#I got kind of addicted to this video when I saw it so I *had* to make gifs of it
duffslut · 3 days
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That was oddly appealing of him
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piratefishmama · 2 months
Just ONE chance | Part 2
“Are you gonna message him?” It was later in the evening, Rosie was in the living room watching some gameshow while Stevie sat at the kitchen island, having just finished cleaning up after dinner, Robin facing her through her phone, stuffing her face with what looked like French fries.
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“Dusty thinks I should but… should I? It doesn’t feel too… I dunno, desperate? Cause I’m not desperate, I could not care less about dating rockstars, in fact before all this the idea of dating a rockstar would have never crossed my m—“
“Stevie” Robin cut her off “if anyone seems desperate right now, it’s him. It ain’t you, nobody in their right mind could think it was you. You were just doing your own damn thing and he cringe-failed so hard he broke the internet. Listen… you don’t have to do shit, EVEN IF Dustin is telling you to. Dustin doesn’t know everything.” Stevie bit her bottom lip in pensive thought, Robin on the other end of the video call stuffed another French fry into her mouth before asking, “do you want to though? That’s the important thing, do you want to?”
“I don’t KNOW, that’s the problem. It’s nice… I guess… to be wanted, but it’s not just about me anymore.” It was about Rosie. Stevie’s life wouldn’t be the only life impacted if she took that chance. Maybe if she were younger, maybe if she didn’t have Rosie things would be different, maybe she’d have been wild and jumped at it, but she had Rosie, and Rosie mattered way more to her than anything a stranger on the internet could give her.
“It’s a little bit about you, Stevie, and it’s okay to let it be about you. You’ve spent literal years putting yourself on the back burner, even Mike got hitched before you, like who called that?” Nobody. Nobody called that, even though he and Will had been dancing around each other since kindergarten, nobody would have called that. “We both know Billy wouldn’t have wanted you to be on your own like this either.”
“What if he’s weird about Rosie?”
“Then he hits the road, simple. I heard he’s good with kids though.” Stevie offered a look, a simple unimpressed raised brow “Whaaatt, okay fine I looked him up when I saw it all blowing up, call it me doing my sisterly duty. He’s weird, but in a harmless opossum kind a way, y’know? Like he probably scampers or something.”
“What about like… drugs… alcohol… shit I don’t want around Rosie?”
“According to his Wiki page, the whole band an issue with addiction in the early days, toxic music label, it was a huge legal mess, they all went to rehab, cut their old label an they’ve all been clean and sober since. Knowing you, like I do… I really do think you’d like him, and Rosie would love him too, He’s very… I dunno…”
Vickie, Robin’s fiancée, chose that exact moment to shove her face into view of the camera to announce, “He’s like a mix between Billy and Dustin, a suuuper-hot, but a huge nerd, you’d like him, definitely.”
A weird mix of Billy and Dustin. What a wild mental image.
“So you’re both on Dustin’s side then. I should message him?”
“It’s not our place to tell you what to do” Robin shrugged, she couldn’t tell her what to do, but she could offer a helpful suggestion of “maybe ask Rosie, she’s the only reason you’re hesitating and she’s old enough now to at least have an opinion, right?” Stevie looked toward the living room, where the glow of the TV bounced off the walls, Rosie’s laughter echoing from the other room.
“She already knows somethings up, Stevie, kids talk in school” Vickie reminded them “and Eddie’s… pretty famous, Corroded Coffin aren’t exactly unknown, an you’re not exactly unknown online either, someone’s bound to have mentioned it to her by now.” If the kids hadn’t, Dustin probably would eventually just to get her on his side before Stevie could get her on hers.
“Fine. But if this all blows up in my face, i’m revoking both your lunch privileges, for life.”
“What?! N—” Stevie cut their unison attempt to argue off with a well-timed click of the end call button, put her phone face down on the island top so she could ignore the incessant buzzing of them attempting to dial back, and made her way to the living room, where someone just face planted into a lovely pool of mud on the TV. Good ol gameshow night.
“Rosie…?” No time like the present. “Can we talk?”
It wasn’t often that Stevie interrupted gameshow night, usually they’d be watching it together, but Stevie had had other things on her mind, other much more pressing things that people didn’t seem to want to let die.
She was prepared to let them die, let this be a weird story of her ‘youth’ that she’d remember some day in a nursing home, a story nobody would believe but she’d swear blind happened!
A rockstar thought she was hot enough to send the internet into a meltdown one time. It happened, she swore it!
It wouldn’t die though. Not until she either told everyone to drop it, or entertained it.
“Sure, but uhm… if this is about the Eddie Munson thing—” she turned away from the TV to look at her mom “Uncle Dusty warned me about it way in advance, got me just before school started this morning.” Probably saved her from being ambushed about it by the kids at school. “It’s cool! He’s really cool, I mean, he’s super weird, huge nerd but… he seems nice”
Meddling little shit. Stevie took a breath, accepted this information, decided to deal with it later, and just powered through. “And you don’t think it’s unrealistic for everyone to think this is real?”
“It’s definitely real, mom. Uncle Dusty found his private account on your followers list, he’s been following you for aaaaaages,”
“Most people call that stalking.” How did Dustin even find it among the mass of others? Had Eddie been that obvious? Or was Dustin just that good?
“In the old days maybe! It’s almost romantic nowadays. You should message him, before Uncle Dusty does, cause he will. We both know he will.” Dustin had been uncomfortably absent all day since bursting in without warning. Stevie hadn’t even thought of it as a red flag until Rosie mentioned it ought to be. “It’s time, mom. It’s okay.”
“You’re really okay with it? It’s not crazy?”
“Oh, it’s SUPER crazy, but it’s a cool crazy, my mom’s gonna date thee Eddie Munson cause he begged you to, it’s the best kind of nuts, I wonder if he’d teach me how to play guitar…”
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Had Eddie Munson actually asked anyone before he opened those DM’s, anyone at all, because he didn’t really consult the band as to what he was going to DO on the band's accounts, they’d have probably told him not to do that.
And they’d have been correct!
Because everyone and their mother, and even some fathers, decided to shoot a shot they never had!
He didn’t just get one DM, no, he got… many. Many. People messaged asking for autographs, merch, people asked for tickets, some offered themselves if Stevie didn’t message, some offered to DRESS UP as Stevie for him, a few went with Eddie’s own plan simply messaging with a plea for just ONE chance for themselves.
For hours. Hours. He scrolled through those messages.
Sure, he could have gotten someone to do it for him, but he’d done everything else on the account by himself, so he’d tackle the DMs too. He’d delete them, one by one, everything that wasn’t relevant to his quest, making sure to view each one, even if they did surprise him in their creativity, because what if she had a private account like he did? What if she actually recognised her popularity and created a tiny incognito safe haven from it all like he did?
She didn’t though.
She didn’t have one.
She didn’t need one.
At least that was what he gathered at the end of the long list of DMs, she didn’t have a private, she just had her main one, and she hadn’t sent him anything from it.
He knew it was a long shot, he could have had all the fame and fortune in the world, it wouldn’t matter if she wasn’t interested in it all and she clearly didn’t seem to be if what Chrissy had said was true. She didn’t do sponsored posts; she wasn’t aiming for fame and fortune. She lived a comfortable life with her kid, and just happened to be popular on the internet.
She didn’t owe him anything, he didn’t deserve an answer, he—
He snatched his phone right back up lightning fast, swiped down the notifications bar, and with wide eyes read the first line of the message he’d been sent,
Eddie wasn’t about to claim Stevie didn’t have a brother. He didn’t know if Stevie had a brother, just that Stevie had a sister because the sister, Robin, had turned up in a video once, bursting in on a live in the early days to accidentally announce to the world that ‘Vickie’ was now single.
It could be a trick, it could be a way in, it could be literally anything, what Eddie knew for sure though, was that it was the closest he’d gotten to potentially speaking to Stevie.
So, he did the only thing he could think of.
He replied, “prove it.”
The reply came through quickly, almost like this mysterious brother was waiting by the phone in hopes Eddie would be there to receive his message. It was a photo of a polaroid. Grainy as it was, it was clearly a younger, frankly stunning Stevie with a barely-there baby bump, reaching back to a guy who was leaning over her with a ridiculously stacked sandwich, she looked happy, she looked lovestruck, she glowed, and for a moment, jealousy struck him as if he were some childish teenager.
This was likely her child’s father, the one who was no longer in the picture for some unknown reason. She’d never disclosed why. He looked happy too though so… there were more questions than answers at that point.
Plus, the Polaroid had a scrawled “Stevie domesticated Satan” on the white part with a little devil face so, many questions, very few answers.
With the image, however, came the caption “I took this when she was pregnant with Rosie, it’s the last photo we have of Billy, Rosie’s dad.”
Rosie… Stevie had a little girl.
Another photo followed, this one of Stevie and a younger boy with curly hair, the kid all dressed up in a brown suit, hair done up to the nines, probably for some kind of party. No pregnancy in sight, they were both beaming at the camera, the kid with an awful lot of metal in his mouth but, adorable. The Polaroid had “Snowball!!!” scribbled on the white part, followed by a message reading “my mom took tons of photos of us for the Snowball dance back when I was in middle school, Stevie helped me do my hair” so the kid was supposed to be this ‘brother’ of hers.
A final photo was sent, this one clearer, obviously taken on a phone of what looked like a grade graduation ceremony, a more recent image of Stevie, with her daughter, and an older version of the kid from the snowball picture. Captioned with the message “only family could get so many family pictures!” 
The next message came through without a photo “we’re not related by birth, she was my babysitter for years before circumstances got her adopted by my mom. I’m oversharing a lot and she’s probably gonna kick my ass for it BUT I think she’d like you if she gave you a chance so I’m building a bridge of communication!”
Oh yeah, this guy had meddling little brother energy for days.
Eddie quickly typed back, “thanks for your vote of confidence, man but she isn’t giving me a chance here, you are, it’s not up to anyone but her.”
Typing—typing—tyyyyyping “she just doesn’t know you, an she’s hesitating cause of Rosie, I could probably get you a meet up though!”
“What like, ambushing her in the wild?”
“It’d work!”
“Sounds like it’d get me slapped by both her, and a restraining order an neither are good for my public image, or my feelings.” He then quickly added, before ‘Dustin’ could argue “Listen dude as much as I appreciate this, an I do, I’m real touched by your approval, it means the world to me, at the end of the day, it’s up to her. You can’t make this decision for her, alright?”
The typing stopped, then started again, and then stopped. Then finally “fine, but can you leave your DMs open for a little longer? She’s got Rosie to consider so she may just need to think about it a bit longer.”
“Deal.” He’d leave them open for one more day, after that he’d just have to accept the loss, accept that she didn’t want him, cause she sure as shit didn’t need him, and move on with his life.
Dustin sent him one last emoji, a little salute, and that was that for the rest of the night. There were a few more pings, opportunists, but nothing from the person who mattered most. He deleted them, switched his phone to silent, and took his disappointed little self to bed.
