#I love adding his little eyebags
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boredth · 2 days ago
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He took the last slice :(
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kerryweaverlesbian · 7 months ago
Post-canon post-reunion post-reuinion-sex. Dean takes Cas out in the Impala for a drive for the first time since he got back a year after he was taken. Before Dean starts the engine he hesitates and gets a little shy and defensively says "don't laugh at me, okay? I need them." and he pulls a pair of plastic framed glasses out of his jacket front pocket and puts them on.
Cas does not stop staring at him, which Dean can only handle up to the first stop light. There's an heated blush on his face when he barks:
"Quit the surveillance Big Brother. Something wrong with my face?"
"You've aged."
"It's a compliment. Your resourcefulness and resilience have allowed you to live past the time you were intended to by fate."
"You need to go back to charm school, Thermopolis. 'You've aged' is never a friggin compliment."
"It is. You've aged, and you're taking care of yourself."
There's a touch, light, to the side of Dean's face, tracing gently up under the gap of his glasses to caress his crows feet.
"Cas!" Dean complains, "I'm driving!" But he doesn't push his hand away.
"You're growing," Cas continues, sliding a long finger over Dean's eyebag, "You've lived." He taps the leg of Dean's glasses as he withdraws, adding, "You have defied God."
Dean tries very hard to follow the logic, feeling his face screw up as he does, but he's got nothing. "Huh?"
"Chuck's design for humans was faulty, amateur. There was much he did not account for. In creating the means to live, and live well, with the body you have been given, humanity has proven its superiority to God himself."
Dean scoffs, feeling a little shy again, "It's just glasses, Cas."
"The product of thousands of years of innovation. The work of thousands of people across millenia." Cas pauses for a moment, then asks, a touch breathless, "Can I tell you what I like to imagine?"
"Uh, sure?"
"I like to imagine, when I think of the work of other humans across all of time, that they were doing it all in service of you."
Considering this, Dean lets a Jeep turn onto the road in front of him. "Is it like a sex thing?"
"It's not a sex thing. It is the placement of my desire for you over the will of thousands. My love supercedes their true intentions, their ambitions, their circumstances. I am reappropriating their care to act as a vessel for the depth of my feelings for you."
"Hm. Sounds like a sex thing."
"It is not a sex thing."
"Okay, tell me this, then," Dean says, turning to face Cas at the next red light, "Do you or do you not want me to wear the glasses next time I suck you off?"
"...yes, I do want that."
"I rest my case. And hey - just a tip, from one flirt to another. Next time you want to bring up your hot librarian fantasy, or whatever, don't start by calling the other person old."
"It's not a librarian fantasy, it's a you fantasy."
"Yeah, yeah. Not like I haven't got you-fantasies of my own. How about this: I'll wear just the glasses if you wear just the trench coat."
"I think I could be persuaded," Cas says, and he's smiling, and Dean's smiling, and when he catches a glimpse of his own smile-lines in the rear-view mirror magnified through his glasses, he thinks maybe he gets it. They made it. They're alive. There's proof of it.
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bau-muffin · 11 months ago
“Pure Intentions”
Ship: Aaron Hotchner/Reader
Rating: E
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1,162 Words
Summary: You are an agent who is also spiritual and loves crystals. So, you decide to give your favorite boss man, SSA Aaron Hotchner, black tourmaline.
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Hotch really didn’t know why insomnia had chosen to haunt him on a Sunday night, but he felt the full extent of it when he stepped into the bullpen the next morning. He wasn’t really given to vanity, but he felt like his eyebags were eye-totes now, and even though he had downed a cup of coffee before leaving the house, he felt like if he was still for even a second, he’d fall asleep.
Of course the weekend he had off was when his mind barred him from a good night’s rest- the night before work, no less.
He had not been at his desk for more than ten minutes when you bustled into his office, your smile wide as usual despite being almost eight in the morning.
“Good morning! I was going to wait closer to lunch, but then Penelope told me a case came in, so I decided to give this-“ you stopped to actually look at him, and even though an amused smile was pulling at his lips, he looked so exhausted. “I’m so sorry, I should have asked how you were doing first.”
“I’m not sick, just tired,” Hotch said kindly, “what do you have?”
“Black tourmaline! I know you’re not much of a spiritualist, but the low down on it is that it sponges up negative energy! And I mean… I know you don’t exactly have a choice, you know, to be or not to be around negative energy but…” you shrugged before admitting, “It also reminded me of you too. Also, again I know you don’t put huge stock into it, but I also charged it for you.”
You put the shiny black chunk on his desk, almost shyly. He picked it up, studying it and turning it over in his hands. You half expected him to pull his reading glasses out to look at it, and if he had- well, you couldn’t rightly be held responsible for the noise you might have made.
“This reminds you of me?” Hotch asked skeptically, his brows knitted slightly.
“Mhm! It’s a bodyguard type crystal. And… I guess you have that sort of… vibe? To me anyways,” you added on a little less than tactfully as you were visibly becoming fidgety, your hands smoothing down your skirt.
“You see me as the bodyguard type.”
You put your hands on your hips, an eyebrow raising. “Did you or did you not become overprotective when I said that my car alarm was going off in the parking lot and you insisted on stealthily going towards the car first with your pistol? Or did I hallucinate that?”
“I’ve seen some things in my time, and I know malevolent people would target a woman who’s alone when she’s leaving her workplace,” Hotch said defensively. You only smiled.
“Whatever you say. Regardless, that’s for you. Maybe, one day, I’ll get a keychain for you.”
“Thank you, that was… actually thoughtful and sweet of you. You’re right that I don’t put a whole lot of stock into this… sort of thing,” he admitted as he turned the crystal over in his palm again, “but I think… I think the weight of intentions are real.”
“Maybe those intentions will carry you home safe from this case, then. Judging from the groaning sounds coming from Garcia’s cave, I’m thinking it’s a doozy. By the way…”
“Do you want me to make you a cup of coffee before you go in to briefing?”
“That would be wonderful of you, thank you. One sugar-“
“-and no cream. I know how you make your coffee, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner,” you teased.
Hotch shook his head. “The full government name.”
You turned to walk out when he called your name, and you turned back to him.
“Can you come to my desk for a second?”
You complied, going to his desk with a nervous giggle. You thought he was going to speak, but instead he simply rose from his seat and kissed your cheek.
You touched your flushing cheek with a slightly shaky hand. “What was that for?”
He shrugged. “Just a thank you for being as thoughtful as you are. Truly… you make working here a bit easier.”
“Aw, you’re going to make me cry, so I’ll laugh instead.” You were going to turn to flee, but boldness filled you and you leaned up to kiss his cheek, except he moved, and you kissed the corner of his stern lip.
“Uh-” you backed away from him.
“Don’t panic,” Hotch ordered calmly- almost too calmly- “it’s not your fault, it was mine for reacting too quickly.”
Your cheeks flushed hot red and despite his command to not panic, you immediately fled the scene, leaving behind a confused but slightly amused Aaron.
A few minutes later, JJ entered his office with his cup of coffee in one hand and sat it on his desk, the other arm full of file folders. She gestured with her head towards the bullpen, “Hey, um, Agent-“
“I know,” Hotch said with a minuscule smirk, sipping the coffee, and almost immediately moaned aloud. True to your word, you knew exactly how he takes his coffee. He kept glancing towards the crystal sitting on his desk, and when Garcia called for him to come to the briefing room, he carefully slid it in his pocket.
On the jet, after all the details of the case had been discussed, Hotch leaned back in the chair, his fourth cup of coffee of the day in his hand. Even though he made his coffee exactly the same as always, it didn’t taste nearly as good as the one you made for him. He took the black tourmaline out of his pocket and held it in his hand. It works on a jet, right? It’s closer to the sun, it has to be like the best charging method.
“What do you have there?” Rossi asked from across him, looking up from a book- a compilation of Garfield comic strips over the years.
“A crystal. I think it’s… black tourmaline?”
Reid, of course, overheard this and had to jump in with, “you know, within pagan and spiritual circles, black tourmaline has protective properties, banishing negative vibrations, and it’s also supposed to be grounding.” He looked at the crystal in Hotch’s hand. “Oh yeah, I’ve seen this crystal on that agent’s desk. She and Anderson talk about them all the time, and apparently she keeps some of them in her desk, as does Anderson.”
“She and Anderson are good friends,” Hotch volunteered. “She’s the one who gave this to me.”
“She’s a sweet girl,” Rossi commented, sounding too innocent for Hotch’s liking.
“She is,” Hotch agreed simply, not taking the bait.
He and “that agent” were going to have to have a conversation when he got back home- he was entirely too intrigued by you. Perhaps he could ask you what crystal was the best for asking someone on a date.
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ophanstears · 6 months ago
Undertale YELLOW ReImagined!
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I wanted to put my own spin on how the cast of UTY would look in my style! :) I'm new to pixel art, and I had a blast trying it out! [Just to clarify, this is NOT an attempt to "fix" UTY's designs; I have immense respect for all the artists and developers working on UTY, and their work is incredible! I LOVE the cast, their animations, art and designs! This is all just for fun!] A ton more thoughts and comparison under the Read More! if you feel like reading a lot.
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Flowey the Flower: I gave Flowey flushed, freckled cheeks and a tooth gap to make him look cuter and more approachable! Just a ruse, though - fluster him enough, and he might revert to that typical pale face and frown.
Clover: Clover is the iconic player character of the game so I changed as little as possible. I simply adjusted some colors and added details, including the adorable blush they have in a lot of promo art!
Dalv: I aimed to showcase Dalv's lightning powers through his design, so I gave him glowing horns and some subtle markings, including a pinkish nose. <3 While he’s originally based on Vlad, I added some minotaur elements because they really suit him. I Like in the original story, the minotaur trapped in a maze, unsure of what else is out there.
Martlet: I'll be honest, I saw some art of chubby Martlet and was inspired. To bring her passion for woodworking across, I gave her some tight but comfy overalls! She has some cool goggles that she always forgets to wear when flying - typical Martlet! Since a martlet is said to be a bird that never rests or settles, I gave her some cool glowly ghost legs! They're translucent!
Starlo: I revamped Starlo's cape by changing the patterns and adding tassels! I also removed the piece of wheat sticking to his hat because, honestly, I tend to forget to draw it. ^^* The inner fabric of his cape has a fun star pattern, tying into his previous obsession with space! And of course, big boots!
Ceroba: I made Ceroba a bit furry-like and taller, sort of to mirror Toriel! I wanted to give her a more traditional kimono with beautiful patterns, and I added eyebags to make her look a bit tired. She also has large paws now; I considered giving her sandals but ultimately decided against it.
Axis: To be honest I wanted to push his design even further but!!! Then it wouldn't be Axis anymore! :( I kept most of his original features but added some pink highlights. His antennae now have pointy tips, resembling bunny ears! I couldn’t resist the idea of a fox monster creating a bunny robot to apprehend humans - it’s just too cute! He's also taller now for intimidation factor and in case a larger human comes along.
And that's all! Thank you so much if you made it this far! More is to come soon! :) here is a wip!
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I also have an AU in the works! And lots and lots of art!!!
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sashi-ya · 7 months ago
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𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑨𝑵𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑹 「cuts of freedom: final part 」 soshiro hoshina x f! officer! reader
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a/n: and the end is here! i'm not gonna lie, I wish for this story to last forever. And, actually, I might add some little updates about these two here and there sometimes! anyway, please enjoy! And thank you so so much for being here since the very beginning when this started as a simple scenario 💖 a/n 2: some clarification about the contents: "せーの!”  is the classical expression "seeh・noh" in Japanese used like "ready, set, go!". Tanabata, is a very well known festival in Asia celebrated during July- Aug. The Hoshina clan is real clan! I did my research, that's why I added the "Fukushima" patterns. tw: mdni! sex explicit scenes. masturbation. nipple bitting. marking. public car sex. wc: 3.5k // part 1: cuts of freedom // part 2: かんぱい!// part 3: stuffed // part 4: side B: relax // part 5: mirror, mirror... // part 6: sex for breakfast // masterlist
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Eyebags puffy and visible, you haven’t really sleep much. Breakfast -and sex after breakfast- though, tasted delicious.
Should you both arrive together? Where are you, exactly, after all?
“Come on, did you bring the uniform?” Soshiro asks, putting on one of his classic black compressive shirts.
Your heart breaks, as the abs you adore get once again covered by that tight fabric. You are not mad, though.
“I haven’t- I just brought normal clothes…” you sigh, remembering the fact you left your boiler suit at the base.
“Then wear mine” he says, pretty naturally, handing you over one of his suits.
If there is something us women like, is to wear our couple’s clothing. And you aren’t any different. Instantly, you take -almost snatch- it from his hands. You are eager to see if it smells like him, you are eager to feel hug and warm by even his clothing.
And, indeed, it has a faint trace of his perfume. Manly and delicious, you engulf the smell, feeling your insides get filled with butterflies as you do.
“Should I take it off? Or wanna wear it around?” Soshiro asks, laughing cutely while coming closer to you. His delicate fingers graze the little enamel pin on your chest.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ“Hoshina Soshiro ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 3rd Div. Vice Captain”
You smile softly, eyelashes fluttering slowly, looking down at his hand. Of course, you’d love to wear it around; because you are his… but you aren’t ready for “he say she says” although rumour already has it that you two have something going on.
