#all rounder
wesleysniperking · 2 months
usopp positivity post #14
I don’t know about you, but I think it’s pretty amazing that Usopp doesn’t need to rely on just one skill to prove his worth. That makes him indispensable in my book. Despite his moments of self-doubt, he always gets things done in so many different ways, ensuring he's never without a role to play. Unlike his crewmates, he's defined by more than just his job or his weapon. He's a true all-rounder.
Kudos to the Great Usopp!
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
The Cocktail Party
Jisung x female reader
Word count: 5.6k
A/N: 18+ only! I've been destroying you all with a lot of angst lately so here's a funny Jisung fic to make everything better! I hope you all think it's funny and enjoy reading it! If you do be sure to like, reblog, comment, send me an ask, whatever! I love hearing from you guys! Warnings and smut below the cut!
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Warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY! Stong language/cursing, protected piv sex, alluding to cheating but no actual cheating, oral (m&f receiving) semi-public sex, coming on mc, cum eating, name calling (whore,slut). I think that's it but as always if I missed anything let me know and I will be sure to add it to the warnings!
Changbin was one of your best friends but even you had to admit sometimes the man had a big mouth. On this particular occasion that his mouth had over run itself he had a big work event coming up. A cocktail party his boss was throwing. All the higher ups in the company were going to be there as well as his own team and Changbin had run his mouth to his work buddies just a little too hard saying he had a ‘hot date’ he was bringing. Which he absolutely did not and that’s where you came in. A couple of days before his boss's party Changbin called you BEGGING for you to go as his ‘date’. 
“Please Y/N!? I thought I’d be able to get a date before it was time but it turns out to get a date you have to actually leave work, go out, and meet people.” You were seriously considering letting Changbin eat his words and learn his lesson on this one.  
“You forgot you also have to be charming.” Changbin scoffed. 
“Ouch, you wound me. Please, you know I’m the most charming man you know! Pretty please Y/N I’ll owe you big time!” You weren’t sold. Your couch sounded better this weekend. 
“Bin I don’t know...” You didn’t have to see Changbin to know the face he was making when he spoke next. 
“Y/NNNN-ie!!! PLEEEEAASSSE! It’ll be fun! There’s gonna be an open bar and finger foods, you love fancy shit like that. Come onnnnn!” While big mouth Changbin was a handful, whiney Changbin was by far your least favorite Changbin. 
“Binnie, I don’t have anything nice to wear and I won’t know anyone. I don’t th-” Changbin cut you off. 
“I’ll take you dress shopping, my treat! And I promise to be by your side the whole night! SWEAR!” You really had no reason to say no at that point. Free drinks, you get a new dress, and an excuse to doll yourself up? Also, to be fair Changbin was always helping you if you had any heavy lifting and what not and he was fun at a party. 
“Okay Bin. You buy the dress and promise you won’t ditch me with strangers and I’ll go.” You could hear his giddy little noises through the phone. 
“I PROMISE!” You let out a defeated sigh. 
“Seriously, if you ditch me Bin, I’ll tell all your work buddies you’re into... Dendrophilia or something.” He laughed nervously. 
“What-ophilia now?” You started laughing hysterically. 
“It means you’re sexually aroused by trees.” Changbin’s nervous laughter continued. 
“You... you wouldn’t really though.” You got very quiet on the line. 
“Don’t test me Seo. Pick me up when you get off work for dress shopping and don’t forget your credit card. Byeeee!” You hung up before he could say anything else. 
That was how you found yourself on Changbin’s arm at a cocktail party, in your new dress, munching on hors d’oeuvres, and sipping from a champagne flute that was definitely not your first of the night. You almost aspirated your champagne when Changbin’s arm snaked around your waist and pulled you tightly against his side. You looked at his hand gripping your hip and back up at him. 
“What in the fresh fuck do you think you’re doing Seo Changbin!?” He pressed his face into your hair and whispered. 
