#I need my snail to be okay
lissasharp · 3 days
ugh I'm on my period. someone please shoot me in the head
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the---hermit · 2 months
You know that medieval illustration of a knight fighting a huge snail with his sword?
Well i now understand the monk who drew that on a spiritual level, i too would very much like to have a garden knight ready to fight off the fucking snails
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transsexual-divinity · 2 months
Hey losers and losettes,
I’m in the very early stages of starting a little diy zine about horror movies! I have no experience in this so advice is appreciated lol. But I’m hoping to have it out by July. I’m calling it PHOBIA and the theme of this one is summer horror, so not strictly ones that take place in summer but they got the vibes. Along with the horror theme there’s also gonna be a smaller section about upcoming music/concerts/etc too. Going to attempt to have it in print but it may end up digital if that’s easier for me. And I’m having open submissions!
I’m open to all things, art, reviews and rantings, movie recommendations, original fiction or horror poetry, even your urban legends (got a story about a evil ice cream truck lol I’d love to hear it!). The subjects so far are:
House of wax 2005
Sharp objects 2018
X 2022
Texas Chainsaw 3d 2013, though I haven’t watched it yet..
Hopefully Maxxxine 2024 if one of my local theaters plays it when it comes out
Music, so if you want a shameless plug of your band hit me up!
And anything else I (or you) can think of
So if that’s something your interested in email me at: [email protected]
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snail-eggs · 1 year
sorry i haven’t been super active these past few days, dookie stinks 🙏 once i tire of trying to woo men i’ll come crawling back to you all 🫶🏻
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snail-scholar · 1 year
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i don't care how funni haha bkub april fools! this event is, whoever did this ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE EVENT I FINALLY GET TO HAVE ONE(1) MIKA CARD NEEDS TO DIE BY MY HANDS
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timoswerner · 1 year
i love my grandad i really do but jesus fucking christ
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violexides · 2 years
good news okay so in record time i speedran the flashback case. first of all GOD i fucking love klavier gavin i was worried i’d be annoyed by his flashback self but i love it . i love how in the one reference to his brother he calls him “bro” and that speaks to so much within itself, i love just. the way he talks how much more arrogant he seems i just. it’s so jarring to see him go from breaking down over the truth emerging of an event seven years before to that said event unfolding and how fucking confident he looks. and phoenix of course written amazingly accurate imo. still courtroom shenangicans but a lot more serious. zak’s disappearance, trucy being beloved, just. fuck. 
i am surprisingly less emotionally wounded from the flashback than i thought but like. well. i have about 3 hours left of the VOD so i’m going to try and finish it tmrw but as i keep blabbing about on my sideblog i also have a shit ton of HW so im going to probably log out of tumblr again but i’ll keep my phone tab alive so if i do watch it while multitasking or smth i can update y’all
thanks for bearing with me, i think after this i have to break from watching anymore AA content for productivity’s sake but i might consider watching turnabout trump and maaaaybe? look at dual destinies. just the case with klav in it for rn
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mariasont · 18 days
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a/n: this came to me yesterday and i sat my ass down and WROTE
that should be me fr
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pairings: aaron hotchner x bimbo!assistant!reader
summary: reader is gone for the morning and leaves hotch a couple sticky notes
warnings: just my babies being so infatuated with each other it literally hurts, hotch is a pining fool, i love him, i need him, i want to kidnap him to my basement
wc: 0.8k
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Hotch was having a rough day. He had never put much stock in the idea of luck, favoring the belief that a path was carved from the choices made. However, if he were to entertain the notion of luck, he would concede that today, he seemed to be rather out of it.
A lot had gone wrong. For starters, he had stained his favorite white dress shirt with coffee this morning. This undoubtedly set the precedent for the day, he was sure.
As soon as he arrived at his office, he was greeted not by the familiar click of the lock but by a stubborn door that refused to budge, his key sitting on the side table in his apartment. This then led to him reaching out to the custodian for a spare, only to be intercepted by Chief Strauss, who, in her usual fashion, had a litany of critiques ready for the BAU.
The day had been steadily unraveling, and the realization that you wouldn't be in until lunch because of a doctor's appointment was the tipping point. Normally, all these minor irritations could be overlooked, but in your absence, he could truly grasp just how much he relied on you.
You handled a lot on his plate, if not everything. You planned out his schedule, answered his phone calls, you double-checked his paperwork. You consistently shouldered more than he ever asked, despite his repeated warnings about overloading yourself--warnings that he, admittedly, never listened to.
Time seemed to crawl at a snail's pace. He found himself unwittingly watching the door, anticipating the bright burst of pink and the shimmer that accompanied you, but unfortunately that did not happen. Lunch couldn't come quick enough.
His vision began to waver, the words on the page melting into an indecipherable stew as he pressed a long finger into his temples. The lamp at the edge of the desk flickered capriciously. A mental note to replace it was quickly overshadowed by the more pressing need for an aspirin, prompting him to reach for the left drawer.
His eyes widened imperceptibly, fingers reaching into the space as he pulled the flimsy object from the drawer. It was a hot pink sticky note, its surface alive with glittery ink, smiley faces, and hearts. The corners of his mouth lifted, the tension in his back easing just a hair.
Aspirin isn't in this drawer silly! First one to your right! And don't take more than 2, okay? Between that and your scotch drinking habits your liver is screaming!!!!
He couldn't suppress the laughter that rumbled through him as he pressed the note to his desk. He turned to the drawer on his right, pulling it open to find, much to his satisfaction, the aspirin. Attached to it was yet another sticky note.
You found it!! So proud!! Hope your day is going amazingly! Don't miss me too much! :)
His heart thumped louder in his chest, a wave of heat blossoming across his neck as he carefully folded the sticky notes, tucking them into the pocket of his suit jacket.
When you finally came ambling into the office--your ponytail swaying, a pink ribbon securing it in place--he felt an instant lift in his mood. His jaw relaxed, fingers instinctively straightening his tie--a needless act but one that gave him a moment to admire you. You looked beautiful. You always did, but as he fingered the note in his pocket, he could feel his chest constrict just looking at you.
"Hi there, Mr. Boss Man," you sang out, voice as sweet as syrup as you glided towards him with an ease that defied that height of your heels. "The office didn't burn down without me, did it?"
"It came close."
"Flattery will get you everywhere," you giggled, the bracelets on your arms tinkling like wind chimes as you wrapped them around your notebook. "You look stressed. Are you stressed?"
