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MASTERLIST "Cherry?"*Request Are CLOSED*
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Hello friends, long time no post. I know, my fault. Before anything else gets assumed. I wanna make it clear that just because the show has ended doesn't mean this blog will. I love the show and writing about it. Thank you for the support, love you all! 
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Ok so this is my first time requesting so please be patient with me. Could you please do a teen!reader where they are the youngest child of the Whitly family, and Malcolm is very protective over them because he doesn't want them to be hurt like he has? And when they meet Martin for the first time, Martin is asking personal questions towards the reader and Malcolm just cranks the over protectiveness to 100. Sorry if that didn't make much sense, but thank you for taking the time to read this :)
Haha, I feel like I should be asking you to be patient with me! Anyways I liked this idea and I hope it turned out okay...
Daddy’s Home
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“Y/n, stop messing with your food!” Jessica said for the fourth time.
“This is so boring, why can’t we eat?” Slouching in her seat, Y/n moved her fork in between their fingers.
“We are still waiting on Malcolm.” Ainsley pipped in.
Rolling her eyes, she picked up her fork and started eating.
“What? It’s not like he’s going to be on time, he never is. I say we start eating now.”
“She’s got a point.” Ainsley shrugged, taking a bite from the plate herself.
Just then all three heard the door open and slam shut, Malcolm walked in the dinning room, quickly taking a seat next to Y/n. “Sorry, I got caught up with a case.” Malcolm loosen his tie.
“Big surprise.” Y/n mumbled under her breathe, making Ainsley crack a smiled from across the table.
“You’re here now, that’s all that matters.” Jessica smiled at her son. “Let’s eat shall we.”
Everyone started eating, leaving an awkward silence. Nobody seemed to have a topic of conversation.
“So, Y/n. How’s school going?” Malcolm started, not seeming to like the tension in the room.
“Yeah, Y/n. How is school?” Ainsley dragged out, her voice was teasing.
“Don’t make me come across this table Ainsley, I said it was fine.” Y/n gritted their teeth, already annoyed by what she was trying to do.
Since Y/n never saw Malcolm as much as Ainsley, she knew more about what went on in her daily life. Although, according to Y/n it was more like being nosy then anything else.
This comment had sparked an interest in Malcolm, of course picking up on Y/n defensive behavior. “What’s happening here?” Malcolm asked.
“Y/n has a crush.”
Shooting a glare at Ainsley, Y/n tried kicking her knee from across the table. “Stop being nosy.”
“Is this true?”
Y/n turned to Malcolm, instantly recognizing the look on his face. His protective nature was coming out, looking rather annoyed at the lack of response.
“Whatever, even if I did. It’s not yours or Ainsley’s business.” Y/n shrugged, taking another bite of food, hoping someone would change the topic.
“Y/n, you know I could just find out, Dani is really good at-“
“Absolutely not, don’t even try to go there! You keep to your life and I’ll keep to mine.” Y/n got up from her chair, grabbing her plate she walked up to her room.
“Well, that wasn’t so surprising.” Jessica casually stated, taking another sip of her wine.
“Did you know?” Malcolm turned to his mother now.
“Of course I knew Malcolm.” Jessica proceeded to drink her wine. “It probably wasn’t a good idea to say your police friends would get involved though.”
Malcolm sighed. “They don’t tell me anything, I barely get to see them, and when I do it’s always one sided.”
“Malcolm, have you ever thought that maybe you being gone all the time is the reason you don’t get told anything in the first place?” Ainsley pipped in.
Malcolm leaned back, taking a bigger sip of his wine. “I’m not gone that much.”
Just then Malcolms phone started ringing. Gil. “I gotta go.” Getting up from his chair, he proceeded to make his way to the front door. His hand was on the handle when-
“I wanna meet dad.”
Malcolm stopped dead in his tracks. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“What- Why would you wanna meet Dr Whitly? Where is this coming from?”
Y/n shrugged. “You see dad all the time, Ainsley herself did a whole interview with him! But anytime I even try suggesting to mom about seeing him, she freaks out. I wanna meet him.”
Malcolm shook his head. “No, absolutely not, that is a horrible idea. You don’t need to meet him.”
“Look. I get it. You wanna be all protective older brother. But you fail to realize that I’m asking you to meet dad, I could’ve just waited and gone myself. Instead I’m asking you so you can come with me.” Y/n leaned against the wall, messing with the hem of their shirt. “I love you enough to tell you I wanna see him, but when the day comes and I’m aloud to see him myself, I will go alone.
Malcolm sighed, walking over he pulled her in for a hug. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. You got out lucky being so young when everything happened. I would hate to see that crumble.”
