#I quite often joke that I feel very old even though I’m not so it was funny to suddenly get this in game
thormanick · 7 days
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Finally, my internal 90 year old persona was recognized
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locketsvault · 8 months
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pairings: fyodor x reader ፥ nikolai x reader ፥ sigma x reader ፥ poe x reader
tags: gender neutral reader, no agab mentioned, first person, fluff, cuddling/phyiscal affection
warnings: curse words, I’m sorry I had to curse the doa is cracked
other parts: ada ᨒ port mafia ᨒ doa + the guild ᨒ the hunting dogs
a/n: this is the most cracked part yet
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// fyodor dostoevsky ⌇˚.༄
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⮑ … you are crazy for cuddling him, truly.
⮑ Our dear master manipulator, how you trust him enough to let him that close I do not know how. What confuses me even more, how did you get him to trust you? Anyways— somehow you managed it, and it’s now time for some cuddle headcanons with Fyodor.
⮑ His lap is your throne. He spends pretty much all of his time in front of his monitors, so it’s not uncommon for one of the other doa members to walk in and find you curled up on it. As long as you don’t distract him, he will allow you to stay and do as you please. Sometimes he’ll wrap an arm around your waist.
⮑ He actually doesn’t mind pda, he doesn’t see you as a weakness to himself and trusts that you’ll be taken care of and safe, if not by him then by the others. I think having an arm or hand on your waist is common with him when you two are out. He will make it clear to anyone who stares at you too long that you’re his.
⮑ He’s big spoon always, he will never give up control even with something as small as cuddling. Honestly you’re lucky he will cuddle you at all. He’s not fond of touching much. Seriously the fact you touch him without knowing his ability, you’re absolutely insane. His cuddles I feel like are cold. Oh, and if you annoy him he will kick you off his lap.
⮑ 4/10, when he allows you in his lap and you behave you find that it’s actually quite nice. Good luck though.
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// nikolai gogol ⌇˚.༄
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⮑ I find you crazy for cuddling him as well but for a completely different reason.
⮑ With Fyodor you’re insane because he’s dangerous as hell, and yes Nikolai is too, but I find you crazy for cuddling him because he’s an unpredictable crazy clown. He is the definition of “never let them know your next move”. It’s never safe cuddling him. You never know when he will pull a prank—.
⮑ He will pull shit out of his cloak during cuddle sessions or pull you through. He will come up behind you, hug you, and suddenly you’re teleported to a pool full of rubber ducks. And that’s on the bright side.
⮑ All jokes aside, it scares me to say he’s actually good at cuddling. He’s very attentive, he knows how to read you. Like Dazai, his cuddles feel too secure at time. He knows when to be serious with cuddles, and when he can be unhinged. He’s pretty good at behaving according to what you can handle.
⮑ He’s very comfortable to cuddle, and he loves when you rest your head over his heart. He’s another big spoon for sure, another one who doesn’t like being out of control. Except for him it’s more that it just doesn’t feel comfortable or right. He also loves pda, and he loves messing with you in public. He could care less if people are staring.
⮑ 6/10, you better hope he’s more in an attentive mood than wanting to torment you.
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// sigma ⌇˚.༄
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⮑ He demands cuddles every second of every day. Give them to, him or else.
⮑ Our precious three year old. I promise you he has never been cuddled a day in his life. Like pretty much every aspect of your relationship, cuddles are a new thing that he has to learn. Once he learns though he adores it. It’s his main form of comfort. More often enough he comes home from work and collapses in your arms.
⮑ Due to how stressed out this poor boy is and how he pretty much never catches a break, he’s almost always the little spoon. It’s either a nervous breakdown or you hold him. How can you complain though he’s so precious. Plus he has pretty and soft hair to play with.
⮑ When he is the big spoon he always holds you in his arms protectively, terrified that if he lets go he will lose you. He often will place a hand over your head as he holds you. If you fall asleep in his arms he will sit there wondering how he got so lucky with you. He loves spooning you because again, you’re safe in his arms.
⮑ He loves when you visit him and sit in his lap, it makes working so much easier for him. He’s very shy with pda but if you love it he will do his best. He gets so flustered when people walk into his office and you’re in his arms, it’s actually so precious.
⮑ I could go on and on about him and his adventures of cuddling tbh.
⮑ 10/10, he’s so sweet and cute and does his absolute best for you.
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// edgar allan poe ⌇˚.༄
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⮑ Oh my gosh he’s so easy to fluster I can’t. And Karl?
⮑ No literally it takes nothing to make him flustered he’s so shy. 90% of the time you have to take charge when it comes to initiating physical contact. He second guesses himself and worries he might be too much. So he allows you to initiate it. Yet he panics every time. Crawl into his lap? Tomato.
⮑ Karl constantly crashes your cuddle sessions, which is probably a good thing or things might turn… nsfw. It’s actually quite cute though, Poe will be writing a book, you’ll sit in his lap, and Karl will sit in yours. Honestly you get just as much cuddles from the raccoon as you do your bf, something he gets jealous about lol.
⮑ Believe it or not he’s actually mostly big spoon. Similarly to Sigma, it comforts and reassures him to be big spoon. Though he genuinely doesn’t mind being little spoon, especially if you love being big spoon.
⮑ Your most common cuddle position, besides sitting in his lap when he writes, is either you holding him while he writes, or facing each other in bed holding each other. It’s easy to talk to each other softly and give gentle kisses.
⮑ 9/10, sometimes having to constantly initiate it can get a bit frustrating.
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Lena Horne (Cabin in the Sky, Stormy Weather)— Incredibly talented biracial actress, singer, dancer, and activist (she did so much work towards integrating audiences). Because of the racism of the era, she rarely got to be the lead actress but filmmakers loved her so much that they would often create stand alone segments within a film to highlight her beautiful singing, knowing that these segments would ultimately be cut from the film by censors in areas that forbid films with Black performers. Also, she's just so wonderful in Cabin in the Sky as a gold-digger villain who is not the least bit subtle about her intentions. I would highly recommend checking out her work.
Ginger Rogers (Swing Time, Top Hat)—Look I’ll level with you, I’ve never seen her in a musical and I know that she’s an amazing dancer and she’ll be even hotter when I finally watch Top Hat but I’m not submitting her as a dancer I’m submitting her as an ACTRESS. Her comic timing is impeccable!!!!! She’s full to bursting with life and in every role she seems to be having FUN, you can practically feel the twinkle in her eye. With her natural warmth it’s like she’s letting you in on the joke, y’all get to have this fun together! Making me laugh is hot!!! [If you'd like to see Ginger dance, videos below the cut]
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Lena Horne:
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Black American powerhouse singer and actor who faced all the usual bullshit that any BIPOC faced in vintage Hollywood and achieved legendary status anyway. Also a Civil Rights movement icon.
She was a gem
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She was so beautiful and those dimples are amazing! Truly depressing how badly Hollywood treated her because she was black. I would love to have seen what she really could have been if they didn’t cast her in so many yikes roles. She’s got gorgeous eyes and that body! Her joyful smile makes happiness sexy!
Civil rights actress, singer, dancer, actress, she's got the whole package
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Lena Horne was a wonderful singer and actress who largely starred in black cast musicals. While she had a lot of main stream success, she ultimately lost the lead role in showboat (a role she had played on the stage) to a white actress due to hollywood's prejudices. She was also blacklisted during the HUAC hearings, but she still managed to be hot be hot as fuck and have a career spanning decades, working with more well-known stars like Judy Garland in musicals, and working on stage and releasing albums when her hollywood career began to suffer.
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Miss Horne became famous during a period of time when Hollywood had very few meaningful roles for people of color. Although she is more so known as a performer, she starred in two successful all black productions (Cabin in the Sky & Stormy Weather). If that wasn't enough, she also guest starred on the Muppets (Season 1, Episode 11)
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Ginger Rogers propaganda:
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She needs no introduction! An undeniable powerhouse on the dancefloor, and no less talented an actress. I once watched a compilation of cinema's greatest dance scenes and one of her and Fred Astaire's dances was featured, and one of the talking heads said he pitied her for 'having to keep up with him' - or something to that effect. Bullshit, I cry. Ginger Rogers was his absolute equal, and underplaying her incredible skill is downright criminal. I want the 'Cheek to Cheek' sequence from Top Hat to be permanently burned into my memory.
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"Backwards in high heels", as the saying goes (though the pedant in me must point out that she in fact spent her fair share of time leading or dancing side-by-side). One of the earliest twinkle-toed ladies of the silver screen, and in terms of acting/persona, her balance of wide-eyed cuteness and movie-star glamour has never quite been replicated.
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we all know her beloved string of musicals with fred but ginger also has an extensive and varied non-fred filmography that she's great in! a few ginger moments that are important 2 me personally ginger singing “we’re in the money” in gold diggers of 1933, complete with a verse in pig latin bc this whole movie is kinda mocking the concept of anyone actually being in the money in 1933; ginger and una merkel singing a verse of “shuffle off to buffalo” in 42nd street, providing some statler & waldorf-esque commentary on newlyweds from the upper berth of a railway car (interesting that belly was apparently a risque word in 1933 - maybe its bc the lyric is innuendo-ing about out of wedlock pregnancies - and that panties was a term for men’s underthings!); a favorite fred & ginger number
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Ginger Rogers could do everything! She could sing, dance and act. She was hilarious in comedies, moving in dramatic roles (she won an Oscar for Kitty Foyle in 1940) and absolutely gorgeous!
Listen, no shade to Fred Astaire at all, but she both kept up with him step for step and then later went on to WIN AN OSCAR FOR ACTING. (which he did not.) truly a double threat!!!
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One of the best dancers in Hollywood! Her work with Fred Astaire is just incredible.
ONE LINE: "Everything Fred did, Ginger did backwards and in heels" AND THEYRE RIGHT! Rogers was a total dance badass, and a lot of movie buffs know the story, but the Never Gonna Dance number from Swing Time took almost 50 takes, and allegedly by the end of filming it her white shoes had been stained pink because her feet were bleeding. As a note, she looks crazy gorgeous in this number. Watching these two dance is insane. They match up to each other in a way my mom describes as "divine" and she's right. DANCE NUMBERS!
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off (Shall We Dance, 1937, dancing starts at 3:14, they're in ROLLERSKATES)
(Ginger Rogers is the hottest woman ever to live in this number. seeing this as a teenager altered my brain chemistry)
(also watch her feet and how she moves opposite Astaire in this one. We all know our boy Freddie had that precision demon but jesus christ Miss Rogers, let a girl live!)
Pick Yourself Up, Swing Time 1936 (Everyone's seen this one but by god you are going to see it AGAIN!)
Shall We Dance, 1937 (duet begins at 2:34)
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, Roberta 1935 (There's just something about Ginger Rogers in a slick black dress man)
The Continental, The Gay Divorcee 1934
God she's MAGIC in this one.
Gay Divorcee's Ending Montage 1934
The infamous table and chairs spin happens at about 0:49. Pay CLOSE attention to her in this bc it looks like witchcraft and I feel lightheaded whenever I watch this movie bc shes THAT awesome.
She is a miracle to watch. Sorry for the sheer amount of clips. My entire family is like madly in love with Ginger Rogers.
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skrifores · 10 months
I have seen the point being made that you don’t have to be in a romantic relationship for some behaviour to constitute domestic violence. I’m seeing this said with regards to Our Flag Means Death and what some people perceive as domestic abuse on Ed’s part - that him not being romantically involved with Izzy shouldn’t mean behaviour between can’t be considered domestic abuse.
It is an excellent point that in many places, the definition of domestic abuse isn’t restricted to intimate partners! It is often widened to consider any violence, coercion and emotional harm taking place within a home environment. Under this definition, children can be victims of domestic abuse by their parents, it can occur between siblings, even roommates - especially with a live-in landlord situation. And of course, the Revenge as well as being a workplace is ultimately where the characters live.
I think it’s very clear that the show is a workplace comedy about pirates, but if you want to apply the definition of violence, coercion and emotional harm within a home environment to your reading to the show, that can be done.
Of course, I would be surprised if you genuinely view it that way and still made it as far as even watching Season 2, given the way what you consider to be domestic abuse in this fictional setting happens so very often with little to no moral consequence, and is often intended to be taken as a joke.
I mean. In the very first episode, the crew talk about killing Stede, and begin to plan for this, including lighting him on fire.
Jim threatens Lucius and actually physically locks him in a small wooden box in the second episode for what seems to be quite a long time.
I think in 4, Izzy pulls on Fang’s beard and it really upsets him. He also talks pretty openly about the intention to kill the Revenge crew, though I’ll let that go at this stage since he doesn’t really live there so much as being there for the purpose of murdering them and stealing their stuff. Still, poor Fang, that looked like it hurt.
While we’re on Izzy, he does also actively try to kill Stede by stabbing him, and he then he goes and does the olde worlde equivalent of calling the cops on him on the intention of having him executed, which seems pretty fucked up on the ‘violence’ part of our DA definition but also hits pretty hard on coercive control since he’s doing this to get Ed to behave differently.
