#I hate her I love her she's evil she's the best person on gods space station she's the worst person in the universe
My Ianthe headcanon is that she's so bad at aftercare she gets Coronabeth to do it for her.
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muzsmoux · 5 months
Reviewing tgcf characters because I have thoughts
I finished S2 recently and I need somewhere to put my not exactly hot but like warm (?) takes because it's taking up too much storage space in my brain.
🤍 Xie Lian 🤍
It's a good thing I'm not into guys because if I was I would be on my knees for this man in every sense of that expression and his pet menace to society would mince me up like garlic.
So I'll try to be brief about my overflowing feelings about him. Xie Lian is the best main character I have come across in a WHILE. He's the embodiment of compassion and kindness. And also a cold blooded murderer. A babygirl. A father figure. A terrifying martial god. A silly little guy. A pathological liar. The most genuine man you'll ever meet. He's everything, and Hua Cheng is 100% valid in his obsession. I'm right there with him.
Rating: 10/10
❤️ Hua Cheng ❤️
Idk if we ever figured out who wrote My Immortal but I'm pretty sure we have our culprit.
"Hi my name is Hua Cheng Crimson Rain Sought Flower Red-Robed Ghost King and this is my evil weapon of death E-ming. I've killed soooo many gods with it!! My dark power is I can summon storms of BLOOD and SUFFERING. I have my own scary city of DEMONS and they all love me and think I'm HOT but I only want my BOYFRIEND who's the only REAL GOD so STOP FLAMING HIM YOU POSERS-"
Needless to say I love him. Being the 8 time winner of the Loverboy of the Century Awards with unbeatable records in the yearning olympics is truly a remarkable feat.
Rating: 9/10
(Bonus: E-ming. Cute little guy. Likes his stepdad more than his real dad. Not afraid to show it's feelings even if it makes it look like a muppet, 10/10)
🧡 Feng Xin & Mu Qing 🧡
Tweedle dee and tweedle dum gets a shared rating because they would hate to be grouped together like that and that's funny to me. Their dynamic is great, they're good characters, I wasn't sure which one was which until midway through the second season. But then also I have a pair of 7yo twin cousins who I still can't tell apart despite them not looking even a slight bit similar so that might just be a character flaw on my end. Oops.
Rating: 7/10
🩵Shi Qingxuan🩵
I'm doubling the rating because she is best boy and best girl at the same time. I love that I can use any and all pronouns for him because he's literally a pride parade personified and therefore all of them are correct. You don't get that type of chaotic fun just anywhere.
He is truly living my dream, presenting as whatever gender they want depending on what's more convenient and/or funnier in the moment. Super useful, for things like gathering intel and terrorizing Feng Xin by being a woman.
And I personally think we should crown her the new emperor. She'd look significantly better on that throne, with her Barbie-like radiance and flourishing Kenergy.
Rating: 20/10
🖤 Ming Yi 🖤
Listen, I hate to say it because I like a sunshine x grump moment as much as the next gay but he's just... not giving what he thinks he's giving. Everyone is whispering ominously about him having some dark devastating secret but MY point is no matter how big his boobs are in his female form, Shi Qingxuan could do better. I'm sorry. She really could.
Rating: 4/10
💙 Lang Qianqiu 💙
Just an honest man with good intentions and a sickass fucking sword. He did NOT hesitate to attack the infamous Crimson Rain Sought Flower on SIGHT and I respect a quick decisionmaker, even if it shows some himbo tendencies. He also has the same distinct energy as Fred from Scooby Doo.
Rating: 6/10
💚 Qi Rong 💚
He's got some odd dietary and moral choices going on. Definitely. But he's just such a fun villain!!! Being Xie Lian's nr 1 source of migraines SHOULD make me like him less but I'm sorry, every time he was on screen I was LIVING. He would do numbers on reality TV. Someone put this guy on Kitchen Nightmares, I need to see him 1v1 Gordon Ramsay.
Rating: 7/10
🌚 Jun Wu 🌚
He has his emperor status & DILF card going for him but something about this man just ain't right. If he came to a party I was attending I would cover my drink is all I'm saying.
Rating: 2/10
🔥Pei Ming🔥
I don't know much about him besides he had that one shady empolyee or whatever (could not hear the plot over the deafening sound of Hua Cheng's yearning) but I'm partial to a good manwhore character. The thought of people praying to him like "Hugh Mungus, who art in heaven-" really tickles me.
I know he's probably straight but I headcanon him as at the very least bi-curious because you can't be that hot with that much game and not use it for evil. (That evil being causing large scale gay awakenings among his soldiers.)
Rating: 7/10
❓Pei Xiu❓
Unreliable, unimportant, unattractive, unemployed.
I remember not a singular thing about him besides fucking up Xie Lian's daughter's life and also being on my last nerve from the jump. If you're going to be evil at like least be memorable about it, you know? You can't be a bad person and a bad character at the same time. Pick a struggle.
Rating: 1/10
📚 Ling Wen 📚
I heard she committed some war crimes but honestly if I had to do an entire realm's tax returns by myself AND teach Pei Ming how to read (I refuse to believe that man is literate, just look at him) I would want to rage on occasion too. I hope she has a hot wife waiting for her at home to give her massages after carrying the whole system on her back all day. It's what she deserves.
Rating: 8/10
Thank you for reading!! Opinions might change once I read the books but as of now this is it. Remembering everyone's names has been a journey and a half so this post is sponsored by @kirstenly 's character cheat sheet go look at it! and everything else too!!!
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Their a bug that falls in love with a human they rescue and becomes human, but even when they don't get to keep their human body, they still get to be with their love. It's a sci-fi fairytale musical.
Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers musical starring awesome puppets and the most trans coded main character ever. Please. Please vote Bug Starship I love him. Go watch Kick it Up a Notch from Starship. Go watch Status Quo from Starship. You will understand.
He's a bug and he lives in space on a bug planet but he really wants to be a starship ranger which you can only be if you are a human and then one day a spaceship lands on his planet and so he goes to an evil bug called Pincer who then helps him become a human. And Bug falls in love with a human on the spaceship and it's very sweet. The musical and storyline are based on the little mermaid story, the creators themselves called it "the little mermaid but in space". Bug wanting to be a human/a starship ranger and achieving that and falling in love with a human is very much like the little mermaid
Starship is a musical that can only be described as The Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers. It follows Bug, an alien bug who dreams of being a Starship Ranger, a galactic explorer/soldier, but the rigid confines of bug society keeps him trapped in a job he hates. He reaches a Starship Ranger named February from the hive and immediately falls in love with her. In order to be with her and pursue his dream, he makes a deal with a giant scorpion named Pincer who through sci-fi bs gives him a human body. Near the end of the second act he sacrifices his human body and returns to his bug body, and saves the day and wins February's heart. It's truly the ultimate Little Mermaid. He has multiple songs, and his bug body is portrayed by a puppet!! Vote for Bug!!
