#I should get a scanner
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pterribledinosaurdrawings · 7 months ago
As someone who quite likes the dinosaurs, I'd rather have a happier person behind the screen and no dinos for a while than an unhappier person behind the screen (and maybe no dinos for a while anyway, if you burn out on the project enough down the line). Which is to say, take a break if you need one.
ehh, it's alright. I haven't been drawing that many lately anyways, maybe once or twice a week at most.
I can't stop completely drawing them because I have a patreon where I post 4 dinos a month, and that makes up about 30% of my income, so I could not pay my bills without it. And it would feel unfair to only post them on patreon and none publicly. In terms of time spent & money earned it's certainly a much better job than the barely above minimum wage alterations job I also have. The difficult thing is that I have to make myself do the drawings at home on a somewhat regular schedule, which I am bad at.
I may grumble about it occasionally, and I would love to just stop completely, but realistically I'm very lucky that I have the dinosaurs to help make it so that I can get by with the part time schedule of the alterations job, and can spend more time and effort on the sewing videos which currently do not make much money at all. (I also post monthly behind the scenes updates about the sewing videos on patreon, which are my favourite kind of posts to do there! Tomorrow I shall post about two or three videos that I'm working on.)
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fallowhearth · 1 year ago
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More watercolour practice... Actual size 9cm wide. You can tell I'm still very much a beginner - there are some obvious technique errors - but I'm getting much closer to being able to execute on paper what I picture in my mind. This is based on an actual photo I took at the Cloisters in NYC, and it mostly captures the feeling I was going for.
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cozylittleartblog · 5 months ago
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redraw of the meme under the cut
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original by @knightmarebug
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squidsinashirt · 22 days ago
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“Sorry Mr Tracy, we’re having to use the paediatric machine today due to a breakdown.”
This is 100% a trap to get me in that machine but the stingray has sold it for me. I better get a sticker too 👀
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bowenoke · 4 months ago
you'd think a timeloop of mouthwashing would go so hard but unfortunately i think to remain true to the source material. the crew member stuck in the time loop WOULD have to be jimmy
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kame-dori · 4 months ago
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Small painting of Boss and Dopi ヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 6 months ago
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RukiYui (+Mukami fam) scans from the Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook (*´ω`)♡
Spoilers for Ruki's route below!
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vesteneris · 9 months ago
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some of my favourite hunger games pages from my sketchbook, mostly from 2023 and also Annie Cresta centred, bc I was doing a comic about her at the time
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hiddenlxtus · 18 days ago
we love gaalee family!! They’re so underrated and the best
YOU'RE SO RIGHT (I've read all the gaalee fics that explicitly include shinki and metal,, if I could write I'd make more !!)
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transcription under read more!
-> eyes -> hair -> sand
-> eye color -> hair color -> chakra :( -> YOUTH!! -> eyebrows
he needs MORE training to make up for chakra loss
has trained taijutsu more because he spends more time with lee & gai
kakashi occasionally trains his ninjutsu
gai gives him turtle summon
his left handed-ness gives him a slight advantage like in tennis!
in the beginning, Gaara was against metal learning the eight gates, but realizes that it's a way for lee to pass down something, so he allows it under the same restrictions as lee
metal & araya are friends
unless they KNOW or people look too closely, they can't piece together metal's dad, but once you realize, you can really see it
people who know: - temari & kankuro - naruto, boruto, & fam - shikamaru, shikadai - araya & yodo
it's not a secret per se, people just don't mention it
"who's your mom" "I have a dad!" (oh no,, prolly lost during war) "oh! ok!"
older than metal by 10 months
trains under gaara & kankuro, more proficient at sand
first doesn't believe in Konoha, but changes his mind when he meets Lee
when he was adopted, metal was still a baby baby and they didn't meet until shinki could control the iron sand
Lee couldn't meet him until he could get time off & find a babysitter for metal
Tenten & Gai took turns
Lee was able to subdue him (he's not good with new people) and Lee didn't use ninjutsu so shinki was impressed tm
He doesn't show it, but he looks up to Lee as well, though he doesn't like "youth"
once he controls it to a degree, Gaara allows him to see his brother (they're 5 now)
He brings shinki to Konoha to meet metal, and shinki ends up being jealous of him, but he controls the iron sand
Gaara tells him he's proud of him and shinki gets less jealous
they're good brothers trust
is really comfortable around his family, but is scared he'll hurt metal
Lee loves him :3 liddol bro
people think he looks more like gaara than metal
it's because they have the same attitude
but once you take away the hair and sand he doesn't really look similar
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crmsndragonwngss · 4 months ago
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People Watching (2024) by 156/Silence SharpTone Records
Full res scans (300dpi)
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quanblovk · 2 years ago
To the Mage Sisters: What are your opinions on the inhabitants of Planet Popstar? For example, The Great King of Dream Land: King Dedede
Zan Partizanne: Ah yes, the loud mouth penguin. We three are very indebted to him for freeing us of that dark past.
