#I really hope we get some more answers about what was going on with Ruby
actinganimagus · 3 months
Trying to hype up, and make me care about Mrs Flood being a mystery, after you've just told me "Ruby's mystery mom = no payoff" is ballsy.
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justporo · 9 months
Shooting Stars
A night of star showers is imminent in Baldur's Gate. You couldn't think of a better way to spend it but with Astarion and a sparkling glass of champagne in your hand - and lots of teasing banter- until the first star comes shooting. Because of course: there are wishes to be made and hopefully to be fulfilled.
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Author's Note: Time to cook of the 2024 season! I originally wanted to use this for the Winter Challenge as well but eh, I rather wanted to take my time (and I'm happy about it - I'm only getting back in the saddle with writing now, break was very much needed). So have this piece of fluff, that is hopefully something for the soul to kick of this year of writing! This wonderful artwork was done by the lovely @britonell (thank you so much!).
Pairing: Astarion/Fem!Tav (You)
Warnings: none, just tooth-rotting fluff
Wordcount: 2,9k
Song: All This And Heaven Too - Florence + The Machine
“Shit, I think I ripped one of my stockings”, you cursed while you rearranged your seat at the edge of the roof. Astarion relaxedly sitting beside you clicked his tongue and looked judgingly at you - but you knew he was only teasing. The sparkle in his ruby eyes spoke of nothing but affection and admiration as he looked at you and then towards the glittering night sky.
Tonight a shower of shooting stars was supposed to happen. The whole city had been raving about it for days since astronomers had shared the news of the upcoming celestial event. Probably every one who could afford so would be out and about to catch a glimpse of some of nature's magic. And of course - as was custom - to make some wishes and hope for the falling stars to kindly fulfil them.
Some of the stars on the firmament were twinkling already, as if they were shimmying, getting ready to fall out of their sockets and travel across the night sky. To grace all beings below them with their fleeting beauty.
Never had you seen something like this and you had been brimming with excitement from the first moment you had heard about it. You wouldn't want to miss it for the world.
When you had asked Astarion if he wanted to watch the star showers with you he had lifted one eyebrow and given you a kind of condescending if playful smile. Then, when he had answered his voice had dripped with sarcasm: “Oh darling, why would we need to watch some beautiful fallen stars when I already have one right in front of me.”
You had almost barfed onto his feet. Astarion had looked offended.
Then you had lost it so hard laughing that your vampire had needed to hold you up by your elbows so as to not let you slide onto the ground while you suffered from your hysteric fit.
“Astarion, love, you already have me - you can scrap the cheesy lines - please?”, you had pressed out through laughter and buried your face in his chest while Astarion had pouted a bit more about your snide remarks regarding his flirting techniques.
Of course, he hadn’t stopped. In fact, he’d made it a game over the next couple of days to come up with even much worse lines while you always desperately tried to keep it together.
“But darling, all my wishes have come true already with you by my side.”
“Love, I believe the night's cancelled. All stars are already in your eyes.”
“Oh, my heart, I’ve already fallen hard for you, why would you need another star?”
They got progressively worse the longer he kept going - and incredibly less inventive.
But of course you were still swooning on the inside, at least a little. Because after all, how couldn't you? Knowing that Astarion was indeed in love with you and that he really meant his words. Well, once you scraped all the gooey honey off it. What lay beneath was very sweet and much less sickening.
This game of his had gone on for several days until the night had finally arrived - and until even Astarion had almost run out of stupid pick-up lines.
The both of you had decided to dress up, just for the hell of it. This being one of the things you had adopted quickly from Astarion: indulging yourself, taking care of yourself and dressing for yourself - and for him of course, because you could never get enough of the stunned looks he threw you.
You were in a dress that Astarion had gifted you some time back and that was embroidered by the man himself. And the vampire in a finely stitched doublet that made him look positively regal and smoking. There was a fair amount of staring happening from both sides, hopefully not distracting from the actual event later on.
Then with lots of giggles from your side and terrible cursing from Astarion you had climbed onto the roof of your little Baldurian townhouse. This man could never do anything without commenting on it. When you had pointed out as much, he had narrowed his eyes at you and looked tempted to drag you down the small ladder again that led up to the roof. But you had swiftly moved out of his reach with a cackle - not without also making sure to give him a good view of your behind first by deliberately swishing open the slit in your skirt.
Carefully, you had scattered towards the edge over the old shingles then, until you could carefully settle down.
Obviously not carefully enough though since you feared that the delicate sheer fabric covering your slender legs might have been torn on a sharp edge when you had sat down. But it didn’t really matter. Astarion had already promised he’d rip these stockings off you (together with the set of naughty underwear you’d chosen specifically for him) with his teeth later in the night. Really, you were just presenting an opening for your eager lover.
With another curse under his breath, the vampire sat down beside you although he did so elegantly and immediately evoked the image of a lounging cat. The grace of the rogue really was unmatched.
You leaned back on your hands and angled one leg, putting it up on the edge while the other dangled over thin air. Astarion almost mirrored you with the way he seemed to sit comfortably there, leaning back, legs slightly spread and hanging over the edge while he observed the glittering night sky.
“Love, that’s no way to sit for a lady”, Astarion teased you with a promising grin while he eyed your angled leg, clad in nothing but a gauzy stocking, adorned with a delicate lace rim at the very top of your thigh - which was almost completely on display for him.
You angled your head at him and swayed your leg a little so the slit allowed for an even better view of your leg - careful to only tease for later.
“Good thing I am not a lady then”, you replied to your vampire, tongue in cheek.
“Oh yes, my love, it’s for the best. The way I’d single handedly ruin your reputation later tonight would be scandalous,” Astarion replied while he devoured you with his eyes from under his brows. In his head you could bet he was already letting his teeth graze over the delicate skin of your inner thigh. Oh, it would be a night to behold.
You laughed softly, throwing your head back. But then you let your leg softly fall onto the other, giving at least the illusion of decency again.
You grinned at the vampire, the vampire grinned back with promise.
Nothing would ever come close to this, to being with him: the playful banter, the easy companionship, the intense intimacy. You hummed contentedly while you slowly ripped your loving gaze of Astarion and let it wander over your surroundings.
Below you the streets of the Upper City seemed to fill up with the whole population of Baldur’s Gate. Of course everyone wanted the best sight of the night sky - and Upper just had the best spots. And what a good thing that you still had the vantage point even with all those people trying to find a neat stargazing spot.
Idle chatter drifted up towards you. People had brought food and drinks and a continuous hum of anticipation filled the cold night air, but you barely even noticed. For you there was merely your soulmate and you up on the roof of your home.
Behind you you had two crystal glasses waiting to be filled with some bubbling champagne Astarion had insisted upon. “If you’re going to make me sit up on some godsforsaken rooftop during wintertime only to crane your neck at the night sky you can look up at every night, I might as well bring a drink”, he’d said and rolled his eyes while he had grabbed not one, but two of the expensive bottles. You had simply shrugged - you wouldn’t say no if drinks were involved. And since you had figured out that it had been nearly half a year already since most everything had been dealt with, you felt it was only appropriate to celebrate this fact with a drink.
The vampire had whole-heartedly agreed when you had told him your observation. Astarion, of course, had been very well aware of that even before. He hadn’t stopped counting the days since his life had taken a turn for the better and, perhaps, he never would.
Up on the roof the rogue now procured his dagger, threw it up to flip it artfully and only then - when he was sure that he had your full attention - he took the first bottle with a sly grin. And then, in his histrionic manner, he swished the sharp blade up along the curve of the bottle neck and cleanly took off the head along with the cork.
Champagne immediately started foaming out of the bottle and Astarion was quick to grab the crystal glasses, both in one hand, and elegantly pour you each a glass of sparkling wine.
Somewhere below you heard someone yelp - apparently Astarion had unconsciously managed to hit someone with his display of skill. You looked down and saw an older gentleman rub the back of his head and turn towards you.
Quickly grabbing Astarion’s arm to make him pull back with you, you dragged up your legs with a giggle, hoping you could hide from the unwilling target. The vampire grinned broadly at you while he kept pouring - that little rascal.
You had to be honest though that you’d been quite impressed with the display of this dextrous if wholly unnecessary talent. It was after all very fitting for the flamboyant elf. But your adoration must have shown because the vampire was grinning proudly at you as he handed you a glass.
Time to get his ego in check again before it became too massive.
“Where’d you learn that?”, you asked after you had clinked glasses with him. “Rich prick academy?”
Astarion almost snorted into the glass he’d been taking a sip from. He recovered quickly though. “Not my fault they taught you neither that nor manners, you insolent little thing.” He clicked his tongue and took another sip of bubbly.
You waited until he had lifted up the drink filled flute to slap his arm.
His drink sloshed, some spilling onto him.
The look of that combined with too much force you had used to get back at him almost made you lose your balance. You screeched, gripping your glass as if it could stop you from falling.
But thankfully Astarion quickly grabbed your wrist with roguish reflexes, pulling you back and thus prohibiting you from falling off.
Your heart was racing from the sudden rush of adrenaline. The vampire was only laughing as you recovered from your self-inflicted fright. And you hadn’t even drunk a single drop of alcohol yet. So you made to catch up and lifted the crystal to your lips.
“Darling, don’t break your back falling off this rooftop, yes?” Astarion said, choosing this exact moment to break the silence again. “I have way better options to achieve that if you should insist upon it, my heart.”
You choked on the prickling drink and started coughing. Immediately, you were almost ready to push that bastard again, risking falling off once more. Astarion in the meantime smirked smugly at you while drinking his champagne in peace now.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time”, you croaked pathetically after barely being able to talk again. Somehow you seemed to draw the short end of the stick fairly often when it came to trying to out-sass the pale elf. But he had more than 200 years on you with that - give or take. You’d get back at him one of those days.
The bickering went on for some more back and forth until you had each downed your first glass, then a second while you were both laughing profusely and you started to feel the alcohol make your mind a little hazy.
Astarion refilled the glasses once more and you just kept talking - about everything and nothing. It was always so easy to just spend time with each other. It almost felt like you had been together a whole eternity already, in the best way imaginable.
“So, what are you wishing for?”, you asked Astarion emboldened by the alcohol while you were working on emptying your next glass of champagne.
The vampire inclined his head towards you and softly shook his head in disappointment: “Love, have they truly taught you nothing? You’re not supposed to tell or it won’t come true!” He softly clicked his tongue while you stuck out yours towards him. You kept looking at him in anticipation - but he was firm on not losing a word on the matter.
After a while you gave up with a dramatic sigh and gulped down the rest of liquid in your glass. Neither pouting at him, bribing him or even offering another glance of your precariously clothed legs seemed to work.
You though knew exactly what things you’d be wishing for: for him and you to be happy - that was the most important thing, to find a way to allow Astarion to walk in the sun again, a long and happy life for all your friends you hadn’t seen in a while now, to have things stay like this forever or at least to be able to always come back to moments like these.
You really deeply hoped this would stay with you: the unconditional love, the deep trust, the easiness with which the two of you spent your days and nights now with each other.
Some time ago you had feared that once the permanent tension of your adventuring days was over there wouldn’t be much left for you. That Astarion would just realise that you were barely more than a former street kid and thief - and pretty much boring beyond that.
But it hadn’t been like that. Quite the opposite: every day seemed to make the vampire fall harder for you. And you knew that was surely true from your side. It was like every time you looked at him another small piece of your heart was permanently handed to the vampire who you trusted fully to handle it gently. And perhaps the same was true for Astarion’s undead and unbeating heart in his chest.
You kept gazing at him and enjoyed just listening to him talk beside you while you sipped on your drink. The wind was drifting through both your hair, pulling some light strands of your hair with it while it merely tugged softly on the rogue’s curls. His side profile was sharply illuminated by silver moon light, pronouncing his straight nose, sharp cheekbones. And not to forget his ruby red eyes that always caught when you were staring at him and then sparkled in delight.
