#I know I said come over any time but I was trying to eep!
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itsmuffiiee · 3 months ago
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Boo.. it’s mid november..
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charliemwrites · 1 year ago
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Sniff sniff sneeze… woof
Content: Dub-Con Touching, Dirty Talk, Invasion of Personal Space, Fantasizing
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You’re browsing the back section of the bookstore when the scent of pine tickles your nose. It’s the only warning you get before a large hand lands on your hip, a low voice next to your ear.
“Quite a selection ye’ve got there.”
You nearly drop the stack, only for a thick pair of arms to come from either side, steadying you.
Soap. You stare in shock at the corded muscles of his forearms, the dark tattoo decorating one. His hands are so big and rough against the backs of yours. What would they feel like holding your own, on your wrists, your thighs…
“Th-thanks,” you manage, tucking your books to your chest and spinning around.
He doesn’t give you any room to do so, forcing you to brush up against him. Even pressing your shoulders to the shelves doesn’t offer much space between your bodies; he looms over you, eyes unnaturally bright in the soft bookshop lighting.
“Um… hi,” you manage after a moment, the silence so thick and heavy it’s like a weight on your tongue.
The smile he offers you feels almost mean.
“Hey yourself, hen. Nice to see you without all the…. distractions.”
All the convenient excuses to leave, you think grumpily.
“How - I mean… do you live in town?”
He tilts his head oddly. “Aye, mostly.”
He ignores you, eyes flicking again to the titles stacked in your arms.
“Looking for inspiration there, are we?” he asks, tongue rolling slowly over his bottom lip. “Doesn’t all hafta stay in your imagination.”
You flush hotly. Didn’t think he’d even recognize any of those titles.
“That’s not - it’s just for fun,” you babble. “I mean - it’s none of your business either way.”
God, you’ve never wished for Johnny and his man-hating tendencies more.
“‘S a little my business, aye? Gotta know just how you want me to ruin you.” He narrows his eyes a bit in amusement, teeth peeking out with his smirk. “What name you wanna scream.”
You puff up a bit, humiliation thankfully morphing into anger.
“The only name I’m going to call you is — eep!”
He’s got your face in one massive hand, cheeks pressed to your teeth. Your heart thunders in your chest, head spinning with confused adrenaline.
“Maybe we should start right here, eh? I can spank this pretty ass while you try out different names.” He leans in close, lips brushing yours. “If you’re lucky, you’ll find one I like before you lose the ability to sit.”
You whimper and squeeze your eyes shut, mortified to realize the dirt and gravel in his voice is making you slick.
“Stop it,” you whine, pathetic to your own ears.
Then all at once he lets you go and takes a big step back nearly to the other side of the aisle. His smile is easy and friendly, arms swinging casually by his side. The only indication of what he just said, what he just did, is the unnatural gleam in his eye.
“Something like that is what you’re after, aye?” he asks. “Here.” He reaches to the side of you shoulder and plucks a book off the shelf, setting it on top of your selections.
“You’ll like this I think.”
He winks and then saunters off, hands buried in his pockets.
When you get home, Johnny greets you at the door, immediately sniffing all the places Soap touched. He even noses at the book Soap picked out - and dammit, it was one you were looking for. Told yourself you weren’t going to let him ruin it…. and that it means nothing that it’s the first one you’re going to read.
But first…
“I’ll go outside with you in a little bit, bud.”
You head straight for your bedroom and your fully charged toy in the nightstand. Johnny saunters in, ears perked.
“Just… just gotta get it out of my system,” you mutter to yourself. “It’s fine since he’s not here.”
You won’t admit to anyone, ever, not even your dog, that you fantasize about Soap making good on his threat while you fuck yourself. Thinking about that big, calloused hand spanking you raw right there in front of god and everybody while you sob “daddy please.”
The next time you run into Soap - a less raunchy, but still exhilarating encounter in the Tescos where he reminds you get lube - you barely say hi to Johnny before making a beeline for your room. And then promptly throw it at the wall in a fit of frustration when you find the battery dead.
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lucy---lou · 1 month ago
Part 12 Lucys-hdg-story
"Ice cream, ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM!"
I hold my ears shut.
"sssshhhh Ellie I know you're excited but you're stressing Lucy"
"Sooorryyyy", I get hugged,"I really am sorry. I want you to like me"
"It's alright I'm just sensitive"
*gasp*"there, there it is", Ellie is bouncing but keeping her voice quiet.
We arrive at the ice cream parlor. There are just too many to choose from and they all have silly names.
"Hey there, what would you like", the floret behind the counter asks.
"Ehm - I'll have a 'I'massweetasthisicecream' please", I say with a blush. Couldn't they just call it sweet strawberry.
"Sorry I couldn't understand you, could you repeat it?"
A vine is placed next to me and I grab onto it, feeling a little more secure.
"Iee-I would like a I'll have a 'I'm as sweet as this ice cream' please"
I stare at the ground out of embarrassment. We wait for Ellie to choose and we wait and wait.
"She'll have a 'Mistress I don't know what I want' and some iced mineral water for me please"
Ellie pouts at Miss Duralis.
"Sure thing coming up, have a seat!", the floret at the counter chirps.
Ellie and I are picked up and I let out a small eep and are both placed at the table meant for floret and their owners.
"Sorry Ellie, but if we'd have waited any longer I think all the ice cream on the Helichrysum would have melted"
"Owww ok", Ellie pouts.
I let a small giggle out
"What's so funny", Ellie gives me a stare and I now start laughing.
"Do you really think the conquerors of space would let all the ice cream melt"
"Hmm no, but Mistress said so"
"I think she just wanted me to feel better. I was quite scared. Whatever she choose for you will be great"
"Yeah", she beams,"and there it is"
Two plates of way to much ice cream and a jug of mineral water is placed in front of us.
"Enjoy it"
Miss Duralis thanks the floret and she pets him and scruffles his hair. I feel jealous, but push that aside there is ice cream in front of me. I dig in.
"mmmmmmhhhhhhhh", I let out a moan.
I look over at Ellie and can berly contain my self. Her face I completely full of ice cream even in places I wonder how she got it there. I look at miss Duralis with a you seeing this look. She smiles at me and starts cleaning Ellie.
"Told you she gets too excited, that's why we don't have ice cream that often"
"I see that", I smile and happily continue eating.
Suddenly I can hear loud cheering and clapping.
I force my eyes shut, hold my ears with my hands and curl up. I let out a tiny displeasured queak.
I feel vines slowly creep up my body and I let them. They move up to my hands and force themselfs between my hands and head. Suddenly everything goes quiet. I take a deep breath.
"Is this better petal?", I can hear Miss Duralis clearly but nothing else. I nod.
"Would you like to go back to our hab"
I feel my eyes starting to tear up and I do a tiny nod.
"Alright petal, I'll tell Ellie"
We get picked up and I feel Miss Duralis give me a tight hug. I'm scared. The vines still allow me to move, so I turn to Ellie and hug her. I start to cry again. Time seems to fly by. Soon we're back at the hab and all three on the couch again.
"Sorry", I let out along with a long sigh.
"For what kitten?"
"For ruining everything like I always do", if I hadn't cried all the way here. I would definitely had now.
"Oh kitten, it wasn't your fault, you were just overwhelmed"
"But I alw-mpff"
"No back talking kitten, otherwise I'll have to give you something. "
"But my stupid brain" prick "meeeooowww"
"meow mieeoww mreoww", what the fuck!why can't I talk.
"Can we always have her like that. She's so cute. I think I'm going to die", Ellie hugs me after finishing her adoration.
I just pout at her.
"You can have fun with her on Class-Ws later first I need to settle some things", Miss Duralis seems angry?
"Look at me kitten"
Before I can even react she forces me. I try to look away.
"No little kitten, look into my eyes"
I stare at her and fall into her swerling beautiful colourful shining eyes. Everything else starts to fall away. Even if I wanted to I couldn't look away, they're just to beautiful.
"Good kitten, now drop for me"
I feel my self shut down nothing exists anymore just Miss Duralis and that's fine. I can feel her everywhere.
"Good girl"
A shiver goes down my spine.
"Now listen close"
"It's not your fault"
"You are under my care, it's my responsibility to take care of you"
Something changes. Everything feels more intense.
"You are safe"
I am safe
"You don't have to worry"
I don't have to worry
"It is not your fault"
It is not my fault
"Now come back to me kitten"
Slowly all my senses come back to me. It feels like I was hit by an asteroid. I look at them with pleading eyes
"Meeow?", great still can't talk.
"Yes kitten, is everything alright"
I boop my head with my paws no my hands and make a hurt noise.
"Does your head hurt?"
"mmeow", I nod. I feel a prick
"That should be better now"
"Mriouw", I nod, but not just my headache is gone everything feels better.
"You can play with her now", Miss Duralis smiles.
I get hugged with quite the force.
"Whatever she did to you, it's for your best"
Doesn't matter everything feels great and I'm safe.
"So, so ,soooo cute, sorry I have to do this. I can't hold back any longer"
"meemmmeowmwmwmwm", I moan
My cheeks flush as bright pink as physically possible. She pulls away and I look at her pleading and also panting.
"Oh my stars, I needed this"
I paw at her.
"Awww, don't be sad I'll continue"
And I get kissed again and again and again. My whole body is being petted, stroked and kissed. Time seems to stop ticking in heaven. Slowly the kissing grows slower, the petting lighter. We hug each other tightly. Everything grows even slower and heavier. We drift of into blissfull sleep and of course holding each other .
-Wow that was so much fun to write and now I also have butterflies in my stomach. Also I just noticed Ellie reminds me alot of Fluffle Puff
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dancingdonatello · 1 year ago
🦆 anon @duckanon
<3 <3 luv u duck anon.
villain rise turtles x reader
You have something that Raph needs. He’s been tracking you for months and he knows that you have a piece of the armor he needs for the resurrection of the Shredder.
And he’s never been one for plans, so…
He breaks in through your window.
You scream and then he screams and you’re holding on with an impressive grip on the armor piece and….
