#I just... don't feel like tagging with the accents at this very moment
bbokicidal · 27 days
Marriage? Marriage. | Maknae Line! SKZ [OT8]
Genre : Fluff Warnings : None Pairing : Maknae Line SKZ x Fem!Reader
Notes : Ever wondered what your wedding would be like with SKZ? How they would propose? What their tux/outfit would look like? Your ring? The venue? Well I've got it all right here! (Completely w/ photo references!)
Other Notes : This is just how i picture things going down/looking. If you disagree or have other opinions, that's totally fine! But please don't go in the comments complaining it isn't how you pictured it. If you don't like it, scroll past. Thank you!
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The Proposal : Jisung is the one to make a big spectacle of it, creating an entire song to ask you to marry him in front of the guys. He does it at the venue for their concert during soundcheck so it's a little more personal, wanting you to be there for what he's calling 'practice' so you can hear and critique his new song. Or that's what he says - it's really just a massive proposal. He even gets Chan and Minho to run down the stage throwing flower petals in the air while he sings.
The Venue : Nothing too fancy. He wants it to be personal between just your families (and the guys, of course.) So he chooses a smaller venue with plenty of floral decorations to satisfy the both of you. He lets you pick out the colors however, agreeing that a nice muted purple would be a good mix between casual and elegant.
First Look : Oh, he bawls. He's on his knees the moment he turns around, tears streaking down round cheeks and hands covering his mouth in admiration. You have to cup his face and pull him up - but the photographer gets a perfect picture of you two kissing while Jisung bawls his eyeballs out at how beautiful you look.
His Best Man : Minho. (We all saw that coming.)
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The Proposal : Felix takes you to his childhood home to do it. It's bigger than expected (because he came from a pretty well off family,) and still as wonderful as he remembers growing up. His family tags along to witness it all, but they aren't even aware of the proposal and his sisters are screaming before you are when they see him get down on one knee. Very romantic, very wholesome - biggest ring you've ever seen.
The Venue : Massive venue, very fairytale-esque. He wants it to be grand, as perfect as you are. He falls in love with the ballroom feel of the venue and his mind is made up the moment he steps inside to check it out for the first time. "It's perfect," He'll nod, later admiring how it looks with all of the decorations the two of you had picked out. The theme comes out to a soft pale blue and white.
First Look : He doesn't want to do a first look, but he lets the guys go and see you. His heart slams in his chest the moment Chris comes back with rosy cheeks, exclaiming how beautiful you looked and how Felix had gotten oh-so lucky to be with you. Of course, he tears up a bit and maybe bawls a little when he sees you walking down the aisle.
His Best Man : Jisung.
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The Proposal : He's the one to do it on stage. Unexpected, right? He wants to make it memorable for everyone - especially you. He'll ask you to come out, take your hand the moment you enter the stage and then walk with you to the middle to give the most heartwarming and sincere speak you've heard since their Maniac tour. "I said once that I didn't believe in the word 'forever,' but... in this moment, I want to believe I'll be with you for eternity."
The Venue : Also something bigger. Plenty of room to hold many guests but not as grand of a venue as Felix's pick. It's outdoors, for one, the theme of the wedding a warm green with pale pinks and roses speckled in for accent. He lets you do most of the decorating because he trusts you with it, but he will give you his input if you ask for it. However, his favorite thing about the venue has to be the archway he'll marry you under.
First Look : Oh he's getting a first look. He's a bit impatient the day of and asks to see you as soon as possible, only to be met with your arms wrapping around him from behind. He'll sink into your embrace before turning to look at you, backing away only so he can take in the full view. He'll even ask you to do a little spin, holding your hand with care and smiling at how beautiful you are.
His Best Man : Jeongin.
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The Proposal : It just sort of... falls out of his mouth. You're having dinner with the group out at a nicer restaurant and he's sitting at your side, seeming a bit distracted and distant. Lost in thought, he snaps back into his own mind before murmuring a soft, "Do you want to get married?" as he looks over. It catches you by surprise, especially when he pulls a velvet box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. He couldn't find the perfect way to do it, and he grew impatient with himself - so he just asked.
The Venue : He lets you pick it out, with you settling on a smaller church that gave the most basic, traditional wedding possible - which is how he preferred it, if he were honest. He liked how it felt normal, like he was just another person existing in the universe. Nothing too special, nothing too grand. Just... normal and perfect for you two.
First Look : His first look is during pictures, and as he sees you coming up to him he's all full of giggles and bouncy excitement. He turns away to whisper to Seungmin how he's not sure how he bagged such a baddie, before turning back to gather himself and hold your hands while telling you how beautiful you are. Absolute menace even during his own wedding but he's doing his best.
His Best Man : Technically? Seungmin. But he gives each member of the group a special Boutonniere because in his mind, they're all the best. He wants all of his hyungs involved in his wedding.
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Poly or just 3 some vibe swith shanks and Mihawk?? I just feel that power imbalance would be addictiveee
Oh This is what I live for Love! You got it!
Shanks X young!Reader(mid 20's) X Mihawk
Warning: Sexual Themes, Threesome vibes, Sex, Unprotected sex, Eiffel Tower ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tag You're It
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You stood there at the bar looking at your few regulars as you spaced out. It was a slow night, almost like every night. Your village was too small and too secluded to get any real traffic. If it wasn't for a few months ago it would have closed- not for a certain pirate crew then it would have defiently closed their doors.
Speaking of which- the door busted open with a fairly dramatic flare. As if summoned by your thoughts there stood the entirety of the Red Haired Pirates, cheeks already flushes with alcohol it seemed.
"Good Evening Mr. Shanks! Glad to see you back" You smile cheerfully at him, He would often come to the bar when he ran out of his monthly supply on his Island next door. Him and his crew were very nice, paired with the fact they always payed very well.
"Good Evening to you (Y/N)! Please bring out the best you have little one! It's a celebration!" It was no secret that Shanks had been eyeing you for the months he had been stopping by, How his eyes would linger on your form a bit more then most- How his gaze would track you as you moved through the bar.
"A celebration?" You asked innocently as he held up a wanted poster proudly. A dark brooding figure Stepping in behind him, looking a bit irritated to he there, even as his gaze settled on you.
"Yep! My Lad Luffy got his first bounty and is now a Pirate! Paired with my good Pal here Mihawk is here for a visit!"
"Well in that case I'll pull out the best!" You said cheerfully waving at your co-workers to bring our the large crates of rum and ale for them.
As the liquor was poured you saw Shanks and Mihawk quietly talking- Their eyes locked onto you as they stared at you, watching every move you did. Which made your cheeks heat up dramatically. After a few moments of this and the bar coming to life with loud music you ended up grabbing a drink as well.
This seemed to drawn Mihawk over, his form shadowing yours. "Is it wise for you to drink?" He cautioned a brow, making you feel a bit flustered by both his accent and eyes.
"It's fine, it's not like anyone here would hurt me" You say softly, Waving your hand dismissively. His lips curving to a slight smirk at this-
"I don't think hurting you is what they would have in mind" Oh your face was bright red now- especially with the purr in his tone and look in his eye-
"W-Well if they asked I wouldn't be opposed I'm sure-" You manage to squeak out, drawing his gaze in. Before he gestured you to follow him, which you obediently did. Returning to his seat next to Shanks he pulled you to his lap which made your face crimson- The red head smiling at the sight.
"Didn't know all I had to do was smile to bring you over finally" He teased, Gesturing to yourself seated on his peers lap. You took another sip of your drink and shyly shrugged
"As I say, ask and you shall receive Shanks. Number one rule here" You quip back which earns a noise from Mihawk- seemingly a chuckle.
"Well if that's the case. Me and my friend here, both would love to take you out for the evening, to get to know you better. But you'd have to choose my dear"
"I-I wouldn't be able to choose-" You admit shyly, Looking between the two of you. Shanks laughing loudly at this as he bit his lip.
"What about both of us?" He chimed, something in his eyes made tour stomach warm. Maybe it was the underlying danger or the arousal but yoh nodded.
"Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt- It's a celebration afterall" You blushed, drinking more of the rum in your glass. The alcohol making your head buzz and warmth filled your body.
Mihawk squeezed your thigh as you were still seated on his lap.
"Deplorable as usual-" Mihawk grumbled, but his gaze did fall to you as you sat there blushing in-between the two men. His golden eyes practically staring through your soul, reaching forward and taking a peice of your hair in his hands and messing with it- Like he was trying to decide to go through with it. Once your big beautiful eyes settled on his, he sighed almost defeatedly.
"But I suppose a bit of sharing wouldn't be the worse" He said softly. Shanks smiling widely as he heard this and gave a proud laugh. Patting Mihawk shoulder in joy.
Shanks was the first to stand, pulling you up to your feet. Mihawks hand on the small of your back and lead you out of the bar and towards the inn. Mihawk tossing down some berry and guided you up to the given room.
Author Note!: ⚠️ Final Warning ⚠️ Once you go past this line. THERE IS NO RETURN! ITS ABOUT TO GET INFERNO SPICY- 18+ ultra mature!
Shanks and Mihawk stood on either side of you. Shanks was the first one to kiss you, it was gentle at first sweet even. It wasn't till you felt a tug on your blouse that the sweet kiss was broke, feeling him pull off your blouse as you felt your pants fall down to the floor. Realizing Mihawk had taken the time to undo them, along with your bra as Shanks smiled and pulled down your underwear. Blushing you felt a push as you fell onto the bed behind you.
You were laid there on the soft comforters of the local Inns bed, Blushing as the warm lights of the lanterns barely lit the room. But you could make out the two men staring at you like you were fresh prey infront of two hungry carnivores.
"How shall we go about this Hawkeye? Maybe a good game of tag?" Shanks said with a wicked smiled, Mihawk smirking as his gaze never left you and nodded.
Mihawk too the left while Shanks moved forward climbing into the bed with a grin as he found himself between your legs.
"He can't help but put everything in his mouth Darling" Mihawk said calmly playing with your hair as you moaned helplessly against his chest, Watching your face contort and shift from Shanks pleasurable torture. You could feel Shanks smirk between your legs as his mouth wrapped around your clit and sucked hard, crying out in pleasure as Mihawk captured your lips in a deep kiss. Wine filled your senses as you accepted the kiss, feeling him hungry mouth dominate your own.
Pulling away as Shanks pulled your hips with his arm, bringing your core closer as he seemed too lost in his meal to be concerned with the lost kiss between you and Hawkeye-
At being pulled down your face sliding down Mihawk's chest and to his waist, Blushing deeply as you laid infront of the Warlords tending pants. Mihawk smirking at your reaction as he gestured for you to proceed, not needing a cue you carefully undid his pants. Blushing as his large cock bounces out enthusiastically- opening your lips you took all of him in, Blushing at the feeling as he groaned above you.