You could just spend eternity with moments like these.
Astarion was currently telling you about a book of poetry he was reading at the moment, looking up at the moon and the stars with a slight smile on his lips when a murmur started to move through the crowd below you.
Both of your ears perked up a little as the people became louder. And then when someone even screeched and you saw someone pointing up at the night sky as you leaned forward you realised what it must mean: shooting stars.
Your head snapped up and you caught a movement out of the corner of your eye, just the disappearing tail of a star racing across the darkness. With a gasp you grabbed Astarion’s shoulder without looking to get his attention. The vampire immediately complained but was silenced when another falling star shot across the sky - this time clearly visible for both of you.
The people below were buzzing in excitement now, loud “oohs” and “aaahs” were heard in the chill winter night as the stars become more and more frequent until bright white curves of sparkles were drawn across the sky every few seconds.
Your eyes widened as you beheld the wondrous event in front of you, completely entranced by what was happening. Truly a magic that was unmatched in beauty, a spell woven over everyone that was lucky enough to catch sight of it even for only a moment.
The vampire observed the falling stars with you for a long while before he slowly turned to you.
Astarion looked at you, still fully smitten by stars falling from the sky, eyes wide and shining, lips parted slightly.. He drank it all in: the wonder in your eyes, your beautiful face, the love. You see the latter reflected on his face when your gaze flicked to the vampire and back up to the sky to not miss a single star.
But Astarion’s gaze kept lingering upon you. Not wanting to ever forget even the most miniscule of details of this moment while sparks of light kept dancing over your face and your ever broadening smile.
He hadn’t lied, calling you his star.
Because his biggest wish, although always unspoken, had already been fulfilled.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon @hereliesblackdragon @ayselluna
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Hi, how you doing, luv? I saw your requests were open so here I am!
I told this idea to a friend and we liked it so much I needed to see it written, and I love how you write Arthur!
I don't usually request/like low honor Arthur but hear me out! Low honor Arthur with a female reader and he's user her as his alibi whenever he goes on a killing spree. But she happily applies, smiling at the officers when she gets questioned like "it ain't him officer. how do I know that, you say? he was with me the whole time🤭" while Arthur quietly cleans the blood splatters off his guns
Samy!! Here it is!! I really hope you'll like it😭 Also, hell yes, what an ask! Loved writing it. Makes me want to write more Low!Honor. And ngggh the best compliment ever telling me you love how I write him I can't
˖✧ Pretty lies
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✦ Pairing: Low!Honor Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader  ✦ Warnings/Tags: Blood (obviously), guns, cursing, canon era speech, ending is suggestive. Therefore, MDNI, please! ✦ Words: 1,8k ✦ a/n: Okay so, this is my first attempt ever at a Low Honnor Arthur. I guess I just made him bolder, extra cocky+extra flirty? Hope it’ll fit! ALSO, as always, English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if anything sounds weird. Please if you notice any mistakes, reach up to me! ✦Credits. First pic is from Reddeadcomfort on Pinterest, gun pic from Pinterest too. Second one from my playthrough; blood stains and dividers by me.
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Arthur’s violence wasn’t a secret to anyone. Not to anybody in camp, not to you, certainly not to himself. 
Not even to numerous people at this point, considering the large number of poor fellas who had the bad luck to cross him and ended up beaten to a pulp, covered in bruises, head in a drinking trough, riddled with bullets, or even worse.
But you loved him, no matter what. You knew about his flaws. Knew about his brutal, crude side. But around you, this heated aura was turning into something else entirely. And you liked it.
So, when a panting Arthur had rushed to you on the porch of Strawberry’s hotel, blood covering his entire self, face and hair included, blue eyes shining sapphires in a tide of rubies, you weren’t that surprised. You were even less when he asked you to be his alibi for whatever the Hell he just did, as he had taken the habit of doing lately. Lying for Arthur’s crimes could have looked like an immoral thing to do, but as a member of the gang too, you clearly weren’t a saint either.
And you really were enjoying this little game.
The subtle grin Arthur had every time you would lie in front of the police for him, asserting with absolute conviction you had been together all day. The rosy tone his cheeks, ears and neck were displaying when you felt bolder and added some details in your alibis. Details about fake, steamy nights or afternoons you were supposed to have shared, swearing to the Lord you had the unholiest of times together. Oh, the look he was giving you. Knowing, amused, dreamy and so, so proud and debauched. Lustful, even.
You were sure he was enjoying it too.
“Alright, I’ll cover for you again. But at least go take a bath, I can’t do miracles.” You ordered him, a devilish smile on your face. 
“Thank you, sugar.” Arthur quickly answered, his voice just a low, breathless mumbling, barely letting you distinguish his words.
He quickly entered the hotel and you heard the receptionist gasp from where you were. You chuckled to yourself, imagining his outraged face rapidly losing all its composure under Arthur’s hard gaze piercing through the layer of blood, ordering him to prepare a bath as gently as if he was doing a hold-up.
Poor man must have liquefied on the spot.
You leaned against the patio’s fence and breathed in the fresh late afternoon air of Strawberry, alpenglow golden and rosy on top of the mountains, a peaceful scenery under your eyes. Contrasting with the horror and brutality Arthur must have left in his trail.
He was quick to join you again, looking fresh and neat as if he were a completely normal gentleman. His messy hair and dirty beard long gone, a nice black shirt, shiny boots, and a scout jacket on, probably to match Strawberry people's clothes. 
The only things that hadn't benefited from a change were his eternal Gambler hat and his holster and revolvers, both still painted with blood stains, a red and morbid Appaloosa coat on shiny metal.
“Policemen won’t be too long to arrive. ‘Hid my face but they chased me down all the way from Flatneck Station.” He informed you, voice calmer and shoulders less tensed.
“What the Hell were you doing there?”
“Robbin’ a train.” He replied with a cocky grin, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“More like slaughterin’ a train, uh?”
“Smart mouth.” He retorted, amused by your remark. “Too many of ‘em bastards had irritated me.”
“And how much did you get exactly?”
“Seven hundred.” His smirk widened as he patted his satchel, which was probably full of stolen money.
“Damn, Arthur! All by yourself? You never cease to impress me.”
His eyes wrinkled in a genuine smile, a rare sight. He didn’t add anything, silence enveloping both of you, as often in his company. But you knew he had loved your praise. 
Arthur casually sat on one of the chairs behind you, legs open to be more comfortable, and took his guns out of his holster, as relaxed as if he had sat to draw in his journal.
He knew the Law had absolutely no proof against him, and that you were charming enough to lead them up the garden path as easily as if they were children. 
As he had planned, two terribly worn-out lawmen arrived, clothes soiled and face tired. It looked like they didn’t have the time to take a good bath contrary to your companion, probably interrogating the whole town before arriving here. One of them, the shorter of the two, climbed up the wooden stair treads and spoke.
“Sir, Missus. We’re searching for a dangerous criminal. He has been described by several witnesses as a tall man with broad shoulders, brown hair, blue eyes, and a black leathered hat…” His words slowed down and turned into a whisper at the end of his sentence, lost in the air, as his gaze landed on Arthur. His eyes narrowed realizing he matched the description perfectly.
“Oh, I’m really sorry, officer, we haven’t seen anyone like this…” You said with your most angelic smile, your body turning politely from the fence to face the policeman.
You were now standing right next to Arthur who didn’t look bothered at all. 
All the contrary, he had given a simple salute by nodding his head to the man, the tip of his hat shaking nonchalantly in his direction, and had begun cleaning his guns, blood visible like porcelain dipped in a vibrant red paint.
The officer frowned, clearly not convinced.
“You, where were you-
“Him? He was with me all day officer."
He does not believe you. Yet. You took his arched eyebrow as a personal invitation to give him a good show:
"To tell you the truth, we’re on our honeymoon here, so we took the time to enjoy our day together…”
While speaking, you put a hand on Arthur’s shoulder, to emphasize your words, to look convincing. But you would have lied to yourself telling you weren’t appreciating this, fingers caressing his muscles through the thick jacket, traveling innocently to his neck where you brushed the base of his hair, just underneath his hat, pampering him as if he was a cat.
And Arthur? He had the biggest shit-eating grin you've ever seen on his face. He loved it, the pure audacity of it all, your teasing touch on the back of his head, his own hands busy with his guns, oil and piece of fabric wiping the fresh remnants from his killing spree of a few hours ago, in the most carefree way possible, all of it under the Law’s nose.
A rush of adrenaline spread through him, tingling and warming his body. He tried to fight his own blood from gathering more and more between his legs, but after all, looking all giddy would just make it all more convincing, right?
“But this man really looks like…” The policeman tried to object, before being cut by you once again.
“Officer, I assure you we was here all day…” You asserted, honeyed voice soft to the ears, eyes as innocent as a dove.
“Oh, except for this morning though, we was out. We tried this really special spot, you know? The one in the mountains, where you can bathe in these hot springs… We had a good time there, didn’t we, honey?” You fibbed with perfection, adding even more details to your tapestry of lies.
The hand you had on Arthur slowly pushed his head against your chest, his face ending up cheek against your cleavage. His devilish smirk almost cracked from widening, and the tip of his ears got all red and hot. You could feel it against your skin, both of you relishing in your juvenile, corny lovers play.
Inside, he felt like he was on top of the World right now.
“Yes baby, ‘t was definitely a good time…” Arthur agreed, playful eyes adverting from his revolvers to look at yours from down there, his slightly crooked teeth visible through his gigantic grin.
“A-arlight, I erm…” The lawman coughed, visibly uncomfortable because of your behavior and finally convinced by your pretty little speech. “I’ll leave you to… To "it" then. Good evening Sir, Ma’am.”
He walked back to his colleague who had smoked a cigarette while waiting for him. Arthur and you kept on playing your naive role until both of them were far enough, the last echo of their conversation sounding exceedingly comical into your ears:
“Shit, we lost this asshole…”
 “Told you this couldn’t be him. Who would be stupid enough to strut around right next to the sheriff’s office?”
Yeah, who would be, uh?
You giggled a bit, eyes still locked on the stupid man in question. He hadn’t stopped smiling the whole time, a low chuckle shaking his chest, joining yours.
“This was a close one. You’re getting more and more reckless…” You warned him gently, hand still wrapped around his head.
“But you, on the other hand, are a brilliant actor, darlin’.” He added, his deep voice showing a hint of amusement and mischief. “And you're getting bolder too. A honeymoon, really?”
“The damn bastard wouldn't let it go…” You shrugged with an innocent smile.
It looks like he was comfortable like this because he wasn’t making any effort to pull away from your soft flesh. All the contrary, a sneaky arm curled up around your waist, pushing you onto his lap, his guns and the piece of fabric ending up on top of your thighs.
“Ya know, alibis are fun an’ all but… Maybe we could have a good time for real, sometimes.” He whispered in your ear, big hands handling you gently, one resting on your legs, the other holding your back.
“Yeah? You tired of lying, Arthur?”
“Am tired of doin’ nothin’ while havin’ the most gorgeous woman in town pretendin’ to be my wife…” His thumb slowly strokes your thighs while answering in a low, passionate tone.
This wasn’t just pretty lies anymore. His voice wasn’t joking, it was filled with desire; his hands warm and demanding on your body.
“Mmh… I see… Maybe we could actually book a room here for the night then…” You answered in the same quiet register, betraying your own needs.
One of your hands grabbed his guns, the other the blackened piece of fabric damped with oil, and you finished cleaning up his revolvers for him, fingers delicate and attentive.
His eyes are locked on your hands and their movement, completely hypnotized by them, his ears turning entirely red, this sanguine color spreading less and less subtly on his face and chest too.
You can't help but notice the hardness growing between his legs, pressing under your body. 
