathetically rubbed into his leg, and this too sent your hands over your shy face. 
“M’ sorry...I can’t help...it feels good too...” 
“Don’t apologize! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel the same way.” Your crush smiled with his eyes smiling in the same way. “You can...probably tell.” 
“--But...what if you don’t like it?” 
He cocked his head, “Like what?” 
Your lip quivered and you found tears stinging your eyes once more. “Don’t like..m-me? What I look like?” 
“What!? Y/n...my head is like frickin’ spinning thinking about what you look under these clothes--can you please believe me?” 
“It...it’s hard to...” Fat tears came waterfalling down your cheeks, and once again the young boy fully stopped his advances. 
“The fact that I’m here with you, kissing you like this after daydreaming about it for so long...there’s nothing more that I want than to make you feel good right now. Trust me.” 
“A-are you sure?” 
“Y/n. I’m 100% sure. And you don’t--you don’t have to even take this off if you don’t want to...” He toyed with your skirt. “But these might get in the way.” He ran both of his hands up and down your thighs and leggings with flat palms, and you felt your whole body ache for more than just that. “Again, we don’t have to if you don’t want.” he gave you a reassuring smile, “We still have the whole summer--” 
“I do!! I...still do...” 
Your quick answer started the both you, but Jeongin still didn’t advance faster than what was comfortable to you. Instead, he carefully snaked his hands up and under your skirt, finding the elastic of the leggings then pulled. 
His eyes blew out, enamored, seeing your bare skin, and he wetted his lips too seeing the way that your underwear had glistened with your essence. It was against your will, but you had soaked through your panties which he had swiped over a couple times accidentally, and the action itself sent an aching quiver to your untouched bud. You watched his every move has he angled his hand to ghost over the wet fabric, making you squeak from the new sensation. After, he found the band to your panties, pulling them down too. 
“Wow.” He gasped, seeing the way that your bud twitched. 
Jeongin dipped his fingers into your wetted folds, teasing at first. 
“Woah.” He said with a little gasp. “You’re really...” 
You stifled a moan with your lip, feeling your cheeks grow even warmer as his digits slicked with your arousal. “I-I know...I’ve never like, done anything like this before.” 
The young boy’s thumb grazed over your clit, eliciting an immediate response, and your heels went digging into the cushion of the couch. 
“This is your first time?’ He asked gently, two fingers now filling up your entrance. 
The best you could, you tried to remain quiet, but the harder and deeper that he had advanced, the harder that it became. Your eyes wandered, right to the pressure he had created under his belt loops, and you wondered furiously what he would’ve felt like inside of you; if he could stretch you out, or what it would have felt to just be like that with another person. 
Jeongin admired the way that your face scrunched up with a prideful little smile, and loved every minute of the way that your mouth would form airy “oh’s.” 
“You like feeling my fingers inside of you? Fucking right into your wet pussy?” 
His gaze held a lusty glaze seeing the way that your eyes blew out upon hearing his dirty words, and it only seemed to make him throb even harder himself. 
“Y-yes...” You mewled, reaching out grabby hands to hold yourself steady on his shoulders, the other going to tug at his belt. 
“I-I wouldn’t mind if you...you know...” 
Jeongin rolled his body over yours, attaching his lips with yours once more just to let the words stick on your tongue. “You want me to fuck you?” 
“Only-only if you want to--” You could barely get the words out feeling your thighs to shake as he coaxed your nearer and nearer with his thumb rubbing circles over your enlarged button. 
“Of course I want to.” He assured you with even more kisses. “Are you sure?” 
You hooked a couple of your fingers to pull out his black leather belt from its confines, muttering a tiny “yes.” 
Jeongin carried out the rest of your job for you, going to quickly clink the metal of his belt away, tossing it to the cement floor haphazardly. From the boxers that he wore, there were a couple little wet stains, and the outline of his dick protruded thickly. Seeing it like this awakened something in you, something primal and feral that wanted nothing more to be connected to this boy and to have him spread you out until you could barely breathe. It was a horribly naughty thought, but as shameful as you felt, it was just as thrilling. 
The boy sprung free his erect member, pink and dripping with his pearly pre-cum, and pumped at it a couple times, eyes raking over your whole body in the way that you had only ever dreamed of. 
“This is actually...my first time too.” 
He had said the words coolly, almost like he didn’t care at all about them, but you had assumed he had done so to keep you from worry. 
“Oh fuck--” He muttered, taking his left hand to reach under your shirt once more and play with your breast roughly. “God, I can’t believe that this is happening.” 
You coyly hiked up your skirt a bit higher for him to get better access, but not all the way, just as far as you could feel comfortable. 
“I might’ve thought about this a couple times...” Jeongin said with a tiny smirk, then slowly dipped his hand back down to wet his fingers with your arousal, then coat it around his length. When he did so, he let out an unapologetic groan that wavered out of his mouth and filled up the room beautifully. 
“I’m gonna go slow, okay? I feel like I heard somewhere that it can kind of hurt for you the first time?” 
You nodded out quickly to let him know, finally becoming impatient enough to claw at his arms all wrapped up in that grey hoodie of his. 
He leaned down one final time, kissing you over before aligning himself with your pussy, kissing down your jaw, then to your neck where he buried his head as he lead himself into you. His arms shook where he held himself up, and the two of you shuddered at the feeling at last: that euphoric, tight, unreal feeling that you shared for the first time. 
You whimpered out, digging your nails into his back, and his breath hitched in his throat too. 
“I-its...s-so..tight.” Jeongin barely got the words out, but merely let himself throb around your velvet walls for a moment. “Y-you okay?” 
