#I think next year I might request them off. treat myself
angiestown · 9 months
also I was hoping that today with all three cake decorators in we could get a decent stockpile going so that tomorrow when I'm by myself on christmas eve I could maybe leave early (since you don't want to overproduce if you're closed the next day), but the decorator that booked off both christmas eve and boxing day called in sick today 🤔 so now the place is barren and I'm starting from basically complete scratch tomorrow
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lucy90712 · 9 months
I heard requests so here I am. Bare with me this might not make sense. So readergf! x Jude Bellingham. Readergf! used to have a situationship with pedri until he told her he didn’t want anything serious. Fast forward to the Clasico she’s in the tunnels wishing Jude luck (obvi with a kiss) & before she goes to her seats, Jude yells to her “I love you” which makes Pedri whisper something to Gavi. Later in the game there’s a scuffle between Pedri & Jude bc Gavi tackled him but in his eyes, he’s just being a good friend. This then gets brought down in the tunnels when Jude is just trying to leave the match, gf tells pedri she’s with a real man which makes Jude fall more in love with her. I hate to make pedri & gavi look like this but I love Jude 😩
WC: 2.5k El Classico is always a big event as the rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona runs deep and has been going on for many years. Tonight will be my first time going to a Classico which is nerve wracking in itself but it is made so much worse by the choices I've made over the last year or so. Last year I was in a situationship so to say with Pedri, I really liked him and wanted to enter into a proper committed relationship with him but that's not what he wanted. He wasn't ready for a committed relationship and I wasn't willing to wait because as much as it hurt to let him go I couldn't be sure that Pedri would ever be ready or that when he was he'd want to be with me. The 'break up' was hard on me as I really did have feelings for Pedri and thought he could be the one for me but clearly it wasn't meant to be. 
A few months after calling things off with Pedri my friends made me come away with them on a girls trip to Germany. At the time I was really against it but now I can't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't gone on that trip. While we were there I met a guy at a club we went to he bought me a few drinks and we talked all night. We exchanged phone numbers before we both went home but I thought I'd never hear from him again. To my surprise he actually text me the next day and wanted to take me out before I went home. To start with I was a bit hesitant as after leaving the club my friends told me that I was talking to Jude Bellingham another footballer and I wasn't sure if I was ready to date another one. After some convincing I went on the date and I'm so glad I did Jude was so sweet and he made me change my thoughts on love completely. 
Nearly a year later and Jude and I have been together for 10 months. I've never been happier than I have been in the last 10 months Jude is the best boyfriend and he treats me so well I couldn't ask for anything more. Over the summer Jude moved teams so now he plays for Real Madrid which has been great for our relationship as it has meant that we can be closer to each other as I moved there after my breakup with Pedri. I hadn't thought too much about the consequences of Jude's move until I was reminded about el Classico. Jude knows about my relationship with Pedri so when he asked if I wanted to go to the game he made it clear that if I didn't want to go he wouldn't mind but I know I have to get over everything someday and I want to support Jude so I decided to go. It will be my first time seeing Pedri since everything ended but Jude has reassured me that everything will be fine. 
Jude left for the game with the team early this morning leaving me to find my own way there as I can't go with the team at least not on the way there. Instead of driving the 5 hours from Madrid to Barcelona I am getting the train as it's quicker and a lot cheaper than flying or paying for fuel. On the train I was going to get on with some work or do a bit of reading to pass the time but instead I found myself spending far too much time thinking about the game. I couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to see Pedri again after so long and what he might think if he sees me with Jude. I also worried about what might happen on the pitch I know it's usually an intense match and I don't want anything to happen to Jude out there. 
By the time I arrived in Barcelona it wasn't long until the match was due to start so I quickly made my way to the hotel I booked for the night as there are no trains back until the morning. I just about had time to freshen up a bit and change into my Bellingham shirt which Jude gave me especially for this game even though I already own quite a few. There wasn't time for me to do much else so I quickly brushed my hair and left the hotel to make my way to the stadium. It took a bit longer to get there than I'm used to as Barcelona aren't playing at camp nou at the moment but I still made it with a good amount of time until the match. 
As I arrived I text Jude to let him know I arrived safely because he made me promise to do so before he left this morning. Typically just after I made it to my seat he text me back and told me to come and see him before the warm up. I didn't particularly know where I was going but eventually I found my way down the tunnel and to Jude who was waiting for me outside the locker room. As soon as he saw me coming he opened his arms so that he was ready to engulf me in a hug as soon as I was within his reach. Jude hugged me so tightly that my feet came off the floor for a few seconds which I didn't expect but I should've as Jude always gives the best hugs. When he put me down he kept his arms around me while looking down at me with a big smile on his face. 
"Thank you for coming here I know you were nervous but having you here means the world to me" he said 
"You don't don't need to thank me I wanted to be here I'm not going to let the past get in the way of me being here for you" I said 
"I can't believe it's my first proper el Classico" Jude said 
"I know please be careful out there though things can get pretty feisty and I don't want you getting hurt" I warmed him 
"I promise I'll be careful you don't have to worry about me" he said 
"I always worry about you" I said 
"Well don't" he laughed 
Our conversation had to come to an end quite quickly as it was time for warm up but Jude being Jude couldn't leave me without pulling me in for a kiss. He gave me one kiss before I pulled him back in to give him a good luck kiss. Vini came out of the locker room just as we pulled away from each other so Jude told him to wait as he bid me goodbye and slapped my ass as he left which if I could've I would have told him off for. As I turned round to head back to my seat I saw Pedri coming towards me. I felt all of the blood drain from my face as he definitely saw me and Jude together. Even though I said I didn't want the past go get in the way of me coming here that didn't mean I wouldn't be thinking about it and panicking when I saw Pedri. I'm not sure why seeing him made me so anxious but it did it also brought back a lot of memories especially of the heartbreak the man just down the corridor caused me. I was frozen to the spot but as Pedri walked past he smiled at me so I weakly smiled back. 
By the time I made it to my seat I was glad it was just the warm up as I needed a few minutes to gather my thoughts but that's all I had as time seemed to disappear in seconds and before I knew it the match was starting. Barcelona scored early on but apart from that the first half was relatively uneventful there was a few bad tackles here and there but nothing crazy. The second half came around quickly though and about 15 minutes in Jude scored to make it level. Watching him score in el Classico and dedicate his goal to me filled me with an overwhelming sense of pride. I thought nothing could wipe the smile off my face until a few minutes later Gavi tackled Jude and before I knew it he was face to face with Pedri clearly arguing. As much as it could've been about anything instantly I was worried that Pedri had said something or was mad as Jude had dedicated his goal to me. They were pulled apart and the game went on with Jude scoring yet another goal to give Madrid the win in the end. 
While the team were celebrating I stayed in the stands to watch but once they started heading down the tunnel I slowly made my way there so I could meet Jude after he was ready so we could celebrate together. I knew I would be waiting a while so I looked at my phone while I stood there reading all of the tweets about the game and how well Jude played which put a big smile on my face. As I was stood there a lot of people walked back and forth and there was a lot of noise but I drowned it all out until I heard a familiar voice calling my name. Straight away I knew it was Pedri but I was still hoping that when I looked up someone else would be stood there but of course that didn't happen. There he was stood just a few feet in front of me with that smile that reminded me of our early days together when we were both having fun getting to know each other. Somehow being face to face with him wasn't quite as nerve wracking as I thought it would be sure I was a little anxious as to what he was going to say but I didn't feel like the world was going to end. 
"Hey it's been a while how have you been?" He asked 
"I've been good how have you been?" I asked 
"Yeah I've been good what brings you to the match?" He asked getting straight to the point 
"I'm here to support Jude I met him a while back and we've been together for nearly a year now" I said telling him the truth 
"I'm happy for you" he muttered 
"Look I know you have a new boyfriend now but I have to say I'm sorry for how I ended things it wasn't right for me to lead you on for that long and I really regret it you are such an amazing girl and I regret letting you go the way I did" he admitted 
"It's ok it hurt at the time but I'm over it now you did what was best for you and that's ok" I said 
"Does Jude make you happy?" He asked 
"He does he's really sweet and supportive and we're always on the same page overall we have a really healthy relationship" I said 
"I'm glad you're happy but I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to make you feel that way" he said 
"We just weren't meant to be you'll find your person one day Pedri and you can be just as happy as I am and you deserve it too" I said 
He unexpectedly gave me a hug before leaving probably to head home. For a few seconds I was drowning in my own thoughts which had clearly all be pushed to the back of my mind during my conversation with Pedri. Once I had my thoughts under control I felt so much better it was as if talking to him finally gave me a sense of closure. We were able to talk about what happened without emotions clouding our judgement or trying to be petty to get back at each other it was just a normal adult conversation. It was nice to hear him apologise and acknowledge that he didn't go about things in the best way as it sort of validated my feelings at the time. As much as Pedri caused me pain I don't hate him he's still a lovely person so as much as we weren't meant to be that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a healthy relationship and I hope he knows that after our conversation. 
Just a few minutes later Jude finally came out of the locker room of course with a big smile on his face. I always love seeing him all happy after a win just his smile always brightens my day which I thought I'd need today but I'm actually ok. Jude hugged me and gave me a quick kiss before rambling on about the game like I wasn't sat watching it which he always does but I find it endearing. As he talked he kept remembering more things he wanted to tell me so we spent a good while stood in the corridor outside the locker rooms talking, well he was talking at me. Eventually he stopped talking but not before he told me he was allowed to stay the night here with me instead of going back so we got to head to my hotel together. Once we were in a taxi to the hotel Jude finally allowed me to get a word into the conversation. 
"Did you enjoy the game?" He asked 
"Yeah it was great you played so well I'm so proud of you" I said 
"I'm sorry I made you wait so long we were all celebrating and I just couldn't leave nothing happened while I was gone did it?" He asked 
"I did see Pedri we had a good conversation actually he apologised for treating me the way he did and I told him I'm happy with you now which he seemed to accept it felt good to talk to him I feel like that part of my life is completely over now" I said 
"That's good I'm glad you got closure on that chapter of your life" he said 
"I have to ask though what were you arguing about on the pitch?" I questioned 
"Oh it was nothing he was standing up for Gavi saying there was nothing wrong with his challenge but I disagreed nothing major I had a quick word with him after the game and all is good" he explained 
"Good I'm glad everyone can all get along now" I said 
By the time we made it to the hotel both of us were exhausted so we got straight into bed and went to sleep. I was actually able to get off to sleep really easily as unlike the last few days my mind was at rest there was no more anxiety or worry everything finally feels perfect. 
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just-dino-maggie · 2 years
trevor zegras 61 pls
Thank you for the request!! I hope you enjoy this little imagine!
61. “I thought you knew.”
Trevor Zegras and I have never been friends. We are civil, professional. It’s how it should be. I’m the on the social media team for the Anaheim ducks, I see the guys almost every day. I’ve made good friendships with most of them but Trevor and I never quite meshed.
I was upset about it at first. I thought he was cute and funny, especially around the other guys but around me he shuts down. He so uninterested in me and it’s frustrating. I decided after a little while not to let it get the better of me. I still makes sure I get his good side for all the pictures. I cant leave my girls out to dry. I may not get along with him but it’s easy to see the appeal.
It’s the Ducks media day today which is one of my favorite days of the year. I get to do what I do best. I take some fun behind the scenes videos, I help direct our photographers, and I get to hang out with the guys who have been away all summer.
I check my itinerary and the first person I have to do one on ones with is Trevor. I feel a little nervous but I know Trevor will preform well in front of the cameras.
I get the lighting and the cameras set up early. I make sure there is a comfortable chair for the guys to sit in. Cam Fowler joked about a metal chair being too harsh on his “old man back”. Once all of that is done I read over my questions to make sure I have them on lock.
I wait patiently for Trevor’s call time. He is usually on time but every once in a while he’s late. I try not to worry about it. I fiddle with the sleeves of my sweater and anticipate his arrival.
When I hear the door open I stand, Trevor walks through the door nonchalantly. “Hey Trevor,” I say putting on a bright smile. “You know the drill, do you mind putting this on?” I hand him one of the reverse retros.
He takes off his sweater and I try not to notice the way his undershirt lifts up as he does it. Unfortunately my brain has chosen to take that information and not let it go. “When you’re ready you can sit right here and we can get started.”
We start filming and he’s amazing as usual. He might be my favorite to film. The other guys are awesome behind the scenes but the only time I get to see Trevor be himself is on camera. He let’s loose in some ways because people have come to expect his vibrant personality.
“Trevor that was great! I think we’re all set!” He doesn’t answer me. He just starts grabbing his things and getting ready to head to his next call time. I don’t know why it bugged me so much. His silence just felt dismissive and it hurt. “You are aware that you can be nice to me right? I get that you don’t like me very much but you can at least pretend.”
“I’m not trying to be rude, I just don’t know what to say.” He turns to look at me, “I don’t dislike you.”
I roll my eyes, “Right you don’t dislike me you’re just put off by my presence.”
“I thought you knew.” He says, confusion written on his face.
I throw my hands up in defeat, “You thought I knew what Trevor?”
“About the rule with the interns.” He sighs, “In Highschool I was an idiot and I screwed around with an intern at USA hockey. She ended up being related to a coach and things got complicated. I told myself I would never try anything with an intern ever again. So because I’m attracted to you I stayed away from you.”
I pause for a second trying to register his words in my brain. He has a rule about interns? He’s attached to me? Oh my gosh Trevor Zegras is attracted to me. “I’m not an intern.” I say then I mentally slap myself right after.
He smirks, “You’re right, you aren’t an intern and you definitely aren’t coaches’ niece. Maybe I should stop treating you like you are.”
“Yeah,” I agree. “Maybe we could be friends?”
He smiles, “Yeah something like that… I’ll see you after the shoot?”
I nod then I wave him out the door. I can feel the blush on my cheeks and the smile on my face. I don’t even care because Trevor might really like me after all.
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[content warning: suicide] hi. you don't have to write a whole thing for this if it would be harmful to you obviously, but we've been trying to find some advice for this and don't really know where 2 look. we have at least 3 headmates who, like, their Role Thing seems 2 have become Being Suicidal. they have personalities under this but their sui thoughts overwhelm it. all they talk about is sui. all they seem to think about is sui. we want 2 support them but its v scary when someone just turns everything u say into how they can use it to commit sui. theyre not in danger of doing this 2 the body, but its still really upsetting and we want them 2 be ok. its overwhelming and we dont know how to begin to help them. if u/ur followers have any thoughts on this it would mean a lot. ty
Yipes, this post got long and heavy. It’s under a cut…
Woof, yeah, we really relate to y’all here… we feel you and we understand your struggles. I am actually one of the parts in my system who struggles with suicidal ideation the most. I have been pulled from the front and blocked off from the rest of my system in the past because of my struggles with feeling suicidal almost constantly. I’m still learning, healing, and trying to change. It’s a process. But I do think I’m in a better place now than I was, say, two or three years ago.
So yeah, um, idk how much anything I could say might help… but here’s some stuff that helped me find at least a little more hope in life.
First, it really helped me and deeply affected me when my headmates could be real with me about how my thoughts, words, and actions were affecting them. I felt hurt and moved when they started saying things like “I value life and I value your life. It hurts my feelings and makes me distressed and upset when you bring up suicide all the time.” Or “When you talk about suicide so much it makes the rest of us nervous and uneasy. The littles don’t want to be around you as much because your nonstop resorting to suicide as a solution seriously frightens them.” Idk but for me, having these gentle, yet stern, reminders from my headmates whenever I was bringing them down helped me to start noticing when I was doing it. It can be a hard realization to have that your own thoughts and feelings can have such drastic effects on your loved ones… both inside and outside your system.
Next, having a place where I can talk about suicide or whatever has been bringing me down as much as I want also helps. I really miss therapy because I was able to just vent and cry and be vulnerable with my therapist, and he listened without judgement and without trying to force me to act in one way or another. I also have my own private journal separate from the rest of my headmates. I vent there a lot and make dark art, talk about suicide and what it really would mean for myself, my system, and my loved ones. Usually after I’ve had a chance to scrawl out everything I’m feeling, it helps me feel a bit better and a little less suicidal.
Also, getting reminders of things that I actually do enjoy has helped immensely. Yeah, I’m a suicidal part, but I also like ice cream and dandelions and music. So whenever I start spiraling and getting in a super suicidal headspace, the parts who front with me or interact with me have been encouraging me to go breathe outside for a while, or eat a tasty treat, or listen to some music that I adore. One of the littles in my system drew me a picture of a dandelion lion lol. If you know anything at all that your suicidal headmates enjoy, maybe try connecting them with those things when they’re at their worst. Make some art for them, surprise them with something small and joyous, and do little things to show them that you care about them, you value their presence in your life, and you want them to be able to find joy, even if it’s just in the little moments.
Over time, for me, those little things have built up. At my therapist’s request, I’ve started keeping a list of things I like. The more I think about it, the longer the list grows. This list of things I enjoy… that’s my list of reasons to live. It’s got stuff on it like my partner system, cookies and milk, beautiful sunsets, swimming, and things like that. Maybe you can encourage your headmates to each start lists of their own. Even if they don’t have anything they think they can add right now, at least they’ll have the space for it. And then in the future, whenever their spirits are lifted, even if it’s fleeting, they can begin to start noticing that there are things in the world that can bring them happiness.
It’s definitely a process. I still get suicidal from time to time. But I do really think that these things have helped me reach a better place. And maybe something here could be useful for your system when it comes to connecting with your suicidal headmates. We really do feel for you, and I honestly do know what it’s like to be hopeless and lost, feeling worthless all the time and like suicide was the only answer. But it’s not. And I know you know that… but hopefully your headmates can start to recognize that in the future.
One last thing - staying alive for someone else is totally valid! Staying alive for your favorite show or characters is valid! Staying alive for treats and snacks is valid! Staying alive because the alternative will hurt someone you care about is valid! One day at a time, one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. Y’all will make it to a place where your suicidal headmates are able to find joy in their life. I have full faith in that. And if you need a listening ear or any advice or if there’s anything at all we can do to help y’all through this process, please let us know. We may not be a qualified mental health professional… but please trust us when we say we are a system who understands.
I’m sorry if this post got rambly, isn’t useful, or doesn’t make much sense. Seriously though, I am wishing you all the very best, and from the bottom of my heart I do hope things will get better.
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bookloveravenue · 2 years
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CU Hockey (book 1): Power Plays & Straight A’s by Eden Finley & Saxon James
“Look out for Zach and don’t hit on him.”
My brother’s request sounds easy enough. Keep an eye out for his best friend on campus and keep my hands to myself.
Even if Zach is a quintessential nerd, who I’ve always thought was cute, I don’t have the time to think with my … stick.
There’s only one stick I should be focused on this year, and that’s my hockey stick. My goal once I graduate is to get an NHL contract.
The last thing I need is a distraction. On or off the ice.
Only, keeping to the rules is harder than I thought it would be.
People confuse me.
And no one more than Foster Grant.
I’ve barely spoken two words to him in the whole time I’ve known him, but the second I step foot on campus, he’s impossible to shake.
I can never anticipate his next move. And whenever we’re together, my next move is a total mystery as well.
I want to give in to him, but that might mean coming clean about something I’ve never been bothered about before.
I’m still carrying my V-card.
And I think it’s time to turn it in.
November 1, 2022
My Review: 4/5 Stars
So I may have started this hockey universe a little backwards when I read the series that takes place on the timeline after this series, but it's totally okay! All the small mentions of these guys I saw in the Puckboys series will now come full circle since I'm going back! I really liked this one! Foster and Zach were too cute. Zach isn't good with people but it doesn't stop him from making an effort to get out of his comfort zone. Even if that means some stuttering, babbling, and hiding when the time comes for it. But he leaves his best friend, Seth, to do his masters at their rival college in order to take a step toward independence. What he doesn't expect is for Seth's brother to enter his atmosphere. The brother he can't stop looking at and who actually treats him as an equal who doesn't always need protecting. Foster has had a crush on Zach for too long. But when his brother declares Zach is off limits, he listens. That is, until Zach is on his turf at CU. What started as a promise to check up on Zach per his brother's request, turns into wanting to be around him simply because he likes him and makes him happy. The crush is certainly not gone and Foster wants to go for it. Because Zach draws him in like no other. As the two of the figure out a relationship between them, Zach has his studies to focus on and Foster is plans for a future in hockey. But find themselves more distracted than they want to admit. Loved them! Their story was so sweet and refreshing. They are pretty opposite in personalities but bring out the best in one another. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series!
