#I want his death to matter and I want it to hurt
gregrulzok · 3 days
Devil's Minion is an interesting title though, isn't it.
I mean one of them is a creature designed and all but required to kill. He could eat animals, technically, but we know that isn't sustainable long term - even Louis, who genuinely tried it, wanted it so bad, couldn't keep the diet up for long. That's just not sustainable for their bodies, not what they were made for.
And the many long centuries of isolation, many long centuries of being unable to go out during the day, to talk to people without raising suspicion - and the changing of times, watching the culture shift and drift away from you without being able to fully follow it... Anyone would be distant from humans, from humanity, it's a shift in the psyche supported from every angle to make you view people as prey rather than equals.
And then the other? Human. A guy. He had relatives, friends, probably. He's more than likely lost people before, knows the grief of death far more intimately than a being designed to take two or three lives in a day ever could.
And yet, night after night, he holds the hunter in his arms. Cuddles up to him, ignores the fact that any warmth in his lover cost another human being their life. He ignores the pain and suffering they went through despite being fully equipped to understand it, ignores the grief and heartache he knows their close ones must be feeling - more than that, he takes pleasure in it! He drinks the blood of the monster, for no reason other than his own pleasure, and he tastes in it the wails and screams and desperation of those that were killed for it, and he's addicted to it. He wants more. He craves it, needs it.
More than THAT, even, he wants nothing more than to be part of it. To have the power to take human lives, to be the same as the alleged devil. Armand had no choice in the matter, not really, and has no choice but to kill - Daniel wants it, more than anything, he's constantly preoccupied with it, begs for it over and over and over.
And on the other hand, it's Daniel who gets his wishes granted. Daniel who can point at anything he wants and have it in his possession the next moment. Sure, he has to follow Armand's whims and impulses, teach Armand, follow him everywhere, but at the end of the day Armand is serving Daniel as much as he is himself, if not more.
And it's Armand who has to, through arguments and tears and heartache, defend what he sees as the one boundary he set in the relationship. The one line he has begged Daniel over and over again not to try to cross, Daniel has to test again and again.
He'll do anything for Daniel, anything, except for the one thing that would hurt him most - and its still not enough.
Devil's Minion, huh.
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ms--lobotomy · 3 days
@angronsjewelbeetle (humbly offers this to you)
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Summary: Magnus takes care of his sick (masc) lover.
Word Count: 600
Content Warnings: Sickness, idk this one's pretty fluffy as far as the war-criminals-in-space fandom goes
Image Credit: @squishyowl
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It wasn't often that the betrothed of Magnus the Red got sick. With a touch of his hand, he could remove almost any illness that got in your way. This one was persistent, though, resistant to even the most powerful psykers the galaxy had to offer. Aches and pains dashed down your body. You shivered in the bed.
It was hard to ignore his looming presence besides you. He looked aloof as he paged through one of Lorgar's treatises, but his eye remained on you. You didn't even know if he was reading the darned thing, but you had neither the want nor the energy to confront him about it.
"Hm?" Magnus asked, turning one of the pages.
Your cheeks flushed warmer than they were. Something about the rumble of his voice put you at ease every time he uttered something. Even a grunt would make you feel all warm inside. The corners of his mouth turned up, and he put the book aside. You felt a hand snake towards your forehead, completely engulfing it.
"How are you feeling?" he asked. No matter how dire the situation, his voice always maintained a soft quality when around you.
"Urgh," you groaned in response. You turned over to face him.
Magnus chuckled at you, rubbing his cool hand along your forehead. "At a loss for words, my beloved?" he asked. "No matter. Tap the bed twice if it is okay for me to go inside your mind."
You tapped once, then hesitated. Usually this action was reserved for the most dire of situations, and were you really that sick? You weren't in danger of death, after all, this disease felt like more of a cold than anything. Magnus frowned.
"You don't have to, love," he said, his hand retracting from your forehead.
It was then that you tapped the bed, twice to confirm your decision. Magnus sat you up on the bed against the mountain of soft pillows he had personally requested for you and grabbed for both of your hands. You were kneeling now, your legs creating a w-shape behind you. The red of his skin was pronounced against your natural hue, and he ran his thumbs along your knuckles.
"Ready?" he asked.
You nodded, and his hands stopped moving. You felt him move past a sea of ow ow hurt pain to something a lot calmer, a lot quieter. You closed your eyes to see you two on Prospero together, holding hands as you watched the sun go down and saying nothing.
Prospero became the Imperial Palace. You were on a balcony, doing a little dance together before you were listening to one of the remembrancers play and sing an ancient instrument. Different little moments flashed through your mind, moments that had both happened and were yet to happen with him before finally you saw yourself in a suit, walking down the aisle to join him in marriage once and for all.
You could feel yourself falling into him, his twin heartbeats steady against your ear.
"Magnus," you said softly, your hand leaving his to settle on his chest. In the real world, you had also fallen onto him, running your hand up and down the soft fabric of his shirt.
"Yes?" he replied, grabbing your waist and rubbing his thumb over your belly.
"Can we stay like this for a while?" you asked. "Feels... nice."
"Do not worry," he replied, his eye closing while he pulled you in. "I have you here and now, and I will have you forever. And this will be over soon, I promise you."
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Taglist: @bispecsual @justeverythingnothingelse @bleedingichorhearts @nekotaetae @historitor-bookshelf
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do you ever casually write an itafushi kiss scene for your friends to give them advice?? 😭
this is dedicated to @kat-likes-writing and @sunnyyflowerrs
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yuji and megumi stared at each other. megumi didn’t understand why he was being so frustrating right now. giving people a “proper death,” how selfish was that? what about him living a proper life?
how was it fair of him to just throw his life away just to save some random strangers? people who wouldn’t even give a second thought about him.
“you’re being selfish, itadori,” megumi said.
“i’m being selfish? how is that selfish?” he asked incredulously.
“you’re not even thinking about the people around you! the people who will miss you when you’re gone,” megumi’s voice was raising as it cracked, just barely, at the thought of yuji dying again, “i’ve lost you once. i’m not losing you again.”
“we face death everyday, fushiguro, how is this any different?” yuji stepped closer, not necessarily in a threatening manner, but in a way that said he meant what he was saying.
megumi stepped closer too, challenging him. “we face death, but we’re not throwing our lives away. there is a different, itadori.”
they stared at each other, unaware of the minimal space between them.
“why does it matter so much what i’m doing?” yuji finally asked, breaking the silence.
megumi stared at him. he was feeling so many things right now. anger, hurt, frustration. they all boiled over as he just wanted to communicate how much he wanted yuji to live.
yuji stared back, not willing to back down.
there was a charge between them, one of high tension and emotion.
“i don’t want to mourn you again,” megumi said, barely above a whisper.
he closed the distance between them, hands grabbing the collar of yuji’s shirt. their lips crashed together, and he could feel yuji stiffen before he relaxed, hands coming up to cup megumi’s face.
they moved with passion, letting the frustrations of the conversation take over their movements. both were inexperienced, but both were trying to communicate so much. megumi pulled yuji impossibly closer and felt the other boy wrap his arms around his neck.
when they pulled away, both were breathing heavily, emotions finally settling.
“i’m not losing you,” megumi repeated, resting his forehead against yuji’s.
“okay…” yuji said softly, “i’m not going anywhere.”
WOW why did i just crank that out in the chat, huh? also sorry for the bad grammar, all lowercase, and any typos… its discord after all…
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strvberrydoll · 1 day
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Pairing: John Marston x F!Reader CW: mentions of past abuse, animal death, gun fight, period typical violence, injuries, blood loss, needles, in my mind John is 6’0 ok?? let me dream. WC: 7k A/N: and the story begins!! im giggling posting this eheh took me longer than expected to finish the chapter ‘cause i needed it to be impeccable. It’s nowhere near perfect but i fear my brain will melt if I look a second more at its google doc. As always let me know what you think and if you’d like to see more. Likes, reblogs and comments are highly suggested so I know what’s going on in your minds. Also! let me know if you want to be in the taglist
series masterlist | masterlist I AO3 link
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The house always felt colder at night. Its long, empty hallways stretched out like an intricate maze, darkened by shadows that seemed to dance and twist with each flicker of candlelight. You had grown used to the chill that clung to your skin, used to the hollow feeling that echoed through the grand, oppressive mansion. The silence was suffocating, broken only by the distant tick of the grandfather clock at the end of the hall and the occasional clink of glass coming from the dining room downstairs.
You couldn’t sleep, like most nights, and wandered the corridors alone. Your little bare feet were silent against the polished floors as you wandered the empty corridors. Thankfully the second floor was empty, as all the maids were now occupied with a business party your father was hosting downstairs.
