#I hope it’s okay that I commented on this I just found it hysterical
starlightspoken · 1 year
Lyra looking at the words “affair au” on the dash: are you my daddy?
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golbrocklovely · 9 days
painting us // colby brock
A/N: this is a birthday present from me to yall. aren't i so generous lol i've been wanting to write something like this ever since i saw this tiktok. it was so cute and so sweet and i just knew it would be a PERFECT fic for colby. i can 1000% see him doing this someday with someone or malia. there's no gender mentioned in this one so anyone can read this and enjoy :) hope yall like it and lmk what you think! also wish my happy birthday while you're at it haha
prompt: colby and you have been together for a long time, and he decides for a special date night that you two should paint one another. || colby brock x reader
trigger warning: one curse word, PURE FLUFF, super sweet <33
word count: 1300
"Are you gonna be upset if my painting looks like ass?" Colby smirked, staring up at me for a moment.
I shook my head. "Babe, I highly doubt it's gonna look that bad."
"You know I have no artistic skills. And especially after a glass of wine?" He pffted.
I giggled. "I'll love it regardless."
Our date nights were always fun, having spent so much time together - it was natural for us to enjoy ourselves. Some of my favorite memories were from dates of ours. Recently Colby had seen a stream of tiktoks talking about getting tipsy and painting one another and showing the results afterwards. He mentioned really wanting to do this one night with me, saying we could turn it into a whole date; including making pizza together and watching a movie after. I agreed once I saw one of the tiktoks and thought it looked like a cute idea. What was hysterical to me was how one partner was always so bad at painting and the other was either amazing or just okay.
And since I had been with Colby for a couple years now, I knew which one of us was going to be the bad one... and it definitely wasn't going to be me.
Colby was creative in a lot of ways. Painting was just not one of them.
I kept looking up at him, doing my best to paint him like he was: hair gelled in just the right way - like he always wore it, a short sleeve button up shirt with a black and white design on it. His eyes were soft, and his lips had a light red stain on them from the wine he had been drinking with me. Every time we made eye contact, he would smile cheekily at me, his dimples showing, and sometimes giving me a wink when I would smirk back.
He was the love of my life, and I couldn't imagine anyone else sitting here with me. I didn't want anyone else sitting here with me, on a random Thursday night, painting, drinking, and reminiscing.
"What's been your favorite date of ours?" He asked softly, his brush lightly tapping at the canvas.
I sat back for a moment, thinking. "Oooh, that's a good question. I think I really liked the one we took on your one day off in Rome. It was nice that even on a work trip, you made time for me."
"I will always make time for you," he stated sincerely. "And having authentic Italian food in Italy is a no brainer."
I moaned, "That pasta was to die for."
"I could gain 10 pounds just thinking about it." He jested.
"What about you? What's been your favorite date of ours?" I questioned, painting in his shirt some more.
"Hmmm, probably when we found that hidden beach out in Virginia, and we just watched the stars for hours and talked." Colby smiled at the memory.
I sighed sweetly, "You're such a sap."
"Only for you." He whispered, taking a sip of his wine.
"Are you almost done? I think I've painted your face like six times now but I feel like I'm never gonna get your eyes right." I huffed, slightly frustrated.
"Yeah, I think I'm done..." His voice trailed off, his eyes suddenly full of nerves.
"You don't sound too enthused." I remarked, watching him.
He cleared his throat, "I-I'm just nervous for you to see it. I tried really hard."
"Aw babe, that's so sweet." I commented.
His gaze met mine and he nodded, "Show me yours first, Y/N."
"Alright..." I spun the canvas around, showing him the painting. His whole face brightened, his eyes kind.
Colby pointed proudly, "Baby, that's excellent."
"You think so?" I inquired, looking back at the painting.
"Yeah! You did really good," he exclaimed. "I'm actually shocked at how much that looks like me."
"I feel like your eyes aren't quite right though." I mentioned.
He cocked his head, tracing the lines of the painting with his gaze. "The right one does look a little wonky... but at least you painted me accurately."
I laughed, "Hey now, that's not true. Your right eye is lovely."
"Thanks for the reassurance." His smile dropped, his face nervous once more. "Do you wanna see mine?"
"Of course. I bet it's amazing." I reassured him.
Colby nodded, growing quiet instantly. He looked anxious, and I politely smiled at him. He took a deep breath, grabbing the canvas and turning it over.
It wasn't a painting of me. Well, I was on it. It was the two of us as little mini figures in the corner, holding hands. The background was painted a light pink. And there were words taking up the whole canvas. I read them slowly, taking them in one by one.
Will... you... marry... me?
Will you marry me?
He... was asking me to marry him.
Colby was asking me to marry him.
Tears welled up in my eyes as it hit me, my mouth falling open as I blinked rapidly. He chuckled, getting up and walking over to me. He placed the painting in front of me on the table, taking my hand in his. From his back pocket he pulled out a small ring box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful ring, one that was clearly made for just me. It had everything I wanted in an engagement ring. The shape, the color, the cut. 
It all made sense as to why months back he had asked me about rings and what I wanted. I knew he wanted to marry me, we had talked about it for over a year at this point. But all of this felt so surprising.
His voice wavered as he spoke, tears brimming from his eyes. His hands shook against mine anxiously. His eyes remained on mine the entire time, his heart speaking for him. "Y/N, you have been the best partner I could have ever asked for. The moment I met you I knew I wanted to marry you. You are unlike anyone I've ever known before. You make me feel so secure in who I am as a man and you help me be a better one every day just by existing in my life. I have truly never felt happier, and I thank God every day for sending you my way when I needed you most. I cannot imagine spending another second without you as mine. I love you so much. Will you please marry me?"
I stared at him, the ring, and back at him again. His eyes shined with unshed tears as he waited for me to respond.
"Of course, my love. You're all I've ever wanted," I choked out, more tears falling.
He grinned, sliding the ring onto my finger and jumping to his feet. He pulled me up with him, wrapping his arms around me tightly. He squeezed me, laughing softly as I cried happy tears into his chest. Colby pulled away, looking at me with adoration, kissing my lips feverishly. I kissed him back just as much, holding his face in my hands.
I wiped my tears away, "Oh my God, I can't believe it. This is fucking insane, Colby."
"That I'd marry you or that I surprised you?" He sassed.
I chuckled, "Both honestly."
"I love you, Y/N." He murmured, resting his forehead against mine.
"I love you, Colby." We stayed like that for a moment, just breathing, until I spoke, "I have a different answer to your earlier question though."
He raised an eyebrow, "What one?"
"My favorite date. It's not the Italy one. It's this one. For sure." I rubbed his arms softly, pulling him closer to me.
Colby beamed, "This is my favorite one too."
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makeyoumine69 · 2 months
Till Death Do Us Part (Chapter Five)
PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Innocent!Fem!Reader; [no y/n]
SUMMARY: Some of the answers can only be found on the line between life and death.
CONTAINS: Drug use, near death experiences, swearing, angst, toxic behavior, NSFW art, misogyny, hurt/comfort, Patrick Bateman is a warning himself.
WORDS: 4.4k
A/N: Sorry guys for the long wait, I was in the hospital, but now I feel better and hope to get back to my writing form. Thank you so much for your support and comments, I love you all!
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Sighing tiredly, Patrick quickly ran his hand over his face. "Because you told your... 'co-worker' that I'm aggressive." He said quietly. "You can explain why you were absent without being so...so specific. Look, if people think I'm...aggressive, they're going to do a wellness check. And if you keep screaming and crying and acting hysterical, I could get in trouble. Do you really want me to get in trouble?" The man straightened up slightly and furrowed his brow. He felt a deep hatred for you, one that could only be resolved with complete violence. But he held himself still. "How can I trust you to go to work? After your behavior? Hmmm?" His grip on you tightened. "God, I can't deal with you. Do your parents know how...pathetic you are? I'm the least scary thing in this fucking city, honey. I hope you realize that."
Scowling, you yanked your wrist roughly from his grip, rubbing the spot where the dark bruise was sure to bloom. "Leave your cheesy pet names for Courtney, okay?" you hissed, getting up from the bed, ignoring the way the hem of your long shirt was pulled up. "Vincent's picking me up soon, I'll be late tonight because I have to... overwork for missing my shift yesterday," your tired gasp echoed through his opulent bedroom. "Have fun, but...if you're going to bring some hookers here today, you'd better tell me now, because I don't want..." you paused, crossing your arms. "I don't want to be a part of that depraved shit..."
Bateman let you go and stepped back. He inhaled slowly through his nostrils and closed his eyes to calm himself. "Okay...okay…I'm sorry…just…you're stressing me out." He sighed, suddenly exhausted. It was easier to deal with Evelyn because she didn't fucking live with him. Sure, she was a chatterbox, but at least she didn't notice anything he did. He scowled. "I'm not going to hire anyone. I'm going to...take a nap...or something." Patrick said, rubbing his eyes. "Besides, it's not depraved. Everyone does it. Even women. Better get used to it." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Also, wear some fucking clothes, huh? If you're going to act like a jealous bitch around Courtney, then have some dignity, you know?"
A wave of anger washed over you at his last remark. For a brief moment, you stood in the doorway, considering whether to stab him back. "Uh, you keep saying how pathetic I am, but you...you're stuck in a situation where you're marrying a woman you don't like because your mommy said you had to," you chuckled and looked back at him. "While the woman you LIKE," you dragged out the last word. "Is about to marry another guy, so you can just be an errand boy while her fiance is away on business," you licked your suddenly dry lips briefly before picking up your clothes and opening the bedroom door. "Isn't that pathetic, Bateman?"
Huffing angrily, the man stared at you, his arms crossed and his eyes widened slightly at your outburst. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're in this situation too, aren't you?" He scowled. "Also, for your information, I don't like Courtney. She's just a great lay. Her fiance is a fucking queer anyway, so, y'know, that won't last long." He ranted, angrily following her to the door. "I'm not pathetic! You are! I have more money than your whole fucking family, sweetheart—I could BUY you! But, oh, who would want that? Who would want a fat-headed, no-good brat in their house?" He was angry now. Bateman grabbed your books off the table and shoved them into your arms, then pushed you out the front door, not caring if you were ready to change or not. "Tell your family the marriage is off. Tell them you've pushed me beyond my breaking point and I'm doing everything in my power not to break your fucking neck right now!" Patrick said this calmly, but there was a burning hatred in his eyes. Then he slammed the door and locked it, pressing his back against it.
When you heard the lock click, you couldn't believe your luck. 'Finally...finally I did it!' You closed your eyes and let out a sigh of relief, hugging your books closer to your chest as you realized you hadn't put on your panties. At first you wanted to knock on the door and ask him to let you take your things, but then you decided that it would only make you look pathetic and you would never give him that kind of pleasure. At least you managed to put on the casual dress you usually wore when you went out. But the lack of underwear made things a little more difficult.
After a few minutes, you left the American Gardens Building and walked down the street to the phone booth, where you dialed your family's home number and thanked God that your mother picked up the phone. "Hey, Mom," you murmured in a shaky voice. "I don't have much time, but...I'm sorry for ruining everything...I know how important this marriage was to our family, but...I couldn't go on like this...it's all over now." And with that, you hung up without even giving your mother a chance to respond when you noticed Vincent's car pulling up to the street.
Your sudden call was like rain on a sunny day, almost giving your mother a heart attack—Mrs. Rice pressed a hand to her chest before asking her maid to bring her some water and a sedative. Breathing heavily, the old lady dialed Mrs. Bateman's number, hoping that Patrick's mother would give her some information about what the hell had happened. When the beeping finally stopped and the old woman heard her friend's voice, she relaxed for a moment before beginning to speak. "Linda, hi, it's Janet," she swallowed and tugged on the phone cord. "My daughter just called me...she said the wedding is off...do you know anything about it?"
Linda lay in her hospital bed staring at the ceiling. She'd been in the sanatorium for years now, and it was easy for her to entertain herself. Time passed quickly now. She jumped when she heard the phone ring and sat up. She picked it up with trembling fingers. "Hello?" She asked tentatively before hearing a familiar voice. "Oh, dear - well... I didn't hear anything, but I'll... I'll call him. I'll put you on the other line, Janet." She clicked a button, then punched in Patrick's number and waited patiently.
Meantime, annoyed and stressed out, Patrick poured himself a J&B. He felt great though, as if an impossible weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. He swallowed it down and walked into the living room, glancing down at the phone as it began to ring. He picked it up and rested it on his shoulder as he walked around. His elation was momentarily dampened when he heard his mother's voice. "Look, Mother—the woman is a lunatic." He moved to lie down in his bed. "She's an ugly pig and I'm really offended that you would set me up with her. There are... thousands of other women in New York who are richer, more attractive, and...well...better than her. Okay? I'm 27 years old. I can make my own decisions." Bateman went to his closet and opened a drawer. He blinked when he saw a small baggie of what looked like cocaine. He picked it up between his fingers and smiled to himself. "Listen, I'll call you later." Patrick hung up the phone and set it on the side of the bed before opening the baggie. He poured some on his AmEx card and snorted, blinking a few times. It was...very strong. Without even thinking, he spread the rest on his teeth with his finger and lay back, closing his eyes.
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The day at the hospital had been so fucking horrible, starting with not having any underwear—you couldn't just walk around like that, so you had to find a solution. Thank God you had left some of your clothes in the staff room, so after you changed into the fresh underwear and then into the medical uniform you started to feel so much better, although it was so hard to forget the ride with Vincent because you had to hold your legs together every damn second.
After the work day was over, you praised yourself for not getting upset about the whole situation that had happened in the morning—it was the right decision to get him off, despite all the feelings you had for this man. 'He doesn't exist anymore,' you sighed as you waited for the taxi, the heavy medical kit in your hand. Since you had decided to return to your family's house, you wanted to collect all your things, including those that were trapped in Bateman's apartment. If he didn't let you in, you would tell your mother that all the jewelry she had given you was gone forever.
A taxi ride was quite short, maybe it felt short, but as you stepped out of the elevator on the 11th floor, your senses suddenly warned you—something was definitely wrong. You walked slowly down the clean hallway to Patrick's front door when you noticed it was open. 'What the hell?' You tensed as you remembered how meticulous Bateman was about security. With careful, quiet movements, you opened the door and stepped inside, soon to find an unfamiliar woman in the living room, looking for something as she went through Bateman's CD collection.
"Hey! Who the hell are you?" You yelled, hoping Patrick was nearby. 
The woman stalled before slowly turning around, which helped you notice Bateman's Rolex, his gold cufflinks, and some cash in her hands. "Wait...I...I didn't call an ambulance!"
Frowning, you looked down at your medical uniform before hissing. "I'm not the ambulance...but I'll be a lot worse than that if you don't put all that stuff in its place and leave!"
The unknown woman, who was probably a hooker, sobbed but obeyed and put all the stuff on the coffee table, her hands visibly shaking. "Okay, okay, I'll go, but I... I didn't kill him!"
"I didn't kill him...he just fainted and..." the woman cried, grabbing her head. "I didn’t do it…I swear!"
With that, the hooker stormed out of Bateman's apartment, but that was the last thing you had to worry about after what she had said. Nervously biting your lower lip, you quickly ran into the bedroom to see Patrick lying absolutely naked on the bed, his skin sticky, covered in sweat and...his cum? 
"Patrick!" You called out to him, lifting his pale face. 
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(Patrick and Becca art by my gorgeous fairy @anyarlly).
When he didn't respond, you opened his eyes—the pupil was so dilated it was obvious he'd OD'd. 'Did that bitch do this to him?' you thought briefly before rushing to grab the medical kit and find the antidote. 'Stay fucking professional,' you muttered to yourself, not letting the panic get the better of you. As soon as you grabbed the packet of naloxene, you returned to Bateman and sat on top of him, spraying two sprays of the antidote into each of his nostrils. "Patrick, Patrick, can you hear me?" you gently slapped his face to help him regain his senses. Breathing heavily, you began to stress when you realized that Patrick would probably have to be taken to the hospital, but since he had overdosed, that would cause him so much trouble. Not to mention when you noticed that his breathing became so shallow and weak that it scared the hell out of you. 
"Oh, no…Patrick, breathe, breathe you bastard!" You shouted at him and before you started the artificial respiration you also took a dose of naloxene to prevent yourself from overdosing in case you accidentally came into contact with any drugs Patrick was taking. As your lips covered his, you closed his nose and began to inhale the oxygen into his lungs, praying that it would help.
Patrick's vision was dark, his consciousness trapped in the deepest recesses of his mind. All he could remember was taking the drugs and hiring a hooker. Maybe they had sex, but Patrick couldn't remember. He felt cold. Then hot. Then cold again. He wanted to scream, to rip the skin from his flesh, to run outside wearing only a coat and let it fly behind him like a cape, but he couldn't move at all. A spark of light came into his mind. Then another. His breath was short and shallow and he felt like he could just die right now, but the light gave him hope. Something to hold on to. He felt air being pumped into his lungs. Suddenly his eyes opened. His arms desperately flew up and wrapped around you, needing more air. When the man remembered how to breathe properly, he let go of you and closed his eyes, which were bloodshot and sore from the drugs.
If you ever dreamed how your first kiss with Patrick would be, you would never have imagined it would be like this. Panting, you quickly wiped your mouth, feeling a little dizzy. 'Damn, he probably rubbed the coke right into his gum! What a reckless idiot!'  You took a few deep breaths before getting up from Patrick's weak body. "I... I'll get you a shot, you'll feel better," you mumbled and went back to the medical kit, then grabbed a vial and a needle. "Stay with me, Patty," a sudden rush of tenderness coursed through your small frame as you ran a finger along his pale cheek. "You'll be fine," you hummed, taking his hand carefully to find the vein on it. "If your condition doesn't stabilize in fifteen minutes, we'll have to go to the hospital," you closed your eyes for a second and exhaled as you heard Patrick's painful cough, your heart bleeding from the scene. "Just stay with me..." You begged before disinfecting the spot where you were about to make an injection.
The man was panting heavily, his other hand over his heart, which was beating rapidly. He blinked before opening his eyes fully, looking up at you with an unfocused gaze. Nothing was really being processed. His hand tensed from the shot, his veins protruding slightly through the thin skin of his hand. Before he knew it, he was sobbing. Tears rolled down his cheeks and his shoulder shook as a small whimper escaped his lips. Just a few minutes ago, he was teetering on the edge of life and death—and now he was here. 'Thank you . ' Bateman couldn't quite see your face, but your soft, silken voice helped him recognize you. He gripped your hand tightly before loosening his grip to something more comfortable for you. "Don't... don't leave me here..." Patrick choked out, looking up at you tearfully.
His suddenly pleading voice stirred something in your chest, something you tried to bury, but no matter how hard you tried, that something was alive, longing for the man beneath you. "Hey, hey," you pressed your palm against his cheek. "I'm not going to leave you, Patty, you're going to be okay, I promise," you noted the time, you only had fifteen minutes and if the injection didn't help, you would have to think about the possibility of taking him to the hospital. "Patrick, I know that you and your family always get medical treatment at some elite clinic, is that right?" you asked suddenly, adjusting the pillow underneath him to make him more comfortable. "If the medicine doesn't work, you will need medical treatment that can only be provided in a hospital. Do you understand?"
Patrick breathed heavily, his heart slowing slightly as he stabilized himself. The injection made him feel a lot better, thankfully, but he was still scared. He didn't think about anything but not letting you go. He felt that he needed you at this moment. "Y-Yes... I understand..." He said softly. Bateman moved up slightly and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you down to lie with him. Then, the man wrapped his other arm around your back, burying his head in your neck as he sought comfort. Fuzzy memories from a few hours ago began to return to his mind. Him yelling at you and kicking you out. He sobbed again, clenching his hands into fists. "Oh God..." he choked out. "I'm sorry...please don't go...don't go..." He mumbled, repeating 'I'm sorry' in a hushed tone.
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(Patrick art by my amazing queen @somnolenthour).
Paralyzed, you tried to hold your breath and not burst into tears at his sudden unraveling. "I'm here, I won't leave you," you knew his behavior was the result of the side effects of the antidote you had given him, and as soon as he regained his senses— he would forget everything. And that spurred you to go down to Patrick's trembling lips and seal them with yours. It was not even a kiss, just flesh touching flesh. "I love you, Patty," you murmured against his mouth before embracing him and pulling him closer so that his nose could nuzzle the soft skin of your neck. "I always have and I always will, since the day we met, two little kids," you chuckled sadly, on the verge of tears. "You should stop living this life, you deserve much better," your words were more like a mantra, as if you were trying to convince yourself. "Besides... I know Jean cares about you, maybe you should give her a chance?" A small, telltale tear slid down your cheek, but you brushed it away and let it fall onto your medical uniform. 
"No." Patrick said slowly. "I... I don't... I don't want Jean. I want…"
"I'll give you some sedatives and you'll sleep like a baby...after that you'll feel refreshed, I promise." You tried to shush him but he continued.
"I want...you..." Patrick pulled away to look at you, his eyes still bloodshot and filled with tears. He seemed to panic slightly when you mentioned sedatives. The man shook his head quickly and licked his lips to rehydrate them.
