#I should also say we do not know exactly when Voldemort came back
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neverenoughmarauders · 19 days ago
WIP Snippet
Thank you for the tag @albi-bumblebee. The snippet happens to be the draft start of part 2 of When we were up to no good.
It has never been easy to determine exactly when a war starts. There are all these small events that slowly push humans—muggles and wizards alike—towards a period of suffering, destruction and death. Does a war begin when the first victim falls? Or even earlier, when cross words are exchanged, fists or wands are drawn, punches thrown and spells fired, but death is not yet the outcome. Maybe a war start only when the word itself is uttered, when the newspapers print the three letters that unmistakably spell out a new reality, one in which suffering is the norm, happiness only rediscovered in fleeting moments and safety is torn away.
The First Wizarding War—it has later been agreed—started in 1970, when Lord Voldemort, formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, came back to the United Kingdom after an extended period abroad. However, today we know that Lord Voldemort's war against muggles and those that opposed him started much before that, with some of his earliest victims being the likes of young Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop. Further still, he had yet to leave school when he committed the murders that would start the death count belonging to a war decades later.
At Hogwarts, the first to fall, four muggle-borns who disappeared between 1968 and 1970, would similarly only survive as a footnote, not worthy of further notice. It was another date that would forever be recalled as the day the war arrived at the doorsteps of the castle. A reminder that while the school would remain one of the safest places in Wizarding Britain during the war, it was by no means secure. It was perhaps better to be muggle-born under Dumbledore's protection than relying soley on the Ministry of Magic to look out for you; it was perhaps less dangerous to share your opinions on your way to Charms than in the Leaky Cauldron, but no war has ever spared a corner of the countries it affected. Not in the muggle-world, nor in the wizarding world. The students at the castle would learn this first hand on December 14, 1972.
No pressure (and I mean no pressure!) tag @livelaughlovetoread @lilacella @annabtg @goldenlionprince @emmathecasualauthor
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avnkin · 4 years ago
Shake On It [ d. malfoy ]
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Author’s Note: I originally planned on posting this as just one long fic buuut instead i’m going to do a mini series, ya know torture you guys just just a lil bit (gif is not mine) also I got all the information about the potions and the ingredients from harry potter wiki and of course I do not own harry potter or the storyline/characters.
Word Count: 8k
Summary: There’s little to nothing Draco values more than his reputation so when he sees it slipping, he’ll do anything in his power to catch it.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, foul language, some bullying and asshole!draco.
This is an AU so all the information doesn’t exactly line up with the hp storyline for example it takes place in sixth year but there’s no Voldemort so Dumbledore doesn’t die etc.
You’d never been much for the ‘social scene’ you just didn’t find enjoyment in the same things your classmates did, so you never really had a big friend group, your only acquaintance having been Irma Prince… The librarian.
That was until your second year when Hermione Granger came into your life like a ray of sunshine brightening up the dark loneliness that had consumed you your first year.
She introduced you to Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, although you were never as close with them as you were with Hermione you still couldn’t be more grateful for your newfound friend group, especially since you now didn’t have to endure Draco’s and his fellow Slytherin classmates torment alone.
You were and had always been an easy target for Draco and his entourage since you never really stood up for yourself, instead choosing to ignore how he continuously called you ‘a blood traitor’ for hanging out with ‘the likes of Hermione’ which you never understood, how was someone different from him just because they didn’t have magical parents?
It was a well-known fact that Draco’s father Lucius Malfoy was the cause of his attitude towards muggle-borns, you truly believed that man didn’t have a kind bone in his body.
You remembered once when you’d arrived at platform 9¾ after your third year Draco went to greet his parents and whilst Narcissa (his mother) gave him a big welcoming hug, embracing her son after not having seen him for many months Lucius simply stared down at him with a glare that could only be described as disgust and disappointment before turning and walking away without as much as a greeting to the platinum blond.
Still, that didn’t excuse Draco’s foul behaviour, he was old enough now to have his own opinions and morals and he didn’t seem to be planning on changing them anytime soon.
You were now in your sixth year and unsurprisingly nothing had changed, Draco was still the same arse he’d always been, but as the years went on it was getting progressively easier to ignore him since you’d gotten so used to it.
It almost felt like it had become a part of your daily routine for him to yell something degrading in the hallways, mostly directed at you or Hermione or whatever Gryffindor he felt like bullying that day.
Intently focusing on the potions book that laid opened before you, you carefully followed the detailed instructions, not wanting to get a single thing wrong since you needed at least an outstanding in this class to keep up your average.
The last part was to add: ‘One drop of Unicorn blood’
You grabbed the flask that contained the silver liquid and as steadily as possible you leaned the bottle over your cauldron, letting a small drop slip past the edge and into the black water, but as you began leaning back Pansy Parkinson ‘accidentally’ bumped into you causing the entirety of the bottle to spill into your potion.
You glared up at her as you watched the black liquid turn sickly green instead of sparkly blue as it should. She shrugged her shoulders innocently, before walking back to the station she shared with Draco who greeted her with an amused smirk before turning back to his work.
“Try not to think too much about it” Hermione’s comforting voice sounded from beside you. “I’m so sick of those two” you argued pouring the remaining containments of the cauldron into a sink, now having to start the entire potion all over again.
“I know, I am too” Hermione frowned glaring at the two Slytherins who didn’t even bother to look over at her.
“Miss Y/L/N weren’t you nearly finished a couple of minutes ago?” Professor Slughorn’s voice could be heard from behind you as he looked over your shoulder, an unimpressed look on his face.
“Uh- yes sir it’s just I accidentally put too much Unicorns blood and had to start over again” you lied looking into the now-empty cauldron before you, glaring at Pansy once you heard her quiet laughter from the other side of the classroom.
“Well alright, but I’d hurry if I were you, I’m afraid you’re running a bit short on time” he smiled before moving on to the students sat in front of you.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Hermione frowned once Slughorn was out of earshot, you gave her a knowing look having had this conversation with her on more than one occasion.
Tattling on them wouldn’t change anything it would simply make their torments increase and you didn’t need that, especially with the N.E.W.T.S coming up you didn’t want anything distracting your studies.
Despite having been interrupted by Pansy you managed to be the only one who brewed the potion right and the displeased scowl placed on Pansy’s face as she watched you get praised by the teacher and the rest of the class was nothing but amusing.
Once you were finally dismissed, you were walking alongside Hermione down the long corridors leading to the Great Hall when someone again bumped into you causing all the books you’d been clutching between your arms to go flying towards the ground and you along with them.
“What a klutz” you heard the familiar squeaky voice of Pansy Parkinson, you hurriedly got back up onto your feet whilst Hermione picked up the remaining books that had sprawled all across the stone floor.
“You did that on purpose” you growled charging at Pansy who cowered away from you as you neared her but once she noticed Draco was watching she stopped dead in her tracks, a side smirk resting on her lips before she tilted her head to the side.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” she innocently smiled before walking around you and back to Draco who held an emotionless expression on his face as he walked with her down the hall.
“Bitch” you mumbled underneath your breath just before Hermione came running up to you. “Are you okay?” she faintly smiled before handing you your things.
“Fine” you deadpanned before the two of you began walking back down the hallway again.
Once you’d made it into the Great Hall you immediately spotted Harry and Ron a smile on your face as you took a seat next to Harry, and Hermione the one next to Ron the previous events being long forgotten as you distracted yourself with the comforting company of your friends.  
“Since when did Y/L/N and Potter become so close?” Draco’s face held a scowl as he watched the two of you interact from afar, he truly didn’t know why it bothered him, but for some reason it did.
“Why do you care?” Pansy replied as she began shifting in her seat to move closer to Draco who almost instinctively moved away causing a bright red tint to appear on her cheeks as she hurriedly moved back to her original seat.
“I don’t” he simply replied tearing his eyes away from you and Harry as he began playing with his food.
“You know what I think” Blaise raised an eyebrow as he daringly stared Draco down, “I think Malfoy’s gone soft” Blaise finished, the words earning loud snickers from the students sat next to them.
Draco’s stomach churned in anger at the words of his best friend throwing the boy a nasty glare before turning back to his food, but Blaise didn’t intend to stop there.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you never pick on her anymore and you always get really defensive whenever- “
“Shut the hell up Blaise” Draco commanded and even though Blaise knew he was skating on thin ice, Draco’s fury only seemed to egg him on further as his eyes wandered towards the Gryffindor table to look at you.
"You know what Malfoy since you claim you have no feelings for her at all I dare you to break her heart"
"What?" Draco questioned genuinely confused at his friends' statement. "Make her fall in love with you and then dump her" Draco looked over at Pansy who seemed almost giddy at the suggestion, of course she'd be happy about this.
Draco thought about it for a moment, he knew that if he didn't do this he'd never hear the end of it, and keeping up his 'I don't care about anyone but myself' attitude had served him well over the years so as he weighed out the pros and the cons it seemed the cons were outnumbered and without a second thought he reached his hand out to Blaise.
"You've got yourself a deal" Draco spoke as they shook hands "and when I win, you'll be my personal servant for the rest of the year" Draco finished as he pulled his hand back causing Blaise's cocky facial expression to quickly drop.
"Fine but when I win, you have to do my homework for Defence Against the Dark Arts till we graduate" Draco rolled his eyes but nodded as he let his hand fall back into his lap.
He stared at you watching as you laughed at something Harry said and couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt knowing what he was about to do, but he shook the feeling away engaging back in the conversation of his friends, pushing all thoughts of you into the back of his mind.
The following week Draco still had yet to make his move on you. He was brainstorming ideas as he made his way to Potions, none of them good enough to follow through with but when he’d finally made his way into the classroom, he went to walk over to Blaise like he usually would but instead he found himself staring at the empty seat next to you.
He looked over at Blaise who was already quizzically staring at him. Draco mouthed a ‘watch this’ in return before he made his way towards you, grabbing a hold of the chair next to yours he stared down at you before asking.
"Is this seat taken?"
You looked up from your book turning to greet who you thought would have been Harry or Ron but instead, you were met with a pair of grey eyes you were not expecting to see, your mouth slightly parting as you stared wide-eyed at him.
"Yes actually-" you began but he had already sat down before you'd been able to reply, placing his backpack on the floor below him.
You raised an eyebrow at the blond, to which he replied by smiling over at you acting as if him sitting there was the most normal thing in the world.
"Do you mind?" you finally managed to choke out as he turned to face you.
"No, not at all" your eyes went wide at his words as you frantically began looking around the classroom for Hermione.
Once you made eye contact with her, you gave her a pleading look silently begging for her to help you, but she only took a hesitant seat next to Neville shrugging her shoulders indicating that there wasn't much she could do.
You grabbed the handle of your backpack beginning to stand up when you felt a hand wrap around your wrist preventing you from moving any further.
"Seems like all the other seats are taken Y/L/N" you frowned at his words turning your head to look around the classroom and sure enough there wasn't a single seat available.
You glared at him before ripping your hand out of his grasp and reluctantly sitting back down.
"Good morning" Slughorn's voice could be heard as he made his way towards the front of the classroom.
"Today we'll be working in pairs so whoever you're sitting next to is your partner for this assignment" your eyes widened in horror at his words as you glanced over at the Slytherin clad boy next to you.
"You're going to be writing an essay on the properties of Moonstone and its uses in Potion making" why did he have to announce this assignment today of all days?
You again looked over at Draco who seemed to be smiling, why was he happy about this? You placed your head in your hands as your mind began to wander, this was probably some stupid plan he and his friends had made to get you to fail the class.
"Professor" you eagerly raised your hand "is it too late to change partners?" you asked, silently begging for him to say no so you could work with Hermione or anyone else for that matter.
"Well I'm afraid everyone else seems to be taken Miss Y/L/N, I'm sure you and Mister Malfoy will be just fine together" you felt a flash off anger as you turned to look at the boy sat next to you.
"I swear if this is your idea of some sort of sick joke Malfoy, I'll hex you into oblivion" you threatened not daring to break eye contact with him, smirking once you noticed his taken aback expression.
"Y/L/N calm down, It's not a joke? You're the best at Potions in our year so I wanted to see if you'd be willing to work together but doesn't look like you have much of a choice now" he shrugged his shoulders; something was definitely off about this.
"So, you couldn't just ask me before we got to class?" his eyes seemed to widen a bit as he thought of a response but you continued before he had the chance to say anything "because I would have said no" and with that, you turned away from him pulling a piece of parchment out of your backpack along with your quill so you could start planning the next few weeks.
As it was nearing the end of the class you and Draco hadn't spoken a word to each other since you'd shut down all his attempts of starting a conversation, not having been interested in anything he had to say.
When class was over you handed Draco the piece of parchment that had a very detailed description of what his part in the project would be, so you'd be able to spend as little time together as possible, although he seemed to be quite displeased at this beginning to protest that you should work together so you'd get a better grade.
"I'm not spending any more time with you than I have to Malfoy so if you'll excuse me" you stood up pushing him out of the way before making your way to Neville's station where Hermione stood shoving her books into her bag.
Once you finally reached her you grabbed her by the arm, quickly pulling her after you out of the classroom. Ignoring her protests until you finally reached an empty corridor, void of any students and teachers.
"Please tell me you saw all that" you pleaded as you let go of her arm.
“You mean Malfoy?” Hermione replied, “yes Malfoy! He’s acting like we’re all of a sudden, the best of friends? Like he didn’t just call me a ‘blood traitor’ last week” you exasperated a scowl on your face.
“I think that was Zabini” Hermione acknowledged making you furrow your brows your mind wandering back to the encounter and sure enough she was right, Zabini had been the one to hurl the insult.
“What does it matter who said it, he’s one of them!” you protested, angrily turning to look at Hermione once you heard her stifled laughter from beside you.
“This isn’t funny! I’m stuck with him for the next- who knows how many weeks on this stupid project” you complained letting your head fall back as you let out a groan.
“Its okay Y/N don’t worry… I reckon he just fancies you” Hermione teased wiggling her eyebrows as she lightly nudged you in the shoulder.
“Have you gone mad?” you practically gasped although you couldn’t help the unfamiliar heat that began rushing to your cheeks at her words.
“Merlin Y/N you’re blushing! You like him?” you frantically covered her mouth as you noticed students beginning to fill the previously empty hallways.
“Would you hush! And no! I do not like Draco Malfoy, I could never like someone like him” you hissed your anger only growing once you noticed the same smile still linger on her lips.
“Whatever you say” Hermione jokingly sing sang, and in response you lightly hit her across the head with a piece of parchment you’d been holding unfortunately not getting the results you wanted since it only seemed to be egging her laughter on more.
“Alright calm down you lunatic I’m only joking” Hermione frowned rubbing the spot on her head you’d begun repeatedly hitting her, “you better be” you hummed, again pulling her after you as you two began walking down the hallways blending into the crowd of students.
“You know I can walk by myself” Hermione frowned once you’d found yourself standing out in the courtyard, your eyes searching for your two other friends since when you had Potions they had a free period which they spent most of their time here.
You finally spotted them sitting on a bench below a large brown oak tree, Seamus and Dean stood in front of them.
It was now Hermione’s turn to pull you away and in mere seconds you were standing next to the four Gryffindor clad boys who all turned their heads towards the two of you.
“Hello” you smiled before looking over at Harry who had already begun scooting over gesturing for you to come and sit down next to him, to which you happily obliged.
They all greeted you and Hermione before continuing their conversation about the upcoming Quidditch game they had against Slytherin next week.
“Yeah well Malfoy hasn’t caught the snitch when competing against Harry once, so I think we’re going to be okay” Ron assured Seamus who didn’t seem to be all that convinced but still began to make his way back into school Dean following behind him shortly after.
“Speaking of Malfoy” Hermione knowingly smirked at you before turning towards the two boys.
“Hermione no-“ you began but it was already too late, “seems he as a little crush” and there it was, you inwardly face palmed feeling the now-familiar heat in your face as you turned away from the confused glances of your two friends.
“Malfoy fancies Y/N?” Ron seemed to be more disgusted rather than confused as he scrunched up his nose.
“Hermione first of all I’m going to kill you! And second of all, he doesn’t like me! He just wanted to be partners on some stupid assignment in Potions” you assured them.
“And you said yes?” Harry perplexed.
“No! Of course not, he- he didn’t give me much of a choice” you rambled scratching the back of your head before glaring over at Hermione.
“What? He forced you to work with him?” Harry again furrowed his brows, “No- or well he sat next to me in class and I couldn’t move anywhere else since all of the other seats were taken and when Professor Slughorn arrived he immediately announced that we’d be working on our essays with whoever sat next to us” you began rambling, causing your three friends to share amused glances, unbeknownst to you.
Harry seemed to understand slowly nodding before claiming him and Ron had quidditch practice pulling the ginger boy along with him out of the courtyard, leaving just you and Hermione.
After a few minutes of silence, you turned to face her, “I think I’m going to go to the library, care to join me?” Hermione shook her head at your words pointing at the book she had just opened already beginning to make herself comfortable on the little bench you’d been sitting on.
You rolled your eyes “suit yourself” you breathed out offering her a small wave as you stood up, which she returned before you began walking back into the crowded hallways.
As you neared the library you began to hear footsteps behind you, smirking since you thought Hermione had changed her mind about joining you.
You turned around expecting to see your best friend but instead, you were met with Draco who now stood still a few feet away from you.
“Are you following me?” you crossed your arms raising an eyebrow at the boy.
He shook his head now walking towards you “just wanted to see if you’d like some company and since you’re heading towards the library we can work on our essay”
“So, you were following me” you accused but before he could answer you continued, “I thought I already told you I’m not spending any more time with you than I have too so if you’ll excuse me” you turned your back to him continuing your way to the library.
“Your loss Y/L/N” you heard him teasingly call after you making a smile appear on your lips which you tried to the best of your ability to contain.
Your next Potions class was one you’d been dreading, knowing that the people who were paired together on the essay had also been assigned to sit next to each other, very much to your dismay.
Professor Slughorn had asked all of you to join him at the front of the classroom so he could show you a couple of the potions you’d be brewing for the next couple of weeks and of course the one you’d be working on today.
“And this one right here is-” Slughorn was abruptly cut off by the sound of the classroom door swinging open. You quizzically looked past Slughorn’s shoulder and furrowed your brows at the two boys who had entered.
“Harry?” you asked a bit louder than you intended to causing the attention of the class to turn to Harry and Ron rather than Professor Slughorn.
“Ah! Harry my boy I was beginning to worry, and you’ve brought someone with you I see, what’s your name then?” Slughorn asked, brightly smiling at the two Gryffindors.
“Ron Weasley sir, but I’m dead awful at potions- a menace actually so I’m probably just gonna-“  Ron’s voice wavered as he began to turn around but Harry quickly put his arm out in front of him pushing him back into the classroom.
“Oh, don’t be silly, we’ll sort you out! There are some books in the cupboard over there if you need them” Slughorn pointed towards the end of the classroom where Ron and Harry quickly began fighting over the last book in there.
You and Hermione both gave each other confused glances before your attention was back on the Professor stood in front of you.
“As I was saying I’ve prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these may be?” you quickly raised your hand Hermione copying your actions as Slughorn’s eyes wandered between the two of you before he eventually pointed at you.
“Yes, miss Y/L/N” Slughorn stepped out of the way as you took a step forward towards the two pots that rested on the table.
“This one is Veritaserum a truth-telling serum and that one over there is Amortentia the most powerful love potion in the world. It’s rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them” you smiled proudly at yourself before taking a step back towards the other students.
You heard Pansy scoff causing you to quickly turn around to glare at her and just as you did you saw Draco elbow her in the side whispering something in her ear before shaking his head at her actions.
You quickly looked away before Draco’s eyes could catch yours since you felt the annoying feeling of warmth rush up into your cheeks and a smile replace the frown you’d indented to direct at Pansy.
“Very good Miss Y/L/N” Slughorn smiled before beginning to tell the students that whoever managed to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death would be walking out of the classroom with one vile of Liquid Luck.
You quickly walked over to your station Draco following in suit behind you as you both turned to page 10 on your ‘advanced potion making’ books.
Your eyes wandered over the page before you spotted the instructions.
1. Cut up one Sopophorus bean.
You frowned down at the text as you glanced between it and the bean, it didn’t look like it was meant to be cut, and your suspicions were right as you began noticing your fellow classmates struggle around you.
Your eyes widened as Draco’s bean came hurling at your face at an ungodly speed, you practically had to throw yourself to the floor so it wouldn’t hit you in the face.
“Bloody hell Y/N are you okay!?” Draco panicked as he rushed to your side offering his hand to help you up which you ignored to distracted by the fact he’d called you by your first name.
You quickly got up onto your feet still ignoring his outstretched hand. You’d never in all your years at Hogwarts heard him call anyone by their first name, let alone you, a Gryffindor he’d hated since the first year.
“What did you just call me?” you asked although it came out a bit harsher then you intended it too. You didn’t mind that he was using your first name you just found it incredibly odd especially for someone like him.
“What, Y/L/N? that’s your name isn’t it” he was acting clueless as he walked back around the table to attend to his potion.
“No, you said Y/N” you raised an eyebrow as you watched him grab another bean now simply resorting to ignoring you, whatever you thought, brewing this potion was more important than what name Draco decided to call you.
As you continued to observe the students around you, you noticed Harry grab a silver knife and slowly press it onto the bean. You mirrored his actions and to your delight, it worked.
“How did you do that?” Draco could be heard from opposite you as he furiously looked between the instructions in his book and the crushed bean in your hand.
“Crush it don’t cut it” you shrugged, your finger traveling further down the page and stopping at the second step.
2. Pour in 250 fl.oz. of Standard potioning water and add 5 oz. of African Sea Salt to the beaker. Set the beaker aside after all the water has been added. Be very careful not to shake or move the beaker now.
The rest of the lesson had gone by in a flash and even though you felt like you’d be the one rewarded with the Liquid Luck, it ended up being Harry and you couldn’t help but wonder how the hell he managed to brew something better than you.
You remembered Harry continuously failing all his Potions classes never getting more than a poor or an acceptable on any of his assignments or tests.
After class you immediately cornered him, and it didn’t take long for him to confess to the book he’d found. Property of the half-blood prince it read and as you flipped through the many pages it had all the ‘correct’ recipes to every single potion you’d be brewing throughout the term.
“I knew it! You’ve always been dreadful at potions” you finally felt at ease knowing that Harry had only won you by cheating, shaking your head as you placed the book back into his arms.
“Hey! I am not ‘dreadful’ at potions” he imitated you his hands making air quotes at the word dreadful, a laugh slipping past your lips as you remembered a certain incident from when you were younger.
“Oh really? Don’t you remember third year when Snape told us to make a shrinking solution and you poured it all over Hermione-“ you began but Harry quickly cut you off.
“Alright! Alright! You’ve made your point now shove off I don’t feel like listening to this story right now” you threw your head back in laughter as you thought back to a tiny Hermione who hadn’t spoken to Harry a whole week after the incident.
“Doesn’t seem like you’re doing a great job with Y/L/N, I reckon Potter’s in there more than you” Blaise sounded amused as he came up behind Draco who was watching yours and Harry’s exchange from afar.
“Don’t worry Blaise, I’m only getting started”
Later in the day you, Harry, Ron and Hermione had all decided to take a little trip down to Hogsmeade for a much needed break from your studies.
“No sit beside me” Harry insisted as the four of you made your way into the Three Broomsticks, you gave him a confused glance but nevertheless dragged the chair out from underneath the table and sat down next to him.
You went to ask why but quickly managed to put two and two together once you noticed professor Slughorn sat at the bar, a beer in his hand as he talked with one of the other professors.
“What’s your deal with Slughorn?” you questioned as Harry began waving the professor over. “I need to get into the slug club” you furrowed your brows but before you could question it any further Slughorn had arrived at your table.
“Ah! Mister Potter lovely to see you, you as well Miss Y/L/N” Slughorn smiled completely disregarding Hermione and Ron who sat opposite you.
“Likewise, Professor” you smiled as he and Harry began talking about something you couldn’t be less interested in, instead your eyes began to wander around the small tavern until they finally landed on Draco who was already staring intently at you.
“You’d be welcomed to Y/L/N” your gaze diverted from the platinum blond towards Slughorn who was smiling brightly down at you. “I’d love too!” you agreed having faintly heard him mention a christmas dinner.
“Wonderful! Look for my owl” you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at Hermione’s face who seemed to be more than distraught that she hadn’t received an invitation of her own.
“Oh, how silly of me Granger, I hope I’ll also be seeing you there” Hermione’s face lit up at his words as she repeatedly nodded, Slughorn awkwardly looking over at Ron before speaking, “good to see you Wallenby”.
You were finally able to let out the laugh you’d been holding in as Slughorn exited the tavern. “Oh, shut up Y/N” Ron frowned crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back into his chair.
When your laughter had finally died down you offered to go and order your drinks since the waiter had yet to make an appearance at your table.
