#I like to make ppl suffer with my ffs
evansdoodles · 1 year
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Footage of me reading your fic… at some point I literally couldn’t read because I was crying and my vision got blurry
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gildeddlily · 1 year
I don't want Gojo suffering more and more for Geto's deflection, thinking ab their youth, I want their youth.
I just want Suguru with pierced ears and long hair meeting unhappy with his pathetic and lonely life Satoru Gojo. I want Gojo to be flabbergasted by Geto, and hate him for a bit, and fell in love with him after another bit.
I want Satoru-fell-first and Suguru-fell-harder.
I want Satoru being alone in the world, isolated by weak people who worshipped him and then finally meeting his equal, Suguru not understanding how much he matters to Satoru until he gets injured and Satoru's miserable and like "how can I be the strongest now that I've know this thanks to you" and Suguru's like "you can have both dw".
I want Satoru calling themselves the strongest in public for the first time, Suguru not believing him in his self-deprecating mind, ppl underestimating him bc of his origins and Satoru "think I'd have someone unworthy at my side? he's ten times what you are" and Suguru crying and Satoru being like "...what am I supposed to do"
I want Suguru comforting him when the Six Eyes overwhelm him.
I want Satoru discovering music and books, going to festivals and living thanks to Suguru, him meeting Suguru's family and watching films with him in his childhood room.
I want drunk Suguru flirting with Satoru, Satoru absolutely loving it but rejecting him cause the faintest smell of alcohol disgusts him.
I want sixteen Satoru realising his feelings and his latent homosexuality and being like "oh thank god I'll never have to marry some girl to have an heir.
wait what does it mean Suguru is-" and having gay panics over it.
I want him talking with Yaga, Yaga being miserable and saying things like "it's not something accepted" and Satoru being like "do I look like I care. do yk how yk, sex works for two g-" "SHUT UP"
I want him talking to Suguru ab it and out-since-twelve-Suguru being like "dw Satoru that's normal", and Satoru shouting out of the blue "make out with me"
I want existential crisis, and a lot of kissing, and comfort, and making out for the first time after killing a grade one curse together, and crying after fighting and giving each other gifts.
them being young, stupid and in love
(the plot of my next ff ofc)
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weaselbeaselpants · 1 year
Reading up on the leaked Q and As with Viv about fans makes me unironically worried about her. The quote in particular said: " Viv’s ADHD enables her to bounce around between things a lot, it’s been a blessing because she can bounce between the shows if she gets tired of either. Sometimes it gets overwhelming, causing her to lose focus, and losing sleep, but it’s working in the end "
As a creative who suffers from ADHD/OCD to me that sounds like a situation RIFE for burnout and exhaustion. I really would have been into Helluva (and Hazbin) taking a lot longer for everyone's sake because it seems like Viv, despite her nertwork, is committed to doing everything everywhere all at once and just...well no wonder she's so protective of it.
A lot of older work I was super proud of when I finished, is just super flawed now- all for reasons I didn't forsee in my own writing because, well, I was writting+drawing+mapping out+conceptualizing all of that by myself and on a deadline AND battling my other focuses at the time. In the 'moment' my one end was getting it all done and getting it all done well, I had no time for critique to seep in and cause me more stress and I'd be VERY volatile to people who were clearly just not in the 'zone' I was about the world/story/character I created.
Where I'm proud and impressed with the work I've managed to get done, I know it's far from perfect and maybe even suffered because I was pushing it too hard to be everything rather than be one thing. This is why, on my latest fanfiction project, I hyperfocused in the end on just getting it out at all and mostly being in coherent order rather than it being a perfect work of art- when you're one goal in your ff is silly musings, you should be making sure that that work specifically isn't a chore, but something indulgent for your sake. The ppl who like it even if it were made well won't like it and the people who would like it if it were better will understand- tldr; you work at your own pace.
With my original work I absolutely prioritize what I can and can not conceivably get done and commit to it and selling it and hoping people like it for what it is rather than what I hyped it up to be and...good god hun no wonder she takes so many vacations.
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rhymeswithfart · 1 year
Hello hello! Just dropping in to say that your different Sonic SATAM verses are really really cool and your art is lovely! It’s so pretty! ;u;
I’m so interested in these verses now. I was wondering, do you have a story, or a comic, or a post about the lore of them? They’re just so neat I wanna know more! It’s so interesting!
Have a great day! :)
Thanks so much!!! 💖💖💖💖 I'm so glad you like it!
(I actually forget if I made an actual lore post with all the stuff in one place rip) my lore is also pretty disorganized for most stuff, I'm just doin whatever, but here's some of the more fleshed out lore I have.
The reverse aus mostly follow similar storyline points to canon, with diversions due to the characters having different personalities. The satam one is based on that plot point where Robotnik and Snively are the sole survivors of a space colony, while the Archie one is based on the overlander-mobian war thing.
Both Satam and Archie reverse have a bloody war (which Julian served in as a medic before becoming Minister of Medical Science) that ends in The Great Peace, ushered in by Jules Hedgehog. However the "peace" is only in name, as the empire of anti-King Acorn is fraught with oppression and state violence. The lower classes starve while being crushed under Acorn's brutal rule. Julian and Johnny, along with several other revolutionaries, succeed in overthrowing the tyrant, but the kingdom is thrown into turmoil in the process. Princess Alicia, (anti-Sally), takes this opportunity to throw her father into the Zone of Silence with the help of anti-Sonic (this happens later than Robotnik's coup in the canon universe).
The Suppression Squad (anti-FF) is either staging a coup, being mercenaries for whichever forces are fighting for power, or just being general troublemakers at this point. Anti-Sonic hasn't yet become known as Scourge. Julian retires from his position as minister and sets up his clinic. Johnny manages the security and more actively fights against any would-be tyrants/terrorists. He doesn't have the same code against violence as Julian.
As the Suppression Squad gets more violent powerful, and Scourge starts his conquest of Moebius in earnest, Johnny and Julian flee into the Great Forest and create a force-field that makes their encampment invisible to unwanted guests. They take refugees and injured people in.
Here's some of my reverse StC lore. It follows the "Ovi Kintobor was transformed into Doctor Robotnik in an accident" storyline, but it has Kintobor being part of a very suppressive, fascist ideology. Robotnik is the product of Kintobor's repressed kindness and compassion, things that Kintobor would see as weakness and treachery. The badniks (goodniks?) in this au are like ai life support systems and mobility devices for disabled Moebians, as well as protection from danger. They're like mech suits that protect their little buddies.
Reverse Sonic Underground is based on some of my conjecture about the ppl from the Six is a Crowd episode. Robotnik was once the music teacher for the triplets. Anti-Aleena ruled over a society similar to the "Great Peace" I described in Satam/Archie, where the upper classes thrived and the average citizen struggled in poverty. Robotnik was part of the lower class, and suffered from an ailment which he couldn't afford to have looked at (also lived in a dirty-ass apartment with nasty water and mold probably). Despite this, he did genuinely care about the triplets, even being closer to them as a parental figure than their mother. At some point, his illness caused him to develop necrosis in his arms and legs (or something I'm still figuring it out) and he had to have them all amputated, nearly dying in the process. Aleena arranged for him to have cybernetic limbs attached, and moved him out of his deathtrap apartment and into the palace. (that's the backstory and I'm still figuring out how they got to the point in the episode)
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sothischickshe · 1 year
☕ tall people
Haha, I'm bloody tired of the lot of them/being kicked etc 🙄
Buttttt I will concede at least part of the problem is things being made poorly/capitalism. Like, I'm not even particularly short, yet I've often been unable to reach the holding-onto-apparatus on w/e public transport, or ive come up against workplace chairs which are adjustable...except u gotta be sitting on them to do so & they start off too high for me to climb aboard to adjust ♻️🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ppl reallllllly need to design make n test their shit for a diverse range of bodies, not just some 'norm' -- whether that means ppl like them or some genuine average. ‼️‼️‼️I don't think I can be much shorter than the world average height for an adult so like... Who is determining what counts as normal? Where is this stuff being made?? Do all office chairs come from the netherlands or some shit????