“This is one of my buddies walking up. Laugh and act like I’m whispering something devastatingly witty in your ear.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes before throwing your head back and letting out the most over the top convincing flirtatious laugh you could manage, slapping your hand against Changbin’s chest way harder than necessary, making him wince as his friend approached you. 
“Oh my god Binnie-babe you’re SO DEVISTATINGLY witty!” Changbin gave you a glare and you smiled at him. You grabbed one of the hors d’oeuvres being offered and took a bite very pleased with your performance. That was when you looked up and saw the work friend Changbin was talking about. You almost choked on your crab toast when you saw him. He was beautiful. He had chestnut colored hair that was mostly swept back aside from a few rogue pieces that had fallen in his face. He had a baby face and the cutest chubby cheeks with a beaming, toothy, smile that was infectious and made his big brown eyes light up. He wasn’t tall but he had long legs and his broad shoulders and chest were in stark contrast to his tiny waist. The suit he was wearing was definitely doing him favors. The cut of the blazer complimented the width of his shoulders and the one button closure drew attention to his lithe waist.  
Jisung was not blind either. He had definitely noticed that you were absolutely breath taking when he was walking up. He was a little surprised that Changbin hadn’t been telling tall tales again when he said he had a hot date. You were indeed VERY hot in the emerald green satin wrap dress Changbin had bought you. It had thin delicate straps and the front was draped and hung loosely, showing a decent amount of your cleavage. It had a strappy open back and a slit on one side showing one of your gorgeous thighs. Jisung had to make sure and not drool when he spoke. 
“Well now I know that’s not her first glass Bin. You? Witty?” You cracked a smile at the dig his friend took and Changbin rolled his eyes. 
“I don’t have to get my dates drunk for them to think I’m funny Hannie, but it doesn’t hurt.” They both laughed and shook hands firmly pulling each other in for a quick ‘bro’ hug which consisted of each giving one hard smack on the other’s back before pulling away and the attention falling back on you. Changbin pulled you close again and introduced you. 
“This is my date, Y/N. Y/N this is my good friend Han Jisung. We work on the same development team but he’s one of the very few coworkers I can stand to hang out with outside of work also.” Jisung nodded and smiled at you offering his hand to shake.  
“Nice to meet you Y/N!” You downed the rest of your champagne and placed the empty glass on a passing waiter's tray before ignoring Jisung’s hand and going in for a hug instead. He was surprised at first but politely hugged you back. Awkwardly smiling at Changbin. He couldn’t help the way his heart rate picked up a little when he was close enough to smell your shampoo and perfume. His hands innocently grazed your exposed back when he hugged you and it made you shiver a little giving you goosebumps. 
“It’s nice to meet YOU Jisung.” You shamelessly squeezed his biceps and smiled, shooting him a sly wink when you pulled away from the hug. Jisung smiled at you nervously and swallowed hard his adam’s apple bobbing with the effort. Your eyes lingered on each other a little too long it seemed because Changbin cleared his throat and pulled you back into his side effectively snapping you both out of your daze. Jisung’s eyes went wide realizing he was ogling his friend’s date and tried to quickly recover. 
“SO! Uh... um have you guys been dating long?” Well, this was awkward. You and Changbin hadn’t really thought of a backstory for this whole production not thinking about the fact people may ask when or how you met. You both answered quickly. 
“No.” “Yes.” Jisung looked at both of you confused and Changbin laughed nervously. 
“Uh well I mean we’ve known each other for a long time but the dating is recent. Isn’t that right cupcake?” You internally rolled your eyes at the nick name but smiled and agreed. 
“It sure is sexy pants.” You slapped Changbin on the ass and his ears got red. Thankfully before things could get too out of hand Jisung looked over Changbin’s shoulder and noticed their boss. 
“Oo Bin, there’s Mr. Ming now. He’s three sheets, you should go talk to him about that quarterly bonus for our department. If we get it we can finally get that new software!” Changbin looked over his shoulder and spotted their boss and then looked back at you biting his lip remembering his promise.  
