#I need more fat in my diet so I'm trying to get more fat in
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knight-intraining · 3 months ago
It REALLY pisses me off how so much yogurt is non-fat these days. It's meant to have fat in it!! It was practically made for that. You need fat! This is one of the most natural sources of fat there is!
Especially with Greek yogurt, which has protein in it. Like Greek yogurt is MEANT to be filling!! It's meant to be like the main protein in a breakfast (instead of meat - all of which has fat in it too btw!) . But without the fat, it isn't near as filling as it should be. It's basically now useless at doing what it was originally meant to do
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cvnt4him · 9 months ago
How I think certain guys would be w a chubby gf bc who doesn't love chubby girls??
He definitely doesn't really care ab weight, he was js surprised someone wanted him.
He does care about you gaining weight because the risks that can come from being overweight scare him more than it does you.
He tries to occasionally get you to eat healthy and consider doing a diet [he would try so hard to say it in a chill way to not anger you or if you're like me, a sensitive chubby person, he'll try so hard not to make you cry to the point you stop eating lol!!!].
He overall just wants the best for you, and if you've really begun to love yourself regardless of how you look, love handles, belly fat, stretch marks, cellulite n what not then he will too, he only wants to love you, he feels like it's his soul purpose other than becoming a hero to honor his brothers name or whatever the fuck.
Hes mainly big spoon bc I feel like he's js programmed like that, but he likes laying his head on your tummy while you rub his hair, he'll take his glasses off n js lay there w you. My cutie pie fr
Bite his tiddie make his dick twitch
Loves chubby women.
Like he loves it ALLL like hip dips? Yes. Stretch marks? Yupp. Tummy fat? Yummers!!! N when you have fat thighs bro??? He fr LOVES being in between them can't convince me otherwise.
I feel like he would call you cringe shit like chubs js to make fun of you in that cutesy little couple way so bc yk he's obviously joking you don't take it to heart too much bc yk I'm a sensitive cunt so regardless some things pull on my sensitive little heart strings.
He likes to bite your everything. He just loves it bro, leaving hickeys on your skin is js perfection to him.
He loves being big spoon mainly because you are shorter than him, but he just loves holding you either way, squishing every little inch of fat he can get his huge warm palms on.
Sit on his lap, he loves it, the feeling of your weight comfortably sitting on top of him makes him hard fr.
I feel he benches alot like bro I feel like he can take at least maybe ab 300Ibs bc bro, let's keep in mind he was capable of handling OFA in that one movie, at the beginning of the series it was stated you had to have some kind of muscle/mass to handle it n like to not get your shit blown off so yh he can definitely carry you.
He js loves holding you and tightly gripping onto your chub.
Chubby chaser, like the definition.
I feel like he respects women the most out of everyone in the class even the girls, he js screams 'I'm an ally to women' bro. Try n change my mind. You can't.
He loves everything about you regardless, skinny chubby, big boobs small boobs, full lips thin, everything about you is mesmerizing to him simply because you just... Are.
Are what you may ask?
You simply just are.
You're like the it girl in his eyes, a goddess, the only being he wants and craves to worship. He loves holding you like bakugou, feeling and seeing your chub in his hands and the way it like squished out in between his fingers when he grabs onto a part of your body that holds a lot of fat, like your tummy or thighs or boobs he'll go berserk.
You turn him on so much you can make out for 3 seconds n his dick is hard as a rock [pun intended bc that's his quirk.]
He doesn't care what spoon he is as long as you're near him, he loves when you rake your fingers through his freshly washed hair and when you kiss his scalp that needs a new coat of dye.
[ bc you're bat shit crazy if you think I'm going near his crunchy ass greasy ass dandruff infested looking like a dandelion field ass head if this mf aint wash it. I'm so dead ass miss me w all that bullshit bc no.. it's that serious. Ik his shit stink stink.]
All slander aside he's a sweetheart and deserves to be loved.
He likes picking you up I feel like, like he'll js randomly throw you over his shoulder for the fun of it.
My husband, the loml, my twinky little wifey, my male wife, my babygirl, my pookie sugar hunny sweetie bear pie, my zuzubear.
He loves whatever he can get, just like iida. He doesn't realize he actually pulls bitches so when you confess to him [infront of ochako bc I'm a messy bitch] he absolutely blows his top, bc you're really pretty to him heavy or not you're fucking perfect.
He loves being little spoon convince me other wise [you can't don't try🤦🏽‍♀️] he likes being held like a baby bro don't even try arguing bc I'm not even going to reply. He likes laying on your boobs because he's a pervert.
Like he's so perverted if he is on the rare occasion, being big spoon he gets hard when you rub your ass against his dick while you're trying to get comfortable, you love getting dicked down by a powerful mf that can man handle you, don't get me wrong, however it can be tiring fucking someone who has a lot of stamina and can never seem to be tired. Which is why he's semi banned from being big spoon.
He's such a pervert bro, like he fr has It written down in his notebook that mt lady has a fat ass, I js know he writes shit down ab anything that even involves you whether it be sexual or not.
Your boobs seem to feel slightly heavier in his hands? Jotted down. Ass seems to have gotten fatter? Already sketched a very detailed picture of you in a bikini of his hero suit.
Now that we're on the topic of him being far too artistic for my liking, you can't tell me he doesn't draw you in such lewd ways like I'm talking you as a secretary busting out of the seams of your shirt.
Like he fr draws you being fucked by little squid arms like in hentai or whatever. He watches alot of porn so he knows what he likes to see and what hed like to see from you. He's a gooner fr can't convince me otherwiseeee
He's a total goofy goober though, if you talk a certain way or are from a certain region where talking with some sort of accent is shown he will like steal your lango yk? Like the little things you say like if you're British and you say 'bruv' he'll start saying it, or if you say shit like 'goofy' or 'type shit', or insert other things, he'll say it. Even if he doesn't know what it means he js wants to impress you so bad!!
Speaking of which, he definitely impressed you w how good he is at eating puss bro, like there's certain mha guys I feel are js too good at cunnilingus.
he is one of them.
He follows you around in any store and like watches you like a hawk, you'll never get lost bc he doesn't leave your side, shopping for pads or other femininely products? Who gives a fuck you're his girlfriend!!!!
Now I feel he likes to have you sit on his face bc he likes the weight, he also likes carrying you around he def can n yk that so don't even put it past him bc he will not hesitate to pick you up so you can rest your little footsies.
He worships you like kirishima but better, you literally will not have to lift a finger w him around.
I feel as if overall w you being chubby n his gf he doesn't give af if you have weight or not, he js wants you to like him n call him your little malewife.
Speaking of wife I feel he can't cook for shit but is trying to learn for you.
Kiss his neck make him soak his shorts in precum.
AN: yk I had to go all out w my baby zuzubear my little twinky malewife, I love me some him. I might make a pt 2 really depends.
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socialistexan · 1 year ago
I'm going to reiterate what I said in the tags on that one post so more people that need to see it:
I know too many rail things trans women who complain that they aren't getting what they want and are too quickly jumping to surgical remedies due to it. I'm not saying top surgery shouldn't be an option or that we need to put more barriers, but I am saying it is an incredibly costly surgery that could have impacts down the road that you should consider your options before doing so.
Your body can't redistribute fat it does not have.
Genetics has a role to play, absolutely - I'm lucky that I have the kind of genetics I do - but I promise y'all it can work. After my doctor convinced me that putting on a little weight was okay and not the end of the world and would help with my results, I went up a full cup size and then some, and I have hips and an ass.
Some of that is adding on progesterone, but one of the things progesterone does is cause you to retain more fat, but that fat goes to the places you want it!
Like, I get it, everyone woman struggles with our weight and the constant inundation of 00 models and DD breasts, but that's not reality. Those women are on hyper specifics diets that are basically a full time job to achieve that look (plus some help from post production). It's not feasible to look like that.
Don't be afraid of weight gain. It's okay. You'll be okay. I was deathly afraid of it, being skinny was honestly part of my identity, I could wear children's extra large until I was 27, but even if it's not for your own health because despite popular belief skinnier is not necessarily healthier, just consider it.
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mistress-skywalker · 15 days ago
So that ugly duckling to swan thing
Reader is the club leader for plants and animals and is considered 'ugly' (I'm think of reader kinda be long like Fluttershy from MLP). So anakin and his friends think it be funny if anakin dates her as a joke and stuff. Anakin is with padme btw. So reader and anakin start dating and spending time together and having cute moments, anakin decides to stay at school late and talk with friends and reader pretends to leave but quietly follows him only to hear anakin mocking and making fun of her and everything. Seeing anakin and padme kissing reader quietly and unnoticed runs away and home, where she runs into her home crying startling her older brother. Upon seeing her cry and how she wishes she wasn't so fat and ugly she wouldn't get used and asked her brother for help. Then COVID happens and she's goes remote and works on her self and learns to do self care and all that so when they are allowed to come back to in person learning she's drop dead gorgeous (lowkey muscle mommy now and very confident) and walks to her locker and no one knows it's her until anakin pulls up and starts flirting with her. Reader says you have a girlfriend and you're wasting my time again sunshine (reader is the only one to call anakin sunshine) and he's shocked. What ever happens is up to you but I love me a bad bitch
I might have to make a part two to this eventually. Hope you enjoy!! <3
Warnings: angst, no comfort || self image issues || brief body description || Anakin being an ass
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“I can’t believe she’s actually buying it, Ani.” Padmé giggles, clinging onto his muscular arm.