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seaside-stories · 2 years
Went to my room at 8, told myself i'd write for a bit, its now nearly 11 and im not done, nearly 3000 words later, a billion uquizzes later confirming that i am jon himself; i am absolutely vibrating
Self indulgent TMA self insert told in the style of recording. I also have no idea what the dates in the show are but this is supposed to take place after Jon was in that coma where he made a deal with death or whatever.
Jonathan "Archivist" "Jon" Sims, You (or whoever you want "you" to be) | ~3000 words
*recording begins*
*door creaking open, creaking shut*
[Receptionist]: Hi there, can I help you?
[You]: Hi, I need to speak with the archivist here?
[Receptionist]: I’m sorry, you’ll need to be more specific than that. We have quite a few archivists here at the Institute.
[You]: The best one, then.
[Receptionist]: Hmm…(they consider this for a moment.) Alright, I’ll fetch him for you. You can take a seat in there if you like.
*rustling of fabric*
*a chair is drawn out, scraping the floor loudly in an otherwise quiet room*
*crinkle of paper*
[Archivist]: (distant) …didn’t even ask who they were--ah. Hello.
[Receptionist]: (to you) This is the head archivist at the institute.
*boots click as they walk away*
[You]: (to the Archivist) Hello.
[Archivist]: Uh…what brings you to the Institute?
[You]: (chuckling to yourself) It’s kind of a long story. And a weird one, at that. If you’ll indulge me for a little while, I’ll leave here and never return at your request.
[Archivist]: Sure.
*another chair is drawn out loudly against the quiet room*
*more rustling fabric*
*something rigid is placed on the table*
[Archivist]: I hope you don’t mind if I record whatever it is you have to say. We get our fair share of…strange stories that I’d rather be able to recall than not.
[You]: That’s fine by me. I was already sort of aware of the Institutes association with the paranormal and such.
*tape recorder clicks*
[Archivist]: Statement of…
[You]: Y/n.
[Archivist]: regarding…
[You]: Strange experiences involving the idea of the Magnus Institute.
[Archivist]: Original statement recorded live from subject on the ninth of March, two thousand and nineteen. (To you) Whenever you’re ready.
[You]: (hesitant) I don’t really know where to begin with this. Well, I guess I do. (sigh) I guess I should just say it. This whole ordeal started this past summer, in the beginning of June. I was fine one day, and then the next day, something felt different. I had always felt satisfaction in knowing all there was to know about something I was interested in, but after that date, it felt more like satiation rather than satisfaction. And I can say that in confidence because I spent many a sleepless night thinking about it.
In addition to the newfound satiation from learning, I also began to see…eyes. Everywhere. I was never that put off by eyes in general, I mean, hell, I have two of them, but it felt like an explosion of eyes. I thought at first it might have been Baader-Meinhof syndrome, but then I realized eyes weren’t new to me.
Another thing was that I started seeing the word Magnus pop up everywhere. This one was especially creepy to me. I had read the Magnus Chase series some years back and had the books on my shelf. The more I tried to ignore all of the eyes and the Magnus bullshit, the more likely I was to trip on one of those damn books in the middle of the night. It felt like Magnus Chase himself was out to get me. It actually worked in my favor, though. That’s how I found your Institute. But more on that later.
The last thing to start happening, and the strangest by far was all of the recording. My phone would just start recording sometimes. It would start and stop like it was being operated by someone. I choose to treat this ghost operator like a friend.
[Archivist]: Is it on now?
[You]: Yup.
*rustle of fabric*
*rigid item being placed on a flat surface*
[Archivist]: When did all this start?
*the tape recording begins to get staticky*
*the phone recording begins to have lots of snow and glitching voices*
[You]: I said. Last June.
[Archivist]: But when? What date?
[You]: Um…The 5th or 6th, I suppose. I’m not quite sure the exact date.
*static and glitches end*
[You]: Should I continue? (pause) Great. As I said, the appearance of the word Magnus everywhere was not limited to anything. Every guy named Magnus was commenting on my online posts. Any organization with Magnus in the name was coming up in my feed. Hell, even my top recommended artists on Spotify were people named Magnus.
Anyway, one day I opened my web browser and there was an article on the front page about paranormal activity. It mentioned some American media like Buzzfeed Unsolved, but also Ghost Hunt UK, and finally it mentioned the Magnus Institute at the end of the article as the UK hub for all things paranormal and creepy. They also mentioned that all of the employees were quite elusive and not likely to allow the general pubic to read their files. I see they’re somewhat right about all that.
That night, though, I had a strange dream. I often have dreams that make no sense, but this one felt like a warning or a call. I remember, in the dream, I flew to London. Then, I came here and spoke to someone who, now that I think about it, looked remarkably like you. And then the eyes started to show up and before I knew it everything was covered in eyes. That’s really all that matters anyway from that dream.
[Archivist]: There’s more?
[You]: The rest of the dream entails a strange sort of grocery-store police chase and then everyone ended up jumping off the side of a boat.
[Archivist]: …Interesting. Ever tried dream interpretation?
[You]: I don’t want to know what the rest of that dream means. The most important part was clear enough to me: something was telling me to meet you in London. So I made the arrangements, and I came to the Institute. And now I’m here.
[Archivist]: (bemused) I was expecting that story to be a bit…
[You]: More exciting?
[Archivist]: I suppose. Maybe a bit gorier as well.
[You]: Apologies. I could add some gore if you’d like?
[Archivist]: No! No, that’s…it’s fine as it is. I do have a few questions though, that may seem a bit…strange.
[You]: You think I care about some strange questions after seeing eyes everywhere for months?
[Archivist]: Touche’. (inhale) Have you ever experienced the ability to draw any sort of information out of someone, no matter how cagey they may be?
[You]: (heh) I guess you were right, that is certainly an interesting question. Uh, I can’t think that I’ve ever done that on purpose, though I like to think of myself as the type of person that people wouldn’t ever keep secrets from for no reason.
[Archivist]: Hmm…Have you ever experienced just…knowing things that you would not usually be able to know? Sort of like clairvoyance, in a way?
[You]: (scoffing) Clairvoyance is not real. I’m sorry, but as invested as I am in this institute and its paranormality, I do not believe in clairvoyance. No, I have never experienced that. Anyone who tells you that someone can see the future is probably too dumb to realize that the person is just really adept at reading body language and such.
[Archivist]: The pot calling the kettle black, don’t you think?
[You]: How do you mean?
[Archivist]: You just told me a story of books throwing themselves off shelves and how you arranged to meet me in London because of a dream.
*deep sigh*
[You]: I’m sorry.
[Archivist]: It’s alright. I was skeptical at first as well.
[You]: How does someone become the head archivist here being skeptical?
*static and glitches begin again*
[Archivist]: I was an an archival assistant to the archivist before me. After she passed, my boss, who really runs this place, appointed me to the position. Sometimes I feel like someone else might have been a better choice but I’m in too deep to have thoughts like that…
*static and glitches end*
[Archivist]: (sharp inhale) How did you do that?
[You]: Do what?
[Archivist]: You just compelled me!
[You]: Compelled you to do what?
[Archivist]: To answer your question. You drew the answer out of me.
[You]: I didn’t do anything. You answered on your own volition.
[Archivist]: (chuckling confusedly) No, I didn’t. You asked me a question, and I had to answer. I need to test something. Will you excuse me for a moment?
*a pause before the chair squeals against the floor*
*shoes slap against the archive floor*
[You]: (to no one) I don’t need two recordings of this…
*phone recording ends*
*phone recording begins*
[You]: I guess I do need two recordings of this.
*footsteps approach*
*papers rustle*
*rigid item is placed on the table*
[Archivist]: This isn’t usually something we do here at all, but I need to test something.
*paper slides*
[Archivist]: I’d like to ask you to read this statement on recording.
[You]:(weirded out) …Alright.
[Archivist]: Great. Let me just turn this off…
*tape recorder clicks off*
[Archivist]: If you could turn off your phone recording as well, please.
[You]: I’ll try--
*phone recording ends*
*tape recorder clicks on*
[Archivist]: Just as I said it.
[You]: I don’t remember how you said it.
[Archivist]: Just read it, then.
[You]: Fine. Statement of Amaya Reynolds regarding the disappearance of the Davidson Family. Original statement given on September twenty-third, two thousand and nine. Audio Recording by y/n, guest.
[Archivist]: (whispers) Statement begins…
[You]: Oh--statement begins:
*tape recorder clicks on*
*phone recording begins*
[You]: Woah…
[Archivist]: That’s strange…continue on anyway. I’ll protect you if anything dangerous happens.
[You]: I can hold my own, but thank you. Uh, statement really begins, I guess.
When I met the Davidson’s, they were a completely normal family. They were right up until the week they disappeared. I had put up an classified advert for babysitting, and they were one of the first ones to call. They had a lovely little boy--Max was his name. I played all sorts of games with Max, and the parents seemed to like me well enough. I only saw him on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, but we were still pretty close. The strange part began about a week before they disappeared. I was playing with Max indoors that day because it was pretty wet outside. We were about to round the corner when he suddenly came to a stop and shushed me. I remember it vividly. This little boy, no older than eight was checking around the corner as if there was someone with a semi-automatic on the other side. I asked him why we had stopped. “She’s coming,” he had said. I asked him if he meant his mum, but he shook his head. I began to speculate if maybe his mother was pregnant, but I didn’t ask Max about that. I asked him after a minute or so if “she” was gone, but he said no, and that he would tell me. We ended up waiting at the corner for nearly ten whole minutes. Then, Max turned to me, and he seemed a completely different boy when he asked me “Amaya, what are we waiting for?” Needless to say, I was thoroughly spooked. I asked Max the next day (which was a Wednesday) if he remembered hiding behind the corner. He said no. I was pretty sure he was being honest and not contrary, but you can never tell. The important thing I remember about that day was around dinner time. I was preparing a place at the table for Max, since the table was fairly cluttered, and I remember clearing away some papers detailing the purchase of a house somewhere in Sussex by Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. They didn’t seem to be packing up their house, though. That Thursday was fairly normal. But I remember asking Mrs. Davidson if they were planning on moving soon. She told me no, and asked me why. I told her I just had a feeling. Max did feel a bit off that day, though. Usually, at the end of each day, especially a Thursday, he’d give me a big hug and tell me he would miss me. That day, though, he hid behind his parent’s legs and just gave me a shy wave. I brushed it off and figured I would ask him about it on Tuesday. Only when I knocked on the Davidson’s door on Tuesday, no one answered. I peeked in the window and the house looked completely empty. No furniture, no nothing. I looked on the lawn to see if there was a sign or anything but there was absolutely nothing. I decided to knock on the neighbor’s door and ask about it, but both neighboring houses said the same thing: There hadn’t been a family living in that house for years, and there were no Davidsons. I seemed to be the only one who remembered them. Even my own friends and family didn’t remember the Davidsons. I talked about Max endlessly to them because to me, he was the cutest little boy ever. But they said they’d never heard of this family. I guess I just pushed down my anxiety about it until recently because it never seemed to bother me all that much. A friend suggested I come here after I told him the story.
Um…statement ends.
[Archivist]: The archival assistants followed up on that one, and it seems that the Davidson’s truly did disappear. They were on the most recent census before then, and then never showed up again, at least in England. And that house that they bought doesn’t seem to exist anymore either. No Davidsons matching the description of this family own any property in Sussex.
*heavy breathing*
[Archivist]: How do you feel?
[You]: Like I took a shot of the strongest shit there is…
[Archivist]: That’s what I thought. Recording End.
*tape recorder clicks off*
[Archivist]: I have something to tell you. At the moment it’s basically a theory, but I’m very inclined to believe it.
[You]: Alright.
[Archivist]: To make a very, very, very long story short: in the world there are entities that draw power from primordial fears such as darkness or falling. The fear of being watched or of being known is one of them. That is the one that the head archivist here is usually the patron of. Unlike the other entities, though, there is usually only one patron to the Watcher at a time. One takes over when the previous one dies and all that. Other than one exception, this is how it has been, and how I assume it will be. However, I had a…run in with death as one might say in the early hours of June 6th this past year. Clinically, I died for a few minutes and was in a coma for months afterward. The Watcher might have chosen a new patron during the time I was dead, not anticipating that I would pull through.
[You]: Like Buffy and Faith.
[Archivist]: What?
[You]: From Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Usually there’s only one slayer, Buffy, but she dies once and then comes back to life, and while she was dead, a new slayer appeared even though she was only dead for like 30 seconds.
[Archivist]: Uh…sure, then. Like Buffy and Faith.
[You]: Oh…but that makes me Faith. Sorry about that. I’ll try to not be evil and everything.
[Archivist]: Thanks. (he inhales to start a sentence, but stops himself; then starts again) Is that a CV?
[You]: This? Oh…yeah.
*paper rustling*
[Archivist]: Were you going to apply for a job here?
[You]: Yeah…but it was really on a whim…I guess that’s kind of obvious though seeing as it’s handwritten…
[Archivist]: Well, I mean with all the present information out in the open, I’d be willing to look this over and present it to my boss who is the real hiring manager…
[You]: Really?
[Archivist]: Well…if this were a normal job I would of course, but I should warn you if you are serious about this.
[You]: Excuse my bluntness, but you just told me essentially that magic of sorts is real. And that anything paranormal could have a legitimate explanation in a domain I didn’t even know about until a minute ago. And you also just told me you almost died and that’s why I’m here. And also no one is talking in here. Or if they are, it’s really quiet. That is not the sound of a lively, fun work environment.
[You]: I have the feeling that you’re about to tell me that taking a job here is a death sentence. And I’m not suicidal, but reading that file felt amazing. I would love to learn everything there is to know about these primordial fear entities just for the sake of knowing, and maybe as a little side-quest, try to organize this place. It does not look organized at all.
[Archivist]: It’s not, but it’s better that way. (pause) It really is, I promise.
[You]: Right. Anyway, where do I sign?
[Archivist]: I think you might want to take back that bit about not being suicidal.
*tape recorder clicks off*
*phone recording ends*
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shinysoulmoon · 2 years
“Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." — Yoda
I never consider myself as a brave person, in fact,I have always felt that I’m more of a coward. So, in addition to the fear of the dark, several incidents happened to me adding more to the new list of fear that I have. These incidents cause me to have my fear to - MEN.
When I was in kindergarten, I used to get along with anyone, no matter what gender they are. But an unfortunate thing happened when I just entered primary school. My seating was arranged next to a boy. I thought of the boy as a friend of mine and we sat side by side in the last row. As I was listening to the teacher in front, he reached out his hand and placed it on my thigh. I felt uncomfortable and removed his hand while asking him sternly not to do it again. To my shock, the boy just looked with a smirk on his face while reaching out his dirty claws to my thigh AGAIN!!! The only difference is that this time it's higher than the previous and it makes me even more uncomfortable.
Fear and on the verge of crying, I managed to grab hold of my last sense of sanity and report this matter to the teacher. Unknowingly, this decision of mine resulted in a huge, irreversible outturn. The teacher treated this matter as two kids fooling around and no apology was required. When this is known by other students, in an instance, I became the laughing stock in the class. On and off, people keep bringing this matter up to laugh at me and trigger me.
If only nightmare can end as early as it should. Two years later, a boy from my class started following me everywhere. The fear of recurrence resulted in me running away. Hiding in the ladies is the silliest action a victim can make. Yet, I did it. Yup. OMG!!! Seriously, why was I so silly at that time. Luckily, nothing serious happened. The boy just waited outside the ladies until the bell rang and I exited the ladies.
I rushed back to the classroom in hope that all this that’s happening can stop since there are more people in class. It didn’t really strike me that I could actually ask for help if I wanted. But since justice wasn't served in the incident that happened two years ago. What possibly made me think that there might be any difference this time. I definitely wouldn’t want people gossiping behind my back or making jokes and fun of me. I may be a coward but definitely not a sadist.
Two incidents with boys and I was already convincing myself that there is no need for a man to be in my life. High school, the period when a person's happiest and sweetest moment is created. I remember there’s this boy who was different from all the other guys. With me trying to be as invincible and unnoticeable as possible in class, this boy was like the sun. He’s always happy and laughs a lot. Giving others warmth and happiness. For the first time ever, I felt that maybe a guy isn't as dangerous as I thought.
His grades are good, and he represents the school in ping pong competition. Being in a prestigious school, the students are requested to be either good in grades or able to represent school in a competition and get some achievements. Even better, if the student is able to do both, which I personally think this is him. Two years. We were placed in different classes for TWO YEARS. During these two years, I tried my best and placed a lot of determination to change myself.
One step at a time, I slowly gathered the courage to speak to a male. Everytime I thought of giving up, I would think of him. So, I started from, talking to my male class monitor with at least two rows of desks between us to be able to suppress my fear and disgust towards male and have a normal conversation with them.
People keep saying, “Sweet 16.” Well, mine is indeed sweet 16 for the first half of the year. When I saw the list of names in my class, I could feel as though trumpets of victory were sounding around me. My hard work finally paid off. Not only did I get to be in the same class with him, but maybe, just maybe I can start talking to him. Memories of how I had the first conversation with him were still fresh like yesterday.
I was tingling with excitement when I asked him whether he still remembered me from the same class two years ago. The moment my question came out, I could feel like the air turned quiet and awkward for a quick instant. He couldn’t remember me nor recognise me. For a moment of time, it was like my heart was placed on a roller coaster. Going up high and only to drop in an instance into a pit of hot embarrassment. But soon enough, I was able to console myself at least I didn’t leave him a bad impression. It wasn’t exactly a good start but I guess, I do leave him some impression because quickly we managed to be friends.
We managed to maintain contact even after we graduated and I flew to Singapore while he went to Japan to further our studies. Little do I know that this small little peace that I had will be gone in an instance. During my first short study break, I went back to Malaysia and invited my childhood/best friend out for a catch-up. To my shock, she invited this boy, who used to confess to me twice in a year and caused a lot of people to tease me and him in school. Seriously, it caused me a lot of nuisance.
When I saw him, he gave me the lamest excuse saying that it was a coincidence and he happened to be in the shopping mall. If it wasn’t my friend who gave me a heads up minutes before he appeared, I might have actually believed him. It would have been a lie if I say that I don’t feel betrayed but she explained to me saying that she thought maybe he might be the one for me. I loved her so much that after hearing her explanation, I don’t blame or get angry with her.
Nevertheless, I still have to get rid of this trouble once and for all. But somehow, I don’t exactly want to get near to him and my senses never fail me. He sticks to me like glue ever since we met and told me while we were in a bookstore, “Since you’ll be working as a nurse, if I want to see you next time, I will hurt myself to get into the hospital to see you.” WHAT IN THE WORLD!!! He has got to be CRAZY. Frightening thoughts raced through my mind. A haze of fear surrounded me and I hurried to find my friend for comfort. When my friend found out about it, a chill ran down her spine. She started to serve as a bodyguard for me and keep me away from the boy.
I guess that was the final straw that broke the camel’s back. I started having doubts about myself. I could still remember, I was told by my previous deskmate that my voice sounded very soft and gentle making me seems like I’m flirting with everyone even though I didn't mean it. Thus, I tried to change the way I talk. I tried to lower my tone and speak in a harsh way. But when a change lasted for a long time, we tend to forget its original form.
As time passed by, I grew tired and started asking myself, “How have I changed so much that I can no longer remember what it feels like to be happy and carefree. Why can’t I just be myself and stop caring too much about other people’s comments.” It was around then that I placed a motto for myself to just be myself. I just want myself to be happy and stop pretending as what others wanted.
