#mikey north
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svpergirly · 10 months ago
canon friendship dynamic because chloe gets SO serious about games and mikey is always laughing his head off while steph keeps adding fuel to the fire
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Said I'd do one of these for every 100 followers, and guess who just reached 1600! :)
Presenting: Life Is Strange: Before the Storm meets AO3!
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Credit for screenshots below the cut
In Order: @/inquizies, Santosx07 (YouTube), @/life-is-trange-but-i-am-more, Life Is Strange Wiki, GodisaGeek.com, Life Is Strange Fans, Steam Community, @/computergamephoto, @/nikkinikums, @/strangeionius
Tags from @/dear-ao3 and @/ao3screenshots
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jinxekkotimebomb · 10 days ago
Chloe's friendship with Mikey and Steph is wholesome. They're people she can relax around and do the things she used to do with Max before she left.
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proxythe · 2 years ago
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ignore gabes huge forehead it builds character
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dalekofchaos · 9 months ago
The complete lack of a black protagonist in Life is Strange is disappointing
We've got 5 games and not a single game has gotten a single black protagonist.
I do love the series, but even I can see  a problem. A complete lack of black characters in the franchise. 
Found these two great articles that delves into the problem
Link 1
Link 2
None of the main characters are black. None of the secondary characters are black and the only black characters they have are side characters or background characters.
Like there was no reason whatsoever why Rachel, Warren, Kate, Steph, Ryan, Cassidy, Finn, Jacob, Sarah Lee or Chris couldn't have been black. Hell, there is no reason why Max, Chloe or Rachel couldn’t have been black.(although personally I would've loved it if Rachel was Indigenous)
And the black characters we do have is really bad in terms of representation.
Wells, a drunk and crooked  principal.
Hayden, a stoner and member of the Vortex Club
Drew North, a bully jock who got in the drug trade
Charlotte, a likable character, but who's anger is consuming her and blaming others around her, tho I understand where she is coming from, but her characterization tends to be reminiscent of the unfortunate angry black woman stereotype. And just so happens to own a pot shop...
Ms Grant, Mikey, Penny, and Joey the Nurse seem to be the only positive black characters in the series.
And we still have not gotten a single black protagonist in the franchise.
I find it weird that we seemingly have little good black representation that isn't just associated with drugs.
Like I’m not trying to say DONTNOD, D9 or Square Enix are racist or anything, but I’m saying they need to do better when it comes to representation. 
We were robbed of a black main character for Life Is Strange and are instead getting a cash grab sequel with Max who might as well be a completely new character seeing as how they’re throwing away everything that Max experienced and learned and everything we loved from LIS 1 to make it.
But considering how the fandom treated Sean and Daniel and their story, I can only imagine the disgusting hate a black protagonist would get in an extremely white franchise.
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whatsjulietslastname · 1 year ago
Okay, this is random headcanons time (except they gradually get more out of character).
Rachel can sing pretty well. Max too, even though the only one who ever heard her was Lisa. (Have you heard Hannah Telle’s cover of Obstacles omg—)
Chloe loves playing Guitar Hero, and she used to have contests with William and Max when she was a kid.
Warren definitely watched Doctor Who.
Victoria is a canon nerd, so headcanon that she’s secretly into Star Wars.
Chloe kept playing with Steph and Mikey every once in a while until Steph left. And she kept in touch with Steph, so after Max and her left Arcadia Bay, Alex, Steph, Max and Chloe all met and introduced each other.
Dana was a Mean Girls kid (do you see my vision??)
Kate had a tamagotchi as a kid and cried when it died.
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thingsasbarcodes · 6 months ago
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Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Episode 3: Hell is Empty
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2kverrr · 8 months ago
STEPH GINGRICH || That Smile is Poison
LIFE IS STRANGE || 5.4k Words
Summary: You and Steph have been apart for years after leaving Blackwell, and a return is due. (5218 Words)
Another day of reminiscing for one Steph Gingrich, clearing up the mess customers and herself had made throughout the bright day of New Year's Eve.
