#mercedes fanfic
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The Lonely Hearts Party
Toto x reader fem!merc!employee, boss|Toto, Valentine's Day | Fluff, romance, and comedy.
Summary: For weeks now, you have been receiving the most gorgeous flowers every Wednesday morning at your desk at the Brackley Headquarters, as a mysterious admirer seems so in love with you. The entire factory, your besties at work, and you all wonder who he is. Could it be the one you truly wish for? Author's note: Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! Send you lots of love. Masterlist: Here
The most beautiful flowers have been arriving at your desk every Wednesday morning for almost a month now. Every week, as you reach your office in the early hours, they are already in place to welcome you.
You love smelling them; they are always fresh and sweet-scented, and you love to look at them even more.
You feel a rush of excitement to read the handwritten note that always comes attached, filled with a different poem paragraph each time, something along the lines of "She walks in beauty, like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that's best of dark and bright."
Every girl in your department finds it so romantic, the mysterious admirer, but you and your besties at work, Rose and Oliver, who work in the same station that you, joke about finding it a bit creepy.
"The Creepy Flower Guy" is a nickname you came up with to refer to him as an inside joke, being the three of you true crime enthusiasts.
—Maybe it's one of those garden gnomes HR placed outside —Oliver jokes as he finishes eating his scrambled eggs after you told them about the new Lilacs you received that morning at the breakfast quick break. —Perhaps he fell in love with you by watching you walk past —he jokes.
The hilarious idea of a tiny plastic guy sneaking into the headquarters, wearing his little red hat and fast feet to get incognito to your office, and on his tiptoes, placing the flowers on your desk makes you giggle.
You have to give it to HR this time; those gnomes were a great addition to the garden's pond; every time you sit on the benches near it, you enjoy the new scene the mechanics or engineers put together every few days, having fun moving the gnomes around or placing them in the funniest scenes, even someone during winter knitted them Christmas sweaters.
—Or maybe one day we'll find you dead on the floor, poisoned in your desk after inhaling azaleas for too long —Rose adds with the most casual tone as she bites her sandwich.
—Or you go missing! Kidnapped at the parking lot by "The Creep" —Oliver adds.
—GUYS! —Ava turns around after overhearing the conversation; she is sitting at the same long table in the cafeteria, not getting your usual dark humor, a bit concerned, and creeped out. —You three need to cool it down with those goddamn crime podcasts!
—NEVER! —all of you answer at the same time.
—You freaks!
As you all finish breakfast, in a rush because the "off-season" is always the busiest time at the factory, you ask out loud. —Who do you think it is?
—It's evident! It's... —Grace from the control room team starts saying.
—Lewis Hamilton! —and she finishes along with the other five people on the table now.
Oh, the classic joke.
The entire table burst into laughter. It's a common joke to do about Lewis since almost every family member or friend thinks that working in the Mercedes racing team instantly makes you Lewis's best friend and that you always hang out with the guy, which couldn't be further away from reality.
Most of you only see him in corporate gatherings or pass by from building to building, usually on his way to the simulator or in the hallways on a lucky day.
He is always sweet and polite with the team and staff but quite distant; he still is Lewis fucking Hamilton. Unless you are part of his immediate team or Toto's, you get that privilege reserved for the key players only.
Even so, almost everyone has a Lewis or Bottas story, and ALL of you have Niki's anecdotes cause that man is bonkers and a LEGEND.
Most of them go hilarious as all of you try to act human around them, like the one Oliver has where he bumped into Lewis one day as Oliver was getting out of the bathroom and Lewis was on his way in, offering him a completely wet hand to introduce himself, which Hamilton noticed and sweetly and quickly patted Oliver on the shoulder with a "nice meeting you, man" and quickly got in.
—REAL theories only, guys! —you address the table. —Is my life a joke to you all? —you mess around, getting on your feet and closing the lid of your topper. —Please don't answer that.
Another week goes by, and a new stunning bouquet arrives.
—Oh, how exquisite! That man is so into you. Those blue mophead hydrangeas sure are expensive! —the receptionist points out to you because you are a total flower ignorant who only goes: "Oh, pretty, colorful, smell cute" without giving it much thought.
Most of the time, you have no idea what you are looking at, but you have fun googling it and trying to decipher; in your defense, no one has pampered you like this before.
You are brand new at the getting flowers game.
The following week, a couple of bets start happening at the building as the word spreads, and many wonder who the mysterious guy is.
Some think it's not a guy but a girl, as one day after a meeting, as you all are leaving, one of the engineers approaches you and makes the clever remark that the attention to detail about the type of flowers, the color palettes, and the scented notes is too much for a simple guy. —Either he is getting advised, or it's not a guy! Maybe you could obtain a reference from the company that delivers it.
This entire thing feels surreal and truly takes you by surprise since you have always considered yourself the most average girl, especially in looks and more so in the sea of beautiful blondes working at Mercedes.
Which, for some weird reason, reminded you of when you dropped your resume after one of your buddies from college - who still works there at the machine shop - gave you the heads up there was a job opening that suited you perfectly; he even had to insist you a couple of times, because you were almost sure they wouldn't give you a callback.
To your eyes, Mercedes was one of those companies that cared about looks or looked for a specific ethnic type; it turns out you judged too soon; they care about skills, productivity, and professionalism, too, and it ended up being a bit more diverse than you expected the place to be.
It still has many areas for improvement, but it's become your favorite job ever.
By the end of the day, you wait for Rose to come out of her meeting to leave together, standing in the perfectly lit hallway leaning on the impeccable white wall; it's "Cheap Thursday" at your favorite local pub, and you two desperately need fuel to finish the heavy week, so nachos and a couple of pints sound like heaven.
After what feels like an eternity, a group of people comes out of the double doors by the end of the corridor facing you, and you catch a glimpse of a very hurried-up Toto getting out, too, looking handsome and elegant as ever.
You feel his dark eyes looking you up for the briefest moment, making you shiver and blush like a teenager in front of her crush.
Thank god he doesn't stop his pace and gets out of your view within seconds but leaves you distracted enough not to notice Rose approaching you till she is by your side, looking almost pale as a ghost, whispering in your ear.
—I swear it's Toto's handwriting! I just saw him writing on the board for over an hour, and his calligraphy looks exactly like the one of "Creepy Flower Guy"!
—Come on?! Toto? Shut up! —a crackle comes out of your mouth, thinking it's the most ridiculous idea. —The billionaire smocking-hot boss falls in love with the average employee; what do you think this is? An 80s telenovela? Fuck off...
—Well, his handwriting is the same cursive style, and the "r" and "t" are almost identical —Rose starts to overexplain, trying to justify herself, looking timid and embarrassed now, and you instantly feel awful at your reaction.
—I'm so sorry, Rose, I overreacted; I tend to be too blunt! —you quickly wrap her into a hug.
—It's just that I have been seeing that calligraphy for a while now, and I found it freaky similar.
—Now, how can we make sure, Rose? Any ideas?
She shakes her head. —I'm not friends with his assistants or anyone on Toto's team.
—No one is friends with his assistants. I wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be ex-MI5 agents or worked for the KGB —Rose starts to laugh hard, agreeing. —I think getting to the Prime Minister is easier than reaching Toto under their hands!
—You are screwed then.
—Let's rule Toto out for the moment —you add.
That night at your flat, a crazy thought comes to your mind as you brush your teeth; the wackiest thoughts tend to happen to you when you brush your teeth; you need to make yourself with a piece of paper handwritten by Toto to compare it with one of your notes.
You know Toto places sticky notes on the far wall inside his office; you have noticed those on your many and regular trips to the CFO's office as your boss always sends you to deliver the reports in person by the end of every week, always passing in front of Toto's office on you way there, which most of the time it's empty since he spends the year traveling, but you try to do your best when he is in, slowing your steps a little bit more to enjoy the view and fixing your appearance a little bit too before crossing in front of him.
Still, his assistants are always at their front desk near there, making it impossible to sneak in.
If only you could make it inside Toto's office without raising questions and with a good excuse. You laugh at the idea; it's wild and ain't going to happen, and if it does, your ass is getting fired.
As the Mission Impossible cord from the ceiling scene comes to your mind, it's time for you to go to sleep.
As you anxiously roll from side to side of the bed, struggling to shut your brain off, you remember that Niki's surprise birthday celebration is scheduled in two weeks; you could volunteer to help organize the event and usher the people around, including Toto.
There is the slightest chance to make it to his office and take a quick photo of the sticky notes on the wall; it's borderline mental, but you really want to find out because Rose sounded so sure!
This is fucking insane.
Two weeks, two new bouquets later.
When you finally reach the upper floor, where the "top-tier people work," almost everyone has left to get to the party on time.
Being on time in Mercedes is a must, so there are few people you need to usher there.
You got accepted to join the Niki's celebration committee as a helper minion. Weirdly, it will be hosted in the base race of all places instead of the Silver Arrow Lounge, where most celebrations are usually held.
The decor is ready, the cake is at the counter, and the many photo props and snacks inspired by Niki's red cap are in place; even the catering and most of the people invited have arrived.
But Allison and Toto are nowhere to be seen, and the head of HR is on her nerves about it, thinking it could ruin the surprise or that two of the most influential people there are going to miss such an important event.
As you approach the bosses' offices area, you quickly search in the surroundings for them; it helps you that all offices have glass panel walls.
You venture to wander more, but nada, they are not there, and at this point, no one is there. As you return to the stairs, you pass in front of Toto's office once more.
You just need to snap a quick picture. What could go wrong? No one is near to see you, and there are no cameras around since Toto dislikes that.
"Okay, Y/N, listen, it's just a couple of steps; you have your phone in your hand; it won't take more than a few seconds..."
You feel your body acting on its own and your feet slowly moving ahead.
You gradually enter the luxurious and immaculate office.
"Okay, like four steps more, and I'm close enough to zoom in the picture."
When you almost reach his desk and the perfect distance to snap the photo, you sense movement outside, fuck, fuck, fuck. You feel someone standing behind you, right at the door.
—Yes? Can I help you? —Toto's voice comes severe but calm.
You feel your heart in your throat as you slowly turn around.
—Yes, you can! —you quickly reply, pretending to be looking at the cool helmets and steering wheels at the corner. Is it the best move your mind could come up with? Certainly not —...Sir... —you kind of finish saying, remembering he is the boss.
Toto stares at you, waiting for you to continue as you stand motionless in the middle of the room, looking straight at him. His eyebrows go up a little, and a tiny, amused smile forms on his lips as he moves his hand, gesturing you to continue.
—They are all waiting for you at the race base, sir... to start Niki's surprise reception. He is about to arrive.
—And they sent you to get me?
—Yes —you feel the need to explain yourself more, feeling nervous. —Niki has no idea who I am, so I'm not blowing the surprise away if I bump into him on my way here!
—Interesting... —he lets out gradually.
Oh god, Toto has no clue who I am either, right?
Fuck, I'm such an idiot!
—Oh, I, I'm Y/N —your brain starts working again as you quickly introduce yourself to him, offering him a hand to shake.
He looks even more perplexed at you but grabs it; it's awkward, and you want to crawl into a hole or hide beneath the expensive rug you are stepping on.
—We should get going; I have places to go, and I'm on a schedule today.
—Oh yes, of course, sir —you quickly exit his office as he closes its glass door behind you. Well, you literally pass below his muscular arm.
Toto doesn't move much, so you squeeze in, almost brushing his body as you out, and he simultaneously closes the door, fuck, he is tall and smells so so so good.
It's a quiet walk downstairs; just the sound of your steps and breaths fills the room. You feel intimidated by Toto's presence, not used to having him that near you and being a shy-natured girl.
He seems to slow down his step, prolonging your agony.
Should I say something? But what about? Work? Something casual? You assume he wonders the same since you feel his eyes on you every few steps, but he dares to break the ice before you can.
—So y..
—I'm To... Oh, sorry, go ahead —he says at the same time.
—Oh, no worries —you nervously place a strand of your hair behind your ear. He follows the movement of your hand with his eyes. —What were you saying? —you look straight at him, Jesus; he is way cuter up close; that's some strong jawline, you can't control your eyes going all over his features.
—That I didn't introduce myself upstairs. I'm Toto, by the way —he offers you a kind and unintentionally sexy smile.
You notice, a bit way too much, how all his traits soften and how relaxed and joyful he looks when he smiles.
It turns out that "The Creepy Employee Girl" should be your nickname now.
After perceiving him as less threatening, you joke around to make the air less awkward. —Really? I had no idea! I thought you were that Lewis guy everyone talks about! But nice to meet you Toto By The Way —you fool around.
He laughs a bit. —You never heard of me before? I guess I'm losing popularity around here nowadays!
—You must hang around more to be part of the "popular squad".
—Who holds the title right now?
—The gnomes.
—Oh, yes, they are quite popular.
—A bit too much, yeah.
As you two reach the entrance to the race base, he rushes his step to hold open the door for you, letting you go first; you feel his intense gaze follow you every step as you pass right across from him, making you feel things he shouldn't.
Everyone who got invited is already there; the usually squeaky-clean and clear white counters now hold cups, party hats, bottles of champagne and sparkling water, delicacies, and a big red cap-shaped cake.
—Great! The boss is here! Please, bring Niki in —you hear the HR director speak through the intercom as she looks your way, sounding so relieved, and a minute later, all of you start cheering as Niki enters the room.
You expect Toto to instantly leave your side and go near the big names of the company and his precious stylish drivers, but no, he stays right next to you.
As Niki almost reaches you two, getting hugs all his way down, he comes closer to Toto first and says in a low voice, but you are still able to hear him. —Is the cake vegan?! —looking concerned before tightly and roughly hugging him, knowing they would call him to blow out the candles and bite the cake soon.
—No, sir, this time they brought Lewis his own cake —you inform him, getting in the conversation, as the two of them turn to look at you.
—Oh, thank god! I almost spit out last year's "fake" cake! Hi Y/N! I didn't notice you there! This mountain was on the way —he pats Toto's chest a bit too strongly. Niki makes a funny face, eyebrows going up, not sugarcoating around as usual but earnest and light-spirited.
You laugh, exhaling cute sounds; even you have to admit you have a lovely, infectious laugh.
—Hi sir, happy birthday!
How on earth does Niki know my name?! He knows who I am?! WHAT...
—...the fuck were you thinking?! —Oliver looks shocked and pale as you update him and Rose about your little adventure today. —You honestly thought it could be Toto?!
—Can a girl have a dream?! —you shrug as you keep typing violently on your computer, wanting to finish that notice as soon as possible to move on to the next task, starting to feel stressed.
—You could have got into serious trouble, like big trouble, like getting fired trouble —Rose says, dead serious. —I feel terrible for enabling you!
—I know it was reckless and stupid, really stupid! —you admit, feeling dumb now about your actions.
God knows what got into you!
The next day, on your way to the cafeteria for lunch, you sense something is going on; everyone is acting weird.
Until you enter the room to find Toto having his meal in there, alone at a table, aware of the looks he is getting.
What is he doing here? He usually goes out for lunch or eats inside his office.
The fuck.
He waves a hand at you; you look around to see if he is addressing someone else till he arches an eyebrow, slightly annoyed, so you hurry up to reach him.
—Well, you weren't wrong! By all the looks I received on my way here, and fairly now, it appears I don't hang around much —he invites you to sit, stretching his arm, pointing to the chair in front of his, before continuing. —It wasn't unusual to see me everywhere before; of course, it was the early days, and we were a smaller team back then —he almost looked sad and nostalgic about it.
—Look at you, man of the people!
—Eat your salad —he rolls his eyes at you as you get your lunch out.
—Is that like a boss order, or?
—Maybe, if I'm feeling moody.
—So, I guess most of the old guard is gone?
—Are you low-hand calling me old?
—Well, how ancient are you?
—I'm almost 70 —he makes you smile and looks all pleased with himself and his dumb humor. —I know, I look good for 70!
—Who would have thought you had a sense of humor? You always look severe and bossy.
—Can you stop low-key insulting me?
After two weeks of having lunch with Toto and getting to know each other more every day, you two become friends; some days, a different person joins you; at some point, you can't believe you are sharing quinoa recipes with Lewis and comparing drinking pub stories with Niki.
—Is it me, or have you abandoned us, the peasants? —Oliver says to you when you return to the office.
—Oh, come on! You can join, you know that! He knows who you two are; we talk about you guys a lot, and he greets you daily!
—Now that you are part of the "big farts" table, hanging with the famous, why would you care about two random coworkers? —Rose overdramatizes.
—Apparently, you don't care about the old and wise saying "Bros before hoes," —Oliver adds.
—Of course, I care about you two hoes. Please join us tomorrow. PLEASE?! —you beg them with the biggest smile and puppy eyes ever seen.
—Eating with the boss and talking to him? I'm not risking it! —Oliver says, dead honest, not trusting himself.
—He is trying to reconnect with the team; he isn't going to judge you! Besides, Toto knows you are my besties.
Two long "aw" come your way.
—That's so cute, but NO! —Rose ends the conversation.
As you admire the new bouquet of tulips you get delivered the next day, your phone suddenly buzzes on your desk, distracting you from finishing updating the chart with the latest data.
—Lunchtime already? 😩🥙
—Who this? 👀
—Luke, I'm your father.
—He dead 🙏🌫️
—Oh, shit, sorry! Bad joke!
—There's no need to be that explicit.
—It means dying of laughter!
—Oh, shit, I'm old, it's Toto By The Way.
—I'm saving you with that name! How did you get my number?
—By boss privilege.
—YES! LET'S LUNCH PLEASE! I'm Hungarian.
—Typo sorry, hungry!
—HA! See you in five! 🏃♂️🏃♂️
—Could going to lunch with someone at the cafeteria be considered a date? —you turn around in your office chair to address Oliver.
—Dreaming is free, bestie!
On your way to meet Toto, you bump into the most annoying senior engineer, Mr. Schäfer, in the corridor.
OH GOD! Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, you think as you two cross paths, but sadly, you notice him stop his step after making eye contact with you.
—Miss, Y/LN. A minute?
—Sorry I'm late! "Gwen Stefani" got me on my way here!
—Who? —Toto looks at you, amused and confused.
Shit! You burped out.
—Ahem, Mr. Schäfer —you quickly correct, taking your water bottle out of your bag and drinking it after rushing there. Toto stares at the couple of drops that escape your lips and slide down your chin and neck, and he swallows hard.
—What did you call him? —Toto asks, clearing his throat.
—Oh, don't mind me!
—Yes, mind you! It's a pretty accurate nickname, I must admit it, even if I shouldn't, but it fits —Toto shrugs nonchalantly, with a chuckle on his face.
Schäfer is really pretty, lean, blond, pale, has big bambi's brown eyes, and his voice is so annoying.
And now you feel embarrassed.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, as you two eat, Toto says: —Do I have a nickname?
—Oh, no, no one dares.
—Why? Do people fear me? —his expression changes to one of concern. —Maybe that would explain why people always seem to slow down their pace in the main corridor as soon as they see me inside the elevator. I always try to press the hold button to wait for them.
—This leaves me with a question: How do you fit in there? Your hair sure is touching the ceiling —he looks at you with an "Are you kidding me?" face. —No, for real!
—Don't avoid the actual question!
—Okay, okay, it's more like you intimidate. You look a bit, ahem, stern.
—Really? So, that was your first impression of me?
—Well, not really —you feel your cheeks turning red, fuck. —The first time I saw you, IRL.
—In real life! You were being interviewed at the reception on that pearl/grey, awful porn movie-esque rug, which is inappropriate to say because the interviewer was a kid; anyway, It was something adorable to see. So that was my first impression of you, sweet and kind —his eyes soften at your answer, and you feel your knees touching beneath the table. —And also well lit —you joke.
As you do your best at not being honest and admitting to Toto, you fell in love with him the first time you saw him. It was instant.
Another week goes by, February starts, and the most stunning bouquet to this moment arrives. Okay, this one is a lot.
—Good lord, "Creepy Flower Guy" went full force with this one; what did you do to him?! —Rose asks, jaw on the floor as she stares at that humongous thing.
—I have no fucking clue.
—You think he is about to reveal himself? —Oliver points out. —Maybe this is a "going out with a BANG!".
—Honestly, I don't care much about it anymore —you admit. You feel several heads turning your way, shocked.
"It's not who I would like it to be," you think. You don't need to say more to know that Oliver and Rose get it.
That working day was cut short since it was the Monster-sponsored "Spartan Race," a cross-fit competition.
Many coworkers listed at the contest held outside on the garden grounds where a fancy circuit got built, but not you. You volunteered to help deliver the medals to the participants at the finish line.
In the meantime, you take a good spot with Oliver to watch the competition unfold and cheer for Rose.
—You go, Rambo! —you scream at her as she completes another obstacle course.
You watch Toto pass in those goddamn shorts, looking so hot, all sweaty. Toto's shirt's tight fabric on the skin leaves little to the imagination.
You meet him at the finish line an hour later, as you are now doing your duty. As soon as he notices you, he starts to jog in your direction with the most mischievous smile.
—Oh no, no, no! Don't you even...! —you receive the biggest and tightest hug from a sweaty, wet, and full of dirt and mud Toto.
—OH GOD! Get off! —you pull him away, making yucky faces.
—I was hoping to bump into you at the circuit! —he tells you, still with a lot of energy, as you place his gold medal on his neck, he is bending to your height.
—I'm not that sporty; you would have to drag me to the finish line.
—I would have gladly carried you around in these powerful arms! —he jokes while flexing.
You roll your eyes at him.
The next day, at your desk.
As you blast the newest episode of your favorite crime podcast, Rose and Oliver start making eye contact with you, trying to grab your attention, moving their eyes several times to the left as you take out your AirPods.
—Sure, those things cancel noise! I have spent about an hour trying to talk to you!
Oh shit, you jump a little at the sound of Toto's voice near your ear.
—Were you listening to a murder podcast? At work?! You are going to hurt your ears; I was able to hear it from here —Toto is leaning on the left side of your desk.
—Maybe... I was... —you look at him with squinted eyes, and he looks back at you the same way.
—What is that thing?! —Toto says, a bit disgusted at the exuberance, pointing to the enormous bouquet beside your computer.
—It's a long story —you try to avoid the subject.
—I want to hear it when I return. I will not join you at lunch today or the rest of the week.
—Bummer, where are you going then? —you turn in your chair to face him.
Everyone looks at you with a "Did you really ask the boss that?" face.
—Austria, It's my mom's birthday.
—Aw, sweet, wish her a happy birthday for me!
—I will —you look at each other tenderly, both wanting to say more. You suddenly feel the desperate need to hug Toto, but a simple: —See you next week, then! —comes out of your mouth, ending the interaction.
It's almost Valentine's Day, and Toto has returned from his little adventure in the mountains; he laughs when you text him that. You two talked even more than usual every day during his absence.
So you text him if you could go up to his office.
—Knock, knock —you say as you pop your head in at his door.
He brightens as he sees you, fully smiling at you, making your stomach feel butterflies.
—Please, come in!
You approach his desk, holding something in your hands; it's an envelope with an invitation in the old-fashioned way. —Hi! —you smile big at him. —I have the obligation to invite you to the traditional "Lonely Hearts Party" on Valentine's Day!
—No one wants the boss at an outside-the-office party —he looks at you a bit taken out.
—Yeah, I know, we know. But still, you are invited. It's for singles only, assuming that you are single, which no one thinks you are, so here —you feel Toto's hand touching yours as you deliver him the envelope, leaving you with a lingering sensation on your fingers, a very Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy moment in your delulu mind.
—I'm going to be in Brazil, but thank you anyway, and yes, I'm single —he pays attention to your reaction to his words, and you pray for him not to notice the little happy smile forming on your lips. —Are you... are you like... seeing someone? —he asks you.
—I'm going to attend the Lonely Hearts Party, you think?! Listen, my neighbor, Miss Tailor, is 80 and has a boyfriend; even that old rag has seen more action than me this year!
Toto's palm goes onto his face, bursting with laughter; he is laughing so hard at your comment that no sound comes out of his throat, just hallows of air, and he goes all red, not believing your words. —You are quite something! —He lets you know and looks at you with adoration, his face resting on his hand and his elbow on the desk.
—I know —you nod, kidding. —Anyway, have a nice day, and see you later!
During that day's lunch break, Toto demands you to explain to him in detail all about that "Creepy Flower Guy," he even ventures to guess who he is after listening to the whole story.
—Milo, Ben, and Ansel all have stared you down when you walk past in front of them, with lust obviously, and I heard Finn once complimenting your good looks to say it nicely —he informs you.
Is that jealousy you detect?
Toto does pay attention.
It's Wednesday, and your car is out in maintenance, so you make it extra early on that day at the office; you wanted to avoid risking it being late since you aren't used to using public transport to get there.
You make it just in time to witness Mike walking away from your desk inside your desert office through the glass panel wall from afar. As you walk to your chair, you notice new flowers are already in place. You feel your heartbeat going full speed and a wave of disappointment washing you over; what were you expecting, for it to really be Toto?
That entire day, you remain all moody and quiet, and your friends notice it, but you say nothing about it.
You even ask your boss to leave early, being unable to handle being near Toto today, which leaves him worried, judging by the four texts and two missed phone calls you received from him, wondering where you are and if everything is okay.
Four days later, you are like nothing has happened. As you walk your way to enter the building where you work, you notice Toto sitting alone in the distance, having a call; you slowly start to walk toward him, switching paths.
He finally has returned from his trip to Stuggart.
—Well, the "Creepy Flower Guy" saga has come to an end, my friend; I found out who he is —you inform him, unenthusiastic, as you sit on the bench in the pond's garden right next to him.
—You don't seem so excited —Toto's eyes look slightly concerned as he tells you.
—Well, no, to be honest.
—Drumrolls —Toto says, trying to lift your spirits, slapping his thighs, making the sound. —And the creep is?!
—Mike, from financial.
—Magic Mike?! —Toto lets out a bit too loud.
—Are you sure? Like 100%? But how?!
You nod. —I saw Mike near my desk in the early hours a couple of days ago, and the flowers were there as he was walking away from the crime scene! Also, by the drawer full of flower receipts at his office desk. They all match the types of bouquets I received and have the exact dates.
—Are you creeping around in people's offices again?
—WAIT A MINUTE! I wasn't creeping into your office!
—Oh no? What were you doing near my desk? Looking for Niki's cake?
—Shut up! I was looking for you.
—Yes, I love to hide myself in there —Toto playfully and softly pushes you.
—And NO! I wasn't creeping around in Mike's office; Anita sent me to get the notice she needed, and I went there; it turns out Mike was on holiday, but he left the instruction to collect it from the drawer on his desk, and then I opened the wrong drawer and BAMB! It was full of receipts and bills from the flower company that delivered my flowers. Not to be nosy, but Magic Mike is doing pretty well; I had no idea how expensive they were!
—Wait! But you aren't telling me! Are you into Magic Mike? Do you fancy him?
—No, not him, anyway.
Toto stares intensely at you and wants to say more. If you weren't so in the zone, you would have noticed it and given him a chance, but no, you continue blurting out words.
—But I will go and thank him, I guess. I don't want to hurt him; he is lovely. Everyone told me to go out on a date with him. I don't feel like it right now, but it's not always love at first sight, right? Maybe that doesn't even exist; I was expecting to fall in love, you know, movie style, but that may not be real, or at least not for girls like me. Besides, Valentine's Day is approaching, and I don't feel like spending it alone again —you let out a sigh after talking forever.
—Weren't you going to that Lonely Hearts Party? It sounds fun. It's better than going on a date with someone you don't like just to feel better —Toto tells you a bit moody.
—Oh god, I love you; you are always right; you are so annoying —you add while hugging and kissing him on the cheek. —Is there any chance I can fit in your suitcase for Brazil? I wouldn't mind spending Valentine's Day with a hot Brazilian or at the beach.
Toto laughs while shaking his head.
—I have to go! —you complain, checking the hour on your smartwatch. —Unfortunately, I have work to pretend to do!
—Sometimes I feel you forget I'm the boss here —he jokes with you as he crosses his arms and watches you walk backward, still facing him, getting further away.
It's the Wednesday before Valentine's Day, and to everyone's surprise, the flowers stop arriving.
"Did Toto tell Mike I don't like him and to stop sending me flowers?" You take out your phone to text him.
—Apparently, even "Creepy Flower Guy" gave up on me.
—Really?! —Toto replies.
—Yes. No flowers today.
He gives you no further information, no replying text comes your way.
It's Valentine's Day, and you are wearing a shiny red mini dress with matching bow heels to the Lonely Hearts Party.
You took your time doing your makeup, which you feel you nailed, and your hair looks sleek.
As you check yourself in the mirror, you feel confident and hot!
After several drinks and enjoying the music and the vibe, you relish the party, but your mind keeps wandering to the anticlimactic ending of the flower guy mystery.
The only crime and murder here was the one of your feelings and heart.
Two hours later, you start to feel bummed out enough after witnessing many hookups and new couples forming, slightly envious of them and feeling lonelier than ever, aching that Toto was here with you instead of Brazil. You decide you've had enough and are about to leave when you feel a soft finger tap on your right shoulder. You turn around to see who it is.
Definitely, you aren't ready for the scene that greets you.
Toto is standing right before you, holding a bouquet in his hands, looking extremely handsome, with a shy smile on his lips.
—What are you doing here?! —you look astonished at him. Am I that drunk?! Thinking you are seeing things now.
—I felt like delivering them to you in person from now on —he offers you the roses.
Your brain takes its time to process his words and what's happening. This is really happening.
—You are? —you try to say and instinctively grab the bouquet.
—The Creepy Flower Guy, yes.
You laugh at the sound of the nickname on his lips.
—Let's call him "flower guy" from now on.
—Yeah, let's call him Toto better, or my love, if you prefer. I hope you aren't as disappointed this time.
—But Mike? —you ask, confused.
—Have you ever heard of the terms invoice and tax returns? He does my accounting, too. Mike helped me deliver the flowers till I felt ready to show myself. He is a long friend of mine.
—That's why he had all the receipts; that makes sense. Wait!
You close the distance between Toto and you and place a kiss on his lips; getting on your tiptoes, he slowly and hungrily starts kissing you more, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer, not letting you move an inch away from him.
—Thank you for the flowers, my love but weren't you supposed to be in Brazil by now? —you ask him as you both catch your breaths.
His lips are so soft and warm.
—Oh, I'm going to be in Brazil soon, but I forgot to mention to you that you would also be there. Happy Valentine's Day, my love! —he gives you another long and delicious kiss.
—Shouldn't I have packed? —you ask against his lips, already overthinking.
Toto shakes his head.
—We aren't going to need much clothes, anyway. -
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀MAKE IT BIG!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀kimi antonelli x clara wolff (wolff!female oc)
author begs you: send a request ʚɞ masterlist here
fluff/crack — toto's daughter herself is really into making her own mess. kimi is included most of the times.
warnings: translated italian, a nepobaby with 0 brain, a car crash with no big trouble but a slight mention of blood, kimi is a big victim (boy's down for anything for pussy)

Alright, open up."
"Oh mio Dio—Oh, Clara, oh mio Dio. Ragazza!"
Clara smiled mischievously from the balcony outside, the glass keeping her outside the hotel room. She bounced in place like a child, waving a keychain like she was holding a toy.
"You are insane," Kimi mouthed as he opened the door, the girl not moving a single muscle. He was the one supposed to step outside. "God, how did you get here? It's the seventh floor! Are you crazy?"
"Yes, but that’s the fun. I have my secrets." She kept the cheeky tone to her voice; to her body language, face expression, and everything. That’s just her.
Clara Wolff; the eldest of her siblings, the first to meet her dad's legacy, the kid who grew up inside F1 garages, eyes sparkling every time the big guy of the sport lifted a trophy.
A not-so-good example of a nepobaby; a history of sneaking out to see her dad's new golden boy, running her mouth on social media, and crashing expensive cars.
But that’s what caught the golden boy’s eyes; the hurricane of a girl walking around the paddock, probably phone in hand, probably talking to whoever was near. She was, certainly, a whirlwind.
"So... I've got this bad boy straight from daddy's bag. Wanna take it for a ride?"
"No fucking way." His accent grew stronger every time he got slightly nervous. "Go back to bed. Bye-bye. No."
"Nooooo, Kimiiiii... C’mon! You’re getting boring! Just a ride around the block. Then we put it back in the parking lot and nothing really happened. Please." Clara even pouted, tilting her head slightly to the side, the way she knew how to hit him straight in the heart.
It had been a long time coming—these two had a history. Mercedes always kept an eye on the Italian driver; and if it involved Toto, it involved Clara. She watched the boy’s career just as closely as her dad did. They became friends; playing Minecraft together around garages, racing each other on kart tracks.
Surely, they got older and things changed. Clara accepted that racing wasn’t her cup of tea, and garages became far too exposed. That’s why she sneaked into his bedroom every now and then and was a master at finding blind spots everywhere.
Yes... She was hooking up with her dad's youngest star, and no, he couldn't even dream about it. She’d be screwed.
"No, thanks. I like my head where it is. No. Go to bed." He stepped back, ready to go inside. "Your dad would kill us."
"Alright. Guess I’ll just ask Ollie then... He’s not as annoying. Bye-bye, then."
Kimi watched with a raised eyebrow, knowing damn well it was all talk. Her act even included walking away like she would throw her leg over the railing, as if she would actually climb down the fucking building.
And... yeah, maybe Ollie would actually take Toto Wolff’s car out for a spin without thinking twice, and yeah, Clara was playing dirty, but, yeah... there was nothing her pampered mind couldn’t do.
"Come back inside, Clara. Dear Lord. Come back, let's go down the conventional way and find the car." He rolled his eyes, holding her arm to steady her. "You’re gonna get us killed someday, do you know that?"
"No, my only job is to get you to live right." The mischievous smile was back again, her hands going up into his hair, fingers getting lost in the brown locks. "Let's go, bambino. Get a hoodie and a cap, we’re undercover."
For one last time, Kimi rolled his eyes before following the girl inside. It was his role to be the cautious one; it was the survival manual. When one’s too reckless, somebody has to be at least a bit clever. Basically, he held her down.
But he liked the thrill of it, anyway. The car thing had become a tradition already. Every now and then she’d pop up with luxury car keys or simply behind the wheel, parked outside wherever he’d be. He liked it—she was one to enjoy the forbidden things, and having him as company made the boy feel important.
So that was the whole point as they held their heads down all the way to the parking lot until they got inside the car.
"Look at her... Big girl out here. Leather seats, big dashboard..."
Clara ran her fingers over the steering wheel, grinning like a child who just got their favorite toy. The way the car smelled like her father made the moment even sweeter—one more thing she was getting away with. She tapped the gas just slightly, making the engine purr under her touch, and turned to Kimi with a devilish smirk.
"Bet you’ve never been inside a car this expensive, Antonelli."
Kimi sighed, pressing his head back against the seat. "I have, actually. Many times. Your dad owns half of Mercedes, Clara."
"Ugh, you’re so boring," she muttered, adjusting the seat before finally pulling out of the parking spot.
The city lights reflected in the windshield as they cruised through Monaco’s streets. It was late—too late for people to be out unless they were coming back from clubs or heading somewhere they shouldn’t be. Which, obviously, included the two of them.
And then it happened.
"Wait a second," a guy at the counter squinted at them. His eyes flickered from Kimi to Clara, then down to the keychain. "Aren’t you—?"
Kimi stiffened. His hand shot out, grabbing Clara’s wrist and shoving the keychain into her pocket.
"Fuck," he mumbled, already steering her toward the exit.
Clara barely managed to grab the food before they were hurrying out the door, her laugh bubbling up as Kimi pushed her toward the car.
"You’re having way too much fun with this," he grumbled, opening the passenger side.
"It’s called living, Kimi!" she shot back before revving the engine and speeding off.
The road stretched ahead, empty and inviting. She was still drunk on the moment—the taste of him lingering, the warmth of his hands on her skin. The adrenaline mixed dangerously with the way her heart pounded, making her foot a little heavier on the gas pedal.
"Clara, slow down—"
"Relax, baby. I’ve got it under control—"
The words barely left her lips when the turn came too fast. The tires screeched, and before she could react, the car spun. Everything happened in flashes—the streetlights, Kimi’s hand grabbing her arm, the sickening crunch as the car slammed into a metal pole.
Then, silence.
Clara’s breathing was ragged. Her forehead burned, and when she reached up, her fingers came back sticky with blood. It was stupid, no big deal—they’d laugh about it in a few days.
But the thing is—Kimi loves the adventure, the adrenaline rush he gets whenever he’s around Clara. And that’s exactly what holds him back every time. Too reckless. Too much.
"Clara!" Kimi’s voice was sharp with panic. He unbuckled his seatbelt, his hands flying over her body, checking for injuries. "Jesus Christ, you’re bleeding—"
"Shit," she muttered, looking at the wrecked front of the car, from where she could already see the sirens approaching. Damn.
"Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me," she groaned, tilting her head back against the seat.
Kimi looked like he was about to pass out. "We’re dead. We are actually dead. Fuck—Clara, why the fuck do you do this? We always get caught up in something stupid because you can’t use your fucking brain—"
"What? I didn’t put a gun to your head!" she shot back.
The police arrived before they could even attempt to keep the fight going. Clara, still high on adrenaline, leaned against the car with her arms crossed, barely flinching when an officer approached. Kimi, on the other hand, looked like he was on the verge of throwing up.
"You kids out for a joyride?" The officer’s voice was unimpressed.
Clara rolled her eyes. "It was just a little accident. I could’ve handled it if you guys hadn’t shown up so fast—"
"Clara," Kimi hissed.
"Step away from the vehicle," the officer cut her off, gesturing for both of them to move.
And that was how they ended up at the police station.
Kimi was slumped in a plastic chair, his head in his hands, while Clara sat beside him, tapping her foot impatiently. The fluorescent lights above buzzed, adding to the unbearable tension. She could already hear the sound of her father’s footsteps approaching.
When Toto finally appeared, she flinched. He was furious—beyond furious.
"You. Are. Unbelievable." His voice was deathly calm, which somehow made it worse. "I don’t even know where to start."
"Maybe with how she almost killed us," Kimi muttered.
"Oh, relax, Antonelli, you’re fine. I swear to God nothing will ever—"
"Clara," Toto’s voice cut through her words like a whip. "Enough. Enough with the talk." He exhaled sharply, shaking his head as he looked around. "I’ll take you both home. I can’t believe this. A wrecked car, paid fees… Wow."
The ride back was silent. Toto barely looked at her as they walked through the hotel halls, stopping at her room. His sigh was heavy, filled with exhaustion rather than just anger.
"You need to grow up, Clara," he said finally. "Every time, I have to clean up your mess. And you’re always dragging Kimi into your bullshit, acting like you’ll never take responsibility for anything."
She swallowed, guilt creeping in. It is what it is—talking back won’t solve anything. "I know."
Toto didn’t look convinced, but he shook his head and left.
Clara sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the window. A few minutes passed. Then, quietly, she slipped out, her footsteps light against the carpet as she made her way to Kimi’s door. Like she always did.
She knocked once.
The door cracked open, revealing a very exhausted Kimi. "Oh mio Dio—Clara—"
She didn’t let him finish, slipping inside and shutting the door behind her.
"I can’t sleep alone," she muttered, climbing into his bed like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Kimi sighed, running a hand down his face before finally laying down next to her. "You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?"
She just smiled, curling into his side.
"Yeah," she whispered. "But at least you’re alive right now."
#lele writes ʚɞ#kimi antonelli#ak12#mercedes amg petronas#mercedes imagine#mercedes fanfic#kimi antonelli x reader#kimi antonelli imagine#kimi antonelli fic#formula one#formula 1#f1#formula one imagine#f1 imagine#lando norris#imagine#kimi antonelli x you#kimi antonelli fluff#mercedes amg f1#andrea kimi antonelli#mercedes f1#toto wolff#wolff!reader#wolff!oc
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lessons with the hamiltons - lh44
in which reader is a teacher, but hates kids
HIII OKAY THIS IS JUST A SILLY LITTLE THING I STARTED AND THEN I COULDN'T STOP WRITING LMAO!! i might make a part 2 if someone asks! dont mind the no lewis header i have no time to make one hahah
cw: ksi's new song mentioned, cursing maybeeee, lewis being a bighead
wc: many

