#I saw this take just yesterday lol
romanticatheartt · 1 day
"Elain is hurting two men at the same time😒☹️"
Good God… Once again another man's action is being ignored and we blame the woman. No, Elain isn't hurting anyone, she's actually the hurtee here… Idk if it's a word or not lol. Azriel is the one who's hurting 2 people here, Lucien and Elain. He's being selfish and arrogant, having a one-sided beef with a person who doesn't even acknowledge his existence. He's hurting Lucien, all the while he knows and has grown up with the concept of mating bond. He's claiming a woman who doesn't like to be claimed and be treated as an object.
And Elain? Elain is hurting. She's still having a hard time accepting that she's now a fae and not a human, she's trying to ignore it as best as she can. So accepting or even acknowledging Lucien would mean she has moved on and is becoming agreeable to her situation. And Azriel, who Feyre has described him looking like a human around Elain, with his round ears and his shadow's recoiling from Elain, makes her feel more at ease. She's taking refuge in Azriel's presence to feel as close as she's able, to the normality she knows. And what a refuge he was, calling her "a mistake" several times and one time to her face and leaving her alone without an explanation.
And yes Lucien might be (definitely is) hurting from Elain's actions but it's all a reaction to his biological, his shared bond with her. He's not emotionally attachd to her. Lucien also lost a loved one who he thought might be his mate. He's been living for centuries with the idea of his mate being dead, so he didn't expect to have one at all. He's probably cautious around this bond as much as Elain because accepting her means letting the idea of his former lover go. But Lucien is one step ahead of Elain. While she's determined to ignore this bond and never try anything with him (for now), Lucien is ready to take action and try (as long as she agrees). So he would come to see her when he's invited, bring her gifts and wait… he waits, keeps his distance, and doesn't demand anything. He never put a claim on her and never disrespected her boundaries. Now do you think this male, would ever be mad at Elain for perusing another male?
We see Rhysand, knowing Feyre is his mate and he still was ready to let her go. He would let her be as long as he knew she was happy and she was loved. He would see her being married to the love of her life, even if he's not that person. The same goes with Lucien. He won't be mad at Elain for trying with another person, on the contrary, he would let her. But he will be mad at Azriel for his behaviour toward Elain, for staking a claim on her, for knowing she's a mated woman and he still perused her and disrespected the bond Azriel himself put in such high regard. He will be mad at him for speaking for Elain and thinking he knows what's good for her and what is not without asking or consulting her.
So you see Elain is not the problem here, never was. But most of the fandoms would rather take the male's side and pamper him because of their low standards for the male characters. All the while, the female character should never feel emotional, be angry, confused or selfish. She should be a perfect doll for the male character, being considered, selfless and always being on her best behaviour.
Just like how society behave toward women...
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happyheidi · 4 months
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𝘢𝘥𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 🍃
𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳: 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘧𝘭𝘦𝘦, 𝘩𝘶𝘨 𝘢 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦 🌳 𝘭𝘰𝘭 𝘪𝘥𝘬
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
a slight continuation of this
no caller ID pops on your screen, pulling your attention away from your previous task at hand: not fucking up your eyeliner. you typically wouldn’t care if it was a little uneven, but you’re going on a date tonight, for the first time in so long, and you want everything to go as smoothly as possible.
which is why you groan when you end the call, and that same no caller ID pops right back up seconds later. you know who it is—who else would it be? you figured he’s already seen your story of being excited for going on your first date in a while, on the only app you hadn’t blocked him on. petty? perhaps, but it’s on him to be keeping up with you despite you cursing him out for wasting your time and then blocking him right after.
you watch it ring though, contemplating for a while longer than you should. you blocked him for a reason. no need to entertain his same shit that he always spews to you when he realizes that he might be losing you once more?
….but it doesn’t hurt to hear the hero beg for you.
“What do you want, Bakugou?” You sigh irritably as you finally answer his call, putting him on speaker as you go back to even out your eyeliner. You hear him huff on the other side of the phone at the use of his surname, but he doesn’t say anything about it, instead, quickly telling you what he’s been bothering you for.
