#I love when House (rightfully) bullies him
the-hopeless-haze · 2 years
The writers of House MD really said let’s write the WORST possible white man of all time and they created Robert Chase MD
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kitkatscabinet · 1 year
Always been you
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x f! childhood friend reader
Summary: From the moment you first smiled at him as children Simon knew it would always be you.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: some nsfw content so minors keep scrolling
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It starts like this, he’s 9 years old feet listlessly guiding himself to the rundown park desperate to be somewhere, anywhere that wasn’t the oppressive confines of home. The weather, as was typical of Manchester, wasn’t exactly cooperating. A dreary grey drizzle that served to keep most of the general populace indoors. Few parents were willing to stand outside and supervise their rowdy children. 
That’s not to say the area was completely devoid of activity and for a while Simon was content to sit idly on the swing set and people watch. Trying desperately to ignore the clench in his chest and the sting of tears in the corner of his eyes as he watched the loving interactions between child and parent. Bitterness and wanting in equal parts threatened to consume him. 
A voice from the side quickly pulls him from the harrowing thoughts, though he quickly thinks maybe they’d be easier to deal with. It’s a boy, around his age, maybe a little older and he’s boring like Simon’s deeply offended him. 
“Get off the swing, I want a turn.” The demand leaves Simon more than a little flabbergasted. Apparently, he takes too long to not follow the sudden command as the boy's face twists in even more displeasure. 
“I said, move!” He’s taller, and maybe it's because Simon had already been scared by Tommy that morning but he freezes. 
Or maybe it’s just because he’s pathetic, his father’s voice whispers traitorously in his mind. 
Thankfully, the thought doesn’t get to stick around for long as a new voice enters the fray. “Hey! Fuck off!” Both boys whirl around with wide eyes at the newcomer, neither sure how to respond to the loudly swearing girl. However, when the boy responds with what Simon assumes to be your name it becomes clear that you already know each other. 
“I don’t have to listen a girl.” That proves to be exactly the wrong thing to say, Righteous indignation lights up your face and before Simon can even blink the would-be bully is on the ground, clutching his nose with a cry. You’d punched him, hard enough that Simon could see the blood spilling out from over the crying boy’s hands and down his chin. Not wanting to suffer the same fate, Simon had let you pull on his hand, keeping it in a deceptively strong grip as you marched the two of them away. When you make it far enough from the crime scene you turn to him with a toothy grin, introducing yourself and promptly claiming the title of his new best friend. 
It’s not quite love at first sight, but years down the line Simon will recognise it as something close. 
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The fourth time you meet at the park, not even two weeks from the initial greeting, you ask after his parents. It wasn’t unusual that Simon didn’t talk much, content to listen to you chatter away but you must have noticed something different in that instance of silence. You were alarmingly perceptive like that when it came to him, your eyes feeling as if they were staring directly into his soul, seeing all the shattered hurt he tried to hide. Nodding to yourself you grabbed his hand, an occurrence that he hadn’t quite gotten used to yet - your gentle touch, and tugged him along. You walk him all the way to your house, open the door with an excited bang and march straight up to your parents. 
“This is my best friend, Simon, he’s gonna sleep over tonight!” Your parents are rightfully not amused but their protests quickly die down. He has no idea what convinced them in the end, but from then on he’d somehow become a permanent fixture in your home. Dinners became a regular thing which often became sleepovers as you attempted to keep him out of the house that had caused him so much fear and pain. It was about as subtle as a brick to the face but Simon never complained, especially if it meant you’d pull him into your bed as often as possible to sleep. 
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He hadn’t minded the first two ‘boyfriends’, they had been nothing serious, silly childhood infatuations. Because at the end of the day, it was always him that you returned to. Crawling through his window late at night and pouting that you couldn’t sleep without your favourite pillow, because somehow, despite his protests you always wrestled him into being the little spoon. 
No, it isn’t until he’s 17 and more than aware of how painfully in love with you he is that the boyfriends finally become a problem. Simon wasn’t a violent person, didn’t want to be, not like his father was. But as he holds you in his arms after you’d climbed through the window in tears, cuddling up to him under the blanket covering his bed that he swears for the first time in his life he could kill somebody. He offers too, you simply laugh and tell him he’s the best friend you could ever have. You think he’s joking, Simon’s not entirely sure he is. 
You’re his first kiss, something that had only occurred at your aghast knowledge that he’d never kissed anyone at all. He’s not sure why you’re surprised, you’re the only person he ever lets near him let alone touch him. It’s simultaneously the best and worst moment of his life because now he actually knows what it feels like to kiss you. Knows that nobody will ever live up to you. 
It’s then he realises that you’re his first everything really, first friend, first crush, first and only love. 
He reads some of your smutty books, the ones you giggle at, a secret he’ll take to the grave, just to learn what you like. It comes about after a drunken confession on your part, liquor loosening your lips just a tad too much as you detail how much your last boyfriend sucked in bed. It’s a mistake, because now every time he looks at you he can’t help but imagine the way you’d taste. How you’d sound begging so prettily for him. 
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His decision to join the military was not made lightly, you’d gotten accepted into some fancy university and it’s then Simon starts to realise just how much his entire life has started to revolve around you. As much as he wants to follow, he knows that life isn’t for him, and he knows how much you want him to flourish in whatever path he chooses. 
Training isn’t easy, but it’s far from the hardest thing he’d ever done. That title was reserved for telling you about his chosen career path. 
“Promise me you’ll always come back home to me” you demand, parting just slightly from your hug to look into his eyes. Simon knows he shouldn’t, after all there’s never any guarantee that he will, but as has been the case since you were both 12 he can’t bare to say no to you. 
“I promise love” it’s barely a whisper but you still hear it, your fingers clutching at the back of his shirt starting to shake a little. 
He wants to kiss you, he always does, but standing before him now, eyes glassy from the tears you’re trying to hold back, Simon swears you’ve never looked more ethereal. As much as he wants to lean down and finally taste your lips he doesn’t, it wouldn’t be fair. Not to you or to him, so instead he presses a soft kiss to your hairline, keeping you held tightly against him. 
You send him more care packages than he can count, photos, letters and little trinkets he kept tucked safely away in his bunk or on his person when he could get away with it. He gets teased for it but Simon couldn’t give less of a fuck about their poorly hidden jealousy, not when you cared for him so deeply. Not when he gets to fall asleep with your words in his head and faint scent rubbing off on him. 
He’d thought that perhaps the distance would do him some good, would finally douse the blazing flames of his love for you. He really should have known better because as the day's drone on you start to consume his every thought both waking and asleep. His life becomes a series of training and missions that only serve as a way to pass the time until he gets to see you again. Because no matter how much blood stains his hands he knows you’ll always be there to wash it away. He’s aware how selfish it is, to place the brunt of his longing and emotional baggage that only continues to grow in your careful hands, but Simon’s never claimed to be a good man. 
Some of the darkness slips out one night, after his brother's wedding, after the revelry had died down and it was just the two of you lying on the grass and looking up at the stars at your insistence. He’ll forever blame it on the alcohol, descriptions of the violence he’d tried so desperately to keep from you pouring from his lips in confession. He can’t bear to look at you, heart roaring in his ears as he waits for the moment you’ll run, the moment you’ll finally realise what a monster he is. That moment never comes, instead, you ensnare him in your protective grip, hands cradling him far more softly than he deserves. It’s that moment that finally cements the fact that you’re never leaving in his mind. You’re never leaving so it’s up to him to pull away before he tarnishes your light, but Simon is weak and so he stays. 
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It happens after his third tour, the one where he’d had too close a call, the one he’d thought for a few moments he wasn’t coming home from. In those moments he’d thought of you, of your smile and god he regretted. He regretted never telling you how he felt. 
It feels like he’s barely off the plane, eyes searching desperately for you before he hears the shout of his name. He spins just in time for you to launch yourself at his chest, gripping desperately onto him. You’ve always tried to keep your affection for him private, knowing he wasn’t entirely comfortable with people staring. Neither of you cared in that moment though and Simon’s already dropped his bags, engulfing you in a near-crushing grip. 
It’s an eternity before you pull away, but it’s still too soon. He briefly glimpses the tears in your eyes before he leans down and kisses you. Something in the back of his mind is screaming at him, but he doesn’t really care to listen. At first, you don’t respond and Simon finally panics as the consequences of his actions set in. You don’t give him the chance to run away though, hands grasping his face and keeping him in place. 
When you pull away you don’t say anything, simply taking his hand in yours and tugging him out to your car. The drive to your apartment is silent, but not uncomfortable. It isn’t until you’ve pulled him into your bed, in a mirror image of your younger years that you finally break the silence. 
“I never thought you felt the same.” The same? The implications of your words seared into the forefront of his mind. 
“Silly girl, why would I ever even look at somebody else when you exist?” You let out an adorably embarrassed squawk at his words, lightly hitting him on the chest as you bury your burning face against his neck.“It’s always been you” he murmurs, the confession settling over you like a wave. 
For a split second, he fears your relapse into silence means he’d pushed too far too fast. Years of pining bubbling up and over the surface at the slightest bit of reciprocation. You’re quick to shut down his internal spiral with another earth-shattering kiss, pulling away and resting your chin on his chest. 
“Yeah, you’ve always been it for me too Si. From the moment I pulled you from that swing." It's a little embarrassing, how fast his heart races at the confession. Tears build in the corners of his eyes as he finally, finally lets himself fully succumb to your love. You're quick to wipe them away though, because you would always take care of your Simon.