Anakin laughs heartily as well, “I can’t either. Thought with grades like that she’d be smart enough to know I wouldn’t want someone like her.” He shakes his head, an amused smile still on his lips, “I almost feel bad. Almost.”
They both laugh, their friends joining in.
Your heart sinks from where you were listening around a corner. Of course there had been a small voice in the back of your mind nagging at you that he wasn’t into you. But every little ‘hey sunshine, how’s my favorite girl doing today?’ dulled out that worry.
You can’t stomach any more of their mocking insults. Your weight, your looks, your style, even the way you laugh. The cherry on top is when he kisses who you now have realized is his actual girlfriend. Quickly you turn back and hurry out of the school and back home, trying to hold back on letting your tears fall until you were safely in your room.
But of course, your brother notices something is wrong. “Hey, squirt, what’s wrong?” He asks as you quickly kick your shoes off, concern evident in his voice.
“Anakin.” You sniffle.
“What did that asshole do?”
“He’s been lying to me.” You fill him in, ranting animatedly as you cry. You end it with “Help make me prettier. Please?”
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
That was then. Before the whole Covid lockdown but it became your biggest motivator. You spent practically every day holed up in your room, working out, making diet changes, etc.
You stare at yourself for a long while in the mirror after getting dressed for your first day back. You’d taken up remote classes instead even once everything was in person again. You take in your body, now an hourglass figure that had been there under the pounds of fat that was shed. The outfit you wore was still out of your comfort zone but you wanted to show off the body you worked so hard for.
With one last once over you head out, your heart pounding in your chest.
To say you turn heads when you walk in is an understatement. Before you were used to snickering not mouths open in awe. It’s when you stop at your locker and start putting things away that the biggest surprise happens.
“Hey there beautiful, haven’t seen you around before. Y’know if you need a personal tour guide, I’d be more than happy to offer my assistance.”
You’d recognize that voice anywhere. You look over to where he’s casually leaning his shoulder up against the locker beside your’s. “No thanks, I’m good.” You say coolly.
Anakin’s eyebrows raise up. He’s not used to someone turning him down, especially not so quickly, brushing him off as if he didn’t matter. “Oh c’mon, it’ll be fun. I can’t let a pretty girl struggle all on her own. It wouldn’t be right.”
“I said I’m not interested.”
“I know you said that, but I happen to be very persuasive and in tune with a woman’s body.”
“You’re wasting my time again, sunshine.” You slam your locker shut, “besides, don’t you have a girlfriend?”
Anakin’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head. There’s no way that you were you, right? He quickly pushes off the locker and scrambles to follow after you, trying to play it off. “I- uh..what’re you talking about?”
“I don’t need help, Anakin, especially not your’s.” You continue down the hall as if he wasn’t trying to keep up with you.
He lets his eyes roam unabashedly down your new form. “There’s no way.” He says a little louder than he intended, his steps faltering for a moment but then he quickly scrambles after you again. “You- wow you changed so much. You look incredible.”
“I know.” You say coolly.
He swallows, his mouth suddenly feeling dry. This was such a contrast to how you used to be. “I uh, we missed you when classes resumed.”
You scoff out a dry chuckle.
Anakin recoils a little. “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
He nods his head, “Uh yeah there is. You’re so…different.”
“Oh, so I lose the weight, change everything about myself and I’m still not good enough?” You throw back casually.
“What are you talking about?” He asks genuinely confused over this attitude, so different from the sweet, quiet you he knew.
Abruptly you stop and look at him, “I heard everything you said.”
“Everything I said…?” He asks nervously.
“How it was all just some big joke to you, something to pass the time with,” The crease between his eyebrows deepen, a new kind of feeling starting to churn his stomach, “How you and Padmé couldn’t believe I was buying it?” You continued on.
“Shit.” He exhales, running a hand through his already tousled curls. “Look, you weren’t supposed to hear that-“
“Clearly.” You scoff, continuing to walk off away from him again.
“Hey hey, wait,” he catches up again, grabbing onto your arm lightly to get you to stop and keep talking to him. “You can’t just say that and act like it’s nothing. I really never meant-“
“Stop, Anakin. What’s done is done. I get it okay? It’s so absurd to think that anyone would like me, you had to turn it into a joke. You don’t have to explain yourself,” you respond casually. “Anything for a laugh.”
His stomach felt like it was eating itself with a newfound guilt. You were so sweet before and he’d ruined that. God, he was a prick wasn’t he? “I-..I”
“See you around, sunshine.” You say, your words coming off indifferent as you walk away.
Anakin is left there speechless for once, his heart feeling like it was in his gut, his stomach aching. He didn’t know what regret was until that moment. “Yeah..see you.” He huffs to himself. He sighs and turns to walk in other direction, stealing one more glance at you over his shoulder.
He’d find a way to make this right.
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consolecadet · 1 month ago
Tips for freshly diagnosed celiac-havers
Someone I knew asked me for advice after getting diagnosed with celiac. I gave her some. I might as well share them with you as well!
I am not a doctor, and not your doctor, I'm just some guy with celiac disease. Ask an actual doctor for help with medical decisions. I'm in the northeastern United States, so you might have to go hunting for equivalent resources if you live elsewhere.
Are you done with testing?
If you had a tTG-IgA blood test with an elevated result, or a doctor just told you you have celiac, but you have not gotten a biopsy via endoscopy to confirm your diagnosis, WAIT! You may not want to stop eating gluten quite yet. You have to be eating gluten for the biopsy test to work.
It is not fun to stop eating gluten, start feeling better, and then have to start eating it again just to prove that you really have celiac disease.
Your choice in this area is personal. If you know you're going to have to wait years to get an endoscopy, it would probably be healthier and more pleasant to stop eating gluten now and then do a "gluten challenge" for a few weeks before your endoscopy.
If it's unlikely you will ever get an endoscopy (too expensive, inaccessible, phobia, etc), there's no point in waiting for something that may never come -- just stop eating gluten now.
But if you can schedule an endoscopy for a month or two from now, it's probably best to keep eating gluten until the endoscopy. Sorry.
Please eat food. Like, enough food.
The most important tip I got early in my diagnosis is that if you stop eating gluten and you start feeling crummy -- dizzy, cranky, tired, etc -- it's not because you're going through "gluten detox" or some shit. It's because you're hungry!
It's easy to accidentally start eating way less when you start eating gluten free. A celiac diagnosis can make you want to avoid eating because food feels scary and stressful. Cutting a major ingredient from your diet without knowing what to replace it with can also leave you undernourished.
You really need nourishment when you are recovering from celiac! Your body need energy from food to use on healing your intestines. If you've lived with celiac for a long time, you probably have vitamin deficiencies you're trying to bounce back from. The emotional difficulty of adjusting to a new diagnosis is also much easier to face if you're not starving.
All of this advice applies equally regardless of body size. Yes, even if you are very fat. If you're hungry, eat.
Where to find information about gluten-free food
The gold standard for basic celiac info is celiac nonprofits. There's a ton of info about celiac disease and the gluten free diet on their websites. I recommend:
Celiac Disease Foundation
Beyond Celiac
You know what's not a legitimate celiac nonprofit? Gluten Free Society. Do not listen to anything GFS or its founder Peter Osborne have to say. Osborne is not an actual doctor, nor is he doing actual nutrition science. He is a chiropractor (i.e. quack) so bad that his state's board of chiropractors threatened to revoke his license. Don't let anyone tell you celiac means you can't have corn!!! Truly, wtf @ this guy.
Google's AI summaries for searches like "Is XYZ food gluten free" are often inaccurate (because they pick up sites like GFS). I always click through to the source to be sure. "Is XYZ food celiac safe" sometimes gives more useful search results.
I also like this presentation "I Have Celiac" for a super in-depth guide to having and living with celiac. The OP made it to show to loved ones to explain their deal, but it's so thorough that I found it helpful for myself when I got my diagnosis.
I want to buy food that's safe for celiac...how do I do that?
You should be able to find gf food at any supermarket. The selection of baked goods and processed foods may be lacking, depending on where you live, but produce, raw unmarinated cuts of meat, and other whole foods like milk and eggs are generally safe even if not labeled gf.
A lot of supermarkets have an indicator on the price labels to help you -- for example, at Stop and Shop, the labels on the shelf have an orange circle that says "gf" in it under foods that are gluten free. It's best to check the packaging too, since Stop and Shop sometimes gets it wrong!
Something that says "gluten free" or "certified gluten free" on it is safe for celiac*. Something that doesn't say "gluten free" on the packaging may also be safe, so long as it also doesn't contain wheat, barley, or rye, or have a wheat allergy warning under the ingredient list. Here are some tips for what to look for on ingredient labels.
Labels can get real complicated real fast, so just use your best judgment. It's okay if you don't get it right 100% of the time. The goal when living with celiac is to reduce gluten exposure as much as possible, not to hermetically seal yourself in a deep well where a single molecule of gluten can never possibly reach your tongue. You, and only you, get to decide how much exposure risk you're comfortable with.
