#I was supposed to post this last year lmao
jack-the-nibbler · 11 months
Voretober Day 6: Comfort/Bet
You're quite the horror lover and thought that you would have little problem spending a few hours in an abandoned castle. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite abandoned...
Why had you decided to take this dare? That question repeated itself in your head again and again with each step you took towards the entrance to the castle. For centuries, your town had circulated rumors that a vampire count lived in the dismal keep that towered some distance from the town. You were a bit of an urban legend and horror junkie, and had tried to do your fair share of research on the history of the castle.
In the week leading up to Halloween, some of your friends had dared you to visit the keep and try to find the vampire that lurked there. It seemed fun at first, and appropriately spooky, but the drive there had you filled with doubt. After all, there was a difference between saying and doing. But the place looked stable enough up close…you’d be in and out. Just an hour or two hour adventure. Right?
Equipped with your phone, a flashlight, a water bottle, and snacks, you swallowed your nerves as you stepped up the stairs to the massive, oak doors. One of them was open just a crack, giving you enough space to shimmy your way inside. The inside was appropriately massive; there was a surprising lack of dust or debris for an abandoned keep. Moonlight flitted in through the windows, illuminating a long, red rug leading down a vast hallway.
Heading down the main hall, you gazed at a line of portraits hung up along the walls. Each one depicted men and women with ashen flesh, white or silver hair, and fancy clothes in red, black, and gold colors. It really did feel like you were in some vampire movie. You chuckled softly to yourself, half expecting a swarm of bats to burst out of nowhere.
Each room of the castle seemed to be well maintained. You’d honestly been expecting something more spooky and dilapidated. Who was keeping this place up and running? Was some dedicated preservationist camping out here, or repeatedly making that drive up the mountain road? As you stepped into what looked like a parlor, your eyes traveled over the plush furniture, blood red rug, golden candelabra holding flickering candles…
Wait a minute…that candelabra was lit. If this place was abandoned, then where did the fire come from? The sound of footsteps made you freeze. Either that was another explorer, a thief, or this place really wasn’t vacant. You looked over to the nearest hallway, trying to think of what you might say to this stranger. But when the man stepped into the parlor, all possible words left your mind.
The man was about eight feet tall, as pale as the people in the portraits and having messy silvery hair. He wore an incredibly ornate coat and suit; red, gold, and black, decorated with bloody rose pins and shiny rubies. He wore an equally fancy top hat with a golden bat pin, and long, thin batlike wings extended out from his back. His blood red eyes sized you up, his pointed ears perking up.
“Ahh…a visitor? I haven’t had any visitors in quite a long time…” he said. “Welcome to my home, dear. Please, don’t be so afraid.” But you were frozen. The vampire was real…here, in the flesh, and you were an intruder and likely prey. Fear and instinct kicked in, and you turned and fled back down the way you came. Screw the bet, you weren’t being drained tonight!
“Wait! Please, don’t run!” he cried. But you ignored him, trying to find your way back to the entrance. As you dashed around corners and through hallways, it quickly became apparent that you were lost. The moment you stopped to catch your breath, a large, silver bat flapped up before you, instantly transforming into the vampire you’d just fled from. “I’m sorry, but I cannot let you leave just yet!” he exclaimed, towering over you.
The Count’s ruby-red eyes suddenly glowed. You cowered back under his intense stare; he somehow seemed taller now, growing by the moment. Looking down at the floor, you realized that it was getting closer. He wasn’t growing-you were shrinking! You turned to run again, but the Count grabbed 
“There we go…it’ll be okay, luv,” he said softly, gently petting your head with his thumb. “I’ll just tuck you away for a bit…keep you close to me…” You wriggled in his hold, trying to make sense of his words…and then he held you up and opened wide. The candlelight caught on his fangs, glinting like ivory spears.
“No! Don’t eat me!” You cried. The Count only gave you a soft look before slipping your legs into his mouth. You froze in fear of being sliced on his razor sharp fangs. You shuddered at the feeling of his saliva soaking your pant legs, his tongue sliding against your lower body. All you could do was watch helplessly as your feet slid into his throat.
The vampire was slow and gentle as he slipped you further into his mouth. Your hips slid past his lips, your legs engulfed by his throat. You tried pressing against his lips, but he slurped in your belly, then your chest, leaving only your head visible. The tip of his tongue slid out and curled around your head, pulling you all the way inside.