His sudden protest against taking any sedatives made you stop and look at him with unspoken concern. "Shhh, it's okay," you cooed to him, but when Patrick put his hands on your breasts, which he probably did accidentally, it almost broke the resistance you had meticulously built up all this time. "All right, no sedatives," you conceded, looking down at his palms holding your breasts, but you didn't try to take them away, thinking that maybe he was relaxing in such a depraved way. "Tell me...tell me what do you want instead of sedatives? I want you to sleep and rest."
"Just…stay..." Bateman murmured tiredly, closing his eyes. He wrapped one leg around your hip, almost trapping you on the bed with him
In another situation, you would feel like the happiest person in the world, but now all you felt was sadness and compassion for the man who had trapped you in his strong arms. "Okay, okay," you kept your tone as sweet as possible, wanting nothing more than for him to fall asleep and feel better. "After you fall asleep and wake up, everything will be back to normal," you murmured, the pain in your voice undeniable. "But I want you to remember this—please don't do drugs, don't risk your life," you quickly ran your finger along his flushed cheek. "I don't want to see you like this, I want you to be happy," you continued whispering, your words lulling Bateman to sleep. "When you wake up, you won't remember everything you told me or the way you held me," as you watched him close his eyes, you sighed and rolled onto your back, quickly kicking off your medical shoes and looking up at the white ceiling above. "How unfortunate that I will remember all of this…"
Patrick nodded slowly, hearing what you said but not really listening. It was hard to really listen when his head was buzzing. The man closed his eyes and breathed slowly, keeping his breathing steady to bring his body back to its usual state. He planted a few soft kisses on your shoulder as his face pressed closer to your body. Before he knew it, consciousness melted away and he was asleep. He didn't dream, as usual, nor did he stir. His grip on you never loosened, and the only evidence that he was still alive was the soft breathing and the gentle smile on his face.
A few hours later, you didn't even notice falling asleep either, but the sudden thunderstorm outside didn't let you get much rest, thankfully it didn't wake Patrick. Slowly, you slipped out of his arms and after tucking him into the blanket, you quietly sneaked into the living room to finally take off your medical uniform, leaving yourself in a tight top and shorts. Then you checked that the front door was locked and that everything was in its place. 'Fuck, should I tell him that the hooker tried to steal his Rolex and some other stuff?' You wondered as you went into the kitchen and turned on the light. Then you opened the fridge to see what you could cook for Bateman, because when he woke up he would feel a terrible hunger as a side effect of the medicine you had injected him with. Looking through the stuff in the fridge, you found some vegetables, meat, and soon you were cooking some pasta for him, although you expected he would not like it since you were not a chef from Dorsia. 'Whatever, if he doesn't like it, I'll eat it myself.' As you strolled past the bedroom to see if Patrick was still asleep, you caught a glimpse of the coffee table and noticed his Walkman and a pair of headphones. Without a second thought, you took everything and came back into the kitchen, now listening to what Patrick had been listening to the last time, and that was TOTO's tape. 'Oh God, I love this band.' You chuckled softly and mixed the ingredients in the pan, moving rhythmically to the Hold The Line song.
Meanwhile, Bateman let out a small whimper as he felt the lack of warmth in his arms. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times, his eyes still slightly sore. Frowning, he groaned and rubbed his eyes, slowly getting to his feet. He noticed that he was naked, but didn't bother to put anything on. A bit clumsily, the man walked from his bedroom to the kitchen, the light hurting his eyes and making him squint. He saw your silhouette behind the counter. The drugs had worn him down, but something inside him wanted to be close to you again. He couldn't remember much about what happened last night, but for some reason he didn't feel the same anger towards you. Patrick wasn't even angry that you were back in his apartment. With a smug grin, he walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down to rest his head on your shoulder. He took the Walkman off your head. "If you're going to use my Walkman—at least use the cheap one."
"Patrick...how are you feeling?" You asked before a loud clap of thunder rang out, scaring you a bit. 'Does he remember that I'm afraid of thunderstorms?' you wondered as you turned to face him, even now he looked so perfect, so desirable, so...so Patty.
Slightly confused, Patrick seemed to realize what he was doing and pulled his arms away, taking a step back. He moved behind the counter to hide his naked form. Of course, he would show it at every opportunity, but he felt more vulnerable being completely naked like this. "Uh, I feel fine." The man scratched his head. He couldn't remember anything from last night and he felt a bit dizzy. A terrible feeling, really. He looked up at the ceiling as the thunder rumbled and noticed your frightened reaction. A flash of memory flashed through his mind—him as a boy with a girl about his age—maybe a little younger—huddled together in his parents' house during a thunderstorm. Bateman inhaled sharply, startled by the sudden nostalgia, and began to turn around. The man pulled down the blinds on all the nearby windows, then walked over to his stereo. He picked out a Huey Lewis CD, his favorite, and put it on. Patrick tapped his hands on the stereo to the rhythm of the song before grabbing his Bijan robe from the top of the couch. He wrapped it around his body and walked back to you, standing behind but not touching you. "Uh, by the way...you can...you know... you can still stay here..." He stopped and looked over your shoulder. "What are you doing?"
'No, Patty, I can't stay here.' You were about to say when Patrick asked about the food. "It's... uh... it's pasta bolognese, I hope I pronounced it right," you looked at him, noticing his skeptical look. "Antidote always makes people hungry after a nap, I checked the fridge and when I didn't find anything specific I thought I'd make this," you turned to the pan, the smell was really amazing, though you were sure Patrick wasn't impressed. "If you don't want to eat it, I will, and then you can throw it in the garbage, I won't be offended." With that, you yawned tidily and covered the pan, trying not to focus on Bateman's drilling gaze behind your back.
Patrick chuckled slightly. "Well...I'm sure it won't be Barcadia quality, but it seems hard to mess up pasta." He squinted at you, then sniffed the air. It smelled heavenly. He closed his eyes and sighed softly, crossing his arms. He almost complimented you, but stopped himself. His reverie was interrupted when he heard the word 'antidote'. "Uh, antidote?" He asked suspiciously, moving closer to you. "What... antidote? Did something happen last night?"
You accidentally burned your finger on the hot pan, you squealed, bringing it to your lips to blow on it. "Uh, I..." you turned to face him, noticing how close Bateman was standing to you—dangerously close. 
'I should tell him everything, shouldn't I?'
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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btsmosphere · 4 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 5: Scared of a Little Lightning
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: With the threat of Bolt rising, so do tensions within the base.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 6.3k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, supervillains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, and also with fists, they fight in this one okay, swearing, hella tension and anger issues, arguing, angry Namjoon (yes that is a warning). it's just a tense chapter😅
a/n: oH I am EXCITED for this chapter!!! It's a juicy one if I say so myself😌I am begging you to come chat with me about it, things are heating up!! Be it an ask, comments, tags, hearing from you guys about this series is an absolute joy so far and it's making me giddy posting each week wondering what you guys will think👀thank you so much, that's a great feeling! I hope you enjoy reading the chapter as much as I did writing it!💜
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Whatever Jungkook thought of you staying, you couldn’t care less.
While he glared, you ignored him and instead enjoyed the new additions to your routine. In fact, though you wouldn’t admit it, it gave you a bit of pleasure to know he was gritting his teeth as you continued as part of their lives.
However, he still had his chance to make your life a misery. He had taken to actively antagonising you rather than straight-up ignoring you as he had previously in training.
That was what it felt like, at least, when he was yelling “faster!” into your ear as you fired bolts as rapidly as you could muster. It was never good enough for him.
It only got worse when he took to flinging the targets around your training space with a well-aimed jet of gold. That kind of precision and strength was something you could barely hope to achieve with your powers. Even trying to hit the targets in the air was beyond you, let alone being able to actually throw one, as Jungkook did with such ease.
Though in some ways it was refreshing to have a different training routine, in most other respects it was anything but.
Anyone else could be forgiven for thinking he was simply trying to push you now that you were in line to join their team, but you knew better. The smirks that occupied his face when you failed gave it away. You tried desperately not to give him that satisfaction, but eventually you always lost out to exhaustion, leaving him triumphant.
On the contrary, physical training which you now had to take part in, was welcome relief.
Usually Hoseok was the one training with you, which you were ecstatic about. Of course, he was mainly needed to show you the ropes in the beginning, and once you understood how to use all the gym equipment, you could more or less do it yourself. But he was in there anyway a lot of the time, and you were more than happy with the way he would chat away as you worked out side by side. It felt nice to spend time with someone who actually wanted you there – who would help, or play stupid games with you, or drag you into doing pairs exercises that would never go right, normally ending with you in a hysterical tangle on the floor.
His powers being what they were, however, it was a little discouraging sometimes. You would be red-faced and ready to give up while he still had enough breath in him to gush enthusiastically about the latest band that took his interest, all while doing pull-ups.
But then Yoongi would appear (out of nowhere, as always) and grumble along with you, making fun of his ‘over-active’ brother while Hope laughed loudly.
Spending even more time in the training areas made you feel like this place was really alive. It was completely different to anywhere you had lived before, solely because you weren’t alone.
Jin had taken you directly to your old place the day after you had accepted Namjoon’s offer. It had hardly crossed your mind, so you were surprised to see it as you had left it. Apparently Kuyang had been covering the rent for you.
It must not have been much of a strain for him, you thought, standing in the doorway of your place and thinking of his laboratory in a skyscraper. The two hole-in-the-wall rooms that made up your apartment were a far cry from anywhere in the centre of town. You were almost embarrassed for Jin to follow you in there, but then he was pushing past to drop several empty boxes on the worn carpet and apologising that your new room wouldn’t be so big.
“That’s hardly the same thing,” you snorted, taking the first box through to your bedroom, “have you seen your kitchen?”
Looking over to your sorry excuse for a kitchen, Jin couldn’t argue. He half-grimaced.
“Who really needs an oven in this day and age anyway?” he tried.
Rolling your eyes with a snort, you pulled open your wardrobe and set to packing.
Halfway through, several indistinguishable shouts bled through the ceiling. What startled you was that you almost didn’t notice it, used to it as you had been.
Jin had stopped, and stared at you in alarm, but you just chuckled and told him that was how it was, living on top of other families.
In the end, you didn’t use all of the boxes. You looked around, just in case, for something you would never miss. It hadn’t taken much to empty the place of all trace of you, though you left the fridge well alone, not daring to discover the state of what you had left.
You dropped your keys on the table and left the silence behind.
Back home, there was always sound, activity. During your water breaks or after training, you would see the others training too. It felt like you were all in it together. Even with the knowledge that you could barely compare to the skill the boys had with their respective powers, you reminded yourself that they wanted you on the team.
Well, most of them did.
But you would keep working and improving. You would get there.
Jimin finally returned to training again too, after a few days where he hardly left V’s side. Seeing his boyfriend so hurt had certainly brought out Jimin’s protective side, even more than normal. It was honestly quite endearing – that was until you had passed Jimin in the training room, hurling his weights through the air with such ferocity you were surprised it didn’t dent the walls.
Hurrying past, you had decided to leave him to it. After so long being strong for his boyfriend, he certainly needed that.
The pink glow of his eyes shouldn’t be such an intimidating sight, but you knew you didn’t want to get in the way of him.
With Jimin downstairs, you found V in the living room. He had been steadily recovering, quicker than someone without powers would have done, but still you knew he had been instructed to take it easy.
A quick shower later, you were less out of breath, but still weary from a day of hard work.
Next time you returned, V was in the kitchen. You couldn’t see what he was doing, but you didn’t want him to be up for too long. Ignoring your desire to sink into the nearest chair, you walked over.
“Need help with anything?”
V didn’t look around at you, but shook his head as he reached up to a cupboard.
Not wanting to push, you slid into a chair at the counter. You were unable to resist resting your head on one hand, but you fought to keep your eyes open so you could check on V.
Somewhere along the way, you failed at your intention. A new set of footsteps entering the space disturbed you as you had been dozing lightly, but the moment you caught yourself, your eyes were flying open.
With your tired state, you couldn’t even bring yourself to shoot a glare at Jungkook, who was walking up to the counter. You only gathered the energy to avoid his eyes entirely.
Jungkook appeared to have the same idea, walking past without acknowledging you. But as he drew level with V, the older boy turned away and crossed to the counter where you sat.
Lifting your head from your hand, you blinked as V walked right up to you. The next moment, he was pushing a steaming mug of tea right under your nose.
Opening your mouth, your tired brain couldn’t formulate words, but conjured a similar image from when you had made him tea the first time you spoke. You still regretted accidentally setting him off then, unintentionally letting your powers go.
Perhaps you were forgiven?
“Thank you,” you spoke quietly, meeting V’s eyes. You couldn’t decipher his expression, but he was watching you, and smiled lightly when you replied.
As he turned and walked back over to the sofa, your eyes landed on Jungkook, who still stood across from you. For a long moment, he held your gaze with a poker face. Then his eyes fell to the mug cradled between your hands, a frown darting across his expression.
Swallowing, you waited for whatever venomous comment he had prepared for you, to warn you away from V. Even after you had helped treat V’s wound, Jungkook had been opposed to you being near his injured brother.
He turned away without a word.
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A crash echoed through the empty rooms.
Staring as the sparks jittered across the surface of the battered target, you dropped your arms to your sides. The training area was deserted aside from you, and you waited until you could no longer hear the crash faintly ricocheting from the walls.
Eyes still trained on the target, you panted, chest heaving.
Though you were training alone today, you could practically hear Jungkook telling you not to give in. Who knew all those insults would become motivational?
Whether it was motivation or the fear of falling behind, it succeeded.
Exhausted as you were from your training, you decided to make the most of your unsupervised session and try one more thing. Locking your trembling arm straight ahead, you took a breath and let your powers fill you up until that familiar blue burst from your palms.
But instead of aiming short bursts at the various different targets positioned around the space, you gritted your teeth and held it, lightning spilling in a continuous blue bolt towards the central target.
You had no idea how to do this, but it had always impressed you when Jungkook could lift things with his powers. All you had been taught to do was shoot. Still, you took a breath when you felt confident that your power was flowing strongly, focussing on the metal disc.
The way the sparks ensnared the target gave you assurance as you slowly raised your arm.
You felt a resistance you had never felt before as the electricity lifted, tugging at the target. It felt that you were connected to it somehow.
Tensing, you focussed intently, loading more power into the bolts already shooting through the air. Maintaining the motion of your arm, you gaped as you saw the circular metal raise along with the blue power dragging it.
You had done it! You were lifting it, it was moving-
Like a switch had been flipped, the flow of power cut off, the bright blue that dominated the space fading. The moment your powers retreated, you found yourself gasping, a wave of fatigue near enough sweeping you away.
Your knees hit the floor as the same time as the target. Wincing at the harsh metal clattering loudly on the floor, you screwed your eyes shut for a moment. Your chest continued to heave, and you noticed the sheen of sweat that had broken onto your forehead.
But once your breathing steadied again, you laughed.
The next moment, you let out a loud whoop, flopping flat onto the floor.
You had managed something new! Laughter continued to shake you as you caught your breath on the floor. Jungkook didn’t have to teach you everything – it seemed you could manage to strive forwards by yourself, even if you weren’t good enough in his eyes.
It took you a while to get up. Not even the thought of Jungkook’s nagging could have motivated you to do another iota of training.
About all you could manage was to drag yourself upstairs for food, but the smile never left your face.
Lunch was a simple sandwich. Already thinking forward to your session in the gym this afternoon, you couldn’t be bothered to make anything more demanding.
You still made two plates, however, leaving the other out for whenever V was hungry. Today the others had gone out, but with him still healing, he couldn’t go with them like normal.
You had heard Jin scolding him to make him stay, though; it seemed he felt well enough already to want to go out again.
This time, you didn’t particularly mind their absence. There was no sense of secrecy, no need to for you to turn on the news while you wondered what they were up to. As the soon-to-be newest addition to the team, you had been present to hear all the details.
Of course, given the way things went last time they returned from a job, there was an undeniable edge of nerves.
But it was an easy mission. That was what they had said, and what you kept reminding yourself.
They were concerned that Bolt had been showing interest in a lab on the western edge of the city, and wanted to protect it. Yoongi and Hope had been watching it for a while Jin and Namjoon did some digging around Bolt, and whatever his intentions may be. The latter seemed to have found frustratingly little, but didn’t let the mystery of Bolt stop them from acting.
The whole group was focussed on keeping the lab safe. Since the developer was one of their allies, they had all the details they needed to be one step ahead if Bolt should attack, which they highly expected.
Although you had kept your mouth shut at the meeting, not wanting to cause problems by irritating Jungkook when the team needed him, you had enjoyed the experience. For once, you didn’t feel particularly out of your depth. Having been Kuyang’s secretary for a while, you were well used to looking at plans such as the one of this lab, which you had pretty much memorised. The fighting and the powers, you were still working on. But at least you could understand the logistical side of their job.
After lunch, you lounged in the empty living space for perhaps a little too long. But with no one around to judge you, you let your tired limbs rest for a bit.
When you eventually made it off the sofa, you passed V in the hall. You noticed the small black receiver clutched in his hand; the boys had decided that keeping him in the loop while they were out on the mission would ease his nerves a bit.
“Any news?” you asked him, nodding at it.
V turned his dark eyes on you, then glanced at the receiver before he sighed.
He shook his head.
You had to admit you shared his disappointment, but you forced a smile to your face nonetheless.
“Well, no news is good news, right?”
Your smile seemed to be for nothing, as his eyes never lifted high enough to look at your face. Instead he gave a noncommittal shrug.
“I, uh, made you a sandwich,” you told him, “make sure to eat, and don’t worry too much, yeah?”
Walking down to the training rooms again, you felt the sadly familiar desire to do more creeping in. You never would have thought that after gaining the ability to shoot lightning, you could ever feel so powerless.
Nothing would happen to them.
You had seen their plan, it was so detailed.
There was no way Bolt would be able to outsmart them.
As you started training, these thoughts revolved around your mind in time with your steps on the treadmill. By the time you were using the machines, gritting your teeth as you pushed the weights with all your might, you weren’t sure if your mantras were helping.
They would come back…
Reaching the peak of a sit-up, you let out a groan.
There were six of them out there, Bolt was outnumbered…
Were you certain? Or were you repeating these thoughts just to convince yourself?
Finishing your set, you slumped back to the floor and stared up at the plain ceiling. This space was tucked in the corner of the gym, and you felt sheltered by the machines that blocked you from view, even though you were alone.
Breathing deeply, you brought a hand up to massage your brow. As you tried to ease the pressure, you closed your eyes.
In the darkness behind your eyelids, a light seemed to bloom. Blue, all too familiar, dancing over a face you had seen just once in the flesh but would never forget. A bright flash had your eyes flying open again, heart hammering as it expected the drop from who knows how many floors up-
Your heavy breathing fell alone in the silence.
Swallowing back the memories of Bolt, you tried to push back the fear that was curling tighter around your stomach at the thought of your friends out there with him.
You had just pushed yourself gently to sit when a sharp clang sounded, along with a muffled yell, making your head whip around to its source.
One positive thing was that you didn’t have to worry about the boys being out any more. But there were new concerns on your mind as you saw Jungkook storming into the gym. A muscle in his jaw popped as he ripped his jacket off forcefully, casting it to the floor as he stalked to one of the machines.
You watched him with wide eyes, stunned by his entrance. He hadn’t seen you yet.
His whole body seemed fraught with tension as he stood, back facing you, eyeing a machine. Fists clenched at his side, his shoulders rose and fell with his heavy breathing.
Just when you thought he was going to stand still all day, he aimed a harsh kick at the base of the machine, another clang ringing through the space.
That startled you into action, springing to your feet. While you walked between machines back to the centre of the room, he had grasped the bars and started pushing them, grunting as the weights lifted and fell, clashing against the others.
Stopping a few paces away, you stayed silent for a moment. The frustration emanating from him, the intimidating muscles revealed by his vest, all made you wary of him.
Pulling yourself together, you took a breath. Why should you let him scare you?
He froze. His arms were together in front of him, the machine’s weights hovering as he held them there.
With a huff of air, he dropped his head between his shoulders. Slowly, he turned his head towards you slightly.
“What happened?” you asked, refusing to be deterred by his challenging sideye, “is everyone okay?”
Biting at the inside of his cheek, he turned his glare away from you, aiming it instead at the floor. When he spoke, his voice was low and deadly, restrained as if he would burst if he didn’t control his tone.
“We fucking lost half the place.”
“But everyone’s back? Then it’s okay-”
Metal clanging loudly together made you jolt, unable to help yourself from taking a step back when Jungkook let the weights drop and strode across the space between you.
“We should have had the upper hand! We did everything we planned, but Bolt still…” his nostrils flared as he took a breath, “we had to blow half of it up, just so he wouldn’t get to it.”
Sighing heavily, he turned away from you, shoving a hand through his hair.
Frowning slightly, you watched the frustrated man. Of course you were glad everyone was safe, but the fact they had lost the lab felt like a blow, even to you.
“How…?” you spoke quietly, but it only seemed to rile him up.
Whirling back to face you, his eyes blazed.
“He’s too strong. We let him get too far already. If you think you’re gonna help us at all out there, you’re wrong.” He stepped slowly towards you as he spat his words, “we can’t do enough against him, you’ll only slow us down.”
