#I never know how detailed to make the image descriptions for art
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horizon-penblade-art · 1 year ago
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badgertracksart · 2 years ago
Portfolio advice, from a lead who hires Concept Artists
(This was originally a twitter thread I wrote before the site self imolated, hense it's strange structure.) I wrote this after a weekend of portfolio reviews - 1. Like a maths exam, please please show your working. I want to see thumbs options, mid options and of course a final design.
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2. Arrange your portfolio, I don't want to bounce about between subject matter and pipeline. Your portfolio's narrative should be as strong as your work... 3. Please make worlds that excite the viewer, make them want to go in and explore them, explain to them the interesting parts of the town, or the way the character's hat unfolds. How will this draw the viewer in? 4. As I've said before the majority of your project work is explanatory not mood, make sure your portfolio contains explanatory work. Explained here -
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5. A lot of beautiful post apocolyptic paintings, , but 80% of realistic games and film, we just give the environment artists photo ref, they are capable artists in their own right. Different work in stylised where you do need to create rules for how things can be translated. 6. Production art contains call out sheets, material references and flat graphics. This doesn't have to be your final image, but it should support it.
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7. Design characters on a swatch(es) of the environment they will be viewed in. Not on white. I make swatch backgrounds from screenshots, it avoids assumptions that damage readability. 8. Reverse of this, put people in your environments, show me the scale.
9. It's not a deal breaker for a review, but if you intend to get a job, please show me your work on a screen larger than a smartphone (print outs probably the cheapest option with the best battery life). 10. Please have your contact details clearly visible, and by that I mean email address, I will not pass your social media contact on, I cannot input your form into my tracking system. EMAIL ADDRESS emblazoned and bake it in, sometimes recruiters do funky stuff to pdfs
11. Your portfolio will never feel done, not to you anyway. You will have learnt from your latest pieces and want to apply it to older work. But we know art is a journey. Send your portfolio anyway. I've been in the industry 10+ years and my portfolio is still not 'finished'. 12. If you are applying to an environment centric Concept Art position then please vary your times of day! Golden hour is cool but show me some happy sunny days, looming overcast days, what about at night? Vary your weather too! Sunny snowy day? Rainy Spring day? Stormy night?
13. If you are applying for a character centric Concept Art role then please ensure your portfolio shows a variety of body types and ethnicities. 14. Designing characters for games? Please show back views and feet (!) Many potfolios contain only front views. This is a problem because:
You haven't shown you are considering the design from all angles.
In many games rear view is the main view.
Stop cropping feet.
15. If you are entry / graduating and looking at Portfolios to compare content and standard of yr own work too, look at hired grad/junior artists as opposed to seniors Seniors and leads often have old or personal work in their portfolio which isnt representative of the day job. 16a. Show clearly the intended use case for your Concept Art. Mention the game type in the description. Are these player character designs for a 3rd person adventure game? Then more back views please. Bonus points for diagetic ways of showing health / equipment / role etc.
16b. Are these designs for an FPS? Then really the player view of the gun needs to sell the player style/ choices, in an FPS your weapons are almost your character. Are these world designs? What's the view distance? For an RTS your shapes need to read from above & a distance. 16c. The lack of clarification means I am judging the design in isolation, which both harms the design (you might be considering the backview of a char as the main adventure character.) Or an NPC, their waist up expressions may be important for conveying exposition and mechanics.
16d. Concept art is not separate from gameplay, great concept art serves the game team before it is a good illustration.
17. Play games. A variety of games. Think about them. IMO to be a good concept artist you need to understand the common language & references used by your peers. Also understand the principles and common language your audience are used to. FPS design rules are v.diff from RTS.
18. There are many skills that are needed in concept art, please show them. For example: Graphic design - logos, liveries, typographic use etc. VFX concepts - Abilities, Ambience, motion concepts. Architectural knowledge - How buildings are built! & more but I'm out of space :O
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disabilityawarenesspride · 7 months ago
How to Write an Image Description: A Fundamental Guide.
[Plain Text: How to Write an Image Description: A Fundamental Guide. End PT]
General Guidelines:
[PT: General Guidelines. End PT]
Object, Action, Context
[PT: Object, action, context. End PT]
This is what you want to prioritize. What are we looking at, what is going on, and what is the surrounding environment?
Keep it simple and get to the point
[PT: Keep it simple and get to the point.]
Try to use short, clear sentences and prioritize what the reader needs to know in the context of the post. We don't need to know that the tweet was posted at 2:08AM or what color rings someone is wearing. That doesn't really provide useful information. If you really want to provide some relevant details, be sure you get to the main point of the image first.
Context is Important
[PT: Context is Important. End PT]
Why is the image posted there? What information does it lend to the content around it? Make sure the viewer knows what they need to know to understand how the image relates to the text and content partnered with it.
For a meme or a tweet screenshot, we don't need to know all the details or what the background looks like, we just need to understand the joke. For something like art or photography, you may want to include more details.
Don't Assume
[PT: Don't Assume. End PT]
Don't assume gender, race, and pronouns of the subject(s) of the image. If you can find this context in the post, on op's blog, or somewhere else you can include it, but try not to make baseless assumptions.
Alt Text vs Image Descriptions
[PT: Alt Text vs Image Descriptions. End PT]
Alt text is great for people using screen readers, but it isn't always the most accessible option. Alt text can be glitchy, the font size cannot be changed for those who need large text, and it doesn't show up at all until the image either loads or completely fails to load.
For this reason, a longer description in plain text in the body of the post is a more accessible option.
I suggest a short summary in the alt text so people can get the overview of an image and a longer description in the body of the post. For example, compare the image description and the alt text for the following image:
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[Image ID: A guide to writing alt text on images. At the top, it says "Writing Alt Text" in big white text. It then lists off five major steps to writing alt text. Identify who, expression, description, color, and interesting features. It then shows an image of a capybara, with a sample alt text that reads, "A capybara looking relaxed in a hot spa. Yellow yuzu fruits are floating in the water, and one is balanced on top of the capybara's head." with each block of text color-coordinated to show which of the five steps it corresponds to. At the bottom of the image is the word "Puzzle" stylized into a logo. End ID.]
The Alt text provides the bare minimum of what you need to know to contextualize the image, while the ID expands on details that help to understand it and provides more details.
[PT: Formatting. End PT]
Try your best to use correct spelling and grammar, but transcribe accurately. Use clear language and concise sentences where possible. However: Don't censor words or correct spelling when transcribing something from the image. You want the description to be as accurate to the image as possible.
[PT: use correct spelling and grammar, but transcribe accurately. End PT]
Always use plain text. Never use formatting like bold, italics, other fonts/font sizes/text colors, or text in all caps. If they appear in the original image, transcribe it in plain text like this:
[Bold, underlined] Always use plain text. [End bold and underlines.]
Begin an ID with square brackets [[these]], followed by "ID:" or "Image:". End the description with "End ID" and a closed square bracket ] to signify the end of the descriptions.
Screenreaders and visually impaired people sometimes struggle with symbols and emojis. Transcribe these instead when possible!
[PT: Transcribe these instead when possible. End PT]
The image description should be directly after the image, before any post caption or commentary.
Never use a readmore! If you delete the post or change your url the description is gone forever. It also makes the ID harder to reach in general, which is not accessible.
[PT: Never use a readmore! End PT]
Make your post accessible from the start if you can. Don't post something without an ID then reblog it with a description so that people have a chance to spread the inaccessible version of the post if they "prefer" the one without the "clutter" of an ID. That's ableist. If you post something without a description then end up describing it later, edit the ID into the original post.
[PT: Make your post accessible from the start. End PT]
[PT: Resources. End PT]
The People's Accessibility Discord Server: I will always suggest this server! It's full of people that can help write descriptions, give feedback on IDs you've written, answer questions about accessibility, and more!
Online OCR: Image(/PDF) to text converter! This is really helpful, especially for transcribing text in tweet screenshots, article excerpts, etc. You will still have to do a bit of work formatting and correcting things sometimes, but it's a really helpful tool
CaseConverter: Good for converting lots of text in all caps for plain text transcriptions.
Meme Image Descriptions: This google doc has descriptions of many common meme images and templates!