It wasn’t that late but, he was done for the day.
He was tired.
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
I have a Gen Narumi request!
So basically Y/N turned very cold and distant to (almost) everyone, after she lost EVERYONE they care about from a kaiju attack, being scarred both mentally and physically, she closes off from the world trying to protect themself, but they're wonderful, weird, game addicted captain, just so happens to have broken that ice wall a tiny bit (Y/N's even giggled once in front of him!!) , but he's never seen her cry...until one day he heard quiet sobbing from her office, he checks it out being the great friend he is, but sees Y/N curled up in their chair in fetal position ,tears flowing down their face (Gen tries to comfort her obviously, he would be the best friend ever I swear)
Fluff/angst because I've been reading to much unholy stuff :)
Oooh I like this idea!! Angst and fluff is the best combo🤭 thanks for putting your trust in me for this story and I hope you love it!! 🫶❤️
Comfort from Your Captain
Angst, fluff
Gen Narumi x f!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, depiction of panic attack, small instance of cussing
“Hey, L/n! You wanna grab some lunch with us?”
“No, thank you. You guys go ahead.”
That was a common occurrence for you. Your teammates never failed to extend an invite to their favorite platoon leader and you never failed to deny their requests. They were all extremely nice people which was why you didn’t want to get to know them better—it would make life even more unbearable for you when it was their inevitable turn to die on the battlefield against the kaiju. You had already lost your entire family and friends years ago when a kaiju ravaged your neighborhood, that tragic day leaving an irreparable mark on your heart and mind. The attack hadn’t left you unscathed physically, either; you were haunted by it everytime you looked in the mirror and saw the scars littering your face and body, reminding you of all you had lost, all you were too weak to protect. Since then, you had sworn to never get close to anybody because you knew it was only a matter of time before they got ripped away from you as well.
Until a certain captain entered your life.
When you were transferred to the First Division, you kept to yourself as per usual, but somehow along the way, Gen Narumi was able to break down the walls you had built up for so long. Was it because you knew he was strong, so strong that he probably wouldn’t die in the hands of a kaiju? Was it because of those countless nights you spent together, when both of you found sleep evading you, up until dawn, him playing video games while you silently enjoyed his company, just not wanting to be alone for once?
Was it because you finally found someone who understood what it was like to have nothing and no one at all?
It was a mix of all those things, you thought. Whatever the real reason was, anyway, you didn’t care; all that mattered was Gen Narumi had become the only friend you could tolerate having. He was the only person in the past few years to have seen you crack a smile and let out a giggle when he was being particularly ridiculous. And, as neither of you were team players, you worked well together in the field for that very reason. He would always charge for the large honju while you would take out all the smaller yoju surrounding him. It was a silent agreement between you to stay out of each other’s way and you were glad to have that level of trust in someone for the first time in many years.
Oftentimes, especially lately, you wished you could embrace the happier, more communicative side of yourself you’d had to suppress all this time. Your division was comprised of many kind people who you would’ve loved to learn more about, but your fear of loss was much too strong to allow you to be so vulnerable and open with anybody else other than Gen. It pained you to turn down their many offers to dine together or hang out, but you really couldn’t bring yourself to agree to any of it. However, you were starting to tire of being so lonely all the time. Keeping up your cold demeanor around your team was starting to take a toll on your mental health and you found yourself becoming wrought with despair much more often than normal. When you bid the members of your team farewell, your heart began to quicken its pace and your breathing was becoming rapid. Words flowed through your brain at a swift pace, so quick you could barely create a coherent thought.
What is going on? I feel like I’m dying. Why am I doing this? I’m losing control.
I need to get out of here.
Your body was on autopilot—you ran to your office as fast as your shaking legs could carry you. You hoped the slam of your door wasn’t echoing across the base because the last thing you needed was someone seeing you in this state. Throwing your body onto your desk chair, you tried to even your breathing but your lungs weren’t cooperating. All of a sudden, akin to a thundering storm, came an onslaught of tears from your eyes. You began to sob, your body wracking with each cry you tried so desperately to hold in.
“It’s too bad L/n couldn’t make it to lunch with us. Maybe sometime later this week?”
“Maybe. She always seems to have something going on though.”
Gen listened intently to the conversation happening between your teammates as they walked past him, throwing up lazy salutes to the captain on their way to the dining hall. He frowned, letting their words settle into his head. He knew you had a hard time with opening up to others but it pained him to see you so blatantly blow off people who genuinely wanted to connect with you. He knew all the great qualities you had to offer with your friendship and he wished that you could see it was okay to lower your guard sometime.
I’ll go check on her, make sure she’s alright.
He waltzed toward your office, video game in hand. He had just beaten the level he was on when he raised a fist to your door but stopped in his tracks. Holding his breath and putting an ear to the barrier between you two, his heart immediately sank.
Is y/n… crying?
Gen didn’t know what to do. He had never seen you cry, let alone show sadness in any real sense of the word. You favored the emotionless side of yourself, never letting others see what you were going through internally. Now, with only a door separating you two, he hadn’t the slightest clue whether he should barge in or not. He waited for a moment, but you didn’t let up. In fact, it sounded like you were crying harder, if that was possible. With a gentle touch, he tried the door handle—it opened without protest.
She must’ve ran in here in a hurry.
He knocked on the door as he swung it open slowly. “Hey, uh, y/n? You alright?”
When he entered the unlit room, he could barely make out your figure, currently huddled up in your chair. Your knees were drawn close to your chest, your face hidden in the darkness of the arms covering it. Even with the curtains drawn, he could tell you were quaking in your position. When you didn’t answer him with so much as a threat to his well being, he knew you weren’t doing well. Your labored breaths, along with your sniffling cries, hadn’t calmed and it pained him to the core to see you hurting in such a manner. Without a second thought, he quickly ran to you and took you in his arms the best he could.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. You’re alright,” he consoled, rubbing his hands up and down your back. “I’m here. You’re safe.”
“Gen, I-I can’t,” you hiccuped, not daring to show your face.
“Can’t what? It’s alright, you can talk to me.”
“Can’t keep doing this.”
His eyes widened in concern. “Doing what?”
You didn’t answer, a fresh wave of sobs taking over your body. He didn’t let up in his care for you, hugging you tighter to his body. After a few minutes, your crying finally seemed to slow but Gen never loosened his grip, adamant on proving to you that he was there for you in your lowest of lows.
You raised your head from its downward position, tear stains all down your cheeks. “Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what, silly girl?” He cracked a smile, softly rubbing circles on your back.
“He-helping me. I’ve pushed you away f-for so long but you’re here.”
Gen shrugged. “We’re friends. And that’s what friends do.”
His answer came out like it was the simplest fact in the world to him. The response was almost enough to send you into another spiral of emotions, but you held back as much as possible.
“You know, there’s a lot of other people that wanna be your friend, too. I’m not happy about sharing ya,” he playfully nudged you, “but I will for your own sake. You deserve to be happy and feel loved. I know how hard it is to get to that point of opening yourself up to others, trust me, I do, but we can work on it together if you want. You, me, and the rest of the team. We all have your back.”
You nodded, wiping your bleary eyes. “Earlier, when I was having that panic attack, I was thinking I couldn’t continue pretending not to give a shit. I just don’t wanna see anybody else I love get hurt. I don’t need any more scars.”
“I know.” The captain pulled you closer, resting an arm around your shoulders. “But that’s why we train. We get stronger so we protect the ones we love. This world is cruel and unfair. That can’t stop us from experiencing joy in the meantime.”
“Joy from things like video games and Yamazon?”
Gen stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. “You’re already back to being mean to me? After my heartfelt pep talk?!”
“I’m joking,” you said, a faint smile gracing your lips. “Not used to that, are you, Narumi?”
“Not in the slightest,” he answered, his two toned hair flopping around with every word, “but I’m not mad about seeing you smile more.”
You broke out into an even bigger grin. It might take a long time and a hell of a lot of work, but you were ready to open your heart again—thanks to the comfort from your captain.
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toysrguts · 8 months
MORE jeff hc's!!!!!!
thank u for the love on the last one i love writing these sm ^___^
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•can fit like 11 cigarettes in his wide ass mouth at once
•half asian (his mom is chinese)
•his hair is really thin because it never grew back properly after being burned
•hates being wrong more than anything else on the planet. sometimes he knows hes wrong but will NEVER admit it and fight to the death over it
•bpd representation 💯💯💯
•something in my brain tells me he cant die. kind of like a johnny the homicidal maniac situation. he never gets caught and he never dies (he can still get seriously injured but he will always come back when u least expect it)
•always has to be in control of the aux in every vehicle hes in and is so obnoxious when his favorite songs come on
•also yells "I SAW THIS LIVE" every time a band he saw live comes on
•barks at random unsuspecting people through the open passenger window
•always stealing shit off his victims after killing. he has a whole ring collection because of it, and of course he steals wallets for weed money
•also steals from slenderman but you didnt hear that from me
•"saying jeff is a douchebag is like saying the sky is blue." -toby
•kind of guy that takes out his bottled up emotions on everyone around him and then hates himself for it
•wears the same gross outfit all the time. just grabs one of the 3 pairs of crusty skinny jeans from off his floor and of course the musty ass dirty ass torn apart ass hoodie
•smile dog is truly his best friend. he feels like nobody understands him like smile does. he loves taking him for walks in the woods while smoking a cigarette and having deep conversations with him (not that he actually responds but jeff knows smile can understand what hes saying)
•horror movie enthusiast, from obscure fucked up ones to super cheesy ones. he has a whole shelf dedicated to his horror movie collection
•has an addictive personality, which is partially why he has a drug and alcohol abuse problem and struggles with self harm
•rarely goes out in public because hes known to have violent outbursts. he once committed mass murder at a burger king because people were looking at him weird and EJ had to drag him out of there before the cops showed up
•HATES the light he literally duct taped over his windows so the light couldn’t get in (he forgot blackout curtains exist)
•his room smells like pennies, skunk weed, and foot stank
•is actually an incredible artist but acts like hes not. literally everyone loves his work except for him
•secretly loves cartoons. he loves taking bong rips and watching scooby-doo to escape reality :)
•has never had a healthy relationship with anyone in his life, usually just sticks to hookups
•its a miracle this man is still alive considering he survives off gas station snacks and week old sodas that have been sitting on his nightstand
•speaking of he once drank an old dr pepper after he forgot he put out a cigarette in it
•got a tramp stamp when he was blackout wasted
•writes random thoughts and draws little doodles all over his bedroom walls; it kind of looks like a mental asylum in there
•also his bed is literally just a blood stained mattress on the floor with no sheet and a singular pillow and blanket
•so fucking broke he will do anything for a hundred bucks
•writes the most foul hate comments under every post he disagrees with
•he loves video games, his favorite being postal 2 (hes OBSESSED)
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adorekento · 2 years
Addicted `
NSFW : In which xiao ended up on an inappropriate website and was astonished to see his best friend bare in front of his screen.
