#I seriously need to stop or my brain won’t let me sleep
killershark82 · 1 year
Part one of crossover idea I had
Alright so on to that idea I had that I said I would explain in more depth that I do not have a name for yet because I am not that creative with names.
Though knowing me I’m going to get too into it as I do this and make more problems for me.
Oh well.
So the main driving point of this idea is that Lloyd has two half siblings from other worlds in Lucy heartfilia from fairytail, and Neil from Class of the Titans (if you don’t know this one I recommend it’s great)
How does this work? Well we already know wu and garmadon got up into shenanigans in their thousands years of life as demigods so you can’t tell me they didn’t go to other worlds a lot when they were young.
So on two occasions, garmadon had sweet but short relationships with women before leaving again, and those women found other partners they married. They assumed the child they had came from them, not the stranger of their brief relationship.
You can imagine, for at least the heartfilias, the surprise when the other genetics kick in
Look garmadon is a demigod dragon/oni hybrid you cannot tell me his genetics won’t be weird
I mean look at Lloyd he received most of the oni genetics and the elemental power.
Agh I’m getting off track ANYWAY
Lucy is the oldest child, Neil the middle and Lloyd the youngest. The biggest age gap is between Lloyd and both his siblings. Neil is maybe four or five years younger than Lucy. And Lloyd is 12 years younger than Lucy.
Now back to the other stuff
Lucy received a lot of dragon genetics from garmadon. You can imagine what happy little terror she was. Some of her genetics are physical attributes such as her teeth being sharper than normal or her bones being denser. She gave her parents so many heart attacks.
I also want to develop how this also effects her celestial summoning and celestial magic in general.
I’m going to take so many liberties with it but I’ll save that for another time
Neil is mostly human, his Greek heritage and power of luck aside he’s the one who has almost entirely skipped out in the oni and dragon genetics and the instincts that come with them (I bet it’s the luck) though he also has some uncharacteristicly sharp teeth when he gets angry.
He doesn’t have to deal with nearly the same amount of drama or chaos as the other two do, so he’s really chill. Even later when the Cronus thing is going on. He’s so used to the bullshit his siblings deal with that it does not phase him at all.
Now Lloyd of course got the brunt of the oni genetics, though he’s not at the stage where he can access his second form. It effects his behavior in a lot of ways that I’ll probably go into later.
Now onto the other part.
Lucy and Neil meet first. Lucy when she wants to escape her dad’s sad and depressing and psychologically abusive home environment and the fate her dad wants to force her into, subconsciously uses her magic to send herself to the closest relative
This sends her straight to another world and through the roof of Neil’s house.
His parents are chill with it, and Neil’s mom vaguely recalls a handsome stranger doing the same thing at some point.
Explaining her situation and what happened (his parents are used to this and the Greek bullshit of their lives this is nothing) they quickly realize that the stranger is Neil’s and Lucy’s dad. But they can’t just let her return to a dangerous environment (in their world Jude would have been imprisoned for child abuse/neglect and attempted child marriage and trafficking) and decide to keep her there with them.
It’s a much better environment for her and it takes a long time for her to feel comfortable with therapy and the calm attitude of the home.
She and Neil get along great and are similar in many aspects. There are many shopping sprees and late night gossip meetings with snacks, nail painting, face masks and romcoms in the background
They also found out the hard way that they both have latent luck abilities, and that when they are together that luck cancels out so it’s just normal luck. As seen when Neil was doing something he normally would and then was suddenly injured when that has never happened before.
Lucy eventually leaves to travel her own world and join the guild of her dreams. (I won’t go into it here but her dragon instincts really get into it with the other slayers and erza)
Also the seven year time prison thing doesn’t happen and instead it’s like 3 months
A few years later, a few guild wars and an actual war happened, Lucy unlocked her full dragon form and rocked acnologia’s shit and killed him. And Neil’s been chosen by the gods of his world to kill their dad/relative of chaos.
At this point the traveling to other worlds is figured out, and Lucy would rather Neil come to her so she doesn’t cancel out his luck if a surprise attack occurs and he’ll need it.
She’s a free mentor to the team and as she’s a person who’s killed a chaos being her insight is extremely helpful
Neil and Lucy decide they want to meet their birth father and decide to use the same spell Lucy did the first time to find him.
Instead they found themselves in a frozen cold region with no one for miles around
And a small fragile 8 year old Lloyd who is the only one around.
They immediately know he’s a sibling and are absolutely furious at whoever abandoned him out here by himself. Their dad forgotten.
Lloyd is hesitant to trust them but his instincts recognize them as elders in the family so he goes with them. They learn that their shared dad is in the underworld and that Lloyd was supposed to be with his mom or uncle and away from their dad, as garmadon feared he would hurt Lloyd in anyway and wanted him safe and away from him. Learning their bio dad isn’t at fault was nice but they are still angry about the abandonment and obvious neglect and possibly abuse from the boarding school on Lloyd’s behalf (if it’s burned to the ground and all the children being out in better places with actual proper therapy and help for their psychological issues and neurological disorders and teachers arrested then no one needs to know)
For a lot of the time he’s set up with Neil’s parents or Lucy and the guild. They all adore him and are angry on his behalf.
Lucy is completely furious when she bonds with Lloyd and knows his story is considerably mirroring her own and sends her spiraling.
Neil is angry on both of his siblings behalf’s and will be endlessly petty. Lloyd spends a year happy and fully integrated into the family.
Then they hear new that garmadon was defeated by ninjas.
They of course have to see it for themselves and travel to the underworld and finally meet him.
He knew about Lloyd, but now he’s completely blind sighted by two other children he didn’t know about.
Surprised and horrified that there were two other children of his he didn’t get to know or love or be worried about.
They’re there now though, and now he has two other spaces in his heart to keep his sanity.
Honestly I could keep going but I really need to stop or this will go one forever. I’ll pick this up again later
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superhaught · 6 months
Gym Class Heroes (Chapter Two)
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Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: homophobia
Word Count: ~2300, Part 2/?
Part 1
Regina pursues her interest in protecting reader as she recovers from the basketball to the head.
Turns out, you did indeed have a mild concussion from the basketball incident, so you took the weekend and the following Monday off of school to rest and recuperate.
You were napping when your mom knocked lightly on your bedroom door and then came in. You woke up and saw that she had an armful of things.
“One of your school friends stopped by and brought your homework from today plus a card and some snacks, how sweet!”
You sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, “one of my friends? Do you know who?”
“Oh I don’t know, sweetheart. She was blonde and tall and pretty.”
You couldn’t help your face from lighting up, “gimme the card!”
Your mom handed you everything and you tore open the envelope. It was a simple “get well soon” card but what you were most interested in was the handwritten note. The writer’s penmanship was exquisite, not that you were particularly surprised by that fact. The card smelled like her perfume, as if she had spritzed some on. She’s unreal, you thought. Fragrant notes of orange blossom and rose filled your nostrils and it was addictive. 
The note read: Hey you, I hope you’re doing okay and aren’t too worried about getting behind on schoolwork. If you need help getting your homework done, I know a guy. Anyways, Shane got three days of suspension, which isn’t enough, imo. Text me if ur bored <3 R
She wrote her phone number at the end. You giggled and reread it in full, going as far as kicking your feet excitedly under your blankets. 
“She seems like a sweet girl,” your mom pointed out.
Her voice brought you back to reality. You cleared your throat, “mom, my head is kind of hurting, can I go back to sleep?”
“Oh yeah, of course honey! Get some rest.”
“Thank you,” you set the card down next to you and laid back down as your mom left and once she closed the door behind her, you grabbed your phone and began typing a message to Regina’s number. 
“Hey, ‘R’” you wrote. 
The message delivered and the little typing-indicator dots showed up right away, then her message back came through, “I’m glad you didn’t keep me waiting ;)” then she sent a second message, “how are you feeling?”
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[Text Message Transcript: Reader: I’m feeling okay. I got a concussion like you thought, but I should be back tomorrow. Thank you for the snacks, btw. How did you know cheez-its are my fav? | Regina: My lips are sealed | Reader: You must have gone to a lot of effort to discover my favorite snacks and my home address… | Regina: It’s nothing someone with my social power can’t handle. | Reader: Well, I owe you. For this and for taking care of me yesterday. | Regina: You don’t owe a thing | Reader: Come on, you’ve gotta let me repay you somehow. | Regina: I won’t allow it | Reader: -_- | Regina: :P | seriously. don’t worry about it. | Reader: But why are you being so nice to me? | Regina: because | Reader: That isn’t an answer | Regina: must I have a reason?? | Reader: People usually do | Regina: cynical of you | I guess I feel bad. MY idiot ex gave you a concussion and was an asshole | also | I think ur cute | Reader: It’s not like you own him. | Regina: are you just gonna ignore that last part | Reader: I was getting there! how do you type so fast when you have acrylics?? | Regina: ... | i blame your concussed brain | Reader: You thought about making a dirty joke, didn't you? | Regina: no | maybe | Reader: So... you think I'm cute? | Regina: Not anymore. I take it back because you embarrassed me. | Reader: No take backsies | Regina: Well now I really take it back because that was dumb | Reader: I don't believe you! | Regina: good | you're going to have to see through my bitch act if we keep going along this path | Reader: "if we keep going along this path" meaning...? | Regina: meaning... if you let me take you out on a date | when you're all recovered of course | Reader: Like... a date date? | Regina: yeah dumbass | what other kind is there?| Reader: Sorry!! I've just... never been asked out before | Regina: okay well... I am asking you out | End of transcript]
Being stunned, you didn’t respond to Regina’s text right away. Your heart was pounding. You couldn’t believe that Regina, the queen bee of the school, the most popular girl, the previously-believed-to-be-completely-and-totally-straight-girl, was asking you out. 
Another text from her popped up, “well don’t leave me hanging”
You decided that you wanted to call her. Maybe you felt like you needed to in order to confirm that this was actually real. You called and it rang twice and then you heard her voice through the phone.
She chuckled as she spoke, “hi…”
“Hi…” you said back, suddenly forgetting what words were. 
“What did you want to say that couldn’t have been sent over text?”
“I just… you really want to date me?”
“Yes. I do. Is that really so shocking?”
“A little, yeah.”
“Well listen, I’ve had my eye on you for a while now. And, as I’m sure you are aware, I’m used to getting what I want.”
You shuddered and then replied, “Regina… I’d love to go out with you.”
The two of you continued to talk on the phone well into the night. It was Regina who insisted that you hang up and go to bed to get some good sleep before coming to school tomorrow. The blonde also offered to pick you up in the morning and drive you to school herself. You, of course, accepted. 
You went to sleep feeling lighter than air. 
In the morning, you got ready for school with more zeal than you ever had in your life. Your mother wondered out loud whether you had been replaced overnight by an entirely different person. You just smiled and said that you were happy and feeling better. 
There was a car horn honk from your driveway and your mom kissed your cheek goodbye as you left your home. 
Regina was sitting in her black Jeep, using her mirror to fix her hair. She smiled at you as you came out of your house and approached the passenger side of her car. She leaned and reached over, cracking the door open for you and then offering you her hand to hold as you stepped up into the car.
You sat down and tossed your backpack into the backseat. 
She smiled again, looking you over, “you look so cute!” Regina then gently caressed her thumb over the bruise on your forehead from the basketball, “and this is looking much better.”
You looked her up and down as well and smiled, “you look incredible…”
“Thanks, baby.” 
She had called you ‘baby’ on the phone the night before as well. The affection made your heart flutter.
She continued, “get buckled, let’s go.”
Regina drove you both to school and parked in her spot in the student lot. It wasn’t an assigned parking spot or anything, it was just the closest spot to her preferred entrance and it was hers by way of having scolded anyone who had ever dared to park there.
When you got out of the car, Regina walked over to you and took your hand in hers. 
Surprised, you said, “you know, we haven’t actually gone out yet…”
“I know that. Do you mind if I hold your hand anyway? Do I have to wait before I can show you off?”
“I don’t mind,” you smiled. 
Regina walked you into the school and immediately, all eyes were on the two of you. You half expected Regina to drop your hand but she didn’t. You glanced over at her and she was proud. Beaming even. 
She squeezed your hand a little tighter and looked at you, “you okay?”
You nodded your head, “I am.”
Regina went with you to your locker and leaned against the adjacent locker while you put your backpack away. Then Regina noticed that you had a small magnetic mirror in your locker and she came up behind you and wrapped her arms around you from behind and looked into the mirror.
“We look good together, don’t we?”
You looked at the image in the mirror and thought she was right. With her bright blonde locks draped over your shoulders, her manicured fingers touching your neck, her cheek pressed against yours, it was a dream come true. 
“It’s way too easy for me to get lost in you…”
“I feel the same way, baby.”
At that point, Gretchen and Karen approached, locating Regina as if they had a homing beacon to her. Gretchen flashed you a polite smile and said, “you look mostly recovered!”
Karen stared at you with wide eyes and said, “don’t worry, I’ve been knocked out by a basketball too! It happens to everyone.”
You thought about objecting to her statement in some way but then you just nodded. 
Regina grabbed your hand again and touched your cheek, turning you to face her, “you’ll sit with us at lunch, right?”
“Oh sure! If you want me to…”
“Of course, silly! Well, you know where to find me, then. I’ll see you later.” Regina pulled you into a hug and squeezed you tightly against her chest. And for the first time in your life, you felt genuinely wanted.
The next two days went by fast. Regina took over driving you to and from school and your mom thanked her profusely for giving her a break. You joined Regina, Gretchen and Karen for lunch, sometimes you were also joined by Cady, Janis and Damien, now that things had gotten less tense between those two trios in the aftermath of the junior year dramatics. 
Regina was extremely attentive to you. You naturally fell into habits of taking care of each other, Regina looking out for you as you continued to recover from your concussion, and you paying attention to her chronic pain flare ups and making sure she was monitoring her POTS symptoms. 
You and Regina agreed to go on your first official date together that weekend, but she certainly was not hesitating to claim you as hers in the meantime. In those 48 hours, there was already an instagram and twitter account dedicated to shipping the two of you and you overheard a lot of talk about your sudden closeness and Regina’s obvious protection over you. 
It all came to a head the day that Shane Oman was back at school.
At lunch, Regina showed up to the table a few minutes later than what was typical for her, and she was dragging Shane by his shirtsleeve until she shoved him right in front of you. 
You set your lunch down and looked at him, then Regina, who shoved him again and said, “well, go ahead.”
Shane rolled his eyes, “fine… I’m sorry…”
Regina’s arms were crossed but she smirked a little, clearly proud of herself. 
“Sorry that you’re a disgusting fucking carpetmuncher!” Shane finished, yelling loud enough for the entire cafeteria to hear and immediately cease their conversations, turning all of their attention to your table. 
Gretchen covered her own mouth in shock. Janis and Damien's jaws both dropped open. Karen was staring at something on the ceiling. Cady whispered “oh my gosh” under her breath. 
You just froze and stared. 
Regina lurched forward and gripped the back of Shane’s shirt collar, pulling him backwards by it in a swift motion and basically choking him with the fabric, “what the fuck did you just say?” she growled.
Shane coughed, “I��� I… said… carpetmuncher… and I’m not sorry… and I don’t believe for one second… that you’re falling for this… this… dyke!”
“Oh? You don’t?” Regina pushed Shane down to the ground and he collapsed to his knees and rubbed his neck as Regina let him go. Regina walked over to you and took your face in her hands. One second, her face was red with fury, but when she looked down at you, she immediately softened. She pulled you close to her and then pressed her lips to yours.
It wasn’t how you imagined how your first kiss with Regina would have gone, but you wouldn’t have changed anything about it. 
She kissed you so tenderly. Your senses were completely overwhelmed by the softness of her lips, the taste of her lip gloss, the smell of her hair, the feel of her tongue just teasing your bottom lip. Regina held the kiss for a long time and you held her waist. 
You knew everyone’s eyes (and cameras) were on you, but you couldn’t have cared less. You had Regina, and that’s all that mattered. 
When Regina pulled away, she kept eye contact with you for a moment and smiled, assuring you that she kissed you because she wanted to, not just to prove a point. She came back to give you one more quick and gentle kiss before returning her attention to the pathetic man on the ground. 
“Next time you want to say anything derogatory to my baby here, you better be fucking prepared to say it to me, too, Shane. And I don’t think I need to spell out the absolute shithole you will find yourself in if you do that.” 
Shane stared at her with wide, terrified, eyes.
“Now get the fuck out of my sight.” Regina added. 
Shane scrambled to his feet and sprinted out of the cafeteria as Regina took her seat next to you with closed eyes and exhaled a breath through her nose to calm herself.
You leaned your head on her shoulder and whispered, “thank you, Gina.”
She turned her head and kissed your temple, “of course, baby.”
