#I just want to give the rat dr a hug
beenbaanbuun · 15 days
ateez as muppets
i have work in the morning but muppets are more important than sleep
fun fact about me! the muppets was the only film i watched for a period of about 2 months. i would watch it at least once a day, sometimes twice, and i had the soundtrack downloaded so i could even get my muppets fix on the move… anyway🧍🏻‍♀️
kim hongjoong - beaker
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hear me out!!!!! despite being a little orange tube who makes zero sense when he talks in ‘meeps’, he is smart (not really)! he’s a scientist!! he is dr bunsen’s right hand man!!!!
he also just carries the aura of hongjoong about him with that dainty frame and red hair. hongjoong and beaker are twins, i’m sorry
park seonghwa - kermit the frog
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i can tell i’m losing you here and honestly, i’m losing myself but let me explain!! kermit is caring. of all his personality traits that one sticks out to me the most
this muppet would give it everything he has for the other muppets and that’s a trait i see a lot in seonghwa. he loves his team, and kermit loves the muppets
jeong yunho - fozzie bear
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what can i say other than the guy is just silly? he lives his life on where the next pun is coming from and he’s willing to put in the work to find reasons to make a joke
he also just kind of looks like yunho? look at this fuzzy little fuck and tell me you don’t see yunho buried behind those beady eyes. i need it for halloween, yunho PLEASE
kang yeosang - miss piggy
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it was between miss piggy and rizzo rat but i thought about it for a few more seconds and realised that miss piggy is literally just yeosang… like come on
the beauty, the sass, the elegance, the love she shares for her fellow muppets despite not always being able to show it. tell me that’s not yeosang, i fucking dare you
choi san - rowlf the dog
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i love rowlf. he’s so chill and yet he’s a man of many talents! sure, he’s a dog first and foremost but did you also know he’s an actor? a pianist?? a veterinarian??? just like san, this dog can do it all
i also just kind of want to hug him in the same way i want to hug san. i just know in my heart of hearts that it’s such a warm, gentle hug
song mingi - animal
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i was struggling for mingi until i remembered that oh yeah! animal exists and just like mingi that muppet is just an unstoppable ball of energy who thinks he’s so cool
mingi gives me drummer energy which is why i have written him as one multiple times. animal is also a drummer, and a pretty sick one at that!
jung wooyoung - rizzo rat
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the main reason i picked rizzo for wooyoung is bc he’s a chatterbox. it’s not necessarily the most helpful or intelligent of things but it is being said whether you like it or not
rizzo is mischievous and fun and he makes me giggle and if that isn’t wooyoung?? he also has a lot of love to give! watch a muppets christmas carol and you’ll see what i mean 🙂‍↕️
choi jongho - gonzo
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gonzo just feels so jongho to me. from his exasperation with the other muppets to his daring nature (bro fires himself out of cannons…) he’s just so jongho!!!!
gonzo has that divorced dad of 3 drip that i know jongho would look stellar in. you’re telling me jongho wouldn’t rock a floral shirt?? some suspenders??? he’s a dilf! of course he would…
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Carmy Berzatto and his erotic transfer
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All the things he says and some he doesn’t even dare to voice out, about the C person, are actually about Sydney.
The sublimation, emotional avoidance, denial, and projection are topics most of the fandom has already picked up on since S2 and all of us have talked about them often, obviously so did I:
And here
Now, if we dig deeper, Carmy is what therapists usually call: a TRANSFER CLIENT.
Transference is a psychological mechanism that allows the person to direct feelings or desires related to an important figure in their life—such as a parent or a significant other—toward someone who is not that person. 
*More about transference here.
It typically happens in the therapeutical context between therapist-client but it's not necessarily limited to that context as it can be very common in other scenarios, such as professional, educational, etc. Especially among those who tend to project. Like Carmy.
Let's recap, shall we?
“I know we’re not supposed to hang out until later” (after talking to Syd about silverware).
My favest: The kiss after Syd said: "Goodnight!"
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“I have to call my GF” (right after hugging Syd for having passed the fire suppression test).
“She’s so great that scares the shit outta me” (while under the table with Syd).
“She’s peace” (I won’t even mention the panic attack at this point, which is what makes this literally illogical unless we frame it within a transfer context, which is exactly what Carmy's case would dictate to be done by a therapist IF HE WERE UNDER TREATMENT.) This would be sooooo easy if he just made an appointment with a therapist and a psychiatrist and saw them weekly. So easy! FML!
“Sorry” (after the Polka dot sauce to a person he never dared to call because the real person he wanted to say that to was the one he had JUST TALKED TO AND TURNED AROUND AND LEFT).
This is not just a projection, it’s full-on transfer, erotic transfer even, to be more specific. It is even more common in people with a history of abuse.
Source: Harvard LWW Journal.
Erotic transfer
As I mentioned above, this is quite common in a psychotherapeutic context. Interactions between therapist and patient are influenced by the feelings and impressions that develop during the therapeutic relationship. The terms transference and countertransference are used to describe this process. We have virtually a million papers on this particular topic, and all therapists know exactly how to deal with these cases and even use the countertransfer as a therapeutic tool. There are even lines of treatment based on transference and countertransference that have proven to help patients who experience this type of unconscious feelings toward their therapists.
There's a whole section in the code of conduct that determines the guidelines and limitations to deal with this and any other type of transference (there are multiple types) in a therapeutic environment, and all professionals have to comply with them at all times.
-This is gonna be a loooong question, fasten your seatbelts-
What happens when this is the case of a chef who is experiencing a sexualized transference in which he is unconsciously transferring his sexual fantasies about his business partner, containing elements that are primarily reverential, romantic, intimate, sensual, or sexual not toward his therapist but towards an Emergency Dr. who was his frustrated high school crush, whom obviously he has idealized because back then he couldn't even talk to her and just sketched her away in his notebook
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And who has idealized him right back as well, because the crush was mutual.
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Not to mention someone who is not avoidant, she's maybe even too forward:
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Someone who goes after what she wants and just doesn't give a rat's ass about saying things like:
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"Never apologize"
"No one is keeping score of dropped shoes"
"I love you"
Then what?
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And of course:
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He ended up not choosing Claire this time around either, sure! But the transference remains as his undealt feelings of guilt and emotional avoidance are still part of the equation, and until those are fully elaborated consciously and he makes a conscious decision as to how to move forward, he will continue being stuck in this situation and transferring, projecting and sublimating his true desires onto a more attenable and convenient canvas:
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How do erotic transferences end?
The only way is to put it on the table (absolutely no pun intended even though I am convinced this is gonna happen → THE ULTIMATE SYDCARMY TABLE SCENE).
On a more serious note, the only correct way to put an end to any type of transference in a therapeutic environment, in case that's the chosen course of action, is to put all the cards on the table and elaborate on the motivations, till the REAL MOTIVATIONS come up, as they never do at first.
The client has to realize ON THEIR OWN that their transferred feelings are nothing but representations of their inner feelings and are not occurring as a result of their relationship with the therapist but rather as an unconscious mechanism that enables them NOT TO DEAL with a subjacent CONFLICT that is being AVOIDED, once that conclusion is reached, the next step is to work on the reasons why that conflict is being avoided and what does the patient want to do about it. Do they wish to continue avoiding it? Why? What would be the implications of that status quo? Are they willing to deal with them? Is it wise? Is it just simpler? What if the opposite choice is made? Why would that be the case? What would be the implications of that? What can be gained and lost in the process or in the aftermath of it? In any case: What is required to go through with any of these potential courses of action? Does the patient currently have what is required? If that's not the case: Why not? Could they get it? How? Why wasn't that done before? Why now? Etc... The therapist has to become less of a “blank screen” and more interactive with the patient. There has to be a back-and-forth. It's a whole process.
That process is incredibly difficult in Carmy's case because the C person is not his therapist, doesn't have to or wants to follow a code of conduct, wouldn't know how to go about this whole process even if she did, and most importantly: Is in love with him.
Are we screwed?
How come?
Because thank dog there's a Chaos menu on the table.
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Can we just focus on the CHAOS MENU, PLEASE!?!?!
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The chaos that constantly haunts Carmy is → THE MENU. Not the "peace".
And the menu is his link to Sydney and all she represents for him.
I have been saying this since before S3, and S3 has only confirmed my assumptions → Their menu is their red string.
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They will have to at some point have a real conversation about the menu, not just a quick exchange of feedback about the daily rotation in between services.
The chaos will fall into place at some point so they can keep the restaurant open, win a star, etc.
Also, the conversation/closure with the C person will have to happen at some point too, next season.
So the cards will have to be put on the table, sooner or later.
Later is what the song foreshadowed and in Save it for later I trust (prefer Vedder's version).
Bonus track: THE SYDLUCA TRAP. Syd is following the same path. Mirroring Carmy. She's in the process to start sexually transferring her undealt-with sexual desires for Carmy to Luca.
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Whilst I fully support this as a temporary fix and a plot device that can give us a few pretty interesting eps where Carmy becomes a jelly bomb and therefore is forced to stop denying what he truly feels for Syd, as I explained here, I can't support this behavior in the long run because as any transfer, it is UNHEALTHY for all parties involved. Sydluca is a plot device that needs to be handled with care because it can very well end up becoming a comfort zone that is nothing but a trap that will only serve one purpose: "compensation". That which cannot be experienced with whom she truly wants to experience it will be experienced with a substitute figure, and eventually, no matter how well this replacement goes, the constant ghost of: "What if" will haunt her because she has already gotten to this point with Carmy:
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So now it's too late to compensate healthily and just move on. It would bring nothing but heartache in the long run. If Luca had come along sooner into Syd's life, the story would be very different. Same with C. But TIMING MATTERS. If I know this, I'm pretty sure Storer and Calo know it too, so I choose not to be worried about it.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
Love Languages
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Warnings: opinions, spoilers for the movie
A/N: self-indulgent... I really like thinking about this stuff. Mikey's is really short, for some reason... I'm also at the hospital today, so please know that I'll be trying my best to work on things! <3
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Words of Affirmation. He constantly chases it in "Turtledega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man." "Did you hear that, Mikey? I think he was about to say 'proud!' I'm going to chase this feeling!" You also hear Donnie say "This will teach you to compliment my work and give me my first positive reinforcement from a parent-aged adult..! Ever!" Just tell him he's doing great, please. He needs it.
Physical Touch. As much as you see Donnie avoid hugs from his family, he's touch starved. Physical touch isn't just hugging though, maybe he just wants to feel someone with him or hold hands. Especially after the Kraang invasion, I think this would be his #1.
Gifts! In "Donnie's Gifts" he gives the boys gifts... "The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful. And I really hope you like it. Cause if you don't, I will just be crushed." I mean, he thinks his tech is the only reason anyone likes him. "If mystic powers can do everything I can do, but better... Why would you guys even need me?" Donnie makes things for his family all the time, even Shelldon 1.0 was made to help clean up the lair so they could go out more.
Acts of Service. In my opinion this goes hand-in-hand with gifts. He doesn't just make them things, he makes things that have a purpose. Shelldon was created to help clean the lair, Mikey's suit was made to protect him, ect. He also installed an app on April's phone to protect her. Plus every time he's with Mikey and something comes at them, he protects Mikey.
Words of Affirmation. In the movie, Casey tells him he's the greatest and all that jazz. He's so happy to be recognized as a leader. "You are the greatest ninja the world has ever seen." "Remember I'm the greatest ninja the world's ever seen, his words." Leo wants to know he's doing a good job because he's constantly doubting himself. When he does get complimented, he's over the moon. In "Bad Hair Day" we see how he reacts when people compliment his beautiful, blond locks.
Quality Time. A lot of the time he's just spending time with his brothers. Though he doesn't turn down a hug, he definitely likes being around his family and friends. (I honestly don't really have an explanation... just a feeling)
Words of Affirmation. He's the best at apologies, he's good with words. It's the best way for him to express himself. "Dad! Dad! Daddy! You got this, pops! I love you!" Even sick he has to compliment Raph, although it's a little backhanded. "I love you, my brother... But you do tend to fail in big moments. Pish Posh. But that's what makes you, you."
Acts of Service. He carried Mikey in "Sidekick Ahoy!" He also was helps Hueso and Piel. "What? You can't quit on your brother. When Donnie needed me to pull out his baby tooth, did I give up? No! I kept yanking and pulling and twisting till it came out. Sure it was the wrong one, but it was a big tooth."
Physical Touch. I don't think Mikey ever really turns down a hug...
Quality Time. He wants to participate in things. Due to being the youngest, it means the word to him if he's included.