“Do you think is it ok? Isn’t it against the rules?” “Indeed it is, doll. Give it back, haha!”
Your cheeks become hot from embarrassment. Of course it is against the rules. And sometimes with these type of little pranks, Soshiro can be a little bit annoying.
“Don’t be sad, I promise you I will search for my old badge, and I will give it to you. Ok?” he says, kissing the tip of your nose as he takes off the pin from your clothes.
You nod, sweetly. Like a little girl, you are instantly happy and satisfied with such a beautiful and cute promise.
Soshiro doesn’t pay much attention at anything besides you while walking out of his apartment. His hand is placed on your lower back, guiding you through the hall towards the elevator.
“You look so good with my clothes, hun” he whispers, closely to your ear right from behind.
A shiver runs down your spine and it travels to every little sensitive spot on your body.
“Thank you… Soshiro~” you answer, not sure if you wish the elevator to arrive faster or slower.
Unfortunately -or not- the doors of the lift open, and the sterile white lights of the mirrored inside receives you reflecting all of your angles.
You remember Soshiro complaining of the cameras inside the elevator, and as much as you wish he could push you against the walls to grope you, you know it is impossible. But nothing is when it comes to Hoshina Soshiro who is apparently crazier for your sex more than what you could think of.
He, then, proceeds to stand right at your back. It is him who’s against the bars attached to the mirror wall, now. His hands slowly slide from your waist to your front, getting into the front pockets of your boiler suit.
With his chin carved on your shoulder, he smirks to the mirror in front of you. His fingers reaching for your core, pushing quite strongly against it in tiny circular motions.
“I really want my suit to get covered by your scent… would you make a little mess for me?” he asks, pressing his crotch against your ass, showing you how hard he is once again.
You swallow; it wasn’t necessary to ask, if he keeps doing what he is doing you will for sure make a mess in it.
“So-Sosh-ngh…” you fidget around his index going crazy over your clit. “Mmh? Don’t be that noticeable… you know I don’t want the guards to see you! plus, the doors are about to open. What if a neighbour sees you?” he says, in such perverse tone it makes you tremble.
You bite your lips shut, taking a big gasp of air, wishing for his fingertips to finally touch you without anything in between. Your eyes shut closed, inevitably thinking of what he said; what if the doors open and someone sees you in such state?
The “ping” announces the doors are about to open, your heart rising faster, your inner thighs dripping with sensual wetness.
“せーの!”  he whispers. And as soon as a fine line of light filters through the sliding doors, he takes his hand off the pocket -and your sex-
You sigh loudly, putting yourself together in a matter of seconds.
“Morning, Soshiro-chan!” she says with a lovely tone, as if this happened every day.
“Morning, Mrs. Tanaka!” he salutes her, like a usual daily happening.
An old woman stands right in front of the elevator, with an as old as her poodle in her hands. The dog barks annoyingly at Soshiro and you, as it might have seen a cat… well, Soshiro kinda looks like one.
“Go kill many Kaiju, boy!” “I sure will, Mrs. Tanaka! Give Mr. Tanaka my regards!”
Apparently, that woman is Soshiro’s neighbour. Did he know she was going to be there by the time the elevator reached the floor level? He is more perverted than what you could have ever imagined…
You smile all throughout the mere seconds the conversation lasts, walking out of the mirrored lift trying to regulate your accelerated breathing.
The moment the doors close, he turns to you too look into your eyes. He burns holes into yours, with a smirk that shows he is not quite over with it.
“See? I told you…” “Soshiro, sometimes I think you are just a villain…”
He laughs, loudly, like he is used to do. From his pocket, he takes the keys of his car, and both walk to the little parking lot right behind the building.
He opens the door for you, putting first your little bag in the backseat and then letting you sit on the front. He then closes such door and jumps into the drivers seat.
And despite you thinking he was going to start the engine, he had first quite different plans...
“You said you thought I was a villain…” he mumbles, looking at you, coming closer to your lips with his index under your chin.
“You must be ~” you playfully back up.
He smirks and it’s all you need; next thing you know, is him pulling you from your seat to straddle your hips on top of his lap.
“Then, as the villain I am, allow me to finish my perfect crime…” he whispers, lowering the zipper of your -his- suit open.
You wonder if this man has a “public sex kink” or he actually just don’t care the rest of the world but you; Soshiro wants to have you at any time, in any place, whenever he desires.
His hand slides down your belly and into your panties. Wet as he wanted you is what he founds. And he is pleased.
Soshiro’s free hand pulls you closer as he pushes your lower back further. Your breasts, free of any other clothing, bounce temptingly in front of his face. It doesn’t take him much to finally attach to them with lips and teeth. Sucking like his life depended on  it, he makes you whine loudly from pleasure and pain… boy, those fangs are certainly sharp.
While he delights himself with the taste of your nipples, his thumb finishes the work he started in the elevator; masturbating you so good you soon forget about the weak morning light bathing the parking lot, or the fact Soshiro’s car windows have a barely purple tint on them.
Soon enough, your thighs accompany the spasms your inner walls experience. And climax hits you uncontrollably; the mess Soshiro wanted, had finally been materialized… his suit will hold the stains of your relief exactly as he wished.
“As long as I wish to fuck you hard, we are gonna get late there. I don’t want Mina to scold us” he says, helping you sit on your spot back again.
You are trembling still, only recognizing his voice, and the sweet way in which he closes the zipper and fasten the seatbelt to keep you safe.
You blink twice, still in awe. You look into the little mirror, seeing your heated cheeks and the mess of your hair that you slowly fix while he starts to drive. The pony tail you just finished, your hands still around the elastic band… the lustful idea of pleasuring him while he drives; after all you believe in equality, and just as he made you come… you must make him come, too.
You drift to the side, still without catching much of his attention. You bend slowly; waiting for a red light to make him stop. Your mouth is watering, and it is that Soshiro somehow tastes so delicious. Maybe it is his healthy life style, maybe is the testosterone of a modern samurai or it is just that you are infatuated with him.
“Wha- hahaha- what are you doing?!” he laughs, thinking you are just being funny. “I think I want my mouth to be a mess as well” you whisper, moving like a cat about to pounce on a little mouse.
His eyes now open widely; looking down as you lower the pants’ zipper.
“This is one of the things I love about you, (Name)-san… go ahead, feast on it” “It will be my pleasure, fuku-taichou” you sing, kissing the bulge before finally freeing his sex from his briefs.
You can feel on your chest the little ups and downs of his legs while he drives, and every bump pushes his dick inside you even deeper against your throat. Your tongue makes sure to damp the whole shaft, while your bobbing head and sucking lips make him grunt.
Soshiro’s hands grip tightly to the wheel; a little drop of sweat forms on his forehead. His sex becomes harder, ready to burst. The way you let his dick go deeper into your throat, allows the tip of your tongue to reach for the base and even more if you use your hand to play with his balls. The poor soldier is doing a great job while driving through the busy streets of Tachikawa, fast enough to park right at the base for the moment he reaches the peak…
“I’m gonna… come… you-“ “I won’t let a drop mess with your seat, don’t worry…” you whisper, giving him the last pumps this time with your hand and your tongue against his tip.
Soshiro retorts in silence, letting scattered “nghs” and “fucks” as he finally bursts. He grabs your pony tail, having the hair tangled on his fist, burying your head down so that he can finish right into your throat.
Eyes watery, lungs using the last molecule of oxygen, nose inhaling his skin’s perfume, your tongue feeling the accelerated pulse on his sex’s veins… oh, the delicious warm seed of Hoshina Soshiro going down your throat.
“You are gonna be the death of me, babe…”
The return to the base felt silent; both got out of Soshiro’s car, smiled at each other and parted ways. He needed to go back to his office, while you had to go straight to morning training. Your muscles were screaming at you; they didn’t want any more exercise this morning… but you simply couldn’t skip it.
The day went by fast and in between building strength and weapon management; by the time the afternoon arrived, the constant memory of Soshiro’s promise for tonight’s plans that reverberated in your brain, fade off to the point of almost forgetting about it.
However, there are certain things you couldn’t escape from, and you were about to find out.
By the time the training was over, and everybody was stretching, you began to win a couple of looks; your suit didn’t feel like yours and indeed it had a special pair of little straps on the back that you didn’t take in consideration when you chose not to change into yours…
“(Name), what is this?” Akari asks, passing her finger in between one of the hoops that’s clearly meant to be used to hold a certain type of blade.
“What?” you ask, still unaware.
“Oh, oh… don’t tell me you are a double blade user like Hoshina Fukutaichou, (Name)?! Platoon leader Nakanoshima says, laughing loudly with clear intentions of teasing you. She continues, also, telling Ryo he owes her money for winning “the bet”… “I told you they were screwing!”  “Nakanoshima -.-“
Your eyes open like two pair of eggs. Your cheeks turn to fire, the whole squad laughs and other start whispering… yet, none of those reactions were filled with bad intentions. In fact, it was quite the opposite, making even Mina give Kafka a soft little smile in complicity.
“No, no I- We aren’t… It is not what it seems like! We aren’t… uh…“ you try to excuse yourself, being aware that this could be detrimental to your relationship. You aren’t sure if Soshiro wants you like anything else than an “acquaintance”. This rumour could fuck everything up.   
“There are no rules against it, (Name)! don’t worry!” Kikoru smiles, assuring an essential truth; her parents were known to be one of the strongest couples inside of the JAKDF.
You give a sweet smile to your young but strong nakama; she doesn’t really need to know the details of how intricate adult relationships really are… yet.
The commotion gets instantly silenced by Mina ordering you all to go back to your stretching exercises. You all bow respect to your captain, and fast enough you all continue with your duties.
Soon, as the training finally finished, everybody start walking back at the barracks. You needed a bath, perhaps more than anyone else in that place… this morning “mess” was still unwashed.
None of the women said much as you walk to the bathrooms; everybody seemed more tired than ever. Probably, like you, they all had fun on that free day you were given yesterday.
It was not until you undressed that you noticed the marks all over your body; fangs that carved into your flesh have left a vast area of purple and painful spots all over that have been developing all throughout the day.
“There is no way I will make another scene. I must shower when everybody is done…” you think, suddenly remembering the day Soshiro cut open your anti kaiju suit; the day he saved your life, and the day both skins touched for the very first time in such intimate and deep way. This, lead you to remember, also, the so mentioned “plans for tonight”.
What were those plans? Were they still happening? What if he -and probably he already does- knows about today’s fuss on you wearing his uniform? He hasn’t reached out yet…
By the time you are out of the shower, you keep lost into your thoughts and memories of Soshiro’s sweet kitty face.
“(Name)? you lost your intercom again. Here…” A soft voice, calm and patient pulls you out your own thoughts and hands you over a little white earphone.
You blink twice, noticing captain Ashiro being as delicate as a flower while she gives you the ear piece. She simply takes his index to her ear and taps twice leading you to wear what she gave you.
You haven’t lost it, though. You simply didn’t wear it today; nobody was expected to do so, either way. But you understand, almost immediately, that you must follow your captain’s orders because something beautiful was waiting for you.
She turns around, fluttering her onyx hair while holding her towel on her shoulder, and disappears through the door to leave you alone.
You put the little intercom on; tapping twice on it.
“Hello?” “Hello, Miss (Name). Would you please come to my office?” Soshiro says, playfully acting like your vice-captain. “Yes, Sir!” you say, clearly and loud. However, your insides were turned into a holy mess; the butterflies felt like Kaiju flying around your stomach.
You run; you couldn’t hide it anymore. The halls of that base felt endless, why did it feel like Soshiro’s office had changed places with any other room?!
It took you a couple of minutes to get there. Panting, you wait for a couple of seconds to regulate your breathing. A single desktop lamp turned on guides you to his desk. However, Soshiro isn’t there, but a washi paper wrapped box waiting for you with a note on it.
“Dear (Name), please wear this and talk to me so that I can guide you to your next destination. Be aware the clothing and the hair pin you will find inside this box has a long history in the Hoshina family ~”
Your eyes get a little watery; you weren’t exactly sure on what to expect… but this is definitely something better than what you could ever. This seems truly romantic, and you are by far speechless.  
You open the box, taking care of not ruining the paper… you really wish to keep at least a piece of it. Inside it lays an even more beautiful piece of traditional clothing than the one you wore at his apartment; a yukata, purple with hints of lilac flowers, typical Fukushima Aizu patterns from where the Hoshina clan are the originally founders.
The hair piece, looks like two little representation of katanas imbued in sakura flowers of silver and purple little stones.
You cover your face in total awe; deep inside you still think you don’t deserve to wear such beautiful piece of art. But you end up doing it, Hoshina Fukutaichou said so, right?
The Japanese silk falls so delicate on your skin, kissing it softly with cold pecks on every mark he has left on you. You take a last look at your image on the little mirror he keeps on his office, still unable to process how beautiful you look, and double tap your intercom.
“You ready, princess?” he asks, curious.
“I am… Soshiro, this is… beautiful” you whisper, blushing harder with every word you mouth.
“Not as you, (Name). Now, please walk to the back of the base. There is a zen garden, you will find your next surprise there… and the answer you’ve been waiting for”
“Yes, Soshiro ~”
Walk? He said walk? who could walk?