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sweetpastillas · 1 year
i Love NPMD's subversion of the trope where the supernatural haunts the bullies who rightfully deserved it. you have famous horror figures in movies who hurt the characters for revenge, because those characters held some power over them or knew someone who did – think carrie white, or iterations of freddy krueger or jason voorhees, the latter's mother, etc. you have modern stuff like unfriended and subsequent films within the genre, where "the ghost did this because they were bullied by the protags" becomes the main premise. because the trope is a staple in horror, whenever it shows up we think the characters deserve these deaths for what they did to the victim anyway; we just come for the spectacle. the inciting incident itself always shows their pre-existing behavior and actions, and explains why the movie happens.
but the thing that NPMD does is give that power to the bully. max is able to continue terrorizing nerds because of what was done to him. the only reason we don't completely sympathize with him (i would love those fix it fics where he gets to change after the accident) is because we understand the nerds' point of view. they dont do it because they would get a kick out of seeing him humiliated, they do it to get him to stop hurting them. they do it to survive. thats why we know they dont deserve it.
imagine if NPMD was a super serious horror film, where the waylon house accident was a flashback only shown in the 3rd act? it would be a decently sized twist to know that our brains are used to expecting a sympathetic backstory to the ghost or an evil side to the gang when no, he was the asshole.
i also love how it subverts the other horror trope too. usually the aforementioned horror icons go after those popular kids because of a movie's intent to punish vices. people who party and fuck are meant to die. if it were any other characters like, let's say, teenage and meaner tom houston and becky barnes, they would be wiped off the board without a thought.
but the protagonists are the titular nerdy prudes. people who want to party and fuck but dont. who only could in a world without max's strict social hierarchy, when outliers to their group like steph could be able to convince them to.
i also dont know if this has been said before but man i love figuring it out now
i probably have more thoughts on this but uhh later I LOVE YOU STARKID
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agentrouka-blog · 4 months
Accidentally stumbled into a Sansa anti (well they call themselves an Arya stan but they apparently think those things go hand in hand)blog and am now baffled and a little disgusted at the amount of vitriol these people have for..a little girl, honestly they had reblogged a post about how Arya being believed to be a hostage to Ramsay galvanised so many people in the North, etc and the difference between that and Sansa being the Lannisters hostage/Tyrions bride, and like..so this little girls life being worthless to these men (whether that's true or not) is somehow validation for you? Honestly it's a little disturbing (there's also a pattern of most of them hating Alicent as well which seems..meaningful)
Ah, yes, the fantasy that they have that the North uniquely loves Arya and somehow instinctively rejects Sansa, and that this would be a good thing rather than screaming misogyny. 😊
There's exactly one group in the North agitating for Ned Stark's daughter herself (the one within reach of them, mind) and that's the mountain clans, for two reason:
Distant family loyalty, alongside Stark loyalty. (A Liddle also aids Bran in the mountains.)
A culture that encourages them to seek death, not survival, at this particular time where Stannis comes knocking.
His father's mother's mother had been a Flint of the mountains. Old Nan once said that it was her blood in him that made Bran such a fool for climbing before his fall.  (ASOS, Bran ll)
It was a tale that any northmen knew well. "My father's grandmother was a Flint of the mountains, on his mother's side," Jon told her. "The First Flints, they call themselves. They say the other Flints are the blood of younger sons, who had to leave the mountains to find food and land and wives. It has always been a harsh life up there. When the snows fall and food grows scarce, their young must travel to the winter town or take service at one castle or the other. The old men gather up what strength remains in them and announce that they are going hunting. Some are found come spring. More are never seen again." (ADWD, Jon X)
"Winter is almost upon us, boy. And winter is death. I would sooner my men die fighting for the Ned's little girl than alone and hungry in the snow, weeping tears that freeze upon their cheeks. No one sings songs of men who die like that. As for me, I am old. This will be my last winter. Let me bathe in Bolton blood before I die. I want to feel it spatter across my face when my axe bites deep into a Bolton skull. I want to lick it off my lips and die with the taste of it on my tongue." (ADWD, The King's Prize)
Let's not overtly romanticize the North. Manderly's money is on Rickon the son. There's a sizable faction actually supporting the Boltons (Dustin/Ryswell and Karstark). No one lifts a single finger for "Arya" until Jon gives Stannis the advice to gather support in the mountains with his army, and those are the ones with comparatively little to do but die and "bathe in Bolton blood".
The main aspect here is opportunity v. cost.
But more to the point, just as you point out, if it was Sansa that Jeyne was pretending to be, it would be the same. It's not the girls (within their actual reach) they specifically care for, it's Ned and House Stark.
The specific (small) subset of Sansa Anti/Arya stan that pushes these takes is, indeed, less interested in Arya, the actual books and the political dynamics therein, than they are in a distorted Cinderella fantasy where Arya is uniquely chosen and loved over Sansa. The rejection of Sansa is as central to that fantasy as the elevation of Arya, because the Mean Girl needs to be vanquished and punished in order to destroy the very notion in the world that Their Projection Surface was ever not The Prettiest And Bestest, deprived of the admiration she rightfully deserved by the cruel machinations of a middleschool bully.
You know, that's the complex philosophical, political and literary themes and interpersonal dynamics that GRRM is known for. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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stargirlie25 · 8 months
Just saw this.....
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Before i say anything let me say i truly want everybody to pay attention to this post and the information inside especially if you agree with the post above.
How little do you know about Elain Archeron?
Let me tell you she has done these things but this person stretched out everything making Elain seem as a person she is not. You seriously think Elain would like anybody who talks about her like this? You think she would be flattered? These are all the people who claim they are Elain stans and change her character left and right.
What's true about what this person said is that she drinks whisky,stabbed the king of hybern,gives airplane gifts,found the suriel, and said ´´I hope they all burn in hell´´. Everything else is false and so disrespectful to her character.
Firstly Elain is seen to be a kind soul who owns up to her mistakes and is thankful for anybody ´s kindness and will remember it forever. That being said, Rhysand was seen once flying Elain to and from The house of wind so she can see her sister. She loves her sister and wants to see her and Rhys is taking her. Do you think she would like that her ´´stans´´ are saying he is her ´´little flying lackey´´ No. She would find you an unpleasant person who lacks respect.
´´Made a 500 year old obsession without even trying´´ You are right. Elain did nothing to have that. It is just because her sisters got with Azriels brothers and the dear shadowsinger formed an idea that Elain is rightfully supposed to be his because you know what, her sisters are with his brothers and that is enough logic. If its an obsession of any sorts, it is an unhealthy one.
Just some reasons:
He feels unworthy to taint her with his presence and hides a part of him (shadows) and hates another (hands) in regards to Elain.
For two years straight all he did was Pump himself and he said himself that he certainly had not gone far with his planning other than his fantasies.
He loved Mor for centuries and after the almost kiss with Elain, he refuses to disclose his feelings for mor. Even in ACOSF it represents he still feels for her.
He says its best to Kill greyson (Elain´s ex lover) even though Elain forbid feyre and others from doing anything to him.
He gets angry at the thought of Elain doing at least something and underestimates her -which is the only canon proof of what he could be thinking so don´t even try. Elain even calls out Nesta who had the same reaction and same reasoning. We have both Nesta and Feyre calling out how they do not like territorial traits from a man.
He gives credit to Nesta for beheading the king ´´Herself´´ which is a direct parallel to Lucien crediting Elain for her bravery. Before you guys yap about how its factually correct on what he said, do you realise how easy it could have been for sarah to say something like
Azriel said,´´Her sister stabbed the king of hybern,´´ A look towards truthteller and back at bryce and she could have sworn pride swarmed his eyes ´´Nesta beheaded the king of hybern herself´´
Dont bully me i have no idea how to write books but SJM could have put something even more tone down and it would still be an nice Elnotreal moment. Instead she made a direct parallel with what Lucien once said in ACOWAR.
∴ His ´´obsession´´ is super unhealthy.
Anyways whats next?
´´Had the shadowsinger running around´´ I mean go ahead make Elain seem like fricking b**tch. She is so sweet and kind and for some reason you want to take that away to make her seem strong? You have to put down multiple characters to uplift Elain? YOU have to. Not Elain. I can see from people who agree with the statement above (the picture) are simply blind to what Elain offers. There is a strength in her kindness,generosity, manner and feminism. When i see how kind Elain is, i see her strength. I see HER power. She respects all those around her and if i stan her why would i change that narrative?
That being said, Elain would continue to thank everybody who shows her kindness and if you think not than do not even bother saying you are pro Elain.
Same thing with saying she forbid everyone from eating. Elnotreals are seriously taking the forbidden love idea too far. All jokes aside she literally canonically said that they should not wait for her and go ahead and eat. Even if she did say that, no offense to my girl but they would all laugh their a$$ off and continue to eat.
Although Elain distances herself from Lucien, based on her character she would be offended if someone said she does not gaf.
Even this creator would. Imagine i made a anti Elain post saying something along the lines of
´´I hate Elain because she practically does not gaf about the mating bond with lucien and she sucks because of it´´
In this circumstance, you guys would pounce right away and start listing off the reason on why it isn´t the fact she does not gaf its because of _______ etc.
Although you are using it to make her seems as though she is a Girlboss for it? I´m not blaming her because i literally 100% believe it is not the fact she does not care, it's deeper.
´´uglified herself´´ There you go again, disrespecting Elains family, friends. First of all, no one needed Elain to be there, they needed Nesta. They did not choose Elain. They chose Nesta because of her dancing so she could seduce Eris. It was Elains choice to come although no one needed her. Mor always prefers to wear red and she did wear it the court of nightmares. Elain chose to wear black to match as the High Ladys sister in order to match. She herself looks prefers lilaks,blues,pinks but probably told herself she needed to be someone else to fit in. Something Cass and Rhysand has noted. Why are you calling her ugly when her current state is ´´Life being sucked from her´´
You just love disrespecting my girl acting like its a praise. tsk, tsk
Why am i making this post? What if its just a joke?