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wreckedandpolemic · 2 months
bad idea right? - matty healy
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(mdni) in which calling matty up is a really, really bad idea. but that’s never stopped you before, and it’s not about to start. part of the regret me universe. 3895 words.
warnings: mean dom matty, degradation, oral (m receiving), mild praise, impact play (riding crop), slight overstimulation, toxic codependent losers who won’t admit their feelings
You and Matty haven’t spoken in nearly five months when you call. You’re never the one to break no-contact, so you can hear his concern when he picks up. “Hello?” he says, low and sleep-thick. “It’s the middle of the fuckin’ night. What’s wrong?”
“I need you,” you rush out, helpless. “Can’t stop thinking about you. S’been too long, Matty.”
Matty groans. “You think you can just fuckin’ call me up when you get needy, like you didn’t fuck my life on purpose and then ditch me? Think you can pretend you haven’t been fucking me about for six fucking years? D’you actually think I’m that fuckin’ pathetic?”
He’s angry, you realise with a jolt. The low, dangerous tone of his voice wraps around your brain, melting stickily between your thighs. “Not if you don’t wanna be,” you say, your teasing pout audible. “I need fucked, Matty. You’re the only one who can fuck me right, and we both know it,” you say, letting a soft moan slip past your lips as you circle your clit.
“Are you seriously getting off right now?” he laughs disbelievingly. “Jesus, y’so fuckin’ needy. Such a whore. You want my cock so bad, darling? Beg for it.”
Without missing a beat, your lust-sick brain spills dazed, filthy words from your lips. “C’mon, Matty, please. I need you. Need you to fuck me like you mean it, like you hate me. I don’t wanna be able to walk when you’re done with me,” you moan, grinding the heel of your palm against your clit as you finger yourself, slick sounds echoing down the phone. “M’so fuckin’ wet, you could just stuff me full right now. Could just use me as your little cumdump, take what you need from me and leave. I’d even say thank you,” you add, and you can practically hear his control snap.
“I’ll be there in half an hour. You’re not gonna like what I do if you cum before I get there.”
You laugh, breaking into a moan as you curl your fingers perfectly. “You know I will.”
True to his word, Matty’s letting himself into your flat less than an hour later. By which time you’ve already cum once and are happily bringing yourself to a second. A sick relief floods your body the second your gaze lands on him, and you pull your fingers out of yourself to wave at him with a smirk. “I hope that was worth it, you little whore,” he snaps, shrugging out of his jacket. “Come here, on your knees, now. Don’t fuckin’ mess me about.”
His tone is heady and dark and dominant, dizzying as it slides over your body. “And what if I don’t?” you smirk. “Are you gonna turn around and leave? You already came all this way,” you tease. You’re only bratting for bratting’s sake, seeing how many of Matty’s buttons you can push before he explodes.
“Don’t be a bitch,” Matty scoffs. “If you don’t behave in the next five fucking seconds, I’m going to make the next three days hell for you.”
“Three days?”
Matty smirks. “You didn’t think I was just gonna fuck you and leave, did you? Nah. You wanted me here so badly, called me after months, dragged me out of bed at fuckin’ two AM ‘cause you need me?” He drags out the words in a mocking affect of your voice. “Well, you got your wish, darling. We need to make up for lost time, right? So, if you wanna even think about cumming on my cock, get on your fucking knees.”
This time, you obey, the hardwood of your floor digging into your knees, the pain somehow at once grounding and preternatural. You slide your palms up his thighs, gently mouthing at his cock through his jeans. Your mouth is practically watering as you reach for his belt buckle, choking on your whine of his name when he stills your hands. “You still have your cuffs?” Matty asks. You nod. “Good.” He retrieves them, fastening your hands behind your back and testing the fit. “Does that feel okay?”
“Yeah, feels good, Matty, c’mon,” you whine. “M’sorry, I wanna cum f’you, let me suck you off, please,” you whimper.
Matty laughs cruelly. “You think you deserve my cock? Gonna make you work for it, baby,” he warns, and you just moan, denim rough across your tongue as you lick obscenely at the seam of his jeans. “Needy girl, Christ. You want fucked? Kiss my boots and beg to suck my dick.”
You freeze, humiliation tingling deliciously between your thighs. “I—”
Blunt nails dig into your jaw as Matty forces your gaze to his. “You heard me. C’mon, darling, I know you can do it.” Slowly, like every movement is an agony, you bend until you’re practically prostrating yourself in front of Matty. “D’you remember these shoes, baby? Remember riding my boot ‘til you came all over it? How you were whinin’ and beggin’ like a fucking whore?”
Of course you fucking do. You’re violently flashed back to that night, to the grapple for control, before either of you knew what your relationship would spiral into. You lean in, hating yourself more and more every second even as wetness pools between your thighs, and press a kiss to the leather. You swear you can faintly taste your own arousal.
“Good girl,” Matty murmurs as your lips rove over his boot, kissing along his ankle before you kneel up to gaze at him, head swimming with submission. He raises an eyebrow as if to say go on.
“God, Matty, I need you,” you moan. “Need to suck your cock, want you to fuck my face, please. Wanna feel you, wanna taste you, need you to cum in my mouth, baby. Need to be your cumdump. Just use me, please,” you whine, fumbling with the button of his jeans.
Matty laughs cruelly, freeing his cock and groaning softly as it thuds against his belly. “Open,” he says, soft and almost gentle, hooking a thumb into your mouth and prising it open. You wait, eager, eyes slipped shut and tongue lolling out of your mouth, wanton heat licking up your thighs. A harsh smack of skin on skin makes you gasp, and you open your eyes to realise your cheek is wet and sticky with precum and the sudden sting against your skin is from Matty slapping his cock against your fucking face.
Before you can sputter out a response, Matty’s sliding a hand into your hair and fucking your mouth hard. You moan around him, clinging to his hips as he pours dirty praise into the air above you. “That’s it, good girl. You feel so good, baby. Missed this filthy little mouth. So much sweeter when you’re gagging around me, huh?” You’re powerless, the weight of the cuffs around your wrists and Matty’s hand tight in your hair the only thing keeping you tethered to your body. Tears blur your vision, Matty’s moans loud and obscene above you as you swallow a gag.
You’re barely even giving a blowjob, just letting him fuck your face like a toy and grinding your hips down against nothing. Your cunt is pleading for attention, wrists straining against the cuffs as Matty laughs mockingly. “Needy girl. C’mon, darling, make me cum and you’ll get what you want, promise.” You redouble your efforts, leaning in until your nose is buried in the hair at his base and swallowing around him. You’re trying desperately not to inhale deeply, breathe in the smell of his sweat like you could trap him in your lungs. 
Matty’s fucking you brutally, angrily, and you know you’ll be hoarse for hours when he lets you go. His pace stutters, his breath quickening and you know he’s close. You slide your tongue against the vein on his underside, humming and whining around him. “Shit, m’right there, baby. Fuck, m’gonna cum, shit,” he whines, pulling almost all the way off you so his cum lands on your tongue. The salt of it overwhelms your senses, moaning low in your throat as his cock pulses against your tongue. “Open,” he orders again, and you obey thoughtlessly, letting strings of his cum drip against your chest. “Fuck, makin’ such a mess, darling,” Matty groans, bending low so he can look into your eyes. Before you can even process, a wad of spit lands on your tongue and he’s forcing your mouth closed.
You swallow, slow and deliberate, savouring the messy slide of spit and cum down your throat. “Thank you,” you breathe, voice scratchy.
Matty grins wickedly. “Good girl.” He nudges you to your feet and onto the bed, falling on top of you and kissing you greedily. Ever filthy, he licks into your mouth like he could catch the lingering taste of his cum on your tongue. “What do you need, darling?” 
Gasping for breath, you fight for the words. “You,” you groan. “Anything you want, I’ll take it. Just need you, Matty.” He sucks in a sharp breath, eyes wide.
“Oh, sweet girl,” Matty says, shockingly tender. “Has it really been that long since you got fucked right?” You whine as his fingers find your swollen clit, a jolt of electricity shooting up your spine. You nod, swallowing hard as you meet his intense gaze. “How much work have I gotta do? How many pathetic fucks do I need to make you forget?”
“Too many,” you say, arching desperately up into his touch. “Haven’t cum with a guy in over a month. Had to get myself off after they left. Thought about you every— mmm— every fuckin’ time, how you’d be— fuck— be fucking me so much better, wishing I was goin’ dumb on your— shit, yes— on your cock.”
Matty grins wickedly, sliding two fingers into your soaked cunt. “Did you call my name?” He starts a slow, mean pace, your cunt clenching wantonly around him.
“You know I did. I can’t fuckin’ cum without thinking of you. You fuckin’ broke me. C’mon, harder!” Your back arches, chest heaving. Matty’s eyes fall to your tits, one hand coming up to tug harshly on your piercing. 
“You think you can give me orders right now? Be a good girl and shut up, yeah?” Your jaw snaps closed almost comically fast, teeth clacking together so hard the sound rattles through your brain. “You broke me too,” Matty says, so quietly that you don’t think he realises he’s spoken. He slides his fingers out of you, and you bite down hard on your lower lip to suppress a whine. He grins approvingly. “Here’s what’s going to happen, darling,” Matty says, pausing to suck his fingers into his mouth and clean your arousal off his skin. “You’re going to ride my cock until you cum like you’re fucking gagging for, and then you’re gonna let me do whatever I want, okay?”
Hopelessly turned on, you choke out an answer and let Matty flip you so you’re straddling him. Your eyes roll back into your head as you sink down on him, pure desire cascading down your spine. “Matty, I—”
“Didn’t say you could talk, did I?” Matty scoffs, digging his fingers into your hips to still you. “M’not gonna help you, either. Are you gonna be good, darling? Gonna fuck yourself on my cock like a slut?”
Nodding frantically, you grind your clit against his stomach and soaking up the pleasure that seeps from every point his body meets yours. You lift up onto your knees and slam back down, a whining scream tearing from your throat at the burn between your thighs. “Shit, y’feel so good, Matty. Missed this. Missed you,” you groan, digging your nails into his chest and rolling your hips desperately.
Matty grins lazily up at you, arms propped insouciantly behind his head. He looks so relaxed, it’s almost as if you aren’t there at all, except that he can’t hide the red flush creeping up his cheeks and down his chest. You must look even more wanton by comparison, hair plastered to your sweat-slick skin and soaked cunt dripping around him. “Keep going, baby. You can do it, c’mon.” The degradation slides sweetly around your brain, melting your thoughts until all you know is Matty.
You realise suddenly that your nails are scratching a pattern into Matty’s skin, the same shapes over and over again. Mine. Mine. Mine. Your knees are starting to ache, thighs burning as you ride him, but the idea of stopping doesn’t even cross your mind. Liquid heat thrums in your veins, burning you up from the inside out. Whining his name helplessly, you clench around him, driving your hips down so you can feel every inch. You tip your head back, arching your chest towards Matty and watching his gaze fall to your tits. “You look so pretty up there, darling. You wanna tell me how you feel?”
“Feels s’fucking good, Matty. Been dreaming about your cock for months, baby. Nobody fuckin’ gets me off like you. Wish it could be like this all the time,” you add, barely processing the admission as it slips from your lips, pinching and toying with your piercing with your free hand. Your hips roll, waves of pleasure crashing over you, battering you viciously.
“So desperate, love. Such a slut,” Matty groans, digging his nails into your hips and fighting not to thrust up into you. “Getting close, aren’t you?” He laughs. “Yeah, I can feel you gettin’ all tight around me. You gonna cum for me, baby? Gonna fuckin’ soak my cock like a good girl?” You give a strangled moan, your hand falling to rub frantic circles over your wet clit. Your vision goes blurry, your entire world a haze as Matty draws sharply into focus, his chest heaving and angry marks across his skin. 
Your orgasm slams into you breathlessly, crushing the air out of your lungs as you writhe on top of him. Arousal floods out of you, soaking the sheets under you. Your thighs burn, pleasure shooting up your spine and hammering in the base of your skull. Cunt pulsing, your body goes heavy, slumping as you climb off him. “Thank you,” you murmur, relaxing a little with your body splayed out beside him. “M’ready. M’yours. Whatever you want.”
Matty’s answering smirk is nothing short of cruel; darkly promising as you shiver happily. He climbs over you, straddles your waist, staring down at you with lust-dark eyes. He fists his cock, dripping precum and still wet with your arousal, and groans. “Missed having you like this, baby, all pathetic for me. Gonna look so pretty covered in my cum, God.”
Slick, wet sounds fill the room, your eyes glassy as you watch him. You stick your tongue out provocatively, sliding your hands up his thighs and digging your thumb into the divot in his hip. Matty’s thighs are trembling, lips wet as he breathes shakily over you. You lift your head a little to kitten-lick over his head, and it does him in. A groan of your name spills from his lips, ropes of cum splashing over your face and landing on your tongue. You swallow greedily, grinning blithely up at him as his chest heaves.
“Greedy girl,” he chastises, climbing off you. “Already had my dick in your mouth and your pussy like you begged for, and y’still wanted more, huh?” You nod, turning to hook a leg over Matty and gaze at his pretty, flushed face. “Did I say you could suck my dick?” He grabs your jaw punishingly, the pain spreading under your skin and falling straight to your swollen clit. “Words, baby.”
“N-no,” you stammer, choked through dizzying lust that clouds your brain.
Matty scoffs, shoving abruptly to his feet. “Little cumslut can’t behave herself. What d’you want, darling? Belt or paddle?” Your blood runs cold. That’s your trick; making him play an active role in his own destruction.
You squirm. “I, uh… Got something new. It’s in the, uh. The black box under my bed,” you murmur, flushing ruby-woo and hiding your face in your hands.
You know when Matty’s found it because he breathes sharply in, thwacks it against his palm to test it, scoffs disbelievingly. “S’this what you want, darling?” He traces the leather of the riding crop over your ass almost lovingly, anticipation humming so loud under your skin that it’s almost deafening.
“Yeah. Please.” You flush impossibly redder, squirming desperately.
“Filthy girl,” Matty coos, running his fingers over your ass and squeezing gently, like he’s soothing pain you haven’t felt yet. “You sure? It’s gonna hurt,” he warns.
“S’gonna hurt so good,” you groan, arching your back and pushing your ass up towards him. “Please, Matty. I don’t let anyone else have me like this, I couldn’t do this with anyone else. Wouldn’t trust them,” you confess, breathing laboured.
Matty leans down, brushes the hair off your neck, kisses the skin there. His lips are warm, the touch so tender you could almost believe it were loving. “God, you’re beautiful. Bein’ so good, baby, such a good girl for me.”
You whine. “Stop bein’ nice,” you snap. “If I wanted nice, I wouldn’t have called you. I know you hate me, so fuck me like it,” you say, gritting your teeth.
His answering laugh is low and cruel, sliding deliciously over your brain. “You want it mean, baby? Alright. You know what to say if you need me to stop, yeah?”
Dear fucking God. You’re this close to kicking your legs and pounding your fists. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, green for go, red for stop, I know how to fucking drive.”
Matty clicks his tongue. “Don’t be a bitch. On your knees, face down, ass up, and count,” he orders, and your cunt throbs in response.
“There he is,” you say smugly, moving deliberately slow just to frustrate him.
“Fucking move,” he snaps, gripping your hair and pressing your face into the mattress. “That’s better.” The sound of him shuffling around behind you feels impossibly loud, anticipation tingling in your cunt until— The pain of the leather meeting your ass is sharp, a stinging ache that bleeds into pleasure as it works under your skin.
“One,” you choke out. Matty delivers three more swift, brutal strikes, the pain shocking and new and fucking delicious. Obediently, you count along, sinking into subspace dazed and dizzy. Matty swats at your thighs, over the tattoo on your lower back, every inch of your ass until all you can feel is blinding, mind-wiping, divine pain. You keep counting until Matty hits your cunt, the bolt of sweet agony so instant that your legs give out, a noise of pure pleasure slipping from your lips.
Matty scoffs, grabbing your bruised flesh to shock you back into the present moment.  “Do you know how to fucking count?” he mocks, and you choke out something that sounds enough like the right number to satisfy him. “Still love getting hit there, huh? Slut,” he mutters, so bluntly callous that you wonder if he really means it.
“Love it,” you slur out, voice muffled against your sheets. “Love when you hurt me. Need it. Need you, all the fuckin’ time. Love—” You bite hard on your tongue to silence yourself. Blood pours into your mouth, a fitting punishment as it slides crimson down your throat.
“Yeah,” Matty says faintly. “Me too.” There’s a beat of silence, neither of you willing to acknowledge the words left unspoken, before Matty drags his fingers through your sore, aching cunt. “Look at the fucking state you’re in. Soaking fucking wet, I could just—” He leans down and spits on your cunt, smearing the mess across your swollen clit with his fingertips.
Your back arches involuntarily, pleasure-pain arcing viciously up your spine. Matty grips your hips harshly, digging five crescent moons of greedy desire into your skin, and slams into you hard. A choked whine of his name falls from your lips, one of his hands sliding up your body to grope your tit. You clench around him, vice-like, powerless under him.