0 notes
robynlilyblack · 2 years
Have a biscuit
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Sirius Black x fem! reader
[Requested – see request here]
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Summary: Sirius had always been a player yet you still said yes when he asked you out, things are going well until he suddenly ignores you. After seeing you hurt he goes to the only person he knows he can open up to
Warnings: Kissing, hurt/comfort, feels, Minnie being her amazing self
a/n: 2.9 k words, I think this might be one of my favourite pieces, i’m so proud of it and I actually made myself cry (with joy), I really hope you enjoy it and thank you to the person that requested this x
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist
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Sirius was more than well known for jumping from girl to girl, he’d meet someone, take them on a date to Hogsmeade, or to black lake, or even straight to his dorm room then in about a week he’d grow bored and move on to the next one. Despite this fact when you and he were partnered together in your final year, you said yes when he asked you out.
You knew you were going to get your heart shattered, you had liked Sirius for so long and you guessed apart of you thought that if he did break your heart maybe that would allow you to get over him. Even though you were sure the relationship was doomed the moment you said yes and people were already making bets on how many days you would last behind the scenes, you decided to give him everything you had, treat it like it would last forever, knowing if you only went in half-heartedly a part of you would always wonder what if.
He took you on a date to Hogsmeade, although there wasn’t a trip for another couple of weeks he snuck you both there by taking you through a passage way behind some mirror on the forth floor. At the time you wondered how many girls had ran hand in hand down that passageway with him before you did, but little did you know you were the first and only girl to ever be snuck out to Hogsmeade by him. At the end of the date he stopped in the space that lied behind the mirror, the room was a fair size, a few chairs and things dotted about and a make shift dog bed you would later learn the use for.
“I had a great time” you give him a smile before tugging your bottom lip between your teeth, very aware of his gaze on you, in particular the way his eyes drifted down to your bitten lip
“Me too” he takes a couple steps towards you, eyes drifting back up to yours as his fingers gently play with your own before he intertwines them “Are you free tomorrow?” he asks with a smile that made it impossible for you to say no
“Yes” you nod, your voice barely a whisper
Your eyes stay fixed with his as you feel his free hand move up to brush some hair behind your ear before he cups your face. You bite your lip again to which he smirks as he gently runs his thumb over your lip pulling your bottom lip down “I love it when you do that” that gets your heart racing as he leans down stopping as your noses touch, his thumb moving to caresses your cheek as he asks permission “Can I kiss you?”
You don’t speak just nod your head seeing him lick is lips before they touch yours. The kiss wasn’t what you were expecting, you anticipated something rougher that was filled more with passion or lust than the tender, romantic kiss you were experienced in that little room.
After that beautiful moment followed many others, Sirius took every opportunity to be near you, wrapping his arm around you, holding your hand under the table, even your knee on a few occasions, when he wasn’t able to be near you he’d smile at you from afar, throwing in the occasional wink as he loved how flustered such as small act had on you.
Soon two weeks had passed since that first date and Sirius had never wavered in his affections, but today he looked a bit off, nervous even, and that terrified you. You both had a date planned later, since it was the last of your classes and with the nice weather you were going to go on a picnic down by Black lake. As the day processed your fear increased, scared that he wouldn’t show up and that today was your expiration date. It didn’t help that the other marauders seemed to be staying away from you as well, even Remus who always said hello to you even before you and Sirius started dating.
You’re second last class was Transfiguration and it was the only class you sat next to Sirius in. He was already there when you came in, you felt like the whole room was watching you as you walked over and sat down next to him, aware that even in the space of a couple of hours, rumours had already spread that he was getting ready to dump you.
“Hi Siri” you look over at him, a fake smile on your face to hide the pain you were feeling
Your teacher was watching the exchange from the front of the room subtly, she could see right through your façade and so did the boy as he turned to look at you.
“Hey” he smiles weakly back before turning to do some study, although it looked more like he was just copying things so he didn’t have to talk to you
You started to do the same, your heart falling piece by piece the longer the lesson continued. He didn’t call you ‘love’ like he usually did, or try to make you giggle with some silly joke, in fact he never looked your way at all. As class ended you practically ran out of the classroom, the sight appearing to only confirm rumours, and made your professor sigh as she saw the small tears threating to fall as you rushed out.
Meanwhile Sirius doesn’t move, his own heart shattering as he felt paralysed to his seat. As people start to exit he slowly packs up his stuff, he’s still packing when the last student exits leaving just him and McGonagall.
“Minnie?” he says as he approaches the front, hopping onto a desk in front of her main one
“Yes?” after almost 7 years she had stopped fighting him on the nickname, tilting her head as she sits down behind her own desk
“Can I ask your advice on something…not school related” he jiggles his leg as he sits clearly anxious about the subject
“Mr Black if it was school related then I would be concerned” she gives him a small smile as she jests
Sirius lets out a small laugh before swallowing hard, thinking of how to word this current thoughts “I’m not sure if you know but I’m dating y/n we’ve only been dating a couple weeks”
“I’m aware, although you didn’t seem like your usual self’s” she notes “Lovers quarrel?” she tilts her head in question
The professor was more than aware of the gossip, in fact the teachers often had bets on students’ relationships, for example, she had one on Lily and James with Albus, herself betting they would get together after Hogwarts and Albus thinking their final year. The other bet she did have was on the two of you, she had picked the partners and chose the two of you to sit together as she just knew your personalities were perfect for one another.
“Does it count as a quarrel if I have only spoke one word to her today?” Sirius sighs, closing his eyes as he feels the pit in his stomach growing
“She did look a bit upset” ‘a bit’ being an understatement but she was trying to be supportive, telling him he just shattered your heart in front of the full class wasn’t what he needed to hear, besides she was sure the boy already knew that “What happened?”
“Nothing” he opens his eyes looking up at his teacher “Yesterday everything was fine, then last night I kissed her goodbye and realised…” he stops for a second as his breathing gets heavier “… I realised that I’m falling in love with her and that’s terrifying to me” he presses his lips together to prevent his chin from wobbling
McGonagall nods in understanding as she processes the information “Why does it make you feel terrified?”
Sirius’ answer was expected, but his cracking voice and vocal conformation broke the women’s heart “I guess my whole life I’ve never been loved, like really loved. My parents, even if I did them proud, would never think I was good enough; my brother believes their ideologies so distances himself from me as I do with him. Sure, I have James, Remus and Peter, even the Potters but…sometimes I feel like they only love me due to circumstance. I just so happened to be their dorm mates and I just so happened to only have James to run to and his parents are too nice to admit I’m nothing more than a burden. I jumped from girl to girl trying to fill that void and finally with y/n there’s this spark…this beautiful girl that knows everything about me, knows my reputation, and yet gives her everything to me and my heart finally felt whole” he starts to tear up a bit at the end as does the women
Sirius never wanted to cry in front of anyone, however, McGonagall had always felt like the mother he wished he had, she scolded him, supported him and cared for him more than his own mother had ever done
“So why are you pushing her away? And don’t say you’re scared” this was why Sirius liked her, she never told him what he needed to do, she was just there to listen and help him find his own way as well as point out any bullshit
“I feel like I don’t deserve her, that she deserves someone who isn’t broken like me no matter how well I hide it” he admits, hanging his head as he lets a couple of tears fall
“You are the most annoying student I have ever taught, you have terrorised my classroom and these halls for almost 7 years…” she starts making the boys head shoot up
“I hope you’re going somewhere with this…” he lets out a breathy laugh as she chuckles
“Even so” she smiles at him “You are one of the greatest students I have ever had the honour of teaching even if you’ve driven me up the wall in the process” he laughs at that “Sirius you aren’t broken” the boys’ eyes light as she says his first name “Everyone deserves love, especially those who were wrongly denied it. It is up to you what you want to do when you leave this classroom but you are more than enough for her, todays actions set aside of course” he winces but nods in agreement “Now, I’m only going to say this one and then I will deny it to the day I die, but I will miss you dearly when you leave”
“Thanks Minnie” he lets outs a shaky breath as he smiles “I’m going to miss you too”
“Well…” she composes herself, wiping away the tears that had fallen over the course of the conversation “…before you leave” she leans back, opening one of the drawers to her desk and pulls out a box, lifting the lid as she places it on the table “Have a biscuit”
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You walked down to Black lake, despite skipping your final class to cry in your dorm you decided to be strong and go. It was a nice day after all so you dressed in your favourite outfit and rolled out the blanket you had carried with you before sitting down. You pulled your knees to your chest as you waited, watching as the water as it rippled and glistened in the sun.
After about half an hour you were sure he wasn’t going to show, starting to pick at some of the frays of the blanket as you hugged yourself with your other arm, with every second passing your heart slowly cracking again and again. You were so distracted with your breaking heart you failed to see the boy walking towards you
“Y/n?” your head shoots up to see the Sirius standing before you, hands behind his back
“You came” your heart explodes as you let a tiny smile appear on your face before you start to panic that maybe he’s only here to break up with you
“Of course I did” he kneels down in front of you “Here” he reveals the wild flowers he had made himself late collecting “There are no words to describe how sorry I am for today”
You shift on the ground so you’re kneeling in front of him as well, heart fluttering at as you take the flowers giving them a small sniff before gently placing them at your side as you cup his cheeks “What happened? Did I do or say something to upset you?”
“No” he says right away taking your hands from his cheeks and kissing the palm of one of them “No not at all, it was all me…I was being really stupid” he shakes his head, the sincerest look on his face as he speaks “But I’m done being stupid and I’m not going anywhere”
“You aren’t?” you meet his eyes, biting your lip
He smiles at you hand releasing yours to cup your face, thumb running down to your lip “Never” his words like a promise as he moves his head down closer to yours “Can you forgive me?”
“Yes” you reply nudging your nose with his “I think I’m falling for you” you confess hoping with your entire soul he’ll say the same
“I know I’m falling for you” he returns, letting your hand slip from his as cups your other cheek closing the gap between the two of you
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5 years later
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Sirius leans on the wall outside a shop as he waits on you coming out, smiling to himself before he jumps at the sound of a very familiar voice
“Mr Black no loitering” she scolds light-heartedly before letting out an amused chuckle as the boy’s little jump
His face lights up right away “Sorry Minnie” he throws on his famous and gives her in a playful wink as he compliments her “Looking good miss”  
The older women lets a small smile appear on her face “How have you been? Almost five years since I finally got rid of you” she teases
“You wound me, I was your favourite and I know you missed me” he places his hand on his heart pretending to be distraught
“I haven’t the fainted idea where you got that notion from” she acts bewildered but both have a knowingly smiles painted on their faces
“I’ve been doing great, really great actually. I’ve finished my auror training with James and…” Sirius smiles brightly as he talks, the older women’s heart warming as there is a lightness about him now, like he was finally as carefree and happy as he pretended to be all those years ago “…the best bit until last…” he starts just as you walk out of the shop
“Siri! You’ll never believe what I just…” you run out half laughing ready to tell him about the shop owner having the most adorable pet niffler as you see your old teacher “Professor!” you smile half in happiness to see her again and shock as even five years later you forgot that teachers actually had lives outside of school
The older women smiled as she looks between the two of you “Miss Y/l/n so happy to see you again, you look well dear”
“Thank you” you smile “It’s nice to see you too miss”
“As I was about to say, y/n won’t be a y/l/n much longer” Sirius slips his hand into yours lifting it up as he flashes the ring “We’re engaged” he says with pride as you bite your lip looking up at him with all the love in the world
“Congratulations” her smile widens, a proud look on her face as she meets Sirius’ eyes, the kind of look that he had always craved from his mother and now he’d received it from the women who had always been that figure for him
“We were actually on our way to post these…one second” he says as he rakes through your enhanced purse as you giggle at him, even more so as he seems to pull out a dog treat at one point which makes you look at the older women who chuckles knowingly “Aha” he pulls out an invitation handing it out towards her “I really hope you can make it”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world” McGonagall smiles at you both before you both say goodbye and walk away hand in hand
She clutches the paper close to her heart as she watches as Sirius kisses your hand before wrapping his arm around you. Opening the invitation, she reads over the wedding details but her eyes drift to the hand-written note written in the margin, instantly recognising it as Sirius’
You know if it was customary for the groom to be given away instead, you would be my choice Minnie. Thank you for being there for me all those years, if it wasn’t for you I might not get to marry the love of my life, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Love your favourite student x
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barnes-n-nobles · 2 years
Change Isnt Always for the Better (NONCON SMUT)
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Request: Can you make a yandere druig when the reader is a human but he doesn't accept the fact that she's gonna die someday and decide that he is gonna make her immortal or make himself a humanwhether he succeeds or not you decide
I feel like I might have missed a bit but let me know if youd like another version:-)))
Thank you for your request! Please reblog, like, and let me know what you think!
Warnings: very noncon smut, mentally unstable Druig, manipulation, talks about killing, jealous Druig, crazy Druig behaviors, stalker
18+ !!!! If you “keep reading” you are acknowledging that you are 18+ and that you have read the warnings.
Please Do not translate, no permission to repost any of my writing on any other platform, and do not copy this and claim it as your own.
You went over to Druigs place to talk to him about where you two stand in the relationship. You needed more freedom but he refuses to give it to you. Instead of fully listening to what you had to say, he immediately got defensive and you two started arguing. “You mask your possessiveness by saying it’s protection. I don’t need you to protect me, I can do it myself” “You actually can’t. I have the power to control peoples minds, you are in the safest hands with me. No one is capable of protecting you like I can, specially not yourself.”
“Stop! Please just stop! It’s not just that, it’s everything else you do. You have turned into an extremely jealous individual with anger issues who doesn’t trust anyone but yourself to be around me. I cant even go out with friends because you’re right there guilting me of abandoning you” “This world is in shambles. Everyone has some sort of evil inside of them, you are not safe. Technology has become the worst weapon of all, y/n, who knows what could happen to you. You could be meeting up with friends but what if they’re trying to harm you? What if the people around you are going to try to do something awful to you. You need me to be safe. Your life depends on it” “Look, Druig, I think it’s time for us to go our separate ways. You treat me like im made out of glass and I don’t want to deal with it anymore. Maybe in the future we will be able to talk again I don’t know. Right now, I just need some time.”
Druigs instant reaction was to smile. “Um im not joking” feeling angry at him for disrespecting you. “Y/n…we’re not breaking up. You’re being ridiculous”. You scoffed, not believing his reaction. “Are you serious? Druig, you’re not good for me. You’re way too much to handle and I can’t anymore. I am breaking up with you…thankfully I don’t need your permission for that” Stepping aside you started to walk out, but he grabbed you and pinned you against a wall, “I said no”. You pushed him off you, slapping him across the face, “Dont touch me ever again”. Druig was infuriated, but he grabbed you again, holding your wrists, “If you do this, you’ll regret it. I suggest you apologize and drop it.”
“Do you even hear yourself? You're unbelievable” you ripped your wrists away from his grip, “I swear to god. I will never forgive you if you walk out on me. Ive done everything I could possibly do for you. You WILL regret this” His chest rising and falling in anger.
You looked him straight in the eyes before saying, “I don’t care about you anymore. Goodbye Druig”. You walked out, walking a little fast towards your car. He stood there, processing what had just happened, his whole body was being consumed by anger. His blood was boiling and his next reaction was to punch the wall, creating a huge hole in it. The wall started to get a crack that stopped at the ceiling, he wanted to do it again but he dropped to his knees, crying in rage.
~~A year Later~~
You sat in at the restaurants farthest booth playing a game on your phone. You tried to concentrate but you were so mad that this dumbass guy you were meeting up with stood you up. To make it all worse you lost in your game, slamming your phone down making everyone turn their heads towards you. “Oops my bad” you said, recoiling back into yourself. Holding your face in your hands, you started to cry. It wasn’t because of that guy, no, it was because dating was so hard. Every single person you wanted to meet up with, always stood you up or they would ghost you. Every was so sweet over the phone but as soon as you wanted to meet them face to face, that’s when they would leave you. Doubting yourself was at an all time high at this point, you even wondered if you were good enough for literally anyone. 
Grabbing a napkin to wipe your tears away, you soaked them in, hoping your makeup wouldnt be too bad. “Y/n? Is that you?” you thought it was the guy you were meeting here but when you looked up, you were shocked to see Druig. “Oh shit, it’s been so long how are you?” asking him while getting up to give him a quick hug. “I’m good just going through life, you know” he smiled looking at your puffy face. His smile instantly dropped, “ oh no what’s wrong?” he grabbed your arm, his reaction full of concern. “I…I was waiting for this guy and he stood me up” you laughed but it morphed into a cry. He brought you into him, holding you close like he used to. It made you feel warm and fuzzy again, you were so deprived of physical touch, to be embraced again was just so…intoxicating. “I’m so sorry. Men ain’t shit, as I’m sure you know” you giggled, “I’m really sorry” he let you go and picked up another napkin to wipe your tears away, cleaning a bit of your running mascara, “Look I’m here with my girlfriend but you’re more than welcome to come sit with us?” his offer was beyond kind, but when he said he had a girlfriend you couldn’t help but feel like a knife had been stabbed through your chest.
“Oh gosh I’m so sorry. I’m crying here like a baby and you got your boo waiting on you. Thank you for the offer, but I think I’m just gonna go home. Probably get a huge tub of ice cream on my way home, you know the whole basic sad bitch routine. It was really nice seeing you though, take care Druig” you turned to walk away but he grabbed you before you could take a step, “Wait up…Look I know we ended in kind of bad terms but I just want you to know that you can always count on me for anything okay? I don’t want you to be alone in a time of need and I promise you there will be no feelings attached. When you and I broke up, I had to go through my pain all alone and that shit was the worst but don’t feel bad because it was really good for my mental health in the long run. I’d like to be there for you. Is that okay?” Trying to swallow the knot in your throat you nodded your head, holding back your tears, “yes that would be nice. My number is still the same” “You better unblock me though” he giggled, making you chuckle, “I will”. “See you around, sweets. Call me if you need anything”. He gave you a hug before heading back to his table, but before you could see him sit with his girlfriend you turned and left.
Later that night, you went to the store to get all the comfort food that you could buy and went home to lay in bed, putting on all your favorite movies. Enjoying yourself, you finally dozed off to sleep, your cheeks wet from your tears. Usually you didn’t get like this but seeing Druig, it hurt that he had already moved on and you were trying to do just that but you couldn’t. Every single one of the guys blew you off, and you didn’t understand why. Druig was really nice company while you two were dating but once he got in his head, you just had to leave. You told yourself that if he didn’t get like that you two would probably be married now. All these ‘if only’s made you even more sad, adding to your already shitty night.
Your phone went off, blasting your ringtone that jolted you awake. Rubbing your eyes, you tried to read the screen and saw that it was a new number, but it looked familiar.
“Y/n? It’s Druig, did I wake you up?”
“Hey Druig, no I was watching a movie but I dozed off”
You asked looking at the clock, noticing it was 3:37am
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Everything is fine, I just couldn’t sleep and I wondered if you were awake too. I wanted to talk to you about something, if you’re not too tired of course”
“Yeah, I’m good. What’s going on”
“Well…I noticed how upset you were last night and I trust you remember what I told you last night, about us being friends?”
You paused for a bit. Trying to remember when he said that but it just didnt come up, “Y-yeah, I remember” lying to not make it awkward.
Druig smiled and cleared his throat for this next part.
“I’d like to invite you over for breakfast. I recently got a new place and I’d love for you to see it. After, we can either stay here and relax or we can go out to do stuff.”
“I don’t know. I’m still kind of hurt because of this last guy, and you also have a girlfriend. I wouldn’t be cool with something like that if my boyfriend has his ex over without me being there”
“To be 100% honest with you, she wasn’t my girlfriend. I only said that, to make it seem like I bounced back. It was our first time meeting but she wasnt interested in me. She said I have the same personality as flour, can you believe that shit?”
You busted out laughing, “Oh my god that’s so rude! Also ironic, your personality is definitely not like that”
“Well thank youuu, but yeah, what do you think? Wanna meet up tomorrow? Or later on today I should say”
You hesitated in answering but then you thought how bad could it be. He seemed like a changed person and you wanted to see how just how much. Not that you were thinking about dating him, but just to see if people could really change.
“Hello, y/n?”
“Hi yes sorry, I’d love to.”