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anon asked : do you perhaps write for camgirl/porn? If you do! Will you please write one, where xiao is desperate to feel y/n's tongue wrapped on his cock but unfortunately he can only watch her hump the pillow on screen :((
warnings : smut (mdni), camgirl/porn, dirty talk, cussing, degradation, fingering, riding pillow, wild thoughts, mild sexual content, strong language, etc.
notes : I don't know much about camgirl and riding pillow, this is just based on what I've seen in some fanfics, so if I wrote something wrong or IDK I am so sorry 😭😭
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Xiao was not the type of person to spend his time watching nasty content on a website. Xiao did not have that kind of tolerance for such things. He was more than pleased to go out and do his job, or so he told himself when he found himself staring down at an open webpage on his phone, a little after midnight, as he saw a video of some guy who got drunk while dancing with his wife.
He scrolled through it quickly, trying to find anything remotely amusing, until suddenly, a h/c haired girl popped up, dressed in only her bra and panties, wearing a smile plastered across her face. Xiao’s mouth gaped slightly, as he watched her take off her bra and slip it over one shoulder. As she moved closer to the camera, her bare chest seemed to be glowing softly under the light. He could see her belly button clearly from this angle, almost like a miniature moon. It felt weirdly intimate to see her like this, but there wasn't any way around that,
"y/n...?!" His heart pounded faster, As far as his fantasy could reach him, he never visualized his own best friend as a cam girl! Not to mention being an actual slut, playing with herself on camera while she's talking to a crowd full of people, But here he was, watching, helplessly and shocked.
He saw the comments start to stream in. The girl had been a total hit with the crowd. Most people were screaming at her for having breasts and showing them off so shamelessly. Xiao wondered if she even knew how much attention she was getting, and what people thought about the situation. He hoped not.
fuck me, mommy!!
I love u and ur tight cunt
ohh baby SHE'S SO HOTTT
who doesn't even wanna fuck her
the urge to squish your badonkers is hard
I'm getting hard already, wanna fucking rip you
He paused reading the comments when he heard her laugh, "you guys are making me blush!" she said, in a soft voice that carried over the microphone, “So which toy do you guys want me to use first?" She asked playfully, "or should I start with this?” With a flick of her hand, she reached for her wet pussy. There were moans all around him now.
how much do i pay to have u on my bed
not an astronaut but i can explore uranus
i have two hands and you have two tits 🤘
oops, my phone went into my left hand 😍
at this point, xiao started to pump his dick slowly in response to the sound of her moaning. despite him knowing you entirely, he couldn’t help the blossoming of jealousy in his chest. with a scoff, he created an account and entered your live chatroom,
Use toys? Why not use your fingers, slut.
Xiao cringed as he typed that, if you were with him you would probably laugh at him, but you weren’t here right now. And you wouldn’t find out who he is anyway, at least not tonight. "oh? if that's what my new viewer wants, I'll make sure they get just exactly what they want." You replied, grinning evilly in return. With a flourish,
you pulled down the elastic top of your underwear and spread yourself wide open, your pussy glistening, your clit gleaming, the audience practically screaming with lust as their eyes followed the movements of your body. Xiao was unable to tear his gaze away from your face. He noticed how your tongue licked your lips as you smiled at them,
you started moving slowly in a circle around your clit, licking your lips as you moved. Xiao watched mesmerized by you, his erection growing harder as you rubbed circles around yourself, making small whimpering sounds.  Your head tilted back, and you looked sexy as hell as you continued to move in a circle. Xiao couldn't tear his eyes away from you. You had no idea what your viewers wanted to watch, yet, you still managed to make yourself look desirable and even hot.
Xiao’s heart raced as he imagined the way your lips felt on his cock, how wet you would taste. how hot, how tight your ass would feel wrapped around his cock. perfect you would feel, stroking his length, how wet he would feel, thrusting deeper inside of you, how good it would be as you moaned into the kisses you stole from his lips… Xiao bit his lip as he watched you. you were so gorgeous that sometimes, Xiao hated himself for watching you like this, he felt like a pervert, he felt disgusted. you didn’t deserve to be shown so blatantly like this, to be seen in the most intimate way possible.
he typed in one more comment, 'ride your pillow, and think of it as my cock.'
You stopped moving in your circling your clit, letting out a breathless sigh, a hint of excitement lingering in your smile, before you resumed circling and moving, teasing the audience, giving everyone the opportunity to watch. You looked completely unapologetic.
Xiao shook his head as he watched you. He wanted nothing more than to pull you onto him and fuck you until you begged him to stop until you cried out his name.
"Huh? I'm not even cumming yet and you're already asking me to do that? What a tease…" You smirked suggestively, before grabbing the nearest pillow and starting to hump on it. Your expression turned into one of pure bliss as you moaned your pleasure into it. Xiao gulped as he stared at the screen, imagining you like that, moaning his name, his hands roaming your body as you pleasured him.
You hump on the pillow, panting loudly, your thighs squeezing around your throbbing, pulsating clit. You took a deep inhale as your body shook, your face contorted, and your eyes closed shut as the noises of satisfaction spilled out of your mouth. You gripped onto the pillow, your fingers tightening around its fabric as you ground against it in your need to release yourself from your frustration. Xiao’s mouth went dry, his breath becoming shallow as he watched you.
you kept grunting and groaning, and every once in a while, a loud moan would escape your lips, before another came. The sound you made was sinful, and it sent shivers down Xiao’s spine. He wanted to listen to your voice, He wanted to watch you ride him, watch the pleasure dance across your face, watch you scream his name in sheer ecstasy, watch you come all over him as you fucked the air out of his lungs, he wanted you.
"ah... I'm close..."  You whispered as you came undone, the last thing you could say before falling limp against the bed. Xiao's eyes flickered between you, and the screen in front of him. Your mouth hung agape and his pulse quickened, as he felt himself release at the same time as you, he was touching himself the whole time even stopping just so he could cum along with you. After all, who doesn’t want to feel your sweet juice dripping down their cock,
"Ah... that felt so good... looks like I'll have to wash my pillows later...” you mumbled as your breathing returned to normal. Xiao was speechless. He couldn't believe that you, of all people, would hump their pillow in such a vulgar manner,
'once I see y/n, I won't be able to look at her the same way anymore..'
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© [ adorekento ] do not steal, repost, or translate my work.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
I'd like to see how batfam deal with babybat (not necessarily baby like 4 or 5) that's obsessed with video games? Like first thing he does in the morning is turn on his playstation before he even has breakfast or anything, maybe Bruce takes him out to get some outside time but instead he's just pointing out how some things look like this certain game he played etc, and basically the only way his brothers can interact with him is if they asked to play with him
Alrighty. (Y/N) needs to touch grass also.
Summary: (Y/N) is obsessed with video games. That is not really a good thing.
Warnings: (Y/N) is a gaming kid, obsession with video games, possible addiction?, author doesn't know, Bruce trying to fix that obsession.
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Bruce kind of regretted buying his youngest son PlayStation. He thought that it would be something that everyone could enjoy. Bruce however, prohibited Fortnite. Not happening. That was the only game that wasn't going be in the manor.
They had some multiplayer games, some solo games in different genres that everyone could enjoy. But (Y/N) got obsessed with video games. Bruce thought that it was something normal, kids are usually obsessed with them.
But (Y/N)?
This was not good. It was very bad in fact. Bruce was lowkey horrified at how (Y/N) couldn't start his day without starting the PlayStation. Bruce was worried about it. His solution?
Take down the screen time and make him read more. Also, he would have to restrict the time on the PlayStation in order to achieve this. It wasn't going to be easy, but getting him go out. He talked to the rest of the members of the family and they have agreed to help him.
Bruce was going to get ready for a long process. He researched and looked for the ways how to help his son and he was now officially ready. The others were ready too.
It started easily enough. Bruce had set firm boundaries with the play time. There were set hours and (Y/N) was nowhere near happy. But he couldn't do anything.
Also, Bruce said that he would have to read for an hour and go outside for an hour. Alfred would make sure of it. And if there was one person that (Y/N) didn't mess with, that was Alfred. He was tough and strict when he needed to be and (Y/N) knew he stood no chance with Alfred.
And that's why (Y/N) was outside with Jason, who tried to get him to do some sort of physical activity.
" Look Jay. " (Y/N) said, pointing at something at the tree line. Jason frowned.
" It reminds me of a game. "
Jason didn't know what to say to that. His little brother had an obsession and Jason was shocked. Tim is an angel compared to (Y/N). An angel.
" Nice. " Jason mumbled, kind of worried. " How about we look for Titus? " Jason said, running. (Y/N) huffed, but ran with Jason. Jason saw the Great Dane and the Great Dane saw him too. Titus immediately started running past Jason, running towards (Y/N), circling him while the little boy laughed.
Jason stopped, watching as the two ran. He looked at the Garden where Damian was.
" He is going to be running for hours. " Damian said, bringing his teacup to his lips.
" Yup. " Jason said, chuckling.
And Damian was right. (Y/N) ran for hours and was so exhausted that he could barely keep his head up. During dinner his head was dropping and Alfred had to keep his head up in order for Bruce too feed him.
They couldn't let him go to bed without diner. The others were cracking up at the sight.
" I think that the detox is going well. " Alfred said, an amused smile on his face. Bruce nodded, putting the spoon to (Y/N)'s mouth. (Y/N) opened his mouth and chewed.
" It is. Titus is going to be happy with how much more playtime he is going to get. " Damian chimed in and the said dog walked into the dining room. He nudged (Y/N)'s little hand and (Y/N) seemed more awake.
For a second.
" I think he ate enough. " Bruce said, picking his son up. He put him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and started carrying him to bed.
Maybe he will finally get enough sleep tonight.
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woozisguitar · 3 months
GLITCH - a good plan
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Recommended Song: Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift
Warnings: some hate tweets, mentions of anxiety, overthinking and panic attacks.
A/N: this part has both smau + written (2.6k words, no beta)
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Your flight landed 20 minutes before schedule. After a few long hours of constant turbulence and the crying of babies, you were more than happy to disembark. But a sudden realisation of where you were and wanted was going to happen once you got off this flight made your anxiety rise again. Since the article about the dating rumor came out, it was almost like your usual anxiety had increased tenfold, making you want to run back and hide every time you left your house. Ella tapped you on the shoulder to signal that the gates were opening. You decided to swallow your nerves for the sake of the group. 
“Let’s go before it starts to rush,"  Iseul called out from her seat in the next row with Ash, who was packing her things. 
The security checks and baggage claim took ages, but finally, you were able to leave the airport and take in a much-needed breath of fresh air. There, at Arrivals, you saw a man who looked like he would be in his late 30s, holding a placard with your name on it. You nudged Iseul and nodded towards the man to signal that he might be the guide? SEVENTEEN’s management mentioned. 
“Hi, I’m y/n,"  you said, bowing slightly. “Oh hello! Nice to meet you. I am Ahn Ha-Joon, but feel free to call me Mr.  Ahn," he said with a kind smile. “I hope you all had a great flight. I have a car waiting for us right outside. Please follow me.”
