#I mean it helps that he’s part fire elemental or whatever. if he still looked human as holt would they think differently?
celestetcetera · 2 months
One of my favorite thing the more supernatural adaptations of Jekyll & Hyde do is debate whether Jekyll/Hyde should be considered a monster. Like, he doesn’t have that immediate classic monster recognition that others like frankenstein’s creature has, but obviously Hyde is quite monstrous. But Hyde is also an inherent part of every human. And he looks human, usually, so not everyone who meets him really clocks him as a monster. I mean, is a man who can turn into another man a monster? What if they don’t even look any different? What exactly puts them in the monster category?
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jiminsass-istant · 2 months
I have a lot to say. And yes i positively feel like a clown that this post comes right after jimin said "go ahead, misinterpret everything hehe". This might be a long one, so settle in. Also, if you are looking for this as some kind of validation for any ship, I'm afraid it might not serve that purpose (BUT keep reading!). This is simply an analysis of MV elements and cinematography in its purest form appreciating the brilliant work done by Lumpens and his assistant directors.
Part 1: Start of the story of a man in search of love
Let's start from the very beginning. Many of you have already figured out that Jimin is telling a story here (I'm not wrong yet Jimin, dammit). How do we know this? Look at that mini TV. Yes, this mini TV is actually our bookmark, our storyteller. In it's first appearance, it says "play" with a man walking at a normal pace, imitating jimin here, who is also walking.
Elements to notice here:-
The 'ONLY' signs on the road which mean these roads have only limited accessibility when it comes to directions. In my opinion, it symbolizes the rules that this world imposes on us. And here comes jimin whining/asking why he hasn't met 'her' even if he sees her at night? (imagines her) and thinks about her.
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2. Also notice how it says "BLISS" on the neon sign but the world he's in is basically pre-tornado winds - there are papers flying, cars on fire, safety barrier tapes, even the mini TV is on fire. The flyer for the song says "who is!! Tornado of love" and basically serves as a warning that the 'tornado of love' is approaching soon.
3. Reference to 'Closer' (than this?) on the billboard with a man on it. Looks like a reference to a movie or song of 1995 which I haven't been able to find out yet. [help me]
Part 2: Searching gets more desperate
Moving on, we see Jimin entering the part of street with an old, dilapidated building in the background (so much to notice here!!)
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Elements to look out:
Firstly, look at the mini TV which still says 'play' but the man in the TV is now running instead of walking. Just like how Jimin's steps are faster now, he's on his search for 'her', but he's getting desperate.
Notice the engineers in the background? Yes they are engineers- they have plans, measuring devices etc. And they are working to "renovate" the building. Interesting choice of scene right before a tornado... let's found out why-
Notice that on the right side to the entrance of this building, there's "B-1" written on the walls, but one could also read it at "13 1" At first glance, that's what it seemed like to me. I think people renovating a building whose name looks like a "13" is symbolism for jimin trying to heal/renovate/repair his heart/emotions/past traumas. It's about him still being in that phase where he is healing/ trying to heal himself by trying to find 'her' OR maybe he's trying to find 'her' when he is not even completely healed himself.
See the TV on the shopping cart on fire because it will be referenced later. Put a pin on it.
Part-3 Theatrics
With a flash of retro cable TV like lights, the perspective changes - as in now you are watching inside the mini TV. I'm talking about this part, when he changes direction and goes to the girl. So many interesting things happen, I'm giddy thinking about writing it.
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Elements to notice:
I can't help but think of the words 'auto calibration ' that flashes right before Jimin does that cunty choreo with the female dancer. 'auto calibration ' literally means 'standardization' or 'correction' . I don't think people realise how queer coded it is. 'coded' being the keyword here. It could also mean 'standardized' as in the way we view idols as these perfect people with perfect dating lives.
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3. The car is on fire- so yeah whatever is happening cannot be good. Everything is still chaotic and doesn't make it easy
2. The mini TV now shows various images with a heart '<3' symbolizing that he is engaging in some kind of relationship, but this is literally the biggest 'drama' ever. Because look at this scene- it's pure cinema..
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"So many people to see" - people watching them date/engage while making a whole show out of it. There's also an ambulance nearby because obviously an idol's dating life shown to the public can leave people hurt and offended. As Jimin and the girl dance, they are literally in front of a local theatre called the 'OASIS'. My interpretation is that a celeb's dating life is literally 'theatrics' for the public. They are reduced to nothing but characters for entertainment, and worst part is that the public isn't happy either. No wonder, making it extremely difficult for Jimin to find true love. Special mention where the girl has him in a chokehold, quite literally an uncomfortable position, entangled with each other- or at least that's how the public views them.
3) In the same scene we see that the mini TV has tumbled down along with the shopping cart which was on fire, hence setting the car on fire too lol. Brilliant attention to detail.
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Part-4 - where Jimin gets more desperate to find true love (in the past!)
As soon as the dancers leave, we see the huge billboard fall down and if i go with all the clues we have been getting, especially the travel show...it is WILD.
Because people are focusing on the possible OST called "Keep going", but DO YOU NOT REALISE HOW HUGE IT IS THAT JK IS REFERENCED IN A ROMANTIC SONG? dropping from the sky with 'who' written on it??!! "Who" without the questions or exclamations. I'll let you go delulu mode on that one. Moving on-
You must have noticed that to show a change in phase/scene, they have used multicolored flashes and change to 90s TV perspective. The same happens now after the billboard drops but the important thing to notice is the "rewind" on the screen now. Which basically means jimin going through different people is a thing of the past.
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3. The crow/raven seen multiple times in the MV. Either way, a crow or raven is not something we see at night. They come out only at times of 'unnatural exceptions' like storms, earthquakes etc because they are not nocturnal creatures. While Jimin was trying to find love, there was definitely something happening which wasn't natural for him or was out of his comfort zone/he was not himself.
4. Another instance of queer coding I noticed was both men and women walking past him, similar to Like Crazy MV. It had a different symbolism in LC because he was trying to stay in the dream. But here people walking past him clearly means possible romantic partners. And he keeps stopping, keeps trying his luck with different people, almost always failing. OR- it could mean there are people of both genders walking past him but he never goes for the men in the past.
Part-5 - The tornado of love finally arrives
Now it says 'Play' on the screen meaning we are now in the present again. The tornado has built up, Jimin looks more confident, more smug as the tornado gains momentum behind him.
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A flash of light, fireworks erupt as he sings his heart out. Even after the tornado is completely gone, the sparks and short circuits and destruction continues, meaning the 'tornado of love' arrived and certainly did a number on him.
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Finally, we see him on a much calmer path. All cars lined up. He owns his life now. The situation is under control, the cars with lights on, ready to go.
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I truly appreciate the storytelling in WHO MV. Lumpens Sir delivering as always. And I would love to know which things were Jimin's ideas but he wouldn't share that with us would he?
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Let me know what you think and discuss in the comments if you want to.
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gimmethatagustd · 1 year
what the fire gave us (teaser) | jjk
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You were born with a Gift that the world wanted to turn into a weapon. All Jungkook wanted to do was show you that you could find love, even in the dark.
↳ pairing: shadow elemental!jungkook x water elemental!(f)reader
↳ rating/genre: BTS | 18+ | dystopian | supernatural | friends to lovers | angst | smut | fluff
↳ teaser wc/date: 916 | may 2023
↳ teaser warnings: hobi and jk get in a physical fight but it's playful
↳ notes: i'll post the fic this weekend! it's part of the spring offering collab, so pls check out the other works~ this is very different than what i've written so far. i hope you all enjoy it! let me know if you like it, and i look forward to sharing the whole thing with you soon 💜
↳ masterlist
↳ what was jai listening to? cyberpunk - ateez
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As Hoseok bounds toward you and Namjoon, a dark tornado spins beside him. When he gets closer, you can see that Hoseok occasionally blows a small gust of air toward the tornado. It appears to be made of smoke, a gradient of grays and blacks. 
“Look at this,” your friend announces with a mischievous grin. “Me and JK learned a new trick.” 
With a quick snap of Hoseok’s fingers, you and Namjoon watch in patient silence as the tornado begins to slow its speed. Almost gently, the smoke curls tighter and tighter, until the darkness turns into a solid mass. 
Jungkook stumbles a few times as he attempts to get his footing. His limbs continue to propel his body into a small spin. 
Hoseok quickly reaches out to grab the younger boy. Secure hands squeeze his shoulders, and then it’s only Jungkook’s head lolling about on his head. 
“Cool, right?” Jungkook’s voice is gruff, but his lips curl into a weak smile. 
Namjoon lets out a long sigh. “You look like you’re going to be sick.” 
Although Namjoon is right, Jungkook does look like the effort of his little party trick took a toll on his body, you can’t help but match his smile. Especially when his eyes flick toward yours. You told his gaze for half a second before Jungkook is quickly looking away again. His cheeks flush pink, but you’re sure it’s from the exertion of all that spinning. 
“I think it’s really cool,” you praise the two while elbowing Namjoon in the ribs. With a grumble, your sparring partner returns to his previous stance a few feet away from you. 
“We should go again. Just for a little while longer.” 
Every muscle in your body feels stiff when you turn away from Hoseok and Jungkook. 
“I hurt all over, Joonie.” 
“Let her rest!” Hoseok adds to your whining. “All we ever do is practice fighting.” 
Hoseok waves a dismissive hand at the younger man. “Whatever you want to call it. I find it to be fri-” 
You stifle a laugh by pressing the back of your hand to your mouth as Hoseok is tackled to the ground by Jungkook. The two men roll around, all arms and legs, kicking up dead grass and dirt. There’s a lot of howling and teasing laughter that rings through the open air. 
It isn’t until Jungkook is launched into the sky by a gust of wind you all know comes from Hoseok and lands rather roughly on his back that the playful fight ceases. How Jungkook lands knocks all the air out of his chest, but he laughs once his lungs start working again. 
“Ridiculous, all of you.” Hoseok brushes grass from his clothes. It’s futile; they’re dirty and ragged anyway. Try as you and Namjoon might to use your Gifts to clean the clothes, water does little when there’s no soap. 
“I let you win,” Jungkook teases. Still, he stands a bit further from Hoseok than he had previously. Not far enough for anyone to notice, aside from you. You notice, although you don’t mean to. It’s hard not to when Jungkook keeps stealing glances, only to look away when you try to return his gaze. 
“You did not.” 
“Did, too.” His insistence makes you giggle. 
“And how did that work out for you? Hmm? How does your back feel? I know you landed on that rock.” 
“I-It, it doesn’t hurt.” Jungkook glances your way. His cheeks are still pink. “Would take more than that to hurt me.” 
“Jungkook is impossible to beat.” 
You startle at the gentle voice, spinning on your heels to see Yoongi approaching the group. He’s got a leather satchel strapped across his chest and resting at his hip. It bulges with what you assume are plants and fruits scavenged from the woods. 
“Boy Scouts,” is what Yoongi offered when you asked how he knew so much about surviving in nature. It was peculiar; nothing about Yoongi seemed like the type. He’s tougher, more steel than wood or earth. A bulletproof shield, you think. Broad and strong. 
 Your question is meant to be a tease, but Yoongi’s face remains stoic. Such a serious look only reveals itself when he’s assuming his position as the leader of your misfit group. It would be extremely attractive if it didn’t scare you.   
“How can you fight shadows?” Yoongi deadpans. He stares into your eyes long enough to make your face feel hot, but you don’t look away. 
Yoongi hums at your lack of an answer. Suddenly, you feel unbelievably small. 
“It’s not impossible,” Jungkook whispers. His head hangs low, long bangs hiding his face. The rest of his hair is tied into a bun at the nape of his neck. “I’m just as beatable as you, hyung.” 
Something about Yoongi’s expression softens at the honorific. Formalities died long ago, along with many other traditions that once made Korea what it was. Many things died during the war, both tangible and cultural - lives and ways of being. Now, the Republic is something you know your friends no longer recognize. Although it is not your home country, your heart aches for what it once was - something you will never have the privilege to experience because you arrived during the Restoration of the Republic - a fallacy of an era since the country was never restored to how it was. 
Perhaps that is best. It is easier to mourn the loss of something you never knew.
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do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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sonkitty · 2 months
Timestamp Notes and Theory for Episode 1: The Arrival
This post was last updated 08/27/2024.
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I am heavily referencing this wonderfully helpful post: timeline rundown. I am also referencing this post, The Main Bookshop Clock's Hands are BACKWARDS and Other Revelations!
Below are my notes for an overall forming theory and then getting into the specifics of episode 1. I have a few different notes of what I think the time is from the referenced link above, will be naming the days, and guessing some order.
Reminder that I'm growing more confident in my theory that Crowley earns his red streak from a Big Miracle performed the first time Gabriel arrived with a cardboard box.
This theory is very tentative.
Episode 1 is an out-of-order mix of Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Most of it is Monday.
Maggie and Nina might not have "existed" until Monday. In Before the Beginning, we are informed of the concept of "pre-aged" stars, so these characters might be like that. They are "pre-aged" humans, whether that's from the Big Miracle Crowley did or was part of or the Metatron messing with the book that holds most or all of this story or Adam creating a pocket reality or whatever.
The clothing for Maggie and Nina is the story's main clue that most of episode 1 is Monday. Their clothing also gives clues for the other days.
In that timeline rundown link, my interpretation of events is that before Crowley enters Heaven in the present day, the clock by Aziraphale's desk works such that the ornate hand is the minute, and the other hand is the hour.
This functionality reverses no later than Maggie and Nina being shown using fire extinguishers on the demons in the bookshop. From that point onward, the ornate hand will be the hour, and the other hand will be the minute. I took some extra time and effort to check the 1941 minisode and season 1 out of curiosity. The clock hands match the meaning for after Crowley returns from Heaven in episode 6, where the ornate hand is the hour, and the other hand is the minute. If my conclusions are correct, the main bookshop clock hands are actually reverting, in episode 6, to how they operated before Season 2, Episode 1 started.
Extra ideas:
Something of significance happened 8 months ago because that's how long Maggie has not paid her rent. My main best guess is that is when Hell kicked Crowley out of his flat.
The week that Season 2 covers reset at least once or the overall story is a time loop of different timelines stitched together, including season 1.
With at least two significant games happening in Good Omens 2, the humans are game pieces, and the setting is the game board. Hence, these elements are allowed to shift as part of the games. The games are The Sideburns Scheme and Earthly Objects.