"I'm fine, just a headache." He paused, his hand absentmindedly reaching again for the sticky note. "How was your doctor's appointment?"
"Squeaky clean bill of health." You beamed at him, shifting your weight to your toes. "Did you see my note?"
"I did. Thank you." A grin was vying for control of his features while his hand found its way to his neck, pressing lightly in a vain effort to steady his racing pulse.
"You're so very welcome," you chimed, sending him a smile that nearly made the air evaporate from his lungs. "Also, I fixed a couple issues in your calendar, and I ordered you a new lamp, I noticed yours was broken. I hope that's okay."
More than okay. You were perfect. If he were a man who believed in luck, he would be inclined to think you might be his good luck charm.
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taglist: @hotchhner @khxna @readergf @sarcasm-and-stiles @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath @freyy253 @broadwaytraaaaash
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ellecdc · 27 days
Peace & Quiet [& Sirius]
Regulus Black x mute!reader [gn] who speaks with Regulus for the first time
request: Regulus Black x mute reader and she's quiet so she can talk, and her speech is excellent, she just chooses not to talk until maybe one day studying she let's it slip and he heard by @simps-for-to-many-people
CW: selective mutism
Regulus Black was a very self-serving person, and he was more than happy to admit that.
Nothing that Regulus did was coincidental, accidental, or unplanned; he had a motive for every action he took, and there was meaning behind everything that he did. 
Like now, for example; he was very pointedly not sitting with his friends in the middle of the library, but rather in a far secluded corner near a fireplace and a bookshelf containing tomes on the reproductive patterns of frost snails.
In essence, no one was coming back here for books or otherwise.
But that wasn’t why he was sitting back here.
It was likely why you were sitting back here, which was decidedly why Regulus was, too. 
He’d asked first, of course; he was a gentleman afterall. And you’d offered him half a smile and a quick nod before quickly returning to your notes.
Regulus liked that about you.
You were a quiet sort - and not only because you didn’t talk, because Regulus was certain that even if you did make a habit of speaking, you’d likely be nearly just as quiet.
It didn’t appear to him that you couldn’t speak, but rather just that you didn’t. 
And Regulus couldn’t blame you, there weren’t very many people in this castle worth conversing with anyways.
That didn’t stop him from trying to converse with you, however.
He made sure to say hello when he saw you, and always asked if your day was going well, or if you were finding class difficult; the likes.
He never got more than a nod or a smile, and that was enough.
So, here he was sitting in the farthest, darkest corner of the library with the quietest seat partner as he enjoyed the view.
And if it wasn’t clear by now, the view Regulus so enjoyed was you. 
You’d not shared more than a smile and nod with him in the years of classes you shared together, yet somehow Regulus seemed to find a kindred spirit in you.
A soul aching for solitude and silence, for patience and understanding, for space and peace.
He certainly found those things with you.
He hoped that you felt the same about him, or perhaps that you could bring yourself to find the same in him.
For now, though, Regulus was happy to reap the benefits of your presence for as long as you were willing to share them with him. 
“There you are, Reggie! My favourite brother!” Regulus heard the unmistakable sound of Sirius’ voice as it permeated his (and, rather unfortunately, your) quiet sanctuary.
Regulus could kill him. 
“I’m your only brother, you sod.” Regulus hissed as Sirius plopped himself down on the bench beside him, either ignorant to or in spite of the lack of enthusiasm at his arrival. 
“And I’m your only brother, don’t you think you ought to be nicer to me? Hi, L/N.” Sirius replied, greeting you quickly as he turned back to his brother. “Listen, I need a favour.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“I said no.” Regulus bit out.
“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask.” Sirius pouted, resulting in an awkwardly long staring match between the two brother’s before Regulus finally sighed.
“I need the password to the Slytherin dungeons.”
“Are you out of your sodding mind!?”
“You don’t know what it’s for!” Sirius argued.
“It’s for a prank.” Regulus responded resolutely, causing Sirius’ expression to fall just as he was about to start another sales pitch.
“Okay, so maybe you do know what it's for, but that’s not the point!”
"That's exactly the point."
“I’m not giving you the password to my common room, Sirius.” Regulus stated with finality as Sirius groaned and let his head fall to the table in front of him with a thump. 
“You’re mean, you know that? He’s mean; why do you hang out with him, L/N? You could do so much better.”
“What? Like you?” You responded quickly, not bothering to look up from your notebook to see the absolute astounded faces of both Regulus and Sirius Black, and the satisfied smirk on Remus Lupin’s face as he sidled up behind the two brothers. 
“I knew I liked you, L/N.” Remus said as he shot you a wink and placed a conciliatory hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. “So, you failed to get the password and had your arse handed to you?”
Sirius harrumphed as Regulus let out a very uncharacteristic bark of laughter.
Neither Sirius nor Remus missed the satisfied smile that graced your lips at the sound. 
“That’s alright, Pads; there’s always plan B.”
“What’s plan B?” Regulus asked cautiously. 
“That’s for us to know and you to find out, dear brother.” Sirius announced as he stood and ruffled Regulus’ curls before turning to stalk away from the table, throwing a hasty ‘nice chatting, L/N’ over his shoulder before he disappeared around the corner.
“But…” Remus continued once he knew Sirius was out of ear shot. “Maybe don’t eat breakfast tomorrow at the Slytherin table.”
“Thanks Lupin.” Regulus grumbled, equal parts exhausted by his brother’s antics and grateful for Remus’ warning. 
“Later Black, L/N.” He called as he followed after Sirius. 
Regulus turned back towards the table to see you staring intently at your notes, though you seemed to be doing little more than fiddling with your quill. 
“That was impressive; it’s usually impossible to shut my brother up like that.” He offered carefully, hopefully, eagerly.
Gods, he was a mess. 
You smiled and looked up at him through your lashes. “He was killing our vibes.” You replied in barely a whisper.
Regulus chuckled disbelievingly; not only did you feel comfortable enough to speak to him or in front of him, but that comfort seemed to extend to the likes of his brother and his brother’s boyfriend. 
And you felt like the two of you had vibes, and that Sirius was a threat to those vibes.
Surely he was dreaming? Hallucinating? This couldn’t be real?
But there you were, sitting across from him as you so often were, looking at him shyly and hopefully and very much real; Regulus felt as though the two of you were on the brink of something.
“I agree; I enjoy your company very much, if I’m being honest."