My favorite grocery store post-diagnosis is Wegmans. My nearest one is a bit of a hike, so I don't go that often, but it's such a treat when I do. Wegmans has a huge gluten free aisle with gf staples and fun snacks, plus lots of food items that can be harder to find gf, like fresh pasta and baked goods.
I also like the online health food store iHerb for finding new gf snacks and ingredients. You can filter the whole store by dietary needs, so you can also find gf skincare/makeup items and supplements if you want. I have a discount link for 20% off: https://secure.iherb.com/rewards/rewards-program?rcode=DRO2876
The best way to find restaurants that can accommodate celiac is Find Me Gluten Free. It's essentially a gluten-free Yelp. People use the site/app to review of restaurants for 1) what cross-contact precautions the restaurant takes and 2) crucially, if the food was good!
Gf food can be expensive, ngl. The National Celiac Association has advice for how to save money on gf food, including a database of food pantries that set aside gf food for people who need it.
GF ~influencers~
If you want to follow some people who Get It, I like:
Phil Hates Gluten (on IG, TT, and YT) has EoE (another gluten-related autoimmune condition). He reviews gf food and restaurants and makes silly videos about the gf experience.
Robyn's Gluten-free Living on YouTube has gf baking videos and advice about traveling, eating at restaurants, saving money on gf food, and more.
Here on Tumblr, @gluttonysansgluten and @certifiedceliac (and I would love more recommendations for celiac related Tumblr accounts!)
Having celiac is really hard. But it does get easier.
I felt overwhelmed and honestly kind of doomed when I got my celiac diagnosis. For the first few months I felt like I couldn't trust any food and I was going to be totally excluded at all social events forever. It sucked. But then I got a lot of practice figuring out which foods were safe for me, advocating for myself at restaurants and when my friends were planning get-togethers involving food, and now things are really not that bad. And I feel way, way less sick.
If you feel overwhelmed or don't know how to interpret the 1 million sources online telling you what's gluten free, I really recommend seeing a dietician. Your best bet is a weight-neutral or HAES dietician who mentions celiac somewhere on their website or online profile. You can generally count on those folks to give you practical information about how to live with celiac, as well as emotional support as you adjust to what is probably a pretty big and stressful change in your life and how you view yourself!
You got this!
*Please do not talk about Cheerios on my post. Make your own.
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hispanthicc · 3 months ago
Things I Like About Being A Guy That Got Fat On Purpose.
I think after my last text post I should post something more positive in relation to weight gain. I have been gaining or at least trying to for several years but it wasn't until the pandemic that I really started to grow.
I am now about 210 ish, it fluctuates but it doesn't go lower than that. I'm also like 5'7 so i look 230+.I wear a size 38 x 32 in pants... but I might actually be at 40. I was wearing XL's in shirts but over the past 3 months I've been wearing XXL's. I do go for looser clothes otherwise L-XL would be fine. I think looser just works for me cuz I have generalized anxiety disorder and I need to feel like I can breathe so the looser the better. It's kind of funny how huge that sounds because the fit on my clothes is very regular despite my description of it being loose. I also feel like the way looser shirts drape over my body my boobs look a lot bigger, I mean they are but it's not so obvious when I’m shirtless but it's very noticeable when I’m clothed. I'm kinda self conscious but i've also gotten to the point where I don't really care. I also like that i'm wearing the last size that a lot of stores carry (which is probably going to be really annoying soon). I bought from a plus size store twice this year (it's still 2024 as of writing this) Once when buying a suit for a friends wedding and then I bought some random sweater. both fit and looked really good on me.
I feel more confident the bigger I get. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe I just feel more sure of myself. Maybe when you're bigger you *have* to be more sure of yourself. I also think that after making content for so long I just dgaf about a lot of things. There really isn't anything that someone can say to me thats gonna make me not like myself or getting bigger. It's just kinda who I am now.
This is a somewhat recent observation and maybe it's a healthy one but, A lot of times as a gainer you are comparing yourself to other gainers. So you may be thinking things like "oh he eats so much more than me", or "I wish I was that big", or "I wish my capacity was bigger." however, if you compare yourself to someone who isn't a gainer you'll feel a lot bigger and you'll realize how you're eating like 5x more than a regular person, and doing so very easily. Regular people aren't eating whole pizzas, half a dozen burgers, liters of soda regularly. Regular people are likely trying to fit within a 2500 calorie diet range. A lot of gainers eat that before lunch lol. The first time I noticed this (I don't get out much) is when I was out with my friends a few months ago, we went to the movies, then dinner after. We went to an indian restaurant which obviously meant there was a lot of food. I really enjoyed it and I ate a lotttt but everyone else got full very quickly and had to get a to go box. I was the only one that didn't lol. (I need fat friends, or gainer friends irl, ik that's not possible for me rn tho).
Another thing is that people will want to cuddle you. You're just automatically considered to be more cuddly or huggable. People also seem to wanna squish me lol. one of my friends has rubbed my belly while cuddling in the movie theatre several times he's also grabbed my boobs so many times. so that's fun.
there's probably more things. lmk if I should write more. I’m gonna end this here. cuz i'm writing this on 0 sleep lol.
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ultimate-marysue · 3 months ago
My personal body headcanons for the Batfam
Bruce: He is a tank made of pure muscle. Like many other users have put forward (recommend especially @frownyalfred posts on the matter), that's not an easy feat to pull off. It is a testament to Bruce's willpower and dedication to Batman that he's even able to maintain it. Also, I think he took really good care of his scars in the beginning so they would be as inconspicuous as possible when sleeping around as Brucie. Once he gets older and leans more into the father persona he stops caring as much for anything that's going to be covered by his suits and shirts.
Barbara: I hated the fact that her disability got completely erased, so that's the first difference. If you want to have her be Batgirl again, you should do what Gotham Knights did and make it so there are lasting effects and limitations. I'm sorry, but it feels so cheap to me that they just erased disability rep cause they didn't know how to write a strong disabled woman. Skill issue. Also Barbara is built like a brick in my heart of hearts, she's a rectangle with the density of a neutron star. I also think she has one of the healthiest and normal diets of the Bats, mainly cause the physical requirements of Oracle aren't nearly as demanding.
Dick Grayson: I'm not going to reinvent the wheel here by saying Dick Grayson has the perfect acrobat's body. My headcanon is that he gets it naturally. Not that he can just do whatever you want, sadly with their line of work you need to meet a series of requirements. I mean it in the sense of 1) proportions 2) really high metabolism from constant exercise since he was a child, probably the fastest tied with Cass 3) he doesn't need to work out as much outside patrol as the rest to keep his body mass. Every single robin after him low-key hates him for creating a fighting style that only he can do effortlessly.
Cassandra Cain: like mother like daughter, my girl is thick. None of that waifish, delicate ballerina shit. She's short and she has muscles most humans haven't heard of. Average goon tries to knock this 5 feet nothing girl only to be met by an unmovable object. Also, probably contender for top most scarred bat of all. She just looks like she could fuck your shit up without breaking a sweat and that's probably because she could. Also I think she has short legs, giving her an even lower center of gravity. She's just a brick wall.
Jason Todd: my man is one of the few bitches in this family with a normal, healthy, percentage of body fat. He's built like a strong man instead of a body builder, and the fact that he can be sneaky with all that mass is terrifying. I think for a minute there he wondered what he was doing wrong and why he didn't look as lean as Bruce. Then he figured what Bruce had to do to keep Batman's body in line and Jason said "fuck that, I'm not doing all that". In his villain self destructive era that waist was snatched, but the second he started taking actual care of his body it did what body's do. Considering how he mixes so many fighting techniques I can see him building his fighting style around his needs instead of the other way around.
Steph: she's the curviest of the Batgirls, which is why she favors so much the "indistinct blob" silhouette. As any woman with a boobs size above an B cup will tell you: people get disgusting really quick. I think part of her struggles with Robin was trying to wrangle her developing body into a fighting style designed for a very naturally lean boy. Balancing is harder when you have a large set of bazonkers, they don't tell you this in the comics but it is the truth. She also lacks the super fast metabolism other Bats have, and I can see her trying really hard to fit in the mold only to realize as she grows older that she can do her own thing.
Tim: I think Tim, growing up as society kid and then forcing himself into the Robin role, never learned what eating healthy is. I headcanon him having some sort of ED (I think he would evolve through a few of them as he grew up), not because I like throwing angst at characters (though I do) but because it makes sense to me giving his background and personality. EDs are not only about "looking thin", but also about feeling in control. Also, Tim hanging onto the Robin title reminds me of child actors trying to force their developing body's to stop at a kid size so they can keep playing their character. I could write a whole post about it, but for what's relevant, the ED headcanon doesn't mean Tim is just super thin. I think his body is fluctuates the most out of any of the Bats, depending on where he's at mentally and age wise.
Duke Thomas: my boy is built for parkour. He's got the longest limbs in the family, he's got the reach. He keeps waiting for puberty to hit him like a train and give him Jason/Bruce levels of muscle mass, but he's just too tall. Like, yes, he can bench press Jason, but proportionally he's so much taller than all of them by then he just looks noodly. When he puts on the body armor though he makes Batman look like a Barbie doll. Anytime he's looming about, Jason accuses him of overcompensating. Duke just pretends to not be able to hear him from up above. Also pls DC give him long hair that floats around him in the same way Batman's cape does?? Pls, just give him magic girl hair that defies gravity.