Physical Touch. He initiates a lot of touching. Especially with Donnie. He's the one that Donnie lets touch him the most. Almost every time Donnie and Mikey are together, they touch at least once and Donnie doesn't seem to hate it.
Words of Affirmation. "That regardless of where our DNA is from, you’re still our dad." Plus his whole Dr. Feelings persona.
Words of Affirmation. He's been the leader for... 16 years? He wants to know he's doing a good job. "WILL YOU GUYS KNOCK IT OFF!! We're running out of time! Everyone's depending on me. Why can't I do this..? I'm failing you." "It's not all on you Raph. We're here for each other. Trust that."
Acts of Service. I don't think you ever really see it, but when he kind of gets to relax and everything he feels a lot better. Taking care of his brothers for 18-16 years can really take a toll on you. So being taken care of is the best feeling.
Acts of Service. Raph will literally drop everything to help his brothers. "Hey buddy uh just checking in, making sure you’re okay. Everything okay? You're okay right? ... My overprotective brother sense is tingling. Donnie tap into their security camera." Raph worries about his brothers a lot, especially Mikey. Even in the movie, he saves Leo, Mikey, and Donnie. "Gotcha! Don't worry, Donnie! This is not a hug. It's a rescue!"
Physical Touch. He never turns down any form of touch from his brothers. He cares so much about them. He also constantly puts his hand on their shoulders to reassure them.
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doctorhouse5343 · 10 months
Last Christmas (Love In The Lab)
Christmas soon came along in the Endlesstein home and Morpheus was determined to make it the best for his son, who had slowly adjusted to his new life..well, undead life. While it was clear that he would never be the same little boy that he was before the accident, the little ray of sunshine still had the most bright smile that could rival with the stars. While his boyfriend was busy unwrapping gifts with Orpheus, the doctor was stuck waiting outside for his sibling Desire (he didn't want to see them, they nagged until he gave in), who insisted on giving him and Hob gifts because 'It's Christmas, we haven't seen see eachother for a long time and your boyfriend is family so no buts'. He sighed, pulling his scarf close to his chin in apprehension, dreading the potential greeting as he waited. And waited
But it was Des, the sibling that was never on time so it had to be expected. They obviously would come later than the hour they said that they'd show up at (fashionably late they called it, but to Dr. Endlesstein it was more a 'How fast can I annoy my big brother before it gets my legs broken in a basement?' kind of game to them), and by now the wilted wild rose bush looked like a very nice spot to jump in. When his sibling's car finally came into view, the mad man made sure to give the tardy the deadliest glare he ever gave anyone, they have. The bright smile and the elegant way that they walked to him was all that it took to make Morpheus wish to escape; he did no effort to hide it either "Oh sweet Dream, still as mopey as I remembered...Well I guess it's good that love didn't change you all that much, I would have missed that frowny face" Before he could deliver a scalding reply, he felt his cheeks get pinched by elegant fingers, earning a yelp out of him.
"Awww, someone missed me!!" Desire chuckled as they dragged Morpheus in a hug, which he tried to get out of "Not quite, now please unhand me, sibling" The reply got a chuckle out of them as they went on "Despair couldn't make it, too busy making shirts for her rats but she sends her regards" They then gave their brother two gift bags "The penguin is for you, the stag is for your beau" The doctor took the two bags, looking at them at last. Des' blond hair was neatly combed, their lipstick and makeup flawless and their smile was as mischievous as it always but it was with warmth that they returned his gaze "Merry Christmas, Morpheus". As they turned to walk away, the antisocial chickadee called out to them "Merry Christmas to you as well, Desire...And," He sighed, trying to get the words out, "Thank you for the gifts, it was truly appreciated"
"Any time, big brother" With those words exchanged, the doctor returned to the warmth of his humble abode top be greeted by a teary faced Hob and a very happy Orpheus (who proceeded to give his Dad a big hug) "Hob, what's wrong?" He asked, sitting down next to the journalist, who chuckled a bit after sniffling a bit "It's nothing love, just got a bit emotional, is all" Before the dark chickadee could get more answers, he saw his little star tug at his boyfriend's sleeve and, with the brightest smile of joy, say "Papa!"
Soon, he also felt himself go teary eyed "Yes Orphey, he's your Papa" Morpheus then rested his head against Hob's shoulder "I love you" Hob murmured as the pair exchanged gifts, happy and merry as a family
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fixfoxnox · 2 years
It’s been a while since we’ve had sito headcanons!!! Have there been any additions to the world building of sito since the last time???
There have been a couple of things! Or at least more things that I can kinda comfortably mention lol:
So we officially have Price being in love with Nikolai now, however they aren't together (yet) they just pine and literally everyone around them knows
Price no longer got his hat from Alex in universe, instead he got it from Nikolai which we will learn more about in the NikPrice one-shot (still working on it, its gonna be so long 😭)
You guys get some stuff on Price's sister now that I've officially started building her (thank you therapist is laswell's wife anon)
Her name is Josephine Laswell (Price), she took Laswell's last name while they were married.
She's an on base therapist who typically does short term sessions with people, and usually they are sessions that the soldiers specifically sign up for, not ones they are forced into
However, Price knows that a lot of times therapists will just sign through the papers for the military members far too quickly, and he wanted to make sure Roach was okay so he asked his sister to take him on as a patient since he knew she would actually fully make sure he was okay before sending him back into the field.
She only goes by her first name on base, it was a request from both Price and Laswell who didn't want her getting caught up in their work if something happened. Because of that her name tags only ever say "Dr. Jo" or "Dr. Josephine"
Price calls her Josie as a nickname and Laswell calls her Pheenie as a nickname
Soap definitely doesn't tell his family when he brings Ghost and Roach home with him for the first time
Like he talks to his family at least once a week on a big family video call, and straight up sometimes Ghost and Roach will just be chilling in the background so they assume that Soap has told his family
Then they go home with him and meet them for the first time and Soap's mom is like "John why didn't you tell us you had boyfriends!!!"
Then its just a big jumble of Scottish words as the entire family start like jumping on Soap who is returning with just as much energy
Then suddenly it just stops and Mama MacTavish is like "anyways, you two both come inside its so nice to meet you, here let me give you a hug"
Also Roach definitely thinks he is the youngest out of their trio until Soap finally admits (gets caught) about lying about his age and Roach finds out that he and Soap are actually the same age and he legit gets so excited about it just because now when Soap tries to pull the "older and wiser" card he gets to throw it back in his face
Was thinking about Roach's first life again and particularly his childhood and thought I'd give some more on that plus a fun behind the scenes
When Roach thinks about that memory from when he was a child of his dad throwing him into the river, he remembers the location. A long dirt Roach through the woods leading to a little river with a bridge and highway above it
Fun facts, I actually used a place that my family used to go when I was younger as inspiration for the place. So the place where Roach got thrown into the river is technically real and exists in Arkansas lmao
I think Roach, in his first life, because he spend so much time trying to get out of his house to get away from his parents spent a lot of time in the woods around his house
Spending time in the woods meant getting use to all sorts of critters/creatures as well as getting good at spotting things like snakes so that he could avoid him
That being said he was definitely the type of southern kid/teen who would go outside for like five minutes then come back up to the house with a snake in one hand and a possum in the other lmao
He's never mentioned that he really isn't afraid of any animals to the 141 before
Jackson knows because he definitely watched Roach pick up enough random ass snakes/rats/whatever else during their time on Griggs squad. Point is, Roach has no fear
The 141 discover this bit by bit
They're tracking through the woods toward one of their objectives and suddenly Roach rushes forward and grabs Price, pulling him to a stop
The whole team are confused/lowkey annoyed until Roach steps forward and picks up the snake that Price was about to step on
A rat ends up running into the break room on base. Gaz freaks tf out and refuses to get off of the couch. Roach walks in and within like two minutes is carrying the rat outside in his hands
Just little things like this that the 141 eventually have to get used to because it's just part of Roach's charm lmao
Roach's first kiss in his first life was with the son of his church's homophobic ass preacher. They would sneak away from after church activities and into the woods to "hang out" which for two repressed teenage gays really just meant making out
Roach genuinely thought he was going to marry that guy and their relationship lasted until Roach decided he was going to leave. He asked him to leave with him
He said no because he was too afraid to tell his parents yet. Roach never held it against him, but their relationship ended and Roach never saw him again after he left
The same boy did exist in his new life, but Roach stayed clear of him because of Simon/the mental age difference
Currently, both Ghost and Price have both had glimpses of their first life through dreams
I've mentioned Jackson having struggles with sudden loud noises and flashes of light due to his first life, but I think he also has issues with planes/aircrafts because of the memory of the crash
Jackson is also a southern boy, thinking from like Louisiana. He can kinda turn his accent on and off, but most of the time it onlycomes out when he's passionate/in the middle of sex. He can also speak Louisiana French
Honestly my idea of what Jackson looks like changes every two seconds he's like a chameleon so he has like no in universe appearance yet dkfnfn
His sense of style however? Stylish man to say the least
Like somehow always looks put together, even in sweatpants and a tee shirt. It kinda pisses Gaz off sometimes, but most of the time he's just like "God damn my boyfriend is hot."
Headcanon that Gaz loves spicy foods and assumes that Jackson can't take any spice so he puts some in his food at one point to prank him
He's terrible surprised when Jackson just eats the food with no issue. Jackson has to be like "babe I've literally grown up eating Cajun food have you never had Cajun food" and then he makes Gaz something with a lot of spice and Gaz is the one who ends up not able to handle it sjfbjfndjdj
Cajun! Jackson my beloved
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bookmaker-untaken · 1 year
defiantly almost a mitski lyric
vyn richter x reader // to the moon au
Word Count: 1,598
Summary: If your job has taught you anything, it’s that dying pretty fucking easy. Everything else about being human, though? For the birds.
Author’s Note: I was going to beat this chapter if it was the last thing I did wether you'll liked it oR NOT. Likely OOC as hell, tbh. New at this whole thing...
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The funny thing about University campuses – well, not funny ha-ha, funny annoying as hell – is that you can spend your entire tenure in your little corner without ever venturing into the other buildings. It is, for this very reason, you are standing in the Phycology Building’s pristine hallway, looking incredibly confused and narrowly avoiding being trampled.
“Dr. [Name]!” You whirl around, squinting at the young man who strides up to you, a smirk forming.
“Marius!” You give him a quick hug, guiding yourselves out of the worst of the foot traffic, ending it with a clap on his shoulder.
“Don’t tell me you’re lost, Doc,” Marius teases.
“It’s not my fault the Phycology Building’s built like the little rat mazes y’all like so much,”
“Nobody does that anymore,” He says with an indulgent little smile and a roll of his eyes. “You looking for Vyn’s office?”
“Guilty,” You shrug.
It’s always weird hearing “Vyn” instead of “Dr. Richter” or “your-annoyingly-show-off-and-smug-about-it partner” (not that Marius calls him that). He always makes sure to add Doctor to your name, though – “diversity hire,” he had joked when you’d joined the team. You think he does it to piss Vyn off, but you can’t ever tell if it’s working or not.
“Did he give you directions?”
“But you weren’t listening,” Marius sneers.
“I was. I just didn’t take notes,” Marius laughs.
“Well, for starters, you’re on the wrong floor.”
“What? Well, shit,” He chuckles.
“I can walk you up, if you want,”
You glance down at your watch.
“Nah. I’m a big person. And don’t you have somewhere important to be or something?”
He checks the phone in his hand. “Well, shit.”
You laugh.
He gives you a wave, talking over his shoulder. “It’s down the hall and up two flights of stairs on the right!”
“Yeah! Bye, Doc!"
After only a few turnarounds, you reach Vyn’s office.
It’s predictably neat, clean enough to be reminiscent of a museum, save for the occasional accent – the pillow in the chair across from the desk, the papers strewn about the desk, a leaning book to cover for a missing one.
Vyn’s white lab coat lays on the back of his chair. Even now, he’s elegant, chin perched on his wrist, golden eyes scanning the holograph document. He brushes the silver hair out of his eyes slides his finger to turn the page.
“Dr. Watts,” He greets, sitting up straight.
You suddenly feel bad for shattering the little scene of comfort before your arrival.
“Dr. Richter,” You give him a two-finger salute. “You owe me lunch,”
He smiles lightly - the painted, perfect thing. “That I do,”
“Is that a new case?” You ask as he rises from the chair.
“I’m afraid it’s not nearly as interesting,” He says. “Only grading papers,”
“Yikes,” You say, as if you’ve never graded papers.
“I like it,” He says. "It’s interesting to see the generations thinking on a particular matter,”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Of course you’d say something like that,”
He simply smiles.