Its not just that. Many people use this information to uplift Elain while they casually ignore her own choices and personality. So what if this is a joke? On the bottom it says
´´You sure she is not developed enough?´´
Meaning what she wrote is development for Elain. No its not. Its erasing her character and morphing a new one in her place. I could go on and on of other reasons as to why Elain is developed and it is none of those reasons. Most of her development would happen in her own book and from her own pov instead of other characters just like Nesta.
Anyways my hole point is that you dont have to make Elain seem like she runs the ic, or she dominates everybody, or is a mastermind.
Let me get this straight
Feyre is a highlady: STRONG
Nesta is a warrior: STRONG
Elain is a gardener: STRONG
In my opinion it could be stronger. Maybe because im just like her haha but in a world of warrior women or tongue lasher women, she remain her perfect self, Elain Archeron and she would let no man or no ´´stan´´ change that.
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c00kietin · 8 months
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@imytheone WHOO
I shall also tag @allmightyscroll-swag as well cuz I like tagging em in oc related stuff :3
While I have drawn the siblings profiles, and Brittany making some appearances, Imma tell you MORE information about them!! >:D
One quick thing: These four are my oldest ocs (along with two others but you don't know em eheheh) from 2020 and at the time of making them I had just found out what Helluva Boss is. These characters were very much inspired off of them, especially Cici and Brittany.
Let's start off with the youngest:
Like I said, she is the youngest being around 6-7 years old
Pronouns are she/her, I'll just say aroace since I don't picture her being in a relationship at her age-
Cici is part demon thanks to her mother, but hasn't developed horns or a tail yet.
However, she has some powers, that being super strength and flight!
She can't fly very high, although she is the strongest in the family; being able to lift around the same weight as a van full of people. The older you get, the weaker your powers would become; so their mother would have the weakest powers.
Cici swears more than Onika and Zeke, mainly because of her mother. She gets in trouble at school regularly for this. That and for throwing chairs around. And for biting teachers' ankles. She gets in trouble for a lot of things.
Like all children, she has tantrums at times. But, of course, hers tend to get more...violent. Usually ending up with someone breaking a bone or two.
For hobbies, Cici enjoys drawing, roleplaying with toys and making things (whether that's with Lego or metal scraps-)
She doesn't listen to music as much as her siblings do, but her favourite artists are Pharrel Williams and Five Finger Death Punch.
She has insomnia and has a lot of difficulty sleeping.
Her and Onika love watching TMNT together, and are currently on Rise.
Cici's original design was heavily based off the girl with the large bow and brown curly hair that appeared in the first episode of HB. I was quite unoriginal at the time lol.
Onika is the middle child, being 15 years old.
Her pronouns are she/they, and they are also aroace.
Onika's powers aren't as strong as Cici's, but she can fly better and can piggy-back the weight of two adults.
Onika technically has a tail, but it's now a stub because a group of bullies cut it off.
Yeah. She was bullied when she was younger. She was jeered for being both demon and human, and neither species wanted to be friends with her.
This was also mainly because she had anger issues which caused her to have violent episodes if provoked enough, one time being she almost killed a teenager younger than her.
Luckily, she's gotten better now and is practically never violent. Except in Mariokart.
Onika is usually either hyperactive and energetic, or utterly lazy and unmotivated.
She desperately wants to get Maori tattoos like Zeke but her parents don't allow her.
She hates wearing skirts and having her hair down.
Onika doesn't have a lot of hobbies, but she enjoys trying new foods, skateboarding and playing the guitar.
Her favourite artists are AC/DC, Metallica, Twisted Sister and Iron Maiden.
I'm pretty sure I based the hair off of another character I saw online once, but I can't remember her name- all I know is that the hair isn't original:'D
Zeke is the oldest at 19 years old.
His pronouns are he/him and he's gay.
Zeke uses his powers the least and only really uses them for miniscule tasks around the house like moving a bed or fighting his sister.
Yeah. Zeke and Onika fight a lot, more physically than verbally, and it's usually for stupid reasons, like who rightfully had the bag of pretzels first.
Zeke has both a tail and horns (which are still growing).
He also has difficulty with keeping his body temperature warm, so he wears a lot of layers and a lot of black to keep in as much heat as possible.
He has Maori tattoos along the back of his left shoulder as well as part of the left arm, but rarely shows these to people.
Zeke has been teased by many to have a "baby face", which annoys him greatly.
He can be mostly found in his bedroom gaming, listening to music or curled up in a ball in bed.
He likes sleeping. A lot.
His favourite games to play are mainly action/shooter games (I'm not an expert in this department so feel free to decide which ones he likes playing) and occasionally likes to play RPGs.
His favourite artists are Green Day, Linkin Park and The Offspring.
Brittany is also 19 years old and is best friends with Zeke.
Her pronouns are she/her and is an asexual lesbian.
She practically has no powers. She can float a little, but not much else.
Brittany is a very affectionate person and adores hugging, cuddling, complimenting and kissing people (non-romantically).
She also adores fizzy drinks and cats. She ADORES cats. And animals in general.
If she was to encounter a cat, whether that be an anthropomorphic one or not, she will give them double the amount of affection.
When Brittany's happy, she wags her tail about, shakes her hands and squeals. She does this quite often.
She can be extremely chatty and talkative and could go on for hours on end talking about almost anything.
However, Brittany is extremely clumsy and is prone to falling down the stairs, tripping, running into windows and/or getting her horns stuck in things.
Her hobbies are shopping, going to cafés and watching romcoms.
Her favourite movie is Love, Actually and her favourite artists are Ariana Grande and Twice.
Her original design was heavily based off of Verosika from Helluva, and I still can't let go of the long white hair + pink skin combo :') Fortunately, I think I've managed to differentiate Brittany from her, or I hope-
OKAY I AM NOW DONE I should be sleeping-
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Yandere Neighbor Wars: Halloween Decorations
Daki 👩🏻‍🌾and Gyutarou 😈vs Uzui Tengen 💎& wives🥷🏻
👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻What. A. Line. Up. 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The siblings to your right versus the quadruple(?) to your left 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Living in little town houses in a tightknit community you’ve run into every member of the household enough to be friendly  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻You're just so cool 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻And their rightfully obsessed 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The recluse brother that scares off the stalkers that follow his model sister home
👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Who's not afraid to 'scare off' that weirdo who's been hanging around your yard 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The model sister that will lovingly let herself into your home when ‘you’re wearing something ugly’
👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The model who's always willing to wine and dine with you when your feeling particularly down 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻They're an endearing duo you’ve spent plenty of time with whether its resolving fights or just random community stuff
👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Always setting trends and getting rid of 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻But almost as influential as them is the Tengen family 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Having become a community favorite they get invited to every barbecue, baby shower, and birthday party 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻So it's only natural that you get to know the family next door 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Hinatsuru, the calm and sensible wife that you love trading recipes with and the one you bump into at the store 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Makio, who proudly lended herself to grunt work when you cleared out your garage, and the one who’s more than happy to take you clubbing after a long week of work 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Suma, the wife that you had to console when the neighborhood bully called her a name 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻(he’s a child) 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻And of course who would not notice the incredibly flashy and sensational hunk of muscle that was Uzui Tengen himself  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The husband-neighbor of yours that makes all your yard work look like a piece of cake 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻But greetings aside–ITS HALLOWEEN!!! 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Your jam, your day to make your house the no.1 for all the kids and to decorate to your heart’s content 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Both homes know about your love for Halloween  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Especially when you’re gushing about what plans you’re going to do for this year 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“We’ll have an even flashier display!”  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“Sure, sure but I’m a veteran at this, Uzui.” You flashed a serious expression. “I mean it Tengen , this is my rodeo.” 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻D-did you just threaten him?  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻That was…So CUTE!!! 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“Fine then if our display is meant to rival yours then you’ll come over to ours for your lonely horror movie weekend.”  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“It's not lonely but…sure! If your rating gets anywhere near mine then I will.” 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Of course Daki and Gyutarou all ears when Suma lets it slip about how their definitely going to take you on that movie date 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“Why didn’t you tell me you were betting your evening with those losers? I would have done you the favor of beating them if so much was at stake.” 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻You giggle and text them the new deal 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“It is kinda unfair going against just me, so we can compete with Daki and Gyutarou too since they want to join.” 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻They’re furious that those two had to go and make this challenge more difficult 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻But no one’s backing down because your weekend and undivided attention is on the line:
You chuckled as you peeked out the window at both your neighbors. People watching was ten times more excited when it was your neighbors. From working like a well oiled machine to toddlers as they tried to decorate their houses. 
On Tengen’s side they did seem to have an idea about what they were doing at first but then there seems to be some confusion about their props. You watched as Makio and Suma who were staying home today had begun working on decorations lining the backyard with fake bones and body parts. Eventually leading to Makio hauling out a beautifully crafted gravestone that apparently had some quality of realness. But lo and behold when Hinatsuru pulled up in her van she physically groaned before calling out to Makio who’s on the porch. From the pile of styrofoam gravestones in the back of the truck she apparently wasn’t expecting to see the giant one in the middle of their front yard. The two began to bicker with Makio being especially expressive while Hina was calmly arguing. And Suma. Poor Suma. Was crying a couple meters away as she was tangled by some decorative spider webs. You couldn’t wait until Uzui got home. It would really become a show. 