You all followed Mr. Ahn out of the airport, where the cool evening air greeted us. Ash and Ella looked around in excitement, but Iseul had a mix of nostalgia and fear on her face. Knowing her past, you gave her a small squeeze on the shoulder, and she glanced over in appreciation. 
“Mr. Ahn, can we stop somewhere to eat?” Ella asked once we were all seated in the car. 
“Well, it's pretty late right now, so most restaurants would be closed, but we can stop at a 24-hour convenience store. My apologies, but there isn't any food at your accommodations right now.” 
You heard Ash whisper-yell a small yay under her breath before she decided to go back to watching videos on her phone. After that, you decided to zone out on your drive there, imagining and overthinking every possible scenario. 
Sleep didn't come easily to you the whole night, while others slept soundly after the long flight. Ever since you became a fan, Woozi has held a special place in your heart. Be it through his words, his songs, or his smile. You would wait days, often checking your phone like a depraved girlfriend and scrambling to open every notification in case Woozi posted something new. As sad and pathetic as it sounds, this is your normal. You worked on codes, you spent time with your friends, and you fangirled. Everyone knew this. And frankly, your life felt full to some extent. You never had time for anything or anyone else. Every single person you met was compared to Woozi in every aspect, and you knew how fucked up it was. He is an idol, for heaven's sake! No normal person would be this obsessed with someone they don't even know in person, but this was you. You've always found it easy to love from a distance, never knowing that love can be so self-consuming and overwhelming that you might lose a part of yourself in the process. But it was almost like you were addicted. You cried when they cried, and you laughed when they laughed. You felt proud when they achieved something and disappointed when they lost. Iseul once mentioned how this feels like a curse. To love someone so ardently and vehemently even after knowing that you never ever, not even in a million lifetimes, had a chance with this person. And perhaps she was right, because look at the mess you are in right now. You never wanted this. For you, Jihoon was a silly fantasy. Like a prince who would come sweep you off your feet, riding a white horse into the sunset. But this, this was real life. There are no princes and princesses, and there are no white horses. Just the same old you, who is a student, and your idol, Woozi. These agonizing thoughts consumed your mind until you somehow drifted off to sleep. 
The next day, you woke up to Iseul and Mr. Ahn talking by the door. She nodded in agreement at something he said. 
“Get up, girls; we leave in an hour.”
“TIME TO MEET JUNNIE LET’S GO!!!!,” Ash yelled and leaped from her bed to go take a shower. 
“Well, at least someone’s happy about this,"  Ella chuckled slightly, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. 
Well, I guess here goes nothing…
The ride to the headquarters was silent. Everyone knew that this could potentially end badly. While the management assured me that they wouldn’t, they were still very powerful and strong and could change their minds in an instant. You could be sued and blacklisted, and honestly, none of you had that kind of money. 
“We’re here. We will be taking the backdoor because it's safer than the general entrance.”
The elevator ride to SEVENTEEN’s headquarters took forever. If this were under any other conditions, you would probably be elated to meet the people you have looked up to for so long. But right now, all you could do was try and calm your nerves so that you wouldn't go into a panic attack in front of your idols. Well, at least Ella and Ash seemed excited as they were talking in hushed whispers, whereas Iseul seemed deep in thought. The elevator dinged, signaling that we had reached it, and Mr. Ahn led us through the various doors till we reached the one beyond which stood our fate, waiting to meet us. 
The first thing you noticed was how familiar this room felt. Having seen various videos of the group doing challenges in this same space, it felt surreal to stand in the same space. 
Then you heard Ash quietly squeal and cover it up with a cough, and Iseul took charge and introduced herself. 
Last, you saw him. 
Standing here casually as ever, with his black hair slightly longer than before, was Jihoon. He was wearing an all-black outfit, but it seemed like he made an effort to clean up a bit, as you noticed a slight contrast from his usual behind-the-scenes outfit. He had a bored expression on his face, but his eyes had a glint of curiosity as he kept scanning the group till they landed on you. And you, flustered as ever, averted your gaze and slightly bowed your head in greeting. 
“It's very lovely to meet you. Thank you all for all the support you have given us.” You heard a deep voice on your side to see Scoups greet your group. 
“Well, we'll get to introductions later! Ms. Lee is waiting for us in the meeting room.” Mr. Ahn interrupted and led us all towards another door at the back of the room. 
You tried to keep a low profile, almost shrinking into yourself. A very small, tiny part of you was excited to finally meet them, but a huge part was scared as to what would happen next. 
As you all settled in the meeting room, a lady in her late 20s entered and introduced herself as Ms. Lee. She claimed to be their publicist, handling all major events for all members, from scandals to photoshoots to everything. 
“I know this isn't the most ideal situation for either party, and frankly, none of us thought it would blow so out of proportion. I mean, almost every other fan pretends to date their idol. It's one of the foundation concepts in this industry, as much as we hate to accept that.”
The members nodded in agreement and understanding and wanted the ground to swallow you whole. All those stupif things you said on Twitter at 4 a.m. when you were overworked and tired are being referenced, and oh my god, I think I'm going to die. 
“Anyways, the main reason we called you here today, Ms. Y/N, was to discuss how we should handle this. As this ‘plan’ could possibly affect the whole group as well as your friends, it makes it more feasible to discuss it with all of you. So, my team has been working out numbers, and a rumor tweet hasn't generated this much interaction for SEVENTEEN in a while. And we think it might be a good idea to play into it.” 
Everyone around us leaned forward in curiosity as to how we would ‘play into it.’
“Ms. Y/N, we want you to date Mr. Woozi.”
Pin-fucking-drop silence. You were pretty sure everyone even stopped breathing for a second. 
“Umm, and how exactly was this a good idea?” asked Mingyu from his end, the first one among us to react in any way. 
“Well, they don't have to actually date but rather fake date. We spin a story about how they met and fell in love. And while we don't confirm or deny anything officially, we can hint at certain things. And for the next comeback, Mr. Woozi can write a love song as the title track, referring to Ms. Y/N. They keep up this ruse for a few days, and then they'll ‘break up’. And the only way to confirm this? The theme of the comeback after that would be heartbreak. That or Mr. Woozi can drop a solo whatever he wants. With this, everyone would be immersed in this love story between a fan and an idol, especially those who belong in an industry where parasocial relationships are one of the main pillars. Given the rise in Mr. Woozi's popularity lately, it makes more sense to fabricate a scandal involving him. Plus, it's human nature to want something you can't have.”
“And what does Y/N get out of this? I’m pretty sure you’ve seen all the hate comments and speculations on Y/N life treding all over Twitter. And if she agrees to this, she will be thrown deeper into this hate circle, so she should at least get something in return. The group gets their comeback theme, Woozi gets the popularity, and so what will Y/N get? And I hope you know that Woozi would get just as much hate as Y/N, so what are your plans on handling that?” Iseul spoke up from beside you with the same fire in her eyes she had when she knew she had finally cornered her opposition in the courtroom. 
The table fell into a murmured discussion, contemplating the pros and cons of this. Ms. Lee looked as if she had expected this. “Well, we plan on signing a six-month contract with Ms. Y/N at first, after which, depending on the reaction to the initial part of the plan, we might add another six months. And as for what Y/N gets? We compensate her for all the defamation, libel, and slander she faces. The amount can be discussed when we finalize the contract and get a lawyer for Ms. Y/N. As for the hate Mr. Woozi might receive, well, there's not much we can do unless we know what kind of hate we will receive.”
“I am Y/N’s lawyer; you can tell me the specifics.” Iseul spoke up again, surprising a few in the room. 
“And I’m sorry to interrupt, but you should really work on protecting your artists more. That being said, you also need to protect Y/N. By all means. Get her security, a car, and everything,” Ash spoke up, surprising you, as this was the most serious she had ever been since we commenced this trip. 
“Fine, fine, we will provide Ms. Y/N with all the security she needs. Any other questions?” Ms. Lee said, exasperated.
You saw Hoshi giving Ash a small thumbs up, and she nodded in return. 
"Yes, actually,” you said for the first time ever since this proportion was revealed, “I’m guessing I would have to move here temporarily in case I was to agree.” You continued as Ms. Lee nodded, “Well, that could be an issue because I can’t leave lab work or my graduation will be delayed. And all my equipment, my supervisor, and everything else are back home. Moving midway is a very bad idea.”
Ms. Lee seemed to think over this for a moment. “Well, that does sound like a problem. We can set up a lab for you to work in here at one of the universities we have good relations with and get you a local supervisor. We can also talk to your supervisor back home and get them on board with the idea. We will have to work out the specifics of this. Anything else? I am assuming your friends will stay with you, so we can work out something for their jobs as well.”
“I can tell my firm to put all cases on hold and make Y/N my primary client.”
“Well, I’m part of a dance crew, but it’s about time I took a break. And I suppose you can hook me up with some groups around here as well.”
The three of you looked at Ms. Lee expectantly. She sighed and nodded. “Okay, I’ll see what I can do. And you, Ms. Ash?”
“Hmm, I don't know if I can take a break for that long from the clinic. I guess I could say I’m taking a sabbatical or something. But you are going to refer me if anyone asks for a vet,” Ash said, crossing her fingers and placing her chin on it, looking innocently at Ms. Lee. She groaned and said, “Fine, fine, fine. Are Ms. Y/N you in or not?”
You looked over at Woozi, who was quiet this whole time. He seemed to be contemplating what he wanted, and you had an epiphany that Ms. Lee never once asked him if he agreed to this. He simply had to do whatever the company asked him to do. Your choice would affect not just you but him as well. And when your eyes met his, you saw doubt and fear swirling in them, similar to yours this morning. You decided you had to talk to him about this first before you made any choice. “Can I get some time to think about this? Maybe a day,” you said, slightly nodding at Woozi, hoping he’d understand what you meant. 
“Very well then,” Ms. Lee clapped. “You can let Mr. Ahn know whatever your decision is, and we can get started on the paperwork right away. Thank you all for today.” 
“Not going to lie, but that was the most frustrated we have ever seen Ms. Lee,” Vernon said once she left the room. 
“And compromising. She doesn't even listen or negotiate with me,” Jeonghan pointed out, surprised. 
The members and your friends decided it was best to spend some time together before they had to go for their practice. Amidst the chaos of introductions and questions, you decided it was the best time to corner Woozi and ask him if he was okay with this. You saw him standing at the back of the room, texting someone, as you approached him. 
“We need to talk.”
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taglist: @toplinehyunjin @neo-moa @khhminimalist @theidontknowmehn @moose-1555 @kittyhui @ra1n7b33 @hamji-hae @miriamxsworld @khaos-sodivine @intoanothermind @ins4nebish
A/N: hope y'all liked this! this one took forever to finish and tbh I never planned on writing almost 2k words but oh well 😭 excited to hear your thoughts on this and reblogs are always appreciated! oh also! during y/n's inner monologue she keeps going back on forth between woozi and jihoon. that is so symbolise how she sometimes sees him as an idol and other times as this guy she likes. its super conflicting for her.
