#I hope you guys enjoy gay ferrets!
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Some of art bc I don’t post my ocs much on here!!
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Heres the doodles of her that I did before deciding to finish one of them!! I’m very tempted to finish one of the bottom ones though…
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(out of context) things my younger sister has said
y'all I have been compiling this since last year :")
“give me the crog"
“I never said an 8 ton baby could do my job”
“o̷̢̦͐̑͝ͅw̸̢̪̟̖̏a̷̲̩̮̒͋͆ ̷̼̐͝o̷̧͕̪̠͊́̚w̴̩̙͑̅̈́ḁ̷̢̾̽̋̔ͅ”
*panicking* “Why My Bed Crispy”
“She like that cheese stank”
"Why is everyone named ‘Guy’ ugly”
“I hope you explode. It infuriates me that there’s still air in your lungs”
“It’s holding on by the butt stick”
“I’m trying to reminisce on phone guy memories”
“My foot is baby sized compared to your giant man feet”
”imagine being named Mark. Like it’s so embarrassing you’re name is Markus”
“What Do You Mean I’m A Threat To Human Civilization”
“You have Walter White’s hairline”
“You just have me a glaucoma test with your mouth”
"i almost broke my toe. slay"
"i'm trying to enjoy the scenery but you just keep giving me free glaucoma tests"
"the dog is knocking. let them in"
*scooby doo voice* "come here"
“I just had a terrible vision of a ferret-rat-shark and it looked at me and smiled with human teeth”
*screams* *burps loudly*
"I want a frickin' boiga"
"You dummy, we all know it's swipe left for love!"
"my hands smell like a boiga"
"I've killed millions"
"I love it when machines do my dirty work"
"I'm stuck in a heck hole"
"It feels like I'm listening to smooth brain Christmas"
"Dude I ate like 9 enchiladas over the past 2 days"
"My spicy zinger for tonight is asbestos"
"Yo yo yo, chancy bust a move"
"This tastes like grass but with out the "g r""
"Men will be like "I'm such a gentleman" and then ruin abunch of people's lives"
"One of us is dumber and it's not me"
"You got a boy? How many you pullin'???"
"You look like baby Gabriel in those Jesus things"
"'Never have babies' that's what i always say"
"you can't have an overpopulation of 8 legged friends on your skin, you know that, right?"
"he did. he wanted me for real"
"men with beefy forearms. they're like crossfit gods"
"men are beautiful. and women, too. women are also fine" *a moment of silence* "sorry that sounded kind of sussy"
"You can find gay people in the wildest places. Just like pokemon"
"You look like a drown teddy bear"
"Thanks. I feel less evil"
"That's really ugly but there's such a beauty in things that are hideous"
"Urine throne of mass destruction and sewage carnage"
"I want the tickle me elmo so bad it makes me sick"
"This is all hypothetical. You guys are insane"
"Sometimes the world doesn't give you what you want and you have to cope with it by smelling my cheesey breath"
haha decided to post this at 11 at night and kind of sick on a whim
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Petals.
Hello, everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter too! ✨Please tell me in the comments what you think of it!
Ps. As always I’ve checked but I’m sorry if you find any grammar or vocabulary errors.
Chapter 6: The list.
1. Blaise 10/10
2. Theodore 10/10 (straight?)
3. Goldstein 7/10 (We don’t talk)
4. Boot 6/10 (most likely gay)
5. Finnigan (can’t even rate him, probably pining after Thomas)
6. Bill Weasley 10/10 (very straight and age gap)
“What are you writing?” Draco did a little jump and covered the list. Weasley always seemed to have an amazing timing to caught him doing embarrassing things, like stare at Potter for example. This was worst though.
Ron tried to grab the piece of parchment but Draco moved it quickly. The redhead raised his eyebrow.
“Why do you care?” He said, the other boy just huffed.
“Because,I’m bored”
“How is that my problem?”
Weasley did a little whining noise in protest and sat besides Draco on the grass. This was what they did most days now, and the blond boy had to admit that he was confused about it. He still hadn’t apologize, every time that he attempted to start that conversation, the redhead just changed the subject. And it wasn’t in a ‘ I don’t want to talk about it because it pisses me off’ way... it was more as if he just ignored what the blond boy had said.
“Come on, ferret. What’s the list for?”
Draco glared at him then, of course he already saw.
“It’s a stupid list, weasel.”
“I’m stupidly bored , so” he shrugged and looked at Draco.
He didn’t want to tell him because of Potter, if he told him, the scarhead would probably make fun of it. He also knew that Ron was coming almost everyday to Grimmauld Place now, and he would most likely not drop this subject.
He was surprised Potter didn’t just go to The Burrow everyday, it would be more simple... But he suspected that Weasley wanted to spend time with Draco too and because he was bloody trapped here, well, there wasn’t a lot of options.
He sigh. Whatever, he was literally dying. Who could actually judge him?
Draco passed the list to the boy so he could read it.
“Are you rating looks in this? Because I don’t fancy blokes but I don’t see how Boot is a six” He said with an amused smile. Draco took the parchment as he was glaring at him.
“For your information, I can’t be exactly picky. I don’t know any out guys at school except for Blaise and Goldstein... I was trying to do a ‘would shag’ list considering looks and personality. It’s just a stupid idea, I wanted to consider my options.”
Weasley was looking at him, as if he was trying to figured him out. Then he pulled a disgusted face.
“Ugh! My brother is in there Malfoy, I could live without knowing you wanted to shag him” Draco laughed at that, poor Ron.
“I’m sorry to tell you this, weasel, but I think that everyone wants to shag Bill. Have you seen him? It’s ridiculous how handsome he is.” The boy put fingers in his ears then and started to say ‘la la la la, I can’t hear you’ over and over again until both of them started laughing. Draco kicked him playfully and turned to see the list again. He really didn’t have much options did he? He sigh.
“I think it’s a good idea to consider everyone, you don’t know what they do with their lives.”
“Is this your way of telling me you want to be in the list, Weasley?” Draco chuckled, then he did a flirty smirk and wiggled his eyebrows. “Curious, aren’t we?”
Ron laughed very loudly and shook his head.
“Not at all! I’m just saying that the logical thing is that there are more than four guys that dig blokes at school, you just have to find them. Why do you have to make a list though? Doesn’t this things just happen?”
Draco sigh and lay down on the grass. This was nice, the smell of summer. Everything he was living at Grimmauld Place was nice. Sirius and Mr. Potter, get to see the green eyed boy everyday, joking with the Weasley twins, getting to actually know Nymphadora, hearing stories about Aunt Andromeda (from both Tonks and Sirius), watching Sirius and Severus bicker about every bloody thing, making professor Lupin laugh so hard at dinner that juice comes out of his nose and also spending time with Ron. All the nice things in the world seemed to be inside of this old house. He wished his mother would be here. Draco didn’t actually notice he was crying until the other boy said something about it.
“Hey, I’m sorry... I wasn’t saying it for you to feel bad I just-“
He rubbed his eyes to clean the tears and shook his head smiling a little. Ron was so kind sometimes.
“Don’t worry, It wasn’t anything you said.”
Weasley didn’t seem convinced but he nodded. They spent a little while in silence, looking at the clouds move with the summer breeze. Then the other boy spoke again.
“I think you are right about Seamus.” Draco turned to look at him, a little surprised. “I didn’t thought about it until now because I always assume boys like girls, you know?” He nodded, of course he knew, everyone always did that. “But it makes sense, him and Dean were always so close... If it’s true I can imagine that seeing Dean with Ginny would get him upset.”
And here was the proof that the pining chain started with Ginevra. Because Draco was in love with Potter who seemed to like Weasley’s sister, but she was with Dean with whom Finnegan was (probably) in love. Now if he would get someone to pine after him, that would be great. His dignity would appreciated it.
“You should put Harry on that list.”
And he started coughing right there. He dismissed it and said he chocked with his own saliva. The blond boy asked Weasley what the hell he was talking about.