And he can't wait for the moment when this won’t be the barrel of his gun you'd be holding and caressing between your hands…
“Sounds pretty good to me, “Missus Morgan”.”
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rustingcat · 1 year
The moment Kara heard Sam was coming to town she knew there would be trouble.
Not that she had anything against the woman, quite the opposite, she absolutely adored Sam. But her visits tend to be a bit… chaotic.
It started not long after Ruby turned old enough to babysit Esme by herself. Sam would fly to National city for a weekend, leaving Ruby at the Danvers-Olsen house for a paid sleepover with Esme, and dragged the superfriends to the nearest Bar to get them all shitfaced drunk.
Kara would not easily forget waking up on the roof of a ferris wheel once, wearing a clown outfit and hugging a pogo stick. She did forget the events leading up to that point due to the large amount of alcohol she consumed the night before.
Kara briefly toyed with the idea to visit her parents on Argo for the duration of Sam's visit, or at the very least her first night. But she hasn't seen her in so long, and with Kara's very busy schedule she decided it's a good opportunity as any to take some time off and enjoy a night out with her friends. She just hoped there would be no stumbling drunkenly into any more theme parks.
That's why she was very surprised to learn that Sam's new adventurous plan was a simple game night at Kara’s apartment.
With alcohol, of course.
Kara kept her drinking at a minimum, just enough to get some nice buzz out of it, but a far cry from a complete black out. She wasn't the only one, most participants had seemingly decided to avoid a similar fate. Much to Sam's disappointment, Kara assumed, since she kept asking them to do shots.
After a few tame games of Settlers of Catan and a round of pictionary, Sam decided to spice things up a bit. They started with a game of 'would you rather' that slowly evolved into an open question format where everyone answered the same questions.
"Favourite… type of apple?" It was Nia's turn to ask, she spent almost 5 minutes struggling to find a question before settling on one.
"Really? That's the best you got?" Sam asked disappointed.
"I was panicking! That's the only thing I could think of!" Nia said defensively, her arms raising in the air in surrender. "Do you have anything better?"
"You know it," Sam said with a sly smile.
"Go ahead then."
"Alright," Sam clapped her hands, moving her gaze from one person to the next slowly before she continued. "Not including your actual partner, who would you marry out of the people in this room?"
"And I can't choose Nia?" Brainy asked, his hands deep in Nia's hair, drunkenly caressing her hair between his fingers. He may have gotten slightly drunker than most by trying to be nice and accepting most of Sam's shots.
"That would be against the rules." Sam smiled and twisted the wine glass in her hand.
"That's preposterous!" He exclaimed. Nia's head recoiled with a small groan of pain as Brainy accidentally hit her head. "There is no possibility in the multiverse I would pick anyone but her!" He announced, Nia remembered to move her head in time to avoid the second hit.
"You're no fun," Sam rolled her eyes. "Nia?" She smirked.
"Only Brainy, of course." She proclaimed loudly. Brainy rewarded her with a kiss on the forehead while she mouthed 'Kelly' under her breath.
Sam winked to her in return, while the rest tried to hide their chuckle.
"Kelly, you're next for no particular reason," Sam turned to her with a smile.
"Nia," Kelly replied with a matching smile. "For no particular reason."
"Alex?" Sam changed the topic before Brainy could interject.
"You know, I think we could've worked out," she weaved her hand towards Sam's direction.
"Yeah, we could've had some fun," Sam smirked back at her. "Alright, Kara, what about you?" She turned to face her.
"Lena," Kara answered without much thinking.
"Well, she is rich, it makes sense," Sam said under the rim of her glass.
"Rich wife is very convenient," Alex nodded in agreement.
"I'm not choosing her because of her money." The idea of reducing Lena to her finance, a walking wallet if you will, infuriated her. She was so much more than that. Kara put down her empty glass and stood up a bit faster than she intended.
"Then why her?" Sam challenged with a raised eyebrow.
Kara blinked in surprise, was it not obvious? "Because she is amazing! She's brilliant, smart, kind and… pretty," she added with a small blush creeping up her neck. "Also a great listener and problem solver, which is important in a relationship. And-"
"Yeah okay, we got it," Alex cut her off.
Kara gave her a mocking look in response, eyebrows squinted and tongue sticking out as she walked up to the kitchen to refill her glass.
"Lena, who is your pick?" Sam continued with the game.
"Kara, of course." The way she said it, as if there were no other options, filled Kara with warmth she was not expecting. She also wasn't sure why it made her smile so much, but it did. Then again they were best friends, it would be awkward if they were not to pick each other, right?
"Hey Kara, can you get me a beer?" Alex called out.
Kara studied her for a second. "No, you were being annoying."
"Wha- Kara!" Alex whined.
"Get one yourself," Kara shrugged, and poured herself a glass of white wine.
"Kara, can you give me a glass of red, please?" Lena asked. Her voice was so soft, it sent shivers down her spine.
"Of course," Kara quickly pulled another wine glass from the upper cupboard and placed it on her kitchen island.
"Hey, I asked you first," Alex shouted in retaliation, as she finished filling the second glass. "So you're getting Lena's drink and not mine?"
"Yes," Kara answered with a smile, walking back to the living room while maintaining eye contact with her sister, knowing it would annoy her more.
"Why?" Alex challenged, squinting her eyes while maintaining the eye contact.
"Wife privileges," Kara shrugged and took her place next to Lena, shifting a bit closer to her this time before she placed her glass on the table.
Kara almost forgot about the whole thing, until a week later when Lena brought it up. They were sitting in Lena's new office, talking about her new conjoined plan for both her foundation and the newly reformed L-Corp for a new source of green energy. A top secret plan, but Lena was talking about it with so much enthusiasm that Kara couldn't help herself, asking more and more questions, eager to learn more about it. Soon after, Kara found herself in the halls of the foundation's labs, Lena excitedly telling her about the project in detail.
"This sounds amazing, Lena! But I thought this was top secret, not that I'm complaining. I love seeing you this enthusiastic, but how come I get to hear about it?" Kara asked eventually.
Lena was quiet for a moment, before she answered "wife privileges," with a shrug, her cheeks slightly pink.
Kara brought it up next, when she forced Lena to leave the office at a reasonable time. Claiming 'wife privileges' as the reason Lena has to follow her home and relax for a bit.
Lena later used it as an excuse to steal a fry off of Kara’s plate, even though she insisted she only wanted a salad. When she met Kara raised brow she simply shrugged and claimed “wife privileges.”
It quickly became an inside joke for them, a reason for them to do a nice thing for each other or an excuse to get away with stuff; like buying lunch, stealing clothes or bringing surprise pastries. Things they were already doing anyway, they just had a better excuse to do it more often.
"Hey, it's been a month since that game night," Kara said, raising her very fancy wine glass to her lips. Lena invited her to a fancy Italian place that opened recently. It was right after Kara mentioned a craving for pasta the day before.
"Are you suggesting it's our anniversary?" Lena smirked, leaning back on her chair. She didn't need to be specific, she knew Lena knew what she was talking about.
"Happy anniversary." Kara raised her wine glass and smiled. She loved how quick Lena could understand her.
"Happy anniversary." Lena raised her own glass to toss it with hers, smiling her wide smile with the dimples that made Kara all warm inside. She was so captivated by the smile that it took Kara a few moments to realise the waiter was standing right beside them.
The meal was, of course, amazing, not only because of the quality Italian cuisine, but her fantastic company. Kara always felt most like herself when she was with Lena, she wasn't sure why but she made her feel at peace.
They finished their meal, still deep in conversation, sipping the remaining of their wine when the waiter appeared. Presenting them with a complementary tiramisu with a candle and two spoons, wishing them a happy anniversary.
Kara was about to correct him when Lena thanked him with a nod and gestured for Kara to dig in. She couldn't help the goofy smile that spread on her face. Out of all the inside jokes so far, she had the feeling that that was their best one yet.
Read the rest in AO3
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Was just thinking about Ruby in V9 (my most beloved girl) and how she’s So deep in her depression. But in specifics regarding the bees. When they have their flirt disarming moment and Weiss is like about time and Ruby is like for what?
In contrast to how Ruby reacted at the end of V6 when Yang and Blake told her about the Adam fight and how Ruby said she was glad Yang was there for her (or the reverse it’s been a hot minute) and how she smiled at Yang after she and Blake touched hands.
If Ruby had been in a better headspace I know she’d be so happy for her sister and one of her best friends. That contrast just came into my mind and it’s such a departure to how Ruby truly feels even with her pain that seeing it consume her…
Volume 9 was filler ppl are crazy that was a full meal even with the unfortunate episode cuts. I miss the girls so much I hope we get more news before the end for the year
V9 was just SO good, because that very much is how depression and stress can manifest. She should be so happy. She probably really wanted to be happy! But how could she be when Penny is gone, they only got a partial message out, Atlas and Mantel are gone, and now they're stuck in a fairy tale! She can't even do anything for Weiss who's also clearly going through it and the Jaune she knew was gone, and she's the leader and needs and answer, right?
Anyone who says that V9 was filler doesn't even know what filler is, let alone that episodes that don't advance the over all plot often add so much to the characters. I don't understand watching a show and not wanting to be able to take the time, slow down, and giving you reasons to care about the characters you're watching. Most people aren't gonna watch a show that's been going on for 10 years if they only exist to further the big plot and have no personality outside basic tropes. I know they have a shoe string budget, but I wish more shows could have "filler". If V9 is filler I really miss shows having it.
Here's hoping we can get some kind of news before the end of the year!
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look-at-the-soul · 8 months
Because of you
Modern Tommy Shelby x reader
🎉 @runnning-outof-time I write this little fluffy piece for your celebration! Hope you like this! Congratulations on 4K followers, and also thank you for your kindness, your constant content -which I’m trying to catch up on-, and your little sweet and cheerful messages K! 💖 I’m particularly grateful for your presence in this fandom (the very first blog I remember following and following me back!)
Last but not least, thank you @justrainandcoffee for the absolutely beautiful moodboard!!!!!!! ♥️✨ It’s everything I imagined and even more ✨
A/N: Keep reading until the end, you’ll find a recipe in case this story makes you go hungry 🤭 because in this blog we share photos and recipes, whatever you want 😉 I couldn’t help it but add the grandma element in this one (Grandma’s series) and a little baby fever 👀 @forbidden-forest-witch
Word count: 2,308
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“Alright Polly, I’ll deal with the contracts tomorrow morning.”
“Thanks, Ada should be sending you the papers.”
“Enjoy the rest of your holiday already, bye.” He added but didn’t hang up. He heard her laughing at the other end of the line. “For good, have some fucking rest.”
She was just like him, refused to take days off, now she was finally about to embark into a cruise around the Mediterranean.
“Are you home yet?” She asked.
“Yeah, just want to take a bath and go to sleep.” But that was so unlikely since both his children were home for the weekend.
“Give Y/N and the kids a kiss from me.” Polly requested and finally hung up.
Getting a phone call from an known number, Tommy decided he was done for the day, so pressing the red button, he walked into his apartment and immediately the voices coming from the kitchen caught his attention.
Genuine, loud laughs filled the hall and he recognized the unmistakable song in the background.
“I want the pink M&M’s!” Shouted Ruby.
“Why do you like everything that’s pink?” Charlie questioned as Tommy left his keys and wallet by the table.
“Because…” his daughter’s voice mumbled something he didn’t understand. “Y/N can you spin me around again, pleeeease?”
Tommy was about to interrupt the scene going on the kitchen, but he stopped midway as Y/N turned around and leaned forward, Ruby wrapped her arms and legs from behind while Y/N held her feet and slowly twirled around. Making his daughter giggle uncontrollably, her hair flowing.
“Okay now go back to your chair because you’re making the baby twirl inside too.” Y/N joked.
“I don’t know how you do it, when I was pregnant all I could was throw up. You need to take it easy.” Her mother asked in a worried tone.