“It's a big, big, universe So many dimensions And unanswered questions Not to mention Life What an invention Life There's no choice involved in what you are given One mind, one voice, one body to live in It's a short, small thing we lead With so much potential Pointless or essential Which one can I be? Where do I fit? Where do I stand? Who are they to say what I am? And how can I stay inside this awful world I know? I need a way out I need an escape I'd rather be dead than to live in this place I wish that something or someone could just take it all away Someone take me away” dear god….. can anybody hear me…. (song from starship)
They are the purest little mermaid adaptation done in the most unuque way. An alien insect gets turned into a human, a race he has always loved and admired, to be with the woman he fell in love with. Also just a great musical.
Bug's whole arc is so so in tune with that of the little mermaid. He is an alien who has fallen in love with humanity through a crashed spaceship and trades his place in the hive for a chance to be with both with the human he's falling for and to be a Starship Ranger. He body swaps with human in a cryogenic pod! It's literally sci-fi Little Mermaid!
Original Fairytale:
The OG, she suffered so much more than Ariel in the Disney version, and gave up her love for Christianity. When she's turned into a human her feet are in agony with every step, but she dances anyway to enchant the Prince. The Prince marries a princess who found him after the Little Mermaid rescued him. The Little Mermaid is distraught at the prince marrying another, so her sisters give her a dagger from the Sea Witch that will turn her back into a mermaid if she kills him. She refuses to kill him, and then she turns into sea foam and dies, but because she was a good person she becomes a spirit of the air and does good deeds for 300 years until she dies again, gains a soul, and goes to Heaven.
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captainmera · 8 months
I'm reading your Caleb fic and actually losing my mind over how good and fitting his characterization feels, how well you put the seeds of becoming a bad person in Philip without making him Evil Child and instead make it feel like a natural progression, how everyone's so NUANCED, the historical accuracy, EVELYNS CHARACTERIZATION!!! God!!! I love all of this!!!! (Also the closeted bi Caleb.)
Thank you! :D
Yes, I'm having fun crafting Caleb specifically with Philip turning into the guy Luz meets in canon, and eventually Belos, in mind.
I asked myself: Who the hell raised this dude!? :l And out came my version of Caleb, lol.
And yes, I don't think Philip was a bad kid. I think he became a bad person. Like most people who grow up, things happen and.. You know.
When you look at an adult who is angry, cruel and hateful, you seldom see their whole story. You see them for who they are right now and their unjustifiable actions and behaviours.
Caleb isn't a great parent. He's a good brother, not a half-bad provider, but parent? Not really. He was a kid when he raised his brother, and nobody taught him how to do it right. His outlet for frustrations and feeling helpless allowed him to cognitively dissonance himself from his cruel actions as a witch hunter.
We have no control. There is both freedom and imprisonment in knowing we are powerless to the chaos of hindsight. The endless human toiling of reminiscing in the "what ifs" of life will curse us all to an early doom.
The acceptance of no control, strangely, gives you more control and peace of mind. Sometimes, you can do everything right and it still goes wrong. Sometimes you do everything wrong and things turn out fine!
Doesn't mean people are blameless. Knowing the cause of something doesn't excuse the action or the choices you made.
But recognising that you made choices at the time based on what you knew and believed to be right - does give insight to things. What to do with that insight is up to each and every person.
Evelyn I'm enjoying quite a lot. Because she's not mentally ill like Caleb, who's depressed and suicidal. A character doesn't have to be unwell to be interesting. People have emotions and struggles anyhow. She's a nice person, she means well; she's a perfect example of someone who is just benefit-of-doubt enough to walk into dangerous spaces in good faith. Which puts her in situations Caleb must interfere with, lest she gets found out as a witch.
They save each other, in a way. :)
Caleb closeted bisexuality is a source of great delight to write a sub-plot for. Caleb, v.s. his ideas of what makes a man, is a fun field to dance on. He has been fed a lot of self-destructive ideas that he tries to live up to.
And Evelyn's nonchalant self-expression is also a great delight to write. She's carefree to the point people mistake her for an airhead and kind of stupid. Which isn't true, she just trust in that there is good in people until proven otherwise, and she tries her best to not let those experiences discourage her from new relationships. I like exploring that strange box that often occurs with her personality type - as though being kind and gentle is somehow dumb or naive.
BUT YEAH, Theyre very fun to write! :)
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sapphicdib · 1 year
Can we get a rough summary of Suns and Moon's reaction to the whole premature rot thing? (Maybe Wind and Innocence too if your feeling creative 0_0)
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HEHE WELL…[A drabble + explanations below the cut!]
Suns is initially…very, very angry with Sig specifically. They’re not able to blame Pebbles for this in their head (not yet, at least), and so Sig gets a lot of lectures that usually end in screaming matches…or worse. Suns is actually the one who ends up breaking Sig’s neck, though that’s later in the story and more when he’s gone from being angry to fucking terrified of Sig. With Pebbles…they honestly withdraw from him. They’re afraid to drive him away or hurt him by getting into arguments, but they’re also afraid that Pebbles could convince them that they should infect themself too (and how could Suns say no to him?). Thanks to this empty space left behind by Suns shutting him out, it leads to Pebbles becoming a lot closer to Sig, which in this case is…not a good thing.
Moon’s reaction is mostly shock and horror, and I have a little drabble here of a conversation they have:
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Both Pebbles and Sig want Moon and Suns to “join them”, though it’s unclear whether this is them talking or the rot messing with their minds.
Chasing Wind is incredibly close to Sig in my headcanons, being put online only about 50 cycles before Sig was. However, their personalities are essentially the opposite from one another, with Wind being very strict and conservative with how he treats his citizens, and active in their politics and religion. Sig and Pebbles’ actions cause chaos among the Ancient population as a whole, which makes Wind’s citizens even more annoying for him to deal with. He doesn’t particularly blame them for this, but he certainly thinks Sig is honest to god insane for taking such drastic measures. He isn’t all that close with Pebbles but assumes he’s nuts too pfft.
Unparalleled Innocence already didn’t like Five Pebbles from the moment he got put online (nor did she really like Sig either), since she looked up to Moon a lot (and has a gay little crush on her), therefore Sig is a rival bc Moon is already Sig’s partner and Pebbles is just another annoying thing that takes Moon’s attention away from her. She’s angry because she sees it as Pebbles throwing a tantrum or something for attention. She’s not really sympathetic at all, but she is scared that Moon could get hurt because of Sig or Pebbles!
