#I never know the source tho
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yourhighness6 · 1 year ago
Sokka: I saw Zuko at the library today and he was crying for like five minutes but then his phone timer went off and he just stopped crying? and went back to work?
Katara: well did you at least ask if he was oka—
Zuko, entering the room with his eyeliner smudged: it's called time management, sokka
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kurikorso · 7 months ago
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nostalgia slapped me upside the head a little while ago so i had to draw my favorite dudes ft. the gecko effect
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seiwas · 4 months ago
for writing game, iwaizumi + assistance <3
hope this sparks some inspo and thank you in advancee
hi there!! thanks for sending in a prompt 🫶
contains: friends to lovers (ish), halloween parties, reader is dressed as catwoman, expletives, iwaizumi is thiiiiis 🤏 close to murdering seijoh4 (jk)
iwaizumi + assistance
this is a set-up.
iwaizumi knows he shouldn't have fucking believed anything the boys "promised" him back when they assigned him this costume.
the suit is fucking tight, spandex digging into his groins and all other crevices that definitely should be aired out after after a few hours. he's had to constantly readjust his stance almost every few minutes, the black fabric compressing his thighs and torso, significantly constricting the range of motion his shoulders and arms are typically used to. if anything else, it could double up as a back brace from how rigidly straight it's kept his posture all night.
he'll give it to makki though; he did outdo himself sourcing this year's costumes―this batman set looks pretty damn legit.
except for one tiny problem.
there's no fucking pee hole. it's a zip-up, zip-down one-piece situation. and that normally wouldn't be a problem, except that oikawa "accidentally" knocked over a cocktail straight into his pants, the sickeningly sweet liquid now seeping straight into the fabric and past his boxers―cold and sticky as it touches his skin.
and so, the problem: his pants are wet, it makes him want to fucking pee, and coincidentally, the only vacant bathroom is across the hall, at your apartment.
this is why he believes this is a set up. that, and the fact that you're dressed in an outfit strikingly similar―just with cat ears.
he's been asked five times in this party if you're in matching couple outfits.
it catches him off guard, flusters him because of how badly he wants to say yes. but, you're just friends, and he doesn't even think you like him that way (despite mattsun and oikawa practically begging him to confess. makki tells him he thinks you're going to do it first).
so he politely smiles and says no, but you look good, your costume clinging to you in all the right places. thank fucking god he has a cape because he's pretty sure he spent the first 30 minutes in the party hiding his boner.
"hajime, it's fine, i swear," you stand beside him in front of the conveniently locked bathroom in oikawa's apartment. from the other side of the door, he's pretty sure he hears mattsun and his girlfriend mumbling. maybe fucking? who knows. "you can just use the bathroom in my apartment."
he glances at you before closing his eyes, contemplating, before finally agreeing to you.
if he's being honest with himself, friends is definitely an incomplete label to what you are. as oikawa's neighbor, you are conveniently around all the time; and oikawa being oikawa, the ever-social butterfly, he's somehow managed to carve a space for you in the friend group.
(never mind the fact that oikawa's sniffed him out from the moment he first introduced you.)
you were a crush, then a friend, and now you're someone he picks up from work and drives back home three times a week, because he "has to train oikawa." you don't question it, even when you both know he stays over for dinner way past the gym's open hours.
"you know where it is," you open your apartment and urge him in.
"sorry again," he turns to face you.
"yeah, yeah, just pee!" you laugh, shoving him towards the bathroom door.
getting out of the suit is manageable, and he's able to wipe off a bit of the cocktail that's leaked to the suit and his boxers just to make sure it isn't gross and sticky when he gets home later. peeing is a big relief once he gets it over with, but it's when he has to suit up again that things become difficult.
stretching out the spandex one body part at a time is a workout in itself―the hardest task being when he has to pull it over his shoulders, adjusting it to fit properly over his arms and chest.
but then the zipper breaks.
and he truly thinks makki has fucked him over.
iwaizumi contemplates what to do next for a good, good while. he tries calling oikawa, only to no success every time; no way in hell is he calling mattsun in the middle of having sex. and calling makki isn't even an option; he'd never hear the end of it.
then you knock on the door, your voice soft and concerned as you ask, "hajime? you good in there?" you hit it spot on, too, "do you need help with your suit?"
iwaizumi presses his palms to his eyes. he's a rational man, straightforward and logical in thinking. there is literally no other option for him right now but to ask help from you. again.
it's 30 minutes later when oikawa barges in your door, and the sight that greets him is iwaizumi in nothing but a hoodie (the hoodie you borrowed some time ago) and his boxers, with his hands on your waist as you hover your hairdryer over the crotch of his batman costume―cat headpiece off and all.