I do sometimes see v tall ppl suffering in similar situations eg not being able to fit anything from the neck up into train carriages comfortably & feel some degree of empathy for them, but then I'll try to live my life and find im being kicked in the ankles and smashed in the umbrella all day long by Talls who seem to have developed v little spatial awareness bc the world is designed for them while I'm trying to reach something in an ill placed cupboard or w/e & im back to being filled with rage 😅
So the solution probably is largely to end capitalism so ppl aren't just rushing shit things out plus if ergonomics & design etc can't engage w/ the fact that not everyone has the same body we probs need to dismantle those whole frameworks tbh. But like until that's achieved... Talls stop being such arseholes ffs
Send me a ☕ + a topic and I shall give you my opinion!
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
For the nonnie that was curious about why I don’t like Bernadetta (Marianne will be in another post because this one is pretty long):
I actually suffer from the exact same condition she does and have been diagnosed for agoraphobia. Unfortunately it turns out IS does in fact not know how to write people who are afraid to leave their rooms/houses and makes it seem like we just can't so much as have a conversation with people in person or have to do so from behind a door. People like me can leave our rooms and go out and shit - it's just extremely anxiety ridden.
My biggest issue with Bernadetta is that she's played explicitly for laughs and there's little to no actual tackling of her issues. She screams and runs off because lol funnies, but she also never listens to what anyone says to her and immediately starts insulting herself while ignoring the entire conversation. The thing is, if she were real, I wouldn't even be able to tell her she's wrong about herself because no, she's the most annoying thing on the planet and I found myself agreeing with EdeIgard in their C and B supports when EdeIgard was basically like ffs woman just stfu and actually listen to the conversation instead of making up what's happening.
The whole screaming and running away constantly would need to be removed completely for me to even consider the rest of her character (which is also pretty bland, but when she actually learns how to hold a conversation she's somewhat tolerable). No amount of "oh no Bernie now everyone hates you" is gonna make me like her. In fact, it's true I do hate her because she constantly puts herself down in that specific way, and well... when people do that irl, it's literal manipulation. People want you to say the opposite of the bad things. If that were me, I'd immediately just say yeah, you know what, everyone does hate you because you say shit like that constantly and can't hold a single conversation because uwu your dad was mean to you.
I didn't have the best relationship with my own dad some years ago, and sometimes it was really bad. Neither of us could even hold a conversation because whenever he said anything to me it was some jab at me, and that was during severe mental illness for me. He's learning how mental illness works now, but my relationship with him and somewhat my mom, like Bernadetta, wasn't really good. We were extremely dysfunctional. That didn't make me hide away from every single conversation from all other people though, and her entire character is excessive and beyond unrealistic. Part of it is also the whole "oh no me and my dad had a bad relationship, now I'm going to scream and run away from everyone ever except the avatar character so people can self insert their love for me". zzzzz i sleep
In my opinion too, as someone who suffers from the exact same mental illness, it's actually pretty insulting. The only conversation I have any memory of being able to even remotely tolerate was her and Dorothea's B support. The thing is, she has a story... but it's completely overshadowed by idiocy and the writers being like "lol this must be what agoraphobia is like amirite".
She needs better development and a better delivery of what her story actually is. All her interactions, every single one, are exactly the same. Every. Single. One. Screams, runs away. Does so until the last support with the respective characters and has miniscule growth. Does not have any varied conversations and every single one takes the same outline and hurls back up the same exact thing that happened in the other support. Let me tell you, Fates was infamous for that and my feelings on its supports stand. Bernadetta was like super bad Fates writing on crack, and that's... uh... that's a new low for FE writing lol. Fates had bad writing to begin with.
I know it's also the fact that they took social anxiety and tried it to make it lol funnies bc lol ppl can relate, but like... people who genuinely have that very real issue do not behave like that and to me, it's not funny. It's not cute and "uwu I just want to protect her." It's just extremely annoying and irritating and in fact, I just want to slap her square in the face and tell her to never open her mouth again because HOOEE. There's a big difference between having a mental illness and being outright annoying to everyone you speak to, and having a mental illness doesn't excuse particular socially damaging (to others) behaviors.
Like... I hate her with a fiery hot burning passion when I actually think about the way they handled her in Houses. She's pretty barely above Edelgard in that sense.
As far as more on why I don’t like her, I did mention a lot of it in these posts which explained why the topic itself is so problematic in how it was written.
Regarding Hopes, they actually did remove some of that nonsense as far as the main story. She was quieter and could handle being out in the war (at least while having Ferdinand at her side which yes, that can be realistic! Having a friend with you when you have to go out and you're anxious to go out can really help). Her supports are still absolute trash and should be in the dumpster instead of all the useful things you can find dumpster diving in business' dumpsters, but the main story severely toned down the bullshit.
Her supports are still infuriating (besides with Marianne), but luckily she doesn't have as many in Hopes since supports were less of a feature in the game overall. They were better... somewhat... but not great. Her support with Marianne is essentially the character we should have gotten as her whole character when she associates with anyone at all, because just because she had a rocky relationship with her dad doesn't mean she should look at every single human being ever and fear the things she feared from her dad. What happened with her and her dad doesn't mean everyone is her dad and she should realistically know that. Even if she has a hard time coming out of her shell, she should still do that, slowly learning about people but quickly realizing, based on the amount of people she can meet in GM, that nobody is like her dad.
Ironically the C and B supports she had with EdeIgard were pretty much me letting my emotions out somewhat through EdeIgard lol.
Like you said, the writers handle Bernadetta like a joke character and tbh, I'm frankly disgusted by her popularity as someone who now has to acknowledge that the fandom at large treats my mental illness and anxiety as a lol funny joke. It's crippling and it's why I can barely function outside of my house, and it's certainly not something to laugh about when it causes struggles getting a job because most jobs are, and have been entirely until recently, jobs that you had to leave home to get to. Even online/office jobs were in a location outside of one's home. The fact that the fandom completely feeds into this joke writing means they enjoy it and have only proved the writers correct that anxiety is a joke worth laughing at if you struggle to leave your house.
The representation part of it:
In other words, when anxiety gets that bad, it can be played for laughs and people will enjoy it in media. The problem with that is exactly the same as older media concerns, like showing deeply autistic characters (ex. ones who have warped facial features due to their autism) and shaming them for "being ugly" or otherwise facially abnormal. Another example, media's habit of fat shaming and making fat characters to have them be a fat joke. Berandetta is exactly those things, just with another skin of socially abnormal and neurodivergent behavior being laughed at because it's not "socially normal or acceptable irl".
A perfect example would be unfortunately the Naruto series, that I grew up loving but recently looked back on and saw that a good chunk of it was nothing but cringe. There are literally fat jokes that are so bad in the sequel series, Boruto, that an overweight character literally insults herself with the fat jokes and it’s written to be humor. It's... bad. Bernadetta is literally that, possibly even in a more extreme way.
There’s also the fact that, like I mentioned in one of the linked posts, they give her the very strange interest of “weird plants”, as if to imply they believe shut ins are and do strange things that most people would gawk at, when no, we actually do normal things everyone else does.
I’ve been struggling with this anxiety in a severe way for over five straight years. It’s not funny and we don’t do unusual, abnormal things or have “weird” interests. We also don’t scream and run away from people trying to have a simple, friendly conversation with us. Her self depricating is also ridiculous and we don’t do that out in the open. People like myself tend to only speak to individuals we really trust about those insecurities. While we do have a hard time having any confidence, we don’t just blurt it out and scream it in front of someone mid-conversation. Like I said, people who do that irl are doing it for attention and to get compliments. Having her do that is a very bad look on people who actually have this illness.