He stopped, glaring down at you now you were practically nose to nose. Your own anger bubbled within you – why did he bring you into this? His lashing out at you was uncalled for.
“I’m joining you guys because Namjoon wants my help,” you shot back, “or do you not trust him? I’ll be ready, you don’t have to worry about that.”
Jungkook’s jaw clenched, eyes narrowing, poisonous stare intensifying, but you refused to back away. Scowling, his mouth opened to retort-
“Hey! Y/N?”
Jungkook’s mouth snapped closed, the same moment you turned your back on him to find Jin and Yoongi standing in the doorway.
Stepping into the gym, Jin looked past you to Jungkook, fixing him with a stare.
“Time to back off, Kook.”
At first, you were pleased to have someone else see how irrational Jungkook was acting towards you. But then Jin turned to you.
“I think you ought to go upstairs.”
Giving you a tight smile, Jin moved past you towards Jungkook, leaving you stunned.
“Just let him cool off.”
Slightly jumpy, you looked around to find Yoongi right beside you. Raising an eyebrow, he waited for you to come away.
Sighing, but biting your tongue, you set off. Yoongi fell into step beside you as you left. With one last look back, you saw Jin leaning against the machine where Jungkook had now resumed his rage workout, talking too low for you to hear.
As you emerged into the main training space, Hope was just coming from the stairs. His pace was rapid, but slowed when he saw you, seeming to deflate.
“Everything alright?” he jogged up to you and took a place on your other side.
“I just don’t get what his problem is,” you confessed, irritation bleeding into your words. “He turns everything on me somehow.”
The boys either side of you shared a glance.
“He’s just frustrated, but he’ll come around. This thing with Bolt is a bit more serious than we anticipated,” Yoongi explained.
Taking a moment to process his words, you swallowed back the continuing anger you felt towards Jungkook. You knew why he was upset, it just didn’t make it any easier to take.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you cursed, shaking your head, “is everyone okay? I wasn’t even thinking about all that after Jungkook…”
“Yeah,” Hoseok nodded, but his eyes didn’t meet yours. “We’ll figure it out. Just because today didn’t go so well, doesn’t mean we can’t win next time.”
“But how was your training?” Yoongi moved on, “I’m surprised you made it to the gym without Hobi to bully you-”
“Hey!” Hobi exclaimed, “Y/N’s a great student. She’s working hard. You’ll be able to join us soon at this rate.”
He directed this last at you, nudging you with his elbow. But his bright smile no longer struck the same confidence in you. Instead, you felt Jungkook’s words take root inside you.
“I just hope I can be useful…” you muttered.
“You have nothing to worry about.”
It may well have been the first time Hoseok didn’t manage to alleviate you worries, even slightly. When you got upstairs, it was to find Namjoon had disappeared to his office already, Jimin clearly faking a smile for V and near silence as Jin and Jungkook remained downstairs.
Even Hobi, trying to bring your mind away from Jungkook, had a downtrodden slope to his shoulders.
That night, you did nothing but contribute to the despondent quiet in the house.
These men had so much more experience than you did, and yet they were unable to save the lab from Bolt’s clutches. How were you going to help them?
But you knew one thing for sure: you had to.
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It was with renewed determination that you headed down to train the next morning.
You arrived a little before Jungkook, depositing a towel and water bottle by the wall as he entered behind you.
“Still here?” he asked dryly, crossing the space to lean against the wall.
Straightening up, you rolled your eyes.
“What does it look like?”
“Looks like you’re naïve enough to think you’re going to be any help.”
Gritting your teeth at his retort, you restrained yourself from insulting him in return.
“Let’s just start training, shall we?” you bit out.
Clearly some of your attitude had bled through, however, because Jungkook pushed off the wall and marched towards you. His dark eyebrows drew together.
“What for?” he spat, “you can barely handle the training room, what makes you think you’ll be any good out there-”
“That’s what training is for,” you countered, unable to help your voice rising.
“I have more important things to focus on than YOU!” his voice raised in return, “you’ll never be ready.”
And with that, he shook his head, starting to walk away from you. For a second, you could only gape in outrage at his back as he stormed away. But he only made it a few paces before you recovered yourself, stepping forwards.
“I am ready!”
Your hands balled at your sides as he froze in place. You remembered the power that ran through them, your success in training yesterday. Jungkook was done underestimating you.
He spun to face you.
“Prove it.”
Not a second after his words, a slice of gold cut through the air, straight towards you.
Ducking out of the way, you whirled around again to find Jungkook advancing towards you, lopsided smirk on his face and gold light whirling in his irises. This time, you reacted when he raised an arm, blue racing to meet his gold in the air and colliding in a shower of sparks.
Feeling the thrum of electricity in your veins, you felt stronger. You stepped forwards, meeting his eyes in challenge. He thought you were too weak? That you would give up?
Jungkook threw his arm to the side, severing the beam of light that connected you, but instantly fired another bolt which you leapt aside from. The next moment, you recoiled, intercepted by a second streak of lightning cutting through your path.
You were driven back into the path of one more blast as it shot through the air, forcing you to fling yourself to the ground as sparks ripped overhead.
“Please,” Jungkook let out a scoff, “I could beat you with my hands behind my back.”
You had already jumped to your feet, lifting your palms.
“I’d like to see you try.”
Blue erupted towards him then, his own trick used against him as two beams of light penned him in, one either side.
Quirking an eyebrow, Jungkook aimed his palm to the ground, to your surprise. The next moment saw him pushing off the ground, boosted by a jet of gold as he vaulted over your attack. Reacting quickly, you shot towards him again as he was still a blur in the air.
Gold blazed to meet it, an explosion of embers as they collided. You felt Jungkook throw the attack off, sending you stumbling as your lightning collided with a resounding clash against a pile of metal targets that were stacked by the wall.
To your satisfaction, though, the clearing sparks revealed the man staggering up from the floor. It seemed you weren’t so incapable as he thought.
“Still think I’m not ready?” you called, laughter lining your voice.
Jungkook said nothing, drawing himself to his full height and looking around.
Gold light streaked towards the side of the room then, sending a shape flying towards you.
You ducked, the target clanging against the wall behind you. But more were already coming your way, Jungkook rapidly firing more gold through the air.
Undeterred, you didn’t hesitate to fire back, knocking the targets from the air with well-aimed blows of your own. The room filled with flashes of light, blue against gold, fuelled by the two of you throwing everything you had.
But your powers began to slip, reluctant to work so quickly. You could feel yourself tiring, and it was a matter of seconds before you missed, too sluggish to catch one target that shot your way.
It caught your arm, hard, pulling you off balance. You stumbled, one knee hitting the floor as you steadied yourself. Instinctively, the other arm covered your head, waiting for more blows.
But nothing came.
Panting hard, you looked around.
Jungkook stood tall opposite you, the epitome of power as strength filled his form and flowed from his fingertips. His eyes shone with an identical light. Two more targets were suspended in the air by sustained gold beams. He kept them hovering there. Taunting you.
“Like I said,” he growled, “not ready. And if I can do this, it means Bolt can.”
Face burning in humiliation, you pushed yourself to stand.
“What are you so scared of?” you spat, “if you’re so powerful, how come you’re afraid of one man?”
“Don’t you dare-” he began, but you cut him off.
“No!” you yelled over him, “you’re the weak one! You just can’t admit you need me out there because you’re scared of a little lightning.”
In the blink of an eye, the targets dropped from the air, clashing deafeningly against the ground as Jungkook chose to charge at you himself. His teeth were bared as he ran forwards, grabbing you and sending the both of you to the floor.
Jungkook was strong, to say the least. You couldn’t escape his weight that pinned you down, no matter if you thrashed.
His face was so close to you, breathing almost as heavily as you. As you met his blazing eyes, you saw the gold glow fading, darkness taking over.
Gritting your teeth, you pushed back at him, letting your power flow from your hands. Using powers had seemingly slipped his mind; he didn’t see your attack coming, and you successfully sent him reeling, your blow of lightning throwing him off you.
But he found his feet at the same time you did, and scrambled towards you again.
A fist flew towards you, and you countered it with a blast of blue.
Instead of retaliating again, he stumbled back. A smirk crept over your face. Something had got to him; you had riled him up.
“Something wrong?” you asked innocently.
Big mistake.
Maybe Jungkook hadn’t been thrown. Maybe he had just been recharging.
Because now he was advancing again, and his fists were surrounded by gold sparks, that same gold glowering from his eyes once more. You could only match his power for so long. You weren’t as fast as him, and every blow you deflected only made way for another to follow the next instant.
Stumbling backwards, away from him, the back of your leg collided with a bench, and you fell back, heart hammering in panic.
You never met the ground. A fist found your shirt and you were being slammed against the wall instead.
Feet flailing, you called on the last embers of your powers to push back, but Jungkook captured your hand with his free one. He pinned it against the wall, where your sparks danced together in an impossible wrestle.
Meanwhile, his other hand which forced you against the wall didn’t let up, digging more harshly into your throat as you faltered.
Gasping and struggling fruitlessly against him, you stared into the molten gold of his eyes as he pressed his face closer to you.
“You know nothing,” he hissed, “you’ll never be ready-”
A cacophony of voices suddenly swelled, joined by hurried footsteps.
The pressure on your throat was gone then, and you met the ground at last. But your feet couldn’t hold you up, and you crashed to the ground choking on the air that was finally forcing its way to your lungs.
Blinking, you looked up. The first thing you saw was pink, Jimin coming into focus beside you. Concern filled his eyes as your gasping continued, a hand falling onto your shoulder.
But you avoided his eyes in favour of finding what had become of Jungkook.
A few paces away, more of the boys were huddled, still jostling as Jungkook tried to escape. Hoseok was behind him, unrelenting grip on the younger’s arms stopping him from going anywhere. Even though you both knew Hope was the strongest of you all, that wasn’t stopping Jungkook from trying. Gold still bounced off the walls, blinding flashes shooting between, but missing, the members who barely seemed phased by his outbursts.
You couldn’t get a good glimpse of your rival though. He was eclipsed by Jin, who was trying to steady him by the shoulders, speaking quickly and sternly to the incensed man.
On his other side, Yoongi had a hand on his chest, pushing him back and further away from you.
Just then, another set of footsteps, not frantic like the others, made you look around. And even though his gaze travelled first to Jungkook, you couldn’t help but feel your veins freeze with dread.
Namjoon looked furious.
He marched in, V scurrying at his heels. At the sight of his leader, Jungkook seemed to finally ease up a bit, the scuffle quietening down.
A silence seemed to settle over the room, Jungkook’s last struggles dying away as Namjoon cast his eyes around everyone. A faint red haze flitted across his eyes and the lights in the room flickered perilously.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
It was the only time you had felt something close to solidarity with Jungkook. When you looked at each other, you could tell he gulped just like you.
“I thought this was going well,” he shook his head slightly. Your heart sank.
Raising his eyes to meet Jungkook’s again, he took a couple of steps towards the younger while the room held its breath. The lights turned red for a split second, then dimmed again, retreating as if they were equally afraid of the imposing leader.
“I don’t know what you were thinking. You’re supposed to be helping her, and this is how you go about that? You could have killed her! Is this your way of showing you can be trusted?!”
Namjoon never quite raised his voice enough to yell. But still you winced at the anger laced into his tone, and the arm he threw out towards you as he ranted.
Part of you stung anew after he said Jungkook could have killed you. You wanted to protest, hurt swelling within you at the insinuation that you were still too weak – but you pushed it down. The ghost of pain that lingered where Jungkook had struck you reminded you that he was right, as much as it shamed you to admit it, even to yourself.
Jungkook looked down, not able to keep eye contact with his enraged leader.
Sucking in his cheeks, Namjoon took a breath. But you certainly weren’t breathing. You could only hang on for whatever he said next, and the way he cast his eyes between the two of you didn’t instil much hope.
He fixed his eyes on you next.
“I told you I expected you to be able to trust us, including Jungkook. It’s clear you haven’t been able to do that yet. I’m sorry.”
Though he didn’t speak with as much fury, his sadness almost made you feel worse. You wished he would yell at you, give you something to push back against as Jungkook did.
But all you were left with was a punch to the gut more painful than anything the tempestuous younger boy could deliver.
His next words only made it worse.
“I’m keeping you back here until I’m sure you’re ready. I wanted you active as soon as possible, but not like this.”
Although his stern gaze lingered for a moment longer, you barely reacted. His words didn’t feel real. You could only stare blankly at him while the shock reeled through you.
When he turned away, you caught Jungkook’s eye. The satisfied glint you found there made your hands ball into fists.
“Jungkook,” Namjoon sighed now, pinching his nose, “same goes for you.”
At first, you weren’t sure you had heard him right.
Apparently, you weren’t the only one. Jungkook’s eyes widened in horror, straining against Hobi for another brief moment.
“I can’t have you acting like this while your head needs to be in the game, now more than ever. You’ll be staying behind until you show me you can be trusted with each other.”
Unlike with you, Namjoon fixed his dongsaeng with a hard stare, challenging him in some unspoken conversation until he seemed satisfied.
Turning to leave, Namjoon’s gaze fell on you again. His eyes softened, travelled to Jimin.
“Take her upstairs.”
With that, he stalked from the room. Light bled into the room again, but no one moved until he disappeared from the doorway, almost certainly returning to his office.
V stayed behind this time, and now moved towards you. Jimin’s hand on your arm shifted so he could help tug you up to stand. Though you may have stumbled a little, you were sure you could walk fine.
Still, you were grateful for Jimin’s hovering grip on your arm and V’s presence on your other side as they led you to the door.
Reaching the edge of the room, you glanced back at Jungkook. Your aim was to send the most venomous look you could, and it seemed his was the same. Still penned in by the others, who were corralling him away to the corner, he shot you a glare as he shrugged off Hope’s grip in an aggravated movement.
His scowl left your sight as you left the training room, but it stayed imprinted on your memory.
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Thank you for reading!! I can't wait to hear what you think of the chapter!👀💜
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themanfromeire · 11 months
Could I request Sirius helping his girlfriend who ends up blind after a mishap with a potion? It's temporary but the poor girl still has to get around somehow!
Of course you can, mo grhá! Thanks for requesting. I hope it’s okay :) Also, thank you for the request!!
Sirius Black x Reader - Blinded By Love
A potion mishap involving a carrot, a done with everything Remus, a trying reader, and chaotic Sirius Black and James Potter.
Cross posted to AO3
Potions lessons where you were partnered with your boyfriend were anything but boring. 
Not only did you have to concentrate on reading the instructions written in front of you, stirring the potion at a certain time, a certain frequency and a certain direction, but you also had to fend off Sirius AND James simultaneously. 
God, you were a strong person. 
You had proposed to Remus that he become partners with you, so that your work would actually be completed to an acceptable standard, but the lycanthrope had declined, citing Sirius’ complete and utter adoration of you as a reason not to. 
He claimed that he would be unable to concentrate with the lustful looks you two would send each other from across the room. Remus also stated that unless you were partnered together, Sirius would whine to him about being separated from you all day. 
The Welshman didn’t think he was emotionally strong enough to listen to Sirius complain about not being near you. ‘The year of him simping over you was bad enough!’ he had explained with a chuckle. The guy was not mean, just done with everything. 
You had proposed that you keep the two on leashes, with dream catchers tied above them to keep them occupied whilst you and Remus completed the potions assignment. The idea had drawn a hearty laugh from Remus, along with a playful ruffle of your hair, but not an agreement. 
So here you were, trying to brew a potion with your chaos that you called your boyfriend, along with his platonic love of his life, James. Remus loomed between the two desks, making the odd sarcastic comment to you.
It was complete pandemonium, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sirius turned the page of your textbook to distract you, whilst James added something to your cauldron. It was not an unusual occurrence, in fact, it was so common that James, Sirius and Remus frequently made bets about who out of the first two could add the largest object to your potion without you noticing.
What was unusual was what happened next. 
As your lover distracted you so James could drop an entire carrot that he had stolen from the Great Hall at lunchtime that day, you realised what was happening, and whipped your head towards the cauldron.
Just in time to see it explode. 
Bright orange liquid flew in all directions with a bang that you felt reverberate in every single cell of your body. The kind that shook your core, like a marching band trudging by, filling your being with the pounding of the bass drum and snare to the rhythm of their steps. 
And then, silence. Followed by hysterical laughter. 
The voice of Slughorn cut through, trying to calm the laughter of the Marauders, but nothing could bring that train back to the station, especially not as James Potter stood in the centre of the room, completely covered in orange goop. 
“The four of you, detention. I will be deducting 30 points from Gryffindor for your antics, Mr Black, and Mr Potter. Go to Madame Pomfrey at once. The very second she dismisses you, I want all of you back here to clean up this mess. Do I make myself clear?” 
 A chorus of insincere “Yes sir”s that were interrupted with giggles replied, and as the other two exited the dungeons, Sirius’ arm found its usual home around your waist, and the boy began to guide you out of the room, something which you were eternally grateful for. 
You allowed your boyfriend to guide you towards the hospital wing as you raised a hand to your eyes and began to rub the orange, carrot-scented potion from your them to view the spectacle that had Remus howling with laughter, and your boyfriend’s echoing along the corridor, but as you rubbed at your eyes, the darkness remained. 
You dug the heels of your hand into your eyes, frantically rubbing, attempting to banish the umbra from your vision, but no change occurred. Maybe if you tried harder, it would disappear?
As you went to attempt to scrub it away once more, a cold and gentle hand wrapped around your wrist. Sirius. “Hey now, baby. Prongsie didn’t mean to explode our potion, there’s no need to cry.” Sirius’ voice adopted a soft, yet lighthearted tone as he spoke. 
It only got more joking as he continued. “But I’d say karma has paid a nice visit to him. Oi, Prongs, I thought you were a proud Gryffindor, mate! What house are you now? Clementine?” He barked a laugh at his own joke, though you could hear his laugh die down as he noticed your silence. 
Instead of giggling along at his quips, you were still aggressively massaging your poor eyes. Sirius pulled your hands down from your face. “Oh mon amour…” He began softly, using the caring tone he reserved only for the Marauders and you, “You’re absolutely clarried in it.”
He moved his hand from your wrist, and to your cheek. He stroked it softly. “Look at me.” He asked softly, but you couldn’t even pinpoint the direction that his voice was coming from. “Baby?” Sirius asked, and you could hear the concern in his voice rising. 
“Siri… I can’t see.” You uttered ashamedly. The words froze Sirius in his tracks, and he squeezed your waist tighter, pulling you closer to his body. “We’ll… We’ll get you to Madame Pomfrey, okay? Just hold on, darling,” He assured you, but there was clear anxiety in his voice as he fumbled over his words. 
Your boyfriend began to power walk towards the Hospital Wing, his arm still around you protectively. As he pushed past James and Remus, he didn’t even entertain the other two Marauders’ questions, his priority was you. 
Once you arrived at the Hospital Wing, Madame Pomfrey took one look at the two of you and pointed to an empty bed where Sirius led you. The Mediwitch didn’t even ask what had happened as she began to treat you. 
Years of dealing with the Marauders had numbed her to their actions and their resulting stupidity caused injuries. There was never a dull day dating Sirius Black, that’s for sure.
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How They React to Their SO Getting Stalked - BNHA (pt 2)
This set of headcanons is for @lovelywritersgarden, thank you so so much for your request! If anyone has an idea or a request they'd like to read from me, please comment or send me a message in the inbox!
Hope you enjoy it!
Katsuki Bakugou
I feel like no matter the scenario, even if it was something light, he would go crazy! It doesn't matter if nothing bad happened to you, if he found out your life was in danger, or even your privacy violated, you can bet he would be the first person on the scene, shouting and growling at people!
~ Katsuki was getting sick of this, watching his idiots playing video games used to be really funny, but now it was just boring. ~ It was the same thing over and over again, he wished he was hanging out with you instead, but unfortunately you didn't go to UA and were working on a school project with your lab partner. ~ He never trusted that guy. ~ He would always stare at you, and he always seemed to be in the same places you were. ~ The two of you had gone out to a curry place for your date night last week, this guy had been in the store across from you. He was always waiting outside the school doors when he would drop you off at the gates. Katsuki was pretty sure he had seen the guy skulking around near your house! ~ He had a bad feeling when he'd walked you home the other night, he kept hearing rustling in the bushes, you told him not to worry about it, but he knew something was wrong. ~ That was when he got a call from you. ~ Answering the call, he was smiling (or smirking), happy to be hearing from you, as always. ~ "Hey babe, how's your project go-" ~ "Suki, you need to get over here, right now!" ~ You were whispering, it was echoing, like you were in the bathroom. ~ "Babe, what's going on? Are you okay?" Katsuki was immediately on edge, he didn't like where this was going. He knew he should have trusted his gut. ~ "It's my lab partner! He's crazy! We said goodbye, he left but as I was about to start getting ready for bed, there was a flash in my window, the creep set up a camera outside my house!" (y/n) was scared, terrified even. ~ Katsuki's face went stern and worried, already getting his stuff and leaving, without giving his very confused friends any insight. ~ Making it to your house, he could see your bedroom light on, he stayed on the phone with you, making sure you were safe, turns out you had hidden in the bathroom. ~ And the guy Katsuki was so worried about, was pounding on your front door, yelling at you to let him in, saying her was sorry and that he only did what he did to keep you safe. ~ "Oh yeah? Safe from what, exactly?" Katsuki barked, standing behind the stalker, arms crossed over his chest, his eyes almost glinting with his anger. ~ The stalked seemed to be smirking, until he turned around and saw the infamous Bakugou Katsuki standing there, his fingers beginning to spark. ~ He obviously. ~ Katsuki used his key on the front door, coming in and letting you know it was him and that the weirdo was gone. ~ You came running out of the bathroom, wearing one of his shirts, leaping down the last few stairs, you fell into Katsuki's arms crying hysterically. ~ "I've got you babe, I'll always protect you."