You smiled at him again -  and it was a more open smile this time, less hopeful and more grateful, less shy and more confident - quickly signing what Regulus knew to be the BSL sign for ‘me too’. 
Feeling quite vindicated, Regulus finally pulled his gaze away from you and smiled down at his notebook. “That’s great to hear, because I may need to keep you on standby for the next time my brother starts harassing me.”
And Regulus was certain he’d be hearing the sound of your laughter in all of his sweetest dreams going forward. 
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bugpov · 2 years
i am mentally ill, but god is real and jesus will save us all.
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barcaatthemoon · 10 days
guiding hand || fridolina rolfo x reader ||
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you and frido sleep together for the first time.
minors dni, 18+, smut ahead.
it wasn't often that you found yourself in barcelona. frido hated pulling you from your studies, so she often found herself making the trek to sweden to see you. this little vacation to barcelona was like a dream come true. you had been waiting for months for frido to take the step and introduce you to her club teammates.
everybody on the swedish national team knew you. you were one of them, zecira's baby sister. it had been a huge deal when frido let it slip that she liked you, and an even bigger one whenever the two of you had started dating. you didn't care about the age gap, and it had taken a lot of work to prove to frido that you were mature enough for things to work.
you hadn't begun to worry about that until one of your teammates brought up sex. zecira and frido had rushed to make sure that you didn't have to answer the question during a team bonding truth or dare game. afterwards, it had been awkward when both your sister and girlfriend separately cornered you that night to ask the same question.
it wasn't a big secret, but you hadn't exactly been jumping at the chance to tell the team that you were a virgin. zecira had been somewhat relieved at the news until she saw how distraught you looked. frido had been great in reassuring you that things would move at a pace you were comfortable with. however, that didn't stop you from the terrifying thought of her not wanting to be with you anymore.
"good morning gorgeous," frido greeted you with a kiss to the cheek. you blushed as you pushed yourself back into her arms. she wrapped you up snugly, moving you along with her as she made coffee and breakfast for the two of you. "how did you sleep?"
"okay, but it would have been better if you stayed in bed with me," you told her. frido bit her lip as she turned you around to face her. "i know that you're being a gentlewoman, but things don't have to move at a snail's pace. i want more, i just need you to show me."
"i wouldn't want to overstep," frido said. she could see the frown forming on your face as you took in another rejection. it was starting to feel like maybe frido wasn't interested in you sexually. you felt like your relationship was closer to a friendship at times.
"it's not overstepping. i know you. i trust you. i like you. i want to give myself to you," you told her. frido swallowed nervously as she tried to back up, only to realize that she had trapped the two of you between the counter and island. "it doesn't have to be right now, but i'd really like for us to try something soon."
"i just want you to be sure." frido leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head. she slid past you to get out of the kitchen, leaving you to stand there with what felt like another rejection.
"(y/n), i need to ask you something, and i need you to be honest with me. the sex, is that something that you really want? you don't feel pressured by anybody else or even me, do you?" frido's tone had your heart racing with fear. you didn't think that you had heard her that serious before outside of a big game.
"of course that's what i want. i've been thinking about it for weeks. honestly, the last couple of times that you've stayed over and didn't try anything, kind of made me wonder if you liked me," you told her. frido's eyebrows knit together as she stared down at you.
"don't think like that, i want you so badly that my heart aches. sometimes, i don't know how i keep my hands off of you," frido said. she moved forward a little as she pulled you to sit on her lap.
"you don't have to keep your hands off of me." that seemed to be all that frido needed. she coverd your body with hers, pressing you down against the couch. you felt safe pinned beneath her body as she kissed you. each kiss that you shared on the couch was sweet, but once frido picked you up to carry you back to her bedroom, the kisses became rougher.
frido started to press a little harder, leaving your lips bruised as you tried to suck in deep breaths. you were never given a chance to catch your breath, not that you wanted it. you were more than happy suffocating if it meant that frido would keep kissing you. you loved every bit of it from the firm press of her lips against yours to the little bites that she left in between kisses.
"lay back for me baby. you're doing so good already," frido told you. there was something about her voice that was driving you a little crazy. her words of praise made your stomach flutter pleasantly while her tone sent shivers down your spine. you doubted that she would even have to touch you if kept talking to you like that.
"frido please, i need you," you whined. you had never felt such an intense craving for somebody else before.
"okay, i just need you to do a couple of things for me. you can handle that, can't you?" there was something condescending about the way she spoke to you, but all it did was turn you on. you had spent so much of your life trying to be hyper-independent that you forgot what it was like to sit back and let someone else take over for you.
"i want to try. i'll try anything for you," you said. it felt so natural, despite what you had told yourself for years.
"that's what i like to hear." frido leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips. it was a small reward, one that left you wanting more. "first, i need you to take off your clothes for me. it doesn't have to be all of them, just what you're comfortable with, okay?"
you moved quickly to undress yourself. frido's gaze on your body was intense and lingering. she seemed focused, as if she was memorizing exactly what your body looked like. you stood in front of her naked, unsure of whether or not she would be okay with you covering yourself.
"it's not fair to make you stand like that alone," frido said. there was a teasing lilt to her voice that put you at ease almost instantly. frido made sure that you were relaxed as she stood up from the bed. it was a simple touch of her hand on your arm, but it felt like every single time that she had checked up on you before. frido wanted to protect you, no matter what the setting was.
"oh my god," you muttered as you forced yourself to look away from her. frido chuckled as she grabbed your hands and placed them on her hips. you glanced down at your hands, unsure of what to do with the mental image of your hands on her very naked body. "i don't know what to do."
"nothing right now, let me take care of you. think about all the things that my hands are doing to you, and then, later, if you're up to it, we can do this again, but you can touch me." the promise of touching frido was almost too much for you to handle.
frido seemed to understand that you were feeling like it was a lot, so she guided you back to the bed. you felt a little more comfortable sitting in her lap. you didn't think of the full skin contact, but rather the familiar warmth of being curled up with frido. she lured you away from your own racing thoughts with soft kisses and gentle touches.
"do you want to keep going?" frido asked as she held onto your hips. she was about to turn you around so that you'd be straddling her. it would no longer just be making you. you knew that, and with that in mind, you nodded. "if you want to stop at all, it's okay."
"i know," you told her. frido smiled as she flipped the two of you. you found yourself trapped beneath her body as she kissed you again. this one felt heavier than the rest. each of these kisses completely stole your breath as soon as you managed to catch it again. frido nudged your legs apart and gently stroked one of her fingers through your folds.