“You can’t protect me from him my whole life. I gotta face him at some point. Besides you’ve already done so much, even the whole change the last name.” Y/n teased.
“Alright fine. But you can’t tell mom. She would not only kill me but might lock you in your room forever.” Malcolm said.
“You got yourself a deal Bright!” Y/n took out their hand.
Malcolm smiled. “And a deal yourself, Bright.” Shaking on it, Malcolm left to go meet up with Gil.
A few hours later, Malcolm texted Y/n saying he was outside. When the car pulled up, Malcolm started his rules on things to say and things not to say. Meeting Mr. David was a treat, he was super nice and welcoming. However Malcolm kept going on and on, until they finally got to the front door of the room.
“Malcolm. It’s okay, I get it.” He nodded, but he couldn’t stop his hand from tremoring.
Taking a hold of his hand, Y/n smiled reassuring at Malcolm. “Don’t worry, you’ll be there. You always got my back.”
Taking a breath Malcolm nodded to Mr. David. Giving him the okay to open the door, they both walked in, hearing the loud clank of it shutting behind them.
Martin was looking though a couple of his medical books. He didn’t look up, but he knew they were there.
“Malcolm my boy! You know how I love unexpected visits! I saw the news, quite an interesting turn of events on the case. Please tell me how I can assist.” Martin swivel in his chair. When he turned around he stopped when he realized there were two individuals.
“Why hello there, who’s this?”
Y/n tried not to let that comment get to them. It would only make sense that Martin wouldn’t know who they were. The last time Martin saw them was when he got arrested, and that was years ago.
“This is-“
“I’m Y/n Whitly!” Jumping in before Malcolm could respond.
Martin looked shock, his eyes looking up and down until he settled on Malcolm. “This is little Y/n? My baby?” Martin asked.
Malcolm sighed. “Yes, this is Y/n. Y/n Bright. Not Whitly.”
Y/n rolled their eyes. “Hi, uh, sorry. It’s just- well I’ve never really thought of what I was going to say, I just thought I could make it up as I got here.”
“Oh my sweet child! You have no idea how happy I am to see you!” Martin walked closer to the line.
Malcolm still was holding Y/n hand, which then began to tighten. Instead of moving closer to Malcolm, Y/n walked closer to Martin, standing in front of Malcolm now.
“Really? I mean- it’s been so long, I just thought maybe you forgot about me?” Y/n shrugged.
“Oh, no!” Martin protest. “My sweet child, I never forgot about you! I’ve always kept you in my mind with your brother and sister, it’s just so overwhelming to see you all grown up. I’ve really missed a lot haven’t I?” Before Y/n could say anything he continued.
“I mean, there’s so much to catch up on! How’s school going? Do you have any interest? Oh! Let’s start off easy. What’s your favorite color? Favorite food? How about a boyfriend or girlfriend-“
“Enough!” Malcolm cut in. He pulled Y/n back by her hand to try and put distance between them and Martin. “This is their visit, they can take all the time in the world to catch up.”
“Malcolm-“ Y/n hissed.
“No, your brother is right. I’m sorry.” Martin smiled brightly. “Go ahead, you go first. What would you like to know? Or perhaps tell me?”
Y/n stood there for a moment, knowing there was so much to ask but not enough time for the whole day. They could start with a favorite color, or food, but that was just meaningless things. Instead wanting to ask something a bit more meaningful.
Looking back to Martin who was waiting patiently for something to be said. “Was there ever a moment when you thought you could stop?”
Both Martin and Malcolm taken back by this, but they continued anyway. “Like- did you ever think that you would get caught one day, end up in here, miss out on everything, and never see your family again.”
Martin sighed. “I’ve thought it once or twice, but I never thought I would get caught, or rather... ratted out.” He started to walk around his side of the room, his chains dragging. “I’m so sorry I missed out on your life Y/n, but who’s to say I can’t catch up now!”
“But you wouldn’t have stopped, would you... I mean Malcolm knew what you were doing, and you were going to kill Gil that night anyway.” Y/n stated.
“Maybe, but Y/n you have to realize, it wasn’t my plan to come here, your brother-“
“Did an amazing job.” Y/n cut him off. “My brother did everything that should’ve been your job, and he did it great.”
Martin looked a bit nervous now, fidgeting with his handcuffs. “Y/n, my sweet-“
“I’m not your child.” Y/n stated. “And, biologically speaking you are my father, but Malcolm is my dad, my brother, my best friend. He made sure I was okay... even when I ignore him.” Looking to Malcolm, Y/n smiled  apologetically. “I thought coming here to meet you would help fill this hole of not having a father, maybe see if there was a chance that we could have had something. I see now that I was wrong, and if you would have never got caught, I would most definitely been worse off.”