Eijiro Kirishima
I feel like Eijiro would probably panic about it more that you would, he would be worried sick about you, hoping desperately that you were okay, when in reality, you were the one that had effortlessly fixed everything!
~ Eijiro had never felt so out of sorts! ~ He had been panicking so much over the last few days, you had told him the moment you had started receiving pictures of yourself, threatening messages and you had the feeling that someone had been following you for months now. ~ And somehow you weren't the one panicking in this scenario, he was! ~ When everything went wrong in school, or during his training, he was usually so level-headed, so cool. So... Manly... ~ But this time, you were the cool one! You had gone straight to the police and the pro heroes. ~ They found the person who had been stalking you, a girl from the support course. ~ They had been given a stern talking to and a restraining order from the police and were expelled from UA for clearly not exhibiting supportive heroic behaviour. ~ "So not plus ultra!" As Denki had said when you had told them what had happened. ~ Eijiro still couldn't sleep well, he had nightmares, he was making himself physically ill from the worry, so he decided to head over to your dorm room. ~ Knocking gently, on the off chance that you might be sleeping, he made his way inside, to see you reading in bed. ~ "Hey pebble, you okay?" He asked, tentatively. ~ You nodded, clearly interested in your book. Wordlessly, you lifted one arm, making a grabby hand at him. ~ He took your invitation happily, jumping into bed and cuddling into your stomach. ~ You placed a kiss on his head, running your fingers through his hair. ~ You knew exactly why he was here, you knew he felt better when you were around, somewhere where he could keep an eye on the surroundings. ~ He loved you so much, this stalker problem had caused a strain on his mental health, he wanted to make sure you were safe. ~ As he was falling asleep, he looked up at you with happy eyes and mumbled under his breath. ~ "You're so manly baby."
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku would be similar to Fumikage I feel, going completely overboard with security until you got annoyed... Obviously you couldn't be mad at the cinnamon roll for too long, I mean, look at his little face!!!
~ After the stalked had been caught and taken care of, Izuku went nuts! ~ He had put security cameras everywhere! Nowhere that would invade your personal space of course, but everywhere else. ~ Mina nearly killed him when she walked out of her room and ran straight into Izuku on a ladder, installing a camera above her dorm room. ~ You decided that he was getting a bit too overboard in his security measures. You had tried to sit him down and talk to him about it, he had just started rambling a million miles per minute, trying to get back to his detective vigilante work. ~ He had finished with the security cameras and had moved on to detailed guards, he had his friends watching you when you were out of classes, in classes, walking you to your dorm and escorting you home. ~ He'd gone so far as to having his guard duty on their own radio frequency, they had walkie-talkies each and you best believe, the boys loved it! ~ Izuku was taking your safety so, incredibly seriously, that his grades had begun dropping, his sleep schedule was all over the place, he had been neglecting his own health to make sure you could feel happy in your own place. ~ He was falling asleep at his desk, he wasn't doing his schoolwork, even Aizawa was worried about his problem child! ~ He sent Izuku to his room, he asked you to go with him (mainly because Izuku refused to leave otherwise), and you settled him in bed and made sure he was falling asleep. ~ "Izuku, I know you want to keep me safe, but I can take care of myself, what you've done so far is so sweet, but it's unnecessary. You need to take care of yourself now... Understand?" You said with a tight smile. ~ Izuku could see you were worried about him, so he nodded quietly and fell asleep, his hand holding tightly onto yours. ~ He removed his security cameras the next day, pleasing Mina greatly.
Shouta Aizawa
Shouta wouldn't be all that worried about you, you were surrounded by pro heroes and cats that would put their lives on the line for you. There was also a certain student that he knew would keep you safe.
~ If anyone had been traumatised by the stalking scenario, it hadn't been you, or Shouta, it was Shinsou... ~ He had been so worried about you! ~ You were the person he turned to when he was worried, stressed or scared, now he realised that he couldn't, that he had your own things to deal with. ~ Now you were worried about Shinsou. ~ He had pulled away from you and Shouta, he had bottled his feelings and he was about to pop. ~ Coming into Shouta and your shared apartment, he was already stressed, classes were difficult, training had gotten harder and worst of all, your stalker had yet to be caught. ~ You on the other hand, were smiley and cheerful, as always. ~ "Hitoshi!" You grinned, seeing your favourite (foster) child enter the kitchen. ~ You had been busying yourself around making dinner and cleaning up the apartment, but you were never busy for Hitoshi! (Or your cats Miso and Hizashi). ~ "You okay sweetie? Come sit down, dinner's nearly ready!" You said, still wearing a bright smile. ~ Hitoshi couldn't take it anymore, beginning to shout, loudly and passionately. ~ "How can you be so happy!? Someone was stalking you! Your privacy was completely invaded, and you're the partner of a pro hero! If he can't keep you safe, who can!?" ~ "Shinsou." ~ Shouta was stood behind Hitoshi, waiting patiently to speak. ~ "I know you're worried about (y/n), I am too and believe me when I say, nobody is more ashamed that this happened than me. I let this happen and I let them get away. But I am doing my best to find the person responsible and have them punished." ~ Hitoshi looked down, biting his lip harshly to stop his tears from falling. ~ You smiled softly at the boy, opening your arms and drawing him in for a hug, which he eagerly returned. ~ Looking over the boy's shoulder, you could see Shouta smiling at the two of you, it made him happy that you took such sweet care of his protegee. ~ But he was still immensely disappointed in himself, first, because he had failed to keep you safe, but also because he hadn't noticed the effect this had had on Hitoshi. ~ He was going to keep the both of you safe, no matter the cost.
Takami Keigo
Honestly, out of all of the MHA characters, I think Takami would be the character to get the most outwardly angry. Not against the stalker, or even the police at failing to keep you safe, but at himself for not noticing sooner.
~ It had been nearly a week since the stalker had been caught and convicted, you just wanted everything to put behind you now. ~ You were heading over to Takami's agency, you were meeting him for lunch whilst he had a break. ~ Entering the building, you walked straight up to his office. ~ Takami had made a big parade of showing you off around the building when the two of you had become a couple, a sort of bird tradition, he said. ~ At the entrance to his office, his receptionist seemed worried. ~ Looking up at you, they looked even more worried, "(l/n)-san! I'm so sorry, but you can't go in there, Hawks is... Is in a m-meeting!" ~ You looked at them confused, "Takami didn't mention any meeting to me..." You mumbled under your breath, but still turned to wait downstairs, preparing a text to let him know. ~ When you heard a loud crash, coming straight from Takami's office. ~ Turning swiftly, you rushed into his office, slamming the doors open, "Takami! What..." ~ As you let your eyes drag around the room, you could see the amount of damage he had done. ~ His computer had been completely demolished, the screen shattered and cables torn. The paintings on his walls had been ripped to shreds. Paperwork was everywhere. Takami was stood staring out the window, after having thrown the books off the shelves. ~ His feathers were ruffled and his breathing was heavy. ~ "Honey..." ~ Takami turned, shocked, clearly not having heard you enter. ~ "Uh, hey chick, I'm sorry, you... You weren't supposed to see that..." ~ Takami looked truly ashamed of himself, he hadn't wanted you to see him like this, but he had been killing himself thinking about what had happened to you. ~ "What did you do?" You asked him, walking closer to him, holding his hands gently in yours. ~ He sighed, sitting down in his chair and looking up at you, his usually impish face looking tired. ~ "What happened to you, shouldn't have happened, I've been so busy working I wasn't looking after you and this happened." ~ Takami looked so disgusted with himself, staring at his feet. ~ "I was supposed to keep you safe, I failed. You were scared and your privacy was violated, I should have been there baby bird and I didn't even know this had happened to you until after they caught the guy!" ~ You could see he was getting more and more upset, you lifted his chin, pressing a kiss against his forehead. ~ "My love, this wasn't a situation you could control, it's been handled and I feel safe, because I'm with you. Now can we please go to lunch and maybe look at new decor for your office? You look like you could use some!" ~ Takami smiled gratefully at you, kissing your hands before nodding, holding the door open as you both left to go to your favourite chicken place. ~ This would never happen again.
I hope this was okay! I'm not used to writing for some of these characters, but I hope you enjoyed it!
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your-divine-ribs · 2 months
Ice Cold Part 27
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Words: 2.4k
Lyla gets sent on her assignment to London…
Ice Cold Masterlist Main Masterlist
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The not knowing was the worst thing. I tried to console myself with the fact that if anything had happened to Van the news would spread like wildfire within seconds. This was the most high profile case the agency had seen since the days of my father and Paul hunting down Tommy Chappell.
Any agent who was successful in bringing Van down would be hailed as a hero and the perks that would accompany that achievement would mean that my colleagues would now be relentlessly combing the city for him night and day. Their competitive natures likely turning a criminal investigation into something resembling a gruesome gameshow with them as the bloodthirsty contestants and Van as the ultimate prize. A cat and mouse game... except Van was no mouse. I had to believe in him. It was all I could do.
I leant my head against the train window, looking out as the scenery rushed past in a blur, trying to clear my mind but it was useless. I sighed and dug in my bag for my phone, bringing up Jen's number and placing a call.
She picked up immediately, launching straight into a detailed account of my predicament which further clouded my mood. "Lyla! Are you okay? Paul says you've been sent on some stake-out down in London. What the hell's all that about? I mean it's great news that they didn't suspend or fire you, but baby-sitting some rookie agent whilst we're all here desperately tracking Van? It seems crazy!"
"Yeah well... I think Whitman just wants me out of the way. Every time I come up against Van he just gets away. He probably thinks I've lost my touch."
"Not likely!" She replied. "You're the only one who's managed to get anywhere near him! Whitman's been down here in Paul's office all morning. I swear that man looks ill, his face was so red with rage this morning it wouldn't have surprised me if he'd had a heart attack on the spot."
"Wouldn't that be a shame!" I muttered, much to Jen's delight.
"Yeah, he's a fucking nightmare. Honestly, he's tearing strips off Paul in there. I can hear him shouting now. It's like he's holding him personally responsible that Van's still out there."
Her comment gave me hope. "So how's the search going anyway? Have you got any leads?"
"You haven't heard?" Jen's voice raised up an octave with excitement, causing my heart to skip a beat.
"What?" I breathed, my throat constricted with fear, choked with dread at what I might hear.
"You know that hit you foiled the night Jason got killed? Well that nightclub owner's body was found this morning at his house. His girlfriend went round and found him hanging from the light fitting. She was hysterical, thought he'd topped himself because of what they found."
"Well? Didn't he? And what did they find?" I was impatient to hear more, wondering if Van was involved.
"He was a fucking paedophile. There were all these photos of kids strewn everywhere. Like really sick, the worst kind. And he definitely didn't kill himself. His hands were tied. I tell you what Lyla, if this is Van's doing I'd personally like to shake his hand for this one."
My mind was reeling, trying to piece together why Van would be remotely bothered about carrying out a hit after he'd cut himself loose from the organisation. I'd have thought that he'd be laying low, keeping his head down, concentrating on staying out of sight and remaining alive.
"I don't get it," I wondered out loud. "Why would Van still be killing for them when he's on the run?"
There was a sound like Jen was letting out an exhale through pursed lips and I could picture her shaking her head, brow creased up in bewilderment. "That's just it. No one knows. Simon told you that this hit was supposed to be an execution for botching that cocaine shipment delivery didn't he? Maybe it's not even Van. It sure felt like him though. Do you know what I mean?"
I hummed in agreement. Having worked many crime scenes in my time as an experienced agent I picked up on these things. Little tells and nuances that wouldn't be noticed by the untrained eye. Even killers had their own style. Jen was still talking but I'd tuned out, theorising in my head, playing and re-playing the line Van had used last night.
"That's how revenge feels Lyla. It does feel good... it feels damn fucking good..."
But revenge... retribution... for what? It didn't make any sense. It all seemed so... disconnected.
"...then the police were called to that multi-storey car park right next to where you live last night..."
"What?" My attention was shifted instantly back to Jen as I caught her mid-sentence. "What was that?"
"Oh nothing important... I was just saying how Paul had me monitoring the police emergency call-outs last night. It was pretty quiet, just some car theft right near your apartment. You probably heard them. Honestly, three police vehicles called out just for someone nicking a car... and then they didn't even catch them... bloody useless..."
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I stepped off the train at St Pancras station and let myself be swallowed up by the crowd. With Christmas only weeks away the London streets were busier than ever with people dashing to buy presents for loved ones, smiles on their faces and excited chatter. Seeing other people's lives flowing on whilst my own was in such a state of turmoil seemed almost surreal, the prospect of Christmas and New Year and all the associated pomp and festivities just seemed alien to me.
At least I had my freedom back, for once I wasn't being watched by George or any other agent. I found it quite curious that all of a sudden just because I'd been taken off the case I wasn't deemed to be a target anymore, but of course I didn't argue. The agency weren't to know that with Van always seemingly close by like some dark guardian angel, I was probably the safest agent of them all whilst I was on my home turf. Maybe not in London though.
I was to meet a newly qualified agent from the London team, Alex, at the hotel in Soho that I was staying at so I hopped into a black cab. No one had specifically said it, but it was obvious I was being expected to supervise on the job. Jen had hit the nail on the head when she'd mentioned 'baby-sitting'. I just hoped Alex wasn't going to turn out to be some fresh-faced, naive stickler for the rules. I'd seen so many churned out of the training programme, spouting legislation and excited to get their gun, then they'd go to pieces at their first murder scene. The first few months on the job either made you or broke you, and some just didn't have the guts for it.
I checked into the hotel, making my way to my room, not bothering to unpack my belongings as I delved into my bag for something to wear. I settled on jeans and a shirt. The last thing I wanted to do was wear something slutty and give Alex the wrong impression. I knew damn well that the whole of the London team had heard about mine and Scott's past hook-ups by now, and my experiences with Jason had made me more cautious about how people perceived me. It aggrieved me to even be thinking that way, but it was the unfortunate reality in this fucked up world, especially in the male dominated line of work that I was in.
I surveyed the hotel bar as I entered, and it was empty apart from a couple sat at the far end and a blonde woman perched on a bar stool at the bar. She turned and gave me a smile as I took my place next to her and I caught the bartender's eye, ordering a large, dry white wine.
I could feel the woman's eyes on me as I waited for my drink but I ignored her. I wasn't in the mood for making small-talk with strangers.
"I'll get this," she said as the bartender set my glass down in front of me.
I'd been digging in my bag for my purse but stopped immediately, raising my head, my gaze meeting a pair of large, beguiling green eyes framed by long lashes. Her glossy cherry red lips pulled into a smile with a hint of flirtation. A few months back I would have welcomed the attention, she was certainly gorgeous, but satisfying my sexual desires with a complete stranger was the furthest thing from my mind right then.
I shot her a smile that wasn't quite warm enough to be welcoming. "Actually... I'm meeting someone.... and I don't accept drinks from strangers."
I turned back to the bartender, handing over the cash, hoping the woman would get the message, but to my surprise she swivelled her body around in the stool until she was fully facing me.
"Well... don't be a stranger then," she said, a slight smirk emerging as she held out a perfectly manicured hand towards me.
I didn't have time for this. I took a deep breath, ready to unleash a cutting remark, but before I could do so she spoke again, stunning me.
"I'm Alex, pleased to meet you."
"Oh... I... errr... I thought..." I stumbled over my words.
"You thought I was going to be a man." She finished my sentence for me, snatching the words right out of my mouth.
I couldn't help but smile, nodding slowly. "You know I hate it when people make assumptions, and here I am doing it myself!"
I stretched out my hand to grasp hers, shaking it warmly. Her smile grew, showing pearly white teeth. She really was striking looking.
"It's okay, I get it all the time. I considered going by my birth name, Alexandra, but you know what? I kinda like it when people are surprised. It's like when people ask me what I do for a living now and I tell them, they're shocked. Maybe they think I should be working in a beauty salon or something! I'm sure you must get that too."
I found myself laughing. "Oh yes, the guys are the worst. I think they find it emasculating when they realise I could probably take them down without even raising a sweat! I'm Lyla by the way."
"Oh I know who you are... you're Lyla Keating. Everyone talks about you on the London team. Your reputation precedes you!"
She was smiling amiably as she spoke, but I felt myself bristling nevertheless. All I could think about were my sleazy encounters with Scott, made all the more scandalous now I'd found out that he'd been married at the time. I could imagine what was being said behind my back.
"Don't believe everything you hear," I said, turning away to take a sip of my wine.
"Oh it's all good," Alex said eagerly. "They say you're bad-ass actually!”
I'd just taken a swallow of wine and the laugh that bubbled up inside me burst forth. I practically sprayed a mouthful of wine over the bar. Alex was laughing as I coughed and spluttered, trying to compose myself.
"Bad-ass?" I managed.
"Come on, you're like my hero!" She giggled. "Some of the stories I've heard sound crazy but I know they're true. That time you took down that arms dealer in Berlin single handedly? And those two gun men in Paris? Not to mention fighting off Van fucking McCann... three times! You're a legend!"
Alex leant over and clinked the top of her beer bottle purposefully on my wine glass. I was enjoying this now, realising that I'd not laughed like this for a long time. It felt good.
"Four times..."
"Four times," I repeated. "Van... I've... errr... fought him off four times."
Alex took a deep pull on her beer, shaking her head, grinning. "See what I mean? Bad-ass..."
Then her smile faltered a little. "I was... errr... sorry to hear about your partner getting killed though. That's rough."
The mention of Jason which would have caused clammy palms and a racing heart before now only caused a brief flicker of emotion to pass through me.
You're getting more like Van every day...
"Oh yeah, that was... hard. He wasn't actually my partner but it was still difficult."
Alex nodded earnestly, leaning into me. "I know all too well. I've only been in the job for a few months but I was partnered with Scott quite a bit before he was killed. He was such a good agent. He taught me so much, and he was a great guy... kind of a douche to women sometimes... but still a solid.... you know? He'd always have my back."
My recollections of Scott certainly weren't based on personality, more the physical side. He'd taken my preferences for the rougher side of sex and opened up my eyes to a whole new world of dark pleasures. I found myself tensing as Alex continued.
"He spoke very highly of you too. I mean I know everybody does, but Scott... you really made an impression on him..."
The corners of her painted lips twitched as if something had amused her. Some conversation that her and Scott had shared about our less than professional relationship no doubt. Christ... did everyone know what the two of us had been up to? So much for his promises of discretion. Still, curiosity got the better of me.
"Care to share?" I said, taking another mouthful of wine.
Alex's grin widened with that same seductive quality I'd glimpsed earlier, and she placed a hand on my thigh. "Oh... he said you were a fantastic shag!"
My wine slipped down too quickly, causing me to cough again. This girl was trouble, that was plain to see. Nevertheless I found myself being drawn in, my frustrations getting the better of me.
I quickly composed myself, fixing her with an even gaze, projecting a sensuality that came easily to me.
"What d'ya say to getting out of here?"
"I'll drink to that," Alex purred, tipping her head back and draining her bottle. "I know just the place."
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Hey, i am the one who requested the slaxl story: yea I meant axl telling Izzy about slash, sorry if that was unclear😅 I respond you this way cause I'm sure how I can comment under your post😭 (new on Tumblr)
Okay so a year has passed since this ask (ops) and I am so sorry, but between uni and anything I've never got the chance to finish it until now. I hope you'll enjoy it :)
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Izzy's POV
The clock read 3 a.m when a loud bang on the door woke Izzy up. The guitarist almost wanted to laugh, considering that he decided to go to sleep earlier for once but destiny had other plans for him. He settled on ignoring the noise however it just kept going.
“Go away!” He yelled, hoping that the fucker would give up.
“Izzy, pleaseeee open up!” Axl's voice pleaded.
“Go harass Duff, he’s probably still awake.”
He might have been Axl’s childhood best friend but it didn’t mean he had to deal with his shit, especially when he just wanted to sleep and nothing would change that not even the grip forming in his heart due the guilt.
“Please Izzy, I need your help.”
Izzy wanted to say no and go back to sleep or pretend to until Axl would have left him alone, but something inside him urged him to listen to his friend. More than once he found himself calming the redhead back to sleep or allowing him to let his emotions out, especially for Axl and the whole band’s sake.
Reluctantly he stood up, his hands curled up in fists for a second and promising himself that he would make sure to let the other man know he owned him. When he opened the door, he was relieved to see Axl's face still intact however his glossy eyes had some red in them that couldn’t only be because of the alcohol.
“What do you want, shithead?” He asked unceremoniously.