Not that it mattered, the maids barely looked at you anymore, and when they did, their eyes were sharp, filled with disdain. You heard them sometimes, whispering about you—how you were a burden, something unwanted. "The little ghost," they’d often call you, mocking how quiet and small you were. But it was the way your father looked at you that hurt most. Like you were the cause of everything wrong in his world. Like you had stolen something precious from him the day you were born.
Your chest tightened at the thought of him, and instinctively, your feet carried you toward the only place you ever felt safe.
A faint, warm glow spilled from beneath your brother’s door, a welcome contrast to the darkness of the house. You didn’t want to bother him, but you needed him. You always needed him. He was the only one who actually saw you, who cared for you in a world that seemed determined to treat you like a ghost and push you far away.
With a soft push, the door creaked open, revealing your brother, sitting on the edge of his bed. He was hunched over something, his dark hair messy from a long day. With the candlelight contrasting his frowning expression, he looked older than his sixteen years, but his eyes lit up when they met yours.
“Hey, Birdie,” he greeted, his warm voice chirped, though you could hear the exhaustion beneath it. “Can’t sleep again?”
You shook your head side to side and stepped into the room. The familiar scent of freshly washed bed sheets contrasted his usual scent of hay and tobacco wrapping around you like a blanket. He always smelled like the outdoors, like freedom. The kind of freedom that Governess Constance, the only person in that house aside from your brother that treated you like you were supposed to treat an eight years old kid, would read to you in one of your goodnight books.
“Come on then, sit here with me,” he said, patting the bed beside him. His voice was gentle, and as always, it soothed the growing ache in your chest. You scrambled up onto the bed, crossing your legs as you sat next to him.
On his lap was something wrapped in a soft cloth, the fabric fraying at the edges. He was working on it, carefully running a strange stone over the surface with long, practiced strokes. You watched in silence, following his every move with big curious eyes. The steady rhythm of the blade against the stone hypnotic.
“What’s that Isa?” You asked after a moment, your voice barely a whisper as you hugged one of his cushions.
Isaiah—your brother—hesitated, glancing at you from the corner of his eye before slowly unwrapping the cloth completely. Your breath caught in your throat as the object inside was revealed—a dagger. Not just any dagger, but a beautiful, intricately crafted one. The hilt was white adorned with swirling patterns with silver detailings, the blade gleamed in the candlelight, sharp and polished to perfection. A dangerous beauty.
“It’s for you,” he said quietly, holding it out for you to take.
Your eyes widened in disbelief. “For me?” you asked, your small hands trembling as you reached for it. The material of the hilt was cooler against your skin, the weight of the dagger much heavier than it looked. “W-why are you giving me this?”
He sighed, running a hand through his tangled hair, avoiding your gaze for a moment before putting one arm on your shoulder in a sideways embrace. “Because I can’t always protect you,” he said softly, the sadness in his voice startling you. He looked back at you then, his eyes shadowed with something you didn’t quite understand. “I’m not gonna be here much longer, Birdie.”
The words hit you like a punch much more painful than your father’s drunken beatings, knocking the air from your lungs. You stared up at him, your heart pounding in your chest. “What do you mean?” Your voice cracked, tears started to pool in your eyes and the dagger trembled in your hands. He didn’t respond and looked down.
“No,” you whispered, shaking your head in denial. “You can’t. Y-you can’t leave me. You p-promised you’d stay. You promised!” the weight of the situation made your stutter come back. Your training with Miss Constance to tone it down out of the window in this moment.
“I know,” he said, his voice breaking with the weight of the lie. “I know I did.” He reached out, his rough hand cupping your small face, brushing away the tear that slipped down your cheek. “But this family? This life? It’s killing me. And I don’t want to end up broken like him.”
Your chest felt tight, like you couldn’t breathe. The room spun around you, and all you could focus on was the weight of the dagger in your lap, the one thing that felt real. You clutched it tighter, trying to ground yourself, trying to keep him here with you.
“But you’re a-all I hav-h-have,” you whispered, your voice breaking. “What am I supposed to do without y-you?”
Isaiah pulled you into a fierce hug, his arms wrapping around your small frame. You buried your face in his chest, breathing in the scent of him, trying to memorize it. “Oh, my sweet, sweet sister, you’re gonna be alright,” he whispered into your hair, his voice thick with emotion. “You’re stronger than you think. And one day, when the time comes, you’ll use that dagger. You’ll protect yourself.”
Your tears soaked into his shirt, heavy sobs shaking your entire body. You didn’t want him to leave. He was the only one who cared, the only one who made you feel like you were more than just a shadow in your father’s house.
“Promise me you’ll come back,” you whispered, your voice muffled against the fabric of his shirt. “Promise me.”
He pulled back, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’ll come back for you, little Birdie,” he said, but there was something hollow in his voice. You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. “You better.”
He smiled then, a small, sad smile. His eyes looked down at an identical set that was looking up at him, and for a moment, it was just the two of you. Two siblings, bound together in a world that had been cruel to them both since their birth. You wanted to hold onto him forever, to keep him from slipping away, but deep down, you knew you couldn’t. He was too restless, too wild for the cage your father had built around you.
In the morning, his room was empty. His bed was cold. A deep voice boomed through the halls calling his name, and then—
You jolted awake, your breathing unheaven as the remnants of the dream clung to your mind like a fog refusing to lift. Your heart pounded loudly in your ears, and for a moment, you thought you could still feel your brother’s arms tight around you, hear his voice whispering sweet promises he’d never keep. You laid there, staring up at the canvas roof of your tent, blinking against the bright light of the morning sun that filtered through the holes in the fabric.
You sat up slowly, rubbing your tired eyes, trying to shake off the memories that had followed you out of sleep. But they lingered, like the heavy, humid air that surrounded you.
Your hand drifted beneath your makeshift pillow, where his dagger laid sheathed. The leather now worn and cracked with age. You reached out and ran your fingers over it, the familiar pattern in the hilt soothing you like one of Miss Constance’s lullabies. It was the only part of him you had left, the only piece of your old haunted life that still mattered.
Your brother had told you you’d need it one day.
He’d been right.
But as much as you liked to extract yourself from reality and go to the comfort of your memories there was no time to dwell on the past. The present had demands of its own. The sun was already high in the sky, and the dry heat of October had begun to seep into the air of West Elizabeth, even though summer should have been a distant memory by now. It was unusual for the weather to be so hot this time of year, but the West had always been unpredictable. Today was no different. The earth around you was baked and dry, the sparse yellow grass crackling under your boots, and the few trees that shielded your camp offered little cover from the relentless sun.
You sighed and pushed yourself up to your feet, dusting off your floor length red skirt, stretching the stiffness from your limbs. Your camp, hidden in the Great Plains just outside of town, was modest—a second hand tent, a few basic supplies scattered around the campfire and your horse hitched on a nearby tree. It wasn’t much, but it kept you out of sight and away from trouble. Most of the time, anyway.
You washed your face, water splashing away the last remains of sleep and made a mental note to soon refill your bucket. As you prepared your coffee, your thoughts drifted back to your brother, to that final night you’d spent together. You wondered what he’d think of you now. A wanted woman. An outlaw, just like him. Though you doubted he’d wanted that for you.
But choices have consequences and your consequences, for better or for worse, led you to this life.
Finishing your coffee you put out the small fire as best as you could. You approached your horse Willow—a beautiful Ardennes with strawberry roan you managed to steal away from home. She nickered softly as you approached and gave her a gentle pat on the neck before slipping the saddle onto her strong back. You had errands to run today, groceries to buy and supplies to collect. The trip into Blackwater made you uneasy every time, but it couldn’t be helped. You needed to eat, and there were only so many supplies you could steal without drawing attention to yourself. So far, you’d been careful. You’d kept your head low, using a fake name, and stayed out of sight.
But Blackwater was dangerous territory. Given that it was the second largest town in the untamed west, the law had eyes everywhere, and bounty hunters passed through the town circling like vultures over dead meat.
Your wanted posters had been plastered all over the North East American regions. The first months after the day that sealed your fate you found the paper manifesto in a town nearby where you grew up. The paper inked with some vague artist’s rendering of your face and beneath your portrait written in all capitals was your name with a 500$ reward for whoever caught you, preferably alive. The portrait didn’t resemble you enough to get you caught. Yet, you decided to completely flee the region, finding yourself wandering in the famous uncivilized west.
Mounting your horse you steered her out of the camp, the town of Blackwater looming in the distance. The ride into town was quiet, the road dusty and empty save for the occasional wagon passing in the distance. The heat was oppressive, the sun beating down on your head, making sweat bead on your forehead. By the time you reached the outskirts of town, your shirt clung to your skin, the dry dusty wind doing little to cool you off.