“Mom I’m fine, besides the baby really wants a slice.” Then, looking at Charlie, she gasped. “Oh Charlie we don’t lick the spatula,” she told him in a calm tone, but it was too late he was done decorating his slice and now half his face was covered in chocolate, “well, what’s a few germs between friends huh?”
As the kids started giggling, she noticed Tommy standing by the door.
She was wearing a black tight dress that looked like a second skin on her, wrapping every curve perfectly and also showing his favorite new feature; the baby bump fully on display. Her hair free, wild long waves covered her back. A few bracelets hanging from her wrist, the Cartier watch he gave her for their first anniversary and her signature smile that took his breath away.
“I didn’t hear you,” wiping her hands with a cloth, she approached her husband. “Missed you.”
His hands wrapped around her back immediately as their lips connected. She tasted like cheesecake and strawberries.
“I missed you too.” He whispered and crunching down, he planted a kiss on her swollen belly. “How’s my little one, eh?”
“Starving and wriggling around.” Y/N answered as Tommy went for another kiss, this time on her lips.
“Eww, dad.” Charlie complained. Embarrassed by their affection.
Ignoring his son’s complain, he went to kiss Ruby on the cheek and then kissed Charlie as well, ruffling his blonde hair in the process.
“Hello Lisa, how are you doing?”
“Trying to make Y/N sit, but she won’t listen to me.” His mother in law welcomed him with a hug.
“Yeah, I deal with that on a daily basis.” He winked at her playfully.
“Hello? I’m standing right here!” Y/N waved at them.
“Oh!” Tommy made an innocent face. “Right, well I didn’t say anything.”
Ruby laughed. “Look Dad! Y/N had some crampings and we made a cheesecake!”
“I think she means cravings right?” He asked Y/N in a low voice, making his wife smile. “We? Are you sure you baked that?”
“Weeeeell Y/N and grandma baked it, but we decorated it!” She defended.
“And we made all slices with different topings.” Added Charlie.
Tommy’s heart melted as he heard his daughter call Y/N’s mother grandma, she and Polly were the closest his kids had.
He had lost his mother a long time ago, but once Y/N stepped into his life everything changed. Lonely nights were filled with love, long and deep talks. Actually, thanks to her, Tommy started to spend quality time with his children; Charlie and Ruby, driving them or picking them up from school, arranging plans on the weekends, even taking them both on holidays.
And Lisa welcomed not only him into her family lovingly, but both his kids as if they were her biological grandchildren.
“So which one is for me?” He asked after clearing his throat, he tried to hide his emotions, but Y/N could read him like an open book and a moment later he felt her hand on his back and her head on his shoulder. “These all look great.”
He spied on the slices with several options.
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“Y/N said chocolate marble is your favorite.” Ruby gave him a serious stare.
“That’s about right.” He nodded profusely in her direction, then looking at his mother in law, he asked her; “I hope they didn’t give you loads of work.”
“None of that, they’re amazing kids.” Lisa beamed.
A groan came from the fridge, Tommy went immediately after Y/N worried.
“What is it?”
“We were going to put the pizza in the oven, but I can’t stand the smell.” She made a face.
Tommy decided to check the food, it had been in the freezer but it might be bad.
“This doesn’t smell, Y/N.”
“I just don’t want pizza anymore.” She pouted.
And in that very same moment, Tommy understood this was one of those mood swings caused by the pregnancy. A careful smile spread on his lips as his hands caressed her bump gently.
“Okay, so what do you want for dinner instead?”
By the corner of his eye, he saw his mother in law trying to suppress a giggle, luckily the children were busy with the cheesecake.
“We want tacos.” Y/N batted her eyelashes as she ran one of her hands over her stomach.
“Alright everybody,” he clapped his hands and looked at Charlie and Ruby, “go wash your hands then you’re going to help me prepare some tacos.”
“Delish.” Ruby shouted and went into the bathroom.
“You’re staying with us right?” He asked Y/N’s mother.
She nodded and felt grateful when Tommy convinced her daughter to go and relax into the living room while they worked on the food.
“Last week she woke me up in the middle of the night because she wanted fried mozzarella sticks with mayonnaise.”
Y/N’s mother laughed as the kids joined them again.
“This is insane, I don’t know how you keep up with all of that.”
“I was worried about her health and the baby of course, but the doctor mentioned everything is perfect, baby is healthy… perhaps it’s the fact that she’s still doing exercise.”
“When I was pregnant I was sick all the time. She didn’t like anything of food I got.”
Tommy seemed to think about it as he started seasoning the beef.
“Actually Y/N felt like that for a few days after we found out, but then she started to eat pretty much everything, everywhere.” He chuckled. “Thankfully it’s been an easy pregnancy so far.”
He had actually been able to live this pregnancy to the fullest, joining Y/N for the doctor’s appointments, cravings, hormonal days, everything, something he didn’t have the chance to do with Charlie and Ruby.
He was enjoying every little change in Y/N’s body, the first time he felt a little kick, he cried actually, touched by the thought of his baby growing inside the woman he loved. They actually wanted to keep the gender a surprise until the baby arrives, it had been a challenge at times, but it was fun.
“Dad where’s the onion?” Ruby showed him the open fridge.
“Oh no, no… can we not add onions please?” Y/N joined them with a wrinkled nose.
“Two days ago you ate a full portion of fried onions, love.”
“This baby,” she pointed at her belly, “wanted onions, not me.”
“Isn’t it the same?” Charlie asked confused.
But Tommy knew better. “No onions then, I’ll start the grill with something else.” He added wanting to please her in every little detail.
As the kids helped Y/N’s mother to wash the avocados, Tommy got rid of his suit jacket.
Y/N stared at his back, wide with broad, toned shoulders covered by a perfectly fitted shirt. She loved to see him wearing daily a three piece suit in a world full of oversized t-shirts and pants.
But when he started rolling the sleeves of his shirt up, she lost it completely.
The sight of him was mouthwatering.
And as Tommy turned around, he caught her staring at her, the fire in her eyes could turn him on in a second.
“Behave, Y/N.” He whispered, disguising his words with a kiss on her hair. “Perhaps we’ll need a babysitter over the weekend?”
He chuckled at the way she nodded eagerly.
“My, my… what would your brothers say if they saw you wearing an apron and cooking?” Y/N’s mother joked, making everyone laugh by her sincerity.
“This is a secret we’ll have to keep, alright.” Tommy winked before checking the steak, he then asked Ruby to -carefully- and under his supervision to add cheese to the tortillas. “Chef Shelby only cooks for very very special people.” He added throwing a kiss to the air.
As Charlie brought the plates over the counter, he started slicing the meat and the explosion of flavors in the kitchen started to smell incredibly good.
Y/N’s mother was in charge of the different sauces, it was a usual now in their fridge as Y/N craved tortilla chips with sauce most of the time.
“Wow… this is Instagram worth it.” Y/N admitted taking a looking over Charlie’s shoulder. As the kid grinned at her, he made sure to serve a tortilla in each plate, to then hand it to his father so he could add the carne asada.
“What a beautiful family.” Y/N’s mother admitted, touched by the way Ruby was caressing Y/N’s stomach, Charlie helping with her food and Tommy looking after all of them.
Leaving the spoon, Tommy wrapped an arm around his loved ones while extending his free hand towards his mother in law.
“What are you doing there? You’re part of this too.”
After they were all released from the tightest hug, it was time to finally enjoy some tacos.
“Now shoo,” Tommy ushered Y/N out of the kitchen to arrange the food.
Gathering a tray, he placed the bowl with the guacamole and around all the tacos he just prepared. Leaving a small space for the sauces.
“Oh my God! This is so good!” Y/N admitted loudly after her first taco bite.
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“Dad why does Y/N can eat before all of us?” Ruby asked innocently, confused because she was always told to wait until everyone were ready.
Tommy chuckled while Y/N apologized for not waiting the rest of the family.
“We don’t want to upset the baby, Rube. Right mama?”
Y/N nodded, her mouth was watering at the sight of the rest of the food. “That taco was for the baby, the next one is for me.”
After the kids took their place, Y/N’s mother offered a hand to each kid, seated each by her side. “Now what are we grateful for?”
“For this moment.” Tommy took the lead, feeling ever so grateful to have his loved ones in that room.
“For the cheesecake we’ll eat after dinner.” Charlie grinned.
“For this baby, and for each one of you.” Y/N’s words were followed by a smile.
“For my grand son or daughter!” Her mother joined the joy.
“For my little sister or brother.” Ruby added lastly.
“Now…” Tommy interrupted their hands mind-air as they were all after the delicious food on the table. “There’s something else I’m thankful for, tomorrow morning, we’ve to get up early because,” he was then interrupting by a chorus of groans and a pout from Y/N, “nevertheless… we’re going to visit a couple of houses to move in as soon as possible.”
“What?” Y/N was in shock.
“Love, this baby is coming very soon, we’ll need a bigger place than this apartment, I was thinking of a room for each,” he looked over at both children, “a nursery for the baby and of course a guest bedroom so you don’t have to share Ruby’s bed anymore.” He added looking at his mother in law.
“Oh Tommy!” Y/N’s eyes swelled with gratitude.
“I’ve narrowed the search to five properties so you’ll get to make the final decision.” He explained then.
“A house! Tommy a house!” Y/N couldn’t believe what she just heard.
“With a garden.” He encouraged.
“Can we have a pool?” Charlie asked.
“I want a doll house!”
“Whatever you want.” Tommy added, winking in Y/N’s direction. “Can we eat now?”
As the kids stormed to get their tacos, Y/N took his hand. A growing smile on her lips.
“You never said anything.” Her eyes sparkled.
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“I’m so happy because of you.” Her sincerity wasn’t just in her words, but in her eyes as well.
And deep down, Tommy couldn’t believe that thanks to her, he was able to find stability, loyalty, freedom, love, a family, someone who helped him every day to be a better person.
I hope you enjoyed this little story! 🥰 remember, your feedback (in all ways) is always welcome and highly appreciated! ✨ xx
Tacos recipe
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erinwantstowrite · 20 days
i feel like if you released a 24 hour + video of you talking about your plans for your original book i would sit and watch all of that with no breaks. so: would you be willing to share at least the bare bones of the plot you have now? or even some tropes that would be in it? or maybe random questions like how many main characters? how many povs? if it's sci-fi or fantasy? just stuff like that!
ahhhh!! i'd love to talk about them because they're constantly rotating in my brain!! i hope this doesn't get too long but we all know me, i can never stop yapping 😭
(okay this is present erin editing before posting and yeah this got long guess who called it. anyways there's art and stuff under the cut as well)
(Marked this as mature with violence only because there is an image below where I drew injuries/cuts on a character)
This book has been a thousand different books in all kinds of settings, plots, lessons, etc, and that's because I've had these characters since I was in middle school. At first I was so obsessed with them that I'd write and draw them all the time, to the point that my teachers were concerned I wasn't paying attention. I was seriously into magic and fantasy at the time because Harry Potter books were still the epitome of writing to my middle school brain. Ruby was a wizard with a bird theme that lived in the countryside and one day found out that her town was "alive" in a sense... But after I lost that sketchbook with all of the details (devastated to this day), and started venturing into other books series and shows, etc, I sort of forgot about the og story or what it was like. What remained was a love for the characters I had made over anything else about them, so I'd end up writing stories with a different theme each time, but the ocs being the same, just with their backgrounds shifted. (Around the time I was obsessed with VLD, Ruby was in a sci-fi plot set on a planet in another solar system.)