Like, I know it seems like I’m making a Big Deal about it, but to me this is no different than people seeing fat jokes played for laughs, or having the token black character who is often the butt of jokes or even just there for the creator(s) to say “there’s a black character so you can’t say we didn’t do it”. It feels like it was just forced in because “it was the new trend online”.
The problem is that people actually ate it up and were happy with “representation”, even if that representation was actually insulting and extremely left field from what the representation is supposed to be like. When creators see incorrect interpretation being lauded as awesome and great, they won’t care if it was well done or not because it sold well and people expressed love for it. Those people not caring about how accurate the representation is is exactly the group of people who are hurting those of us who are trying to get others, and media, to understand that we don’t want that and yes, we want representation, but not for it to be so off par that it’s not even representing at all at that point.
Basically they made both a horribly annoying character and a total failure of a soecial anxiety representation. Like, I don’t even hate Micaiah to this extent and she used to be my most hated FE character until uwugard and Bernadetta happened.
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winterdusktales · 1 year
man i really thought the dynamic of the three leads in oasis would be somewhat similar to the three leads in chicago typewriter or my country. well at least that's what the first few eps seemed to be going for
but it became just one of those many annoying kdrama love triangles bcs of the 2nd lead. idek where the plot is going atp
i still like the drama tho. cuz im a sucker for angst no matter how frustrating it gets. and i dont rlly mind where the plot goes. i just wish the three leads maintained their unbreakable bond no matter how complicated their circumstances turn out
like with the 2nd male leads in chicago typewriter and my country, as frustrating as it may be, i still understood why they had to make the choices they made. i wouldnt defend them but i get them. i loooove the 2nd lead in chicago typewriter no matter what and the three leads are still among my top fav kdrama trios. i hated the 2nd lead in my country but i get why he had to turn to the bad side. like theres an actual depth in his characterization
but with cheolwoong its rlly just immaturity, jealousy, and insecurity.
(get ready for a cheolwoong hate essay)
hes still the same highschool boy who would come home crying bcs doohak ranked 1st on top of the whole class. the same boy who was competing "fair and square" to win the heart of their highschool crush. the same boy who would make other ppl do the dirty work for him cuz hes a pretentious coward
the way he is so ready to throw away his lifelong brotherhood with doohak for his highschool crush who he knew for a few yrs and who never even led him on to make him think he has any chance with her
the doohak who he called his hyung his entire life. the doohak who did everything he told him to until highschool. the doohak who would fight his fights. the doohak who /involuntarily/ went to prison for a crime HE COMMITTED just bcs he begged him to tho he knew it would ruin doohaks life. like id be so ashamed to even show up in front of him. if he asks for something, id do it right away without considering it as a payment for my debt cuz nothing could make up for what doohak had to go through bcs of me
not to mention doohak also singlehandedly saved him (again... for the nth time) against that group of college students without any help from anyone
he couldnt even make up his mind if he wishes to save or betray doohak like how he remained neutral with the student activists vs gov thing in his college days. like if ure gonna be the bad guy, just be the bad guy and let me hate u entirely
like u can tell he still cares for doohak (reason why i thought theyd have this unbreakable brotherhood even when they act like enemies in front of eo but theyd come running to save eo when needed to cuz they know deep down they love eo like the male leads in the 2 dramas i mentioned above) but i guess he doesnt care for him enough to let him be happy after all those years of suffering (which he caused)
doohaks friendship with his gang members is even more precious than theirs. like i would trust any of the gang members with doohaks life but not cheolwoong
also the lack of self awareness??? he always brings up doohaks flaws when hes actually way worse
anyway i hope the writers dont give him redemption arc just for the sake of giving everyone a good ending. i want him miserable and i want to hate him until the end. when he finds out the truth abt his birth, i want him IN SEVERE PAIN. i want him to be so ashamed to even go near doohak. on top of that, i want jungshin cutting him off her life for good and giving him the same disgusted face she gave doohak when she found out hes part of a gang. I WANT HIM SUFFERING
and give doohak and jungshin their happy ending ffs! they literally just want a peaceful life together without all these makjang drama. theyve been through soooo much since they were young and until now. enough is enough
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thousand autumns, episode 5~
yws: wow that dude just betrayed u, aren't u sad? shen qiao: no :) i'm gonna pass out now and remember how fucking AWESOME i am, excuse me :) yws: lol ppl keep betraying u. wanna be evil with me?? shen qiao: no :) i'm gonna cough prettily and hobble along home now :) SSSSLUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRP OH THEY'RE CALLED LIUHE GANG, that's why i was so confused. i kept remembering the 'liu he shen gong' technique from woh/shl (the one that ruined ye baiyi's life by making him immortal so he could agonise over his heartbreak for all time) lol im so dumb 😅 tee hee, yan wushi is an old fox, it's canon y'all! 'shen qiao is like a walking treasure' LOL EVERYONE WANTS HIM SO BAD??? I DONT BLAME THEM BUT ITS SO FUNNY??? MY SON SHENGYAN IS BACK, HI SWEETIE!! shen qiao: pls stop sending ppl to follow me :) yws: *evil laughs in refusal* THE OLD MAN HIGH-FIVED HIM INTO THE WALL!! noooo don't hurt himmmm, he's so cuuuute, how could u huuurt himmm?? ;A; oh look, the suffering masses are here! HELLO EVERYONE! yan wushi was using his friendly eyebrows for a second there!! he'd better watch out, or he might fall in love with a nice fellow like shen qiao, wouldn't THAT be a tragedy? lol its my fav cdrama lesson, 'never help anyone ever, they'll just get angry and hurt u or each other and then everyone will feel bad ;A;' (for legal purposes, this is hyperbole. birb does NOT believe that all cdrama holds or encourages this value. birb is just being a prick for the craic, purely for the craic.) OH A BABY ;A; shen-langjun?? like 沈郎君 ?? is that what he says?? :O yan wushi does not sit, he SPRAWLS!! wtf is he doing to that rock tho i love his dumb face, he's just so silly looking. like he's trying too hard to be a villain idk. he's definitely Not Nice but he's trying SO HARD to sell the Serious Business For Really Reals Evil that i can't buy it, i just laugh at him lmao 🤣 'FEEDING THE HUNGRY FOR CLOUT, SEE YU AI FOR MORE DETAILS' yws: lol ur friends dont care about u, just like i don't care about this porridge. BOTTOMS UP >:) how do u say 'sláinte' in chinese FFS shen qiao cannot go FIVE MINUTES without being ATTACKED!! LET A MAN EAT HIS DINNER IN PEACE JFC lol yws switched from a bench sprawl to a window sprawl, it doesnt make much of a difference but he looked cool doing it and that's what counts this animation is FIRE, sometimes the models look a wee bit odd but the motion itself is beautiful and fluid imo!! i really love it!! 🤩 HOLY!! HE JUST!!! HE GRABBED SHEN QIAO BY THE WAIST!!! AND WHISKED HIM AWAY OFF??? IN BROAD DAYLIGHT??? what is with this tender heartfelt music?? its making me feel things i dont want to feel, pls stop ;A; yws: hey if ur friend tries to kill u, u should totally call me for help. i might not answer. but it would make me feel good lol *shen qiao stumbles* yu ai: i was gonna help u, but then i thought….nah. ANYWAY! *fake gasp* omg bro, ur so weak and sickly! however could such a terrible and unexpected thing occur?????? shen qiao: u literally poisoned me :) ...and it was in this moment yu ai knew that he had fucked up 😔
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vakariansmonocle · 1 year
insanely tired of ppl telling me I should be grateful for literally anything it infuriates me so quickly to hear it and I literally am so pissed off tonight I have a fucking migraine
like no I'm not grateful to you offering me a place to stay and my fiance shouldn't be grateful that their own parents allowed them to move back in
Im not grateful bc this is an offer that came from, what seemed, pure intentions of caring about someone but now it's like
oh you want to dock my pay bc I'm Grateful you want me to do things because I'm Grateful
I'm not
I was in a house being abused on the daily basis and clawed after the only option i had otherwise the only option that would make me happy and give me some freedom to be Me.
