#Carbon Copy AU
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raccoon-crown · 5 months ago
INKTOBER 2024: HIKE [Day 8]
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Ah! Nothing like talking to your friend's clone adoptive son while having a walk in the afternoon!!
And let me tell you that Shadow doesn't look bad for having around 200 years old either! (Must be the coffee...)
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cutjugular · 8 months ago
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Someone to give Messmer braids like the rest of the siblings.
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ghostbsuter · 1 year ago
Magicians way [part 1]
.・゜-: ✧ :-
It's not often that he finds himself in such position, but it does happen.
John Constantine never would have thought he'd scratch the "tied up by a cult to be used as sacrifice to summon a powerful ghost" spot on his bingo card.
He doesn't even feel threatened by the cult, hell, all he will receive from this day is pure embarrassment if the summoning circle is really the one he thinks it is.
Great, it's glowing.
Little bastard knows and is on his way here.
"Oh all mighty King of Ghosts! We summon thee! Appear!"
If he has to listen to that badly scripted American movie summoning ritual one more word, he's gonna do some serious damage.
The circle lights up in sickly green, the ectoplasm flooding the insides of the portal as it opens.
And there he stands, the boyprince of the Infinity Realms.
"Hey, dad!" The being greets, swinging a swift fist against one of the cultist.
The rest are frozen and now that they're alone John sees the shit eating grin on the gremlins face.
"Danny." He greets back, watching as his kid swipes some invisible dust from his hat and putting it on back.
"Man, this is so embarrassing for you. Let me just—"
To make matters worse, Danny pulls out his bloody smartphone and takes a picture of him tied up.
"I'm sending this to mom." He's fiddling with the rope, smug smirk on him that John would love to flip off if his hands weren't bound.
Ah, here comes the blackmail. A kids after his own heart.
The little shit.
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Visual picture of Constantine being embarrassed. (Yes, he's tied up with a RED RIBBON for funnsies.)
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laolafi · 3 days ago
Rosamund Painswick has a companion. An equally wealthy and spectacular socialite who lives right on the other side of Belgrave Square. Widowed at a young age, even younger than Rosamund, but around the same time Marmaduke Painswick died. Let's call her Alice.
They host the most spectacular soirées in their respective Belgravia homes. They travel the continent together, extensively. They collect art and become patrons for museums and collections that would later rise to global importance. That kind of thing. They raise Alice's children together – the Crawley girls wonder why they call her "Auntie Rummy". They're madly, deeply in love and it shows.
Over time, the family grows extremely fond of Alice. Robert, who had the hardest time accepting the situation and spent a lot of time indignantly huffing and puffing about it, most of all. It's just a basic fact, Aunt Rosamund comes with her companion or not at all.
When Maud Bagshaw appears and announces that she intends to make her young maid Lucy her companion, Robert jumps to all the wrong conclusions and is appropriately scandalised.
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navii-blaze · 2 months ago
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Introducing Helen, my shadally fankid because I drew her once and now she's here for keeps
Part of my Mobius 37 years later au, she's an accidental byproduct of a political marriage between Sally and Shadow. Sally, after 3 divorces and finally living out her 30/40s in peace, needs an actual king (in writing) to prevent continuous claims to the throne by rivals and enemies. And Shadow, now a world renowned trailblazer in medical research, is tired of dealing with the bureaucracy and politics of his field and would desperately like someone else with authority and better patience to handle this side of work. Their marriage is completely platonic, each recognizes that there's a mutual benefit to the arrangement, and they can solve each other's problems with a more personal connection.
Helen may have been an accident, but by this point her parents have matured well and are not burdened by war to find time to raise her properly. She utilizes the same chaos inhibitors as her father, and was trained intensely by him and other masters of chaos energy to perfect her control over her abilities. She takes the same path as her mother, showing a strong interest in political sciences and justice. In the au's current time she's already set off on her own to pursue her studies.
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level599 · 1 year ago
You know how cold you've been lately.
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transsongtaewon · 4 months ago
It was a picture of Song Taewon with young children. When I opened the linked post, it said that when Chief Song-nim was in college, he'd done volunteer work. -look how different chief songnims hand and the kids are in size im vibrating
chapter 203
it's so funny how Geunseo actually cited my dms for this comment <3
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cheswirls · 7 months ago
when sabo finds him, ace is alone out on the balcony. he's, as always, as quiet as a dormouse, so the only way ace becomes aware of his presence is with a soft, tentative call of his own name.
he turns his head away from the banister. sabo looks a bit unsure in expression, but when he steps forward, it's with confidence. "you're the last person i expected to be away from the center of attention tonight."
ace laughs a little and pivots on his heel, leaning his elbows back against the railing. "i know this may be hard to believe, but i'm not really one for crowds or parties or . . . all of this." he gestures to the space over sabo's shoulder. "besides, it's not like anyone has time for me. they're all in there celebrating the hero of the night."