“I know you are going though a lot of mixed feelings right now, but I assure you, I could be there for you. Give me a call, come by and visit, and you’ll see there is still a chance for us! We can still make this work Y/n. I can still be your father!” Martin encouraged.
“Maybe, but you’ll never live up to what Malcolms already given me.” Turning around towards the door, Y/n tugged Malcolm gently with her. “It was really nice to meet you Dr. Whitly. Maybe one day, we can form some type of relationship. Perhaps I’ll be proud enough to call myself a Whitly again, but for now, I think Bright suits me better.”
Walking towards the door, Mr. David opened it, moving to let them both pass.
“Don’t you worry Y/n! You’ll be proud to call me dad one day! I promise! Can’t wait until next time! Call me anytime! I’m always here for you!” Martin shouted from behind. Y/n didn’t say anything until they heard the metal door close.
Taking a breathe, Y/n leaned against the hallway wall. Their hands on the knees, thinking over what just happened. Malcolm squatted down in front of Y/n, taking their hands in his, he started to move circles with his thumbs.
“Are you okay?” Malcolm asked.
Nodding, Y/n looked up to him smiling. “Thanks for letting me come. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing out on much.”
Even though it was supposed to be sarcastic, there was still truth to what Y/n said. Malcolm leaned forward, kissing the top of their head. He pulled back and stood up straight, taking their hand in his. “Come on, let’s get home.”
Walking toward the exit Malcolm wrapped his arm around Y/n shoulder. “Did you really mean what you said? About me being like your dad? Also me doing amazing? Because sometimes I feel like I’m failing.”
“I know I give you a hard time, but I’m really glad to have you as my brother. I wouldn’t trade you for anything. You made sure I was always okay, sometimes too much, but I knew the love was always there. Thank you Bright.” Y/n smirked.
Smiling, Malcolm ruffled their hair. “Anytime Bright.”
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
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Tom Payne for Behind The Blinds Magazine (x)
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Malcolm would you like a new sister?? Since the one you have doesn’t APPRECIATE THE FACT YOU HID A DEAD BODY FOR HER.
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
At this rate, Ainsley might just beat Martins highest score...
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Omg! Could I make a request? Maybe Malcolm with an s/o that dissociates regularly, and maybe they dissociate when meeting Martin or something and he has to kind of bring them back to reality.
Yes of course you can! I’m not too familiar with dissociation so I did some research and hope I did this okay.
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“Well, don’t you look horrible.” Y/n leaned against the hallway wall. She watched as Malcolm stopped abruptly, her voice catching him off gaurd as he stared up at her.
“What are you doing here?” Malcolm asked, he crossed his arms obviously confused. He thought she was still at the crime scene, not at Claremont.
“Gil told me to come with you, especially since you were told not to come to Dr. Whitly for this one.” Y/n stated casually, walking towards the door she gave a friendly wave and greeting to Mr. David.
“It’s so weird, I thought this place would be bigger.”
“Your mother really talks about how luxurious he’s living and I don’t know, for how much money you guys have-“
Turning around she stared back at Malcolm who obviously looked annoyed. “Yes, sweetheart?” She teased.
“You’re not going in there.” Malcolm said, his voice very serious. “I know you and Gil are worried-“
She scoffed. “Worried is an understatement, especially with how things have been going lately.” Looking to Mr. David, she nodded towards the door. Mr. David opened it and waited for them to go inside. “You coming Malcolm?”
Rolling his eyes Malcolm shook his head, following behind as they both walked in. Dr. Whity was sitting in his chair looking though some books and files.
“Martin, you have visitors.” Mr. David announced, shutting the door behind him, leaving Malcolm and Y/n with Martin.
Malcolm stood close to Y/n, standing in front of her, facing towards his father he waited for him to say something.
“Malcolm, my boy!” Martin happily greeted, not taking his eyes off his files. It didn’t seem like he notice Y/n. “I’m surprised you didn’t call first, I would have-“ Martin stopped himself, having finally turned in his chair he took notice of the extra visitor stood behind Malcolm. “Oh? Who’s this?” Martin stood up making his way over, but was stopped by his chain that was attached to his room wall. 
“Hello, Dr. Whitly. Detective, L/n, I’m apart of Lieutenant Arroyo team.” Y/n leaned over Malcolms shoulder, smiling sweetly. 