“Who’s the fuckin’ loser that’s gonna drool over how good your tits look in that stupid green dress you love so much?” Bakugou grunts, and you instantly feel your face heating at his crude words. You glance over with a frown at that same green dress that makes your tits look good, where it hangs on your closet.
“None of your damn business, Bakugou.” You snap at him, wondering if it’s too late to find something else to wear. “Not like you ever took me out in my stupid green dress.” Your voice holds a level of bitterness that only he can bring out of you, and you hear his sigh through the speakers.
“I told you this before, I’m always—”
“Busy.” You cut him off, voice suddenly thick as you think back on the countless rejections he’s splattered at your feet every time you tried to further your relationship with him. “You reminded me of how busy you’ve been since you first started this whole situationship.”
“Situation—? Huh? We were dating!” Bakugou protests with a huff, and you can hear how he paces the floor quickly. You glare at your phone, setting down your liner to instead pick of your (his) favorite lipgloss.
“You’d have to ask me out to be dating, Bakugou. You’d have to court me to be dating, Bakugou. You’d have to make time for me and take me out on dates and not hide me to fucking date me, Bakugou.” You spit at him, venom dripping off of your lips in waves. You don’t know why you answered, why you even entertained him. You shake your head with a huff when the line goes quiet, eyebrows quirking up when your date sends you a text to make sure you’re still on for tonight.
“I’m sorry.” Bakugou mutters pathetically, his voice suddenly soft. You hesitate, for some reason, when it comes to texting your date back. Why do you always hesitate when Bakugou is around?
“Let me make it up to you, court you, and shit. I can take you to one of my favorite places, you can wear that pretty green dress and that gloss you know I love.” His voice is pleading, thickening and sweet and suffocating. You shouldn’t respond, should reply back a yes to your date.
“Please? You know how much you mean to me.” Bakugou mumbles, and you can hear the earnestness in his voice. Why haven’t you said yes to your date yet?
“I’ll do better this time. Just one more chance, sweetheart.” Bakugou’s voice is so soft, you’ve never heard him this vulnerable before. You sigh with a shake of your head, slumping back into your seat in defeat.
Sorry, I can’t make it tonight. Something came up. Maybe we can reschedule for another time?
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akkivee · 2 months
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fight-o ichiro!!!!!!!!!!
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
this isn't like comics-fandom specific by any means, but one thing i do think about semi-regularly is that like. some people are so insistent on stuff being "for fun" so that they can justify never actually thinking about what they're doing, and that's... idk man. in a world where we are inundated with propaganda and bullshit all the time, media literacy, critical thinking, and reading comprehension skills are pretty important. and yeah like no one can have their brain running at max capacity 24/7 but you still gotta like... put in SOME critical thinking. otherwise you just get people being like SO WHAT if this comic is really racist??? you can't ask me to think critically about how it portrays characters of color!!!!! im just here for fun!!!!!! and it's just like. dude.
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I headcanon Kaisa as being just slightly hypotensive. I’m thinking normal blood pressure around 11/7. Most importantly, I headcanon that occasionally it may drop and she knows, but doesn’t do anything about it.