Some simple Image Description formats: tailored largely for replies and screenshots from social media.
WebAim: A whole website for web accessability!
Online Accessibility Masterpost focusing on image descriptions from tumblr user @anistarrose. This has a ton of good resources, reading, and tips!
Reading & Guidelines:
[PT: Reading & Guidelines. End PT]
Cooper Hewitt guidelines for image description: This focuses on describing art, but it's a fantastic resource. It gives a good description on the distinction between alt text and long descriptions and gives guidelines for each. It's a pretty concise and easily comprehensible read with a lot of good tips towards the end.
Medium's How to Write an Image Description: Concise and helpful. The origin of "object, action, context".
Diagram Center Guidelines for Image Description: I really suggest reading through this. It gives a much more comprehensive understanding of what is important when writing a description and has different sections for help describing all sorts of things like photos, art, comics, diagrams, charts, math, chemistry, and more! A longer read, but it has a lot of specifics.
Perkins School for the Blind how to write alt text and image descriptions: Another great resource! Concise and helpful, shorter than Diagram Center's articles.
SiteImprove's Alt Text Best Practices: Focuses on Alt text not long image descriptions
Last Call Media- Accessible Comics: Great info for describing comics!
American Anthropological Association's Guide for creating image descriptions: an additional resource on IDs just because
Some tips from Tumblr user @keplercryptids! I reiterated a lot of these points here, but it's still a very helpful post!
General guideline from @can-i-make-image-descriptions and @accessibleaesthetics
Alt Text and Image Description Guide by @brownandtrans
Huge list of blogs that post accessible content!
And another google doc of accessible blogs!
If this post was too much information to read and absorb all at once, I suggest reading the first two links as well as some of the last few links that lead to Tumblr posts.
[PT: If this post was too much information to read and absorb all at once, I suggest reading the first two links as well as some of the last few links that lead to Tumblr posts. End PT]
Those probably have the most concise and easily digestible information, so choose one of those. If I've said anything incorrect in this post, please let me know so I can correct it ASAP! Thanks so much for reading and happy describing!
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tutanchanup · 1 month ago
I am sad that there's no good contemporary depiction of Vlad III. Draculea with a beard, since he wore one, at least according to his own personal seal (surprising, right?!). But we only have images of him with the iconic moustache.
So I decided to make one myself :D
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I used the style of mediaeval icons, inspired by the ones painted in Snagov Monastery, which is connected to Vlad III. As I am no master of this type of art, I used as a base the icon of st. Alexander Nevskij, since he's holding a sword. I also wanted to draw him with a crown, sice that is also on Vlad's seal.
For his face, I used the contemporary description of Vlad from an eye-witness, Niccolò Modrussa, who describes him with aquiline nose, green eyes, long, black curly hair and intimidating, bushy eyebrows. I also tried to imitate the shape of his face from the traditional depictions of Vlad, although these were probably made by people who might've never seen him (and they also depicted him as ugly as part of propaganda against him. It's funny how in the chronicles his enemies always describe him as ugly while his allies described him as beautiful :D).
I was surprised that none of these depictions paint the mentioned strong eyebrows, but then I found out that medieval paintings in general don't really focus on various shapes of eyebrows, they're always more or less the same, so my decision to paint them might be a little bit anachronistic :D
I hope no-one will be offended that I kept the hallo. It looks good aesthetically, and, to be honest, Vlad's cousin Stephen the Great was hallowed, and I feel that if Vlad's name hasn't been dragged through the mud by the horrible propaganda, he might've ended like that as well, as it seems he was quite loved by his people.
And if you want to know more about the real Vlad III. Dracula, without the distortion of the sensational propaganda against him, I highly recommend the professional team Corpus Draculianum and their illustrious YouTube channel, where they talk about Vlad's fascinating life in engaging and enjoyable form:
The personal seal of Vlad III. Draculea depicting him with a beard and a crown, which I found thanks to Corpus Draculianum and which I used as a main inspiration:
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I admit I changed the beard a bit to look more like the royal fashion, and, well, in a hardly preserved 500 year old wax seal there wasn't much room for details, so I took it with a grain of salt.
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jinx-xxed · 7 months ago
Beautiful Thing Caged
Chapter 1; Strange sight
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☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
A/N; My first multi-part fic!! I’ve never been able to commit to one before so I’m really hoping I’ll be able to see this one through cuz I have some good ideas for it :]. I hope you enjoy, that’ll help keep me motivated too!! Also thanks to my bestie for the idea for the chapter titles ♡
This writing is based on this fan art ! It made my jaw drop to the floor when I saw it and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.
Part 2 ⇨
Summary; The First Order Agencies have come across a new, strange creature and it becomes your job to study it. You get far more than you bargained for.
Content; Werewolf AU, modern AU, werewolf Kylo Ren, human reader, scientist reader, soulmates, angst, feral Kylo, like legit feral bro does not know about human society, there’s a part where he eats a bunch of raw meat (I did not enjoy it), Kylo’s being studied in a lab, he studies you too, he’s scared and sad and angry (what else is new), lots of tension, neither of you know how to feel
[Each chapter will have specific content warnings. This story will eventually have 18+ content.]
Wc; 3.5k
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
“I’m sorry?”
You look down at the sheets that had just been slid to you across the mahogany desk. It’s a thick packet stapled together, the papers perfectly crisp and white. On them is paragraph upon paragraph detailing the new assignment that your superiors at First Order Agencies have decided to place on you. Your hands reach forward from where they’d been resting in your lap to tentatively flip through the packet, your brows creasing further with each page.
Studying an unknown creature. Studying something that nobody knows what it is or where it came from, something that the only thing people know about it is that it’s incredibly dangerous. You briefly scan over the pages dedicated to the description of the creature—black fur, wolf like appearance, supposedly male, huge, able to take on a humanoid state. You see that in place of a true name, it’s been given the label of OB-2637. Written at the bottom of the description is “BEWARE CREATURE, WILL ATTACK. STAY IN DESIGNATED OBSERVATION BAYS FOR SAFETY.” Lovely. There’s no pictures attached so your imagination is free to run wild, thinking up an image of a hulking beast with drool covered teeth and ragged fur covering its misshapen body. You shudder.
“Wh- why is this being given to me?” You ask, looking up at the one who’d given you the papers. He goes by Hux and he oversees your sector of the Agency, making him your boss. “I’m just a nature observationalist. I feel like I’m not-“
“You’re the most qualified one in this facility.” Hux states. He sounds uninterested, his shrewd face giving no insight as to what he thinks about the Agency housing a dangerous, unknown creature of unknown origin. “We agreed that with your knowledge about the “wild world”, it would probably give you the most insight on this… thing. You’ll be paid generously for your work based on your findings if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
You’d seen the amount they were offering you, it was certainly nothing to scoff at. You shake your head. “No, that’s not what I’m concerned about. I’m more concerned that this seems above my level. I’ve never dealt with something like this since I’ve been here.” You say. You’ve been with the First Order for almost five years now. It’s a government agency that’s kept tightly under wraps, mostly because the Agency deals with things that they think “normal civilians” shouldn’t be made aware of. It took a lot for you to get accepted into this position.
Hux leans forward against his desk, the dimness of his office making his features look even crueler than usual. “If you really doubt yourself that much, then you don’t have to take this job. But I’ll make it known that if you turn this down, it’ll go to the next best person and I don’t think they’ll be as… compassionate towards this thing as you will be.” He says. His tone is so heavy, so serious. It holds so many implications that have your palms sweating. He shrugs as he relaxes in his chair. “I’m sure they’ll probably end up killing it. Theres a lot of people in this place that want to dissect that creature piece by piece. So it’s not just about your qualifications, it’s about how you’ll decide to treat another living being—that’s why you were the first pick.“
You swallow and your spit almost gets stuck on the lump in your throat. You look again at those papers, at what will be waiting for you in those lower levels of the facility. You think over Hux’s words, you roll them around in your mind in the same way you’d roll something in your mouth to get the taste of it. You know that he’s right, that anybody else would kill this creature just to get a thorough look at it. Anything in the name of science, after all. You know the people working in the First Order are not kind-hearted, most are cruel and cold. You have few friends in this place, even after the amount of time you’ve spent here. Your answer becomes clear to you. You don’t want this creature to die.