“Four butter beers please” you smiled at the worker as you leaned onto the bar going to turn around but instead you were met with a black suit your eyes wandering upwards to see Draco towering over you.
You cleared your throat causing him to take a step back, “anything I can help you with?” you questioned as Draco stood motionless in front of you.
“Yes, would you like to join me?” Draco asked gesturing to an empty table at the far end of the tavern. You looked over to where he was pointing causing you to quickly spot his friends who were all sat at another table, their eyes set on you.
“Uhm- I think they’d loved to join you” you pointed towards them causing Draco to quickly snap his head in their direction, making them all quickly turn to each other acting as nonchalant as they could.
“But I’d much rather spend time with you” you felt a weird tingly feeling at his words but nonetheless you didn’t dare act on it your eyes going to your friend’s who were all staring quizzically at you.
“Sorry I- Uhm I can’t I came here with them” you gestured towards your table Draco’s eyes following in the direction you pointed before they were back on you.
“Well alright, but you owe me a date then” he winked before turning around and going back to join his Slytherin friends.
Your mouth hung open as you watched him walk away, did he just say date?
You power walked back towards your friends hastily taking a seat next to Harry who already had his eyes glued on you.
“What the bloody hell was that?” Ron asked as soon as you’d fully sat down.
“Oh- Uhm, he just wanted to ask me about our assignment” they all looked skeptical at your reply but didn’t question it any further another topic quickly consuming your table.
“Do any of you have a date to the Jingle Ball?” Hermione’s question rang throughout the table, causing both boys shook their heads and you along with them, in all honesty, you didn’t expect to get asked so you’d probably just end up going with Harry like last year.
“Guess we know who Ginny’s going with” you giggled gesturing towards her and Dean who were currently taking a seat at a table not so far from yours, their fingers wrapped around each other’s.
“I’d like to leave” Ron shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he stared at his sister and who he had once considered a close friend. “Honestly Ron they’re only holding hands” Hermione rolled her eyes.
“And snogging” you added on as Ginny connected her lips with Dean’s. “Yep that’s it we’re leaving” Ron stood up grabbing the coat that hung on the chair beside him.
“Oh come on we haven’t even gotten our orders yet!” you protested as all your friends began to stand up, maybe you should have joined Draco before.
“Fine” you huffed once you noticed they had no intention of staying any longer. “Why don’t you just ask Malfoy to come join you, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” Ron teased causing you to quickly hit him in the arm.
“Shut up Ron!”
Once you’d all made it back to Hogwarts you and Hermione separated from Ron and Harry since they claimed to have yet another quidditch practice although you figured it was code for going to scout possible dates for the Jingle Ball.
“So, what did Draco really want earlier?” Hermione gave you a knowing look as she lightly bumped you in the shoulder.
“It was so weird he-he said that I owe him a date” your voice was hesitant as you turned your head to look at Hermione who didn’t seem at all surprised.
“Well, now you know who you can go to the Jingle Ball with” she stated matter of factly causing your eyes to widen as you gaped at her.
“Hermione, I love you but have you gone mad? Me and Draco? I don’t think so” you denied but there was still the lingering feeling of hope deep down in your stomach that you tried with all your might to suppress.
“Well he obviously has a thing for you, and I mean he’s not too bad to look at”
“Shove off”
You had been actively avoiding Draco ever since the Hogsmeade trip, something about the entire ordeal just felt weird to you, why was he all of a sudden so bold about his apparent feelings towards you when a couple of weeks ago he wouldn’t even look your way.
But it seemed your luck had run out since he now stood in front of you, hand outstretched as he leaned it against the stone wall preventing you from continuing your way to your Transfigurations class.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something” Draco breathed out. He was getting desperate, it was unbearable, the teasing he’d been receiving from his friends once they’d noticed he wasn’t making any progress with you, and he knew if he didn’t do something soon he was going to lose the bet.
“Well can it wait? I need to get to class” you huffed watching as he pushed himself off the wall to come and stand in front of you, causing your body to turn with him, your back eventually colliding with the wall behind you.
“I was wondering” Draco smirked placing a hand next to your head as he leaned in closer towards you, you now only realizing how much taller he was then you as you found yourself craning your neck upwards to meet his eyes.
“Would you like to be my date for the Jingle Ball” the words made your stomach flip and you felt the sudden urge to let out a squeal, but you somehow managed to keep yourself together, taking in a deep breath before you took a step forward his hand slipping from the wall your faces mere centimeters from each other.
“No” you stated watching as his eyes went wide, clearly, he wasn’t anticipating that answer.
“If you want me to even consider going out with you after all the shit you’ve done over the years, you’re going to have to work for it.”
He watched your ascending figure before you fully left his sight and when you did he angrily kicked the wall cursing underneath his breath, he was used to getting everything and anything he ever wanted without as much as a snap of his finger so this was something he wasn’t used too.
The stakes were high, his entire reputation was on the line and he did not intend to give Blaise the satisfaction of being right or his housemates a reason to tease him for what would probably be the rest of his life.
All the girls at this school would practically fall at his feet, why couldn’t you be like those girls? Make this easy for him, not once in his life had Draco Malfoy had a real challenge when it came to girls but now it seemed the tables had turned, he was going to play your game and he was going to win.
It was now the day of the Slytherin versus Gryffindor quidditch game. You, Harry and Hermione, were all sat in the Great Hall watching as Ron entered in his Quidditch gear, helmet, and everything.
You had yet to tell Hermione about Draco asking you to the ball since you didn’t really know how you felt about it yourself and also because he probably wouldn’t be asking you out again, you having let him down quite harshly.
You glared over at the Slytherin table once you heard them beginning to yell things along the lines of ‘Ron you’re a loser’, ‘he doesn’t stand a chance’ and ‘nice hat Weasley’.
“Ignore them, Ron, I know you’ll do great” you reassuringly smiled up at your friend as he took a seat opposite you, his face contorted in worry as he looked over at the Slytherin table who continued to laugh at him.
“Yeah, thanks” he gulped once he turned back to face you, this had to have been the first time you’d ever seen Ron leave his food untouched.
“You look dreadful Ron” Luna’s voice could be heard from the other end of the table, your eyes widening as you looked over at her, “Is that why you put something in his drink” she finished, the last part of her sentence directed at Harry.
You looked over at the boy sat next to you and faintly managed to see a glimmer of light before it disappeared fully into his pocket.
“Liquid Luck?” Hermione sounded from opposite you and you finally managed to put two and two together.
“Are you mental Harry? You’ll get in so much trouble if you’re caught” your eyes widened as you watched him pass Ron the cup of pumpkin juice he’d poured his one vile of Liquid Luck into moments ago, well according to Luna at least.
“Don’t drink it Ron” Hermione scolded, before you both gasped as you watched Ron without a moment’s thought chug the remaining juice in his cup.
You watched intently as his frown was turned upside down and he slammed the cup back onto the table, a sly smirk now playing on his lips.
“You could be expelled for that” Hermione pointed out glaring at Harry who innocently smiled at her before shrugging and stating that he had no idea what she was talking about.
“Come on Harry we’ve got a game to win” Ron’s sudden aura of confidence was radiating off of him as he quickly pushed himself away from the table and began exiting the Great Hall.
“We’ll see you guys there?” Harry questioned as he looked between the two of you also beginning to stand up.
“We wouldn’t miss it” Hermione assured him as you both watched him awkwardly wave before he turned to follow Ron.
“This is going to be interesting”
Loud screams and chants began filling your ears as you watched the two teams make their way out onto the Quidditch pitch, you and Hermione quickly joined in beginning to clap and cheer as you made eye contact with Ron who looked as ready as ever.
A particular blond seemed to have caught your eye since before you knew it Madame Hooch was announcing the start of the game causing you to snap out of your trance, when you looked back at Draco he was already smirking up at you making you quickly look away as your cheeks turned bright red, pulling your Gryffindor patterned scarf up over your face in hopes that he wouldn’t notice the crimson colour.
“Seekers shake hands!” you watched as Harry and Draco walked up to each other clasping each other’s arms before Draco retorted something in Harry’s direction causing him to quickly pull his hand away from his the game now officially beginning.
It had been almost an hour now and so far Gryffindor was in the lead the score being 23-45. You were beginning to think you’d lost your voice but nevertheless you still raised your hands high in the air and cheered Harry on as he dove towards the snitch with Draco hot on his heels.
You anxiously began biting your nails as the two continuously bumped into each other both their arms outstretched as they neared the golden object.
“Come on Harry” you whispered the anticipation was killing you, but you didn’t have to wait much longer since the two boys suddenly crashed into each other sending them both flying off of their brooms and hurling towards the grass below.
You gasped as you stood up beginning to lean over the railing to get a better look at the two seekers who now both laid on the grass clutching their stomachs, but you widely smiled once you noticed a familiar shimmer coming from Harry’s hand.
“Yes!” you screamed as he carefully sat himself up raising the golden object up into the air for the rest of the stadium to see. Your happiness was quickly replaced with worry once you noticed the Slytherin boy laid next to Harry wasn’t moving.
“Is Malfoy okay?” you frantically shook Hermione as you pointed down at him but Hermione paid you no mind her eyes trained on Ron who was proudly raising his hands in the air as it was announced that Harry had caught the snitch.
Since everybody seemed to be too caught up with themselves you again leaned over the railing before screaming Draco’s name hoping it would at least capture the attention of someone from his team so they could help him.
You felt a wave of relieve wash over you as you watched his previously limp body turn over before he placed his hands on the grass pushing himself to sit up, the hand that wasn’t holding him up immediately going to rub his forehead.
He sent a glare Harry’s way before he grabbed his broom and began storming off the field his teammates following shortly after, for some odd reason you began to feel bad for him as you watched the disapproved glances from his fellow Slytherin’s being thrown his way but you decided to push the feeling away joining in on the celebration of your house.
Once you arrived at the Gryffindor common room a celebration had quickly ensued the hollering of Ron’s last name began sounding all around the room as you began clapping in rhythm to all of their chants, you and Hermione watching as Ron got pushed in the middle of the crowd.
Before you knew it a girl you didn’t know the name of had wrapped her arms around his neck, harshly pulling him down to meet her lips, you gasped as you faintly remembered a conversation between you and Hermione where she’d admitted to harboring a crush on the ginger boy.
You quickly turned to see Hermione pushing her way through the crowd and out of the common room. You began following her but quickly lost sight of her as you tried your best to squeeze through the teenagers who had now begun lifting Ron into the air.
“Hermione!” you called out but it was impossible to hear anything over the celebrations so you gave up on calling out to her simply resorting to pushing the students that stood in your way.
Once you finally managed to reach the door that led out into the hallway you frantically pushed it open beginning to search the corridors for your best friend.
When you rounded a particular corner, you came crashing into a much taller figure then yourself sending you flying towards the ground at the impact.
“Watch where you’re goin-“ the familiar voice of Draco Malfoy sounded from above you but stopped once he made eye contact with you. “Y/L/N?” he questioned before reaching his hand out to you which you accepted letting him pull you back up onto your feet.
“What are you doing out here, shouldn’t you be celebrating?” there was a defiant malice to his tone as he scowled in the direction of your common room where chants could still be faintly heard.
“I could ask you the same thing Malfoy” you raised an eyebrow since you weren’t anywhere near the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was.
“Just needed some air, some people aren’t exactly thrilled with the outcome of today’s game” Draco shrugged causing your stomach to drop slightly at his obvious disappointment. He sat himself down on a bench a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he let his head fall back onto the wall.
You slowly sat down next to him carefully contemplating your next words. “Not that it would mean anything to you but I thought you were really good” you tried to comfort him as you watched a faint smile appear on his lips before he turned his head towards you.
You didn’t realize just how close you were to each other until his eyes quickly looked down to your lips and back into your eyes. You suddenly remembered why you were out here in the first place, your thoughts traveling back to Hermione who had disappeared only moments ago.
“I’m sorry but I really need to go, uh- I’ll uh see you in class” you excused yourself before standing up and continuing your search for your best friend, but a hand wrapping around your wrist stopped you dead in your tracks as you were turned back around.
Your eyes slowly travelled up from Draco’s tight grip on you and back into his icy grey eyes. You carried a confused glance on your face which Draco seemed to notice since he quickly let go of your wrist.
“Thank you” is all he said before he swiftly turned back around and began walking down the corridor, disappearing out of sight.
next part
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years ago
Give her the life I never had; Harry Potter x child reader
*Author’s note*
So this came from my Wattpad requests and this is my first Harry potter (character not fandom) fic that I have written so I hope I didn’t mess this up for any hardcore Potterheads out there.  So this takes place during the Battle at Hogwarts so expect some death and violence involved, other than that not really much anything really. I know it’s been awhile since my last update but I hope to pick up the pace and post up some more stuff and then HOPEFULLY open up requests here since I know you all have been waiting patiently for that.
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It was finally over. All of it.  Voldemort was now dead, the Death eaters defeated, and now the Elder wand was destroyed and lost to the sea.  I looked towards the ruins of Hogwarts knowing that the stone and walls can be rebuilt, some of our friends would be able to heal their physical wounds, however some mental wounds won’t.
The Weasleys they’ll always have to live with Fred’s death for the rest of their life and grieve over the fact he’ll never come back, especially George.  I had seen just how close their brotherly bond was, even when they had nothing they had each other, now George was gonna have to make do on his own, if he could.
And Hermione, while she doesn’t want us to know I had a feeling at what she had done to protect her muggle parents, thankfully with her and Ron seeming to repair their growing relationship, I know the Weasley’s will welcomingly be the family she needs now more than ever.
As I walked along the school grounds that’s when I came across (Y/n) getting looked over by one of the healers.  When she looked towards me, she gently smiled and I smiled softly back at her thinking back on how I found her in all this chaos.
The battle was pure hell.  Spells and curses being blasted, bodies dropping like flies, and rubble from the school walls crumbling down as repercussions from the spells firing out.
I had pushed back a Death Eater with an Stupefy spell which sent him flying all the way across the Great Hall.  Another death eater soon came right at me but I quickly disposed of his wand first before giving him the paralyzing spell.
That’s when I heard it.  The sound of a young girl crying.  I quickly ran around the corridor and saw just down the stairs where I once found the Mirror of Erised, a young girl around maybe her 1-2nd year hovering over an older girl who looked almost like her but had longer hair.  The young girl with shorter hair was weeping hysterically as she kept crying.
“Liz? Lizzie. Get up sis. Oh please get up.” From the pale skin and the soulless eyes that Lizzie had, I knew immediately she had been hit with the Killing curse. Cautiously I walked over to her and said.
“Are you alright?” the young girl looked up at me and she sniffled.
“Yes. But my sister she—she won’t wake up yet her eyes are open.” Knowing how I hadn’t learned of the 3 unforgiving curses until my 4th year at Hogwarts, she must’ve not known what exactly happened to her sister.
“What’s your name?”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n).”
“Well (Y/n), I…….I’m afraid to tell you this but……..your sister’s—she’s dead.”
“What? No but….if she were dead her eyes would be shut, the spell that hit her just made her collapse. Like the paralysis spell.”
“But it wasn’t a blue light that hit her, was it?” she looked back down at her sister and touched her cheek.  “I’m afraid it was the most dangerous of all unforgiving curses. The Killing Curse.” She sniffled and hugged her sister’s corpse and choked out.
“But—she was…..she’s all I have left!” I looked around and two more Death eaters spotted us.
“Get behind me.” I urged (Y/n).  Without question she got behind me and I held out my wand and as they charged toward us I called out, “Stupefy!” which sent one Death eater flying backwards but then I felt a shock to my hand which sent my wand flying towards the second Death eater’s hand.  She sneered at me but then a voice exclaimed.
“Petrificus Totalus!” the female Death eater soon went stiff and fell to the ground.  I turned and saw that it was (Y/n) who had casted the curse.  I ran over and took my wand back from the witch and told her.
“Come on. We can’t stay here.” She took one last look at her sister.  I knew she was hesitant to leave her but if she remained here, she’d be a sitting duck.  “Your sister would want you safe (Y/n).” she turned to me and nodded before taking my hand and we raced out of the hallway.
Together the two of us worked together to fend off the oncoming Death Eaters, but one Death eater used an Inferno spell which burnt (Y/n)’s arm pretty bad.  I shielded her from the next oncoming Inferno attack but the heat of the flames was almost too strong for me to hold back.  That’s when a wave of water came and extinguished the flames and the Death Eater was flown backwards till his back hit a column and he collapsed dead.
We turned and there stood Professor McGonagall.
“Harry, Ms. (L/n) are you both alright?”
“I am, (Y/n) however got burnt on her arm.” She walked up to us and she examined (Y/n)’s arm. She let out a painful hiss and the Professor said.
“I’ll take care of her from here Potter.”
“Thank you Professor.” Just as I was about to leave, I felt a hand grab the sleeve of my shirt and I saw that it was (Y/n).
“Thank you, Harry Potter.” I smiled down at her and nodded to her.  She released my sleeve and I ran off to finally end this once and for all.
I walked over to her just as the healer cleared her off and moved onto the next student that needed medical treatment.  I sat down beside her and asked her.
“How are you doing (Y/n)?”
“Shaky but—alive.” She softly scoffed.  “But at what cost? My sister’s dead. She was the only family I had left. Now the ministry will probably put me in the Magic for Orphans facility, and with me almost being a teenager, no one will want me.”
I was probably the only one who knew what she must be going through.  Even though we were orphaned in different circumstances, we still lost our loved ones to Voldemort.  Now I must be crazy because I had no clear idea of what to do next but what I did know was that I couldn’t leave (Y/n) alone anymore.
“What if—” I started off by saying.  “What if you…had someone to look after you?”
“But, but Harry I—I have no other living relatives. It’s always just been me and my sister since our parents died three years ago at the Quidditch world cup.”
“I know, but what if there was someone who wanted to help you out. Give you a home so that you wouldn’t have to suffer any potential abuse or neglect.”
“And just who would that person be?” I sighed softly before telling her.
“You’re looking at him.” Her eyes softly widened before she let out a soft gasp.
“But-but why? I mean no offense Harry but…..why would you want to help me out?”
“Let’s just say, from one orphan to another I know how lonely it can be. I had no clue about the magic world till I was just your age, and though I may not know how the Ministry of Magic deals with orphaned wizards, I do know a thing or two about living in terrible conditions. I lived practically my whole childhood in a tiny hall closet in my aunt and uncle’s place. And I wouldn’t want you to potentially go through that type of abuse in a stranger’s home.”
(Y/n) was silent for a moment, taking in what I just said.  Weighing out her options before thinking about what answer she would give me.
“If not I’ll understand, I’ll check in whenever I can. But just know you won’t go through the rest of your life alone.” She looked up at me.  Her eyes that were once filled with tears, but now filled with courage and strength as she said.
“If it won’t be too much trouble with you, I’ll go with you.” I softly smiled at her and told her taking notice of her robes.
“Spoken like a true Gryffindor.”
After that, the Weasley family, Hermione, myself and (Y/n) returned to the Weasley’s old home the Burrow and decided to rebuild it, a symbol as a fresh start to all our lives after this whole war.
We also had a memorial service for both Fred and (Y/n)’s older sister, each of us speaking for both Fred and (Y/n)’s sister before finally burying them and summoning a beautiful garden around them of their favorite flowers and plants.
As the sun was starting to set I saw (Y/n) still standing over her sister’s grave.  I walked out to her and said.
“Mrs. Weasley’s prepared supper for all of us. She says you best come in before it’s all gone.” (Y/n) remained silent.  I softly sighed and without another word I just stood there beside her.  She may not want to talk, but she should at least know that someone was there when she was ready.
“I—never thought I’d have to face this world without her. Even through our fights, especially after mom and dad died, she was always there for me. She especially liked to tease me about my crush on Joey Matarazzo, saying we’d get married one day and have kids of our own. Now she won’t ever see me grow up, or achieve any dreams I’ll have for the future.”
“Let me tell you something my Godfather once told me. He told me that the ones that love us never really leave us. And we can always find them, in here.” I pointed to her heart.
She looked up at me and finally for the first time I saw a true, genuine smile.  She came closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist and rested her head against my ribs.  I wrapped an arm around her and we stood there for a few more minutes before walking back inside the Burrow to join the Weasley’s for dinner.
*FF 19 years later.*
It was like any other year, but this time it was my second son’s first time doing this.  I could already see from the look on his face that he looked anxious about his first year going as we came up to platform 9¾.
“Together.” I assured him as we took hold of his cart and we both ran straight through the brick wall and found ourselves right by the Hogwarts Express.  As we walked closer to the train, we soon found Ron and Hermione with their kids, I spotted Draco and his wife and son bidding their goodbyes.  He and I looked at each other, neither of us speaking a word but he gave me a point nod, and I nodded back to him.
“I was beginning to think I’d have to write my own brothers up for detention already.” A female voice soon spoke up and coming right towards us was (Y/n), all grown up and in her Professor robes.
Since the battle she continued on her Hogwarts education and excelled in both Magical creature knowledge and potions making.  By the time she was in her 4th year at Hogwarts, Ginny and I had agreed to legally adopt her as our own child and she was beyond thrilled at the news.  After graduating, she worked with me at the Ministry of Magic to focus on potion brewery before enrolling to be the next Potions Professor and this would be her second year teaching that class.
I’m told she’s kind but firm when it comes to students goofing off in that class, but she is always there to make sure no student messes up a potion and causes injuries either to themselves or others.
“Not in the slight.” I assured her.
“Good. I would hate to have to write them up to Headmaster McGonagall.” She told me.  She looked down at her brothers and asked them, “So boys, you ready?”
“Oh yeah!” exclaimed James while Albus was more reserved and didn’t really say anything. Instead he walked away and sat down with his arms hugging his legs close to him.  (Y/n) and I looked at each other and I told her to get James onto the train as well as herself while I talked to James.  She nodded and guided James as well as his things over to the train while I walked over to Albus and knelt down beside him.
“Dad,” he spoke. “What if I am put in Slytherin?”
“Albus Severus Potter. You were named after two Headmasters of Hogwarts. And one of them was a Slytherin. And he was the bravest man I had ever known. But if it means to you, you can choose Gryffindor. The sorting hat does take that into consideration.”
“Really?” I nodded. “But how would you feel? If I was sorted into Slytherin?”
“Then Slytherin will have gained the best wizard they could ask for.” He smiled and embraced me and I hugged him back.  “Now come on, off you go.” We then walked towards the train and Albus got himself situated inside with his brother and Ron and Hermione’s kids, and riding alongside them to keep an eye on them to Hogwarts was (Y/n).
As I stood by my friends and we watched the train leave the station, waving goodbye to our kids I couldn’t help but feel like we had done it.  The war ended almost 2 decades ago and now our children can learn magic in a better world, a world without Death Eaters, a world without darkness and death, a world without a Dark Lord.
A peaceful time in our world.
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 4 years ago
Hey! I love your meta’s, a little while ago you talked about The Order of the Phoenix as an organization could you talk about the Death Eaters?
The post anon is referencing.
TL;DR the Order is incompetently hilarious and Dumbledore is a man who trusts no one.
Oh, the Death Eaters, what to say about the Death Eaters...
In a World Without Voldemort, They'd Probably Be Arsonists
One of the things JKR implies in the series, and something fandom seems to take for granted, is that Tom Riddle is the ultimate corrupting influence.
Were it not for him, the Wizarding World would be a much better place, and people like Bellatrix LeStrange would be productive members of society.
As soon as he is killed, even, by Harry, the good guys win, their problems all presumably solved, and Harry tells his son Albus Severus that it's totally fine if he's put into Slytherin.
I don't believe that though.
To me, it's not so much that Tom Riddle corrupted these people, but that he gave them an organized cause. The people themselves, oh, they were itching for a fight.
In a world without Tom I think they'd be a loosely, poorly organized, group (probably with Bellatrix as the ring leader) where they commit acts of domestic terrorism probably involving burning offensive shops to the ground or attacking muggleborns, halfbloods, and blood traitors.
Voldemort, to me, is designed to pander to them (and not the other way around).
The Death Eaters' Beginnings
So, first off, I think Tom's goals are not what he says they are. What he represents to his followers is exactly what they want to hear, wrapped in a grandiose theatric bow that they just love.
But how did this all start?
First, I don't believe in the Knights of Walpurgis. Instead I think Tom came relatively out of nowhere in the 70's uses parseltongue to prove his heritage as the Heir of Slytherin and thus of purer blood than any of them.
He throws these exciting rallies/parties that the rebellious, angsty, teenage heirs all go to. There he says everything they wanted to hear in the most eloquent manner they've ever heard, promises them the action that their fathers have never delivered, promises them a role in the glorious revolution and a place in history, and probably offers them mounds of cocaine.
All the Death Eaters we see, or the core of them, appear to be in this age range where they'd be in Hogwarts or just out of it when Voldemort came knocking. I can imagine they're all whipped up with excitement, YEAH LET'S BLOW UP THE MUDBLOODS and for some that's great, for others... things don't go the way they expected.