He does prevent the Navy from executing Ed, which is nice, but he does point out that he regrets this, which, ouch, emotional harm. If we’re doing real world definitions, “I should’ve let the cops I called on you murder you” is the sort of thing that would make me feel pretty fucked up. And we all know what it means when someone tells you to watch your step.
But it’s not all about Izzy! (It’s really not, guys, there’s a whole TV show here!) Buttons bites Lucius - who ends up needing the whole finger gone! And he’s a visual artist!
Even my darling man Roach tries to eat the Swede, and I’ve gotta say, I don’t think they were on that island long enough to justify murder.
And who could forget Mary?? Wonderfully written character, love her, but, she does with malice aforethought attempt to kill her spouse in his sleep with a skewer. She was right to do it, in my opinion, but y’know, even without broadening the definition beyond partner relationships, murder of your spouse is pretty classic domestic abuse.
So, y’know, the point I’m getting at really is that if your definition of domestic abuse is violence and control wherein the perpetrator and victim share a significant aspect of their lives like living space - that’s a fine definition in real life. It is the one I use, in real life. But if you apply it to Our Flag Means Death, I really don’t understand how you stomached watching the first season or why you came back for more.
And if you only apply this definition with regards to Ed’s behaviour, but not the rest of the characters, I do wonder why that might be.
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mimikoolover · 2 months
Hard agree on all this🙏
If anything, i expected more “awkwardness” than we got, and not because they aren’t comfortable with each other but because of the filming. It’s a weird experience to be on camera like that. Sure they’re used to it but at that point it had been a long time since they filmed something like that, and they never did it just the two of them before. Plus them both being kinda sick, it wasn’t ideal.
Despite that though I think it was super clear how close they are and they’re really giving old married couple who know everything about each other and are used to dealing with each other’s quirks and habits, mixed with goofy best friends. Which honestly, if they are in fact a couple and have been for a long time, that dynamic makes a lot more sense than them being all lovey dovey or whatever some expect. Not that I would expect them to show anything overly romantic in a show anyway because duh, but most couples who have been together for years are a lot like them. Obviously their situation is quite unique, and I’m not even saying I believe they’re comparable to any conventional relationships, but still.
Also, as an Audhd’er it often saddens me to see people misunderstand Jungkook. I can’t diagnose him with anything ofc, but his brain seems to work similar to mine in a lot of ways. And Jimin seems to understand how he functions. Of course he’s gonna still be annoyed with him sometimes, that’s human, and they clearly have a dynamic where they’re very okay with joke roasting each other and teasing and just laugh it off. But at their core it’s super clear that they have a deep understanding of each other and accept each other the way they are. It’s beautiful to see. People being offended for Jimin because of how Jungkook expresses himself or how he appears in certain situations always rubbed me the wrong way. @ those people: Jimin gets him and loves him, you don’t, shut up.
And the other way around, well anyone hating on Jimin for anything in that show or any other time he’s around Jungkook can choke. Nothing they ever said about him makes sense. So I won’t even get into it lol
It’s funny how jimin saying he had to push for the show to happen or it wouldn’t could be taken so differently than how I see it. To me it’s the same as when Jimin said Jungkook wouldn’t have travelled around if he didn’t come, or when hobi and namjoon said Jungkook doesn’t like going places but Jimin always drags him along, in BV. Seems like Jimin knows some things that are easy for him might be more difficult for Jungkook. And he doesn’t seem to mind taking the leading role when it comes to these things. It seems to work out perfectly for them. If Jungkook is anything like me, he’d just be happy these types of bigger plans are being set up without him having to take charge himself. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love spending time with Jimin lol those are two very different things.
oh I completely agree with you on everything.
I feel it's funny for people to say that jikook were awkward when you have them sit on a sofa holding hands right at the start. I'm lowkey convinced the awkwardness was cause jungkook had to reel himself back a bit for the cameras. he should share whatever he's comfortable sharing with us and people have no right to demand more. idk if people expect him to for example say how much he missed jimin and how sad he was without him etc. this could be what he tells jimin in private. he doesn't have to tell us this cause it's none of our business frankly.
jikook totally understand each other and are in tune with each other's emotions and you can tell when for example jungkook was upset after kayaking, jimin was speaking to him in a way that helped him get over it and not only that but jungkook was receptive to that which is lovely to see. atp they know each other well enough and how they treat each other is for the other's sake not to make fans happy or show fans what they want to see.
I also think if we think back to their Japan trip in 2017 that was organised by jungkook so it's not like he doesn't want to travel with jimin or anything like that. but going to the company and getting the travel show rolling is a lot different to that and jimin was happy to take it upon himself to start the process of the show so I don't see what anyone's issue can be. jungkook probably appreciated that loads and he was so enthusiastic about it, I think that will be even clearer in future interviews they did where they talk about where to go but even him saying they should do this until they're 50 shows it's not a chore to him and that he really enjoys it.
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kendallroydefender · 1 year
Somewhere only we know - Chapter 1 (Kendall Roy x reader)
I was seven and you were nine looked at you like the stars that shine In the sky, the pretty lights And our daddies used to joke about the two of us growing up and falling in love
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Series summary: You met Kendall when you were six years old. You have spent every summer together and now years later you and him are still just as close.
This story follows Kendall and his best friend through their lives. Will they realize their feelings for each other before it’s too late?
Chapter 1: Split in to halves the first part is you and Kendall at sixteen, 10 years after you had met spending a summer together. The second half of this chapter focuses on the time you’re 18 and about to go to college.
This chapter is mainly fluff - some mentions of Logan being abusive but not much else. I really hope you enjoy this series!!
Words: 2.8k
It all started when your family bought a new summer house in the hamptons. You were 6 years old and were a little sad to leave the old summer house behind. But your parents really wanted a bigger one for the summers so you had to follow. The first day your parents took you to the neighbors. A couple a little older than your parents with 3 children. A boy that was in his teenage years, a toddler and a boy your age.
That was the first time you’ve met Kendall Roy. Nobody would have known that this fateful afternoon would turn into a lifelong friendship. From that day on every summer of you an Kendall was spend together. Playing together when you were children, hanging around the two big houses when you were teenagers. Going to summer parties of other rich families, swimming in pools or the sea or meeting in the little garden shed you had discovered. It was in the back of your garden, the end that was connected with the Roy estate. It was abandoned years ago, when your father had decided to just hire a company to do the gardening instead of having a gardener. The former staff had taken their tools with them so the small house was mostly empty except from some old outdoor garniture, chairs, a sun lounger, a table, stuff like that. Kendall and you had quickly made this into your space. It was somewhere the two of you could go whenever you wanted to escape the other people. One summer when you were about 13 you even got a hammock for this place. Only your parents where aware that you two were hanging out around there since you had to convince them not to tear it down. You also refused to let your mom hire someone to turn this place into a hip little hang out spot. It was your and Kendalls and it was perfect the way it is.
Now at sixteen and the first day of summer you got out of the car into the car and into the house. After rummaging a little in your room, you go down into the room where your mother was.
"Mom is it okay if I’m going over to the Roy’s before dinner?“ you ask and she looks at you with a knowing smirk. "To see your little boyfriend?“ she says back "How often do I have to tell you we’re not a couple.“ you mumble as you walk out of the house. "Dinners at 7 be on time- oh and bring Kendall if you want.“ she yells after you. Your father is the CEO of an airline and your mother is a former model. They had wanted a child for years until your mother got pregnant and you were on the way. Your family is very loving even though your father was quite busy.
With quick steps you walk over to the big white house. Ringing the doorbell you wait until you hear commotion inside.
A woman off the staff opens the door and after you ask if she could get Kendall she walks down the corridor again. A few moments later you see a dark haired boy hurry down the floor. Kendall. He grins at you. "Hey.“ you hug him "Hi Kenny, god I missed you.“
Despite both living in New York you rarely see each other in the city. From that moment on the summer started for you. There is no summer without Kendall. Never in the ten years you two had know each other was there a summer spend without the other. Summer and the dark haired boy were deeply intertwined in your mind. Sure you had seen each other on Christmas dinners at the Roy families city space and there was a New Year’s Eve spend together and once even a easter party, but summers were reserved for only the two of you.
You go to a fair with all the Roy kids one day this summer. Kendall been wary about this plan but you assured him it would be fun. Connor drives all of you in his car. He had come to visit for a few weeks. Since the two of you were sixteen he let you go off on your own on the fair while he stays with Shiv and Roman. You like Connor, he was kind to his siblings and sometimes even acted more like a Dad towards them than Logan does. Hell, you could’ve never imagined Logan Roy taking you to a fair, to the cinema or to the beach. You knew Roman likes to go fly fishing with his eldest brother in the summer. Connor also always asks to include you in his plans. He is like a cousin to you. It ended up being a great day. You and Kendall had gone to some of the rides and had a match in can throwing, where Kendall beat you and gave you the prize he’d won, a stuffed elephant. Connor brought you some food from the stands and drove you all home in the evening.
One day you go over to hang out with Kendall when you find a child sitting on the front steps. Roman. He is avoiding your gaze as you come closer. You can feel something is wrong. You approach the young boy carefully, how you would a deer in the woods. ”Hey Rome.“ You say softly. The boy curls more into himself. You sit down next to him, you don’t want to ask what had happened because you don’t know if you want to know but also because you don’t want this Kid to relive it by telling you. So you sit in silence for a few minutes before you ask ”You wanna play something?“ He is still not looking at you but comes out of his shell a little. He looks at you curiously for a moment, when you meet his eyes he looks away. His head doesn’t turn fast enough for you to not see the red mark on his cheek. Your heart starts to hurts at this. You always had wondered if Logan had used physical violence against his children but you had pushed the thought away, not wanting to believe it. You grew up with so much love that the thought of a parent hitting his child was something you thought of as evil. Roman was always a sweet child to you, yes he could be a little cheeky but what child wasn’t. You had once heard Logan compare him to a ”weak dog.“ and even though he made it sound like a joke you had seen the way Roman had flinched. Since then you had always try to be kind to him.
Kendall hears someone laugh outside of his window. He instantly recognizes that its you who’s giggling. He gets up to look outside to see you run around with his younger brother on the lawn. He’s confused for a moment but you look happy and even weirder his brother is laughing too. It looks like you’re having fun. Kendall isn’t jealous, he finds it actually kind of endearing to see you care for the little ones.
Now two years later, at eighteen, you were back at the Hamptons.
You hold the letter in your hands, growing more nervous with the second.
You and Kendall had made the promise that you would open your college letters together. You had told your parents that and they had found it adorable. Kendall was not blessed with such understanding parents so he hadn’t told Logan about the letter arriving, not wanting to risk his father forcing him to open them in front of him, robbing him of this moment with you. He walks to the garden with the bundle of letters in his hands. He opens the door to the little gardening house behind the bushes and sees you already sitting there on the slightly dusty floor. Bundle of unopened letters in your lap. Your eyes meet his as he enters the place and he feels warmth flood his chest as a big smile is spreading on your face. ”Hey Kenny:“ you grin up at him ”Hi“ he smiles back at you. You haven’t seen each other in months, busy with exams and graduation from high school. You talked on the phone a lot. That’s how you came up with this plan. You would open your college letters together.
”Okay, who goes first?“ He asks after he sits down in front of you. ”Can you?“ You answer him shyly. He nodds taking the first letter. Tearing the paper open glancing over the words. ”Holy shit. Fuck! I got in.“ He lets out ”I got into Havard!“ He tells you before you tackle him in a hug. ”Congrats Kenny! I know you could do it!“ You sit back and take your letter, staring at it for a moment. ”I’m scared. Can you open it?“ you asked him ”I could but it’s your moment you know?“ he answers.
You take a deep breath before opening the envelope and taking another look at him, Kendall nodding, encouraging you to go ahead. As you read he tries to gauge your reaction, he usually can read you like a book but at this moment you pull a really good pokerface. You bite your lip for a second, eyes connecting with his as a huge smile breaks out on your face. You nod and Kendall smiles at you too. ”Congrats!" He tells you sincerely before asking wich college letter you had read but that was unnecessary as you tell him "Guess we’ll be college buddies now.“ with a smirk and his heart jumps "You got into Harvard too? Fuck this is amazing!“. This was the cherry on top, not only did he get into his dream college, wich would please his father, but he was going to be able to spend a lot more time with you. This day couldn’t have been better.
You read your other letters too after that, you got another acceptance message and three rejections. But that doesn’t matter, you got into your dream school and you would be able to spend these years with your best friend.
"You wanna sleep over tonight?“ Kendall asked you passing you the joint you shared. "I’d love to but I don’t want to get you in trouble.“ he smiled "He’s not here tonight, there’s some party.“ you exhaled "Yeah I’d love to, we can catch up.“ you also couldn’t wait to cuddle him again, it had been way too long.
"Honey! You’re back!“ You’re mother says excited as soon as you step into the kitchen "How was it! Tell me everything!“ But before you can answer her she holds up a finger asking you to wait before yelling down the house "Richard! Y/n is back!“ While you waited for your dad , eating strawberries out of a bowl, your mother was asking about how Kendall was doing and how his family was.