“I’ll take the assignment.” You say at last, steeling yourself so you don’t lose your nerve. You can do this. Surely it won’t be that hard? You just need to observe some type of animal, find out what it is, where it came from. That’s your whole job. You do that every day.
“Good choice.” Hux nods. He digs something out of a drawer. “Sign this and then be on your way.” He gives you an NDA, one that’s specifically catered towards this assignment. You’ve signed countless versions of these since you started working for the Agency, so it’s nothing new as you fill out everything you need to. You think nothing of them now, it’s not like you have people in your life to tell about your job anyway.
Hux takes the paper once you’re done. “Floor twenty. Your badge has already been approved for access. You shouldn’t experience any trouble.”
That’s a stern dismissal if you’ve ever heard one. You stand from your chair, smoothing out your lab coat as you go. You grab the packet of information; it’s not much but it at least gives you something to go off of. “Thank you, sir.” You say. Hux merely grunts in acknowledgment, already buried in the paperwork for something else.
You leave his office, taking a deep breath when the door shuts behind you. Holding the packet close, you walk through the halls of the building’s upper floor. When you think about it, the above-ground section is like a mask to the public eye. It’s all of the boring offices, gaudy paintings littering the walls, carpeted floors. It’s unassuming and basic and meant to hide what lays below the surface: all of the Agency’s experiments, their studies, and their classified documents stuck behind vaults. That’s where most of the employees are, that’s where your own office is. There’s few people upstairs and the ones you do manage to pass don’t even spare you a glance on your way to the elevator.
One of the two elevators opens a second after you press the button. You step inside and hit the button for the twentieth floor. The door closes without anyone else inside, leaving you blissfully alone. There’s no classic elevator music that plays, there’s only the sounds of the machine working to keep you company. Your hands frequently change position on the papers you hold to try and keep from drenching one spot in your sweat.
It feels like an eternity before the elevator begins to slow and there’s a resounding ding as it reaches the twentieth floor. The second lowest floor in the facility; you can’t even imagine how far underground you are. The hall you enter in to is pure white, fluorescent lights bouncing off the walls and floors. There’s nobody you can see and you know based on your packet that the only other people involved in this assignment are guards and a few nutritional specialists. You’re on your own.
The halls of this floor hold few doors, instead mostly housing holding cells and laboratories. You use your badge when you come upon authorized entryways, that unsmiling face in your picture getting you the beep you need to pass through. You’re halfway to where you know you need to go when you begin to hear strange noises. Clinking chains, the faint snarl. Sounds of struggling. You really should just turn back, try to ignore all of this and pretend you don’t care about the fate of some defenseless animal. You know you can’t though, so you keep walking on unsteady legs.
There’s one final door you need to pass through, one last door keeping you from a sealed fate. You feel the sense of foreboding prickling the back of your neck, your shirt sticks to your spine from your perspiration. The door beeps in response to your badge, your hand hesitates on the handle. It opens into a massive room, snow white in color with a black rim. Theres very little inside it; there’s data pads built into the walls for recording observations and there’s a one way window stretching along the right wall. You don’t know who would be on the other side. The room is separated by a massive pane of reinforced glass, stretching from floor to ceiling, spanning the entire length.
You finally see what that glass is meant to keep in and everything seems to freeze. That’s no animal, no creature, or bizarre thing. It’s nothing like what they made it seem. That’s a human. A human male kept in a cage, thoroughly restrained. His body is just the same as yours, albeit much larger and far more muscled, but he has the same limbs, the same fingers and toes. No paws or excess fur, just sharp black nails at the ends of his fingers that have put claw marks in the floor. His attention turns to you then and you see his face. He’s what you’d describe as beautiful; his features are both sharp and soft at the same time, his nose strong, and his pale skin dotted with moles and freckles. His face is framed by waves of black hair and he’s captivating, even with blood smeared on his chin and neck.
Your eyes meet. God, his eyes. They’re human, they’re round and the pupils are blown out with his emotions. Even from your place at the other side of the room you can tell the honey brown color and you can see the fear swimming in them. If you didn’t dismiss it as you being crazy, you’d say there was some sort of spark that flared between you both for some inexplicable reason. Like there was a sort of understanding rooted deep down that you didn’t get. Then it was gone.
And then the frozen second snaps and everything is thrown back into motion. His expression shifts into something angry and fierce and he makes an attempt to lunge at you. His movements are so powerful, even with every limb bearing thick cuffs with chains connected to the wall, even with one around his neck. He comes so close to the glass, his hands reaching in your direction, those claws scraping uselessly against the floor. You flinch back on instinct, your breathing coming fast and hard. It’s then that you see the ears and tail on the man. They are indeed akin to a wolf like the papers said, black ears sitting in his hair and a large, fluffy black tail protruding behind him. When his mouth opens in a snarl, you see the unnaturally sharp canines that he has. They’d rip you apart in no time.
He tries a few more times to get at you before realizing it’s useless. It’s probably not a new feeling for him. He retreats to the back wall where the chains are connected, making them go slack and giving him more movement. He tries to shrink himself—an impossible task with such a huge body—his tail coming to wrap around his feet. He doesn’t have much within his cell—only a small cot and a singular blanket as a bed in one corner, and a toilet and sink in the other corner.
You swallow. You realize how long you’ve been standing there without moving so you force your wobbly legs to take one very small step forward. Then another and another until you’re about halfway towards the glass. He watches you with such intensity the entire time it makes you nervous. You try to take another step before he growls at you, a deep and rumbling sound that has you freezing. When you retreat, he stops.
“Okay. I’ll stay here then.” You say, standing in the spot you’d been in before that last step. This is where you’d begin. Small things to make him more comfortable in this unfamiliar environment; you’d follow his rules.
Seeing no chairs around you, you lower yourself to the floor. It’s cold even through your layers but you don’t mind. You have no room to complain when you look at him with no shirt or shoes, nothing to really keep him warm besides thin pants and that blanket on the cot. You study him in silence, just like how he studies you. You feel confusion over the conflict of the report versus what you see before you. The report had first described a wolf-like appearance that could take on a humanoid form but all you see in front of you is a human man with wolf ears and a tail. Maybe they’d overexaggerated?
Now that a fragile peace has settled between the both of you and he’s sitting still, you’re able to see the scar running along the left side of his face. It travels all the way down his collarbone before finally stopping. It’s deep and jagged and you can only imagine how badly it must’ve hurt; he’s lucky he didn’t lose his eye from it. Looking over him, you see he has a multitude of scars all over the planes of his body. He’s a fighter, then. With the way he’d lunged at you as soon as you entered, it doesn’t take you by surprise.
You clear your throat from your nerves. You begin with stating your name. You don’t even know how much he can understand you or if he can at all but you continue anyway. “I’m not here to hurt you. I know you probably don’t trust that, and I understand. We just want to know more about you.” You say. You inwardly cringe because this all sounds so weird to say to another human. You clasp your hands together tightly in your lap. “If you can speak, it would be a huge help if you’d explain some things about yourself. What’s your name and age? Where’d you come from?”
You don’t get a response—you didn’t expect one. He sits there with his knees up to his chest and his face partially hidden by his hair just staring at you, his eyes so wide and telling that it’s hard not to meet that stare. This is how it’ll be then. That’s fine, you’re used to sitting in one spot for hours and watching for an animals every minuscule movement. That’s what you end up doing, merely watching him and studying his body. Every twitch of the finger, every tense of the muscle is something you keep note of. It’s a good way to get a basis of information about what you’re studying so you always have something to compare to. You log everything in your mind for now, thinking how you’ll need to remember your laptop for next time.
There’s a sudden noise that leaves both of you startled. You sit up straighter and his ears perk up as a door to the right inside his cell opens. His wolf ears flatten back against his head and he scoots farther from the door, his chains clinking with the movement. You watch curiously as a human-shaped, somewhat janky robot enters with a plate balanced in its hands. You never see much of the Agency’s robots, mostly because most of them are unfinished and unpolished, but it seems they’re useful when real people don’t want to get near a deadly thing. The robot drops the plate unceremoniously on the floor and you notice with a start that blood splatters. The robot leaves.