One of the most recent iterations was Ruby and the other characters essentially struggling to understand death, life, and everything in between. The story is called "Behind the Blue Glass" and I still really like that title lol. All of them had died on the same day, at the same time, just in various different ways, and then all of them came back to life in the same manner. They all developed different powers from the experience: Liam could float/manipulate gravity), August's body was essentially a phantom that could go through objects and disappear, Vin could possess people, Jean had an empathy link with the dead and could talk to and see them clearly, and Maya could figure out someone's cause of death/also tell when people were about to die. As for Ruby, she's the only one who can move freely between the land of the living and the land of the dead. It's different from Jean seeing the dead, as she's still in the land of the living.
The plot of that story was Ruby having dreams/visions of these other people she had never met before and knowing she needed to find them and set "something" right, but she didn't know what. She sets out to find them anyways, and they each join her on her quest to find everyone simply because they never got an answer to how they came back from the dead and find it weird that they all died on the same day and time. They solve deaths of ghosts they come across, meet people who are still grieving lost ones, have to lay some of the ghosts down to rest- all while figuring out why these shady people have started following them and trying to stop them from figuring out what happened to them. I even made some first draft titles (definitely, 10000% inspired by PJO because I was reading it at the time):
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to top it all off, it's set in the 2010's I believe? Around that time. Just because I think more books should write about the time era
I have some (recentish) art of the characters:
first image: (Liam on the right, August on the left)
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this is what Ruby looked like when I was first designing them for the story:
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They're meant to look dead-ish but this art was SO long ago when I wasn't confident in my art so Ruby just looks like a wet rat or smth idk what is going on here
And here's Vin!! I don't hate this drawing of him that much, surprisingly, but this was also drawn a while ago
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and this was some art i was planning at the time:
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i think that's all of the art that i have for this story (at least on this computer. My old laptop might have more but it's been laid to rest)
to be honest, i'm still thinking about writing this story, but Ruby's name would be changed because at this point, this iteration of her character is VERY different from present day. She's two different characters at this point 💀 that's how you know I've had her for SO long because she looks so different from her original drawings.
The latest version of Ruby ended up in a story with completely different characters in the cast and a completely different setting (even if some of the characters were inspired by their og versions). It's called "The Clocktower's Chime"
It's very much inspired by those reincarnation manhwas. I like those stories but they all have the same plot over and over, and while I was more interested in the versions where the character is sent back in time to live their life again but with all the knowledge they had in the future, I always struggled with the aspect that the characters' mental age is far older than they are. It makes the dynamics a little weird, but they can be excused unless it's a romantic dynamic, I would think? I dunno, it was hard to get into the plots mostly because of that.
So I used Ruby as a placeholder OC and came up with a story where upon their death in the future, someone casts a spell or a god sends them back, and instead of having a mental older age, they get a journal with all of the details of their future. Ruby woke up one day and found a journal written by herself that detailed everything about her future up to the point of her death. It was more like a book, however, rather than a journal. It just looked like a journal because it was in her handwriting.
So Ruby gets this book, doesn't believe it at all, until she notices that there are way too many "coincidences" lining up with the events of the book. She starts believing it could be true, and then decides it must be when she finds out that a prominent family in the country she lives in is going to visit her hometown. In the book, they were there because they learned that Ruby was their daughter that had been kidnapped as a baby and believed dead. However, in the book, Ruby had spent her entire life living as a weapon instead of a daughter, and she died by their hands when she refused to kill a woman that is prophesized to end a war that would devastate both countries.
Ruby is, like, 12 at that point. So her kid brain is like "obviously I run away and go to school in a different country and tell everyone I have a different name and there's no way this could go wrong." Except before she can even do that, she runs into Julias Parlia, a Duke's son from the country that is supposed to be her enemy in the future. Ruby is like "shit this is THE worst adult to run into and I haven't even gotten to the running away part of my plan" and Julias ends up being the reason she doesn't even get to the train station. He's fucking hilarious by the way. He's got a well adjusted family with two loving parents and a bunch of little siblings and he basically picks Ruby up by the scruff of her neck and is like "I want this one she's insane."
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This is Julias (kneeling on the ground to talk to Ruby) and Emelie (Julias' knight and childhood friend, she's so silly)
and this is the part where I share art from many months ago... when I posted my most recent art and said Ruby keeps getting buffer every time I draw her, I meant it 💀
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Ruby and her love interest, Cecelia
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This is Vekenti, a character that was also supposed to be a "villain" in the original timeline. Ruby goes looking for him to prevent his death as well, and Julias obviously is like "Omg another weird kid, how delightful!" Everyone thinks Vikenti and Ruby are related, but they are not. They're just raised as siblings in both timelines and have a lot of the same mannerisms
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Julias' love interest (unnamed? I can't find her name anywhere) and him
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REALLLY old drawings of what they looked like in the OG timeline (I desperately need to redesign these because I could do better now)
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Julias and Ruby again
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and that's all the art I have for this one (besides the other post of Ruby I posted today, this is the story that that version of Ruby belongs in. She's looks very different now!).
All of this has been in the back of my mind for a while, and I've been trying to figure out which story I would want to write first. Middle school Erin would love for me to finally write Behind the Blue Glass, but sometimes I find myself wanting to write a fantasy story like Clocktower's Chime a lot more
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itsmeyaspider · 2 months
Catched in a dragon's cave~
Yandere Aegon II x female thiev reader
Triggers: kidnapping?, unhealthy relation, power abuse, yandere
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𝑆𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠ℎ
Several cold drops of water land on the far too bare, stony ground. Unfortunately, these are the only sounds to be heard in this deserted cellar. From time to time you could hear the jingling of the guards running back and forth to fulfill their duty as guards. If you were lucky, a servant would even come to you to bring you water and some bread with broth. The food was stale and not really edible, but you got used to it. After all, was it your own stupid fault that you ended up here, locked up in chains for several days...weeks or months? You can't remember the last time you felt the warm rays of the sun in your face. It was a miracle that you haven't lost your head and were alive. All the dangerous things the people say about the king and the prince and still nothing happens to you. Maybe it was because neither of them had ever visited you, after all they have a war to win and surely they are more important matters to discuss than punishing a thiev.
With a small sigh, you stretch as best as you can, your body starts to crack. Is this the end? Is the king going to leave you here to rot? Or is this for his amusement? If only you hadn't been such a fool and been caught stealing by one of the kings guards. You were just about to steal a beautiful golden necklace encrusted with many red rubies when you suddenly felt a strong grip on your arm. At the moment you knew you had no chance. You tried to defend yourself against the guard with punches and kicks, but this was more useless than a cat trying to fight a lion. Even your dagger, which you had since your childhood, didn't do much good. With a string blow, the guard brought you to the ground and your dagger as well. The last thing you could remember was that you woke up in that damn cell.
More nights pass and you feel more and more lonelier. You try to coax a few words out of the guards and servants, but this fails miserable. You are only greeted with total silence. But one day a guard spokes up but the only thing he said was "Silence, scum". And so you had given up your last hope that anyone would ever talk to you.
A few more days passed as you suddenly hear several footsteps. They didn't sound as heavy as those from the guards, but also not so light and quick as those of the servants either. You could also hear a moody, annoyed voice thar gets louder and louder. "I want to see the thief"
"My king, I don't think this is a good idea. A king should not associate with a thiev-" the man's voice is drowned out by the previous one. "Do you doubt my abilities?" The voice you could now interpret as Aegeon Targaryen, is getting angrier and angrier. A part of you couldn't believe that you would get to see the king, but you are also afraid. Inwardly, you know how moody he could be and how quick he is to anger. "No my king. I would never assume such a thing"
And so the footsteps become louder, as you suddenly see two people in front of you. One looks like and ordinary servant. He wears a white blouse and simple brown trousers. His hair is dry and very disheveled. The person standing next to him is Aegon himself. He wears his black robe, on which the huge sigil of the three headed dragon is depicted. He also wears his crown who is made of pure silver, with red stones inside. His light blonde hair is clearly visible even in the dark. No wonder people consider the Targaryens to be gods.
"My, my what a beautiful lady do we have here?"~ says the king with a slightly, amused smirk on his face as he begins to examine the woman in the cell. "Whats your name thiev?" He notices the beautiful (h/c) hair, and the piercing (e/c) eyes that look at him in disbelief. Aegons violet eyes stopped at her figure. "Have you lost you tongue or have I blinded you so much that you are no longer able to answer my simply question?" The arrogance in his voice is unmistakable, and you could see in his eyes that he somehow enjoyed this.
In fact, for a brief moment you have forgotten how to speak, you assumed that no one would come to visit you anymore, especially not the king himself. You also have an uncomfortable feeling the way he looks at you. Something feels dangerous. "My name is (Y/n), Mylord" you say in a nervous voice, you trembling is unmistakable. This makes the king even happier as he abruptly snaps with his finger. Immediately, a guard comes running over. "Mylord." He says while bowing. "Get her out of this miserable cell, make sure she is bathed and gets fresh clothes. Bring her to me afterwards." You can't believe what the Targaryen just said Not only you were suprised, but also the other two men next to him. "Mylord, this is-"
"Do I have to repeat myself? Is everyone out of their minds today?" The guard immediately regrets his objection as he bows again and looks at the cellar floor. "Excuse me, Mylord. I will call the servants" The king rolls his eyes in annoyance as he looks at you again, unable to hide his evil grin. "I'll see you later. And don't disappoint me" he says calmly, making his way back into the castle. Your whole body starts to shake again, this is definitely not what you ever expected. The gurad gives you a nasty look as he and the servant follow the king.
After a few minutes, two young servants come. One of them wears a green dress and the other one a blue one. Both looked really beautiful for their young age, and you could already tell that they going to be even more beautifully. Behind them came another guard who finally openes your cell and frees you from the heavy chains. Finally, after a long time, you had the feeling that you are somehow free. Of course, in a limited area, but at least it is better than be caged. The servants lead you into the castle, which is surrounded by only greatness. The corridors were long and everywhere are objects decorated with gold or silver. Carpets made of the purest silk lay on the floor and paintings of the former Targaryens hung majestic on the wall. Something inside you would have loved to steal some things, these objects were of great value and you would definitely get rich with them. But you knew that it would be a very stupid idea to steal here in the middle of the dragon's cave where you are constantly watched by guards who follow you step by step.
With a loud sigh, you follow the two as inconspicuously as possible, but you knew that everyone who passes you would look at you with suspicion and disgust. In the end you couldn't blame them, you would be the same. You probably smell like shit and you not looking really trustable right now. One of the servants suddenly stops in front of a massive wooden door that is also decorated with gold. Is there anything here that isn't covered in unnecessary wealth? You think to yourself, as you now enter a large room. There is a tub with already warm water inside, and also a large closet with many beautiful dresses in it. You also notices a mirror that is also so big as the closet. You are startled when you feel that one of the servants, start to take off your dirty clothes. "Sorry, but it would be the best if we hurry. The king is not the most patient." She says in a gentle, almost motherly voice. She is so young and yet already grown up.
You just nod, noticing now that you are already completely naked. You feel a cool breeze on your sensitive (s/c) skin, as you feel a hand on yours. The servant is slowly leading you to the tub, you carefully step inside and immediately let yourself fall in the warm water. You start to close your eyes and enjoy the moment. It's been ages since you had your last bath and this one feels much better than the others. You also notice two gentle hands that start to clean your back and then you (h/c) hair. The other servant took various dresses out of the closet, she looks at them for a while as she finally decides one, a dark green dress with gold hem. After a while towels are brought to you, which you gladly accepted. You slowly stood up as you took one of them, the scent of rose petals lays in the air as you carefully wrap yourself in the towel and get out of the tub.
A few more minutes passed as you finally dried off, your (h/c) hair is braided and the dress matches perfectly your gorgeous body. The two servants seemed very pleased about their work and you immediately took the joy with you. In fact, you no longer feel like a thief but more like a noble woman. Your childhood you would have jumped into the air and screamed so loud in happiness that everyone in the castle would hear it. A small smile crosses your lips as a guard picks you up, the walk is really quit and the guard didn't say a word. This is only a relief for you, as you didn't really want to hear his insults. When you finally arrived in the throne room, Aegon is sitting on the iron throne, which is adorned with thousands of swords. In his hand he is playing with a dagger. On close inspection, it was your dagger. A big grin appears on his face as he orders the other people to quickly leave the room.