but now that I have it I have to be Grateful for being saved like some fucking damsel in distress. if there wasn't that fucking constant use and guilt card being played I would do things easier I would help out more I wouldn't be bitter towards everything
I wouldn't want to move back to an abusive hell hole in the dead south where I would probably suffer Worse things and not be able to get on T
it's insane. how much I miss my own parents which is something I cannot believe I'm saying bc at least they never fucking told me to be grateful without it being like a Fight between them over that being shitty which is like
a fucking low bar and yet
maybe I'm more angry about it bc my fiance has to be grateful to their own fucking parents for not having them fucking being homeless I guess wild.
doesn't help the like oh we should work on your future talk
I don't HAVE ONE I don't see one beyond marrying my fiance that's it I have nothing to give I didn't even wanna live this long ffs picking up those pieces of my brain is so hard and It just immediately triggers every bit of suicidal ideation my brain has tucked in for emergency not to mention the desire to just fucking cut my arms to ribbons like fuck me running I hate it I hate it so much.
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myownprivatcidaho · 4 years
#why. did dean getting a GED have to be. idk Perceived by some of the fandom.#idk like. personally. as someone who got thei GED the initial discussion felt kinda Bristling in itself because...#like. it felt like THAT as a Neutral Aspect to someones educational and/or adhd experience was being like.#sadboyified or like. idk babied in a sense#and in general just like. by extension romanticized ???#idk if im making sense#so like. yeah it shows he cares about learning and that hes Not Dumb but like.#idk i just wish people were as neutral towards GEDs as they are towards diplomas#and like. not romanticizing it as if theres an inherent Rebellious Character Trait that comes with#ik a lot of people celebrate getting their ged and! im proud of them!#but in the case of dean it feels like people - most whove gotten diplomas - tacking on the Rebellious and Against The Grain stereotype#and idk it just. i wont get into my thoughts on how Ruminated on deans suffering is by some in this fandom to the point it takes on an#air of romanticism. but like. idk#maybe its just me being a worn down geriatric who's tired of seeing my own experiences get thrown about and hyped up and beaten about#without rest like a dead horse. but like.#im 100% projecting here but can yall just. leave this one thing alone. like a lot of deans experiences get borderline romanticised but like#just this one thing ffs#sia vents#esp now some ppl are speaking their own experiences and saying it was hard for them - Valid! openness is good! but theres other ppl going#'yea its so not a hard a middle schooler could do it yawwwwn' like fuck off man live and let live#idk how to tell you this system is Not a gauge for a persons functioning intelligence because the system itself is dysfunctional#this is SUCH a ramble and jts like. six am im going to bed gnite#delete later
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realcube · 4 years
jealous haikyuu!! boys
summary: the haikyuu!! boys getting jealous over you talking to a boy but as it turns out, that boy is in fact your relative 
characters: third year gym squad (lev, hinata, bokuto, kuroo, tsukishima & akaashi)
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thank you to anon for this sweet request! 💖
(y/n) = your name
(b/n) = brother’s name
tw// sexual references, swearing
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Lev Haiba 
he was already in a sour mood from practise bc kenma, kuroo & yaku had all ganged up on him so he was getting beat left, right & centre 
so he was feeling extra confrontational when he laid eyes on you laughing and chatting with some other guy, in the spot where you usually stand and wait for him after practise 
he was so mad >:( 
like he just had a shitty day at school and now some punk was trying to flirt with you- and you didn’t seem to be uncomfortable either 
grrr like he had spent 90% of the day looking forward to seeing you and now you were talking to some other guy like he didn’t even exist :( 
a part of him knew that he was being overdramatic but the other part of him was like ‘all feelings are valid, lev. 💕💖💗’
like he literally worked so hard to be the best boyfriend possible and this guy thought he could just swoop in and steal your heart??? without even letting you braid his hair yet??? 
yeah, lev had spent too much money on cat keychains to lose you this far into the game 
also he loves you pls don’t leave him rn (y/n) 😭
so he marched up to you with a frown, grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on the back just like he usually does as a greeting, ‘hi, babe.’ he murmured.
your attention immediately shifted onto your boyfriend and you automatically pouted upon seeing his glum expression, ‘hiya. are you okay, hun? rough day at scho--’
he held your hand by his lips and muttered from behind your knuckles, ‘who’s this?’ he inquired, vaguely gesturing to your brother
‘oh, lev! this is my brother! i don’t think y’all have met yet.’
lev blinked rapidly at what you just said, ‘brother? like- male sibling.’
you nodded while simultaneously quirking an eyebrow at his need for clarification at the simplest piece of information, ‘yes. my male sibling.’
lev let out a heavy sigh of relief as his lips curled into a smile, softening his grip on your hand, allowing you to pull it away, ‘ah, okay.’
then he turned to your brother and stuck out his hand, ‘nice to mee-- you don’t look anything like (y/n).’ he chirped, all trances of sadness leaving his face - it was kinda creepy how quickly he was able to do that 
model tingz
your brother shrugged, ‘yeah.’ he hastily took lev’s hand, giving it a firm shake before turning on his heels, ‘i should really get going now, bye!’ he called out before rushing off, quite intimidated by the fact you had a skyscraper for a boyfriend 
lev turned to you, a warm smile now gracing his features
‘uh, where did all your gloom go? you looked miserable just a few seconds ago!’ you inquired, playfully poking his cheek
lev shrugged, poking your forehead in retaliation, ‘i don’t know. i’m here with you now so i guess i don’t have a reason to be sad.’ he said nonchalantly, forgetting the fact he had gotten the results for his midterms today and he had failed maths horribly
but who need maths when you’re a model yk?
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Shōyō Hinata
bruh- hinata didn’t even notice you were talking to someone UIEFGBVFE
once practise was over he literally just ran up and threw himself at you 
he has selective vision, he only sees the things he wants to see and rn, all he wants to see you under the moonlight 🥺
so he wraps you in a hug and peppers your face in kisses just like he usually does when he greets you after practise
then he noticed that there was some guy standing next to you, aggressively tapping your shoulder to request your attention even though hinata was clearly trying to tell you about his day at practise 
he unintentionally scowled at the boy before cocking his head to the side and asking, ‘who are you?’ 
although this tone of voice didn’t seem too nasty; given the context - accompanied by the sour look on his face - the question seemed to have threatening undertones
you’re brother blinked rapidly before uttering, ‘i’m (b/n).’
he continued to stare daggers at the guy, ‘what do you want from (y/n)?’
‘the maths homework answers.’ your brother chuckled, continuing to playfully poke your shoulder until hinata swatted his hand away
‘she doesn’t owe you an--’
you were extremely confused as to why hinata took up such a serious demeanour but then you realised that he had never met your brother before, so hinata probably thought there was just some creepy harassing you for the homework answers
although you were charmed by your boyfriend’s attempts to be ‘scary’ for you, you still felt the need to intervene
‘oh, shōyō. that’s my brother, by the way.’ you hummed, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck
both your brother and your boyfriend slowly turned their heads to look at you, sharing the same dumbfounded look
‘your brother?!’ hinata exclaimed while your brother now looked rather offended, ‘you didn’t tell your boyfriend about me- rude!’
to be fair, your one year anniversary with shōyō was approaching so you feel foolish about not telling him about your brother sooner- it’s just that it never really crossed your mind
‘i’m fucking leaving.’ (b/n) spat, turning on his heels; trying to make it seem like he was storming out because he was upset that you hadn’t mentioned him to your boyfriend but in reality, he was just getting tired of prying at you for the homework answers
‘i’m fucking leaving too!’ hinata hissed, imitating your brother’s actions until he got the gate of the school, then he turned back around and shuffled back over to you 
he pulled you into a hug, resting his chin on your shoulder and squeezing your waist tight as he whispered into your ear, ‘do you have any other secret siblings that you want to tell me about?’
you giggled, pressing a gentle kiss onto his collarbone ‘i don’t think so.’ 