Mikey's a plane ticket away that she simply couldn't afford nor bring herself to consider the possibility. Chloe's gone, Rachel's gone - Which she still couldn't accept, even after being years. You've gone off the fucking radar ever since leaving Blackwell; to put it in a candid and straightforward style, she's ignoring what her life used to be. She's got new friends - Great friends. She loves her job, though it comes with some very prominent negatives.
She's stuck in a cycle of nostalgia and longing for the past, unable to move forward or fully let go of those who have left her behind. The weight of their absence hangs heavy on her heart, a constant reminder of what once was and what could have been. Steph knows she needs to break free from this pattern, to find a way to live in the present and embrace the future without being held back by the ghosts of her past. But it's easier said than done, and as she eyes up the champagne bottle resting teasingly on the low wooden side table outside her studio, she can't help but feel like she's expecting something from Haven Springs, a piece of something she's still unconsciously searching for.
Was it the attention from the roaring crowds whilst rocking it with her best friend?
Could it be being so far away from her family? So far away from the people who knew how to cure her isolation.
Maybe as much as Blackhell fit it's nickname (given by Blackwell's finest, Chloe Price), there could be a slither of a chance that the school meant something to her. School hadn't come easy for Steph, bullies, only a handful of friends, teachers who had taught her for three years and not even knowing her name. What could it be?
It was the people, she knew this all along but refused to believe it. Blackwell in her mind was a living hell, she couldn't comprehend that through all this torture, which people like to call high school, there was something positive after all.
An odd group, but surprisingly pleasant.Herself and Mikey: The two geeks who spent most of their time playing pretend. Chloe: the 0-fuck-given badass who stormed her way through any problem she faced. Of course, there was Rachel: Blackwell's superstar, famous by the students and admirable by the teachers, it was an honour to Steph for her to stand within 10 feet of their bench. And you: the single most lovable person Steph had ever met. You never failed to make her laugh or smile, even when faced with demons of Blackwell, such as Victoria Chase or her minions, you'd beam your pearly whites and charm anyone and everyone into sharing the same smile.
You don't exactly remember how you met Steph, you'd pretty much spoken to everyone at Blackwell at least once. You only seem to remember being as close as ever with her.
Steph remembers, she's good at taking notice of the little things, it's one of the things you liked about her.
- - - - - - - - - - 11/04/2008
'Fuckkk. Where is Mikey? I look like such a dork on my own.'
Steph sits on her and Mikey's signature bench awaiting her friend's arrival, DnD equipment already laid out amongst the graffitied wooden table as students walk by and spare an intrigued glance that screams judgment to the ginger girl.
She taps her foot impatiently, scanning the courtyard for any sign of Mikey. Distracting her from her impatient surveying, Elamon's character sheet flies along with a gust of wind, off the table and flurrying away from the girl. As if it were fate, you walked past and stuck out your foot to stop the paper after noticing the girl's brief worry. You pick up the paper, give it a quick scan,
"Oh! Is this that- um, what's it called?" You conflict with yourself as you hand the paper over.
Steph returns quietly, expecting the worst of you, "It's an RPG game."
She's seen you around before, that she's sure of. You were the exchange student who hung out with Rachel, which seemed obvious, you're the opposite of what Steph is, you know how to hold yourself, socially and physically, and you're deemed attractive through social status and appearance, clearly worthy enough to be Rachel's friend. She jogs her memory, briefly seeing you converse with Victoria but soon doubts herself immediately. How could somebody so kind tolerate being in the same room as the Ice Queen?
"Cool, how d'you play?" You question, your interest anything but faux.
Steph looks down at her fiddling thumbs, debating on letting you in slightly, but she falters. "It's-um- really complicated, and long- really long." She looks up with an apologetic face, "Sorry."
She was cold and quite distant but you didn't give up, "How about you give me a game? That's only if you want." You suggest, with and shy but hopeful smile on your face, Steph soon realised that from this moment your smile would be a pain in her ass. "I'm a quick learner Stephanie."
You knew her name.
