#I still love her like this... she is just less bb and more cool and heavy on mascara lol
prismbearer · 1 year
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Cannot believe it's already the rising event and I had to DL this onto my new PC asap for it. I still haven't set anything up lol, have some vanilla Sylv.
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I did the thing guys
I did another CHAPTER GUYS
Gods I love being able to write on an actual computer again. My glorified typewriter. So happy.
So here we are, chapter two!!!!
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My poor socially awkward lil swordsman bb I lub hims
Strawhat Stowaway
Chapter 2
Ch. 1 link
Little bit of hurt/comfort, slow burn, silly, fluffy, will be trigger warnings in later chapters but not this one
Wordcount: 3.2k Taglist thingy that I just had to edit in because I forgot I'm so sorry: @dimplewonie @hearts4zoro @kawennote09
After an alcohol drenched Halloween party at your friends' dorm, you wake up to find yourself in a strange place. This might not be quite as alarming...if not for the fact that it's an entirely different world, enshrouded with pirates and strange magic.
♬♫ Desperate Guy - The Fratellis ♫♬
Hear me now, hear me now, there’s nothing very much I wouldn’t do to catch your eye
And you can’t see me now, see me now, there’s just so many things I’m haunted by
He heard Nami offering to loan you a change of clothes as he crossed the deck, but that was drowned out by your words from minutes earlier, still echoing around Zoro’s head; your cheeky smirk while your eyes passed over him, blatantly checking him out.
I’d settle for a date.
Zoro had been on his own for a few years before meeting Luffy. He’d had a handful of one night stands, but this was new. You had appeared out of nowhere, less than an hour ago, and now you were flirting with him—and all he had managed to do in response was stare at you and stammer like an idiot.
You had to be joking.
You were probably joking. You seemed like the type, already had been joking around a little about the gravity of your situation, taking it in stride instead of shutting down in fear and defeat. That was pretty cool in itself. You definitely had resolve.
And you seemed pretty smart. And pretty hot—
“God dammit,” he grumbled under his breath, rolled his eyes at himself as he entered the small cabin with the hammock stretched across from one wall to the other. He pulled his t-shirt off a little more aggressively than he intended and tossed it at the hammock, digging through his belongings for a new one. He had to get a hold of himself; you had made one little comment and he was acting like an idiot.
“…seem to be taking this pretty well.”
“I mean, I can’t really do anything about it if I don’t even know how I got here.” He glanced sharply toward the doorway when he heard your and Nami’s voices drawing nearer, crossing the deck as he pulled out a black shirt and red haramaki. “And I’ve never been on a ship before, so that’s pretty cool once you get past the existential dread.” You glanced through the doorframe as you were passing by with Nami, meeting his eyes for a moment, and he was pretty sure you smirked again and glanced across his shirtless torso before disappearing past the view of the doorframe. “And I’m not complaining about the views, either.”
Yeah, you had definitely smirked again.
The swordsman could do little more for a long moment than stand there staring at the doorframe, frozen in place, gritting his teeth and twitching slightly. It was like you were intentionally trying to get him flustered—and he had to growl a few swears under his breath as he shook out his shirt and pulled it over his head, because damn it if it wasn’t working.
“Hey, Zoro!”
Zoro jolted in alarm halfway through straightening his haramaki, jerking his head to look over his shoulder at Luffy.
Hanging upside down in the doorframe, presumably by his feet from the deck above, given he was holding his straw hat in place with both hands.”Hey, how come you’re red?”
“I’m not red,” he said through his teeth, adjusting his waistband.
“Uh…yeah you are,” said Luffy slowly, tilting his head.
Zoro rolled his eyes. “The hell do you want?”
“Oh, yeah—what’s the deal with the stowaway?” Easily distracted as ever, Luffy launched into a tirade of excitable questions. “Where’d she come from? Did you talk her into joining the crew yet?”
“Yeah,” Zoro scoffed, fixing his swords in place at his hip. “Crew therapist.”
“Whoa, seriously? That’s great!”
Zoro stared at the self-proclaimed captain for a long moment, raising an eyebrow at him. “That…that was joke.”
“Aww….” Luffy frowned, swinging back and forth in the doorframe like some strange clock pendulum. His frown turned thoughtful after a few seconds. “What’s a therapist do, anyway?”
“Give advice for money, apparently.”
“Sounds weird.” He finally dropped down, flipping over to land on his feet in the doorway and straightening his hat before tucking his hands behind his neck. “Could be useful, though. Good for morale.” He gave a resolute nod with that brief assessment, hitting his fist into his opposite palm. “We’re recruiting her.”
Zoro just gave a sigh and shook his head in borderline disbelief—though only borderline, because this was Luffy, and he had already come to expect this level of childlike impulsiveness out of him. He turned to the side to move past Luffy in the doorframe. “Good luck with that.”
Though there really wasn’t much else you could do right now—no one had any idea how you had ended up on the ship, and there was at the present no way for you to get back to where you came from. You were, in a word, stuck.
“Oh, come on, you have to help, too.” Zoro rolled his eyes as Luffy clapped him on the shoulder. “You’re my first mate! And besides, you’ve talked to her more than anyone else.” Luffy nodded as they reached the deck railing, hopping up to sit there. “That’s your first official assignment as my first mate—recruiting a crew therapist.”
“Yeah. Sure thing, ‘Captain.’”
There was really no point in telling Luffy that they weren’t a crew—it fell on deaf ears. Zoro really didn’t have any major issue following him at this point; Luffy had more than proven himself an able fighter against both Buggy and Kuro; had, even if half of it was purely luck, managed to procure them a ship, and protect said ship against a Marine vice admiral. Even if his methods weren’t exactly conventional…they had worked. No one could deny that.
But it was a little more of a stretch to recruit you, when it was pretty clear that you didn’t even want to be there.
And yet you seemed pretty cozy with both Nami and Usopp when you emerged back onto the deck with them, the three of you looking at some rectangular device in your hand. The gaudy costume tricorne hat you had been wearing when you showed up was now on top of Usopp’s head, and you had changed into a black patterned tank top and dark shorts, and at this point Zoro was just doing his damnedest not to even look at you.
“…makes calls, plays music, takes pictures,” you were saying, as the other two stared over your shoulders at the device in clear bafflement. “You really don’t have anything like this here?”
“Den den mushi, but all they do is make calls,” said Nami. “But this thing is—” She shook her head, laughing. “This is weird.”
“Hey, can I—?” said Usopp, holding his hand out, and you shrugged and handed it off to him. He laughed and pushed himself between Luffy and Zoro at the railing. “You guys gotta see this, it’s a cell phone. Hang on, hang on—”
Zoro looked over at the device, his brow furrowing as Usopp tapped at it—and then all three of their faces appeared on the front of it.
“What the f—?”
“Whoa…” Luffy waved his hand in front of it, and the picture on the device mimicked him perfectly. “That’s so cool!”
“Yeah, and you touch this, and…” Usopp tapped a circle toward the bottom of the device. “And it makes it into a picture—”
It—how—?!” Luffy grabbed it from Usopp, gawking at the picture of the three of them. He looked between it and Usopp and Zoro, eyes wide as saucers. "It—it just—? So cool—”
“Yeah, and it saves it, look…”
Usopp touched the device, pulling his index finger across it, and the picture changed to one of him, you, and Nami, with Usopp openly gawking and Nami staring at you in alarm while you seemed to be giggling at their shock. Zoro tilted his head a little as Usopp went on scrolling through pictures, tuning out his explanation that it operated via some weird otherworldly magic called a “battery.” The majority of the pictures seemed to be of you, or of you with other people, maybe family and friends. There were quite a few of you with a younger girl that resembled you a great deal, and just as Zoro had opened his mouth to ask about it, he abruptly found himself unable to form any words at all at the sight of the next picture.
And barely managed to catch the device when Usopp dropped it in equal shock—and barely caught Luffy by the back of his shirt when he nearly fell backwards over the railing.
There was no denying at all that Zoro was more than a little red in the face now—why the hell were there pictures of you naked in the thing?
You and Nami exchanged a glance as Zoro stared off to the side and held the phone out at you, mumbling some incoherent apology that was somewhere between sorry and didn’t know. You made a weird sort of strangled squeak in your throat when you glanced at the screen, and Nami gave a snort of laughter as you shoved it back in your pocket.
Luffy recovered a great deal more quickly, turning and flopping over the railing. “Can we go eat now? I’m starving.”
“What else is new,” Nami commented.
Down on the docks below, Luffy set immediately to his plans to recruit you onto the crew, explaining how they definitely needed a crew therapist for the sake of keeping up morale on long journeys, and you seemed more amused than anything at his antics. “What we really need is a musician, a pirate ship has to have a few good musicians. Can you play music?”
“Well, I played the flute in band when I was in high school,” you said, frowning a little.
“Perfect! Have you got one?”
“Ah…didn’t think to pack one before I got isekai’d into this shit-show, sorry.”
He tilted his head like a curious puppy. “Ise-what?”
“N…never mind,” you said, shaking your head. “Not important.”
Still, he was undeterred, practically buzzing with questions—what was high school, how did this “band” thing work, sports games, what sports? Soccer? As you explained the basics of the sport, also explaining that you weren’t sure because you didn’t exactly play it yourself and Usopp chimed in that he was kind of an expert at it, Zoro lingered behind the three of you, still trying to get the mental image of you sans clothes out of his head, to absolutely no avail—the picture seemed to have imbedded itself into the back of his eyelids.
“You look like a tomato.” He glared over at Nami at her snickering as she pointed between his face and his hair. “Red and green—”
“Shut the hell up,” he growled through his teeth
“She said you turned red when she asked you out, too.” He rolled his eyes when Nami elbowed him in the arm. “So the big bad swordsman doesn’t know how to talk to girls, huh?”
“Shut. Up.”
It normally wasn’t an issue for him, but for some reason it was quickly turning into one with you. How forward you were being about flirting when you had only laid eyes on each other for the first time barely an hour ago, how you had that little smirk any time you did—and that picture definitely hadn’t helped at all. Nami wasn’t exactly wrong, then. You definitely were having an effect on him that he wasn’t used to, but being taunted about it wasn’t going to do him any good.
Nor was nearly walking headlong into you the second that he entered the restaurant, his hand shooting out in reflex and grabbing your waist—and letting go just as quickly.
But you were far too busy staring straight ahead as Luffy and Usopp spoke to the host, a little pale in the face, to even seem to notice or hear him. He gritted his teeth a little when he heard Nami give a small snort of laughter behind him, and that did seem to snap you out of your trance, as you looked at her sharply. You leaned to the side a little toward the other girl, eyes still glued to the fishman host, as you whispered, “Wh—what exactly is that?”
“That…” Nami glanced between you and the host, lifting an eyebrow. “You’ve never seen a fishman?”
“I don’t think we have those where I’m from,” you muttered through your teeth, and Nami had to cover a laugh with a put-on cough at your borderline panic. “They—they just—what, half fish half man?”
“Kind of,” she said. She approached the host herself when Luffy and Usopp tanked at their attempt to get a table at the evidently overbooked restaurant, and slipped him a small stack of berry notes, changing the man’s tune quickly. “They’re really not much different from humans,” she said quietly as all of you followed him down the stairs and into the dining area. “They can breathe underwater, though.”
