#I love ice cream sandwiches
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months ago
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National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
A sweet union of two delicate layers, with frosty bliss in between, offering delightful respite on a warm day.
The cold twin bursts of chocolate with the soft hint of vanilla between, leading to a small explosion of flavor. A delight over a century old, and even more impressive is that it is still as liked today as it was back then. The very taste of delight for untold of summers, this is the celebration of National Ice Cream Sandwich Day!
Learn about National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
If you have never had an ice cream sandwich before, you are seriously missing out! This is one of the most delicious ice cream treats. It is simple to make, but it is extremely tasty. An ice cream sandwich is simply a frozen dessert that has two cookies, wafers, or biscuits, with ice cream in the middle. It combines two amazing things; ice creams and biscuits. What more could you really want? It is not hard to see why this dessert is so popular, and so it is only right that we have a day to honor this amazing treat, isn’t it?
You may be wondering where this amazing idea came from and how many people enjoy it! There are lots of great facts regarding ice cream sandwiches, so you can spend your day digging a little bit deeper into this popular treat and when it all started out. We know that there were ice cream sandwiches available for sale by street vendors in New York from the late 1800s, and so it is definitely a treat that has been enjoyed for quite some time now! We know this because the ice cream sandwich was cited in an article in the New York Mail and Express in 1899. It said the following:
There are ham sandwiches and salmon sandwiches and cheese sandwiches and several other kinds of sandwiches, but the latest is the ice-cream sandwich.
If you are a fan of the ice cream cookie sandwich, we have San Francisco to thank for this. When it comes to building a delicious ice cream sandwich, cookies have become a much-loved alternative to the standard chocolate wafer. It is believed that this creation was invented by an ice cream vendor in 1928 in San Francisco when he decided to use two oatmeal cookies instead of wafers. But wait, it gets even better, he even dipped it into chocolate before serving it! If you have never tried this type of ice cream sandwich before, why not give it a good in honor of National Ice Cream Sandwich Day? After all, everything tastes better when it has been covered in chocolate, right?
History of National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Nobody quite knows where the day originated from, or even the definitive place the ice cream sandwich itself started. There are pictures from 1900 of people eating them after paying nothing more than a penny! These delights come in many forms, but originally it was some vanilla ice cream pressed between two thin graham crackers. The current form of the ice cream sandwich is a soft chocolate wafer bracketing some vanilla ice cream. But no matter the origins, the ice cream sandwich has been a staple of summertime enjoyment for many a year. Sticky fingers and a mouth surrounded by white cream is the hallmark of many a child ‘s enjoyment, wanting another in the soft heat of summer. The mere memory of these treats seem to bring memories of summers past to mind, and the utter amazement every time we bit into one of these sandwiches of ice cream.
How to celebrate National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Well, the obvious thing would be to go get an ice cream sandwich, and enjoy it sitting down like the child we all used to be. Maybe run around a little bit, laugh loudly and ask for a second one! Maybe instead of the soft chocolate wafer, you try it as they originally made it, or maybe sandwich that luscious vanilla ice cream between two cookies. Maybe add some chocolate chips around the edge, or even try chocolate ice cream between vanilla wafers. Experiment with different things, as you never know what combination that forms your ice cream sandwich will become your new favorite.
Or maybe you could introduce someone else to an ice cream sandwich. Sharing the delightfully sweet treat with someone who has never had one might just bring a smile to your face, seeing the wonder and awe on theirs. Or even showing them what an original ice cream sandwich is. Maybe the confectionery delights that are all over, like the aforementioned chocolate chip cookies sandwiching the vanilla. In any case, enjoy the soft sweetness, and avoid that all to common mistake of eating it all so fast you end up with a brain freeze!
The good thing about making an ice cream sandwich is that it can be as straightforward or as difficult as you want it to be. If you are looking for something simple, all you need to do is purchase your favorite flavor of ice cream and your favorite biscuits. All you need to do is scoop out some ice cream and place it in between the two biscuits, and then you can enjoy. Easy and super tasty, right? However, if you are someone who likes a challenge and you want to have some fun in the kitchen, you can try making your own biscuits and your own ice cream! If you go down this route, don’t forget to post some photos on your social media so that you can show everyone your impressive creations.
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icewindandboringhorror · 5 months ago
On average, what is the total MONTHLY amount that you spend on dining out*?
*(This doesn't only count going out to restaurants, but also stuff like picking up fast food to bring home, getting a coffee on the way to work, getting a premade sandwich from a grocery store deli during lunch, buying a quick snack from a convenience store or food cart whilst walking somewhere, ordering a pizza or any other food to be delivered to your home, etc.)
*(If you often dine out in groups/as a household: calculate and divide the costs so that you get a Per Person average. This is for YOU individually, NOT the total household/group costs)
(I'm sure polls similar to this have been made before (very common topic), I just haven't personally seen one that I can remember, so, I was curious to do my own! I was discussing this with a group of people today and it was very interesting to see how widely the number varied between individuals. :0c )
(Reblog for bigger sample size if you can, and feel free to explain your answer in tags if there's anything extra to add!)