Both you and the beast-man look at the plate before he decides to move towards it. You make another mental note about how much he surveys his surroundings before deciding what to do, as if weighing all options and possibilities.
The plate is rather large and holds a copious amount of raw meat, seemingly from multiple different animals based on the coloring and sizes. Blood slowly drips off the edge of the plate, pooling on the white floors. You can’t help the revulsion you feel looking at it as he inches closer, sniffing the scent of meat and blood into his nostrils. His eyes widen at it, pupils expanding, and he immediately takes a massive slab into his hands. His teeth tear into it like it’s paper, those fangs ripping it apart as blood drips down his chin. Despite your disgust, you’re also fascinated. So his digestive system can handle raw foods—like a wolf. I wonder what the layout of it is. What kind of bacteria is in there? You think, pondering over the idea as you watch him eat like a beast.
He finishes most of the plate, leaving only a few tinier pieces that he pushed aside. He must not like the taste of that particular animal. He seems more at ease now that he’s been fed, the worry of whether or not he’d get another meal satiated. He’s unbothered by the blood on his clawed hands and face as he sits back down and returns to watching you. When his eyes find you again there’s a shiver that goes down your back. There’s something in them you can’t place and it creates a weird feeling in your gut that you can’t decipher.
The rest of your day goes by without a hitch. You sit on the floor and study the beast-man in silence. You don’t try talking to him anymore, you’d rather not make a fool of yourself if he won’t say anything back to you—if he even can. He doesn’t do anything, there’s nothing to do in his cell anyway. He sits and watches and at one point he laid down on his back facing you so he could still keep an eye on you. There was one last meal time where you got to see him eat a bunch of raw meat again which wasn’t… great for your own appetite.
Hours passed before the lights finally began to dim, meaning the facility was shutting down for the night. There’ll still be people working the entire time, of course, but they shut down a majority of the power in the unused areas. You sigh to yourself, unfolding your body and getting up with a grunt from the stiffness in your limbs. The beast-man who had been drifting off before is now fully alert, wide eyes watching. You go to move towards the door and he growls at you. It startles you, makes goosebumps pick up along your arms. You look back at him with furrowed brows, confused. “I’m leaving, alright? I won’t bother you anymore.” You huff. This is what he wants so why is he getting pissy? You feel annoyed about his attitude for a second before you remember he’s the one stuck in a cell and you’re not. He has a right to be mad with you.
You sigh again and go to the datapads in the wall by the door. Since you don’t have your laptop, you take a few minutes to input the things you observed today that you’ll just transfer over later. You find yourself writing down a lot more than you thought you would and it makes you feel accomplished, like you actually did something today. When you’re finished, you put your hand on the door handle, ready to leave. But you pause, you look back at him and you know it was a mistake instantly. He looks so sad, so alone and afraid in that large, white room. You struggle to tear yourself away and open that door before you do something crazy.
You shake your head as you enter the hall, the door locking firmly behind you. Your mind feels like it’s shut off while you retrace your steps; back through the winding halls, back up the elevator, back into the main building. Back to your car where you grip the steering wheel with a deadly force, staring blankly at the road on your long drive home. Then finally, back to your small house where there’s no lights on inside because there’s nobody waiting for you.
You unlock the door and step in, a wave of something like loneliness washing over you when you do. It’s strange, it’s never been like this before. You try to ignore it as you shed your lab coat and make a simple dinner and sit on your couch. You don’t move for a moment, your brain deciding that now is a good time to rerun everything from today. That was a man. It wasn’t a beast, not really. And they have him stuck in a cell like that. It’s inhumane, isn’t it?
You find yourself with your head in your hands, groaning loudly as some form of release. “God, what have I gotten myself into?”
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
Part 2 ⇨
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pinkyplushiemaker · 2 months ago
New 2025 Commission Information
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Commission Information and Terms of Service
Information on Artist.
I started my plush work in 2013. I have worked hard on developing my style and process over the years. I create my embroidery and patterns from scratch, so everything I make is one of a kind. I do not sell my patterns because they are not normal and only I can understand how they come together. I live in West Virginia, USA. I can ship all over the country and internationally. I live in a dog, bird, and reptile friendly home. I love anime/manga, superhero movies/tv/comics, horror movies, animals, art, and making plushies.
My Plush Work
I work with minky fabric since it’s the highest quality I can use to make my work the best quality possible. I can also use faux furs, long pile minky, mochi fabric, fleece, and cotton if needed (or requested). I use upholstery thread when sewing my plush together. The thread is incredibly strong and the chances of pieces coming apart are very low. If they do come apart (very uncommon), just message me and I will fix and reinforce the piece.
My work is considered “art”, not factory produced for the general public. This means that they are unique and special, but it also means they are not really meant to be handled roughly, crushed, and/or given to very small children. They are pretty durable since they are plush, but any material can wear over time when they are over “loved” (lol). Taking them on adventures, and carrying them around is totally welcomed, just please go easy on the tug and pull <3
Ordering a Plush
Please feel free to reach out to me through Twitter (X), Tumblr, Instagram, or Facebook. I do my best to answer as soon as possible, but you are welcome to message again in case I have not replied after a few days. (I can get busy with the Plush Business, my full-time job, and taking care of my pets.)
Let me know what you are looking to have made. (I can make humans, animals, creatures, cars, robots etc.) Let me know what size and style you are thinking of and if there is a certain time you would like to have it made by. (It normally takes about 2-4 weeks, it depends on if I need to order anything specific.) Please provide images if possible (if you want something unique and only have a description, I can do a rough concept of the character for you, or if you would like to commission me to do art of the character, please feel free to request it). Once I have this information, I will give you a price quote. The quote will only be for the plush, this will not include the shipping or taxes. If you agree to the price, I will request an email from you and will send an invoice. It will list all the details for the transaction, including shipping and tax. The invoice is through PayPal Goods and Services, so we are both protected.
Once the payment is made, you are added to the queue. Before I start on the plush, I will create a concept for it. In this stage (and only in this stage) you are welcome to make any updates to the design. (For example: preferring a different color, wanting the eyes to be bigger, not wanting a certain part included etc.) I will do my best to get as close to the concept as possible. It will never be exact, but I do normally get really close. After the concept is finished, I will share fabric colors to ensure they are right.
Once everything is approved, I will create the pattern and embroidery files. Next, I will embroider the fabric and cut out the pattern. Finally, I will sew the plush together and share the final plush in our communication. I will need you to share the preferred name and address for the shipment. Once this information is provided, I will pack up the plush and send it out. I will provide the tracking when it is on its way.
Shipping the Plush
My standard shipping is first-class and using a waterproof bubble mailer envelope. This keeps the shipping as low as possible. ($7 within the US, $25 International)
For 2025, I am offering priority and over-night shipping (overnight only available in US). I am also offering the option to ship within a box instead of a bubble mailer. These options will be much higher prices and can be discussed while setting up the commission.
Please note, once I ship a plush and provide a tracking number. It is out of my hands.
Canceling a Commission
You have 1 week after ordering to cancel a commission. If I ordered materials for the project, it will be deducted from the total.
If a plush is not correct (and it is due to my mistake), I can grant a full refund. Unless I am able to fix the issue. The mistake would be due to me not using the correct color fabric, missing an important detail from the concept etc. Just not liking a plush or deciding you don’t want to pay for a plush once it is made are not valid reasons. I have various examples of my work and before commissioning me, please review my pages to make sure you like my style and quality.
Final Note
I am more than happy to work with someone to make a plush they can afford and love. Since all of my plush are custom and I make all the patterns and embroidery, I can make adjustments easily. For example, I can make the plush smaller and contain less details. I will be happy to explain what parts are causing the higher price and we can work out other options. I believe PayPal has options to make multiple payments too, so I can still get full payment and you wont need to pay in full right away.
Thank you for reading!! I hope I can bring your favorite characters to life 😊
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yesimwriting · 27 days ago
Do you think whether Louis shares this past family at all?
I imagine it’d hard to talk about Claudia being that he doesn’t really acknowledge vampirism, and it plays such a huge part with her whole stunned body, the broken laws, and the coven. Not to mention Claudia took pride in being vampire and was phenomenal at it.