Run, run, run. Your hair set free, only holding by a single strand to silver blades,   dances with the wind your own speed creates. Run, run, run. Through the halls of the base that’s been your home, your dream and your begin and end….
Fairy lights look like blurry dots, like fireflies, by the end of the hall; you run to catch them all. To see him, to hear an answer your heart already knows.
“Soshiro!” you whisper, when you stop all of a sudden, noticing how beautiful the Zen garden had been decorated. Warm lights, and every branch of the bamboo holding little multi-coloured papers… have you forgotten? It’s the night of Tanabata.
Your lips tremble, your eyes become watery once again; never experienced something more beautiful, even more because it was prepared for you… and only for you.
“Welcome ~” he sings, lifting his two hands and indexes up. “You look, and I know I told you this before, so beautiful wearing my family’s clothing… Please tell me you are the type of person who loves Tanabata” he continues, a little insecure now.
You wipe a little tear off the corner of your eye; anything you could love or even hate means nothing compared to him… you are the type of person who loves… him.
“This is… more than beautiful… why? I don’t deser-“ you start, but his hands grabbing yours stop you from keep on talking.
“You do deserve it; shall we write our desires in the little papers? Let’s go, I’m sure the Hanabi are about to start ~”
You nod, following him to a little table where two little papers lay on top, and each one has a pen to write on. Soshiro allows you to write yours, and then he does with his, not before asking you to wait until you read.
When both are ready, he guides you with your little paper towards one of the trees. Such tree, the tallest of them all, seemed to be fading into the night sky. Stars shining like diamond dots, like the river that separated Orihime and Hikoboshi but not you two.
“Let me tie yours, and you tie mine” he whispers, while both exchange your desires. As you grab his, you proceed to read...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ“I wish to be yours, (Name)”
“Soshiro… is this…?” “That’s my answer, (Name)… I really, really wish to be yours. Can you cut open this jail and set me free from this doubts? Am I yours? You are the one to tell me so” “Read mine, and you will find the answer Soshiro…”
ㅤㅤ“For him, the man who set me free with cuts of love, to be mine forever”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ… ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑫 ~
dear reader: thank you for reading! hope you liked this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! hope all your dreams come true! 💕 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Sashi 🌱
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hopeluna · 1 year ago
Lucifer with a sunshine!reader
♡! hope's notes: a repost from my old blog that I absolutely love for no reason!!
Dividers by the lovely @cafekitsune <33
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At first, he figures you to be the most annoying person, with your sweet smile, and optimism and the way you care for his brothers. It is absolutely infuriating to watch you go about your day greeting him like he's your friend even though he gives you the cold shoulder.
Lucifer refuses to believe that you are being nice to him and his brothers just 'cause and not because you want something. 'Cause surely you would, right? There is no explanation other than that in his mind.
Although this perception of his changes one evening when he is working on some paperwork in his office and he suddenly realises the house is quiet, too quiet. As Lucifer gets up to make his brothers hang from the ceiling for whatever they did, you come in to his office with a knock and a tray. He is ready to ask you what do you think you're doing when you flash him a soft smile and place the tray on his table. You had noticed the eyebags with how much extra work he was doing and as much as you loved the other 6 brothers, you realised that they only added to the stress Lucifer was in lately.
So here you are, with a couple of snacks and some tea (made just the way he likes it), having sent the brothers to other places to keep them busy, in hopes that he could take a break.
Lucifer is....surprised to say the least. He isn't surprised at you doing it 'cause you are the type of person to do these stuff for others but moreover, he is surprised that you would do it for him.
And so probably for the first time in his knowing you, Lucifer swallows the little ball of anxiety lodged in his throat and allows himself to let some of his walls down. And as he sits there having the snacks and tea with you sitting opposite him, talking, he realises maybe your sweet smile, and optimism and the way you care for his brothers (and him) isn't that all annoying.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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janitorhutcherson · 1 year ago
Sacred Self Care (Mike Schmidt)
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i'm 100% supposed to be cleaning my room up for family but i may go insane if i do not write RIGHT NOW!! so, this is something i've had in my mind for so long. i PROMISE after thanksgiving i'll give yall peeta and finnick content and get to more asks. i could not hold back on this one any longer though, so sit back, and enjoy!
summary: mike discovers self care, but what happens when his ritual becomes a little too intricate and he ends up in a silly predicament?
warnings: mentions of nudity, one or two innuendos
word count: 2,288
Mike Schmidt did not have time to take care of himself. This was a fact that was all too noticeable. His dry curls practically begged to be lathered in moisture, or at least in something that wasn’t a bar of soap that was also used on his face and body. His nails were dirty whenever he was busiest, the only time they were well groomed being when he was prepared to be knuckles deep inside of you. His eyebags were sunken in and his facial hair grew in patches, untrimmed. Mike did not care, nor did he think wasting time on such a meticulous thing would be beneficial to him. There were better things to do than to primp himself when he could be doing something more productive, such as getting to the bottom of his brother’s disappearance… thirteen years later. When he wasn’t obsessing over every minute detail in his dream that could lead him to the solution or fathering Abby in his own backwards but still productive way, he was admiring you and your glory.
While Mike may not have been someone for self-care, you most definitely were. You were constantly looking up new ways to better yourself, new hair masks to try and new ways to make your skin as smooth as butter. The water bill also certainly showed your love for self-care. Some nights, you’d prance into the bedroom after an intricate shower, throwing your leg up on the bed as you demanded for Mike’s rough hands to feel, every centimeter of hair gone, the smell of cocoa butter sifting in the air. He was amused when he’d walk in to you sitting on the couch, some new green goop slathered on your face, or some strange piece of paper stuck to your nose. On occasion, you’d convince Mike to join you and Abby, his desperation to spend more quality time with the two of you trumping his disdain for fifteen minutes of clay on his face. He’d peel away at chunks as they flaked into his lap, you and Abby giggling every few seconds as the pile would grow amusingly larger before Mike would give up, running to the bathroom to scrub his face clean before the timer went off.
He wasn’t sure when it clicked. Perhaps it was when Abby told him he’d looked rough lately (he attempted to take this with a grain of salt, as she was his little sister, scolding her and telling her that was not very nice) or perhaps it was when one morning after work, he’d noticed new wrinkles covering his forehead and increasingly pale skin with purple dips underneath his eyes. One day, he found himself in the shampoo aisle at Target. It started with something simple. He bought real shampoo and conditioner, specifically designed for curly dry hair. He enjoyed the scent it radiated as he lathered it through his locks in the warm shower, the aftermath amazing. He’d never seen his hair so fluffy as it dried, his once brittle strands now feeling smooth as he ran his fingertips through it. Then, there was skincare. Somehow, he ended up getting a free sample in the mail from one of those makeup subscription companies you subscribed to, the company accidentally sending you a made-for-men miniature face wash and eye cream set. You eagerly tossed it his way with a giggle, assuming he tossed it in the trash the moment he got it. Instead, that very night, Mike added it to his shower along with his brand-new hair products, patting the eye cream underneath his eyes once he got out. The next morning, the once deep reddish purple was now only tinted a light color. Before he knew it, underneath the cabinet tucked away in a corner were different hair oils, beard creams, moisturizers, and lotions. He’d gotten into different kinds of cologne, opting for scented deodorants as well.
Mike had to admit, he enjoyed this new routine of his. As it progressed, it became almost ritualistic. He’d get home from work at exactly 6:15, about 45 minutes before you’d wake up. He would hop into the shower, taking in the feeling of his fingertips massaging his scalp, his body feeling the tension flooding down as the water from the shower flooded down the drain. Then, the aromatic smell of musky body wash would fill his nose, cleansing his senses of the smell of ancient dusts from working at the pizzeria. He’d step out of the shower, his skin tinted pink from the hot water, his face freshly washed. He’d apply lotion, shape his beard and add his creams, he’d even gotten into grooming his nails every night, ensuring they were crisply clean and applying a protective clear coat on top.
He couldn’t quite figure out why he was so embarrassed by his ritual. Perhaps it was the way it made him feel less masculine, knowing damn well deep down that it didn’t make him any less of a man and it was just his years’ worth of built-up toxic masculinity that you were so desperately trying to get him to break down. Maybe it was the way he was splurging on things he simply didn’t feel he needed until now, until it suddenly felt like a necessity, something he’d go insane without. Most of all and the most likely of all the scenarios, it was admitting that he was wrong, that something you and Abby had so desperately attempted to beg him to get into was exactly what the two of you had explained to him. It was majestic and comforting. At least 45 minutes a day were dedicated to him and only himself, his whole body feeling renewed each time he stepped out of the shower. He felt rebirthed, imagining this was what religious people felt when they were deemed ‘saved’ at confessional. Even with that being said, he couldn’t let you and Abby in on his little ritual. No, he couldn’t possibly admit to it. It wasn’t because he wanted to hide something from you two but instead because his embarrassment seeped deep down into his skull every time he thought about revealing it. Instead, he would slowly creep himself into bed, wrapping his arms around you as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, pretending to sleepily open his eyes as your alarm went off.
You’d suspected he was hiding something, and you were worried. The new signature scents, the freshly groomed look, the way he seemed to care more about his clothing and the wrinkles that were shown. Your first thought was that there was somebody else, someone he had needed to impress, much like he once felt the need to impress you every time he was around you, suppressing his comfortable and more Mike-like fashion choices. In the mornings, you’d sense the lack of his presence after hearing the door creak open, feeling the bed dip right before your alarm went off, sirens ringing in your head each time as if to warn you something wasn’t right. You would spend some nights he was away at work after Abby was in bed evaluating who it could possibly be. There was Vanessa, the blonde police officer who would make occasional appearances in conversation. There was the waitress at the diner who’d taken a liking to Mike, but you weren’t sure who else it could be. Of course, women ogled over Mike all the time in public. There was something about a man with a slightly off putting aura and messy tussled hair. But regardless, you had always trusted him, and besides, Mike didn’t really talk to many people as is.
It wasn’t until Mike added in a peel off face mask into the mix that the jig was up. One week, he’d managed to get the entire week off, ensuring the pizzeria was boarded closed and begging Vanessa to keep an eye on things. You’d felt slightly better having him around more and at normal hours. He was very much still head over heels for you, following you around like a lost puppy, the two of you showering together, cooking together, and of course, having as much ‘alone time’ as you could possibly fit in when Abby was asleep or away at a friends. Even with that, in the back of your mind, you couldn’t shake the feeling. You were passed out on the couch after a movie night and it was late. Mike had crept away from the living room, tucking your sleeping body under a blanket, slipping into the shower. He followed his typical ritual, something he’d had to put off for a while in fear of getting caught, still unsure of what made him so anxious. After his shower, he applied his peel off mask, attempting to avoid his facial hair, but without thinking, he’d applied a layer over his entire chin. What would soon become a panic inducing issue in a short sum of ten minutes hadn’t occurred to him quite yet.
As the timer on his phone went off, he began slowly peeling the mask off, starting at his forehead before he froze, realizing more of his face was covered than usual. He brushed it off, continuing to peel before he noticed that not only was the thin, purple layer coming off, but multiple specks of hair were attached as well. Oh fuck, he thought to himself, unsure of how to proceed. No, he couldn’t just rip it off. He was attached to his facial hair. It made his baby face look mature and manly. No, of course it didn’t occur to him to just add water, simply wiping it away. There was only one option, and that was to waltz into the living room with his bright purple face and to wake you up, puppy dog eyes pleading for you to help him with his predicament.
You stirred away as you felt a hand shake your shoulder, your eyes widening as you sat up with a confused expression.
“Well, hello there,” you croaked out, your voice laced with gravel from exhaustion. He looked at you with embarrassment laced over his face, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Help, please. I…” he trailed off, gesturing his hands towards his face. “I just need it off,” he grumbled lowly, his fingertips holding the piece holding his facial hair tenderly, ensuring he didn’t rip anything else off.
You couldn’t help but let out a loud giggle, amused by the man standing in front of you. You grabbed his hand, leading him into the bathroom. You both sat on the ledge of the tub as you tenderly wiped his face clean with a warm washcloth, his reddened cheeks from both the mask being on too long and the embarrassment becoming more apparent by the second.
“Facial hair is saved,” you said triumphantly, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I do have to ask though, why the sudden liking to all of this? And why not just.. tell me?” you hummed curiously, shaking your head.
“I just.. I don’t know. I think I didn’t want to admit I was wrong or that I was spending so much money on such worthless stuff. It started out so small and then became so big, I just couldn’t,” he sighed, shaking his head. “I am really sorry for keeping it from you,” he hummed before he went into a further explanation, explaining the way it made him feel.
You let out a sigh of relief along with a content giggle, shaking your head. “I knew something was up, but I wasn’t sure what,” you said, cocking an eyebrow as you placed a hand on his knee, your cheeks now warming up.
“What, did you think I was getting all fancy schmancy for another girl?” he teased, bumping his elbow against your shoulder. Your eyes widened as your mouth opened and closed as you went to say something, his expression dropping into something more serious.
“Oh my god, Y/N, honey, no, I’d never,” he said, placing his warm hand on your exposed shoulder. “Baby, no,” he chuckled, happy he could reassure you but somewhat upset that you had to sit through that alone. “No, I love you very much, I promise you, there is no other woman... just, your silly grumpy man being too embarrassed to admit I like girly things,” he teased, leaning in to press a warm kiss to your lips. The kiss was all you needed for electrical sparks to be sent through your body, your brain buzzing as the anxious thoughts began to disappear.