Episode 1: The Arrival
The present day part of episode 1 starts on Monday sometime before 4:20PM.
When Aziraphale receives Maggie's note, it's difficult to find the clock, but it is there. The time is, conceivably, 3:58PM. If the hands are not reversed yet, the time is possibly 11:20AM. Based on the season overall and maybe the bookshop closing at 3:30PM, I do think 3:58PM is the correct time.
In t he record shop, Maggie's watch is visible when Aziraphale visits, but I find it very difficult to read since it seems to fluctuate during the scene itself. Based on what I can read of it, I hesitantly think it goes 12:25PM, 12:32PM, 12:00PM, 11:25AM, 11:57AM. With such fluctuation, I don't trust it. But still, I'll acknowledge that I tried to check it. Again, based on how the whole series goes, Aziraphale's bookshop clock looks to have the more likely correct time.
Aziraphale receives Maggie's note.
Aziraphale goes to the record shop and talks to Maggie.
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Crowley in St. James' Park. According to the referenced timeline rundown post, chimes indicate 5:00PM. I could not find all 5 but will trust that person's judgment better than mine since it's not the type of thing I even knew to check for at all. I think this day is Sunday, not Monday, and happened before the past two scenes of Aziraphale receiving Maggie's letter and their conversation in the record shop. Crowley has earned his red streak, receives his mail, and will throw the mail away later.
Back to Monday...
Maggie enters the coffee shop, talks to Nina.
Nina reacts to the events happening outside.
For now, my guess is Gabriel's naked arrival sequence is actually still Monday, possibly two different versions of Monday due to how the extras shift in the background. It could be both Saturday and Monday instead, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I lean more toward two different versions of Monday.
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Aziraphale getting up from chair to answer door, 4:20PM.
Maggie and Nina comment on what they saw.
Michael on phone in Heaven. My current speculation thinks this phone call is also Monday but actually more like 10:04AM, rather than between 4:20PM and 4:26PM. My reasoning is admittedly very biased in trying to fit the pieces where I want them to be. Such a time would allow Shax to receive news that events in Heaven are related to Gabriel, then pass that along. She has not been given the specifics of the threat on the Book of Life. I would rather think such is the order of things than that Crowley's supernatural time zone is off from bookshop time by something close to 5-6 hours.
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Gabriel receives hot chocolate in bookshop, 4:26PM.
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Crowley throwing mail away, then looking at phone by his car in isolated street, 10:35AM. This day is Monday morning. This scene took place before the Whickber street scenes but not Michael on the phone in Heaven. This scene is the morning after Crowley met with Shax on Sunday when she gave him his mail. The mail is supposed to connect the scenes as close to each other in the sequence of the story.
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Crowley answering phone, his watch shows 11:35AM. I think this one is Crowley making Shax wait for an hour to manage his personal space with his sideburns. So, still Monday morning before most other scenes.
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Aziraphale looks in the cardboard box. When he asks what was brought, the clock says 4:30PM. The fly was in the box.
Aziraphale calls Crowley. Gabriel still has hot chocolate to indicate not a lot of time has passed.
Heaven, Matchbox Muriel Scene #1, Muriel finding the matchbox. At this point, Heaven seems to line up with the time that is happening in London on Earth. Muriel finding this matchbox at something like 5:00PM. This speculation is, again, me being biased on trying to fit things where I want them to go. It is based on a basic work day of Earth ending at 5PM for many. Since Heaven doesn't seem to sleep and always has daylight, Muriel could have been between shifts of what they were working on to somewhat mimic an Earth office environment. Also, this part would fit the time between the last time-stamp shown and the next potential time-stamp shown.
Crowley enters the coffee shop, presumed Monday due to Nina's employee and Nina's clothing.
Crowley sits down, and there is a sign that isn't behind him yet. In the next cut of him sitting, there is a "TODAY'S SPECIALS HONOLULU ROAST" sign. That sign has Nina's handwriting. The other sign above it doesn't. The shift could be a sign of the differing timelines. That is the more plausible and easy idea in play.
Due to my retying studies, knowing that Crowley performed The Perfect Entrance Trick on the way in, and knowing that the spaces read Crowley due to his sideburn lengths, I'm starting to suspect those silly Tied Hands can perform tricks. In this case, this event is like a little trick he and the space perform with each other to make something appear.
Plus, the sign seems to be acting as an assist while Crowley's Tied Hands manage a Table Connection Reflection (best guess for the name from me). The full text of the sign is visible when Crowley says, "Charmed." It's the last cut with his hand touching its reflection on the table before he leans forward in the next cut.
A previous draft of this post considered that the sign was a hint to a potential Saturday visit, but I have since changed my mind. I think it's Monday during the whole scene. It could be two different versions of Monday, or it could be trickery because Crowley's a demon playing around with the space, or it could be both of those things, but I'm still guessing it is Monday.
Crowley and Aziraphale exit the coffee shop and encounter Maggie with the record. They then finish crossing the street.
Maggie gives Nina the record. Nina says "Back again?" to indicate the day is the same one as shown earlier. Maggie's dialogue mentions getting a "...final something. End of the day."
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In the bookshop, Crowley removes his sunglasses and starts the scene with, "I wasn't gonna say this out there..." The main bookshop clock is not visible during this scene. The other one that occasionally shows up is visible and blurry when Gabriel brings out the yellow feather duster. I have it at questionably 5:25PM. For almost all of this scene, the framing is making it clear that Crowley's red streak is there.
Bookshop, private room scene #1 of the season. I'm not sure which day most of this scene is when considering both Saturday and Monday. There is a clue about Monday with just dumping Gabriel and the Something Terrible in the dialogue. There is a clue about Saturday due to Crowley's mostly lacking red streak. So, it seems to be a mix of both days, playing out the same way, and then something happened after Crowley's exit to change things.
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Crowley has a subtle demonic hiss and says, "You're on your own with this one." That's Saturday because the timing and framing is showing that he hasn't earned his red streak yet.
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The first cut after the door is shown as opened is Gabriel pretending to be Crowley. I theorize that the day there is also Saturday, or at least represents Saturday.
Then in the next cut is Aziraphale pretending to be Crowley. By then, the day is Sunday, or the cut at least represents Sunday. He passes by the cardboard box, leaving it untouched and unquestioned. While Aziraphale does not have a more saturated streak of red hair, red that is more red, he does have a brighter streak of hair where the more saturated streak tends to appear above Crowley's left eye.
Additionally, the clothing is more blue, much like Crowley's clothing in the park scene earlier this episode where I speculated the day was Sunday.
These characters are editing the story to indicate Crowley will storm out on Monday.
They also cut what was found out about the box and actions taken that involved putting the Book of Life into the matchbox without setting off the alarms in Heaven yet. They make themselves forget, leaving themselves clues to solve their own puzzle.
Crowley would have earned his red streak through a Big Miracle that happened at midnight on Sunday with a full moon.
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Once Crowley has three visible fingers touching his sunglasses, the storyline has returned to Monday, as it then joins with the Monday clothing Maggie and Nina are wearing. They watch Crowley from the window.
Crowley shouts "Ten!" and the lightning shoots out from him.
Maggie and Nina end up locked in the coffee shop.
In Heaven, Michael and Uriel talk. Eventually, Saraqael and Muriel arrive for Matchbox Muriel Scene #2.
Back on Earth, Crowley arrives at his car in the isolated street at night.
Beelzebub summons Crowley to Hell.
Having exited Hell, Crowley starts driving to return to the bookshop.
In the coffee shop, Maggie and Nina run to hold out their signs. A passerby does not stop to help them.
Crowley driving, changes three traffic lights.
Maggie and Nina talk about the record shop's history.
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Crowley arrives and restores power to the coffee shop. The time is 21:02 (9:02PM) on Nina's phone.
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The story wants it known that the apology dance happened at 9:06PM. The clock by Aziraphale's desk is as clear as it will ever be on that point.
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When Crowley finishes the dance, the other clock behind him is visible, and that time looks more like 9:00PM.
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After Gabriel says, "Where did you come back from?" the bookshop clock looks a little burred but now more like 8:01PM. We've gone back an hour. There are too many other indications this day is still Monday for me to think we've reverted to Saturday. Crowley's hair being charged with so much red is the main one. The scene is also too cohesive for me to think that the events within it are out of order.
As Gabriel is saying, "Is it big on the outside?" still seems to be 8:01PM.
Crowley telling Gabriel no, still seems to be 8:01PM.
Aziraphale suggesting half a miracle, seems more blurry but 8:01PM.
The clock is intentionally too blurry just as Crowley is describing how small they have to make the miracle.
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With the camera panning down during the miracle, the time seems to be 9:01PM or 9:02PM.
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The clock is intentionally too blurry with Crowley saying, "I don't know. Probably."
As Gabriel gets up from the chair, the clock has switched back to just after 8PM.
Crowley, preparing to stand on chair, still just after 8PM.
Crowley, jumping down, still just after 8PM.
In Heaven, the alarms go off.
So, the way I read it, after Crowley returns at night, the clock can only ever be trusted on the point that Crowley danced at 9:06PM. The characters telling us this story aren't concerned about the clock consistency or clarity for a lot of the scene, but they definitely want us to know that Crowley danced at that specific time. That's why they are making it as clear as possible and not so much the other times.
If you want to get more specific, Crowley is telling us the time was 9:06PM, and he is more certain of that than the other characters because of the clock being so clear. He's the one in the best position to sense-with-his-eyes that clock at that time. His layered play in the games probably wanted that time too.
From here on out, the story is actually more honest about the order of present day events. Background humans will act or be positioned oddly. Sometimes the clocks will have questionable times and continuity errors, but the story will flow forward, naming or hinting to previous events affecting those being experienced in the present. Aziraphale will tell us that the scene between him and the Metatron happened already when things are shown out of order in episode 6.
That's all for this post.
More: Timestamp Notes for Episodes 2-5
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windcarvedlyre · 2 months
I'm gonna turn that meme around on you: Venti and Jean? :>
(ask meme)
Ty :D
Honestly my answers will sort of be an inversion of yours: Jean as someone I really appreciate but I'm not actively into and Venti as unhealthy obsession and fandom bicycle. (Thanks for introducing me to that term, lol.)
How I feel about her: I don't brainrot over her for her own sake, but as my de facto main in co-op, the permanent healer in my overworld team, and one of Mondstadt's most important characters I'm very fond of her. She deserves more breaks. So so much.
Her design fascinates me too; if you use the alt version of her default outfit it looks very modest and like everything's covered when she's standing still, only for more skin to be exposed on her upper torso when you run or otherwise move around. It feels like a visual reflection of how she hides/suppresses the more human, emotional parts of herself to perform her role.
Romantic ships: I'm not actively into any but Jean/Lisa just makes sense to me. Lisa is such a fun character to bounce off her. You've got me intrigued about Jean/Eula and Jean/Kaeya as well, and I should look into Jean/Diluc too.
I s2g her voice lines make her sound like she's starting to have a crush on Traveller too. That could be really wholesome; they could periodically show up in Mond, speedrun solving a ton of citizens' problems, and whisk her off to beautiful corners of Teyvat she'd never dream of having time to visit otherwise. And they both have sibling issues... I'm selling myself on this as I type it, dear lord.
Platonic OTPs: All of the above are also wonderful platonically. Also Jean and Venti!! God!!! I neeeed more interactions between them; it's a massive shame the game never showed us Jean or Diluc processing the Venti-Barbatos reveal and the religious crisis that would definitely cause. Especially for Jean! I wish this oneshot was a longer multichapter so badly.
I'm fascinated by the idea of them having a lot in common under the surface, especially if we compare Jean to how Venti may have been in Mond's cultivation period. Even their outfits have a lot of design elements in common!
Additionally, considering her parallels with/idolisation of Vennessa, I love the idea of Venti having unresolved guilt/unprocessed trauma about whatever happened to Vennessa in the end + maybe her overworking herself for Mondstadt until her death, and him screaming internally watching Jean go down the same path. I can't get enough of fics where he helps her relax for once. The two of them should go on some long field trip where they coax each other into acknowledging they're people that feel things.
Unpopular opinion: Not sure I have any! I'm not familiar with general fandom opinions about her but I'd be surprised if I saw someone severely mischaracterising her, tbh. She doesn't feel like a difficult character to grasp. Maybe my perception's skewed since I tend to obsess over human dumpster fires, though.
Something I wish would happen: mainly (gestures at the platonic section), but seconding you that we need her to make progress with Barbara too. I'd love to see her be dragged into more shenanigans with Diluc as well, though I'm biased as a combined-Diluc-and-Jean main.
How I feel about him: I probably need help with the amount I think about this goddamn character. I didn't truly understand the term 'comfort character' until I started obsessing over him. I project onto him a bit too much and I want to emotionally smash him to bits and scrape him together again.
Even without the brainrot, he's just fascinating; he's clearly a significant character that will almost certainly be tied to massive lore drops later on, and the vague hints about him having time powers mean that even the way he fundamentally experiences reality can be theorised about with wildly different ideas being equally valid.
He has me freezing up at every damn mention of wind and/or time and/or music in this god-forsaken game. And there are a lot of them.
Romantic ships: as I said, he's the fandom bicycle for me. Everyone gets a ride. I especially love zhongven in multiple permutations, and their longevity means fanworks for other Venti ships can easily slot in past zhongven as well. Otherwise I really like kaeven, I used to be more into diluven but kaeven has completely eclipsed it for me, and I'm really intrigued about the potential of furiven as well (though I usually approach that platonically).
Non-romantic OTPs: any of the above if not being done romantically, plus Venti+Jean and Venti+Vennessa (see Jean's section lmao) and Venti+everyone in old mond- especially NB and RHW. And I really really want to see him interact with Furina. There are so many people he either has a fascinating relationship with already or has potential to.
While it's not a ship, I find the idea that he's slept with the Tsaritsa at least once pre-fallout very funny.
Edit: Venti having a non-reciprocated crush on Vennessa is interesting as well.
Unpopular opinions: I'm not sure I have any in a tumblr fandom context? Maybe that any ships between him and a mortal who's grown up worshipping him (like diluc/venti, jean/venti, etc) would be a lot more of an emotional minefield for both parties than people tend to explore, with the mortal having to go through a religious crisis while Venti clearly just wants to be treated like a person + could be paranoid as hell about whether their consent to anything is genuine.
That's not a criticism of those ships, though! The opposite, actually. I'd love to see a long fic that really digs into that.