#polls#tumblr polls#I'm mostly in the 0/1 - 25$ category. Maybe the rare month is a bit over $25 if there's something specific going on like birthday.#Which I'm NEVER eating in an actual restaurant (erm... covid... plus I just hate restaurant environments. i would rather pickup#the food and bring it home to a peaceful quiet environment that I control lol). But more typically like stopping by a grocery store deli#section or something. I don't have coffee that much. And I can't eat fast food much due to my health issues/diet restriction stuff#so if I'm out like coming back from an appointment and I start feeling really sick and weak. I know that a hamburger will just#blow up my system and cause nausea or something. So I try to pick the breadiest most#neutral looking turkey sandwich at the safeway deli to eat during the hour ride home or whatever lol#I actually kind of wish I could do stuff like get food more often vecause it would take the burden of cooking everything off of me#but.. alas... Money... and Health Things... T o T#I still wouldn't do it ALL the time but like... once a week instead of once a month or something.. or maybe turning into a coffee#person.. I do love drinks A LOT .. i am a drink person who will have 5 different drinks sipping on at all times#But i just have to make them all myself mostly lol#And I cant really have too much coffee since it will make me sick. so like.. teas and juice mostly#When I inevitably become a millionaire by never using social media never networking and only finishing one#sculpture every 5 months which I dont even post about or sell - then I shall... get more drinks..#I will somehow wean my body onto coffee and drink one a day solely for the ritual of it#Though even then... I would still probably just like.. buy the mateirals to make it at home or something#Like if you had a million dollars you could just buy a kitchen grade ice cream machine and other stuff to make your own milkshakes and#coffees and smoothies and bubble teas. Genuinely I think even if I were a BILLIONAIRE I would still look at playing likr $8 for a single#coffee and go .. uh.... I could just buy the equipment to make this and then save that money. PLUS. its in my house now so no need to#have to leave. I can make my own drinks in the comfort of home. .. ideal..#Like no matter how rich I ever got I would still have the lingering scroogey stinginess. like i am NOT paying for that. I will jus#make it myself. Especially if it was an Everyday thing. Anythign thats part of my routine I try to optimize and make as efficient as#possible... ANYWAY.. In an IDEAL world I would get treats. but probably not that much. as on a daily basis it would start to get#to me and I would just save up to buy kitchen machinery if I was rich lol
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disguisedcheezed · 5 months ago
can you draw dirk strider eating a ice cream sandwich!!? :O3 (did i... ask you...!!?)
not yet, and i'm honored. :3 (My new drawing tablet finally arrived yay!)
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john is just there. no reason.
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definitelybendy · 2 months ago
Doodles from today <3
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cali-kabi · 7 months ago
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~ Candy-Trip Through the Choco-Volcano🍰☕️🌟redrew another piece I done a few years ago :) I love candy/food themed stuff ^w^
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kingflups · 1 year ago
I don't know if I reblogged the post or if it's buried deep in my queue, but that post that's going around that's like,, how long have you been depriving yourself of good things, yes you get little treats but do you spend twenty dollars on something you dont necessarily need but would genuinely be nice for you just to have? The example the post gives is a rice cooker and I always thought it was a silly thing to get because I can make rice on the stove? But the post cracked something in me (and maybe it has something to do with my mental problems acting up thank you January please send the sun back thanks)
Anyway i do a lot of rice dishes because they're easy and I usually have eggs dried chives and something else in the house but for whatever reason, the last few months, i just cant bring myself to make rice. So I bought a rice cooker
I used it for the first time and I nearly cried today. It was just nice, it's such nice rice, and it's easy it's so so easy
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pinkastorm · 4 months ago
I love my cyborg child… look at her aggressive thoughts:
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Ref sheet coming very soon but idk if I have the will to draw her full body… bleh.
Fun fact: Malachite was originally supposed to be a dumb gag for my friends… not an actual OC I wanted to be in the game but… I grew to love her like my own child
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totallynotmeems · 5 months ago
how that ice cream be looking at the store even though i’m lactose intolerant:
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stinkypeanutbutter · 8 months ago
honestly I have nothing much to say about the canvas ( because I skimmed through it out of lack of interest even tho I was fixated on sbg for idk how long before you all saw DONT even lie ) but I lowkey love Ashlyn’s little dancer costume it’s very silly !!! Also kinda hoping their silly little homeless children costumes ( hopefully that’s not offensive ) come into play at one point . Like . . a school play . I’m screwing around with ideas here .
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strawberryfaced · 3 days ago
sleepy n tired but spent the morning loving my kalimba and laying around. love that
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
The cold twin bursts of chocolate with the soft hint of vanilla  between, leading to a small explosion of flavor. A delight over a  century old, and even more impressive is that it is still as liked today  as it was back then. The very taste of delight for untold of summers,  this is the celebration of Ice Cream Sandwich Day!