"hero," sabo mutters with scorn. he moves further out onto the balcony, his hands balling into fists at his sides. "that should be you, you know. you're the one who took down the dragon. she had no right to–"
deal the finishing blow? take my rightful prize out from under me? "look, sabo, i know you're up in arms about all this, but it's really okay. i never cared about the attention and prestige that comes with killing a dragon. uta has her own agenda with all of this. she did what she thought was necessary to further her goals."
"i don't care about that," sabo hushes in anger. "everyone is talking like she put her life on the line, like she's the one that protected people in the end. they have no idea that you almost died and they don't care that you took on such a heavy burden alone. i– it just makes me so bitter–"
"hey, now, that's not true," ace counters, finally pushing forward onto his own two feet. "it was you and me together, wasn't it?"
"it was more you than me, ace. honestly. they should be celebrating you instead."
"you're overreacting a bit," ace teases, hands raised in surrender. "it's always been like this. everyone is eager to turn the other way, when it comes to me. but you are a bit different, hm? why aren't you in there dancing? surely you have the masses lined up to fawn over you."
sabo's shoulders draw up in a hurry, which makes ace pause before he can get any more teasing past his lips. his head is tilted down to the stone at their feet, but there's not much distance between them, so ace has no trouble hearing when sabo professes himself.
"my current reputation still isn't great, even after what we did earlier. and i'm not . . . comfortable with dancing, either. i'm not sure if i can lead properly."
ace extends one arm, hand raised between them. "dance with me," he says to sabo, and it has to be the easiest request he's ever made in his life. sabo looks up in shock, clearly not expecting such an offer, so ace tries again. "it's just the two of us out here. i'll lead so you won't have to, and we'll keep the doors shut so you won't waste energy worrying over what anyone else might think."
"alright," sabo agrees. he holds his hand out for ace to take, and then holds his next breath for a beat longer inside his chest when ace sweeps him up close.
sabo can dance, really, he just can't . . . do what ace is doing. lead so effortlessly, all the while keeping sabo's head from facing in the direction of their window to the inside. kindness extended, and with such care, too. sabo can't help but shudder a bit in ace's hold.
ace draws him closer, looking closely at sabo's face. "you're not cold, surely."
"no," sabo mumbles. "i just keep thinking."
ace raises a brow. "about?"
"you always know what to do to make things better," sabo admits. "and with me, to make me feel at ease. i'm so thankful you gave me a place at your side, ace. you're so . . important to me, more than words can ever describe. and i know you'll continue to be reckless, like you were with the dragon today, so i'll keep watching to make sure you come out safe.
"i don't . . ." sabo pauses, swallows, then tries again. "i don't think i'll ever be able to take my eyes off of you, ace. so . . please continue to take care of me as well."
ace has long since stopped moving, stopped swaying them side to side, shell-shocked and rooted into place. but with sabo's last words, he becomes unable to restrain himself. he glances through the balcony doors to make sure no eyes are on them, and when that's clear, uses his hold on sabo to tug him to the side railing, where they're hidden from view.
he takes sabo's other arm and crowds him against the support pillar, letting his own head cast sabo's face into shadow. "forgive me for this," he murmurs, then leaves sabo no room to form a proper reply.
sabo's lips part to question ace's apology, but then ace's lips are against his before any words can be spoken, before any sound can be uttered. ace releases one of his hands to cradle his cheek, tilting their heads just a bit more so their lips slide seamlessly together.
with his free hand, sabo regains enough sense to reach up and snag the sleeve along ace's arm. it displaces ace just enough for him to pull away willingly, though not before an embarrassing noise hiccups from sabo's mouth into his own.
ace's eyes crack open, and he backs off his a hair more. sabo still hasn't released his suit jacket's sleeve. he looks so lost at the sudden turn of events that ace suddenly feels bad. the heat rushes to his face. "sorry, i won't do that ever again," he starts, voice barely audible between them.
sabo makes another strangled noise and reveals more of the whites of his eyes. this time, it's him reeling ace in, him initiating their kiss, as if he suddenly can't stand the idea of ace leaving him be.
ace gets swept up in it. he muses sabo's hair, tangling his fingers between those soft curls. sabo pulls away to breathe and ace widens the gap between his lips with his own tongue, not giving him even a moment of respite.