And just to elaborate on Sig n Pebbs’ relationship bc it’s fun: They get a lot closer because of this, though the rot’s hive mind effect might be helping LOL. Unlike in canon, Sig doesn’t actively hate Pebbles like she does post-Moon’s collapse, they mostly just annoy the fuck out of each other. However, Pebbles decides it’s a “necessary evil” to work with Sig since she’s his best bet on actually getting this to work, and he realizes they actually work quite well together? Pebbles also kinda. Well. He gets a liiiittle bit (a lot) of a crush on Sig as time goes on because Suns is kinda out of the picture, and Sig is a very “love language is touch” person. Pebbles fucking HATES asking for affection, but because Sig is always has a hand on his shoulder, or hugs him, or pats his head or something, he doesn’t have to ask! (though he pretends to complain).
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wandercatt · 13 days
18, 25, 28, 54, 55, 56, 81, 82, 84
18. Met someone who changed you
i have been shaped not by a single person but by a group of individuals who have influenced who i am today. yet, one stands out with a particularly profound impact. i owe much of my progress to her. her words continue to guide me as i pass them on to others. without her subtle intervention, i might have drifted aimlessly in a world that consumes the unprepared. she’s my jessica to my harvey spectre; though we now fight on different fronts, we are still rallying under the same flag. soon, our paths will intersect in a confrontation i eagerly anticipate—and aim to win. i hold a complex mix of admiration and bewilderment toward her. in moments of doubt, i reflect on her choices, and that reflection has led me to where i stand today, for which i am deeply grateful.
25. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life
there are countless things i could wish to change, yet i find myself standing in the in-between—somewhere between who i was and who i hope to be. if i could change one thing, perhaps it would be learning to love myself more deeply. it’s not that i’m filled with disdain, but there’s a quiet sense that i don’t quite cherish myself enough to let go of the reckless habits that still linger.
28. Who’s getting on your nerves right now
francis. that ugly motherfucker from work. he's not just getting on my nerves, i fucking hate him. i aint writing shit for francis. lol.
54. Want kids?
at this juncture, the idea of having children feels somewhat distant. it doesn’t quite resonate with my current view, where the search for meaning often seems fruitless. despite the pressure to continue the family line, i find a certain peace in ending the cycle of a dysfunctional family by not adding more generations. for now, the prospect of raising a new life seems like a diversion from the more pressing and perhaps transient quests of existence.
55. Get married?
i'm not closing the door on marriage, despite having to call off an engagement. at the moment, it’s not something i see in the next couple of years, as i feel there are still personal challenges and growth i need to address before such a commitment feels truly meaningful.
56. Career
in the world of business process outsourcing, i find myself managing operations, navigating a landscape that feels both burdensome and oddly indifferent. the intricacies of leadership often seem inconsequential, yet there are moments, fleeting and subtle, where guiding others provides a brief, almost poetic glimmer of meaning amidst the monotony. i aim to ascend to a director role before i turn 35, hoping to find a deeper sense of purpose in the pursuit— or just drop all of this and be a surfing instructor, who plays in a band every other weekend. lol.
81. How would you label yourself?
i’m not sure how to label myself, especially when i drift through moments of existential doubt. some say i’m smart, others believe i’m the strongest they know. yet, there are those who see weakness or call me foolish. i let go of caring about their views long ago, but now, in the quiet space without their voices, i’m left unsure of how to define myself. so, i wonder—how would you label me?
82. Someone You Pray Everyday For
i can’t remember the last time i prayed. once, i was a devoted believer. its hard to answer this question directly. if any of those 10,000 gods are real, my prayer would be for the one who could end the suffering and evil in the world and perhaps deal with harry roque. i recall having asked for that before, but it seems those prayers remain unanswered. what makes a god god anyway? did we create them to make us believe that we are made by them?
84. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About
as much as i hate to admit it, kamil stands out as the one i cared for the most. she was the recipient of everything i had to offer, the best of what i could give at the time. sadly, circumstances weren’t in our favour, and i fell short; young, stupid, and naive as i was. i hope she doesn’t stumble upon this, because that would be embarrassing as hell. we don’t follow each other, but she pops up on my for you page from time to time. lol.
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Allicent Hightower
She married the King, gave him a bunch of kids, and usurped the throne for her eldest son causing a massive conflict throughout the kingdom and leading to the death of the dragons and destruction of the royal family in the next 100 years. God forbid women do anything. Seriously though, her husband didn’t respect her and she had been given reason to believe that the original heir would murder her kids so she made the decisions she made out of love and fear after being forced into a shitty position by her father and her husband. She gets involved with some not great people and does some not great things in the name of securing allies and support for her faction but I adore her and I’m tired of seeing people treat her like scum of the earth and a devil. Her husband is right there and her murdered his first wife and then married his daughter’s best friend and his cowardly neglect of his family is the real start of the conflict over the throne. Literally nothing Alicent does can top that.
Second wife of the King of Westeros, who is old enough to be her father. She prioritizes the safety of her children over everything else and because of this she attacks and usurps the heir (2 separate events). She is scrambling for stability for her family in a succession crisis that began the second her dumbass husband decided to marry her. The amount of gross misogynistic comments people make about her simply because she is a woman in one of the more misogynistic societies in mainstream media doing her best to conform and survive is sickening. Not to mention the hate she gets for working against the fandoms favorite “feminist girlboss” character. Her actions are always getting misrepresented and exaggerated to make her seem worse. Anything good she does is ignored and anything bad she does is twisted and manipulated. Free my girl she didn’t do any of that. She did do other stuff though. And she looked good doing it.