“God, this pretty little pussy looks so pretty full of me, darling. All those other guys you fuck, and you always need me, huh? Always come crawling back. Such a fucking cockslut, baby.” You nod wildly, your brain melting into liquid that must be dripping from your ears and puddling on the mattress. “Shit, y’close already, huh? Go on, cum if you wanna, but I’m not gonna stop, okay?”
It’s like your body takes it as permission; your orgasm hits you like a freight train, crushing you under its weight. Your heart races, pure ecstasy crumpling your lungs and clenching in your chest. Your cunt throbs around Matty’s cock, still fucking you brutally deep.
Slick, obscene sounds fill the room, ringing impossibly loud off your walls, and you bury your face in the mattress to muffle your cries. “God, s’too much, Matty, I can’t take—”
“Are you safewording?” Matty interrupts, and you shake your head. “Then you can take it, darling, because I’m telling you to. Whatever I want, remember?” His hips slam against yours, heartbeat pulsing in your cunt with every deep, punishing thrust. “That’s it, baby, I know you can take it. God, you feel so fuckin’ good, m’so close, shit,” he hisses, pace stuttering as he moans your name, low and broken and almost pleading.
“C’mon, Matty, fuckin’ fill me up, make me yours, please,” you whine, arching your back and clenching around his cock until he’s spilling into you with a low groan. Matty fucks you through, cock pulsing and nails digging into your hips. When he finally pulls off you, he’s spent, hair plastered to his forehead and chest heaving with struggling breaths.
You flop down next to him, laughing deliriously and swiping two fingers through your sensitive cunt. The familiar taste hits your tongue, sweet as it slides down your throat, and you grin around your fingers. “See what happens when we don’t leave well enough alone? My ass feels like it’s on fire,” you laugh, resting your head against his shoulder.
“S’not my fault you bought a fuckin’ riding crop,” Matty says, disbelieving. “D’you want me to run us a bath?”
“Mmm, in a minute,” you say, burying your face in his chest and curling close to him. Your heart is still speeding, exhilarated, and all you want is to cling to Matty like an anchor until you drown in him. After a little while, he coaxes you into the bath, holds you until the water goes lukewarm, his hands gentle and tender in a way entirely reserved for these moments.
It’s mostly silent, words gone unsaid hanging in the air between you. You’re right on the cusp of drifting to sleep when Matty speaks. “I don’t, by the way. Hate you.” He pauses, like the words are a struggle to get out, a weight sitting heavy on his chest. “I could never hate you. I hate that I can’t hate you.” He huffs a quiet laugh. “I hate that you can call me in the middle of the night after taking a sledgehammer to my life and I’ll come running. I hate that I need you so much. But I don’t hate you. Not even a little bit.”
You don’t answer.
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athenamikaelson · 4 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 2
Word Count- 3k
Warnings- Swearing, blood, canon spoilers
Vampires exist. So don’t werewolves and witches, the supernatural. This is what Elena had told me on the way back to Mystic Falls after our adventure with the 3 cannibals. No, not cannibals, vampires. 
“It’s true, Y/N. Vampires, witches, and other supernatural creatures exist. Those people who took us were vampires,” She motions to the two men in the front seat, “Stefan and Damon are aswell, but you don’t have to worry about them they won’t hurt you.”
“We’ll see.” The dark-haired one says out loud as he glances back at me skeptically. The look made me want to throw up but since my stomach didn’t have any more food to throw up I just stared at him nauseously.
“Damon, stop it,” Elena glares at him from the seat next to me, “You will not hurt Y/N, ever.” Elena continues her glaring at the man as he turns over his shoulders and rolls his eyes. 
“Don’t worry about Damon,” Elena whispers as she grabs my hand, “I’ll explain everything you need to know.”
“Yo, you good in there,” Theo’s voice calls from the other side of the bathroom door, “I need to do my hair before school and you know I need at least 25 minutes!”
I let out a deep sigh and tried to wipe away the tiredness from my eyes. After I got back last night Theo bitched me out for leaving him stranded at the party, without a license he had to walk himself home. When asked where I went off to I made up some lie about sleeping over at Elena’s. Theo was skeptical since he knows the closest person I have to a friend is the 67-year-old librarian at Mystic Fall’s library, but he’s more brawn than brain so he didn’t think much more of it. I hated lying to him, With Theo and I being so close and age we never kept things from each other, even though he’s a pain in my ass there’s no one in this world I love more than him. After our father and mother divorced that bond only strengthened. 
“Ya I’m fine,” I open the bathroom door and Theo’s usual calm facade breaks for a moment as he looks at me, “What the fuck happened to you? you look like you got into a fight with a squirrel and didn’t stand a chance.”
I roll my eyes at his remark and push past him to my room. As I grip the door handle a hand grabs my upper arm.
“Hey, I’m joking,” I turn to see Theo staring down at me worriedly, “Seriously though Y/N, what happened you look like you haven’t slept in years?” 
I can’t argue with his observation because I know what I look like since I just spent the last 15 minutes staring back at myself in the mirror. I was too tired last night to take a shower so I just used a washcloth for the blood on my face and chest, then passed out. Or at least tried to, my dreams were vacated by thoughts of what is truly hiding in the shadows, now that I know what is out there. 
“I just didn’t sleep that well last night.”
I try to get Theo to understand that I don’t want to approach this subject any further and thankfully he takes the hint. Within a split second the worried look drops and is replaced with a judgy look.
“Fine, but you’re going to need to change whatever it is you’ve got going on here,” He motions with his hands to my Hello Kitty T-shirt and matching pajama pants, “If I’m seen with you like this my social status will take a massive hit.”
My eyes roll and I shove a fist to his shoulder, earning a mocking gasp from him. 
“I’m taking the day off today, I only had two periods today anyway. I’ll still take you and drop you off, be in the car in 15 minutes, or else you’re taking the bus.”
Theo shoots me a horrified look and gasps, “And make me sit next to those peasants! You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.”
Eight minutes later we’re in my car driving to school. One thing I can always count on with Theo is that he will never do anything to tank his reputation. When we moved here a few months ago I was worried he’d have a hard time making friends and fitting in but that was my mistake. Theo is the most extroverted extrovert I have ever met and has a way of making people fall over and do anything he wants with a flash of a smile. Where he got the charisma I got the brains. I would never admit it out loud but sometimes I’m jealous of just how many people truly liked being around him. My only friend is the librarian and the only reason she hasn’t run away from me is because it’s her 9-5, and she can’t leave. 
I pull up to the front of the school and Theo finishes putting the finishing touches onto his hair. As he steps out a group of football guys all wave and acknowledge him.
“My practice gets out at 4:30 tonight. Don’t forget me this time,” Theo leans down and looks at me with a pointed look. 
“I’ll be there, I give you my word.”
“Great,” Theo smiles at me and reaches his hand over for a fist bump, “Later nerd.”
I bump his fist with mine, “Bye loser.”
As I pull into my driveway, I hear my phone chime go off. Glancing down at the screen I see an incoming call from Elena Gilbert. My brain tells me to ignore it and go back up to my bed and hide away from the world until I’m at least 43 years old, but my body has already made my thumb swipe to answer the call. 
“Hey Y/N! How are you doing this morning,” Elena's voice comes from the other end, I hear the sound of a car in the background making me realize she must be driving, “I honestly didn’t think you’d pick up.”
“Honestly I debated not to,” I tell her honestly. 
“Um, well,” She pauses for a moment, “I know you’re probably very confused, and I don’t know if you want the company or not but I’m going to go do something and was wondering if you wanted to join me?”
I frown slightly at the question, “Why?”
Elena lets out a sound of confusion, “I just thought you might want to know more, or at the very least you shouldn’t be alone right now.”
“I don’t need your pity.”
“That’s not what I’m doing I promise you, Y/N. If you don’t want to come that’s fine by me, but I just want you to know you have a friend out there to talk to about this if needed. If you change your mind I’ll text you the address.”
I hum in acknowledgement and after a moment the call goes dead. I sit in my car for the next 20 minutes going through my head all the things I could do. I could do what I wanted to do before and hide out and be alone, or I could help Elena…. Hiding out seems like a great idea. As soon as my hand reaches the car door handle I’m reminded of how Elena defended me yesterday and fought for me and a loud groan escapes my lips. Fuck. I sit back, pull up the address she texted me, and pull out of my driveway. If I’m kidnapped again I’m going to be so pissed. 
I pull my car into the spot next to Elena’s car in the middle of the woods. Yep, I'm getting kidnapped. What teenager hangs out in the woods next to a graveyard? I pull out my phone and dial Elena’s number. It rings for a moment before I get a response. 
“Y/N? Is everything ok? Are you hurt?” Elena’s frantic voice comes from the other end.
“What? No, I’m here. Where are you?” I turn around in a circle trying to catch a glimpse of the brunette girl but see nothing but tall barren trees.
“Oh! I didn’t think you’d come, I’ll be up in a second.” She hangs up the call as I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, come up from where? My question is answered when brown hair makes an appearance as Elena walks up a stone staircase leading to who knows where. As she notices me a small smile spreads onto her face and for a moment I get the urge to smile back, but suppress it back down and just nod at her in acknowledgment. She walks over to me and before I have a chance to react she’s wrapping her petite arms around me in a hug. What’s with all the hugging?
“Thank you for coming,” She releases me, “before I take you down though I should warn you it might be a little weird.” 
Her warning makes my heart start to beat faster and a sense of nausea surfaces, I really have to invest in some Tums. 
“Weirder than being kidnapped by three vampires, which I guess now are actually real?” 
Elena processes the question over for a moment before shaking her head slightly, “I guess not as weird as that, no.”
“Come on,” Elena motions me to follow as she guides me down the stone staircase. I tighten the small sweater over myself once I realize I’m still in my pajamas. With each step down I fear I’m walking into something that’ll make me regret getting out of bed this morning. But all I’m met with at the bottom of the stairs is a small stone room covered with dirt, in the center the stone opens up to darkness and I fight the urge to strain my neck to look in.
“Did you bring me a snack?” 
A tough female voice calls from the black abyss. Fuck, I really am getting kidnapped, aren’t I? I’m just about to run right back up those stairs and floor my Toyota Corolla out of this bitch when Elena speaks back to the voice.
“You’re not going to lay a finger on Y/N,” Elena looks at me as she walks over to the hole in the wall and sits down patting the spot next to her, “It’s ok Y/N, as long as she’s in there and we’re out here she can’t touch us.”
I frown in confusion as I drag my feet to where she’s sitting but as I walk from behind her I stop and stare at the woman slumped over in front of Elena. Or not Elena? What the actual fuck is happening!
“Elena, why the hell does she have your face, wait do you have a twin” I motion to the spitting image of Elena in front of us. She looks identical to Elena, wearing a dark mini-dress that looks like it would be easier to burn it rather than clean it at this point. 
“Don’t insult me like that.” The clone throws me a dirty look. 
“This was the weird thing I was mentioning earlier,” Elena explains, “This is Kathrine, she’s my doppelganger.”
“Correction,” Elena’s dopple-whatever jumps in, “She’s my doppelganger, I’m the original she’s just a cheap copy.” 
Ok…bitchy much.
Elena just rolls her eyes as if she’s used to this treatment, “It’s a supernatural phenomenon I guess where every few hundred years someone that looks just like us is born. Kathrine is the vampire that turned Stefan and Damon a hundred years ago.” 
I try to nod along but with all the information I’ve learned in the past 24 hours my mind feels like it’s going to explode. 
“Is she stupid or something?” I whip my head to Kathrine at the remark.
“Fuck you bitch.” 
Kathrine raises an eyebrow at my retort and shifts her shoulders upwards, “Fine, not stupid,” She slints her eyes at me, “Just slow.”
My anger rises at her insult and I am about to open my mouth to go tell this bitch off but Elena raises her hand in a stopping motion. 
“Don’t listen to her Y/N, she’s just trying to provoke you,” Elena sends Kathrine a dirty look, “It’s what she does.”
I nod my head along and realize that these two don’t seem to like each other even though they share the same face.
“So is this some bonding session,” I question Elena, “What are we doing here?’
“I came here to ask Kathrine questions about why I was taken yesterday, and why Elijah seemed to have known you from somewhere.” I watch Kathrine’s posture change slightly at the mention of the suited man. Appears she’s not a fan of the man either. I sigh as I sit down on the dusty ground next to Elena, and can only sit there disgusted as she pours something thick and red into a little cup. Once the stench hits my nose I realize she’s pouring blood.
I go to ask her what the hell she is doing but stop as she uses a stick to push it over to Kathrine. I disturbingly watch as the dopplebitch grabs the cup with her pale hand and brings it to her chapped lips. The red from the blood paints her lips as her mouth opens slightly and I catch a glimpse of two white sharp teeth protruding from her gums. 
“Finish the story,” Elena urges Kathrine as she flings the cup back to Elena. Kathrine adjusts her posture as she taps her chin in thought.
“Right, now where was I?”
“You were mentioning how you betrayed Rose and Trevor by killing yourself for your freedom, and ever since you’ve been on the run,’” Elena stands up and says as if it’s not the wild-ass sentence I’ve ever heard, she pauses for a moment in thought and I watch as a realization washes over her, “That’s why you’re here isn’t, to bargain your freedom to Klaus?” 
Kathrine follows suit and stands up facing Elena, “Mmm. Five hundred years on the run I figured maybe he’d be willing to strike a deal.”
I shake my head in confusion, “Wait, who’s Klaus? I thought Elijah was the scary cannibal guy everyone was afraid of.”
“Klaus is an ancient vampire who wants to sacrifice me,” Elena replies staring down at me, she must notice the look of utter confusion on my face because she tells me she explain that later. 
As I have no idea what the hell is even going on I just listen and watch as the two “not-twins” discuss the Klaus guy and the ingredients for the curse. Ingredients that happen to be actual people might I add. Caroline who I found out is now a vampire and not just some loud blonde girl that sits behind me in my French class, some special stone, Elena as aforementioned, and Theo’s football captain Tyler Lockwood, who surprise surprise is a fucking werewolf. Self-reminder to keep Theo away from him. 
“Better you die than I,” Kathrine tells Elena as she questions how she can just hand over all those innocent people. Elena shakes her head in frustration and then glances at me.
“Is Y/N a part of it,” Elena gestures to me and questions Kathrine who picks a piece of invisible lint off her shoulder. Kathrine takes her time moving her eyes from the wall in front of her to look me in my eyes. Where Elena and Kathrine may be almost identical it is the eyes that make them different. Where Elena’s eyes are kind and welcoming, Kathine’s are filled with nothing but malice and something much darker. 
“Why would she be? She’s human, and I already have my vampire,” Kathrine sends me a cold glance, “If Caroline doesn’t work out though, you can always be a backup, I guess.” 
I shiver at the cruel chuckle she lets out, and Elena walks in front of where I’m sitting. 
“That’s not what I’m talking about. Yesterday I watched as Elijah’s whole demeanor changed when he saw Y/N. He looked at her like he had known her his entire life.”
A small shift in Kathrine’s face appears for a split second before it’s gone. The cruel look in her eyes is now gone and replaced with something much different. Realization is what I can only think of as she runs her eyes over me as if seeing me in a different light. The corner of her lips tightens as she glances at me with an unexplainable look.
“He’s going to destroy you.”
That’s all she says as she picks herself up and strolls back into the darkness. I watch her back retreat as Stefan’s voice comes from behind me. I don’t focus on anything as Kathrine’s words repeat in my head. I must’ve been standing there looking into the abyss for too long because a hand on my shoulder shocks me. 
“Hey, don’t overthink what she said,” Elena shifts me to look at her, “Elijah is dead. He can’t hurt you anymore.”
“Elena’s right,” Stefan chimes in from behind her, “Kathrine has never told the truth a day in her life, whatever she told you was just to rattle you.”
I nod my head as I take a step away from them and towards to staircase. 
“I think I’m going to head home. I have some things I have to do,” I lie about the last part, I just want to get out of here before another panic attack decides to make an appearance.
Elena nods and tries to send me a comforting smile, “OK. Well, can I call you later?” she asks almost hopefully. I just nod my head slightly as I turn around and make my way up the stairs. 
The entire drive home my mind is filled with thoughts of everything that’s happened in the past day. Curses, kidnapping, and the supernatural. Jesus Christ, this sounds like a bad TV show. I try to focus on the road but Kathrine’s last words to me keep ringing in my head. My breathing starts to quicken as I realize what that look in Kathrine’s eyes was. Fear. 
TAGS- @promptly-mercy @superblyspeedydragon @yoyoyoyooy44
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jasminsstories · 8 months
How finals week with Zayne by your side would be…probably:
gn!reader x zayne / fluff; just for fun, don’t take this seriously pls
will try to support you as much as he can, since he knows best how hard studying is
“I told you to start earlier than to cram the material in the last minute. It won’t stick in your long-term memory this way” “Zayne, I don’t care if it sticks in my long-term memory as long as I pass this exam”
“Come here and eat this before continuing”
Basically drags you daily to the kitchen table where he prepared healthy meals
“But why do only I have carrots in my salad?” “Because you need Vitamin B to stay fit for your exams” “Just say you gave all of your carrots to me, because you don’t like them!”