"do you like that? do you need less or more?" frido asked as she continuously stroked her finger against you.
"more," you told her. frido nodded and added another finger. she didn't dare try to slip them inside of you, just gently stroking. you weren't sure how far things would go. there was a somewhat familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach.
not that you had ever told anybody, but you had gotten yourself off a few times. it had always been rare before, but more frequent when you started dating fridolina. she was often the main thought in your brain whenever you found your hands wandering at night.
"stop that, i want to hear you." frido nipped at your neck, smirking against your skin when she heard the little yelp you let out. you had been biting your lip to keep quiet, unsure of how loud she wanted you to be.
"i'm sorry," you mumbled out an apology. you were careful to keep yourself unrestrained as frido touched you. her fingers worked your body up quicker than you had ever been able to do yourself. she wasn't touching you in a way that you hadn't attempted before. you couldn't believe how quickly she had you cumming, especially whenever you knew that she hadn't really done much.
"you've done so good for me. we're going to take a break, okay? i don't want to overwhelm you tonight," frido said. she ran the hand that hadn't been between your legs over your chest soothing, tracing little patterns into your skin with the edge of her nail. the fingers on her other hand slipped past her own lips as she got her first taste of you. "would you like a shower or should i come back with a washcloth?"
"shower please," you answered. frido started the shower up before she came back to get you. she let you go in first, and joined you a couple of minutes later. you were kept under the water while it was still hot. frido took her time in cleaning you up.
"i know that you brought your own clothes, but i thought you could sleep in something of mine tonight," frido said as she pulled you onto her lap. her fingers were dangerously close to your cunt, but frido was careful in never crossing that line.
"i like the sound of that." you let frido put a t-shirt on your body. you got up to put on the briefs that she had brought you. there was an old pair of sweatpants that frido had stolen from either you or your sister that you knew she had only picked out for you because you couldn't fit in them. frido pretended that she had no idea they were too small and just decided to sleep in them herself.
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Hey, I was wondering if you had any recs for fics where Derek is the one flirting first with Stiles. It's just that most fic Stiles just initiates everything and I just wanted to flip it a little.
Hi @fantasizingmyfantasies! Here you go.
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Will you be my date? by HadrianPeverellBlack
(1/1 I 3,092 I General)
Derek needs a date for his party. Scott is sick, but his best friend isn't.
Affirmative Universe by all-or-nothing-baby (BundleOfSoy)
(1/1 I 5,447 I Teen)
Derek has a secret. Scott finds out.
five times derek is protective of stiles and one time it's the other way around by orphan_account
(1/1 I 2,353 I Teen)
Yeah, okay, so maybe Derek was a tad too protective of Stiles. So what? Sue him for worrying about his best friend, whom he totally does not have a raging crush on.
Okay, so maybe he does.
Shut up.
5 times Derek gave Stiles a dead animal + 1 time Derek gave Stiles a normal gift by Warlock_Nerd
(1/1 I 3,440 I General)
Stiles has been finding dead animals all around his house and is so confused. It isn't until later does he realise why this is happening and who is doing it.
Ground Me With Your Touch by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
(1/1 I 7,217 I Explicit)
Suffering from full moon-induced sensory overload, Derek agrees to let his teammate and crush, Stiles, try to help ground him with some skin contact. It works.
Slugs, and Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails by yodasyoyo
(6/6 I 8,116 I Teen)
kid!Derek being super taken with kid!Stiles. And their interactions.
True American (Movie Nights and Werewolf Plights) by SassyStarboard
(6/6 I 20,000 I Teen)
Derek can’t stand his noisy floor mates and goes next door to tell them to shut up and quit playing their stupid drinking game. One of them turns out to be super cute but also very drunk, and when Derek runs into his cute neighbor again the next morning, Stiles turns out to be everything he's ever wanted. Too bad the guy’s dating his roommate. Or is he?
Schlong of the Month by Chicktar
(35/? I 117,483 I Explicit)
Years after both leave Beacon Hills, Stiles shows up as the latest hot porn star in Derek's porn production studio. Derek thought he was over the yearning he had felt for Stiles back in their home town, but then he sees not only Stiles, but his giant dick. How is he going to hold out and keep things professional when he is practically drooling every time he sees Stiles.
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alatushours · 13 days
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☆ SLEEPYHEAD, feat. roronoa zoro — no matter how tired he is, zoro is always willing to keep you company.
contents. gender neutral reader, fluff fluff fluff, established relationship. soft zoro ! ! ! post-timeskip but can be read any time after the crew receives the sunny. tw. insomnia, reader is gn but lives in the women’s quarters, maybe ooc zoro ♡ word count. 616
notes. aaand mari finally makes a comeback !!! so sorry to keep you all waiting for so long, i lost my spark for a while. however i am excited to say that this is my official one piece writing debut !!! (love potion doesn’t count guys) i think about zoro everyday,,, he’s such a comfort character to me <3 sorry for any mistakes, i haven’t written in a very long time ♡
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when you can’t sleep, you go look for zoro on the sunny.
peeking open the door of the girl's cabin, you step out in your sandals onto the wooden deck, the floorboards slightly creaking. walking to the port side of the ship, you watch the reflection of the stars over the open sea before moving to search for your lover.
sometimes zoro might be sitting on night watch at the bow, or in the kitchen for a midnight snack. most of the time though, he’s up in the crow’s nest training or catching up on sleep away from the rowdiness of the men’s cabin.
you find him doing the latter tonight, his swords cradled in his folded arms as he dozed. you smile and close the door quietly behind you, careful not to disturb him.
however, zoro stirs, his eye peeking open. “hey. what’re ya doing?”
well, there goes that. “sorry, i didn’t mean to wake you up,” you whisper. “i was just coming to look for you.”
he chuckles softly. “couldn’t sleep again, huh? why didn’t you just say so?”
you smile sheepishly. “sorry… i had too much coffee today, and then earlier me and the girls were watching a horror movie on the video transponder snail, so now i’m up.”
you shrug, and your boyfriend laughs again. “c’mere.”
you make your way to snuggle into zoro’s chest. his gold earrings clink together as he shifts, his arms moving to wrap around your waist. “how was your day?” you ask him, absentmindedly tracing the scar on his torso.