October 31, 1981: It All Falls Apart
Regulus famously steals Tom's horcrux. I imagine it wasn't so much that he learned the error of his ways but that he saw what Tom Riddle was really after: the destruction of his very society.
Lucius is riding high until October 31, 1981 and he sees the complete destruction of the entire Black family. Lucius' priorities greatly shift and as he grows older he prays Voldemort never returns. Unfortunately, Tom does, and he charges interest.
Bellatrix absolutely loses her mind, refuses to accept reality, and tries to torture the Longbottoms for information they do not possess. She is imprisoned in Azkaban and never truly recovers from this.
Snape ends up the cause of death for Lily Evans and must forever live with the guilt and be tied to her prophesied son. He also becomes Dumbledore's lackey forever, which ultimately gets him killed.
Point being, no one's having a good time. Some because they figure out being a Death Eater wasn't all it was cracked up to be, and others because they had the Voldemort rug pulled out from under their feet when Tom Riddle disappears.
Pettigrew flees and lives as the Weasley rat for nearly fifteen years.
They're left making a mad scramble as they try to pick up the pieces of their lives.
Canon Catches Up
More than ten years go by and then suddenly, in a muggle graveyard, the surviving Death Eaters discover that they are bound to Voldemort for the rest of their lives.
Death cannot stop this man and he has branded them: there's no escape.
Some are still enthusiastic supporters of the cause: Bellatrix is vindicated that her lord has returned, he rescues her from hell on earth, and everything's finally coming up Bella. Barty is similar in actively working for Voldemort's resurrection.
Lucius, meanwhile, lives in constant terror. Karkaroff desperately flees the country and hopes Tom will not find him. Snape, is in fact, Dumbledore's agent. Pettigrew only returned in utter desperation and has now cut off his own hand.
They're not the young men they were, some of them have families, to some of the past ten years have been utterly miserable. They have to watch as their children make the same damn mistakes they did, be sucked into this same hell hole, and there's nothing they can do about it.
There is a notable reluctance for the cause, and yet, they have to try with the same vigor or this madman will kill them all.
And it's all worthless anyway: come 1998, Voldemort dies again (perhaps for real this time, who knows, Harry Potter seems to think so for whatever reason) and then they are imprisoned for their acts as Death Eaters.
And they just laugh, because how badly Lucius wishes he could go back in time and tell his eighteen-year-old self, "YOU DUMB FUCK, LEAVE NOW!"
But Do They Learn Anything?
Just because we see some of them regret being Death Eaters doesn't mean they regret their beliefs. Their beliefs were fine, even blowing up people here and there, a bit gauche but fine.
But maybe following Voldemort blindly was a bad idea.
Are They More Competent Than the Order?
Tom Riddle is terrifyingly competent in that he infiltrates the government with ease, has spies everywhere, and all but proclaims himself minister one day and nobody blinks.
He gains the full support of most of the wizarding world's wealthiest and prestigious families.
But he doesn't actually give these people anything to do. Because there's nothing for them to do, with them, Tom's won. He owns the Wizengamot, the Ministry, everything.
There's no need to fight. It's over, there never was a war. Society is primed to accept Tom Riddle as their ruler.
However, the likes of Bellatrix LeStrange thinks there's a glorious war on, so "uh, go out and blow up a few muggles, have fun." And the young Death Eaters (and the older ones), think they've committed this great, daring, brave, and very important act.
Tom only seems to hand out real assignments when in desperate straits or else when being particularly vindictive.
Lucius, after messing up with the diary, is told to retrieve a prophecy he is not allowed to touch in a department of the ministry he should have no access to. If he fails: Tom kills his entire family. When Lucius does fail, Tom assigns his son to assassinate an already dying Dumbledore. These aren't real tasks, though they do have the appearance of one, and consequences for failure.
Barty, Tom is forced to rely on, as he is trapped in this dying infant's body. And better Barty, someone who is truly loyal and seems fairly clever, than Peter Pettigrew who is a miserable scum bag who'd sell his grandmother for a bar of soap.
Barty, of course, fucks this up. Rather than just kidnap Harry Potter at any of the many easy points this could be done (Hogsmeade trip, lure Harry out to Hogsmeade with super secret serial information about Voldemort/Snape being a Death Eater, etc.), Barty is determined to make use of the Triwizard Tournament to destroy his father's legacy.
This means rather than a few weeks, it takes months to kidnap Harry, and even then they bring along an extra boy who then gets killed and provides some evidence that Tom Riddle has in fact returned. (Somebody murdered Cedric). It takes months and Barty actively ensuring Harry makes it through the tournament and does well, leaving open the possibility that he might get caught helping Harry cheat at any moment. And of course, Barty has to pretend to be Madeye Moody for months, keeping his man locked and drugged in his trunk.
Thankfully, Moody's such a paranoid wreck, no one even notices.
Quirrell, Tom is forced to rely on. Quirrell fucks up, though admittedly not as badly as Barty. Quirrell fails to steal the stone when it's in transit/in Gringotts. He fails to murder Harry Potter, an eleven year old boy in the world's most dangerous school. He rouses Snape's suspicion almost immediately. Then of course he doesn't get the stone. He at least gets to the room with the stone and nearly overpowers Harry and gets it had he not been mysteriously lit on fire by the power of love/Lily Evans.
The only one Tom ever really relies on by choice is Snape. Snape is charged with spying on Dumbledore and later running Hogwarts (which he fucks up).
There is only one competent man in Britain: Severus Snape. Which is, of course, why he's a double agent that Dumbledore and Tom both extensively rely on despite his being a double agent.
There's no one else.
Tom Riddle doesn't make use of the Death Eaters but given they prove themselves enthusiastically incompetent at every turn I don't blame him. Just pretend to give them something to do and hope it makes them feel important.
That's all I've got in general, you want anything else you'll have to ask for something more specific.
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pet-genius · 4 years ago
The Death Eaters as a Cult - Part 1
This is a very lightly edited old Reddit post, that I'll publish in parts because the whole thing is like 7000 words. Analyzing Voldemort, the DE and their dynamics, Dumbledore and Harry in comparison, and individual Death Eaters. Hope you like it!
Some say Voldemort is a cartoon villain, or wizard Hitler. I think he is very realistic, and that the focus on his political aspirations ignores interesting aspects of him. I cannot prove that JKR had cults in mind when she wrote Voldemort and his followers, but this is how I read them. It’s nearly impossible to define a cult, so, for the purpose hereof, I’m going with “a group dedicated to the worship of a person”. Many cult leaders in real life present themselves merely as “god’s voice” or “the messiah”, but Voldemort specifically didn’t bother to hide behind a power higher than himself.
Tom Riddle comes from humble beginnings, like many cult leaders - he’s raised in an orphanage. He already has delusions of grandeur, only in this case they’re not delusions, because he really is magic, which makes it all the more dangerous. Look how he reacted to discovering he was a wizard, and how Harry did.
Immediately following the revelation that Lily and James did not die in a car crash, and that Harry is famous, and that he survived an attempt at his life by the worst wizard in history:
Hagrid looked at Harry with warmth and respect blazing in his eyes, but Harry, instead of feeling pleased and proud, felt quite sure there had been a horrible mistake. A wizard? Him? How could he possibly be? He’d spent his life being clouted by Dudley, and bullied by Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon; if he was really a wizard, why hadn’t they been turned into warty toads every time they’d tried to lock him in his cupboard? If he’d once defeated the greatest sorcerer in the world, how come Dudley had always been able to kick him around like a football?
“Hagrid,” he said quietly, “I think you must have made a mistake. I don’t think I can be a wizard.”
Heart-breaking. Harry doesn’t believe he can be special, he blames himself for the way he’s treated.
This is Tom Riddle:
“I know that you are not mad. Hogwarts is not a school for mad people. It is a school of magic.”
There was silence. Riddle had frozen, his face expressionless, but his eyes were flickering back and forth between each of Dumbledore’s, as though trying to catch one of them lying. “Magic?” he repeated in a whisper.
“That’s right,” said Dumbledore.
“It’s... it’s magic, what I can do?”
“What is it that you can do?”
“All sorts,” breathed Riddle. A flush of excitement was rising up his neck into his hollow cheeks; he looked fevered. “I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want them to do, without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who annoy me. I can make them hurt if I want to.”
His legs were trembling. He stumbled forward and sat down on the bed again, staring at his hands, his head bowed as though in prayer.
“I knew I was different,” he whispered to his own quivering fingers. “I knew I was special. Always, I knew there was something.”
His megalomania and violent nature are already apparent, as is his preternatural control of his magic. It also hints at rudimentary legilimency.
Dumbledore spells out that young Tom Riddle equated magic with immortality and liked to collect trophies, and that Tom Riddle liked being special, as he resents the name Tom for being too common; he already lives behind a mask and only shows his true face in shock. This, and not Dumbledore’s magical prowess, is what always scared Tom. Voldemort knew Dumbledore knew what he was. That was the only tactical advantage Dumbledore had.
It’s also one of JKR’s strokes of brilliance: Dumbledore saw Tom for what Tom was, and others never did until it was too late, not because he was that clever, but because he knew from experience. Dumbledore had allowed himself to fall for a charismatic but heartless man before, and it took Ariana dying to slap him awake. Dumbledore knows good people can be led astray: It happened to him. It has nothing to do with intelligence or “goodness”. Gellert was able to give Albus exactly what Albus lacked, stuck at home taking care of Ariana: the promise of freedom and a bright future, and the companionship of an equal. Albus fell for it, despite warning signs that should have been obvious.
Later, we know Tom is chosen by a wand of yew and phoenix feather. Both yew and phoenix are associated with immortality; yew trees are very long-lived. Compare this to Harry’s wand, holly and phoenix feather: both these characters will experience death and rebirth, except Tom Riddle’s wand tree is yew, and Harry’s is holly.
From Wikipedia: “The Christian church commonly found it expedient to take over existing pre-Christian sacred sites for churches. It has also been suggested that yews were planted at religious sites as their long life was suggestive of eternity, or because, being toxic when ingested, they were seen as trees of death.” Also from Wikipedia: “Christians have identified a wealth of symbolism in the holly tree’s form. The sharpness of the leaves help to recall the crown of thorns worn by Jesus; the red berries serve as a reminder of the drops of blood that were shed for salvation; and the shape of the leaves, which resemble flames, can serve to reveal God's burning love for His people.”
The two orphans’ wildly different views of death are also apparent in their wand trees. Voldemort will murder to attain his goals; Harry will sacrifice himself. That the phoenix feather came from Fawkes is also meaningful - Dumbledore taught both magic in some capacity, but he never could defeat Voldemort, because they’re too alike. One of Harry’s advantages in this battle is the integrity of his soul, which cannot be compromised.
Next, Tom Riddle is sorted into Slytherin. For a child who is already prone to megalomania, the house values bring out the worst in him, and under Slughorn, he grows into a manipulative, cunning, ruthless young man. I’m not blaming Horace for Tom being a psychopath, but some of the particular ways his psychopathy manifested in seem to have been directly due to Slughorn’s influence. Slughorn is a blood-supremacist, who was convinced Tom must come from fine stock. Slughorn tests drinks for poison using house elves; Tom Riddle tests the effectiveness of his Horcrux’s protection on Kreacher. Slughorn emphasizes the importance of connections and outright praises Tom for knowing more than he needs to, and encourages an attitude of “it’s only wrong if you get caught.” But Slughorn, prejudiced and cunning as he is, is not violent - he is academically curious about Horcruxes, but he finds them repugnant. Tom’s heart is not so faint - at the point of asking Slughorn about Horcruxes, the diary is already a horcrux, and Tom has already murdered his father. This is how Dumbledore describes Tom’s original gang, who were the proto-Death Eaters:
As he moved up the school, he gathered about him a group of dedicated friends; I call them that, for want of a better term, although as I have already indicated, Riddle undoubtedly felt no affection for any of them. This group had a kind of dark glamour within the castle. They were a motley collection; a mixture of the weak seeking protection, the ambitious seeking some shared glory, and the thuggish gravitating toward a leader who could show them more refined forms of cruelty. In other words, they were the forerunners of the Death Eaters, and indeed some of them became the first Death Eaters after leaving Hogwarts. Rigidly controlled by Riddle, they were never detected in open wrongdoing, although their seven years at Hogwarts were marked by a number of nasty incidents to which they were never satisfactorily linked, the most serious of which was, of course, the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, which resulted in the death of a girl. As you know, Hagrid was wrongly accused of that crime.
Dumbledore explains what motivated people to join Tom: some were afraid, some ambitious, some cruel. He controlled his so-called friends, and already started framing others for his own crimes (Hagrid’s framing was followed by Morfin’s and Hokey the house elf’s).
This is followed by Tom’s attempt to become a teacher (Dumbledore spells out his motivations: He is attached to the school, he wants to study its magic, and he already wants to build himself an army). He is denied, oddly chooses to work for Borgin and Burkes, a choice fueled by the desire to trace down more items to make into Horcruxes. Through the memory of the meeting with Heptzibah Smith, we see that Tom was definitely charming when he needed to be, and knew how to make people feel good. He did not use magic to trick her into showing him her precious locket and cup: he used muggle manipulation - flattery, making an old and forlorn lady feel valuable, perhaps even flirting with her (she’s certainly flirting with him). He was pleasant enough that Ms. Smith eagerly looked forward to his visits - but as she showed him her treasures, he was caught off guard by hearing about his mother and how she sold the locket, and she saw him for what he was, although she quickly fell into denial. Sadly, she was murdered two days later.
Why rely on Horcruxes to gain immortality? Tom must have known about Nicholas Flamel and the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Horcruxes require someone else to perform the resurrection ritual. Either making the Stone is so hard that it would deter Tom (unlikely), or he already expected to rely on followers who would find him and revive him - he certainly seems to have expected his followers to have searched for him earlier. Maybe Horcruxes were appealing because they require murder. In any case, this is followed by the memory of Tom asking Dumbledore for the DADA job again, a decade later. Tom has spent a decade gathering followers, and he has already changed his name to Lord Voldemort. This is reminiscent of real life cult leader David Koresh, and the leaders of the Children of God, Aum Shinrikyo, etc. The meeting between Voldemort and Albus is interesting, because it’s clear that Dumbledore had tried to teach Tom about the power of love:
“The old argument,” he said softly. “But nothing I have seen in the world has supported your famous pronouncements that love is more powerful than my kind of magic, Dumbledore.”
“Perhaps you have been looking in the wrong places,” suggested Dumbledore.
This did not help. Tom never learned - how could he? At 16, he was already a murderer - who could love him now for who he was? He could never be truly loved, and he could never truly love another, and he underestimated the power of love for his entire life, leading to his downfall - twice (were that it was so simple in real life).
Voldemort is trying to obfuscate the nature of the relationship, like all cults - they never admit this is what they are.
“I am glad to hear that you consider them friends,” said Dumbledore. “I was under the impression that they are more in the order of servants.”
“You are mistaken,” said Voldemort.
But LV can’t lie to Dumbledore, who changes the subject. He denies him the DADA job again, and the curse is placed on the job. LV’s ascent is due to begin in a few years. Hagrid tells the story:
Anyway, this — this wizard, about twenty years ago now, started lookin’ fer followers. Got ’em, too — some were afraid, some just wanted a bit o’ his power, ’cause he was gettin’ himself power, all right. Dark days, Harry. Didn’t know who ter trust, didn’t dare get friendly with strange wizards or witches...
Voldemort isn’t just interested in immortality. He wants complete control. He wants everyone fearing him - even fearing his name. He has people isolated and distrustful, fearing for their lives.
But we know his reign of terror was dreadful - what I’m interested in is the way he treated his own followers. We know little about how he treated them in the first war, but we do have what Sirius had to say about Regulus’s fate:
From what I found out after he died, he got in so far, then panicked about what he was being asked to do and tried to back out. Well, you don’t just hand in your resignation to Voldemort. It’s a lifetime of service or death.
We know the real story of Regulus’s disappearance, and it’s different. Kreacher tells us that Regulus died in the Horcrux cave - but more telling is that Regulus forbade Kreacher from telling his parents what had happened to him. Why did he feel the need to do that? This suggests that Regulus knew LV destroyed traitors’ families, which is a tactic used in cults and other abusive dynamics. We know LV would leverage Draco’s welfare against Lucius for his failure in the Department of Mysteries, too. We know also that instead of going to Dumbledore, or to his own brother, Regulus chose death – unless he was really dumb, and I don’t think he was, he must have been manipulated into believing that was his only option, or his world made no sense after his faith had shattered. So many people never readjust to life outside the cult.
Voldemort “dies” about two years after that, having successfully recruited about 400 followers (“the death eaters outnumbered us the Order 20:1” - Lupin). We can’t say if all these people were genuine Death Eaters or people who had been Imperiused or otherwise coerced, or allies like Narcissa, but that coercion is used to recruit shows that Voldemort did not take his own followers’ ambitions and wishes into account. People who use outright coercion don't suddenly draw the line at manipulation.
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metvmorqhoses · 3 years ago
i have a headcannon that voldemort never really “punishes” bella when she does something wrong, but his punishments to other death eaters are way way worse & so she’s obligated to act as if vold has given her a worse punishment than he actually has. not that she does a lot of things wrong as his “most faithful” though. i’m talking about the occasional slip up like the department of mysteries thing. had that been someone else, he probably would’ve harmed them more, let alone wouldn’t save then from some witch statue holding them down.
this is very true, anon. so true, in fact, i actually consider this much more a canon fact than mere speculation.
sorry if this is very long, but for every thousand of anti-bellamort idiots there must be a very precise bellamort’s defense attorney lol
correct me if i am wrong, but to my knowledge not once in the books a physical punishment coming from voldemort is ever mentioned in relation to bellatrix - and even if, let's be real, after his "rebirth" she became involved in literally the majority of the most crucial errors, the worst happenings ever, that ultimately brought to no less than his very downfall.
and yet, still, she came out of it all not only unscathed, but treated very specially.
even to a lazy reader, this should at least come across as peculiar.
let’s take the primary example of what i am saying, the battle of the department of mysteries.
just freed from azkaban and after being showered in honors and recognition, the first pivotal mission bellatrix was entrusted with was a damning fiasco.
true, it was not entirely her fault, lucius was in fact “in charge” of it, but let’s be real, do you really think voldemort sent his literal general with that malfoy dandy, his pupil, his most trusted and powerful lieutenant, just for company? just as a henchman? as i have always interpreted it, bellatrix was there to keep an eye on lucius, whose silver tongue was famously more apt to political plotting than to field missions.
voldemort wasn’t trusting lucius with the prophecy that had literally already meant almost death to him once, it would have been madness to. you can say anything about voldemort, but certainly not that he was an idiot.
i actually don’t think he ever trusted lucius at all. lucius had renounced him after his fall and didn’t manage to paint the fact as pragmatically as snape did, the cowardly aftertaste of his betrayal blatant and thoroughly disgusting on voldemort’s tongue. lucius’ status, family name, relations and wealth were just very useful for the movement and likely the only things that kept him in the high ranks of the regime (or alive at all) even before the fiasco, along with his marriage to bellatrix’s sister.
i am positive voldemort was in fact trusting bella to see the prophecy retrieved.
he probably didn’t officially put her in charge because she was still recovering from azkaban and therefore not completely stable or/and already with child (even if i tend to exclude the latter option, since she would have been still entirely too weak for a pregnancy to even take).
still, she was the one with the highest military rank there, not to mention the highest degree of closeness to voldemort, so you can bet she was the one that bore also the highest degree of moral obligation in that delicate situation. and she failed.
knowing voldemort, you would have expected to see killing curses flying left and right. had bellatrix been literally anyone else, she could have easily returned home to a murdered family and a pending death penalty.
instead, you see a voldemort that walks into the ministry of magic. you see a voldemort that, even already knowing the prophecy lost forever, renounces his every advantage and reveals himself once again to the wizarding world, moreover having to fight at the same time his very nemesis (nemesis that the mission should have helped him understand better and therefore defeat), dumbledore (the greatest wizard alive besides him) and soon the entirety of the aurors of britain.
what was exactly the reason that compelled him to enter such a nest of vipers, when he had been unwilling to do so in secrecy and surely in a highest degree of safety before and to retrieve the prophecy himself? to kill harry potter?
the very reason of the mission tells us he wasn’t sure about what to do with his potter dilemma and had therefore decided to have a more cautious, academical approach regarding the matter. he wanted to know the whole prophecy before trying again. he was frustrated and puzzled about harry’s absurd invincibility and insolent luck. do you really think he had decided to go for the hardest battle of his life unprepared and with dumbledore present of all people (whom he didn’t even directly kill afterwards) and possibly hundreds more on the way?
had voldemort suddenly turned from cold strategist to hotheaded kamikaze?
the only plausible answer is that voldemort had purposefully entered the ministry, risking capture and possibly his very life (or at least his newly created body, since at this point the horcruxes are still intact and a secret) and not knowing what exactly was there waiting for him, as a rather valiant rescue attempt and quite an unexpected one too.
bellatrix herself just moments before had laughed at the absurdity of the possibility of voldemort ever entering the place in response to harry’s questioning:
“Get it himself?” shrieked Bellatrix on a cackle of mad laughter. “The Dark Lord, walk into the Ministry of Magic, when they are so sweetly ignoring his return? The Dark Lord, reveal himself to the Aurors, when at the moment they are wasting their time on my dear cousin?”
bellatrix herself believed it an impossible and ludicrous thought and yet, less than half an hour later and her life in jeopardy, there voldemort surely appeared.
you could speculate he wanted to save his most valuable, just freed death eaters and then couldn’t, but there’s no evidence of it in the chapter whatsoever. the only evidence points out to the fact he was focused only on saving bellatrix.
this is in fact what lucius tells his hunting party while harry and co are trying to escape the ambush:
Harry put his ear close to the door to listen and heard Lucius Malfoy roar: “Leave Nott, leave him, I say, the Dark Lord will not care for Nott’s injuries as much as losing that prophecy — Jugson, come back here, we need to organize! We’ll split into pairs and search, and don’t forget, be gentle with Potter until we’ve got the prophecy, you can kill the others if necessary — Bellatrix, Rodolphus, you take the left, Crabbe, Rabastan, go right — Jugson, Dolohov, the door straight ahead — Macnair and Avery, through here — Rookwood, over there — Mulciber, come with me!”
so, la crème de la crème of his high ranks is there and everyone is positive the only thing that voldemort would care about is the prophecy, even above captures and fatalities.
rabastan and rodolphus are also there and yet he doesn’t go for them.
he appeared when harry told bellatrix the prophecy was gone, specifically when bellatrix began to have a manic fit because of it, alone in the ministry’s atrium with harry.
“Potter, I am going to give you one chance!” shouted Bellatrix. “Give me the prophecy — roll it out toward me now — and I may spare your life!”
“Well, you’re going to have to kill me, because it’s gone!” Harry roared — and as he shouted it, pain seared across his forehead. His scar was on fire again, and he felt a surge of fury that was quite unconnected with his own rage.
“And he knows!” said Harry with a mad laugh to match Bellatrix’s own. “Your dear old mate Voldemort knows it’s gone! He’s not going to be happy with you, is he?”
“What? What do you mean?” she cried, and for the first time there was fear in her voice.
“The prophecy smashed when I was trying to get Neville up the steps! What do you think Voldemort’ll say about that, then?”
His scar seared and burned. . . . The pain of it was making his eyes stream. . . .
“LIAR!” she shrieked, but he could hear the terror behind the anger now. “YOU’VE GOT IT, POTTER, AND YOU WILL GIVE IT TO ME — Accio Prophecy! ACCIO PROPHECY !”
Harry laughed again because he knew it would incense her, the pain building in his head so badly he thought his skull might burst. He waved his empty hand from behind the one-eared goblin and withdrew it quickly as she sent another jet of green light flying at him. “Nothing there!” he shouted. “Nothing to summon! It smashed and nobody heard what it said, tell your boss that —”
“No!” she screamed. “It isn’t true, you’re lying — MASTER, I TRIED, I TRIED — DO NOT PUNISH ME —”
“Don’t waste your breath!” yelled Harry, his eyes screwed up against the pain in his scar, now more terrible than ever.
“He can’t hear you from here!”
“Can’t I, Potter?” said a high, cold voice.
specifically, he appears behind bella when she starts to maniacally invoke him, almost as if they had a special mean of communication with each other even from considerable distance.
(here bella is afraid voldemort would punish her and i find the manner of it very interesting, we will come back to it later on)
voldemort was obviously furious the prophecy was lost, but again why risking his own life on top of it? was he perhaps concerned of bella’s mental state now that she knew she had failed and therefore her ability to flee/fight his very nemesis, dumbledore and the aurors?
normally, we would have expected voldemort to stay away and deal with the surviving death eaters later, leaving them to their deserved destiny (as he did with literally everyone else who was there).
instead we have:
“So you smashed my prophecy?” said Voldemort softly, staring at Harry with those pitiless red eyes. “No, Bella, he is not lying. . . . I see the truth looking at me from within his worthless mind. . . . Months of preparation, months of effort . . . and my Death Eaters have let Harry Potter thwart me again. . . .”