"And before you ask, no – I don't agree," You say. "They think just 'cause they can build a robot, suddenly means they don't have to have a conscious or empth – Wait… isn't that Marius?"
"And Captain Morgan." The two of you watch for a couple of seconds before he starts to take the handcuffs out.
"Shouldn't we ... stop him?"
"He has the bail money," You cut him a look and start to walk.
"Oh, hi, Rosa," You say, and her face relaxes in relief when she recognizes you.
"Dr. Watts?"
"You know each other?" Marius whines. "You've been holding out on me, Doc?"
"What's going on here, Officer?" Vynn asks. "Marius here is under arrest because he's a person of interest – "
"Of course," You and Marius say simultaneously - you annoyed, Marius smug.
Darius regards both of you tiredly. "For the death of Estelle Marino,"
"Oh damn," You say.
Vyn hums in agreement.
"I suppose we should come with you, considering you were going to call us already, right?"
"Oh, thank god," You say when you arrive and they already have your stuff out. "Oh, right, you've never seen a Memory Editor in person before,"
Rosa shakes her head. "I've only heard you mention it in court,"
"It's only /interesting/ in court," You say. "Now it's just a bunch of digging in trash cans,"
"They mean investigating," Vyn said.
"Right," You say. "Sure,"
"It's legal," Vyn says to Rosa's shifting.
"I'll help," Rosa says. "What are you looking for … exactly?"
While the two of them go across the apartment, you walk over and boot up the machine. It's not hard, but it's a long process, and there are a lot of little settings that could mess things up along the way.
"There we go," You say. "Now we wait,"
"Do you have to wait a lot?" Rosa asks. "I mean, I try to be forgiving, considering it's resurrecting memories from scrach, but yeah,"
Rosa looks between you and the machine. “Dr. Watts?”
“What does it … “
“…Feel like?”
Like … being thrown into a pool. But it’s not a cold pool - it’s warm. But not, like, the weird kind of warm, either. And all the little bubbles rushing up are, like, feelings and - memories instead. And when you open your eyes to peer into the depths …
Who am I?
You are a beautiful woman.
Or not.
Fuck if you know.
You’ve got dark hair that falls effortlessly over your shoulders and thin blood-painted lips. A grand necklace with jewels reminiscent of the pools reflecting the night sky, held together with diamonds rivaling the constellations sits upon your slim and perfect neck. But your eyes are bloodshot and puffy and your dark mascara is smudged. You delicately raise your manicured fingers to eyes that are not yours -
“Dr. Watts -“ You jolt.
“Dr. Watts,” The voice glides over your senses like a clear stream and you swallow, hand on your chest. You are alone in the bathroom. “The time of death approaches. It will likely be gruesome,”
“No shit Sherlock,” You grumble, shaking your hands into the sink and palming at one of the plush towels. “Poisoning sounds, like, super uncomfortable!”
“Shh,” The voice reminds you, and you unwittingly clamp your mouth shut with a frown. “We wouldn’t want to alert your husband, would we?”
You toss a glare at the wall, try not to sputter over his choice of words. You brush your perfectly manicured fingers over the magazine cover, a dull feeling half love half anguish blooming in your chest. It’s sickening. Your husband is smiling, but his eyes are distant. The silk-gloved magician he is playing isn’t far from his role in your secret married life - disappearing and reappearing, disappearing and reappearing.
I’m sure you just wanted to tell me to shut up. Idly,you hover over the chocolate box given to you by that young upstart. He’s cute, but he has nothing on your man - even if said man thought so.
There was never anybody else.
There never could be.
There is no reply from the voice, but you know him - you can see, clear as day, that annoying little coy quirk of the mouth he makes that’s so frustratingly -
“Hmm?” He hums. You roll your eyes and throw a chocolate into your mouth. You can’t place the aftertaste - it’s strange. Sour. Citrus zest? No… You start to grasp at your neck. The necklace is too tight. You keep gasping for air and coming up empty.
“Help!” You’re screaming, banging on the door, but it isn’t enough.
“Help! Janus!” You’re clawing at the shared door between you and your beloved husband.
“Help! Janus! Please! Janus! I can’t - “ The hard-wood of the door peers down at you.
“Help!” You screech, falling to the floor. “Help! Vyn! Help me!”
You can’t swallow - you can’t - it’s getting dark.
Why would your husband not hear you? Isn’t he just on the other side?
It hits you, right as your vision fades to black and the door creaks open.
Ah. That’s why.
You inhale deeply, eyes darting around.
Who am I?
“[Name.]” Vyn has you by the elbow and you swallow harshly.
Rosa is absolutely terrified, big eyes blown wide.
“Uh,” You say, wetting your lips with your tongue. “That doesn’t normally happen,”
“How do you feel,” Vyn asks in a voice you know he only uses for patients and the bereaved.
“Rosa,” You try to move your arm but he doesn’t let go. Then, he does. “Can you go get me some water? Poison tastes as bad as you would expect,”
“Sure,” Rosa says, standing and smoothing her shirt. She seems happy to have something to do.
You start to stand up but Vyn stops you. “I need to check if I set something wrong - that’s not suppose to - “
“Breathe,” He orders.
And you do.
“We can talk about it now,” He says. “Or we can talk about it later,”
“There isn’t much to talk about,” You say. “I probably messed up a setting and - “
“You called my name,” Vyn says.
“And,” You say, sharply.
“And we need to talk about it. If not as colleagues, as … “
“Whatever it means to call out to somebody when you think you’re dying.”
You hate how hard it is to read his face. “…Yes,”
“I can tell you now - I don’t know Vyn.”
“You don’t have to,” He says. “But we have to talk about it.”
“We have a case,”
“That is true,” He said. “But if we don’t talk about it - I’m suspending you.”
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starsaver94 · 1 year
Ok, real talk. In my eyes, Hajime is the darkest DR protagonist.
I mean, the poor guy was looked down on for being a reserve course student and mocked for not having a talent (shown in the DR3 anime). He becomes a lab rat for Hopes Peak and has his emotions wiped when he becomes Izuru Kamukura (aka the Ultimate Ultimate). The one person he considered a friend when he was Hajime in the real world (Chiaki) dies in front of him. And in the Neo World program, he has a complete break down when he finds out that he was Izuru and was responsible for bringing AI Junko and Monokuma into the program (as shown in Ultra Despair Girls).
I just want to hug the poor guy (or at least give him some therapy)
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sycamorre · 5 months
💌 🥹
WORDS ARE HARD but like here's the tl;dr: we haven't known each other for very long, and even though I've only had the joy of seeing you in person once, I feel like we've got a lot in common and I wish you weren't so far away so I could have the chance to give you a good bear hug every once in a while
There are so many days where I'm just riding the struggle bus while at work, I'll pop into here on tumblr and see you're on that same bus and I just go "SAME GIRL. SAME." And I'm still both super embarrassed but also highly amused that we got so deep into the booping war that I accidentally unfollowed you while I was trying to boop spam (;-;) and you IMMEDIATELY saw it and came straight to Discord to rat me out and I was LAUGHING THE REST OF THE DAY. It was great. I just went back and looked at the activity spike from that day and it's glorious.
I love Vaela and Lehala and I love the joy I see when you get to play them. And yes! I second you on loving the quiet Ori/Vaela friendship, and I really do think that post campaign, these two would finally get to slow down a bit and get a chance to really know each other. I could talk for hours brainstorming what these two could get up to between Ori visiting Aerenth or even Ori inviting Vaela to Tyados. You are an absolutely joy to RP and write with, and I honestly want to do more if whenever we get the chance to.
Be strong my Mandalorian friend and know that I'm here for you every step of the way ♥♥♥
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core-bagg · 6 months
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I got inspired by @pepperoni-chips’ au and decided to make my own.
TL;DR: GHS meets Japanese myths and that one fae rule
It’s been half a year since Gregory House became aware of a new hotel and sent their first expeditionist (A random JB that nobody would miss). Gold wanted a break from the hotel and ask Gregory if he could leave. To his surprise, the old rat said yes…But not as how he looked now, besides, they needed someone to find that last expeditionist. Gold, now dubbed “Gabriel”, ends up at Laplace itself. There’s only one objective, find that JB and get out…Oh, and another thing; Don’t tell them your real name at any cost.
Gabriel is the main character of the au. He is JBG in disguise, using a soul to hide his true appearance…Unfortunately for him, that soul belonged to a teenager who just hit puberty. All he wanted was a day away from the hotel, and he got to visit Gregory House’s kaizo mode cousin.
Of course Gregory wasn’t going to just let one of his first guests walk straight into a potential death trap without guidance, so he dug out an old radio and hooked the other end up to an anonymous helper. They know a little too much about Laplace for comfort…Oh yeah, the old expeditionist used to send letters of his findings.
The fox that runs Laplace. Despite the name, she is not a Yōko, she’s actually based off a Myōbu. She is quite strict, but that’s her job as the runner of Laplace. Like Gregory, she has a “one-winged angel” form, which is based off a Tenko.
The tanuki that acts as Neko Zombie’s stand in. Like how NZ and Gregory’s relationship is based off the classic “cat vs mouse”, Yoko and Ponpoko’s relationship is based off the Japanese “Kitsune vs Tanuki”. He’s a much more jovial and round fellow.
A kappa that works as Laplace’s resident doctor. He is a kind man, in fact, he’s one of the more kinder residents in Laplace. Unlike Catherine, he will actually try to cure the guest’s illness and won’t just take them as live bait. He is also a man that’ll never break a promise. However, he is a little cowardly after an experience that made him put a helmet of water around his head.
A Nopperabō who gets their kicks off enabling a guest’s despair. They usually change their appearance to reflect a person that the guest has wronged in the past. The only way to get rid of Fault Kid is to either ignore them or show a positive reaction instead of a negative reaction, then they’ll walk off to find someone else.
A arcade machine that plays a dating simulator on its screen. He seems like a regular arcade machine at first, but the more the in-game Poly-san gets attached to you, the more he reveals that he’s sentient. Poly-san is a Yandere who’ll even harm his “lover” if they “cheat”. Basically Catherine without the chest.
A young yuki onna that always cold. She wanders the halls, hoping to find a way to satiate her hunger for warmth. Should a guest hug her, they’ll suffer from an incurable sensation of coldness that’ll be around for at least an hour. She also has a mother called “Cold Mama” who is a tsurara onna with a similar yet worse coldness.
A Warai onna dressed like a jester. She’s usually in the hallway practicing tricks. If a guest approaches Rasada, she’ll purposely fail her trick and begin laughing. Sooner or later, the guest will begin to laugh as well. Even after she leaves, they’ll still be laughing until they either pass out from the lack of air or they’re snapped out of it.
A Teru-Teru Bōzu who likes to play the game “hangman”. He’ll give the guest hints so they can spell the right word. It may be a simple game to him, but with that rope that spawned around the guests neck, it’s a game of life or death.
An oni that’s behind Laplace’s creation. He has three servants: a blind one named “Mizar”, a deaf one named “Kika” and a mute one named “Iwa”. He is, as the title would imply, in cahoots with Yoko, the person running Laplace.
The current beating heart of Laplace. This is the fate of the first expeditionist. After he faced all the trials of Laplace, his escape prevented by one fatal mistake: He said his real name. But that’s a mistake that won’t be repeated, right Gabriel?
That’s my lore dump done, feel free to ask me about my AU. I’m really passionate about it! Okay bye!
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aardvark-123 · 2 years
~The Silver-Heart Chronicles Part 4: Who Follows the Follower?~
Yngvar was wanted for desertion. With impeccable common sense, he had decided to lay low in Windhelm, the capital city of rebel-held eastern Skyrim. He rented a bed in the New Gnisis Cornerclub, from where he took a few jobs around the city and tried a few delicacies from Morrowind and Solstheim.
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Ambarys had been slow to trust Yngvar at first. "Oh, you're a Nord who felt so very bad about us poor, innocent Dunmer you just had to leave your special Stormcloak bigotry club, but now you're in trouble for quitting? How I weep for you!" he had declared.
"I wasn't expecting a pat on the head and a free sweetroll," Yngvar had assured him. "I just do what seems like the right thing to do. For the world or for whoever's around me."
That had mollified Ambarys a little. Yngvar's frequent food and drink orders mollified Ambarys a little more. Over time, they became something approaching friends, and Ambarys didn't even think of ratting Yngvar out to the guards.
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Speaking of guards, they were easy enough to avoid. Yngvar's hood kept unwanted eyes off him most of the time, and running away every time a guard seemed to recognise him was a sure-fire strategy. For a couple of weeks, everything was fine.
Then Adelaisa found him.