Blackwater was bustling with life by the time you arrived. The town had grown over the months you spent in the region, more folk moving in, more buildings popping up along the main street. Wagons creaked along the dirt roads, horses snorted, and people moved about their business with the kind of hurried energy that only came with trying to escape the midday heat. You kept your head low, as you guided your horse down the main street.
“Cornwall City Railway expanding ever more with rumors of the works coming to Blackwater. Come and read more Ladies and Gents!”
The newspaper seller shouted as you dismounted outside the general store and tied your horse to the nearest hitching post. Your eyes scanned the street for any signs of trouble, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary, just folks living their lives as usual. For a brief moment, you let yourself relax.
Inside the general store, the cool air offered a momentary relief from the unforgiving heat outside. You greeted the shopkeeper and moved through the aisles quickly, picking up fruits, canned good, coffee, and a few other essentials for camp. The shopkeeper, an older man with a long thick beard, barely looked at you as you placed the goods on the counter.
"That all?" he asked, his voice disinterested as he bagged your items. So much for customer service.
You nodded, sliding a few bills across the counter. He took them without a word, and you turned on your heel, leaving the store as quickly as you’d entered. The exchange was quick, with no questions, no lingering looks, you wondered if that was for the best. You stowed your items on Willow's back, gifting her an apple before resuming your chores.
Your next stop was the post office.
As you entered the wooden building you were met with a couple of empty benches, the wooden building almost empty save for the post office clerk and another man. The post office clerk, a tired-looking man with silver thinning hair, was shuffling through a stack of letters when you approached the counter.
“I’ve got a parcel,” you said, your voice calm and steady.
The post clerk barely looked up. “Name?” he asked, his fingers still rifling through the letters.
“Deliah Hill,” you replied. Your fake alias coming out of your lips like second nature. The man shuffled to the shelf behind him, after a few seconds he turned back.
“Nope, no letters or parcels under that name.”
You shifted on your feet. Biting the inside of your cheeks you pondered on your options. Could she have used your real name to send you your parcel?
You looked around, the post office was deserted enough. With a sigh, you asked the man to search under your real name. Years passed from the last time you used that name. The moment your name left your mouth, you felt a shift in the room. A chill ran down your spine despite the heat. The clerk’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he looked at you before going to retrieve your parcel. For a moment, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the pounding of your heart in your ears.
The post office clerk handed you the parcel. “Thank you,” you said, your voice steady despite the panic rising inside you.
You turned to exit the building and behind you, someone shifted—a man, leaning against the wall by the door. You could feel his eyes on you now, sharp and calculating. Recognition flickered across his expression, and a slow, dangerous smile curled at the corner of his lips.
Bounty hunter.
You kept your face neutral, your fingers twitching closer toward the dagger on your belt. Your steps were slow as you walked out of the post office, the weight of the man’s gaze heavy on your body. You could feel it, the way his eyes followed your every movement, like a predator stalking its prey. The moment the sun kissed your skin you wasted no time. You stalked down the street towards your horse when a man bumped into you making you almost lose balance.
“I’m so sorry, Sir” you quickly apologized. He stared down at you from under his tall hat with pensive eyes and a stretched smile under his thick mustache. He was dressed in a two piece black suit, definitely too warm for the weather. “Where wolves prowl, ravens follow.” he said and gave you a last glance before continuing his path. What a strange man.
You shook your head and mounted your horse, hands steady despite the adrenaline flooding your veins.
Don’t run. Act normal. Keep calm.
As you rode down the street, the hot air seemed to thicken with tension. Your heart raced in your chest as you prayed he wouldn’t follow you. Willow’s hooves kicked up dust as she made her way toward the edge of town, your mind racing with possibilities trying to form an escape plan and get back safely to camp. If you could make it to the woods, you’d have a chance to disappear and take a shortcut to camp. He wouldn’t follow you there. Not without backup.
But as the last building passed you by on the outskirts of Blackwater, all your hopes vanished. A shout boomed in the air.
“Hey you! Stop right there!”
Your pulse spiked, and you kicked your horse into a gallop, dirt flying up behind you as the sound of hoofbeats thundered from behind. You didn’t need to look back to know what was happening. The hunter had been waiting for you.
Judging by the sounds of hooves on the dirt there were three, maybe four of them. Their shouts grew louder as they gave chase. You risked a glance over your shoulder, your heart pounding harder as your eyes spotted them—three middle aged men with rifles strapped across their backs and pistols in their hands, their eyes hungry with the promise of a reward.
One of them fired a shot, the crack of the gun slicing through the air. The bullet whizzed so close you could feel the heat of it landed on your side. You cursed under your breath and leaned low over your horse, urging it to go faster.
The woods weren’t far now, but the hunters were closing in, their shouts carrying over the wind like hyenas laughing at their prey.
They weren’t going to stop. Not until they had what they wanted, and that unfortunately was you.
The air seemed to shimmer with heat, dust kicking up in a haze covering the surrounding area as your horse rode across the dry, cracked earth. The world around you blurred, but your mind was sharp, every instinct screaming at you to ride faster, to outrun them. Your heart hammered in your chest, its pulse loud in your ears.
“Come on, lady,” you whispered to your horse, digging your heels into her sides as you urged the animal to go faster, gaining back a strained neigh from Willow. The woods were close now, the trees loomed ahead like a dark sanctuary, the thick branches of the trees casting long shadows over the dusty trail. If you could make it there, you could lose them. You could be free.
But the bounty hunters were relentless.
You looked back at them once more. A man with a scar running down his cheek, leveled his rifle and aimed. The sharp crack of his gunshot echoed in the air. You turned to look ahead of you, squeezing the reigns in your hand in anticipation, and then you felt it—a jolt beneath you as your horse staggered.
“No!” you screamed, your heart plummeting.
Willow let out a terrible, guttural cry, her body lurching forward as her legs buckled for a moment. Blood spurted from her side where the bullet had hit, staining her coat. But she regained control and kept running, her strong legs carrying forward, even as the wound drained the life from her with every step she took. You felt tears sting your eyes as you urged your horse onward, knowing the animal was running on sheer survival instinct alone.
“Ardennes are war horses, they might not run like Arabians but they’re strong,” Mister Anderson, your riding instructor once told you.
“Can you teach me how to ride one?” You were met with a bitter laugh, one you were far too accustomed to. He wasn’t laughing with you, but at you. You knew that it was near impossible for a thirteen years old girl to control such an animal but there was no harm in trying. You felt anger bubbling up in your body as you eyed your father’s Ardennes.
“Just a little more,” You whispered, your voice strained with desperation. “Just a little more then we’re safe.”
The woods closed in around you, the thick trees swallowing you whole as you crossed into the shade. The bounty hunters' shouts grew more distant, their voices muffled by the forest, but you knew they wouldn’t stop. Not yet. You could still hear them faintly, calling out your name, their taunts carrying through the trees like a ghostly echo.
“Come on out, girl! We’ll make it quick if you give up now!”
“You can’t run forever!” another voice shouted.
But you weren’t listening anymore. Your mind was solely focused on your horse, your only friend, who had carried you through so much, and who had never once let you down. The mare’s breathing was ragged now, each step slower, more labored than the last. Blood dripped hot from her side, staining the dry grass beneath you, second after second you could feel the horse’s strength fading.
The horse collapsed to her knees, unable to carry on. She let out a weak, broken cry as her legs gave out beneath her, sending you tumbling from your saddle into the dirt. You quickly scrambled to your feet, your breath catching in your throat as you rushed to her side.
“Willow! No, no!” you shouted, kneeling beside the mare, your hands trembling as you reached for the horse’s injury. Your hands stained with blood in mere seconds. The animal was breathing heavily, her eyes wide with pain and fear, her chest rising and falling in shallow, uneven breaths. Blood pooled around you both, thick and dark covering the woods’ floor.
You ran a hand over the horse’s coat, your fingers brushing through the mane as tears blurred your vision. “I’m sorry,” you choked out, your voice breaking. “I’m so sorry.”
Willow let out a soft, almost pitiful sound, her head resting heavily in the grass. The horse’s body shuddered, life slowly draining from her eyes, but even now, she was trying to stay strong. It was like she didn’t want to leave you. Like she didn’t want to fail you.
Everything stilled, it was as if you were trapped in a bubble. You didn’t know, or care, where the bounty hunters were, but they were still out there, combing the woods for you. You could hear their voices, faint and taunting, calling your name but none of that mattered in that moment. All you could see was your horse, your loyal friend, dying in your arms. Another life lost because of you.