Now on the otherside of your fence was Daki and Gyutarou who respectfully weren’t speaking or looking at one another as they worked on their two halves of yard in front of their house. Split by their sidewalk they had very two different themes going on. You’ve deduced that you’re seeing the aftermath of their fight as Daki decorates her side with a softer spoopy theme and Gyutarou a dark nightmarish one. When they finally stepped back they still didn’t seem to be on the same page; each of them freaking out when the other tried to put some of their decorations on the other side. You giggled some more as you watched the siblings disappear within the house reigniting their silent treatment.
Sighing you returned to just unboxing your own decorations preparing for your nightly decoration run. You were ready to crush your competition.
The day of Halloween was here and both sides were confident that they’d no doubt pass you in your decorated house and lawn. You wore a costume that continued your theme of decorating that both touched on scary and spoopy making it oddly inviting. And as the trick or treaters came knocking on the three houses, they were in for quite a treat.
The first trick or treaters to knock on the siblings doors were met with Daki who was beautifully dressed as a doll. But her scrunched up face was anything but inviting as she glared at the open bags. The model seems to have forgotten that candy is what you're supposed to give to dressed up children who knock on your door. 
“Oh? Uh, here you are kid.”
Dropping a random protein bar in the bag she had just laid around almost shutting the door before Gyutarou called from behind.
“Hey Ume, have you seen my–”
“Whoa, that's a scary mask mister!”
Gyutarou practiced the breathing techniques as his sister aggressively slammed the door on the child’s face. Yelling at the muffled sobbing on the otherside of the door Daki tried to console her brother who had sullenly resigned to wearing the spare ‘Scream’ mask. 
On the otherside of your Halloween decked out house was the Tengen family who were spread out between obsessively monitoring their review tab on the  community app, while also trying to make sure their decorated house was being seen by everyone. 
“Wahhhhh Tengen loooks soooo scary!”
“Suma, stop crying, you're going to mess up your makeup!” 
Acting out the typical scene from 80’s horror movies in their cemetery themed house and lawn, Hinatsuru couldn’t understand why their ratings weren’t going up. Staying at two stars there still hadn’t been any updates as the night continued on. Sure the scene they were pantomiming was a little…different from the movies. The serial killer wasn’t wearing light-up jewelry and the final girls didn’t have ghost face paint but when they spoke so excitedly about their ideas Hina couldn’t bear to tell them otherwise. What were they missing? 
At the end of the night you all agreed to meet on your patio to finally compare your reviews together. 
“So how’d it go?” 
You spoke in a giddy tone, that was the complete opposite of the frustrated competitors who were less than pleased to. You gave them some of your specially made Halloween cocktails, handing them out before excitedly pulling out your phone. 
And the scores were as follows: 
(Y/n) (L/n): 5
Daki and Gyutarou: 1
Tengen Family: 2
“Hahah, I told you I’d win! I wasted no expense,” Excitedly shaking your left over grand-size candy bars. It is then that Hinatsuru finally realized why their score was so low. 
“Trick or treaters…are they the ones that control the ratings…?”
“Yeah mostly, I mean you have the odd ratings from the decorator-enthusiast but yeah you gotta make those kiddies talk!” 
You unintentionally bragged as Hinatsurr slowly brought a hand to her face, Makio, Suma, and Uzui all let out a collective “ooohhh.” Daki scoffed, rolling her eyes while Gyutarou loudly groaned into his hands. Noticing the overhanging sadness you decided to make a proposal. 
“Hey, if you guys want, we can all just watch the movies at my place.”
Immediately heads perked up and both your arms were occupied by Suma and Daki; who quickly began to grind their teeth at one another as they tightened their hold on you. 
“But (Y/n) didn’t we get the higher points? So shouldn’t we be the only ones to get a reward.”
“Can it crybaby! You’re the one that scared off all the brats with your scary display! If anything I-we should get to be with (Y/n)!” 
Suma gasped as Makio stepped up with an aggravated face. 
“Hey, our acting was phenomenal! And if we did have trick or treaters we would have done great!” 
“Pssh keep lying to yourself bullhorn!”
The screeching match between Daki and Makio continued even as you were able to escape their grasps to open your door to let the non-arguing or hysterically crying people into your home. 
“How long do you think until they notice?”
“Who cares. It's better if they get it out of their system out there. At least out there all they can smash are pumpkins.”
“Haha, that is if they don’t have their typical devices on them!” 
Hina, Uzui, and Gyutarou laughed nonchalantly as you were worriedly looking out the window before turning back to the group.
“So, what do you guys want to watch?”
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southernisled · 10 months
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task 003; absence. Hans misses the only person who's ever loved & cared for him, his mother Sanne.
It was never a secret in the Westergaard family that Hans was regarded as the runt of his father's litter. The isolation his Mother endured as the youngest wife, the bullying he put up with as the weakest son, both of them being tossed to the bottom of the pile like trash. Sanne could have cut her losses and ran, she could have divorced and left him in that wicked, cruel palace with his awful father and barbaric brothers. But Sanne was kind, and loving and strong in ways no man could ever begin to comprehend, she stayed for love. She stayed for her son & lived with the consequences of it.
Dear Maman,
There's so much I want to tell you I don't even know where to start so lets begin with the obvious. I love you, and I miss you every single day. There is not an hour that passes that I don't think of you alone with those monsters. There is not a moment where I don't wish eternal misery to my godforsaken halfwit brothers and living corpse of a Father. I worry for you and your safety. I worry about what will happen when Niels finally takes over, where you will end up or what pathetic housing and allowance he will give you. Most of all I worry he would be evil enough to make you his wife, not that you would accept of course. I hope to be home by the time Father passes. I hope its my blade that pierces through his heart, and Niels, and anyone else who would dare get in our way. I hope to make the palace run red with their blood for the live they gave you, gave us. Have a glorious throne made of their bones fashioned for you as Queen Mother. I hope to return with alliances and armies that would grant us protection from anyone who would try challenge my claim. I have not forgotten my role in all of this. I have not forgotten about you and the life you have lived for me, to protect me. I do not take your love for granted and I swear to you, on my own life, that I will get us what is rightfully ours. I will repay you, I will avenge you for what it cost to be his wife. I will come home and I will tear down his empire brick by brick with bare hands and we will build a new Kingdom, and it shall have a new Queen.
Perhaps that last line was misleading, because Mother I have the most incredible news. Delight that will shock you and fill your bleeding heart with joy; I am going to be a Father. You will be a Grandmother, and I know it is not what either of us expected when I came to Evermore but I know how happy you will be to hear of it. Even better is that for the first time there will be a baby girl. This torture, toxicity, awfully cruel, hierarchy ends with her. There will be no one to challenge her claim or question her lineage, because even though I haven't met her yet; just like I would do it for you, I would kill anyone who dared try hurt her in anyway. Her Mother is called Aurora, like the borealis, is beautiful. She is soft, kind and deserving of everything wonderful. But I will be the first to admit I haven't been kind to her as of late. I was so worried I would end up like him. I didn't want a boy, I didn't want to be a Father knowing what Niels and Father would do if they found out. But I have decided it no longer matters because they will never meet either of my girls, at least not outside of a casket.
We are still a long way away from the due date, and everyday brings a more heightened level of anxiety but yet a clearer train of thought. Aurora has land, connections, parents who hold real power. Our daughter will grow up to lead two Kingdoms, and with Aurora's help we can change the course of the Westergaard name and turn it into something good. I know what I have to do. I know how I must make this world different for my Mother, my Daughter and my--- well I don't really have a name for Aurora to be honest. I considered proposing but it seemed tacky. Independent women and all that. My baby will bring opportunities you and I have been waiting years for. She will bring us alliances and land, power and connections. My baby will be the key to the happy ending you and I have been yearning for all these years. I know what I have to do and I will kill anyone who gets in our way.
I wish you were here. I wish I didn't have to do this alone, but I understand why. Please just hold on a little longer. I will bring you the peace we are deserved, the crown you are owed. I will bring you your Granddaughter, Queen of two Countries. I promise you, Maman, things are going to change and we will make them suffer.
All my love,
Your dutiful son, Hans.
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zeciex · 8 months
When I say that I am team green, it means that I am, my entire perception has changed because of your story and it is transferred to the show, they are more human, they make mistakes but deep down they are right, Alicent sacrificed everything, and I see now that her aversion to Rhaenyra is afraid of what she can do because she is not governed by rules, she has already experienced it. And that's what her children do, because she is the only one who looks after they're interests. Is what has been instilled in Aemond, in addition to experiencing injustice firsthand, as Rhaenyra turned it around so that his life was in danger for calling her children bastards
Personally I don't think Rhaenyra wasn't intending to have Aemond tortured... It was a threat, a way to protect herself and her children. And I firmly believe that Rhaenyra wasn't going to have all of team Green killed once the took the throne.
That fear was instilled by Otto in Alicent and then Alicent to her children. The real villains of the story is Otto and Viserys. Alicent went from a victim to a victimizer; She relentlessly bullied and undermined Rhaenyra for years until she fled, and she allows Aegon to rape/clean up his messes. Alicent upholds status quo, she upholds patriarchy, because that's what she's been breed to. And she cloaks herself in rightiousness and her religion, because that's the only thing she can control and the only thing that offers comfort in the face of her sacrifice. I feel for her, but I also see the hypocrite she's become.
Aemond is the way he is due to the eye thing. He feels slighted, rightfully so, but then again, Luke thought Aemond was going to kill Jace and he defended his brother. Aemond defended himself because he was ganged up on (but he also managed to fight them off). It's that snake eating its own tail. Everyone sucks kind of this. Aemond feels that an injustice has been done and it has shaped him.