“I need your help, Izzy.”
“Yeah, you kind of said that already. So are you going to repeat that all night or are you giving a good enough reason why you’re knocking on my door at 3 a.m.?”
“Okay, so do you know Slash?” Axl sounded completely serious which made Izzy almost let out a hysterical laugh. He couldn't help but arch his eyebrows at how Axl was tiptoeing around the subject, even if he was more surprised about how he still hadn't pushed him out of his room. His stomach lurched at the thought he was becoming soft.
“You mean Slash, our guitarist, the one we have known for a year now?” His sarcasm was bitter but it didn’t seem to faze Axl.
“Yeah.. me and Slash did something…”
Izzy rolled his eyes. As much as he wanted to strangle Axl to make him spill the beans, a part of him didn’t want to know what those idiots did because it meant getting involved and he wasn't ready to bail Slash out of jail again, even if deep down he loved them. Before saying anything he sighed, letting out all the anger from his voice because he had learned long ago that it was pointless.
“Something illegal?”
“No, well maybe it’s immoral for some people. My step dad would have found it such but technically it’s not illegal.”
The guitarist forgot that if Axl normally would talk for hours, while drunk he would do that even more while making zero sense. Something so wonderful when he just wanted to sleep.
“Axl, please just tell me what the hell you two have done!”
“Me and Slash went on a date, okay?!”
Izzy’s eyes widened in surprise. The sexual tension between Axl and Slash was obvious, the two were constantly hugging and teasing each other, however he didn’t think they would actually act on those feelings. Probably his tiredness didn't only close his eyes but his brain too, because he felt genuinely happy for them, even if the redhead’s tone told him the date didn’t go as planned.
“On a date? Damn, did you bite the bullet and ask him?”
“Well it wasn’t officially a date but we both knew it was.” Axl said, sounding just like a teenager.
Izzy's head started pulsing in anticipation of the cheesy story that was about to unfold, he would rather eat sand than having to listen to that but he doubted that pretending to faint could get away with not hearing the story. However, making his eyebrows arch was the reason Axl decided to come to him, usually Duff was the love advisor. Was it because he trusted him more? Or was it karma deciding to kick his ass by not making him able to get a good night of sleep?
“What’s wrong with the date?”
“Everything was cool and then he kissed me!” The singer spat those words almost like they were poison.
“You weren’t okay with that?” Izzy 's heart started to beat faster as rage slowly crept close to the surface. He was well aware of Axl’s past and how he didn’t take lightly people forcing on him, so it was only expected for him to go into his protective mode. Hell, if he discovered Slash had done something to Axl, he would have killed himself with his hands.
“No no, I wanted to but then I freak out because it made everything real! Because I really like him but we agreed to be friends with benefits and I don’t know what to do.” The redhead sniffled, hiding his face with his hair.
The guitarist's brain just shut down, unable to process a correct answer to give, he knew he needed to be honest but not too harsh, sympathetic yet realist. He just stayed silent for what seemed the longest time, Axl's eyes fixed on him like he had the answer to every problem of the universe, while Izzy was just digging through his brain for possible outcomes.
“Well isn’t it pointless to not be together if he likes you?”
"Well, you are already having sex. What's the problem?"
“Don’t worry about it, true love always wins.”
“Fucking hell Axl, it’s 3 in the morning and I just want to sleep.”
“Why don’t you talk with him tomorrow? When you are sober and not a crying mess. Just tell him you want to take things slow and time will tell.” He decided to set on, hoping it would work.
Axl tilted his head, pondering what Izzy said like a big truth about the secrets of the universe, and eventually he nodded in agreement. The other man's shoulder relaxed, maybe the universe was really rooting his way and spared him more Axl's tears and possible screams.
“You’re right. I just gotta wait and I’ll tell him and if doesn’t accept him, well fuck him!”
“Great, now why don’t you go back to your room and just sleep on all of this?” The black haired man suggested, almost taking his arm to direct him to the door. However a knock to the door made him groan in frustration, every ounce of diplomacy leaving his body at the prospect of having to deal with another of his bandmates.
“Whoever you are, you better get lost in the next five seconds or I will murder you.”
“Izzyyyy, I need your help.” Slash’s intoxicated voice replied.
Another drunk friend, as dealing with Axl wasn’t enough for him. The redhead’s eyes widened were a big tell that he was about to freak out and the guitarist didn’t know if he could handle him. Pinching his nose, he decided to take matters into his own hands before he had to bash his head against the wall, after all his hotel room wasn't a therapist's office.
“Slash, go to Duff. It isn’t really a good moment.” He yelled sternly.
“But I need you!”
“I’m going out of here.” Axl said, moving towards the window and prompting Izzy to throw his arm to block him.
“Fuck no! You will stay here and I’ll try to keep him out.” Izzy squeezed his shoulders in a calming way.
He opened the door just enough to see his band mate: clearly intoxicated, his eyes weren't red but they were darting all around and his fingers were playing with one of the bracelets he always wore. It was another prime example of a band mate in crisis, but to make everything worse, he didn't know Slash as much as he knew Axl.
"Slash, why don't you go to Duff?" He crossed his arms, hoping to scare him enough to discourage him from staying there.
"Because he can't understand... you know him better." Slash's curls automatically covered his face, but that didn't fool Izzy and only made his heart drop in defeat.
"Know who better?" He sounded as vague as possible, as if he couldn't hear Axl crawling on the floor and hiding in the bathroom.
"Axl. Look, I'm afraid that I freaked him out. I'm scared too, I get it but I need to gain his trust back."
Izzy rubbed his temples, the headache slapping him with such a force that he wished he could make him pass out, giving him a way out of this mess. He had another choice to make: should he tell Slash that Axl was there, and let them solve their problems? Or should he protect his friend and keep his mouth shut?
He tasted his pockets for cigarettes, probably they could have cleared his mind and corrupted Slash, making him gain some time. All of a sudden a loud noise made his hand fall against his side and a small curse came out his mouth, even Slash in his drunken stupor was attracted by the unusual sound.
"What's that noise?" A look of puzzlement crossed Slash's face.
"I was busy before you interrupted me." Izzy gestured vaguely, hopefully the other man was too drunk to question his lie.
"You never bring a girl into your room."
"Now what? Do you think you know what I do in my free time?" His face contorted in an annoyed expression.
It took all his self control to not ran outside the room and leave the two idiots with themselves, all this diplomacy was making him sick to his stomach. Slash's glossy eyes stared at him for a second, but he was too out of it to argue back, however right when he thought the situation was diffused, he heard the bathroom door opening.
Axl seemed to have sober up a bit, his face was clean of any sign of tears however his eyes quickly went down as soon as he caught a glimpse of Slash. On the other hand Slash seemed awkward, his mouth opened in slight surprise as Izzy could clearly see the gears in the other man's brain trying to come up with something but only resorting to silence.
"Hi Slash." The redhead said shyly.
"Were you hiding in the bathroom?"
Axl's face scrunched up for a moment and Izzy saw a familiar fire in his eyes that made him ready to step in if needed, but apparently the redhead's rational side seemed to win so he just took a deep breath and did not break Slash's nose to the delight of Izzy.
"I guess we need to talk."
Izzy's eyes bolted to both men as the tension was filling the air: Axl's confidence was gone as he kept looking around the room while Slash just stood still as he was waiting for the Earth to swallow him alive. Izzy wanted to leave the room but a look from childhood best friend's told him to stay.
"Look Axl, if you didn't like the kiss it's fine. I know we said to keep things casual-" Slash started but he was quickly interrupted.
"No, I liked the kiss. It's just a bit more complicated than that." Axl started to play with his bracelets, trying to find the right words.
Izzy's hands hitched to butt the heads of his friends together, maybe that could help them be less oblivious. A sense of discomfort took over as he realized that he was just standing here, watching two people talking about their deepest feelings in front of a bandmate. He needed to do something so he headed towards the only window in his room to lit up a cigarette.
"I... I like you Slash, okay? But this shit ain't easy! I've never had feelings for a guy, I've been taught it was a sin."
"You like me?" Slash asked, with such a surprised tone that Izzy had to turn around to watch both of them.
"Yeah. I know I said "no feelings involved" but it happened."
Izzy watched Slash stumbling towards Axl and gently kissing him. For a moment Izzy's heartbeat got faster but Axl quickly reciprocated the kiss, making shame invade the guitarist's body.
"I'll be outside... try to not use my bed for "fun times" " He said but the other two man were too busy eating their faces to acknowledge him in any way.
Axl barely heard the door closing, he was too focused on how Slash's lip tasted like a whole bottle of Jack and a pack of cigarettes or how his hands were buried in the other man's curls, making Slash purring in his mouth. Quickly their lips weren't gently touching anymore but smashing against each other, the air uncomfortably getting trapped in his lungs and his cheeks turning red.
"I'm taking this forward, okay? Tell me to stop whenever you don't feel up to it anymore." Slash said and Axl nodded, his face relaxing at the thought of having a choice.
Slash's hand traveled to Axl's shirt, his finger played with the hems without actually lifting it while their feet were subconsciously leading them towards the bed. The same bed Izzy forbidden them to touch. Axl tugged Slash's shirt, hating his moment of clarity because he wanted nothing more than to keep kissing, but the other man didn't budge.
"Mh?" He said, interrupting the kiss.
"Izzy would kill us if we touched his bed." Slash sighed and stepped away from Axl. "But maybe we can continue in your room." The redhead added.
Slash's lips immediately turned into a smirk but he hesitated for a minute.
"So we are officially more than fuck buddies? Because I can't deal with another run like the one we had before, I thought you were going to take a plane or kill me!"
"Yes, we are. I might take some time but I promise."
Axl felt Slash's hand on his, squeezing it reassuringly and the cold metal of his ring gave him a weird sense of comfort, he couldn't explain it but it just felt like Slash. He let him guide him to the door as fear slowly left his body.
Izzy's POV
He sat against the door, his head pounding and his eyes tired which was so fucking stupid because everything was solved, there was no need for his body to be so dramatic. He pondered about resting,not sleeping, just to see if it eased the pain of his head.
"Izzy?" The voice was far away but he just ignored it. He was so close to drift away when the voice came back again and louder.
"Izzy!" It sounded familiar but his brain was too exhausted to match any face to the voice.
"I'm sleeping, leave me alone." He replied.
The sound of steps only lasted a couple of seconds before he felt someone sitting next to him, all his reflexes were apparently dull because he didn't react at all. A strong smell of cigarettes and a very specific cologne hit his nostrils and revealed the mysterious man.
"Duff, what are you doing here?" He said, giving up and opening his eyes.
Duff's shoulder dropped in relief, his red eyes holding all the remaining anxiety running through his body. Izzy had no idea if he was about to laugh or cry because having to babysit him sounded like a nightmare.
"Oh thank God you're alive. I was smoking outside the bar and then I noticed Slash running towards the hotel, I thought he was in trouble until I watched him get inside your room."
"Yeah, he is okay. He was just very drunk and he and Axl had to sort something out."
"Is Axl going to kill him? What's going on?"
Izzy's hands started to play with the pack of matches in his hands, he looked Duff right into his eyes with a blank expression while his mind was traveling as fast as light. He didn't want to harm Axl or Slash in any way, even if he always had a good amount of trust in Duff's open mind.
"No. I'm about to say something and it has to stay between us, okay? Axl and Slash are dating.
Duff started laughing and then it turned into wheezing, so much that he had to hold his stomach from it and his eyes started to water with tears. Rage shot through Izzy's body, making his face twist into the scariest impassible expression he was capable of, the one that usually meant he was about to throw hands.
" God, I thought Slash upset Axl or something. I mean, are we even surprised? Those two are behaving like a married couple all the time, fucking finally!"
Izzy didn't even realize he clutched his hands until he relaxed them, Duff's supportive nature came handy once again and he found it hard to suppress the smallest hint of a smile. As much as the bassist was a piece of work, but Izzy couldn't really say anything since he was one too, moments like this reminded him of the weird bond they had about making sure the rest of the band was okay.
Suddenly the door next to him opened, revealing a certain drummer with blonde hair staring at Duff and Izzy with the widest smile.
"Axl and Slash are together?" Steven squealed with excitement.
"Steven, what the hell? You scared me!" Duff said, holding a hand over his heart.
The drummer ignored him to instead close his door and sat across Izzy, eyes full of joy and his body vibrating with energy.
"It's almost 4am why are you awake?" Izzy hoped to distract him.
"I couldn't sleep. So, are Axl and Slash together? How did that happen?"
The guitarist sighed, he pondered if he should have ignored Steven all together but the angel on his shoulder seemed to win, his face softened as he looked at the other man. He went over the story again, his calm voice in total contrast with Steven's continuous face expression even if in a way it made him feel validated in having to deal with those two idiots.
"Wow, I've never knew they were fuck buddies. I mean, one time I saw Slash and a redhead in bed but I thought it was a chick!" Steven said, making Duff laugh again.
Before he could stop it, Izzy felt a small laughter escaping his body as the image of a very naked and dramatic Axl screaming plagued his head. His head moved closer to the door but he couldn't hear much so Izzy returned to focus on Duff and Steven and their very important argument about pizza toppings, but soon their voice became only a background noise and his eyes dropped.
Maybe he was finally able to get some sleep...
The door slammed open, making Izzy's eyes immediately snap open, he turned his body around and he saw Slash's guilty eyes shooting an apology, quickly followed by Axl's confused face. Irritated wasn't even enough to describe the pure heat radiating through his body, but he would have lied if he said that he wasn't relieved by their two friends holding hands.
" What are Duff and Steven doing here?" Axl tilted his head quizzically.
"Duff thought you would kill Slash and Steven wanted a sleepover." Izzy explained and that seemed enough for Slash, who tugged Axl towards their room before the redhead could say anything.
The doorknob almost lured Izzy like a siren as his tired body screamed for some rest, he barely realized his feet moving towards his room before he was distracted by Steven's cheerful voice.
"Wanna join me and Duff in our sleepover?"
"No." He said, closing the door right in his friends' face and falling flat on his bed.
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rhiaemrys · 6 months
So, this year of f1 (which happens to be my first year but I've been attempting to do my research on other ones) seems to be shaping up to be filled with cardboard boxes of cars, especially for some people. This post is specifically for my memory/entertainment, and so I can use this as a reference when ranting to irls. That being said, I'm going to attempt to summarize as many of the Australian gp 2024 car failures/iconic moments/general large moments as I can remember because this is wild to me:
(Please feel free to add more. I live for the fun race moments. Also, I apologize if I missquote anything, Im trying to type as the race occurs)
1. Long before the race even began, Alex Albon wrecked his car, causing MASSIVE damage to the chassis and was told to take over Logan Sergeant's car. This happened on Albons birthday. Horrible for Sergeant, absolutely hysterical that it was on Albons birthday. Like, congrats!!! Here's your teammates car!
2. Max Verstappen's right break went up in like actual flames, forcing him to retire to the joy of many who don't like him and the absolute horror of literally every red bull fan ever
3. Hamiltons engine (to me) audibly went pop, and he had to retire. (Before this, they put him on softs to start, which like. I barely know tire strats at all, but even I had visible question marks)
4. Esteban Ocons breaks started to go boom but got fixed during a pit stop. This does not mean that Alpine managed to be successful in any way (<-said with mild amusement)
5. Russell running into a wall (he is a-okay, they got him into a medical car asap) bc of some oversteering/lower entrance speed from alonso, causing the race to be finished under a virtual safety car as Russells car was on its side in the middle of the track
Things that I just found funny in general:
1. Both merc drivers being mind boggled/lightly astonished by how fast Checos car was going with Russell calling it a rocket ship.
2. Random cut to Zac Efron in a Red Bull hat
3. Worlds fastest three car battle between Fernando Alonso (doing his absolute best to annihilate in the Aston Martin), Checo (in the local rocket ship), and Leclerc (just pitted, was the #2).
4. Saubers utter inability to have a pit stop under 10 seconds. Both Zhou Guanyu and Valtteri Bottas were victimized severely. (Oh my god, the sky commentators "ring the church bells sauber just did a pit stop that wasn't a complete disaster" and it was a 3.8s pit)
5. Extra wheel nut went rolling cross the Sauber garage, and it made it seem like they lost one on Valtteri's stop (The wheel nut that made a bid for freedom - thank you sky sports commentators)
6. "Nice to see the Haas cars racing [long pause] and not going backward on their wheels" - once again, sky sports continue to be hysterical
7. Cut to ferrari fans in clown wigs and noses.
8. Carlos Sainz being absolutely off the rails and winning a race, not even two weeks off appendicitis surgery
9. "There's a lot of world championships... as spectators" - referring to Hamilton and Verstappen watching mildly listlessly at the race, one more than the other
As previously stated feel free to lemme know about moments I missed or your favorite moments in general!! Hope it was a great race day for everyone!
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ficsandgiggles · 2 years
Training Cramps
“Hey! Could I maybe request a fic where Natasha accidentally finds out that reader is super ticklish when she offers to give reader a foot massage after training? Maybe she teases the reader for snorting when they laugh too? Thank you!” I hope you enjoy anon 💕
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“You okay, Y/N?” Natasha asked as you hobbled into the lounge, freshly showered and now just chilling in your cosy crop top and shorts. Although you were thankful that Natasha had agreed to take you under her wing and train you up to kick butt, she never failed to push you to and almost past your limit.
This time, you had the most awful foot cramp, which was triggered by you smacking your foot on your step into the shower. You had been in immense pain ever since, and no matter how hard you tried to hide it, your limp had immediately caught your mentors attention.
“Yeah… just kicked my foot like a dumbass.” You replied, sitting down on the couch next to her as you tried massaging it yourself, but wincing as it made the cramp worse.
Natasha looked at you, feeling bad as she knew she had pushed you over your limit today, she patted her lap. “Here, let me see what I can do.” She offered, making you nod and put your cramped foot onto her lap. You were slightly nervous due to knowing how sensitive you were, you just hoped that Nat’s touch was deep enough to relax you.
Nat immediately began to massage you, working carefully with the area you were cramping. “You did really well today, Y/N, I may have to make your training slightly harder.” She commented with a reassuring smile as she continued to rub your feet, gently but firmly working out any knots she found.
Eventually, she decided to try something that she finds feels amazing, one by one, she grabbed a toe and gently pulled it, causing it to pop.
However, she stopped briefly when she noticed that you were flinching the second she touched each toe. She had her suspicions about what was going on, but she still chose to question you with a raised eyebrow.
“Is everything okay, Y/N? Is your cramp really that bad that it’s impacting your toes?” She asked, discreetly poking the next toe, making you flinch once more, this time a smile was attempting to form.
“Yeah yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry…” You replied quickly, watching her closely as she kept attempt to pop your toes, but she stopped completely once she had finished on one foot.
“Alright then, how about this, you have to try and get out of this hold.” Natasha started, putting the foot she was holding into a headlock. “Whilst I do this.” She finished with a smirk, before scribbling into your sole.
You shrieked and yanked at your trapped foot, bursting into hysterical giggles and thus confirming Natasha’s suspicions, you twisted from side to side in an attempt to get away.
“WAHAHAHAHAIT NOHOHOHOHO!” You laughed out, squealing when Nat now wriggled her fingers into your toes, making sure underneath and in between got just as much attention.
“But this can be a really good way to help you with training! I may have to integrate this in!” She beamed, now moving her wriggling fingers up to your knees, squeezing into the spot just above it, which caused you to snort and kick out.
“Aw! I made you snort~” the Black Widow teased, using both hands to squeeze into that awful spot, making you squeal with giggles and attempt to pull away.
“NAHAHAHATASHAHAHAHA I WIHIHIHILL EHEHEHEND YOHOHOHOU!” You threatened, but your words had no meaning as Nat had now spidered up to your thighs and gently squeezed in, whilst occasionally wriggling her fingers in. The ginger spy just raised her eyebrows and squeezed in at a quicker pace.
“You really think your cute little threats scare me?” She asked teasingly, before suddenly darting her fingers up to your hips to squeeze in rapidly, before moving to dance her fingers up and down your sides.
You continued to snort and squeal, wriggling around helplessly as your giggles poured out. You blushed madly as you heard Natasha coo whenever you snorted, which often made you snort again. However, your real laughter came out the second Nat scribbled her fingers into your belly.
“Oh right here, huh?” She asked you with a grin, having the cheek to move her fingers up your top to scribble into the bare skin, which made you shriek with laughter, not considering how much worse the sensation would be until it was way too late.
You lightly hit at Natasha’s hands as you wriggled from side to side, laughing hysterically with the occasional snort, yet you weren’t hating this. You felt like you had to grow and mature incredibly quickly and you missed out on the innocent parts of childhood, so moments like these really made you feel lighter.
Nat smiled fondly as she now dug into your ribs. “You know, you can tell me to stop at any time.” She commented, her voice non judgmental and sweet. She knew you liked it and had a feeling she’d be tickling you a lot more often, but it was okay, it was nice to see you laugh like this.
You blushed madly, making more of an attempt to stop her now, but her fingers on your ribs made it almost impossible to escape from her playful torture, so you just lay there, giggling and shaking your head.
