#I mean everyone's amazing in the terror
dragongeek1 · 2 years
Midnight Mass Netflix is so fucking good oh my god, the show runners went “hey you know what’s got weird fucking text and subtext about blood and flesh? The Bible” and RAN WITH IT and knew exactly where to go with it, this is probably one of the best pieces of vampire media I’ve seen
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paper-mario-wiki · 11 months
Hey I know your clown days are behind you and everything, but I'm still curious if you've got any opinions on The Amazing Digital Circus?
same thing everyone else does i suppose, that its fun and well made.
to be additive to the discussion instead of just saying positive stuff you've already heard, i'll levy a little critique against it, bearing in mind that i do so with positive, constructive intent.
i feel as though in recent times we've been oversaturated with stories and media with too grand a focus on the characters instead of interesting concepts. i think that the character design in the amazing digital circus is colorful and neat, but in the past 3 years how many "it's cutesy looking, but it's actually about existential terror and the cute characters go through trauma, oh no!" gimmicks have you seen in stories? personally ive seen quite a few.
i feel as though creatives are pushed too much to make a marketable face first and foremost, because lingering eyes are in high demand for artwork online these days. if someone is going to move on quick, which is going to be the case with the majority of people, it's much more likely that someone will find it easier to remember a cool design for a character instead of an entire unique sequence of events. that means story-driven things are either made to be more shallow to give more space for character moments, or have a much smaller chance for having their work succeed.
i do not think this is indicative of some mass decline in creative originality, or even the fault of the creatives who make the work. like i said, i thought it was a lot of fun and gave it a small positive review on twitter a few days ago. Gooseworx, as well as the rest of the team who made it, clearly cared for this project. what im talking about is a symptom of the larger issue that is the black-box algorithms that have desolated social networks, and create bad media consumption habits in people. though i wont lie to you and say i havent grown to resent the symptom too.
so to answer your question more succinctly, i dont really think of it that much at all. ive seen this one already.
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circeyoru · 6 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 6 = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 1.5 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 (here) — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9  — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13
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Alastor nearly dropped the tray containing your food when he felt your darkening aura. He immediately got over and set the tray of food in front of you while explaining what was cooked for you. Ignoring the obvious death glare you were sending across the table at Lucifer who was still proudly introducing you
It was amazing for Alastor to see you silently seething with annoyance yet do nothing. Perhaps it was because Lucifer has yet to step out of line? Or because you had your dose of terror because of the Vees?
You were introduced as the mentor of Lucifer when he came to Hell all those years ago, meaning you were older than ancient. A hellborn, so you were able to travel throughout all of Hell, basically to other Rings that’s why you weren’t around for so long
Now the ‘Collector’ title was an interesting one. They didn’t know you hold the souls of the Overlords, they only know you hold a number of souls at your command. How you can do so while being a hellborn was beyond them. But they were aware that there were hellborn nobles, and that’s what they chalked it up to
Still though, it doesn’t help the fact that your cover was blown
“Dear student of mine.” You spoke softly with a smile. Alastor got a chill at the gentleness and eerie feeling of an incoming scolding.
“Yes, Teach?” That got Lucifer’s attention as he stopped with his flattery and turned to you with a brighter smile.
“Do shut up now.”
Your disguise dropped, revealing your true form to the others. Your eyes now closed, and an aura of authority and power radiated from you that commanded control and pressure
You politely asked Lucifer to leave the seat and continue with the hotel tour with his daughter. You had Alastor sit down while you two enjoyed a meal together. Alastor took the liberty of casting a barrier around the two of you to ensure privacy and uninterrupted moments
Peacefully, you listened to Alastor as he told you tales of what happened during his 7 years absence. The poor deer was gone looking for you after he realized your absence was a bit uncalled for, even going as far as to submit to demonic summoning in the human world to see if you would call him back to your services
It was amusing and you chuckled at the silly stuff humans had your deer do, Alastor’s cute ears pinned back at your mocking laugh, but returned to their position with joy when you said you meant to offense
So Alastor continued to share his stories to entertain you, all while you listened and enjoyed his cooking with a content smile gracing your lips
Never has he asked question about you, for you’ll never tell. You have your secrets and sacred knowledge and information that is only for your knowing. He knew, everyone else in your elite  collection knew. All they ask for was your presence and support in their time in this Hell realm
It was obvious how while you have all this power to squash them like mere insects, you never did so and instead supported them and given them a title that would be feared. You established a system for them that will be recognized by all of Hell
“I was afraid you’d be gone forever, My Liege.” Alastor’s ears drooped down.
You smiled, “Forever’s a long time. I should know. I’ll never be gone, no need to fret.”
Alastor remembers that day well, when he was approached by you. The shadows he controlled ran rampened, out of his control. He was suddenly brought to a forest, he saw the city buildings over the treelines, but he couldn’t leave this forest no matter what. Even when he tried to use his powers and his more demonic form, nothing worked. Something kept him there by force
For the first time since his descent to Hell, he felt powerless and caged. There was no one in that forest to exploit or ask questions. It was truly just him
It felt like he was held prisoner yet not since he was free to do as he pleased. He could conjure things, so his daily necessities were met. Then there were the deers that were nothing like the hell creatures, it was one he was familiar to back when he was alive. So he enjoyed the game of hunting
It felt like he was well-provided. All but his freedom to leave
He didn’t know how long he stayed there, but there were whispers here and there. Creatures that were a blend of ravens and crows were in the trees watching him, Cages as they introduced themselves
The Cages whispered ideas into him, he ignored them. Then they continued to repeating the same thing to him. He had enough and tried what was suggested to him. For some odd reason, it worked. It was like a power upgrade from what he was capable of, a boost if you will. The Cages spoke words of praise that felt oddly pleasant
From then on, he looked forward to the Cages’ suggestions. Everytime he accomplished what they proposed, compliments came to him with a wash of comfort, then another tip came. He found himself growing more and more reliant on the connection he had with the Cages and anticipated their presence every time his eyes opened from a nap or long rest
Yet the time came when all the Cages seemingly disappeared from the forest. He searched high and low, turning desperate for their presence again. He long forgotten his goal of escape since this place made his entertainment worthwhile and his power was growing
At the sight of that one Cage, he followed it. He knew then, it was on purpose, everything that happened had a purpose. The Cage led him to you. You who sat in the clearing tending to a number of Cages that were around you
When he materialized out of the shadows and saw your form, he felt like he was in a trance. That presence he was feeling through the Cages, it was all so strong around you, passing by those winged creatures, he confirmed it was all you. Everything that happened here was all your doing
Instead of rage and bloodlust like he had in the beginning of his time here, there was a longing of passion and an urge to stay by your side so he wouldn’t be separated from you. He didn’t understand it, but he knew you were the key to his pillar. No, you are his pillar
“Radio Demon, Alastor. Overlords before you has met me one way or another.” Your voice was so angelic that it felt like a crime that you’d be in Hell. Wait. He was in Hell? It felt like paradise. “I have a collection of souls at my disposal and I control the Overlords I have picked to be in my collection.”
“I wish to join.” He spoke so urgently as he fell to a kneeling position with his eyes staring at your form, he felt like if he delayed, it was life or death. 
A melodiously chuckle came from your curved lips that was a small smile. Your hand that had a Cage perched on it flicked and the Cage was airborn. You offered your hand to him, “If you do, you’ll be giving me your soul. I’m sure you know what that means.”
“I don’t care.” Alastor spoke with confidence firmly. “As long as I am by your side.”
Alastor held his heart stop when your eyes opened, it was captivating that his eyes focused on that the moment your eyelids revealed them to him. It felt it it was his birthday present and Christmas gift all wrapped in one. He saw his reflection from your eyes, the softness of your hand broke him from his trance, and the joyous tone from your voice got him melting into you, “As you wish. My Dear Alastor.”
Over the next few days, you have been observing the hotel residence after you little reveal
Lucifer was acting like a kicked puppy but soon recovered after you joined him in making breakfast for the others. He happily started singing and skipping around to make your smile last. Of course, he apologized for not realizing you were trying to hide your identity
You brushed it off since what’s done is done. Better now than later since no bonds were formed just yet. It was similar to how you gave Alastor a taste of what was to happen after he gave you his soul that day. The entire situation in the forest was to show him that he was free yet caged in your hold, he knew what he was getting into
Well, Alastor did seem to be the type of soul that wanted dominance so you did that to test and see if he can obey commands before offering him your contract. You expected him to fight for control longer and more fiercely, yet that wasn’t the case since he committing to you and proving himself the moment he saw you
Charlie was an interesting case. There was some time where she was more careful with her words around you, perhaps scared that you’d snap at her like you did with her father. And the fact that you were his father’s teacher that he respects and prides himself with associating with you. But then when Alastor gave her a word of caution that you weren’t as scary as you seem, then she took her chance
You got it through to her that she could act the same with you as before. She did not hesitate after that, of course, still keeping in mind some boundaries. She was back to her cheerful and fun self around you. Even enjoying feeling like a grandparent was taking care of her and spoiling her. Though that didn’t mean you were lenient with her that you’ll overlook things
You offer advice from time to time when Charlie was busy planning activities. You advised her on how to use her authority and power when necessary, her kindness is her strength and weakness. More on the latter since this was Hell, a number of demons will take advantage of her and push her down. Sure she can fight back, but it wouldn’t be enough when they are perfectly aware of what buttons to push
Vaggie showed obvious suspicion and caution around you. She went as far as to avoid you and not stand in your path. When it was obvious Alastor listens to you without another word, it raised even more red flags in her mind because you were that powerful. Lucifer speaking highly of you was even worse
She heard of ‘The Collector’, some demons she killed when she was still an exterminator screamed that The Collector will reign supreme or that a terrible death will be passed down as judgement to them. Hellborns move to other circles when it’s extermination day, some might be unlucky to escaped but exterminators weren’t taught to tell the difference between hellborn and sinners
When she was abandoned in Hell, she learned that The Collector holds a vast ocean of souls at your command. It was a terrifying thought to know that if you wanted, war can beginning at the drop of your command
Hell has 7 Rings, each represents a sin and only the Pride Ring has sinners of human souls. But Heaven was just that one. A paradise on top of the clouds. Now that angels can be killed, if you so wished, can’t you take over Heaven as well?