“I hate kids.” You huffed as you walked into the apartment you shared with your husband, kicking off your shoes with an aggressive thud. “Hate, hate, hate them.”
It was ironic, of course. Being a teacher meant you were surrounded by children all day, one of the few jobs where you were supposed to like them—or at least tolerate them. Good thing you were also an amazing actor, masking your exhaustion with a smile every time you stepped into that classroom.
Lewis looked up from his laptop, raising an eyebrow. “You’re a teacher,” he said, as if reminding you of the obvious. “You’re literally paid to not hate them.”
You rolled your eyes, tossing your bag onto the floor before flopping onto the couch beside him. “Yeah, yeah, thanks for the revelation, Captain Obvious. Match my freak for once, would you?”
His brow furrowed in confusion. “What does that even mean? Is that… new slang or something?” He tilted his head, genuinely curious but clearly out of his depth with your words.
“Yup, some of the kids started saying it,” you replied with a sigh, running your hands through your hair. “I guess I picked up on it without thinking.”
Lewis chuckled softly, shaking his head. “You teach 12 year olds. Doesn’t it freak you out a little to be adopting their slang?”
“Nah,” you said, leaning your head against his chest as he wrapped an arm around you. His warmth and the familiar scent of him—a mix of cologne and home—started to ease the tension you had carried through the door. “What freaks me out is how much I despise them today.”
He smiled at your melodramatic groan, rubbing small circles on your back. “What happened this time?”
“Everything. The noise, the constant whining, the way they somehow always know how to get under my skin. It's like they have a radar for it.” You shut your eyes, sinking deeper into the couch. “It’s exhausting pretending to like them.”
Lewis kissed the top of your head, his voice a little softer. “You don’t have to pretend with me.”
You let out a long breath, feeling some of the weight lift. “I know,” you whispered. “Thank God for that.”
There was a brief moment of silence, the kind that lingered just long enough for Lewis to think you’d finally calmed down. Then you broke it with a frustrated huff.
“You know what I had to deal with today?” You asked, your voice rising with the exasperation that had been bubbling beneath the surface all evening. You didn’t wait for him to respond before launching into your story. “Two boys in my class—two—decided to break out into song right in the middle of my lesson.”
You paused for effect, locking eyes with him to emphasize the absurdity of it all. Lewis raised an eyebrow, already bracing himself for the punchline.
“And they wouldn’t shut the hell up, mate,” you finished with a dramatic flourish, throwing your hands up in frustration.
He let out a low chuckle, trying to keep a straight face. “What were they even singing?”
You groaned, sinking deeper into the couch. “Something ridiculous. Some TikTok trend or whatever, something about being on a screen and then a ring... Doesn’t matter, though—they were so off-key I couldn’t even tell what it was supposed to be.”
Lewis shook his head, biting back a smile. “And let me guess, they thought they were absolutely killing it?”
You shot him a look. “Oh, of course. They were acting like they were auditioning for a Broadway show. Hand gestures, facial expressions, the works. Like, I was just waiting for them to ask for a standing ovation.”
Lewis laughed outright at that, the sound of it making you feel a little less annoyed, though you’d never admit it. “And what did you do? Join in?”
You gave him a deadpan stare. “I kicked them both out of class.”
He snorted, covering his mouth to hide his amusement. “Classic. Just no patience left today, huh?”
“None.” You sighed, leaning back and closing your eyes, allowing yourself to relax for the first time all day. “Zero tolerance for teenage karaoke. I just wanted to get through my lesson without a circus.”
“Well, Mrs. Hamilton,” Lewis teased, emphasizing your formal title with an exaggeratedly prim tone. “I’m sure you handled it all with grace and professionalism.”
You let out a scoff, shooting him a sideways glance. “Yeah, if ‘grace and professionalism’ means nearly chucking a whiteboard marker at them, then sure.”
Lewis chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m sure you’re everyone’s favorite teacher,” he added, a grin tugging at his lips.
You snorted, throwing your head back against the couch dramatically. “Oh yeah, I can just feel the love. Nothing says ‘favorite teacher’ like the daily chorus of, ‘Can we go home early?’ or ‘Miss, this is so boring.’”
“They only say that because they can’t handle your brilliance,” Lewis quipped, giving you a knowing look. “You’re too much for their fragile little minds.”
“Oh, definitely. I’m just intellectually overwhelming,” you deadpanned, rolling your eyes. “How could they ever appreciate my passion for algebra?”
Lewis burst out laughing, pulling you closer. “Exactly. They don’t even realize they’re sitting in the presence of greatness. Legends are never appreciated in their time.”
“Legend? Please,” you said, swatting him lightly. “If anything, I’m the stuff of nightmares. The teacher who ruined their dreams of becoming TikTok stars.”
“Hey, at least you’re memorable!” Lewis smirked, leaning in a little closer. “In 20 years, they’ll be telling their kids about the time Mrs. Hamilton shut down their music career before it even began.”
You groaned, rubbing your temples. “Fantastic. I’ll be a cautionary tale.”
“Better than being forgotten,” he teased, raising his eyebrows. “Plus, you’re probably giving them some quality meme material. They’ll thank you later.”
You shot him an amused glare. “Oh, so that’s my legacy now? Being the ‘meme teacher’?”
“Hey, memes are forever,” Lewis said with a mischievous grin. “That’s practically immortal in today’s world.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his ridiculous logic. “I hate that you’re kind of right.”
Lewis leaned back, smug. “I’m always right.”
“You were just confused about slang 10 minutes ago,” you pointed out.
“Details, details,” he waved a hand dismissively. “The important thing is, your students secretly adore you. And if not, well…” He shrugged. “At least you’ve still got me.”
“Lucky me,” you muttered playfully, sinking back into his arms with a contented sigh.
“Hey, not everyone is in the presence of a seven-time Formula One World Champion!” Lewis shot back, puffing out his chest dramatically and poking your cheek for emphasis.
You groaned, shoving his hand away with a playful glare. “Your ego is huge, Lew. Like, it barely fits in this apartment.”
He smirked, unbothered. “What can I say? It’s all part of the package.”
“Oh, is that what it is? A package?” you shot back, crossing your arms. “Well, I hope it comes with a refund policy because this ego is too much.”
Lewis laughed, pretending to think for a moment. “Nah, sorry, no returns. You’re stuck with me—and the ego. Non-refundable, no exchanges.”
You sighed dramatically, rolling your eyes. “Great. Just what I wanted. A husband and his oversized confidence.”
“Hey,” he said, feigning offense. “It’s not confidence. It’s facts.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “Right. ‘Facts.’ I swear, if you had an award for every time you talked about your seven championships, we’d need a separate room just for the trophies.”
Lewis grinned, raising an eyebrow. “Funny you mention that. I was just thinking we could clear out the guest room and—”
“No,” you interrupted, giving him a playful shove. “Not happening.”
He chuckled, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. “Fine, fine. But you can’t blame me for being proud. You did marry a legend, after all.”
You snorted. “A legend with an ego the size of a racetrack.”
“Hey, you’re the one who chose this life,” he teased, kissing the top of your head. “No refunds, remember?”
You sighed, leaning into him with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah. Guess I’ll just have to live with it.”
“Sooo,” Lewis started, drawing the word out with that familiar grin you knew meant trouble. “Ever think of wanting… kids together?”
You blinked, then slowly turned to face him, squinting suspiciously. “Kids? Together? Us?”
Lewis grinned wider, leaning in. “Yeah, you know—tiny humans that look like us, say funny things, and maybe, just maybe, follow in my footsteps. Mini-Hamiltons.” He wiggled his eyebrows dramatically, clearly enjoying the moment.
You raised a hand to stop him. “First of all, you’ve clearly forgotten the part where I just said I hate kids. Secondly, tiny humans that are half you? Lewis, I barely manage one of you.”
He laughed, completely unfazed. “Come on, you love me. Imagine—little curly-haired kids running around, making you laugh, driving you crazy. It’s the dream.”
You snorted. “The nightmare, you mean. I already have to keep your ego in check. Now you want me to manage a whole pack of baby egos that think they’re Formula One drivers straight out of the womb?”
“Exactly,” Lewis teased, poking your side. “Imagine—little racers, pulling wheelies on their tricycles, practicing pit stops with toy cars. We’d be unstoppable.”
You stared at him, wide-eyed. “No. Absolutely not. I already see it—them racing in the house, breaking things, you teaching them how to do donuts in the living room.”
Lewis gave a mock shrug. “Well, they’d have to learn from the best, right? Legacy, babe. It’s all about legacy.”
You buried your face in your hands, laughing in disbelief. “A legacy of destruction. Fantastic. Let me just call the furniture store now and order everything in crash-proof material.”
Lewis leaned in closer, lowering his voice like he was sharing a secret. “Okay, but imagine this: family go-kart days, mini helmets with Hamilton written across the back, and you as the team principal. We’d be unstoppable.”
“Team principal?” you deadpanned, lifting your head from your hands. “Lewis, if I’m in charge, the first thing I’m doing is banning anything with wheels in this house.”
Lewis burst out laughing, pulling you into a hug. “Alright, alright, no go-karts in the living room… yet. But seriously, can’t you see it? You’d be an amazing mom.”
You paused, softening a bit as you looked up at him. “I don’t know, Lew. I mean, if our kids inherit your energy, we might need to hire a whole pit crew just to keep up with them.”
He grinned, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “That’s what makes it exciting. We’d make a great team.”
You sighed, half in amusement, half in surrender. “We’ll see. For now, let’s focus on surviving you, okay?”
“Deal,” Lewis said, laughing as he held you close. “But I’m telling you, one day, we’re gonna need matching family race suits.”
You groaned, but smiled. “God help me.”
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Pure Chaos Pt. 5 | F1 smau
f1 grid x driver!reader
summary: you already know
fc: lia block
a/n: holy shit 1,000 followers is insane thank you all so much for the support and feedback it means so much to me! 🥹
also i move into my dorm today ahh im so scared
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
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Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover
Toto Wolff x Reader
Summary: a wealthy older man with a starry-eyed younger woman — it’s a tale as old as time and a scene the saleswoman has seen countless times before … or is it?
The showroom gleams under harsh fluorescent lights, every surface polished to a mirror finish. Cars, sleek and expensive, are lined up like jewels in a case. The hum of quiet conversation fills the space, punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter or the soft clink of champagne glasses.
It’s another day at the auto show, and the saleswoman, tall and sharp-eyed, watches it all with a thin veneer of polite disinterest. She’s been here long enough to know who’s serious and who’s just here to gawk.
She spots them before they even step into her section. The man is hard to miss — tall, broad-shouldered, with the kind of commanding presence that makes people step aside without even realizing it. His suit is tailored to perfection, probably costs more than her monthly salary.
And then there’s the girl — no, the woman — beside him. You’re much younger, that’s clear. You look out of place, wide-eyed and excited like a kid in a candy store, dressed in something trendy but understated, a deliberate contrast to the man’s sophistication.
The saleswoman’s eyes narrow as she watches you both approach. She’s seen this before — older man, younger woman, the kind of relationship that’s all too common in these circles. She doesn’t have to guess who’s footing the bill here.
“They’re all stunning,” you say, your voice carrying over the murmur of the crowd as you walk beside the man. “I don’t even know where to start.”
“Take your time,” the man says, his voice low, accented, and rich with an authority that’s clearly second nature to him. He’s smiling at you, and there’s a warmth there that the saleswoman finds almost disarming. Almost.
She steps forward, her professional smile firmly in place, and approaches the two of you. “Good afternoon,” she says, her tone perfectly neutral, though there’s an edge to it, just enough to make her feel superior in this little interaction. “Is there anything in particular you’re interested in today?”
You look up at the man, a slight question in your eyes, as if asking for permission to speak. The saleswoman notices this, of course, and it only confirms what she already thinks.
“The Porsche 911 S/T,” you say, your voice gaining a little confidence as you look back at her. “It’s — wow, it’s incredible.”
The saleswoman allows herself a small, condescending smile. Of course, you’d go for something flashy like that. “A beautiful choice,” she says smoothly. “Though it’s not currently available for sale. It’s more of a display model for now.”
You look disappointed, but before you can say anything, the man steps in. “Is that so?” He asks, his tone polite but firm. “And when will it be available?”
“Not for a few months, I’m afraid,” she replies, keeping her smile in place even as she feels a flicker of unease at the intensity in his eyes. “But we can certainly take your information and let you know the moment it is.”
You’re distracted by another car nearby — a sleek, silver Audi R8 — and the man follows your gaze. “Excuse me for a moment,” he says to the saleswoman, already moving toward the car that has caught your attention. She watches him go, a tightness forming in her chest.
You’re bending slightly, peering into the Audi’s interior, running your fingers over the smooth leather seats. The man is right behind you, his hand resting lightly on your lower back, a gesture that’s both protective and possessive.
“What do you think of this one?” He asks, leaning in close, his breath warm against your ear. You smile, and it’s a real smile, the kind that makes your whole face light up.
“It’s beautiful,” you say, your voice soft, almost reverent. “But I think I’m still in love with the Porsche.”
He chuckles, and the sound is deep, genuine. “You have good taste.”
The saleswoman doesn’t hear what you say next, but she sees the way you look up at him, like he’s the only person in the room. She almost rolls her eyes. Of course, you’re infatuated. Who wouldn’t be, with a man like that?
But there’s something else, something in the way he looks at you that makes her pause. There’s affection there, sure, but it’s more than that. It’s something deeper, more complicated.
He straightens up, leaving you to admire the Audi, and makes his way back to the saleswoman. She steels herself, ready to resume the dance of negotiation, but his next words take her by surprise.
“I want to buy the Porsche for my partner,” he says, his tone leaving no room for argument.
She blinks, momentarily thrown. “As I mentioned earlier, sir, it’s not for sale at the moment. But we can-”
“You misunderstand,” he interrupts, his eyes locking onto hers with a quiet intensity. “I’m not asking if it’s for sale. I’m telling you I want to buy it.”
The saleswoman feels a prickle of irritation, but she keeps her expression neutral. “I’m afraid that’s not possible, Mr …”
“Wolff,” he says, his voice steady. “Toto Wolff.”
The name rings a bell, and she stiffens slightly. Of course, she’s heard of him. Everyone in this business has. But she’s not about to let him walk all over her just because he’s some big shot.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Wolff, but even for you, the car isn’t available. It’s a prototype, and it won’t be released for sale until-”
He cuts her off with a low laugh, and there’s something almost dangerous in the sound. “For me,” he says slowly, as if explaining something very simple to a child, “they’ll make it available.”
She opens her mouth to protest, but the words die in her throat. There’s a look in his eyes that makes it clear this isn’t a man who’s used to hearing the word no. And she realizes, with a sinking feeling, that he’s right. If Toto Wolff wants that car, he’s going to get it.
The saleswoman swallows hard, her professional composure beginning to crack around the edges. “I’ll need to speak with my manager,” she says finally, her voice losing some of its earlier confidence.
“Please do,” he replies smoothly, his gaze flicking back to where you’re still admiring the Audi, completely unaware of the tension playing out behind you.
She turns on her heel, making her way to the back office with quick, clipped steps. The nerve of him, she thinks, but even as she seethes, she knows what the outcome will be. No one says no to someone like Toto Wolff.
As she waits for her manager to confirm the inevitable, she casts a glance through the glass wall of the office, watching you and him from a distance. You’re laughing at something he’s said, your hand resting on his arm, and for a moment, the saleswoman feels a strange, unwelcome pang of something close to envy.
It’s not just the money or the power that he has — though there’s plenty of that — it’s the way he looks at you, like you’re the only thing that matters. Like he would move mountains just to see you smile.
The manager finally appears, a mix of excitement and nerves on his face as he hurries over to speak with Toto. The saleswoman stays back, watching as they exchange words, her earlier confidence completely drained. She knows what’s coming, and sure enough, after a few minutes, the manager gestures for her to come forward.
“Mr. Wolff,” the manager says, his tone obsequious, “we’d be more than happy to arrange the purchase of the Porsche for you. It’s not something we typically do, but in your case, we can make an exception.”
Toto gives a small nod, as if this is exactly what he expected. “Good,” he says, then glances over at you, still absorbed in the Audi. “I’ll take care of the details later. For now, I’d prefer if my partner remains unaware of the purchase.”
The manager nods quickly. “Of course, of course. Discretion is our priority.”
The saleswoman feels a fresh wave of irritation as the manager all but trips over himself to please Toto. But what bothers her even more is the realization that she was wrong. This isn’t a simple sugar relationship, despite what she first thought. There’s something real here, something that makes her uncomfortable in ways she can’t quite put into words.
As Toto walks back over to you, the manager gives the saleswoman a sharp look, silently instructing her to follow his lead. She pastes on her best smile, swallowing her pride, and follows after him.
You don’t notice the shift in the atmosphere when Toto returns to your side. You’re too engrossed in the car, asking him questions about its specs and design, your enthusiasm infectious. The saleswoman watches the two of you interact, trying to reconcile the easy, genuine affection she sees with her initial assumptions.
“So,” Toto says, leaning in a little closer to you, “if you could choose any car here, which one would it be?”
You bite your lip, clearly torn, but finally, you sigh. “I know it’s silly, but I keep coming back to the Porsche. It’s just … it’s perfect.”
His smile widens, and the saleswoman feels a pang of something she refuses to name. “Then the Porsche it is,” he says softly, as if it’s the simplest thing in the world.
You laugh, a little embarrassed. "Toto, you can't just buy it because I like it. It's not even for sale."
He chuckles, a warm, deep sound that makes you feel like you’re the only one in the room. “You’d be surprised what’s possible.”
The saleswoman shifts uncomfortably, watching as Toto brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers lingering a moment too long to be purely casual. You smile up at him, oblivious to everything except the man in front of you.
She clears her throat, forcing herself back into the conversation. “Actually, we can make arrangements for the Porsche. If you’d like, we can finalize the details and set up delivery.”
You blink, surprised. “Really? But I thought-”
Toto smiles, squeezing your hand gently. “It’s yours, if you want it.”
Your eyes widen, and for a moment, you’re speechless. Then you throw your arms around him, pressing your face into his chest as you mumble a heartfelt, “Thank you.”
The saleswoman watches, the professional smile on her face feeling more like a grimace now. She doesn’t understand it, doesn’t understand you or him, but she knows she was wrong.
You pull back, looking up at Toto with a softness in your eyes that’s almost too much to bear. “I don’t even know what to say,” you whisper.
“Just be happy,” he murmurs back, his voice tender in a way that makes the saleswoman want to look away.
And for a moment, she does. She turns her gaze to the gleaming cars, the reflections of the showroom lights bouncing off their polished surfaces. When she looks back, you’re both still there, lost in each other, completely oblivious to the rest of the world.
The saleswoman feels a strange, hollow emptiness settle in her chest as she turns to finalize the sale, realizing that perhaps, despite everything, this wasn’t about money or power at all.
Perhaps it was just about love.
The estate in Oxfordshire is nothing short of palatial, its sprawling grounds stretching out in every direction, bordered by neatly trimmed hedges and ancient oaks. The driveway is long and winding, leading up to a mansion that looks like it could have been lifted straight out of a Jane Austen novel — grand, elegant, with an air of timeless sophistication.
The saleswoman sits in the passenger seat of the delivery truck, her hands fidgeting with the edge of her jacket. She’s never been nervous about a delivery before, but then again, she’s never delivered to someone like Toto Wolff before.
Beside her, the driver is humming along to a tune on the radio, completely at ease as they turn onto the estate’s private road. She glances at the rearview mirror, catching sight of the Porsche 911 S/T, pristine and gleaming, with an oversized red bow affixed to the roof. It looks absurd, she thinks, a toy fit for a princess.
It takes several minutes to reach the front of the house, the tires crunching softly over the gravel. The saleswoman feels a knot tighten in her stomach as they pull to a stop.
She’s here to oversee the delivery, to make sure everything goes smoothly, but part of her wonders if this is all a colossal waste of time. Surely, she could’ve sent someone else. But she’d insisted on coming herself—perhaps out of some twisted sense of curiosity, or maybe it was just her bruised pride.
The driver cuts the engine, and there’s a brief moment of silence before the door to the mansion opens. Toto steps out first, his movements unhurried, as if he’s in no rush at all. And then you appear beside him, your hand lightly resting on his arm as you walk out together.
“Here we go,” the driver mutters, giving her a nod before he hops out to start the unloading process.
The saleswoman takes a deep breath, composing herself before she steps out of the truck. Her heels sink slightly into the gravel as she approaches, her professional smile back in place. Toto greets her with a nod, his expression unreadable, while you give her a warm, if somewhat shy, smile.
“I hope the drive wasn’t too difficult,” Toto says, his voice smooth and polite, but there’s a hint of something more behind his words. An expectation that everything will, of course, be perfect.
“Not at all, Mr. Wolff,” the saleswoman replies quickly, her smile tightening. “It was a pleasure, really.”
You step forward, your eyes wide with excitement as you look past her to the truck. “Is it …” you ask, your voice filled with a mix of disbelief and anticipation.
The driver is already lowering the truck’s ramp, and as the Porsche comes into view, you let out a small gasp. “It’s beautiful,” you whisper, taking a step closer, your hand still clutching Toto’s arm. “I can’t believe it’s really here.”
Toto watches you with a soft smile, the kind of smile that the saleswoman has started to recognize as reserved only for you. “I told you it would be,” he says quietly, as if this moment is just as special for him as it is for you.
The saleswoman clears her throat, drawing their attention back to her. “We took extra care during the transport,” she says, trying to regain some control over the situation. “Everything is exactly as it was when it left the showroom.”
“Thank you,” Toto says, but his focus is already back on you as you approach the car, your fingers brushing over the sleek lines of the Porsche as if you’re afraid it might disappear if you touch it too firmly.
You circle the car slowly, taking it all in, and for a moment, the saleswoman feels like an intruder in this private moment. She watches as you turn back to Toto, your eyes bright with unshed tears. “I don’t even know what to say,” you whisper, your voice thick with emotion.
He steps closer, his hand gently cupping your cheek. “You don’t have to say anything,” he murmurs, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. “I just want you to be happy.”
The saleswoman averts her gaze, the tenderness of the moment making her uncomfortable. She’s seen plenty of couples over the years, but there’s something about the way you and Toto interact that feels … different.
It’s not just the age difference, though that’s part of it. It’s the way he looks at you, like you’re the most precious thing in the world, and the way you look at him, like he’s your anchor in a storm.
The driver interrupts her thoughts as he finishes unloading the car. “All done here,” he says cheerfully, handing the keys over to Toto with a grin. “She’s all yours.”
Toto takes the keys with a nod of thanks, but instead of pocketing them, he holds them out to you. “Would you like to take her for a spin?”
Your eyes widen, and you laugh, a light, joyful sound that echoes in the evening air. “Now? I haven’t even driven a car like this before!”
“There’s a first time for everything,” he replies, his tone teasing yet encouraging. “And I trust you completely.”
You hesitate for a moment, glancing at the car and then back at Toto. The saleswoman can see the internal debate playing out on your face — excitement warring with nervousness. But then, with a deep breath, you take the keys from him, your fingers brushing against his as you do.
“Okay,” you say, your voice firming with determination. “Let’s do it.”
The saleswoman watches as you climb into the driver’s seat, adjusting the mirrors and running your hands over the steering wheel like you’re trying to familiarize yourself with every inch of the car. Toto takes the passenger seat beside you, and for a brief moment, the saleswoman catches a glimpse of his hand resting on your knee, a gesture that’s both reassuring and intimate.
She’s pulled out of her thoughts when the driver nudges her, motioning toward the truck. “We should get going,” he says, glancing over at the car. “Looks like they’ve got everything under control.”
But the saleswoman doesn’t move. She’s rooted to the spot, watching as you and Toto pull away from the estate, the Porsche purring softly as it glides down the driveway. There’s something about the scene that feels almost cinematic, like she’s watching a moment that she’s not supposed to be a part of.
The car disappears around a bend in the road, and the saleswoman finally exhales, not realizing she’s been holding her breath. She turns back to the driver, who’s looking at her with mild curiosity.
“Everything okay?” He asks, cocking his head to the side.
She forces a smile, pushing down the strange mix of emotions churning in her chest. “Yeah,” she says, though the word feels hollow. “Everything’s fine.”
They load back into the truck, the engine roaring to life as they begin the long drive back to the showroom. The saleswoman stares out the window, her thoughts racing, replaying the scene over and over in her mind.
She tries to tell herself that it’s just another delivery, just another rich couple flaunting their wealth. But no matter how hard she tries, she can’t shake the image of the way Toto looked at you, like you were his entire world.
The driver’s voice cuts through her thoughts as he asks, “So, you think they’re the real deal?”
She turns to look at him, frowning slightly. “What do you mean?”
He shrugs, keeping his eyes on the road. “I mean, a guy like him, a girl like her … you think it’s more than just the money?”
The saleswoman hesitates, her fingers curling around the edge of her seat. She wants to dismiss it, to laugh it off and say that of course it’s just about the money. But the words stick in her throat, refusing to come out.
“Yeah,” she finally says, her voice quieter than she intended. “I think it is.”
The driver nods, seemingly satisfied with her answer, and they fall into silence once more. But the saleswoman can’t shake the feeling that something has shifted, that this delivery has left her with more questions than answers.
As they drive away from the estate, the sun dips lower, casting long shadows across the road. The saleswoman stares at them, lost in thought, wondering what it must feel like to be loved the way Toto loves you.
She knows she’ll never have an answer to that question, but as the truck rumbles down the road, she can’t help but think that maybe — just maybe — there’s more to life than the things she’s always taken for granted.
And for the first time in a long time, she finds herself longing for something she can’t quite put into words.
#f1 imagine#f1#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#f1 fanfiction#f1 x reader#f1 x you#toto wolff#toto wolff imagine#toto wolff x reader#toto wolff x you#toto wolff fic#toto wolff fluff#toto wolff fanfic#toto wolff blurb#f1 fluff#f1 blurb#f1 one shot#f1 x y/n#f1 drabble#f1 fandom#f1blr#f1 x female reader#toto wolff x y/n#mercedes amg f1#formula 1#formula one#f1 imagines#f1 fics
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sharing clothes
toto wolff
tags: smut/pwp, age gap (20s/50s), size difference/kink, doggy style possessive behavior, established relationship

toto had nice clothes. he looked good in a full suit, his business casual for the rack, and even old t-shirts he wore around your shared home. you liked to go through what he had from time to time. in your possession was a (stolen) ratty old sweatshirt you used like a pillow case when he was away.
you stood in front of the full length mirror with one of his crisp white button ups on with all the buttons underneath. it exposed your body underneath. you weren't wearing anything too special underneath, a nude coloured sports bra with light blue panties. comfy, casual. you were wearing the shirt because you wanted to feel closer to your older lover.
"my name of torger christian wolff and i am the ceo for mercedes racing. i make more money than you'll ever see and my team wins!" you laughed to yourself as you admired yourself in the mirror.
"do i sound that bad, my treasure." toto's voice called to you.
you turned quickly and yelped, "ah!"
your lover laughed ans asked, "is that what i sound to you, my love?" he pulled away from the door frame and ventured further into your shared bedroom. he got closer and then settled his hands on your hips. he leaned in to kiss you on the forehead before he said, "you make me sound like a bond villain."
you melted into his touch easily and replied, "well, you'd make a great villain." you giggled with your cheek against his chest.
toto took you gently by the throat and tilted your head up to kiss you on the lips. he looked so much bigger next to you. he was like a large shadow.
"and you'd make the perfect bond girl." he laughed, "the one who joins me at the end."
"and who would play bond?" you looked up at him.
"couldn't care less. not when i have you tied up in a bikini." he laughed, "but you'd be too pretty to feed to the sharks." his hands went to your chest and cupped your soft breasts. he rubbed his thumbs up against your covered nipples.
"please like you'd give the dignity of a bikini. and there would be less shark biting and more cock sucking."
toto laughed lowly, "destroy the world with the prettiest thing in my lap. no other way to do it." you moaned when toto applied more pressure to his grip on you. yu reached for his strong forearms and held tightly.
toto made you feel small in a way that made you feel secure. he was a looming presence that wrapped you up in protective warmth. he admired your reflection in the mirror. you looked like a dream,even in such casual undergarments. the earrings you wore were from him, as was the bracelet around your wrist. made of gold and forever around you. well, until toto bought you a ring.
so much of what you owned belonged to him. his name was on the sleek black credit card that you enjoyed using and abusing.
you looked over your shoulder and into the mirror. you smiled a little and he took you by the jaw to look back at him. it wasn't a hard grip, just firm enough that you felt safe.
"you look very nice in my clothes. a little big on you. but at least no one could be confused about who you belonged to." he rubbed your soft bottom lip.
"i like that it smells like you. still has that cologne smell on it, and i love it." you glowed under his gaze. you felt the heat between your legs and it climb through you.
he leaned in a little further and said, "you look good in white. like an angel." he kissed your neck and you shuddered with want.
"it feels nice on me. it's so soft." you moaned as you played with the ham of the button up and let your lover kiss your sensitive neck.
"i'm glad my clothes are up to your standards." he chuckled, "but you knew that you have your own team shirts. why mine?"
you looked into his dark eyed, "because it's yours, silly!" you giggled as toto got the shirt off of your shoulders. he tossed it to the floor before he put his hands back on your soft hips.
"you already have me, my treasure. don't be greedy."
you got on your tip toes to kiss your older lover on the lips. you then giggled and he pulled away. you watched him undo the buttons of his shirt for a moment before you went to the bed. you got up onto it and gazed at your lover as you lounged.
the underwear hugged your curved and it pulled toto's attention to you.he swallowed to restrain himself as he undid his belt. he kept his dark gaze on you, which only aroused you further.
"as much as i love you in my clothes. i prefer you naked." he remarked as he undid the fly of his slacks, "you look your best when there isn't anything covering you from me. all exposed for me."
you giggled, "always the first, sweetheart." you watched him strip with excitement coursing through your body. heat crawled across your face as he got his undershirt off. he was in great shape for his age.
toto always looked his best in those undershirts. made him so more casual yet more domineering. he looked more assertive, almost scary. the kind of fear that excited your sexually. made you soaked.
"how could i not? to deny you such sweet words would be an insult to you." he got onto the bed with you, "what am i supposed to day? that you're ugly? i don't like to lie to you." he took you by the chin and pulled you into a soft kiss.
you moaned into it. you were both nude on the bed, your lover's hands soon splayed across your nude skin. it turned you on greatly.
"mmm, princess. you're just so lovely." he said with affection in his tone. it made you hot all over. something about the lowness of his tone excited you.
"please, toto. no need for all those sweet words. you already spoil me."
"for you." he said, "it'll never be enough. i want to give you everything because you're everything to me. i love you." he sank into you, every inch inside of you.
you blushed, "i love you too." then helped toto get you on your stomach. you felt his large hands roam your body, you felt the shudder of warmth in your core. it felt amazing. you needed toto, you needed to feel him. to be close to him. to touch him and to love him. just as he loved you. when he kissed your lips, you still felt that spark. the tumble of emotions in your gut. you felt heaven as you ended up face first in the pillows.
"you feel amazing." he said, his hands traveled up your middle as he moved against you. his movements were steady, "i bet you can feel me right here." he said as he pressed on your stomach. the knowledge of how deep he was made you excited.
damn toto wolff for knowing exactly how to get you turned on. using size to make you aroused. it wasn't your fault you were so much shorter, toto didn't mind. meant he could be more protective of you. you had a soft spot for how he was with you.
it took you a moment to get comfortable with his size. soon you happily took him. just like toto knew how to turn you on, you knew how to turn him on. make the great toto wolff crumble.
you held onto the covers under you as your continued to move against him. the moans left your lips and he felt the surge of hot pleasure. it was such a rush that it made toto groan.
next time he knew that he'd made you ride him, facing the mirror so you could watch his beautiful woman work his cock. it raced excitement through him. you felt the heavy rush as he leaned over you and bully your sweet pussy.
"maybe you need to wear my clothes around your paddock. wear me all over you. maybe a pretty collar under those shirts of mine." the thought made him excited. his strong body against yours, the leap of sexual excitement went through him as he fucked you.
you made him feel younger when he took great pleasure as you pussy clenched around him. you fit him perfectly, in a way that made him only fuck you harder. he only wanted you, he yearned for you. you were the woman for him.
"toto. fuck, please." you gasped, "i want to wear your claim, i want you to mark me. all of me. i want you forever and always, toto." your back arched as he adjusted his angle to really work your slick cunt.
you gasped hotly into the covers. the pleasure was an overwhelming feeling. he fucked you with a strength that left you core quivering.
"my angel, my everything." he groaned as he continued to push up against you. your brain was flooded with sexual desire. he could only ever think about fucking you for the rest of his life.
why would he want anyone else when he had you all to himself? his pace wuickened and you soon came around his heavy cock.
the climax made you feel overstimulated and it made you press your face further into the covers. you gripped onto them for a moment before you let go to go lax against them. toto continued to thrust against you, his heart pounded heavily .
with a few more thrusts, he finished inside of you. he groaned, "fuck." followed by a string of german curse words. he rode out his pleasure as panted heavily as he held you tightly. he leaned in to kiss you on the back once he stopped his movements. he lingered over you for a moment before he pulled away.
"you look amazing in my clothes." he said once he was laid out next to you in bed. he was panting heavily. he gave you a lopsided smile. he tucked back some of your hair and said, "next time you see me on the track you should wear somthing of mine."
"i'll make sure that i look cute in it."
"of course, my angel. but even if you looked horrible in it. it will just be on my floor by the end of the day." he pulled you in close and kissed you deeply on the lips. <3
#bunny writes#reader insert#formula 1#formula one imagine#formula one smut#f1 smut#formula one fanfiction#f1 x reader#formula one#torger toto wolff#toto wolff smut#toto wolff x reader#toto wolff fanfiction#toto wolff fanfic#toto wolff#mercedes racing
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Driver!reader and oscar starting the race from p1&p2 and before they put their helmets and stuff they kiss one last time on the grid and people go like "awwwww" because it was somehow filmed
i feel like u sent this in to be like a concept or something but I HAD to write it. i’ve been writing for lando so much lately i’ve very much been missing oscar + driver!reader. plus i’ve not ever written them in an established relationship before!
It’s not like you and Oscar are a secret.
It might have been easier that way, to keep your relationship from the public’s prying eyes, but it’s not really your style. It’s not Oscar’s either.
Being public comes with its problems— questions from the media, awkward interviews, your respective PR teams going a little buck wild, extra contracts and NDAs to sign— but it also has its benefits.
You like be able to talk about him, like being able to call him your boyfriend. ‘Oscar Piastri, the driver for McLaren? Yeah, that’s my boyfriend’. You like hearing him say things about you, praise your driving skills, talk about you as a rival and as his girlfriend. It’s all you can do to stop grinning like a madwoman whenever you’re in his vicinity. You equally like that the press can’t comment meaningfully on it, can’t speculate wildly about the nature of your relationship when you’ve made it clear.
Some people hate it. They think you’re a silly little girl with her head full of romantic notions. No room for skill, for ruthlessness. Which is funny, given that Oscar receives only praise for “bagging you”. You think they’re just jealous; if not of the fact that Oscar’s dating you and not them, then of your duality. The way you can love Oscar wholeheartedly and also race Oscar wholeheartedly.
They’re not mutually exclusive in your experience.
Naturally, there’s a massive buzz about you and Oscar being P1-P2 on the starting grid.
You’re not particularly surprised. The MCL’s had been performing well all through practice, just as you and Lewis had. You pull out pole in quail, fastest Q1 and Q2, with Oscar hot on your tail. There’s a barrage of bizarre questions in the media pen,
Do you think Oscar’s grid position will impact your performance during the race? Why would it?
Will this affect your relationship with Oscar? No.
What happens if one of you wins and the other doesn’t? The same thing that happens every time anyone wins ever?
You’re confused by it. Bordering on snarky and sarcastic the fifth time someone asks if you and Oscar might break up over this. Rolling your eyes, thinking your true feelings are obvious, you tell some Italian journalist that yeah no we might break up if he doesn’t let me win.
It’s funny, objectively it’s hilarious. You and Oscar laugh over it later that afternoon. Send the clip to a group chat you’re in with a few drivers closer to your age. And so what if it’s still funny when clickbait articles and gossip sites start saying that the two of you have broken up.
There’s even more buzz about it by the morning of the race. Journalists you’ve already talked to have suddenly become convinced that you and Oscar are on the rocks. You can’t help but play into it a bit— partially for the benefit of your PR team— arriving separately, forgoing the couple snap that you usually grace Kym Illman with, giving vague no-comment answers when the media accost you.
Maybe it’s a little childish, a little dramatic. But it serves them right for jumping to conclusions.
You avoid any presenters on the grid walk, sinking into the protective circle made by your engineers. Staying behind the roped off areas until about 10 minutes to race start when you finally hop over the MCL in P2.
Oscar’s drinking water, looking smug when you push through McLaren engineers, so used to your continued presence that they let you in with ease.
“Hey,” you greet, reaching out to smooth the collar of his fireproofs, “How’s it goin’?”
“Mm,” he hums, cutting a glance behind you, which you take to mean that there are cameras trained on the two of you, a reporter trying to get your attention maybe, “I’d be better if I was on pole.”
You hiss mockingly, “Yeah, too bad. You gonna break up with me about it?”
He raises an eyebrow, lashes brushing his cheekbones as he looks down at you, “I didn’t know you read F1 gossip sites?”
You shrug in response, “Don’t need to. The media make enough noise about it.”
He hums again, smile pulling at his mouth while someone from Mercedes shouts at you to get back. Rachel probably. You should go, you really should. But Oscar’s so close and so cute in those black fireproofs.
“Good luck,” you say,
leaning forward to kiss him, hand on the back of his head. A slip of tongue, not so much to be publicly obscene, but enough to leave him wanting,
“You’ll need it.”
You hear the sweet sound of him laughing as you slip away, back to where your car is sitting on pole. Ignoring the reporter dogging at your heels for a comment you don’t really need to give.
like maybe unrealistic. who cares!
#oscar piastri x reader#f1 x reader#formula one fanfic#f1 fanfic#💫drabbles#drabbles:op81#driver!reader#mercedes!reader
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dancing with our hands tied, franco colapinto
summary : franco comes across y/n a small singer, songwriter online and it isn't long before the two strike up a friendship. little do they know their friendship will blossom into much more, and with a life in the public eye it is hard for the media not to catch on. fc : lexi jayde warnings : language, suggestive content. a/n : im so delulu that i acc think that franco will get the vcarb seat 😭 also rly long i apologize i always get so carried away i can'ttt
y/nusername just a girl and her guitar

like by alessirose, clairo, fangirltingz58 and 14,793 others.
user44 me core
username0 so fucking gorge
alessirose we don't give enough credit to our guitars
user99 this guitar doesn't know that you are a lyrical genuis
username my living legend 🙌🙌
user88 omggg lana reference i see you
francocolapinto austin 🇺🇲

liked by alexalbon, williamsracing, landonorris and 843,782 others.
user728 i love him sm already
username rly rly hope he's on the grid next year :)
f1fan what a cutie
username62 okay so we can all collectively agree that he is fine asfff
user00 yesssss
f1lover hopefully he can get points next week.
landonorris 🐐🐐
user89 lando knows what's up

messages between franco and lando


liked by alessirose, clairo, francocolapinto and 32,982 others.
clairo my gorgeous gorgeous girl
user728 i need her wardrobe so bad actually
username love her so bad
user62 my fav alwayssss
francocolapinto 😍😍
username81 we need the hair routine because girl that volume is so insaneee
f1fan franco liking and commenting is so insane like whaaaaa
y/nusername felt pretty (btw my new song homesick comes out on friday)

liked by francocolapinto, lizzymcapline, alessirose and 27,201 others.
francocolapinto so beautiful
user HUH WHAT username82 francooo what are you doing here f1fan so the whole f1 community has just come here?? user99 yup pretty much 😭
username91 FREAKING OUT
user00 ugh wish it was friday
user910 that bod 🔥🔥
messages between y/n and franco
y/nusername small show in ny next week !! tickets on sale now