You pressed your forehead against Willow’s, your tears falling onto her soft, velvety nose. The pain in your chest was overwhelming, a grief so deep it felt like it might burn you from the inside. This horse had been with you through everything—through your escape from the hell that was your home, through lonely nights when you had no one else. And now you were losing her. You were losing the one good thing you had left.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered again, your voice shaking. It was the only thing you could think of. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
You pressed a trembling kiss to the mare’s forehead. A last goodbye. “You were brave, girl. You can rest now.”
The horse’s breathing slowed, and as if following your command her body shuddered one last time before she went still. You could feel the life leave her body.
For a long moment, you stayed there, your hands resting on the horse’s neck, caressing her, as if your actions would ease her soul. You wanted to scream, to rage against the world, but there was no time. You snapped back to reality as the voices of the bounty hunters were getting closer now.
You forced yourself to stand, wiping your tear-streaked face with the back of your hand. Your heart ached, but you couldn’t stay. Not if you wanted to survive. The bounty hunters would be here soon, and they’d show no mercy. You had to run.
With one last, heartbroken glance at your horse, you turned and sprinted deeper into the woods, your legs carrying as fast as they could. Your boots thudded against the soft earth, your breathing ragged and uneven as you darted between the trees, your mind racing.
The forest was dense. Branches whipped at your face as you ran, one in particular caught on your skirt, tearing the fabric to your knees. You fell, knees burning from the scratch. Your lungs burned with each breath, but you couldn’t stop. You had to keep going.
Then, through the trees, almost as an apparition you saw it—an old, crumbled wooden cabin, barely visible through the thick underbrush. The wood was weathered and covered in vines, the roof sagging in places, and one of the walls had partially collapsed, leaving a hole covered by some planks big enough to enter in the side of the building. It looked abandoned, forgotten by time. It wasn’t much, but it was something. A place to hide. A place to catch your breath.
Without hesitation, you sprinted toward the cabin, using all the energy left in your body. You could still hear the bounty hunters behind you.
The planks on the side creaked loudly as you pushed them to open the hole, the wood groaning under your weight. Inside, the air was thick with dust and the smell of mold, the floorboards creaking beneath your boots. Cobwebs covered almost every corner of the room, and broken furniture was scattered across the room, but it didn’t matter. You weren't looking for comfort—you were looking for survival.
You put the planks in place and crouched low behind an overturned table near the back of the cabin, your breath coming in shallow gasps as you tried to quiet your racing heart. Your hand rested on the grip of your dagger, your knuckles white. You knew it was nothing against their rifles but at least if they found you, you wouldn’t go down without a fight.
For now, all you could do was wait with your heart heavy with the loss of your horse and your mind focused on staying alive.
The footsteps of the hunters grew louder outside, their voices drawing nearer. You held your breath, your body tense as you listened, praying they wouldn’t find you here.
This cabin was your last chance.
Your pulse pounded in your ears, louder than the whispers of the men searching for you. Then, beneath the irregular sound of your own heartbeat, you felt something else—something sharp and burning.
Your hand drifted to your side, fingers pressing under your ribs. Warm, sticky blood coated your palm. Panic flared in your chest as you realized—one of those bullets they fired didn’t scrape you but had actually hit you. You hadn’t felt it before, the adrenaline masking the pain and pushing you forward. But now as the effect started to die down, pain took its place. A shot, not deep, but dangerous enough. You gritted your teeth, wiping the blood on your torn gown, willing yourself to stay conscious, to stay alert.
You needed to figure out what to do next—escape, hide, something. But then, the cold sensation of the barrel of a gun made contact with the back of your head. You closed your eyes for a second before turning to face your fate.
Fate took the form of a man, no older than twenty-six, lean but muscular, his long dark brown hair falling messily over his sharp features covered by a faint beard. His piercing gaze was cold, focused. You could sense he carried himself with the confidence of someone used to the dangerous weight of a gun in his hand. And there it was—pointed right at you. You looked up at him from your kneeled position, completely at his mercy.
From the shadows, next to the man, another figure stepped forward. The second man was much older, his weathered face marked by lines of age and experience. His silver hair combed back. His eyes, though, were sharp with curiosity as he took in your state. His eyes seemed to look into your soul and that terrified you more than the gun pointed at your head.
You could feel both their eyes on you—taking in the tear-streaked dirt on your cheeks, your disheveled hair, the blood staining your skirt tored from the knees down. But more than anything, their gazes linger on the dagger clenched tightly in your hand, its intricate hilt glinting in the dim light filtering from the cracks of the cabin. Your brother’s dagger.
“Don’t move,” the younger man said, his voice cold and steady, the barrel of his gun unwavering as he clicked its safety off.
Your breath hitched, and without thinking, you raised the dagger in your hand, pointing it toward him in a futile attempt at defense. Not really a wise choice since he had a gun pointed directly at your head, but you were cornered, wounded, and outnumbered. Most of all you were tired.
The older man—his voice smoother, almost soothing—spoke next. “Easy now, no need for more bloodshed.” He stepped closer to the younger man, placing a hand on his arm. “John, calm down.”
John. The name floated in the air as your grip tightened on the dagger, your eyes flicking between the two men. The tension was thick, your body tense, ready to lash out or flee, but the older man kept his gaze on you, caging any movement. His eyes calculating but not unkind.
Outside, you could hear the voice of the bounty hunters calling for you.
“Come on out now! It’ll be easier if you don’t make us drag you out!”
“Miss,” he says softly, eyeing your trembling hand, gripping the dagger like a lifeline. “You're hurt. And from the sound of it, those fellas outside ain't exactly your friends.”
John’s grip on his gun tightened, his eyes flicking toward the door before settling back on you looking you up and down. His gaze piercing. “We can’t trust her, Hosea,” he mutters under his breath. “She could be one of them.”
Hosea didn’t look away from you, though he rolled his eyes at the younger man's sentence. “Does she look like one of them to you?” he asks, his tone calm but with an edge of irritation. His eyes swept over you again, the blood, the tear-streaked face, the bleeding wound on your side. “She’s in no shape to be hunting anyone.”
You have no idea who these men were, but something about the older one’s voice was reassuring, like hot milk and honey on a cold night. But the younger one—John—you couldn’t say the same, his distrust was palpable. Your instinct told you to run, to hide, but the growing footsteps outside told you otherwise. You were trapped.
“You gonna fight off all those men out there with a knife?” Hosea asked, raising an eyebrow. “Or would you rather come with us?” At his proposition the younger man lowered his gun in disbelief, eyeing the older man with fury.
You swallowed hard, feeling the blood drip from your side, the sharp sting of your wound biting deeper making your thoughts hazy. You’ve always been alone, fending for yourself, trusting no one. But here, now it wasn’t a choice between trust or caution. It was life or death.
“I—” you started, but the sound of boots crunching outside the cabin silenced you.
You felt your heart almost beating out your chest. Run or fight? Die here cornered like an animal or continue to fight. Who were these two strangers, could you even trust these men? Why were they willing to help a wanted woman? Your mind struggled to come up with an explanation and under the exhaustion you gave in.
“I’ll come with you,” you muttered, lowering the dagger, your fingers numb from the tight grip you’d held onto it with.
John scoffed. “You sure about this, Hosea?”
Hosea nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. “Oh, I think she’ll be more use to us alive than dead.” He outstretched a hand towards you, helping you up on your feet. “Let’s go, before those boys outside kick the door down.”
Without another word, Hosea moved toward the side of the cabin, looking outside before gesturing for you to follow. John, still glaring at you, holstered his gun but kept one hand hovering near his hip, ready to draw at any sign of trouble from you.
You slipped out, moving quickly and quietly through the dense underbrush. Your side burning with every step, and the world seems to tilt dangerously, your vision blurring as you stumbled after them. The sounds of the bounty hunters behind you fade as you made your way deeper into the forest, but your legs started to grow weaker, your strength fading with every drop of blood you lost.
Hosea led the way, his steps sure and practiced, while John brought up the rear, gun ready in his hand and eyes darting around as if he expected an ambush at any moment. They moved fast, and you could barely keep up. Your head spun, your breathing labored as the last remains of adrenaline slowly ebbed away, leaving only the raw, gnawing pain storming in your body.
“I’m not your enemy,” you hissed through gritted teeth, as you felt John’s eyes studying you. The effort of speaking sent a sharp, stabbing pain through your side.
“But you sure as hell ain’t acting like a friend either.” He replied, his tone harsh. He took a step closer, his gun never leaving his hand. “And from where I’m standing, you’re more trouble to us than you’re worth.”
Your blood boiled at his words, and despite the dizziness creeping in around the edges of your vision, you lifted your chin, his height making you glare up at him “You don’t know a damn thing about me,” you spat, your voice shaking with the weight of your fury and exhaustion. “If I was trouble, you’d already be dead.”
John’s lips curl into a smirk, but there’s no warmth in it. “Is that so? You’re half-dead on your feet, bleeding all over the place, and you think you’re in any shape to make threats?”