Your fate was sealed as the Count’s mouth closed behind you. You were up to your hips in his throat, your back pressed against his tongue. Now that you were completely inside, the Count was swallowing you faster, pulling you closer to your slimy doom. Your struggling did nothing to make the vampire spit you out. You tried to grab onto his uvula, but your hands slipped from the fleshy tab. One last strangled cry left you as you were engulfed by the pulsing abyss.
You clawed at the slimy, squishy walls of the vampire’s gullet, one more futile attempt to save yourself. You felt your devourer shudder, his fingers pressing against the bulge in his neck. It was a long, constricting slide down to his stomach, and by the time you were squeezed inside, you felt like your very bones had been beaten.
Shivering, you took out your flashlight and looked around. It was a pink, balmy pouch, about the perfect size to hold you. As if you belonged here. You curled up, whimpering, especially as the Count started to rub you from outside, as if you were just a snack to him.
“I’m…I’m sorry, my dear…I shouldn’t have done that…” he murmured, gently stroking over you. “For decades it has been only my butler and I, and the loneliness has been crushing. I promise not to hurt you…and I will let you go before sunrise. I hope that you can forgive me.”
You laid there in shock. He wasn’t going to hurt you? He did sound genuine…not to mention deeply sorrowful. You tried to think of what it would be like to essentially be alone for possibly hundreds of years. Perhaps you’d be just as desperate for company. And you had to admit, it was surprisingly warm and cozy inside this undead creature’s stomach.
Hearing the Count starting to weep, you reached over to gently rub the stomach walls. He froze, shocked. But he slowly started to purr, rubbing over you in return. He’d spent countless years longing for affection. For the first time in so long, he felt loved…even if just a little. “Thank you, my dear…” he murmured.
You smiled softly, nestling into one of the stomach folds as you rubbed him more. This really wasn’t so bad. Come morning you would likely chew out your friends for putting you through this. But at the same time, you would surprise the Count with quite a few visits after this. Perhaps more than one where he happily tucks you away again.
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 9 months
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screenshot redraw
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serv0z · 3 months
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anyways woe wip be upon us. turned oc into a lamb for the next series im in next week :)))
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neverlandfaerai · 1 year
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Somewhere in Tano, sometime in the past…
A pink whimsicott pushed warm sand over Nat’s shoulders, successfully burying his entire left arm. He’d been working hard to cover him entirely while Luxu made finishing touches on the sandcastle they started together. Now that the Whimsicott was almost done, the two could build a structure around their trainer.
In the distance, Gabe drew closer with something fishy at hand. He stopped in front of Nat.
Very unsuspectingly.
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The Whimsicott scrambled out of the way as sand quaked below him, and in doing so, unintentionally caught onto the wind. He drifted away from the unfolding chaos, watching the little human jump like a spoink and erupt in an draconic screech. Gabe’s laughter filled the air as he tripped over himself in his getaway, while Nat chased him around the beach.
The figures on the beach meshed and blurred as they moved, becoming part of the sand, becoming part of the ocean. A blueish purple hue took over as the event faded away with the tide.
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....🐉 ( END OF MEMORY ) 🐉....
[ NOTE: Nat, Gabe, Draconia, and Luxu belong to @asktheisle , asks should ONLY be sent to the Whimsicott Character when available!
I’m using their blog’s setting very temporarily with permission, all posts are shown to the mod before posting.
This post depicts a moment in time, I'll explicitly say when the Whimsicott is fully in present for asks. I have 1-2 more posts planned beforehand.
Feel free to send asks with general questions when this is posted, but the answered asks will happen in another location.]
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adraughtofamortentia · 9 months
I'm about 4 days away from submitting my research paper and finishing my masters degree 😭
i officially applied to graduate and everything!this has been the hardest 3 yrs of my life and completing this paper has been the bane of existence. it's actually terrifying to think about life post degree (I'm on my 3rd degree and have been in uni over 10 years straight). I have faced some of my toughest challenges during the course of this degree and have learnt lessons that can only be learned in hindsight. the mental health journey has been rough but really that's a whole other post. as I said, my toughest challenges.
I actually can't picture life outside of school but the thought of not having the 24/7 existential dread of homework has been keeping me going
when I finally submit I'm either going to hermit for at least 2 months or going straight to the club 💜
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lopsidedtreetrunks · 1 year
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Happy 10th birthday to The Song Ever
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rosicheeks · 3 months
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shinesurge · 4 months
i keep remembering my art tag is literally so old it doesn't work with the new tagging system and it's kind of obnoxious, is that like. annoying or inconvenient to anyone else, do people actually follow me for art besides actual comic pages lmao. should i try making an art-only blog again
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heisttheblackflag · 1 year
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happy one year anniversary to San Francisco AH Live!