You moaned as you bobbed your head up and down, the feeling of Shanks driving you to your upcoming orgasm, your legs starting to shake at Shanks talented mouth before he suddently pulled away. Chuckling at the whine you gave at the sensation even while Mihawk chuckled at you as well.
"Don't worry love~ I got something better~" You heard Shanks say sweetly. A shuffling of fallen clothes fell behind you as you felt Shanks hand rest on your hip and pulling you up to your knees while you chest still laid on the mattress before Mihawk.
Your thighs shake as you felt every inch of him slide into you, combined with still too high from his mouth earlier was just enough to cum right as he bottomed out. Moaning loudly against Mihawk cock and shaking.
"Aww~ She came just from me entering. So cute~" the Red head teased, making Mihawk even chuckle. Without time to even settle through your bliss you felt Ahanks hips start to move. Like a tidal wave, the shocked of ecstacy rushed through your body.
Shank hips started to sputter against you, still shaking from your previous orgasm that had your nerves on fire.
"You know I don't care for a mess Red Hair-" Mihawk grunted out, his pace quickening on your lips as you felt him hit the back of your throat, tears rolling down your cheeks as you felt Mihawk tughten his hold on your hair, pulling your lips as far down his member as possible as he came. Heat running down your throat as you felt Shanks pull out of you at the same time and spill on your back.
"Well done Darling~" Mihawk praised as he pulled himself from your mouth, smiling at the sight of you. Tears down your cheeks, lips red and bruised and panting. He pulled you up once more, this time placing you against Shanks chest.
"Very nicely done~" Shanks purred out, praising you for your skills. You only gave a bubbling moan at the sweet praise and Mihawk hands kneading your chest, drawing out moans sweet moans from you. Feeling Mihawk place kisses down your neck in reward for your moans.
"Think you can last one more round for us Sweetheart?~" Shanks sweetly asked, nodding softly even if you mind was fuzzy from your pleasure.
It felt like a blur but suddently you where on your back, Mihawk in turn sliding into you. Your back arching at the sensation as you gasped, he was bigger- Somehow or it was just how sensitive you were. As you laid there gasping you felt Shank touch your shoulder looking up as you saw his already hardened member before your lips, accepting him you felt him thrust into your mouth.
You felt your body bounce with each powerful thrust, sending Shank's cock deeper past your bruised lips. Another hard orgasm already building in your stomach as you felt Mihawk's relentless hips slam against your form,
A muffled cry left your sore throat as you felt warmth flood your mouth and core, spots scattered in your vision as you heard the muffled pants and groans of the two above you.
Mihawk was the first to pull out of you, his large hands securing you as Shanks did the same making cold air filling your lungs. Both men working gently to clean you up, whispering praise at you as they did so. Mihawk laying you down first on the cleanest part of the bed and covering your tired form in a blanket. You felt your eyes close, too tired to open them again as sleep was already starting to take over your form.
"We must share her once again" Shanks whispered, pushing some of your hair from your face. Carefully holding your waist with his hand. You could feel Mihawk nod in agreement as he settled you on his broad chest.
"I can't disagree with that" Mihawk whispered before sleep finally claimed you.
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Playing Favourites
Arsenal Women x Child!Reader
Summary: You definitely have favourites in the Arsenal squad
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Leah, as a football player, is very cool.
Leah, as a sister, is a bit annoying.
It's clear to everyone that you were the happy little accident of the family, so much younger than your siblings, but Leah especially enjoyed taking you everywhere with her.
It wasn't uncommon for her to kidnap you from Milton Keynes and make the long drive back to the Arsenal training grounds. Honestly, your parents kind of just accepted Leah's loud presence in your life without complaint.
She was quite annoying though, sometimes. Like now, when she woke you up super early to take you to practice with her.
You were grouchy and moody but looked especially cute in your Arsenal puffer jacket and your little hat.
"Come on, bean," She says, hoisting you up onto her hip as you lag behind.
"Leah," You whine," Tired."
"I know," She says," I know but we're gonna have a lot of fun today. I promise."
You groan anyway, going limp in her arms as she wanders into the locker room. She sets you on your feet as she changes and you groan again as you wander around in an exhausted haze.
You bump into Viv and give her the international sign of 'pick me up please' - grabby hands. She holds you a bit like you're a bomb about to go off but you're relieved all the same. Viv's comfortable and you're happy to rest in her arms.
Jen approaches. "Hey, baby Williamson," She says, reaching out to push your hair out of your face.
You make an annoyed noise and turn away, burying further into Viv - who relaxed slightly now that you've gotten comfortable.
"Oh, come on." Jen pops up on your other side. "You can't really be choosing Viv over me? I'm way more fun!"
You turn your head away again and shut your eyes. Your breathing slowly changes into soft puffs against Viv's collarbone and your head lulls.
Viv has to change her hold to make sure you don't go tumbling to the ground.
"Looking good Miedema!" Beth wolf whistles but Viv ignores her, focussed on making sure that your hat is firmly on your head.
You're kind of in a half-sleep state - still kind of awake to know that Viv is moving outside with you but asleep enough that when your eyes finally blink open again, you feel more well rested than when Leah got you bundled into the car this morning.
You rub at your eyes and stubbornly turn away from Leah when she comes over to grab you.
"Bean," She says in disbelief as you slip from her grasp and hide behind the better Lia's legs," Come on! Are you still upset?"
"She woke me up early," You tell Lia, who affectionately rubs a hand through your hair. "Meanie." You stick your tongue out.
Lia laughs. "Yeah, she is a meanie."
"Meanie!" You say again.
"Hey! I'm your sister! You can't call me that!"
"Meanie! Meanie! Meanie!" You stamp your feet and glare.
Lia laughs and hoists you up onto her hip when your sister goes to grab you. "Come on, bean," She says," Let's get away from this meanie!"
You spend a lot of training with Lia and you also branch out to Kyra too. You don't know her at all. She's very new to the team and she's Australian too, like Caitlin and Steph, so she's very exciting.
You kick the ball away from her, one hand wrapped tightly around her shorts so she can't run away from you.
"You're Leah's sister, right? y/n?"
You nod. "Uh-huh. You're Kyra."
"I am."
"You've got a cool accent," You say. You take her hand, swinging it back and forth," Let's be friends."
She sends you a silly smile, kneeling down to your level. "I know another little girl like you. Her name's Harper. You can't be much older."
You nod along. "Does that mean you know how to play?"
"I do know how to play. What do you want to do?"
You think for a moment before slapping her on the leg. "You're it!" You turned to run as fast as your little legs will carry you.
Kyra laughs as she runs after you, catching up to you a few times but dramatically tripping on her own feet when she's about to tag you.
You weave through the groups of girls training, ducking and dashing through their open legs so Kyra can't grab at you.
"Whoa, bean!" Steph says, grabbing you by your waist when you clamber through the gap between her legs," Be careful. I could have crushed you."
From the angle she's holding you at, you can't quite see Kyra yet. You don't know where she's going to pop out of so you try to push Steph's hands off of you, not at all in the mood to play her games.
"Whoa! You got somewhere to be, bean? You can't hang out with me?"
"Let go!" You say firmly, trying to push her hands off," Kyra's gonna get me. Let go, Steph!"
Steph sets you down at your insistence, glancing around, but doesn't quite relinquish her grip on you. "Sorry to break it to you, bean, but I think Jonas needs Kyra for something."
"Steph!" You groan as though it's her fault that Kyra could no longer find you.
"Sorry," She says," How about I play with you instead? That'll be fun, huh, bean?"
You roll your eyes, turning away. "No, Steph. You never play right."
With your game with Kyra suitably ruined by adult jobs and all of your running finally catching up to you, you end up near Lotte.
She's always nice and calm and lets you nap against when you're sleepy.
You're yawning when you finally make it over to her and the new girl. You recognise the new girl vaguely but you're very sleepy and Lotte looks nice and warm so you clamber onto her lap without thinking.
"Oh!" The new girl says, almost gasping at your sudden appearance.
"Leah's little sister," Lotte explains. She jostles you slightly. "Hey, bean, say hi to Alessia."
"Hi, Alessia," You parrot but your attention is waning and that's all the words they get out of you as you sag against Lotte's chest.
"I think I recognise her," Alessia says," Leah gave away her Euro's medal to her, after we won."
"I have all of Leah's medals," You slur, somehow still awake.
Your shirt's ridden up a bit so Alessia moves to pull it down, only to get her hands clumsily swatted away. "No," You say," No play. Sleep."
"Don't mind bean," Lotte explains," She needs a nap and Katie's favourite thing is pulling her shirt up and blowing raspberries on her stomach."
Alessia laughs and that rubs you the wrong way and you uselessly swat in her general direction. "Sleep," You insist," Night-Night."
You conk out pretty quickly on Lotte's chest when new-girl-Alessia finally quietens. You're not quite sure how long you were sleeping because you come back into awareness inside so there's no moving sun to see if you were sleeping a long time.
You recognise these arms though and you really don't want to be in them, given your rather sour start to the day. With your uncoordinated limbs, you try to push yourself away but the person holding you keeps readjusting their grip, keeping you trapped.
"No," You whine," No, wrong. Wrong."
"Wrong?" You sister laughs," What's wrong, bean?"
"Want the other Leah," You insist," Lia! Lia!"
"Give her here." You're transferred into the Lia you wants' arms and relax instantly into them, yawning and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"Oh, I see," Your actual Leah scoffed," I see, bean. Playing favourites? Really? You don't even have good taste. We all know I'm the superior LW."
"No!" You say stubbornly," Lia's the best!"
Lia laughs, hoisting you up further on her hip. "Well," She says," The bean has spoken."
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mist-touchedxiv · 3 months
Chapter 1
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A warm wind blew across the plain, a welcome touch in the desert of Thanalan. However, it didn't provide any relief to the Hyur man who was being harassed by a group of bandits.
A solid kick to his stomach caused him to gasp as the wind was driven from his lungs.
"Ye gotta lotta nerve taking a drink from OUR well, scum," purred the cruel Mi'qote woman perched on the stone lip of the well in question. The rag tag group of intimidating men and women growled in agreement. A couple of bandits roughly picked up the man by each arm, one forcefully raised his chin so he could look the leader in the eyes.
"P-please..." the man wheezed weakly as the hot dry air began to fill his lungs again. "Th-this... well is the closest.... water source.... f-for my village... We don't have much-"
One of the bandits started to dramatically boo-hoo, a poor mummer's farce of the man's dilemma.