“Well, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know Malcolm was bringing members of the team, I would’ve cleaned up a bit.” Martin looked a bit embarrassed as he looked around his room. 
“I’ve seen worse.” Y/n shrugged casually. 
Malcolm kept himself in front of Y/n, his protective nature taking over. He wanted to make sure Martin had no way of getting to her, even being chained up.
“I need your help on a case.” Malcolm pulled his attention away from her and back on his.
“Oh I expected nothing less.” Martin smiled. “Please continue, what seems to be troubling you?”
Y/n watched from behind Malcolm as he discussed the current dead end in the case. She looked around Martins room, noticing a few medical books and drawings along the left side of the wall.
She didn’t know when it started happening but she felt herself start to relax and become lighter on her feet. The sounds of Malcolm and Martins conversation became mute, only watching their mouths move, but no noise.
Reaching out to grip Malcolms sleeve, she pulled lightly, trying not to catch the attention of Martin. Although she thought she touched him, she didn’t feel anything, her body becoming even lighter then before. The area around her was almost like a dream, a show playing in front of her.
Then as quickly as it came, she suddenly got spooked by Malcolm facing her, his hands were rubbing her shoulders up and down, a white blanket was wrapped around her. Y/n notice his mouth moving and tried to focus on what he could be saying, his voice was becoming clear as she listen more intently.
“Y/n? Can you hear me?” She finally heard it now. “Breathe slowly, just focus on me.”
Nodding, she focused on Malcolms eyes. His blue eyes she love so much, so calming to look into.
“Well, if I wouldn’t know better I say that was an intense case of zoning out.” Martin spoke up from behind Malcolm.
“Shut up, please.” Malcolm snapped, turning his head back for a quick moment. “Are you okay?” He asked gently.
“I’m okay, I just had a moment.” Looking down at the white blanket wrapped around her, she held the material between her fingers. “How long this time?”
Malcolm sighed. “Ten minutes, maybe less.”
“If I may input, I would say you suffer from a sort of dissociation disorder?” Martin walked closer to the line on the floor. “Ya know, Y/n. I have had patients in the past who have struggled with this before, perhaps I could treat you as well, I knew a few techniques and-“
“Absolutely not.” Malcolm interrupted. “She’s not, or ever will be one of your patients. Stick with the over the phone teachings.”
“So defensive my boy.” Martin looked back to Y/n. “If you ever need some medical advice, you know how to reach me.” Martin winked.
Malcolm rolled his eyes. “We should go. You’ve been helpful. No reason for us to stay here any longer.” Malcolm took her by the hand, waiting for the door to open.
“It was nice to meet you Dr. Whitly!” Y/n turned back. “Sorry for the inconvenience.”
Martin smiled. “Oh not a problem at all my dear. You’ve been quite a treat, please convince my son to bring you around more often.”
Malcolm just shook his head. Once the door had opened, Martin had already went back to his chair. “See you soon my boy! Maybe on your next visit we can discuss how this little delight managed to sneak her way into your heart?”
Y/n looked confused, following Malcolm as he dragged her along. “Did you tell him?”
“No, I didn’t say anything. He must have just guessed.”
“I doubt that, maybe because your protective nature took over.” Y/n shrugged.
When they finally went outside, Malcolm stopped, he put his hands back on her shoulders. “How bad was it this time? Do you remember anything?”
“No, I’m not sure what triggered it ether, I’m still figuring this out as I go.” Y/n looked down at the white blanket still around her. “Surprised they let us take this.”
Malcolm wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to his chest he rested his head on top hers. “Sorry, I just panicked with you being in there with him. If it was bad-“
“Hey, it’s okay.” Looking up she moved some hair from Malcolms face. “You were a big help, you always are.”
Malcolm smiled, leaning down he kissed the top of her forehead. “We should go, make sure Gil doesn’t send an APV for us.”
“Or the swat team.” Y/n teased. Reaching down to take Malcolms hand they both walked away from Claremont.
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
I’m glad the master list link seems to be working. 😊
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
mAsTeR LiSt
Last Updated: 2-4-21
Total Works: 10
Trust You:
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3 
Pt 4 
Pt 5
One Shots
Meet My Mother
No Teasing 
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
"Imagine your icon being your therapist" good luck with that one lol!
It would just end with both of us falling out of building windows with a sucker in our mouths.
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Imagine your icon being your therapist
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Killer: Do you wanna live?
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Thank you to everyone who put in a request!! I’m so excited and working on all of them right now.
I didn’t think I would get so many to be honest... I really hope I don’t disappoint, and I’ll have request back open once I’ve got everything done! 😊❤️❤️
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
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“Ugh, this is by far the worse day of my life.” You fell back on your bed dramatically, spreading out across your sheets.