"you finally got together?!"
#iwaizumi x reader#hq!! x reader#shotorus.workbook#omg i hope u enjoyed this!! i had fun thinking it up ehehe and writing it#in my mind this is set in the same universe as the halloween one i did for mattsun―actually its the same party HABFHBSF#some stuff about the fic: iwaizumi is hot in that costume i spared the details bc i was going to combust MYSELF#but it clings to his muscles REAAAAAAL good and there's really not a lot of padding in the costume itself#bc makki believes in iwaizumi's anatomy enough to deliver#what happened in between iwaizumi asking for help and oikawa barging in??? we may never know 🤷‍♀️ kidding !#i just didnt write it in bc it would be too long but#if anyone is curious maybe i'll write it as a separate thing!#other stuff abt the fic: reader became good friends with oikawa first bc neighbors but then oikawa admittedly wanted to play matchmaker#so he invited reader a ton to their group things so he could introduce em to iwaizumi HAHA and iwaizumi crushed hard#they become close pretty quickly too hence why reader calls him hajime HAHAH and they hang out even outside of the group#theres definitely something like they text a lot and stuff but neither of them are sure of how the other feels so they arent admitting#reader has borrowed a hoodie from him tho#(aka the one he's wearing in the blurb bc it's the only article of clothing that fits him in reader's apt)#also they figured they'd just kill time by drying iwaizumi's costume bc for sure they couldn't chuck it in the dryer so the next best thing#was to just use a dryer and spot dry it#makki did source most of the costumes! except mattsun's and his gf's#uhhh they go back to the party afterwards but reader literally had to makeshift lock iwaizumi's costume with safety pins HAHA#i guess his muscles just be too popping 🤷‍♀️#fvntybomb#ask#rep#ask game answered
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Chloe: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as "Eagle One."
Chloe: Rachel, code name: "Been There, Done That."
Chloe: Max is "Currently Doing That."
Chloe: Steph is "It Happened Once in a Dream."
Chloe: Mikey, code name: "If I Had To Pick a Dude."
Chloe: Kate is... "Eagle Two."
Kate: Oh, thank God.
Chloe: This is "Eagle One." "Been There, Done That" is leaving the stage. "I'd Be Lying If I Said I Hadn't Thought About It" (Victoria) is in position.
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italyveneziano · 3 months ago
Happy 10 year anniversary to the platonic America and England Lullaby For a Stormy Night AMV i made back in 2014 🥳
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James and Regulus in the forbidden forest
Regulus: How do you know this place was sacred?
James: That’s obvious
Regulus: Pretend it isn’t
James: Everything here … is so full of life. Every tree, every leaf, every insect
James: It’s as if the world is vibrating. As if everything is much more than itself.
Regulus: You feel all that?
James (smiling softly): Don’t you?
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mcytegg · 3 months ago
i know he said it isnt duping but zam is giving me war flashbacks to when ro was duping and just blatantly lied abt it in his video saying it was from an unknown sponsor 😭
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in-the-airducts · 9 months ago
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eeeee part of a wip that i will never finish ever so here's the finished part of it
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paigemathews · 6 months ago
Something that I feel a lot of fans forget when they get angry at Phoebe for refusing to help Cole in the Wasteland is that he's not just asking her to save him. Despite saying that the Source is gone, he very intentionally still asks her to be evil. That's not me being dramatic or anything either because that's very explicitly canon. Phoebe, even as a Charmed One, doesn't have the power to resurrect Cole. As a good witch, she just physically (magically?) can't; it's not something within her abilities. (Obviously, otherwise, she and Piper would've resurrected Prue.)