“nothin’ interesting,” he replies, his voice raspy in your ear. “just training ‘nd watch, the usual.” but you could tell he was tired, from the way he was blinking slowly every few seconds to keep himself from falling asleep. “whadda ‘bout you?”
you talk to him for a few minutes, telling him about how you and chopper caught a load of fish today (and how luffy ended up eating all of it at the end, to sanji’s anger). zoro chuckles, smiling as he listened to your ramblings.
after a while, zoro hums, his fingers tangling themselves into your hair. “sorry, i needa sleep,” he whispers in your ear. “nami said we’re gonna get to the next island real early in the mornin’ so i gotta keep watch. you can sleep here with me if ya want, though.”
“oh, okay,” you intertwine your fingers with his, making yourself comfortable against the warmth of his body. “will you call me when you wake up? i wanna watch the sunrise with you.”
your boyfriend nods slowly, pressing a kiss to your temple. “sure. now go to sleep, yeah? i’ll be here if ya need me.”
“okayyy,” you draw out the word. “oh, one more thing.”
he groans, “what is it?”
you grin at him, giving him a kiss on the lips. “i love you, ‘zo.”
zoro smacks your ass playfully, but not without returning the kiss. “yeah, yeah, i know. i love you too. now seriously, go to sleep!”
you giggle, closing your eyes to the soft lull of his breathing. eventually, you drift off to sleep, not knowing that your lover was still awake to ensure your peaceful rest.
zoro would slice up mountains, cut the moon in half and bring the pieces back to you if you asked; he'd do anything for you. your needs always come first; after all, he will always be indebted to the love that you showed him, what seemed like not so long ago. something as small as helping you fall asleep was nothing compared to your love, your utter adoration for him.
plus, he always slept better with you at his side.
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end notes. the fact that it took me a month to write the first half of this and the other half in less than a day… and it’s still not even 1k words 😭 idk how i used to do it omg. but anyhoo soft zoro soft zoro soft zoro ! ! ! i’m normal about him i swear
© alatushours 2024. please do not copy, modify, or translate my work in any way, nor upload to any other platforms. in the meantime, if you enjoyed, please like, reblog, and consider leaving a follow! it helps a lot ♡
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
Oh snail, i know you already have a long list of WIPs (i can't wait to read them) and your Inbox is probably already full with requests, so i understand if its not in the cards right now.
I was just wondering what the kid-pirates would do, or how they would react if ther precious doc-reader is the one that was injured badly or was very sick. Especialy how Killer would react after that romantic tention between them (i need more of that 😩). I don't have a particular song in mind, because the seires already has a vibe to it, hope thats okay.
I wish you a wonderful day/night/evening! 💕Sooo looking forward to your next work, whatever it may be 🐢
I love you for this prompt, @daydreamer-in-training. Thank you!
Sit your ass down, would ya, Doc?
Hey Doc Masterlist here
Word Count: 2,000+
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Synopsis: You've taken care of your crew and nursed them back to health from their flus... but now it's your turn. The Kid-Pirates do their best to take care of the worlds worst patient, their doctor: you.
Themes: platonic!kid-pirates, eustass kid x gn!reader, swearing, illness, comforting, taking medication, kid is a bit of a dom, doc is a bit of a bra, you're the kid-pirate doctor: the crew calls you 'doc'.
Notes: I am currently struggling with the flu myself, and this was simply too cute to not write about. Thank you for your ask, it's been fun to write about!
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @sinning-23 @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @sordidmusings @nerium-lil
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“Hey, Doc? Did we need any more petroleum jelly from the-...?” the fire breather called beside you, hating when you turned to face him, “...-Shit, Doc. You look like absolute balls today.” 
Rolling your swollen, glassy and red eyes at him, you draw another tissue from your counter and sneeze into it. The silky tissue felt like sandpaper over your leaky nose, the skin splitting surrounding your nostrils and leaving small stains of red on the pale paper.
“Always so full of compliments and kindness, Heat,” you huff out, your voice sounding hoarse and cracking along with every word. Heat cringed, recoiling away from you with eyes narrowed in sympathy. You attempt to breathe through your blocked nose, no air passing through the dual nostrils.
Treating the crew for the past two weeks, and nursing them to health in recovering from the flu, had finally caught up with you. You felt both cold and hot at the same time, your skin both dry and sticky with sweat. Mind swelling and cracking behind the tense throbbing throughout your brain caused a dull ache ringing in your ears and fogging your mind.
“I-... I’m just saying, Doc,” he reiterated in defense of himself, “You don’t look too good. Maybe you ought to sit out from the in-land trip to restock. Stay home on the Victoria Punk?” Heat suggested with a soft smile and a subtle shrug.
“What?” you grunted out a cough, “And leave you lot to restock my clinic for me? Not fucking like-...” coughing into another tissue, your glassy eyes pricked at the corners and began to spill out and down your cheeks, “...-likely.” 
Heat’s smile fled from his face, his lip downturning in sympathy. He shook his head and extended his hand out to you, gesturing you to follow him out through the door towards the deck. You attempt to sniff back another intake of air to reopen your nose to no avail. Following on, you trudge somberly towards the top deck where the crew were all waiting to step foot onto the pier. 
Without drawing attention to yourself, your eyes squinted lazily to compensate for the pain the sun caused your mind. With each achy step, you attempted to bite back the ache your body was going through. Barely aware of your surroundings, you gesture in the medicinal remedy booths at town square for herbs, ointments and aromatic fragrances. 
As you reached into your pocket to pull out your small folder of Berry, a large right forearm reached over your shoulder and paid the vendor before you could. Rolling your eyes, you turn to look at the scowling grimace of your captain, Eustass Kid, baring his rage down at you. Attempting to roll your eyes at him again, you clenched them tightly shut instead as the world became far too bright to process.
“Captain,” you acknowledge him with a clumsy nod, fighting the urge to not to fall over with the vertigo overcoming you. He growled at you immediately, gesturing to Wire beside him to gather the supplies and walk back to the ship. 
“You’re a real fuckin’ idiot, aren’t ya, Doc?” he spat, scolding you with his heavy growl. You laughed at him, shaking your swirling head and beginning to walk beside him. Your overexertion and sleep deprivation caught up with you as you tripped over an uneven divot in the rocky path.
“I'm not into degradation, Cap,” you respond in a half-joking hum, your eyes feeling heavy and weighted, “Not my kink. Might be yours, though, considering the amount of times I yell at you to hold you accountable.” That comment earnt you another low growl from your captain, his face turning a few shades darker than his hair. 
