#i still have every intention of making a cassie care package when I get the freakin time
sycamorre · 5 months
💌 🥹
WORDS ARE HARD but like here's the tl;dr: we haven't known each other for very long, and even though I've only had the joy of seeing you in person once, I feel like we've got a lot in common and I wish you weren't so far away so I could have the chance to give you a good bear hug every once in a while
There are so many days where I'm just riding the struggle bus while at work, I'll pop into here on tumblr and see you're on that same bus and I just go "SAME GIRL. SAME." And I'm still both super embarrassed but also highly amused that we got so deep into the booping war that I accidentally unfollowed you while I was trying to boop spam (;-;) and you IMMEDIATELY saw it and came straight to Discord to rat me out and I was LAUGHING THE REST OF THE DAY. It was great. I just went back and looked at the activity spike from that day and it's glorious.
I love Vaela and Lehala and I love the joy I see when you get to play them. And yes! I second you on loving the quiet Ori/Vaela friendship, and I really do think that post campaign, these two would finally get to slow down a bit and get a chance to really know each other. I could talk for hours brainstorming what these two could get up to between Ori visiting Aerenth or even Ori inviting Vaela to Tyados. You are an absolutely joy to RP and write with, and I honestly want to do more if whenever we get the chance to.
Be strong my Mandalorian friend and know that I'm here for you every step of the way ♥♥♥
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justasparkwritings · 4 years
Codename Cupid: Chapter 16
Previous: How Cricket Got Her Name 
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook X Reader/OFC/You
Genre: Secret AgentAU, AgentAU, Government Agent AU
Rating: PG15
Word Count: 3.04K
Warnings: Swearing 
Summary: Our lovely P.I. goes on the search for Min Yoongi, and stumbles into the identity of the mystery man with Taehyung. 
(this is... rough? did not expect it to be so long...) 
Missing Min Yoongi
Present Day
           My sister always tells me she’s given me all she can, that she can’t help me past my one favor a year. It’s a ploy, a deception, a boldfaced lie she tells at work or anytime we’re in earshot of anyone else. Does she misuse her government clearance? Yes. Does she defy laws and challenge the ethical code? Yes. Has she ever gotten caught? No. You’d think the government would put more tabs on her, considering her sister is a registered and licensed PI, but no, no one seems to bat an eye.
           Min Yoongi, Park Yoongi, Yoongi, is nonexistent. I barely understand what he did at Lee Enterprises, let alone how he ended up bedding Euna. He supposedly comes from no money, no name to build off of, nothing. His grades were fine, his college experience came and went with nary a note of youthful rebellion. Now, now that he’s no longer at Enterprises, I cannot fucking find him. Nothing on the web, nothing in the statewide system, nothing in the national system. No death certificates, no marriage licenses, nothing.
           All I’ve got are his charges, well, Euna’s charges against him.
           Cheating in the 1st degree, no proof, no photos or receipts or basic evidence of his behavior. She had nothing but her recollection of the fight they had, and minimal information on what led to the break up. From her manifesto, it seems that Yoongi was pulling away and she clung to him, claws drawing blood, trying to get him to stay. He didn’t, clearly. With only that to go off of, it’s no wonder I can’t find Min Yoongi, and I’m beginning to think that just maybe, Min Yoongi doesn’t exist. He’s her Snuffleupagus, and I’m starting to not believe.
           While I’m unsure if Yoongi exists, I do know a person who does.
           The man with Taehyung.
           Spectacled and broad shouldered, quaffed hair and arms the size of tree trunks, this man exists. He goes to the gym regularly, religiously, makes his coffee at home, and frequents his local nursery. The man is obsessed with plants, it seems unhealthy. Multiple days a week he’s carrying one, or more, I have photos of him watering them, speaking to them… He tends to them with such care, such love, it’s mesmerizing. He goes to work, some corporation, and once a week meets Taehyung. They’re clearly pals, best friends, brothers. They laugh and eat and enjoy one another. It’s cute, their friendship date. Once in a while, Jimin joins them. The three laugh uproariously and often draw attention for their volume. The unidentified man doesn’t seem to understand how loud he is, his baritone resonating enough for me to hear.