The only method that Cole gives her to save him is the Grimoire. Y'know, the book that requires you to be evil to even touch it, much less use it. That's not something that you can trick; she would have to become evil again to even use it. He knows that, even acknowledges it to Phoebe in the Wasteland. She literally tells him that she won't use dark magic again, acknowledging it as evil. Cole isn't like oh, forgot about that! No, he asks her if she wouldn't use it "even for us." He knows what that would entail and what that would require Phoebe to do.
That isn't even getting into what the spell itself would require. This part, admittedly, is speculation but with the Grimoire being the Grimoire and resurrection like that being so rare and difficult, I have a hard time believing that the spell or ritual wouldn't have involved killing innocents. (Personal headcanon is that the spell calls for at least one heart personally. We see with Tuatha in That Old Black Magic that she uses a human heart to disempower witches. Something much worse would logically be required for a resurrection spell.) Just asking Phoebe even retrieve the Grimoire, much less use it, is bad.
As for later, she is still planning on giving up her powers, so it's not as if she'll be able to discover some other method to save him. She won't be Charmed anymore. And while, yes, the Angel of Destiny gives them some time to make this decision, there's still a time limit on how long they can take this option. Maybe with more time, Phoebe would have been able to figure out a way to save him without the Grimoire. However, it'd have required her to stay chained to a destiny that she no longer wanted and give up the future that she, and Piper, wanted: one free of magic, pain, loss, etc. So, yeah, she simply doesn't have the time, resources, or ability to save him without the Grimoire (which still isn't an option anyways). And by the time that she and Piper decide that they want to remain as witches, Cole has already freed himself, so it's a moot point anyways.
I mean, genuinely, in this situation, what did people want Phoebe to do? She didn't refuse to save Cole; she literally could not save him from the Wasteland. (And this is without delving into the argument about if Phoebe should save him or is obligated to save Cole anyways, which is a completely different question involving their relationship, choices, and morality.)
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i-fucked-your-mom · 1 year ago
I swear I’ve seen posts about Soap living in Glasgow? Have I just tricked myself or got my characters muddled?? That man is fucking northern
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yukipri · 11 months ago
Hiiiii !!!!
So first off, I LOVE YOUR ART AND YOUR IDEAS ARE AMAZING OMFG 💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💞💞❣️❣️💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨✨💗💗💗💗
Second off, I have a question for your Take Fight Brothers All AU.
How are the clones who have young Jedi Padawans deal with them ? Like- imagine Cal's or Caleb's battalion. Are the clones especially protective of them ? Do the kids get feathers or something ?
Caleb for example seemed very close to his battalion, and they did admire and respect Depa a LOT. Did the poor boy have to deal with overbearing winged clone Dads/Brothers ?
Thank you so much for enjoying my art and ideas!
And regarding your Take Flight question, I unfortunately don't really got an answer for you. Because different groups of clones all have different and unique relationships with the nat-borns around them, so I can't really give a generalize answer.
I can't really even answer for Cal or Caleb specifically, since when I write and develop stories, I need to really build up how I perceive the culture of each battalion, who makes up the group, *their* personal backstories, and how that goes into how they interact with those around them...and I can't really do that big of a dive in an ask response!
But yeah, I'd expect it to be different and unique for both of their situations, and I guess I'll leave it at that!
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year ago
kamitsubaki trying to frame rime as the "responsible one" is so funny to me. thats a kid playing house. she couldnt keep the others in line for one moment and ran to haru about it. ill admit shes a little above what they portray coko as but like shes kind of on par with all the others. which is to say they all collectively have one responsibility brain cell and pass it back & forth
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pondslime · 1 year ago
Ok stupid question but I had to ask BC I love the way you answer things haha 💓💓 (Sorry if that was worded weirdly)
So Jonesy (I think that's the dog's name in House of Wax) from all the Sinclair brothers who do you Jonesy likes the most and who do you think likes Jonesy the best?