As everyone finally disappears, he speaks up. "Well look at you. You even more beautiful than before." You didn't know how to react to the sudden compliment and so you politely bow. This makes his ego even prouder, as he speaks up again. "Tell me, do you know what the punishment for thieves is?" He asks in an unusual, happy tone. He stands up as he slowly walks down the stairs, as he throws your dagger away, again you feel fear through your body. "Y-Yes Mylord" you stutter out as your body screams to run. Run for your life and run so fast your legs could carry you. But nothing happens, instead you stand there like small mouse and watch the Targaryen who keeps coming closer to you. "You know, I could just have your hands cut off, that would be the right punishment for someone like you, but that would be boring..." He comes to you again, your heart beats faster and faster as you body starts to shake. "And besides it would be such a shame for such a beauty like you..."
He suddenly grabs your chin roughly, forcing you to look into his violet eyes, which sparks with malice. "You are lucky that I am such a nice king, and that's why I decided that you will be my personal courtesan. Not everyone has the chance to be given such a task..." His grin grew even wider as he could practically smell your fear. You would have loved to hit him right now and then run away from him but you didn't have the strength or courage to do so. Tears are Boe forming in your eyes as you feel yourself collapsing. Aegon doesn't seem to pay any attention to this as she starts to play with one of your strands of hair. "You belong to me now (Y/N), whether you want it or not. After all, someone like you has no oher choice, unless you prefer torture." His voice sounds pleased again, and when he notices that you are not going to answer him, he knows what you have decided. "Come on, I had a fucking long day and I want to have some fun"
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tododeku-or-bust · 6 months
Hi there! I thought your post about fandom antiblackness was really insightful! However, it also left me with a question I was hoping you might be able to answer. Number 45 under the general experiences section mentions characters being made Black but "acting and talking like white people" (paraphrased). This definitely seems like it'd be frustrating, but I was wondering if you had any recommendations for creating/writing Black characters that feel Black as a non-Black person while avoiding stereotyping or making a caricature unintentionally.
Well first, shameless self plug: you could always follow @creatingblackcharacters to learn different ways via fun and thorough lessons to create your Black characters with intention-that is, thinking about how to create Black characters rather than characters that happen to be "Black"! 👍🏾🤯🎉😁
Plug aside, I mean.... Black people are people. So write us as people. We're not some different species that are not understandable or that need to be translated into another language lol. We have feelings and go through shit too- we can be anywhere y'all can be lol.
But if your major concern is writing Black people that aren't caricatures, one important thing is to read and watch stories created by Black people, starring Black people! If you're in fandom and you wanna write that Black character in more depth, read Black fic writers' works on that Black character! Follow Black bloggers and creators! By knowing how WE write us, you can learn how to appropriately write us!
Also, to really get into the depth of the concepts of stereotypes and antiblack racist caricatures, do some self guided reading into what exist historically. There are plenty of books and i'm sure YouTube videos that would go into the details. White Tears, Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad is an excellent one that i think breaks down EVERYBODY'S stereotypes and how they're enforced in media (and in society). You kind of just have to be willing to get uncomfortable, because you'll probably end up checking your own biases at some point during them. That's where you realize you're doing the learning!
Hope this helps 👍🏾
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flavorcountry · 1 year
I'm about to ask a question that I know none of you individually can answer entirely, it's more like I'm hoping the knowledge can be condensed out of the ether by everyone collectively: why can't I just go to startrek.com and buy a Starfleet uniform? Isn't this the one piece of clothing most Trek fans want to have? Why have we been essentially left to our own devices on this for decades?
There used to be a company called Rubie's that made pretty reasonable costume uniforms from TNG and DS9/VOY but they went out of business or stopped making them or something; I haven't seen one in geological eons
Anovos made insanely great-looking product but it cost a million dollars and shipped 🤷‍♂️???when???🤷‍♂️ Anyway they're out of business too
Sure, you can go to Amazon and find a reasonable-looking costume uniform for cheap from a place with a weird name you've never heard of in your life, but ……… odds are near 100% it comes from some kind of appalling exploitation factory of some sort, right? The irony of buying a Starfleet uniform made by slave labor, no thank you
Something like 10-15 years ago ThinkGeek sold a line of two-piece PJs that were surprisingly excellent versions of a TNG s03+ uniform, like someone over there was PAYING ATTENTION and doing really solid work
Anyway ThinkGeek is also out of business
But like: how the fuck? Is this not a solved problem? For the Star Trek Industrial Complex? I get that supply chains are complicated and all that, but if you can pump out kinda janky one-off merch for Star Trek Day, how hard is it to source a manufacturer for a Starfleet uniform replica that looks decent and doesn't cost a literal thousand dollars?
That's what I want: to be able to just get a uniform that looks okay (I don't need 100% SCREEN ACCURATE PERFECTION TO THE MICRODETAIL) and won't cost a down payment; is that not ……….. possible? Is there something about vending Starfleet uniforms that's economically impractical or somehow legally infeasible or something else that we just aren't aware of??* Who do I talk to about this???
* Like: did they do the math and discover that the majority of Trek fans inexplicably want those Santa suits from the Wrath of Khan era which are probably impossible to manufacture at scale for a decent price and just went fuck this
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lover-lyn · 4 months
i wanna request sum lemme be ur first request OKAY HERE ME
This took so long and FOR WHAT, not very proud of this tbh, first time writing a one-shot so, hope you like it :)
Fem reader implied (reader wears a dress) but no pronouns used, Teen!Ace, modern AU, reader is called "pretty" and "sweetheart"
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Stupid in love
Let's get married in Vegas
We don't need guest list
I don't wanna think too much
Let's get matching tattoos
I don't wanna think it through
Baby, I'm so stupid in love
MAX HUH YUNJIN↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
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During his short life, Ace had been in many situations that he never thought he'd find himself in
But this won the number one spot for most surprising and nerve wracking
He had been given detention for months on end, he had been grounded by Dadan for an entire year, he had even been arrested before, yet he didn't doubt that he'd be in even more chaotic situations in the future.
Here he was, Portgas D Ace, certified trouble maker and self-proclaimed womaniser stood in front of your porch wearing a suit and holding a flower bouquet
Currently, he was glaringly the door as if it had wronged him. In truth, he was nervous, and incredibly so.
a couple days ago, Ace had been standing on this very porsh, holding a single Hibiscus flower, waiting for you to open the door so he could know the answer to the question hed spent weeks trying to work up the courage to ask, needless to say that he'd been overjoyed upon hearing that you were only waiting for him to ask.
yet for some reason, he feels even more nervous now.
a couple minutes pass until Sce finally felt calm enought to knock, the door opened almost instantly
"there you are, i was starting to think you stood me up"
and there you were, in a ruby red dress, a Hibiscuss flower pinned to the neckline of the garment
"sorry, hi sweetheart" Ace`s blushing only increased as he heard your quiet giggle "hi" you you replied
"you look pretty, really pretty"
seems as though it was your turn to blush "thank, you don`t look half bad yourself" that was truly a understatment, if anything, Ace looked like a prince straight out of a royal ball with a blood-red three piece suit, his hair was slicked back with just a couple strands falling out of place and onto his face
"can i give you your flowers or would you like to keep checking me out?"
"oh i'm the one checking you out? didn't you forget how to talk as soon as as i opened the door?"
Ace's smirk only widened "come on now, you wear my signature color and expect me not to stare? that's so unfair"
"your color? whoever said red was your colour?"
"me, now take your flowers and let's go"
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"hey good lookin'"
"Sabo i swear to God if you don't shut the fuck up i'm going to castrate you"
as expected, the night had turned out a disaster, how could it not? all of the 'ASL' brothers were attending, granted the youngest had snuck in thru the vents after hearing that their would be a buffet
so while everyone was still inside dancing the night away, both you and Ace sat soaked head to toe in the water foutain, Sabo was relentlessly teasing you while Koala filmed the whole thing for blackmail material
it seemed as tho everyone had forgotten about Luffy, who was curently hiden under the buffet table exitedly stuffing his face full of food he'd nicked from plates the second the security turned his head the other way
yet, looking out onto the scene, you and Ace shared the same thought
there was nowhere else you'd rather be and no one else you'd rather experience this moment with
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aihoshiino · 5 months
chapter 147 thoughts
you guys ever hear the tale of the monkey's paw. grants your wish but you suffer dire consequences as a result? just felt relevant to this chapter for some reason. anyway.
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Completely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 4
I'm gonna be up front and say that while I really wanted to like this chapter and it has the bones of interesting ideas, so many of the existing issues with the Movie Arc just bring it crashing back down. I probably dislike it more than I necessarily should because knowing that this definitely is the end and seeing concretely in hindsight just how much time was wasted and how much excellent material has been squandered or flat out skipped over entirely just makes me want to put my head through a brick wall. And it just sucks because, like… man, I don't want to dislike Oshi no Ko! I really don't enjoy feeling like I'm just putting negativity out each chapter because when the story hits, it hits so fucking good!! The Movie Arc has been clunky but it's had some truly breathtaking individual moments and character beats that make me remember why I fell in love with the series so deeply but then chapters like this come along and I wonder why I'm even bothering to keep reading.
anyway. Anyway.
To my genuine shock and surprise, the RBHK conversation happens entirely onscreen and isn't needlessly dragged out which I will take as a W at this point. What is less of a W is how just… underwhelming this ended up being? This is Hikaru's first meeting (that we know of) with the child he fathered and then essentially orphaned… at least as far as Ruby is concerned. So her total lack of reaction to him is baffling. The question currently seems to be whether Ruby is only pretending not to recognize him in order to try and pry the answer she's looking for out of him or whether Akasaka really, genuinely wants me to believe that Ruby does not recognize her father, when Akane recognized him on sight, he looks identical to her twin brother she spent 18 years growing up with and she is in the middle of MAKING A MOVIE THAT STARS HIM. If the latter is the intent then all I can say is that I feel genuinely fucking insulted on Ruby's behalf at her being dumbed down this badly and for myself as a reader that Akasaka thinks I'm stupid enough to buy this. So I am very much hoping it's the former.
The talk they go onto have is also………………………….. man. I want to like it. I really want to pull it apart and analyze it because it is fascinating. It's a really important look into Ruby's feelings and I even myself said this was something I really wanted to see Ruby dealing with - being faced with the realization that the person who killed her mother isn't some ephemeral faceless force of uncomplicated evil, but a fucked up human being who was hurt and suffering and who faced horrific and monstrous abuse just like Ai did. The idea of Ruby wrestling with her conflicting feelings of empathy and resentment, similar to Kana trying to reconcile her lingering hurt with her love for Ruby as her friend, is super compelling.
But like… she didn't! Akasaka having Ruby look into the camera and having her say "uhhh i was totally having all these deep and complicated feelings this whole time trust me bro" is the first we have heard Ruby struggle with literally any of this. It's yet another example of what I've been saying this whole time of Akasaka both lacking enough respect for Ruby to seriously interrogate her as a character and rushing her to the endpoint of what should have been long term characterization in lieu of showing us the work it takes to get there. Rather than organically weaving any of this into the prior story and letting us actually see Ruby work through this, she just starts awkwardly monologing about it to a conveniently placed guy who is, depending on your interpretation of the chapter, either some rando with an umbrella or the guy she's pretty sure killed her mom.
There is no reason her struggling to reconcile these contrasting feelings of resentment and empathy couldn't have been explored as the movie was being filmed. There were countless opportunities for this to have come up while the movie was filming the scenes dealing with Hikaru's abuse - we even get this set up in 139 during the filming of their first meeting but it gets derailed by a dumb brocon joke because I guess that was more important to spend pagetime on than the arc Akasaka is trying to suddenly pretend Ruby was having.