“I know I promised I wouldn’t leave you but it’s actually REALLY important for me to go talk about this privately with him. Would it be alright if I left you here with Jisung?” You were ecstatic about the idea of getting some alone time with Jisung. 
“It’s fine Binnie go do your thing. I’ll be okay here with Jisung.” He looked between the two of you nervously for a second not sure if he should really go, not wanting to upset you by breaking his promise. When he was certain you meant what you said he leaned in, gave you a side hug and a quick peck on the cheek. 
“You’re not gonna tell him I'm a hemophiliac are you?” You laughed, shook your head no, and pushed him towards his boss. 
“I’ll be right back I swear!” You nodded and shooed him away to go do his job and then turned back towards Jisung. 
“Changbin has a blood condition he’s sensitive about?” You put your hand on your chest, threw your head back and genuinely laughed. Jisung loved the way it sounded and he couldn’t help his eyes following your hand, glancing at your soft breasts peeking from the top of your dress before he quickly averted his gaze. 
“No no, he meant dendrophilia.” You said as you tried to get a hold of yourself. Jisung’s face contorted. 
“He gets off to trees?!” You laughed even harder doubling over. The loosely draped front of your dress hung down and Jisung could see even more of the silky skin hiding underneath. His dick got a little hard and his face felt warm. He hoped he wasn’t visibly blushing. He needed to get a hold of himself. You were with Changbin, his friend. Jisung was NOT this kind of guy. 
“Oh my god! You know what that means!?” You couldn’t stop laughing. Jisung laughed nervously with you.  
“Oh, uh, well...” You wiped your tears away. 
“He doesn’t really, it’s just... it’s just a little inside joke between us.” You decided to go with that as you tried to catch your breath. You noticed Jisung’s face was flushed, his cheeks a soft shade of pink that you found endearing. You couldn’t help yourself, you wanted to push his buttons a little more, see how red you could make those cute cheeks and who knows maybe even get lucky. 
“I mean even if he did... everyone gets off to something...right?” Jisung could no longer look you in the eye, he gave a tiny nod as he looked behind you at Changbin talking to Mr. Ming, trying to keep your conversation from going off the rails into territory it most certainly shouldn’t with his friend’s date. 
“Yea... I... uh... I mean... sure... uh...” He was so flustered it was adorable. He looked like an absolute stud in that suit but he blushed like a teenaged boy when you said anything remotely provocative. Jisung took a big drink of his champagne trying to regain some kind of moisture that had suddenly completely disappeared from his mouth and you decided to strike the final blow. You ran your fingers between his lapel and his jacket and smoothed his tie, all of which was just an excuse to touch his firm chest.  
“What do you like getting off to Jisungie?” Your voice was sweet and sticky like honey. Jisung turned his head away, choked, and spit his drink back into his glass. 
“Wha...uh...I...I...” You ran your hand down his lapel again this time not being shy about the fact you were indeed feeling his chest muscles. He couldn’t answer so you decided to continue to share your own thoughts with him. 
“I like getting off to pretty cocks.” You looked Jisung right in his eyes as he continued to stand there absolutely speechless. You leaned in and whispered in his ear as you ran your hand from his chest, down his abs, and stopping at the waist of his slacks. You slid two fingers between the waist of his pants and his body and ran them across his hip. 
“I bet YOU have a really pretty cock. Don’t you Sungie?” Your warm breath tickled the side of his neck. How did you make something so dirty sound so sweet especially when you called him Sungie. Jisung’s dick was instantly rock hard and he let out an involuntary whimper. You almost couldn’t contain yourself when you heard the noise he made. Jisung was starting to sweat. He couldn’t believe you were being so bold when Changbin was right there. He looked over at Changbin and their boss again. Changbin was completely absorbed in the conversation they were having and had long stopped glancing over to check on you. Why would he? He left his date in the care of his completely capable and trustworthy friend. Suddenly Jisung was aware you had said something to him. 