“Can they?” you said, a little weakly.
The host led the group to a large, rounded booth, and Luffy hopped into it first, shifting over to the opposite end. Usopp took the next seat, followed by Nami and you. Zoro glanced between either end of the booth, decided he was probably better off not sitting that close to you, and made to sit down at the end of the booth by Luffy.
And promptly realized that this was going to be impossible with his swords at his right hip, as he got the sheathes briefly stuck between the booth and a few pillars situated next to it. He jerked them back out quickly.
“I’d be happy to check your swords for you, sir,” the host said pleasantly.
He glanced at the man—and briefly at you as he heard you giggle, your hand curled over your mouth to muffle it.
No choice, then. Great.
“I got this,” he said shortly, heading over to the opposite end of the booth. He sat down heavily, adjusting his katana, and made a point of not looking toward you again. The host left you with menus and a promise that your waiter would be with you all shortly, while Luffy leaned toward Usopp and wondered aloud what kind of food they had here.
Zoro, flipped open his menu and set immediately to seeing what kind of drinks they had—because dear god did he need one.
He kept mostly quiet during the brief wait, listening to the others and you discuss the menu. Discuss the restaurant. Discuss the crew—as Nami pointed out once more that they weren’t actually a crew, and Luffy brushed it off as he always did. You seemed more and more interested, and you honestly got along with everyone like you had been there for far more than just the last hour or so, joking around and laughing with Nami, calling Usopp out on one of his bullshit stories without any hesitation at all.
Maybe Luffy wasn’t too far off the mark in trying to recruit you.
The idle chat at the table was interrupted by a commotion at another end of the dining room by a couple of diners arguing with each other, a pirate and a marine lieutenant, with the situation being abruptly diffused by a waiter quickly knocking out both offending parties.
And, of course, Luffy already had the spark of recruitment in his eyes as the waiter approached the table and set down a plate of rolls, speaking in a curt tone.
“Hi. Welcome to our shitty restaurant, where the only thing worse than the ambience is the food.” Luffy made a grab for the plate without any hesitation at all. “My name is Sanji, what can I get for you?”
“One of everything, please,” Luffy said through a mouthful of bread,”
“Any drinks?” he said, glancing around the table. “One of our signature cocktails to help choke down your meal?”
“Giving us the hard sell, huh?” said Nami, leaning back and stretching her arm across the backrest.
Zoro glanced over when he heard you chuckle a little—and back at the waiter as his eyes flitted between you and Nami, his tone and expression shifting immediately as a smile curved at his lips.
“Apologies, ladies. Didn’t see you there. Would either of you care for an apéritif to start? We have several rare Micqueot vintages in stock.” Luffy and Usopp both looked between you and Nami, and Zoro just crossed his arms, waiting for the idiot to finish. “Or perhaps you’d like a glass of Umeshu? You know…something sweet for someone sweet.”
And the audacious bastard winked.
Nami raised her eyebrows. “Something wrong with your eye?”
“Just blinded by your beauty.”
“I don’t know about my friend here, but I’m not really into sweet things, sweetie.” The waiter’s attention immediately turned back to you, and Zoro glanced over at you as you spoke up—as you leaned forward on the table, curling a hand under your chin, fluttering your eyelashes. “Whiskey for me. Lowball, on the rocks,”
So flirting was your thing, then.
Zoro cleared his throat loudly before the guy could fire back. “Waiter, can I get a beer? And something for my friends.”
“Two beers,” said Usopp. “I usually have three, but—”
“And a milk,” interupted Luffy, raising his hand.
“Water,” said Nami shortly.
“Three beers, one water, one milk, and…” He turned his attention straight back to you again—you, still leaning forward with your elbow on the table, your chin resting against your knuckles, your lips curved into a small smirk. “One whiskey, on the rocks? Any particular preference, madam?”
“Whatever vintage you recommend,” you replied coyly—and then you winked.
And his smirk only widened at that as he turned to leave. “Right away, madam.”
Zoro glanced over at you slowly, his eyes shifting between you and the departing waiter, lifting an eyebrow. You rolled your eyes over to him, still smirking. “Yes?” you said, waiting for him to respond.
“Nothing.” He rolled his eyes—it still seemed very much like you were doing this on purpose, toying with him just to get a reaction.
And if you were....
He rolled his eyes back over to you, “Madam,” he said sarcastically. “Forgive my rude behavior, madam. Would madam prefer her whiskey in a crystal glass, or would a golden bowl be more madam’s style?”
There was a fair bit of chuckling around the table. Nami nudged your shoulder, and you leaned to the side, your smirk widening into a grin as she whispered something behind her hand into your ear. You straightened back out, your eyes glinting with mischief as you met his gaze and laid your hand lightly on his bicep.
“Aww, you’re not jealous, are you?” And you only leaned in closer, laying your temple at his shoulder and fluttering your eyelashes again, and he immediately regretted opening his mouth as he felt his face heating up. “Should I tell our handsome waiter that you wanted to be flirted with too?”
And the chuckling around the table turned into hearty laughter, as you pulled away and leaned toward Nami instead, leaning into each other as the pair of you more or less cackled at your quip.
He was taking all of this way too seriously—and the sight of you laughing like that, despite how desperate your situation was, made him smile a little. Made him laugh a little himself, tilting his head back against the backrest of his seat at the booth, and speak up amid the laughter, almost affectionately.
“I hate you guys.”
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darlenicy · 9 months
Darcy and Riven – their story and why I ship them
In January 2023 I found my way back into the Winx fandom - more precisely, I created this Tumblr on January 28th, 2023 and since then I have been constantly passionate about this show from my childhood. Most of all, of course, for our three favorite witches. Accordingly, this year I have given a lot of thought and HCs to the Trix and their relationships. Today is the day that I'm going to write down all of these HCs and thoughts I have and tag them properly so that they're easier to find in my jumble of posts, reblogs and crazy fangirling. Well, have fun!
I got my first anon ask about Driven headcanons (hcs most of the time now) in march and therefore tried to order my thoughts on this topic as well. It actually became something of a definition of their relationship and how I see them in the show: This is how my bullet journal looks:
Riven is pretty badass. That's why Rivusa doesn't make much sense because ego-wise he would have gone after best-girl-Bloom. Or Princess Stella, but more Bloom, simply because Brandon (Sky) obviously found Bloom interesting.
Then there is Darcy. Not only is she the complete opposite of the loud, glittering fairy gang, but she also forms a stark contrast to Riven. She is powerful, yes, but above all she is calm, goal-oriented and come on in 1x8 we see how cute she is. Of course, Riven likes her power-talk in 1x9 but he surely is keen on her because she is a totally different type of girl than Musa or Stella.
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Oh, and an important thing that just came to my mind while supervising what I wrote and putting it into a post: DARCY DID NOT MIND-CONTROL HIM IN CANON!
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Her glowing eyes meant that she formed the connection with Riven, so that he could contact her mentally later on in the show!
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It's fkn 4kids who came up with the mind control because they tend to downplay everything for all American kids' sake. - Ok back to the post:
In terms of type, if comparted to the fairies, Darcy is mostly like Flora, but in contrast to the nature fairy, she has a much more self-confident demeanor. She is also the first to respond to Riven as a person and his needs (power, being recognized). Then of course there is the matter of rescue. Firstly: Thanks for saving my life and secondly: The woman can ride this flying motorcycle like a guy. Where can you find something like that? And unlike the Winx, who are constantly in trouble, Darcy (and her sisters) is beyond competent (in Season 1 after all, we know how the writing goes down, *sigh*). So, we have Darcy: a beautiful, competent badass BB who just saved his life and looks like an angel that fell from heaven - all in the specialist uniform too - sexyyy. So, it's an extremely attractive girl who also knows guy things and cares about him and really sees and perceives him as a person. She's not a self-centered good-time girl who makes him clean, so she doesn't have to endure her punishment alone (looking at you, Winx....)
But who exactly is Darcy? (she's my girl, my bb, my queen) Out of the Trix, she is probably the one who is least behind the world domination plans. Of course, she is still a member of the Trix - and of course not less power-hungry than her sisters. But she would be the one most likely to give up everything to live a quiet but fulfilling life with the person she loves. Isn't she? She is definitely the first to panic and to make mistakes as a result. We remember episode 1x5, where she immediately panicked when everything didn't work out as planned. She thought she would find Stella's ring in no time, that wasn't the case. Instead of keeping a cool head like Icy would have, she freaks out and starts attacking Bloom. Is it fear because she is running out of time and doesn't know what to do if her disguise is exposed? In any case, Darcy would have been expected to wear a more confident disguise. But in the end, she's the one most likely to panic and this episode shows that perfectly. Maybe that's also the reason why she has clever ideas, but often doesn't think them through. In episode 2x10 she tries to get Icy to put the feather in the scales, fearing that she might have made a mistake and get wiped just like Stormy, who had previously hit the scales with brute force. Icy states very correctly: You’re a backstabbing coward, Darcy. And I love you for that. And with that she the nail right on the head. Darcy is certainly the first of the Trix to get nervous. She certainly has a tendency to overthink, whereas Riven strikes first and thinks later (at best).
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Mind control is her specialty. She knows how to get into the minds of her victims to confuse and weaken them. At the same time, she also knows how uncertain and dangerous feelings can be. When it comes to having deep feelings for someone else, she is more likely to be the one who is insecure and cautious. Precisely because feelings are so uncertain, she probably tries to make decisions with her head rather than with her guts.
Their love story is iconic and cute. Basically, we have good girl and bad boy, but the good girl is one of the bad guys and the bad boy is ultimately one of the good guys. They haven't really fought against each other yet. Riven only knows that Darcy is one of the most powerful witches in Cloud Tower and that she and her sisters hate the Winx. Since Riven is skeptical of the Winx himself and has no deeper connection to them, he has little to do with this antipathy from both sides and perhaps only hears about it in passing from Brandon or Sky. So in 1x7 he doesn't pay much attention to the Trix. The fact that he turns on the light and exposes the Trix is once again Riven being Riven. He wants to be the cool dude and doesn't really care about the situation. He simply has no interest in the Winx's affairs and is only pissed when he becomes personally involved with Musa being thrown into his arms by the minotaur. Maybe that’s where his inner hero speaks? But first and foremost, he wants to praise himself. The first time he really notices Darcy is in 1x8, where she represents to him the complete opposite of the fairies, one of which had just shown him up (Bloom).
Darcy, on the other hand, is already interested in Riven in 1x7 and hides the whole thing behind the talk about the Prince of Darkness (seriously, WHO is the Prince of Darkness? Why is that never clarified?). One episode later, she's extremely worried that something might happen to Riven with Icy's, admittedly delicate, plan. bb obviously already has a crush on him. And no one can claim that Icy doesn't know this and is actively using it for her plan. I think that Darcy's feelings didn't matter to her at all, thinking she'd get over it sooner or later. But the fact is, even Icy sees the spark fly between them.
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So you could say it was love at first sight for both of them. It is also important for Riven that after all the disappointments and constant criticism he was exposed to at Red Fountain, someone finally recognizes him and his talents. While the Winx, especially Stella, just complained about him, Darcy supported what he was. Partly because she can take advantage of his ambitions, of course, and partly because she simply likes him. I think there are some things Darcy does simply for herself and not because it's part of the plan to rule the Magic Dimension.