And you’re…. you’re so… cute. He suddenly lets go of the glove and you go flying back, knocking your head against the wall. He lets out an eep and rushes over, cradling your head.
You look pretty freaked out at his change of heart and he doesn’t blame you.
How he’s going to explain this to the Foot Lieutenant and the Foot Brute, he has no idea.
They take your introduction pretty well. So do you, by how you actually willingly hand over the glove.
But… your reaction when you find out about the Shredder at the baseball game destroys any loyalty he has left for the Foot Clan. He can’t bear to see that terrified expression on your face when you look at him.
Leo may have snuck up to the part of the hotel Big Mama told him to stay away from. But how could she blame him? People watching was his favorite past time! Who better to watch than some stupid humans?
And when his eyes landed on you, he just knew he had to have you. He wouldn’t regret it even when Big Mama punished him. If he hadn’t have snuck up to the floors above ground, he wouldn’t never seen you.
And anyways, his was birthday was coming up… and Big Mama said he could have anything he wanted. He grinned to himself, deciding to sneak into your room that night to ‘introduce’ himself. He’d leave a sticky note and scare you. Just a little.
Big Mama adored you. She gave you all these clothes so that you could look as perfect as her and Leo. She used for entertainment for the other Yokai, even when Leo glared on with jealously.
Soon enough, she was going to get her hands on some mysterious green ooze from three other turtles that looked suspiciously like Leo. As long as Leo didn’t find out about it, you would be the perfect test subject. And wouldn’t it be so sweet to see a lover’s quarrel in the Battle Nexus? She giggles at the thought.
Donatello has been bugged by you for a while.
In one of his rare outings to New York, obviously not letting Draxum know, he had run into you. He had been trying to break into a tech store and then you had appeared behind him.
He broke your nose but he hadn’t been left i scratched.
Then he just kept running into you again and again. He was half inclined just to kill you, but he feels like it would annoy him more with how much effort that would be towards someone like you.
You were annoying and just as mean as he was to you. It irritated him whenever you came back with a comment just as sharp as what he gave you.
One day, in one of his complaining rants to Mikey, Draxum overheard. Even though Donnie denied that it, Draxum was convinced he had a crush on a pathetic human. So, he decided he would kill you. As if you were nothing. Just scum on the Earth. All so Donnie wouldn’t be ‘distracted’ any longer. By that he meant he just wanted Donnie to work insane hours so Draxum wouldn’t have to work as hard.
And Donnie… couldn’t let that happen. He wouldn’t let a single hair on you be injured.
There’s an angry turtle staring you down. Michelangelo and you had run into each other. One looking beat up and the other looking flabbergasted.
“You’re a… turtle?!”
Suddenly, you’re wrapped up in chains. That burnt badly.
“Ow!” you shriek and suddenly, just as quickly as they had come, they vanished. Big brown guilty eyes stare at you.
His face twitches before it turns disgusted. “Ugh. You smell disgusting.”
He was talking about the smell of your brunt skin. You glared at him angrily before seeing how bashed up he was. “What… happened to you?”
He was very reluctant to follow you home. And he kept asking you weird questions about other green turtles. Had you ever seen anyone that looked like him? Where? When? All these questions while you tried to stick a bandaid on him.
He also didn’t hold back on his mean comments about the human race. But as long as he sat still as you tried to rub the ash and debris off of him, you just let him talk.
Quickly, he warms up to you. It’s as if he never hated humans. He enjoys learning about everything you do and seeing all of what New York has to offer. He knows you can never meet Draxum. And even though he’s getting suspicious the more he leaves and the longer he’s out, Mikey continues to see you.
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How about Love prompt 47 with Rin tohsaka and Mordred. I'm really loving your writing
I thank you for the compliment my friend, but there are a great many far better at this than I and my scribbles of broad ideas.
Love Prompt #47- You're Cute When Your Angry
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Rin Tohsaka
Rin Tohsaka was infamous as the Red Devil for a great many reasons, the least of these being her quick temper.
Especially when a certain blonde woman who for protective purposes will not be named was involved.
Case in point, the current situation you were in at the moment.
“ARGH! THAT BLONDE BIMBO BITCH!” the voice of a certain dark haired woman shouted to the heavens in a rage, her face a mix between a snarl and a mouth barred closed in a rage with an all consuming angry fire burning in them.
“Oh don’t let her get to you Rin.” you told the woman next to you in a weak attempt to get her to calm down.
After all, seeing her like this? It was a treat that only you could enjoy completely.
“Do you think if I blew a few extra holes into her anyone would notice!?” Rin hissed out the mean idea.
“Hmm… maybe a few people.” you responded with a smile. You might like to see Rin angry, but knowing how she can get it may be time to actually get her to calm down before she actually decides to commit premeditated murder.
Rin let out a growl, akin to that of a feral cat.
Then again, you could wait just a little while more, right? It wasn’t like she would actually try and murder she who will not be named.
Rin was naturally cute, but when she was angry? That was a whole other level of Adorable.
Rin went ramrod straight before whipping her entire body around to look you in the eye, a blush on her face.
Oh, you said that aloud didn’t you?
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Mordred Pendragon
Mordred was furious.
This was her week off, but of course someone needed her to come in at the last fucking moment!
Hell the only reason Mordred hadn't gotten the wild hair to go out on a “Enthusiastic Walk” was because of what you said when you saw her face when she got the call.
“Oh you are downright adorable when you're angry~!” your voice cooed in her head for the thirtieth time today.
“Hey! Mordred! Sor- EEP!” Gareth began to call out before being silenced by Mordred who turned on her foot with an expression on her face that screamed “If you try to talk with me you are dead.” 
This was also known as her angry face.
A face that only you weren’t put off by.
You really were insufferable, but Mordred wouldn’t dare have you any other way.
After all, the love you gave her, it was something that had been foreign for her entire life up until she met you.
She felt like she was in one of those horrendous books Tristan would force her to read at arrow point.
Whenever she was with you she was always nervous like someone was going to jump out from behind something, except instead of watching her surroundings she obsessed over every detail she could see about you while her stomach did a full aerial acrobatics routine.
And don’t get her started when you say something like you did this morning, she was out the door as fast as a bolt of lightning, her face aflame with embarrassment and your wonderful laugh following her like a ghost on the wind.
God… she really was hopelessly in love with you wasn’t she?
The most wonderful curse had been inflicted upon the both of you by each other, and Mordred wouldn’t have it any other way.
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ask-jamtheimp · 2 months ago
Day 10 of Regressuary
Theme: Accident
Charachters: Jam and @theogclownboy Toby
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Summary: Jam has an overnight accident and Toby tries to introduce him to the concept of using diapers to help him.
Authors Note: Of course this is NOT SEXUAL IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM AND SHOULD NOT BE SEXUALIZED. IF YOU THINK DIAPERS ARE INHERENTLY SEXUAL PLEASE GET OFF MY BLOG!!! Anyways this fic brings me a lot of comfort writing it as a regressor who eventually wants to be padded for comfort. Please be sure to like and reblog my content so it can reach farther and so more people can see it please!
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Oh no.
Jam quickly got up from his crib, still trying to not make any noise to wake Toby up as he looked down only to see his soiled sheets and pj shorts. He could already feel the tears start to build up in his eyes and his face grow hot from frustration and embarrassment. Not again! He was supposed to be a big boy! Not a baby who still wets the bed! He needed to find a way to hide this before-
Toby flicked on the light rubbing his eyes. "Pup? You up already? It's pretty early right now. Are you okay?" He asked as he walked closer to Jam's crib. Jam used his foot to push the blankets over the wet spot on tried his best to cover up the wet stain on his pjs. "Uh-huh! Um-um go back ta eep papa! M okays." He said as he quickly waved off Toby. "Don't come hewe!" Toby raised an eyebrow already being able to tell something was off not to mention because he's a wolf he could smell something was off too. Toby ignored Jam's protest to come closer and walked up to the crib. "Kiddo? Did you have an accident?" He asked gently. "Nuh-uh! I nevew evew has those! Evew! Neva in a gillion yeaws!" Toby sighed as he leaned on the crib with his forearms. "Jam....you know to tell papa the truth. If you did it's okay. I'm not mad at you." Jam hesitated for a bit before feeling tears well up and spill out. "N-nuh I didn...didnt..." He said shakily as Toby picked him up and patted his back. "Shhh shhh it's okay...we'll get you all cleaned up okay? But afterwards I wanna tell you something, okay?" He asked Jam, who nodded through his tears and whimpers.
After a bath, sheet change, and bottle Toby kneeled in front of Jam. "Okay kiddo, remeber how I said I wanted to talk to you?" Jam nodded. "Well....ive been noticing that sometimes you have trouble with accidents...especially at night. Do you go to the bathroom before you sleep?" Jam shrugged. "Sometimes I do buh oder times I just fowget to cuz I don't feew it..." He said as he averted his gaze to the floor. Toby put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "That's okay kiddo. Accidents happen but I think that maybe it's time to put you into some padding. At least for the night to stop those accidents from ruining your crib and getting it all yucky. You don't like sleeping on yucky, wet sheets right?" Toby asked as he held up a diaper for Jam's size. Jam looked away, he wasn't too sure about it. He was nervous. What kind of big boy wears diapers? He didn't want to! But he also hated the texture of wet sheets too. "I don't wanna! Das fow babies!" Toby shook his head. "Kiddo its not for babies, its just for people who can have accidents sometimes, or for comfort. Your friend Zeek has some when he's little too! Ms. Ellie picked this design out special for you. And I promise you'll still stay my big pup even if you have diapers on. So what do ya say bud? Wanna try it at least?" Toby asked as he held out the diapers for Jam to hold. Jam grabbed them looking at the design, they had animals on it and it didn't feel like a bad texture either. He was still a bit hesitant though. Toby rubbed his head reassuringly. "Pup, I know diapers can be a bit daunting or scary but they'll help a lot with these accidents. These ones have wetness indicators so i'll know when to change you. Or if you want you can change yourself too if you want. Whichever feels more comfortable to you." Jam thought for a moment before finally nodding. "Okays papa. M gunna wear dem buh I fink Im gonna change m sewf fow now I fink." He said while looking back up at Toby, who nodded approvingly. "Okay then pup. But if you need any help or want me to change you just let me know okay? I just want you to be comfortable." Toby said before Jam hugged onto him. "Fanks papa." Toby smiled as his tail wagged. "No problem kiddo. You wanna try them on and see how they feel? Do you need help?" He asked as he held onto Jam's hand. Jam nodded. "Yeah....I dunno how ta put dese tingys on..." "That's okay pup. I'll show you how to, so if you want to you can take them on and off yourself." He said as he took Jam to the bathroom.
