#I wanted to do a comic but... Ya know the story so here you have a little fic
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redgoldsparks · 2 days ago
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February Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut. You might notice the layout image looks different! I have switched to using the Storygraph wrap up :)
The Baker and The Bard by Fern Haught
A sweet, slight fantasy story focused on friendship. A baker and her friend, an aspiring bard, go on a little adventure into the forest looking for a specific type of mushroom. On the way they encounter some misunderstood magical creatures, a nonbinary fey, and only the smallest amounts of danger and conflict. The gentleness of the story makes it appropriate for, and I believe aimed at, a fairly young audience, definitely middle grade or early reader rather than YA. 
I Shall Never Fall in Love by Hari Conner 
This is a witty, well-written queer romance set in the mid-1800s, England. The story borrows heavily from Emma while still feeling like its own fresh tale, especially because of the inclusion of characters of color, queer characters, and a gender-nonconforming love interest. I was rooting for Eleanor and George all the way; both rooting for them to get together and also rooting for them to find the space to know themselves and express that authentically around the people they love! The art in this book is stunning, with beautiful colors, and so much thoughtful historical research went into the design of the houses, costumes, and world of these characters. Highly recommend, especially if you're a Jane Austen fan. 
Conversations with People Who Hate Me written and read by Dylan Marron 
I picked this book up after loving Dylan Marron's podcast The Redemption of Jar Jar Binks, a 6 episode miniseries that I find myself thinking about all the time. Unfortunately, I do think having listened to that already dented my experience of this book, because I already knew a chunk of the story from the podcast which made listening to the book feel a bit repetitive. However! I still finished and overall enjoyed Conversations with People Who Hate Me, which is about Marron's podcast of the same name, in which he called up folks who had left hateful comments on his youtube videos or facebook and just had a conversation with them. What prompted them to leave a hateful comment? What kind of values impacted how they saw the world? Might they change their mind if they had more evidence? Did they ever expect Dylan Marron to actually see their comment? (The answer to this last was almost always "no.") This is an interesting political moment to think about this project of deliberate, compassionate connection, and Marron is thoughtful about the privilege that allowed him the emotional bandwidth to pursue it.
You and Me, On Repeat by Mary Shyne
Time loop fans, rejoice! Mary Shyne has crafted a clever, gorgeous treasure box of a story. Part coming-of-age, part romance, part sci-fi, all heart. I was drawn in from the very first page, hooked with the stylish art and the intriguing premise. I fell so hard for Chris and Alicia and all of the stupidly teenage and deeply human choices that lead them into a pocket dimension of space-time. Who hasn't wanted a redo option on one of the most important days of their life? What would you do if trapped in a time loop of your high school graduation day? I left the book rooting for these two! I had the pleasure of reading this book early :) It's available for preorder now, or grab it from a bookstore in May 2025! 
You Are a Sacred Place: Visual Poems for Living in Climate Crisis by Madeleine Jubilee Saito
Saito reached a hand into some of my very own darkest climate crisis-induced depressive thoughts and drew me gently back into the light. We are all part of this natural world, and we are meant to be here, and it is good that we are here. Those things can be hard to remember sometimes, but these delicate comics underline their truth. I also got to read this early - It comes out March 25, 2025, so you can reorder it now or find it in bookstores soon.
Hey Mary! by Andrew Wheeler and Rye Hickman
Saints and stories come to vivid life in this compassionate story of a young man learning to balance his sexuality and his faith. For any readers out there trying to find space in their Catholicism for their queerness, I hope this book can light the way. Another one I got to read ahead of it's release! It's out on April 15, so you can preorder or book for it in bookstores and libraries soon.
Akane-Banashi vol 1 by Yuki Suenaga, illustrated by Takamasa Moue translated by Stephan Paul
As a child, Akane watched her father fail out of a program dedicated to training rakugo, traditional Japanese storytellers. Now in high school, she is pursuing the same career under the same teacher. This book has a lot of familiar series-set up elements- a rival older student, a series of fellow trainees, a reluctant mentor- but unfortunate didn't deeply capture me. I'm unsure if I'll continue on with this series.
She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat vol 4 by Sakaomi Yuzaki translated by Caleb Cook
THIS SERIES IS SO FREAKING CUTE! I love how it's diving into some of complicated and logistical realities of being queer in Japan. I also love how supportive the friend group is. Yuri fans you need to pick this up! 
Beautyland by Marie-Helene Bertino 
Adina is born in 1977 to a human mother on Earth; but she is not totally of this world. Some part of her is also an alien, attuned to a planet with a collective consciousness, far away in the stars. Through a lonely childhood in Philadelphia, Adina faxes notes and observations on human life to her far away family. She grows up as the child of a single, working class mother, with few friends, but a fierce commitment to live as her own singular self. I really enjoyed the light-handed prose, the short slice-of-life chapters, and the insightful look at what it feels like to grow up an outsider. Adina reminded me of myself; she reminded me of many of my other oddball, queer, trans, or asexual friends who have always felt out of step with the lives of those around us. It reminded me, yet again, that there is perhaps nothing more human than feeling like an alien among one's peers. 
The Lesson by Cadwell Turnbull read by Janina Edwards and Ron Butler 
Set on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands, this debut sci-fi novel wrestles with some big and weighty concepts. We are introduced to two families, neighbors, with their own interwoven concerns: a married couple struggling with relationship, a woman questioning her sexuality, a teen questioning her faith, a man yearning for more ambitious career and travel options in middle age. Then an alien ship arrives above the island and the book jumps forward 5 years in time to show how a powerful controlling presence has impacted the lives of everyone on the island. The Ynaa offered advanced medicines and technology to humans in exchange for staying for a time to do an unspecified type of research. But the co-existence is not peaceful: the Ynaa lash out with extreme violence over minor provocations. This tense situation cannot last. There was much to enjoy in this novel, and the audiobook was very well read by two narrators. I did think the final act suffered from some pacing issues, and a second time jump near the end worked much less well for me than the big time jump near the beginning. It was interesting to read this after having read Turnbull's second novel No Gods, No Masters which contains similar themes but with a much more complex story structure and much larger cast. 
The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn’t A Guy At All vol 2 by Sumiko Arai
I'm obsessed with these little rock-n-roll lesbians. This series gives me some similar vibes as Nana except sweeter, sillier, and hopefully heading in a much less tragic direction! The art is to die for, I spent so long just looking at every page in awe. Makes me want to draw more comics!
Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo and Me by Ellen Forney
This comic has been on my TBR for a decade and I'm so glad I finally picked it up! Forney's cartooning is so clear, articulate and accessible; it really opened up a window for me into the experience of being bipolar. I loved the many creative visual metaphors, the inclusion of sketchbook pages, and the self-compassionate tone. I can see what this book set such an early high standard in the genre of comics memoirs! 
Lone Women by Victor Lavalle read by Joniece Abbott-Pratt
In the opening scene, Adelaide Henry is spreading gasoline through the rooms of her childhood home in a farming valley in California in 1915, and over the bodies of her murdered parents. She leaves California with a rucksack and a steamer trunk, bound for Montana, where a woman alone can claim a plot of land. If she lives on it for at least three years and establishes a farm, she'll become the owner of the parcel. But can she really survive the harsh coming winter, the white supremacy of the nearby town, and the deadly family curse she's carrying? I really enjoyed the audiobook of this novel, but found myself pondering whether or not I felt like it fit into the horror genre, which is the primary genre tag on goodreads. Can a horror book have a happy ending? Is it horror is I don't feel like the narrative voice is trying to horrify me, rather show how marginalized woman can survive, even against extreme odds, by banding together? If I was shelving it I'd more likely to put this in historical fiction. 
The Deep by Rivers Solomon, read by Daveed Diggs 
Yetu is the historian for her underwater society, a group of deep sea merfolk who live in the depths of the Atlantic. She carries all of the memories, beautiful and painful, of their ancestors- pregnant women tossed overboard from ships during the years of slave trading. It is a great honor and a terrible burden to carry these memories, and Yetu thinks it might kill her to carry them alone. When an opportunity comes to leave the memories and her people behind, Yetu takes it. But who is she without her past and her people? I listened to this 4 hour novella on audio and enjoyed it a lot of a mythical alternate history. 
The Hundred Years War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..." -Lord Arthur Balfour, 1917, statement made on behalf of the British cabinet (page 24)
"For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country... The Four Great Powers are committed to Zionism." -Lord Arthur Balfour, 1919, confidential memo to the British cabinet (page 37)
"'If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living," [Ze'ev] Jabotinsky wrote in 1925, "you must find a garrison for the land, or find a benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf... Zionism is a colonizing venture, and therefore, it stands or falls on the question of armed forces.'" (page 51)
"In a cover letter to [President Woodrow] Wilson, the commissioners presciently warned that 'if the American government decided to support the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, they are committing the American people to the use of force in that area, since only by force can a Jewish state in Palestine be established or maintained.' The commission thereby accurately predicted the course of the subsequent century." (page 51-52)
This is an extremely well written, clear, concise book. The author draws extensively from primary source documents going back to 1895. His grandparents, his parents, and his immediate family lived through many of the events he outlines; he personally knew Yassar 'Arafat, long time leader of the PLO; he was an advisor to the negotiations between Israel and the PLO which began in Madrid in 1991 and ran (unsuccessfully) into 1993; he lived in Beirut through weeks of Israel bombardment in 1982; he and his father worked for the United Nations in the 1960s and sat through Security Council meetings on the Arab-Israeli conflict, including a meeting in which an intentional US political delay allowed Israel to make a preemptive attack on Syria. These personal anecdotes enliven what is overall a very grim history of broken treaties, broken promises, and conflict. I pulled the quotes because I want to be able to return to them later, to remind myself how clear it has been since the beginning that Britain and the US considered the Palestinian people necessary and acceptable sacrifices. 
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raccoon-crown · 10 months ago
Nine Travels 1: An explosive Greeting
In the middle of a dark alley, far from the sight of the traffic of the city, a glowing portal opened in the air and through it a small fox with seven metallic tails crossed towards that place, wrinkling his nose at the unpleasant atmosphere when he arrived.
-Ah, nothing better to remember the garbage dump I left than arriving to a new one - taking a look at himself, he realized that his appearance was quite similar to his usual this time - mmm... it seems that the frequency of this place isn't so different from New Yoke.
Extending a hand he closed the portal and before taking a look at his surroundings, deciding to scan the area before moving forward for security reasons he had to learn in his past voyages.
Opening his metallic tails to make way for his own two tails, he rose into flight to reach the top of one of the buildings around the alley. And once he was on the cement terrace, able to take a look into the distance, he finally managed to make out something that brought him a different idea than what he had preconceived from that world.
True, that place had technology ultimately as advanced as what he had seen in New Yoke and many other places, but that one in particular seemed much more alive than the place where he had grown up. With no alarming red symbols anywhere and flying transports at the disposal of other people and not only for a council of eggheads, this was certainly a place where he could perhaps fit in.
-Well, I guess this place has quite potential.
As much as he pretended not to be excited by the prospect of analyzing the technology of that new world, his furry tails moved with clear joy between the steel ones.
-Very good universe number 1723 - he read from the screen projected by the MTC, a habit acquired with the aim of avoiding falling back into a world that he had previously explored - let's see what you have to offer.
As if it were an answer, an explosion in a distant part of the city brought back more memories of his childhood, watching a column of smoke rise upward while the scandal of more explosions and screams moved through the streets, the little nine-tailed fox gave a sigh.
-Well, I this place was too good to be true - he exclaimed as he reloaded the MTC to look for another place to go, the last thing he wanted was to get involved in the war of another universe, again.
But before he had the chance to activate the portal, the roar came dangerously close to his position. His ears perked up alertly while his tails held him firmly to the concrete as the building he stood on shook with an impact.
Hearing the commotion of the local inhabitants, he momentarily suspended the activation process of the device in his hand to take a look around the edge of the building only to see how it was being consumed by flames and enveloped in smoke on one side.
-This must be a joke, I gotta get out of here - returning to his work, he typed on the holographic screen as quickly as possible until a familiar flash at the entrance of the building caught his attention.
Taking another look, he was able to discern how a rapid line of bluish tones entered and left the burning building constantly with people to evacuate them from the area.
He didn't have to be a genius, and he definitely was one, to know who it was. The only blue, fast airhead who would enter a building in pieces to play the hero.
And surely someone right in the middle of all that scandal in what could have been his favorite world.
-Right, I should have know that sooner or later I would meet that dumb hedgehog again - observing the scene he inspected the area in search of any flash or even yellow or orange stain in the area - if he is here then the other 'me' mustn't be far - turning around, he tried to leave the matter aside - that fox can take care of helping him this time.
The simultaneous explosions that shook the building where he was once again made him hesitate before returning to his teleporting device.
“He's fine,” he forced himself to think, “like always.”
And before he could rectify the mistake that had crossed his mind, his own memory had the courtesy to remind him how Sonic had once been one bar away from disappearing from existence in order to save the universe he came from.
What wouldn't another stubborn hedgehog like him be willing to do?
Letting out a loud snort, the fox ran a hand through the tufts of fur on his forehead while gritting his teeth.
-What an Idiot... - he shouted through his teeth - When will I learn to ignore that fool?
And before he had time to reconsider, he ran towards the edge of the building, with his tails ready to take flight in the middle of the smoke screen that surrounded the place.
As he began to fall, he managed to distinguish a few peculiar machines that had a certain similarity to some type of insect, flying over the building and shooting into it in the process.
Swallowing, Nine prepared his steel tails and began firing calculatedly at 7 of the peculiar machines, attracting the attention of the rest. The metal insects returned enemy fire more quickly than he had expected, forcing him to take evasive action while continuing to fire.
One by one, the steel bugs fell engulfed in flames until he finally chased what seemed to be the last of them into the damaged building.
-Are you trying to hide? Ha, how pathetic.
Squinting his eyes, he searched for his target as he landed on the unstable ground with his tails prepared either to attack or to flee in case of a collapse. Lifting his ears, he heard a peculiar humming sound and as he followed it he distinguished between the broken glass of the building the same fast line that he had seen before, but now he was able to perceive the peculiar machine that had followed the blue figure.
-Got you.
Following the pair's path across the floor of the building, he aimed two of his laser tails and waited for the right moment before shooting right at the center of the flying insect.
Letting go a smile with satisfaction, he watched the blue flash disappear at full speed over one of the corners, safely away.
-Well, that was fun, I guess that's enough of universe 1723 for one day...
A sharp irritation on the back of his neck alerted him, he reached it with hand only to feel a strange, delicate cylinder attached to it. Taking it out to see what it was, he felt as if the lighting in the room was dimming and the floor was shaking even more.
-What the hell…? – distinguishing the cylinder in his hands, he soon discovered that one of the ends had a delicate steel tip from which a purple liquid was dripping – this is… a syringe? No... a dart?
Staggering, he was not even able to coordinate his steel tails to support him before falling to the ground barely conscious while a weird silhouette approached him
-Ha…I knew I should…have left when I could.
And just like that, the little nine-tailed fox fell unconscious into a completely unknown world.
Well, that's it for my First contribution for the nine-tailed travel guide through the multiverse event of @donelywell !