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From Riven's point of view, what probably also speaks for Darcy is her maturity. She's not a little fairy to save. The opposite is the case. She is probably more experienced in other things too - but that always depends on the respective HC. Darcy can be a bad bitch and cute bb - both are accurate. For me though, she gives more bb vibes than bitch vibes. However, she appears much more mature and confident than the fairies. Speaking of bb (she's one, look at her!) -
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she's the type most likely to develop romantic feelings. Icy is too calculating and Stormy is just there for the passion (if you get what I mean). In 2x2 we have this scene "*sigh* To be young and in love...".
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She's also the one of the Trix most likely to feel something resembling remorse, if only for her time with Riven. On the other hand, in season 2 we have Riven, who immediately sees through Darcy's attacks - because he knows them. Very well. There is probably still a connection between the two. There could have been more hints about their relationship besides “cute” and “not cute”. There could have been one or two longing looks. I FELL ROBBED.
That’s basically how I interpret their story and why I ship them. I’ll come up with some headcanons these days as well. Stay tuned :3
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zibiscusloon · 11 months
Because it's impossible to choose one, rate and order the cameos/easter eggs you loved most in the movie
I’m gonna go with some of my favorites off the top of my head! There were so many across the whole movie and I loved each and every one, lol
(Note this is in no specific order!)
1. Chica’s fucking Magic Rainbow
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My friend Axe ( @gayfrogsarecool ) caught this lil easter egg while we were watching the movie and it managed to flood back so many memories. So.. many… memories…. (All of yelling at a rude ass rainbow-)
I’m probably in a minority of people who loved Fnaf World during its initial release, so I really wasn’t thinking there’d be a World reference! It was really sweet to see!
2. Balloon Boy (lil bastard-)
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I can’t believe I’m admitting that this lil shit is the only animatronic who managed to succeed on every single fucking jumpscare. He got me each time— There was no excuse for them to work every time! He was literally just standing there! But noooooo, Freddy biting Max in half only gave me a brief pause of “Oh.” But the batterie thief himself is the one who made me jump from my seat- what the fuck-
3. Sparky the Dog! (And Sparky’s Diner!)
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Every single fan who has been around since Fnaf 1 knows who Sparky the Dog is! The original hoax character. I remember when I was little and I’d be up watching theories trying to debunk whether or not he was a real character! A fan character was a big surprise and seeing that he even has an in universe diner themed around him made me feel like a kid again! (Only this kid now gets confirmation of a Canon Sparky-)
(Also Imma just say his movie design is adorable I love him sm-)
4. Carl & The Cupcake
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Noticed this one out more recently! So during the whole segment where Max & her friends are picked off one by one by the gang I learned that the dude that the Cupcake straight up mauls happens to be named “Carl”! I have no idea if it was intentional or not but it could be a nod to The Cupcake’s fanon name!
5. The Ella springlock suit
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So Ella on her own was a rather eerie and intriguing concept from the books (Saying this as someone who is still really iffy with how the whole “Charlie is a Robot” concept was handled)
But seeing her as her own animatronic in the movie really managed to bring up her creep factor! She just looks so ragged and forgotten, she looks like a creepy af porcelain doll (and I love that-). Makes me wonder if we’ll ever see animatronic Ella up and running (probably not but it’d be cool none the less!)
6. Cory & Matpat!
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Coryxkenshin has always been a comfort channel for me! I always found his content genuinely nice, genuine, and I have a habit of going back to plenty of his old game playthroughs when I’m feeling down. Man also got jumped by BB- you and me both pal-
When I tell you the cackling I had from the whole “That’s just a theory” line, cheeky son of a- (also I now hc Ness as the Hurricane local menace who is a constant thorn in William’s side cause he keeps breaking into the Pizzaria on the weekends looking for evidence and shit from the MCI)
7. And Of course..
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I mean did they really expect to have this as the end credits song and for me to not loudly sing it? Childhood in song form-
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bonefall · 1 year
what cats are still prayed to and revered by the clans besides firestar or skystar? i fuckin LOVE the patron spirits thing you have going on in this rewrite, it’s so cool to see what cats are worshipped and why
There's a lot of them! I don't think there could ever be a "comprehensive list" without just listing most of StarClan. See, most cats will typically value their own family over others, leading to the patrons "waxing and waning" in popularity over the generations.
But here's some of the ones who are pretty consistently popular!
Thunderstar = Justice Comeuppance, fair judgement, and mercy are also things he can be invoked for. Remember that a Patron gains its power from belief. Much like how Saint Michael was once a patron of healing as well as war, associations for BB!StarClan cats can shift over time.
Bumblemumble = Speech, Diplomacy She became less popular in the Chivalric Period, but was a favored patron for Pinestar to invoke. She never totally went away, even though her name has become "Bombolmlemlaan," 'Sentence-Tonguetwister,' over time. (Her name is also used in reference to "being tongue-tied." Fitting that she's a bit hard to translate into English!)
Acorn Swoop = Prra A Clan culture-specific value. Perfect timing, promptness, coincidences of good planning. Arriving in the nick of time. Acorn Swoop is a good example of how cats can wax and wane as well; when Hallowflight dies (he is alive to the current arc in BB), RiverClan will probably prefer invoking him over Acorn for a while.
Sparrow Heart = Loyalty and Fidelity. This BURNS her a new one, btw. Many of the other spirits as old as her have begun to lost touch with their mortal lives, but she didn't join Clear Sky because she loves him. She didn't serve him for his own ends. She wanted his power, and in death she's been reduced to his eternal stooge. She craves his throne. (And I have to leave it there until we find out what the next few arcs have in store :3)
Speckletail = Protection Against Natural Disaster Storms, deforestation, pollution, whatever. Speckletail is invoked to defend Clans against oncoming doom, because girlie took out a bulldozer and the battle culture is obsessed with that
Stonefur = Winning the War/Losing the Battle An important god for lost causes. When you aren't able to win, he is invoked to make your death mean something. Needletail, for the first time in a long time, requested for StarClan to call down his strength.
Blackstar = Redemption And change in a better direction. Said to be reflected in frogs in particular, how they go from tadpoles to full creatures, associated with wetland health thanks to his ambitious Bog Project.
Sundrown Patrol = Directions Most of them are not dead yet. Feathertail is currently the only one in the role and protects travelers generally, but eventually her and her Cohorts will comfortably divide up the cardinal directions. Feathertail is South (Towards the Mountain), Tawny is West (Towards the Ocean), Bramble is North (Towards the Lake) and Crowfeather is East (Into the Wilderness).
Leafpool = Clarity Leafpool Moonpool is one of the most popular young spirits. In difficult situations, she is invoked for StarClan to see your sins and understand that you are trying to find the holiest way through them. The Firekin family is going to be a very strong pantheon eventually.
Palefoot = Bodies that Can't Be Recovered/Closure Anon suggestion that is canon now. Palefoot was murdered by Batear for killing Fenneldust and shoved into a bog where his family would never find him, because Batear was not allowed to go to ThunderClan to sit vigil for his best friend. When someone is lost and can't be buried, Palefoot is often invoked for comfort. He is actually sort of displacing Turtle Heart, who used to function in a similar way. She is being pushed into a more specific role for Lost Parents, not bodies or closure in general.
In addition, Dark Forest Spirits are also powerful... and thanks to the fact you have to use a direct line to get to them, quite capable of granting strength without holding back. They have no StarClan to answer to if they blessed the plans of the wrong cat.
So they can do curses for you, if THAT is what you're seeking. A whole lot of these cats tend to provide various types of revenge lmao... "We serve Vengeance here, sir."
Batear and Fenneldust = Retribution Evolved from a mix of how Batear's target went BEYOND his victim to deny closure to the family, and also the Fepfr which he was named for, Long-Eared Bat, which in Clan culture is said to have a modest song of mourning for every bat wrongfully killed. Fenneldust actually LOVED that he was willing to be so spiteful for her, and followed him to the Dark Forest. So if you want, you can call for them to cause pain to people who wronged you. If your case is bad though, they'll fuck with you instead. They aren't MALICIOUS spirits though... just mischievous.
Mapleshade = Revenge If you want your target to DIE, you give her a call. She is ACTIVELY malicious. She will stop at nothing to kill someone she agrees should go, even going as far as to fight a Fetcher to drag the target down with her. If you're just miffed at someone and want them to get karma, you talk to Batsy and Fenfen. If you want BLOOD, you talk to Mapleshade. But be prepared, because she is just as dangerous as that implies.
Cloudberry and Ryewhisker = Secrecy An obvious one, but one of the gentler requests of the Dark Forest. They will help you hide forbidden love from your Clan, and can be prayed to when you're having a close call and may be discovered.
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themattress · 8 months
When did _____ jump the shark?
Because I'm a masochist, I looked through release-order cutscene compilations on Youtube to remind myself of the exact point in which Kingdom Hearts characters jumped the shark.
Sora: KH-COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3-MOM
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The idea of Ventus' heart becoming a part of Sora's was not a bad one, but not only is it botched by having it set up at the start by Sora's newborn heart communicating with Ventus' heart and healing it by connecting with it, this event sets the stage for "Blank Points" and its depiction of Sora as this Messianic hero who is so pure hearted that he can heal everyone's hurt, nay, is obligated to heal their hurt. Yes, it was 3D that first botched his personality, but even before that it was hard to enjoy him on the same level as before because of this.
Riku: KH-COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3-MOM
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Once again, a chance meeting between Terra and Riku was a good idea, but the execution proved devastating for Riku's character, as the scene completely reframes his character as this wise-beyond-his-years kid with the noble dream of venturing to other worlds to find "the strength to protect the things that matter" (protect them from what!?) This will continue to inform Riku's character going forward, and it does not work because it is at complete odds with his character beforehand, the one we saw back in the first KH who was immature and his yearning for other words - sparked only by Kairi's arrival on Destiny Islands, btw - was fundamentally rooted in selfishness. It's an overidealization that just makes Riku a bore.
Kairi: KH-COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3-MOM
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While Kairi's encounter with Aqua was also botched, it actually wasn't bad enough to damage her like Sora and Riku's similar encounters with members of the Wayfinder Trio were. Oh, but don't worry - "Blank Points" more than made up for that with the damage it did to her. She's only on screen for less than a minute, but what happens in that time is devastating: she smiles vacantly as Sora repeats the bullshit from the King's letter as a reason he has to leave, and in response she gives him her lucky charm again and simply says "See you soon". Um, NO. That's not Kairi; not how she was depicted and set up in KH2 anyway! Kairi had a Keyblade, she merged with Namine, she insisted on not waiting behind anymore....she even said "from now on wherever one of us goes, the other follows!" But now Nomura just pretends it never happened and rewrites her whole character into a bland love interest who won't be proactive or developed any further. No more Destiny Trio, it's just the Sora/Riku duo now.