Dani stood in the door way with JT; both looking amused. “It’s for your own good, plus this way we can keep a close eye on you.”
You scoffed, looking up at both of them annoyed. “You both aren’t even going to be here! It’s some guys that Gil found in the office with nothing else better to do than babysit.”
“It’s not babysitting.” Dani said.
“It’s babysitting.” JT stated. Dani glared at him, JT only shrugged. “No point in lying to her, it is what it is. We should honestly get the SWAT to watch over you, knowing you’ll probably ignore us and do something stupid.”
You rolled your eyes. “I get a few creepy stalker letters and now I’m under house arrest. Perfect.” Proping up you smiled brightly. “You both should totally stay, we can order pizza and play monopoly, I also have UNO.”
“This isn’t a sleep over Y/n. This is serious.” JT scolded.
You huffed, folding your arms you started pouting like a child. Mostly to annoy JT further. “Malcolm would play UNO with me. Where is he anyways?”
Dani smiled. “Your Prince Charming is currently looking into a lead with Gil about your stalker. He wanted to make sure they got the right guy.”
You wanted to sass something back. Dani knew about your little fondness for the profiler, but JT certainly didn’t, and you didn’t want him to. He would never let you live it down. You were surprised that Malcolm himself hadn’t figured you out... Than again he could have and not said anything.
“Whatever, you guys are no fun anyways.” You reached over to grab the remote, turning on the tv you saw out of the corner of your eye them leaving. This was going to be a long boring night.
You spent the last few hours, doing random things. You started with your laundry, than you went and made yourself breakfast for dinner, finally you had settled with changing into your PJs with a bowl of fresh popcorn as you were scrolling though the tv trying to find a movie to watch.
Suddenly hearing a knock on the door, you froze, getting up you peaked outside to see the police officers had left. When did that happen?
The door banging was louder this time, making you flinch. Quietly moving to the kitchen you grabbed the small pistol you kept hidden under the sink. You slowly walked closer to the door, the banging not letting up, you got closer and proceeded to lean against it. Looking through the peep hole you sighed in relief upon seeing none other than Malcolm Bright himself.
Unlocking your latch you opened the door. Malcolm smiles widely at you. Looking down at your hand his smile dropped and he looked more concerned now.
“Come on in.” You greeted happily, ignoring the way Malcolm kept looking at you. You knew that he was profiling you. “I just made popcorn, want some?”
“Why do you have a gun?” Malcolm asked.
You rolled your eyes turning around to face him. “Well, Malcolm. When you get a bunch of creepy love letters and get the feeling that someone is watching you, a gun just becomes a part of your household accessories.”
Before he had the chance to respond you walked over to your kitchen counter and set the gun on top. Malcolm closed the door behind him and sat down on one of your kitchen stools. He was eying the gun, looking like he hadn’t seen one before.
“What are you doing here Malcolm? And where’s my babysitters?”
Malcolm turned back to you, an amused smile gracing his face. You tired your best to act casual, but you felt yourself get nervous.
“Gil and I found the guy who was sending the letters. Apparently he was planning on coming to your apartment tomorrow to try and see you. He told us everything once JT got into his face, he wasn’t as nearly as threatening as he was writing about himself in those letters.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “Well, I’m glad that’s over with.” Malcolm nodded, taking another look at your gun again.
“Malcolm, why do you keep looking at my gun?” You asked, causing him to put his gaze back on you.
“Sorry, I just,” stoping for a second he continued. “You were really scared. I just didn’t realize how scared.”
“What are you talking about?”
Malcolm nodded towards the gun. “I’m guessing you didn’t feel comfortable with the officers Gil left for you. Plus your hand hasn’t stopped shaking this whole time.”
You glanced down at your hand to see it was indeed shaking. Taking your other one you placed it on top your wrist trying to still your movements. “Dani also happen to mention you weren’t too happy about none of us being here.”
“Yeah, well I can’t blame you. You were out finding my stalker, so thanks for that.” You shrugged, looking anywhere but him.
Malcolm nodded. “Dani also said something about you wanting to play UNO with me? I’m not quite sure what that means”
“Oh my, she-“ you instantly groaned in frustration. “I’m going to shot her.”
Malcolm smiled, taking a hold of your hand across the table he brought it to his lips. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something Y/n.”
“Ok?” You kept you eye on Malcolms hand in yours, moving his thumb across your palm.
“I’ve been taken notice of you lately, and based on certain bahavior it’s seems you may have particular feelings for me. Is this true?”