A few minuted later Jam came out with a slight waddle due to the thickness of the diaper. Toby patted his back reassuringly. "It's okay pup, you'll get used to it as time goes on." Jam felt a bit better at that reassurance and felt a bit more comforted by having padding on too! "Dis not too bad." He said as he kept on waddling around. "Do you want me to take a picture to show Ms. Ellie that you liked the design she picked out for you?" He asked. Jam nodded. "Yea! An ze-ze can se dat we boff matchins now!" Toby chuckled and took out his phone camera. "Okay look at the camera say cheese!" "Cheese!" Jam said as he stood in a superhero like pose with his diaper on. He didn't feel nearly as embarrassed as he did before. All that mattered was that to his papa he was a big boy with or without the diaper, and that it was all just to help with his accidents. No shame in that.
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Art by @theogclownboy !
Hope you enjoyed!
Please remember to like and reblog to help share my stuff and blog out there with others!
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hashimasims · 4 months ago
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Absalom is really enjoying this no longer working thing. The happy moodlets caring for the infants continue to pile up and even with the negative stinky diaper moodlet he's never unhappy. Who knew being a dad could be so fulfilling.
He cuddles and talks to the babies autonomously. Even if he has a bunch of interactions queued up he drops all of it if any of the babies need the slightest bit of attention.
Absalom: How did I ever get so lucky little guppy? Having four of the most perfect children on this planet? The most amazing loving, nurturing fiance as their mother? This is the life I always dreamed of having, minus all your mom's fuzzy buddies of course *laughs* and it's even better than I could have ever hoped for, even with your Daddy in the picture too. I'm gonna confide in you and you can't tell anyone promise?
Finnbri coos and smiles at him, she seems to enjoy the conversation.
Absalom: Good. I'm going to hold you to that. I'm afraid Finny. I'm afraid I'm going to woohock it all up. Oh shi-eep, oh sheep, don't repeat that, your mom will kill me. You're trying to repeat more than your siblings, all of you have said your first word but mama seems to be the only one that understands any of you, but I think YOU are going to talk before any one else so don't repeat anything your Dadas say. I've messed up a lot already when it comes to your mom so we REALLY need to work better at making sure we don't teach you any adult words yet. Everything's been going so well, almost too good to be true really, I'm afraid that things are going to hit the fan. But I won't let it. And neither will your other Daddy. Maybe I'm just still so wound over the fact that no one has found Eclipse yet, it's like he's been deleted from the save. And your Papa Daolong is hiding your Uncle Ecinno, I know he is. I hope none of you ever learn of what happened but if I see them . . . just know it's not going to be pretty. Now no more negativity hmm? I hear your siblings waking so time for breakfast. Faelyn and Felynyrr don't seemed to like wake up time huh? Not like you my sunny little baby.
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arc-misadventures · 1 year ago
Rebirth: Willow, are you going to break the news to Weiss and Witley about the Winter situation? Or are you going to wait until they’re older and less likely to be under Jauques thumb? And are you sure there’s not going to be another white haired addition running around? You know how ‘potent’ the Arcs can be.
Battle Plans
Juniper soon enters her room with her darling husband to me their wife friend, Willow, slowly packing away her clothes, seemingly trying to delay her departure until the last moment possible.
Juniper: So, what’s the plan?
Willow: I finish up packing, and then tomorrow the three of us will be on our way back to, Atlas. There’s nothing else to it.
Juniper: That isn’t what I meant, Willow.
Willow: …
Willow: I know… Haa… How do I tell, Weiss, and Whitely that, Winter is only their half sister? So long as, Jacques is there I can’t tell them anything. Although I doubt any of them even know I’ve been out of, Atlas for the past few weeks. I’ve managed to repair the relationship with my oldest daughter, but that was thanks to you, and Acheius presence. I will have no such support with those two.
Juniper: You sure you don’t want, Achi to just come over there, and kick, Jackass’s ass?
Willow: Would he be willing to do that?
Achieus: Hell yes I would! Oh I can see it already! I come in, deck, that bastard right in the face, sending him flying through a window crashing into the icy tundra far below. Then, I grab, Willow by the waist like so!
Willow: EEP?!
Acheius: Then I kiss her: Like so.
Willow: Mph?! M-Mmmmm~!
Acheius: Ah~! Then I’d break off, and look at the spawns of, Jacques, and go: “Look at me! I am the daddy now!’
Juniper: Pfft! Ahahaha~!
Acheius: And, that would be that. Alls well that ends well.
Juniper: While that is an amusing thought, I doubt that would work.
Acheius: Yeah, I doubt it would work either. But, I no doubt expect the twins have already dealt with him.
Willow: How, they’ve been here with us the whole time?
Acheius: Well, at the very least they’ve come up with a plan to deal with him.
Juniper: They have been very quiet whenever we’ve mentioned, ‘dealing with, Jacques.’
Acheius: I suspect they’re going with a long con plan here.
Juniper: I’m afraid they’re planning for that as well.
Willow: What do you think they are planning then?
Acheius: I think… they’re planning for the quickest way you could possibly remove, Jacques.
Willow: The quickest way would mean… no… They’re planning on killing him?!
Acheius: I think so too…
Willow: But, they’re just children, they couldn’t possibly be seriously thinking about killing a man, even such a vile man as him!
Juniper: There is a lot about the twins you don’t know about. Jell, there’s a lot about the twins that even we, their parents, and siblings know about them. And, what we do know is quite… unsettling.
Willow: Unsettling how?
Acheius: They know how to take a life.
Willow: What…?
Acheius: And, I’m not saying this in the manner of they know how to kill someone like: ‘Pointy end goes into man, man dies’ kind of way, everyone knows that. But, they know how toget away with it, and worse they know how to live with the grief of taking a life.
Willow: They could take a life, and it wouldn’t phase them?
Juniper: While I don’t know about, Jeanne. I know for certain that, Jaune could take a life. In fact, I dare say he already has.
Acheius: What?! What makes you say that?
Juniper: When I read the news, and it said the author of the, ‘The Girl Who Fell’ died. Jaune seemed to be indifferent to her death, but I swear on my life I heard him mumble, “That took longer than expected.”
Willow: The papers said she was poisoned. Do you think?
Acheius: A slow acting poison no doubt. One that you would never realize it was there until it was too late…
Willow: So that’s how they’re planning on dealing with, Jacques. They’re planning on poisoning him!
Juniper: Hit, Jacques with a slow acting poison, and then you just wait. And, just like grand-pappy used to say: ‘The patient hunter, gets the prey.’
Acheius: Jeanne will be staying with, Winter, while studying in, Atlas with her. But, she will no doubt come, and visit you at, Schnee Manor. When there, all she has to do is wait for the opportune moment to slip it to him.
Willow: Should I offer my assistance to them? I could make it easier for them.
Juniper: No, you will be the first person they question. You need any ability to deny any, and all evidence to his death to prove your innocence. If they know about this conversation they could accuse you of murder as is.
Willow: That’s true. I could have perhaps hint at a means of slipping him the poison unnoticed. That is if they’re using a poison to kill him, or even if they’re planning anything at all.
Acheius: They’re certainly not planning on bludgeoning him to death with a piece of masonry.
Juniper: Much less catching a Grimm, and sicing that on that bastard son of a bitch, certainly not.
Willow: They’re most certainly not planning that~!
Acheius: Oh they’re most certainly not planning anything~!
Juniper: My two sweet angels~? Oh they’re certainly not planning anything at all~!
Meanwhile, below the, Arc parents bedroom window.
Jaune: …
Jeanne: …
Jaune: Dammit, I’ve become predictable…
Jeanne: How does she notice all those little things about us?
Jaune: Hell if I know, some sort of special mom sense? But, bludgeoning him with a statue? That wouldn’t work. It would leave too much DNA traces to follow. Not to mention all the cameras they no doubt have installed in their home could probably catch you in the act.
Jeanne: Neither would sicing a Grimm after him. It would be a traceless murder, in the sense that it was a , Grimm that killed him, and you wouldn’t leave any trace upon the body. But, how did the, Grimm get there? As soon as they asked that, it’s only a matter of time until you’re caught.
Jaune: Our orginal plan will work far better than that.
Jeanne: And, if by some miracle, for, Jacques, it doesn’t work, we go to, Plan B instead!
Jaune: You have a, Plan B?
Jeanne: Spike his food with enough laxatives that he shits his bowels to death~!
Jaune: Oh… Oh that would be a fitting end for the little shiter!
Jeanne: I know right!
Jaune: But, I think they have meds that can fix that so?
Jeanne: Gods dammit…
Jaune: Don’t worry, we’ll go with, Plan C if, A, and B fail!
Jeanne: What’s, Plan C?
Jaune: Your semblance.
Jeanne: But, I’ve never used it on a human before. I don’t know how it will affect them.
Jaune: But, Jacques isn’t a human, he’s a monster worse than, Grimm itself.
Jeanne: Yeah, but Grimm fade away when they die; Humans don’t.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Well… that all depends on how you dispose of the body. No…?
Jeanne: Good point.
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starlightglimglam27666 · 6 months ago
Turning A Frown Upside Down
Summary: DogDay and Catfiene attempt to get Dogpressed to genuinely smile.
DogDay was busy hatching a plan to spread some smiles to his new friends. Catfiene was easy, since she smiles anyway, but Dogpressed, not so much. DogDay wanted to at least get her to smile, or at least turn her frown upside down. He asked Catfiene, who was drinking coffee, for ideas.
"Try tickling her!" Catfiene said, grinning. "That'll get a smile from her!"