Donald Duck: KH-COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3-MOM
Goofy: KH-COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3-MOM
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Coded's 6th chapter was the point that game took a hard downturn in quality, which was already mixed to start with, and one of its biggest casualties was Donald and Goofy. It's difficult to explain, but something about their role in the Datascape's Hollow Bastion alongside Data Sora while actively calling back to the original KH's Hollow Bastion level really pisses me off. The game acts like it's being profound, but all its really doing is disrespecting the memory of that level's unparalleled awesomeness and cheapening Donald and Goofy's friendship with Sora by having it be so easily transferrable to a data copy who the game nonetheless insists is his own individual. While I loved seeing Sora, Donald and Goofy reunite in KH3, them and their dynamic wasn't quite the same; nowhere near as strong.
Mickey Mouse: KH-COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3-MOM
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King Mickey always had a serious edge to him which made him a cool character, but he was also still Mickey. That balance of whimsy and seriousness is what made him so great. But starting in 3D, the Mickey-ness gets sucked out of him and he's now a bland, serious, short-statured hero who is more or less just Yen Sid's flunky. I think the moment best cementing it is his confrontation with Master Xehanort, a guy he never interacted or even heard about in BBS but now 3D is acting like they're old rivals and Mickey is kicking himself for not realizing that of course Master Xehanort was behind everything as part of some omnipotent master plan, because it was so obvious in retrospect! And he only just got worse from there (Re:Mind excluded), with Bret Iwan painfully struggling more and more with the material he's given.
Terra: KH2-BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3
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In 3D, there are two scenes not too far apart from each other. One is Riku facing Ansem and out of nowhere bringing up Terra and how he still remembers him as the reason he can wield the Keyblade, the reason he wanted to go to other worlds so badly (fuck Kairi, then) and the driving inspiration behind "obtaining strength to protect what matters". And the other is the big confrontation in Organization XIII's throne room, where Master Xehanort confirms that Terra is still under his control. Together, these two scenes paint a clear picture: Terra isn't really a character anymore. He's an accessory. He's something that matters to actual characters such as his friends and Riku and Xehanort, but otherwise he's got nothing going on for himself.
Ventus: Days-BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3
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Ventus was a pretty iffy character to begin with, but nothing was flat-out ruining him until Union Xross came along and said "Surprise! He's actually a Keyblade wielder from the ancient past!" And as far as the mainline games go, KH3 is the one that brought that garbage into things, so it gets the nod. Ven, go play with your Chirithy and never bother us again, OK?
Aqua: BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3
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Aqua was a cool character in BBS, but she didn't really have much depth or even an arc. 0.2 gave her those things, so now she's all set for greatness in KH3, right? Hahahaha, wrong! Aqua's whole shtick in KH3 is making badass declarations and then immediately getting bodied in the most humiliating ways possible. Even that depth and character arc she got in 0.2 is rendered meaningless. It's so bad that Willa Holland's already subpar vocal delivery plummets to new levels of lifelessness. So much respect for a female Keyblade Master!
Jiminy Cricket: KH-COM-KH2-Coded-3D-KH3
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Jiminy discovers technology in Coded. As later seen in KH3, it was a huge mistake.
Pluto: KH-COM-KH2-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
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He's just there, doing nothing. Get used to it, 'cause that's his new normal!
Yen Sid: KH2-BBS-Coded-3D-0.2-KH3-MOM
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In KH2, Yen Sid was just a guy giving exposition and useful items to Sora, Donald and Goofy at the beginning of their quest in Mickey's place as a favor to him since Mickey was his pupil. In BBS, we get to see Mickey being his pupil and it's said Yen Sid was once a Keyblade Master, which is a cool detail and fits in perfectly with why Sora got a second Keyblade at his tower in KH2. But starting with the secret ending of Coded, Yen Sid suddenly becomes the Big Good, the leader of the guardians of light whom Mickey actively reports to and obeys even when he isn't studying under him anymore. Worse still, he is awful at his job; foolish, arrogant and hypocritical in the most frustrating ways. He gets one cool moment in KH3, but it's not enough to redeem him, especially when MOM puts him right back in his old ways.
Maleficent: KH-COM-KH2-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
Pete: KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
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The other duo that Coded's 6th chapter ruined! In just the previous chapter things had been looking fine! Pete was great, and Maleficent had an awesome entrance at the very end where she destroys Data Sora's Keyblade! But then Maleficent, following a painful joke about her not understanding the word Datascape, reveals this is part of a plan to take over Disney Castle because...she didn't get Organization XIII's castle as was implied she would in KH2, which makes her arc in that game feel pointless just like Kairi's. And then we see Pete infiltrated the actual Disney Castle, which should be impossible due to the Cornerstone of Light, which has apparently just been forgotten about. Then she and Pete initiate that awful recreation of Hollow Bastion's events, insultingly merging Riku and Kairi's roles in the process. Three strikes, they're out. And ever since their last scene added in the cutscene movie version, they've been on the same fruitless quest for the Book of Prophecies, which is doomed to failure since the new OC Big Bad is even more omnipotent than Master Xehanort!
Namine: COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
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OK, so on it's own, Namine's showing in Days might not have ruined her. It would just be a frustrating bit of character regression in a messily written game. But this always soft-spoken, sad and guilty-feeling, head-down and hands-clasped depiction of Namine ended up directly allowing the Data Namine we see in Coded to happen, which in turn opened up the bullshit "Thank Namine" retcon that has hounded her ever since. The poor girl deserved better.
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"Blank Points" shows that he didn't die in the explosion that clearly killed him in KH2. It just somehow warped him to the Realm of Darkness...which is treated as the Realm of Nothingness he was banished to before even when those are different things...and he now has a black coat for some reason....and he reveals to Aqua that he put data inside of Sora that can help him heal everyone even though that makes no sense for him to have done so....and he speaks of Sora at length as if they were personally acquainted even when they never spoke to each other once....and gaaaaah, it's so stupid! If he had just remained dead, he'd have stayed a strong character and Christopher Lee's passing wouldn't have affected anything (nor would Genzo Wakayama's should the series continue with the character).
Ansem: KH-COM-KH2-Days-Coded-3D-KH3-MOM
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So, let me get this straight...Ansem regained all his Master Xehanort memories (which should include that Kingdom Hearts is light, so what the fuck?) and discarded his body to travel back in time despite writing that he was doing it for the sake of knowledge. He travels back to Young Xehanort on Destiny Islands and gives him the power to travel into the future, then just stays hidden on Destiny Islands for years until it's destroyed in KH, where he also afflicts a time-traveling future Sora with some kind of curse because it was "etched" that he do so. Then later after possessing Riku and going through the Final Keyhole, Young Xehanort shows up, extracts his heart and takes it into the future where it's put into a replica body, and from this body Ansem time travels into the future so that he can attend the gathering of the "true" Organization XIII. Then after returning to the replica body, KH3 happens and he's defeated and thus returns with no memories of the future to beyond the Final Keyhole to be defeated again, still somehow not knowing that Kingdom Hearts is light....and GAAAAAAH, it's so FUCKING stupid!!! Ansem was such a great villain the way he was, why ruin that!?
Xemnas: KH-COM-KH2-Days-3D-KH3-MOM
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3D strikes again in ruining an awesome villain in service of a lamer one, this time saying that Xemnas wasn't trying to claim a heart for himself and power over all hearts by becoming the supreme existence; he and the other Nobodies had hearts all along and he just lied to the others that they didn't so that they would feel empty enough to be filled with copypastas of Master Xehanort's heart when they completed Kingdom Hearts. No more tragedy and depth; Xemnas is just a bad guy working on behalf of a worse guy just like Ansem. KH3 did an admirable salvage job by suggesting that Xemnas hated being a disposable pawn to someone else and had deep self-worth issues because of it and as a result was honestly trying to become the supreme existence through harnessing the Keyblade's power (unlike Ansem, whose betrayal plan was just about surviving Master Xehanort's reset of the universe alongside a girl he supposedly cared for in his own way), but it's still not as compelling as when him being a Nobody truly meant something and when he wasn't anyone's minion.
Xigbar / Braig: COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
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"I'm already half-Xehanort! Except as if, I'm actually Luxu! I'm also Brain and Bragi in a certain way, both names which coincidentally sound like Braig! What's in the box, you ask? Wouldn't you like to know!" Sigh....a once interesting character, now just an irritating one.
Xaldin / Dilan: COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
Lexaeus / Elaeus: COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
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In the newly added ending to Coded's cutscene movie version, we see Dilan and Eleaus sprawled out on the floor. They might has well have stayed that way, for what little they say and do afterward. In hindsight, it's honestly sort of a miracle Eleaus had some lines in 3D!
Vexen / Even: COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3-MOM
Zexion / Ienzo: COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3-MOM
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I'm impressed that these two hung on for as long as they did! I guess only being major villains in COM, a game early into the series' run, before their major supporting hero role in KH3 helped with that, since their brief appearances in between never did enough to tarnish them. But unfortunately, their roles in KH3 were also very conclusive ones, so seeing them again, alongside their should-be-dead master, in MOM immediately afterwards sours me on them.
Saix / Isa: COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
Axel / Lea: COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
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The decision to put young Isa and Lea in Radiant Garden in BBS in place of young Squall and Cloud was a horrible one which somewhat negatively impacted Saix and Axel in Days and absolutely negatively impacted them in all other games. For reference, in Days it is subtly implied Saix and Axel are in the Organization for the sake of a girl they knew in Radiant Garden (a vague idea that would later be fleshed out into something worse, like with Xion), which lessens both of them. Worse still is the bullshit redemptions they go through once restored from their KH2 deaths, which is especially bad for Axel. As Lea, everything that made Axel a great character is thrown into the garbage, turning him into an unfunny comic relief who is only part of the main cast and a Keyblade wielder because of his past popularity (something he obnoxiously lampshades in KH3), with his vices either swept under the rug or dishonestly reframed as virtues. It's sad. These two excellent villains make two lousy heroes.
Demyx: COM-KH2-Days-KH3
Luxord: COM-KH2-Days-3D-KH3
Marluxia: COM-KH2-Days-3D-KH3
Larxene: COM-KH2-Days-3D-KH3
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Just like with Ventus, Union Xross bullshit popping up in KH3 ruins these characters. They're still entertaining if you just ignore it, but after all is said and done you just know that the series is going to continue on with it and it's not a pleasant prospect at all, especially for Luxord.
Roxas: COM-KH2-Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
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Like with Namine, the disappointing depiction of Roxas in Days would not have single-handedly ruined him. It's how it carried over into subsequent games that did the real damage, as for some reason the game and its depiction of Roxas really caught on in Japan and thus there was high fan demand for Roxas' tragedy to be reversed and for he and his friends to have a happy ending. That's why the next few games all included Roxas in his stupid black coat and referenced the pain of losing his stupid friends whom he stupidly eats ice cream with all the damn time, and culminated in his nonsensical resurrection in KH3 that Nomura has personally confessed was done out of fan pandering. Oh, but he wasn't alone on that....
Xion: Days-BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
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And we're three-for-three with a character whom was problematic in Days but wouldn't have jumped the shark if that had been it for them; in this case the biggest character in that game. If the series had just stuck to how Xion's fate was described in Days, which was being as dead and gone as is humanly possible to be, then she'd still be looked upon as an effective tragic character. Instead, we just kept on seeing her in game after game against all logic, almost always with some sad look on her face to the point her tragedy became a comedy, culminating in her nonsensical resurrection for fan pandering alongside Roxas in KH3.
