#I got bullied by all the guys in my grade for being trans and the girls didn’t seem against that fact
skid-the-mighty-poet · 2 months
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#writing#poetry#2021#december 2021#december 18 2021#Closure#about to go through the mortifying ordeal of posting a bunch really old poems that I am embarrassed by#anyways the author here is JK Rowling#a bunch of girls I went to Catholic school with where really into Harry Potter in 6th grade#sometimes I wonder what their opinions on her political beliefs are#specifically the line about wished id asked certain questions are me trying to remember if she was being a terf back then and if i knew#cause if she had then i really wish id used that to figure out the opinions the girls in my grade had on trans people#I got bullied by all the guys in my grade for being trans and the girls didn’t seem against that fact#but they weren’t mainly werent dicks to me either. just indifferent. Maybe they somehow didn’t know i was getting bullied#or maybe they didn’t care about me specifically which doesn’t really make them transphobes#There was this girl who i thought for sure thought trans people where weird#but now shes one of the only people i grew up with that knows im that kid she grew up with. And shes like an ally#So like how many kids who i thought were queerphobic or hated me actually didn’t?#i could talk more on this but i dont feel like it#trans#transgender#a lot of this poem i hate like honestly kinda pointless to refrence JKR#but that “the good has had been faded fading” is still so good#honestly forgot what exactly I was getting at with it#but I remember being really proud of that line so I'm gonna maintain that pride and trust that it really does go hard#Catholic school#ex-Catholic#I really dont know how to tag my personal work with the objective of visibility
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calweathers17 · 4 months
Fucking clumsy, by that I mean constantly falling, tripping, spilling things, knocking things, bumping into people seriously don't play basketball with this guy or especially not football, even falls while just standing in one place he probably wouldn't even dare to stand if he was forced to wear high heels.
Used to be in a Volleyball team
"You don't have to run up and down I think it's perfect."
Although he quit after getting into racing.
Welcome your local cat lover, small note here Strip is allergic to cats, must suck but anyways Cal once found a small family of cats, a protective yet sweet and clingy mother cat with 4 kittens. You must picture that scene where he found them in the barn but can't take them home due to his uncles allergies so after school or whenever he could he would check up on them bring the mother food and give them a nice ...place blanket or whatever (obviously after earning the cat's trust) and would keep it a secret but obviously Strip would sometimes go there and eventually Cal revealed the secret but begged his uncle and aunt not to move them. He didn't dare to take risks (my boy knows a lot about cats).
With a very cool person I know‼️ we made up the fact Strip is allergic to both cats and peanuts the same with Cal but he's only allergic to peanuts.
Trans, FtM ‼️
"I just never felt right being called Carol and being seen like that but when they called me Cal." - LIFE CHANGING QUOTE YALL
Has been living with Strip and Lynda since he was 13 and met Bobby in highschool → went to 2 highschools after hardly convincing his uncle to let him switch schools, 9th grade in a normal highschool before going to a school to learn coding and other computer things.......yes (quick note I have no idea how different the American and Hungarian school system is so if I got shit wrong I will remake it.) He met Bobby after switching schools.
Likes art and is quite good at it mostly drawing planes and cars sometimes people, but got into racing more after meeting Bobby who's been a big race fan for years...also likes graffiti art but only did them after switching schools.
Mostly grunge and rock music listener.
Plays the guitar.
Kinda random...once stole an ukulele from some small art meeting thing (IDK WHAT IT'S CALLED outside of school activity)
HERE COMES MY RACING FAN I don't have much for them YET
Got into art after Cal, being his biggest fan and supporter on the topic.
Was the first to befriend Cal once my boy moved schools
Likes cats but more of a ... Guinea pig person don't ask how.
Lives with their father, total dick though. They got the first ever support for their racing dreams from Brick (knows him since the start of Highschool, them, Brick and Cal made a pretty great trio)
Who's someone who gets under my hcs and doesn't have gender problems? Welcome my Agender dude (or demiboy, still deciding..)
"This he thing just doesn't seem to fit me, that's all."
Brick supports him, wouldn't hold back if anyone ever bullied them for it. Although Bobby never really told his father and probably won't.
Not much of a music listener but listens to whatever Cal does
Got into guitar playing after Cal and loves hearing him play it.
Small thing for my Swiftweathers fellas
After the meeting Cal started drawing people more and you could maybe guess who he was drawing!
Cal can talk for hours about cats and cars, Bobby would listen. Bobby can talk for hours about cars and racing and Cal would listen.
Graffiti art mentioned? Bobby already joked / stated if they ever become a racer their racing number would be 19 and their car would be....probably purple ( I got cool news!)
Cal already could do graffiti art, his first one (on wall,.. if it makes sense) was the number 19, (obviously detailed and colored) small gift for Bobby (who still has it in their gallery and even as a wallpaper) although they eventually did get into trouble for it that was for something else but not the 19 one.
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habeascorpseus · 1 year
when i was in 7th grade, i had my first boyfriend. corny shit, i know. in many cases i dont think middle school relationships are enough to be classified as dating- but to this day, i do firmly believe our clumsy attempts at recreating the behavior of couples barely older than us did count. there was an emotional connection there. we had met in 6th grade and bonded over fnaf and minecraft 3 animations and all those other things that people still found found entertaining in 2014.
another notable thing in 7th grade that happened was that i had discovered i was transgender. well, i say "discovered", but it was honestly a long time coming. between my obsession with being seen as a "tomboy," my favorite song on the Kidz Bop 16 CD being Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy" (but sung in a way to make it so much less about cheating that it really became more of a call to action to imagine life as a man) to the point where i manually would loop it on my cd player for hours, and my growing love for mlm shipping— i had been a certified egg since i was in 4th grade. but despite being raised around and parented with about a dozen lesbian and gay couples since birth, i didnt know whether or not my parents were transphobic or not. so, after looking through a list of trans identities, i decided to just come out as genderfluid to my parents as sort of a compromise to the intimidating rigidity of being a trans boy. and even though it wasn't entirely fitting to what i'd ultimately figure out about myself, i grew pretty attached to it.
back to the middle school boyfriend.
at the end of 7th grade— like, a week before summer vacation— i publically came out as genderfluid. while my ex, who i will from now on refer to as Lou, had initially taken it well, albeit with some confusion, over the summer, a much different series of feelings began unfolding. unfortunately, as middle school boys are wont to do whenever one of them begins to act even slightly against the norm, his friends began asking him if he was gay. "if michael¹ is a boy sometimes, does that make you straight, or bisexual?" are some of the things i later heard them ask. and since i, phoneless till the age of 16, was unable to talk to him throughout this relentless picking apart of his own identity, by the time we got back to school, things were... different.
¹ Michael is the name i went by irl for 3 years from 7th-9th grade.
for one, there were the jokes. he was a big leafy fan (and i really did try even back then to steer him away from that but its hard when youre a cringe nerd middle schooler) and back then "attack helicopter" jokes were kind of all the rage, so he began jokingly identifying as a toaster. then he made a toaster mask out of a cardboard box, spray paint, and duct tape that he brought to school and began putting on whenever i walked by him in the hallway. and then, and possibly worst of all- a simple html website shared between his friends called "what gender is Michael today?" which lead to a random generator of options like, "boy", "girl", "toaster", and "attack helicopter." all of which is kind of a lot to deal with when youre a middle schooler with a pretty rough time of it already, and suddenly your main bully is the guy youve effectively been in a relationship with for 6 months.
and now you may be asking: hey habeas, why this sudden autobiographical deep dive into the most traumatic period of your life? what spawned this? how is this story relevant to literally anything going on? well, that's where the next part of the story comes in.
that year, our sex ed teacher was a 5ft transgender man named Mudd. Mudd had a buzzcut, and a higher pitched voice, and small hands, but beyond all of that, there was nothing visibly different about him than any other boy or man in the school. in fact, the boys thought he was cool as hell. they were fascinated by the idea of transformation of the self into an unrecognizable body. they never misgendered him, even after learning his status as a trans man. in fact, they were comfortable enough around him to be transphobic towards me. and Mudd, like a good trans mentor, told them to cut that shit out, and told me that regardless of how complicated and occasionally contradictory my identity was, it was still me, and i needed to stand up for who i was as a person.
a week later, Lou called me a tranny, and in response, i punched him in the nose and promptly stopped talking to him.
so again, why is this relevant? well, I'm not sure how terminally online (or specifically, on twitter) some of you are, but recently there's been a bit of a tiff in a certain fandom about bi lesbianism. specifically, how it, as an identity, is harmful to both the bisexual and lesbian communities. which, one: nooooo....??? bisexuality and lesbianism arent separate so much fraternal twins, and I've already talked too much to include further definitions to prove it. but my argument is really less about its validity as an identity and more about the principle of there being limits to acceptance, even within our community.
like with my experience, people were fine when they were faced with binary identities. a trans man like mudd is cool, or a trans girl like Jazz Jennings (we watched a lot of I Am Jazz in homeroom) could be seen as normal, and more so, inspiring. but when i came in with an identity people found to be contradictory or "too confusing," it resulted in backlash. the entire definition of being "queer" is to be abnormal to what general society finds acceptable, and even then, some things are "too weird" to be tolerated. even amongst "weird" people. which i find to be a pretty troubling trend amongst queer leftist young people who's only real experience with an "lgbt community" has been online. here, we prioritize and find catharsis in labels and categories to the point where the "queer community" has become instead split between identities- the gays, the lesbians, the bis, the transes, the aros and aces and the whatnot. in the real world, it doesnt matter what flavor of queer you are, nobody's going to stop and ask before they call you a groomer and then legislate your freedom away. which is why we, as an online queer community, have to get rid of the notion that some identities are "too contradictory" or "dont exist" enough to be worth giving support and love.
im saying all this here... because, well, one: nobody wants to read a 40+ tweet thread about my personal brush with irl homophobia and how that radicalized me against community separation in general, and two: i am deeply afraid of 14 year olds on twitter with too much time on their hands. but also im saying this because it was infuriating yesterday to watch my entire twitter feed suddenly turn into a puritanical campaign against the very concept of someones identity and have the ability to say nothing. it disgusted me how quickly we turn against our own simply because the way they are is confusing to our tiny fucking peanut brains. and i know none of those people who went on that tirade will read this, but i felt like it needed to be said anyways.
don't let society's impulse to ostracize the confusing and strange win out over human decency. don't do conservatives' strategy to divide and conquer us for them. a person's identity not being comprehensible to you is not inherently an attack on who you, yourself, are. you are your identity and you should stand up for it, and you should stand up for others' identities too. punch your bullies in the nose.
long live the confusing, the contradictory, and most importantly, the queer.