Also, I think about the conflict with his late human family. Paul’s death was crazy af, and the blame he got for it. The whole Graces’s baby thing. Him watching his family mourning his death.
I know he had to tell Daniel in order for the book to happen, but how much could he possibly tell the reader?
OMG what if she could create a painting with Louis and late (actually dead, not undead) his loved ones, that he either didn’t have a lot of photos of or they were lost in time.
Ohhhh this is such a good question/ask 😭 I've been thinking through their dynamic in relation to this for such a long time.
The painting idea are you kidding me 😭. That's such a great idea and something she'd definitely do/try to piece together based on any remaining photos and Louis's description.
Okay so, onto what Louis has told her. Louis has definitely told her about everyone/everything at least once. He trusts bestie reader sm and he wants her to know that, and also they're together so much it'd be kind of hard for certain things to never come up.
However, Louis isn't consistent with the level of details he provides. Bestie reader knows more about Lestat and Louis's fights and the complexities of their relationship more than anyone else. He's told her things about Lestat he's never even mentioned to Armand. Some of this is intentional, but sometimes it's just bc they're both drunk (or on other substances) and he's thinking about it and she's serving as an outlet.
Also, because I'm a firm believer that no matter how separated Louis is from Lestat, he still loves him, he talks about Lestat a lot bc it's the closest he can get to reader meeting Lestat. In some ways, reader knowing Lestat is this fantasy Louis has that he's incapable of acknowledging, but I digress.
Anyways, back to Louis's inconsistency in detail. Some of what he leaves out is because of his memory and limited perspective (kind of like what we see in the show), and other things are left on purpose. He's so afraid of reader seeing him how he sees himself, so he'd never directly address how he failed Claudia. For example, he'd tell reader about how Claudia came to be and the age that she was turned and how hard it was for her, but he'd never talk about all the ways that he made her existence harder.
Claudia is also a difficult topic for him to discuss with reader because while he doesn't see reader as Claudia, he sometimes sees a little bit of Claudia in her. Sometimes when they're really happy, Louis remembers the early years when things still seemed like they could work out. When reader wants to do things that make him nervous, he sees the ways in which he could have tried harder to keep Claudia safe. When the reader is happy and in her element (like at an art gallery), he sees what Claudia might have been.
He censors himself the most when talking about Armand. Partially because of how controlling Armand is, but also because of reader and Armand's dynamic. Armand's behavior around bestie reader is visibly different, he's more restrained, almost gentle. If Louis were to tell reader about some of the things Armand has done, she'd start seeing Armand as a monster, and Armand wouldn't feel the need to play nice anymore bc her mental image of him is already ruined.
Louis is not risking reader's safety and peace to tell her about things like Armand's torture era in the 70's.
Also, Louis isn't planning on leaving Armand so it's kind of like when the person your dating has seriously wronged you but you can't tell your friends bc then they'd hate them too much. AND reader would probably try to slap Armand or something if she knew everything, and Louis doesn't think Armand's patience with her will extend that far.
I think Louis is very back and forth on mentioning his family to bestie reader. Stories about them are, by far, the least dangerous, but they also make him think about things in certain ways. Sometimes it's weirdly healing to be able to tell her about the way that his family viewed him and other times it's nauseating.
I think he'd talk about Paul's absence the most, but he wouldn't delve into the details of what happened if that makes sense. Like he talks about his feelings over Paul's death, but he divides his emotions from the chain of events that caused them. Tbh that's how he handles most discussions of grief.
Okay, some new bestie reader lore that you have no way of knowing about because I haven't written it into existence yet that's super relevant to this question, but part of the reason that reader lets Louis get away with being relatively 'cagey' about certain aspects of his grief is bc she's doing the same thing.
Not to drop crazy lore here, but in my head, bestie reader lost someone important to her a little before she met Louis. In some ways, she feels similarly to what Louis feels, in the sense that sometimes she's scared that she's replacing the person she lost with Louis. However, her grief is much more plain sadness than actual guilt, and so she assumes that Louis doesn't want to talk about certain things because it's hard and not bc of vampire self hatred/guilt.
Louis also knows that there's someone reader isn't talking about enough because he pays attention to how she acts, but also because he can see into her thoughts. I do think he works hard at actively giving her mental privacy, but at times he gets really worried or her thoughts are particularly loud bc she's distracted or overwhelmed and he hears things.
So basically, to an extent, they're living in a mutual denial. I have an idea for a drabble/fic where this is forced to end and they talk about a lot of things, and if you'd be interested in that pls lmk!
Also, slightly off topic, but a big part of the reason he keeps anything from reader is rooted in a subconscious self hatred. Bestie reader is going to get Louis to love himself or die trying, and I'm so serious. As the story progresses, bestie reader is going to lock in and get Louis to feel less guilty about what he is.
He's actually so delusional, so convinced that any blunt conversation about vampirism could be the thing that pushes reader away. In reality, reader does not gaf about him being a vampire. She is generally curious about vampires, but she thinks everything about Louis is so much more interesting.
That's her Louis, and if she walked in on him actively draining seven people at once she'd just be like 'sometimes I need a late night snack too'. She'd actually become a vampire activist if it meant Louis would feel better about himself.
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gothgleek · 1 year ago
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Alicent based on this post about Modest!Alicent by @dirtytransmasc
Details under the cut
-I was obsessed with the veiled pieces that OP mentioned and I loved the image of her in gold veils that looked like she was dripping in gold.
- The veils are based on Catholic veils (specifically and 4), medieval head coverings like ones worn in Ophelia 2018 and wimples (2 and 6), Star Wars (5), and the Tudor period (7). Most of them are sheer because one, I couldn’t figure out how to wrap them around her head without her looking like a blob of color and when it did look okay she looked like she was wearing a hijab and it felt too appropriative to draw on Alicent. This is also why her hair is visible in most of them but in practice she would cover them with thicker fabric.
- Alicent wears long billowing sleeves with heavy skirts. OP said that Alicent would wear dresses that conceal her figure which I tried to maintain but some have a shapelier silhouette as it looked better with my art style. I hope one day I will be able to draw modest clothing without making someone look like a blob but I’m not there yet.
- Dress 1 is inspired by the series Isabel 2011, which from what I’ve seen has some nice costumes. It also gave me a good base for something historical and modest but still luxurious.
- The second is based on Lady Macbeth and Ophelia in the Ophelia movie. I debated on adding braids but I think Alicent would’ve worn them. They’re neat, mature, and somewhat conservative hairstyle while also giving her an opportunity to wear more accessories which is expected of her as a queen. I know OP said modest but irl royalty had to wear extravagant clothes to prove their status and with the pressure of civil war and being the second wife, Alicent would certainly wear luxurious jewelry while staying simple compared to the rest of the Targaryens. The beads are Targ inspired as she would also need to embrace Valeryian styles to stay in Viserys’s favor.
- This side view of Alicent has the deepest neckline because that is what worked best for a side view. I also noticed Catholic veils tended to have patterns so I added simple gold flowers. The dress is medieval based.
- What sparked my artistic interest was OP’s descriptions of the veils so I had to do a dedicated work with a veil in the spotlight. In the original post, it was mentioned that Alicent would wear shawls with tapestry like designs. I couldn’t think of anything that would look good with fabric folds and creases but on a lace veil? I could definitely do that. Tbh it’s not my favorite design (Helaena’s was my favorite) but I think it represents Alicent’s loyalties pretty well. I’m personally pleased with how the dragons and tower came out.
- I don’t care about Star Wars but some of Padme’s outfits have screamed Alicent to me since the beginning. The golden lace veil with pearls is the centerpiece so her dress is much more toned down.
- This is again based on Ophelia’s costuming and on OP saying Alicent appears to be dripping in gold wearing golden veils. I added jewelry shaped like the Hightower sigil with green gems decorating it.
- OP mentioned shawls with tassels and patterns so I had to add them onto the last dress. Well, I had fur instead of tassels but the statement still stands. I also tried to make the veil based on Spanish mantillas but it never turned out correct so I kept it simple. The dress is a mix of Alexander McQueen Fall 2011 and the Tudors era.