- Trevor recognized me in the audience from this tweet
- I asked in the VIP Q&A “if you had an unlimited budget what would you want to make?” Geoff was really sweet and said he’s already been able to make everything he’s ever wanted. Joe said he wanted to make a podcast about rocks. he clarified he wanted to be able to talk about like moon rocks and meteorites and stuff, but not before the entire rest of the cast absolutely shit on him and continued making fun of him for it for the rest of the Q&A
- Jeremy sang “Impostor” live and absolutely KILLED it, his screams were even better than the recording it was so cool
- they did a karaoke dance party as the very last thing of the night and almost every single person in the audience voted to do a song from hsm but the link didn’t work so we did Africa by Toto instead
- there was a cheesecake with a mic on stage and people kept sneaking bites until finally Joe shoved the whole thing in his mouth at intermission. when they came back Trevor and Alfredo started screaming
- Tim Gettys and Alfredo had a really tearful beautiful moment with Alfredo’s grandma on stage, it was genuinely really incredible and touching. and then later on she came back out to threaten a bunch of the other AH members as a bit. I’m obsessed w her
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
i do fr need to work on differentiating between "actually middleclass" and "doesnt live paycheck to paycheck" lmao bc that is something i struggle with... obviously ik i have more in common with like. even somebody whos fr middleclass disney vacations every year. I know i have more in common with them than i do with bezos but god at least i dont have to see bezos being annoying in front of me every day KJANDJKLNLJD
#bc its like this. i obviously have way more contempt for a billionaire. obviously. but ive never met an actual billionaire yfm. and i Have#met middleclass ppl and A lot not all but a lot. are so insufferable and ikkkk not all of them or whatever but like. i constantly got shit#for being poor from middle class kids and like. ik im supposed to be class solidarity with them bc were all poor when compared to a#billionaire but goddd fucking damn they make it difficult . ik its like well the upperclass Wants the lowerclass and middleclass to be at#eachothers throats bc it means they dont pay attention to the upperclass walking over the both of them. i knowwww. but i can multitask#major in hating rich people minor in hating the middleclass...#THIS ISNT RLY RELATEDFTO THE LAST POST AT ALL i just have a lot of like. complicated feelings abt classism basicallyy.#like. i wouldnt wish poverty on anybody it fucking sucks. but as a kid i did sometimes fantasize abt swapping lives with my classmates who#had more money than me Not even bc i wanted to live their life but just so they would like. see the apartments i lived in and see the room#i shared with both of my siblings (weeman didnt exist yet lmao) and just like. look in the fridge. bc i just rly wanted ppl to get it lol..#there was this one assignment that was like. wants vs needs and ppl kept putting needs as like. A big backyard. vacation once a year. my ow#personal bedroom etc and ik they were kids but it was like. insanely frustrating to have these kids who had like. never had to live without#Wants. yk. bc then i would just write down like. food. shelter. water. thats it lmao i even had clothes as a want instead of a need. and#they were making fun of me bc my list was so short and its like . look man i have gone without these three things on multiple occasions. yk#and now i try to be like. its good that there are ppl who have never experienced that i dont want ppl to have to experience that especially#like. that was in 4th grade lol. i was 9. i shouldnt have been worrying abt bills and stuff and none of my classmates knew anything abt tha#and thats a Good thing they shouldnt have. but theres this selfish part of me that wishes they did KANDJNS bc its so insanely isolating to#have ppl like. interrogating you abt why your shoes are so worndown or why your winter jacket is too small yk. and you cant say 'my family#cant afford better/new ones' bc they dont even understand what money is. yk. IDK. im just very sensitive abt these kinds of things KANDNW..#perhaps a bit too oversensitive at times but yk. im working on it and im working on not being spiteful abt it bc like. yes it was isolating#but it was a good thing that the kids didnt relate to it yk. kids shouldnt relate to that and i shouldnt have felt that way bc no kid shoul#im also Ik i bring it up constantly but im still so mad abt that time my friends heard me say Yeah i have to go to court against my dad nex#wednesday . and they didnt say anything and then one of them went Ughhh my dad wont buy me the newest iphone hes buying me the newest#samsung instead But i have an iphone app that i spent 50 dollars on that wont transfer !!!!!! and then she endedup getting the iphone#anyways. sry ikk its grudge and i need to let it go but im still peeved... brinn there are people that are dying .#and also now i know that like. a lot of the other kids in my class Did understand and were just like. posturing. yk. a few of those kids#were from the same neighborhood as me lmao i was just too autistic to realize we werent supposed to be honest 💀 but yes. sry for this like#manifesto i am just thinking out loud..... well not bc this is text famously a written form of communication but we all understand. anyways