Eventually though, you ran out of breath, and you gave Natasha one last shove before falling into silent laughter. Thankfully, Nat could tell you were tired and let you up, pulling you onto her lap and giving you a little squeeze.
“Well that was just adorable.” She whispered, giving your neck a quick raspberry before she kissed your cheek with a grin, causing you to squeal in surprise and blush happily, leaning back into Natasha’s arms.
“I’m not afraid to do that again though, so I’ll bring out the tickle monster in me more often, okay?” She asked with a teasing smile, before cuddling you close, turning the tv on to watch whatever was on.
You blushed madly, not being able to do anything but nod in response, you didn’t hate that at all, and you felt a lot closer to Natasha now after all that, almost like she was your big sister. You couldn’t help but wonder if she felt the same about you.
That was a conversation to have at another time though, for now, you were just thankful for her company and cuddles as you fully relaxed for the first time in a while.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Made By Hand, Made With Love
Summary: Josele makes clothes as a gift for a very special little someone. Genre: general, humorous Word count: ~1100 A/N: Ida Faust is @marune2's oc.
Josele held her breath as she finished the last of the stitches on her latest project. She wanted it to come out as the best thing it could possibly be.
Soft cotton fabric. Little, pink ruffles. A pure white petticoat. A charming, sailor collar. A giant bow around the stomach, perfect for the gift of a person who'd wear the dress. And a matching headband to top it all off.
“And done!” Josele exclaimed in delight. She stepped away from the mannequin wearing her finished work. Seeing it in full, Josele let out a squeal. “Yes!”
Gwenith walked up behind Josele and let out a giggle.
“How adorable,” Gwenith remarked as she poked and prodded at the dress. “But... This is the third baby's dress you've made.” She gave her daughter a side-eye. “You're a little young to be thinking of children, young lady.”
“M-mom!” Josele squawked and was beet red in seconds. “I'm not gonna have—!
“Well, so long as it's with those Faust boys, at least you'll be provided for,” Gwenith went on with a hand touching her cheek, ignoring Josele's frantic gesturing.
“Mooooom! I-I'm not dating Nacht or Morgen!” Josele yelped. “I like them but—! I don't even know if they—!” She covered her face and threw her head back. “It's for Ida, Mom!”
“Yes, yes.” Gwenith laughed and patted Josele on the head. “I'm just teasing, sweetie.” Gwenith pushed Josele's head to an upright position then waited for her daughter to look her in the eyes. Josele's bright blush combined with a pouting expression made her look like she was three instead of thirteen. “Sorry about that. I just... You're so obvious with those boys.”
“I can't help it! They're just so—!” Josele covered her face again and let out a sound between a screech and squeal. Then, she shook her head. “E-enough about Momo and Nachty though! I've gotta deliver this dress to Ida!” She hurriedly, but still carefully, removed the dress form the dummy before running to get a box to carry it in.
Gwenith watched her daughter with a smile. It warmed Gwenith's heart to see Josele wear her own on her sleeve, no fear or hesitation. She hoped her feelings, those sweet and sublime depths of love, would reach the Faust boys eventually. But for the time being, Gwenith would watch her daughter's friendship with the Faust children grow.
“Ta-da!” Josele spun around with Ida, dolled up in her new dress, perched in her arms. “One adorable baby sister in an adorable dress!”
Morgen clasped his hands together and he let out a high-pitched “aaawww!” His smile, completely endeared by Ida, was blinding. Nacht, meanwhile, slapped a hand over his mouth to hold in his laughter.
“What's with that look?” Josele asked with a tilt of her head. “Does the dress not look good?” She lifted Ida higher and looked her over.
Ida smiled and flapped her arms a little, seeming to enjoy the feeling of being carried. Her piercing blue eyes stood out against the soft shades of pink she'd been wrapped in. It looked okay to Josele…
“No,” Nacht managed to say. “It's just… Pfffffftt! Pink is not Ida's color!”
“Nonsense! I think Ida looks wonderful! Like the camellias in the garden,” Morgen said, causing Nacht to burst out in hysterics.
“Oh please! A flower?” Nacht roared. His laughter seemed to infect Ida as she began to giggle and babble along with him. “See? Even Ida agrees!” He stepped forward and poked Ida’s face. “You’re not a delicate little flower, are you, Ida? Nuh-uh. You’re a fierce little gremlin!”
Ida squirmed and gurgled a bit before she managed to plop her hand over Nacht’s eye, making him yelp and pull back. Morgen and Josele, despite wincing at Nacht’s plight, still found themselves laughing.
“I think she’s actually disagreeing with you,” commented Morgen. He then stepped forward and let Ida grab his index finger. “She knows she’s our cute, angelic baby sister.” He pressed a kiss to Ida’s forehead before moving his gaze to Josele. “Thank you, Josie. You really didn’t have to do this though.” His eyes were soft, sympathetic to her.
“But I wanted to!”
“But doesn’t it cost you?” Nacht asked, stepping closer so the three teens were in a circle. “Couldn’t you be making money off something like this?”
Josele shrugged. “It’s a gift. I don’t care about the cost. Besides…” She passed along Ida so Morgen could carry her. “The sight of your sister looking as cute as she does now… Can you really put a price on that?”
Nacht and Morgen looked down at Ida who sat happily in her brother’s arms, cooing and babbling without a care in the world. The brothers let the sight sink in and they smiled.
“Priceless indeed,” whispered Morgen.
Nacht nodded and once again poked Ida’s cheek.
Ida finished the last sip of her coffee while reading the morning paper. The news wasn’t all that enticing. Just the same, recycled stories.
“Ida~!” Josele sing-songed from the entrance to Ida’s room. The woman leaned her head into the open door frame. “I have something exciting to show you!”
“A dead body?” Ida asked with a cheeky grin.
“… Not as exciting as that…” Josele walked in and that’s when Ida noticed her holding something behind her back. “I found something while cleaning up around the house.”
That’s when Josele showed it.
The rosy pink dress with the ruffles and petticoat and giant bow around the stomach. It was unbearably cute. And so very different from who Ida was.
Quietly, Ida set down her newspaper and mug.
“Isn’t it amazing that it’s still intact?” Josele asked while admiring her old work. “I might need to touch it up a bit…”
“That won’t be necessary, Josy,” Ida uttered while rising from her seat. “We can get rid of it.”
“Are you crazy?” Josele yelped and hugged the dress to her body. “I made this myself! Not only that, but if I have a daughter, then she could wear it!” A giggle left Josele’s lips at the thought. “Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”
“Mm, no. I’d rather forget that dress ever existed.” Ida walked over to Josele and reached for the dress. “C’mon, lemme toss it.”
“No way, Ida! We’re keeping it!”
“What the hell, Josy? Wasn’t it a gift to me? So don’t I decide what happens to it?” Ida asked, her ire beginning to grow.
“Then you can gift it back to me and my future daughters,” Josele argued as she held the dress behind her.
“That’s not how it fucking works!”
“Yes it is!”
Ida lunged for Josele and the older woman pivoted away then booked it out of the room.
“I won’t let you ruin it, Ida!”
“Josy! I don’t want that thing embarrassing me anymore!”
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renee-writer · 2 months
Awake Chapter 138 A Talk with Tanya
“I invited Tanya by to talk after church today,” She tells Edward as they walk into the house, “you are welcome to stay but don’t have too.”
“Are you playing matchmaker?” He grins at her.
“No, I just know she is hurting. I want to help, if I can. Even if it is just by listening.”
“I did what I had to do Bella. If I had it to do all over, I would have stopped it before it started.”
“I know. You are being responsible and aren’t perfect, despite what I used to think.”
“You thought I was perfect?”
“Yes, but I know better now. It is okay to make mistakes as long as you do keep making the same ones.”
“Why I stopped seeing Tanya.”
“I know. That was good. I just want to help her, if I can.”
“You are such a good woman. I believe I will leave to make it easier on her. Thank you for the opportunity to go to church. It was a great blessing.”
“Anytime Edward, anytime.” She hugs him with the hand not cradling Faith. He kisses her forehead and slips into the nursery to say goodbye to the boys who Jacob is putting down for a nap before slipping out the door.
Tanya knocks on it a half hour later.
“We have missed you around here.” Jacob greets her.
“Hi Tanya.” Bella greets her with a hug that she stiffens under.  She frowns wondering what she did to upset her.
“Bella.” Short and curt.
“Wow, I thought we were heading towards friendship. What happened?” Bella thinks.
“Would you like to have a seat in the living room?” She shrugs like it doesn’t matter but she follows them. The couple take a seat on the couch while their guest sits across from them.
“So, why did you want to see me?”
“I just wanted to check in with you. Having heard what happened, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Why should I be? If he didn’t still love you, he would be with me. I just don’t get it. Maybe you could help by explaining it to me. How can you go from loving Edward so much to having babies and a marriage with another man?”
“That is complicated but I will explain if it will help.”
Starting out with the night before the fight and ending after they returned from that first weekend, she does.
“ You were trying to push me away?” Jake didn’t know that.
“Yes, but it all worked out.”
“The baby was Edward’s idea?”
“Yes completely. He thought it would help me get over Jake.”
“It obviously didn’t work.”
“No, it had the opposite affect. I mean, I knew, we knew that conceiving the boys would change things. We just didn’t anticipation how much I loved Jake then. I knew that and Edward did. That was the main reason we were together that weekend. I didn’t know, or maybe didn’t  want to admit how much I loved him and needed him. After I could no longer deny my feelings.”
“I can imagine how he reacted to that, considering it was all his idea.”
“Yeah, well that wasn’t easy. He kept holding out hope thinking after they were born, I would come to him. Then after they were weaned, even after we were married, he thought I would after they were grown.”
“What finally changed his mind?”
“Finding out we were planning on having another baby.”
“Ah, that would be a shock.”
“Yes, it was. I still feel bad about how he found out even not knowing what could have been done differently. After I spend all night crying hysterically over Jake, he knew something had to be done.”
It is good to know the whole story even though it doesn’t change anything between him and I.”
“I wish there was a way to fix that.”
“I just don’t see why he can’t let you go,” she bluntly says, “you have obviously moved on. Seeing you naked I am sure didn’t help.”
Jacob was sitting quietly beside Bella, letting her tell their story until this comment. He gets involved.
“Do you think she meant for that to happen? She went into labor. It wasn’t done to seduce Edward.”
“No, I know it wasn’t. It doesn’t change the facts though.”
“The facts are helping Faith be born has drawn him closer to God, not Bella.” His body is trembling.
“Calm Jake.” Bella lays her hand on his arm.
“Calm. Right. Sorry.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I know it was mainly physical for him but it wasn’t for me. This hurts.”
“I am sorry too. Sorry you were hurt. I know how you feel.” Bella says.
“I know you do. I don’t have a Jacob waiting in the wings,” She stands, “I am going. Thank you for sharing your story. It helped me understand.”
“You’re welcome. We are here if you need us.” She rises to see her out but she is already gone.
“Well, that was interesting.” Jake says.
“I wanted to help. I’m not sure I did.”
“You told her what she asked to hear. You offered to be here for her.” She hears something in his voice.
“You don’t approve.”
“No. I think she blames you for Edward leaving her.”
“You really think so?”
“I do. She can’t blame him or herself. She won’t blame God. Who does that leave?”
“I can’t help what happened.”
“No, and don’t blame yourself either. She will have to work it out.” He draws her into his arms we’re she nods agreement.
“I couldn’t delivered Faith alone in the bathtub. There was nothing else I could have done.”
“Nothing. Not a thing. This is not your problem. It is hers. She will work out how she feels.”
0 notes
skz317cb97 · 2 years
The Cocktail Party
Jisung x female reader
Word count: 5.6k
A/N: 18+ only! I've been destroying you all with a lot of angst lately so here's a funny Jisung fic to make everything better! I hope you all think it's funny and enjoy reading it! If you do be sure to like, reblog, comment, send me an ask, whatever! I love hearing from you guys! Warnings and smut below the cut!
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Warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY! Stong language/cursing, protected piv sex, alluding to cheating but no actual cheating, oral (m&f receiving) semi-public sex, coming on mc, cum eating, name calling (whore,slut). I think that's it but as always if I missed anything let me know and I will be sure to add it to the warnings!
Changbin was one of your best friends but even you had to admit sometimes the man had a big mouth. On this particular occasion that his mouth had over run itself he had a big work event coming up. A cocktail party his boss was throwing. All the higher ups in the company were going to be there as well as his own team and Changbin had run his mouth to his work buddies just a little too hard saying he had a ‘hot date’ he was bringing. Which he absolutely did not and that’s where you came in. A couple of days before his boss's party Changbin called you BEGGING for you to go as his ‘date’. 
“Please Y/N!? I thought I’d be able to get a date before it was time but it turns out to get a date you have to actually leave work, go out, and meet people.” You were seriously considering letting Changbin eat his words and learn his lesson on this one.  
“You forgot you also have to be charming.” Changbin scoffed. 
“Ouch, you wound me. Please, you know I’m the most charming man you know! Pretty please Y/N I’ll owe you big time!” You weren’t sold. Your couch sounded better this weekend. 
“Bin I don’t know...” You didn’t have to see Changbin to know the face he was making when he spoke next. 
“Y/NNNN-ie!!! PLEEEEAASSSE! It’ll be fun! There’s gonna be an open bar and finger foods, you love fancy shit like that. Come onnnnn!” While big mouth Changbin was a handful, whiney Changbin was by far your least favorite Changbin. 
“Binnie, I don’t have anything nice to wear and I won’t know anyone. I don’t th-” Changbin cut you off. 
“I’ll take you dress shopping, my treat! And I promise to be by your side the whole night! SWEAR!” You really had no reason to say no at that point. Free drinks, you get a new dress, and an excuse to doll yourself up? Also, to be fair Changbin was always helping you if you had any heavy lifting and what not and he was fun at a party. 
“Okay Bin. You buy the dress and promise you won’t ditch me with strangers and I’ll go.” You could hear his giddy little noises through the phone. 
“I PROMISE!” You let out a defeated sigh. 
“Seriously, if you ditch me Bin, I’ll tell all your work buddies you’re into... Dendrophilia or something.” He laughed nervously. 
“What-ophilia now?” You started laughing hysterically. 
“It means you’re sexually aroused by trees.” Changbin’s nervous laughter continued. 
“You... you wouldn’t really though.” You got very quiet on the line. 
“Don’t test me Seo. Pick me up when you get off work for dress shopping and don’t forget your credit card. Byeeee!” You hung up before he could say anything else. 
That was how you found yourself on Changbin’s arm at a cocktail party, in your new dress, munching on hors d’oeuvres, and sipping from a champagne flute that was definitely not your first of the night. You almost aspirated your champagne when Changbin’s arm snaked around your waist and pulled you tightly against his side. You looked at his hand gripping your hip and back up at him. 
“What in the fresh fuck do you think you’re doing Seo Changbin!?” He pressed his face into your hair and whispered. 
“This is one of my buddies walking up. Laugh and act like I’m whispering something devastatingly witty in your ear.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes before throwing your head back and letting out the most over the top convincing flirtatious laugh you could manage, slapping your hand against Changbin’s chest way harder than necessary, making him wince as his friend approached you. 
“Oh my god Binnie-babe you’re SO DEVISTATINGLY witty!” Changbin gave you a glare and you smiled at him. You grabbed one of the hors d’oeuvres being offered and took a bite very pleased with your performance. That was when you looked up and saw the work friend Changbin was talking about. You almost choked on your crab toast when you saw him. He was beautiful. He had chestnut colored hair that was mostly swept back aside from a few rogue pieces that had fallen in his face. He had a baby face and the cutest chubby cheeks with a beaming, toothy, smile that was infectious and made his big brown eyes light up. He wasn’t tall but he had long legs and his broad shoulders and chest were in stark contrast to his tiny waist. The suit he was wearing was definitely doing him favors. The cut of the blazer complimented the width of his shoulders and the one button closure drew attention to his lithe waist.  
Jisung was not blind either. He had definitely noticed that you were absolutely breath taking when he was walking up. He was a little surprised that Changbin hadn’t been telling tall tales again when he said he had a hot date. You were indeed VERY hot in the emerald green satin wrap dress Changbin had bought you. It had thin delicate straps and the front was draped and hung loosely, showing a decent amount of your cleavage. It had a strappy open back and a slit on one side showing one of your gorgeous thighs. Jisung had to make sure and not drool when he spoke. 
“Well now I know that’s not her first glass Bin. You? Witty?” You cracked a smile at the dig his friend took and Changbin rolled his eyes. 
“I don’t have to get my dates drunk for them to think I’m funny Hannie, but it doesn’t hurt.” They both laughed and shook hands firmly pulling each other in for a quick ‘bro’ hug which consisted of each giving one hard smack on the other’s back before pulling away and the attention falling back on you. Changbin pulled you close again and introduced you. 
“This is my date, Y/N. Y/N this is my good friend Han Jisung. We work on the same development team but he’s one of the very few coworkers I can stand to hang out with outside of work also.” Jisung nodded and smiled at you offering his hand to shake.  
“Nice to meet you Y/N!” You downed the rest of your champagne and placed the empty glass on a passing waiter's tray before ignoring Jisung’s hand and going in for a hug instead. He was surprised at first but politely hugged you back. Awkwardly smiling at Changbin. He couldn’t help the way his heart rate picked up a little when he was close enough to smell your shampoo and perfume. His hands innocently grazed your exposed back when he hugged you and it made you shiver a little giving you goosebumps. 
“It’s nice to meet YOU Jisung.” You shamelessly squeezed his biceps and smiled, shooting him a sly wink when you pulled away from the hug. Jisung smiled at you nervously and swallowed hard his adam’s apple bobbing with the effort. Your eyes lingered on each other a little too long it seemed because Changbin cleared his throat and pulled you back into his side effectively snapping you both out of your daze. Jisung’s eyes went wide realizing he was ogling his friend’s date and tried to quickly recover. 
“SO! Uh... um have you guys been dating long?” Well, this was awkward. You and Changbin hadn’t really thought of a backstory for this whole production not thinking about the fact people may ask when or how you met. You both answered quickly. 
“No.” “Yes.” Jisung looked at both of you confused and Changbin laughed nervously. 
“Uh well I mean we’ve known each other for a long time but the dating is recent. Isn’t that right cupcake?” You internally rolled your eyes at the nick name but smiled and agreed. 
“It sure is sexy pants.” You slapped Changbin on the ass and his ears got red. Thankfully before things could get too out of hand Jisung looked over Changbin’s shoulder and noticed their boss. 
“Oo Bin, there’s Mr. Ming now. He’s three sheets, you should go talk to him about that quarterly bonus for our department. If we get it we can finally get that new software!” Changbin looked over his shoulder and spotted their boss and then looked back at you biting his lip remembering his promise.  
“I know I promised I wouldn’t leave you but it’s actually REALLY important for me to go talk about this privately with him. Would it be alright if I left you here with Jisung?” You were ecstatic about the idea of getting some alone time with Jisung. 
“It’s fine Binnie go do your thing. I’ll be okay here with Jisung.” He looked between the two of you nervously for a second not sure if he should really go, not wanting to upset you by breaking his promise. When he was certain you meant what you said he leaned in, gave you a side hug and a quick peck on the cheek. 
“You’re not gonna tell him I'm a hemophiliac are you?” You laughed, shook your head no, and pushed him towards his boss. 
“I’ll be right back I swear!” You nodded and shooed him away to go do his job and then turned back towards Jisung. 
“Changbin has a blood condition he’s sensitive about?” You put your hand on your chest, threw your head back and genuinely laughed. Jisung loved the way it sounded and he couldn’t help his eyes following your hand, glancing at your soft breasts peeking from the top of your dress before he quickly averted his gaze. 
“No no, he meant dendrophilia.” You said as you tried to get a hold of yourself. Jisung’s face contorted. 
“He gets off to trees?!” You laughed even harder doubling over. The loosely draped front of your dress hung down and Jisung could see even more of the silky skin hiding underneath. His dick got a little hard and his face felt warm. He hoped he wasn’t visibly blushing. He needed to get a hold of himself. You were with Changbin, his friend. Jisung was NOT this kind of guy. 
“Oh my god! You know what that means!?” You couldn’t stop laughing. Jisung laughed nervously with you.  
“Oh, uh, well...” You wiped your tears away. 
“He doesn’t really, it’s just... it’s just a little inside joke between us.” You decided to go with that as you tried to catch your breath. You noticed Jisung’s face was flushed, his cheeks a soft shade of pink that you found endearing. You couldn’t help yourself, you wanted to push his buttons a little more, see how red you could make those cute cheeks and who knows maybe even get lucky. 
“I mean even if he did... everyone gets off to something...right?” Jisung could no longer look you in the eye, he gave a tiny nod as he looked behind you at Changbin talking to Mr. Ming, trying to keep your conversation from going off the rails into territory it most certainly shouldn’t with his friend’s date. 
“Yea... I... uh... I mean... sure... uh...” He was so flustered it was adorable. He looked like an absolute stud in that suit but he blushed like a teenaged boy when you said anything remotely provocative. Jisung took a big drink of his champagne trying to regain some kind of moisture that had suddenly completely disappeared from his mouth and you decided to strike the final blow. You ran your fingers between his lapel and his jacket and smoothed his tie, all of which was just an excuse to touch his firm chest.  