Malcolm kept his eyes on you, watching intently for any sort of reaction. He felt your hand still in his own, noticing your lack of eye contact with him.
You sighed, fully aware you’ve been caught. Not like you really had a chance in the first place. “I feel like you already know the answer to that.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t want you to clarify it for me.” Malcolm said.
“Should I even go as far as to do that?” Malcolm smiled, his hand pulling yours back up to him, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“I would really be thrilled if you did.”
You smiled, walking around the table you stood right in front of Malcolm, his hand never letting go of yours.
Leaning over you softly whispered in his ear. “ I happen to have particular feelings for you, Malcolm Bright.”
Just as you said that, Malcolm let go of your hand and placed both of his on your cheeks. It took you a second to realize he was kissing you, but once you did you instantly kissed him back.
His hands roamed from your cheeks to your waist pulling you closer to him. You stood right between his legs which were hanging off the bar stool. You had one hand on his chest while the other was tangled in his hair. He wasn’t letting up in the kiss, which went from a sudden kiss to wild make out session.
Malcolm leaned forward, wrapping his arms around your legs be stood up and carried you with him. Walking over to the couch, Malcolm sat down with you on top of him. You straddled his lap, his hands on your hips drawing circles.
You both needed air but Malcolm was the one who pulled back first. Resting his forehead against yours, you both were breathing heavily. Malcolm looked down at you, his pupils were blown wide, his breathing slowly going back to normal.
You looked at him questioning. “I really hope that was a good wow.”
Malcolm looked down, smiling he nodded. “Yes, very much so.”
Suddenly a noise came from outside causing you to jump. You tried to reach for your gun but suddenly became panicked, Malcolm instantly took notice and took a hold of your shoulders.
“Hey, are you okay? You’re-“ Malcolm stopped himself, taking notice of your behavior. “You’re still terrified. Y/n, you know he’s gone. This guy is officially locked away.”
You nodded, looking around you sat yourself on the couch next to Malcolm and grabbed the blanket that was resting on top of your couch. “I know.” resting his arm on the couch, holding his head up with his hand he stared at you.
“Talk to me,” Malcolm spoke softly. Reaching up he placed a stray hair behind your ear.
You sighed, smiling briefly. “I’m normally not so paranoid. It’s just- the last time I wasn’t, someone died. I guess, being put on the sidelines kinda just made me think of what might happen to one of you guys.”
Malcolm nodded. “That’s why you wanted Dani, JT, and I to be here. It wasn’t about not having someone you knew or the fact that you would be bored by yourself. You didn’t want us getting hurt looking for your stalker.”
“You all shouldn’t have to deal with my problems, much less if you guys are going to get hurt doing it. I can take care of myself, I’m a cop ya know.”
Malcolm smiled. “Indeed you are. Although I’m kinda glad you said something, I wouldn’t be here otherwise.” 
“Is that so wise guy?” You smirked, taking a hold of his tie and bringing him closer. Malcolm smiled, leaning forward he connected his lips to yours. Both of you became tangled with each other, Malcolm rubbed his hand up and down your leg through your blanket, while his other one came up and caressed the side of your cheek.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you messed with the back of his hair, his bangd were now in front of his face all messy and tangled. Pulling back you tried to catch your breath, Malcolm on the other hand attached himself to your neck. His lips were soft and warm, the feeling sending chills up your spine.
Just when things were starting to go further both your phones started ringing. Sighing, you reached in your pocket to see Dani’s name come across your screen. Malcolm showed you his phone and sure enough Gils name popped up.
“I think that’s our sign we better get up.” You joked, moving to stand up, you helped Malcolm get up, his hand interlocking with yours.
“We’ll finish this later.” Malcolm said, leaning down he kissed the top of your head. “I never thought I would be so disappointed to have a case.”
“I’m sure that will change when you find something stupid to do.” You teased, leaning your head on Malcolms, you both made your way to the precinct.
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Hiya! I was wondering if you could tell me what your current requests are? I love your work and wanna make a request, but i’m worried it may be too similar to someone elses.
also i’m kinds nosey and I’m excited to see what fics you’re working on because I love your writing and I love Malcolm and there just aren’t enough fics for him lol.
You’re so sweet, I’m glad you enjoy my writing and I totally agree there is not enough for our sweet boy.
So I have two requests rn and a one shot that I’m currently working on myself.
-The one shot is basically when Y/n has a stalker and the team is taking care of it but she’s bored and then Malcolm visits her.
-I have a request for when Y/n visits Martin and we get over protective Malcolm which I’m currently working on.
-Then the last one I have is another one when Y/n meets Martin but she dissociates. 