“Perfect. I recently moved so ill text you the new address and you can meet me here. Id go get you but I want to make sure everything is perfect when you arrive”
“Sure that sounds great. See you then”
“Goodnight, M’lady”
That morning you got up early, making sure to give yourself enough time to get ready before you headed over to Druigs house. You searched up the new address and you saw that it was one hour away. “Damn” you said to yourself, zooming into the map, looking at how big or small the house was. By the looks of it, it was a huge property, but the actual house was a decent size. Going a little stalker mode, you plugged in the address into a real estate site and you got a better view of just how beautiful the home was. Druig was a wealthy person but you never thought he would have chosen a house like this, specially with that much land. Your notification popped up and it was him. The text read, “Goodmorning Sweets, I’m making a variety of waffles today. Is that okay?”
You smiled as you texted back, “Yay! My favorite <3”
“I know :) Let me know when you’ve left, that way everything is nice and warm”
“Okie dokie, I’m going to finish getting ready and I’ll head there soon”
“Drive safe ♥️”
You felt butterflies once again. Despite all that went on within the relationship, you still cared for him. Not being able to fully move on, your feelings always traced back to him no matter how much you tried to get him out. 
As you finished with yourself, you hopped into your car and drove off. The drive was kinda of difficult due to all the many curves the route had, it also didn’t help that it was raining making you go extra slow. As you go closer and closer you noticed that his home was on a huge hill, overlooking the city. When you got out of the car, you texted him that you were outside, and he read it immediately. A couple seconds later and he had opened the door.
“Hello y/n, how’s my little sweetheart” he smiled, making you blush. His hands were behind his back as he approached you. “I’m doing fine. Thank you for inviting me over” he opened his arms for you to come into him, and you did, melting right into his embrace. When you wanted to let go, he held you in place, hugging you a little longer. You rubbed his back, patting it lightly, “I’m sorry love, I’ve missed you so much” he admitted, pulling away to see your beautiful face.
He cupped your cheeks, rubbing his thumb over the top of your cheekbones, “I’ve missed you too Druig” you whispered, his eyes looking at your lips, then back at your eyes. “May I?” He asked licking his lips. As much as you wanted to say yes, your morals made you say no..in a way “Druig…we’re friends…no feeling attached, remember?”
Druigs eyes dropped, taking a quick deep breath. “How could I forget…on the cheek then?”
Smiling, you nodded.
Druig brought you in closer, his right hand dropping to your waist, pulling you to him, his other hand went to the back of your neck, holding you in place. He gave you a kiss on your cheek, the end of his lips touching the end of yours. Your eyes shut at the feeling, butterflies erupting as his lips lingered on your skin. Pulling away, he looked down at you, giggling at your nervous reaction. “Let go inside, y/n…we don’t want the food to get cold”
As you two enjoyed breakfast, Druig was watching you closely. Studying your features once again, noticing every single motion you took. You hadn’t changed a bit and he felt content with that. While he drank he eyed you from his glass, his thoughts getting poisoned with lustful images from when you two got intimate in the past. When you looked up at him, you noticed his darkened gaze, taking a double look at him. “What’s wrong?” you asked.
His expression changed, softening up and lowering his glass. “What do you mean?” faking his confusion.
“I don’t know you looked really serious just now, almost like mad”
“DONT be silly. I’m not mad”
“Suuurree. Go in tell me, what’s on your mind”
Druig chuckled swirling his glass in his hand, debating wether or not he wanted to be honest.
“I’m not mad I’m just remembering our past”
A knot started to build up in your throat, you didn’t want to talk about that. It was painful and scary to remember how everything led to your break up.
“Y/n…I’m not over you darlin’. I hope you understand that. I invited you because I wanted us to see where we stand. Shoot my shot if possible, you know?”
“Druig…I don’t want to be rude but I don’t want to talk about this right now. I’m having such a good time with you. Why don’t we just finish having breakfast, ok?”
When you two were dating his moods changed a lot, but he always reverted to anger. He didn’t like to be told no, if he wanted something he needed it to go his way. You were expecting him to flip the table over, but on the contrary, he was calm. He just playfully rolled his eyes, smiling, “Fine, im sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just thought we were ready to start that conversation but we can bring it up when you’re ready. If you want to of course” You were in awe. This was a completely different Druig that sat across from you. Smiling like a dummy, it made you feel happy that he was able to see eye to eye with you, something you’ve always wanted with him. “Thank you for understanding”.
Finishing up, you helped him clean a little. While you were washing the last few plates, he came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist, giving you a kiss behind your ear, “your reward for helping me clean up”. Goosebumps instantly appeared on your skin when he kissed you again. “It tickless” you giggled nudging him away with your waist. Druig felt your ass on his crotch, grunting silently at the feeling. He was starting to get hard, debating wether he should take you over the counter or just pretend like nothing happened. He reminded himself that there were bigger plans to fulfill so he needed to stay strong...for now. When he let you go, he leaned against the counter next to you, “Do you want to go to a park? There’s a really nice lake there and it smells so nice and natural. I just know you would really like it”. Pouting you shook your head, “As much as I would love that, I’m sorry I can’t. I have a lot to do before I go into work tomorrow and there’s some things I need done before tonight. Maybe some other time, yeah?” Druig once again looked disappointed, but he didn’t let his anger out, “Are you sure that can’t wait? If we go now we can be back here in like an hour or two. Let’s just go out for a walk, I swear it’ll be worth it”
“I really can’t. I have to head home now if I want to finish my work at a decent time”.
“Aww come on..please? for me?” He begged, holding your hand in his and giving it a quick kiss. You had a gut feeling that this wouldn’t end well, when he got like this it usually led to something serious. “Druig, please. I don’t want us to fight-”
“No one is fighting silly. Look I’m good. I understand that you got things to do. I’m sorry if I pushed too much”. He spoke quickly, he didn’t want you to be upset or scare you so he backed off. This helped you feel better, your nerves calmed down and that familiar bad gut feeling left you. “No worries” you smiled, heading over to the living room to get your belongings. “I’ll get you some snacks and a water to take with you. I know that the drive is quite long” he yelled from his huge walk in pantry. “Sound good thanks” you replied, looking all over your bag for your keys but you couldn’t find them. You checked in your pockets and on the sofa it was on but nothing. You traced your steps back from when you first walked in, maybe they were on the floor or something. When you walked to the front door, you saw them, going quickly to get them. “Druig, I have everything ready” you called out. When you made your way to the kitchen you heard the voice of someone very familiar. It was coming from one of the guest rooms close to the entrance. It sounded like a conversation, but that didnt make sense because it was only the two of you in the house. 
The closer you got, the clearer the voice was. When you put your ear on the door, you heard it was the guy that blew you off that night at dinner. You quickly opened the door, but there was no one, it was just a recording..of your phone call with him. “what the fuck?” you said to yourself as you got close to the computer that was blasting the conversation. Clicking out of it, you were brought to the home screen. Reading all the folders made your heart stop. All of the folders had your name on it and they were broken down into categories. “Living Room, Bathroom, Bedroom, front door Cameras”. You couldnt believe this. You had no cameras anywhere, how would this even be possible. You opened one of the folders and you saw yourself showering...then you clicked on another folder you saw yourself sleeping. Starting to spiral, you clicked on his library. Seeing alot of audios, texts, video calls from YOUR phone. Druig was fucking stalking you. Starting to hyperventilate you got up, dialing a number but you immediately dropped it to the ground.
“Who are you calling?” Druigs voice scared you. He nonchalantly asked while leaning on the door frame. “Druig..what is this” you cried, backing away once he came all the way in. 
“Didnt anyone teach you that going into peoples rooms without permission is extremely rude and a total invasion of their privacy?” sarcastically scolding you while he approached you with his arms behind his back. “Stop, dont come any closer, or im going to call the police” you warned picking up your phone. Druig smiled, as he cornered you. “call them” he instructed, pressing his body onto yours. Shaking, you stood still, not knowing what to do. His head dipped to your neck, his nose ghosting over it while he took your sweet scent in. “I told you to call them” he whispered, placing a soft kiss on the nape of your neck, making you get goosebumps. You brought up your phone, unlocking it but then your threw it across the room undeliberately. His eyes glowed, looking at you with his too familiar angry expression. He controlled your mind to throw your phone away, thats when you realized you were at the mercy of him. “leave me alone you psycho” you cried, trying to get him away from you, your hands pushing his chest. “God I fucking love it when you try to get tough with me. It makes everything so much more fun” he laughed, grabbing your hands and putting them right behind your back. His grip was too strong, but you still tried to wiggle them out. 
“What was all that shit on the computer. How did you..I dont understand”. Druig moved you and walked you over to the bed, making you fall on your back. He climbed up onto you, pinning your hands down beside your head.
“You let me in” his sinister smirk creeping onto his lips. 
“Thats impossible, I never did that.You never came back..unless” 
“Go on princess, use that little tiny brain of yours to get the answer you already know”
“You made me?!”
“Thats right love. You have such an easy mind to control. It also helps that you still have feelings for me. It makes it so easy for me to slip in and out and you wont remember a single thing.”
“Youre sick. Insane. Youre fucking crazy” you yelled trying to fight against him. 
“Yes I am y/n...I am fucking deranged, crazy, sick whatever the fuck you want, but you know what. Its all your fault. You made me do this. All you had to do was stay with me forever, and I wouldnt have done anything. I killed every single one of those lowlife’s you talked to. You cheated on me with all them, how fucking dare you” he  said through gritted teeth as his grip got stronger and stronger. “What are you saying???We werent together, how could you kill innocent people, you monster” spitting on him, he smiled, licking the saliva that fell on his lips. “we will always be together. Wether you want to or not. Im not letting you go ever again. Not until you learn who you belong to” he collided his lips with yours, kissing you against your will. Where ever that you turned your head, he followed you. He let go of your right hand, so that he could grab your hair to control your head, making you finally stay still. He bit your lip, making you gasp and whine, giving him access to roam your mouth with his tongue. His hips were grinding against yours, his legs keeping your apart. “You make me go feral. I just need to have you...so fucking addicting” he moaned, pressing his bulge onto you, making you get all tingly. 
You needed to stop this, it was all wrong. “Stop Druig, dont do this to me. Not like this” you begged. He grabbed you by your neck and pulled you up, cutting your air supply completely, “shut up. Im doing you how I want and when I want. Youre my property and Ill do with you as I please” He let you go, dropping you back down to the mattress, making you cough as you regained your air. He flipped you over and tore your leggings off, snapping your lace panties off as well. He brought them up to his nose and inhaled them in, moaning out your name. He pulled his dick out and pumped it a few times while he enjoyed them some more. His hands were no longer on you, so you quickly crawled away but he brought you right back by pulling your hair. “where do you think youre going” he pushed you down onto your tummy, spreading your legs apart. He rubbed his tip a few times over your clit, making you shudder at the feeling, “Druig...stop” you gasped when you felt him enter you slowly. “Fuck y/n....sooo tighttt” he purred, grabbing you hips as he started to pound into you. Your screams soon filled the room, grunting repeatedly with each hard thrust he gave you. “S-sto-p...Druig-ah” you begged. Druig loved the way you moaned his name, it only fueled his fire more. He grabbed your panties and shoved them into your mouth, “shush kitten, dont tell me to stop, because I wont. I went far too long without you, and I will never let that happen again. I will never let you go. Youre mine for all eternity”. 
His hand dipped under you and onto your clit, rubbing you in a delicious way. His hand wrapped around neck, controlling your head. He eventually took the panties out, making it easier for you to moan and groan. “tell me youre mine” he commanded, hammering into you. “I....will never be yours...Im..going to die one day...I will be free from you”. Druig growled, going to your neck and bitting it, making you screech. “thats what you think but remember, I’m an Eternal. I have the power to mate with a human of my choosing making you mine forever. Both literally and figuratively” Druig latched onto your neck again, sinking his teeth deeper, his eyes glowed forcing some of his power into you. The final step was to spill his seed into you, channeling the energy from your orgasm with his. He pumped faster and faster, rubbing you with the same force. “Druig, no” those were your last words before you came all over his finger, making you shake uncontrollably. The feeling of your climax made Druig cum inside you, breathing heavily as he continued with the transition. Your sight started to blur, but you felt your body start to change from the inside out, your blood heating up while you heard Druigs voice in your head. “We are now one..you will be mine forever, and you'll learn to obey me, if you're clever”
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sketching-shark · 2 years
Can I honestly ask, if you could write a post Journey story were the Tang Monk apologize to Sun Wokung for how he treated him how would it go?
Oh dang, this was actually a pretty fun request! I hope I did these characters, their circumstances, and the religious context justice.
Perhaps it was because he had long lived in fear of who or what might try to eat or molest him next, but the end of the journey came to the being once known as Golden Cicada less as a blessing and more as a relief. It had certainly been one to his disciples. Sun Wukong looked more relaxed than the former Tang Monk could ever remember him being, Zhu Bajie was still grumbling loudly if cheerfully about being left to clean alters (even as his mouth was already watering at the prospect of all he would get to eat), and Sha Wujing was even now embracing deities that Xuanzang came to understand had been good friends of the former sand monk before he had been thrown out of heaven, all of them relishing their reunification at last. Even Ao Lie--who Xuanzang had only really known as his inexhaustible mount--had shifted into a human form before giving all the other members of the journey a long farewell and, bursting suddenly into the shape of a glorious dragon, took off for the ocean that was his first home, promising them in a thundering voice that he would visit soon. The dragon prince had seemed particularly sad about leaving Sun Wukong, and the monkey king himself had surreptitiously brushed a stray tear away as they all watched Ao Lie leave before he turned to Xuanzang, his expression defined by a contemplative cheekiness.
"So what next for you, shifu? With your new lotus throne you could visit all the temples in the world in a single day if you so wished, even without old monkey guarding your every step!"
Xuanzang grinned, glad that becoming a buddha had not stopped his first disciple from approaching the world with a sense of fun, even if at his shifu's expense.
"I actually thought that I might visit your mountain home and see for myself the splendors you often reminisced on."
Xuanzang had hoped that his words would be met with adulation and perhaps a little ribbing about a holy man even now still wanting to indulge in earthly delights, but the newly appointed Buddha Victorious in Strife instead went suddenly, unnaturally still. The monkey king's face, so peaceful but a moment ago, started to show signs of a creeping fear.
Xuanzang coughed slightly, his throat suddenly dry from emotions he had hoped his ascension might have left behind. "Sun Wukong. Please. Tell me honestly what you want."
The monkey king's hand abruptly shot up to his head, touching, Xuanzang realized with a sudden, unexpected, and sickening feelings, the same spot where the golden fillet that he had so often used against his first disciple once sat.
"Shifu, I...I will be as honest as you ask. Our new honorable positions have given me a state of peace that for these many years on our journey I did not believe possible. But it has not dulled my longing to return to Mt. Huaguoshan or my desire to live with what remains of my family. And...and this is a part of my life that I do not want to share with you."
The monkey's serene face abruptly screwed itself into a grin that Tang Sanzang, wishing all over again that he knew what he knew now when he was younger, recognized as a grin of fear.
"Were the claims about becoming a buddha false, shifu? Why even now is my heart filled with doubts and screaming fears? I think about you coming back with me to my old home...and I see you scorning my little ones. I imagine you scolding them for their monkey natures with all the ferocity that your renewed position as a buddha has not erased from your heart. And even though it is gone I still feel the gold fillet around my head! It makes me wonder! Would my shifu ask for the fillet back, put it on one of my grandchildren's heads, and use it to control them as he once controlled me?! Why does he want to visit a land filled with creatures so similar to the one he spent fourteen years berating?! Would my shifu ask for the fillet to be placed once again on my head so that he could use me against the yaoguai of Mt. Huaguoshan?! Would he hurt my little ones?! Would he use me as his instrument to do so?! SHIFU-!!"
Sun Wukong threw himself at Tang Sanzang's feet in a sudden show of absolute, terrified submission in spite off the staring, whispering deities all around them.
"I know you never forgave me for trying to kill you, but please!! My little ones are innocent! I have taken so many yaoguai lives for you! I have been blinded and scorched in your service! I spent these last fourteen years protecting you from every calamity that came your way! Please! Please..."
Xuanzang could not see Sun Wukong's face, pressed to the stone walkway as it was, but he did see the dampness formed from the monkey king's steadily flowing tears.
"Please keep punishing me if you want. But leave my little ones be."
Xuanzang supposed that he should have been shocked at this outburst, but he was not. Some part of him, more clear now than it had been when he was fully mortal and fully under the thrall of the excuses humans give themselves every day, had long known that this was what his first disciple had come to think of his master. The being once known as Golden Cicada crouched down in front of the stone monkey. Sun Wukong remained in his bow, but he did peek up at his shifu, his permanently reddened eyes bright with fear.
And then, the newly appointed Buddha of Candana Merit bowed deeply to his fellow simian.
"I understand why you feel this way. I...I was a young man when our time together started, puffed with pride in myself as the chosen bearer of the journey's burden. And then I spent many years after being reminded over and over again just how weak I actually was. All those yaoguai, looking at my bound body with hunger, muttering to themselves about what would flavor my meat best, p...pawing at my exposed flesh...I once told you that I would rather perish than kill another, but the truth is that I hated them and wanted them all to die. You were my protector, my savior on so many occasions, and the one who fulfilled that wish that I did not even dare to admit to myself. In...in my mind, you--a yaoguai and a being so capable of murder--became a constant reminder of everything I hated most about my situation and about myself. I did not trust you when I should have. I held on to my anger no matter what you did for me. Because for all the excuses I gave myself, you were the one being that I had any modicum of power over, the one being who I could express all the fury I came to foster against your kind and against myself."
Sun Wukong was staring at Tang Sanzang unabashedly and with a flurry of emotions flickering across his weathered face. The monk forced himself to continue.
"The...the way I treated you was abominable. I gave myself reason after reason, excuse after excuse, but it was ultimately all to soothe my own jealously and fear. Sun Wukong, I am so, so sorry."
He held up a hand when the monkey king moved to speak. "Before you reply, know that I will never expect nor demand your forgiveness. If you do not want me at Mt. Huaguoshan I will not go. If...if you would rather we go our separate ways and never speak again, I will respect that wish. It...it is the least I owe you. You have little reason to trust me. But I will never, ever hurt you again. I swear it."
Tang Sanzang could almost feel the discontent and even outright anger pouring from the still listening deities over the fact that a newly appointed buddha was showing such deference to the yaoguai who had once razed heaven. Perhaps it was his new buddha nature, but Tang Sanzang could not find it in himself to care.
The Buddha Victorious in Strife did not seem to be able to believe what he was hearing. His eyes flickered gold for a few moments, and while he understood Xuanzang could not help but feel sorrowful at the understanding that his first disciple felt he had to check his shifu's words to see if the former Tang Monk was speaking falsehoods. But the truth of Xuanzang's statement were confirmed. The monkey king got out of his bow and helped his shifu up from his. They regarded each other for a few seconds before Sun Wukong gave his reply.
"I can't forgive you now. I...I don't know if I ever will. But maybe some day."
The Tang Monk offered his disciple a small smile defined by all the understanding that his new buddha nature had helped him reach. "Sun Wukong, that is all that I could ever wish."
For the first time since they had first met, the monkey regarded the monk not with malice or fondness, not with agony or desperation, but with pure respect. The two bowed to each other in farewell. Sun Wukong mounted his cloud, and in an instant disappeared.
His robes slightly swirling from the gust of wind the monkey king had left in his wake, Xuanzang regarded the endless sky. He felt a little cheated that his current existence as a buddha had not actually resolved his all-too-human capacity for desires, fears, and yes, jealousy and anger. For Sun Wukong had talked often of Mt. Huaguoshan, describing it as a paradise whose natural delights far outshone that of any human design. And it had fostered yet another long-unspoken desire in Xuanzang's heart to see it for himself. To see, at least for a short time, what it might be like to exist as content as a mountain monkey that lived in a bliss of feasts of fruit and the pleasure of trusted companions.
But for all that he had completed the journey and become a buddha once again, there was still a set of sins on Xuanzang's soul that demanded atonement. And the price of this atonement, for all that it asked him to simply not go to one part in the wide world and not interact with one person and their family, filled his head and his heart with a hot pain, each one of its needles another reminder on just how often, now that everything was said and done, he had failed and failed again to support the one individual who had so often and at such enormous personal cost supported him. A small part of him wanted to cry out and demand that Sun Wukong take him to that mountain no matter how the monkey felt.