“Mmhm.” You said, barely able to get more words out than this. 
Truthfully, it did hurt just a little, but not as much as you had pictured it to be, but it was more like a pressure, and it only grew heavier as you got used to him. 
Jeongin started to thrust his hips slowly, even painfully so, but he maintained his pace dragging his hips over yours. He filled you up so fully it was unfathomable, and his length pressed up against your deepest spot, sending a kind of electricity through your whole body. 
He settled into a rhythm, finally getting comfortable enough to return back to your mouth to slick his tongue across yours, and cradle the side of your face in his hand. You let little whimpers fade into his mouth, as he did for you, and after long, he had decided to speed up just slightly to milk himself off with your tight walls. To your surprise, he reached his hand back down to your clit to rub at it erratically. His pattern made little sense, but compared to how he had been stimulating you deep inside too, you could barely hold on. 
Jeongin grunted, biting into your lip with a trace of teeth. “I-I want you to c-cum first--I can’t...I can’t--” 
Before you could even understand what he had said, the young boy snapped his hips harder, eyes closed and tiny bits of sweat forming on his brow. The pads of his fingers pushed harder, and you found yourself spinning even closer to an orgasm by his hand, the thought alone was enough to fulfil your deepest fantasies. 
“I want you to cum all over my dick for me, okay? Sh-shit...” 
“God, you’re...fuck...” He laughed a little. “I really really like you y/n. I really...” 
It was as if the words had been stolen right from his mouth, and his voice had abandoned him, but all he could do was press harder, faster, glide his hips over you rougher...
“M’ gonna--” You gasped out with your whole core tightening into a knot that was just about ready to snap. The pressure behind your clit was intense and burning, and you became light-headed nearing the brink. 
All at once you came with a searing and inexplainable white heat--much more intense than you had ever felt before in your whole life, and every single muscle in your body quaked as you did so, and you threw your head back to that dusty cushion of the couch. Your eyes rolled back on their own accord, and the best that you could do to muffle your moans was throw your hand over your mouth--which was quickly removed by the young man to do the job himself. 
Your thighs violently shook and you felt yourself tighten around him. He too strung out explicatives as if they were the only words that he had known. You breathed out shallow gasps into his palm, and soon he tore himself out of your walls with incessant breaths, only having to jerk himself off for a few moments before his swollen tip burst with the white strings of his cum. He continued jerking himself as such until he had nothing more to give, and his own thighs shook where he had straddled you. You could feel his warmth on your thigh and the way that it dripped and slicked with the sweat of your leg. 
Jeongin’s entire face flushed with pink, and he stammered out realizing the mess that he had made all over you. 
“I-I’m so sorry...I-I didn’t realize, I wasn’t thinking...I just...” 
While it was a predicament, you mustered the best smile that you could for him, secretly and utterly loving the way that it felt on your bare skin.   
“I’ve got...I can figure something out--” 
His attention snapped back to you in your afterglow, and you could practically see the boy melt right then and there. 
“--Don’t worry about it.” 
Just as he had been before, his smile creased into a shy and awkward little line, and he could barely hold your eyes. After the initial embarrassment, he couldn’t help himself but admire you.
“Hey Y/n?” 
“I don’t know if you’ve ever heard this before, but I really do think that you’re perfect. If not perfect for yourself, I hope that I can show you how you are to me. You’re perfect for me. You’ve always been.” 
“So have you.” You admitted to him in that cobwebbed room that held all kinds of forgotten trinkets and items. 
“And thank you for giving me your letter too.” Jeongin raised the back of your hand to his lips where he placed a chaste kiss, then helped you carefully back up as to not make a mess of your skirt with the white staining your leg. 
Your crush smiled, then let out a gleeful exhale, “I can’t wait for this summer.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses!
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @lunarskzzz
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somebodycallixii · 2 years
tagged by @surajmukhis 💞💞💞 sorry it took me a while to do ive been bombarded by kpop releases recently and its been a lot to handle LOL
favorite time of year
Spring!! i have such fond memories in college of when the snow finally melts and everyone starts spending more and more time outside, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. i also just love flowers and the color green so its like just the best time ever lol
comfort food
my comfort food is probably sour cream and onion lays chips. also completely separately, i would never eat these together, but weirdly the chocolate Boost drinks i had to drink in ED treatment are comforting to me. like knowing they hit all the exchanges i needed just gave me so much peace of mind and it still does even though im not on a meal plan anymore lol 😭
do you collect something
yes! I collect many useless things but the ones i love the most are my little glass animals and my enamel pins :) these are things i love receiving as gifts bc you always find cool ones randomly, and enamel pins can be such fun souvenirs and memory anchors. these arent all of them but these are my favs!
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favorite drink
for coffee its my beloved nitro cold brew with sweet cream and vanilla cold foam. cant have her very often bc the caffeine makes me brain vibrate but she is so good. non-coffee its lemonade from raising cane's. idk what they put in that shit but its unmatched in the lemonade game.
favorite song
lskdjflskdjfsds like choosing a favorite child. has to be a tie between omega x's vamos and ten's paint me naked. screaming paint me naked while driving on the highway is a religious experience i recommend it to literally everyone.
current favorite song
lately its been xg's mascara, but with all the releases today i think p1h's mirror mirror might sneak in and replace it!!
favorite fic
dare i risk exposing myself in public like this. ill just link one of my fav authors so i have some deniability sldkfjalskdjfs the way they (? not sure pronouns lol) single handedly made me see the light on the yexie ship is something ill forever be in their debt for. they are an amazing writer i just love everything they've written for WOH and untamed.
im tagging @seohopeful and @sofarraway (only if you want to, of course!! <3)
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