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Hi! Can I please request something?
I was thinking maybe something where Malcolm is dragged to a charity event by his mother and she re-introduces him to the reader, who Malcolm went to Harvard with and they had a little secret relationship. It ended a but badly because the reader moved counties after and they loved eachother but never said. Maybe they get talking and it’s just really cute and fluffy, until they go back to his and they make out (no smut or anything, just some soft kissing or something idk) and then they agree to go out on a date and sort of hint at them having a future relationship.
Sorry if this is a terrible idea or too specific, but it’d mean the world if you wrote this!
Lol it’s okay, specific is not so bad. I’ve never seen a Malcolm fic about Harvard. So I was excited to write it. Thank you for submitting this.
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“Here, let me help you.” Gil walked over, readjusting Malcolms tie.
“Tell me again why I’m doing this?” Malcolm sighed, running his hand though his hair. “Even without a case, I’m sure there is something that you need me for.”
“Malcolm we talked about this.” Gil stood back. “I promised Jessica you would show up this time, so you can’t skip, or I’ll get in trouble.”
Malcolms front door opened and Jessica walked inside. She was dressed in a emerald green, strapless gown, her heels echoing though his house.
“Oh Malcolm, you actually look like you’ve gotten 5 hours.” Jessica smiled, moving some hair to the side of his face. “Let’s get going, shall we?”
Once in the car Jessica continued to talk about the event. “So many lovely people for you to meet Malcolm, although not all show their true colors, but I’m sure we can find someone for you to chat with.”
The car came to a stop, a huge mansion with white gates surrounding the outside, cars came in and out, people with cameras standing right outside the gates with security holding them back.
Malcolm stepped out, walking to the other side to open his mother’s door. Taking her hand they both walked inside together. When they got inside the whole place was lite up with chandeliers, a huge ball room in the center, tables covered with white sheets, a piano player in the corner.
Malcolm sighed. “This should be fun.”
“Shush, Malcolm. I’m going to get us some drinks, try to make conversation.” Jessica walked away, leaving Malcolm standing by himself, next to a plant...
Malcolm stood there for 15mins, wondering just how long it took his mother to get two drinks, before he could go off searching, he heard her voice from behind him.
Turning around he saw Jessica with two drinks in her hand coming this way. She was laughing with someone walking beside her. Malcolm stood frozen, his eyes widened, taking in the appearance of the person beside her, she looked just as he last saw her, even better if he was being honest.
“Malcolm, I would like you to meet-“
“Y/n.” Malcolm interrupted.
She stopped in place, staring at him in surprise. “Malcolm?”
Jessica looked between the two. “Well, I’ve seen we already met. So... how exactly do you two know each other?”
Malcolm didn’t say anything, he just kept staring at her. Y/n smiled at Jessica. “We went to school together... at Harvard.”
“Oh! Wonderful! Well, pardon me, I will leave the two of you to catch up.” Jessica handed Malcolm the other drink, turning around she smiled at Y/n before wondering off.
Malcolm still hadn’t said anything, he watched her casually looking around. “You look beautiful.”
Y/n smiled, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thank you, you cleaned up very nice yourself.”
“Do you wanna go somewhere, quiet?” Malcolm asked, noticing the crowd had gotten bigger then when they first arrived.
“I would like that.”
Both of them walked around the ball room until finally coming across a flower garden outside. They walked the path, both not knowing where to start.
“How is the FBI?” Y/n asked.
“Yeah, that didn’t really work out, they didn’t like me punching a sheriff in the face. How did you know I was in the FBI?”
Y/n shrugged. “I have a few friends there, and... I guess I kinda kept up.”
Malcolm smiled. “You kept tabs on me?”
“I was worried.” She looked down, messing with the hem of her dress. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Were you?”
Y/n stopped, looking back at him. “No, not really.”
Malcolm didn’t mean to, but he smiled. He thought he might have been the only one who was hurting. Everything was so messy after the two split, all thoughts of how he could’ve done something better to make her stay.
“You never told your mom?” She asked.
Malcolm shook his head. “I never told anyone.” He looked at her for a second. “You never told anyone ether, did you?”
She smiled, shaking her head. “We made a promise.”
“Yeah, we did.” They continued walking. “How was Germany? I heard you did well teaching classes. I also saw a lot of photos on your blog, they were incredible.”
“You kept tabs on me?” Y/n teased, skipping around in her dress, her shoes clicking against the stone path.
“I missed you.”
Y/n stopped, turning around to look at Malcolm. He had his hands in his pockets, his expression holding no humor. He was smiling but it looked sad, regretful even.