“Master, I am sorry, I knew not, I was fighting the Animagus Black!” sobbed Bellatrix, flinging herself down at Voldemort’s feet as he paced slowly nearer.
“Master, you should know —”
“Be quiet, Bella,” said Voldemort dangerously. “I shall deal with you in a moment. Do you think I have entered the Ministry of Magic to hear your sniveling apologies?”
“But Master — he is here — he is below —”
Voldemort paid no attention.
“I have nothing more to say to you, Potter,” he said quietly. “You have irked me too often, for too long. AVADA KEDAVRA!”
even when she literally has just lost his one mean to achieve his every goal of a lifetime, she is “bella”. even when we would expect him to tear her to pieces then and there, he had come to stand between her and harry.
the only reprimand she receives is a scowling “be quiet bella, i shall deal with you in a moment”, as you would speak in public with someone who is very close to you and you are very mad at, who shouldn’t let that closeness slip in public, especially now that she’s making you risk a lot to save her sorry ass.
i find this scene very comic, on top of everything else. voldemort is clearly so done and yet there he is, come to save his sobbing mess nevertheless.
the scene proceeds with dumbledore’s arrival, the duel and bellatrix trapped under the statue. during the duel and just after having trapped bella, we see a really curious exchange:
“You do not seek to kill me, Dumbledore?” called Voldemort, his scarlet eyes narrowed over the top of the shield. “Above such brutality, are you?”
“We both know that there are other ways of destroying a man, Tom,”
Dumbledore said calmly, continuing to walk toward Voldemort as though he had not a fear in the world, as though nothing had happened to interrupt his stroll up the hall. “Merely taking your life would not satisfy me, I admit —”
“There is nothing worse than death, Dumbledore!” snarled Voldemort.
“You are quite wrong,” said Dumbledore, still closing in upon Voldemort and speaking as lightly as though they were discussing the matter over drinks.
"Indeed, your failure to understand that there are things much worse than death has always been your greatest weakness —”
what is this fate “worse than death”, these “other ways to destroy a man” that dumbledore wants for voldemort? we know how it all ended - with voldemort’s literal death, his very disintegration (after bellatrix’s very own). what was this all about then? this one i’ll let you decide for yourself. it’s certainly peculiar, considered the context.
voldemort doesn’t respond to this, he in fact seems very provoked and sends a killing curse at him.
at the end of the duel he disappears and everyone thinks he fled, bellatrix included, who cries out his name sobbing from under the statue.
he in fact, at that, goes straight to possess harry.
And then Harry’s scar burst open. He knew he was dead: it was pain beyond imagining, pain past endurance —
He was gone from the hall, he was locked in the coils of a creature with red eyes, so tightly bound that Harry did not know where his body ended and the creature’s began. They were fused together, bound by pain, and there was no escape — And when the creature spoke, it used Harry’s mouth, so that in his agony he felt his jaw move. . . .
“Kill me now, Dumbledore. . . .” Blinded and dying, every part of him screaming for release, Harry felt the creature use him again. . . .
“If death is nothing, Dumbledore, kill the boy. . . .”
Let the pain stop, thought Harry.
Let him kill us. . . . End it, Dumbledore. . . . Death is nothing compared to this. . . .
And as Harry’s heart filled with emotion, the creature’s coils loosened, the pain was gone, Harry was lying facedown on the floor, his glasses gone, shivering as though he lay upon ice, not wood. . . .
And there were voices echoing through the hall, more voices than there should have been (...)
“...where’s Voldemort, where — who are all these — what’s —”
The Atrium was full of people. The floor was reflecting emerald- green flames that had burst into life in all the fireplaces along one wall, and a stream of witches and wizards was emerging from them. As Dumbledore pulled him back to his feet, Harry saw the tiny gold statues of the house-elf and the goblin leading a stunned-looking Cornelius Fudge forward.
“He was there!” shouted a scarlet-robed man with a ponytail, who was pointing at a pile of golden rubble on the other side of the hall, where Bellatrix had lain trapped moments before. “I saw him, Mr. Fudge, I swear, it was You-Know-Who, he grabbed a woman and Disapparated!”
“I know, Williamson, I know, I saw him too!”
this passage is ever so interesting to me, because dumbledore’s words appear to have somehow made voldemort “emotional”. they provoked him somehow. he didn’t laugh at them. he linked them to the worst pain imaginable and almost killed harry with it, posing a philosophical dilemma - if such pain is worse than death, if my life is worse than death, why don’t you put this boy out of his misery?
there’s no doubt in my mind “that pain” is voldemort’s pain. a pain intrinsically love-related. voldemort’s problems to accept/understand/feel love are the crux of the saga, his every villainy and pain. it’s so interesting that in this whole scene the train of events and thought have ultimately reached this topic (even in the movie love is mentioned here, harry literally fights the possession telling him he shall never have it).
voldemort was furious with bellatrix, feared for his plans and life and went to save her anyway. he is enraged beyond belief but puts himself between her and harry and dumbledore. while they duel, dumbledore traps bellatrix and lectures him about “other ways to destroy a man” and “worse things than death”. he absolutely hits a nerve. voldemort completely feels what he’s meaning, so much he wants to retaliate and mercilessly - he never wants to be forced to face such things, such emotions. i don’t think he’s trying to kill harry there, he’s trying to prove a point, to make them both understand how it feels to be him, how the whole concept of love feels to him. and the matter is addressed in a scene entirely built around bellatrix. in fact, finally he then grabs her, leaving everyone else to fend for themselves, and flees. he effectively saves her and her only.
to me this whole passage is directly linked to the famous scream at bellatrix’s death, and to the way the events leading to voldemort’s own death unfolded. that scream might very well be that “fate worse than death”. jkr loves parallels and to me this one is perhaps the most beautiful of the series.
this really proves, in my opinion, at what depth their relationship stands, absurdly perhaps much more abysmal on voldemort’s part than on bella’s.
anyways, i took the time to analyze this particular episode because it’s emblematic of their relationship and his way to deal with her disasters.
lucius would carry on his face the signs of this fiasco literally for the rest of the entire series. the malfoys would fall from grace because of it, probably alive only because of bella’s intercession. half of the death eaters who were present at the ministry would end up back in azkaban.
voldemort would end up defeated, furious and destined to die.
bellatrix would come out of it not only physically unscathed, but with voldemort’s child.
even when she again loses the trio at malfoy’s manor (along with the sword), everyone ends up physically tortured but her. she says she fears for her life if voldemort was to know she lost the sword, but it seems more a metaphor than an actual possibility. when the cup is stolen from her vault, he makes her leave the room before murdering everyone in it. she’s not present at dumbledore’s assasination, and that’s because she wasn’t disposable.
i don’t think physical punishments are involved in their relationship, or if they are they are very rare, and i don’t think voldemort’s reactions to her transgressions/wrongdoings are in tune with the way he reacts to everyone else’s.
bella can more than anyone with him and never really loses this status of utter closeness, no matter what she does.
this obviously doesn’t mean that voldemort is a saint with her or that he doesn’t occasionally punish her. this doesn’t mean she isn’t rightfully afraid of him.
yet, the main way i see him actually hurting bella is psychological torture and silent treatment.
and here we come back at what bella was sobbing at the ministry, her desperate “MASTER, I TRIED, I TRIED — DO NOT PUNISH ME —”.
i don’t think a warrior, a general, a woman who remarkably survived 14 years at azkaban, would ever react this way to the mere fear of physical punishment, no matter how cruciatus curses hurt. i think she would have taken it as stoically as possible. thought she deserved it, even.
no, voldemort’s punishments must be unbearable to her, impossible to even fathom, because they involve falling from his graces, from the closeness she lives for. voldemort can serve bellatrix the cold, silent, disappointed treatment of a mentor and a lover, and have bellatrix literally rotting away because of it.
this is truly the worst thing he can do to her and the thing that had her sobbing and having a fit before harry at the mere idea of it.
this is also somehow confirmed when hermione, transformed in bellatrix, meets a death eater (i don’t remember who he was) before entering the gringott. he wasn’t surprised to see bella, well, alive and physically well, he was surprised to see her out of malfoy manor, where she was supposed to be confined.
so yes, definitely the way voldemort deals with bellatrix regarding punishments is special. everything regarding his way of treating bellatrix is, to be honest.
their relationship is written in such a subtle, beautifully twisted way. i adore it. the only problem is that because of it virtually no one ever connects the dots.
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mayabooowrites · 4 years ago
Summary: Peter betrays you and James, hoping only James would have died.
You walk upstairs and see your husband smiling at the little boy baby fast asleep in the crib "Let him sleep James." You say and James looks over at you and smiles even wider seeing you, you just make him so happy your his amazing beautiful wife
"I know darling but look at his chubby cheeks so cute." James says as he was just so happy, he's been like this since Harry was born and Harry is now one so your wondering if this is gonna go to when Harrys a teen, James saying 'aww look at our fifteen year old sons cheeks so chubby and cute.' And Harry is just sitting there like why is he my dad
Maybe just maybe James will grow out of it before then and not do it when Harry is a teenager "I know he's cute but he needs to sleep ok?" You say and James nods and you drag him out of the room. You both spent most of the night not doing much, but Harry started to cry probably a nightmare
"I got it." James says kissing the top of your head and you smile as he walks upstairs and gets Harry, then walks downstairs and sits beside you on the couch "It's ok you can hangout with mommy and daddy until you fall back to sleep." James says as he rubs Harrys back as he had to get up and get a blanket for Harry, so he handed Harry to you
"Sweetie it's ok it's time to calm down and go to sleep." You say and James came back and wrapped the blanket around Harry as you calmed him down
"Maybe try getting the stuffed puppy Sirius got him, he loves it so maybe that will clam him down James." You say and James nods and thinks where Harry had it last
So James walks around the house trying to find it, he found it in Harrys crib where he put it so Harry could sleep, James just laughs at his absentmindedness 'Man having a kid really makes you forgetful huh?' James thinks as he grabs it and walks downstairs, and then gets Harrys attention "Look it's padfoot." James say and yes Sirius did name it after himself, he wouldn't allow you and James to call it anything different
Harry stopped crying as he looked at James as he tries to get harry laughing, which works and Harry starts laughing then hugs his stuffed animal
"Well I'm glad he's finally stopped crying." You say and James kisses Harrys forehead, then James kisses you and you kiss him back, you love your life so much, you got the best husband ever and the best kid ever and yesterday you found out your pregnant again, which you haven't told James yet you were gonna a different day, and make it special but your done waiting and decided to tell him now "James by the way I found out yesterday I'm pregnant." You say and James was shocked
"Wait really?" He says and you nod your head and James kisses you again and you were so happy, yes it's a bit too early to have another kid but well Harry will have a brother or sister close to his age to hangout with at least.
"I know were already stressed out enough with Harry, but at least he'll have a sibling close to his age to hangout with right?" You say and James nods as he was extremely happy, he just wanted a perfect happy life with you, and that's what he's getting he has you, Harry and now another one on the way best life ever
"I can't wait to tell remus, Sirius and peter about the baby this is amazing." James says as he couldn't wait to raise Harry and another kid with you, your his soulmate and he's so glad he found you and is with you, everyday is a gift for him to be with you and have this amazing life
"Well I was gonna make it more special but I decided who cares." You say and James nods he was just happy to know, he didn't care if it was a special way to tell him, he's just glad he knows that's all
"I love you so much y/n." James says as he caresses your cheek and you smile
"I love you too James." You say but then as James was about to kiss you again, a knock on the door was heard
James and you were confused who was here? And why? No one knows where you both are to protect you both, well expect peter also it was very late so why would peter be here?
But James opens the door holding his wand and sees a disheveled peter, he looked terrified you and James were obviously confused, why is peter here late in the night?
"You weren't followed right?" James asks and peter shakes his head no and James let's him inside the house, as James looks around outside and sees nobody, then walks inside and locks the door behind him "Oh peter hey y/ns pregnant again just wanted to say that, now why are you here?" James says as he seemed so happy and peter nods as he looks at you holding Harry smiling at Harry, you were so happy and peter hated it
"I.....See.......Congrats." Peter says as James wasn't looking, since Harry starting saying baby gibberish, and James looked over peter glares at him and stops when James looks back at peter
"Why are you here?" James says and peter doesn't answer which confused James and you so james asked again and finally peter answers
"I had a bad feeling, and came over to check on you three." Peter says and James nods
"Oh well we're good, you know the four of us." James says smiling at you and you chuckle "Harrys just having a rough night tonight happens, especially after he has a nightmare he doesn't get much sleep then, and well neither do we." James explains and peter nods as he kept looking out the window which you noticed, it was like he was looking for someone or waiting for someone?
Wait was he followed? If he was followed why did he lie and say he wasn't? Also why does he look like a mess? What is going on?
"Peter why are you a mess?" You ask seeing how terrible he looked and he smiled hearing the worry for him in your voice
'Voldemort just needs to kill James that's it I can get y/n out of here, I don't care what happens to Harry but as long as y/n is safe I don't care, y/n is all I care about she's all that matters to me.' Peter thinks and that's why he was here to see to it that James dies and you don't "Sorry I was so worried for you three for the past few days." Peter says and James hugs peter
"Your such an amazing friend peter." James says and peter felt like cringing when James said that, because peter was really only a good friend to you he doesn't care about James at all
'I wish y/n never met James then I'd be with her, I loved her first! So why does James get her? It's no fair.' Peter thinks as he felt so jealous of James he got the life he wants, you as his wife and kids with you, but no James get it like the spoiled brat he is 'James potter getting exactly what he wants, of course he always gets whatever he wants, he has y/n and a perfect life for his perfect self. Like why didn't y/n love me! I was always so nice to her, I was the one who was there for her for so long! But suddenly perfect James Potter comes into the picture and she's so in love with him then! It's no fair!' Peter thinks as he hated James the moment he found out you liked him and James liked you back, Peter was there when you were getting bullied by Slytherins for being a muggleborn but no you go for rich perfect James Potter
"Well do you want anything? Tea?" James asks and peter shakes his head
"I'm good no thanks prongs." Peter says as Harry had finally fallen back to sleep
"He finally fell asleep so please be quiet." You say and James looks over and smiles at Harry, and then he kisses your cheek then goes back to talking to peter who looked angry? Why is he angry
Peter looks out the window then sighed relieved which James looked confused but then the door was broken down, immediately James grabbed a hold of you and his wand
"Y/n get upstairs!" James yells and you were stunned for a second as you looked at the hooded figure
"James we need to leave!" You say and James pushes you upstairs as he held his wand ready to defend you and Harry
"Protect Harry I'll hold him off!" James yells so you could hear him "I LOVE YOU." James yells as well and he heard you tell I love you too be careful
James just looked at peter knowing he betrayed you and him
"I thought you were my friend peter." James says and peter laughs
"The moment you took y/n from me our friendship was gone." Peter says and James was confused he never took you from peter? You both were friends yes, but you both weren't like dating and then he came in and got you both broken up
"She was never yours peter, you were friends, if you had feelings maybe you should have confessed before I did, she wa never yours, she is her own person and can fall in love and be with anyone she wants, she's not an object stop acting like she is!" James says as he was shocked that Voldemort was just letting him and peter talk it out, what did he think they could talk it out before James dies? Well he's not planning on dying
"Once your dead James y/n is mine then." Peter says smiling and James frowns he's not dying, James will see Harry grow up and be able to grow old with you, he will love out the future you both planned together
"She'll never love you peter you betrayed us."
You were holding Harry in your arms tightly as you heard yelling and fighting downstairs, then it stopped after someone yelled the death curse
Then you heard footsteps walking up the stairs and down the hallway to the nursery
"Harry I love you so much, if I don't make this out alive at least you will, Sirius will take good care of you he's a bit immature but you'll be happy, I love you so much and daddy loves you so much too Harry, we'll see you again some day darling." You say as you put a hand where your other child was as tears welled up in your eyes
You lay Harry down in his crib as you look in the doorway and see Voldemort "I won't allow you to kill my son, I'm gonna protect him with my life, I'll die before you touch him." You say and he nods
"Then die." He says as he raises his hand you take a deep breathe. You know your not gonna let him kill your son you'll die before that happens, even if your gonna have to sacrifice the baby in you, as long as the one that's been born stays alive it doesn't matter, Harry is way more important then the baby inside you right now, you'd willing die for Harry anyday, you did wish it could have become it's own person but well that won't happen will it? Your gonna die and if James is still alive then he can protect Harry, but if he's not which you don't believe he is, he'd be here now protecting you if he was, so now Sirius will protect Harry like the good godfather he is, you know Sirius will protect Harry the best he can. And you hope peter rots in hell for betraying you and James
"I love you so much Harry I'm sorry I won't be there for you to watch you grow up, I love you more then anything goodbye my baby." You say as you then hear avada kedavra and then peter yelling don't kill her
|Peters pov|
The dark lord had killed y/n and I fall to the ground crying as I held y/ns lifeless body, no! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! She didn't have to die! She could have lived, I love her and James was dead she would have loved me back I know it, he promised to keep her alive for the potters whereabouts, he lied to me he killed her
I watch as then the dark lord try to kill Harry and it didn't work, I watched as he I guess died as I just held y/ns body close to me crying, I can't handle it she's dead why is she dead, she's supposed to be alive right now. But it seems the only one who survived was Harry, which why did he survive the death curse? Why couldn't y/n have been that lucky to survive it! Why didn't she survive she shouldn't have died!!!!!
I see Harry sitting there saying some baby gibberish but I stopped as he then talked I guess his first word was said
"Momma." Harry says looking at y/n and he kept saying momma over and over, like he knew something was wrong with his mom making me cry even more, she was supposed to stay alive! I did this all so I could be with y/n and Voldemort betrayed me! He killed her! He said he wouldn't kill her! But he did why did he kill her? Because y/n said she'd rather die then let Voldemort touch Harry? Is that why?
'She wasn't supposed to die, she wasn't! She was supposed to live, I betrayed them for nothing but to lose y/n, why did he kill her? He promised! He promised he wouldn't kill her if I say where Harry is so he could kill him, and now I'm stuck with James's last world to me forever in my mind, and y/ns screaming before she died I'm stuck with that as well, y/n won't ever love you because you betrayed us, and I orphaned Harry I'm the reason he won't grow up with parents, and now y/ns dead and it's all my fault I betrayed them, and now there's nothing I can do to bring them back.'
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allalrightagain · 3 years ago
Ooh a giant one you say?? Ok, here’s my DADA prof conspiracy theory:
(under a cut because I wrote you an essay. oops.)
SO! One of the biggest mysteries of the whole series is what on earth Dumbledore was thinking when he hired Gilderoy Lockhart of all people to teach 11-18 year olds defensive magic, especially the year after he confirms that Voldemort is definitely still around and kicking and trying desperately to come back to power/get to Harry. Obviously the last prof died etc etc and the “willing and able” population is extremely slim pickings after 30-40 years of needing a new person every year, so there might not be anyone who would actually say yes that Dumbledore was willing to take.
(This is true even when you consider the professors who do accept for the next few years— Moody and Slughorn come out of retirement to take it, Umbridge and the Carrows hardly make Dumbledore’s “Not a Chance in Hell” list, and Lupin, well... would he take the job? If Sirius had not broken out of Azkaban? Would Dumbledore have even offered it? More on this later!)
But there’s a war brewing, even if Dumbledore’s the only one who knows it, and he doesn’t do anything without thinking it through his General brain (though the same can’t always be said for his Politician or Professor brains).
So what on earth does Dumbledore gain by hiring Lockhart?
Well, he fills the spot, that’s for sure. Best case scenario, he skates by for a whole year, nobody dies, the kids maybe learn a little, and next year we do it all over again.
Except— Harry.
Dumbledore has already proven himself by this point to be relatively focused on Harry in particular and preparing him for the future, both skills/knowledge-wise and “virtue”-wise (ie having him live with muggles, not know about his fame etc). It seems strange to intentionally choose not to provide the best possible education (specifically in Defense Against the Dark Arts) to the kid you absolutely need to survive until he's old enough to die at the hands of the right person (or, since CoS takes place before Dumbledore encounters a horcrux, until Harry is old enough to kill Voldemort for good).
Once you start reading Dumbledore’s hiring choices specifically through the lens of teaching Harry in particular, they start to make a lot more sense.
(a quick note is needed here to mention that the books focus on Harry as the main character etc etc it’s a children’s book but the worldbuilding should still be able to stand on it’s own. Whatever. We’re taking a Watsonian explanation because it’s more fun.)
In order:
Quirrell is a test, and a trap— Dumbledore has set the stage: a bright young man just returned from the place Voldemort was cited having been in at least 2x; a magical object that grants immortality; and a virtually untested, unknown 11yo Harry. This is Dumbledore getting the lay of the land and verifying that Voldemort is in fact alive and that Harry can handle the path set for him. If Quirrell doesn’t end up possessed or otherwise working for Voldemort, then Dumbledore has found another ally against him
Lockhart on the other hand is a lesson, specifically in what not to do/be— Harry grows up as far away from fame as physically possible, and Dumbledore expresses concern that the fame within the wizarding world could get to his head on several occasions. So Dumbledore sees Harry at 11: modest, but with a habit of rule breaking, a Quidditch star, the potential for becoming comfortable with his role within this new society. And Dumbledore shows him the worst possible version of where he could end up if he lets it go to his head. Nothing screams “don’t rely on your fame” like Gilderoy Lockhart. (in as much of Dumbledore’s defense as I’m comfortable providing, this was literally the only year where he didn’t know in advance of the school year what exactly would make it a difficult/dangerous one, so he probably felt he could get away with someone who didn’t need to be able to defend the students. They were supposed to be safe.)
Lupin is bait, and education (!!)— There’s history there, and Dumbledore knows it. Remus draws in Sirius, so Dumbledore knows where he should be headed, and he should protect Harry if it came down to it (and if he doesn’t, then Remus ends up dead or in Azkaban and Dumbledore has shaken out another possible traitor). Remus is also there to teach Harry— about defending himself, which has become increasingly necessary— and to hold the same role he did in school: to keep Harry in check. A teacher who is specifically and singularly interested in Harry first and foremost is a teacher who might actually be able to keep a determined child of James (and Lily) from throwing himself in harms way, especially if information about Sirius gets out.
Moody (or well, Dumbledore’s hope for Moody) is protection and to train soldiers for a war— Again, Dumbledore knows what’s coming this year. Or at least like, 50%. He knows Karkaroff will be there, he knows Pettigrew ran off to Voldemort, and he knows these kids are nowhere prepared to fight in a war. If nothing else, hopefully Moody will scare someone straight.
Umbridge is obviously against Dumbledore’s will, but she does teach them all about politics (in the worst possible way)
Snape sets the stage— It’s part of Dumbledore’s final moves on the chessboard. It teaches Harry actual, useful magic (and is almost as good as Dumbledore teaching Harry what he needs to know directly). It’s NEWT level magic, specifically geared towards fighting a war that Harry, Dumbledore AND Snape (plus… literally everyone else) knows is happening. It sets Snape up to leave re: the curse, however he needs to in the moment where things start falling apart.
Bonus: Slughorn, gets the memory and scares Harry away from using his connections— Dumbledore knows he’s going to die. He knows this war won’t be finished by the time he does. He knows it’s going to rely on Harry finishing the horcrux hunt and doing it with enough of a martyr complex to walk to his death at the end. But he’s also set Harry up with a support system within the Order out of necessity and desperation less than a year ago. So what can Dumbledore do to ensure Harry doesn’t go to any/all of the adults in his life on the occasion of Dumbledore’s death, present them with the horcrux hunt and ask for help? He gives Harry Slughorn, who is the epitome of a Slytherin who knows how to use their resources, and he does so blatantly and without a shred of shame. Harry is supposed to look at him, assembling the Slug Club, bragging about tickets he’s gotten and correspondence he keeps, and think “I do not want to be like him.” Slughorn is supposed to isolate Harry from anyone who would tell him not to walk to his death, and, just like Lockhart makes Harry even more uncomfortable about his fame, it works because it perpetuates the abuse Harry has endured.