“What do you like getting off to Jisungie?” Your voice was sweet and sticky like honey. Jisung turned his head away, choked, and spit his drink back into his glass. 
“Wha...uh...I...I...” You ran your hand down his lapel again this time not being shy about the fact you were indeed feeling his chest muscles. He couldn’t answer so you decided to continue to share your own thoughts with him. 
“I like getting off to pretty cocks.” You looked Jisung right in his eyes as he continued to stand there absolutely speechless. You leaned in and whispered in his ear as you ran your hand from his chest, down his abs, and stopping at the waist of his slacks. You slid two fingers between the waist of his pants and his body and ran them across his hip. 
“I bet YOU have a really pretty cock. Don’t you Sungie?” Your warm breath tickled the side of his neck. How did you make something so dirty sound so sweet especially when you called him Sungie. Jisung’s dick was instantly rock hard and he let out an involuntary whimper. You almost couldn’t contain yourself when you heard the noise he made. Jisung was starting to sweat. He couldn’t believe you were being so bold when Changbin was right there. He looked over at Changbin and their boss again. Changbin was completely absorbed in the conversation they were having and had long stopped glancing over to check on you. Why would he? He left his date in the care of his completely capable and trustworthy friend. Suddenly Jisung was aware you had said something to him. 
“Wha-what?” He stuttered trying and absolutely failing to get a grip while still watching Changbin over your shoulder. 
“The bathroom Jisung can you show me where it is?” It sounded like an innocent enough request. 
“Oh. Uh. Yea follow me.” You slid your arm around Jisung’s as he led you towards the back of the party where the bathrooms were. Jisung was trying to be a good friend. He really REALLY was. He stopped at the end of the hall and pointed. 
“So, uh. They’re back that way. If you need me I’ll...” You grabbed a hold of Jisung’s tie and gently pulled it as you walked backwards down the hall towards the bathrooms. He slowly followed looking back again to see if Changbin was anywhere to be found, hoping maybe he would show up and keep him from making a terrible mistake he was certain to make otherwise. 
“Come, show me.” You smiled sweetly but there was something in your eyes that spelled trouble for Jisung. 
“Uh...um...okay.” When you got to the bathroom you pushed the door open with your ass and pulled him in with you. As soon as the door was closed you pushed him against it and kissed him. Jisung’s hands were up by his head like he was being stuck up by a robber, TRYING to not touch you no matter how badly he really wanted to. Your lips softly slotted against his and as hard as he tried to resist the urge, his lips melted into yours and he kissed you back. You slid your hands over his shoulders under his jacket pushing it off and tossing it over onto the counter by the sink. Your lips parted and you looked at him with the biggest ‘fuck me’ eyes he’d ever seen. 
“Touch me Jisung...” He looked at you, running his hands through his hair completely frustrated about the situation he was in. 
“I...I... but Bin... we shouldn’t...” You ran your fingers through Jisung’s hair and pulled him in for another kiss. Your tongue traced his lips before entering and tasting his mouth. That was it he’d had enough. 
“Fuck it!” He locked the bathroom door and then turned back and pulled you against his firm body as he devoured your lips. He slid his tongue into your mouth and your groaned as he gripped your ass and started sliding the skirt of your dress up, caressing your skin with his fingertips while you worked at his belt and pants. 
“God.... we... we shouldn’t be doing this... it’s not... it’s not right... Changbin... he’s my friend... this is wrong...” Jisung spoke in between kissing your lips stating how wrong it was but not stopping. 
“Shhhh shhh... don’t think Ji...” You got on your knees as you pulled his pants down to his ankles. You could see the outline of his erection through his underwear it was...big. You pulled on the waist band of his underwear and drug those down to join his pants around his ankles. When you saw his dick you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face. It was smooth and so hard, already leaking precum and you hadn’t even really touched him yet. You had to taste him. You licked your palm and grabbed his shaft softly stroking him. 
“I just KNEW you had a pretty cock Sungie. Mmm and it’s so BIG!” That sweet voice again. He thought it was going to be the death of him. That is until you wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock and gave it a soft suck collecting his precum on your tongue before you popped off and swallowed. 
“Yummm.” You went back for more. This time you took more of his cock into your mouth and started bobbing your head. You pressed your tongue against the bottom of Jisung’s dick while sucking and hollowing your cheeks as you gave him the best head he’d ever had in his life. He gathered your hair and pulled it out of your face so he could watch you take his cock. 
“Fuck, look at me beautiful, let me see your eyes.” You looked up at Jisung as you swallowed even more of him, the tip grazing the back of your throat a little. You pulled off his dick and stroked his shaft firmly while giving the head teasing little licks. 
“God! I want to deep throat you so bad Sungie, I just want to gag and choke on this pretty dick but we can’t mess up my make-up now can we?” You kissed his cock and winked at him. 
“Next time.” You swallowed him down again and Jisung pulled your hair tighter and gently started fucking your face making sure not to go too deep. 
“Ooooohhh fuck fuck we can’t... we... mmm God yes suck it just like that for me. Yes baby suck on me just like that.” When Jisung started flooding your mouth with precum you pulled away from his cock with another little pop and licked your swollen lips. 
“Damn you taste so good Ji.” He helped you off your knees and kissed you as he slid the straps of your dress down your shoulders. His lips trailed down your jaw and neck. He gently sucked the soft spot right under your ear and it made you weak. Jisung pulled the top of your dress down around your waist ecstatic to find you braless. 
“Fuck me beautiful...” You smirked and started unbuttoning his shirt. 
“If you insist.” Once you had Jisung’s shirt off you ran your hands over his bulging pectoral muscles. You had thought he looked good in the suit, naked he was like a demi God. You kissed him as he backed you up against the counter, then lifted and sat you on it. Jisung leaned you back and pushed your skirt up so that your whole dress was bunched around your waist now. He ran his fingers over your clothed pussy and felt the dampness that was already soaking through your black satin panties. He pushed your panties to the side and drug his fingers through your folds. You threw your head back, it felt like his fingertips were electrically charged when they touched your throbbing cunt. He pulled them back out and sucked your juices off, closing his eyes and savoring the taste of you. The growl that came from him just before he dove into your dripping sex made you gush arousal before his mouth had even made contact with your pussy. His tongue was wide and flat and pushed firmly against your clit as he lapped at you, latching onto you and sucking before flattening his tongue against your clit again. His mouth practically covered your cunt as he licked and sucked at every part of you that made you twitch under him. 
“OH MY GOD!” You clamped your hands over your mouth. The door was locked but you still didn’t want anyone knowing what you were doing in there. Jisung continued to drink you in and pushed a finger inside of you. 
“Fuck your dripping for me beautiful.” He pushed another finger in and pumped them into you as his mouth latched back on to your clit, still using the same licking and sucking combo that was making you bite your fist to keep quiet. 
“Cum for me... wanna taste it... cum on my tongue.” If his words weren’t enough to send you, the sucking and fingering was. You fell into a chasm of ecstasy as Jisung continued making out with your pussy, licking and finger fucking you through your orgasm until you went limp on the counter. He stood up and pulled you towards him, kissing you, his tongue giving your mouth a very similar treatment that it had just given your cunt. You could taste yourself on his lips. 
“Fuck me Ji. Please fuck me baby...” You kissed him down his jaw and neck, running your tongue over his collar bone as you tugged at his hair, giving yourself better access to the places you wanted to kiss him. Jisung was having an internal debate again. He can’t fuck you, you’re with Changbin, it’s so wrong. But he can still taste you on his tongue and you were begging for his cock so sweetly. He reached down and grabbed the pants he’d kicked off and got a condom out of his pocket. You bit your plush red lips as you watched him open and roll the condom down his dick. 
“Such a pretty cock Jisungie. Can’t wait to feel it stretch me open.” Jisung grabbed your hips and pulled your ass to the edge of the counter. You let out a small gasp when he pushed the head of his cock into you. 
“Fuck! Pretty and big mmm...” Jisung sank into you slowly, allowing you time to adjust to his length. When he was fully buried in you he gripped your hips, pulled out, and gave you a hard thrust. The gasp you let out this time was equal parts surprise and pleasure. So, he wasn’t afraid to be a little rough with you. It made your pussy tremble with excitement. Jisung could feel your walls clenching and fluttering around his cock as he set a steady pace fucking into you. He thrusted into you hard again and you clenched harder. 
“Oh, so you like it hard and deep huh?” You bit your lips and shook your head. 
“Jisung...” You pulled him in and kissed him.  
“I want you to fuck me stupid.” Your lips were pressed to his as you spoke your desires. His eyes rolled up in his head and he groaned. Your words made his cock twitch inside you. 
“Wrap your legs around me beautiful.” You did as he said. 
“Yea that’s it and your arms around me here, yea? Good girl.” Jisung lifted you off the counter and without any warning proceeded to fuck you absolutely stupid just like you asked. All you could do was hold on as he held you up and pounded into you at a break neck speed. The way he was fucking you was exquisite, not even your vibrator could compare with how good it felt every time Jisung buried his dick into you hard and fast. It wasn’t long before you were being pushed to the edge again. 
“Ji... Ji... yes... yes... Yessss... fuck me baby... I’m... I’m gonna cum... I’m gonna cum!” Jisung kept fucking you hard and fast like he didn’t even hear you. He did but he wasn’t stopping now, he had to feel you cum on his cock. 
“Cum for me beautiful make a mess on my cock, fucking soak me gorgeous!” You squeezed yourself tightly against Jisung, clinging to him like a koala as your orgasm tore through you. Jolts and shivers running through your body as he kept up his relentless pace, not only fucking you and prolonging your mind-altering orgasm but chasing his own. He laid you back on the counter, you were absolutely soaked, he slid in and out of you so easily as he continued to fuck your dripping hole. The way your walls squeezed his cock, it was the best thing Jisung had ever felt. When your brain could function again you started coaching him into his own climax.  
“Sungie cum for me baby, I want it please, so bad, cum for me right here.” You pulled your panties back showing him your cunt. 
“Wanna see you paint me Ji, cum all over my pussy baby, that’s right baby cum for me, yes... yes Ji cum...” Jisung grunted and pulled out of you pulling off the condom and stroking his cock over your flushed and swollen cunt. You pulled your panties out of the way more so he had a clear shot to cum on your pussy. He pumped his cock in his hand hard and fast and then let out the prettiest moan as his load shot across your pussy lips. It covered your mound and clit and dripped down your slit. You ran your fingers through his cum and sucked it off as Jisung shuddered and shook through the last of his orgasm. You dipped your fingers into your folds and gathered more of both your cum, sucking it from your digits and going back for more until you were all clean. It was the sexiest thing Jisung ever saw in his life and it was immediately followed by the biggest freak out of his life. 
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I can’t believe we just did that! Fuck!” Post nut clarity about what he’d just done was hitting Jisung like an airplane crashing into a freight train and he was visibly upset. You thought it was nice he was so concerned about hurting his friend. While it had been fun to mess with him a little you actually really liked Jisung and you didn’t want him to be angry with you or himself. You got down off the counter fixing your panties, pulling your skirt back down, and pulling your straps back up as Jisung quickly started putting his clothes back on. You decided it was time to fess up. 
“Jisung...” He was still pulling up his pants and cursing himself for betraying his friend while not once blaming you, even though you had instigated and taken part in it. You thought he was probably the sweetest guy you had ever met. 
“I’m a fucking terrible friend! I can’t believe... I can’t believe I betrayed Bin like that! Fuck!” He kept panicking. 
“Jisung...” Nothing. He was in his own world of anxiety as he fastened his belt and grabbed his jacket getting ready to flee. You grabbed him before he could bolt. You cupped his face with both hands, squishing his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. 
“Han Jisung!” He stopped dead, his eyes finally connecting with yours. 
“I’m not really dating Changbin.” He looked at you blankly. 
“What?” You smiled at him and pushed his hair away from his face trying to soothe him. You pressed your lips against his softly. 
“I’m not really dating Changbin Jisung, we’re just friends. I told him I’d pretend to be his date for this party as a favor. I’ve known Bin since kindergarten. He’s sweet and funny and cute but I wouldn’t date him if he were the last man on Earth.” It took Jisung a second to comprehend what you were telling him and even then, he still struggled. 
“So...” You laughed and ran your hand through his hair again. 
“So, you’re not a terrible friend and we didn’t betray Changbin Ji. It’s okay. Really.” Jisung finally let out a huge sigh of relief knowing he didn’t just commit the ultimate betrayal against his friend by fucking his girlfriend in a bathroom. 
“Oh, thank FUCK! I... I...” Jisung was laughing still trying to get himself pulled together when a realization hit him. 
“Wait, so Changbin running his mouth about his hot date WAS a lie.” You laughed and nodded and then a thought hit you. 
“Yea he did. Do you want to get him back?” The look on your face was absolutely mischievous, Jisung LOVED it. 
“Hell yes! What did you have in mind?” You laid out your plan with Jisung and he started dying laughing. 
“Oh my god! Yes! This is gonna be the best payback ever!” You finished freshening up really quick and left the bathroom first to find Changbin. You searched through the crowd of people and finally Changbin spotted you. He made his way over to you quickly and started apologizing. 
“I am so sorry! I swear I didn’t mean for that to take so long. He was so drunk...” You shook your head and gave Changbin a kiss on the cheek. 
“It’s okay Binnie.” Changbin was a little surprised you weren’t upset with him and he was just about to ask where Jisung had went off to when he saw him approaching the two of you with a very serious look on his face. 
“What's up Ji you look...” Jisung cut him off. 
“Can I talk to you Bin?” Jisung shot you a nasty look.  
“Privately?” Changbin nodded 
“Yea sure Ji. Uh... babe, I’ll be right back, okay?” You smiled and nodded. You and Jisung caught a quick glance at each other and smirked as him and Changbin made their way out of the party to a more private area to talk. After they were out of site you made your way their direction. You listened into their conversation through a cracked door and waited for your cue. 
“What’s up Jisung you look like someone...” Jisung put his hands on Changbin’s shoulders making him square up to him. 
“Look Bin I don’t know how to tell you this so I’m just gonna come right out and say it.” Changbin looked nervous. 
“Okay Hannie. Is everything okay?” Jisung shook his head. 
“No man. Everything is definitely not okay. Your girlfriend, date, whatever. She was coming on to me and then... she just tried to fuck me in the bathroom!” Changbin did his best to pretend to be shocked and upset. The way you had been groping and flirting with Jisung earlier he’d been afraid you might pull something like this. 
“Wha-” Jisung cut him off again, pretending to get angrier. 
“I had to tell you Bin, I had to tell you that she’s... she’s a slut man.” THAT was your cue. You walked in pretending you hadn’t just heard their whole exchange. 
“Hey guys...” Jisung snapped at you. 
“Don’t hey guys us like you weren’t just whoring around behind my friend’s back!” Changbin’s jaw dropped and his eyes were as wide as saucers, you almost cracked. Jisung was laying it on thick. He was great. 
“Whoa whoa whoa there Ji calm down a second.” Jisung turned to Changbin. 
“Calm down!? Calm down?! This slut tried to blow me in the bathroom behind your back Bin!” Changbin started to get a little mad that Jisung kept calling you names. 
“Seriously Jisung, calm down and stop calling her a whore and a slut!” Jisung deserved an Oscar and it was sweet that Changbin was sticking up for you but he was starting to get a little too heated. It was time to reel this in.  
“Jesus Bin it’s like you don’t even care that she was trying to fuck me.” Changbin sighed. The jig was up. He wasn’t going to keep letting Jisung think you were some tramp trying to cheat on your date. 
“Look Hannie...” Jisung interrupted him yet again. 
“It’s like... it’s like she’s just a friend you asked to come as your date as a favor to make you look good.” Changbin was wearing his confused face now. Just imagine someone trying to do advanced calculus in their head and that was the look on Changbin’s face. 
“I... what?” You and Jisung both started laughing. You walked over to Jisung and gave him a kiss on his cute chubby cheek and Changbin finally realized you guys were pulling his leg. 
“Aaaahh man! I thought... I thought he was really pissed. I mean really! I REALLY thought you had actually tried to fuck him in the bathroom!” You started laughing uncontrolably. 
“Oh no I did.” Changbin froze. 
“You did what?” Changbin’s face, you couldn not stop laughing. You were laughing so hard tears were actually rolling down your cheeks. You got yourself together enough to get words to form. 
“I did fuck him in the bathroom. Look Seo, you can't introduce me to your insanely attractive and charming friend and think I’m not gonna at least TRY to fuck him.” Changbin’s ears turned red and he shook his head. 
“So, wait... Ji... you thought she was my girlfriend and you STILL fucked her in the bathroom?” Jisung put his arm around you and pulled you close, he spoke sincerely. 
“Oh, hey look Bin, I tried to resist her man. I really, REALLY did, but I mean... look at her! I did feel really super bad about it after though, like terrible! Didn’t I Y/N?” You nodded smiling and Changbin shook his head. 
“You guys are unbelievable.” You both laughed and now that Changbin knew no one was actually upset or hurt he allowed himself to laugh with you. Jisung leaned over and nuzzled his lips against your ear whispering the filthy things he wanted to do to you. You giggled and shook your head yes. 
“So, Bin it’s okay if I take your date home?” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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httpdabi · 3 years
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The Game
Genre: Smut
Summary: Playing a game made for couples with your best friend wasn’t such a bright idea. Or was it ?
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: 18+ (Minors, leave me and my blog alone), spanking, mention of daddy kink, cream pie, rough, dom!Dabi, praising
,, Can you hurry up already ? ‘’ Touya yelled from the living room as you were getting ready. ,, We are only going to buy groceries, we ain’t going to Met Gala for fucks sake’’ he hissed, once he realised that you ain’t answering him.
,, Give me a second’’ you screamed, as you were putting on your mascara carefully.
,, I gave you a whole fucking hour, woman’’ Touya snapped back, rolling his eyes playfully. He had to stress around a bit. Thinking about it, the two of you looked like married couple, yet you were nothing more than two best friends and roommates.
Once you were done, you made your way toward the shopping center that wasn’t that far away from your apartment. There wasn’t any specific reason the two of you were going there, you only needed some groceries to get, and you could literally get that in the store near your apartment. But the two of you decided to go out a bit, since both of you were pretty much focused on the studies last few days.
You and Touya know each other since you were little kids. Your mother and Rei were childhood best friends, so you and Touya grew up together. It was one of those forced friendships, that would have some huge development later on. As you were getting older, you started realising that you actually liked spending your time with him.
,, I hate this.. When I have money, there is nothing nice to buy, but when I’m broke as fuck, every dress is looking beautiful’’ you rolled your eyes disappointedly. Every time you don’t have much money, the stores around are having such a beautiful collections.
Of course, being your best friend, Touya always bought you clothes you had your eyes on, as a small surprise after you had a long and hard day at uni. You really loved him. Not only because of that, but simply for being him. Everyone knew how damn grateful you were for having him and your life and you really never tried to hide that.
,, Let’s go see if they have some board games, maybe we can buy something and play tonight’’ Touya suggested, grabbing your hand as he took the lead. Every time Touya would hold your hand, your heart would skip a beat. Probably because of the fact that you had one big and fat crush on your best friend.
You were not sure when did it start. Maybe when he pierced his nose, or when people started thinking that the two of you are couple, or maybe the feeling was always there, but you kept it somewhere buried in your mind. Hiding it from everyone and especially from him.
,, Oh, I always wanted to play thing game’’ Touya said, holding a small, black package in his hands. You tried to grab it away from him, but unsuccessfully.
,, What is it ? Show me’’ You squeaked excitedly, hoping it’s something fun.
,, It’s Drunk in love’’ He said, waving the small package in the air. Confusion and jealousy washed over you as you looked at the back of the package. You’ve heard about that game, it’s one for couples.
,, Should we buy it ? I really want to play it’’ He asked. Only confusion was left in your body once he asked you that.
,, Isn’t that a game for couples ?’’ You asked him back.
,, Yeah, but it really isn’t something special, after all everyone is mistaking us for couple, so i don’t see a problem here’’ Touya said, winking at you. ,, Unless you are scared’’ he added fast. You knew that he was just trying to tease you a bit, it was how he always got things his way.
,, You know very well that I ain’t scared. But Touya, that’s not something we should play’’ you said honestly. Sure you would love to play that with him, but you didn’t know what kind of game that really is, so it gave you mixed feelings.
,, Trust me, the game is not a big deal. It’s just fun.’’ He said, looking down at you, hoping you’ll agree with his suggestion. ,, Trust me doll’’ he repeated, and the moment you let a deep breath out and rolled your eyes, Touya knew that he won, making his way to the cashier immediately.
,, Let’s buy something to drink at least’’ you said, hoping that the game won’t be so bad at the end.
,, We have to, it’s a drinking game anyway’’ Touya laughed, placing one arm around you, as the two of you walked to the store with alcohol.
The two of you bought a bottle of vodka, before you made your way home. Not wasting any time, Touya helped you put the groceries in the fridge, before he opened the small package. He took two small glasses for shots, and placed them beside the deck of cards that were already on the table in the living room.
You took two normal glasses and orange juice, in case the vodka might be too much. Touya was already waiting for you, searching for some music on YouTube, as he sat on the floor.