This story is like a far away tale from the Carbon Copy AU I made! So if you have read the first two chapter of it previously take into account that from this point the story contains some spoilers from the main story.
That being said, just wait for more tales of Nine in this universe soon!
THIS IS THE FIRST - NEXT (already corrected link!)
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xiaq · 2 months ago
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Favorite fantasy series: The Folk of the Air. I do NOT understand the hate this series gets on booktok/IG. The world-building is immaculate, the politics are juicy, the writing is engaging, and the romance is a slow burn that’s secondary to the plot and character development. I will read anything that Holly Black writes.
Favorite sci/fi series: The Murderbot Diaries. These are quick, quippy, and satisfying reads. I would die for Murderbot.
Favorite romance series: Not sure if they count as a series since they’re all standalones in the same universe, but Ali Hazelwood’s books ft. Women in STEM having unrealistic romances gets an A+ from me. If you need easy beach reads with happy endings, go for one of these (Also, the first book started as Star Wars fic; neat!).
Favorite graphic novel series: I’ve been following the Heartstopper webcomic for years, but I finally purchased/ re-read the print books this year. If you want sweet, nostalgic writing with diverse queer representation and whimsical art, Heartstopper is for you. If you want a historical/educational story, I highly recommend the Marchseries, which is an autobiographical view of the civil rights movement by John Lewis. 
Favorite historical romance: I know I’m not supposed to judge a book by it’s cover, but I put off reading A Lady for a Duke despite rave reviews because I simply did not vibe with the cover. This was a terrible choice. I read this book in one euphoric sitting and then re-read it two additional times this year. The banter! The pining! The drama! 
Favorite fantasy: A Taste of Gold and Iron and its follow-up short novella Tadek and the Princess. These books may have changed my brain chemistry. I loved this world and its characters and the novella made me cry like a baby.
Favorite science fiction: The Martian. I’d read this before but I re-read it on a work trip and fell in love all over again. Such an excellent science-y sci/fi book that nonetheless feels very approachable and fun.
Favorite non-fiction: They Were Her Property is the driest book I read this year but the content was fascinating (and horrifying). If you want to interrogate your perception of white women’s role in slavery (and, to a lesser degree, the role of Christianity therin) — take your time, and be ready to adjust your worldview—especially if you think Gone with the Wind was an accurate portrayal of the south. How to Survive a Plague, on the other hand, is less dry—you can tell a journalist wrote it��but it’s very detailed. It’s rare that I don’t finish a book in one or two sittings, but this took me over a month. If you’ve ever wondered about the social history of the AIDS epidemic and how a diagnosis went from a quick death sentence to an easily manageable condition (and how hard grassroots movements had to work to get some fucking help to make that happen), this is for you.
Favorite comic: Infidel. Damn. The art. The narrative. So short but so impactful. This is horror, so be mindful.
Favorite graphic novel: This is a tossup between If You’ll Have Me, a sugary-sweet sapphic romance, and The Prince and the Dressmaker which is an equally adorable story about expressing ones true self regardless of social expectations.
Favorite WTF: Butcher and Blackbird and Bride. I’m still not sure how I feel about B&B but it was certainly an interesting way to spend two hours. Bride is on the list purely because reading the word “knot” on a print page instead of an AO3 tab felt illegal.
Favorite feel-good/comedy: Monstrous Regiment. I’ve read this book so many times and, after the election, I read it again. I doubt any other book will surpass what has become an emotional support story for me.
Favorite YA: Cemetery Boys (Magic! Mystery! Queerness!) She Drives me Crazy(Athletics! Misunderstandings! Enemies to lovers! Queerness!), and A Little Bit Country (Country music! Thinly veiled Dolly Parton references! Queerness!) (Hm. Seems to be a theme here).
Favorite Sports Romance: Icebreaker (the Graziadei one, not the Hannah Grace one). You know how a lot of hockey books (my own included) can be light on the actual hockey? Not the case with Icebreaker. The character development was lovely, but the hockey was divine. Graziadei clearly knows and loves the sport.
Favorite historical fiction: What the Wind Knows (Mystery! Time Traveling! Love! Ireland!) and Kindred (Mystery! Time Traveling! Love! The Antebellum South!).
Favorite Space Odyssey: Gideon + Nona the Ninth. I had to make a special category because neither sci/fi nor fantasy feels appropriate for this yet incomplete series which is as rollicking good fun as it is completely confounding. I still have no idea what’s happening but I can’t wait to read the next one.
Favorite pleasant surprise: A Court of Mist and Fury. I waited so long to read the ACOTAR series because I got such conflicting reports from folks. I took the advice of a reader I trust and powered through the first book. ACOMAF was worth the contextualizing journey. I loved it. I’m still working through the rest of the series but this book was an unexpected joy.
Least favorite book: Lol, no. We don’t play that game here.
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aishangotome · 2 months ago
[Azel] The Mean Unicorn's Greedy Desire (Bday Story) - Let Me Tell You a Secret About God - His POV
Part 3
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Gods are supposed to know everything.
That's what people tend to think, but it's not true.
Silvio: Huh? You don't even know how to celebrate a normal birthday?
A few years ago, Prince Silvio, who had come all the way to Tanzanite for a business discussion, was astonished.
He was so different from the person who had been engaged in a heated debate about new shipping routes just a few minutes ago.
Azel: Unfortunately not. For me, a birthday is a matter of state.
Azel: As a god, I don't celebrate others either. My blessings are a bit heavy for ordinary people.
Silvio: Certainly, considerin' your position, it's not strange...
Silvio: You have expertise in all sorts of fields, enough for me to come all the way here, yet you're ignorant of common sense.
Azel: I have to admit, I'm not interested in it either.
Silvio: Then why did you ask 'bout "how ordinary people celebrate birthdays"?
Azel: No particular reason.
Silvio: You don't wannna say?
Azel: Well, I heard that it's your birthday, Prince Silvio.
Azel: I'm not one to celebrate others, but I should try to win your favor, shouldn't I?
Azel: If I miss a big money opportunity, the name of god will be ruined.
There was no profound reason why he was interested.
He had just "seen" a birthday in a dream the other day.
The way they celebrated and their attitude towards birthdays were completely different from what he knew, and it was just a trivial matter that he brought up in casual conversation to correct the discrepancy in his knowledge.
Silvio: ...Well, whatever. Generally, people celebrate with a birthday cake and presents, don't they?
Silvio: In Benitoite, we add alcohol to that.
Azel: A birthday cake... such a thing exists.
Silvio: They have them in Tanzanite too, right?
Azel: They might, but I've never peeked into an ordinary household's celebration.
Azel: The birthday I know is about listening to people's prayers, giving them blessings, and receiving fine wine and food in return.
Azel: It's just a ritual.
Silvio: ...Somehow...
Silvio: For the first time ever, I feel sorry for ya.
Azel: If you feel sorry for me, please donate money.
Silvio: I'll give ya as much as you want dependin' on your "divination."
(Birthday cake...)
(...I wonder what it's like.)
The Apostle: Living God, on this momentous day, I offer my heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the people of Tanzanite.
The Apostle: Blessings to you, who were sent from the moon. May our country's path be blessed with prosperity.
---Several years later, the annual ritual celebrating the god's birth was held as usual.
(...This is so tedious.)
It was a monotonous job, simply looking down at the old man kneeling before the god sitting on the throne.
The king and officials in important positions were standing around, offering prayers to the god with almost comical earnestness and sincerity.
I stifled a yawn behind my pasted-on smile and glanced at the tightly closed screen.
(Is she not here yet?)
---A few hours earlier.
Emma: ...What kind of ritual is it that you have after this?
Azel: It's nothing much. It's a simple job where I just have to receive congratulatory words in the throne room.
Emma: ...You have work to do on your birthday?
Azel: That's right. Isn't it pitiful?
The girl from Rhodolite, who had come from a foreign land, furrowed her brows as she measured the ingredients she would probably use for the birthday cake, either unconsciously or intentionally.
Her face, which seemed to say "working on your birthday is unthinkable," probably showed sympathy, just like Prince Silvio.
It was only recently that I learned this was a normal reaction.
(She's a typical do-gooder. I almost feel sorry for her.)
When I ran into her in the city, while I thought I had been found by a troublesome woman, what came to mind was the conversation I had with Prince Silvio a few years ago.
I thought that if it was her, with her ability to judge things with an unbiased perspective, she might be able to let me experience an "ordinary birthday," something I had been curious about...
That thought, and stopping her, was the beginning of it all.
(Good people are good targets in every sense of the word. Poor thing.)
Azel: By the way, the pitiful story continues. There's a party to worship me after the ritual.
Azel: People try to praise me with good intentions and entertain me with fine wine and food, but it's troublesome—no, it's too much for me.
Azel: I'd love to refuse, but it's my birthday, so unless there's a very good reason, people won't let me off the hook.
Azel: Oh, I wish there was a kind-hearted soul somewhere.
Azel: If there was a woman with the most beautiful heart in the small country, she would surely extend a merciful hand to this poor god––
Emma: ...If I get you out of there, will it repay all of today's unreasonable debts?
Azel: Yes, thank you very much.
(See? This is how you get used again.)
The girl from the foreign land makes no attempt to hide her reluctant expression.
In front of the god, even tourists from other countries tend to show reverence and fear the mystery, but she doesn't.
What is reflected in her clear eyes, seemingly untouched by any impurity, is not the god sitting on the ceiling, but a wicked "person."
(There are others like her who are disrespectful, but I still like it. I like that I can act as I please around her.)
Azel: But you agreed more readily than I expected?
Emma: ...Because it's strange, isn't it?
Emma: Why does the birthday person have to do things they don't want to do on their birthday?
Azel: ...........
(I see, that's also "common sense," huh?)
(Birthdays are a day when selfish behavior is allowed, not devotion.)
(It's quite different from my common sense.)
The girl bows her head as if she has come to her senses.
Perhaps she's dutifully thinking that she "denied Tanzanite's culture."
(I don't care about that.)
Emma: I apologize––
Azel: You... do you enjoy it when your own birthday comes around?
I ask to correct the distortion in my perception.
Emma: ...Yes, I enjoy it. My friends celebrate with me every year.
(...Ah, I can picture it.)
Azel: So that's how it is.
Emma: Yes, that's how it is.
(I envy her.)
The conversation comes to a pause, and the girl continues making the birthday cake.
I can't help but follow her movements with my eyes, probably because I'm looking forward to it, unlike my usual self.
(...This year's birthday will be––)
Emma: Excuse me, Living God.
Just as I finished the congratulatory address and was about to be escorted to the banquet, the screen opened.
It seemed the girl with the most beautiful heart in the small country couldn't abandon the poor god after all.
I raise a hand to stop the attending soldier who tries to intervene.
Azel: It seems there has been a development with the matter I asked you to look into?
I beckon her to come closer to the throne.
The path surrounded by the country's dignitaries, such as the king and the apostle, must be quite intimidating for a commoner.
But the girl never lowered her gaze.
With a strong gaze and a dignified expression, she walks forward with confidence, so as not to arouse suspicion from those around her.
(What an impressive woman.)
I signal with my finger for the woman in front of me to lean closer to my ear.
She seems to be quick-witted, as she immediately moves close enough that no one else can hear us.
Azel: ...I haven't thought about what happens after this.
Emma: You mean you couldn't come up with anything?
Azel: Your face is known throughout the castle, so you can't disguise yourself as a maid.
Azel: Then what excuse could a mere traveling merchant have to summon the god? That's right, there is none.
Emma: ...You asked me to do this knowing all that?
Azel: Exactly.
(She's not stupid either... Well, I guess the woman who was appointed as Belle couldn't be incompetent.)
With the smile I reluctantly learned in my childhood, I look around again.
Azel: I apologize. I saw a sign of disaster and had her investigate it, but it seems I was right.
Azel: I want to return to the temple quickly and perform a divination, so I'll have to decline the banquet.
Enis: Disaster? Then, should we send soldiers...?
Azel: Her assistance alone is enough.
I rise from the throne and place a hand on the woman's shoulder.
What I felt was a tremor from her nervousness.
(...She really is something.)
Azel: It's rare for me to keep a woman by my side, isn't it? Are you sure you want to interfere with such a rare opportunity?
Enis: ...Well...
The Apostle: Enis, follow the Living God's wishes.
Enis: ...Understood. I pray for your safety.
The sight of all the dignitaries kneeling on the floor at once is comical no matter how many times I see it, and I quickly leave the throne room before a genuine laugh escapes me.
Emma: As expected, Prince Azel is silver-tongued. Just like a swindler.
Azel: You're quite the smooth talker yourself, aren't you? It's fine to hold a grudge, but don't forget there's such a thing as slander.
Having finally reached a place where there were no people, the woman seemed to be able to breathe a sigh of relief.
Azel: ...To be honest, I thought you would run away again.
Emma: If you're talking about this afternoon, I did come back properly after running away.
Azel: There's no guarantee that will happen next time, is there?
Emma: I keep my promises. Besides...
Emma: I've decided to celebrate Prince Azel properly today.
(...Even though she had no intention of celebrating when we met by chance.)
(I don't know what kind of change of heart she had...)
(But, thanks to your spirit, the birthday cake I ate for the first time was delicious.)
*flashback to earlier*
Emma: It's done! Birthday Special: Rose-patterned Fruit Tart!
Emma: I got a little carried away and made two cakes instead of one...
Emma: But it's surely just right for a hungry Prince Azel, right?
Emma: Once again, happy birthday!
*back to present*
(...That was the first time I've ever been celebrated like that.)
I learn another ordinary thing, and my divinity is chipped away.
That's more comfortable than anything.
(I'm satisfied. It would be fine to part now, but...)
Seeing the fatigue seeping into the woman's smile, I sigh.
(...I can't just give her nothing in return.)
There aren't many things that come to mind as a reward.
I don't know and am not interested in the preferences of a woman from a foreign country... especially one I've just met.
But I do know one thing, the best reward a god can give to a mortal.
Azel: This is far enough.
Emma: What...?
I brought her to this deserted oasis because if anyone saw us, it would cause a huge commotion.
What I'm about to give her is something that is extremely valuable to the people of Tanzanite.
(...Though I've never given it to anyone before.)
I turn to face the woman who bumped into my back when I suddenly stopped.
I brush aside her bangs and, recalling a document I read long ago, lightly kiss her forehead.
(...I'm starting to regret this now.)
The woman is dumbfounded, moving her mouth open and closed with a silly expression.
But I feel like I've done something just as foolish and stupid, and I forcibly push down the intense shame rising within me behind a smile.
Azel: The god of Tanzanite is a being who protects and guides all people equally.
Azel: Protecting the country in this wasteland is the very meaning of my existence...
Azel: It's normally unthinkable for me to favor an individual, especially a girl from a foreign land.
Azel: But, yes, just for today...
Azel: It wouldn't be bad to lavish blessings as a special service only to those who have offered their congratulations.
According to one theory, those who receive a god's blessing are guaranteed a life free from illness and disaster.
I think it's a ridiculous story, but as far as I can tell from reading all sorts of documents, it seems to be true. I think it's a matter of probability, but there's no evidence to deny the blessing.
(Though I don't understand why this is how the blessing is given...)
It's not that I believe in unrealistic things.