           I haven’t intentionally bumped into the three of them, yet, but I’ve stationed myself near enough to hear bits and pieces of their conversations. They never discuss work, only music they’re listening to, books they’re reading, podcasts, plants, general culture. Have I written down a few of the artists and podcasts they listen to? Yes. Do I feel dirty about it? Yes.
           But it’s the job, and I tail them for a month before a package arrives. A package with my name on it, waiting outside my apartment door. It’s not addressed, no stamps or packing label. It’s new, not reused as a shipping box or gifted for the umpteenth time, no dingy tape sticking to its brown coating. The box is sitting, like it’s appeared out of thin air. A secure building is only as secure as the tenants make it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the owner snuck in behind some dummy who didn’t see the harm in letting a potential rapist, stalker, murder, into the building. Taking the package inside, and as my blood continues to cool and chills run down my spine, I delicately open it.
           I know, it could be a bomb. However, the only thought calming me down is the knowledge that my life has never once been a Shonda Rhimes production and thus, I’m not really worried this package is a bomb. Frankly, that’s far more sophisticated than any of the people I��ve worked for and gives them too much credit.
           Inside, there are copious amounts of surveillance photos and a note, written in a script that I’ve seen before.
           “That was your last warning / The line has been drawn and you’re bleeding / Next time, face to face is how we’ll be meeting”  
           Whoever heard of a stalker rhyming?
           I bag the evidence to toss under my bed so Jungkook won’t find it and pull out my list of potential threats.
Check It Once, Check It Twice
William Daniels
Cheated on his wife of 5 years with a stewardess who flew almost exclusively on his flights (big shock)
Threatened to ban me from American Airlines -  Jokes on him, I don’t fly American
Photos in the act & audio recordings
Wife divorced him immediately
He has to pay alimony out the nose
Lives in the area
Allanah McMahon
Arrested and tried for insider trading and embezzlement
Discovered who I was when I was subpoenaed to testify
Still in jail
My testimony added a few years to her sentence … oops
Cassie Harrington
Set up a Multi-Level Marketing scheme
Tried to hide out in Hawaii – but changed her Instagram to private after I’d already followed her
Ordered to pay back all the money she stole
On parole
Adam Gregory
Tried to run an illegal adoption agency for homosexual, non binary couples
Paid a fine and on parole – forbidden from creating any LLC’s or Incorporating
Brian Welch
Pissed that I found evidence of his partner cheating but turned him in on charges of possession of child pornography
In jail for kiddy porn and for threatening my life
His husband got everything despite the infidelity
           You acquire quite detailed list of people who want to threaten your life on the daily, but then again, wasn’t it Audre Lorde who said “I’m deliberate and afraid of nothing?” I can’t be afraid. If I’m afraid, they have the power. They have the power to intimidate me, to run my life for me, to make my decisions. I will not back down because they got caught. But I will protect myself, I will keep my license for my gun up and go to the shooting range often. I will strengthen the locks and security of my apartment, and I will ask Jungkook to stay over more, or sleep at his.
           I will not back down, not when Lee Euna has paid me what seems like the cost of tuition at Princeton for a year and wants answers. We signed a contract, didn’t we?
           And who am I if my word is no longer worth anything?
           Instead of harping on the sickening feeling that I’m being watched 24/7, I run through my plans for bumping into Taehyung and his friends. In the weeks that I’ve continued to follow him, he’s solidified Wednesday’s as his night for dinner with friends, and Thursdays as his cultural exploration. He goes to museum openings, concerts, movies, plays, clubs, all on Thursdays. While those nights are fun for me to watch and put on my expense account, it’s Wednesdays that I adore. I love following him from his house to the restaurants and am excited each week to see what he and his friends have chosen.