For the rest of the night, Mike walked you through his entire routine, both for fun and for transparency. You two joked back and forth, you occasionally poking at him, telling him he should become an influencer. Afterwards, you both did a face mask together, this time ensuring the product did not cover his chin.
Yes, you and Mike most definitely had your own things to work on, but at the end of the day, you were happiest with him. Your heart felt warm. He had finally found a way to take care of himself, a way to feel more content in his own skin, and even though he had an odd way of going about it, you were pleased, happy he was also finally willing to share this with you. From now on, Mike would wait for his routine in the mornings until you woke up, instead crawling into bed and cradling you in his arms, thinking about how lucky he was to have such a sweet, loving, and accepting partner like you to share his life with, even if it was just skincare and Vaseline kisses.
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nelcorecreations · 2 months ago
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⭐️Seduce me the otome: Hold Me AU Redesigns!⭐️
First post here on tumblr with more thoughts then just “huhuhu look i art pretty?” Hoping to develop this AU for this old ass fandom I’ve been apart of for like AGES. This AU is called Hold Me Like I Matter. And follows the Twin sisters Rika and Mika. Rika is definitely more of the main character just for a different perspective and personality. But Mika is still here! Just more of a supporting character for the time being, but I do plan to write a fic dedicated to her as well. Hold me Like I Matter is focused on Rika though. So mostly you’ll see me talking about her. Another thing this is a full AU facts, lore and backstories ARE different if a little similar. But fundamentally this is a different world. Thus the visual novel aspect of the game is not present and is written as if it is a novel. So there are no multiple love interests only one. The main love interest for this story? Matthew!
Now onto the Boys and there redesigns! For the most part I’m happy with all of these so you won’t see many details change. But let’s talk about each redesign even if it’s only a little bit and why I choose the things I did. And as a general note! I added red/pink in there eyes and gave them all various levels of freckles to show they are related despite being half siblings. There dad has red eyes and freckles.
Pretty simple, just made him more fashionable and less like a James look alike. At least in his clothes. Gave him an undercut cuz I feel it just fits him somehow. I myself am not the best clothes designer so his clothes are simple. But I feel for casual comfort it still works. And still shows off his more dramatic side if more subdued.
Gave him a sweater instead, but still kept his book/proper aesthetic.
So Sams design is more close to his OG, just gave him cargo pants and got rid of his shirt. There is a lore reason for this! Because he is more brute demon he runs automatically hotter. The more angry brute demons are or the more rage they have festering the hotter there bodies get. Which can cause them ti set things on fire when they touch something or melt through walls. This heat is controllable but typically most brutes like to have little to no clothing since usually there skin is already rock hard. Sam is fine literally no matter what the weather is. He can go shirtless in the snow and it will be an average temp to him. So he needs clothes a lot less then his brothers due. Tho they all still have this same trait. The angrier they are the hotter they get.
He hates shoes? No he wares flip flops or slides so he can take them off easier but still wares them when he goes out and about. Pretty much the same otherwise gave him black skeleton sweats instead of jeans. And some buttons on his hoodie to represent his brothers.
More or less the same, gave him a longer coat. Kept the white pants, his eyes are brown rather than purple-blue. And he has naturally black hair! A trait that I stole from @new-tella-us ‘s Damien design! He dyes his hair the same color as Erik’s to look more like his brother. For several traumatic reasons that I feel anyone reading this may understand.
Rika & Mika
They are Twins! But as they got older Rika got taller while Mika stayed more or less the same height she was in high school. Rika looks more tried for manny MANNY reasons. And tends to not ware makeup. Mika dose so she can easily hide any eyebags better then her sister. Rika keeps her hair long and simply shampooed and brushed while Mika curls her hair slightly. It’s still obvious they are twins. They sound the same just with different tones. And they have the same face and eye shape, just due to Rika tiredness her eyes are more half lidded looking.
And that’s everyone! I hope to share them more and there story! Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. ✨Ask Box is open✨
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abductedhiko · 17 days ago
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Here’s a jegulus oneshot for the holiday
Not beta’d im sick and lazy
This oneshot is a muggle au btw
Tags: @sunshinewhosketches @im-a-mess-of-a-person @oh-phoenixx @printershorts @invasiveroadkill @butyoureastarr
Enjoy Earthlings 👽
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The drive home from work was dull, cloudy, and dark.
James rubbed one hand tiredly at his eyes and sighed. He was exhausted from the extra hours he had put in at the office, and he knew it was showing through sluggish movements, eyebags, and greasy hair. He couldn’t bring himself to care, not when he had no one at home that would complain of his state.
Regulus was knee deep in his studies, so he was probably at his own home with a cup of tea and nursing a sore hand from writing pages of notes. So he was out of the question.
All of his other friends were taken and busy with their partners, Peter was engaged to this nice girl he met at university and Sirius was planning to move in with Remus soon, so they were most likely unavailable.
And that left him alone, again.
The only thing James had to look forward to was putting a frozen pizza in the oven and putting on the 4th season of the bachelor, observing the drama and lives of strangers that were infinitely more interesting than his own. He would watch until he slumped into his couch and eventually fell asleep during the middle of an episode.
Exciting. Thrilling, even.
James stopped at a red light. He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, glancing out of the window.
To see a young couple making out sloppily, their hands groping each others backsides. It looked less like making out and more like they were parasites, sucking at the other’s mouth as would a leech.
James groaned before putting his head against the wheel, earning a loud hoooonk from his car.
He tiredly stuck the key into the keyhole of his apartment, unlocking it and stepping inside.
“I’m home.” He said aloud. He had expected no one to answer, as usual.
The first thing he was met with was the warm, sweet aroma of oranges mixed with burning candles wafting pleasantly to his nose. His home wasn’t as desolate as he thought it’d be, it seemed more cozy instead of cold and sad like usual.
“Welcome home!” Came a soft voice from the kitchen.
James confusingly stepped out of his shoes, shrugging off his work jacket and hanging it on a coat hanger. He then tiredly walked down the hallway and peaked around the corner with caution.
There, Regulus stood in an apron. His black curls had been pinned out of his eyes with hairpins, and there were was flour smudged on his nose and cheeks. He was busy stirring a large pot of what looked like soup.
“It smells amazing in here.” James muttered, making his way to the dining table and slumping over the table.
“Soup’s almost done, love.” Regulus replied, stirring the pot with a wooden spoon. He tasted it, before dumping a spice into the pot and stirring again.
James hummed. “I thought you were busy with exams?”
Regulus shrugged. “Dorcas threatened to shred all my notes if I didn’t spend some time with someone on Valentine’s Day.”
“Valentine’s Day!” James sighed. “I must’ve forgotten. Those extra hours really took it out of me. What’s in the soup?”
“Potatoes, broth, carrots, chicken…” Regulus paused, trying to recall everything he added. “I’m sure there’s more, I must’ve forgotten.”
“Mmm, sounds good.”
Regulus turned off the stove, reaching for a ladle and scooping bits and chunks of soup into two bowls. “I also made Orange Muffins for desert.”
Regulus set a bowl in front of James, which he took gratefully, before setting next to the man with his own.
James eagerly stuck a spoonful of soup into his mouth, before yelping in pain and doubling over.
Regulus let out a little laugh. “I just got it off the stove, my love. It’s hot.”
James rolled his eyes, before blowing on another spoonful and biting into a chunk of potato.
The meal tasted like home and snow-days spent inside and being fussed over while being sick. The salt in the broth took him back to his parent’s house, where everything was warm and fine and not so lonely. When he didn’t have to overwork himself in order to avoid the growing void that had hallowed him out. When time’s were simpler, before everyone grew up and grew apart, busy with their own lives. Times when he was a kid who had no worries other than finals.
He hadn’t realized how much he missed it.
Before he knew it, James was crying. Tears leaked from his eyes and he quickly shoved another bite into his mouth.
“What? Was the meal not good?!” Regulus asked worriedly. “James?”
But James cried and cried. He couldn’t help it, he cried until his nose began to run. He cried until he began to hiccup. All while Regulus continued to watch.
Regulus a gentle arm around his head, bringing his face against his shoulder. James buried his face into the crook of his neck and clung to the other man.
Regulus held him like that until the tears in his eyes dried.
Later in the night after they put out the candles and ate dinner, they laid with their legs tangled on the couch. They were watching some random movie about the power of Valentines Day, and it was bad. James listened to Regulus’ heart beat, his head laid against the other’s chest as Regulus rubbed his back.
“This is a stupid movie.” Regulus muttered sleepily.
James let out a little chuckle. “At least it has a good message.”
“The message is such a cliche, though.”
“What should it be then? ‘Don’t burn the Orange Muffins?’”
“That! Was an accident, Potter!” Regulus sputtered and James laughed. “I was busy with you!”
“We didn’t even do anything…yet.” James smirked.
Regulus batted him in the head.
“Mhm, yet. Maybe if you’re lucky.”
James raised himself up to be closer to Regulus’ face, to the point they could feel each other’s breath. “I’ve been working real hard. Please?”
Regulus rolled his eyes before crashing their lips together, kissing him senseless.
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star-fandoms · 22 days ago
Note: These are solely for fun, nothing wrong with the original designs and I still plan on drawing their original designs!
I used the Linkon Chibi Report cover because I couldn't be bothered to actually draw them all, my bad LMAO Here's the link to the Love and Deepspace twitter where I got it: https://x.com/Love_Deepspace
THE ART IS NOT MINE, JUST THE REDESIGNS!!(Which even then were highly inspired by the new Valentines cards!)
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(His hair is 100% inspired by his "Deluded Fiction card.)
Uh but yeah, as for WHY I decided to go with this design, it has a bit to do with his lore. Please correct me if I get anything wrong, I'm not super aware of everything lore related(Esp not with Xavi's, too focused on Zayne and Caleb :,< )
But Xavier has been traveling for a while, and I think over time he would stop really caring about his appearance, more focused on defeating wanderers and trying to protect the mc.
I also feel like he'd eventually cut his hair again and brush it! So his longer hair is more so an early game thing lol
I also just love the idea of chronic bed head Xavier. Like I imagine his to be a still sleeper, but I think it'd be funny that no matter how still he sleeps, his hair just gets messy again LOL
I just felt like eyebags fit Xavier a lot. I also gave him a mole! I thought his face felt empty without a mole and for some reason I just keep thinking he has one and then I look at him and I'm shocked he doesn't have one LOL But I also think the whole "Your moles are where your lover kissed you most in your past life" soulmate thingy. I think it'd be cute if Daye(one of my mc's. But I think it'd be cute to see moles on where other's mc's kiss Xavier the most!) was a cheek kisser in every timeline.
I think it's like...pretty impossible for Xavier NOT to have a single scar, no matter how good he is right now. I honestly feel that way about most the men(Other then Zayne since he has scars) but like Xavi's a hunter and ur telling me I can't find a single scar on his body?? So I gave him one on his jaw and one on the corner of his mouth! There's multiple more scattered around his body as well!
Speaking of his body, I think he'd have a sleeper build LOL!! Just for those who don't know, a sleeper build is when someone doesn't look strong and doesn't have obvious muscle, but they're strong and the muscle is hidden. I mainly chose this cause of the name LOL
I also gave him heterochromia, I just thought it would look nice LOL
I made the tips of his fingers blue, I did think about red and I might try that honestly, but it's because he's a Lemurian. I wanted something kinda subtle to show that(Its not that subtle with Raf though since he's an artist and uses his hands LOL)
I did also give him longer hair and I wanted to keep it fluffy! I might also mess around with a bit more wavy hair! I also made one of his little side bangs just a bit longer for some asymmetry, I wanted to add hair clips but decided against actually drawing it in the end!
I also added a teal streak to his hair. I already like Raf's design so I wasn't really sure what to change, so this just seemed a little fun. I think its like a little artistic streak.
Raf does NOT have muscles, don't even play with me. No matter what the game shows, Raf will always be a little stick that I can pick up.
I also think that Raf might have a few tattoos! Not too many, I think he'd cry getting every tattoo cause it all hurts him. But I also think he would like to see his own body as kind of a canvas(This is also something that I do to myself and others. I love painting on myself and other people) That said I think after a while Raf probably decided against getting anymore tattoos and just doodles and paints on his body, he also likes that he gets to change it up more.
okay...I prommy I wasn't going to originally give Zayne longer hair. I think the short and clean look suits Zayne and his personality well. But also...I think it's really fun to kind of imagine liking having long hair(A little throwback to "Master of Fate")
Anyways, Zayne with some of his hair tied back is WOOOOO MAMA!! I do wanna play around with a little ponytail too, which is what I think he'd actually do while performing surgeries.
I did give him eyebags as well. Bro works super late sometimes and struggles with nightmares and insomnia, yeah he has eyebags.
I didn't change too much about Zayne honestly. I was thinking about adding glasses permanently but also decided against that. Though I do really like Zayne in glasses so I wanna draw him in them more, I just also hate drawing glasses.
okay...most notably, Sylus has the longest hair! I don't know why but for some reason I always remembered his dragon form having long hair, which it literally doesn't. Anyways, long fluffy mullet Sylus supremacy idk. LOL
^ his hair also has a bit of a red gradient. I didn't want it to be too obvious, but his hair felt a little lacking without it!