I just thought that the woman who gave me a human celebration deserved such a mystical blessing.
(But this is awkward.)
(Incredibly awkward.)
Because of the bright moon, I can see the woman's flushed cheeks.
It's unbearably embarrassing.
Azel: Well, it doesn't come cheap.
Emma: There's a fee!?
Azel: Of course.
Emma: That's a scam...
Azel: A complaint? You've got guts. It's amusing to criticize a god's blessing.
Emma: .......
As I rattle off a series of words, the woman suddenly bursts into laughter.
Her idiotic expression from a moment ago completely changes, and she starts making an infuriatingly smug face.
Azel: ...What is it?
Emma: Nothing, it's nothing.
(...Damn it...)
(Oh, I know, I know. If I can see your expression...)
(That means you can see mine too, right?)
My shame finally reaches its limit, and I force a smile, though I'm irritated––
Azel: Stop that face.
Emma: Ow, that hurts...!
Even though I pull on her soft cheeks, the smugness doesn't disappear from the woman's face.
That only fuels the heat that won't go away.
Azel: The god will never protect you again. Goodbye.
When I turn my back and try to escape, she immediately grabs my sleeve.
Emma: Please don't say goodbye! I was happy!
Emma: It means that my cake was worthy of a blessing, that it was that much of a celebration for you.
Emma: That blessing just now, was it a thank you for the birthday cake?
(It is... it is, but...)
I put strength into the fingers I place on her cheek again.
Azel: ...That's kind of annoying.
Emma: Ow, that hurts!?
Azel: You're seriously misunderstanding. It's not like I want to thank you.
Azel: I just thought I'd add to your debt since I had the chance.
(...Making excuses like an idiot will only make me feel more pathetic.)
I can't even look the woman in the eye anymore.
Emma: ...I-I understand.
Emma: I'll... I'll pretend that's what it is.
Azel: You don't understand at all.
Perhaps I've tormented her cheeks too much, as the woman shows a sign of resistance.
I loosen my grip, but I'm still not satisfied.
Azel: You disrespectful person.
Emma: ...S-Sorry?
Azel: Don't make it a question.
(...Calm down.)
(I'm a grown man. I don't want to be any more pathetic than this.)
(Just be honest. It's a simple task.)
Azel: It's not a thank you, but... it wasn't bad.
Azel: You're the only one who would dare celebrate a god's birthday as a human.
Azel: ...You're the only one, unique to me.
(...I can't thank her with words after all. Let's part ways.)
I let go of her cheek and turn my back on her for real this time.
Emma: I was also happy to make an important discovery today.
Azel: Doesn't sound worth hearing. Goodbye.
Emma: Prince Azel is actually shy--
(Damn it!)
Emma: Ow! Ow, ow, ow!
Hearing such an outrageous insult, I couldn't help but pull on her cheek.
Azel: Say that again. I'll sue you for insult and throw in a divine punishment as a bonus.
Emma: That's not fair...!
(It can't be helped.)
*flashback to earlier*
Emma: I wasn't trying to feed it to you!
Azel: Well, don't do anything confusing.
Emma: ...Eh?
Azel: ...?
Emma: Did you really misunderstand that?
Azel: I didn't misunderstand. You looked like you wanted to feed me, so I reluctantly played along. For a fee.
Emma: A fee!?
Azel: I need more apples. Offer more. Then I'll waive the feeding fee.
Emma: Please hold the fork properly this time.
Azel: ...Shut up. This is my first time doing this.
*back to present*
Azel: Let me tell you a secret about god.
I raise the corners of my mouth as I pinch her cheek.
Azel: I'm petty.
Emma: That's not a secret!
(It is a secret.)
(...It's only with you that I become this petty.)
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eternalmoonlight18 · 6 months ago
Please Please Please (Don't Prove 'Em Right) Chapter 6
Trafaglar Law x afab Female!Reader
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Chapter warnings: slight mentions of doing the nasty. MDNI!
You are the Heart Pirates' beloved cook and sniper. However, you were also an insufferable troublemaker who always seemed to get on Law's nerves. He swears he's going to get rid of you one day, but as much as he hates it, why does he find you fascinating? Was it because you reminded him of someone he was greatly fond of?
As your relationship with Law grows, he only hopes you don't fucking embarrass him. After all, he has an image to uphold as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
This story starts off as short stories between (Y/N), Law and the Heart Pirates, then picks up into the One Piece canon timeline, starting from Punk Hazard. This is a slow-burn Law x Female Reader story!
Updates every Monday!
Cross-posted in Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57651295/chapters/146705491
Chapter 6: Chicken Feet
Chapter summary: You and Law leave the crew behind to journey to Punk Hazard. You meet Monet, but seeing Law and Monet together makes you uneasy. Chaos ensues when your jealousy reaches to new heights each time you catch them together.
A/N: HELLO! Thank you so much for your patience friends! Writer's block is gone and it's time to get rolling! This story is canon-compliant, but it's not going to follow the actual story 100%. This isn't proofread so yeah sorry lol
Also CW/TW: slight mentions of the nasty if you squint, use your imagination folks.
I also created a taglist. Let me know if you want to be a part of it!
wc: 4k
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You were instantly hit with regret when you and Law stepped foot at Punk Hazard. It was a month since you and the captain dropped off the crew at Zou to assist him in his mission to stop Doflamingo, but you desperately wanted to turn around and return for them. But it was too late, and Law seemed amused with the sight of you shivering in the vast cold land of the half of Punk Hazard. 
"Wow, it's not that cold here," Law said sarcastically as he walked towards a large door by a mountainside. While keeping his head forward, you saw him look at you with a smirk on his lips. Annoyed by your captain's sarcastic remark, you stooped to the ground to grab a handful of snow and chucked it at the back of Law's black coat. The man chuckled, clearly unbothered by your tantrum.
"Shut up! If you told me that we would travel to the fucking Arctic, I would've dressed better!" you comically spat at him. 
"I told you (Y/n)-ya, you should've worn that boiler suit." the man tutted back at you.
There was no arguing that. You fought tooth and nail against your captain on wearing anything else but those damned boiler suits, and now you're paying the price for it. So you opted for a cute black fur coat that went down to your knees and black leggings, but it was not enough to keep you warm in the insane cold environment of Punk Hazard 
"I'd rather die than wear those ugly boiler suits! We're not with the crew anyway!" you argued back.
You and Law now stood in front of a giant steel door. With his slender finger, Law knocked on the door. A few seconds passed before the door scrapped open, revealing a pale white man with spiked black hair. He stood very tall, but he didn't have any legs as it was replaced with gas. His yellow eyes bore into you and Law before his lips turned into a sinister smile.
"Well well well! What do we have here? Shuorororo!" the man creepily giggled. "A warlord at my doorstep? I'm honoured!" Then he took a look at you who was behind Law, and his eery smile widened even more. "And you brought along a sweet treat!"
"Caesar Clown. I came here for some business with you." Law said with a calm demeanour. Although he spoke professionally, there was a slight tone of aggressiveness. "I've heard about your production in SMILE fruits and SAD and I'm greatly intrigued. So, I'm offering that we can be business partners, to help you with production and distribution."
"And why should I engage in a partnership with you?" Caesar questioned.
The tattooed doctor hummed before he gave his answer. "You can use my Warlord status as protection."
The pale man smirked, "I already work for a Warlord. I won't disclose his name, but the JOKER already compensates me well."
"What about extra protection from another Warlord?" you piped up behind your captain.
The two men looked at you. Law stared at you with amusement while Caesar held a bewildered expression.
"That doesn't seem to be a bad idea. Good thinking (Y/n)-ya." your captain said with praise. He then turned his head back at the gaslike man. "The JOKER may be a good employer, but he will backstab you Caesar-ya. But with me, I can be that backup plan just in case things go wrong with your little business, hm?"
"Little?! For your information, my work is greatly sought after! I am the second-best scientist in the world and my work and weaponry directly supply an Emperor of the Seas!" Caesar scoffed.
You stepped up and took your place beside Law. "More of a reason to partner with my captain! If all goes to shit with the production of SAD, who do you think is first to blame?" you piqued up.
That seemed to get the mad scientist thinking. "Well well. You're not just a pretty face after all. Shurorororo!" 
Even though you cringed at the compliment, you couldn't help but swell with pride, seeing that Law gave you a tiny smile of appreciation your way. 
"The two of you come inside! I'm warming up to this idea of being business partners with another Warlord..."Caesar started to ramble as he ushered the two of you inside the facility.
You really wanted to go back to the Polar Tang now.
The facility wasn't bad at all. Everything was provided: space, a place to rest, and food. But you felt that something suspicious was going on and you couldn't figure out what it was. Law refused to tell you why he wanted to stay on Punk Hazard, but you understood it was all to avoid compromising the mission. He even exchanged his heart with Monet, another person staying in Punk Hazard, so that no one could betray one another.
Speaking of Monet, you hated the woman. Something about here didn't sit right with you, but you couldn't figure out why.
As you walked the laboratory corridors, you spotted that a research room had its door slightly cracked open. Curiosity got to you, prompting you to peek inside. Standing at the door, you touched your chest and muttered 'Calm'. With the newfound Devil Fruit powers you gained a month ago, you could take away sound from yourself and your environment. And it proved very useful now that you were peeking in this room.
There, Monet was sitting on a chair, writing notes on a desk. To her left, was Law, sitting on a couch to her right and Caesar was standing in front of him. They were engaged in a conversation, and you couldn't help but listen in.
"So, you're Trafalgar Law. Also known as the Surgeon of Death. You hail from the North Blue. You ate the Op-Op Fruit." she spoke as she was writing away.
Law glanced at her as she continued to speak. "You also brought your subordinate, (Y/n). A formidable sniper and a cook at the Heart Pirates. She hails from the East Blue. You said she ate a Devil Fruit recently but no information about its type."
Monet turned from her chair to face the two men to her right. "There are former prisoners that are on this island who were affected by a poison gas. Can you heal them?" she asked. 
Your captain continued to stare at her. Meanwhile, Caesar continued the conversion. "I'll let you and your subordinate stay here, so long as you assist me and don't tell anyone else about this lab. Are we clear Trafalgar?" 
"So be it. Also, you are not to tell anyone that (Y/n)-ya and I are here. That includes Joker alright?" Law said firmly.
A light giggle passed Monet's lips. "Caesar, I say that it's fine that he stays here. Besides, he's cute," she said as she threw a wink in Law's direction, much to his dismay. 
An unpleasant shiver went down your spine as your chest started to tighten. 
Now you really didn't like her. That was strike one. 
 A week slowly went by as you and Law stayed at the Laboratory. You found out that there were children and giant children, who were staying at the lab because Caesar said he was finding a cure for them. Of course, you didn't believe him, and you took it upon yourself to find out that the kids were actually guinea pigs for Caesar and his messed up experiments. But with your given circumstance, you knew that Law had a plan to take down Caesar and the SAD factory, so it was a matter of being patient with him. So the most you could do right now was feed the kids and keep them safe. 
Tonight, you made the kids spaghetti and meatballs, and when you presented it to them in the Biscuit Room, which was where they were staying, they all cheered joyfully.
A small smile graced your lips as you watched the kids eat the dinner they made you.
"This is amazing (Y/n)!" a giant girl named Mocha exclaimed. She wolfed down her portions and reached out her bowl to you. "Seconds please!"
"Good thing I made two buckets full of spaghetti, you kids got big appetites!" you giggled as you gave the girl another portion. 
"I'm so glad you came here! The food you make is awesome!" A blond boy named Sind cheered.
The rest of the kids shouted with joy as they continued to eat. As you were serving the kids their second portions, you didn't realize that Law walked into the room and made his way beside you.
"Oh, hello Mr. Snow Leopard!" A giant kid named Konbu called out.
You turned your head to see your captain with a sour face. He was not fond of the nickname the kids had given him.
"Hey, Captain Snow Leopard. Fancy you seeing here." you teased.
"Don't be copying these brats too (Y/n)-ya, address me properly." he scowled. 
A cackle left your lips while you prepared a plate for him. "Oh, don't be mean. You know these kids are going through a hard time by being here, and we're the only ones decent enough to take care of them."
"You're forgetting that Monet takes care of them as well," he answered back as he reached out to take the plate of spaghetti from your hands.
The smile on your face fell as Monet's name was mentioned. Your grip on the plate tightened as Law tried to take it.
"I see that you're getting comfortable with Monet, are you captain?" you said in a high-pitched voice, laced with discontent. A smile appeared on your face again, but it was clear that you were irritated.
"I would like a plate of spaghetti please." your captain said as he tried to pull the plate away from your iron grip. 
"Hm, I don't feel like giving it to you now." you singsonged. You pulled the plate away from his tattooed hand and gave it to Mocha instead.
"Are you mad at me?" Law gritted, clearly irritated by your actions.
"I don't know Cap, did you do something to piss me off?" you shot back at him.
The doctor grabbed the collar of your black jacket and brought your face close to his. "Don't start this again (Y/n)-ya. If you have an issue then spit it out." he lowly said. 
You raised your right hand which was holding a pair of tongs, and smacked Law's head with it. The tattooed captain let go of his grip on you and proceeded to clutch his head as he stumbled back in surprise.
"You're a smart man, figure it out yourself!" you shouted at him. 
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Law shouted back.
The two of you grabbed each other's collars and started to hurl more insults at each other.
The children watched the quarrel between you and Law with amusement. They started to whisper amongst themselves.
"They're funny!"
"They remind me of my mom and dad. Now I miss them..."
"Wow, I've never seen (Y/n) this mad before, it's funny!"
You and the tattooed captain were butting heads until Monet made her way into the Biscuit Room.
"Time for your candy!" she called out. The kids dropped their plates and proceeded to run toward the green haired woman. 
Pulling away from your captain's collar, you started to clean up the plates and utensils littered on the floor. "There's your woman," you muttered while cleaning up.
"Hm?" Law said, "What did you say?"
"Hi, Monet! Did you want some spaghetti? I made some for dinner!" you called out while ignoring Law.
Monet made her way to you. "Oh, I would love some!" Then she looked at Law and smiled. "If you haven't eaten yet, would you like to join me for dinner Trafalgar?" 
Law 'tched' in response. In the corner of Monet's eye, she saw your face deepen into a scowl. The sight of you being mad made her smile
That fucking woman was pushing you buttons and she was enjoying it. The handle of the pot started to crack as your hand gripped as tight as ever in anger. However, you managed to shove down your emotions and flashed a fake smile towards her and Law. The doctor raised his eye in skepticism as he saw you set down the pot and prepare two plates of spaghetti.
"Oh, how nice would that be? Here you go! You two enjoy dinner!" you said with fake cheerfulness. Shoving the plates into their hands, you quickly scrambled to set the plates and pots into the rolling cart and sped out of the Biscuit Room. 
"Thank you (Y/n)! Your cooking is always delicious!" Monet thanked you.
The tattooed captain just stared at your back as you were leaving the room. He knew something was up with you. Sighing in exhaustion, he brushed your behaviour aside as he started to think about the mission he was currently in. 
Unbeknownst to Monet and Law, you were unbelievably angry and veins started to pop on your forehead as you made your way back into the kitchen. Heavy stomps echoed throughout the hallway as you angrily pushed the food trolley. With your hands tightly gripping onto the trolley bar, you took a deep breath and sighed. 