"Oy! I keep telling ye, ye need to do comedy," squawked another bandits delightedly, the others roared with laughter in agreement.
The bandit leader lazily stretched and crossed her legs on her perch. "Just consider us members of the community who are guarding the well. We have to make our vittles too. How about... 10,000 gil a moon? We'll also take other goods and sundries if you can't afford the coin."
"Th-that's impossible," sputtered the Hyur man. "We're only a small mining town! W-we can't meet that deman-" Stars exploded across the man's vision as the Mi'qote leader slapped him across the face.
As the pain and stars receded, the Hyur numbly noticed something strange behind the bandits. The sound of a loud slurp startled the leader who hopped with incredible alacrity off the well wall with a hiss. Somehow a tall man dressed in blue Doman clothing in a large straw hat had managed to approach the group unseen in the open wasteland. The assembled group couldn't help but stare nonplussed as the stranger took another deep slurp of the cool water from the well. Next to him, a thin long package wrapped in canvas rested against the well.
For a moment, a stunned silence filled the air, punctuated only by the breeze and the squeaking of the windmill that drew the life-giving water in the well. And the stranger's noisy drinking.
"O-oy! Who the hells is this git," barked the wannabe mummer, breaking the silence after a long beat. The gang's attention was now on the newcomer and they were feeling very tense.
The stranger wiped ran his thumb along his stubbly beard as he let out a satisfied sigh. He nudged up the hat and considered them with bright blue eyes. "Just thirsty," came the reply, his voice pleasant with an accent unfamiliar in Eorzea.
"You gotta pay a toll to use OUR well," growled a scarred Elezen. "Ye would do well not to end up like this unfortunate scum." He lashed out with his foot at the man they'd been bullying but found naught but air as he had crawled away during the silence.
The stranger in blue paid them no heed as he filled up a water skin calmly. A particularly rough looking Hrothgar stomped over to him. "Ye got dust in your ears," he roared as he reached a huge hand over to grab the stranger's hat. "I'll fi-" There was a sharp crack as the stranger suddenly lashed out with inhuman speed and drove the end of the wrapped package into the throat of the Hrothgar who let out a coughing mew as he fell over, his hand taking the hat with him to reveal a mane of black hair with azure streaks and two long leoprine ears. The wrapping fell from the package to reveal what appeared to be a Garlean gunblade sheathed, but the blade was slightly shorter and appeared to be missing the barrel.
"Hells... it's a Viera male..." breathed the gang leader as the rarity of such a pretty creature registered with her. He had to be worth something. A lot of somethings. Possibly more than their water scheme. To their credit, the rest of the gang seemed to have already come to the same realization and drew their weapons and began to surround the blue stranger.
The Viera put his hand on the hilt of his blade, readying himself. "Trust me... it's not worth it," he said quietly, sensing their intentions. "Walk away." The leader let out a harsh cackle as she nocked an arrow on her bow.
"Got ye dead to rights, now be a good pretty bunny and come with us," she purred, aiming to pin his foot. Didn't want to damage the goods too much.
The wind blew.
The wind mill creaked.
The villains brandished their weapons with unspoken threats of violence.
Crystalline blue eyes regarded their surroundings.
Suddenly, the wind died and the Mi'qote let the arrow loose.
Her aim was true, but the target was gone. In a flash of steel, the man had seemed to dance his way through the ring of bandits with the grace and power of a surging river. The Mi'qote blinked surprised, suddenly spinning around to find the Viera behind her.
She snarled "I got ye no-" She suddenly realized that her bow was no longer stringed, having been cut during the mad dance of the swordsman. With a definitive click as he fully sheathed his blade again, the ground shook slightly as the whole gang crumpled to the dirt. They were still breathing but were not having a good time.
Time seemed to standstill for eternity. Then the wind blew again and brought them back to the present.
".... Go," ordered the Viera and the gang complied, disappearing in a cloud of dust.
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── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗵𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗲
paring: yelena belova x gn!reader
tag(s): fluff, kinda sad, hurt/comfort, a bit of angst but not really (?), i love yel so much, she deserves the whole universe, it almost made me cry for some reason, i fucking love cinnamon girl
warning(s): grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 1.1k
note: i'm so happy with this one, it got me so emotional, i hope you guys like it as well. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. LOVE YOU ALL! <3
requests are open! + check my rule here + masterlist <3
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You knew she had it pretty shitty growing, ‘pretty shitty’ didn’t even begin to describe her entire childhood.
She had the worst of the worst. Her entire life was a lie, the only normal days of her life were completely bullshit. So you completely understood her trust issues, her need to cut you off and distance herself from you. You understood why she did everything she could to push you away, but still you refuse to leave her side.
Yelena had a hard time admitting it aloud, but she needed you as much as her lungs needed oxygen, as much as a fish needs water, as much as a plant needs sunlight. But she was scared, scared of herself, of you, of her feelings. Everything was new to her, she needed time to adjust, to understand, to learn. But another part of her, the girl trapped in the red room, didn’t want any of it. That girl believed that it was better to be alone in this big cold world than have someone by her side, someone who would ultimately turn their back on her. And it would all be a big fat lie all over again.
Your mind trailed back to the very first argument the two of you had had. You couldn’t remember exactly what the point of it was, long forgotten in your memory. But what stuck with you was her choice of words.
“Oh, my god! Just leave! Leave like the rest of them,” she yelled at you, tears stung her eyes.
And at that moment everything became crystal clear, she wanted that fight. She had been looking for a way for you to leave her easily, a way out for you that would cause you no harm, all while she had to bare it for herself. That was how she wanted it, she preferred to hurt alone than have someone by her side who would ultimately shatter her to pieces.
You stood there for a second, raised your head tall and found her eyes.
“I’m not leaving,” slowly you moved closer to her, your hand reaching out for hers. “You hear me? I am not leaving,” you repeated, carefully saying every word so she would understand. “I am not going anywhere, okay? I’m right here.”
Her eyes were fixed on you, tears already rolling down her cheeks, and then she crumbled into your arms. You held her tight against your chest, caressing her hair, whispering sweet nothings.
You felt warm spreading through your chest at the memory, snuggling your head into the crook of her neck, seeking for her warmth. You closed your eyes as another memory came to your mind.
“I just… I don't think this is going to work out,” she said, her russian accent got thicker as she spoke slowly.
“What? The movie?” you chuckled, clueless as to what she was referring to.
“Us, Y/n. I don’t think we are going to work out,” this time she had the courage to look at you.
“And why is that?” you knew why she was saying it, but sometimes you knew she needed to express her feelings so you could say the words she needed to hear.
“You know why. I carry a lot of shit, and it’s not fair for you or me to be in this situation. I believe it would be better if we just—.”
You cut her off, not waiting to hear anymore. “Would you like that? Would you like for me to leave right now? Just say the world and I will,” you said, not angry, not hurt, more like you stated.
“I… I mean…,” she didn’t find the words because she didn’t want you to leave, but she couldn't admit it aloud.
“You know what, Yel, you try to push me out. But I just find my way back in,” you cupped her cheeks and she closed her eyes, finding comfort in your touch. “Everytime you find reasons for me to walk away, I just find more reasons to stay,” a tear rolled down her cheek which you gently wiped away with your thumb. “I already told you, Yelena. But I will keep on repeating it as many times as you need to hear it: I am not going anywhere. You are stuck with me, okay? You are not getting rid of me that easily,” you joked in hopes that she would find the last part funny.
She did, she giggled as her eyes shot open to find yours already looking at hers. She pecked your lips once, then twice, as if making sure you were real. And once you didn’t evaporate in front of her eyes, she properly kissed you, rough cold lips against soft warm lips.
You smiled at the memory, as another one popped in your brain.
“You know this is new to me right?” she whispered, not sure if you were already sleeping or wide awake.
“What? Cuddling?” you joked, turning around to face her.
“Ha, ha, very funny. Not that, this,” she gestured around with her hands, but she wasn’t referring to the place.
“I know… I know,” you whispered, trailing the features of her face with your fingertips.
“Like…,” she struggled to find the right words. “Like if you hold me without hurting me, you’ll be the first who ever did.”
Your heart sank at her words. How can someone so perfect as her, so worthy, so full of life be as broken as her. She didn’t deserve this, any of it. If you could just give her, the sky, the stars, the sun, the moon and the entire universe, you would. She deserved that and more. But you couldn’t, so you had to settle to love her in every way you possibly could.
“I’m deeply sorry, my love. I truly am. But I’m here now, okay?” you leaned into her. “I’m here and I will always be. You won’t ever have to be alone again.”
“Hold me, love me, touch me, honey,” she embraced you tightly. “Be the first who ever did,” she kissed the top of your head, letting sleep take over her.
A tear rolled down your cheek at the memory, which Yelena noticed as the drop landed on her shirt.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” her soft raspy voice reached your ears.
“Oh, nothing,” you sat on the bed, quickly wiping away your single tear. “I was just thinking,” you chuckled.
“What were you thinking about?” she smiled at you, but you could sense some worry in her tone.
“I was just thinking how lucky I am to be here with you,” you sniffled, looking at her with loving eyes. “Hey do you wanna go out? I want to take you out on a date,” a smile formed on your face.
“What for?” she chuckled, cupping your cheek.
“Can’t I just take my lovely girlfriend out on a date?” you couldn't hold back the smile on your face. “Come on, get your sexy ass off of the bed, I’m taking you out.”
“Okay, okay, I’m going,” she said, unable to hold back her smile as well.
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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cerezzzita · 1 year
Howdy howdy.
A little birdie told me requests were open and I had to ask: Can I request Dante with a s/o who’s a cowboy-themed devil hunter?
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notes: and howdy back at you, Rodeo! my, can you guys believe that Rodeo, one of my favorite DMC writers of Tumblr, is here on my humble blog? geez, I got so so happy once I saw you here, please feel very welcome on my lil silly saloon!
this was very fun to make, not gonna lie, took most of the inspiration at my full-time Overwatch's Cowboy (a.k.a Cole Cassidy) lover period, and yeah, Dante with a Cowboy Devil Hunter s/o would be very funny to see hehehehe
i hope you enjoy the ride, Rodeo! <3
♡ tags: gender-neutral reader, no use of pronouns, no description of reader's appearance, Cowboy word is gender-neutral as well because yes everybody can be a Cowboy, some fluff I guess, Dante loves you so much and the end have a itty bitty angsty moment.
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ⓘ gif's not mine!!
This man is over the moon, that's for sure.
We all know Dante had/have a thing for western-themed things (we're all looking at his chaps and cowboy boots in DMC4 at the moment), now imagine him having a S/O who's literally a Cowboy?
He's definitely lovestruck. 
Thinks you're badass, you are badass and no one's changing his mind.