Also I gave his arms a dark red gradient, I also think he'd have claws I just didn't draw them. These are also because...half dragon. I know they aren't the hands he had as a dragon, but I wanted them to be more human.
It's so subtle, but I gave him fangs.
I didn't even think about it but I might mess around with slightly pointed ears. a more subtle touch to show he's not human.
I did also think about giving him little horns and wings, but decided against that. I also decided again red streaks on his hair and landed on the gradient instead.
Caleb is one of them I'm STICKING with long hair for. He looks so good with a mullet I feel like I belong in a psyche ward.
I gave him little white streaks in his hair, It's supposed to be heat damage but aesthetic from the ✨explosion✨ once again, not really meant to be realistic at all.
Its also so subtle, but I traced one of his pupils with red because I think it'd be even more tragic is Caleb had lost an eye and it got replaced with a mechanic one, like his arm. I think it'd be useful for scanning people and recording their actions too. And I think it'd also be tragic if his vision was warped from this eye, like it doesn't really view properly. I'd have to draw out what I mean eventually cause I don't think I'm making any sense.
i didn't do it but god, him having a little slit in his brow would be so good too, with like a little scar there.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my silly little redesigns! Once again the art I edited belongs to Love and Deepspace!
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pixiesfz · 1 year ago
Hi how are you and love your fics and would you write for Charli grant also Katrina gorry
heya!, I'm doing well thankyou I actually have a cute idea of Charli and the reader going to the Australian woman of the year awards together!!
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plot: Y/N and Charli are injured and can't go to the Matildas camp in Canada, therefor they are asked to represent the Matildas at the Australian Woman of the Year awards (imagine reader in the red mini dress Margot Robbie wore for a barbie premiere)
Warnings: fluff, mentions of anxiety (ik dates don't add up...live the fantasy)
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When you sprained your ankle at the Leicester vs Arsenal game you were upset that you couldn't take part in the last international camp of the year, you considered all of the girls like family.
Then Charli also injured herself, ruling you both out of the camp. It was then you decided that you could both go home to your families in Australia and spend your week there.
You forgot about your injury and instead got excited, you hadn't physically seen your girlfriend in about three weeks and you had missed her so much.
Kyra gave you so much shit for it.
When the plane to Sydney landed you knew she would be at the Airport waiting so you flashed a smile quickly to the person who thankfully didn't snore who sat behind you and made your way out of the plane.
You saw her from a mile away with her bright perfect smile and blonde wavy locks. She was the definition of sunlight in your eyes and every time you saw her you felt like you were falling in love all over again.
When you quickened up your steps to get to her you let go of your suitcase and engulfed her in a bone-crushing hug.
"hello to you to babe" she laughed and you squeezed her tighter "I missed you Chaz"
"I missed you too" she said and relaxed into your touch. You both stayed like that before she let you go and reached into her bag, bringing out two tickets.
"I may have agreed to something" she sheepishly smiled and you laughed "what did you do?" you ask and she held out the tickets to you.
"Woman of the year awards" you read out before she pointed at them again "you missed something"
You looked back down at the ticket and furrowed your brows until you saw it.
"Surprise!" Charli smiled cautiously as she watched your face "I know they're last minute but it would be you and me representing the Matilda's whilst they're at camp and plus we get to dress up" she added on, grabbing your hands.
You gave in and smiled "Okay," you told her "I don't have a dress though, I didn't think 'big event' would've been something I should've packed for" you said and Charli laughed "They've got us dresses babe" she told you before giving you a soft kiss on the lips.
"Can we go home?" you asked with an overexaggerated pout "if I'm going to this thing I'm gonna need a rest to get rid of these eyebags" you pointed at your eyes and Charli grabbed the tickets out of your hand.
"Oh please you will be the most sexy woman there" she encouraged and grabbed your hand "let's go".
You were both at your family home, laying on your childhood bed, napping with your legs entangled together.
You watched Charli sleep with a smile, she was gorgeous, you didn't know that she was doing the same thing ten minutes ago when you were fast asleep.
You got up to the end of the bed and checked your phone for the time, three o'clock. You knew you had to wake Charli up to get ready.
But before you did you looked at the door that had the dress that Vanity Fair had chosen for you both, Charli had an elegant yellow gown and you had a red silk mini dress that you knew you would probably be thinking about the shortness of the whole night.
"We can switch" a voice popped up behind you and you faced Charli "No, you would look perfect with the yellow" You smiled and Charli moved up from the bed to you and snuggled into your side "You will look fabulous" she told you and kissed your shoulder "you always do"
"I'm just a little bit scared is all" you admitted and Charli nodded "like what if I fall-" "you want fall" "but I could" you told her before looking down "I have bruises on my shins from soccer it will be unattractive and the media would be-"
"hey" Charli turned your head delicately with her fingers to face her "We are there to accept an award because of our sport, it would be a little stupid if they think we walk out of the pitch with nicely tanned shaved legs with no damage to our bodies, plus we are only going because we have done damage to our bodies" she joked, hoping it would bring a smile upon your lips, which it did.
"I don't want you thinking about anyone in the media y/n" Charli told you as she stroked her fingers in your hair "think about you, or me, or even you and me, think of anything" she encouraged and pressed a small kiss to your lips.
"You always know how to make me feel better" you smile at her "anything for my girl" she smiled, and for the 1000th time that day you felt your heart melt.
"I love you"
"I love you too, now lets get ready"
It wasn't long until the hair and makeup people came and 'did you up' as Charli called it, her hair was curled and her eyes had a shimmer on them that somehow made her shine even more than her natural self.
You didn't think that was possible.
Your makeup was similar, only with a sharper eyeliner and you hair was in a low bun with strands curled at the front.
You walked out to your girlfriend talking to one of the media girls that you recognized from the world cup who was filming Charli answering a few questions in her dress which she stopped when you walked out.
"y/n freaking y/l/n" she stated before walking up to you and giving you a hug "you look gorgeous she told you before stepping back and looking at you upside down "and bloody sexy!" she added, making you blush.
You weren't gonna lie you did feel glamorous and you did catch yourself looking in the mirror a bit longer than intended.
"You're not too bad yourself" you told the blonde who couldn't stop smiling.
You both answered some questions, even including questions about your relationship that the viewers on tik tok would love.
"Cabs here you ready to go babe?" you called out as you got the text of the arrival of your uber driver, you turned around to your girlfriend taking pictures of you "Charli!" you called out and she laughed.
"You just look so good!"
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puppycheesecake · 5 hours ago
Let's make a Sim!
Heyyo~ I want to make something but I don't know what, so I'm just gonna start and see where I end up, and I'll document the process so you can follow along with me if you want.
Warning: long post under the cut!
Follow meee~! ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ
Let's start with a blank Sim. A clean slate. I keep some blank Sims saved in my library for just such an occasion.
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Hi buddy. 👋
Since I'm not starting off with any particular idea in mind, let's just randomize and see what pops up:
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Yeah, okay. That's a decent enough base to start with.
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I don't know what I want to do with him yet, but I think he should be cute. Just a cute lil' guy, you know?
But first he needs a chin.
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Jesus Christ.
Now that he has a lower jaw, let's set the eye color back to default black. We'll figure out what to do with them later; for now I want to work on his facial structure.
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Okay, getting somewhere.
Now he needs big, beautiful eyes. I'm deciding that now. Our nameless Sim is going to be a cute lil' guy and he's going to have big beautiful doe eyes.
We'll use this eye preset and scale it down a little.
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Baby boy. Baby.
While we're here, let's give him a new lip preset and new eyebrows. We'll keep his nose for now, but let's make it a little bigger.
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Okay, now we're getting somewhere.
Now onto skin details. ✧w✧
Let's start with a skinblend. We'll use @adelarsims's Romeo Face Overlay, and maybe we'll layer @sims3melancholic's Frederick Skin over it at about ~15% opacity, just for that liiittle touch of texture and color. (Thank you Color Slider mod.)
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Oh he's CUTE cute.
You know what? Make him purple. We'll use one of @noodlescc's Sorbet Remix skin tones.
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So he's cute, and purple. But who are you, nameless Sim?
Oh hey. Let's add @gloomiegalaxie's Chitin Antenna. I've been wanting to use those.
We'll call him Chitin Boy.
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Greetings Chitin Boy.
So he's cute, purple, and bug-y. Party. Let's finish adding skin details, and give him some shiny new bug eyes. Big, beautiful bug eyes.
We'll also give him some pointy ears. Bitches love pointy ears.
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It's me; I'm bitches.
Additional skin details:
Undereye Shadow
Eyelids N13
Eyebags Plus
Mouth Corners
Definition Overlay
Chin Overlay
Misc. Face Details
Now let's hit the gym, Chitin Boy. ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ
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Chitin makes up insect exoskeletons and is pretty tough stuff--maybe Chitin Boy's species is also tough, and that's why they need chitin armor. So our boy is cute, but tough...let's make him slim but muscular. We'll use this body preset, because I like the muscle definition.
We're also going to give him an itty bitty slut waist, just because.
Now onto tattoos and body skin details... ( ◡‿◡ *)
Let's mix in a couple different blushes to give him a bit more color/depth, maybe a little highlight here and there to give him some shine, plus some bug-ish looking overlays.
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Torrada Body Blush
Lovefreak Body Blush
Blush N74 (Love You Like Crazy)
Eye Highlight N01 (Spark)
Demon Days Pallor (to make his skin just a little more purple)
Intergalactic Overlays (yes we're going to use that one overused nose ridge overlay, hush; it makes sense in the context of a chitinous bug-man.)
Skin Details:
Basic Body Blush
Asteroid Overlay
Tiefling Skin Detail
There we go. Lookin' extra insect-y.
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Bitches don't know 'bout my bug armor.
Y'know what? Let's embrace the bug angle. Give that boy some mandibles. We'll give him new eyebrows too while we're at it. Let's use @plantainboat's Spikey Leaf Eyebrows.
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Oof I love that bit of blue. Let's incorporate it into the rest of him.
Now it's makeup time. 👁👄👁
How about... Eyelashes / Eyeliner / Eyeshadow / Lipstick / Highlight / Glitter. We want him colorful and shiny, like a beetle.
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Oh work.
Since we're embracing the bug/alien angle, let's give him a more fitting nose. We'll use this orc nose preset.
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Lookin' cute, Chitin Boy. (Note: he has no idea that he's considered adorable by Earth standards. On his planet he's considered quite menacing. :'c )
Now let's give him some hair. ("Chitin and keratin?" you say. To which I say, "Yes. He has both. He is rich in both polysaccharides and proteins, and this makes him unstoppable.")
Now, what kind of hair... I think he should have long hair. It just feels right. Chitin Boy's species is tough but beautiful, and they grow their hair long. It flows behind them in battle.
Ooh, let's use @yin-shimo's Qing Jiu hair.
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Perfect, but it's not quite the color I want, so we'll use @tricoufamily's Willoughby Hair Overlays to tweak the color, plus these ombre & root overlays. Bugs are colorful, so Chitin Boy's species should be, too.
Also we'll give him new eyeshadow. Oh, and cooler ears.
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Chitin Boy you are positively radiant.
Okay, we've got a good color palette going here. Let's go back into tattoos & skin details and change that pop of color from purple to blue, so we can pull some of that color down onto the rest of his body.
We're also giving him a braid. It feels important. Chitin Boy has a braid and he's very proud of it. Maybe it has some kind of significance in Chitin Boy culture.
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Okay, love that.
Now let's dress him up. ( ͡o ω ͡o )
I'm thinking we want some bright, bold colors, but I also want to utilize a lot of black. He's pretty but he's also fierce and serious, I've decided. We want colors that will complement his color palette but won't distract from it--Chitin Boy is bold and beautiful, but he isn't gaudy.
His clothes should be functional and comfortable, and shouldn't restrict movement--he needs to be able to move quickly if he's from a tough warrior-bug-alien species, and if he already has chitinous skin he won't need much actual armor. But they should have a unique silhouette, too; not just "shirt and pants," you know?
I also want to show off his body details/coloring, because look at him--it'd be criminal to cover all that up.
Let's go with: Bottoms / Top / Shoes.
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These recolored Journey to Batuu bottoms give him a great silhouette, and pairing the asymmetrical skirt with an asymmetrical top balances it out. And of course a fierce bug-boy warrior needs a sturdy pair of boots--that's just a given.
Maybe Chitin Boy is a warrior on his planet, but on Earth he's just a guy. I bet he'd be into the punk/metal scene. His culture doesn't have music but they do have screaming, so naturally he's drawn to Earth's Loud Scream-Singing.
Let's add on some punk-y accessories to complete the look: Gloves / Belts / Bracelets / Nails
We'll tweak the body a little bit, aaand...
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Chitin Boy, you beautiful bastard, you've done it again.
There he is. Our Chitin Boy. From inception to finish. :') Now we'll give him some traits--how about Self-Assured, Chased by Death, Music Lover, and Loner. Confident and self-sufficient, keenly aware of his own mortality, and just a big fan of a good song.