You were aware of all Vaggie’s little fears. You didn’t mind it at first, but her paranoia was getting out of head when she tried to deter the others to stay clear of you. Namely Charlie since you have been caring for her since you was too young to even remember. Though being the sweet princess she is, tried to have Vaggie under you weren’t a threat
A duel, you offered Vaggie. If she won, you’d leave the hotel and never step near any of them under any circumstances. Alastor nearly snapped when Vaggie pushed you to offer since an absurd wager, you own all of Hell, why would such a rule even apply to you? But you raised your hand to Alastor so he’d calm down. If you win, well, Vaggie will stop with all this ‘you’re the bad guy’ talk
Everyone came to watch. Charlie tried to persuade Vaggie to call it off but failed. Meanwhile, Lucifer urged you to hold back since this was his daughter’s beloved girlfriend. You planned to do so anyways and everyone stayed on the sidelines
Vaggie readied her spear and summoned her wings. You smiled, your form changing to a familiar one. Carmilla. You skillfully dodged all the attacks Vaggie launched at you as though you were dancing. While the duel was still ongoing, you pointed out Vaggie’s flaws and weak points before you attacked once and the winner of the fight was decided
Afterwards, Vaggie was persistant in asking for your fighting lessons and techniques. It got to the point where Alastor would try to move you to another spot so that his time with you wouldn’t get continuously interrupted. To his dismay, you found amusement in the entirety of the situation
“How dare you try to steal what precious time I have from me!” Alastor glared at Vaggie.
“This is a connection between warriors! You butt out of this edge lord!” Vaggie remarked back.
You merely chuckled at the exchange and never said anything to side with either. 
Angel hid his discomfortable of you from the others and acted as his usual self, as much as he can. The only ones that noticed his awkwardness was probably Husk and you. You had a hunch it was due to the fact that you own too many souls to count, he was under contract with Valentino. The poor soul
Pity as though it may be, it was his choice to be under that sorry excuse of an Overlord in the first place. He’s merely living the life he signed himself for. The same for Husk
Now Husk had the best reaction. He was the latest Overlord to be rejected from your collection, but not the fastest. He didn’t get anything guidance like how your current Elites (excluding the Vees) had, certainly never having Alastor’s treatment as well. For you saw gambling as a dangerous bet to support in. Where there’s a win, there’s always an even bigger lost
This was something you warned Husk after accepting him as an Overlord among your ranks. It certainly didn’t help when he was hosting more and more gambling parties and inviting other Overlords to join in. They participated but were quick to give him their input and warn to change a domain since you’ll be more supportive of it
Husk didn’t listen. He was winning and was blinded by that. So the other Overlords counted down till Husk was removed from the collection. It didn’t take long for your Overlords to realize they had a chance to pin down the former Overlord Husk to their command and show you their ability. Alastor took the job and the role of relying that he was abandoned
He didn’t know, he never knew. He reflected on that and found times when his fellow Overlords tried to help him and teach him the ropes, since these things aren’t something you’ll tell them. You like it when your Overlords are independent when they need to
So he shifted his focus like you advised so long ago. He gained the ability to read demons like a book as time gone by, so much so that he’d love to show it to you, but Alastor would never let that happen
When he saw you near, he tried offering you a drink or two. He wanted to talk, to say that he was sorry and that he was wrong. It’s always when he got to a suitable time to tell you that you were pulled away by one thing or another
He thought he lost his chance again until you met him in the hallway when he was retreating to his room to get some shuteye
“Husk, my former soul.” Your words made him freeze and turn to you, there was that small smile on your face that made you look so serene and neutral to everything. “I hope you continue your time here in service to the dear Princess and the hotel as Alastor has assigned you.”
“But I…”
“Until I call for you.” You cut him off as your smile widened, “Don’t worry about anything and try to build your power back, I see that you have learned your lesson.” You snapped your fingers and a card with an eye design on it appeared, you passed it to him, “Alastor knows my thoughts on the matter, so I hope you won’t disappoint me again.”
Husk bowed deeply, his wings relaxed that they touched the floor almost entirely, “Yes, I will, Master.”
You chuckled and showed him a hologram of him protecting and caring for Angel. “Do you know?” Husk looked up, unsure of why you showed him something like this. “That an Overlord can challenge another to gain the soul contract that’s signed?”
Husk’s eyes widened at the message you conveyed.
You made a hush motion over your lips as your eyes peeked open, “Let’s keep this between us. If you manage to prove yourself, there’s more to come and more to receive. Though that all depends on your willingness. Husk.”
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Note: I'm so curious on your thoughts for this one~ There's Alastor's little backstory to how he became the way he is and then the little ending here~ Hehe
Well~ Like I said before, the next uploads are for {Unwanted Soul}
Circe Y. 
Taglist: (those that don't specify to being in all the works' taglist will automatically be assumed to be in whichever series they comment on)
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @fluffy-koalala @plutobots @ray-rook @thealienartist @serenity-songbird @galaxydreamer468 @raynerrold @wen01203@hikari-michiko @colecreo @myromanempiree @xsamkuro @yourdoorisunlocked @clavelina @jono723 @cursedcattalastor @an-idyllic-novelist @flamiohotman2024 @rea-grace @myromanempiree @veroneverleft @lousypotatoes @crazysuityouth @jellyedkazoo @wat4r @kiraisastay @thealienartist @chefysawesomeideas @wtvbabes
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luveline · 1 year
so I wanted to request Sirius x reader where the reader is on veritaserum and has a banter/ tongue in cheek sorta relationship with Sirius. And then when she's on the truth serum she has to hold back witty comebacks because when she opens her mouth all she keeps saying is how disgustingly cute Sirius looks when he smiles, and how she just wants to snog his face off PLEASE IF YOU CAN 👉👈 🥺
thank you ♡ —you can't hide the truth from sirius, and he doesn't want to try. 1.3k
cw spiked drink
"Why would someone put veritaserum in the pimms?" you ask James meekly. 
"Shortcake, I'm really not sure. Don't get upset about it, alright? Remus is going to tear them all a new one." He squeezes you by the shoulders. "Don't worry, Jamie's here." 
"You're very handsome, but I don't fancy you. Much." 
James smiles. "Good to know, lovely. I don't fancy you much either. I'll assume you're saving yourself for our mutual dark-haired friend and I shan't be offended." 
You slap a hand over your mouth and shake your head, but the truth comes out muffled into your palm anyways. "I really like him," you say, eyes wide with terror, "I don't want anyone else. Oh, James! You're such a dick!" 
"Do you mean that, or are you just angry with me?" James asks, helping you out into the garden away from the party and your peers, who can't be trusted to leave you alone when you're set to tell them any secret they want. 
"What's wrong?" Sirius asks. 
Your neck almost snaps as you look up. James swears, trying to save it as your body instinctively answers. "Someone's spiked our girl," James says extremely loudly to mask your more honest confession, "I'm worried I'm going to tell you I like you," you say. 
Sirius, sitting on a low garden wall with a packet of cigarettes in his hand, is puzzled. "What?" 
"Someone's put veritaserum in her drink. Maybe in the pitcher. I've brought her outside so she doesn't accidentally tell everyone she's in love with me."
Sirius grins. "Don't be daft, Prongs, she's clearly team Black. Aren't you, sweetheart?" 
"You're the prettiest of your trio," you say, sincerity like a blade at the back of your throat, aching, "I'm definitely on your team." 
James squeezes your shoulder and helps you into a garden chair, the metal cool against your back. "I'll forgive you because I know you can't help it, and because I know you're dying of embarrassment," he murmurs. 
"Thank you. I love you." 
"I love you too, shortcake," James says easily, kicking out a chair for Sirius and flopping into his beside you. "Aren't feeling ill, are you?" 
"Just terrified I'll say something too honest," you say, holding your breath between words. 
Sirius sits in the chair that's been kicked out for him with a cigarette held between his lips, unlit. He lift a his hips to pull a lighter from his back pocket and you flush with heat at the motion, wondering if you're a pervert for looking, for thinking, but lately your flirty banter has your heart doing front flips, and every time you see him you're zoning in on his hands, his arms, the slip of skin at his navel when he stretches, the low sound he makes when something pops. 
"Stop ogling me," he says without looking from his cigarette, the end glowing orange in the flame of his clipper. 
"I don't mean to," you say. 
James shifts uncomfortably. Everyone knows you like Sirius, maybe even Sirius, but he hasn't said a thing about it and you've stopped yourself (so far) from telling him. Any truth has been said under the guise of a joke. 
Sirius takes a short drag and holds the cigarette out and away from you, smoke curling in the cold autumnal night. "Shall I go help defend your honour? I assume that's where Remus is. Being spiked isn't funny." 
"I'd like it if you stayed here," you say. 
James laughs. Sirius leans forward a touch. "Then I'll stay here. Do you need something to drink?"
"My mouth is really dry," you say. 
Sirius sends a saccharine smile James' way. It's the look of an older brother used to getting his way, to which James sighs and grumbles, standing from his chair, "Don't ask her anything cruel," he says severely, kissing the top of your head quickly. "I'm serious." 
"I won't. I quite like her, in case you forgot. I've no interest in torturing her." 
You believe him. James departs with a pat, leaving you and Sirius alone at the garden table, still but for the little motion he does every now and then to fleck ash onto the floor. 
"You sure you're okay?" Sirius asks.
"I feel fine. Warm, but that's probably because you're smiling at me." 
He raises his eyebrows. "Maybe we should talk about something else. I really don't want to ask you anything too personal while you can't keep a secret. James gave me veritaserum once, when we were kids." 
"He did?" you ask. 
"Too much of it. I was sick, and I couldn't stop telling him how much I wished we were real brothers. Which he knows now, but at the time it was, you know, very sincere." 
"You and James are real brothers," you say. 
"I'm glad you can say that. It must be true," he says. "I'm lucky, even if he has tried to poison me." 
"James is lucky too. We all are." 
"Yeah?" he asks. He's about to continue, but your mouth does the choosing for you, and you cut him off. 
"I love knowing you, Sirius, I feel lucky to be your friend, and I–" You bite your tongue hard enough for tears to catch in your eyes immediately. 
Sirius' blasé fades, falls away slowly, like a moving cloud unveiling a slice of light, "Don't hurt yourself," he says, alarmed at your wincing. He drops his cigarette and smashes it with his heel, shuffling his chair closer to yours. 