Something I wish would happen: ...there are so many things I could put here. The main ones are a) a Venti-is-Barbatos reveal (and maybe a reveal of his darker secrets, like any abyss ties) to all of Mondstadt, forcing him to stop avoiding his problems for once, and b) for Venti to be pushed into a corner and/or go apeshit and reveal just how much he was lying about his power level.
I need a Vennessa-Venti reunion as well. Please please please.
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sixthwater · 6 months
Dean Winchester (Rough) Natal Chart Analysis
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As a gift for a friend, I did a gen rough analysis for the character dean winchester since one of their interests is supernatural. I on the other hand have only seen a few episodes from season one, so I was simply grooving here and if I can find their reactions I’ll add them lmao
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Still can’t get over the fact that he’s supposedly a cancer rising beware, copy and pasting from google docs below!
There’s a few things that I want to look into and assess first (mainly career aspects because I’ve been focused on training my eye for that, but I find it interesting with the little knowledge I have of Supernatural), and a bit of his roots and connections to others, because that’s also interesting to me – however I’m going to try and go in my normal order so the important parts of the chart (asc, sun, chart ruler, moon, etc) aren’t forgotten
Cancer Ascendant
I’ve noticed that people with this asc tend to be great caretakers – which is due to their cap dsc. They want to make sure they have a secure place in the world and they can have a ‘sensitive’ approach to how they do things. Not in a sense that they’re easily affected, but they love/care for things heavily, so if they feel that it’s compromised in some way, they will take the proper steps to fix their shell so they are no longer hurt. I’m a bit annoyed because the Ascendant is very important but I have nothing else to say about it and more about his moon which is the chart ruler. There are no aspects being made to it, but his chart just has more important stuff for my eye besides this.
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Chart Ruler - Sagittarius Moon in the Sixth House
A Sag moon is going to brighten his cancer attributes a bit. Internally it might cause some frustration (cancer & sagittarius naturally have friction, trying to balance elements that argue with each other within your chart will be a lesson to learn throughout your life) but on the other hand it can cause someone who seems very inviting, loving, or sweet. You mix the bubbly sag with the caring cancer and it attracts people naturally.
People with a Sagittarius Moon are going to end up being drawn to various walks of life and needing stimulation in order to feel comfortable. They will want to experience new environments or thrills, not just hear about them. So the more chances to do things, the happier they’ll be. They are also jolly souls, though they can sometimes have that blunt edge to them.
Having the Moon sitting within the Sixth will also mean that he is easily affected by his routines, work, environments, etc. For ex; he needs to watch his diet since he’d be prone to overeating if stressed out or upset. A co-worker he doesn’t like could make him act out at work more (especially with that sixth stellium). So all things dealing with the sixth house will in turn affect his emotions and internal cycle. With it being a fire sign, he will act first and think later, so it’s a bit helpful that he won’t sit on it and let it stew – ruining his body even more. However the downside is that if he feels bad, he will immediately act on it, and then process that it could’ve been solved another way. Sagittarius is a philosopher and enjoys higher thinking, but it’s still a fire sign. Also a smart-ass.
Sixth House Stellium – he could be prone to low self-esteem. Not just from this stellium, but planets here come naturally so they are hidden from the native. Unless the chart has help somewhere else, there’s a natural response to downplay compliments because the native doesn’t have physical evidence themselves.
Moon, Venus, and Neptune sitting here – this feels very healing in nature which I will come back around to when talking about both his career and childhood. His emotions are going to be visible to those that he works with or those that deal with him daily – even if he isn’t aware of it. So whatever habits learned from childhood, pure/facial reactions, things that go unfiltered, etc – they will be what’s remembered. Venus can show a person that has a natural charm or charisma – sometimes even being a natural beauty. This points to someone who is loved by a lot of their co-workers unless afflicted. It’s also someone who has high standards for themselves and can sometimes be awkward when trying to navigate their own love lives. Neptune is backing up that ‘emotions affecting the health’ issue. It can cause small hiccups that might not be picked up when going to get checked out. It can also be flare ups. They’re also a sign that they are easily influenced by outside forces so creating a good boundary between people and the self is Very important.
With Sagittarius being the sign here, it’s a sign that there’s a 50/50 shot he’s liked or hated. Sagittarius is charming but they have a mouth on them. However he has pleasant signs in the sixth, so it helps ease that up. Sagittarius also helps ease that awkward and tense energy it throws onto planets that enter that house.
Now they make some interesting aspects but I’ll come back to them.
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What’s in a Career?
yaaay finally got to it – so for this we usually look at:
-Tenth House
-Tenth House Ruler
-2nd, 6th, and 10th House for income/workplace energy
-North Node
So I spoke briefly about the Cancer Ascendant; they seek security within this lifetime. So in turn, they will want to provide security for others. They are great at providing it actually so much so that some of them want to be protected by others every once in a while. With angles, all of this energy repeats. They seek out security (1) > their home usually was domestic/peaceful for the greater good (4) > they become someone who can provide that same energy and end up attracting people who are older or mature for their age (7) > they become leaders, self-employed, or entrepreneurs (10).
The tenth house sits within Aries, which is co-ruled by Mars. When looking at traditional rulership you have to understand how the signs operate. Scorpio is ruled by mars as well, but it’s energy will store it, it will be methodical, it wants to go the distance, it’s in the background until it needs to strike. Aries on the other hand will come crashing in. It wants to fight, it will tackle the problem without a clear concise plan, but it’s going to make sure it’s solved. So they’re both action oriented, and they will both use their body, but in very different ways.
Using the body being the keyword.
A few things that Aries 10th house careers usually involve are: firemen, armed forces, rangers, welders, locksmiths, athletes, race car drivers, boxers, dancers, etc (and ofc, executives and the like). You get the point. Intense use of the body.
So we follow where his mars is going and it sits within the 8th! (sidenote: I don’t like how many house placements we share what does this mean for my career) So the eighth usually talks about loans, debts, shared money issues, inheritances, transformation/transition, and gaining/losses. For modern astrology it can also include the occult but that’s more the twelfth. However having Aquarius sit on the eighth, will still include things of that nature because Aquarius can share topics that are seen as obscure and at the time, the occult or astrology was seen as such (however once again, that’d be more Pisces or Scorpio) but they mainly talk of things like technology or science. SO basically this means that his career will be delivered out in a way that his energy is devoted to things of a give and take nature that might deal with science. Then we add the sun. Whatever this career is, it’s his identity. It’s an important part of him, and it will either bring drama or be a way of expressing himself.
So let’s bring in his actual Midheaven, which is a Pisces MC. So what did I say about Pisces lmao. We’ve already crossed out a lot of options for Pisces. It sits within the Ninth house which just slams down on Jupiter (Pisces and Sag are ruled by Jupiter, Sag sits within the Ninth). The ninth also can stand for a job that either involves the father in some way, it’s satisfying in some way as it’s a soulful career, or it’s the standard priest option because that’s the only path we have left. So let’s look at Jupiter, the ruler.
Jupiter sits within Leo in the second. Leo in the second is a sign that you should be selling yourself as it’s profitable, but we know any sort of modeling is out of the question lmao, it might just be a great asset in some other way. Jupiter in the second means there’s no issue with making money (maybe an issue with spending it if anything as it opposes mars, but that’s not a bad aspect in this case). The second house is once again pointing to a family business, it’s ruler is the sun so we just go back in a circle. In issues like these we look at the quality of the house. As I mentioned before – Leo should be selling the self. So this house wants to be able to manage itself and profit off of self-expression. So the career is pointing towards more of an entrepreneur like job despite all of it’s jupiter energy (lmao what is he a boss babe).
The only other thing we have to add is the energy of the sixth that is constantly fluctuating, plus with that Neptune sitting there it’s like what he does is truly not…it’s not usual. I’m watching The Blacklist and it feels like whatever they do, where they have to work in a secret site and not explain anything about their job – but it’s nowhere near that stiff. Plus Sagittarius means there’s no set routine and travel is abundant in order to be happy. Maybe not every day, but a lack of travel would make him restless.
FINALLY THE NODE. His node sits within the third house; communication, siblings, short journeys, etc. It’s also in Virgo which supports his sixth stellium – he wants to be of service, but needs to be able to be recognized for his work that he’s done. There is no doing stuff in silence and gaining no reward, which is slightly going against his tenth ruler.
Now the third house node is funny as hell I don’t have to spell that out. More importantly I think it’s interesting that Saturn sits alongside his Node. He has to ground himself and come back to be present, and that Saturn is showing up as being a responsible caretaker to the immediate people around him. Which works well with his Descendant as those qualities will pop up naturally. Mercury sits there so it’s probably more through communication (dryly, probably stiff, but it’s communicated). He’s battling the premise that his job is to be done not seen or heard, but his chart is urging him to understand that it’s okay to take the rewards after a hard job is done or to like pamper himself sometimes.
Mars is opposing his Jupiter so there’s a habit of pushing the bar. He might do too much because he believes he can achieve it and sometimes he can, sometimes he fucks it up. Also, Mars is a malefic (negative) meanwhile Jupiter is a benefic (positive). When they both sit in money houses that’s important to note, especially when they aspect each other. It’s like they negative the influences on the house – so mars could have him constantly ask for money or burn through it, but it’s hitting Jupiter which would mean it’s easy influx of money is also lowered. So income could come at the right time, but then he goes through it. So there’s an idea that he isn’t too worried about money because it works out as it’s worked out before.
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Okay last part because I’m talking too much honestly- Did you think I was going to ignore that pluto in the fourth lmao.
Pluto in the fourth is usually not very fun. It is a sign that something big happened during childhood and the native takes that with them. It’s changed their perception and how they walk through life and it impacts their tenth. The possibilities are usually an oppressive energy within the household, an unstable figure, being abandoned, feeling unloved. It’s possible that the family itself was fine but there was an external event that affected the home and it’s affected the native. In this case, since Pluto is squaring Mercury, it seems to be within the family and due to an event there was a shut down of expression. Act one way and that’s the only way. Especially since Pluto sits within an air sign and now Mercury sits within Cap who is usually snarky and more direct – expresses facts. I also wouldn’t be surprised if a traumatic event occurred because his sun is also in his eighth along with that Pluto in the fourth – so considering the show did this start at a young age? Those houses are known to be sensitive to this stuff. Anyway, I also see a natural channel to being a protector. In general, but mainly a big brother. Malefics within the fourth will make someone closed off but protective of others, and I already expressed my thoughts on Saturn in the third.
Saturn is also Squaring his Moon, so there’s another affect of restricted emotions or a sign of heavy responsibilities. There’s a scene from Always Sunny where Dennis talks about ‘how he’s feeling his emotions all the time like is that normal’ and that’s literally natives who have a Moon-Saturn aspect lmao. So there’s some sort of conditioning where it’s like…emotions bad control good, but it was for a reason (I wonder why).
Last bit is that Venus Squares his Saturn – which points again to having a conflicted sense of self. Some natives will hold off on love due to external factors, and then it causes a distorted view of the self. They wonder if they can ever obtain it or if they should give up on it, but it usually gets better with time (plus it’s sag influenced and he has uranus sitting in his fifth so like, this is long term not flings or whatever).
Ok that’s it. He has a T-Square but like…I generally brushed over it already. But yaaay he has a t-square go dean!
Oh. I wasn’t touching his chiron either to not upset you. You’ll be fine.
Oh yeah and who did his character end up with? Was it anyone? I wanna test out his seventh house I’m not even bothering to look at his relationships with that fifth I know that shit messy (I generally picked up on no heavy romantic energy, so whoever who he ends up with is of circumstance to put it nicely).
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astrologicalsstuff · 2 years
12th house synastry pt.2
An in depth analysis
Please don’t steal my ideas!!
Part ones already up
On another note, not all 12 house synastry has bad. Almost every single one of my friends has 12 house synastry with me and man we’re all psychic. For friends, I think this works very well, I know many people experience this in synastry with bullies, and I think  there is definitely the possibility of that with this placement, but it also depends on the planet and the sign.
The thing about 12 house synastry is it’s all confusing. I’m not gonna say that one person feels it more. This person specifically affected this way because it’s really different for everyone, but from my experiences, this is how I’ve seen it. 12 house is the house of open enemies and soulmates. Everyone I have 12th house synastry always comes back into my life though. Or I have to put an immense amount of effort in to get ride of them.
I have a large 12th house so I have two signs that fit in there and so I feel like I understand the difference between what it means for different elements. I have aries and Pisces in my 12th house and I think this works significantly better for water signs especially for fire planets. I want to go deep into what I think it would mean for each sign but I don’t know for sure so please respond with your experiences and what sign and planet it is. I’ve been told this works better with feminine planets, moon & Venus, but I know that that most likely means one of the parties loves the other one to a fault. My moon and Venus are conjunct so they always go together so it’s hard for me to decipher between the two but I’ve always felt like there’s definitely confusion around feelings and misunderstanding in emotions. Everyone who had my moon and Venus in their 12th (Virgo and Leo) really wanted me to meet their parents and we planned a home together. I don’t know if it’s because of all my cancer placements, or maybe that just makes my moon really strong in their subconscious, but they always said I made their home life better and we spent a significant amount of time in each others houses and I got close with all of their moms. I have had a lot of this synastry with people where it was a hidden crush. One was my high school best friend who liked me the entire time. The other was a big crush I had on an old friend. Both were my placements falling in their 12th.
I’ve always felt like my 12th house synastry was predetermined and they really helped me out with understanding things. whether it’s my 12th house or theirs.
I’d also like to say it really matters your own relationship with a; your subconscious and 12th house, (maybe any water house because they’re all connected), and b; your receptivity to understanding that. With water placements especially Pisces, my mars trines whatever may fall in my 12th house so my actions work well with understanding my subconscious and these are both in water signs so this happens in a more sensitive and nurturing way. You must check Nataly if your chart works well with your 12th house. Honestly even if it doesn’t you’ll still likely experience 12th house synastry it’s just about how you’ll feel about it.
For me as a cancer Mars I feel like it’s sometimes hard for me to just come out and say what I’m feeling, when someone’s (Pisces) Mars falls in my 12 house, they always pick up on the smallest detail that I’m uncomfortable.  this happened once with a guy I was talking to and I saw he was playing volleyball with another girl and I was just like you know I’m not gonna compete for him, but then from like across the court he looked over to me and he was like I wasn’t even looking at him, at that point he looked over to me and was like yo are you OK? and I was like yes. But still walked over sensing I was displeased. And before you get the wrong idea we weren’t talking for long I wasn’t that pissed I don’t know how or when he noticed. For me 12th house synastry is always they’re in my subconscious but for me I don’t normally mind. They understood that I get jealous easy and I don’t think they usually use that against me. One guy did but I have such a good relationship with my subconscious that I could see right through what he was doing.