He likes arguments & singing and dislikes silly behavior & video games. He likes argumentative Sims, but does not like ambitionless Sims. His favorite color is blue.
And we'll give him the Soulmate Aspiration. Because Chitin Boy needs love. 💖
How it started vs. How it ended:
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Glow-up. 💅
And that's a wrap! Thanks for accompanying me on this journey. I don't know if this is actually going to help anyone, but it's been a hell of a ride. :^) May you go forth and make some weird random Sims of your own.
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justevelynnnn · 1 year ago
Black and Purple.
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Notes: So now i like Mr. Hitoshi. I used to reallyyy like him a couple yrs ago and ig here we r again🤭 So basically this is gonna be a mini series of mine like idk 3 posts? I don’t wanna call them chapters..
Content: Hitoshi Shinso x afab, Blk!Goth!reader
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- You were weird. You’re quirk was weird and so was the music you listen to or how you dressed which, could be blamed on your quirk.
- When you were younger, like up until kindergarten, you were really feminine and pink and peppy. Until you got your quirk.
- When you were 5 it activated for the first time. It was halloween and you dressed up as a witch. Door to door you tried to look as scary as possible. You got to your neighbors house and when she opened the door you stood and did your creepiest face knocking she was terrified of witches. Oh this would be good.
- Hmmm, it was maybe a bit too good…
- She opened the door and screamed. You and your mother were a bit taken aback..you were 5 were you really that scary?
- Turns out the neighbor saw a much more creepier version…
- You later learned that your quirk was meant to play on people’s fears and paranoia causing people to hallucinate or hear things not there. The doctor you saw called it paranoia. So that was it, your quirk was just Causing paranoia.
- Your parents had emotion related quirks too but this? It seemed….villainous.
- Your life changed that day. Kids were scared of you. Teachers too. You only got good grades even if you didn’t try on work. You could do anything and never get in trouble because if people knew what you could do to them it was over.
- You spent most of your life from that day lonely and sad. You always wanted to be a hero but this was just such an obstacle. You started getting darker..
- And this appearance change did not help your case at all.
- Anyways time skip to your UA days. Yes you got in. But not in the way you hoped.
- You were in class C.
- You we’re jealous of the lucky people in Classes A and B. But you felt if you tried hard enough you could get bumped up.
- The first few weeks of school you just sat in the back of the class. You didn’t really speak to anyone.
- However you did start to catch a certain purple hair boy staring at you often.
-One day you finally looked over at him and asked, “What do you want?”
- He shrugged and went back to doing his work.
- You knew him just a little and mostly because his quirk. Secretly you wanted to get to know him more and his quirk. But you had become so anti social you just couldn’t. He didn’t seem the type to strike up conversation either but luckily for you he was interested enough in you to try.
- “Hey.”
- You looked up from packing your backpack as class was over.
-Quirking an eyebrow you wanted to know what this guy wanted now.
- “What do you want?”
- “Careful, i’m trying to be nice here Morticia.”
- “Ok, i’m sorry, but no one talks to me out of nowhere.”
- “Interesting… I wonder why..”
- You rolled your eyes. Was he playing dumb, being sarcastic?
- “How about you? You don’t seem so popular yourself sir.”
- “No i’m not…and i think it’s because of my you know what..”
- “Same here.” You thought about this next part, “Wanna talk about it?”
- He didn’t seem like much of a talker especially about his quirk but he took interest in you so it’s only fair you do the same back.
- To your surprise he nodded. Then he added, “Only if you talk about your situation too.”
- So you two left class and walked around talking about your quirks and how it isolated you both from everyone. You talked about your get up and he talked about why he has eyebags.
- You learned you both had almost the same life, we’re night owls, had the same ambitions and loved cats.
- Before you both knew it, it was dark out.
- “Thanks for talking to me, Shinso. I haven’t said this many words since my junior high science project presentation.”
- He chuckled slightly and thank you back.
- He walked you to the street your house was at and waved goodbye.
- You never had a crush on anyone but Shinso…he evoked a whole new feeling.
- Everyday you two would talk about any and everything. It was so nice to see him open up. And surprisingly he was such a gentleman too..
- The sports festival was coming up and you really wanted to go but said nothing. You saw Shinso signing up one day and asked him about it.
- “You’re really serious about this huh?”
- He just nodded.
- “Well, i believe in you Shin..” You smiled.
- “I think you’d do pretty good out there too yknow. You should sign up. Scare some of those pros.”
- You were shocked. He really believed in you? You barely believed in yourself. You were extremely lacking in the physical department so you were nervous to go up against anyone honestly. You wondered how Shinso was so brave himself. If someone doesn’t answer him it would be over..
- “You really think so??” You asked.
- He just nodded again and handed you the pen as he walked away.
-You stares at the sign up sheet for a bit. And then you did the unthinkable.
- You wrote your name.
- The day came and you were a wreck. You didn’t even do your usual makeup and kept your face bare.
- Shinso noticed your face and patted your back. “You’ll do amazing. Even if you don’t, you tried and that’s saying something right?”
- He smiled. He was not the best motivational speaker but he helped you just a tad.
- When it was your turn you were up against some green haired boy named Izuku. He had just defeated your friend so you were a bit fired up now. You saw all he could do was flick his fingers and send waves of power out which was..odd.
- Your quirk allowed you to see people’s fears and anxieties. You quickly accessed this boy, peering into his life. You saw what he was afraid of. Failure.
- You stared into his soul as the game started and activated your quirk. He started to attack but stopped once he heard, booing?
- He started to look around and see people pointing at him and laughing and booing his name and gagging and and and.. what was happening??? He was frozen.
- Then he heard whispers in his ear. Like the most unmotivatonal things ever. The sky got darker and you started your final move. You snapped your fingers and he looked at you to see your eyes roll back to your head as you smiled your most creepiest smile ever as it started “raining” burning metors. Izuku ran out the ring in pure fear to avoid get “hit”.
- The whole time you just stood there smiling an of course the snapping your fingers part. Once Izuku was out of bounds he saw how reality finally snapped back.
- You won..
- Well you didn’t win in the end, losing to Bakugo, but you got 4th place.
- And still plenty of pros came over to you to ask you how your quirk worked and offered you internships. Even kids from Class 1-A came to talk to you. It was amazing to be seen for once. You were quite popular now in fact.
- Later you heard a voice; “See i knew you’d do great…” Shinso said after everything was over and the room you were in was empty.
- You then ran up to him and hugged him. He was shocked. He wasn’t used to touches but here you were. The most prettiest girl ever, hugging him.
-“Thank you…” You said into his chest.
- He blushed and looked away. “Don’t mention it…”
- “No, really. You just changed my fucking life dude…Thank you so much.” You said pulling back looking him in his eyes.
- He just smiled.
- You held his hand as you two left that day. Your heart filled with joy. It wouldn’t be long before He asked you out finally…😉
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More notes: anyways if y’all haven’t seen on my latest post, i started college and i work so i’m like really busy everyday, all the time. So idk the posts r gonna be kinda slow 😭👋🏾 but yeah i’m still alive, i still got my plug!connie and nerd!armin drafts but i’m saving those for when i’m really slumped and can’t put nothing out for a while so if ur waiting sorry 😵‍💫😔 also this is not proofread…
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totothewolff · 2 months ago
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Season of Love (9/?) [New chapter]
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
The Sebaffäre Arc Chapter 9: Laps of Truth.
To no one's surprise, you don't show up at Zandvoort either.
Seb notices Charles worrying about you and your well-being, looking a bit stressed, whispering about your status with Sam at the opportunity given as they cross paths on the pitlane near where Sebastian is.
Leclerc isn't acting that discreetly or quietly, but Seb is sure he believes no one around them gets what they two are talking about.
Seb hears Sam gossiping with him about something he already knows by now as he fixes his balaclava. Vettel fights his urge to step into the conversation to tell Charles you are more than all right, just busy with the raid you guys are preparing on Lenkov.
Anyway, he feels like a terrible teammate and a worst friend for not reassuring Charles everything is fine. But lately, he can't fight the feelings he has developed for you.
Now, his loyalty is on your side.
Niki smells the alcohol in Toto's sweat, sitting millimeters away from him at the garage.
"You haven't made up your mind," Niki's words break his trance. Toto looked disassociated with his eyes lost in the monitor showing Sky Sports' live broadcast as the cameraman is inside the Williams garage.
"Pardon?" Toto answers. A shy smile forms on his lips as he tilts his head, turning around to face the old man, an eyebrow already going up.
"About your "situation" with Y/N, or are you waiting for it to consume you completely? Please, don't tell me it's just a coincidence when she disappears you always end up looking like this." He gestures with his hand to Toto's body.
Toto becomes self-conscious about his appearance on the spot.
"I'm with Suzanne," he says, slightly offended.
Niki glances at Toto before adding: "It's not my business, I know, but I worry for you, that's all. I advise you to make up your mind before it drives you crazy or drives us crazy! You have been... well... impossible lately."
Toto nods, now in a bad mood. Nothing different, he has been moody for days. How you affect him is beyond belief; he is a grown-ass man to act like this.
Toto takes a quick break to the bathroom to calm down and refreshes his face with water before he stares at himself in the big mirror under the bright lights. Niki is right. He looks like trash.
His eyes look reddish with big purplish eyebags, his hair is messier, and his beard is scruffy and unshaven. Toto looks pale, tired, and sweaty.
He doesn't want to admit he is depressed about losing you because he is still furious at you for hiding that small little detail of you having a husband. Plus his guilt about hiding from you his status with Susie also is killing him.
He leaves out an annoyed groan and feels the need to punch a wall. Yes, he needs to make up his mind.
It's race day, and the laps fly by. Seb holds his own, weaving through the traffic with an elegance that keeps his fans on the edge of their seats. However, in the blink of an eye, the flickering lights on his dashboard startle him.
The steering becomes unresponsive. “No, no, no! Come on!” he yells as the car veers sideways, refusing to obey. You watch him on the live broadcast going off track, slowing down on the gravel, bringing out the yellow flags, no collision or harm thank God.
"Shit! He was doing so good!" you let out, more aggravated than you should be.
Millie seizes the opportunity, and with Vettel sidelined, she pushes her car to the limits, showcasing the kind of brilliance that has earned her respect. The engine roars as she takes the lead, the Williams team watching in disbelief at the sudden change of luck, chanting her name inside the garage.
As the race progresses, Hamilton and Lando fight aggressively, inching ever closer. Lap after lap, Millie holds her ground, almost tasting the victory.
With the clock ticking down, Lewis seems determined to contribute to a Mercedes podium finish too. As they cross the line the crowd erupts.
Meanwhile, at the Ferrari garage, Seb's disappointment is palpable, and the frustration of his entire season bursts out. Binnoto reassures him, “We’ll come back stronger. "
"My ass" is an answer that Sebastian holds inside, he feels so done with this team, with this dream of his of driving for them, it's like being trapped in a "never meet your heroes" sort of situation.
"Oh man, sorry about how it all went, yikes." you text Seb.
"It was utter shit!" he replies to your message about his DNF, "It was so difficult to drive it. The grip on that car is shit; this entire car has been shit the whole season, I'm pretty sure the next race Ferrari won't be needing me inside that tractor, it does what it pleases by itself. A miracle is what it's needed, I have ended up more times in the gravel than in a podium."
Even through texts he sounds done.
"Although I must admit it made me giggle to watch you leave in that tiny Vespa holding onto that huge guy, clown style," you joke to ease him.
"Emojis now?! Excuse you, Mr. Technologic! Name it, read it, tune it, print it, scan it, send it, fax, rename it"
"I'm a man of the new age, jk. See? I used jk and all!? Can I call you? Who I'm kidding?! I'm still old-fashioned, it takes me forever to write you a reply, remember when the autocorrect used to change almost my entire replies?”
"How could one forget that, it was hilarious! Let's FaceTime better!"
"Face whom?! P.D. I loved that Daft Punk reference"
"A P.D.? What's this? The Regency Era?"
Inside the expensive restaurant De Zeeuw, known for its exquisite décor and ambiance, the glow of the candlelights dances across the black table for two in which you are sitting alone, dressed as elegantly and chic as the place is, listening to the soft noise of people chatting that blends with the gentle clinking of their glassware.
A pristine plate of pan-seared duck is resting untouched before you. You glance across your table at the empty seat, that one that would be Toto’s seat, if things had turned out differently, and an overwhelming sense of heartache washes over you.
"You’d love this place, wouldn’t you?" Your voice barely breaks, but the words feel heavy in the air. A tear escapes your eye, and you quickly wipe it away.
You catch sight of the couples nearby, sharing smiles and laughter, and it if feels as a storm brews inside you. "God, I miss you, Toto."
The memories flood your mind.
His laughter echoes through the restaurant, oh, the way he would lean forward with excitement over the menu, his playful banter about you trying new dishes, your knees touching below the table, your hands intertwining, the warmth of his skin on yours, and his beautiful smile just for you.
Everything feels right in your world when you are together.
You lift your glass of red wine, a deep ruby color. "Remember when you tried to impress me with your "knowledge" of fine wine? You mixed up the Bordeaux with a poor choice and I let you, pretending I didn't notice it, that I knew nothing about wine just to see you happy."
The memory brings a smile to your face, but it quickly fades and the wine feels bitter on your tongue as if it carried his absence.