TL;DR: Dumbledore chooses DADA profs to teach Harry something specific, in the case of Lockhart (and Slughorn), it’s specifically a moral lesson on who not to be and what not to do
Send me a 📂 and I'll give you a useless/random headcanon
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kerie-prince · 4 years ago
butterfly fly away
Dad!Sirius Black x Reader (platonic)
requested: (anon) may i please request ( platonic ) sirius black x daughter ! reader where the reader is about to start another year of hogwarts but she doesn’t want to go because she’s worried something will happen to sirius and he’ll miss another 12 years of her life 🥺
warnings: none
summary: Now that you've reunited with your father after years of being in Azkaban, you're worried about his safety and overall well being when you start another year at Hogwarts (song inspo: Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus' Butterfly Fly Away)
a/n: uh this is me announcing that i'll be using the fancast for all marauder fics, ty <3 also what is it with me and making everything into a song fic? am i gonna stop tho? no
(gif cred)
Tumblr media
Things were happening all too fast in your third year of Hogwarts. You found out that your best friend, Harry, is your fathers’ godson, your father had escaped Azkaban, and your friends found out that your Uncle Remus is a werewolf. You've known for a long time as he's raised you in stead of Sirius while he was imprisoned and your mother who had unfortunately passed when you were born.
It was hard to lie to your friends about your real name, especially during the course of the last year. That you're actually Y/N Black, not Y/L/N. But when Sirius’ name was cleared, the weight of the lie was a relief off your shoulders.
Your friends, especially Harry, were upset that you hadn't told them the truth but eventually understood where you were coming from. You kept going by Y/L/N for a while and only your friends, Dumbledore, and a couple professors knew of your true name.
Meeting Sirius for the first time since you were a baby was a shock. In the Shrieking Shack after following Ron to save him from the dog that dragged him in, Sirius met your gaze and immediately pulled you into a hug.
‘Let her go!’ Harry yelled, not knowing what was going on and thought Sirius would kill you first. He was about to stun him off of you before Professor Lupin ran in and disarmed Harry. You ran back to Harry and Hermione’s side when you were let go.
Sirius and Remus were talking amongst themselves and you heard your father say 'Let's kill him’ before Hermione started talking. She exposed Remus’ truth to Ron and Harry.
Then all the chaotic events followed. Snape was stunned by Harry, Ron’s pet rat was actually Peter Pettigrew and was the one who had actually turned the Potters in to Voldemort, and Remus turned into a werewolf. And in between all of that, Sirius said that once everything was all said and done, he’d take you and Harry to live with him and be a family.
And for summer, you were actually able to do that. Harry stayed with the Weasleys, which was better for you as you picked the biggest room at your father’s place in Grimmauld Place. Well… it's your place as well now. Remus even moved in and you felt at home. You never wanted to leave your fathers side. The whole summer was spent catching up the past twelve years with your dad.
When you read in the newspaper what had happened at the Quidditch World cup, you were beyond scared and worried for Sirius. He could be a person of interest to Death Eaters now that they were on the move again.
Hermione wrote to you that everyone was fine, but that Harry has been having nightmares for a good duration of the summer. He hadn't mentioned anything to you, but Sirius had. His reasoning for not telling you was to prevent you from worrying even more.
Now, there were three days left until the new school year started. You hadn't done any packing and your dad noticed. “Hey love, what’s going on? We still have to get your books. It will be my first time taking you to the platform. I know you must be used to it, but it’s our first time going as a family.”
“I’m not going. I sent an owl to Professor Dumbledore that I will be skipping out on this year,” you stated as it was normal.
“No, you’re not,” he had stood in silence for a moment, but when he said that, Sirius’s voice was stern. “Y/N, you have to go. School is important.”
“Being with you is more important,” you stood up from your desk chair in your room, “I don’t want to miss out on being with you anymore. Uncle Remus said it would be fine–”
“Remus isn’t your father, I am. You’re going, so start packing.” Sirius left your room and went to check on Kreacher about dinner. You groaned and jumped face down on your bed. You thought he would be happy to spend time with you, but it turned out to be a surprise to you that he isn't.
There was a knock on your door which got you out of your bed to see who it was. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be your best friends. You gave them each a big hug, “What are you guys doing here?”
“To see you, of course,” Ron pointed out. Harry was the last one to hug you and you held on to him the longest. “Your hair grew out,” you stated. He laughed in response. Kreacher came upstairs and looked disgusted at the sight of your friends, “Kreacher is here to tell Young Mistress Black and her… friends that dinner is served.”
“Thank you Kreacher,” you sighed. He was always mean to you and spoke ill about you and your friends to the portrait of your grandmother in the halls. Sirius explained that it was just from the views that his mother passed on to every house elf that served the House of Black. Sure enough, you heard Kreacher talking to the covered portrait and your grandmother saying something about a “blood traitor granddaughter.”
Remus and Sirius were talking in the dining room in hushed tones and stopped as the four of you walked in. Sirius sat at the head of the table with Remus to his right and you to his left. When you sat down, he leaned over and whispered, “Nice try, but Remus never approved anything.”
Dinner floated from the kitchen onto the table, ready for everyone to dig in. Of course, Ron was the first to grab food and ate as he had been starved for days. “I hope everyone is alright after the games ended,” Remus started.
“We've been better, but we’re fine,” Harry spoke. You squeezed his hand and smiled at him. Harry’s always been a good friend, almost like a brother to you and it’d break your heart if anything happened to him. You were sad about skipping out the new school year, but right now, you could only worry about one person at a time and since Harry has not only Ron and Hermione but the entire Gryffindor house and Dumbledore to look after him, he should be fine.
Your father just got you back and started living a normal life again. You couldn't miss that. Not again, and he shouldn't miss out on new memories with you.
“Are you all ready for school?” you could tell what Sirius was doing. They all nodded as they ate. Hermione talked about her classes and what she was excited for. “What about you, Y/N? What classes are you taking?” the curly headed girl asked.
“Y/N says she's not going to Hogwarts this year,” Sirius butt in.
“Why?” Harry had wide eyes when he looked at you.
You cleared your throat, wiped your mouth with the cloth napkin in front of you and explained, “I just want to get to know Dad better. A couple months of summer isn't enough.”
“But you can always write to him during school,” Ron added. Sirius gave you an ‘exactly’ expression. “C’mon, Y/N/N. I hear that this year is going to be really fun,” Hermione pleaded, “I can help you pack if you need help–”
“I'm not going!” you felt bad for snapping at everyone, but your mind was made up. “Well, why not?” Harry asked.
“Because I don't want to be gone if something happens to Sirius!” Everyone at the table looked at you. There was an awkward silence, the only thing you could hear was Ron chewing his food. You abruptly stood up and went upstairs to your room.
“Excuse me,” Sirius followed after. Your door was locked so he knocked on your door, “Darling, can you open up?” The door opened, and he walked in to see that you were laying on your side on your bed facing the other way. Sirius took a seat in the open space next to you and patted your arm. “Talk to me.”
You laid in silence waiting for him to say something again. A few minutes has passed and he let out a deep sigh, “What's going on?”
“I just got my dad back, and this summers’ been great. But I'm scared that when I'm having fun with my friends at Hogwarts, you'll be vulnerable with Death Eaters out loose again,” you still faced the opposite way. He tapped your shoulder in place of vocally asking you to face him which you listened. He pulled you in for a hug and felt you crying softly. He soothed your back and hummed slightly.
You pulled away and wiped the dry tears on your cheeks. “Darling, nothings going to happen to me. I’m perfectly safe and I have Remus here with me. You have nothing to worry about, okay?” you nodded in response. “I’ll write you everyday and let you know if anything happens. Harry, too.”
“Okay. I love you, dad,” you pulled him in for another hug.
“I love you more. Now let's get you packed.”
requests open!
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maraudersandlily20 · 4 years ago
Can you please write a Drarry fic for this prompt
“A cat.”
“We broke in here to steal... a cat?”
Prompt from
“I don’t like the feeling of this place,” Harry whispered, crouching down beside Draco. The pair were trying to move as silently as possible through the grounds of a large estate that loomed over them like the harbinger of death. 
“Well, Death Eaters live here Harry,” Draco’s tone matched what a person would use with a child. 
“Which is ridiculous, by the way! I mean, it’s pretty obvious at this point who the Death Eaters were. They’ve arrested most of them. But they are lagging behind.”
Draco shrugged. “The war ended four years ago. Most people just want to put it behind them.”
“Lucky them.”
Draco pulled Harry lower behind the stone wall they were using as cover. “You’re going to get us caught if you keep talking like this.” He pulled Harry’s hand and the two dashed closer to the house. They picked their way to the left side of the front door, constantly checking around them.
“That’s another thing. What exactly are we doing here? What are we taking?”
“I told you. My grandfather, Abraxus, has something in here that requires better care than he is giving it. I didn’t even realize he still had it. But I’ve had confirmations from my cousins.”
“I didn’t even know you had cousins.”
Draco smiled over his shoulder as they got to the foundation of the house. “Yeah, they’re not people I like to hang around. The wrong sort, I guess you could say.”
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?” Harry rolled his eyes as he stepped into Draco’s intertwined hands and grabbed onto the window ledge, pulling himself up. When he had himself firmly situated on the lip, he unlocked the latch on the window and swung it open slowly. Making sure that the room was clear, he leaned back over the window and grabbed Draco’s hands in his and helped him maneuver his way up the stone. The dust cleared and it was the two of them after they had broken in the magnificent estate of Abraxus Malfoy. 
“Rather gloomy place, don’t you think?” Harry whispered, feeling like it matched the mood. 
“No one comes here anymore,” said Draco, walking over to a wall full of portraits. “After father’s arrest, Grandfather got rather ill. He didn’t want any visitors unless they were invited, like my cousins, and he sits up here alone in his grand estate, cursing mudbloods.”
Harry stared up at the wall of stern and severe faces. He could see Draco in many of them, in the face shape, eye color, hair color, thinness. All of them sat sleeping, paying no attention to the noise of their entrance. This was his family. He was struck with the feeling that there was so much about Draco that he didn’t know and maybe never would. With a family like that, it would be hard to talk about. 
“Well, he should think about getting a maid,” he said in response, gesturing to the coating of dust on everything. 
A chuckle escaped Draco’s lips and he shoved at Harry, making the other boy grin. It was such a warm moment that Harry had to catch his breath. Their friendship was new, fragile, untested. And neither of them could deny that there was a spark underneath the friendship, just waiting to catch fire. They both worried though that the fire wouldn’t keep them warm but burn them alive. Harry didn’t want to push Draco into anything, so he didn’t speak about it, hoping the other boy would bring it up. He never did. 
“Alright, Malfoy. Let’s go steal from dear old Grandfather, hm?”
Draco’s smile twisted into something sinister and wicked. “I would love nothing more.”
He turned and left the room, having removed his shoes to lessen the sound. Harry wondered what they looked like, sneaking around on their tippy toes with their muddy shoes in hand. It was like a bad crime novel. 
Together, they went up the stairs, not the grand main staircase, but a more convenient, small staircase that most likely was used by staff and elves. Harry was grateful for the illegality of having house elves now so none of them would have to suffer in such a horrible place like this. 
“It’s just up here, on the second level.”
“You know,” Harry whispered, “I have done many stupid things in my life. Ron and Hermione can attest to that-”
“You mean like going into a corridor that was strictly forbidden when you were 11? Or entering a tournament that required you to be 18 even though you were 14?”
“I didn’t enter-”
“Or maybe learning spells that weren’t really tested and then using them on people, giving them scars for life?”
“Scars are hot,” Harry whispered.
Draco looked back, unimpressed. “Or maybe you were referring to the time where you willingly walked into a forest where Voldemort was and got yourself killed-”
“I came back to life!”
“-And continued to make ridiculous decisions throughout the battle of Hogwarts even though there was a chance you could die a second time? You mean stupid and reckless like that?”
They had paused in their ascent up the stairs as Draco recounted the misdeeds of Harry’s life. His face bloomed red, because Draco saying this meant that Draco noticed what happened to Harry. Meaning that Draco was watching Harry just as often as Harry was watching Draco. 
“When you say it like that, it’s like you’re implying that I’m a daredevil with a death wish.”
“You think that was an implication?”
Harry narrowed his eyes. “What I was GOING to say, before I was so rudely interrupted,” Draco scoffed and continued up the steps. “I may be reckless but I’ve never really broken in to someone’s house before. This is a first for me.”
“The way you lithely got onto the windowsill says otherwise.”
“I’m spry.”
“And a felon.”
“I’m an accessory, at best. This was your master plan, Malfoy. Remember?”
He couldn’t see Draco’s face, but assumed he was smiling at Harry’s insistence on that fact.
“I’m just impressed you can use such big words like accessory,” Draco snickered, making Harry smack at his back, causing Draco to go up the stairs faster to avoid him. 
They emerged onto the second level, pausing for a moment to gather whether or not someone had heard them. No obvious noise seemed to be approaching so Harry turned to the other boy. “So, let’s accio this thing and get out of here?”
“We can’t.”
“Why not.”
Draco walked swiftly down the hallway to a pair of ornately carved wooden doors. “Accio doesn’t work on live animals,” he threw over his shoulder before easing one side of the doorway open. 
Harry stuttered to a stop, confusion filling him. “I’m sorry, did you just say live animals?”
He met Draco in the doorway and peered into what seemed to be a music room, equipped with a variety of musical instruments, like a grand piano and an array of cellos, basses, and violins. He might had paused in awe at the state of them, but he was distracted.
By the black cat sitting quietly on a cushion on the sofa.
“You have got to be kidding me,” he whispered, looking at Draco with an expression that clearly said that the joke needed to end and they could move on. Draco didn’t move.
“A cat?”
“We broke in here to steal... a cat?”
Harry didn’t often feel like facepalming himself, but now would have been one of those moments. He flicked Draco’s shoulder, causing the boy to flinch and look over in outrage. 
“WE ARE RISKING OUT LIVES FOR A CAT?!” he whisper yelled.
Draco walked into the room, kneeling in front of the cat who’s eyes were a strange misty blue and allowed it to sniff him a few times. When he understood there was a new person there, he pushed his head into Draco’s hand so he would pet him. Draco smiled and picked the cat up gingerly. With their kidnapped cat safely in his arms, he gestured for Harry to leave the room.
Though he was angry beyond belief, Harry did as he was instructed and made his way back to the little staircase. The two moved through the house quickly before exiting through the same window they had forced their way into. It was quick and painless and not a single person saw them.
When they were free of the grounds of the manner and had apparated back to Draco’s flat, he placed the cat down with a gentle touch. After making sure his new guest was settled, he turned to Harry, and grabbed him. His hands went on either side of Harry’s face and before Harry could even blink, Draco’s lips were on his. 
His response was immediate and enthusiastic. He was FINALLY kissing Draco! He felt like his heart was going to burst. 
After a few minutes of them being wrapped up in each other, Draco pulled back smiling. “As a thank you,” he whispered, face flush. 
“You’re welcome.”
“Also,” Draco leaned forward and nudged Harry’s nose with his own. “We weren’t risking our lives by taking the cat.”
“No. My grandfather wasn’t even home.”
The sentence settled in the air as Harry took in what had been said. As understanding fell over him, he felt aghast. Draco has USED him? LIED to him? For a CAT?!
“Malfoy!!!-” But Harry couldn’t finish his yelp of anger, because Draco was kissing him again. And that effectively shut him up. 
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bloodxbat · 4 years ago
(Part 1) Triple W Mafia George x Fem! Y/N series
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Warnings: Swearing! that’s it really (unless I've missed something then please let me know)
Word Count: 2,174
Summary:  George Weasley is a renowned Mafia boss who took over from his Father Arthur once he retired, to carry on the Triple W mafia legacy. The only mafia known to be able to keep the Death Eaters (their rival mafia) at bay. However there is one item that they stole from the Triple W’s which George is determined to get back...his mothers necklace, the family heirloom. Y/N Greyback has been forced to comply with the Death Eaters wishes as her family are high up members. What happens when George and Y/N meet? And what happens when they fall in love?
Series Masterlist 
The lights were dim in the what looked like to be an old bar room, the red hue coming from the red lamp shades hitting the walls. Smoke from cigars fogging up the top half of the room barely keeping the floor below visible. At each table there were groups of men, all sitting in perfectly tailored suits, sipping on their glasses of whiskey, laughing and having a good time. At the back of the room however, sat one man, alone. His elbow propped up on the arm of his chair, his finger brushing over his top lip as if he were deep in thought. His other hand held the same glass as every other man in the bar, lazily not caring if it were to fall and smash everywhere.
The man, George Weasley, a tall ginger man who’s eyes were the dark but kind shade of brown. Although seemingly intimidating, George had a kind heart, if he seen someone being attacked or robbed in the street, everyone would end up feeling bad for the attacker by the time George was finished with him. He had no time for the scum who go out of their way to make someone else’s life a living hell in order for them to feel a small, temporary taste for a God complex.
George had only recently taken over the title of the Triple W Mafia Boss, when his father Arthur had decided it was his time to retire and pass over the family ‘business’ to one of his sons. George was one of 6 sons and one daughter within the Weasley family. His identical twin brother Fred was technically supposed to become the next Mafia boss, as he was the older twin. But, he had decided that his brother George was more fit to the job than he was. So, George gratefully took over the role and appointed Fred and his younger brother Ron, to be his sort of ‘Body Guards’ although, of course George was far from needing any form of help when it came to beating or killing a criminal, it was still always good to have a little back up sometimes.
“Hey Georgie, what’s the plan then? What we gonna do about these damn Death Eaters?”
George sat, not moving, deep in thought. ‘What was he going to do about those Death Eaters?’ He has no where to start, the bastards are constantly on the run. He was determined to find their whereabouts however, as they had stolen something very precious to him, his mother’s necklace. The Weasley family heirloom.
In a room that was very clearly abandoned and covered in moss and mould, sat groups of men and some women in black cloaks with peculiar pointed hoods. These people, in contrast to that of which the Triple W members, appeared extremely intimidating. The members of Triple W were intimidating,  but these were the sort of people no one would want to encounter in the streets, day or night. There was no smoke from cigars in this small dingy room, there was however and eye watering stench, that was so strong some of the Death Eaters swore they seen a slight foggy green haze floating around the room.
All cloaked members were sitting in a circle all surrounding their leader Tom Riddle, or as he likes to call himself ‘Voldemort’. A tall man (not as tall as George) with black, short curly hair. He wasn’t wearing a cloak like his ‘followers’ but was wearing something that looked more like a bath robe, it was all black of course to fit in with the rest. All were listening in carefully to what he was saying, all apart form Y/N Greyback, daughter of Fenrir Greyback, a man who is considered very high up in the Death Eater mafia. She was sat in the corner, wearing a contrasting blood red dress that hugged all of her curves perfectly. Her Y/H/C hair was curled at the ends in neat ringlets, and she had some makeup on but not too much so she looked ‘dolled up’.
“We all know that the Triple W are cowering out in some fancy old bar, trouble is we don’t know where, I’ve had a few out scouting round the area, unfortunately they have all been caught” Riddle speaks out gesturing and engaging with his followers.
“What do you suggest we do then sir?” Said Fenrir who was sitting right next to where Riddle was parading around the room.
“I say we send out our most valuable member, of course, real them in, make them vulnerable” he smirked
“You don’t mean…”
“Oh yes, but I do, your daughter shall make excellent bate my dear friend, for she wears what Weasley most desires” Riddle finishes
Y/N too busy sat in the corner reading an old book, didn’t even notice that every Death Eater members eyes were on her, all smiling to themselves.
This may actually work, if we send out Y/N who is wearing that incredibly expensive looking, diamond necklace, it may just lure the idiot ginger straight to us” Fenrir laughed.
So their plan was set, send Y/N as bait and hopefully George would follow.
-     George still hadn’t moved from the position he was sat in, he hadn’t taken a single sip of his drink, his eyes focussed and barely ever blinking. He was seemingly ignoring every person who tried to get a word out of him for some sort of plan to take down their Rival mafia. Sure he had killed a lot of spies they had sent out, but he was getting absolutely no leads on where exactly they were coming from, Riddle was smarter than he thought. It seemed he had Death Eaters coming from all over the country in all different directions and disguises. George had to find some way in order to track down where exactly they were based.
The sounds of other members arguing, specifically Fred and Ron who were standing right next to where George was sat, started to sound like a horrible ringing noise, it was driving him insane, how could he concentrate when these buffoon’s were yelling nonsense at each other.
“WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP” He yelled now getting up from his seat and walking to the middle of the smoky room.
“I can’t fucking think when you’re all fighting and arguing with each other on what we’re going to do. I am very aware that those bastards are close to finding us, alright? They’ve gained more members in the past few months than I can count on my two hands. Problem is, they’re coming from all over the country, there is no set direction from where they’re all coming from, meaning that they aren’t coming from their base. This brings us to our next problem, what we’re going to do about it. The only thing I can suggest right now, which I believe may actually be our only two options, is either we leave and find a new base OR we send out multiple people all round the general area of here just outside the boarders of this town where the forests are. Each mile will have two of our members, armed and ready to capture and interrogate anyone that comes from outside the town. This includes anyone who seems innocent to the eye I.e. a mother and child as we all know by now there are families who have been a part of the Death Eaters for years, long enough for them to welcome their children. If you see a mother and child however, you of course don’t attack them straight away, you take them for questioning and more importantly, you look for that damn skull snake monstrosity that they all have tattooed on their left forearm.”
George stands looking between each of his guys trying to gauge what they were thinking by their faces.
“So what’s it to be? Hands up if you think we should move”
No one put their hands up and George smiled knowing that everyone in Triple W are too loyal to the town of Diagon to even consider leaving.
“Good choice boys, now” he rubs his hands together “who’s volunteering to be part of the watch team?”
- Y/N couldn’t believe her ears when she heard the plan to trick Triple W into following her back to the Death Eaters. She also had no idea that the beautiful silver diamond necklace that hung lazily round her neck was the stolen Weasley heirloom.
The actions of her family disgusted her, she knew that what they stood for and what they were doing was wrong, but putting her in harms way all over a stupid rivalry, AND tricking her into thinking that the necklace she had was a gift. She felt so stupid for believing them, Y/N had no options but to accept that she was going to have to go along with their horrendous plan and bait George and other members of Triple W into following her back into her family and Riddle’s evil grasp.
“Perfect” Riddle smiled grimly when Y/N accepted
“But of course, we can’t just lure them in, in one mere night, no, you have to spread this out over the course of a few days. Have him become intrigued by you, follow you a little while. You’ll be staying in a place called the Leaky Cauldron, don’t let him see you in there, it’ll blow your cover. Make sure he only sees you walking through the streets. Got it?”
Y/N tentatively nodded her head
“Good, and then, when the time is right, you’ll lead him straight here. We’ll be in communication with you, don’t let me down”
Y/N shakily made her way to Diagon, bags packed and the necklace still hanging round her neck. She had since changed into a black, silk dress, helping the bright silver of the necklace stand out against the dark colour of her clothes, further, of course to draw George Weasley’s attention.
Once she had settled into her room at the Leaky Cauldron, she was given specific instruction to make sure she wondered round the street at night, as that is most likely when Triple W members will come out from wherever they were hiding.
Y/N took a step out into the cold crisp night air, her heels click clacking off the stone pavements. She couldn’t help but take in the beauty of the town, cobblestone roads winding all through it, the windows on each building slightly askew but somehow didn’t seem out of place. It was as if she were walking through an old victorian town.
Snapping her thoughts back to the task at hand, she pulled her black shawl over her shoulders more and continued to wander aimlessly round, trying to find some form of clue as to were Triple W were hiding.
- George was more than satisfied with the outcome of the meeting they had today. He had 40 people on a list to keep watch each mile surrounding Diagon, meaning that all 20 miles would be covered. They all had their instructions ingrained into their heads and were ready to get to work the next day. Fred and Ron as usual would stay within Diagon with George, communicating to those who were out surrounding the area getting updates and passing round information. George had also decided to send a few extra spies out, including his younger sister Ginny to be on the look out for any Death Eater members who may still be lurking round the town.
George, Fred and Ron made their way out of the old bar room, and onto the streets. George made sure that they each had means of contacting each other. Fred whom George would normally live with, agreed that they each should have their own flats or place to stay in order to cover more of Diagon, and therefore be more accessible to those out in the forest. With their last goodbyes and a few phone calls to book places to stay, the three brothers separated all going in opposite directions.
George headed down the street, his hands becoming slightly red from the cold, and he could see his breath in the air. The dim orange streetlights barely lighting up the path as he walked past the old crooked houses and shops.
Just a George turned the corner he bumped into someone, a woman, dressed in a black dress and shawl.
“Oh I’m so sorry miss, I wasn’t looking where I was going properly, these damn street lights barely light up 2 feet in front of you. Are you alright” George asked looking into her eyes with worry
“I’m perfectly fine, sir, thank you” she smiled back and walked away
But George followed her with his eyes, more specifically he followed her neck, because what was hanging from it made him do a double take. He knew those diamonds from anywhere, they way they glistened brightly in every light. Was that, his mother’s stolen necklace?