But there would be no justice in such an action. In their last conversation, Xuanzang's head and heart had been filled with a comprehension of Sun Wukong's own frustrations and desires and pain, a comprehension that did not permit for any of the excuses that Xuanzang had often given himself to justify his own wants taking priority over those of his first disciple. It made Xuanzang wonder, at least for the more recent classes of buddha, if this is what a more "human" kind of nirvana was; not an end to that which was behind your own earthly suffering, but the ability to drink deeply from the well of understanding on what lay behind the pain of others, and in so doing live in comprehension of what decisions might best alleviate such agony for all parties involved.
It was not what he had expected, but there was a great deal of good he could potentially do if this was what his buddha nature had granted.
Xuanzang sent one last wish of good fortune to Sun Wukong before turning around and striding back into the complex, the eyes of multiple deities still on him. He was new to his appointment, but there was already much to be done. Xuanzang, after all, had an entire heaven that he had to convince to permanently leave Mt. Huaguoshan and all its inhabitants be.
Xuanzang allowed himself a private smile, wondering if in some way the best parts of his first disciple had influenced his own train of thought. As a human monk he would never have even imagined formulating the desire to attempt such a thing. But as the Buddha of Candana Merit, he was audacious enough to try.
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rendevousz · 4 years
little hacker
avengers x fem!teen!reader
characters: brief clint barton, tony stark, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, peter parker
summary: you hacked into tony's systems and he, along with the team, track you down.
warnings: mentions of death and a car crash, hacking written by someone who has no idea how it works
word count: 3241
note: hi um this is my first oneshot on tumblr i hope you like it!!
you were 14 when you first met the avengers. your family had gotten into a tragic car accident and you were the only one who made it out alive, leaving you in excessive guilt and burden; guilt because you were the only one granted a second chance at life and burden because you had to live your life, barely scraping by as you were dropped the responsibility of taking care of your sick grandmother.
at 11, where all that the kids your age had to worry about was whether their pocket money was enough to get themselves an after-school snack, you worried whether or not the money left to your name was enough to survive.
at 11, where girls worried about their changing bodies and asked their mothers about it, you had to figure it all out yourself and with the help of your trusty laptop, the only gadget you had, one that your dad had gifted to you after you had gotten 100s for all your tests at age 8. he thought you were his little prodigy and figured a laptop would treat you well. you took care of it well because while you didn't want to spend the last of your money left, —that was specifically set aside for your grandmother's hospital bills— you wanted to hold on to the laptop for as long as you could, as a reminder of your loving father, as well as the memories the item held, after you've watched movies with pretty much all of your passed family members on that laptop at different points in your life. that was why whenever the thing lagged due to how much you've been using it, you almost always figure out how to fix it until it was good as new.
at 12, while your classmates had their parents to protect them when they were out at night, you feared for your life whenever you were out past dark. which led you to learning self defence from youtube videos. you learned them pretty quickly and with your sharp-wittedness, you no longer feared to be out at night. you even had the honours of trying out your skills when some men thought they could get you just because you were smaller than them.
at 12, where kids your age were having fun, enjoying their childhood, you had no choice but to be mature and think for the good of yourself and your sick grandmother. you were forced to grow up and you were probably more mature and intelligent than the rest of your classmates combined.
and at 13, you realised that money wasn't going to grow on trees and the money you were left with wasn't going to last forever. it had to last until you were old enough to work. but with your grandmother's condition getting worse and worse, you were forced to drop out of school. you were upset because you loved it. you loved knowledge. but family came first and the only thing that your knowledge increased on was on computers.
which led to you being able to hack into tony stark's bank account at only 14. you had no other choice than to steal money and who better to steal it from than a guy whose pocket change could probably last you another five years or so? you knew who tony stark was, the whole world knows who he is. and you thought that maybe he would be too preoccupied with his alter ego saving the whole world, along with his group of earth's mightiest heroes that he wouldn't notice the tiny bit of money you'd stolen from him.
of course the billionaire had been alerted immediately by his AI when you'd accessed into his systems. "security breach?" he exclaimed, immediately dropping the tool he was tinkering his suit with in his lab.
he spent about 3 minutes, that was how long you took touring around in his systems, observing what you did in it. he watched as you did nothing about the highly confidential information he had and instead, stole....5 grand from his bank account? that was barely a scratch to his account. what was going on?
he had requested FRIDAY to track down the hacker, mainly because he was perplexed that someone had hacked into his well protected system just to steal a tiny bit of money but it seems that even FRIDAY couldn't track down where it came from.
he told the team and it was then that everyone worried how dangerous the hacker could possibly be.
"who steals just 5 grand after hacking into a billionaire's bank account?" clint frowned after tony had explained the whole situation. "i mean, if i managed to hack into your systems, i'd do way more than just steal a couple bucks."
"exactly. and who knows? they might just be waiting for the right moment to install dangerous malware into the system and until we find the culprit, they're roaming somewhere out there with all our confidential information right at the tip of their fingers. if they decide to use it against us..." tony trailed off, for once having a worried expression on his otherwise nonchalant face. he's never been this clueless about what to do with any sort of technical issues concerning the avengers or himself.
you on the other hand, after getting complacent that you weren't caught, kept doing so for the next couple months or so. you had no ill intentions, just trying to scrape by. the whole situation puzzled tony. he didn't care how much you've taken from him in total now, you were right; it was merely pocket change to him. but you were still considered a threat since you had free access to his systems and he didn't even know who you were or where you were.
that was until you made a tiny mistake, one that if tony wasn't spending every waking moment trying to track you down he wouldn't have noticed. and though it was a small mistake, it certainly was going to change how things ran from then on.
that afternoon, after having just gotten back from visiting your grandmother at the hospital, you were planning to get more money from the billionaire's bank account at the comfort of your own home. god, hospital bills were expensive. once you had had a little snack, you settled down on the couch and opened your laptop. but being the quick-witted person you were, before the screen in front of you lit up, you saw movement from behind you.
your heart raced. you could handle fighting people but those usually happened in alleys at nighttime. this was in your home, your safe place. you made sure to lock the doors and there weren't fire escapes outside your windows so how did the intruder get in?
you could tell they were trying to be inconspicuous to get to you and so you let them. you let the person think that they were going to get you without a fight but when they were right behind you, you swiftly turned your body around and jumped over the couch. the masked intruder let out a surprised yelp and the two of you fought for a bit. before you knew it, you had them pinned under you in just ten seconds.
"wha– how– what?" it sounded like a boy. you looked down at him and noticed his red and blue spandex suit. you frowned. wasn't this the friendly neighbourhood spiderman guy or something? why was a superhero breaking into your home?
he was coughing from your knee pressing down onto his chest and you lifted it slightly, enough for him to breathe but not enough to escape. he seemed grateful though because he muttered a seemingly embarrassed 'thanks'.
"get off the kid or i'll blast you off of him myself."
you look up and saw the iron man repulsor aimed right at you, and obviously iron man himself was standing right there in the middle of your small apartment. behind him stood a redhead, who you knew as the black widow, aiming a pistol at you, and a man with a shield, captain america. the spiderboy must've come in through the window and unlocked the door for them.
when you made eye contact with steve, he frowned in confusion. you looked way too young to be the culprit they had expected. he muttered a quiet 'wait, what?' before tony stark revealed himself, his iron man faceplate opening.
"um...kid? where are your parents? or guardian? we need to see them because there's been some highly illegal activity coming from this address." the man in the suit spoke. you stayed still, knee still pressing against the boy under you, frowning at the adults in the room. they noticed your apprehensiveness and slowly lowered their weapons. "we're not here to hurt you, you can release the boy now," steve told you gently.
you usually weren't one to trust easily but since these people were known superheroes, you reluctantly stood up, still anxious of the possibilities of what they could do to you. the spiderboy got up too and dusted his back, before going to stand next to steve. you were confused as to why these heroes were breaking in your home until you remembered what you had been up to for the past weeks. how could you forget when that was the only reason you were still surviving?
your eyes widened with fear when they met tony's soft ones. he looked at you with such care and worry that you were reminded of your late dad. the man in front of you wasn't the arrogant man you've watched on youtube. you felt bad for stealing from him now. you used to think that he deserved it, despite how little you took compared to how much he had. the man knelt down before you so he didn't appear so big in front of you, seeing your frightened expression. little did he know you were frightened for a totally different reason.
"anyone else living here, kid? because i tracked down this address and someone has been stealing money from me. i might need to have a little talk with them." he explained, looking around the house. you fiddled with the hem of your shirt nervously, scared of what would come once you came clean about your actions. you were scared you were going to be taken in for juvenile crime but you were also scared of the consequences of lying straight to their faces. so you took a deep breath before deciding to just tell the truth.
"t–that would be me, sir." you admitted in a small voice, avoiding eye contact with the billionaire you had been stealing from. a few shocked looks from the team and an incredulous 'what?' from tony had you biting the inside of your cheeks in fear.
"i'm truly sorry about that, sir. i..." you trailed off, debating whether or not to justify your actions because you thought that he might not even want to listen to it. "i had to pay off my grandmother's hospital bills because she is very sick. my family died a few years ago in a car crash and i was the only one who made it. i was left some money to my name but having to survive on that along with paying off nana's bills, it was bound to run out. i...i thought that since you were a billionaire, stealing a few thousands wouldn't matter to you...i'm so sorry, sir. i– i'll start working to pay you back.." you stuttered out, holding your hands together so it would minimise the shaking.
tony's mouth opened and closed, like fish out of water, not knowing what to say to you. he stood up and you were on the verge of breaking down right then and there, feeling as small as you did before he knelt before you. "p–please don't report me, sir. i– i don't know what would happen to my nana if you do.. i swear to you that i didn't mess with your other files. i only accessed the system for your bank account and that was it. i have no ill intentions, please don't report me.." you were now the one kneeling down in front of him, begging.
the team were flabbergasted at the scene unfolding before them and tony was quick to get you off your knees, which scared you even more because the death grip of his metal hands on your forearms had your mind running wild at the millions of possibilities of what he would do to you. was he going to kill you and leave you somewhere that people were never going to find your body? or was he going to dispose of you and use his power to remove you permanently from the system so no one came looking for you? he had the power to ruin your life and you feared that.
snapping you out of your mental breakdown, he spoke softly. "hey, it's okay." and that was when you realised the 'death grip' he had on your forearms had only been your paranoia getting the best of you. he was barely even touching you. your teary eyes looked up at his soft, brown ones in fear.
then he smiled at you.
"it's okay. i understand the reason why you did what you did. you're a good kid, your nana is so lucky to have you. what's your name?" he knelt down before you once again, knowing that him standing tall in his iron man suit terrified you. "y/n." you responded timidly.
"how old are you, y/n?" this time, it was steve who asked. you had forgotten that there were other people in the room, too consumed by your fear for your life a few moments ago. "i'm fourteen, mr america, sir." you whispered out, the sight of captain america in person intimidating you until you saw a kind smile on his face.
"you're pretty young to be doing what you've been doing, y/n. are you aware that you're the first person to be able to hack into my heavily protected, supposedly impenetrable network? many have tried to do so and failed, and they were really smart people too. have you been doing this for a while?" tony asked.
"um...my father gifted me this laptop when i was 8 because i did exceptionally well in school. he believed i was a child prodigy and let me have a laptop since he knew my studies wouldn't be affected by the distraction of entertainment. i used to only hack into games to cheat my way up the ranks but only recently i tried something else since i had nothing better to do and i've been out of school for a while now. i knew you were a billionaire so i tried just for the heck of it and surprised myself when i got in on the first try. and then i saw your bank account details and i really needed money so i stole some... again, i'm so sorry about that." you apologised, looking down at your feet.
he couldn't believe it. you were just messing around and you managed to get into his system? you, a mere fourteen year old who was out of school, managed to single handedly do what geniuses around the world had failed to do?
he was initially just going to have a talk with the hacker, and in case they were dangerous and had backup, he brought his own. but bringing steve, natasha and peter proved to be unnecessary when the culprit turned out to be you.
"where did you learn those moves?" natasha stepped closer towards you. you looked up at the redhead, noticing the glare she had on you when she aimed her pistols at you was replaced with curiosity.
you fiddled with the hem of your shirt even more, embarrassed to tell her that you learned to fight from a couple of youtube videos when she had gotten years of actual training. you were pathetic compared to her. "i, um, i learned them from some youtube videos."
her eyebrows raised in surprise at the revelation. you hadn't gotten professional training yet you moved like you had. peter had superhuman strength, agility and endurance yet you took him down in under ten seconds. sure it may have been a disadvantage to peter because he was caught off guard but he should've been able to take you down still.
now was tony going to let the chance of a lifetime slip by? no, of course he was immediately thinking of recruiting you. your dad had been right about you being a prodigy. you adapted to new skills quickly and you were perfect for recruitment.
"hey kid, wanna be an avenger?"
your eyes widened and your jaw dropped in shock. steve immediately turned to him, an incredulous look on his face as he glared dangerously at the billionaire. "stark, you wanna think about this for a minute?"
"thank about what, cap? you saw what she did to the spiderling. and she successfully hacked into my system on her first try and we took weeks to trace her. romanoff back me up here," he saw how impressed natasha was by you and he knew the redhead wasn't going to disagree. "stark's right, steve. she's only fourteen and she's capable of so much already. we need someone like her."
"exactly! she's only fourteen! this life is dangerous for her!" steve argued. peter then tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "hey, mr rogers, i'm a sixteen-year-old avenger and she took me down easily. not gonna lie, it hurt my pride, also my back when you flipped me over your shoulder," he turned to you but you didn't say anything because you couldn't see his facial expression. "but i think she's going to be okay, sir."
steve sighed before turning to you, the defeated expression on his face softening when you looked up at him with your doe eyes and a small smile. you didn't answer to tony just yet since it seemed that steve had a say in it as well but you were dying to say yes. not only were you not going to be reported for your crimes but to be recruited by iron man himself to be an avenger? who could say no to that? not you, at least, since you had nothing better to do with your life at the moment.
"well, what do you say, kid?"
your smile grew and you nodded happily. the team couldn't help but crack a smile at how happy you looked for the first time since they've encountered you.
"well, you should go pack your important stuff so we can go back to the tower. you're going to be moving in if you're an official member of the avengers." tony told you and you nodded, walking towards your room to start packing while the team sat on the couch to wait for you.
"wait, what's going to happen to my nana?" you turned back towards them, worry etched onto you face. "don't worry about it, kid. you can give me the details later and i'll settle it. she'll be in good hands." he assured. "okay." you mumbled in response.
you were actually going to be an avenger. "awesome.." you grinned to yourself as you packed.
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Safe Haven Feels
Pairing: Gally x Reader
Rated: mature 18+ only! Smut and fluff!
Requested by: Anon
“Hello:))) just wondering if you could do one with Gally x reader. Maybe with the prompts: 65 and 93? Prehaps were they confess their feelings 7n the safe heaven, so fluff and smut..”
Prompt 65: “How do you think it feels?”
Prompt 93: “I’m glad I have you.”
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We finally made it. All that time running, hiding, and fighting WCKD. We finally took them down and made it to the safe haven Vince has been on about. Honestly the place was beautiful. The most beautiful thing I can ever remember seeing. It was an island surrounded by a white beach and crystal blue water. The once undisturbed sands now had all of the immunes moving around on it. Setting up makeshift huts and bringing the supplies from the boat.
“Watch’s thinking about?” The voice asked next to my ear.
I jumped nearly coming out of my skin. I whipped around to see Gally trying to hold back a laugh as he held a large box of supplies.
“You scared the shit out of me.” I huffed.
“I know that’s what I was going for.” He chuckled.
“You’re an ass” I scolded him but couldn’t help the smile on my face.
“Yea, yea I know. Come on all hands on deck. You can admire the view later.” Gally said nudging me with his arm.
I nodded then followed him back to the ship. With every hand we hand helping it only took one day to get all the supplies off the ship. People were moving onto making the huts and other buildings we would need. When the sun finally set Vince called for a break. We worked hard enough today.
I sat around the fire with Gally on one side and Brenda on the other. I was halfway through my food when Brenda nudged me. I glanced up at her. She nodded for me to move closer.
“I haven’t seen things progress yet.” She said quietly.
I raised a confused brow at her. She smiled then leaned back to look over my shoulder. I followed her eyes to land on Gally. I instantly knew what she meant.
“We just kicked WCKD’s ass and just got to the safe haven. Give me time to settle in.” I whispered.
“Excuses” she whispered back.
“What?” I asked completely stunned.
“You’re just gonna keep giving excuses. After this one it’ll be you’re too busy helping set things up. Then you’ll be too busy with whatever job you’re given. It’ll just keep going on and on.” Brenda rolled her eyes.
“No it won’t I just need to get settled first is all.” I said softly trying not to pout from her words.
“Yea I’m sure” Brenda chuckled dryly and shook her head.
I went back to my original seat then glance beside me at Gally. He was finished with his food and now talking animatedly with Minho and Fry. I knew Brenda was right. I was just making excuses because I’m scared. What if I tell him and he laughs in my face? I don’t really think that will happen but it could. I sighed tilting my head up to look at the sky. I was quickly looking back at the group as someone else nudged me. This time it was Gally.
“You alright?” He asked softly leaning closer.
I felt the heat instantly rise to my cheeks.
“Yea” I squeaked.
I jumped from my seat discarding my food then putting some distance between me and the group of immunes. I’m so ridiculous. For years I was around Gally with no problem then he died, then he was alive, then Brenda had to bring my feelings into the light and now I’m a mess.
“(Y/N)?” Gally’s voice instantly had me frozen.
“You sure you’re alright?” He asked as he slowly walked closer.
“Fine” I cleared my throat.
“I’m fine” I smiled weakly up at him.
“You’re not a very good liar.” He smiled down at me.
“I know” I sighed then fell onto the grass.
I laid back staring up at the sky as I heard Gally chuckle. I kept my eyes on the stars as I felt him laying beside me in the grass.
“This place is beautiful isn’t it?” He asked softly.
“Yes it it” I whispered.
“You going to tell me what’s bothering you?” He asked suddenly keeping his eyes trained upwards.
“It’s not important. We don’t talk about this kinda stuff.” I said softly.
“Why don’t we?” I felt his head turn to look at me.
I kept my eyes on the sky.
“Cause I’m one of the guys right?” I asked a little colder than I intended.
“Well yea but what’s that have to do with anything?” He chuckled lightly.
I finally turned my head to look at him.
“How do you think if feels? To be looked at as just one of the guys when I want to be looked at differently.” I asked him seriously.
He looked taken aback for a moment.
“Differently how?” He asked in confusion.
I groaned feeling completely embarrassed.
“I don’t want you to look at me as one of the guys. I want you to look at me as someone you like.” I said softly.
“I do like you.” He said simply.
“No, I mean someone you see more than a friend.” I corrected.
Gally chuckled turning to lay on his side completely facing me.
“(Y/N), I know what you meant. I’m saying I do like you as more than a friend. I have since day one.” He smiled down at me.
“Wait, what?” I asked propping myself up on my elbows to look down at him.
“I always treated you as I one of the guys because before anything else you’re my friend and a damn good friend at that. But how could I not like a pretty girl who didn’t mind to get her hands dirty and can kick almost anyone’s ass? You may be one of the guys but you’re still the only girl I’ve ever had feelings for.” Gally said softly as he picked at the grass.
I was stunned. I had no words. Did he really mean that? Before I could think of anything to say Gally was getting to his feet. I just laid on the grass in shock looking up at him. He chuckled at the sight of me then grabbed my arms pulling me to my feet as well. He glanced over his shoulder at the group still around the fire. He placed his hand against my back then nodded for me to walk with him.
“Did you really mean all that?” I asked softly as I watched my feet.
“Of course. I’m so glad I have you even if it’s just as a friend. Although I’d love it more if you wanted to be more than friends.” He chuckled softly.
I stopped walking suddenly making Gally stumble slightly then turn to face me.
“That’s all I’ve wanted since I met you in the Glade.” I whispered.
Everything that was happening around us stopped the moment I felt Gally’s lips against mine. The sound of the ocean, the wind through the grass and trees, the loud chatter back at the fire all stopped. My eyes fluttered closed as I gripped the front of his shirt tightly like he might disappear. My back was suddenly against a tree making me realize we had made it to the tree line far from the other immunes.