And it's not like it even matters! Unless the next arc is also going to be about 15 Year Lie where we interrogate the content of the movie not shown to us, Ruby's struggle here comes to nothing. That overhanging question of "Will Ai('s actress) forgive her killer or not?" is cut short and goes unanswered. So what was the point of this?
I also just really can't get my head around this continued thread of Ruby wanting to be an idol who 'surpasses' Ai. I had a whole rant about it here I ended up deleting lol but the long and the short of it is it feels entirely incongruous with the series' broader portrayal and Ruby's own attitude about chasing Ai's light and what being an idol did to Ai but at this point I've given up.
The exchange with Kamiki that follows is like, the one part of this chapter I think is just uncomplicatedly interesting and worth interrogation. He actually gives Ruby a lot of genuinely good advice here - that she can only find an answer to that question by interrogating it herself and an answer from someone else won't solve the issue. Does she actually want suffering and revenge? Are those really at the core of who she is as a person?
The framing here is obviously and overtly sinister and suspicious and we're pretty clearly supposed to think he was about to shove Ruby down the stairs, but a few things jumped out to me. The first is that if you pay attention to the backgrounds, they seem to have actually already been close to if not at ground level by the time Akane caught up to them, so… what exactly was a push from that height going to do if he did, in fact, push her?
Not only that but uh… holy shit! His white hoshigan!!!!
Like, am I misremembering, or is this not the one and only time we have ever seen adult Hikaru - maybe even the real Hikaru full stop - without black hoshigans??? Given what we've seen of him so far and how the black hoshigans have been used as a symbol, if he really was about to kill Ruby… where did THAT come from?
Added together with the deeply sympathetic portrayal of his younger self in the movie, it continues to raise a lot of questions for me as to exactly what we're supposed to be thinking of Hikaru and how we're supposed to feel about him that I am finding very compelling. ambiguity enjoyers when the
Joking aside, I'm really glad Nino is here because it implies her whatever the fuck is going on situationship with Kamiki is going to continue into the final arc(s?) of the series and that we'll get to see more of her as a result. Nino's been one of my favourite OnK characters since I first read 45510 so any more content of her in the main story is a treat.
Kamiki's words about the movie killing him via public opinion also lines up with what I was expecting to happen more or less… I'm curious to see how this is all going to play out and what this means for Aqua given that, if last chapter is anything to go by, he's still very much struggling with suicidal ideation. can someone PLEASE give my son a bone crushing hug.
akane stalking kamiki is up there as one of the funniest things ever in this manga btw. what is wrong w her <3
This is unfortunately where me having nice things to say about this chapter ends because the chapter - and therefore the Movie Arc as a whole - ends with this transparently rushed sequence absolutely mach speech blasting through the remaining material of the movie in one and a half's pages worth of silent single panels. Honestly, I really can't properly articulate how mad and frustrated I am about this lmao. It really just feels like Akasaka admitting to the reader that he's stopped giving a shit about what the movie was supposed to be about. The HKAI breakup that was given a huge amount of setup and weight at the start of filming? Ai's pregnancy? AI'S DEATH???? It's all skipped over and brushed aside as if it never mattered in the first place. Never mind any of the interesting characterization we could've gotten out of it. Never mind that the Movie Arc was promised to be about Ai and untangling her past. Never fucking mind Ruby having literally any interiority about having to act out the death of her beloved mother and reliving the event that destroyed her and her brother's lives. If Akasaka doesn't care, why should I?
It feels like a slap in the face for getting invested in the story's promises and trying to engage with it. But of course, I'm going to be back like a clown doing just that when the next chapter drops anyway.
at least we're finally moving on to a new arc but by god. at what fucking cost.
break next week……………………………………………..
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howlingday · 4 months
Ruby's Handlers Pt. 2
Pt. 1
Jaune: You got really quiet, and your eyes were, like, WIDE open and you didn't say anything, and you were just staring out at nothing, and I was like, "Dude, are you alright?" and I got NO response, like, at all! Not even a blink. You were just gone. And I looked at Weiss, and I asked her, "Is- Is she okay?"
Jaune: And she was like, "She's completely fine. Just give her some time."
Ruby: (Chuckling)
Jaune: And we're at that point now, because back then we didn't know each other very well, and now I have become that "She's totally fine. Don't worry it!" guy!
Jaune: (Laughs)
Ruby: (Laughs)
Weiss: I didn't know you brought it today and I am very touched.
Ruby: Well, I love you.
Weiss: I love you, too~!
Jaune: (Dry heaves)
Jaune: We'll say it at the same time.
Ruby: Alright, three, two, one, do, okay?
Jaune: Got it.
Ruby: Ready?
Jaune: Ready.
Ruby & Jaune: Three, two, one, RUBY!
Weiss: WHAT?! Who gave you McSchnees?!
Ruby: (Reading) "What would your spouse say is the perfect Peace Day gift"?
Jaune: (Writing)
Ruby: Should I go first?
Ruby: I'm going first. I'm gonna say... A kiss~?
Jaune: (Shows answer) I said the gift of Weiss' love~! (Angrily throws answer board down, Glaring down Ruby)
Jaune: They were extremely friendly in Oscura.
Ruby: Nice!
Jaune: It was probably my favorite place to go.
Ruby: I thought you said Vacuo.
Jaune: Oscura is in Vacuo.
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...Ruby, I'm going to pretend you were joking and then ask you if you were serious in private.
Ruby: I'm gonna pretend, too!
Jaune: Can you hold down the fort for me while I go refill my water bottle?
Ruby: I can hold down any fort you want, dude.
Jaune: Great! My, uh... My throat is a little parched.
Ruby: Well, why don't you go unparch it then, King? I've got a diet soda right here! Glug, glug, glug, glug~! Delicious~!
Jaune: (Chuckles) Alright, great! I'll be back in about ten to fifteen seconds. Ruby, are you sure you're gonna be okay without me?
Ruby: Yeah.
Jaune: You sure you're ACTUALLY gonna be okay doing commentary by yourself?
Ruby: (Not okay with this at all) MHM!
Jaune: Are you positive?
Ruby: (0% sure) I'm 100% sure!
Jaune: Alright.
Ruby: (Petrified) Not scared at all!
Jaune: Here we go. Good-bye~!
Ruby: Bye, Jaune~!
Ruby: ...Hey, Jaune, remember that time- Aw... No... You're leaving...
Weiss: Hi, Ruby, and hi, not Ruby.
Jaune: Hello~! That's me~!
Weiss: I love you both equally, so don't take this personally.
Jaune: Okay?
Weiss: Well, I think they both win.
Jaune: This has to be a tiebreaker thing.
Weiss: Agh... Personal choice.
Weiss: Well-
Jaune: (Smashes Ruby's display)
Weiss: Ruby wins~!
Ruby: (Looks @ Crocea Mors, Looks @ Jaune)
Jaune: (Smashing display even harder)
Weiss: (Reading) Who is more likely to go to jail defending the other's honor?
Ruby: (Holds up Weiss sign)
Weiss: (Holds up Weiss sign)
Ruby: Yeah~.
Weiss: I will cut a bitch for you.
Weiss: (About to read)
Jaune: Say it.
Weiss: (Holds laughter)
Jaune: SAY IT!
Ruby: I want a recording of this. So I can have my way with it~.
Jaune: Say it, Weiss.
Weiss: "Making the penises kiss!"
Jaune: YES~!
Jaune: I remember reading something like that. Like, if you go a certain amount of time without sex, it starts to affect your mental health.
Ruby: Really?
Jaune: Yup. You get more easily depressed. It's a... It's a downer.
Ruby: Damn.
Jaune: Yeah.
Ruby: I guess I should fuck all the time then.
Jaune: Agreed! I hope you're listening, Vicey~!
Ruby: Oh, shit~! That's my wife~!
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oodlyenough · 3 months
dw empire of death
spoilers ofc
hm. like many RTD finales, a bit of a mixed bag. i feel less certain of my overall thoughts than last week (which i thought was a blast, tbh).
the good: i'm... pretty happy with the ruby mom reveal. this whole mystery box set up turning out to be "she was just a scared young woman who couldn't raise her baby", an ordinary woman mythologized by ruby and the doctor over the season, etc, is an extremely RTD solution. and as a fan of his stuff I liked seeing that... well... pivot to his roots as opposed to her being part of the pantheon or something (which I admit I did wonder about myself).
the *idea* of her pointing at the sign to name the baby is nice, I like the meaning of it and what Ruby takes from it, but it is a bit of a clumsy set up. very dramatic pointing, ms miller.
also as much as i was dying to see what the screen said lol i DID love the character moment of ruby stepping forward to offer the name to sutekh, only to smash it, and then clip his collar (lmfao btw). i thought that was a nice character moment for ruby. in that moment i thought perhaps we'd never find out the answer, and that would be something ruby sacrificed for the greater good. i wasn't sure how satisfying that would be and I guess I'll never have to find out bc it's not what happened lmao, but it is where i thought we might be headed.
i liked seeing the gloves and the rope from TCORR come back. i like surprise tools that will help us later :)
loved the memory tardis from the time window and the use of that tales from the tardis set. how cool.
loved the time window playing clips of classic who that's so fun. mel's moment with six's outfit awwww. and i'm sure i missed some of the namedrops of planets etc that fifteen was going on about but i liked the ones i caught. shan-shen! oodsphere!!
i thought the effects of the dust wave and the insta-crumbling was pretty good and spooky
i really like having mel around! i hope we get to see her cameo again
the mixed bag:
'the death wave is eating memories and going back through family trees in reverse' is pretty cool as a concept, i thought. where i think this hurts the resolution a bit is that in the moment i thought, "ok, well, ruby's "safe" because there's the Mystery, there's no family tree for it to climb!" but like... there was. does sutekh need to personally be aware of your family tree to kill you?
i really liked the moment of fifteen and ruby watching louise outside the coffee shop, and i really liked the moment where ruby sits down across from her and then the barista calls the name ruby and they have this look. i ... kind of found myself wishing that it would stop there? i mean, i'm happy for ruby, and i think "ruby found her bio fam and now ruby and her big family are together" is a nice ending for the character. but there was something so emotional and bittersweet about that split second of wondering and connection between the two, and ruby having that choice to make...
the goodbye between ruby and fifteen was lovely. millie gibson is so good her big watery eyes make me so sad. i've enjoyed the two of them together and i think they have incredible chemistry as characters and actors, like, what a team of besties. i'll miss ruby on the TARDIS. but ... only 10 episodes, a couple of which didn't feature them much at all... a bond that didn't get super developed on screen ... I dunno. Left me wishing we got more from them through the season.
I do know we'll see more of Ruby next season, so I'm excited for that. an s4 Martha situation. but then I also worry about Varada Sethu's character getting development time too...
the not so good:
killing off rose, kate, etc in the first minute removes stakes, because while you might worry about characters like cherry or carla who won't necessarily stick around when ruby leaves or whose deaths will impact ruby, you know rose and kate are not going to stay dead permanently. also very infinity war (derogatory) where there was the same issue -- no these characters won't stay dead and i'm not going to humour it lol
rose temple sweetie it was nice to see you stand in the background and not speak. what was that about. she FINALLY got all of two lines. it just felt like she didn't serve a lot of purpose in this ep. I mean I liked seeing her but she did not do anything to the story in either part of the ep
the solution of "death kills death" was a bit goofy lol but it's doctor who the solution is always goofy. i didn't care too much about that i guess. but it was goofy
i really think we could've used a more decisive scene with carla and ruby. carla seems to understand ruby's desire to know her bio fam and be supportive of it and that's lovely. obviously ruby loves carla and vice versa. but i think it would've been nice to have a moment of on-screen explicit acknowledgment between carla and ruby that there might be weird feelings there, that louise isn't replacing carla, something like that.
related to the above, the Doctor says Ruby redefined the way he thinks of family, which is a huge thing to say, but I don't feel like I ever saw that happening on screen. it COULD have. all the pieces are there with foundlings and foster care and adoption...