sabo's hold on his arm turns into a vice-grip. he sucks in a breath through his nose and lets ace explore the inside of his mouth carelessly, running his tongue on everything within reach. sabo's other hand moves to ace's shoulder and holds there equally as tight. he feels his legs threaten to give and leans more heavily against the pillar.
in response, ace wraps a steady arm around his waist, holding him close. the taste of him is absolutely divine. he's so caught up in devouring sabo bit by bit that he doesn't even realize the door has opened behind them.
he and sabo separate quickly, because they both know that voice. sabo is breathing deep, struggling to recover. his eyes are wide, his expression shaken. he won't look up past ace's shoulder. ace doesn't want him to.
he's careful as he takes a half-step back, angling so his body conceals sabo from view completely. he turns his head to look over his shoulder, fixing the figure at the door with a pointed glare. "utahime."
his sister sniffs in disdain, then looks down at her perfectly-manicured nails. "i just came to let you know. i really don't care what happens to the materials collected from the dragon corpse. you're free to them if you so desire."
that would be the one solid reward he'd gain from this whole affair. he truly didn't mind her taking all the glory from the kill, but he did want his hands on that magicite badly enough to beg for it. if she offers it up, that at least saves him the effort. "alright. then–"
"however, because i do not wish to be in charge of such materials, the ministry of occult has already taken them into possession. they've proposed a date further into the coming week where you will be free to present your case on why you should be given the magical materials instead."
oh. there is the twist. that familiar knife embedded in his back. she never wanted to play fair, these days. everything always had to be done to make his life as heinous and tedious as possible. "how kind of you," he hisses. "to let me know of such."
"i only felt it right to give you fair warning." uta sniffs, then tilts her head to pretend to peer up past ace's shoulder, even though she lacks the height to do so. "you're even free to bring along guests to help with your demonstration."
ace ignores the slight against sabo in favor of the newly-introduced concept. "demonstration?"
"but of course. if you don't show off your so-called 'magical tools' to the ministry, how do you expect them to relinquish the materials to you for research purposes?" when she smiles, it's a thin, bitter thing that leaves ace's guts near boiling. "that is what you need them all for, correct?"
ace feels a snarl building in the back of his throat. his eyes glower, and he turns a full one-eighty to face uta completely, rising to regain the height he has on her. "you just have to make everything difficult for me, huh? can't leave me the easy path just once? what do you even have to gain from all of this? or do you just enjoy watching me struggle?"
uta had been belligerent, but on ace's final question, she relents. grows consternated. it's not a good look on her, but ace doesn't spare the effort required to feel any sort of pity. "of course i don't enjoy such a thing!" she snaps. "i'm trying to make you realize that–"
she cuts off with a harsh clench of her teeth. "ruin your life, for all i care! i'm so happy that you're so in love with someone now. bet that's the most important thing in the world to you at present!"
"yeah, i am in love!" ace agrees. "i have someone i can rely on and trust wholeheartedly, to always have my back and more. and what about you? do you have anyone so close at hand? are you actually surrounded by friends and allies, or are they all just pawns for you to use and discard as you see fit?!"
"have fun out here by yourselves," uta grouses, and then moves swiftly back inside with a harsh tug on the door to close it loudly behind her.
"if that's supposed to be you getting the last word, then you've definitely lost your touch," ace grumbles.
hands on his arms un-sort them from their interlocked state. ace exhales and lets the anger rush from his chest along with it. "sorry," he mutters.
"she's frazzled, is all," sabo disagrees. "you may have cut a tad too deep at the end there."
"did she not deserve such a thing? perhaps it'll serve as her wake-up call."
"regardless, she's not exactly working in your– our favor," sabo corrects. "it wouldn't do well to piss her off. who knows what she'll come up with to send at us next."
ace lets sabo grab his hand as he silently thinks on things. he knows internally how angry sabo is at his sister, and yet, he'd remained quiet the entire time. observing the entire ordeal, and then rushing to ace's side to offer comfort. as cool and collected in the face of conflict as always.
ace sighs, and when his hand goes limp in sabo's own, sabo looks up at him. "once again, i have to wonder why you're such a better fit for the crown than me or my sister will ever be," he murmurs.
sabo colors at this, and he opens his mouth to speak, but ace falls to a kneel before he gets the chance. holds both of his hands, now, nice and tight.