Taglist: @amourtentiaa​ @love-peachh​ @pens-and-roses​ @rosietoesy​ @comfortwriting​ @famdomhideout​ @dracofknmalfoy​ @pandaxnienke​ @georgeweasleysbabe​ @le-weasley-simp​ (MESSAGE/ASK IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED)
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avnkin · 4 years ago
Shake On It [ 2 ]
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Author’s note: I was really in my harry feels whilst writing this so sorry about that lmao also I proofread this so many times and it still SUCKS ASS. I posted this entire thing earlier from my phone but tumblr deleted everything except the title so yeah I’m sorry if there aren’t italics and bolds on some of the words where they should be but i’m just to lazy to go through the entire thing and find them all again, maybe i’ll do it later but who knows. I do not own harry potter or the storyline/characters they are the intellectual property of J.K Rowling. (not my gif)
Word Count: 5.9k
Summary: There’s little to nothing Draco values more than his reputation so when he sees it slipping, he’ll do anything in his power to catch it.
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader / Platonic!Harry Potter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, foul language, asshole!draco and daddy issues lol
This is an AU so all the information doesn’t exactly line up with the HP storyline for example Voldemort hasn’t returned but still exists so little from Harry’s history changes but Dumbledore’s still alive.
After yours and Draco’s interaction the other night you’d strongly begun reconsidering his offer to accompany him to the ball, maybe he wasn’t as bad as you thought, I mean what’s the worst that could happen? So many things your anxiety was quick to answer, the most important one being that Harry and Ron would probably never speak to you again.
“Y/N are you even listening to me?” Hermione’s voice snapped you out of your trance, her blurry hand waving in front of your face, you quickly began blinking in an attempt to bring your surroundings back into focus, “sorry” you then muttered sending her an apologetic smile before gesturing for her to continue with whatever she’d been talking about.
“As I was saying, I need a cute date for the ball, who do you think will annoy Ron the most?” you were about to answer when a voice from behind you beat you to it.
“Annoy who the most?”
You rolled your eyes having a pretty clear idea of who it was, you reluctantly turned around your eyes immediately locking onto Draco’s who stood there in all his glory a smug smile plastered onto his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Excuse me who invited you to this conversation?” you retorted before turning back to Hermione who had an amused grin on her face causing you to lightly kick her from underneath the table, you didn’t want Draco putting two and two together and realizing you’d talked about him with Hermione.
“I was just wondering if you’d changed your mind about going with me to the ball” Draco cajoled causing your eyes to widen realizing you still hadn’t told Hermione about the fact he’d asked you in the first place.
You sent Hermione an an ‘i’ll tell you later’ look before twisting your body to face Draco’s who now had his hands placed in his robe pockets, his self assurance radiating off of him despite the fact you’d rejected him only days before, the boy had clearly never been told ‘no’ his entire life.
“No and I won’t be, so run along” you stated before making a shooing gesture with your hand which only seemed to have the opposite effect you’d intended it too, since he began to take a few steps forward, licking his lips as he looked you up and down.
“Yes you will” he stated matter of factly and it took all self control you had not to smack him right across the face, who did he think he was?
“Is it really that hard to get it into that tiny little brain of yours that there are girls alive who don’t like you” you practically growled missing how Hermione’s attention had drifted away from the scene unfolding before her and to the two figures who had begun making their way towards you.
“Yes because there aren’t an-”
“Malfoy find someone else to bother can’t you see she’s not interested” Harry cut him off as him and Ron now fully came into view, the two of them standing tall behind Draco whose attention had now shifted from you to them.
“Oh look who it is, dumb and dumber” chortles could be heard from the Slytherin table at Draco’s words causing you to roll your eyes, it was pathetic how they would lick up every single thing he did.
“Offers still there Y/L/N” Draco turned to you before he slowly started to ascend back towards the Slytherin table where he was greeted with numerous pats on the back as he squeezed himself in between Crabbe and Goyle.
“What a slimy git” Ron huffed as he took the seat next to yours, immediately beginning to scoop all the food in view onto his plate.
“What did he want anyways?” Harry asked resting his elbows on the wooden house table as he sat down opposite you.
“He asked if I wanted to go to the ball with him” you feigned disgust as you shook your head, hoping he would drop the subject, you’d never been a good liar and if anyone could see through you it would surely be your best friend.
“Just tell him you’re going with me if he asks again, then he’ll leave you alone” Harry suggested, Ron nodding along with him as he stuffed a chicken wing into his mouth.
“Yeah- yeah ‘course thank you Harry” you scratched the back of your head cringing at the obvious hint of disappointment lingering in your words which thankfully no one but Hermione seemed to notice since she reached her hand out across the table and laid it gently atop of yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
You gave her a small smile before your eyes began dancing around the Great Hall somehow coming to a halt on Draco’s figure, he had his chin resting in the palm of his hand as he engaged in conversation with Blaise.
No one could say that Draco Malfoy wasn’t handsome, rude and a prat? Sure, but unattractive no. He was the only boy you’d ever seen who was able to pull of such a hair color and as your eyes travelled along his sharp jawline up to his chiseled cheekbones you felt the uncontrollable feeling of heat rush up to your face as his eyes met yours.
He sent you a wink before turning back around, you mirroring his actions the feeling of butterflies swarming your stomach slowly melting away as you pushed any remaining thoughts of him aside.
The ball was only a few days from now and you and Hermione had decided to take a trip down to Hogsmeade in an attempt to shop for dresses, not wanting to repeat what had happened last year when you both had made the mistake of trusting your parents with your attires, the dresses they’d choosen had arrived the same night as the ball and you had been forced to show up in matching bright pink gowns since it had been too late to go and buy new ones. You’d been the laughing stocks off the school for a couple months after that, never again.
You cringed at the memory that would surely be edged into your mind forever but as you pushed open the wooden door that led into Gladrags Wizardwear you found yourself entranced with all the beautiful dresses littered around the shop.
“Have you decided who you’re gonna go to the ball with?” Hermione hummed as her fingers trailed over a blue gown that hung along with hundreds of others at the front of the store.
“Yeah I think I’m just gonna go with Harry, I don’t want to risk my friendship with either him or Ron by going with Draco” you sighed not feeling the need to hide your disappointment in front of her.
“I get that but if you really do like Malfoy you should just ease Harry and Ron into the idea of you two being together” Hermione shrugged in response before removing the dress she’d been looking at from its hanger and placing it into her arms as you continued browsing.
“How am I supposed to do that you know how much they hate him” you sighed as you lightly dragged your hand over the multiple fabrics that hung on the clothing rag next to you.
“You could dance with him at the ball” Hermione suggested, you nodded silently in agreement before coming to an abrupt halt as a certain dress caught your eye. It was champagne colored and made out of silk with a thigh high split running down the side of it, not the type of dress you’d usually go for but nevertheless you carefully placed it into your arms deciding their was no harm in seeing how it looked on you.
“Who are you going with?” you changed the subject not feeling like talking about Draco anymore, it was really killing your mood.
“Hero Finnigan asked me” your eyes widened at Hermione’s words. Hero Finnigan was in the year above you and was quite the heartthrob around school, he’d been known for having a new girl underneath his arm every week and it seemed that this time around it was going to be Hermione, much to your surprise.
“Please tell me you said yes, if anyone’s going to make Ron jealous it’s definitely him” you assured her, looping your arm with hers as you continued skimming through the store.
“Of course I said yes, I’m not that daft” she shook her head before continuing, “I don’t know though I-I guess I was just hoping that in the end Ron would ask me, but apparently he’s going with Lavender” her nose scrunched up at the mere mention of her name as she let out a heavy sigh.
Your heart ached for your best friend as you put an arm around her shoulder giving her a tight side hug, a subtle way of letting her know you were there for her no matter what.
“Enough about that let’s go try on our dresses and we can tell each other what we think” Hermione was obviously trying to distract herself but you didn’t feel like pressing the subject any further so you only nodded in agreement as you started searching for the changing rooms, it was a surprisingly big shop compared to how small it had appeared from the outside.
Once you’d finally found them at the far end of the shop you both entered separate rooms, simultaneously pulling the curtains shut shielding you from the watchful eyes of the other customers, although there weren’t that many.
You took one last look at the dress letting your fingers wander down the silky fabric before carefully removing it from its hanger and slipping your legs in between the opening.
Once you got it on, you weren’t able to reach the zipper on the back, no matter how hard you tried so you stealthily peeked your head out behind the curtain and seeing no one you began to make your way towards Hermione’s changing room hoping she could be of some assistance.
“Need some help with that?” a voice stopped you dead in your tracks, swiftly turning to see Draco standing there, a mischievous smirk resting on his lips as he took a step closer to you.
“Are you stalking me or something?” you shook your head, furrowing your brows once you noticed how his eyes weren’t meeting yours, instead they were trailing up and down your body, devouring every inch of you.
“Eyes up here Malfoy” you teased which made him finally look up at you, but instead of replying with a snide comment of his own he threw the suit he’d been holding onto a clothing rag nearby and slowly began to stride towards you.
You weren’t able to get a word out as he tenderly placed his ring clad fingers on top of your bare shoulders scanning your face for approval witch you granted by carefully nodding your head taking in a deep breath as you felt him begin to slowly turn you around.
You shivered once the cold metal wrapped around his fingers began to run down your arms, his fingertips then gently dancing down the small of your back in a painfully teasing manner.
You couldn’t help but let out a breathy sigh as he took a step closer to you his lips ghosting over your ear as he began to pull the zipper upwards causing you to almost involuntarily lean into him. As soon as you did his scent consumed you, he smelled of expensive cologne and spearmint, even better than you could have ever imagined.
He stopped as the zip reached the bottom strands of your hair, he thought for a moment before he carefully wrapped his hand around your h/c locks, twisting them gently around his fingers before letting them fall over the side of your shoulder, the tips of his fingers ever so slightly running across the side of your neck as he moved them back down to where he’d stopped.
You gently tilted your head, closing your eyes in content once you felt his hot breath fan over your neck, you leaned your head back at the sensation resting it atop of Draco’s shoulder, shivering once you felt his lips ghost over the sweet spot just behind your ear, one of his arms finding your waist as the other continued to work its way up your back.
Once you heard the faint sound of the zipper click as it reached its closing you slowly opened your eyes feeling him take an impossible step closer to you, your behind now pressed into his front as he trailed his hands down to your hips.
“You clean up quite nice Y/L/N” he breathed out as he began running his hands up to your stomach before finally reaching your waist where they abruptly stopped so that he could turn you back around, you let out a gasp at the sudden forced movement your hands clinging onto his shoulders to prevent you from falling.
You opened your mouth but no words came out as you were consumed by the feeling of his fingers digging into your sides, his lips mere centimeters from yours you almost unknowingly began to lean in.
He mirrored your movements but just before your lips could meet someone cleared their throat from behind you causing you to jump away from him, frowning at the sudden loss of contact.
Once your eyes met Hermione’s you quickly cleared your throat acting as if nothing had (almost) happened, she raised an eyebrow obviously confused at the scene unfolding before her.
You turned back towards Draco who was looking at you almost expectantly, “I’m going with Harry to the ball” you suddenly felt the need to tell him, hoping he wouldn’t get the wrong idea from the little moment you had just shared.
“Potter seriously?” Draco scoffed in return before making his way around you and Hermione, your eyes following his figure and as soon as he was completely out of sight you finally felt like you could breath again, staggering backwards into Hermione who quickly put her arms up to catch you.
“Oh I’m in trouble”
You’d decided to buy the dress you’d tried on in the store, even though every time you put it on you couldn’t shake away the feeling of Draco being pressed against you as his lips hovered dangerously close to your neck.... You shook your head in hopes that it would toss the memory out of your mind, you couldn’t be thinking about Draco right now, not when Harry was standing just outside the Gryffindor common room patiently waiting for you to get ready.
“Can you zip me up?” you turned your back to Hermione who quickly rushed to your side swiftly beginning to pull the zipper on the back of your dress upwards. As you closed your eyes you got momentary flashes off Draco’s ring clad fingers wrapped around your body and you tried with all your might to shake the tingling feeling you got away, but nothing seemed to be working.
“Okay do a little spin for me” you let out a laugh at Hermione’s words but nevertheless you began spinning around your dorm playfully, letting your hair fall across your shoulders as Hermione threw her head back in laughter.
“You look incredible” she complemented as you engulfed each other in tight hugs mentally preparing yourselves for the night ahead.
“Oh please, I’m nothing compared to you” you stated linking your arms together before the two of you began to make your way to your awaiting dates.
Once the door to the Gryffindor common room opened the first thing you saw was Harry engaged in conversation with Hero, you could tell by his uncomfortable shuffling that the exchange had been awkward causing you to let out a small giggle which captured the attention of the two boys.
Harry’s mouth hung open as he let his eyes wander all over you, from the thigh-high front split on the front of your dress to your flawless makeup and perfectly styled hair, he was speechless, if you two weren’t best friends he’d probably be tripping over his own two feet by now.
“Well this is certainly an upgrade from last year” Harry let out a teasing laugh as he bowed down to take your hand in his.
“Oh shut up” you feigned annoyance as you stood beside him, feeling goosebumps run up your arms as his hand came to rest on your lower back, leading the two of you towards the Great Hall.
“In all seriousness Y/N, you look amazing” Harry gushed as he pulled you into his side. An uncontrollable blush creeping onto your cheeks at his words as you let your head fall on his shoulder.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Potter” you teased, the two of you letting out simultaneous fits of laughter as you followed closely behind Hero and Hermione.
After a moment of silence Harry suddenly spoke out, “Ron was going to ask her you know” the two of you shared knowing glances at his words, it was so painfully obvious that your other two best friends were head over heels in love with each other but neither of them dared to make the first move, either to scared of being rejected or ruining their many years worth of friendship.
“Figures” you shrugged a comfortable silence overtaking you as you walked over to one of the many rows of couples stood in front of the entrance leading into the Great Hall.
As the doors begun to open you excitedly smiled up at Harry but before you were able to move forward another couple had harshly pushed their way in front of you and you were immediately able to identify the mob of platinum blond hair.
“Excuse me” you rolled your eyes causing the two of them to turn their heads towards you, you couldn’t hold in your scoff once you saw who he’d decided to bring, Pansy Parkinson of all the people in this bloody school.
“Don’t start anything Malfoy” Harry warned before either of them were able to get a word out, it looked like Pansy was going to throw a snide comment your way but stopped as soon as her eyes met Draco’s, she let out a huff before reluctantly turning back around.
“You look dashing” Draco complimented, you could feel Harry tense up beside you and you snaked an arm around his waist in an attempt to calm him down, the last thing you wanted was to cause a scene.
“Shouldn’t you be telling that to your date?” you retorted gesturing towards Pansy who seemed to be strangely quiet, usually she couldn’t keep her mouth shut no matter the circumstance, but you weren’t complaining.
Draco didn’t respond instead he just shrugged his shoulders before turning back around his arm slipping down towards Pansy’s lower back, you felt the inkling feeling of jealousy begin to form inside you but you forced yourself to push it away giving Harry’s bicep a reassuring squeeze knowing it had taken all his might not to hex Draco then and there.
As soon as Draco and Pansy had left you two be you quickly pulled Harry along with you into the hall so you wouldn’t get trampled by the entourage of students crowded behind you who were also squeezing their way through the double doors.
You intertwined your fingers with Harry’s as you took in your surroundings. It looked even better than last year, snow was falling from the starry black ceiling stopping just a few feet above you, mistletoe’s and every traditional Christmas decoration you could think of were littered all across the hall and instead of the usual house tables there were hundreds of smaller silver ones, each having it’s own floating candle above them.
Once you spotted a decent place to sit you tugged onto Harry’s arm gesturing for him to follow you towards the table your eyes were set on, somehow along the way you managed to spot Hermione and you threw your arm up gesturing for her hand Hero to come sit with you and Harry.
It wasn’t long until the chair beside you was being pulled from underneath the table and Hermione placed her self atop of it along with Hero, you happily greeted both of them but all joy inside you seemed to fade away once you noticed Ron and Lavender heading your way.
Oh please no
Ron placed a chaste kiss on Lavender’s cheek as he pointed towards your table.
Don’t sit here
Lavender eagerly began to nod following behind Ron as they inched closer and closer.
Anywhere but here
Despite your silent praying Ron was now pulling a chair out for Lavender before taking a seat himself and as soon as he did an awkward tension filled the air. You grabbed Hermione’s hand from underneath the table giving it a reassuring squeeze noticing how she’d tensed up once Lavender had bitterly greeted her.
“Whose this then?” Ron could be heard from the other end of the table, you rolled your eyes at his tone, how did Hermione not realize he was jealous hell even Hero seemed to notice it as his eyes uncomfortably shifted between Hermione’s angered expression and Ron’s annoyed one.
“Hero Finnigan, and you?” he reached his hand out over the table and for a split moment your eyes had widened thinking Ron was actually going to sit there and ignore him but thankfully the ginger haired boy reluctantly reached over the table and connected his hand with Hero’s.
“Ron, Ron Weasely”
“Weasely, eh? could have guessed, I’m good friends with your brothers” Hero attempted to make conversation but Ron didn’t seem all to keen on it only muttering a “whatever” underneath his breath causing you to kick him from underneath the table, you gave him a warning glance to which he replied by throwing a small ‘piss off’ in your direction.
Before you could begin to scold him for his rude behaviour Dumbledore’s voice tore throughout the Great Hall preventing you from doing so although you had a feeling that if it hadn’t had been him it probably would have been Harry.
“Welcome students to our annual Jingle Ball, may I say you all look wonderful tonight” Dumbledore gingerly smiled, his wand lightly pressed against the side of his neck as he gestured towards the numerous students all dressed in their finest attires.
“We’ll start the evening with a three course meal prepared by our lovely house elves” claps begun to sound around the Great Hall which you quickly joined in on, smiling brightly once you noticed the numerous elves clumsily standing up from their seats and waving at the students.
“Once you’ve finished eating a band will be preforming for us and I hope that you and your dates will be joining me and McGonagall on the dance floor” laughter sounded around the hall at the last part of his sentence but instead of joining in like you usually would you found yourself draining out all noise as your eyes met Draco’s.
He’d already been looking your way and you couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on your lips as his icy grey eyes burned through yours, you felt like there was some type of force drawing you to him and you couldn’t do anything about it, even though your head was screaming at you that shouldn’t be developing feelings for someone as arrogant and cruel as Draco Malfoy your heart seemed to be having trouble following.
Once everyone had finished eating you were eager to get away from your table, somehow Hero and Ron had begun a full blown argument which you and Hermione had to quickly shut down by asking Lavender to take Ron somewhere else until he’d calm down, that boy could not control his temper if his life depended on it.
You’d managed to cheer Hermione up after the entire ordeal telling her that she should focus on herself for once and have fun, thankfully she’d listened and you couldn’t help the giddy expression overtaking your facial features as you watched her and Hero sway together on the dance floor.
“Care to dance M’ lady” Harry merrily bowed down in front of you reaching his hand out towards yours, you placed a hand on your chest in feigned surprise before gently laying your hand in Harry’s palm.
“Why, I would be delighted to” you attempted a posh accent unable to contain the giggle that fell past your lips as you let Harry lead you to the dance floor.
As soon as his arm had wrapped around your waist and the other intertwined with your hand another slow song began playing, most of the students were still digesting their food so their weren’t many on the dance floor, it was only you and Harry, Hero and Hermione and about six other couples.
You leaned your head on Harry’s chest letting him slowly sway you to the soothing melody of the song. “You know I love you right?” Harry mumbled as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
“I love you too, silly” you brightly smiled up at him, you both knew there weren’t harbored feelings for the other hidden behind those three words so you had no trouble voicing it to each other.
You tightly wrapped your arms around his waist continuing to slowly move around the dance floor. You knew how hard his life had been leading up to this point, losing his family, Sirius, and then Cedric he always had the inkling fear that one day he’d lose you or Ron or Hermione so you wanted to make sure he knew you weren’t going anywhere.
Sometimes silence speaks louder than words and you knew you were saying everything you needed just by being there with him, it felt like hours that you’d stayed that way wrapped in each others arms but soon students begun to make their way to the dance floor so you and Harry decided to take a short break, heading hand in hand back towards your table.
Unbeknownst to you whilst you and Harry had been in your own world gently dancing with each other for all eyes to see, Draco had been enduring pure torture over at his table.
“I can’t believe she choose Potter over you”
“That’s gotta sting”
“How’s it feel being the second choice”
“Hope you’re ready to do my homework for the rest of the year”
Was all he had heard for the last hour as he’d watched you and Harry dance with one another. No matter the threats he threw their way and menacing looks they just wouldn’t stop, he felt as if his power of being crowned the Slytherin prince was slipping away from him, since in his world losing to someone like Harry Potter was as low as you could get.
Then and there Draco decided he wasn’t going to endure it anymore he was making his move tonight no matter the circumstance.
“You know Ginny’s been eyeing you all night” you wiggled your eyebrows nudging Harry’s shoulder who awkwardly began shifting in his seat as he mumbled a ‘really’ in response to which you nodded.
“Go ask her too dance!” you stood up so you could force him out of his seat along with you, you subtly pointed towards Ginny’s direction who had swiftly looked away as soon as her eyes had met Harry’s.
“But what about you?” Harry frowned realizing you didn’t have anyone to spend time with if he’d leave since both Hermione and Ron seemed to be preoccupied with their dates.
“Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine! now go” you ushered him forward giving him a reassuring thumbs up as he began to walk towards her.
“You’re quite the matchmaker aren’t you?” Hermione had suddenly walked up behind you and you both watched in amusement as Harry almost fell over twice before he was able to reach Ginny who had happily agreed to dance with him.
“Where’s Hero?” you asked as you turned to face Hermione eyes wandering around the hall in an attempt to spot her date, “oh he’s just gone to get us some drinks, you’re welcome to join us if you’d like” Hermione offered but you shook your head.
“No its okay honestly I’m fine” you assured her, you did not want to spend the evening third wheeling your best friend and her date.
Hermione began opening her mouth surely to convince you to join them but stopped once her eyes landed on something behind you or rather someone behind you.
“Care to dance?”
You swiftly turned around to see Draco with his hand reaching out towards you, you tried your best to contain the smile that was so desperately gnawing at the sides of your mouth as you turned back to Hermione who was giving you knowing smile.
“Find me if you need anything alright?” you eagerly nodded at her words only turning back to Draco once Hermione had fully vanished into the crowd.
“One dance, that’s it” you attempted to sound serious but it came off in a more teasing manner as you let your hand fall into Draco’s.
As soon as you’d reached the middle of the dance floor, Draco’s arm had snaked around your waist pulling you into him whilst the other intertwined your fingers. You let out a giggle as he began twirling you around, gracefully catching you back in his arms as both his hands moved to rest on your lower back.
“You’re quite the dancer” you complimented, without a doubt boosting Draco’s already large ego, “I know” he had replied with a knowing smirk, twirling you around one last time before pulling you flush up against him your noses bumping together since you’d already been looking up at him. You’d held the eye contact for a minute as you brightly smiled at each other before you gently let your chin rest on his shoulder as he slowly began swaying you from side to side.
As your eyes began dancing over the students you didn’t think anything could burst your happy bubble until your eyes found Harry’s who had a look of disappointment edged onto his features as he pulled away from Ginny who had frowned at his sudden dismissal as she watched him begin to make his way out of the Great Hall.
You cleared your throat as you uncomfortably began shuffling away from Draco who gave you a look of confusion as he watched you pull your hand out of his and back away from him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry I can’t do this” you muttered before hurriedly turning around and squeezing your way through the crowd of students all huddled together on the dance floor, most of them giving you annoyed glances as you pushed them out of the way but you didn’t care all you wanted to do was find Harry. You couldn’t imagine how he’d felt once he saw you his best friend, dancing with someone who’d made his life a living hell ever since the first year.
Once you’d exited the Great Hall you frantically began looking around the empty corridors in an attempt to find Harry who’d stormed out here only moments ago.
“Y/N!” you heard Draco call from behind you but you ignored him, picking up your pace once you heard his nearing footsteps echoing around the empty hallways.
“Y/N please wait” you felt him grab ahold of your wrist swiftly turning you back to face him, his grip only tightening as you began attempting to pull your hand away.
“No! You can’t treat my friends like shit and then expect me to give in on whatever the hell you’re trying to do” you finally managed to rip your hand out of his grasp as you turned back around but he quickly ran in front of you placing his hands on your shoulders to keep you in place.
“Listen I’m sorry alright, bloody hell I just- I can’t stop thinking about you I don’t know how to explain it but I think I might-” he cut himself off hesitating to speak his next words unsure of how you’d react since he didn’t want to return to his friends with yet another failed attempt.
“You think you might what?” you crossed your arms over your chest glaring up at him as you watched his mouth open and close again.
“Fancy you” he finally let out, your eyes widening as you let your hands fall down to your hips. You took a few steps back until you couldn’t move any further the tall walls of the castle preventing you from doing so.
“You what?” you barely whispered and Draco took that as his chance to walk towards you placing both his hands on the wall next to you.
As you looked back up at him he slowly started to remove one hand from the wall so he could place it onto your cheek and just like he’d done in the store, he began leaning in until his lips were barely hovering above yours, you so desperately wanted to close the gap between you but a part of you was screaming to push him away and never look back, but as your eyes met his once more you couldn’t bring yourself to do it your heart taking control as he pressed his lips against your own.