Master Xehanort: BBS-3D-KH3-MOM
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No further comment. We all know this one.
Young Xehanort: BBS-Coded-3D-KH3
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Yes, this character actually jumped the shark in his debut. Why? Because he fundamentally made no sense. Not only did him coming from Destiny Islands and wanting more than just his small world lazily rehash Riku from the original KH which in turn negatively affects both Terra and Riku's characters, but he also makes both Master Xehanort and Terra-Xehanort feel superfluous. Why not just have this character be the villain who ends up with amnesia and becomes Ansem's apprentice? Why have him at all if you're just going to age him up only to possess a younger character's body? And if you're going to do that, then why still include this character in the plot as a time-traveling minion of his older self!? And if you're going to do that, then why then give us an even younger version who got off Destiny Islands earlier only to pointlessly return and completely retcon all the other Xehanorts' fundamental motivations!?
Terra-Xehanort: KH2-BBS-3D-0.2-KH3-MOM
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Same deal as with Terra and Ansem. 3D turned Terra-Xehanort into just an accessory; a minion to Master Xehanort even though that defeats the whole purpose of his existence.
Vanitas: BBS-3D-KH3
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Vanitas came SO CLOSE to never jumping the shark. But then Re:Mind just had to throw in a new scene where he references the Union Xross bullshit retcon of him being an "ancient being of darkness" who wasn't born from Ventus' heart at all! Thanks, Nomura, I hate it.
Riku Replica / Dark Riku: COM-3D-KH3
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Riku Replica was good as just a character in COM. The idea 3D foreshadowed of an evil version of him being a part of the "true" Organization XIII made a lot of sense, and I would have been fine with it. But KH3 wrecked it by also including the original version of the Riku Replica, even though he, much like DiZ and Xion, should have been irrevocably dead. And it was for no other purpose but a deus ex machina to grant Namine a body she didn't need! His evil counterpart on Xehanort's side ending up being a bland let-down didn't help matters.
Master Eraqus: BBS-KH3
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Young Eraqus has way too big of a disconnect from Master Eraqus. How am I supposed to believe that this upbeat kid who is also a clever chessmaster (supposedly clever; he really just cheats) is the same person as the stern zealot whose idiotic blunders did much of the heavy lifting for Master Xehanort's evil plan in BBS? And how am I supposed to believe he and Xehanort had this super close bond when Xehanort so casually murdered him in BBS?
Hayner, Pence and Olette: COM-KH2-Days-KH3
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.......................Never. They never jumped the shark at all. Who would have ever guessed: out of all characters in the series, it's these three mundane civilians who stayed consistent!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
i hate to be that guy but i wish there were more bb fics that were less smut and more lore bc for such a rich story there is mostly just nsfw stuff in the ao3 tag lol. but no offense if ppl like that..
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Your feelings are valid, anon!
Like, yeah, it is one of those 'kinda petty gripe' moments I was talking about! People are completely valid to spend their time and effort on what makes them (and often their mutuals and fans) happy! Yet at the same time, I am myself a huge fucking NERD about timeline, concepts, worldbuilding, messages, philosophy, specifics of factions and covenants, systems of 'magic' and science within the lore and all that, and if presented with a choice between the hottest fanfic for my OTP or an oddly detailed fictional research paper on something complex that went within the lore, I'd not even hesitate to pick the latter xd
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There ARE many things to think about in BB, yes! My personal favorite to dissect were how Kin works and headanons about Great Ones (ALL of them). I have not found a cool way to put my BB worldbuilding dissections into a fic, tho... :') Me and @val-of-the-north also dream of writing a large prequel of Pthumerians history with what predated dungeons and some known characters. But we are more visual artists than writers. Sigh!
I could offer an advice for the situation when you have a gripe with something that is most popular in a fandom, and wish people did more interesting stuff:
1) Have a tiny group of people who are bitter about the same thing (can also be conveniently put in a Discord chat)! It is extremely therapeutic to have a few friends with whom you can be haters together, so you vent it all out and go to the 'public' fandom all happy and cheerful, not carrying this negativity to the open internet where people that love [a thing] can see it. I mean- I do have a group like this! Our most frequient petty haters sessions are pouting at the fact that this or that character only gets remembered as part of a ship and not as their own person xd Feeling heard in a small group where your words can't hurt anyone, nor anyone will guilt you for being "entitled" is just. good.
2) Create the stuff you would like to see more of (drawings, fanfics, essays, theories, headcanons, memes prompting an idea in a subtle way even), or encourage people to think more about this stuff (prompting discussions, buying art/fic commissions, doing trades (art for fic, for example), catching a person that accepts requests and spending yours on what you'd like to see more of, sending people asks that could trigger to develop something about lore etc). Really mind the latter, though! Like... trust me dude, even if you can't draw or write, nor have enough money for commissions, you can still cause pretty tangible influence on creativity! If you just say right things at the right time to the right people. Heck- I more or less got some skill at inspiring people creatively <:3 Like... I prompt a person to think of this or that theme or character, and before I know it they already developed something because of that discussion? (not tryna boast xd) Or another good example is @heraldofcrow who mastered the skill of prompting discussions about Bloody Crow sooooo well that people keep becoming his fans because of her, and some are even drawing him thanks to her! I constantly see people creating more content of the boy thanks to her, and all she did was simply talking to them! xD A gripe at a character, theme, concept etc not being popular enough can cause GREAT things to happen and you can become people's MUSE! 😎
Hmmmm I think that's it! Basically? You probably have more charisma to inspire writers (including to fiddle with lore) than you are aware of. They need readers, AND they need ideas. You will figure this out! ...or even write a killer fanfic yourself.
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torturecave · 9 months
it seems that a lot of your ships have shifted to top/dom boys mostly, bottoms/subs girls mostly. its interesting, i feel like its reflective of your relationship with avvy and such... its sweet, to see you two grow into yourselves and others like that !! but i wonder if you have any feelings for dom poppy at all ? if yes, what are they... if NO, why do you think it doesnt appeal to you anymore :o ?? i love dynamics n hearing peoples opinions on them
[personal sex-life talk so, a read more as a courtesy for you guys 😅]
Haha, so much has changed over time due to our relationship (and us) growing together... I can't help the way I do ships now — I need to connect to it and see it as 'us' in some essential way. The gender skew isn't necessarily always boy/girl (though it often is) ; more importantly, we define things by being 'Birds or Avvys'. And Bird is the seme while Avvy is the uke, such is the way we are built. We didn't always do this though, and so you had a middlezone where we both sort of related to characters... like I think Branch was a kind of 'shared' form of expression for us. It's funny to look back on now, but also cute, we were still playing together...❤
This is why I say, even if I feel embarrassed about some old stuff, I have to understand that it embodies what I felt at the time, and there's unique euphoria in the past. [scratches nose] Especially considering that once we were getting more 'serious' than a couple hook ups, I became Avvy's sub. (Though I was still like, in the role of fingering / humping etc., that's just always been the preference lol.) Even if that changed eventually, the early parts of our dynamic was reliant on Avvy taking charge and moving us forward.
Back then, I wasn't confident to be in the position of dom, as around when I met Avvy I was in quite a low place with my self-esteem and mental health. In a state of recovery, as I was still coming out of some bad times.. I needed a lot of caretaking and encouragement, which I would say isn't so dissimilar to what our 'bb branch AU' was focused on — being taken under a cool older girl's wing haha, helped from depression and isolation, kissed better. <- Not to get too fiddly with details, but this art actually came before my subbing... wait, maybe before we ever had sex kfkfjhg so... I wasn't self-aware how much I was expressing my desires at the time.
That being said, it means when I made that art, I lacked a lot of tangible experience, so I didn't really know what my preferences would be. A lot was 'hypothetical'... I knew I liked things, nebulously, but maybe not sure whether I'd prefer to be on the receiving end or not. [glances...] And when you're a soft-spoken, passive, people-pleasing guy IRL, it feels like the most logical conclusion would to being dominated or something? Sure, I will be good boy, bark bark.
The funny thing is HISTORICALLY... I've actually been a dom in past relationships, and Avvy's been a sub — so I think we headed towards our natural conclusions, over time. As I recovered and became more confident, and had someone to figure myself out with, a lot clicked. Things became less 'maybe I would be into that? idk' and more defined by, this is something I'm absolutely into. In fact I'm so into it, I want to do this, and nothing else...
ALL THAT TO SAY!! I can't get into a dom Poppy, as that is no longer what I want to see from her. Part of the 'why' would be that it's not something I can inhabit? Which is key in shipping and art for me, I need to connect to it, as I mentioned. It's almost like... if I saw a depiction of a dom Poppy nowadays, I'd be like 'eh I don't see it'... Genuinely just can't grock it.
But I want to clarify, I'm still attracted to all her playful rowdy traits, I like the way she pushes Branch's buttons, all that good stuff. She's wonderful, she's forward, she still overwhelms and steamrolls, she's a whirlwind of energy. I think it's all essential aspects of Poppy still. It's just that the 'conclusion' I see for those behaviors has shifted.
Basically I feel like, a girl can be all those things, and subsequently be a manic excitable sub. Which is fun to think about!! In fact, it's quite enticing to get a girl like that on her knees. Reduce her, have her bent over and whining... [Sorry to take you into my basic straight guy brain.]
She can still give Branch a run for his money, like yank his chain around a bit, that's fun. That's like the core of their chemistry you know, Branch needs to be challenged... It's good for him lol. But I suppose I see it now as being baited almost, spurred to be forward in response. My wife vibes the term sasoi uke and I'm often like [nods stoically.] It's.......... fun to be tempted, you know? lol...
Anyways that's enough rambling, hope this was an interesting read. 😷
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drawthething · 2 years
Happy New Year's! What's your favorite episode of BB? Favorite character? Favorite dynamic?
Ahh hi ❤️! Happy new year to you too :D
Favorite episode
Hmm it's so hard trying to just pick one fav ep so maybe top 3 :D? (I'm just gonna apologize if this turns into the longest most annoying post ever)
• Runaway Club: i rewatched this one so so many times it's not funny. The flashback scene, that breakfast club opening parody, the belchers kiddos & cool kids group on their shenanigans, mr frond, mr branca, ms schnur. Just so good all around
• The oeder games: arguably one of bb strongest finales. So many fun characters, Mr Fischoeder being the absolute lovable awful human being, Bob's character shines so much in this (i wish he get to have more focus eps like he used to :/), the classic funny scene between tina, zeke & j-ju, "boy shields" (did i just hear that tiny begrudging "i love you" coming from pesto sr's mouth 👀). The ending is super lovely too
• Ex mach tina: such a good episode? This is one of the rare eps where we get to see more of Jimmy Jr's character outside of his roller coaster of relationship with Tina (affectionate) and it's glorious. His musoems? Fricking masterpieces. The whole ep is hilarious tbh (i mean come on, robot tina, banjo bob? also antibot zeke pffft). Lots of t/jj moments too (yesss), with how similar tina & j-ju kind of are (two walking teenage disasters amirite?) and even though a selfish side of j-ju was shown (a very likely angsty teenage boy's selfishness), i think in the end it's shown that no matter how awkward their relationship can get, they can always have that little underlying friendship to back them on. And the kiss is so cute!