Your Dad walked into the kitchen smiling, you smiled back at him. "So I got three rejections.“ You pause for a second, dramatics and all, you knew your Parents were counting how many accepted you. You named the college that accepted you that wasn’t Havard first. Before announcing "But im not going to go there because Havard accepted me too.“ You tell them proudly and your Mom lets out a small scream hugging you tightly. "Congratulations sweetheart! We’re so proud of you“ Your Dad tells you while giving you a hug too. "Thanks Dad.“ You tell him. Harvard had been your first choice after all, even before you knew it was where Kendall wanted to study too. "We need to eat something special tonight!“ Your mom says "What do you want to eat Honey? Maggie can make you anything you like!“ She tells you. After you had wish for your favorite meal your father speaks up "Ask Kendall if he wants to come over too. Its a special day for him too after all.“ He suggest knowing that the Roys wouldnt celebrate his news like you’re family did. For them it was what was expected, of course Kendall had to go to a good school. He had taken extra courses for this exact reason. For your family a good education was important too, but they still wanted to recognize it as a big achievement anyway.
So you go and make a quick call to tell Kendall about these plans wich he accepts, you can hear his smile in his voice as he tells you. It was like it always had been, as soon as you were reunited you were inseparable.
A few mintues before seven pm Kendall arrives at your summer house. He greets your parents politely, still being on his best behavior, they tell him every beginning of summer that he can relax around him. He’s basically part of the family after all these years. Seeing the way he seems more carefree at your place always makes you happy. Even though your father is friends with Logan he doesn’t particularly agree with his parenting style. He has seen glimpses into what is going on in the house next to yours and you ad told him a little. You havent told him any details, not wanting to accidentally get your friend into trouble. But you knew a lot more. Kendall had told you over the years.
"So Kendall, what have you kids planned for this summer?“ your dad asks, a casual tone telling that he was genuinely interested in what you want to do. "Well, uhm I think just the same as every year. I also got this motorcycle- well it’s not a real one. More like a Vespa? And I want to show it to Y/n." Kendall said before your father spoke again Kendall adds "I’ve had a lot of practice and I won’t speed. I will be careful. I promise.“ you giggle a little at his nervousness. "No worries, kid." Your father tells him "We trust you. You take care of our daughter.“ he says before he takes another bite.
You follow Kendall to the front door. "So? Sleepover’s still on?" He asks with a mischievous grin. "Sure, we can braid each others hair and talk about how cute Tim is." You tell him leaning against the doorframe. "Exactly what I had in mind. Keep the window open.“ he quips back.
It’s around eleven when you hear noise coming from outside you window and you smile to yourself, putting the book down you were reading. Kendall heaves himself into your room, wich looks the same as the last time he’s been in here. You pat the bed next to you and lift the covers for your friend to crawl under. "What are you reading?“ he asks and you show him the cover. While he studies the book you ask him if he wants to watch a movie with you he answers with "Sure“. The movie is just background noise as you talk for hours. Your voices slightly hushed so that your parents won’t find out: even if their room is at the end of the floor and you don’t think they would mind too much. You’re not even entirely sure that your mom doesn’t know that you let Ken sleep over or you sneak out from time to time during summer. At home you usually don’t sneak out of the house. Your friends Anna and Meghan are allowed to sleep over and you can go to parties with them - if it’s only parties at the homes of other kids your age. Your parents wouldn’t appreciate you going to clubs. And now that you’re 18 it doesn’t matter anyway.
At some point you fall asleep, your cheek slightly squished against Kendall’s shoulder.
The next weeks are spend just enjoying the summer together. Driving around on the small motorcycle Ken had bought. You were having so much fun
You took a picture with your camera of Kendall on the bike wich would find a place on your wall.
Kendall had to attend some of Logan’s business calls throughout the summer. Logan was convinced he was ready to learn more about the company he would be working for after college.
It felt like the weeks flew by because soon enough your summer was over and you were off to college. Saying goodbye to Kendall is much easier this time. You would are going to see him in just a week anyway - and from there on you would life close to each other. You can’t wait to spend more time with your best friend. Yes you had close friends at school but you always consider Kendall your best friend. He just understands you and you can tell him everything knowing he wouldn’t judge you. Kendall would never tell you, he was an eighteen year old boy after all, but he considered you his best friend too. He likes being able to talk about family issues with someone - his friends at school couldn’t know but with you it was easy. You care.
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My old introduction message was not very good so I’m gonna do a new one.
Hello. My name is AroaceGarlicBreadLover, I am an INFP aroace, and this is my blog where I will primarily talk about aspec stuff, but possibly other things as well rarely. And even though this blog is primarily intended to be for aspec people, basically anyone is accepted here as long as you don’t discriminate against others. However, I mostly direct all my posts at aspec people (Such as most of my polls being directed at aspec people specifically and having one option for non-aspec people in general), so you may feel a bit left out if you’re not.
Any pronouns, but she/her preferred
Don’t send me donation asks. I have accepted them before and will still answer the ones I have in my inbox currently. But any ones from now will be deleted. I am a minor and cannot afford to donate to you and my blog is not big enough for your post to be more spread than it already is. All they do is make me feel bad and I don’t want any more of them. Hope you understand.
I don’t swear, but I have no problem with other people doing it and some of the things I reblog will still have swears probably
I am an introvert, and not very good at being social and talking to people, so i may be a bit awkward to talk to and I’m not very self confident so I often change my mind instantly after posting something and delete it right after so if you see me having posted something and then it’s gone, that’s probably why, and if it’s not deleted then I have most likely edited the post several times (Such as this entire part being something I put in after posting this)
This I tend to write very long messages very often to make sure I convey everything I wanna convey, so sorry about that.
My interests outside of mentioning that I’m aroace every 5 seconds are mostly writing stories, Playing Minecraft (Mostly being in fan-made life series if you know what that is, but it’s pretty niche so I doubt anyone will), and anything related to Undertale/Deltarune (I love UT/DR so much, I am absolutely obsessed with it), including AUs and such, and I’m also interested in just playing other video games as well, but Minecraft, Undertale, and Deltarune are my favorite ones.
I am openly Aroace both irl and online, so basically everyone who knows me pretty well also knows that I’m aroace at this point. I am a minor (Not going to say exactly what age though) and I live in Europe.
I am still quite inexperienced with both being aroace and with tumblr, so if you notice anything I should be doing differently, just tell me.
I’ll try to post at least one non-reblog daily, often more, and if you want to say anything, I have an ask me anything thing that you can use (Please do, I’m already running out of ideas of things to post).
I am okay with suggestive jokes and stuff like that, but only from other people who are also minors. People that aren’t minors can still follow and interact with me, but then don’t make suggestive jokes please.
Hope you have a good time here!
LORE (Not really):
I have 3 worms thanks to i-give-worms
Currently only have 1 Garlic Bread. All of it got stolen by an anon, but then another anon gave me one
I do have an apple though
I also have too many kiwis
I have a curse where all my Garlic Bread also contains onions :(
I have a strong shield that repels kiwis
The fluffy furry fairy turned me into a fluffy fox furry
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williamkisser · 3 months
♡— Flirting with the Cowboy
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♡— thank you for requesting anon! I’m sorry it took some time but when i was in the middle of writing this fic i decided i don’t like it and started from scratch ☠️ anyways
♡— Warnings: g/n reader, unrealistic usage of the lasso, word count 1300
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♡— Kevin Ayuso felt just like a fish in water during the manor’s games! The trill of rescuing others, dealing with the bad guys… surely, it was far from the real thing back in America, and to be sincere, it did feel faux, but a man’s got to appreciate what he has. And not like it matters either way - sooner or later he will be destined to forget his past anyway. This is the real world these days.
♡— The cowboy’s skill and experience from his past endeavors in the wild brought him much respect in the Manor. His moves were smooth enough to keep the hunters distracted through the entire match. Oh, how much the praise has boosted his ego up.
♡— Kevin was someone very trustable judging by his cleverness, but he wasn’t calling himself the cowboy for nothing. Never you’d see him without his signature lasso, pretty sure he even sleeps with it under hidden under the pillow. And during the games? A menace to hunters, a blessing to survivors.
♡— Additionally, when nothing serious or important was going on, he would to show off near everyone, specifically the prettiest manor residents. Can you blame him though? He’s such a flirt, and Oletus is filled with beautiful men and women… it’s just natural.
♡— Kevin also loves doing lasso tricks. The thing is, sometimes he can be too proud, embarrassing himself by some stupid, silly mistake. Quite shocking to see him still walking on both legs and owning a full set of teeth after he once shattered a few of Vera’s perfume bottles while trying to lasso her for jokes. But that’s nothing. Once he got so drunk he attempted to lasso Naib. No need to say what happened later.
♡— You once ended up on the team together with him for one of the matches. This fact solely made you feel slightly safer, but you quickly realized the hunter was feeling friendly today, seeing Antonio’s demonic juggling the balls Mike kept throwing at him. Kevin, seeing this, wanted to instantly join. He specifically told you to watch the old cowboy in action. He was lassoing the circus balls effortlessly, or at least it seemed so.
♡— In the middle of doing his silly trick, he turned his head back to you, giving you a wink and a smile that would make many people fall to their knees. Bad move. He lost the control over his lasso and accidentally threw one of the balls straight towards your forehead. It hurt like hell. If you were fully conscious, you would probably be angry at him and slap his cheek, later soothing it with a kiss to tease him back, but right now you were far too overwhelmed to bring yourself to any rational thought. Either way, he would get a scolding from Emily for giving her yet another unnecessary responsibility even after a friendly match. That Kevin…
♡— Needles to say, while his romantic efforts are appreciated (by some), you forgave him, but it should be best if he left the entertainment activities to the Hullaballoo performers. Kevin’s lasso fail however quickly led you to a great idea. What if you treat him with the taste of his own medicine? Lassoing him seemed like a big challenge, but it was worth it. You just couldn’t stop imagining him being tied up, feeling confused and shocked. The real issue though would be obtaining his lasso. He always has it near him.
♡— Well, the best idea is to probably await yet another friendly match. While Miss Nightingale never looked too pleased when finding out that the game didn’t proceed properly, but those matches definitely lifted up everyone, so she proceeds to not bat an eye too often.
♡— Another key issue is that you must be paired with Kevin if you actually want it to actually happen, which would it harder for you to focus during serious matches, knowing you’re in a team with the handsome cowboy you’ve been having the hots for lately. And Kevin quickly picked up on what’s going on after a while. You two certainly kept matching together more often than you usually should.
♡— That was the end of you, as he started to tease you more often. He’d run to you from the opposite corner of the map to decode the cipher machine together with you (which you’ve already decoded up to 80% by yourself, by the way). The shit eating grin he’d have while carrying you to safety from the hunter. Oh Lord.
♡— So when you two finally find yourself in a friendly match, you’re already overly ecstatic. Well, friendly… sort of. At least it began like this. The Joker must have felt very moody or mischievous today, as after playing with other survivors, he began terror shocking them, taking advantage of them letting their guards down. Thankfully, you were that one person doing the job and decoding all of the ciphers, meaning you were safe for now. Out of all chaired ones, ironically, Kevin was the closest one to you. You knew that if you decided to save someone else, you wouldn’t save them on time anyway. Well, here goes nothing…
♡— While you sneakily ran towards the cowboy’s chair location, you instantly spotted his lasso, laying abandoned in the tall grass, which gave you an amazing idea. Meanwhile, Kevin had no idea that you were near, assuming you ran after the dungeon. That’s when he felt something tightly wrapping around him. His own lasso. You lassoed Kevin near you and delivered the cheesiest pick-up line known to mankind after rescuing him. He’s never going to let it go now.
♡— When you two went through the exit gate, Kevin stopped you by holding your hand and smirked widely, saying that if you’re so eager to learn his ways, he may give you private lasso using classes. It’s hard to tell if it was you or him who felt more embarrassed that day.
♡— The next day, you’d hear a knock on your door. After opening them, you saw no one, however after looking down, you noticed nothing else but Kevin’s lasso. Looks like he has some spare ones after all. This would lead to a small teasing war between you, much to everyone else’s horror. He would lasso you in the most unexpected time, making you yelp, and you’d lasso the thing he is holding out of his hands.
♡— This would go on for a little over a week, until one day you felt too confident over the control of your new lasso. It was already dark - only the moon and the wax candles were bringing light into the big dining room. Kevin was talking with Jose, with whom he got along well with. When the officer left, you decided it’s the right time to take the cowboy by surprise. You prepared the lasso, aiming at him precisely, but suddenly at the same time while you striked, something loud could be heard from the corridor. Later on, it turned out someone just accidentally shattered their plate on the floor, but currently, you got so shocked you accidentally lassoed yourself.
♡— Funny thing is, Kevin knew you were there, he just acted like he didn’t, therefore he wasn’t startled at all. So when you finally revealed yourself unwillingly, he showed you that smile you hated and loved so much at the same time and kneeled next to you, almost paralyzed from the embarrassment you felt.
♡— „Well, does it mean the good ol’ cowboy won our little lasso war, honey?”
♡— That’s how you shortly after found yourself in his arms, except he decided to take revenge for your attack on him, jokingly wrapping the lasso around your waist along your hands, meaning you could only ineffectively kick your legs at his stomach. After that, he didn’t utter a single word, carrying you all tied up to his room.