Fighting back tears, you take a deep breath and close your eyes. The music wraps around you like a comforting hug, but the loneliness wins. Your plate remains untouched for the rest of the night.
A waiter approaches, his expression shifting with concern as he surveys the empty seat. "Is everything alright, ma’am?"
You nod, forcing a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
No spurging can fill the void he left. The love, passion, your shared dreams, the simple joy of his presence—nothing could ever replace that.
But you can't live in permanent pain, you need to learn how to move ahead.
“We have three targets: Lenkov’s mansion, aka the main operation hub; a stash house used for transports; and the commercial property fronting his illicit activities. Timing is key; our intel suggests he’s holding a meeting at the mansion tonight.” Agent Torres runs the plan in front of the entire team, sitting around the huge and regal cedar table inside the meeting room at the Manor.
"You’ll breach the mansion first. I want Team Alpha to grab him in the act as soon as possible.” you listen to Matt's orders.
“I’ve hacked into Lenkov’s live security feed. We’ll have a clear view of all movements outside. Two guards stay at the front entrance but an unknown number are inside. I’ll update you as I figure out the number and positions.” Agent Chen informs the room.
“What will be our entry point? I assume we won't be knocking on the front door.” Pascal questions by the intercom.
You witness the exchange of information in silence, knowing your part in this was already done, and you won't be allowed to do more.
“The west wall has a blind spot in the security system. Once we’re in, we’ll move quickly to clear the first floor before heading upstairs where Lenkov’s meeting is said to be, all clear?” Torres closes the Q&A session before moving to tactics, as the big screen behind him lights up.
At night, Lenkov, his always companion dogs, and crew are all gathered in an opulent room adorned with expensive art inside a Chateau deep in the Pyrenees.
As the agents move through the first floor, the soft crack of their boots echoes on the wood as they move down into the adjacent hallway while listening to the voices taking pride in "dealings" made earlier in the day.
Torres nods and asks Intel to remotely turn off the power, plunging the entire Chateau into darkness. They spring forward with swift motions, rendering the four people inside the room unconscious before facing a surprised Lenkov caught off guard, staring wide-eyed as Pascal and Torres burst through, weapons now drawn but masks and gears still on.
“Hands where we can see them!” Torres demands.
The lavish room holds tense air as Lenkov raises his hands, a smile still on his face. “You think you can threaten me? You’re in deep over your heads!”
“Chen, update?” Torres speaks to her by his on-ear, ignoring Lenkov, he has learned to not engage with targets.
“Reinforcements are on their way. Two minutes for the units to converge. Take him to the gates, boys”
"You’re done here, Lenkov. We won’t let you destroy any more lives.” Pascal addresses him as he drags him to the doors.
Lenkov laughs. "We'll see" he stops a second to face him, looking Pascal straight into his piercing blue eyes. "No doubt why you were your father's biggest disappointment, good thing he is dead now"
A fact completely unknown to Pascal, shaking him to the core, Torres rushes to take Lenkov away before things escalate.
Moments later, officers storm the mansion, agents streaming in from every side, ready to secure the area, apprehend any remaining criminals, and gather as much evidence as possible.
You are standing next to Mathew kilometers away from where the action is happening, biting your nails, aware Pascal could be in danger.
The fact that Matt pulled strings to ensure he was sent to join the operation felt like one of his usual twisted games. You let out a relieved sigh as you hear Pascal's voice talk to the radio, triumphant.
“We’ve infiltrated rat's mansion with success. He's secured. Two more to go”
It feels like a fever dream.
Being back in Italy hurts like a motherfucker. Your mind is flooded with memories of the last time you were here.
You are still so mad at him, well, more like disappointed and also heartbroken. What a way for you to find out!
Okay, for the two of you to find out...
You haven't crossed a word, at all. You are in that phase of avoiding each other like you have the plague, but every time you pick up your phone, that thought is there, the desperate need to reach him out.
Samanta attempted to open that conversation with you, but you ran away. By now, all you know is that he is mad as hell at you, and he knows you are heartbroken because of him. What else is to know?
You miss him like the ocean misses the shore, it's true, but communication between you two and honesty has never been easy.
He chose Susie it's obvious, it does hurt, but maybe it's better if you start to move on.
Even if your marriage isn’t a real one, you get how it looks like from the outside and it’s a situation you can’t exactly change, at least that Matt agrees to it - which he hasn’t in years - and he made his conditions to agree to divorce you pretty clear. You require one hell of a miracle for that man to sign those goddamn papers.
Resigned to your situation, you choose not to fight the tears falling from your eyes on your way to the circuit. You need to let it all out before getting back to reality.
The new one.
Your arrival there becomes a media circus. Nothing new, the press loves taking pictures of you and your outfits, but after the incident and now with Mathew by your side, the attention you two are dragging is crazy.
The flashes blind you as Matt holds your hand tight, leading you along. He passes an arm around your waist and pulls you closer, rushing you to go at his fast pace to get free from the photographers sooner.
His charming smile now becomes a threatening one to those blocking his path.
Toto sees you stroll hand in hand with Mathew past the Mercedes motorhome, the press circling you like sharks, and people taking out their phones to snap a quick picture of you. He observes from inside his office on the second floor through the large panel windows.
Your green Birkin bag swings in the air, and you look so hot in that Ferragamo one-shoulder dress. The tight fabric accentuates your curves he once claimed his, and that beautiful blue gradient slides down along your figure. The small light fabric tail flows around your every step, and your bulky gold jewelry is the cherry on the pie that makes you look like the matching trophy wife of the zillionaire dragging you along.
It all does clic for Toto at that exact moment, by seeing the two of you side by side.
You belong with that man, and Toto belongs with Susie. You choose Matt. It's more than clear; it has always been Matt. There's no need to talk about the obvious. He's the husband and Toto probably was just a mere entertainment for you.
Still, you would have let him know or hinted if he still had a chance, if you still wanted him. But you haven't, so...
Maybe it’s better if he moves on.
The media nicknames Matt and you "the hot power couple of the paddock" in their headlines and recent articles. Haters online address you as "Ken and Barbie."
Toto feels sick when the sites he reads follow your story. There's that fucking photo of the two of you in all new pieces. Everywhere he looks there's him next to you.
He wants to pull his hair out.
You glimpse Toto's figure pass you by here and there around the track, your eyes following him around, acting on their own, the way your body reacts to him is surprising and even frightening, how deep you feel for him is beyond belief, but not once does he look back at you.
And that hurts like salt in the wound. You get it. But he also did harm! Yet you hide that sorrow in plain sight, an expert by now.
With a big sigh, you go to look for Charles. You need your bestie more than ever but he is nowhere to be found. Maybe he's with the guys at your usual spot near the medical wing?
On your way there you can't help but feel something is… odd. None of your friends are in sight, nor inside their hospitalities, or in corridors, nor coming out from backdoors of their garages, and now you are determined to find out what they are up to, it can't be a coincidence!
You keep searching your way down the paddock almost reaching the trailer park by the end of it.
Passing by a big warehouse some giggles escape from the metal door slightly open.
Feeling like a detective on the brink of uncovering a monumental mystery, you tiptoe closer, peeking through the half-open entrance. Inside the room, Danny is rocking the ladder where Mick is up trying to hang the "welcome back" pennant.
As Millie and Lando talk to each other inhaling helium from the machine for the balloons, Seb and Lewis laugh at their high-pitched voices while filling the snacks.
"Is that Charles sweeping the floor?!! Jesus! That man has no idea how to hold a broom, less use it."
On the white mantel table, you notice the large cake that reads: “Congrats on Your First Crash”.
You feel your heart racing, "A surprise party for me?" This is a first and feels wonderful. "But what for? My spectacular glass wall encounter?
Lost in your thoughts you accidentally lean too much on the door, pushing it open to reveal yourself to the entire group. A gasp sweeps through the room like a wave. They got caught in the act!
“Oh no! CLOSE YOUR EYES! CLOSE YOUR EYES!” Checo shouts, his expression is a mix of shock and comedic horror.
You can't help but laugh, “Surprise..! For you, I guess?”
Then you feel Sam tackling you to the side as Seb and Lewis rush to block your view of the cake, hands behind their backs.
“We’re not ready! Come back later,” Sam tells you to the ear while holding you tight.
"Let go!" you move like a worm in her arms.
"Fine, but look here straight at the light" She is holding a black stick.
"What you think this is Men In Black?!" a smirk forms on your lips as they panic more, “All of you are terrible at surprises, but I love you so much!”
The Mercedes garage is bustling with technicians preparing for the upcoming race. The aroma of high-octane fuel is in the air, and the sound of tools creates a stimulating backdrop.
As you are near their entrance, you glimpse Toto inside, busy overseeing the chaos, his eyes sharp and focused. He notices Matt and you passing by, stiffening slightly, his gaze shifting from the crew to your way.
Matthew seems to feel his eyes too and pulls you closer, his hands which were resting on your shoulders start to slide down your back and in a moment of pure audacity, he places his full palm on your ass.
Toto’s jaw tightens as he watches the display unfold. His eyes narrow, and he shifts uncomfortably, trying to maintain his composure while the tension between him and Matthew crackles like static. His professional demeanors faltered for just a beat. Both are well aware of the silent war unfolding.
Toto takes a deep breath, forcing a smile, but you notice flickers of something unresolved in his eyes; a storm of jealousy brewing beneath the surface.
As you begin to walk forward with your husband, Toto remains anchored to the spot, watching you go, with a mix of frustration and longing in his eyes, wondering if he should leave you well enough alone or make a move before it’s even more late.
Singapore means a long flight, and Matt doesn't have the time for it right now. He is busy supervising and catching on with the team examining all the Lenkov encrypted files and data they found during the raid. To your best luck, the entire operation was a total success, with no incidents, and zero casualties.
So in his absence, you invited Seb to share the long jet ride from Vegas to there.
With still many hours left to land and up in the air, you notice Vettel's beautiful eyes setting on you several times while his lips parting a bit each time he does it as if he wanted to say something but shied back.
“Come on, Seb. Spill it out, it’s killing you and me” You kick him softly with your foot.
You are sitting facing each other on the very bulky and luxurious black leather sofas inside your modern jet. Well, Mathew's jet, well the family's jet.
“You left me on a cliffhanger last time,” he says, softly.
You know he refers to your conversation back at the manor. “Oh,” it's all that comes from your lips, followed by a long sigh.
“I understand if you don't want…” he starts immediately, waving his hands, looking worried now and a bit red on the cheeks.
He is ever so sweet.
“Oh, no, no, no, no worries, it's the only missing piece for you in this puzzle called "my life story". I don’t mind talking about it, it’s just it’s a lot and a long story. Let me ask us for some drinks!”
“Good thing we are trapped in this can in the sky” Seb eyes out of the window to the layer of clouds.
"After I won my freedom back, I spent a good chunk of the month talking with agents and lawyers, since the foundation was still wearing diapers, it was a small team and intelligence office, full of people that nowadays I consider as family, Matt offered me to stay at the Manor while they had the chance to figure things out. I was just so grateful to have a roof, food, and a safe space, even if I was kept in the dark regarding what was going on for a bit, it turned out to be for my good and protection but let's say Matt has never been very talkative, he doesn't like questions much either, even today." you shift yourself to a more comfortable position before continuing.
"Our marriage presented to us as an opportunity for me to stay and help to make the foundation what it has become today, I wanted to help others like me and found my life purpose in it. Our wedding was a transactional one; there were no vows just paperwork. Things developed later, as the years went by. Being every day by our sides allowed us to know each other" you state as Seb's eyebrows go up on their own.
"Don’t get me wrong, I love him and he loves me endlessly, but we just didn't work that way" you immediately add. "For a while, I tried to cuddle him, caress him, or kiss him but got no right reaction, I also didn’t know how to show love or support without the physical part, you know. Since I… yeah, was predisposed to that… after all I went through…"
Seb nods, he gets it.
"Matt respected me so much, way too much for my own like at that point. I fell for him so hard, he is such a good person but yet even as husband and wife we didn’t share the bed or even the same bedroom, we always slept apart, even when I asked him to let me stay or when I snuck in I faced rejection, for a second I gave up and even thought of leaving" you make a pause to sip some of your wine and look at a surprised and curious Seb.
"But, I found out he couldn’t stand the idea of losing me or not having me by his side" You do a "Can you believe it?! face" making Seb giggle, before continuing.
"Matt confided in me more than with anyone else - including his mom, even if she isn't responsive - which is not much either but a lot more than with Alexi, Sam’s brother, his best friend, did I tell you their father is Matt’s godfather? They grew up together, I met Sam when she was a kid, and I still see her as my little sis, she loved spending the summer breaks with us and traveling around with us on holidays, she even moved to the manor when things with her family weren't that good, she was like our child."
"And you two never thought... about... becoming a family?" Seb dances around the questions, he heard some comments here and there that you have made, that having kids is been a dream of yours, and that you want to become a mom more than anything.
A long silence from you arrives. The mood shifts slowly. Sadness is clear in your eyes.
"One day, I dared to ask. I told him "Before I met you I begged for people not to touch me and yet with you I seem not to find a way even if it's what I desire most in the world" That seemed to shock him to the core. And that's when I found out. The piece that made all make sense,” you look out of the window. Grief is evident.