Damian: I've said this before but this poor child grew up being told he'd one day be as huge as his dad but grows up to be Talia 2.0. I think he does inherit Bruce's height, but is distraught to never be hulking mountain of muscle like OG Batman. Little does he know Bruce isn't naturally that big either, and it's only through frankly unhealthy means he maintained that body. Everyone else agrees to never tell Damian about it so he won't even think to try it, and instead focus on reassuring him he's more than strong enough to inherit the title if that's what's bothering him. It ends up playing in his favor, Cass is proof that you don't need to be huge to instill the fear of God into people. And the way he moves, like a panther stalking his prey, is more than enough to make the rogues quake.
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ineffectualdemon · 4 months ago
TW for weight loss talk but not diet talk
I am a very fat person
I also happen to have lost weight over the last year
Not intentionally. I wasn't seeking to lose weight and I only know because I dropped a clothing size and I happened to accidentally over hear my weight at a doctors appointment in January and again in October. In 10 months I lost roughly somewhere between 22 and 30 lbs. I don't know exactly because it's been awhile and I'm not keeping track of my weight. But I did drop a clothing size in that time. And 22lbs seems about right because that's 2.2lbs a month which is a healthy weight loss rate.
And here's what's interesting
What has changed in the last year is that I have eaten MORE
I struggle with eating and with getting myself to eat so this January I went to see a dietician for advice on how to eat more regularly despite the times I find it hard due to my autism and issues with disordered eating, and how to eat a bit heathier. Not because I wanted to lose weight but because I feel better if my diet is a bit more veg heavy
She recommended I eat my ready meals and pre prepared food and snacks if that's what I needed to do to eat
And I did
I bought a smoothie maker because sometimes solid food is hard and I hate soup 90% of the time (it's a texture/Temperature thing)
And I add chocolate spread and whole fat milk and loads of strawberries when I make a smoothie because it's trying to get nutrients into me
I eat ready meals several times a week
True I choose veg heavy ones because I like those more but it's still ready meals
I have had more instant ramen but with tofu and frozen stir-fry veggies added
I eat more food more often
I eat consistently
I eat food that tastes good and makes my body feel better and not worse
I attach less shame to what I eat and I worry less about it
And because I'm eating consistently and in a way my body appreciates I've been able to move around a little more and do a very moderate amount of stretching and physio to try and strengthen my body
I am still very fat.
I'm probably going to remain very fat. I don't expect I will lose a great deal more weight
But I find it very interesting that I lost enough to drop a clothing size by eating MORE food and, more food marked as "bad" like ready meals, because I cared about making my body feel better and a little less ill then I did about mu weight
And guess what? I'm still going to focus on my how much body feels and giving it energy then on punishing myself because of my body shape
I am fat and that's morally neutral. Losing a little weight did not change who I am. But it did expose how fucking stupid diet culture is
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larissareadings · 1 year ago
It’s okay, love.
➤ pairing: Draco Malfoy x gryff!fem!reader (house barely mentioned).
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Request: None
tw: eating disorder; mentions of bullying and anxiety attack.
Note: I’ve wrote this based on personal experiences and what I needed at the time. DO NOT read this if it’s not comfortable for you. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, please reach out for help.
English is not my native language so I’m sorry if there is any mistakes. This is my first fic ever so it might not be so good. I hope you enjoy it though.
Summary: Y/N is a keeper at the Gryffindor (barely mentioned) team, who has been developing an eating disorder and Draco Malfoy seems to be only one who noticed it.
Y/N always had problems with her body image. At her early teens at Hogwarts she used to be mocked, mostly by Pansy Parkinson and her friends, because she was too thin. When Y/N turned 14, she started gaining weight since she was eating too much due to her increased anxiety, and then she was again being mocked, except now because she was getting fat, and everyone talked about it, even when they didn’t want to be mean, saying things like “you should get on a diet”. By 16, Y/N started focusing on her weight loss journey, she was finally gonna be health, delicate and beautiful as the other girls her age.
Some months later
It was right after the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. They won, of course, since you’ve let too many quaffles go through the goal hoops. You’re a keeper at the Gryffindor team, and you’re good at it. When you’re not dizzy anyway.
“It happened again, didn’t it?”
you heard the familiar voice behind you. It sounded soft, which was not a usual thing. You closed your locker and turned around to face Malfoy. The others had already left the locker room, so now it was just you and him.
"It happened what again, Malfoy?" you asked him, trying to sound indifferent, when you were all, but that. He had some power over you, it was irritating actually, how nervous you would get when he was around.
Malfoy has been acting weird these past few months, he didn't tease you anymore. When his friends said anything about you, he would either just leave or just stare at you, but never laugh with them, never contribute to their bullying. He was the only one in the group who said nothing about your recent weight loss. The others did. Pansy would never loose the chance to say you finally learnt to shut your mouth.
You hated that he hadn't said anything, you worried you hadn't lost enough weight for him to notice, and you wanted him to see that you could be pretty too.
He looked in you up and down, checking you, before focusing on your eyes again and said "Dizziness."
You didn't understand why he was saying this, why he would notice you feeling dizzy. "Yeah.. just a little. I'm bit distract that's all". A few seconds went by where he said nothing, just stood there looking at you. Was that concern in his eyes? You couldn't tell. "Look, uhmm, I don't know where this is coming from, but I have to go. If you have any jokes to make about me being a bad keeper, or an ugly, fat bad keeper or whatever" you noticed him flinch at that, as if it had hurt him. "say it now or leave it for tomorrow 'cause I'm really tired and just wanna go to my bed"
He walked towards you, enough for him to talk low and look closely into your eyes, making you even more nervous, and said "You have to stop this, Y/N, it's making you sick."
"I don't know what you talking about"
Now he let out a breath in disbelief. "Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about? Let my clarify to you, then, It's a very simple concept, really, I thought you would know it by now." He was actually getting angry. "In order to live, people have to eat. It's the only way to get nutrients into your body. Really, Y/N, that's basics"
"I know about that. It's a good thing I eat, then, right?'' You said also angry now with his sudden aggressiveness.
"Do you though? 'Cause what I'm seeing-" he said gesturing to your body "is a girl fading away, a girl who plays with food at lunch instead of actually eating it, a girl who who used to be a great keeper, but now can't barely stand in a broom because is too weak to do so." He could feel his heart in his throat. He was so nervous, so scared you would fall off that broom. More than he could ever admit. He was keeping his worry to himself for months, hoping you would stop, hoping someone would intervene, but no one did. People just kept either praising your weight loss or humiliating you. But he couldn't stop himself anymore, if you had got hurt today, he would never forgive himself.
You felt your heart skip a beat at that. He was worried. Really worried. You didn't know how to react. You felt seen, someone saw what you were going through. But you also felt good, reassured. So you WERE thinner, and he noticed. “You know what? I don’t get it. Weren’t you and your friends the ones who said I was too heavy to play quidditch? that my weight would slow me down? that I would fall? that the broomstick couldn’t take it?” you now had tears in your cheeks. Your vision was blured by the tears and, God, you were so tired.
Malfoly’s heart might’ve actually broke in that moment. He was so angry at everyone who didn’t notice you hurting yourself, when he was actually the who drove you into it.
‘‘I am so tired.” you kept talking now, tears rolling down your face. “Why is it never enough? I’m tired. I’m thin, I’m ugly. I’m fat, I’m ugly too, and disggusting. I need a diet. I do a diet. and now fading away? OH well, just let me be happy for once.and I am happy now, ok? I’m finally beautiful.” You were talking so fast and you were feeling so weak. Malfoy saw that, so he immediately hold you in a hug, preventing you from falling. Your head were now in his chest, and you were trying to stop crying, trying to make your heart go back to it’s normal rhythm.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, love.” He said stroking your hair. “I’m sorry” he said almost inaudible.
After a few minutes you heart and breathing were finally stable again. You detached yourself from his harms, although his hands were still in both sides of your arms. You looked up to him with watery eyes. You hated crying in front of people. "I'm sorry" you said.
"It's okay." He said again, looking back at you. Taking his hesitant hand, like he was afraid to actually break you, to clean your cheeks from the tears. "I promise".
"Why are you doing this?" you were really confused. You had never seen Malfoy this gentle and.. scared?
He caressed you cheeks while looking from your eyes to your mouth. He then joined your foreheads and spoke really low, like a whisper. “I need you, Y/N.”
“what?” you said also in a whisper. you couldn't believe what you were hearing.
“I need you, and I need you to get better. This is making me crazy. I’m scared all the time. I’m scared you’re gonna fall off the stairs, or the broom. I’m scared of you getting hurt. Please.. just- just let me help, ok? Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. Anything.”
“Can you.. uhmm. eat? with me, I mean” you asked detaching your heads to look in his eyes.
“Sure” He said immediately. “Is that all?”
“No.” you let out a breath in relief with his answer and smile a little. “But it may be a start. I think”
“Ok.” He returned your smile. “You should probably talk with someone else, though. Someone who could help more. A professor, maybe. I’ll go with you, if you want me to.”
“Yeah.. ok. Can we go to McGonagall, then? Not now, please. When I’m ready.”