“Wha-what?” He stuttered trying and absolutely failing to get a grip while still watching Changbin over your shoulder. 
“The bathroom Jisung can you show me where it is?” It sounded like an innocent enough request. 
“Oh. Uh. Yea follow me.” You slid your arm around Jisung’s as he led you towards the back of the party where the bathrooms were. Jisung was trying to be a good friend. He really REALLY was. He stopped at the end of the hall and pointed. 
“So, uh. They’re back that way. If you need me I’ll...” You grabbed a hold of Jisung’s tie and gently pulled it as you walked backwards down the hall towards the bathrooms. He slowly followed looking back again to see if Changbin was anywhere to be found, hoping maybe he would show up and keep him from making a terrible mistake he was certain to make otherwise. 
“Come, show me.” You smiled sweetly but there was something in your eyes that spelled trouble for Jisung. 
“Uh...um...okay.” When you got to the bathroom you pushed the door open with your ass and pulled him in with you. As soon as the door was closed you pushed him against it and kissed him. Jisung’s hands were up by his head like he was being stuck up by a robber, TRYING to not touch you no matter how badly he really wanted to. Your lips softly slotted against his and as hard as he tried to resist the urge, his lips melted into yours and he kissed you back. You slid your hands over his shoulders under his jacket pushing it off and tossing it over onto the counter by the sink. Your lips parted and you looked at him with the biggest ‘fuck me’ eyes he’d ever seen. 
“Touch me Jisung...” He looked at you, running his hands through his hair completely frustrated about the situation he was in. 
“I...I... but Bin... we shouldn’t...” You ran your fingers through Jisung’s hair and pulled him in for another kiss. Your tongue traced his lips before entering and tasting his mouth. That was it he’d had enough. 
“Fuck it!” He locked the bathroom door and then turned back and pulled you against his firm body as he devoured your lips. He slid his tongue into your mouth and your groaned as he gripped your ass and started sliding the skirt of your dress up, caressing your skin with his fingertips while you worked at his belt and pants. 
“God.... we... we shouldn’t be doing this... it’s not... it’s not right... Changbin... he’s my friend... this is wrong...” Jisung spoke in between kissing your lips stating how wrong it was but not stopping. 
“Shhhh shhh... don’t think Ji...” You got on your knees as you pulled his pants down to his ankles. You could see the outline of his erection through his underwear it was...big. You pulled on the waist band of his underwear and drug those down to join his pants around his ankles. When you saw his dick you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face. It was smooth and so hard, already leaking precum and you hadn’t even really touched him yet. You had to taste him. You licked your palm and grabbed his shaft softly stroking him. 
“I just KNEW you had a pretty cock Sungie. Mmm and it’s so BIG!” That sweet voice again. He thought it was going to be the death of him. That is until you wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock and gave it a soft suck collecting his precum on your tongue before you popped off and swallowed. 
“Yummm.” You went back for more. This time you took more of his cock into your mouth and started bobbing your head. You pressed your tongue against the bottom of Jisung’s dick while sucking and hollowing your cheeks as you gave him the best head he’d ever had in his life. He gathered your hair and pulled it out of your face so he could watch you take his cock. 
“Fuck, look at me beautiful, let me see your eyes.” You looked up at Jisung as you swallowed even more of him, the tip grazing the back of your throat a little. You pulled off his dick and stroked his shaft firmly while giving the head teasing little licks. 
“God! I want to deep throat you so bad Sungie, I just want to gag and choke on this pretty dick but we can’t mess up my make-up now can we?” You kissed his cock and winked at him. 
“Next time.” You swallowed him down again and Jisung pulled your hair tighter and gently started fucking your face making sure not to go too deep. 
“Ooooohhh fuck fuck we can’t... we... mmm God yes suck it just like that for me. Yes baby suck on me just like that.” When Jisung started flooding your mouth with precum you pulled away from his cock with another little pop and licked your swollen lips. 