"I just don't want to tell you something," you say, shaking your head. 
Sirius touches your hand. "Okay, I won't ask you any more questions. I'm sorry. Everyone's allowed their secrets, lovely, I didn't mean to make you answer me. I thought it would be easier to skirt around the issue." 
But it's a big feeling, and it's in everything you do. You really, really like him. If you can't be honest about that, maybe you can be honest about something else..
There's no shame in finding a handsome man handsome. And maybe you can convince him that that's all it is. "I just want to kiss you stupid, Black," you say, "like, kiss you until I can't feel my mouth anymore. You look like you know how to really kiss someone." 
Sirius laughs suddenly, startled. "I want to kiss you stupid, doll. You're a fucking dime piece," he says through laughter, "and that's the truth."
"You look really nice when you laugh," you further, wondering if this is the wrong thing to do. 
"You look beautiful when you laugh," he says. 
"Joking with you about stuff is the best part of my week." 
"It's the best part of mine. I wish we saw each other more often," he says. 
"Did you drink the pimms, too?" you ask. 
"No. I'm stone cold sober, sweetheart." Sirius looks behind you and you follow his gaze to the patio doors, where James and Remus are arguing good-naturedly, a tall pint glass filled literally to the rim with water in James' hand.
"Has he left you alone?" Remus asks, quick down the short step to defend you. "I love you, Sirius, but I don't trust you to not ask her embarrassing questions." 
"I'm starting to get offended. No, she hasn't told me anything embarrassing. Only that she wants to snog my lips off, but I knew that already." Sirius smiles at you dopily while his friends seize up. "And that's hardly embarrassing, because I want to do it to her first." 
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space-blue · 19 days
Arcane 2 Trailer time!
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Imagine this chick comes into your office and tells you what to do? What are you gonna do?? Tell her no?????
Overall Ambessa and Sevika are really making this season MILF o'clock.
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It would seem that early season will focus on Jinx terrorist time...
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This is sadly the only LoL skin she could afford...
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If you like Cait AND you like your women in pain/getting squeeze like they're a pineapple in the werewolf fucking press, then it seems this season is going to be for you. But Cait isn't the only one having a bad time, seems like Heimerdinger losing his day job led to some relaxation of his principles:
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Now focusing on Ekko, who we know is helping Heimer:
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This has a chain to pull a mechanism, and we see some similar thing being pulled by an unknown character, just a much thicker chain.
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These shots of the Firelights attacking AMBESSA's people lead me to believe that the story may look like > Councillors listen to Ambessa > The tensions with Zaun escalate > Jinx terrorism instead of resolution > Vi sees this as failure and returns to Zaun to try another way > Ambessa doesn't take no for an answer > everyone teams up against Noxus, bringing Zaun and Piltover together again.
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By hair alone we can see a timeskip here. Love Ekko's outfit. Vi's simpler style with just a bit of Piltie chest armour gives me hope that she transitions away from being a Piltie Enforcer and more of a Vander style character, trying to mediate.
Notice how dark her roots are???? I am wondering because LOOK:
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She has black hair!! With reddish tips?
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And this last shot confirms it! RHEA RIPPLEY makeover!!!!
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLESAEPLEASE BE REAL please don't be an inforcer don't be a cop please be cool please have an arc learn progress return to your people don't be a class traitor I beg I begwaah
My only criticism of this is that we now have 2 options: Either Vi is entering her goth era and is actively dyeing everything sloppily so that bits of Pink remain, or she has always been black haired, and has been dyeing her hair AND eyebrows pink her whole life, even as a child.
I get that it could be a cultural thing parents do, as my friend En suggested. I'd like this, if it weren't for the fact she was in stillwater for YEARS and I don't see them providing pink dye and a nice setup to bleach and dye safely...
Curious to see how it goes.
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At this I screamed "Silco????" But not sure now. Seems too far off to be a Jinx vision.
There's also fucky things going on with the Arcane. We're told it's "waking up", which is curious because I was assuming mages across Runeterra were using the Arcane lots for their own magic, so very happy to learn more about it.
Also very cool to see a return of the wizard guy from Jayce's backstory:
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Very excited for these depictions of magic :
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Free feet included.
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I'm pretty amazed that we have seen Zero Mel and Zero Jayce, and just 2-3 frames of hinted Viktor. Nice to see he'll go through with the transformation, but I'm curious as to why they're keeping the jeyvik divorce era so out of promo. Some of my friends feeling very edged right now.
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Wondering if this is baby Powder flashbacks, or if we're going to get little kids getting dyed blue in celebration as we see adults do when they team up with her. I suspect if this is a kiddo who wanted to be blue like Jinx, this will be used as a parrallel, with them being caught in an attack that harkens back to the bridge.
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The visual effects look insanely gorgeous, and also Jinx's very bad time tm is always on the menu. Very exciting!
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zerosuitsammi3 · 7 months
If I can take a moment to share my experience as a trans woman on the internet
My experience is by no means unique, it's just one experience in the plethora of trans feminine experiences and not unique to only tumblr. Though, I'll mostly talk about what I've experienced here. In the light of recent events, the reaction of "the ceo," and the comments he contributed regarding dog pile harassment; I simply wish to share my experiences that I have had to juxtapose the dynamic of his statements against a lived experience.
This account started as a way to document my social transition and eventually my journey with HRT. Tumblr had always had a large lgbtqia+ community. The queer people here inspired me and gave me hope. What I didn't know, but soon learned, is that there were people here who hated me for being trans. Being early in my transition I was a prime target. TERF groups would plan raids on my account. What this entailed was: rebloging my selfies into circles that would say the most vile things about me, threaten to kill, tell me I was ugly, tell me that everyone I knew thought I was a joke, I was a monster, my family hated me, that I should kill myself, they'd download and edit my photos into caricatures or depictions of violence. They would fill my ask box with hundreds of asks detailing how they'd kill me, call me slurs, describe the ways that I should kill myself, and pretty much everything else I mentioned above with the reblogs. Their words were carefully curated to try and break me, break my spirit, break my will to live. I tried reporting it. But it was impossible to keep up with, and like many others I saw no real response. Eventually I learned that I had to block all of them. 100's of blogs, eventually 1000's of blogs. My block list these days is incredibly extensive. I had to wade through their blogs, traverse sickening hate speech and imagery to eliminate entire circles of people harassing me. I became jaded to the hate speech, hardened to it. But mind you, I shouldn't have had to expose myself to all of this just to be at peace here amongst my community. I received no help, I was left to my own devices to protect myself. The people who hurt me never saw consequences. It was painful, it was unfair, and no one else should have to put the hours upon hours of effort and exposure to hate in to protect themselves like I did. But again my experience is not unique.
I have had to repeat this process of preemptive blocking periodically once a new circle discovers me. Blocking them all before they can start the process of hate all over again. A process of hate that seems to be hitting my community with rapidly increasing fervor as of late.
I've seen others experience far worse than me. The TERF circles will hunt down their personal information and doxx them. Expose their home address, telephone numbers, names of their family members. I can't begin to imagine the terror my queer siblings must feel when someone tells then that they want to murder them all while showing them that they know where you live. This is not a new thing, not a rare tactic, it happens. And we've all seen the news stories of trans people being murdered by people who planned it and were vocal about it.
I know this is depressing. And it doesn't reflect all of my experiences. I've had wonderful experiences here, met amazing people, made close friends, found inspiration, found hope. I found a community.
And it's my community, and I never want to let it go.
I do have fear that making this statement will get me banned. But, I wanted to say it. I wanted it to exist in the world so that everyone who doesn't know our experiences has a chance to understand and with luck empathize.
I'll part on these words and hope for the best both for myself and for every member of the community.
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luckybyler · 7 months
My observations on the VR game re: Byler, including a couple of things I haven’t seen mentioned yet
I just saw part of a game walk through on YouTube (I can’t afford VR), and hoo boy!
1. The Mike that says El is so amazing and Will wouldn’t get it isn’t the real Mike, it’s the Mike that Vecna shows Will to terrorize him: In Chapter 3, Vecna possesses Will. Will resorts to a happy memory (Mike and him in Castle Byers), where Mike gives him a a ViewMaster. Will starts playing it, but Vecna makes every memory awful, full of spiders and particles. He distorts scenes, showing things like everyone ditching Will after calling him weird and other things that blatantly didn’t happen. Then he tells him he’ll show him suffering and shows that scene where Mike talks about El while particles fall down.
2. Will is confirmed to be a human being with wants and needs of his own: During that scene, Vecna goads him to tell Mike how he feels, and that he doesn’t want to meet El at all. At this point Will and El hadn’t met in the real world, and Will didn’t wish harm on her or anything, he just didn’t want her to be there, which is a normal and natural thing to feel about your crush’s hypothetical crush.
3. Vecna’s full of shit: In chapter four, Vecna tries to possess the four boys from the Party, and fails. He tells Dustin he puts double the effort into the friendship than the other three boys do, but Dustin turns him off with the TV remote (is Dustin’s happy memory watching tv?). Then he basically tells Lucas “you’re black and people judge you for it”, but he’s in a memory of a movie date with Max (at a drive-in theatre somehow) watching happy memories of the Party. Lucas does see the monster (so it somewhat hits?), but Max says it can’t do anything and they easily shut Vecna down. He also taunts Mike by telling him he’ll never see the most awesome person he’s ever met (El) and it’s his fault because he didn’t try hard enough, but he’s in the middle of a DnD battle with the boys and doesn’t even pay attention. A couple of dice bring Vecna down no problem.
4. Mike lovingly tends to Will’s nosebleed: Vecna does almost succeed in possessing Will, but he’s with the boys playing DnD, and Mike soon realizes Will’s nose is bleeding. He takes Nancy’s shirt and uses it to clean the blood/attempt to stop the bleeding, and admonishes Lucas and Dustin for not going to get a towel. Notice that in season 1 the boys saw El have nosebleeds and Mike was never as precious about it, unless she passed out of something and then they all helped. Lucas and Dustin are even heard in the background pointing out that nobody dies from a nosebleed. There’s a funny moment when Vecna tells Will he will always be alone right as Mike sweetly asks him if he’s ok while holding his face.
5. Brenner is training Vecna (???) and points out that he’s full of shit: I don’t know if this means anything for the show’s canon, but it’s interesting. Before Vecna tries to possess the boys, Brenner points out that they’re too young and untroubled, and afterwards he makes fun of Vecna for losing against children, again.