I pushed Gally back then gestured for him to lay down. Once he was back on the grass I climbed onto his lap. I continued our heated kiss until his hands skimmed under my shirt. Just the feeling of his bare hands against my skin set me on fire. I sat back quickly pulling my shirt over my head. He sat up to do the same not taking his eyes off me. I kissed him again as his hands roamed my back. I felt him fiddle with the clasp of my bra for a moment then it unclipped. He tossed it to the side. I groaned softly as his hands gently caressed me.
I stood up suddenly taking my shorts of quickly. I rid him of his shorts as well before he had the chance to do it himself. My body was on fire and I couldn’t wait any longer. He groaned the moment I grabbed him with my hand. I sat back down then kissed him as I moved to sit back on him. The slow deep groan that left his lips was the most incredible sound I’d ever heard. His hands instantly grabbed my hips as I started to move against him.
“(Y/N)” he whispered as he grabbed my head and pulled me down to him.
He held my body against him as I continued to move. He kissed my lips, my forehead, my cheeks, my temple, and my neck. Anywhere he could reach he would kiss. His grip on me tightened as I moved faster. I could feel the foreign feeling grow in the pit of my stomach. I grasped as I clutched at Gally’s shoulders.
Just as I was about to scream for the mounting pressure Gally captured my lips with his muffling the sound as everything unraveled.
“Fuck” Gally gasped as his body tensed.
I collapsed on top of him breathing heavily. Gally hugged me to him then kissed the top of my head.
“As much as I hate to we should probably get back to the others.” He panted.
“Yea, you’re right.” I breathed out as I slowly got up.
We both got dressed slowly. Gally kept interrupting me by kissing different parts of my exposed flesh. I had to swat him away while chuckling so I could finish putting my clothes on. Once we were both dressed we made our way back to the camp. The first person to notice us was of course Brenda.
“Glad to see you gave up on those excuses.” She said with a mischievous smile.
“Yea, we talked it out.” I said shrugging.
“Mhm, looks like you did more than talk.” She laughed.
“What?” I asked in instant panic.
With a huge shit eating grin Brenda stepped forward picking a few pieces of grass and leaves from both mine and Gally’s hair.
“Your shirt is also on backwards.” She pointed to Gally with her smile still in place.
“Night you two.” She added then walked away.
“How does she do that?” Gally grumbled as he quickly fixed his shirt.
“No clue” I huffed out a laugh.
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tbmaybank · 3 years
Ok so I had this idea for an imagine in mind kind of based off favorite crime by Olivia rodrigo…in which rafe decides to turn himself in because he’s on this process of getting better & that’s step 1, he tells his girlfriend how he’ll make sure he’ll get out in time so they can have the future they dreamed of so in a mean time she waits for him & they write to each other. At one point it gets hard being on the island when everyone is taunting her knowing what he did & she writes to him telling him how she might turn herself in for being his “accomplice” later on she works double shifts to get him out which she does & like at the end happily ever after rafe is out & some smut ending if you’re okay with that :) I hope that makes sense lol I know it was a lot
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Warnings: smut (18+ only), swearing
A/N: I’ve only ever written smut ones before this so I hope it’s good for you!
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Dear Y/N,
I knew I would miss you when I was in here, but I couldn’t fathom how much it would hurt. I know I did the right thing, turning myself in. I know it upsets you, and I understand that. But until I faced up to what I did, we could never really start our life together. I would be constantly worried that everything would be taken away at a moment's notice. This way, I will be out in time to give you the life I promised you. A few short years here, and then we can go wherever you want. We’ll get out and see the world, just like we talked about. Please don’t give up on our dream, I’ll be with you as soon as I can. I love you forever.
Dear Rafe,
I can’t put into words how much I miss you. Our bed feels so empty without you. I know it’s temporary, but that doesn’t make the ache go away. Sarah has been helping me get by. She keeps me company as often as she can. It doesn’t make the pain go away, but it is nice to not be left to my own thoughts all day. Oh Rafe, of course I would never give up on you. You are the best part of my life, and I could never give up on that. No matter how difficult things are right now, I know better days are coming. Before we know it we’ll be back in each other’s arms, this time apart only making each embrace after this more magical. I love you, Rafe Cameron, until the end of time.
Dear Rafe,
1 year down, 2 to go. It’ll go by faster than we think. I hope you’re doing well. Things here are… well, they’re a little difficult. People still haven’t moved on, talking about everything that happened. I thought by now that gossip would have changed to a new topic, but apparently you have formed a very captive audience. It’s hard to be here without you. People stare, and they treat me differently now. Not everyone, Sarah and her little group are still great. I know you’re not a fan of them, but I hope when you get out maybe that will change. You might be happy to hear that they stopped me from turning myself in as well. Saying I helped you or something. I know I know, it’s a dumb idea. It made sense at the time though, but I’m thankful they were there to talk me out of it. Anyway, I miss you like always. Only 735 more days to go. That’s not so bad. I love you.
Dear Y/N,
2 years feels so long without you next to me. I know everything is going to be worth it when I can hold you again. I’m very glad they stopped you. You will absolutely not be turning yourself in for anything. Especially when you did nothing wrong. I’m sorry people are treating you different, I was really hoping no one would take it out on you for me doing what I have done. Stay strong for me. Know that those people do not matter, all that matters is me and you. And soon, we will be together again.
Dear Rafe,
Whenever life gets hard I just remind myself that each day that passes is a day closer to your arms. It’s a comforting thought; and now, with only a year left, I know it will be here soon. 365 days. That’s all we have left until we’re together. I hope you’re doing well, and that you’re finding enough to fill yours days to make them pass quickly. I’ve picked up extra shifts at work, both to pass the time and to also build a savings for us for when you get out. It’s tiring, but I don’t mind. There’s not a moment that passes that you’re not on my mind. I love you.
6 months until Rafe gets out, and I’ve kept myself busier than ever. The rare moments I’m not at work, I spend with Sarah and the Pogues. If you had told me 3 years ago that I’d consider them my friends, I would have laughed in your face. Back then, I’d shared the same opinions as Rafe on them all. But after he turned himself in, all my friends avoided me like the plague. Rafes friends, Topper and Kelse, were kind to me, but I never really hung out with them without Rafe before so it felt odd, and made that empty feeling larger.
I make my way home from work, one of the rare days I got off early, making sure to check the mail before heading inside. No letter from Rafe today. I make myself a sandwich inside, and get comfortable on the couch, throwing on some tv drama show. I’m not really paying attention to it, but I don’t like the silence so I have to have something on the tv. A knocking on the door caused me to groan, not wanting to move away from my spot.
Mumbling a string of curse words, I make my way to the door. I hope the door, and feel myself freeze. It’s Rafe. My hands fly up over my mouth, as I instantly start sobbing. He steps to me, wrapping his arms around me and my hands move to grip onto his shirt. I can’t seem to form words, all I can do is hold onto him and cry. I feel my legs starting to give out, so Rafe lowers us to the ground. We must look like fools to anyone that walks by, sitting on the ground in my doorway, hugging each other, both crying.
After a few minutes I finally am able to find words. “What are you doing here? You still have 6 months left.” I say while wrapping my arms around his neck.
“They let me out early. Good behavior, if you can believe that.” He says with a slight chuckle.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have picked you up.”
“Then I wouldn’t have been able to surprise you.” He says, pulling apart slightly so he can look at my face. He holds my face in his hands, and leans in to gently kiss me. “Maybe we should go all the way inside?” He says, causing me to nod and giggle.
As soon as the door is shut, he crashes his lips back against mine. His hands go to my hips, mine to the back of his neck, gripping his hair. Both of us trying to pull the other closer, as he moves up towards my couch. He breaks the kiss to rip my shirt off of me. He pushes me back onto the couch, climbing on top of me and attaching his lips to my neck. My hands slip under his shirt as a small moan escapes my lips, causing a groan from him. I lift his shirt up and he quickly removes it. He catches my lips with his again, as we both move to unbuckle each other’s pants, neither of us wanting to wait another moment.
As soon as our pants and underwear are removed, his hand goes to my center, his fingers entering me quickly. “Rafe..” I moan out against his lips, and he quickly finds my spot, and I can already feel my orgasm building. But before I can get my release, he pulls his fingers out, a whine escaping me at the kiss.
“Sorry baby, been too long, I can’t wait anymore.” He says, as he positions himself at my entrance. He pushes himself into me, both of us moaning, feeling each other like this after so long of us being separated. He tucks an arm under one of my knees, raising it up so he can get deeper, as he begins pounding into me, each thrust sending me closer and closer to the edge. “You feel so fucking good, y/n, missed you so fucking much.”
My hands move to his back, my nails scratching down as the pleasure increases each second hes inside of me. “Rafe.. I’m- I’m gonna-“ I can’t even finish the sentence as my orgasm hits hard, causing my eyes to roll back, screaming in pleasure. The only way to describe the feeling he’s giving me is pure euphoria.
“Fuck baby, you’re so fucking sexy.” His thrusts starting to get sloppier, letting me know he’s close. He buries his face into my neck, and just a few pumps later he finds his release as well.
He collapses on top of me, and we lay like that for a few minutes, both of us trying to catch our breath. Eventually he moves to get off of me, pulling me up with him so we’re sitting. He kissed me again, this time much softer.
“I missed you so much.” He says, resting his forehead against mine.
“Never leave me for that long again, okay?” I say.
“Never again.” He says, wrapping his arms around me, making me feel complete again.
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@k-k0129 @little-lovesick-mess
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heyitsyn · 3 years
a/n: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i would put in all the reqs but there were so many people who requested for our fox babies that it would literally take up every space :”) and im happy to comply so here it is
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sunarin simp is typing😍🍃💞..........
so im actually just going to include the starting lineup like i knowwwww theres subs but im only most familiar with the regulars :(
okay so anyways!!
you might be wondering
how in the hell did you become the manager of these crackheads
from calm papi kita to psycho tsumu,
why are you their manager
you, the cute and shy and innocent not wittle first year, somehow became the manager of the powerhouse volleyball team of inarizaki high
it all started with our dear lovely samu
hehe bet you didnt see that coming
now we all know baby samu literally is the biggest foodie in the team and he constantly thinks about food 24/7 therefore there isnt much room in there for anything else except for volleyball
the dude loves to eat
it just so happens that you made food
your family owned a cafe down the street from the school and you worked there after school to help your parents
now how does this tie in with samu you ask
this chile was so hungry that he had to skip practice
sending kita a quick text about doing a quick errand, he walked down the street on the hunt for a quick place to grab a bite
he totally ignored kita’s warning of cramps if he ate a lot then practiced but whatever food is life
it just so happens he stumbles upon your family’s cafe
when he entered, the smell of bread and food entered his nostrils causing this baby to just float right in
you were manning the register while your brother was at school so you smiled at the incoming figure of this familiar boy
and because you recognized him, you couldnt help but grin and gasp a little
‘oh! miya-senpai!’
you exclaimed and osamu was confused because he’s never seen you before but he thought you were probably a kouhai in school
you looked young and definitely not a face he’s seen before so he concluded you were most likely a first year
and you were really cute
like really
that thought caused this babe to blink awkwardly and nod at your direction
‘uh, hi’
he greeted and you smiled at his awkward nature
‘what can i get you today, miya-senpai?’
he must’ve been busy looking at you to actually look at the menu behind you and he fumbled, rushing to find a food to get
‘wh-what do ya recommend?’
he asked and you paused then thought deeply
‘hmm, we have onigiris freshly made! and we also have milk bread thats really good!’
did you just-
did you just say onigiri?
‘yea ill take some onigiri’
he decided and you lit up
‘perfect! the total is-’
he completely blanked out because wow your smile was really pretty
‘miya-senpai? miya-senpai?’
you called out and he snapped out of it
‘oh, sorry, here’
he gave you the cash and you gave him back his change before wandering to the glass case where the savory foods were placed
you seemed to glide over and osamu watched you with fond eyes, interest bubbling in him
there was something about you that made him curious
but he just didnt know what
it confused him because maybe you were just someone he hasnt seen before and not the same fans he sees all the time
‘you’re really lucky, miya-senpai. i just finished making them minutes before you walked in’
you commented
this took him aback
‘you cook?’
he suddenly asked and you chuckled, soft and airy laughs filling the air
‘of course, senpai! learning to cook is an essential for a business like this’
and thus created a beautiful friendship
he would come over to eat nearly every day of the week while you would happily serve him
sometimes, he would even buy extra so you could eat with him
while you were talking, he noticed you lacked the accent others from there had and he thought you were not originally from hyogo
he learned that you were actually from miyagi and you moved here just this year
‘so, how ya liking it ‘round here?’
he asked one day, after swallowing his food
you thought about it before shrugging
‘i mean, its still the countryside so i guess everything’s the same. maybe the dialect? my neighbors have strong accents, haha’
samu chuckled
‘its common over here. ya sound a lot more from tokyo. my best friend’s from there, ya see’
you raised an eyebrow
‘rin. suna rin is in the team and hes from tokyo so he sounds like a standard city boy. ill take ya to meet him sometime’
nah he really wasnt
he wanted to keep you away from the others as much as possible, especially his brother, because he was a greasy mf
but that didnt really work out into plan because you approached him in school the other day
you saw him and you hurriedly ran to him where he stood with his twin and some guy
tsumu saw you coming from behind his brother and he smirked before nodding at you
‘samu, ya got a girlie running for ya’
samu turned, confused, until he saw your adorable face
‘y/n. whats up?’
you grinned
‘you left your team jacket, miya-senpai’
the red jacket was clutched in your hands and the two boys behind him shared a surprised look because osamu never mentioned a girlfriend
and with the way you were holding his jacket, the two boys immediately jumped into conclusions
more like atsumu started whining at osamu for not telling him he had a girl
‘i thought we were brothers! brothers for life!’
samu just awkwardly stands there and he has a sheepish look in his eyes that were looking at you apologetically
‘sorry about him, y/n. but thank you for returning it’
you handed him the fabric before smiling
‘it was a good thing you had a spare one for me, miya-senpai. who knew the rain would come so suddenly’
osamu sighed then playfully poked your forehead with his finger
‘how many times do i have to tell you to call me by my first name? i really dont want to hear anything that associates me with this bastard’
atsumu socked osamu at the shoulder causing the gray-haired boy to look away from you and start yelling at his brother
‘touch me again! see what happens then!’
‘yer just showing off for yer girlie! ya aint doin nothing!’
suna shook his head before turning to you with a sympathetic look
‘you really want to be with this guy? him and this idiot are practically a package’
you tilted your head
‘im,,, not with miya-senpai?’
suna blinked
‘but he gave you his jacket. he doesnt even give it to me. i guess its not part of best friend privileges’
at the mention of best friend, you lit up
‘oh! you must be sunarin! the tokyo boy!’
baby rin choked a little at the sight of your grin and he scrunched his eyebrows while awkwardly raising the corner of his lips to a smile
‘you,, uh,,, you know me?’
like it was the most obvious thing in the world, you nodded
‘at first, when miya-senpai told me, i didnt know who you were. but! youre actually very popular, suna-senpai! too bad i never saw you until today, though, because we’re in different floors. but! a lot of girls talk about you!’
poor rin didnt know how to react to that because he didnt want to look flustered but he didnt want to look cocky either
so he just opted to smile gently
‘oh. well, in that case. let me introduce myself to you. suna rintaro’
can we normalize suna being an actual nice guy instead of the cold stand-offish player bastard?
you shook his hand and said your name as well
like samu, he asked you to call him by his first name too since you were close to his friend therefore should try being close to you too
speaking of samu, him and atsumu reduced the violence to just bickering and they were still teasing each other even after you and suna talked
the coochi bangs boy rolled his eyes then slapped atsumu’s arm to gain their attention
‘yo. theres a girl here. try and be nice and civil’
atsumu seems like he forgot your existence because his eyes brightened at the sight of you
‘oh! heya!’
you nervously smiled at him because his hyperness and overall atsumu-ness was quite overwhelming
‘h-hello, miya-senpai’
atsumu pouted at how apprehensive you sounded
‘eyyy, why are you being nervous, girlie? im just samu, yanno! same face and everything!’
osamu knew you well enough that you were kinda awkward and you didnt know how to approach a hyper person like his brother so he naturally saved you
‘hey, y/n, the bell’s about to ring any moment now so try to not be late and ill be sure to see you later. do you want me to pick you up from your class and we can walk together?’
to you, it was just a simple offer from a friend but to the two, that was the confirmation of your relationship with the wing spiker
‘wahh, atsumu, your brother really is better than you. he knows how to treat girls good’
atsumu took offense to this
‘excuse you! i would be too if there were genuine girls in this school!’
osamu’s aggressive blinking was his signal for you to hurry along and you noticed causing you to chuckle before bidding goodbye
‘it was nice meeting you, rin-senpai. and,,, you too, miya-senpai. samu-senpai, later at 3?’
osamu softly smiled while nodding
‘later at 3’
the TEASING HE FACED from the two was unbearable and despite the amount of times he denied it, they were still teasing him
‘samu’s got a girlfriend~! samu’s got a girlfriend~!’
‘tsumu, i swear to god if you dont shut your trap’
‘imagine having a girlfriend’
true to his word, osamu was waiting for ya at the bottom of the stairwell from the one that led to the second floor, absentmindedly kicking some invisible thing in the floor
you were fixing your bag straps on your shoulders when you saw him at the end of the hallway and you couldnt contain your excitement seeing the grey haired boy
you shouted, getting his attention that made him whip his head up
the blank face contorted into a small smile and he raised a hand
when you made it next to him, you were grinning really big and samu felt flustered at your happy face
so he cupped your chin with his large hand that allowed him to squeeze both cheeks
he mumbled but you didnt catch it, too busy trying to get him to stop squishing
you were originally supposed to go walk over to the cafe but you didnt know that osamu was actually trying to skip practice and he was trying to hide from the members
okay first off, i dont think samu would ever skip practice willingly bc he has the same drive as miya atsumu but he also just wants to spend time with you asklfjldfjdlk
but the loud mouth tsumu saw you guys as you turned a hallway
you were busy talking to osamu about some cooking chef guy gordon and he was nodding and talking but then he heard a loud shout
osamu babie didnt know what was happening so he protectively placed an arm in front of you and hurriedly shoved you behind him in case something happened
duh you didnt know what was happening either so you were clutching his jacket and peeked from his arm to see atsumu stomping over with suna trailing behind him, seemingly texting on his phone
osamu lazily glared at his brother
atsumu blanched and sped walk faster until he was right in front of him to yell 
you furrowed your eyebrows
you tugged at his jacket and osamu turned to peer down at you and he gulped, preparing himself to hear your scolding
it wasnt the first time you scolded him as you just told him off the other day for not eating enough vegetables and fruits to balance out his unhealthy love for onigiri and sweets
‘samu-senpai,,, you told me you guys were taking an off week. why are you skipping practice today’
you were genuinely worried and you didnt seem to understand why he did that but the other two did and atsumu didnt hesitate
poor suna is just watching this go down and he felt bad that you were caught in the middle
so he suggested a compromise
you watched sunarin push atsumu’s chest to make him back off and he gently smiled at you before looking at the two
‘how about we all go to practice and if y/n-chan wants, she can wait and osamu can spend time with her when hes done? besides, atsumu, you know osamu has been doing good on his spikes. maybe we can persuade coach and kita to let him off early since hes,,, quote unquote,, ‘sick’’
osamu debated but you emerged from behind him
‘sure! samu-senpai would love to go to practice! right, samu-senpai?’
you smiled at him but it was a stern smile
you just wanted him to go to practice because you knew now of how important volleyball was to the school and they needed to get all their time and energy to win the sport
atsumu agreed to this plan but osamu was forced to accept it
just for extra measure, sunarin and tsumu walked behind you guys to the gym so you and samu had time to talk
you were chiding him of course because why would he waste time with spending time with you
‘just wanted to see ya, y/n-chan’
he winked but you pouted and wrinkled your nose
‘you cant weasel yourself out of this, samu-senpai’
osamu has never heard you scold him before so he was like o.o but inside he was like,,, hot
the gym was already on full practice and kita saw the second years from the door
as much as they loved the underclassmen, watching them get told off by kita was too funny to not watch
but what caused them to curiously peer behind the three was the appearance of a girl
a girl?