Favourite character
I suppose y'all are pretty familiar with my obnoxious love and adoration for my boy jimmy jr at this point, pffft. He's such a fun and complex character and deserves much more appreciation and exploration than just being part of shipping debate. Sometimes he's angsty, other times he's happy and absolutely living his life. Sometimes he's a jerk, other times he's a sweetpea. Sometimes he's an idiot, other times he's still an idiot. There're these realistic ugly flaws mixed with unique comical traits that makes me super invested in him pffft.
ANYWAY aside from j-ju, i have soft spots for other funky burgers folks too. My fav belcher have gotta be louise. Look at that kiddo, chaotic child trying voo-doos, almost cutting her brother's ear and calling a biker gang to also almost cut a teenager's ear pffft. And yet she sleeps with plushies, cuddles puppies (soft spot for animals eh?) and is super protective when it comes to her family & friends. She has her vulnerabilities and emotional depths too, which balance out her more fierce and feral sides and make her such a fun unique character (now if only the writers can still maintain that perfect balance with less life lessons stuff in the recent seasons :/)
Favorite character dynamic
For the belchers imma go with Bob & Louise. These two has such a sweet relationship that i really love. That heartwarming hawk & chick scene and louise wanting to take over bob's restaurant (oh imagine the shenanigans that will occur that day) just make my heart melt :]
For the non-belcher one, well can you guess :D? Jimmy Jr & Zeke! They are the caricature of bromance, the ultimate friendship achievement! Zeke's so unconditionally supportive and protective of his best friend it's beautiful. Jimmy Jr, despite his occasional issues, also looks up to and appreciates Zeke just as much. I love that they don't shy away from physical affections or compliments towards each other too, so adorable
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madraleen · 7 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs - Kafka Asagiri/Sango Harukawa Volume 1: An Introductory Commentary Or: The One Where I Slowly Lose My Mind Over Dazai's Character Design (*anime spoilers)
-going into the manga and having glimpsed at a few panels here and there, i have two questions re: the characters: 1) will i even recognize them visually??? 2) will we get along, manga babies? i wonder. (*my affection for an anime doesn't automatically transfer to the manga and vice versa. they work as separate entities)
-"my name is atsushi, and certain circumstances have left me at death's door." i laughed.
-still on atsushi, he's very compelling. even if i didn't know him, it's one of those manga openings that would make me pay attention.
-yeah no, i would absolutely not recognize dazai if it weren't for his clothes. how is he so different in the anime? this will be interesting.
-ah, yes, "you stupid oaf." kunikida's love language
-oh thank god, the translation keeps the honorifics.
-you just want to pet atsushi's little head, he's so baby
-the fact that atsushi tries to CRAWL out of the teahouse (or walk in all fours if you will, like oh i don't know, a tiger)
-don't point at people, dazai, you're scary as it is
-no, seriously though, how did we get from manga dazai to anime dazai design-wise? like, kunikida and atsushi ARE kunikida and atsushi. dazai is not.
-atsushi just trauma dumping right and left. i love him.
-dazai: "i find no joy in embracing other men." also dazai in dead apple: "here, chuuya, rest on my crotch will i hold your head protectively."
-i'm only on ch1, but i don't find manga dazai having the charm of anime dazai, which is SO INTERESTING TO ME! i love it when the anime and the manga are basically the same but basically different! i wonder, would i even like him if i'd read the manga first?? will i grow to like him?? SO MANY QUESTIONS, i love it.
-atsushi is adorable. he's the most expressive, that's why i like him.
-"you sorry waste of good bandages." yes yes, kunikida's love language
-"i am lying, but..." ehe. mamoru miyano's delivery of "uso da kedo" is one of my favorite line deliveries ever, and this transfers in the manga 'cause i am reading in the cast's voices
-AHAHA tanizaki in his bomber era! give the man an oscar, smh
-ah, there's that dazai grin :D
-i know why dazai confuses me. because his face is drawn with noticeably less details than most of the other faces. or maybe it's just his hair? it could be just his hair that's not textured, actually. huh? is it that?!
-atsushi covering the bomb with his body actually surprised dazai and anything that surprises dazai gets brownie points, good job jinko.
-I'LL JUST SAY IT, dazai isn't drawn very consistently. those neck bandages keep coming and going, to begin with. there. i said it. blasphemy.
-atsushi is adorable, i want to pinch his lil cheeks. it's alright, bb, these will become your people, they're not as scary as they seem
-IS dazai so different from the anime or am i confused by the black hair? 'cause the more i read, the more i go, "oh yeah, that's dazai." am i getting used to the design or is it just the black hair, i don't understand. either way, i’ve reached "i want to protect dazai from everything that hurts him including from himself (mainly from himself), but also, i want to slap him around like kunikida does" territory, which is a fair dazai assessment i think
-i find it incredibly cool that higuchi ties up her hair before she starts to fight. incredibly cool.
-oh, the butts-up pose is an anime thing?
-tanizaki, in training for murder since volume 1. with his bare hands no less.
-yeah, i don't know how it'll go in the manga, but in the anime akutagawa coughed A LOT in the beginning, and then he just stopped.
-the angles on akutagawa's panels, they make him look so deranged :D
-akutagawa's face is fascinating
-akutagawa: a feral mafia dog. a ruthless killer. a merciless predator akutagawa with dazai: a kitten.
-where do these people live though, the ada people? do they all live in agency dorms, do they have apartments somewhere? i need to know.
-is "man-tiger" jinko? anime's "were-tiger"? yeah.
-oh! postscript from the characters! ah! fun! PLEASE LET IT CONTINUE
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pentamelias · 2 years
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I'm here to introduce someone that I love and consider like my own sister. her name is "Salsabillah Putri Berliana" a beautiful name isn't it? of course, a beautiful name like a diamond that sparkles (beautifully) like the person and has a great meaning. she was born in the city of Malang, February 29, 2004 ✿ ! and today, is her 19th birthday. to be honest I was confused by the birth of salsa because birthdays are rare and only celebrated once every 4 years. and after i know "people born on 29th february" they are usually celebrated on 28th february or 1st march. okey forget that, let's get straight to the point.. maybe according to her, day after day she goes through many obstacles and trials that she has to face. but she's so cool, she's strong, she's passionate, she's caring, she's smart, she's kind, and she's everything. that's why, from everything she went through, it was made easy even though it was definitely a bit heavy. but he's great isn't she? has been able to survive until now ^_^
at the age of 19, there must be a lot of expectations that she wants. and I pray, whatever she hopes for, everything she goes through goes well and smoothly, she is made easy and given a way to continue to be patient in living the hard life. oh yeah, about hobbies? she loves to write. even though she said his writing was not good, and she also liked to draw, then she really liked editing.. and the results never failed, her edits were always good and aesthetic. for salsa's weight of 60 kg, she said he really wants to be skinny even though in my opinion with his bb she looks very cute and adorable like that. and is 148 cm tall. she looks so cute, doesn't she? I was just imagining it, she looks so cute. naurrrrr.. although, I have never seen her in person, but her face and body are clearly visible. with chubby cheeks, cute body, round eyes, pretty face, honestly.. i really can't stop wanting to pinch her cheeks lmao :d and her favorite color is monochrome and pink, her favorite food is geprek chicken and she is just like me “matcha lover” 🍵🍵 she really likes matcha flavored drinks.
✉️ .. for Sasaa's my best friend, I want to say a big thank you to her. because she, can accept me as I am to be one of his best friends. she's amazing, omfggg.. I've lost a lot of words t__t I'm confused about what to say besides the words cool and proud. from her, I can learn a lot, starting from the words and messages she usually sends to me which are very meaningful and useful for me. Basically, I'm very grateful and lucky to know and have her as my bff. thank you,, for everything you have done so far for me.
ohh yeahhhh.. salsa favorite song; chase atlantic- right here, treasure-yamai-hold it in, enhypen- make the change with shout out, the weeknd- less than zero with creepin and many more wrwrwr,, for her favorite bias? of course, Jeon Jungkook BTS. Lee Heeseung ENHYPEN & Watanabe Haruto TREASURE. as far as I know, she really liked and loved them. even so I really love sasaaa :3 from her I found a different side of her. she’s alwaysss support me, she’s alwayss praisee me, she’s alwaysss understanddd me and askkk if my dayyy is goingg well .. according to other people maybee it's normal but i don't think it's normall andd makes me veryy happyyyy cuz there are still people who care about me .
FYI, I don't know what else to say other than how lucky I am to have a friend like her, Salsaa.. I just want her to know that I'm that lucky to have her in my life hehe. I hope she also thinks that way and he also feels that way.. i will forever thankkk Allah for your funny behavior. after everythinggg i've been throughh, i never thought i'd meet (get to know) the most perfect frienddddd (namely you).
Oh God. I am very proud of her, because she has made it to this point.. ofc her parents and family are also very proud of her, cuz theyy have her who are sooo multitalented, kind to otherss, creativee, andd their children are super duper smarttt. she have your own wayyy, howw can you make someonee veryyy happyy around her, the wayy youuu respondd to someonee and replyy to my chatt.. reallyy touchedd me even though it's justt words but i can tell what your personality is like angel 👼🏻.
ummm maybee she shedd a lot of tears that other people don'ttt knoww, only nightt knows. but she is great, and never give up !!!??? I'm sure he will make it to the end. Even if she's tired, I'm still here. Even though I can't help him much, at least she can tell me anything ><
I want to meet her as soon as possible, but personally we are able to be independent, enthusiastic and successful.. oh yeah I just want to tell her not to be too insecure and overthinking it's not good. she's great with everything she does, don't ever feel like you're lacking just because of other people who may not necessarily be who you are. whichhh in my opinion, youuu are so close to the wordd (perfect) cuz of your talent and your veryyy good attitudee, you look like an angell, youu are beautifull anddd i likee everythinggg about her (salsaa).
last but not least.. (๑•﹏•) i just want to give you a little reminder. you don't deserve to hurt all the time.
* you are beautiful
* you have a perfect body
* you are so funny
* you are worth the world and more
* you will find your person if you haven't already
* you will live your dream life soon
* i love you!
the important point is in that link. so, I hope you read it!
I'm sorry, because I haven't been able to provide and be a good friend for you. but, you have to remember, I will always try to always be there and always ready to help you whenever it is !!!
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
God I want a time-travel fic of the variety where two characters that are like. Estranged marriage. Stuck in the past together. Reconnect as the only real touchpoint the other has to their old lives.
(I was watching the first episode of Outlander, for context.)
I kicked off with "well, obviously HanLeia from like a year before episode VII" because what says 'estranged but we still love each other' like HanLeia? I did consider like. Post-Empire Anidala but anything involving Vader turns into a war crimes discussion instead of estrangement so nah.
Next step: pick a drop point far enough back that they only have a vague idea of what's going on galactically, partly because so much of the information was scorched and burned, and also they've gotten old enough that some of the details weren't important. (The name of that bill that Palpatine got passed doesn't matter when discussing how he rose to power so much as the content, right?) This is Melida/Daan, where they both desperately want to help because dying children and also that's bb Obi-Wan but like. Absolutely none of the kids trust them.
And then my brain went "hey you know who would be fun to add? 23yo Padme who's already a Senator and seeing the Separatist crisis brewing but hasn't been targeted by Jango Fett yet." This detracts from the original intended plot but I got sucked in.