She couldn't fathom what was happening at that moment, usually, people walk past and silently giggle with their friends or shoot a snare without knowing a single thing about her, but you didn't, you had this aura that imaged your care for people, it stood out from anybody else. It gave her no other option besides to accept your offer despite the risk of becoming a blushing mess.
After that first game, you and Steph quickly became inseparable. You spent hours talking about your favourite books, movies, and music. You shared inside jokes and made plans for future adventures. It was like you had known each other forever.
- - - - - - - - - -
And ever since that day, Steph considered you a friend. But deep down, Steph knew that her feelings for you went beyond friendship. Every time you smiled at her, every time you laughed at her corny jokes, her heart skipped a beat. You couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards you. She kept her feelings hidden, burying them deep down hoping that one day you'd magically return all feelings. But you didn't, you left, like everybody does after high school.
Steph knew your plans for the future, join the military, travel the world, get some life experience then finally settle down.
You'd been to Oman, El Salvador, Finland, and South Africa showcasing aircraft and participating in charity work. You'd almost forgotten you're life before the military, but you simply couldn't, you too had heard about Rachel's and Chloe's passing and it lingered over your head like a dark stormy cloud that spat at you whenever you'd verge on peace.
You've always been one to face your problems head-on, you have to confront the pain that occurs each year when a news report reminds you of the tragic events in Arcadia Bay. You couldn't keep running from the memories, from the guilt that weighed heavily on your shoulders.
So, you made a decision. You booked a flight back home, back to where it all began.
- - - - - - - - - - 03/23/2009
"Suck it, losers!" Chloe belted after rolling a solid 19 on the D20, "I... I grab the slimy dwarf by its neck, I don't say a single word, I just squeeze and squeeze and SQUEEZE."
Mikey's face drops in disgust whilst Steph's forms into an amused grin, "Calamastia's scare tactic worked like a charm, the dwarf horde drop their sharpened branches and scattery in a scurry, leaving one dwarf, on the floor - dead." She narrates as she knocks over the 5 dwarf figurines and scoops 4 off the bench.
But as she focused on her next move, she couldn't help but feel a sense of distraction creeping in. It was you, approaching with your trademark smile on your face, causing her heart to skip a beat. As you drew closer, Steph's attention wavered, her role of game master momentarily forgotten as she found herself captivated by your presence. Your eyes met hers, sparking a connection that sent a rush of warmth through her veins.
"Damn it!" Mikey exclaims, aggressively eyeing down the 3 he'd rolled against one vengeful dwarf that remained.
"Hey guys," Rachel beamed, taking a seat next to Chloe on Mikey's side of the bench, ", so where do Y/n and I come into this?" Yours and Rachel's arrival brought a welcome distraction. Chloe smiled warmly at Rachel and you, happy to have more friends joining in on their game..
You slide into the space to the left of Steph, your hand brushing her shoulder while you continue to wear your smile. Steph looks up at you, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Hey Y/n, glad you could make it!" she whispers, returning the physical touch you'd continued before turning her attention back to the game.
You could just about keep up with the game, you'd been given the class of 'Rogue', and you forgot your name months ago but didn't want to ask in fear you'd somehow offend her. But the game carries on, you quite enjoyed watching a master at her work, Steph's like some sort of genius, she knows everything about each character and all the possibilities.
Now and then, Steph would glance over at you, a small smile playing on her lips and a blush flurry throughout her cheeks whenever you'd return the eye contact, almost as if she'd been caught. It made your heart race just a little bit faster each time. It's unfamiliar but not all too bad.
- - - - - - - - - -
First was the Two Whales Diner, on entry, it was unusually empty, only the same police officer sat on a barstool along with a truck driver a few seats along. Only one booth was occupied by what looked like a couple of kids from Blackwell, obviously skipping class.
That was a common hobby of mine and Chloe's, we didn't know each other all that well, but we were the only ones out of the group drastically failing everything. It was weirdly bonding and odd, but nice, we'd just chat shit and vent. The blue-haired girl would go on about how David had now left a toothbrush in her bathroom and I'd complain about getting suspended for something you totally did do.
You two could just hate life together, it was soothing, something you missed.