That was strike two. One more strike and you were going to beat both of their asses to the snowy grounds of Punk Hazard. 
You heard that Law agreed to give Caesar's henchmen limbs. It was one of the conditions that Caesar implemented for you and the captain to stay at Punk Hazard, aside from exchanging the literal hearts of Law and Monet to prevent backstabbing.
So when you were walking across the halls of the laboratory and heard the deathly screams of grown men echo throughout, you weren't surprised. 
"Looks like the captain is performing surgery today." you giggled as you skipped along the hallway. Deciding that you wanted to see the disembodiment in action, you quickly followed the sounds of agony. But as you were nearing the door, the screaming suddenly halted. As you slowed down your pace, you quietly made your way to the door and heard light shuffling and Monet's voice, You leaned up against the door with your right ear to listen.
"Alright, I'm ready Trafalgar," Monet said. "Are you sure this won't hurt?"
More shuffling was heard until Law spoke up. "First time? Don't worry, I'll stick it in slowly."
Your entire body froze as your mouth dropped in horror. "What the hell are they doing in there?!" you hissed to yourself. 
You heard a light grunt and a sharp inhale. More shuffling.
"Oh my, that's kind of big now that I look at it," Monet commented. "It feels weird too."
"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," You heard Law reply. "Now, hold still, I'm going to shove it in."
Oh that was it. That was strike three. And you know what they say. Three strikes and you’re out. And by out you meant that you were going to kill your captain and that green-haired witch.
Your mind short-circuited as you assumed that your captain and that damned woman were up to no good. With your mind and heartbeat going 100 miles per hour, you grabbed the handle and swung the door wide open, screaming; "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THERE?!"
And as soon as you laid your eyes upon Law and Monet, your heart stopped and your feet were stuck in place.
There they were, with Law's back facing you and the green-haired woman lying on her back on the couch. The doctor's left tattooed hand was holding onto her right leg which was up in the air. Your captain's face was turned to you with his face widening in horror, and Monet tilted her head to the left to look at you. 
What set you off was when Monet glanced at you, her long green hair was dishevelled.
Steam started to blow through your ears as you glared hole into Law and Monet. Your entire body started to shake uncontrollably as your chest heaved up and down aggressively.
Realizing that he was caught in a position that already caused a great misunderstanding, Law quickly let go of the leg he was holding onto and scrambled to make your way towards you. What you failed to see was that Monet's left leg was now replaced with a giant talon.
"(Y/n)-ya, you can't just barge into here while-" he started but you cut him off.
Unable to think straight, you stomped past your captain headed towards the large bird talon on the desk in front of the couch. As you picked it up with your right hand, you whipped your head to glare at the insufferable woman lying on the couch.
"You've got some nerve seducing my captain like that!" you shrieked as you swung the limb towards Monet. She promptly dodged your attack and screamed, running away from the couch and onto the other side of the room.
"(Y/n)! It's not what you think! He just-" she started to explain before you swung at her again.
"I don't want to fucking hear it!" you screeched as you chased the poor limping woman around the room.
"Shambles!" Law grunted. And as soon as he said it, you swung the talon once more towards Monet, only to knock down a bookshelf onto the floor.
You whipped your head to face the captain once more. Law shuddered as he saw your eyes glimmer with hate. It was screaming bloody murder, and he was on the receiving end of it.
"YOU! Oh, you've got some nerve! You men disgust me!" you screeched as you stomped towards the doctor. With your left foot planted in front, your right arm swung up, reading to assault the man with the bird limb.
"(Y/n)-ya wait! Whatever you're thinking, we didn't do it!" he yelped as he jumped to the side to avoid your attack. However, he didn't know that you were quick enough to see through his actions and the back of the talon hit him on the side of his head, which successfully smacked him to the ground.
Your left hand reached out to the pistol that was hoisted on your hip. You drew it out and pointed it to the man on the floor, "Falling for a woman like that? How despicable! I-!" you started to lecture, but your voice drowned out as you realized that your outburst of anger took all the energy out of you.
"I-" you started to speak but your voice failed you. As your hand fell back to your side, you started to wonder why you acted like that. Even if they had something between them, it wasn't your place to care, unless you were...
"...Jealous? Are you jealous (Y/n)-ya?" Law called out as you returned to your senses. The discomfort that once reflected in his eyes was replaced with amusement as his mouth raised in a smirk.
Your eyes widened at the revelation as your heart started to pound. A bright red flush appeared on your cheeks.
"There's no way," you muttered. The limb that once was on your hand dropped to the ground as you stumbled back in shock. Glancing at Law, who now stood up with his arms crossed, you shot a nasty glare as the smirk on his face widened even more. 
"Why would I be jealous?! I was just protecting your dignity!" you sputtered. The captain made a stride towards you as he chuckled.
"What a stupid reason. You expect me to believe that?" he teased. 
He was now looming in front of you as you backed up to a wall. Your head was bowed down in embarrassment as you refused to look into his steel grey eyes. 
"I wasn't jealous..." you lowly muttered.
"Somehow that's not believable," Law answered back. He dipped his head to your eye level so that he could make eye contact with you, but you whipped your head to the side, still refusing to meet his eyes.
Amused by your sudden 180-degree change in mood, your captain stood straight up, placed his hand on the back of your head, and kissed your forehead.
The once freezing temperature of the laboratory now skyrocketed into a burning hot sensation as Law made an out-of-character advance toward you. Whipping your head up to face Law, your face was now burning hot with more embarrassment.
"Captain! What was that for?" you yelped in surprise.
Law simply chuckled. "Sometimes, I wonder what goes on on that interesting head of yours. One minute you're beating me with a bird limb and then the next I find out it's because you're jealous."
You shoved away the man in front of you and pouted. "I am NOT jealous! I just had to straighten you up and remind you that we're on a mission here!"
"Oh please, if anything, you were the one who forgot that we had a mission (Y/n)-ya." he retorted. 
"Whatever, now help me clean up this mess," you sneered as you proceeded to pick up the fallen books that you knocked down from your rampage. The tattooed captain chuckled and proceeded to assist you in a comfortable silence for a while before he spoke up again.
"(Y/n)-ya?" he said as he hoisted up the fallen bookshelf.
"Yeah what is it cap," you said with disinterest as you continued to collect the fallen items. 
"You know you'll always have me right?" he announced.
Your heart picked up slightly at the confession. Then A smile graced your lips as you turned your head to face Law. "Shut up and put that bookshelf up, Cap," you finally said as you tried to dismiss your feelings. 
The captain sighed as he shook his head. A rumble of laughter started to escape his chest, and you followed suit. Amidst the chaos that happened in one of the laboratory rooms, you and Law couldn't help but share one of the many moments you had with one another, even though the two of you were far away from home.
Bonus Scene:
In the Polar Tang, the Heart Pirates were nowhere to be seen. That was because all of them were inside the captain's quarters, staring at a small book at the captain's desk. The cover of the book read 'Journal'.
"So, should we open it?" Penguin asked, with his hand hovering over the notebook. 
"Yeah man, let's do it!" Shachi affirmed.
"Guys, what if the captain finds out?" Bepo chittered.
"You idiot, there's no way he'd find out if he's not here!" Ikkaku chided the Mink.
"Sorry..." Bepo muttered.
 Penguin picked up the book and slowly opened it. "Alright you guys, here we go..."
Everyone leaned in and peered over Penguin's shoulders as the notebook opened. As soon as the first page was opened, a bunch of folded envelopes fell out and scattered on the ground. The entire crew crouched down and picked them up.
"It's addressed to (Y/n)," Hakugan announced.
"This one too." Jean Bart said.
"This one as well!" Uni called out.
"Wait a minute, are these all love letters for (Y/n)? And he never gave them to her?" Shachi said bewilderedly.
"Guys, captain's journal is just filled with yearning for (Y/n)!" Penguin cackled as he skimmed through Law's journal.
The whole crew burst into laughter as they crowded around Penguin once more to read what the captain had to say about you.
@hopelesslover06 @shakysif @eyes-ofhell @letmereadchristonabike @bi-narystars @valval08 @urbisexualfriend @emmaiscool22 @deathsmajestysworld @sp1ng @kitsunechan707 @orange-milky
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tripleglitchwriting · 3 months ago
Kinesthesis 3
Jazz/Prowl/HumanReader first contact AU
Part 2
I am so sorry this took so long 😭 but I finally got something out! This was written over the course of multiple months so if it’s inconsistent that’s why. Over my impromptu hiatus I’ve grown as a writer and as a person so that will probably change the way this story goes, but not to worry! I still plan on carrying on with this fic.
Be aware that I may not remember things about that last two chapters before this because it’s been a while. If you find any mistakes, let me know!
Also, thank you to the anons that encouraged me to keep going! This one goes out to you.
So, now you have quite a few problems. Not only were the ‘robots’ alive, they were also obviously damaged and asking for your help. Your help. Of all people. You still didn’t know where they came from, if someone was piloting them, how they got here, what that blue liquid was, or why one of them only made weird metallic scratching sounds. That one in particular really freaked you out when it first started ‘speaking’. At the time, you immediately assumed there was a metal demon somewhere coming to eat you.
Instead of that, they were just giant robots asking for your help in the middle of asscrack nowhere. Very simple. Foolproof, even. Nothing wrong there.
“I’m… going to get to work.” You told the one apparently named ‘Prowl’. He didn’t make any sputtering noises at you this time, so you took that as your go-ahead.
He was huge. Well, you knew that, but it was still jarring. You had to literally climb him to get to his wounds. Delicately placing your rag to the injured spot on his neck, you could feel the pump of something akin to a heart under the metal. Now that was weird. Wait, maybe it was just a fuel pump of somesort. He couldn’t… it couldn't have an actual heartbeat, right? Robots don’t have heartbeats.
That isn’t possible.
After a bit of cleaning up blue liquid and trying not to cut yourself on shards of metal, a realization dawned on you. These guys were more complicated than you thought. Really, a robot shouldn’t have this much… everything. They shouldn’t have half of whatever parts are in them. What kind of coding was driving them anyway? What fuel did they even use? The blue stuff?
Oh, who are you kidding. They aren’t robots. They can’t be. They can’t just be robots. They fell from the sky, of course they can’t be robots! Your heart picked up its already erratic pace, yet even with shaky hands, your work took priority.
Soon after there wasn’t a hole in Prowl anymore. Not one on his neck, anyway. You counted that as a win. But seeing as there were way more lacerations, dents, and cuts all over both of them, you definitely had the rest of your work cut out for you.
Simple. Foolproof, even. Nothing wrong there.
Jazz, with his sight still mostly busted, anxiously awaited some sort of indicator that the person helping them was actually patching up Prowl. They seemed pretty stunned earlier. Scared. He had assumed they’d run away and get help. That would be a more reasonable reaction, right?
Obviously it was probably better that they didn’t, this was a completely new planet after all. They’d be scrap if it weren’t for this random person helping them out. This person that is native to this new planet. With… no knowledge of Cybertronian biology- oh scrap. This person had no idea what they were doing!
“W – it! Wa– a - i!” Staticy, barely understandable garble came out of his vocalizer. He heard a tiny peep out of the little guy and a kind of ‘hrmph’ from Prowl.
“What? What is it? Did I do something wrong?” They squeaked in a comically high-pitch tone. “I- I’m sorry, I- know mechanics but this is kind of different and I don’t want to hurt anybody I just-”
“Y- yo- u kno- me- c– nics?”
“Um, yeah, it’s what I do. For school.”
“S- – -ry f’r t--e frig–t, I’m j-st co– m– in’ to–my–sen s- s- ses, an’ rel-i’ed wher– we ar’... an’ I don’ kn- kn- kn- – -w… ca—n– ya- re- – -y fi- x us?”
“O- oh, n- now yo- -y questi- on it?” Prowl commented from the sidelines. Jazz deliberately ignored him.
“I mean, I can, I just need some time to figure everything out… i- it doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“W- Wha-t’s’t sayi- in- ing?”
“A- askin’ i- if it- it- it- hu- – -ts.”
“O- of co- rs’ it h-urts!”
“Wait, what’s he saying?”
Jazz cringed for a moment, realizing just how taxing it’s going to be on him to keep translating. Of course, he decided to use it to his advantage. Why not have some fun in the face of certain death?
“H- he s’ys h’s t—ckl’sh.”
“Oh, um, okay. Does that mean you guys can’t feel pain? Like, can I go harder with this? I have some power tools I can use back in—” Okay. Bad plan.
“N- N- N-O we C- – -N Fe’L It!”
“Oh, um, can or can’t?”
“C- C- C- C- CAAIIIEEEZZZZzzzt!” His vocalizer gave off a pointedly unpleasant sound just before shorting out.
“Is that… should I know what that means?” Jazz took a second to reset his vocalizer.
“N- n- n- o… b- b’t w– fe’l pa’n… i–t h- – -rts…”
“Can feel pain, got it. Um, is your voice okay? I can try fixing it… if that’s a thing I can fix…?” As much as he appreciated the gesture, Jazz wasn’t ready for that kind of operation.
“N- n - o thn’ks.”
“Alright… I’m gonna keep going here then.”
It was then, nearly offline, cut off from most forms of communication, on a completely alien planet, that Jazz realized this might be a little bit too much to handle.
“Y- y- you—re an ‘di—ot.”
“M- ay’e… bu— ‘least I c’n t- t- ta-k to ou- fr’nd ‘ere.”
“It’s Wh—lja’k, o- of c-cou’se I d- di—-nnooowoowOWW!” Jazz heard a loud crash followed by a tiny scream.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry, what did I do? I- I didn’t know, oh my god…”
“Wh—t? —at ‘appe— d?!”
“I- I’m sorry, I think I hit something, I’m so sorry!”
“Pr—ler? P—owl!?”
He got a groan in response. A groan and a new, distinct, clear sound.
“—bbzzzt —- bzzzt ——tobots! This is Optim— —ime. If yo- can hear thi-, heed my call. The Arc is inoperable. Most of you are scattered across an alien world. While I do not know where the Decepticons have landed, I can confirm they are on the planet with us. Do not lose hope here, my friends. For the fate of Cybertron and the remaining Autobots rests in your capable servos. Attached to this message are the coordinates to the Arc, I will be waiting for you there. Good luck—- bzzzt —— bzzzt—-!”
The three sat in silence. While he couldn’t see the hologram that was most likely coming from Prowl’s projector, he heard what the message contained. They were safe. Optimus was safe. And he once again had a goal to achieve.
“Wh- what the hell was that!?”
“Th’nk Pri—us…” Prowl whispered.
“It -as… a- a- f- fri—nd.”
“Oh, okay. What did your friend say?”
“Th— w- we ha— so—me-here t- be.” Jazz attempted to move his body, but was once again denied. “W- we n- n- ne—d to g—-!”
“Hey, woah woah woah! You are not well enough to get up yet! I haven’t even started patching you up!”
“Aau—augh! I- I- kn— Ratc— uh, I- I- I kno—“
“Settle down. I- I’ll be as fast as I can, alright?”