"Is she even ticklish?" DogDay asked, bewildered.
"Oh, yeah," Catfiene said, smirking. "This one time, she was sad, and I couldn't stand by and started tickling her and... well you get the point."
"Interesting," said DogDay. He was very interested in getting at least a smile, if not laughter from Dogpressed.
"We'll do this together!" Catfiene said, going with him, rubbing her hands together.
The two critters made their way to Dogpressed's location. They saw her moping, as usual. Catfiene, motioning for DogDay to follow her lead. She went over to Dogpressed and poked her side, making her jump.
"Oh, it's you," she said despondently. "Hey. DogDay's here, too. Yay."
"So, what have you been up to?" Catfiene said, gesturing for DogDay to get into position.
"Nothing important," Dogpressed said, hugging herself, not knowing that DogDay was going to carry out the plan.
"That's great!" Catfiene said, silently giving DogDay the signal. "Tell me, are you, by any chance, ticklish?"
"W-what? I- uh... Eep!" Dogpressed started to say, but she then felt something tickling her. She tried to hold in her laughter, but tickling wasn't something she was used to, so she started snickering and started to slightly smile.
"Uh-oh!" DogDay teased. "Who's ticklish, because here comes the tickle monster!"
And with that he started tickling her tummy, playing it like a piano. The feeling of his fingers strumming her tummy made Dogpressed giggle, something she doesn't usually do.
"Stop it! That tickles" Dogpressed said through her giggles. That's when DogDay started to do a full on tickle attack on her tummy. That made her squeal and tense up.
"Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coochie coo!" DogDay said, tickling all over her tummy. That's what caused Dogpressed to start laughing.
"STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIT!" Dogpressed said through her laughter as her tummy was being teased and tickled. DogDay saw this and grabbed a feather, dragging it against her tummy.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle!" DogDay said, tickling all over her tummy with the feather. Dogpressed curled up slightly.
"NOHOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHOHORE!" Dogpressed pleaded through her laughter as DogDay kept tickling her.
"Catfiene, join in!" DogDay said, going over to tickle one side of Dogpressed's tummy and letting Catfiene tickle the other side.
"This is for your own good, Dogpressed," Catfiene said, as she and DogDay tickled Dogpressed on the sides of her tummy, making her laugh more.
"Coochie coochie coo!" Catfiene said, using all three of her hands to tickle. DogDay continued with the strumming like a harp on Dogpressed's sensitive tummy.
"NAHAHAHAT THE STRUHUHUHUHUMMING! PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIT! I'M TOHOHOHOHOHO TICKLISH FOHOHOHOR THIHIHIHIHIS!" Dogpressed said, squirming on the floor. DogDay didn't listen and continued strumming, while Catfiene fiercely tickled on her tummy.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle!" DogDay said, continuing the assault.
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHORE! PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIT!" Dogpressed pleaded through her laughter as her ticklish tummy was shown no mercy.
After twenty minutes of nonstop tickling, feeling like hours for Dogpressed, Catfiene blew a raspberry and then they let her go.
"Feeling better?" DogDay said, smiling. Dogpressed was hugging her midsection and started catching her breath.
"Y- yes," Dogpressed said, not letting go of her midsection. "Very much so."
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meowcats734 · 9 months ago
(prompt response) A panicked scream of "Is anybody here a doctor?" You tentatively raise your hand. "I'm a Necromancer, if you're willing to wait a few minutes."
Unsurprisingly, the closer we got to the center of the battlefield, the more deaths there were. Lucet floated the idea of retreating to the edge of the hailstorm to camp out, but even though Sansen couldn't see that far into the future without setting up his ring of hope-inducing memorabilia, it was pretty clear that any remaining soul fragments would drift away if we spent days on end backtracking and re-entering the storm. And I wasn't going to let any information on Jiaola's whereabouts fade away if I could help it.
So at my insistence, we camped out in ramshackle tents that were battered by hail, trying our best to sleep despite the eternal thunk-thunk-thunk of falling ice.
I attuned regret later that night. I supposed my companions weren't too happy about my choice.
An indeterminate amount of time later, I heard rustling outside my tent. I hadn't been sleeping, exactly—the endless clamor of hail made it hard—so it was a matter of heartbeats to sit up and look into soulspace. Lucet's soul shone on the other side of the tent flap. I got up, put on my shirt and binder, and called out.
"I'm awake, Lucet," I said. "You can come in."
"Eep! Er, sorry." Lucet scurried into the tent, shucking off her winter coat, and gave me a confused look. "How'd you know it was me?"
"I recognized your soul," I said.
"I... I can't do that," Lucet admitted.
"Yeah, well, people's sorrow might look the same by coincidence," I said. "But when you can see someone's levels of calm, sorrow, passion, insecurity, joy, fear, spite, guilt, shame, disgust, regret, and self-hatred, it'd take one hell of a coincidence for all twelve of those emotions to look similar between two different souls."
Lucet fell quiet for a moment.
"You made another attunement," she said.
I winced. "I... yeah. I did."
"Okay." She didn't pry, which almost made it worse. Instead, she just wordlessly scooted towards me; I leaned on her shoulder and closed my eyes.
"I'm sorry if I'm keeping you up," she finally said. "I just... I couldn't sleep."
"You can't sleep because I fucking convinced you all to camp out beneath what I dearly hope is the largest rift in the world. Don't blame yourself."
"I'm not blaming myself," she whispered. "I just... don't want to be useless."
Rifts, I felt that. Because I was useless. I was worse than useless. I shivered and snuggled closer to Lucet, and there must have only been room for one or the other, because the voices seemed to shy away when she was around. "I..." I bit my lip, liquid metal roiling in my soul, then went for it. "If you... I've been having a hard time sleeping too. If you wanted to stay over for the night..."
Lucet smiled. "Yeah. I... I think I'd like that. Scoot over?"
I laid down on my side, facing Lucet, and she slipped beneath the blanket, putting one arm around my back and pulling me closer.
"Cozy," she murmured sleepily, and I nodded into her neck.
"M-hm," I said, and closed my eyes.
Our souls glittered together in the dark behind my eyes, and the clattering hail faded into the void of sleep.
Nobody said anything when Lucet and I came out of the same tent the next day, but I saw the dewdrops of joy and sparks of hope in Sansen's soul as he saw us smiling at each other. For some reason, passion was incredibly inefficient to use while we were under the rift, so we were stuck with mundane jackets and body heat. Thankfully, it wasn't like the conditions under the rift were that much worse than in the Silent Peaks, and the supplies we already had sufficed well enough.
I was prepared to spend another day hunting for soul fragments, but as Sansen led us deeper into the battlefield, he paused.
"Hey," he said. "There's, uh... there's an opportunity in a nearby future."
"What kind of opportunity?" Meloai asked.
"I... I really don't know what to make of this, but... there's a... settlement? No, a shelter of some kind around here. With... what looks like some soldiers who got left behind."
I rubbed my chin. "If we're trying to get information on Jiaola... interviewing living soldiers is about as good as we can hope for."
"Especially if they're stuck here," Meloai said. "I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I'd run away from the giant death-rift in the sky if I could. The fact that they're still here probably means they can't leave. Maybe... maybe we could help them, and get information in return?"
"Or, y'know, help them out because they're probably going to starve to death if they're stuck here," Lucet added.
"...Right, that too," I said. "Either way, we should check it out."
Sansen nodded. "Then we're going this way." There weren't really any landmarks in the never-ending hailstorm, so the only idea I had of where we were going was 'left,' but Sansen seemed to know where we were going. Before long, he paused, frowning, then said, "Follow me."
Then he took off in a dead sprint.
The three of us didn't hesitate—following the old oracle's directions had gotten us all saved more than once, and we'd be utterly fucked without him. It wasn't long before the future Sansen foresaw caught up to us: in the distance, I heard someone screaming for help. Something about... a medical emergency? Needing a healer?
Well. Grimly, I readied myself. None of us had attuned forgiveness, but... I had something else I could try.
I got an impression of a log cabin in the hailstorm before Sansen threw the door open, startling the collection of people inside. Before anyone else could speak, though, Sansen said, "You called?"
The group of soldiers—and they were definitely soldiers, clad in the uniform of the Silent Peaks—stared at us, baffled. They'd formed a loose semicircle around two men, one standing over the other, who was bleeding out on the floor. The one standing regained his composure first.
"Yes. I—I don't know who you are, but if any of you are a healer—"
"We're not," I brusquely said, "but... I might be able to do something after death."
There was a moment of shocked silence as everyone in the room except Sansen turned towards me.
Then the man broke the silence. "My husband died fighting necromancers!" The man screamed at me. "And you expect  me to let some junior necromancer defile his soul?"
"Your husband died fighting necromancers?" I asked.
The man nodded fiercely, standing over the gasping, bleeding body of his husband.
"Out of curiosity, who does he have to thank for coming back to life from the dead? Any school of magic in particular that could take credit for resurrections?"
He blushed furiously. I got the feeling he wasn't used to people applying silly little conventions like 'logic' and 'internal consistency' to his tirades. "That's irrelevant! I can see the greed in your eyes. You just want to steal Mertri's soul. But I won't let you!"
"Literally every single word you just said is incorrect. Look, how about this." I raised my hands in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. The man—Mertri's husband, I suppose—stood opposite me in the large wooden dining hall. Behind me, three of my friends watched Mertri's husband nervously; a handful of people I assumed were simply bystanders stood opposite us, forming a complete ring of bodies, locking Mertri's husband and I in with each other. I raised my voice to be heard over the thakka-thakka-thakka of hail on the wooden roof. "Ask around. See if literally anyone else has any relevant medical expertise. Let them have their go first. And then if they fail... let me help."
"I already asked, you idiot. You think I'd be talking to a necromancer instead of staking him through the heart if I had any better options?"
"You're thinking of vampires, not necromancers. And you've admitted it yourself—you don't have any better options." I grimaced. "I don't, either. I wish I was a normal healer. But... salvaging what's left afterwards is the best I can do."