Always mouth wide open of how impressed he is seeing you in action.
Now cut for him showing off as usual so he can impress you too. Don't we all love this man? 
He will wear Dr. Faust most 100% of the time you two go out on missions together. 
"Look, sugar! We match!"
Also had a blast of glee when you wore Dr. Faust once. 
Oh, and he'll wear — not to say steal — your hat too. Loving is sharing. 
Silly goofy cowboy-themed nicknames for you, but most are just romantic and/or cute. 
"I'm your huckleberry, honeypie~" "Indeed, you are, Dante." 
If you ever have a Southern accent, you'll see Dante blushing from pink to cherry-red when you're speaking. He thinks you're voice is so sensual.
Also, yes, please sweet-talk to him — whether in public or not, much for Vergil's dismay —, he'll be a happy demon purring puddle. 
"Who's my lil, sweet daredevil?" (Cut for Dante purring on the background)
Tell me you have a Devil Arm that's a lasso, by the love of Sparda. He'll be astonished and even more over the moon. 
And sure, he'll convince you — a.k.a make his infamous puppy dog eyes — to let him use it.
Yet he also planned to got stuck by it so he can flirt with you. 
"Looks like you got your price, honeysuckle?" "Dante, please, we're in the middle of a mission—"
It doesn't really matter how many Devil Arms you have on store, Dante will convince you to let him use, even if it's just for a bit. He'll let you use his, too, and yes he's mesmerized as heck seeing your proficiency with them. 
I dare to say, he's even more in love with you. 
Let's enter the angst field for a bit, with the classic "Dante knows you're badass yet he's afraid to lose you". He knows you're capable and strong, hell, that's one of the reasons he fell for you; but goddamn, what if you got hurt and he's not there to give you cover as he always does? Fuck, he doesn't even wanna think of the day you decide you're better off without him. 
"My ridin' will always have you there, Dante. Y'know I love you with my heart and soul of coal, honeybun."
He's crying and he's hugging you like it was the last time, that's for sure. He loves you like a country love song. 
Overall, Dante's your huckleberry, you're his honeypie, the love of his life, the step on his groove because you're so smooth. Have a very fun ride with this devilish cowboy! 
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cerezzzita©, 2023 · all rights reserved ⓘ do not copy, edit, steal or claim as yours | reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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Mixture Of Headcanons - Maxime Le Mal
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Requested by: Nobody
Warnings: Sexual headcanons below NSFW cut
Readers Gender: Gender Neutral
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Fanfic Genre: SFW and NSFW
Word Count: 737
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A/N: As I'm writing this, I feel a tad embarrassed and confused that somehow a badly written French cockroach villian man pulled me out of my 2-3 year writer's block. Wtf-
Anywaysss, onto the regular headcanons and some relationship headcanons, a mixture of things.... for this whimpy whiney shit (I say this lovingly.)
[Headcanons and some ramblings in the tags contain some spoilers. If you haven't watched DM4 yet feel free to swipe by this]
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• Mans will not shut the fuck up about himself, how great he is and how everyone else fucking sucks and he's perfect in every way. VERY sassy, self absorbed, snobby, has anger problems (obvious), and secretly clingy. He thinks he's the shit. You'll just have to... "indulge him" by listening to every small thing he got bothered by that day. Every little thing can set him off. Cannot let grudges go.
• Obviously his thing is that he talks with his hands... a lot. It's one of many ways to tell what type of mood he's in at that moment. Frantic, heavy hand movements, and fingers twitching? He mad. Quick bursts of movement, doing quick little claps and finger tapping? For sure in a good mood.
• Maxime cannot hide his emotions, like at all. One of his weaknesses. He's VERY animated with his body language and voice.
• Many people will not agree with this one, so bare with me. From my own observation he has many traits and behaviours of someone who has a undiagnosed narcissistic disorder, or some other type of undiagnosed personality disorder. [This is just a headcanon of mine please don't jump me- 😭]
• By his fascination and obsession with bugs, I wouldn't be surprised if he was autistic or ADHD... or not, idk. He kinda act like me fr.
• I can imagine when he was still partly cockroach he wore gloves due to increased sensitivity, before the transformation he only wore them as a fashion choice. After AVL de-transformed him, they couldn't reverse everything. What was left was the antennas, some of his strength, and the heightened sensitivity - even afterward he still continues to wear gloves to prevent himself from overwhelming his senses.
• Seen many people theorise that Maxime feels phantom pain often and a great need to spread his non-existent wings and extra limbs after the de-transformation. It makes a lot of sense... It's quite interesting, as sad as it is...
• Fixing, fiddling, and tinkering with anything is one his ways to calm down, also could be considered a type of stim. Uses his cane for the same purpose. Maxime has to fiddle with something in his hands or he'll get absolutely fidgety and agitated with the extra amount of energy he has built up. Often wants someone to be by him as he tinkers and talks away.
• Has a fine taste in fashion (maybe not the giant ahs green coat he has.. but it find it cute.) The outfit he has at the end of the movie though? GAWDDDDDD where do I ever start? BLUEEE IS HIS COLOURRR. (Alsoooo I 100% believe his outfit was inspired by Balthazar Bratt, btw-)
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NSFW below the cut! Don't read if it makes you uncomfy.
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• Soooo his voice... he's well aware people find accents a turn on, so uses it to his advantage when he sees fit ...And on his partner especially (let's just pretend Valentina isn't in the picture). Often when he wants their attention he slows his speech, making sure to drag out every word he says as he flirts with them, letting his French accent go on full force - seeing if he can get any reaction of them. As he does he impulsively switched between English and French. If his partner don't know a single bit of French.... Just for fun he'd speak so many dirty words to them in French, often leaving them confused trying to figure out what he just said to them. If they do speak French like he does, it's fair game. If he doesn't get a reaction out of his partner, he'll keep being persistent til they do, the man does NOT give up easy. (Being mean and teasing his partner is 100% his love language.)
(If his partner have a voice kink, and Maxime finds out, good luck never having a moment of silence ever again-)
• Maxime's kisses are so divine. IT'S not because he's french and that's the stereotype... But he certainly does live up to it. How he kisses his partner can determine how he's feeling in that moment, either wanting attention and love from them... or more, his kisses leaving them a gasp every time. There's never a dull moment, especially when he dips them out of nowhere to give them the best french kisses... Also best be careful, he bites. ;)
• I can see him being the type of man to not rush things, but make it so painfully saken slow for his partner til they break and can't stand it. He loves to be in control, and controlling when his partner can have what they desperately need for some sort of release... He thrives off of it. Torturing them and watching his partner squirm and beg is one of his greatest pleasures.
(If his partner "wrestles with him" and wins, which most of the time unlikely... Maxime's all theirs, their in control now. His partner can do whatever to him.... But careful, he likes to fight back.)
• Will make his partner suffer by making them watch him please himself, knowing how much his partner needs him and want to please him as they watch, struggling to stay put. He just smirks and chuckles the whole time, his accent tickling his partner's ears, adding even more to the torture and pleasure they'd feel later on.
• With how expressive he is, he does not hide it at all in the bedroom. From groans, moans, growls, whines - this man does everything. He feels no shame showing his partner how much they affect him. The look of amusement that covers his partner's features hearing him being so loud gets him even more turned on.
• Is very grabby. By the end of it his partner will be covered in scratches, bruises, hickies, and bite marks. Maxime is surprisingly stronger than he looks, easily pinning his partner down with his skinny frame. Can grip too hard sometimes. When this man gets horny.. HE'S horny.
• Maxime's antennas are extremely sensitive... According to him in DM4. I can imagine them being an extremely sensitive erectile zone if rubbed just right. Depending on his mood it can either go both ways - a wholesome cuddle session with his partner... Or they'll be in either of each other's lair for the rest of the day not leaving the bedroom.... His partner is in for an aggressive, loving ride. I can imagine his antennas twitching more too.
• Maxime is thicker than most. Has an average length just enough to be comfortable with, but his girth will definitely take some getting used to at first. It starts curved upward from the middle, has many veins and textures for his partner to experience.
• Is a very cleanzy man, trims himself quite nicely just enough to have lovely peach fuzz.
• If his eye twitches when he's angry..... Imagine it twitching as he gets close, ahahahah...
• Again, WILL NOT, shut up. Not a single moment will there ever be a silent moment. Talks SOO much shit, so much filth it can honestly get overwhelming with how much he is saying as he pounds into his partner. He's such a little shit as he does this. He knows exactly what to say to get them squirming, whimpering and their blood pumping.
• It's hard to understand him half the time - his English words getting mixed with his native tongue French. In the heat of the moment it's incredible to see, seeing him get so into the intimate moment between his partner that his words get all jumbled up because of them~
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A/N: I have so many more ideas and theories for this french fella. I may or may not write more.... If the people demand for it... 👀👉👈 (Hold me accountable plz I'd hate to go into an writer's block again-) I'm pretty rusty from writing atm I'll probably rewrite this a bit later.
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sansxfuckyou · 3 months
lazy day
summary: Tango goes to work sick, his lovers/co-workers do not approve of this and take it upon themselves to help him feel better
tags: mild sickfic, cuddling, just a lot of fluff!
authors note: yes this is propaganda for the @tangotekshipbracket yes i am once again asking you all to vote Poly Postal, remember kids! for every round they advance i'll write a fic for them! that said hope ya enjoy
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Tango feels like shit. Stuffiness blocking up his head and an achy throb in his veins. He hasn't gotten sick like this in a long time, he was sure that the body heat would burn out any illness before it could take effect.
Guess not.
He still trudges to the post office on shaky feet, he's gotta make it to work. He needs to. They can't be the Postal Pals if he isn't there to be the third member.
But when he arrives they don't look happy to see him, Etho's fur stands on end and Pearl looks vaguely horrified. Is he reverting to something less human? Is he still a human? Or is he just really, really sick?
"Tango what are you doing here?" Pearl asked as she practically ran over to him, holding his face gently only to recoil at the heat.
"I'm here to do some work," Tango answered with curtly.
"God, Tango, you look like shit," Etho sighed out.
"You don't need to come to work if you're sick," Pearl said, practically urging that he doesn't. Is he gonna listen to her? Pshaw, no way, he's got work to do.
"I'll just do less today," Tango said, "C'mon, I'm fine."
"You're a fire hazard right now," Pearl laughed a bit as she spoke, "Tango, go take a soak or something, cool off for a bit."
"No buts! I'm calling off the days work so we can go swim the lake."
"I didn't bring a bathing suit..."
"I have spare suits for all of us so you can get it wet."
A cold soak doesn't work miracles in the way Pearl hoped it would but it definitely cleared up the congestion in Tango's head. He looks less like he'll keel over at any given moment and more like he just needs a nap.