"Just tell people I'm an aunt you rarely got to see but always came home with stories about fighting pirates and liberating slaves with a smuggler and a loose sorta-Jedi, and you don't know if even a quarter of the stories are true, but it didn't matter when you were younger because all you cared about was that they were entertaining and came with souvenirs, like any eight-year-old"
Takes a lot of talking, bb!Obi and Padme are horrified by the future. (Most of the Young are just like 'okay cool let's get back to keeping US alive and you can talk about your weird Jedi things LATER')
Padme has no idea how to relate to Leia because Leia's just. A very odd person, but they're family, yes?
(Han is just like. Whelp. I do as Leia says. No, no, it doesn't get more complicated than that. She says jump and I don't even ask how high before I do it.)
Obi-Wan is almost crying because Leia is just. Taking charge and powerful and she recognizes "end the war with as few dead as possible" as a goal and she then does it with things like sabotaging weapons depots instead of hospitals and whatnot. Padme is horrified to find that all her political and academic expertise are less useful than her ability to grab a gun and Shoot Things, because she's not a General.
They get off-planet eventually, meet with the Jedi, etc.
Han gets sent off by Leia at one point to Tatooine, and she refuses to explain why to anyone until he comes back with a young lady by the name of Shmi who is just confused as fuck but Leia tells her "my father was a Skywalker, and I dreamed of where to find you because I have the Force" and Shmi is just like. Okay stranger lady. You took out my chip and offered to give me some cash and set me up wherever so I'll play along. Family, sure.
Han is probably bothering Qui-Gon because he is incredibly reminded of Future Old Ben, except Qui-Gon is somewhat younger, and looks much younger, on account of not spending twenty years on Planet That Hates You. (Han, you're almost seventy. Calm down.)
Padme thought she was a take-charge kind of gal but now she's met her future daughter and uh. Uh.
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jazz-miester · 2 years
!! i just noticed you answered my ask and haven't been on for a while ! it didn't notify me so sorry bb! I would love Elita with a bot! she/her reader who is shorter than Elita, only coming up to her chest. And if you do more smutty stuff have Elita be the more dominant one {I just think she gives off top energy} and maybe reader is trying to get Elita away from her work or to just relax, or random moments between them which ever is easier for you 🥰xoxo
Yesterday, today, and a thousand tomorrow's.
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Pairing: Elita One x Reader
Reader type: Female Bot Reader
Song: Honey Bee- Steam Powered Giraffe
Warnings: Nothing but smut and fluff.
Tags: @rawmeknockout my dude I hope it's ok I tagged you in this but you like Elita right?
An: Nah don't worry my dude. I get it stuff happens. I was genuinely excited to write this one to. Sorry about the wait though! I hope you enjoy!
"You work so much. You know that?" Your voice is soft when you speak. Watching as your conjunx files away yet another data pad. Her answer is a hum and a look from grey blue optics. You shrug and go back to your own work.
Which currently consisted of watching Elita work. Studying her smooth motions. Fixating on the tip of her glossa peaking from between her lips. The sublet shift of her weight. Watching still as she stretched. The curve of her chest and she rises and falls.
Another data pad is finished. A new one quickly taking it's place before her.
With a heavy sigh you pick yourself up and drop the pad you were working on. Elita has been working nearly the entire cycle. Something you sought to rectify.
You rounded the desk she was working at. The tips of your digits brushing along it's cool surface. Your hips sway as you round a corner. Those same digits follow up her arm and to her shoulder. Skin across her chest plate as you sit herself in her lap.
A soft chuckle.
"Getting bored now are we?" You give a laugh of your own and curl up further in her lap.
"Is it a crime to love my conjunx?" You ask. Elita presses her lips to your helm. Her free arm coming to wrap around your waist. You press your helm into the crook of her neck. "You work so much. You deserve something nice." You mutter. Press a kiss to her neck.
"Mmm. Is that so?" Her servo rests on your thigh. You hum in response. Sit up and push the data pad away from her.
You lift yourself to straddle her thighs instead. Placing your helm back to where it was. You feel more than see her servos following up and down your thighs. She pulls you back. Lifts your chin with a single digit.
"And what are you getting at, my spark?" You grin. Shifts your hips. You feel a faint crackle of charge as you do so.
Elita laughs. Pure and sweet.
"I suppose I can put off work. Just for a moment." You laugh. Smile and grin.
"It better be longer than a moment." You grab her servo. Lay a kiss to the palm of it. "I've missed you. It's cold without you beside me." Her optics grew soft. Her lips turned to a frown.
"For that I am sorry, my dear spark. I." You cut her off. Bring her helm to rest on your own.
"I know. I know. This war has brought nothing but pain." You pull back. "But it has brought me you. And that is one bit of peace I am never giving back." Elita laughs and stands to rise. You fall from her lap. Landing on your feet.
When Elita rises to her full height you have to look up. Just barely your helm brushes her chest. Despite many making fun of your shorter stature you never found it to be an issue. It brought you Elita. And you've never felt quite as safe as you did curled up into her arms late at night. Her body covering yours from any bad from the outside.
Elita grabs your servo. Pulls you close to her and gives a chaste kiss.
"Follow me y/n." Her words are low. Sweet from her lips as she leads you from the office to your berth room. "Let me make it up to you." You say nothing. Only glad for the fact that she has stopped working. Even for a moment.
She deserved nothing less than the world. You'd give her the stars if you could. Now hidden behind smog and smoke.
Elita brought you to your shared berth. Gently, she laid you down. Her frame coming atop your own. You reach up. Cradle her jaw in your servos. Bring her down for a kiss.
Soft and sweet it was. It pulled you in. Captured you. Left you gasping as your body grew with charge. "My lovely femme." Elita breathed out. Captured your lips once again. "My sweet girl." Her lips left yours. Trailed down your jaw and to the cabling on your neck. Sucking until energon welled behind the soft cables.
"Elita." Her name fell from your lips. Speaking her name as if it were the most precious gem on Cybertron. And to you it was. The name of your conjunx. The femme you would forever give your life to. "Elita please." You spoke again.
Her mouth went further. Over your chest plates where your spark sung to hers. Called out to it's other half. Full of need. Want. Love.
It went to your thighs. Your legs falling open as Elita laid her love there. To your open valve. Her lips on you the sweetest bliss you have ever felt.
"My spark." She spoke. "My pretty femme. Look at you. So sweet for me. So open." She helped you through your first overload. Her spark pulling yours until you rose higher and higher. Charge crackling across your frame until you fell. Came down from the high. "Look at you. Oh look at you." She crawled over you. Lips still coated in your fluids.
Elita kissed you once more. You could taste yourself in her lips as her plates pulled back. Spike springing forth as she pushed into you. Hips softly rolling as noises spilled past you. Her name is a chant for those to hear.
Your chest plates pulled back on their own. You spark calling out to hers. Elita hums from above you. Her own plates pulling back.
The room is bathed in soft blue light. It darkens and brings forth the features on your conjunxs face. Her lips curve as she leans forward. Her sparking merging with yours.
Love. It spoke. Love and yearning.
Everything. You were everything to her.
The two of you fell. Sparks retreating back into their housing. Elita fell to the side of you. Drawing you into her arms.
"My love." She spoke. "My dear spark." She called you. "I love you." Elita whispered. " I loved you yesterday. Today. And I will for a thousand tomorrow's." She spoke these words every night. A promise to you.
"I love you too." You told her. Holding her servo with yours. Bringing it to kiss her knuckles. "Until the day we join the well and after." Came your response.
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enbyprentiss · 3 years
Red Handed
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Sub!Spencer x Dom!Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of porno magazines, virgin bb spence, handjob, use of pet names, praise, penetrative sex, unprotected sex,  i think think that’s it but lmk if i missed anything:)
a/n: this fic is brought to you by this lovely hc by @subbyspence and their 🦇 anon💕
Spencer was a pretty anxious person, to begin with. He’s awkward and fumbles over his words pretty much any time he opens his mouth. And those habits only increased once Y/N had joined the team. He was so overwhelmed when they first met that he couldn’t even fully introduce himself, Hotch had to do it for him. By the time the whole ordeal was over and done with, the tips of his ears all the way down to his chest had turned a nice shade of vermillion. Not only that, but he practically sprinted to the bathroom to either take care of his--problem or cry from humiliation. Maybe definitely both. So, it’s safe to say that Derek will never let him live any of that down. To this day, he still gets all jittery and nervous around her, horrified that she thinks he’s some pathetic loser. 
Y/N on the other hand found their introduction incredibly endearing. In fact, she still thinks of him that way. She likes that she makes him nervous. That whenever she’s around his brilliant mind seems to short circuit. Not to mention he’s so gorgeous it almost makes her sick.
Spencer felt like he might throw up and pass out at the same time. Why? Because this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to him. He’s been dragged to hell and back but this--this, has got to be the worst. He didn’t think he’d be rooming with anyone, let alone her. And now, he’s even more irritated about Morgan’s rule to never room with him. But, of course, because he’s Derek there’s the possibility that this was no accident. Regardless of whether it was or not, Spencer still felt like he might drop dead at any second. 
“You alright, Spence?”
God, just the sound of her voice sent a chill down his spine.
“Hm? Oh! Y-yeah, I’m ok.”
After putting their bags down and shuffling around each other to get situated, Spencer excused himself to shower. To take a very, very, cold shower. So, while he was busy, Y/N slipped into a pair of pajamas. But as more time passed, the more bored she got. And she might as well make herself useful. She made her way over to Spencer’s satchel to find the file she had slipped in there earlier. And while she didn’t find such a thing, what she did find was much more interesting. She didn’t really take Spencer as the magazine type. Much less, dirty magazines. Y/N took the magazine in her hands and sat on the edge of her bed. Maybe this was wrong. Or maybe he shouldn’t have porn magazines in his work bag. Either way, she was too deep to stop now. When she initially flipped it open, it was your average “Playboy”-esque magazine. But when she went to turn the page again, it flipped open to a page that had been marked. Not only that, but the model on the page looked an awful lot like her and there wasn’t just one page like that.
By this point, Spencer had re-entered the room. And upon seeing her, what she was holding, the towel he was using to dry his hair had been long forgotten. 
“Y/N, I-I can explain--”
“Explain what, hm? Why the girl on all these pages with little dog ears on them look awfully familiar. Is that it?” if Spencer’s IQ wasn’t on the ground at this moment, he would’ve been able to see that the look in her wasn’t anger. She stood in front of him and held one of the pages near her face, “What do you think, looks pretty close to the real deal, huh?”
“Y/N--”, he muttered weakly, his gaze glued to the floor.
“What? What do you want?”
“T-touch me--please?”
“Only because you asked so nicely.”, she gripped his hips and pressed her lips against his, making him whimper. By the time Y/N pulled back for air, Spencer was already the most adorable shade of red, “Go lay down for me, ok?”
He nodded, “Use your words.”
“Good boy.”
Spencer did as he was told, settling against the headboard. And it was only a matter of seconds before she towered over him, kissing along his jaw and neck as he whined before settling between his knees, her legs swinging behind her.