The man started to speak, but Mertri coughed wetly from the floor. I wasn't entirely sure what the nature of his injury was, but judging by the blood on his chest, it... wasn't pretty. "Vuliel," Mertri managed.
"I'm here, love." Vuliel knelt by his husband's side, and I could see the raw anger and sorrow in his soul. "I'm listening."
"Let... the boy... try." Mertri managed a weak smile.
Vuliel jerked back, shocked. "But—if he—you could become a monster. Why would you..."
Mertri focused on his husband. "Because," he whispered. "I'll take any chance to see you again."
And before my very eyes, Mertri's soul began to fracture as the bleeding man died.
"It's now or never," I said.
Vuliel closed his eyes.
Then he stood, expression inscrutable. "Do your worst."
And I knelt by the dying man's side as his soul began to shake apart.
Necromancy was a vast and complex field, and different people had different approaches to it. I had absorbed fragments of souls on broken battlefields, trying to piece together narratives from dying memories; I had stitched together the souls of animals to form ghosts and demons of terrible light; I had even reached between planes to chase departed souls as they tried to move on from this world.
But here and now, I could prevent having to take any of those measures before they even happened. I could hold the dying man's soul together before it shattered into uncountable memories. All I had to do was draw upon the core of necromancy:
All necromancy was, fundamentally, an act of regret. A wish that the dead never died. And I was no exception.
In order to call up necromancy, I simply had to remember the day I'd decided to fight back against death.
I closed my eyes, remembering another place, another time. A girl named Astrenn who had loved to feed crows.
My helplessness as I arrived at her cold, long-dead body, her head caved in by a falling roof beam.
The regret that had flooded my soul ever since.
The wellspring of power came sludgily at first—then as I let my regrets sing through me, it flooded from my core and down my hands and into the dying man's cracking soul. The magic was thick and swampy and fetid, but it was mine, and I hardly had to lift a finger as my regrets did what they did best.
They tried to hold together a broken heart.
And, miracle of miracles, they did.
Only those with soulsight could see what happened next, and from what I could tell, Vuliel was not one of them. But a bitter, forlorn pride swelled in my heart as the man's soul drifted free of his body, stabilized, anchored in this world.
"What... what did you do?" Vuliel whispered.
"I kept his soul from breaking," I said. "I... I'm not powerful enough to reunite it with a dead body. But... he could still live on if his possessed someone else. Someone who cared about him an awful lot. Someone who'd be willing to share their body with a man who lost his own." I gestured towards the invisible soul. "All you have to do is let him in."
Vuliel looked down at his husband's corpse.
"It's not what I wanted," he managed to say.
For a heartbeat, the only sound in the wooden hall was the crash of hail on the roof.
"But it's the best I have," he finished. He looked up, meeting my eyes, and said, "I'm ready. Tell me what to do."
I shook my head. "There's nothing simpler. Just reach out and touch his soul."
Vuliel swallowed, then stretched out a hand.
And in a flash of memories absorbed, two souls became one.
Soulmage is a serial written in response to writing prompts. Stick around for more episodes, or join my Discord to chat about it!
Table of Contents
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years ago
SSR Silver Bloom Birthday Personal Story Part 1
"Happy Birthday"
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Silver: I am running slightly behind all because Sebek said, "Do something about your bedhead," and I was trying to tame my hair.
Silver: Yet I'm sure that there was no reason to fret too much over it, since I am wearing a hat over it. Well, at the very least, I am glad I did not keep my presenter waiting long.
???: Haaaaaah~~~~ This sucks… I want to go home…!
Idia: H-H-H-Hi... I'm your presenter… H-Happy�� Birthday…
Silver: Ah, so my presenter is Idia-senpai. I am honored by your kind words.
Idia: Eep… I just wanna speed run through this, so can I just start the interview already?
Silver: Ah, sorry for taking up your precious time. Please, go on.
Idia: O-O-Ok, question one.
Idia: “Are you good or bad at flying?”
Silver: In general, I am relatively good at flying. At least, when comparing it to other subjects in the curriculum.
Silver: When it comes to flying continuously for long distances, or quickly changing the direction I am flying on a whim, among other things, I find that I still lack competence.
Silver: I must sup from the abundance knowledge this school provides me and continue to devote myself to my studies.
Idia: So unfair…! You really think you still have room to grow!
Idia: That's only something you can say when you're born with natural physical abilities and senses…
Silver: I do not really understand what you mean by being born with natural physical abilities and sense, but… It is not as if I was always a competent flier.
Silver: The first time I attempted to fly on a broom, I had enough trouble simply trying to lift the broom off the ground.
Silver: Most likely it was due to only being able to picture the broom sweeping. The broom would constantly only right itself vertically…
Idia: Yeah, m-makes sense, brooms aren't originally a meant to be a means for flying, but tools for sweeping,
Silver: Exactly. It was not so easy to erase from my thoughts the image of a broom sweeping my entire home on its own alongside a mop and bucket.
Silver: The tip of the broom would split into two, and it would walk around just like a human would.
Idia: Eh, what's with that weird dream? Silver-shi, you stressed, or something?
Silver: It was no dream. It was something I witnessed as a child. It truly did startle me then. And it pained me.
Silver: I thought I had done something so atrocious as treat the broom, mop, and bucket as mere objects, when clearly they were living creatures.
Silver: …But, when I learned that my father was simply moving them around with magic, I felt relieved.
Idia: Ahh gotcha… So that was the result.
Idia: But hey, if he was using magic to clean… Sounds to me like your dad's pretty resourceful, Silver-shi.
Silver: Resourceful…? I wonder. In my hometown, it is actually quite common for magic to be used to clean.
Idia: Hah? Th-Then, wh-wh-why didn't you notice that he was using magic to move the broom?
Silver: I was very young at the time, and I still had not manifested my magical abilities. Also, my father and I lived deep in the woods, away from any city.
Silver: I did not come into contact often with those people who lived in the cities… Therefore, I did not know much of their ways.
Idia: That mean that you really only interacted with your own family? I guess maybe we have some things in common.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @rotattooill.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years ago
Who's the better tickler?
Idk I just suddenly felt compelled to write this. I hope is okay akdhakdhaj
I love my gay children 💖
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Atsushi x Akutagawa x gn!reader (romantic)
Lee: reader
Lers: Atsushi, Akutagawa
Warnings: Tickles!
"Hey guys I'm home-" you stopped dead in your tracks. They were at it again, arguing about god knows what.
"Y/n!" Atsushi practically leaped over at you, clinging his arms around your waist. "Aku says that I'm not as good of a tickler as him...!" the weretiger playfully whined out. So that's what this was about, great...
"Ugh, you're gonna suffocate them" the port mafia member dragged Atsushi away by his collar. "Besides it's true, I'm much better than you".
"Oh yeah?!—".
And back to arguing they went. This was gonna be a long day...
"You guys wait! Why don't you settle it then? Y'know, make a little contest out of it" you stood there a bit awkwardly as they both looked at each other, as if exchanging silent words. Then, their eyes fell upon you. Their faces twisting to a more mischevious one. "Uhh... guys?" you slowly took a step back, but before you could make it any far, they both pounced on you.
"GYAH!" your screech echoed across the room as they pinned you down to the ground. With Atsushi holding your arms up and Akutagawa straddling your waist. "W-what the hell are you two doing...?!".
"Well you said to settle it, so why not make you our judge".
"Huh?! T-that's not what I meant at all—".
"Shhhh..." Atsushi brought a finger to your lips. "You should've seen this coming~" he added while playfully sticking his tongue out.
"Now watch and learn, Weretiger" Akutagawa pulled your shirt up to expose your stomach. His colds fingers quickly kneading at the exposed sides.
"Gah—" you instantly gasped and tensed up at the touch. His cold hands weren't helping at all. And that neutral ass face Aku kept the entire time somehow flustered you even more.
"Pshh, that's nothing! Watch this~" Atsushi then shot his hands to your neck, his short nails scribbling along the sides of it.
"Eep! Ehehehe! Q-quit ihihit!" you shook your head around, trying to turtle in on yourself. But it was futile when you were being held down by these two beasts.
"Oh please, I know exactly how to get them to scream...~". The sinister tone in Aku's voice sent chills down your spine. Before you could protest, his hands moved to your bare belly. One hand playfully scratched all over it, even going up to your ribs, while the other one softly tickled around your navel.
"WAH! A-AKUHUHU!" you cackled like a madman, arching your back and frantically kicking your legs from behind him. Seeing such a wild reaction brought a satisfied smirk to Aku's face. But Atsushi wasn't gonna give up so easily.
"Oh but I know their worst spot~" the weretiger moved his hands over to your armpits, making sure to tease your forearms and elbows as well. Occassionally scribbling up to your hands.
"PFFT—" you snorted in hysterical laughter, causing the other two to chuckle at your reactions, before getting all competitive again.
"You underestimate how many 'worst' spots they have" Aku then started to pinch and squeeze at your hips, making you squeak and jolt at each touch.
"Y-YOU GUHUHUYS!—" your pleas fell deaf as they kept bickering.
"Well I have my secret weapon~" Atsushi then transformed his hands into tiger paws. The longer and sharper nails now lightly scratching all over your armpits and neck, making sure not to hurt you of course.
"WAHH! O-OH MY GOHOHOD!" your body fell limp under them. Having lost any energy to struggle from laughing so much. Even your eyes were starting to get watery. This finally caught their attention, both of them stopping their tickling instantly.
"Oh my gosh- We're so sorry Y/n! Are you okay...?" Atsushi quickly wiped away any stray tears while Aku tried rubbing the way the tingles along your torso.
"Ahaha..." you took in deep breaths, still smiling all bashfully. You gave them a thumbs up, not really upset by their antics. It was quite fun actually, not like you'd say it out loud. They both smiled warmly at you, letting out a sigh of relief.
"So... who's the better tickler?" Aku suddenly spoke up, the competitive glint in his eyes back once again. Atsushi also awaited your responde eagerly.
"I- aehehe... Y-you both ahare...".
"I will not tie for first against this idiot!".
"Oh shut up! You're just jealous!..."
And back at it they went again...