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cripplecharacters · 11 months ago
so, the posts on this blog about facial difference inspired me to make an oc with facial difference- specifically strabismus and a port wine stain. she's pretty much become one of my favourite characters to draw and develop, ive taken care to make sure she doesn't fall into shitty tropes. however, i have had one problem- in the world she lives in, rebels like her cover their face most of the time. ive been really struggling on how to design her mask/covering in a way that doesn't feel shitty, and doesn't feel like it's trying to cover her facial difference. and i know that technically it's not as bad if she's not the only character who wears a mask, but i still don't wanna push it, if you know what i mean? so it would be awesome if you could give suggestions on how i could handle her mask. here's a reference of her for. reference, and some ideas ive had for masks. thank you for taking the time, and for this blog in general!
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[Image description: Traditional drawing of a light-skinned girl with pink straight hair, smiling. She has a large port-wine stain on the left side of her face, and her right eye goes inward. Around her are three headshot sketches;
first shows her in a bandana that goes over her nose with "bandana doesn't obscure FD but hides smile + necklace" written above, second shows a half-mask that covers only the right side of her face, with "early concept, feels tacky, shows port-wine stain but not strabismus :(", third shows a domino mask, with "domino mask, do I even have to explain? No-go" next to it. End image description.]
I think that something close to the second one would actually be kinda fun (no irony or sarcasm). If we're talking about a story where everyone wears a mask, having the character with FD wear one that covers everything except for the FD is actually subversive. I never thought I would say that, but it does feel like it is.
Not sure how strict of a design should it be, but a diagonal - her bottom right to her top left - mask would be nice!.
I tried to write down a detailed description of what I mean but it was coming out rather overcomplicated, so I hope you're okay with me doing a few demonstrative sketches; a diagonal and rather-silly option, an idea for the bandana with a drawn smile and the kind of tie that would show her necklace, and an idea for the half-mask but with an eye with strabismus painted on the mask.
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So here are the suggestions. I haven't drawn in a while so my skills are kinda rusty, but I hope it conveys the concept. My personal favorite would be the first one - I know it barely counts as a mask, but then again, in comics it's common that someone is unrecognizable when they wear a pair of glasses, so maybe it's not as farfetched haha.
The second one would be totally fine by my standards, but I'm assuming that her necklace has some kind of significance in the story, so maybe she could cross it at the back and tie it in the front instead for it to be more visible (or wear the necklace over it even?).
I think that doing something like on the third drawing above would be okay if there are also a lot of moments where her actual strabismus is shown. In general, I think that the idea of a character with a facial difference wearing a mask just to paint it on the mask is kinda silly, and I feel like it would fit her character. But for something like that to work, she would need to have the mask off at some point. If you choose to do that, I suggest your first time showing her to the viewer is with her mask off, both for the usual reasons I mentioned before but also because strabismus is often used as a gag in art. For me, seeing a character wear that kind of mask with no context would be kind of eye-rolling - but seeing a character with a crossed eye put on a mask with the same exact kind of eye, go and join their friends at doing rebel things? That's actually something new.
I enjoy that your character seems to be on the rather joyful and happy side, I like that.
I hope this helps,
mod Sasza
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kirathehyrulian · 8 months ago
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Non-Challenge Art: 🔥🏚️Cinnamon Dust🏚️🔥
(Please do not edit/alter. Feel free to reblog, but please do not repost. At the very least, please give me credit.)
Description: Female Lucifer!Sam dressed in a white wedding dress and rose flower crown with lace veil, holding a bouquet, standing on a cliff edge above a dilapidated burning city.
(For better viewing on desktop, click the image, then right click the enlarged image, and then click “open image in new tab”.)
For more stuff from me please check out my “myart” tag here on Tumblr or my AO3.
👇( wip screenshots and notes below the cut) 👇
For more detailed notes: [AO3 link]
Art Notes: For a long while I've wanted to try my hand at female Sam. So, I started this attempt last year in early November and worked on it till late December. Then I just couldn't work on it anymore. It wasn't until late June this year that I started feeling hopeful about this work again.
I'm a little worried I might have squashed instead of cultivated my art drive some more, because I struggled to finish this. But oh well. I'm done working on this. I did what I could muster and I accept the end results. I kind of want to make a Female Michael!Dean companion piece... but I don't know how likely that it for me to do.
WIP Screenshots:
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Nov 1-Dec 29 then June 19-July 6th. So, 77-ish days working on and off this.
The references I looked at while drawing: Tumblr- Fem!Sam/Jared face app pics Google Images- og Jared/Sam pics Adrianne Palicki pics (mostly the ones with her wearing a red dress) women in wedding dresses holding bouquets women in high heels fire dystopian cities cliff edges
Musical inspiration: Lana Del Rey- Cinnamon Girl Lana Del Rey- Burning Desire Lana Del Rey- Body Electric I Monster- Who is She? Egzod & Maestro Chives - Royalty ft. Neoni Chris Grey - Let The World Burn Indila - Derniere Danse Seven Nation Army (Glitch Mob Remix) // slowed + reverb by Psycor Legends Never Die (Against teh Current) // slowed/reverb by Chewy ft Pixsy Lacrimosa - Slowed and kinda terrifying by Mony PG Rammstein - Sonne [SLOWED] best part by the_phonkface Farben - Orange Sector (slowed to perfection + reverb) by Suei After Dark X Sweater Weather (ultra slowed N reverbed) by OrdinaryVibes
And I think that's everything for now.💀
Enjoy, if you can♥♥♥
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uhhhhmanda · 3 months ago
hi hi! how are you? hope things are great on your end
you're one of my fave tdj authors out here. i have many faves—many as in i think every tdj authors are my faves lol. but i have one or several Qsfor you!
when did you start writing fics?
and what's the writing style difference between the present you and younger you?
i love that you write characters interaction so seamlessly. it's like irl interaction the way you type out those words, just.. how?
also.. i do know you enjoy drawing as well. wdyt is the difference and similarities with writing and drawing? aside from the obvious xD
hello hello!!! Things are good on my end! I have today to myself so I am catching up on dramas and keeping an eye on the sky because we are under a wind watch and I love it when the weather is extra.
Setting aside the muppet-arming I'm doing at the idea that anyone likes my fics even a little bit, I too, feel like every TDJ writer is my favorite TDJ writer! Everyone's doing something different with the same Legos! It's fascinating!
I started writing fics before I even knew what fanfiction was -- when I was in probably the 5th or 6th grade. I was writing what I called "lost episodes" of (brace yourself) The A-Team (lol) on my Tandy computer (this was like 1990). I kept writing fics as I cycled through fandoms, but most of what I wrote in middle and high school was horny Sherlock Holmes self-insert stuff (on paper -- which I eventually burned thank goodness). I wrote A LOT of rpf smut for a band I was obsessed with in the early 00s, then got bit by the stucky bug and pounded out 412,392 words in that fandom that never saw the light of day. I was bullied (affectionately) by twitter/ao3 user meokchau into posting LBFAD fics, which was my first time sharing on AO3!
I've been writing (fic or fiction) since I got the bug from my 1st grade teacher (petition to canonize Mrs VanBrocklin, she was AMAZING) and over the course of those decades I have been shedding unnecessary stuff. I used to go into Melville-esque descriptions of every follicle of every character and every molecule contained in every room they entered. Now, I rely on shorthand -- if the setting is not an important one I can sum it up as "spacious and well-appointed." This has a different meaning depending on the genre that the reader and I have agreed upon: a spacious and well-appointed great hall in a fantasy setting might make the reader envision high stone walls and detailed tapestries. A spacious and well-appointed board room in a modern setting might have leather desk chairs and a large flat screen for presentations. This is even easier in fic because so many people, places, objects, and outfits, are already implanted in the reader's mental library. I don't have to labor over describing the sheen of anodized Vibranium, I can just say "Steve's shield" and we all have a crystal clear image. (In the TDJ fandom we all have a damn-near visceral reaction to the words "silver cross necklace" LOL.)