          This week, it’s an authentic Mexican restaurant. Slipping my coat on, I give them a few minutes before following in.
           The sound of mariachi welcomes me into the yellow painted restaurant. The furniture, dark mahogany against the vibrant walls, is full of people. I note the variety of sombreros, the different colors and patterns, the meanings hidden within the stitchwork. It’s not a large restaurant, but big enough to fit a few large groups of 7-10 people, and plenty of space for smaller groups such as the three men. The hostess asks if I want to sit at the bar, and I request a table near the men. Sitting a few feet away, I’m able to pick up their conversation easily. Instead of jotting it down, I hit record and let the metaphorical tape play.
           “Oh, it wasn’t that bad!” The mystery man says.
           “It was awful, Taehyungie couldn’t stop laughing, every time he hit the ball it went flying in the wrong direction,” Jimin says.
           “I was trying so hard!” Taehyung laughed.
           “That’s the problem, you were trying too hard,” The man tells him. “You’re too pure of heart.”
           “I am not,” Taehyung shook his head.
           “I know, you’ve experienced a lot, Tae,” Jimin says.
           “Joon, here’s the question,” Taehyung says, and I’m momentarily distracted by the utterance of the name, Joon. “You get to pick next week, we heading back to that barbeque place?”
           Jimin erupts in another fit of laughter, Taehyung following suit. It’s cute, watching them interact. I wonder if Jungkook has friends he does things like this with… those nights we aren’t together, if he has friends to spend his time with.
           I wait until they’ve left to take a glance at the signed bill on their table, Taehyung Kim is scribbled, no evidence of the other men, and I’m about to bag evidence when I hear my name.
           “Y/N?” Taehyung asks.
           “Taehyung! That was you!” I smile.
           “Have you been here the whole time?” Taehyung’s eyebrows express more than anyone’s I’ve ever seen.
           “I, yeah. I wasn’t sure it was you and Jimin. I didn’t want to interrupt,” I tell him.
           “Oh, you could’ve! Don’t worry about them, we’ve been friends a long time,” Taehyung smiles, it’s boxy and wide, the edges curling as his eyes soften.
           I’ve already started my dance, a waltz to an even tempo and I’ve got the next five paces planned. “Who was that new guy?”
           “Why, you single?” Taehyung smirks, his lips no longer joyful but devious.
           “I just was curious,” I reply, “And no, I’m not single, remember?”
           “Oh yes, yes, Jungkook,” Taehyung recalls with a nod.
           “You, Jimin and that other guy, go way back?” I lead him, it’s easy to lead Taehyung, he’s pure of heart, the most honest intentions in his eyes.
           “Mm, yes,” He continues smiling at me.
           “Your dinner looked fun, I’ll definitely be coming back to this place,” I tell him. It’s true, maybe I will bring Jungkook by one night when I know these three men won’t be around.
           “Yeah, we like it. We try a new restaurant every week. It’s a fun no work zone,” His arms are relaxed at his sides, one hand slipping slowly into his pocket, his cardigan open and glasses pressed close to his ebony eyes.
           “I like that, no work zone,” I agree, I wish I had one of those.
           “Yes, it helps clear the mind,” Taehyung tells me.
           “Do the three of you work together?” I inquire.
           “Kind of, we have a lot of the same shared interests,” he sidesteps.
           I nod, the final step in our dance presenting itself. “Very cool, well I don’t want to keep you from Jimin and –
           “Joon, yeah, very considerate of you. Maybe I’ll see you at the dog park again?” He asks.
           “Oh god, I hope not, Maisie is a nightmare,” I laugh.
           “Well have a good night, Y/N, take care!” He says as he walks out the door. I stand, watching, pretending to not notice how he gets in the car swiftly, not looking back.
           What kind of a name is Joon? If Taehyung and Jimin, and Jungkook, and Seokjin… and Yoongi, are all Korean, must Joon be short for something Korean?