"Guess we'll have to go for round two..." Aku eventually piqued up, his gaze falling back down to your exposed torso. I'm pretty sure they heard you audibly gulp, whether from nervousness or excitement who knows. Or maybe both~
"Don't worry, we'll go easier on you" Atsushi tried to reassure with an innocent smile, but you knew better. Oh well...
Your laughter echoed all over the room as they tried to settle who was the best tickler once and for all.
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cainluvr69 · 9 months ago
Let Me Tell You The Story Of A Rainbow - Chapter 18
Previous Chapter
Cain: Nah, I was just taking a trip down memory lane. The first time I patted you on the head like this, you tried to bite me, remember?
Riquet: Huh?! I did not do that.
Cain: Well, you sure acted like you wanted to. But you hated it when I touched you back then, right?
Riquet: I--I mean, well…
Cain: So why didn't you try to bite me this time?
Riquet: …Because I know you're not the kind of person who'd do anything bad?
Cain: Yep. And don't you fret, I won't do anything that'd make you uncomfortable. C'mon, now you try petting it.
Riquet: … Wahh…! It's so fluffy and soft.
Cain: Haha, these guys look like they're happy, too.
Riquet: Hehe… I'm flattered. Oz, would you like to pet them, too?
Oz: I shall refrain. Regardless, we have gotten much closer to the light.
Oz's gaze was turned towards the sky. The ray of light meant to guide them to the piece of Luca's memory was swaying restlessly in the air.
Riquet: It's rather high up, isn't it? How can we get to it without using our magic?
Cain: …I know. Chiiiirp! Chiiiirp!
Oz: What are you doing.
Cain: Hey, if we're really looking for a weird bird thing, I figure maybe it'll come out if we mimic its call. Hey, Oz, you're pretty good at using leaves like flutes, so why don't you give it a…
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At that moment, a perfectly spherical little bird tumbled out of the trees, chirping loudly.
Riquet: Wahh… It's a bird! It really showed up! You're amazing, Cain.
The orbular bird reached for the nearest branch and then perched on it. Cain spoke gently to it.
Cain: Way to stick the landing. Hey, I think you might have something we're looking for…whoops, hey!
Cain had reached his hand out, but the moment he did, the bird nimbly leapt away. It threaded between the trees with practiced skill, practically dancing around them.
Cain: It's so fast?!
Riquet: I think I saw a yellow pearl! We need to go after it…
As soon as Riquet said that, he was answered by a bark. Riquet and Cain looked back and saw the two big dogs wagging their fluffy tails, kneeling down and presenting their backs.
Cain: Hey, d'ya think they're telling us we can ride on them?
Riquet: If you're willing to guide us through this forest, it'd be much appreciated! It's like a maze in here…
Cain: You can say that again! Hey Oz, looks like we're gonna be taking off for a while. We'll be back soon, so just sit tight!
Oz: Wai…
But before Oz could object, Cain pulled himself up onto one of the doglike creature's back with practiced movements. Riquet managed to drag himself up onto the other dogs' large body, too. And without missing a second, the pair of wizards and their dogs had dashed deep, deep into the forest.
Oz: …
Cain and Riquet sat astride their dogs, fists tightly knotted in their fur as they kicked off against the forest floor, cutting through the wind in a graceful dance. Riquet gasped, clinging tightly to his dog's back.
Riquet: Eep, they're so fast…! If I don't focus on holding on, I'll slip off…
Cain: Riquet, lower your body! Lean in as close as you can and try to relax a little. That'll help reduce drag and you'll feel more secure. If you focus on your grip and the animal underneath you, any sudden shocks shouldn't knock you off!
Riquet: O--okay. I need to lean in, and relax a little…
Cain: Yeah, just like that! You got this!
Cain was riding in front--he looked over his shoulder and grinned, praising Riquet's form. Riquet glowed with pride, his tension melting away into focus, his gaze determined. They sat astride their dogs, one rider skilled and the other a complete greenhorn--but they still became one with the wind as they dashed towards the heart of the forest. Despite their speed, it took a while for their winding, twisting path to open up into a clearing.
Cain: Alright, where'd it go…?
The dogs howled, and then they saw it--the bird's round silhouette at the top of a tall tree. It clung to a branch, but was otherwise motionless.
Riquet: I'll go! With these dogs' legs, we should be able to run all the way to the top!
It did certainly seem like the dogs could make it up pretty high by leaping from tree to tree and clinging to them with their sharp, knifelike claws.
Cain: It's true that you're lighter than I am, but that's pretty high up. Will you be okay?
Riquet: …I will be brave.
Cain: Riquet.
As Cain said that, he gently clapped a hand on Riquet's back. It was a subdued expression of encouragement, coming from Cain.
Cain: No matter what happens, I'll be here to back you up. You've got this!
Riquet could feel the pure sincerity of Cain's faith in him, radiating out from the large palm on his shoulder, and he stood up a little straighter. And he responded, his face elegant and dignified.
Riquet: Yes. Just leave it to me!
The dog he sat astride knelt down, its muscles primed, and kicked off the dirt, leaping high into the air. It landed on one branch, taking barely a moment to pause before kicking off to the next, climbing the great tree with both grace and fearlessness.
Cain: Hey, don't look down! Believe in your mount and believe in me, and keep your eyes on where you're headed!
Riquet: Okay!
Cain kept his eyes on Riquet as he called out to him, keeping the littler wizard's condition in check. He'd already located every spot where they might slip and fall, and he was ready to race to catch Riquet at any moment. The farther up they went, the less footing they had, and the thinner the branches became. But despite being faced with a challenge that made his hands slick with sweat, Riquet still bravely kept his eyes on the goal. He was finally close to the top--and more importantly, close to the round bird, which had stayed in the same place all the way through Riquet's climb up the tree. He spoke to it kindly.
Riquet: It's okay. I won't hurt you. Don't worry, I'll take care of you. I'll save you now…!
Riquet lifted himself up, away from the large back that had carried him all this way, and then put his hand against the trunk of the tree. He took a deep breath and then…made a leap of faith. His delicate body all but floated through the air. The round bird nestled into his outstretched palms. Riquet's smile was like a ray of light as he brought the bird to his chest and held it there.
Riquet: I did it!
Cain: Nice…!
But Riquet hadn't made sure there was a place for him to land at the end of his jump. They only got to enjoy a single moment of relief before he began to fall.
Riquet: Waahh…!
But Cain was right there to catch him. He and his dog began to run, and then he stood on its back and kicked off into the air, stretching his arms out to catch Riquet.
Cain: Great work, Riquet! Just leave everything else to me…
But just then, their bodies began to float--to truly float, not the moment of weightlessness that comes at the peak of a jump.
Cain & Riquet: …!
Oz: You little fools…
The two of them were left hanging in the air like two kittens scruffed by their mother--and next to them was Oz, sitting atop his broom.
Oz: It is only strong magic that is prohibited. You have brooms. Use them.
Cain: …Right!
Riquet: Oh, is that so?
Cain retrieved the little yellow pearl from the round little bird's beak. It began to glow faintly in his palm, and then blazed blindingly bright.
Luca heard a strange animal cry while she was working in the garden at the monastery. It came from the forest, and sounded like a light and happy song. Her eyes drifted towards the direction it was coming from…and then a dirty cloth hit her and a voice barked at her, telling her not to look away and to keep her hands moving. But still, she was happy. That song was the sound of her friends, singing happily away. She snuck out in the dead of night and ran into the forest, searching for the owner of the voice she'd heard during the day. There it was--chirp chirp! When she heard its odd little cry, she looked up to the trees above. And there she saw it: a perfectly spherical bird clinging onto a branch. Then there was some rustling from the underbrush--and two big, doglike animals appeared from within a thicket. These two were the ones who'd had the light and happy song from that afternoon.
Luca: Hey, is that birdie your friend?
The two dogs bumped their heads against Luca and licked her hand, whining quietly like they were trying to ask her something.
Luca: I… I mean, I do want to help save it, but… …I know. Hey, can you carry me all the way to the top of that tree?
No one had taught this girl how to fly on a broom. No one had taught her any magic at all. And so instead, she mustered up all the courage she had in her little body and climbed to the top of the tree, sitting astride a dog's back. Luca's heart pounded and her breath was short as fear and excitement danced together on the ballroom floor that was her heart. She reached out to the bird. The bird tucked itself happily into her palms, safe and sound. She cradled it in her hands, hugging it to her chest, and then sighed a long, long sigh.
Luca: This is the first time I've had my heart beat that fast… Hey, if you get stuck again, just hold onto a branch again just like that. If you do, then I'll come and save you again, okay? Because I want to feel that same thrill again…
Faust, Heathcliff, and Nero followed their ray of light to a truly picturesque lakeside.
Heathcliff: This lake is beautiful. It's so peaceful here.
Nero: The water's so clear. There's all sorts of weird beasties I've never seen before swimmin' around in there.
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As the three of them peered into the lake, an animal that looked something like a small dolphin looked back at them.
Heathcliff: Wah…
As they approached it, it made high-pitched clicking noises at them.
Heathcliff: How cute!
Faust: …It's cute.
Nero: …Yep, it's cute.
Heathcliff: I could stare at those adorable round eyes forever. And that sound it makes is so soothing… Yaaaawn. Oh, how odd. I feel so sleepy…
Faust: Are you okay? If you're feeling tired, we can rest for a while…
Heathcliff: No…I'm fine. But my eyelids just feel so heavy all of a sudden.
Nero: My eyes're feelin' tired too all of a sudden. How about you, Teach?
Faust: I'm doing just fine. But…I feel like I've seen this animal before, in an old book. I recall there being a small aquatic beast that lives in clean and clear lakes with a cry that has a special sleep-inducing effect.
Heathcliff: A small aquatic beast that lives in clean lakes… I mean, that's a perfect description of this little guy.
Faust: I can't make a definite identification, but if this is that animal, I'm not certain exactly how effective that sleep-inducing cry is. We should take some precautions, just in case.
Nero: Y'never know what it wants outta makin' ya fall asleep. Maybe Heath got hit extra hard since he's kinda sensitive to things like this?