He turned to face you at his side, his lips curling as if to speak. As he opened his lips, he was lost for words as you fell into him, bracing yourself against him to steady your walk. He caught you in his right arm, bringing his face down towards you and brows knitting with concern. Turning towards Wire, he cocked his chin to the side to usher him on towards the ship. 
With no further warning, Kid dipped at the knees and hoisted you up into his chest beneath your thighs. He curled his bicep and hooked your head beneath his chin and cradled you firmly into him. Under usual circumstances, you would’ve fought this tooth and nail.
You do not enjoy being manhandled by the crew, especially by your captain. While you enjoy the embrace once in a while with your more sensitive crewmates, particularly Bubblegum, the Captain has only ever been this close to you when he’s sparring with you.
“C’mon Doc, I'll get you seen to,” he grunted down at your position curled into his chest, “I’ve-... And the-...” his words trailed off, the fever raising your temperature higher and prompting you to seek out sleep against his pectoral. 
Voices and words fade in and out of your ears, a slow drawl and murmurs of several of your crewmates swelling around your assumed resting spot for the day. The room wasn’t physically moving, even though your vertigo suggested it was. 
“When was the last time Doc’s had a day off?” you recognised the feminine voice of Quincy in the room beside you. Several grunts and incessant babbling reverberated around the room, prompting you to flutter your eyelashes open and push through the pain. 
“Doc!” you cringed as a body almost flew into your bed, sitting on the plush sheets beside you, “You’re awake! I’m so happy to see you’re up!” You wince, slowly waving Bubblegum away, swatting at his zig-zagged head.
“Off, off,” you shooed him, wincing as you shrugged your duvet off your thighs and swung your legs over the side of the bed. As you began to wobble to your feet, the booming voice of your captain called over the chatter of the room,
“Sit your ass down, would ya, Doc?” he growled, striding over in intentional steps and giving you a shove from his right hand in the middle of your chest, “The medics here said you need a week in bed to rest. Sit down.” You growled at him, doing your best to gather the strength to growl at him. 
“If I’ve been prescribed ‘rest’,” you began, gesturing to the crewmates surrounding your current room, “Why the fuck are you all here?” Several sheepish mutters surround the room, a few members pinching the scruffs of their necks, a few more wringing their hands in front of their waists. 
Your captain clapped his hand on your shoulder, pushing you to lay back down and wrangling you into your bedsheets. Refusing to go down without a fight this time, you wriggled in his grip and fought both the fever and the strong arm of your captain. 
“For fucks sake, Doc!” Kid yelled at you, pushing and shoving you down into the very comfortable and unfamiliar bed in front of the crew. “Just lay down and rest, damn it! Go back to sleep.” You wriggled harder. 
“No!” you yelled defiantly, kicking off the duvet and fighting each and every time your captain attempted to shove you into your bed. Kid looked around to the crew, angled his chin sharply to wordlessly order them to leave the room. As they left, Kid turned back towards you and crawled up onto the bed. 
“You are more of a pain in the ass than that fucking bullet to the buttcheek,” he growled, climbing over you and baring down his weight onto your smaller frame. Straddling your thighs, he placed his knees on your open palms and successfully pinned you beneath him. He pressed his forearm over your chest and gave you a firm shove to force you to lay down. You had no choice but to thump your head back into the plush pillow behind your head. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, you clench your jaw and growl behind your lips. The rumble in your throat hurt the raw swell in your jugular, but you pushed past it to air your frustrations at him regardless. The chuckle from your captain above you only served to propel your anger to rise higher. 
“Yeah, yeah. Growl and groan all you want,” he scoffed at you, pinning your chest with his bicep while reaching his hand between you and gathering the blankets in his fist. Slowly raising it up, he continued his place straddling your thighs until he thought you would no longer fight him. 
“Why are you doing this, Captain?” you snarl at him, finally opening your eyes to gaze up into his eyes. He smirked at you in response, pressing his palm to your forehead and clicking his tongue at the temperature. 
“Because,” he leaned over to the bedside, taking two small spherical tablets into his hand, “We love you, Doc.” He leaned back over you, gesturing with his chin for you to part your lips. You take a moment to snarl at him before complying, parting your lips and allowing him to place the bitter tablets on your tongue. 
He leaned back over to the bedside, finding a glass of water and bringing it down to your lips. Tilting the glass slowly as it brushed with your bottom lip, he carefully fed you a sip of water to take the pills with. Placing the glass back over on the table, he drew his attention to the small amount of water seeping from the corner of your lip.
“Now, be a good Doctor and get loved on, idiot,” he softly huffed, his voice low and husky as he leaned forward. He used the pad of his thumb to gently collect the spill of water from the corner of your lips. Your eyes never ceased its glare up at him. He grinned tauntingly down at you, arching his brow and ensuring you swallowed the tablets. 
“Get off, Captain,” you growled at him, bucking your hips up in an attempt to remove him from your body. He cackled his rumbled laugh down at you in response, shaking his head. 
“You gonna get up again if I do?” he asked, leaning down and caressing your cheek in a gentle stroke. His eyes held nothing but mischievous mockery, but his hand felt like it was gently coaxing you to comply with what he asked. 
“No, I’ll behave,” you snarled at him. His laugh was genuine this time, low and gentle. Slowly backing off you, he slid off your body before adjusting the sheets and smoothing them over. 
“Good,” he nodded, beginning to leave the room by the door off to the side of the room. Halting at the door, he fought with himself for a moment before looking at you over his shoulder and uttering, “I’ll-… I’ll get Kil to check on you in a few hours. Get some rest, okay?”
What he said next was something you weren’t expecting to come from his lips. In all the time you served with him, he only ever called you ‘Doc’, or ‘Doctor.’ You were your title, and you appreciated that about the crew. You were Doc, only ever Doc. But what he said changed all that.
After he uttered the word “okay,” it was immediately followed by your name. Waiting a few moments, you responded in a cadence just above a whisper. 
“I’ll be right where you left me, Kid,” you replied with a soft smile back at him. He closed his eyes, offering you a reflection of your smile in return before it grew back into its usual mischievous face. 
“Good,” he again offered you, scrunching his nose up at you and looking up through his red eyelashes at you, “Otherwise I would’ve gotten your doting daddy to come coddle his whiny baby.” Your eyes went wide, your jaw clenching and your eyebrows shot up to your hairline. 