When my moon and Venus fell in a couple of my crushes charts, they had no idea I like them. I had a really hard time opening up to them, we usually became really close and I could tell they cared, but I just felt like I couldn’t say it because I didn’t want to lose them. There was always a third party, though but they really weren’t as significant as I was afraid they were. One of my boyfriends was a Virgo rising, and my moon and Venus fell in his 12 house, and we would always have similar dreams but slightly different and they were both how we perceived our relationship. Honestly, I like 12 house synastry because there’s this unconditional caring that comes with it. These people can really damage you but you still harbor love for them from a distance. Planet person is driven to be a part of the house persons life but in the various ways that the planets represent. I don’t know any Pisces Jupiters, so I couldn’t see what it’s like to have Jupiter in my 12thhouse, but mars and sun as fire planets are supposed to have a harder time in the 12th house. Sun in the 12 house I feel like the 12thhouse person really reflect back to the sun their own karmas. when my sun falls in someone’s 12th house I really treat them the way I feel about myself. Even if they don’t have similar placements to me I find myself relating to them and then developing an insecurity from it. As a cancer one of these people I noticed was too sensitive and it made me think do I act like that? when my sun falls in peoples 12th house I feel like they show me where I go wrong, whereas when someone else’s sun falls in my 12th house I notice they start to question themselves a lot more. 12 house synastry needs a lot of care and attention, these relationships you can’t just ignore you have to find other ways to communicate. When Aries falls in my 12th house, it usually isn’t as good as Pisces, it might be because aries squares most of my chart, but normally they kinda explode my subconscious in a fast and destructive way. I have a significant amount of Aries moons in my life, it works better for me with males, but the females are always having this emotional outburst that they snap at me for. My mom has this placement which makes me kind of used to it, it also trines my moon so I can definitely handle it, but aries in the 12th feels so destructive.
I think the lesson with aries 12th house is to learn how to move forward, learn to give your all to the moment and not hold on to one thing too long. When someones moon is in my 12 house, they always feel the need to take care of me. If they have a Pisces moon, this is normally more of a codependent relationship. I spent a lot of time with these people and they provide a lot for me, and the Aries moons do more financial caring for me.  i haven’t figured this part out but I am ALWAYS THEIR PASSENGER SEAT PRINCESS👸👑🥰. I think based on the element you could also understand how these secrets are exposed, every time it’s a water planet normally, the secrets are exposed in private, which makes it easier. But when there is Aries or Leo there’s usually some drama. honestly with 12 house synastry I feel like moon is easiest year, I feel like a house person, sees the planet person as family. Also these can be pretty long bonds because there’s this unconditional source of comfort and home all the moon themes. I will say, though that just because my moon and Venus fell in someone’s tall house does not mean I had an unrequited love for them, sometimes it went the other way, where they were crushing on me and I had no idea. But one big thing was the Moon person was always comfort for the house person. I also think the element is important because it shows how the subconscious will be exposed. When someone has Aries or my Leo placement swollen the 12th there’s always some sort of explosive drama, whereas when it’s with Pisces or my cancer falls in someone’s 12 house, it’s normally more private form of progress. When Pisces placements fall in my 12 house, it’s normally a subconscious understanding when we get to a lot of silence a lot of ignoring each other, but it still brings growth. These people can also be a symbol in my dreams a lot. But when Aries placements follow my 12 house, there’s normally some sort of explosive ending, when they come back into my life it’s normally after everything is heated down but it’s definitely more explosive with fights and arguments. When my Liu falls in someone’s 12 house, subconscious stuff can come out and Parties and group settings, often times it’s this grand display of some drama. When I cancer falls in someone’s 12 house, we spend a lot of time at home and also with the themes of dreams, but I feel like this is dealt with mostly in the home environment. 
One thing I’ve encountered is someone said Marz 12 house in the synastry is based on the strength of your Mars, I can’t speak for Scorpio Mars because I don’t have that in my 12 house nor do I have that placement or have I seen it in action, but I have a fairly disabled Mars and when my Mars Falls in someone’s 12th house, I just really want to take care of them all the time. I think my struggle there is, I can’t communicate my feelings or take action to them, and so often times i see how that would cause them struggle. Mars in the 12th is notorious for bullies and using people for sex. Secret relationships and third parties. Usually the mars person really agitated the mars person they just know everything to say to get under someone’s skin. But I don’t think I do this to people where my mars is in their 12th. Maybe it’s the revers but I can’t see that either. I’d say my lac of confrontation probably brings the confusion and tension that they see.

I’ve dealt with a lot of 12th house synastry with people I like and people I don’t like.
Quite honestly I think Pisces Marz is my 12 house on intentionally hurt me while Aries Marz is in my 12 house gossiped about me.
When my Mars falls in peoples 12 houses, I just feel the need to take so much care of them. But that’s probably just because I’m a cancer Mars.
I have a lot of friends with Pisces, Mars and apparently this is the sign of hidden enemies and I could see this for them truthfully, but I also think it comes from a place of really caring. One of my best friends has this and she always catches the eye of people I like (12th house and 8th house mars usually involve a third party) but it’s not really her fault. I know she lives me to a fault. But the house person is always far more aware of it I think she never notices.
Now I know moon and Venus are both Supposed to be easier planets to have in the 12th house, but for me, they’ve always been harder for me.

 I’ve had Venus in my 12th house, and I won’t say I dislike these people because it’s far from that. I just never really think about them, and when I do talk to them, they seem to be More involved with me than I am aware. 
 moon in the 12th house for friendships I think that Moon person feels it more,  and Moon is our feelings and our emotions. It’s what we recognize as comfort and so when people’s moon fall in my 12 house, I find a tend parent me.  I think it’s also in an unconditional sense, where are usually end up heavily relying on these people. 

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star-vessel1237 · 2 years
Gluttonous Scholar (Baalmon Yuu/MC AU)
Gender Neutral MC/Yuu (Pronouns used They/Them)
Warning: Swearing
([A/N]: I got inspired to make this AU after I read @emeraldtart​‘s Digimon AU. Recommend checking them out if you're interested in their ideas. Also using some elements from the Baalmons in Ghost game and Xros wars because why not. Also I will be calling them Baal!Yuu for simplicity.)
Link to Wikimon article I’m using for most of my info. [HYPER_LINK]
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In Baal!Yuu’s original world they were on a quest to gain more knowledge as they had forgotten most of their past and we're desperate for answers
Baal!Yuu eventually grew obsessed with gaining more knowledge no matter how trivial
They try to control it but because of this obsession they have mostly lived as loner for most of their life, wandering and learning from both the digital and real world
How did they get to Twisted Wonderland? They were wondering around in the real world until the black carriage ran into them and knocked them out
Next thing they know they were cramped in a coffin, breaking out of it after Grim tried to set it on fire
Grim freaks out and Baal!Yuu is just staring at them thinking he's a weird variant of Gatomon
Grim: What the, why do you look so creepy!? Augh, whatever, just hand over your robes!
Baal!Yuu: The hell do you want with my… robes… *Looks down to see that they are in ceremonial robes*
Baal!Yuu: Okay, still not the weirdest thing to happen to me. Wait, where in the world am I?
Grim: Hey, quit ignoring me!
Baal!Yuu knocks Grim away and just runs out to try and find out where they are
When they get to the library Baal!Yuu was about ready to turn Grim back into a digiegg(still thinking Grim is a Digimon) but Crowley interrupts and drags them both to the mirror chamber
Baal!Yuu follows Crowley because they quickly caught on that they are in a completely different world, possibly dimension, and they're probably going to get more answers if they just follow the man
The students are a little weirded out since Baal!Yuu is freakishly tall and the robes hide most of their body but some of them can tell that there is something inhuman about them
The Dark Mirror can sense great power from Baal!Yuu however can not determine the shape of their soul (or digicore in this case)
Grim uses the students' mass confusion to escape, Riddle and Azul are chasing him before Baal!Yuu decides to help with a “peaceful” solution
By “peaceful” solution, Baal!Yuu means shooting warning shots with their gun at Grim in order to get him to stop running and capture him
Of course no one took this lightly, Riddle acts first and yells at them to drop their gun, they quickly go silent though after it is revealed that the gun is LITERALLY attached to Baal!Yuu’s right arm
After the chaos that was the Entrance Ceremony, Crowley and Baal!Yuu were dragged to library to see if they can get them home
Spoiler: They can’t since there is no recollection of their real world or the digital world and they have to stay at Ramshackle as a temporary solution
Baal!Yuu actually takes Grim in without any trouble and seems to have, for the most part, come to peace with the ghost
Definitely not because they threatened the ghost to exercise them with the countless paper amulets they somehow still have
Everything continues as normal, until they venture into the mines and have to fight the blot monster
Baal!Yuu decides to help Deuce in attacking the monster and even gives a few pointers during it, Ace and Grim also cave in and help as well
ADeuce and Grimm also realize what the mirror said when they said Baal!Yuu had great power as they are able to multiple elements with their amulets and-
Wait where did they get the sword from?
Either way they return back to the school safe and sound
Baal!Yuu is starting to suspect that they can’t properly rely on Crowley to return them home if he already has the expelled paperwork ready
They also give a mini lesson on what a digimon is to Crowley, Braincell Duo, and Grimm about what a digimon is and how they were able to summon all that stuff using the amulets they had on hand instead of the ones that were on their coat
Also this scene happens:
Ace: Oh yeah, I don’t think we’ve seen your face this entire time.
Baal!Yuu: Right. I got so caught up in everything I forgot to remove it.
Baal!Yuu *Removes hood to show them having bluish skin, wild yellow hair covering his right eye, a glaring red left eye, half of their face being covered by their mask, and blue bandages wrapping around the top their head with a slit cut open for their third eye*
Crowley: Well… you certainly are a… unique looking character.
Grimm: Eesh, you look more creepy without the hood.
Baal!Yuu: Oh please, I know digimon who look way worse than me.
Deuce: Should, should we be concerned when you say that?
Baal!Yuu: Probably.
Unrelated Note: They get their old clothes back but can’t wear them to school because of uniform restriction
They did get away with wearing their cloak though which they are happy about
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I'll write more about this AU later, hope you enjoy.
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chessalein · 5 months
Hear me out:
I want a game with a powerful couple thats disgustingly deeply in love.
I want the hero to have to go to this magical couple that had to do the unthinkable for the world and are now in kind of retirement. She a elemental spirit, he her former knight who fought on her side.
(Yes this is very much Dragon's Dogma inspired when it comes to the pawn and the arisen. Please deal with it, I'm trying to sell you something.)
They get send there by a wise ruler who knows of their story who got shared over generations and is now more of a fairytale even though its the history of the Kingdom. A story of true love.
The hero arrives at their home that is a little house deep in a big forrest that is filled to the brim with flowers, and meet a relativ normal looking couple who is laughing away while they have a little water fight going on.
Of course they say yes to help, as it is an important task and impacts them as well if the hero doesn't get the help they need.
But only he can go :( because she has to stay behind to hold the balance of the elements. If she leaves there, they would go wild after a while, causing additional trouble for the mortal world. So before they part, she gives her lover a stone that is a bridge between their worlds. This way he can summon her whenever he wishes or needed. It would be okay if she is away for a few hours, but she can't come with them on their journey for days or weeks. When they leave her, it rains because she is sad that she has to part with her love.
So, we have the setting, now back to the main idea!
When in battle, the player can ask the knight to summon his wife and the summoning is the cutest stuff you have ever seen.
He is like: "Come to me, my love!" or "Lend me your strengh, my heart!" "My heart is longing for you!" You get the idea. While summoned, the group has a forcefield around them, protected from harm. She manyfests somewhere above them to cast this spell and then softly floats down (or lets herself fall) into her husbands arms and they share a sweet kiss and laugh, happy about the reunion, before he sets her down.
(Please don't ask me how exactly she works, I have no idea without making her OP. Maybe she uses the elements the monsters are weak against and puts a spell on everyones weapons with that while casting shield spells.)
When the fight is done, she makes a full health, no bad stats, full mana whatever spell. Then she will stay with your group for a while as an NPC, walking with her husband while holding hands, cuddling up to him when you stand, and kiss or talk about the surroundings as IDLE stuff. Maybe even making sure her lover is okay, asking him if he isn't hot in his armor and if you are in a hot surrounding, she will cast an ice spell on it to keep him cool. It has no real impact on him in a fight or so, its just cute that she cares.
When at a camp, every two nights he will summon his wife because he misses her so much ♥ they then have a little date, gazing at the stars, later keeping them company by the fire. Sometimes, when in a City or in a save little space, they might dissapear for a bit together... if you get what I mean *eyebrow wiggle*
I want them to be loving and careing to each other. Like they still have a brutal crush on each other even after hundred of years. Just adorable lovebirds. Pure sugar.
Badly hurt: Okay, we can have that, but not that they would die.
I want to see them cuddling under a tree, one of them napping, in the credits! Just them being happy to be together again.
Thats my idea :) So if you work at a game company, feel free to use that. I want the summoning on a lvl of Final Fantasy, okay? I want them full HD and magical as heck. Their love should be super-ultra-HD and the must beautiful stuff you have ever seen. Throw in these orbs, glowing flowers, stars, etc. Make it "Wooooowww" and "Awwwwwwwww ♥"
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nixotinix · 2 years
"G3 Jackson" this, "G3 Jackson" that. Well here's my G3 Jackson, only I'm correct (/j)
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My prediction/i need this to be canon version of the live action sequel will be under the cut, but SPOILERS if you haven't seen the live action MH movie.