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Yngvar was strolling around on the docks when he heard a familiar loud voice. "Yngvar? Is that you under that hood?! Hey, it is!"
"Oh, not her... Not again!" groaned Yngvar. "Listen, Adelaisa, I'm trying to avoid unwanted attention-"
"I haven't seen you since Japhet's Folly!" Adelaisa went on, lifting Yngvar off the icy flagstones to give him a hug. "It's perfect timing, though, you showing up today. One of the dockworkers has lost her amulet of Zenithar."
"Haaaa... Has she? What a pity," groaned Yngvar. "I have business to attend to, so have a lovely day-"
"The amulet means a lot to her, but it's ended up in Stony Creek Cave somehow! I was going to try and fetch it," continued Adelaisa, talking over Yngvar without mercy.
"Well, I hope you have fun," said Yngvar. "I'll be here in the city, doing things."
"But since you showed up, we can go together!" Adelaisa confirmed what Yngvar had been dreading. "I could use some backup. People say there are bandits in Stony Creek Cave, rather like there are every cave, and they've tamed a dangerous creature as well. Sounds like fun, I know!"
"Adelaisa." Yngvar screwed his eyes shut. "Adelaisa, listen very carefully. I am NOT going to Stony Creek Cave with you and I am NOT slaying whatever the bandits downloaded from MihailMods this time! Forget it!"
"I knew you'd be on board!" smiled Adelaisa, clapping him on the shoulder. "Let's head out now while we have the sun."
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"Adelaisa! Adelaisa, listen to me!" growled Yngvar, chasing the swift-footed warrior over the bridge. "I'm not coming with you! I'm not going to Stony Creek Cave! Have fun! Goodbye!"
Adelaisa ignored him in favour of the spriggan who was asking for directions. "Witchmist Grove? We're heading that way ourselves! Why don't you come with us as a support fighter?"
The spriggan nodded in agreement.
"You're incorrigible, Adelaisa. Completely incorrigible," Yngvar panted as he followed her and the spriggan across the volcanic tundra. "I've made it quite clear that I will not be accompanying you on this trip, and you'll just have to live with that."
"You're right, adventures are always better with company," agreed Adelaisa. She stopped, looking up at the sky in surprise. "That's weird. Yngvar, have you seen a bird like that before?"
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Yngvar's jaw dropped. "Oh, my gods. OH, MY GODS! It's a- It's a- It's- It's-!"
"What?" said Adelaisa. "An owl? An albatross, maybe? I've heard they can be quite large."
Yngvar stared at her. "Even you, Adelaisa- Even you can't possibly be that pig-headed! That so-called bird up there is clearly a &£$%ing dragon!"
The spriggan quickly took root and pretended she was a tree, although it was easy to hear her wooden knees knocking as the dragon swooped down. Yngvar and Adelaisa dove for cover, feeling the roar of its wings above them, and got ready to make their stand.
"Adelaisa, we have to split up!" shouted Yngvar. "You make for Stony Creek Cave! I'll see if I can lure it away!"
"No, Yngvar, I won't abandon you!" screamed Adelaisa, but Yngvar was already sprinting away across the tundra, a wall of fire pouring from the dragon's jaws behind him.
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Somehow, some giants and a mammoth got involved.
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"No, no no no no! Hold it! I'm as much a victim of circumstances as you were!" screamed Yngvar, running from the furious giant as fast as his legs could carry him. "And that helmet looks stupid!" he sobbed.
Eventually Yngvar made it to the woods. Battered and exhausted, he stumbled towards a little lake for some rest and relaxation. When he saw who was waiting there, he almost fainted.
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"Yngvar!" cried Adelaisa, running over to embrace him. "By the divines, I was worried. That was such a brave thing you did, going to the giants for help, although Stendarr knows it was stupid to boot."
"Well..." Yngvar shifted nervously. "That's the kind of person I am, I suppose."
"I couldn't find you, but I had a feeling you'd try and get to the cave," said Adelaisa. "So I waited here, and lo and behold, here you are! Now we can get Shahvee her amulet back."
"You mean," Yngvar said in a small voice, "this is Stony Creek Cave?"
Adelaisa nodded. "Don't tell me you didn't know!"
Yngvar fainted.
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Once he'd regained consciousness, Yngvar resigned himself to helping stupid Adelaisa fetch stupid Shahvee's stupid amulet of stupid Zenithar from stupid Stony stupid Creek stupid Cave. It didn't look like the most welcoming of venues; the usual bandit decor gave it a rough and unkempt vibe.
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There was no shortage of bandits in the cave, but two factors played to our heroes' favour: the cave was narrow, and Yngvar had a crossbow. One by one the bandits fell until the stream ran red with blood.
"I wish they wouldn't throw their lives away so easily," sighed Adelaisa. "Whatever it is that drives people to a life of crime, don't they know there are other choices?"
"Ah, yes," said Yngvar. "Other choices. Take any job, risk your life in the civil war, risk your life as a treasure hunter, try to marry someone wealthy, be a beggar, be a thief... Am I missing any?"
Adelaisa fell silent, a worried look on her face.
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Deeper into the cave they delved, finding more dangerous bandits at the ready. Adelaisa was proving to be a very capable warrior, able to hold enemies at bay with her sword and shield or strike from afar with her bow. She and Yngvar were a formidable team in the face of most opponents.
What they found at the end of the cave was not most opponents.
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"What on Nirn...?" breathed Yngvar, staring at the translucent, cube-shaped creature as it engulfed and devoured its keeper. "Is THAT what the bandits tamed?!"
"It certainly seems that way," Adelaisa said worriedly. "One thing looks to be in our favour, though: it's clearly slow to move that much weight without any legs. Arrow time!"
They shot at the gelatinous cube. Eventually they got bored and went to finish the job by hand.
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"Well, that wasn't so hard!" smiled Yngvar, wiping the ooze off his sword.
"Speak for yourself," said Adelaisa, who was dripping with the stuff. "You're right, though, we carved her up like... Like a, um, cube of jelly! Some sort of gelatinous creature in, say, the shape of a cube. What you might describe as a cube which is also gelatinous. A gelatinous cube, one could say."
"Mm-hmm." Yngvar nodded disinterestedly. "Weren't we here for an amulet?" He squinted down at the sad pile of jelly left behind. "I think it's in somewhere among that lot."
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Adelaisa washed the amulet and herself in the waterfall, then she and Yngvar made their way out of the cave. On the way back to Windhelm, they got to talking.
"I was thinking about what you said," declared Adelaisa. "About bandits and their prospects in life. I know the world isn't a basket of roses, especially now, but you can always choose to do something better than mugging travellers and selling their things. You seem to be doing all right as a sword for hire, and the East Empire Company's been good to me so far..."
"The East Empire Company? I'm glad they're doing something useful with all the wealth that gets funneled out of Morrowind, High Rock, Skyrim and the other provinces." Yngvar sighed. "You do have a point. No-one HAS to be a bandit, strictly speaking. But for a normal person without an education or their ancestors' wealth, when no other opportunities present themselves..."
"You know, Yngvar, you really are a downer sometimes." Adelaisa sighed. "I understand what you're saying, but... There HAS to be something better than THAT! I wish it was... More visible to bandits, I guess."
"So do I," said Yngvar softly. "You know, not everybody can do the sorts of things we do. Although I will admit adventurers and company women tend to have the best clothing."
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They reached Windhelm next morning. Adelaisa gave Yngvar a strange look when he tiptoed past the guards, who could clearly see him, but she said nothing.
Shahvee was polishing the tanning rack on the docks as usual. When Adelaisa handed her (Shahvee) her (Shahvee's) amulet of Zenithar (Zenithar), she (Shahvee) wept and thanked her (Adelaisa) profusely.
"I must confess, before I came into Zenithar's faithful I was a thief," Shahvee admitted. "I am not proud of the person I used to be. So as thanks for retrieving my amulet, Adelaisa, I'll teach you how to pick pockets and crack people's locks!"
"Thank you!" said Adelaisa. "I'll be sure to pass what I've learned on to Yngvar, here, as well. He was very helpful in the cave."
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"By the way, Yngvar, thank you for coming," said Adelaisa. "I know I probably couldn't have kept you away once you heard how much that amulet means to Shahvee, but even so.
"...Er, well." Yngvar cleared his throat. "It's nice to make a difference."
"I know." Adelaisa smiled. "What do you have in mind now?"
"I'm afraid I won't be staying in Windhelm," Yngvar said quickly. "I'm going to move to a neutral hold, or failing that a hold which is nearby. Maybe Dawnstar."
"Dawnstar! I'm going there tomorrow to look into importing horker meat!" cried Adelaisa. "This is a perfect coincidence if ever there was one. We can go to Dawnstar together!"
Yngvar put his head in his hands.
"And I can help you get settled in!"
Yngvar started to cry.
"Do you want to head out now or wait for tomorrow?"
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dash-o-frost · 4 years
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! It’s not much but have some teeny tiny doodles I did of dr junkenstein and his monster.
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winterzsurprise · 2 years
Loving You Was A Losing Game || Karl Jacobs
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Pairing: c!Karl x Gender-Neutral! Reader (It's in the past), c!Quackity x Reader x c!Sapnap
Summary: In all of the universes he has visited, why is the one where you lived peacefully have to be you as his best friends' fiance?
Tags: Universe-traveller! Karl, Coffee Shop Manager!Quackity, Nurse! Sapnap (not specified tho), Polyamorous established relationship, Angst, Us against the world but the world won trope.
Words: 736
Was inspired by the shit ton of Dr. Strange and Christine edits floating around my Tiktok fyp. Might open request soon.
Like always, feel free to give me constructive criticism since I want to better my writing. Other than that, enjoy!
The doorbell chimed, then came the tinkles that didn’t come from the hanging ornament above the entrance but from someone’s lips that chattered off to their companion.
It was incredible that the aching dullness of his heart stuttered in its rhythm upon hearing your honeyed voice pierce through the calm melody playing on the speaking that drowned the space in its tunes.
When you smiled, the winter snow that covered his heart thawed to make way for the patches of flowers that bloomed in his chest that withered as fast as it came.
Because there’s no one you could call darling other than the other man behind the counter.
“Mi amor, mi corazon, are you guys going to work already?”
The café branch manager, Quackity, answered as he crossed the distance between the backrooms and the counter to reach over and hug you tight before turning to your companion.
It was shitty of him to forget that there’s another person involved.
But can you blame him? Out of all the universes he had visited...
“Can I get a large coffee with two bagels?”
He didn’t even notice you move in front of him, shocking him back from his thoughts that would’ve dragged him down into an endless void he so desperately tried to erase.
Your voice was the incarnation of every sweet thing that exists in the world. Your kind eyes that glanced at him for a mere second held every star he hand-picked out from the sky from every other universe he has visited.
It was lovely and absolutely stunning, but also hurtful.
Because unlike the other universes he travelled to just to meet you once more, he dared to come to this reality, where your eyes only glimmered whenever you looked at them.
“Sure, can I get this gentleman anything?”
Shaggy pinecone brown hair hidden under the obsidian VANS cap, a fresh bandaid pressed across the bridge of his nose and a fair length of peach fuzz on his jaw and chin. 
Fire smoldered deep within his guts when his green eyes practically dribbled in adoration while staring at your ever enthusiastic form beside him 
“Nah man, I’m good. I already ate before I left.”
“What name do I put on your cups?”
“Y/N, then he’ll go with—”
“Best Fiance.”
“Put Sapnap please.”
Karl let a smile breakthrough his impassive face, it was ridiculous.
When he started jumping from one universe to another with the same desperation of a grieving lover who wasn’t able to say his goodbyes properly, he saw miscellaneous realities where you took form in miscellaneous ways.
A human, an alien with multiple limbs, a dog, a tailless cat, a mermaid, hell, even a rat.
Even with the odd science of those universes, he stayed beside you. But with every failure, every jump that exhausted his body, mind and soul, he saw the horrors of the world and the cruelty of fate.
“You take proper care of them, alright man? I have some inventory arrangements to do.”
With a pat on the back, the man waved his beloved goodbye before running back to the door behind them.
Out of all millions of worlds and dimensions, your lives never dragged on for long. Your wishes of exchanging the bustling city into a lonesome yet happy lifestyle in a cabin in the woods were never fulfilled.
To see you unable to achieve your dreams crushed his soul, much more when he realises that there is no timeline out there where he’s someone you could call yours.
“I’ll call you guys when it’s done.”
You clung to Sapnap’s coat-covered arm as you moved away from the counter.
Karl has seen many horrors in his immortal life, experienced many heartbreaks from unique events that occurred in his life.