Treading towards the surface amongst the barstools, you scan the room for any sign of Joyce. Nada. Maybe she's round the back.
You lean up against the surface that still adorned the same old carvings we all left over Christmas.
'bah humbug - mikey, chloe, y/n, reach, stephanie (it's steph)(it's not)'
You giggle at the memory before your attention is drawn towards the familiar waitress uniform, "Hey Y/n! Long time no see kiddo." But as you look up, a wave of disappointment washes over you as you don't see the blonde, kind-faced older woman, instead met with one of her closest work friends.
"Hey Judy, how are you?"
She tilts her head with a smile and nudges your arm, "I'm same as ever, darling. Clearly, you're doing better! Look at you, all tough and militant."
This isn't what you're here for, "Sorry to cut this short Jude, but I really need Joyce, do you know whether she's around? It's pretty urgent."
Judy's face slowly falls, "Oh honey, Joyce hasn't been around for a while. Chloe's death took quite the toll on her, not heard from her In months."
You briefly thank Judy for the information and bid her goodbye, quickly making your way out of the diner, your mind racing with thoughts of Joyce and what she could be going through after years had passed.
- - - - - - - - - -
Parked right around the corner from the Amber household, you take a deep breath recalling that pang of guilt and regret you were punched in the chest with at the news. Rachel was your best friend, someone you've got to care for, support, protect. You did none of that, in fact, you suspected nothing and let her die.
About 4 months after she'd gone missing, that's when you decided to leave and start your basic training. You dropped off the belongings she'd left at her house to her parents, a cardigan, an extremely flamboyant pen that had feathers sticking out of it (which screamed Rachel), and her bag that contained a book. This book, you'd always assumed it was her diary and refused to read it let alone even touch it for more than 15 seconds.
As you sit in your rental, staring at the street that leads to the Amber household, you finally build up the courage to get out, one last gulp and then you release your tight grip on the wheel and hop out of the car.
You know that returning her diary was the right thing to do, but it also serves as a painful reminder of your shortcomings as a friend. What if giving that back sooner could've saved her? You wish you could turn back time and be there for Rachel in her time of need, but all you can do now is try to make amends in whatever way possible.
Approaching the front of the house, you recognise something out of place, one or two signs, their brightness contrasting the cool tone of the house. As you get closer you make out the 'SOLD' signs, if it were appropriate you would scream in the air out of annoyance, but still, you walk up to the door and knock, just in case there is a chance in hell, heaven and earth at least one Amber would be there.
3 Knocks.
Another 4.
With a deep exhale you turn around, debating why you even came back, it was such a waste of time and soul. You might as well just go bac-
"Um... Hello? Can I help you?" A deep voice questions.
You turn back around to see a tall, rugged man standing in the doorway. His piercing blue eyes seem to look right through you as he waits for your response. You clear your throat and stammer out, "I-I was just... looking for a husband and wife, James and Rose Amber. Are they here?"
The man's expression softens slightly as he shakes his head. "Sorry, no Ambers here. This place was sold a few weeks ago." You feel a pang of disappointment but try to hide it as you thank him and turn to leave.
At this point you could only think of one more person in Arcadia Bay, it couldn't exactly be the closure you needed but it's close enough.
Sera Gearhardt: Rachel had mentioned her a few times after discovering her whole family scandal. Her mom isn't her mom, so her 'mom' is fake, but her dad is still with her fake mom while he cheats on said fake mom with real mom. Real mom comes back but Dad says no even though having an affair with real mom behind fake mom. Fake mom is aware of real mom and has been from the beginning.
Makes sense right? You met her once, briefly, by accident, you were a tad bit (1 hour) early to your get absolutely shit-faced sesh. Seemed nice, knew your name, not too much to tell.
- - - - - - - - - - 05/21/2010
To Steph, I overlook all, yet too far for the eye to see A wide body of water, if you really wish to seek me I look far and can be seen from afar I actually fucking give up, I'm by the lighthouse - Y/n
Steph's eyes light up like a Christmas tree at the thought of the two of you alone, in the most romantic spot in shitty Arcadia Bay.