And then there's Aegon. Aegon is clearly the child with the most pressure on his shoulders. And he's crumbled underneath that pressure. He self medicate with wine, and he's sexually deviant-- whoring and such because since he cant live up to expectations, why even try? But he's also been abused by his mother who hits him, and a father who blames him for whats wrong, a father that doesn't like him. He can't live up to what his mother wants, and his father disregards him. He's been told from birth that if he doesn't take the throne everyone he loves will die including him. And he rapes! He rapes young girls! I think it's a control thing, a thing of making everyone suffer. But its also just... entitlement. Aegon is cruel, and he's broken. Two things can be true at once.
I sympathise with Green, but I don't think Aegon would be a good king, he's a rapist and he's cruel, and once that crown is on his head, he has all the power in his hands and he can finally do what he wants. Alicent is upholding this standard, knowing what he is. And Aemond is supporting his brother because duty asks it of him--and also because he gets something out of it.
I think Rhaenyra would have been a great queen, and I think Jace would have been a great king. Is Rhaenyra entitled? yes, but no more than the princes are. She, as a woman, is held to another level of expectation.
Rhaenyra went to Dragonstone because all she ever really wanted was a family, a house full of children and love. She fled KL because Alicent continuously undermined her and made jabs at her. From what we've seen in the show, she's a great mother who raised great children. There were true love, she didn't raise them in fear or abuse them.
We can be sympathetic to Team Green and understand their characters and their motivations, but I will never support them as rulers. However, it's also important to note Team Black's mistakes and wrong doings. Either team is fucked in different ways, it's just about finding your favorite war criminal and loving them (don't support rapists though and I swear to god if they make Aemond one, I'm throwing stuff)
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nicascurls · 10 months
Has Don ever taken a moment to think about the immense trauma Jake has from bullying?
Like it’s implied that Jake was probably bullied since childhood, has Don ever taken into consideration how that might’ve ruined his self esteem and why he probably wouldn’t forgive Lexy THAT easily.
I feel like there were some times after that whole fight that Jake still got certain responses, because at the end of the day, Lexy was Jake’s bully, she purposely lowered her self esteem and I would not be surprised if her reasons were slightly homophobic in nature, that’s all I’m gonna say-
Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Lexy. Lexy is my queen, I love her, she had a good redemption arc and Alyvia plays her wonderfully. However, she was a bully at first, that’s how she was introduced.
You’re telling me there wasn’t one time when she accidentally triggered something by something totally normal? She could’ve laughed a certain way and just like that, Jake is having a fucking panic attack. She makes a lighthearted but mean joke at Jake, and Jake’s fist bawls up but he reminds himself that Lexy’s changed.
But there’s that voice in his head thinking rightfully so that she’s doing this to play a joke on him.
Like, I love Lexy but there’s no way on this planet Earth she wasn’t one of major problems in Jake’s life.
I absolutely agree with you there. It wasn't even just stereotypical 'push them down if you see them in the hallway' bullying. She dressed up as his DEAD DAD what? A week or two after he witnessed him die?
Then within the next week or so Lexy is referring to her and Devon as the family Jake chose.
I get the circumstances were unusual, but that shit wouldn't just go away. I don't think she ever genuinely apologised to Jake either. She just almost fell when they went back to the house, and Jake saved her. She muttered a brief thanks for that, but I don't think she ever genuinely apologised.
Don't get me wrong, I love Lexy as a character now, but I do put a whole lot of that on how well Aly plays her.
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sold out
james potters sister x remus lupin
no warnings for this one apart from smoking <3
🕯in which juliet potter comforts remus after The Prank™️
Everybody knew of Sirius Black’s distaste or rather hatred of severus snape, they knew he was his designated sworn enemy and how he’d go to the ends of the earth just to ensure Severus suffered. And rightfully so, snape was a bully, he picked on those smaller than him, weaker than him. he made snide comments to those he didn’t take a liking to, which was everyone except maybe lily evans. Juliet potter couldn’t blame Sirius, she had her own objections to the boy despite them being in the same house but she supposed that didn’t mean a great deal seeing as most respectable members of slytherin also didn’t like snape much.
She was doing her prefect rounds with regulus when they were just about to round the corner to the west corridor when they both noticed two very agitated voices,
“ oh fuck off snivellus, I don’t have time for your bullshit”
“ why’s that black, you got somewhere to be?”,
Juliet shared a knowing look with regulus and they simultaneously peered round the stone wall to see the pair with their wands raised, snape clearly taunting Sirius, pushing a reaction. Sirius surprisingly did actually appear to be attempting to rid of snape thought his attempts were futile. It was a full moon tonight and although juliet was no longer close with her brother, she had a managed to piece his and his friends’ suspicious behaviour together, even regulus had and he hadn’t spoken to Sirius in at least a year since he left grimmauld place. Regulus retreated from the corner and declared his lack of interest in their bickering, beginning to walk away. Juliet too retreated, turning around just as she heard a faint
“ find out for yourself Severus, go to the..”
She missed the remainder of Sirius’ statement, cursing regulus for his posh boy shoes that alerted far too many people of his presence. Juliet didn’t put too much thought into what she heard, sharing it with regulus who contemplated for a second before saying,
“ Sirius’ friends are all he has now, to throw that away for Severus would be far too foolish”.
The early morning sun hung in the sky painting it beautifully. Juliet was with her friends in the black lake, regulus and barty were sitting at the edge of the wooden dock each holding a rollie, regulus lighting his before turning to light barty’s whilst Evan and juliet were in the water. They did this most mornings, juliet loved water and so did the rest of them, particularly Evan and Barty, though he loved his smokes just that little bit more. The sound of footsteps turned regulus’ head, the others following suit, to see Remus Lupin walking up to the end of the dock. They were good friends with the older boy, but it wasn’t known information due to their situations. James and Sirius wouldn’t take lightly to finding it out so they kept it down low, and were there for Remus when he needed a change of scenery. He had never been anything but friendly towards the younger siblings, much unlike James and Sirius and even peter to some extent.
“ alright lupin?” Evan greeted from the lake, Remus just grunted in reply dumping himself next to barty and snatching the rollie from his hand. Remus never usually smoked, wasn’t his thing, neither was getting out of the hospital wing this early after a full moon. The cuts and bruises were visible on his face, neck and arms but he winced as he moved indicating further injury. Juliet guessed that he probably hadn’t been excused by Madame pomfrey and more likely excused himself.
“ what happened then?” Barty asked as regulus and juliet exchanged glances between themselves, they both thought of what she heard the former night. Despite their rocky relationships with their brothers, they really hoped Sirius hadn’t gone that far. Unfortunately Remus caught on almost straight away, he had planned on putting his mood down to a minor argument between him and the boys but began to wonder if maybe they knew something. Telling more people of his secret wouldn’t be the wisest idea, too many people knew already. He had come into hogwarts believing that the only people that would know of his lycanthropy would be the headmaster and nurse, but the list just seemed to keep growing longer. He knew they wouldn’t betray him, maybe slytherins were cunning but these ones put their friendships first. In a world where their parents and any other adults let them down time after time, what else should he have expected.
Remus opted on confiding in them, the surprise in Evan and bartys face was evident but it was only surprise, the other two however simply offered him a smile, he should’ve known they had caught on.
“Merlin Remus, didn’t expect my Sunday morning to pan out like this” , Barty now had a new rollie in his hand though it was close to out, regulus then spoke, putting his out and throwing it behind him,
“ okay mr wolfman, but that doesn’t explain whatever’s going on up there” reaching his hand out over his friend and pointing to Remus’ head.
“ he sold me out” Remus looked down at the lake beneath him, “he fucking sold me out”.
“who?” Juliet whispered so lowly that it almost went unheard. But she need not have asked, her and regulus already knew who. Maybe Sirius wasn’t the best person, he had let regulus down more times than he could count, but he wasn’t always to blame, he was a child too. But now he was 16, he was more than old enough to control his impulses, to think before spilling someone else’s secret as if it was no more than a can of beans. Remus’ head hung low but the tears were evident and he whispered Sirius’ name meekly, almost as if the word itself pained him. Barty wordlessly rolled another, lighting it and passing it to Remus before throwing an arm round his shoulder pulling him in, in an effort to offer some form of comfort. Juliet swum up to her friend, leaning against his knees,
“I’m so fucking sorry noves” the affectionate nickname, deriving from when they would all call Remus the casanova of his year, bought his hands to meet hers, “ we didn’t think he’d actually do it” this caused Remus to immediately look up and lock eyes with Juliet questioning her,
“ we heard snape and Sirius in the corridor last night during our prefect rounds” nodding to regulus, “ he said something about snape seeing fro himself but regulus’ clown shoes were too loud for me too hear the rest” Barty and Evan chuckled whilst regulus swatted Juliet round the side of the head. Remus just responded with a weak, “oh” and they offered their best sympathetic smiles and stayed with him the rest of the day. It was difficult but being a Sunday most students were at hogsmeade, and the group made sure they avoided any areas were students were likely to congregate.
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jesse-pinko · 2 years
With the way Walt wasted no time to start abusing Jesse as soon as they partnered up, and considering Walt treats Jesse like he's his son AND his wife... Do you think this means Walt had been bursting at the seams to abuse his real son and real wife this whole time, and only with Jesse did he have a chance to do so?