,,Here’’ Touya offered you a cigarette, once you sat on the other side, placing one pillow under your ass. You gladly accepted the cigarette, as you enjoyed the music he found.
The two of you drank few shots of vodka, before you started to play. You weren’t sure what to expect of that game, but if you were being honest, the alcohol was helping you, even tho it was just a little bit.
,, Imma go first’’ Touya said, taking one card. ,, Describe your worst hookup ever or drink’’ he read it out lout. Okay, that wasn’t something so bad, after all, you’ve already talked about it with him.
,, Ehh, that one time I slept with Kai.’’ You said rolling your eyes as you thought about it.
,,Ah, that time when you though he’s still fingering you ?’’ Touya asked, laughing a bit.
,, Yes Touya, his dick was that small’’ You laughed, feeling a little bit more comfy about the stupid game. ,, My turn’’ you added, taking one card.
,, Reveal your biggest sexual fantasy or drink’’ You read it excitedly, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
,, Yeah, no’’ Touya laughed, taking a shot without thinking twice, leaving you all disappointed. ,, Pull another one’’ Touya said, closing his eyes because of the strong taste of the alcohol.
,, Give your parter a piggy back ride around the room or drink’’ a big smile formed on your face as you read the sentence.
,, Easy peasy’’ Touya commented, standing up. The moment he turned around, giving you a sign to hop on his back, you did it. The two of you looked like children, running around the apartment like crazy.
,, Drink if you’ve ever faked an orgasm’’ Touya said, placing the card on the table. Of course you had to drink, thanking God you didn’t have to take a shot for every orgasm you faked.
Card after card, and shot after shot, the two of you were getting tipsier and the cards were getting spicier.
,, Blindfold your partner and make them guess which body part they’re touching or drink’’ Touya read the sentence, glad he was the one who found it first. ,, Yeah, you gonna chicken out ‘’ he teased.
,, Shut up and close your eyes’’ You said thinking about what part you should let him touch. Everything was way too easy to guess. At one point you were almost sure that there was a typo on the card, and that you should touch yourself and he should guess which part, but Touya was 100% sure that he was supposed to touch you.
Taking his hands, you decided that it would be the best if he would touch your collar and breast bones. At your surprise, he was tracing his fingers lightly over your skin, furrowing his eyebrows confusingly as he tried to understand what part of your body he’s touching.
,, Collarbones’’ He said opening his eyes immediately. ,, Ok, you’ve lost, drink’’ he commanded with a smirk on his face, as he took another card.
,, Take one article of clothing or drink’’ Touya placed the card on the table, leaning back onto the lower part of your couch. When he took of his shirt, showing of his perfectly toned body covered with various different tattoos, you realised that the card was referring to both of you. Since your shirt was a bit oversized, you decided to take of your pants.
Trying to ignore the small situation you found yourself in, you took another card fast.
,, Let your partner spank you or drink’’ you read it confusedly, trying to understand what the fuck is happening. Once you understood, you started shaking your head in disbelief, following with one loud laugh. What the fuck did you get yourself into ?
,, Come on doll, come to daddy ‘’ Touya joked, spreading his arms over the couch, as you took the shot of vodka anyway, before you made your way toward him.
Not giving you much time, Touya pulled you down, bending you over his lap. ,, You have no idea how much I wanted to do this’’ He confessed, as he pulled your shirt just enough to show your ass. You couldn’t even focus on his small confession, since you were trying to prepare yourself on the upcoming spanks.
Instead of spanking you, Touya decided to take his time with you, tracing his fingers over your hips and playing with the ends of your panties, pulling them up, forming a thong with them. You were glad that some alcohol was in your system, because you were pretty sure that sober you would never survive that.
,, Now doll, be a good girl and take every single spank for daddy’’ Touya whispered, before he connected his palm with your ass cheek, making you yelp in pain. With every spank he gave you, the pain was getting intenser. But you didn’t mind, after all, isn’t that what you wished for ?
,, Such a good Girl’’ He prised, caressing the red marks he left over your ass. Once you got back on the other side of the table, both you and him started laughing hysterically.
,, Lick your partner below the waist or finish your drink’’ Touya said, smirking widely once again. ,, There’s no way I’m finishing this drink’’ He added, grabbing your arm and pushing you toward him.Touya pushed up on the couch, as he started licking your legs slowly.
You couldn’t believe what the fuck was happening. Both of you half naked, playing some overly sexual game, which led him to licking your legs. You weren’t sure what was driving you more crazy, him licking your legs or his erection that was showing under his grey sweatpants.
Touya placed his hand on your tight, giving in one strong squeeze as he was placing wet kisses on your right inner tight. You could feel his lips getting closer and closer to your private parts, but you didn’t dare to say anything.
,, Wanna know what my fantasy is ?’’ Touya asked, kissing and biting onto the skin around your panties. All you could do is nod your head quietly, lost under his touch and soft kisses.
,, You, you are my biggest fantasy. I want to have you all for myself’’ Touya said hovering over you. ,, I want you to be mine’’ he added, looking you directly in the eyes, before he started leaving soft kisses all over your face.
,, Wanna be mine ? Just you and me doll’’ He asked, biting your lip.
,, Yes’’ You answered him so fast. Fuck yes you want to be his, He didn’t even have to ask you that, you were always his.
Once he heard you say that, Touya pulled his sweatpants and boxers down, letting his hard dick jump straight up. Not breaking the kiss, he started rubbing the tip of his dick around your entrance.
,, Doll, tell me if I’m too rought’’ He said, entering you slowly while he sucked onto your neck, leaving wet love bites. You couldn’t manage to give him a proper answer, hoping that simply nodding your head was understandable enough.
Once he was fully inside of you, he gave you some time to adjust to his size before he started rocking his hips into you. He wasn’t doing it slow, and the position you were in wasn’t the most comfortable one, but you didn’t care about that. All you could think of was the pleasure he was giving you at the moment, mixed with pain.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he rammed into you recklessly, breathing into your neck as his moves were getting stronger and stronger.
,, So tight for me’’ Touya groaned, enjoying the warm feeling your walls were giving him. It felt like you were made just for him. Placing one hand on your hip, and other one on the edge of the couch, he increased his speed, fucking you stronger and deeper than before. With every move he made, he was hitting your g spot, making you moan louder and louder. You were pretty sure that your neighbours were able to hear the two of you, but none of you gave a single fuck.
Both of you were about to cum. His groans were getting louder, and he was fucking you ever harder, while your walls were getting tighter and tighter around him, making it even more enjoyable for him.
,, You can cum inside’’ You managed to say somehow, moaning his name and squeezing your eyes shut once you reached your high.
,, I was planning to ’’ He groaned, fucking you through your orgasm, making it even better for you. After few thrusts, he spilled his seed deep into you. Moving few more times as he made sure to fill you nice and good, not wasting a single drop of his sperm. Once he was done, he collapsed on top of you, fighting for his breath.
,, I love you so much Doll’’ he said, connecting his lips with your own.
,, I love you too’’ You answered him, smiling widely into the kiss.
That night he took care of you, cleaning you, and taking you to his room, making sure that you are alright and that he didn’t hurt you. That night he made sure to clear some things out, he made sure that you wouldn’t think this was some sort of misunderstanding. Telling you how he actually always wanted to ask you out, and how that game was just a chance for him to get him where he is now. With you in his bed, locked between his arms.
That night you understood that your crush was never one sided, and that you were the reason why your best friend never dated anyone else.
Who would have thought that such a dirty game could bring people together ? Would lead them to confessing to each other. You sure didn’t think so, yet there you are, instead of daydreaming about it, you are enjoying the warmth of your best friend, roommate and lover.
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shotorozu · 3 years
‘photoshopping my boyfriend’
(tiktok prank)
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not specific
headcanon type : crack, fluff (x reader)
note(s) : inspired by this tiktok— it was too funny to skip this chance of making this post 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
you wanted to do this prank, because you wanted to see if he’d notice even the most subtle of changes to his face
again, it’s a pretty harmless prank— plus, you wouldn’t actually post the edited picture online anyway 💀
it’d be funny to see it
so, you slightly alter the selfie of you and katsuki, by enlarging his forehead ever so slightly— and you’d only alter it more from that moment onwards
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N : “kats, i found this picture in my camera roll, should i post it? you look so good ! (๑>◡<๑)”
and katsuki being well,, himself— responds rather quickly to your message even though he kinda wanted to leave you on read
kats ♡ : “ain’t that your fucking wallpaper 🤨”
Y/N : “nah this is a different one, should i post?”
he leaves you on read for a bit, and it seems to be that he was typing for quite some time
kats ♡ : “abso-fucking-lutely not. i don’t remember looking like that.”
Y/N : “but you look fine! want me to change it a bit?”
kats ♡ : “do whatever 🙄”
and because you’re an absolute menace to your boyfriend, you make his forehead bigger— not to the point that he’d notice though
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N : “how’s that now?”
and then you were left on read 😔 because katsuki was currently on his way to your room and he’s not pleased
“DID YOU PHOTOSHOP MY FOREHEAD?” he slams your door open, and you swore you could’ve heard it crack just a bit
“stop fucking lying- i have that exact photo in my gallery, and it looks NOTHING like that atrocious thing”
you burst out laughing at his reaction, and he’s just standing next to your bed like 🧍‍♂️
“i will never take another picture with you again if you—”
“as if i was actually going to post that picture” he wasn’t serious when he said he won’t be taking pictures with you
but at least he’ll sleep well knowing that you won’t post such.. horrendous picture of his massive forehead on the internet for the world to see
but you posted the tiktok anyway and it blew up to katsuki’s distaste
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todoroki shouto
okay okay, so you think that this would be absolutely hilarious— but you just wanted to see if he’d notice if you photoshopped him
but a part of you thinks he wouldn’t, or if he’d just pretend that he didn’t notice— regardless, it would still be funny
so, you select a random selfie of you and shouto (one that you both looked good in) and you ever so slightly edit his forehead
you kind of wanted to edit his scar but for many different reasons, you decided not to
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🤍 : “shou 🤩‼️‼️ look at what i found, should i repost this as a throwback? you look so good it’s not even funny”
he replies rather quick, i mean he always does— but he replies after 30 seconds
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “you mean we. we look good.”
Y/N 🤍 : “oh, we look good 🤠 so?? what do you think? repost or nah?”
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “sure thing.”
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “hm, something looks different. i just don’t know what it is. could you add a small filter to it?”
and you think, ‘oh! so he does notice’ which is quite interesting
Y/N 🤍 : “sure ^^”
you edit his forehead even more, the original picture looking a lot more different compared to the edited one but for some reason, it didn’t look unnatural
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🤍 : “so, i added a small filter onto it, does that look better?”
he’s seen typing for a bit
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “hm, no filter it is. i think the unfiltered one is better.”
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🤍 : “i removed the filter, does that look better?”
but then you edited his forehead even more 😭 please this was killing you, you were wondering if you didn’t edit the picture enough— you’re just glad you aren’t in the same room as him
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “perfect. see you tomorrow <3”
you posted the tiktok’s results, and it blows up in less than a day— gaining a lot of views because
a. it’s shouto— a common guest on your tiktoks, b. his ‘obliviousness’ c. because of the way you edited his forehead, and how it just got bigger and bigger 💀
the comments were really funny, and nice to look at “PLEASE IS HE THAT OBLIVIOUS??” “bruhh he definitely knew something 💀” “there’s no way he wasn’t playing along”
turns out, shouto knew you were photoshopping his forehead for shits and giggles— it’s because he has that exact selfie as his wallpaper
he’ll get you back ;)
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midoriya izuku
your boyfriend is insanely observant, so!! you wanted to test if he’d notice even the slightest of changes to a picture
and plus, you think it would be funny to witness
you select one of the better pictures of you and izuku— but most especially, a picture where izuku looked phenomenal
compared to the other two, you edited his freckles— you’re basically going to gradually add more freckles to him
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🍀 : “hey zuku! look at what i found deep in my gallery. should i repost this as a throwback? i wanna know your thoughts <3”
your notification makes his heart race faster, so he’s quick to reply
except,, it took a bit longer for him to hit send
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “you look so good <3 but hm.. something looks different ^^; i just can’t put my finger on it..”
Y/N 🍀 : “oh— perhaps it’s the lighting?”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “maybe it is! could you maybe put a filter on it? i mean,, if you think there should be one! not that the picture needs one ;;”
you add more freckles to the picture, and added a slight filter to make it less suspicious, and you hit send
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🍀 : “there! i only added a slight filter to it, is this okay?”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “oh no, i look like a kardashian now ^^;; definitely not myself.”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “i’m not sure what’s different! i mean.. the picture couldn’t have been taken that long ago for me not to remember what i even looked like— omg, what if i did forget 😦”
he sounded so concerned about the slight changes— which is to be expected of him
he was actually freaking out through the screen 💀
so then, you decided to add even more freckles to his cheeks
Y/N 🍀 : “ok ok sooo— i removed the filter, does this look better? lmk <3”
it takes a moment for him to finally respond, and he’s seen going on and off with typing— since the typing bubble kept disappearing and reappearing.
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “Y/N..”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “is it just me or”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “do i have more freckles in this picture 😦”
you flop onto the ground in hysterics, laughing at his message and you’re hoping that he wouldn’t hear you laugh this hard
after a few hours, you post the tiktok— and it blows up, gathering a good amount of likes and views
the comments consisted of “the fact that he was he thinking so hard about the picture 💀” “LMAOO WHY CAN I IMAGINE HIS REACTION WHEN HE REALIZED” “nooo the way the typing bubble kept disappearing and reappearing 😭”
your boyfriend sends you a text after the tiktok blows up— basically, he saw the video (somehow 💀)
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “i’m glad i wasn’t imagining things ^^;; turns out you were just editing more freckles onto the picture 😃 it looked so real!! oh, and i’m coming over to your place, see you!! <3”
basically— having an observant boyfriend like izuku is fun
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 1) Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine: No Fashion Sense and Touchy-Feely
            (Y/N) grunted in pain as they hit the ground for the hundredth time. Maze stood over them and held out her hand, helping them up.
            “Again,” she repeated.
            “You’re too good at this,” said (Y/N), huffing. Maze was teaching them self-defense at Lucifer’s request (she was trying to please him after she betrayed him to Amenadiel). (Y/N) wasn’t very good compared to the demoness, but they were trying their best.
            “I was Hell’s finest torturer for thousands of years,” said Maze proudly.
            “Oh, yes, she absolutely terrified the souls of Hell,” said Lucifer as he walked into the room. He smiled. “But I’m sure you will one day, too.”
            (Y/N) deadpanned. What a strange encouragement…
            “They’ve got natural strength, I didn’t think humans were that strong, and they’re learning fairly quickly,” said Maze.
            “Why am I letting myself get bruised, again?” asked (Y/N).
            “Because if people are trying to kill me, they may try to hurt you if you’re near,” answered Lucifer plainly. He said it casually, but the truth was that he was worried. He had been shot and thought he was going to die. Now, that was a relief, but the reminder that non-immortal life could end so quickly stuck with him. Lucifer didn’t want (Y/N) to leave him yet. He had grown strangely fond of them. So he watched intently and gave advice where he could as they trained with Maze. I just hope that they never have to fight anyone again.
            Later on, Lucifer returned to the penthouse, confused and frustrated. Two different deaths had been linked to each other through their connection to him and his “obsession” with “playing the part” of the Devil. And Malcolm turned out to be a detective in the LAPD. And he was suspected for playing a part in the murders. All he wanted to do was go to the penthouse like Chloe suggested when the stupid Reverend Williams began yelling at him because he was the devil. So he hit him, creating another bad image for himself, so Malcolm escorted him back to the penthouse.
            “Freakin’ street preacher and his little minions, man,” said Malcolm, pouring a drink. “Who do they think they are? Bunch of posers.” He chuckled. “Don’t even sweat it, huh? What do you say we get some ladies up in here, huh?”
            “Yeah, I’d prefer if you don’t,” said (Y/N), entering the penthouse. They looked at Lucifer. “I saw what happened on the news. Are you alright?”
            Lucifer sighed in relief that they were okay. “Yes.” He glanced at Malcolm. “Though I’m still trying to figure out what he is still doing in my house.”
            “Well, I know he didn’t kill those people,” began Malcolm.
            “People think you killed someone?” (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and they looked at Lucifer.
            “There is some suspicion I killed two people because there deaths were ‘satanic,’ ” muttered Lucifer.
            “Well, I’m sure he didn’t do anything,” said Malcolm. He (much too casually) clapped (Y/N) on their shoulder. “You can run along now, kid.”
            (Y/N) flinched away and glared at him. “Don’t touch me.” They frowned and looked at their shoulder. “Hey, you got paint on my jacket.” Great, no fashion sense and touchy-feely.
            Lucifer froze. “Paint?” He looked at Malcolm’s hands. “You have red paint on your hands.” He stood up and stood carefully in front of (Y/N). “Just like the paint we found at the warehouse.”
            “I must’ve gotten it on me at the scene.” Malcolm brushed the comment off.
            “Oh, I doubt that,” said Lucifer. “Everyone was wearing gloves.”
            “Aw, man, you caught me.” Malcolm began laughing hysterically. “Literally red-handed. Oh, I was, I was wondering when you’d figure it out.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and they took a step back. As their anxiety began kicking in with the adrenaline, they trembled. I’m in a room with a killer. Another killer!
            “Been dying all day to tell you,” laughed the maniac.
            “You killed those people?” breathed Lucifer dangerously.
            “Oh, you mean those frauds? Duh,” said Malcolm. “So, what do you…What do you think? Impressed?”
            “You’re insane,” realized Lucifer, moving farther in front of (Y/N) so they would be protected.
            “I know! Don’t you love it? I mean, of course you do. We’re the same.”
            “Lucifer is nothing like you,” hissed (Y/N), curling their fists as the air darkened as the tension grew.
            “If you’re worried,” said Malcolm, holding up his hands. “I’ve got the perfect person to pin it on: that street preacher. Genius, right?! And I already dropped some evidence, so it’s—” Lucifer smashed his glass on the floor. “Whoa! But I did this for you! I’m gonna get rid of all your problems! Aren’t you happy?”
            “Why would I be happy?” demanded Lucifer dangerously. “I’m not evil. I punish evil.”
            “Yeah, but you’re, ya know—”
            “The Devil, yes. And you think you know who that is, don’t you?!” Lucifer was truly angry. “The whole world does. A torturer, maybe. An inflictor of just desserts, sure. But a senseless murdered, I am not! Perhaps I need to clarify my position.” He wanted to end this and get Malcolm out of here.
            “Hey, hold on, wait, wait, wait, wait!” Malcolm rummaged in his pockets and pulled out the Pentecostal coin. “I’ve got this, remember?”
            “Don’t worry, Malcolm. I’m not going to send you to Hell.” Lucifer smirked. “I’m gonna bring it right to you!” He threw Malcolm to the other side of the room.
            “Lucifer!” cried (Y/N). “We need to get Detective Decker!”
            Lucifer grumbled but a took a deep breath. “Yes. You’re right.” Exhausted and a little ashamed, he looked at (Y/N). “I’m sorry for scaring you.”
            “Lucifer!” shouted a new voice. Amenadiel arrived on the penthouse deck.
            “Oh, bloody hell!” groaned Lucifer. “Not now! I’m already cleaning up one of your messes.”
            “You sent your demon to seduce and kill me,” accused Amenadiel.
            “Why does everything think you’re trying to kill people?!” (Y/N) curled in on themselves as Amenadiel tried to hit Lucifer.
            Malcolm darted out of the elevator before anyone could stop him (indeed, no one could with the angels tossing each other all over the apartment.
            “Now look what you’ve down,” growled Lucifer. “That man—the one you raised from hell—has killed humans and gotten away. That’s on your hands now!”
            “None of this would have happened if you’d just done what you were told!” huffed Amenadiel as he received a punch to his stomach but retaliated quickly. “And I’d still be at home!” Lucifer was tossed into the bar, sending glass flying.
            (Y/N) cried out and pushed themselves farther into the corner as shards cut their skin. “Stop! Please!” Go away, go away, go away, I want this to stop. It felt like the light was draining from the world around them. Everything was going dark, and they were alone, afraid, unsure of what to do. I need to get away, need to go, need to go, need to go. And so they did.
            “Enough!” A powerful voice reverberated around the room. Maze, furious Maze, stood with her blades out. “I’m the pawn. You both used me. You know what?” She slammed her blades down on the counter. “Here. Kill each other.” With that, she walked away. Amenadiel frowned shamefully before glancing at the blades and sighing. Lucifer grumbled and turned away. He frowned. “(Y/N)?” He looked around. “(Y/N)?” Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no. Quickly taking the elevator down, he was about to run out to try to find (Y/N) when he tripped over something. A body. The preacher.
            And Chloe walked in at that exact moment. “Lucifer…!” Chloe grabbed her gun.
            “Wait, Detective, you don’t understand—!”
            “Stop! Don’t say another word! Put your hands up!”
            “I need to find (Y/N)!” stressed Lucifer.
            Shaking but holding herself steady, Chloe kept her gun up. “Lucifer Morningstar, you’re under arrest.
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