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The beauty🌹 of Shadamy
Isn't it just wonderful how my dear Amy Rose gets paired romantically with every Sonic Rival in the fandom? Even Blaze! And fortunately not much with Jet 😂😂 My favorite one obviously is Shadamy, followed by Surgamy and finally with Metal Sonic but seriously, to me nothing beats THE Shadamy❤🖤🩷.
So the BEST thing about this ship to me is that it was born out of a single interaction 😆 and I don't mean the moment she colorblinded mistook him for Sonic and hugged him nooooope I mean the moment she reminded him about Maria Robotnik's 🥺 true wish by giving him a similar speech of hope and second chances and after that he said: I have to fufill my promise for Maria... And you... Me after seeing that👇👇
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(Funny this gif, casually she was also fangirling about a... SHAMY 🤣🤣 only the ones who know the show will get it)
Seriously, is fascinating how popular this ship became of that single interaction that led fans to write a HUGE amount of fanfiction of them and is always so romantic or so passionate or so angsty God I never get tired of it, one of my favorite portrayals of Shadamy is when Shadow is kind of a emo simp towards her, like he is simply adoring her even when she only looks at Sonic who is not looking at her 😭... Ah drama. 😂 I remember a few stories back when I was a pre teen... Like "el blog de Amy Rose" That's the only written fanfic name I remember and it was a total soap opera, a total and absolute telenovela full of all kinds of drama like Silver was their son and Sonic and Shadow were lost brothers 😂. Then I remember I few comics like Ternion that was an insanely passionate and angsty story with an excellent art that to contribute to my torture it was never finished... And boy I know the author had a secret smut chapter that she never posted anywhere... We know it exists because there were a few hot scenes in a video... 😭 but never happened the story didn't even reach half of what I think it was going to be🥲. In Chaos universe there's a double story in one Sonic and Amy had a daughter named Sonia but in an alternative universe we have María Rose who is Shadow and Amy's daughter... Is another tragedy were Amy is dead in both universes 😭 and of course I'm totally biased with Maria Rose's universe because the way her dad remember Amy's just hits different, seriously is way more enjoyably painful 🥲 and then the most current comics I'm addicted to of course IDOL AMY portrayed Shadow exactly how I said I like him the most 🥺 and the last one I saw is one apocalyptic where obviously Shadow survives and mourns a dead Amy: Future's Shadow... Girl this hedgehog can't catch a break they like to see him suffer 🥲🥲🥲
Now let's focus in the official interactions:
The Archie comics before the reboot kinda mistreated Amy portraying her in an annoying way most of the time just like in some games... And I wasn't a fan of a certain interaction she had with Shadow... (Those issues had a bitchy evil Rouge portrayal that I didn't like one bit🤬) I mean shadow actually kicks her in the stomach and hits her with her own hammer and... That just felt so wrong, you see I can't picture an scenario where Shadow would lay a hand on Amy in such a way as he did in those comics but I had a little comfort in this interaction at least 👇👇
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She puts her faith on him when he doesn't have much faith on himself and that is something she also did in the games, like in Shadow the hedgehog own game. Then there was a reboot and we got better interactions, here we have Amy teasing him and he pouting adorably (and finally they dropped the Rouge is a bitch portrayal thank you😤)
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We also see that they can make a good team
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Hey Shadow how it feels to be hammered by her? 🤭😇, then we had the marvelous IDW reboot but we still don't have proper interactions (and this is the best Rouge💜)
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Though honesty? This look like a romance novel scene... You know, with the bad boy being stubborn with the kind sweet girl 😂. Well Sonic IDW is still ongoing so we'll see if we get something more juicy... But I think I will be happy if they simply team up in a fight again.
And now let's talk about Twitter... Well, well, well have you noticed this tiny details in Sonic's Twitter takeovers? Someone asked "Shadow, will you marry me? " And they made Amy voice be the one reading that question 🧐, not only that the things Shadow described about what he wants in a partner for marriage were things that Amy totally would do perfectly (and to add some spice they made Sonic voice sound kind of upset to tease us with some sonadow too😂😂) and then the most precious and hilarious thing... SHADOW AND AMY ARE BOTH SWIFTIES 😆😆
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And look! He got her ticket's 😭😭 and they went together!!! 😭😭😭(that's a DATE) and then in another Twitter takeover she tells about how they had fun and got shirts and then Sonic got jealous 😭😭😭 KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and look what SEGA IS DOING 👇👇👇
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Pop Star Amy and Rock Star Shadow I can't... 😭😭 and paladin Amy and knight Shadow AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEY MATCH!!!!!
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I'm telling you... Sonic team is indulging us with oficial Sonamy but they are also shamelessly teasing us with SHADAMY (and sonadow juju)
And seriously fellow comic artists, feel free to keep drawing Shadamy comics forever... We don't get tired... 😇 and SEGA... Don't be shy... We conform with little teasing details you don't have to confirm or deny anything but for future games... A little Shadamy won't hurt 🥺🙏, we want Shadamy in games too! IDW that goes for you too... If you are teasing Sonamy and Sonadow you can tease Shadamy too! (And Knouge too! 😫)
And all this reminds me that we should demand SEGA to reboot the Sonic Adventure games with new modern animation and also so it's playable in modern consoles! I want to play it with the Nintendo Switch!! 😤😤😤
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marmie-noir · 7 months
Riding Practice
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TW: Suggestive comments from Mitch, nothing crazy. I missed this man.
Prep as a server was one of the most important things to prepare for a busy Friday night. Nothing was more annoying than running around delivering beers and trays of food only for someone to tell you their ketchup was empty, or that half the tables didn’t have salt shakers. So here I sat early on Friday while Mitch cleaned out the keg system behind the bar, filling salt and pepper shakers while Dwight and Pops sat on either side of me ‘talking’ about something or another involving a sport I didn’t care to listen in on. They’d say talking, I’d say arguing, but men were stubborn so apparently I was wrong. I rested my elbow on the bar top and planted my chin on my palm, watching Mitch a moment with a bored expression on my face. I loved Pops, and had gotten a bit warmer to Dwight, but god were these two were putting me to sleep. Mitch, who was running water through the lines to flush out any of the gross stuff that apparently could grow in them, glanced up and caught my eye, flashing me a smile and a wink. I felt my cheeks warm slightly and rolled my eyes but couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. I glanced away from him, focusing on the pictures that were still on the mirrored backing of the bar. One of a young Mitch grinning at a rodeo caught my attention above the rest and I straightened, refocusing back on the man behind the bar. “Were you any good?” I asked. He quirked a brow at me, confused on what I meant before I gestured to the pictures. “Bull riding. Were you good at it?” That had him grinning. “Well I wasn’t bad, darlin’.” “He was great.” Pops interrupted, making both of us look over at him. “My boy was one of the best on the circuit. He stuck on them like glue, not even the meanest bull could throw him.” “Till one did.” Mitch said with a little smile, shaking his head at the fatherly pride practically glowing from Pops where he sat sipping his coffee. “I was pretty good, but once you get injured it’s kind of over. Couldn’t hold on as tight as I needed to while I healed, and well.” He trailed off because I knew what happened. Mitch had been put on painkillers, gotten addicted, and it eventually lead to him doing eight years inside. “I don’t understand the appeal.” Dwight said, lifting a broad shoulder as he looked at the pictures of young Mitch, sipping his own coffee. “Clinging to the back of one of those mean bastards while they try to throw you?” “I bet it’s a big hit of adrenaline.” I said, resting my folded arms on the bar and leaning on it as I looked at the other pictures and yellowed newspaper articles on the back wall. “I can see it though.” I could too. Mitch was tall with long legs, he probably slid on the back of the bulls like he belonged on one. Bet he looked really handsome in all that gear too. “Pretty sure there are some videos on youtube of it, if you are really curious darlin’.” He said, glancing back down at the job at hand. I still saw the little quirk of his lips though, clearly entertained by the subject at hand. 
I hadn’t even thought of that though. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket but per usual I had garbage service all the way out here. Pouting, I continued to fill the salt and pepper shakers, knowing I’d have to ask Ann if her phone could pull up the videos when she got in around lunch time.  
“Sunny, Julie’s gonna take your tables, we’ve got an errand to run.” Mitch’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I paused, glancing over my shoulder at him. I had been working on the schedule, trying to figure out when the new girl could get some training in because she was horrible. Yesterday she mixed up three tables of orders and set Ann and I back by at least twenty minutes in a rush. “What kind of errand?” I asked, wondering if this was bar business or something that Dwight might be more involved in. Mitch just gave me a look, pulling the knot on the back of my server’s apron to undo it before tossing it in the little cubby I had claimed as my own. 
“The kind that requires you be in the truck in five minutes.” He said, arm wrapping around my shoulders to pull me closer, pressing a kiss against my forehead before releasing me to head back out to the bar to wrap up. I watched him leave the office, a little confused about what was happening but it was a nice day out and the idea of getting out of the dimly lit bar for a few hours sounded like a good time so I went with it. 
What I hadn’t expected was us pulling up to a sale/rodeo yard. There were large buildings, multiple pens full of different animals or people training in one rodeo event or another. I was talking next to Mitch, looking around like a little kid in a candy store, taking in the pens of horses and the people milling around. He let out a chuckle, throwing an arm around my shoulders to steer me, his other hand tucking into his pocket as he lead me through the maze of pens and fenced off sections. It was warm and smelled of hay and animals, something I hadn’t experienced since I was a little kid and my neighbor had taken me to a livestock sale to get me out of the house. 
Past a large fenced off arena style room with bleachers on either side I leaned into Mitch a bit more, letting him basically lead as I looked around. I heard the horses before I saw them and grinned, pulling Mitch towards a pen of pretty paint horses. He let me lead him this time, reaching out with his hand not on me, offering pets that the horses seemed eager to get. Their fur was soft against my fingertips, rubbing at one’s forehead right on a white patch that stood out bright against the reds of the rest of it’s coat. “I always loved horses. Our neighbor had a bunch and I’d sneak out into the pasture and spend time with them, they were really sweet old trail girls.” I said, rubbing the horse’s noise and earning a nicker. “I did a bit of bronco riding when I was first starting out but fell into bull riding and never really looked back.” Mitch hummed, patting the horse’s neck before pulling back and taking me with him. He lead us around a few more turns and there I found Dwight and a man I’d never seen before. Mitch got right into it, stopping beside Dwight with me still firmly at his side, arm casually over my shoulders to make sure I was tucked close. Because he certainly knew that I was absolutely disappear into the mazes of fencing in search of more animals to pet. Ever since I found Scruff Mitch seemed less willing to let me go wandering, stating he didn’t want a zoo in his house. “Moss.” He said, nodding his head before glancing at Dwight. “Dwight, this is Moss Wheelwright. Moss, this is Dwight, the man I told you about. And this is Sunny.” 