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stirringwinds · 1 year
I really like your thoughts about the China/Korea/Japan dynamic! :) I’m just curious, have you thought about how Vietnam factors in there? I find her connection to China and how similar their cultures are given that Vietnam is considered part of the Sinosphere and was even ruled by China for awhile super interesting
vietnam and china...this is literally my great-grandma and great-grandpa i am not joking 😔 but yes, i have! this is the way i see it:
Lien (my human name for her) totally does not respect Yao the way yong-soo and kiku have at various points in history as a sort of cultural wellspring (the old master and his rival apprentices dynamic; kiku is of course, that regicidal protege who both respects and is later contemptuous of his teacher). For Lien, i feel like in contrast, that's just never been a thing for her and for good reason. first of all: why should she lmao...she has a very strong claim to be as old as he is! they are peers in age. so, she is not quite in the same category as yong-soo and kiku. she will recognise him as a threat that has to be taken seriously, though, of course, which brings me to the next point.
second of all, there's a long history of chinese imperialism over vietnam; over a span of 1,500 years, multiple chinese dynasties have conquered vietnam (not necessarily the whole of its modern territory, but often the northern regions), whilst the vietnamese rebelled against that again and again—like the famous trung sisters, who led a revolt against the han dynasty, after two centuries of chinese rule. so, we need to be mindful that conquest is where some of those cultural similarities come from to begin with; chinese influence due to cultural domination, mixing with pre-existing elements of vietnamese culture. ancient vietnamese and chinese culture have very distinct origins otherwise; the sinosphere is as much about cultural diffusion as it is conquest.
thirdly; Lien may have thought of Yao as an arrogant and ambitious asshole because of the long, long list of wars they’ve fought against each other, but...they're not totally opposites either. because she's had her own ambitions and tensions with neighbours. here, i'm melding the historic vietnamese conquest of the southern kingdom of champa into her personal history. Lien is a woman, whom as i see it, can appear very elegant in a formal ao dai—but her fingers are callused because she's been a general and a swordswoman for such a long time (wielding weapons like maybe a gươm truòng, which is a type of long-handled vietnamese sabre) —and in the modern era during the rebellions against french and japanese colonialism, she's been a spy and a sniper too. as a woman who is an ancient nation, i think she often regards yao when he attempts to intimidate with a cool demeanour: yao may be THE regional titan, but he is such a familiar enemy it’s almost like an old dance—whereas kiku and francis and alfred, are even more so, boys playing at being men in her eyes. she might not have their power as regional or global empires, but she has experience, and she's outlasted much more.
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Any hcs on the Genderbent versions of anyone? I know you love fem Idia and got some Fem Azul art, but do feed my girl loving heart
Anon, first of all, thank you for your patience. This ask took a while, because at the very beginning I was like “well I kind of want to draw this, even though I’m not sure when I’ll have time to draw ALL of them”, but then I started writing, and here we are…
I’ll just say that I’ve written more about some of the girls than about the others, because, well, I don’t have much thoughts about some of them. Mostly about the Savanaclaw…
Also I’m still not 100% certain about some stuff that I talk about, so if I ever manage to draw something or write more posts about them, don’t be surprised if we change our minds about how this whole thing goes.
Ace – pretty close to the original both physically and mentally, she’s a sporty gal who likes comfy-sporty street fashion and basketball. She is a tomboy, but she also considers herself quite cute. She often makes jokes about how her future husband is going to be some rich old dude and how she’ll never have to work, because she is such a cutie. She doesn’t really likes guys all that much though, so it’s more of a “yeah I can do that, so what?” type of thing, because she knows this topic pisses Deuce and Riddle off.
Deuce – ex-sukeban, but a soft-spoken neat girlie with a proper ponytail and clean nails. Embarrassed of her previous behavior, so she tries her best not only to become a good student like  the original Deuce, but also to act accordingly to how society perceives “good girls” who would become “wife material”  when they’re older. She doesn’t really want to become a housewife though, so she is quite conflicted about it…. She’ll figure it out eventually. Also, she respects and loves her mom a lot; she is pretty much her role model.
Riddle – your average flat-chested tsundere girl. When it comes to her hairstyle, I’m torn between giving her pigtails (a classic for this type), a bun similar to what the Queen herself is wearing, or something completely different. I addition to all the agonizing rules the original Riddle has to oblige to, she has a whole separate set of rules for a proper lady. A little copy of her mother in the making, but a hopeless romantic at heart.
Trey – a full-bodied short-haired oneesan type, very attentive and sweet. In addition to her love for cooking and baking, she is also quite handy (at fixing things) and strong, so sometimes people joke about her being more of a dad friend than a mom friend. Also, she is scary when angered.
Cater – also pretty close to the original: trendy and stylish, maybe she wears more accessories than the original Cater, but not too much. She jokes about having crushes on male celebrities, but she actually likes girls.
Leona – probably more proactive than the original Leona, since she’s a lioness. Logically that would also imply shorter hair, but who knows.
Jack – another oneesan type, but also quite tsundere-ish. Her hair is long and fluffy, just like her tail.
Ruggie – pretty close to the original, but with a cute short ponytail.
Azul – she prides herself on being the next Great Sea Witch: she is sure that she is going to become one, but she never brags about it, just thinks about it to herself very smugly. She also uses her charms to her advantage, being all sweet and acting like a dainty and fragile little lady around potential business partners, which is funny, because it’s painfully obvious that she is actually super bossy, pushy and aggressive. Maybe even more aggressive than the original Azul…
Jade – an unnervingly polite girl that has the same aura as your average Asian flight attendants do…. Like, almost yamato nadeshiko type?? Very soft-spoken and very attentive, humble, poised, but there is still this feeling that underneath all that hides something truly terrifying… She either has her hair down or wears it in a neat bun. She is extremely tall, which makes her intimidating, and is quite busty.
Floyd – just as tall and busty as Jade (they probably have the biggest breasts out of the entire cast), but definitely different in everything else. She is truly a creature and acts, well, just like the original Floyd. She’s either sluggish or super active depending on her mood, and is actually quite a flirt compared to her sister. It’s super easy for her to make other girls flustered (which is something that Riddle specifically doesn’t like her for). She wears anything that feels comfy and cool for her, although when it comes to shoes she prefers to wear sneakers and men’s shoes. She also wears her hair down more often than Jade.
Kalim – oh I’m having a hard time with this one, but she is kind of like a Disney princess (an active genki one). Her hair is probably braided, but it’s still quite fluffy and soft and looks a bit unkempt but in a stylish way: Jamil braids her hair every morning. She just wants to have fun 24/7, so she is a bit unhinged, but also quite empathetic and nice. But a bit dumb.
Jamil – a woman of my dreams lol but in all seriousness, visually she is quite similar to the original Jamil: her hairstyle is pretty much the same, her outfits still have this “hip-hop”-y vibe, a bit sporty, a bit tomboyish, but I guess with a sexy fleur? A very subtle one though. Personality-wise it’s a 100% match.
Vil – the type of model/actress you would see in a post titled “androgynous celebrities” and go “woah who is she”. Elegant, beautiful, super tall, Vil looks good in both dresses and pants. Just like the original Vil, she hates it when the clothes are described as “manly” or “womanly”: Vil wears what she wants to wear. Oh, and high heels are still a must: she is proud of her long legs and she’ll never let you forget about it. (Also when it comes to fem!Pomefiore, I wrote down “Lobelia but with a twist” lol)
Rook – someone you’ll look at for a second and immediately think “a lesbian”. She looks neat and wears makeup, but she is still quite tomboyish and has this vibe of a woman that could pin you against the wall. She is much better behaved now that she is in Pomefiore though. She definitely wore a plaid shirt when she and Vil first met lol
Epel – another tomboy. She doesn’t like girly things just as much as the original Epel, but I guess she is more justified in her hatred towards it than him lol She complains a lot about being forced to do stuff she doesn’t want to and has heated arguments with Vil, even though Vil doesn’t really force her to wear dresses or paint her face: she just wants Epel to brush her hair and stop swearing like a tractor driver. And wear sunscreen… Although Vil and Rook would like to see Epel dressed in both cute dresses and handsome princely outfits (the latter Epel especially doesn’t get).
Idia – tall otaku girl, the type of girl that would be mistaken for a dude online, because she tends to be a resident of online-spaces where all the men otaku hang out. The fact that she still uses “sessha” as her pronoun doesn’t help with that.  She is a liiiiiitle bit of a fujo, but her main focus is the same as the original Idia’s: animes with cute girls in it, gacha-games with waifus, all that stuff. Visually she is pretty much the same as Idia, well, other than the obvious differences. She also doesn’t own a bra, because she is rather small and wears big hoodies and jackets.
Ortho – well this is a tricky one. I think Ortho is also pretty much the same as the original Ortho, but maybe with cute little pigtails lol gotta think about this one more…
Lilia – pretty much the same as the original, the differences are minimal with this one. A cutie through and through 😔💕 and a war criminal
Malleus – whenever I think about her, I picture quite a mature looking lady, visually in her 20s, but I guess Malleus himself looks quite mature for a college student. Her figure is elegant and she is actually quite lean, but with wider hips. Maybe she has a headpiece similar to Maleficent’s, but she doesn’t wear it all the time.
Silver – I’m not sure if I want her to have longer hair or nah, she is also quite similar to the original Silver. She looks more delicate than she actually is because of her pretty face, but her body is actually full of scars and muscles. 
Sebek – she has much longer hair in a neat bun, she is quite full-bodied, strong and muscular. She is quite romantic in her beliefs that she won’t have a family because she is going to dedicate her life to her Queen.
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satanscatsworld · 2 years
*rolls out from under your bed on a car creeper* May I ask if you could do the last prompt about anxiety and triggering situations, but with Lilia and Cater?
TWST boys’ headcanons with an introvert MC who has anxiety, nervous ticks and who always selflessly insert themself into triggering situations! Lilia + Cater!
What are you doing under my b- oh nevermind- lol.
Sure thing! I hope you will like it, I tried my best ^^!
Enjoy <3333333
Part one with Leona, Jamil, Azul, Floyd and Crewel right here.
Lilia Vanrouge
Oh, that one… How could that one ever miss something about you?
Lilia is sharp when it comes to these things. You see, he’s fairly… Old and experienced, despite not looking like it, and he also raised two wonderful boys that you know well.
He met enough people through ages to learn and read through them.
And you were no exceptions! He could read through you like an open book, and it didn’t take him long before noticing what was going on.
The way you were always saying yes to any request, no matter how awkward it could make you feel, and how busy you were. Oh little one, you just couldn’t say no, could you?
But what also caught his eye, is the was you never turned out anyone, even though the situation triggered you.
Which caused you, and he noticed it pretty quickly as well, to trigger your nervous tics.
He particularly noticed how you would always need to have something in your hands. Be it your rings, or, if you didn’t wear/like jewellery, your phone, your fingers, whatever your hands could grab and crush between them.
Even to the point where it would physically hurt you to do so, you just couldn’t help it when those episodes stroke in.
He didn’t wait long before taking the matter into his own hands though, and soon enough, you would have your boyfriend magically appearing above your head, a sly and cunning smirk on his lips, and scaring the others away.
“Prefect, could you please-” “BOO!” “AHHHh!”
Jokes aside, it would happen a lot. And if people didn’t get the hint, Lilia would tell them himself to grow up and not rely on you for anything and everything, and especially something they know you don’t like to do.
As for your hands, he would help you to take care of them: applying a healing cream, bandages if your nails stabbed your flesh, and he would absolutely not prevent you from nervously holding things in your hands.
Though, to help you calm down he would offer you his hand.
“My, My, Love, one must not refuse a fae’s request, I’ll may end up landing a curse upon you… Haha, gotcha! Just kidding. May you hold my hands? I’m quite the anti-stress par excellence, hehe.”
Cater Diamond
Ay, that one is so underestimated!
Cater may look like he’s an airhead, your typical classmate play-boy, but he’s definitely not and he’s a lot more than that.
He’s actually got quite the observing eye, almost nothing can go past him without him noticing.
He notices when you change your haircut, he knows your favourite things, he notices pretty much anything if that’s about you, his beloved lover.
But this time, only this time, you were the one coming up to him.
It was after a pretty bad triggering episode, the task given to you left you in a pretty bad state, and you struggled very hard. You were so tired of your body not listening to you.
You were so tired of the anxiety crawling on your skin, carving in your flesh, owning your body like its own.
You were also so flustered and awkward after, because some of your classmates happened to witness it, and gave you very heavy weird stares.
You cried in Cater’s arms after that, metaphor or not, when your boyfriend saw your pale and distressed face, he immediately ran up to you and hugged you tight.
Either you tell him or not, he noticed what was going on.
Annnnd you, my friend, is getting pampered!
He wants you to rest, he even gently scolds you for it, and he puts his mind into protecting you even more. That is to say: if he’s not with you, he will tell Adeuce to look out for you more and tell people to scram, if he’s with you, he will wait for you to speak for yourself, and if you can’t, he will for you.
Also! You will often catch him using his unique magic, that literal cheat code, so that even if he’s too busy at the moment, one of his clone will check up on you.
Cater is literally one of the sweetest beans ever, and never judged you for being yourself, especially not in such situations.