》 girl never sleeps (but we love it)
》 stopp they sold out in like 2 mins
》 crying in international fan
y/nusername had the best time 🫶

liked by alessirose, francocolapinto, laufey and 52,950 others.
user892 cryinggg because why are u acc the cutest
fangirl52 take me back 🫠
username the pcd is hitting hard rn
user22 love u smm !!
username55 you deserve this sm y/n you deserve all the love
y/nusername 💕💕
y/nusername i'm so glad you are all loving my new song 'homesick' love you all sm 💋💋

liked by francocolapinto, reneerapp, lizzymcalpine and 47,920 others.
username135 the famous lip pout we lovee
user52 i love homesick so bad i relate smm
username12 frrr like did y/n read my journal?!? y/nusername 😈
user89 love u too girl....BUT WHO'S THE BOY
f1fan franco i think user26 who?? f1fan he's an f1 driver he recently followed y/n and liked and commented on her posts and was at her show last week user26 omfggg
reneerapp girl whoo tfff is that
user92 off topic but those lillies are so gorge (the girls that get it get it)
williamsracing just a guy who loves mate

liked by francocolapinto, y/nusername, alexalbon and 253,821 others.
f1fan and this is why williams have the best admin 🤭
user882 me but with coffee
f1lover you're a real one
user23 the concentration on his face is killing me
francocolapinto tysm for all the love x

liked by williamsracing, lewishamilton, landonorris and 473,139 others.
lewishamilton well deserved you have a bright future ahead of you 💪
francocolapinto my goat
user45 we lysm franco
username yayyy he knows that we appreciate him
anon poor logan
user45 james vowles knew what was up when he signed franco
user13 bro is just living THAT life
messages between y/n and franco


liked by landonorris, francocolapinto, alessirose and 289,012 others.
alessirose pretty pretty girl ilysm i miss u !!
y/nusername stopp i miss u too <33
username90 omgg white roses so so cute
f1fan i would recognize those eyes anywhere
user12 girl release the album
fangirl45 she just gave us a song give her a second 😭
francocolapinto fav song atm ;)

liked by landonorris, y/nusername, lilymunihe and 478,561 others.
landonorris what a simp
username72 omggg wait is franco soft launching y/n stop that is so adorbs
user45 real real real AND THOSE LINES SPECIFICALLY
fangirl67 yesss he's one of us
user00 thought daughter core
francocolapinto gq spain

liked by y/nusername, landonorris, yukitsunoda and 1,054,783 others.
y/nusername damn.
user my reaction exactly f1fan wait y/n is actually funny asf y/nusername why thank u
landonorris im shook
user72 driver by day model by night
username he lowkey cooked tho
f1lover don't look at me like that
user34 proof that all f1 drivers are fine asf

》 future f1 wag perhaps
》 did franco invite you?
》 oh they are soo dating
francocolapinto nice weekend 😉

liked by y/nusername, landonorris, maxverstappen and 924,419 others.
username boi whatttt
user71 it's so obvious that it's this y/n girl
username12 awww cuteee
f1fan if he's not on the grid next year i'll cry
user83 girl i hate to break it to you but....
user34 his smilee omg im melting
username1 ugh y/n is so lucky
y/nusername took a little break from the studio 🏎🏁

liked by francocolapinto, lilymunihe, reneerapp and 142,914 others.
user82 what !
f1fan omgggg lily and y/n
username92 wait that pic of franco is so cute ☺️
f1lover aesthetic queen
username23 help not the 0.5 of lily 💀
francocolapinto forgot to mention 🔒❤️

liked by y/nusername, landonorris, charlesleclerc and 1,292,441 others.
landonorris mate you weren't even discreet about it 🤦♂️
user73 FINALLY
username cutiesss
f1fan we knewwww but thank god they made it official
username727 giggling and kicking my feet rn
y/nusername mwahh lysm baby 💋
francocolpinto come to my apartment and i'll show you how much i love u 😌 user72 i- landonorris we spoke about this NO WHORING ON THE MAIN username28 oh ! f1lover i'll just pretend i never saw this.....
alexalbon keeping this for a secret for so long was torture
user62 confirmed y/n is a princess
username56 if anyone hates on them I WILL FIGHT YOU
#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 fanfiction#f1 fic#f1 fluff#masterlist#f1 2024#fic rec#formula 1#f1 blurb#franco colapinto#colapinto#formula one#williams racing#williams f1#f1 memes#f1 gifs#f1 grid x reader#f1 instagram au#f1 scenario#f1 smau#f1 x you#f1 x reader#f1 x female reader#f1 social media au#f1#f1 edits#mercedes f1#oscar piastri#max verstappen
687 notes
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family ties
lewis hamilton x reader
summary - lewis and y/n have been going out for about half a year and he can tell she’s hiding something, or somebody. her son, a little five year old boy that lewis so desperately wants to meet. but is y/n ready for that next step?
it was a stormy london night, one that you so desperately wanted to stay in during, however you had gotten a call earlier that contradicted your feelings. lewis had informed you that he had a standing reservation at a fine restaurant in the city and he was eager to take you to it tonight. so here you were, slipping into a tasteful and beautiful black dress along with your heels, getting ready for your perfect man. everything was perfect. except for one little hidden detail. your son.
lewis knew you were withholding some sort of information from him, he just didn’t know the extent. he wanted you to tell him when you were ready, but he wasn’t sure of the seriousness with the situation. were you cheating on him? planning on leaving him? had a different identity? using him for his fame? he had no idea. and he was planning this nice outing tonight to finally get to the bottom of it.
“alright, he’s got everything he needs. just call me if anything happens,” you speak to your ex-boyfriend, alex, the father of your son as he drops by in order to pick dominic up for his weekend with him.
“y/n, we’ve been doing this for four years. i know the drill. you don’t have to worry about dom, i’ve got him,” alex says to you as he begins to leave.
“i know i know, i’m sorry. just a little paranoid, you know how it is,” you laugh off towards him as you both begin to walk out the door.
“i understand. i feel the same when he’s here,” alex shrugs as he begins to walk to his car, dominic already jumping by the door of it, excited to have his dad for the weekend, “have fun on your date tonight with the superstar,”
“oh shut up,” you laugh off to alex, “you know he’s not like that,”
“i know, i’m happy for you. just be careful with dom,”
“i already told you i wouldn’t introduce him until i talked to you,” you say to him, “and we haven’t had that talk yet, huh?”
“hey i’m not saying you can’t introduce him,” alex says to you, now getting into the drivers seat, “i’m just saying after my mistake with letting him get close to laura,” he trails off with an eye roll as you both laugh about the disaster. alex had let your son meet his girlfriend of a few months and they had hit it off, but it ended as quickly as it started once she left him. leaving dom in the dust as he cried more than alex about the breakup, “just be careful,” alex reiterates.
“i will be,” you smile at the two boys in the car, waving goodbye to them as they pull out of your driveway and into their weekend of fun. running back into the house, you finish touching up your makeup and hair, adding your jewelry, and layering your perfume before your doorbell rings. you exhale a sigh of relief, ready for a night of no stress and fun - a given when going out with lewis.
“hey, you,” you smile as you open the door, leading lewis into your home.
“you look beautiful, y/n,” he breathes out, his hands itching for your waist in order to bring you closer, “the reservation is for about seven thirty so we’ve got to get going,” you lean in closer to him, grabbing your purse off the hook and leading him out the door.
“you’re right,” you peck his lips quickly, locking up your house behind you, “can’t let sir lewis hamilton get a bad reputation of being late,”
“exactly,” he chuckles at your joke and yet his hands find your waist again, “but a few minutes can’t hurt,” and just like that, lewis spins you around to face him, bringing your lips to his yet again. once separated, you move gently past him to his car.
“are you coming or what?” you ask with a laugh, swaying towards his car as he admires the way you depart.
“oh i’m coming,” he sighs out, relishing in the way you walk and the way you look.
once seated at dinner, lewis was shaking in his seat wondering how he’d bring up your hidden actions. he had no proof and no sense to ruin what seemed to be your perfect night. you had been bubbly and upbeat the whole time, looking gorgeous and over the moon happy with seeing him. surely the thing you were being sketchy about couldn’t hurt him? right?
“look, y/n, there’s something i’ve been meaning to talk to you about,” lewis calmly puts into conversation as you begin to sip on the drink you had ordered.
“of course, what’s going on?” you ask him, assuming he would just bring up another weekend of travel or something along those lines.
“you’re clearly hiding something from me, y/n. and i want to know what it is,”
“lewis-” you try to cut in with an exasperated sigh, but instead he stops you, continuing his rambling.
“listen i know it’s only been a few months of us going out but-”
“lewis,” you try again, but his head was spinning and there was no way of stopping his mouth.
“if you’re cheating on me just say so, we can figure things out or-”
“LEWIS” you raise your voice loud enough to get his attention, without spooking the other diners around you, “i am not cheating on you,” you roughly say in his direction, your eyes not leaving the meal in front of you.
“then what is it,” he pushes, urging you to uncover your secret.
“it’s nothing like that,”
“can you look at me,” he directs, holding his hand out and taking yours with it, “please?” you look up at him, and all your strength dissipates within seconds.
“it’s not what you think,” you start, lacing your fingers with his to have some sort of grounding, “it is serious and that’s why i didn’t tell you,” his eyes stare back at you with comfort, pleading for you to continue without pushing you into uncomfort, “i-i”
“if it’s too much, y/n, you don’t have to tell me,”
“i want to tell you, i just don’t know how you’ll feel about me afterwards,”
“no matter what it is, i’m sure i’ll feel the same,”
“i have a son,”
“oh,” lewis retracts a bit, but not much, “how old?”
“he’s five, his name is dominic,” you go on.
“and his dad?”
“he’s around, he’s a good dad, just not a good boyfriend,” you laugh a little at your joke and keep going, “dom was an oopsie at the time, but since i had him he’s been a blessing. alex - that’s his dad’s name - he is a great dad. we just figured we were better friends. there was no real connection, we thought it would be better for dom if we were great co-parents rather than bad ‘together’ parents, so we split four years ago,”
“can i meet him?” lewis asks with a hopeful expression.
“yeah, i want to meet your son. i want to meet everyone important in your life, and that obviously includes him,”
“i don’t know, the reason it took so long for me to tell you was because i don’t want him to get too attached to someone who may leave, he’s at an age where consistency matters,”
“i am consistent, y/n. if you want me, i’m here forever. i promise that,” lewis oozes sincerity as he looks you in your eyes, giving you the reassurance needed to confirm what you already wanted.
“alright,” you sigh into your glass of wine, “you can meet him,” lewis lets out a quiet cheer of triumph across from you and you giggle at his antics, “but i must warn you,”
“what? anything, i’m ready,”
“he’s a redbull fan,”
“oh no, now that’ll have to change,”
“thank you for dropping him off,” you let out a breath of relief to alex as dom comes running into your home.
“you’re welcome, it was no problem, truly,” he says to you as he hands you your sons bag, “how’d your superstar date go?”
“he wants to meet dom,”
“oh?” alex shoots you a surprised look, “and are you going to let that happen?”
“i think so,” you shrug off, “i think it’s time,”
“good for you,” alex shoulder bumps you a little as he continues, “you deserve this, y/n. and from what you’ve told me about him, i’m sure it will all work out,”
“yeah i hope so, he’s going to come over later if that’s okay with you?”
“my son meeting sir lewis hamilton,” alex states as he begins to walk out the door, “that is more than okay with me,”
“dom? i need to talk to you about something,” you approach your five year old as he is playing in the living room with his toys.
“what mommy?” he questions without looking up, the toys in front of him grabbing his interest.
“someone wants to meet you,” you start with caution, “and he’s coming over in a minute,”
“well…” you ponder off, not exactly knowing the right words to piece together, “he’s mommy’s special friend,”
“like laura with daddy?”
“yes!” you cheer out quickly, excited that he grasped the concept easily, “he’s like how laura was to daddy,”
“okay,” dom lets out, “is he nice?”
“yes, love,” you nod your head for the emphasis as your son gazes up at you, “he’s very nice,”
just as you finish your thought, the doorbell to your home echoes and you and dom share a look.
“best behavior, dom,” you warn with a pointed finger as he just giggles in your direction. getting up to go and get the door, your little boy trails behind you with a bit of excitement.
“hi, lewis,” you greet your boyfriend as you open the door, “come on in,”
“thank you,” he chimes in, clearly hiding something behind him, “and who is this?” he asks in the direction of your legs. with that, dom comes out of his hiding place behind you in order to greet him.
“i’m dominic,” he squeaks out shyly. lewis proceeds to get down to his knees, holding one hand still behind his back and the other out in front of him for a handshake.
“i’m lewis, it’s nice to meet you dominic,”
“i know who you are,” dom quietly says back while shaking his hand, still shy towards the new man in front of him.
“oh you do?” your boyfriend questions back.
“you drive for mercedes,”
“yes i do,” lewis smiles at him, sneaking a glance in your direction as you can’t help but blush at the scene in front of you, “are you a formula one fan?”
“yes,” dom giggles, “but i like checo,”
“oh man,” lewis shakes his head a bit, “then this gift is going to go to waste,”
dom’s ears perk up at that, eyes widening as he asks with enthusiasm, “what gift?” lewis laughs a bit at the question and finally pulls his other arm from behind his back to reveal a bag.
“why don’t we move to the couch to open it?” you put into the room, encouraging the boys to relax a bit as you gesture towards your living room. they do as you ask, moving towards the living room and perching onto the couch. you take a seat next to your son as lewis sits across from him and you on the coffee table. handing dom the bag, he begins to unwrap and look into it, finally seeing the very small and adorable hamilton mercedes jersey.
“I LOVE IT,” your son cries out, jumping off the couch and crashing into lewis’ awaited hold. as he hugs your son, you can only smile as this night had gone better than you’d hoped.
‘thank you’ you mouth towards lewis, who only laughs and smiles in your direction, hugging your son closer to his body. everything would be fine. lewis was ready for forever with you. and you had just seen your forever fully accept him into your lives.
#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#lewis hamilton#lewis hamilton x reader#lewis hamilton imagine#lewis hamilton x you#lewis hamilton fanfic#lewis hamilton smut#lewis hamilton x black oc#lewis hamilton x mom!reader#lh44#team lh44#lh44 x reader#lh44 imagine#lh44 fic#formula 1#lewis hamilton icons#lewis hamilton x nico rosberg#f1 memes#f1 edit#f1 fanart#george russell#mercedes#f1 x you#f1 x y/n#f1 x female reader#f1 x oc#formula one x reader#formula one imagine
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Pairing: George Russell x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Authors Note: a George win fic ur welcome

liked by georgerussell63 sabrinacarpenter and 6,114,871 others
yn woman
load comments…
user1 oh my god she's so stunning I can't
user2 pretty pretty girl
user3 loml
user4 ahhh I love her
user5 my fav 🩵
sabrinacarpenter I'm in love with you
yn 😘
user6 she's so beautiful I can not
user7 🤩
user8 lmao George Russell in the likes 😭 like me too king ✊
user9 he's so real
user10 new music when
user13 prettyyyyy
user14 I think I love her
user15 lmao George Russells shooting for the stars here
tommyhilfiger ❤️💙
liked by yn
user16 queen sh*t
user17 woman 🤩

liked by georgerussell63 lewishamilton and 6,998,881 others
yn water
load comments…
user18 I 😭 love 😭 her 😭
user19 that color is so pretty on her
user20 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
user21 love of my life
user22 my wife and bae frfr
user24 summer vibessss🌅
user25 GAH DAYUM
user26 LMAO not Lewis also in the likes 😭
user27 lol George recruited him
sabrinacarpenter the prettiest 🤩
yn no u
lewishamilton 👋
yn 👋
user30 girl wtf is Lewis doing
user31 RIGHT like what 😭
user32 pretty pretty 😘
user33 I know George is absolutely fuming over the Lewis yn notice
user34 he's singing that should be me right now
yn added to their story

now girl who tf is that
Girl… George Russell or nothing
No one tell George
Not my wife having a secret boyfriend???

liked by georgerussell63 alex_albon and 15,111,211 others
yn make me sweat
load comments…
user40 nah girl ur not slick
user41 she knows we can see him too right?
user43 not a man…😔
user44 can we talk about how pretty she is
user45 yeah, right? Every ones talking about the second slide but she looks so so good 😭
user46 😍
user47 if that's anyone but George Russell I'm gonna end it all
user48 girl that is not him
user47 and how tf do you know that
user49 wait who's that
user47 an f1 driver who's been in her likes for a while
user49 he's just been in her likes??? Girl that is not him 😭😭
user47 a girl can dream 😔
user50 so pretty 😍
user51 George Russell is screaming somewhere
user52 why are yall talking about a man who was just in her likes a lot??? If she was rumoured to be daring every man who likes all her posts she’d be dating like 200 guys 😭
user53 my favorite girl
sabrinacarpenter soft-launching our relationship??? 🤭
yn ofc bbg 🫶

liked by yn lewishamilton and 9,007,887 others
georgerusell63 🌅
load comments…
user54 GEORGE NO
user55 lmao, man saw yn got a man so he decided it was time to move on
user56 gotta respect it
user57 who is she 🥲
user58 HEY KING
user59 lock in Russell, you're on my fantasy f1 team this weekend
user60 its not a George Russell post if he's not shirtless
user61 😍😍😍
user62 he looks rly good
user63 and who the hell is that
user64 not my husband finding a gf, rude 😔✊
user66 lmao she liked. I think she's happy her post didn't kill him
user67 why does no one think that that might litteraly by yn in the post
user66 cuz… that's unrealistic
user67 girl why???
user66 they would 100% not vibe, that man says things like “holy moly!” unironically and she wrote “water” they are not the same 😭🙏
user68 just glad he's happy 😊🤞
user69 pls win this weekend George I love you so much and you're the only thing keeping my Mercedes fan mind together
user70 king George lol
yn added to their story

A Mercedes girl, so real
Lmao George is gonna explode
I need you and Lewis in a room together
My two favs 🥰

yn added to their story

Hey queen…
Pls don't let lando win…🙏
I'll give you my first-born 😔✊
Don't let the sprint race fool you Bbg
We can win trust me
This isn't who they are
We are so fast
Don't let this represent Mercedes in your mind
Don't let qualifying fool you queen
we are not fast
Do not keep your hopes up
We are going to crash and burn
Hopefully not literally

yn added to their story


liked by georgerussell63 formula1 and 15,888,112 others
yn Geo!!! Im so so so proud of you, my love! I'm so grateful that I got to be there for your first win and just as thankful to see the second one. I see the work and the effort you put in week in and week out and I can not think of a person who deserves this more than you. You're so wonderful and perfect and there's no one I'd rather have spent the past two years with. One of the best experiences I've ever had was seeing the love of my life on the top step of the podium and I pray ill get to see it a lot more because I'll be by your side for every single one. I love you, congratulations baby ❤️
(p.s. He's my only muse 😘)
load comments…
user83 holy shit
user84 2 years??? Be so fr
user85 you're kidding
user86 wait I love them
user87 lmao throw back to all of y'all saying they'd never date each other
mercedesamgf1 we’re glad to have you queen 🫶
liked by yn
user90 she calls him geo??? 😭🫶
user91 forget that, she called him baby 😭🫶
user92 wait, not my new favorite couple???
user93 QUEEN WAG
user94 girl, he's the wag
lewishamilton 🫶🏽
yn 🫶🏽
user96 waitttttttt why are they so perfect
georgerussell63 thank you so much for being there, I love you ❤️
yn i love you too, I'm so proud of you ❤️
@casperlikej @evie-119
#scheduled#f1 fanfic#f1 x reader#f1 fic#f1 imagine#f1 x female reader#f1 x y/n#f1 x you#f1 smau#george russel x reader#george russel imagine#george Russel smau#mercedes x Reader#george Russel x fem!reader#george russell x reader#george russell x you#george russell smau
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Chemtrails Over the Yacht Club Collection 18+ | Toto Wolff x reader, age gap, smut operator, clear daddy issues (this fic is inspired by Lana del Rey, duh), and yacht culture.
Summary: Toto Wolff is a name often mentioned at the Yacht Club, where you work after classes. For some reason, you have always pictured him as an old crank like the usual members, not this foxy man who arrives at the reception making your knees quiver. The entire staff goes frenetic as he, one of the Club's most important clients, chooses to spend his spring break there without previous notice. You pray to the Gods that you don't cross lines with him since your entire livehood depends on this job, and you really want to graduate college. Author's note: This was supposed to be a one-shot but was way too long, so I split it into two chapters. I hope you enjoy them. By the way, this version of Toto has questionable morals.
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2 - Breaking up slowly
As Mr. Holst's gateway yacht trip reaches an end, you follow protocol and deliver Toto the guest's satisfaction survey before docking in the Club's harbor.
It's supposed to be confidential and private for the guest. Still, Toto reads you the questions and tells you his answer as he writes them, evaluating you while you sit on his lap in his cabin armchair.
"Any complaints or suggestions, please elaborate," he reads you. "Yes. Y/N's skirts should have been shorter. They don't do justice to that ass," he jokes as you blush, still in awe of him.
He squeezes your ass cheek and gives you a hard slap leaving a red mark, instantly turning you on.
"Fuck me, daddy" you beg him against his lips, already placing you on top of him.
Your clothes hit the ground.
You aren't sure if the waves are rocking the hull that hard or if it's Toto's powerful thrust as he fucks you relentlessly, firm grip on your hips, fingertips pressuring on your skin.
The guests enjoy the yacht's amenities till the last minute before docking in the harbor of the Yacht Club.
The crew and you are all but busy, going everywhere, attending to guests, and running safety checks and protocols.
You attend to Toto's daily demands as he peacefully sunbathes before going to his cabin to change outfits. His tan skin makes him look even more handsome.
You overheard him telling the person on the other end of the call that he was going to a meeting downtown.
He'll be gone the entire day and the whole of your shift. At least a bit of a break for you!
These past few days have been a dream but tiresome.
As the sailing master safely and perfectly anchors the yacht in the harbor, the guests start to descend the ship. A small committee of girls with beverages and canapes welcomes them.
The only people remaining onboard the ship's deck are Toto and you; he wanted to go last.
As you two casually talk, he pulls out an envelope from the insides of his blue blazer and offers it with his hand for you to grab it.
"Sorry, what is this?!" you ask, looking at the rectangular yellow envelope.
"It's a brick of money, isn't it?" you think.
"Your tip," he confirms your thoughts.
"But that is excessive. No way I'm accepting it."
"Do so," he sounds authoritarian as usual. "'It's going to help you with that fine."
"Oh, hey, listen, I will make it, don't worry about it."
"Y/N," he sounds serious, his eyes looking straight at you. He is a very kind and sweet person on the inside. Still, on the outside, he is always cold, stony-looking, demanding, and impossibly hot. "Take it," he enunciates, his controlling trait displaying.
You have noticed, just by being by his side all these days, the pull and effect he has on people and still holds on to you. He is someone you want to impress, to win his approval and have his attention.
"What do you think this is "Pretty Woman"? Calm down, Richard Gere!" you dare to joke to change the mood a bit.
"Aren't you too young to know that reference?" he still answers sternly.
"I live with the rom-com connoisseur, aka my aunt." you smile brightly at him.
Toto has avoided stepping onto personal life terrains, wanting to remain far apart.
"Last time I offer it, take it. You need it. Besides, it's not like you are going to buy a Kelly bag with it; it's for your tuition."
"A what?!" you think. "Wait! How does he know that? I don't remember mentioning that to him."
"Thank you, but I prefer to maintain our relationship non-monetarian." you stand your ground.
"Our relationship?" Toto thinks.
He places the envelope back into his inside pocket as he said he would and steps off without looking back at you, moving along with his day.