it's not weird at all!! now that my HOW brainworms are back, any excuse to ramble incoherently about this dumbass movie and the characters is like. PURE gold. lmao 💀
okay, so imo, vinny is definitely the favorite. the first place where we see jonesy in the movie is in the wax museum and that is def not a coincidence!! they were hanging out!! jonesy just got bored of watching her dad labor over the fine details of the wax titty & wandered upstairs.
they're best friends!! I just know it!! that shot where vincent's turning wade to wax? and jonesy jumps up on the bed? the CUTEST. rip wade 🙏 but?? I adore that sm.
and he takes the puppy w/him when he goes to murder blake & paige. unhinged dog dad behavior if I've ever seen it. I can 100% see them both quietly coexisting in the same space together for hours on end—vincent sculpting and sketching, jonesy napping next to him. padding upstairs in the middle of the night to have a midnight snack. UGH
I v much also subscribe to the line of thinking that lester doesn't live in corpsetown & has a lil shack of his own in the woods. but he absolutely hustles up to the house routinely to bring jonesy weird roadkill snacks and play w/her in the backyard. if anyone in the family is committed to getting her energy out, it's v much him. they're just outside for hours n hours tossing a mangled deer leg around and kicking up dirt. I feel.
as for bo. well. he v much strikes me as the kind of guy who pretends to be fairly ambivalent about the fact they have a dog running around. if jonesy ever stirs up trouble or chews thru smthn, he's the first one to be like, "UH??? it's your fuckin' dog?? I ain't never ask for this??"
v much onery dad energy. he catches vincent giving jonesy some food off his plate and immediately starts talking about how he's spoiling the damn dog and THIS is why she knocked over the garbage can & got coffee grounds and eggshells all over the kitchen floor.
never mind that he's always giving her scraps of whatever random concoction he's eating. she's chowing down on eggo waffles and beef jerky and hostess snacks whenever he's around. but no, it's vincent who spoils her. sure, jan.
he wants a huntin and fishin dog, but he's not much of a hunter or a fisher. so he gets a couch potato that sits next to him while he drinks beer and rewatches old spaghetti westerns. and he totally doesn't care about it or like her. totally.
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ghostcrows · 1 year ago
almost 2 hours into new hbomberguy video and ive started to get distracted by his chest hair
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asterdeer · 1 year ago
video called "pirate shirt tutorial that actually makes sense" with a thumbnail clickbaitingly copying bernadette banner's style, which does the exact same thing as bernadette banner's video but more confusingly and without a diagram in the video itself, also failing to understand that bernadette banner's channel is primarily a history channel and not a sewing tutorial channel so telling people they don't have to hand-sew the pirate shirt or they don't have to thread-pull is unnecessary because bernadette banner literally said "do this however you want, i just do it this way because it's how i learn about historical dress practices" in her own video. couldn't ask for better youtube entertainment
#source: i'm an idiot and i've made two of bernadette's pirate shirts and they're fantastic#understanding that her diagram is not a pattern but a guideline on how to make your own pattern#is like. not that hard to get. she gave her measurements and then explained how to get your own#to be fair!! everyone learns differently! there are many comments saying that this other video made sense and helped them#which is absolutely fair and good. more knowledge is never a bad thing#it's just the presentation of this other video that i find so funny#'yes i CAN explain how to make a historically accurate men's shirt better than the actual historical dress historian'#[footage not found]#just the way of explaining the shoulder seams...........so much more confusing than bernadette's diagram#also calling the reinforcement patches on the neck/cuff splits??? useless/pointless??????#sorry i want my garments to not fall apart because i can't afford really nice fabric lmao i will be reinforcing those points. thanks tho#also 'no one is talking about neck gussets i couldn't find any info' HUH ???#i just want to know if they looked anywhere besides youtube because there are absolutely people talking abt neck gussets#i should not be such a bitch about this. it's not that big a deal. again in the end: more people sharing knowledge is Good#but my friend!!! come on now!!!!#aster chat#ah fuck lads i want to make another poet shirt because that's exactly what i need going into what i'm sure will be a blazing summer#another long sleeved shirt with three yards of fabric to smother myself in#that do Not go with any of my work appropriate trousers
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reyryz · 2 years ago
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this light and shadow duo shit is SERIOUS!!!
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