Apple White
everyone shut up about her being evil and selfish she is a teenage girl who has been raised HER WHOLE LIFE with this ideology, she can’t unlearn her entire belief system overnight especially when it’s so deeply tied to her identity as a person. also she literally does let go of it eventually, because she’s not a static character, she has an arc. apple is my favorite because she’s complex, not in spite of it. on the flipside there’s the people who act like she didn’t do anything wrong. i’ve seen people call raven the selfish one? this show was made for 5 years olds. how do you have less media comprehension that a 5 year old. and also, you’re loving apple the wrong ways!! she makes mistakes. she fucks up so much, and it’s awesome. i get overcompensating because the haters are so loud or whatever, but saying she’s perfect is erasing what makes her interesting. this propaganda is not very good because I’m guessing a lot of propaganda looks identical (edelgard and vriska have similar issues in fandom spaces) so here is my final pitch. vote for apple because she’s a lesbian (her canon soulmate was a girl). vote for apple because she’s a protagonist in a kids cartoon who was a lesbian way back in jan 2016. vote for apple because mattel let the face of their new franchise be a girl who likes girls (still feels surreal)
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
No pressure if you don't want to, but Kill Code ship ratings? I already know Solar Flare and Sun get a good positive rating with him... and (old) Moon probably gets a interesting rating since fictional toxicity is fun~
KILLCODE BELOVED OUGH I LOVE KC AND HE NEEDS KISSES. He's literally been shipped with basically EVERYONE by me and my friend group like we are insane about this eldritch man
Killcode x Sun: 5 Stars - HE LOVES HIM AND HES GOING TO FUCKING MAKE SURE HE KNOWS THAT HE IS LOVED AND THEY ARE SO SWEET AND WHOLESOME (and completely fucking feral bc KC doesn't give a shit about personal space, modesty, or privacy)
Killcode x Moon: 5 Stars - God the angst potential I love exploiting them. Moon was willing to do whatever it took to get KC under control and it left both of them with a lot of trauma every time
Killcode x Nexus: 4 Stars - They could and would be so wholesome like. Ough. I can't even explain it because I have so many different ideas but-
Killcode x Earth: 4 Stars - I was gonna say two stars again like I did on the earth ships but THEN I REMEMBERED MY RAMBLES AND IM LIKE HOLY SHIT NO I DID THEM SO DIRTY BECAUSE KILLCODE WOULD MARRY THAT WOMAN IN A HEARTBEAT
Killcode x Monty: 0 Stars - I have them paired for specifically one AU AND ITS NOT A GOOD PAIRING
Killcode x OG Computer: 5 Stars - No one who doesn't know the RESET AU understands this but they're so everything to me
Killcode x Ruin: 4 Stars - My friends really like them, and I have an AU where they're best friends (with benefits) so I also like them.
Killcode x Foxy: 4 Stars - Pls pls pls someone see the vision
Killcode x Miku: 2 Stars - He chose death over her
Killcode x Golden Freddy: 3 Stars - Old man yaoi real? Real.
Killcode x Glamrock Freddy: 4 Stars - Bearcode. I'm telling you. It's gonna be big and it's gonna be great and I'm gonna explode
Killcode x Solar (Nice Eclipse): 3 Stars - I'm still so curious about the logic behind this and so intrigued I wanna knowww
Killcode x Lunar: 4 Stars - No one understands my need for them they are so canon in Twisted Celestials and they mean everything to me they're silly little eldritch creatures and they're so curious about each other (they're also so canon to me for my bm and kc QPR AU where they're a couple of feral cats fr). Tall massive gentle giant x tiny little angry twink how the fuck can you not love it
Killcode x Helios (Dark Sun): 4 Stars - This could be so twisted and toxic and Helios could encourage him to be evil again I'm-
Killcode x Nyx (Evil Lunar): 5 Stars - His big guard dog that will tear his enemies to shreds and always come back at his call
Killcode x Gaia (Evil Earth): 2 Stars - She's the kind of person he hates to be honest. He'd kill her with no remorse.
Killcode x Crescent (Solar's Moon): 5 Stars - No one understands I have a MIGHTY NEED that has arisen from RESET AU. They're so so so ough I need them and I need them now he's KC's little mate he's so fucking playful and a little fucked up in the head but KC loves him anyways and jakl;fsdj;a
Killcode x Kronos (Lord Eclipse): 4 Stars - Objectively correct
Killcode x Crius (Servant Sun): 5 Stars - A SWEET LITTLE SUN FOR HIM TO DOTE ON AND LOVE AND KISS IM-
Killcode x Styx (Lord Lunar): 5 Stars - Thoughts about how possessive Styx seemed to be he would ask Killcode to stay so sweetly and of course Killcode would say yes (Styx is so fucking lonely bro KC feels so much sympathy)
Killcode x Moros (Servant Eclipse): 3 Stars - I am so intrigued but also I think Moros is too devoted to his Lord
Killcode x Icarus (Star Holder Freddy): 5 Stars - Bearcode but the bear is traumatized and that makes it better
Killcode x Khonsu (Feral Moon): 5 Stars - KC can fix him
Killcode x Angel (Solar's Sun): 5 Stars - ANOTHER SWEE-
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dgrailwar · 5 months
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Further Servant details under the cut:
A beautiful princess of the Moon who hasn't yet tasted blood. In another world, her Class would be 'Funny Vamp'.
She serves as the soul of the Planet, and therefore possesses immense power and purity, raised as a delicate and well-mannered princess. As a Servant she is theoretically much weaker than she would be in her natural state, bound to a Saint Graph rather than the planet itself. Therefore, rather than being able to augment the Earth's rotation and treat continents like pinballs, she's simply only able to create destructive storms and earthquakes with a flick of her fingers.
A version of 'Archetype: Earth' that has retained her innocence, one that being bound to a world of 'Fate' has not met her own. A natural phenomenon in the shape of a girl, a soul who watches over humanity without understanding, an Archetype of the Planet that exists brilliantly and positively, with only the slightest curiosity of when her life will truly begin.
A Buddhist monk of the Shingon Tachikawa Eiten School. A woman of calm composure and pure veneer.
She is a master Spiritron Hacker, a type of magus from the future that specializes in Code Casts. She thoroughly believes in the value of 'desire', and sees that as her own personal path to truth, making her an entity of unrelenting faith. However, as pure as she may seem, there are no truly perfect souls in the world, and those with seemingly no secrets to hide may hold the most sinister ones of all.
A precise woman, who can see those for who they truly are, while leaving herself an enigma. Like a hungry beast, she stalks her prey, slowly peeling away their layers and exposing their vices before going for the killing strike. While her style of battle is patient, it is exceptionally brutal-- but that's just how matters of the heart are, yes? Reaching that secret flower garden in order to sully it and claim it for yourself.
“Everyone’s favorite kouhai and little devil, B.B.! The beautiful black blossom of the Moon makes her debut, and she has a real nasty cheat skill in order to commemorate! What? There’s something dark and obviously evil mixed into my Spirit Origin? First off, I was already devilish enough, so it was really just a power boost, and also… do you really care that much? I mean, watching our enemies struggle will make any sort of mods worth it, right?”