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authoralexharvey · 4 months
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INTERVIEW WITH A WRITEBLR — @theglitchywriterboi
Who You Are:
Sparrow Aiden || He/xe
I'm Sparrow Aiden, I'm genderfluid/a trans guy & bi & mixed. My current favorite book is Flesh Eater by Travis Riddle
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Fantasy, horror, and sci-fi. Young adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Probably like fantasy. I just think it's really fun & you can make your own rules for the whole universe [which you can do for others ofc but still-]
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
Romance. I write romance in my stories, but I don't think I could do that as the main focus, especially not smut [I respect it though, just very much not for me writing wise-]
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
Queer people & queer POC. I think people outside those groups would still enjoy it, at least I hope !!!
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
I don't really normally have a theme in mind - maybe death is inevitable & we can't prevent it no matter how much power we have. Also friendship & shit.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
The one character that's always bullied for no reason ??? Like Meg from Family Guy or Jerry from Parks & Rec. It's just needlessly mean, & at least in Jerry's case he is simply trying to be nice & not doing anything :(
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
A lot of things, but mostly Deaths Diner. I've been working on it since like 8th grade [so like 7ish years ??] & I'm still not close to done 😮‍💨. Second main WIP is The River By The Hotel & a few years but idk how many exactly. Not near as long as Deaths Diner though.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
I really enjoy writing !!! & I've always wanted to be published - not for money or anything [though money would be nice] but because it's one thing to sew it in a document, but a whole different thing to be able to hold it & have it impact other people. Plus I've always wanted to give people joy & if people get that from my writing that'd be very cool - even if it's only one person
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
Since I was little. But the first time I knew I WANTED to be a writer was when I was watching Doctor Who w/ my family & after the intro it said "Written by [whoever wrote that episode]" & I thought that was so cool !! Like someone wrote that & my family & I are interacting w/ it & enjoy it !! [& being a screenwriter would be cool, but it wasn't really for me environment wise so I turned towards writing stories/books & I liked reading anyway so-]
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
It mostly comes randomly, but anything tbh. Sometimes its from a movie or show, sometimes it's from a book, sometimes it's just a "Hey, wouldn’t a story about [X] be interesting haha… Wait that's actually amazing-". The inspiration for Deaths Diner actually came about through the latter. My brother jokingly said "Haha, we should have our own show" & me being a dumb 8th grader was like "WE SHOULD !!!" So I started scripting it. Then I realized our lives aren't interesting enough to have a show based off us, so I added ghosts, then one thing lead to another & long story short it's absolutely nothing like our lives [But I think it's still really cool-]. The inspiration for The River By The Hotel is also [very loosely] based off my life too. Basically as a kid my brother & I WOULD go to hotels to visit our mom & at one there were two kids. My brother & I did go over to the river area w/ them. The stuff that didn't happen was all thr paranormal monster stuff. [But that was brought on because when we went home my little brother told me he almost fell in, so I was like "What if he did & the river was actually a portal to another world ?"]
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
Probably Deaths Diner. I'm still on the first draft & while it's nowhere near done, I've worked so hard & long on it, it's like my baby. I can't wait to be finished w/ it though so I can start the second book in the series
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
I haven't yet. But I really want to !! Hoping to publish something this year or next year
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
Most appealing is being able to get a physical copy of my book, because it's like "Yooo I did it !! I actually did it !!!". Least appealing is probably the critics. I know even the best books & the books I love have people that don't like them, but still. It's daunting publishing something you spent so much time on because of the thought people might despise it.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
The actual writing is most appealing, because its fun to write, the editing is least appealing. Mostly because I get in my head about the quality & get stuck trying to fix everything - even when there's nothing to fix [or nothing major]
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
Kinda chaos. I just write when I feel like it & I'm a bit of a pantser [maybe more like a plantser though] sometimes, especially w/ a series, I know the majors stops [like we start here, then this happens in the middle, then the end happens. But how I get there I don't know & even w/ the stuff I do know its like a loose idea.] but w/ stand-alones I normally don't know that. I have some scenes planned, but other than that I have zero idea how the book will end
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
A few years now. I wanted to join to have a place to share my writing & to make friends w/ other writers
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
Aaaa this is so hard I really like all my writeblr mutuals/friends it's hard to pick but Uuuuuuhhh- @jezifster, @daisywords, @writing-is-a-martial-art, @athena-anna-rose, @penspiration-writing, @caligraphyzev, @writingpotato07, @writewithfire, @pen-of-roses, @e-lisard, @ashen-crest, @the-finch-address, @cryptid-s-wips, @chrismerle, & so many others !!! I don't know how I stumbled onto all of them, but they're all cool people & cool writers
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
The community & event
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
I don't know tbh
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
I think I could interact more. I'm very forgetful so sometimes I forget to reply to stuff or post things. I try to share others writing & stuff
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
All kinds, other people's writing & short stories, peoples replies to tag games, etc
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
Updates about progress
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
On twitter: @WriterGlitch & on Instagram: @TheGlitchyWriter [though I'm most active on tumblr]
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17gz · 1 month
it just ENRAGES me beyond words that i reconnected with a friend from high school (who reached out to me since i was 1 out of 2 people in our grade of 500+ kids that were visibly out as trans)
because she wanted to let me know that she came out and got on E and told me her name and how she's been doing. we'd been talking for a while.
and i knew her pre transition in high school. she was miserable. and meeting her in person, she was a different person. i saw so much happiness and life in her eyes that i'd never seen before. it was so amazing to see her as who she really is.
i told everyone in my group who was going to pride about her. they all knew beforehand that i was inviting her. i expressed how happy and proud i was of her.
and when she arrived i saw a switch flip in my roommates heads. both of them. including the afab intersex one wearing a niohuru x "big dick girl" bikini for pride. my friend fully said "i use she/her. i don't like they/them, i prefer she/her." and these roommates used they/them for her the entire night.
they were so annoyed that she took up any space at all. they were so annoyed that she was excited. one of these roommates talked so often abt how its hard being autistic. and yet that same person made the rudest and most passive aggressive looks and gestures towards my friend because she's autistic. it was disgusting and juice even yelled at this person at dinner when this person kept doing high school bully shit at my friend.
and when we were forced to confront this person bc "they didnt understand why we were mad at them" we were completely honest and said that their treatment of my friend was unacceptable and disgusting and transmisogynistic
and this person denied all their behavior and even tried to cover it up by saying "i'm just a silly little guy" i wish i was fucking making this shit up i really fucking wish i was. we were stone faced and said they were treating my friend poorly bc shes a trans woman. they said "they'd never do something like that to someone in the community. they're part of the community!" and when juice said they are not incapable of being transmisogynistic, the crocodile tears were running immediately.
and then my friend i've known for 6 years (whos dating that pos) said we were being racist to their partner. and then within 12 hours we dropped the news that we were moving out. we moved out abt 17 days after that. from an apartment i literally hunted down and did all the work to find. and had expressed ALL year that i didnt want to move out from.
cannot stress enough that this roommates partner was staying with us rent free even though i even said they could pay at least $100-$200 per month to help with household expenses since money was getting tight for us and 4 ppl in there vs 3 ppl was rough (but i didnt want to say $800 -$1000 for them bc i knew they were in a tough financial state) (but also we were not doing well either and they took and broke SO much of our shit without offering to do a damn thing about it and spending their money on dumb shit)
and they'd been living rent free at our place for 4+ months. we were coerced into letting them stay w us. and the entire time they treated us like absolute garbage. they constantly made comments about us being fat and how they thought we were ugly.
not to mention. meatball is brachiocephalic. my ex friend was literally with me at the vet appointments where the vets said do NOT have smoke or candles or anything around him.
while i was vacuuming and getting him air purifiers to put around the house and spending over 2k on vet bills, the two of them were hotboxing him in their room when they smoked. i told them a trillion times to ventilate their room and keep the door closed and let the room air out when they smoked and they never listened. we only found out they were hotboxing meatball in july.
not to mention all the racist shit and the painting my friend made where they painted me as a rapist being eaten by them. never done anything like that, i was not ok w them using my likeness and even told them that, i was the darkest skinned person im that apartment, and they felt 0 shame or regret about it. and now theres a painting of me, depicted as a cis man rapist, darker than i actually am, being killed and eaten by this person.
i cannot even begin to describe my anger and rage and disgust and hatred towards this person. i genuinely hope they die. i wish nothing but misery and suffering upon them
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nite-puff · 1 year
Tonight’s one of those nights where i can’t fall asleep unless I jot something down.