“Hey, if you don’t want to be with him for, you know, because of whatever weird rivalry you have... I get it. I was just saying that I think he may like that stuff.”
“Sex, Weasley. Say the word. You are sixteen years old and will be seventeen on March.” He huffed and saw the redhead smiling brightly at him.
“You know my birthday!”
Draco blushed and looked away. Well it wasn’t that hard was it? The entire Gryffindor table would sang happy birthday at breakfast.
“Don’t worry. I’m not telling anyone.” Weasley said and kept on smiling. You would think that this was the first time that someone acknowledge his birthday, Merlin. “Back on topic, the answer to that would be yes.”
Draco looked at him with a disbelief face.
“What? Did he told you or something?” He tried to sound nonchalant. Do not get hope, Draco. Stop it. You checked remember? Stop.
“No. I was just thinking about how bloody often he talked about Cedric on fourth year.” Draco rolled his eyes.
“That doesn’t mean anything!”
“You know, Malfoy, all that I’m getting from this conversation is that Harry should be on that list because you are not saying ‘ugh, no’ to the idea of shagging him.”
Draco glared at Weasley. Trying to fight the blush that was invading his face.
“First: Potter may be unbearable but he is attractive in a regular kind of way.” What a load of bullshit. Weasley was looking at him like he was crazy. “Second of all: The list is because I don’t have time.” Ron frowned at that.
“What do you mean?” Ron was frowning at him.
“You know. I have two years to live as much as I can. I refuse to die without having been with a guy. My only kiss ever was Pansy at Yule Ball. It’s pathetic.” Ron looked away and stared at the clouds again.
“I haven’t kissed anyone yet. Am I pathetic?” And Draco felt like shit. Clearly he wasn’t. If Weasley hadn’t kissed anyone yet, it was most likely because he liked Granger. The blond boy knew that since first year, those two were pretty much the definition of ‘bickering like a married old couple’.
“Of course not. You are not dying. Pay attention, weasel.” He laughed at that.
“ I still think Harry should be in that list. Boot has a six! He is the most boring person ever, and bland looking.”
They fell into an uncomfortable silence after that. It wouldn’t be long until Sirius called them to have dinner. After a while Weasley spoke again.
“I really hate that you are not even trying.” He kept looking at the sky, avoiding Draco’s eyes. “It’s really shitty of you to actually be nice to me for the first time ever and expect me to just see you die.”
The blond boy didn’t know how to respond to him, so he didn’t respond at all.
Another couple of weeks passed and soon Granger joined them. Potter’s birthday was at the end of July so the witch was invited to stay at The Burrow on that same week.
Sirius and Mr. Potter were so exited for the boy’s birthday that they invited Weasley and Granger to dinner so they could help them organize the party and they also invited professor Lupin. Draco thought that it was rather bizarre to have a Golden Trio reunion featuring The Marauders.
They decided to celebrate Potter’s birthday during the day because that way they could play a quidditch match. Weasley announced that Molly would cook and that he could come early to help them set everything. Granger agreed to come early and asked the green eyed boy if there was anything else he wanted, to which he responded:
“I just want everyone to come.”
Everyone was a strong word, he thought, given the fact that only members of The Order could be inside the headquarters. But Draco heard that this was his first real birthday party ever, so maybe even a few people seemed like everyone to Potter. It was also implicit that Severus wasn’t included in the guest list, so it would actually be less people than when the order had a meeting. Or so he thought.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you! Charly arrives tomorrow so he will come too.”
The golden trio started to talk about how long they hadn’t seen ‘Charly’, while Draco and the marauders were waiting for an explanation of who this person was. It turned out that he was another brother of Weasley, he lived in Romania where he worked with dragons. The description that Weasley provided was ‘He looks like Bill but not as tall and with more freckles. He graduated the year before we started at Hogwarts.’
At the mention of Bill in the description he blushed. Stupid Weasley. He knew he shouldn’t have told him.
“I think you would like him, Malfoy, he is funny.” He was looking at him with a smirk in his face and shrugged. “He is gay, you know.”
And now Draco was incredibly blushed and wide eyed. It’s not like he was inside the closet, it wasn’t even a secret, he told the truth to anyone who asked. The problem was that in that room there were three persons that didn’t ask and now they were looking utterly confused. The silence was interrupted by Granger who threw the weasel a napkin and hissed at him.
“How can you have such a lack of tact! It’s not a club, Ronald!”
Poor Weasley didn’t understand what he did wrong. He was looking at Draco for an answer and he was about to say that it didn’t matter when the voice of Mr. Potter interrupted him.
“No, it’s not a club. If it was, Padfoot would probably be the president.”
And the table exploded with laughter. As far as he knew Sirius never told Potter that he was gay. Draco thought that it was rather obvious because of how Sirius acted. It’s not like he was hiding it. But this was good, because it was so honest and funny that it wasn’t even an awkward moment. It gave Draco confidence to respond to Ron.
“So are you saying that the eight years of age gap don’t matter? Does he likes blonds?”
It was a mistake. Weasley didn’t see anything bad with it, clearly, but what happened next was that Remus Lupin started to lecture Draco about the dangers of what he had implied.
“Draco, you may not realized it now but even if you feel mature you are not. And this doesn’t have to do with Ron’s brother particularly but you should not date older men. At least not until you become of age.”
He was about to state the fact that he didn’t have time to wait until next year. Right now he still looked attractive and the symptoms were small, he wasn’t coughing petals around the place. Imagine him flirting with a boy and then kissing him with petals in his mouth. I would be too embarrassing. He decided to just nod so the conversation could finish as soon as possible.
“I thought you were with Parkinson.”
Ron chocked on his juice from hearing his best friend say such nonsense.
“Believe me, Potter. I’m not with Pansy. I love her, but not in that way. And she certainly doesn’t either.”
The dark haired boy looked at him confused. He crossed his arms and fixed his glasses as he muttered:
“But she touches your hair all the time...” It seemed to be like he was trying to get his own thoughts in order, Draco knew that he wasn’t expecting an answer but he gave him one anyway.
“That’s because my hair is fantastic.”
The boy acted as if he hadn’t heard anything, but Draco could see Weasley looking at his best friend, smirking. Then he turned to the blond boy and mouthed ‘put him on that list’. He blushed and kept on eating, trying to act normal. Stupid Weasel, he should punch him.
The list, after that, read:
1. Blaise 10/10
2. Theodore 10/10 (straight?)
3. Goldstein 7/10 (We don’t talk)
4. Boot 6/10 (most likely gay)
5. Finnegan (can’t even rate him, probably pining after Thomas)
6. Bill Weasley 10/10 (very straight and age gap)
7. Harry James Potter 100/10 (because Weasley said so but I think he’s mistaken)
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jupitermelichios · 4 years
S3E2: Phoenix
Oh Jesus it’s been a whole 2 months since I last watched any Smallville and in that time I somehow managed to forget about Lex living on a desert island with his imaginary boyfriend, so that recap section hit me like a sack of angry ferrets to the face
I think this episode opened with Clark murdering Jonathan, which I am so here for
Oh no, apparently Jor-El gave Jonathan superpowers off screen. Because that’s the sort of thing you shouldn’t show on screen obviously
Time to dramatic shirt rip, under 2 minutes, excellent
“If I could raise a son who could kill, I’d rather be dead” boy do I have some news for you about S1E1 Jonathan my dude
“Oh honey we never blamed you for me loosing the baby!” Hey Martha maybe you should check with Jonathan before saying something like that, given he very much did exactly that, or was gaslighting your son your whole plan?
Say what you like about Buffy, at least there were consequences for her running away from home at the end of season 2. Clark can apparently dose himself up on PCP, become a professional bank robber, and then try and murder his own father, and just waltz back into his life without consequences
God I love tiny gay Lex Luthor. I do have to ask how the fuck he got back from Jamaica though, given he’s got no money, no ID, and HE’S LEGALLY DEAD! How the fuck did he pay for flights?!