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Kōtarō Bokuto
mans thought you were leaving him 🥺
like why would you talk to another guy when you had a cool ace bf already? (˘・_・˘)
in bokuto’s mind, that could only mean one thing;
and the fact your brother was wearing a jersey didn’t help either
like, he doesn’t often get jealous when you talk to other guys but this one was wearing a JERSEY FFS!!! that meant he must be cool >:(((
also, you were laughing!
yeah, you sometimes laugh when you talk to akaashi or boys in your class but this time it was different 
the guy looked familiar but bokuto couldn’t put a finger on who he was - but he knew that the guy wasn’t from Fukurōdani as the colors of his jersey were a fruity teal and white - and this made him feel even more uneasy
bokuto knew what he had to do
he had to win you back by being thE COOLEST ACE BOYFRIEND!!
he ran a hand through his hair to it was extra spiky before swaggering up to you; chin up, back straight and chest puffed out
‘sup, doll.’ he said with a wink, forcing his voice to deepen
you sighed, upon hearing this unusual nickname, it didn’t take you long to figure out what was going on
bokuto didn’t even let you reply as he dropped to one knee and gently took you hand - making both you and your brother’s breath hitch in unison, thinking that you were about to witness a proposal and knowing bokuto, that didn’t seem completely impossible
however, instead of pulling out a ring; he pressed a tender kiss against you knuckles before pulling the pair of earbuds you had left at his house yesterday, out of his pocket and lowering his head as he held them out for you
‘i humbly offer these to thee.’
‘how did you go from a pimp to prince in 3 seconds?’ you inquired, snatching your earbuds from him while shooting him a disapproving look 
(b/n) couldn’t help but snicker at your boyfriends little performance, ‘i see he’s not changed a bit.’
bokuto hummed, looking over to meet eyes with your brother 
(b/n) smiled shot him a warm smile, ‘hi, bokut--’
‘do i know you?’
you instinctively gasped while your brother just laughed, ‘i’m (b/n); (y/n)’s brother. we met once after one of your games, remember?’
bokuto did not remember - at all - but he trusted that it did happen as that’d explain why he seemed so familiar
to avoid appearing any more ignorant, bokuto just nodded in agreement, ‘oh, yeah! it’s all coming back to me now.’ he chuckled awkwardly while getting up from his knee, ‘you just look so different with your jersey on, man.’
you rolled your eyes at how poor bokuto’s lying skills were but perhaps you should be more disappointed in your brother as he actually fell for it 
‘oh, for real?’ (b/n) asked, looking down at his chest while wondering if jersey really did the trick
needless to say, bokuto never forgot your brother’s face ever again lmao
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Tetsurō Kuroo
upon exiting the building (after practise) and seeing you conversing with some guy by the school gates, he wasted no time in ripping his shirt off and parading over to you 
he mentally reassured himself that he had no need to be jealous bc there was no way you’d leave his fine-ass for some average guy that made you laugh by the school gate-- WAIT YOU WERE LAUGHING!?!? ◉_◉
 i mean, kuroo had made you laugh before- but you were just being so nice to this guy who he’d never seen around the school before which stressed him
plus, the guy looked like he was in college so kuroo was extremely worried that you might leave him for an older guy bc he had heard from yaku that some ppl like older men 😭😭
he could not let this happen ✋
his shirt now served as a scarf hanging around his neck as he strutted up to you, placing his hand on your shoulder to grab your attention
he wasn’t sure whether to go for the intimidation tactic or perhaps redirect your attention off of the guy and back onto your dearest boyfriend; so he went with both
‘(y/n)?’ he spoke, lowering his voice so it was more raspy - like his morning voice which he knew you were obsessed with
although kuroo is not ‘chemistry nerd’ smart, he definitely knows how to play his cards right IEFBERGLIEABVR
you hummed in response, swiftly turning to look at him before letting out a cackle upon seeing your half-naked boyfriend standing behind you
‘hey! don’t laugh at me!’ kuroo whined, his mask of confidence quickly shattering
‘put your shirt back on, tetsurō!’ you panted through guffaws, clutching your chest to prevent your heart from beating out of your chest 
honestly, it was quite hot but ofc you’d never admit that so you just had to hide your desire behind laughs
while you were laughing, kuroo turned to look at your brother, trying to form a glare but it looked more like a squint tbh
‘and you are?’
(b/n) wore a stunned look at how quickly your boyfriend’s attitude changed, temporarily unable to think up a reaction but then blurted out, ‘(b/n). you?’
(b/n) cocked his head to the side while backing up slightly, ready to make a run for it as soon as kuroo replied
kuroo didn’t intimidate (b/n), per se, it’s just that (b/n) wanted to get as far away from this interaction as possible as it generally made him feel uneasy
‘i’m (y/n)’s boyfriend.’ he said lowly with a menacing smile
‘cool.’ (b/n) voice cracked as he adjusted the strap of his bag before launching off into the horizon on his heels
a smug expression was plastered on his face as he gazed proudly at his work - he had managed to scare off an upperclassman with sheer manliness
by now, your laughing fit had died down and your lips formed a frown as you watched your brother bolt over to his car, hop in and drive away - presumably, back to your home
‘hey.’ you moaned, watching until his car turned a corner and left your vision, ‘he was my ride home!’
kuroo’s soul almost left his body upon hearing you say that, ‘you shouldn’t be getting in cars with crusty, older men anyway!’
you rolled your eyes, ‘he’s my brother, dumbass!’
IEHFBEVJEAU kuroo shut tf up immediately 😶
 ‘oops- my bad.’ he snickered before jogging out the school gates, ‘have fun walking, babe!’ he threw up a piece sign before disappearing round a corner in a similar way that your brother did 
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Kei Tsukishima
tsukishima had just finished practise, he walked out the gym to notice that you were talking to some guy next to the vending machine
he literally almost had a heart-attack bc he thought it was kageyama 
but no
tsukishima never really got jealous when you talked to other guys bc he knew they really had nothing in comparison to him lol
i mean, tsukishima knew he was a catch: he’s lanky, bitchy, tall, rude, emotionally-distant, tall, untrusting, tall, insecure, surly, a horrible cook- did i mention he’s tall?
ok so maybe he wasn’t as much of a catch as he originally thought but the fact he is tall is really the thing that’s holding together his façade of arrogance
so imagine his shock when he sees you happily chatting away to a guy that’s 6″4 !!!!!!
for clarification, tsukishima is 6″2
tsukishima passed away on the spot 💀⚰
he had already logged onto Instagram and removed the ‘Taken 🔒’ out of his bio 
there’s no way he’s gonna be able to win you back now  ✌😔
he’s had his time has your tall bf- it’s time to resign
not before he indulged in some bitchery ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
he practised the scene 10 times in his head before executing it, starting by striding up to you and slipping an arm round your waist, pulling you against his chest
his eyes held a penetrating stare on your brother from above the edge of his glasses, he snickered mockingly as his index finger pushed the frames further up the bridge of his nose
honestly, tsukki tried his best to hide it but he was genuinely quite nervous not only bc he actually had to look up slightly to hold eye contact with the guy - which is something he’s obviously not used to - but also due to the fact he simply could not come up with a good insult for this guy; even though he was usually quite good at spotting people’s insecurities ‘:(
hence, all he could to was produce a deriding chuckle which was aimed towards the guy in hopes that it was make him feel half as insecure as tsukishima was feeling rn
‘what’s so funny?’ you asked, clueless to your boyfriend having an internal breakout while standing right beside you 
tsukishima rolled his eyes, realising that the guy seemed unfazed by his dirty looks so it seemed as thought tsukki would have to crack up the pettiness
‘who’s this chump, (y/n)?’ tsukishima leaned in to semi-whisper in your ear, but loud enough so your brother could still hear 
‘tsukki!’ you gasped at your boyfriend’s choice of words before scolding him further, ‘that’s my brother- he’s a 3rd year!’