“Have you ever done something like this, baby?”, he looked down and shook his head almost in shame, “Hey, that’s alright. Just tell me if you want to stop and we’ll stop, alright? I won’t be upset.”, she rubbed her hands up his thigh and he nodded with eager eyes.
She yanked his sweatpants down, confirming that was ok beforehand, “Tell me, Spencer, do you think about me when you do this?”, she asked as she palmed him over his boxers.
“Really? Do you pretend it’s my hand instead of yours?”, she pushed further as she freed his hard cock, stroking him slowly.
“Mhm.”, he shut his eyes.
“What else do you think about, baby?”
“S-sometimes it’s your hand o-or your mouth.”, he struggled to get the words out through soft moans.
“You mean like this?”, she licked the underside of his cock, swirling her tongue around the tip just once.
“And what, Spencer?”
“And...you’re usually--um t-topless.”
“Well, your wish is my command, darling.”, she sat back on her heels, pulling her shirt over her head, and she could’ve sworn his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. She returned to pumping his cock as small whines tore through his throat. 
“Are you going to cum, sweet boy?”
“Uh-uh, not yet.” she pulled her hand away and he let out a string of disapproving whines, “Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
“Yes, yes! Need it, please! M’sorry!”
“Alright, alright. Calm down.”, she stripped out of her shorts and straddled him, pulling him back into a kiss. Which was enough of a distraction as she coated him in her arousal, sinking down onto him.
He gasped against her lips as she started moving slowly, “Mmf! Feels s-so good!”
“Better than you imagined?”, she smiled.
“So m-much better!”
“God, you’re such a good boy.”, she moaned while increasing her pace and he fell apart at the seams from the praise. Spencer snaked his hand down between their bodies, rubbing her clit in circular motions with his thumb, desperate to make her cum. 
“Oh, fuck! Just like that, baby!”, he helped her ride out her high, holding her hips down as they stuttered, bucking his own up into her. And even though he was now fucking into her, she was still completely in charge.
“Can I cum, now?! Please, please, please.”, he repeated the last part under his breath like a mantra.
“Of course you can, baby. Been so perfect for me.”, she ran her fingers through his hair gently.
“Oh, oh, oh! Thank you!”, his hips faltered as he spilled inside her as she placed sweet kisses along his flushed skin. She whispered more soft praises to him before attempting to get up, but Spencer tightened his grip around her waist.
“I’ll be right back. Just going to clean us up, ok?”, she reassured him, stroking his cheek and he melted into her touch, allowing her to actually get up this time. Y/N came back shortly after with a cool washcloth, just like she said. She wiped them both down gently, helping him get redressed. And as soon as she settled next to him, he clung to her, burying his head against her chest.
“It’s alright. I’m not going anywhere.”, she laughed lightly.
“Promise?”, he whispered. 
She tilted his head up look at her, “I promise.”
taglist: @slut-for-mothman @converse-spence @muffin-cup @spencerreid9 
join my taglist here and tell me what you thought in my inbox!!
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anonymous-eggy · 2 years
- imagine how weirded out his crew would be at your presence. I mean sure they've had royalty on board but only ever to get them somewhere on rare occasions. But you????????? You're???? You're gunna be helping around????? Okay now you're helping in securing the sails? Okay cool...wait nO CAREFUL HEY WATCH OUT ITS CROWDED????? heY HEY HEY WHY DID CAPTAIN JUST PULL A DAGGER ON YOU TF????? NO NO NO YOURE GUNNA FALL OFF DECK-
So basically they're all baby sitting you 24/7 now. They're so scared of you getting hurt because you're not used to being aboard such a huge ship plus they're not ready to see that side of the captain
- hiding fruits!!!!!!!! In all you're things!!!!!!!!!! You gotta eat bb!!!!!!!!!
- lipstick marks on government documents? Only for you <333
-basically becomes your anger translator
- LOVES LOVES LOVEESSS to kidnap you in the middle of events just to sit in peace for a few minutes with her lover,,,so cute,,,
- I feel like even as children she'd do this alot? Like just randomly come to kidnap you in the middle of the night?
I feel like once you and Theo got together again it might be a little hectic at first??? Cause now you're both taking care of your kingdoms so it takes a little getting used to but if he ever has to leave for somewhere before you wake up he'd feel sooooooo guilty. Imagine him leaving you notes n random places on days you don't get to see him?????? Like
-you looked so stunning on the palace ground today, I hope you'll let me see that beautiful smile at dinner tonight at 7?
-you looked a little worn out after today's meetings. Would you like to meet at the balcony for a few refreshments?
Like even after you're official he'd be so polite <3
About Sawyer????? I genuinely thought his character was so hot and had so much potential to be simp worth but I feel some ways the writers kinda fd this up would be
-made his character revolving on mc and him falling in love at first sight doesn't really suit him?? Like I get it he's a li but still that quick???
-didnt really think of lesbian players when they made him tbh-
-he had way more screentime that the other li????for what???????even if she shows up a bit later there's so many paid choices for him but not her???????????????
Not to mention how unfairly they treated tess's route
Okay this ask is already way too long so byE
-dumb bitch anon
i bet they definitely teased him (respectfully), but were thankful for the change of heart.
and then suddenly you come along and they see a whole new side of caring from him. suddenly, they get to see what he's like when he doesn't keep someone an arms length away. 😭
which would only increase how much the crew respects and doesnt understand you.
first of all, theyre used to royalty being snobby or at least indifferent towards them. and yet here you are, a whole ass ruler of a realm that fought dark magic, politely asking a crewmember what their name is and how to tie a certain knot and listening incredibly intently.
second of all, it took you... like less than three days to kool-aid man burst through the walls he had built up since childhood. and some of the older crew had been trying to do that for years. JUST WHO EXACTLY ARE YOU HUH. HOW.
everything about you just goes against prior experiences and encounters and confuses the heck out of them 💀
they would do literally anything to protect you. they adore you. it rained the other night? you get a bunch of "be very careful, your highness! the deck is slippery!" and if you do slip, Rian and any crew members around are leaping to balance you. like how a parent catches a baby before it can fall 💀
not because they think you cant take care of yourself! they just really really like you and don't want you to get hurt.
"i believe strongly that discussing this matter would not be the best use of our time at the moment"
"they mean 'stop wasting my fucking time and lets get this shit done bc IM TIRED OF THE BS'"
imagine if she writes lil notes with them sometimes like "noticed you didn't have time for breakfast, take this to go, my love <3" UGH 💕💕💕💕
HE'D SO FIND WAYS TO STILL SPEND TIME WITH YOU. and... as much as Maeve doesn't like him, she loves you which means she really wants you to be happy, so i could see her taking care of things for you so you can hang out with Theo and spend time with him 😭
good lord dont get me started on Sawyer. honestly, his character is just... incredibly flat and his personality is one that makes me uncomfortable 💀 he just acts like the type of dude that would commit microaggressions and make terrible jokes and then tell you that you're overreacting when you call it out. WHICH IS LITERALLY BECAUSE THEY WERE SO LAZY WITH HIS WRITING. HE RLLY DID HAVE POTENTIAL 💀 i will admit, he would have been better received if Tess had gotten a proper route, but the way he's shoved onto the mc makes me really uncomfortable bc NOT EVERYONE WHO PLAYS LIKES MEN OR IS EVEN ATTRACTED TO SAWYER!
the writer for roadkill was very lazy with his and Tess's characters and it upsets me so much 💀
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bonefall · 1 year
i would love to see more about bb!crowfeather, if you haven’t done a post about him already? (i tried digging but couldn’t find one, dunno if that’s just tumblr search being broken tho)
I'll make him a big summary post once I've settled on a design I like for him, I'm stuck up on if I want him to be smooth or spiky. So here's a little doodle page + some casual notes
Tumblr media
Me: "I'm not a fan of projecting real world culture onto BB redux cats,and if I ever was giving a character an in universe accent it would specifically be to give the smartest character on screen a very thick northern english one to stick it in the face of the way southern english accents are associated with intelligence"
Also me: "but crowfeather is italian"
BB!Crow is pretty different from canon
My Crow is a very passionate guy, it's never lost from his young warrior days. Many of the late Po3/early OotS moments where Leafpool is confessing her love in front of his wife and children are from him to her instead
Mudclaw and Torear are some of the best cooks in WindClan during the late Thistle Period. Crowpaw was super close with his mentor Mudclaw, and picked this up from him
For the Great Journey, Crow mashed up his personal collection of mealworms to make tunnelbun rations for everyone
And SPEAKING of the Great Journey, he was already a warrior at the time. His name was Crowfoot, for his mom and dad
Both Dead and Ash were old friends of Bluestar, members of the forget-me-nots.
Ashfoot shared this with him when he was young, and also that Tigerstar was responsible for killing his dad
This feeds into some changes I'm making to have Crow be slightly less frustrating during the Journey. He's still angry, short tempered, and dramatic, but MUCH less openly antagonistic
Squilf and him are usually involved in food related escapades, youll see when I finish the notes of TNP
Feathertail's death changes everyone. Crow most of all.
Crow is an impulsive young warrior. He throws himself headfirst into things, often forgetting that he isn't the only person in the world who matters. Feathertail felt like cool water, reminding him how to slow down and take a breath
The romantic affection was mutual, but imo I don't think it would have lasted.
But no one will ever know if it will, least of all Crowfoot, who is convinced that they both died that day in the mountain
Tallstar’s final name is Crow's honor title; Crowfeather.
And then Leafpooooooool
When she ultimately isn't willing to, like, throw away everyone she's ever loved and go live in the wildnerness with him, Crowfeather loses his marbles, convinced now that Actually He is Unlovable
And still he gets with Nightcloud, thinking that he can't possibly be hurt any more, he must re-prove his loyalty after he vanished for a week... it really was a pretty knee-jerk choice he didn't think through and rationalized post-hoc
No consideration for Nightcloud here.
This post isn't about Nightcloud btw but she is actually pretty reduxed too. The fact she was involved in the raid to kill Onewhisker is politically relevant to Breezepelt later
And Breezy, poor fucking Breeze
Crow is a garbage dad. Breeze is really not in a good environment with him and Nightcloud.
Through points in Po3, before Breeze becomes the villain who kills Firestar and sees a redemption in AVoS, I am planning several moments to establish that Breezepaw is perfectly capable of being a loving cat if he was in a better life situation
To Crowfeather's benefit, age will do wonders on mellowing him out.
He does tend to struggle with compassion though, and remains a pretty harsh character for most of his life.
Crow wanted to be a Light in the Mist to even begin to apologize to Breeze, but Breeze knocks him out lmao no more Crowf worship thanks erins
Anyway. Onto design stuff
Hollyleaf and Breezepelt look a LOT like grandpa Deadfoot, but I'm not sure if I want Crowfeather to look a lot like him
I'm leaning towards him looking like Ashfoot detail-wise but have Deadfoot’s face.
Btw you can observe, here, the WindClan Tail Tuft.
Most WindClan cats have a lighter-colored tail tuft to help them be seen in tall grass, it's a feature like the ThunderClan Mane you may have noticed in a lot of my TC cats.
Ashfoot and Morningflower have a cloudy swirl on their tails, and a "whispy" sort of vibe. Deadfoot and his dad Chicorynose have a dragon-arrow.
Holly got the dragon arrow because She Deserves It
I'm fond of this redux lmao, let men be dramatic
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