‘why’s a girl with them?’
aran mumbled and mimi shrugged, but also intrigued
you were behind osamu and he could tell you were nervous because youve heard of the reputation of the team
they were seen as practically as popular as the basketball team and everyone worshipped them
they were who put the school’s name in the map and you were about to meet the legends of inarizaki
thankfully, atsumu and rin walked to the front of you two so you and samu were at the back
samu didnt look at you but he reached behind him to open his palm as a signal for you to take it
you gratefully grabbed it and leaned closer in case something happens
atsumu shouted and suna chided him for being really loud
‘you’re late’
an even voice said in front of them and you leaned over to the side to see who it was from
your eyes bulged out of your head because one, wow he was handsome, and two, he looked like someone from miyagi
‘oh wow’
you mumbled absentmindedly and samu looked at you at the corner of his eye before scoffing
your face was totally bright red and your eyes were super wide
kita? really? of all guys? it was kita?
‘SORRY! was samu who took so long!’
atsumu lowered his voice down but he didnt tell the captain of his brother’s plans to skip
‘he has a stomachache and he was at the nurse’s office’
suna smoothly came up with a lie and he might look cool and calm, his hands were clasped behind him with it clenching his phone
your eyes left kita to notice that habit and you had a small smile because it was another reassurance that these boys werent as high and legendary as everyone made them to be
in the end they were still just students and boys
they were still human
‘oi, osamu, who’s the girl?’
aran finally bit the bullet and asked the question everyone has been wondering since the beginning
both you and samu stiffened at the direct question to you but he nodded
‘this is l/n y/n’
he introduced and you raised a shaky hand as a greeting but let go of samu to bow slightly to your seniors
‘hello, my name is l/n y/n, i’m a first year’
a few players also raised a hand but it was mimi who spoke at last
‘nice to meet you’
kita nodded at you but turned to the three
‘why is she with you? are you skipping again, osamu?’
osamu inwardly cringed 
obviously, kita was sharper than they would think because he easily saw through suna’s lie
he also knew that samu never really got sick
he watched the younger shovel 5 bowls of ramen and still have enough room eat a plate of mochi and he was perfectly fine
it was silent between the four of you and atsumu and suna were looking at each other as they ran out of lies
dang they even planned the entire walk of what to say to kita
you looked between the twins and their friend before speaking up
‘samu-senpai really did have a stomachache. i was-uh-helping the nurse! um, i want to be a doctor or a nurse when i grow up! and-’
you started to ramble but because you were trying to lie and it was never your forte
‘we were tryin to convince y/n to be a manager. thats why we took so long’
atsumu huffed
you froze
a what?
a manager?
you were genuinely truthful about wanting to go into a medical profession but not a manager
you were already a manager before and you didnt really want to do it again
kita was inspecting suna’s and atsumu’s and osamu’s faces to see a trace of dishonesty
you saw him raise a dark eyebrow and you knew then that these three cannot tell a lie to save their life
so you nodded frantically making kita look at you
‘mhm! they asked me! miya-san wanted someone they knew already so they asked me because i’m samu-senpai’s friend! so here i am!’
your awkward smile and stiff outstretched arms might’ve seem suspicious but kita moved his gaze from you to atsumu and the blonde nodded
‘yea! ya’ve been talkin bout bein worried of next year cus yall aint here no more so i got sum person responsible enough fer us!’
after the longest 3 seconds, kita finally nodded and closed his eyes warily
‘alright. l/n-san, come here’
you froze at the way he said your name but suna was kind enough to walk over to your place beside samu to gently push you forward to kita
‘its okay’
he mumbled and you were so thankful because that gave you enough motivation and strength to keep going
your height was staggering between these men and kita seemed to tower you
but you kept an even and calm face 
you asked
kita looked at you and he stared at your face, pupils moving as a sign that he was inspecting your eyes and every feature 
oh my god you shouldve plucked your nose hairs this morning
before you could feel more self-conscious, he spoke
‘you said you want to be a doctor?’
‘well, more like a nurse but um same thing’
‘you know medical stuff? know how to treat injuries?’
‘yes. i was a manager back in my hometown so i have experience’
‘where are you from?’
‘ya familiar with shiratorizawa?’
you cringed but nodded
‘are you from there?’
the three stooges from behind you had wide eyes at this sudden revelation because that was a school theyve played before
even the last interhigh, they were familiar of how strong that school was
the eagle and the guess monster
and you were their manager before? 
must’ve been during middle school as you were just a first year
‘so you know how plays and stats work?’
‘yes. anything you want me to do, im familiar and capable to do it’
god why are you saying this
you didnt even want to be a manager in the first place
yet here you are again
you were getting flashbacks from the war ajkfdfd
kita looked at you silently once more before finally standing up straight and pointing you to their coach who was watching the whole thing with crossed arms and furrowed brows
‘there. talk to him and you can finalize everything. i think its too early to say this but nonetheless, welcome to the team, y/n’
no but really dont tell lies in general yall, maybe white lies, but try not to do that
duh you are much much closer to samu than the rest of the team so you tended to stick to him more
like you would go to him first if you needed something or if you wanted someone to help you with the crate, he would be your go-to
that would make atsumu whine because he felt that samu was better than him
‘oi, y/n! im really good with ma arms! i can bench 300 yanno?’
you politely smiled and nodded
‘thank you for telling me, miya-san’
then you would proceed to nudge samu’s arm yum to ask for help
dont worry!!!!
you do end up warming up to him
for my atsumu stans, yall tend to go to him when samu is either busy or you just need a good laugh
this mans will embarrass himself both on purpose or accidentally to make you laugh lmao
you also have extra bottles for his medicine because he has adhd and the guys are like,,,, yo chill
and duh atsumu would forget to take them so youre practically his reminder
we all know how tsumu was practically attacked that one time when he insulted those girls, right?
yall may have forgiven but i will never forget >:(
well, during matches, you as their manager, always have to tell the stands to be quiet when atsumu is serving 
but no one told you this
you kind of figured it out during your time like when his eye would twitch if samu was talking to suna too loudly or when he would close his eyes to shut off his hearing because of the loud spikes on the other side
you noticed it
so you would go to the stands and nicely tell them that if they see atsumu serving, to be quiet
‘i understand you are all excited when he does his serve but we would all benefit more you could release that excitement inside and silently’
*cue atsumu pretending to faint in sunas arms*
but canon suna :”)
as a player, suna is seen as really manipulative and snarky and witty
he loves to poke fun at the other team, even his own, and just all-around annoying
but off-court
suna is a very quiet and reserved person
totally different from the one who talks and yaps constantly to the other side of the net
and hes a really pure person in some topics
like he would turn red when you would compliment his new picture that he posted in inasgram 
or when you would offer to bandage him up for him because it’s hard to do it himself and your hand would touch his
dont tell anyone this but suna is very relieved that you and samu weren’t dating
thats all
thats all for now
OOOO kita!!!
okay so kita is the captain, right?
but he doesnt play
like he plays rarely and aran is usually the on-court captain
this causes you and him to be at the sidelines a lot
he would tell you what he thinks would happen next or what the next plan should be and you would provide your own input
in a way, he was the one who really taught you the mechanics of volleyball and he would tell you the different tricks that techniques that the twins came up with 
what makes you really soft and fall for him is when he starts to compliment his players
his pride in aran for being one of the top aces that has led them to nationals
his pride in mimi for being able to go on the longest on court and not be tired
his pride on akagi for being able to receive each ball and successfully give it to their setter
his pride on hitoshi for being the one who could handle the team personality wise and his plans for him to be his successor
his pride on ATSUmu for being the best setter he’s ever seen and his drive to get better no matter what
his pride on samu for being so strong and still getting stronger despite his dream career to be something not volleyball-related
his pride on sunA being motivated enough to help the team and make sure everyone knows that every ball can be stopped
like pls you almost cry all the time when you hear kita saying that because he seems to not say it to the others but only to you
it makes you happy that kita relies so much on these guys as much as they rely on him
so omimi ren is a very quiet and calm character
hes kinda like suna where they dont really say much but when they do, its usually important and not irrelevant like atsumu
and he didnt say much when you got inducted in the team as a manager
like he just stared at you and you were just like o.o
ngl he did scare you a bit bc of his tall height looming over you and the way his dark eyes just pierces you through your soul
hes the type that you cannot willingly tell a lie to him bc you know he will find out one way or another
he can see right through you
maybe thats what makes him such a good middle blocker
but you started to warm up to him really quick and he would sometimes walk you home if the others cant mainly bc he knows his appearance will make anyone back off
its the simple things that make you appreciate him
two words: ginjima hitoshi
he is so two-faced
like suna, the twins, and hitoshi
the twins are the annoying ones who causes trouble, suna is the one taking pictures and evidence while cheering them on, and hitoshi is the one trying to break it up
i think that hitoshi is really the worst out of the 4 and he keeps in because who else would be the responsible one of the bunch
hello? they were about to be third years next year like are we really gonna go on with possibly a miya twin or suna being captain?
so he tries to force down his inner chaos to take on the role of the responsible one
you try to release that inner chaos
you sometimes hear him egging on atsumu under his breath like ‘do it’ but quietly so no one hears him
and youre like
please? we’re not? supposed? to allow? atsumu? to eat? and swallow? a whole? raw egg?
at first, duh he was also like that with you but you want him to be himself and be comfortable with you so you work hard to make him open up
you kinda regret it
because he now wants to go through the mcdonalds drive-thru, with no car, just to get mcflurries
you stared down at hitoshi from your bedroom window with a confused expression
‘but? you dont have a car?’
he grins up at you
‘but i got a CART! they said as long as it’s a car and car is in the word cart and the extra ‘t’ is just a bonus!’
‘hitoshi no-’
so akagi is the libero of the team and he is the one responsible for the make sure the ball doesnt touch the ground type of thing
you get really worried about him bc he does a lot of flying saves and his knees always get roughed up and such
so you try and stitch him up as much as you can like you even send him sites for good warm packs to buy
something that isnt known about akagi is that he, like atsumu, really likes to cook
but more like
he bakes
he bakes as a stress reliever and its like his meditation time
you go over to his house a lot to go bake something w him and share it to the guys later on
during ina get-togethers, him and samu are in charged of the food while youre the sous chef
we forgot about him for a sec aldfjklkfdjlk 
it was all thanks to him
because of him, you became a manager despite your initial refusal to become one again
you made friends with more people and you were able to have a fun high school life because of it
because of him
osamu does get a little sad or irritated whenever the guys start to hog you up
like he has to push down the tantrum of ‘I SAW HER FIRST!’
he wants to be the better twin lmao
he gets really butthurt when you would go to someone else even during the middle of your conversation
like he would be talking to you on the side but suna calls you over for tape and youre going
he pouts and atsumu teases him about it causing him to bark at him
okay so training camp
i think therell be an imagine for this so ill try to not make it as detailed
lets just say its a mess
suna really wants to go hiking bc he wants to go the top of the mountain for pictures of the stars and stuff
but atsumu whines of the bugs and possible creatures in there
this causes osamu to tease him and call him a coward and a wimp
and leads to a fight which aran tries to break up but gets sucked in anyways
and omimi just stands by and watches but he intends to intervene if it gets too much
then akagi gets taken by suna to go the hike with him even though hes scared of bugs so hes whimpering and complaining
while kita and hitoshi are off in the kitchen talking about new grains of flour and stuff
where are you?
youre at the lodge, drinking your f/d (favorite drink) and watching all this go down bc at training camp, it’s every man for themselves
there is a lot of bonding times as a team bc these boys may seem like all they think about is volleyball but they like to do something else outside of that
what they love the most is going to the beach
not only do they get to have fun, they get to relax and see you in a swimsuit alkfdjkfj
especially when kita accidentally falls asleep? they bury him with sand and make him look like a mermaid
because they are players who work out so great bodies duh
and they get so much attention for that
but they all mainly pay attention to you and oh my
youve expressed not being comfortable in wearing a swim suit and watch these guys absolutely start throwing compliments at you
but the third years would softly tell you that it’s okay not to wear one bc all that matters is if youre comfortable or not
we know how kita’s family are rice farmers, right?
he farms to help his granny and sometimes, youre the only one who’s free enough to go and help him 
so you go over there all the time and granny really loves you bc one, you take care of her shin and thats beyond everything, and two, youre reliable and make shin laugh and such
like one time, you were carrying a basket to the back deck and granny saw you from the kitchen
she smiled before waddling over to the door so she could talk to you
you whipped around quickly at the call of your name before grinning and hurrying up to her
‘yes, granny?’
she gave you a bottled water then gestured down to the field where shin was tirelessly tending to the rice
‘please give that to shinsuke. poor boy has been pushing himself too hard with the field and his sport and not taking care of himself’
she chided but there was a certain hint in her tone that made her sound so proud of her grandson
you looked down at the bottle and squeezed it
‘kita-san works hard not for himself, but for everyone else. it makes me sad when he neglects his health and tends to the team instead. so dont worry, baa-chan! i’ll take care of kita-san for him! for you!’
nah bc granny was already gossiping with her neighborhood ladies about this beautiful girl that shin got and how they should be jealous their grandsons don’t have someone like you
since your family owns a cafe, the guys goes there all the time
its kinda like the ramen shop for the seijoh boys
they go there mainly to see you even outside of practice ANDDD
they wanna look good in front of your family
like tsumu suddenly knows cleanliness bc he cleans up the mess on the table or kita is no longer an introvert as hes now talking to your mom about the benefits of rice water and her not needing one bc her hair is already beautiful
and even during the summer, theyve helped out a lot when it was busy lunch times and you couldnt handle it yourself
okay imma stop now
everyone was already down and moody bc of the loss
and you wanted to be at the back bc you didnt know how to handle the situation
in your time as their manager, not once have you seen them lose
during those 10 months of being a manager, you have not once seen them be defeated during a game even with practice matches
then with those nobodies?
last time you checked, karasuno went down under when coach ukai retired
so having them lose was a real shock
and a really bad event
there was a certain air around you all during the bus ride to the hotel which made the entire time very uncomfortable
everyone finished their crying either in the locker rooms or the bathroom so all that was left was their red eyes
the coach sent everyone off to bed and although they were allowed more days to stay, they all collectively chose to just go home and keep those excused days as a rest day
‘we all would like to just stay at home and recharge’
kita’s request was everyone else’s, even yours, as you were both worried and tired for the boys
so that night, the coaches were able to book train tickets for everyone the next day back home
you stayed up, watching tv in your own room out of boredom because the group chat was quiet and you were too tired to do anything else
the next day, everyone 
osamu claimed your shoulder and he held your hand tight with his
his breathing was ragged and even with his closed eyes, the redness around them made it obvious he had been crying
the bus that was filled with excitement before, became quiet and the sound of the engine and wheels took over the silence
you thought samu had fallen asleep so you raised your free hand to stroke his hair
‘hey y/n?’
you flinched at the surprise but hummed 
‘imma tell him today. later, but today’
his voice was low and he was murmuring to hint that this was the extra sensitive topic you both discussed a few days ago at the cafe
you nodded but made sure he knew that no matter, he still got you
the coaches were upset and mad at the loss
but in the end, they all realized that this was the last game the boys would play as a team
sure, they could have practice matches and they could play again together in the future but nothing would change the atmosphere and feeling of playing the important matches 
this was the team that brought them closest to nationals with placing second out of the entire country
they were a good team that somehow got defeated
but the coaches were still proud
they didnt even yell at the boys to take laps and instead brought them into a team meeting
you stood beside the coaches, your own sniffles with everyone else, and listened to them talk
‘-year has been the most productive this school’s team has had in decades. i hope you all are proud of yourselves as we are proud of you. you lost so you are no longer in the competition and we talk about it tomorrow. but for now, go home and take a rest because tomorrow, we will be running laps and drills and miss y/n will be timing you until you pass out from exhaustion’
you blankly looked at the coaches bc you thought this would be a heartwarming talk but quickly turned into a threat
‘but thats for tomorrow. so go home and rest up. expect what is to come’
you were just wanting to leave lmao
like you wanted to hurry home and make something for the guys to eat tomorrow
just do something to make them at least smile
the guys were quietly packing up and you watched them with trembling eyes at their dismissal
you wanted them to stay longer
stay here and laugh and mess around
like tsumu poking kita and pretending he didnt
or mimi talking about something and aran staring blankly at him but he’s really sleeping with his eyes open and startling him awake
you shouted
they all stopped and turned to look at you
hitoshi asked
you hurriedly looked around to find something to stall them here and you noticed the cherry blossom tree that’s blooming 
must be the time of the year
‘l-lets! have a-take a picture! outside! by the tree!’
you pointed and they looked at each other
you were acting strangely
but they were simps for you so they just nodded and went outside
they didnt even complain and went to stand out in front of the tree
you had your phone and pulled it to the camera app to raise it to get the team in the frame
they looked sad and tired and worn out but they were still trying to joke around and have natural smiles
‘closer, you guys! bunch in closer!’
you motioned with one hand but they stopped
‘um? y/n? aren’t you gonna join us?’
ren asked but you shook your head
‘its? for you guys? besides, no one will take it for us, silly’
the boys insisted on you prop it up on a bench over there because they wanted you there with them
‘hey, come here! lets all be in it!’
aran shouted and you had no choice but to follow them
the boys had to stand closer to the camera as the bench was a ways ahead of the tree but dont worry, the tree is still there
they wanted you in the front bc they were all taller than you but they really wanted to showcase you
you were their manager and the person who took care of them
they treasure you so much
someone shouted and the timer hit zero and the picture was taken
sure, their school’s motto was that they didnt need things like memories
to not have anything tying you down to the past and to challenge yourself with everyone focusing on the future ahead
in years from now, you could just be another thing from their past and nothing else
but they would be damned if that happened
any fragment of you to remind them of the best time of their youth and the person who loved them more than anyone else did
so yea, sure they wanted to represent their school’s motto
but this time
they can make an exception
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citrusdarling7 · 3 years
summary- Tom Riddle becomes jealous of reader’s boyfriend and decides to take matters into his own hands
warnings- smut, cheating, degrading, edging, and a bit of light choking. dom! tom, sub! reader
I’ve never been much of a morning person, but for some reason I was up early today. I knew that I had a potions essay due tomorrow, and I was behind on it. Still in my silky nightgown, I assumed no one else would be in the common room. To my surprise, Abraxas was sitting in front of the fireplace. I smiled and tip-toed over to him, wrapping my arms around his chest from behind him. He squeezed one of my hands gently, acknowledging my presence.
“Darling, why are you up? It’s barely 5 am,” he told me softly. I rolled my eyes and swiveled around the couch so I could sit down next to him.
“I should be asking you the same thing, Malfoy. Oh my God, what happened to your face?” Even in the dim lighting of the Slytherin common room, I could see the dark purple bruises around one of his eyes. I gently reached up to try and touch him, but he turned his face to the side.
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Did you sleep well?” He tried to change the subject, but I didn’t let up.
“Brax, what the hell happened? Please tell me that the other guy looks worse,” I said while positioning myself closer to him. I gently ran a finger along his jawline in a comforting gesture. I could smell his sage wood cologne, which I absolutely adored.
“Truthfully darling, I think I’m lucky I walked away without him cursing me. He was absolutely livid after you left.”
Of course. I was such an idiot. Tom had done this to him.
Late last night, Abraxas and I were kissing in the corridor when we decided we wanted to go somewhere more private. Abraxas knows how to find the Room of Requirement, and he dragged me inside, still kissing my neck and holding onto my waist. Unfortunately for us, all of the other 6th year Slytherin boys were already there, brewing some type of illegal potion. Not only had Abraxas forgotten he was supposed to meet with them that night, but he had also exposed me to what was happening.
Although some people would believe so, I’m not naive to what goes on in this school. I know about Tom and his pursuits in dark magic. I know about their constant fights with those Gryffindors who all wear that one lion pin. But Tom seemed to believe that I had no prior knowledge of these secret meetings, and he instantly started yelling at us.
“Malfoy, you idiot! You are not supposed to bring back girls to this room, and certainly not when we’re in the middle of illicit activities!”