Jazz huffed in halfhearted agreement. Prowl, on the other hand…
He thought this was an incredible waste of their time. Oh, sure, he needed to be fixed, but he was doing just fine now and he did not need help from a mysterious stranger he couldn’t understand. How could he, Prowl of Petrex, need the help of a tiny little creature like this one? There was no such need. The only need he had was to get himself and Jazz functional again, report back to Optimus, and win the war.
He tried to get up. After about half a second of metal creaking, unconscious groaning, and a little squeak from his benefactor, his body gave out. His spark burned with a searing mixture of frustration and stress as he tried to clench a servo. But of course he couldn’t. Of course he was stuck. Injured, vulnerable, and useless. But still, Optimus needed him. Needed them. So he needed to get up!
“C- cal- m d- do— n Pr—‘er… ye’ sca- a- rin’ ‘em…” He could hear panicked chittering from somewhere on top of him. He had half a mind to shoo the thing away, but even if he could raise his servo, he knew this was his only hope. He would never admit that, obviously, but deep in his spark he knew.
He didn’t respond to Jazz. He didn’t need to. He just focused on the little twinge of pain somewhere atop his chassis and a wound being sealed. A familiar feeling. Not too familiar, not like this, but enough to be comforting.
He imagined the medbay in the Arc. That time when they defeated the enemy and no one had to die. They won, and everyone cheered and celebrated and did whatever people do to express joy during a war.
He was unconscious for cycles. Just because nobody died doesn’t mean nobody was hurt. And he was really, really hurt. But it didn’t matter, not even to him. Moments like that are rare, after all. When one could rejoice without mourning the loss of a friend. He’d only expected Ratchet or First Aid to stay with him during that time. Who wouldn’t want to celebrate the spoils of victory? No one is willing to give up a moment of solace like that. No one is stupid enough to pass up the opportunity for happiness. Except Jazz.
Jazz stayed with him the whole time. He stayed by his bedside, refusing to leave once the required surgery was over. He brought glasses of energon for both of them. To share.
Prowl didn’t wake up then. He missed the party and the congratulations and the relief. He missed Jazz telling him stories and about his day. He missed when the rest of the crew stopped by to check on him. When he did finally come out of stasis, Jazz wasn’t there. Not of his own volition, but because he passed out on the floor due to exhaustion. They both got a long lecture about taking care of themself from Ratchet when it was over.
And Jazz is there, now, still with him. Bleeding out and broken, but still there. And Prowl was powerless to help him. His HUD sang one final message in his head before it went suddenly silent, and he fell helplessly into the deep abyss of stasis.
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gloomyshoujo · 2 months ago
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My gift for Kate for the @sheithxmas 2024 exchange!!:-D
I'm gonna put all of my yapping + bonus stuff under the cut, because it's a lot lol. (there's concept art, mini comic, and a drabble, if you wanna skip the yap)
Firstly, I really need to give a huge special thank you to my bff, who has helped me with decisions and just cheering my on throughout this whole project, ily my liege!! <3 And to pejaposarambi who offered his help near the end, when I was losing my mind and gave me SUCH good tips to help me complete this!! Seriously, thank you both so much omfg!!TTATT
So, I tried my best to incorporate a few of the asked prompts: fairytale, fantasy, hurt/comfort or angst with a happy ending (more implied/vague, in this case), soulmates, a bit of 'they're a fantastical beast that can hurt the other' vibe, and something sweet where they're kinda comforting each other? Idk, but I tried aha.
For the fairytale and fantasy, I gave them original designs to fit the theme of both. The whole angst/hurt is more implied, but I tried to convey a bit of a story here; where Keith's sword is wrapped in broken chains, after helping free Shiro, and they're comforting each other.
The soulmates is implied from the stars. Their zodiac constellations (Scorpio & Pisces), are mapped in the sky together, along with their respective planets (Mars, Jupiter, Neptune). I wasn't sure how to place soulmates persay, but I think its romantic and conveys it pretty well. And the water is also representative to their signs too, aha!
The fantastical beast part is me really pushing it lol. But often times, dragons and unicorns are seen as like, enemies or hurt one another in a lot of stories. So I was going for a bit of that here. + their designs kinda resemble prickly thorn vs softie? Yea, I know, ya gotta squint for this part of the theme but I tried.xDD /also has a nice dark vs light theme hehe.
Some quick lore 'cause why not: when Keith was younger, he was going to die (idk, abandonment? defeat during battle? Saving Shiro? idk), but Shiro saved his life, using his tears. Keith was deeply touched, as it was the first time he experienced kindness? Idk. But when Shiro had to eventually leave, he swore to himself he'd repay him one day. Fast forward, and the king Keith is forced to serve, has captured a rare unicorn, that could give him eternal life using his tears? Or force Shiro to take him to eternity/paradise? Idk. Keith fought through hell and back to eventually help free Shiro (breaking the chain), and the two managed to escape, fleeing to a peaceful place where they can be together. Yea, there's a lot of "idk's" and big holes there, but I've yapped TOO MUCH.TT.TT
(Also, can I just say PLEASE. If this had an OST, I'd say the Galaxy Express 999 OST would be it for me. But for this illustration in particular, this song is doing it for me.)
So uhhh, this was a *journey*. I think I've been working on this for over 2 months now? A lot of thought went into it. I only do this level of planning when it's a huge project, and I typically don't share my thumbnails and concepts; because they're garbage and only meant for me. But I figured it could be fun for others to see lol.
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For the design, I had a good idea of the theme at least! I wanted to have Keith's design to really resemble a dragon, while also using some elements from his BOM outfit. I leaned into the purple because I like purple, but wondering if I should have gone red. Hmmm. I tried to make him look as intimidating and prickly as I could; almost like if you were to touch him, you'd get pricked like a thorn.:-3
For Shiro, I went with looser clothes; kinda inspired by ancient Greek fashion and gods. I rushed his more, and ended up not having the time + energy to put in all the details I wanted for him.:-( I kept his clothes and hair all white/silver, to make him look like he came from the stars. His jewellery is gold + blue to relate to his zodia planets aha. I was gonna have him have longer bangs, but decided against it as I inked.
Anyways, I wanted the pose to be the same as “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt. But uhh, once I got all the designs done, and actually started sketching things out; I just couldn't get it to work. I am still disappointed in myself for that, but I had to move on and find ways to make things work. I guess that's part of the process. How humbling.=_=
I don't have too many progress shots, because I suck with that; but here's a few lol.
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And then a bonus comic, because I couldn't stop thinking this throughout this entire project.xD Where the real angst lies.
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I also wrote a teeny, tiny drabble. It's kinda trash and superrr corny, sorry;;; I wrote it in like, an hour or something with very little editing. But I wanted to I guess explain a bit of the story, in this particular scene specifically. Idk. Sorry to those who can actually write it's terrible;;;
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So that's the end! I really tried my best to cram as many prompts into one; I know I changed the designs a lot, but I hope they still look recognizable. I still feel disappointed with myself, because it didn't come out exactlyyy how I envisioned. There were so many bumps along the way, I wish I could have done better. Still, there were fun moments (when it wouldn't slow down my PC lol). I tried out so many techniques, both old and new; it was quite the experience! I'm especially proud with some of the effects and texturing. And I hand-drew soooo many elements. Like, I could have used a pre-made grass brush for ex. But nope! Drew each blade of grass like a loser.=_= (but was worth it; was able to preserve the *crunch*)
And yea, don't expect this level of detail from me often. This is a once every few years kinda piece lol. Usually my stuff is pretty wonky and rushed. But I was happy to work on such a big project after so many years!!
Anyways, if you got this far, thanks for reading.xD Hope y'all got a kick out of it. AND SORRY FOR THE YAPPING BUT I DESERVE IT, IT WAS A BIG PROJECT.
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twptwp · 7 months ago
Please share
Hello, I contemplated it a lot, I decided it would be best. I will be sharing this beware on a rather big artist here who hurt me personally.
I will write more at the end. Please take care. Warning: the post is very big
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Pestkitty is also known as Nopperabou if I remember the name correctly on other platforms such as Artfight and Youtube
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*It should be noted this is very blatant lying on that guys part, I was keeping to myself for this entire time and harassed nobody, on the contrary his friends had been harassing me. I regret not writing that more clearly
I don't think I mentioned it in the original post images but I would also like to note at the time I was not an adult yet and it was my first time going on a plane... 11 hour flight completely alone is scary, no family, nobody in my family has ever travelled so far. It was a very big deal
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Description from original post on Instagram (it's a lot so I'll make it small):
HI HI PAWB! Lots and lots of people wanted me to put this together, please do share, even if you do not know the people it would be great help. The more people who know the more people who can stay safe. This post is a little overdue but I was gaslit by them into thinking these were not big issues and that I was the one being strange so it took a while for me to gain the stability to put this together, I ended up downplaying my feelings a lot and it wasn't untill somewhat recent when I realised I may be developing a new disorder from their abuse that oh... I was not wrong for my concerns and feelings; these people really are harmful. I do not condone harassment so please do not go messaging these people. Block, share, and move on. Stay safe. That is my internet mission for you🚀
I make this post because they are rather gross and dangerous and have considerably big audiences, people have told me their opinions that they should not have the platforms that they have because their behaviours are dangerous. There is more things they've done that I have not included because I would like some of my own privacy even after my private information was leaked in a comic haha... I've displayed enough behaviour from them to show who they are and what they do though, so this is enough!
This is quite intimidating for me, so, I will be going offline off of this account for a few days and just let this post simmer... Not for too long because I have some awesome art cooking HEHE but YA! If there are questions in the comments my friends will answer for me! Though, I think I've been rather transparent so I don't think there would be any.
I will also be providing more proof in my story, specifically proof that slide 10 IS that guy because quite frankly anybody could be "Instagram user" and they have fabricated stuff against me in the past so I think it would be good to prove it is that account.
Okay bla bla that is all, apologies this is such a scary and serious post especially as I like to keep my account a friendly nice place but ahhh it really has been burning at me. So, thank you for reading so very much. Bye bye pawb!
End of description^
That was a lot! So here is why I'm sharing it to Tumblr:
☆Awareness! NOBODY should have to risk getting close to these people. NOBODY.
☆Better circulation! My Instagram post got over 3000 likes, lots of shares, 100s of comment and many saves so it did very well however after a while things leave the light and become something "of the past". I notice this does not happen so much on Tumblr and things continue to be shared
☆This still effects me. The original Beware is from 3 months ago however I am currently doing this because I was restless from lastnight nightmare (I had a nightmare about these people) and now I'm all nauseous and shaky again! It's 3am and I was panicking a lot so I put this together, I'm yet to rest
And finally....
I notice that if an image in a tag becomes popular enough it shows up on things like Google! Isn't that cwl! So, if a fan of these people searches for them on the internet the beware could show up which may deter them from the artist. This is great!
Thank you sincerely for your time, it is greatly appreciated. I feel calmer now that I have made this post, I regret not making it earlier but it is better now than never. Nos da ac breuddwydion melys pawb♡
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dailycass-cain · 1 year ago
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As promised many months ago to end this day, here's a 🧵of the insanity Cassandra Cain's "human" body can do due to what David Cain put her through (besides the two obvious ones of body language and various forms of killing he trained her in).
The best issue that showcases that is of course Batgirl Vol. 1 #14 where various government agencies look at the footage Cass got caught filmed in.
The first few pages are literally showcasing how inhuman, but still bordering on human she is due to what David Cain put her through.
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This is always fully covered throughout Batgirl Volume 1 and is usually forgotten when writers and editors tend to have their job. Not saying any names or storylines of any RECENT kind where a WAR broke out in GOTHAM.
is still salty YES
We've seen Cass's speed all the time throughout the Puckett run. To just showcase the prior issue's bullet dodging or her issue of Tim (#18) be child's play (along with her taking several shots up close and dodging each one from a certain corrupt government bastard).
Nah the best example of Cass's true "speed" is in #34 facing the mob boss Ving and his gang.
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Yeah, you're seeing that right she is faster than a freaking bullet. Surprising how SOME seem to forget that in other comics. 🙄
Something even Batgirls remembered (#15) when Cass was playing shogun dodge with Cluemaster who was trying to shoot her with a shotgun.
But what of Cassandra's strength? Just how strong is she really?
#19 where Cass is faced with the obstacle of three-inch quartz preventing her from escaping a gas chamber. So let's examine just how thick three-inch quartz is.
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Well, let's google just that.
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A SEVEN on the hardness scale. Further research says that it can only crack due to "extreme impacts" which wouldn't ya know:
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As for her body itself, Batgirl/Ghost: The Ressurection Machine #3 suggests this about Cass being immune to A LOT of poisons:
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Something Batgirl Vol. 1 "sort of" delves in #50 when both she and Bruce are doused with a new batch of super drug but it turns out they were both immune to it due to them being built differently than normal humans.
This is all the more surprising because a few issues prior to (#46) Cass is doused with a version of it, but you could say given what she "sees" Cass is under A LOT of stress (the building tension with Bruce, Babs breaking up with Dick, Superboy/Black Wind stuff). Plus she does "sort of" snap out of it to beat the bad guys in that issue.
Just like in #51 she avoids the pheromones to Poison Ivy even though she is showing signs of falling under the hormones but snaps out of it due to willpower (something Bruce was almost succumbing to before he fully snapped out of it too).
It really feels like "this anti-poison" ability Cass had was all but forgotten once the series ended. Of course, naturally with a certain "infamous" story ONE YEAR LATER, but also Batman & Robin Eternal as she is affected by Fear Toxin (among other stuff too).
#9 & #59 showcase that David Cain shot Cass regularly so much that she can not even feel it. This could explain also HOW she was eventually able to dodge bullets and become so fast.
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#22 also showcases this as well so this is not something simply just randomly put in. This was something the writers wanted to show the sickening lengths David Cain put Cass through.
Again, #14 brought up Cass's metabolism and how off the charts it was. I think something we just overlooked is that in #26 Cass slept for 20 hours a day for four days (or perhaps longer) straight until she fully recovered from fighting Lady Shiva.
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That's not even going under the amount of food she consumes. This little detail was first showcased in #39 when Cass ate like she was freaking Goku.
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This little bit of detail was brought back in #66 when she ordered THREE burgers (I'm assuming with everything on it) with three sides of fries and a BIG milk.
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Amusingly, this detail was recently brought back in Nightwing #106 & #108 where she FEASTED on who knows how many pancakes.
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Lastly, I feel this bit is worth mentioning as well from #47 with Doctor Lewis Friedman who started the theory on body language that David Cain made a frightening reality with Cass (shame he was never brought up again after this issue).
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All this isn't even counting on the extremely LONG hours of shower time Cass picked up in the Gabrych run that even Willingham's Robin (which went on during this) teased (something again Batgirls kept up on).
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So there you have it. The utter anomaly that is the body of one Cassandra Cain.
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sunflowerandstrawberryspice · 6 months ago
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CARMEN SANDIEGO? In 2024? It's more likely thank you think! Please excuse the shit quality for some reason I wasn't allowed to upload the normal pdf and I had to upload a fucking screenshot???