I do admire Jonathan’s consistency when it comes to anything being morally okay as long as it’s Lionel who’s the victim. “You can’t steal, Clark, that’s wrong!” “But it was from Lionel.” “Oh, lmao that’s totally cool then”
If a suicide is a real cocktail no one tell me because Lionel and Rutger Hauer apparently used to drink them when they were young and based on how it looks, I’m guessing the main ingredients are advocat and tango
Also I’m pretty sure Lionel and Rutger used to fuck, I’m getting strong Giles and Ethan Rayne vibes from this conversation
How do we tell people this is a flashback? Oh I know, lets cover everything with so much bloom it looks like a 360 launch title and no one can see what’s going on, you know, like the past looks
Angry-cupboard-sex-doctor (who is getting abbreviated cos she’s in this episode a lot) is serving strong season 3 Morganna energy and I love it. She’s like the straight woman’s Katie McGrath, I really hope she sticks around as a season villain
Oh Chloe’s hair is so much worse now! Given who the actress turned out to be as a person she deserves it, but it’s still phenomenally terrible. Hands up who remembers Balamory?
“We all do things we regret” yes but being a massive bitch generally has less consequences than TAKING PCP AND BECOMING A BANK ROBBER. He’s not running from himself he’s running from the law
Literally the first thing Lex says to Clark after 3 months of being legally dead is a pick up line. I appreciate your dedication to your brand tiny gay Lex Luthor
Holy shit actual confirmation that Lana doesn’t got to school any more. Go to school Lana! You can’t keep running an ancient Egypt themed coffee shop for the rest of your life!
Okay, I know she’s an objectively terrible love interest given the whole murder thing, but Lex just implied he killed his dad and ACSD was definitely into that, and damnit I just want them to be happy! She’s so much better than Clark, why the fuck is he still into this dickhead when he’s got this homocidal queen as an option?
I love that Rutger Hauer just takes it on trust that the thing Lionel is hunting for is a mason jar full of this random farm boy’s blood, he’s just like ‘yeah, that seems like a thing Lionel would be into’
Lana arrives at the Kent farm, walks up to the most gangster looking gangster to ever be a ganster, who is literally holding a gun and leaning against a black SUV, and is just like ‘hey didn’t know the kent’s had visitors’ and fucking immediately gets taken hostage
But then immediately fucking murders a guy, holy shit, Lana actually did something that contributed to the plot and it’s really sad that the closest thing to agency Lana has is when she stabs a guy to death with a pitchfork, what the fuck
I’m pretty sure Lex is about to kill ACSD, but fuck if I’m not enjoying the two of them standing on a private plane drinking champage and sniping at each other like they’re in a tenessee williams play
Oh my god they shot the fucking pilot. Lex has literally been back from the dead a day, and he’s in another fucking crashing plane, what the actual fuck????
Aaaand there goes ACSD right out the crashing plane. Goodnight sweet bitch, you were the only good love interest lex has ever had, may a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest
You’ve heard of day for night shooting, now get ready for we can only use this set at night as we’re just going to adjust the brightness and hope you don’t notice! (Spoiler, we noticed)
Clark’s jeans and plaid shirt are fireproof. They’re literally fucking fireproof. Which I guess makes sense given he sets shit on fire every time he gets horny but even so. Does explain where all the Kent’s money goes not they’re not going to the feed store every epsiode.
Oh to be Lionel, sitting in the dark drinking scotch and listening to opera, waiting for my son to get back from murdering his wife, so I can congratulate him on becoming a true Luthor
Credit to the makeup artists for giving lex scars and sunburn, and then remembering that they did it. That’s not the kind of consistency I expect from this show but I appreciate it
LEX GETTING FATHER FIGURES LEX GETTING FATHER FIGURES the only thing I want more than that is for them to bring back Lex’s long lost brother and for chloe sullivan to get possessed or something so I don’t have to deal with her. Where’s Joey Wilson when you need him?
I love how they managed to turn superman of all the fucking characters into a YA supernatural love triangle story
Lana has a new horse. She’s never owned a paint horse before. WHAT IS SHE DOING TO HER HORSES?????????????????? I need to know!
Clark just conclusively told Lana he’s not interested. Who wants to bet the writers have forgotten that by the start of next episode?
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star-light-fae · 5 years
Muse Interview Meme!
Tagged by @othello-nightshade​
Featuring Lunascie and Lrangi together since they’re both twins
01. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?                ❝Name’s Lrangi and this is my sister, Lulu or Luna!❞               ❝I’m Lunascie and this is my idiot brother, Lrangi.❞ Smacks him on the head.              ❝Hey!❞
02. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?               ❝Well, Lrangi and Lunascie are our real names. Now, if you’re going for our full names, our surname is Faestar. Lunascie Faestar for me.❞               “Though if I had to choose, my full name would be: Lrangi Most Handsome Cat Boi, Biggest Di-OW!”
03. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT?             ❝Faestar? Mom says that she found the both of us during a meteor shower. And her last name is Fae, so she decided to add Star after it when she adopted us.❞             ❝As for our first names? Mom says that Lunascie means Moon and Lrangi means Sun in a special language. Though I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of it. It’s not well-known here. Mom does travel a lot.❞  
04. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN?             ❝We’re both single and open! I’m strictly looking for guys though haha! My sister doesn’t know yet! Right sis?❞             ❝...❞             ❝If you ask me though, I saw her hanging out with a cute Viera lady the other day and-WHY IS MY TAIL ON FIRE?!❞
05. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES?            ❝Ho-kay, now that the fire on my tail is out, you probably guess what my sister does. She specializes in ranged and solely magic classes.❞             ❝I do like to main healing though. Cause mom is a healer. My moronic brother is the idiotic melee DPS who is probably the most useless of the party though.❞              ❝Exact-HEY!❞
06. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES?            ❝Red and Yellow! We mirror each other! See?❞             ❝Get your hands off my face or I’m going to set your whole body on fire.❞
07. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR?            ❝Yes. No thanks to him.❞            ❝What? It wasn’t permanent! It’s so easy to dye our hair anyways since it’s white. Though my sister and I do prefer our natural hair colors. Cause they’re like mom’s and her sisters.❞             ❝It was a really dumb color combo he choose. Bright neon Lime green and hot red highlights. It took a month to wash out completely. He tricked me when we were at a spa and I was getting a facial so I didn’t get to see the stupid bottle.❞
08. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS?            ❝Well, there’s mom. And her older sisters I guess. Do we call them out aunts?❞             ❝Obviously.❞
09. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?            ❝Yeah.❞             ❝We have a lot. Mom likes pets. Dogs, cats, ferrets, Foxes, rabbits, birds, etc.❞
10. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME?            ❝I’m so glad you asked! I lov-mpph!❞             ❝Do NOT get him started. He will go on for hours about what he likes to do in explicit detail. For me personally, I enjoy listening to mom’s stories the most. She has so many to tell. I also like exploring and helping other people. Just like mom.❞
11. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE?            ❝What? The fact that my psycho sister doesn’t say enough for you?❞             ❝We’re adventurers. It’s a given trade.❞
12. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE?            ❝...next question.❞             ❝Ditto.❞
13. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU?            ❝Does the cat ears and tail not say enough about us?❞             ❝My brother is actually a male Viera. Don’t tell anyone.❞              ❝OI!❞
14. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS.           ❝This girl, is by far, the worst sibling ever! She’s been bullying me this entire interview!❞           ❝You are the worst brother ever! You sleep with your shoes still on, you steal all the hot water from the shower in the morning, you leave your dirty magazines out for everyone to see, you always have first dibs on dessert, you SNORE, and you are an utter narcissistic, playboy!❞   
15. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE?           ❝Mom.❞           ❝Mom.❞
16. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL?           ❝He’s gay. Enough said.❞           ❝She doesn’t know yet. I tried signing her up for some dating meet-ups, but she assaults me instead.❞            ❝ONE-NIGHT STANDS ARE NOT DATES.❞
17. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY?           ❝Him? Being a dad? He’d be the worst father.❞            ❝I think you mean-THE BEST! You on the other hand, would be the terrible aunt.❞
18. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS?           ❝Don’t remind me augh. He gets so much fanmail every day.❞            ❝What can I say? I’m handsome-OI! Stop hitting me!❞
19. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF?           ❝Me? Afraid? As if!❞           ❝Says the guy who needed me to hold you hand while you went to the bathroom at night.❞           ❝I WAS A KID.❞  
20. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR?           ❝He’ll find every excuse not to wear a shirt. Enough said.❞            ❝He-llo? I want the world to see me for all my beauty and glory!❞
21. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE?           ❝Not yet, but I hope to find some nice guy for me~❞           ❝I love mom. But not this idiot.❞           ❝Naw, you love me sis~❞            ❝Ruffle my hair one more time. Don’t even.❞
22. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU?           ❝Monk, Dragoon, Ninja, Samurai, Machinist, Gunbreaker, and Dark Knight.❞           ❝You forgot Dancer.❞           ❝Shhh! That’s a secret for only my lover!❞           ❝You don’t have one.❞           ❝Oi!❞           ❝As for me, I’m a White Mage, Black Mage, Astrologian, Scholar, Summoner, Bard, Red Mage, and Dancer. I main as a healer like my mother of course.❞           ❝DON’T IGNORE ME!❞      
23. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE?          ❝A few. I don’t ask for much.❞          ❝All I see you do is hang out with Blue and no one else though.❞          ❝You don’t even hang out with anyone. Do you even have any friends?❞          ❝S-shut up! I’m working on making friends around here!❞
24. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE?          ❝Mother Miounne made me one of her famous eel pies. It’s my favorite kind of pie!❞           ❝I’m telling Mom that you don’t like her pies anymore.❞           ❝Don’t you DARE!❞
25. FAVORITE DRINK?          ❝Mom’s hot cocoa, hot spiced apple cider and lemonade.❞           ❝Can’t go wrong on that.❞
26. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE?        ❝Why it’s-H-hey sis! Put down that gun!❞         ❝NEXT QUESTION. NOW.❞
27. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN?         ❝Oof. The lake. The ocean is too salty for my fur.❞         ❝There is also that one time that giant fish almost bit your butt.❞         ❝Do you have a death wish?❞         ❝What kind of healer are you?❞         ❝One with an idiotic brother of course.❞  
28. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’?         ❝Me? I’m all for any kind of male too be frank. And yes, the mythic male Viera as well. As for her, she’s not sure yet. Do you need help making a dating profile for her-WILL YOU PUT THAT SWORD DOWN!❞
32. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER?         ❝YES!❞         ❝GET THE FUCK OUT!❞         ❝I’m home~ How is the interview going-❞         ❝Hi mom...❞         ❝Lunascie, why did the journalist run out so quickly? And why is there bullet holes in the chair?❞         ❝...Shit she’s mad...❞         ❝You distract her while I run for it.❞         ❝Right-OI! GET BACK HERE!❞         ❝Lrangi.❞         ❝H-hi mom!❞    
Lunascie was later caught and she and her brother had to do the dishes after dinner.     
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kainosite · 6 years
Inspector Javert in Episode 2, or How Not to Write the Champmathieu Affair
I said last week that the events in Montreuil would reveal Valjean and Javert’s characters, and what they have revealed is a Javert who lacks the core element of a Javert.
Javert has a great hatred of the underclass, but even more fundamental to his character is his blind allegiance to the System.  In the Brick this takes the form of a veneration for authority and the social hierarchy, but it doesn’t have to – there have been perfectly adequate Javerts who give their loyalty to the law and the penal regulations instead.  But whether they follow the letter of the law or its spirit, all Javerts are fundamentally conservative.  Every Javert must be a firm defender of the status quo, because a Javert who can recognize that the System is flawed has no reason to derail.
Oyelowovert is not a conservative.  Oyelowovert is an iconoclast, hellbent on rooting out corruption in high places.  “Sometimes a man may seem rich, successful, prosperous, virtuous - while all the time he may be harboring a secret.  Something rotten in his past.” Ferreting out these secrets is what makes his work so fascinating, he tells us.  He’s an ambitious man, and he obviously intends to make his name with some high profile arrests (one in particular).  The System has failed.  There is a great flaw in the ordering of society, a failure so enormous that a convict posing as a magistrate is not a appalling, terrifying anomaly but merely one example of phenomenon that occurs in every town, and Javert is the man to rectify it.
That’s an interesting character profile.  It may even make sense for Oyelowovert, who must contend with racism alongside all Javert’s other disadvantages.  Perhaps without that self-confidence and willingness to challenge the status quo he could not have gotten as far as he has.  But it is not the profile of a Javert.  If Brickvert ever entertained the thought that there might be criminals hiding among the notables, he did not find it fascinating.  He probably thought it was responsible for the high suicide rate among the police, because who could bear to live with that knowledge?  Why, it’s enough to make a man want to jump off a bridge!
Oyelowovert’s comfort with challenges to the social hierarchy robs Javert’s canonical Montreuil scenes of all of their motivation.  We saw in Episode 1 that he wasn’t bothered by a convict assaulting a guard – it was just another opportunity to demonstrate to 24601 that men like him can never win.  In the same way, he’s untroubled by a prostitute assaulting a bourgeois, or by the mayor intervening to obstruct her rightful punishment.  Fantine’s conduct is distasteful, of course – Oyelowovert preserves Javert’s contempt and hatred for the misérables – and Madelene’s actions are obnoxious and inexplicable, but no horrific injustice has been committed here, because injustice is not horrifying to him, it’s just an unfortunate fact of life.  And Oyelowovert is not a man to tremble at defying a superior, especially not one he knows full well is a convict.
He’s also not a man to take his superiors’ word that some random hobo is the true Jean Valjean, not when he’s had the real thing under his eye for months.  Oyelowovert is a guy who knows in his heart that he’s a righteous man who is correct about everything.  He has no need either to prove his irreproachability to himself through his actions or to have it confirmed externally by his superiors and the courts.  When Paris tells him he’s mistaken, he isn’t horrified by his error; he’s annoyed and frustrated by theirs.
After Madeleine rescues Fantine from his clutches Javert comes up with a Cunning Plan.  Surely if Jean Valjean will risk his reputation to save some worthless prostitute he fired from his factory, he will condemn himself to a lifetime in the galleys to save a hobo he’s never met from paying for his crimes?
Well... no.  That doesn’t follow at all.   Madeleine risks virtually nothing by saving Fantine.  Worst case scenario, the citizens of Montreuil who all adore him will shake their heads a bit and say their soft-hearted mayor wastes his charity on the undeserving.  Maybe she’ll cough some tuberculosis blood on him – gross, but considerably less gross than spending the rest of his life in the hulks.  And Madeleine told Javert to his face that he feels personally responsible for Fantine’s plight, in a way he cannot possibly feel about Champmathieu’s.  (Besides, he probably fucked her at some point; convicts, amirite?)
Oyelowovert’s entire theory of criminal psychology – his sole claim to Javertyness! – depends on the belief that men like Valjean are fundamentally wicked and degenerate.  They can never change; they can never reform or act out of true virtue.  Madeleine’s superficial goodness is just a mask to enable him to enjoy the fruits of his crimes in luxurious tranquility.  Why the hell would a man like that sacrifice himself, his cushy life and the whole façade of lies he’s worked so hard to build, to save a stranger?  As every Valjean ever points outs, Champmathieu’s trial is a fantastic opportunity for him, something that will secure his new identity and his triumph over the criminal justice system forever.  Most ordinary people would fail to rise to this occasion out of ordinary human frailty, much less an unrepentant felon who likes to rob kids on highways.