*Pushes glasses up on nose as though I am a respected scholar in a legitimate field of study* Ok so I hate to answer a compelling question with a kind of roundabout, not at all concrete answer but here goes: Walter wants to do whatever Walter wants to do, in the moment, without having to concern himself with that pesky, pedestrian little irritant known as ye olde consequences. He’s your basic old white fart who, because he grew up with the oxymoron of the white man as a vehicle for both exceptionalism and the Everyman, believes that consequences should not apply to him, and feels that he has been hard done by because, shocker, his stagnancy prior to the beginning of the series hasn’t resulted in everything he ever wanted falling into his lap! He does abuse both Skyler and Flynn over the course of the series, the assault on Skyler in season two being the most overtly violent of these instances, though it is heavily implied in season five that this isn’t even a one time occurrence; “I can’t even keep you out of my bed!” It’s also in season two that he peer pressures his teenage son into drinking to excess to gain the upper hand in his one-sided pissing contest with Hank, and this mirrors the ways in which he flexes his control over Jesse in front of Gus and Mike. Walter is dangerous precisely because he doesn’t view himself as an abuser, it’s not like he wistfully daydreams about slouching around the house in a wifebeater, terrorizing his wife and kids until they walk on eggshells around him. In fact, he’s shown throughout the series to act like a little pissbaby throwing a little pissbaby tantrum whenever he’s treated by his family like the monster he is. He wants to be able to act on his anger, to rape his wife and bully his son, without being subject to any of the organic repercussions these actions would inevitably induce. He doesn’t want to play the part of the mild-mannered family man anymore, or put in any of the work required to keep up that front, but he still wants to be seen as the provider and benevolent patriarch. He wants to have his fucking cake and eat it to.
That’s where Jesse comes in.
Walter loves Jesse, he does. The problem was never that he didn’t love Jesse, it was why he loved Jesse. Walter loves Jesse more than Flynn, that much was confirmed by Vince in a quote I can’t find anymore for the fucking life of me so you’ll just have to take my word for it ig. Walter might even love Jesse more than Skyler. But he doesn’t love Jesse as a person so much as a conduit, as an indispensable resource. It’s pretty vital, actually, that the person Walter projects all his shit onto isn’t a part of his immediate family, because then Jesse can be whatever he wants him to be. It’s great for Walter that Jesse’s a junkie, because then, according to societal norms, he doesn’t have to see Jesse as human when he’s taking out all of his anger on him. When Jesse isn’t being malleable enough for his liking, or even if Walt’s mad about something else entirely, then Jesse’s just a junkie, a nobody, an ungrateful, petulant fuck-up. When Walter is being rightfully shut out by his family or needs Jesse for some material task, then Jesse is practically family to him. They’re partners. It’s a terrible burden to put on an impressionable 24-year-old, a pretty fucking shitty thing to do to someone who trusts you, more than they should, and an impossible exception to live up to, to be someone’s everything.
So when Jesse inevitably fails at it, inevitably falls short of this perfectly imperfect idealization of himself, he is punished, horribly.
Walter never would have done the things he did to Jesse to Flynn, or to Skyler.
He doesn’t love them as much.
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stellarlex · 3 years
What are your thoughts about Adrien/Cat Noir?
You got me started, so I won’t mince words.
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Adrien is a pain in the ass.
The way the show constantly makes it seem like he’s in the right when he absolutely fucking ISN’T is something that has infuriated me for a very long time. The writing makes him seem perfect but he isn’t. He’s not even a good friend, and Marinette’s crush addled brain forces her to listen to his garbage advice even though she knows better and is more experienced in social matters.
This fucking kid has only been breathing fresh fucking air for a few months and somehow he’s suddenly a fucking expert on how to deal with bullies and manipulators. That’s how he comes off to Marinette with how often he lets Chloe’s shitty behavior slide or his dumb advice about Lila: “Making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy.” Or, “If you humiliate her he’ll just be hurt more.”
But Chloé gets to humiliate and hurt others with barely any consequences from anyone, let alone Adrien. And Lila just gets to publicly make fools out of anyone who believes her nonsensical bullshit. And it’s only appropriate to chastise them only AFTER someone has been humiliated, hurt, and even EXPELLED right Adrien?
And sure, I can acknowledge when Adrien has his moments of a spine but it never lasts and always falls through. People are constantly screaming “but his dad and his childhood and he’s so sheltered and can’t stand up to anyone !” but forget that he chose to be a superhero and fight evil and has stood up to people.
I mean he stands up for Chloé and Lila quite a bit no matter who they hurt. He had no problem standing up to Marinette and shaming her and the others when they were rightfully happy that Chloé, their longtime tormentor and bully was leaving. He gets to be sad that Chloé is leaving and shame on anyone who is happy about that.
He was so concerned that Chloé left hurt and humiliated, (which was her own fault for trying to lie about her school project and after the bullshit she pulled with the Bee Miraculous) that he didn’t care about how badly Chloé made others feel on a daily basis. They were rightfully relieved to have Chloé gone and to celebrate having some peace in school for fucking once.
He seemed to have forgotten about how she nearly killed a train full of fucking people to make herself look like a hero. How soon he forgets how Chloé sabotaged Marinette’s great uncle, how she treats Sabrina, how she broke into Marinette’s room and stole her diary to win a class president election, stole Marinette’s hat design and tried to frame her for stealing, how she broke into Marinette’s locker and vandalized her gift to Bustier. Just so many things.
But noooo. That’s not important. What’s important was that HIS FRIEND was sad and that all her bad behavior is negated and that they shouldn’t celebrate her leaving because SHE kept HIM company when he was kept inside his home. Nothing else matters Right Adrien?
And let’s not forget about Lila. I’ve heard so many bullshit excuses about why he won’t expose Lila and it pisses me off something fierce:
“He doesn’t know that Lila threatened Marinette!” “Marinette didn’t tell him about the threat!” “He can’t stand up for himself because he’s scared his dad will pull him out of school!” “He’s scared of Lila!” “But his upbringing” “But his dad!” “He doesn’t have evidence!” “His advice is right!” “He doesn’t know how dangerous Lila is!”
Especially that last one. There has been multiple occasions where Lila has proven how dangerous she is outside of being akuamtized but he still won’t expose her. The time she got Kagami akumatized and WILLINGLY helped Oni-Chan, was proven true by the horn on her head growing every time she lied. Adrien as Chat Noir saw this. Ladybug warned him. A FIREFIGHTER examined Lila’s ankle and basically said she was full of shit about her injury and saw Chat Noir chew her out over her willingly helping an akuma.
Still don’t know how the firefighter didn’t report that to the cops but then I remember that Thomas Astruc is shit and I say to myself, “Ah, that’s why.”
Adrien knew then especially how dangerous Lila was. He even warned Ladybug about her. If I was Ladybug I’d have said “Yeah, no shit. I tried to tell you that 5 minutes ago but sure.” But instead of outing Lila, he still says NOTHING and continues to let her lie and promise his friends things she can’t possibly deliver, continues to let her mess with his friends dreams because she’ll be “hurt more.”
When was this bitch hurt at school I wanna know.
Also, there’s the fact that Adrien has chewed Lila out multiple times about her behavior, so he’s not afraid to stand up to her. He’s even done it in public where anyone can hear him like in school. But he just keeps giving her chances. I was excited when he chewed Lila out after “Ladybug” but then that quickly went away when he said that he didn’t have any proof.
But he does have proof of her lying. He was there when Ladybug chewed Lila out about her lying. If he spoke up about that, they would believe him because he doesn’t have a motive to speak against Lila, like the way others were skeptical of Marinette’s claims because of her crush on Adrien. There’s also the fact that she lied to get into his house and got Nathalie and his bodyguard into trouble.
There is a picture she sent out to multiple people so she can’t rebut that. And then the whole shit about framing Marinette and the red butterflies. He should have spilled all the fucking tea but he still kept his mouth shut. If his little talk with Lila hadn’t panned out Marinette would still be out of school and she would look like some horrible villain and no one would doubt Lila.
But noooooo. Lila will be humiliated, she’ll be hurt. It wouldn’t make her a good guy.
Screw you Adrien.
As for Chat Noir....
*breathes in*
He needs to get a fucking reality check or he needs to not have a miraculous. Yeah. I said it.
Here’s a special message for him:
Ladybug said no. Stop asking her to date you. Stop trying to make plans or trick her into romantic situations with you. Don’t throw tantrums because she doesn’t tell you things or because she won’t do what you want. Stop goofing off during battles. Stop sacrificing yourself you absolute DUMBASS.
Sincerely, me.
It boggles me why he gets to do all the shit he does and has no fucking consequences. Marinette’s toe can’t even twitch without someone breathing down her fucking neck about being the bigger person or just chastising her for not living up to the standards of a Ladybug.
I’m looking at you Tikki.
But Adrien gets to just do all kinds of shit without a HINT of consequences as Chat Noir. It’s fucking WILD. But apparently to some it’s more important that he keeps Plagg because he’s lonely and he shouldn’t be trapped inside his house with Gabriel.
That’s not what a miraculous is for??!?!!?!?!! 🥴
And sure, Marinette has had some slip ups as Ladybug. But not nearly as many as Adrien has as Chat Noir. But like I said, Marinette gets blamed for anything by any and everyone whether she’s Ladybug or not. Tikki and Alya chastised her because she entered the game tournament to spend time with Adrien.
She didn’t cheat, she entered fairly and played fairly and won fairly just like Adrien did. But because it was to spend time with Adrien it was wrong. Even Max’s sore loser ass admitted before he left that Marinette beat him fair and square. It’s a competition. He wasn’t entitled to have a spot. He even looked upset when Adrien beat him and Adrien had a worried look on his face. Tikki even chastises Marinette saying that there were better ways to spend time with Adrien.
But there WEREN’T.
Adrien’s time is so closely monitored that he barely ever gets time to spend with friends. That was the only chance Marinette had to spend time with Adrien. But of course Marinette gets the heat for it.
But Adrien gets nearly nothing when he causes Copy Cat because of his lie about Ladybug. He gets to throw a tantrum because Ladybug didn’t come to a picnic she never agreed to in the first place with no consequences. He gets to be upset about Ladybug having someone she loved and refuse to work together with her. And it’s all just glossed over.