Heathcliff: Yaaawn…you might be onto something…
Nero: Ahaha, there's confirmation from the guy himself. Heeey, you okay…? Yaaawn. Damn, now I'm getting sleepy, too.
Faust: Pull yourselves together. This world and the creatures that live in it were all given form by that girl. I doubt that any of them are particularly dangerous, but we should still…mmf.
Nero: Huh…? Hey, Teach, did you just hold back a yawn?
Faust: That was just a coincidence. Anyways, isn't the light pointing into the water? We should get our hands on the piece of that girl's memories before anyone gets any sleepier than we already are.
Nero: So you are feelin' sleepy.
Next Chapter
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idv-news-boi · 1 year ago
You feel a small sharp feeling on your ankle! Looking down… Bartie! What is he holding???
It’s Cupid’s arrow!!! How did he get that??? You start to feel a little funny…. A few things could happen
-if you already love someone, you feel the need to go confess or remind them of your love!
-if you don’t, you will (temporarily) fall in love with the first person you come across!
-if romance isn’t your thing, you’ll be filled with self love!!!
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That hurts-
Suddenly… Laurence craves to hold his lovers + homies Phineas & Leroy.
“LauLau, hey-“ Phineas was about to greet the approaching Laurence until he got caught by the shorter man’s embrace, “O-Oh???” <33 the showman makes a sound, yet doesn’t seem to question about his bro’s motives. So he ends up giving the shorter one a squeeze while embracing back. Chuckling.
“Oh, Laurence! My love! Happy Val-“ Law was about to cheer by the sight of his beloved reporter who caught him off with a hug, leaning his head on the gambler’s shoulder as his cold breath brushes over his neck, “…!!!!” ///
“…” Exe could hear footsteps approaching from behind- he didn’t bother turning around as he feels familiar arms wrapping around his torso while feeling his hair tickling his back. “…Mm.” He returns the hug by giving the survivor counterpart a pat on the arm.
Rue didn’t respond much either, noticing how Laurence slowly circles her before holding on her waist, slowly circling her with his arms into a hug. Before squeezing her softly, “…Laurence?” He didn’t say much before he leans the side on his face on top of the crown of her head.
“O-Oh, Laurence-“ Beth notices the blonde American but was too late to even finish her sentence as she gets covered by bigger arms that are freezing her, as small sniffs can be heard against her head. Laurence seeming to smell her sweet scent on her hair, “…E-Eep!”
“Oh, Laurence? What bring you here-“ Laurence was about to hug Melissa, who quickly stopped him by grabbing both of his arms with her hands and pinned him against the wall, “…What are you doing?” Laurence didn’t say much besides a loving smile he has been wearing throughout the time, before giving a kiss on Melissa’s forehead at the end.
“Oh, handsome!” Tatya chirps when Laurence manages to find her, who doesn’t seem to question why the heck she brought Bartholomew to stab him with an arrow- but hey, he’ll thank the lil buddy later though. Nonetheless, Tatya wasn’t prepared by the second Laurence starts picking her up and swing her around happily into an embrace. Before he stops… and breaths out as he becomes more relaxed in Tatya’s warmth, “…O-Oh, silly! At least warm me before you carry me like some princess from the movies!”
“Laurence! Hello, I wasn’t expecting you to visit tod-“ Leroy couldn’t finish explaining as he gets engulfed into a big bear hug by the reporter, swinging side to side which makes it look a very funny yet pure intent, yet if there was an audience around, it would look like they’re doing a little dance while Lau is hugging him. “Aww… you can just ask me if you wanted hugs.” <33
“…No.” Angel quickly rejects with the voice of Wisteria, knowing what Lau is doing. So instead, Laurence respectfully holds the other’s hand before gently planting a kiss, seeming as a courteous gesture as the American doesn’t stop staring at the Spaniard while doing so. “Take a picture, and it’ll last longer,” Angel sarcastically says, but to his dismay- The journalist did do what he said;;;
“… Come in, honey.” Rosalyn calmly says as Laurence is permitted to enter her garden. While trying not to look weird as he approaches her, he slowly gets behind her before softly holding her in his arms. As if she can break at any moment. The other slowly returned the embrace, wondering why the other is suddenly so quiet yet affection. Before she can even ask, she turned around, it was too late for her to realize Lau’s face hovering hers- before a soft smooch can be heard from the Reporter’s part. “…A-Ah.” Rosalyn slowly turned into a tomato in the process… yet, she pulled Laurence back into another kiss, making his lips stay a bit longer;;;
Last but not least, Laurence quietly stares at the picture frame of a young girl, a plate sign on the frame saying “Bianca” in it.
It was a few minutes of him silently admiring the picture with longing eyes, putting two fingers on his lips. Before gently placing those two fingers on the picture.
“I love you… I’ll always do.”
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doomeddiary · 1 year ago
I pretty recently came across one of those ask game posts and in the format of "what color am i" with an edited png full of custom responses by the op and many of them were racy~~~ (breeding+watersports+more uwu) but one of them said something along the lines of "i want you to kidnap me and turn me into a snuff film star" and that made me go hmmm. Let me go and check this blog and see if what im feeling is the internal ping of intuitive pattern recognition or if this is something else, and as I'd come to find out no, miss mamas did have incest+rape paraphilias. Sad! Demoralizing! Blocked immediately! But i was still thinking about it.
(Readmore bc this gets long and rambly and tmi, cw for discussion on sexualized violence and mildly self fellating reflection over the nature of it and whatnot)
And i was thinking on how the first thing that made me pause was the innocent almost coquettish usage of "snuff" as a sexy fun cute concept, and trying to figure out what was the difference between her fetishization and eroticizing of violence and my own sexual proclivities.
Like being tmi open and honest mask off etc etc, I am heavily into bdsm, and i also love body horror. i adore blood and gore and guts and whatnot on an aesthetic and sexual level. It is largely fantasy as many of the plays id like to do are not safe or sane and i take safety very seriously, but its still something i know i am deeply attracted to and find erotic to fantasize about. So I did notice the parallels of my own deviant~ sexual tastes and hers, and i was upset and uncomfortable with those similarities bc again miss mamas is out here posting about wanting to rape st*ve h*rrington off ST like EEP... JEEPERS! and i wanted to unpack that thought and what real differences there were between these kinds of fantasies, and while my friends reassured me with "nooo youre into it differently/they're just doing it different" i didn't like the vagueness, because what is the difference?
And well I figured out pretty quickly and swiftly that it is ofc consent, which is funny given the context of "how are thy violent sexual fantasies different from thine" but yeah, while I am very into the idea of gore and blood and mutilation, it's only if like, my sub is also into it. And that they're miraculously ok afterwards. I am barred from ever being able to do any of my dream plays in real life because it would not be safe and anyone who would consent to them would probably have such a damaged or altered state of mind that any "consent" would be null and void so while its slightly embarrassing to admit, most of the time i envision fictional characters who are functionally unkillable due to some kind of heal ability or resurrection mechanic where they're not only able to enthusiastically consent but theyre ALSO ok afterwards! And its not my sole source of pleasure, i like vanilla sex as much as anyone, but it is one of those things that i know i love but will never indulge in, because i cannot and will not seriously maim or injure another person.
Anyways, all that to say that whenever i run across the "snuff as a cute sexy thing" girlies its pretty clear that the finality and lack of consent is the main draw. The idea of having your autonomy stripped from you or others as it would happen in real life is what is attractive and that will just never sit right with me, it is so clearly unsettling and unattractive to me. And yes, on its face they are both violent sexual fantasies that she likely won't be indulging in either, and I do not doubt that most regular everyday people would find my proclivities just as frightening no matter how fervently i reiterated how I'd never hurt a fly etc etc, but to me, the fetishization of removing consent is a significant aspect.
So, returning to the "snuff" aspect. The way i see it and rationalize it to myself, these kinds of crimes of violent misogyny and femicide happen literally everyday and are not titillating and having that kind of violence and removal of consent be such a central part of your sexuality is different, it changes the context of everything, I don't care anymore that it's just a "fantasy" because what you're really fantasizing about is emblematic at its core of the real violence worldwide. No fucking wonder she also had incest+rape paraphilias. Anyways.
tl;dr my sexualized violent fantasy is better than yours because the people in my imaginary fantasy fully consent and are having fun and we're all going to kiss and cuddle afterwards
0 notes
outtherecreations · 3 years ago
Out of Sync [REWRITE]| Rick Sanchez x Reader | Part 3:
Part 1
Part 2
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A bright lights rips into the darkness of the bedroom.
I roll my eyes tiredly at the sound of unbalanced footsteps stumbling into the room. “H-hey, baby…you-URP-you up?” Rick asks, I cringe as Rick leans over me. My body tenses “Yeah you’re u-up.” Rick hums.
“Get away from me.” I mumble, pulling the blanket over my head “I tried, it didn’t work. I g-guess we’re just stuck with each-URP-other.” Rick states. He pulls on the blanket lightly, not enough for him to actually move it. I groan, kicking my feet towards his-grinning widely when I hit something.
Rick grunts in pain before grabbing my foot “N-not nice…you’re such a b*tch.” He huffs “Ah, there’s the Rick I know-” Rick cuts me off by flopping on top of me “Rick! What the f*ck?! Get off of me!” I yelp, squirming. “Noooo. Just let me sl-URP-eep!” Rick whines. I open my mouth to cuss him out, but didn’t get the chance before Rick was already snoring loudly. “Oh my gosh…I’m either gonna kill this man or myself.” I growl under my breath.
I stare at the scribble down equations on my desk “Ugh, it just doesn’t make any sense! I know what I need to do, but I don’t know how to do it! Work stupid brain! WORK!” I groan, gripping the sides of my head tightly. Rick chuckles quietly, “If I was your brain right now, I’d tell you to f*ck off.” He jokes “You tell everyone to f*ck off. I still don’t know now I met your high as h*ll standards.” I joke tiredly.
