#drinking a beer looking sexy asf?
duffslut · 3 days
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That was oddly appealing of him
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gayofthefae · 3 years
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We’re gonna talk about this. (again). Because, um, out of curiousity, I tried drinking a bottled beverage this way. And IT DOES NOT WORK. THIS IS NOT A FUNCTIONAL WAY TO DRINK THINGS. Buck’s tongue is literally BLOCKING the beer from getting into his mouth. So not only is he being flirty asf, he’s doing it at the expense of drinking his beer. This was an active choice with immediate, noticeable effects of having little to no beverage enter his mouth for sure. And he’s fine with it! Because our little man is sitting there saying, “Yes, I can’t drink beverages properly around Eddie. AND I LOOK SEXY DOING IT.” And as an ace lesbian, he does. Go off, my man.
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hello if you're not busy can you write a HC with Daichi, Bokuto, and Kuroo and how they act when they drink at a party with you?
Thank you for this request!!!! Lets just age them up to college! 
Daichi, Bokuto, and Kuroo at a College Party
➣ Daichi
He’s such a responsible drunk like he is the best boyfriend to have at a party. Like I’m sure all of these guys would be super protective of you the whole night but Daichi is on another level
He is always pouring drinks for you because he doesn’t know everyone at the party and he doesn’t want someone to try and pull a fast one 
Daichi always has a hand either wrapped around your waist, resting on your hip, or holding yours because he wants to keep an eye on you 
Even if Daichi is having the time of his life, he is always making sure you’re okay 
Lots of “ Do you want to sit down?” and “ Let me know when you want to go home, okay?” 
He’s def the boyfriend where if you have longer hair, he wears a hairband or scrunchie on his wrist so he can pull it up to a ponytail if you’re sweaty or throwing up 
I know he sounds super protective, which he is, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have fun. Think about it, he is always babysitting his teammates so when he has the chance to let loose, he takes the opportunity 
Daichi is a classic Budweiser man I stand behind that and I do not take complaints
He doesn’t really play drinking games. He likes to go to parties either to hang out with friends he hasn’t seen in a long time orrrrrrr KARAOKE 
Even if there isn’t a karaoke machine, he’ll always sing super loud whenever a song comes on that he knows and that alone makes the whole party sing along 
If the songs are trash he’ll take over the AUX and have the whole house bumping and that’s a fact 
No matter how drunk he gets, he still uses common sense so if one of his friends tries jumping off a table, he scoops them up and off the table before they even attempt it 
Daddies intuition what can I say
I know there’s that trend where how the Haikyuu boys catch it when you’re throwing back AND I KNOW DAICHI CAN CATCH IT
He’s such a smooth motherfucker and he loves when you do it because he knows other people are watching 
I am simping so hard for this 2D man 
➣ Bokuto 
Bokuto is clearly a frat boy that isn’t in a frat if that makes sense
Like he hates all of the shaddy shit that goes down in Greek Life
 The idea of that false sense of brotherhood and hazing sets him off but but he radiates playing beer pong with sunglasses and thats a fact 
He has that energy where “ the party doesn’t start until Bokuto walks in” because he always brings it up another level
If you went to a party with Bokuto, be prepared to have all of the attention on the two of you because this boy is even LOUDER than usual 
Sober Bokuto is already a proud boyfriend so the alcohol would only dial him up even more
Lots of “ This is my s/o aren’t they so cute????..... OF COURSE THEY ARE HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?” 
“ Kotaro they were agreeing with you.”
“ Oh my bad man! Y/N, be on my team for beer pong!”  
He would know everybody at a party and even if he didn’t know some random person there, by the end of the night they would definitely be best friends
Bokuto never really gets too drunk but seemingly everyone around him does because he is such a big hypeman and maybe that could lead to peer pressure but he can’t help it 
He won’t ever force you to drink but if you are drinking, he hypes you up constantly 
This boy is so affectionate when he is drunk, he loves telling you how amazing you look and how happy you make him while he gives you a bunch of kisses across your face 
His breath smells like Malibu but you don’t even mind THAT much 
He gets sappy sometimes and he loves attention so if he’s giving you kisses but you don’t, he gets whiny asf
“ What about me? Where’s my loving? “ cue Bokuto pouting as you roll your eyes but of course you can’t leave your boyfriend hanging
Bokuto can party all night but once he sees that you’re tired or you’re done with partying, he will say his goodbyes and gets an uber so you guys can go home ( NONE OF THE HAIKYUU BOYS DRINK AND DRIVE AND I STAND BY THAT)
➣ Kuroo
I don’t care what anyone says, Kuroo is a freaking dork and he should be treated as such 
Sober Kuroo is a huge ass nerd so when he drinks, he’ll make random-ass, smart comments throughout the night as if it’s common knowledge 
“ Baby did you know that the hydrogen atoms in your body are almost 13.5 billion years old because they were created at the birth of the universe?”
“ What are you even talking about?”
“ I don’t know but I need some water, my head hurts- hey where did Kenma go?” 
He is just sooooo talkative when he drinks like he’ll talk people’s ear off and somewhat annoy them but Kuroo is just so oblivious it doesn’t even bother him 
He also loooooooves dancing. He’s such a bad dancer in real life like I’m sorry that hoe has no rhythm at all but when he is drunk??? The flavor is immaculate!!
He dances like a stripper at a bachelorette party I-
Grinding, thrusting and smirking and he thinks he is just being so sexy which he kinda is I mean LOOK AT HIM 
If you’re just sitting on the couch talking to a friend, 10/10 times he will try to give you a lapdance while you’re trying to have a conversation 
“ Yeah I mean these finals were so rough-”
“ Did someone order a lapdance?”
“ What are you- TETSURO!” 
He would never have sex with you if either of you are drunk but he’ll still you slow kisses on your neck if the two of you find yourselves alone because he just can’t help himself 
His choice of drink/game would be bodyshots because again, just look at him do I really have to defend this statement? He is a tequila whore and a sexy beast so the will totally be up for doing body shots off of you but he will get sooooo pissed off if someone even tries doing it off of you 
Drunk Kuroo is the love of my life thank you
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