The lighthouse had always been a place of quiet intimacy with its sweeping views of the ocean and the salty air whipping around you. It was where she'd imagined you two sharing your first kiss, a clumsy, awkward fumble, but somehow almost endearing. Now, with the words of your note burning in her mind, she felt a surge of anticipation.
She'd thought about things like this a lot but each time she would shut it down, realising how delusional she sounded.
So Steph took the bus to the shoreline and began the short walk. As she reached the top, the lighthouse stood tall and proud, its beam slicing through the fading light. There you were, silhouetted against the setting sun, your hair tousled by the wind.
"You actually found me," you say sarcastically, a cheeky grin spreading across your face. Steph felt a warmth spread through her body, a mix of relief and joy. "Yeah, you made it really difficult. Why couldn't you just send a text?" You chuckled, your voice rough with emotion. "Just thought you'd enjoy if I made it a bit mysterious. Clearly, it didn't work too well on my behalf."
As she walked towards you, the silence between you filled with unspoken words, the weight of your recent struggles hanging in the air like a storm cloud. "Um- well." "I'm being held back a year," you mumbled, your gaze fixed on the turbulent sea below. "I don't know whether it's because I'm lagging behind or whether it's because of the exchange thing. Either way, it's pissed me right off."
"I... I'm so sorry-," she managed to just about say before you interrupted her. You interrupt, shrugging with that smile twisting your lips. "-Don't apologise, Steph." You sigh deeply, "It just ruined a few plans is all." Steph knew you were trying to be nonchalant, but she saw right through it. The disappointment, the frustration, the irritation - it was all there in your eyes.
She knew those 'plans' were more than just a few. They were dreams, aspirations, and hopes for a future filled with adventures and possibilities. The exchange program messed up your education more than you can handle to even explain. You're impatient now, having to wait another year, well that's what it seemed.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, I didn't bring you up here to go all 'Woe is me' on you, " You both chuckle, knocking into each other, "You're leaving this year, so I thought we'd better make the most of it."
You reach into your jacket pocket pulling out two pathetically made string bracelets, "They're not exactly a masterpiece," You hold out the two on one hand, one green, one red, "Feel free to throw them into the sea and me with them if this is too much, Steph. But I wanted you to know you're a really good friend, y'know."
"To another year with Victoria!" Steph toasts, picking up the red bracelet and knocking it to the green, despite the gut-wrenching pain of being friendzoned.
That damn smile, how could she resist?
- - - - - - - - - -
Why has Sera disappeared off the face of the earth? You scroll and search through your phone searching up anything and everything relating to the woman and the Amber family, but all that appeared was your best friend’s death.
Lay down in the back seats of your rental car, you stare into roofing, how the fuck are you still here but not Chloe and Rachel? Why the two of them? At one point you considered paying the Prescott family a visit, hell even Nathan in the psych ward or wherever he is. But your senses soon saved the day preventing you from doing anything that'd make you lose your job.
You drop your phone onto your chest, letting your arms hang upwards, reaching out. You're still here, you spend a few seconds surveying every millimetre of your hands, and then down your left wrist, twisting it slowly. Then finally the right, the bracelet.
You don't really remember ever keeping that bracelet on, it was a weird feeling.
You tried to dismiss it, to convince yourself it was just a silly trinket, a meaningless gesture from one friend to another. Yet, the more you tried to ignore it, the more its presence gnawed at your mind.
As you look at it you feel its teasing, you can imagine the stupid single pieces of thread pointing and laughing at how pathetic your attempts at reconnecting with your past are. The bracelet felt like a burden, a constant reminder of what you had lost.
But you couldn't let go of the bracelet, not yet. You needed it, even if it felt like a cruel joke, a constant reminder of what you could never have, it felt wrong.
So you pull out your phone again and ring Steph's old number, you hadn't called her for what? 2/3 years? Y/n you dickhead.
Caller: Um... Hello?
Y/n: Hey, sorry to be a nuisance, does this number still belong to Steph?
Caller: No, it doesn't. Goodby-
Fuck my life. When is it going to end? Why am I getting nothing?