I also hope very much that my writing has become less heavy-handed. I tried self-publishing a few years ago and you know how your writing seems completely different when you print it out than when you're reading it on a screen? Well, when you've got an actual book in your hand you can see a whole other level of editing that you missed. It was preeeeetty humbling. (I pulled the book, btw.)
I wish I knew where my ability to write character interactions came from so that I could use it irl! I am awkward af in person!!!! But when I'm writing, the conversations and gestures just fly out of my brain fully-formed. It's fun and effortless! How can I activate these braincells at dinner parties???
The biggest difference for me between writing and drawing is that my brain thinks in words. I am pretty much always writing because I have a kind of inner narrator running all the time. But I have to turn on the art part of my brain. I think it's because the writing all happens in the thinkmeat but to art I have to connect the eyeballs -- and then, since I can only practice when I'm physically doing it as opposed to just thinking about it I don't get anywhere near as much practice, so drawing is a much greater challenge for me than writing even though I've been obsessed with both hobbies since childhood.
Thank you SO MUCH for your interesting questions! I have been hemming and hawing for a few days over sending an ask to a fan artist and I think this has inspired me to do it! If someone is interested in how lil ol me makes my stuff then I can ask this cool artist what makes them tick!
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kinmokusei-stars · 8 months ago
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She's finally here! I've wanted a solid design for older Kouko for a while (Oh jeez, since around September of last year??) so I could make future art with her! And here she is after so long! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
I actually love how she turned out, and I'm really proud of both her outfits! I think she turned out so gorgeous. (๑>◡<๑) The first outfit would definitely have to be my favorite, though! I got inspired by a beautiful image I saw on Pinterest and the idea just came to life!
I wanted to give her a mom bod and longer hair, just to show how much she's healed and grown over the years, since both her intense need to get stronger and her short hair both had a bit of baggage behind it. Trust and believe she's still strong as an ox and WILL body anybody she has to, that will never change, but overall she just looks softer now! By now, she's mostly settled down with Inuyasha, who's her husband! And they're living out their lives peacefully. (*ˊᗜˋ*) (Or, y'know, as peacefully as they can in their time period ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ Stuff still happens)
There's a lot of little details about her design that I thought through, and if you'd like to know about any, or have any questions just let me know! I'll answer any questions you have! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
If you don't already know about her, here's her main story/younger design, with a description about her! And her matching updated sheet right here!
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thefatedmeeting · 8 months ago
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i'm completely normal
Previous / Next
At the top is the strip’s title: “normal feelings about rgu”.
RGU refers to Revolutionary Girl Utena, an anime.
This comic’s art style is simple, scribbled, doodle-like, without realistic details. It’s black and white, with few colors painted in watercolor style.
Hyamara (caricature of the author; they have short and black hair, piercings in their ears and are using a white shirt with a colored strawberry and blue pants), at the center of the panel, has their eyes wide open and mouth open wide, holding their face with their hands. To their left, a person with short, brown hair and round glasses smiles with their mouth wide open, forming a “3” shape (like a cat’s mouth) facing Hyamara, and asks: “So, did you like Revolutionary Girl Utena?”. To the right of Hyamara, the background is black, and Hyamara mumbles without stopping (the font is in Hyamara’s own handwriting, which looks very sketchy and scribbled; it is also in capslock): “the inherent violence of gender and the fake “masculine” notion that power is abuse and should be pointed at others and especially hierarchic towards kids and poc and how society as a whole is structured around that and an silence is complicit to violence and-”. The rant ends here.
In the panel below, unlike the comic’s usual art style, Hyamara, with realistic proportions, has their eyes closed and mouth open, levitating from the ground, with their arms and hands stretching out away from themselves, towards the ground. From their chest a great shine bursts forth. In the background, there’s the universe – and stars and shining lines that burst from Hyamara. Around Hyamara, there are various texts: “down the depths of the ocean I can be my true self”, “I am just an actor” in caps lock, “characters play their parts on a fantasy”, “do they know it’s all a dream?”, “it is empty motion” in caps lock, “born once again to rehearse it once more”, “it’s an act that never ends”, “and a clock that never moves”. The person from the previous panel, Hyamara’s friend, observes the scene with their back to the viewer, and says: “I guess you did lol”.
Hyamara’s pose and the background are references to a meme called “galactic/expanding brain”, where a person (with Hyamara’s pose), increasingly “expands” their brain through ideas that are getting better (according to who makes the meme). The texts around Hyamara reference the duel songs from Revolutionary Girl Utena.
Below, there is the introduction of another strip, with the title: “hobbies”.
Hyamara sits on the ground, with their back to the viewer, but turning back their head to the viewer anyway, to smile at them. Around Hyamara, there is a mess of nerdy items (a print with Marcille and Falin from the anime Dungeon Meshi; an Yshtola figurine from the game Final Fantasy XIV; a print with Utena and Anthy from the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena; a Link plush doll, from the game The Legend of Zelda; and a print with Shulk, from the game Xenoblade Chronicles). Hyamara says to the viewer: “Whenever I like something I watch, read or play, my response is one out of three levels of enjoyment…”
On the next panel, there is a text above it, in a black square, that says: “1 – ‘this is cool haha’”. Inside the panel, Hyamara sits, laying on the back of their chair with their legs crossed in the seat, looking at a monitor in front of them. They have a bowl of popcorn in one hand, and another one with the thumbs up gesture (closed fist, all fingers closed except the thumb, which rises upwards; the gesture symbolizes approval – that everything’s good). They eat the popcorn, smiling. To their left, there is a text with an arrow pointing towards Hyamara, which says: “normal person”.
On the next panel, there is more text above it: “2 – it’s so good, but so bad.” Inside the panel, Hyamara sits in front of a table with three dolls of The Legend of Zelda (Zelda, Link and Ganondorf respectively; Zelda holds a nonbinary pride flag, and holds Link’s hand, which has a lesbian pride flag; Ganondorf has a trans pride flag). Hyamara has their eyes wide open and dark circles under their eyes, one hand holding their chin and the other pointing towards the dolls. Around Hyamara, there are the texts: “It needs more of that and less than this…”, “*steals it and makes headcanons*”; “*characters are mine now*”.
On the next panel, there is the last text above it, in caps lock: “3 - *rotates it in my head so much it’s transcended lightspeed*”. Inside the panel, the focus is very close to Hyamara’s face, who has their eyes wide open and red, their hands holding their head. In their forehead, there is a brain silhouette, and inside this is an image of space and of planet Earth, which is spinning rapidly in its own axis. There is a zoom effect in the Picture, with blurred borders and lines which point towards the center of the panel – this indicates movement.
Below, the footer of the comic starts, with the logo of Midnight Truth Time, and the list of logos with Hyamara’s social media:
Twitter/X logo: @hyacspen
Instagram logo: @hyacspen
Tumblr logo: @thefatedmeeting
Patreon logo: patreon.com/hyamara
Itch.io logo: hyamara.itch.io
Gumroad logo: hyamara.gumroad.com
Between star emojis: hyamara.com
Below, it’s written: CARRIED OUT BY, and the logos of Secretaria de Cultura de Novo Hamburgo, of Lei Paulo Gustavo, and of Federal Govermnent of Brazil’s Ministério da Cultura – União.
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iid-smile · 1 month ago
HIII SUNNY HOW R UUUU 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️ curiosity killed the cat so pls answer my qs ^.^
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username? ( PLEASE TELL ME ITS THE SONF IID SMILE )
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
FAY !!! 🫂🫂🫂 this is literally like so perfect prepare for some yap 🤭 (foreshadowing how im gonna have to put a cut) (future sunny here yes i did put a cut yes i did talk a lot)
🕯️ — what editing are we referring to here? 🤔 if its writing editing i'll give it like a 6/10 because i skip over entire paragraphs to avoid cringing 😣 + my spelling is so bad its embarrassing. but like video editing? 1/10. i have suffered one too many times trying to figure out capcut and other apps like that.. i struggled for like an hour trying to put audio over a STILL IMAGE. wasnt a fun time......