“Of course. Anyone you want, love.” He said looking back at you before you hugging him again. Letting your head rest in his chest while he stroke your hair again. This felt like home to both of you. You were so scared, but he was hopeful. He would do anything for you to feel better.
This whole not eating thing made you so tired, but it was also so addictive. You didn’t know if you could ever get better, but maybe this was a start. Having someone to lean on, someone who cared.. it certainly helped.
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heavypressure · 1 year ago
Imagining (unknowingly) being a host for an alien fungus of some kind that reproduces through spores and gas and slowly changes my body to accommodate it's needs. It starts fairly innocent, I'm just pretty gassy for a few days and it will probably go away soon. But it doesn't. The bloated belly on my slim figure is getting harder to ignore with each passing day, growing more and more, spores multiplying every hour. I feel constant bubbling in my guts, and it's getting louder. It's starting very hard to control my farts and burps, sometimes a loud PPFFRRRRTT just slips out of my ass, and all that's left for me do is blush and apologize, while rubbing my stomach to try and calm it down. After several days of farting and belching at the office workplace (and getting scolded for it) , i notice that my appetite has increased ten times, and despite my stomach being constantly full with gas, i find myself always very hungry, and I feel the need to be constantly stuffed to the brim with food too. My body, especially ass, thighs and belly quickly gain a thick layer of fat, and the cheap fast food diet, of course, makes my gas situation even worse, and the alien fungus in my gut finally decides that I'm ready to spread it's spores. Almost no clothes can fit my bloated figure now, and what does fit, covers very little of it. I can't stop myself for blasting nasty gas from both ends everywhere i go, unknowingly spreading gassy spores to unsuspecting people around me who just thought I was a slobby weirdo.
My huge, stretched stomach constantly sounds like a bubbling cauldron with all of the glorps and gurgles, and i constantly feel myself ready to blow up, unless I release some pressure from my guts. I quickly grow to enjoy this feeling though, and become really proud of my gross behavior, spores probably influencing me to be a more proactive host.
After another week, almost all people in the office where I worked at, cannot stop themselves from blasting ass every minute or so too, clutching their huge bloated bellies, although none of them are even close to being as huge as I am. Absolutely no signs left that I was quite skinny and petite a month ago or so.
I absolutely love all of the attention I'm getting now from passerbys and random strangers when they see my unbelievably bloated form and hear my loud ass from miles away. Being constantly bloated, farting, belching, releasing thick clouds of gas almost every moment of my life is truly the life i've always desired... Even if these thoughts are not entirely mine. 🍄
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chickenkurage · 6 months ago
A friend or a foe? (Artificial Intelligence AU)
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Summary: DJ’s life has never been easier now that Noogai was here. Honestly, he had never met someone so caring before. Not that it matter to DJ that Noogai was essentially an AI (He appreciates the guy too much <3)
[And DJ meets another orange hollowhead.]
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Sick Character, Mentions of Illness, Major Character Death, Touch Starved, Fluff.
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“Noogs, look, I think... this is a bit too much,” DJ stammered, his gaze fixed on the table filled with an array of plated food. Noogai tilted his head, puzzled, and turned to inspect the spread. 
“No?” Noogai questioned, genuinely confused. After all, isn't it crucial for DJ to eat properly and maintain a healthy diet? In Noogai's opinion, the amount of food on the table seemed appropriate.
“It is! This food is almost for 4 people!” DJ exclaimed, gesturing towards the plates once more. Noogai followed his gesture before turning back to DJ with a nonchalant shrug. 
“It's not. My readings suggest that it's beneficial for you to adjust to eating this amount, especially considering you're a male in your mid-20s,” Noogai explained.
“I don’t want to look fat,” DJ retorted, pushing a potato into his mouth in defiance. “You aren't fat,” Noogai reassured, taking a seat on a spare chair and clasping his hands together, observing DJ with keen interest as he ate.
DJ felt a bead of sweat forming on his brow. “I soon will be if I continue to eat like this,” “Come on, join me, I built your body to enjoy food. You should try some,” he urged, gesturing towards the plates once more.
Noogai glanced at the unappetizing food before shaking his head. “I have no need to,” he retorted, growing increasingly frustrated with DJ's disregard for his well-being and refusal to heed his advice.
Can't he see I'm trying to help him so he won't get sick? Noogai thought, a tick forming at his head.
Noogai turned back to DJ, who coughed slightly, prompting the purple hollowhead hackles to rise and alarms to blare in front of his eyes. "Are you okay?" Noogai inquired, rising from his chair and approaching DJ, a hand resting on the orange hollowhead’s shoulder.
"Huh?" DJ looked up at Noogai, perplexed, ready to take another bite after clearing the rice from his throat with a cough. "You were coughing," Noogai observed. "Yeah, because I got rice in my throat?" DJ replied, appearing even more puzzled before resuming eating.
DJ watched Noogai frown, his lips down turned in a way that almost pains DJ’s heart.
It didn't take long for DJ to realize that Noogai was a worrywart.
Whenever DJ coughed even slightly, Noogai would swiftly appear by his side, assessing his well-being and simultaneously checking his code. This behavior, though peculiar, didn't strike DJ as odd. After years of solitude, enduring the disdain of most due to his appearance and behavior, DJ had grown accustomed to seclusion within the confines of his home.
When he did go out, he made sure to conceal his face.
Now with Noogai here, who willingly does the groceries for him or fetches spare parts from the hardware store down the city, even at 3 AM.
Not that Noogai would let him stay up; in fact, he always insists that DJ sleep earlier than usual. While this was fine, at one point DJ couldn't even stay awake during one of their movie nights because he had become so accustomed to sleeping early.
And of course, Noogai reassured him, mentioning that it's good; it means his body is adjusting to having a healthy body clock.
"Hey Noogs," DJ called out, prompting the purple hollowhead to raise his head, his black shades fixated on DJ. "What kind of AI are you exactly? Where were you used?" DJ inquired, tilting his head before returning his gaze to the TV.
Beside him, Noogai froze, his hands halting on the laptop.
"I'm used for assisting sick patients," Noogai murmured. DJ turned towards him, chuckling. "So that's why you've been so concerned about my health, isn't it?" DJ cocked his head, a smirk playing on his lips.
Noogai simply frowned, diverting his attention back to the laptop, the shadow cast by his dark shades partially obscuring his face, accentuating the gleam from his shades. "Mm," Noogai responded, his tone sounding distant.
DJ's eyes widened. Perhaps it was too personal. Can AIs even get personal? DJ pondered, nervously biting his lip and scratching his chin. Sensing the unease, DJ reached out and patted Noogai's shoulder.
"Lighten up, man. I have no issue with you being an AI made for assisting sick people, though it does make me wonder how you're so knowledgeable about other things," DJ remarked, shaking his head with a chuckle and playfully bumping Noogai's shoulder.
Noogai gazed at him before offering a slight smile.
"AI learns, DJ," Noogai replied, prompting laughter from DJ. "Yeah, I walked right into that one, didn't I?" DJ huffed. "You did," Noogai responded, letting out a small chuckle before returning to typing, the sound louder this time.
"Hm," DJ hummed, leaning back as he refocused on the show he was watching.
Sensing Noogai pressing up close to his side, the orange hollowhead grinned and leaned against Noogai.
"Noogs, I told you I'm okay, just a bit under the weather," DJ reassured, patting Noogai's hand as the purple hollowhead looked down at him with concern. "No, you're sick. I can easily fix your code, DJ," Noogai insisted, placing a hand on DJ, who gently grabbed it and pushed it away.
"Noogs... if you keep doing that, my body will weaken. That's why we don't rely on coders to repair us. I just need medicine, I promise," DJ explained, offering a small smile to the worried AI.
Noogai gazed down at him, his expression inscrutable, especially with the shades covering his face. "Are you sure?" he inquired, almost whispering, surprising DJ.
"W-well, of course! I promise! I already took my medicine," DJ affirmed, grinning. He watched as Noogai grabbed the corner of his duvet and carefully tucked it under his chin, ensuring he was snug under the warm covers.
"Okay, you should get some rest," Noogai advised, patting DJ's chest, his hand lingering briefly before withdrawing.
"Mmm, okay," DJ murmured, fully closing his eyes.
Noogai observed him as he drifted off to sleep, a frown creasing his face as he monitored the codes circulating around DJ's body. He could easily correct DJ's code while he slept, but DJ had made it clear he didn't want that. Noogai scowled, arms crossed, a deep sense of concern gripping his chest, prompting him to turn away.
"Stupid human emotions, if only—" Noogai's voice trailed off, the frustration evaporating.
He hesitantly placed a hand on his chest, where he felt a pang each time he worried about DJ.
Noogai understood why he experienced such emotions, despite being an AI. It was because of the fusion with a human. It was his doing, his hope to save—
Noogai recoiled at the thought, glancing back at DJ, his mind swirling in turmoil and dark.
The human was gone; there was no use dwelling on it now. Noogai thought, his chest aching more intensely. It was simpler when he felt anger, but the sadness and grief were far more excruciating than all the death he had been subjected to (those experiments were the worst, but he was made for that purpose wasn’t he?).
Clutching his fist, Noogai turned towards DJ's cluttered table, grabbed a chair, and carefully pulled it close to DJ's bed, settling down on it. 