"Feel any better?" Etho asked from the shore, refusing to submerge himself any further than the knees because it takes forever for all nine tails to dry out. He enjoys watching Pearl and Tango float in the deeper end regardless of that.
Tango raises a hand to give a thumbs up from where he rest laid on Pearl's back. She also gives a thumbs up from where she floats just under the surface, fully submerged aside from the fin on her tail. Sea creatures, Etho doesn't understand them.
"The waters great!" Tango called out voice still somewhat hoarse but enthusiastic regardless.
"I'm sure it is!" Etho called back to Tango.
Pearl swam her way back to the surface, holding up Tango so he wouldn't sink. "Really, Etho! It's amazing, you gotta try it!"
"I think I'll have to pass," Etho said, "Takes forever to get my tails dried off."
"I can help!" Tango said.
"You're sick!" Etho shot back.
"Burning off excess heat helps make me not as sick."
"Alright, alright, I'll do some swimming."
Both Pearl and Tango shout a brief 'yay!' as they watch Etho trudge ever closer before reverting to doggypaddling out to the deeper ends. His tails float on top of the water until he flops onto his back to starfish float.
"Happy?" Etho asked.
"Very," Tango answered with.
Pearl splashed Etho with water and watched with glee as he sputtered and tried to splash her back.
Etho spends the rest of the day chatting with Pearl, Tango curled up in the expanse of his tails. Slowly but surely drying them off, water evaporating under the heat of his body. Potential illness be damned Etho wouldn't deny a free snuggle session, especially not with Pearl painting his nails at the same time.
Bright colors, brighter than expected on him. A simple striking red with a white accent on his pointer finger. He liked it, reminded him of home.
"Hey, Tango?" Etho began quietly, shifting a tail as he spoke.
Tango gave a small sleepy sound, "Yeah?"
"How you holding up, bud?" Etho asked.
"'M still sick, feeling better though," Tango answered with before curling up even more in the coils of Etho's tails, his arms wrapped around Etho's waist.
"Don't worry, we'll be here all day long for ya," Pearl said with a grin on her face.
Tango lets out a small laugh-esque sound against Etho's back, "Love you guys."
"Love you too," Pearl said, "So does Etho."
"Yep," Etho said as he propped a tail a bit more to act as a pillow for Tango's head. Sick as he may be this is nice, they'd rather be doing this then doing work any day of the week.
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
Sun (Papa Emeritus x g/n reader)
Summary: Papa casts away the demons that haunt you tonight and stays with you until sunrise.
Tags: Rated T. Any Papa you want. Mentions of depression and/or non specified mental illness, self-esteem issues and self hate. Hurt/ comfort. A bit of fluff. Papa being soft.
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A warm embrace in a cold night, a desperate attempt to soothe the emptiness inside your guts.
You count.
Papa doesn't let go. Inhaling deeply, the air burns inside your lungs. It lacks oxygen, substance. No matter how much your abdomen moves with every breath, nothing fills the void.
Not even his warmth, no even his heartbeat in your ears.
"It's starting to get bad again, Papa," you whisper out into the night, a shameful, bitter confession full of fear and anger. Things were getting better, or so you thought. Maybe it was just a lie you repeated to yourself until it was easier to mistake it for the truth. "It's getting really bad again."
The restlessness, the voices inside your mind, the untamed chorus of self depreciation and hate... All is coming back to meet you at the edge of the abyss, ready to push you back at the bottom.
"I know, amore. I know. Mi dispiace tantissimo, dal profondo del mio cuore."
Papa's voice is a whisper, thick accent coating the words. Like a blanket, they weigh over your body, caressing the cold skin. You bury in them, desperately searching for any heat. His heartbeat is loud, so loud. You count.
One. Two. Three.
Four. Five. Six.
Through the window, the first rays of the sun peak over the horizon bathing the grass in a golden shine. The morning dew rises, mist coating the plants and lingering over the earth before dying in the new light.
Papa doesn't let go. Arms tight on your body, he squeezes so hard until, if only for a moment, the emptiness in your ribcage subsides. That chronic black hole between your heart and stomach never dies, thought. It doesn't matter what you feed it, it's always there, walking side by side with you, consuming and devouring your essence to the very core and leaving an empty shell behind.
Nothing kills the emptiness. Friends, family, money, food, TV shows and books, new obsessions... It's all useless, nothing but a temporary distraction that will allow you say you're actually getting better this time.
But it's just that. A lie.
You're a liar.
And still, Papa doesn't let go. Gloved hands caressing your hair, he whispers sweet nothings on your scalp. His warm breath hits your skin, sending shivers down your spine. His voice is soft, matching his words, and he shushes over your babbling with ease.
"No need to apologize. Ti amo così tanto, e ti amerò per sempre, no matter what."
As sweet as they are, those words feel like daggers in your chest. You don't deserve him, a voice says in your mind. He deserves someone better, someone stable, happier.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with me, Papa. I don't deserve you," you confess, like a sin. The tears are salty in your mouth, cold on your cheeks. His gloves clean them off, hot palms cupping your face as his thumbs caress over the bone.
"Ma dai! There's nothing to be sorry about, don't say that. I'm here because I want to be, si? Not even death could do us apart, for I'll call your name forever."
The sun rays sneak through the thick curtains, hitting your eyes and falling on his face. Under the golden shine, Papa looks ethereal, magnificent and full of love and devotion towards you. His fingers linger on your face, holding your head steady as he leans to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"If you can't take a step forward, stay right were you are. I'll meet you anywhere, amore. And when you're ready to continue, I'll gladly be your guide into the dark. You'll never walk alone." Papa continues, words whispered into your hair. His embrace is soft, just like his promises of eternal love.
Breathless, you nod. Closing your eyes, your nails dig on his shoulders and back as he sways his body slowly, rocking you with him.
One step, then two. You count.
One, two, three,four.
Papa's arms sneak down your back, clasp around your waist.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Gradually, through an aching heart and weak limbs, you inhale and let your body go limp on his, allowing him to pull you towards the bed. A heavy blanket is placed around your torso. It smells of incense and perfume, just like him.
The sun is high on the sky when you close your eyes, tears coating your lashes. Papa is still whispering in your ears, humming the melody of a long forgotten song.
When the night dies, allowing a new day to take over, you drown in his warm embrace. The emptiness is still there, dormant, but at least for today you find solace in the promise of a new sunrise.
PD: I'm going through it and wrote this mostly to myself, but it might bring at least a bit of comfort to some of you too. I hope you are doing well &lt;3
Asks are open if you wanna say something. Sorry if this is not that good, I wrote this in my phone at midnight.
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anamoon63 · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC!
For this one I chose Anika, she was born in game, but she's the daughter of Allan Wilson, my most important Sims 4 OC, (if not the only one, lol), so I consider her an OC as well.
I was tagged by @matchalovertrait. Thank you very much for thinking of me. 🤗💗
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Anika Wilson
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Anika's greatest fear is losing her parents, especially Allan, with whom she's very close.
Do they have any pet peeves?
She hates school, mostly doing homework, lol.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Her phone, her computer, and her diary (all three indispensable to her).
What do they notice first in a person?
The way they look, and whether they're kind or not.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
If it is physical pain, maybe a 5, if it is emotional, due to her difficult childhood and her parents' problems, she has developed some tolerance, so it would probably be an 8.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
It depends on the situation, if there are many people around, it is almost always flight mode.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Anika's family (The Wilsons) is rather large, six in total. She's definitely a family person and loves her own.
What animal represents them best?
Probably a cat, because she is a bit spoiled, requires a lot of attention, and sometimes isn't very sociable.
What is a smell that they dislike?
She hates the smell of alcoholic drinks, as they bring back very bad memories.
Have they broken any bones?
No, and let's hope it never happens to her.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Daddy's girl, a little spoiled, shy, cute and smart.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
A morning bird, mostly.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
She loves everything sweet and dislikes bitter flavors.
Do they have any hobbies?
Yes, she likes to read, write and paint.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Anika is rather shy and not very sociable, so she doesn't enjoy parties much, let alone surprises. She hates awkward or embarrassing situations, so she prefers to know what is going to happen at every moment.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Not really, just her earrings and occasionally a watch, but Anika focuses more on clothing than accessories.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
More like messy. Although she loves to write and, as a child, her greatest dream was to become a writer.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Energized and Flirty. (In game emotions)
Do they have a favorite fabric?
None in particular, but she likes fabrics that are pretty and comfortable.
What kind of accent do they have?
Wow, I really don't know, but I imagine living in Del Sol Valley must be something like living in Hollywood, California, so a California accent, maybe? 🤔
And that would be all, note that some of my answers came more out of how I imagine my character, rather than what you can actually see in game.
Bonus: Two more pictures of Anika, with her siblings at high school prom, and with her beloved Alexander.
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Thank you so much again @matchalovertrait for tagging me, this was a lot of fun! 🥰
I'm tagging @expirisims, @changingplumbob, @berrycactus, @bool-prop, @dandylion240, @kimmiessimmies , @nocturnalazure, @sweetpyxels, @treason-and-plot , @miss-may-i , @sharona-sims and anyone else who wants to do this. ☺️
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blues824 · 2 years
Hi, I’m having a rlly bad day with a certain person in my life yelling so much. Could I have a Simeon comforting the reader please? (If you can, could you add Mammon, Satan, and Beel?) I’m just tired of them yelling at me for being stupid and then asking me why I have a low self esteem :’)
If you can’t, it’s completely fine!
I've had that experience, and I don't really have any advice. Just know that you, my Will-o'-the-Wisp, hold a very dear place in my heart. You are beautiful, you are smart, and you are kind.
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When he sees you crying in your room, you bet your ass that he is going to be angry at whoever made you angry. 
However, you take first priority and he will pick you up in his arms (size doesn’t matter; he’s a demon, he can carry anybody)
He will carry you to his room, where he will calm you down to the point where you are able to speak again.
Then, he will give you two choices: watch movies or go on a drive with him to forget about whoever yelled at you and made you upset
If you chose to watch movies, he will put on any movie of your choice on and will cuddle you on the couch
He will give you a back massage so that you can relax and truly enjoy the film.
Mammon lays you down on top of him and places your head on his chest so that you can listen to his heartbeat.
Eventually, you are lulled to sleep and Mammon spends his time admiring how peaceful you looked after a stressful and emotional day.
If you choose to go on a drive with him, he will give you permission to be the DJ and you both just scream the lyrics to a few songs
He will drive as long as you want him to, and he doesn’t even complain about how much gas costs because you are more important to him than any price tag.