So sometimes she’ll be in the library, and will be on her feet for too long, or maybe it’ll be too hot and she hasn’t let go of her cape, or maybe she even has been so caught up in her job that she hasn’t eaten or drink water in three hours. And she’ll begin sweating, and ignore it. Then she’ll feel lightheaded, and think it’s fine. And then her eyesight will get hazy, and she’ll think ‘nah, I can take it’. Then her hearing will sizzle and her mind will spin and she’ll still do nothing. And if someone’s nearby they’ll begin noticing she’s pale and unresponsive, and that’s because she’s trying to not fall down and wondering why she’s seeing dark spots. But mostly, that probably happens when she’s alone, so when she refuses to sit down and drink water/eat/lie down, she’ll just faint for a bit (on the hardwood floor. Ouch.) and get back within a couple of seconds (and just go about her day like nothing happened)
Anyway the place I’m trying to get to is: imagine Kaisa is hanging out with the Hilda gang for some reason, and at some point they notice the blood draining from her face and her eyes going unfocused and then she just drops unconscious on the floor with no prior warning. Imagine the chaos. Imagine Hilda about to slap her and being held back by David while Frida tries to remember the cpr training they had in the Sparrow Scouts. Imagine Kaisa waking back up suddenly and scaring the living shit out of them
Kaisa already has such undead vampire vibes, I just think that’d be hilarious 😭😭
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jyndor · 10 months
why are people shocked that h*mas has treated the hostages with respect does anyone understand what the strategic point in taking hostages is? the whole point is to make sure they're okay and well-cared for because otherwise there's no leverage for negotiations. do i think the hostages are actually sooo thankful to the hostages for being so nice to them and their children? i don't know, i mean i wouldn't be surprised either way - hard to be thankful for being taken hostage but i can also imagine feeling pleasantly surprised when you are treated with respect and dignity by h*mas when they take you hostage.
i'm not saying taking hostages is good i cannot believe i have to say that but people will read that and say "ooHOOO so you're saying h*mas is good and kind, you're falling for propaganda!!!" no i am just using my brain. unlike everyone who is against a ceasefire at the bare minimum, because apparently yall are okay with the rest of the hostages being in harm's way.
not to mention the entirety of the palestinian population in the gaza strip are hostages essentially and the palestinian prisoners have NOT been treated with such dignity and respect for their wellbeing. but again, treating the hostages you've taken with respect is the barest of bare minimums.
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dykeandballs · 9 months
happy new years eve and new years to my gay ass mutuals
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kaidabakugou · 10 months
coffee dates with your mom have you spilling all your dirty secrets without a second thought 😭
#kai.rambles#idk what this phenomena is but it’s apparently common lol#im gonna tmi in the tags like it’s a little face time call bc i’m waiting at the airport for my friend#but i had a little coffee date with my mom yesterday bc we both needed a little break since the family is STILL here and hasn’t left#and we just need this whole thanksgiving thing to be over bc we’re going insane with so many relatives in and out of our homes#so we went to a local coffee shop that just opened and it’s so cute btw and ITS PET FRIENDLY so i saw many doggies there#and can’t wait to take woody when this whole doggy virus going around calms down 😔#but anyway she saw that i was like fidgeting in my chair and ask wtf was wrong and i told her that i had a pimple on my ass cheek lol#and she was like how did it even get there like you take such good care of your skin??#and i was like idk it just appeared there 😅#and she was like - 🤨🤨 after your bday?#and i said like yeahhhh?#at this point i already knew she was onto me lol and we both laughed and she asked what did my bf and i do for my bday#so i told her and now she won’t stop laughing at me#for context - here’s the tmi lol - but my bf used whipped cream on me for my bday and we cuddled for a bit#afterwards with the intention of going to shower but we ended up passing out all sticky 😭#and i quickly took a full exfoliating shower in the morning when i realized but it was already too late and now i have a pimple on my ass 😭#and it’s like more towards the inside of the cheek so it fkn hurts everytime i sit down#and i was so paranoid after that instead of putting one boric acid capsule into my pussy i put two just in case#bc i was so scared that i was gonna get and infection of something but it’s been 4 days now#and nothing’s happening so i think i’m good but yeah i told her and now she laughs everytime she sees me or remembers it 😭#i don’t mind bc it’s her and i trust my mom and tell her everything but i never get into detail about my sex life#so the fact that THISSS is the one thing about it that i tell her it’s hilarious#so yeah and now whoever reads this monstrosity of tags knows too#and if you did read this then come here bc i’m giving you BIG WET KISSES and taking you out on a little picnic date 💓💓#and we can wear matching outfits and feed eachother desserts🥺