           Glancing at my phone, it’s only 8:30PM, if I hurry, I can get in another few hours of work before I’m overcome with exhaustion and anxiety. But what will I find?
Oh Joon
Kim Joon
Lee Joon
           Not to mention add in the top 5 Korean last names, and I’ve got hundreds of possibilities. Luckily, I can run the name against the address of the apartment building Taehyung picked Joon up from. Being a PI means I have access to the state databases, which gives me names and addresses. In the building, there’s one Joon, a Namjoon, Kim Namjoon. I pull the information before digging into my search.
           Unlike the seemingly nonexistence of Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon is present. Every search result yields a perfectly manicured article dating anywhere from the year of his birth to age sixteen, and then, much like everyone else on this case, the trail begins to run cold. Whatever happened to him during high school, still radiates through his file. Whether he’s shaken it or not, that’s the question.
           No known career or job at all, his status as a prodigy in math, linguistics and rhetoric is astonishing. One of the highest IQ’s of recent memory, he’d mastered calculus by the time he was 8, besting PhD’s by 13, and then in a blaze of glory, disappearing by 16. He was studied, written about, documented, photographed, and somehow managed to be nominated for a Nobel Prize… how he accomplished all of that during puberty is beyond me. Not only does he accomplish that, but then, disappears completely, without a trace. How?
I’m ready to pack it in when someone steps into my office.
           “I saw the light on,” She says.
           “Ms. Lee, what do I owe this surprise visit?” I ask. This is the exact opposite of what I wanted to do tonight.
           “I wanted to, to talk to you,” She takes a few steps forward, pausing to ask for unspoken permission.
           “Please, sit. What did you want to talk to me about?” I lean back, hoping she can’t see the bags forming under my eyes or the tears from the yawn I’m stifling.
           “I wanted to tell you about, about why I need you to find Min Yoongi,” Euna informs me. She’s dressed in what can only be described as winter white, and only as a cashmere sweatsuit. Never have I ever seen such glamor in my dingy office. I feel bad that she’s risking the integrity of her outfit by being here.
           “Oh, okay,” I sit up and reach for a notebook. “Do you want me to write this down?”
           “No, you don’t need to. We can just talk between women, between friends,” Euna’s voice is soft. The slack in her jaw, the demur manner in which her hands are placed on her lap, it’s evident she doesn’t know how to be girlfriends. Raised by her family, groomed to take over, friends was never a word in her vocabulary.
           “I wanted you to know that I really saw a future with Yoongi,” She starts. “You know that place in your heart where you hold all your hopes?”
           “Yes,” I say hesitantly.
           Her eyes narrow in warning, “Do you have someone, someone who’s beginning to fill that space?”
           “Um, yeah,” I reply.
           “I thought that’s what Yoongi was. I thought we were, we were building something. Jun-Seo had Jimin, they thought they were building an illustrious future together, but one day he disappeared too.” She pinches the slight bridge of her nose, inhaling slowly to steady her nerves. “I don’t know what changed in our relationship. Yoongi didn’t want me anymore, he didn’t want to be around me, or with me at all. A switch flipped, like one day he realized he didn’t love me in the first place. I don’t know what happened, I don’t know why, but when your entire future is destroyed, do you stand back and watch it burn?”
           “Do you want me to answer that?” I ask.
           “Sure, what I did after that was terrible, but it was within reason. Everything I did was within reason. I tried to hold onto him, I did what I thought was right to get him to stay and he just, ran. Bolted, broke up with me on the phone like I’m Taylor Swift in 2012. Maybe I am,” Euna rolls her eyes, the comparison both too true and too terrifying. “At least Seokjin had the kindness to break up with me in person. But Yoongi? The coward! He knew I loved him. He knew I would carry his child, would marry him, would love him eternally and then some. I would’ve done anything for him. Even after he refused to go family dinners or go on trips with Seo and Jimin, after he started lying and cheating and stealing. He broke my heart, shattered it. If anyone is to blame for what happened after our relationship, it’s him.”