“If you continue to drink so much coffee, I am afraid I will see you in the ER soon because of arrhythmia… and I don’t want that” “Zayne, you can’t just hide my coffee machine!!”
opens the windows regularly to help you concentrate and makes sure you stay hydrated
definitely will try to lure you out for walks to get some steps in
“Didn’t you say you wanted to see the sunset?” “I do, I really want… but I have to get this done today” “Let’s go, you need some Vitamin D” *suddenly lifts you up bridal style* “Hey, let me down!!” *acts like he doesn’t hear you*
the more time passes and the deeper the night gets with every passing minute, you can’t stop yawning and rubbing your heavy eyelids; still you try to focus them on your bright notebook screen
“Go to sleep. You have to get enough sleep to function tomorrow as well” “I can’t afford to sleep now. Sleep can wait, the deadline for my essay won’t”
tries to get you to bed through various methods
first tries to make it less obvious and wants to make you jealous through your plushies
“Then Mr. Snowman will have to cuddle with me today..” “Mhmmm”
But quickly realizes that it doesn’t work and you don’t react to it
for his second try he sneaks up to you from behind and puts his hands on your waist, pressing a lingering kiss on the shell of your ear, whispering a tempting “Come to bed with me”
you try to stay strong though and ignore his attempt with the last endurance you have
the next time he comes up to your desk for his third attempt, he finds you asleep already, your face planted on the surface of your desk
he can’t hold back a chuckle and a fond glow is in his orbs as he gazes at your face; just looks at you for some minutes
carefully picks you up and carries you to bed, trying his hardest not to wake you up; whispers a “Good night, my angel” and gives your forehead a small kiss
tucks you to bed and will lay down beside you to watch you sleep
when you wake up the next morning you begin to panic because you weren’t able to pull the all-nighter you desperately needed to finish on time
“Breathe, Love. Don’t worry. You can do it, I know it”
“I look kinda like a Panda now with my dark circles, don’t I?” “Yeah…kinda. Maybe more like a raccoon”
when you are finally done with all of your exams and your essays, he will pat your head and smile proudly; “Good job, I knew you can do it”
with a relieved sigh you press a loving kiss on his lips
and now you can finally get revenge for the times he teased you
just the brain rot i have in my finals week. i am quite literally losing my marbles right now, so i needed some zayne fluff. did i write this instead of studying…maybe. i need this man so bad. actually working on a smut atm but since its been so long since i wrote one, it’s hard for me to get into the flow right now.
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whimsyfinny · 8 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: None (Yet) in chapters to come there will be smut (and lots of it) and possible violence/blood/gore
Chapter Word Count: 2564
A/N: Sorry that this one feels like a bit of a filler - but I’m seriously hoping to get some spicy content out in the next chapter so pls pls stay tuned! Also this is only proof read by myself so pls let me know of any errors!
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Please read the below first:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 4
We spent a few hours researching and looking into the First Blades whereabouts after dinner, Dean and I only making work-related conversations after the pie ordeal. Every now and then when I looked up from the book I was reading I’d catch him looking in my direction, but I was far too tired for any more confrontation - I knew he'd act like an ass if I said anything. I decided to head to bed at around midnight, unable to read more than a few words and actually process said words in my brain. As Sam was still asleep, Dean showed me to my room which was tragically opposite his, and I could only imagine the noises that I’d be hearing coming through that door. Getting ready for bed, I dug out an old boyfriends T-shirt that I was still in possession of and threw it on, making sure to remove all other items of clothing except my panties. I climbed into bed - which was surprisingly more comfortable than I’d anticipated, though the sheets smelt a little musty - and set an alarm on my phone so I could hopefully rise before the boys in the morning. The moment my head hit the pillow, sleep whisked me away, not giving me a chance to think about the wild day I’d had and the total jackass that I’d met.
My alarm rang at 5am and I crawled out of bed, dressing in yesterday’s jeans with a clean, low-cut tank top and an open flannel thrown over the top. Pulling on my boots, I ran my fingers through my hair before heading to the en suite bathroom to brush my teeth. As I turned on the tap, the pipes clanged alarmingly as a small stream of water trickled from the faucet, the harsh noise echoing around the small tiled room. “That’s not concerning at all,” I mumbled to myself, the noise finally stopping as I turned the tap off. After I’d finished brushing I headed back into the bedroom to grab my phone before leaving the room to walk wearily to the kitchen. Upon arrival, I instantly made a pot of coffee, the smell alone already helping to blow away the sleepy cobwebs in my mind. I needed food. Something good, like pancakes. So I rummaged around until I found everything I needed, starting to memorise where the brothers kept everything after spending so much time in here yesterday evening. As I whipped up the batter, I threw some bacon in a pan and placed three plates on the table, along with some mugs, the pot of coffee and a big bottle of maple syrup. As soon as I started cooking the batter, it was like I’d used a summoning spell.
“You know when I first woke up I thought that I’d dreamt you up in some sort of weirdly tame nightmare” Dean said in a deep and raspy, fresh-from-sleep tone as he paced into the room and sat at the table, rubbing his eyes.
“Is that your way of saying that I’m your dream girl, Winchester?” I teased as I poured him a mug of coffee. He smirked, not looking up at me.
“You wish darlin’.”
“I really don’t,” I turned back to the stove and flipped the pancake, taking a sip from my own mug.
I’d made a stack of maybe twelve pancakes by the time Sam arrived, greeting me with that warm smile of his as he took a seat opposite Dean.
“Good morning (Y/n), something smells amazing.”
“Good morning Sam,” I smiled back at him before I looked over at Dean, “That’s how you greet someone in the morning Dean, not by telling them they were part of your living nightmare.” Dean shrugged, taking a long drink from his coffee.
Sam gave me an almost apologetic look on his brothers behalf, saying quietly, “as charming as ever then, Dean.” As he sat down I placed the stack of pancakes along with the bacon on the table and both men’s eyes lit up, immediately picking up their cutlery.
“Help yourselves,” I said, taking a seat between them, “just leave a couple for me at least.”
Dean was the first to pile about five onto his plate along with a good portion of the bacon. Without even looking at me he placed two pancakes on my own plate as he reached for the maple syrup. Before I could ask for the bacon, it was Sam who served some up for me before giving himself whatever was left over before handing me the syrup.
“Oh, thanks guys…” I said, a little shocked at how weirdly coordinated they were with that whole task.
“You’re welcome,” they both managed to mumble out through huge mouthfuls of food. We sat in a strangely nice silence for a few minutes, the only noise to be heard was the sounds of breakfast being totally annihilated. Dean was the first to throw his cutlery down with a very satisfied groan. He stretched, his T-shirt rising slightly to show his incredibly toned abdomen.
For fucks sake.
“THAT is what powers a man up in the morning,” he said, his fingers interlaced behind his head.
“Mmm hmm,” was all I managed to get out, finding it annoyingly difficult to look away, let alone to stop my eyes from trailing to where his leather belt hugged his hips and his old denim jeans gripped the thick muscles of his thighs. A few seconds must’ve passed when he cleared his throat and my eyes snapped up to be immediately caught in that moss-green gaze. Shit. I thought maybe for a second that he didn’t notice me looking. But then the corner of his mouth twitched up into that infuriating smirk. Luckily for me, he didn’t say anything, but I watched as he dragged his gaze over my figure, similar to how I did with him. It was Sam who spoke up next and I tore my eyes away, letting out a breath as he saved me from Deans silent interrogation.
“So I read last night about a possible case,” he started to say as he finished chewing the last bit of food on his plate before pushing it away and turning towards us.
“Go on,” Dean said, leaning forwards - finally covering his exposed stomach.
“I think it’s a haunting - some sort of item possession involving a ghost. All of the accidents that have been happening seem to occur either around or directly within an old antique store that’s connected to an old auction house. I think it’s worth a look,” Sam opened his laptop that he’d placed on the seat next to him, showing us all of the research he’d done overnight. Looking at the evidence he’d piled together, I think he was on to something. I nodded.
“Sure, I’m in. I’ll go pack a bag,” I said, standing up and clearing the plates from the table.
“Hang on a second,” Dean spoke up and I immediately knew he was talking to me.
“What makes you think you’re coming with us for this?” His brows furrowed slightly.
“Because I never get to work out in the field - Bobby always had me on book duty and I want to see some real hunting in action,” I raised my voice a little starting to get defensive.
“If Bobby never let you do field work then neither are we. You’re staying here,” his tone was stern as he downed the last of the coffee and stood up, towering over me.
“What?!” I almost shouted.
“Dean, I don’t think it’s your place to say what she can and can’t do. I say we let her come along,” Sam intervened, his voice always full of reason and reassurance. I gave him a half smile - a small, ‘thank you for sticking up for me’.
“No way. There’s no way I’m letting Bobby’s girl put herself in danger. The old bastard would find a way to make us pay if anything were to happen to her; even from beyond the grave.”
“I don’t need you taking on his role, Dean. Bobby kept me safe my whole life, just him. I’m sure the pair of you could look out for me no problem on a little ghost trip,” I chided, coming up with a plan to get Dean to agree to me coming.
“(Y/n)s right, this shouldn’t be a hard case for us - if anything this is a small break from the real hard work,” Sam stepped towards Dean, trying to reassure him.
Dean looked from Sam to myself, and when our eyes locked I let a sly smile crawl onto my lips.
“Or maybe Dean Winchester isn’t up to the challenge?” I said, holding my hands up. He frowned, opening his mouth but I spoke again before he could get his words out. “Maybe….,” I stepped towards him, now only a few inches between us, “Dean Winchester is losing his touch, and isn’t the big strong man he used to be and really won’t be able to keep me safe…?” I flashed Dean my best doe eyes and I heard him suck in a breath as I reached forwards and tugged slightly on his T-shirt, making him look down at me with his eyes flicking between mine - dilating a little. I couldn’t help but bite my lip, looking up at him through my lashes and pressing my fingertips to his chest, feeling his heart rate increase with every beat from my touch. I liked to think that I was being very ‘persuasive’.
“I think you’re right (Y/n), I don’t think Dean is up to the task. He’s definitely been losing his touch,” Sam spoke up, catching on with my game and joining in with the verbal attack on his older brother. Deans eyes snapped up to look at Sam and the almost trance-like state he was in before was shattered.
“I have NOT lost my touch!” He snapped. Sam and I looked at each other and exploded into laughing very fake laughs, clapping and wiping away a pretend tear.
“Sure thing ‘sweetheart’,” I said, “prove it - keep me safe.”
“Oh I’ll keep you safe,” Dean took the bait and barged past us, “I’ll keep you safe from your own fucking shadow.”
After a few hours of packing and travelling, we arrived in a very well manicured town - even the motel was decent. Upon checking in, we got two rooms; one for me and one for the boys.
“Let’s drop our stuff off, freshen up and meet back here in ten?” Sam said, checking his watch. It was just past 11am.
“Sure, sounds good,” I replied, and Dean just nodded in approval. Their room was further down the corridor than mine, so I watched them leave before entering my room. It was the usual layout: one double bed, cheap linens, an old TV and an under-stocked minibar. At least the decor wasn't completely brown. I dumped my bags on the floor and started to unpack some essentials. I laid my clothes out on the bed - some of these outfits may come in handy later on. For now though, I’ll just stick to what I was already wearing. Lastly I grabbed a tin that was down in the bottom of my duffle - inside was a bunch of fake IDs that Bobby insisted on making me a few years ago. I smiled, remembering him always answering the phone to the Winchesters, pretending to be their FBI boss. I was always dying to know what they were hunting when he got those phone calls. I admired them a lot back then. I shook away the memory and pocketed the IDs, marching to the bathroom and splashing some water on my face before leaving, locking the door behind me.
The boys were already waiting for me.
“You boys ready?” I asked, to which they both nodded. “Where to first?” my question was aimed at Sam, but Dean replied.
“The old antique store just down here on the corner,” he grumbled as we started walking, still unimpressed that I was tagging along. I shot him a look as he practically glared at me from the other side of Sam.
“Get over yourself Dean. I’m along for the ride so deal with it,” I snapped at him, hoping he un-rustles his jimmies quickly. I wasn’t going to let him drag me down, not when I’m excited to actually be on a case. My first ‘out in the field’ case of all things. I wanted this to be a good memory. He scrunched his face up at my words, mouthing an angry ‘I hate you’ at me, to which I flipped him off.
“Guys just behave yourselves!” Sam stopped in his tracks right as we were outside our destination. “We are professionals so we need to act like it. We’re here to do our job,” Sam said in an authoritative voice - which undeniably sounded very attractive on him. I walked a few steps ahead of them and stopped with my hand on the front door to the store.
“Sam’s right. I’m happy to be here helping these people,” I smiled a little too sweetly before throwing a dark look at Dean, “so pull your shit together Dean, you’re making us look bad.” I heard him start to protest before I pushed the door open and walked into the shop, hearing the two brothers scurrying to catch up with me. As we walked in we were greeted by an older gentleman, with a kind face, a neatly trimmed pure white beard and round specs.
“Good morning and welcome to the store,” he said, his voice soft, “Can I help you?” He looked between the three of us. The boys reached for the fake badges, but they were lost for words when I beat them to the chase - obviously being unaware that I’d come prepared. Holding my badge up for the older gent to see, I spoke without missing a beat.
“Hi! Yes you certainly can help me - I’m agent Granger and these,” I jabbed my thumb to Sam and Dean who were standing right behind me, “are agents Crabbe and Goyle. We’ve got some questions for you regarding the strange occurrences going on around here recently.”
“Of course, it’s about time these things were investigated,” the older man turned and beckoned for us to follow, which Sam did immediately. Dean and I were left behind, staring each other down. I could tell he wasn’t happy that I had a badge, and I couldn’t help but smile at that. He scowled.
“This isn’t a fucking game.”
“You’re just mad that I got one up on you so early on,” I grinned up at him, his frown not budging.
“Just don’t do anything stupid,” he huffed.
“I’m safe from doing you then aren’t I?” I couldn’t stop the words from spilling from my lips.
“What?” He looked at me like I’d sprouted a second head, obviously not catching on. I chuckled a little, walking past him to catch up with Sam, leaving him standing there confused.
“Don’t think too hard about it Dean, you might hurt yourself,” I called back over my shoulder.
“Fuck y- hang on- oh you BITCH!” He shouted after me as he caught on finally. I laughed, not looking back.
“Only to you Dean.”
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @lanassmarty @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hell0-ki11y111 @hobby27 @lilcuutiee @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @viridiesa @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @vsplanet @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @ilikw
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Up Next:
Chapter 5
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norrizzandpia · 1 year
Let Me Love You (OP81)
Summary: A friendship where the lines are incredibly blurred is risky, but it’s even more risky to fall in love with a girl who won’t let anyone in romantically.
Trigger Warnings: Anxiety, mentions of depression, trauma, mentions of psychological abuse, toxic family household (lmk if i missed any 💗)
Laughing, Oscar leaned into Y/n’s side as his arm laid lazily over her shoulders. Nights like this were his favorite. Just the two of them on the couch in his living room, cuddled together as they watched a wide variety of movies for hours. The way she would curl further into him whenever a part in the movie was unnerving made his heart warm as she showed him she felt safe with him.
His hand came up to stroke her hair as she laid against his shoulder, “What are you doing tomorrow morning?” He whispered into her ear.
He felt her hand trail up and down his stomach absentmindedly, “Nothing, why?”
He smiled, “Sleepover?”
She giggled as she shook her head, “Sounds good.”
Oscar furrowed his eyebrows at her laughing, “What’s so funny?”
Y/n turned her head to look up at him, his brain faltering at her stare, “I haven’t been home to see my roommates in days. I’ve literally just been here.”
His confusion only deepened, “Why’s that a bad thing? That’s how I like it.”
The two smiled at each other as the movie went on in the background, “Me too.”
Oscar only realized how late it was when he noted the way Y/n’s chest rose and fell slowly. He had been so caught up in his mind as to not notice that the time was creeping close to 3 AM and, while the two of them had nothing to do the next morning, they needed proper sleep.
Shutting off the TV and scooping her up in his arms, he moved them into his bedroom. She had slept over multiple times and each time they slept together in his bed, something that never got easier for him. He moved to take off her shirt, but hands stopped him.
“I can do it.” Y/n groggily said as she pushed his fingers away and motioned for him to turn around.
“Y/n, I’ve seen you naked before.” It was true, he had. Whether it was walking in on the other changing or having to help the other get on a piece of clothing, both friends had seen the other half dressed and bare.
She tilted her head, “Seriously, Oscar. Turn around.”
Putting his hands up in surrender, he fulfilled her demands. With shuffling and rustling, she stepped out of her clothing and slipped into his shirt, her pajamas.
“Okay, you’re good.” She signaled to the Australian before he was spinning around and smiling at the picture of her in his clothes.
For a second too long, his eyes lingered over her body and the realization dawned on him that she was very clearly only wearing underwear beneath the fabric. Suddenly, his pants were growing tight and his need to take a shower was dire.