Your lips continued dancing with each other at a normal pace until he’d moved to deepen the kiss swiftly wrapping his arms around your waist so you were able to loop yours around his neck, he pushed you even tighter up against the wall causing you to let out a gasp allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth.
You ran your fingers through his hair gently pulling on the strands on the back of his head before letting your head fall to the side as he began leaving kisses down your neck his hands trailing down your sides until they wrapped around your hips pulling you even further into him.
You gently blinked your eyes open as you pulled away from him, your lips undoubtedly swollen and your lipstick smeared but you didn’t care.
“No one can know about this, not until I talk to Harry” you breathed out leaning your forehead against his as you attempted to slow your heart rate by taking deep breaths in and out.
“Of course I won’t tell anyone” he lied, he’d gotten quite good at that after having to continuously lie to his father ever since he was a child, one particular incident that he would never forget was when he’d accidentally let one of the house elves go because he didn’t know that to free them they had to be granted an item of clothing and on a particularly cold night he saw no harm in granting the elf his jacket since it had been shivering beside him and when his father had barged into his room later in the night furious at his son’s stupidity Draco had lied and told him that the elf had tricked him into doing so and upon hearing this his father had tracked the elf down and casted the unforgivable curse onto him, after that Draco lied to his father about almost everything he did to ensure something like that would never happen again.
Amongst his peers he was powerful and feared but when it came to his father he was nothing, never good enough and always in the way. School was the only place he felt he was more than his father’s words so he knew that as soon as he would make his way into the Slytherin common room the first thing he was going to do was tell his friends that he’d done it, that you were slowly but surely beginning to fall for him, which put him right back on top. 
@itzsoff @multiversegalaxygirl @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @awkwardnesshabitat @tiredplier @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @macheregrace @dobreesersei @voidmalfoy @lana-isabelle @fangirlyah @dracomalfoyswifey @lonely-kermit @mrsmyamalfoy @fuzzy-panda @sluthug @urbankaite2 @chickeebabe @classygirlything @dark-night-sky-99 @ranialih @pillowjj @im-a-stranger-thing @christinechickiee @imstillhere-butallislost @spencerreidisbootiful @hip-hopphile @justmesadgirl @gia-kerks @lilxnvm @kelly182001 @moonbug26 @gabiconstellation @sleepinmoonbean @mautand @oldschoolkiddo @naomiiiiiiiiiii04 @dreams-in-blxck @stalker83005 @criesinlies @sxlted-carxrmel @moonjooniee @maskd-hearts @little-honey-bear @dobreesersei 
Let me know in my inbox or asks if you’d liked to be added, much love <333
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avada-kedavrugh · 4 years ago
hi :) could you write a draco x reader where she's been really stressed out and he's like 'wtf do i do' and panicking bc he has no idea how do deal with it? thank you :)
pairing: draco x reader 
summary: you’re upset and draco doesn’t know what to do bc hes afraid of losing you.
warnings: angst, fluff
not sure how happy i am with this but here ya go!
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You were always a firm believer that Saturdays were made for relaxing, for taking a breather from the stresses in the world, and letting your mind wind down. Saturdays were definitely not made for you to be sat alone in the bathroom, hands bawled at your sides, knuckles turning white as your teeth bared down on your lips to prevent the string of whimpers that would escape.  
You were struggling. Not only were you struggling, but you didn’t have the bravery to admit it to anyone and you weren’t sure you even had the words to explain what you were feeling.
Instead, you let the stress build-up, let it taunt you at night, and keep you wide awake, let it leave a sickly pit in your stomach that stole your appetite, let it plague your mind, and snatch your happy thoughts. All the while, you put on a brave face and forced a smile for your boyfriend Draco, out of some strange fear – that you couldn’t shake off – over how he’d react.
You had tried to tell him, tell him you were stressed about the world around you, the growing rumors of Voldemort, the pressures your family put on you, but when you opened your mouth it all just seemed like too much and all that came out was an inaudible mutter. Draco had shot you a weird, interrogating look which sent your nerves into overdrive and so then, you decided you could deal with your stress all alone.
And now you were sat in the toilet, blotched eyes soaked with tears and trying to hold back sobs. Clearly, you were not as good as you thought at dealing with stress.
You inhaled, fixating on the feeling of the air rushing through you, trying to push out the feelings of anxiety that consumed you. Your chest rose and fell as your breaths finally came to a steady rhythm, your heart rate slowing, and your sense of calm returning. You sat in the new-found stillness of the cubicle, ears on patrol for any sound - any possible witnesses that you’d have to deal with - but all you heard was the drip of a broken tap.
You desperately wiped at your face again, scrubbing away your tears, smoothing down your crumpled sleeve and taking a deep breath, both to steady your mind and ready yourself, as you stood up and walked out the cubicle.
Draco had noticed something was up. Draco prided himself on knowing you, when you were around, he often tried dissecting your thoughts and body language, tagging your every movement carefully. He’d sometimes smugly think he knew you better than you even knew yourself. He knew exactly what every look you gave him meant, from the looks of arousal to the small flashes of anger, he knew it all and he cherished it all, though what he cherished most was the bright grin – one that always forced a small smile on his face - and the twinkling flash of your eyes and symphony of your laugh that rung through his ears which he had memorised on loop. 
Recently, the number of times you flashed your contagious grin was decreasing and he knew something was up, he found himself working harder just to get a small smile from your lips or a hesitant chuckle. So now his mind pondered over what was making you act differently; in his darkest thoughts he was scared you didn’t want him anymore and the fear of that made him avoid the topic entirely.
He tried to rationalise it as school stress and told himself to remain calm but all he wanted was you. Maybe, he wondered when he tried to sleep at night, you were finally fed up with him, he knew he wasn’t always the best boyfriend, he could admit he struggled to express his emotions and would find himself pushing you away, he knew that you could probably find someone much better but he cherished and loved you – even though he had never told you that.
Selfishly, he didn’t want to lose you and so he hoped things would get better but as weeks went on he knew he had to approach you, ask you what was wrong, he noticed you were smiling less and yawning more, your eyes become decorated with lavender bags rather than the happy twinkle in them that he adored. He wasn’t really sure how to approach the matter. He was scared that he’d make it worse or that you’d utter the words that would ruin his whole world.  
One day, when you seemed particularly withdrawn and upset, face pale and eyes riddled with worry, he decided he had to ask you. Even if his greatest fear came true, he knew that he’d risk losing you, just to see your happy smile again.  
He didn’t really know what to do. Emotions were complicated. He had an amazing talent at putting his foot in things and didn’t want to do that this time. He wanted to make you happy and you seemed so fragile right now that he knew the risk and, frankly, he was terrified.
Finally, he had mentally worked up the courage and strode into the common room knowing you should be there, mentally reciting the words to say to you. And then his eyes searched for you, to find you, and to his surprise, you weren’t there.  
He panicked at first thinking this was just a clear sign you didn’t want him, that you were avoiding him, that you didn’t want to speak to him. He was about to let his insecurities get the best of him when he heard someone mutter “Did you see that Y/N crying in the hallways earlier, must be trouble in paradise.” The voices around him all burst out into laughter and he could feel eyes reel over him.
Hands clenching, eyes blaring and a new state of determination fuelled by spite drove him forward as he stormed up to the group, and through clenched teeth he demanded.
“Where is she?”
As you left the cubicle, you took in the image of the strange figure in the mirror, skin faded, weary eyes adorned with bags and the remnants of tears, as you sighed, so did the figure, your reflection showing the true extent of your struggle. Taking a moment to take in the sight, checking every detail to see if you looked suitably presentable, your mind flashed to Draco, hoping that he wouldn’t notice your strange behaviour. Then you turned to leave the bathroom, leaving the grim reflection behind you and preparing to force a smile on your face back in the common room.
The first thing you saw as you opened the bathroom door was a blonde-haired boy pacing up and down the door, face wrinkled into a look of stress. As soon as the door slammed behind you and you were trapped in the corridor with Draco, his eyes darted up and looked down your form, scrutinising every detail before falling into a look of worry.
“Y/N?” His stony eyes flickered with softness as he took a step towards you, his hands reaching up to you before he quickly stilled, his hands falling by his side and his eyes flickered with a conflict. You could see a contemplative look on his face as he stared at you, his mouth opening to speak but nothing coming out. You returned his hard stare, the sound of breathing the only thing cutting through the awkward silence between the two of you.
“I was just about to come into the toilets but I, I didn’t know what to say” He admitted.
You remained silent, unsure of what to say.
“I know something is wrong Y/N.” Draco finally worked up the courage to say.
As your heart tugged with dread you snapped back “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Y/N, please, I-” His own eyes glazed over as he took a deep breath, steadying his words as he moved a step forward “I know something is wrong, so don’t lie to me. Even if it hurts me, please don’t lie to me.”
“It’s nothing really.” The downturn of Draco’s face made you immediately regret your choice of words.
“I know I’m not, I’m not the greatest boyfriend and I know you can do so much better but I lo- like being around you,” His voice cracking as he spoke as his hands began to tremble “you make me happy and I really do not want to lose you because I-I love you but if it’d make you happier if we broke up that’s also okay, I just want you to be happy-”
You looked at him for a second as you listened, eyebrows falling into confusion, you closed the gap between the two of you and wrapped your arms around him, holding him tight as his arms instinctively held you, stopping him in his rant.
“Draco you idiot,” You whispered into his neck as you held each other tight in embrace “You can’t get rid of me that easily, I love you too.”
His face pulled back, twisting with confusion at your words, bloodshot eyes staring at your face looking for any signs of deception.
“But I thought-”
“You really thought I didn’t want you anymore?” You continued “I’ve just been stressed about everything going on, I have a lot of pressure on me and I didn’t want to burden you with it”
“None of your emotions are ever a burden to me,” He muttered, sincerity clear in his voice. He held you for a while, both of you holding onto each other tightly, as if, if you let each other go just the tiniest bit, you’d lose each other. You forgot where you were for a second, transported from the empty hallways of Hogwarts to a universe where it was just you and Draco and your love for each other. Draco broke the comfortable silence by pulling back, his lips twisted into a smug look as he teased “You love me?”
“Yeah, I do. But you’re the one who told me they loved me first remember?” Teasing him back  
“I can’t blame you for loving me, I am pretty great” His words dripping with amusement as he ignored your words, then his look changed into a one of sincerity as he kissed you.
Almost covered by the sounds of kissing you could barely make out as Draco murmured
“I love you darling, always will.”
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 4 years ago
Few more moments
Drarry prompt - no warning | war au
Harry rushed through the objects desperately trying to find the last hocrux he had returned to Hogwarts looking for , home was what he used to call it once , now it was not more than mere abolished liberty. He had almost found the hocrux when suddenly he heard the familiar voice
" that's not yours "
Harry turned about to see Draco holding a wand against him
" well losers loss Malfoy , who's are you holding ?" Harry said grimly as he lopsidedly tried finding the hocrux
" my mother's . It doesn't quite understand me " Draco replied lowering his wand . There was something about the way draco seemed that didn't quite fit well, something that was entirely different about him and harry couldn't stop himself from asking
" why didn't you tell her that night ? Bellatrix .. You knew it was me , why didn't you tell her ? You're not even with voldemort right now , I'm sure he'll be waiting for you ? "
Draco wanted to say so many things but he didn't. He had spent years bidding about wanting to see harry losing one day but now when the possibility was so close, Draco was afraid. It was almost as if Draco didn't wanted harry to lose anymore , if anything Draco only came to Hogwarts because he wanted harry to win . He was tired of putting up a Slytherin facade , The pureblood mania , he was tired of pretending that he didn't care even if a little bit.
Draco finally lowered his wand " go "
" what ?" Harry was surprised by what draco had just said
" I'm saying go , runaway "
" you're not actually suggesting that are you ?" Harry replied astounded
" I am "
" if you want to live potter , just go " draco added
" you want me to live ? wait this isn't some sort of vicious plan to keep my distracted until he comes and get me " harry grimly asked
" Potter That man out there is more brutal than anyone I've ever seen , he would torture you , exhaust you , make you suffer so much , just go while you can. Don't fight him " Draco desperately said .
" isn't it too late for that malfoy , haven't I already been tortured , suffered enough already , hell I don't even know the last time I didn't feel exhausted . I can't walk away from this war , these people out there , their lives depend on me. If I don't fight today Malfoy I would never again and he is not going to stop until I stop him , so you can save your advice because no matter what I am going out there to face him . Why do you even care though ? Thought you always wanted me dead ?" Harry bashed
" dead , me wanting you dead ? You daft dimbo you're the reason I am here today ! If there's someone who wants to be dead it's me , when he knows I want you to runaway he'll probably kill me anyways . I'm doing you a favour here harry , run "
" and leave this all behind , are you insane ! Its a war malfoy , he isn't going to stop . Thought you knew better . You lived with that man in your mansion "
" exactly I lived with that man . He's capable of anything . You don't even know if you'll walk out of the war fine or not . Hell you might even die-"
" but I don't care if i die now , don't you understand I have to do this or all of this would've been a waste. Malfoy if you're seriously trying to keep me busy do me a favour one last time and don't do anything to get me murdered before time-"
" you are oblivious " draco suddenly said , his wand no longer pointed at harry but firm in his grip
" what'd you mean I'm oblivious ?"
" I'm trying to help you here and you are so destined to see that I want you dead " a flicker of hurt shot through Draco , if this was how harry saw him , the world would too .
Harry was stunned but he wanted to believe Draco , he wanted to. He had indeed saved Harry's life even if it were once , he did . What harry and draco had was some stupid rivalry among school boys but harry never actually hated Draco , not after what he had done to him an year ago but before harry could've said anything Crabbe had set the room on fire and draco and harry separated with so many unspoken words. It suddenly dawned upon harry that Draco was nothing more than what he is , responsibilities bored upon him that he didn't like , tortured the same way harry had been , inflicted with choices he couldn't choose from . In that moment harry just wanted to see Draco once again and tell him thing's draco deserved to hear . But it was in a thin air when harry circled the room on the broom , Ron yelling at him but harry was determined to save Draco , if anything harry owed him .
When harry finally saw Draco standing upon the pile he was looking down at the fire not mere inches from the edge , so close that draco could've even jumped but he didn't. Right then harry had helped Draco to come with him , he owed him harry told himself but there were greater reason harry wasn't ready to confer yet.
They flew across the room and zoomed out right before the door slammed shut leaving harry and draco gasping for air as they rolled over the ground.
" you alright ?" Harry asked as soon as he got back his breath . Draco looked at him for a moment before nodding . They stayed in a minute of silence before Harry spoke up because he knew if not now then he would never say these words
" listen mafoy " Harry said " I - I just want you to know you're not a bad guy . I know you think you are but you're not , if you were you wouldn't had saved me that night in the manor and even if you think you are the bad guy then I am just as bad as you are. Just thought you should know , also thank you "
" i- I don't- thanks potter " Draco mumbled, that was all he could say . Harry nodded at him deciding to get up and go but Draco stopped him, one last time.
" Harry , make it out alive could you ? You are probably the only reason I am here today , it's not just other people's lives that relies on you . That night in the manor I could've sworn you were there without even looking at you , I just , I couldn't have seen you die before me . It would've been too much . And I never really hated you , all my life it was just my guts because maybe I wanted to be like you but now that I see you right now I know you're one of a kind potter . Hell after all this time I wish we could renew things or maybe just go back and start over or I don't know maybe re-establish. I mean if you come back maybe we could -"
" Draco "
" start over agai-"
" Draco listen " Draco finally looked up to see Harry contently looking at Draco not mere inches away from him .
" I can't promise anything. I can die out there ,if not by him , probably something else might kill me " Harry smiled
" can you at least try ?" Draco said in utter desperation. It took everything in Harry to not hug him right but Harry knew it would be a weak call . He had so much on his plate and hugging Draco right now would just make things unbelievably hard
" I will try " Harry replied in a low mumble holding Draco's hands in his but he had lost every bit of shred in him and the thought of losing Harry had caused a chaos that only tore Draco up and before he could think twice he hugged Harry tighter than he wanted to .
Separating from the hug was the hardest things Draco possibly could've done right now , he didn't wanted to let go but the war wasn't going to stop. Just a few moments. Draco thought , he only needed a few moments with Harry.
" maybe if I do come back , we could start over again and maybe could be more than just friends " Harry whispered as he pressed their forehead together. He needed to go but a much larger part of him wasn't ready to leave him . Just a few more moments Harry thought .
" you would want that ?" Draco anxiously asked .
" yes I would -" but before Harry could anything else a spell was thrown on the wall behind Harry .
Draco's life as if flashed before him he placed a chaste kiss on Harry's lips . Harry grinned cherishing the fact that he was kissed by Draco malfoy , he kissed him back again enjoying a few moment of vulnerability .
" I must go now-" Harry said desperately not letting go yet.
" I'll wait for you " Draco said cupping Harry's cheeks and kissing him again . In that moment Harry thought , everything about his life was forever changed and he was proud to say he didn't regret it .
I will try to keep this daily prompt challenge as regular as possible. To be honest I'm insecure about it but here's to improvement. Requests are open . And enjoy.
Day 2 - running fingers through hair
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startanewdream · 4 years ago
Summary: It’s not really an unplanned pregnancy if you planned it once - even it was twenty years ago, right?
Or the road leading to James and Lily’s baby number two. (Part of the Jily Lives AU)
Note: To be edited later with a link to AO3 as soon as this gets a title. Edited with the link to AO3 if you prefer. Also, this time there is mention of Sirius and Remus being alive because after the last one, I felt guilty.
Warning for... mentions of sex. That’s how babies are made after all.
They are in bed, Lily’s head over his chest while he caresses her hair, both still recovering their breaths when she first talks about it.
'How do you feel about another?'
James raises his eyebrows.
'I don't know if I should be happy you enjoyed so much you already want more or if I should be concerned you are not satisfied, Lily'.
'What? No -' she giggles, turning in bed to stare at him, her auburn hair floating around her. 'I meant about another child'.
James is silent for a few seconds, considering it.
'So that means you are not satisfied'.
She rolls her eyes, but James can see the amusement in her face.
'In bed with you, yes, I am', she assures, placing a soft kiss on his chest, over his heart. 'But about kids, I've been thinking about it'.
James bits his lips.
'You know how I feel about it', he whispers.  'I hated so much being an only child that I found myself brothers as soon as I could'.
'Yeah and you did propose to me mentioning how you would like a house full of kids - enough to fill a Quidditch team, if I remember correctly'.
'I was babbling, afraid you were going to refuse me! You know you can't use someone's desperate proposal against him'.
She smiles softly.
'So you don't want a bunch of children?'
He touches her hair once more, keeping his eyes on the auburn strands, and it comes to his mind that he would like a child with that gorgeous hair of her.
'I do. Maybe not seven, but I don't want Harry to be an only child. It's just -'
He doesn't finish, but James knows he doesn't need to. Harry is just fifteen months old, an unplanned child in the middle of a war they are not close to winning and, truth be told, if James and Lily had more sense, they would not have one child, let alone another one.
And there is the fact that their only son is already too much involved in this war.
'Hey', she cups his face. 'Let's plan together'.
There is a pleading tone in her voice, and he knows that what Lily is asking is hope - for better days, for a time where they can have more children without worrying about what will happen to them.
He looks back at her and when their eyes meet, his heart beats faster. It should be silly considering what they were doing minutes ago and how he possibly cried in very colourful words that he loved her, but this is one of those moments where time seems to stop and he realizes, with a wave of electricity running through his body, with a certainty that leaves room for no doubt, that he loves her with all he has.
That’s why they are together, that’s why he asked her to marry him. Not because he feared for the future, not because he was desperate to enjoy as much time with her as they had left.
But because he loved her since what seems always now, and he won’t deny any hope for Lily, not when he's been living on it.
He kisses her softly.
'Let’s plan’, he agrees. ‘I think… maybe four kids would be nice. Two boys, two girls'.
She smiles.
'Well, we can't plan that'. Then Lily throws him a knowing look. 'You are thinking about forming a new group of Marauders, aren't you?'
He smiles unabashedly.
'Just think about family photos. Each one of our kids dresses as one of the Marauders. It would be the cutest thing ever'.
Her eyes shine, seeing beyond him.
'It would. Fine, four kids. We will need a bigger house'.
'We can expand the house, you know. My dad always said he thought of creating a new wing here; there is plenty of land'.
'Two rooms to begin with. They can share until they are older'.
‘Sirius always slept in my room when he came over’, James remembers fondly. ‘We almost burnt the house once or twice, I must warn you’.
‘Consider me warned. Petunia and I had separate rooms, but when I was younger -’, she pauses suddenly, and James can see the concern on her face. ‘What if they don’t like each other?’, she whispers.
‘They will’.
‘You can’t know for sure, I mean - you see how Petunia is with me. And Sirius can’t even talk about Regulus, what if -’
‘You are worrying too much, Lily’, he says gently, kissing the top of her head. ‘Maybe they will best friends, maybe they won’t. But I’m sure they will be family no matter what’.
She looks thoughtfully, but after a minute she nods.
‘What about next year? Harry will be two, it’s a good age gap’.
‘It would be nice. We can start practising now if you want’.
‘I thought we already did’, Lily winks at him. ‘But we can repeat tomorrow’.
‘Halloween fun?’, he smirks. ‘Will you be wearing a costume?’
‘Only if you do - and no, your antlers tiara doesn’t count’.
He pouts, making her giggle and kiss him until his expression relax.
‘Hey, Lily’, he calls her, his voice resounding with the hope he associates with Lily. ‘Let’s have another child’.
When Harry is five and he starts Muggle school, it comes to James that his son has been lacking other kids in his life. It’s not that he is lonely - he couldn’t be, not with James and Lily always there for him, not with the almost daily visits from Sirius and Remus, but he suddenly wishes there were more children in the house.
Now, he can’t count on Sirius or Remus to help him with it - both of them seem to avoid relationships like the plague, though for different reasons -, so he rounds Lily while she is in her office preparing a potion.
‘James?’, she calls surprised, when his arms embrace her from behind and he kisses her exposed neck (James loves when Lily is making potions because she keeps her hair on a bun and he has a weak spot for her neck). ‘This will explode if I don’t stir it’.
‘Let it explode’.
‘It’s a Draught of Living Death, we will turn into zombies if -’
‘Let’s make a baby’.
That makes her take her wand to freeze the potion and turn to him, with a funny smile.
‘Is that a weird way of asking for sex? If so - you used better lines before’.
‘No, I mean, sex is good too and most necessary, but I mean it, Lily. Let’s try for another kid’.
Lily blinks.
‘Why now?’
‘Why not now? Harry is still young, we are definitively young, what’s keeping us from having more?’
She bits her lip, thoughtful, and James feels suddenly dismayed.
‘Unless you don’t want anymore?’
‘It’s not that, I want it - it’s just, with everything that happened -’
‘I know, it slipped out of my mind too. But now, we are living in this peace for a while…’
‘But it won’t last, will it?’, she whispers as if she feels guilty of even thinking about it. ‘Dumbledore says he isn’t really dead and when he returns -’
‘Maybe he will stay hidden forever, maybe he is too weak to try anything’.
She smiles sadly.
‘Every time I look at Harry’s scar I know that something will happen, James. That’s not a normal scar, that means something, and I get scared’.
‘Hey’, he hugs her. ‘As long as we are together, we can face anything - didn’t we prove that before?’
‘Yeah, but - is it fair? To put someone innocent in the middle of our mess?’
‘It was not fair with Harry, but we managed. We can do it again’.
Lily looks at him and James sees she is not convinced, not really; he knows Lily enough to understand that she is rational - she likes to think first, whereas James is always the more impulsive. They complement each other. He takes her to fly, she remembers him to come back to the ground.
And he understands what she means, even if he wishes things were different.
‘You are right’, he sighs. ‘At least for now, until we see how things really are’.
She smiles, touching his face with fondness.
‘I want it, I really do. Don’t forget it’.
James kisses her hand on his face.
‘I won’t. In fact, if you want to start practising now -’
It’s just because the house is empty now that Harry is off to Hogwarts that the subject returns; they don’t exactly talk about it. James just sees Lily is not taking her potions anymore - they look at each other, understanding passing between them (one of the benefits of being married for over ten years) - and then suddenly and simply as that they are trying.
It feels a little weird to actually hope for once that something comes out of their moments together, but it’s Lily. He forgets everything when he is with her, focusing on just enjoying her company and touches and how they made each other feel.
But time passes and nothing happens. It’s been only three months, it’s nothing unusual, and Lily mentions seeing a doctor when the owl comes to tell them how someone jinxed Harry’s broom on his first Quidditch match.
That doesn’t seem like a good sign.