“Damn you taste so good Ji.” He helped you off your knees and kissed you as he slid the straps of your dress down your shoulders. His lips trailed down your jaw and neck. He gently sucked the soft spot right under your ear and it made you weak. Jisung pulled the top of your dress down around your waist ecstatic to find you braless. 
“Fuck me beautiful...” You smirked and started unbuttoning his shirt. 
“If you insist.” Once you had Jisung’s shirt off you ran your hands over his bulging pectoral muscles. You had thought he looked good in the suit, naked he was like a demi God. You kissed him as he backed you up against the counter, then lifted and sat you on it. Jisung leaned you back and pushed your skirt up so that your whole dress was bunched around your waist now. He ran his fingers over your clothed pussy and felt the dampness that was already soaking through your black satin panties. He pushed your panties to the side and drug his fingers through your folds. You threw your head back, it felt like his fingertips were electrically charged when they touched your throbbing cunt. He pulled them back out and sucked your juices off, closing his eyes and savoring the taste of you. The growl that came from him just before he dove into your dripping sex made you gush arousal before his mouth had even made contact with your pussy. His tongue was wide and flat and pushed firmly against your clit as he lapped at you, latching onto you and sucking before flattening his tongue against your clit again. His mouth practically covered your cunt as he licked and sucked at every part of you that made you twitch under him. 
“OH MY GOD!” You clamped your hands over your mouth. The door was locked but you still didn’t want anyone knowing what you were doing in there. Jisung continued to drink you in and pushed a finger inside of you. 
“Fuck your dripping for me beautiful.” He pushed another finger in and pumped them into you as his mouth latched back on to your clit, still using the same licking and sucking combo that was making you bite your fist to keep quiet. 
“Cum for me... wanna taste it... cum on my tongue.” If his words weren’t enough to send you, the sucking and fingering was. You fell into a chasm of ecstasy as Jisung continued making out with your pussy, licking and finger fucking you through your orgasm until you went limp on the counter. He stood up and pulled you towards him, kissing you, his tongue giving your mouth a very similar treatment that it had just given your cunt. You could taste yourself on his lips. 
“Fuck me Ji. Please fuck me baby...” You kissed him down his jaw and neck, running your tongue over his collar bone as you tugged at his hair, giving yourself better access to the places you wanted to kiss him. Jisung was having an internal debate again. He can’t fuck you, you’re with Changbin, it’s so wrong. But he can still taste you on his tongue and you were begging for his cock so sweetly. He reached down and grabbed the pants he’d kicked off and got a condom out of his pocket. You bit your plush red lips as you watched him open and roll the condom down his dick. 
“Such a pretty cock Jisungie. Can’t wait to feel it stretch me open.” Jisung grabbed your hips and pulled your ass to the edge of the counter. You let out a small gasp when he pushed the head of his cock into you. 
“Fuck! Pretty and big mmm...” Jisung sank into you slowly, allowing you time to adjust to his length. When he was fully buried in you he gripped your hips, pulled out, and gave you a hard thrust. The gasp you let out this time was equal parts surprise and pleasure. So, he wasn’t afraid to be a little rough with you. It made your pussy tremble with excitement. Jisung could feel your walls clenching and fluttering around his cock as he set a steady pace fucking into you. He thrusted into you hard again and you clenched harder. 
“Oh, so you like it hard and deep huh?” You bit your lips and shook your head. 
“Jisung...” You pulled him in and kissed him.  
“I want you to fuck me stupid.” Your lips were pressed to his as you spoke your desires. His eyes rolled up in his head and he groaned. Your words made his cock twitch inside you. 
“Wrap your legs around me beautiful.” You did as he said. 
“Yea that’s it and your arms around me here, yea? Good girl.” Jisung lifted you off the counter and without any warning proceeded to fuck you absolutely stupid just like you asked. All you could do was hold on as he held you up and pounded into you at a break neck speed. The way he was fucking you was exquisite, not even your vibrator could compare with how good it felt every time Jisung buried his dick into you hard and fast. It wasn’t long before you were being pushed to the edge again. 