           Interested peaked, I inquire “What happened?”
           “It’s in my document,” She snaps.
           “The handwritten one?” I clarify.
           Rolling her delicate ebony irises, “Yes, of course.”
           “The abortion, the embezzlement, insider trading?” I try to rattle off the accusations she’d detailed. Somewhere I had a list and had sorted them by man, but damn, there were a lot of them.
           “Yes,” She snips.
           “That’s all true?” I ask again. The look she gives me is unwarranted, this is the first time in months, nearly a year, that she has sat down with me and discussed the charges. I am well within my right as her Private Investigator to ask clarifying questions.
           “Do you make a conscious decision to not believe your clients? Am I not paying you enough Y/N?” Euna snaps.
           “I’m sorry,” I respond.
           “I should go, I expect next week at our meeting you will have an update on the mystery man,” She stands.
           “Yes, yes, I will,”
           “Good, oh, there was a note under your door. I didn’t pick it up,” She turns and walks, stepping gingerly over the note. Scrambling behind her, I pick up the folded paper, and scrawled in crystal clear letters it reads:
           Cricket, was driving past when I saw the light on. Why are you working? Come to mine when you’re done, it’s been three restless nights without you.
          XO – Bunny 
           Fuck me, I love him.
Next: Cricket & Bunny Pt. 1 
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
Mainstream Barbeque
"Mama...up." Valerie says quietly as she reaches up toward Stephen and makes grabby hands at him.
"Just a minute cub."
The baby pouts but continues to cling to Stephen's leg as he sets up the table for the barbeque. It had been like this all day, and the more of the team that arrived, the more she stuck to the sorcerer and made it a little difficult to move around and help. She was comfortable with the team and trusted them, but the noise was still overwhelming for her and Stephen was safe and calming. He hoped she would be content to go to Natasha or Quill when they arrived but Valerie seemed intent on staying with Stephen today. Not even Tony was able to successfully pry her away. Maybe the two new teenagers made her nervous.
Stephen lifts a brow when the container of brownies he knew had been next to the plates suddenly disappears and pulls some plastic cups out of their packaging calmly.
"Put them back Thomas."
Said teen appears to his left with a small gust of wind to give away the fact that he had run over. "How did you know?"
"He's Mom. He knows everything." Bucky answers as he sets down the container of cookies he brought.
"Oh...I thought that was a joke."
Stephen huffs in amusement. "It started out that way...but then it stuck...and then Diana and Valerie kind of made it real."
He finally finishes setting up the table and bends down to pick up Valerie and place her on his hip, and then looks around. Peter, Cassie, Harley, and Diana were in their bathing suits giving Athena and Gerald baths, some of the men were either playing football or swimming in the lake (Clint was starting a trend of doing dangerous tricks off the tire swing and into the lake), and Laura was inside helping prep food. The Barton kids had been part of the lake shenanigans but looked to have joined in on giving the wolf and alpaca their baths.
Some further observation showed Wanda and Loki helping William practice his magic, and Thor and Quill were off in the distance sparri--
"No! Absolutely not!" Stephen shouts at the two gods as he sends a spell at them with a flick of his wrist to stop them.
"Quail was just going to show me how much he's improved with his powers!"
"It's Quill." The celestial corrects with some annoyance.
"Yes. That's what I said."
Stephen glares at them as he approaches them. "There will be no sparring between you two! Last time you sent out a shockwave and blew out every single one of the compound's windows! It had just finished being rebuilt too!"
"Pfft...it was one time--owowow!" Quill whines when Stephen grabs his ear.
"My husband had to pay for that!"
"He's a billionaire!"
"He's not going to be at the rate you break things! Find something else to do!" Stephen releases Quill and starts to walk away before calling over his shoulder. "That doesn't mean Scott either!"