🍄 — wowowowow theres so many to choose from um... ill go with hiori and rin because why not??? (i physically couldn't think of another one) i feel like rin is an absolute grandpa when it comes to all sorts of games (board games included, this guy doesnt know a thing about chess) and hiori would be so patient teaching him all of the right moves 💔 rin doesnt get any better but he puts in the effort. he probably has tried moving a pawn over half way across the board on the first move
🦷 — it's really not worth trying to peak in high school... big friend groups dont usually last after everyone separates so its better to keep in contact with those you trust the most. being popular or going to parties all the time really does nothing in life unless you build up those memories. trust me ive picked up some bad habits that ive only come clean from recently and ive found some much better friends (moots included 😘) even at my old age 😁 ok im only twenty but like little me wouldve never guessed i would be able to still make friends
🌿 — i actually dont have any... im a pro at procrastinating and random sparks of inspo so i just write whenever 😋 thats why series dont usually last for me because i have to continuously build on and write the same plot or idea over long periods of time. ig if you have a good idea, write it somewhere asap so you dont miss any key details or forget what it was completely (we lost cupid!rin over this). as for inspo i lovveeeee daydreaming and im literally just itching to be in a cutesy relationship so usually my works are based on that. i just think "what would this character do?" and a lil scenario pops up and i just roll with it? idek 😭
🍦 — No. jk we'll do it on mahito because i have a love hate relationship with him. first of all hes written like a true villain and seeing how everyone hate on him just means that he's done his job effectively 🙂‍↕️ chat hes kinda cute im not even gonna lie... in the few scenes where he actually looks pretty hes actually so fine?? WHO KEES MAKING HIM CROSS EYED AND GIVING HIM DORITOS FOR A NOSE? at least the fan art does him so much justice... I PROMISE U NOW if mahito wasnt given so many ugly scenes literally everybody would love him like sukuna. i stand by that.
🍅 — gosh my description needs a lot of work 😭 i dont understand how people can make their writing so abstract and creative while im stuck here using the basics. and some words and phrases that ive made up myself and are trademark mine if u get what i mean?? like you could read it and say "oh, sunny probably wrote this". and maybe expanding on emotions more to engage with the reader.
☁️ — YES IT IS BASED ON IDSMILE!! literally love that song sm!!! somewhere out there i believe i posted a video of me singing it when it first came out but it got like no views so i deleted it 🙄 my digital footprint is crazy
🧩 — overwhelmingly huge paragraphs are always a struggle for me. im very guilty for this rn but i have an excuse because this is just answering questions 😎 or even like not separating the speech and adding a space when different characters are talking because i just cant read it! like ive seen a fic that was literally a huge block of text throughout the entire thing (which was like 600 words) and i was just like "damn..." there was no way i was going to read without skipping over lines or getting them mixed up.
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snek-panini · 1 year ago
It's been a few weeks since I had new books to share, but I finally got photos taken of the newest ones so today's the day. Here, have a book:
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This is Across Tides and Currents, a Good Omens siren AU by Sodium_Azide and @doorwaytoparadise (hi. I hope I tagged you right). My favorite thing about this AU is that, at its heart, it's about learning to communicate with someone who is so different from you that you can't even physically speak each other's language, and yet you've still got so much common ground that you find a way. It's way lighter and more fun than that description makes it sound, though, so go read it if that's your thing.
The cover on this is Lineco book cloth, scrapbook paper printed to look like leather, and blue foil htv. The foil was actually a nightmare to do. The first time I applied it, it wouldn't stick no matter what I did, and the bits that did stick peeled off as soon as I touched them. I had to peel them up very carefully, cut a new image, and try again. Thankfully it worked the second time but I don't know that I'll be using the foil type again unless there's no other way to get the color I want. The non-foil metallic was so much easier to work with.
More book photos under the cut!
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I went with a coptic bind for this one for a few reasons. The first was that I wanted to try one on a quarto-size book to see if I could. I also wanted to try the mitered corners thing I did when I bound Strange Moons, and see if I could have the same effect on the interior. (That bit didn't work out so well; the front is fine but I mismeasured the inside and the lines didn't match up, so I trimmed some pieces of cardstock to cover that up. I really like the layered look though, so that's fine. It's quirky.) The third reason is that not long before I decided to bind this one, the authors published a new chapter after two years of no updates. That's the best possible reason to have to change plans, and the glueless bind means that if they ever do that again I can just redo the stitching to add more pages. Win-win.
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Getting whimsical with title pages here. This took way longer than I thought it would, probably because I don't like graphic design and I did it in Word where I do the rest of my typesetting. Usually what I do is grab an image and put text around it or on top of it and then just play with fonts and sizes, but this time I drew the lines and then made the text follow them. This is the first time I've used the word art feature since...probably 2009? I'd forgotten how. I have no doubt there are better ways to do this but if I'd had to learn a new program at that point I'd have quit. And I do think it was worth it--it's cute and fun and looks about how I imagined it.
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Couple of photos of the inside. Sorry the first one's blurry, I had someone trying to get my attention when I took these. The section break image came from rawpixel, I just made it gray instead of black so it's more subtle. The fic has very nice illustrations that I specifically got the artist's permission to print and then I failed to get any photos of them when I did my little photo shoot. They look very nice, though. I swear.
The last image is something I've started including in my latest books. I'm calling them "A Note from the Bookbinder" and it's basically just me talking about why I chose that story, the experience of reading it for the first time, stuff that's going on in the fandom, stuff about the process like the new chapter coming out as I was preparing to print. It's kind of...like marginalia? Part of fanbinding is preservation and that's linked to archival work, and something I know archivists love is marginalia and diaries. I don't like writing in my books and I've never found any fun in journaling, but sometimes that kind of context is important so I'm trying to add it. Someday, decades from now, I may not remember all the details, so I'm trying to preserve them. IDK, this got philosophical on me. Go read about mermaids now. Promise it's a good time.
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furry-homestar · 2 years ago
beware of swimmingbreadshark/toona-fish
i hate that i have to make a post like this, i don't want any drama in this fandom, but this feels very important
even if you don't feel comfortable reading this, please reblog to spread awareness
please don't go and harass this user or anyone who's associated with them. just block and move on.
trigger warning (all illustrated only): gore fetishization, necrophilia, brief mentions of animal death, brief mentions of rape
i don't know how to begin a post like this. swimmingbreadshark (further referred to as "tasha" because that is its name) is certainly a user on this website. it also has a homestar runner blog by the name of toona-fish. considering i've blocked it i don't know how significant it is but i'll post this anyways because it's important.
i guess i'll just cut to the chase: tasha draws gore for sexual reasons, and on at least two occasions has drawn art depicting necrophilia. pretty much all of it can be found on its newgrounds sadostar (yeah great fucking name), though much of it is locked behind an adult rating. its description sums it up pretty aptly.
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i won't be showing any of the actual drawings in this post.
since its tumblr and newgrounds don't link to each other and it never posts them on another website at the same time, i can't exactly prove that it's the same person (aside from both accounts using the same name and pronouns and having the same art style) but i will try my best
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discord user named tasha posts this drawing in a discord server for another user named yuki. this same drawing is then posted on the tumblr blog toona-fish (also run by a tasha) and it is reblogged by hooray4dolphins (it doesn't say anywhere on the blog but yuki is one of my friends and i know full well that it's faer blog)
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therefore, it seems rational to assume that tasha on discord and tasha on the blog toona-fish are the same person
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this same tasha on discord links back to the newgrounds profile, and has also posted several drawings on the server that match up with pictures posted only on the newgrounds profile.
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this image was posted on july 29th and the description pretty aptly describes the contents of it, though i won't be showing it in this post.
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on the same day, the account on newgrounds posts the same image titled "take out the dog". you can double check this for yourself by visiting the profile (but please don't if you're sensitive to gore or animal death). hopefully though the tags are enough to tell you that they're the same.
so, it can be assumed that either the tasha on discord is extremely dedicated to impersonating this random person, or it's the same person behind both sadostar on newgrounds and swimmingbreadshark/toona-fish on tumblr.
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here's proof of the necrophilia art, once again not showing the image. it also mentions rape so there's that. i won't be going into a lot of detail here because i've already made my point.
i heavily encourage you to block both swimmingbreadshark and toona-fish from viewing your account. i believe i've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that these are the same person. thank you for reading, hopefully this was comprehensible enough, i've never done a post like this before and i intend to not do one ever again.
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