“Well, lucky for you. I lowered my standards just enough for you to at least share a lab with me.” Rick says, the grin on his face made it clear nothing he said was meant to be harsh. “Just don’t fall in love with me, Sanchez, cuz this is not permanent. Once you graduate, this place will be all mine.” I hum, rereading the equations. I flinch when Rick’s hand blocks the equation I was reading “I’m hungry, wanna get something to eat?” He asks.
I shoo his hand away, “No thanks. I’m not hungry.” I state “You sure? I know this really good place.” Rick hums, leaning on my desk “Mm, yeah. I’m sure.” I tell him “You’re really gonna make me go alone?” He asks “You’ve spent your whole life without me-and you’re gonna spend the rest of your life after college without me. I sure you can handle not seeing me for 30 minutes.” I say.
I really don’t have time for this. I need to figure-
“Oh for f*cks sake, I’m trying to ask you out.”
I pause and look up at Rick “Oh ho, THAT got your attention. So now will you come with me?” Rick asks with a cocky grin. “Mm,” I hum, glancing at my equations “Fine, but you’re paying.” “Duh.” Rick says. He opens the door for me and we walk out the science lab.
I open my eyes slowly, looking around. I look up to see the sun shining brightly through the window.
Huh…that’s weird.
I’ve never slept through the whole night.
I haven’t done that in forever…
My body tenses when I hear Rick’s quiet snoring “Oh sh*t please no.” I mumble, squirming in Rick’s grip. Rick only nuzzle closer, my cheeks redden “No! I will not enjoy this.” I growl. I wiggle away from Rick-only to land harshly on the ground
“Gah! Sh*t!” I shout out in pain. Rick grumbles tiredly, he looks down at me. “Mm, you’re always a sight to wake up to.” He jokes, nuzzling into the blanket tiredly “Shut up. And why are you in my bed?! You’re bed is literally right there!” I sigh, gesturing to his sleeping bag. Rick looks at it, “It’s warmer here. Plus, you enjoyed it. Once you fell asleep, you were cuddling back.” He mumbles tiredly.
I scoff, standing up “You were probably just imagining that. I mean-you were drunk and probably high.” I state “Mm…” Rick mumbles. He doses off again, I sigh and walk downstairs. “Hey, Mom. How’d you sleep?” Beth asks knowingly, I sigh “Surprisingly well…and that scares me.” I admit, taking a seat at the table.
Beth tilts her head in confusion, “Why would you be scared by that? It’s great that you’re finally able to sleep again.” She says happily “Rick was in my bed…” I groan. Beth smiles widely, “We’re not getting back together,” I say firmly “He was drunk and decided to crash in my bed.” “Well, Dad could’ve crashed on the couch, or in the garage, or on the floor…but he chose your bed. Come on, you don’t think that could mean anything?” Beth asks.
My heartbeat quickens for a moment, I wince in pain “Mom, are you ok? Did you take your medicine?” Beth asks worriedly “N-no…I just woke up.” I tell her weakly “Um, ok. You’re probably just hungry. Go have a seat in the living room, I’ll make some pancakes.” Beth says. I smile at her “No, no. I’m fine. I can-” “Mom. Go have a seat.” Beth says. She frowns at me seriously “Yes Ma’am.” I chuckle.
I stare at the tv blankly, there are only so many Golden Girls reruns I can sit through…
There was a heavy dip in the couch beside me. I turn to see Rick sitting beside me, “Are you seriously watching this? You look dead inside.” Rick states, raising an eyebrow. “You would know what it’s like to be dead inside.” I grumble tiredly, scooting away from him. Rick scoots closer to me, I sigh. Rick hums in thought before standing up, he walks away.
I sigh, I don’t think my heart can take him being so close anymore…
Rick returns, holding a crystal and a device in his arms. “What is that, Sanchez?” I sigh tiredly, hating the fact that I was genuinely curious to know. “Important thing is, I just gave us better cable. You’re welcome. You can now watch tv shows from every single reality.” Rick states, tossing me the remote. I pick it up, raising an eyebrow at Rick as he sits down beside me again.
I press a button on the remote, the channel flips to Fav/Movie…that’s the movie that Rick and I were watching when we shared a first kiss. I frown before flipping the channel again “I thought you loved that movie.” Rick comments, resting his head in the palm of his hand. “I-I’m just not in the mood for it.” I say nonchalantly-even though my heart was pounding harder than it should be. “Aw really? But we were watching this movie when it all clicked for me.” Rick states.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, tilting my head. “You l-looked so happy watching this movie. Seeing you happy, made me happy. And I thought this movie was sh*t, but yet, I was happy it was on…I was happy period. I realize you m-made me happy. Once I realized that, I decided I wanted you to be around me forever.” Rick says. My cheeks redden before I frown “But you…left.” I scoff, turning away from him.
I flip through the channels quickly, “That wasn’t me!” Rick groans “Oh? Then who was it? The drugs, the alcohol, or was it the pure hatred you felt for us?” I ask, glaring at him firmly. Rick looks at me, he doesn’t respond, he only frowns at me. Rick lets out a sigh before he takes a sip from his flask. I only roll my eyes, “Breakfast is ready!” Beth calls. I quickly stand up and walk away.
“We’re going to the same place! No point in running.”
“Even a few seconds away from you add a couple more years to my life.”
Rick touches his chest gently “Oh, ow…you hurt me so.” He whines, following behind me. Beth smiles at us, “Where’s Summer and Morty?” I ask “Still sleep. So is Jerry.” Beth states. She sets the plates on the table. Rick sits in front of me, “Aw, l-looks great Beth. Like the br-breakfasts your mother would make.” He says. Beth beams happily while I only frown bitterly, “Heh, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the two of you eat breakfast together. I’ve missed this.” She states, I look at my plate tiredly…
I frown tiredly, flicking blueberries across the table. Each one ends up hitting Rick in the chest, “Y/N, if you want my attention. Just ask.” He teases, eating his waffle. I roll my eyes and continue to flick blueberries at him, Beth watches me, letting out fits of giggles. “Sweetie, don’t encourage her.” Rick scolds, but there wasn’t any seriousness in his voice. I flick another blueberries, but instead of hitting Rick in the chest, it hit him on the cheek.
“Ow! I’m gonna sue!” Rick shouts out dramatically, pointing a finger at me. Beth and I laugh, Rick rubs his cheek with an annoyed smile. “Oh, I’m sorry, Ricky. Want me to kiss it better?” I snicker, Rick grins at me “If you do, you might not being hearing from my lawyer.” He hums. I stand and walk over to him, kissing his cheek. I pull away, only for Rick to pull me back by my shirt.
He pulls me into a kiss. “The blueberries didn’t even hit you on the mouth!” Beth states when we pull away “Pain and suffering.” Rick says with a shrug, I laugh and roll my eyes. I take one of the blueberries off his plate, plopping it into my mouth “Hey! Did you just rob me?!” Rick asks offendedly “I can’t steal what I made. Watch.” I laugh before picking up Beth and walking away. She giggles out a “Bye Daddy!” “And now you’re stealing my child?! How dare!” Rick shout, not able to contain his laughter.
Rick stands up and runs towards us. “AH! MOMMY HE’S COMING!” Beth squeaks happily “Oh no! Time to go!” I laugh, running out the kitchen “Get back here you child thief!” Rick laughs.
My chest both flutters and sinks at the distance memory.
We used to be so happy together…then he started working on that stupid portal gun. After that, he spent more time in the garage and less time with us. The more time he was alone, the more he would drink. I hated when he started drinking too much, I knew what that was going to do to his health in the future. Every time I saw him, he was drunk or about to get drunk…
The fluttering feeling in my chest flies away and I’m left with a growing emptiness before a sharp pain shoots through my chest. I wince, gripping my chest tightly. Rick eyes me carefully as I take my medicine, “What was that?” Rick asks “I’m not letting you get high off my meds.” I scoff. Ugh, why did Beth have to leave me alone with him. A horse’s life is not more important than your mothers!
Rick rolls his eyes, “Oh please, like those pills would do anything for me.” He scoffs, I roll my eyes “Since when do you have heart issues?” Rick asks, I shrug “I dunno…right after Summer was born. When Jerry became a permanent factor in my life.” I say bitterly. Just as I said that, Jerry was about to walk into the kitchen. “Um…I’m right here…” He says awkwardly.
“Jerry, get the f*ck out! Can’t you see we don’t want you here?!” Rick shouts, bashing his hands onto the table. I fight back the urge to laugh, “But I wanted-” “No one cares what you want, Jerry! We wanted your genes out of our grandchildren! We can’t always get what we want!” Rick shouts. Jerry whimpers nervously before quickly leaving. I laugh at the sight, Rick takes a swing of his flask. I frown at that sight.
Rick looks down and lets out a heavy sigh, “You know, I could fix your heart. Get rid of all those problems.” He tells me “Really?” I ask with an unamused frown as I eat the waffles “Yeah, really.” Rick hums “Thanks, but no thanks.” I sigh, finishing up my food.
I stand up and walk away from the table, “Fine, but the offer’s still on the table for when you want it.” Rick states before taking of huge drink from his flask. I shake my head and walk out of the kitchen.
“U-Uno! Ha! I’m-I’m about to beat you!”
I grin at Morty, “Not bad, you’re finally getting good at this game,” I say proudly “Too bad you can never beat the master! Color change green, draw 4, Uno! Game.” I toss each of the cards down. Morty stares in shock, “How?!” He gasps “Skills, small child. Skills. I’ve been undefeated for years. Only one person has beat me…” I say confidently.
“Who?” Morty asks “I’ll never tell. Beside, that person is long gone now.” I sigh sadly “What happened to them?” Morty asks, I shrug “Who knows? Wanna play another game?” I ask, stacking the cards “No thanks. I have to…to finish my homework.” Morty states “Ok. Good luck. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” I tell him. Morty nods and I walk upstairs to my room. I yawn tiredly, “Rick hasn’t even been here for a whole month and I’m already ready for him to leave.” I sigh. I groan as I stretch my arm, “Ah, time for my old lady nap.” I snicker before faceplanting onto the bed.
Hi, sorry it’s been a while. But look, it’s a new part. Yay! Anyways, I don’t know when the next part will be out, but there will be a time skip. Alrighty, bye~
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