“I can handle myself.”
“Yeah? Doesn’t look like it.”
The sound of Hosea’s voice urging you two to move along snapped you out of your staring contest with the man.
After some more walking you reached a small clearing, in the distance you could see two horses tethered to a tree, a large black morgan snorting impatiently and a silver turkoman with various pelts on his back. You stopped in front of the horses, the memory of Willow’s death fresh and painful making you still. John stopped at your side, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you.
“You’ll have to ride with me.” He urged, the words clipped. Your eyes locked with his gray ones briefly before looking back at his horse. Though for a moment you hesitated, you clumsily climbed on the saddle, the sharp pain in your side restricting your movements. He climbed behind you, his arms circling your waist to keep you from falling off. You heard a clicking noise behind your ear and the horse started to move. The world blurred as your vision wavered, your fingers gripping tightly on John’s forearm muscles as exhaustion threatened to consume you. You could hear Hosea saying something, his voice distant and far away.
“Hold on tight, or you’ll fall off.” John’s gruff voice cut through the haze.
You wanted to snap back at him, but you couldn’t respond. Your strength long gone. You pressed your back against John’s chest. The pain in your side too intense, the blood loss catching up to you. Your grip slackens on his arms making him let out a curse.
And then, darkness took over you.
───── •✧✧• ─────
Consciousness returned slowly, like the gentle light of the sun after the rain. You blinked against the light coming mostly likely from an oil lantern, your vision a hazy blur of shapes and colors. As you tried to focus, you became aware of three figures looming over you, their faces shifting in and out of clarity. Panic fluttered in your chest for a moment as you struggled to push yourself up, your body heavy, the pain in your side reminding you of what happened previously. The last thing you remembered was John’s arms tightening around you and his low voice saying something in your ear.
One of the figures stepped closer, the soft glow of the lamp in the other man’s hand illuminating his features. It was an older man with a ginger mustache and hollow eyes, a look of concern etched deep into the lines of his face. There’s something kind about the way he looked at you.
“Easy there, Miss,” he murmured. “You’re safe now. Just relax.”
The other two figures remained just beyond your sight, their silhouettes casting long shadows across the room. One came beside the ginger man, a tall woman with a stern face, her arched brow furrowed in concentration as she spoke to the man. “—got to make sure it doesn’t get infected,” the woman said, her voice crisp and commanding. “If we don’t stitch her upright, we could lose her.”
As you laid there, struggling to grasp the situation, a wave of warmth washed over you, followed by a sharp sting in your side. You flinched involuntarily, the sensation jolting through you like lightning. That’s when the man with the mustache spoke to the woman beside him “Give something to this poor soul!” he exclaimed, and the other two turned their attention toward you, eyes widening as they saw your pained expression
“Stay still,” the woman commanded, her hands deftly working as she threaded the needle through your skin. “You need to let us do our job, Miss.”
The sharpness of the needle pierced you again, and a low groan escaped your lips as you squeezed your eyes shut, fighting against the pain. “W-what are you doing?” you gasped, panic rising again as the burning sensation spread across your side. Who were these people?
“Just sewing you up,” the man replied, trying to sound comforting, but his eyes held a glint of urgency. “It’s going to hurt a bit. Just keep breathing.”
The third figure, the man with the lamp in hand, stepped back, circling around the woman to give her more light, allowing you a clearer view. His face was familiar—Hosea. You remembered him from the cabin, the kindness in his eyes when he had convinced you to trust him and follow him and John. He watched you intently, a mixture of worry and sympathy written on his face.
“Hang in there,” Hosea said softly, his voice grounding you as the woman continued her work. “You’re going to be alright.”
You felt a rush of warmth and comfort at the sound of his voice, the sensation short lived and quickly replaced by the sharp stab of the needle as it pierced your skin once more. You winced, tears springing to your eyes, and the woman frowned.
With each stitch, the burning intensified, the pain nearly overwhelming. Your screams were agonizing and you tried to thrash against the cot beneath you, but a strange sense of exhaustion settled over you. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you realized you needed to focus on something, anything else. You thought of your brother—his laughter, the way he always made you feel safe, the last memory you had of him giving you that dagger, his last gift of love and protection.
“Don’t close your eyes, stay with us,” Hosea urged, as if sensing your thoughts drifting. The woman pressed a bottle into your hand. “Here, drink this. It’ll help with the pain,” she instructed. You blindly gulped down the liquid realizing after a few seconds that it was whiskey. The liquid sharp and burning as it travelled down your throat, making you cough slightly. Soon you felt its effects dulling your senses, a warm haze began to envelop you. “I can’t—” you started, but another wave of pain crashed over you, and you could feel your eyes fluttering, the world around you dimming again.
“Stay awake,” Hosea said, his voice soothing and steady. “You’re safe. Just breathe.”
You tried to focus on his words, tried to keep your eyes open, but sleep spread through you. The voices around you faded, the edges of your vision darkened, but not before you caught a glimpse of one last figure—the younger man, John—stood in the corner of the room, his expression unreadable.
He looked different now, less like a threat and more like someone who understood your pain. But as you slipped back into the void, your last thoughts were of your brother, his smile and the warmth of his embrace.
And then, with a final flicker of awareness, you drowned into the darkness, your mind drifting away on a sea of memories.
taglist: @laylasredemption @starlightt180 @photo1030 @oceanwaves1998
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Payneland Doctor Who AU (The God Complex)
This is the last straw, Edwin knows. Break Charles’ faith to save his life.
Break Charles to save his life.
Charles will never stay with Edwin after this. Edwin wouldn’t ever ask it of him. 
“Edwin,” Charles says, and even after all of this, he still believes. The Minotaur is at the door and yet he still believes, because he grits his teeth and says, “It’s changing my thoughts. It wants me to praise it. But I won’t- I can’t-”
Charles can’t believe. It is the one thing in the universe that could kill him, because the Minotaur would feast on his faith forever, and it would become a living hell, and Edwin cannot allow that.
Edwin would rather be hated by Charles forever than be the cause of his suffering.
Edwin kneels down in front of Charles. In front of the belt on the ground. In front of Charles’ blood staining his hands, because he let Charles end up under the hands of his father again, and he will never forgive himself for it. Edwin will carry the weight of Charles’ pain on his shoulders until the heat death of the universe. “I can’t save you from this,” Edwin says, voice simple, voice matter-of-fact, “I can’t save you from your father, or from the Minotaur. I can’t save you from anything.”
-aletterinthenameofsanity, leads you here despite your destination (under the milky way tonight)
"God loves you, but not enough to save you"
So, baby girl, good luck taking care of yourself
But in the end, if I bend under the weight that they gave me
Then this heart would break and fall as twice as far
We all know how it goes
The more it hurts, the less it shows
But I still feel like they all know
And that's why I could never go back home
-Ethel Cain, Sun Bleached Flies
Aka: hello. Here to finally drop a new chapter (and war crimes) in y'all's laps. Have fun!
@gendrsoup @vyther15 @anything-thats-rock-and-roll
@tititilani @flowerbritts @silverysnake @ohfallingdisco
@regina-cordium @nix-nihili @wordsinhaled @bitterdesert
@lesbicosmos @spacegirlsgang @1kazul
@flaggersribs @depressedandoverdressed @sasakisniko
@frogsondeckchairs @stark-lord
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rockwgooglyeyes · 1 day
Although this is extremely late, what would you say happens during and after Nyx’s and the other’s escape?
HI (I am assuming) PARA!! I'm so sorry that I never wrote something for the aftermath of Nyx's round, I had a draft but I just moved into my flat at uni and my flatmates moved in last Sunday and it's been kind of super chaotic since. I haven't had much time to write. But the finished product will be in this ask-response, for simplicity's sake. If that's okay with you
When the lights go out, fear is the furthest thing from Nyx's mind.
Why would he be afraid? Lang won, she won, he's so happy he could cry. She deserves it, she deserves the world, he wants to hug her and kiss her forehead and tell her that he loves her before he goes. He clutches onto her, their dance stuttering to a stop in the muddy black. He can hear the alarms going off, the panicked screams of the crowd, the footsteps clattering through the arena and the gunshots ringing out, but it all feels far away. Lang starts to push him away, her hands shaking, but he holds fast.
"It's just me, please," he rasps, voice breaking on the last syllable. She goes still in his arms, wariness clear in the steely potential energy of her limbs. He finds her forehead with his hand and brushes away her bangs from it, bending down to press a kiss to the revealed skin. "Thank you, Lang, for being my friend. I love you." She hesitates, hands twitching where they rest on his chest, before hugging him. She squeezes him tightly and lets go all too soon, distancing herself from him. She takes one step and then another, getting farther and farther each time.