But Marinette? Everything she does is always wrong. She has no choice but to be perfect or somehow the whole fucking world ends. And while it’s not right, Adrien only has to look perfect for his dad’s company. The amount of pressure isn’t the same. He gets to be carefree in at least half of his life, but Marinette is always under pressure and always judged harshly while Adrien gets to fuck up with barely any consequences or repercussions.
In conclusion, I’m so tired of this “sunshine boy”. You asked for this, and I delivered.
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
goldilocks (reid/reader)
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Title: Goldilocks Request: no Couple: spencer reid/gen-neutral!reader; spencer reid/ethan; spencer reid/lila archer Category: fluff Content Warning: bi!spencer, kissing/making out, Word Count: 2,102 Summary: spencer recounts all his first kisses A/N: thank you all so much for the support! i really do appreciate it. check out my masterlist!
When Spencer was 12, he had his first kiss. He was with his only friend, Ethan, in his backyard. They were playing cowboys versus pirates- Spencer being the cowboy rightfully so. Whenever Ethan was over Spencer knew he could be himself, he didn’t have to worry about his mother, or school bullies, or anything else. Ethan was his safe space. Ethan knew that, too.
It was nearing dusk. Ethan was up in a tree, pretending it was the crow’s nest of his pirate ship. Spencer was on the ground, dressed like a cowboy, complete with the lasso and cowboy hat. Their play fight would soon come to an end, and they would have to go in for the night. The two friends knew that their fight would come to an end like it usually does. With Ethan winning and Spencer losing.
Ethan had jumped from the tree, landing beside Spencer before tackling him to the ground. Spencer looked up at his friend, trying to fight him off his body. It was obvious that the smaller of the two boys would lose a fight. The smaller boy knew that too. Although maybe he wanted to lose to Ethan.
“What are you doing?!” Spencer said through giggles. Ethan returned the giggles as he pinned Spencer’s hands to the ground above his head. Ethan looked down at his friend, a smirk growing across his lips the longer he stared at him.
“I won,” Ethan whispered as he lowered closer to Spencer’s face.
Spencer’s eyes widened as he looked at his friend. The young boy knew for a long time that he had a crush on his friend. He’s never acted on his feelings before. The thought passed his mind many times, but he didn’t want to risk losing his only friend.
Until that day. Until the day he and Ethan were playing pirates and cowboys, when he knew the cowboys had really lost (for the hundredth time too). When Ethan still had Spencer pinned to the ground and he was rubbing it in his face that he had won. It was then did he realize he wanted to kiss Ethan. It was something he wanted, a curiosity that would kill him if he didn’t just do it. And it was a risk, a calculated one, but he knew he wanted to take it.
When Ethan had gotten low enough, Spencer lifted his head and quickly pecked his lips to Ethan’s. After the briefest moment, Spencer dropped his head back to the ground and stared up at his friend.
“Sorry,” he mumbled and looked away when he realized he might’ve messed up. “I was… I was just curious. That’s all.”
“You were just curious?” Ethan asked as he crawled off his friend and sat on the ground beside him. Spencer slowly sat up and nodded.
“Yeah, yeah. J-Just curious.”
Unfortunately, this kiss with Ethan was too soft. But Spencer was too young to know that. He’d learn one day that even though he had the smallest crush on Ethan, that they’d be better off as best friends than anything else.
When Spencer was 24, he had his second kiss. It was with Hollywood star Lila Archer. He was working a case, and protecting Lila from a possible stalker she had. The two were outside, Spencer was watching Lila swim in her pool. Spencer was very adamant about Lila getting out of the pool, so they could be in the safety of her home. But Lila wasn’t having any of it.
“Five minutes,” Lila begged as she swam up to the edge of the pool. Spencer was standing close, watching her with a worried crease in his brow. “Go get a suit in the house!” She nodded towards the open sliding doors of her home. Spencer looked over at her house and then quickly back at her with a scowl.
“What?! No! I don’t wanna grab a suit! Are you kidding me?!” Spencer shouted, his voice cracking out of annoyance. “Please let’s just go in.”
“Join me,” she pressed as she looked up at him. For a small moment, Spencer considered it. But it wasn’t long enough for him to actually go inside and change.
“No, I'm not gonna join you,” Spencer eventually said. Lila rolled her eyes before pouting.
“Why not?”
“You're being pursued by a psychotic killer who shoots people in the head!” Spencer shouted, again, his voice cracking, again. Lila pushed off the wall of the pool and floated on her back, away from Spencer.
“I'm not gonna stop living my life. I'm just not,” she stated firmly as she closed her eyes. Spencer stared at the woman in the pool, shock growing across his face. Any normal person would be scared, hiding for their lives when they hear that there’s a psychotic killer after them.
“This woman is insane,” Spencer thought the longer he stared at her. Although he was extremely cautious about his surroundings and who was around, he could feel a strange carelessness grow in his stomach.
“Lila, please, I'm begging of you. Will you please get out of the pool?” Spencer pleaded as he squatted down to the pool.
“Really, Spence, you should live a little.”
“Live a little? I've known you 48 hours, I feel like I've already aged 10 years.”
“I can't be that bad,” Lila mused as she swam back to the edge of the pool.
“Yes. no, you are that bad,” Spencer said as he stood back up.
“Fine, can you help me out at least?” Lila asked as she lifted a hand up to Spencer. Spencer stared at her hand for a moment before grabbing it. As he went to help her out, Lila pulled on Spencer’s hand, pulling him right into the pool.
Lila was instantly thrown into a fit of laughter as Spencer re-emerged from the water. He glared over at the girl as he pushed his hair away from his face.
“Yes, very funny. Laugh it up, Lila. Hilarious. My gun's wet. So great. My clothes,” Spencer’s tone was very clearly annoyed with what just happened.
‘I should have seen that coming,’ Spencer thought to himself as he looked at the woman. She smiled as she swam closer to him.
“You should have worn the suit,” Lila giggled as she grabbed Spencer’s tie and pulled him closer to her. Spencer swam closer to her, allowing her to pull him as close to her. She brought her hand to rest on the nape of his neck. And when he was close enough, she pressed her lips to his, quickly deepening it.
Spencer ended it just as fast as Lila started it.
“This is completely inappropriate,” Spencer said as he swam away, leaving Lila behind.
Spencer found a certain attractiveness in Lila, he wouldn’t lie about that. The moment wasn’t right. Would there ever be a right moment between Spencer Reid and Lila Archer? The pair had two wildly different career paths, and two wildly different lifestyles… There would never be a right moment for the two.
Even though Spencer enjoyed this kiss with Lila, it was too rough. It was very heated, and a moment of intense feelings. He began to wonder when he’d find the person who would give him the best kisses, and how long he’d have to wait for that moment.
When Spencer was 34, he found the person who gave the best kisses. There was more than one factor for why Spencer loved this person, their kisses were just a bonus. Like with Ethan, this person was Spencer’s safe space. He could be himself and not worry about anything. And like with Lila Archer, this person made Spencer feel free and near careless.
His first kiss with this person was… gentle, and sweet. Unlike with Ethan, this kiss wasn’t a quick peck to the lips. It wasn’t out of pure curiosity. Unlike with Lila, it wasn’t rushed and heated. It wasn’t because they wanted it. It was because they both wanted it.
It wasn’t their first date, not even their sixth date. In fact, they weren’t even on a date. Spencer had invited the BAU team over to his house to meet this person. The team had been excited to meet them since Spencer first spoke about his person. And after the team left, it was just Spencer and his person. Their first kiss just happened. They weren’t expecting it.
They were sitting on the couch, a movie playing- though neither of them were watching it. The couple was too busy talking about cleaning up the mess their dinner party had left behind, and when a good time to clean it would be.
“Do you want me to get ants? Because this is how I get ants,” Spencer said as he gestured towards the coffee table and the several plates and cups that occupied it. His person laughed before moving even closer to him. Even though they were already pretty close to cuddling, his person wanted to be even closer to him. “But what’s stopping us from taking care of the mess in the morning?” they asked as they looked up at Spencer. He sighed before looking back at his person. “I’m just saying, Spencer,” they whispered before shifting to his lap. Spencer’s eyes met theirs, and a small smile grew across his lips.
“Okay, okay, we can take care of it in the morning. If I get ants though I’m blaming you,” he laughed as he wrapped his arms around his person’s waist.
“I’ll take full responsibility!” they shouted, jumping and nearly falling backwards off his legs. Spencer laughed before pulling them closer to safety. Instead of falling off his legs, his person fell closer to him. “I’ll clean up first thing in the morning. Promise!” They wrapped their arms around Spencer’s neck.
“So now you’re spending the night?” Spencer raised an eyebrow as he looked back at them. They smiled before nodding lightly. The couple drifted closer together.
“If that’s okay. If not, I can go home after the movie is over,” they whispered before cocking their head to the side. Spencer looked at their eyes before glancing at their lips for a brief moment.
“It’d be the first time you spend the night here.”
“I don’t have an issue with that,” they shook their head and smiled. “Only if you don’t have an issue.” It was his person’s turn to look between his eyes and lips. They both wanted to kiss each other, but were both afraid. Spencer knew his person wanted to kiss him. And his person knew he wanted to kiss them.
“No issue here,” Spencer replied, although he wasn’t sure if it was a response to them spending the night, or giving them permission to kiss him. But he replied...
“Good,” they whispered before pressing their lips to Spencer’s. He hummed before bringing his hands to their cheeks. It only took a moment before he deepened the kiss.
Spencer had never kissed a person like he kissed his person. He could feel a fire grow in his chest. His arms wrapped around their waist and he pulled them onto his lap.
It felt like ages before they broke apart. In that moment, all they wanted to do was just be with each other and be in each other's space. But they knew they couldn’t. There were still things they had to do before they went to bed.