So my friend convinced me to watch Carmen Sandiego and since he's watching ALL of Ninjago for me I thought it was the least I could do to watch four season of a show with a pretty decent concept but uh... yeesh, don't get me wrong the show is really fun but lord have mercy does it have problems especially the last two seasons which were just so wildly disappointing to me. It went from a show with an interesting look on morals to pure pro-cop and mostly black and white thinking so quick (that not mentioning the breaking up a found family full of people with abandonment issues) it was honestly just so disappointing so me and the friend who introduced it to me decided to rewrite it! (I will not be animating nor do I plan on doing more than MAYBE a comic or art piece here and there because my chronic pain ridden ass can not handle that much lol)
The main goals are to:
1) Flesh out characters that aren't Carmen and actually give them reactions based on their lived experiences and how they might realistically react instead of what the show needed to move the plot along
2) Having characters other than Carmen be actually relevant to the plot the main one being Chase Devineaux who we're gonna kind of have as a parallel to Carmen (trust me yall) as kind of a "What if Carmen didn't have her friends/family to ground her and fall back on" but for all the Chase fans out there (gods I hope there's some other than me) he will be getting a happy ending but bro is getting put through the RINGER first
3) Have both A.C.M.E (now standing for Administration for Containing and Monitoring Evil) and V.I.L.E be the bad guys. Also just as an extra bit of fun we're making VILE a full blown cult, they were very cult like in the show so we're just gonna make it one. Both are going to be very morally questionable and while it'll take a bit longer for ACME to show it's true colors don't you worry they definitely will ;)
4) We're doing canonical lgbtq+ rep, I know the show teased a lot of relationships and really only gave yall background gays not to say thats bad but we can do better than just a brief shot of a damn taco truck. I mean like come on in a story about a young woman going against the government for the greater good why not put some rep into it ya know!
5) We're making it light sci-fi, not like SUPER high tech but definitely beyond what we've got currently, as shown with Carmen's prosthetic, and don't worry I'm doing my research as a disabled person I know how it feels to be misrepresented or ignored so I want to make sure I'm being realistic
6) PLAYER ISN'T GOING TO BE A CHILD! I don't know if this bothered anybody else but to me it was really weird that this 16 year old's only friends were in their 20s!
Alright I think that's what I'm gonna say for now, I'd love it if yall tuned in for updates if your curious since this is a passion project for me and my friend and we're having a blast writing it!
As always I am still working on stuff for Ninjago cause I could never abandon my one true love, currently there's a Pixal drawing in progress (it's giving me hell T-T) something for Cole and Geo, and something of Sora MAYBE even Euphrasia if I'm feeling up to it.
Having said that I hope yall have a great day/night and PEACE OUT!
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sageourplanetmeow · 6 months ago
Indie Animations I Recommend
Haven’t posted in a while since, as I have said, my Apple Pencil broke and I haven’t been able to work on commissions or that one hazbin hotel animation… which I was actually getting through for once. Also I have fallen into a Varian And The Seven Kingdoms obsession.
Anyhow I shall now take the chance to share a couple indie animations I’ve watched/been watching recently possibly with a brief note about what kind of audience would enjoy it (might not be accurate I dunno)
First and foremost The Epilogue Of Endings which released approximately 12 hours ago as of when I’m writing this. And just before I summarise anything I just want to praise this pilot for HOW AMAZING IT IS DESPITE ITS SMALL BUDGET! The animation is fantastic and I swear something about it makes me so happy. The art style is also amazing (in my opinion) and suits the character designs perfectly. I love the character designs, just saying, and the voice acting is superb. I think my favourite designs from it are Blu (because I mean the mask and metal arms are pretty damn cool) and the ————. I won’t say who they are because the reveal is too good to miss, but you might be able to guess who I’m talking about if you’ve watched it.
Now to say what happens. This takes place after the sun ya know, goes. I think I’m probably the most interested by what exactly is going on with Mole but I think my favourite character thus far is Blu. I suggest you go watch it, it’s very cool. I think if you like Indie animation in general then this is a good pic due to its indie feel (positive). Also would suggest to people who enjoy slightly creepy media (it’s not that creepy in my opinion but it does feature the downfall of humanity and what happens after the sun dies so it’s slightly unsettling, it masters that feeling).
And here’s their Kickstarter
We also have Dreamworld which also has a season 2, I’m just linking the first one though so just so you know you can find the second season on the channel. As said by the creator, it borrows certain tropes/aspects from analogue horror and has animatronics. As it says up there it is a sci-fi horror series that is intended to be accessible to younger fans of the genre. Again, I love the story and the character designs. So far, my favourite character and character design belongs to THE Star Light. I’m starting to see a theme with me liking sun/moon/star themed animatronics. I mean this guy has a BOW TIE and a charming smile. If I wasn’t already dressing up as Varian for Halloween then I think I would’ve looked into trying to dress as Star Light.
The pilot hasn’t released but the animation from this teaser is SO GOOD! I’m excited to see the pilot. There’s also been music/songs released by them, I can’t remember if I’ve gotten around to listening to any but I fully intend on doing so.
I’m sorry but how is the animation this good with only one person animating it (I might’ve gotten that wrong). I find the character designs really cool and the art style is fun. They’re in space. The voice acting is good. Also just gonna say, they have merch.
This is Dungeon Flippers, a fantasy real-estate cartoon following Maulie, a manticore. (I copied and shortened down the description of the YouTube channel)
The animation is great and the voice acting is really good. The story is interesting and The Ace Of Wands Theme is a joy to listen to every time.
I don’t know how to describe the plot but lemme just… the animation deserves praise, it suits the vibe of the pilot and the character designs are amazing. Voice acting is also fun and I’d recommend this even if it’s just sea side/coast vibes you’re looking for.
This one is a YouTube channel that posts OC animatics and has posted Sundrop and Moondrop animations, just saying I think they drew the Sun and Moon Q&A comics soooo that was my introduction to their work.
Just watch this and you will see some PEAK animation.
Again, the animation is awesome.
And that’s where the video limit comes, alas, but check it out. It’s by Meppity and has some really good paper looking animation.
And this is where we have the indie animated stuff (I consider it that at least) centred around pre-existing shows.
I myself am looking forward to making my own indie animated stuff or comics (I haven’t really decided, I’m just working on different characters whilst also writing fanfics and drawing fan comics and other art stuff on top of art homework. YAY
Here is one… dated… animation I did a year ago which took me a while.
It’s for an OC, but with their old design. The new design has a satchel, otherwise nothing changed to be honest. I also have done another animation which was far more rough but it was me animating whilst seeing who would win the election so it’s political and not about any of my ocs or any actual characters. As I said, I already have another animation in the works for Alastor so I have to wait till my Apple Pencil gets fixed or replaced to continue working on it.
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project-isles-official · 26 days ago
project-isles here! you probably know me as the main writer and storyboard artist of aga rebooted and creator of jester!goldie.
what is aga rebooted?
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well, it's quite easy to tell from the title but it's a slight rewrite and redraw of aga. improving and expanding on the series so it makes sense and is more fun to enjoy without you wondering about that one weird plothole.
we also have a discord~ owo
what am i doing?
I've been slowly making story boards for aga rebooted, for like after the redraw and rewrite of og comic, mainly fixing backgrounds, making the pizzaria make sense |which is a nightmare btw| and stuff. But the way I'm going about it is a bit odd. Let's just say their not your regular story boards but that's another story for another day. also Figuring out body shapes of the characters, making story board versions of them so I can plot out the comic better.
Anyways I'll be starting to look of an artist (to actually draw the comic bc I can't draw for nothing) and comic collector master (how are ya gonna rewrite something if you don't have all the pieces).
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if you want to know how help the project [or become the artist?] you can contact me via tumblr or the discord server [in the jobs channel]!
AND A ANOTHER THING, I'm going to continue the abandoned comics (like the spring Bonnie one).
oh btw a youtube channel is planned for aga rebooted :}
That's all for now.
note: i'll probably be slowly updating this as it is pinned. more details, etc.
i need some extra time to find an artist soo, y'all can ask me questions about the project here, tumblr, @project-isles-official and wattpad!
i'll also be posting fun facts almost daily on the discord and biweekly on tumblr in the meantime!
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team project isles not responsible for...
emotional damage
and more...
please read with cation.
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goodboytown · 22 days ago
under the cut is a collection of rift apart headcanons because... i vomited them all over my twitter, and i need a place to store them properly. thank you especially to the two ✌️ porn bots for liking my tweets
a prelude to one of my unfinished RAC stories came to me in a dream last night, and it made me want to impart all the thoughts i've never shared. so im gonna post some RAC rift apart headcanons in a disorderly manner. please ignore me or praise my big brain, either way
captain quantum was originally a politician, and had previously served as galactic president (like captain qwark did). quantum ran against a robot with the designation NF-9661 who'd later be known as emperor nefarious. NF-9661 won against quantum due to electoral fraud, which quantum unwillingly played a part in. quantum formed the resistance a few years later when nefarious' presidential term morphed into a dictatorship. it was only when he joined the pirates on ardolis that he became "captain" quantum
rivet was born a year or two before the emperor’s come-to-power, and never got to experience (or at least remember) life before the empire. rivet worked with the morts (or moreso helped where she could) at the gelatonium factory from the age of 12, and became a gelatonium delivery driver at 16. rivet had heard of the resistance as a child, and pledged to join when she was old enough. she joined the resistance quite young at the age of 18, and lost her arm early into her integration at 20. i like to think that rivet is around 28 during the events of RA.
RA mentions that nefarious city was constructed ten years prior to the game, but, to me, it doesn’t necessarily mean that corson v’s subjugation was the beginning of the emperor’s reign. i think he gained control of the system many years prior, and lasted a good twenty-something years as emperor all up.
it makes sense that the emperor’s backstory would mirror dr nefarious’ where he was originally an organic lifeform… but i often like to take the road less traveled 
without going into too much detail (to keep things vague and mysterious incase i use this in a story) the emperor was originally born as a service robot. by service i mean he was a robot designed to do a specific (mundane) job. he looked exactly like the other robots in his assembly line. think “mr klink” from the RAC comics. it was only until later when he became emperor that he was able to undergo major modifications to make him appear as he does in RA
emperor nefarious’ assistant (F-44) was originally the assistant to the CEO that owned the company that manufactured the service robots until he mysteriously died...
i don’t have any theories about how rivet came to be, or about her parents, etc. because i feel (or rather hope) that we’ll get that info in the next game haha (fingies crossed) 
i’ll happily sit here and make shit up about the emperor’s past because he’s gone, and i doubt we’ll get to hear about his backstory… and ya know what, if we do, i’m… i’ll print out this tweet and eat it
that was a threat. less to insomniac and more to my delicate gut flora
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eleni-cherie · 5 months ago
agents at first sight ✨ || bts • ksj [ONE-SHOT]
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"you're Squirtle?"
"you're Charmander?"
about two interpol agents falling at first sight, literally, thanks to a master thief on the run.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
[one-shot in 'the thieves collection' series - can be read independently!!]
— word count: 5.1k
— genre: interpol agent au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburning, mutual pining, strangers to lover s2l
— song recommendations/inspirations:
the last shadow puppets - the element of surprise
solar - honey
frank sinatra - strangers in the night
keri hilson - i like
this one-shot aims to give the backstory of how seokjin and yongsun met, as mentioned in the other parts of the series.
if you want the full context and also know what happens with with them afterwards, check out the other stories as well!
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[set after the final chapter of the main story but before its epilogue]
Straits of Singapore, 30km off Singapore
"Sir, are you sure he'll show up tonight? It's been hours and still no sign from Park, Kim or Min."
Seokjin studied the piece of paper between his fingers. It was crinkled from having been stored in his jacket all evening.
A dry laugh left his lips then. "Don't worry, Blake," he said into the radio, "When Park Jimin says he's showing up, he will."
A muffled chuckle was heard beside him as he put the device down and he glanced at Hoseok resting his folded arms on the desk. "But only if you cracked his riddle correctly," his former team mate and friend pointed out with a raised brow, "I mean, you sure about time and place?"
"Pretty sure, yes. He sent that with a postmark from Singapore," the leader of the robbery department nodded and held the paper out for him. Hoseok grabbed it with curiosity, reading over the scribbled note with a hum.
'Meet me at the deck with no cards,
when the sun comes home.
Don't forget to wear a bow tie!
I'll bring the bow, not the arrows though.
See ya!'
"'Deck', 'bow' and the 'see', which is a homophone of 'sea' - it all hints to a ship. And this cruise ship with a bunch of loaded people is the only kind our thieves would be interested in."
"Yeah, I see - no pun intended," the leader of the organised crime department said and slid the note back, "And 'when the sun comes home' means when it's the closest to earth, which was today. Summer solstice."
"Okay, fine," Hoseok sat back and let his eyes wander around the security room. Eventually adding with a sigh, "But I'm still bummed he had to pick the same time and place my team's got to perform an undercover operation at. Too many cooks spoil the broth, you know. There're so many other places or dates."
"You forget the CEO's wife owns this highly valuable black pearl. I bet everything I have that this is what they're after."
"The better question is, why does that mob boss you're after have to attend the same party."
"What do you think.." Hoseok propped his jaw on the palm of his hand, a sarcastic smirk playing on his lips. "He's acquaintance with Lee, that CEO."
A short laugh left Seokjin's lips and he averted his gaze from the security screens. "Of course, criminals and CEOs are not that different from each other after all."
His younger colleague showed his agreement with an amused chuckle when his radio transmitter beeped.
"Sunflora here, what do you have for me Squirtle?" he answered, causing Seokjin's brows to furrow.
'Squirtle' and 'Sunflora' were the names of Pokémons after all. So he gave Hoseok a wondering look which the latter only dismissed by waving his hand.
"Purugly is heading to the restrooms. S-should I follow?"
'Purugly'. Another Pokémon.
"No, but keep an eye on him nonetheless and wait in a good distance. If he doesn't come out in five, report."
He put the device back down, meeting Seokjin's questioning face. "So?"
"You got Pokémon codenames? Never knew you were so into it."
Hoseok shook his head though. "Wasn't my idea," he explained with a laugh under his breath, "Squirtle is her favourite one and she claims she looks like it, that's why she always uses it. So I thought why not using these names for all of us? Makes the whole undercover thing a bit more fun."
"Huh, that's clever. I should do that, too, from now on." The older agent paused but only for dramatic effects as he added with a sigh, "Disappointed I didn't come up with that myself."
"Be my guest. Have you any in mind already?"
"Charmander, of course!" he exclaimed full of enthusiasm and picked his own radio device. "Blake, Jeon? From now on only call me 'Charmander' over the radio. Got it?"
Jungkook's chuckle was heard on the other line. He was rather amused than irritated, but even Skylar wasn't questioning her supervisor's quirks anymore. Both replying with: "Roger that, Charmander." 
"You really do with them whatever you want, huh?" Hoseok wondered with a laugh while scanning over the security screens from the ballroom where the birthday party happened. 
Considering they were on a cruise ship, it was impressive how grand it was. Opulent decorations like crystal chandeliers hanging above the heads of guests, adding to the ambiance of the ballroom. People dressed in their most expensive and fashionable gowns and suits while enjoying conversations and litres of flowing champagne and wine. 
Seokjin only shrugged with a smile. "The kids are alright and they're able to see a joke. But I do sometimes miss you and Namjoonie. Remember when we first started out together?"