So here’s my long list of Takemichi Yukimaru headcanons! Because he’s nothing if not free real-estate for them.
This will mostly be backstory with some smaller, more light-hearted, headcanons interspersed throughout. Enjoy!
(cw for mentions of abuse. he’s still a danganronpa character) (this is also my longest post. by a long shot. i just have a lot of thoughts on him)
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- my intense desire to make my favorite characters latino in some capacity out of self-projection is very real. so in my mind, michi’s half-japanese, half-latino (whichever region is up to you. he doesn’t really know himself, but i will always be compelled to say mexican because i am biased). (edit: also because “michi” is a term of endearment for cats in some latin american countries. so that makes the nickname itself a little cuter. he’s like a little cat guy compared to the owadas, who are strongly associated with tigers.)
- his father was born and raised in japan and his mother moved from overseas to japan out of desire to travel during a gap-year from college. the two met during her stay and had a very explosive and passionate start to their relationship. like a long honeymoon phase. his mother actually decided to stay longer than her intended visit after she found out she was pregnant with michi, and the two were soon married. the rose-tinted glasses were still in full effect at this point in their relationship.
- michi’s hair color is naturally dark brown, like his mom. he actually inherited a lot of his mom’s physical features, including her short stature. what he got from his dad were a couple a facial features, but most notably his yellow eye color.
- also transmasc michi is so real. he doesn’t realize it until a little later in his life. a little while after meeting mondo.
- while things started out fine after michi was born, things were bound to turn sour. the honeymoon phase ended. the added expenses of a new baby along with the already poor state the family was living in raised a lot of tension in the household, and his father quickly became abusive toward his mother. michi didn’t remember much, either because he was very young when it all happened or because his brain did a good job at repressing some of the memories, but what he does remember is particularly bad.
- The only good memories he has of his childhood are with his mother. like her reading him stories or teaching him some simple words in spanish. and her favorite songs, which she would play to him a lot. the reason why he doesn’t have many memories of her is because she left when he was five. neither him or his father know her whereabouts, but michi likes to believe she’s back overseas with her family. she left behind her old cassette collection, something that was largely untouched until michi got a little older.
- michi actually really liked school. he’s described as being a smart kid, so i like to think that he did well in his classes. while he still did well as grew older, his studies took a major backseat after he met the owadas.
- he met mondo first. they went to the same grade school together and mondo was a grade higher than michi. i think that their initial meeting went something along the lines of michi witnessing mondo deck a kid who was picking on a girl classmate of his. michi is immediately enamored by this boy who wasn’t afraid to fight against bullies like that. he is less enamored by the fact that mondo immediately scared the poor girl away as well after trying to talk to her. he was an interesting character, and michi really wanted to be his friend. they proceed to do that little kid thing where they hang out for like 15 minutes, like each other’s vibe, and then say something like “we’re best friends now.” and the rest is history.
- to harken back to trans michi. mondo is taken aback by this supposed girl who wasn’t scared of him and wanted to actually be friends with him. his small naive kid-brain at first thought this could be his shot at a relationship, but 15 minutes into knowing michi and mondo abandoned the idea because michi was perfect best friend material. and because he kinda got scared at how much this kid wanted mondo to teach him how to sucker punch someone.
- mondo and michi’s friendship took off like it was nobody’s business. They were hanging out anytime they could see each other on campus and quickly got to learning about each other. mondo talked a lot about daiya and how cool he was. he mentioned how his older recently got into motorcycles and even got one from one of his friends, and how michi should come over to his house one day to check it out. michi shared a lot of his favorite music with mondo, which mainly consisted of that old cassette collection mentioned previously.
- michi doesn’t actually meet daiya until a year or two into him and mondo knowing each other. he randomly picks mondo up from school on his motorcycle. the gang had already started then, so he had his hair and makeup done and was wearing his gang jacket. michi would probably still say that it was the coolest thing he’s ever seen. mondo asks if michi wants to go with them, and it’s the first time michi doesn’t immediately go home after school. he’s in his last year of grade school at this point.
- another year goes by and michi grows closer with the brothers, basically becoming the honorary third owada brother. he gets to learn a lot about the gang, motorcycles, fighting, etc. he even starts learning how to ride his own motorcycle after daiya mentions that he may or may not be fixing one up for him. he still hasn’t joined the gang at this point because daiya won’t let him. he’s too young and has to be at least the age that mondo was when he joined. which meant michi had to wait until his next birthday.
- while all of this is happening, tensions are brewing back at his home again. michi was a able to avoid his father’s abusive tendencies for the most part because he’s at work when michi is home from school/hanging out with the owadas. but he later had a change in work schedule and soon found out about what michi had been out doing using context clues. the diamonds have also gotten some traction, so the larger population of their hometown are starting to know about the new gang, including michi’s dad. michi elects to ignore this and just doesn’t acknowledge his father when he sees him, but things all come to a head one day and the two of them fight. not physically, verbally. it’s very ugly and it ends more or less with his father telling michi that he can go join the gang if he wants, but he’ll never be allowed to live in his house again if he does. michi storms out and goes to his room, and it’s the last interaction the two of them have. michi is gone with his belongings the next morning.
- he is welcomed into the owada’s home with open arms, joking about how he practically lived there already. though he does sleep on the couch because the small apartment the brothers rent out only has two bedrooms. he doesn’t mind this.
- michi officially joins the gang on the day of his birthday because he is so excited to do so and can’t wait another day. he is also given the motorcycle daiya mentioned as a present.
- he gets the makeover! complete with bleaching his hair, doing the makeup, getting a couple piercings! and getting his new gang jacket courtesy of mondo.
- michi was picked on by some of the gang at first, mostly because of his height and softer features. not much happened outside of that because it was established upfront that michi was close to the brothers, but most importantly, close to daiya. he also shut the naysayers right up after his first gang fight with them. he displays some unnaturally good skills at fighting other guys twice his size.
- michi grows to be a great fighter, even surpassing the owada’s in that regard. he’s the leader of the elite guard and Mondo’s bodyguard for a reason. mondo taught him the basics when they were younger, daiya taught him some of the more higher-level stuff as he grew older, and michi perfected his technique with the sheer amount of practice he did. it was a lot. all so that people wouldn’t pick on him or abuse him anymore.
now for some random, not that important headcanons as a break from all the story:
- michi is allergic to dogs. that made living with chuck very awkward when the little guy was still around. he’s perfectly fine around cats though
- his fan club is very quick to form. it started out on school grounds with some girls who found him cute following him around. news gets out that he joined the crazy diamonds and he gets more attention the higher he climbs up in the ranks. daiya jokes that michi is the most popular crazy diamond member, second only to himself. he teases mondo with the notion as well. michi avoids all interactions with his fan club and is greatly embarrassed by it. to the point that he gives them dirty looks if he sees members following him.
- i cannot for the life of me decide if i want michi to be homoromantic asexual or aroace. so i just combined the two. he’s asexual and arospec and if he were to pursue a romantic relationship, it would be with a guy. he’s thought about this more than he’d like to admit.
- mondo being genuinely curious as to why michi hates his fan club so much leads to michi clumsily coming out to both of the brothers and admitting that he doesn’t really like girls like that (also that he just finds the fan club annoying). they ask how he feels about guys, and he genuinely can’t give them an answer because he doesn’t know how he feels about guys. daiya tells him not to lose so much sleep trying to figure it out. he’ll know when he knows.
- michi sometimes likes to collect more cassette tapes for his collection. he can’t waste too much money on them but he’ll sometimes buy a couple if he thinks it’s music his mom would’ve liked.
- michi never forgot those small bits of spanish his mom taught him. his pronunciation is shoddy and he’s not by any means fluent, but he knows what they mean.
- when daiya and mondo are talking about the switch in leadership, michi is the first to come to mind for mondo’s right-hand man. it’s a no-brainer there.
- he’s been to juvie the same amount of times mondo has. the two are just always together when they’re caught.
- he continues to be more intelligent than what he lets on. this mostly shows through his more level-headed personality because he doesn’t fall for the things that are clearly meant to get a rise out of him. mondo does though, so it’s good that he can be the reasonable one to drag him out of a situation like that.
back to the story:
- on the night of the race, michi can’t stop himself from following after the brothers some time after their race started. he’s always had a strong need to protect people, and he’s scared of what mondo could do while that angry and recklessly driving his motorcycle. he doesn’t see the accident happen, but he’s the first to show up to the scene after it occurs. he’s the first person mondo tells his lie to.
- the weeks after daiya’s death are rough. michi isn’t as bad as mondo was, but he’s still grieving. he doesn’t expect mondo to be back on schedule as quick as he is and even encourages him to take a longer break. he’s ignored.
- michi is uncomfortable having to be back to the gang so soon, but he has to because he now basically has the highest non-leader power. at this point, he is immensely respected by the rest of the gang, and new members who try to make fun of him are shut up by the older members.
- mondo at first doesn’t plan on going to hope’s peak when he is given the invite and even starts writing the letter telling them such. michi convinces him to go, telling him it would be stupid to give up an opportunity like that. that serves as excellent angst material after michi learns about the killing game and mondo’s death.
- michi is left in charge of the gang when mondo is gone and can be considered the third leader of the crazy diamonds, even if it’s not official.