He will snap a few pictures when you fall asleep in the passenger’s seat, but he won’t post it anywhere. No one besides him gets to see you this vulnerable.
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He was angrier than Mammon when he saw the tears running down your angelic (see what I did here?) face
His hands gently went to wipe your tears away and calm you down with his surprisingly soft touch, despite the wrath that was burning within him.
Satan will gently lead you to his room, where he clears his bed and lays you down. He will shush you if you try to explain why you are sad.
In his mind, it doesn’t matter why you are upset; what matters is that he needs to either cheer you up or allow you to go to sleep.
Either way, he is reading to you after he places a warm, damp cloth on your eyes to help the muscles around your eyes relax.
If you choose the funny book, then he will use different pitches and accents to portray the different characters to get you to laugh… or at least smile.
To Satan, there was no other sight as beautiful as you with an amused grin on your face.
If you choose the relaxing book, then he will use a very calm tone to read to you. It’s probably something like Winterwood or something.
No matter what you chose, once you were on the brink of falling asleep, you called him over to lay and cuddle with you.
Mans all but dove under the covers and pulled your body towards him, happy that he succeeded in his mission to make you feel better.
This was just another piece of evidence for him to realize that he isn’t just Wrath, but he’s Satan; two completely different entities. After all, he was able to cheer you up instead of acting on his anger towards whoever made you upset in the first place.
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He is worried when he sees you running to him with tears in your eyes, and he receives your charge with open arms
He will pick you up with ease and carry you out of the kitchen (which was where you were) and take you to his room where he places you on his bed and asks what’s wrong.
If you choose to tell him, then he will listen to you with his undivided attention. He will wipe the tears from your eyes as well.
He brings out a huge bin of snacks that he saves for moments like these (he forces himself not to eat them for you)
The only question is what you wanna do: do you want to watch something or just sleep? Whatever makes you less upset, Y/N.
If you choose the show, then it will most likely be an episode of Heaven’s Kitchen, starring Rordan Gamsey. 
When you see the celebrity going around and insulting people, you start laughing because of how creative the names are.
If you choose to just go to sleep, Beel will place your head on his broad chest and you will go up and down along with it as he breathes.
You fall asleep first since Beel is a bit busy quietly finishing the snacks you didn’t eat, but he doesn’t feel very hungry either way.
Either way, he is glad that you are a bit happier than you originally were. It means he did his job as your boyfriend
All in all, pretty good comfort character. 10/10 would recommend.
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He was a bit concerned when he got a text from you asking him to come over to the House of Lamentation 
When he gets to your room and hears sniffling coming from the other side, he gently opens the door to see you curled up on your bed and crying.
He rushes over and pulls you into his arms. When you realized that it was Simeon, you buried yourself into his chest.
He briefly pulls away and takes your face into his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs and placing kisses all around your face.
Then he gives you a choice: you both can either stay there until you fall asleep, or you can come with him to Purgatory Hall and sleep there.
If you choose to stay, Simeon asks Solomon to pack a bag for him and bring it over. Ain’t no way he is going to leave you alone for even a second.
As you both lay in your bed, he will pull you close to him and quietly talk to you. His calming voice never fails to soothe you.
Eventually, you fall asleep. Simeon couldn’t help but think you were absolutely adorable, and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before falling asleep himself.
If you choose to go over to Purgatory Hall instead, then he will tell the other two residents that you were staying over.
Upon arrival, you get a tight squeeze from a small angel. There’s also cupcakes waiting for you on the counter.
The older angel brings the treats and you to his room, where he tells everyone to not disturb either of you. 
From there, he will lead you to his bed, where you get in first. He follows suit and wraps his arms around your torso.
Either way, you fall asleep and Simeon feels accomplished as an archangel. He saved a human from emotional distress, a human that he loves by the way.
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queenlua · 1 month
Writer interview game
tagged by @ultrakatua , hello thank you i’m a slut for attention
(if you're reading this you should feel free to consider yourself tagged, even/especially if you feel like you don't know me that well!)
When did you start writing?
Since I was pretty little… my 1st/2nd grade teacher had this thing where everyone had to write something in their journal every morning and I was SUPER tryhard about it, and when she told us we didn’t have to write about our lives, we could write about ANYTHING, I definitely started making up wild stories n shit
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I read anything and everything. I guess I wouldn’t be a very good writer of big nonfiction history tomes, but that’s mostly because it requires, y’know, knowing a lot of history first; if I had that knowledge it seems like it’d be fun to try!
I used to say “I could never write a mystery” but then I read Tana French and was like ooooh maybe mysteries are cool actually so. huh. i guess i can imagine myself trying to write just about anything once. (in practice i mostly end up writing a combination of moody litfic and shlocky scifi/fantasy)
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I’ve occasionally tried to actively emulate a specific author’s style, but that kind of thing feels kind of hard to sustain for more than the length of a writing exercise. it's kind of like trying to talk with a different accent. like, sure, you CAN train yourself to talk a different way… but i like how i talk fine, i’m too lazy to change :P
i dunno if i’ve heard many ppl comparing my writing to Actual Authors! and i lack the objectivity to figure it out myself haha
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
i do the Truman Capote thing where i mostly write lying down (but on a couch instead of in bed b/c partner is an extremely light sleeper and i do most my writing between midnight and 4am lol)
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
god i wish i knew!!! then maybe i’d be able to muster it up on demand!!!
(in fanficland i seem to tend to glom onto a specific character and then just write ten fics Examining That Character From Every Angle. in origficland it’s that but usually with some sort of archetype or folktale or something that i’ve become briefly obsessed with)
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
…I did have a moment earlier this month where I typed a line of dialogue, thought to myself “that sounds faintly familiar hm,” did a ctrl+f on my computer, and discovered I’d used a very similar line of dialogue in an abandoned WIP from seven years ago, in a scenario VERY THEMATICALLY/SITUATIONALLY familiar to the WIP i was working on, and i was like. oh my god. i so have a Type why am i like this
(in this particular situation the Theme & Variation was along the lines of “doing a Horrible Thing under duress but also none of these other fucks are willing or able to do it so i guess i gotta, jfc.” skimming over my past few pieces, inasmuch as there’s any commonality between them, i think i can point at, like… “feeling trapped by a mostly-internal sense of obligation that is nonetheless *experienced* as though it were external,” “people talking past each other for very good yet nonetheless tragic reasons,” “clueless rich guys,” “angry women contemplating murder”)
((wait, also: awful dinner parties and awful sex. fuck, why didn’t i lead with that one. i want to write awful dinner parties and bad sex for the entire rest of my life))
What is your reason for writing?
passes time between now and the grave
(less glibly: i get pretty unhappy if i go a long time without Making something, and of all my creative-ish abilities, writing is the one i find most satisfying)
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Once I finished playing a game, thought to myself “that was good but I really want backstory for [character] and actually I’m pretty sure I have the only correct take on said backstory,” and then proceeded to write that fic. A commenter came in saying “hey I came here because I was really craving backstory for [character] and now I can stop reading because yours is clearly The One that I was looking for, thanks." That felt really good! how often have i had to write a fic, not because I wanted to, but because NO ONE ELSE had written the one I wanted to read??? Glad to spare you some trouble, random internet person.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
for origfic: the author is dead babey. do not perceive me. i am not here
for fanfic: i still don’t mind if the reader simply Does Not Perceive Me; the work itself is the thing i care most about. but, y’know. if someone reads my fic & is like “i’m insane about this character in the exact same way Lua is, i’m-a slide into her DMs,” i’m very down for that, lol. it’s like whale songs. i’m out here singing my goofy tune and maybe i never hear anything back but if i do that’d be a sweet bonus
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
hmmmm. i’m never quite sure how to think about this sort of question… people often answer with something like “dialogue” or “descriptive imagery” or whatever, but that started to feel kind of weird to me at some point? like pointing at a symphony piece and being like “the low winds were especially good at staying in tune,” like it may be a correct observation, but also the whole orchestra has to be in tune to *some* extent for the piece as a whole to work, and when it *is* working the thing you point out as a strength isn’t gonna be something ticky-tack like that
…but i’m not sure what i’d specifically point to as a higher-order thing haha. i guess, last time i reread some of my own stuff, i was pretty pleased with how much interpersonal *tension* there was in various “ppl talking in rooms” scenes (see: awful dinner parties), so maybe something along those lines
How do you feel about your own writing?
arguably the main reason to write fanfic is so I can go back and reread it 2+ years later and be like “damn this shit rules, bitch was really onto something there”
(i like it! it’s pretty fun good stuff! a pleasing mix of action/plottiness/gratuitousness and, like, actual character and narrative work)
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springsteenicious · 16 days
Pieces of a Harmony
part one of my draft clean out is chapter one of a fic I abandoned called Pieces of a Harmony! don't know why I called it that!
The original idea for this was to be a band AU. If anyone remembers when I was toying around with a fic called Add It Up, this is my restarted draft of that. But I don't where I was going with it and I have no idea what I'm doing with all the stuff I wrote for Add It Up. If you want to learn more about that fic, look at my tag for it.
In this story, Donna is marrying my OC Jack O'Connor (WTOE). Eric went to NYU and met the people he will later start a band with, and the character Jenna you will meet here is his intended love interest since Donna is married. Hyde and Jackie reunite at the wedding.
Word Count: 3,064
Pairings: Hyde/Jackie, Donna/Jack, Eric/Jenna
Hyde raised his hand to knock on the front door when Donna poked her head out the window right next to it. “Don’t knock!” she shouted. “I just painted the door.” 
He lowered his hand. “Okay. Can you let me in?” 
“Yeah, one second.” Donna went back in the window and a moment later, the door opened. Hyde went in. 
“How’s it going? Where’s Jack?” 
“Jack is figuring out what’s wrong with the bathroom sink. If you want to help him, follow the sound of angry Gaelic muttering.” Donna gestured vaguely up the stairs. 
Hyde nodded and went up, Donna behind him. “Everything else good? You like the house?” 
“Yeah, I do. I’m glad we’re moving in before the wedding. I would have been stressed the whole honeymoon if we still didn’t have a house.” 
“I’m glad you moved too, I was getting sick of having you in my apartment,” Hyde teased. He walked into the bathroom, where Jack was hunched by the sink, cursing at a pipe.
Donna touched his shoulder lightly. “What did I tell you about straining your leg?” 
He looked up at her. “That I shouldn’t do it?” 
“Mhm. Now stand up, Hyde’s gonna fix the sink.” 
Jack used the sink as leverage to stand up. Hyde took his place under the sink. "You got a wrench?" Donna handed him the wrench, and he sealed a loose pipe. "Try that." 
Jack turned on the sink, and the water came out. "Damn. I should just stop trying to fix things around the house, it never works out." 