Eustass Kid just laughed in response, exiting the room and giving you both the time and space you needed to recover. Your recovery was not only the flu, but of the second hand embarrassment that Killer must’ve relayed to Kid what he’d said to you in the consultation room. Either that, or you left the shell of your Den-Den accidentally activated from when you spoke with your captain earlier in the day.
Either way, you pouted as you did as you were told and huffed back into your bed and went to sleep: the paracetamol activating and stilling your swelling head and masking the undertones of pain in your body.
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writtenbymoonflower · 5 months
Hi omg I just discovered you’re fics and girl 🥰🥰 I love them so I wanted to put in a request could you do a poly!marauders fic where reader has anxiety buts hates taking her medication, thanks!!
thanks for reading and requesting hunny! I hope this is okay. fem!reader x poly!marauders
cw: anxiety, medication, swearing
905 words
You weighed the bottle in your hand, hearing the tablets rattle. You debated your options. It was a safe bet to take them, but they made you feel flighty and drowsy. If you didn’t take them it could end badly, but nothing you weren’t used to. You had been stressed lately, but you could manage. You would regret taking them if nothing happened and you would regret not taking them if something did. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. You decided against it for the time being, closing the medicine cabinet and walking into your shared bedroom. 
Sirius was rummaging through his part of the closet, holding various pieces up to his body, while Remus occasionally looked up from his novel to give an indifferent shrug or an approving smirk. James was looking at Sirius with googly eyes while he folded the clothes he was haphazardly tossing. 
“See, I think this one makes- hey, gorgeous! -I think it makes my waist pop. What do you think?” He held the piece to his torso, showing off the top. 
“Can’t tell if you don’t put it on.” Remus said, nonchalant. 
“If you want a strip tease Moons, just say so.” Sirius winked, tossing the shirt into his ‘keep’ pile. You shuffled over to James, sitting next to him and leaning on his bicep as he kissed the top of your head and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 
“You should do this soon, lovie.” James suggested.
“Yeah! You were just saying you needed to go through your clothes the other day. Might as well give us the pleasure of a fashion show in the process.” Sirius smirked at you. 
“Like I said, it’s only a fashion show if you actually wear clothes.” Remus said again. Sirius just rolled his eyes, going back to his closet rummaging. 
You really did need to clean your part of the closet. You also needed to fill out some paperwork, and do some cleaning, and go through your makeup. Honestly, you had a laundry list of things you needed to get done that you were slowly working through. Slow as in, snail’s pace. An anxious jolt went through your body as you thought about it, making chills spread over your skin and your hands feel fidgety. You tried to take some deep breaths, but they just ended up shaky as you began to pick your cuticles. You could feel James studying the top of your head, and it made you more uneasy. You were running the risk of shredding your nails, squeezing your eyes tightly as if it would keep the anxiety out. 
“You okay, baby dove?” Remus spoke up, setting his book down. This caught Sirius’ attention. Unfortunately, Remus’ words did not comfort you, but rather flustered you further. 
“Y-yeah.” You struggled out, breathing becoming more shallow. 
“What’s going on, sweet girl?” James questioned, backing up to look at your face. 
“I- I think I’m just anxious.” You shook, still picking at your nails. You bit hard on your lip thinking it would help. It didn’t. Sirius dropped the trousers he was holding and hurried over. 
“Shit, baby. Don’t hurt yourself, it’s okay.” He took your offending hands in one of his larger ones and freed your lip from its abuse with the other. They were used to this with you, which you regretted. James was petting your head gently. You could hear the skepticism in Remus’ voice.
“Did you take your medicine today, lovely?” His amber eyes searched your worried face. You just looked down, shaking your head. 
Sirius was exasperated. “Baby,” He chided. “We’ve talked about this.” He said as Remus sighed and stood up to fetch your pill bottle. 
“I know,” You said, shamefully. Sirius decided not to scold you worse in your fragile state. 
“Here, drink this.” James handed you his water bottle, opening it for you. You drank up, the cool liquid helping your state. Remus returned with your medication, watching you intensely as you took the dose. When you swallowed, Remus took your chin in his hand, lifting your face to look at him. 
“I know you have a hard time with this, but you’ve gotta look after yourself. It’s worse when you don’t, sweet girl." He was gentle but desperate as he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead. You nodded, hiding in James' chest. He was graceful, and gently rocked you, hoping to calm your nervous system. Sirius grabbed one of your hands again, lifting it to kiss each of your knuckles. 
“You feeling better, baby?” His eyes were unusually round and glossy. 
“Yes, loads better. Thank you guys. I’m sorry I get like this.” 
“Don’t be sorry, sweetness.” James kissed the top of your head again. “Just try to be nicer to yourself. There’s a reason you were given the medication.” 
“I know.” You settled, your breathing finally returning to a normal rate. Sirius looked most relieved, giving in and tackling you onto the bed, making James squawk in protest. 
“Geez Pads, don’t crush the poor thing. She’s fragile.” James relented to stroking Sirius' hair out of his face as the boy grinned on top of you. 
“Shush, Prongs. I’m trying to enjoy this.” He turned his gaze to you. “Besides, I heard pressure helps anxiety.” He put all his weight on you, needling his arms underneath your body to squeeze you against him. 
He was right. It did help.
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azullumi · 11 months
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“something about you” ; genshin men
summary — it hasn’t been that long since the two of you became a couple, first time in simple things occurs and how does he react? ; you call him ‘love’, accidentally or intentionally, for the first time, and he’s absolutely whipped for you.
includes — various genshin men (w/ gender-neutral reader)
tags — fluff, established relationship, they’re very very inlove with their s/o, also might be ooc bcs in not sure if the others fit in one of the scenario ; scenarios/multiple in one
note — finally i got to write something 1! also another one coming later i just need tk sleep
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“love, can you give me that?
“sure.” he’ll answer without a moment’s hesitation, handing you what you need and it is only then that he’ll process what you have said before he could even focus back on what he was doing earlier.
“wait.” he pauses, turning to you with a confused look on his face. he isn’t entirely sure if what he heard was correct or just his mind playing tricks on him but he hopes that he wasn’t dreaming. you hum, eyebrows raised at him and he opened his mouth, “can you say that again?”
“say what again?”
“like what you said.”
you furrow your eyebrows, baffed, “...can you give me that?” there was a slight intonation in your voice indicating your confusion in this matter. while he was out here in front of you with a mind completely jumbled and thoughts roaring in the lack of certainty, you were there standing in front of him with a perplexed expression on your features as you couldn’t understand him.
“no, i mean– before that.”
“before what? you’re confusing me.”