“We… We should clean up,” Spencer whispered, just so the silence would go away. His person laughed before tumbling off his lap. His hand caught their’s, stopping them from going any further. They turned around and looked down at him.
His person admired how his cheeks were flushed, his hair was tousled just right, and his lips were still pink from being kissed raw. He had a slight dazed look in his eyes.
“I like it when you look like you kissed someone. I like it even more when I know I’m that someone you kissed,” his person whispered. Spencer laughed and nodded.
“I like it even more when you’re the person I kissed, too,” he whispered as he pulled them back down to his lap. “What’re you doing?”
“Going to clean, like you said.”
“We can clean in the morning.”
There was no curiosity with this kiss, and he wasn’t hesitant. Spencer knew, 100%, that he wanted this kiss. And he was happy that this kiss was perfect. Better than the kiss with Ethan. Better than the kiss with Lila.
Spencer was happy he’d be spending the rest of his life with his person.
if you have any comments/questions about this part, let me know here! please consider reblogging or leaving a comment if you're a part of the taglist. it's so much work tagging everyone.
taglist: @thebluetint @mggsprettygirl @muffin-cup @misshale21 @spenciegoob @reidspoet @kuolonsyoja @broken-stardust @rainsong01 @beepboopboopbeep @babebenhardy @flipperpenguins @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @ash19871962 @samaraaaaa​
tags that didn’t work: @isabellasimps
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yandere-mc-yt · 3 years
So, back on topic, mmm, Sapnap. He tortures wild animals, yes?
Here’s the premise: the darling - Sap’s promising childhood crush who’d left him and their hometown to pursue their career as a veterinary - was sent to assist in the investigation of a sudden increase in increasingly suspicious wild life accidents: ravaged carcasses, tortured animals (with some of them even having been burnt to a crisp) and other atrocities. Sap’s actions being an obvious bait, knowing the police would need an expert to help solve the mystery and an expert they were.
Once they arrived at the scene of the recent-most butchery, he approached them, only to get brushed aside in the face of the current events. Something his delusional mind could not comprehend. Definitely a result of them having been corrupted by the outside world.
Then, as the darling was getting ready to return back with their findings and observations, people close to them (school bullies, distant relatives, former acquaintances) started going missing with police officers finding mangled corpses and crimson-inked love confessions written all over their remains. This obviously disturbed them greatly, so they finally decided to rekindle their friendship with Sapnap and find some solace in one of the few remaining friends who oh-so-conveniently had offered them a shoulder to cry on.
Sap did not miss the opportunity and knocked them out with no hesitation.
Cue the darling waking up in some remote cabin only to be met by a completely delusional Sap babbling on and on about his plans to “make them remember their promise” and “reclaim what’s rightfully his”.
Out of character? Perhaps. An absolutely convoluted and basic mess of a plot line? Mhm. Do I care at this point. Na-uh-r. 💁🏾‍♀️
You wouldn't mind if I kinda plaguarized expanded upon this a bit, no..? 👉👈😳
Warnings: Yandere Themes, obsessiveness, stalking mentioned, animal cruelty mentioned, murder mentioned, worshipping kink implied, kidnapping
Sapnap was one of those really troubled kids- not a bully but a quiet kid that went out into the woods and would find small animals to hurt. He learned to not get caught doing it after his darling childhood friend caught him once and he had to lie to them about just finding the critter like that.
As they grew up together, Sapnap didn't slow down his torture of any small thing he can get his hands on- he was just as obsessed with his friend as he was with maiming things but he had to mask it. So he became the small town's most popular guy. Sapnap was always friendly to everyone, helpful and the star of the town's only high school football team. He wanted to shine in his darling's eyes they way they did in his.
It was actually in this time he made his first human kill, killing someone that had been eyeing his darling. Luckily he was able to "save" his darling from the guy by killing him and lighting his car on fire on his way to the next town over. Everyone had written it off as some kind of freak accident.
But in the end, unfortunately for him all of his charm (and his own anxiety) hadn't been able to help him in convincing his darling not to leave their small town to go to the college in the near by big city.
Them being gone for so long, only to visit for a few short weeks at a time and during holidays did something to Sapnap. He stopped hising the animals he had been butchering and leaving them for people to find them. Its when the burnt, mangled body of a farmer was found did the police finally care enough to get involved. Coincidently, this was also when Sapnap's darling had finished collage with a medical degree.
In his delusion, he was convinced that the brutal murder is what brought his darling back to their home town. He already loved to killing and they seemed intrigued- why stop?
He of course doesn't kill anyone the week his darling returns. They have so much catching up to do and he needs to see them so badly.
Sapnap can't help but smile when he hears from them that the local police force asked them for help on the murder cases. He thinks its romantic.
After that little meeting, he puts in a lot more effort in all of his kills for his darling. He remembers every single person that had ever hurt their feelings. Everyone that bullied his darling. Those that his darling had a crush on or may have hada crush on them. He carefully butchers them all and strings them up for display with love letters written in his victims blood.
He doesn't understand why his darling is so sickened and terrified but he keeps it to himself. He does his best to comfort them. Until the police start intervening.
Oh he doesn't like how the nosey detective's concluded that his darling is going to be the next victim and that they need to be under constant supervision. Or minimal contact with anyone that isn't law enforcement. Sapnap especially doesn't like it when he spots the detective coming in and out of his darling's home more often. In the short moments he can speak to them, all they seem to talk about is how scary the killer is and how nice the detective is. He doesn't want to hear it.
And then he sees it. Poor Sapnap's heart breaks into a million pieces when the detective kisses them in front of him as he leaves their home to go find another body.
Its all a blur when Sapnap knocks their head against the nearest surface to knock them out and sets the house on fire. He's panicking- he doesn't know what he's doing but he has to. Has to take his darling before they're taken away from him.
He leaves a note outside of the slowly burning house's mailbox with both of their blood mixed together. He hopes it kills the detective to believe the killer he's chasing got away with two more victims. After that, Sapnap takes them away so no one can take the love of his life from him.
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gayri-chmac · 3 years
if i could rewrite glee, i'd specifically pay attention to santana's coming out story and the absolute destruction of finn's character.
i would still have finn out santana but it be framed as an emotional outburst, as santana had literally been berating and bullying him two seconds before. anyway, he would out her in a moment of blind rage but immediately apologize after realizing what he did, but the damage had already been done. the niece of reggie "the sauce" salazar had overheard and reported back to her uncle about everything.
(i would word finn's rant better to make it make more sense for this. kinda like "hey santana, we both have things we're ashamed of. you call me fat and disgusting and i feel horrible about myself because of it. you pick on other people's insecurities and pray we don't find out about yours. so just own up to being in love with brittany. we all know you are.")
(i'm sorry i cant write dialogue 😭)
i think the way that RIB wrote finn in these two episodes was absolutely awful, and i don't wanna take away from santana's story, but i feel very passionate about this.
it was very, very, VERY out of character for finn to out santana with no remorse whatsoever until she's been publicly humiliated. i feel he's grown a lot since burt chewed him out in the basement of the hudmel house for literally calling kurt a slur. after seeing what happened to kurt, who i think has forgiven finn after he apologized many, many, many times, he understands how absolutely horrible it is to be bullied and targeted for your sexuality. he wants to be better and help but he still has a short temper. i mean, santana had been bodyshaming and bullying him since season 1. outing someone is a disgusting thing to do if intentional but as i said, in this rewrite finn didn't intentionally do it and i think he would feel horrible about it.
off of that very long tangent, the ad about santana would be made and everything would relatively go the same. sue, burt, and mr schue would talk to her and she would be rightfully upset and terrified, the trouble tones would still knock it out of the park with rumor has it/someone like you, santana would still slap finn (and i do believe that finn was actually complementing the trouble tones when he whispered to rachel).
(i would also re-word the slap scene to be:
santana: what did you just say to her!
finn: i said i thought you were great
santana: no you're lying
rachel: no he literally just said that
santana: you tell her too? everyone's gonna know now, because of you!
finn: everyone already knows, and you know what? we don't care. we still love you.
santana: not just the glee club, you idiot, everyone!
finn: what are you talking ab-*SLAP*)
finn would defend santana against the teachers and then would give her a proper apology in the hallway instead of the bs he spewed. instead of having an assignment in glee, mr schue and shelby would choose to have the tt's and nd's be together for the week after sensing there was still some animosity. kurt and blaine would still sing perfect to santana bc i thought it was actually kinda sweet. there would also be a scene where kurt would chew out finn bc i feel kurt would have STRONG words about this.
finn being concerned that santana would become suicidal due to the outing is, in my opinion, kinda out of the blue in the episode. but in this rewrite, i think it would be becuase he felt guilty about outing her and couldn't stand the thought of santana hating herself because of something he caused.
finn would in now way sing "girls just wanna have fun" for santana. first of all, it was cringy and weird, and second, it was SO not the right song. instead, i think that when they're talking in the hallway right before the song, santana would be touched by finn caring so much about her mental health and she would forgive him. she would also apologize for all the times she bullied him and they would hug it out.
i kissed a girl would be a brittana duet in the choir room. why it was a group with all the girls, i will never understand. i imagine it to kinda be like i wanna dance with somebody in episode 17. obviously, they would knock it out of the park
sadly, i would keep the scene with santana and her abuela but have the fallout be a scene with britt at school the next day.
(sort of like she told britt that she was going to tell her aubela and britt comes up to her at school the next day and says like "how did it go?" and santana completely breaks down with britt comforting her)
constant craving is good ending to the episode and in a perfect world it would be a kurtana duet with no shelby in sight.
this was very long but i hope it made sense with my discombobulated thoughts.
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