6. Will isn’t the weakest link, he’s the link Vecna knows best: Brenner points out to Vecna that the reason he could possess Will easier is because he already knew him (from the Upside Down) and knows the nature of his fear. When Vecna tries to possess Will, he does tell him to help him find out about Lucas’, Dustin’s and Mike’s fears, and actually asks him “what is Mike afraid of?”, indicating that he knows jack shit about them. Which leads us to:
It might be a fear or regret of Mike, but it’s not THE fear.
Turns out Vecna was attacking Lucas, Dustin and Mike based on superficial knowledge, suppositions and stereotypes (Dustin’s the newest of the group, Lucas is black, Mike met El), not an actual, deep knowledge of their minds. Yes, good memories helped them keep Vecna at bay. Yes, those things Vecna told them might bother them. No, those aren’t the things that are at the core of their fear and guilt, or the right angle to drive them to either the dark side or suicide if pushed about them enough.
P.S.: At some point (that I haven’t seen yet, Max tells El that she doesn’t need to be a superhero all the time, that she’s more than fine as Jane, her friend. I think this might be literal, as in, superpowers are not the key to defeating Vecna. This is a psychological thriller disguised as supernatural horror, therefore the weapons to defeat him might be more psychological.
TL; DR: Vecna will be defeated with the power of Cognitive Behavioral TherapyLove and Friendship.
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enderwoah · 1 year
forever and pac are actually the most goated characters and ccs that ive ever had the pleasure of knowing. honestly.
they've been carrying most of the emotional weight on the server for the past few days, which is incredible considering the way they've chosen to go about it. pretending to be on cloud none for multiple hours at a time is utterly exhausting, even moreso with the fact that they were both scattering in sections of lucidity which means they couldn't just be happy for the whole time. it was a very delicate balance of being utterly insane and being trapped in their own "happiness," and it was a balance that they both pulled off rather flawlessly.
i think the choice to make the drug feel more like a suppressor of negative emotions and less like a stimulant of happy ones was an utterly brilliant one. it forced them to still have to be aware of the situation they are in (ie, their child is missing (among other things)) even while being all happy and wild and cheerful, and that just added to the deep unsettling feeling that came along with interacting with them. the fact that any small amount of pushing could make the facade crack was incredible; not only did that give us a plethora of awful, awful angst to have to deal with, it also gave other ccs a chance (if they so pleased) to pry out those fun interactions- 'fun' meaning 'awful and miserable and sad and heartwrenching,' of course.
and. of course. their performances tonight were incredible. you don't even have to say it. cellbit obviously was amazing too, and everyone else played their part well, but, i mean, come on. the two of them showed their terror and anger and fear in the most. just. impressive but also gut-punching way possible. forever deeply in denial of the reality he was being faced with, trying to fall back on the drug as time passed and it wore off more and more, finally snapping due to his panic and thinking that cellbit is cucurucho (which, OW, what the hell), shouting at him to leave his family alone and giving us a window into things that might have actually happened and/or the suppressed thoughts he's been having. pac being terribly, horribly, awfully quiet, sobbing in his prison in the background as forever and cellbit screamed at each other. him only getting more afraid when cellbit started shouting. the reason he started taking the drug in the first place was expertly crafted, honestly, and making him the one that developed the cure was just. a delicious character choice. absolutely perfect. PERFECT. he's so good at portraying emotion and so is forever and AUGHGH. today was perfect. today was so good. i love these guys so much.
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thatfandomslut · 6 months
Captain Princess Ophelia
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Reneé Rapp x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Trigger Warnings: just a lot of fluff, Shrek, and a cute pregnancy announcement
basically some fluff where r and renee take care of r niece, like, domestic cute stuff
Reneé Rapp requests are open.
Other accounts: hoe4flo | ghostyanne
Discords: Mean Girls | Mean Girls RP (in need of people)
(S/n) - Sister's Name
When (S/n) dropped off Ophelia, the first thing (Y/n)’s six-year-old niece did was run to Reneé , wrapping her arms around her aunt as she clung on excitedly. It was the first time Ophelia had visited since (Y/n) and Reneé  moved into their own place now that they were married. “Are you sure you’re okay to watch her over night?” (S/n) inquired, chewing on her bottom lip as Ophelia flung her body from Reneé  to the toy chest in their living room, something put there due to them knowing she was coming. They were the types of aunts to absolutely spoil their niece, and that was evident by the toys overflowing in the toy box.
“Of course,” (Y/n) smiled, ruffling Ophelia’s curls gently. She was always down to watch the girl. Since they moved, they had been a bit busier and hadn’t been able to visit yet. This was the perfect excuse to spend time with their favorite tiny terror. “We are going to order pizza for dinner, watch Ophelia’s favorite movies, play with toys. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You deserve this night out with your husband. So, go have fun. I’ll send you several pictures of all the fun we’re going to have tonight.”
(S/n) hugged (Y/n) and Reneé  gratefully as she made her way over to Ophelia. She crouched down before hugging her daughter, despite her being uninterested due to all the new toys. “Be good for your aunties,” she kissed her cheek gently before heading towards the door. “Bye, everyone, I love you all. If you need anything, do not be afraid to call.” (S/n) spoke before finally exiting. (Y/n) locked the door behind her, not because of (S/n), but because of safety. She looked over at Ophelia who was engrossed in the Superman action figure, who she paired up with a President Barbie from the Barbie movie.
“Ophie,” she called, sitting beside her niece. It took a moment before the girl looked over at (Y/n) with a big, curious grin that exposed her dimples. “Auntie Reneé  and I have a surprise for you. Do you remember that princess dress that you wanted? We got it for you in the guest room. Would you like to check it out, sweetheart?”
Ophelia nodded excitedly as she followed her aunts to the bedroom. Reneé  put Ophelia’s purple unicorn suitcase in the room before picking up the green, sparkling dress. “It’s so pretty! Like Fiona,” she absolutely loved Shrek after (Y/n) and Reneé  decided to make sure that she was cultured and understood what true cinema was. Ever since then, she has wanted a sparkling version of Princess Fiona’s dress and a pet donkey. Hence why she had a Donkey stuffed animal on the bed alongside the dress. “Don-kay!” she squealed excitedly, pulling the stuffed toy into her arms.
“We have another surprise for you,” Reneé  said as (Y/n) helped Ophelia into the dress. “We have made snacks from Shrek, and we are going to watch all the Shrek movies.” Ophelia wanted to watch all of the movies the last time they were together, but they didn’t have the time. This time, they were going to have a sleepover and they got various snacks, healthier than not as requested by (S/n), to keep her on theme.
Ophelia was ecstatic. For someone who could bounce off the walls, she was an amazing movie watcher. She loved sitting in between (Y/n) and Reneé  during all of the movies they watched together. (Y/n) ordered the pizza as Reneé  set out the snacks. There were green apples with ogre ears poked into them (thank you Etsy), gingerbread men talentedly put together by one of (Y/n)’s friends, pretzel sticks cleverly renamed Swamp Logs (thank you Pinterest), and water with green food coloring that they deemed to be swamp water. Ophelia was absolutely living the life.
As the three sat together, lounging on the couch, (Y/n) couldn’t help but look over to Reneé  with a smile. They had waited patiently for the movies to end to share the news with Ophelia. She would be the first in the family to know what they were going to tell Ophelia. She was going to help them tell everyone else. As Shrek the Third ended, (Y/n) knew it was finally time. She was a bit nervous to tell Ophelia, but she knew that this idea was amazing.
“Hey, Ophie,” (Y/n) got her nieces attention. (Y/n) took a moment to think about how she wanted to tell her, Reneé  putting a hand on her shoulder softly. “You know how in this movie, Shrek and Fiona were having babies?” She questioned softly, wanting to explain slowly since she knew this was a big announcement. Ophelia nodded with a grin. “Well, I am also going to have a baby.”
Ophelia processed this slowly, in her own time. After all, she was only six. “So, then I’ll be an aunt, too?” she asked, looking at Reneé  who was behind her. She wasn’t understanding completely, but that was perfectly fine. (Y/n) and Reneé  wanted to take the time to explain this to her. They knew she was probably going to have several questions.
Reneé  grinned a bit at the question, gently putting a hand on Ophelia’s shoulder. “Even better,” she smirked playfully, “You’re going to be a big cousin. Which means, when (Y/n) has her baby, you’re going to have another friend to play with dolls and action figures. You can even show them Shrek. But, first, we need to ask for your help. Only you can help us.” She explained to the curly haired girl.
As the two explained to Ophelia more about the baby and told her about the plan, they gave her a shirt. It said ‘World’s Best Big Cousin” in pink font. When (S/n) went to pick up Ophelia the next day, that was the shirt she would be wearing as she ran to her mom and dad and gave them a big hug. She was taking the idea of being a big cousin as seriously as a six-year-old could. She loved the idea of having a little cousin to play with, her own baby. Though, they did have to explain that her baby cousin would be at their house and not hers.
“Oh, you got her a new shirt,” (S/n) said before gasping loudly. She looked at her younger sister in shock before passing Ophelia to her husband carefully. She then threw her arms around (Y/n) and Reneé  happily. “I am so happy for you, too! Please let me be there when you tell Mom and Dad.”
(Y/n) hugged her sister back as she gave Ophelia two thumbs up. “Even better, we have Captain Princess Ophelia, her new big cousin title, to help us.” She told (S/n). They wanted to make sure Ophelia had a big role so that she knew her aunts still loved her. This was something that (S/n) noticed, appreciated, and loved as she held onto her sister.
“You two are going to be the best parents,” (S/n) expressed happily, wiping away the tears from her face then (Y/n)’s. “I can’t believe I didn’t even notice. We just went out the other night and you refused your favorite night drink: a margarita.” The group shared a laugh as they got to working on how they would tell (Y/n) and (S/n)’s parents.
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This video is for everyone who supports Palestine. If you don't support Palestine, you can scroll.
What's Palestine? I am dead ass requesting you to tell me what's Palestine. Do you know who you're chanting for, and what you're chanting?
When you say "free Palestine" you are not talking about Gaza. Do you know that? Gaza is not Palestine.
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." It is calling to end the existence of Israel. From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which includes the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and the entire state of Israel. The only Jewish state in the entire world.