The only other solution you could think of at that moment would be calling Mikey, but honestly, what are the chances? So, again, you pull out your phone, linger your thumb over his name and eventually call.
Caller: Hey?
Y/n: Is this Mikey?
Caller: Oh heavens! Is that Y/n L/n?
- - - - - - - - - -
A couple of hours passed, and Mikey filled you in on both Steph's and his own situation, he was really intrigued by how you'd spent Christmas in the army (but you had to disappoint him by informing him you weren't at war and didn't have to spend every single moment at base), and you even got the chance to speak to Drew after years.
It was quite emotional, however you'd never let anyone know, but now you knew where Steph was after all this time. Haven Springs, Colorado.
17-hour drive? Fuck that, looks like another plane ride is in order.
- - - - - - - - - - 10/09/2009
"So... I'm basically a ninja?" You query, Steph fed up with your stupid questions, "Don't look at me like that! Okay, whatever, I'm a Rogue."
Steph nods her head slowly with a teasing grin.
"Rachel is a, um- Claric?" You raise one eyebrow towards the ginger girl.
Steph debates letting you off, shaking her head side to side biting her lip, "Cleric, but close enough. Carry on."
You quickly exhale and lean back onto Steph's bed, "Steph I'm done with this, why can't I just wing it?"
"Because even Chloe knows her shit, you don't!"
You roll your eyes, sitting up a little bit with crossed arms, 'Chloe? Seriously?' you scoff, unable to contain your incredulousness. "Chloe, the girl who can't tell Poland from Indonesia? She's got it figured out, but I don't?"
Steph raises her hands in surrender, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Hey, don't underestimate Chloe," she says, "she's got a surprising amount of street smarts. And besides, she's got the whole 'magic is easy peasy' thing going on. You, on the other hand, have the grace of Bambi trying to walk on a tightrope."
You groan, sinking back onto the bed. The truth stung, but it was undeniable. You, the self-proclaimed master of 'winging it,' had somehow landed yourself in a situation where you desperately needed to learn the basics. You were supposed to be saving the world, but you couldn't even tell a spell from a chant. "Fine, fine," you relent, deflated. "But only because I have to. What do I need to know?" Steph, ever patient, pulls out a worn notebook and a battered copy of 'The Beginner's Guide to D&D Characters'. "First things first-"
"No. No, no, no! If I cook you dinner will you give it a rest?" You offer in an attempt to save yourself from further mental pain.
Steph laughs until she realises you're being serious, "Wait, you'll actually cook me dinner?" She furrows her eyebrows, "You can cook?"
'Yes, I can cook,' you admit begrudgingly. "And it's the least I can do to spare myself this torture." Steph's eyes light up with anticipation. "Deal. But remember, you're not getting off that easy. After dinner, we're hitting the books hard." A groan escapes your lips as you acknowledge the inevitable. But deep down, you know Steph is right. It's time to embrace the basics and shed the illusion of your so-called 'mastery.'
Steph gave into temptation and spat out the lingering question, "Is this a date?" She blurted out and immediately regretted it, her face flushing from her neck to the tops of her cheeks.
Your head tilts and your face softens with a smile, "If you'd like," You get up from your seat and stretch out a hand towards her, "I do love a gorgeous geek."
With grinning faces, you both head toward the kitchen, determined to both nourish your body and, begrudgingly, your mind. As you rummage through cabinets and flick on the stove, you can't help but wonder if this culinary diversion will be sufficient to postpone the dreaded onslaught of 'The Beginner's Guide to D&D Characters.'
- - - - - - - - - -
New Year's Eve and you're out chasing the past, how sad. It's late at this point, you accidentally fell asleep in the waiting room for the coach to Haven Springs, leading to you having to take the later one. Steph's probably out with her new friends celebrating.
You step off the bus and onto the gravelly road, praying she'd magically be waiting for you.
You walk past an old-fashioned pub, 'The Black Lantern' is lit up from the inside, music playing, and voices humming loudly. There were numerous shops, hiking, smoke, ice cream; but there it was. If Mikey was right, Steph should work in a record store as some sort of DJ.