@hydinghoney on here brought up that in the final scene of the live action movie, with that witch lady or whatever, there was a turntable. Turntable means Holt, Holt means Jackson. So, in my G3 interpretation (which is going to be canon and if it isn't I am going to implode), Jackson/Holt are apprenticed to the witch from the final scene. They're pretty good at witchcraft all things considered. So Jackson is sent to MH by said witch and he introduces himself as "witch's apprentice and human ambassador to monster society". He explains that he was sent after hearing about the whole "Komos" thing to make sure everything else was in order, and that he'll be staying for two weeks. So he's lurking around in the background, but what's this? In the moments he's gone, a new student is hitting the scene and making waves: Holt, a fire elemental. (Design pending.) He's not heath's cousin anymore, but he's still half fire elemental because that's cool. So Jackson's poking around the school when he stumbles upon an old spellbook. After reading through it, he finds what he was really looking for. Surprise! Not only was he sent by the witch to take down Draculaura, he was sent by his family to un-stone Komos because oh my gods he needs his mad scientist villain arc. So in some culmination of events, Jackson and Drac end up in a magic duel in the graveyard, and for all intents and purposes, Jackson is kicking ass. Once Draculaura is either thoroughly defeated or she concedes, Jackson casts one more spell, not to finish off Drac, but the spell he found in the spellbook, once that could reverse the effects of a gorgon's gaze. Komos is back and unstoned. Of course our protag team give the usual "how could you" and "I thought we were friends" speech. Neither Komos nor Jackson seem to care, and Jackson starts monologuing their evil plan when Komos cuts him off. Surprise! His family double crossed him, and of course Komos still has his plan of destroying monsters and blah blah blah. And then double surprise! That "how could you" speech kinda resonated and Jackson is like "oh shit, I guess these people are my only friends and they've never tricked me into helping them wipe out an entire society". So he signals to the protag team to get out of the graveyard, after which he pulls out the hug card, grabbing onto Komos as tight as he can. And then casts a spell that sets off an explosion. So now Komos is dead, dead, and 100% dead. The don't have to kill him onscreen but at least elude to it y'know. The protag team ends up going back into the graveyard because, as much as Jackson was working against them, he still saved their lives and at the end of the day he's still a kid. So they go in and get his ass to the infirmary. When he comes to, he's understandably confused as to why the people he'd just nearly tried to kill would help him. They go off on their "you're our friend" and "Komos manipulated us too" speech yada yada. Then they give him a choice: he can either leave monster high and nobody will say a word about his betrayal, or he can stay at monster high to study witchcraft and stay with his newfound friends, but no blowing up any more parts of the school. Thinking about the difference between here or there as well as where Holt would want to stay, he agrees to stay at Monster High. Roll credits.
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masterqwertster · 1 year
For your ascension au, how do you think Ashton would feel knowing that they've kind of become what the Hishari worked towards? That plus cannon Ashton's biggest fear being his powers essentially reaping what's been sown. Idk if this makes any sense I just had this thought half asleep and needed to ask asdfghjk
I think half of Ashton is going to wonder if it would have even worked out like this if he hadn't been part of Hishari and the mess that went down there.
Ashton pretty much knows that they're a genasi in the first place because of whatever happened in Hishari. They know that Hishari was fucking around with restoring the powers of the elemental titans. Who's to say that stupid fucking thing that cost them their childhood didn't prepare them to become this?
It's definitely fuel on the fire to figure out the details of what the fuck happened in Hishari. Try to figure out how interconnected the biggest tragedies of Ashton's life are. Or are they just coincidentally stacking on each other in absolutely wild ways?
Ashton's certainly not comfortable with the increase in power. But he doesn't exactly hate it either.
All Ashton truly wants is to keep his people, his family, safe. Raw power can do a lot to help that goal. When you can take hits and hit back even harder, it tends to discourage others from picking that fight. And if they do choose to fight, well, being a monstrous tank is still an advantage.
On the other hand, yes, Ashton still doesn't really understand their power. Not the dunamancy, and not the new baby titan stuff. And life has taught them that there's no free lunch and the bill always comes due. More power means a bigger bill, and they're terrified that the price will end up being more than their life alone can pay.
Though Essek's expertise in dunamancy and attempts at explaining it (which go better when Professor Caleb is around to translate from high wizard technical jargon to new student of magic terms) definitely helps take the edge off of Ashton's fears for the dunamancy. Here's an expert to tell him that if there's not a price now, then it's not likely to explode on him later.
And Keyleth is definitely assigning someone she trusts (Vilya? Maybe) to try and help Ashton with the elemental side of things because that's kind of what the Ashari are supposed to do: tame elemental threats. And she's not so coldhearted as to try and banish the poor kid to the Elemental Planes just for accidentally existing in his new state when all he's known as home is Exandria.
Of course, Ashton's also experienced clear evidence that the High Temples of Vasselheim are not particularly live and let live with elemental powers in Hearthdell. So that's another worry on the list: Will they come for him? Will they come after his people to get to him?
Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein are pulling strings to guard Bells Hells, but nothing lasts forever and people will do whatever fucking terrible things they want, regardless of who tries to make obstacles of themselves. Just look at fucking Ludinus Da'leth and his Ruby Vanguard.
So yeah, there's fear. But it's not that same fear of Ashton falling apart. It's a fear of the life and family they've built being destroyed.
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Chapter 13- Part 8
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Well, would you look at that, the cactus predictions are half-right so far! And Blizzard’s Snow Warning overrode the other weather effects associated with Desert Field (sandstorm and harsh sunlight), very good!
But that’s just one part of it. Because now that he’s Lv. 23, he learned a very…interesting move, and now’s the time to see if it’ll do what I think it will. The big question now is: does an Elemental Terrain override a Telluric Field like this one? Only one way to find out: time for Blizzard to deploy Mist!
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Oh my gosh, it actually worked!! The Desert Field’s down for a little while!
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Pin Missile’s still scary, but that’s okay- because now, the real fun can begin!
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What in the- Icy Wind gets a boost from Misty Terrain?? 
…Um, I mean- yeah, I knew Icy Wind gets a boost from Misty Terrain! That was part of my plan the whole time, totally! I definitely planned all of this!
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Ahahahaha, it does so much damage now!! And now we-
Oh- oh no, it’s going for Pin Missile again- stop stop stop stop STOP STOP NOT THE SAND TOMB TOO-
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AAAAAHAHAHAHA??? HE’S STILL ALIVE! THE HP SLIVER CURSE CAN HAPPEN ON OUR SIDE TOO!! But uh- yeah, let’s definitely use a Super Potion so he doesn’t die to the next Pin Missile and Sand Tomb combo, then finish with another Icy Wind.
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Perfect! Already one Pokémon down! Unfortunately, the Misty Terrain goes away at the same time, but that’s alright, it’s done its job for now.
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As much as I’d like to keep Blizzard out to get the most out of the Telluric Seed boost, that there’s a Steel-type and he’s an Ice-type. Time to bring out Caldera!
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Oh, it’s got a Seed too, how cheeky-
Well, uh- we can’t use Clear Smog to remove the boosts because of the Steel typing. But even with the Sp. Defense boost, it’s still quad weak to Fire, so Incinerate should still do good damage.
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Ah! I hate that, actually! To the flames with you!
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Nevermind, it got taken out by its own Sand Tomb from the Telluric Seed!
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Mmm, I’m sure it’ll have Sand Veil, so we’ll need to use Clear Smog to get that Evasion back to normal. After that, we’ll send in Prong to finish the job.
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…Or…not. The way the Reborn wiki worded it, I thought Sand Veil got activated just by default, even if there’s no sandstorm- maybe not? Or maybe it’s just a passive effect and not so much a hard stat boost? Uh- either way, there’s nothing to Clear Smog, so Prong comes in early!
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Nature Power again? That’s fine, I wasn’t gonna switch her out anyways. Cancea may not be a Dark-type yet, but it’s still weak to Bug Bite!!
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Nice!! And as you can see, Prong’s doing perfectly fine after that Pin Missile!
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Aha, Breloom! My other prediction really did come true! Now all she needs is Rotom and I can say I’m a genius! 
At any rate- Grass/Fighting? Send in the Flying-type!
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And guess who got a stronger special Flying move to replace Gust? That’s right, it’s Air Cutter, baby!
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? Breloom can’t learn Spore naturally in Gen VII, it has to do it as a Shroomish! At LV. 40! What kinda move technique stuff was Florinia doing to have a Lv. 23 Breloom with Spore!?
Using the Awakening didn’t help, it just used Spore again because guess what?? It ALSO outspeeds Decibel! New plan- send in Glare!
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We’ll heal Decibel in the background while Glare’s out tanking attacks, then try to- oh my gosh it put Glare to sleep with Spore too, STOP!! 
Now what’s Florinia sending out-?
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OH SHOOT, CRADILY’S OUT EARLY. Um- no no, it’s okay, I have something for this! But I need Glare healthy and NOT asleep, so we’ll stall for time with Riptide, who is likely to be deleted with a Grass-type move but we need to do what we need to do!
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That’s…fine! Gives us a free turn to wake Glare up with the Pop Rocks!
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And Cradily’s still just…Stockpiling…? …You know- I was gonna have Glare paralyze the Cradily to drop its Speed, but at this point…I think Riptide can just do that with Scary Face before he gets hit with whatever Grass attack?
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And it’s setting up Sandstorm- we can deal with that! We can deal with all of this, actually! We just need to heal Blizzard!
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And now Cradily’s…spamming Smack Down…? Instead of using a Grass move on the Water-type? Wait…it’s used Stockpile, Sandstorm, and Smack Down…it has one more move I haven’t seen yet, but it’s still only attacking with Smack Down…
…Does Cradily…not have a Grass-type move?
Well, in that case…I know a way to get Blizzard in for free without switching him into a Smack Down! And if he’s just taking a Rock-type move, Riptide has time to get some Ice Fangs in! It won’t do much because of the Defense boosts, but that chip damage could mean all the difference here! 
He’ll take some damage from the Smack Downs, more damage from the sandstorm, but he’ll be doing plenty of damage back with Ice Fang, until…!
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Wow- lived on 1 HP from the rocks only to die from sandstorm damage…
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But with Riptide’s sacrifice, we can change the tempo and the weather more to our favor by bringing Blizzard back in!
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Now Cradily won’t be getting advantages from the sandstorm and the hail will be doing chip damage to it too. And not only that- but let’s take away Cradily’s other advantage too! Let’s bring the Mist back in!
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theotherackerman · 2 years
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COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong to Attack on Titan, Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, A Song of Ice and Fire
NOTES: Tiny timeskip. More reveals. Levi has had enough of this shit. You’ll see what I mean....
Chapter Five: Visions I Vandalize
Swords clashed. 
Sweat ran down Mikasa’s face. 
“Sasha! Tighten up on your left! Mikasa! Why are you not attacking Sasha’s left?! She’s not guarding it! Annie! Stop going low! I know your signature move!” Levi shouted the entire time they trained, pointing out their every weakness. 
It was helpful, it made them train even harder. 
It had been a fortnight since Eren had left.
There was an anger in Mikasa that had been festering long before things had happened with Eren. The anger at her aunt, her parents, and even her brother were consuming her. 
Why did her aunt have to choose her to be heir? Why did who she married mean so much? And why besides leaving her here did her parents not intervene with Kiyomi? Her father had his dragon. Why did it seem like the only ones who cared were in this castle? Why was she doomed to a life she did not want? 
Why did everyone make decisions for her? 
When would she get a say in her own life?
Her choices were being taken away, even by Eren. 
He had left, running away without even giving her a chance to speak to him again. 
The rage came out as she trained with Sasha and Annie, both of them coming at her at full force. It kept her mind busy so she didn’t have to think about it. 
They were sweating and breathless by the end of it. 
“Sasha, you’re weak on your left side,” Levi announced. “Annie, you keep letting Mikasa use your weight against you. Mikasa, you let your anger blindside you.” 
Levi had been watching their training today, giving them tips. Annie and Sasha were both competing in the tournament at the capital. 
Mikasa hadn’t decided if she was going to compete. She had already angered Kiyomi twice. 
Once for not marrying Zeke. 
The second for bowing to the Jaeger family. 
She wasn’t sure she wanted to risk her anger a third time, no matter how well she might do. Regardless, she was still going to train. She wanted to be prepared for whatever might happen. 
“Again,” Levi commanded. 
Mikasa, Sasha, and Annie took up their stances again.
The streets were always filled with people when the Royal Family returned to the capital. 
King’s Landing was in much better shape than it had been when the Fritz family had ruled. 
There were still parts of scorched earth from the dragons but it was healing.
How there were still Fritz supporters, no one understood. 
Eren rode in the carriage again with his brother, their mothers, and the wolves. 
He gazed out the window, people waving as they passed. 
“Eren, are you feeling fine? You’ve barely spoken since we left the North,” Carla asked her son as she smoothed out his hair. 
“I’m fine, Mother,” he muttered, not even bothering to look at her. 
He wasn’t fine. 
Zeke had told him how disappointed Mikasa had looked, how she barely ate. He told Eren to go back, explain himself. 
Eren had refused.
His brother would never understand.
This way, he was saving Mikasa. 
The carriage stopped once they were in the courtyard, the gates closed behind them.
Carla and Dina exited the carriage first, their sons following them, and the wolves after them. 
“Eren, I know you don’t want to talk about it but…”
Eren held his hand up, cutting him off. “I’m fine, Zeke.” 
Zeke looked over at Armin as they went into the castle. 
Armin grabbed Eren’s arm, stopping Eren and Fenrir. “I need to talk to you.”
“Don’t you start,” Eren groaned.
“No, it’s not about you. It’s about me.”
“Is something wrong?” 
“Yes. No. I…I can’t tell you here. I don’t want her reputation ruined.”
“Her?!” Eren exclaimed.
“Keep your voice down!” 
“Armin, what have you been doing?” 
“Besides protecting you? Nothing good,” Armin ran a hand through his hair. 
“Why are you two lurking back here?” Pieck asked as she approached them. “No. Do not tell me. I do not want to know.” 
Pieck Finger was an older knight, closer to Eren’s brother in age. She also could be found among Zeke’s friends and confidants. 
“Hange is looking for you, Armin. They want a debriefing on The North.”
Armin sighed, “of course. Any chance they have thought about holding the position of Captain?” 
“Last I heard they were still saying no. I have tried to talk them into it but no such luck.”
Armin nodded before turning to Eren, “we’ll speak later, yes?” 
Eren nodded, “who is guarding my room tonight?”
In the capital, Eren was heavily guarded after the last attack from the rebels, Grisha had insisted. The North had been safer, no one would cross the Ackermans’ and their dragons. Here was a different story. 
“I believe it is either Reiner or Colt. I am not entirely sure though. You could ask Hange,” Pieck shrugged. 
“I’ll see who’s on duty. I’ll come find you later.”
Eren nodded and Armin walked away. 
“Heard you gave Jean quiet the beating in the North,” Pieck said once Armin had walked away. 