I gave a little smile and wave, curious about the man who stood before me now. Moss looked like the average midwestern guy. Ball cap pulled low, a t- shirt and a pair of shorts with boots.It got pretty hot in here so I didn’t blame him, though Mitch had worn his usual attire of pants and a button up that was rolled to his elbows. “Moss is a bullfighter these days. Distracts the bull.” He continued on sounding almost affectionate, like he had some good memories of that very thing happening. “Wrangles him when the rider falls off.” It would make sense, if Mitch ever fell the bull could have very well turned and tried to get to him. Wranglers were in the pen to distract the animal long enough for the riders to get away, ensuring everyone left alive. It sounded like a terrifying job personally, but I had no experience with the bulls so just being near one sounded unpleasant to me. 
Another man walked up then with his hand extended. He shook Mitch’s hand, then Dwight, and then reached for mine. I shook his hand, pleased to not be ignored in these situations as some men would do. “Sorry I’m late brother, had to sneak out of work.” The new man said, looking at Mitch with a little nod of his head. “Howdy ya’ll. Ben Hutchins.” “Ben.” Dwight said, looking out of place in his suit but not looking the least bit bothered by that fact. “Dwight.” “Sunny.” I said, flashing him a smile. 
“Oh, don’t mind the blood.” Ben said, stepping back to stand next to Moss. He did have some blood on his jeans, his boots too. It was clear Moss, Ben, and Mitch all knew one another. These must be his buddies from the rodeo days he spoke about sometimes. “I work in a slaughterhouse.” 
Dwight let out a rumbling chuckle, looking amused. “You’re hired.” As Mitch, Dwight, and the two newcomers began to talk business I snuck away, feet silent in the dirt as I left Mitch’s side for the first time since we showed up. I wanted to explore a little bit while they talked business and had some experience in places like this so I had a general idea of what I was looking for. 
I spent some time wandering around the pens and stalls, petting the horses that allowed it and keeping my distance from the bulls and wilder looking animals that were caged up. I ended up at an odd looking contraption which I recognized was a mechanical bull, the material on the ground around it padded for when the riders would fall off. This must be the training that Mitch had mentioned…
“Spent hours on that thing.” Mitch interrupted my inspection and I looked over my shoulder, not really surprised to see him. Flashing him a smile he returned it, moving towards the metal contraption with a a contemplative hum, large hand smoothing over the back of the leather saddle it was equipped with. “We used to get a case of beer and spend our Friday nights on this thing, betting who could hold on longer.” “You win?” I teased, moving next to him. He let out a laugh. “Bet your ass I did.” Without another word Mitch reached down, grabbing me and placing me on the back of it. “C’mon, I’ll turn it on easy so you can get an idea of what it feels like. It’s not exactly like the real thing, but you’ll get the idea.” 
I blinked in surprise at finding myself in the saddle of the mechanical bull, one of my hands wrapping around the rope provided for just that purpose. “Okay, sure. But if I fall you aren’t allowed to laugh.” “Okay, honey.” He hummed, that low voice only making me narrow my eyes at him. “Now lift your other hand, gotta be authentic in it. Don’t halfass it now.” I did as he said as Mitch moved to the side where there was a box with numbers and switches, clearly a control panel. I trusted him to not crank it all the way up, I’d be tossed into space if that was the case, my legs didn’t go far around the thing and I couldn't really hold on well. 
The machine hummed to life at the flip of a switch and then began to slowly rock back and forth. I concentrated on moving with it as it began to gradually moved faster, letting my body remain more loose so I wasn’t a board on the back of it. “A natural. Move with it Sunny, don’t fight it. That’s my girl.” He called, cranking it up. The machine jerked and I let out a laugh, hair flying, nearly thrown but held on. I didn’t last much longer, tossed off the back into a mat where I landed on my back with a grin, a little dizzy with how fast it had spun, not even upset I’d already been tossed. 
The machine wound down and a hand appeared. I took it, Mitch easily pulling me up with a wide grin. “Not too bad for your first time. We’ll make you a rider after all.” “Hardly.” I said with a roll of my eyes. Mitch had this spark in his eyes as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer and starting to head back to the truck. “We’ll just have to practice at home, darlin’.” “Yeah, you got one of these hidden somewhere?” I sassed, looking up at him. “Nah, we’ll practice another way.” “Practice a- Mitch!” I laughed, slapping his chest lightly as he chuckled, his free hand adjusting his hat as he wove us through the maze of the large building. 
More Sunny and Mitch here
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slowfae · 1 month
Games to use for face claim + designing dr houses, waiting room, etc
Life Simulation are great to well…simulate your dr and offer visuals for your shifiting script. I did a post like this in the past, it was one of my very first one, so I thought I would update it.
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I just tried it and it’s kind of what prompted this post. it’s great, more on the hyper realistic side, except the eyebrows colour on the female character wouldn’t change colour in my game but for the male model, it was working fine ? I have no idea how it works, but this is just a demo, not the final game. For some reason I couldn’t change the features on the child model either, I tried to do my younger siblings and nothing was moving.
The different life stages are here (no teens and no toddlers though but there are three adult life stages) and i thought the elderly looked really great. I definitely encourage you to try while the demo is on. You can see below my attempt at my dr Dad and grandma (I did try to do me, but the dark eyebrows are throwing me off, especially because I have close to no eyebrows irl)
The demo is just the character creation but I think the build mode for apartment and house might just dethrone the sims 4 for me. Although i love making fantasy houses with the sims so maybe not.
But I saw a video about the build mode and apparently you will have the ability to scan in 3D objects in your house and put them in the game, which sounds absolutely crazy !
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I will also just mention paralives here, who looks interesting especially the building mode, but it’s not out yet when I’m writing this.
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- the sims 4
As long as you are ok with the cartoonish style, I think it’s still a good option. Especially since mods exist and there is a way to make your sims look hyper realistic with them. Normally I don’t like alpha ccs personally , but If the goal is to make a face claim/ body claim and you don’t care your sim looks off with the rest of the game, why not?
I love building in the sims 4, i didn’t build anything in a while though. I always recommend downloading the base game since it’s free and download cc, there are tons of good one. The expansion packs are so expensive and often not worth the full price imo, especially if you’re like me and not really interested in playing in life mode.
I do think it’s a fun way to channel your dr though, by seeing how your dr sims interact with each other ( I did it for a little bit, got a lot of unexpected things happening)
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- Life Makeover
The game is free, as long as you’re not weak with gacha games. I don’t spend too much, because I feel like there is enough possibilities with the outfits you gain by playing, so I’m fine not finishing limited sets. The last mermaid set was a close one, ngl but the universe heard my prayers and I got the mermaid tail with the gems I already had, so I’m not paying to pull more.
Anyway, the character creation is the best one I know. The style is in between realism and cartoony. My profile picture is made with that game. Bigger, animated like eyes look better on the character in my opinion, but I definitely saw very realistic looking characters made by people more talented than me lol. It’s one of the only game I own where I can make myself pointy elf ears and it’s very important to me lol.
Only down side for face claim is there is no male model. Then again, there is always way to work around it by making the character look more androgynous (kind of unrelated but I think there would be a market for male dress up games, they should think about it)
The big plus though is to get inspiration for your dr wardrobe ! I might have spent a whole day screenshotting my favourites piece of clothes + styling some outfits to put into my script 😂
I think it’s especially great for idol / K-pop or even celebrity dr with the style of the outfits, there is also things that would work for a fantasy/royalty dr.
Since I am talking about my addiction for dress up games once again, for fantasy outfits I also use Shining Nikki, but it doesn’t have a character creation which is why it’s not officially on this list.
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Life makeover on the right, Shining Nikki on the left
Surprisingly, there is also a house building mode, which looks really great imo but definitely more limited than the sims (doing cool roofing is a nightmare in this game because the roof doesn’t disappear inside a room like it does in the sims 🥲) . Here is one of my waiting room as an exemple, my mermaid retreat:
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- Baldur gates
Now, I’m starting with games I haven’t tried yet. Baldur gates is on my list but I’m waiting to have money to spend for it, and to have time to spend hours obsessing over a new game, which I don’t really have either right now 😂
The character creator looks incredible for fantasy drs. This is the kind of game where you spend a whole day in the character creator before you actually play.
literally any fantasy races you could think of is there, I think there are mods that add more too. I love how versatile it looks, there are a lot of skin tones, horns, lizards guys (I’m not familiar with dnd races, I’m sorry) I saw wings too but that might have been mod
- Once human
I found about this game in this post from @elizabethhearts-shifts : https://www.tumblr.com/elizabethhearts-shifts/758372410780221440/once-human-for-face-claims-hey-shifters-i
I don’t have a computer, don’t have the money for the kind I would need, the steam deck was a much more affordable option for my games, but unfortunately the steam deck doesn’t take in charge this particular game, I don’t really know why, it wouldn’t even let me try to download it anyway, like I had to do with Inzoi.
In any case, you can see the face claim of Elizabeth on her post, and it looks incredible so I still wanted to include it in the list ^^
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I realise this is a post for the gamer shifters x)
Personally, Pinterest is not enough for me. I think it’s my autistic brain but I need to have a clear idea of the space I live in my drs, and find that having a 3D representation of the space really helps. When I get into meditation, I then get very real images about my drs in those spaces. Same goes for people, I create a representation and then can get vivid images about them in my head.
So as usual, I hope this helps and inspire,
Happy shifting 🧚🏻‍♀️
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agaypanic · 5 months
Back at it again with the gay Francis request 🫶
Can I get a Francis Wilkerson x male reader where he falls for a skater boy with anger issues? Maybe pre-military school??? Or they can just meet during military school whatever makes more sense. But like reader is just the classic early 2000s baggy pants, drinks mtn dew, video game addicted, but he's also very stubborn with a mean streak.
Reader just like "im going to punch you in the face if you keep talking to me-"
Francis: "-ok but THEN can we make out?"
Francis Wilkerson With an Angry Skater Boy Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: idk anything about skateboarding whoops, don’t let your friends pierce you unless they’re a professional
You probably met before Francis was sent to military school
The two of you were either in the same friend group or ran in similar crowds
When Francis sees you for the first time, he’s probably thinking “wow, he’s hot”
He thinks he means it in an “i wanna be him” kind of way
Which is a bit true
But it’s more in an “i wanna be with him” way
Francis saw you first, sitting at a table with some of his friends and some other kids he didn’t know. You were playing with a wheel on your skateboard, spinning it absentmindedly while Richie talked about something no one else really cared about.
He sat down in the only available seat at the table, which was right across from you. He gave a half-hearted greeting to everyone, too busy glancing at you every few seconds to pay attention to anyone else.
Eventually, you felt his gaze. You looked up, seeing that he was already looking at you. Francis’ eyes widened in a panic, but he couldn’t help but look away. However, the slightly angry expression growing on your face made him wish he’d stop staring at you.
“What are you looking at?” you asked in a hiss, hands now gripping your skateboard and back straightening up. Francis tried to stammer out a response, but it was nothing coherent.
“Y/n, chill.” Richie laughed, looking at you with his usual half-lidded eyes. “Francis is cool, man, don’t worry.”