Learn about Ice Cream Sandwich Day
If you have never had an ice cream sandwich before, you are seriously  missing out! This is one of the most delicious ice cream treats. It is  simple to make, but it is extremely tasty. An ice cream sandwich is  simply a frozen dessert that has two cookies, wafers, or biscuits, with  ice cream in the middle. It combines two amazing things; ice creams and  biscuits. What more could you really want? It is not hard to see why  this dessert is so popular, and so it is only right that we have a day  to honor this amazing treat, isn’t it?
You may be wondering where this amazing idea came from and how many  people enjoy it! There are lots of great facts regarding ice cream  sandwiches, so you can spend your day digging a little bit deeper into  this popular treat and when it all started out. We know that there were  ice cream sandwiches available for sale by street vendors in New York  from the late 1800s, and so it is definitely a treat that has been  enjoyed for quite some time now! We know this because the ice cream  sandwich was cited in an article in the New York Mail and Express in  1899. It said the following:
There are ham sandwiches and  salmon sandwiches and cheese sandwiches and several other kinds of  sandwiches, but the latest is the ice-cream sandwich.
If you are a fan of the ice cream cookie sandwich, we have San  Francisco to thank for this. When it comes to building a delicious ice  cream sandwich, cookies have become a much-loved alternative to the  standard chocolate wafer. It is believed that this creation was invented  by an ice cream vendor in 1928 in San Francisco when he decided to use  two oatmeal cookies instead of wafers. But wait, it gets even better, he  even dipped it into chocolate before serving it! If you have never  tried this type of ice cream sandwich before, why not give it a good in  honor of Ice Cream Sandwich Day? After all, everything tastes better  when it has been covered in chocolate, right?
History of Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Nobody quite knows where the day originated from, or even the  definitive place the ice cream sandwich itself started. There are  pictures from 1900 of people eating them after paying nothing more than a  penny! These delights come in many forms, but originally it was some  vanilla ice cream pressed between two thin graham crackers. The current  form of the ice cream sandwich is a soft chocolate wafer bracketing some  vanilla ice cream. But no matter the origins, the ice cream sandwich  has been a staple of summertime enjoyment for many a year. Sticky  fingers and a mouth surrounded by white cream is the hallmark of many a  child ‘s enjoyment, wanting another in the soft heat of summer. The mere  memory of these treats seem to bring memories of summers past to mind,  and the utter amazement every time we bit into one of these sandwiches  of ice cream.
How to celebrate Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Well, the obvious thing would be to go get an ice cream sandwich, and  enjoy it sitting down like the child we all used to be. Maybe run  around a little bit, laugh loudly and ask for a second one! Maybe  instead of the soft chocolate wafer, you try it as they originally made  it, or maybe sandwich that luscious vanilla ice cream between two  cookies. Maybe add some chocolate chips around the edge, or even try  chocolate ice cream between vanilla wafers. Experiment with different  things, as you never know what combination that forms your ice cream  sandwich will become your new favorite.
Or maybe you could introduce someone else to an ice cream sandwich.  Sharing the delightfully sweet treat with someone who has never had one  might just bring a smile to your face, seeing the wonder and awe on  theirs. Or even showing them what an original ice cream sandwich is.  Maybe the confectionery delights that are all over, like the  aforementioned chocolate chip cookies sandwiching the vanilla. In any  case, enjoy the soft sweetness, and avoid that all to common mistake of  eating it all so fast you end up with a brain freeze!
The good thing about making an ice cream sandwich is that it can be  as straightforward or as difficult as you want it to be. If you are  looking for something simple, all you need to do is purchase your  favorite flavor of ice cream and your favorite biscuits. All you need to  do is scoop out some ice cream and place it in between the two  biscuits, and then you can enjoy. Easy and super tasty, right? However,  if you are someone who likes a challenge and you want to have some fun  in the kitchen, you can try making your own biscuits and your own ice  cream! If you go down this route, don’t forget to post some photos on  your social media so that you can show everyone your impressive  creations.
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waterbrand101 · 3 months ago
I'm now thoroughly convinced that anyone who mainly crochets with jumbo yarn has the arms of Kratos and they use those scary muscles to rob banks so they can pay for more of their yarn.
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davidtennantgenderenvy · 2 years ago
Royai didn’t win the battle couple poll against Sokka and suki 12 dead 32 injured
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mushroomjuice · 5 months ago
my track record of starting and completing art requests is very bad but if that one person who keeps asking ppl to draw ds eating a ice cream sandwich req that from me it would be done in like 30 min
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mythicalcoolkid · 8 months ago
Disabled love story: find someone who will get you a snack because you stood with your arms over your head for two minutes and are now Down For the Count
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benanazauce · 2 years ago
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WG OC idea? I just think it would be fun, food based villains are honestly my favourite, like chuck and the butcher!!
also, I think it’s really fitting for invisibill to have a sibling because he feels like the kind to go “YAY!! YOU DID IT!!” and give is brother a hug, just think it would be sweet!
what do you all think? is this a good idea?
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