“Of course, you did,” Eren said as he rolled his eyes, walking in the opposite direction as Armin. “Come Fenrir,” he called to the wolf who trotted at his side. 
Pieck trailed behind him.
“It has been so boring without you here. Your bird is very angry you left. He’s been screeching in your room day in and out. He escaped from the aviary shortly after you left. We’ve been having to feed him. Other than that, there’s been nothing exciting here,” Pieck informed him as she caught up with Eren. 
“How is me fighting with Jean exciting?” 
“Because from what I heard, you finally put him in his place. And it was over a girl. Scandalous indeed.” 
Eren rolled his eyes again. “Zeke told you the moment we arrived.” 
“That he did. He also said you made that princess very sad. So what are you going to do about it?” 
Pieck narrowed her eyes, “doesn’t seem like the Eren I know. He fought for everything.” 
“I still do. She has a reputation. I won’t tarnish her.”
“Oh Eren…”
“Do not. Please. I do not want your pity,” Eren said as he walked a little faster. 
Pieck said nothing more to him as she trailed behind him as his guard. 
Midnight had not made a mess of Eren’s room which surprised him. 
The crow left out a loud CAW as soon he saw his owner. He landed on Eren’s shoulder. 
Eren petted the crow’s head. “Yes, I missed you as well. You couldn’t wait, could you?” 
“NO,” the crow said. It was one of the few words that the crow knew. Eren had tried to teach him others but the crow only seemed to learn what he wanted, not what Eren wanted. 
“Of course. Having you stay with the ravens is beneath you, it seems.” 
“YES,” the crow replied as he cocked his head to the left.  He hopped off of Eren’s shoulder and landed on Fenrir’s head. The wolf was clearly annoyed but did nothing. “FENRIR!” The crow screeched. 
“You learned his name out of spite, didn’t you?” Eren asked as he began to undo his plate armor. 
“NO!” Midnight exclaimed before flying to his perch. 
Fenrir and Eren shared a look, neither of them believed the bird. 
Kenny and Kuchel surveyed the land, looking for any signs of the Tyburs invading. They also checked to see if there were any signs of the Others. 
Kenny wasn’t sure if he believed that the Tyburs could control the Others. He wasn’t sure if the story about the symbols were true. It didn’t matter. People lied all the time in the courts to get political gain. 
It just so happened to be exactly what the lords needed to hear.
“Do you think Mother’s dragon is among them?” Kuchel asked as they turned around from the wild dragons. 
“I think so. They say they can live hundreds of years,” Kenny said as he leaned back on Blaze. “Don’t think too hard, Kuchel.”
“I worry. I worry about Kiyomi’s eyes here. This is the only place we can safely talk. What will she do if she finds out about Levi, about me?  She’ll find out he’s a bastard. She’ll find out I had to sell my body to survive.  She could destroy us.” 
Seaflames let out a roar that echoed throughout the land and shook the land. 
“I believe your dragon just answered that question. Let her try.” 
“It went horribly,” Zeke told Dina and Carla as they sat in the queens’ tea room. 
“Is that why he was so sad the whole way here?” Dina asked as she stirred her tea. 
“I couldn’t get him to tell me what happened. He said he did not wish to cause any more harm. My poor son,” Carla looked down. “So he confessed and she rejected him?” 
“Not exactly. I will not betray my brother’s trust but I will say that I believe it was all miscommunication. I do still believe that you are right. Mikasa very well be the one to best Eren in a fight. She is his match,” Zeke said as he lifted the tea cup to his mouth. 
“She won’t fight in the tourney. Kuchel already told me it is unlikely,” Dina sighed. “Kiyomi is already upset that you are not marrying her.” 
“She wants Mikasa to be in a loveless marriage?” 
“Yes, she was. She has an heir. She has a child but they are a bastard. She won’t legitimize them.”
“That is absurd.” 
“It is but there are traditions, Zeke. You see how the people here act towards Eren. Changes cannot be made overnight,” Carla sighed. 
Armin had briefed Hange on the North. They seemed rather pleased. Armin had let Hange know about what had actually happened between Eren and Jean. Hange was someone Armin could confide in. They would also hear it sooner or later for Zeke as well. 
Hange was what Armin considered a true knight. They were brave and just, a defender of the young and innocent. They always acted with the best intentions. They were who Erwin had named temporarily Captain of the Guard before he passed.
Armin wanted Hange to take the position permanently. Hange had said they didn’t think they were ready for the position full time and supported Armin’s taking his former liege’s position. 
Armin felt like he was much less prepared than Hange.
Not to mention Armin felt like he was moments away from disgracing the one and only woman he had ever loved. 
Yet he told no one how he felt about her. He never even told Eren that Annie existed. 
So tonight he would come clean, he would tell Eren everything. 
Lucky for both of them, it was Reiner who was guarding Eren’s room tonight. If he heard anything, he wouldn’t say anything. 
“Armin,” Reiner nodded as Armin walked up to Eren’s room. 
“Reiner. How’s the capital been?”  
“Pretty quiet. Glad to see there were no problems in the North.”
“Eren seems a little…..what happened?” 
“He finally found someone he’s interested in and it didn’t go well.” 
Reiner scoffed. “So his answer is to sulk?”
“Seems to be that way.” 
Reiner shook his head. 
Armin opened the door to Eren’s room. Half the room had been turned into a study/sitting room. It was littered with weapons and books. The other half was Eren’s actual bedroom. There was Fenrir, stretched out on top of the bed while Midnight was sitting on the pipes that held up the canopy around the bed. 
The raven let out a loud “CAW!” 
Eren sat at the table, books spread out. “Debriefing took that long?” 
Armin nodded, “I had to explain the entire trip. Hange had to inform me of things here.” 
“Anything exciting?” 
Armin shook his head, “Several brawls. Smaller rebel attacks but nothing we haven’t dealt with before. Since your father has been delivering food to every house here, things seem to be calming down. Even the Fritz loyalists seem to appreciate not having to spend so much at the market. The market vendors are happy to sell their stock.”
“So who is she?” 
Armin sighed as he sat down in the seat across from Eren. “Annie Leonhart.” 
“Wait. The Princess’s lady? The blonde one? When did that happen? How did that happen?” 
Armin ran a hand through his hair, “I’m not entirely sure myself. As you know, I went there a lot with Erwin as you know. I always thought she was beautiful. I've seen her fight and she’s very graceful. She cares about the Princess a lot. She just seemed like a good person so the feelings grew. Then I started talking to her. We kissed and it went on from there…” 
“Wait, did you…did you bed her?” 
Armin said nothing. 
“You did! When? And why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I…I don’t know. I guess….I worried for her. Her father is rather strict. He wants her to become a part of our knights once Mikasa marries. If I was captain….it creates so many more issues. I..I don’t know anymore.” Armin leaned forward and put his head in hands. 
“Because I brought that up. We were about to….and I told her we should stop. She got mad at me. Said I was only thinking of my reputation, not her’s. Said it was too late. Then I overheard her talking to her father. She asked if it would be so bad if she married, he said yes.” 
“But you love her? She knows that, right?” 
Armin shook his head which he still held in hands. “No, I never told her.” 
Armin looked up, releasing his head. “It never felt right to say. I…I don’t know. Now…now we just avoid one another. She goes one way, I go the other.” 
Eren leaned back in his chair. “We’ve got ourselves in a mess, don’t we?” 
“Yes. And they’ll both be here in a fortnight.” 
“What are we going to do?” 
“I don’t know. I clearly know nothing when it comes to these issues. I think you should talk to the Princess,” Armin said as he gave Eren a knowing look. 
“And you should talk to Annie. But it seems neither of us are very good at that.” 
“It seems that way,” Armin sighed. 
Neither of them had any idea of what they should do next.
Jean could hear the bed frame of the room next to him knocking into the wall. 
He was going to kill her. 
He was absolutely going to kill her.
The entire time he had been gone, he had not thought of her once.
The thorn in his side, the person who drove Jean even madder than Eren Jaeger, was on the other side of that wall with one of her “visitors.” 
Then the laughing came. 
Jean covered his head with a pillow. 
Why did he have to share a wall with that woman?
Jean lived in the barracks to be away from his asshole father as much as he could. It was nights like tonight that made him second guess that decision. 
Finally, when he heard her door open and the man left, Jean got out of bed. He shot to the door and threw it open. Then went to the room next to him. He proceeded to pound on the door. 
The door opened to reveal the bane of Jean’s existence, Pieck Finger. She was dressed clad in a tunic that went down to her knees. 
“Where are your breeches?” he asked as he ran a hand down his face. 
“On the floor somewhere,” she shrugged as she walked away from the door. “What do you want, Jean boy?” 
Jean rolled his eyes, “stop calling me that! And stop fucking when I’m trying to sleep!” 
“Stop listening!” Pieck called from inside the room. 
“I would if my wall wasn’t against yours!” Jean yelled from his spot in the hall. 
“Move rooms then!” she yelled back. 
He hated her. 
He absolutely hated her.
And it wasn’t just because the first time he had fought her that he had ended up on his back with her standing over him, the point of her sword at his throat. 
She annoyed him.
Everything she did annoyed him. 
The way she had multiple lovers, the way everyone seemed to think she was so sweet, and how brilliant she was, it all drove him absolutely mad. 
Now she was ignoring him, dressing herself like he wasn’t even here, not he could see from where he was standing in the hallway. 
“Is that it? Do you need something else?” she asked as she walked back over to him. 
Why was she so short? 
Why did he just notice how small she was? 
“No,” he said as he threw his hands in the air and walked away.
He hated her. 
Hange was exhausted. They had never been happier when dinner was over. They retired to the library to work on their own personal research now that they were off duty for the night. They had taken up a table in the back of the library, books spread out. 
“Was running the capital that bad while we were gone?” Zeke teased them. 
“It was….not something I ever want to do again,” Hange replied as they leaned back in their chair. 
“I still think you should take up the job of Captain of the Guard permanently.”
“You and Armin both.”
“Oh come on, Hange. It cannot be that bad.” 
“Lets see, tavern bawls, rebels attacks. Oh yes, rebels preparing to throw cow shit at the carriage. Do you know how many people I’ve had to throw into the cells this week alone? I’m annoyed.” 
“What are you reading? The Tale from Old?” Zeke asked as he peered over their shoulder. 
“Some of the more in depth views of them. Mostly about skinchangers though,” Hange said as they handed a book over to Zeke. “Erwin’s father believed that magic was real. My family was said to be talented in that area. So I’ve taken it upon myself to learn what I can as a memory to Erwin.” 
Zeke sighed, “you could just take his position instead. Hange, you are the truest knight in the Seven Kingdoms. You’re brave. You defend the weak. You speak for those that can’t.”
“And I do not wish to lead.”
“But you do.” 
“Because I will do my duty. But I will not go out of my way to accomplish it. Besides, are you really one to talk? You have no desire to lead as well. Now are you going to listen to me about skinchangers?” 
“Of course, Hange. Tell me everything you know,” Zeke said as he pulled the chair out and sat across from Hange. 
Hange’s smile widened. “They’re actually very interesting. Your family was said to be a very powerful skinchanger family. The name for one that turns into wolves or dogs is a warg. But they don’t actually fully change into the animal. They go into the mind of the animal.”
“Wait, what do you mean they go into the mind?” 
“It’s simple, really. They can see with their eyes, fly. Everything the animal experiences the person experiences. There are, of course, things that are forbidden to do while in the animal body. You can’t eat human flesh while in animal form, things like that. The rules aren’t that interesting. What is interesting is the fact that these symbols for our houses can be traced to who the skinchangers were. Wolves for the Jaegers. Lions for the Leonharts. It’s also said the type of magic someone from that house wielded went into the decision for the sigil. Isn’t that interesting?” 
Zeke’s face scrunched up. “Do you happen to know what the sigil for the Tybur family is?”
Hange shook their head, “not off the top of my head. I know they’ve struggled with the Reiss family, a cousin to the Fritz family for years but the sigil escapes me. Why?” 
“My father was talking about them.” 
“Is something happening?” 
“I don’t know. I didn’t hear it all. I wasn’t supposed to hear any of it I don’t think. They were talking about my marriage to Mikasa…it was needed to make sure Kiyomi couldn’t back out. But for what, I don’t know. And I know my father won’t tell you anything because he knows you’ll tell me.” 
Hange looked down at their book, “times like these…I really miss him.” 
Zeke nodded, “because Erwin didn’t give a shit. He just told us everything. Even when he really shouldn’t have. I met Levi this trip. He’s exactly how Erwin described him.”
Hange laughed, “I’ve met him a few times in passing. Didn’t know much about him to be honest with you. He’s rather short.” 
Zeke laughed, “that he is.” 
Hange looked down at their books. “I’ll look up that sigil for you and when I do, I hope you’ll tell me what exactly you’re thinking.” 
Zeke smirked, “you know I will.” 
With that, Zeke left Hange alone to work on their research. 
The warm sunset air should have cleared Mikasa’s head.
It did not. 
Nothing did. 
Thoughts of titles and marriages and love and whatever else kept popping into her head.
Kayda was annoyed with her. The dragon was annoyed because Mikasa was annoyed. At this point, Mikasa didn’t blame anyone for being annoyed with her. 
She had once hoped for guidance from her parents but it never did. It wasn’t that they didn’t love her or that they loved her brother more. 
The issue was that there was an entire ocean between them. 
So many years had been spent without them. So many milestones missed. She couldn’t even resent them for it because they had done it for her. How could she possibly be mad about that? 
Yet they had allowed Kiyomi to try and put her into a loveless marriage. 
It was all about duty.
Duty to a continent she had spent little time on. 
The answer seems to be simple.
Her brother was a peacock. He had been born and raised there. His dragon egg had not hatched. He was the clear choice for an heir.
Mikasa could not be tamed to the world of her aunt. She would never be their perfect princess. She could never be locked away in some tower and not be with her people. 
Kayda flew closer to the ground and then rose up at the last possible moment as one of the sea cliffs came into view. It snapped Mikasa from her thoughts.
She could feel the spray of the ocean. They had gone further than she intended. Yet it was a welcome distraction. 
Vulcan’s roar was heard from above her, Levi waving at her to hurry up. 
Suddenly, she felt like she had been transported back in time. 
Back before Mikasa truly knew what it meant to be a princess. A time where Mikasa thought Princess just meant you got to wear a fancy dress to a party and the duty part would never come into play. 
A time before Levi was Lord Ackerman. 
It was a time where she was mistaken for Levi’s annoying little sister. She had been fine with it, never bothering to correct. 