"Welcome back to land," Chloé greets you the next day as you clip your radio on your belt in the staff locker room. You're getting ready for another shift before hugging her.
"I'm impressed! I must admit. You almost, ALMOST, achieved it! You got a really good-rate review on the satisfaction chart from Mr. Wolff, something I've never seen before." Then, she makes a dramatic pause.
Only if she knew...
Before continuing: "But not so with Mr. Elrod. He placed a formal complaint since, according to him, your incident with him was life-threatening."
"OH COME ON! He barely swoll!" You look annoyed and want to smash the locker with your fist.
"I know, I checked. Still, I'm really proud of you! But Raphaël called you to his office, so please go there now."
Oh God, you hate going up there!
You arm yourself with patience while climbing the swirling stairs to the upper floor of the management wing of the building, where the big names' offices are.
He makes you wait for a long time. The fucker knows the long wait it's going to delay your chores and make you leave work late. Until his assistant informs you from her chair at the front desk that you can go in.
You open the large glass door into the Assistant General Manager's office with a speech already prepared in your mind in case of the worst.
Raphaël is leaning back on his enormous executive leather chair and massive desk that screams small dick energy, looking sternly at you.
Raphaël is a very posh, solemn, and wealthy fucker who is besties with Mr. Holst and his entire family and extended family, a textbook social climber.
A very uptight asshole. Raphaël chose to dislike you from the moment you set foot at the Club; he tries to get you fired at any given chance.
Most of the girls who work there are beautiful and come from an obvious upper class; most are daughters, nieces, or granddaughters of...
The Yacht Club is where the rich teach their kids a lesson on the value of work or use it as a perfect excuse to kick them out of the house for a few hours.
Usually, they get hired because daddy made a call, and you are none of that.
"Ah, good morning," he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I see you're still here. I'm surprised you didn't quit on the spot after that dangerous incident."
You take a deep breath and try to keep your cool. "Good morning, Raphaël. I'm still here because I'm committed to doing my job to the best of my ability and finding a solution to the problem rather than blaming myself."
Raphaël snorts. "You're the one who caused the problem, sweetheart. You're always causing problems. You're a liability to this company."
You feel angry at his words, but you keep your composure. "I understand you're upset, but I'm trying my best."
Raphaël swings a bit in his chair, his eyes narrowing. "You're just a silly girl who doesn't know how to do her job. You're lucky I'm even giving you a final and last chance to prove yourself."
You feel a lump form in your throat. "I understand you don't think highly of me, but I'm trying to do my best; I have learned fast and proved myself worthy."
Raphaël laughs a cold, cruel sound. "You're just not cut out for this job, sweetheart. We are the best and need the best on our team."
"I...I don't know what to say," you stutter.
Raphaël leans forward, his eyes glinting with triumph. "Just thank Ava, sweetie, for changing Holst's mind. You're on thin ice, one more mistake, and you're gone. You can leave now," he dismisses you.
"Thank you, I owe you one, I guess," you whisper to Ava for saving your ass as you cross paths with her in the beautiful and perfectly maintained gardens.
"You were kind to me," she says in the same tone as usual, not as friendlier as you would have liked. "I trust you keep our conversation from that day private."
"Pinky promise," you offer her your pinky. She looks at you with an "ugh" expression, rolls her eyes, and walks away. A couple of steps further, she turns to smile at you.
Now you two are best friends for life in your head! IJBOL.
The following two weeks are a swirl of moans as Toto, and you can't keep your hands off each other.
You fuck everywhere private and remote enough, where there are no security cameras.
You can't have enough of his dick and his body. You are so infatuated with him.
Every time he calls in you at his villa, you end up fucking; it doesn't matter how hard you both try to fight the urge to do so.
He has had you against the door, his bedframe, or the room's vanity, on top of the piano and even in the jacuzzi. The sex drive of that fit man is spectacular, and you are young enough to keep its pace.
You have never been so sexually active and free in your life, learning and experiencing many things for the first time. Toto makes the best teacher and lover you have ever had.
By this point, you lost count of how many times you have moaned his name, called him daddy, or the number of times he has made you cum and beg for more.
Your aunt and close friends start to notice your glow. Lately, you look radiant and happy.
She is intrigued to know the reason behind it as you two go to the mall on Sunday.
"FINE. I WILL TELL YOU! I'm dating the most gorgeous, wise, handsome, accomplished, hot guy, AND HE IS SO INTO ME! Can you believe it?!"
"Oh, I can. My niece is great! And where did you meet this adonis, and most importantly, does he have an older brother?"
"He is an older brother!" you want to say but don't.
She doesn't need to know every single detail, not yet. You want to keep it a surprise for when you take Toto home.
"He has a sister," you answer.
"Ah! And what else can you tell me?"
"Well, he is from Austria! I plan to invite him over to have dinner at the apartment so you can meet and ask him all the questions you want. What do you think?"
The look she gives you! You had never taken a single boy to the house. This must be serious, then.
"Has he tasted your cooking yet?" she wonders before answering.
You shake your head.
"Well, if he survives it, then it's true love!" you two laugh as your aunt jokes and links her arm with yours before adding: "Please invite him for dinner. I'd love to meet him, but you know what! Better buy lasagna. We want this to work, right?!"
You love to text Toto sweet and touchy messages throughout the day that hint at how he makes you feel, how much he means to you, and how great it is to be with him.
You are in love.
Yet, you try not to suffocate him or embarrass yourself, still being nervous around him, still wanting his approval.
Toto still intimidates you. Being the powerful and dominant man he is.
You can't believe you snatched him! Lucky girl!
But in your mind, fuck! Wedding bells are already chirping, and future children's name-searching is already happening.
The Yacht Club has a museum/memorabilia section that almost no one visits. It's located far away from the lobby and main guest areas, and for obvious reasons, it has many security cameras.
But next to it, further down the hallway, there's a blind spot on the CCTV system, right in the space of the door to an old phone room.
In this room, the original antic magneto wall set telephone is still mounted on the wall, along with a stern wood chair where people used to chat in private.
You ask Toto to meet you there after he texts you he hasn't seen you today.
Also, you want to inform him that you are going on a "two-day leave" plus the weekend, so you will be away from him for four days.
You don't want to send him mixed signals, and you're getting paranoid that he might think you're running away.
And since you don't want to miss him, maybe he could join you if he wants and feels like it. You know, couple life outside the Club.
A hand-in-hand walk through Monaco's streets sounds nice; a cute date with wine and kisses sounds more than good.
When he closes the door behind him, the place looks ridiculously smaller.
You immediately stand on your tiptoes to kiss him, wrapping your arms around him as you greet him.
You share small, soft kisses for a while.
He sadly tells you he can't join you on your break.
Since he extended his stay, Toto has things scheduled on his agenda that he is supposed to be doing in his office in London.
"But I'm going to miss you, daddy," you pout and give him the biggest Bambi-begging eyes.
"Not even that it's going to work. Try it with my assistant. Thanks for trying tho."
"Where can I meet her?"
He laughs before pulling you into a more intense kiss.
"Should we say goodbye to each other?" he says against your lips, caressing your neck.
"It is crazy how four days felt like nothing before you; now that I have you in my life, it's an eternity."
He holds you closer, pulling you by the waist.
"Then let's make it count enough to stay in each other minds for those days."
"You are permanently on my mind," you confess, burying your face in his shoulder, all red, and not even being able to look at him while feeling the expensive material of his jacket brushing your skin.
Then, your mouth finds his, kissing him hungrily. You push your tongue into his mouth, tangling with his, your hands sliding up the hard planes of his chest, then drifting over his shoulders to find the hem of his shirt.
Your fingers feel his warm skin, sending a jolt of pleasure through him as you trace the contours of his muscles.
The smell of your perfume, jasmine, and vanilla intoxicates him. This scent will remind him of this moment as he passionately claims your mouth.
Slowly, you undress each other, savoring the anticipation. As hands wander over defined abs, curves, and dips, caresses become bold strokes.
The pads of your fingers move lower, exploring the ridges of his abdomen. With a smoldering look, you glance up at Toto, a wicked smile on your lips.
Heat spreads through him as you press yourself against his groin and your bare breasts against his chest. He can feel your heart pounding.
With a soft, playful jerk, you touch his growing excitement. "Eager, daddy?" you ask.
He nods.
You waste no time, and you get down to your knees as you take him into your mouth as he is sitting in the chair. Your warm, wet tongue swirls around him, your head bobbing gently as you work him in and out of your mouth.
His fingers find their way into your soft, silken hair, gripping it gently, urging you on.
His pleasure moans grow as you work your magic, your tongue and lips exploring him for a while.
Slowly, you move up till your lips brush the shell of his ear.
He commands you. "Ride me, now."
You shift your weight, adjusting your position to better align with Toto's cock, and you sink onto him, your pussy fitting itself around his cock like a glove; you feel a jolt of pleasure.
He fills you completely, and you allow yourself a moment to take in the intensity of that feeling, skin against skin.
Your hips begin to sway, moving gently to the rhythm of your shared breathing. With each undulation, the chair beneath you becomes part of the dance.
Toto's hands, which had been resting at his sides, now find their way to your waist, his fingers digging into your flesh as he feels you move against him.
Your breath is warm and soft against his neck as your bodies rock with each movement. You feel your core tighten, your pleasure growing in intensity.
The control Toto wields over the rhythm, and you is intoxicating. Your breathing quickens.
"Faster," he orders you; you moan, obedient and needy. He wants you full force.
You feel the intensity of your coupling, the friction becoming almost unbearable.
You throw your head back mid powerful and intense bounces and cry out, desperate for release.
His hands move to grip your thighs, his fingers applying pressure into your soft flesh as he guides your hips up and down to meet now his intense thrusts, Toto's bucking his hips up now, and your full breasts bounce against his sculpted chest.
Your lips meet in a passionate kiss; tongues entwine at a pace as hungry as the one below your waists.
You tangle your hands in Toto's hair, tugging it gently to urge him for more as you clench your sex around him, drawing out an animalistic groan from deep within him.
"Fuck, yes, Y/N," Toto growls through gritted teeth. He slams his balls into your pussy again and again, driving you both closer to the edge.
Your bodies are all slick with sweat as you shudder atop Toto, releasing a visceral moan with an orgasm radiating from your core and rippling through every nerve in your body, dripping all over his shaft and thighs.
He growls low in his throat, a raw, primal sound that reverberates through the room as he surrenders to his own release.
Every day away, you text him, exchanging photos and moments from both days.
You can't keep away from him.
Upon your return, you attend and cheer for Toto, who is participating in the regatta rally.
The sound of seagulls surrounds you, as does the smell of salt water and fresh coffee wafts from the food and beverage stalls, enticing the crowd on the quayside.
As the starting gun fires, a fleet of sleek, high-tech sailboats burst into action, their crews navigating the intricate course set out on the water.
The crowd cheers and chants as the boats round each mark, their helmsmen and women trimming their sails to maximize speed.
As the regatta approaches its climax, the top boats are neck and neck, and Toto and his crew are straining every muscle to gain that precious extra yard.
The tension is palpable as his boat crosses the finish line, and he and his crew leap into celebration as they win the rally.
Meanwhile, champagne corks pop on the quayside, and glasses get raised in a toast to the winners.
The air is filled with conversation as the member's friends and families mingle, congratulating each other on a thrilling day under their giant sun umbrellas and comfy outdoor chairs.
Meanwhile, you remained sitting on the pier under the sun with your crew coworkers by your side, waiting for your guests to return and watching the action unfold on the waters.
All of you girls, legs hanging, white sneakers almost touching the waters beneath you, dress in blue shorts and white polos with the Club's logo patch on the left.
After a while, the sun and the wood surface start to irritate your face and ass, respectively.
You smile brightly at Toto when you spot him reaching closer in the boat, locking eyes with him.
His shirt is all wet, and what is beneath it is showing. You fight the urge to run your hand all over his chest when you reach him after the trophy ceremony.
As you finish setting Toto's regatta equipment back inside the shed in his villa's garden view deck, Léo approaches you, thinking you are alone.
Staring at your bend over the body, eyes on your ass. An excellent view.
Toto watches this from inside. He stepped inside to go shower.
"Y/N!" you turn without flinching, familiar with the voice and happy to hear it.
"Léo! Hi!"
"I missed you, cutie," he says to you, even if you are a girl. Then he welcomes you with a tight hug, pulling you off the ground.
Toto wants to see how the scene unfolds, still without making himself be noticed.
Why is that guy standing that close to you? Doesn't he know personal space?
He watches you two chat, you looking all happy and smiley, telling Léo all about your past days while his eyes burn on you.
Toto catches desire in them, so when Léo places a hand on the shed and around you, Toto steps in.
"Kid," he calls for you. "My drink," he reminds you what he asked you to do next.
"Oh! Yes, sir!" You quickly move to serve Toto's drink. Léo gives him a "those manners!" look, and they share a quick exchange.
At that moment, Toto glimpses at his cook uniform in bright daylight and tells him, "I didn't ask for any food." This is a subtle hint to better leave.
When Toto moves to stand right behind you, you can almost feel his knee in the back of your thigh.
Léo proceeds to leave, sending him a silent fuck you with his eyes.
"Bye, gorgeous! See you around, my girl." Léo addresses you but holds his gaze at Toto as he walks away, looking back.
"Okay..." you think, watching them interact.
"Let's go, kid," he orders you.
"Where?!" you ask as he drags you by the arm, a firm grip on your forearm as he pulls you along.
"Move," he instructs.
Minutes later, the sun warms Toto's back as he expertly maneuvers his jet ski on the waters. Going extremely fast as you hold tight to his body, the jet ski roaring beneath you, surging forward as water sprays behind you.
The salty ocean breeze whips through his dark hair and yours.
A desolate yet inviting small beach appears in the distance as a coast unfolds. Toto gestures to you to the sandy expanse, "There."
You glance at the beach in question and raise your delicate eyebrows. "You brought us here? Why?"
"I have something to make clear." It's all he answers, in a harsh voice, before reaching land.
The waves lap gently against the fine white sands of the isolated coastline. You take a moment to enjoy the sounds of the ocean and the serenity of nature surrounding you.
Your skin and Toto's glisten with sweat, seawater, and sunscreen.
His gaze roams over your body, relishing the breathtaking view. He licks his lips, unable to resist himself any longer.
His eyes are so intense on you that he almost looks angry. Toto's expression dangerously morphs into a lust-filled one.
He leans closer to claim your mouth in a rough, passionate kiss. Parting your lips brusquely, allowing himself to explore and taste your sweetness with his tongue while holding your neck with a stern grip.
His hands move to press your slick body firmly.
Toto then powerfully lifts you from the ground and takes you further into the beach, finally pushing you to the sand and rolling on top of you, feeling your breasts crush against his chest.
He pulls your legs open and places them around his waist, roughly handling you, nails pressing into your skin, and he sighs in pleasure, feeling your warmth pressed against his.
He moves to remove your clothes roughly and quickly, almost tearing your polo shirt; within seconds, you are both naked. "Beautiful," Toto whispers, voice dangerous.
Your eyes flare with desire and curiosity as he has never handled you this rough.
With no hesitation or warning, he pulls his rock-hard length inside you, making you gasp at the sudden move. Toto's voice rasp in your ear, "Only I can fill you up."
You nod eagerly, biting your lower lip.
"Say it," he demands.
"Yes, daddy. Only you can fill me," you whisper, your voice thick with arousal.
Those words send Toto's self-control over the ledge.
He slides into you frenetically, your pussy taking his hard hits with thunderous moist claps. He is fucking you so harshly in such a powerful rhythm you can barely take him.
You bury your nails in the sand surrounding you, grasping. "Daddy!" you moan so loud.
"Fuck, your pussy feels so good," Toto growls, biting down on the curve of your neck.
His thrusts are desperate and animal, and every muscle in his body is rocking. You arch your back, moaning nonstop as Toto keeps hitting that perfect spot deep inside you, relentlessly.
"Daddy! Please," you gasp for air. You can barely take it anymore. "Daddy! I can't." his balls deep thrust keep going. A massive moan escapes your lips.
"Be a nice girl, take this dick good." He commands.
"I-, I-, Daddy, please." Your fingers dig into his shoulders, urging him to let you catch your breath.
"You are only mine to have." Toto's mouth claims yours, swallowing your moans.
"This pussy is all yours!" you are barely able to say, shaking violently under his strong jabs.
"Again," his dick slams you harder.
"I'm only yours!" you scream in an orgasm, breathing real loud.
"Again," he slams you with his dick again.
Your whimpers grow louder.
"I'm yours, daddy!"
The feeling of his raw masculinity taking you over, dominating you entirely, sends ripples of need through your core.
Each drive of his hips is a powerful claim, a branding that declares you his.
"Good girl, now it's clear." He kisses your lips softly and licks them, running his wet tongue all over them.
With one final thrust, he buries himself as deep inside you, feeling you clench and pulse around him as you cry out.
Toto's body shudders with the force of his release. You stay there, panting and covered in sweat and sand as the waves crash upon the shore, matching the rhythm of your breathing.
Toto stays inside you, wanting to remain close for a little longer. He places soft and sweet kisses all over your face, now tenderly caressing you. His soft touch is all over you.
He collapses in exhaustion next to your side. The two of you are naked with your backs to the sand and facing the sky, feeling the sun's warm rays on your skin.
You can't help but smile as you look over at Toto, lying beside you with his muscular chest heaving up and down.
"We're quite a mess," you chuckle, gesturing to the sand and fluids that cover your bodies.
Toto laughs, "Nothing that a quick rinse can't fix."
He watches you stand up, brush the sand off your ass, and sprint towards the ocean.
Toto follows you, admiring your naked figure and the way your ass moves as you stride.
You dip your toes into the water, squealing as a wave crashes over your feet. Toto comes up behind you, planning to plunge you into the water, so you playfully run from him.
He catches and kisses you before lifting you in his arms and bringing you inside the water with him.
He admires your ability to be open-minded, fun, and fearless in pursuing new experiences, especially those involving him.
A call bell coming from Toto's living room makes you speed there. Your chores today were so fucking tedious; by this point, you have like four good hours inside the china's closet.
As soon as you enter, he informs you, "Kid, I need my things packed by 2 p.m."
"You are leaving?!!" That sounded more desperate than you expected.
"I need to fly to sign papers in my London office. I will return on Thursday, just in time for Holst's Casablanca-themed birthday party."
Oh, yeah, next week is going to be crazy. A fucking colossal gala it's going to take place at the Club's gardens.
When the elevator doors to Toto's office slide open, a burst of energy and femininity floods the room as the most stunning woman enters.
Toto's office is on the top floor of a sleek, modern skyscraper, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering an unobstructed panorama of the bustling London's metropolis.
Her impossible curves seem to have been crafted by the gods themselves.
Her long, dark, sleek hair cascades down her back, framing her heart-shaped face and highlighting her stunning eyes.
With her full lips in a deep shade of red, she moves with a confident stride, her high heels clicking on the floor as she makes her way to Toto's desk.
Her toned and shapely legs seem to go on forever. She is supermodel tall, and the way she moves her hips is enough to weaken any man in the knees.
Irina sits in one of the expensive designer chairs in front of Toto's trendy clear glass desk. Her fitted dress hugs her curves in all the right places.
Her shoulders are bare, and the gentle swell of her breasts seems to strain against the fabric.
Her hands are long and elegant, and she has a massive diamond ring on the fourth finger of her left hand.
As she leans back in the chair, her hair bounces against her shoulders, releasing a faint scent of perfume.
Looking busy behind his desk, Toto can't help but look up from his papers, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of surprise and admiration.
Toto's iPhone buzzes on his desk surface as Irina moves to get comfy on the expensive velvet sofa by the wall after a good chat and a successful exchange on Irina's part.
Reminding Toto of his responsibilities in life.
He picks it up to open your chat.
"Since it's our first month anniversary and you are away. I had more time to prepare a gift for you." you text Toto.
He watches a photo loading on your conversation.
A photo of a completely naked you arrive, standing back to the camera behind a see-through light fabric curtain that looks like and is the one in his bedroom at his villa.
Your shoulders, back, and ass are on full display, your silhouette looking delicious to him; you are posing with your arms up, both placed on your head, and your hair is in a bun.
No face, just body, in a contrast of light.
Toto feels like jerking off to that photo when a second one arrives.
It's a close-up photo of your breast; you are laying on his bed in the villa, again with light fabric on top of your tits, nipples hard, looking ready for him to bite them: no face or more body below your waist on this one.
"What a masterpiece," he replies. "But who took them? It's that my villa? How did you manage?"
"A dear friend of mine takes boudoir photos. I lied to Chloé and told her the photographer came for a photo session appointment with the guests I'm serving during your leave."
"An that dear friend is?" instantly possesive.
"Anne, a girl friend from college, she is an art major," you quickly reply.
"They should hang them in a museum."
You feel so proud of yourself for making him react like that. God, you miss him.
"Hey, kid, you are home?" he looks at his Rolex, running calculous.
"Do me a favor then."
"Touch yourself till you cum, and moan my name loud." you get wet, reading the text.
"Would you do the same, daddy?"
Irina wonders who makes him smile like that.
As you prepare everything at Toto's villa for his return, along with Chloé, you dare to ask her a question and discuss a topic you have been dreading for so long.
"Does Mr. Wolff have a leave date?" you gain the courage.
"He already overextended his stay, which is rare, as rare as him showing up unexpectedly as he did. Mr. Wolff is one of those people who schedules everything in advance and always informs us months before, so something must have happened." She reaches out to you to help you place the fresh sheets on his bed.
"So, no date?" you ask again.
"You grew tired of him already?" Chloé looks straight at you.
"OH. NO, NO. I'm just curious," you quickly add, waving your hands.
"No date, child"
Is he staying for you? You wonder in your head.
You two have never talked about your future.
Toto leaving without you has become your biggest fear in life, like ever.
The night is fully set over the sea, and the Club's grounds are set by the strumming of a Moroccan guitar, which sets the tone for the true extravaganza about to happen.
You see Ava fixing Mr. Holst's bowtie as he prepares for his grand entrance.
The Club's gardens transformed into a Moroccan oasis, and the towering palm trees were now adorned with twinkling fairy lights.
The crowd erupts into applause as Mr. Holst enters, resplendent in a tailored white suit and sunglasses, à la Rick Blaine, escorted by a troupe of really hot and barely dressed female dancers, who performed a mesmerizing choreographed routine to the iconic tunes of "As Time Goes By."
The tables are set with fine china and crystal glassware, adorned with candles and a sumptuous spread of Moroccan delicacies, including tagines, couscous, and fragrant pastries.
The aroma of exotic spices wafts through the air.
Meanwhile, at the bar where you are currently working, the mixologists are shaking (not stirring) up signature cocktails inspired by the classic film's iconic characters. The "Ilsa," a refreshing blend of gin, lemon, and mint, is a particular hit among the guests.
The place is packed with wealthy people from around the globe, all friends of Mr. Holst and his wife, and the bar is the busiest spot.
You are so busy that you haven't even had a chance to look for Toto. He must be somewhere looking all handsome in a classic tuxedo! Gosh, you die to see him and kiss him.
Then, Mr. Holst takes center stage once more, surrounded by his wife and children. With a heartfelt speech, he starts the party.
As midnight approaches, a massive three-tier cake held by two big guys enters in the old style, and everyone sings Happy Birthday to Mr. Holst as fireworks light up the night sky!
The crowd cheers and oohs as sparks rain down upon them.
Then, you have your first break of the night. Some of your coworkers at recess get dinner, light a cigar, or just sit down in the crew's hidden section. It's been crazy!
You use the opportunity to text Toto: "Hi, my love. Where are you? I want to see your handsomeness in a tux. Daddy, I miss you so much."
As a tipsy Toto is laughing and drinking with Holst and his wife when the couple reaches the table where he is, Irina picks up his phone, buzzing on the table.
She reads the text you sent him and chunks of your conversation.
"Who the fuck is "Kid"?!"
She then starts looking at the photos you shared, fuming, especially when she finds the ones from the boudoir photo session you took for Toto.
Oh, no, baby! Her wedding with Toto is happening, yes or yes, and she will not allow you to interfere!
Toto will not slip away from her! Not now, she got him back at the palm of her hand and into his senses!
It worked wonders to give him that bit of a break after he got cold feet and had second thoughts about committing himself to her.
No one touches what is hers, and she is about to teach you a lesson!
Now that she knows your face, it is just a matter of time before she finds you there.
Apparently, you work here.
You are navigating through the crowded party, surrounded by the thumping music and the hums of conversations because your boss asked you to move to attend a special guests table.
As you walk there, you feel a pair of eyes burning into your skin. The hottest woman you have ever seen is staring intensely at you.
It turns out to be the table where Raphaël parents are. So, to your misfortune, he is also around, adding an extra stress layer to your night as he behaves demanding and pays attention to your every action.
As the night progresses, you feel unsure if you are being paranoid or that woman has been watching you for a long time, her gaze flicking from a phone to you again.
Mr. Holst greets you, and you congratulate him on his birthday; he sits to chat with Raphaël's elderly mom.
The hot woman suddenly swoops in, her long legs striding across the room to you.
Her eyes flash with anger as she grabs your arm, her nails digging into your skin. "You think you're so special, don't you?" she hisses, her voice low and venomous, taking you completely by surprise.
You try to shake her off, not knowing what the fuck is happening! But she's too strong.
She pulls you closer, her face inches from yours. "You're nothing but a foolish little fling to Toto," she sneers really loud for everyone at the table to hear.
You start to feel all eyes on you as she causes a scene.
"This means nothing to him! You are just an entertainment." she continues.
You feel a surge of embarrassment as you realize what's happening.
Toto looks at you two, his eyes wide with surprise, but he doesn't intervene. Your bosses are standing nearby, their faces frozen in shock.
Irina shows you the stunning diamond ring on her hand and holds it up for everyone to see.
The table you attend falls silent, and all eyes are on you. Humiliation hits you as you realize the scope of what's happening.
"You think you can just waltz in here and steal my man? Toto is marrying me," she says again, her voice dripping angrily. "Me! Stay the fuck away!"
Irina flings back into the crowd, her words echoing in your mind.
You feel tears stinging in your eyes as you turn to flee the party.
"Don't even bother to come back. You are fired." Raphaël addresses you, firing you in the spot, catching you preparing to leave, his gaze burning with triumph and victory.
The sounds of laughter and music fade into the distance as you stumble into the night air, your heart heavy with sorrow.
Léo and Chloé look astonished as they watch you leave after witnessing the show Irina put on.
Your heels are hitting the floor faster, and the trail of your fitted gorgeous gala dress sways behind you.
You know that you will never be able to show your face at this place again and that no one will ever look at you in the same way after this.
God, you are so mad at Toto and even more heartbroken!
A loud knock comes at the door; maybe your aunt left work early. "Coming!" you look like a mess with swollen eyes from all the crying and feeling like shit and heartbroken, destroyed, dusted, you name it.
Toto's tall figure greets you when you open the door.
"How yo-?!" you look at him, eyes filling with anger and tears again.
"Ava," he interrupts you. "She got your address and sent me in a car here."
He reads your intention to close the door to his face and stops it firmly with his muscular arm.
Toto invites himself into your apartment. Standing beside the worn-out cupboard, he looks out of place, especially in that expensive tuxedo.
Gosh, he looks so dreamy, fuck him!
"Irina was completely wrong. You are not entertainment; what happened with us was real; you are important to me, more than you imagine." He goes straight to the point, not wasting time making things clear.
You feel a couple of tears run down your eyes. Lots of emotions for just one night.
He reaches closer to wipe them with his fingers. "I shouldn't have allowed Irina to talk to you that way and embarrassed you. Please forgive me. For all. We were on a time off when I met you."
"Irina? You thought that was his sister. You heard Holst asking him about her at brunch, along with his mom," You stupid girl!
"I called off the engagement for good." He looks straight at you and closes the steps between you.
"You did?!" and you die to add the "for me," but you contain.
"Do you still want me?" he asks, leaning closer to your lips, his breath brushing your mouth.
"Yes," a beg escapes your lips.
Toto is there to apologize for the hurt he caused. He wants to reach for you, to hold you close, but he doesn't know where to begin. So, instead, he does the only thing that feels right at that moment.
His lips find yours in a tender kiss, at first gentle but exploring, as if trying to find his way home.
You respond with a soft sigh, and your hands roam over his back, muscles reacting to your gentle touch.
Your mouths open to each other in a deep, consuming kiss, tongues darting and twisting, exploring every spot of the other's mouth.
Before any of you knows what is going on, you stumble your way towards the bed, Toto's hands finding the hem of your short nightgown, pulling it up and over your head, revealing your naked body.
The sight of your bare skin is enough to take his breath away.
Toto's fingers trace the curves of your breasts, thumbs flicking at your stiffening nipples as you gasp and arch into his touch.
God, you always feel so good.
"Fuck," he mutters, bending his head to capture one of your nipples in his mouth. The taste of your nipple is intoxicating, and he moans in pleasure as his lips close around you.
Toto's mouth works its magic on each flick of his tongue and grazes of his teeth; you get wetter, your arousal building up.
Then his fingers find your folds, slick with need, and he spreads you open, fingering that pussy he very much loves.
He groans at the contact, his cock throbbing in response. He needs to be inside you. He needs to lose himself in you.
Clothes go out of the way.
Toto looks up at you, asking for consent, and with one swift motion, he enters you, his cock sliding into your wet, welcoming heat. You gasp as he fills you, your body adjusting to his size.
He doesn't move yet. He gives you time to get used to him. His eyes never leave yours as he waits, his breath hot against your skin. The anticipation is unbearable, and you rock your hips against him, urging him to move.
Toto growls, low and deep in his throat, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back into you. The force of his thrust pushes your body down against the bed, and you cry out as pleasure shoots through you.
The feel of Toto inside you, filling and completing you, is unlike anything.
Toto's thrusts become harder, more urgent, driving into you with a force that had you moaning out his name over and over again, lost in the pleasure of the moment.
The sound of your sweat-slicked bodies slapping against each other, the wetness that escapes with each thrust, fills the small room.
Your breasts bounce with every move. You are so close to the edge, your orgasm building deep within you. Toto feels your inner walls begin to flutter around his cock, the sensation driving him wild.
"Fuck, Toto!" you cry out, clutching at the sheets as your body trembles with pleasure under his thrust.
He repeats the motion over and over again, your body shaking beneath him, your moans desperate. Toto feels your body tighten around him and your inner walls milking his cock.
With a final, frantic thrust, Toto lets himself go. He cums hard, filling you with his release.
As you both come down from your high, Toto collapses onto you, his body panting and slick with sweat.
You wrap your arms around him, holding him close as you both catch your breath.
Toto presses a soft kiss to your forehead, his lips brushing against your skin.
"Toto, I... I..." you try to build the courage to say.
"Yes?" His voice is husky but caring.
"I- I love you." You are all red, looking down, unable to face him.
He pulls your chin up tenderly with his finger before kissing your lips.
Before you dare to confess: "I never loved someone this much, I... I want a life with you and you to be my future. Could, you, I don't know, think about it, maybe, you know, you could... take me... with you to London, it sounds good."
A trail of kisses comes your way. "I will think about it, but let's sleep first. It's almost 4 a.m." he rubs his eyes and wraps you around his body.
"Yeah, I'm exhausted too; a lot happened." You kind of laugh and move to enjoy the view of his naked body, caressing him till he falls asleep, and you, too.
As sunlight creeps into your small room, you wake up disoriented. It's a hot day, and the AC is off.
"Toto?" you call his name; his body is not next to you, and you hear sounds from the kitchen.
"Is he making you breakfast? How sweet!"
You get on your feet and quickly pull some clothes on. You don't want to miss that moment for your life.
You pull the slightly already open door of your room to be greeted by an unexpected scene.
Surprisingly, your aunt is there, cooking breakfast for your mom. You look around the apartment, confused.
"Surprise!" your mom lets out from one of the chairs on the small round table. "Oh, it's only me, honey!" your mom informs you, thinking you are looking around to spot her family. As usual, believing life revolves around her.
"Are only just you two in here?" you ask.
"Ahm, yes..." your aunt says, holding the pan. "Well, no, if you count the ghost that lives here, the one who likes to throw my flowerpots."
"It's a cat!" you add before walking fast back to your room. Then you look at the clock, fuck! It's almost 1 p.m.; it's not breakfast time. It's lunchtime!
You pick up your phone, no new texts or calls from Toto; maybe he is dealing with shit after what happened. It's too bad you cannot go back to the Club.
What is that?!
You notice a folded piece of paper on the nightstand. You feel the fine paper on your fingertips as you open it:
"I'm sorry to do this to you, kid, but I can't."
And just like that, he exits your life.
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Can I request a reader x wolff one please? where reader and non f1 male were the ultimate couple, so it came as a shock when they broke up. With many people being sad about their split, since they seemed perfect for each other. However recent rumors have surfaced that maybe she might be seeing toto, which causes quite a stir among fans, who are now speculating about the potential new relationship?
PARINGS: toto wolff x fem!reader
TYPE: social media au

liked by jaredpadalecki, lewishamilton and 567,738 others
yourusername: @vanityfair oscar date night
view 4,748 comments
genpadalecki: 😍 stunning as always!
↳ yourusername: i love youuu 😘
user: can jensen fight?!??
user: where’s jen?
user: stunning 😍
user: she does NOT age, i swear 😩
misha: 😃
↳ user: castiel energy frr
user: did jensen go with her??!?
user: mom where’s dad?!???
user: she’s soooo mother, omgg 😍
user: @jensenackles can you fight, bro?
user: lewis, what are you doing here?!?? 👀
user: the definition of MOTHER
user: has anyone noticed jensen hasn’t liked/comment?
↳ user: what are you insinuating??!? 🙄
↳ user: haven’t seen them together for quite a while, actually
↳ user: obviously they won’t be out in public 24/7
user: kindly step on me 😩
user: did her and jensen break up or something?!? 😭😭
user: anyone else noticed the mercedes boys in the likes?
user: 😍😍 gorgeous!
user: jensen’s one lucky ass mf 😩
user: waiting for jensen’s comment and like
user: ATE and left NO CRUMBS
sofiavergara: 😍 wow
user: mother is mothering 😍
user: why are ppl saying her and dad are broken up?!!?
user: 😍😍😍😍 goddess


liked by jaredpadalecki, misha and 788,825 others
jensenackles: a little bts of yesterday’s photo shoot
view 5,736 comments
user: the man that you are, oml 😮💨
user: the fact that yn’s getting this everyday 😭😭
user: they’re still together right?!!??
jaredpadecki: 😘
user: so fine
user: apparently he might be single again sooooo 😏
user: he’s fine and he knows it
user: WHAT A MAN 😍😍
↳ user: indeed 😩
user: are yn and jensen still together?!??!??
↳ user: of course, why wouldn’t they be?!?
↳ user: there’s been rumors going on about them breaking up
↳ user: they better not be true 😭 wtf
user: why are people saying jensen and yn broke up??!?
user: father of my kids (im kidding) (im not)
user: aged like fine wineeeee 😮💨
↳ user: he gets sexier each year 😍
user: @yourusername is so luckyyy
↳ user: supposedly, they broke up 🤷🏻♀️
↳ user: sAy SIKE RN
user: how can i get his attention? 😩
user: another day another slay
user: finest man ever 🥵
user: that’s my dean winchester
user: i need to know if mom and dad are still together or not
↳ user: girl, frrr 😭😭 it’s been weeks
user: where’s yn??!?? she hasn’t liked nor commented 🤨
user: sirrrrrr 😍
user: so sexyyyy of him


liked by lewishamilton, evalongoria and 600,839 others
yourusername: life lately
view 5,746 comments
user: YN A MERCEDES FAN?!!??!???
| liked by yourusername
user: is thAt toto wolff?!??
user: gorgeous 😍
user: missing dad hours 😓
↳ user: we’re ALL going through it right now:’(
user: mercedes?! lewis liking all her post?!? tell me u all see it?
↳ user: we all see it, i assure you 👀
genpadalecki: gorgg 😍
↳ yourusername: ❤️
mercedesamgf1: thanks for coming, pretty lady 😘
↳ user: ADMIN?!!??? WHAT IS THIS?!!?
↳ user: lewis is definitely behind all this, i just know it
user: WHERE’S JENSEN???? 😭😭😭
user: lewis is great and all but jensen?!!?!?
user: can we talk about toto’s back? 😩
↳ user: she really got the best angle
user: who got you smiling like that? 🤨
user: the most beautiful woman ever, i swear
ruthie_connell: 😍😍😍 beautiful!
user: get back with jensen, please 🙏🏼
user: please tell me you’re dining with dad in the 5th slide
user: your beauty is unreal 😩
user: wait— who’s lewis?!!?
↳ user: formula one driver
↳ user: 8x world champion
↳ user: 7* but okay 🙄
user: mother 😍
user: yn being a mercedes fan is everything to me
user: mad i didn’t see her at the race 😭😭


liked by realmarksheppard, pierregasly and 679,738 others
yourusername: 💗
tagged: @genpadalecki
view 4,846 comments
user: who is that?!??
jaredpadalecki: @genpadalecki 😍
↳ yourusername: our wife’s gorgeous, isn’t she, moose?
↳ user: nOt moose 😭
user: that ain’t lewis?!??
user: i’m just going to pretend that’s jensen for my sake
user: missing jensen:((((
user: her friendship with gen is everything
user: gen and yn are the female version of sam and dean
feliciadays: beautiful ladies 😍
user: and everyone thought it was that hamilton guy LMAO
user: still not over her and jensen 😭😭 they were perfect
user: MOM, WE WANT DAD BACK 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
user: anyone else think that looks like toto wolff??
↳ user: tHat’s what i Said!
misha: thanks for the invite btw 🙂
lewishamilton: 👀
↳ user: sIR, wHAT DO YOU KNOW?!??!?
↳ user: mind sharing with us??
carmenmmundt: 😍😍😍 gorggg
user: IS SHE DATING TOTO?!!?!????
user: lewis AND george liked? 👀
↳ user: even gasly’s nosy ass liked
↳ user: that’s why his forehead so big 😭 he knows it allllll
user: her side profile, omg 😍😍
user: he definitely screams toto wolff
user: idk who this wolff guy is but i want jensen back
user: her and jensen were supposed to be endgame 😭😭
user: ngl but her and toto would definitely make a cute couple
user: i love how everyone just assumes she’s with toto now


liked by georgerussell63, sofiavergara and 687,863 others
yourusername: ft a small photo dump
view 6,527 comments
user: tHat’s TOTO OMG
user: toto?!?!?? 😮
genpadalecki: my loveeee 😍
↳ yourusername: 😘 love yaaa, girlfriend
user: oooh to be yn
user: ynjensen is really over 😞😞
user: toto, that’s a nice back you’ve got;)
user: toto’s one lucky mf
user: I MISS JENSEN 😭😭😭
user: yn, babe, this ain’t you, get back with dad
user: that’s a hot back
user: lordddddddd 😍
user: TOTO?!!??
user: mother 😍
user: IS THAT TOTO, OMG?!??
↳ user: yessss
lewishamilton: 👀
user: ariana (lewis) what are you doing here?
georgerussell63: nice back there, mate
comment has been deleted
user: we saw thAt comment george
user: toto is so fine omg 😩
user: my man is so fine
user: her side profile is everything
user: toto’s soo lucky huh? 😭😭
user: did anyone else see george’s comment?!?!?
↳ user: what comment???
user: you cannot tell me that isn’t toto
user: his back bro 🥵
user: what about jensen???? 😭😭😭


liked by lewishamilton, pierregasly and 678,629 others
yourusername: life lately <33
view 6,510 comments
user: “life lately” and post THE TOTO WOLFF?!! 😮
user: bitcH OMG
user: yn pulls the hottest men ever 😩
↳ user: nah frr — first jensen now toto??
user: idk if i want to be yn or be with her
user: can i be your sugar baby?
mercedesamgf1: finest couple ever! 😮💨
↳ user: admin— you’re so real for this omg
↳ user: admin knows what’s up
user: can toto fight?
↳ user: can’t fight for a championship that’s for sure
mercedesamgf1: the boss says you’re gorgeous
genpadalecki: wifeee 😍
↳ yourusername: love yaaaaa 🫦
user: nooo, i miss jensen 😭😭
user: okay but how did toto bag her??? like come on
user: gorgeous ladyyy 😍
ruthie_connell: 😍😍😍
user: nOt pierre being in the likes
↳ user: loves the gossip lmao
jensenackles: @misha @jaredpadalecki told you
↳ user: told them what?!!?
↳ yourusername: 😭 leave me alone, i love my chocolate
↳ jaredpadalecki: it’s always the chocolate
↳ genpadecki: chocolate is addicting okay
↳ user: glad to know they ended on good terms 😩
user: yn, you’re sooo gorgeous
user: the woman that you are, omggg 😍
user: mother frrr
user: they make such a hot couple
user: yntoto 😮💨
user: i just need to know you and jensen are still friends
↳ yourusername: always <3
lewishamilton: gorgeous - toto wolff
lewishamilton: i don’t have instagram - toto wolff
↳ yourusername: text me, love 😘
↳ user: please this is so cute
user: nOt the sign off by toto himself 😭😭
christianhorner: 🫡
#toto wolff#toto wolff x reader#toto wolff x you#jensen ackles x reader#jensen ackles x you#jared padalecki#supernatural#spn#f1 instagram au#f1 fanfic#f1 fandom#f1 x you#f1 x reader#formula 1#au instagram#toto wolff fanfic#formula 1 social media au#formula one x reader#mercedes amg f1#f1 imagine#f1#formula one x yn#formula 1 x reader#f1 fics#toto wolff x y/n#f1 x female reader#instagram au#formula one#social media au#formula 1 imagine
2K notes
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Wild Imagination

Summary: You were just an interviewer for the Met Gala when you were able to meet the Sir Lewis Hamilton
Song: Brent Faiyaz - ALL MINE
Part 2
Author’s note: Longest story I've ever written! Comment if you want a part 2! Please like, reblog and share this! 🫶
Word count: 20.8k