“you know what i’m talking about.”
“no, i don’t!” you immediately object. you don’t know what in the world is he trying to say. you’re just trying to finish some of your tasks and he’s trying to make you repeat what you said which you already did. “i genuinely don’t know what else do you want me to say. it’s not like i said something that–” your words from earlier played quickly inside your head, the first one, to be exact.
“oh.” you falter, “oh.”
he notices the realization trickling through your tone and expression, “yeah… so do you know now?”
“i just did that, didn’t i?” he nodded and you sighed. “and what’s the big deal?”
“it’s a big deal! that was the first time.”
“seriously, love?”
“you did it again!” his eyes sparkled, ears perked up as a smile beaming with joy was plastered on his face. excitement was evident on each and every corner of his being.
“oh, dear…”
“was that meant to be me or…” and you only made a small gesture at him for him to shut his mouth in which he did. although, you couldn’t contain the small curve that tugs on your lips.
“but will you call me that again?”
“no,” and he groans despite recognizing the deceitful timbre in your words.
childe, itto, kaveh, heizhou, kaeya
it was just a single word, a four-letter one but you couldn’t ignore how his tone sounded rather… cheery and though in normal occasions, you wouldn’t mind nor even notice but right now, there was some hint of an unfamiliar feeling on it. it’s like he’s plotting something. then he spoke up once again as he brings you what you were asking for, “here it is, love,” adding an emphasis to the endearment that he just called you.
“thank you?” you failed to hide the bewilderment in your expression as well as your voice but he only smiled at you and replied with the same tone as the look on his face, “you’re welcome, love.” 
a brief silence ensued between you two as you nailed your gaze at him, trying to decipher his guise and take a loot at the inside of his mind and he seems to find amusement in your attempt; he doesn’t break his demeanor which infuriates you more.
you grumble and he chuckled, “what’s wrong, my love?”
he raises an eyebrow, tilting his head for a bit. “why? what did i do wrong, my dear?”
but realization creeps up to you, albeit in a slow manner as if you were still taking it in and accepting it; it was similar to a snail climbing up your leg, uncomfortable and hateful. “did i just call you…” and he nods with the same smile that he has since earlier, an affirmation to your suspicion.
“i really did?”
“yes, you did, love.” and though it’s just one word, a single-syllable one word, with the way he uses it, it feels like a frying pan being repeatedly hit on your head. oh, so that’s why you were feeling off about his air earlier.
“why? is there a problem, love?”
“stop that.” you already feel embarrassed enough and yet he’s here prodding into it and making it worse by teasing you. he laughs, short and soft, then replies sweetly, “there’s no need to be shy now, is there?” he approaches you, hands swiftly wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer to him, closing in the distance between you two. you couldn’t speak, not like he was giving you a chance to do so.
“it sounds so pretty coming from your mouth.” so you should call him like that more often.
childe, ayato, kaeya, pantalone, wanderer
he stiffened up, processing what you said and you didn’t fail to notice it especially when you had your hand out and empty for almost half a minute–there was no sign of movement from him either–, expecting for him to place the thing that you’ve been asking for on top of your palm. you turned your head towards him, calling out to his name and snapping him out of it. 
“the book, please?”
“oh, right.” he laughs rather awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck before proceeding on doing what you had asked him. finally, he places the book in your hand but he still seems to be in a trance, eyes distracted, and you couldn’t help but to worry.
“are you alright?” concern drips from your voice and he hummed, eyebrows raised as he feigned a look on his face that says he’s fine. “oh, yeah. i am, i totally am. i’m just a little bit distracted.”
but you know him all too well that he wasn’t telling you the truth. you didn’t respond, gaze trained at his face in silence, seeking for a falter in his fake expression and he breaks; he doesn’t like how well you can read him as if he’s an open book–not like he hates it, however. sighing, he spoke up once again, “you just called me ‘love’ for the first time,” and it’s probably an accident, those words died out on his throat.
“i did, yeah but it wasn’t an accident.”
astonishment fills his face, “oh?”
you hum, nodding your head before you speak in a soft voice. “does it…” your voice trails out and you fidget with your fingers, “...bother you?”
“no, no, it doesn’t.” he’s quick to protest, shaking his head in a panic as if he’s afraid that he might have accidentally hurt your feelings. “it doesn’t bother me, it will not. i actually love it.”
“really.” he spoke firmly but gently and he placed his hand on top of yours, fingers snaking through yours and perfectly fitting with your own as if it were two puzzle pieces. he whispers, “my beloved.”
honestly, you could call him with a sweet endearment or a horrible one and he’ll still get the butterflies.
thoma, kazuha, diluc, baizhu, kaveh
he hums, quick to finish the request you have asked him and giving you what you needed before returning to what he was doing prior. it makes you wonder if he really heard what you said, choosing to ignore some, or a single word or maybe he did hear it and he just doesn’t care. you tried to give it a try, calling him not by his name but by an endearment, a sweet yet simple one but there was no reaction from him. 
unbeknownst to you, however, everything was a complete opposite to your thoughts.
he’s thinking, like not just some thinking but deep thinking, deep, deep thinking as if he’s contemplating a decision that could cause the end of the world if he doesn’t think of it properly when it’s literally just a word, 4 letters and 1 syllable. god, you have him on such a tight hold that you have him losing his rationality over a 2 consonant, 2 vowel term.
“you okay?” he was pulled out of the train of his thoughts and he hums, nodding. “i’m fine. i’m just thinking of something.” of what you said. he distracts himself with something else, continuing the task that he left off earlier and trying to finish it–gods above, he just wants to hear you say it again.
“just call me if you need anything.” you say and he only inclined his head as a response. it was quiet once again, a little bit tense but you could manage, in some sense, it was also comforting and peaceful (honestly, you were doing everything you can to not think of what he’s thinking because he’s been oddly silent and you just couldn't understand him).
however, he’s thinking, still. i mean, aside from confessions and simple ‘i love you’s, it’s the first time he had heard you call him in an endearment and that one at that in a rather casual setting: you have asked him for something, that was it. the way you said it sounded so natural, so smooth, as if you have practiced saying it multiple times–in which, you probably did but he doesn’t know of. he just can't wrap his head around it and he fears that his thoughts are going to come out of his mind at this point, it was loud and muddling the insides of his head.
he repeats it inside his head.
you’re going to be the death of him, at this point.
alhaitham, xiao, zhongli, albedo, cyno, tighnari
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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