"Should I ask?" Seb places a friendly hand on your knee.
“Yes, he permitted me to tell you the full truth, including his. I still don't quite get why, but he seems fond of you, which is so rare, believe me" Seb gifts you a full smile.
Matthew always seemed to be a step ahead of you in so many things, especially those regarding protecting you and your well-being or what was best for you, always taking care of you, and always keeping his word.
"Matt explained to me the night after that conversation "There's a reason why my father started this business and I am so determined to continue it. I was the first case of abuse my dad solved, by locking up his own father, my grandfather, one inkling led to another till it conducted him to Lenkov and then I lost them all, touch and love have never been part of my life. I'm as broken as you. We both deserved better.”
“So let’s repair each other” That’s what I answered him," you explain Seb.
-“I love you” The memory of Mathew’s blue eyes set on you, all watery, and his words come to your mind. “I love you too,” you said back and it was the first time you ever meant it. -
"On our anniversary night that month, we spent our first night together after all those years. Our marriage was wonderful for a while but all good things have a bad side, he has control issues, he can get possessive, and he is so strong-willed it is difficult to go against him, it's always his will, his way, his say, so you can imagine?" you meet the end of your glass.
"We tried so hard to make things work but even with therapy he never was able to overcome that darkness, having kids was a no and a definitive answer from his side, nothing I did made it change, so we broke things off and for a while things were bad, and he spent a lot of time in his corner, he couldn't deal well with the fact he hurt my feelings, and the Manor is so big that for years I felt like a was living alone or with a ghost at best."
Seb pats your shoulder softly in a supportive way.
"Yet, we work so well as business partners as if nothing ever happened. The foundation got stronger, and bigger, with more offices in different places, and countries, we did it as a team, as a family. We spend more time around each other in meetings and business travels than as the married couple we legally still are, Matt has always made it pretty clear he won't divorce me until someone he approves worth it asks him for my hand." you shrug, looking a bit annoyed. "Even if we allow each other "flings" he hasn't fallen for anyone else, so far"
A comfortable silence reigns for a while, till Seb opens the conversation again.
"I'm happy I crossed your paths, even if I don't get exactly how, I just got lucky then!"
"I'm glad too!" you give him an honest and warm smile. "About that! It took us years to be able to get closer to Lenkov - in a way that raised no questions or got us in danger - we became aware of his links with the FIA, so our closest possibility was to enter this world. Thanks to Niki we were able to. We couldn't be more grateful to him for convincing the Williams to sell the team to us and accept none of the other offers."
As you are about to land, the emotions brought out today finally reach you.
"Seb, I know my presence around here may be temporary, but now I can't imagine my life without you guys, I needed you more than you could ever imagine, even if my real commitment is with Little Heroes, I'm trying to seize this up as much as possible"
"Then I'm delighted to share this with you" Seb's smile is pure. "Thank you for trusting me, I... I... I promise you can trust me" he holds back what he truly wants to say, more like to confess, getting caught in his feelings too.
Something between you two changed after leaving that jet, as if something just shifted.
"Hey, Normi. Judging by that spectacular outfit of yours, are you fueling up for a night out?" Lando sits next to her, messing around as usual. Normani looks as stylish and divine as ever. "Want to give me a spin around and see if I can help you shift gears?" Lando says and moves his eyebrows up and down.
"Oh, you mean like shifting my attention to somewhere else? You're a bit too loud for my taste," she snaps back but follows his game. No harm intended, even if Lando likes to joke around in a borderline creepy way - kidding - he never goes there.
"Ah, come on! I have a lot of horsepower, let me show you!" he replies.
Lewis lets out a sonorous giggle. "That's cute, man!"
"Cute?!" Lando looks insulted at his reaction. "I'm a high-performance machine!"
The entire room starts to laugh.
"Well, at least can I get your number? PLEASE" he places his hands in a praying position almost now on one knee, making Normi laugh and shake her head.
"Only if you can recite the entire rulebook of Formula 1 backward" she states.
"Hi, police? I would like to report a murder" You insert yourself in the conversation, joking and talking to an imaginary phone made with your hand walking into the room, Seb following you along.
"Hey, you two!" Lewis gets on his feet to give you a big and warm hug.
"Wife!" Lando turns and greets you. "Vettel" he greets after and sends him a dirty look.
"Oh, now we are a married couple?!" you question him.
"YES! Don't you remember that wild night out in Vegas at the new GP Launch Event? IT WAS A WEEK AGO!" he looks offended.
You look scared for a brief second.
Yes! You all partied like animals in Vegas, but you remember pretty well falling asleep all cozy cuddling with Lewis - no weird business tho - not paying a visit to The Little Chapel.
- Although in your head, you wanted so badly to go there with Toto. Even if he ignored you all night, he looked so hot in that groom-style tuxedo. -
That night Lando refers to, you shared the couch in Sam's hotel room, and Lewis dropped himself quicker on it before Charles was able to claim it, and invited you to hop as the gentleman he is, Charles had no other choice left but to sleep on the rug on the floor for reacting too slowly.
Oscar and Sam claimed the bed for themselves, well, they blacked out and Lando helped carry them there before departing with a hot gal.
"Now that I remember, EX-WIFE! You cheated on me with that long-legged lady you disappeared with for the night. AND YOU OWE ME SO MUCH CHILD SUPPORT!
"Damn, mate" Oscar pats him on the back, crossing his arms, sometimes he gets referred to as your child.
Lando turns to the others with an "Ohh shit!" face.
That night you all drunk as fuck thought it was a WONDERFUL idea to go Karting and ended up in the emergency room after Carlos hit his face and broke his nose, hence that's why Normani was here to stand in for.
Binnoto was furious with you. Which lead to the most unexpected...
A dramatic leak from the F1 database has surfaced, revealing incendiary emails from Ferrari's Team Principal, Mattia Binotto, containing sexist remarks regarding Williams Racing owner Y/N De Vos🌪️⚡️ The motorsport community is reeling as the scandal unfolds! #News #F1
You take a deep breath as you step into the bustling pitlane, your heart racing. The shockwave from the email leak has rippled through the corridors, and whispers seem to follow you like a shadow.
Michael walks beside you, his face a mask of concern as he tries to comfort you amidst the chaos.
“I'm not gonna lie, people are talking, boss,” he says honestly, glancing around, catching snippets of hushed conversations, your name tangled in the gossip.
"I can't believe what Binotto said!" Niki's voice carries anger.
"You'd think we’d be past this by now," Toto retorts, visibly bothered.
Your phone vibrates incessantly in your pocket, a constant reminder of the storm brewing along the race.
“Do you want to go back to the motorhome?” Michael asks you, concerned at the cameras coming your way. But there's a fire within you, fueled by the messages and support from girls worldwide.
“No!” you respond fiercely, recalling the solidarity on social media – photos of women in motorsport, hashtags trending, all rallying behind you. They’re calling for respect, for recognition, and you can’t let them down now.
You get ready to navigate the throng of reporters and FIA stewards stampeding towards you.
“How could Binotto be so clueless? I mean, it doesn't surprise me, but still...” Seb shakes his head.
His voice is a mix of disbelief and outrage as he watches the circle of people surrounding you at a distance along with Charles, both their arms crossed wearing the red overalls.
“2024, and we’re still dealing with this shit?!” Charles adds, his tone laced with frustration.
You and Michael exchange a glance, knowing what you must do.
You stroll onto the camera lens, holding the microphone being offered to you steady. Deep down, you know this scandal wasn't the limelight you wanted nor the momment, but it is a chance to spark change.
CC: "Too Fast, Too Curious"
My dearest Y/N,
I can’t sit with my anger any longer. Those fucking emails?! I'm fuming! To think that someone in his position would spew such appalling, misogynistic comments about you, of all people, is beyond disgusting.
He is just too lucky I'm miles away. I want his head on a platter right now. No one gets to disrespect you. You don’t deserve to be subjected to this kind of garbage.
I know you’re trying to stay strong, but I refuse to sit idly by while you’re being attacked this way! It’s time to make some noise—serious noise.
I will ensure that he faces repercussions for his actions.
I'll talk to you soon about our next move. See you in Japan.
With all my love and righteous fury,
"OH, GREAT!" you lift your arms in the air, inside the back of the car as the driver takes you to the hotel.
- Author's note: Thank you for your patience and for staying around. I hope you enjoy the much-deserved double-chapter update. I promise there won't be that long of a hiatus for the following chapters.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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hopeluna-archived · 2 years ago
Lucifer with a sunshine!reader.
I know people have done this before but shut up i wanna do it too
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At first, he figures you to be the most annoying person, with your sweet smile, and optimism and the way you care for his brothers. It is absolutely infuriating to watch you go about your day greeting him like he's your friend even though he gives you the cold shoulder.
Lucifer refuses to believe that you are being nice to him and his brothers just 'cause and not because you want something. 'Cause surely you would, right? There is no explanation other than that in his mind.
Although this perception of his changes one evening when he is working on some paperwork in his office and he suddenly realises the house is quiet, too quiet. As Lucifer gets up to make his brothers hang from the ceiling for whatever they did, you come in to his office with a knock and a tray. He is ready to ask you what do you think you're doing when you flash him a soft smile and place the tray on his table. You had noticed the eyebags with how much extra work he was doing and as much as you loved the other 6 brothers, you realised that they only added to the stress Lucifer was in lately.
So here you are, with a couple of snacks and some tea (made just the way he likes it), having sent the brothers to other places to keep them busy, in hopes that he could take a break.
Lucifer is....surprised to say the least. He isn't surprised at you doing it 'cause you are the type of person to do these stuff for others but moreover, he is surprised that you would do it for him.
And so probably for the first time in his knowing you, Lucifer swallows the little ball of anxiety lodged in his throat and allows himself to let some of his walls down. And as he sits there having the snacks and tea with you sitting opposite him, talking, he realises maybe your sweet smile, and optimism and the way you care for his brothers (and him) isn't that all annoying.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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hypersomnia-insomniac · 1 year ago
TKR Men Taking Care of Their Sick Partner HCs
Characters: Hakkai, Mitsuya, Taiju
CW: None
Reader: GN w/ high fever/super sick
Part 2
As much as he loves you, he will be wearing a mask and maintaining a 3 feet distance at all times. He has little sisters to take care of and a sewing club to run, getting sick is not an option.
He'll sit you on the couch swaddled in blankets with your favorite show/movie playing while he goes and cleans. Mitsuya's the type to clean so well that he'll leave things better than when he arrived.
If you're the type that has a chronic illness or get sick often, he'll make you a few sets of custom of PJs that are so comfortable you feel like you're floating on clouds.
Since he often cooks for his sisters and mom, you bet you're gonna get an easy to eat, nutritious meal that is so good you groggily propose to Mitsuya right then and there.
"I'll think about it. Get better first," he says calmly. Deep inside he's already designing your wedding outfits.
Once you're asleep, cuddling the plushy he made, Mitsuya will gently push your hair out of your face and just bask in your beauty.
"Sorry I can't cuddle with you, baby. I'll make it up to you when you're better, promise."
Even though the both of you have been dating for some time, Hakkai is still nervous when it's just the two of you. So, his visits will usually be with Takemichi or Yuzuha and you guys might play some games or watch some shows if you're up for it. He'll slide you some sweets or takeout you're craving as well.
If he visits by himself, however, that's different.
When he first enters your home, he's flustered. He hasn't been in your room before, especially not with just the two of you alone. But when he sees you passed out on your bed with a flushed face and heavy eyebags, he puts all his nervousness aside.
If you end up waking up a little, Hakkai will bend down beside your bed and caress your face.
"Ho- How ya feeling? Have you eaten yet?" He'll whisper, eyebrows furrowed.
You say no, and he gets straight to work. He lifts you gently from your bed and props you up on the couch. After opening the blinds just enough to let some needed light in without adding to your migraine, he'll unpack the soup he brought.
Let's be honest, no one can top Mitsuya's food, but he tried and that alone made you feel better.
Once you're done eating, he'll let you hold his hand or let you lay on his lap if you ask. Of course, Hakkai's face will be just as red as yours and trembling like a leaf. But, he loves you and you're already his partner, so he'll brave it.
My HC for him is that he's a germaphobe, total clean freak. He hardly ever gets sick, but something about snots and boogers grosses him out. Taiju runs a tight ship, a clean ship.
He probably won't visit very often. If you're just sniffling a bit, he'll drop off food and snacks before leaving. Maybe a hug, and definitely no kiss.
If you're having a full on coughing fit and sneezing like your lungs are filled with dust, he isn't coming within 10 feet of you. Taiju will use his long limbs to keep you faaaar away from him.
Taiju is the type to call you and stare at you through a window scolding you for getting sick. You're tired of it, but you know he cares when he sends someone by with a goody bag.
It's usually Yuzuha or the cat and dog duo (Koko and Inui). Most often it contains medicine and food that he forced had someone make. If you're lucky you might even get a card!
"Get Well." It reads. You're unsure if it's heartwarming or a threat. Either way, you're happy.
Author's Note:
This is the first installment of my "Sick S/O" HC series! I'll be adding onto it as I watch the anime and read through the manga. I hope to do all the characters and eventually do a girl version, but I don't quite have a grasp on Senju's personality yet and I want to release all the girls in one post.
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