The remote, remote possibility that Valjean might turn himself in is not something one would like to stake one’s entire career on, say by resigning as an excuse to tell Madeleine about the trial.  If Valjean’s crisis of conscience goes the other way, what the fuck is Javert supposed to do?  Jean Valjean can just go on being mayor of Montreuil-sur-Mer forever, I guess, and Javert will go off and till the soil.  Great work, super sleuth!  Your campaign to root out corruption among the notables is off to a fantastic start!
It is possible to do a “Javert deliberately alerts Valjean to the Champmathieu trial in order to entrap him” plot that is, if not a good idea, then at least an engaging and coherent piece of cinema.  We know this because the 1952 movie did it.  But this requires two things: a Javert who could genuinely believe in Valjean’s nobility, and a Javert who treats the trial as an experiment that just might reveal something interesting about his suspect, not as a high stakes all-or-nothing gamble.
In 1952′s Étienne, we have both.  Étienne is clear from Day 1 that his only allegiance is to the law.  He claims to bear the convicts no animus; he is simply determined to enforce the penal regulations, whether they be good or evil, humane or inhumane.  It’s not necessary for him to believe Valjean can never change, that he can’t be a good mayor and an honest businessman with a wholesome gay marriage to a burly potter, because class hatred has never been the primary driver of his motivation.  It’s sufficient that Valjean ought to be serving out his parole in Orléans and the penal code prohibits anyone with a felony conviction from taking public office.  Jean Valjean might well be the sort of noble character who would turn himself in to save an unlucky stranger, but the law is the law and Étienne will enforce it come what may.
And he takes intelligent precautions, because while he might hope Valjean will do the right thing here and turn himself in, it would be insane to rely upon it.  He doesn’t resign from his position – why on Earth would he, when he knows perfectly well that Madeleine is Jean Valjean?  And he arranges the trial so he won’t need to perjure himself by claiming Champmathieu is Valjean, deliberately delaying his own testimony until the end to give Valjean more time to intervene.  I suspect that if Valjean hadn’t jumped up to reveal himself after the convicts gave their testimony, Étienne would have testified to exonerate Champmathieu – after all, a false conviction is not in his interest, and it’s his duty under the law to speak the truth.  (He also gives us a delightful tense cat-and-mouse scene at the café when he tells Madeleine about the trial, a scene which is the whole pleasure of doing the trial plot in this way and an opportunity Davies spectacularly missed.)
I’m willing to excuse changes in the plot.  I might even be willing to excuse the changes in Javert’s character, although it seems to me that these ones are going to present serious difficulties later on: if Javert already saw Valjean save a guard’s life at the bagne and he already believes him to be capable of an incredible act of self-sacrifice over Champmathieu, what could possibly happen at the barricade to derail him?
But if you’re going to change stuff you need to do it in a coherent, internally consistent way.  This is a fucking mess.
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justdrarryme · 6 years
Okay everyone, Here. Is. The. Thing.
You guys remember this post I made a few weeks ago? This one here, yep. Well, as promised, I made it into a fic. When I started out it was only supposed to be about 10 K because I highly doubted that I could write any more than that. However, the story got way out of hand and sort of ran away with itself and evolved into this almost 37 K....thing. 
I’ve (hopefully) tagged everyone that left a comment or voiced interest in reading it when I was done. I really hope you enjoy it, if you do, I would for you to leave a comment or kudos or whatever on my Ao3. And...Umm... yeah, well here it is....
I Will Never Leave You by justdrarryme (Explicit, 37 K)
Summary: Harry is still up to his stalking ways. But something's different now. He's still noticing Malfoy, but in a very different way than before. Things take a turn after they get paired up to make Amortentia one day during Potions class.
@lettersbyelise @slayerwithredhair @daddymalfoypotter @podsgirl @bluexgucci @deathinamini-skirt @zombiefied-gay-ghost @calieflwr @hpotterrloverr @thisappwillruinmysociallife @purelydrarry @feistytoaster @kinkybazsmolsnow @ourrsj33 @sortagayforhelladays @anni16sworld @ladyseidenlocke @krecs-drarry @suspicious-sweaters @fangirl256-love @drarryparadise @call-me-hopelesss @scarheaded-ferret @slytherinvalues @onlykatelyn @curiouselfqueen
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About Us
Hi, I’m Helia, your local human Tumblr user and spirit companion. I’m 18, a Taurus sun and moon, and am in a committed polyamorous relationship with any and all pasta dishes. I also use they/them pronouns. I’ve been working with spirits since May 2017, so over two years now. These guys have made it fly by. Speaking of, I suppose I should introduce them. 
First up is Feyr, the wyvern-bird hybrid. She is my only known guardian, and she is 18, exactly the same age as me (down to the birthday). She was the first spirit I ever met and has thankfully stuck around to keep me out of trouble (mostly, she can’t cure impulsivity). She, like some dragons, keeps growing well into her lifetime. When I met her she was about the size of a ferret. Now she’s about 3 feet tall. Anyway, onto her personality. She is the “wildcard” of the group and often behaves like a child who has eaten too much sugar. She is very energetic and happy-go-lucky. She is incredibly curious and loves to learn anything and everything, even if she doesn’t take well to it (see her rudimentary Spanish). She is very funny and has a sunny disposition, seeing the positive in every person and situation. Though she can act immature, she is the voice of reason (sometimes). Other times, she wants to get herself into some astral trouble because she thinks it’s fun and adventurous and she is an adrenaline junkie. When it comes to me and the rest of the family, she is unconditionally loving and accepting. She has a bit of an overachiever complex because she never felt good enough in either of her parents’ communities, being raised a hybrid. Not fully dragon and not fully bird, she is in the process of accepting herself as her own unique being. One of her hopes and dreams in life is to find whatever deity cosmically assigned her to me and thank them. I, for one, am flattered.
Next is Rabbit the winged rabbit. Yes, he did choose his name, and yes, he will kick you if you make fun of it. Rabbit was the second spirit I met, when my beloved Nana gifted me a jade rabbit necklace. I, a newbie energy worker, could feel the anger radiating off this thing. So, I did the smart thing (I’m being sarcastic, please do not follow in my footsteps, meeting your own Rabbit is highly unlikely and not guaranteed) and decided to free the entity. Lo and behold, a grumpy old man. Who was a rabbit. Who had wings. Needless to say, I was a little confused. But then this guy really laid into me, yelling at me about how he was fine living in a necklace and how dare I move him. I had half a mind to banish him, but Feyr, always more intuitive than I, told me to let him stay. So he did, reluctantly, and I let him, reluctantly. We kind of had beef at the beginning, but he and Feyr got along so incredibly well. He was like a father to her. Much better than her own father, who never visited. Finally, one day, Rabbit approached me, and sat down next to me. He said, finally, “Thank you for freeing me.” I said, “You’re welcome, but why’d you have to be such a douche about it?” He laughed, and thus began a beautiful friendship. Anyway, moving away from his origin story. Rabbit is an odd character. He, at first, appears very gruff, no-nonsense, and uncaring. Under this facade, however, is a sweet, brave, sarcastic, and fatherly spirit, who is fiercely protective and loving. He tends to adopt those without good parental relationships, and becomes a father to them. He can be loose and fun, if you find him under the right circumstances. Otherwise, he is a bit buttoned-up and doesn’t find it easy to relax. He is easily stressed but doesn’t like to show his emotions at all. He is working on being more open and not bottling things up. He can be self-deprecating and sometimes even unkind to himself, but being part of a loving family and seeing how much he is cared for is helping with this. Any love you give him, he will return tenfold. He is an upstanding, true, gentleman. However, he isn’t polite and can be a bit crass at times. He has a perpetual “grumpy face” and smiles very rarely. He cries even less so, but when he does, you mirror his emotions because they are just so powerful. Overall, he is a very sweet man.