- kinda random, but michi is jealous of mondo and taka’s friendship at first. like, who’s this other guy claiming to be mondo’s best bro??? this hall monitor, straight-laced, son of a cop no less. that period of time doesn’t last very long because michi is quick to figure out mondo’s more than friendly feelings toward taka. before either of them do. jealousy becomes pity with a side of secondhand embarrassment from watching mondo deny his feelings for taka then witnessing his terrible attempts at “flirting” when he does realize said feelings.
- then he’s kidnapped, demon game, library, gontakerus, yada yada yada. we know this.
- there’s something so cool about thinking of michi as “the last crazy diamond.” idk maybe the title is just cool. but he still holds hope that some of the other members are alive and out there somewhere. he makes it his mission to find them and restore the gang. he kind of blames himself for not being there to protect them when the tragedy does happen. he doesn’t think about how he really had no choice in the matter.
- also michi, takaaki, and hiroko found family dynamic is so real. let that boy have a loving mother and father figure in his life. he needs it.
- he never really gives up his goal to find some crazy diamond members, though it becomes less about restoring the gang and more about wanting to see his old friends again. but that mission is put in the backseat after he’s found by the future foundation.
um that’s mostly it, but here’s a non-despair universe thing:
- the tragedy never happens, and mondo hands the gang down to michi after he graduates from hope’s peak. michi is an awesome leader and hands the gang down to his successor because he wants to try his hand out at getting a higher education. what he wants to be, he has no idea (because i have no idea).
- also michi is mondo’s best man at the ishimondo wedding. because why wouldn’t he be?
i love michi, i wish he was real.
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your-queer-dad · 3 months
ahhh ok i just want to rant im so sorry i love my highschool so much i havent seen a single person there be outwardly transphobic or homophobic at all. my highschool is also big, like 2000 people big. and i know people in every grade there. its not just people not being homophobic to queer people who act "normal" but also to really outwardly alt dressing people. like theres this one football player who looks/acts like a disney highschool bully who one of his best friends is a short trans guy with really cool rainbow hair. and they dress really colorful everyday.
i know that might be kinda of weird to point out but before i got there at the start of this school year i wasnt used to seeing that kind of stuff and it makes me really happy to see after being really scared of highschool since a lot of people online always talked about how terrible of a place highschool was to be queer at. but after meeting and seeing so many couples over the year openly be affectionate in the hallways like how i see straight couples be without getting weird looks (besides the usual get a room that anyone making out in the hallway gets ofc) i feel a lot safer despite not feeling any romantic interest in anyone. 💕
Hey kiddo!!! That's amazing, I'm so glad you're school is so supportive and diverse!!!
- dad x
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disregardcanon · 5 months
Toh npmd au for my own personal amusement
First thing’s first: character assignments 
Amity as Steph 
Luz as Pete 
Willow and Gus as Ruth and Richie
Boscha as Max 
Hunter as Grace 
Odalia and Belos both as parts of Mayor Lauter
Setting details: it’s still in Gravesfield, CT which still has its same Puritan vs witches branding. The mascot is a pilgrim and that IS Gus in the suit. Who has more school spirit than Augustus Porter? (No one.) 
So a few changes I’m making to make the toh cast slot a bit easier into the framework 
Belos is a fundamentalist preacher who’s raising his “niece”. Yes he DID kill Caleb and Charlotte. No one knows tho. It was lords in black related. Does that make it better? eh
Hunter is trans masc and a TOTAL egg. Right now, he’s a very enthusiastic little warrior for purity culture. Yes, he’s trying to get the dance canceled, YES he’s bullied a lot for being a “nerdy prude”. Not gonna dead name him but. He wouldn’t realize he’s a guy until significantly after the events of this musical 
Luz has NOT been in amity’s class since the 1st grade. She only moved here a year ago
Amity is still the mayor’s daughter and she and Boscha used to date. Amity’s stopped actively bullying people after they broke up and she’s felt like, guilty about it, but she’s never seen how much more.. Physical? Boscha’s bullying got than hers did. Sure, Amity was a queen of psychological warfare, but she never beat people up in the parking lot. 
Luz moves to Gravesfield during her junior year of high school. Amity and Boscha on the cusp of breaking up, so things are changing in their social hierarchy. For one, Amity is backing away from bullying and the spotlight and for two Boscha is getting WORSE. She when Luz moves in and aligns herself with “half-a-woman Willow” and Steve Urkel.. She’s thrown to the bottom of the school hierarchy immediately. Looney Lulu is what comes to mind first. 
Enter Boscha: literal monster, best quarterback in the school’s history and the first girl (she works that angle as hard as she can), and QUEEN of the school. She’s amity’s ex and like… mainly over her. 
Okay, who are we kidding? She’s not over her. Not at all. Boscha decides to put all her “trying to make amity jealous and take me back” energy into seducing amity’s least favorite student: local nerdy prude, preacher’s “niece” wittebane. 
Hunter and amity do NOT get along. At all. They’re duking it out for the valedictorian spot, their respective guardians are pitting them against each other, and they both just find the other… insufferable. 
So trying to bag the “girl” who’s the forbidden fruit and maybe making amity mad enough to take her back with it too? It’s worth a try, at least. 
Amity, meanwhile, is failing theater. She’s getting very frustrated and flustered and asks luz to be her scene partner so maybe she doesn’t fall on her ass. Luz is nervous because this is Amity Blight, super cool girl who used to be very mean to willow and now isn’t really a bully but is just? Way cooler than they are? Amity’s able to talk her into it. 
The teacher heaps a LOT of praise onto them and their chemistry and promises them good grades in the future if they keep working with each other. This leads to amity calling luz and trying to set up the pasqualli’s date. 
Boscha, meanwhile, is cornering hunter near the gym where he’s protesting the concept of dancing. He gets freaked out when boscha starts getting very very flirty and he gets really flustered because? Girl? Girl flirt with me? Also a girl? Hahahaha NO I AM NOT GAY I AM NOT- and he’s having a little sexuality crisis. Willow, who’s done putting up with boscha’s shit right here in the school building, hurls a waterbottle across the room in between them. 
Hunter SPRINTS away because OH BOY I WAS EXPERIENCING SOMETHING STRANGE AND UNWELCOME NO THANK YOU NO THANK YOU- and then he finds out that newly buff and gaining more confidence willow is the one who saved him. And she’s just like oh yeah anytime. No one should corner other people like that. And his little heart is going bEEPBEEPBEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEPPP and the rest of his body is not calming down either, ya know? 
Unwanted sexual attractions experienced by local nerdy prude today: 2. Fantasies experienced in the bathtub: 2 very, very different ones in a single sequence. 
Luz gets the shit kicked out of her at pasqualli’s because she runs into boscha before she finds amity and she’s like no i’m not gonna cower AMITY BLIGHT INVITED ME HERE! And. that. DOES NOT GO WELL 
Willow is ready to go to war over this when they get to school the next morning because she WARNED luz that amity wasn’t to be trusted and look? Look what happened! And luz is like yeah you also said i should stand up for myself- and willow’s like husssshhh. 
They plan a prank in the bathroom that goes very poorly. Hunter writes gus a detention slip for being in the girls’ bathroom (he should have written himself one too!) and then they prank the shit out of Boscha. 
To the point she. You know. Dies. then they have to dismember her at hunter’s urging! Hooray!!!!
Cue peace and love at the high school :) until poor gus dies. I’m sorry dude! You’re the mascot you were cursed. Of course the quarterback was going after you first. 
Boscha goes after luz second because she’s the dweeb who thought that she could steal boscha’s girl. Luckily for luz and amity both, they were together at this point and they RUN as fast as they can. Luz demands they go find willow because she’s probably the next victim, and they find her mid-boscha kill. She lost an arm because boscha was trying to take the “half-a-” thing to its logical, puny extreme. They rush her off to the hospital. The police come to question them. 
And then pastor wittebane comes with hunter in tow. He pulls something with the police about the parks wanting him to perform a protestant equivalent of anointing of the sick on their ailing daughter. 
Pastor wittebane very clearly knows what happened. 
“I thought you were gonna keep the beans cool!” Amity demands. 
“I couldn’t,” hunter tells her. 
“Fucking useless, wittebane,” amity mutters. 
Pastor wittebane glares at all of them. “You are going to get in my car and come with me.” 
“That sounds bad,” luz says, “my mom told me to never be one on one with religious officials.” 
“Fine,” he says, “if you’d like to be the next victim, be my guest.” 
They all get in the car, except Willow, who’s bed-bound. (Luckily, since she’s already in the hospital, boscha thinks of her as less of a kill count priority.) 
Belos takes them out ot the middle of the woods and makes them dig up the black book. Then boscha kills him! We DO get boscha killing belos, so i think that’s a win. They flee the scene, run into some cops, then make it to the high school to complete the ritual. 
We’ve got amity, luz, and hunter on the floor of the gym summoning the evil teletubbies. The evil teletubbies REALLY want amity to kill luz. They get to have their cool as i think i am reprise <3 and then the bullet leaves the gun and boscha catches it. Because she is very, very excited to do luz in personally. She’s still debating whether or not she’s gonna end amity, but luz IS going to die. In front of amity. For absolutely certain. 
Boscha’s getting ready to take care of another nerdy prude when hunter bursts out like HELLO YES! I AM READY TO HAVE THE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! And boscha’s just like… whut? And then he gets very flirty and goes along with the stuff that she was saying earlier, and he’s.. Legit into it. Sure, flirting with hunter was half to spite amity, but she’s still very turned on by the idea of corrupting the perfect angel church girl into having hot and heavy sex with her on the football field. And making amity watch? That’s a bonus. Maybe she’ll get a threesome out of it. 