“Ji... Ji... yes... yes... Yessss... fuck me baby... I’m... I’m gonna cum... I’m gonna cum!” Jisung kept fucking you hard and fast like he didn’t even hear you. He did but he wasn’t stopping now, he had to feel you cum on his cock. 
“Cum for me beautiful make a mess on my cock, fucking soak me gorgeous!” You squeezed yourself tightly against Jisung, clinging to him like a koala as your orgasm tore through you. Jolts and shivers running through your body as he kept up his relentless pace, not only fucking you and prolonging your mind-altering orgasm but chasing his own. He laid you back on the counter, you were absolutely soaked, he slid in and out of you so easily as he continued to fuck your dripping hole. The way your walls squeezed his cock, it was the best thing Jisung had ever felt. When your brain could function again you started coaching him into his own climax.  
“Sungie cum for me baby, I want it please, so bad, cum for me right here.” You pulled your panties back showing him your cunt. 
“Wanna see you paint me Ji, cum all over my pussy baby, that’s right baby cum for me, yes... yes Ji cum...” Jisung grunted and pulled out of you pulling off the condom and stroking his cock over your flushed and swollen cunt. You pulled your panties out of the way more so he had a clear shot to cum on your pussy. He pumped his cock in his hand hard and fast and then let out the prettiest moan as his load shot across your pussy lips. It covered your mound and clit and dripped down your slit. You ran your fingers through his cum and sucked it off as Jisung shuddered and shook through the last of his orgasm. You dipped your fingers into your folds and gathered more of both your cum, sucking it from your digits and going back for more until you were all clean. It was the sexiest thing Jisung ever saw in his life and it was immediately followed by the biggest freak out of his life. 
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I can’t believe we just did that! Fuck!” Post nut clarity about what he’d just done was hitting Jisung like an airplane crashing into a freight train and he was visibly upset. You thought it was nice he was so concerned about hurting his friend. While it had been fun to mess with him a little you actually really liked Jisung and you didn’t want him to be angry with you or himself. You got down off the counter fixing your panties, pulling your skirt back down, and pulling your straps back up as Jisung quickly started putting his clothes back on. You decided it was time to fess up. 
“Jisung...” He was still pulling up his pants and cursing himself for betraying his friend while not once blaming you, even though you had instigated and taken part in it. You thought he was probably the sweetest guy you had ever met. 
“I’m a fucking terrible friend! I can’t believe... I can’t believe I betrayed Bin like that! Fuck!” He kept panicking. 
“Jisung...” Nothing. He was in his own world of anxiety as he fastened his belt and grabbed his jacket getting ready to flee. You grabbed him before he could bolt. You cupped his face with both hands, squishing his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. 
“Han Jisung!” He stopped dead, his eyes finally connecting with yours. 
“I’m not really dating Changbin.” He looked at you blankly. 
“What?” You smiled at him and pushed his hair away from his face trying to soothe him. You pressed your lips against his softly. 
“I’m not really dating Changbin Jisung, we’re just friends. I told him I’d pretend to be his date for this party as a favor. I’ve known Bin since kindergarten. He’s sweet and funny and cute but I wouldn’t date him if he were the last man on Earth.” It took Jisung a second to comprehend what you were telling him and even then, he still struggled. 
“So...” You laughed and ran your hand through his hair again. 
“So, you’re not a terrible friend and we didn’t betray Changbin Ji. It’s okay. Really.” Jisung finally let out a huge sigh of relief knowing he didn’t just commit the ultimate betrayal against his friend by fucking his girlfriend in a bathroom. 
“Oh, thank FUCK! I... I...” Jisung was laughing still trying to get himself pulled together when a realization hit him. 
“Wait, so Changbin running his mouth about his hot date WAS a lie.” You laughed and nodded and then a thought hit you. 