“I’m going to go get ready for bed. I have to take a shower and all that, so don’t wait up for me.” He scurried out of the room before she could even remind him he had taken one just a few hours ago.
Y/n didn’t know why, but the second she heard the door to the bathroom click open, she closed her eyes and played the part of a sleeping person. Her ears listened to the shuffling across the room and the rustling of the sheets before Oscar’s body was sliding under the covers. His arms instinctively wrapped around her waist and his body fit behind hers as his head stuffed into her neck, breathing in her scent. She would’ve fallen asleep then, but the words spoken next kept her awake for hours.
Whispering, Oscar thought she was unconscious, “I wish you could sleep in my bed as more then a friend.”
A week after the sleepover, and Oscar’s words were still being obsessed over in Y/n’s mind. She knew what he meant by it and all the insinuations that came with such a statement, and she knew that she loved Oscar. However, she also knew she would never ever be able to let him in that way. It was something she had struggled with her whole life. From the beginning of her childhood, it was clear her home life wasn’t like mosts. From screaming matches and things being thrown to the fear her dad or mom was going to hit her in a fight, Y/n had learned that love was a war zone. It didn’t matter that she knew that statement was irrational or that it would prevent her from experiencing one of life’s greatest treasures, it was one of her biggest fears and it would always stay that way. She never expected anyone to stick around long after they found out about all the problems and trauma responses she had developed from years of psychological abuse, and didn’t want to make herself hopeful for someone to now.
Y/n had never experienced unconditional love, never understood it or how someone could love another enough through every up and down that life came with. She thought it was a myth, a writing strategy used in romcoms and disney princess movies, not in real life and most definitely not with Oscar.
“Y/n?” Celia shouted throughout the house as she entered.
“In here!” The girl shouted from the kitchen
Celia, one of Y/n’s roommates, came traipsing into the room moments later with a tired smile.
“How was class?” Y/n asked as the girl walked behind her in search of snacks to gorge on.
Nodding, Celia groaned, “It was fine, just horrifying with a hangover and stuff.”
Y/n laughed as much as she could considering all that was taking place in her mind, “Yeah, I get it.”
There was a silence from Celia before she was moving closer to her best friend and rubbing her back, “You okay? That laugh sounded a little forced.”
She was prepared to deny it, but one look in the red headed girl’s eyes crushed the defensive army ready to cover up Y/n’s feelings again.
“I think Oscar has feelings for me.” She got out.
Celia smiled, “I knew that, but I’m glad you’ve come to your senses now! Why would we be sad about this?”
That was the part Y/n really didn’t want to get into. Sure, Celia knew all about her childhood, or lack thereof, but it wasn’t something Y/n just brought up comfortably. The conversation almost always ended in tears as Y/n relived some of the worst moments of her life in a place that should’ve been nurturing and warm.
Noticing her shut down, Celia realized why Oscar and Y/n’s family situation were tied.
Sighing, Celia leaned her head on the girl’s shoulder, “Oh, babe.”
Y/n didn’t say anything, so Celia continued, “Talk to him. Give him a chance. Y/n, Oscar would never bring you back there.”
“It’s not a problem of if he’s going to trigger, it’s that I won’t allow myself to love someone so much that I’ll beg for their forgiveness and love, and give them all the power to shun me like my parents did.” That was the worst part. For years during her adolescence, Y/n had learned the telling signs that her mom was angry with her. It could’ve been one small thing that was misinterpreted or misunderstood, but it would set her mother off and into a tailspin of bitter coldness and isolation. Y/n had begun to plead with her mom for forgiveness over something that was so small and yet, the poor girl would always be left with a broken heart and no returned love from her mother.
Celia broke for the unloved child clearly still hurting within Y/n, “But, Oscar loves you. He has for years. He would never out you in that position.”
Turning away and shutting down, Y/n moved toward her room, “I won’t risk it.”
His hand held hers under the table. He knew she didn’t want to be here, in this house with all its broken memories. Oscar knew that, as she sit across from the mother who didn’t love her enough and the father who was never there, Y/n was struggling. He could see it in the way her eyes glossed and her voice trembled slightly when addressed by her parents. He saw it in the way that when she looked at certain photographs or revisited certain rooms, flashbacks of things she shouldn’t have seen so young appeared in her mind. He knew there wasn’t much he could do except stand strongly by her side and hold her up when she fell.
“So, Oscar, how’s F1?” Y/n’s dad spoke to the blonde man who was currently too preoccupied in his own mind to give a detailed answer.
“It’s good.” He said and the silence hung as the family waited for him to continue. He didn’t.
“You two still in love with each other?” Her mother snickered from beside her husband as she eyed the duo. Oscar laughed because it was true, but Y/n stayed silent, staring off as she ripped her hands out of Oscar’s grasp and standing up.
“We should really get going. Oscar has an early morning.” She stated before moving around the table to gather her bag and make a beeline toward her front door.
“Oh… okay?” He followed her lead, understanding that something had set her off to the point of no return.
He couldn’t catch up with her as he closed the door behind him and ran after her into the street.
“Y/n! Slow down!” He shouted as she yanked open his car door and got in.
Finally, once in the driver’s seat, he looked at her and addressed her behavior, “What happened?”
His question was innocent, but her response was pure malice, “I think we should stop seeing each other as much.”
To say he was shocked would be an understatement, “What do you mean? Why?”
She shook her head, “I just need to spend more time with my friends and, in order to do that, I need to lay off on how much I’m seeing you.”
He started the car and pulled out of the driveway, “You can still see your friends and me at the same time? You have enough free time with the amount of time we spend together to also hangout with your roommates and stuff.”
She shook her head as the drive to her place continued, “No. I have school I have to focus on and work and… I just can’t do it all with how much I see you.”
Oscar glanced at her, “But, I don’t understand? You’ve never mentioned hanging out with me has strained your schedule. If you had, we would have fixed it.”
She shrugged, “Well, I’m telling you now.”.
He couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more going on, “Y/n, this is too out of the blue. What’s going on?”
Finally, her frustration boiled over and she raised her voice, “Jesus, Oscar! You don’t know when to stop, do you? Just leave me alone, that’s all I’m asking.”
He shook his head immediately, “No! Not when something’s clearly going on with you!” He shouted back.
They turned onto her street, “Nothing’s going on with me! It’s you! I know you want more then what we have already! I know you want more then just friends! I’m not doing that, Oscar! I don’t love you that way!”
While her words hurt as they pulled into her driveway, he saw the shimmer in her eyes which told him everything. Told him what she was saying was the trauma talking, what she was saying was the trust issues, the abandonment issues, the self-preservation, and fear talking. He hated the way she couldn’t let him in the way he knew she wanted to and he absolutely loathed the way no matter how hard he loved her, she would never understand. Yet, even with all that, he knew he would never stop trying.
His voice grew quiet, “Do you want me to tell you that I’m in love with you? Because I will. Technically, I already have with all the times I’ve told you how I need you as more while you slept next to me. But, those times you didn’t hear me, and now you will. So, listen, please, when I say that I am not your parents. I am not your childhood. I am not your pain, or your trauma, or your fear. I’m just your best friend who’s deeply in love with you. Y/n, I’m a person you can trust with that part of you. I won’t break it like they did.”
Her tears flowed like a river down her cheeks as she willed herself to give in, to see what happiness really felt like. But, every time she came close to letting him see even the slightest bit of the person she had tried so hard to shove away into the depths of her mind, she freaked out. She couldn’t do it.
She wouldn’t do this.
Shaking her head and opening the car door, she leaped out, “No, Oscar. I’m sorry. I won’t ever get there with you.”
He got out of his car as he chased her up the stairs to her door before reaching her and grabbing her arm, forcing her to turn around and look at him, “You say that, but I don’t care. I’m too far gone, too in love with you, to give up now. If it happens tomorrow or never, I will always be waiting for you to let me love you.”
With that, he spun around and retreated back to his car, head low and tears in his eyes. He wasn’t angry at her, but angry at them. Her parents had stripped her of the ability to see life for what it actually was. Full of love.
A year ago, a call from her parents would have sent her anxiety sky rocketing, but, now, as she stares down at the buzzing phone, she feels nothing, but peace. Realizing the ability to cut them off was freeing when her therapist suggested it. After that night with Oscar, she had been utterly ruined, noticing that her efforts to keep herself away from pain because of love had done nothing. She had been completely destroyed by love and she hadn’t even had the luxury of basking in it, experiencing it with him. So, dialing her friend’s recommended psychiatrist, she began booking sessions and understanding the deeply rooted wounds that had manifested themselves within her from such a young age. The topic of Oscar hadn’t come up until 6 months in and Y/n hadn’t gotten the nerve to call him until 4 months after. She hung onto his words from that night since the moment he said them, “If it happens tomorrow or never, I will always be waiting for you to let me love you.”
Something she had worked through with her therapist was the fear that those words were no longer true, but the second the doctor made her realize that Y/n would never know unless she reached out was worse.
So, that’s how she found herself on his doorstep, nervously tapping her foot as her fingers hovered over the doorbell.
‘Fuck it’ She thought before reaching out and colliding with the button. Distant ringing echoed throughout the house before she heard footsteps and then the door was opening.
“Hi, how can I he-“ His head was down before he made eye contact and his brain processed the person standing in front of him. He wouldn’t lie, she looked better. The clear signs of depression having disappeared from her appearance while the nervous smile he loved so much stayed put.
“Y/n…” He said breathlessly as he continued to stare at her while Y/n did the same. Her eyes trailed over his body, noting how muscular he had gotten, until she saw his face and saw the way it didn’t light up like it used to, his teeth not showing in any smile he tried to give.
“A year ago, you told you would always be waiting for me to-“ He cut her off as he stepped forward and wrapped her in his arms.
“Let me love you.” He squeezed her tightly, one arm around her waist as the other cradled her face to his chest.
She smiled, he felt it, “Yeah, will you still?”
“Will I what?” He asked even though he wasn’t confused by her question at all, just wanting her to say it.
“Will you love me?” She squeezed him back, her arms tightly around his torso.
Oscar kissed her head as he smiled, “Always, my love. Always.”
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xoxochb · 4 months
okay okay okay!! first i just stumbled on your account and it's so lovely and all your work is incredible!!! secondly, i have a fic request for you (based on a taylor song/lyric)
i was thinking daughter of athena and luke castellan with the lyric from peter (aka the bridge) but specifically "but the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light." like an angsty fic where he promised her to go back and get her (since he loved her) but came too late!!
idk if that makes sense but hopefully it does.
all my love, amanda <3
⋆·˚ ༘ * promises, oceans deep, but never to keep
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warnings: depressing, I’ll pay for everyone’s therapy
pairing: luke castellan x daughter of athena
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“I’ll come back for you, I promise”
“don’t break it”
“I won’t, I swear it on the river styx”
what. a. lie.
countless nights spent crying your eyes out, skipping meals, cutting off all your friends and siblings, staying in bed the whole day, and for what? for some guy that couldn’t even bother to keep a promise, that’s who
“get up” you hear a voice say above you, and although your face has basically been best friends with your pillow, you know exactly who it is
“go away annabeth” you mumbled
“no, I’m not. this isn’t healthy, I miss him too but you don’t see me crying in bed everyday”
you sit up quickly upon hearing those words
“that’s different, he said he would be back for me” you fumed
“face facts, he’s not coming back, it’s been 6 months” she took a seat at the end of your bed
“get out” you shoot her a harsh glare
“this is my cabin to you know?” she responded
“then get off my bed and leave me alone”
- 🎞️ -
from all the time you spent in bed you’d think sleep would have come to you easier, but you spent every night and day lying awake, thinking about your last words together
where was he? why wouldn’t he come back?
those words repeated in your head constantly, and you couldn’t stand it. wasn’t healing supposed to be easier?
it isn’t. it wasn’t easy
for the first 7 months, all you could do was cry
but then you accepted the fact that he wouldn’t be coming back for you, so you started a new life- a better life. you mended things with your friends, got up from bed and even ate full meals
it was almost perfect
you were happy, for the first time in a while
but that was until you heard a knock on your window, disturbing your peace. you stand up from your bed and walk over to the window, opening it quickly so the knocking doesn’t wake up any of your sleeping siblings
oh my gods, this cannot be happening
“no- you can’t- no, absolutely not” you stutter, scanning your brain for the right words, “you can’t be here, luke”
“I told you I would come back, I promised it you know” he grinned
seriously? he left you for months, broken and depressed and he smiles? you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss it though
“no-wait, hold on” you cover his mouth with your hand before climbing out of your window. you take his hand and drag him away from your cabin
“I’m not going with you, you’re too late” you state, crossing your arms over your chest
“what do you mean too late?” he asks
“It’s been seven months, luke, you left me here, I grieved, and then I accepted the fact that you were never coming back.”
“and I came back didn’t I? I love you, I would never break my promise” he tries to grab your hands but you don’t allow him, pulling them away quickly
“no, it doesn’t matter if the promise was broken or not, you left me, and I got over you”
“I’m sorry, I really am, I didn’t mean to take so long- I had a lot of things to take care of, I didn’t mean to upset you I mean, I’ve been sad to you know, I missed you a lot and-”
“stop. you don’t get to tell me about sad” you scowl and begin to walk away but he grabs your hand swiftly
“please- just let me explain” he begs, and something in you wants to stay and listen but you know it’s for the better
“I can’t do this, you need to go” you feel tears start making their ways to your eyes
he grabs both of your hands, cupping them in his, “please” he cried, eyes filled with desperation
you let a tear shed down your cheek, “I’m sorry” you whisper, and release your hands from his grasp, making your way back to your cabin
and as you were leaving, it felt like breathing
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cloudcountry · 1 year
you don't have to leave.
Genre/Tropes: No notable ones!!
Summary: Can I have a soft angst with happy ending of Mc getting ready to go home but jade doesn't want them to so he does everything he can think of to make us stay and we decide to stay?
Author's Comments: I loved writing this one, I think it may just be my Octavinelle bias but I also think soft Jade deserves rights. ALSO FLOYD CALLS THE READER CLEANER SHRIMPY BC THEY HAVE A MUTUALISTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH MORAY EELS mc upgraded once they started dating jade.
“I found a way for you to go home.”
You looked up at Crowley, shock on your face. You didn’t think he’d taken the search to send you home seriously, and for a second you thought he was joking. Grim squirmed a bit in your lap at the news, but was clearly just as surprised as you since he didn’t say anything.
“Really? I can go home?” you asked, relief and anxiety crashing on you in waves.
“Henchhuman-!” Grim sat up, his paws resting on your shoulders. His expression was frantic for a moment, but it quickly shifted to sadness, “You...You can’t go!”
“In my infinite kindness, I will give you a week to decide. You may stay here and continue to work under me, or end your studies and go home. Ah, I’m such a generous Headmage!” Crowley hummed, beaming at his words, “Now run along! I am a very busy man-”
You walked out of his office in a daze, images of the home you’d occasionally forgotten during your stay here. The second you started on the path to Ramshackle, Grim started pawing at your shoulders again.
“You can’t go! If you leave then I’ll get kicked out!” Grim insisted, his eyes frantic.
“Relax, Grim. I’m sure Crowley will let you stay.” you set him down, continuing on your way, “I need to clear my head for a bit...this was so sudden...come on, I’ll get you some tuna-”
You turned to look back at Grim only to find the path empty. A brief sense of panic overcame you, but then you realized. You were going home. Grim was no longer your responsibility. Besides, he’d show up later for food. He always did.
You entered Ramshackle with a sense of finality, figuring it would be the last time you had to sleep in this dump. You’d gotten so caught up in Overblots and playing therapist for everyone that you’d forgotten how homesick you were. With no wallet or phone you had no photos of your family, just memories.
The sound of the front door bursting open ripped you out of your thoughts. You didn’t even get to turn around until Grim was clinging to your ankle again, two hands grasping at your shoulders.
“Hey Prefect, what gives? You’re going home?” Ace was just as panicked as Grim, his eyes wide as if you’d suggested something horrible.
“I mean! I understand why you want to go home! Of course I do! But...it won’t be the same without you! Nothing will.” Deuce looked like he was about to cry, clinging to your arm like you were his lifeforce.
“Guys! Stop crowding me. I haven’t even thought about it. I just got the news.” you pleaded, squirming out of their hold, “I can’t get peace to think about this for five seconds?! Just give me some time. I don’t want to leave you guys! You all are my friends and I care about you. Just let me be for a bit...”
You were finally able to breathe once the trio let you be. They were quiet, as if they hadn’t said anything at all. You left like you were about to cry as they moved towards the couches, Grim clinging to Ace’s pant leg. Your heart was lodged in your throat as they all sat down, back facing you.
They were giving you space.
You knew they weren’t mad or giving you the cold shoulder. They understood the choice you had to make.
Then why were you so upset?
Jade, your brain whispered, You needed to go see Jade.