Yet nothing prepared him for the hammering ache that penetrated his heart when he caught the glimmering stones that shone around your finger. 
To be precise, two overlapping rings decorated your ring finger.
His eyes followed you both as you left his vision before letting out a shaky exhale. He didn’t even notice his hands gripping tightly on the marble counter that it turned pale with his veins bulked out.
How cruel can the fates be? How can they make a universe where you lived happily and will die with age be the only reality where you can’t be his but for his best friends?
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Yandere halloween ask yandere mad scientist! Bruno uses mind control chip to get darling to be the perfect spouse?
This ask right here made my mouth froth, I love Stepford wives so this ask just rolled along perfectly. Anyway enjoy!
This love
(Yandere mad scientist Bruno X female reader)
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You had always thought so highly of Dr Buccirati, you were his apprentice after all but there were times that you thought he just went a little too far with his work and this was one of them.
As he explained to you about how he made a chip that could modify an animal's behaviour. How the chip was planted in the rat's brain that you were holding.
"See (Y/n), look at how tame she is now" he said as he petted the poor creature's head.
"What do you intend to do with what you have learnt?" You asked with anger in your words.
"I intend to have the chip used to help with the conservation of the many animals that are close to being extinct. The animals will have the procedure and be put into captivity, they'll have no more issues with stress or aggressive behaviours which allows for them to be safely cared for and less risk during the reproduction cycle" he explained.
"So what you are saying is that you're going to be suppressing their natural survival instincts so they become domesticated?" You asked with a bitter taste on your tongue.
"That's exactly it, they'll have a safe place to repopulate and have nothing to worry about" he answered as he expressed his delight but it only made you grit your teeth in anger.
"I'm disgusted by what you are doing! You're essentially performing a lobotomy on these poor animals! You're playing god and taking away the emotions of a living creature!" You yelled at him.
"I've helped you work on some crazy things before… but I cross the line here!" You continued as you put the rat down in her cage before folding your arms at Bruno.
"Come on (y/n), you're overreacting… what I'm, no what we are working on is going to change history. So many species will be saved from becoming extinct. we will be two of the greatest scientific minds the world has ever know" he held your shoulder and lightly massaged it as he tried to convince you that there was no wrong in it.
"I don't know why you insist that this is a joint effort but I don't want anything to do with it, if people figure out how it works then it won't be long before this is used on humans… how many corrupt governments do you think would love to have this kind of technology used on their own people?" You rebuttal.
you glared at Bruno as you could see his usually calm demeanor wearing thin. He had his hands gripping his short black locks.
"(Y/n) the truth is that I love you, more than I could love anyone else. I want you to be by my side and I want you to be my equal…" he as his grip on you grew tighter.
"You are so intelligent and so beautiful… I just want you to do your best" he continued.
You pulled away the male with a shocked expression plastered on your face.
"Bruno… I didn't know you felt that way about me but I'm afraid I don't share the same feelings, I just don't think the chemistry is there between us" you told him before you headed to your bedroom.
You had decided you needed to cut ties from Bruno and finally begin your own work. You don't think anything could keep you working with him now. You began to pack your clothes back into your suitcase.
"(Y/n) are you planning on leaving now?" He asked as he rested himself against the door frame, he seemed to have recollected himself but to you something was off about his almost carefree tone.
"I intend to leave tomorrow" you said as you sat on your bed and folded your clothing.
"Don't you think you're blowing this out of proportion, can't we put the breaks on just talk about this over some tea..." he said as he slowly drew closer to you.
"I understand that you're upset and I didn't make things much better" he continued calmly before violently grabbing your hand causing you to fall back onto the bed before you heard a metallic click. You screamed as you tried to pull your hand back to find it was handcuffed to the head of the bed.
"What the hell?!" You screamed at Bruno who was now on top of you.
"I'm sorry that it had to come to this but I can't let you leave" he said.
"I love you too much to let you go… you're too good for this world" he continued.
You felt your stomach twist horribly and your vocal cords seize up. Your eyes were wide with horror.
"I dealt with my unrequited love for so long, I tried to just to put my feelings aside for you but I feel like if I keep it up any longer I'll explode" he rambled you tried to push him with your free hand but he was quick to hold it down.
It had been a month since he'd locked you up. You were curled up with your knees to your chest, you could see every little mark he'd ever left on your body, you still felt the sting that each love bite left on your skin. Today was cold and the chain and cuff around your ankle made it worse as you shivered in a silk nightgown.
You flinched as you heard the front door open. You had hoped that maybe that was anyone but Bruno, someone that could free you from this place. You heard a pair of footsteps draw closer, your hope dying as the same pattern tore into your brain… you knew he was home.
"(Y/n) I'm home" his voice was cheerful as he opened the door.
"I'm sorry I was later than usual… I found so many things I thought you'd like" he explained as he walked in with a large bag in his hand before placing it on the bed. You were hesitant to look but his sapphire eyes stared at you in anticipation, making your skin crawl.
You grabbed the bag and the first thing you pulled out was a 50s style white and black polka dotted dress. You looked at Bruno with a forced smile on your face.
"Bruno this is really nice but I've never really been a fan of dresses" you told him. He didn't respond. You pulled out another similar dress before picking out various boxes with golden jewelry till there was one more box inside, however it was rectangular in shape unlike the others. You pulled it out only to gasp in horror as you gazed upon the packaging of a pregnancy test. You looked back at him.
At this point you knew something was wrong, your stomach was telling you.
"What's going on?" You asked him with shakey words.
"I just need you to take it" he responded.
"I need to know whether or not you're pregnant, it's urgent"
"Urgent, what's urgent?!" You yelled at him.
"You're being extremely vague, it's scaring me" you replied, unsure of what was so urgant. You really hoped you weren't, having to live knowing your child was of his blood.
"Just take it please, wouldn't you like to know as well?" He begged.
You had a bad feeling about this but if you knew now then you could try to do something about it if it did come back positive. You let out a defeated sigh as you unboxed the test.
"See you didn't need to make such a big deal about it dear" he said in a light hearted tone as he walked towards the bed and unlocked the shackle on your leg and allowed you to go to the bathroom.
You felt the relief wash over you as you saw the results. It was negative, perhaps you were getting yourself all worked up.
"(Y/n) dearest, what's the results?" Bruno asked from outside the bathroom door. You opened it and showed him, his eyes lit up with joy as he hugged you which was very odd indeed, you assumed he'd had baby fever… if that was the case shouldn't he be disappointed.
You recoiled as you felt a sharp jab on the inner side of your elbow. You saw the now empty syringe in his hand.
"What are you doing?!" You screamed as you stumbled back from his grasp. He looked at the syringe and let out a content hum before his eyes returned to you.
He contemplated on whether he should tell you or not but at this point you couldn't do anything to stop him so there was no point in hiding it.
"I remember back on the night you tried to leave fondly, in hindsight you gave me the most brilliant idea" he explained.
"That whole talk on how my chip could work on humans was really inspiring, so I'm going to do just that… if you won't love me like this, then I can just make you love me" he continued as a smile grew on his lips.
The shock hit you as he explained it all, it horrified you to imagine it. It shook you to the very core. Everything else seemed like a luxury in comparison to losing everything.
"Bruno, please don't do this! I love you so much!" You screamed as you draped your body over him.
"My dear I love you so much… I'll stay with you forever… I'll give you as many children as you want, please oh please don't do this!" You were practically sobbing as you tried to pull on his strings.
"I'll do anything for you, anything at all!" You continued as you felt everything becoming numb, he had you in his hands and he could do anything he wanted to you.
"Please Bruno, we can put this all behind us and start over… you never imprisoned me, you never did those things to me… we can be the happiest couple!" You pleaded to him as your eyelids grow heavy.
"Please… please… I won't be the same person you feel in love with if you do this…" your screams turned into a mutter and as you tried to fight off the deep abyss of unconsciousness you swore you could see a glimpse of your whole life with every slow blink.
"What you've made is amazing Bruno, you should be proud of your work" the man in front of Bruno complimented his work.
"Thank you sir, to be honest I wouldn't be here showing you this if it wasn't for my wonderful wife" he said as he beamed with joy.
"Oh, your wife must be an amazing woman to help you" the man replied.
"Yes she is. She always gave me the right idea when I was unsure, she'd be here with us right now if it weren't for the upcoming baby. She's just been so ecstatic about it since we found out" he stated as he had his head in his hand. He was over the moon with joy, he couldn't talk to someone without bringing up the fact that he was going to be a father soon.
"Oh congratulations, how long till it's due?" The male congratulated him.
"Oh it's close, we're expecting around October… It's hard to imagine that I'll be a father in two months"
"And how's the lucky lady feeling about this? My wife was pretty worried before our first" he asked.
"Oh she's been great, she's been taking it all in stride. I haven't seen her sick or having any mood swings like what most of us tend to expect" Bruno chuckled as he slumped back into his chair.
"We should probably get back on topic… I should probably explain how these chips work in detail"
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years
Ok so this is my first time requesting so please be patient with me. Could you please do a teen!reader where they are the youngest child of the Whitly family, and Malcolm is very protective over them because he doesn't want them to be hurt like he has? And when they meet Martin for the first time, Martin is asking personal questions towards the reader and Malcolm just cranks the over protectiveness to 100. Sorry if that didn't make much sense, but thank you for taking the time to read this :)
Haha, I feel like I should be asking you to be patient with me! Anyways I liked this idea and I hope it turned out okay...
Daddy’s Home
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“Y/n, stop messing with your food!” Jessica said for the fourth time.
“This is so boring, why can’t we eat?” Slouching in her seat, Y/n moved her fork in between their fingers.
“We are still waiting on Malcolm.” Ainsley pipped in.
Rolling her eyes, she picked up her fork and started eating.
“What? It’s not like he’s going to be on time, he never is. I say we start eating now.”
“She’s got a point.” Ainsley shrugged, taking a bite from the plate herself.
Just then all three heard the door open and slam shut, Malcolm walked in the dinning room, quickly taking a seat next to Y/n. “Sorry, I got caught up with a case.” Malcolm loosen his tie.
“Big surprise.” Y/n mumbled under her breathe, making Ainsley crack a smiled from across the table.
“You’re here now, that’s all that matters.” Jessica smiled at her son. “Let’s eat shall we.”
Everyone started eating, leaving an awkward silence. Nobody seemed to have a topic of conversation.
“So, Y/n. How’s school going?” Malcolm started, not seeming to like the tension in the room.
“Yeah, Y/n. How is school?” Ainsley dragged out, her voice was teasing.
“Don’t make me come across this table Ainsley, I said it was fine.” Y/n gritted their teeth, already annoyed by what she was trying to do.
Since Y/n never saw Malcolm as much as Ainsley, she knew more about what went on in her daily life. Although, according to Y/n it was more like being nosy then anything else.
This comment had sparked an interest in Malcolm, of course picking up on Y/n defensive behavior. “What’s happening here?” Malcolm asked.
“Y/n has a crush.”
Shooting a glare at Ainsley, Y/n tried kicking her knee from across the table. “Stop being nosy.”
“Is this true?”
Y/n turned to Malcolm, instantly recognizing the look on his face. His protective nature was coming out, looking rather annoyed at the lack of response.
“Whatever, even if I did. It’s not yours or Ainsley’s business.” Y/n shrugged, taking another bite of food, hoping someone would change the topic.
“Y/n, you know I could just find out, Dani is really good at-“
“Absolutely not, don’t even try to go there! You keep to your life and I’ll keep to mine.” Y/n got up from her chair, grabbing her plate she walked up to her room.
“Well, that wasn’t so surprising.” Jessica casually stated, taking another sip of her wine.
“Did you know?” Malcolm turned to his mother now.
“Of course I knew Malcolm.” Jessica proceeded to drink her wine. “It probably wasn’t a good idea to say your police friends would get involved though.”
Malcolm sighed. “They don’t tell me anything, I barely get to see them, and when I do it’s always one sided.”
“Malcolm, have you ever thought that maybe you being gone all the time is the reason you don’t get told anything in the first place?” Ainsley pipped in.
Malcolm leaned back, taking a bigger sip of his wine. “I’m not gone that much.”
Just then Malcolms phone started ringing. Gil. “I gotta go.” Getting up from his chair, he proceeded to make his way to the front door. His hand was on the handle when-
“I wanna meet dad.”
Malcolm stopped dead in his tracks. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“What- Why would you wanna meet Dr Whitly? Where is this coming from?”
Y/n shrugged. “You see dad all the time, Ainsley herself did a whole interview with him! But anytime I even try suggesting to mom about seeing him, she freaks out. I wanna meet him.”