tsukishima paled
he bowed to the point where he was basically a right angle ‘m-, uh, my apologies, sir. i ha-, um, i had no idea you were related to (y/n).’
your brother reassured him it was fine but tsukki was apologising for another 5 minutes after that 
he promised himself never to get jealous again after that (ಥ _ ಥ) it only leads to trouble 
no matter how tall the guy is either- 
he swore that if he ever saw a 9″ guy talking to you and it upset him, he’d just close his eyes 😑
he probably should’ve promised to stop running his mouth too bc that’d probably result in a lot less trouble but- baby steps, y’all LMAO
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Keiji Akaashi
i can’t really imagine akaashi as the type to get jealous tbh
and if he does, he deals with it pretty well
like if sees you talking with a guy in a way that bothers him, he’s definitely not confrontational enough to deal with it right there so he’d wait until y’all are alone at home or sumn 
but you had been acting especially distant lately 
so when he spots you hanging with some random guy next to the water fountain, he kinda snaps 
he stalked up to you so he could take your hand in his own, asking if he could borrow just a moment of you time so he could talk to you 
you accept, of course, wondering what this could possibly be about 
he explains how he’s been feeling and you feel quite bad tbh
you weren’t aware that you were detaching yourself from him but you had to blame your schoolwork tbh
once you expressed how schoolwork along with the stress of your job had really been getting you down lately so you asked you brother for assistance, he immediately pulled you into a hug
the last thing he wanted was or it to seem like he was desperate for your attention bc although it was nice, he respected how you had to prioritize other things/people
in fact, he only brought this issue up bc it was beginning to eat him from the inside out - his insecurities telling him that you had lost interest in him and like anyone else, he desired a bit of comfort
you reassured him that you hadn’t ‘lost interest’ in him and you separation as well as you current closeness with you brother was all to do with your workload and hopefully, sometime in the near future, you’ll be able to sit down, relax and just watch a movie with akaashi
that was all fair and lovely but there was still one thing that continued to bother him
‘who’s that guy you were talking to?’ he inquired, gesturing to your brother who was awkwardly standing alone by the fountain
‘my brother.’
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luveline · 2 years
yeah so uhhh sorry for the spam of likes LOL
i just went through & read so many of your fics - it is amazing how well you write, the way you make the reader feel immersed into the world is crazy. like many of the other ppl that read ff, i also suffer from an immense amount loneliness. your writing fills a little piece of my heart for a few minutes & it makes me wanna just keep reading. thank you for helping all of us have a little world to escape to when life gets a little dark :) sending you love, i hope you have a lovely day/night <3
thank you so so so so so much for reading and for being so kind, I'm glad to give you a little world to turn to because that's what writing is for me 😭😭 sending you so much love right back and I hope your day /night is great too!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
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(don't necessarily have to share this if u don't want to go on that subject)
Harry liked this and it's not the first time I saw him liking posts/following pages about mental health. Hope he's doing ok! I remember during one brother trust podcast, he said he wanted to work more with charities that help ppl dealing with mental health bc that's something he uses to struggle with in the past. Im looking forward to them supporting those charities, since I feel like the past year has been so tough for everyone and that sadly, our generation is really affected by it
Thanks for sharing this! 😊
This topic doesn't bother me at all! My heart always goes out to those suffering or struggling with mental or emotional health issues. 😔 I've talked about my long-term struggles with anxiety on here plenty of times before, and while I don't suffer from chronic depression, I have suffered from major depression years ago due to a major breakup, so I have a tiny glimpse into how some ppl may feel.
I know Harry has sort of hinted in the past about suffering from anxiety and depression and being in "a dark place" at some point in the past, so I really do hope that he's doing okay!
I love when ppl (esp those in the public eye) talk about their struggles with mental and emotional health, because it sort of destigmatizes it in some way. We should normalize help-seeking behaviors and therapy, etc..
I'm glad too that ppl like Lady Gaga, Robert Downey Jr, Demi Lovato, Zendaya, etc have been more and more forthright over the years about their mental and emotional health struggles. It makes them more.... human. 😊
We really honestly never know what a celebrity or a person in the public eye is dealing with behind the scenes. 😔 That's why it's always best to be KIND to each other. We never know if one thing said over Twitter might push someone over the edge. We just never know! 🤷🏾‍♀️
Anyway, I agree with you, I hope the Brother's Trust can work with more charities that deal with mental health in the future! 😊
Harry kind of hints at his struggles in this video:
FF to min 2:30
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janiedean · 3 years
not to be that person but idk why everyone keeps behaving like sansa surviving KL and LF means she's smarter than every other stark like only court intrigues and politics require you to be smart?? and surviving amongst the smallfolk and assassins and night's watch and beyond the wall is all about brawn and physical strength??? that's so... classist lmfao, like surviving without revealing you're a highborn in a warzone, not starving to death, not being killed by soldiers/assassins/whatnot requires as much brains as surviving court politics. jon had to deal with politics at the NW and with Stannis. admittedly bran's story was doesn't at all in the show but he's about the only one who manages to explore his warging abilities fully it's not a piece of cake?? and arya had to escape KL, survive flea bottom, then harrenhal (under ROOSE BOLTON FFS) and the bwb and the red wedding AND get to braavos and survive the faceless men whoch is supposedly the leading assassin organization in asoiaf.
i'm not even getting into everything dany's done and survived lol. but okay samsa is the only genius in westeros, we know she is because tyrion says so i guess? not to mention show sansa's political "mentors" are possible the WORST examples of rulers we have - cersei and littlefinger. they didn't give 2 shits about ruling or the smallfolk or leadership, just about their own power. and i'd say that's important given how much time grrm spends showing us how the smallfolk suffer because of the games played by kings and queens.
this... actually requires a bit of going into it but like not counting that show sansa was a travesty and I'm choosing to not acknowledge it, and show lf was... I mean I'm not even going into how much it was a disservice to the og char whom I detest but honestly book!lf wouldn't marry sansa to anyone he didn't do research about lmfao but like not going into... those... plot holes.....