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Take Me Out
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Trystan Thorne x Carolina Rose
In my HC, Carolina was born & raised in the Bronx, and to her, the New York Yankees are a religion. This commission by the magnificent @/artbyainna was inspired by my fic A Celebration, and since some wanted to know how Carolina behaved at the game, the drabble below the break provides some insight. I hope you enjoy it.
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Book: Crimes of Passion (Post Book 1, Pre 2)
Pairing: Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Rating: Teen
Words: 1,011
Summary: When Trystan has the opportunity to see Carolina in her element, he just has to steal her away for a moment alone.
A/N: Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge from the April Challenge: Just want to be with you, sunset, kiss also participating in @choicesflashfics prompt is bolded below.
Carolina couldn’t contain her laughter.��  She hadn’t felt this way since she was a teenager, perhaps not even then. The wind whipped through her hair as she clutched Trystan’s hand, willingly running behind him as he circled the stadium’s ramps, exuding such confidence you would have guessed he knew where he was going.
“Trystan!” She yelled breathlessly. “You’ve never been here before! Do you know where you’re going?”
“Yes, down,” he answered matter of factly.
“And why exactly are you going down?”
She collided into his back, nearly toppling them to the floor, when he suddenly stopped and turned to her with a devilish smirk.
“Carolina Rose, if I was going down... you’d know it.”
“You jerk,” she laughed, playfully pounding her fist against his chest. “I swear you act like a teenage boy!”
“It’s part of my charm,” he winked. “Here,” he pointed to the entrance of a relatively empty section of the stadium. “That’s where we’re going!”
“Why? Our seats are better than that, and besides, we left Luke and Ruby behind.”
“Yes, we did,” he acknowledged as he leaned against the concrete partition separating them from the field. “I like them very much... but if I didn’t get you alone for a few minutes... I was afraid that I would die.”
Carolina’s lips twisted, a playful gleam in her eye. “You thought you would die?”
“Absolutely,” he looped his arm around her waist and pulled her near. “Do you see the effect you have on me?”
“Really? So, tell me... what put a healthy man like yourself in critical condition? Was it the way I curse the umpires out every three seconds? Or how I put that old man in his place when he dared to question if Jeter held the team’s post-season hits record?”  
“Neither of those,” he smiled.
“So it was the way I surreptitiously threw peanut shells at the Boston fans passing us?”
“No. Though, I’ll admit, that was impressive.”
“Was it when I jumped up and down like a lunatic when Judge hit a home run?”
“No,” his eyes roamed over her body, momentarily pausing at her chest. “Though I must admit, I rather enjoyed that part.”
“So what was it,” she snuggled under his arm. “What made being alone with me a life or death issue?”
“Seeing you in your element. Watching you be unabashedly yourself without a worry about anything, just Carolina, having the time of her life at a Yankee game. It was enchanting... in a gauche sort of way, but enchanting nevertheless.”
“Really?” she chuckled. “And to think I considered toning it down. I know I can get pretty crazy and I didn’t want to scare you away.”
“Please, I’m from Drakovia. It would take much more than that to frighten me away. Besides, don’t ever change any part of yourself for anyone, especially me. I’m crazy about you just the way you are.”
At a loss for words, Carolina was spared when a roar from the crowd turned their heads back toward the field, or at least Carolina’s head turned. Trystan wanted to be interested in the game, but how? Given the choice of watching a multi-million dollar team play ball or watching her... his answer would always be the same. Carolina…every single time.
He brushed a stray hair behind her ear and marveled over her. He knew this game was important to her, and it linked her to her father, who shared the same passion. Knowing another stadium’s tragic role in her life, he was happy to know she could still enjoy this. She blushed when she caught him staring at her far too seriously.
“What?” She smiled.
“Nothing. I just love seeing you happy. You used to come to games with your father, no?”
“Oh, yes!” She beamed. “Whenever we could! As a teen, he didn’t have the money to come, so he got a job selling popcorn in the stands just to watch them play. By the time I came along, he could spring for tickets, only the cheap seats, but that didn’t matter to me. I have the best memories here. That’s why I always wear his jersey when I come.”
Trystan spun her around and looked at the number 23 on the back of her jersey and the name written above it.
“Mattingly. Was he your father’s favorite?”
“Sure was! Donnie Baseball! Dad was crushed he never got a World Series ring.”
“Is he your favorite player too?”
“Oh, no. I love him, but,” she patted the number 2 on Trystan’s back, “Derek Jeter is my favorite.”
“And why is that?”
“Are you kidding? He’s a legend! Besides...growing up, I had the biggest crush on him... the man was freaking hot.”
“Oh, really?” Trystan simpered. “Now I understand why you gave me his jersey to wear. Although I’m sure I look even more attractive in it.”
“Mmmm, I dunno,” she shook her head playfully. “I’d need you to put on the cap to make a fair assessment, and since you refused....”
“And mess up this hair? My true crowing glory! I think not, Carolina.”
“You’re too much,” she laughed, running her fingers through his impressive mane. “Thank you for bringing me here tonight, Trystan. It means a lot to me. But the sun’s setting, and as much as I adore this time alone with you, we probably should get back to Luke and Ruby. We’re trying to keep us a secret for now, after all.”
“I suppose,” he shrugged, “just one thing before we do.”
“What’s that?”
 Without a word, he pulled her into a lingering, tender kiss, causing them to momentarily forget they were surrounded by thousands of people. Yankee Stadium feels downright desolate when you’re kissing the right person.
“There,” he smiled as he pulled away. “Now I can cross kissing a gorgeous detective at Yankee Stadium off my bucket list.”
“Oh, that was on your bucket list?” she chuckled.
“Don’t judge my bucket list, Carolina. I have my kinks; you have yours.”
I totally HC that they were blissfully unaware that they got caught on the "kiss cam." Luke and Ruby saw it all, and Ruby dropped her popcorn as it happened. With their suspicions confirmed, they had a quick debate over teasing them as soon as they returned or playing stupid. They decided on the latter... for now. 😏
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myusuchaa · 3 months
Moonflower - Rafayel x AFAB
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༄ wc: 1048
༄ third person pov | no spoilers | based on Abysswalker myth and Abysswalker Journey Seeker card
༄ content warnings: princess/royalty roleplay, flirty banter, outdoor suggested intimacy, romance, fluff
༄ a/n: this is the part 2 to the mini abysswalker fic series! you can read part 1 here. hehe i had fun writing this one too, actually i struggled to keep it short, i knew i wanted a quick fic but i felt like i could just keep on going!! there's just something about him in his e-boy all leather look ahhh.... ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა im still thinking about making a part 3?? hope yall enjoy! (creative format posted as pictures under text below)
The next evening, Rafayel arrived at the palace just as the blue sky lazily gave way to hints of peach and orange, allowing reprieve from the glaring heat. He let her know of his presence by using his tall figure to cast a shadow against the pond outside her balcony, a sight she had been anticipating all day. His dark outline on the water’s surface seemed to calm the ripples, as if the very thought of him allowed her to float endlessly. 
She hurriedly gathered her belongings and ran down the spiral staircase that led into the garden where he waited. 
“You really came for me,” she said breathlessly. Whether it was from leaping down the staircase or out of pure surprise, he could not tell where her exasperation came from. But the air in her delicate voice ignited a small ember deep within him. 
“We must leave now, we have quite a trek outside of the city tonight. Do you have everything?”
“Yes, I think so…are we actually going to stay out overnight? I’m a bit worried th-”
“Don’t be. I want you to trust that I’ll ensure your safety. Can you do that for me?” 
She paused for a moment, recalling the shadow she had just seen. It seemed to come from within him, as if it wasn’t cast from merely blocking the setting sun. 
Curious, she replied, “I’ll trust you more if you can answer some questions for me.” 
Grabbing her wrist gently as he walked in front, he glanced back and smiled coyly. “I may have the answers, it depends how you ask.” 
That alluring, inviting smile. She moved her gaze from his dark, gemstone eyes to that gorgeous smile. Almost immediately she then looked away, feeling the apples of her cheeks turn red. She wished he had his mask on today. 
By the time they reached their stopping point for the night, the sky had long passed its golden hue. The horizon glowed a deep red, resembling a ruby held up in front of a flame. This warmth was chased by a lush indigo and purple, with the smallest of stars beginning to twinkle at the highest points. Staring at the sky and then back at him, she couldn’t help but find the same colors of the setting sun within his eyes. They were far enough from the main city that if one were to search for them from atop the guarded gates, their bodies would blend seamlessly with the sand dunes. Still, if she held her breath, faint drum beats and flute whistles could be heard, no doubt carried on the wind from the city nightlife. 
“I understand you may not be used to this, uh, this set up.” He gestured to the woven tapestry that was pitched as a makeshift tent, barely thick enough to keep sand out of their eyes.
“Oh, I don’t mind it. Honestly, any change of scenery is very much welcomed.”
“Is that so? Your Highness doesn't mind getting a little rough and dirty outside the city borders?”
“What…what do you mean by that?”
He moved his eyes downward, following her neckline to her waist. It looked provocative, but he merely replied, “You have a bunch of dirt and scratches on your clothes already.” He scoffed. 
Looking down, she could see he was right. Come to think of it, she hasn’t thought of her appearance at all, being too focused on the mystery of his being. She suddenly felt a bit flustered. 
“Useless aesthetics,” she said defensively. “Really, I mean inside the palace, all they care about is for me to be the lovely, pretty princess for the people to fawn over. It’s tiresome.” 
“I suppose they’re just trying to protect their precious flower.” His voice lowered. “Though, I’d like to think I do a better job.” Almost whispering, he approached her. 
The sky filled with more stars, and the shy new moon hid behind low clouds, emitting a dim and feeble light. They sat next to each other now, the cool, desert breeze carrying his warmth and scent. In one graceful movement, sparks danced along his fingertips and landed on some coal he had placed earlier. They smoldered with a strange intensity, similar to the expression on his face. 
“Are you still cold?” he asked, almost apologetically. 
“Not at all, not anymore,” she felt warm in many ways. “How did you even notice I was cold when I’m completely covered in this?” She pointed to her traveler’s outfit, equipped with long sleeves and pants to ward off the eternal sun. 
His sunset eyes darkened to dusk. “I know you because I’m always watching you. I have been, for a long time now. Even if,” he paused for a breath, “even if you don’t remember. It’s my duty to protect you.” 
He sounded pained as he spoke. He wasn’t lying, but he was hiding a terrible truth from her. More than his objective, he was hiding the longing he felt for her. How he wanted to reach out and grab her to make sure she was his. To feel her soft skin under his worn hands. To caress every inch of her. 
“Rafayel…” the heroine felt a shift in his persona. 
“Princess, do you know the meaning of the moonflower?” He moved closer to her, slowly and deliberately. She instinctively lowered onto her elbows, peering up at him as he leaned in. His hair lightly shielded his pleading eyes.
“I, I may have heard of it,” she hoped her eyes returned the impression.
“Ah, did you? Then you must know of its glowing beauty.” 
He covered her completely, her lying all the way down on the blanket and him towering over her, one hand reaching for her cheek, his fingers playing with her eyelashes. The heat from him was so overpowering, she thought he may have been using his flames to embrace her. He brushed his lips against her neck and up to her earlobe. She felt a small bite.
“You must also know that it blooms at night.” His breath became tantalizing as he slid his other hand to her waist belt, undoing it by the time the last word left his lips.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Somewhere in an ocean of sand, a flower bloomed near a radiant flame.
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©myusuchaa 2024 do not steal
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