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swallowedabug · 5 months
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neonsbian · 3 months
trying to accept that nothing lgbt is gonna happen to me this month 😔
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akkivee · 6 months
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but i mean if kr can do it, then i-
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your wrist was hurting sorry man I know how drawing and presumably college work does that get well soon ❤️‍🩹
LMAO NAW ITS FINE for one thing my hurt wrist is my non-writing/drawing hand so i can still draw/write/use utensils, drawing's just a lot slower without my hotkeys so i figure this is a sign i should take a proper break and rest up. plus i hurt my wrist rollerskating so dont worry i didnt sprain anything from drawing too much
#snap chats#genuinely surprising ive not seriously hurt my left wrist from drawing#i mean- some years back my wrist did really hurt for a few days but i dont think it was as bad of a strain as this#i take real good care of my left wrist since then anyhow so im not worried about getting another drawing-induced injury#like i said last ask tho my wrist feels a lil better compared to yesterday so hopefully i can get back to it soon#got plenty of things i wanna doodle and write and while i can write with one hand... this is a nightmare LMAO#'snap i thought you were sleeping' uhhhhh Oops <3 i started playing y7 again but before i did i was watching a vid#and now im watching it agan so.. lol#so funny while i was playing tho my sis walked in and started watchin and crackin jokes#shes so funny... SO FUNNY she saw sawashiro and was like 'wow he looks like a real guy'#to which Of Course i was like 'oh yeah its cause hes modeled after a real guy :)' an she was like OOOOHHHH ok#and then she saw arakawa and was like 'see he doesnt look real' and then i had to be like 'bro hes Also based off a real guy' LMAO#yeah... super silly.... i always love playin games when shes around even if shes never SUPER invested#i appreciate that she still watches an can still be funny. goofy as hell she was like 'these cutscenes are so long--#didnt uou play this game last summer ??? how many times have you played this' and i was just Uuuuhhh Seven :)#LMAO HER FACE but she was all 'awww :)' when i tol her i was letting the cutscenes play out so she could watch#ok im done rambling i just said typing like this is a nightmare and it is so im stopping now BYE
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foreignobjecticus · 1 year
Got to meet Christopher Strauli and Michael Cochrane at the London Film Fair today eeeeeeeeee! Was so much fun---they were both SO lovely. I told Michael Cochrane that I fucking detested his character (Simmerson in Sharpe) and that he was an AMAZING actor for making me hate a character so thoroughly. He loved that lol. THEN he saw my CS Raffles photo and I found out he played Bunny in the radio version (which I thought was super good even tho his voice is a bit different). Got a picture with both of them. I've pretty much never met actors IRL until this and the thing last year so that was super fun.
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sysig · 2 years
I have been thinking about Spamton all fucking day
#Get Outta here you strange little man#Like I know my biggest-as-of-yet doodlepost of his was just several hours ago so today but you gotta understand#That was all drawn over a week ago I should be well through thinking about him now#Doodled a tiny little thing yesterday which folded out into some headcanon doodles and then Some More headcanon doodles#And some of them feel too vague to properly explain but the ones that are more concise and clear are like?? weird?????#Really skirting the line of QSFW hard but I literally don't know how to change the context it stops making sense if I do that#I dunno maybe if I think about him a little longer or sleep on it (again) it'll start to coalesce into a proper idea#Convincing my brain to start on the Requestobers tomorrow is gonna be fun lol#Technically they're already started which in fact makes it more and less difficult in equal proportion - trading one for another#Novelty is lower but nervousness is also lower! Give and take#Also still healing from my accidental injury yesterday I forgot to mention that#I tripped over something and couldn't catch myself because I was carrying darkling beetles and their new babies (!)#So now my drawing hand is injured lol#Hella exciting that the beetles actually had mealworms considering I super haven't given them a proper enclosure yet#I do have a container plucked out of storage just for them tho! I saw it recommended for mealworm propagation and I was like#''Well I already have one of those I can just grab that and clean it up'' and then I tripped while carrying it and the beetles lol#Anyway all this to say I'm all funny-fidgety today#Deltarune#Kinda?????? Lol
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cruwmo · 2 months
I GOT MY FIRST T GEL IM SO EXCITED HOLY FUCKING SHIT i finally did it it's finally real
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