Hoseok huffed out a laugh, reminiscing the past when the three of them started out in the robbery department together. "Don't remind me, I'm glad I don't have to deal with the shenanigans of these thieves anymore." He patted Seokjin's shoulder than. "But it was surely fun with you guys, I miss that, too."
He was about to add more when his transmitter beeped once again, interrupting his train of thoughts.
"Squirtle here, he hasn't come out yet."
With a groan, Hoseok's face hardened and he got closer to the screens. His eyes narrowing as he switched through the cameras. It always astonished and in some way also scared Seokjin how he could go from cheery to professional within a second.
"Squirtle, you hear me?"
"Yes, Sunflora."
"There hasn't been any records of him leaving through the other side of the corridor. Are you sure he hasn't returned to the party?"
"Positive. Is there a different way out?"
Seokjin's eyes widened at this and he grabbed the blueprint they'd got from security, eyes searching for any possible vents or openings. He gestured to Hoseok to pass him the radio over.
"Here's Charmander. According to -"
"Sorry, who's there?"
Remembering he'd literally only just come up with his new codename and had never directly spoken with this 'Squirtle' before, he laughed a little embarrassed to himself. "Sorry, agent Kim from the robbery department here," he spoke firmly, "The blueprint doesn't show any other means of escape, unless he decided to swim back to shore. So he must be still in there. Wait another five."
"Okay, got it."
"Is that Squirtle good?" he questioned his friend while sinking back into his seat, observing the monitors.
"She's my best agent actually," Hoseok answered truthfully, "You should've seen her shooting her way through and bending a whole gang boss to his knees. It was beautiful."
The older agent whistled lowly, quite impressed by the thought of that. Or at least how he imagined it. "Sounds like a feisty one."
"Depends. She's surely a lively person, but once you get to know her, she's an easy-going homebody. Similar to you."
A scoff passed Seokjin's lips, pretending being offended by his words. "So you wanna say I'm not unique?"
"Well, I wouldn't subscribe to that," Hoseok said with a teasing grin, "Both of you also get upset in the same hilarious way actually."
"Ouch, that hurts my pride you know."
The two shared a laugh when a sudden commotion on the monitors caught their attention. The guests seemed to be agitated and scattering around the area.
"Jeon, Blake, what's going on there?"
"The black pearl, it fell from Mrs Lee's brooch."
"There's multiple pearls on the floor now! It created a turmoil."
"I can imagine," Seokjin muttered before speaking louder into the radio, "Keep your eyes closely to the guests. Surely that's a distraction by Jimin and the like."
"Of course."
He stood up then, sliding on his black suit jacket. "I'm heading out for support. See, told you he'd show up."
"You need my help? I could tell my agents -"
"Nah, don't worry. I'm sure you guys have your hands full with this commotion, too."
"Sunflora?" Indeed, Hoseok's own agent tried getting in touch with him. And he gave Seokjin a thumbs up, wishing him good luck as he headed out, before grabbing his radio device then.
"Sunflora here."
"I spotted Purugly. He's rushing out with a group of people due to some uproar, I'm following him."
"Roger, Squirtle. Be careful in the chaos, it's a distraction from the thieves. The robbery team will handle it though. You focus on our guy."
"Got it."
Seokjin squeezed through the noisy and fidgety mass, people hunching and picking up any black pearls they could find - or at least the fake ones Jimin had spread around to cause this uproar.
It was impossible to draw his gun with so many civilians around, so he just continued with careful steps and sharp eyes. Soon spotting something that rose enough suspicion in him to follow it. A rather calm man was galantly making his way among the rambling crowd.
The main reason this man rose his suspicion was rather intuitive though. He recognised him being one of the bodyguards close to the Lee's, he'd stood beside them all evening. Of course his agents had already checked all stuff members for possible disguised criminals before boarding the ship, but they hadn't been observing them nonstop ever since. And this bodyguard now was clearl heading to the exit instead of being on the other side of the ballroom with his boss who was panicked and shouting at his men to find his wife's pearl.
With a confident smirk, he neared the man until he was close enough to grab him by the shoulder. "And I thought you'd never make your appearance, Park Jimin. You had me waiting for quite some time," he sighed in fake-annoyance.
The man visibly flinched at Seokjin's words, glancing over his shoulder then with a lopsided grin.
"Sorry, pops! Got a date with a pearl!"
He abruptly crouched, disappearing from his sight and Seokjin spotted him a few seconds later further away. He'd got rid of his disguise by now and promptly continued his way among the people. But Seokjin wouldn't let Jimin throw him off so easily.
He was close on his heels and Jimin could feel it. His eyes quickly scanning the area for any possible distraction when seeing the interpol agent almost having reached him again. But then he realised that he was literally in the middle of possible distractions and smirked as soon as he spotted a suitable one.
As he continued pushing threw the mass of people, he grabbed someone's wrist and abruptly tucked the person backwards. Right in front of Seokjin, blocking his way. It was a young woman with dyed dirty-blond hair and in the pushing and shoving, stumbled and fell against the agent's chest who caught her out of reflex.
"My apologies, miss, but -" Seokjin was about to politely shove her away when their eyes met. And any further words got stuck in his throat instead. 
He swallowed hard. She was the most mesmerizing woman he'd ever seen in his life. 
Full cheeks, cute nose, pillowy lips and soft brown eyes which were staring back at him intensely, placed so perfectly that it completely disarmed him and took his breath away.
For a moment he wasn't in the middle of the ballroom anymore, he was in the abyss of her wondering orbs.
The woman seemed just as stunned, her expression mirroring his.
However, soon he was washed back to the shore of reality and his memory returned, recalling his initial task of chasing after Jimin.
The woman's eyes turned into a dazed scowl, as if she herself had just snapped back into reality and wouldn't recognise the place she found herself in. She stepped back, at least as much as she could in the crowded space, his hands sliding off from the warm skin of her arms. And without a single word, she simply turned and disappeared back into the sea of people. Like a siren who had lured him into her world only to release him again after growing bored.
Someone in his work field and position shouldn't get that easily distracted and usually he didn't. But something in this mysterious woman completely enchanted him and it was more than unfortunate they had to meet under such circumstances.
Perhaps, in a different profession, in a different life, he could've met her differently. Could've spoken to her more.
By the look in her almond eyes, she might've felt the same sugar-rush shooting through her chest. But it didn't matter anyway, he wouldn't see her again. And he had to focus on more important things right now.
He began running through the now less dense becoming crowd, out of the ballroom. The double doors closed behind him with a dull sound, drowning out the jarring voices from inside. The corridor was long and he'd seen Jimin running towards it so it was his best shot right now. 
Eventually reaching outside the deck, he was met with the strong night wind of the open sea tousling his dark waves. It was sparsely lit, only a simple lamp every few metres illuminating the broad area. And there at its end, on the very edge, he found the masterthief standing and laughing as soon as he noticed Seokjin nearing him. As if he'd been waiting for him all along.
"Oh damn, didn't expect you back so soon. Really thought I made a good choice there, could swear she'd be your type."
The agent laughed under his breath, biting down his lip. It wasn't surprising to him anymore, knowing his opponent well enough in all those years to know his little mind games. So he chose to ignore his comment, not giving him the satisfaction of a retort. Although Jimin already knew the truth by the brief look that passed Seokjin's eyes.
"Hands up," the agent said instead with a confident smirk, now able to draw his gun, "Unless you wanna fall into the cold sea."
The thief, however, only met him with an unfazed glance. His arms slowly going up before one of his hands turned, revealing something between his fingers. And under the light of the full moon he could see it sparkling dark. The black pearl.
Seokjin could tell it was the real one.
"Hm, maybe I'll do just that. You know, return the pearl to its natural habitat on the way, too. Thanks for the great idea, pops!" His lips curled further into a beaming grin and before Seokjin could react, Jimin let himself fall backwards.
Perplexed, the agent rushed to the railing. The harsh wind hitting his face as he looked over it, making out the outlines of a motorboat in the darkness. Diverging from the ship and driving towards the coast. 
"Dammit." He sighed and hit the cold metal of the railing, letting it echo get swallowed by the waves. With a dragged sigh, he couldn't help but laugh shortly before pulling out his radio device.
"Jungkook, Skylar?"
Jungkook was faster to answer this time."Yes, sir?"
"Find a radio unit and alert coastguards and agents on the mainland to keep an eye on a motorboat coming from our direction."
"I assume it's about our thieves?"
"Correct, Jeon."
"Roger, I'm on my way."
Returning inside, he caught sight of security guards and staff members who had managed taking back control over the situation and calmed people down.
He came across one of the other agents of Hoseok's team and asked him where his supervisor was. The agent told him in the manager's office with their suspect and Seokjin thanked him before making his way there. As he passed by with hasty steps, walking to the other end where another door led to the offices and security room, he spotted the CEO and his distraught wife being questioned by Skylar in a corner.
Soon he reached a cherrywood door, giving it a few knocks and watching it open at the third knock, revealing his friend behind it. And Hoseok stepped out.
"Heard you got your man, that must be him I assume?" he motioned to the handcuffed guy at the armchair behind Hoseok's shoulders.
Hoseok grinned. "Yup, our 'Purugly' aka Mr San Shinjuk. Isn't that right?"
The criminal kept an desinterested and bored expression, unimpressed by his enthusiasm. "You got nothing on me anyway."
"I wouldn't call a wad of 100,000 won notes and exposing documents, nothing," Hoseok countered with a raised brow, making the man scoff and grow back quiet. Making Hoseok grin widen before joining Seokjin outside in the corridor, closing the door behind him.
"What happened with Park?"
Seokjin only let out a dry laugh. "Well, let's say at least you got your guy.."
Hoseok's eyes widened. "You mean he -"
"Yeah, yeah," Seokjin ran his fingers through his hair, "They got away again."
"Well, next time then."
"Of course next time!"
"I gotta say though. Thanks to the little panic he created, San couldn't complete his restroom deal," Hoseok chuckled.
The irony that his friend was thankful to his nemesis wasn't missed on him. "So that's what took him so long in there.."
"But I surely won't thank Jimin," Seokjin huffed then, "Would only get into his already big head."
The yell coming from the end of the corridor, cut their laughing off. The person audibly churned up as they came closer.
"Sir, I'm sorry I lost San. Someone pushed me and there was an idiot blocking my way. Otherwi-"
"Don't worry, Kim," Hoseok interrupted her with a reassuring smile, "You did a good job. We got him."
The woman sighed in relief and her tense shoulders relaxed. A weight seemingly being lifted from her shoulders. "I'm glad, I was worried we wasted our chance."
She was about to leave again when her eyes landed on the person beside her supervisor
Seokjin had turned around to see who Hoseok was talking to behind his back.
And both grew stiff.
There she was, the woman with the full cheeks and dazzling eyes. Her waves pushed to one side, cascading down her shoulder softly as silk. Their bright shade contrasting the black fabric of her tight dress. Now without endless people surrounding them, he had a clearer view on her, seeing it reached only half her thighs, leaving a handwidth of skin between its hem and her overknee boots who added height to her rather petite physique. And he noticed the grip of a 9mm peaking out from one of them.
He watched her burgundy lips part then in shock, unable to avert her eyes from him either.
"The idiot," she eventually breathed, causing the sudden tension to dissolve abrubtly. And Seokjin scoffed amused. "Excuse me?"
She dismissed his question and instead glanced at Hoseok behind him. Only earning a confused glance back. "You two know each other?"
"This is the idiot who blocked my way!"
"Hey, wait a sec, I didn't do it on purpose!" Seokjin quickly defended himself, "Jimin pushed you onto me, so if someone blocked anyone's way it was you blocking mine."
Flustered at the unknown to her details on the incident, she folded her arms and looked away. "That- that wasn't my intention," she mumbled then with a small embarrassed huff.
The taller man sighed and mimicked her in a less serious manner. "Neither mine."
"Well," Hoseok began then in an attempt to change topics, "Agent Kim, how about you let me introduce you to the other agent Kim then?"
She frowned, looking Seokjin up and down. "You're an agent?"
He ignored her judging glare and flashed her a charming smile instead. In a way, he found her even more intriguing now than before. "Nice to meet you. And you are?"
Hoseok nudged his arm as he stepped beside him. "She's the one you talked to earlier. Agent Kim Yongsun."
"You-" His eyes grew, facing her again with a stunned expression. "You're 'Squirtle'?"
Yongsun unintentionally backed off, equally astonished. "You are 'Charmander'?"
This was the guy who also used Pokémon codenames like her? No way.
Yongsun averted her gaze from the waves beneath her, the wind brushing rather harshly against her bare skin. The ship was heading back to the harbour, all guests having been gathered back inside until arrival and she used the short length of time to enjoy the city lights in the distance sparkling like watercolour on its dark surface.
She straightened herself when seeing Seokjin approaching her on the deck. He emerged from under the sparsely lit canopy with a timid smile on his lips. His dark brown hair pushed back by now, his forehead peaking behind a few loose strands. His tall figure came to an halt beside her then and he shoved his hands into the pockets of his suit jacket that was casually left unbuttoned. 
"I didn't think I'd find anyone here. You alright?"
Oh, he did look like a deity – exuding the perfect balance of authority and charm.
Her breath hitched and she managed to give him a nod along with a hum through her folded lips. Focusing back at the crashing waves underneath. 
Truth was, she was uncertain of how to face him again after the previous hour and perhaps also tried avoiding him by staying out there. After all, she'd called a department leader an idiot. It didn't matter that she'd found out - after asking around her team mates - that he was actually a year, almost two, younger than her. In the agency, he remained a senior agent to her.
Sure, she hadn't been aware of who he was in that moment and he'd also seemed taking the whole story with humour. Yet, she couldn't help feeling awkward and mortified in his vicinity. She couldn't even look him straight in the eyes anymore. Even if it didn't cause her trouble at work, it still remained an embarrassing memory and she felt her face heat up.
"Sorry again for earlier," she mumbled while grabbing onto the metal pole of the railing, in search for the right approach, "For.. for blocking your way and.. and also calling you an idiot."
He hummed and contemplated for a moment by tapping his finger against his chin. "Hm, thinking about it now.. I should probably get compensation for personal suffering. That 'idiot' really hurt, you know," he deadpanned, earning a quiet gasp from Yongsun.
She faced him with wide eyes, ready to argue when instead she met his amused grin. He was only joking. She relaxed and tucked away some streaks of hair the wind had swept in front of her eyes.
"You totally should," she laughed softly then.
"You wouldn't mind paying me compensation?"
"Who says that I'd be the one paying?"
"You were the one making me suffer after all," he countered.
She could only laugh out at his teasing smirk. "But wasn't it all the thief's fault in the end?"
"Hey, he wasn't the one calling me an idiot," he countered with raised brows. The fake upsetness on his face made her laugh even more. It was a loud, squeaky laugh and her eyes disappeared.
He smiled. She was cute and not intimidating at all. Hoseok had been right.
The friendly banter had calmed her previous nervousness. It was easy to get along with him which shouldn't be surprising considering he was friends with Hoseok, one of the nicest persons she knew.
But she remained firm in her stance. Arms folding in front of her chest then. "He was the one pushing me to you, though, so it's his fault really," she said. An almost cartoonish grin on her painted lips.