the entire point is that in the book sansa ends up under those two's tutelage anyway and... she's posed to do the contrary? what does she think looking at c.? that when she's queen she wants to be loved not feared, and like... being with lf is testing her morals but it's obvious that since she survived staying kind until now (I mean... again it's her leitmotiv she helped lancel & about everyone she could who was a jerk to her to the point it sent at least lancel into a faith crisis, she felt bad for joffrey like FOR FUCKING JOFFREY COME ON that's her selling point HER FUCKING SELLING POINT) then she'll just... gain enough political knowledge to outsmart people when she wants to but she won't use it to be a jerk she'll use it.. to.. help her family... when they're reunited which is p obvious to me but nvm
the thing is that people have decided to attach it to the underdog female character goes up the power ladder trope which.... like that's not it
also there's the part where like people are so caught up in the whole WHO HAS IT WORSE BETWEEN SANSA AND ARYA WHO IS THE BEST feud that... they don't notice that they have specular ways of dealing with trauma like arya is dealing with having to lose her identity/risking not knowing who she is anymore and she has to deal with increasing violence/ptsd-related trauma bc she's throw in the middle of everything bad she could end up in like she was almost in the red wedding I was 90% sure she also died until I saw she had a chapter after, while sansa has managed to dodge courtly poisons by being herself and by not letting it change who she is which tyrion noticed which everyone noticed which is why guess what tyrion is willing to stand up to his father and tell him no when it comes to actually having sex with her when he couldn't for the marriage and she's the only person that managed to get past sandor's trauma issues enough that he tried to actually help her for what he could, like... arya has de-personalization to overcome, sansa is holding to her guns by staying herself and she has to learn what good she can from lf before ditching him and keeping on staying herself like it's fucking specular it's not supposed to be a game of who has it worse
(wish ppl would get it also with jaime and tyrion and their coping with trauma but nvm)
the fact that ppl downplay that jon isn't politically an idiot at all irks me forever but like... bruh the dude handled being lord commander, an entire siege when he was like seventeen and was hobbling around on crutches, managed to infiltrate the wildlings without anyone finding out (and it traumatized the shit out of him but nvm) and if only he was good at PR he wouldn't have gotten juliuscaesared, like... okay X°DDD
I mean... yes it's classist but that's a dead horse to beat, if people actually took that angle into account they wouldn't write off brienne or davos chapters as BORING if only bc they're the only ones where you see how not-nobles are doing as in badly X°D
anyway like all stark kids have enough smarts to survive their storylines and robb had to be taken out with a betrayal so he wasn't being that stupid either differently from what my villain origin story thinks but again as someone said once if you hate a stark kid to prop up your fave your fave most likely would hate you so that's my stance X°D
but like... the point is that sansa was shown to gaf about others/the smallfolk/people lower than her in the food chain which dnd/half of this fandom didn't get which is why she'll be an excellent regent for bran and I'm dying on that hill but again this entire thing where you have to pit your fave against everyone else to show how much more badass/smarter they are is imvho a useless exercise because then I'll cut the gordian knot and say that if gilly managed to survive at least seventeen years with her father in that context knowing that her mother was also her sister and that she'd get the same treatment and if she had male children they'd get put out in the open and killed and then was forced to swap her own baby for another without knowing if that baby was going to die or not and she still had it in herself to not turn into a complete asshole she wins for toughest survivor in westeros at least out of the girls unless we want jeynep to give her a run for her money because like... going from lf to ramsay and not as a protegé and considering she was afraid ramsay was going to sic dogs on her when they saved her I think we can maybe ger some perspective here X°DDDD
(I'm not even going into the guys because honestly there's an amount of trauma that's not quantifiable in there X°DD)
like...... again everyone has it bad in these books and propping up your fave making the others look bad makes no sense bc if you love your fave then you have reasons to and you don't need to compare them to others to make them look as good as you think they are and that's my hill to die on X°D
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prompt-master · 4 years
Would you be willing to share how you might rewrite Yukizome, Sakakura, and Munakata to make them likable characters (if not ppl Bc there’s a big difference)???
ahhhhhhh this ask got me so stupidly excited that I was like wavin my hands around. I think about how to rewrite their characters OFTEN. very often. I’m gonna go with likeable character over likeable people because I think they work better where they’re actually not that likeable people. 
The one I think about the MOST is Munakata. He was SUCH wasted potential and I partially blame the medium for that (a single season anime is too constrained for future, it needed more time and care to be a proper story). But Munakata is actually so close to being a compelling character but they made some MAJOR mistakes with him. This ended up getting really long and more like a 3 page ADHD ramble essay. SO IM VERY SORRY to anyone who cannot read this but TYTYTY if you did because these ideas make me very happy! Oh it’s only about Munakata btw because of how long it got
The thing about Munakata is that he is designed to be a foil to Naegi. In fact a majority of dr3 future FOCUSES on this foil dynamic. It is Naegi’s hope vs Munakata’s hope. The World’s hope vs The FF’s hope. And more importantly it is True Hope vs Corrupted Hope.
This is a fantastic concept...so why didn’t it work in canon? I think that the biggest most glaring issue with Munakata’s hope is his logic. Munakata is meant to be a logical man, although with corrupted morals that lead him astray. Yet in canon his logic is laughably infallible. For example as a major figure in the FF and someone who wants to spread hope....why would he tell Naegi to kill himself? More importantly why does he continue to try and slaughter Naegi? The issue here isn’t from the fact that he wants him dead but from the fact that he is under the IMPRESSION that this entire game is being broadcast to the world.
Think about this for a second. In Munakata’s eyes he is going to kill the Ultimate Hope, an international symbol of a better life, live on TV. He doesn’t just want to kill the Ultimate Hope..he wants to do it BRUTALLY as a MAJOR FIGURE OF THE FF. IMO this should have happened later on as the game furthers the emotional turmoil in Munakata’s head and he eventually snaps and gives in to the desire to kill Naegi despite the fact that this is live. And then there should be CONSEQUENCES for that. I wanted so badly a realization where Munakata realizes that he is hurting the Ultimate Hope in front of what he believes is the entire world. 
Another issue with Munakata’s logic is saying things such as...implying that the HPA KG was...just a game. I mean...people DIED. it's not hard to see how wrong that logic is. you can't say “this is the real world now” when what Naegi experienced WAS the real world. I think that this could be fixed through a bit of world building. DR3 Future is rather isolated from its world. We don’t really know much about the world and its dynamics. I think it would make perfect sense if the general public viewed the HPA KG as a tv show, they got numb to the sight and even those untouched by despair had a hard time connecting that these are REAL people suffering. With this previously established Munakata expressing that the KG was not real would make a lot more sense and play into his corrupted idea of hope. 
There is also Munakata’s connection to his other friends. Now I’ve talked about this before but the game was clearly designed to BREAK Munakata and Naegi. This way the FF would die, both the FF and World’s hope would be broken, and upon seeing this Mitarai would have no choice but to deploy his own forced hope. So it makes perfect sense that Yukizome’s death would break him (in fact if she hadn’t died in that way, her NG code was designed to be Munakata’s fault). But something about it felt...superficial. Again I think this is the mediums fault but it almost feels as though Munakata just forgets about Yukizome until later. I think they should spend more time establishing his pain and what he has lost and why this pushes him to kill. In his eyes if she can die then nothing else matters. It should be THE breaking point, not the first push. I do like the betrayal he feels towards realizing she had despair but it needed more time to fester. 
And his relationship with Sakakura also felt weak. In all honesty it was hard for me to feel as though they were ever friends. Sakakura is written as though he just follows Munakata like a loyal dog and Munakata just orders him around. Establish their relationship more! Why are they such good friends? Why is Sakakura important to him? And more importantly why did Munakata decide to cruelly gut Sakakura knowing he was about to confess? This is because he believed that Sakaura was despair and that his confession was more manipulation, but they didn’t show this well at ALL. Munakata just comes across as a major a-sshole who does not care. I also personally found it distasteful that when changing his heart Munakata only seemed to cry for Yukizome. I understand that was his love interest but Yukizome at the end of the day killed herself. Sakakura however was an unnecessary betrayal he took into his own hands AS HE HIMSELF KILLED HIM. He should have more guilt over that! Not just in that moment where he runs to Sakakura, but ahead of time as well! Maybe even DURING his rampage they could have shown him having moments of guilt but he is so absorbed in the idea that all despairs have to die that he doesn’t even realize he has become despair in the name of hope.
A BIG weakness on Munakata’s part comes with interacting with other characters. He is a man who should know how to take charge, lead, and doesn't know what to do when things are getting too crazy even though he THINKS he does. Munakata is heavily flawed, OBVIOUSLY flawed, but many of the interactions with him are as tho his rampage isnt a big deal. There should be reasons for this! Why do people trust Munakatas guidance so much? I dont know! All ive seen from him is that hes insane! Maybe even pieces where around others hes a lot nicer so you can understand why they follow him, even though hes ready to gut Naegi alive with a flaming katana. His interactions with others feel like the writers just wanted to see the next big evil thing they could think of, but for Munakata’s character this doesn't make sense because he was appointed a high status in the foundation for a reason. Maybe even have people say they disagree with some of his methods but at the end of the day he gets the job done!