Hunter sends boscha to hell with the power of his jesus freak virginity, luz and amity have sixteen different crises, and willow lives to hear the whole crazy tale. Luz and willow mourn gus, hunter goes through the weird process of mourning his uncle while also realizing he’s glad that the guy’s gone and gets to know the shoulder ANGEL part of the shoulder angel and shoulder devil fantasy he was experiencing, and amity hides the book away in her own personal safe to try to keep it away from bad actors. 
It doesn’t keep it safe from mayor odalia blight, but… that’s not going to be that big of a deal.. Right? RIGHT?!?!?!
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batmanshole · 8 months
So this is a saga and it starts in the 6th grade (11yrs old) and goes until now (I'm going to turn 21 this year). Mild nsfw warning but nothing serious. There's a lot of context needed. In middle school I sort of curated the gayest most toxic friend group and it seemed like whenever we'd get bored we'd start dating each other. I was best friends (at the time) with this (then egg) trans guy we'll call James and another close friend of mine we'll call Eve. Eve was friends with another one we'll call Kate, but we didn't get friendly until far later bc I was always starting shit for no reason.
In 6th grade me and James became best friends and we're so close everyone always thought we were dating (also bc I was one of the only "out" gays at school) and even though I really was into him, he didnt wanna date me n that was ok 👍 My feelings for him wore off a little so in 7th grade I started dating Eve bc I wanted a girlfriend regardless and found her cute. Towards the end of the school year we break up bc we started drifting apart due to her thinking I still liked James (didn't) and then she starts going behind my back to be affectionate with Kate so I break up with her and listen to Electra Heart album in bed crying.
During the Summer I start getting pranky with my other friends and me and this other kid decide to super glue a dildo to Eve's house bc she was going around making fun of me with my friend group and others behind my back about owning a dildo and shaming me for it. I didn't feel like using it anymore due to the bullying so it was time to make her pay. Btw she lived right next to me. The glue ...doesn't work, in short. I sneak into her backyard (or what I thought was her yard) and put it in an above ground pool with a tarp on it. Come back the next day, it's still there, and its not her yard. So I put it in her mailbox, wet and covered in dried globs of super glue.
8th grade kinda sucks all my friends from that group started hating me bc Eve's side got taken. James was on the fence but hung out with me still. Kate was Kate. 9th grade starts,I begin to reflect, James throws a birthday party at his house for another friend and I see Eve and her brothers there and I personally apologize for dildo mailbox. They all don't know what I'm talking about at all. I'm shocked. Meaning, either their mom, their dad, or their cop grandpa found it. Whatever. The siblings forgive me and find it extremely funny.
James becomes a cunt and we have numerous falling outs (the latest being 2ish yrs ago but he's not coming back in my life ever lol). Kate became semi-close to me in high school but we lost contact. Me and Eve still live right next to each other but don't interact ever. I saw her at the gas station I walk to sometimes and she jumpscared me lol. Anyway that's my story
can you buy a bigger dildo to put in her mailbox again. for old times sake. also the part about electra heart is so so real
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gameside · 10 months
Why the hell did they think I was a troll?? Was that a democrat or republican, Because I can't tell but it could very well be either because both sides have some crazy fucking people. I don't even think what I want is that insane, But then again I haven't posted here since my mother finally stopped basically feeding me 24/7 insane propaganda like 'snake people' and shit.
I'm not even against abortion 100%, I just don't think the procedure should be a fucking thing outside of medical reasons!!! Medical reasons being the mother would die from the birth and a pill wouldn't take care of it. Abortion pills work for 15 weeks, AKA 3.5 fucking months!! Thats enough, Isn't it?? I can understand case by case using the procedure if pills aren't working, But gosh!
I'm not giving cops money and cheering them on in the streets, But I'm also not gonna tell them to fucking die!! Saying all cops are bad because there are a few that's corrupted is crazy! I've had cops save my life, I've had them traumatize me as well. Yes, Some are absolutely fucking insane and not ready to be a cop! We don't need to abolish police, (though I would REALLY prefer the alternative of ELECTING A SHERRIF and letting them have a DEPUTY and that be it, The Deputy giving others training to be public servant ect ect or whatever happens with deputies) We just need to give all police officers the same training military gets so they don't accidentally shoot, So they're ready for situations that would require being calm even if they're at gunpoint!! Give them a fucking mental evaluation!!
And don't get me fucking STARTED on school shootings. It could ALL be PREVENTED by giving teachers guns inside of a safe, In every classroom. Mental evaluations every WEEK for the teachers. School shootings are so common now, But when my dad was a kid they had shit like archery practice and he told me that in his entire time there no accidents happened!!! It got banned after some parents complained it 'could be dangerous.' Schools need way more fucking funding and put TRUSTED people as teachers. We need to give our schools the help we can since the fucking government isnt.
And I'm gay, You all know my fucking stance on that. I think being trans is a REAL thing that happens! I think some people would GENUINELY be happier as the other gender, But I think letting children, Who're EASILY INFLUENCED by EVERYTHING!!! I thought I was a fucking zombie because I loved zombie movies!! If I could've chosen I would've LOVED to be PERMANENTLY DISFIGURED to LOOK LIKE A ZOMBIE!! And I would've fucking regretted it later. My entire life I've gone by so many different names. 'Zack' in kindergarten through 2nd grade, And then in 3rd I tried to get everyone to call me 'Rose' And then, In 7th grade, For a while, I used my real name. Then in 9th I told people I was trans and to call me Mark. It's since been changed again, But I don't wanna give out my age, Grade or new name people could identify me irl with. I am biologically a woman (and don't plan on changing that, I just like guy names) and so many times in the past I would have JUMPED at the chance to do hormone therapy, WHICH MULTIPLE PEOPLE WHO'VE GONE ON SAY IS NOT REVERSABLE LIKE THEY SAY, Or to completely transition. The reason so many trans people kill themselves isn't from bullying, It's because so many people make a mistake and rush to cut it off or stitch it on and then realize they'll never be the same, Or they realize that it hurts horribly every day and theres no going back to how they used to be, Or they realize they weren't trans in the first place. Some people just like people someone else online, Being different characters, Or like being boys online and a girl in real life. That isn't them being trans, Its just liking a persona. I probably worded this one weirdly I'll just take asks about it and clarify anything that may have came off wrong
I am autistic and have ADHD, BPD and possibly schizophrenia, So I'm not ableist.
My older sister, Whom I grew up with and love dearly, Is black. I do not find my race superior to any others, So I'm not a racist.
My dad is the most important person in my life, And I want to be just like him, No daddy issues.
Mommy issues though, You got me there haha
I don't hate men, In fact so many times here I've stuck up for them. Equal rights, Equal fights. Equal rights ALSO means whatever a WOMAN does, It's okay for a MAN to do. Single fathers shouldnt get suspicious or dirty looks just for fucking existing with their child.
I don't hate women, I love women (literally I'm a lesbian). I think equal pay is fair if both genders are doing the same amount of work, So like. Basically I think more jobs should be 'You get paid per amount of work' and not 'fuck you guys even if he sleeps all day and does none of the work we pay him twice as much because he's been here long >:('
I have bitches, Usually a new one every week honestly (I start relationships fast, I'm 'pretty' for societies standards so it's easy to get more girls), But I'm settling down for now and I'm actually happy
I don't know why I'm still writing literally nobody asked okay bye
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the-silent-hashira · 1 year
nonono your answer absolutely makes sense!
for the longest time whenever i would go up to my mom with concerns about people before i meet them she'd be like "oh don't worry she's a woman she'll be okay" and in my head I'll try to make myself believe it but i never really identified with that notion that women are better with children than men?
also i was pulled out of public school in the 3rd grade and for the longest time my only interactions with people in the meatspace were when my grandma would take me to her moose lodge chapter (basically a country club for poor people tbh, though my immediate family was never working class) and i made some friends there. i only hung out with the boys and my mom flipped the hell out when she found out I'd befriended a 17 y/o boy at 13 (my grandma put a stop to this when she said the 17 y/o was also autistic and was really good with people younger than him)
- ezra
that makes a lot of sense really, i dont really know why the expectation of women being better with children is so prevalent when so many women actively voice that they just do not like children, but thats sexism to you ig!
im bisexual but like. sometimes im way more wary of women, or especially teenage girls even as an adult. i was never hurt by the boys as much as the girls- thats probably because a lot of afab people are conditioned to believe that they have to prove themselves as 'better' than the others around them in order to be respected, and its often a subconscious bias that they dont realize is happening.
ive been pretty isolated my whole life, but the few female friends i had growing up saw me as inferior to them, thus an acceptable friend to have as they could be assured i wouldnt be taking attention from them. it was never intentional i dont think, but every time i got bullied it was the girls who always just turned away, or worse, joined in. they often even looked guilty for it, so i never really blamed them for it all. if anything, it meant that i was a threat to the people who DID bully me.
i think sometimes, when girls see you as a threat, they give you MORE attention, often negative, because the goal is to be seen as The Most among their peers. giving someone like me negative attention encourages other girls to do it as it can often give them positive attention from each other. its kinda like antis but less direct targeting and more a collective social norm being perpetuated.
meanwhile, amab people and men are often conditioned to just not fucking care, in both a negative and positive way. boys will be boys, but for some of them the not caring applies to who you hang out with and just accepting certain people without really thinking about it.
you can end up with a really shitty friend group because you just think that youre all just being boys, and other times it means you make friends with the bullied kids easier because they arent focused on the same things- guys dont always care whether youre pretty, whether youre The Best in class, and they dont always care about what you can do for them.
its easier to make friends because its all typically surface level, they dont really like digging into the emotional depth and while thats also a problem, it makes it way easier for ostricized girls to make friends like with the kid you made friends with. i mean he was autistic, too, he was probably equally as ostricized.
all this is to say that you being adverse to women is understandable given both your treatment from those teachers and the idea that women are always safe with other women, when a lot of them are basically conditioned to be cruel to each other to maintain autonomy of some sort.
feel like thats why a lot of people who are ND and traumatized identify as trans, they literally do not feel like they belong with their assigned gender because of the expectations that come with it.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
no worries about rambling! There was a time period where I had a few more voices and (not saying it's the same) I miss mine too. I'm pretty sure we got like this out of loneliness too, we never really fit in growing up (to a more extreme way.