Much to her surprise, however, Seokjin's demeanor visibly softened at this. Eyes flickering over her round face before settling back to the illuminated skyline of Singapore. "Ah, but I don't mind that part so I can't hold it against him."
Her brows furrowed, feeling like she'd lost the thread. "Why not? I thought it prevented you from catching him."
He simply shrugged his broad shoulders. "I got to meet you this way, didn't I? So it wasn't all too bad."
The night was rather brisk out there on the open sea and yet Yongsun felt like standing at 32°C in the midday sun.
He was most definitely flirting with her, even if it was in a smooth subtle way. And the worst part was that she didn't mind.
Still, she decided not to make a big deal over a hot flush because literally anyone, even furniture, would get butterflies with this guy.
His eyes left the lights in the distance then, a timid smile dancing on his lips. "Sorry, was that inappropriate?" he asked bashfully considering her silence, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
She hadn't noticed how flustered she'd been and swallowed, clearing her throat when finding her composure again. "I'll let it slide," she said with as much nonchalance as she could fake in that moment, glancing briefly at him and noticing his blushing ears, "But only because we're in different departments and I won't have to fear favouritism."
"That's true. Although your teamlead is one of my best friends, so who knows.."
"Well, I'll trust that he won't do any."
He laughed lightly. "True, he wouldn't."
"You should be extra nice to the thief next time," she continued then, "You know, to thank him."
"Not that bad of an idea actually. I could crack less jokes when arresting him."
Propping her jaw on the palm of her hand, she glanced at him amused, the distant lights dancing in her eyes. And when she smiled in a way her teeth peeked a little through her lips, he could swear that he died, just a little bit, when she looked at him like that. Like he was the only man in the world. "You're a funny guy, aren't you?"
He breathed. "I try to at least."
Her gentle eyes wandered down to the sea again. The harbour shining clearer now as they drew closer. "You know," she spoke up, mischieviousness returning to her features, "I'm only apologising for the 'idiot', nothing more."
His brows knitted together. "Didn't you also apologise for blocking my way through?"
"Hm, I take it back since you said you didn't mind that."
Humming, he folded his hands and propped his elbows onto the railing. Neither one was a big deal for him and he'd found it rather funny how flustered she'd been once Hoseok had told her who he was. But he couldn't help it, he enjoyed teasing her over it.
"Mh, fair enough. I still forgive you for both though."
"Maybe I should've called you something worse then. Like douchebag or jerk," she mused with an arched brow only for her laugh to die down as soon as Seokjin leaned in. Narrowing the gap between them.
All of her pretend-confidence fell apart at the sudden proximity of their faces. Heaving a shaky breath, her eyes flickered to his plump lips which he noticed. And it took everything in him not to close the gap completely.
"You can call me whatever you like." His voice was deep and feathery, brushing over her flushed cheeks like a whisper only for her to hear. "But obviously not during work," he added with a laugh as he retreated, "That'd appear highly unprofessional. For both of us."
Taken aback, Yongsun watched him walking away, heading back inside without even giving her time to properly ponder over his words and their meaning.
"Wait!" She turned around abruptly. There was a lovely innocence in her round eyes. "What do you mean?"
Seokjin, however, only shrugged with an ambiguous smile. "Who knows." He opened the door then but before entering, he paused and faced her again. "You should also come inside. As beautiful as this dress is on you, it won't prevent you from catching a cold."
She frowned and looked down on her short dress. Only then she sensed the cool breeze surrounding them again. In all the time he'd been around she'd completely forgotten about the chillness out there.
"Uh, yeah. In a minute," she said, feeling her cheeks blushing over his, once again, subtle way of complimenting her.
He gave her a nod and disappeared through the door. Leaving Yongsun back on the dim-lit deck.
She couldn't quite figure out if the beauty of his lips was more their softness or their association with the words he spoke.
Scrunching her nose, she folded her arms on the railing, letting the wind gently tousle her blond waves. It was a pity that she began shivering now considering the beautiful view. Perhaps she should indeed get back inside before catching a cold, despite the urge to clear her mind even more after that anew intense accounter with him.
And she wondered, was it alright flirting with him like that? He might not even be in her department, but he was still another agent. And a higher-ranked one, too. Then again, he had done most of the work, really. She'd simply played along.
Shaking her head, a dry laugh left her tinted lips. 
Either way, it wasn't like this would lead anywhere. They worked at different departments, on differents floors. Their paths most likely wouldn't cross again unless another joint operation happened.
And for some reason that realisation filled her with disappointment.
She wasn't usually the type of woman to feel easily attracted to men or even cared enough to give a second thought to them. But his kind eyes and enticing face did sparkle something in her. And the fact his male ego didn't seem hurt but rather took her earlier blunder with humour, was definitely a bonus point. Besides, he generally didn't seem to take himself too serious either. Both fatally opposite traits in most other men.
Yongsun was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't pay attention to the sound of the door opening again and someone stepping out. Only when fabric met her skin, wrapping around her shoulders and back, she realised she wasn't alone anymore and was ready to draw her gun when a soft laugh was heard.
"What a scaredy-cat," Seokjin teased and her eyes widened when seeing him standing there in nothing but his black button-up shirt. Her glance fell and she realised his suit jacket was drapped over her, instinctively grabbing its collar. She about to reject his offer, when meeting his warm smile.
"Thought it's better than nothing."
He gave her nod and turned around, returning to the door when he glanced at her over the shoulder. "You can return it next time we meet. I'll make sure it's soon, this is my favourite suit after all." And Yongsun's eyes widened when seeing a wink follow his words before he returned inside.
Stunned, her thoughts raced and tripped over each other.
They'd eventually meet again. Soon.
Her fingers unconsciously curled more, tightening their grip on the suit jacket.
She only hoped he was sincere. After all, she could tell he wasn't the kind of man a woman got a simple crush on. He was the kind of man you fell hard for, and the thought of that terrified her. She didn't want to fall hard for anyone at all, especially not a superior agent or someone who might not mean any of his words. 
But she had always been a curious cat. And Seokjin definitely triggered her curiosity.
With a small huff, she slid her arms into the jacket. It was still warm from his body and it made her shudder. Burying her hands deep into its pockets.
Great, she thought. 
Now she had a crush on her supervisor's best friend.
if you wanna know what happens to jin x yong, check out the other stories for more context and info!
💜check out the whole "thieves collection" series or my main bts masterlist for other members' stories in this universe or in general💜
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
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alexissara · 2 months ago
The Best Ships of 2024
If i’m anything I am a lover of love. I pretty much only engage stories with some kind of sapphic love element with some rare exceptions for strong ships I've seen, particular cool women with no love interest, or my partners wanting me to check something out. So as always strap in for a collection of sapphics at the very top tier of great to imagine having little dates and shit because this year was a really packed year for amazing women I wanted to to kiss each other. 
The list is not just new ships from 2024 media but any ship that I just happened to get into this year or had something to reinforce it in my life.  If you like you can see last years list https://www.tumblr.com/alexissara/739778084236050433/top-10-ships-of-2023?source=share and if you enjoy my little top 10 lists and want to see the lesbians I make ahead of everyone else go to my patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlexisSara.
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10. Falin Touden and Marcille Donato [Delicious In Dungeon]
One of the most canon non canon ships of all time. One can hope that the anime rectifies the manga and has these two kiss in the end. This ship was one of the biggest ships of the year and while I am a contrarian and a hipster I am not immune, I really love these two, their sweet, cute and have a really strong dynamic and a sense that they truly love each other and would do anything for each other as well as a strong sense of attraction to one another. These pretty white women simply are delightful and worth every bit of hype and love they got this year. 
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9. Velvet Crowe and Magilou [Tales Of]
I hated the of Tales Of Berseria but I love both these characters so much, they are so much fun and their like just a perfect dynamic. The extra goth edgy girl who eats people with her demon hand and the silly traitor clown girl mage who is always just treating life like it’s a game make for this really fun dynamic. Women deserve edgy OCs and they deserve those Edgy OCs to kiss a cute little silly lil clown girl. I just don’t know what else to say, their just kinda perfect together you know? 
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8. Ayaka X Hiriko [Ayaka is In Love With Hiriko]
So this book and show is called Ayaka is in Love With Hiriko so you know it’s about these two doing a romance but the thing is that Hiriko is a stupid ass loser boss and Ayaka has to put her whole pussy into getting this girl to fuck her. I don’t totally love their we need to be in the closet at work kinda deal I think it’s weak to a lot of the other themes in the story but Ayaka and Hiriko genuinely are loaded with charisma and are actual lesbians textually in the narrative which is just rare even for stories with explicit sapphic relationships it’s not normally said out loud as a word and so Idk these two are special to me and their really funny too. 
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7. Olive and Callie [My Dragon GF]
This is a ship that could be on a list every year really, since My Dragon Girlfriend debuted Olive it’s been a top tier ship but this years My Dragon Girlfriend gave us a very delicious date chunk of time focused on Callie and Olive doing a date and it was such a fucking cute date so here they are. Trans girl vampire and her cat girl GF it’s just perfect, I don’t know what to say, shy dorky trans girl vampire with her confident cat girl GF and the little ways they interact and feel the life and stuff. I just love them. Every time Courtney puts up little a little smut comic of them or draws them or whatever I am excited, I want these two girls to just ya know be married or whatever, they are the stars of the show to me. 
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6. Tama X Koko [Sword Of The Necromancer]
I fucking love these two so fucking much. There is just nothing that beats a woman going to the depths of impossibility to revive the woman she loves no matter the cost, the toll of the consequences, dammit this woman is going to live, that’s not how her story ends and she will save her. That energy, that drive to just say “A World Without Her Isn’t A World Worth Saving” that is the kind of energy that immortalizes a piece of art to me and we see that energy from Tama but then we see Koko’s perspective and she has that same energy. Both of them see each other as this important part of the world, something worth giving up everything for and it’s so special with one of the worlds most amazing payoffs in a game. 
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5. Emilia and Valentine [Sunset Phoenix]
Oh to be a magical mob boss with a little butch spy in your pocket who maybe also wants to betray you. These two are a very complicated relationship but ultimately bail each other out of awful situations again and again and again. These two are not dead yet but every piece of the world wants to fucking rip these two to shreads and it’s amazing how they endure everything going on in the plot and how their dynamic shifts over the time of the story. I can’t wait till the second arc of this story and to see if these two get together or not but their gay and their great and it’s so action packed and fucking great. 
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4. Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit [Superwomen In Love]
I finally finished Superwomen in love this year after years of following the series from it’s early scanslations to now and it was even better than I would have expected. These two girls are utterly perfect for each other, their happy ending with explicit love confessions and them raising a kid together is just super sweet and I mean when girls fuse together it’s always a top tier ship. The Kamen Rider fun is great even for me who doesn’t do a Kamen Rider and has no interest in it. Their dates are fun, their desire for each other is fun, their little struggles don’t feel based on just misunderstanding and I really enjoyed the little short body swap story they added too. Their just so damn cute and I love them and I wish there was more of them to enjoy. 
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3. Harlivy [The Strange Case of Harleen and Harley Quinn]
Okay, so I didn’t want to repeat any ships this year but there was a new version of Harley and Ivy in the utterly brilliant The Strange Case Of Harleen and Harley Quinn and what am I supposed to do when a brand new version with new origin stories in a YA setting that still lets the characters be radical and cool criminals and be in love since they were teens but gives them a little bit of mess despite a younger audience comes out!  Harleen and Harley both have great dynamics with Ivy, it’s nice to see the different ways they try and support her and also each other. Unlike a classic Dr. Jacklet and Mr. Hyde story the pair of them aren’t really portrayed as “good and bad” side of someone or a “Civilized and wild” side but instead just like alters that live together in the same mind and body. They are different people that have different skills although they draw from similar experiences. Pamala is already in love with Harleen at the start of the story but she falls for Harley right away too even before she realizes they are separate people.  These two are amazing criminal GFs and I love them in every universe basically. 
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2. Syliva’s Sapphic Polycule [Potionomics] 
Potionomics put out their Masterworks Edition update and it made it where Sylvia could romance every single character in the game at once if she wanted and therefore making this one of the few games in the world with actual sapphic polyamory possible. While you don’t get to talk about dating other people with each other it’s still a cut above so many other games that simply don’t let you date other women once you’ve locked in.  Syliva’s got chemistry even with the guys in the game but obviously if your a lesbian like me your probably gonna just have her date all the girls and their all fucking fantastic relationships. Sylvia’s gonna keep herself busy between running her shop and kissing all the girls she is dating but she deserves the fun and joy they all bring into her life. All of their little romantic arcs are great and I love how the relationships feel very two sided where you grow through mechanics cuz your relationship with them and they grow in the arc not just being in a relationship with you but growing to some new place in their life. 
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1. Sevika X Jinx [Arcane]
Sevika is one of my favorite characters of the year and Jinx is one of my favorite characters just in general. While neither will show up on my best characters list it’s because I didn’t love Arcane Season 2 so I just felt weird putting them there when I have up and down feelings on how they were handled yet, I can’t deny they are here on my top ship and a lot of that is carried by how cool they are. The way Jinx prioritizes getting Sevika her new arm she made for her over saving her own dead brother’s goggles, the way Sevika is willing to risk her life to fight enforcers so that Jinx can finish what she wants, the way Sevika believes in Jinx and wants to see her do things in the world, the way Jinx trusts Sevika without needing to say anything to her, these two are just so good and it really is a relationship between equals which shifts Sevila from her normal dynamic of being under someone. Every scene these two were in together was just a delight, an utter tree and honestly, they wree the heart of this season to me that felt neglected by needing to big up another region of the worlds lore and set up these magic giant stakes that just weren’t needed. Long live Zaun, via la revolution, the people deserve more than one seat at the table.
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grimmla-arts · 6 days ago
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update on the ye old sketch comic thank you for reading btw. I'm working on this slowly in my free time. I'd really like to flesh it out more, but I also feel like if I don't get something started I'll never get anything done so! Actually I'm pretty happy I've managed this many pages even if I want to go back and do some rewrites XD
Ok so for this one I wanted to... take a little step back and introduce how Sir blackwood met the shewolf (I'm kinda debating on weather or not she'd give him her name... probably not till later) These other two fellows are also hunters, here to deal with the shewolf, perhaps he'll decide to turn her in now that he's got her out of her coat... somewhat. Also I would really like to make some proper layouts of the hunting cabin, it's just a one room sort of thing with some underfloor storage, but I'd like to get into some of the neater details later.
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These are all public btw. I'm like... super shy about sharing any of my own personal characters stories, but wanted to make a little something. This one is hopefully part of a little mini series of comics I'd like to make... though I'd like to go back and polish and give it the proper full render
Sir blackwood comes from a line of witch/fey hunters, and so when his father fell ill he was the first to be summoned for this task. He's not a fan, but he is most knowledgeable, and in need of coin. Will he turn her in? Maybe? I'd say who knows but... obviously I do X'D
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Oh look I added color and on.... 'Paw'pose...this time. (sorry I'll go home)
Anyhow! wanted to do a big spread! She's got ya sir! and sadly that's all I have for you for the time being. ^^; I only get to work on these in my spare time. So for those reading thank you for being so patient!
I may take a little time to do a character sheet or two?... at least some renders
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