Rosier and Avery were still sitting by the cauldron, doing nothing to help the situation. I stepped away from Abraxas and turned towards Tom.
“Calm down, Riddle. You and your superiority complex need to learn that not everyone’s life revolves around yours,” I spat at him. Tom took a step closer to me, and I instinctively reached to pull out my wand. Before I had a chance to, I felt the back of my head being slammed against the wall, Tom’s hand gripping my throat tightly. Abraxas and Rosier both shouted for Tom to let go of me, but I just smiled. I stared him down, letting him know that I wasn’t afraid of him.
“You’re not allowed to speak to me that way,” he growled.
“I can speak to you any way I want Tommy.” His eyes looked as if he wanted to strangle me, but I saw the trace of a smile play across his lips. He abruptly let go of me and turned towards Abraxas.
“You need to keep your girlfriend under control. Get out of here.” Abraxas quickly grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the door.
“Not you, Malfoy. Your presence is still required here.” I opened my mouth to tell him off again, but Abraxas quickly shook his head.
“Go back to the common room, darling. I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” I reluctantly sighed, but figured that I shouldn’t piss Tom off even more. I should have known that Tom would still be angry with Abraxas.
Flashing back to present time, I turned around to look towards the boys dormitories. Abraxas could tell what I was thinking, so he gently squeezed my hand.
“Leave it alone, dearest. He was fine the rest of the night, confronting him will just make him mad again. I don’t want you to get hurt, my love.”
I’m not one to back down easily, and I constantly let my temper get the best of me. But Abraxas’ soft touch against my leg and heart-felt words relaxed me a bit.
“Alright. I won’t say anything. Have you done Slughorn’s essay yet?”
We spent the next hour or so alone in the common room, trying to hastily finish up homework. By the time that others started waking up, I was sitting in his lap, my hands in his hair as we kissed passionately.
“You two are disgusting. 20 points from Slytherin,” a cold voice said. I rolled my eyes and gave Abraxas a quick peck on the lips before sliding off of him and back onto the couch. Tom was Head Boy, and he had no problem with taking points from his own house. He had a lot of nerve as well. Almost every single night I watched him drag some girl into his room. She always left limping a few hours later, and Tom never spoke to her again.
“Put some clothes on. You’re dressed like a whore,” he spat at me. I scoffed at him, but got up to head back to my room anyways. As I slipped on my school robes and brushed out my hair, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tom.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. I managed to get through all of my classes without speaking a word to Tom. After watching the Slytherin quidditch team practice while gossiping with Lestrange, I sat with Rosier and Abraxas in the common room. Rosier made me play chess with him, beating me every single time. This was strange, since I considered myself an excellent chess player. I guess I was just a little distracted. Abraxas excused himself to his dorm room, saying that he had a ton of homework to do. He gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek before leaving.
“Something on your mind?” Rosier asked me. I sighed and slumped down in my chair.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m still kind of upset about what happened with Tom. Why do you guys let him treat you all so awfully?”
“It’s not as simple as that. Being friends with Riddle has advantages and disadvantages. The occasional hex or punch to the face isn’t much of a price to pay.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
“One of these days I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch,” I said with a grin. Rosier chuckled and patted my arm.
“Good luck with that.”
A few hours later I was lying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I had been trying desperately to fall asleep. But something was still on the back of my mind, and that something was preventing me from being able to relax. I let out a sigh and rolled out of bed. I slipped out of my room and quietly walked down the stairs, into the common room. I then made my way up the stairs leading to the boys dormitory. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door at the end of the hallway. He opened the door, and my nostrils were instantly filled with the smell of smoke. Tom stood inches away from me, still in his school uniform. He was holding a lit cigarette between his fingers.
“Did you need something, sweetheart?” I rolled my eyes at his stupid pet-name.
“You are absolutely insane, Riddle! You walk around this damn school like you own the place, and I’m sick of it.” He smiled and offered out his arm to me.
“If you’re going to yell at me, then you might as well do it behind closed doors,” he offered. I didn’t take his hand, but I did step inside and let him shut the door behind me. Since he was Head Boy, his room was bigger than all of ours. I could see that his window was open, probably because of the smoke. His bed had black silky sheets adorning it, and I could see all of the books on his desk were neatly stacked. His box of cigarettes was laying on his nightstand.
“So did you come here just to tell me off or did you want a smoke as well?” he taunted.
I turned around to face him again.
“I want you to stop hitting my boyfriend. And the rest of the boys. You have to learn how to respect others.” He chuckled darkly while taking a step towards me.
“Darling, that’s a pretty demanding request. My respect has to be earned.” In an attempt to look more confident, I crossed my arms across my chest.
“You’re such a child, Tom. I don’t know why you think that everyone worships you!” I shouted at him. He quickly wrapped his free hand around my neck and pushed me against the wall. He flicked his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out.
“That’s because everyone does. Everyone except you it seems.” I don’t know why Tom had this constant need to slam me up against the wall and choke me. It didn’t make me afraid of his dumbass.
Honestly, it was kind of hot. He brought his other hand up to my face and he touched my cheek softly.
“Did you and Malfoy ever finish what you started yesterday?” It took me a moment to realize that he was asking if we had fucked.
“That’s none of your business,” I snapped at him. He tightened his grip on my throat and used one of his legs to pin down mine.
“Answer my question.”
“No, I haven’t slept with him. Why do you care?” Tom brought his head down to my neck and whispered into my ear.
“Because I’m not into sloppy seconds.” Before I had a chance to mention the fact that he probably had over twenty bodies, he started kissing me roughly. I kissed him back and wrapped my leg around one of his. I let him suck on my neck as he pushed my thin nightgown up my leg and slipped one of his hands under it. He started to slowly rub circles on my thigh. He continued to suck on my neck as I tried to grind against him. He growled and used his other hand to push my waist back against the wall.
“None of that. Do you want me to touch you, darling?” he asked in a mocking tone. I nodded and he slipped his fingers into my underwear.
“Someone’s a needy little slut,” he whispered. Part of me wanted to call him a man-whore, but the part of me that valued my life kept me quiet. I felt him push two fingers inside me and I whimpered. He started to rub my clit with his thumb as he thrusted his fingers in and out of me. He started kissing my neck again as I moaned quietly. He was going incredibly slow, making me desperate for every touch. At a particularly sharp pressure, one of my legs twitched and I had to bite my lip to stop from making noise. Tom chuckled and tilted my chin towards him.
“Didn’t you come here to yell at me? Are you going to yell at me now, darling?” He started to rub me faster, which made it difficult for me to even speak.
“I hate you,” I was able to mutter. He laughed and pinched my waist roughly, making me jump. After only a few minutes, I was starting to get close to my peak. I felt my legs start to shake as I bit my lip to stifle my moans. Tom noticed this, so he stopped touching me. I frowned as he leaned down to whisper into my ear.
“Did you really think I was going to let you come that quickly?”
Before I had the chance to respond, he grabbed my legs and spun me around, pushing me onto his bed. He quickly tugged my nightgown off of me and started to take off his shirt. I tried to reach up and help him, but he used his free hand to push me back onto the bed. He quickly unbuckled his belt and kicked his pants off before getting on top of me. I felt his member pressing against my thigh. He wrapped a hand around my throat again and used the other hand to gently rub one of my hips.
“Is this what you want? Me to fuck you senseless while your boyfriend sleeps two rooms over?” I felt him rub against my clit, teasing me purposefully. I decided that I wouldn’t tell him that me and Abraxas weren’t actually dating until later.
“Shut up,” he growled before thrusting into me sharply. As he rocked into me, I definitely felt a bit of pain. He was bigger than what I was used to, but I was adjusting quickly. I tried to rest my arms on his shoulders, but he didn’t like that. He pinned my hands above my head and started to attack my neck with his mouth.
“If you do that again, I’ll tie you down. Don’t test me,” he muttered. He continued to rail into me over and over, hitting me at just the right angle. In less than ten minutes I was close again. I tightly clenched the sheets and tried to grind my hips against his to alleviate some of the tension. That’s when he slipped out of me with a grin.
“Not yet, sweetheart,” he said while stroking my hair.
“Are you fucking serious?” I complained.
“Completely. Be a good girl and maybe I’ll let you finish before the night is over.”
I will admit, his self-control was pretty impressive. Most guys wouldn’t be able to handle pulling out before they had finished. But I also figured that he was just bluffing. There was no way he would be able to do this for more than twenty minutes. After 30 or so seconds of him attacking my mouth with his tongue, he thrusted into me again. This time his strokes were a bit slower and more gentle. He rubbed one of my arms lightly as he made me shiver at his touch.
“Tom, oh my God,” I moaned into his neck. I assumed he was going to tell me to shut up, but I guess he liked knowing how good he was making me feel.
“That’s right, darling. You like this?” I nodded my head as he pressed soft kisses against my jawline. I was definitely pleased with his change of pace. The slow stroked and gentle kisses made this feel a bit more like a normal thing. But of course, that didn’t last very long. Once he was done leaving hickies all over my neck, he wrapped his hand around it. He started to press himself deeper inside of me, rocking me into his bed. I whimpered as he hit a spot that made my legs twitch.
“Quiet, slut,” he demanded. I tilted my head slightly away from him, trying to stifle my moans with one of his pillows. I was panting at this point, desperately gripping onto the sheets.
“Could Malfoy make you feel this good?”
“Yeah, if I was with him I would’ve came by now,” I thought to myself. However, I shook my head in an attempt to appease him.
“That’s right. Should I let you finish now?” I nodded and he jerked my face back towards him. “Alright. Beg for it.” That actually made me laugh. There was no way I was going to give into him that easily. Tom shrugged and continued to pound into me. “Be difficult then. I don’t care either way.”
I bit down my lip to muffle a scream as my stomach flipped and my legs shook. Right when I was about to be sent over the edge, he pulled out of me again. By now, I was completely fed up with him. I tried to bring one of my hands down between my legs, but he was quicker than me. He grabbed both of my arms and roughly pinned them above my head.
“I don’t think so, dear. I want the whole hallway to hear you screaming my name,” he said while stroking my cheek tauntingly.
“Good luck with that,” I said with an eye roll.
“You’re mine now. No one gets to touch you but me,” he muttered into my ear before thrusting into me again. By now I could see finger-shaped bruises starting to form on my waist. We had been going at it for at least 35 minutes, and my body was aching for release. I was confident that he had left at least 5 or so hickies on my neck, which I was not looking forward to having to cover up tomorrow. Out of instinct, I tried to move my leg around his to adjust the angle. Tom slammed me down onto his bed roughly.
“Don’t fucking move,” he growled. He pressed one of his thumbs against my clit, making me whimper. I was so frustrated that tears had started to stream down my face. Tom gently wiped them away with his free hand.
“Are you gonna apologize for yelling at me earlier?” he asked in a snarl. I shook my head, which made him chuckle.
“That’s what I thought. If you’re gonna be like that, you clearly haven’t learned your lesson.” He started to kiss roughly at my collar, obviously trying to mark me more. After a few minutes of listening to me whine and pant, he decided to give me another chance.
“Promise me you’ll stop hanging around Malfoy,” he said softly. That kind of threw me for a loop.
“What? Why?” He nibbled on my ear lobe and thrusted into me sharply.
“You’re my little slut now. I don’t want him touching you. Promise me.” I instinctively shook my head, which only made his thrusts even harder.
“Promise me, darling. Like I said, I can go all night.” I really, really wanted to keep my mouth shut. But I was so overwhelmed, I couldn’t take much more.
“Fine. I promise. Please Tom, I-”
He bit down on my lip and thrusted into me at the perfect angle and speed.
Over-and-over again.
I moaned his name as well as a stream of profanities as waves of pleasure tore through my body. My legs were shaking so bad that he had to actually hold them down. While I was riding out my high, Tom muttered praises into my ear. I was so extremely sensitive that every touch set off fireworks against my skin.
“Take me like a good girl,” he said before roughly grabbing my throat. It took him a few minutes to finish himself off, but when he did it was so hot. He didn’t even bother to pull out. He continued to kiss me for a bit before he got up and started to walk towards his bathroom.
“Now, get the hell out of my room, whore.”
I smiled at his lovely term of endearment as I tried to quickly pull my clothing back on. I stood up quickly, and my legs gave out beneath me. Tom laughed as he put on his bathrobe.
“You’re pathetic,” he said while helping me up. Surprisingly enough, he walked me back to my dorm, smiling the entire way. Before he turned to leave he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.
“Sleep well, darling.” I flashed him a sweet smile.
“You too, Riddle.”
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Obey Me characters forgetting a mating anniversary
Anon: reactions to their alpha missing an anniversary? or you could switch it and do reactions to realizing they forgot an anniversary. either or !
Anon part 2: hi! i’m the anon from the anniversary request. i was thinking maybe the obey me! fandom? whichever characters you like. my exams are coming to an end so i’m looking forward to spending hours on that app during the summer 😤😤 i hope you’re doing well ! 💕
(Hey hey!! I’m going to do their reactions to forgetting a mating anniversary, because they’ve been alive a long time, I imagine it would happen at least one hehe. Let’s see~)
Warnings: Mention of sex in Asmo’s section
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Lucifer – He denies it at first. He can’t have forgotten, he would never forget something so important, you must have the date wrong. His response is very likely to make his alpha either more angry or more upset, and he inadvertently blows the whole thing out of proportion because he struggles to admit that he’s wrong. But when he realises that he is wrong? That he was so caught up in paperwork for Diavolo he did forget? It’s a hard pill to swallow. He would probably buy his alpha some expensive flowers as an apology of sorts, but unless he’s been in a relationship with his alpha for several hundred years, I don’t see him directly apologising. He does feel guilty, but he really finds it hard to articulate. The upside is that it’s extremely unlikely that he’ll ever do it again. He’s checking four times every week at least now that he hasn’t missed any important dates by mistake.
“Our anniversary is next week, my beloved, you must have confused the dates.”
Mammon – Mammon metaphorically shits himself when he realises he forgot an anniversary. His scent is pure, unadulterated panic. His first instinct is to plan an anniversary event that moment. Hell’s Kitchen must still be open right? He tries to pull his alpha with him right that second. If that doesn’t work, he starts to panic that he’s ruined the most important thing in his life. This is when the begging starts. He says sorry about a hundred times, will get on his knees, offer whatever you want as long as you forgive him. Mammon is actually a very compassionate person who doesn’t like upsetting his loved ones, so it’s very hard to stay mad at him. Unfortunately, he’s not great at keeping track of dates, so it might happen again. The best thing to do is organise something together and give him a few reminders when that date’s coming up.
“Oh shit! Er, Hell’s Kitchen is still open right?? I’ll buy you whatever you want, we’ll order one of everything, does that work?”
Leviathan – He almost certainly forgets because of some game event or new releases. And to make everything worse, at first he acts like the game and event was more important than the anniversary and he thinks it’s a legitimate excuse that you can’t argue with. He realises pretty quickly after the event finishes that he’s completely alone because you’re mad at him. He turns to tell you everything about the game but you don’t want to listen to him?? He sulks in his room for a while. What pushes him to apologise is when he sees you hanging out with other people instead of him. He growls away the other person, pulling you into his room and sobbing angrily against you, asking why you love other people more than him. He apologises then, desperate to have his best friend and lover back with him. He might do it again, but he learns pretty quickly to just communicate when he wants to partake in a special gaming event and then he never forgets again.
“W-Why don’t you love m-me, like you l-love him?! I’m sorry, p-please don’t leave!”
Satan – He feels guilty, but he handles it well. He is phenomenal at apology dates. He organises the perfect romantic date, taking into consideration his alpha’s likes and integrating them. If you have a favourite romantic novel, you know he’s going to recreate a date scene with you. If you have a favourite restaurant, he’s booked the best table and ordered a bouquet of your favourite flowers for the centrepiece. It’s very hard to stay mad at Satan, especially because it’s very out of character for him to forget a date so important.
“If you want any more drinks, just let me know. I want you to enjoy this evening as much as possible.”
Asmodeus – He also deals with it fairly well, even if he can’t believe that he forgot! He’s honest and upfront about forgetting and expresses regret. He will definitely try to seduce you as an apology though, offering to let you do whatever you want to him. If that doesn’t work, next step is a joint pampering session! He’s pretty good at conveying a genuine apology without making anything too dramatic. I think it’s unlikely that he would do it again, because he loves, loves, loves anniversaries!!! He genuinely can’t believe that he forgot because he normally plans everything months in advance.
“Oh! I can’t believe that I… Oh dear, here come to my room and let me make it up to you…”
Beelzebub – He’s heartbroken that he forgot! He is so upset. He apologises immediately, looking like he’s on the verge of tears, and he asks you to tell him what he needs to do to make it up to you. He doesn’t offer up solutions, he wants his alpha to pick something, so he knows they’ll enjoy it. The only thing he definitely does immediately, is offer whatever food he’s been saving for them to share with him while they discuss. He will likely ask for advice from some of his brothers, probably Belphie (who doesn’t help) and Asmo (who’s slightly more helpful). He may do it again, but he always tries his hardest to make your anniversaries as special as he can.
“Here, you can have my ice cream… I’m really sorry… What can I do?”
Belphegor – He doesn’t think it’s a big deal that he forgot, because you can both just rearrange it, right? I think it’s pretty unlikely that his alpha takes kindly to that opinion. It takes Belphie a little while to realise that a) he’s in the wrong and b) he needs to apologise. He’s not good at planning, but when he genuinely puts his mind to it, he’s actually pretty good at giving gifts. He buys something you’ve been wanting for a while, he might even put a sticky bow on top if you’re upset enough. He gives you the gift while mumbling apologies. The second you forgive him, he drags you to take a nap with him because he hasn’t been sleeping well since you’ve been mad at him. He’s pretty likely to do it again at least a few times, but he learns not to be such a dick about it eventually.
“Oh, I guess I must have forgot… We can just go tomorrow; I want to take a nap.”
Diavolo – He is gutted that he forgot. He organises the most extravagant apology dinner possible (which is pretty extravagant, because he’s a king, very dramatic, and very in love all at once). He gives a dramatic speech about how there’s no excuse, how he never wants you to think he doesn’t value your relationship etc. At this point, I imagine most people would be begging him to chill out and promising that they already forgave him. Either way, I don’t think it would ever happen again, especially because he tells all of his staff to remember your anniversary and always remind him the week before. He isn’t going to let this happen again.
“My love, I will never forgive myself for hurting you in this way. I will never stop trying to make it up to you, even if it takes me a millennium.”
Barbatos – This would never happen. He is amazing at keeping organisational data in his brain, especially data that means so much to him. Also, he can see the future, so, even if by some miracle he did forget, he would see your future reaction and know in advance that he forgot. Barbatos isn’t perfect, but he’s not one to forget important dates.
Simeon – Simeon is another one who is heartbroken that he’s treated his most beloved one this way. He feels awful. He does tear up a little bit if the relationship is old enough. Simeon makes a huge effort to create some adorable picnic date, cooking baskets and baskets of food and picking the most beautiful park. He brings flowers and bunting and a little cake that he ices with an apology in an unbelievably cute handwriting style. It’s very, very hard not to forgive him when he’s so apologetic and good at making you smile. He goes out of his way to make sure he never upsets his alpha in this way again. 
“My beloved, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I will seek to make it up to you for as long as you’ll let me.”
Solomon – He doesn’t care that much about anniversaries but he’s not dumb enough (like some other people on this list *cough*) to think that saying that to your face is a good idea. He definitely tries to play it off as though he had something planned all along and that making you think he forgot was part of the plan. He then scrambles to plan things last minute, and he’s quite good at covering up his mistake. If his alpha doesn’t believe him, he makes up for his mistake with expensive and rare gifts. He will find something special for his alpha. A first edition copy of your favourite book or limited edition merchandising of your favourite media, something like that. He knows the excitement will help dull any negative emotions you have towards him. I could definitely see him doing it multiple times, but if his alpha ever expressed genuine hurt long-term about that particular habit, he would readjust his priorities. He’s not a complete asshole after all, he just sometimes has a hard time pulling his head out of said asshole.
“Here, it took me three days to track down someone who had a copy, but I finally found a first edition for you. I hope you will accept this as a token of my apology, my dearest.”
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