"Anyways, do I really need to sell myself? Oh, well maybe there are a few people who aren't in the loop, and I'd hate for any potential fans to get FOMO! What do you want to know? My three sizes? My greatest fear? My one true love? Well, that's a big 'nope' to all three! I'm what some people may deem a 'rogue (and powerful) A.I', a scourge on the Moon. A 'Moon Cancer' (obviously), and any sort of digital, quasi-digital, pseudo-digital, or conceptually-digital space is basically my domain! So, you know, if you're looking for winners…"
"Anyways, you know the right choice (It's me, if you didn't realize). I'll ~ be ~ in ~ your ~ care ~! ♡"
The Great Statue God. The God of Prosperity and Fortune. The Elephant-headed God of Overcoming Obstacles, Ganesha. A mighty Divine Spirit, distilled into a vessel that Ganesha himself thought was suitable- a woman who had her very fate changed on the surface of the Moon.
Vessels are chosen, and often don't volunteer, so this particular soul was rather surprised to end up a Divine Spirit. However, she's willing to step out into the world and give it 110% to represent Lord Ganesha! Do your best~!
"…eh? Seriously?!"
…This Ganesha greatly enjoys living the slow life, not having to worry about combat, danger, or fighting-- however, as a vessel for a god that also represents forward progress and overcoming obstacles, she can’t sit and bide her time forever (despite REALLY wanting to). Finding out when to rest and when to strike… perhaps that’s a lesson that both you and this god’s vessel can learn together.
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its-just-hyper · 5 months
Welp. @th3ratk1ng said they wanted all my opinions for bnha on that ask game( made by @/fintan-pyren) so
♥️the most egregiously mischaracterized character is either Izuku or Uraraka, easily. Many other common mischaracterizations are presented as aus or specified tropes (example: ao3 tags like ‘Bad Teacher Yagi Toshinori | All Might’ or ‘protective Bakugo Katsuki’ however Bakugo is also often overvillianized or oversympathised as well)
But Izuku was hit very very hard by fandomization/underswap!sans treatment/cinnamon roll too pure for this world/smol bean/woobification and while it’s gotten better as internet culture has left that, a lot of the older fandom content is like that. And Uraraka is a woman. So. Of fucking course fandom can’t handle her. (I might be biased cause I fucking love both of them. I feel like mischaracterization is hella common in this fandom in particular)
🧡a popular serious theory I disagree with is that I disagree with is Izuku and Shigaraki being related. I know, those are my blorbos ever, but yeah. I think their story (and purpose as character foils) is more compelling if they are unrelated, emphasizing that Izuku was ‘just some quirkless kid’, not somehow related to That Mess ™. (Trying to be vague for spoilers sake I guess but. Yeah.) I do enjoy the theory that AFO gave Shigaraki his quirk, but I have no stance on if it’s canon or not.
💛a popular ship I just can’t get behind fucking hate so much is fucking. Kaminari/Shinsou. Fuck that ship oh my god I can’t stand it at all. Literally no offense ever at all to shippers I’m not gonna go into y’all’s spaces and shit on your joy but I cannot stand this ship at all. It feels like they’re only shipped for their tropes and the fact that they’re both “leftover” from the shipping and also both boys. Like… I understand the parallels to erasermic but erasermic is so much better and you can just ship shindeku instead COUGH UH—-
💚I’ve already talked about Izuku quite a bit sooooo. Something that everyone else gets wrong about Shigaraki is that he isn’t just one thing. The fandom separates itself into “Shigaraki Tomura is evil and scary and intimidating and a threat” and “Shigaraki Tomura is a loser gamer nerd failure of a villan” and ALL OF THIS IS TRUE!!!!!!!! Let my boy be the contradiction he was made to be. He is intimidating AND immature and tactically smart while being a fucking nerd pleasepleasepleaseplease he is so much better if you let him be both
💙characters that I find not that hot? Dabi is not that hot. Yaourozu is not that hot. Aizawa is not that hot. Bakugo is not that hot. Todoroki Shoto is not that hot. Kai Chisaki is not that hot and has a stupid hairline. Uraraka is not that hot. I don’t think I find any of the characters actually very personally attractive, but that could be the aspec talking.
💜(opposite of above question) see previous.
🤍oh great peaks this is the question of the fandom, huh? “Character that isn’t as morally bad as everyone seems to think”? Well I. Don’t wanna start a fucking grease fire um. Okay this doesn’t really fit the question but. A common trope (especially for fics about Midoriya fix-its and getting justice for our favorite whump protagonist) is making All Might WAY worse than he is. Same with Midoriya Inko. Fics with either of these tropes are fine and good and I actually like a lot of them, but I always find it the best whenever the complexity of the situation is addressed.
Like. Sure, you can punish All Might for being a Quirkist asshole but it’s much more compelling to punish him and let him grow for his Quirkist actions brought up from his own trauma and seeing Midoriya through that lense. Sure you can punish Inko for not believing in her son enough to lie for his sake, or you can have the Midoriyas explore how even though her actions come from love, she hurt her son. Because mother/child relationships are ALWAYS going to be complicated.
🖤Which character isn’t as morally good? Fuck it, ALSO All Might. I don’t like it when All Might’s faults are completely glossed over. (sometimes in response to people doing what I talked about in the above paragraphs, sometimes just for that sweet sweet “Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might” tag) As is. Probably a noticeable theme, you can put All Might in a good/familial/positive/heroic light while also acknowledging and letting him and Midoriya grow from his faults, and I actually prefer this significantly.
💖im not sure what constitutes as an unpopular opinion that I agree with, as I haven’t interacted with the modern fandom much, but here it goes. Villain!Midoriya Izuku is a very very very compelling idea, BUT most fan interpretations of it are very bad. You don’t need to vastly mischaracterize Midoriya to turn him into a villain, THATS why the idea is so appealing. As I’ve said over and over “pleasepleaseplease have more complexity in your bnha fan content PLEASE stop turning these characters into cardboard cutouts when there is SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL.”
💔Oh this one is hard as fuck, isn’t it. If I absolutely had to remove a major character from the series, it would be Gran Torino. AND SHUT UP I DONT LIKE THIS BUT HEAR ME OUT. Letting Midoriya figure out One for All without Gran Torino’s help would’ve been equally compelling. And shhhhh I’m not sure what constitutes a major or minor character in this show so I just picked someone important.
💕an unpopular ship that I like is Midoriya Izuku/Tokoyami Fumikage. As you might be able to tell, I have a habit of subbing in popular “broody/bubblegum”/“darkness/sunshine” ship dynamics to include Midoriya cause he’s my favorite 1A kid. And also I read a few really good fics for this due to Tokoyami content deprivation.