7 million Jews and 2 million Arabs live here in peace. With your "free Palestine" idea, where do you want us to go? Where do you want us all to go? What do you think is gonna happen the day Israel stops existing? Do you not think that if Hamas takes over, if the damage they are already doing, having full control, full complete control over the tiny area that is Gaza, what do you think is gonna happen the day they have full complete control over the state of Israel?
What do you think is gonna happen to you? Chanting "free Palestine" in the streets right now. If you want freedom for the people of Gaza who, by the way, you guys are categorizing together as Palestinians, you have no idea who lives there. If you want freedom for these people, you stand with Israel to end whoever is actually occupying them.
Israel has never attacked Gaza unprovoked. Israel has never, ever, ever targeted the Gazan civilians during any war or any attack that we have inflicted upon Hamas and their terror targets, the places they hide their rockets and guns and ammunition, which are civilian homes, hospitals, schools.
The people of Gaza can't speak themselves against Hamas cause they know they'll be killed. You, from the comfort of your home in your Western country think that you can speak for the people of Gaza about who is inflicting terror on them.
500,000 Gazans cross to Israel every single day to work. Let me make something very, very clear. Since Israel left Gaza in 2005, Israel does not owe shit to Gaza. "The electricity, the water..." Why isn't Hamas providing those things to Gaza? Where is all the billions of dollars they are being sent constantly? We don't have to let Gazans come and work here. We don't have to give them food, electricity and water. We don't have to warn them to go out of their houses when we attack Hamas targets. We don't have to do anything. And somehow we are held to the standard that we do?
Hamas kills their political opponents. They have not held elections since they've been elected in 2006. Even after they have GoPro'ed a massacre of 1,300 people, not people killed by rockets - massacre by hand - you still don't know who they are. You still don't realize they do the same thing to the people of Gaza. You still support these people.
If you want Gaza to be free, you support Israel annihilating Hamas and freeing them of the people of Gaza. Once Gaza is free of Hamas, there will be peace.
Don't you think that if Israel was truly controlling Gaza and occupying Gaza, this wouldn't have happened. We would know what was going on there.
Wake up already. These terrorists are using your values against you. They are hiding in their terror tunnels right now alongside 199 hostages. These are not freedom fighters, these are bloodthirsty monsters.
Stop chanting these empty, empty slogans and wake up to see what is right in front of you.
"The siege, they have a fence around Gaza..." Have you seen what happens when they make one hole in the fence? Have you seen what happens in less than five hours to 1,300 people when they break through this fence?
This will never fail to amaze me. "Gaza's under siege! The fence around Gaza!" Do you mean the border? Somewhere that is not our territory? Same border that 500,000 Palestinians cross to make money here in Israel? The same border they can easily cross if they don't affiliate with Hamas or carry any weapon? The same border they have with their Egyptian brothers who do not allow them anywhere near their country?
And if after everything I said, you still support Hamas, there is no other way to say it: your values align with Hamas. And I'm being very, very gentle.
If you truly want peace, you stand with Israel.
Hamas is Gaza's Taliban. Hamas is Gaza's ISIS. Hamas is Gaza's Boko Haram. Hamas is Gaza's Iranian Regime.
Oct 7 was Israel's Mahsa Amini moment. Israel is doing this not just for the Israelis, but for the Gazans, who live in a terrorist regime.
If you rooted for the collapse of the Iranian Regime with #WomanLifeFreedom, then you root for the extermination of Hamas. Because they are the same exact problem.
How have people gotten so confused after only one year?
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sumicchin · 3 months
❃ a wind breaker (satoru nii) reader insert
Chapter 6
Umemiya regrets telling everyone that conversation = fist fight. (1.9k words)
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cw: female reader, umemiya spoiler, tsubakino referred to as they/them, i made up stuff about makochi
"You're just going to let her go, Sakura?" Suo says next to him, eyes not tearing away from the direction you went.
Sakura clenches his fist, forehead scrunching from the sudden stress, "I..."
"(F/n) probably won't go out of town, r-right? She did say she had to find something! I'm sure we can help her out!" Nirei optimistically says as he catches up to the two after giving Kakiuchi to his other classmates. He takes a good look at Sakura's face and sees his eyes wide.
Sakura is reminded of your conversation last night—of how he saw himself in you, and how much pain your eyes held.
It wasn't his concern, but he knew you needed help. He wasn't letting anyone go through what he did before.
"Sa...kura?" Nirei attempts to calm him down, until he sees Sakura take out his phone.
He gestures his hand towards the phone and Nirei becomes even more confused, "I need to call him... he'll know what to do."
Umemiya, despite his childhood, grew up to be a fine man. No one would imagine that a well-rounded guy like him, oh so cheery and charming, experienced hell on earth as a child. Anyone would feel bitter about losing their parents, and Umemiya was not free of that. He struggled, thinking he wasn't deserving of being saved.
Survivor's guilt.
But he grew to see what was important in front of him—to honor his parent's sacrifice by giving back love to those around him. To make everyone feel like family, and never let anyone feel like they're alone in this world.
"You're...amazing, Umemiya," you both stare into each other's eyes, holding massive respect for what he's been through and how he achieved his goals.
Umemiya chuckles, ruffling your hair, "I didn't tell you my story to pity me, you know? Was hoping you'd reconsider and stay here in Makochi, with us."
It's too strange. Everyone in this town is strange. Were city folks always this welcoming towards outsiders?
"I don't want to keep bothering anyone...I can't go back to the shrine so I'm practically homeless." Supposedly, you were to be taken away by your husband after the vows, but now you aren't so sure if he's hot on your trail. But one thing was agreed upon—the shrine people and all its inhabitants except you were to remain unharmed. So long as you didn't go back to your previous residence, everyone was safe. Hayami, the friendly Mikos and the priest who you were thankful for secured the shrine. If anything else happens, Sojiro can take care of it. He was strong, unlike you. Everyone can trust in him.
Unlike you, already causing havoc in a new place.
"Sakura must be uncomfortable with me staying at his house," you mutter. "It doesn't sit right with me to live like everything's handed to me."
You're thankful, really, for the help you've received thus far. But how were you going to repay the kindness they've showered you with if your tracks only lingered with danger?
"You're all too kind... I'll carry the guilt of bringing danger to this town if I stay too long."
An overthinker that you are, Umemiya observes. "Makochi wasn't always like this, you know?"
He proceeds to tell you how Makochi used to be terrorized by delinquents day and night, the local businesses having trouble with their operations and families often fearing for their safety. Umemiya mentions a couple who led and funded the restoration of Makochi's properties, him in particular being a recipient of their kindness.
"The orphanage I grew up in was funded by a couple," he starts, pointing at the statue nearby the fountain. "I discussed the situation with the staff earlier and had my hunch confirmed. Everything checks out, you'd be the same age as their child if she were alive today. You're a split image of them too."
Then, that means...
He shows you a picture from his phone. Just like he says, you had their features.
Umemiya notices your trembling figure, immediately reaching out to pat the small of your back.
"I could've met my parents."
You grab Umemiya's blazer tight, tears threatening to fall from your eyes, "They're not gone yet, r-right? They're waiting for me?"
For once, you held onto hope—but Umemiya's look said otherwise.
"I'm...sorry," he says, almost whispering.
You couldn't help but let the tears flow uncontrollably, hanging onto Umemiya while he continued to calm you down in his own way. He knows the feeling all too well, and this time he'll be sure to help you out.
"Even if you were an outsider, we'd still help you to the best of our capabilities." He says, wrapping his arms around you, shielding you from any negative thoughts. "I...and the rest of Bofurin will protect you, (F/n)."
You look at Umemiya, giving you a bittersweet smile. "Welcome back, (F/n)."
Sakura, Nirei, and Suo found themselves walking to the park where Umemiya had instructed them to go. They eventually find Bofurin's leader and (F/n) in an embrace.
"Oh, if it isn't my favorite first years!" The boys look at the new group approaching them, led by Tsubaki and the Sakaki twins.
Sakura immediately signals to keep quiet, earning him a chuckle from the newcomers. "It's all fine! Ume told us to gather here, didn't you receive a message?"
Nirei checked his phone and lo and behold was a message from their leader, "Ah! We were too occupied searching for (F/n)."
Suo lets out a grin next to him, "It all worked out in the end, thanks to Sakura's plan!"
Said boy became heated from the mention, saying it was all Umemiya who did the work. He knew it was the right call to let Bofurin's leader handle the situation seeing how at ease you were next to him. Almost like they were intruding a special moment between two lovers at the park. He blushes at the sight, feeling a pang in his chest.
Now aware of more people's presence, you immediately get out of Umemiya's embrace and bow your head down, not letting him see your puffy red eyes and runny nose that may or may not have gotten into his uniform. He places his hand on your shoulder and gently asks, "Think you can face them?"
Standing up to acknowledge his peers, you turn your head towards the large group of students now approaching their leader. "Yo! Looks like everyone's here," Umemiya scans the group, "Even Kaji came, that's surprising!"
Kaji tenses at the special mention and feels all of his peers stare at him. His vice-captains laugh and Enomoto talks for his defense, albeit in a teasing manner, "Kaji said he wanted to fetch his jacket back and definitely not because he was worried about 'er or anything." Now this puts a nail in the coffin and everyone swore Kaji would've pounced on his friends if it weren't for Hiragi pulling him back.
"You're all too lively," Tamon's captain says as he drags Kaji by the hoodie, "Give (F/n) a break, don't wanna overwhelm her."
You watch the boys bickering and Umemiya notices the faint smile from your lips.
"Fun bunch, aren't they?" You nod.
"You can trust them, just open your heart."
Trusting them, a couple of teenagers who seemed rough around the edges, with your heart?
Maybe you should let loose this time. Umemiya, Kotoha, and Sakura are just the few people you've met today, yet they all radiate the same warmth and comfort you've been yearning for all these years. If everyone shares the same kindness, you'd probably think you're living in some kind of fantasy.
Recalling Hayami's last request for you—to live an earnest and free life. Maybe you can trust them to achieve it.
In a daze, you didn't notice someone approaching you giddily, almost a hope to their step.
"I'm so glad you're doing better now!" A tall figure immediately stood in front of you, but it didn't phase you one bit. Their presence wasn't trying to intimidate you. "I'm Tsubakino Tasuku, but Tsubaki-chan or anything will do, love!"