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the bustling streets of New York City, you found yourself standing outside the iconic Metropolitan Museum of Art, the venue for the illustrious Met Gala.
The air was thick with anticipation, and the excitement was palpable as celebrities and fashion icons prepared to make their grand entrances. As an interviewer for the event, you was tasked with capturing the essence of the night, and your own attire was a reflection of the glamour surrounding you.
You glanced down at your dress, a stunning creation that seemed to shimmer under the city lights. The fabric was a deep midnight blue, reminiscent of a starry sky, adorned with intricate silver embroidery that traced delicate constellations across the bodice.
The gown flowed elegantly to the floor, with a subtle train that added an air of sophistication. As you adjusted the delicate straps, you felt a sense of confidence wash over yourself.
“Wow, you look incredible!” exclaimed your colleague, Sarah, as she approached you with a camera in hand. “That dress is absolutely perfect for tonight!”
“Thank you!” you replied, a smile spreading across your face. “I wanted something that would stand out but still feel elegant. The theme this year is ‘In America: A Lexicon of Fashion,’ so I thought a classic silhouette with a modern twist would be fitting.”
Sarah nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “You definitely nailed it. I can’t wait to see the reactions when you interview the stars. They’re going to love your look!”
As we made our way toward the entrance, the sound of flashing cameras and excited chatter filled the air. The atmosphere was electric, and you could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
We approached the red carpet, where a line of glamorous attendees awaited their moment in the spotlight.
“Remember to ask them about their outfits!” Sarah reminded me, adjusting her camera settings. “Fashion is the heart of this event.”
“Absolutely,” you replied, your mind racing with questions. “I want to know what inspired their looks and how they interpret the theme.”
You had just finished getting your makeup touched up, the final brush strokes adding a touch of glamour before you stepped into the whirlwind of the Met Gala again.
Surprisingly, you felt a sense of calm wash over you. The thought of interviewing celebrities didn’t make your heart race; instead, you found comfort in picturing them as ordinary individuals with extraordinary talents.
“Just remember to smile and engage with the celebrities,” your manager, David, instructed, his tone a mix of seriousness and playful urgency. “I’m counting on you to shine tonight. A stellar performance could mean a nice little bonus for me.”
“Sure thing, David,” you replied, glancing at your phone, half-listening as you mentally prepared for the night ahead.
“Good! Now go out there and do whatever it takes to go viral—even if it means flirting a little,” he added with a wink before striding out of the room, leaving you to gather your thoughts.
As you stepped into the bustling atmosphere of the gala, the lights sparkled like stars, and the air buzzed with excitement. You took a deep breath, reminding yourself that these celebrities were just people, albeit with a flair for the dramatic.
You spotted a familiar face in the crowd—Naomi Elaine Campbell.
Summoning your courage, you approached her. “Hi Mrs. Campbell! I’m here with Buzz Feed. Can I grab a quick chat with you?”
The model turned, her smile brightening the room. “Of course! I love your work. What do you want to know?”
You felt a rush of adrenaline as you began the interview, asking about their latest project and what inspired them. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and you found yourself genuinely enjoying the exchange.
“By the way,” you said, leaning in slightly, “I’ve heard you’re quite the dancer. Any chance we’ll see you on the dance floor tonight?”
She laughed, a warm, infectious sound. “Only if you join me! I could use a partner who knows how to keep up.”
You grinned, feeling the energy of the moment. “Challenge accepted! But only if you promise to show me some of your moves.”
As the night continued, you mingled with more stars, each interaction building your confidence. You remembered David’s advice and made sure to smile, engage, and even throw in a playful flirt here and there.
“Hey, you’re really good at this!” a young reporter remarked as you both took a break from the chaos. “You’ve had to be doing for years now, you're such a professional!"
You smiled shyly at the reporter, "Just because I sound professional doesn't mean I'm not nervous to meet someone big like Naomi Campbell,"
"You were?" the reporter looked surprised.
"Of course I was, she's one of my biggest idols yet I kept my cool and spoke calmly, my mom always used to say 'treat celebrities like normal people with extraordinary abilities,"
David's voice crackled in your earpiece, urgent yet calm. "Y/N, you need to come back. More people are arriving."
You smiled at the young reporter, wrapping up your conversation. "Thanks for the chat! I hope to see you around soon." She waved goodbye as you turned to head back to your post.
As you mingled with other celebrities, the conversations felt surface-level, lacking the depth you craved. Perhaps it was because you didn’t know much about them, or maybe the atmosphere was just too frenetic.
Then, out of the crowd, you spotted him—Sir Lewis Hamilton, looking dapper in a suit tailored just for him. Your heart raced; you knew you had to find a way to speak with him.
To your surprise, after a few brief exchanges with others, he locked eyes with you. It was as if the world around you faded, and he began walking in your direction.
Panic bubbled up inside you, but you took a deep breath, willing yourself to stay composed.
"Well, if it isn't Sir Lewis Hamilton," you said, trying to keep your voice steady and a hint flirty. "We were all looking forward to your arrival this evening, and I must say, you look incredibly handsome in that suit."
Lewis flashed a charming grin, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "Thank you, Mrs. Y/N L/N. I'm delighted to finally meet you tonight. You look absolutely ravishing, as always."
You were taken aback. He knew your name?
The thought sent a thrill through you. "I’m flattered, really. I didn’t expect to be recognized by someone as renowned as you."
He chuckled softly, leaning in slightly. "I’ve heard a lot about you. Your work is impressive, and I admire your passion."
Your cheeks flushed at the compliment. "That means a lot coming from you. I’ve followed your career for years. Your dedication to racing and your advocacy off the track is truly inspiring."
Lewis nodded, his expression sincere. "Thank you. It’s important to me to use my platform for good. Speaking of which, I’d love to hear your thoughts on some of the initiatives you’re involved in."
You felt a rush of excitement. This was the deep conversation you had been longing for.
"Well, I’m currently working on a project for sustainability in sports. It’s a challenge, but I believe we can make a significant impact."
He listened intently, his interest evident. "It’s all about how we can reduce our carbon footprint and promote eco-friendly practices within the industry."
Lewis listened intently, his interest evident. "That’s fantastic! Sustainability is such a crucial topic, especially in motorsport. I’ve been trying to advocate for greener technologies in racing yourself. It’s a challenge, but it’s necessary."
You nodded, feeling a connection forming. "Exactly! It’s about finding innovative solutions and inspiring others to join the movement. I believe that if we can get more athletes on board, we can make a real difference."
He smiled, his enthusiasm infectious. "I’d love to collaborate on something. Maybe we could organize an event or a campaign together? It would be amazing to combine our efforts."
Your heart raced at the thought. "That would be incredible! I’d be honored to work with you. We could reach so many people and raise awareness."
As you spoke, the noise of the event faded into the background, and it felt like it was just the two of you in that moment. Lewis leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone.
"You know, I’ve always believed that passion is contagious. When you’re passionate about something, it inspires others to feel the same way."
You couldn’t help but smile, feeling a warmth spread through you. "I completely agree. It’s what drives me every day. And I can see that same passion in you, not just for racing but for making a difference."
He nodded, his gaze unwavering. "It’s what keeps me motivated, especially in a sport that can sometimes feel so disconnected from the real world. We have a responsibility to use our influence wisely."
Just then, David’s voice crackled in your earpiece again, pulling you back to reality. "Y/N, are you there? We need you back at the main stage."
You sighed, knowing you had to leave this captivating conversation. "I’m sorry, but it looks like I have to go. Duty calls."
Lewis's face fell slightly, a flicker of disappointment evident in his eyes. "I get it. But let’s make sure this isn’t our last conversation. I’d love to pick up where we left off."
He reached for your hand, gently brushing his knuckles against yours. "I hope so," you replied, a mix of hope and regret in your voice.
As you turned to leave, the bustling sounds of the event faded into the background, but the warmth of Lewis's touch lingered. You could feel the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air, and it made your heart race.
"Y/N!" David's voice broke through your thoughts again, more insistent this time. "We really need you here!"
You took a deep breath, glancing back at Lewis, who was watching you with an intensity that made your pulse quicken. "I’ll be back," you promised, your voice barely above a whisper.
It was as if the cosmos conspired against you that night, weaving a tapestry of misfortune that seemed almost deliberate.
The moment you finally stepped onto the red carpet, the atmosphere was charged with excitement, but the spotlight had already shifted, leaving you in its wake.
Lewis had already slipped away, retreating to the comfort of his home, far from the chaos of the event.
"I can't believe I was too late to talk to him again," you muttered to yourself, frustration bubbling beneath the surface like a pot about to boil over.
After all, who would wait around for an interviewer when the allure of a quiet evening beckoned?
You took a deep breath, trying to shake off the disappointment that clung to you like a shadow, as you mingled with the remaining stars who lingered for the after-party, their laughter echoing in the air like a bittersweet melody.
The atmosphere was electric, a vibrant tapestry woven from laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the soft hum of conversation.
You found yourself chatting with a dazzling array of celebrities, each one more captivating than the last, their stories and charisma drawing you in like moths to a flame.
As the night wore on, the excitement began to wane, and exhaustion settled in like a heavy fog.
The vibrant conversations around you started to blur, and you exchanged goodbyes with your team, their faces a mix of smiles and understanding.
Yet, your mind still wandered back to thoughts of Lewis, the insights you could have gleaned more from him.
"I really wanted to talk to him more," you sighed, glancing back at the vibrant scene one last time, the lights twinkling like stars in a night sky.
"Maybe next year," one of your colleagues reassured you, clapping you on the shoulder.
With a heavy heart, you stepped out into the cool night air, the thrill of the evening overshadowed by the lingering sense of what could have been. . . .
Following the Met Gala, your encounter with Lewis Hamilton captured the public's attention, ultimately granting David the boost he had been hoping for—a raise, thanks to the newfound recognition his employee brought to the team.
The buzz surrounding your interaction was undeniable, and it seemed to elevate everyone's profile in the process.
Your thoughts, however, remained fixated on Lewis.
Intrigued by his world, you delved into the realm of Formula 1, immersing yourself in the races whenever your work schedule permitted.
The thrill of the sport captivated you, and you found yourself eagerly anticipating each event, drawn in by the excitement and the sheer talent on display.
The desire to attend a Grand Prix and witness Lewis in action grew stronger, yet your job constraints stood in the way.
The longing to experience the adrenaline of the race and cheer for him from the stands was palpable, but the demands of your career made it a distant dream, leaving you to navigate the balance between work and your newfound passion.
You just hoped that you would be able to see him soon or at next year's Met Gala and speak to him if he hasn't forgotten about you already. . . .
The year had dragged on, each day blending into the next, and here you were, still in the same position at work.
But this time, there was a twist: you had been chosen to attend the Met Gala again.
Your company had gone all out, pouring resources into crafting the perfect dress, all in hopes that you might cross paths with Lewis Hamilton again.
They were determined to make a lasting impression, especially after the unexpected chemistry that had sparked between you two the previous year. Yet, despite the excitement surrounding the event, you couldn’t shake the feeling of caution.
You reminded yourself not to get your hopes too high.
As the night of the gala approached, you found yourself standing in front of the mirror, adjusting the intricate details of your gown. The fabric shimmered under the light, and you couldn’t help but feel a mix of anticipation and anxiety.
“What if I see him?” you whispered to yourself, imagining the possibility of a second chance.
But then, a wave of doubt washed over you. “What if he doesn’t remember me?” you sighed, trying to quell the fluttering in your stomach.
You had replayed the moments from last year in your mind countless times, but the reality of the situation felt daunting.
Finally, the night arrived, and the atmosphere buzzed with excitement. As you navigated through the crowd, your heart raced at the thought of encountering Lewis again.
As you saunter through the bustling atmosphere of the Met Gala, your senses are alive with the vibrancy of creativity, fashion, and the hum of whispered conversations.
With a strategic focus on reconnecting with familiar faces and unearthing new celebrities, you interview designers, actors, and musicians, soaking in the anecdotes that dance on the tips of their tongues.
The glittering spectacle before you, adorned with high fashion and mesmerizing artworks, seamlessly blends creativity with prestige, encapsulating the very essence of the gala.
After immersing yourself in discussion after discussion, you finally take a moment to step back from the whirlwind of interviews. The moonlight spills through the glassy high-rise windows, casting a magical glow throughout the venue, offering you a fleeting glimpse of solace amidst the chaos.
Yet, just as the weight of the evening begins to settle on your shoulders, a voice, smooth and teasing, pierces the ambient noise.
"Well hello, Mrs. L/N. I hope you didn't forget about me," the voice calls out playfully from behind you, sending a shiver of electricity down your spine.
You pivot on your heels, your heart racing, to find Lewis Hamilton leaning against the elegant marble pillar just a few feet away, a devilish smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
His tailored suit catches your eye immediately—a striking ensemble that marries classic style with modern flair. The deep emerald green fabric clings just perfectly to his athletic frame, the subtle sheen giving way to intricate patterns of silver-thread embroidery that weave through the fabric like a secret, shimmering constellation.
His shirt, unbuttoned at the collar, reveals just a hint of a crisp white undershirt, and the tailored trousers elongate his legs, finishing just above a pair of polished black brogues that gleam under the soft lighting.
"Of course not! How could I?" you respond, a sheepish smile tugging at your lips as you fully face him, memories of last year’s awkward encounter rushing back to the forefront of your mind.
It slips from your tongue before you can filter it: "I feel like I should apologize for what happened last year."
The lightness in the air shifts, as the shared past hangs momentarily between you like an unspoken agreement, a reminder of the unfulfilled promise of time spent together amidst the glamour.
Lewis, perceptive as ever, leans slightly closer, the teasing spark in his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"You should," he replies lightly, a playful lilt in his voice that somehow manages to mask the slight edge of disappointment beneath.
"I dutifully waited for you for hours until my manager dragged me out," he teases, the warmth of his laughter wrapping around you like a familiar embrace.
It's almost charming how he knows exactly the right buttons to push to evoke a blend of guilt and flattery within you, and as you meet his gaze, you feel partially exposed yet undeniably captivated by his charm.
The acknowledgment of that missed connection lingers in the air, juxtaposed against the festive backdrop of the gala, only intensifying the electric undercurrent of this reunion.
Desiring to ease the slight weight of remorse that his words brought upon you, you ponder for a moment, your mind racing to find a way to make it up to him.
"Is there a way to repay you?" you ask, a trace of shyness coloring your voice.
The question hangs between you, a delicate bridge inviting the possibility of rekindling what could have been, or perhaps igniting something entirely new.
Lewis glances at you, his smile broadening as if your inquiry brings a glimmer of hope, leaving you momentarily suspended in anticipation of his response.
"Maybe you can come support me in my home race?" he suggests, a hopeful grin lighting up his face, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as they glint like the glimmer of city lights outside.
Imagining the energy of the crowd and the thrill of the race makes your heart race as well, a promise of shared excitement glowing in the air between you.
The notion dances between you like an apparition, stirring both delight and trepidation as you weigh the spontaneity of joining him at such an exhilarating event.
In that moment, everything outside your immediate exchange blurs away, fading into a mere backdrop to this connection that seems to widen with every heartbeat, every shared glance.
Encouraged by the mutual thread of interest, you take a breath, aiming to find the right words to capture the mix of excitement and nerves that flutter within you.
"I'd love to do that, Lewis," you reply earnestly, letting the natural enthusiasm in your voice spill forth.
"Good, because I really wasn't ready to get rejected in front of national television," Lewis says with a playful chuckle, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You almost forget that you are sitting surrounded by cameras and a live audience, as the warmth of his personality envelops you. The realization washes over you, pulling you back to the present—a stark reminder of the interview’s stakes.
Despite the gravity of the situation, the lightness that Lewis brings shifts the atmosphere entirely.
His ability to make you feel at ease is admirable, reminiscent of a good friend rather than a celebrity caught in the relentless spotlight of fame.
At that moment, you feel a twinge of guilt for your initial intentions, which were focused solely on extracting professional insights for your audience.
However, it’s hard to resist the magnetic pull of this engaging banter—dare you say, it’s not only entertaining but also enlightening in its own right.
"Oh my gosh, I forgot this was being recorded," you exclaim, shock radiating across your face as you instinctively cover your mouth, stifling a laugh.
You glanced nervously at the cameras, suddenly aware of the audience who is watching you in real time, likely captivated by the unexpected turn the interview has taken.
Lewis's laughter rings out, melodic and infectious, easing the tension that had begun to creep back into the room. You can’t help but join in, the rhythmic cadence of his joy sweeping you back into the moment.
In the midst of the laughter, you suddenly remember your earpiece, which had fallen silent during your break from obligations.
When you pop it back in, the first sound you hear is David's irate voice cutting through your bubble of enjoyment, chiding you for being unprofessional.
You yank it out again, a frown furrowing your brow as frustration surges within.
Who needs a producer barking orders when you're in the middle of something special?
Perhaps today needs to be more about being present in the moment rather than sticking rigidly to a script. The mention of professionalism seems a distant concern, a faint echo overshadowed by the authentic experiences happening right in front of you.
You’re ready to take ownership of your interview and allow it to unfold in a way that feels honest and true, something organic that resonates with both you and the audience watching from their living rooms.
The lights in the lavish venue dimmed slightly, casting a warm glow over the crowd as the murmurs faded into anticipation. The announcement echoed through the hall, calling all the celebrities to the main hall for a special presentation.
As the excitement buzzed around you, you felt a familiar pang of disappointment wash over you at the thought of leaving the company of Lewis.
His cocoa brown eyes met yours, and for a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still. "I guess they really know how to kill a moment, huh?" Lewis said with a cheeky grin, his fingers brushing against yours.
You could feel a warmth creeping up your cheeks, and you downplayed your shyness with a small laugh.
“I was really enjoying just… this," you admitted, gesturing between the two of you. "Don’t you think they could have waited a bit longer?”
Lewis chuckled softly, his demeanor effortlessly charming. "If only they listened to us, right?" He paused, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes.
Then, with great care, he took your hand and pressed his lips gently against your knuckles, reminiscent of last year’s memorable encounter.
The sweet gesture made your heart flutter, igniting a mix of shyness and excitement that left you breathless.
“Lewis…” you started, your voice barely above a whisper, feeling butterflies taking flight in your stomach.
With a teasing wink, he pulled away slightly and reached into his pocket. “Before they whisk me away, I have something for you.”
He produced a small piece of paper and leaned closer, his breath warm against your ear. “It has my phone number on it. I’ll need to send you the tickets for the race.”
Your heart raced. “Tickets for the race? Wait, you were actually serious?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t want you to miss it. But… I might need a bit of company if you’re up for it,” he said, an inviting smile spreading across his face.
You felt an elated rush, realizing just how much this meant. “Lewis, I would love that. I’ve been wanting to see you at the races.”
“Good. Then it’s a date,” he said playfully, his tone shifting back to the more teasing side of him.
He leaned in again, his voice lowering conspiratorially. “Just don’t tell anybody else, alright? I have a reputation to maintain.”
You laughed, your heart swelling with affection. “Your secret’s safe with me! Just promise you won’t forget to text me.”
“I could never forget someone like you,” he replied, his eyes locking onto yours with sincere intensity.
You felt like you might burst from happiness.
Just then, the staff made their way toward you, nipping at the edges of your time together. Lewis took a step back, and the moment felt almost surreal.
He let go of your hand slowly, but not without lingering for a moment longer.
"Goodnight, Gorgeous." He said for only you to hear and grinned happily after your embarrassed reason.
You smiled saying your farewell before watching him turn back to the group gathering for the announcement.
You stood frozen, clutching the piece of paper, which felt like a small treasure in your hand. His number was your connection to a world you desperately wanted to be part of.
As you turned toward the camera, your face lit up with a mixture of surprise and glee, capturing the whole moment, you heard the voice of the host spilling out instructions for the event ahead.
You took a deep breath before speaking directly into the lens, the joy radiating from you unmistakable.
“So, looks like we’ll have some exciting plans coming up, folks! Stay tuned for my next race adventure with the Lewis Hamilton!”
With that, you ended the recording, your heart still racing from the whirlwind of emotions.
You glanced back, hoping to catch one last glimpse of him before he disappeared into the crowd, grateful for the serendipitous moment that brought you two together, albeit briefly, in the enchanting ambiance of the evening.
As you stepped out of the cool cascade of the shower, droplets glistening on your skin like tiny jewels, the atmosphere of the Met Gala still danced in your mind—a swirl of vibrant colors, laughter, and the intoxicating scent of sophistication.
You could still feel the weight of the glamorous gown clinging to your skin, a silken reminder of the enchanting evening spent amidst the brilliant and the bold.
Your heart fluttered as you sank onto the plush hotel bed, the soft sheets enveloping you in a cocoon of comfort.
This was the moment you had been waiting for, a delightful collision of excitement and anxiety, as your fingers nervously hovered over your phone.
After a deep breath, you checked for notifications and instantly spotted it—the notifications of the interview you had with Lewis Hamilton, his striking presence still echoing in your thoughts, his laughter resonating like a gentle melody.
Suddenly, in the ongoing reverie, a flutter of memory came rushing back, the way a gust of wind lifts scattered autumn leaves in a jubilant dance.
You could still picture the slick piece of paper he had handed you so casually, his fingers lingering a beat longer than necessary. It seemed so innocuous at the time—a simple slip of white with ink scrawled across it.
But the implications of that note buzzed loudly in your heart. He had mentioned his number, and despite the whispering doubts that David, your manager, planted in your mind, a seed of hope took root.
David's voice echoed menacingly: "Lewis Hamilton is doing all this to seem like a gentleman for the camera and to get more recognition, don’t think for a second that he actually likes you."
The warning replayed in an endless loop, threatening to cage your heart in cautious realism.
With shaking hands, you unfolded the paper, allowing the dim light of the room to illuminate the numbers scrawled across the page.
It was real. There it was, a string of digits that could unlock a connection or forever remain dormant within the realm of what-ifs.
Sitting there, caught in a whirlwind of emotions, adrenaline surged through you.
You took a moment to gather your thoughts, your eyes roaming the room—the opulent furnishings, the soft glow from the chandelier casting a romantic hue.
The allure of possibility mingled with your sense of self-preservation, and with a final resolve, you glanced at your reflection in the nearby mirror.
You looked stunning—and vulnerable.
It was time. In that instant, the logic of David's words fell away, leaving only the heart's whisper urging you forward.
You reached for your phone, fingers trembling as they danced across the screen, dialing the number that Lewis had provided.
Each ringing beep felt like a heartbeat, echoing loudly in the silence of the hotel room, rhythmically marking the passage of time laden with potential.
When the line connected, your heart raced, echoing in your ears as you swallowed hard against a wave of emotion.
"Mr. Hamilton?" you ventured tentatively, every syllable laden with weight, aware that the man on the other end could change everything in an instant.
An electric pause settled in the air before the sound of his laughter broke through, smooth and teasing, engulfing you like warm summer rain.
“Y/N, you don’t have to be so formal, there’s no cameras here,” he quipped, the intimacy of his tone sending shivers down your spine.
Those words settled comfortably in your thoughts, breaking down the walls you had so carefully erected. Suddenly, your fears seemed trivial in contrast to the warmth radiating through the phone, infusing your evening with a touch of magic.
The rhythm of your heart settled into a new cadence, emboldened by his playful demeanor. “So, are you still riding high from the Met Gala, or is it just a distant daydream now?” he asked, his voice dancing along with understated charisma.
A giggle slipped past your lips before you could catch it, the sound bubbling with shared memories and possibilities. “I think I might still be in shock,” you replied, the honesty of your words spilling out effortlessly.
“It was as surreal as I imagined, except I didn’t expect to meet someone like you.”
The connection felt raw and real—two souls uncovering potential amid elegant facades.
The conversation shifted effortlessly, weaving through laughter and shared dreams, as the moments stretched on, elongating time with each heartbeat that harmonized between you.
“So, about you coming to Silverstone to support me?” Lewis asked, his voice laced with a blend of curiosity and anticipation, sending a flutter through your heart.
You could almost picture that trademark smile of his, bright and infectious, the kind that made everything come alive around you.
His enthusiasm felt palpable, radiating through the phone, and you couldn’t help but huff a soft laugh, “Lewis, you really weren’t joking about you being there.”
It was almost absurd how serious he could be, yet here he was, weaving dreams of shared moments at the iconic racetrack, where the roar of engines mingled with cheers, and everything about racing seemed to spiral under the spotlight of your connection.
You admired his earnestness, how he effortlessly broke through the invisible barriers you had built around yourself, prodding at your heartstrings like an artist with a canvas.
“Of course not, I really want you to be there for me.” His words tumbled out so simply, yet they carried the weight of a thousand sentiments, causing warmth to blossom in your chest.
The flustered smile creeping onto your face could easily rival the glow of the sun itself, and you found solace in the fact that this was merely a voice call — nobody could see the way your cheeks burned at his declaration.
It was frustrating how quickly he could spin you into a whirlwind of feelings, leaving you breathless.
“I don’t know, Lewis, my work is very demanding and the income isn’t good enough to take a trip…” you replied hesitantly, a shadow of self-doubt creeping in.
You cursed yourself internally, lamenting over the constraints of your mundane job, longing for the freedom to jet off at a moment’s notice and bask in the thrill of England’s racing scene.
“Is that it? If that’s your only problem, then I can definitely sort something out,” Lewis said with unyielding assurance, his charm scrubbing away the veil of uncertainty clouding your thoughts.
His confidence made you pause, the wheels of your imagination racing.
It was surreal to think that Lewis Hamilton, the very face of resilience and determination in the racing world, was willing to go out of his way for you.
“Lewis…” you began, almost overwhelmed by the thought of him putting in so much effort on your behalf, unsure whether to be flattered or simply dazed by the enormity of the offer.
“Y/N, you just have to agree to come with me, and I’ll do the rest,” he reassured, the confidence in his tone wrapping around you like a warm embrace.
You couldn’t help but think that this might be a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the kind that stories are made of. Of course, you wanted to be there.
The thought of cheering him on, of sharing the adrenaline rush as he raced across the track, filled you with excitement. Yet, skepticism still lingered in your mind like a faint cloud.
You paused to ponder, “Is there a catch?” you asked, a glint of suspicion dancing in your voice despite the eagerness bubbling beneath it.
After all, magical opportunities often came with strings attached, or at least that was what your cautious heart believed.
Lewis laughed, the sound a soothing balm that seemed to wash away your hesitation. “I don’t think there is, unless making a beautiful woman fly over to England for you is a crime,” he replied teasingly, and you put your hand over your mouth, stifling a laugh while also trying to hide the giddy embarrassment swelling within you.
How could one man be both charming and utterly disarming?
His words dripped with sweetness as if he were seasoned in the art of affection, and you found yourself fighting a battle against your own defensiveness, the walls beginning to crumble at the sheer conviction in his voice.
“Okay, I accept your offer, Lewis,” you finally said, feeling a sense of liberation wash over you as the words flowed freely, like a torrent finally breaking through a dam.
You knew that this decision could change everything; it felt like a leap of faith that could lead to a world woven together by racing and shared dreams.
“Great! I’ll start getting your paddock pass ready for you,” he exclaimed, happiness echoing in his voice like a song, and you could almost visualize the way his eyes lit up, brimming with enthusiasm that could spark any dormant ambitions. . . .
The excitement in the air was palpable as you packed your suitcase, the warm glow of anticipation wrapping around you like a comforting blanket.
Lewis had called you just three days prior with the news that he would be flying you out to England on Thursday.
"You deserve a little adventure," he had said, his voice cheerful and encouraging. "Plus, I can’t wait to show you around."
"We'll have plenty of time to explore," you had replied, trying to sound nonchalant about the whole thing, but your heart raced at the thought of spending time with him.
The days rolled by in a blur, but Lewis kept you connected through our daily conversations.
"I just boarded my flight!" he texted one morning. you could almost hear his laughter through the screen as you pictured him boarding with his signature style.
Each update from him painted a vivid image—how he texted you from the paddock to show off his team outfit, a tailored suit that clung perfectly to his frame.
"Looking sharp as ever!" you texted back, your heart fluttering at the thought of our video calls, where we’d share laughs and glimpses of our lives, albeit from a distance.
Lewis had a twinkle in his eye as he held up his phone, the screen lighting up with your curious face. "I have someone who wants to meet you, Y/N," he announced suddenly one day, his voice brimming with excitement.
You were lounging on your bed, propped up on your elbows, intrigued by what he had in store.
"Who is it?" you inquired, your curiosity piqued as you leaned closer to the screen, eager to see what was coming next.
As Lewis adjusted the camera, it shifted downward, revealing the floor of his apartment. Suddenly, you heard the soft patter of tiny paws, and before you knew it, a bulldog strutted into view.
He seemed oblivious to the camera at first, but you couldn’t help but call out to him.
"Roscoe!" you exclaimed, your voice filled with warmth.
The moment he heard his name, the big pup spun around, his tail wagging furiously as he searched for you.
In the background, you could hear Lewis encouraging him, "Look at the phone, buddy!"
When Roscoe finally caught on, he erupted into a joyful bark, his tongue lolling out as he playfully licked the screen.
"Someone's excited to see me! It's you, Roscoe, such a good boy!" you laughed, your heart swelling with affection for the adorable dog.
The connection felt instant, as if you were already friends, and you couldn’t help but smile at the delightful scene unfolding before you.
Lewis watched with amusement, clearly enjoying the bond forming between you and his beloved pet.
"Are you sure you haven't seen Roscoe before, he seems to be acting very familiar with you," Lewis laughed as Roscoe was trying his best to get to you by rubbing his face into the phone.
"Nope, this is the first time I've seen him in person," You said, wishing that you were on the other side of the phone to give Roscoe a cuddle. "People say I'm very lovable, I didn't know it stretched to animals,"
"They weren't lying," Lewis muttered for only himself as he watched his son fall in love with you. . . .
Finally, Thursday arrived, and the world felt bright with possibility as you made your way to the airport.
Your phone buzzed with a message from Lewis. "Text me when you land and I'll pick you up."
You pouted slightly, knowing that you had insisted on making your own way to the hotel.
"You don’t have to, Lewis. I can take a cab. You’ve just had a long flight, and I don’t want to inconvenience you." you typed hurriedly, trying to dissuade him.
"Nonsense! You’re my guest, and I want to make sure you get settled in without any hassle. Just trust me, okay?" he replied, his tone playful yet firm, a reminder of his stubbornness that you had grown to admire.
With that, there was no arguing.
When you finally arrived, the familiar feeling of jittery excitement washed over you as you wove through the arrivals hall, scanning the crowd for his familiar face.
And then you spotted him—he looked effortlessly stylish, a radiant smile illuminating his features as he waved enthusiastically.
"Here she is!" he exclaimed, pulling you into a warm hug. you inhaled the familiar scent of his cologne, momentarily lost in the moment.
"Hi, Lewis! You didn’t have to come all this way," you said, trying to play it cool as you two pulled apart.
He shrugged, a playful grin spreading across his face. "I wouldn’t dream of missing this. Besides, it’s not every day I get to hang out with the most stunning woman I've seen."
"Flattery will get you nowhere," you teased back, but the warmth in your cheeks betrayed your amusement.
As you two walked to his car, our conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by light-hearted banter and lingering glances that held unspoken promises.
A part of you wondered if he felt the same tension underneath the surface, the way your heart raced each time our arms brushed against one another or how our laughter seemed to echo longer than the sounds around us.
"So, what do you want to do first in England?" Lewis asked as you two settled into the car. "There’s so much to see, and I’m more than ready to show you."
You considered this, excitement bubbling up within you. "Well, I definitely want to see the London Eye, but honestly, just being here with you is enough for me."
His eyes sparkled in the rearview mirror, and for a brief moment, you saw a flicker of something deeper—something that mirrored your own feelings. yet, it vanished just as quickly, replaced with his usual playful demeanor.
"Alright then! Just you wait, this will be a trip to remember."
Lewis drove you to the hotel where you would be staying for the week, the excitement of the upcoming events buzzing in the air. As you neared the hotel, you couldn't help but gaze out at the picturesque setting, your anticipation building.
The towering structure was surrounded by lush greenery, and the sun cast a warm glow over everything.
As he parked, Lewis turned to you with a gentle smile. “Welcome to your home away from home! Let me help with that,” he said, stepping out and grabbing your luggage before you had a chance to protest.
His demeanor was that of a true gentleman, and you appreciated how he always seemed to think of your comfort first.
You followed him into the lobby, the grandeur of the hotel taking your breath away. The high ceilings were adorned with intricate chandeliers, and the air was filled with an inviting warmth.
After a brief check-in, you made your way to your apartment suite, which felt more luxurious than you had expected. You unlocked the door and stepped inside, inviting Lewis to place your luggage down.
“Oh wow, Lewis! This is incredible,” you exclaimed, marveling at the spacious living area, which boasted a stunning view of the surrounding hills.
“You didn’t have to go this far for the hotel,” you muttered, still taking it all in.
Lewis chuckled, his eyes twinkling. “I wanted to, and it’s really close to Silverstone, so I can pick you up in the morning. I didn’t want you worrying about anything while you’re here.”
He set your suitcase down and turned to you, revealing a little envelope in his hand. “Also, here is your paddock pass,” he said, handing it over with a flourish.
You took the pass and looked at it in awe. “Wow, I can’t believe I’ll be in the paddock! This is going to be an unforgettable experience!” You looked up at him, your excitement practically radiating off you. “Thank you so much, Lewis. This means a lot.”
His smile broadened as he leaned against the doorframe. “Just doing my part. You’re going to have a great week; I promise. I’ll pick you up at ten? That gives you enough time to settle in?”
“Ten sounds perfect!” you replied, feeling a mix of gratitude and exhilaration. “But Lewis, I really can’t thank you enough for this. You’ve gone above and beyond.”
“It’s nothing,” he said, his voice earnest. “Besides, it’s my job to make sure you’re comfortable and ready for the weekend. Now, do you need help with anything else before I let you get settled?”
“Honestly, I think I’m good. I’ll just unpack and get a little rest before tomorrow. It’s been quite a journey,” you admitted, glancing around your new temporary home.
“Alright then, I won’t keep you,” Lewis said, stepping back towards the door. “Just remember, I’m just a text away if you need anything.”
He paused at the threshold, a playful grin on his face. “And I expect you to be ready on time. No wanderings through the hotel lobby!”
You laughed, shaking your head. “No worries, I won’t keep you waiting, I promise!”
With a final wave, he stepped out, leaving you in your luxurious suite, the thrill of the upcoming week washing over you like a tide.
As you looked out the window at the sunset painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, you couldn’t help but smile at how perfect everything seemed—and how grateful you were for Lewis being a part of it.
You stood in your newly unpacked bedroom, admiring the sight of your neatly arranged clothes in the wardrobe. Each piece had its place, a small reminder of home. You plopped down onto the bed, feeling a mix of fatigue and exhilaration.
You turned on the TV, wanting a familiar face to calm your nerves. The moment the screen flickered to life, you spotted him—Lewis, with that radiant smile of his, sitting confidently in the conference room.
My heart fluttered as you watched him engage with the journalist, animated and passionate.
“Why do I still get so nervous watching you?” you whispered to the screen, mirroring his expressions as he cracked a joke that made the whole room burst into laughter.
He seemed so at ease, so happy, and it made you grin. But as the conference continued, you noticed him glance at his watch, a familiar look of urgency flashing across his face.
To my surprise, he offered a quick farewell to the people in the room and hurriedly exited the room. You chuckled softly. “Always in a rush, aren’t you, Lewis?”
What you didn’t realize was that his departure meant he had something important to attend to—you.
The thought sent butterflies fluttering in you stomach as you recalled our last conversation.
“Text me when you land and I'll pick you up,” he had promised. He must have gotten your message and immediately left to pick you up.
The thought of that made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
He was just doing this for his reputation. You repeat to yourself, trying to get the thought of Lewis Hamilton liking you out of your head. . .
As the morning sun poured through the sheer curtains, casting a gentle glow upon your bedroom, you stirred from slumber at the soft chimes of your clock announcing that it was just 8 AM.
Yet, restlessness fluttered within you, an unyielding excitement mingling with the tremors of anticipation.
Today was not just any day; it was a moment poised on the cusp of something magical, something enveloped in the promise of romance.
You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, the cool touch of the wooden floor grounding you, and felt your heart race in sync with the rhythm of your eager thoughts.
Images of Lewis filled your mind—his charming smile, the way his laughter lit up the room, the aura of confidence he exuded in that unmistakable Mercedes uniform.
Selecting the perfect outfit was crucial; it had to embody elegance while echoing your growing infatuation with him.
You settled on a classic jet black dress, its fabric soft and flowing, perfectly mirroring the sleek tone of his Mercedes. The color seemed to beckon, much like the promise of adventure before you, stirring a wave of confidence within you.
You slipped the dress over your head, watching as it cascaded down to hug your curves in all the right places.
Standing before the mirror, you meticulously arranged your hair, letting soft waves frame your face, and applied makeup to accentuate your features—a subtle hint of romance in every brush stroke.
Time seemed to blur as your excitement melded with an anxious yearning for the text that would signal his arrival.
You checked your phone repeatedly, promising yourself it would be just moments away, but instead, an electrifying tap on your door startled you, pulling you out of your reverie.
Your heart raced even faster as you approached the door, curiosity dancing in your veins like fireflies in the twilight.
You hesitated briefly before swinging it open, your breath hitching at the sight of Lewis standing there in his pristine Mercedes uniform.
The black fabric contrasted sharply with his deep complexion, and you could see the hint of disbelief in his eyes as they traveled from your dress to your face, lingering longer than necessary, his lips slightly parted in awe.
For a fleeting moment, the world around you faded into oblivion, and you stood entranced by the magnetic pull between you.
A feeling of nervousness washed over you, choking back the words you longed to say, leading to a self-critical whisper, “Is it too much? Should I change?”
Your voice barely rose above a whisper as embarrassment washed over you, the vulnerability of a romantic moment sending your mind into a flurry of doubt.
To your surprise, Lewis snapped back into focus with a wide grin breaking across his face, illuminating the air between you with an unexpected warmth.
“No! I mean no, you look amazing,” he breathed, his voice flirtatiously laced with sincerity. “I was just stunned by your beauty.” Those simple words cascaded over you like a soothing balm, erasing your uncertainty as a rush of flustered energy surged through you.
With your heart fluttering like a captive bird ready for flight, you felt a smile spread across your face—a beautiful mirror to his.
You finally closed the door behind you, the sound muffled by the magic pulsating in the air, as you wrapped your fingers around the strong curve of Lewis’s arm that he offered to you.
The world beyond felt tantalizingly distant as your connection grew, a potent blend of eagerness and hope swirling between the two of you.
With your heart racing in rhythm to the hurried beats of the moment, Lewis guided you out of the hotel and towards his waiting car, a sleek Mercedes that gleamed under the gentle morning light.
The drive to the paddock was quick, just as Lewis had promised, yet each passing moment in his company felt like a fleeting treasure, leaving you yearning for just a little bit more.
As he maneuvered the car through the bustling streets, your laughter filled the air, mingling with the soft hum of the engine, and you found yourself hanging onto every word he said, equally as enthralled by the subtle charisma of his voice as by the depth of his stories.
The conversation was weaving a beautiful tapestry of shared interests and playful banter, with each anecdote revealing another layer of who he was.
But suddenly, with the gentle thump of the car coming to a stop, it felt painfully abrupt.
The heaviness of the moment rested on your chest; you wished you could linger in that bubble of warmth, just a moment longer, before reality ushered you both into the thrumming chaos of the paddock.
As he helped you out of the car, his touch was delicate yet firm, igniting a spark that coursed through your skin as you stepped onto the asphalt.
You both headed towards the paddock, your heart racing in anticipation—not just of the buzzing environment but also for the chance to stand beside him in this exhilarating world.
You flashed your pass at the entrance, the small piece of plastic suddenly feeling like a ticket to an uncharted adventure, and followed closely behind Lewis.
The way he waved to the adoring fans sent a rush of pride through your veins; you could see their surprised expressions when they realized who was accompanying him, an unexpected twist in the narrative that made your heart flutter with delightful mischief.
Once inside the garage, the atmosphere was electric, a spectacular blend of excitement and adrenaline as the staff bustled around, their dedicated energy palpable.
They were welcoming, treating you with kindness and warmth, probably because you were with Lewis.
Yet, as you absorbed the scene—the myriad of tools, the gleaming car, the stacked tires—there was a stillness inside you; you were no longer just a bystander but a part of this captivating world. You found a spot in front of the many TVs, each screen poised to bring the race to life, the anticipation tangling your nerves as you prepared for the spectacle.
You turned to Lewis, who began explaining the intricacies of the garage operations, and although you were a newcomer to the sport, his passion was infectious, igniting an eagerness deep within you.