"Well there goes my day." Quill grumbles.
Valerie rests her head on Stephen's shoulder and watches calmly as he walks around to check in on everyone. Even Carol, T'Challa, and Shuri had come to enjoy the barbeque, and Stephen takes the seat next to the king as they watch the rather rough football game. T'Challa looks over at Valerie and smiles at her softly, and the baby hides her face in Stephen's shoulder.
"The last time I was here, you only had Peter." He says and Stephen looks at him.
"That's right. You didn't come here with the rest of us after…"
"No. Now I see you have four children."
"Harley was adopted under similar circumstances to Peter, but Diana and Valerie are biologically both mine and Tony's thanks to magic."
"What about the other three? I met Clint's kids earlier but I'm not familiar with the others."
Stephen looks over at Cassie. "Cassie is Scott's...Quill parents her as well. The twins are William and Thomas. They're technically mine too but Wanda and Vision take care of them."
"Did you adopt them too?"
"No. Tony and I just have permanent guardianship over them."
"This really is a family." T'Challa mutters softly and Stephen looks back at him.
"Well I'm sure if you ask anyone, they'll all tell you that I parent everyone."
The king smirks. "Do you?"
"Well someone has to keep them all from doing stupid things."
T'Challa laughs and looks back to the football game and Stephen watches as Natasha and Carol occasionally flip the others onto their backs. Football was always played a little extremely, but as long as the right people were playing, Stephen didn't stop it. If there were any players that weren't enhanced or trained assassins (Nat was a force to deal with so Stephen never bothered to keep her away), the sorcerer would either tell the enhanced persons to take it easy or just have the others wait a little while so the enhanced could get it out of their system. The unenhanced were content to spend time in the lake for now.
Stephen looks over to the kids when he hears laughter, and sighs when he just manages to watch Athena shake the water from her body. Harley and Peter cover the wolf in towels and dry her as thoroughly as possible, and when they finish, the girls take over with the grooming. Athena actually liked the attention Cassie, Lila, and Diana were giving her, and stood very still so they could brush her down. The boys turned their attention to Gerald, and the alpaca barely paid the kids any kind as they gave him his bath. He just lazily munched on his hay as he was scrubbed down. Instead of towels being used though, Thomas ran over and used his speed to air dry Gerald. By the time his bath was finished, the girls had finished with Athena, and the wolf happily trotted over to Stephen to sit by him.
Loyal as ever.
"Athena pretty." Valerie mumbles against Stephen's shoulder as she reaches out to the wolf. Her tiny hand pets Athena gently and the baby smiles. "Soft, Mama."
"Is she?" Stephen humors his youngest by reaching down and petting his wolf as well. Valerie was right. It was like touching silk. The girls did a fantastic job grooming her.
"How do you have a wild creature so tame?" T'Challa asks from beside the sorcerer.
"Long story short, the kids and I were turned into wolves, Athena came across us and helped us, but when we were turned back, she wanted to come with us. She was by herself and I was able to use a spell to communicate what the rules were and what she would have to expect. Tony caved and let her come home with us, and Athena has yet to disappoint. She protects the kids and I only have to tell her who a friend is once. If I tell her to attack, she will...unless family is attacked first. That's the only time she won't wait for a command." Stephen explains.
"That's amazing." The king admits. "She acts like a pet."
"She is and isn't. She's a companion too. Although she does sleep at the foot of our bed." Stephen chuckles.
"How does Tony feel about it?"
"He doesn't care as long as she stays off the pillows."
Stephen then catches the king up with everything up to that point, and halfway through it, Tony announces that lunch is ready. The sorcerer got up so he could get Valerie's food, since kids got their food first, then the unenhanced, then the enhanced. He figured on getting both of their plates since going back a second time would be a waste of time and he wasn't enhanced, and let his daughter pick most of what she wanted. He had to persuade a little more vegetables on her plate, but it wasn't too big of a deal since Valerie enjoyed everything for the most part. As soon as they were finished, they sat down on one of the many laid out blankets, and Stephen made sure Valerie was all set before he started eating himself. Tony would take care of Diana, and Wanda would explain the process to the twins. Athena of course waited patiently until Stephen was situated before she joined him on the blankets and flopped onto her side next to him to doze.