"let me declare this once again, sabo, so that you know my intentions remain true," ace says. "i'm going to reclaim my title as heir to the throne, and when i do, it will all be to put you in my place as the true ruler of this kingdom."
uta can play her games all she wants. ace can chase after her all he wants. the only thing that matters now is ensuring sabo ends up exactly where he was always meant to be.
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raccoon-crown · 10 months ago
Nine Travels 1: An explosive Greeting
In the middle of a dark alley, far from the sight of the traffic of the city, a glowing portal opened in the air and through it a small fox with seven metallic tails crossed towards that place, wrinkling his nose at the unpleasant atmosphere when he arrived.
-Ah, nothing better to remember the garbage dump I left than arriving to a new one - taking a look at himself, he realized that his appearance was quite similar to his usual this time - mmm... it seems that the frequency of this place isn't so different from New Yoke.
Extending a hand he closed the portal and before taking a look at his surroundings, deciding to scan the area before moving forward for security reasons he had to learn in his past voyages.
Opening his metallic tails to make way for his own two tails, he rose into flight to reach the top of one of the buildings around the alley. And once he was on the cement terrace, able to take a look into the distance, he finally managed to make out something that brought him a different idea than what he had preconceived from that world.
True, that place had technology ultimately as advanced as what he had seen in New Yoke and many other places, but that one in particular seemed much more alive than the place where he had grown up. With no alarming red symbols anywhere and flying transports at the disposal of other people and not only for a council of eggheads, this was certainly a place where he could perhaps fit in.
-Well, I guess this place has quite potential.
As much as he pretended not to be excited by the prospect of analyzing the technology of that new world, his furry tails moved with clear joy between the steel ones.
-Very good universe number 1723 - he read from the screen projected by the MTC, a habit acquired with the aim of avoiding falling back into a world that he had previously explored - let's see what you have to offer.
As if it were an answer, an explosion in a distant part of the city brought back more memories of his childhood, watching a column of smoke rise upward while the scandal of more explosions and screams moved through the streets, the little nine-tailed fox gave a sigh.
-Well, I this place was too good to be true - he exclaimed as he reloaded the MTC to look for another place to go, the last thing he wanted was to get involved in the war of another universe, again.
But before he had the chance to activate the portal, the roar came dangerously close to his position. His ears perked up alertly while his tails held him firmly to the concrete as the building he stood on shook with an impact.
Hearing the commotion of the local inhabitants, he momentarily suspended the activation process of the device in his hand to take a look around the edge of the building only to see how it was being consumed by flames and enveloped in smoke on one side.
-This must be a joke, I gotta get out of here - returning to his work, he typed on the holographic screen as quickly as possible until a familiar flash at the entrance of the building caught his attention.
Taking another look, he was able to discern how a rapid line of bluish tones entered and left the burning building constantly with people to evacuate them from the area.
He didn't have to be a genius, and he definitely was one, to know who it was. The only blue, fast airhead who would enter a building in pieces to play the hero.
And surely someone right in the middle of all that scandal in what could have been his favorite world.
-Right, I should have know that sooner or later I would meet that dumb hedgehog again - observing the scene he inspected the area in search of any flash or even yellow or orange stain in the area - if he is here then the other 'me' mustn't be far - turning around, he tried to leave the matter aside - that fox can take care of helping him this time.
The simultaneous explosions that shook the building where he was once again made him hesitate before returning to his teleporting device.
“He's fine,” he forced himself to think, “like always.”
And before he could rectify the mistake that had crossed his mind, his own memory had the courtesy to remind him how Sonic had once been one bar away from disappearing from existence in order to save the universe he came from.
What wouldn't another stubborn hedgehog like him be willing to do?
Letting out a loud snort, the fox ran a hand through the tufts of fur on his forehead while gritting his teeth.
-What an Idiot... - he shouted through his teeth - When will I learn to ignore that fool?
And before he had time to reconsider, he ran towards the edge of the building, with his tails ready to take flight in the middle of the smoke screen that surrounded the place.
As he began to fall, he managed to distinguish a few peculiar machines that had a certain similarity to some type of insect, flying over the building and shooting into it in the process.
Swallowing, Nine prepared his steel tails and began firing calculatedly at 7 of the peculiar machines, attracting the attention of the rest. The metal insects returned enemy fire more quickly than he had expected, forcing him to take evasive action while continuing to fire.
One by one, the steel bugs fell engulfed in flames until he finally chased what seemed to be the last of them into the damaged building.
-Are you trying to hide? Ha, how pathetic.
Squinting his eyes, he searched for his target as he landed on the unstable ground with his tails prepared either to attack or to flee in case of a collapse. Lifting his ears, he heard a peculiar humming sound and as he followed it he distinguished between the broken glass of the building the same fast line that he had seen before, but now he was able to perceive the peculiar machine that had followed the blue figure.