Malcolm shook his head. “No, absolutely not, that is a horrible idea. You don’t need to meet him.”
“Look. I get it. You wanna be all protective older brother. But you fail to realize that I’m asking you to meet dad, I could’ve just waited and gone myself. Instead I’m asking you so you can come with me.” Y/n leaned against the wall, messing with the hem of their shirt. “I love you enough to tell you I wanna see him, but when the day comes and I’m aloud to see him myself, I will go alone.
Malcolm sighed, walking over he pulled her in for a hug. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. You got out lucky being so young when everything happened. I would hate to see that crumble.”
“You can’t protect me from him my whole life. I gotta face him at some point. Besides you’ve already done so much, even the whole change the last name.” Y/n teased.
“Alright fine. But you can’t tell mom. She would not only kill me but might lock you in your room forever.” Malcolm said.
“You got yourself a deal Bright!” Y/n took out their hand.
Malcolm smiled. “And a deal yourself, Bright.” Shaking on it, Malcolm left to go meet up with Gil.
A few hours later, Malcolm texted Y/n saying he was outside. When the car pulled up, Malcolm started his rules on things to say and things not to say. Meeting Mr. David was a treat, he was super nice and welcoming. However Malcolm kept going on and on, until they finally got to the front door of the room.
“Malcolm. It’s okay, I get it.” He nodded, but he couldn’t stop his hand from tremoring.
Taking a hold of his hand, Y/n smiled reassuring at Malcolm. “Don’t worry, you’ll be there. You always got my back.”
Taking a breath Malcolm nodded to Mr. David. Giving him the okay to open the door, they both walked in, hearing the loud clank of it shutting behind them.
Martin was looking though a couple of his medical books. He didn’t look up, but he knew they were there.
“Malcolm my boy! You know how I love unexpected visits! I saw the news, quite an interesting turn of events on the case. Please tell me how I can assist.” Martin swivel in his chair. When he turned around he stopped when he realized there were two individuals.
“Why hello there, who’s this?”
Y/n tried not to let that comment get to them. It would only make sense that Martin wouldn’t know who they were. The last time Martin saw them was when he got arrested, and that was years ago.
“This is-“
“I’m Y/n Whitly!” Jumping in before Malcolm could respond.
Martin looked shock, his eyes looking up and down until he settled on Malcolm. “This is little Y/n? My baby?” Martin asked.
Malcolm sighed. “Yes, this is Y/n. Y/n Bright. Not Whitly.”
Y/n rolled their eyes. “Hi, uh, sorry. It’s just- well I’ve never really thought of what I was going to say, I just thought I could make it up as I got here.”
“Oh my sweet child! You have no idea how happy I am to see you!” Martin walked closer to the line.
Malcolm still was holding Y/n hand, which then began to tighten. Instead of moving closer to Malcolm, Y/n walked closer to Martin, standing in front of Malcolm now.
“Really? I mean- it’s been so long, I just thought maybe you forgot about me?” Y/n shrugged.
“Oh, no!” Martin protest. “My sweet child, I never forgot about you! I’ve always kept you in my mind with your brother and sister, it’s just so overwhelming to see you all grown up. I’ve really missed a lot haven’t I?” Before Y/n could say anything he continued.
“I mean, there’s so much to catch up on! How’s school going? Do you have any interest? Oh! Let’s start off easy. What’s your favorite color? Favorite food? How about a boyfriend or girlfriend-“
“Enough!” Malcolm cut in. He pulled Y/n back by her hand to try and put distance between them and Martin. “This is their visit, they can take all the time in the world to catch up.”
“Malcolm-“ Y/n hissed.
“No, your brother is right. I’m sorry.” Martin smiled brightly. “Go ahead, you go first. What would you like to know? Or perhaps tell me?”
Y/n stood there for a moment, knowing there was so much to ask but not enough time for the whole day. They could start with a favorite color, or food, but that was just meaningless things. Instead wanting to ask something a bit more meaningful.
Looking back to Martin who was waiting patiently for something to be said. “Was there ever a moment when you thought you could stop?”
Both Martin and Malcolm taken back by this, but they continued anyway. “Like- did you ever think that you would get caught one day, end up in here, miss out on everything, and never see your family again.”
Martin sighed. “I’ve thought it once or twice, but I never thought I would get caught, or rather... ratted out.” He started to walk around his side of the room, his chains dragging. “I’m so sorry I missed out on your life Y/n, but who’s to say I can’t catch up now!”
“But you wouldn’t have stopped, would you... I mean Malcolm knew what you were doing, and you were going to kill Gil that night anyway.” Y/n stated.
“Maybe, but Y/n you have to realize, it wasn’t my plan to come here, your brother-“
“Did an amazing job.” Y/n cut him off. “My brother did everything that should’ve been your job, and he did it great.”
Martin looked a bit nervous now, fidgeting with his handcuffs. “Y/n, my sweet-“
“I’m not your child.” Y/n stated. “And, biologically speaking you are my father, but Malcolm is my dad, my brother, my best friend. He made sure I was okay... even when I ignore him.” Looking to Malcolm, Y/n smiled  apologetically. “I thought coming here to meet you would help fill this hole of not having a father, maybe see if there was a chance that we could have had something. I see now that I was wrong, and if you would have never got caught, I would most definitely been worse off.”
“I know you are going though a lot of mixed feelings right now, but I assure you, I could be there for you. Give me a call, come by and visit, and you’ll see there is still a chance for us! We can still make this work Y/n. I can still be your father!” Martin encouraged.
“Maybe, but you’ll never live up to what Malcolms already given me.” Turning around towards the door, Y/n tugged Malcolm gently with her. “It was really nice to meet you Dr. Whitly. Maybe one day, we can form some type of relationship. Perhaps I’ll be proud enough to call myself a Whitly again, but for now, I think Bright suits me better.”
Walking towards the door, Mr. David opened it, moving to let them both pass.
“Don’t you worry Y/n! You’ll be proud to call me dad one day! I promise! Can’t wait until next time! Call me anytime! I’m always here for you!” Martin shouted from behind. Y/n didn’t say anything until they heard the metal door close.
Taking a breathe, Y/n leaned against the hallway wall. Their hands on the knees, thinking over what just happened. Malcolm squatted down in front of Y/n, taking their hands in his, he started to move circles with his thumbs.
“Are you okay?” Malcolm asked.
Nodding, Y/n looked up to him smiling. “Thanks for letting me come. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing out on much.”
Even though it was supposed to be sarcastic, there was still truth to what Y/n said. Malcolm leaned forward, kissing the top of their head. He pulled back and stood up straight, taking their hand in his. “Come on, let’s get home.”
Walking toward the exit Malcolm wrapped his arm around Y/n shoulder. “Did you really mean what you said? About me being like your dad? Also me doing amazing? Because sometimes I feel like I’m failing.”
“I know I give you a hard time, but I’m really glad to have you as my brother. I wouldn’t trade you for anything. You made sure I was always okay, sometimes too much, but I knew the love was always there. Thank you Bright.” Y/n smirked.
Smiling, Malcolm ruffled their hair. “Anytime Bright.”
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a-simple-gaywitch · 4 years
Coffee Encounters
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Gideon!Reader
Summary:  When (Y/N) spills a coffee on Spencer Reid, he doesn't expect her to become a huge part of his life.
Warnings: Mutual Pining, Angst, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Substance Abuse, Criminal Minds-Typical Violence
Word Count: 4,481
A/N: My first tumblr-published fic in a WHILE! I’m rewriting my tag list, so if you want to be tagged, message me!
“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”
- Vincent Van Gogh
The coffee shop was filled with people rushing to get their caffeine fix before work. You turned around and spilled your iced caramel mocha all over a tall, lanky man in an oversized sweater vest behind you.
“Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you said, rushing to grab napkins. “I am so, so sorry!”
“It’s fine,” the man assured you, taking the napkins you offered him. “I probably would have spilled coffee on myself at work today anyway.”
“Still, I’m so sorry. I-I have uh, an interview today and I’m seeing my dad for the first time in a while so I’m pretty nervous, and when I get nervous, I get super clumsy.” You awkwardly held your hand out to him. “I’m (Y/N).”
“Spencer,” he said. “Sorry, I have a, uh, germ thing.”
“Let me buy you your coffee,” you offered. “It’s the least I can do after spilling mine all over you.”
Spencer ran through the bullpen up to the conference room. He threw his satchel down on the floor next to his chair before flopping into it.
“You’re late,” Hotch said, not looking up from the paper in front of him.
“I know,” Spencer said, breathlessly. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Well, now that you’re here, we can get started.”
The team, of course, noticed the change in Spencer’s behavior. Morgan decided to be the one to ask about it.
“Okay, what’s her name?” he asked, rolling his chair over to Reid’s desk.
“What are you talking about?”
“You haven’t stopped smiling all day. Even after Hotch stuck you with more paperwork and told us we’d have to stay late tonight. So, who is she?”
Spencer smiled down at his desk. “I met her at the coffee shop this morning. Her name’s-”
Spencer looked up to see you running towards Gideon.
Spencer’s jaw dropped when he saw Gideon wrap you in a hug. “How are you, Pumpkin? How was the interview?”
“Uh, I’m not sure. You know how I get when I’m nervous. And I kept thinking about how I haven’t seen you in years and-”
“(Y/N/N), take a breath. You’re rambling.”
“Right. Right.” You exaggerated your exhale. “I’m good.”
“Come on, let’s go to my office. You can tell me about your interview.”
When you followed Gideon up the stairs, Morgan turned back to Spencer.
“That’s her?” Spencer nodded, still in shock. “Oh, Pretty Boy,” Morgan laughed, “what did you get yourself into?”
Spencer was asking himself that same question.
“So, tell me about the job interview. Was it really as bad as you thought?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed. “I got all nervous and jumpy, my hands were all sweaty. You know how I get when I’m nervous. I walked into a scarecrow decoration they had in the hallway.” Your father pursed his lips, obviously trying to hold back a laugh. You sighed. “Go ahead.”
“What? No, I’m not laughing!”
“Dad, I love you, but you’re a terrible liar.”
“Come on,” he said, getting up from his desk, still chuckling. “I’ll introduce you to the team.”
You followed your father out of his office. The team was gathered in the bullpen.
“Guys, this is my daughter, (Y/N) Gideon.”
“It’s nice to see you again, (Y/N),” Aaron Hotchner said, shaking your hand.
“You too, Aaron.”
“This is Agent Jareau,” Gideon said, gesturing to JJ. “And Agent Morgan.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” the man said, shaking your hand.
“This is Agent Greenaway,” Gideon said, introducing you to the rest of the team. “Dr. Reid, and Penelope Garcia, our technical analyst.”
“So, what was it like growing up as Gideon’s daughter?” Penelope asked you.
“Oh, you know, it was like any other girl growing up with an overprotective father,” you said. “I was in self-defense classes since I was 3, I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere alone until I was 17, my older brother hogged the bathroom in the morning, and when I started dating, I couldn’t go out with a guy until Dad profiled him.”
“Ooh, that’s rough,” Agent Greenaway said. “How did you deal with that?”
You shrugged. “I was a teenager, and Dad was almost always away for work.” Your dad looked at you. “I mean, I was a perfect angel who never did anything wrong.”
“Yeah, nice try, kiddo,” Gideon said. “We’re gonna talk about that at dinner. Speaking of which, ready to go?”
“Sure, I haven’t eaten all day.”
After you and Gideon left, Morgan turned to Reid.
“So, Gideon’s daughter.”
“Shut up, Morgan,” Spencer muttered, his face red.
When Jason came back from his last case, he noticed that you weren’t there. You’d been staying with him until you heard more about the job. Jason thought for a moment before smiling to himself and heading back out.
“Thought I might find you here,” Jason said, sitting next to you on the grass.
You were sitting in front of a gravestone, a vase of fresh flowers on the grass. You brushed your hand over the lettering on the marker. ”I got the job.”
“Well, that’s great!”
“I guess,” you shrugged. “Is it- is it weird that I feel guilty if I don’t visit when I’m in the area?” You smiled, tracing your finger over the name. “I feel like, if I don’t visit, Mom’s yelling at me from beyond.”
Jason smiled. “It’s not weird at all. Especially since you were so young when we lost her.”
You sighed, letting your hand fall back to your side. “Do you think she’s proud of me?”
Jason was shocked by your question. “Of course she is,” he told you. “She’d be so proud of you, pumpkin.”
“Even though I broke my promise to her?” you whispered. “I promised I’d find a cure so no one would have to suffer like she did.”