#Snuggles #CaringBoyfriend #FavouriteGingerBoy
“MC-ey, look what I got! This is a new plaid blanket, it’s extra soft. Oh, I also got ya one of those essential oil diffusers, I heard it was pretty good to help you calm down with a familiar scent you liked. Here, let’s get comfy!”
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
Some Serennedy headcannons for the one and only @mooseonahunt !!!! Sorry I couldn’t add to it ask Tumblr wouldn’t let me BXNSHDNSJSN
HC’s under cut cuz I don’t wanna bombard anyone’s dashboard!!!
• They’re T4T. This much is obvious. And I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, I think Luis is very old-fashioned and as such still uses terms like Transvestite/Transsexual/Fag for himself. I think Leon is just happy calling himself gay and trans chendhendhsn
• I don’t think Leon’s actually all into women- controversial I know BCNSHDNSUSJ but I think him trying (and failing) to flirt with women was him trying to overcompensate for his queerness, and I think it solidified for him that Hey liking men is Ok actually when he met Luis
• Luis however is very unabashedly queer. He will flirt with anyone and everyone and he’s encouraged Leon to open up more when it comes to his identity me thinks
• Leon gets jealous easily. Not in an alpha-male-nobody-can-touch-my-man way, but I think he’s deep down a little bit insecure that a guy like LUIS would ever be into HIM. He just likes coming home and being reassured with lots of kisses that Luis does love him and only him acktually (But I’m saying that I don’t think either of them would be like. OPPOSED to polyamory. They just don’t have the time BXBSHNESH)
• Luis is obviously the more physically affectionate one and Leon is VERY touch starved so he laps it up like crazy
• Luis is a morning person. Leon is NOT. So often Luis will get up WAY before Leon and go out shopping for breakfast stuffs before him
• I know I’m one of millions to say this but Leon CANNOT cook. And Luis secretly indulges in being a little bit of a househusband for them both BXNSHENSJS
• Very random but I think Luis flirts with Chris on behalf of Leon. He’s like “if this idiot won’t make a move on this Boulder-lookin ass guy I WILL”
• Me And @hamartia-grander had a very hilarious conversation about this but I think Leon is immune to all flirting EXCEPT for Luis’. Luis could say literally THE DUMBEST shit and Leon will fall head over heels for him
• And Vice Versa. Luis is SUCH a sucker for all of Leon’s dumb jokes he strokes his ego like crazy
• Luis is like one of those dogs that are massive but don’t realise it and think they can sit on their owners just fine. Luis will curl up on Leon’s lap or be the little spoon and it’s an insanely awkward tangle of limbs but Leon couldn’t care in the slightest
• Also, Luis is like,,, actually SHOCKINGLY taller than Leon???? Like if you put their game models side by side and make Luis stand up straight he’s actually quite a fair bit taller than Leon????? But he’s always resting his weight on one hip or leaning on something so it’s hard to tell in-game
• Leon doesn’t like to go out in public so when he has to, he’s always got a grip on Luis’ arm xhdndhenhdnejx
• Luis LOVES to buy Leon new jackets. Except he has no money so he’s actually just using Leon’s money BCNDHDNDHNDDJ
“Awwwwe thanks for the jacket babe :)) why is there 50$ less in my bank account”
“Don’t worry about it cariño :)))))”
• Luis can sing!!! And play guitar!!!!! His Grandfather taught him :)
• Leon REALLY likes to learn and engage in stuff from Luis’ culture. Luis gets homesick very easily so he’s always teaching him dances and cooking him food n stuff like that to make them both feel better
• That being said Leon will TRY to speak Spanish and he just. Sounds awful. And I think Luis gets very delighted by very random silly American things xhsnxhsnxj he just like me fr (Eg: omg Leon!!!!!!! An Ikea!!!!!!!!!!! Ive Never been to an Ikea before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
• Leon has made it a habit of reading Luis Don Quixote before bed. Even though Luis could probably read the book backwards with his eyes closed, he just likes hearing Leon talk :)) also Leon is a S L O W Reader so Like. It works out for the both of them BCNDHXNDJD
• I’ve mentioned this numerous times but I fully think if Luis were to survive, he’d be disabled somehow. Some days he’s fine and some days he can’t even walk. But Leon is always always always there to help him no matter what
• Going off of that, I recon Luis loves to dance, but can’t really do it well after his injury. So Leon just kinda half-carry’s him and it usually ends up with the both of them on the floor laughing
• I don’t think Luis would still be religious after,,, e v e r y t h i n g but I think he probably still prays out of habit, and Leon likes to sit and watch him with a lil smile on his face
• Luis still loves to use knight/prince-themed nicknames for Leon :))
• Leon loves to kiss the rings on Luis’ fingers as a form of intimacy
• Again stolen from @snailvee , but I WHOLLY agree with their headcannon that Luis takes a LOT of pride in his appearance (he feels like it’s the one thing he can control etc etc) so letting Leon see him all scruffy in the mornings is a little way of saying “I love you”
• Also again stolen from Snail, they share clothes. Except Luis is really tall and lanky and it accentuates Leon’s muscles so sometimes he hides his clothes in Leon’s drawers on purpose NCNEHDNDJDNDJ
• After a while I wholly think Luis grows out his hair/ grows a little beard and Leon is obsessed w it
• I think even before he met Luis, he was exactly Leon’s type. Tall dark and handsome NXNDHDND he always pictured being with a man like that and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t kinda into Spanish accents
• Leon makes a extra effort to hide old photos of him as a Rookie from Luis because whenever he finds them he starts crying and is like “OOOOUGGHHH LEEEOOOONNN YOU WERE SUCH A BABYYYY……. THE WORLD WAS SO CRUEL TO YOOOOOUUUU…… OUAHAGAHSGHA”
• Oh also they’re both autistic. There is NO WAY Leon is neurotypical with that eye contact and lack of social awareness and Luis’ special interest is horses and Don Quixote you can’t convince me otherwise (He also likes infodumping to Leon abt sciency stuff :))) )
• I think Luis cries very easily. Not even over anything reasonable he’s just an emotional guy HDBDHDNDHDN
• Leon has had to sit Luis down multiple times and say to him “It’s ok. You don have to keep trying to repent for your mistakes. Being here and alive is more than enough of an apology for me. You can forgive yourself”
• Luis likes to gush about Leon to Rebecca and Leon likes to gush about Luis to Chris and Claire. They’re idiots sooooo in love
• @hamartia-grander again stolen from you but Leon always keeps a photo of Luis with him when on missions and they’re always calling whenever they can <<<333
• Luis has gotten every single little mole and freckle of Leon’s memorised perfectly so he can kiss them whenever he wants :))
• Leon’s favourite part of Luis is his pretty eyelashes with those tiny lil grey lashes and nose. He’s a sucker for big noses. He also likes braiding his hair me thinks
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spacemonkeysalsa · 4 months
(Angst and fluff and smut)
It's been five years since the Vampire Ascendant Astarion helped save Baldur's Gate. He has everything he ever wanted, and he's miserable.
Isolde is nobody, and has nothing. When given the option to become a vampire spawn, her response gives Astarion a moment of pause; “No. Thank you. I think I’ll just die.”
Read Chapter One on Ao3
Read Chapter Two on Ao3
Read Chapter Three on Ao3
Read Chapter Four on Ao3
Read Chapter Five on Ao3
Read Chapter Six on Ao3
Read Chapter Seven on Ao3
Read Chapter Eight on Ao3
Read Chapter Nine on Ao3
Read Chapter Ten on Ao3
Read Chapter Eleven on Ao3
Read Chapter Twelve on Ao3
Read Chapter Thirteen on Ao3
Read Chapter Fourteen on Ao3
Read Chapter Fifteen on Ao3
Read Chapter Sixteen on Ao3
Read Chapter Seventeen on Ao3
Read Chapter Eighteen on Ao3
or read Chapter Eighteen below the cut
On their way to introduce Isolde to Aurelia, Astarion realized that she hadn’t actually agreed to stay yet. Not in so many words. She was letting him touch her, guiding her with his hand at the small of her back. She certainly seemed lighter than before, but her cheeks were puffy and there was still a sleepy sort of darkness clinging to her, like Shar hadn’t totally given up yet.
He could sense that she was nervous, which was good. Was something. 
He knocked this time, wondering if he needed to make that a habit in his own home. He wasn’t usually visiting anyone else’s quarters quite so often.
“Come in,” Aurelia said through the door.
He intended to just pop his head in and ask her to get decent, but found her standing and still dressed in the middle of the room, looking down at the scroll of true resurrection in her hands as though contemplating its use. 
She swung her hands around to clasp the scroll behind her back, as though the point was for her not to be able to look at it for a moment.
“Aurelia, I wanted to introduce you to Isolde,” he opened the door all the way to let her enter.
“I told you, I’m not hungry,” muttered Aurelia. A lie, but she seemed determined to suffer.
“Oh dear,” Astarion sighed and laid a hand on Isolde’s arm, “don’t let that worry you, darling.”
Isolde’s brows were high and her heart was beating faster, but she didn’t seem frightened. Should he have mentioned Aurelia was a tiefling?
“No, Aurelia. She’s not a snack, she’s a guest in this house.”
“Oh,” Aurelia said sheepishly, even with red skin, she could still manage a blush, or maybe it was the lingering heat of the hells, “I’m sorry.”
“Welcome back,” Isolde took it in stride, in any case, though her smile was a little anxious.
“Thank you,” Aurelia’s shoulders visibly relaxed, but she still held her hands behind her back.
“Isolde is sort of indirectly responsible for all this, so feel free to shift your resentments over to her,” he was joking of course and he could tell from the flat expressions on both women’s faces that they knew that, but weren’t amused.
“How so?” Aurelia sighed.
“My old master owned the scrolls. Astarion stole them, after his recent unfortunate… internal decapitation,” Isolde managed to nearly sound gleeful, then looked a little ashamed of herself.
“Your old master?”
“The man I worked for, until very recently.”
“Until the internal decapitation,” Aurelia guessed.
“Yes, that was it.”
Aurelia nodded and Astarion felt confident that even with spare details, she had the measure of the situation. “I was just deciding… I will not bring back Cazador.”
That name again, like a hatpin jabbed into the middle of his ear. “I didn’t realize you were remotely serious about that.”
“I only needed to consider, certain rites,” she shrugged, and Astarion’s blinked so hard it hurt his head. He hadn’t even thought about that, but if Cazador came back, he could make Aurelia a true vampire. “But it isn’t worth it, is it?” Aurelia said quickly, and he was glad she’d gotten there on her own.
“Definitely not.”
“Even if you could… bully him into doing it—I’d be able to make spawn, maybe gain a few powers… lose a lot more. And it would be satisfying to kill him myself this time,” she admitted, “but, it’s better to just be done with it.”
“Once you start feeding again—and once you feed on the blood of thinking creatures, you’ll slowly start to develop those powers anyway. You’ll never be able to make spawn but…” Astarion trailed off in a kind of disgusted whine that he couldn’t quite suppress, “it’s really not worth it.”
“I don’t want to feed,” Aurelia shook her head. “I know I have to—”
“—you do have to. Because if you don’t, you’ll simply lose control. Better to have some sense and some choice in the matter,” he would have thought he didn’t have to explain that to her, and maybe he didn’t because she didn’t look at all surprised to hear it, she was nodding, almost imperceptibly.
“It should be one of the newer ones,” Aurelia declared. “They still have a chance. I think I’ll bring back Leon.”
“It doesn’t have to be one of them, you know,” Astarion forgot his earlier conviction not to advise her. That she had even considered bringing back their progenitor had him concerned that her judgment wasn’t the best at the moment. “You still remember your life before. The people you lost… wasn’t there some boy?” It was just a guess. And one he wouldn’t have made if he thought about it for more than one of Isolde’s heartbeats. 
Whoever Aurelia was before—however likely it was that she had people who loved her, they wouldn’t want to see what she became.
All the same,the suggestion just came out of Astarion’s mouth, now that there were no restraints. They’d never been allowed to talk about their lives before they were taken, but he seemed to remember that in the very early days, there had been some threat of harm to someone Aurelia cared about hanging over her that the master would occasionally use.
Aurelia didn’t meet his eyes, her brow knit and her mouth fixed in a pout. “There was. But. No. Tempting, but no. He surely went on to live a fine life with someone else. Besides. It should be Leon.”
“I thought you were going to sleep on it?”
“I thought if I slept on it, the answer would come to me. It came anyway.” Aurelia shrugged. “It’s Leon. It should be Leon.”
“If you’re certain. I’ll just be going then.” Astarion turned to take his leave.
“You’re afraid he’s going to hit you.” Aurelia called him out.
“At the very least, he will hit me.” Astarion halted.
“You deserve it.”
“I still don’t like being hit.”
Aurelia glared at him, flame red eyes casting as much light as the candelabra on the walls. “Isolde, you’ll stay and meet my brother Leon, won’t you?”
Shit. Now he had to stay. This was not going to be pleasant. “Do we really want to upset the man in his first moments back by exposing him to my face—”
“—I think he’ll find hitting you cathartic,” and without waiting for him to reconsider fleeing she took the scroll and said “Leon Onufrio.”