Jade Leech, the Vice Housewarden of Octavinelle, had been your partner for a while now. You’d stumbled upon him in the greenhouse about two weeks after you’d shown up, trying to get a better idea of the campus layout. He’d been polite towards you, though now you knew he was trying to determine how interesting you would be. To be fair, you’d thought he was interesting too, and kept trying to find him. You learned his name, the fact that he was his dorm’s Vice Housewarden (which earned him a frantic question of whether he cared for formalities or not. He did not.), you learned he was in Octavinelle and worked at the Mostro Lounge, which is where you found your feet taking you. You had wanted to calm down and collect yourself there before telling him, but things never worked out the way you expected them to in Twisted Wonderland.
The second you stepped into the Lounge, Floyd popped up in your field of vision.
“Hey little cleaner shrimp!” Floyd beamed, “Are you here to see my brother?”
Good, Floyd was happy. If he was in a bad mood today this could have gone a lot worse.
“Yes. Do you think he could get a bit of a break for like...an hour?” you asked, hoping that Floyd would give you even a fraction of that time.
“Sure thing. He’s on break anyway. Probably making tea or looking through his mushrooms.” Floyd wrinkled his nose.
“Thank you, Floyd.” you reached up and patted his head gently.
You headed to the small break room behind the counter as Floyd giggled, continuing on his way to serve customers. The door opened with a slight creak, and you shut it quietly behind you.
“Hello, dear.” Jade hummed, appearing next to you so quickly you would think he teleported, “Did you come all this way just to see me?”
“Jade, I have something to tell you. It’s important.” you said, your stomach twisting in knots.
He blinked, surprised. The look didn’t last.
“Okay. What is it?” Jade smiled, taking your hand in his.
“Crowley found a way to send me home.” you confessed, meeting his gaze.
Jade’s smile twitched a bit, his eyes never opening. He chuckled, but you could tell there was a troubled undertone now. Being around Jade for so long helped you pick up on those little things that only Azul and his brother could decipher.
“Would you like some tea?” he hummed, turning away from you, “I have a new blend. I’m sure you’d love it.”
“Jade.” you stood your ground, watching as he stopped in his tracks.
He didn’t turn around.
“Would you like sweets instead? We have a new dessert you can try. I submitted the recipe myself.” he hummed, starting towards the small table without looking at you again.
“Jade, please look at me.” you pleaded, “I wanted to talk to you to clear my head. You’re the only one I can trust to do that right now.”
“What is there to discuss? Do you want to hear about the new mushroom species I’ve found? I can’t say I blame you, it’s certainly fascinating.” he finally looked at you, that smile still plastered on his face.
“Jade, I don't know what to do.” you reached for him, but he didn’t meet you halfway.
“About the mushrooms?” he turned away from you, pouring a cup of tea, “I can teach you how to take care of them. Then you can forget about this going home nonsense.”
“But Jade...I care about you.” you murmured, staring at your lap. That last comment was like a knife in your heart—you knew Floyd and Jade were blunt people, but you expected a little more communication from him.
“And I you, dearest. But I’m afraid that doesn’t matter anymore.” Jade handed you your tea, his eyes finally meeting yours, “You’ve got your home back, and it would be selfish of me to stop you.”
“That’s not what you’re thinking and you know it. You’re teasing me right now. You want me to stay and I know that, Jade.” you barely restrained yourself from slamming your tea on the table.
He briefly looked taken aback before he began to chuckle, his hand rubbing the top of your head.
“Well, it seems you haven’t lost your touch. I would not be myself if I were not selfish.” Jade retracted his hand, still managing to keep his distance despite the fact that the two of you were so close just moments before, “But you’re wrong. I am being selfish. Now, would you like to see those mushrooms? I submitted a new recipe to the lounge, too. You can tell me recipes from your home and we can make them here. You don’t have to go back when you’ve found another home here.”
“But it’s my home.” you breathed, heart twisting painfully in your chest.
“But am I not also your home?” Jade’s eyes flashed as he leaned down to your seated position, unexpectedly close, “I was under the impression that I was just as important to you.”
“Don’t guilt me. Don’t make this harder.” you mumbled, tearing your gaze away.
“How do you think I feel?” he asked.
“The same. We feel the same, I think.” you mumbled, “I…I think we’re both making a decision that might leave a home behind.”
Jade said nothing for a few beats. You didn’t either. He stood up straight again, sitting down across from you as he poured himself a cup of tea. The silence was suffocating as you two sat across from each other.
“I knew this day would come.” Jade hummed, “I just did not expect it to be so soon.”
“That makes one of us. Crowley can be so incompetent sometimes that I just... assumed I’d never go back.” you confessed.
Jade made a soft noise of interest, but changed the topic again.
“I’m going on another hike tomorrow. I hope you will be there to join me.” he stated, plunging the both of you into an awkward silence for the rest of your meeting.
You received his silent message.
Make a decision by then.
“Whaaat? You’re going back into the mountains again?” Floyd huffed, glaring at the small pile of Jade’s gear.
“Of course. At this time of year, certain species of mushrooms are thriving. It'd be foolish not to take advantage of it.” he hummed.
“Gross. Just don’t bring any of those weird things back, okay? I hate them.” Floyd grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’ll bring back whatever I please.” Jade laughed softly, hoisting his gear on his back and opening the door.
“You better not!” Floyd shrieked as he shut the door, ignoring his brother’s plea.
The walk to his usual hiking trail was more thought provoking than he was used to. Jade, for once in his life, had no idea what you were going to do. After all, your entire motive during this school year was to get by and go home. Who knows if a few connections would be enough to soften your heart? Jade thought it would, but with your indecisiveness yesterday, he couldn’t be sure.
He couldn’t be sure until he saw you waiting for him at the trail.
Was it just his imagination, or was the walk taking longer than usual? He checked his watch and blinked a few times when he saw that only a few minutes had passed. It wasn’t taking slower than usual. Laughing quietly under his breath, Jade found himself intrigued with this feeling.
What would you choose? Would you choose him (and your little Heartslabyul friends too, he supposed they’d be included as well) or your home?
The last stretch of trees before he turned on the trail seemed to drag on. Jade purposefully slowed his pace, the anticipation welling up in his chest. There was some sort of enjoyment he found in this unpredictability, even if it was you. He hoped you’d forgive him for being late if he ever saw you again.
He turned down the path, eyes immediately sweeping the area.
He almost laughed when he saw you, sitting down, leaning against a tree. You were examining a map of the trails with a furrowed brow, and he remembered the first time he’d taken you up here. He’d let you navigate for the fun of it, and you both had gotten lost. Jade was far more happy about it then you were, and he’d had camping supplies prepared. This earned an enraged exclamation from you because you thought he’d packed those thinking you’d get lost. He’d told you that no, he’d packed those because he knew you’d get lost.
To this day, he thought your angry face was cute.
“I’m glad you decided to stay.” he placed a hand on your head, making you jump.
“Jade! I didn’t even hear you!” you stood up quickly, dusting yourself off, “Um...Ace and Deuce wouldn’t leave me alone. And I have Grim to take care of. And...I don’t think I’d want to go home if I couldn’t take you with me. I think this place feels more like home than anywhere else. Even if I miss some people from my world...I found more people here. It wouldn’t feel right leaving them.”
Jade laughed, sweeping you into a hug. You buried your face in his neck, clinging to him tightly.
“You’re so cute, my dear.” he tilted your chin and kissed you gently, one of his hands cradling your face as the other held you against him.
Breaking away, he relished your flustered expression.
You chose him.
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myseungsunglove · 1 year
Do Something | Ksm
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Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Reader 
Warnings: angst, but fluff to wrap it up
Word Count:  2.5k
𖠫Summary: The reader can’t keep her feelings to herself anymore when it comes to Kim Seungmin. After a particularly trying day busy with practices and an impending concert, she explodes on her best friend, spilling her feelings for him but doesn’t exactly go about expressing those feelings in the best way. 
✎A/N✎: I seriously meant for this to be a short drabble. This story has been in my head for weeks and I thought I could tell it quickly before laying down to sleep. Here I am 2.5k words later and this is anything but quick and short. I should have known. My biggest brain thoughts happen in the middle of the night. I’ve been reliving this story over and over on my own for weeks, now you guys can share in the drama with me. Sorry bout you. :p 
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「© September 10, 2023 by mysweethannie」
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It had been a long day of rehearsal and prep for your upcoming performance at Lollapalooza with the boys. You had been on edge all day because it had really felt like you had been going non-stop for much too long. As a result, your nerves were fried and your patience was thin. 
Your best friend, Seungmin, was always in tune with your mood. As the nine of you walked to the cars waiting for you outside ready for Lee Know and Changbin to drive you to a mini retreat before your next busy schedule, Seungmin grabbed your hand as a comfort as he always did when you were exhausted or having a rough day. 
Today though, you had no patience for it. You had harbored feelings for your best friend for much too long and with your emotions on high alert after an exhausting day, the last thing you needed was comfort from your best friend who was never going to feel the same way about you that you did about him. 
As he grabbed your hand starting to interlace his fingers with yours as he was so accustomed to, you ripped your hand away. You could feel his eyes rise up to look at your face, and you just knew that stupid puppy look was plastered on his face. You refused to look at him because you knew if you did, your resolve would crumble and you would cave. So you ran ahead, leaving Seungmin to walk by himself and grabbed Chan’s arm, leaning up against him, resting your head on his shoulder as you walked. You were certain that Seungmin was very likely burning holes in the back of your head with his eyes as you walked. 
“Hey, Y/n-nah,” Chan smiled down at you, placing a comforting hand on top of yours. “You feeling any better than earlier?” 
“It’s been a busy few weeks, Chan,” you sighed. “My battery is more depleted than I thought. I’m sorry for taking it out on you.” 
“Hey! Don’t apologize. I think we’re all a little on edge. Maybe this tiny bit of time we are getting away will help?” he offered. 
“Yeah, maybe,” you mused, your head somewhere other than the conversation you were having with Chan. You reached the back of an SUV and Chan opened up the trunk. You took your backpack off your back, and set it into the vehicle. As soon as the bag was discarded into the car, there was a pair of long arms wrapping around your waist, the clean smell of soap filling your senses as Seungmin rested his chin against your neck. You could feel his warm breath against your skin and goosebumps prickled up in response. 
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t just get absolutely rejected by my best friend and let you sit by me on the trip,” he teased, his words dancing across your skin. 
You visibly shook him off and turned quickly to face him. There was a look of utter confusion on his face as you spoke. 
“Seungmin, are you ever going to do something about this or are we going to be forever stuck in this cycle of will they won’t they?” you blurted out. He stared at you, opened mouthed, his hands now resting on your waist as you looked into his eyes, searching them for any hint or clue that he felt even the tiniest bit of something for you. All you saw was confusion. 
“Do something?” he questioned dumbly, his eyes darting back and forth between yours as if he were trying to read your mind, desperately seeking an answer to a question he wasn’t comprehending. 
You pushed away from him then, your impatience flaring into anger and you couldn’t stop the next words to come tumbling out of your mouth. 
“Yeah, fucking do something about this,” you gestured between the two of you as you took another step back. “This constant tension that is bubbling just below the surface between us every time we touch,” you rambled. “Which, by the way, is all the fucking time,” you add, gesturing wildly. “Or are you just not even remotely interested in doing anything with me and you just like that you can hold my hand and cuddle up to me without the obligation of anything more?” you accused. You felt bad the minute you said it, but there was no turning back now. 
“What are you…” Seungmin started but you cut him off.
“No, don’t. It’s obvious we are not on the same page. I can’t do this right now. Fuck. How could I have thought there could be… anything more,” you trailed off walking away. “Chan, I’m switching cars,” you told him as you walked by, making a beeline for Lee Knows car where Jisung and Felix had already climbed into the backseat, IN opening the front door to take his place. 
“Y/n, wait,” Seungmin pleaded desperately trying to follow after you. 
“Chan, do not let him follow me,” you growled as you walked around the back of the car and swung open the back door of the car where Felix was settling in. “I mean it,” you glared at Chan. 
He immediately put an arm up to Seungmin’s chest, stopping him from following you. The look on his face was nothing short of panic and confusion. You wanted so bad to make that go away, but you knew he had to get there on his own. Whatever that looked like. 
You looked down at Felix and tears started falling immediately. 
“Oh god, what’s going on?” he asked, his big, soft eyes staring up at you. 
“I just,” you started, but couldn’t continue as you dissolved into uncontrollable tears. 
Felix was immediately up and out of the car, his arms wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you tightly against his chest. You slumped in his hold and cried. You could feel him placing a hand on the back of your head, stroking it softly. You also felt the vibration of his deep, calming voice as he spoke, but you were so lost in the flurry of events that had just happened, you didn’t hear a word he said. He pulled you into the car with him, guiding you to sit in the middle seat and slid in behind you, pulling the door close. 
“We can’t all sit back here,” you mumbled, sniffling pathetically as you looked from Han to Felix. 
“Shut up, yes we can,” Han said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his hold. “What the hell happened?” he asked Felix as you cried in his arms. 
“I’ve got no clue,” he said as Lee Know climbed in the driver’s seat.  
“So you finally said something?” Lee Know asked as he put on his seatbelt and started the car. 
You nodded in response to Lee Know’s words, not brave enough to look up at him. 
“Hmmm,” he responded. “He’ll sort his shit out,” he added. 
“Oh shit,” In mumbled from the front seat. You had forgotten he was there. “Noona, what did he say?” 
“Nothing. Fucking nothing at all,” you said, wiping your tears away as you pulled away from Jisung and sat up in the seat. You ran your fingers through your hair, before you brought your head to rest against the palms of your hands while your elbows rested on your knees. “He looked at me like I had grown two heads,” you added. 
“You fucking idiot, Kim Seungmin,” Jisung mumbled from beside you, rumbing your back softly. 
You shook your head. 
“No, I’m the idiot.”
“Fat chance,” Felix interjected. “You finally tell him how you feel and he does nothing? You’re not the idiot here,” he reassures you. 
You looked up then, looking around the car. All eyes were trained on you. Even Lee Know was glancing back at you as he headed for the gas station to fill up before driving on to the condo you guys had reserved for the night. 
“I didn’t exactly tell him,” you said, shaking your head. “I more accused him of wanting to benefit from the physical intimacy of our relationship without having to invest emotionally in it.” 
“Whoa,” Jisung whispered beside you. 
“Ugh, I know,” you choked out. “God, why can’t I be normal for once in my fucking life?” 
“The day I speak perfect english,” Lee Know sassed as he got out to pump gas. It made the atmosphere shift a little in the car, everyone laughing. 
“Come on, let's run to the bathroom and grab you a drink,” Han said, opening the door and grabbing your hand, dragging you from the car. 
You walked past the other car where Seungmin was filling up the SUV. He looked up as you passed, his eyes somewhat red rimmed and a brooding look on his face. When your eyes met, his glance softened, and you could see words dancing across his lips that were dying to come out but he didn’t say a word. 
You quickly used the restroom. When you came out, Felix was shaking two waters at you and handed one to you, then grabbed your hand and walked back to the car with you. Han was quickly there too, an arm thrown over your shoulder as the three of you walked together. It was like they were your protectors. If only they could protect your heart from yourself, you thought as you climbed into the car. Seungmin had already returned to the back seat of Changbin’s car. 
The rest of the trip went on, the boys doing their best to distract you from everything that had happened before you left. This day was supposed to be about STAYs and here it had turned into a complete disaster. Lee Know drove through McDonald’s, ordering everyone food and IN played DJ in the front seat. As you cruised down the dark road, Han sleeping soundly beside you and Felix singing along with the song, you glanced down at your phone to see that you had a string of messages from Seungmin. You didn’t open them. You just shoved your phone back into your pocket, and tried to shove down your feelings as well. 
The other car beat you to your destination, but none of it’s occupants, save Kim fucking Seungmin were waiting for you. He stood in the parking lot with his hands shoved in his black pants, black framed glasses resting on his face, a blue plaid shirt clinging to his broad shoulders. His eyes watched as Lee Know parked the car. Immediately he made a beeline for the car. 
He pulled open Felix’s door just as harshly as you had back at the company. 
“Out,” he said, his voice low and gruff. “Now,” he added with a warning. 
“Down boy,” Lee Know said from the front seat, but got out all the same. “Let’s go, fellas,” he called after the rest of the car. 
Han squeezed your leg and pushed open his door. 
“Just tell him the truth,” he whispered against your temple before placing a quick kiss there and getting out of the car. 
Felix looked over at you, a look on his face that said he thought he would betray you by getting out of the car and leaving you alone with Seungmin. 
“It’s okay,” you assured him. 
He climbed out reluctantly, shoving past Seungmin a little more roughly than usual. 
You saw Seungmin’s jaw clench and his shoulders bristle, but he didn’t respond to Felix, he just climbed into the car and sat where Felix had. 
“Seungmin, I…” you started but you were abruptly cut off. 
You barely had time to register that the two of you were alone in the car before Seungmin’s hands were delicately cupping your cheeks, his lips crashing less delicately and more desperately against your own. At first you were shocked, your eyes wide, your body tense. The moment your brain caught up with what was happening, you reached out for Seungmin, your hands wrapping around his small waist and pulling him against you, the kiss becoming more intense as his tongue tangled with yours. 