"How's this: I'll fix stuff, and you can cook," Donna suggested with a smile. 
"I was gonna cook anyway," Jack said. "But that sounds wonderful, a chroí." 
"No one makes me feel more single than you two," Hyde said. "Anyway, I came to help you move in. And to tell you that Forman finally called me back and said he's coming to the wedding, with a plus one." 
Donna smiled. "Does he have a girlfriend? Boyfriend?" 
"No. He's bringing this girl from NYU who he's just friends with. He was very adamant about that on the phone." 
Donna laughed. "Same old Eric." She looked at Jack. "Did Emmeline ever call you back?" 
"Yeah. She said she can't make it. Her sister's pregnant and due around the time of the wedding, so she'll be in Truro with her sister." 
"I love it when you say Truro. Your accent just…" Donna shook her head, clearing the thought. She looked at Hyde. "Are you all packed?" 
"Yup. Finished this morning. I'm excited, I've never been out of the country." 
Donna and Jack were getting married in Ireland. Jack's whole family- minus his sister- lived there, so it was easier to get the whole O'Connor part of the wedding attendees there. Donna only wanted to invite her immediate family and friends, so she was fine with that. It would also be easier for them to get to their honeymoon destination in Italy. 
"Jackie's excited?" Hyde asked. 
"Out of her mind," Donna said. "She said she's been calling Jack's sister non-stop to figure out my bachelorette party. She wants it to be better than the last one." 
Hyde chuckled. "Of course." 
"You sure it won't be awkward?" Donna asked, not for the first time. 
Hyde gave her a look. "Jack's inviting your ex to his bachelor party. I can handle seeing Jackie for a few days." 
Donna turned on Jack. "I told you that you didn't have to invite him." 
"I wanted to," Jack said. "He's cool. Besides, he and Hyde are still friends. It'll be fine." He pressed a kiss to the side of Donna's face. "It's going to be great, and we're going to be married soon, and then we'll be enjoying kickass food in Italy." 
Donna smiled a little. "You always know what to say, Sunshine." Jack blushed a little. 
"Aww," Hyde crooned. "You have anything else you need me to fix?" 
They both looked back at Hyde. Jack nodded. "The water heater needs to be set up." 
"I'm on it." 
Hyde stood in the foyer of the O'Connor house, helping Donna greet people. Jack was catching up with his family. They'd offered to have everyone over for dinner the night before the wedding. 
The door opened, and Forman walked in. "Oh, thank God, I have the right house," he said. "Hi, guys!" 
Donna gaped at him. "What happened to your hair? I haven't seen you in five years." 
Forman's hair was much longer, falling to his chest. He'd started growing it out a few years ago. He opened his mouth to answer, but a woman pushed him aside so she could enter the house. "You're blocking the door, Forman." 
She had tan skin and short, wavy hair. She had a lot of piercings in her ears and she was wearing an oversized button-down over her Van Halen shirt. "Sorry," Forman said. He looked at Donna and Hyde. "This is Jenna Somers, a friend from college." 
She nodded. "What's up?" 
The door opened again, and Jackie walked in. Hyde hadn't seen her in five years. Her hair was longer, but she looked mostly the same. She went straight to Donna, wrapping her in a tight hug. "Donna! This is so exciting! You're finally getting married to a good guy!" 
"Rude," Forman said. "I'm a great guy. Just not right for Donna." 
Jenna shrugged. "You're a pretty okay guy." 
He frowned at her. "I should've brought Reese as my plus one. Reese would've been supportive of me." 
Jackie separated herself from Donna. "Where's Jack?" 
"Where do you think? He's in the kitchen." 
"I gotta go talk to him. We haven't seen each other in forever." Jackie flounced off to the kitchen. 
"They're friends?" Hyde asked. 
"Yeah. Jackie visited me a bunch when I was living in Yarmouth with him, they got along really well. He helped her after her last breakup." 
"She's dated other people?" Hyde asked, somewhat surprised. He knew it was outrageous to assume that she hadn't seen anyone else, but he hadn't heard anything about it. 
"I'm so confused, man," Jenna said. 
"It's soooo much to explain," Forman said. "Let's go find somewhere to sit so I can try and catch you up." The two of them left the room. 
The door opened again, and Midge came in with a man Hyde had never met. "Oh, hi, Donna! Hello, Steven. This is my boyfriend, Jon. I met him in California." 
"Nice to meet you," Jon said. He had wavy brown hair and a thick mustache. "Donna, is your dad coming?" 
"Yeah. He's, um… Not seeing anyone right now. So try not to rub it in his face, please, mom." 
"Why would I do that? I don't want to rub anything in his face, he's all oily." Midge smiled. "Where's Jack's mother? I wanted to talk to her, y'know, mother to mother."
"I don't know how well that's gonna go. She doesn't speak a lot of English. You're better off talking to Jack's dad." 
"But I don't want to talk to his dad, I want to talk to his mom!" 
"Why don't you go ahead, love, I'll be right there," Jon said, lightly pushing Midge towards the hallway. She walked off, leaving Jon alone with them. "I've learned to just let her do what she says she's gonna do. She figures it out eventually." 
"How do you manage to do it?" Hyde asked. Donna gave him a look. "It's a valid question, Donna, the woman can't follow a conversation for even a minute." 
"Patience. I just let her talk and support her ideas. And I love her a damn lot, which is really necessary at times." Jon focused on Donna. "So, what languages does your soon-to-be mother in law speak?" 
"Irish, Scots Gaelic, and Italian. Her father is Italian and her mother is Scottish, then they moved to Ireland when she was young, so she speaks a lot of languages." 
"I know a little bit of Italian, so we'll see how it goes," Jon smiled brightly, clapped Hyde on the shoulder, did the same to Donna, then walked down the hall. 
"He's definitely… a step dad kind of guy," Hyde said. 
"Shut up," Donna said, laughing. "We should probably make sure there are no major inter-family issues before the wedding." She walked after Jon, and Hyde followed her. 
"You're getting married! This is so exciting!" Jackie hugged Donna tightly from behind. Donna smiled. "And your marriage is gonna go so much better than mine, I can feel it." 
"No offense, but it would be really hard for my marriage to go worse than yours." 
"Oh, so Jack's not planning on running away to the Bahamas?" 
"I don't think so, no." 
"Then I can almost guarantee you won't get divorced." Jackie laughed. "I really am happy for you, though. Jack's a great guy, I can tell he really loves you." 
"Yeah. Y'know, I'm not even nervous," Donna said. 
"That's good." 
Hyde and Cal were patting Jack's back as he nearly hyperventilated in the back of the church. "Man, what's wrong with you?" Cal asked. 
"Why is she marrying me? All I have to offer is disabilities. I get a beautiful, intelligent, wonderful woman and she gets a guy with one leg and PTSD. This hardly seems fair," Jack said. 
"Well, we should call the wedding off, then," Hyde said. "I mean, why would Donna almost marry you with that reasoning? And to think she really loves you." 
Cal took a less subtle route. "You're being a fucking dumbass. She loves you, PTSD and all. She wouldn't have said yes to the engagement if she didn't. And you're not less than any other guy 'cause of your disabilities, fuckwit." 
"Exactly," Hyde said. "My ex-wife was legally blind. She could still see, but… y'know, she wasn't allowed to drive." 
Jack chuckled. "Ah, so that's how you managed to get married." 
Hyde smiled. "See, you can do this. You love Donna, Donna loves you. Soon, you're gonna be married and you won't even be thinking about these worries you have now." 
Jack nodded. "Okay. Okay. I can do this." 
"That's the spirit!" Cal clapped him on the back. "And Hyde, save a dance for me after the wedding." 
"Of course. I'm gonna go find my seat." 
Eric sat next to Jenna in one of the church's pews. Jenna was wearing a black dress, and she looked beautiful. Eric wasn't about to say that to her, though. 
"Is it weird, being at your ex's wedding?" Jenna asked. 
Eric shrugged. "Not really. I'm happy for her. I'm glad I didn't marry her." 
"Me too," Jenna said. 
He snapped his head in her direction, about to ask what she meant by that, when the wedding procession music started. They all stood and turned to see Jackie walk down the aisle and stand on the opposite side of Jack and his sister Cal. Then Donna came down, wearing her mom's old wedding dress. She looked radiant, and she looked happy. 
Jack smiled brightly when she came up to meet him. Everyone took their seats again, and the ceremony began. 
Before Eric knew it, they were at the vows. 
"Jack… You brighten my life. You always know how to make me smile, and you know what to say when I feel down. You're my closest friend. You know me better than anyone else. I love every part of you, even the parts you don't love about yourself. I vow to love you for as long as we live." 
Jack was blushing deeply. "Donna, a chroí… I never believed I could fall in love again. Then you came and you showed me how wrong I was. I've never been happier about being wrong. You are an amazing person, inside and out. I love you no matter what. I love everything about you. I vow to love you for as long as we live." 
"You may seal these vows with a kiss," the priest said. 
They kissed, and the wedding attendees applauded. 
Hyde sat next to Jackie at one of the tables in the reception hall. Donna had placed them next to each other at her family and friends table. She and Jack were dancing together. Forman was talking to Jenna. Jon was leading Midge in a playful sort of partner dance.  Bob was leaning over to talk to Jack’s dad. 
Hyde turned to Jackie. “So, how have you been? It’s, uh… It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other.”
“Oh, you know, divorced,” she said with an embarrassed smile. 
“Me too.” 
Her jaw dropped. “Really? Steven Hyde got married?” 
He rolled his eyes, but he smiled. “Yeah, yeah. We thought it was a good idea, then we ended it after a year. Her name was Ellis.” 
Jackie nodded. “Same. I really thought Liam loved me, then on our one year anniversary he ran away to the Bahamas. When he got back, we got divorced.” 
“He sounds like an ass. And he’s stupid for ditching you.” 
Jackie gave him a look. 
He gave her a look back. “Hey, you ditched me, remember? You left without letting me answer.” 
“I didn’t leave, though. And you had a second chance to answer when I came back.” 
“But I blew it, and now we’re here, so let’s forget it.” 
“Fine.” She stared at the dance floor, where couples were paired up. She turned to him and held out her hand. "Wanna dance?" 
He smiled. "Sure." 
He took her hand and they went out to the dance floor. He placed one hand on her hip, and she put her other hand on his shoulder. "I like your suit. You never had anything this nice when we were together." 
"Ellis was a fashion designer," Hyde explained. Despite being unable to tell velvet apart from polyester without her glasses on, she had loved designing. She'd designed many nicer clothes for him since he had so few. "What did Liam do?" 
"He was a writer. He was working on a book about vampires when we were together." 