“(Y/N),” your father sighed, “you were barely 15 when she died. She never expected you to keep that promise.” He nudged your shoulder. “Besides, she’d love that you’re dedicating your life to teaching kids.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. I’m your dad, I know everything.”
You laughed, leaning your head on his shoulder.
You settled into the DC area well. You’d become best friends with Penelope Garcia, and you grew closer to the rest of your dad’s team. Even though you weren’t part of the BAU, you were family.
You grew even closer to Spencer, too. Penelope, despite not being a profiler, could tell there was something up. She noticed the glances you’d give him when he wasn’t looking, and vice-versa.
“So, what’s going on with you and Reid?” she asked you over your Saturday morning coffees.
“What are you talking about, Pen?”
“Oh, come on! I see the way you look at him.”
“Wha- the way I look at him?”
“Yeah, you look at him like you’re ready to have his babies.”
“ Penelope! ”
The team was in Florida, getting deathbed interviews from Sarah Jean and Jacob Dawes. Gideon was sent in to interview Sarah Jean.
“Do you have children, Agent Gideon?” she asked him.
“It’s irrelevant,” he told her.
“Is it?”
While Hotch interviewed Jacob, Gideon and Reid were looking over the interview with Sarah Jean, looking for anything that might grant her a stay of execution. After some discussion with the team, Gideon headed back in to talk to Sarah Jean.
“Does the strain of your work affect your marriage?” Sarah Jean asked him.
“I’m not married.”
“You wear a ring.”
Jason rubbed the wedding band he still wore with his thumb. “Why would you still be protecting Jacob?” he decided to ask.
“Did you divorce because of putting people like me away?”
“I think you’re innocent,” Jason told her.
“We’re all guilty of something. But it’s… our children who suffer for our sins, isn’t it?”
“You’d have to ask them.”
“How old are they?” she asked.
“27 and 24,” Jason said with a smile.
Sarah Jean smiled. “Do you have pictures of them?” she asked.
“In my office. One of my son, one of my daughter.”
“You don’t carry them with you?”
“To protect them. Tell me, Agent Gideon, does this job make you worry about your daughter?”
He nodded. “Every day.”
“Is there anything you wouldn’t do for your children, Agent Gideon?”
He shook his head. “Absolutely nothing.”
Spencer was pouring sugar into his coffee when he heard you and Garcia laughing. He turned to see the two of you talking in the doorway.
“Oh, before I forget to ask,” you said, “can you come in on Wednesday as a guest reader?”
“I’d love to!” Penelope said. “I’d love to read to those little angels!”
You smiled and adjusted the bag on your shoulder. “Great! I’ll see you tomorrow morning for coffee?”
“Of course.”
You waved towards Gideon’s office before ducking out of the BAU.
Elle came up to the coffee maker and poured herself a mug. “Why don’t you just ask her out?”
“I can’t do that,” he said, sipping his overly-sweetened coffee.
“Why not? It’s obvious you like her.”
“She’s Gideon’s daughter , Elle. I can’t ask her out.”
“Oh, I get it,” she said, stirring milk into her coffee. “You’re afraid Gideon wouldn’t approve of you dating his little girl.” She tossed the coffee stir into the trash and took a sip of her coffee. “If it’s any consolation, I think if he were to approve of anyone for (Y/N), it would be you.”
“You think?”
“The man loves you, Reid,” she told him. “Plus, you’re just as awkward and dorky as she is, you’re a good match.”
Spencer sat at his desk, with only his lamp to light the bullpen. A tabloid magazine sat on top of his case file.
“Hey Reid, you’re lucky they didn’t get a shot of you next to the pool trying to draw your gun. You looked like a drowned rat,” Morgan laughed.
Spencer chewed his lip for a moment. “Did you know that, um, she, uh- I kissed her? In the pool? It’s so weird. It doesn’t even feel like it really happened, you know?”
“Sure. She’s a beautiful young actress.”
“Yeah, but…” he paused, looking at the cover of the magazine, “it didn’t feel right. I felt guilty, almost. I felt like I was crossing professional boundaries.”
“Look, some things you can’t control, even with that big ol’ brain of yours,” Morgan told him with a smile.
Spencer was silent while Morgan put on his jacket. “Hey Morgan? Has there ever been a girl you just… couldn’t get out of your mind, no matter how hard you try? Even when another girl is kissing you?”
“I can’t say I have,” Morgan said. “But if this girl is so heavy on your mind, you should see where it goes.”
“So, you think I should call her?”
“I don’t know, Reid. But I do know you don’t have to decide tonight. I’ll see you Monday, okay, kid?”
“Yeah. Have a good weekend, Morgan.” He sat at his desk, looking at the tabloid. He sighed and threw the magazine in his trash can.
Of course, you’d seen the tabloids. You were out grocery shopping when you saw the pictures. You picked up the magazine and scoffed.
“It’s crazy how they invade celebrities’ lives, isn’t it?” the old woman in line behind you said. “That poor boy was probably just at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“Yeah,” you said, putting the tabloid back on the rack. “It’s crazy.”
The next day at work, one of your coworkers came up to you while you were cleaning paint off the tables.
“So, should we talk about how your boyfriend is supposedly dating a tv star?”
Your face heated up. “He’s not my boyfriend, Hannah. He’s my dad’s coworker.” You heard one of the kids start crying. “Oh, Joshie’s crying again. Maybe you should go find out what happened.”
When the last kid was finally picked up by his grandmother, you were exhausted. But you still had to clean up the classroom. You sighed and started picking up the pretend food and sorting it into the proper baskets.
“Night, (Y/N),” your coworker said.
“Night, Ronnie. See you tomorrow.” You hung the costumes back on the hangers and put them back on the rack when someone knocked on the door. When you looked up, you saw Spencer standing in the doorway, his hands fidgeting.
“Oh, hey, it’s Lila Archer’s secret boyfriend!” you said, pushing up from the floor.
“Please tell me you didn’t buy into those pictures.”
“Well, you know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.”
He walked over to where you were gathering stuffed animals and helped you collect them. “It wasn’t what they made it look like,” he said. “She was attracted to me, but it was just transference.” He rubbed the back of his hand, his eyes looking down at the roadmap carpet. “And she isn’t the girl I like.”
“Yeah. Lila didn’t make my heart rate speed up just by smiling at me like she does.” Spencer’s eyes were shining as he talked.
“What else do you like about this girl?” you asked him.
“She’s smart, she’s caring, she listens to me when I ramble on about random facts.” He smiled and looked at you. “She’s one of the only people in the world that calls me Spence. And she’s super clumsy when she gets nervous.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “You’re the one I want to be with (Y/N). You’re the one I can’t stop thinking about.”
“Damn, girl, if you don’t take him, I will!” Hannah said from the doorway, making you both blush.
“Go home, Hannah,” you said.
“Okay, okay, I’m just saying.”
Spencer chuckled, looking down at his Converse.
“You know, I like you too, Spence.”
Spencer’s face lit up. He grabbed the sides of your face and kissed you. When he pulled away, his face was red.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thin-”
“Spencer, shut up,” you said, grabbing his tie and pulling him in to kiss you again.
“Guys, conference room. Now,” Hotch said, walking through the bullpen.
Morgan pushed up from his desk, walking up the stairs next to Garcia. “Is it just me, or has Reid been weird around Gideon today?”
“Oh, no, he is,” she said. “He and (Y/N) kissed last night.”
“Wait, so Reid and (Y/N) kissed?”
“And Gideon doesn’t know?”
“So everything he’s saying is making Reid uncomfortable?”
“Should we exploit this?”
After everyone settled into the room, JJ started her presentation of the case, with the help of Gideon and Hotch.
“Uh, Gideon,” Morgan said, “When the plane kisses down on the air strip, do you want me to go to the scene with you?”
Spencer’s eyes widened as Gideon looked over Morgan. “Uh, weird way to ask that, but yeah. You, me, and Reid will visit the scene.”
“Do you think we can make out any information from the victims?” Garcia asked.
“Guys, what’s going on?” Hotch asked.
“Nothing!” Spencer said. “Can we just get to the jet?”
Hotch eyed Spencer suspiciously before saying, “Wheels up in 30.”
You’d heard about Elle, of course. You’d heard about her injury, investigation, and resignation. Spencer was shaken up about her leaving.
The team was bunkered down at the office when you stopped in with some coffees.
“Excuse me,” you said to the dark-haired woman standing by the printer, “is Agent Gideon in?”
“Yeah, were you meeting with him for this case?”
You laughed. “No. No, I’m his daughter. I’m (Y/N).” You shifted the coffee in your hands to shake hers.
“Emily Prentiss.”
“Oh, you’re the new agent. Dad mentioned there was a new transfer.”
“Well, he should be up in his office,” Agent Prentiss told you.
“Thank you, Agent Prentiss.”
“Please, call me Emily.”
You smiled before climbing the steps to your father’s office. You knocked on the door, waiting for him to answer.
“Come in.” You pushed the door open to find your dad at his desk, his glasses perched on his nose as he filled out paperwork.
“I brought you a coffee,” you said, setting the cup on his desk.
“Thank you,” he said, pulling the hot cup closer to him.
“And I made you some meals for when I go away.”
“(Y/N), you didn’t have to-”
“Dad, you know what the doctor said. Your blood pressure is way too high, and I know you won’t stop this job. The least you can do is stop eating so much takeout.”
“Dad, I’m serious. I don’t want you dying before you have the chance to walk me down the aisle. At least eat them when you’re home?”
He sighed. “Okay. Alright. What time does your flight leave again?”
“Five in the morning,” you said.
“You’ll call me when you land?”
“Of course, Dad,” you promised.
“Good. Tell Miranda I say congratulations.”
“I will,” you said. “I’m gonna go deliver these coffees to Penelope and Spencer.” You walked out of his office, closing the door behind you. You walked into the BatCave, setting the mocha frappuccino on her desk. “Last coffee before I go to Maine,” you said, sitting in Penelope’s spare chair.
“You better show me those wedding pictures, you know I love weddings,” she said, sipping her coffee. “Are you gonna talk to Reid before you go?”
“Sure, I have to give him his coffee.”
“No, (Y/N), are you going to talk to him about the kiss? It’s been months and you two still haven’t talked about it.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault you guys are always on a case.”
“Garcia, conference room,” JJ said, poking her head into the office.
“Speaking of,” you sighed. “I’ll see you when I get back, Pen.”
Before you left the BAU, you left Spencer’s coffee on his desk, a sticky note with a smiley face on top of the lid.
“ Hey, Dad, it’s me, ” you said on your message to Jason, “ I got sent straight to voicemail so I’m guessing that means you’re on the jet. I’m just calling to let you know my flight got delayed. There’s a huge storm so the plane is grounded until it’s over. I’ll be home as soon as I can. Love you, bye. ”
“You okay?” Hotch asked when Gideon slipped his phone back into his pocket.
“Yeah. (Y/N) just left a message, apparently it’s storming so her flight is delayed.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Are we any closer to finding Reid?”
“No. But Garcia found a way for us to get a video to him . We can let him know we’re looking for him.”
Spencer was struggling. He could feel the little glass bottles in his pocket, and he was itching for them.
“Hey, Spence!” you said, your bubbly voice shocking him as you set a cup of coffee on his desk.
“What’s this?”
“Dad said the last couple of cases were hard on you guys, I thought you might want a pick-me-up.”
He pushed the coffee towards the back of his desk. “I’m fine.”
“Spencer, what’s going on? You never turn down free coffee from Winnifred’s. Are you feeling okay?”
“I’m fine, okay?” he snapped. “Just leave me alone.”
When he saw your face, he knew he fucked up. “Fine. When the Spencer I know gets back, let me know. Goodbye, Dr. Reid.” You walked out of the BAU, brushing passed Hotch and Morgan as they came from the break room.
“What was that about?” Morgan asked.
“Nothing,” Spencer said, pushing up from his desk and walking away from the two.
When you hadn’t visited the office for a few weeks, the team knew something was off. While Morgan talked to Reid, Gideon went to your apartment to talk to you.
“Hey, Dad,” you said when you opened the door. “What’s up?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing,” he said. “You haven’t visited in weeks.”
“I’ve been busy,” you said, getting a bottle of water and offering it to your father. “Mack wants me to get my Masters, she said I’d be a good academic director.”
“That’s not the reason,” he said, taking a sip of the water. “What happened between you and Reid?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on, (Y/N), I’m your dad. I know you have feelings for each other.” Your face turned red and you looked down at your feet. “You’re a grown woman, (Y/N). You don’t need my permission to date anymore. But if you do want my opinion, I think you and Spencer would be a great match.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, I do. Now, what happened?”