We spent majority of our time alone and it was common for us to spend days to weeks at school without saying more than a word or two. At one of the schools I was at after a year of bullying the next grade thought I was mute :/)
Goals idk they are hard to set? For me at least anyways. The other guy really wants us to go into animation or psychology, and like I know I'd enjoy that, but I also know we don't have the money. We weren't exactly helped into any post secondary and it would take a long time to get the money for it so it remains more a "what if" than a "one day" sort of thing.
I admittedly aim low and just want to survive, I don't really have goals beyond that (idk why). That stance will probably and maybe has left us with less opportunities though so ?? If we lived where we used to there was a really epic and not horribly expensive animation program we could have done but where we are now it's all either super expensive or not worth the money.
hmm other life goals is hard because we were forced to rely on ourselves a lot, including like for friends, family, parents, teachers, etc? We never found a group of people we fit into and we have trust issues so it's a challenge there lol (at best we were tolerated, but pretty much got bullied in the different schools and our home life was questionable). So like we've never thought too much about goals past "what will the next day bring and will we survive it".
Plus it is so much easier being friends with your head partner than it is to try and make friends IRL when it's practically impossible LMAO
we both agree that it would be nice to move out from where we are now (ran away to some random place lol) but I take more of a stance of "it would be nice but idk" while my head partner is more like "I am filled with a deep and unending desire to reshape reality to get the hell out of here" so that might answer your question in a way??
(to add, we aren't in a terrible situation. Just renting a room from some creepy guy plus whatever the hell the local parts of the ""family"" has going on).
IDK if I have DID specifically but we're making it work. We do need to get more food soon though so if you have recs for easy things to make feel free to share haha (half joking, you don't have to!!)
THAT is actually completely fair. FUNFACT about me: I'm dead set on graphic design now, but before my mom forced me to apply to colleges, I desperately wanted to learn how to wrap cars. I had a graphic design internship and at one point they brought us to this local design company and they talked about all these specific niche jobs and ONE of these jobs was wrapping cars.
as in, like, applying decals and full body car wraps and shit. I really like the idea of learning a trade/skill like that and just doing THAT as a job instead of. this whole big conceptual graphic design stuff. Plus the course cost a couple thousand and compared to college that's. WELL. That's a fantastic price to be fully certified in a job!
downside would be working with Car People which isn't great cuz I'm trans and I PLAN to be visibly transgender for a long time so. that prolly wouldn't have been great.
but i didn't have a choice so im in DEBT now instead :) but its not really that bad. I like my college, it's a really good school and i love the professors. I just also like to COMPLAIN.
nobody thought I was mute when I joined high school but I would often go entire days without speaking hah. I also got bullied but didn't realize it was bullying until later hah.
and because I couldn't just make up friends in my mind, I instead focused on my characters becoming friends with each other. escapism and all that.
man idk about food. I just raided my college's food pantry for mac & cheese on the way out though so maybe that? Mac & cheese, various noodles are also pretty cheap, and so is soup. idk I kind of dont like food though (I have avoidant restrictive food intake disorder lol) so I mostly eat heavily processed or very bland food.
oh, another question! Which one of y'all is in charge most of the time? Is it a voice in your head situation, or can y'all actually switch who controls your body?
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quillsink · 3 years
Okay so if you’ve followed me for a bit you’ve probably heard about my OCs. I have a Lot of them but the main three whom I love with all my heart are James, Alan and Chris!! Putting this under cut because it is Long as hell. Please send me asks about them I love them so fucking much
Okay so James, Alan and Chris are a trio of friends! I created them in January 2021. James is the most developed character and my personal fav (don’t tell alan and chris shhhh) he was the first one to be created! Alan, his best friend, followed and then Chris. 
The trio are a group of low ranked soldiers in the Revolutionary War, all of the trio in their early twenties with Alan being the oldest at 25 and a half and James the youngest at 21/22/23 (haven’t decided his age yet rip). 
All three have very different personalities although they all look like your average dude and they all bond over a bunch of shit especially mental illness and being queer (totally not projecting here. nope not at all)
Anyways enough rambling time to introduce them!!
In this post I’ll be talking about James, I’ll talk about Alan and Chris in other posts!
James Evans
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Okay now time to actually introduce him to yall!
James is your average mentally ill white boy, you can find millions of them in high school classrooms across America. He was born to a poor family and his parents were okayish but he basically fucked off and did his own thing like jon clark and then proceeded to be traumatised because I can’t let my OCs have nice things!
James is cis, he uses he/him, is the sort of guy who’s like “i do not understand what trans people are in the slightest but if anyone misgenders you i will push them into a river,” and yeah he’s pretty cool!! He’s gay and I basically coped with my internalised homophobia by projecting it onto him so yeah that fucked him up Badly.
I basically like invented him because I needed a gay character for a fic and then realised I accidentally gave him like, character traits, and now here I am over a year later still obsessed with this white guy I made up
Anyways him being gay is pretty central to his character, it reallt contributed to the alienation he faced growing up and this whole sense of being different from everyone else, it also made him more withdrawn but it also made him stronger and helped him learn how to endure the unendurable and being gay led to him making some reallt strong connections with some of his closest friends.
He has depression and anxiety and is some form of neurodivergent, probably adhd but he has no clue what is going on Up There except that he is Different  and it fucked him up as a kid. He was bullied and teased a lot so he became reallt withdrawn and quite. He wasn’t like teacher’s pet gifted kid but he was decently smart and got through til tenth grade, then had to work to support his family.
Now, when he’s like 20ish, ✨ le amrev ✨ starts and this mf signs up to be a soldier because like idk why not. That’s his entire motto brosties hes literally just some guy. He wakes up and he does things and he’s gay and then he goes to sleep. That’s it that’s his life and that’s very sexy of him actually
Anyways he signs up for the army and so does our bestie Alan. Alan and James are very very different but they end up becoming besties and James being the gay idiot (affectionate) that he is ends up falling head over heals for this depressed mf and spends his days being gay for Alan! They’re very close friends and I haven’t decided when they met yet, childhood or teens or army but ah well
Anyways onto James’s personality! He is my sweet baby boy and I love him very much in case I have not made that clear! Anyways he is Anxious. A lot. All the time. And he’s a major people pleaser as well and he often puts others before himself to his detriment at times until alan is like motherfucker take care of yourself
James is also one of the victims of something I like to call the great depresso  and he’s had it since he was like twelve but he’s just like vibing at this point. Like yeah I hate my life and I want to (redacted) sometimes but idk life’s pretty neat. Depression is shitty for him and he can be pessimistic at times 
but at the end of the day he is an optimist and he always finds hope in *everything* to the point where alan is like brostie if you don’t stop being happy then you’ll cute mt depression and the one steady thing in my life will be gone and james is like well what about me and they have an awkward gay moment 
ALAN AND JAMES’ DYNAMIC THO >>>>> i love them sm it’s unreal i will literally just think about them. like just have thoughts about them. like literally.
I’ll talk abt that later after I introduce Alan’s character!
James and John are like, besties and I love their dynamic so fuxking much. I would kill to see the two of them interact like i fucking love them so much you don’t even understand.
Anyways James and my interpretation of John are very very similar. Both very withdrawn very quiet very repressed desperate for affection sensitive affected really badly by homophobia internal and external dont trust very easily. They bond instantly and there is something there and they don’t really know what it is bevause it’s like they’ve never met anyone else so similar to them before. They’re like brothers.
The two of them have a quiet understanding. They can wander the woods for hours and say barely a few words but they understand, one heart can speak to another if they are designed to fit together. They met and they....clicked. It took time for both of them to learn to trust the other and realise the other wouldn’t betray them and report them for being gay but soon they’re the closest of friends. And then John fucking dies 
Also like the dynamic between James and John is entirely platonic btw they don’t have any romantic feelings for each other, they’re like soulmates but platonic 
Also I cannot understate how much I love James and John silently wandering the woods together. The woods are very very important for James and Alan and to John too and James and John find a shared peace in this. They just wander the woods for hours on end John lying down with his eyes closed head resting on a log James staring up at the canopy watching the sunlight filter through asking John why God invented sunlight John saying because he needed a place to put love.