It's pitch black, and only the tall dark streetlights illuminate small flickery sections of the village, it was quaint and charming, fitting.
You stand outside of the shop for a few seconds. The lights are on, You could've sworn you saw a shadowed figure through the vague light, with each passing moment you pussied out more, it was now or never.
3 Knocks.
The door opens, "Can I he- Fuck me! Y/n?" The still ginger girl exclaimed with disbelief, her eyes darting from eye to eye to ear to leg to shoulder, for a moment you thought she was having a stroke but she soon stepped aside to let you up the stairs.
As soon as you got up to the 2nd and final step she enveloped you into a bear hug, something she wasn't too fond of the last time you'd seen her. "I can't believe you're actually here."
Steph's mind was all over the place, she'd met with her high school crush who she thought she'd moved on from, clearly, she hadn't because the first thought in her head when she opened that door was - 'Oh my god, this is fate'.
Here the pang of guilt hit you harder than ever, "I've missed you, I'm sorry for not seeing you or - shit even calling you sooner." It's a shit apology, but you're sure you'll make it up.
"I missed you too," Steph returned shyly, "How come you're here? How did you know I was here?"
You lean up against the register counter, taking in Steph's workplace and home, taking in Steph, she was a little bit taller, and still wore a beanie wherever she went, boots? They're new. "It's a bit of a long story," You begin, ", but Mikey told me."
Steph looks like an excited puppy, "You can tell me another time, yeah? You're staying, right?", she can't hide the excitement in her voice, and you know you can’t disappoint her. Taking another deep breath, you nod.
"You know," Steph starts, clearly hesitant and still debating over her next words, "High school Steph would be going feral right now. She used to have a bit of a crush on you."Steph fiddles her fingers, looking down at her hands awaiting the silence's end.
You try to hold back a smile in a pathetic attempt, "Yeah, I think I got the hint."
You watch her, her hands moving with practised ease, her focus laser sharp. It's like a different version of her, the one you remember from high school, but more mature, more confident. 'What about you?" she asks suddenly, her eyes meeting yours. "Did you have a crush on me back then?" The question catches you off guard. You were always good at hiding your feelings, and you'd never let on how deeply you felt for her. "Maybe," you answer finally, a smile playing on your lips, "Maybe a little." A blush creeps up Steph's cheeks, and you notice a small dimple appear on her chin. You're suddenly aware of how close you are, the scent of coffee and cinnamon swirling around you. The air feels electric, charged with unspoken possibilities. "So," Steph says, her voice barely a whisper, "What are you doing here, really?"
"It-" Before you can excuse yourself from explaining yourself, you're saved by the roaring crowd outside, you assume they're beginning the countdown. Steph immediately races off and returns with a bottle of champagne, "Been saving that for this moment?"
"Of course I have." She shrugs sarcastically, popping the bottle just as the countdown reaches 1 the cork pops with a satisfying whoosh, and the champagne sprays a fine mist across our faces. We laugh, the sound swallowed by the roar of the crowd from outside as the fireworks begin their ascent.
You each take a turn at chugging the champagne until your face is covered.
Silence eeks between us, heavy with the weight of what's unsaid. Then, unexpectedly, Steph reaches out and takes a step closer. Her hand lands on my cheek, and the touch is electric. "You know," she whispers, her breath warm against my skin, "I don't think I ever lost feelings for you. I always had a thing for your smile."
Your heart leaps to your throat as you gaze into her eyes. The feelings you shared were too intense to be simply extinguished. You lean in, your lips hovering just a breath away from hers. 'I never stopped thinking about you,' you murmur. Your lips meet in a kiss that is both familiar and intoxicating. It's new but so normal and calculated. The fireworks continue to explode overhead, painting the sky in vibrant hues. It's as if the universe itself is celebrating this reunion.
You turn Steph around and push her against the register counter, her back pressed against the cool wood, her arms circling your waist, you feel the echoes of your past in every inch of her closeness. The kiss deepens, and neither of you can get enough, this made up for the 5 years of what you both craved but just simply couldn't get.