“Yea he did. Do you want to get him back?” The look on your face was absolutely mischievous, Jisung LOVED it. 
“Hell yes! What did you have in mind?” You laid out your plan with Jisung and he started dying laughing. 
“Oh my god! Yes! This is gonna be the best payback ever!” You finished freshening up really quick and left the bathroom first to find Changbin. You searched through the crowd of people and finally Changbin spotted you. He made his way over to you quickly and started apologizing. 
“I am so sorry! I swear I didn’t mean for that to take so long. He was so drunk...” You shook your head and gave Changbin a kiss on the cheek. 
“It’s okay Binnie.” Changbin was a little surprised you weren’t upset with him and he was just about to ask where Jisung had went off to when he saw him approaching the two of you with a very serious look on his face. 
“What's up Ji you look...” Jisung cut him off. 
“Can I talk to you Bin?” Jisung shot you a nasty look.  
“Privately?” Changbin nodded 
“Yea sure Ji. Uh... babe, I’ll be right back, okay?” You smiled and nodded. You and Jisung caught a quick glance at each other and smirked as him and Changbin made their way out of the party to a more private area to talk. After they were out of site you made your way their direction. You listened into their conversation through a cracked door and waited for your cue. 
“What’s up Jisung you look like someone...” Jisung put his hands on Changbin’s shoulders making him square up to him. 
“Look Bin I don’t know how to tell you this so I’m just gonna come right out and say it.” Changbin looked nervous. 
“Okay Hannie. Is everything okay?” Jisung shook his head. 
“No man. Everything is definitely not okay. Your girlfriend, date, whatever. She was coming on to me and then... she just tried to fuck me in the bathroom!” Changbin did his best to pretend to be shocked and upset. The way you had been groping and flirting with Jisung earlier he’d been afraid you might pull something like this. 
“Wha-” Jisung cut him off again, pretending to get angrier. 
“I had to tell you Bin, I had to tell you that she’s... she’s a slut man.” THAT was your cue. You walked in pretending you hadn’t just heard their whole exchange. 
“Hey guys...” Jisung snapped at you. 
“Don’t hey guys us like you weren’t just whoring around behind my friend’s back!” Changbin’s jaw dropped and his eyes were as wide as saucers, you almost cracked. Jisung was laying it on thick. He was great. 
“Whoa whoa whoa there Ji calm down a second.” Jisung turned to Changbin. 
“Calm down!? Calm down?! This slut tried to blow me in the bathroom behind your back Bin!” Changbin started to get a little mad that Jisung kept calling you names. 
“Seriously Jisung, calm down and stop calling her a whore and a slut!” Jisung deserved an Oscar and it was sweet that Changbin was sticking up for you but he was starting to get a little too heated. It was time to reel this in.  
“Jesus Bin it’s like you don’t even care that she was trying to fuck me.” Changbin sighed. The jig was up. He wasn’t going to keep letting Jisung think you were some tramp trying to cheat on your date. 
“Look Hannie...” Jisung interrupted him yet again. 
“It’s like... it’s like she’s just a friend you asked to come as your date as a favor to make you look good.” Changbin was wearing his confused face now. Just imagine someone trying to do advanced calculus in their head and that was the look on Changbin’s face. 
“I... what?” You and Jisung both started laughing. You walked over to Jisung and gave him a kiss on his cute chubby cheek and Changbin finally realized you guys were pulling his leg. 
“Aaaahh man! I thought... I thought he was really pissed. I mean really! I REALLY thought you had actually tried to fuck him in the bathroom!” You started laughing uncontrolably. 
“Oh no I did.” Changbin froze. 
“You did what?” Changbin’s face, you couldn not stop laughing. You were laughing so hard tears were actually rolling down your cheeks. You got yourself together enough to get words to form. 
“I did fuck him in the bathroom. Look Seo, you can't introduce me to your insanely attractive and charming friend and think I’m not gonna at least TRY to fuck him.” Changbin’s ears turned red and he shook his head. 