When they return home months after, in June, after seeing Harry all bandaged in the hospital, after hearing him talking about coming face to face with Voldemort, they don’t say anything. He buys the herbs for Lily and she is not surprised when he gives them to her.
There is no need to talk about it.
Most of the time their lives are full of things happening and Harry is always at the centre of a storm, so when James thinks about it, Lily was right. He can’t imagine facing dementors and going back to the Order with a young child to be cared for.
He can’t imagine how their child would be a target, how vulnerable and defenceless their child would be, without a love protection, without a prophecy somehow binding its fate. They made the right choice of postponing their second child.
That’s the rational part of him that suddenly vanishes the moment he sees Lily holding baby Teddy Lupin in her arms for the first time, that cute fat baby that giggles at her, closing his eyes for a minute - and then his blue hair turns as red as hers and his eyes are bright green.
It’s like a mini-Lily and suddenly James wishes more than ever that this war is over soon - or that it had never even begun because he can see that other life, the one where there was no Voldemort. Instead, James and Lily’s lives are filled with more children, happy shining kids whose worst problems are passing their school exams and not surviving. The life he always wanted for Harry.
His eyes meet Lily’s and she smiles at him, offering him to hold Teddy. It’s been forever since James held a baby, but he still remembers, not really forgetting all these nights he took care of Harry. Teddy is a quiet baby, smiling at him too, his hand raised to try to grab his glasses.
‘He is perfect’, he whispers, looking to Remus. His friend is beaming - James understands that happiness that comes with holding your child for the first time, with seeing that miracle in the shape of a baby that you swear to protect with all your heart.
‘Of course he is’, Tonks says cheerfully, while Remus hugs her, holding her close to him as if he doesn't believe he gets to be this happy.
James understands the feeling of living that light bright moment right after coming out of the darkness. There is nothing like that.
He returns Teddy to Tonks when he starts to whimper for his mother, and then he looks at Lily.
Her green eyes are filled with longing for a life they promised themselves they would have, and also a little bit of hurt. How did they lose sight of their dreams?
They both know the answer but it's not a comfort.
Later, when they apparate back to their hiding place - a sorry little apartment where they pretend to be a normal boring couple -, they don't wait to turn out the lights and they don't say anything before their lips are meeting, and it's desperate and harsh as it has not been for a long time.
Somehow James feels like they are making up for a lost time that won't go anywhere and that they can't retrieve anyway.
It doesn't matter.
When they first married all they had was their love and dreams. They still love each other and for those dreams - they will accomplish them.
They never speak out loud but somehow in the aftermath of the last battle, it feels right that they get a new beginning just as everyone else is having.
It’s all about rebuilding - Hogwarts, then the wizarding world - the Ministry, the Aurors, organising a system that was clearly outdated - and their home. It's a long process and in the middle of it, they forget about worrying, about planning; they just go with the flow and somehow it works without they even meaning to.
Lily has this weird expression on her face, one that seems to mix disbelief and amazement as she turns to him one morning and says as if the most natural thing:
‘James? I think I’m pregnant’.
That’s the first difference from their first time. Now he is the one that leaves for the pharmacy while Lily prepares a potion - they will test twice, just to be sure - and they are together while they wait for both tests to tell them if her feelings were right on the spot.
They are.
There are two lines on the muggle pregnancy test and the potion turns blue and suddenly like that they know they will be parents again.
She hugs him then, her eyes filled with tears of pure joy, laughing when she sees James is really crying now.
‘I love you so much!’, he declares brightly, kissing every part of her face that he can (but with care, because a pregnant Lily always seems fragile to him, no matter the fact he knows this is not true). 
And it feels that this is what he should have done the first time, when she first told him about Harry. They should be happy and only that. No worries. That’s the second difference.
There are parallels too, James thinks. Harry’s shock at the idea his parents will have a baby reminds him of Sirius’ reaction as if he can’t possibly understand how that happened (somehow, despite running into them a couple of times, Sirius still got shocked with the fact they made sex). Lily is as sick as in her first pregnancy, so the first months are mostly spent at home too.
And just like back then, Sirius comes to visit her every day he can, careful to bring her anything she may want to eat and offering massage to her feet that Lily doesn’t need to, but she enjoys anyway.
‘I can still see my feet, Padfoot’, she replies teasingly, lying lazily on the couch of the living room while Sirius' hands work their magic on her right foot. James winks at her.
‘Just enjoy, Lily. He is trying to get into your good graces. He wants to be named godfather again’.
Sirius nods unabashedly, grinning at her. 
‘Remus is the next in line’, Lily says, shrugging. ‘But keep with that massage and we will think about you if baby number three ever comes’.
‘Still without a name for baby number two?’
‘You need to stop calling young Prongslet by numbers’, James scolds without any malice.
‘We are not calling Prongslet either, James’.
‘Of course not, Lily. It will be Elvendork’.
Lily rolls her eyes.
‘Not this again’.
‘It’s unisex!’
They indeed refer to their baby as Elvendork just because it’s easier than calling “it” or “baby”, and Harry throws confused looks at them, looking concerned that his new brother or sister will really be called that, though Lily assures him this won’t happen.
But the truth is that they really have not decided on a name, haven’t even discussed yet seriously until they return from the doctor with the news it’s a girl (James cried with this news just as he cries every time they go to the doctor and he hears the baby's heartbeat or even that shape in the ultrasound that it's not really discernible).
They are on the bed, with James looking wondrously at Lily’s now round belly and imagining their little girl (maybe that mini-Lily he once thought of, maybe a little Harry, maybe a little James - it doesn’t matter, he already loves her), when he whispers: ‘We can’t call her Elvendork’.
Lily throws him a surprised look.
‘Oh, no! Poor Elvendork!’
He is too enamoured with her to retort.
‘Did you think of any names?’
‘I have a list of names’, she admits. ‘But none of them feels right’.
They go together through her list; there are beautiful, weird and creative types of names, but as Lily said, none seems to fit yet.
Of course, they don’t lack ideas. Everyone seems to have an opinion.
Sirius is all for the stars, of course (but James thinks he is teasing, though some of them sound nice), and Harry suggests female heroes.
‘What about your mothers?’, Remus suggests, when he and Dora come over for dinner. Lily is sitting on the couch, playing with Teddy. The boy is four now, and he seems fascinated by Lily’s big belly - he had been too young when Fleur was pregnant with Victoire, so this is the first time he is really seeing a pregnant woman and understanding what it means.
Teddy already refers to the baby as his little cousin, sounding proud and excited to meet her.
‘Rose would be a good name’, Lily muses, but still it doesn’t seem to be what she is looking for.
At this time, with only a month away until their baby is born, James considers they are hoping that looking at her face will be enough after the birth - if not, he will just cry the first name that comes to his mind when they sign her birth certificate.
He only hopes he manages not to sign Elvendork. Lily would kill him.
‘I wouldn’t go for Euphemia’, he declares, shrugging.
‘As someone who has an outdated name, I second that’, Dora says, grinning at him.
But Lily looks at both of them with her brows furrowed, and James knows there is something on her mind. She doesn’t say anything until they are alone later.
‘You know, I think Remus might have the right idea’.
‘Liked Rose after all?’
‘No, actually, I thought about your mother’.
Thinking of his mother brings to James that smell of fresh-baked pie, the warmth of her hugs - she had always been there for him, to listen and to guide him - and not just him. She had been a mother to Sirius too and even to Lily in the few months they had together before she passed away.
He smiles softly.
‘I miss her, but Euphemia is not - ‘
‘It doesn’t have to be Euphemia. Your father called her Mia, right? We can do something like that’.
‘Mia Potter?’
‘I thought of Amelia. And we could call her Mia, for short. Like Teddy or Ginny’.
‘Mia Potter’, he repeats, savouring the words.
‘Amelia Rose Potter? In honour of both grandmothers?’
James beams, hugging Lily and letting his hand feel her belly. ‘I love it’.
The baby seems to like it too, because in the next second Lily is wincing and James feels the baby kicking.
‘You know what, Lily? I think Mia will be a great Quidditch player too’.
She sighs exaggeratedly.
‘I only wish she could wait to start training when she is out’.
Because fate sometimes is funny, Mia Potter is born on Halloween Night and the first time James holds her he is wearing an antlers tiara that he forgot to take off and that no one warned him about.
Later he will probably hex Sirius when he teases him about it, but right now he just sits next to Lily on her hospital bed, and she beams at him despite her tiredness.
‘We did it’, she whispers, sounding amazed, and James understands the feeling. They are in their forties, they lived through two wars, they raised a magnificent young man and here they are holding their second child, a tiny baby who seems unbelievably perfect in every sense.
One minute, James thinks. Let us enjoy this one minute, just a little.
When the minute is over, he returns the sleeping Mia to Lily’s arms and goes to open the door. Harry is pacing in front of the door, looking agitated as James felt all during the labour, even though he never left Lily’s side.
‘So? Can I see my sister now?’
‘And my goddaughter?’, Sirius pops in, grinning. James laughs.
‘It’s Remus’ goddaughter, and, yes, you can come in. She is sleeping’.
They get around the bed, with Sirius hugging Lily and declaring her the most amazing woman in the world (‘Are you drunk, Padfoot?’ ‘Yes, I was nervous! ‘You won’t hold Mia until you are sober’), and with Harry touching the thin strands of dark hair on his sister’s head, looking at her as if it’s the most precious thing he has ever seen.
James thinks he was wrong about that selfish minute he spent alone with Lily and Mia. Seeing Harry and Sirius cooing about the baby, he realizes this is the kind of one minute he wishes to have more in his life.
‘Do you want to hold her?’, Lily offers, and Harry nods, unable to look away. He sits on the chair right beside the bed and James helps him hold his sister. She wakes up, crying, and for a moment Harry seems to be in panic until he raises and swings her softly, just like he used to do with his godson.
‘Hi, Mia’, Harry whispers. ‘That’s ok. There, there. I’m your big brother, you see? I’m here for you’.
There is a soothingly effect on Harry’s voice and after a few minutes, Mia seems to relax indeed, her crying turning into a sob that seems to be more because of the unfamiliar world she is now in than anything else.
‘She has your eyes, Dad’, Harry says, smiling. James looks back at his daughter and, more than the hazel colour that looks a lot like his, he sees the way she seems to be curious about her surroundings as if she wants to see all the world has to offer.
Mia has indeed his eyes.
Mia is three when Ginny calls her and Mia comes with an expression of guilt that tells James she has done something she shouldn’t. That doesn’t really surprise him. He saw his daughter running with Teddy and Victoire and whenever those three are together, something always seems to happen.
Most of the time involving some kind of petty mischief that gives James very much hope for his daughter.
‘It was not my fault’, Mia declares, looking sheepish. 
‘I am sure it was Teddy’s’, Harry says, sharing a grin with James, because whenever they are discovered, Teddy always declares himself to be the guilty one, even though James can see exactly when it was Victoire (with her exuberant ideas) or Mia (with her direct-to-the-point ideas), clearly feeling it’s his role as the older of them.
‘It’s okay, Mia’, Ginny assures her tenderly, offering her arms and Mia doesn’t hesitate to go sit on her lap.
Mia loves her parents, adores Harry but it’s Ginny that she worships. Like with the broomstick: Mia learnt to fly at one like Harry, who gave her her first broom, but it was just last summer when they took her to watch a Quidditch game, where Ginny had scored sixteen goals that Mia had declared she wanted to be a Chaser when she grew up.
James had shaken his head in fake dismay at the fact his daughter had not been impressed with his Quidditch skills, but he didn't really mind: any reason he could to spend afternoons flying with her was good for him.
'We have something to tell you', Ginny says under Mia's concentrated look. Lily exchanges a smile with James; they already know, but hearing it again just makes them happier than words could describe. 'You are going to be an aunt'.
She blinks.
'Like you are?'
Ginny smiles.
'Do you know what an aunt is?'
'I know that Vic calls you Aunt, but Teddy calls you Ginny'.
'Well, I am Vic's aunt because Vic's father is my brother'.
'Like Harry is my brother'.
'Yes, so you are going to be an aunt because Harry will have a son or daughter'.
'Oh!' she looks at his brother, clasping her hands. 'With whom?'
'With me', Ginny explains while everyone laughs. 'Harry and I will have a baby'.
'Oh. Like Aunt Fleur had Dominique?'
'I like babies', Mia declares. 'Where is the baby? I want to meet him!'
'In a few months. He or she is still… not ready'.
'Oh'. Mia seems upset, then she shrugs. 'Can I play outside until then?'
Ginny laughs and places a kiss on Mia's cheek.
'Sure. We will call you when it's ready'.
'Mia', Lily calls, sounding amused. 'Do you know how Harry takes care of you?'. Mia nods. 'That's what an aunt does too'.
'Can I take the baby to the park too?'
'When he is older', James assures her. Mia smiles, her hazel eyes sparkling.
‘I will be the best aunt ever’, she declares, and then she is running outside (Mia can’t walk - she only knows how to run), back to Teddy and Victoire.
James watches her through the window, talking excitedly to them, probably telling them all about her news.
'I think you will have a handful with them in the future'.
'Me?', Harry laughs. 'If McGonagall doesn't retire by the time your child and grandchild are both in Hogwarts, I will be surprised'.
Mia’s name came from @blitheringmcgonagall cute amazing stories of Mia and Monty Potter, and the final scene is some sort of answer to @dear-james​ ‘s prompt of James and Lily knowing about James Sirius (to be properly answered some day, I hope!)
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blitheringmcgonagall · 4 years ago
My Gallant Lad - Part III
So I got a wonderful anon telling me that this is their favourite Lily Rescues James fics, it’s part of my canon maraders fic  We Can Be Heroes. But, because it works as a stand alone, I’ll be posting it here in four parts. I hope you enjoy it! Set during first wizarding war, Lily is very BAMF (but tbh so is James)
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Read part I here : After their worst row ever, Lily and James get captured by Voldemort
Read part II here : James tries to save Lily
TW: angsty and violence
Lily’s raw voice echoed through the castle walls, a lone, hauntingly beautiful gaelic song. The words indecipherable to any of the Death-Eaters who heard it, yet clearly a lament of some kind. She hadn’t been able to stand it, hearing James’ screams, imagining what was happening to him. And when she couldn’t hear him, dread clawing at her every pore, wondering…
Are you dead, my love? Did they kill you? Please don’t die, I beg you!
Haunted by the silence, almost relieved when his screams returned, because she was selfish and wanted him alive, needing him to be alive… almost immediately replaced by rage and terror and guilt and begging them to leave her husband alone, screaming herself hoarse.
She couldn’t stand it when the sound from the dungeons suddenly stopped – a spell, she was sure.
What did it mean? Was he-
She started to sing. She sang in Irish. Fuck them, no Death-Eater could get inside her head now. She pictured him as she sang, her lively lad, turning around mid-laughter and catching her eyes as he and Sirius poked fun at each other, she saw him saying something ridiculous to Minnie and watching as the strict teacher’s mouth broke into a huge grin despite herself, saw all the Marauders chasing each other and yelling and James landing on top of the others. And always his mischievous, adoring eyes turned to her, searched for her. She saw him propose to her surrounded by fireflies, vividly heard that muggle record, the lyrics bittersweet…
”Yours in the gray of December Here, or on far distant shores I've never loved anyone the way I love you
Yours to the end of life's story”
“No!” her voice faltered. “No! Not today!”
She breathed in sharply, as someone knocked on the door, twice, in abrupt succession. She recognised that trademark sound.
“Severus?” she croaked.
Severus pushed the heavy door slowly, almost reluctantly, now that it came to it. He looked uncharacteristically agitated, his waxy cheeks flushed. Relief swept over him as he looked at Lily. She looked upset but safe. She was shackled to the wall, her hands above her head, tied together. She was trembling and pale. There was no sign of the Cruciatus, or other dark magic.
“Are you alright, Lily?” He said, hurriedly throwing a potent heating charm at her.
“What are you doing here?” Lily’s husky voice surprised him, he hadn’t heard her screaming.
“What happened? Did they hurt you?” Severus said, moving closer to Lily and regarding her anxiously. “They hurt me by hurting him,” she whispered.
Tears tracked down her cheek, and Severus wiped it with his thumb. “I’m so sorry, Lily,” he said, his voice trembling – he was slightly scared of her, and then there was unexpected guilt - guilt about lying, guilt about how James was going to die. “I tried to... I tried...”
He stopped and took a few breaths, looking at the ground.
“I tried to save him, I tried some healing charms and... and I sent the others away. I wasn’t sure what to do, Lily, but then I was called away and Avery had... I was too late, Lily, I’m so sorry.”
He couldn’t look at her.
“No, Sev, please, not James, please,” Lily’s broken whisper made Severus’ heart ache.
“I’m so sorry, I’m... you don’t know how sorry I am,” Severus whispered back. “I’m desperately sorry.”
Lily didn’t say anything, silent tears streaming down her face.
“He... James and I, he spoke to me, he thanked me for trying to save him, before he... he asked me to save you, to get you out of here. I promised him I’d do it. Do you understand Lily?” She was looking at him blankly, through her tears, her mind far away in some distant time or place. “Lily!” Severus whispered urgently. “Lily, he wanted you to be safe! He insisted I save you! He told me a code word - I’ve no idea what he meant, but he said to tell you - Graham’s Number.“ “Graham’s Number,” Lily repeated quietly, as though dazed. “James.” “Yes, James,” Severus said, trying not to sound impatient. “We have to leave now, I promised him I’d get you out of here! Do you understand?”
Lily nodded, still crying.
“My beautiful,” she said. “My gallant lad.”
“Yes, yes,” Severus said, eying the door of the cell. “We need to leave! Now! If Voldemort finds us, we’re both dead!”
Lily stared at him intently. After a few seconds she smiled vaguely.
“I’m so sorry Sev, let’s go, I just... it’s so much to take in, you know? I can never thank you enough, for trying to save him, for being such a noble person?”
Severus squirmed.
“It means everything to me,” she said, her red-rimmed eyes looking into his soul.
“It’s nothing,” he said firmly, refusing to hold eye contact and pointing his wand at the chains. “Frangit!”
The chains broke, and Lily collapsed into Severus’ arms.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “Can you help me? I don’t think I can walk?”
“Of course!” Severus said, feeling a bloom of warmth spread through his chest.
This was what he had longed for, desperately, for as long as he could remember – Lily, holding onto him, needing him, weaker than him, reliant on him, asking him, begging him for his help. He tucked his wand in his pocket and lifted her up, looking lovingly into her stunning eyes. Surely she could also feel the deep attraction between them, the passion sizzling beneath their fingertips?
“Lily,” he murmured, bringing their lips closer.
“Severus?” she said hoarsely.
“I love you, Lily Evans,” he said, holding her closer. “I always have.”
“Your idea of love sickens me, but I’m glad you’re so predictable, Severus.”
Lily’s voice was cold as she stepped back from him in disgust, and he found himself staring at the tip of his own wand.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he said, his heart pounding as he tried to make sense of what was happening.
“Change of plan, Snape!” Lily said. “You don’t get to sweep me away like a lying bastard-“
“Your husband agreed to this! It was his idea!” Severus’ voice rose.
“Gobshites, the pair of you!” Lily said, her voice quivering with rage. “Probably one of the only things you two ever agreed on - that James Potter should sacrifice himself to save me? That James Potter was expendable, that I would cope without him?” Severus dropped his gaze in the face of such fierceness. “You see, I’m not leaving here without James. If he’s dead, and you better hope to fuck he isn’t, I’m still bringing him with me. He means more to me than anyone else, everything else, in the entire world. I’m not leaving my soulmate to rot in this hell!”
Severus looked at her hand with trepidation as she aimed at his chest.
“I was trying to save you, Lily,” he said, stepping away from her.
“Trying to save me for yourself, Severus! Killing my husband was never going to buy you my love!” Lily’s green eyes were incandescent.
“I didn’t… I had no part in it, it was Hugo Avery!” he said.
“No part at all? That’s strange,” Lily sneered. “Because your friend Hugo payed me a lengthy visit which only finished a short while ago, you practically overlapped.”
Snape’s eyes widened with surprise and alarm.
“He wasn’t meant to go near you!” he said.
“He did,” Lily said, shuddering despite herself. “Came in to tell me everything he was planning on doing to my husband, and later on, to me. It took rather a long time.”
“What do you think you’re-“ Severus said in fear, as Lily lifted his wand.
“I’m sorry, Severus,” Lily’s voice was hard and implacable. “Imperio!”
Continue reading BAMF Lily here
Snape’s eyes widened for a split second as the invisible spell hit his chest (so powerful it almost threw him backwards) before they seemed to fade, the fear in them replaced by a dullness.
His hands fell by his side. “Is this castle surrounded by anti-apparition wards?” she asked.
“Yes, and the nearby forest,” Snape answered mechanically.
“Where can we use a portkey?” Lily ordered, poking Snape with her wand.
“From the courtyard in front of the main entrance.”
She hated the strange empty look in his eyes, as though he was unable to think for himself and devoid of any thoughts at all, until commanded by her to do so. She hated it.
“Good,” she said. “Now you will do exactly as I say! You will bring me to the oubliette, and you will help me save my husband if it’s the last thing you do! But first, you will bring me to your potions lab!”
“Step away from Potter, now! I’m taking over!” Avery’s head jerked upwards in shock as Snape landed with a heavy thud right beside him, closely followed by Lily Evans, who had a glazed look in her eyes.
“She’s under the Imperius,” Snape added, glancing around at the other men.
“Snape?” Avery said, glaring aggressively at the half-blood. “What the fuck are you doing here? You said I could finish him off?”
“Change of plan!” Snape said, sounding furious. “Back the fuck away from him now, or you’re a dead man!”
“What?” said Avery. “Why?”
“The Dark Lord wants to take over torturing Potter and Evans himself, he needs to find out about his missing book. He will be livid if Potter is dead or unable to answer him! I mean murderous.”
Avery looked terrified.
“Fuck! Snape, you said...” Avery whispered hoarsely.
“You fool, you should have thought to check with your Master before you went this far! If I were you, I’d make myself scarce, unless you want to face the Dark Lord’s wrath!” Snape hissed.
Avery had never seen Snape look so imposing, so powerful. He looked like he wanted to obliterate them all.
“Shit! I... but what if he asks who...” Avery stammered.
“I’ll cover for you as best I can, but I suggest you leave until he calms down, unless you want to risk being here when he loses it,” Snape said, looking at Avery as though he detested him.
“Fuck. Okay. Thank you, Cerberus,” Avery said, frantically grabbing his cloak and stepping across James’ body as he latched onto the rope ladder and sped upwards. “Fuck Voldemort, I hate that bastard!”
Nobody answered, aware that Avery was extremely unwise in voicing his feelings about the Dark Lord’s unpredictable behaviours.
“Severus, you moronic shit,” Severus said between his teeth. Mulciber and Rosier snorted, enjoying Snape’s irritation. “You two better help me get Potter looking more presentable and less dead, unless you too want to join Avery and get AK’ed to hell!” Snape whirled around menancingly. The two men looked at him blankly.
“You don’t think the Dark Lord is actually going to forgive Avery, do you, you pathetic fools?” Snape scoffed dangerously. “Throw every healing spell you can think of at this traitor, and I’ll see what I can do for you two imbeciles!” Rosier cleared his throat and looked stunned. Mulciber glared at Snape.
“We hardly did anything!” he said. “You probably did more of the Crucios than we did!”
“I presume you haven’t forgotten that the Dark Lord is an extraordinarily gifted Legilimens?” Snape smiled thinly, sticking the tip of his wand into Mulciber’s abdomen. “He’s going to die of blood loss, not of Crucios, obviously, you fool! Care to tell him yourself the extent of your role in this… shambles?”
Mulciber’s lips thinned and he shook his head.
“Thought as much,” Snape replied smugly. “Mulciber, get me the blood replenishing potion immediately. Rosier, give me a hand here – Vulnera Sanentur over his entire body, Brackium Emendo over his ankles, quickly!”
Rosier nodded his head and started firing healing spells anxiously. Snape did the same, deep in concentration, his wand flying over James’ body. Mulciber reappeared moments later, holding a half-empty bottle of dark red liquid. Snape grabbed it off him wordlessly and carefully placed three drops into James’ mouth, scanning his face anxiously. Blood trickled from James’ right ear.
“Still looks pretty moribund to me,” he muttered to himself, touching James’ hands tenderly.
James’ fingers felt frozen, white, almost blue.
“Perhaps Rosier should come with you?” Mulciber asked, inching backwards towards the rope ladder.
Snape’s lip curled.
“Don’t be pathetic, Rosier is a liability, and far too skinny to be able to lift Potter. I need you with me,” he ordered.
Mulciber opened his mouth.
“The Dark Lord specifically asked that you accompany me,” Snape said. “He said he may need our help in questioning Potter, that’s if he isn’t already dead by the time we get there. We need to hurry!”
Mulciber swallowed.
“Now help me lift Potter, and for fuck’s sake be careful, he’s perilously close to death as it is!” Snape said.
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