"I got something for you, Y/N," he said, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief, breaking up the flood of information he had been sharing.
You blinked in surprise, leaning slightly forward, curiosity piqued. “What is it?” you asked eagerly, your heart flutterin.
Lewis shifted playfully, a smile dancing on his lips as he rummaged behind him and emerged with a black cap, resplendent with his signature emblazoned across the front.
In that instant, your face lit up with joy; his gesture felt intimate, something so personal yet shared openly with the world.
You thanked him, slipping the cap onto your head, feeling the weight of it ground you in reality, but also lift you into a new realm of possibility.
“How does it look?” you asked innocently, tilting your head playfully, seeking his validation, as if the cap itself carried the promise of his approval.
“Perfect,” he replied without hesitation, his gaze holding yours—warm, unwavering. You couldn’t help but blush at his compliment.
“Supporting me does suit you,” he added with a teasing smile, the playful banter making your heart race even faster than before.
In that moment, you realized how right he was; wearing this piece of him made you feel connected, almost like an extension of who he was in this dynamic world.
With a light-hearted push, you nudged him, the laughter escaping your lips in a gentle rhythm, creating a moment that people would kill to capture.
But before the magic could linger longer, a staff member called for him, signaling that it was time to prepare for the practice race. As you watched him walk away, every step taking him further into his world, a bittersweet feeling settled in your chest.
Just then, a cameraman approached, the lens of his camera zooming in as he directed his focus towards you.
As you caught sight of the camera, you instinctively smiled and waved, a mixture of shyness and excitement bubbling within you.
You were about to turn your attention back to the screens when, from the corner of your eye, you glimpsed the caption that flashed: your name followed by "Lewis Hamilton's partner."
The weight of that label struck you in that instant, a delightful shock that pierced through the air, echoing in your mind as both a chance happening and a beautiful reality.
You hadn’t anticipated the intimacy of that moment being broadcast to the world, yet it felt incredibly right, as if everything had aligned perfectly in that exhilarating chaos of the race world.
Suddenly, the noise around you faded, and in that moment, you felt an undeniable sense of belonging, as if you were no longer just a spectator but a pivotal part of a greater story unfolding in the dazzling world of Formula 1. . . .
You could feel the weight of disappointment lingering in the air as Lewis emerged from the chaotic hum of the paddock, his face betraying the inner turmoil that he tried so valiantly to mask.
While he adorned an exterior of calm confidence, tucking away the feelings of a seventh-place finish, his eyes spoke volumes—a glimmer of frustration intertwined with determination.
It was a moment that made your heart ache for him, a reminder that even the greatest champions wrestle with the trials of their passion.
As he stepped into the garage, you instinctively opened your arms, drawing him into a suffocating hug that melted away the façade for just a moment.
“You did good,” you whispered gently in his ear, as you could feel the tension gradually release from his shoulders, even though you knew he felt he could have done more. You held him tightly, relishing the warmth radiating from his body, allowing him a fleeting escape from the relentless world of competition.
Lewis lingered in your embrace longer than necessary, allowing his head to find refuge in the crook of your neck, seeking comfort amidst the storm of competitive disappointment.
In that fleeting bubble of intimacy, you felt your heart race, realizing that these simple moments—while overshadowed by the pressure of the race—were what truly mattered.
But as he reluctantly pulled away, a shadow of embarrassment flickered across his features, and he muttered an apology that hung in the air like a dewdrop clinging precariously to a petal.
“Sorry,” he said softly, and you could see that familiar streak of humility running through him, the man who, despite his victories, remained grounded amid the roar of accolades.
“Don’t apologize; you needed that,” you replied, your voice steady but affectionate, reassuring him that moments of vulnerability were not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to the depth of his passion.
His faint nod reassured you that he was starting to let go, if only for an instant, of the relentless expectations he harbored for himself.
“Now, you change as fast as you can, we need to see the whole of London before Roscoe starts missing you too much,” you declared with a playful nudge, pushing him gently toward his driver’s room.
There was an infusion of excitement in your voice, a spark of adventure that contrasted with the somber ambiance of the paddock. The thought of showing him around the city ignited a new energy within you, one that suggested a fresh start, a break from the taxing intensity of competition.
Lewis responded with a half-smile, momentarily distracted from his earlier humdrum. “I’ll be back in a second, stay here,” he replied with a determined glint in his eyes, and you watched him retreat, feeling a pang of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead, even if they were just fleeting moments of joy amidst the backdrop of grandiose skyscrapers and historic streets.
As you settled into a nearby chair, you watched the flurry of staff and mechanics bustle around his car, fine-tuning every minute detail as if it were a delicate piece of art being prepared for an unveiling.
The love for machinery and the intricacies of the racing world enveloped the space, yet your mind wandered aimlessly, drawn towards your phone in an attempt to find some levity amid the seriousness of the day.
A flicker of curiosity prompted you to dive into Twitter, where you scrolled through the effusive commentary of fans speculating about your relationship with Lewis.
What struck you was the mix of admiration and bewilderment, as many fervently debated whether you were merely a cousin, a relative, or something even more storied—his wife, perhaps?
A bubble of laughter escaped your lips at the absurdity of it all; “I wish,” you muttered under your breath, momentarily lost in a world of fantasy where the lines between reality and desire blurred enticingly.
But before you had too much time to dwell on your musings, a familiar voice broke through your reverie. “I’m back! Are you good to go?” Lewis announced, and your heart leapt at the sight of him clad in casual attire—a crisp black T-shirt fitted snugly against his chiseled frame, paired with dark denim jeans that accentuated his athletic stature effortlessly.
He looked remarkably different, stripped of the racing gear that had just a moment prior defined him, and instead exuding a relaxed charm that made your pulse quicken.
There was a mischievous sparkle in his eyes, an energy that seemed to dance with untold stories and adventures yet to unfold.
“Yep, let’s go!” you exclaimed, enthusiasm bubbling within you as you slid your phone into your bag, keen to prioritize the moments of spontaneity that awaited beyond the confines of the paddock.
Together, you made your way to the back exit, slipping away from the clamor of racing fans who thronged towards the main entrance.
A shiver of excitement coursed through your veins as you both stepped into his car, the sleek interior a stark contrast to the chaotic noise that defined the day thus far.
The familiar scent of his cologne enveloped you as the door clicked shut behind you, creating an intimacy that felt both safe and exhilarating.
Lewis turned to you, and you could see the remnants of his earlier disappointment beginning to fade, replaced by an electric anticipation that mirrored your own.
“Where do we start?” he asked with a sly grin, tilting his head, eager to soak up every ounce of the city he loved.
“The London Eye, obviously! We can stroll along the river and see the sights,” you suggested, your voice brimming with enthusiasm.
This was your chance to share a piece of yourself with him, to weave together the threads of your lives in a way that felt effortlessly beautiful.
As he pulled out onto the road, you caught the unmistakable glint of excitement in his eyes. Each moment held the promise of connection while the city unveiled its secrets before you.
As you both embarked on your little tour of London, sharing laughter and playful banter, it became clear that this day would be more than just a distraction; it was an invitation for intimacy and understanding, to forge a bond that danced in freedom, not tethered by the constraints of the race or its disappointments.
You could feel yourself beginning to drop the pretense of being just a friend—every exchange and subtle glance became charged with unspoken words and possibilities.
The world outside blurred, and for that brief moment, all that existed was you and Lewis, wandering together down streets lined with splendor while time unceremoniously slipped away.
And as you shared stories amidst the laughter, with each word and each shared memory, you couldn’t shake the feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, what started as a pitiful race day could lead to something woven with romance and dreams, a blossoming connection fueled by shared experiences that danced just beyond the horizon of a typical friendship.
As he told stories of past races and the whimsical incidents that peppered his illustrious career, your heart ached with admiration—not just for the racer he was but the man behind the helmet, someone with dreams as grand as the city itself, melding seamlessly into the rhythm of your own heartbeat.
In that moment, surrounded by the vibrant pulse of London, everything felt right.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the London sky in hues of orange and pink, Lewis and you made our way to the London Eye. It had been an exhilarating day exploring the city, but deep down, you had been eagerly anticipating this final adventure.
You had never been on a Ferris wheel before—not in the US, where I'd grown up, nor anywhere else for that matter.
The towering structure beckoned to you, its silhouette against the evening sky a symbol of the iconic moments that London had to offer. Yet, beneath the thrill of excitement bubbling within, you felt a familiar flutter of anxiety in the pit of your stomach—my fear of heights.
As you two stepped onto the glass capsule, your heart raced. The floor felt solid yet somehow surreal, and you instinctively reached out for Lewis's hand, clutching it tightly as the ride began its ascent.
The moment you two started elevating above the bustling streets, you felt a rush of panic wash over you. “Oh my gosh, it's so high!” you gasped, glancing down briefly. “Why did I agree to this?”
“Might be a little late for that realization.” Lewis chuckled softly, his warm smile radiating calmness.
He squeezed your hand reassuringly, and his gaze met yours, steady and encouraging. “Just look at the view. It will be worth it, trust me.”
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to look out at the panorama unfolding before us. The Thames glimmered below, and the city lights began to twinkle, creating a beautiful tapestry.
“Okay, it is pretty amazing,” you admitted, feeling a sense of awe creeping in as you took in the landscape.
“See? Nothing to be scared of.” He flashed a grin before leaning in a little closer, his voice soft against the gentle hum of the ride. “Hey, let’s talk about your project—the one that reduces carbon footprint.”
You brightened at the mention of your project, the excitement momentarily overshadowing your trepidation. “Oh yeah! So, I’ve been researching this method of carbon capture using algae, which is fascinating!” you replied, your nerves diverting as you got lost in the details. “They absorb CO2 much more efficiently than trees...”
“Really? That sounds incredible! Algae might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about fighting climate change, but it makes so much sense.” Lewis’s interest was palpable, and you found comfort in sharing your passion, your earlier fears nearly forgotten.
“It does, right? And the best part is it can be grown in almost any environment. I mean, it could revolutionize how we approach carbon emissions!” you felt your enthusiasm grow as you spoke, and for a fleeting moment, you forgot about the height.
“I love that you’re so passionate about this,” Lewis said, nodding appreciatively. “It always makes me think about how we can all play our part, no matter how small. Like taking the tube instead of driving. It seems little but actually makes a huge difference.”
“Exactly! Every action counts. I just hope my project can inspire others to think about their impact on the environment, maybe even help spark a movement.”
Suddenly, the capsule paused at the top, and you felt your breath catch again as you glanced out. “Wow,” you whispered, the whole city laid out like a glimmering mosaic beneath you. “It’s... breathtaking.”
“See? You did it!” Lewis said, breaking into a proud smile. “You made it to the top. And look at how beautiful everything is! This is what you came for.”
You nodded slowly, finally able to appreciate the view without that tightening grip of fear. “You were right, Lewis. I’m so glad we did this.” I turned to him, realizing in that moment how grateful I was for his support. “Thanks for holding my hand through this.”
He laughed lightly, “Always. I think I’ll be holding your hand during the descent too, just in case.”
As you two finally began our gentle descent, you injected a playful note into the air. “If I scream, just remind me that I won’t fall.”
“I got you,” he replied, still holding your hand firmly. “We’ll conquer this fear together.”
As you both descended from the ferris wheel, your fingers remained interlaced, a testament to the bond that had formed between you.
Neither of you seemed willing to sever that connection, as if the thrill of the ride had woven an invisible thread that held you together. The vibrant lights of the fairground flickered around you, but your focus was solely on each other.
"I can't believe I actually did that," you remarked, glancing up at him with a mix of exhilaration and disbelief.
"Right? I thought you were going to scream the whole time," he replied, chuckling softly. His laughter was infectious, and you found yourself smiling wider.
The moment felt suspended in time, a perfect encapsulation of joy and companionship. As you approached Lewis' car, he gently squeezed your hand, and for a brief moment, you hesitated, reluctant to part ways.
"You know, I could get used to this," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He looked at you, his expression serious yet playful. "What, holding hands or riding ferris wheels?"
"Both," you admitted, your cheeks flushing slightly. Just then, Lewis opened the car door for you, and reluctantly, you released his hand, feeling a pang of loss as the warmth of his touch faded.
You stepped into the car, your heart racing with the promise of more adventures to come. . . .
The night seemed to conspire against your fatigue, offering no respite as your mind swirled with thoughts of Lewis, each cascading wave filled with warm anticipation.
As dawn broke, casting a soft golden glow through the hotel room window, you reluctantly opened your eyes, momentarily squinting at the light.
You felt more drained than you had the previous day, but excitement surged through you like electricity—today was the day Lewis would welcome you into his world and unite you with Roscoe, the bulldog whose playful spirit had captured your heart.
The thought of seeing him again put a spark in your step, propelling you from the comfort of your bed and urging you to prepare for a day filled with unknown joy and warmth.
You dashed into the bathroom, the cool water of the shower invigorating your senses, washing away the remnants of exhaustion.
After the steamy shower, you rummaged through your suitcase, determined to put together an outfit that would both thrill and impress. you finally settled on a flowing sundress in a soft, pastel blue that danced gently around your knees, perfect for the bright day ahead.
You paired it with a lightweight denim jacket, knowing you might need an extra layer later, and slid on your favorite ankle boots; they felt both casual and chic.
But the pièce de résistance was the signed hat—a structured wide-brimmed beauty that Lewis had gifted you just yesterday.
It sat atop your head, a charming reminder of the budding connection you two shared and added an air of confidence to your look.
As you admired yourself in the mirror, you twirled slightly, causing the dress to billow around you and your heart to flutter with the thought of Lewis.
The knock on the door snapped you back to reality. You opened it with a beaming smile, your excitement palpable.
Standing before you, Lewis appeared effortlessly handsome in his casual attire, a little rumpled from what you imagined must have been a busy morning.
His eyes lit up at the sight of you, and before you could think, you jokingly raised your arms and asked, “How do I look?” The way he regarded you, his gaze lingering and softening, filled you with a warmth that spread through your entire being.
“Breathtaking,” he replied, the sincerity in his voice catching you off guard.
You couldn’t help but shy away from his gaze momentarily. “Thank you, Lewis,” you managed to say, still caught in a delightful web of surprise as you stepped outside, leaving the hotel behind.
We walked towards his car, and as he opened the door for you, the small gesture felt steeped in kindness, a hint at the chivalrous man he was.
“I’m just describing what I’m seeing,” he said with a teasing smile as he helped you into his car.
You felt your heart leap at each word that rolled off his tongue—a simple admission that held a depth of meaning you longed to explore.
The drive to the paddock was punctuated by leisurely conversation, laughter spilling easily between you two, and soon you two were waving at enthusiastic fans along the route, their cheers only enhancing the thrill of the moment.
The sights and sounds of the racetrack felt familiar, yet each visit held a novel excitement, especially with him by your side.
Once you two arrived at the Mercedes garage, everything became a beehive of activity, each team member focused on the monumental task ahead: qualifying.
Lewis had mentioned that his dad was coming to watch him this weekend, and the thought made your heart flutter. You found yourself secretly hoping that you might get a chance to meet him, to see where the source of Lewis's passion and determination came from.
Watching Lewis slip into his racing gear was mesmerizing; he moved with a graceful urgency, each movement deliberate yet fluid, threading the air with palpable confidence.
You couldn’t help but admire how he transformed into this fierce competitor in mere moments, the ease with which he stepped into his role stirring an admiration deep within you.
“So, the qualifying—what do you think is going to happen?” You ventured, curious to discover the intricacies of his racing mentality.
Lewis paused, considering your question as he donned his helmet, the glint in his eyes suggesting a thrill of anticipation. “I just focus on each lap and trust your instincts. That’s all I can do. But having you here makes it feel even more special,” he said, his words wrapping around you like a warm embrace.
His admission settled into your chest, stirring something profoundly sweet, as you realized just how much our connection meant to him as well.
My fingers curled around the hem of your dress as you mulled over his words, excitement racing in tandem with your heartbeat.
Soon enough, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation as the time for qualifying drew near, and you could feel the electrifying energy in the air. Lewis, with his trademark confidence and undeniable charm, was whisked away into his car, the roar of the engine sending shivers down your spine.
You positioned yourself in your assigned seat, glued to the television screens that illuminated the bustling paddock.
Each moment that ticked by only heightened your excitement as you watched Lewis's car take to the track, maneuvering through each turn with grace and precision.
The tension built during Q1, your heart racing in sync with the telemetry data flashing across the screen.
Just as you thought you had reached the peak of your adrenaline, you felt a light tap on your shoulder, pulling you from your reverie.
Turning around, you were pleasantly surprised to see Lewis's dad, Anthony, standing there, a warm smile dancing on his lips.
You quickly removed your headphones, eager to engage with him, as he had always struck you as a genuinely kind person. “Hello, it’s wonderful to see you!” you greeted him, feeling a flutter of excitement.
Without hesitation, Anthony gestured for you to follow him into Lewis's driver room, filled with a hint of nervous energy.
As you two entered, Anthony’s playful demeanor sparked a hint of curiosity within you.
“I’ve been wondering who the beautiful woman your son has been with these days,” he remarked, and your heart skipped a beat at his words, suddenly feeling the heat rise to your cheeks.
Caught off guard, you stuttered a bit, completely flustered by the unexpected compliment. It was in that moment that you understood exactly where Lewis had inherited his flirtation and charm.
“Sorry it took so long to meet; Lewis has told me a lot of you,” you managed to say, your voice slightly trembling as you spoke.
Anthony chuckled, a twinkle in his eye that mirrored his son's playful spirit. “All good things, I hope?” he asked teasingly, his eyes narrowing with playful mischief, making you laugh softly in response.
The sincerity of his interest made the room feel instantly warmer, and you couldn't help but feel a newfound connection between you two.
“Of course! Your son is a true gentleman,” you assured him wholeheartedly, enthusiasm spilling from your lips as you recalled moments shared with Lewis.
Anthony’s eyes sparkled with the joy of a proud father listening to the praise he had longed to hear.
“I’ve heard. I also heard that he likes you,” he said, his expression shifting into one of intrigue, and suddenly, you felt the world around you fade into a haze of disbelief at his bold assertion.
My heart raced even faster at his comment, a whirlwind of emotions twisting within me. “No, I think that’s just a rumor—” you started to defend, yet your voice trailed off as you struggled to find the right words to counter his claim.
The fluttering possibility of Lewis harboring feelings for you sent a wave of warmth rushing to your cheeks, and the vulnerability in your tone revealed your genuine shock.
“Y/N, I think I know when my son likes a woman,” Anthony said with a straightforwardness that left you momentarily stunned.
You met his gaze, searching for signs of jest, but there was only sincerity written across his features.
“It’s complicated,” you finally admitted, your voice softening as you grasped the weight of his words. The prospect of a romance with Lewis was tantalizing yet terrifying at the same time, a dance on a precipice you had not anticipated.
As Anthony leaned against the wall, his expression shifted to one of fatherly approval, you could sense the protective warmth radiating from him.
“You don’t have to worry,” he continued, “Lewis is a good guy, and he deserves someone who appreciates him as much as he does.”
His assurance wrapped around you like a warm embrace, filling you with hope and possibility at a time when you was craving clarity about your burgeoning feelings for his son.
“Thank you, that means a lot to me,” you replied, your voice imbued with sincerity.
There was something reassuring about Anthony’s presence; it made the entire experience feel more sacred, as if love was being woven into the very fabric of the moment.
As you stood there, sharing glances with this kind-hearted man, you felt the weight of unspoken words — a bridge of understanding forming between parents and their children, and how love always finds a way to connect you in the most unexpected of circumstances.
“I just want to make sure he’s happy,” you added earnestly, your emotions surfacing as you reflected on the connection you felt with Lewis, leaving you hopeful for what lay ahead.
Lewis climbed out of his car, the roar of the engine fading as he removed his helmet. As he stepped away from the adrenaline-fueled world of motorsport, a wave of relief washed over him, the weight of the race lifting from his shoulders.
The cheers of the crowd echoed in the air, but at that moment, all he could see was you, standing there with a radiant smile that mirrored the joy in your heart.
Your arms opened wide in celebration, and when you enveloped him in a warm hug, it felt as if the two of you shared a world all your own, where victories were sweeter just because you were there to witness them.
“Congratulations,” you whispered, your voice a gentle caress amid the chaos surrounding you.
“Thanks,” Lewis replied, his eyes gleaming with both relief and happiness. But there was something else dancing in those hazel depths—an urgency, as if something unsaid lingered between you.
His gaze flickered past you, landing on a figure standing in the backdrop, and he asked, “Have you spoken to my father yet?”
The concern in his tone made your heart flutter. You turned slightly to follow his gaze, spotting Anthony engaged in conversation with some frantic staff members, his presence calm among the bustling chaos of the post-race scene.
“Yeah,” you said, your heart racing, not just from the excitement of the race but from the idea of what Anthony had shared with you.
“Y/N,” his father had said with a knowing smile, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he leaned closer, “I think I know when my son likes a woman.”
“Really?” Lewis asked, his voice laced with curiosity, his brow raised in intrigue. You couldn’t help but catch a hint of a smile tugging at his lips; the connection between father and son was palpable, and you could feel the warmth radiating from them.
“What was it about?” he probed, and there was a soft eagerness in his tone that made your heart skip.
You locked eyes with him, taking a breath to steady yourself before responding, knowing that the truth could weave its own spell between you.
“It’s a secret,” you said shyly, your voice barely escaping your lips as you playfully averted your gaze. The moment felt charged, filled with hidden meanings and unspoken promises, and you could feel the tension building in the air, drawing you closer to him.
“Well, it’s a secret I’d like to know,” he laughed lightly, teasing but genuine. “Can you at least give me a hint?”
The way he looked at you, with those warm, inviting eyes, made it hard to focus on anything other than the connection thrumming in your shared space.
You were enchanted by the way he seemed to lean in closer, as if straining to catch the secret that danced just on the tip of your tongue.
You could see the delight that shimmered in his features, a beautiful reminder that this incredible moment was shared between just the two of you.
“Alright,” you said, leaning closer, your voice dipping to a conspiratorial whisper, “I’ll give you a clue: it involves you.”
“Really Y/N?” Lewis said, sounding disappointed as he brushed a hand across his brow.
You nodded slowly, feeling the back of your cheeks heat up from the intimacy shared, the air thick with unspoken words and lingering possibilities.
"Can you be more specific for me?" Lewis asked, his curiosity getting the better of him and you were enjoying teasing the man.
"Nope, that's the point of a secret and don't be begging your father too. His lips are also sealed," You teased, wiping the beads of sweat from his chin with the cloth.
"I think I know how to get secrets out of my father," Lewis replied, taking the cloth out of your hands and wiping his neck. "Be right back,"
You watched him as he walked over to his father, who was looking proud of his son's achievements. Suddenly Anthony looked over to you and winked, knowing the secret was safe with him, you sighed in relief.
"You ready to go?" Lewis asked, a broad grin lighting up his face as he emerged from his room, now dressed in his casual attire. He sported a soft, navy blue hoodie that hung comfortably on his shoulders, paired with relaxed-fit dark jeans that accentuated his long legs.
The sneakers on his feet were a cool shade of gray, slightly scuffed but well-loved. It was a look that effortlessly combined comfort and style, making him seem approachable yet undeniably attractive.
"Yeah," you replied, glancing back at Anthony, who was gathering his things. "Goodbye, Anthony! It was great hanging out." Your words dripped with sincerity as you waved enthusiastically, a smile lingering on your lips.
As you turned back to Lewis, he chuckled softly, shaking his head in mock exasperation. "Looks like you've become best friends with my dad in just a few hours," he teased, throwing an arm casually around your shoulders as you strolled toward his car.
You nudged him playfully. "Don't be jealous, Lewis. He’s just funnier than you are!" you fired back, laughing at your own jab, the warmth of camaraderie wrapping around you like a cozy blanket.
"Don’t forget who brought you here," he reminded you with a smirk, opening the car door for you. His charming demeanor was hard to resist, and you felt a flutter of excitement in your stomach as you slipped into the passenger seat.
As he slid into the driver’s side, your memory kicked in. "Wait a minute," you said, turning to him with a sparkle in your eye. "We’re going to your house first, right? To meet Roscoe?"
A delighted grin spread across his face. "Are you ready to meet him?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with anticipation, as if he could read your mind.
"Yeah, I’ve prepared myself enough," you joked, pretending to brace yourself dramatically, eliciting a laugh from him.
You could practically feel the excitement bubbling within you at the thought of finally meeting Roscoe, the bulldog whose playful antics and silly personality had already captured your heart over countless phone calls.
The short drive to his apartment was filled with lighthearted chatter, laughter, and stolen glances. Soon, they arrived at his apartment complex, and Lewis parked. You both hopped out of the car, and he led the way, guiding you with a playful swagger toward the entrance.
Once inside, Lewis paused for a moment at his door, opening it with a flourish. "Ladies first," he said, bowing slightly in exaggerated manners. You giggled, stepping inside as he followed closely behind, closing the door with a soft click.
The first thing you noticed was the delightful chaos of the space—dog toys strewn about, a comfy couch in the corner, and the rich aroma of something baking wafting through the air.
But your attention was entirely diverted when you caught sight of Roscoe waddling toward you, big, expressive eyes capturing your gaze completely.
"There he is! Roscoe!" Lewis announced, his tone filled with pride. You crouched down, and the bulldog ambled up to you, his tail wagging like a propeller.
"Hey there, buddy!" you said, your heart swelling as you reached out to pet him. Roscoe responded with an enthusiastic nuzzle, planting his big, slobbery face against your palm.
"He definitely likes you," Lewis remarked, a knowing smile on his face.
You chuckled, scratching behind Roscoe's ears. "How could he not? Look at this guy! He’s adorable!"
Lewis watched as the two of you bonded, the moment feeling blissfully perfect. "I think we have a new best friend," he teased, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, enjoying the sight of you and Roscoe sharing a precious moment.
And in that instant, surrounded by laughter, joy, and an unexpected connection, you realized this was the beginning of something special—an afternoon filled with warmth and a bulldog that would soon have a permanent place in your heart.
As the last of the sunlight faded and shadows stretched across the cozy living room, Lewis glanced out the window and turned to you with a smile. “Since it’s already getting dark, I think it’d be best for you to stay for dinner before I drive you home.”
You looked at the glowing kitchen where the rich aroma of roasted vegetables drifted through the air. “Are you sure? I don’t want to impose.”
“Not at all. Besides,” he said, nodding toward Roscoe, who was wagging his tail with boundless enthusiasm. “Roscoe clearly doesn’t want you to leave yet. He’s taken quite a liking to you.”
With a soft laugh, you gave Roscoe a pat on the head as he rolled over, exposing his belly for all the affection you could give. “I suppose I could stay for a little longer. Right, buddy?” You scratched behind his ears, causing him to let out a joyful bark, as if to affirm your decision.
As you played with Roscoe, the rope toy caught his attention. You tossed it lightly across the room, and he bounded after it with a joyous bark, his energy infectious. But it didn’t take long before he returned, rope clenched tightly in his mouth, looking at you with those big, pleading eyes.
“Are you sure you don’t need help?” you asked, giggling as you wrestled the tug-of-war rope with Roscoe, who was determined to win. “He’s quite the little beast!”
“ Nope, you just relax and play with Roscoe,” Lewis called from the kitchen, chuckling as he chopped vegetables. “The food will be ready soon.”
You couldn’t help but admire the sight—the way Lewis moved in the kitchen with confidence, the casual ease in his posture. There was something about this moment that struck you as particularly domestic, almost as if you were a couple enjoying a quiet evening together with your dog. You felt a warmth spread through you, mixed with an unexpected shyness at the thought.
“Hey, Lewis?” You turned slightly to get his attention, cheeks faintly pink.
“Yeah?” He looked over his shoulder, a curious tilt to his head as he wiped his hands on a towel.
“Do you… do you do this often? You know, having someone over for dinner?” The question felt a bit bold, but the warm atmosphere encouraged you.
His smile widened, revealing a gleam of mischief in his eyes. “Only with special guests. Roscoe has very discerning taste when it comes to company. He’s quite the judge of character, you know.”
“Oh really?” You feigned surprise, which made him laugh.
“Absolutely. You passed the test. And I dare say, you’re his favorite human now,” he replied, leaning back against the counter, looking comfortable and at ease.
Roscoe, hearing his name, bounded over and dropped the rope at your feet, tail wagging furiously. “See? He’s demanding your attention!” Lewis teased.
You chuckled, grabbing the rope and giving it a playful tug. “Alright, Roscoe, what’s your strategy here? I need to understand your tactics if I’m going to beat you.” You tossed the rope again, and he darted after it, momentarily distracting you from your thoughts.
“You’re getting pretty good at that,” Lewis commented, watching you with an approving grin. “I think Roscoe might have finally met his match!”
After a few more rounds of tug-of-war, you flopped down onto the floor, breathless and laughing. “I never thought I’d be wrestling with a dog tonight.”
Lewis leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, his expression warm and inviting. “And yet, here we are. I’d say it’s a good night.”
You couldn’t help but nod in agreement. “Yeah, it really is.”
Just then, Roscoe curled up beside you, and you instinctively reached out to give him a gentle scratch behind the ears while glancing up at Lewis.
In that little domestic scene, something beautiful and simple brewed between you two, leaving you shy yet hopeful for more moments like this in the future.
"Foods ready," Lewis announced after setting Roscoe's bowl on the ground, a satisfied smile spreading across his face as he watched the eager dog bound over to his meal.
Roscoe sniffed at his food for a moment, tail wagging vigorously, before diving in with joyful determination. The playful afternoon had taken its toll on the dog, and it was evident he hadn’t just worked up an appetite; he had worked up a hunger.
As Roscoe happily chomped away, you stood up from your spot on the floor and made your way to where Lewis had set the table. The beautiful aromas of the dinner he had prepared wafted through the air, filling your senses with comfort and warmth.
“Wow, this smells amazing! What did you make?” you asked, looking at the colorful spread.
Lewis chuckled, a hint of pride in his voice. “I decided to whip up some pasta primavera with garlic bread. Figured we could use something hearty after our adventures outside.” His eyes twinkled as he gestured to the food, an inviting sight that made your mouth water.
You shook your head in disbelief, “You’re the best, Lewis. I can’t believe you cooked all this while I was chasing after Roscoe!” You glanced down at the dog, who was now taking a moment to indulge in a dramatic stretch before returning to his bowl.
He looked up, his mouth full, and let out an affectionate, if muffled, bark. “Are you jealous, Roscoe?” you teased. He tilted his head, responding with an innocent blink, as if he had no idea what you were talking about.
“Hey, I think he’s trying to tell you he deserves to be spoiled after all that running around,” Lewis chimed in, grinning. “But don’t worry, you’ll get your share of spoiling too right now.”
Placing a generous helping of pasta onto your plate, Lewis added, “And for dessert, I made chocolate mousse. It’s chilling in the fridge, waiting for you.” The mention of dessert made your stomach rumble in excitement, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Seriously? Chocolate mousse? Okay, now you’re just trying to win my heart,” you said playfully, taking a seat at the table.
You noticed how Roscoe glanced up at you, licking his lips in anticipation. “And what about you, buddy? Don’t think you’re getting any chocolate. It’s all for us humans!”
“Just wait until I tell him ‘off’ when he tries to steal bites from your plate. He’s persistent,” Lewis laughed, shaking his head as he filled his own plate. “But I’ll keep him busy with his favorite toy until we’re done.”
As you both began to eat, the conversation flowed easily between bites. You shared stories about childhood memories, musings on the challenges of adulting, and hopes for the future, all while Roscoe settled under the table, letting out the occasional contented sigh as he savored his meal.
“Everything tastes even better when you share the kitchen with someone you enjoy,” you remarked, your fork raised in appreciation.
Lewis looked up, his expression softening. “I feel the same way. It’s nice to have someone to share these moments with.”
As dinner wound down, Lewis leaned back in his chair and sighed. “Alright, Roscoe, time for a little break. You did a great job eating, but now it’s our turn to indulge in dessert. Are you ready for the chocolate mousse?”
Roscoe’s ears perked up at the word 'chocolate,' but you shook your head with a smile. “Sorry, buddy, no chocolate for you. But I’ll make sure you get an extra treat tomorrow for being such a good boy tonight.”
"You'll come back tomorrow?" Lewis asked surprised.
"Of course I'll need to see my favourite dog before I go back to the States," you said easily, petting Roscoe in the ear.
Lewis' face fell in disappointment at your words, a reaction you might have missed if you weren't paying close attention. His eyes, which had been bright with anticipation just moments before, dimmed as the weight of your statement settled in.
The soft glow of the lamp cast a warm light over the room, illuminating the cozy mess of blankets and toys strewn across the carpet.
Roscoe with a perpetually wagging tail, lay sprawled in the middle, paws twitching as he dreamed. Lewis and you sat cross-legged on the floor, you attention divided between a tattered tennis ball and the dog’s joyful antics.
“Hey, Roscoe, catch!” you shouted, tossing the ball into the air. He sprang up as if launched by a spring, bounding after it with glee, his fur glistening in the light.
You laughed as he returned, the ball clutched triumphantly in his mouth. “Good boy!” you leaned down to scratch behind his ears, feeling the warmth of Lewis’ body close to yours.
“You've really got a way with dogs,” Lewis said, a hint of admiration in his voice as he watched you interact with Roscoe. You glanced up to meet his gaze, and the air between you shifted, thickening with unsaid words and fleeting glances.
There was a moment, a heartbeat, where it felt like the world had narrowed down to just you two — you, him, and the soft panting of Roscoe in between.
“Thanks,” you replied, your cheeks warming slightly. “But it’s really him that has all the charm.” As you spoke, you noticed how close Lewis had moved, his shoulder brushing against you.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you could feel your breath hitching slightly, the tension in the air almost electric. Your eyes locked, and for a moment, it seemed you would bridge the distance that separated the both of you.
But then, like a cold splash of water, David's voice echoed in your mind, warning you about Lewis.
“He doesn’t like you like that; it’s all for his reputation.” The thought made your stomach twist.
You abruptly pulled back, a rush of embarrassment flooding over you. “Um, I think I should…” you started, trying to formulate an excuse that wouldn’t make you sound foolish.
“Wait,” Lewis said, reaching out and gently grabbing your wrist. The warmth of his touch sent another jolt through you, but you couldn’t let it sway your thoughts.
“Where are you going?” There was genuine concern in his eyes, and it momentarily melted your resolve.
“I just… I need to go. It’s getting really late,” you stammered, fumbling to gather your scattered thoughts and the few belongings you had on the floor.
You stood up awkwardly, trying to shake off the weight of the moment you two had nearly shared.
“It’s dark out, though. At least let me take you home. It’s too dangerous to walk alone at night,” he pleaded, his expression earnest. You hesitated, the conflict within you swirling like a storm.
“Okay,” you finally nodded, still feeling the remnants of embarrassment prickling at your skin.
You grabbed your coat, offering Roscoe a quick goodbye. “See you later, buddy.” He tilted his head, as if sensing the shift in the mood.
The drive to your apartment was wrapped in an uncomfortable silence, the kind where every unspoken word hung heavily in the air. Lewis stole glances at you from the corner of his eye, and you pretended to focus on the passing streetlights, your heart still racing from what could have been.
Once you two reached the hotel, you turned to face him, trying to conjure a smile. “Thanks for the ride, Lewis,” you said, but your voice sounded hollow even to your own ears. You could see him searching your face, but you didn’t want to let him in.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, his brow furrowing in concern. “You seem… distant.”
“I’m fine,” you replied quickly, the words barely leaving your lips before you hurriedly added, “Really.” you opened the car door, desperate to escape the tension that had built up like a pressure cooker.
“Okay… well, goodnight,” he said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.
“Goodnight,” you echoed, stepping out into the cool night air, trying to dispel the emotional turmoil churning within you.
As you made your way to the entrance, you could feel Lewis’ gaze following you until you slipped inside and shut the door.
The moment you were alone, the weight of everything hit you like a tidal wave. You stumbled to your bed and collapsed, the tears flowing freely as you processed the confusing whirlwind of emotions.
The hum of Roscoe’s playful energy, the lingering warmth of Lewis beside you, and the cruel reality of David's words conspired together, leaving you feeling fragile and broken.
When had things become so complicated? You buried your face in your hands, overwhelmed, as you tried to navigate this tangled web of friendship, affection, and fear. . .
“Did I ruin everything, Roscoe?” Lewis asked, his voice trembling slightly as he let out a sigh, collapsing onto the soft carpet of his living room.
The stark contrast of the vibrant colors around him seemed to amplify the weight of his emotions. He glanced at the door, half-expecting to see your radiant smile again, the same smile that had captivated him since the very first moment.
But that smile had been displaced by the heavy cloud of doubt that now loomed over him.
“What if she never looks at me the same way again?” he muttered, his thoughts swirling like autumn leaves caught in a brisk wind.
Roscoe trotted over, sensing the heaviness that enveloped Lewis. With soulful eyes, the bulldog placed his head on Lewis's lap, offering unspoken comfort as he met his gaze with an understanding that needed no words.
“I should have been more patient,” Lewis continued, running his fingers through Roscoe’s fur, his heart aching at the thought of losing you. “But she's just so beautiful, so full of life. It overwhelms me.”
The words flowed from his lips, each syllable a tender confession as he wrestled with his own fault lines.
The memory of you—your laughter ringing like sweet music, the way your eyes sparkled under the sun—danced in his mind, and he found himself yearning for the light you brought into his life.
“You love her too, right?” he asked Roscoe, his voice softening with vulnerability.
Roscoe responded with a joyful bark, an affirmation that seemed to echo the depth of Lewis’s feelings, as if to say, "Yes, she is the one."
Just thinking of your expression when you left, the flicker of fear in your eyes, made his chest tighten with regret.
Soft, fluttering memories spiraled in his imagination, each one highlighting the incredible moments shared—the warmth of your hand in his, the laughter echoing through his garage, the way the winter breeze intertwined with your soft, unguarded whispers.
Roscoe tilted his head, as though he understood the tempest within his owner’s heart, and Lewis chuckled bitterly.
“What do you know of love, Roscoe? You have your toys, your treats, and that’s that,” he said, but deep down, he recognized that beneath that simplicity lay a profound truth.
"If only it could be so simple for us,” he whispered, gazing into Roscoe's eyes, hoping for an answer, a spark of clarity that seemed to elude him.
Perhaps he didn't ruin everything. Perhaps this was his moment to reclaim what was rightfully his—the connection that had blossomed so beautifully between the two of you.
With newfound determination igniting within him, Lewis knelt beside Roscoe, taking in the loyal creature for a source of hope. “Let’s not give up,” he said, brushing his fingers through Roscoe’s fur one last time.
“Tomorrow, after the race I'll tell her. I’ll tell her how much she means to me.” The resolve in his voice steadfast, he looked into his companion’s eyes, feeling the unspoken promise echo between them.
Roscoe barked again, tail wagging, as if he could sense the shift around him. “Yeah, we’ll make this right.”
You knew today was going to be so awkward when you woke up and saw the dog treats scattered on the floor. Just yesterday, you'd been wrapped up in a whirlwind of emotions.
You and Lewis had almost kissed, but fear had held you back, leaving an unspoken tension that lingered in the air even now. Instead of leaning in, you had let him drive you home in silence, your heart thumping in your chest as you wrestled with what could have been.
As you stared at the mess on the floor, a part of you longed for a way out. You knew Lewis would be picking you up today for the grand prix, and your mind raced with thoughts of fabricating an elaborate story about being sick.
But deep down, you couldn't deny it—missing him already felt unbearable.
You didn’t want to miss the race, especially with the thrill of seeing him light up the track ahead of you. With a resigned sigh, you got out of bed and began your preparations, washing away the fears that clung to you like the morning fog.
Deciding on an outfit was an emotional balancing act itself. You wanted to feel cute yet comfortable, something that reflected your excitement and also the nervous energy bubbling beneath the surface.
Finally, you settled on a sleek Mercedes shirt that Lewis' father had gifted you just the day before, paired with a flirty mini skirt. As you looked in the mirror, you felt a mix of confidence and anxiety coursing through you.
Once you were ready, you hovered by the door, waiting for that inevitable knock. Your heart raced with anticipation as the seconds dragged on. Finally, there it was—a firm, familiar rap that resonated through your chest. Holding your bag tightly, you opened the door to greet him.
Lewis stood there, looking effortlessly amazing in a fitted black shirt and sleek joggers that accentuated his athletic frame. His braids were tousled just right, framing his face in a way that made you want to reach out and touch it.
The morning sun caught the gleam of his earring, enhancing the sparkle in his eyes. For a moment, you were speechless, lost in him.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks. “Is it too much?” you asked, suddenly self-conscious, glancing down at your outfit.
“Not at all,” he replied, stepping closer and meeting your gaze. “You look beautiful wearing my team's shirt.” It felt like a melody, the way he spoke, and you could hear the sincerity in his tone.
Your heart swelled at his words, gratitude washing over you like a warm blanket.
Neither of you mentioned last night, and that made you feel a strange sense of relief. Perhaps you both needed a little more time to navigate those uncharted waters.
Instead, you shifted the focus and talked about the race, discussing your hopes for the day and your excitement about the atmosphere at the track.
As you both climbed into his car, the tension felt lighter, almost playful. “So, do you think I can beat Max today?” he asked with that familiar cocky charm that always made you smile.