📖what book I would remove from the series had no answer
🏳️‍🌈again, I don’t really know what characters are commonly headcanoned as queer in the fandom, so here’s my maybe controversial queer bnha Headcanons. You will see a common theme. Arospec Midoriya, aroace Todoroki, gender nonconforming lesbian Yaourozu. Biromantic ace Shinsou, and uh. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, I don’t usually make gender/sexuality Headcanons since I can’t even make one for myself—-
💀I would kill off Endeavor cause I want him dead, or I would kill off All Might. I wouldn’t LIKE IT, but it’s probably gonna happen eventually and I can see why—-
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Propaganda under the cut.
Marcille Donato:
marcille attempts (illegal) necromancy, makes a deal with a demon, and goes (temporarily) mad with power thanks to said demon—all on a quest to rescue her girl best friend. she and her friends must survive on strange foods on said quest, and she's FAR more hesitant to do that than the illegal necromancy stuff. she's both girlboss and girlfailure and i love her for it
Raiden Ei/Beelzebul:
Her crime is bad decisions and complete apathy. She's a dictator/goddess who lets civil war and nuclear radiation be while she sits on her plane contemplating concepts. Not evil because she doesn't like outsiders and fights to prevent to war from encroaching the borders and there's no maliciousness
Ahhh, I hate her. But that just means she's really effective as a morally gray character. I can't say she's evil because not having empathy is fine and doesn't make you bad. But the almighty shogun, dictator of Inazuma just. doesn't. care!! She self isolated for 500 years contemplating the concept of eternity while her country (that she was the god of) went to civil war. Then read some light novels written by her friend and caught up, discovered a new sweet, reworked some of her eternity ideas. And that's IT. Her people are like ants to her. She STILL DOESN'T CARE. Not even at the end of her Kecharacter arc! No helping restoration of her war torn country! No restructuring the system that allowed bad things in the first place! She repealed ONE law that's it. One of her islands was under active nuclear radiation btw for reference. Anyways she's morally gray girlboss because she's very powerful goddess. None of her personality traits make her an actual bad person. Her actions and consequences of deliberate inaction/apathy are astoundingly horribly bad and I'll never forgive her personally. Unrelatedly she did abandon her kid but that's actually the funniest thing she's done. No space 4 more
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fayesdiary · 8 months
hmm hmmmmmm.......Rhea, Veyle, and Faye for the character ask game!
1) how much I like their personality
I adore her. She's my fav 3H character by far. Just this mix of sweet and awkward and kind but with a boatload of trauma and repressed rage... She's the bestest <3
2) how much I like their design/aesthetics
Her archbishop outfit is great (although what is up with those hips. She barely has enough space to fit her organs), and general design is super pretty!
Also her Seiros outfit is 😳
3) how interesting I think they are
GOD. I feel like I could talk about her for hours if you caught me in the right mood. I want to inspect her with a microscope.
4) how well-written I think they are
As a character? Wonderfully, but her treatment in the story leaves a LOT to be desiered, often shoved to the background and generally getting treated like crap by the narrative for an alleged main character.
Also fuck everything about the SS endgame.
5) (if applicable) how much I like their mechanics in-game
her CF fight is pain and her SS one is pure agony
6) if I think they are a Good Person(tm)
For the most part, yes! It's clear all her actions were done with good intent (albeit a bunch of them were questionable but still, never cruel), and I think it's important to note that her vicious side only comes in regards to the man who literally committed genocide towards her kin or when she's being violently having her trauma of said man triggered.
Hell, her burning of Firdhiad is pretty much her lowest point and even then it only comes after she's being violently triggered and blamed for everything over and over. She's pretty much gone insane by that point and for damn good reason. Also you know, it's all your fault.
1) how much I like their personality
BABY. She's the cutest but also constantly wracked with guilt and shame about being a Fell Dragon.
2) how much I like their design/aesthetics
I love her Somniel outfit and her evil outfit absolutely slays, but while I really like her main outfit since it's fluffy I hate her collar and ankle chains.
3) how interesting I think they are
A whole lot! Her relationship with Alear is the best, in typical younger FE sister fashion she's a lot stronger than she seems (they literally had to brainwash her into compliancy and even then it didn't work all that well), her guilt over her evil self's action (on top of just being a Fell Dragon period). Also she has a knack for making (magical?) trinkets and she lived on her own wandering around Elyos for quite a while, so :D
4) how well-written I think they are
The brainwashing/evil personality part is a bit iffy as always in FE plots, but other than that? She's great!
Something that keeps suprising me about FE writing is that while they're not... the best at writing female characters somehow they keep hitting the spot with writing younger sisters.
5) (if applicable) how much I like their mechanics in-game
She's a lot of fun! Her personal tome and dagger are great and her personal skills are quite useful :D
6) if I think they are a Good Person(tm)
Definitely! She's an absolute sweetheart, but at the same time I love the hc that her evil self is actually a part of her albeit exaggerated and twisted by Zephia and not just a personality that came out of nowhere. Doesn't help I'm playing Persona 4 right now.
..fun fact, do you know she actually got on Top 200 of CYL8? I'm genuinely shocked.
1) how much I like their personality
I really like it, mainly in the sense her obsession is portrayed negatively for once. I've seen a bunch of fans trying to "fix" her by toning down and/or removing her obsession with Alm, but I always loved more the angle of keeping it while pointing out how toxic and self-destructive it is and having her slowly grow out of it.
2) how much I like their design/aesthetics
Peak. Perfection. Immaculate. Well except maybe the lack of freckles, but that's why I draw her with them ;)
3) how interesting I think they are
It may be mainly due to projecting and overanalizing, but god. Soo much. Her trauma and horrible coping mechanisms, her huge trouble making friends and socializing with strangers, her fondness for Celica, her clinginess and yearning for both a place to belong and to return to the good old days at Ram...
Also she's a bisaster. It's totally canon trust me
4) how well-written I think they are
Hahaha... oh, terribly.
I'm not gonna pretend the writers ever saw her as anything more "the girl with an unhealthy unrequited obsession towards the protagonist we're apparently contractually obligated to put in almost every game". Like, I'm pretty sure all of her small nuances you can find if you start digging were an accident, and considering how she gets flanderized outside of Echoes, I'm almost certain that's the case.
(speaking of, the sole fact they managed to flanderize her holy shit)
5) (if applicable) how much I like their mechanics in-game
GOD I LOVE THEM. All of the effort they didn't put into writing her they put into her gameplay mechanics because they portray her SO WELL.