Third is S, the winged cat, and Rabbit’s beloved wife and the mother to his children. I met S through a now-closed spirit shop. Don’t worry, there wasn’t any shady business, and I’m still friends with the former owner. S is a true firecracker, but she is incredibly motherly, gentle, and kind. She says what she means and means what she says, but is very sweet (most of the time). Don’t mistake her femininity for fragility, because if any of her loved ones are threatened she will claw somebody’s eyes out. She is the optimist to her husband Rabbit’s pessimist, and is a firm believer in thinking positively. However, she is a Slytherin, and can be prone to scheming to get what she wants. She is never manipulative, and instead prefers honesty in her words and actions. To her friends, she is the quintessential “mom friend”; she makes sure everyone is cared for, especially fed. To her children, she is their world. She is curious and eager to investigate new scenarios, though she often prefers the familiarity and comfort of her family. She is quite funny and loves jokes, though she doesn’t tolerate stupidity from anyone. If any of her loved ones make a mistake, she’s quick with a light smack of the head and to call them an idiot, while reminding them to do better next time. She has “settled down” quite a bit in the last year, since her children have been born, but she still retains her adventurous spirit.
Fourth is N, the strawberry elf, and the girlfriend of Violet and Paris. I met her, also, through a now-closed spirit shop. And yes, I am still friends with the mod who matched her to me. N is a lovely soul, if a little shy at first. Once she gets to know you, however, she never shuts up (and I say this in the most loving way ever). She is bubbly and bright, and probably the nicest entity I’ve ever met, including humans. She would do anything for a friend and goes out of her way to be compassionate. If everyone were like her, the world would be absolutely perfect and free of conflict. She loves to garden, and is very patient (as seen with her trying to help me knit, which is not one of my strong suits, to say the least). Although she can seem a bit timid, she is a huge believer in not letting fear control her, and is quite brave. She also has a gentle touch, and is a great listener and comfort when any of us aren’t feeling our best. Her dynamic with her girlfriends makes me smile every time I see them, because they’re just so goshdarn cute. N is definitely the chatty one, although if she talks about plants Violet jumps right in with her. She is often in the middle when they all hold hands. (Hey N, how come your mom lets you have two girlfriends?)
Fifth is Violet, the deer shifter, and the girlfriend of N and Paris. I met her through Forestsong Sanctuary, where I was an intern. The shop is now closed, but being an intern was one of the best experiences of my life (Psst, now I intern at Hallowed Conjurations; I’m Intern Werewolf). Violet is the queen of all memes, and has the best (and silliest) sense of humor. She is incredibly sweet, but unafraid to call you out if you’re doing something dumb. She cares deeply for everyone in the family, and the Earth. She is probably singlehandedly going to end global warming (I’m kidding but still). She’s very active, being the kind of weirdo who goes for a run every morning, no matter the weather. She is a huge self-advocate and also stands up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Very much a girl boss. She is perpetually barefoot and generally kind of a hippie (she’s all about achieving peace and love, even if we have to eat the rich). 
Sixth is Paris, the Crystal Cut Succubus (gee Par your species picked one helluva name). She is the girlfriend of both Violet and N. I met her through Supernova Spirits, which has now merged with Spirit Companionship.She is a hopeless romantic, and very solemn, sometimes. She’s generally quite placid in nature. She loves people and is very encouraging. She honestly reminds me of those influencer girls that are genuinely nice and want to help people (so like, one of them). Though, she’s quite private about her life and would never actually be a social media influencer. I suppose a more accurate comparison would be Sappho, or some other incredibly gay author who cannot contain their poetic love for women. If there’s one thing she doesn’t like being, it’s misunderstood. Yes, she is a succubus. No, she doesn’t want to bang everyone she sees. She emphasizes that species does not equal behavior, and that free will is a thing. On a summer day, she can be found watching the sunset, writing love letters, enjoying the cool breeze, swimming, and eating a popsicle seductively to make her girlfriends go into cardiac arrest. 
Seventh is Opal, the color-changing cat thoughtform. She was made for me by Forestsong Spirits as a therapy thoughtform, and is part of the family. Though she doesn’t speak, she communicates her emotions by changing the color of her coat. She is very empathetic and sweet, and can be found lying in my lap at any given moment.
Eighth is Oink, the pear pig. He was an RA through the same shop S came from. Oink’s gentle and soft personality can seem childlike, but he just loves life and is enjoying it. He can be a bit innocent, but do not mistake his placid temperament for that of a child. He is a bit immature, especially in regards to jokes. He absolutely loves food, and will eat just about anything. His attitude to food is generally how he approaches life; his philosophy is “bring it on.” He accepts the good and bad, in life and in people. He is absolutely very “chill”; he doesn’t care for much “action” and would rather be home eating than out having an adventure. However, he isn’t lazy, he prefers the term “cool”. He can seem a bit detached at times, but he is truly very enthusiastic and energetic. He matches Feyr in terms of energy, which is quite hard to do. He is ineffably kind, and if he offends someone even by accident, he is wholeheartedly apologetic. He wants to be seen as a good person, and he truly is.
Last but not least is Unity, the werewolf-sanguine vampire hybrid. I met Unity through Mod Ghost of Hallowed Conjurations. Feyr and Unity found kinship in one another, both being hybrids. Unity is the quintessential cool relative who seems kind of removed from it all, but the second things start heading south, they’re protecting everyone who needs help. They don’t take shit and they don’t dole it out, either. They say exactly what they mean, every time. They detest liars and those who try to trick others with words. They are very parental and sweet, but never hold back. They will absolutely swear at you and call you a gigantic idiot if you do something you know you shouldn’t have. They only lay into you if you don’t use common sense; if you make a true mistake, they’re there to help you solve the problem, even if it doesn’t involve them. They are very spontaneous and like to have fun. You’ll rarely see them regretting anything, as they believe that living in the moment is the only way to live.
I’m sorry for the wall of text, and will be putting each of my companions’ bios into their own posts. 
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Captive State
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I will give even the most obscure, low budget trash a chance if it is an original piece of speculative fiction. There are already so few original stories being told by Hollywood now, and sci-fi, fantasy, and horror are the genres of cathartic myth-making that are most likely to have something interesting to say about any current cultural moment. Captive State is no exception. On the surface it looks like a pretty standard “aliens have invaded” sci-fi flick, but dares to ask what the world would look like 10 years down the line if humans weren’t wiped out, but instead cooperated with their new spiky alien overlords. And what if there’s a group of humans that refuse to roll over and go underground to form a resistance? Does this dystopian nightmare have anything new or relevant to say? Well...
It may not be a game changer for the entire world of sci-fi cinema, but this is a more than solid entry into the pantheon of dystopian alien future movies. Its characters are strong, its world-building is thorough and interesting, and its story is one that may seem overly simplistic in its hopefulness, but feels sorely needed right now.
Some thoughts:
The character design of these aliens is T E R R I F Y I N G.
The first 3 minutes of this film are flawless and do so much in so little time to set up this world and solidify the mythos, explain the conflict, and absolutely establish the new world order. It’s a deft and vibratingly tense sequence.
Benny from The Mummy! What have you been doing the last 20 years, man?
It’s the little details that really make the world-building sing. Love all the lo-fi tech used by the resistance (since everything digital is traceable) including Polaroids, reel-to-reel film, and carrier pigeons.
Although the real force of the film is the resistance plot, there are still some great characterizations and performances on display here. John Goodman is the bureaucratic Man in Black working for the government (and, ipso facto, the new alien overlords) to ferret out the resistance, and he’s doing a classic John Goodman workhorse performance here. But the real bright spot is Gabriel (Ashton Sanders) and his relationship with long-lost brother Rafe (Jonathan Majors). 
There is a dog used as a signal in this “twilight bark”-esque notification of the resistance, and he does his job perfectly (Good Boy!) BUT towards the end of the movie, the dog is shown in the same place he was and now it’s nighttime and he’s still barking. There wasn’t a plan in place to retrieve the dog? He’s just been chilling out there this whole time, vulnerable and chained so he can’t get away? This is how you get people to hate your resistance, y’all.