You break apart for a brief moment, breathless and flushed, your foreheads resting against each other. Her eyes, the same deep emerald green you remembered, sparkle with an emotion that mirrors your own. 'I can't believe this is happening,' she whispers, her voice thick with a mixture of disbelief and longing.
'Me neither,' you breathe, your finger tracing the curve of her cheek, familiarising the feel of her skin under your touch. The kiss resumes, this time more urgent, more desperate. It's a desperate attempt to reclaim the lost time, to make up for all the moments they missed. She tastes like summer nights and laughter, like the sweet promise of something beautiful and forbidden. With each touch, each sigh, each fleeting glance, your heart rekindles a fire that had long been dormant.
"Happy New Year, Stephanie." You tease
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kamii-2 · 1 year ago
life is strange masterlist
(scroll down for before the storm)
rules of requesting (please read before requesting)
chloe price
max caulfield
warren graham
kate marsh
nathan prescott
victoria chase
steph gingrich
rachel amber
hidden 🤍 (coming soon)
mikey north
love 🦋
first time 🤍
blood 🤍
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chloe-caulfield94 · 1 year ago
A DnD session with Chloe, Steph and Mikey causes Max to relive the choice she made when the Storm hit Arcadia Bay.
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Mikey: Gimme another potion i aint driving
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larena · 2 years ago
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Decided to try my hand at making Mikey and Chloe's tabletop characters in BG3. It worked surprisingly well given the character creator's limitations (Elamon should probably look older) Povel was unfortunately basically impossible.
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Chloe: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as "Eagle One."
Chloe: Rachel, code name: "Been There, Done That."
Chloe: Max is "Currently Doing That."
Chloe: Steph is "It Happened Once in a Dream."
Chloe: Mikey, code name: "If I Had To Pick a Dude."
Chloe: Kate is... "Eagle Two."
Kate: Oh, thank God.
Chloe: This is "Eagle One." "Been There, Done That" is leaving the stage. "I'd Be Lying If I Said I Hadn't Thought About It" (Victoria) is in position.
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gabsword · 10 months ago
Playing Life is Strange: Before The Storm and why the hell is Mikey staying in hospital when he just broke his arm?!
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dalekofchaos · 1 year ago
Life Is Strange fancast(new)
Already did a LIS fancast before, but since some of them were too old, I think it's time to do a new one
my other LIS fancasts
LIS BTS fancast
LIS 2 fancast
LIS TC Fancast
Cailee Spaeny as Max Caulfield
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Sophie Thatcher as Chloe Price
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Sydney Sweeney as Rachel Amber
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Elle Fanning as Kate Marsh
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Anthony Turpel as Warren Graham
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Reneé Rap as Victoria Chase
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Austin Abrams as Nathan Prescott
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Aaron Eckhart as William Price
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Robin Wright as Joyce Price
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Ving Rhames as Principal Raymond Wells
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Yvette Nicole Brown as Michelle Grant
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Douglas M. Griffin as Samuel Taylor
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David Harbour as David Madsen
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Norman Reedus as Frank Bowers
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Bryan Cranston as Sean Prescott
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Dewon Sawa as Mark Jefferson
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Barbie Ferreira as Alyssa Anderson
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Brianne Tju as Brooke Scott
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Jacob Batalon as Daniel DeCosta
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Ryan Potter as Evan Harris
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Jenna Ortega as Stella Hill
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Jolie Vanier as Dana Ward
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Kelli Berglund as Juliet Watson
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Ross Lynch as Luke Parker
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Charlie Rowe as Justin Williams
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Noah Centineo as Trevor Yard
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Stefanie Scott as Taylor Christensen
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Tiffany Espensen as Courtney Wagner
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Mason Gooding as Hayden Jones
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Justin Prentice as Zachary Riggs
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Because of tumblr's new layout with the 30 picture limit, I cannot add more pictures, so here's the rest.
Dylan Minnette as Logan Robertson
Angourie Rice as Samantha Myers
Mischa Collins as Skip Matthews
Mark Hamill as Travis Keaton
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eyelinerandmcr · 4 months ago
all the influential emo artists of the 2000s are ovulating this week, or something
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