Letting out a shaky breath, Nyx lets her go. Lang doesn't turn, she doesn't run away, she watches him unflinchingly in the murky darkness. If there really is an afterlife, he thinks, I will miss her when I get there. Maybe I'll get to see Kyo, or Cas. Tov might even name a constellation after me. He doesn't follow her, simply standing there and waiting for death to come. He doesn't care how it's done, whether it be a bullet through the chest or someone slams him to the ground and bashes his head in, it doesn't matter. If his last memory is one of pain, then so be it. He deserves it, after all this time of living past his expiration date.
See, it was as soon as he realized that Kyo would never love him back, it was when he first set his eyes on Asahi, it was when he stood on stage at graduation- those were the moments that told Nyx that he wouldn't make it past twenty. Here he is, though, twenty and something months, however many days over his allowance. He doesn't regret it, the moments he had in that stolen time. He was able to tell Tov he loved her, he got to tell Vera goodbye, he saw Aurien one last time and Solei, well, Solei is still alive. He just hopes that they're happy.
Nyx can't help but laugh- Tov will be absolutely furious with him for dying. For losing. At least, he hopes she hates him for it, that it makes it easier to accept that he's gone. Part of him still wishes he had done something other than laugh. He wishes that the last thing he said to her was something gentle, sweet, but he supposes it wouldn't have been true to form. He's not a sweet, gentle person. He's brittle and sharp around the edges and cruel when it counts, bitter when it hurts. Still, he wishes that he had done something better than laugh when she told him to win. He laughed because he had nothing to say, because he was surprised, because he was astounded that Tov thought he even stood a chance. After all, she knows the truth, that Cas threw the round, that he'd done it as some kind of sacrifice, some sick act of love.
(Really, Nyx should have known from the beginning, that something was off, that Cas wasn't trying as hard as he should have been, that he wasn't pouring his heart out into it like he would've been had the circumstances been different. He should've known that the calm, the acceptance in Cas' eyes was a harbinger of doom, an omen for what was to come. He didn't. He was too foolish, too naïve, too stupid to see the truth.)
When a hand clamps down over his mouth from behind him, he doesn't scream. He doesn't fight. He waits for the end, no resistance, no questions, no fear. Maybe that's why it takes him a moment to make out Aurien's voice, pleading with him.
"Nyx? Nyx, can you hear me?" He blinks, turning to see his little sister, standing stark in the darkness. Inky strands of hair is dripping into her wild eyes, she pulls down a mask covering her mouth, breathing heavily as she watches him.
"Aurien," he murmurs, breathing her name in a hushed whisper, reverent as a prayer. He takes a step forward and tucks her hair behind her ear, cupping her face with a hand, stroking his thumb down the delicate curve of her cheekbone, the gentle flutter of her eyelashes. She leans into his touch, smiling slightly and releasing a sigh of relief. "You're not supposed to be here." What happens next doesn't make sense, her eyes flashing open, fury flashing in their obsidian depths.
"Nyx," she intones, warning obvious in her tone. She places her hand on top of his, her jaw twitching with barely constrained rage.
"I've already stayed too long," he tells her, running his fingers through her hair, just as he used to when they were children and he was comforting her while she cried. "Please, save Lang instead. She doesn't deserve to die." She jerks backwards, ripping his hand away and stumbling, looking shaken to her core.
"What are you talking about?" She demands, throwing her hands up in the air. "You don't deserve to die, either." Nyx barks out a laugh, shaking his head.
"Of course, you would say that," he sighs, looking down at the ground. "But Cas died. He died so that I could live. Kyo is gone, Vera too, that's not even mentioning Tallis. You and Solei are happy, now. I'll just drag you down, with my cynicism, my baggage. You're better off forgetting about me."
"I don't deserve to be saved."
"Well, good thing that I don't fucking care whether or not you deserve it," Aurien snaps, eyes flashing dangerously. "You're coming. We're saving you. No buts."
Of course, right after she says that, a whistle pierces the air and punctures her in the side. Right where she was shot the first time. Right where Cas was shot. Nyx catches her when she falls, grasping at her arms with shaking, sweaty hands. She coughs out blood onto his shoulder, trying to push herself back up and failing. Nyx should be helping her, he knows he should be helping her. After all, she's real.
But his vision is flickering in and out, Aurien's hair turning curly, the color of dried blood, hemoglobin on silk. She looks up at him, says something, but he can only see Castor's face, smiling at him with bloodied lips. Nyx can only hear the laugh that bubbled out of Castor in his last moments. Nyx's heart is beating the drums of war in his ears, chest heaving and tears budding in his eyes. He presses his hand to the wound in her side to stem the bleeding (like he did with Cas) and she hisses in pain just like Cas did.
Nyx chokes on his own breath, stuttering backwards, unable to do this any longer. Aurien makes a noise in surprise, crumpling to the floor, just like Cas did. Just like Cas did.
"It's not, real, he's gone," Nyx hiccups out, shaking his head, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes. "He's gone, he's gone. Please, please," He repeats it, a broken record catching again on the needle, attempting to self-soothe in the face of a fracturing psyche.
"Onyx," a voice cuts through his delusions. He barely hears it and when a hand suddenly grabs his forearm, he flinches away on instinct, eyes wide, panic taking over every other faculty of his mind. The owner of the hand is he doesn't recognize, with white curly hair and a face mask just like the one Aurien was wearing, and they're looking at him sternly. "We need to get out of here."
"Wh- I- alright," Nyx acquiesces, too tired to fight anymore. "Where're we going?" His voice is hollowed out and rough, broken by his crying.
"Surveillance room," the white-haired person grunts out while picking up Aurien gingerly and holding her over their shoulder. "You know a way there?" Nyx nods, scanning his mind for the shortest route from the stage. He beckons them to follow him and darts off, lowering himself down off of the stage and going to the undercroft beneath the stage through a hidden panel. The person ducks in behind him, seeming surprised at where they end up, the racks of costumes, the tools and other supplies, microphones and cords strewn about. Nyx weaves through the mess quickly, leaving his companions to catch up as he rewires the lift to bypass the security lockdown.
"I wouldn't risk the lift if we didn't have someone injured," Nyx says quietly, fingers tangles and disentangling the cords he pulled from the outlet. Finally, the lift dings, the light turning on as the doors open with a hiss. The person holding Aurien nods to him and enters the lift. Nyx presses the button inside and opens up the admin panel to program a no-stop straight shot to the surveillance room. "See, the thing is, the undercroft and the surveillance room are directly connected because they're both backstage work areas." Nyx doesn't know why he's talking, not really, but the words are spilling out of him and it feels good to fill the silence up with something other than the hum of the electricity and the whispers in his head insisting that this isn't real either, he's already dead and this is some grandiose delusion of heaven.
They actually reach the surveillance room before the person holding Aurien even responds to his rambling which feels a bit like a blessing in disguise. There are two people already in the surveillance room, one of which whips around to face them while the other stays hunched over the admin panel, presumably doing damage control. Funnily enough, they look like Ryu and Ji-Woo but that's ridiculous. Those two went missing.
"Nyx?" The person that looks and sounds like Ryu exclaims, amber eyes widening. "Shit, what happened to Aurien, Bunny?!" The person carrying Aurien, Bunny apparently, lets out a sigh and walks out of the lift, dragging Nyx with them.
"She got shot, Ryu, obviously," Bunny answers. "Now, where's our muster point? We can't just hole up in here."
"I'm working on it," Ji-Woo barks out. Nyx has decided that they must be the real Ryu and Ji-Woo, no matter how ridiculous that is, because they both sound like them and look like them and Ryu got called Ryu by Bunny and Aurien is the real Aurien and- fuck, he should really just shut up. Ryu glances at Nyx out of the corner of his eye.
"Hey, are you okay?" Nyx blinks, frowning at Ryu in confusion. "You seem shaken up." Nyx stares at him for a moment longer before trying to smile.
"Never been better," he lies through his teeth. He's definitely been worse but suffice to say, this not one of his better days.
"I've got a muster point from Solei, c'mon, we need to go," Ji-Woo says as soon as he sends out a command for a system wide 24hr shut down. "We meet at docking bay 4D in the Φ wing. You know where that is?" Ji-Woo glances to Nyx who blinks in surprise before nodding. He finds his way to the front of their pack before darting ahead, scanning the hallways for any guards as he slowly orients himself and takes them through the weird back alleys of the arena.
"How do you even know these are here?" Ryu asks at some point while they're in an abandoned fuel cellar in Φ wing.
"Uh, trial and error mostly," Nyx replies as he tries to remember whether they go right or left from here. "Oryon took me to the last two seasons of ALNST but it didn't really supervise me well so I wandered around."