Also I recognize that you’re in a hurry and everything, but that guy didn’t clean the bloody bug extractor in between people and I wanted to vom. Blood-borne pathogens are no joke, even during dystopian alien dictatorships. 
Super into this cool lady mechanic with the hella gay haircut (Caitlin Ewald). Correction: TWO hella gay haircuts.
The soundtrack and score did an excellent job of setting the tone and keeping things tense - one recurring motif was a steady, thumping heartbeat that seemed to ratchet up during every step of the resistance’s Big Plan.
Did I Cry? Only the teeniest, tiniest bit at the very end. Mostly I was just tense and riveted.
If you like anything involving dystopian futures or rebellions or aliens or John Goodman, you honestly owe it to yourself to check out this movie. I was pleased as punch at how much I enjoyed it going in with next-to-no expectations. It may not reinvent the wheel, but it will definitely hold you captive for a good 109 minutes. 
If you liked this review, please consider reblogging or subscribing to my Patreon! For as low as $1, you can access bonus content and movie reviews, or even request that I review any movie of your choice.
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rchanscandy · 7 years
rchanscandy’s webcomic recomendations!
I don’t normally do this but I’ve been reading a lot of really awesome webcomics and I wanted to tell y’all about them and stuff because damn I found some real gems this past month. I also need people to scream about them with so heres my list in no particular order under the cut! (the comics are hosted on either smackjeeves or tapastic or both)
Lazy Snow Leopard
An utterly lazy god, an anthropomorphic personification of the Snow Leopard, rests upon his favourite tree, when suddenly woken up by a thrown stone. The thrower turns out to be a young admirer of his former self. The youngster persuades the lazy god to begin a quest for fame, glory and world salvation. While the one concerned would have preferred to just lie down and go back to sleep.
Notes: This one has me dying of laughter, I love everything about it; the art, characters, just all of the yes
A street rat is given a second chance when he is dragged from the gutter and into a new life. Will he accept his position at the side of royalty, or fight every step of the way? -Rated M for sex (M/M, consensual), violence, nudity, language and dark themes.- Warnings: -References to child abuse and sexual abuse.-
Notes: The art and story is absolutely mesmerizing, I couldn’t stop thinking about this one after reading it for a long while. Can’t wait for more updates!
Novae is a historical romance with a touch of the paranormal and a dash of astronomy. It chronicles the adventures of Sulvain, a sweet tempered necromancer and Raziol, a passionate 17th century astronomer. A connection forms between them and their relationship blooms, but when the body of a fellow astronomer is found on the steps of the Academy of Sciences, their lives are entangled in ways they could never foresee.
Notes: There are not a lot of pages so far but I’m already in this for the long run. I’m a sucker for historical romances, especially gay ones and this is just beautifully executed. 
A story about being nice to birds and having safe gay sex.
Notes: The description pretty much sums it up xD. Such a good read and really intriguing characters, I enjoyed this a lot. (NSFW)
Mismatch tells of the bond between two rivals who slowly discover they have more in common than they think.
Notes: Only 5 pages in and I was immediately hooked. The art style is so cute and I absolutely love the premise! I can’t wait for more!
Grey Eyes
Mike Lawson finds himself on the strange world of Dwal. But now the ancient Gate won't let him back through. Mike must try to find his place in this strange new world, and perhaps find it to be better than the world he came from. A fantasy/romance with a touch of mystery. 18+ for adult language and situations.
Notes: The character designs and the art are so cool, hell everything about this is freaking cool and I need more!
Almost Touching
Wyatt's got a huge secret and Aiden is a nosy bitch who becomes intertwined in it. Though he doesn't seem to mind much... boyxboy
Notes: I got sucked in by the pretty art style and stuck around for the interesting story and lovely characters. (NSFW)
Avialae is a webcomic about a gross bird boy and his nerdy wannabe ornithologist boyfriend--I mean neighbor who helps him out during the painful and bloody process of growing wings. 
Notes: I just absolutely adore this one, it has really interesting characters, a unique premise, and just...birds man. (NSFW)
Rainbow Mansion
Watch the drama unfold as 14 contestants come together at the Rainbow Mansion in hopes of becoming the Rainbow Champion! Hearts will break, the tension will sizzle, and only one will have a chance at eternal glory. Or, like, at least a quip in the tabloids and a book deal? (M/M)
Notes: This is one of the best and most hilarious fucking comics I’ve read in a long time. I love the way it’s set up (a cheesy bad reality tv show) and the characters (all of them) are fucking fantastic not to mention the art is on point. (NSFW)
Yrkki sold drugs to a stranger guy. That wouldn't be nothing new for him, but this guy was a cop.
Notes: Beautiful art, beautiful men, and a story that keeps you on your toes, whats not to love? (NSFW)
Demon House
Tula is a student just trying to get through her senior year of college. Little does she know that her new rental is inhabited by demons. Juggling her social life and these new roommates should be no problem.
Notes: This comic is a blessing. I absolutely love all the characters and the art is so well done, not to mention the hilarity that ensues. Definitely one of those must-reads!
Demon of the Underground
Pogo is a big-mouthed but small-framed young thief who falls through a hole in the ground and finds himself in a brutal underground world where survival is based on strength and intimidation. His only hope for escape is his telekinetic ability - and the help of a stray ferret named Annie. Urban fantasy/paranormal/LGBTQ
Notes: I’ve been following this one for awhile. First off, the art is fantastic, and I’m in love with that in itself. Second the characters and story are so interesting and unique...I’m dying to know what happens next and discover more!
Boy meet boy and together search their origins
Notes: This story is so cute and the art is beautiful and I’m gonna cry I need more. (NSFW)
Markus is a reclusive witch living in the woods. He stumbles across a surprise one morning that changes his entire life. It's gay.
Notes: I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this comic. It’s so fucking cute, the characters are adorable, the art is adorable and well drawn, and every time it updates I get so freakin excited you have no idea ahhh just go read it!
No Way
NO WAY is a web comic, a story about fantasy world and Academy, where many creatures study together. But first and foremost this is a story about a vampire and an elf who were betrothed to each other and who now have to live and learn together. Yes, this is a story about the relationship between two guys, basically, although the other characters are there too. Also in the future in the comic are planned explicit scenes of a sexual nature, so there is a limit 18 + But, basically, it's still a romantic Comedy and fairy tale.
Notes: Everything about this, the characters and the art and the story are fucking phenomenal. It’s got some of my favorite character designs ever by far. Highly recommend this one, such a good read and a feast for the eyes! 
The God in the Field
The age-old story of Hades, Persephone, and a love that causes the seasons (with a yaoi twist.) Disclaimer/Content Warning: Anyone familiar with greek mythology will know that they are in for a ride. This comic will contain kidnapping, a coercive relationship with unequal power dynamics, and various other scenes from the underworld that Hades presides over. It will contain NSFW scenes and scenes rated 18+. Please be forewarned!
Notes: One of the most friggin beautiful art styles I’ve come across in a long time. I actually caved in and bought hard copies of this one it was so beautiful. I love everything about this gosh I can’t even put it into words.
Les Normaux
Les Normaux follows the lives of a bunch of supernatural beings living in Paris after a human wizard named Sebastien moved to the city. 
Notes: The premise and characters in this one are so unique and the art style is so cute. Actually everything in this is cute, and funny, and just a good time in general. Highly recommend this one.
Dakota and Kennedy are thrown together in a world ravaged by a single disease. Fast spreading and corrupting sanity, civilization was razed to the ground. For those fortunate to have immunity, life isn't easy. Avoiding the diseased is one thing, but without law and order those left take complete advantage of a world they can now build for themselves. Stranded together in the ghost of the country they once knew, Dakota and Kennedy fight through whatever obstacles lay in their path, seeking peace and quiet and maybe something to eat.
Notes: I really like the way the story is going, not to mention the art is hella nice. Highly recommend this one, especially if you like apocalyptic themes and such.
Wham, Bam!