The spark of life fully drowned out Astarion’s sigh. As the room illuminated and a fourth body appeared. At least they were just taking care of it here and now, and not going down to the site of his last resting place where he might try and kick Astarion off into a conveniently placed chasm. Granted, if that did happen, he could just turn into mist or a bat and come right back up, but it was still a bother.
Leon examined himself, uncertain at first. He didn’t wail like Aurelia had. He roared. He hadn’t even seen Astarion yet. The sound of his anguish, his fury, whatever it was he was feeling, filled the room, he emptied himself of it, then gasped in, panting, his blood pumping, his heart thrashing.
Then Astarion realized what Aurelia had meant when she said she wanted to bring back one of the newer ones. One of the ones who still had ‘a chance.’
Leon wasn’t dead and wasn’t undead. He’d only been turned into a vampire about thirteen years ago, so he was resurrected back to his mortal state. When he did finally straighted up from the ground and look Astarion dead in the eyes, they were not the red eyes of a spawn, there was no hint of that malevolent light. They were hazel, and tragic, and human.
Predictably, Leon rear back his fist, and Astarion braced himself to catch it, but that proved unnecessary. Both Aurelia and Isolde were on either side of Leon, holding him back. That wasn’t so predictable.
For a long moment, he seemed too angry to speak, though still gasping for air like he’d run miles to get here. His eyes brushed right past unfamiliar Isolde and came around to find Aurelia where he rested them, looking surprised to see her, then saddened. His jaw set.
“Did she tell you?” Leon held Aurelia’s gaze, but from his tone Astarion was sure he was speaking to him. “Where we were? Where you sent us?”
“She spared me the details, but I gather you were burning, freezing, flayed, in the torment of the hells?” No reason to be soft about it.
“You’re not even going to try to pretend to be ignorant of—”
“No, I won’t,” Astarion declared and though he did feel bad, though he did understand that he was fully in the wrong about a thousand times over, he felt a rough surge of irritation that came out in his next words, “I know what I did. I haven’t been soothing myself with false reassurances that you were all just definitely enjoying a nice long stroll on the fugue plane, awaiting comfortable judgments and rest.”
“I can hardly believe you to be penitent!” Leon’s voice cracked and cut through, “don’t think I will buy any slithering lie out of your mouth that you’ve brought us back to alleviate your guilt—to try and repay a drop of blood—you have some angle, some scheme—”
“Really, brother, scheming?” Astarion put a little more distance between them, fearing that Aurelia and Isolde’s touch on either of Leon’s trembling arms wouldn’t be quite enough to keep him back. “Does that actually sound like me?”
“Are you not his creature?! Just a smaller, more petulant version of the master—Mephistopheles brand new curiosity? How can we know what you’re capable of?” demanded Leon.
“I brought you back,” Aurelia said softly. “He didn’t really want to. Thought you’d be mad. And he only brought me back because he’s… well, he says he’s not sure, and I believe him.” She admitted that last party rather wearily. 
“You—” Leon finally faltered, his shoulder’s dropping as he looked at Aurelia, eyes softening, “but—he doesn’t know?”
“A whim brought on by the unexpected procurement of scrolls of true resurrection,” Aurelia’s pouting lips briefly twisted into a frown and she added, in nearly a whisper, “...and some sort of existential crisis, I gather.”
Leon held very still, the apple in his throat bobbed as he swallowed, his chest rose and fell. There was sweat on his brow and upper lip. Gods, people were so different when they were alive. Just being in his presence it was almost difficult to recognize him as the same person. Astarion had never known him back when he’d just been a human sorcerer. “A whim?” Leon considered Aurelia’s words, “crisis?” he looked at Astarion, those unfamiliar hazel eyes sweeping him in a search. “I suppose. That does sound like him.”
“This really isn’t a scheme. It’s barely a reunion.” Astarion gathered that both women must have felt the same reassuring sense from Leon at the same time, because they released him almost simultaneously. Astarion half expected him to take advantage of the lapse and lash out, but he didn’t.
Leon opened his mouth to say something, then stopped himself. He closed his eyes, muscles tense and Astarion watched him breathe in and out and thought he could understand what he was thinking.
He couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to be alive again. Truly alive.
Slowly, Leon lifted one hand and whispered a soft word, emitting blue light through his fingers briefly. He let the cantrip fade out, but was still staring at his hand in disbelief. Relief.
“I’d like to welcome you back, sincerely,” Astarion added quickly, “and beyond that I imagine saying anything more would just needle you, so perhaps I should take my leave. Let you and your functioning circulatory system get to know each other again—”
“We aren’t done,” Leon said flatly.
“Yes, yes, so everyone keeps saying.” But no one was trying to stop him. He half wanted to let them try, just as an excuse to release a little anger, but the passing thought didn’t hold him. Shar’s influence simply couldn’t withstand the onslaught of emotions. He felt… well, not good. But he felt.
Isolde was just behind him as he quit the room. Leon and Aurelia would want to talk, alone, for a while, but just in case they didn’t stay where they were, he hurried Isolde along, back to her rooms.
“That was…” Isolde didn’t seem to know what it was.
“Yes.” Astarion agreed.
“He didn’t hit you,” she observed, encouragingly.
“I noticed,” Astarion suppressed as much sarcasm as he physically could, “we were never terribly healthy as spawn. So, I don’t think any of us ever enjoyed the full extent of a vampire’s healing abilities, but it’s still a bit faster than a mortal’s. Perhaps he was concerned about breaking all those little bones in his hand, first thing. Though he could’ve got me with a cheeky little cantrip, now that he’s able to use his magic by his own will again.”
“Why would…” Isolde started, and he could imagine her recalculating as she decided to ask the question with merely passive references to the master that none of them seemed to want to speak of directly, “what is the point of having a spawn who can do magic, just to then not allow him to use magic?”
“To torment him—Leon was a rather gifted sorcerer. Took a lot of pride in it. Just as our bodies didn’t belong to us any longer, his power became… not his. He could only use it with permission.” Again, it didn’t feel good, talking like this again. Exhuming long buried past. In the first years after his ascension, there had been such relief in pretending it never happened. Those sad, desperate people were all gone. The sad, desperate version of himself? He’d killed him too.
Isolde spared him a look, but didn’t linger, or offer pity and he was grateful for that. As they reached her rooms he prepared to bid her goodnight, but she took his hand. “You can come in, if it pleases you.”
“You do please me,” he raised her hand to his mouth and brushed the back of it with his lips, “of course, I’ll come in.” He hadn’t actually expected the invitation, and accepted it without really considering if he wanted to be with her again right now. He let her lead him into the room as he tried to work it out. He still felt a little disconnected from himself, if he was honest. Unbidden, the memory of drinking from her in the library came back to him. His clumsy, far too amused attempts to reassure her that her physical response to him hadn’t been embarrassing but had only aroused him as well.
 It doesn’t mean anything. 
In retrospect, his insistence that it was just meaningless sex felt foolish. True emptiness was not something he pursued, any longer, not since he could help it. They might not be devoted companions, passionately in love with each other, but if their time together was actually meaningless, there wouldn’t have been anything for Shar to take from them.
He just hoped it meant something good.
She led him to the bed and encouraged him to sit down with a gentle press against his shoulders, that smoothly became the first ardent movements around the buttons of his coat, as she unfasten them. He didn’t usually allow someone else to undress him, but found he didn’t mind Isolde doing it. She wasn’t insistent, and wasn’t impatient with the cloth or with herself when it took focus to get through all the elaborate little quirks of the fine tailoring. “Do you…” she hesitated, nibbling at her plump bottom lip as she left his coat half-down on his shoulders and instead dragged her fingers down the front of his shirt and to his crotch, “need to be in control?” she finally asked, cautious, nearly a whisper, though they were very alone.
Her firm fingers pressed against him as she unlaced his trousers, and he began to feel that pleasant tight sensation. “Need to?” he had certainly never thought of it that way. For a very long time, there was nothing more accurate than to say that he wanted control. And after that, he simply had it. From the way she had positioned herself on her knees between his legs with his coat partly binding him, it seemed she might have some intent to do a little more of the work, pleasuring him, this time around. He certainly wasn’t opposed to that. After his ascension, he’d admittedly developed a taste for being worshiped, and even used, at different intervals. He could accept lavish adoration, especially coming from someone like Isolde who frankly, would never really be in control. He simply had too many advantages over her.
But, need? “As in, can I not get it up, unless I’m the one giving?” He laughed but ended it abruptly with a, “no.”
“That’s not really what I meant,” Isolde blushed.
“Then say what you mean,” he sighed.
“I suppose I mean: would you just trust me?” she shrugged, “let me try something.” It was a little unfair to ask him that when she was already under his strained waistband, fingertips brushing up against his growing erection, with her lips so wet and her eyes digging into him like that. He almost felt warm. And she certainly was.
Trust her? Another concept he took for granted these days. Who needed trust when so little was a threat to you any longer? People didn’t harm him, because they couldn’t. That was good enough. In many ways, it was better.
“You may ravish me however you please,” he sighed again, leaning back against the mattress, but she stopped him, with a hand on either lapel, bringing him back up to press their mouths together, her tongue pushing past his teeth. He felt her snag herself against one of his fangs, and tasted the smallest burst of broken flesh, but she barely noted it, apart from a moan that she stifled by deepening the kiss.
Climbing over him, he expected her to straddle his hips, but she sidled past him, kissing him all the while, and leaving a tingling trail from his mouth around his cheek and jaw and back towards his ears. A pleasant rush traveled from the tip of his helix down his neck and into his chest to grip him tight at his flexing core. It was always nice to find a lover who didn’t need to be reminded about the sensitivity of his ears. She had situated herself directly behind him, legs still listing to embrace him, her feet sliding against the tops and then the insides of his thighs as she parted them. His cock was throbbing almost painfully against the restrictive fabric, but as he started to reach down to free himself, she stopped him by pulling his coat all the way off with a few rough tugs. After tossing the garment aside she freed the tails of his shirt, and massaged her hands up his arching back in long, firm strokes.
The reignited scar tissue met her touch with an ache that only made him tense up for a moment, before he felt a distinct unraveling of the coiled muscles through his neck and shoulders. He had noticed it, totally against his will, over the last few days. Ever since bringing Aurelia back, there was more pain than there had been in years. But her touch helped calm the keening fire, and the memory of the nasty little blade that had done the work. She kneaded his flesh in smooth waves, working into the muscles underneath, the sweat of her mortal palms making him feel a little more pliant with her practiced administrations.
Her massage continued around the tight, thin flesh over his ribs and down his sides, up his chest and onto his stomach. Her mouth and tongue sucked and stroked his ears, or else she peppered the tops of his shoulders with soft kisses. “I love the way you touch me,” she started in a murmur, “the way you feel inside of me, how you fill every little space where I want you.” With two firm hands she drew his erection out of his trousers, wet her hands with the moisture weeping from the tip before she started to stroke him in waves of pressure that only started gentle. “But right now, I don’t need you to do anything. Please just relax for me.”
Although, this was, clearly, doing something for her. He could feel her hips rocking into him from behind, and imagined she was as warm and wet as ever.
Her grip around his shaft was a little too tight, too soon, and her movements not so practiced, but her enthusiasm was intoxicating. He only had to briefly slide his hands over hers and help her find the way he liked to be stoked, and she caught on immediately, without reproach. Before long, it was all he could do to hang onto her thighs, while she used her legs to pin him down. He barely managed to tell her he liked it. The rolling waves of pleasure made it difficult to string even two words together. He had found her tendency to come a little early, and repeatedly, to be equal parts amusing and titillating, so when he felt the very near risk in his own body, making his hips twitch, his legs tremble, and his head blank, his first instinct was to fight it, to make it last.
With a roll of her hips and a tug with either leg on the insides of his thighs, she spread him wider, and didn’t wince as his nails naturally dug into her in response. His stomach clenched and the muscles all through his legs were shaking. He tried not to fight it, but it was what his body wanted to do. To fight. Like he shouldn’t just let pleasure come. A protest formed on his lips, but he bit it back, gasping her name instead and gripping all the tighter as that tension all through his core finally released in a wet stream from his throbbing cock. 
Isolde kept stroking him, drawing more of the seed out, making a bit of a mess over his stomach and her hands. His head fell back again, arched almost all the way over her shoulder, and she turned into him to kiss his throat. Once she’d emptied him completely, she wrapped him in a tight embrace, locking her ankles together over his waist while her hands clung to the front of his chest.
He wasn’t entirely sure how long they were lying there. He felt a sort of heady contentment that kept him from immediately moving into the script he knew he should follow her. Something about how it was her turn now, or something about taking off the rest of his clothing, or scolding her for making such a mess, or maybe finding some scintillating and only mildly degrading way to make her clean everything up that they could both enjoy, but instead he felt bond by the silence and its comfort. She wasn’t moving much, besides nuzzling against his face, and occasionally gently stroking him with her fingers. He sensed a similar contentment in her. She just wanted to hold him, and being held felt good.
They could just do that, he reasoned. It was a bit… new.
He turned into her, just enough that he put his arms around her too, and found her simply gazing at him, for the moment at least, with no questions and no demands.