"And you never got caught?" Bunny inquires, skeptical and for good reason.
"Oh, it's left," Nyx realizes, beckoning them to follow him through the gap between two walls where there used to be insulation, before the wing was decommissioned and set for demolition. "I mean, I haven't gotten caught doing this yet." Finally, they emerge in the bay after going through the vault in the ceiling, where all the old electrical is still hanging from the rafters.
"You would have been useful to have when we did this before, Ji-Woo and I kept getting lost," Ryu remarks. Ji-Woo blushes and elbows his partner before breaking off to find Solei. He waves them over to a bulky object covered by a dusty tarp after a moment. He and Ryu drag the tarp off and Solei pops up from the bed of the truck, eyes huge and wary in the dim. Bunny settles into the bed of the truck as well, putting Aurien down gently in the pile of bedding there so that she won't get jostled too much. Solei chirps, panic obvious in their tone and Nyx feels guilt pool in his stomach. He gets into the passenger seat after Ji-Woo settles behind the wheel, unable to face his sister who he was unable to help when she needed and the friend who loves his sister as much as he does.
Nyx thinks the best thing that happened tonight was Lang surviving.
Perhaps, Nyx is not good at accepting good things.
I will tag @starry-skiez because Ryu & Ji-Woo belong to him, @bluemoonscape because Castor & Kyo belong to him, @apriciticreveries because she's Aurien's mama, @solei-eclipse is Solei's creator, @rosedeleca for Bunny & Rose. um. @zerostyrant because he asked to be tagged <3 oh and @ivanttakethis because i mention Tov <3
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vandal-flower · 2 days
Great Power Comes with No Responsibilities
Ror men with a powerful but lazy s/o.
Requested by 🦅 anon.
Characters: Qin Shi Huang, Jack the Ripper, Buddha and Loki.
Warnings: A bit of angst in Jack's part. 😶
Notes: Do you think I wrote too much this time?
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"Female god reader who is extremely powerful but lazy , lazy in the means she liked to lie down and sleep a lot , if she wants to she could kill zeus and she can be really intimidating but shes soft around them."
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Qin Shi Huang
He didn't even notice you were a god.
You looked too exhausted to function, and yet you were ready to fight whomever tried to harm him.
He would take care of any obstacles that would dare present itself to him, but he loves how you sort the situation than he does.
There were times where you offered to lift his curse, but he declined.
According to him, if he as an emperor could not endure this curse, how could he rule a nation.
You haven't heard such wise words from anyone else before. You smile at him, and gently give him a kiss on his head.
No one dares to challenge either of you as they fear the both individually.
In private, he declares his love and loyalty for you, as the two of you embrace each other.
"Even if the Heavens dare to object our love, we'll remain ontop."
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Jack the Ripper
He's honestly surprised how someone like you could love a man like him.
He has faced many hardships, threats and much more from people who knew him and those who don't.
However, when it comes to you, he can't help but cry a little at the smallest hint of love and kindness someone has ever given him.
Someone who is even more powerful than Zeus himself. Despite your intimidating nature, he finds it soothing.
Especially when you are so soft around him. He often wonders what he did to be loved and cherished by someone like you.
Many wanted to end his life even before he fought Hercules. He is very thankful that you continue to defend him even with your reputation at stake.
You often don't mind defending him against the other gods, after all he is your lover.
It's unknown how you two got together, but it does not matter as the two of you are head over heels for each other. (Good for you.)
"I don't know what I did to have to have you in my life, but I promise to cherish our time forever my dear."
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My guy here is taking advantage of the whole situation.
You can't blame him though, he is literally in a relationship with someone who is as strong, if not stronger than a primordial god!
Many wonder how in the world did you end up with someone like him, but seeing how lazy you are, it makes sense.
Often times, when Zeus threatens to punish him, you put Zeus in his place, promising an eternity of pain should he ever hurt your lover.
The smirk on his face says it all. (Me too.)
He is happy at the fact that even though you are powerful enough to defeat Zeus, or any chief god, you don't get arrogant.
Despite how powerful you are, he treats you the same way he treats everyone, just with more affection.
You bet he's telling Jataka about you, and how much he loves you!
"Thanks for taking care of the other gods for me. I'll cuddle you later if you want honeybun."
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Another one on the list of taking advantage of this, however to an even greater degree. (What did you expect?)
Whenever he pranks Thor or Odin, he immediately runs to you. The two can't do anything but give him a death glare.
He's busy giggling his bum off behind your back, as you wake up from your nap and question who woke you up.
He often questions you if Zeus truly is the Grandfather of the Cosmos. To which you reply an exhausted, "No, it's only because he is powerful and looks older than he is."
At first he thought you were a demigod due to how sluggish you were acting. But quickly straightened up after seeing Zeus treat you with more respect than anyone.
He tried pranking you, but you were too tired to notice anything. And when you did notice, it backfired on him, resulting to him being confined in the emergency room.
He definitely thinks you're weird and has voiced this, but knows you won't care either way. He also tries to get a reaction from you.
He likes telling you the latest stories (or gossip) from the Heavens. You sometimes stay awake just to hear them.
"Apparently there was a rumors spreading around about Aphrodite's beauty salon."
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I probably wrote too much didn't I.
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cynic-spirit · 3 days
The Problem
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Yn approached Bucky one evening, her usual confident demeanor replaced by a hint of unease. She knew she could handle most situations on her own, but this one had been bothering her for a while.
“Bucky, I need your help with something,” she said, her voice steady but laced with a subtle tension.
Bucky, who had been deep in thought about some club matters, immediately shifted his focus to her. “Anything, doll,” he replied, his eyes softening with concern.
“You know I usually don’t have problems fending off people, and I can handle things on my own,” Yn began, her hands fidgeting slightly.
“Of course. I still remember Jeremy,” Bucky said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he recalled the time Yn had expertly put Jeremy in his place.
Yn forced a small smile but quickly returned to her serious expression. “But lately, there’s this guy at my university. He makes me uncomfortable. Today, he tried to touch me.”
Bucky’s demeanor changed instantly. His eyes darkened, and his jaw tightened. He saw red. “Say no more, doll,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. Bucky knew that Yn generally didn’t complain and could easily handle flirtatious behavior. For her to feel uncomfortable, it meant this man had crossed a line—a line that, for Bucky, meant a death sentence.
Bucky’s mind raced with a mix of anger and protectiveness. How dare someone make Yn feel unsafe? He admired her strength and independence, but knowing she felt the need to bring this up to him meant the situation was serious. His protective instincts surged. He couldn’t stand the thought of anyone hurting her or making her feel vulnerable.
He envisioned the confrontation with this man, already planning out how he would ensure Yn’s safety. Bucky wasn’t just angry; he was determined. Yn was his world, and anyone who threatened her would face his wrath.
“I’ll take care of it, Yn,” Bucky said, his voice steady and resolved. “I know you can handle yourself, but no one—and I mean no one—gets to make you feel this way.”
Yn looked at him, a mix of relief and worry in her eyes. “I didn’t want to bother you with this, but it’s been getting worse. I just... I didn’t know what else to do.”
Bucky reached out, gently taking her hand. “You’re never a bother, doll. Your safety is my priority. I’ll handle this. He won’t bother you again.”
She nodded, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Bucky’s unwavering support and determination gave her comfort. She knew he would protect her, no matter what.
As Bucky walked out of the room, his mind was already set. He would find this man and make sure he understood the consequences of his actions. Bucky’s love for Yn was fierce, and his anger was fueled by the need to protect her. He wouldn’t rest until he was sure she was safe and the threat was eliminated.
With every step, Bucky’s resolve grew stronger. Yn was his, and he would go to any lengths to keep her safe. The thought of her feeling uncomfortable or threatened was unbearable, and he would ensure it never happened again.
The man who had dared to touch Yn would soon learn a harsh lesson—one that would ensure he never crossed paths with her again.
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This is the ending I'm expecting for Quaritch and Spider. James compared his work to star wars and since Quaritch will remain an adversary until the end it will be his death that will earn his redemption. Sacrificing himself for Spider or Jake, a hero.
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jerreeeeeee · 1 month
as much as i enjoy the more wholesome fantasy high parents like jawbone and sklonda and the thistlesprings there’s something so compelling and achingly real about bill seacaster that makes him my favorite. he and fabian have a relationship that is so deeply unhealthy and entrenched in distorted ways of viewing other people and parenthood and the world, and yet is so fiercely and undeniably loving. like, is bill seacaster a good dad? what does being a good dad even mean for someone like bill? bill seacaster has such unrealistic and toxic expectations of fabian and a myopic, entirely self-centered way of relating to him for most of his life, and yet, you truly get the sense that even if fabian disappoints him again and again and never steps out of his shadow and never becomes the man bill wants him to be, bill will never love him any less than completely and unconditionally. bill seacaster is a man who has built his entire life and sense of identity around doing whatever he wants and never facing consequences and never thinking about anyone else. bill seacaster becomes disappointed in his son. and he finds the idea of that so unacceptable that, instead of demanding that fabian meet his expectations, bill loves him so much that he reconsiders his entire concept of himself and the purpose of his life, and he grows. a man whose legacy and identity was based around selfishness and narcissism and unwillingness to bend, and fabian makes him change.