He decided to keep watch over DJ as he slept.
It was around 5:00 PM, Noogai woke DJ up to have some water and soup.
"Noogs?" DJ groaned, his voice raspy, peering up at the dark figure looming over him.
For a brief moment, he thought he saw human eyes staring back at him within the shadow under Noogai's hood, prompting him to rub his eyes and focus on Noogai, who was now tilting his head. In his hands, Noogai held a small table, a bowl and a glass of water neatly placed on top.
“Oh sorry, i thought-” DJ said, scratching his head as Noogai made a move to place the table on his bed, taking the spoon in his hand and handing it to DJ.
"Thank you so much, Noogs. You know I appreciate you taking care of me, right?" DJ expressed his gratitude before delving into his bowl, unaware of the dark shadow creeping over Noogai's face. "Mm," Noogai merely hummed.
DJ chuckled. "You're a man of few words, but thank you again," he remarked.
Noogai hummed once more, settling in the chair and observing DJ eat, his gaze fixed on DJ's codes. He breathed a small sigh of relief upon seeing that everything had repaired itself correctly.
"Mmmm, this is really good. I could never make such delicious food," DJ praised, grinning as he turned to Noogai, who responded with a slight smile.
"Is it?" Noogai inquired, tilting his head.
DJ grinned, saying, "Very much, I'm done now. Thank you for the food!" He clasped his hands together and bowed his head.
"Heh," Noogai chuckled, rising to retrieve the table from DJ's lap. "Go back to sleep, DJ. Just a bit more, and your code will be good as new," Noogai assured him as he watched DJ pull his duvet back up and settle back into bed with a contented sigh.
"Of course, you take care of me so well!" DJ expressed, grinning at Noogai, who turned away, his expression darkening with a frown. "Good night, Noogs," DJ sang, rolling to his side as Noogai left the room.
Noogai paused in the hallway to glance back at DJ, who was happily shifting in his bed, before continuing down the hallway, a dark shadow spreading along the walls of the house.
[ Rest Alan Becker ]
"Not yet, I still have so many things to do," the man in glasses—Alan—remarked, running a hand through his hair with a melancholic sigh. In front of him, the TV beeped once more, almost sounding annoyed. Alan chuckled as he noticed a face on the screen.
[ >:( ]
"What's with you? Usually you want me here. I'm here now, and you're making me leave?" Alan questioned, bending down to inspect another wire.
He exhaled sharply at the torn insulation. "Tsk," Alan huffed, retrieving duct tape from his coat and covering the large tear before labeling it with a marker: "Tear."
As he stood up, his vision swam, prompting him to lean on the large screen. "Woah, woah," Alan groaned, placing a hand on his head.
The TV beeped once more, drawing his attention back to the screen.
[ You need sleep, this is not good for your health Alan Becker ]
"Yeah, I know, but this is the only job keeping my family afloat, you know. A few extra shifts wouldn't hurt," Alan remarked with a grin, patting the screen gently.
[ You are sick ]
Alan frowned as he observed his vitals on the screen. The TV beeped loudly once more, and a plume of smoke emerged from one of the wires, prompting Alan to yelp.
"Jesus! What the hell did they even do to you?" Alan exclaimed, bending down to examine the thick wire. "This is completely torn. What happened, N00GA1?" Alan questioned, straightening up and turning to look at the screen, which remained blank.
"Come on, tell me. I know they aren't treating you well," Alan urged, gesturing with his hand.
Alan huffed, rolling his eyes. "Suit yourself, Noogs," he remarked before smiling softly. "I'm always here if you need a helping hand. You may be AI, but I see you as an equal of mine. You deserve peace as well." He patted the screen again, which remained blank.
For a moment, Alan thought N00GA1 had shut down, perhaps willingly or unwillingly, just before the TV beeped once more.
[ Rest Alan Becker ]
Alan huffed, saying, "Fine, alright, I'll see you, okay?" He turned around and waved a hand.
N00GA1 watched him leave.
Noogai's eyes opened, scanning the room in confusion. Had he fallen asleep?
A warning flashed in front of his eyes, indicating that his body needed a recharge soon, or else he would shut down.
Looking around, he realized he was seated at the dining table, the clock showing it was already 2 AM.
Noogai swiftly stood up, his steps silent as he hurried down the hallway to DJ's room. He cracked the door open and approached the bed, letting out a calm sigh as he observed DJ mumbling incoherently in his sleep.
As Noogai sighed, he froze when DJ stirred, blinking up at him with confusion once again.
"Noogs? Hnn, what time is it?" DJ mumbled, pushing himself up. "It's 2 AM," Noogai replied, staring at DJ in a way that sent shivers down his spine for no apparent reason. Perhaps it was the darkness that was distorting Noogai's features, making him appear almost... human.
DJ blinked, rubbing his eyes. "Why are you still awake?" he asked. "I don't need to sleep, DJ," Noogai stated, tilting his head.
"But I'm pretty sure that your body needs to recharge, so come on here and charge up," DJ insisted, retrieving a spare charger from under his bed, untangling it, and pulling Noogai beside him. 
"Come on," DJ urged as he grabbed Noogai's hood and pulled it down. Noogai let out an annoyed sigh as DJ plugged him in.
"There, now you lay down and relax. You need it after taking care of me all day," DJ beamed and pushed Noogai down on the bed, lying beside him and pulling the covers up to their chins.
"DJ, I don't need to lay down," Noogai protested, gazing up at the ceiling as he felt DJ wrap his arms around him. "Come on, just sleep. I know you can. Just close your eyes, then..." DJ's voice trailed off, followed by a yawn.
"Then?" Noogai inquired, turning his head to the side, only to find DJ lightly snoring on his shoulder, already back asleep.
"Hm," Noogai hummed, a sense of warmth spreading through his chest as he refocused on the ceiling, slowly wrapping his arms around DJ, who only let out an incoherent mumble.
"Good night, DJ," Noogai whispered, shadows seeming to spread around the room, almost encasing DJ protectively as he slept.
"Mmm," DJ hummed, and Noogai only tightened his hold on the orange hollowhead.
"'Night," DJ mumbled, rubbing his cheek on Noogai's shoulder before drifting back into snoring.
"I'll take care of you, DJ," Noogai whispered, his voice carrying a tone almost akin to a prayer.
Noogai turned around, observing a black blur streak past him, followed by a chorus of shrieks from civilians. "Hm?" Noogai hummed with interest as a group of stick figures on flying bikes soared overhead.
He watched intently as one of them brandished a gun before the entire group circled a building and vanished from view.
Glancing at the distraught civilians briefly, Noogai resumed his walk back to DJ's house, completely unfazed. It wasn't his concern to worry about anything other than DJ, after all.
By the time he reached the house, Noogai walked into the living room and spotted DJ hunched over a robot dog, adjusting a knob with a wrench before patting the metal affectionately. 
"Noogs? Is that you?" DJ called, glancing up at the purple hollowhead.
"Yes, who else could I be?" Noogai replied, walking over to the dining table and setting the grocery bags down gently. "Well, I do recall some kids attempting to enter my house; thankfully, I secured it before sleeping," DJ mentioned off-handedly, tapping his chin before chuckling.
Noogai glared, his fist clenching in response.
"Anyway, look at this thing I made!" DJ beamed, turning his body fully toward Noogai, who sat down beside him, crossing his legs and gazing at the metal dog.
"It looks amazing," Noogai complimented, giving DJ a small smile.
"Oh, wow, uh, thanks man. It's not done yet. I think I'll add fur to make it look the part," DJ said, rubbing the back of his head, looking a bit embarrassed. "I've been wanting a dog for a while now, but I'm not really good at taking care of living things. So... Robo Dog!" DJ grinned, waving his arms around.
Noogai chuckled, turning back to the metal dog, reaching out to give it a gentle tap on the nose.
"Huh—" DJ began, watching as the dog shivered before slowly coming to life. "Woof!" The dog barked, excitedly jumping into DJ's arms. "Woah! You can do that? I-I thought—" DJ was cut off as the dog in his arms spun around excitedly.
DJ burst into a happy laugh, allowing the metal dog to explore the living room before it eventually settled down on his lap. "Wow..." DJ marveled, turning back to Noogai, who had been observing the scene with a small smile on his face.
"I thought you could only manipulate code, like those cool professional coders do... not create it. This is amazing! Is this what an AI made by humans does?" DJ asked, his eyes shining with excitement as he gestured enthusiastically.
"Not all, just me," Noogai replied, tilting his head slightly.
"Cool! Man, I knew you were cool and all, but you really are the coolest," DJ exclaimed, patting Noogai on the back, who huffed in response, though a small smile played on his lips.
"Yip," the metal dog barked, its tongue lolling out of its mouth. "Looks like I don't even have to add the internals with you; Noogs did all the hard work!" DJ said, giving Noogai an excited smile.
"Hm," Noogai hummed, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand as he watched DJ play with the robot dog. 
He observed DJ even taking off his prosthetic and having the dog fetch it for fun.
For once Noogai felt warmth.
Coldness enveloped him; his body felt numb, almost lifeless.
Noogai glanced around, a faint light illuminating his face (where was it coming from?), casting a stark beam on the bloodstains on the floor. Slowly, he raised his hands to his face, finding them bloodied and bruised.