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Flamberge: KYAHAHAHA!! That big fluffy penguin sure does eat a lot too! I'll get him in the next pie eating contest, he doesn't stand a chance!
Zan Partizanne: Berge, please stop subjecting your digestive system to such torment.
Francisca: The waddle dees that follow him are just the cutest! They oddly remind me of the jambelievers, only if they were stronger, smarter and capable of building their own civilization!
Zan Partizanne: Now who else....oh right. His knight. Heheh.
Flamberge: Dammit Zan! You're doing that creepy chuckle again! That means you're hiding something from me! Just who is Meta Knight and why do you always act so familiar around him?!
Zan Partizanne: I'll tell you when you're older.
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Zan Partizanne: Anyways, that little masked knight helped us immensely too. Though he doesn't talk a lot to me compared to the other sisters. Which is to be expected. Also, he definitely has issues. A lot of them.
Francisca: He's a very stoic knight, just straight out of a fairy tale~
Flamberge: pfft, he's alright I guess. But I much prefer his evil twin brother! He's just WAY more fun and (somehow) has less problems! seriously that guy has ISSUES.
Francisca: He smells weird though....
Flamberge: That's his signature musk. Easy to get used to! Compared to Zanny's B.O, he smells way less spicier-
Zan Partizanne: what.
Flamberge: -3- ~ 🎵
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Flamberge: And we can't possibly forget the other 2!
Francisca: Yes! Same with King Dedede and Mr. Meta Knight, Kirby and Bandana Dee saved our lives too! They're both so adorable and a joy to hang out with!
Zan Partizanne: I admire the puffball's resolve, same with the pointy waddle dee. He's got moves, I admit. Hmph.
Flamberge: KYAHAHA! Zan's always like that whenever he meets another spear user. So competitive-!
Zan Partizanne: .....
Flamberge: Joke! It's a joke! Stop pointing your partisan at me....-3-
Francisca: Let's see....who else....OH RIGHT! How could I forget?!
Marx~! 💖💖💖
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Zan Partizanne: Never in my life had I encountered such a terrifying ball-balancing clown........Franny, be wary of that awful creature!
Francisca: B-but....he's BABY! Aw......So far he hasn't done anything to me yet. I often hang out with him, Magolor and Chilly!
Flamberge: Chilly? Who's that?
Francisca: The little sentient snowman! We all get along well, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about~
Flamberge: Well, if Franny says so......
Zan Partizanne: We will take your word for it. Oh, as for the other inhabitants, our opinion remains the same. Neutral. Popstar is a wonderfully friendly planet.
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androdragynous · 25 days ago
literally going to kill my eye doctor I have been waiting years to hear back from an organisation that offers services to the blind that I NEED A MEMBERSHIP FROM TO BE ABLE TO GET TRANSPORT AS A DISABLED PERSON IN MY AREA and they've been ghosting me this whole fucking time because in 2023 in an appointment where I could not physically keep my eyes open without uncontrollable weeping my eye doctor said that while I couldn't drive I also want blind because we couldn't physically complete the fucking eye exam and nobody deigned to mention this to me until the organization I called months ago to ask for home support assessment called to say they also don't have shit or fuck they can offer me except to say that the organization ghosting mf has more options that I AM APPARENTLY NOT BLIND ENOUGH TO FUCKING HAVE
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thedeviousdevilxx · 2 years ago
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Looking delicious as usual
(from my Circus 1988 magazine, should really go through them again lol)
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fc-drawing · 1 year ago
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noir-stranger · 3 months ago
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Doodle #4
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friendstolobsters · 1 year ago
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