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peppeppu · 28 days
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I made Kenta Kosaku when I was 16 because I wanted to join a MHA RP group on DeviantArt. He’s probably the first(?) serious OC I ever thought of. Fr I took his hand and YANKED him out of my sketchbook and posted him online to be perceived (which is quite scary). I had a lot of illustrations of him, although now all of that old stuff has been archived and can’t be seen publicly. I’m grateful that my old RP applications and art haven’t disappeared forever when my laptop blew up into smithereens on that fateful day of 09/03/2021. Couldn’t save all the files unfortunately, but at least I’ve got a few saved. But hey! At least I can still draw, and I’m here now to info-dump, rant about, and post updates of my characters.
If I post different versions of Kenta (and other OCs) later on, just treat them as AU variants (I don’t believe there’s a true/canon universe for my OCs; I like to drop them in whatever world and see what happens. It’s exciting that way!).
With Kenta specifically, I like to follow a certain pattern when putting him in different, fictional universes. It helps me to keep his overall character consistent if I use and have him interact with different peoples’ OCs. So with that said, I basically made Kenta to be the kind of character who’s part of the common crowd, desperately wanting to be somebody else. And who’s that “somebody else”? Depends on the setting :]
…Urgh, there’s so much to talk about. Where do I even start? Maybe a brief character intro/history to this AU of Kenta? I LOVE talking about OCs (both mine and others’. Actually, it wouldn’t be a bad idea if I also info-dumped the ships my OCs are/were in… hmm. //writes it down).
For the MHA RP group, it would’ve been easy to make Kenta quirkless (being born with no superpower) and have him seek out a way to obtain a quirk through false means, or just pretend like he has a quirk— but in reality, he’s just a normie. But according to the actual MHA world (since the RP group was heavily based on the canonicity of the manga/anime series), it's a fact that around 80% of the population are born with a quirk. Thus in this universe, Kenta did have a quirk… I just made it a very useless one LOL.
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Thinking back on it now, it’s so stupid I don’t know why I came up with this HAHAHA. But it’s an immobilizing quirk that only works if his lips make contact on another person’s bare skin (I dubbed it thee… “Petrifying Kiss”). I don’t think the user gets stunned for long either; when I’m trying to imagine this quirk in a combat scenario… it genuinely sucks. Like, all it would take is for the other person to be covered head-to-toe in their hero/villain suit, and Kenta would have no way to stun them. However, it was 100% my intention to give him a forgettable, pointless quirk. Tbh it doesn’t have to be the one I chose, I could easily replace the one he had with another quirk as equally worthless and laughable.
Like, if you had a cool quirk, you could totally show it off right? For Kenta, he had no chance of doing that. So he would often be ignored at school. Maybe at first his classmates made fun of him for having a stupid quirk, but over the years the jokes would get old pretty quickly. Even his parents pitied him? But they probably didn’t do much to help him feel better about his own quirk, nor did they try to get involved in their son’s life. So, he’s very much emotionally neglected. I believe I wrote down somewhere about his history (it was required by the group to have it in your character application) that his quirk was a combination of both his mother’s Recovery quirk (like Chiyo Shuzenji’s Heal quirk) and his father’s Immobilization quirk. On the night when Kenta’s quirk developed (he was around 4-yrs-old), he accidentally immobilized his mother when giving her a good-night kiss on the cheek. Even though the effect is short-lasting, it’s pretty unfortunate :[
Before Kenta had developed his quirk, he pretty much lived out a normal childhood. His future still undetermined with the lack of a quirk, his parents have always hoped that he’d either join his mom in ailing sick patients at the hospital (inheriting a similar Recovery quirk) or become a hero like his father (he’s no big-shot; probably works at a hero agency under a pro-hero). Sadly with the reveal of his dumb kiss quirk— discussing further more onto what Kenta can and can’t do— his parents deemed it was considered useless now to raise him into someone they hoped he’d grow up to. Ever since then, he was pretty much ignored in the household, failing to live up to his parents’ expectations. So where and how is he going to get the love and attention that he oh-so desperately wants?
When the teasing at school stopped, it left Kenta with a strange sort of emptiness inside his heart. He had gotten used to the teasing so much that he used it as a coping mechanism to remind that he still “existed.” Without the attention from his parents and peers, he did whatever he could to get it all back. As a result, this led to a series of him changing his appearance drastically multiple times, and a sudden shift in his personality. He started acting out during school and at home too— anything he could do to get a reaction out of those around him.
Oh, remember when I previously mentioned how I “follow a certain pattern” with Kenta’s character? Ideally, I want there to be some sort of “canon event” that takes place in his life (no matter the universe/setting) that marks the turning point of what makes him the way he is (as in, the design of Kenta that you currently see right now. Yes, he didn’t always have pink hair. It’s all hair dye). So for this group, I’ve had Kenta overhear his classmates about a big villain attack that had occurred over where U.A. High School was. Witnessing the non-stop chatter about villains from his peers is what gave Kenta the idea to become a villain himself. He then made a promise to the world that he’ll become somebody unforgettable.
“But wait,” you think to yourself. How the hell is he a villain? He doesn’t look menacing? He looks hella goofy instead. His hair even looks like a pink poop emoji. Well, let me tell ya another sad truth… he sucks at being a villain LOL. This dude’s threat level is unbelievably low, like I can joke that his worst crime would actually be stealing candy from a baby. He’s just a nuisance to the neighborhood, and likes to grab the attention of licensed heroes from time to time. Like “Ooh, LOOK! I’m looiiitering! :D” and the heroes would simply smack their foreheads and shake their heads. So far in the RP group I had him in, the numerous things he got to do were pestering a tech repair shop employee, somehow crashing into events he was never given an invite to, annoying the new incoming U.A. students (who were all other peoples’ OCs), and briefly bumping into other villains (who also were peoples’ OCs! Yeah, the group accepted both student AND villain characters. Which I think was pretty cool).
It’s unfortunate that I decided to leave the group at some point (other people left too). There was an issue in regards to the group somehow staying in “limbo mode” for a long time, and a LOT of good roleplay logs that people have accumulated were suddenly not considered part of the group’s canon lore anymore. So essentially, everyone had to “start over” with their characters not knowing each other and having to re-introduce them again. It felt a bit of time wasted, but I was mainly sad that any character development/friendships Kenta had gained along the way was now tossed to the side.
But enough about the group, I’m here to talk about my son :] I think this post was a nice introduction to this version of Kenta (I’m sorry if I jumped through topics pretty quickly, my writing will get better I promise). Soon enough, you'll get to see the Jabberwock Isle version of him.
Next couple of posts I’ll either talk more about his design + personality in-depth, or perhaps start doodling other characters I have in mind...
Note: Originally I was going to upload like, 9 files all in a single post but I miiight just go with posting things in short bursts because
I worry that having LONG text posts might look daunting.
I’ve been patient enough and I REALLY want to start posting art on Tumblr like a lot more.
That's all for now :]
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markosbabymama · 1 year
Midnight Rain| J.CxGN!Reader.
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submit: anonymous.
“would you be open to writing a Johnny cade x gn!reader fic where maybe it's storming really badly so reader let's Johnny stay the night at their house?? maybe they're just friends and end up confessing to one another or something :00 (bonus points if Johnny ends up wearing readers' hoodie bc his jacket got wet 🤭)”
warnings: fluff, kissing, mentions of abuse.
it was a stormy night in tulsa, but i enjoyed nights like this, i love the rain, and the cold. as i’m laying down in my room reading a book i hear a knock on my door, and i knew exactly who it was.
i walk up to my door, shivering a tiny bit since the windows were open and the cold came into the house, i answered the door seeing my best friend, and the boy i’ve been in love with since i was 12, johnny cade.
johnnys like a lost puppy, that’s how the gang and i described him. he’s been kicked around his whole life, though i never knew why. johnny was the sweetest boy i think i’ve ever met, an real gentleman.
“hey john, what’s the matter?” i ask seeing a hurt look on his face, it pains me to see him so sad. “hey y/n, it’s nothin’ just the old man bein’ a pain again is all.” he says with his hands in the pockets of his soaked jean jacket, kicking the ground.
i look at him with sadness in my eyes, he didn’t have to say much for me to know what happend back at home. his old man always hassled him for no apparent reason.
“well, don’t just stand there johnny, please come inside.” he looks at me with a slight hint of guilt, “are you sure? i don’t really wanna bother y’all, maybe i shouldn’t of came here.”
johnny was always one to feel bad for everyone, he would be bleeding out and still try and find a way to blame it on himself.
“johnny don’t be silly, you know you’re always welcome inside my home, besides it’s just me anyways, folks are out of town for a few days.”
he looks hesitant, but he walks through the door, taking off his shoes and jacket as soon as the door shuts. “i’m sorry i just popped up over here so out of nowhere, i just didn’t know who else to go to.”
i look at him sympathetically, I really don’t understand how Johnny thinks he could be such a bother, his parents get into his head too much.
“you ain’t bothering me non honey, stay right here and i’ll get you some new clothes, yeah?” he smiles softly at me. “thanks y/n.” i smile back. “no problem johnny cakes.”
I walked back into my room, grabbing a hoodie and sweatpants for the cold boy. I don’t worry about size because Johnny is very small for his age, even though he’s 16 he looks 12. Not certainly a bad thing though, it’ll come in handy when he’s older. 
I walked back into my living room seeing Johnny sitting on the couch, shivering a bit “ hey, I got the clothes for you.” I say, handing him the clothes. “thanks y/n, i appreciate it” he gets up and walks to the bathroom down the hall to change.
once he gets out of the bathroom, I ask him if he’s hungry and if he wants me to whip him up something very quickly, I really don’t mind, I never minded when it came to Johnny.
after some laughing and joking and longing looks he speaks up. “thanks again y/n, i really do appreciate you letting me borrow your clothes and letting me stay here.” I look up at him from the kitchen table and just smile at him “no need to thank me Johnny, It really doesn’t bother me none. besides we all know i have the best clothes and food.” i smile while admiring johnny.
he laughs a little bit, i love his smile, he doesn’t do it very often but when he does he can make a whole city light up. once he finishes eating and i finish cleaning up, we both head to bed.
it was never weird sleeping in the same bed as him, i’ve known him since i was 12, and even though i have feelings for him, it never bothered us any.
he tucks himself in the bed, laying his head on my chest while i run my hands through his hair, it’s quite, all i can hear is his breathing, and the raindrops on the windows.
he hums softly, his face in my neck, i can feel him hesitating to say something.
“y’know, i really appreciate you doing all this for me y/n, i know i say it a lot but i can’t tell you how much i really mean it” i smile softly while listing to the boy, i always loved how sweet he was. “no problem john, i enjoy taking care of you, it makes me happy knowing you’re safe and fed. especially if it’s from me.” i giggle a little and he smiles.
he looks at me with a look i cannot describe, like love and care and maybe confusion.
he released a shaky breath then looks up at me. “i love you y/n.” my heart beats faster as he says that, but i know he just means it as a friend, so i don’t think much.
“i love you more johnny cake.” i say, still ruining my hands though his hair. “no, I don’t mean it in a friendly way, I really do love you y/n. you’re always there for me. You’re always taking care of me, you’re always making sure I’m okay, always making sure that I’m safe. we could be in a room with 200 people and you’ll still find a way to get to me just to ask if I’m okay and if I ate something. I’ve never received love like the way I receive it with you. I’ve loved you since the day you saw me at the lot and brought me an apple and a water. It wasn’t much but it showed that you cared. I’ve loved you ever since you found me after the soc’s jumped me, and you made sure to patch me up once we got back to the Curtis’s. i love you, y/n with all my heart. you mean so much to me.”
my eyes are wide, and my jaw was on the ground. i can’t believe what he just said, was this a dream? if it was i never wanna wake up.
“johnny, I love you too with my whole heart. I’ve loved you since we were 12 years old. I’ve loved you since we played football together when we were 13 and dallas tackled me and you were the first person to rush to me and make sure i was okay, i’ve loved you since we worked on that stupid project in school together for 2 weeks and still got a C on it, i love you johnny cade, and i always will.”
His smile was so wide and bright, the smile i’ve loved since i was 12, the smile that makes my whole world stop. the smile that on a bad day could flip it around and make it a great one.
he leans in to me slowly, his eyes fluttering shut. i close my eyes, screaming on the inside with pure joy, i can’t believe this really is happening. his lips crash onto mine, they’re chapped but soft at the same time, he tasted like cigarettes and mint gum, he was slow and passionate, didn’t rush anything. didn’t try to over step or make me feel uncomfortable. it was the best kiss i’ve ever experienced. his hands cup my cheeks, they’re calloused and ruff. we pull away from the kiss, gasping for air.
“that was amazing.” he said smiling. there it is again. God, i’ll never get sick of that smile. ever. “was it? i think we should do it again just incase.” i say smirking a bit. “i think we should.” johnny says smiling and pulling me down on his chest.
guys this took my so long😭😭 hope y’all enjoyed it i love johnny sm🩷🩷🥹🥹
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therealvampira · 2 years
Undertaker (Adrian Crevan) x Reader- The Fog
Published: January 22, 2023- 1:57 AM EST Time
Word Count: 2,855
Pairing: Undertaker x Reader
Summary: While taking a casual stroll through the vacant cemetery, you are faced with a surprise encounter with the Undertaker, whom you were close with before he disappeared after the Campania incident.