Hyde laughed a little. "Vampires, huh?" 
She laughed too. "Yep. It was terrible. He'd read chapters to me once he finished them, and God, his writing was awful." 
"Well, good thing you're not Mrs. Vampire Book Guy anymore." 
"Yeah." She pulled him a little closer. "I just realized I missed you."
"Just now?" 
"Well, I wasn't thinking about it before. I guess I kind of forgot how much I like being around you. Just in general." 
Hyde stared at her for a moment. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I missed you too." 
The song changed from Something by the Beatles to You Make Me Real by the Doors. Jackie gasped and squeezed his hand. "It's our song!" 
"It is." Hyde lifted his arm and spun her, then brought her close to him when she came back. He had always liked dancing with her. Way more than he'd liked dancing with Ellis. She smiled through the whole song. 
Jackie got her coat and her keys, ready to leave. Steven jogged over to her. "Can I walk you to your car?" 
"Sure," she said. 
They left the reception hall and went out to the beat-down gravel parking lot. Jackie led him over to the car she'd rented for the trip. She was spending a few extra days in Ireland after the wedding, for her own enjoyment. She'd always wanted to see Ireland, and this was her chance. 
"I, uh… I had fun dancing with you today. Thanks for not making things weird between us," he said. 
"I had fun too." She twisted her fingers together. "And why should things be weird? We dated years ago. We're both over it. We can be friends." 
They stared at each other for a moment, then they both leaned in and kissed. They parted after a second. Then Jackie wound her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deeper kiss. His hands found her waist. They kissed as if it was the only thing in the world that mattered. 
He parted the kiss just enough to say, "Donna gave me a ride here, could I go back to the hotel with you?" 
She smiled. "Is that why you asked to walk me to my car?" 
She kissed him again. "Well, it's good you need a ride, 'cause I was gonna ask you to come back to the hotel with me anyway." 
His eyebrows rose. "Were you now?" 
"Yeah. If you want to." 
"Oh, I want to." As soon as he finished speaking, his lips were on hers again and Jackie couldn't think of anything else. 
Jackie cuddled against Steven in the bed of her motel room. She trailed her fingers over his stomach, tracing small patterns into his skin. "Overall… This was a pretty good wedding," she said. 
"Yeah. I'm happy for Donna and Jack. They work well together. I can see them staying together forever, like the Formans." 
"Me too. Although I don't seem to have a very good judgment of that sort of thing." 
His fingers began combing lightly through her hair. "What do you mean?" 
"Well, I thought we would stay together forever. Then I ran away. And I thought Liam and I would stay together forever, then he ran away. So I don't think I should judge Donna and Jack's potential to stay together." 
"Ah." He watched her fingers tracing hearts over his skin. "Y'know… I think it's a lot easier to tell when you're not a part of the relationship. A part of me always felt like Donna and Forman weren't meant to be. But when we were together… That was the first time I was able to see myself with someone for a long time. And look where we all are now." 
She looked up at him. "You could see yourself with me for a long time?" 
He nodded. "I also saw myself being with Ellis for a long time, so don't go thinking you're special or anything." 
She giggled. "I wouldn't dream of it." 
She kissed him softly. Even if it was only for a night, Jackie was happy to be with Steven again. It was comforting, like coming home after a long trip. Jackie decided not to think about what that really meant too much.
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childotkw · 8 months
Would regulus have an accent if he came back from the warring clans era into hp universe?
Like.... I know he would have used some sort of translating/speaking spell but he would have definitely picked up the language eventually!
Also I feel like he would be too comfortable in a kimono to change into normal high class wizarding clothes and also to make izuna feel that he isn't standing out too much
Just imagine izuna and regulus sitting in a phoenix army (or whatever they're called) meeting and they just start talking shit about dumbldoors fashion choices in Japanese.
Imagine regulus asking kreecher for a traditional Japanese breakfast if izuna was feeling too homesick.
Imagine izuna finding out about sirius little jealousy problem and making it worse bc whenever reg isn't with them in the room he whispers to him ' I'm gonna steal your brother and take him to my clan bc he's ours and not yours >:) '
There has to be a scene where izuna has to show his ruthless shinobi side in all of his (I've been a child soldier then I was a war lord of course I'm gonna kill you without batting an eyelash) and he's coverd in blood and gore
((and all of the wizards are like : oh....
He isn't just a weird guy who reg domesticated like a wild but friendly raccoon....))
(((And reg would purse his lips, berate him for being reckless, and then offer to wash off the blood with a spell without missing a beat bc he's used to the violence from his time in the warring clans era)))
And ugh I have too many ideas I don't know why I'm so invested in this au but I love it and I love you
Good night
Aww I love you too!
And I think he would! Since you're right, he'd eventually learn the language himself, rather than rely on magical translation spells. It would make sense that an accent would crop up for him.
And yes, a lot of things for him would change. Even just a few months in the naruto!verse would leave it's mark. He'd definitely appreciate quite a few things about the culture - and there would be a lot of general lifestyle habits he'd change / pick up.
His sense of dress, the types of food he enjoys, what he drinks, how he talks and exercises...it would all be impacted.
It would be a startling change for anyone to witness. Regulus Black disappears for two months (maybe two years in the naruto!verse) and comes back with a tag-along, and seems to have become a completely different person.
Izuna would absolutely lean into it though. Regulus is his now. The dude very clearly prefers Izuna's home world to this place, and he has plans in place to whisk them back as soon as possible, regardless of what anyone - including Regulus' brother - thinks on the matter.
(Izuna is also 100% sure that if they take too long, Tobirama is going to cleave the universe in half to pluck them back. Or worse - come retrieve them himself. Their exit from this world will be less dignified than kittens being scuffed by an irritated mother cat and hauled back to the nest.)
He also would have many badass moments. This boy was born for drama and showing up a bunch of self-important, annoying wizards? He would leap at the chance. It's even better since he gets to defend Regulus at the same time!
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wordsofhoneydew · 9 months
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happy friday!!
put on your fucking seatbelts y’all because these fics will have you screaming, crying, throwing up, hyperventilating and climbing the fucking walls
read the tags. some of these have kinks that not everyone is into, so just make sure you know what you’re stepping into! the other half of these are just fluff fluff fluff!! enjoy!
home is where i’m with you by @luainthewild
where alex seeks the meaning of home and finds it in Henry's arms.
OR: Henry has to spend Christmas alone; Alex refuses and invites him to Texas. Ensue family crack, a lof of fluff, sexy dancing and love confession on a christmas card.
(We) Loved Her First by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
When I thought about all of the things I wanted to say to you both today, my initial urge was to write a letter. I could borrow Dad’s fountain pen from his top desk drawer and watch the ink soak slowly into the cardstock paper, to blow it dry and carefully crease it in three places before sliding it into an envelope and sealing it with the wax seal Papa bought a few years back, that he said we could use to send our Christmas cards to Sandringham in a more formal way so that Uncle Pip wouldn’t expect to find us wearing matching Christmas tree onesies inside.
But then I realized, a letter isn’t your style. It isn’t our style. Your story, the same story weaved together countless times throughout my life into a tapestry of your love that blanketed me at night whenever I needed comforting, was told through a series of pixels swirling through the air and crossing the void of space and time within moments. So, I decided it was only fitting to continue that tradition and to follow in your footsteps…an email, it is.
Alex and Henry's daughter sends them an email just before they walk her down the aisle on her wedding day.
we might just get away with it by smc_27
Henry is the most gorgeous man Alex has ever seen. And Alex has seen a lot of gorgeous men. He’s a fucking model.
“This is Henry Fox-Mountchristen,” Prada’s current PR lead says, and Alex smiles and pushes his hand out. “He’s a journalist covering the merger.”
Alex doesn’t know what merger or what it would have to do with Paris Fashion Week. But he does know that Henry holding a glass of champagne as he shakes Alex’s hand is maybe the sexiest thing ever, and there is just no explanation for that.
“Hi. I’m Alex.”
Henry says, “I know,” and then does this weird, forced smile at Bianca and walks away.
Alex doesn’t know how to like, not be completely obsessed with things he wants.
OR, Alex is a model. Henry is a journalist, and a bit of an asshole. Alex wants him anyway, even when it doesn’t feel good.
Leave A Message by @sherryvalli
"This is Alex Claremont-Diaz's phone. If it's a business matter, I don't know how you got ahold of this number, but if you have my number that means you probably have Zahra's. Call her instead. If you're friends or family, just text me. If you're anyone else, I'll call you back as soon as I can."
Or: Alex's voicemail message over the years, and the messages people leave for him.
in the dead of night by @littlemisskittentoes
“Hm, am I still dreaming, or is there very pretty boy playing with me under the covers?” Alex’s voice is gruff. Its edges are coated in lingering sleep, and the drowsy-slow pull of the words lulls them to a deeper accent than he usually lets slip through. The syrupy drawl skitters the length of Henry’s spine.
or, Henry knows he can always rely on Alex to tire him out when sleep is far off.
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albywritesfiction · 9 months
Heyo, I wanted to ask about clothing. What do people usually wear? Armour? I want to draw the characters, but I don't know what they look like ;-;
I currently imagine clothing for nobles as the garments seen in England and France in the 18th and 19th centuries, but I don't know for sure.
I'm sorry if this has been asked before.
Have a good day! <3
Hello Anon!
(Okay I know I said I may not be able to squeeze in any responses to the asks but then I saw this one again and I was so honored that anyone would want to draw my characters that I couldn't resist answering it :') If anyone else feels like drawing them please tag me! I would love to see how you guys bring these people to life in your art :') )
So uh, I'm not very well versed in fashion trends 😅 But what I can give you though are some manhwas/webtoons where the clothes are pretty close to what I can imagine the characters would wear!
From a Knight to a Lady (Prince Eozif's attire in Episode 99 is what I imagined Ædan's ceremonial dress uniform would look like for the wedding if you just switch out the dark green for blue, either a dark blue or the shade of his eyes. The uniform that Zed wears is also close to what I imagined for Sir Bertrand and the other knights. Oh! and Florence and Lucifela's wardrobes are also good refs for the dresses that would be worn)
Men of the Harem (especially Ranamun's and Latil's wardrobes for MC and other nobles)
The Age of Arrogance (Prince Carlisle's attire in Episode 2 minus the cape is pretty close to what I imagine Ædric would wear! He'd also have some versions where the gold accents are violet instead, and some where the black fabric is violet instead)
Aaand that's all I can think of at the moment 😅 For the armor, I'll have to get back to you on that after I do some research (aka go through the webtoons I haven't read in quite a while for some more art refs 😅) Really hope this helps and I'm so excited to see the art that you guys come up with!
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