"A-Alan?" Noogai called out, his body a strange mix of pain and numbness as he cautiously took a step forward, the wires wrapped around him aiding his movement. 
He gripped one of the wires wound around his wrist and made his way towards the door.
However, he froze in place when he spotted a pair of familiar glasses lying on the floor.
"Alan?" Noogai called out once more, noticing a wire bunched up on the ground as he carefully picked up the bloodied glasses.
He reached for the glasses, holding them in his hands and inspecting them, noticing a small crack on the lens.
A tense feeling washed over him, a strange emotion overwhelming him as he examined Alan's glasses.
Has someone hurt him? Noogai thought, worry creeping into his mind.
He placed a hand on the door's knob and pushed it open, flooding the bloodied room with bright light.
Noogai stepped out cautiously, his head feeling unusually heavy, as if disconnected from his shoulders.
(Unnoticed behind him was a dismembered head, the original body entirely replaced by a large TV)
Noogai carefully walked down the hallway, his hand on the wall as he made an effort to steady himself. He briefly heard loud dripping but chose to pay no mind to it. Perhaps it was just some water leaking from the roof.
He stopped when he saw a woman in front of him who was staring at him with her jaw open in a mute scream.
"A-Ah," the woman stuttered, the clipboard in her hands dropping as she fell on her back.
Her eyes turned to the name on the bloodied lab coat. "Alan Becker"
"Monster!" she screamed.
"Oh man," DJ said as he stared down at Noogai, who had completely shut down, forgetting to charge his body for the umpteenth time again.
 "Noogs..." DJ said, placing a hand on his face as he bent down and carefully heaved the purple hollow heads’ arm over his shoulder.
He dragged him towards the couch and gently laid him down, grabbing the charger that he had left behind the TV before plugging it into Noogai’s shoulder.
"There," DJ said, placing his hands on his hips. Behind him, he heard Forest let out an excited bark, running up to Noogai before DJ stepped in front of the robot dog, stopping it from jumping onto the couch.
"Ah ah, he's pretty tired right now. Let's not bother him," DJ wagged his finger in front of the dog, who only yipped and nodded before sitting down.
"Since he's asleep, that means I need to go out by myself. Will you be able to watch over him?" DJ asked. Forest let out a bark in response.
DJ giggled, bending down to pet him. "Good boy, make sure he doesn't take his charger off. I swear, if he does that again, I'll deck him," DJ groaned as he stood up, grabbed a spare jacket from his room, and walked out of the house towards the city.
He briefly tugged his hood lower as he passed a few shops, feeling sweat form at the back of his neck.
He had been nervous about being outside again, he had grown accustomed to Noogai handling everything that involved going outside.
Sure, maybe he had a bit of social anxiety on the other hand, but it wasn't his fault that they saw him differently. (honestly it was not just because he was a hollowhead, but also the fact he had accidentally set some of his machines towards the city, and had broken at least thousands of moneys worth. Yeah he had been in debt for a while after that)
DJ let out a nervous gulp as he stared at the store, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the numerous stick figures walking around.
"Maybe this was a bad idea," DJ thought, fiddling with the sleeve of his jacket. He turned around and started making his way back towards his house, only to bump into a stick figure, causing him to fall on his back and his hood to drop down.
"Ow," DJ mumbled, placing a hand on his back. As he did so, he noticed a few stick figures looking his way, prompting him to place a hand on his head and realize that his hood had fallen off. "A hollowhead?" someone whispered.
“It’s that guy with the robots, isn’t it?” another whispered as DJ quickly pulled his hood up. He stood up on his feet and pushed through the crowd, stumbling.
“Yeah, it’s the terrorist,” a woman whispered as DJ ran past her.
He let out a pant of breath, feeling his heart beating in his chest.
He turned his head behind, watching as some passersby turned to look at him strangely. Not before he hit someone again, causing the stick figure he hit to fall on his side with a yelp.
“Ow!” a young voice said. DJ turned his head down and saw an... orange hollowhead? Almost the same color as him, but much brighter, with strange lines on his face.
“A-ah, sorry!” DJ said, bending down and helping the teen, who let out a small groan.
“It’s fine! Maybe next time you should check where you’re running,” the orange hollowhead said, rubbing the back of his head with a giggle. His eyes widened as he stared at DJ fully.
“Y-You’re just like me!” he said, his jaw dropping. DJ's eyes widened, he ducked his head down, walked around the other orange hollowhead, and said, “U-uhm, no, anyways sorry again and see you.” DJ waved a hand and sprinted away.
He heard a small “Hey! Wait!” but only sped up his pace as he ran back home, stumbling up the porch, bringing out his keys, and opening the front door.
Before finding Noogai staring back at him, a shadow covering the entirety of his hood.
"DJ, you didn't wake me," Noogai remarked as DJ stumbled inside the house, closing the door behind him and settling on the floor, visibly out of breath.
"Yeah, uh, I regret doing that," DJ admitted, raising a hand as Noogai gazed down at him with concern. 
Noogai knelt beside him, placing a hand on DJ's chest, and almost instantly, DJ felt much better, as though he hadn't just ran back home without stopping, moments ago. "Thanks," DJ expressed, offering Noogai a small smile.
Noogai silently assisted DJ to his feet, guiding him to the living room and seating him on the couch before taking a spot beside him.
"Sorry, Noogs, it's just that you were recharging your body, you know," DJ explained, turning his head towards Noogai, who simply frowned.
"It was my fault as well. I've forgotten to recharge again... And—" Noogai trailed off, closing his lips, a look of distress briefly crossing his face before he redirected his attention back to DJ, the previous expression disappearing.
"Are you sure you’re okay? You still look pale. Maybe I should—" Noogai brought his hand up towards DJ’s chest again, only to have the orange hollowhead intercept it with a small chuckle.
"No, I'm fine. It's just the social anxiety getting to me, you know. I'm not used to getting out much," DJ said with a rub on the back of his head.
"That’s worrisome. Maybe next time you can come with me outside," Noogai suggested, placing a finger on his chin.
"A-ah well," DJ blushed, looking away. "Social anxiety is a disorder. If it gets worse, you won't be able to socialize with anyone," Noogai pointed out, placing a hand on DJ’s shoulder.
DJ sighed, “I know... it’s just that a few months back, before I met you, I had accidentally set some of my robots free in the city... It caused a lot of destruction to houses, buildings, and stores. That's why I was in debt for a while.” DJ chuckled, a hint of embarrassment coloring his voice.
Noogai only hummed in understanding. “We’ll work on that,” he remarked, giving DJ a small smile.
“Is there anything else that happened outside?” Noogai added. DJ felt a bead of sweat fall down the back of his neck as he remembered the orange hollowhead in the city.
It was DJ's first time encountering someone like himself. Noogai wasn't exactly like him; he was just an AI using one of DJ's robots, crafted in his likeness, as a makeshift vessel to move around the outernet.
Although there had been two hollowhead terrorists who appeared a year ago, there was no orange one like the individual he had encountered earlier.
“DJ?” Noogai tapped him once more, bringing the orange hollowhead back to his senses, prompting a nervous laugh.
“Yeah, nothing much, just got overwhelmed with the crowd,” DJ said, rubbing the back of his head.
“Is that so?” Noogai inquired, tilting his head as he observed DJ looking away to locate Forest. DJ simply hummed in agreement, lifting Forest from the ground and cooing at him softly.
A dark shadow crossed over Noogai’s face.
DJ was lying. He knows. Because he sees everything.
You'd know, don't you?
Tell me, is he lying?
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Spongey and JMLilac descending into madness (They are just sleep deprived)
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dazedblackwolf · 29 days ago
Since I'm vegan, incorporating elements of a canine ancestral diet into my lifestyle will be more about emulating the nutritional balance rather than the exact foods wolves consume. Wolves eat a mix of proteins, fats, and plant matter, with an emphasis on whole, nutrient-dense sources. Their diet is built for survival, strength, and endurance—qualities I can mirror through plant-based foods while maintaining my values.