Tsubaki lets out a wide smile, enthusiastic to see you well and standing despite your puffy eyes and cheeks. You stand still though, and this immediately raised a concern with everyone.
"A-ah, did I scare you—"
Your eyes suddenly twinkle with excitement, and you yell what was running on your mind without a filter. "You're really beautiful! Very much!"
"It's a great honor meeting you!" Shaking hands with Tsubaki, everyone was startled with the sudden change in personality. This was most likely the enthusiasm you've been hiding all these years, suppressed by loneliness. Umemiya beside the two of you finds your exchange with Tsubaki very endearing, already making notes on how he'll elicit this kind of reaction from you soon. Hopefully you like plants!
Tsubaki on the other hand was already enamored with you, listening to every word you say. "Your hair and the way you dress, and the makeup really accentuates your features! The ones I see in the magazine don't compare to Tsubaki-chan!" You stop your rambling and see Tsubaki endearingly smiling at you with a blush.
"S-sorry! I just, get too excited seeing new things." You chuckle and Tsubaki does too.
It's hard to resist not taking you out this weekend, Tsubaki thinks. The trip will probably take a huge hit on their savings, but money can always be earned. Seeing your smile is a reward in itself for Tsubaki.
Everyone watches as Tsubaki continues to coddle you, happy to see you engaging enthusiastically. Suo lightly pushes a blushing Sakura, whose romance sensor has been going rampant since earlier, towards you and Tsubaki.
"H-hey! What gives?!" Sakura exclaims towards his eye-patched friend who only signalled a gesture for friend, linking his hands together.
Oh right, you probably hate him right now for what he did earlier at Pothos. Tsubaki seemed to understand the situation with how tense the two of you were, patting your head before leaving to stand next to Umemiya.
Just you and Sakura again, this time not so comfortable. "U-uh...about what happened earlier," his mouth becomes pouty, struggling to look you in the eye but he does so anyway, "I shouldn't have forced the idea...s-so...sorry."
His irises were trembling, searching desperately for a reaction from you. Sakura, despite his tough and standoffish attitude, always meant well and tried his best to help his peers. Last night's conversation was purely between two aloof individuals, both yearning to be in the presence of others, yet their struggles distinct. Hearts that were afraid of being vulnerable, not knowing if they were worth of affection.
"You were just looking out for me," you trail, "It's me who should be apologizing...for being stubborn."
Similar to how Anzai tried to reject everyone's help during the fight with KEEL, there was no escape from Sakura's headstrong personality. He'll find a way to worm in and help you out. He was just that selfless.
"He probably filled you in already on how this town operates and stuff," Sakura points at Umemiya, referencing his request earlier during their phone call. "Violence isn't something this town's had enough of."
"So you don't have to worry about us. Don't be afraid of asking for help, that's just how it is here."
You were indeed afraid. The concept of friendship and trust blurry to you not until yesterday, with Sakura declaring he was there to help you out, as a friend. It was a foreign feeling, and the boy reciprocated the confusion you must've felt before his bold intrusion. Even he was surprised by his actions last night. Everyone in Makochi must've been rubbing off of him—in the best possible way.
So, he tries to apply what he's learned so far.
"If you're still not convinced, let's settle this with a fight."
Or not.
"H-hey now, there's a time and place for fighting Sakura." Nirei visibly sweatdrops, "You can discuss things with (F/n) like a normal person, you know???" The boy looks to his other side and sees Suo with an approving smile. This is hopeless, Nirei concludes.
"If you win, I'll let you do what you want. If I win, you stay here in this town and let us protect you."
Hiragi, Tsubaki, and Umemiya all look confused.
Kaji and his vice-captains are all in awe with Sakura's naivety.
The Sakaki twins think this is a regular Friday. They've heard about you and how you can fend for yourself, so front row seats to see the real deal were nice.
The two first years, Suo and Nirei, were concerned, but Suo was just a tad bit curious to intervene. Nirei on the other hand thought otherwise.
Surely you're not that crazy enough to actually go with it?
"Fine with me," you reply.
Nirei just wants to curl up and do the pillbug stance right now.
tag list: @wutap, @the2ndl
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starsandhughes · 10 months
Penalty Box Series— Gender Reveal Edition
23-24 Season Masterlist
surprise! i lied!
soooo turns out, i’m impatient! this is NOT a post in real time, meaning all penalty box posts as of now will be as if she's still having twins and doesn't know the gender!
JANURARY 12, 2024
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liked by _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, and 28,611 others
yourusername i'm elated to announce that during my eighteen weeks sonogram, a third future little chaos creator was discovered🤍
the best mom in the world came with us to find out the genders for our gender reveal party (planned by yours truly with mom and taryn <3), and trevor and i cried tears of absolute joy when we found out that we'll be having all girls!
trevor and i put a lot of thought into the names for our girls. since trevor's got some greek in him, we thought it would be cute to pick out names with greek origins!
"pheobe" means bright, radiant, and she was a titaness as the goddess of intellect
"katerina" is a derivative of the greek word katharós, which means pure (plus, she's a character in the vampire diaries, and the originals' saying is that family is "always and forever")
and "evangeline," even though it's also from english origin, still has greek roots. it's a combination of the words evangelos, which means good news, and elen, which means shining. the news that we'll be having a third girl is so good, so we feel that it fits perfectly<3
thank you to everyone that flew in for the day! it means the absolute world to trevor and i and i'm so beyond lucky to have each and every one of you🩷
quinn, jack, and luke, you three are going to be the most amazing uncles. our girls will never know a world without love; not like i did. you three gave me love. you showed me what it was like to have a family, to have friends. i know we fight and argue and tease each other relentlessly, jack and i a little more than the rest of us do with each other, but we're still each other's best friends. we'd do anything for each other and have proven that time and time again. if my girls are even a fraction as close as we are, they'll be the luckiest girls in the world.
griffin and ava, i know we aren't as close as i'd love to be, but seeing you two today for the first time since we told you both the news made my heart so warm. you're both going to be such great influences for the girls and i hope that their eyes light up when i tell them that uncle griffin and aunt ava are coming to see them!
cole, alex, and jamie, trevor and i put a lot of thought into choosing you three as godfathers and i know we made the best decision possible with you guys. you've all become some of the most important people in our lives, both individually and as a couple. i hope that the girls grow up to have their own cole's and alex's and jamie's, because i know i'm a better person with all of you by my side. i love you three!
i could go on and on and make individual messages for everyone, and i won't, but my own twin needs a little extra love. jack, we might not be twins by blood, but we are by our souls. we were meant to meet each other and to live on the same street as kids. we were meant to grow up together and figure out who we are as people with each other by our sides. no one knows me like you do. not trevor, not quinn, no one. i hope the girls have that. i hope the girls can read each other's minds with just one look, i hope they have secrets that will die with them, i hope they fight for each other even more than they fight with each other (and know that they do it out of love). most of all, i hope that they earn the nickname "triplets of terror," even though no one does that better than us. i love you insanely🫶
i love you all! thank you for coming, thank you for showing me love, thank you for being there for me, and thank you in advance for adoring our triplets! trevor, i cannot wait to take on this next chapter of our lives with you. i love you, always🤍
tagged trevorzegras
view all 436 comments
trevorzegras you're my whole world, my sweet girl, but our world is about to get a lot bigger so you're going to have go make room! i love you, forever❤️
yourusername i love you so much it makes me sick, my gorgeous, magic, mesmerizing sweet boy<3
trevorzegras that might also be the "morning" sickness
yourusername pissy it's still going on😭
trevorzegras it'll all be worth it when our little lights of chaos escape out of you
jackhughes @/trevorzegras you're my little light of chaos
yourusername @/jackhughes i’m having his babies can you please not flirt with my man?
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername you're MY little light of chaos
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale oh?🤭
trevorzegras @/jackhughes this is your fault
jackhughes @/trevorzegras it usually is
jackhughes sissy, you've outdone yourself with this caption and i'm totally not emotional right now. i really do hope these girls show all the good parts of us twins of terror❤️ i love you crazily!
yourusername i *am* emotional right now and i’m not scared to admit it because you're my soulmate and i want my girls to not be afraid to express their love <3
jackhughes was i guilt tripped and complimented in one long sentence?
yourusername and ridiculed a lil bit!
jackhughes please don't teach the triplets how to bully me
yourusername no, that's my job, jacky boy! they can bully quinn
jackhughes i’ll teach them to bully luke and you can teach them to bully quinn?
yourusername you've got yourself a deal, soulmate
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 the twins of terror are plotting again
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes that never goes well for any of us
colecaufield @/yourusername can't you only teach them how to be nice? and giving? and all the best parts of you?
yourusername @/colecaufield awww, you sap! no <3
trevorzegras @/colecaufield she's mostly kidding
colecaufield @/trevorzegras the girls will be your spawns wether you teach them how to crazy or not
lhughes_06 @/colecaufield not if we kidnap them
_alexturcotte @/lhughes_06 i'm in
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername don't do this to us
yourusername everyone needs to CALM DOWN !!!! you all know the zegras-hughes triplets will be the kindest girls! if one is silly goosy, and another is shy, and the third is a brave wild child out to get us, they all will still have hearts of gold
trevorzegras @/yourusername yes they will, my love❤️
user6 i'm crying so hard right now oh my god😭
griffinzegras i love you, too, y/n! i can't wait to meet my future nieces
yourusername i hope you're their favorite uncle <3
griffinzegras that's the biggest compliment i’ve ever received
trevorzegras @/yourusername you really said "fuck my brothers"
yourusername @/trevorzegras they're my favorites so griffin needs more love to balance it
griffinzegras @/trevorzegras was i attacked and also complimented?
trevorzegras @/griffinzegras she's really good at that
_quinnhughes @/griffinzegras she somehow attacked and complimented all four of us at once
jackhughes @_quinnhughes which is really impressive i’m not gonna lie
lhughes_06 i don't enjoy this
yourusername @/griffinzegras @/jackhughes @_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 MWAH!
user86 oh this was so sweet i'm gonna throw up
anaheimducks congratulations on your three new ducks family members!
yourusername thank you, bestie admin!🧡
_quinnhughes you're going to be the most amazing mom, sissy, and i am so proud of you! i can't wait to love and spoil these girls! they're going to look so cute in canucks jerseys! i love you way past beyond❤️
yourusername i love you way past infinity❤️ i better get started on their uncle quinn jerseys!