Wait that was oddly poetic 
Anyways James james james. James my sweet beloved boy. James james james anxious smiles hugging his best friend coming to terms with being gay nervously approaching people he thinks are cool laying in grass fields wooden cabins soft breezes James. James mt angel darling child. I would die for this man. *shakes you by the shoulders* DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM
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firecooking · 3 years
The Rodent Siblings Headcannons 🏍️🌺
Side note: I'm covering Lela and Butchy in one post Because a ton of my hc's for them have to do with each other
- Lela and Butchy's last name means Rodent [I go with Roditore cause i think they are Italian American] and they where called the Rodent kids\siblings well before there was a Rodents social Club
- They both also will tell you ant of the other Rodents are also honorary Rodent Siblings, they're Rodents anyways after all
- Butchy's soft spot for Lela is immensely deep, he'd walk to the ends of the earth for her, he even does things like pick up extra chores around the house and give her pocket change when he has any
- Lela has an equally deep soft spot for her brother, most of the time when Butchy over loads himself or needs any kind of rest she'll be right there to get him a drink and help out, or even put her foot down and make him go take a nap
- They never had their parents around as kids [both died when they where young] so they've taken to parenting eachother when needed, Butchy often puts more pressure on himself to be the mature parent of the two but Lela can and will hold her ground and tell him to go to bed or sit him down to talk
- They are Both Trans and Gay they deserve it
- the gay part took a bit for them to figure out but when they where little little they constantly would steal each other's clothes and more gendered belongings and eventually they just started going by there preferred genders and names and no one questioned it [them being silent\sandwich generation kids this would make total sense with attitudes at the time]
- Lela specifically is a Bi Trans Woman with leanings towards dating women, but she's also still VERY MUCH into looking at cute boys any day of the week
- Butchy specifically is a GayAce Trans Man who's also definitely on the Aro spectrum, he does have very strong queer platonic attraction but that one's hard to explain to other guys in the 60s
- Not a single Rodent would dare try and date Lela unless of course she was the one who took the first steps. Butchy can, will, and has gotten into fights over people looking at her too long for his own taste [he broke Lugnut's nose once over him offering her a unprompted jacket when she was cold. Everyone is surprised Tanner never turned up dead]
- Butchy has 100% given the worst dating advice you've ever heard to folks who ask, he forgets hes not Allo and it basically just turns into "Dump him\her" or "Ew wtf why do you want to do THAT" ['that' being something completely normal for allo's, like necking or second base]
- Lela and Butchy routinely skip church to see movies at the nickelodeon, they both love musicals and bad sci-fi movies
- Butchy is a Gene Kelly and Bing Crosby simp when it comes to picking movies, Lela will watch anything with Audrey Hepburn or Elizabeth Taylor, they both will watch a Fred Astaire movie no questions asked
- Butchy and Lela both did etiquette classes as kids and they both hated it, they still 100% subconsciously follow some of the more drilled in things like setting a table properly or manners when it comes to dancing
- Butchy makes dinner, and breakfast, and lunch, and snacks... He picked up cooking when he was little and he just never stopped, it also helps feed his "take care of my sister" instincts
- More on home life, Butchy dropped out of highschool pretty early and got a job and help pay bills, he refuses to let Lela drop out or get bad grades [but he's also never mean about it, he's kept up on 'school' to help her with homework and know what's going on with her]
- Butchy and Lela are Catholic Twins, they where close enough in age that they held Butchy back from going to school a year and the two went together
- there is a two month span every year where Lela and Butchy are the same age and Lela bully's him about it
- Lela wants to be a singer more than anything. Butchy wants her to go to college, he's been saving for it for years. They've never once just sat down and said that to each other so Lela thinks she's going to have to work through college to please him and Butchy thinks that she's very happy to go and have the help. They are both very dumb
- I have such an indpeth family arrangement for these two in my head but the basics is they live with their grandfather who is a disabled WW1 vet, they are fairly poor but they get by, they have a couple family members who they aren't that close with who aren't really around so the three function as a happy little unit
- If Butchy was an inch shorter he wouldn't be able to ride his 1950 Harley-Davidson Panhead, he refuses to acknowledge this, he also has a attachable sidecar Incase he needs to transport things or a person since he refuses to get or be in a car
- Lela built her bike, it's a very slick chopper built out of a Kawasaki W1 and Honda CB77, it is her absolute baby not even Butchy is aloud to drive it
- Because Butchy and Lela have shared a Jack and Jill bathroom from a young age they 100% are unphased by basically everything with each other. One could be showering and the other will open the door without knocking and ask a question. Around the house with just a robe? Sure. "Hey can I borrow your toothbrush" "how did you loose a toothbrush, but sure"
- Yes they are exceedingly gross, its just siblings things™. They share drinks, hair brushes, wipe dirt onto each other's clothes, "hey this is awful, try this", share a fork. Neither of them know what personal space or boundaries are
- they get into fist fights sometimes, not cause they are actually fighting but just because they're bored and they can
- Butchy takes care of the garden, he loves it
- Lela hates gardening, she kills everything she touches, but she has to help because if Butchy has to deal with a weird bug he will cry
- Butchy cries a lot especially around Lela, he's very sensitive and in touch with how he feels, the only time he'll bottle something up is if it has to do with feeling like he's not enough to take care of the people he loves
- Lela is the one that tends to bottle up how she feels, though she's mostly very honest with Butchy, she tends to try and be a people pleaser or yes man to everyone else to the point of getting herself in trouble
- Butchy is dyslexic and wears reading glasses, it's part of why he dropped out beyond needing a job, Lela is very hyperactive and struggles in school due to it, they are both Autistic because I said so
- and finally; Butchy doesn't celebrate his birthday, it's just not something he cares about, but Lela makes him his favorite cake and they have a nice night in every year, Butchy loves it. In contrast Butchy throws Lela a party every year for hers, she love it
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Hufflepuff Five is so good! Are the Hargreeves lives as students as adventurous like the main crew from HP? What about the Ministry of Magic? Would they get involved if someone caught wind of the sibling’s powers that weren’t just magic?
Their lives are SO wack honestly like, they just vibe. They just are going through their magical youth being absolute feral children who don’t trust adults as far as they can throw them while trying to hide their weird funky powers and also ravenously going through magical feats like they’re going out of style
Luther is every sibling’s go-to practice partner because apparently durability extends to being like? Slightly magic resistant? Basically if you hit Luther with a spell it will only be like, maybe half power? So the siblings use him as a magical shield half the time and an experiment the other half and Luther just Suffers Through This until it all goes wrong and he ends up as a werewolf, oops
(But at least Ben is alive! Honestly the only reason Luther wasn’t straight up mauled to death was a combo of his durability, Ben’s proficiency in healing magic, and Ben managing to befriend the acromantulas)
(Luther eventually gets a sense of humor about this after long years of working on accepting himself and constantly threatens to bite his siblings or makes comments about them looking extra tasty when they irritate him)
Allison is a quidditch star, super popular and athletic as all hell. She probably ends up being the Slytherin team captain, honestly. Allison is all glamor and charisma and in her later years of hogwarts has an absolute blast. Allison is very much functional passing so she’s usually the front man to get the professors off their backs, but she also is the front man for a lot of the shit that the family sell for extra spending money. Five and Ben might make potions, but Allison rules the underground black market in slytherin with an iron fist (which gets them into shenanigans involving other kids who Owe Debts)
Diego is on the gryffindor quidditch team and so him and Allison are constantly at each other’s throats on the pitch (Allison sometimes rumors him during matches when she gets within earshot which makes all of the siblings yell at him but she maintains that he gets to use his stupid powers to score points so she should get to as well). Diego gets roped into everything because he’s super soft. He starts a lot of fights because he has vigilante genes so he serves a lot of detentions. His house tolerates him losing them points because the man is a wizard with a quaffle
(Diego and Allison actually practice a lot together, which their respective teams are like HMMMM over but they’re siblings and slytherin knows that Allison would never hesitate to knock Diego off his broom and wave cheerily as he falls to his death, and gryffindor is aware that Diego can, should, and must throw a ball directly at Allison’s dumb face if she gets too close to him because of the Cain Instinct)
(Honestly Allison and Diego do a LOT for interhouse unity, showing that you can still be ride or die for each other while also wanting greatly to kill each other uwu)
Ben is too independent for his own good, which is what gets him into trouble. He likes gardening, and he likes herbs, and sometimes he’s just GOTTA go into the forbidden forest on a full moon to gather these very specific ingredients, c’mon. He also just. Likes spending time in the forbidden forest. He’s Hagrid’s favorite student because he doesn’t bat an eye at all the weird magical creatures, bc homeboy got an eldritch horror in his navel. Ben makes friends with the acromantulas (who have a healthy respect for him after the Horror ate a few of them), patiently avoids the centaurs, and bribes the pixies into giving him their shed wings through liberal application of jam stolen from the Hogwarts kitchens. 
You know what Allison is functional passing and Ben is distinguished passing, all their teachers assume that Ben is the most put together of them but they’re WRONG. They haven’t seen Ben at two in the morning yanking Vanya out of ben because if they don’t break into greenhouse four and help those poor fucking plants the first years are tending to they’re all going to DIE and that’s not fair??? ben is single handedly going to save all those poor plants (and all those first year’s grades)
Vanya is just VIBING, he ends up coming out as trans in fourth year and gets to be roommates with Ben which is pretty sweet. If only Ben didn’t drag him into shenanigans?? All the teachers are like “ah yes Vanya, such a quiet boy not like his siblings at all” but Vanya can will should and must climb onto the roof of the astronomy tower to play his violin because He Just Likes To Be Tall. Vanya once punched a snobby ravenclaw kid in the nose and then stared them down saying “the teachers will never believe you.”
Vanya steals Luther to practice his powers with in unused classrooms the most?? he’s durable. he’ll be fine if Vanya blasts him into a wall with his powers lol
Vanya’s solution to all their problems is “do you want me to blow it up with my powers?” or “do you want me to kill them for you?” 