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frost0wl · 11 months
I'm so ready for winter actually. Let's go
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iero · 2 years
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snapbackslide · 4 days
reluctantly unmuted the canes on twitter for ✨reasons✨, and immediately got a canes reporter's tweet at the top of my dash, upon refresh. yay .. can't wait for this new era 😐
#i fear i can no longer ignore the reality of things#i've been staying quiet bc everyone is happy about it but i Am Not#take a shot every time i mention how i used to be a canes enjoyer because of a certain ✨someone✨#and these certain people ended up on the same team last year#and this year one's on the other's ex team and the other's on the one's childhood fav team#i love confusing myself by typing these without using names lol#not even sure why i'm avoiding them atp it started with simple reasons then got so complicated that it almost cancelled everything out#anyway. maybe i'll continue to stay quiet bc i don't really know what to say or how to feel anymore#haven't posted about ✨him✨ in 7 months. what's 7 more right?#i've said i will never stop loving him and i meant that with my whole heart i will never stop wanting what's best for him#i'm not even sure i'll ever love anyone as much as i've loved him. truthfully. it's that serious#the reason i understand what true love even means is bc of how i've felt for him for.. my gosh. 8 years now?#that doesn't even sound right. what the fuck. EIGHT YEARS????#i wanna be supportive but as a habs fan and someone who's been pissed off by c*rolina one too many times.... idk man !#idk. idk.#i think he's playing tonight so yeah i'm probably just gonna watch and support him this szn but won't be vocal about it online#it's the fact he went to one of the selective teams that are an absolute hell no for me lmao#we can make peace for just this season i suppose 🙄#the number change honestly makes it a little easier#rants
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scarlettcryptid · 1 month
hardcore projecting my avoidancy onto dabi in this soulmate au thing i started in november
#u know i had to do it to em#🤝🏼🧍🏽‍♀️🌳#should i just say f it and share my fic headcanons on this account#this account isn't linked to my writing stuff so . is it REALLY a spoiler if no one knoes what the hell im talking abojt#just kidding i can't share them bc what if someone connects the dots and finds out i like emotional intimacy#help i am so dramatic i have a writing blog and 2 god damn ao3 accounts#the main one is where i comment/bookmark/give kudos from#and the other one is my writing one#i do all that despite knowing no one gives a fuck#we'll see how i feel by the time i have 20 fics up#currently at 4 but the wips. the wips are crawling out from under my bed and grabbkng me by the ankle#they demand my attwntion SORRY but mommy has executive dysfunction#i was supposed to have posted 4 or 5 things by now so that i'd have time for the halloween stuff that come up next in my series 🥴#then i was gonna wrap it up with updates on the one year of which is valentine's day and white day#the other halloween thing i started last halloween could work too but i probably won't get in the mood to write it in time lmao#soulmate au was supposed to drop in june RIP#i have most of it's notes finished it's the actual writing that's kicking my ass. it feels so disorganized which is throwing me off#anyways this post is about that au but im actually working on the hero reader one#which i keep overthinking#ik a reader can have an ability and still not be an oc but hmmmm i dunno#the quirk is generic but i think bc i have actual ocs with that ability it is throwing me off lmao#i considered changing it to a water quirk but i think it'll stay cuz i like it more for the theme#also it'd make 1 scene annoyingly difficult#i guess i could just make it a rainy day huh#oh well it is staying. now to finish the prologue that i'll probably never post. gotta write it so i have a good idea of their dynamic#and feel the emotional weight? idk writer words bro i am jus fuckign around on#we chilling 😎#and by we i mean me and my headache#which i just gave myself#noice 😎
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psalmsofpsychosis · 2 months
i certainly didn't have "st*r w*rs director talking in a magazine intervew about lights***rs being a phallic symbol and the journey of Rey inside a "moist cave" and its implications" on my monday bingo card but i'm not complaining
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sheliesshattered · 5 months
oh wait, oh shit
today is May 13th. 103 years since that solarstorm I was just talking about
well okay then.
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