_eliaspettersson @/yourusername and uncle petey jerseys!
bboeser @/yourusername and uncle brock jerseys!
colemcward @/yourusername i don't know what i'll be but they need my jersey, too
yourusername @_eliaspettersson @/bboeser yes, yes, they'll get your jerseys, too!
yourusername @/colemcward uncle cole jerseys!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername that's too many. i'm the most important.
yourusername @_quinnhughes be grateful that they'll have your jersey at all
_quinnhughes @/yourusername please let them love me
yourusername @_quinnhughes i’ll think about it
user16 i’m obsessed with these names🥹
user48 half the league is having babies and sissy said "hold my beer"
colecaufield i'm so honored to not only be your best friend number two, but now godfather to one of your future little crazies! you just keep making my life better, sissy❤️ i love you!
yourusername i love you, coley woley❤️ you deserve the world so i'm happy to share part of mine
colecaufield you're gonna make me sob in the club
yourusername do it, no balls
colecaufield i’m no longer emotional
yourusername then you no longer have balls
trevorzegras @/yourusername what did you do with them?
yourusername @/trevorzegras i gave them to aphrodite as an offering
colecaufield @/yourusername you're having triplets! i don't think the goddess of fertility needs more offerings from you
_quinnhughes i have no words
_alexturcotte @/yourusername give him his balls back
yourusername @_alexturcotte fine! bossy...
colecaufield @_alexturcotte thank you, king🙏
slknight35 congratulations, you two! i'm so happy i got to come and experience all the love today! i love you so much, sissy❤️ you're going to be the best mom in the world
yourusername i love you endlessly, spency! you being here means everything to me, thank you so much <3
trevorzegras thank you, knighty! it was great seeing you
slknight35 @/trevorzegras you're so obsessed with me
trevorzegras @/slknight35 damn right ;)
yourusername @/trevorzegras somebody gets around
trevorzegras @/yourusername i’ve got a lot of love to share
user43 the zegras-hughes triplets are going to have so many uncles omg😭
lhughes_06 you're the best big sister i could ever ask for, sissy! if you're anything with these girls like you were with me when we were kids, then they're gonna be the most loved daughters this world has ever seen. i love you, sissy❤️
yourusername i'm so lucky to be your big sister, lukey moosey! i love you so much❤️ i no longer want to sell you on the black market because this was so sweet, you sap!
lhughes_06 thank you?
yourusername you're welcome!
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 i'll still sell you
jackhughes @_quinnhughes i already have some offers
lhughes_06 sissy! save me!
yourusername @/lhughes_06 you're on your own, kid
colecaufield you always have been
lhughes_06 damn
jamie.drysdale you two have been there for me in more ways than one and now i get to be a godfather for one of your daughters! that means more to me than anything else, i love you both!
trevorzegras you deserve it, jimbo! i love you, too
yourusername you've been by my side since day one, jamie baby, and i am so happy that you exist! i love you more than life❤️ you deserve this!
jamie.drysdale saps
yourusername always!
trevorzegras it's the theme of the day, apparently
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras jack and sissy are planning to teach your daughters how to bully us
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you can't win them all
avazegras i love you, too, y/n! i can't wait to spoil these girls! being the only legal aunt is going to be my biggest accomplishment🩷
yourusername can't wait for girls days! i'm so happy they're going to have you as a role model<3
trevorzegras they'll be obsessed with you, aves!
avazegras @/trevorzegras i know
yourusername we love a confident woman!
user63 i'm crying my eyes out oh my god
dylanduke25 CONGRATULATIONS, SISSY! these babies are going to be the most loved babies in the entire world!! i love you!
yourusername i love you more, duker! these girls will be surrounded by love and i'm so happy that you'll be apart of their lives
edwards.73 mom's so close to being a mom!! i love you, mom!!
yourusername @/edwards.73 i love you, too, son!
trevorzegras @/edwards.73 you're only a few months away from being further down the favorite child latter
edwards.73 @/trevorzegras why would you say this to me?
lhughes_06 @/trevorzegras RUDE
colemcward i hate it here
_alexturcotte i love you, too, girly hughes! i still can't believe you two are going to be parents! it feels like yesterday we were all plotting to get you two to realize your feelings for each other. i can't wait to become a godfather❤️
yourusername you've always been our biggest fan, lexi❤️ you're going to be the most perfect godfather!
trevorzegras oh you and your plots
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras well they worked, didn't they?
jackhughes we made some good plots
slknight35 they were hard to do
colecaufield it took way too long to get these two together
_alexturcotte it was agonizing
yourusername @/jackhughes @/slknight35 @_alexturcotte @/colecaufield just don't take credit for us having babies. that was all us.
jackhughes @/yourusername that's disgusting
colecaufield @/yourusername that's what you think
yourusername @/colecaufield perv
matthew_tkachuk my little mouse is so close to becoming a mama mouse! i'm so proud of you, sissy, you're going to be the most magnificent mom❤️ i love you!
yourusername the tears have returned! i love you so much, my rat❤️ these girls are gonna love their uncle matty! (matthew? chucky?)
matthew_tkachuk whatever they say first😂
taryntkachuk @/yourusername one of each
_quinnhughes uncle rat! uncle rat! uncle rat!
yourusername @_quinnhughes no! that's for me!
yourusername @/taryntkachuk genius
matthew_tkachuk @/yourusername don't confuse them! let's go with uncle matty
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk mmmmm okay i think i can make that happen
leocarlssoon congratulations, mom and dad! i can't wait to meet them! i love you!
yourusername i love you, too, my favorite son❤️ don't worry, they'll be getting your jersey, too!
trevorzegras thank you, son! i love you, too
masonmctavish23 @/yourusername your baby closet is going to be 90% jerseys
yourusername @/masonmctavish23 yeah, i'm thinking about not getting them yours to have more room
masonmctavish23 @/yourusername i did not hold back your hair while you threw up multiple times to be treated like this
leocarlssoon @/masonmctavish23 from morning sickness?
masonmctavish23 @/leocarlssoon that, her being too drunk, her just being sick. i don't know why it's always me but it is
jamie.drysdale @/masonmctavish23 she's allergic to you
masonmctavish23 @/jamie.drysdale she bites me so that can't be it
yourusername @/masonmctavish23 alright, alright, successful guilt trip! uncle mason jerseys for them!
trevorzegras is just need to address my love one last time on this post! y/n, i can't wait to marry you, and having our girls there is going to make our wedding even more magical. we've got this. we're going to give our girls the best life. you're my stanley cup, but you making me a dad makes me feel like i'm king of the world❤️ i love you, forever, my sweet girl!
yourusername i love you, always, trevor❤️ we've got this!
thank you to everyone that's been here since the beginning, and thank you to everyone that has joined in on this little universe later on for being apart of my little universe <3 i wouldn't be here without any of you loving sissy and supporting me! this, is for y'all🤍 tell me what you think! rb's appreciated <3
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Can i request Dazai, chuuya and tecchou when they have a nightmare (like their s/o being kidnapped or something similar)
(I want to request for Atsushi but he already suffered too much)
i see your request. and i'm writing atsushi too because i love to be evil and mean >:)
When they have a nightmare about you
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♡ pairing: Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Tecchou Suehiro, Atsushi Nakajima x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do these boys behave after waking up from a nightmare where something bad happens to you?
♡ cw: Nightmares, mentions of violence/torture/kidnapping, your faves are very traumatised.
note: I tried to make this one very sad so everyone who reads this please cry when you read it to make me feel good about myself 🤧 apologies for errors, hope you enjoy x
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Dazai has lost too many loved ones to handle such a nightmare with any kind of grace. A worse case scenario would be a nightmare in which he is the direct cause for your harm/kidnapping/death, so that's what I'm going with
He's so distressed when he wakes up that he can't move for a minute. He takes a second to come to his senses and realise that it was just a dream.
Dazai turns to you and immediately wakes you up to tell you about it. He doesn't want to let that stuff marinate in his head while he's by himself for too long
You wake up and ask him what the matter is, knowing something is off. This is because usually you're the one who has to wake him up every day. Dazai loves sleeping.
He explains the nightmare to you that he had (in gruesome detail) in a weirdly calm and unexpressive manner- this is what he tends to default to when something distressing happens to him (same)
You can tell that under his demeanour he's actually quite rattled, so you ask him if he's alright and he eventually admits that he fears the possibility that he might hurt you
You wrap your arms around him and tell him that you're not going anywhere and you know that he would never do that. You also tell him how safe you feel around him and how grateful you are for that. Your words really help Dazai feel better :')
After your little talk he kisses you and tells you he loves you too. He holds you in his arms, your head tucked under his chin, and bask in the comfortable loving silence between the two of you until he falls asleep again
Chuuya likes to be in control, so when he's having a nightmare about you getting in harm's way (something he would kill to prevent), he's shaken up.
He tosses and turns in his sleep to the point that he probably ends up waking you up first, and when you notice this you're the one who shakes him awake
He does awaken eventually, breathing heavily and all that, and when you ask him if he's alright he just pulls you into his arms and squeezes the hell out of you, saying something like 'thank god you're still here'
When you ask him again what's wrong he does explain his nightmare to you, though he has trouble getting the words out because just thinking about it makes him feel horrible
Seeing how distressed he is, you take his hand and reassure him that you know that nothing will ever happen to you if he's there protecting you
He'd try to protest with things like 'But what if-' but you're having NONE of it. You don't let him get a word in while you tell him that you wholeheartedly believe in him and how amazing he is
When you also promise to him that you'll be there to protect him too, he's so touched that he absolutely squeezes you again (keep in mind the poor guy is already tired and emotionally volatile)
He has a hard time getting back to bed after the nightmare, so the two of you stay up for a few hours cuddling and talking about life and stuff. And how much you love one another <3
Tecchou probably has super vivid dreams wherein he has no idea that they're just dreams, so when he wakes up he's both terrified and exhausted
He lies there for a minute in absolute terror at what he's just seen. You were probably being tortured in his dream (he's seen a lot of that kind of thing before and it would definitely manifest in his dreams)
He eventually sits up and wakes you up to make sure you're all fine and good yourself. When you wake up and ask him what the matter is, he's very vague about it but Tecchou is kind of easy to read
Usually Tecchou appears a little offish and absentminded (plus he's a member of an OP military unit), so it's very jarring to see him appearing truly serious and even afraid.