Kayda took off, catching up with the other dragon and his rider. 
It was late when Kenny found Levi in the study, reading through letters. 
“What’s your plan?” Kenny asked him as he walked over to the chair in front of the desk. 
“For what?” Levi asked without looking up. 
“I don’t suppose you have an overall plan.” 
“That was more Erwin’s department. The smart thing to do would be for Grisha to put the Fritz  bastard on the throne. Ackermans and Jaegers can rule the North easily together if we marry Mikasa to Eren. Kiyomi releases Mikasa from being her heir.” 
Kenny nodded, “so you think they should marry as well.” 
Levi sat his quill down and looked up. “How many people will a dragon accept to ride it with their rider? Or let them pet them on the first meeting? How long did it take for Kayda to accept Sasha and Annie? The boy showed no fear. Kayda recognizes something in him. I think we should trust the dragon.” 
“I thought we were marrying her for love, not duty.” 
“You haven’t noticed the moping?” 
Keny snorted, “oh no. I’ve noticed.”
“Besides, you asked what I would do. We never said we were going to do it,” Levi said as he picked up his quill. “Though it might get Kiyomi to stop sending me so many ravens. She wants to change Mikasa’s title.”
“Because she bowed?” 
“Because she’s realizing her niece has no desire to run a country.”
“She would do it out of duty for no other reason.”
Levi snorted, “I’m well aware. Let Kiyomi take her title. I will give her a new one. When was the last time the title of ‘Blood of the Dragon’ was used?”
“Before my grandfather. Is that what you’re considering? It will make a statement if you do that which is why you are doing it, isn’t it?” 
Levi smirked, “you’re not the only one who knows how to play the game of thrones.”
Kenny was very proud of his nephew but he would never let Levi know that. So Kenny just laughed at Levi’s antics. 
Toss and turn.
No matter what Mikasa did, she could not get comfortable. 
So she stared at the ceiling. 
Sasha, Annie, and Mikasa had no secrets between them now. Sasha had prodded Annie for more information about Annie’s escapades with Armin. 
Annie did not answer any of the questions Mikasa and Sasha had had.
Mikasa got out of bed and pulled her dressing gown on. She decided to wander the castle as it was better than just laying in bed, wondering what she should be doing. The nice thing about being in the Ackerman castle was that it was almost impossible for anyone to get inside of it. No one would dare try to cross the dragons that were right outside. 
It was also said that the dragons knew secret tunnels and passage through the castle that had been built just for them. The dragons could pop up at any moment to protect their riders.  Mikasa had stumbled across some strange passages but she had never gone down them to see where they led. She wouldn’t have been surprised if they did exist. 
The dragons seemed to see past someone’s outward appearance. It was why their riders trusted their dragons so much. 
Kuchel told Mikasa of a time during the war where several Fritz Loyalists had tried to sneak into the castle.
Vulcan, only five years old at the time, had killed them all with a blast of fire to protect his rider. 
There were other stories of marriages where the couple had decided not to marry because the dragon had not accepted the other person. 
Mikasa’s parents had both risen on his father’s dragon many times together. 
Her parents. 
She had been thinking of them a lot lately. She knew they had done all of this to protect her, to keep her away from Kiyomi for whatever reason but why didn’t they seem to care more than that? 
They always seemed so content when she visited them. 
Was it all an excuse? 
Had she done something wrong as a child? 
Why did everyone end up leaving her sooner or later? 
Why didn’t anyone fight for her?
Why didn’t anyone stay?
“Your thoughts are so loud, you woke your dragon up,” Levi’s voice called her back to reality.
Somehow, in all of her thoughts, Mikasa had walked to her favorite window. 
Kayda was flying right outside of it. 
Mikasa looked down. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize to me. I don’t care. Kayda, on the other hand, looks a moment away from smashing through that window and carrying you off.” 
Mikasa looked back at her dragon. “I’m okay,” she reassured Kayda.
Kayda snorted smoke. 
“I promise.” 
Kayda snorted smoke again before flying off. 
“So what was that about?” Levi asked Mikasa. 
“Just late night thoughts. I couldn’t sleep,” Mikasa looked back down and began fiddling with a loose thread on her dressing robe. “Why are you up?” 
“Fielding letters, requests. Broken fences, lost sheep, a few cattle, strange sightings. Someone stole someone’s chicken. Usual lord things I have to handle. Oh and the ridiculous amount of ravens your aunt decides to send me has multiplied. I swear if I ever get the chance, I am going to let Vulcan eat every single one of her ravens and then I’ll let him have the peacocks as well to really drive home the message.” 
Mikasa looked up and laughed. “Better you than me. Are they all about how I disappoint her?” 
“Not all of them. There’s a good number of them that talk about how I disappoint her as well. How my uncle lives with her…I do not understand.” 
“You’re not even related to her.” 
“Correct and somehow that makes it worse.” 
Mikasa laughed again. 
“So what is bothering you? You might as well tell me now.”
Mikasa sighed. “My parents.” 
“What about them?” Levi asked as he crossed his arms across his chest.
“I don’t know. They don’t really write to me. They don’t spend time with me. They seem happy living in Kiyomi’s palace. They just sort of…..left me here to be raised.” 
Levi took a deep breath, “I don’t even know what to say because I do not understand either. I believe they want to protect you.”
“But not my brother?” 
“You’re right. It does not make any sense. I feel as if there has to be something bigger going on there that we just don’t know. Your parents have always been kind to me. Your mother loved you very much. She was so proud of you when you were a baby. Your father was the same. I was the one to find you with Kayda, you know.”
“You were?” 
Levi nodded, “she was curled up around you after she hatched, much like a cat. I ran and got your parents. Your father talked about how your dragon was going to be bigger than Seaflames and how he’d never have to worry. You’d always be protected.” 
“From what?” 
Levi shrugged, “I don’t know. I did always get the feeling that if your parents didn’t have to be across the sea, they wouldn’t have been. I don’t know why. Much like I don’t know why Kiyomi wants to change your title. Don’t worry, the one I’m having you announced with is much better.” 
Her title was being changed?
Mikasa must have truly disapppointed her aunt for that to happen. 
“Am I no longer a princess?” 
“Still a princess. Though it no longer says you’re the heir to the Azumbito throne.” 
Mikasa took a deep breath. She should have known.  Not only had she not become betrothed to the crown prince, she had bowed to another Royal Family when she was not supposed to be of their court. She should only bow to her aunt. 
Yet Mikasa had made that choice. She did not regret it. 
“Is it my brother then?” Mikasa asked finally. 
“She didn’t say that you weren’t the heir. I think it’s a test,” Levi answered. 
“A test of what?” 
“To show you what will happen if you don’t listen to her. She doesn’t realize she’s granting you freedom by taking it away. She thinks she’s hurting you. She’s trying to get you to fall in line. It’s a calculated move, I’ll give her that.” 
“So what do I do?” 
Levi shrugged, “whatever you want, within reason of course. You’re still my heir until you have children that I can name my heir.” 
Mikasa laughed, “why not have your own?” 
Levi scoffed, “I already helped raise one spoiled child. I’m not raising another.” 
Mikasa rolled her eyes, “you did not raise me.” 
“I helped raise you. You would have died the first time you tried to fly without me.” 
“You pushed Kayda and me off the cliff!” 
“Birds do it to their children.”
“I’m not a bird!” 
Levi smirked, almost laughed. 
“This is why I’m taller than you,” Mikasa retorted. 
“Oi! Shouldn’t you be nice to me? I could marry you off to someone.”
“And I would tell your mother.” 
“What would my mother do?” 
“I don’t know but I’m going to find out.”  Mikasa began walking in the direction of Kuchel’s room. 
“Going to tell my mother, just like when we were children,” Levi called before he started following her.
“Oh I thought you helped raise me.” 
“You can help raise someone as a sibling. I am sure Zeke helped raise Eren.”
“And you wanted to marry me to him.” 
“That was never my idea.” 
“But you still went along with it.” 
“Because I have to. You have your duties and I have mine.” 
“Kiyomi isn’t your queen!”
“But she is your aunt and you are her heir! Think rationally, Mikasa. I have to play the game, I have to give sometimes. I had no intention of marrying you to Zeke. I would not take your freedom away from you. Besides, the rational thing would be to marry you to Eren. That is exactly what I should be doing. War looms over us. Marrying you to Eren would ensure that Kiyomi could not back out of supporting this continent should anyone attack. “
Mikasa stopped walking. “War is coming?”
Levi sighed as he stopped as well. “Yes.”
“I…you want to marry me to Eren?”
“It would be the smart thing to do.”
The smart thing. 
The right thing.
She heard it enough. Her parents had said it was the right thing, the smart thing to leave her here. To protect her. 
They hadn’t protected her. 
They had abandoned her. 
If they truly wanted to protect her, they could have stayed within the walls of this palace. Kiyomi would not get past the dragons. 
“I will do what is asked,” Mikasa replied. 
“No. I will not let you marry for this. You marry for love. Nothing else.” 
Mikasa scoffed, “seems to me that love is curse. Your father. Kenny’s love. Yours. All dead. My parents say they love me but they left me here. Annie had her heart broken. What’s the point of love if all it does is harm? I will abandon love for duty. If we need Kiyomi’s support, I will marry Eren.”
“We just went through this with Zeke. No, Mikasa.” 
“Levi, think rationally. If war is coming….”
“It’s not coming in the morning .The sun will not rise to war.”
“So you say but can you truly promise me that? Levi, I do care for Eren. Rather I did. He asked me if I could ever see as anything more than a friend. Of course, I hated that he asked me if I could ever see myself marrying him.” 
“He did?” 
Mikasa nodded. “I thought he was just after….”
“That boy is in love with you. What else could that possibly have meant?” 
Mikasa’s jaw dropped and her eyebrows raised. “No…he’s not…”
“Horrible way of saying it but that sounds like to me that he was in love with you. He just did not know how to say it without scaring you off.” 
“We barely spent any time together!” 
“Since when does that matter?”
Mikasa looked down, still in complete shock. Annie had been right. “Then why did he leave?” Mikasa wondered out loud. 
“Because you rejected him, I’m guessing.”
“No. That…..that cannot be.” 
Levi sighed, “it is late. Come see me tomorrow. Even though I despise the idea of getting involved in your romantic problems, I can see that if I let you work this out on your own, you’ll never understand. Go to sleep.” 
Mikasa nodded before she slowly made her way back to her room. 
She got into bed. 
Yet one question remained unanswered: why did everyone who loved her leave? 
Levi should have taken his own advice to go to bed but instead, he wrote a letter. In the morning, it would be attached to a raven that would fly to King’s Landing. 
King Grisha,
Though the betrothal of your oldest son and my cousin did not work out, I believe your youngest has become fond of her. I propose a betrothal between Princess Mikasa Azumbito Ackerman and Prince Eren Jaeger. 
Of course a more formal betrothal would have to take place in the capital. Seeing as we will be arriving in less than a forthright, I have written a head so that you might consider this proposal. I do not want you or your wives or your sons to feel any pressure to agree. The Ackermans will forever remain loyal to House Jaeger. 
I would love to make that loyalty into a forever bond and unite our houses. 
I must also be truthful with you. My cousin has had a title change and her option as heir to the Azumbito throne may not remain. However, I think marrying your son to Princess Mikasa Azumbito Ackerman, Heir to the North, Blood of the Dragon may be just as nice. 
Do not give me your answer now, I only ask that you just think on this. 
“YOU DID WHAT?” Kuchel screamed at Levi at breakfast that morning. 
“I said I sent a letter to the king proposing to marry Mikasa to Eren,” Levi repeated as he added sugar to his tea. 
Kenny laughed. 
“Must you yell this early in the morning?” Levi asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Kayda accepted him. He asked Mikasa if she would marry him.”
“He did what?” Kenny asked. 
“It was not an actual proposal from what Mikasa had told me. I think this is the correct move,” Levi picked his tea cup up and took a sip from it. 
“I thought we were marrying her for love,” Kuchel muttered. 
“We are. We are just speeding things along.” 
“I don’t like this.”
“I understand but I am the head of this household and it is my choice.”
“Have you at least talked to Mikasa about this?” 
“I have not and I will not until I have an answer from Grisha.” 
Kuchel sighed. Hopefully her son knew what he was doing.
A marriage proposal for Eren.
Grisha never thought it would arrive. 
Yet here it was from a good family, a major house. 
It wouldn’t matter if they thought Eren was a bastard anymore because he had a princess for a wife. 
Grisha wondered if Mikasa would prefer to live in The North. Eren had seemed very at home there until the last day. Then he had taken off. Grisha still didn’t understand what had caused that. Maybe it had involved the princess. 
There was no way that Grisha was going to say no to this. 
Unless Carla, Dina, or Eren said no to it. 
Zeke had brought up the idea while they had been there. 
He would wait to talk to Carla about it until the Ackermans arrived. He wanted to see how Mikasa and Eren acted around one another. 
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 025 - A Strong Cold Open, and A Strong Cliff-hanger
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1 Episode 26 - Shockwave Part 1
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So, I'm finally at the end of season 1. This season has been a nice little introduction to the Star Trek universe, and it's been really nice learning about the wider key elements of the universe alongside the characters, which I don't think is something I would have experienced if I start with the Original Series.
On the advice in the replies, I am gonna tackle Shockwave as two separate posts because of the season break between the parts. I'm also partially motivated by the fact that by sheer coincidence there are two separate Doctor Who Universe stories called Shockwave, so covering the parts separately means I get to do a comparison segment for both of those. But, onto the episode: The Episode starts with the Enterprise sending the shuttlepod down to a colony planet, everything seems calm, but then suddenly as they descend, the planet is suddenly engulfed in fire and explosions. Which is a hell of a way to cold open an episode.
It immediately seems pressing to figure what the fuck just happened. The Colony is just gone. Dead. The crew immediately notice things aren't adding up. It's looking like the shuttlepod's plasma exhausts ignited the explosion, but all logs indicate the plasmaducts were closed with no leaks.
The writing on Archer in this episode was great. He really felt like he carried the weight of just accidentally killing 3 and half thousand people.
Starfleet and the Vulcans shut down the Enterprise's mission. It's looking like the End of the Road. Seeing everyone's reactions to that news is interesting. Phlox's never ending optimism that new adventuring opportunities will present themselves, Trip taking the combative "The Vulcans will use this to hold us back" stance, Travis not really knowing if anything will live up to being aboard Enterprise. And, the highlight, T'Pol trying to convince Archer to fight back against the decision. She masks that as "It is your duty as captain to present your case", but really she's grown attached to the crew, she just isn't ready to admit it.