After many breathless moments, how long you weren’t really sure, Seungmin pulled away from you, his lips swollen from their first encounter with yours. 
His forehead rested against yours and he sighed heavily. 
“Are we on the same page now?” he asked, his breath fanning across your face. “I did something about it,” he added, almost more to himself than to you. 
“You definitely did do something,” you agreed. You moved your hands from being wrapped around him and placed them on the sides of his face. “Seungmin, are you sure that was something you wanted?” you asked, almost afraid of the answer. 
“I love you,” he let out in a whisper. “I have for so long. I have no fucking clue you ever wanted anything more,” he admitted.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little. 
You pressed your lips against his again, this time it was soft and comforting a stark difference from the desperate first kiss from before. His lips moved against your like they were made to do so. 
“Most best friends don’t act like we do, Min,” you tell him. “We’re so close. How was I ever going to do anything other than fall in love with you, you idiot?” 
He smiled then, his eyes lighting up for the first time. 
“Really?” he asked. 
“Really,” you confirmed. “I’m so sorry for what I said back there. I’m exhausted and I lashed out and before I could stop it, I had made a big fucking mess with my stupid ass words and I didn’t know how to take it back.” Your hands fell from his face then, into your lap. 
He immediately grabbed both of your hands, holding them in his. 
“I’m used to your messes,” he said gently. “You usually tell me what you’re thinking,” he added. “Why didn’t you tell me this?” 
“The same reason I guess you didn’t tell me,” you shrugged. “I was afraid you didn’t feel the same.” 
“I’ve felt this way from the moment I first met you,” Seungmin admitted. “I’m gonna be here waiting even through the shitty times if you’ll have me.” 
You pulled him into a hug then, your face falling into his neck and breathing him in. Everything about him was comforting and you were wishing like hell you had just talked to him instead of blowing up at him, but you couldn’t change that now. 
“If you can put up with me, of course I’ll have you Kim Seungmin,” you say. “It always has been and always will be you.” 
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miss-hyoko · 1 year
Our Love Is True
Character(s): Malleus
Summary: You're about to die and Malleus wasn't ready to let you go
Tag(s) and warning(s): GN!Reader, angst, romantic, reader is Yuu, established relationship, death, and 1.9k words
Note: This fic was inspired by Habibie & Ainun, a famous romance movie in my country. Their OST is the one I translated for the later part of this fic. If you're interested, you can hear the song here (Official MV) or here (English Translation)
P.S: I translated this in the middle of the night when my brain wasn't quite right. If you found something wrong, please let me know 👉👈
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Since the beginning of your relationship, Malleus already knew he wouldn’t be able to spend the rest of his life with you.
For he a fae and you a human; one is a creature destined to live a long life, while the other is just a mere mortal with a short life span.
Malleus was well aware of this fact, more than anyone else. Even so, he still wants to be with you, his most beloved person.
If he can’t spend the rest of his life with you, then at least let him accompany you until the end of your life.
Many people think that Malleus’ feelings for you are nothing but a temporary attraction and that the relationship between you two won’t last long. So, they patiently await the news about your breakup with the crown prince of Briar Valley.
Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, and months turn to years. Time goes by so fast, yet there is still no breakup news from you and Malleus.
Instead, they got news about your marriage with Malleus; and how you both worked together to lead the Briar Valley.
Even though your appearance has changed drastically with the passage of time, the relationship between you and Malleus still continues in harmony. He doesn’t seem to mind about the changes your body is going through; often seen gently kissing your wrinkled face when appearing together in public.
At this point, almost everyone believes that Malleus really loves you and is serious about his relationship with you.
All of that is further proven true when one day, you fall seriously ill.
Doctors and healers throughout the Twisted Wonderland were called to check upon you. Unfortunately, they couldn’t do much because your body is already weak from aging. It’s only a matter of time before you breathe your last breath.
They told Malleus that he needed to prepare himself for the worst-case scenario. But he doesn���t want to; he’s still not ready to lose you.
Frantically, he tried to find a way to extend your life. From reading through all the ancient records in the palace library to even sending some of his knights out to find a way to save you, he had tried it all. Alas, no matter how hard he searched, he found nothing to help you.
Devastated, Malleus dejectedly accepts the fact that you will soon leave him forever.
And ever since that, except for some rare occasions where his presence is absolutely required, Malleus stopped appearing in public, wanting nothing more than to be by your side in the remaining time of your life.
Today, unlike usual, you slept very soundly and woke up feeling refreshed. It was the most comfortable sleep you’ve ever had since you got bedridden a year ago due to your illness worsening. Your old body feels full of energy, just like when you were young. But instead of feeling happy, all you can feel is just melancholy.
Today is the day, huh?
Suddenly, there was a rhythmic knock on your door.
“Are you awake, sweetheart?” Malleus entered your room carrying a bowl of warm porridge.
“Good morning, Hornton.”
A subtle smile you gave to him when your eyes met with his. You can no longer see clearly because your eyesight is getting worse; still, you can faintly see the sorrow hidden behind those emerald-green eyes of his that you love the most.
Ah, so he already knows…
Placing the porridge on the bedside table, Malleus walked over to the window and drew back the curtains, showing you the morning sky of Briar Valley.
“Such a great weather we have for today,” he commented in a barely audible voice, trying to sound calm in your presence.
From your position, you can see how the morning sun hits Malleus’ handsome face while a gentle breeze slowly blows his dark hair strands. No matter how many decades have passed, he still looks the same as the first time you met him near Ramshackle Dorm; breathtakingly handsome.
“Today’s breakfast is your favorite porridge, sweetheart. Here, let me help you.”
Taking the porridge earlier, Malleus took a spoonful of its contents and blew on it briefly before bringing it down to your mouth.
You stared alternately between the spoon and Malleus’ face for a few moments. He, The Mighty Fae King who was feared and respected by many, now humbles himself to serve your daily needs; doing the menial work that should be done by the servants.
Your heart suddenly hurts. Whether out of joy or sadness, you also don’t know.
“I don’t want to eat…” you say rather weakly.
Malleus didn’t insist. He just smiled and put the porridge back on the table. “Then at least have a little drink, alright?”
“Hornton… Can we go for a walk in the garden?” you asked suddenly, making Malleus, who was about to pour you some water, instantly stop moving.
He didn’t answer right away. You can hear how he tries to control his irregular breathing.
“Of course, sweetheart.” He answered in a weak voice after a moment of silence; a wistful smile formed on his face when he turned to look at you.
“Let’s go to the garden.”
With one arm under your legs and the other supporting your back, Malleus holds you close while walking around the palace garden. His steps were calm and collected as usual, but the grim expression on his face gave away his true feelings.
“Don’t be so tense, Hornton.”
Hearing your weak voice, Malleus reflexively shifted his gaze to you, who was lying comfortably in his arms.
From this close distance, Malleus can see how time has changed you. Your face is now full of wrinkles, your hair’s original color has been completely replaced with white strands, and most of your hair has fallen out, leaving a few bald spots on your head.
To others, you are probably just another ugly old person. But in Malleus’ eyes, you’re still the same beautiful human who managed to steal his heart decades ago.
“You will make other people run scared if you make a face like that,” you said, smiling weakly.
Malleus is aware that you were trying to cheer him up, but he couldn’t bring himself to smile the way you wanted him to. Not when he knows he will soon lose you, the only bright light in his dark life.
“I do not care about other people. I only care about you alone,” he whispered hoarsely.
As if you had expected him to say that, you just laughed lightly without making any further comment.
Hearing you laugh heartily, Malleus’s gaze unconsciously softened a bit. No matter how often he heard it, he didn’t think he would ever get tired of hearing your laugh.
If only he could hear your laughter for all eternity, how great would it be?
“That big tree in the middle of the garden, I want to see it. Can you take me there?”
“With pleasure, sweetheart.”
Trying to divert his attention from the fact that you will die soon, Malleus gently kissed your forehead and carried you to where you wanted.
Arriving in the middle of the palace garden, Malleus immediately sat in the shade of the tree while placing you in his lap.
“Hehehe, I always like it whenever you hug me close like this, Hornton.” Chuckling softly, you snuggled deeper into your husband’s arms. “Hug me tighter, please?”
“Anything for you, sweetheart. Anything…”
As he hugged you tighter, Malleus’ shoulders started to tremble, realizing that your death was approaching nearer and nearer, all while he couldn’t do anything to stop it. Unaware of his reaction, you continued to ramble with unfocused eyes.
“Are you always this warm, Mal?”
No, it’s your body that’s getting colder…
“Ah, but this temperature is perfect. I like it….”
“Is that so?” Malleus gently stroked your wrinkled cheek with great tenderness.
“Then, could you stay a little longer?”
As if you didn’t hear his question, you just smiled a little and brought your face closer to his hand resting on your cheek.
You didn’t answer him, but Malleus already knows the answer.
You can’t stay any longer.
Malleus’ vision began to blur, and he could feel tears starting to well up in the corners of his eyes.
With the way he looked down at you who was lying in his arms, the tears involuntary rolled down his cheeks before finally falling on your face.
“Don’t cry, Hornton.”
Your voice now sounds hoarser than before, and Malleus can feel his tears flowing even more. With great difficulty, you move your frail hands to cup his face, trying to wipe the tears away from his cheeks.
But before you could touch his face, Malleus grabbed your hand first. His green eyes stare intently at yours.
For a few seconds, the two of you just stared at each other in silence. Until finally, you broke the silence with a request.
“That song... can you sing it for me?”
Malleus’ body involuntarily stiffened at your request. He knows which song you mean. It’s a song you taught him not long after you two just got married. The one you always sing to him whenever he feels afraid of losing you someday to death.
That song is something special for both of you.
Malleus’ grip on you tightened, and he slowly lowered his head to press his forehead against yours; silently sobbing with ragged breaths.
As long as it’s something you want, Malleus will definitely grant it, no matter how hard or unreasonable it is.
“When the heart
twisting and disturbing the mind.
Repeating memories,
when love meets love.”
Malleus’s voice quivered ever so slightly as he started to sing.
But you didn’t notice it; continue to lay comfortably in Malleus’ embrace with eyes closed to enjoy your husband’s melodious voice. Past memories start playing like a broken record inside your head; your first meeting with him, your date together, the time he proposed to you, all up to your grand wedding.
“My soul is screaming,
emphasizing that I love you.
Thank you, All-loving (God),
for uniting us.”
Ah, you remember this part. The upcoming lyrics are your favourite part since it describes your relationship with Malleus perfectly. Thus, whenever you sing that part, you always sing it full of emotions; hoping you can convey your feelings for Malleus.
“When I’m no longer by your side-”
“I will wait for you in eternity…”
Malleus was stunned into silence by your sudden intervention. After a while, he continued to sing with lips lifted into a small smile.
“Our love painting the history
Staging stories full of joy
So that any human being would know
Our love is true….”
Ah… Even now, you can still make him fall in love with you all over again.
“A colorful valley
Shaping, curving, hugging us
Two souls that melt into one
In the sanctity of love…”
Nearing the end of the song, Malleus felt your hand that he had been holding suddenly become weak.
Slowly, he moves his face away from you; gazing at your peaceful face that has entered the eternal slumber.
Like a leaking dam, all the emotions he had struggled to hold back since earlier immediately overflowed.
His tears fell uncontrollably without any sign of stopping, his chest heaved up and down, his breath suffocated, and something invisible was gnawing his heart.
Malleus could feel it.
Something inside him also disappeared along with your last breath.
“Our love painting the history
Staging stories full of joy
So that any human being would know
Our love is true….”
Nevertheless, his mouth continues to sing your song.
For all he wants is his voice to be the one to send you off to eternity.
I never left,
Always in your heart.
You’re never far away,
Always in my heart.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
pumpkin, you need to stop for tonight
A/N: this was an old request, originally posted on 18/8-22. it read: Can you do a Steve Harrington request set during his senior year where he and his girlfriend are having a study date but Steve eventually quits and has to coax his girl to bed since she is staying up late studying?
Warnings: Steve Harrington x reader, studying, being very tired, Steve singing, literally just fluff
Word count: 640
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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The soft warm light that was coming from your pink bedside lamp caused your studious figures on the floor to cast an unintentional shadow puppet show onto the opposite wall. 
Sloppily copying into your notebook, the last few sentences from the open book in your lap, you let out a long yawn.
Feeling the boy behind you lean forward and rest his head on your shoulder, he murmured in your ear, “babe…”
“Huh?” you just flipped to the next page and kept reading. 
“It’s 1:53,” he informed you, snaking his arms around your waist. 
“So, it’s 1:53 am!”
“Well, if you’re tired,” you mumbled, fighting your body’s urge to yawn again, “you can just go sleep in my bed, I don’t mind. Just don’t let my dad find you tomorrow morning.”
“Y/n, you’re half asleep right now and still doing your homework.”
“So are you!” you smacked his forearm lightly. 
“Nope. I actually stopped about twenty minutes ago.”
“What?” you craned your neck to look at him, “have you just been sitting here staring at me study like a creep?”
“It wasn’t creepy!”
“Hmm…” you smiled, “sounds like something a creep would say.”
“Pumpkin, you need to stop for tonight. You’re so tired that your brain won’t even be able to retain any of this knowledge tomorrow!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” leaning back into his warm embrace, “I’m not tired, I’m fine, I’m-, hey! I was reading that!” you exclaimed as he snatched the book from your fingers and tossed it far enough that you couldn’t just reach it again. “Do you want me to get an F?”
“You won’t get an F,” he hugged you tighter, preventing you from reclaiming the hefty tome. “You’ll ace it, as always. Pulling an all-nighter on top of the amount of time I know you’ve been studying for, won’t make a big difference. It’ll just turn you into a zombie tomorrow,” you felt his lips on your neck. 
“But, I still have so much I wanna go over again.”
“Then it’s a good thing you still have a whole week left to do so. You'll be fine.”
“Steve, I-“ you tried but were abruptly interrupted by the sound of your boyfriend singing softly into the back of your neck.
“Though I've tried before to tell her, of the feelings I have for her in my heart.” 
Closing your eyes, you sighed and gave up, letting yourself feel just how worn out you really were. 
Letting him gently drag you with him, he pulled you up onto the small bed that was right next to the round fluffy rug the two of you had been situated on, all the while never skipping a single beat in his lullaby, “every time that I come near her, I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start.” Scooting further up the mattress, he clung to your body, wrapping it up in his love, never giving it a chance to escape and return to its studious ways. “Every little thing she does is magic, everything she does just turns me on. Even though my life before was tragic, now I know my love for her goes on.”
“That was a dirty move, Harrington,” you mumbled, surrendering in the gruesome fight of keeping your eyelids open, “you know how to push my buttons too well.”
“Hey, it worked, didn’t it?” he kissed your temple, “you’re in bed and practically asleep already.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you chuckled at his victory, then added in a serious tone, tugging at his shirt just in an effort to convey the message, “no, but seriously, my dad will kill you if he sees you here in the morning.”
“Pumpkin, I am like a ninja. Trust me, he will never know I slept here,” sounding overconfident in his groggy promise.
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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harleybeaumont · 1 year
Never Have I Ever
Chapter 4 - Extra Credit : Part 1
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC (kind of)
Chapter Synopsis- Maxwell finds out.
A/N- thanks @angelasscribbles for bouncing around ideas with me about Max's reaction
Chapter Warnings- language, mentions of sexual acts
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 1,310
Chapter 4 - Extra Credit: Part 1
Riley and Maxwell sat on the terrace chatting and eating breakfast the next morning, when the whistling of a chipper tune cut through their conversation. “Who the hell is that?” Max stopped mid bite and turned around to see Bertrand striding into the room with a grin.
“Good morning!” Bertrand smiled. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
Riley tried to hide her amusement while Maxwell stared at him incredulously.
Bertrand took a deep breath and scanned the horizon. “I think I’m going out for a jog. See you two later!”
Max gaped at him as he left, “Riley.. What are the symptoms of a stroke?”
“What?!” She laughed and took a bite of her cream cheese bagel.
“I think he needs medical attention. Something’s wrong with his brain!”
Riley chuckled, “Maybe he’s just.. happy.”
“Happy? Happy!? Bertrand Beaumont doesn't get happy! I need to call the family physician.. Something must be seriously wrong with him.”
Riley waved him off, “Oh Max, he’s fine! I promise.”
Maxwell sat back down at the table across from her with his brow furrowed. “How would you know?”
“I just.. do.” Riley busied herself with the fresh fruit on her plate, hoping that Max wouldn’t suspect. Damn it, she should have just kept quiet and let him think his brother was having a stroke.
Max gasped loudly. “You know something! What is it?! What happened to him!? Did he win the lottery? Did sweater vests suddenly come back in style? Did he finally get laid? What?!”
Fuck. Riley choked on her bite of food, and Maxwell's eyes widened. “Did you- Did you sleep with him?!?!?!”