There is another major missed opportunity here and it's why Muanakata wants Naegi dead so badly in the first place. The remnants. Hiding terrorists in the apocalypse is a PERFECTLY valid reason to want someone dead and think they're a bad guy! But I think since Naegis initial arrest was already so hostile and violent we get the sense that the FF is simply just...crazy. 
And let’s think about what Munakata WANTS from Naegi. He does not just want Naegi dead he wants something worse. He wants Naegi to suffer first. He thinks that Naegi doesnt understand his own personal pain. He thinks that because Naegi protected the remnants he must also not care about the suffering the remnants caused. He wants Naegi to feel despair and then die. This is important to his corrupted hope. He thinks the suffering must be shared in order to understand who must die, but he is creating a cycle of pain. Tie this back to the broadcasting issue. He wants Naegi to break for everyone to see. I think..and this is just a concept..I think it would have been a great idea for Munkata to force Naegi to watch the despair video so that he has no choice but to understand. 
AND themes are majorly important to Danganronpa. And I don’t think its a stretch to say that there are parallels between Munakata and Naegi. In fact I would say that there are aspects of the og trio in this new trio. I think it would have been really cool if they showed how our favorite trio could have ended up if they had been corrupted as well. But the parrellels dont stick strongly. I think it would have been cool to show a past where Munakata’s idealism lies more strongly than Naegis. As the student council president there was a time where he himself had to use his words to solve problems. Perhaps he learned that sometimes his words made things worse. Munakata does not have Naegi’s talent of emotional intelligence. He is a man of action over words. So he interprets this as WORDS being the problem rather than understanding he does not have these skills. Especially when the apocalypse breaks out, it becomes all action over words. So he sees Naegi who is all talk as a genuine threat who will let everyone die through his “weak ineffective” idea of hope. 
Another parallel could be drawn from the fact that they both have hope based careers. Their job is too keep things hopeful. Maybe Naegi stays safe doing public broadcasted speeches, while Munakata is on the field weeding out despairs. This would cause Munakata to feel as though Naegi is doing no real work yet getting all the credit for being a savior.
Munakata constantly complains that Naegi does not know true pain. But he and we as an audience have followed Naegi through his entire process of trauma. We know he is in the wrong. But what do we as an audience know about Munakata’s suffering? We are shown almost nothing! There are some implications, but for how intense he is implications are not enough. We need to see his suffering. We should see how he has witnessed death. Yukizomes death is not nearly enough for this because he talks as though he has suffered for years. How can we as an audience understand that when we have never seen it? How can we understand Munakata when he is outright denying Naegi’s trauma that we KNOW existed with no proper justification for his reasoning?
I also believe that Munakata should have died. It actually upsets me a bit that he was PLANNED to die but didn't. He should have died protecting Naegi after all that suffering and relentless brutality he offered him. Munakata again is a man of action over word, and protecting Naegi with his last breath is the perfect way to show how in the end he changed. Especially when all he wanted initially was for Naegi to die. I find that much more satisfying than just…...walking off to who knows where.
So lets recap some changes. Munakata needs a proper display of his past traumas and his relationship with Sakakura and Yukizome. Munakata needs a proper display of his work relationships and the respect he has earned. Munakata needs to fall into corruption at a better pace, and have geniune reasons for his illogical attacks on Naegi. Munakata needs to care more for his friends. Munakata needs to deal with the turmoil of wanting to hurt Naegi while he believes the world is watching. Munakata needs to die for Naegi
This has gotten long...and I still have things to say. There is so much to make Munakata a good character. Future had a lot of potential and is amazing for a rewrite concept. As for Sakakura and Yukizome since this has gotten long feel free to ask for another round of this individually when asks are open again! If you read all of this somehow….TYSM
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brw · 4 years
when did this fandom collectively decided to hate on hank (mccoy) and reed richards? i feel like a lot of people who hate on reed do simply out of pack/follow mentality bc at this point the xfandom decided that he is a mutantphobe sentinel-maker and a bad husband to sue but new people just accept it as the ultimate truth.
like. idk where they're getting this idea that reed is mutantphobic! like yeah he supported the superhero registration act but talk to ANY fantastic four fan and they'll tell you that was out of character. his literal back story for his powers is him going "no <3" to the government and stealing back his rocket like??? why is he suddenly NOW sucking government cock it makes no sense for him??? and within ff stories he's almost always been supportive of mutants! the fantastic four were SUPER close to the x-men. jean looked up to sue and reed especially. jean and johnny almost dated. it's only in zdarsky's x-men/ff run (which again, ask ANY fantastic four fan and they'll tell you that was not flattering for the characters in the SLIGHTEST. like events like that are not the best way to get introduced to a character! you can't make hard opinions on a character you've read 4 issues of lmao please for the love of god actually talk to people) where they decided to make reed and the rest mutantphobic. and i HATE that that was the introduction most x-men fans had to reed and sue. usually they're a lot better lmao i can assure you all that.
AND HANK. like i... i get the hate he gets! and honestly i am SO pissed he is now the x-writer's genius of choice to make fuck ups. like i hoped with sinister in krakoa (which makes no sense bc he is a mutate but that's a WHOLE different rant) hank could catch a gotdamn break listen to some oingo boingo make some fun little machines go on a date with his avengers bf but nope! they made him a fascist! AGAIN!!!! LIKE JFC HASN'T HE SUFFERED ENOUGH???????? FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. like as much as x-fans like to dunk on the avengers (which imo is bullshit tbh like. events never make characters look flattering you can't read avx and decide that that is the most canon version of the characters that has ever been lmao) hank in my humble opinion was probably at his best there. smart, but not the go-too smart guy. he was shown to like fun and go on dates and go to parties but also still was very well-read and intelligent which especially recently x-writers haven't seemed to be able to balance. like ok. i admit i love hank's feline design its the one i use whenever i write him BUT. the personality change? vile. i mean it was realistic at first but its been drawn out wayy too much and i am just so tired. hank has always had a little bit of mad scientist in him but he was never a fucking fascist lmao. it doesn't make sense! anyway. yeah. hank is a good character and honestly deserved better treatment from fans. it's not his fault none of the recent writers like him 😔
now here i get to answer your question with my humble thoughts! i think both of them are hated on so much, reed especially, is because they're autistic coded. again, reed especially, who is mostly shown as low-empathy, which non-FF fans repeatedly like to make fun of and dehumanise him for. like tbh the AMOUNT of people who say "oh he's abusive because he doesn't love sue he loves science" like bro i. i'm begging you read a comic. or "he's abusive for not wanting franklin to go to krakoa" like bro the island is a cult. they have orgies. both apocalypse and sinister, both of which who believe in eugenics and "survival of the fittest" theory, one of which who has notably manipulated people into sleeping with each other to create the most powerful mutant possible to the point of creating a clone, are both given government seats. like can you NOT see what's wrong with that??? not to mention like. one of the first of franklin's powers to manifest was precognition. precogs aren't allowed on krakoa like its straight up not safe for franklin. like i agree he shouldn't have microchipped him w/o concent but again. talk to an ff fan please...
anyway yeah. a lot of it is refusing to actually read the material and deciding that after having read like 3 events/crossovers that you know everything about a character that's been around for 60 odd years. honestly like. have a lot of x-mutuals who i love to death so this isn't directed at them but tbh the x-comic fandom here is the most toxic out of all the comic fandoms here. like for the love of god stop acting like you know everything about a character n their opinions after reading one event. like if you can understand bad writing when it comes to your fave... maybe listen to people who are fans of that team or character when they tell you its ooc??? just a thought.
anyway reed richards and hank mccoy good they deserve SO much better then what they get. it's not cool to hate on autistic coded characters n you just make autistic people feel alienated and awkward. and listen to people who actually read the comics on the ppl ur insulting before you make any anti posts tbh like it is SO annoying
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