The fact she loses avoid when supporting Alm, her higher then average growths hinting at the fact she's trying desperately hard, her unique spells as a Cleric being either a way to ignore distance (Physic to heal from afar, Rescue to get someone literally close to her) and Anew, the only form of a Dancer you get in Echoes, costing so much HP portraying her self-destructive behavior in an attempt to be useful.
Just... screams
6) if I think they are a Good Person(tm)
Yeah... I'd be lying if I said yes.
She's a lot better than people claim she is, but still, between the obsession towards Alm and general (albeit potentially accidental) rudeness towards strangers and... less-than-stable state of mind, she's far from the greatest person to be around.
Still, she can be pretty sweet when she wants to, she apologized to Silque and actually accepted Alm's rejection which oh my god why do people keep claiming she's a yandere when she's actually capable of hearing no as an answer, and also she's unflinchingly loyal to her loved ones!
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redacted-metallum · 1 year
gimme, a person who knows fuck all about chuthulu lore, the rundown on chthulu lore
Azathoth is like the demiurge. Our reality is his dream, and he's not really even aware that if he wakes up our reality will end. Referred to as the blind idiot god.
Shub-Naggath is . . . ? She's the black goat of the woods with a thousand young. We don't get much in lore about her other than she's supposedly the most widely worshiped entity. She's got kids that are trees sometimes, those are called Dark Young.
Yog-Sothoth is the Key and the Gate, Gatekeeper and Guardian. Appears as a bunch of bubbles. He had kids with a human woman once. Another time invoking him brought a dude back from the dead (and then yote him back to the dead). Also just sort of there.
Nyarlathotep is the Crawling Chaos and he's the Messenger and Soul of the Outer Gods (Az, Shub, Yog, and himself). Don't know what him being the soul means. He feels the most human of all of the entities because he's really just here for a laff. Really just kind of does whatever. Has "A Thousand" forms, that get called "masks" a lot because some nerds wrote a tabletop game like 80 years after Lovecraft's death and it was so influential one of the forms they designed is usually the top result when you google "Nyarlathotep"
If you go with one specific writer, the Outer Gods had a fight with the Great Old Ones as some sort of big good vs evil thing. But most people HATE that specific writer and ignore that. I like them having a fight but I like it when it only looks big and epic from a human perspective, and from their perspective it's a dumb petty slap fight.
Cthulhu is the big squid guy. You know who he is, he's the most popular and famous. He's napping under the ocean in a non euclidean city called R'Lyeh. He calls people sometimes. People need to start drawing him fat with no abs again or I start killing hostages.
Dagon is a big fisy. So is Hydra. Those two are the gods of the deep ones, who are fish people.
[checks notes] there's so fucking many of these guys. Other beasties are Hastur (the king in yellow, who requires a whole post to himself), Yhoundeh, Atlach-Nacha, Tsathouggua, Gla'aki, Y'golonac, Ithaqua (who requires SO much reworking for "cultural appropriation" reasons, of the "hey the Aashinabe people say you shouldn't say that spirit's name, Ever, and also not use it if you're not Aashinabe" variety), Cthugha, and fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yig
There's Shoggoths, who Lovecraft tried to get us to be afraid of, but I love dearly. They unionized and killed the elder things, who were enslaving them.
There's the Yith, who I also love dearly despite them being essentially space eugenicists who steal people from time to record information. They are, as a rule, incredibly shape.
There are the Mi-Go who are space bugs and also fungus. They stole a guy's brain one time. A couple of times actually. If your friend in vermont suddenly starts typing his letters to you and is like "NO YEAH COME TO VERMONT ITS FINE ALSO BRING ALL YOUR NOTES AND DON'T TELL ANYONE" don't???? go there??????? WILMARTH.
The Necronomicon comes from this whole thing as well. Book full of Secrets.
And all of this was written by some dead white guys who exchanged letters and ran the ring from "ehhh it was the 20s and 30s they did their best" to "holy fucking shit dude" levels of racism.
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This is the last thing I'm gonna say and god I hope the person who started this witch hunt for my best friend sees it.
You took one of the most loving, wholesome, wonderful people on this site and tried to make them a villain. And they were seen as a villain since April. Now you're starting it all up again just as it was getting better. That is what I call immaturity at it's finest. This vague posting, "oh i know all their lies" (there aren't any), she bullied all of my friends (no she blocked anyone who she thought was going to trash talk her, her family, friends, etc. all due to a MISUNDERSTANDING which is still happening in your brain because you have no comprehensive reading skills. Read what she actually wrote then get back to me on all your thoughts), several people on here who know her boyfriend irl and actually know he does what he does (he's even my cousin, an actual breathing human!!) including working with a certain singer and yes even talking to her PR manager from time to time (she never once said she talks to Tree directly so get off whatever high ass horse you're on) and everything else she is apparently lying about bc I'm sure all of your dumb evidence will definitely see all of this through and so much more.
You are Not a journalist. This is tumblr dot com. It is Not that serious and yet you want to make others hurt. And congratulations. Molly has left and not only her, but her friends are hurting as well. All because you have some wild delusional list that apparently makes her out to be an evil witch. Try again. Tumblr has never been a place for this. We have moved on. Everyone has. But then there's you. Talk to me if you want actual evidence that you so badly crave. Not people you think might possibly be right. You definitely aren't.
Bottom line stop with the pointless hate, stop with the bullying, stop with the vague posting. I can't not vague post because you blocked me when I never even spoke a word to you.
Be the better person here. We all want to have fun. You took away bingo nights, live blogging with her and her bf, book club, amazing black and white gifsets, a safe space for everyone, a place for great advice, a loving and dear friend to so many, and for what? Your little list? Please.
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blackfairy312 · 1 month
What ship did Komi 🧣 herself like the best vs the shop that was best for her if it’s not the same thing
oh i love this question!! i love writing complex character dynamics so i have indeed spent HOURS of my life dedicated to writing extensively about all of Komi's relationships in my google docs (not to be shown to the world because im honestly Embarrassed) SO THIS IS SOMETHING IVE ALWAYS THOUGHT ABOUR!
personally i believe Snuppet 🐍☂️ was the BEST relationship for her. the whole thing is tjat Komi just got away from an abusjve relationship and also the whole Thing with Bill Cipher, which is why she has her memories of her previous lives now. she's going through a lot of emotions and traveled to another world to escape instead of doing her job (she still does her job, protecting the multiverse, but she's letting herself Sink Into It i guess. its hard to explain but understand Komi's mental space during the Genshin Impsct era impacts jer relationship with Scaramouche/Wanderer/Pinokio)
Komi SHOWED Scaramouche her memories . he saw EVERYTHING because she wanted him to trust her . THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SHES EVER CRUSHED ON SOMEONE FIRST AND THE POOR GIRL IS DESPERATE AND HOPELESS!!!!!!!!!
it's only after the whole Sumeru Story and Scaramouche -> Wanderer (Pinokio was the name we gave him) that Pinokio/Scaramouche begins to be vulnerable around Komi which then strengthens their already very close relationship .
they're like two edgy angsty young adults in college . kinda. except the college is the Sumeru Akademia and they're both 500+ years old .