Francis nodded quickly, hoping that that along with Richie’s statement would cool you off a bit.
And it seemingly did. After giving the blonde a onceover, which felt more like a glare to him, you relaxed back into your slouched position.
Despite your somewhat coarse personality, Francis still wanted to hang out with you
He doesn’t know how he did it, but you start to warm up to him
By warming up, it mainly meant you not glaring at him every time he got near you
Soon enough, the two of you were hanging out regularly
“On your right.” You muttered, focused on the violent game that you had on the TV. Francis had come over to your place after school, mainly to get away from his mom, so you thought you’d pass the time by playing the new shooting game you got.
Francis was barely playing. Instead, he kept glancing over at you every few seconds. There was something about the way you got heated so easily that got him excited. 
“Dude, you just died.” You laughed at him, and Francis’ eyes snapped to the screen to see that he was, in fact, killed. He sighed and tossed his controller on the bed, acting like he was annoyed when it really just gave him more of an excuse to check out your room. And you.
Keeping the controller steady on your leg, you played with one hand while the other grabbed your half-empty soda can. Francis watched as you chugged the remaining Mountain Dew, crushed the can, and threw it toward the trash can in the corner. 
“Stop staring, or I’ll punch you,” you said, catching Francis’ stare out of the corner of your eye before focusing back on the game.
“Yeah, right.” In quick response, you hit Francis in the shoulder. “Ow!”
The two of you like to get up to trouble
Graffiti some walls, smoke some weed, usual teenage troublemaker stuff
One night, while Francis was at your house, he told you about a little lecture his mom had given him
And how it made him want to do the complete opposite of what she told him
“You sure about this?” you asked, not really sounding concerned as you cleaned off the sewing needle you had taken from a random junk drawer. “Lois is totally gonna send you to military school.”
“Fuck it,” Francis said with a shrug, playing with the jewelry that he brought with him. 
“Okay then.” You shrugged, going over to your bed. You pushed Francis to lie down and sat beside him, staring down at him. “Don’t get pissed if I fuck it up though.”
“Kiss for good luck?” Francis laughed lightly. Even though it sounded like a joke, he was slightly serious. You thought about it for a moment. You supposed there were worse people to kiss.
“Sure.” You said with a shrug. Leaning over Francis, you pecked him on the lips quickly. “No homo.” 
“Wha…” Your actions put Francis in a daze, so he didn’t register you putting the needle to his nose as you pulled your face away from his. In a flash, the needle was through his left nostril. “Ow!”
“Don’t be a pussy, Francis.”
The two of you fell silent as you put some of the jewelry through the hole you had just made. Francis played with his hands, looking up at you as you hovered over him.
“Keep looking at me like that, and I’ll hit you,” you murmured, your threat losing some of the usual seriousness you carried. Francis laughed.
“If I let you pierce something else, can I get another kiss?”
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n--n · 6 months
So can you elaborate on the lyrics of Poison being uninspired? I think a big problem with them is that there’s supposed to be a dramatic switch up in tone at the end, but it’s not actually big because the song has no dark subtext, the darkness is pure text. You can’t have a character say “My stories gonna end with me dead from your poison” then expect us to be shocked when the song gets sad in the end.
Addict was something people could have actually comfortably danced to in the club, which makes it hit when the concept is flipped to the dark side of itself, and it fits thematically, because it’s him coming down from his high, and he’s taking in what’s become of his life. Angel wasn’t happy before the ending of Poison so why is the song suddenly sad now like anything has changed?
But to me the lyrics seem unique enough. Like I can’t say any of them are cliches or platitudes. Though it kind of annoys me that the second verse like a regular pop song, but a real pop song has eight lines in verse one, this one has six and the Yeah yeah yeahs don’t count, so the second verse has an odd number of lines and just feels incomplete. That could be an example of it being uninspired.
Thank you for this ask it gives me an excuse to surgically open this song and really understand why it bothers me so much. Also it's 12 and I haven't rewatched it in a while so I might come back tomorrow and rewrite this so take it w a grain of salt sorry abt that.
In a nutshell- it's uninspired to me bc its such a nothingburger of a song. Like what do we get from it that we don't already know about Angel- either from the show itself, side content like the Addict video, or even from posts about him? Nothing. And lyrics aside, although the beat is good it's just a generic pop tune like Addict was a generic Kesha tune ya'know? Nothing about the melody particularly stood out to me as unique on its own or helping the storytelling. Even the fact that it's so upbeat in spite of the lyrics and visuals works against it when it gets towards the end and fails at trying to surprise you that it's sad.
"...so the second verse has an odd number of lines and just feels incomplete"
^^See thank you for articulating this bc I don't actually know much about how to articulate my thoughts on music, but this does help me make sense of why the actual tune just didn't grab me/felt off.
Also, going w/ the comparison to All You Wanna Do again- it's uninspired in that it also tries to do the thing where it makes a character use sexual innuendo to cope/describe the sa but falls so flat. Like,
"So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp
Yeah, I know it's poison You're feedin' me poison I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice and Every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow"
Angel Dust does his dance as he sings this-and the images of him in his fetish gear/parts of the assault appear on screen, and he even poses in the positions it's implied he's being assaulted in. Like, was ALL of that necessary when the lyrics are already telling us directly what's happening to him??? Katherine made sex jokes abt her sa too, but we get to see her as her own character outside of the assaults and we learn so much about her pov, how it affected her entire life, etc. I feel like I wouldn't find it even that egregious if we had gotten to have scenes where the audience gets to see Angel be himself outside of the performative mask he wears+his suffering, but he was only used for cheap sex jokes when interacting w the others at the hotel. And now in his song, he redundantly sings abt his situation which we have already been shown:
"I got so good at bein' untrue I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear I disassociate, disappear Yeah, yeah, yeah"
We saw his conflict w Husk over how fake he is, saw him placate Val over the phone, and I can't recall if we saw him disassociate but regardless. The point is we know all this, it didn't need to be a song let alone a whole music video. If we left the scene after Val abused Angel in the backroom and made Charlie leave it would have been waaayyyyy more weighty and foreboding than this song/MV.
"You can’t have a character say “My stories gonna end with me dead from your poison” then expect us to be shocked when the song gets sad in the end." + "...and it fits thematically, because it’s him coming down from his high, and he’s taking in what’s become of his life."
^^^^THIS!! They really tried leaning into the tragedy of his situation but really just ended up making him a tool for whump instead. Addict was put together wayyy better musically, thematically and visually- it actually felt impactful when we're left with Angel Dust crying on the bed w his pet comforting him, whereas Poison leaving him on the ground left me feeling nothing but annoyance.
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thescentofrainonstone · 7 months
It's the voice. It's what He says YOU and only YOU directly into your ears.
Or "fanfics, audios and self esteem building"
Let me explain.
There's an addendum to be had on the matter of where we go for escapism, when it's stories or fanfics that then become books if that experience of disappointment in current life, frustration and longing is shared enough (like in the case of twilight and fifth shades).
I seem the only one vocally noticing when one writes a self insert is because of their need ultimately to feel special, chosen by the character for whatever reason is desirable to them (usually tall, dark, handsome, immortal or thereabout and wealthy but not ostentatiously because money exists as preventative from problems).
But what hit me recently, and admitedly late, relates to audio. And the baldur's gate 3 people who fell hook line and sinker for Astarion might probably back me up on this because from what I understand, as someone who hasn't played and doesn't even know the game but got still hit by the way the pale elf got into the zeitgeist (at least of nerdy people whl play d&d old fashionably around a table monthly) is that most of the heavy lifting and heart throbbing is due to the work of Astarion's voice actor Neil Newbon.
Now, audio is a peculiar thing, go check out GoneWildAudio on Reddit and see for yourself the quite literal mind🦆it can be to have someone, speaking in your ear, addressing YOU and then go convince your brain that is *not* an actual human referring, adoring, and talking to YOU.
First: audio recordings have been around a little over 150 years. So in a way you'd think we haven't evolved to understand the difference between a recording and someone there who really whispers in your own ear.
But then again, film shocked the first time they saw the locomotive but nowadays no one would dream what's in their TV is actually part of their surroundings. And to that I argue: audio has no frame. Nothing physically breaks the illusion like the screen and its separation from your actual surroundings.
Audio doesn't have that. Put on headphones, close your eyes and with a good quality equipment (or binaural) it's freaky what audio can give the impression to your brain that's going on.
Now personal vulnerability moment: years ago I went into a rabbit hole that led me to the work of a certain GWA Voice Artist. I was writing a paper and supposedly "researching and studying" like a good observer of the human condition when I suddenly found myself nothing short of addicted to sound in the form of their very unique specific voice. to the point I took it upon myself to try and understand what kind of ton of bricks hit a performer when they share something seemingly personal and vulnerable... Via audio. Which as said above, doesn't have a defined frame that separates it from how our brains differentiate everything else that affects any of our other senses in reality. Let's just say that I realised the experience of someone whose voice presented male is vastly different from someone like me whose voice was coded femme. And that's because cishet men don't know how to respectfully interact with the subject of their porn. At least that's what I saw in my brief but intense experience as a virtual sex worker, basically.
But beside the point: voice and sound create such a good illusion because of how many more human facets come through with timbre, every breath intake, every exhale, all those imperfection that communicate "human".
Now here's where it gets tricky: there is an agreement on the swoon-worthiness of words spoken to YOU about YOU in Your ear. How "unique, amazing, exceptional, beyond whatever he dared to imagine You are, how You affect his entire world and way to see at every human after you who doesn't hold a candle to your being". Which reflects in the popularity of audio and I suspect justifies the success of Astarion beyond the video game world like, to my knowledge, no character had breached before.
What struck me is one specific effect Audio has on people, and I mean beyond the physical effect of the rightfully horniness. I refer to:
Please consider this an invitation to confirm or deny, but after spending days, listening to a voice telling you how amazing, and special, and sexy you are, how crazy you drive him/her/them and how they only have eyes for you, don't you start to walk a little bit taller? Head a little bit higher? Hips a little bit swayer?
And this is to say: I don't think most people have the ability to do that for themselves, to write themselves into self inserts and yet being able to praise themselves like they clearly yearn to. And audio then becomes I guess like you're masturbating with someone else's hand voice?
Btw: again kudos to fanfic writers in the Astarion realm because at least they are a step ahead the last fandom I checked and if not praising their self insert enough (ever for me, but maybe I'm just a praise slut) they definitely spend more time in the pale elf's head than I ever witnessed in the last twenty or so years I've read (and occasionally written but I will forever deny under torture) Fanfiction
In this air, if you are looking to disconnect from reality with amazing heartfelt smut go check our @again-please and @fangswbenefits ❤️❤️❤️
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Hai, I wanted to air out some HH feelings and thought this was the best place to do so. I never watched the original pilot. After the first trailer dropped I figured that the show wasn't gonna be for me, it just wasn't my comedy style. But I did watch Addict when it dropped.