Harvey is nothing. He's a nobody. Trapped in a small Texas town where nothing ever changes, doomed to waste away in the scrub brush and withering sun, he figures the best he can do is keep his head down and stay out of everyone else's way. After all, who would be crazy enough care about a deadbeat redneck like him? Then one day an old Dodge rumbles into the parking lot of the gas station where he works, and Harvey learns that some folks wear their crazy like it'll never go out of style. It's amazing how much your life can change in just four days. [WARNINGS: explicit content, strong language, depictions of violence, TW for homophobic attitudes/language (later on). 18+ only please.]
Notes: I am in love with this art and storyline. It’s so unique, I don’t think I’ve read anything quite like it. Not to mention that the title itself grabbed me in for the hook before anything else.  I can’t wait to see more!
Sometimes, home can be a person. A sheltered young mutant meets a soldier who's seen far too much for his short life. A process of learning and healing begins.
Notes: The art is so pretty, reminds me a lot of avatar the last airbender in terms of style. I’m super excited to see where this story goes as well, the characters are super interesting and really cute!
Hendrix and Julian
Hendrix and Julian are natural enemies- a cocky jock and the school's gay punching bag, but will all that change after one cold night alone in the gym cupboard? (NSFW)
Notes: I’m usually not a fan of the whole bullied falling for bully plot but I really really love how this story goes. Not to mention the nsfw scenes are really good and the art is just yesssss.  I highly recommend this one!
Nine young adults with different backgrounds all end up in the same area in Paris. What started off as another semester at art school takes a turn when the differences of the group's lives finally meet. A story of lgbt love, friendship and finding yourself. Warning for blood, violence, sexual content and drug use in the upcoming chapters.
Notes: The art style is cute, the characters are cute, the comic feels super relatable and down to earth and I just really love the whole thing overall. I always get so excited when it updates!
Countdown to Countdown
Iris is a young man with the gift to bring pieces of artwork into reality. 5 years into an apocalyptic outbreak, he's holed up in a lab that shelters "problem" children. Between his failed experiments, deteriorating mental stability, and being ridiculed by other members of the lab, he doesn't think life could get any worse. Life agrees to disagree.
Notes: This comic is so friggin beautiful. The story is hella interesting and the setup is like that of a video game which I think is really super creative and interesting to experience. The characters and the world they are in are really fun and interesting and just overall this is a really well done comic, I’m always excited for when it updates!
Charlie, a highly-strung, openly gay over-thinker, and Nick, a cheerful, soft-hearted rugby player, meet at a British all-boys grammar school. Friendship blooms quickly, but could there be something more...?
Notes: The title of this comic is the most accurate thing.  This comic has my heart stopping because of how dang cute this is. Seriously, there are parts of this that have me screaming on the floor.  The art style is so cute and airy and totally fits the mood of this comic and the characters are so adorkable and just...aughhh go read it seriously!
With Great Abandon
With Great Abandon is a queer romance set over the course of a year in London. It's the story of Harry and Russell's differences, similarities, and relationship. A hopeful and kind story. Also food and comics.
Notes: This comic made me cry (good tears).  The story is so down to earth and realistic, not to mention so cute.  Also the art and colors are just on point and I really appreciate this comic aesthetically. It just completed and I was very satisfied, you should definitely give it a read!
Age of the Grey
When the unseen war between heaven and hell finds itself bound to the plane of humans, several kids discover themselves caught in the middle. The almighty angels of heaven and the wicked demons of hell battle for their kingdoms, a revolution that could mean the end of humanity, and when god and the devil decide to take it into their own hands, only chaos can follow.
Notes: This is such a cool concept executed with such bold and expressive art. I love love love the characters and its so cool to see how the art continues to improve over the course of the story! Definitely recommend this!
Behind these Birchwood Walls
Adrian Pembroke's parents put their foot down after his teenaged mischief turns into a run in with the cops. He finds himself shipped off to Mercier Preparatory Academy, an elite boarding school. Miserable and feeling utterly out of place, Adrian soon lands himself into trouble as usual. He is rescued from his own antics by Acario Ambrose, the resident golden boy of Mercier. Appearances are deceiving, and Adrian learns a great deal more about both himself and his new friend than he ever bargained for.
Notes: I love this so much, it started out a bit slow but as soon as the story got going i was on the edge begging for updates. The art is amazing, I have no idea how this artist is able to be so consistent with their painting style throughout, its amazing! 
Ingress Adventuring Company
Saving the world is a pretty big deal, but what do you do once you’re done saving the world and no one needs you anymore? Do you become a magic professor? Do you study a convoluted thesis that no one understands? Maybe you relive the glory days by starting up a one-man adventuring party to gather mystical artifacts for people who may or may not pay you. Or, if you’re Toivo Kissa, you do all of those things.
Notes: I fell in love with the premise and art at first sight. It’s absolutely adorable and the main character is so precious I love him so much. I cannot wait to see where the shenanigans go. 
Alphor, a countryside apothecary, comes to the capital city for work, where he has a chance encounter with his estranged childhood friend, the wizard Selfrid. The same childhood friend who confessed his love for him ten years ago, before they separated. They resume their friendship, as though there was no confession, but such feelings can't be forgotten that easily; they are torn between the bitterness of a crushed first love and the comfort of a friendship they don't want to ruin again.
Notes: This comic is so damn pretty i can’t handle it. I love the setting and all the little world elements added into this comic. Definitely a bit of a slow burn if you’re into that but oh man will it be satisfying if the main ship finally sails. 
When Stephen, a quiet bookworm from Oregon, gets his admission letter from the University of Hawaii at Manoa he was anticipating some life changes. What he didn’t anticipate was meeting Alex, an upbeat and easygoing local who offers to be his guide around the island. After that, it’s love at first sight. Through ups and downs, they’ll bring out the best in each other in this story of love, growth, and self-acceptance.
Notes: If you want a sweet heartwarming story about 2 cinnamon buns falling in love with each other then this is the comic for you! Seriously, every little tiny moment in this comic just makes me scream because its too cute.
A cursed prince must rely on a witch to free him from an enchantment. But witchcraft is banned, and the two young men have little in common. As love blossoms between them, can they overcome their own prejudices, save their nation, and find a cure... before it's too late?
Notes: Everything about this comic i just love love love love. The story, the art, the characters, everything! It tugs at your heartstrings in ways you don’t even expect whilst dealing with a suspenseful situation. I’d gush forever about this one but I don’t have enough room.
Guard Dog
BL about people living in the post apocalyptic world where being infected by a zombie won't immediately turn you into one, but it can give you some troubles... and some extras
Notes: By the same creator as Handcuffs, which is also on this list, I knew when this came out I’d love it too. I was not wrong. Cute gay bois in the apocalypse, what more can you ask for? Definitely a must read!
The Sun Prince, the Saint, and the Changeling
When Tomas stumbles into unexpected feelings for his friend Matthias, he dreams about a fun, uncomplicated summer romance. Instead, he discovers that he doesn’t know his friend nearly as well as he thought he did, he knows himself even less, and when your family has connections to the Holy Roman Empire, nothing is ever simple. When summer comes, Tomas finds himself drawn into a mystery spanning two years and three hearts — one of which is his own. 
Notes: This is one of my all time favorite comics. I am a sucker for lgbt historical romances and everything about this comic from the story, to the art, to the world building is just so beautifully done. Cannot gush enough about this one to do it justice, just read it. 
Abel & a Dead Man
Jim lives an ordinary life until the day he's supposed to die. Abel is a Soul Collector who decides to let Jim live and asks him out instead.
Notes: Such a unique graphic art style combined with one of my favorite grim reaper x supposed to be dead person premises, I highly highly recommend checking this out.
Life Outside the Circle
The heartwarming tale of two men who find love in the Finnish countryside.
Notes: This comic is way too cute I cannot handle how cute it is everything about it just makes me scream because ahhhh it so CUTE!!! Just read it and you’ll understand what I mean.
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