"She won't bite me will she?" Stephen looks up when William speaks and smiles softly before turning his attention back to his food.
"No. She knows you're a friend. Everyone here is."
"... can I sit here?" The boy asks shyly and Stephen nods.
"Of course." When William sits down, the sorcerer glances over at him. "How are you and your brother adjusting?"
"It's...it takes some getting used to. We're not used to this kind of attention, but it's nice...and Wanda makes really good food."
"That's good."
"I don't get the ban on peppermint though." William brings up with confusion.
Stephen chuckles. "It makes Peter sick. A con of the spider bite. Just the smell itself drives him into his room. Last time I ate it, he avoided me like the plague for a full twenty-four hours. He can smell it on whoever ate it."
"Did he like peppermint before the bite?"
"Loved it."
"That sucks."
Lunch passed just like that. William asking questions about the Stark family (and in the background, Stephen noticed that Harley was at war with himself trying to figure out whether to join them or not. He didn't. He sat with Peter and Cooper with a defeated sigh). William asked Stephen about his magic and the girls' existence...and the sorcerer calmly answered each question. The teen was still learning after all.
William was then surprised when an alpaca decided to disturb the teen's personal bubble to steal the leftover apple slices on his plate. He shouted when Gerald bent down to Hoover the fruit and then actually held a hand over his heart to no doubt attempt to calm his pounding heart. Gerald was harmless, but he was pretty persistent about things he wanted. He had a bad habit of helping himself to people's fruits and vegetables and Stephen and Tony had been trying to kick the habit, but to no avail. Someone had to be sharing with the alpaca for their scolding to fall on deaf ears.
"Gerald! No! Get out of here you overgrown fuzzball." Tony shoos the animal away when he runs over, and huffs as the alpaca walks away with an annoyed grunt. "Sorry TinkerBell. Want me to get you some more fruit?"
William blinks and looks up at the engineer. "Wh-what did you call me?"
Stephen rolls his eyes. "Better get used to it. He gives everyone a nickname. Sometimes more than one."
"Your brother is Speedy Gonzalez." Tony informs the teen with a grin.
"That's... accurate." William sighs and drops his hand. "It's fine. I was done anyway. He did me a favor."
"Just push him away if it happens again. He's harmless." Stephen says as he gets up and Valerie follows him to throw their plates in the trash.
The cans were sitting behind the cabin and when the two were done tossing their garbage, Stephen looked around when he heard muttering. He raises an eyebrow and walks around the far corner to investigate and narrows his eyes when he finds Sam feeding Gerald some fruit from his own plate.
"You're the one teaching him this bad habit?!"
Sam jumps and looks up at him sheepishly. "Sorry Mama Bear."
"You in twouble." Valerie says quietly from her position at Stephen's leg.
"Stop feeding him from your plate and I won't make you clean his pen." Stephen compromises and the darker male nods quickly.
"He won't be getting anything from my plate anymore. Strictly treats I grab just for him."
"Thank you. He just gave William a heart attack."
"What? This guy?" Sam grins and pets the alpaca's neck. "He's--"
"Harmless. Yes. I told him."
"Mom!" Peter runs around the corner and nearly trips over his own feet as he stops. "Quill and Carol are about to spar."
"Absolutely not! She's on par with a god--all of you overgrown children are chipping away at my sanity…"
Sam smirks as Stephen picks up Valerie to stop the new attempt at a godly sparring session.
"Up for some ultimate frisbee in the mud?" Peter asks and Sam shrugs.
"Sure. Why not. I'll enjoy it while I can before Stephen finds out.
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