You sighed, flopping onto your old, worn out couch. “You’d all been so busy lately, so I decided to bring him coffee from our favorite shop. But he was, he was acting different . And not a good different. When I tried asking him what was wrong, he got all defensive and he lashed out at me. So I told him that when the Spencer I know gets back, he could let me know.”
“Well, I’m not sure that’s going to happen,” Jason said.
“What do you mean?”
Your father sighed, setting the bottle on the old trunk you used as a coffee table. “On one of our cases, he got kidnapped.”
“Oh, my god,” you said, covering your mouth with your hand. “Oh, Spence. No wonder he was different.”
“He needs you to be there for him, even if he doesn’t think he does.” Jason’s phone started ringing. He sighed when he saw the caller ID. “I gotta go. Oh, but before I forget,” he pulled a disk out of his jacket and handed it to you, “happy birthday.”
“What’s this?”
“I don’t know how long this case is gonna be, I might not be home in time for your birthday. Just watch the DVD.” He kissed your forehead before heading out the door.
You were curled up on your couch, wrapped in blankets as you rewatched the DVD again. It was all the home movies your family ever filmed from your childhood. You were tearing up as you watched your mom push you on the swings.
“Higher! Higher, Mommy, higher!”
“Hold on tight!”
There was a knock at your door. You paused the video and untangled yourself from your nest of blankets. You peered through the peephole and saw Spencer standing outside, his hands behind his back. You undid the deadbolt and opened the door.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry.” He brought his hands back around, showing you a bouquet of flowers- all your favorites. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that, I was out of line. I-I wasn’t in my right mind and-”
“Spencer, breathe.” You motioned for him to come in. He handed you the flowers. “Dad told me what happened in Atlanta.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “He didn’t tell you everything.”
“What do you mean?” You set the flowers on your kitchen counter and sat next to Spencer on your couch.
“Promise me you won’t blow up and get angry.”
“Spence, what’s going on?”
He took a deep breath. “When I was kidnapped, the unsub injected me with dilaudid. It was meant to keep me passive and subdued.”
“And now you’re addicted, aren’t you?” you realized. “Oh, Spencer.”
“I’m getting help,” he assured you. “Gideon kind of, uh, talked a little sense into me.” His hands were fidgeting. “I, I didn’t want to tell you because I thought you might, I don’t know. I thought you might not like me anymore.”
You took his hand in yours. “Spencer, I knew I liked you when I spilled my coffee on you and you didn’t freak out on me. Then I got to know you, and your kind, gentle heart. I don’t think I could ever stop liking you.”
Spencer’s smile came back. His real smile. He turned his head to the tv. “Is that your mom?”
“Yeah,” you said, a sad smile on your face as you hit play.
“You don’t talk about her much.”
“She died when I was in high school,” you said. “After she died, my uncle took over recording family videos when Dad was off on cases.”
“You look just like her,” Spencer told you. “Wait, what’s this one?” he asked.
The camera was pointed at a stage, lights coming up on apartment buildings.
“Oh, this is from when I did Little Shop of Horrors !” you said. “I played Audrey.”
“Wow, really?” He cleared his throat. “I-I don’t mean I think you can’t do it, I just meant I can’t see you letting a man treat you like that.”
You shrugged. “Acting, Spence.”
He laughed and you leaned against him. His face turned pink, but he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He kissed the top of your head.
Your dad left the bureau, for good. He dropped off the map, not even telling you where he was going. Spencer was beyond upset. When he found the letter, he showed up at your apartment, tear tracks down his cheeks.
“Spence, what happened?” You took his hand and gently pulled him inside. “Spencer?” He handed you the letter as the two of you sat on the couch. “Oh, Spencer.”
“He left. He left us. Without even saying goodbye.”
“I’m sorry, Spence.” You wrapped your arms around him and he rested his head on your shoulder. “I know how you’re feeling. I can’t tell you the number of times I expected Dad to be at something, and he wasn’t there. It got to the point where I was surprised if he did show up.”
“How did you deal with that?” Spencer asked you.
You shrugged. “I guess, I just… focused on who was there for me.”
Spencer woke up the next morning to his phone blaring. He was disoriented, and didn’t quite recognize his surroundings. Until he looked to his left and saw you laying next to him.
You sat up and rubbed your eyes. “Is that the team?” you asked, your voice still rough from sleep.
“Yeah,” Spencer sighed.
“Go. They need you.”
“Spence.” You cupped his face in your hands. “I’ll be here when you get back. I promise.” You kissed him and pressed your forehead to his. “Go save the world, my genius.”
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Because I'm bored.
And I want to give myself some serotonin.
And because I've put this off for a long time😅
Shade and Coriane were never afraid of monsters under their beds because Cal would "scare them away" with a really bright flashlight.
Both children have a little bit of buidling and tinkering in them. Shade showed it by switching out lightbulbs and pointed out the ones he was putting in would be better at being adjusted than the ones before and Coriane showed it by fixing a clock.
Mare isn't exactly the best at cooking, but she's at least better than Cal. And her mother; sorry, Ruth.
Both children are excellent swimmers, much to Cal's chagrin.
Coriane remembers meeting her great Nanabel, and the smile she had at the sight of her great granddaughter.
Shade didn't really have a chance to meet her.
Both children wish they could have met their uncle on their mother's side and uncle, grandfather, and grandmother on their father's side.
Both Samos siblings are allowed to see the children, and neither of the children were excited; they'd heard "scary stories" about them and their father, who sounds scary; no, Cal didn't make it clear that Volo was dead, all he said was the Samos patriarch had fallen down and didn't get up, so they assumed that meant he couldn't use his arms anymore.
They were all pretty surprised to meet each other.
Ptolemus was more like a fun uncle than the berserker they all knew.
He did explain that Volo did indeed fall, but couldn't get up because of how high he fell.
The electricons love how entertained the children are with their lightning abilities.
Tyton is a pretty good babysitter. Coriane is allowed to stay up, but only after Shade has gone to bed.
Kilorn is not allowed to teach either child how to swim; there was an 'incident' where Cal tried to be brave and go swimming and Kilorn scared the living hell out of him.
That's fine because neither children like swimming.
Yes. Just because the children are good at swimming doesn't mean they enjoy it.
Mare has told Gisa she doesn't need to make the children outfits, but Gisa did it anyway because she loves her niece and nephew.
The court ettique stuck with Cal, which has led to him raising the children to be very formal.
SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL(I'm naming Tedros and Agatha's son Anthony):
Both parents were kind of scared Anthony was mute because he didn't start talking until he was nearly a year old. He's not mute, he just doesn't talk much.
You have to catch him at just the right moment. Anthony is completely silent around large crowds or assemblies, but with his parents he's half of a chatterbox, at least.
Anthony and Agatha can have full conversations with nothing but facial expressions.
Tedros had a hard time getting Anthony to open up to him, and decided to give the boy space for a little bit.
It was absolutely worth it for the heart to heart they had.
Hester and Anadil hate kids, but Agatha's and Tedros's little demon spawn is the only exception to that statement.
Anadil was won over by how he didn't cry and even 'said' how her rats were cute.
Hester, however, only warmed up to him when she spent a longer time with him, and after getting a chance to watch him because Aunt Sophie kept stepping in.
On one such occasion, where Anthony was surprised by Hester's watching him, the boy was overjoyed to see her, hugging her closely. He then backed up and stepped back, giving her a wave and smile. As she understood his silence better than Sophie, Hester wrote to him on a paper, 'Did you miss me THAT much?' Anthony nodded and wrote back, 'Yes!'
Sophie is not a helicopter aunt, but she loves Anthony a bit too much for his liking.
She NEVER talks about how she'd been hoping he was a girl.
Anthony isn't a fan of pink, but he doesn't hate it. Pastel is fine. Anything more vibrant makes him puke.
Both Tedros and Agatha were surprised to see how good Anthony was on horse back.
Heart attack angst moment: A former supporter of Rhian and Japeth snuck into the castle and made an assassination attempt on the royal family, more specifically Anthony. Tedros threw his son behind him and drew hus sword and Agatha shot a spell at him and proceeded to tackle him to the ground, not caring about her dress or the fact that the assailant was still armed.
Anthony colud not watch the execution because he hates bloodshed. He's a vegetarian/vegan and tries to eat as little meat as possible because he often spends time in the stables and around animals.
Agatha and Tedros are aware of this and are okay with it, though Tedros has him eat a single steak for dinner and teo eggs for breakfast once a month on seperate occasions, just so he doesn't lack any iron or protein.
To clarify, by separate occasions, I mean that Anthony will eat the steak one day and the eggs later another day within the month. After that, he can indulge in as much vegan/vegetarian food as he wants.
Have fun trying to convince Tedros and Agatha to let him attend the SGE; it's not that they have unpleasant memories, they just want him to try and have as normal of a life as possible.
On a walk, and when the Tagatha child was a teen, Tedros noticed some girls trying to flirt with Anthony and that his son barely reciprocated their actions. He pointed out that they were showing an interest in him, and Anthony admitted that he knew and he just didn't really feel the same way; he didn't exactly see why they were so flirty when he didn't feel like giving it back to them.
NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS(The triplets I'm naming Jacob, the eldest boy, Luna, the middle girl, and Daemon, the youngest boy):
Jacob is 98% the triplets' father; he'd be a spitting image if it weren't for his mop of hair, he's sharp as a whip, but still puts the E in idiot(please tell me you git that Jenna Marbles reference!!!).
Luna is arguably the smartest, but good luck getting a, 'you don't say' out of her. She won't tell you she's smarter than you, she will show you. Good thing Jack and Sally keep her in check.
Daemon is the family's "underdog." He has the last minute, 'this will work,' Jack Sparrow plans. He's quiet, he sews, he sings, and if he's not trailing behind Jack, Sally, or his siblings, he's probably touching up his clothes.
Jacob was the idiot kid that got electrocuted to the point his red hair turned black. He barely remembers it, but now all he tastes is cold peanut butter. Daemon has often suggested and offered to do it again, but Luna stops him. Pro: he's spending more time with Luna and Jacob is safe. Con: he's spending time with LUNA and Jacob still doesn't remember.
Jacob, as the oldest, attends 'meetings' with Jack and the Mayor. It doesn't bore him, he just gets tired of the Mayor's whining.
Jacob doesn't get Christmas. Luna has the basic idea of it. Daemon is the only one that understands, but doesn't explain it fully out of spite; Jacob called him scatter brained because of an incident where, at the table, a cockroach crawled out of his eye socket.
Daemon is the only one of his siblings to have eyes.
Even though she's literal bone, Luna has stitches that are very close to Sally's.
Neither Jack nor Sally have nicknames for the children, besides terms of endearment.
You know you're in trouble when Jack looks at you and looks ready to dig your grave himself.
All three triplets have Jack's fire power, but no one's gotten hurt because of it, even though Jacob and Daemon had one close call.
Neither parent would ever even dream of raising a hand against the children.
It's safe to say that Luna and Sally use common sense the most out of all five of the family members.
Daemon smells like pumpkin and cinnamon. He finds both himself, cinnamon bark and small, apple-esque pumpkins, and eats them like skittles and popcorn.
Another result of the electrocution, Jacob is hard of hearing where is left ear would be, if he had ears. He can't hear at all in the "ear." Not even a ringing sound.
The only reason Jacob doesn't like something is because he doesn't get it. At all.
Luna sees the glass as half full, Daemon sees the glass as half empty, and wonder if it belongs to someone who drank out of said glass, hence its being hald empty, and Jacob just sees a glass of water, now can he just drink the rest?
Luna, the best with herbs, has poisoned her brothers. Sally found out and she was grounded.
Daemon, to see how much he could take, dived off the roof of Dr. Finkelstein's tower. It took Jack, Sally, Luna, Jacob, and Zero all day to collect all of him. He was grounded and locked in his room.
Jacob got grounded for a few things: setting his sister on fire(no one knows who started that fight.), hiding in a morgue to scare people only to end up falling asleep, even as they tried to cremate him, and then waking up in front of the humans, pretending to be one of the hanging men on The Hanging Tree, and dancing on top of the tallest Pyramid in Egypt.
The children do misbehave sometimes, but their parents love them.
Jack and Jacob don't see eye to eye exactly, but they still get each other.
Luna loves both her brothers, but she will hang out with Daemon more than Jacob.
Daemon has a lot of glow sticks he collected and they all still glow when it gets dark. Jacob used his thinking cap and had a moment of big brain time, and drank some of the glow stick juice.
One more thing he got in trouble for.
Daemon also got in trouble, but he was allowed to keep his glow sticks.
Luna is a good singer, Daemon is a great dancer, and Jacob is the best at succeeding their father
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