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as for the relationship Komi herself has as her favorite, it was her relationship with Weskwr . OOOHHH BIOSNAKE ☣️🐍
the Only reason Biosnake ended in tragedy was because of Uroboros . if Wesker hadn't created that virus then he wouldn't have gone Senile and DIED . and Komi knows this to be true and she hates herself so much for not breaking the rules and intervening with the plot to save the man she loved . Unfortunately the Resident Evil universe (she calls it "The Umbrella-Verse", like how she calls all FNAF/FNAF fangame worlds "The Afton-Verse") would've been destroyed and erased from reality if she so much as uttered a WORD to convince Wesker to change his mind .
Wesker is the reason why Komi's favorite color is red now. Sigh.
i love old people . i love those ood people. yeah sure Albert Wesker has the longest crime list on the Villains Wiki out of everyone Komi's ever dated but that is THE man she constantly thinks about. it's just because he Died . like she doesnt a mourn Robin anymore because she actually got closure and was able to move on. WITH WESKER. AND THEN SHE LOST HIM AND THE GUY WHO DID IT MADE HER FEEL LIKE SHIT!! CHRIS.... stop it........
man whi wants to become god and destroy humanity + god herself and she loves humanity
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Season FUCKING 8 of Ninjago
So I have been emotionally demolished (big surprise there) because my favorite character, and please don’t behead me for this, was Garmadon. I’ve never really mentioned it before because I saw no need to, but gods.... I’m in physical pain.
Why is Garmadon my favorite character? (I swear this section matters)
Because I love the way the show handled his character, I love how even when he was evil even when he was infected with the Great Devourer's venom, he was clearly trying to be good, he played more of the role of an anti hero than a true utter villain in my personal opinion (the crew also said that was kinda the intention in the beginning so I’m not to far off base). He clearly cared about his son and his wife, with Lloyd seemingly knowing who his father was before he had even gotten the chance to meet his mother (I promise I will talk about Misako in this rant cause she does play into it) and Garmadon is shown doing pretty much nothing other than telling his son “I love you, you matter and please don’t be like me” in season one through till then end of season four and even in their short meeting in season five. 
Also it feels like the characters conveniently forget the fact that: isn’t the whole reason he’s evil because he was bit by the Great Devourer? The best comparison I can think of is blaming someone who was bit by a werewolf for becoming a werewolf, again not sure how else to put it. Also he’s shown doing a whole shit ton of good stuff before the evil like fully took over, like he fought multiple wars on the good side. 
But then after he’s like de-evil-fied he immediately becomes this really kind chill person (hm it’s almost like he was a fundamentally good person who got dealt a really bad hand) even swearing off fighting, only breaking that vow because his son is in danger. In fact after he’s turned not evil (idk man) he’s a really valuable member of the team who’s honestly a lot less reckless when it come to the ninja’s well beings, like seriously who left Wu in charge of these people, and even snapped at Wu when they got BLASTED OFF INTO SPACE. His redemption is rather slow with most of the ninja taking most of season two to truly warm up to him, even after they’re still clearly weary of him, which I freaking love btw.
Finally after multiple seasons of proving he is a better person, admitting past lies (such as the letter to Misako, which honestly if a letter was all it took to sway her one way or another I’m not really sure how loyal she truly is, but I digress), mending bonds and just generally doing things to prove himself a good person, then the ending of season four hits and he sacrifices himself in a final act selflessness to save everyone. And I’m sorry but the line “I had wanted to make the world in my image, but I realize I already have, in you.” To Lloyd as his last goodbye was just heart wrenching. His last goodbye was an act of selfless good and even after we see him in season five he’s not concerned about escaping he is concerned about his sons wellbeing. 
Why Harumi bringing him back makes me so upset.
So yeah that’s why I love Garmadon but why does it matter? Well because he died a good person. He died with people remembering his sacrifice as something good. Then Harumi brought him back, but not the Garmadon who loved his son more than anything, not the Garmadon who went through seasons of mending bonds, no she brought back the part of him entirely consumed with evil and hate, and it makes me so FUICKING mad!
Imagen you go through years of healing and change so you’ll be remembered not only for the evil you did but the good person you died as, only for someone to bring back the evil part of you to crush the image people had of you and wrecking the bonds you’d made leaving your memory utterly demolished and your family bond broken because some random girl decided she cared more about her own revenge and anger than the peace and good ending you had worked so hard to achieve.
Also the effect it’s going to have on Lloyd (Note I have not yet watched season 9 so take this as what I think would be the emotions he’d be feeling). His last true memories with his father were with the Garmadon who redeemed himself, it’s the person Lloyd considers to be his real father/the real Garmadon only for Harumi to bring back the man who Lloyd knows isn’t really his father only a hollow shell with his voice and snippets of memories. I can’t even imagine one how gut wrenchingly terrible it would feel to lose your parent only for someone to bring back what’s essentially an evil clone to destroy all the good that they had previously done.
Enough about Garmadon lets talk about season 8 (This section is far lighter)
This season was awesome! I loved most of the changes to the character designs and voices (apparently some people didn’t like the changes but honestly my only complaint has so be Kai’s hair color being kinda weird) it just felt like everyone’s voice actors were going so much harder this season, especially Zane, Cole and Nya’s like Nya’s voice and (let’s be honest) pretty bad hair cut was holding her back and since that all changed she’s honestly just so much cooler now! Also Zane switching from more human esq while in front of people while being robotic around his friends was just a fun rather personal touch, like it just felt like such a neat character quirk, like I just love to think of Zane not wanting to scare like younger children and stuff like that so he wears the more human appearance.  
I loved all the reveals of small character quirks, especially with Cole, like him apparently not liking public singing (do I smell possibilities for fanfiction) and being really good with kids, like that’s just so adorable. Also all of Cole and Zane’s little side quest was just more shipping fuel for me lol. I loved the Pixel reveal and it just feels so fitting for her to be samurai X like just way to fun!
Was the season perfect: no, but was it really freaking fun and enjoyable and depressing, yes yes it was! In conclusion this Lego show should not have this much of a hold over my emotions tbh, but I’m not gonna stop watch so ya know!
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