When she didn’t say anything, Malcolm took that as a bad sign. Clearing his throat, he laughed awkwardly. “Sorry, that was a bit mean. I know this was hard for the both of us, and I promise I was so happy for you, I didn’t mean-“
“I missed you too.” Y/n stopped him. “I missed you so much, but with how I left things, with how hurt we both were I didn’t think you wanted to talk to me, I thought-“ she sighed. “I don’t know what I thought..”
Malcolm nodded, he walked over to her. Taking a hold of her hand he brought it to his face, gently kissing it. “Do you want to go back to my place? We can talk more, I really wanna catch up.”
“Yes.” She smiled at him. “I would like that.”
Malcolm decided to call a cab instead of taking his moms driver. Although he did send her a text apologizing for leaving early and without saying goodbye. The car ride was nice and peaceful, his hand still hadn’t left hers the whole way there, up until he had to open the door.
Walking inside, Malcolm slipped off his shoes and coat, going to the wine rack and grabbing two glasses.
“Oh she’s so sweet.” Y/n said.
Turning around, Malcolm saw Y/n standing next to sunshine cage, her finger in between the bars while Sunshine gently peeked the top of her finger.
“She likes you.” Malcolm walked over to his couch setting down both glasses, pouring one for himself and Y/n.
Walking over she sat herself next to Malcolm, taking the glass from his hand she took a sip. “Your mom was sweet, she talked about you and Ainsley a lot.”
Malcolm smiled. “She loves talking about her kids... sometimes anyway.”
“When they aren’t jumping out of buildings and getting kidnapped by serial killers.” Y/n teased.
“Heh, she told you about that?” Malcolm laughed nervously.
“She’s proud of you, I hope you know that.” Y/n reached up to move some hair from his face. Malcolm looked up to her, placing his and her drink down he took a hold of her hand.
Bringing it down to his lips he gently kissed her knuckles, his eyes never leaving hers. She didn’t say anything, looking between his eyes and his lips she wasn’t sure if he wanted to take it this far.
Malcolm smiled, leaning in he kissed her. She responded quickly, cupping his face with her hands, her thumbs rubbing up and down. She felt his scruff against her fingers, the scratchy feeling sending tingles down her spine.
She wanted to move closer, but there was nowhere else to go. Malcolm solved that by pulling her waist towards him. She sat on the other side of his leg while her legs laid across his lap, her fingers tangled in his hair.
Malcolms right hand reached around her back rubbing up and down, while his other hand came up to cup the side of her cheek, pulling her more towards him.
Malcolm started to get flash backs to the last time this happened. They were younger then, collage life taking almost all of their time on top of Malcolms obsession with his father and joining the FBI, her obsession with her study and travel planning.
To get alone time was almost a miracle those days, especially when nobody knew you were dating in the first place.
Pulling back, both breathed heavy, resting their foreheads against each other, they took their time catching their breath.
“Wow.” Y/n laughed. “This brings me back.”
“Yeah, me too.” Malcolm nodded. “I missed this.”
“Do you- do you think this could-“ Y/n stopped herself, suddenly getting nervous.
Malcolm of course noticed, but he already knew what she was thinking. He was thinking it too. “One date?” Malcolm asked. “Let’s try it, just once. If it feels wrong, we can stop, but-“
“If it feels right?” Y/n smiled. “We can talk about what happens next.”
“Agreed.” He said, pulling her in he wrapped one arm around her waist, his other went to her head to scratch it lightly.
She laid her head on his shoulder, messing with his tie in her fingers. They both sat quietly.
“I have some hope that we might be having that talk.”
Malcolm smiled. “Yeah, so do I. Maybe a lot more after that.”
“Oh yeah?” She said teasingly. “How far you already planning?” 
“If I’m that lucky? Hopefully forever.” Malcolm leaned down, kissing the top of her forehead.
“I actually hope you’re that lucky than.” Y/n admitted, pulling herself closer to Malcolm.
They both laid there wrapped in each other’s arms. Knowing how they left things, this was definitely a better outcome to reuniting. This date was risky, but this was something they didn’t know each other needed, or wanted for that matter.
The outcome of that date they both had a good feeling would have a better ending. Wrapped in each other’s arms, instead of running from them.
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Hi!! What are your rules for requests?
I don’t really have any? I mean I guess I have some things I don’t really know how to write. (A lot has to do with smut though)
If anything comes in I don’t feel okay writing I’ll be sure to let the person know or adjust it to where I can write it as close to the request as possible.
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years ago
Martin saying that he was never a friend to Mr.David hurt me more than it should
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