“Of course! With you behind the wheel, I wouldn’t bet against you for a second,” you replied, excitement bubbling in your voice.
“That’s what I like to hear,” he shot back, his eyes sparkling as he began to drive.
As the track came into view, the thrill of the day rushed in, pulling you both from the space of uncertainty. Today was about racing, adrenaline, and celebrating something that felt bigger than both of you.
And deep down, you knew that sooner or later, you would face what happened last night, but for now, in this moment, you were grateful just to be by his side. . . .
The roar of the crowd still echoed in your ears as the adrenaline from the race settled into a sweet, soothing buzz of triumph.
Lewis had just clinched his first win of the year at the British Grand Prix, and the atmosphere in the garage was electric with celebration.
Everyone was ecstatic—team members high-fived, some shed happy tears, and you felt an overwhelming rush of joy as you basked in the shared euphoria.
“Unbelievable, wasn’t it? He nailed that last lap!” one of the mechanics shouted over the celebratory din, clapping you on the back.
As the cheers continued, you turned to see Lewis’s dad beaming with pride as he approached you. “Come here!” he said, pulling you into a warm hug. “You’ve been a huge support for him. Thank you!”
With a genuine smile, you pulled away. “It’s all Lewis! He did it all today.” You followed the throng of people heading toward the paddock, eager to see where Lewis would park his car for a well-deserved celebration, but the crowd was thick, and progress was slow.
“Excuse me, coming through!” Bono, Lewis’s race engineer, called out, effortlessly parting the crowd with his presence. He glanced back at you and extended his hand. “Here, I’ve got you. Let’s get you to your driver.”
You gripped his hand tightly as he guided you through the throng of ecstatic fans and staff. The lush green of the paddock soon came into view, and excitement bubbled within you.
By the time you arrived at Lewis’s car, the atmosphere was jubilant. Lewis was already engulfed in hugs from his team, laughter and shouts blending into a chorus of celebration.
Amidst that lively chaos, Lewis’s eyes scanned the crowd, and when they finally landed on you, it was as if the world fell away.
A wide grin spread across his face, and he bounded over, leaving a trail of joy behind him.
He gave Bono a playful dap on the way past before enveloping you in a tight embrace that felt like a lifeline. Your heart raced, feeling his warmth and excitement radiate through you.
“I can’t believe it! You did it!” you exclaimed, your voice muffled against his shoulder.
“I know! I really can’t!” He chuckled, burying his face in your neck, his arms firmly around your waist as if scared to let go.
The excitement, the sweat, and the fear of losing this moment melded together in a glorious array of emotions you never wanted to end.
“I’m so proud of you, Lewis,” you whispered softly into his ear, your heart swelling with affection.
Finally, he pulled back, a radiant grin lighting up his face that could rival the sun itself. “Thank you! That means the world to me,” he said, locking his gaze with yours.
“Hey, can you meet me in my driver’s room later? I want to talk to you about something.”
Your heart raced anew, understanding the implication in his request. You nodded, unable to suppress the smile tugging at your lips. “Of course.”
Reluctantly, he let you go, his fingers lingering on your arm for a moment longer than necessary. “I need to go hug my dad and talk to everyone, but I can’t wait to see you later!”
Lewis called over his shoulder as he turned to rejoin his father, who was waving him over, still beaming with pride.
You watched him go, your heart fluttering. The thought of what was to come made your anticipation bubble over.
The air in Lewis' driver’s room felt charged with an electric tension, the kind that often accompanies moments that can alter the course of a friendship.
You glanced around the room, taking in the trophies and photos that celebrated his career achievements, but your mind was far from the accolades.
Your heart raced as you rehearsed the words in your head, wondering if they would even come out right. You had decided that today would be the day you finally told him about your feelings, no matter how nervous it made you.
“Hey Y/N,” a voice broke through your thoughts, sending a jolt of surprise through you.
You spun around to see Lewis leaning against the doorframe, a playful smile adorning his face. Despite the lighthearted demeanor, your pulse quickened even further.
“Lewis,” you managed to mutter, your voice barely above a whisper. “I need to tell you something.”
“What is it?” he asked, his brow furrowing slightly as curiosity replaced the playful glint in his eyes.
Taking a deep breath, you gathered your courage. “Well, I’m sorry I falling in love with you, okay? But it happened, and I can’t do anything about it.”
The words rushed out of your mouth in a torrent, fueled by a mix of urgency and rebellion.
You were leaving for the US today, after all; there would be no more consequences after this, at least none that you could face today.
Lewis blinked, his expression shifting from amusement to surprise. “You… What?” he stammered, processing your confession.
“Yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous but it's true,” you continued, feeling a strange mix of relief and anxiety wash over you. “I tried to ignore it, thinking it was just a crush or something, but it’s not. And I didn’t want to leave without being honest with you. So there it is.”
The silence that followed felt heavy, your heart pounding in your chest. You dared to meet his gaze, and for a moment, everything else faded away.
“I’ve always felt some sort of connection between us,” he finally said, his voice low and thoughtful. “But I didn’t know you felt this way.”
“I didn’t either for the longest time, Lewis.” You paced a little in the small room, your nerves still high. “But every moment we spent together, every laugh and the way you looked at me—it just made me realize how I felt.”
Lewis walked toward you with an intent look, his gaze steady as he noticed your anxious pacing. With a gentle grip, he stopped you in your tracks, firmly yet tenderly holding you in place.
The world around you faded momentarily, leaving just the two of you in a bubble filled with unspoken words.
"You're too nervous when you haven't heard my side yet," he said, his tone a mix of concern and amusement.
Your heart raced, and you finally mustered the courage to respond, your voice slightly trembling as you retorted, "Because I already know what your answer is." A flicker of mischief danced in his eyes, and you felt both exasperation and relief wash over you.
"Which is what? Does it include ‘I love you too’ in it?" Lewis teased, his grin widening as he caught the surprise etched on your face. His playful approach seemed like a lighthearted facade, but you could sense the underlying seriousness in his words.
“Lewis, you can’t just joke about that,” you said, attempting to push him away, as if wishing to distance yourself from the emotional weight of the moment. You were caught in a whirlwind of emotions, each more potent than the last.
"I'm being serious," Lewis insisted, his expression shifting as he stepped closer, momentarily silencing the protests echoing in your mind.
“You may be serious, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’ve made it impossible for me to figure out what I feel,” you admitted, your voice cracking ever so slightly and exposing the vulnerable truth you had hidden deep within.
The air felt thick, and your emotions swirled chaotically, battling against the desire for clarity and connection while grappling with fear and uncertainty.
He reached out, his finger softly lifting your chin, forcing your eyes to lock onto his. "Do you know why I called you here?" he asked, his voice low and sincere, almost as if he were sharing a cherished secret.
You shook your head slightly, unsure of what to say, the anticipation hanging fragilely between you. As he began to speak again, each word came out wrapped in a warmth that made your heart flutter.
“I wanted to tell you that I love you, to not leave today and stay more days with me. I was even going to try to bribe you by saying that Roscoe was going to miss you too much.”
With every few words, he inched closer, cupping your face, his thumb gently rubbing your cheek, igniting a fire within you that competed with the cold fear that had gripped you moments ago.
His declaration knocked the breath from your lungs, and the gravity of his confession anchored itself in your heart, rendering you momentarily speechless.
You had imagined this moment countless times, but hearing the words come from him felt alarmingly surreal.
“Don’t try and lie, Lewis,” you muttered, skepticism lacing your tone, disbelief lingering just beneath the surface. “You don’t love me.”
It was a desperate attempt to shield yourself from the potential heartbreak that could arise if what he was saying wasn’t genuine, and yet, deep down, you clung to a fragile hope that he meant every syllable.
"How can I prove it to you?" he asked, his earnestness brushing against the walls you had built around your heart.
A moment of silence enveloped you both, and as your mind raced, a spark of defiance ignited within you. You knew that if he was sincere, he would be willing to do anything to show you just how real his feelings were.
And before you could even think it through, the words tumbled out of your mouth: "Kiss me like you mean it."
You could hardly believe you had uttered those words, yet the challenge stirred a wild anticipation within you.
“As you wish,” Lewis murmured, a soft smile gracing his lips as he leaned in closer.
His lips brush against yours, hesitant at first, like the gentle caress of a spring breeze coaxing flowers to bloom. Your heart races as you lean into him, the warmth of his body igniting a spark within you, while his hands rest on your hips, firm yet gentle, pulling you closer as if he is attempting to steal your very breath.
The kiss deepens, each exploration of his mouth becoming a silent promise, a secret dance under the stars that are beginning to twinkle above.
You can feel the world around you fade away, leaving just the two of you, lost in the cocoon of your shared intimacy, a sanctuary born from the connection that feels electric and alive.
As the kiss evolves from slow and sweet to something fervent and consuming, there’s a delicious tension in the air, palpable and intoxicating.
The way Lewis responds to you, his hands gripping your hips with a barely contained urgency, sends shivers of delight cascading down your spine.
You wrap your arms around his neck, feeling the strength of him against you, grounding you as everything else blurs into insignificance.
Your heart thrums loudly in your chest, your thoughts scatter like leaves in the wind, and all that matters are his lips and the way they meld with yours, igniting a fire that burns brighter with every shared breath.
He pulls you closer, as if the distance between your souls is far too great, and you can’t help but giggle in the moment, playfully teasing him as you pull back slightly, searching his eyes for unspoken words and the desires that linger just below the surface.
Gazing into his deep eyes, you catch your breath, the avarice of the kiss leaving you dizzy with exhilaration. You notice the way Lewis' hands twitch at your sides, the unmistakable want radiating from him, begging for permission to explore further.
It’s endearing how respectful he is, yet you can sense the beast of longing within him, restrained but unable to disguise itself completely.
"Are you holding back?" you tease, tilting your head playfully as you meet his gaze, heart racing not from fear, but from the thrilling affection that dances between you.
His lips curve into a smile, warm and inviting, a secret shared between just the two of you, and he responds, his voice low and irresistibly charming,
“Maybe I am, but only because I don’t want to overwhelm you… yet.” The air between you hums with the unspoken promise of more, leaving both of you teetering on the edge of something exhilarating yet tender.
You can't help but press further, letting the playful context of the moment draw out his desires even more. "But you still need to prove it to me that you love me," you throw out, a challenge hanging between you like tantalizing mist, thick with expectation.
You watch as his brow furrows in mock seriousness, barely able to contain your laughter. “That kiss wasn't enough?” he asks, feigning confusion, yet you see the intensity in his eyes, a glimmer of amusement mixed with something deeper that pulls you in.
His hand started to move, fingers cascading over your mini skirt, tracing the delicate fabric as if mapping uncharted territory. The sensation sent shivers running down your spine, igniting a spark of desire that left your breath hitching.
"You have no idea how beautiful you look right now," he breathed, his voice a soft whisper that felt like velvet against your ear.
The intimacy of the moment enveloped you as you met his eyes, your heart racing in rhythm with his own. You could see the desire reflected in his gaze, and suddenly, the space between you closed like the cresting tide, pulling you both into the depths of a kiss that was tender, full of promise, and laden with the heat of anticipation.
Yet just as you began to lose yourself completely in the intoxicating haze of passion, a sudden knock on the door shattered the intimate cocoon you had woven together.
You jumped slightly, a startled gasp escaping your lips, but Lewis tightened his hold around you, grounding you in the present even amidst the intrusion.
“Lewis, everyone is looking for you to celebrate,” came George's voice from the other side, carrying an air of urgency that seemed to tug at the edges of your romantic bubble.
The weight of reality crashed in—a reminder of the outside world that waited just beyond the door—but you could feel Lewis’s breath against your cheek, warm and soothing, as he whispered softly, “Let them wait a moment longer. I’m not done with you yet.”
#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#formula 1#formula one#f1 fic#f1#f1 fanfic#f1 x you#lewis hamilton#lewis hamilton x reader#lewis hamilton x you#lewis hamilton x black oc#team lh44#lh44#lh44 x reader#lh44 imagine#lh44 fic#mercedes f1#sir lewis hamilton#lh44 x you#lh44 x y/n#x black reader#x black oc#f1 x black!reader#black reader#black beauty#black women#x black fem reader#mrsfancyferrari
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Pure Chaos Pt. 4 | F1 smau
driver!reader x f1 grid
summary: her new job: wag stealer
fc: lia block
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 5
series taglist: @tremendousstarlighttragedy @scenesofobx @agiscool @rxouxcesss @d3kstar @theblueblub @ln8118 @checoracing @destinyg237 @formula1-motogpfan @tellybearryyyy @mayusaatma @1800-love-me @raizelchrysanderoctavius @annabellelee @reeltreble @alldaysdreamer
#f1#formula 1#f1 fanfic#f1 x reader#lando norris#f1 smau#max verstappen#charles leclerc#lando norris x reader#smau#daniel ricciardo#f1 imagine#george russell#alex albon#oscar piastri#mercedes#carlos sainz#pierre gasly#f1 social media au#f1 social media
3K notes
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Second Heart
Happy Nation: A Series of Standalone Fics
Lewis Hamilton x Senna!Reader
Summary: all you’ve ever wanted was to be able to race just like your Papai … no matter the cost (or in which always going for a gap that exists runs in the Senna family)
You sit cross-legged in front of the TV, shoulders hunched, the remote clutched tight in your little hand. The screen crackles, and there he is — Ayrton. Papai. His yellow helmet blazes under the bright afternoon sun, the car flying down the straight, smooth as a bird on water.
Your eyes don’t blink. The sound of engines growls through the speakers, vibrating all the way to your heart. It’s like he’s right there. Alive.
And so fast. So, so fast. You almost feel like you’re in the car with him, that if you close your eyes, you could taste the gasoline and the rubber, the wind whipping across your face.
“Papai …” you whisper, pressing the volume button louder.
Adriane steps into the room, the clink of her bracelets soft but steady. She pauses when she sees you, arms crossed, one hip jutted out.
“I thought you were doing homework.”
You don’t answer, too lost in the footage. The video cuts to a slow-motion shot of Ayrton weaving through the rain, tires spinning in the spray like magic. They call it genius — what he did at Monaco, at Suzuka, at Donington Park. To you, it’s just your Papai being Papai.
“Turn it off.” Your mother’s voice sharpens now. She hates it when you watch these tapes. You’ve heard her say it before, more times than you can count — It’s not healthy. You shouldn’t keep living in the past. But you don’t feel like you’re living in the past. You feel like you’re meeting him for the first time, every time.
“Just five more minutes,” you plead without looking away.
“But I-”
“I said no, agora!”
Her tone makes you flinch. The remote slips from your hand onto the floor with a dull thud. But you still can’t tear your eyes from the screen, where Ayrton’s car crosses the finish line, the Brazilian flag draped over his shoulders as the crowd roars. Your heart beats faster. There’s a strange energy in you, like the buzz before a storm. You push yourself up to your knees, your voice small but determined.
“I want to race.”
Adriane’s laugh is immediate and sharp, like glass shattering. “Don’t be silly.”
“I’m not being silly!” You twist around to look at her now, the words spilling out. “I wanna race, Mãe! Like Papai!”
Her face changes. The air shifts, heavy and strange. You see it happen — the tightness in her jaw, the way her smile falls away like it was never there.
“No!” She snaps, louder this time, and it makes you shrink back. “Absolutely not. Never.”
You bite your lip, feeling the burn at the back of your throat. But you don’t stop. Not yet.
“Why not?” You whisper.
Your mother exhales sharply through her nose, as if the question alone is an insult. She crosses the room in two quick strides, crouching down until her face is level with yours. Her hands, delicate but strong, grip your shoulders tighter than usual.
“Because racing is dangerous,” she says, enunciating every word like she’s trying to hammer them into your skull. “Do you understand me? It’s not a game. It took your father from us.”
Her voice wavers on the last sentence, but you don’t care. There’s something stubborn growing in you, something you don’t quite recognize yet.
“Papai loved it.”
“And look where it got him,” she shoots back, her voice sharp as a knife.
You blink, stunned by the words. She’s never said it like that before. She sees your expression — hurt, confused — and her face softens, just for a second.
“Sweetheart …” She sighs, brushing a strand of hair from your forehead. “I know you miss him. I miss him too. Every single day. But I won’t let racing take you away from me.”
“But it won’t-”
“Enough.” Her voice is final, the way grown-ups’ voices get when there’s no more room for argument. “This conversation is over.”
You open your mouth, then close it again. She’s already standing up, brushing invisible dust from her jeans. The TV hums in the background, the commentators babbling about pole positions and podiums.
Adriane snatches the remote from the floor and jabs the power button. The screen goes black, as if Papai never existed at all.
You feel hollow.
Your mother stands there for a moment, the silence thick between you. Then she crouches again, her hands cupping your face this time, thumbs brushing over your cheeks.
“Listen to me.” Her voice is quieter now, almost pleading. “I lost your father. I can’t-” She stops, swallows hard. “I can’t lose you too. Okay?”
You don’t nod. You don’t speak. You just stare at her, your little heart breaking in ways you don’t fully understand yet.
“I’m serious,” she whispers, her forehead resting against yours. “No racing. Not ever.”
And then she kisses the top of your head, soft and lingering, as if that alone could erase the conversation, the dream, everything. She walks out of the room, her footsteps fading down the hall.
You sit there for a long time, staring at the blank TV screen, fists clenched in your lap. Your chest feels tight, like something inside you is being squeezed too hard.
You think about Papai. About how he smiled in the cockpit, how the car seemed to dance under his hands, how the crowd chanted his name like a song. He wasn’t afraid.
And neither are you.
You pick up the remote again. Your thumb hovers over the play button, hesitant for just a moment. Then you press it.
The screen flickers back to life, and Ayrton is there, flying through the rain like a miracle.
You smile.
One day, you think.
One day, you’ll race too.
The front door clicks shut behind you as you step into the house, dropping your school bag with a heavy thud. You bend down to untie your sneakers, already rehearsing what you’ll tell your mom — how your science project earned a gold star, how you managed to trade a snack with João without getting caught. You have it all planned, down to the way you’ll grin when she offers you that after-school snack.
But as soon as you straighten up, the voices hit you.
Loud. Sharp. Angry.
You freeze, one hand still on your shoelace.
“You have no right — none — to tell me how to raise my daughter!” Your mother’s voice is sharp, like glass breaking. She’s in the living room. You can’t see her from the hallway, but you don’t need to. You can imagine her perfectly — the tight set of her mouth, the way her arms probably cross over her chest.
And then, another voice, familiar in a strange way. Low and hard. “I’m not telling you how to raise her, Adriane. I’m telling you what she told me — how she called me crying because you refuse to let her chase the only thing she’s ever wanted.”
Your heart skips. You know him. Everyone knows him. Papai’s fiercest rival — and, in the end, his friend. The man from the stories, from old photographs your mother keeps locked away. Alain, who came to the funeral and cried even when the cameras weren’t on him.
Why is he here?
You step closer, drawn by their words like a thread pulling you tight. You press yourself against the wall and peek around the corner, just enough to see them.
Adriane stands in the middle of the room, arms crossed exactly like you pictured. Her blonde hair falls in soft waves over her shoulders, but her face is tight, her jaw locked in anger. Alain stands across from her, looking just as frustrated. His hands move as he talks, fast and insistent, like he’s trying to grab hold of the air between them and shape it into something that makes sense.
“She’s seven!” Your mother snaps, her voice cracking at the edges. “She doesn’t understand what she’s asking for.”
“She understands better than you think,” Alain fires back. “She understands perfectly. She called me in tears — tears, Adriane — because you shut her down without even listening.”
“I listened.” Her voice drops, low and furious. “And I said no.”
Alain scoffs, running a hand through his hair. “You said no because you’re scared.”
Your mother’s eyes flash. “Of course I’m scared! She’s my daughter! You, of all people, should understand-”
“I do understand.” Alain’s voice softens, but only just. “I carried his casket. I watched you cry over him. But that’s exactly why you can’t do this to her.”
Adriane’s face crumples for a split second, so brief you might have missed it if you hadn’t been watching so closely. “He’s not here, Alain,” she whispers, and it sounds like a confession and an accusation all at once. “He’s not here to see this, to say if it’s right or wrong. And he’s not here to save her if something goes wrong.”
Alain’s voice drops, steady and determined. “And you think Ayrton would want you to stop her? You think he would want her to live her whole life wrapped in fear because of what happened to him?”
“She’s my child.” Adriane’s voice cracks like a whip, but there’s something desperate underneath it now, like she’s fighting to keep her footing in a conversation she knows she’s already losing. “And I will not lose her.”
Alain’s eyes narrow. “You’re not protecting her. You’re imprisoning her.”
Your mother stares at him, her breath coming fast and uneven. For a moment, everything goes still — so quiet you can hear the ticking of the old clock on the mantel.
Then Alain steps forward, his hands on his hips. “If you won’t help her, I will. I’ll teach her to kart myself if I have to.”
Adriane barks out a bitter laugh, but it’s laced with pain. “You can try,” she says, her voice brittle. “But don’t expect me to come watch. I refuse to set foot at a race, and I won’t look at her as long as I know there’s a chance she won’t come back.”
Her words hang in the air, thick and suffocating. You feel like you can’t breathe. You press yourself harder against the wall, your chest tight with emotions you can’t name.
And that’s when the floor creaks.
Both of them turn at the sound.
“Meu Deus …” your mother whispers, her hands flying to her mouth. “You’re home.”
Alain’s face softens instantly. He kneels down, arms open. “Come here, sweetheart.”
You hesitate, just for a moment. Then, without thinking, you bolt from your hiding spot and run straight into Alain’s arms. He catches you easily, wrapping you in a hug that feels like safety. Like warmth.
Adriane stands frozen, her hands still over her mouth. Her eyes are wide, filled with a mix of heartbreak and anger and something you don’t fully understand.
Alain pulls back just enough to look at you, his hands resting gently on your shoulders. “Hey,” he says softly. “I’ve got a question for you.”
You blink up at him, your heart pounding.
“How would you like to come to Switzerland with me?” His voice is calm, but there’s a flicker of something in his eyes. “You could learn to kart there. I’ll teach you myself. What do you think?”
Your heart races. Switzerland. Karting. Learning to drive. It feels like a dream, one you didn’t even know you could have.
But then you look at your mother.
Adriane’s face is pale, her hands still clutched tight over her mouth like they might stop her from saying something she’ll regret. Her eyes are glassy with unshed tears, and there’s a kind of pain in them that makes your chest ache.
You know what this means to her. You know how much it hurts.
But you also know what it means to you.
You’ve wanted this for as long as you can remember — for as long as you’ve been able to understand what racing is. And here it is, right in front of you. A chance.
You swallow hard and look back at Alain. His expression is kind but serious, like he knows exactly what you’re thinking.
“It’s your choice,” he says quietly. “No one can make it for you.”
You take a deep breath. Your hands shake a little, but you ball them into fists to steady yourself.
“I want to go,” you whisper.
Your mother makes a soft, choked sound — like someone punched all the air out of her.
“Minha filha …” Her voice breaks.
You look at her, and it feels like your heart is splitting in two. “I have to, Mãe.”
She closes her eyes, pressing her hands tighter to her face. For a moment, she just stands there, trembling. Then she drops her hands and wipes her eyes with quick, angry swipes.
“Okay,” she whispers, her voice raw and broken. “Okay. Go, then.”
The words sting, sharper than anything you’ve ever felt. But you nod. You have to.
Alain gives your shoulders a gentle squeeze. “We’ll call every day,” he promises, glancing at Adriane, though she won’t look at him. “Whenever you want.”
Your mother doesn’t answer. She just turns away, her shoulders hunched like the weight of the world is pressing down on her.
Your heart feels heavy, but there’s something else now too — something lighter. Hope.
You glance up at Alain, and he smiles, soft and warm.
“Switzerland, huh?” You say, trying to sound brave.
Alain chuckles. “Switzerland.”
And for the first time in a long while, you feel like you can finally breathe.
Life in Switzerland feels like a dream. Every morning, the mountains rise outside your window, peaks dusted in snow even as the spring sun warms the air. The international school Alain enrolled you in is small, the kids friendly. They speak a mix of languages — French, German, Italian — and though it’s strange at first, you like how every word feels like a little puzzle to solve.
But school is just the beginning of your day. The real magic happens afterward.
Every afternoon, Alain picks you up in his car — a sleek, silver Audi with leather seats that always smell faintly like coffee — and takes you straight to the karting track just outside town. There’s a rhythm to your days now: school, then the track, where the scent of gasoline and hot rubber fills the air.
“Come on, petite championne,” Alain says every day as you hop into the kart, the nickname slipping off his tongue with an easy smile. “Let’s see if you can make me proud today.”
The kart rumbles beneath you, a buzz that shoots from your hands to your heart. The moment your foot touches the pedal, the world falls away. The wind rushes against your face, the engine purring with every twist of the wheel.
Here, in the kart, you feel free — like nothing can catch you, not even the pieces of your life that feel too big or too broken to understand.
Alain watches from the sidelines, hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket, his face calm but focused. He takes notes every time you race, shouting tips when you pull up to the pit lane.
“Don’t wait so long to hit the brakes before that hairpin, you lose too much time,” he’ll say. Or, “You’re getting faster through the straights. Don’t get greedy on the corners, though — you’ve got to feel the grip.”
You listen to every word, hungry to learn. And when he grins after you complete a lap, clapping his hands like you just won a Grand Prix, your heart swells.
By the time you drive home, your body hums with exhaustion, but it’s the good kind — the kind that comes from chasing a dream.
And every night, after dinner, there’s dessert.
“Glace au chocolat tonight?” Alain asks one evening, pulling two tubs of chocolate ice cream from the freezer.
You grin. “With whipped cream?”
“Obviously,” Alain replies with mock seriousness. “What kind of barbarian do you take me for?”
He adds a mountain of whipped cream to both bowls, handing one to you before plopping down on the couch with his own.
As always, an old race plays on the TV. Tonight, it’s Monaco — 1988, the race your father dominated, right up until the moment he crashed into the barrier. The screen flickers as the cars glide through the tight streets, their engines howling between the stone walls.
Alain leans back against the couch cushions, spoon in hand. “See that?” He says, pointing at the screen with a mouthful of ice cream. “Your papa’s line through the Swimming Pool section — perfection. Like poetry in motion.”
You tilt your head, studying the way the yellow helmet zips through the narrow chicane. “How did he do it?”
Alain smiles, scooping another spoonful of ice cream. “He just knew. Ayrton could feel the track better than anyone else. It was like … like he was connected to the car in a way no one else could be.”
You lick your spoon thoughtfully. “Did you hate him?”
The question catches Alain off guard. He freezes, then chuckles, shaking his head. “Hate him? No.” He pauses. “Not really, anyway.”
“But you fought a lot.”
“Oh, we fought.” Alain smirks, a mischievous glint in his eye. “He drove me absolutely mad sometimes.”
You giggle. “Why?”
“Because he never gave up. Not even for a second.” Alain gestures toward the TV, where your father’s car rockets through the tunnel. “Ayrton wasn’t just racing other drivers — he was racing himself. Always trying to be faster, better. It was exhausting.”
He says it like a joke, but there’s warmth in his voice, too. You can hear it.
“And that drove you crazy?” You ask, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear him say it.
Alain laughs, a soft, fond sound. “Completely crazy.”
You curl deeper into the couch, your ice cream bowl balanced on your lap. “But you were friends, right? In the end?”
Alain’s smile fades a little, but it stays, softer now. “Yeah,” he says quietly. “In the end.”
There’s a silence between you, filled only by the hum of the TV and the occasional scrape of your spoons against the bowls.
You glance at Alain, his expression lost somewhere between memory and regret. “Do you miss him?”
Alain looks at you, and for a moment, you’re not sure if he’ll answer. Then he gives a small nod. “Every day.”
You nod, too, even though you didn’t really know your father — at least, not in the way Alain did. But somehow, you miss him all the same.
The race continues on the screen, the cars weaving through the streets of Monaco, chasing the perfect lap.
“You’ll be just like him one day,” Alain says suddenly, breaking the quiet.
You blink, surprised. “You think so?”
“I know so,” Alain replies, nudging your shoulder with his. “You’ve got the same fire in you. The same stubbornness, too, I think.”
You laugh, and Alain grins, pleased with himself.
“You just need to tweak your braking,” he adds with a playful smirk. “You brake like me, not like him.”
“Hey!” You protest, shoving his arm lightly.
He chuckles, holding up his hands in surrender. “What? I’m just saying! Ayrton would fly into corners like a madman. Me? I was always a bit more … sensible.”
“Sensible is boring,” you tease, scooping up the last bit of ice cream.
Alain pretends to be offended, clutching his chest like you’ve wounded him. “Boring? Sensible is what win me four world championships, thank you very much.”
You roll your eyes, but you’re grinning.
The credits for the race coverage roll, but neither of you makes a move to turn off the TV. These moments — curled up on the couch with Alain, the scent of whipped cream still in the air — feel like they could stretch forever.
And maybe, just maybe, they do.
Four years blur by like the laps on a familiar circuit. Days turn into months, and months into seasons. You grow taller, sharper, and faster. The kart becomes a second skin, every turn and apex something you know instinctively, like breathing. The track is your playground now — your sanctuary.
Alain teaches you everything: not just how to drive but how to think, how to be patient when you need to be and ruthless when the moment calls for it. He tells you about strategy and racecraft, how to listen for the slightest change in the engine’s pitch, how to make yourself invisible in the slipstream until the perfect moment to strike.
Some lessons come easy. Others, not so much. Like when he makes you practice for hours in the rain, your hands frozen, your kart slipping through puddles. Or when you spin out during a practice race and Alain doesn’t even flinch. He just waves his hand in the air.
“Again!” He shouts from the pit lane. “You have to get comfortable with making mistakes, petite. No champion gets there without a few bruises.”
And so you go again. And again. Because this — this dream — is the one thing you want more than anything.
Now, after all those years, the day has finally arrived. You’re old enough to compete in the FIA Karting Championship. This is what you’ve been working toward.
But Alain surprises you one quiet evening at home. No ice cream, no old races on TV — just you and him, sitting across the kitchen table with two mugs of hot tea. His face is serious, but kind.
“There’s something we need to talk about,” he says, tapping his fingers lightly against the mug. “You have a choice to make.”
You lean forward. “What kind of choice?”
Alain tilts his head, his sharp hazel eyes studying you carefully. “Your name.”
You frown. “My name?”
“Yes. You’ve been racing locally for a while, but things are different now.” Alain takes a sip of tea, gathering his thoughts. “The FIA Karting Championship is international. There will be journalists, scouts, team representatives. If you race under your real name, everyone will know exactly who you are.”
You sit back, the weight of what he’s saying slowly sinking in.
“You can use a pseudonym if you want,” Alain continues. “Plenty of drivers do it, especially when they want to build their career on their own terms.”
You blink, caught off guard. You’ve thought a lot about racing — how fast you want to be, how badly you want to win. But this? The idea of hiding your name? It’s a curveball you didn’t see coming.
Alain gives you time to think, his hands wrapped loosely around his mug. “There’s no shame in it, petite,” he says gently. “It’s not about denying who you are. It’s about deciding how you want the world to see you.”
The words hang between you. He’s not pressuring you — Alain never does that — but you can feel the weight of the decision anyway.
You toy with the edge of the mug in front of you, tracing the rim with your fingertip. “Do you think … if I use my real name, people will only see Papai?”
Alain shrugs, but his expression is thoughtful. “Some will. There are people who won’t be able to separate you from Ayrton. They’ll compare you to him before you’ve even taken a proper lap.”
You nod slowly. You’ve known this would happen — how could you not? But hearing it out loud makes it more real.
“At the same time,” Alain adds, “it’s not something to be ashamed of. Ayrton was … well, he was Ayrton. If anyone has the right to be proud of their name, it’s you.”
You bite your lip, the edges of uncertainty fraying inside you. “What would you do?”
Alain smiles softly. “It’s not my decision to make, ma chérie. This is about you. Your future.”
You stare into your tea, watching the steam curl toward the ceiling like tiny ghosts. A part of you aches at the thought of hiding your father’s name — like you’d be denying him, pretending he didn’t matter. But there’s another part, quieter but insistent, that wants to know what it’s like to stand on your own. To earn your place without the shadow of a legend following you everywhere you go.
You tap your fingers against the table, the rhythm matching the beat of an engine in your mind. And then, suddenly, the answer clicks into place.
“I think …” You take a deep breath. “I think I want to use a different name. Just for now.”
Alain raises his eyebrows, curious but approving. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You nod, more certain now. “It’s not because I’m ashamed. I’m not. I want people to know one day. Just … not yet.”
Alain leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. “So what’s the plan?”
You grin, the excitement building in your chest. “I’ll race under my mother’s last name. And when the time’s right — maybe after I win a few championships — I’ll tell them.”
Alain chuckles, shaking his head. “You think they’ll like the surprise?”
You laugh, a full, bright sound that feels like relief. “Can you imagine their faces?”
Alain grins, clearly amused. “I can already hear the headlines.” He adopts an exaggerated announcer voice: “The karting prodigy who stunned the world by revealing she’s Ayrton Senna’s daughter!”
You burst out laughing, the tension from the conversation melting away. “They’ll lose their minds!”
“And you’ll love every second of it,” Alain adds with a knowing smirk.
You grin, unable to hide the spark of mischief in your eyes. “Maybe a little.”
He shakes his head fondly, ruffling your hair as he stands up from the table. “You’re trouble, you know that?”
“Comes with the territory,” you say, beaming.
Alain gathers the empty mugs and places them in the sink, still chuckling to himself. “Well, I think it’s a smart choice. Gives you time to find your own rhythm.”
You nod, feeling lighter than you have in days. “Yeah. It feels right.”
Alain leans against the counter, crossing his arms as he looks at you. There’s pride in his eyes — quiet, steady, and unmistakable. “Your papa would’ve been proud of you, too,” he says softly.
Your throat tightens, but you smile through it. “Thanks, Alain.”
He nods once, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Come on,” he says, nudging his head toward the living room. “Let’s celebrate with some dessert. I think we’ve got tarte au citron in the fridge.”
You follow him, your heart light and your steps easy. The road ahead is still long — there will be races, wins, and losses. But for the first time, it feels like it’s yours to drive.
And that? That’s the best feeling in the world.
The drive from Switzerland to Imola is quiet. You sit with your thoughts, the hum of the engine beneath you and the road stretching endlessly ahead. Alain offered to come with you, but you declined. This is something you need to do alone.
It’s not that you didn’t want his company, it’s just … how do you explain to someone — even someone who knew your father so well — that you need to meet this place on your own terms?
For eighteen years, you told yourself you weren’t ready. Maybe you never would be. But here you are, taking deep breaths as you steer your way closer to the circuit where it all ended. Where everything about your life changed before it even really began.
When you finally arrive, the gates to the Imola track feel strangely peaceful, nestled under a canopy of autumn leaves. The air is crisp, and the sky is that soft, pale blue you only get in early fall. You park the car and head toward the Ayrton Senna memorial, your footsteps crunching through the leaves littering the path.
Each step feels heavier than the last, your pulse loud in your ears. You try to steel yourself — this is just a monument, just a place. You’ve been to a thousand race tracks in your life. But this one is different. This one holds pieces of someone you never got the chance to know.
As you approach the monument, you expect silence. You expect to be alone. But then you notice someone sitting there — another figure crouched near the bronze statue of your father.
The man shifts, startled by the sound of your footsteps on the gravel. His head turns, and you recognize him almost immediately.
It’s Lewis Hamilton.
He blinks up at you, clearly not expecting company either. There’s a moment of awkwardness, both of you standing there, caught off guard in a place meant for solitude.
You clear your throat. “I’m sorry,” you say softly. “I didn’t mean to bother you.”
Lewis waves off the apology, his face softening. “No, no. You’re not bothering me.” He pulls himself up a little straighter, brushing leaves from his jacket. “I always stop by here before Monza. Helps me … I don’t know. Reset.”
You nod, unsure what else to say. There’s something strange about seeing him here — Lewis Hamilton, one of the biggest names in motorsport, sitting quietly in front of your father’s monument like he’s just another fan.
“I came for the same reason,” you admit. “I’m Brazilian. Wanted to pay my respects.”
At that, something shifts in Lewis’ expression — understanding, maybe. “You’re Brazilian?” He repeats, a little smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “That explains it. Every Brazilian racer I know carries Senna with them like … well, like a second heart.”
You laugh softly, kicking a stray leaf with your shoe. “Yeah. That sounds about right.”
Lewis shifts, resting his forearms on his knees as he looks back at the monument. The wind stirs the leaves around your feet, scattering them across the ground.
“He’s always been my hero,” Lewis murmurs, almost as if he’s talking to himself. “Even before I really understood what racing was, I just … knew he was special.”
You don’t respond right away, your gaze fixed on the familiar features of the bronze effigy — your father’s intense, focused expression captured in metal. It’s strange, standing here with someone who feels the same reverence you’ve always felt but never quite known how to express.
Lewis glances at you again. “What do you race?” He asks, genuine curiosity in his voice.
You tuck your hands into your jacket pockets. “Formula Renault 3.5.”
His eyebrows lift, clearly impressed. “That’s a serious series.”
You shrug, trying to play it cool, though there’s a flicker of pride in your chest. “Yeah, it’s been good so far.”
“Good enough to think about Formula 1 one day?” Lewis asks, a knowing smile on his face.
You grin. “That’s the plan.”
He chuckles, the sound warm in the cool air. “Well, I’ll keep an eye out for you. What’s your name?”
For a split second, you hesitate. But you remind yourself — he doesn’t need to know everything. Not yet. “Just … Y/N,” you say casually. “For now.”
Lewis tilts his head, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes, but he doesn’t press. “Y/N. Got it.”
You shift your weight from one foot to the other, unsure how to fill the silence. But it’s not uncomfortable — just … quiet.
“You said you come here every year?” You ask after a moment.
“Before Monza, yeah,” Lewis confirms. “It’s become sort of a ritual. Helps me feel grounded, I guess. Reminds me why I do this.”
You nod, understanding more than you expected to. There’s something about this place — this simple, quiet memorial — that strips everything else away. The politics, the pressure, the noise. It leaves only the pure love of racing behind.
Lewis stands then, brushing dirt from his pants. “Well,” he says, “I should probably get going. Got a long weekend ahead.”
You nod, though part of you wishes you had a little more time to talk to him. There’s something easy about the way he carries himself — no arrogance, no pretense. Just a racer who loves what he does.
Lewis glances at the monument one last time, his gaze lingering on your father’s face. “He would’ve loved to see how many of us still race because of him,” he says quietly.
Your throat tightens, but you manage a small smile. “Yeah. I think so, too.”
He gives you a nod, something warm and reassuring in his expression. “Take care, Y/N. I’ll be watching.”
With that, he turns and walks down the path, his footsteps crunching through the leaves. You watch him go, the wind stirring around you again, carrying the faint scent of damp earth and autumn.
For a long moment, you stay there, standing in front of the monument, just you and the bronze figure of your father. You don’t say anything — there’s nothing that needs to be said. But in the quiet, you feel a strange sense of peace.
Maybe it’s the years of racing, the laps you’ve turned, the lessons you’ve learned. Or maybe it’s just knowing that people like Lewis exist — people who carry your father’s spirit with them, even though they never knew him.
You brush a hand over the cool surface of the monument, tracing the edge of the plaque with your fingers. “I’m gonna make you proud,” you whisper.
And this time, you believe it.
The wind picks up again as you turn away from the monument, heading back toward the car. Monza is waiting. And so is the rest of your story.
The paddock feels like a world unto itself — buzzing with life, engines roaring in the distance, team personnel hurrying from garages to pit walls.
You’re barely a day into your first GP2 weekend with DAMS, and it’s already overwhelming. The DAMS crew is friendly but businesslike, and the constant stream of engineers, mechanics, and journalists passing by your garage is a reminder that you’ve officially stepped onto the big stage.
Your heart pounds as you adjust the collar of your race suit, nerves crawling under your skin. You spent the morning doing seat fittings, debriefs, and media duties, but now you’re finally free for a few minutes before the next round of meetings.
Alain walks beside you, calm and collected as ever, hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket. He’s been like a steady lighthouse in the chaos of this new chapter, guiding you through the storm with quiet assurance.
“Remember,” Alain says as you both weave through the paddock, “it’s just another race. Keep your focus. Don’t let the noise get to you.”
“Easier said than done,” you mutter, scanning the sea of faces for anyone familiar — or anyone dangerous, like a journalist with too many questions.
Alain smirks knowingly. “That’s why you have me.”
You can’t help but grin, a flicker of relief easing the tension in your chest. Alain’s been by your side for so long now that the idea of navigating a race weekend without him feels unthinkable.
Then, out of the corner of your eye, you spot someone you weren’t expecting: Lewis.
He’s walking toward the McLaren motorhome, surrounded by team personnel and a PR officer trailing closely behind, clipboard in hand. You see the moment recognition flickers in his eyes — he stops mid-step, gaze locking on you like he’s just solved a puzzle.
“Y/N?” He calls, eyebrows raised in surprise.
Alain glances sideways at you, bemused, but you can’t help the small, slightly guilty smile tugging at your lips. You wave at Lewis, feeling a little awkward but genuinely happy to see him.
Lewis strides over, his PR officer groaning softly but trailing after him anyway. “I thought I’d see you around here eventually,” Lewis says with a grin. “Didn’t think it would be so soon.”
You shrug, playing it casual. “Surprise.”
His eyes flick to Alain, standing quietly beside you. “And you … know Alain Prost?”
Alain raises a polite eyebrow, but there’s an amused glint in his eye, as if waiting to see how you’ll answer this one.
You shift on your feet, aware of Lewis’ confusion. “Yeah, he’s … been my mentor for years.” You keep your explanation vague, not ready to drop the full truth just yet.
Lewis frowns slightly, processing the unexpected connection. “You’ve been working with Alain Prost?”
You nod. “Since I was a kid.”
Lewis lets out a low whistle, looking between the two of you with new appreciation. “Wow. That explains a lot.”
Before you can respond, his PR officer steps in, clipboard clutched tightly in one hand. “Lewis, we really need to-”
Lewis waves her off without breaking eye contact with you. “Five more minutes. It’s fine.”
The woman hesitates, then sighs in frustration and backs away to give him space. Lewis turns his full attention back to you, his easy grin returning.
“So, GP2, huh?” He asks, hands on his hips. “How’s it feel to finally be here?”
“Terrifying,” you admit with a laugh. “But also kind of amazing.”
“That’s how you know you’re in the right place,” Lewis says, his tone encouraging. “The nerves mean you care.”
Alain watches the exchange quietly, and you can tell he’s measuring Lewis, sizing him up — not in a competitive way, but in that protective way he’s always had with you. It’s subtle, but you know Alain well enough to see it.