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“Finally”, you thought. The old cemetery was completely still, the only nearby sounds were that of the rustling trees in the wind and the flapping wings of old crows that flew by. What a beautiful, yet eerie scene it was. The fog slowly arose from the ground, blurring even the nearest sight, until you could barely make out the outline of the rusty old gate that you had entered from.  Making your way down the path that led to the end of the graveyard, you stopped by the stone bench that you’d always sit at. 
Usually, you and Adrian would sit out here on that stone bench and talk with each other, make jokes, or enjoy each other's silence. These vulnerable moments that you two shared is what made your bond so strong, and practically unbreakable. But for now, and for many months, he had disappeared. Very often, Adrian would have some business down at the funeral home right by the cemetery, and on many of those nights, you two would wander about and be yourselves with each other, without worry of any judgment, since this cemetery is normally vacant at night. You missed those gentle, vulnerable moments- you started to wonder where he could have possibly gone off to. Just the thought of you two possibly never meeting again brought a great sense of melancholy within you. Leaning back into the stone bench, you folded your arms and released a deep sigh. 
The moon shined through the tall trees as they danced into the night to the rustle of the leaves. The fog blurred it, almost making it look as though you were to see it upon just waking up, when your vision is still quite faded. From the distance, you heard leaves crunching ever so slightly, but you thought nothing of it. You were in such a deep state of melancholy, that almost nothing would pull you out of it.
Almost nothing.
The crunching of the leaves grew closer and closer, causing you to panic. 
Was someone here?
Are they going to tell me to leave?
Snapping out of your anxious state, you avert your gaze away from the distant street lanterns, and turn to explore the sound that came from behind you. At first it didn’t look like much, just black, maybe a shadow. As this black shape grew closer, you noticed long white locks of hair stood at its sides, and from the thick fog, came glowing green eyes. 
There was no way it could be mistaken for anything else. Standing before you, was your one and only companion, Adrian Crevan. 
You stood there stunned, in complete, utter disbelief. ‘Impossible’, you thought, how could he just come back like nothing happened? Where was he? Was he here the whole time?
So many thoughts raced through your mind, that you hadn’t realized how close he had gotten to you. As you took a few steps back to catch your composure, you stared him down. Perhaps your eyes have fooled you, and an illusion had been created from the fog that cloaked the cemetery. No, impossible- you could feel his breath in the cool air, it must have been real.
“Long time no see, (Y/N) dear..” he spoke. 
“Adrian…where…how?” you muttered, at a great loss of words.
“After the incident with the Campania, I went off to Weston college to pose as the headmaster, you see. I knew the Earl would be there, and I could continue my work with…a new project of mine” he explained, as he waited for any sort of response from you.
“I…missed you..” you said as you nearly threw yourself towards him, hugging him tightly, as if to make up for all the missed company.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), really. I’ve missed you too” he admitted.
“Adrian, I truly started to think I’d never see you again. You worried me to death- don’t just wander about and disappear so abruptly, that really hurt me..” you said, frustrated. 
As upset as you were with him, you couldn't have been happier to have him here with you again. You felt his luminescent eyes wander your face, and looked up to meet them with your own. It’s been quite some time for you, and finally looking at his face again, you’d thought it’d be impossible for a man to be so beautiful. So perfect. So striking. 
Almost hypnotized by his perfection, you paid no attention to the way his face slowly got closer to yours. As soon as you snapped out of your trance-like state, his lips had already met yours. He gave you a delicate kiss on your lips, barely even touching you. The feeling of his lips barely brushing against yours, so close yet so far, made you eager for more. It was as if he was teasing your mouth with his own. 
Pulling back, he gently placed his slender hands around your waist with a firm grip and leaned towards your ear. 
“It’s okay (Y/N)- there’s no need to say anything- I know. I love you too” he whispered, sending shivers down your back as his breath tickled the skin of your neck. He moved his hand from your waist to the back of your neck, placing more kisses on your lips. At first they were quite sloppy, and so delicate that your lips barely even brushed against each other’s. Then after several moments, the kisses gradually picked up more intensity. He could tell how eager you were, how badly you wanted to him to take you right fucking now, and for the both of you to make each other feel good with your own bodies. 
But you were nervous too. You hadn’t seen him in so long, and even before that, you two were just friends, or perhaps close companions even. You’d never imagined this would really happen, despite how many nights you stayed up thinking of it. Thinking of how he’d feel or how he’d sound, and many other indecent thoughts. 
Somehow, you had been so deep in thought yet again, you hadn't realized he stopped kissing you. Now, you gasped as you felt his lips on your neck, licking your ear and jawline every few moments. 
Fuck. This feels so good. Is this even real? 
“Adrian, wait…” you interrupted.
“Hm? What seems to be the matter, dear?” 
“It’s cold..and I don’t want to do this out here” you answered.
“I see, let’s get you someplace more suitable”
Without another word, he picked you up bridal style and made his way towards the funeral parlor. How odd of a place to do something so intimate. But you didn’t mind, he worked there anyway, and it almost became like a second home to you. Shutting the door behind him, he took you to the receiving room of the funeral parlor where there were a few couches, tables, and multiple lamps that lit up the room perfectly, but still left the room dim. It was almost a normal living room.
Placing you back on the ground, he placed a firm kiss on your lips. Caressing your cheek with his hand as he brushed his thumb against your lips, he looked you deep in your eyes.
“Certain you want to do this, dear?” He asked
You nodded in response, a bit shy to really say anything.
“(Y/N), your words. Use your words, I want to hear you say it and be sure you want this” He added.
“Adrian..” you spoke, not really sure what to say. 
“I…really want this. I want to feel you, I need it..” you finished.
“Whatever you please, my lovely” he said, grabbing your hand as he kissed it, locking his fingers into your own.
With great care, he slowly began removing your clothing, careful not to rush it just in case you would change your mind or get uncomfortable, so he could give you time to express any discomfort. Finally, he’d removed all of your clothing, as you attempted to cover yourself in embarrassment. You still had your panties on, so you tried pressing yourself against him to cover your chest.
He grabbed each side of your face with his hands, pulling you into another kiss. Without warning, he picked you up and put you on the green, velvety couch where the lamp sat next to. Kneeling in front of you, he spread your legs apart and placed them around his shoulders. You flinched in embarrassment, making him chuckle under his breath.
“You’ve waited so long for this, yet can’t hold onto your composure” he teased. 
“Sorry my pretty, just teasing”.
While he gently kissed along each of your thighs, he occasionally reached up and played with your nipples, making you squirm in pleasure. Tracing his long nails against the thin fabric of your panties, he pulled them aside, not yet fully removing them. The sudden exposure of air against your drenched pussy caused you to bite your lip. He began moving his fingers just on the outside of your pussy, paying careful attention to the area just above your clit, making sure to be extra gentle.
Unconsciously, you began to loosen up and allowed yourself to let out a few moans and your breathing became slightly faster and harder, until you were panting as his fingers moved in all the right places. 
He took off your panties and tossed them aside, leaving you fully exposed and vulnerable in front of him. 
“(Y/N)” he spoke, “Show me how you like to be touched” he ordered.
“But, I enjoyed what you were doing. Could you…keep going please” 
“Oh? But (Y/N), I want to watch you pleasure yourself. I want you to make yourself into a mess as I watch” he added. 
Shyly and hesitantly, you moved your hand down to your pussy and rubbed yourself in slow circles. With your best attempt, you tried to replicate the motions he did on you, and make yourself feel as good as he made you feel. It just wasn’t the same, you needed him pleasing you, your own hands were not nearly enough compared to how he was making you feel. 
“Could you…keep touching me like you were” you asked shyly, feeling your face heat up rapidly. 
“Aww, how sweet. I knew you’d be needing me” he teased.
He gave your drenched pussy a long lick up and down. And then another, gradually picking up the pace. Now, he was eating you out, seemingly determined to taste every bit of you. Before you could cum, he paused, and watched as you struggled to keep yourself together. 
“I don’t want to wear you out so soon, dear. Please be patient for me” He said.
Standing back up, he stood over you while you were still on the couch, leaning down to kiss you once again. Once he pulled back, he grabbed your hand and slowly rubbed it against his dick through his clothes. Despite your intense fluster, you still grabbed and played with him through the fabric, making him release low, quiet moans. 
The sound was like music to your ears as it filled the silent, dim room. You could barely believe you were actually there, making him feel this good. But you loved, you loved the sweet noise that escaped his mouth with each gentle movement. 
Barely able to wait any longer, he quickly pulled his cock out from his pants as you hesitantly grabbed it, stroking it slowly at first.
“No need to be shy, lovely. It’s all yours” he reassured. His words gave you goosebumps, making your stomach flutter in excitement. 
Your strokes quickly became steadier and less hesitant, causing him to grunt and moan more frequently now. Looking at the way his cock fit into your hand as you stroked it was almost a…delicious sight to say the least- you needed to know how he tasted. Slowly, you flicked your tongue across his tip, using your lips for a little suction. He gasped slowly in surprise at your sudden movement, moving your hair aside so you could please him more efficiently. Still sliding your tongue up and down at a slow pace, you could feel the slightly salty precum in your mouth.
The taste of him in your mouth made you need more. Sliding your tongue across the tip wouldn’t do it, you wanted his cock to fill every corner of your mouth. You slowly took in a bit more at a time, until you were sure you couldn’t take anymore of him, and used your hand to stroke the rest you couldn’t fit.
“You’re…Nghh” he struggled “getting used to this rather quickly aren’t you, my pretty” he managed to say between his soft moans and grunts. 
“You seem to be enjoying yourself,” he added. 
Just the sound of his voice was enough to send you over the edge. You began to stroke him faster while focusing your tongue on his tip, watching as he started to come undone just from your mouth. Hearing him let out even the slightest whimper felt so amazing, as his noises filled up the quiet room. 
“(Y/N) hold on a moment” he said, gently pulling your head away from his throbbing cock, as the precum continued to leak down his tip. 
“I want to savor this- right now it's too soon for it to be over” he explained. 
“Lay back down on the couch for me” he ordered.
Laying back down on the couch, he climbed on top of you, pinning your wrists to the arm of the couch with one of his hands. He used the other to gently caress your face as he kept eye contact with you, a soft expression on his face.
He let go of your wrists and began placing kisses along your body, taking time with every corner of your skin. As he carefully rubbed your nipple with his thumb, he took the other in his mouth, flicking his tongue on it. Without breaking eye contact, he took the other nipple into his mouth once again, as a string of saliva trailed from his mouth.
If you were to be honest, this the most erotic sight you'd ever seen. The way he’d shamelessly held eye contact with you while fondling and sucking your breasts.
Suddenly, you felt the tip of his cock brush up against your pussy, making you flinch. You could still feel the wetness of your own spit on his cock when it just barely rubbed against you. He pushed your legs closed together and thrust himself between them, rubbing against your desperate, throbbing cunt. 
“Please…I want to feel you” you pleaded.
“Hm? Not sure I heard you there” he teased. He knew exactly what you needed.
“I need you inside of me, please stop teasing me, would you” you said desperately, hoping he’d finally fuck you senseless.
“Good girl, asking so nicely” he cooed. 
Finally, you felt him push past your entrance as he slowly fit himself inside of you an inch at a time, careful not to hurt you. He started off painfully slow, making sure you could feel every vein and curve of his cock as he throbbed inside of you.
“Are you enjoying yourself, dear?” he asked, as he held your chin up forcing you to look at him. 
“Mhmm” you muttered, not quite able to speak coherently. Right now, you felt vulnerable under him, but regardless, he made you feel safe and comfortable.
“You can cum whenever you're ready, I believe I’ve teased you enough tonight, haven’t I?” he added. His thrusts began to pick up speed, as he arched his back slightly to hit all the spots inside you even better. The sound of skin slapping, and both of your breathless pants and moans filled the room as you two got closer and closer to orgasm. To make things more intense, he placed sloppy kisses against your lips while you moaned, drowning out your noises.
He went from soft grunts and moans to little whimpers and pants as he got closer, and his movements became sloppier. Just watching him become such a mess, hearing his whimpers was enough to get you off so much faster. Desperate to cum, you started moving your own hips to match his pace. 
“(Y/N), I’m…nghh” he exclaimed, before finally cumming inside of you as your cunt continued to throb on his cock even after you've both finished. As you nearly collapsed, trying to catch your breath, you felt his warm cum fill you up. 
“I love you, (Y/N). So much” he said as he lazily kissed your lips, collapsing at your side as he held you.
After unconsciously falling asleep, you woke up in a dark room, only now, you were clothed in your nightgown. You looked to your side and saw Adrian asleep on the bed next to you.
‘The bed? He must have taken me here while I was asleep’ you thought. 
Seeing him sound asleep next to you made you feel safe and reassured. Pulling the covers back over yourself, you snuggled behind him, wrapping your arms around his body as you breathed in his comforting scent.
🕯You can't believe your eyes, control is so hard to keep Obsession can be hell from which you'll never be free ⚰️
Goodnight or morning, wherever you are, dear reader🎞
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