I thought it was really cool that a fan song got an officially animated mv! And I thought that it did a really good job at being subtle with Angel's SA...until the end. They added a whole new verse to the song to, from how I saw it, put in a flash back to an SA scene. I don't know why people don't bring that up more with Addict. A whole new verse to do that scene. Especially since it's supposed to be the hopeful/uplifting send-off after the credits.
But then when Michael was let go I went to the replies on his tweet. I stopped looking through them after I saw 3 different people post a gif of the SA shot in Addict under their well wishes. Just...why would you put something like that under your "We'll miss you! We loved your performance! Good luck" message to a VA? Why include the worst act against that character to your VA send-off?
That was when I really knew that Angel wasn't going to be handled well. Not just because of the needless scene inclusion at the end of Addict, but because of how the fans were treating it.
I wish I could say that I didn't see Poison coming. I wish I could say that I thought they would wait longer than episode 4 to show it. But honestly, I expected that shit to drop in episode 2. I expected there to be reoccurring scenes for the whole first season.
When Addict just *had* to shove that scene in at the end and the video got so popular I knew they would go bigger with more budget. I wanted to think I was just doomstorming (brainstorming while filled with dread), but the fact that they had done such a great job with the subtlety and threw it all away at the end for shock value sat wrong with me. I honestly don't know why nobody brings up that ending scene of Addict.
And I wanted to have hope! Addict had shown Angel dolling himself up to wreck havoc with Cherri and I thought that would be something! That he would have wrecking shit be a kind of escapism or therapy and he'd be trigger happy or explosive happy, or that Cherri would just...be there for him at all! But she's gone from what I've heard, and now we have Poison.
It makes me feel like a loser, baby.
Speaking as someone who loved Addict, hell, who remembers Addict as their gateway drug into Hazbin? These are all extremely valid points! Also, that thing with Michael is vile, this fandom's got zero sense of how to behave then or now and he really did dodge a bullet.
Me, I never minded the ending to Addict so much because, while we do see that shot of Valentino raping Angel, it amounts to a split second. More importantly, the video ends with Angel daring to believe that things might be better at the hotel, and then Nuggets kisses him and he smiles and it's a happy, hopeful note.
One thing we can agree on, I think, is that Poison makes Addict look like high cinema. It's all of the worst things about Addict and absolutely none of the good.
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Riddle, Azul and Jamil(Yandere) x Shy! Kindhearted! M!Reader!
hehehehe look what Trey found in their drafts
Sorry for the delays on requests, Trey was taking a break for a little while, and will get back to finishing the requests soon! thank you for your patience!
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Though he hasn't spoken to you much, he is quite fond of you, the way you do not break the rules, are obidient, and are smart. He does wonder why you hardly ever speak, though... your silence leaves him curious... The first time he had ever completely spoken to you is when you were assigned as partners for a class project, he learned quickly that you were quite reserved, you hardly spoke to him... Your silence making him more curious and interested. But he didn't dare admit that. During this class project, you had spent quite a while around him, and he began feeling things, you noticed how his face became red whenever you got close to him to look over his shoulder at his side of the work. The two of you together worked efficiently, both of you restless, though you softly argued with each other late into the night, the arguements going something like;
"You should rest, I'll take on the work from here."
"No, No, Riddle-san... you go rest, I'll take the work."
"you need to rest... I can tell you haven't in a while..."
"No, I'm fine, really! Please get some rest."
Thats an arguement you have every night.
During your time working on this project together, he noticed that your voice is now calmer... softer. You used to ignore him when he greeted you with a good morning everyday, but you're now responding with a nod and a silent but hearable "good morning." The more time you spend around each other, the more he feels like a large amount of weight is lifted off his shoulders. He has begun feeling attached like you like how a strong magnet attaches to a piece of metal. He doesn't want to let go. The kindness you've showed him so far... he can't just let you leave...
He is quite intrested in you, whenever he passes you in the halls you seem to be so, so perserved... He's tried to pry information about you out of others hands, have the tweels monitor your every move, sign people into contracts to take information from you... but to no avail. You give up no answers what so ever, you are a very private person, and seem to only share information like of yourself with people you trust. So, he figured... he'd make you trust him.
But... it ended up slightly backfiring, because more recently, he has begun feeling.... things. Things he can't explain. The constant fluttering in his stomach when he sees you walking the halls in his direction? The way his face begins to turn hotter than molten lava in your presense? The thoughts he has of you holding him close and showing him affection and love? The way he earns for you to be by his side? They are feelings completely unexplainable to him. But of course, he cannot ruin his image, not like this. So he hides it. Hides it behind those smug expressions he always has on. But on the inside, he wants your approval, your hypnotizing eyes on him, your praise... he craves it like how those with a sweet-tooth crave their sugary delights that they've become so addicted to. the many times you have been together has changed you. Your gaze is softer, you trust him more, sometimes you praise his efforts, which makes him so happy. Go on, indulge him. Praise him more. Tell him he did a good job. He can no longer live without it...
When he first saw you, you were sitting on the bleachers in the school gym, while he practiced with the rest of the basketball club. He noticed your figure at the top of the bleachers, you were looking at your phone, scrolling and scrolling through it, occasionally stopping to watch some video that piqued your intrest, but then going right back to scrolling. You had noticed him staring, and gave him a shy wave, then going back to your phone. The little wave you gave him... it made his heart jump, and he doesn't know why, he knew he had to approach you somehow...
"Jamil!!!" Kalim called out to him, running towards him, with another figure not far behind.
"What do you want now, Kalim?" he asked him sternly, Kailm simply smiled.
"I just wanted to introduce you to my friend! This is M!Reader!" Kalim said enthusiastically, as he moved over to show... you. The very one that was on the bleachers. You tilted your head over a bit and gave him another wave, like the one you gave him the first time. His heart jumped again. There was something about you that made him want to be closer... He knew you were already friends with Kalim... but he didn't feel like sharing.
You were the kindest person he's ever met, you offered him help when he needed it. Kalim's throwing a party for the 100th time this week? You offer to help with the preparations! There's a bug thats scaring Jamil? You throw a brick at it or put it in a cup and throw it outside! You're shy and reserved, but kind and gentle... he feels so attached to you... he practically clings to you now. He sometimes put you under his spell, just so he can have you hold him close and give him the affection he craves from you... He's probably the type to destroy anything that gets in the way of you and him. Oh, you were talking to some scarabia student today? Next day its revealed that they've gone missing. He just doesn't want to share you, y'know? surely you would understand his reasoning if you found out it was him... right?
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shinestarhwaa · 2 years
I have request for ateez! How would they react when they catch their s/o who had stopped smoking, smoking in a party because someone offered them a cigarette?
For the purpose of the reactions I made the members be against smoking. I hope you like it <3
I tried to make the s/o gender neutral!!
Contains angsty feelings and jealousy?
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Hongjoong had been eyeing you from the other side of the room when your best friend offered you to step outside for a cigarette.
He rolled his eyes. He couldn't stand her, the minx. She always seemed to pull you into her darker world. It wasn't a secret she drank lots of alcohol, wasn't new to drugs and apparently tried to get you into smoking again.
When Hongjoong stepped outside to check up on you, he found you laughing on the couch with a cigarette in your hand. The laughter stopped quickly when you noticed him and his serious face.
"Are you joking, Y/N?"
The guilt immediately grew in your chest. You put out the cigarette immediately and took him to the side.
"I am so sorry, Hongjoong. I know that I promised not to do this again, and I am so, so sorry that I broke it," you apologized profusely.
He hugged you tight. "You can't do this again. It's bad for you. I want you to take care of yourself."
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Seonghwa was your favourite clean freak, and you had kind of adored it since the moment you started going out.
However, he made you quit smoking instantly when he found out about the bad habit.
When you came home late at night after your friend's birthday party he was still waiting on the couch. Instead of being happy to see you he looked disappointed, or sad. You weren't too sure.
"What's wrong, Hwa?"
"Your friend posted a video of you smoking in their story, Y/N... I thought you were done with that."
"Oh sweetheart, I know, I'm sorry, I got so tipsy I couldn't say no, but I won't do this again. Okay?"
"Fine... brush your teeth though."
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Yunho was having a good time at your friends' birthday party until he noticed you were gone. He started looking for you, and then saw you on the balcony with a cigarette.
He hesitated but made his way to the balcony, to just stand there to look at you.
You had stopped smoking 2 years ago and you were doing so well, and it broke his heart that you couldn't resist it this time.
"Y/N, are you gonna put that thing out?"
You shivered from his hard voice, the tone different than his usual. You knew you were in trouble.
"I'll put it out."
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Yeosang was feeling light headed at the party, he had drank a little too much and had eaten a little too less. To make himself feel better he stepped out of the room, onto the balcony, only to meet your guilty eyes.
He was confused until he saw the cigarette in your hand.
He sighed. You fell back again into your old nasty habit. "I will quit, okay? This is the last one," you promised.
He decided he'd believe you, have faith in you. "Okay, Y/N, but you have to realize this addiction is really bad for you, I'm worried."
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San didn't think it was so funny when he saw you and a beautiful, strange man having fun on the terrace. His eyes widened when he saw the cigarette in your hand, bringing it to your lips.
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Not again," he mumbled as he walked out on the terrace.
"Y/N, put that thing out and come back inside with me, please," San stated, sounding sadder than he intended.
"Sannie, I am so sorry..." you tried, but he was already back inside. You followed him and comforted him that night, telling him you'd never smoke again.
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You were gossiping on the terrace with your friend, who lit your cigarette on the moment Mingi stepped out to look for you.
You wanted to hide the cigarette but it was too late. He looked at it and his eyes saddened.
"Y/N, I thought you'd quit, what happened?" Mingi asked.
"I'm so sorry, I haven't smoked it yet. I'll put it out. I'm sorry, I just had a weak moment."
"Don't do this again, okay?"
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Wooyoung tried his best to make you quit smoking, as he was worried for your health.
He got you patches, took you to doctors but he always felt like it wasn't enough. And he happened to be right.
At your birthday party he saw you outside with your smoking friend, and he knew she was going to hit you up with a cigarette, so he wasn't too surprised when he saw you blowing out smoke, with a smile on your face.
He decided to wait until everyone left to discuss it with you, not wanting to make a scene.
"Y/N, What were you thinking? Smoking? Again?" Wooyoung sighed.
You felt guilty immediately. "I'm so sorry, I just could not resist it. I'm sorry, Woo, I won't do it again."
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The whole evening Jongho had been eyeing you, dancing with your friend. It was a perfect night, the weather just lightly breezy, no cloud in the sky. You could count all the stars in the moonlit sky.
Except one thing didn't make it totally perfect. That bastard of your ex boyfriend was there, always trying to get you back. The naive person you were, started talking to him, causing Jongho to roll his eyes.
But when he handed you a cigarette and lit it for you, Jongho lost it, he could not bear it anymore. He grabbed the cigarette, put it out and stated, "we're gonna go home."
"No, Jongho, I'm sorry, let's stay."
"Not with him around."
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