“I’ll make sure to catch the feature race,” Lewis promises, his grin widening. “I’ll be cheering you on.”
You raise an eyebrow, trying not to show how much that means to you. “Oh yeah? You sure you have time to slum it with us junior drivers?”
Lewis laughs, genuinely amused. “Come on, now. I started in GP2, remember? I know exactly how tough it is.”
“Guess I’ll have to put on a good show, then.”
“You better,” Lewis says, mock-serious. “Otherwise I’ll never let you hear the end of it.”
The two of you share a quick, easy laugh, and for a moment the chaos of the paddock fades into the background. It’s just two drivers, standing in the middle of it all, sharing a moment of understanding.
“You’re going to crush it,” Lewis adds, his voice low and certain.
Something in his tone makes you believe it — makes the nerves that have been simmering all day settle, if only for a moment.
Alain clears his throat softly, a reminder that time is ticking. “We need to get back to the team,” he says, his voice gentle but firm.
Lewis nods, taking the hint but not before offering you one last smile. “Good luck, Y/N. I’ll see you out there.”
You return the smile, feeling lighter than you have all day. “Thanks, Lewis.”
He gives Alain a respectful nod before turning to leave, his McLaren team falling into step around him as he disappears into the paddock.
As you watch him go, Alain leans in slightly, his voice quiet but laced with amusement. “Friend of yours?”
You smirk, still watching Lewis disappear into the crowd. “Something like that.”
Alain chuckles, and the sound is warm, familiar — like the engine note of a car you’ve driven a thousand times.
“Come on,” he says, nudging your shoulder gently. “We have work to do.”
You follow Alain back toward the DAMS garage, the nerves still there but tempered now with something else — excitement, anticipation, maybe even a little confidence.
Because this is your moment. Your chance to show the world what you can do. And with people like Alain and Lewis in your corner, you know you’re not facing it alone.
The Bahrain sun beats down relentlessly, the heat pressing against your skin even through your race suit. Sweat clings to your brow, mixing with the overwhelming, heady cocktail of fuel, rubber, and victory. You’re breathless, exhausted — but none of that matters.
You did it. You won.
The feature race trophy feels almost weightless in your hands as you stand on the podium, the sound of the Brazilian anthem thundering in your ears. The cameras flash, the crowd cheers, and for the first time since you entered GP2, you allow yourself to savor the moment. You close your eyes for a second, letting the anthem sink deep into your bones, and think of your father.
When the rose water sprays, it feels like you’ve broken through a barrier — proof to yourself and to the world that you belong here. That you’re not just someone chasing the shadow of a name, but a racer in your own right.
The post-race chaos is a blur — interviews, debriefs, more interviews. It’s not until you’re finally allowed to step away from the DAMS garage, damp with sweat and floral liquid, that the realization hits you again: you won your first GP2 race. The adrenaline still courses through your veins, but beneath it, there’s a quiet hum of contentment.
You round the corner of the paddock, searching for a quiet moment to collect yourself — when a familiar voice calls your name.
You turn, and there he is: Lewis, dressed casually in his McLaren team kit, that signature grin stretched across his face. His eyes are bright under the paddock lights, and his presence feels like a cool breeze against the heat of Bahrain.
Before you can say anything, he’s already jogging up to you, wrapping you in a quick, spontaneous hug. The smell of his cologne lingers in the air between you — spicy and warm, like cedar and citrus.
“That was incredible!��� Lewis says, pulling back to look at you. “Seriously, you drove like a pro out there.”
You grin, still catching your breath. “You saw the whole race?”
“Of course I did.” He says it like it’s obvious, as if there was no way he could have missed it. “I told you I’d be cheering you on, didn’t I?”
“Guess I didn’t disappoint, then,” you say, teasing.
“Not even a little.” His grin softens into something warmer, more personal.
The way he looks at you — like he’s genuinely proud — makes your chest tighten, but not in a bad way. It’s strange, but comforting, the way he’s here, grounding you in the whirlwind of it all.
“Come on,” Lewis says, gesturing toward the paddock hospitality area. “You deserve a proper celebration. We’ll grab something to drink, at least — water, preferably, because you look like you’re about to melt.”
You laugh. “Thanks for the concern, but I’m not passing out just yet.”
“Still,” he insists, walking beside you. “Gotta take care of the winner, right?”
You follow him, your steps lighter than they’ve felt all weekend. It’s easy with Lewis — talking, walking, just existing in the same space. You can’t tell if it’s the lingering buzz of the win or something else entirely, but there’s a sense of ease between you that you haven’t felt with anyone in a long time.
He leads you to one of the quieter corners of the paddock, where a small group of McLaren personnel are relaxing. Lewis grabs two water bottles from a nearby cooler and tosses one your way.
You catch it easily, the cool plastic a relief against your palm. “Thanks.”
Lewis leans against the back of a chair, his posture relaxed, but there’s a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes. “So … how does it feel?”
“To win?” You twist the cap off your bottle and take a sip. “Like … I don’t know. Like I can finally breathe again.”
He nods, like he knows exactly what you mean. “First win’s always special. But there’ll be more. I can feel it.”
You tilt your head, amused. “You think you’re a psychic now?”
Lewis chuckles. “Nope. Just good at spotting talent.”
You roll your eyes playfully, but there’s no denying the warmth his words spark inside you. You glance away for a moment, trying to shake the strange flutter in your chest.
“So,” he says after a beat, “what’s next? A second win in Spain?”
“I mean, that’d be nice,” you say, grinning. “But I’ll settle for finishing with all my wheels intact.”
“Good plan,” Lewis agrees, laughing. “That track’s a nightmare.”
The conversation drifts easily from there, flowing from racing to random paddock gossip to stories from his early days in GP2. You’re both standing close — closer than two people probably need to stand. But it doesn’t feel uncomfortable. In fact, it feels … nice.
He pauses for a second, watching you with that thoughtful expression he gets sometimes, like he’s trying to figure out what’s going on beneath the surface.
“You’re really something, you know that?” He says softly, almost like it’s just for you to hear.
The words catch you off guard, and you feel your cheeks warm under the intensity of his gaze.
“Just doing my best,” you say, trying to play it off, but your voice sounds quieter than you intended.
Lewis’ eyes linger on yours for a moment longer, and there’s a flicker of something between you — something unspoken, but not unwelcome.
Before either of you can say anything more, a loud cheer erupts from a nearby group of mechanics, jolting you both back to the present. You laugh, the moment slipping away like sand through your fingers.
“Guess the celebration’s already started,” you say, motioning toward the rowdy crowd.
Lewis grins. “Looks like it. You coming?”
You hesitate, not because you don’t want to celebrate, but because part of you likes this quiet bubble you and Lewis have found.
“I think I might stay here for a bit,” you say, leaning against the wall and taking another sip of water.
Lewis doesn’t move to leave. Instead, he stays where he is, like maybe he feels the same pull to stay in this moment, too.
“You know,” he says after a beat, his voice low and a little more serious, “I meant what I said earlier. About you being something special.”
You meet his gaze, and there’s no teasing in his expression now — just quiet sincerity.
“Thanks,” you say softly, the word not nearly enough to convey what you’re feeling.
He holds your gaze for a second longer, then gives you a small, crooked smile. “Guess I’ll just have to keep watching and see what you do next.”
“Guess so.”
And just like that, the air shifts between you — charged with possibility, like the moment before a green flag drops.
You don’t know what’s coming next, but for the first time in a long time, you’re not afraid of it. Not when Lewis is standing here, smiling at you like you’re the most interesting thing in the world.
And somehow, you think, this might just be the start of something worth chasing.
It’s late in the evening, and the Monaco paddock has fallen into a rare lull. The energy of race day — mechanics scrambling, journalists hounding drivers, engines screaming — has settled into a quiet hum. Most people have retreated to their yachts or hotel rooms by now, leaving only the occasional team member wandering through the maze of garages and hospitality areas.
You sit with Lewis on the edge of the harbor, the two of you tucked away from prying eyes. The water laps gently against the docks, and the principality’s golden lights reflect across the surface like scattered coins. Neither of you say anything for a while, content to let the quiet fill the spaces between you.
It’s been like this more often lately — stolen moments between races, conversations that drift into the small hours of the morning, and the unspoken pull that keeps you near each other, even when there’s no real reason to be.
Lewis shifts beside you, resting his forearms on his knees. “You ever just sit somewhere and wonder how the hell you got here?” He asks, breaking the silence.
You glance at him, the glow of the streetlights catching the sharp angles of his face. “All the time.”
He gives a small laugh, running a hand over his braids. “Monaco’s something else, isn’t it?”
You nod, hugging your knees to your chest. “Feels like the kind of place people dream about … like it’s not even real.”
He looks over at you then, his gaze lingering a moment too long. “Yeah,” he murmurs, almost to himself. “Not sure what’s real sometimes.”
There’s something heavy in his voice, something unspoken. And for the first time tonight, the quiet between you doesn’t feel as comfortable. It feels loaded, like you’re both waiting for the other to say something neither of you know how to say.
You tilt your head slightly, studying him. “You okay?”
Lewis exhales slowly, glancing out over the water. “Can I tell you something?”
“Of course.”
He hesitates, like he’s not sure how to begin. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately … about the future. About what I want, and where I want to be.”
You shift closer to him, sensing that this isn’t just idle talk. “What do you mean?”
He leans back on his hands, staring at the water like it might hold the answer. “I’ve been with McLaren my whole career. Since I was a kid. But … I don’t know. Lately, it feels like I’m stuck. Like I’ve hit a wall.”
You frown. “What are you saying?”
He looks at you then, and there’s something raw in his expression — something vulnerable. “I’ve decided to leave McLaren at the end of the season. I’m signing with Mercedes.”
The words hang in the air between you, heavy and unexpected. You blink, trying to process what he just said. “Mercedes?”
He nods slowly. “Yeah.”
“But … McLaren’s your home.”
Lewis shrugs, but there’s a sadness in his eyes. “It was. But things change. And if I don’t take this chance now … I think I’ll always wonder what could’ve been.”
You stare at him, your mind spinning. “Do people know yet?”
He shakes his head. “Not many. Just a few people on the team. I wanted to tell you before it got out, though.”
You chew on your bottom lip, absorbing the weight of his words. “That’s a big decision, Lewis.”
“I know.” He looks at you, his gaze steady. “But it feels like the right one. Even if it’s scary as hell.”
You let out a breath, feeling a strange mix of emotions — pride, worry, something you can’t quite name. “Well … if it’s what you want, I guess it’s the right move.”
He smiles, but it’s a small, almost hesitant thing. “Thanks.”
The silence stretches between you again, but this time it feels different. Like something has shifted — not just because of what he said, but because of the way he’s looking at you now.
“You’ve been there for me a lot lately,” he says softly. “I don’t think I’ve said how much that means to me.”
Your heart beats a little faster. “It’s no big deal.”
“It is to me.” His voice is low, and there’s something in his gaze that makes your breath catch.
He shifts slightly closer, and suddenly the space between you feels impossibly small. You can feel the warmth radiating from him, the subtle brush of his shoulder against yours.
“Y/N,” he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper.
You look up at him, and the world seems to narrow down to just this — just the two of you, sitting on the edge of the harbor, the night air thick with something electric.
And then, slowly — almost hesitantly — he leans in.
For a split second, you think about pulling away, about the million reasons why this might not be a good idea. But before you can overthink it, his lips brush against yours.
The kiss is soft at first, tentative, like he’s waiting to see if you’ll pull away. But when you don’t, he deepens it, his hand coming up to cup the side of your face.
It’s not the kind of kiss that demands anything — it’s the kind that promises everything.
When you finally pull back, your heart is racing, and your mind feels like it’s spinning in a thousand different directions.
Lewis looks at you, his forehead resting gently against yours. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” he admits, his breath warm against your skin.
You smile, feeling a strange mix of exhilaration and disbelief. “Yeah?”
He nods, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek. “Yeah.”
For a moment, neither of you move, caught in the quiet aftermath of the kiss. The world around you feels distant, like it’s just the two of you, floating in your own little bubble.
Finally, Lewis pulls back slightly, though his hand lingers on your face. “So … what now?”
You let out a soft laugh, the sound light and easy. “I have no idea.”
He grins, and it’s the kind of smile that makes your chest feel warm. “Guess we’ll figure it out, then.”
You nod, your heart still racing. “Yeah. I guess we will.”
And somehow, even though nothing feels certain — his future, your career, whatever this thing is between you — there’s a strange sense of peace in the not knowing.
Because whatever happens next, you know you’ll face it together.
The air in the McLaren garage is thick with anticipation. Cameras are set up, media personnel are adjusting their equipment, and there’s a palpable buzz in the air as the press conference prepares to start. You stand just behind the curtain, your heart racing. You can hear the hum of voices in the room beyond, reporters murmuring to one another, waiting for the big reveal.
The past few months have felt like a whirlwind — a blur of contract negotiations, meetings with McLaren’s team principal, and the quiet, creeping excitement of finally getting the chance to do what you’ve always dreamed of. But now that the moment is here, the weight of it is settling in. You’re not just about to become the first woman in F1 in decades, you’re about to step into the spotlight as Ayrton Senna’s daughter.
You take a deep breath, glancing down at the McLaren-branded polo shirt you’re wearing, the crisp fabric somehow making everything feel more real. This is happening. After all the years of hard work, all the sacrifices, you’re about to make history.
Alain stands beside you, his face calm, but his hand on your shoulder is firm and reassuring. “You ready?” He asks, his voice low, but steady.
You nod, swallowing down the nerves. “I think so.”
“Just remember why you’re doing this,” he says softly, his eyes meeting yours. “This is about you. Not your father. Not anyone else. You.”
You offer him a small smile. Alain’s always been good at grounding you, at reminding you that you’ve earned this, regardless of who your father was. He’s been there through it all — your highs and lows, your victories and failures. And now, here he is, standing beside you as you take this monumental step.
The curtains part, and the team principal, Martin Whitmarsh, steps onto the stage. The room quiets as he approaches the podium. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us today,” he begins, his voice carrying through the room. “It’s not often we get to announce something of this magnitude. Today, McLaren is proud to welcome a new driver to our team for the 2013 season. Not only will she be the first woman to compete in Formula 1 in over 20 years, but she’s also someone with a legacy that speaks for itself.”
There’s a murmur of curiosity from the crowd, and you know the moment is coming. The reveal. The truth that you’ve kept hidden, even from the people closest to you.
“Please join me in welcoming, Y/N Senna.”
The sound of your name, followed by your father’s, echoes through the room like a ripple of shock. For a brief moment, there’s stunned silence. Then, the cameras start flashing, the murmurs turn into a roar, and all eyes are on you.
You step onto the stage, trying to steady your breath. The weight of the announcement, of who you are, feels heavier than you expected. But you push through, meeting the gaze of the journalists, the photographers, the team members standing off to the side. You can’t see him from here, but you know Alain is watching from the wings, his quiet support steadying you.
Whitmarsh continues speaking, but the words blur together as your mind races. It’s not until you hear the murmured whispers in the back of the room that your attention snaps back.
“Ayrton’s daughter?”
“Why didn’t anyone know?”
As the press conference wraps up, and you’re led off stage, the questions start flooding in. Journalists swarm, desperate for a quote, for more insight into the mystery that you’ve kept hidden for so long.
But before you can respond to any of them, a familiar voice cuts through the noise.
You freeze, your heart dropping. You know that voice. You turn slowly, and there he is — Lewis, standing just a few feet away, his face unreadable.
The PR team tries to shuffle you away, but you shake them off, making your way over to him. “Lewis …”
He cuts you off, his expression dark. “You’ve been racing for all these years, and you never thought to tell me? Not once?”
The sting of his words catches you off guard, and you open your mouth to respond, but he continues, his voice low but sharp. “I thought we were close. I thought we were-” He stops, running a hand over his face. “You let me fall for you, and you didn’t even tell me who you really are.”
You feel the blood drain from your face. “Lewis, it wasn’t like that-”
“Wasn’t it?” He takes a step closer, his eyes searching yours, hurt and confusion written all over his face. “I get it, okay? You didn’t want people to treat you differently because of your name. But me? I thought we were past that.”
“I didn’t want to use my father’s name to get ahead,” you say, your voice trembling slightly. “I wanted to make a name for myself, first. And I didn’t tell you because … because I didn’t want it to change how you saw me.”
“Well, it’s changed everything now,” he snaps, his voice tight with anger. “I thought I knew you, but clearly, I didn’t.”
You take a step back, the weight of his words hitting you harder than you expected. “Lewis, please. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
He lets out a bitter laugh. “Didn’t mean to hurt me? You’re Ayrton Senna’s daughter, and you never even mentioned it once. How could you keep something like that from me?”
You bite your lip, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill over. “I didn’t want it to come between us.”
“Well, it has,” he says, his voice quieter now, but still laced with pain. “I don’t know what to think anymore.”
You stare at him, your chest tightening. The distance between you feels insurmountable now, like a chasm that you don’t know how to cross.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, your voice barely audible.
Lewis looks at you for a long moment, his expression softening slightly, but the hurt still lingers in his eyes. “I need some time,” he says finally, his voice rough. “I just … I need to figure this out.”
You nod, the tears finally spilling over. “Okay.”
He turns and walks away, leaving you standing there, your heart heavy and your world spinning.
As you watch him go, you can’t help but wonder if things will ever be the same between you.
The air at Imola is still. The late-summer heat clings to your skin, and the only sounds around you are the distant hum of cicadas and the soft crunch of leaves underfoot as you shift your weight from one foot to the other. You stare at the stone memorial, the bronze relief of your father’s face, the flowers people have left here over the years. Some are wilted, some fresh. There’s even a small Brazilian flag tucked against the base.
You exhale slowly, your hands stuffed deep into the pockets of your jacket. It’s been exactly a year since you first stood here, heart in your throat, hoping to find some kind of connection, some kind of clarity. The weight of the past year presses down on you now — signing with McLaren, the media frenzy, the fallout with Lewis.
And Papai. Always Papai.
You kneel, brushing a hand over the smooth stone, fingers tracing the engraved letters. “I made it,” you whisper. “I’m almost there.” Your voice catches on the words, a lump forming in your throat. “I wish you were here to see it.”
You close your eyes, trying to imagine what he’d say if he were standing beside you. Maybe he’d be proud. Maybe he’d tell you to push harder, go faster, never settle. Or maybe he’d tell you to slow down, to find a way to reconnect with your mother before it’s too late. But he’s not here. That’s the problem, isn’t it?
A soft rustling sound pulls you from your thoughts. Footsteps, deliberate but hesitant, approach from behind, crunching through the dry leaves scattered on the ground. You turn, and your breath catches in your throat.
It’s Lewis.
He’s wearing a hoodie, hands tucked into the front pocket, his brows peeking out from beneath a baseball cap. He stops a few feet away, his dark brown eyes meeting yours. There’s something guarded in his expression, but there’s warmth there, too.
You straighten slowly, your heart hammering in your chest. “What are you doing here?”
Lewis shrugs, his gaze flickering to the memorial and back to you. “Monza’s coming up. Thought I’d stop by first … like I always do.”
The tension between you feels like a wire pulled taut, ready to snap at any second. For a moment, neither of you says anything, the silence stretching out like a canyon.
“I didn’t think I’d see you here,” you finally say, your voice quieter than you intended.
He takes a step closer, his eyes searching yours. “I didn’t think I’d see you here, either.”
You bite your lip, looking away toward the memorial. “I needed to. Before the race. I … I haven’t been here since last year.”
Lewis shifts, the soft scrape of his shoes against the ground. “I remember.”
The air feels heavy between you, thick with all the things you haven’t said to each other. The words are right there on the tip of your tongue, but they feel tangled, impossible to untangle without breaking.
Lewis is the first to speak again, his voice soft but steady. “I’ve been thinking a lot. About what happened. About everything.”
You swallow hard, your hands clenching into fists in your pockets. “Me too.”
“I was angry,” Lewis admits. “Hurt, too. But … I get it now. Why you didn’t tell me.”
His words catch you off guard, and you glance at him, surprised. “You do?”
He nods slowly, his gaze never leaving yours. “I know what it’s like to feel like you have to prove yourself, like the world’s already decided who you are before you even get a chance to show them. I just … I wish you’d trusted me with it.”
“I wanted to,” you say, your voice cracking slightly. “I did. But … it’s complicated.” You look down, kicking at a stray leaf with your shoe. “I’ve spent my whole life trying to figure out how to be his daughter without being defined by it. And now … now it’s all out there.”
Lewis steps closer, closing the gap between you. “You’re not just his daughter, Y/N. You’re you. And that’s who I fell for.”
The warmth in his voice makes your chest tighten. You blink quickly, trying to keep the tears at bay, but it’s no use. They spill over anyway, and you wipe at them angrily with the sleeve of your jacket.
“It’s not just about the name,” you whisper. “Racing … it’s all I’ve ever wanted. But it’s also what took me away from my mom.” You take a shaky breath, the words tumbling out before you can stop them. “She can’t even look at me without seeing him. I haven’t had a real conversation with her in years. The last time we talked was my birthday. And it was just a two-minute call.”
Lewis’ face softens, and he reaches out, gently brushing a tear from your cheek with his thumb. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, sniffing quietly. “It’s not your fault. It’s just … hard, you know? I love racing, but it feels like it’s cost me everything else.”
He takes another step closer, his hand lingering on your cheek. “You’ve got me,” he murmurs.
You look up at him, your breath catching in your throat. “Do I?”
He smiles softly, his thumb brushing along your jaw. “Yeah. You do.”
The world feels like it tilts for a moment, everything narrowing down to just the two of you standing here, beneath the shadow of your father’s memory. And before you can think too hard about it, before the doubts can creep in, you lean in, closing the distance between you.
The kiss is soft at first — tentative, like neither of you wants to break the fragile peace that’s settled between you. But then his hand slips to the back of your neck, pulling you closer, and the kiss deepens, the weight of everything unsaid dissolving in the warmth of his touch.
When you finally pull away, both of you are breathing hard, foreheads resting against each other.
“I missed you,” Lewis whispers, his breath warm against your skin.
“I missed you, too,” you admit, your voice barely audible.
For a moment, the two of you just stand there, wrapped up in each other, the rest of the world fading away.
Eventually, Lewis pulls back slightly, his hand still cradling the back of your neck. “So … what now?”
You smile, a small, genuine smile that feels like the first one in a long time. “Now … we go win at Monza.”
He grins, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Damn right we will.”
You laugh softly, the sound light and free, and for the first time in what feels like forever, the weight on your chest lifts.
As you stand there, hand in hand with Lewis, you glance back at the memorial one last time. “I think he’d be happy,” you say quietly.
Lewis squeezes your hand gently. “I know he would.”
And just like that, the knot in your chest loosens. You’re still Ayrton Senna’s daughter. But you’re also yourself. And that? That feels like enough.
The crowd roars so loudly that it feels like the earth itself is shaking. São Paulo is electric, the grandstands packed with people draped in green and yellow, waving flags, and chanting. You’ve been in big races before, stood on podiums, and tasted victory. But this … this is different.
This is Interlagos. This is home. And for the first time in your career, you’re leading an F1 race in front of your people.
“Alright, Y/N,” your engineer’s voice crackles over the radio. “Five laps to go. Everything looks good on the telemetry. Just bring her home.”
Your heart pounds against your chest as you navigate the tight curves of the circuit. Every bump, every rise, every dip feels familiar. You’ve studied this track since you were a child. This is where your father was a legend — and now, it’s where you can make your own history.
The tires hum beneath you, vibrations pulsing through your hands and feet. The sky is dark with heavy clouds threatening rain, but the track is still dry, for now. Behind you, Sebastian Vettel is chasing hard in second place, his Red Bull a glimmer in your mirrors, but you don’t think about him. Not now. This is about you. About crossing that finish line first.
Four laps. Then three. Every second feels like an eternity. You can hear the crowd over the sound of the engine, their voices rising every time you fly past the grandstands. “SENNA! SENNA!” they chant, over and over, as if your name — your real name — was always meant to be called alongside your father’s.
“Two laps, Y/N. Gap to Vettel is two seconds. Stay focused.”
Your grip tightens on the wheel. You shift gears, your mind and body moving in perfect sync with the machine around you. The wind whistles past your helmet as you race up the hill toward the final turn.
On the final lap, it starts to drizzle — just enough to slick the track and make things dangerous. Your car twitches as the tires search for grip.
“Be careful, Y/N,” your engineer warns. “You’ve got this. Just stay calm.”
You breathe in. Breathe out. And then the chequered flag waves ahead of you, and the world explodes into color and sound.
“P1, Y/N! P1! You’ve won the Brazilian Grand Prix!” Your engineer’s voice is hoarse with excitement. “That was incredible — you just won at home!”
Your heart leaps as tears spring to your eyes. You punch the air, screaming into the radio, not caring who hears. “YES! YES! WE DID IT!”
The car coasts into parc fermé, the engine humming its final notes as you switch it off. You rip off your gloves and helmet, letting the cool air hit your damp face. The grandstands are still shaking with the cheers of thousands. Your name — Senna — is on every banner, every poster, and every fan’s lips.
You climb out of the car, adrenaline still surging through your veins, and jump onto the chassis. The crowd roars even louder as you throw your fists into the air, pointing toward the sky. The thought flashes through your mind: This one’s for you, Papai.
You jump down and make your way to the barriers where your team waits, already celebrating with hugs, fist bumps, and slaps on the back. You push through the throng of mechanics, your heart so full it feels like it might burst. And that’s when you see her.
Among the sea of McLaren team uniforms, standing stiffly with her arms wrapped around herself, is your mother.
Your steps falter for a moment, shock flooding through you. She’s here. She’s really here. You blink, wondering if the tears in your eyes are playing tricks on you, but no — there she is. Adriane.
She’s thinner than you remember, her hair streaked with more silver now. She looks out of place among the mechanics, but she’s here. Her eyes, so much like your own, are filled with something you haven’t seen in years — pride. And something more. Regret.
For a moment, you just stand there, frozen. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry or run the other way. Then her face crumples, and she takes a tentative step forward, her arms reaching for you like she used to when you were small.
That’s all it takes. You close the distance in an instant, throwing yourself into her arms.
“Mãe!” The word leaves your mouth in a sob, and before you know it, you’re both crying, clutching each other like you’re afraid to let go.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers into your hair, her voice trembling. “I’m so sorry, minha filha. I was wrong. I should’ve-”
You shake your head against her shoulder, holding her tighter. “You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”
She pulls back slightly, cupping your face in her hands like she used to when you were little. “I didn’t think I could do it,” she admits, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I was so afraid I’d lose you too. But then … then I watched you out there today.” Her voice cracks, and she brushes a strand of hair from your face. “And I saw him. I saw Ayrton. But more than that, I saw you. My daughter.”
You can’t speak — your throat feels too tight, and the tears won’t stop. So you just nod, leaning into her touch as the noise of the paddock fades into the background.
Adriane pulls you back into a hug, and for the first time in years, you let yourself feel it — the warmth, the love, the mother you thought you’d lost. And somehow, standing here with her in your arms, it feels like you’ve come full circle.
After a long moment, she pulls back and wipes her tears, a shaky laugh escaping her. “Look at us. Crying like fools.”
You laugh too, sniffling as you wipe your own face. “It’s okay. It’s a good day to cry.”
A voice cuts through the noise — your team calling you for the podium ceremony. You glance over your shoulder, feeling the weight of the moment settle on you. You turn back to your mother, hesitant. “Will you stay?”
She smiles, her eyes still glassy with unshed tears. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You nod, squeezing her hand one last time before you let go and jog toward the podium. The crowd’s roar is deafening as you step up to the top step, your name flashing on the giant screens around the circuit. The Brazilian flag rises slowly, and as the national anthem plays, you close your eyes and let the moment wash over you.
It feels like home. It feels like peace. It feels like you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.
Later, after the champagne has been sprayed and the trophies have been handed out, you find Lewis waiting for you in the paddock, a grin stretching across his face.
“Not bad, Senna,” he teases, pulling you into a warm embrace.
You laugh, pressing your forehead against his. “Not bad yourself, Hamilton.”
The two of you stay like that for a moment, the chaos of the paddock swirling around you, but all you can feel is the steady beat of his heart against yours.
“Your dad would be proud,” Lewis murmurs, his voice soft in your ear.
You smile, closing your eyes. “Yeah,” you whisper. “I think he would be.”
The sun is setting over Monaco, casting the apartment in soft golds and pinks. You let yourself in quietly, the cool metal of the front door clicking shut behind you. Training was brutal today — your arms ache, and every muscle feels like it’s been wrung out. All you want is to find Lewis, maybe curl up on the couch together and recover with some takeaway.
You kick off your sneakers, already untying the knot in your ponytail, when you hear voices from the living room. You pause mid-step.
Lewis is talking to someone — no, two people. You creep forward on silent feet, heart quickening as the voices grow clearer.
“-I love her more than anything,” Lewis says, his voice low but certain. “And I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”
Your breath catches. You flatten yourself against the wall, just out of sight. It feels like you’ve stepped into some kind of dream, one where the pieces of your life are rearranging themselves into something both surreal and perfect.
Then you hear your mother’s voice — gentler than it used to be, softened by time and the walls you’ve slowly chipped away.
“You want my blessing?” Adriane says, her words slow, as if she’s tasting them, feeling their weight.
“I do,” Lewis replies. “I wanted to ask both of you. It felt right.”
Both of them? You inch closer, daring to peek around the corner. And there they are — Lewis, sitting on the couch, his elbows on his knees, looking more serious than you’ve ever seen him. Across from him sit your mother and Alain, side by side like a pair of mismatched bookends.
Alain leans back, arms folded, the corner of his mouth twitching as if he’s trying not to smile. “You realize what you’re getting into?” He asks dryly. “She’s more stubborn than Ayrton ever was.”
Lewis chuckles, but it’s a little nervous. “Yeah, I know.”
Adriane tilts her head, studying him like she’s trying to see through to his soul. “And if she says no?”
Lewis’ face softens, a quiet kind of love settling into his expression. “Then I’ll still be with her. Because I don’t need her to marry me to know she’s it for me.”
Something cracks open inside you. It feels like standing on the podium in Brazil all over again — overwhelming and humbling and impossibly full. You press a hand to your mouth, as if that will steady the emotion threatening to spill over.
Your mother leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees. There’s a moment of silence so thick it hums.
“When Y/N was seven,” she begins slowly, “she told me she wanted to race. I told her no. I thought if I kept her away from the track, I could protect her from the same thing that took Ayrton from me.” She sighs, her gaze dropping to her hands. “But all I did was push her away.”
Alain clears his throat, glancing sideways at her. “It’s not easy,” he murmurs, more to Adriane than to Lewis. “Loving someone who belongs to the track.”
Your mother nods, her eyes glassy. “But you’ve made her happy. You’ve given her the space to be who she’s always wanted to be.” She pauses, blinking quickly. “And I see Ayrton in that. In you.”
Lewis rubs the back of his neck, clearly moved but trying not to show it. “That means more than you know.”
“And you promise me something,” Adriane says, her voice gaining strength, as if she’s gathering all her fears into this one request. “That you’ll never try to stop her. Not when things get hard. Not when it scares you.”
Lewis leans forward, looking her dead in the eye. “I swear. I’d never take that from her.”
Your mother exhales, like a weight she’s carried for years is finally lifting off her shoulders. “Then you have my blessing,” she says quietly.
Alain smirks, slapping Lewis on the back. “Looks like you’re in for the ride of your life.”
They laugh softly, the kind of laugh that comes with hard-won understanding.
And that’s when the floorboard under your foot creaks.
All three heads whip toward the sound, and you’re caught, frozen halfway between hiding and stepping forward.
Lewis’ eyes widen, and then a slow, guilty smile spreads across his face. “How long have you been standing there?”
You step fully into the room, arms crossed but fighting back a grin. “Long enough to hear that you’re plotting something.”
Alain chuckles, standing up and brushing off his jeans. “I think that’s my cue to leave.” He winks at you, patting Lewis on the shoulder as he makes his way toward the door. “Good luck.”
“Thanks, Alain,” Lewis mutters, rubbing his palms against his thighs, clearly nervous now.
Your mother rises as well, hesitating for a moment. She looks at you, her eyes soft. “I’ll call you later,” she murmurs, reaching out to squeeze your hand briefly before following Alain out the door.
And then it’s just you and Lewis, standing in the golden light of your apartment, the door clicking shut behind your mother and Alain.
You raise an eyebrow, trying to keep your voice light. “So … what was all that about?”
Lewis steps closer, and suddenly the nervous energy from earlier melts away. He takes your hand, his thumb tracing lazy circles against your palm.
“Y/N …” he begins, and there’s something so tender in the way he says your name that it makes your heart skip a beat. “I wanted to do this the right way. To ask the people who mean the mos to you.”
Your breath catches as he drops to one knee, right there in the middle of your living room.
He pulls a small box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a ring that catches the light like starlight on water. It’s simple, elegant, and perfect.
Lewis looks up at you, his dark eyes filled with love, nerves, and hope. “I love you, Y/N. I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you at Imola. And I want to spend every day from now on making you as happy as you’ve made me.”
You cover your mouth with your hand, tears already welling up in your eyes.
“So,” he says with a smile that’s both warm and a little crooked. “What do you say? Will you marry me?”
For a moment, all you can do is nod, words caught somewhere between your heart and your throat. Then you finally find your voice.
“Yes,” you whisper, your smile breaking wide and free. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Lewis’ grin lights up the room, and he stands, slipping the ring onto your finger before pulling you into his arms. You kiss him, slow and deep, and in that moment, it feels like everything — the years of struggle, of loss, of love — has brought you to exactly where you’re supposed to be.
When you finally pull away, breathless and giddy, Lewis leans his forehead against yours, his hands cradling your face.
“Guess Alain was right,” he murmurs, grinning. “This really is the ride of my life.”
You laugh, pure and full, wrapping your arms around him tighter. “Buckle up, Hamilton,” you tease. “It’s only just getting started.”
#f1 imagine#f1#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#f1 fanfiction#f1 x reader#f1 x you#lewis hamilton#lh44#lewis hamilton imagine#lewis hamilton x reader#lewis hamilton x you#lewis hamilton fic#lewis hamilton fluff#lewis hamilton fanfic#lewis hamilton blurb#f1 fluff#f1 blurb#f1 one shot#f1 x y/n#f1 drabble#f1 fandom#f1blr#f1 x female reader#lewis hamilton x y/n#mercedes#lewis hamilton one shot#lewis hamilton fanfiction#ayrton senna
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toto wolff
tags: smut/pwp, onlyfans au, naughty live streams, age gap (late-20s/50s), big dick!toto, masturbation, dirty talking, daddy kink, master's student!reader
a/n: toto would do great in porn
you knew you needed to get laid soon. but, with your cramped schedule in your final semesters of your master's program. you were so close to finishing your program and getting the hell out of school and into your field!
but people have needs, and you needed to get your release somehow. you weren't on the hunt for a sexual partner, hell, not even a romantic partner. so you had a little subscription, to a website where you could gaze at handsome men and help get that release you so desire. you had a particular taste for the accounts you subscribed to.
older, taller, domineering and more than happy to spill the degrading language you've ever heard. - and while most came close, one man in particular fit the bill 'torger', mostly known as 'daddy'. you only found out his 'name' by an accidental search online - but that information had been basically scrubbed off the internet since you found it. but he preferred to be called daddy or sir. so that piece of information was locked away as you found his account on a lonely monday night.
his page was simple, the design was clean. everything as organized to a t which made something to watch tonight very easy. you were interested in the newest video, posted only hours earlier. the idea that he was filming and posting while you were holed up in the library trying to piece together evidence for your thesis! it was hot.
you clicked the video and got yourself comfortable with your phone. your hand between your legs. your pussy felt hot, most likely do to the arousal you had been carrying since you got back to your crummy little apartment. you gave a few teasing rubs as the video started.
you didn't actually know what daddy looked like. you've see his naked body, that was what you paid eleven dollars a month for. but you had never seen his face. it made sense that he wanted to protect his identity, but underneath the simple mask he wore, you wonder what he looked like.
he was seated back in bed, the camera pointed on his cock as he said, "about time you had come home, angel." his voice was accented, you weren't particularly good with where it was from. but his voice was low enough that it felt like he was right in your ear as you started to pleasure yourself. his voice was like honey on your sexual frustrated brain.
"i missed you today, my darling. you know how daddy feels about you going out all by yourself." he continued to masturbate himself. a low concept video, but it did wonders for you. "you know that you want to be good for daddy, right? did you behave, follow our rules?"
you swallowed and kept your hand moving. you rubbed the side of your hand up against your clit as you felt the splash of warmth across your face. you couldn't help it, his words got to you. they turned you on.
"angel." his favourite nickname for those who watched his videos. you running assumption was it was gender neutral enough to get anyone aroused. and you were no exception, "did you eat? get enough sleep? you're not falling behind are you? you know daddy holds you in high expectation, you don't want to fail me, do you?" his breathing was heavy in a way that was erotic, you felt the tingle in your toes as you started to move your hand faster.
the stimulation to your clit made you tense up as the sparks of pleasure danced in the back of your head. your eyes were locked on the video, next time you'd watch something this award-worthy on your laptop. see every inch of daddy's cock.
he exhaled deeply, "i bet you have, you know exactly what you have to do day by day. and that's why i'm so proud of you. but, all day i was thinking about you. i thought about your pretty ass on me. i know you'd let me take you apart in our bedroom. i wanted to wait for you to suck me off, but when i think of you i simply can't help myself."
you let out a small moan. you saw how he was stroking his cock. every so often he changed up the pace, which only made him more aroused. his blunt tip was leaky pre-cum, with his own sexual want. it was all a fantasy, but your aroused brain near drooled from the sight of his cock.
he once measured it for a photo and you saw loud and clear that it was a little over eight inches and thick enough to do damage if used incorrectly. but he seemed like the type to make sure his partner's came first. you had seen his collaborative work with other. usually a younger partner to come in and suck him off while filmed. even that was hot too, because it made you yearn to be in the woman's position. taken apart like that, fucked until bruising.
"will you be good for me, angel?" he asked near out of breath, "will you get on your knees for daddy and apologize for being out so late. you know i need to know if any infractions were done. if you were bad and we'll take it from there. i'll even let you pick out your punishment. but i have a feeling you were good for me. so i won't choke you on my cock. i know that gag reflex of you is so shallow, but maybe when we take our vacation i can properly train your throat. about time you learn to take what's yours." his breathing was staggered as more pre-cum dribbled out of his hard cock.
you continued to pleasure yourself, it only mounted in your body the more you played with yourself. you never knew that someone's words, some stranger's words, could turn you on so much. to make you cunt soaked with the idea of sucking his cock. of being good for him, a listening, obedient little thing. it ran heat through you.
"i want you, angel." he said softly, "i want you so badly. you have no idea what kind of man you make me. i become a beast when i am with you. everything about you, you're irresistible." he changed the pace of his movements as he pleasured himself.
you moaned a little louder at the video. you felt your toes curl and your calves tense up as you worked your hand across your sex. the pleasure was intense in a way that it made you near dizzy. you loved it, the feeling was intense in a way that drove you near the verge of insanity. his type of videos worked themselves into your little routine, his caring yet domineering tone. how he spoke to the camera, it only fueled the need to touch yourself.
"so good for me." he said lowly, "look at how much you've done. daddy believes in you, so why don't you try to take him all tonight. you know it won't bite." he chuckled which only made your heart rate pick up.
soon your climax hit and it was like being hit in the gut. you tensed up and came with a sharp noise that exited your lips. it felt amazing. you laid there with your hand still up against your clit as toto continued to masturbate. his words filthy yet supportive, it was a cocktail that turned you on even after you came.
"my angel." he purred, "i'm cumming to thoughts of you." you looked at the screen, his hand tightened around his cock. you could see the tattoo of the moon he had on his wrist. you've seen his cum all over that too before and it was quite the sight. he said quietly, "my sweet, sweet angel." before he came all over his hand which excited you.
his breathing was heavy pants as were yours. the video soon ended and you laid out in the glow of your phone screen as you laid there heavily breathing. your heart was pounding as you tried to regain some semblance of stability.
you thought of his tattoo and that large hand around your throat. it didn't hurt that you were able to get a second round to thoughts of torger fucking you.
you were asked to attend a guest lecture in your program. it was suggested by a friend as something free to do on a tuesday morning. the lecture hall was sparsely occupied. you and your friend sat near the front and the guest professor was already there.
older, taller - your friend remarked, "probably get a packed house just to catch a glimpse of him." then giggled. you could see the appeal of him. the thick rimmed glasses and short hair that was dyed to keep its youthful appearance. he looked like a man who knew what he was doing in his suit, the first few buttons of the button up shirt were undone, it made you do a double take.
but it wasn't until he reached up to move the chalkboard upwards, that you caught the glimpse of. your heart stopped for a moment as you saw the ink around his wrist. a familiar moon tattoo.
"what's this guy's name again?" you said quietly, unable to remember the professor's name.
"toto wolff... but his legal name is like torger or something." and you weren't too sure if colour left your face or flooded it. because the guy you masturbated to last night was teaching a guest lecture today and you had near front row seats to him. <3
#bunny writes#reader insert#formula 1#formula one imagine#f1 smut#formula one fanfiction#formula one smut#f1 x reader#formula one#torger toto wolff#toto wolff smut#toto wolff x reader#toto wolff fanfiction#toto wolff#toto wolff fanfic#mercedes racing#mercedes
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