-Got you.
Following the pair's path across the floor of the building, he aimed two of his laser tails and waited for the right moment before shooting right at the center of the flying insect.
Letting go a smile with satisfaction, he watched the blue flash disappear at full speed over one of the corners, safely away.
-Well, that was fun, I guess that's enough of universe 1723 for one day...
A sharp irritation on the back of his neck alerted him, he reached it with hand only to feel a strange, delicate cylinder attached to it. Taking it out to see what it was, he felt as if the lighting in the room was dimming and the floor was shaking even more.
-What the hell…? – distinguishing the cylinder in his hands, he soon discovered that one of the ends had a delicate steel tip from which a purple liquid was dripping – this is… a syringe? No... a dart?
Staggering, he was not even able to coordinate his steel tails to support him before falling to the ground barely conscious while a weird silhouette approached him
-Ha…I knew I should…have left when I could.
And just like that, the little nine-tailed fox fell unconscious into a completely unknown world.
Well, that's it for my First contribution for the nine-tailed travel guide through the multiverse event of @donelywell !
This story is like a far away tale from the Carbon Copy AU I made! So if you have read the first two chapter of it previously take into account that from this point the story contains some spoilers from the main story.
That being said, just wait for more tales of Nine in this universe soon!
THIS IS THE FIRST - NEXT (already corrected link!)
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clegfly · 5 months ago
The best worst thing about my PMMM x omori au is combining PMMM’s ending with OMORI’s. Yeah I’d like two depressions for the price of one
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shima-draws · 2 years ago
So apparently my brain has decided to get back into Sonic again I say already 27 episodes through rewatching Sonic X. Anyway. I love my kids ESPECIALLY Chris to this day I do not understand why people hate on him so much. He’s baby
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sharedink · 1 year ago
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Oliver Warner┊HE IS THE GUY EVER
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juliareed · 5 months ago
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Sing, sing, won't you sing for me? Beast in your belly, you've got to let it breathe Breathe for me
#aliasedit#alias#irina derevko#julian sark#sydney bristow#userthing#tvarchive#irina x sark#irina x sydney#sark x sydney#isplus#ssplus#myedit#au where irina took sydney with her during the extraction#love it when irina takes sydney with her and it results in sydney and sark becoming carbon copies of each other.#both under complete irina's control. but what if we take it in a different direction?#what if irina still wanted to build her criminal empire but keep sydney sheltered and completely unaware of it.#while still fully involving sark in it from a young age. what if sydney and sark grew up together but in two different worlds.#keeping sydney out of it helps to ensure that the chances of sydney and jack crossing paths again are minimal.#because jack might and WILL take away irina's control over sydney. it's better for him to believe that sydney died when she was a child.#better for sydney to believe that her father never loved her.#while sydney wasn't conditioned into becoming a killer like sark was; she's still very much a prisoner.#who's been manipulated and lied to her entire life. and how would she feel after learning the truth.#one thing to learn that your mother runs a criminal organization. entirely different to learn that the person you grew up with;#the person you remember from the time when he was still different; was taken apart and put back together and your mother is responsible.#I PROMISE BROTHER YOU'RE SAFE WITH US. he was not in fact safe.#bonus points if sydney was the one who brought him to irina. was the one who found him. was the one he first met and first trusted.#sydney leading sark to the slaughter without knowing it?#irina then making sure that they will grow further and further apart and won't be united against her?#i wonder what lies she's telling you about me to make sure that we'll never be friends!!!!!!!
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lifesver · 9 days ago
thinking about how out of the mckinney kids sadie and april are most like cecil and willa and leland are most like lorelai. but also every single mckinney kid is never going to grow up to be shit like their dad is. but april is like yeah i have oldest daughter issues and helped raise all my siblings. and sadie is like yeah im my father’s daughter unfortunately and i hate that so im going to act out. willa is weird and emotionally psychic like her mom and leland is just like, all of lorelai’s softness but as a goofy jock.
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navii-blaze · 4 months ago
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SoNia Acorn
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the-kr8tor · 1 year ago
The twins when they grow up and start getting sassy like the Hobie genetic is gonna be STRONG
Lmao they'd be so unnecessarily sarcastic too! The sass would be overflowing in Hobie's household 🤣 even Hobie himself would be out sassed by his own kids not to mention all their come backs are so witty no one can bully these kids bc they will fight back with a brilliantly crafted roast 🤣
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