After that attempt at being convinced, Archer hits the bed, and is instantly sent back in time by Daniels, the Temporal Cold War future guy from Cold Front. Which means, whatever happened to the colony: It's related to the Temporal Cold War. The Explosion wasn't supposed to happen. This is finally what kicks Archer into action. With help from Daniels, and some previous readings from Malcolm, evidence of sabotage was found, and the crew start moving to take down the Suliban ship that sabotaged the shuttle
This was a great Season Finale. Seeing everyone working on top form with the future of the whole mission at stake was excellent, and the action sequence of T'Pol, Archer and Trip moving to get proof of sabotage from the Suliban Stealth Ship held me captive.
Shadowy Future Guy showed up again. There still isn't much on his specific motives, but now plans to kidnap Archer. I really want to know more about our main villain's motivation. Being an elusive mystery is fine early on, but an elusive mystery with no answers or even clues gets old quick.
Our cliff-hanger leading into Season 2 is Archer sacrificing himself over the Suliban to save Enterprise. He gives command over to T'Pol. This scene was honestly kind of sad. It genuinely brought a tear to my eye. Then to find as he left the bridge, Daniels throws him into the future, to find an apocalyptic wasteland, leaving the Suliban to attack enterprise. This is a heavy cliff-hanger. I genuinly can't even begin to predict how Archer is gonna get back to his own time. Daniels' time equipment is gone, he's stuck in the dead future. And the Enterprise itself is about to be shot down with no chance of escape.
I am really looking forward to seeing how this is resolved. I can't wait, and I only have to wait a day, I can't begin to imagine how it must have felt to wait a whole season gap for the conclusion.
Comparing my Enjoyment of this Episode with a Doctor Who Universe Story of the Same Title
Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctor - Part 7: Shockwave
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So, the Destiny of the Doctor anthology was a set of 11 short hour long audiobooks, one with each doctor, released in 2013 in the lead up to the show's 50th Anniversary. I don't know how seriously Trekkies take their show's anniversaries, but in the Doctor Who fandom we go wild with anniversary fever, especially back when the 50th rolled around. There was so much content released 2013 celebrating the shows history. I could talk about Destiny of the Doctor as a whole for a while, but really I'm only here to talk about one of it's stories.
Shockwave, the 7th story in DoD was in theory supposed to be sort of a quintessential celebration of the 7th doctor era and all of it's elements. In a lot of ways, it is very much is a very Season 26 7 and Ace Story. The Doctor takes Ace to a planet which's star is set to explode due to a spatial anomaly and is throwing out a lethal shockwave of Artron energy (In Doctor Who, that means Time Travel radiation). To Quote the Doctor, "We can't help them. It's already too late."
I'm gonna skip most of the plot summary stuff here, because this is already a long post.
To those of you who aren't familiar with Who, the Seventh Doctor is an interesting character. He often keeps his companions in the dark about his actual plans, sometimes to the point of being a manipulator, and that is definitely what happens here. The story is narrated from Ace's perspective, separated from the Doctor who is working away in the Shadows. Shockwave is a good example of a 7 and Ace story. Enjoyable, but because of the nature of what it is, it doesn't try to do anything new with the characters. I like 7 and Ace's character dynamic, but stories like this really make you long for the more emotionally charged stories where Ace finally snaps over the 7th Doctor's bullshit. That said, even without that kind of occasional plot beat from Ace that I love, this story still writes her really well. Her personal character arc in this one is really really well done.
As with all of the DoD stories, The Eleventh Doctor briefly steps in for a cameo that only begins to make sense when you get to the final story in DoD. It's one of the better DoD 11th Doctor cameos, certainly less intrusive than the one in the 4th Story.
Both Enterprise's Shockwave (Part 1) and Destiny of Doctor's Shockwave are enjoyable, but on the whole I would give the edge to Enterprise here for being more of a standout within it's on series. Enterprise's Shockwave was higher stakes than normal, it was. DoD Shockwave was just another "7 doesn't clue Ace in on his plans" story in a sea of other "7 doesn't clue Ace in on his plans" stories. A very good one of those, but with nothing that would make me recommend it over the other good examples of the 7 and Ace dynamic.
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geminiamethyst · 1 year
Let The Flames Begin. Chapter 13: Investigation At Cloudcracker Prison
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 12: click HERE
Chapter 14:
Sorry that I haven’t been writing or updating so much. It’s been a bit of a stressful time and writer’s block hit badly. Sorry if this isn’t good, but I hope you still like it all the same.
The walk to the portal was quicker than Flameslinger expected. He was still fuming over the arrogant guest that he had. He still couldn’t believe that his “family” still tried to make a profit off of him after all the warnings that they had received. He’s going to have to tell Master Eon about this when it’s over. He didn’t want to leave the Academy, it’s become his home. But if something isn’t done to crack down on this issue, he might have to leave. He’s going to save it as a last resort. He won’t leave without a fight.
“Are you sure that you’re okay?” Rider suddenly asked. The elf half of the duo had been silent the entire time. Now that they were fast approaching the Portal Master, he felt the need to finally speak. He needed to make sure that his friend was really okay. He didn’t know what happened before he showed up to the house, but he could tell that there was a lot of things that felt wrong.
“I’m fine!” Flameslinger suddenly shouted, his ears folded back in frustration. Ozzy stepped back a little as Rider flinched quite violently at this. Flameslinger could see and feel the hurt from both of them. His form sagged a little as he rubbed his temples. He felt like a headache was coming and the stress from yelling at his friends wasn’t helping. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap.”
“Don’t apologise. We could tell that you were getting stressed out.” Rider smiled kindly, but it seemed forced. Flameslinger felt more shame wash over him. He’s really going to have to work on that apology. After the mission. As Flameslinger thought that, they finally reached the library where the portal was located. Much to his relief.
As the Fire and Undead Skylanders entered the room, waiting for them, was Jet Vac and Stealth Elf. Master Eon hadn’t come back yet, so the wait was probably going to be less than a minute longer.
“What’s the mission?” Rider asked as his steed came to a stop.
“We need to investigate Cloudcracker Prison. The Doom Raiders have escaped again.” Jet Vac reported. His sharp eyes suddenly glanced at Flameslinger, causing the elf to flinch a little. The Air Skylander stared a little longer before he finally asked that predictable question. “Flameslinger, are you okay?”
“I will be. I need this distraction.” Flameslinger grumbled, his twitching slightly as he responded.
“Don’t ask.” Rider was quick to add before anymore questions could be asked. Thankfully, Master Eon had arrived just seconds after that. He was quick to activate the Portal of Power and send the Skylanders to their destination. Flameslinger hadn’t been to Cloudcracker Prison before. To say that he was surprised by the amount of Traptanium was understatement. He never thought that he would see this amount of the near indestructible crystals. Each one was huge and held a villain in accordance to their elements.
There wasn’t much time to admire the handiwork though. Jet Vac led the way to a part of the prison that started to have less Traptanium that had a prisoner. The further the Skylanders ventured, the less there were. It was as if they were walking to some kind of solitary confinement. In a way, it should be if this part of the prison held some of the most dangerous villains in the world. Finally they reached where the Doom Raiders should have been. Fragments of Traptanium was scattered everywhere. Whatever was used to break out the Doom Raiders must have been really powerful. After all, only Skylanders who can use Traptanium can destroy the crystals themselves.
“So, what happened, Snap Shot?” Jet Vac asked as they spotted the Trap Master.
“We’re not sure.” The Trap Master sighed, looking exhausted and baffled all at once. He looked around almost hopelessly as he scratched his head. “One minute everything was fine, but then the next, there was this explosion. All other prisoners are accounted for. Some we had to trap. The only ones that aren’t here are the Doom Raiders. We suspected that they might have had something smuggled in, so we’re investigating everything that might have to do with it.”
“Any visitors?” Jet Vac inquired, scratching his chin.
“Forbidden. No access to ANYONE outside until they’re reformed.” Snap Shot insisted heavily. That would make sense given how dangerous the Raiders could be. Whatever else was said, Flameslinger didn’t hear. He was more focused on trying to locate the villains. He pretended to pick up a piece of the Traptanium, to make it seem like he was inspecting it. However, in reality, he was using his second sight to try to find the Doom Raiders. He hoped that they were dumb enough to light a fire, but that wasn’t the case. The nearest flame that he could see through was from a village of Mabu that was a whole island away.
Where could they have gone?
“Flameslinger? Are you okay?” Stealth Elf suddenly asked. Her voice was quiet like usual, but it cut through Flameslinger’s thoughts like a knife. He wanted to snap at her because he had enough of that question, but he can’t do that. They need to focus on the mission. He’ll explain everything as soon as this is over.
“I’m fine.” Flameslinger sighed, hoping that Stealth won’t pry any further.
“You were spacing out.” She stated. Honestly it was a bit of a relief that it wasn’t related to his mood before they left the Academy.
“I was…just thinking of anywhere that the Doom Raiders could’ve gone.” Flameslinger was quick to explain. It technically wasn’t a lie, he just won’t fully disclose what he was doing. Stealth Elf hummed as she approached a destroyed part of a wall that Flameslinger didn’t notice at first. He followed her as she started scanning the forest area. She tried to spot anything that might indicate a solid clue, but there was no such luck.
“If they had a vehicle, they could be anywhere. If they were dumb enough to risk it on foot, they’re probably still in the forest.” She mused, noticing that Flameslinger was watching the forest like she was. It would make sense that the Doom Raiders would still be in the woods if this was just a sudden escape that they were able to accomplish. And as far as they were aware, the Doom Raiders didn’t escape by vehicle. Yet. They might be moving through the forest to rendezvous with their means of escape.
“If it hasn’t been checked, maybe we should give the forest a sweep.” Flameslinger suggested. If they were still in the woods, time was running out to find these villains.
“I’ll gather anyone that can be spared.” Stealth Elf agreed, immediately heading off to the Trap Masters. Flameslinger was about to follow, but then he looked out at the forest again. There was this twisting feeling in his stomach. He can’t explain it, but he just have this instinctual feeling that something was terribly wrong. He glanced back at the others as Stealth Elf started to gather back up. Master Eon’s warning about sticking closer to his friends echoed down his ears. This wasn’t the time to not heed that warning. This feeling that he can’t get rid of intensified that.
Some truly didn’t feel right at all.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
this might just be me being insane but-- as i was doomscrolling thru shoppee trying to find cute earrings, i saw body harnesses being advertised to me which like-- okay whatever cosplay stuff but then i noticed it looked like the leather straps on dottore in that one art of him and then i started thinking about the fatui and how even though theyre all "fools", they still continue to pursue their goals. which then made me think that hey. theyre kind of marionettes then, right?
since like-- they all know theyre playing a part, a role-- heck its even in ther job/title descriptions: dottore as the doctor does human experimentation which is the perversion of being a doctor, tartaglia having to fake being mostly fine and okay to his family and presumably the rest of snezhnaya (i personally see him having a sort of celebrity status in snez with how much of a troublemaker he is, a constant source of gossip with how up and front he is with his dealings for the tsaritsa), etc. etc. and a whole bunch of them have straps or some kind of design element that kind of binds or restricts or at least symbolizes that in some way
idk man-- i just wanted to bring up this thing i noticed while doomscrolling. couldve stumbled onto something big or im just insane, i dunno.
and on the earrings thing, i was looking for diluc inspired earrings and every single one i found was out of stock. i feel dead inside. hope you have a better experience online shopping than me, mei :'))
I was a little confused by your use of Doomscrolling, as that normally means you scrolling through constantly absorbing bad news. But I sort of get what you're trying to say.
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But let me give you my 2 cents on Fatui's design motif, at least the Harbringer's use of the Commedia dell'arte.
Commedia dell'arte to English translates to "comedy of the profession"
And it's best known for its masks which are used to help build its character exaggeration and helps take them apart for the unmasked and more human characters.
Now let me bring your attention to the Mocking Mask.
Since the stain of my compatriots' blood cannot be cleansed, I shall become The Jester, who laughs in the face of fate. Since my level of learning could not compare with the sages, I failed to earn the favor of the previous ruler. So too did I fail to stop them from tearing away the veil of sin, ushering in a tide of divine wrath, destruction, and foolishness... Then I shall become instead a fool, a Fatuus, and devote myself to Her Majesty, who understands my pain... My name is Pierro, The Jester. Please listen to the words I have to say: Proud Fatui comrades, I know your hearts harbor both the fires of rage and the cold of eternal winter. Each one of us has borne witness to the absurd callousness of the foundational principles of this world. So, let us don our masks in mockery of the world as we go forth and rewrite the rules of destiny.
With that, let's talk about the saying "A fool's errand." Which simple is a fruitless undertaking. A Task you do that will not work out. So I'm sure you can already see the connection I'm trying to make.
The Fatui's goal is most certainly to break the heavenly principles talked about by the unknown god, as Fatui are people who have been hurt by these principles. My Guess. Pierro and the Tsaritsa lost people during the destruction of Khaenri'ah. They were told it was simply fate. Their fate was to suffer, and both refused to accept this. Thus laughing in the face of fate. And they go on this "Fool's errand" to change the world.
So if there is a marionette angle, it's more about them breaking free of their restraints than them being puppets following roles. And In Tartaglia's lines, you do get the feeling that each harbringer really has their own goal. And In the trailer, it did feel like there was animosity between the Harbingers. And I think this is because they all have their own goals and wishes, only united by their desire to break free from destiny.
And Honestly, I don't see Tartaglia as being any sort of fake. yeah, he lies for the betterment of his little brother. But I've always seen Tartaglia as a person who's extremely honest. He speaks frankly and recognizes that he's not the most moral person in the world, but he has his own values and sticks to them. And while he has his own problems, he's not the type to dwell on it. He just keeps moving forward. He takes everything as it comes and just keeps marching on. That's why In my writing, you don't get a ton of Childe angst simple because I don't think he is the character who likes to angst
So for the straps, I just think it's a normal design choice. It's not nearly as constant in the Harbringer designs for me to think it's a real connecting element. In fact, the harbringer designs so far have been very unique, with no big connecting elements.
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While they have a darker color pallet, I wouldn't blame anyone who looked at these characters and couldn't guess that they are all a part of the same group. And I think that works better for the theme of defiance heck, even each of their outfits in the trailer had its unique elements.
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