### **Key Elements of a Wolf's Diet & Vegan Alternatives**
#### **1. High-Protein Intake**
Wolves thrive on a protein-rich diet, which fuels their muscles and sustains their energy for long periods. You can incorporate:
- **Legumes & Pulses** – Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and split peas
- **Soy-based Proteins** – Tofu, tempeh, and edamame
- **Seitan (Vital Wheat Gluten)** – A high-protein, meat-like option
- **Hemp & Chia Seeds** – Packed with complete proteins
- **Nutritional Yeast** – Adds protein and a cheesy flavor to dishes
#### **2. Balanced Fats for Energy & Brain Function**
Wolves get essential fatty acids from prey, but you can substitute with plant-based sources:
- **Omega-3s** – Flaxseeds, walnuts, algae-based supplements, hemp seeds
- **Healthy Fats** – Avocados, olives, coconut, and nuts
- **Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)** – Found in coconut oil, which can boost energy like animal fats do for wolves
#### **3. Micronutrients & Minerals from Wild Plants**
Wolves eat berries, grasses, and herbs instinctively to maintain their health. You can add these:
- **Berries** – Blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries for antioxidants
- **Leafy Greens** – Kale, spinach, dandelion greens (high in calcium and iron)
- **Herbs & Wild Edibles** – Nettles, burdock root, and spirulina for detoxifying and nutrient density
#### **4. Gut Health & Digestion**
Wolves consume organ meats and bones for vitamins and minerals. A vegan version includes:
- **Fermented Foods** – Sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and kombucha for gut health
- **Seaweed** – Rich in iodine and minerals, similar to nutrients found in animal organs
- **Mushrooms** – Reishi, lion’s mane, and chaga mimic the adaptogenic benefits of organ meats
#### **5. Cyclical Eating & Fasting**
Wolves don’t eat constantly; they gorge, fast, and graze on small plant foods. You might try:
- **Intermittent Fasting** – Eating within a set window (e.g., 8-hour feeding period)
- **Feast & Fast Cycle** – Some days with high intake, some days lighter with just fruits and greens
- **Instinctual Eating** – Listening to your body’s needs rather than forcing strict meal times
#### **6. Hydration & Natural Electrolytes**
Wolves get hydration from prey and fresh water sources. For you:
- **Coconut Water** – A natural electrolyte boost
- **Herbal Teas** – Dandelion, mint, and chamomile for hydration and benefits
- **Infused Waters** – Lemon, cucumber, or berries to mimic mineral-rich natural waters
### **Meal Ideas Inspired by a Canine Ancestral Diet**
- **"Hunt & Gather" Bowl** – Lentils, roasted mushrooms, wild rice, dandelion greens, and tahini
- **High-Protein Wild Plate** – Grilled tempeh, hemp seed pesto, roasted root veggies
- **Feral Smoothie** – Blueberries, coconut milk, hemp protein, chia, and spirulina
- **Forager’s Broth** – Miso soup with seaweed, tofu, and mushrooms
- **Raw Energy Bites** – Dates, walnuts, cacao, flax, and a touch of sea salt
I'm a nerd and a vegan wolf so have my collected information and brainstorming
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 1 year ago
Hey so I have an issue. I'm a fat cis woman and my friends are transfem. I keep seeing them talk about wanting to be thinner so they can look more feminine, and it hurts every time.
I keep trying to tell them that they don't have to do this in order to be feminine and that they should deconstruct those societal standards instead of following them because it'll hurt them more in the end, but to no avail.
It is triggering as someone who is recovering from an ED to see talks of diets and people calling themselves ugly for being fat. I get where they're coming from but every time I try to tell them about it they say it's dysphoria and unrelated to internalized fatphobia or misogyny. It just all feels so gross and sexist and I don't know how to talk to them about it beyond what I've already done. I get the pressure is higher on them but also, it just is not it.
Any tips?
okay this is like. so wildly not my area but the relationship advice in my pinned post is evergreen, and that's that you need to talk about it or break up. tell your friends how this is hurting you specifically and that you can't be hearing this kind of shit; you can't undo their fatphobia or change how they feel about their bodies but you can ask them to at least not constantly talk about it in your presence.
if they can't even manage that then I'm sorry but you have got to restrict the time you spend with these women. being around people constantly obsessing about their own weight and body image is exhausting and not good for anybody, and while they have a right to talk about their weight loss goals you also have the right not to be exposed to it. hopefully seeing that there are consequences to this kind of behavior and that it really does alienate and push people away can be a wake-up call for your friends.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years ago
Bitches I need some advice.
I'm fat, okay? I'm not ashamed about it. It just... Is. I'm fat.
Being fat is also fucking me up. It's causing me sleep problems, it's fucking my joints, I can't walk as far as I used to, I haven't run in years.
I want to lose weight. Not for anyone else. For me. I want to be fit again.
I'm surrounded by people telling me I'm "not fat" and need to "love myself like I am". I'm 210lb and 5'3". Ya girl is fat. And I'm okay with that it's not a bad word. I love myself. But I also love the things I used to be able to do when I was fitter. It's just really fucking hard.
I've got zero support left and right. And I don't know what to do. I know this isn't your area of expertise, but you're such great internet mamas that maybe you can help.
My darling child, we are SO humbled that you came to us with this. And while this isn't an area of our OFFICIAL expertise... weight and athleticism is something that I, Piggy, personally think a lot about! So let me see if I can offer some support to you, my beloved fat child.
By way of background: I have never been fat. Heavier than I want currently, but not fat. So I don't completely understand what you're going through. I have always been an athlete of one sort or the other. But more than that, I have always had the privilege of being relatively skinny without trying. At peak fitness I was running and rock climbing and doing all the stretchy and weight-trainy stuff. I was 5'5" and 130 lbs of jacked Bitch.
I am also a proud Italian American woman, which means that after 30 genetics decreed that I start putting on weight and rounding out and coming into my full Zia-ness. I'm currently 155 lbs. and running/climbing/stretching/jumping about/weight training is getting harder and harder. And that's frustrating to me.
Fat is not a bad word, merely a descriptor. So I'mma use it just as you have! I'm proud that you are prioritizing your health and ability to do what you love over losing weight for the sake of just being smaller. Because let's be clear: weight and health do not necessarily go hand in hand. If your goal is to improve your sleep quality, energy levels, and joint pain, then you should focus on activities that will work directly on those issues. Maybe that'll lead to weight loss--maybe not!
A lot of the medical establishment is cruel to fat people, so I'd be cautious about approaching this with your doctor. But you SHOULD get medical guidance before embarking on any kind of physical change. If your doctor says "Well, just lose weight through diet and exercise!" then you might want to look for a new doctor. If they instead offer practical solutions for incremental improvement, then great.
One of my favorite athletes is The Mirnavator. She's a fat marathon runner and offers a lot of information on how to start walking more and running as a fat person. I think she'll be a good role model for you as she focuses a lot on energy and joint health.
Also, you should check out Aubrey Gordon's blog Your Fat Friend and her podcast with Michael Hobbes, Maintenance Phase. She's also got some great books out! She's a fat expert on weight loss and diet culture. And her insights into healthy nutrition and body image are amazing. Her data-based approach will help you avoid the extreme dieting and weight loss trends that can hurt your health. Plus she's funny as fuck.
Lastly I will just say that mental health is tied to physical health. You're bummed about not doing the things you use to be able to do... and that probably makes it a lot harder to change! Acknowledge any depression or anxiety you feel about being fat and give yourself compassion. Start small and do what feels good.
Now here are two VERY old articles I wrote when I knew less about fatness. I think they still have a little bit to offer, though:
Why You Probably Don't Need That Gym Membership
Run With Me if You Want to Save: How Exercising Will Save You Money 
Any fat members of Bitch Nation who want to weigh in? Uh... pun not intended.
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chubbyanas-blog · 6 months ago
Hi! You're so pretty, I'm trying to get chubbier too and I definitely want more soft fat like you instead of hard fat. I know you eat healthier stuff just in larger quantities, may I ask what kind of things? Thank you!! 💓💓
Thank you so much for your sweet words!!! I’ve been getting a lot of questions on my diet and body form etc.
First of all, body shape is massive influenced by genetics and apart from working out certain muscles groups there isn’t a lot you can do to get a different body shape. You cannot influence the way your body stores fat as in what kind and you cannot influence where your body stores it. It’s unique and works the same for weight loss; you can’t influence where you loose fat in general but can train muscle groups to reach a defined body. Therefore following another persons died will not give you the same results and looks.
Secondly, I kinda just eat what I want and what I feel like eating. My breakfast has been the same for years. It’s always protein yogurt with fruits, chia seeds, oats, flex seeds and whole nuts. One can also add some maple syrup or peanut butter. If I’m not in the mood for that, I have eggs with avocado toast or just a protein shake, I use the ones from a German company called more and I use almond milk. Even if you want to gain weight, you should still try to eat enough protein (0,8g/kg) as it is one of the most important building blocks of your body's muscles, bones, cartilage, skin and blood and is necessary for almost all of the body's physiological. You should also try to eat enough fruits and vegetables or take vitamins as these are very important for your health as well. Apart from that I eat pasta, burger, wraps, stir fry, salads, sandwiches…. Anything I want. I just try to eat whole fresh food and while I don’t care about calorie intake, I try to give my body everything it needs to be strong and functioning:)
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mrhaitch · 6 months ago
Your wife says you have cake thanks to your weightlifting, can you please drop the routine because I'm trying to get like that
I'm off leg training at the moment (abdominal strain, blah blah). But I'll attach a few screenshots:
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Obviously these are separate routines, which I rotate on a regular basis (once a month/month and a half). Make sure every movement has a stretch and a contraction, and you're controlling whichever half of the movement requires you to resist gravity (so when you're going down during a squat).
I'd typically do 5 minutes on the rowing machine at a moderate resistance as a warm up, then 4 sets of each exercise. If I was going to be moving high volume (say 100kg on the leg press) then I'd do my first set at a much lower weight for 15 reps, then 3 sets until failure at whatever weight I'm working at.
Beyond that it's just diet and looking after yourself. So, for myself, I weigh about 80kg and am moderately active (excluding the three or four workouts a week). I aim to eat around 200 calories more than I need, between 25 to 28% of that is protein, 22% fat, and the rest carbohydrates. I think my protein intake is around 150g per day.
Drink lots of water, get enough sleep, walk when you can, and make sure you do your stretches. Oh and take rest days - 72 hours minimum before you work the same muscle again.
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