You need to ask him questions to prompt him to tell you just how he's feeling, and you helping him verbalise his feelings about the nightmare helps him feel a lot better! You kind of bring him back to reality in a way?
You explain to him that in being his partner, it's kind of impossible for any danger to befall you, like ever, and that while you understand that nightmares can be upsetting they're not a reflection of the future or anything
He's very comforted by your presence and certainty, and asks if it's alright if you stay up and talk to him for a little while more. Tecchou likes being very 'in the moment' with you
So he snuggles in your arms and the pair of you lay in bed as you try to take his mind off the nightmare, talking about funny or cute things with him until he eventually falls back asleep
Atsushi has seen some shit, had some bad nightmares and he's had his friends be kidnapped several times (haven't we all?), but when it comes to you it's somehow a million times worse.
Let's say his nightmare is you being kidnapped by the mafia or something (which is very much a real concern of his and something he's constantly trying to keep from happening)
So when he wakes up in a cold sweat he's immediately making sure you're still there with him. When he sees you sleeping peacefully by his side, he's unbelievably relieved. He might start crying
He'd not want to wake you up and try to get back to bed but it's kind of hard to stay asleep when there's a man cuddling you and also trembling
When you wake up you immediately know something's wrong, and when you ask him he just breaks down and cries into your neck. This unintentionally worries you a lot more and so you're both panicked now
So when he realises this he's like 'Wait no it's fine!' and quickly tells you (in as composed a manner as he can) about the nightmare he had. He looks so upset it's honestly heartbreaking
You cuddle him and tell him that nothing bad is gonna happen to you, that you know if anything happens you, you're gonna be just fine in the end thanks to him and the Agency
He's so thankful for your presence in his life that even if he's fully aware that his fear is a little bit of paranoia, he can't help but fear the hypothetical in which you're taken away from him. Atsushi loves you a lot and it really shows in scenarios like this
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would do anything to snuggle with dazai or atsushi :(
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eggable · 3 months
Jax isn't a NPC
In the second episode of "Amazing Digital Circus", it is mentioned Caine has to avoid letting NPCs stay since he might mistake them for people. This caused many fans to assume Jax, one of the main cast, is a NPC. But I don't think that's true. Some evidence people bring up is: 1. Jax mentions being hungry when people in ADC don't need food, water, or food. 2. He is better at doing things he shouldn't, like sneaking into people's rooms and stealing a key for the Candy Kingdom. And the big one, 3. he doesn't show human sympathy. He torments people, like Gangle a by stepping on her mask and Ragatha by (maybe) putting a centipede in her room. He is also very cruel to Pomni and gets upset when there was no violence or terror in episode 2. But I don't think Jax is an NPC and here's why.
He might have just wanted food and used the word "hungry" as a way to express that.
I think the reason he is so good at doing thing he shouldn't is that he could have a lot of computer experience. Hardcore gamers are constantly looking for shortcuts and glitches to use to their advantage. Since the ADC is a digital word made for people to be inside, it seems to be very similar to video games. So if Jax was a gamer he might know tricks to get into locked rooms and sneakily steal things from others.
Lastly, since every person in the show knows that the ADC isn't real, why act like it is? Again, like a video game the ADC is a digital place full of a few people who (might) have zero relation to one another in the real world. And video games are full of people who attack and bully people for no reason since their are no real consequences. The ADC is the same.
Everyone assumes the line about not wanting to mix up NPCs and people means a NPC has been mistaken as a person. But maybe a person was mistaken as an NPC, maybe they got deleted when they weren't supposed to or got abstracted due to not being treated like a person. It isn't clear.
That are all my thoughts so far. I will be very grumpy if proven wrong. Meanwhile, stay eggable!
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
happy 11 followers!! can i have a scenario where in the DOA there’s the reader making fucking tiktoks of the DOA, and the police are frustrated as hell cause they can’t track you down 😭😭
i made this from the pov of the officers >:)
grammatically correct shit post
genre: silly, platonic yall are just besties <33
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"Officer, they posted another one!"
The collective shuffling of papers was heard as everyone rushed toward the original announcer's destination.
"Where?! What is it?!"
They all gathered around, trying to see the computer the guy was sitting at.
nearly drowning sigma with nikolai challenge!! (gone wrong) (no sigmas were harmed in the making of this video)
"....what does this mean?" Asked one of the older officers.
"DOES THAT MATTER?! TRY TO TRACK THEM DOWN RIGHT NOW!!" Yelled the commander and the other officers got to work.
And yet, every time they tried to get the IP, Fyodor's mouse-like symbol appeared.
The man sighed and clicked on another.
me, nikolai and sigma question fyodors life decisions and almost get murdered!!
The officer watched a bit, hoping for some clues this time, but all he saw was this supposed "Nikolai" and the person holding the camera, yelling... some statement he couldn't remember, before running away giggling. The third person with two different hair colors was screaming in terror.
Ok, that's kinda funny.
However, before he could try to get information, he felt heavy breathing on his neck.
"Jared. Did you just laugh at one of their videos?"
"N-no sir-"
"You're fired, Jared. You don't understand how LONG I've been trying to get those FOOLS. You can't just laugh when we could be SO CLOSE TO FINALLY DISCOVERING WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE."
Jared's mouth was agape, but he knew there was no correct response to this. Maybe he could work at a car dealership or something.
He packed his things and walked out of there, finished with the frustrated screams of his co-workers in anger.
He was gonna get that job at Toyota.
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thegreatwicked · 6 months
Writing Resources Part 2
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My first list was so long I decided that I reached the character limit! So we have a part two! I'm going to try and keep them a bit more organized too! Hope these help you all in your writing endeavors and if you happen to use any of them try to give the original source some love!
Also, apologies if I've tagged you more than once and it's annoying! If I reference your material more than twice I will just link your whole Tumblr. I really do want to make sure everyone gets their credit and spotlight!
General Information and Research:
The Fantasy Guide to Royal and Noble Marriages or anything by @inky-duchess Her blog is extensive and is a wealth of information regarding things like royalty/nobility/Period social politics and is a fantastic resource, go check her out! Ink I do appologize I might be tagging you more than once!
@type1diabetesinfandom This blog is an amazing resource if you are interested in writing about characters with any form of diabetes or similar health issues. It was ana amzing find when I was writing my character Belladonna Black from Shadows of Deception who is hypoglycemic. What an amazing source!
How to Cook in a Medieval Setting: by @alpaca-clouds Food is the best way to know a culture and this particular blog post is a trove of information for your fictional foodie set anywhere in this spectrum of time or a great find for a fictional setting! This post obviously gets a chefs kiss!
The Symbolism of Flowers by @novlr Yeah! Leopold knew what he was talkign about, every flower has a meaning and it is entirely possible to send some a bouquette that translates to 'Fuck You' btw it consists of geraniums (stupidity), foxglove (insincerity), meadowsweet (uselessness), yellow carnations (you have disappointed me), and orange lilies (hatred). it would be quite striking! and full of loathing. THE MORE YOU KNOW. This blog is also a fantastic source for writers.
Writing About Body Pain by @slayingfiction I just came across this gem of a blog and if you're one who likes to make your characters sufffer than look no further, also, how ya doing? You ok? Just checking. This blog is also a fantastic writing resource.
How to Accurately Describe Pain in Writing by @hayatheauthor kinda piggybacking off the previous source but nevertheless lets make sure we make these characters suffer realistically? I'm ok too, if you're wondering. This is another great blog that focuses on the aspect of being a writer.
How to Use Canva to Make Mood Boards by @saradika I did not know much about mood baords but I'm telling you they are a gaem changer! They bring a life to your story in a way that is just so stunning and saradika has been so lovely as to make this helpful guide! She's also a very talented writer and is quite the Star Wars Fan! GO check out her stories!
Researching as a Writer by @so-many-ocs Research is a tricky topid to delve into and sometime sit hard to know where to start, this blogger has been so kinda as to make a bit of a roadmap to help you narrow down what you need to research and how. Wonderful blog! Very helpful!
Resources for Writing Deaf, Mute, or Blind Characters by @thecaffeinebookwarrior THIS! This right here is a gem and the only reason I don't write these types fo characters is because I've never known how to do so respectfuly and realistically! Not a problem anymore! Also a wonderful artist!
How to Write and Research a Mental Illness another gem from @hayatheauthor again if you're going to wrote a character with a mental illness lets make sure we get it right!
@namesforwriters It's little but a wonderful source of unique names for your story! Including mythology and music themed names!
Nightmare Disorder vs Night Terrors by @redd956 Some great clarification from a blogger who is diagnosed! So happy I found this as I was wondering about the distinction myself for a little while!
Types of Gemstones by @blueboxbeagle and brought to my attention by @keffirinne
A General Cane Guide for Writers and Artists by @deoidesignand brought to my attention but @cripplecharacters I was so excited to find this fantastic little gem recently and I look forward to using it! I'm keeping an eye out for more material in portraying characters with disabilities and disorders maybe it'll get it's own post!
@cripplecharacters linking this amazing blogger if you are wanting to expand your characters and write them with disabilities or diaper fees, this is a wonderful source of how to do it and stay respectful!!
@writingwithcolor use that painters pallet and write diverse characters and when you’re not sure what or how to write something check this blog out! Such a wonderful source for all questions concerning ethnicity, race and diversity!
@writinglgbtq I was looking for this blog!!! Your source for all things concerning writing the LGBTQ community respectfully and believably! So happy to ah e found this!!
@macgyvermedical I have been looking for a blog like this for some time and I'm so happy to add it to my writing resources list as tehre are far too many great and helpful posts to pick just one. Check out this amazing blogger who offers medical beta reads and asks for fanficiton!
Make it Pretty! My own contribution to help make writing a bit prettier! ꧁☽✶☾✶☽꧂ Enjoy!
Adding Page Breaks & Art to Your Stories Another of my own contributions for adding in nice clean page breaks to your stories as well as how to upload art to AO3, FFN and Wattled.
More will be added to this post as I find it and if you find anything that fits the general research on broad topics or specifics please let me know so I can continue this collective writing resource! And make sure to give some of these wonderful writers and bloggers some love!
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