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
I'm a little bit insane about how in novel canon the whole xiyao ending where Jin Guangyao wants to die with Xichen, who accepts, which then makes jgy change his mind and pushes him away at the last second isn't actually explicit. A lot of adaptations chose to make it so but in the novel this is all VERY up for interpretation.
Here's what actually happens in the text: Lan xichen stabs jgy, jgy moves away from lan xichen, xichen follows him, wwx realizes jgy is about to open the coffin and calls "watch out!" to lan xichen. Jgy unseals nmj, pushes xichen away, nmj kills jgy and they are both dragged into the coffin which is sealed again.
Here's what wei wuxian, our narrator, thinks is happening: Jin Guangyao wanted to lead lan xichen to his death out of revenge for stabbing him. Lan Xichen, unaware, simply followed Jin Guangyao to try and stop him from getting away. Wei wuxian's warning came too late, but Jin Guangyao- for an unknown reason- changed his mind at the last second and pushed lan xichen out of danger before lan xichen had any idea of what was going on.
Here's what most fans as well as the teams behind several adpatations think is happening: Jin Guangyao leads Xichen to nmj's coffin to die with him, Xichen accepts, because of this acceptance, proof xichen still cares for him, Jin Guangyao pushes him out of harm's way. Wei Wuxian just doesn't get that gay people who aren't him or Lan Wangji exist.
Here's what ALSO MIGHT BE HAPPENING: Jin guangyao wants to die in a different way than he is currently dying. Maybe he's afraid of what'll happen to his body after his death like he was scared for his mother's, maybe he wants to confront nmj one last time now that there's nothing more for him to lose, maybe - if he can't take her body with him- he'd at least like his final resting place to be where he buried his mother. Lan Xichen thinks he's trying to get away and follows but Jin Guangyao, who despite everything doesn't want him to die, pushes him away. Xichen doesn't know what happened until it's already happened. What he would've wanted if he had known remains up in the air.
Or, alternatively: Jin Guangyao's reasons are as above, but unbeknowst to Wei Wuxian, Xichen DOES know what jgy is about to do and either misinterprets this as an invitation to all die together, or inidividually decides he, too, is done, and wants to join his sworn brothers in the grave. To Jin Guangyao this has nothing to do with Lan Xichen, and he still doesn't want him to die, so he pushes him away against Lan Xichen's wishes.
Every single one of these interpretations is unhinged and they are all supported by the original text. It's like a choose your own adventure of tragic gay endings.
#mdzs#mdzs meta#meng yao#jin guangyao#lan xichen#nie mingjue#3zun#xiyao#rs: i wish it could've been you#honestly which is worse for xichen. Being denied his wish explicitly or only realizing he wanted it after it'd already been denied for him#OR genuinely not wanting to die but being forced to live with the fact that even after he essentially killed him jgy still saved his life#just another way he's in his debt#like no matter what he's not coming out of here okay#i switch between a bunch of these all the time but actually favor the last 2 because they're very underexplored in my opinion#I like it when 'i never even thought about hurting you' remains true to the bitter end. He never even considered it#also I just... have a lot of feelings about that being his mom's coffin#do you remember that in the novel the coffin was so heavy only sect leaders could bear the weight?#so for the burial a group of sect leaders had to be the pallbearers... the SYMBOLISM GUYS!! THE SYMBOLISM!#jgy dies in infamy but despite everything it's the highest of cultivation society who carry the coffin he's buried in#he's in the same coffin as a great sect leader!! As nmj!! After a whole life fighting an uphill battle finally in death they are equal#it's not justice and it's not fair but it's... something#wwx's interpretation is the one i favour the least. sorry bro you remain an unreliable narrator to me.#it feels rather uncharitable towards jgy which makes sense for wwx's pov but makes it not my favorite#there's an alternative version of that intepretation where jgy THINKS he's doing the coffin trio pact and thinks xichen accepts.#and has the same realization of oh no he still cares I don't want him to die and pushes lxc away#meanwhile lan xichen hasn't actually processed any of this because it all happened in about 0.4 seconds#i like that one slightly more but it's still not my favorite#there's tragedy in the misunderstanding but it's a bit convoluted.
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grimalkinmessor · 11 months
Another trope I really like that I feel is underused is Light struggling with his own darkness. Like,,,, it's there, lurking beneath his Good Boy veneer before something tears a hole in it and lets out the monster. I like it when he embraces the evil, yes, but I also really like when he drowns in it. He's in denial of it, afraid of his own bloodlust and yet still too prideful and full of rage to run from it, so instead he convinces himself that this is what he deserves. He can be evil because those people he's hurting deserve it. He can be evil because he's God and he likes it. He can be evil, as a little treat.
But not before a whole heaping helping of denial and fear :D
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I wanna relisten to the magnus archives because I love Jonny's writing very much but at the same time I have deep personal vendetta against Alex, and the fact that I now know JonDaisy won't be end game AT ALL despite me holding out for it for irl years lmao.
And the ending being a unaware metaphor for never finding personal autonomy because the manipulative societal expectations of "romantic love" are more important then overcoming addiction and being yourself I guess, and it makes me sad. Also I still hate Alex
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terribleoldwhitemen · 2 years
A man such as Fred Thursday would find it infinitely easier to say ‘Mind how you go’ than ‘I love you.’ I’m not sure he’d even think that his various friendships with his colleagues fall under that category. You love your wife. Your children. But men? So – sometimes ‘Mind how you go’ will mean exactly that. And sometimes it’s a way of saying, ‘You matter to me. I care deeply about you.’ He talked recently about his men – losing three of them quite close to the end of the war. I think the feeling there between people who have stood that close to death for a long time with others – that fellow feeling, that’s love, isn’t it? Though it’s – then at least – only deemed safe to describe as such from the other side of the veil. ‘Greater love hath no man…’
Russell Lewis (x)
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marurumai · 5 months
hi. can we not forget about the pit. please dont forget about the pit. please the pit is very important. mention it im begging.
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hauntingblue · 6 months
#random minks against the cp0.... these poor people....#is sanji just running away having an existential crisis... omg girl moment#OH HE HURT A WOMAN!!!!! SANJI!!!!!! incredible how instead of a normal battle like zoro sanji got an internal emotional one.... incredible#THE EYEBROW FLIPPED!!!! THROW HIM MORE STUFF!!! omg just realised nami won't hurt him anymore... will she get hurt if she hits him now??#OH!!! of course he decided that.... sanji calling zoro??? he didn't even know he had one and he put it here???#hes gonna ask him to kill him??? I AM TELLING YOU THAT IS A MARRIAGE PROPOSITION!!!! OMG!!!! incredible#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1057#this is incredible.... after the war if sanji looks weird at a woman zoro is just gonna take put his sword amd behead him.....#WAIT A FUCKING SECOND!!! HIYORI!!?? SHE SAID SHE WANTED TO KILL ORICHI AND SHE WILL!!! EXACTLY!!! STRAIGHT UP!!!#zoro get up!!!! get your ass up get your money up!!!! hiyori omg the music..... can you hear the music.... OMG ENMA CAN!!!! LETSGOOOOO#hiyori that was such a slay.... now slay!!! that man.#episode 1058#WILL THE CP0 KILL APOO???? FONALLY!!!! MAKE SURE HE DIES!!! COME ON!!!#NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! DRAKE NO DONT TEAM UP WITH HIM!!!#sanji and queen yapping while zoro and king fight to the death ajshaka#lunarian is the thing that marco said right.... sanji is right why did they get extinct then. rip bozos#sword lore sword lore!!!!!!#zoro is a little slow.... yeah wonder why....#episode 1059#wdym the marine will invade soon??? wtf#zoro saying it doesn't matter if someone is a man or a woman to be strong.... but zoro beating tashigi over and over is just....#zoro just being mad at her dead body oh......#is zoro controlling his swords by using his king's haki on them??? that's kinda insane#SO NOW HE CHANGED THE PROMISE TO KUINA FOR THE ONE WITH LUFFY??? OMG#nvm its bad translation.... he says to my captain and my best (girl) friend#i might be as slow as zoro... when he says i want to be strong enough for my name to arrive to the sky is so kuina can hear it.... damn....#episode 1060
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