(All of the siblings now refuse to duel with Vanya except for Luther bc Vanya is RUTHLESS. He WILL murder his siblings (almost) given the chance. They’re all so lucky that Ben is so good at healing and carries extra vials of healing potions on his person otherwise Madame Pomfrey would be VERY CONCERNED)
Five and Klaus probably get into the most shenanigans? Klaus gets less and less afraid of ghosts the more he runs into nice ones like Fred Weasley. Fred also lovingly nurtures Klaus’s absolutely terrible sense of humor and encourages him to prank the whole school. Klaus knows ALL the secret passageways thanks to Fred, a previous owner of the Maurauder’s map, so he’s just like. Constantly in the walls. He once dropped out of the ceiling to get to transfiguration in time and nobody even commented on it because Klaus is just Like That.
(A few people see Klaus’s boney elbows and knobbley knees and thinks he’s a good target for bullying just because he’s a slytherin and interhouse awfulness absolutely it at an all time high so recently after the war. YEAH his siblings step in and put the fear of god into any bullies, but Klaus fights like a cornered raccoon.)
Five is just way too smart and curious for his own good. He likes to poke around, figure things out, and also make money. Five does people’s homework, charges them for potions or rune work, tutors, dismantles shit in the chamber of secrets, ALSO explores the secret passageways (and finds some that weren’t on the map), is lovingly bullied into Friendship Activities with his housemates, breaks into the other houses’s common rooms for funsies, and keeps getting fed by the house elves who found out he can ‘apparate’ like them (without a wand) and have apparently adopted him against his will
Five is the sibling who has his fingers in like. ALL the pies. and just constantly pops up and drags them into things. Five will be helping Klaus with potions homework then glance up and tell Diego he’s cashing in the favor he’s owed for carving runes into Diego’s knives and that Diego now gets to break into Douglas Eddington’s room to steal back Lana Delwich’s diary so that Five can trade it to Lana for her rare Solomon Babik chocolate frog card which Five can give to Barnaby Beeson in exchange for a Large Distraction of Five’s Choice and a sketchy book on ward breaking which Five needs so he can break into the headmaster’s office to get a confiscated dark magic book that has some information Five needs to alter a potion that he’s probably going to make Luther drink later
Five is the sibling who is like “Ugh, I thought I was trading for some nundu ingredients but now i have a Whole Baby Nundu in the basement :/”
Which, of course, Klaus wants to keep despite the poison breath.
“This is literally one of the most dangerous magical creatures, we are not keeping it.” Luther says, unimpressed. However, he definitely has it cradled in his arms and makes kissy faces at it when he thinks no one is looking. (Apparently baby toxic nundu breath only makes Luther sneeze, so there’s that?)
“If you guys are arrested for smuggling I am not bailing you out.” Is Allison’s only decree about the matter.
Honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if someone DID eventually find out about one of the siblings’ powers - however, they would come to entirely the wrong conclusion about them?? Because this is a world of MAGIC and so everything magical has to have a magical explanation, right???
Luther is durable as all fuck???? Uhhhhh maybe he has some like. Troll blood or giant blood something back in his family line, obviously not something he would ever want the world to know about bc of species-ism
Allison can make you do whatever you want with her words????? Maybe she’s part veela? With that charm appeal?
Five is doing. Wandless apparation?? I mean, that’s rare as FUCK but wandless magic is,,, grudgingly accepted though it’s usually only used for small or very familiar spells and not usually something as complex as apparation but OKAY just sit him down and forbid him from doing it anymore bc boy boutta be SPLICED or some shit
Klaus can. Klaus can talk to ghosts. Who are not full ghosts. Hmm. huh. Maybe it’s?? A family ability??? a super rare one? like being a metamorphagus? (What the fuck??????? what the FUCK???????)
Primarily the kids started off paranoid because they believed that their abilities indicated that they weren’t the same type of magic, and they didn’t want to be returned to their father, and then it progressed into “these abilities might make people scared of us (looking at you allison, with your imperius-ass abilites)” or “we can’t afford that kind of scrutiny or curiosity about our powers (they might find out luther is a werewolf or something idk)” and “if we are ‘desirable’ children with ‘rare abilities’ the government might try to split us up and adopt us into weird pureblood families or something OR might try to lock us up (like where would they even put Ben??)”
honestly if ben ever got found out he’d just deadpan “it’s a curse, hand me the black wormroot would you?” and be like “oh yeah it’s under control i just go vibe in the woods every so often and rip up a tree or something. I think the horror wants to be the whomping willow when it grows up actually, so just don’t get too close when i’m in the horror zone. if you can live with a murder tree on campus you can live with me on campus”
someone sees vanya fuck something up with his powers and is like ???? and Vanya is just like “accidental magic lol” 
“aren’t you... a bit... old for accidental magic...”
“accidental. magic.”
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popshoveitqueen · 2 years
A Look at Problematic Language: Using “Gay” as an Insult
Note: I’m very new to Tumblr and therefore might not know what I’m doing. If that doesn’t dissuade you from reading, then thanks!
      While this topic is certainly nowhere near new, queer terms, more specifically for this example, the word “gay”, still get used as insults rather often, at least in my personal experience with attending a mostly cishet high school. Obviously, this is not okay for an entire slew of reasons, but to start with the short reason why: using the word gay as an insult, whether to directly attack the community or just in passing, is to essentially say that being gay is bad, or at the very least something that people should actively not want to be. When society allows for practices like this to happen, you can end up creating a belief in people that being gay would make them lesser.
Real World Example
      In my high school it’s genuinely a challenge to go even two days without hearing some guy say something along the lines of “Dude, that’s so gay!” to his friends, causing them to all laugh. I’m sure I don’t have to say it, but as a lesbian it really, really sucks to constantly be near people making fun of the community, especially because it’s quite simply so easy to not do that. There’s plenty of infinitely more clever and less harmful things to say, and yet the default for many boys across all grade levels at my school seems to be gay, without question.
      Now to be clear, my school tries incredibly hard to seem like they care about the queer community. There are at least a dozen posters hanging around touching on subjects like using the right pronouns and name, why bullying queer people is bad, and talking about the alarmingly high trans depression, self-harm, and suicide rates. However, this sentiment remains purely an image in most cases, as it’s rare to see homophobic behavior being called out. On top of the word gay itself, I often see boys putting on fake effeminate voices while saying offensive things that I’d frankly rather not repeat for this post. 
Well, Have You Spoken Up?
      While I understand this being one of the first things people would ask me when it comes to this issue, I feel like there’s a very real thing that needs to be considered. I am genuinely scared of what could happen if people realized I got somebody in trouble for homophobic behavior. None of the fear comes from administration, as whether they truly care or they’re just doing what they’re told to help the school’s image, the staff of my school seems to be pretty supportive of the community. The problem comes from my fellow students.
      There have been quite a few fights at my school just in this year alone, and although they haven’t been related to queer issues to my knowledge, it still shows what kind of people are at my school. There’s the obvious reason I’d be scared to fight, which is I don’t want to get hurt, but there’s also a greater one at hand. It’s very much related to the trans girls in women’s sports debate, in the fact that if I lost the fight nobody would care all too much, but if I won... that would most definitely be a major issue, especially if I happened to fight a girl. 
       While I’d love to touch on trans girls in women’s sports in greater detail later, the comparison I’m looking to draw is essentially that when it comes to sports, people are easily the maddest about trans girls participating in women’s sports when they start winning, or to put it more clearly, when they start doing better than cis girls. So basically, having seen that that’s the way trans girls are viewed by enough of the population to pass laws against trans girls in women’s sports, I very much believe that were I to get in a fight and somehow win, no matter who started it, no matter who said what, I’d be in an indescribable amount of trouble, and I’d probably hurt the reputation of other trans women, if just a bit. 
My Call To Action.
      Really, the thing I want to be clear from my ranting so far is that this has all stemmed from the fact that gay can just be used as in insult as though it’s nothing. It sparks homophobic beliefs, it sparks fear, and it also sparks a divide between cishet and queer communities which simply shouldn’t exist. And I already know that there are probably people reading this thinking to themselves “Jeez, does comedy not exist anymore? It’s a joke!”, and to that all I can ask is that you please open your heart, if just a bit, and listen. While I’m obviously speaking in very personal examples, these feelings are far from being unique to me. This is so much bigger than a light joke as many would like to believe it is. This effects people every day, and I would know.
      I’m not sitting here asking for big societal changes to just happen because of my random little Tumblr post, so honestly my biggest goal from the post is directed at any people who aren’t in the queer community. Although it’s sad, it’s people outside the community who usually have the greatest chance of actually inciting change in society’s views of the queer community, so please. If you participate in behavior like this, consider the consequences of your word choice, and if you know people who participate in behavior like this, please consider the possibility of calling them out. It’s small, but it could still help. 
Hey, So… Why Did You Make This?
     I’ll gladly answer that question! It’s incredibly important to get queer experiences straight from the mouths of people in the community out there, because that’s one of the best ways to get educated on or educate others about LGBTQ+ matters. I know my parents looked at plenty of media about trans people in an effort to understand what I was going through and how they could help me when I came out, so without information like that available it might be just that much harder for people to get through certain challenges. That’s why I want to do this, because I know looking at blogs by trans women in the early days of my transition really helped me figure certain things out, so maybe, just, maybe, I could end up helping fellow queer people who might need a bit of help on their own journey.
      But no matter who you are, if you made it to the end of this, I’d like to genuinely thank you for reading. I hope you got something out of it!
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