starlightspoken · 6 months
Y'all, my flashdrive broke and I lost all my edits, icons, PSDs, and Scrivener documents, I am fucking devastated
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starlightspoken · 7 months
Maybe this is just the hopeless romantic in me, but I fully believe Will is/was the love of Lyra's life. There might be other relationships after him, but they're all relatively short and not serious. Once one person has gently touched your soul, how can anything else compare?
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starlightspoken · 7 months
Listen, over the course of the series, Lyra loses so many people who matter to her. Billy, Roger, Lee, the gay angels I can't remember the names of, even Asriel and Marisa, who were still her parents despite their actions, Will, and even, really, Pan, her fucking soul itself. It's amazing that she isn't a sobbing, screaming mess after all of that.
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starlightspoken · 7 months
[holds ur face between my hands]
listen. listen to me. are you listening?
autistic lyra silvertongue.
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starlightspoken · 10 months
Caitie is being moved to a sideblog of my Will blog to test if I want to take her solo again
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starlightspoken · 10 months
NEW MUSES ADDED: Beau Swan and Edythe Cullen
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starlightspoken · 11 months
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FULL NAME:  Adam Graham ( or Adam Graham-Lecter, depending on verse )
NICKNAMES/ALIASES:  Lamb, Teddy Graham, Spaceman, Rocketman, Cosmo
AGE:  Played between around 10 to around 21
BIRTHDATE: July 20th
EYES:  Blue
HAIR:  Brown
HEIGHT:  Verse-dependent
FACECLAIM: Noah Jupe, Timothee Chalamet, Harvey Sadler, Elliot Grihault
PARENTS:  Will Graham (father), Marcia Raki (mother, not involved), ( Hannibal Lecter, stepfather, in some verses )
SIBLINGS:  Verse-dependent ( Associated/affiliated with Billie Graham at goneghosted sort of by default ) 
SPOUSE:  Verse-dependent
CHILDREN:  Verse-dependent
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starlightspoken · 1 year
big big BIG fan of couples who are a package deal but in an evil way. ur not getting one without the other and that's a threat
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starlightspoken · 1 year
Help, it’s one am and I’m having the urge to move Will to a solo blog
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starlightspoken · 1 year
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starlightspoken · 1 year
My asoiaf muses are moving to westaeros, bye
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starlightspoken · 1 year
Like this post for a small quote-based starter ( specify muse or I’ll pick one randomly )
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starlightspoken · 1 year
Will Graham beat a man to death with his bare hands, hauled the corpse to Hannibal’s door like a cat bringing its owner a dead mouse, and mutilated it with him, and the entire FBI was like “Ugh, gay people 🙄”
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starlightspoken · 1 year
you're very distracting, you know. - will uwu
Will clicks his tongue in MOCK-DISAPPROVAL, head tilting to one side as though he's confused. ❝ Why, Dr. Lecter, ❞ He drawls, voice nearly a purr, ❝ How could I possibly be distracting you ? ❞ He is, after all, the subject of the drawing forming under his lover's hands, so the idea of Will being a distraction seems like an oxymoron --- Will, however, is nothing if not a trier. ( Any opportunity to be a playful thorn in Hannibal's side is like catnip for him ).
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He crawls across the bed, heedless of the fact that he's supposed to be staying still, and rests his cheek against Hannibal's shoulder. Peering down at the sketchbook, he hums thoughtfully. ❝ This doesn't look like you're very distracted. ❞ He turns his head to press a kiss against the pale column of Hannibal's neck. ❝ Clearly, I need to try harder. ❞
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starlightspoken · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR THE BUDDING ROMANCE *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
i never thought something like this could happen to me.
when they said you were hurt... i've never been so afraid in my whole life.
i almost lost you.
you are the most special person i have ever met.
are you blushing? did i make you blush?
here, take my jacket. you're shivering.
i don't know how to function around you. i struggle with words.
you have an easy way of making me feel breathless.
you have no idea what you do to me.
i've never met anyone like you before.
you've been a great friend to me. better than a friend. someone i can turn to in my darkest times.
next time, warn me when you pull a stunt like that. i want to be with you.
i don't know where i'd be without you.
you came right when i needed you.
i was just thinking about you, and here you are.
i had a dream about you.
i've tried seeing other people... but they're not you. they're not who i want.
i'll protect you. i promise.
i haven't taken my eyes off you since you walked in.
this is new for me. feeling like this.
i'm sorry. i just had to see you.
you mean absolutely everything to me.
is this what happens when you fall in love?
do you feel the same way about me?
i thought i could handle seeing you with someone else, but i was wrong.
i don't know what to say. you make me forget how to speak.
you make my head spin.
do that again. that was cute.
i couldn't wait around anymore. i have to tell you how i feel.
stop! you're making me blush!
i've never felt anything like this before.
go easy on my heart. please.
my heart has been broken so many times in the past... but you won't hurt me, right? i can trust you.
you're very distracting, you know.
was that flirting? were you just flirting with me?
you're different. you're not what i'm used to.
you can keep holding my hand, you know. you don't have to let go.
i like it when you held onto me. that was nice.
this stopped being a fling a while ago.
everything changed for me last week.
when i saw you with someone else... it broke me.
could you see yourself with me?
i wish i had the strength to tell you how i feel.
i could be your date.
what if i asked you out?
i've been flirting with you this whole time.
this doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it to be.
we could... try. see what happens.
meeting you was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.
sorry, what did you say? i wasn't listening. i was... distracted.
i came as fast as i could. they said you needed me.
just stand behind me. i'll protect you.
you are... so infuriating. you know that, right?
i know what i said before... but i was wrong. about everything.
maybe we could try again?
you mumbled my name in your sleep again.
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starlightspoken · 1 year
laptop keys are being funky again. might try that canned air stuff
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starlightspoken · 1 year
I don’t play Marisa so I don’t really have a say in this (except as it pertains to Lyra), but I do love the headcanon/fanon that Marisa’s dæmon named Pan (and then possibly stopped speaking)
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