“So, wait... Ji... you thought she was my girlfriend and you STILL fucked her in the bathroom?” Jisung put his arm around you and pulled you close, he spoke sincerely. 
“Oh, hey look Bin, I tried to resist her man. I really, REALLY did, but I mean... look at her! I did feel really super bad about it after though, like terrible! Didn’t I Y/N?” You nodded smiling and Changbin shook his head. 
“You guys are unbelievable.” You both laughed and now that Changbin knew no one was actually upset or hurt he allowed himself to laugh with you. Jisung leaned over and nuzzled his lips against your ear whispering the filthy things he wanted to do to you. You giggled and shook your head yes. 
“So, Bin it’s okay if I take your date home?” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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supportinha · 1 year
gunwook boys planet icons ♡
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faithst · 1 year
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ebjkk · 1 year
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270523 ALL ROUNDER D1 || ~ Banmal song ~ 🥹
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fairyofthehollow · 2 months
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ghostdata · 2 months
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rapmonkive · 4 months
Hi! I had a question, how long have you been into k-pop and such?
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Oh, I'm not!
I know, that's a terrible thing to say. It's like biting the hand that feeds me. Remember, though, I didn't sign up to be an idol. I also didn't sign up to do a idol band. I was a rapper. BTS was a hip hop group.
To be perfectly honest, Kpop and idols are everywhere but not that popular in Korea. I think they have the same rep as boy bands and bubblegum pop in the west. You like a few of the songs, but they would be a guilty pleasure at best.
But RM, you are an idol! Yes, yes, I know, but I always try to break out of that mold and think of myself as an artist first. An idol is how others define me not how I define myself.
I grew up on hip hop and rap, and I listen to all kinds of music, but I've been leaning towards R&B and alternative more than other genres. You see a lot more Hip hop, R&B, and alternative in my solo music, and I've been seeking collabs with rock and alternative artists more.
I believe you should listen to all kinds of music. Music is bending the rules of the game. The Rappers are doing country now. The country stars are heading towards pop. Rockers are switching to rap and vice versa. The lines are blurred because when you blend music together you can create some amazing things.
There are some real Kpop bops. I always support my friends and listen to their music. I don't stick to any one genre when i listen. I even listen to older stuff like Frank Ocean. I like Taylor Swift. I love Harry Styles. Shout out to Balming Tiger and Coldplay. But you don't really see me recommend any Kpop on my instagram ever. I don't listen to much idol music myself. If you ask me if I heard something, I likely haven't unless one of my friends showed it to me or it happened to be on the radio.
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geonppangi · 1 year
honestly i can’t believe that he hasn’t had a chance to fully showcase his vocals on boys planet yet. before watching this, i thought he probably couldn’t hit high notes very well (which is fine!!!!! every person has a different range and he is so good at dancing and rapping that it doesn’t even matter) but like BWLWNDPDNEOENSJBDJDJW
i’m assuming the final lineup will have enough vocalists that gunwook will be a rapper, but ahhhhh i hope we get to hear more of his singing in the future because i’m in love with his voice
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martinbythelakes · 9 months
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lidongyangsa · 1 year
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I can't get over how freaking beautiful this young man is 😍😍
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ssksscrapboard · 2 years
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Fight the shark woman.
Do it. BU
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
What these pics say to me pt. 7...
Jisung edition
Okay... this one is for SURE 'No we CAN'T stop at McDonald's on the way home, I TOLD you we have food at the house! Ask again and see what happens!'
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And this one SCREAMS 'my racist uncle just said some sketchy shit at Christmas dinner'
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skybluelatte · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Yunho!!!🖤🐶🖤
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ebjkk · 1 year
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280523 ALL ROUNDER D2 || ~ Would you marry me? ~
D1 -> D2
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felixs-infodump · 1 month
im so stressed that son juwon won’t make it to part 2 😭😭
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