“No!” She felt her cheeks heat up while Maxwell continued to stare at her. “I didn’t sleep with him.”
He gasped again, even louder this time. “But you did do something with him! Oh my God, Riley what happened?! You have to tell me! It’s the best friend code! You have to tell me everything!”
She wrinkled her nose, barely able to make eye contact. “Even if it involves giving your brother a hand job?”
Maxwell threw his hands over his mouth and his eyes widened to the size of saucers. “No!”
Riley chuckled and nodded. 
“Yes, Max!”
“Oh my God, I’m so confused! Are you two like.. A thing?! Are you going to get married one day?! OMG we’ll be related!”
“What- no!”
“Aww, man..” Max immediately slumped into his chair, pouting. “Why not?”
Riley laughed, looking around to make sure Bertrand wasn’t present. “I’ll tell you, but you absolutely cannot say a word of this to anyone!”
“I won’t!”
“Swear!” Max looped his pinky with hers. “Pinky swear!”
“Ok..” Riley checked her surroundings for Bertrand again. “I’m helping Bert out in the bedroom so he can build up the courage to seduce Savannah.”
Maxwell’s brow remained furrowed while he looked at her in confusion. “That was.. Not what I was expecting you to say.”
“It's the truth,” she shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Wow,” After recovering from the initial shock, he chuckled, “Well, I just have one thing to say.” Riley raised her eyebrows and Max broke out in a grin. “You can never stop!”
She laughed loudly, “What?”
“Do you see how he’s acting?! Seriously, he’s downright pleasant! You are a miracle worker!”
“It’s not me, it’s just the power of a good orgasm! And don’t worry, after I’m done teaching him, he’ll keep his good mood because he’ll be screwing all the ladies at court!”
Max cackled, “I don’t know whether to be happy or grossed out!”
“Happy! He’ll be in a good mood every day. Maybe he’ll even get married!”
Max sipped his orange juice while he watched her thoughtfully. “I can’t help but wonder.. What do you think Liam would think about this?”
“Liam?!” She frowned, “What’s he have to do with anything?”
Maxwell shook his head, “Nothing! I’m just curious..”
“If you have something to say, just spit it out. Rip off the bandaid, I can take it.”
He looked around to make sure the coast was clear before quietly asking. “You’re not really interested in Liam. Are you?”
Ah, there it was. “What makes you think that?!”
“Please don’t hate me for saying this… I don’t think you would be fucking around with my brother if you were really into Liam. Not that I’m judging you or anything! It’s just.. I’ve been in love before. When you meet someone you’re head over heels for, they’re all you can think about.. You don’t feel that with Liam, do you?”
Riley sighed. He asked the one question she had no answer for. “Honestly, I don’t know. Liam’s kind and sweet and handsome. I just.. don’t know if I’ve ever felt that way about anyone.” It was the truth. She was attracted to Liam, she enjoyed talking to him, he made her feel special and important. But that spark she had always heard so much about, wasn’t there. If Max had noticed, maybe Liam had too. Riley quickly added, “Don’t tell Bert.. please? I’m trying with Liam, I really am. And I do like him.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”
Riley nodded and looked away.
“Damn.” Max dropped his eyes to his plate. “This convo got heavy.”
“Well.. let’s change the subject. I am in need of a new dress and I need someone with fantastic taste to help me pick one out. I’m just not sure who to ask..”
Max raised his hand in the air, “Ooh! Me! Pick me!”
The two laughed as they made their way back into the estate, preparing for an expensive shopping trip. 
Four days later.. 
Bertrand massaged his temples as he watched Max attempt to teach Riley the foxtrot. She stumbled for the tenth time that night and he stood abruptly. “Good God, let’s just take a break.. I’m going to head to my study to reflect on what an epic disgrace House Beaumont has become.”
Max and Riley shared a look as Bertrand collected some documents from in front of him. Max smirked at her and nodded to Bertrand, moving his hand in an up and down motion as if he were jerking someone off.
Riley’s eyes widened and she shook her head, trying to stifle a laugh. “Max, stop!” She whispered.
Max theatrically continued the movements, stopping abruptly when Bertrand turned toward him. “What is going on here? Why are you two giggling when everything is going wrong!?”
“Nothing sir! No reason at all sir!” Max said as he stood straight as a board.
Bertrand glared, “Stop doing that! You know I despise when you do that!”
“Sir, yes sir!” Maxwell saluted his brother, who huffed loudly and left the room.
Once Bertrand was out of sight, Riley shoved Max, “What if he had seen you?!”
“He wouldn’t have! Bertrand never pays attention to me! Especially not when you’re in the room..”
Riley scoffed, “Ya right.. He only looks at me with disdain for fucking everything up.”
“Ya, no.” Max replied, “You don’t see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking.”
“Like he wants another hand job?” Riley chuckled, changing out of her heels and slipping on her tennis shoes.
Max looked away, speaking softly, “I’m not so sure that’s it anymore.”
Riley glanced up from where she was seated on the ground. “What?”
“Nothing!” He donned his usual easy smile and reached out to help her up. “Let’s get some rest. I know your feet have to be sore from all that fox trotting!" He winked, "Not everyone can keep up with the Lord of the dance!”
“Ugh, you have no idea.. I’m heading to my room for a long, relaxing soak in the tub.”
But while Max went upstairs to his room, Riley surreptitiously made her way to Bertrand’s study..
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pollenallergie · 11 months
Billy comes up behind you shyly: “Alright, petal?” He moves your hair to the side and places a soft kiss to your neck. “Been working really hard tonight. Worried about you. Can you afford a break?”
You credited him with the restraint it must have taken for him to leave you on your own to study your calculus. Usually, he loves to touch you and be with you. Tonight, you had asked for silence and space and he had granted you both. You had been working for hours and your brain was buzzing with all the thought required for the subject. His kiss brought you back to him.
His warm hands find your shoulders and start to softly knead your muscles. “Really tense, love. Don’t like that. Here, lean back against me. That’s good.”
Your arms drop to your sides and you let yourself go, thoroughly enjoying his ministrations and letting out a deep sigh.
“There’s my girl,” he whispers. “Maybe you should stop for a bit? Have some cuddle time?”
You can’t. You know if you did, cuddling would lead to sex. Sex would lead to sleep. And sleep would knock you out for hours and there would be no time to finish your work. No. You have to finish.
“You can finish later?” he asks, almost reading your mind, his voice like honey in your ear. “We’ll set an alarm. You can get back to it after that.” His fingertips stroke lightly up and down your neck.
Smiling at him, you nod. This sounds like a good compromise. Cuddles with a time limit will keep you from losing much of your momentum while giving you a much needed break snuggled in your man’s arms. The promise of his warm embrace and sweet kisses were too hard to turn down. Billy is so good to you.
You get up and head to the bed, laying on top of the covers and making space for your boyfriend.
He’s got his phone out and he’s setting his alarm. As he snugs in behind you, the big spoon to your little, and places more gentle kisses against your neck, you marvel that he’s so damn thoughtful. You can’t help the soft smile that spreads across your face. He’s the best man in the world. An angel on earth, really. Respectful. Kind. And with a sense of responsibility over your needs that makes you trust him implicitly. You let him call the shots on this one: just a little cuddle time and then right back at it. It’ll all be fine.
It’s not his fault that the time setting on the alarm is entered in for AM instead of PM…is it?
After all, Billy Knight is so very very good to you.
It’ll be fine. It’ll all be fine.
umm excuse me i’m literally in tears
no, seriously. this hath brought forth tears to my eyes. it’s sooooo wonderful and pure and precioussss and so perfectly billy!!! ughhhh!! your mind!!! it’s incredible!!!
i couldn’t even be mad at him for setting his alarm for AM because like he’s just!!! he’s so sweet!!! and he knows you’ve hit a wall, going back to work, even after a short break is just… it’s just not going to help you at all. you’ve reached the point where your mind is exhausted and nothing makes sense anymore… well, nothing except for anything and everything that’s got to do with billy. tonight he’s your source of stability, he’s your ground control, helping to keep you calm and keep your head on straight so that your brain doesn’t get overwhelmed and implode. maybe setting the alarm for a.m. instead of p.m. was intentional on his part, but, in his defense, he’s only looking out for you and trying his best to keep you healthy and safe and content. there will be no all-night cram sessions, not on billy’s watch, because they’re not good for you, they stress you out and rob you of the rest you so desperately need, and afterwards it always takes you so long to recover from them, to bounce back to your baseline. billy hates watching you suffer like that, so he simply won’t allow it. all-nighters are strictly forbidden in your household. billy’ll scoop you up and hall you off to the bedroom himself if he has to, anything to get you to get some proper rest and to leave all the stressful work stuff be for the rest of the night.
also the shoulder rub??? please and thanks. i like very much. i want. he would be so good at giving massages, i just know it. and he’d be so willing to give them too!!! because he’ll take any and every excuse to touch you and to dote on you!!! pampering you is his favourite activity. how fitting then that pampering him is your favourite activity. you’re really a match made in heaven.
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regulatedstrawberry · 6 months
Preview of Reaching New Heights: A Tails Adventure Chapter 10
Chapter 10 / The Prologue
Espio woke up a little later than normal, having to fight himself to get out of bed. He typically strived to wake up at sunrise, an attempt to maintain some discipline in his routine, but the events of last night put a dent in his sleep cycle. 
Still, he freshened up in the bathroom, relieved to be awake before Charmy, avoiding the kid’s nasty habit of leaving toothpaste residue in the sink. After washing the grogginess from his face, the chameleon walked down the hallway towards the living room and kitchen, waking up to the smell of freshly cooked breakfast.
“Good morning, Vector,” Espio greeted, making his way to the table. Breakfast was laid out neatly, with two sets of scrambled eggs and toast fresh and ready, and a third plate decorated only with crumbs. “You woke up and made breakfast?”
“Eh, couldn’t sleep that well,” Vector shrugged, pouring coffee into a mug that read ‘I went to the Emerald Coast and all I got was this stupid mug’. “Figured I might as well. Feel free to dig in.” 
“I see. Thank you, it looks great,” Espio nodded appreciatively, reaching for the toast. 
“You got it.” Vector made his way to the table, placing the full coffee mug next to Espio’s plate. He sat down in front of the empty plate, reaching for his almost empty mug of tepid coffee. 
“Did you stay up last night?” The chameleon asked, studying Vector’s behavior carefully. 
“Eh… Kinda, yeah,” Vector admitted. “I mean, I’m still tryna wrap my brain around alla that stuff Amy talked about,” he shrugged. “But more about how we’re gonna approach this. I looked back at your notes– Honestly, I think we’re gonna need all hands on deck.”
Espio raised a brow, swallowing a bite of his eggs. “So you decided on telling Charmy?”
“Yeah, I think we should,” Vector shrugged. “I mean, I know what you’re thinking, but it’ll be uh - a good teaching moment,” he explained, the words coming to him as he gestured with his coffee mug. “Show him the ropes of the biz. He won’t learn if we don’t teach him, right?”
Espio was picking up what he was putting down, washing down his bite with some coffee. Still, he looked at Vector skeptically. “Are you sure?”
Vector set the mug down, reaching for his empty plate. “Listen, we might not be able to completely guarantee client confidentiality, but she called the Team Chaotix company line. We’re not Team Chaotix if it’s not all three of us,” he said, standing up to bring his plate to the sink.
“I guess,” Espio nodded, unconvinced, but seeing the reasoning. He knit his brow as he ate another bite of his eggs.
“Oh come on, Espio! It’ll be fine,” Vector reassured, offering an easygoing smile. “I’ll keep an eye on him. You trust me, right?”
Espio couldn’t help but let a weak smile show. “Sure,” he shrugged.
“I knew you’d come around.” Vector looked up from the sink, over at the entrance to the hallway across the room. “Speaking of Charmy, is that kid still sleeping or what?”
“He ate the last pack of Emerald Bites last night when no one was looking,” Espio said absently, taking a sip of his coffee. “He probably stayed up late.”
“Sheesh, I didn’t even have any,” Vector huffed, annoyed at what was expected behavior. He looked back towards the hallway. “Charmy! Breakfast is ready!”
He waited for a response, but heard nothing. Grumbling, he shook his head and made his way towards the hallway. “I’m gonna go wake him up.” 
“Have fun,” Espio said nonchalantly, cheersing the air with his coffee mug before returning to his breakfast.
The crocodile made his way to Charmy’s room door, looking at it in annoyance. 
“Hey kid! Rise and shine!” Vector said loudly, rapping his knuckles against the door. He waited a moment, but heard nothing but silence.
“He must’ve went to bed late. Seriously kid, ya gotta stop eating all that sugar before bed,” the crocodile grumbled, beginning to turn the door handle. “Hey, your breakfast is getting–” 
Espio, who was relaxing with his morning cup of coffee, jumped from his chair at the sound of a shrill scream, his coffee spilling onto the table and floor. Immediately, he began to run towards the room. “Vector?”
“He’s GONE!” Vector exclaimed from within the room. “Charmy’s gone!”
He stepped into the room to see Vector standing bewildered in front of a wide open window. A cool breeze blew the curtains, the sound of a crayon rolling across the old wooden floor. No Charmy Bee in sight. 
Vector walked towards the window, wishfully hoping to see any clue of Charmy outside. “He just– He ran away?! Why?”
Espio, meanwhile, began scanning the room for clues. He looked over at the empty, unmade bed, with the blanket half-dragging against the floor, spotting a piece of folded paper tucked between the pillow. 
He took the paper and opened it, sighing deeply as he began to read the note. “Vector, look,” he called, extending the paper over to the crocodile.  
“Lemme see this,” Vector huffed, snatching the note from Espio’s hand. He held the paper back, squinting at the page. Once he could read it, he cringed as he looked at the poorly scrawled note, written in glitter crayon: 
DeeR Veckir  SPO If U R Reebng dis, I M gong 2 fin Tallz all bye my self! I will bee good D tektiv.  TEEN K OT TIX  Charmy
Vector pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, before turning to face the chameleon. 
“We gotta put this kid in school.”
Chapter 10 / The Prologue
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trulytiredhermit · 2 years
It feels great to know that somebody got inspiration from my own AU. The name Dream Walker AU seems perfect! I prefer that more than the other. And well, I'd like to admit that i do have a couple of ideas about the said AU. Perhaps the reader has a bit of deja vu moments whenever they're with the chain, or the reader could probably randomly know the Link's interests even if the reader is so sure that the Links hadn't told them about the said interest. Or they also probably know about random facts about the Links and the reader knows just a few scenes about the Link's adventure, like Cia.. Or something. Or perhaps the reader somehow sees an accessory that their friend owns, it just further fuels the whole entire let's find our friend thing that's going on. And probably the reader would have these flashbacks about them and their friends moments, probably there to even further fuel the let's find our friend thing, and to also probably let the person reading the story a little insight about their friend's personalities. And the reader dreaming about random scenes about the Link's adventures?
Okay be honest with me right now…. DO YOU HAVE MY BRAIN!!!
Like I’m planning on showing later on in the story how the whole deja vu affect actually appeared in Reader’s original world too, but they just didn’t realize it. (AHEM ONE DAY THEY SAW A PINK RABBIT PLUSHIE COMPLETE WITH A RED VEST WHILST OUT SHOPPING AND THEY JUST HAD TO HAVE IT BUT DIDN’T KNOW WHY! THEY ALSO NAMED IT MR. RABBIT!)
Maybe Reader’s battle instincts start kicking in again from their various adventures and they are able to use weapons and bows even though they swear they’ve never even touched one before. Or maybe they’re able to name certain enemies and know their weakness upon their first time of meeting said enemies.
And with the dreaming thing I was also thinking that maybe the Reader’s dream walking ability kicks in again when they’re off adventuring with the chain, BUT THIS TIME THEY’RE ACTUALLY DREAM WALKING WITH THEIR FRIENDS! AND THAT’S HOW THEY BECOME EVEN MORE DETERMINED. BECAUSE THEY’RE ABLE TO SEE AND EVEN TALK WITH THEM AND JUST KNOW THAT THEY’RE FRIENDS ARE SAFE.
Of course, this will make the chain do a whole heckin of a worryin if the Reader is out of commission for a day or two and they don’t know why. Of course once they find out they may try to finds ways to stop the Reader from dream walking because it’s affecting them, perhaps even hurting them, and making them more determined to get their friends and go home.
They can’t have that now can they?
But finding items that their friends had dropped would be really interesting and maybe even distressing to the Reader because then it’s almost like Reader was just too late in finding their friends. If they had just arrived quicker, been there faster, then maybe they could have saved one of their friends. And it will only be until they dream walk with their friend that they’ll even know that they’re still alive.
And god forbid should the reader ever lose an item from their friends, all hell will break loose. These items that they gain WILL become items that will be on their person at ALL TIMES.
Of course, since Reader won’t be dream walking every time they sleep then that’s where those little snip-it’s of memories/random scenes with the Links comes in.
But seriously, I’m gonna need to know how you got hold of my brain 😂
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